Ei6002 Power Plant Instrumentation Question bank

April 3, 2018 | Author: Ayyar Kandasamy | Category: Boiler, Power Station, Combustion, Furnace, Cogeneration



VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGESRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING QUESTION BANK VI SEMESTER EI 6002– Power Plant Instrumentation Regulation – 2013 Academic Year 2016 – 17 Prepared by Dr.K.Ayyar, Assistant Professor (Sel. G) /EIE Mr.I.Andrew Xavier Raj, Assistant Professor (O.G)/EIE 14. 7. Examine the basic factors to be considered for thermal power plant? Differentiate Sub-Critical Power and Super-Critical Power Plant Give the disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant. Explain the role of Economiser in thermal power plant. PART . Kattankulathur – 603 203. Identify the two important use of surge tank.A Q. 10. List out the Advantages and Disadvantages of solar power plant. . Point out the four significant need of instrumentation in power generation. 9. 16. 11. 8. Combine Heat and Power System. 5. solar and wind power – Importance of instrumentation in power generation–Thermal power plant–Building blocks– Combined Cycle System – Combined Heat and Power System – sub critical and supercritical boilers. 15. Classify the types of Wind power plant. 19. 13. Name the four commonly used moderators in nuclear power plants. Name the three basic cycle of Thermal Power Plant. thermal. 18.No Questions BT Level Competence 1. 4. Predict the role of instruments in solar and wind power generation system. 6. Mention the functions of two important components of Nuclear power plant. nuclear. Define the term Cogeneration. Explain about enriched uranium. 17. Express the two major importance of instrumentation in power generation 1 1 Remember Remember 4 Analyze 3 5 1 Apply Evaluate Remember 2 Understand 1 Remember 2 Understand 2 2 Remember Understand 6 1 4 Create Remember Analyze 3 6 5 1 4 Apply Create Evaluate Remember Analyze 3 Apply 3. 12. Classify the methods of power generation. Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Renewable energy sources.VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar. Point out the two important working principle of Solar Photo Voltaic Cell. 20. DEPARTMENT OFELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING QUESTION BANK SUBJECT : EI 6002 POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION SEM / YEAR: VI/III UNIT I -OVERVIEW OF POWER GENERATION SYLLABUS Survey of methods of power generation:–hydro. Generalize the essentials of a good steam boiler. 2. 10. 3. 9.B Distinguish between sub critical and supercritical boilers with example. the process of electric power generation using Solar Energy. 7. (6) i) Describe briefly the importance of instrumentation in nuclear power plant. (6) ii) Illustarte the schematic diagram and explain the operations of Pressurized water Nuclear Reactor & Boiling water reactor. (16) i) Describe the various operations involved in thermal power plant. (16) i) Compare and evaluate the performance characteristics of thermal and nuclear power plants based on each component.(8) ii) Write short notes on Once through Boiler.(12) With a block diagram explain the operation of nuclear power plant and also mention the important parameters to be monitored in each blocks. (16) Discuss in detail with a schematic diagram the hydro power plant generation. (10) Discuss the various role of instrumentation system in thermal power plant. (16) i) Describe the characteristics of different wind mill types and their relative advantage. 5. (8) 2 Understand 2 Understand 1 Remember 1 Remember 4 Analyze 4 Analyze 4 Analyze 1 Remember 1 Remember 1 Remember 3 Apply 2 Understand 4 Analyze 1 Remember 3 Apply 3 Apply 5 Evaluate 1 Remember 1 6 6 Remember Create Create . (10) ii) Describe the importance of instrumentation in power generation. 4. PART .1. 6. (8) i) Illustrate with a neat sketch. (16) i) Describe in detail the need of combine cycle power generation? (4) ii) Explain any two types of combined cycle power generation unit with neat sketch and working. (16) Describe about the layout of thermal power plant.(8) i) Write short notes on Harnessing the wind. (8) ii) Explain with a neat sketch. 12. the process of electric power generation using Wind Energy. (16) What is meant by cogeneration? Also explain the topping cycle and bottoming cycle operation of cogeneration system. (8) ii) Label the PI diagram of cogeneration plant. also discuss its advantages and disadvantages. (8) Explain the applications of cogeneration in power plant. 14. 2. 11. Also list the desirable qualities of measurement requirements. (8) ii) Describe in detail the basic instrumentation required in thermal plant. 