Ein II DGS Manual



Mach-IOperating Manual Einstein-II DGS Einstein-II DGS Operating Manual Einstein-II DGS CONTENTS 1> Introducing Einstein-II DGS …….………………….. 1 2> How does an Ultrasonic Flaw Detector work……….2 3> Parts and Controls of Einstein-II DGS .……………. 5 4 4> Operating detail …………………………………….. 9 5> Time/Date setting, Factory Default Setting …………32 6> Interface of Printer …………………………………..33 7> Power Supply …………………………………………34 8> Precaution ……………………………………………..35 9> Specification of Einstein-II DGS …………….………36 10> Menu Tree ……………………..…………….…….…40 Einstein-II DGS Thickness gauging with Einstein-II DGS Operates on the principle of the time-of-flight --2-Einstein-II DGS . The greater the impedance ratio the more sound energy will be reflected. A short burst of Ultrasound is introduced into test material so some or all of the energy is reflected by discontinuities. light in weight and user friendly Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector. compact. High frequency sound (Ultrasonic sound) waves are introduced into the test material/part from a transducer/probe that is usually coupled to the test piece by water or other suitable coupling liquid.MODSONIC 1 Introducing Einstein-II DGS Einstein-II DGS is a portable. 1. porosity and other discontinuities that could affect the performance of material and components. Fully charged battery gives continuous working of eight hours and charging time is just 5 to 6 hours. requiring access from only one side of the test piece. It can also be used for thickness gauging of homogeneous material. Einstein-II DGS --1-MODSONIC 2 How does an Ultrasonic Flaw detector Work Einstein-II DGS is a single channel Ultrasonic-testing instrument used for the inspection of homogeneous material for the presence of inclusions. it provides wide viewing angle and allows fast scanning speed. It shows the ultrasonic energy generated in the test piece and resultant instrument display. Einstein-II DGS has COLOR LCD display. The reflection of the ultrasound energy is a function of the ratio between the acoustic impedance of the discontinuity and the base material. Trace pattern can be directly printed out on conventional PC printer having serial port for interface or can be transferred to PC via RS232 Serial port for storage of data. The transducer converts electric signals to Ultrasound and vice versa. The principle of Ultrasonic testing is shown in fig. The reason for this is its ability to position the transducer/probe away from the weld bead yet propagate energy into the weld zone. TR probe is suitable for the thickness gauging of pitting and corrosion and also for better surface resolution. Another reason to use angle beam testing on the welds is to position the sound beam more normal to the expected discontinuities since the flaws in welds are usually perpendicular to the test piece (except porosity). In most angle beam probes. Einstein-II DGS --4-- . Normal beam probe is used mostly for flaw detection and thickness gauging (refer figure 1.MODSONIC measurement. through a material under test.) 2> TR probe: This probe contains separate transmitting and receiving elements as showing in figure 2 usually mounted on delay lines. The ultrasound waves travel to the far side of the test piece and reflect back to the transducer/probe and a measurement is obtained. Basically three typed of transducers/probes are available for different types of applications: 1> Straight beam Probe (Normal probe) 2> TR probe (Dual crystal probe) 3> Angle beam Probe 1> Straight beam Probe: This probe introduces ultrasound normal to the test piece surface utilizing longitudinal or compression waves. This probe is suitable for inspection of the welds. Einstein-II DGS --3-- MODSONIC 3> Angle Beam Probe: This probe introduces ultrasound at an angle to the surface of the test piece. This design improves near surface resolution by separating the initial pulse from the received echoes. Figure 3 shows the principle of angled beam weld testing. This principle utilizes the precise timing of the transit time of a short burst of ultrasound energy. the wave energy is mode converted from a longitudinal wave to a shear wave by the refraction principle. 12 and 20 dB Step sequence. This value can be changed by using “dB STEP”(10) key. LOCK key : By pressing this key all function (keys) get locked which prevents accidental pressing of any key. By pressing any other key. Gain Step Einstein-II DGS : This location displays Gain Step value. 