EIS IEE CNC Project Grouping Matrix
EIS IEE CNC Project Grouping Matrix
March 29, 2018 | Author: gabinuang2 | Category:
Environmental Impact Assessment
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ANNEX 2-1b ANNEX 2-1b PROJECT GROUPING MATRIX FOR DETERMINATION OF EIA REPORT TYPE NEW SINGLE & CO-LOCATED PROJECTSProject Grouping Matrix for Determination of EIA Report Types for New Single & Co-Located Projects 1 GROUP I: ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL PROJECTS (ECPs) 2 in both Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) and Non-ECAs, as declared in and Presidential Proclamation No. 803 (1996) for Golf Courses, and Presidential Proclamation No. 2146 (1981) for Heavy and Resource Extractive Industries & Infrastructure Projects Project Type A. 1. 2. 3. A.1. Project Size Parameter number of holes annual production rate EIA Report Type Required Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) regardless of number of holes 30,000 MT 30,000 MT GOLF COURSE PROJECTS Golf course projects/complex B. B.1. B.2. B.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.3.a. B.3.b. B.3.c. B.4. HEAVY INDUSTRIES Iron and Steel Mills 4 Non-Ferrous Metal Industries 5 6 annual production rate Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries Petrochemical industry projects annual production rate daily recycling rate annual production rate 30,000 MT 10 MT 30,000 barrels 15,000 MT Recycling of oil and other petroleum-based chemicals Refineries Smelting Plants 7 annual smelting rate of raw material 8 C. C.1. 8. 9. C.1.a. C.1.b. C.2. C.2.a. C.2.a.1 C.2.a.2 RESOURCE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES FISHERY PROJECTS - DIKES FOR/AND FISHPOND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Fishery/Aquaculture Projects (inland-based, e.g., lakes, rivers, etc.) Fishery/Aquaculture Projects in water bodies (coastal areas) FORESTRY PROJECTS Logging Projects 9 Community Based Forest Resources Utilization ( CBFRU) 9 Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA) projects total water spread area to be utilized total water spread area to be utilized 25 hectares 100 hectares 10. 11. volume of trees to be cut volume of trees to be cut 10,000 m3 10,000 m3 C. RESOURCE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES (continued) 24. C.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP I: ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL PROJECTS (ECPs) 2 in both Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) and Non-ECAs.000 MT ANNEX 2-1b 70.b. C.000 MT 100. 16. C.000 m3 70.2. silver.2. copper.2 C. 23. Extraction of non-metallic ores with or without explosive • Limestone /shale/silica/clay/placer and other non-metal ores • Aggregates (sand. gravel) • Dredging activities resulting to commercial use or ore recovery 11 Extraction of Oil and Gas (Land-based ) • Commercial extraction of oil • Commercial extraction of gas Metallic Mineral or ore processing (e.000 barrels (or equivalent) 250.000 MT 50. stone.3. 20.3.000 MT OR 25 hectares 150.3.f. as declared in and Presidential Proclamation No. 25.b. C. 14.d.000 MT OR 20 hectares Introduction of Exotic Fauna in Public and Private Forests Major Wood Processing Projects Pulp and Paper Industries MAJOR MINING AND QUARRYING PROJECTS Coal mining Extraction of metallic ores (on shore) • • Open pit method with mechanical operations.000 MT Regardless of commercial capacity or area D. clinker. C.10 Project Size Parameter volume of trees to be cut grazing capacity equivalent annual production rate annual production capacity annual extraction rate annual extraction rate OR area to be mined annual extraction rate OR area to be mined annual extraction rate OR quarry area EIA Report Type Required Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 10. other cement products.000 MT OR 25 hectares 75. 22.c.000 m3 > 1 head/hectare Regardless of number or area > 8.g. manufacture and processing of calcium 11 Off-shore mining (including commercial extraction of oil and gas. 803 (1996) for Golf Courses. limestone Non-metallic mineral processing projects like ceramic industries.3. 15. C. C.3 C.2 C.b.3. INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS .000 MT > 70.3. C. deuterium) daily commercial extraction rate daily commercial extraction rate annual processing (inputs) annual production rate annual production rate 4.3. lead. cobalt.1 C.3.a.3.1 C. gold) Non-metallic mineral processing plants like cement.3.3. 18.e.2.g. 26.b. C. C. C.e. 13.h.d. nickel.a. 19.d. manufacture of glass and glass products. C.d.000 m3 50. sulfur..3. zinc. C. 17.3. 2146 (1981) for Heavy and Resource Extractive Industries & Infrastructure Projects Project Type 12.c.2. magnesium and manganese.2. Timber License Agreement (TLA) Grazing Projects 9. blasting or combinations thereof Other methods 21. and Presidential Proclamation No. c. coal. 34. D.3.3. 30. 35.e. D. D.4. 31.3. MAJOR DAMS MAJOR RECLAMATION PROJECTS MAJOR ROADS & BRIDGES Bridges and viaducts.3.3. 