8. 13. air flow. Point out the significance of Stagnation point? 4 Analyze 8. Give the need of vibration monitoring in turbine. Demonstrate the principle of steam purity measurement. 1 Remember 19. Quote the objective of Fuel Analysis? 1 Remember 15. Interpret the need of correction factor in temperature 2 Understand 2 Understand measurement of Steam in High Pressure Boiler? 17. Explain the working principle of Orsat flue gas analyzer. Quote the digital methods of measuring speed. Write the two types of feedwater heaters in a steam power 6 Create 1 Remember 3 Apply Competence planting terms of uses. What is pulverized coal? 1 Remember 10. 2 Understand 13. temperature measurement? Generalize the types of orifice? . Classify the types of turbine speed measurement. 3. Pointout the need of connecting thermocouples in series and 4 Analyze 6 Create parallel during 20. 2 Understand 6. steam flow and coal flow – Drum level measurement – Steam pressure and temperature measurement – Turbine speed and vibration measurement – Flue gas analyzer – Fuel composition analyzer. 3 Apply 9.No Questions BT Level 1. Explain the principle of Dall tube? 5 Evaluate 7. Give the two scales used for temperature measurements in power plants?. Examine the suitability of float type in boiler drum level measurement. PART . Summaries the two importance of feedwater Analysis. 1 Remember 12. 2. 18. List various methods of feed water flow measurement in power plant. Analyze the importance of drum level measurement? How 4 Analyze is it taken care of? 11. 5 Evaluate 14. 3 Apply 5.A Q.UNIT II MEASUREMENTS IN POWER PLANTS SYLLABUS Measurement of feed water flow. Name the five sensors used in measuring vibration 1 Remember 16. Define the term Cogeneration. 4. power in a power plant? Explain their basic principles. (16) i) Why conventional float type level measurement is not suitable for level measurement in high pressure boiler drum? (4) ii) Explain the method of measuring drum level using differential pressure method. 6. (4) Describe the need of Fuel Analysis in Thermal Power plant. 14.(16) i) Describe a primary and secondary element each in the measurement of feedwater flow. 13. (16) How do you measure the speed of the turbine and what are the control mechanisms required for maintaining the optimum speed of the turbine. (16) Explain the method of measuring smoke. (12) ii) mention its advantages and limitations of Electromagnetic type flow meters. 8. (16) State the importance of vibration analysis in turbine. 4. (8) ii) Describe about the flow control measurements required in power plants. (8) i) With suitable diagram. density in thermal power plant with a conceptual diagram. (16) List the parameters to be measured in Flue gas of Boiler. 12. (16) i) How do you measure current. With a neat sketch illustrate the working of flue gas oxygen analyser. (8) ii) What are the basic impurities in feed water and how do you analyze them. 9. (8) 3 Apply 6 Create 1 Remember 4 Analyze 4 Analyze 3 Apply 4 Analyze 1 Remember 5 Evaluate 2 Understand 1 Remember 1 Remember 1 Remember 5 Evaluate 4 Analyze 2 Understand 1 Remember 2 Understand Discuss the operation of LP and HP heaters in a steam power plant. (8) ii) Explain with a neat diagram to measure the steam pressure. explain the principle of Electromagnetic type flow meters. 7. 5. 10. Medium and High temperature applications? Also list the major temperature measurement points and suggest suitable sensors in Thermal power plant.(80 2 Understand 4 Analyze i) . (16) i) Explain with a neat diagram to measure the steam temperature. (8) Classify the transducers based on Low. Also explain the Fuel Analysis method in detail. What are the various techniques used for vibration measurement? Explain anyone vibration measurement technique in detail.PART . 11. voltage.B 1. (12) Describe in detail about Electrical and non electrical parameters measured in a power plant. 3.(8) ii) Discuss the principle behind vortex flow meter. 2. No Questions BT Level Competence 1. List the two basic types of deaerators. two and three element control – Furnace draft control – implosion – flue gas dew point control – Trimming of combustion air – Soot blowing. Describe the concept of excess air. Quite the need of deaerator control.A Q. List the methods of Trimming 1 Remember 10.UNIT III BOILER CONTROL-I SYLLABUS Combustion of fuel and excess air – Firing rate demand – Steam temperature control – Control of deaerator – Drum level control – Single. 6 Create 16. Examine the role of boiler control. Define Firing rate demand. 