6. It follows 0. simultaneously press Step key (9) and LOCK key (4). POWER key : Einstein-II DGS can be switched ON and OFF using this key. Menu parameters disappear from LCD and only A-Scan is displayed. To unlock. By pressing second time selects Peak Freeze mode. ZOOM key : By pressing this key A-Scan spreads over to full screen.5. 2. 3. 6. 7. then the battery Indicator needs to be recharged. A-Scan is restored to normal size and menu parameters appear again . --6-- .MODSONIC 3 Parts and Controls of Einstein-II DGS 16 17 19 18 15 14 13 4 12 3 11 10 2 9 1 5 6 7 Einstein-II DGS 21 8 20 --5-- MODSONIC 1. LCD Screen : It displays A-Scan Trace pattern and Menu Parameters. In this mode it hold echo dynamic pattern which is helpful for a angle beam inspection to locate peak signal. 5. Battery Status : When all the three cells are displayed empty. 2. 1. FREEZE key : By pressing this key once A-Scan can freeze. 4. 20.5. 1.(LED 1 and LED 2 represent Monitor Gage 1 and Gate 2 respective.(choice of BNC and LEMO) 18. 16. Parameter Values : All function (parameter) values are displayed in this area of LCD. 11. 6. Charge Connector: Connect the charger here. For print-out on Serial PC printer/Computer connect supplied cable on this connector. 10. 19. Hot key : When this key is pressed simultaneously with any other parameter key then the change in value takes place in larger steps. 12. 14.(choice of BNC and LEMO ) 17. RX Connector : A probe is connected to the Receiver of Einstein-II DGS through this connector. Menu keys : By using these keys the Menu can be changed. RS-232 Connector: Serial interface connector. MONITOR LED : It is visual indication of MONITOR getting triggered. Mode Status Indicator : Mode selection SINGLE or DUAL is displayed here. 12 or 20 dB can be selected using this key. UP/DN key : Respective parameters can be incremented or decremented using these keys. REJECT LED : Rejection function activation is indicated by this LED. 2. TX Connector : A probe is connected to the Transmitter of Einstein-II DGS through this connector. When Rejection value is zero then LED is OFF. 9. dB STEP key : Any Gain step out of 0. When rejection value is not zero then LED illuminates. 21. Einstein-II DGS --8-- .) Einstein-II DGS --7-- MODSONIC 15. 13.MODSONIC 8. Battery Compartment : Battery is fitted in this compartment. GAIN UP/DN : Gain can be incremented/decremented using these keys in the step selected by dB STEP key. various menus are available. if required. ZERO ZERO : It is to calibrate Artificial zero of the probe.3000. > Couple the probe on 25mm thickness of V1 reference block and set first echo at 25mm using ZERO UP/DN keys.5. (0. > Amplitudes of the echoes can be varied using GAIN keys. In fine mode 1 met. Einstein-II DGS --9-- MODSONIC GAIN STEP: Gain step value can be set by using GAIN STEP key.500.2 inch). > Repeat above two steps until both the echoes are at their respective positions. > Set 4th echo at 100 mm using VELOCITY UP/DN keys. > Set required range to 100 mm using RANGE UP/DN keys./sec. GAIN : Gain can be increased/decreased as per value of step by using GAIN UP/DN keys. 1.4000 and 5000 mm with pressing 5920 hot key or in step of 1mm (0. The range available for steel is from 10 to 5000 mm 0100 MM (0.50. 6. Basic functions of an Ultrasonic Flaw Detector (UFD) like Range.100 150 and 200 inch) or in step of 0.MODSONIC 4 Operation detail Einstein-II DGS is user friendly. To access any parameter.50 to 200 inch) it steps through 10. First menu is Basic menu. 10. Example: Einstein-II DGS is to be calibrated for 100 mm Test Range using Single crystal (Normal) probe. Einstein-II DGS --10-- . 12 or 20 dB. VEL M/S 300.50. Exact shift/delay in mm (Inch) is displayed at the bottom. Details of all menus and parameters are as per below. 2200 RANGE : The required test range can be set directly in terms of mm/ RANGE inch.0MM VELOCITY : The required velocity can be set directly in terms of met.1000.1. Fine Range. DELAY 000. 15.2000.0001 in/us).25. 125. 25. Delay and Gain functions are covered. 