803 (1996) for Golf Courses.2. 28.0 km Regardless of length and width 20. D.4. 33.) total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity ANNEX 2-1b .a. D..d. D. D. as declared in and Presidential Proclamation No. 37.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP I: ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL PROJECTS (ECPs) 2 in both Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) and Non-ECAs.g.a.1.c. D.b. widening (including RO-RO facilities) Project Size Parameter Reservoir flooded area OR water storage capacity area reclaimed length length with no critical slope OR length with critical slope EIA Report Type Required Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 25 hectares OR 20 million m3 50 hectares 10. 32.4. D. 2146 declared types: fossil-fueled. bunker. D. new Roads. 2146 (1981) for Heavy and Resource Extractive Industries & Infrastructure Projects Project Type 27.4. D.4.0 km OR 10. and Presidential Proclamation No.0 km 1. diesel. hydroelectric or geothermal) Fuel Cell Gas-fired thermal power plants Geothermal facilities Hydropower facilities Other thermal power plants (e. etc.b. D.0 km 100 MW 50 MW 50 MW 30 MW 30 MW Tunnels and sub-grade roads and railways length MAJOR POWER PLANTS (Proc No. new construction. 36.d. new construction On-grade railway system. 29.4. D. nuclear fueled. a. Project Size Parameter EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Initial Environment Examination (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) 3 Project Description 12 Report B 200 MT annually AND B 1. A.2.c.1.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) First Set of Group II Projects under similar Project Types as declared in Presidential Proclamation No.2 B. B. A. e.000 MT > m3 100 m3 © < 10.a. etc.a.1.1.000 m3 < 100 m3 .4.000 barrels > 200 MT but < 15.3. A. B.000 m3 < 10. 45. lakes.000 MT Non-Ferrous Metal Industries Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries Petrochemical industry projects annual production rate daily recycling rate annual production rate > 200 MT but < 30. 38. 2146 Project Type A.0 MT daily HEAVY INDUSTRIES Iron and Steel Mills 4 5 6 annual production rate annual production rate > 200 MT but < 30. 48. 49.4 RESOURCE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES FISHERY PROJECTS – DIKES FOR/AND FISHPOND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS total water spread area Fishery/Aquaculture Projects (inland-based. B.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II .0 barrels daily B 200 MT annually AND B1.0 MT annually B200 barrels annually AND B 1.a. 43. 47. B.0 MT daily AND B 200.0 MT daily B 200 MT annually AND B 1. 44.000 MT Recycling of oil and other petroleum-based chemicals Refineries Smelting Plants 7 annual smelting rate of raw material 8 B.0 MT but < 10 MT > 200 barrels but < 30.g..0 MT daily B 1.a.3.2. A.2.) to be utilized total water spread area Fishery/Aquaculture Projects in water bodies (coastal areas) to be utilized FORESTRY PROJECTS Logging Projects 9 volume of trees to be cut Community Based Forest Resources Utilization ( CBFRU) 9 volume of trees to be cut Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA) projects 9 volume of trees to be cut Private land timber utilization (PLTU) volume of trees to be cut Timber License Agreement (TLA) 1 hectares but < 25 hectares © 1 hectare but < 100 hectares < 1 hectare < 1 hectare ANNEX 2-1b 46.a. 40. 42.b. A.1 B.2.0 MT daily B 200 MT annually AND B 1. A. rivers. 41.a. 39.b. A.2. B.2. < 10. B.000 MT > 200 MT but < 30.3 B. 000 MT AND < 25 hectares B 200.3. B.3. B. 2146 Project Type B.000 to 8.0 MT per year AND B 1.g.2. 56.1 Project Size Parameter Grazing capacity EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Initial Environment Examination (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) 3 Project Description 12 Report 1 head/hectare RESOURCE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES (continued) Grazing Projects Introduction of Exotic Flora in Public and Private Forests Minor Wood Processing Projects Pulp and Paper Industries 9. B.c.d. gold. stone.000 MT B 200. zinc. silver. 55.000 barrels (or equivalent) < 250. 53.e.1 B. 63.d.e..0 MT daily extraction 58.000 MT AND < 25 hectares > 200 MT but < 150. 50. B.e. annual extraction rate AND quarry area daily commercial extraction rate daily commercial extraction rate < 75.2. 52. B.3. B.2 B.3. 54.c.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) First Set of Group II Projects under similar Project Types as declared in Presidential Proclamation No.0 MT daily . B. gravel) • Dredging activities resulting to commercial use or ore recovery Extraction of Oil and Gas (Land-based ) 11 • Commercial extraction of oil • Commercial extraction of gas Marble slab processing plant Metallic Mineral or ore processing (e.a. B.10 Regardless of number or area equivalent annual AND production rate annual production capacity 1. 