2 Understand 9. Quote the Steam temperature control methods. Point out furnace draft and how to quantify furnace draft? . Design split-range control. Examine the predominant factor in setting of automatic 3 Apply 4 Analyze controllers for optimum combustion efficiency? 20. Combine the two methods of Furnace draft control. Explain balanced draft in Boiler. 1 Remember 6. Explain stoichiometric condition of combustion in fuel? 4 Analyze 4. 1 Remember 2. Give the function of a deaerator in power plant and its 2 Understand importance. 6 Create 7. PART . 4 Analyze 18. 3 Apply 8. 1 Remember 11. 13. Predict the role of attemperator. Infer Soot blowing. Examine the need for "Air/fuel ratio" control. 15. 5 Evaluate 5. Give the requirements to be considered for firing due to 2 Understand load change. 1 Remember 3. Evaluate the necessity for Steam temperature control. 5 Evaluate 19. 3 Apply 12. 17. Differentiate the advantage of three element control with 2 Understand single element control. 1 Remember 14. Explain any one of them. (8) ii) Describe fireside and waterside control mechanisms for control steam temperature in boilers. 14. (8) Describe how air is delivered to the furnace at the right conditions of now and temperature using air heater and different types of fans in the draught plant. 11. (8) ii) Discuss in detail the significance of interlocks in boiler operation. 5. 7. (16) i) Analyze the need of Air/fuel ratio control? What is meant by the term Oxygen trim control in Boiler? (6) ii) Explain the method of controlling the combustion by Oxygen trim control. PART . 6. 2. 10. explain a simple feedback control in a process. (16) i) What is the main function of super heater? What are advantages of super heated steam? (8) ii) Name and explain briefly the different methods used for controlling super heated steam. (16) List the two basic types of deaerators.B Explain with neat diagram about the two element and three element drum level control. 4. (8) Draw the diagram of five element feed water control system and explain its working. 8. (16) Discuss about Steam temperature control in detail. 9. (8) ii) Explain briefly the requirements to operate an automatic combustion control system for a pulverized coal fired boiler. (16) 4 Analyze 1 Remember 1 Remember 1 Remember 5 Evaluate 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 2 Understand 5 Evaluate 1 Remember 6 Create 4 Analyze 4 Analyze 4 2 2 Analyze Understand Understand 2 Understand 3 Apply .(16) List the types of drafts in furnaces and also explain about the control employed for furnace draft system. 12. (16) Write the methods of measurement of combustion air flow and explain in detail. (8) i) What is meant by the term oxygen trim control in boiler operation? How is it performed. 13. Assume a proportional plus integral control function. (8) Illustrate with a SAMA diagram. (16) i) Discuss briefly the requirements to operate an automatic combustion control system for a pulverized coal fired boiler. (10) Explain the flue gas dew point control.1. (16) i) Discuss about the three-element scheme of boiler drum level control. 3. Give cyclone furnace purge logic. List the hazardous conditions arise when main fuel trip 1 Remember 11. Classify atomizing for different burners. Distinguish single-point positioning control and parallel 2 Understand positioning control. 5 Evaluate 10. 5. Explain gas burner management logic. Compare liquid and solid fuel fired boilers 6 Create 6. 3 Apply 2. 3 Apply 13. 20. Classify the functions performed by all burners. 1 Remember 3. 1 Remember 16. PART . List the non-control problems when burning waste fuels. Classify the coal feeders of volumetric coal feeders. List the factors affecting combustion efficiency of boiler. Summarize the coal burning problems that affect boiler. Predict where we are in need of air fuel ratio control? 2 Understand 12.UNIT IV BOILER CONTROL-II SYLLABUS Burners for liquid and solid fuels – Burner management – Furnace safety interlocks – Coal pulverizer control – Combustion control for liquid and solid fuel fired boilers – air/fuel ratio control – fluidized bedboiler – Cyclone furnace. . Classify the basic elements for unit pulverizer system. 4 Analyze 14. 3 Apply 9.No Questions BT Level Competence 1. 5 Evaluate 18. Explain boiler purge logic. 2 Understand 4. Compare gravimetric and volume triccoal feeders for excess 6 Create air effect 15. 2 Understand 8. Describe the effects of fuel Btu variation. Pointout the predominant factor in setting of automatic 4 Analyze controllers for optimum efficiency 17. 3 Apply 7. Explain the degree of burner automation.A Q. List the types of combustion control for liquid and gaseous 1 Remember 1 Remember fuel boilers. What is the use of pulverizer? 