eGlobe User Manual v 1.4 2012-08-07

March 19, 2018 | Author: ajshsu5682 | Category: Menu (Computing), Computer Keyboard, Computer Monitor, Usb, Navigation



eGlobeSoftware Version 10.2.xx User Manual 07 August 2012 ChartWorld GmbH, Hamburg Germany Page i ChartWorld GmbH Ruhrstraße 90 22761 Hamburg Tel. FAX http:// +49 (0)40/853 58 69 40 +49 (0)40/853 58 69 49 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, disclosed or used by any person who has not received prior written authorization from ChartWorld GmbH. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page ii This page intentionally left blank.08.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07. 2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.Page iii Preface The documentation corresponds to the respective software version. Nevertheless. occasionally the software may differ from the functionality described due to technical reason. Page iv This page intentionally left blank. eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .08. Page v Table of Contents Preface iii Table of Contents............................................................................................. v 1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 13 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 General ................................................................................................13 Compliance..........................................................................................14 Conventions used in the manual..........................................................14 eGlobe versions ...................................................................................15 2 eGlobe elements ............................................................................... 16 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Panel PC HD 24T21 MMC .................................................................16 Operator Controls. ...............................................................................19 Computer User Controls / Indicators ..................................................19 Conitor User Controls / Indicators ......................................................19 Keyboard/Trackball .............................................................................20 Combined NSI Keyboard/Trackball (option) ......................................20 NSI Trackball (option) ........................................................................21 ECDIS Control unit (Option) ..............................................................21 Sensor Interface Unit SIU-1 (Option) .................................................21 Sensor Connection Unit SCU-2 (Option)............................................22 Alternative computer – HTC01 (Option) ............................................23 Alternative Monitors (Option) ............................................................24 Uninterruptible Power Supply, UPS(Option) .....................................26 3 Start stop and adjustments of eGlobe operation workstation .... 27 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 General ................................................................................................27 Start-up the ECDIS System .................................................................27 Display Adjustment Control................................................................28 Automatic Power Light Dimming .......................................................28 Presentation at start-up ........................................................................29 Stop the ECDIS System ......................................................................29 4 eGlobe program window function ................................................. 30 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 General ................................................................................................30 Program header ...................................................................................31 Menu bar .............................................................................................31 August 2012 eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 Page vi 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 4.2.12 Symbol Function Bar ..........................................................................31 Button for closing open extra windows (upper-right) .........................31 Pull-down menus on Menu Bar ...........................................................32 Route menu .........................................................................................32 Map/Alarm Map ..................................................................................32 Edit Route............................................................................................32 Backup .................................................................................................33 Export / Import Route ........................................................................33 Sensors ................................................................................................33 Position Source....................................................................................33 Position Offset .....................................................................................34 Position Discrepancy Settings .............................................................34 Position fix handling … ......................................................................34 Speed Source .......................................................................................39 Heading Source ...................................................................................39 Chart ....................................................................................................39 Manual Updates...................................................................................39 Chart Work ..........................................................................................39 Database ..............................................................................................40 Recording ............................................................................................40 Trail .....................................................................................................40 Time Label Interval .............................................................................41 View Data Log ....................................................................................41 Recorded..............................................................................................41 AIS / ARPA Trail ................................................................................42 Trail Display Settings ..........................................................................42 ECDIS .................................................................................................42 Safety Contour.....................................................................................43 Safety Depth ........................................................................................43 Safe Navigation Settings .....................................................................43 Dangerous Objects ..............................................................................43 Objects with time limits ......................................................................44 Presentation .........................................................................................45 25 mm Light sector lines .....................................................................45 Chart Boundaries .................................................................................45 Display ................................................................................................45 Display Options AIS / ARPA .............................................................46 Ship......................................................................................................46 True Motion Area ................................................................................47 Range Rings ........................................................................................47 Display Motion/Moving the chart .......................................................48 Display Rotation ..................................................................................48 Ruler ....................................................................................................48 Radar ...................................................................................................49 Waypoint labels ...................................................................................49 Point