100. menu driven Ultrasonic Flaw Detector.200./Sec (inch/sec).0 dB DELAY : Partial Range can be set using these keys. In this menu. 2.25.5. By pressing hot key it steps through GAIN 1 preset value. it follows dB in steps of 0. > Set Gate END to 80mm using END UP/DN keys. GAIN 1 DAC-6 : If DAC is made ON 6/14 and DAC-6 is selected then if 25.0 height is lower than the Threshold Level.MODSONIC Second Menu covers MONITOR GATE 1 functions. DAC –6. the MONITOR is START triggered if an echo is present within the gate and its 0030. the MONITOR is triggered if there is no echo within the gate or the 0100. Einstein-II DGS --12-- . LEVEL DAC : If DAC is turned ON and DAC is selected and if 040 % any echo signal equals or crosses DAC curve then monitor gates trigger. LEVEL : Gate Threshold Level can be directly set in terms of the percentage of the Full Scale Height (FSH).0 dB any echo signal cross DAC-6 dB curve then monitor gates trigger.0 height is equal to or crosses the set Threshold Level. DAC. END : Gate End position can be set using END UP/DN keys. END NLOGIC : When NLOGIC is selected. > Set Gate LEVEL to 50% using LEVEL UP/DN keys. Using these keys Gate end can be directly set in terms of mm/inch. OFF PLOGIC : When PLOGIC is selected. EXPAND: When EXPAND is selected then the Scale expansion is activated and the GATE width is expanded to Full-screen width for a magnified view. Einstein-II DGS --11-- MODSONIC START : Gate starting position can be set using START UP/DN keys. Using these keys Gate start can be directly set in terms of mm/inch. DAC-14 : If DAC is made ON 6/14 and DAC-14 is selected then if echo signal equals or crosses DAC-14 dB curve then monitor gates trigger. > Set Gate START to 35mm using START UP/DN keys. GATE 1 DAC-14 trigger. select PLOGIC using GATE UP/DN keys. GATE 1 : Gate can be changed to PLOGIC. Example: The MONITOR to be triggered when any echo crosses the 50% FSH between 35mm and 80mm. EXPAND or OFF. > In the Gate setting. NLOGIC. SEND. When changing Memory no. GAIN 1 25. the MONITOR is triggered if there is no echo within the gate or the height is lower than the Threshold Level. Using these keys. When DETAIL is selected it shows Note data of Stored A Scan it can be scroll by pressing MEM NO UP/DN keys. Using these keys. If Data is stored and valid then asterisk (“*”) will be displayed next to “MEM NO”. Einstein-II DGS --14-- . : Gate Threshold Level can be directly set in terms of the percentage of the Full Scale Height (FSH). ACTION : Required functions like SAVE. On pressing Left key Note menu will be displayed and Side text menu will change for Text editing as shown. Gate start can be directly set in terms of mm. NLOGIC. DETAIL can be selected using ACTION UP/DN keys.0 dB MEMORY : Memory function can be selected A SCAN or SET-UP using MEMORY UP/DN keys. RECALL. For exit press Exit UP/DN keys. GATE 2 OFF START 0040. MEMORY A SCAN MEM NO* 001 ACTION RECALL NOTE ENTER GAIN 1 25.0 dB END LEVEL : Gate End position can be set using END UP/DN keys. LEVEL 050 % START : Gate starting position can be set using START UP/DN keys. If required then edit/change Note detail. Einstein-II DGS --13-- MODSONIC Forth Menu covers Memory storage/recall and Trace printout functions. the ACTION selected Is performed. MEM NO : Desired memory location can be selected using MEM NO UP/DN keys. the MONITOR is triggered if an echo is present within the gate and its height crosses the set Threshold Level.MODSONIC Third Menu covers MONITOR GATE 2 functions. or OFF. ENTER :By pressing Right key of the ENTER.0 GATE 2 : Gate can be changed to PLOGIC. PLOGIC : When PLOGIC is selected. PRINT or DELETE.0 END 0100. NLOGIC: When NLOGIC is selected. By pressing appropriate keys Note can be edited. Gate end can be directly set in terms of mm. So press HOT KEY to overwrite data.MODSONIC OPERATOR: ABC JOB DETAIL: NIL DEFECT DETAIL: NIL REMARK: NIL CURSOR MOVE CURSOR UP/DN CHAR SCROLL NOTE EXIT GAIN 1 25. Press FREEZE key. > Select A SCAN using Memory UP/DN keys. > Then press NOTE/ENTER Left key so Note menu will be displayed. > Get required pattern which is to be stored. > Set MEM NO to 3 using MEM NO UP/DN keys. Note: If data is already stored at this location.PRESS HOT KEY”. 3.0 dB Example: To SAVE current Calibration and A scan in Memory no 3. “NO – PRESS ANY KEY”. > Then press NOTE/ENTER Right key to store A Scan. By pressing Right key Current Calibration. A Scan pattern and Note DATA will be stored UP/DN key to store the current calibration set-up at memory no. Einstein-II DGS --16-- . then the message will be displayed on LCD screen as “OVER WRITE DATA” “YES . If required then edit it and exit from note menu. Einstein-II DGS --15-- MODSONIC > Set ACTION to SAVE using ACTION UP/DN keys. To select any peak of the echo signal. POINT : It indicates how many points are selected to draw DAC curve. 001 TCG ON: Time Gain Correction activated as per DAC so it brings echo PRESS signal to same height irrespective of depth.