60.3. B.000 MT AND < 20 hectares © < 4.g.000 m3 < 50.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II .d. lead.c.0 MT annually AND B1.b.3.c. . 57. B.b.000 MT © < 100. blasting or combinations thereof • Other methods Extraction of non-metallic ores with or without explosive • Limestone /shale/silica/clay/placer and other non-metal ores • Aggregates (sand. B. 61.2.0 MT annually but < 70. nickel.000 cubic meters B. B.3.000 MT < 1. 62.1 B.3.3.3. placer with metal content) • With physical or mechanical processing annual extraction rate annual extraction rate AND area to be mined annual extraction rate AND area to be mined All batching plants © Up to 70.1 ANNEX 2-1b annual processing (inputs) > 200. B.f. cobalt. 51.2 MINOR MINING & QUARRYING PROJECTS Batching Plant (with or without crushing) Coal mining Extraction of metallic ores (on shore) • Open pit method with mechanical operations. magnesium and manganese.3.000 m3 All marble slab processing plants © copper. 2. 75. research and development activities. B.0 MT annually AND B1.3. 71.1.h.c.a. • With chemical processing Non-commercial Geothermal Exploration Projects Project Size Parameter annual processing (inputs) EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Initial Environment Examination (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) < 70. B.b.2.. seismic survey.e. 67.g. 74.3. piloting.3. Run-of-river system < 5.k.0 MW > 1.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) First Set of Group II Projects under similar Project Types as declared in Presidential Proclamation No. C. C. gravity survey.2.3.2. C.) B 1 MW unless specified below 5 MW but < 100 MW 10.0 MT daily C. exploration (drilling and testing). feasibility studies. geo-scientific. and similar activities with no significant earth moving activities etc. 69. 2146 Project Type 64.0 MW but < 50. C.0 MT annually AND B1. clinker. 70.. limestone. B.000 MT > 200 MT but < 70.3. manufacture of glass and glass products.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II . coal. 73. bunker.0 MW but < 30. C. nuclear fueled. diesel. other cement products. 66. INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS MINOR DAMS Reservoir flooded area AND water storage capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity total power production capacity < 25 hectares AND < 20 million m3 MINOR POWER PLANTS (Proc No.i.0 MW B 1 MW < 5 MW.2. etc. B. RESOURCE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES (continued) Non-commercial mineral and fossil mining projects: core drilling/sampling.j. B. 72.d.0 MW but <50. sulfur Non-metallic mineral processing projects like ceramic industries. Non-metallic mineral processing plants like cement.f. C.2. physical surveys. C. reconnaissance. manufacture and processing of calcium regardless of capacity or area annual production rate annual production rate > 200 MT but < 50. hydroelectric or geothermal) Small power plants Fuel Cell Gas-fired thermal power plants Geothermal facilities Hydropower facilities Other thermal power plants (e. 68.0 MT daily B 200. 2146 declared types: fossil-fueled.2.0 MW ANNEX 2-1b .2 B. C.000 MT Regardless of area or number of wells 3 Project Description 12 Report 65.000 MT B 200.g.0 MW 5 MW but < 30 MW 5.0 MW < 5 MW < 10. 78. C. 81.0 km © 3 Project Description 12 Report Regardless of length for foot bridges.a. widening (including RO-RO facilities) Elevated roads. 83. OR length with critical slope length 2 km but < 20. <80 m for other bridges C. 79.4.b. 84.d.0 km © Regardless of length and width < 1.5.c. C. C. C. tidal power except waste-to-energy and biogas projects) Substations/switchyard power carrying capacity total power production capacity power output ANNEX 2-1b .Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) First Set of Group II Projects under similar Project Types as declared in Presidential Proclamation No. INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (continued) Roads. 80. wind.d. C.4.4.4. 2146 Project Type 76.3. C. MINOR RECLAMATION PROJECTS MINOR ROADS & BRIDGES Bridges and viaducts.5. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) OTHER POWER PLANTS & POWER FACILITIES (not listed in Proclamation No.4. 80. C. 82.e. flyover/cloverleaf/ interchanges Tunnels and sub-grade roads and railways Pedestrian passages length with no critical slope.e. new construction Project Size Parameter area reclaimed length EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Initial Environment Examination (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) < 50 hectares 80 m but < 10.5. OR 2 km but < 10.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) First Set of Group II Projects under similar Project Types as declared in Presidential Proclamation No.0 km. new construction.4. C.5. solar. 