database......................................................................................49 Configure.............................................................................................49 Tides ....................................................................................................50 About ...................................................................................................51 System .................................................................................................51 August 2012 eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 Page vii 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 Legend .................................................................................................52 ECDIS Chart 1 (ECDIS Symbols) ......................................................53 Dictionary ............................................................................................62 Abbreviations ......................................................................................62 Information removed from standard display .......................................63 AIS Ship Database ..............................................................................63 Symbol Function Bar ..........................................................................65 Chart Pane ...........................................................................................66 Display Selection in Chart Pane ..........................................................67 Display Base........................................................................................67 Standard Display: ................................................................................68 Other Information ................................................................................69 Display Motion/Moving the chart .......................................................71 Safety Contour.....................................................................................71 Safety Depth ........................................................................................72 Scale Bar .............................................................................................73 Latitude Bar .........................................................................................73 Non-standard indication ......................................................................73 Target ? –indication.............................................................................74 SSE25- Expired cell permit warning ...................................................74 Incorrect day or time ...........................................................................74 Function Tables ...................................................................................76 5 Prediction ......................................................................................... 78 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 General ................................................................................................78 Vector ..................................................................................................78 Predictor ..............................................................................................78 Full Predictor .......................................................................................79 Extra Vectors .......................................................................................79 Shadows ..............................................................................................79 Wind vector .........................................................................................80 Trail presentation.................................................................................80 Docking presentation...........................................................................81 6 Chart Handling................................................................................ 82 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 Chart Handler ......................................................................................82 Handling S-57 and S-63 Exchange sets – Chart Type Selection ........82 View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts .....................................................82 View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts in General ...................................82 Actions of View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts ...................................84 Actions of View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts - Overview ................84 Install Charts .......................................................................................84 Update Charts ......................................................................................85 Validate ...............................................................................................86 August 2012 eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 ..15...................1.............108 Save .............................................8 6.....................................Page viii 6...3 7...................1.........6 6............................4.....................108 Connect directory to view ...............................................15......4 General .102 Delete Object ...................................................2 6........................................95 Chart List ....................................................2 6..................1..............................3 6................2 6..........................1 6................15......5.........................105 Insert a Clearing Line .....................1..............101 Updates to be inserted .............103 Review of Manual Updates ............16.............................106 Insert a Tidal stream ........2 7................................................................................107 7 Configuration.....................1 6................4..1............................................2 6...........14 6..........91 ACES Chart Data .4............................2 Actions of Validate.................................................16.....86 View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts ..................5 6.......104 Chart Work .1 6..................................15 6..106 Insert a Mariners note ....................86 Check S-63 Permits .7 6......98 Permit Status .......................................................13 6................. 108 7.....................92 The User Interface of the Main Dialogue Window ......2012 August 2012 ..................89 Actions of View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts ............1.......11 6.........................................105 Insert an Event ..................97 Chart List in General ..........................1 6........................................10 6.........................16.............................................97 Expandable Items .3 6...3 6....................................103 Update Log ..16...............................4 6.............93 Chart Coverages ...........................15..........................102 Move Point Object .........................................................................................90 ChartHandler Wizard ............................................1.............99 Manual Updates.........................................................................16.....6 6..........................2 6.......5 6........91 World Data Set ..........89 View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts in General ..12..............................5.......................102 Insert Object ...............16............................1 7.....................................................................................................................108 eGlobe User Manual v 07........................................................................................................................................................5 6....106 Insert a Mariners feature ....16........15..........86 Read Permit (S57/S-63) .......................3 6............................1.............08........................................15..............................................105 Insert a Danger highlight ..............................................12.......5.......1............................................................16 6.................................................................................16................1 6....................................................15..........3 6..................................108 Password Handling..1.......................................98 The User Interface of the See Updates Function............................................4 