(If GATE 1 is OFF then turn to PLOGIC). STRT G1 ON mode :The selected peak points are digitally connected to form a 030% DAC curve. Using REJECT UP/DN keys Rejection level can be set as per requirement. POINT ON 6/14 mode: -6dB DAC and –14dB DAC will be also displayed.MODSONIC Fifth Menu covers Rejection of unwanted signal. peak points OFF of echo signals are selected. --17-- MODSONIC Sixth menu covers the required functions for DAC curve AWS or DGS curve as per selected in menu 10 CONFIG parameter.0 dB MODE Einstein-II DGS : Test Mode for the use of Single or Dual Crystal probes can be selected using MODE UP/DN keys. ON . Video setting and Testing mode selection function.ON 6/14. PRESS : Press ENTER UP/DN keys to accept the peak points selected by the GATE 1. Set Reference. REJECT 000 % POWER LOW DAMPING LOW REJECT : For the rejection of unwanted signals. POINT value is automatically incremented to indicate next point. TCG ON or OFF using DAC UP/DN keys. ENTER OFF mode :DAC curve will be not displayed on LCD. Activation of this function is indicated by REJ LED(13). GAIN 1 STRT G1 :Start of the GATE 1 can be set using STRT G1 UP/DN keys. MODE SINGLE DAMPING: Probe Damping Hi/Low can be selected using DAMPING UP/DN keys. It can be set directly in terms of percentage of FSH. DRAW mode. POWER : Hi or Low Transmitter power can be selected using POWER UP/DN keys. move the 25.0 dB gate on the echo signal and then press ENTER UP/DN key. GAIN 1 25. DAC DAC : DAC setting can be switched to DRAW. Einstein-II DGS --18-- . Example: To digitally draw DAC curve to join four peaks of the echo signals using 25mm thick reference block and range of 100mm. third and forth echo. > Then press SET REF /ENTER key so required gain to bring echo to 50% is recorded and displayed as a REF Gain in GAIN box. Press ENTER parameter key so gain of reference echo is recorded and displayed as REF GAIN. IR : Display indication rating as per AWS code. MEASURE or OFF using AWS UP/DN keys. (RG) MEASURE mode : Display “IL” (Indication level) dB value to bring echo to reference level. > Set DAC to ON using DAC UP/DN key. 25. > Press ENTER UP/DN key to accept it and Point No. If GATE 1 is OFF then switch to PLOGIC. > Set DAC to DRAW using DAC UP/DN keys. > Set AWS to MEASURE so it starts to display Indicating rating as per AWS code. SET mode. > Move cursor using STRT G1 UP/DN keys to cover the first echo.0 dB > Set GATE 1 to “PLOGIC” > Couple probe on reference defect and set gain value so echo height within 40 to 60% of Screen. Einstein-II DGS --19-- MODSONIC AWS Function functions will be displayed as per selected in menu 10 CONFIG parameter. Einstein-II DGS --20-AWS OFF STRT G1 030% AWS . is incremented automatically. Example: GAIN 1 > Select MEASURE to ON. Note: Cursor need not touch the echo for selection and acceptance of the peak point. > Repeat above two steps for second. Now DAC Curve will be displayed on LCD. > Set Gain so that all four peaks are visible on the LCD screen above 5% FSH. IR=IL-RG-AF. Gain of machine can be change without curve height. AF : Display attenuation factor to correct for the depth of the echo signal. Make GATE 1 to PLOGIC then Bring reference echo of reflector in between 40 to 60% . > Set GATE 1 in such a way so echo signal within GATE. : AWS setting can be switched to SET. It can be used for Transfer/Scanning gain correction.MODSONIC PRESS/ENTER : Parameter will be changed to “T-CORR” when DAC is On or TCG is ON. reference type. AF= (Sound path (in Inch) -1) * 2 IR : Indicating Rating… Its different in dB between the indication signal and reference signal with attenuation correction. SET-REF :When switched to ON. STRT G1 : To select echo peak as reference move GATE 1 using STRT G1 UP/DN keys.(It works when DGS is selected to ON). Its Gain value to bring reference echo height to reference level(50%) AF : Attenuation Factor… its attenuation of signal in material as per AWS standard. can be selected. IR=IL-RG-AF IL : Indicating Level… its gain value to bring echo height to reference level (50%). When DGS is turned to ON then SET-Ref will automatically switched OFF. If GATE 1 is OFF then select to PLOGIC in Menu 2.MODSONIC Indication rating is based below formula. curve height. required DGS curve dia. Einstein-II DGS --22-- . By varying TL-CORR gain will change but DGS curve height remains same.0 dB DGS : DGS setting can be switched to SELECT. Based on below formula. reference