2146) total power production Small power plants capacity total power production Power barge capacity Power transmission lines Renewable energy projects such as ocean. C.c. 2146 Project Type Project Size Parameter EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Initial Environment Examination3 (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) Project Description Report10 B 1 MW unless specified below > 1 MW but < 10 MW © 138 KV © 100 MW 5 MW but < 100 MW > 220 kV © < 5 MW B 220kV B 1 MW C. 81. C.0 km All underpass projects < 2 km All overpass projects GROUP II .5.5. C.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II . 77.a.b. C. 2146) C. E.3.1.000 heads © 10.000 MT regardless of capacity or area < 100 heads < 10.f.5. D. D.4. Storage Facilities and Other Structures Cemetery Commercial. public markets] • Fast food/Restaurant Projects • Commercial Establishments (i.a.5. including rubber plantation) Agricultural processing facilities Cut-flower Industry/Projects Livestock Production Pigs/Goats/Cattle/Carabaos Poultry/birds 13 Rice mill stock population stock population milling rate 5.3. E. C. D. D.5. Wind farms/Wind projects capacity Second Set of Group II Projects as defined by DENR-EMB (not included in declared Project Types as Proclamation No. 93.0 MW capacity total power production 86. Showrooms) Commercial. malls. 91.4.000 MT Project Description Report10 < 100 hectares < 5. government.0 hectares < 1 hectare.b. All other Commercial establishments 94. 92. Project Type Project Size Parameter Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 1. 89. D.2. Institutional and other related facilities: religious.c. 97.0 hectares < 5.000 heads 100 heads but < 5.000 heads © > 1 ton/hr © area to be developed annual production rate 87. orchards.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II .5 hectares that sell only nonperishable goods and/or showrooms for motor vehicles and similar products without canteen or food stalls.000 hectares 50.g. Buildings. E. [Business centers with residential units (mixed use).e.000 heads but < 100. E. [office spaces only] area to be developed 5. D.000 heads B 1 ton/hr D.000 heads MT Waste-to-energy projects including biogas projects > 1 MW but < 50 MW 5 MW but < 100 MW © B 1 MW < 5 MW EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Initial Environment Examination3 (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) 100 hectares but < 1. D. 88. E. and educational Facilities for Barangay Micro-Business 14 Enterprises (BMBE) Projects Family dwellings total/gross floor area including parking and other areas 1 hectare < 1 hectare ANNEX 2-1b regardless of capacity or area total/gross floor area including parking and other areas Regardless of area . E.5 hectare 1 hectare but <2. 96. total/gross floor area including parking and other areas 2.g.2.000 MT but < 50. AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY Agricultural plantation (e.4. Kiosk-type or mobile fastfoods 95. supermarkets.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) 85. total power production 50.000 hectares 5. E.13.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II .11. Storage facilities.14) Manufacturing.14.1 MT but < 1. E.13/E. 99. Tertiary hospitals or Medical Facilities © Regardless of size or area total/gross floor area including parking and other areas storage capacity storage capacity storage capacity total/gross floor area including parking and other area Project Description Report10 Clinics (out-patient.7.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) 98. socialized housing project. 102.10.15. E. crematorium. Hotels. dental clinics) including rural health units E.1. 108.9. 104. non-toxic/hazardous materials.1 MT 107. open market including all common housing and other similar (horizontal) land and other areas development projects 15 Telecommunication Projects Chemical Industries (For associated building requirements. economic and total land area. resettlement projects. E.000 MT materials.000 kL < 5. 106.0 MT . refer to Group II E.000 MT 20 kL <1 hectare < 20 kL < 20 kL < 1 hectare < 0. processing and/or use of substances included in the Priority Chemical List quantity of toxic chemicals to be used per month Regardless of area © ANNEX 2-1b Regardless of type > 0. Buildings.8. Condominium/ Apartelles (residential) LPG storage and refilling Refilling station projects/gasoline station projects Storage of petroleum.0 MT B 0. E. E.001 MT 1. substances or products 101. Secondary. columbarium total/gross floor area including parking and other areas <1 hectare 1 hectare Second Set of Group II Projects as defined by DENR-EMB (not included in declared Project Types as Proclamation No.16. 103. F. 100. 2146) Project Type Project Size Parameter EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Initial Environment Examination3 (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) Primary.001 MT but < 1. substances or products Subdivision and housing projects. E. 105. Storage Facilities and Other Structures (continued) Institutional and other related facilities: medical facilities Institutional and other structures with laboratory facilities Motels. E.12.000 kL but 1 hectare 0. F. E. toxic or hazardous storage capacity 1. E. petrochemical or related products Storage facilities. health centers. Funeral parlors. E.6. 