6..............................................107 Delete Existing Object ......12..................................................................................15...........................1 6......................................9 6................................1 6.............................................................2 6.....90 Actions and Error logs...........1.........................98 Advanced Functions .................12 6...104 Insert a new object.........................103 Annotate Object...........3 6..............92 Selection and Action Section .............................................103 Withdraw Object .............................................. ...........121 Presentation during navigation .................... MOB ........12...............................................110 Zoom-Selection of Scale .............3 8.12...............................................................111 Vector length (speed over ground) ....................125 Rapid select of an ETA-point ....................112 Show Nav status ...............................114 Route Monitoring ............1.........113 Selection of route ......12 8.......................2 8.........................................................................1 8............2 8..............19 8........................122 Presentation before and during turn .............128 Position window .....7 8.......10.........................................................................17 8..................................................125 Select ETA point .......................................6 8..........................................................................125 Toggle between ETA and TIME ............................10..................................18 8................9 8..............1 8.................4..............................123 Man overboard...................114 Dangerous Objects ...7.......................2 8..................................1.........................................................................................1.........126 Change vector length (speed over ground) ...........................111 Time Label Interval ....................119 Docking table .........................................................................................12.........................................................................................110 Over Scale ..............................118 Navigation instrument information during turn ...............................3 8........................................12...........................115 Setting of Safe Navigation Values ...................................................................................2 8.................120 GPS status ......................................114 Deviation from Route...........3 8............2 8.........................................17..................4........1 8..................................20 8.....1 8..............124 ETA and time left to arrival ......................10.........116 Ocean sailing table .................126 Selection of trail ..........................................................................................115 Navigation tables ..................14 8.......................................................3 8........10.................114 Next waypoint .....................4 8...17.........................................................7 8...110 Chart boarder ...........12..............122 Presentation during docking ..............................15 8................................................08.........................116 Precision table .........................................Page ix 8 Navigation ..12...................................11 8..........................................109 Goto Position .................5 8......5 8............................................128 eGlobe User Manual v 07..........13 8..................................10 8...............109 Selection of views .......17....................................................................................111 Cursor position ..............21 Navigation mode ...2 8........................................................126 Selection of shadows .............114 Final waypoint ........1 8....................112 Selection of day/night presentation ........................................4 8................................117 Navigation instrument ........8 8...........................................................................................16 8....112 Setup Time Label Interval ...................2012 August 2012 ..........1 8...................1 8...........10............118 Navigation instrument information during straight travel.. XTE ............................. 109 8.............................12....6 8....................... ........140 Selection of Chart query table ..................146 Adjust waypoint turning radius ............................................2 8..9 10...................................139 Chart query ...............130 Ruler Ship Fixed..............................................................................1 8................147 Define auto-zoom points ........................................................3............................3.........................2 10...........................................................3.........25 8...................3.............135 AIS and ARPA presentation in the chart ..................................................5 10......................................................1 9...................................3.................................................142 Route settings .................................2 9......................133 AIS transponder and ARPA targets ..................140 10 Routes ..........2..........................130 Ruler Ship Free................................4..................2 9...........................................................................................133 Selection of Sensor table .................................132 9 Function tables Sensor channels & Chart query ....................7 General ..................................................149 Import route ...............1 10........................146 Delete waypoint.............................3 10.......7 10.....3 9...........................145 Create new route.........................132 Route planning – ETA.... 142 10......1 9....................138 Send text message easy ...............................1 10............24 8.4 9...................2012 ........3 8.149 Selection of Edit route table ............................................................................3................................130 VRM – EBL .................2....................2.......................23 8......4 10........................................................................2 9........................................................................................135 General ..............3......147 Define speed between two waypoints ..................................................129 Ruler Free ........................22 8.......2..............................26 Movable window ...............................................................128 Rulers ..147 Alarms when Planning a Route ..10 10...............137 Follow current target ......2 10..............................................................................................................................6 10.....................3 10........147 Changing the Order of Waypoints ..............3....................3...................................5 9...5...............................2....................................................................................................................1 9.....................146 Insert waypoint ....147 Route preparation with the keyboard ..............................................................1...3..147 Enter waypoints for the route ...8 10..............................................................................ERBL...............................148 Edit route ..23.................................................3...............................23....136 Sort Order and Search ID ..................147 Limit of Deviation from the Route............................................................149 Multi Routes ...............................150 August 2012 eGlobe User Manual v 07.3.......1 General ................2 10..........................................................................................130 Tidal heights ...... 