dia. DGS OFF STRT G1 030% DGS-REF OFF TL-CORR 00. Refer DGS selection menu.. reference echo within gate is registered and height of reference echo is brought to ref. ON or OFF using DGS UP/DN keys. In SELECT mode probe type ..0dB GAIN 1 25. TL-CORR : This correction is required if test object and reference block have different surface qualities. In ON mode DGS curve will be displayed on Screen as per what is selected in DGS selection menu. RG : Reference Gain. Einstein-II DGS --21-- MODSONIC DGS functions will be displayed as per selected in menu 10 CONFIG parameter. etc. > Select DGS in menu 10 under CONFIG parameter. PRBNAME : It displays Model name of predefined probe. To change SCAL NO M2SN 11. Select “0” for custom probe which one is not listed between 1 to 18. DEL-VEL :It displays Ultrasound velocity of probe delay line. It is fixed for predefined probes.0 dB OFF DEL-VEL REFSIZE AMPCOR TL-CORR 2500M/S 11. For eg.( for scale no 1 to 18 but for scale 0 it will display “CUSTOM”). 002 23. Select appropriate value for Custom probe.00MHZ FBH 00. ATT-OBJ :Select Ultrasound Attenuation factor of test object. With each Memory set one Custom probe parameters will be stored.1 MM EXIT SELECT It indicates currently selected sub PRBNAME DGS-CRV ATT-REF STRT G1 menu. Example: To plot DGS for 11 mm size equivalent reflector for M2SN probe. it is not required. ATT-REF :Select Ultrasound Attenuation factor of Reference object. 1 to 18.0 MM 00. (dB/meter). PRBFREQ REFECHO ATT-OBJ DGS-REF 2. By pressing SCAL NO D EFFT DGS Menu UP/DN keys arrow(“ “) shifts. (NLOGIC will also work). For custom probe select appropriate probe frequency by pressing appropriate UP/DN keys.0 MM 00. AMPLCOR :This is gain correction. Einstein-II DGS --23-- MODSONIC PRBFREQ : It displays probe frequency of predefined probe. For custom probe select appropriate probe frequency and probe effective dia. REF SIZE :Select appropriate value as per reference reflector size. It is fixed for predefined probe.0 dB ↑ SCAL NO GAIN 1 25. It will not turn to DGS if DAC is selected to OFF.0 dB 00. > Go to DGS menu 6. (dB/meter). > Switch GATE 1 to PLOGIC.MODSONIC DGS Selection Menu: When DGS is selected to “ SELECT ” DGS selection menu will be displayed on Screen. For predefined probe. REF-ECHO :Select reference type weather it is FBH or BW (Back wall). When Angle probe is used and reference echo is taken from 100 mm or 25 mm arc of V1/V2 reference block.0 dB 030% move arrow to first bottom empty box then press corresponding UP/DN keys.0 dB : It scrolls from 0 to 18. D-EFFT : It displays Effective diameter of probe crystals. DGS-CRV :Select appropriate value for which diameter DGS curve is required. Einstein-II DGS --24-- . OFF In OFF mode it will not display thickness/distance. > Now press DGS UP/DN key so it turns to ON and appropriate DGS curve will be displayed.0 MM by pressing corresponding UP/DN keys. > Bring first echo within screen with height between 40 to 80 % FSH preferable. > For exit press EXIT UP/DN keys. > Change DGS to “SELECT” by pressing DSG UP/DN keys. X-OFF X-OFF : Set X-OFF value to same as Angle probe index point to 000.0 dB Einstein-II DGS --26-- . > Move arrow below second sub menu by pressing Menu UP/DN keys. >ATT-REF and ATT-OBJ to be set as per appropriate value.MODSONIC > Couple M2SN probe on 25 thick V1 block and calibrate for required range. > Select REFECHO to BW by pressing corresponding UP/DN keys. > Set first back-wall echo signal within GATE 1 using STRT G1. In ON mode it will display thickness/distance of echo signal which is in-side the gate.0MM ANGLE : Value to be set as per Angle of the probe. GAIN 1 25. so as to enable in calculation of depth/distance accounting for multiple skips. (make sure reference echo is within GATE 1 with 40 to 80% FSH preferable). --25-- Einstein-II DGS MODSONIC Seventh menu covers the required functions for Thickness/Distance measurements. If angle value not zero and Measure is set to ON then appropriate Surface and Depth of defect is calculated and display on LCD. > Select DGS-CRV to 11. Here it is set to 0. THICK 100. >Select SET-REF to ON so reference echo height is registered and brought to reference curve.0 Front face distance so Surface Distance will be displayed ANGLE on LCD will be distance from angle probe front face to 000 DEG defect position. THICK : Thickness value should be set as per the thickness of the test piece. > Select SCAL NO to 2 by pressing corresponding UP/DN keys. MEASURE : MEASURE