1 Remember 19. (8) ii) Design combustion control scheme for solid fuel fired boiler. (16) 3. i) Explain air-fuel ratio control with neat sketch.1. Discuss boiler purge logic in brief with logic diagram. i) Draw and explain about coal pulveriser in detail. (8) 1 Remember 6. (16) 3 Apply 7. 4 Analyze (6) 5. (8) 2 Understand ii) Illustrate with neat sketch on Volumetric coal feeders. 3 Apply 4 Analyze (8) 14. (8) 4 Analyze ii) Describe about burners for solid fuels. Classify various burner management in detail. Explain about circulating bed fluidized bed boiler with a neat diagram. (16) 4. (8) 8. Summarize about the various combustion control system adapted in Power plant. Discuss about fluidized bed boiler with neat diagram. i) 6 Create 6 Create 2 Understand Design combustion control scheme for liquid fuel fired boiler. (8) 3 Apply ii) Describe coal pulveriser control with neat 1 Remember diagram. Explain the principle and operation of "Cross-limited" combustion control system with necessary diagram. Describe in detail with a neat diagram about cyclone furnace. i) Discuss about Gravimetriccoal feeders. (16) 5 Evaluate 13. (16) 2 Understand 12. (16) 2 Understand 10.B Describe in detail about the burner management system. (8) 11. (10) 4 Analyze ii) Explain in detail about safety interlocks in furnaces. i) Explain in detail about burners for liquid fuels. (16) 9. (16) . PART . Explain in detail about burners for gaseous fuel. Describe with a schematic diagram the furnace safety 1 Remember 1 Remember interlocks.(16) 1 Remember 2. Compare throttle and nozzle control governing. 6 Create 19. List the types of power in steam turbine practice. 6 Create 8. 4 Analyze 17. Examine the forms of cooling apparatus employed in power 3 Apply plants. List the types of cooling tower. List the advantages and 1 Remember disadvantages of velocity compounded impulse turbine. Design automatic load frequency control. Explain the transient speed rise in turbine. What is steam turbine? 1 Remember 2. 14.A Q. 1 Remember 10. 1 Remember 20. Point out the significance of oil cooling system. 3 Apply 4. Give the methods available for turbine governing system. 4 Analyze 6. Compare impulse turbine with reaction turbine. 18. Classify steam turbines.No Questions BT Level Competence 1. Define speed ratio in turbine. . 4 Analyze 12. 1 Remember 16. Give the parameters to be measured and controlled in a 2 Understand turbine. 2 Understand 9. 7. 3 Apply 5.UNIT V CONTROL OF TURBINE SYLLABUS Types of steam turbines – impulse and reaction turbines – compounding – Turbine governing system – Speed and Load control – Transient speed rise – Free governor mode operation – Automatic Load Frequency Control – Turbine oil system – Oil pressure drop relay – Oil cooling system – Turbine run up system. Give the control scheme for turbine load control 2 Understand 11. 5 Evaluate 15. Give the control scheme for turbine speed control. Summarize the problems occurs in design turbine governing 5 Evaluate system. PART . 2 Understand 3. 1 Remember 13. Develop oil pressure drop relay in turbine. Define blade velocity coefficient in turbine. Analyze the control objective of turbine runup system. B 1. (16) 5 Evaluate 12. i) 2 Understand 4 Analyze 2 Understand 4 Analyze 1 Remember 3 Apply 3 Apply Discuss in detail about the procedure employed for automatic load frequency control with neat diagram. Explain with the control diagram the boiler-turbine 4 Analyze coordinated firing rate control. List the components in lubrication system and explain any 1 Remember two.(16) 2. (8) ii) Explain about Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) basic generator control loops. Describe briefly oil cooling system in turbine. (16) 1 Remember 3. (16) 7. (6) 5. i) Discuss in detail about the turbine governing system. (8) ii) Illustrate with neat block diagram explain Reaction turbine. With neat block diagram explain turbine run up system. (16) 13. (8) 11. (16) .PART . (8) 8. Write in detail the various cooling systems in turbine. (6) 6. (16) 6 Create 9. 3 Apply 4 Analyze 4 Analyze (16) 10. (10) ii) Explain about oil pressure drop relay. (16) 1 Remember 4. i) Illustrate with neat block diagram explain Impulse turbine. Discuss about oil coolers in turbine with neat sketch. Discuss the various control schemes for speed and load 2 Understand control in turbine. (16) 2 Understand 14. Describe in detail about free governor mode operation. (10) ii) Explain the control system employed for oil cooling system. Describe briefly various methods of steam turbine governing. i) Explain about Automatic Load Frequency Control (ALFC) basic generator control loops. Classify various methods of compounding steam turbine.
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