1 hectare Regardless of capacity © 20 kL © 5. 109. 2. 113. pigments.000 MT > 0.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II . for compliance with Clean Air Act or Clean Water Code). .000 MT B 0.0 MT daily regardless of capacity or area regardless of capacity or area regardless of capacity or area regardless of capacity or area no Groups I and II components wherein thresholds are required an EIS. etc. I.5.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) 110. 117. I. anticapacity fouling coating.g. varnishes. I.000 MT B 200 MT annually AND B1 MT daily B 200. printing inks) annual production rate annual production rate 50.001 MT but < 5 MT > 200 MT but < IEER or IEEC 114. I.2. F. F.0 MT annually AND B 1. F.000 MT > 200 MT but < 50. F. propellants and industrial gases Manufacture of agri-chemicals and other industrial chemicals not in the PCL daily production rate annual production rate 5 MT 30.000 MT 30. 112. lacquers. I. river embankment/river bank stabilization. and other consumer products. 118. Project Size Parameter EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Initial Environment Examination3 (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) Project Description Report10 Chemical Industries (continued) Pharmaceutical industries and manufacture of soap and detergents. Surface coating industries (paints. 2146) Project Type F.) 116. 111. IEER or IEEC no Groups I and II components wherein thresholds are required an EIS.000 MT > 200 MT but < 30. ANNEX 2-1b 119. Manufacture of explosives.001 MT B 200 MT annually AND B1 MT daily Second Set of Group II Projects as defined by DENR-EMB (not included in declared Project Types as Proclamation No. seawall.1. Pollution control devices or similar facilities intended to prevent emissions and/or discharges beyond allowable limits (e. H. 115. health and beauty products.3. Preventive or proactive measures against potential natural hazards (such as shore protection. Cottage Industries 16 Demonstration and Pilot Projects Environmental Enhancement and Environmental Mitigation Projects 12 (PD Report required) Artificial Reef Pollution control devices or facilities required under the ECC condition/s of the “main” project/s covered under Groups I or II. G. 1. J. J.000 MT Conductor/Electronic Industries) Paper and plastic-based products annual production rate 15. 124. 122. K. J. J.000 Kg (solid) Sugar Mills annual production rate 50.000 MT .000 Kg (solid) 100. e.4. 126.3.0 MT Coconut processing plants (including production of coconut based products) Distillation and Fermentation Plants (e. OR <100.000 L (liquid) < 50. J. 132. drying.000 MT < 15.000 MT 50. 2146) Project Type J.000 MT < 1. 121. J.14) Glass-based products annual production rate 30. 128.9.000 MT < 25.000 MT < 50.000 MT < 15. K.000 MT 18 Manufacture of Other Products. bio-ethanol project) Food preservation (e. J. Packaging Materials (For associated building requirements.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) 120. J. refer to Group II E.6.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II . Project Size Parameter 17 EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Initial Environment Examination3 (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) Project Description Report10 Food and Related Industries (continued) monthly production rate annual production rate 25.5..13/E.000 MT < 50. J. slaughterhouses.5. etc) (For associated building requirements.000 L (liquid) OR < 100. I. freezing) and other methods aside from canning Fruit and vegetable processing Leather and related industries Other types of food (and other food byproducts.000 MT 100.g.8.) processing industries Processing of dairy products K.g.000 MT ANNEX 2-1b < 30.000 MT Regardless of capacity daily production rate daily processing rate of raw hides annual production rate of finished product monthly production rate 500 Kg < 500 Kg 1 MT 50. canning. 129.000 kg < 500 kg Second Set of Group II Projects as defined by DENR-EMB (not included in declared Project Types as Proclamation No. Reforestation projects 17 capacity or area based on the recommendation/s and endorsement of FMB and/or PAWB on a caseto-case basis J.1. additives. 130. Food and Related Industries Animal products processing (fish/meat processing.000 MT Metal-based products (Including Semiannual production rate 15.000 kg 500 kg but < 10. 123. K. etc. refer to Group II E.13/E.3. 131.7. 