setting can be switched to ON or OFF using MEASURE MEASURE UP/DN keys. > Move arrow below first sub menu by pressing Menu UP/DN Keys. so reference pattern sets in background for easy comparison. > Go to GATE 1 menu and make Gate to PLOGIC/NLOGIC. then set SET REF ON. If ALL is selected then value of MEA PO1. > Go to measure menu and set MEASURE to “ON”. using angle UP/DN keys.0 dB UNIT : To set Measurement/Calibration Unit. HUD : In Head up Display selected measured value will be displayed if MEASURE is selected to ON in Menu 7. MEA PO2 and MEA PO3 will be displayed in Head up Display. achieve reference pattern. MEA PO2 to DP and MEA PO3 to SD so Sound path. --27-- Einstein-II DGS MODSONIC Eighth menu covers the required functions for Thickness/Distance measurements.MODSONIC Example: To measure Beam path. probe is used. Einstein-II DGS --28-- . > Set appropriate THICK value so it can account multiple skips for DEPTH distance calculation. GAIN 1 25. A-scan Pattern From Memory location can be recalled and set as a reference. TRIGGER FLANK HUD OFF SET REF OFF UNIT INCHES TRIGGER: Select Measurement point Weather trigger by FLANK or on PEAK. Note: When changing UNIT Calibration will be change. > Go to menu 11 and set MEA PO1 to PD. Surface and Depth distance when 45 deg. > Set Gain or Threshold so height of the echo/defect beyond the GATE. > Set angle value to 45 DEG. Depth and Surface distance will be displayed on screen. (For selection of measured value refer menu 11 detail) SET REF : To set any A-scan pattern as a reference. It can be select Inches or Metric by pressing UNIT UP/DN keys. > Set Gate START and Gate END value in such a way so defect signal within the GATE. Set Low brightness when used for indoor application for the longer battery life. then it gives out an audible alarm each time MONITOR is triggered. If CLOCK is set to ON then date and time will be displayed at bottom of A-Scan. When HORN is switched ON. echo signals looks solid for better visibility. VIDEO : Echo signals can be selected to appear as line (ENVELOP) or solid (FILLED) using VIDEO UP/DN keys. which are described as below.As per selection. --29-- Einstein-II DGS MODSONIC Tenth menu covers the required functions for HORN and Key Beep Setting. menu 6 will turns to DAC. In HI PRF is depends on current range selection. PRF : Using PRF UP/DB keys HI or LO PRF can be selected. Otherwise it will not give beep sound when set to OFF. BEEP : Key press will be acknowledge by sound if BEEP is selected to ON. In Low mode is PRF is low which is useful when ghost echo pattern appears when testing low attenuate material. CLOCK OFF COLOR 005 VIDEO ENVELOP CLOCK : Clock can be switched ON or OFF using CLOCK UP/DN keys. BRIGHT 050 % GAIN 1 25. AWS or DGS setting. Einstein-II DGS --30-- .AWSor DGS. In ENVELOP mode. In FILLED mode.0 dB HORN : Horn can be switched ON or OFF using HORN UP/DN keys. COLOR : LCD Color combination can be selected using COLOR UP/DN keys. echo signals appear same as in Analog Ultrasonic Flaw Detector. CONFIG DAC HORN OFF BEEP ON PRF HI GAIN 1 25. CONFIG : Evaluation mode can be selected to DAC. This selection can change only if current active DAC/AWS/DGS is selected to OFF.MODSONIC Ninth Menu covers miscellaneous functions.0 dB BRIGHT : Brightness of LCD can be adjusted for better visibility using BRIGHT UP/DN keys. It scrolls as per detail given below. MEA PO1 OFF Display OFF SND PTH Sound path of Echo signal OFF DEPTH Depth of Echo signal MEA PO2 SURF D Surface dist.MODSONIC Eleventh menu covers selection of measured parameter to be displayed on screen. MEA PO3 : Measured value will be displayed on screen at Right side below base line. keep it press and Switch on Einstein-II DGS. Press key 3 to exit without store/set current time. DGS HDB dB diff between DGS curve and echo signal GAIN 1 (When DGS is selected to ON) 25. MEA PO1 :Measured value will be displayed on screen at Left most position below base line. It scrolls as per detail given in MEA PO1. It scrolls as per detail given in MEA PO1. 