125.2.14) daily production rate 10.2.g. 127. Second Set of Group II Projects as defined by DENR-EMB (not included in declared Project Types as Proclamation No.1. N.1 hectare but < 25 hectares © B 0. Rubber Industries (For associated building requirements.0 hectares with reclamation OR 25. N. P. jeepneys and other modes of transportation) Sea port. 143.1. L.2. P. Pipeline Projects 133. Transport Terminal Facilities Airports Land transport terminal (for buses. area to be developed Q. causeways. R. and harbors Treasure Hunting Projects (located in NIPAS areas) 1 hectare to > 2 hectares © < 15. Rubber Industries 20 annual production rate 22 > 50. O.1 hectare Private airstrips < 1 hectare without service facilities < 1. refer to Group II E. cutting and sewing regardless of capacity or area O.14) Textile. 138. L.1. 2146) Project Type Project Size Parameter EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Initial Environment Examination3 (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) Project Description Report10 21 N. Tourism Industry Resorts and other tourism/leisure projects area to be developed functional size total land area 15.0 hectares (w/o reclamation) 25 hectares Larger than a private strip > 0.000 MT < 50.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II .0 hectares (w/o reclamation) P.1. Wood and Metal Furniture Assembly Garment Manufacturing w/o Dyeing and only involves spinning. 136.3. Textile. 140.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) L.2.000 MT 137. Fuel pipelines Other pipelines Service Industries that do not emit pollutants except for domestic wastes and occupying a space equal to or less than limits specified in Groups I or II for infrastructure or other applicable project components needed in the service industry.2.1. Waste Management Projects Compost/fertilizer making daily production rate 15 MT © < 15 MT .0 hectares reclamation OR < 25. 142. 139.13/E. 141. Wood. Wood.0 hectares (w/o reclamation) regardless of capacity or area P. 19 PROJECT GROUPING MATRIX FOR DETERMINATION OF EIA REPORT TYPE NEW SINGLE & ANNEX 2-1b CO-LOCATED PROJECTS length length 25 km 50 km < 25 km < 50 km regardless of capacity or area 135. R. 134. M. ) < 300 hectares T. 148.g. infiltration gallery.000 m3 and CNC required.4. S.1. 155. and other materials recycling Sanitary landfill for domestic wastes only quantity of waste to be treated annually daily waste input 300. 2146) Project Type Project Size Parameter Project Description Report10 involve manual or mechanical sorting only R.2.3.non-covered projects A. should the Proponent opt to secure one. All other projects shall be at the option of the Proponent to prepare a PDR as basis for a CNC. Wildlife Farming or any related 23 projects as defined by PAWB regardless of area butterfly farming ANNEX 2-1b GROUP III .000 m3 < 10.000 MT S. 149.0 MT 50 m3 Multi-users < 5. 151. 145.0 MT < 50 m3 Single-user with composting facilities (see category of composting above) © EIA Report Type for Corresponding Project Size/Threshold Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Initial Environment Examination (IEE Report: IEER or IEE Checklist: IEEC) < 300. All Group II Project Types in NECA: PDR required for Enhancement and Mitigation Projects as basis for confirmation of benign nature of proposed activity.000 hectares © B 6 wells Level III – with household connection and water treatment Level II – communal faucet and Level I – deep wells 3 < 30 m3 material segregation only Second Set of Group II Projects as defined by DENR-EMB (not included in declared Project Types as Proclamation No.3. 152. . Irrigation or Flood Control Projects Impounding System or Flood Control Project Irrigation System (Distribution System Only) Water Supply Systems (Complete System) Water Supply System (Distribution Only) reservoir flooded area service area number of production wells distribution supply level 25 hectares 1.ANNEX 2-1b GROUP II . see details in Group I . R. 147.8. recycling. 154. R. R.000 hectares > 6 wells and other systems (e. 150.000 MT OR involving the use of chemicals © B 1. paper. Waste Management Projects Receiving facilities. Domestic wastewater treatment facility Hazardous waste treatment. 153. R. S.Non-ECPs in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) 144. R.000 MT > 1.Heavy Industries) Industrial and hospital waste (non-hazardous) materials treatment facilities Landfill for industrial and other wastes Materials Recovery Facilities quantity of waste to be treated annually quantity of waste to be treated annually quantity of waste to be treated annually number of users kind of activity 5. 