3 2 Einstein-II DGS --32-- .0 dB Signal to be within GATE 1 and MEASURE is selected to ON in menu 7 then appropriate measured value will be displayed onscreen. If any user want to recall factory default calibration set-up then press key 4. But due to some reason if stored calibration is corrupted then it will starts with factory default calibration set-up. release key 1 and again press key 1 so Time setting menu will be displayed. After displaying menu parameter release key 4. After display of menu Parameter. Now set required Time/Data by pressing 1 UP/DN parameter key. of Echo signal OFF ECH HI% Percentage height of Echo signal MEA PO3 DAC % Percentage height with respect to DAC curve. (When DAC is selected to ON) OFF ERS VAL Equivalent Reflector Size of echo signal (When DGS is selected to ON) DGS CRV Display currently selected DGS curve size. MEA PO2 : Measured value will be displayed on screen at Middle position below base line. Then press key 2 for to store/set current time to value set as per display. Factory Default Calibration set-up In Einstein-II DGS last calibration set-up remain store So when further Einstein-II DGS Starts it will start with last setting. Einstein-II DGS --31-- MODSONIC 5 Setting of time Keep key 1 press and switch ON Einstein-II DGS. under typical operating conditions. Einstein-II DGS --33-- 7 Power Supply MODSONIC Einstein-II DGS is powered by a Lithium-Ion battery pack ATB1. > Using ACTION UP/DN key select “PRINT”. It can be printed out on conventional PC printer having a Serial Communication connector. The LED on charger illuminates to indicate power on. the battery pack ATB 1 can be charged outside Einstein-II DGS which allows uninterrupted use of Einstein-II DGS using multiple battery packs. When the battery is full charged the LED glows green. So computer or special printer is not required.0 Amps. Serial printer EPSON FX/LQ type recommended. which is fitted in Einstein-II DGS using two screws. Einstein-II DGS can operate continuously for eight hours. For Interface with PC Using Serial port Refer Help.MODSONIC 6 Interface of Printer Einstein-II DGS has direct printout facility of A-Scan pattern with full calibration set-up values. ATC 1 battery charger is suitable for use with mains supply from 100 to 240 volts AC/50 Hz. Alternatively. Einstein-II DGS --34-- . The battery pack ATB 1 can be charged when inside Einstein-II DGS by connecting Battery charger ATC 1 to the connector (18).charge charger. Printer should be IBM-PC compatible with serial port. Baud Rate 9600 Parity bit None Data Bits 8 Stop Bits 1 To print out trace pattern.txt file supplied in Software CD. > Get the required Trace pattern and freeze using Freeze key (3). The charging time is just 5 to 6 hours. (To set below setting in serial printer refer operating manual supplied with the printer). With fully charged battery pack ATB 1. > Switch ON Serial PC printer. follow the below given steps. > Switch ON Einstein-II DGS.4 Volts DC. The output voltage from the charger is 16. > Press ENTER UP/DN key to initiate printing. > Connect Serial cable (supplied with Einstein-II DGS) between connector (19) of Einstein-II DGS and serial printer. Serial port setting is as below. When the battery voltage is low (discharge condition) the LED glows RED. When the battery is almost charged the LED turns to yellow. > Using Menu key go to memory menu (4). The charging current is constant at 2. It electrically connects to Einstein-II DGS via two internal terminal contact points. Battery Charging The battery Charger ATC 1 supplied with Einstein-II DGS is a special quick. > Wipe the couplant off the probe and Einstein-II DGS after use.2 in). : Variable from 0 to 3000 mm (0 to 100 in). : Full-wave rectified with filtering. : Broad Band amplifier 0. :Transmission pulse Negative spike with selectable high or low power. : 1000 met. Fine mode adjustable in step of 0.0400 in/µs to 0. In Hot Key mode it has 13 preset values. --36-- .5mm (0. : 100dB calibrated gain adjustable in 0. : 0 to 100%FSH with LED indicator. 6. : Pulse echo and Transmit/Receive. Fine Mode adjustable in step of 1 met/sec (0.02 in). : Damping high/low is selectable./sec to 9999 met. Fine mode adjustable in step of 1mm (0.2 in) ./sec (0.5 MHz. 2.MODSONIC 8 Precaution > Avoid shock to the Einstein-II DGS and probes. In Hot Key mode it has 7 preset values. Einstein-II DGS --35-- 9 Specification of Einstein-II DGS Test Range Velocity Delay Gain Rejection Rectification Frequency Test Modes Transmitter Damping Connectors Einstein-II DGS MODSONIC : 10 mm to 5 meter (0. : BNC and LEMO (Size 1) both are provided.5. > When battery pack is out-of Einstein-II DGS. keep battery contacts away from metal object > Never heat the battery pack ATB 1 nor throw into a fire. to 10MHz.0001 in/µs). 1.4000 in/µs). In Hot Key mode 5mm (0. 