146. Water Supply.000 MT © < 25 hectares OR impounded water B 20 million m3 © 300 hectares but < 1. and/or disposal facilities (for recycling of lead.7. etc. S. plastic. R. R.Non-Environmentally Critical Projects in Non-Environmentally Critical Areas (NECPs in NECAs) . S. ANNEX 2-1b GROUP IV . III and IV B. 158. Projects using new processes/technologies with uncertain impacts A. Co-located projects (mix of single projects in a contiguous area optionally applied as one project under one area/zone administrator) shall be automatically required a Programmatic EIS regardless of capacity. ANNEX 2-1b . Unclassified Projects may be covered or non-covered by the EIS System subject to DENR-EMB Review of a Project Description. area and number of locators/components. A. GROUP V – UNCLASSIFIED PROJECTS All Unclassified Projects shall submit a Project Description as an interim documentary requirement. All other projects not listed in Groups I.CO-LOCATED PROJECTS 1 156. II. Project Type required to submit a Project Description Report (PDR) 157. The outcome of review shall be a recommendation on the final EIA Report Type to be submitted as basis for issuing a CNC or ECC. Maximum threshold among project components will apply. the same option of the Proponent applies except for enhancement and mitigation projects wherein the PDR is a requirement for EMB to confirm the benign nature of the proposed activity. sculpturing. i. steel scraps and/or primary iron and steel mill products into marketable products except when process involves reheating or resizing only.0 million capitalization involving only assembly of components. bridge. Exceedance of the natural grazing capacity of 1 head /hectare is considered critical as specified in MNR AO No.e. Petroleum/Petrochemical Industries shall refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to physically and/or chemically transform petroleum and its derivatives into marketable products. DENR-EMB requires the usage of the 28 checklists available at the EMB offices or downloadable from the EMB website. briquetting and carpentry works. Poultry/birds covers all avian species regardless whether these are ostrich. Project Description Report (PDR) for Group I projects is at the option of the Proponent to apply as the basis for its request for the issuance of a Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC).A.g. Iron and steel mills refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to prepare or smelt or process iron ores. The IEE documentary requirement may either be an IEE Report (outline presented in Annex 2-15) or an IEE Checklist. opting to apply for individual ECCs. cutting. however approval will be at the EMB Central Office. sewing. 9178 including similarlyscaled projects with less than PhP 3.000 MT shall be covered by Level 1 or Level 2 ERA requirement. molding. and updated by EMB with DTI concurrence on 06 July 2004 as authorized by Sections 2-D and 3-A of AO 42 issued on 02 November 2002 by the President of the Philippines. or a multi-component project applied as a single project under one (1) ownership or proponent. chromium and lead. park or any integrated development within a defined contiguous area adopts the option to apply for one (1) ECC for the entire program of development within such contiguous area. Facilities for Barangay Micro-Business Enterprises (BMBE) Projects as defined by R. weaving. These are marked with © superscript in the IEE columns for Project Groups I and II. as appropriate. Projects listed in this grouping with thresholds > 5. port/causeway. The reckoning of “commercial extraction” of onshore and offshore oil & gas projects shall be after DOE’s approval of the Service Contractor’s Declaration of Commerciality. combination of related individual projects needed to support the main project being applied for. a nickel mining project with components comprised of road network. Single Projects may also include individual projects of locators within an economic or industrial zone or park. However. Smelting plant projects shall refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to smelt metals or alloys and cast the same into some special form. e. Processing shall be done at the EMB Regional Office. power plant. Dikes for/and Fishpond Development Projects shall refer to natural or artificial water impoundment involving dike construction and harvesting the same as marketable size and quantities. buildings. knitting. as basis for the issuance of a CNC.ANNEX 2-1b ENDNOTES TO ANNEX 2-1B 1 Single Projects may be an individual project listed in this Annex 2-1b. Grazing Projects shall refer to the management of forest range resources for forage productivity needed to support livestock production. 3 of 1983. quails. the group of projects shall be collectively called “Co-located Projects” which shall then be required a Programmatic EIS. It is the ministerial duty of the DENR-EMB to issue a CNC for projects confirmed to be non-covered. per DAO 99-53 and DAO 2004-29. if the administrator of the zone. 50 (1982). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 73 . ducks or fighting cocks. This shall include projects characterized by any of the following specification: a) classified as large industrial plants under the implementation rules of LOI No 950 and b) will process toxic non-ferrous metals such as cadmium. Refer to ERA guidelines in Annex 2-7e. 2 3 Per NECP Office Circular No. while the term head of pigs refer to individual heads of pigs not the sow level. For Group II and III projects. Non-ferrous metal industries refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to prepare smelt or process non-ferrous metals into marketable products. buri furniture. broker-forwarding business. telephone cover. ceramics. commercial purposes. trousers. b) Indoor Antennae. crochet slipper and shoes. oven mittens. molding frames. that do not generate toxic or hazardous materials and/or strong/highly. and other types of food processing industries. trucking. other . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 74 . napkin rings. wall decors. distillation and fermentation plants. knitted sweaters. decorative accessories. canning.. bird cage.). twines. Textile. sea and air freight services. religious decors. The following projects or undertaking falls under this category: sugar mills. doll house. paper mache. handicrafts. ribbons. vases. children garments. monopole/guyed towers. food by-products and beverages from various raw materials sources into marketable goods. Garment Manufacturing includes production of apron. garden accents. baseboards. Service industry is defined as the sector of economy that supplies the needs of consumers but produces no tangible goods. cloth hat. shirt printing. and similar projects). paper boxes. lending institutions. porcelain and fiberglass items. wallet. blinds. gift wares. d) On top of a building (Mounted on a Building) wall mounted and floor mounted. shell furniture. table cloth. bone products. dinning sets. decorative accessories. candle. knit tops. pot holder. dresses. table runner. laces. toys and stuffed toys. blouses. etc. including similar structures.manufacture of stuffed toys. sweatshirts. jewelry case. stretcher. based transceiver station antenna without equipment room or tower. f) Monopole Tower. pencil case. lightning accessories. panel curtains. radiation concerns are deemed to be under the jurisdiction of DOH. rope. Food and Related Industries – shall refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to produce food. woods. pillowcase. Manufacture of Other Products. napkin. freezing) and other methods aside from canning. decorative angels decorative flowers or ornamental. Wildlife Farming . banks. protection. trading (of securities. leather gloves. souvenir items. sala set. belts. Gelatin. Examples include information technology services. heating and other mechanical processes only. fruit and vegetable processing. e. c) Based Transceiver Station (refers to equipment housing only and does not involve installation of a tower. topiaries. hand painted terracotta. embroidered kitchen linens and table tops. containerized shipping services. cardigan for ladies and children. Christmas ornaments. stocks. souvenir items. etc. and based transceiver station mounted on any existing structures. glass and metal-based packaging materials and other marketable products from various raw material sources using molding. wire decors. Wood and Metal Furniture Assembly (antique reproduction. Structural integrity of telecommunication and broadcasting towers. bottle cover. stainless steel kitchen equipment. handicraft. nativity cards. paper boxes. e) Pole and Parapet Mounted Antennae. boat shelves. table linens. food preservation (e. salad server. Cottage Industries . decorative statues. beads. telecommunications and broadcasting towers. handcrafted carabao horns. slaughterhouses.ANNEX 2-1b 15 Telecommunication Projects . hats. fruit bowls. vehicle emission testing centers. hand woven embroidered piña barong. wooden mini boats. fashion accessories. throw pillow. is deemed to be under the jurisdiction of the LGUs (in line with the building code requirements). key holder. mats. carpets and rugs. three and four-legged selfsupporting towers and other similar structures. conservation. shoes.Establishments or facilities for wildlife farming. shirts. And. coconut processing plants. processing of dairy products. rattan furniture. adhesives and other food by-products processing plants. hanging nets.) business and similar activities. chandeliers. baskets. throw pillow. iron frames. lamp base. house wares. lighting fixtures. pants. placemats. mirror frames. wheel chairs. paper and similar materials. food bowl. rope. skirts and overall. drying. tables and chairs. wine caddies. Animal products processing (fish/meat processing. iron chairs and tables. fossil stones. plastics. Packaging Materials shall refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to produce paper. importation or purchase of equipment. pollutive wastes: abaca trays. rubber. Leather tanning and related industries.. wooden antiques. cords. torched floor lamps. mini airplanes. twines. etc. bags. Wood and Rubber Industries –shall refer to the organized and coordinated arrangement of manufacturing processes designed to produce marketable products and secondary raw materials from fibers. face towel.g. knitting pullover. wooden hand painted cabinets.Including a) broadcasting towers. native fiber décor. consultancy services.g. flower pots. coin purse.
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