12 or 20 dB step.500 in to 200 in) (in steel). : Expands Range to width of the gate. : EinSoft DGS Interface software for transferring A-Scan from Einstein-II DGS to PC supplied. Echo height WRP to DAC can be measured. Display area 320 x 240 pixel (122 x 92 mm). (Equivalent Reflector Size). --38-- . print or transferred to PC via RS-232 serial port. : Dynamic DAC curve can be Digitally plotted (Smooth parabolic curve) on screen with –6dB and –14dB DAC curves. In Peak freeze it holds echo dynamic pattern which is useful for angle beam probing to locate peak signal. Using minimum 2 to maximum 10 point DAC curve can be plotted.. : As per plotted DAC Time Corrected Gain activated so it brings echo signal to same height irrespective of depth. : 50 different calibration set-ups can be Stored and Recalled. : Dual gate adjustable in 1% of Screen width with Positive/Negative Logic. Measurement point can be selected to be Peak or Flank. : By pressing Zoom key A-Scan can be displayed in Full Screen area. : 200 Trace Patterns can be stored (with Note/Detail). dB diff of DGS curve to signal height. : BNC and LEMO (Size 1) both are provided. ERS value. Surface Distance and Depth are directly displayed when angle probe is in use. : Metric or British unit of measurement is selectable. Defect size is directly displayed in ERS value. DAC curve can be set as flaw monitor gate. Gate Expand modes. --37-- MODSONIC Reference A-Scan DAC TCG AWS DGS Digital Readout Measurement Unit Einstein-II DGS : Reference A-Scan pattern of standard test object can saved and recalled in the background for easy comparison during testing. : IBM compatible Printer having serial port can be directly attached to main unit for printing of stored A-Scan waveform with calibration data. Echo height.recalled. : Thickness/Depth can be displayed in digital readout when using a normal probe and Sound path. : High brightness Color TFT LCD Display. : Built-in Software for evaluation of defect in accordance with AWS standards : Defect size evaluation 18 predefined probe settings and one custom probe set-up per memory location. Eleven different color scheme option.MODSONIC Freeze/Peak Freeze Connectors Monitor Gate Expand A-Scan memory Calibration Set-up Software Printer Attachment Display Full Screen Einstein-II DGS : A-Scan freeze and Peak Freeze available. : High or low PRF is selectable. : Lithium-Ion Battery pack 14. gives 8 hours continuous operation from fully charged battery. : 0 to 55º C. : 152 x 255 x 70 mm (HxWxD).3 kg. : 50 Hz.MODSONIC Video Output PRF Update Rate Power Charger Temperature Size Weight : Composite video signal (PAL) output for connection to a TV. with Battery.4VDC. --39-- Einstein-II DGS MODSONIC 10 Menu Tree First Menu Second Menu Third Menu Forth Menu ZERO GATE 1 OFF PLOGIC NLOGIC DAC DAC –6 DAC –14 EXPAND GATE 2 OFF PLOGIC NLOGIC MEMORY SET-UP RANGE START VEL END DELAY LEVEL START END LEVEL MEM NO ACTION RECALL SAVE DELETE RECALL DETAIL NOTE ENTER A SCAN Einstein-II DGS --40-- . : Input voltage 100 to 240 VAC. 4AH. Charge status indicators provided. : 2. MODSONIC Fifth Menu REJECT Sixth Menu (1) DAC OFF DRAW ON ON 6/14 TCG ON AWS OFF SET MEASURE Sixth Menu (2) DGS OFF SELECT ON Seventh Menu MEASURE Einstein-II DGS POWER LOW HI STRT G1 DELETE PRINT SEND SAVE DAMPING LOW HI POINT START G1 START G1 START G1 STRT G1 SET REF IL ---.AF---DGS-REF RATING TL-CORR X-OFF ANGLE THICK MODE SINGLE DUAL PRESS ENTER --41-- MODSONIC Eighth Menu Ninth Menu Tenth Menu Eleventh Menu Einstein-II DGS OFF ON TRIGGER FLANK PEAK CLOCK OFF ON CONFIG DAC DGS MEA PO1 OFF SND PTH HUD SND PTH DEPTH SURF D ECH HI% DAC % ERS VAL DGS CRV DGS HDB ALL COLOR HORN OFF ON MEA PO2 OFF SND PTH --42-- SET REF OFF ON UNIT INCHES METRIC VIDEO ENVELOP FILLED BEEP OFF ON MEA PO3 OFF SND PTH BRIGHT PRF HI LOW . Ahmedabad – 382 330 INDIA.+91 (079) 2281 1217.modsonic. Tel. Naroda. (P) LTD. E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www. 2284 1294 Fax. If you find any errors or would like to make suggestions for improvement to this operation manual.MODSONIC DEPTH SURF D ECH HT% DAC % ERS VAL DGS CRV DGS HDB Einstein-II DGS DEPTH SURF D ECH HT% DAC % ERS VAL DGS CRV DGS HDB DEPTH SURF D ECH HT% DAC % ERS VAL DGS CRV DGS HDB --43-- MODSONIC All possible care has been taken in the preparation of this operation manual.+91 (079) 2282 0012.33. 2281 3131. Plot No. then please write to: MODSONIC INSTRUMENTS MFG. CO. GIDC Industrial Estate. Phase III.:.com MODSONIC reserves the rights to make changes without notice. OP22 (1) Einstein-II DGS .:.
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