133 9..23........143 Route preparation with the cursor ..............1 10...............Page x 8...................1 9................4........................................................................................................................1 10......................147 Define ETA points .......3.....08.....6 10........................4 10.5 10.2.........................................................145 Adjust waypoint position .....................3 9.......................................................138 Extended AIS table.........135 AIS table .............................2................... ............................2 Making Multi Routes ......2 11......................................................4 11............................................................................159 Database settings ......................4...............................................164 Alarm Buzzer ...........................................4 14.....................................................................................5 14..................................................................................................................5.............................3 14.......................2 11......................................161 Pause in playback ......................2 12...........161 Back to starting point ..........................160 Save recording as .............................6 12.........156 Picture point ........................3.......3 12................1 10...................3 11............1 14.........................7 12....158 Save new Database points in ..................161 Speed for playback ......5...............................................7......166 Alarm Priority ........................3......................155 Database point edit ....Page xi 10.............158 Save Database .....5 11...................3................................................................158 Start Database ..........4...............167 August 2012 eGlobe User Manual v 07...................................................154 Input of database point ...................................................................... 164 14...............................................154 Input into database .................1 11...................................4............................................................6 Alarm Bar (below chart area) .................................154 Start of database ................08..................................156 Database menu ...........................................1 11..................................160 Playback of data ..........................................................................................................163 14 Alarms .......161 Position for playback ......................................2 14.............................................2 12.........................................5 12......................5........4 11..154 Database settings ...............1 11...2 11..........159 12 Recording / playback ..............................................................5 Recording of data .................................3 12.....................162 13 Geodetic datums .... 163 13........................................................5 11........................................................... 160 12..........160 Auto delete .....................161 “Water Mark” in recordings ...........................................................153 11 Database ................................160 Start playback ....................................................4...............................1 Presentation of geodetic datums .............................................4...............................5......................165 Alarm function table....164 Alarm Acknowledge .......................... 154 11...............4 12..................3 11..............166 List of Alarms and Indications .....................5.................................................................................................................................................................................1 12.........2012 ..............................4.........................................................161 End playback ..........................................................................................................158 Database Search ............4............................................................150 To use Multi Routes ..........................161 Draw recording on chart ..........................1 12...............6 General .........................158 New Database ....................................................................3 11....5........7...............4 12.................. ..........................................................................168 Alarms Level 5 ......................................................................................7 14...2012 August 2012 .........10 Alarms Level 1 ..2 14..............167 Alarms Level 2 .........6 14..............................................171 16 Conning Display .....................4 14...........................172 Depth ..................6................ 175 17.3 14....1 16...................................................................................................................173 Time and Position........175 Common Terms and Abbreviations explained ..............169 Alarms Level 6 ................................................................................................................................9 14.............4 Wind .........................................1 15......................................174 17 Appendix A ........................................................................2 16.........169 Alarms Level 8 (from Level 2) .............................................6..08...............5) .....................169 Alarms Level 7 (from Level 1) ......6.................................171 Regarding color-calibration.................167 Alarms Level 3 ................................8 14...........................................5 14............170 Alarms Level 9 (from Level 3) ..........................6...............1 14...................186 eGlobe User Manual v 07.............6....................................1 17........6..................... 171 15...............6.......................................170 15 Maintenance.......6.............................................................2 17.............168 Alarms Level 4 ....................................................................................................................3 16..................................173 Navigation table ........3 List of Terms and Abbreviations......................170 Alarms Level 10 (from Levels 4................6...........................................................................2 Color Differentiation test .. 172 16...182 eGlobe Symbols and icons .............................Page xii 14..............................................6....... due to other possible shortcomings. is not responsible for and cannot vouch for the function of the charts used.Page 13 1 Introduction The eGlobe is a type-approved ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System). When ENCs are loaded for the entire planned route and a backup-system is in operation the eGlobe system works as a paperless ECDIS. improves safety as well as economy for marine navigation. inadequacies or other faults in the system.2012 August 2012 . A complete type-approved eGlobe system comprises the following equipment: • ECDIS Panel PC-unit with eGlobe software loaded • ENC-Charts • ECDIS-Keyboard with integrated Trackball • Optional ECDIS-Control unit • Optional ECDIS-SCU Interface (Sensor Connection Unit) • ECDIS-Backup system The system is to computer): • • • • • • connected to following sensors (via the SCU-Sensor Connection Unit or direct Primary EPFS Secondary EPFS Compass Speed Sensor AIS transponder Radar / ARPA Required Required Required EPFS = Electronic Position Fixing System (can be GPS or DGPS) eGlobe User Manual v 07. eGlobe is also an excellent navigation aid that. 1. ChartWorld International Ltd also disclaims any liability for direct or indirect damage to persons or property.08. The eGlobe navigation is based on use of ENCs.1 General The eGlobe is a type-approved ECDIS with superior first-class navigation functions and it can be used for paperless navigation. ChartWorld International Ltd. defects or imperfections in the system delivered by ChartWorld International Ltd. nor can the company be held responsible for inaccuracies. properly used. MSC.191(79) & MSC.694(17). Press the right “mouse” button once. Press the keyboard key Ctrl and the key F9 at the same time. Right-click [OK] <F1> <Ctrl>+<F9> eGlobe User Manual v 07.232(82) • IEC 61174 – IEC 62288 . the following definitions apply throughout the manual. Keyboard Pointer Control unit Click Double-click Drag The ECDIS keyboard.3 Conventions used in the manual To make the operation instructions clearer. Press the left “mouse” button once. Press the left “mouse” button twice.2012 August 2012 .817(19) and A. Cursor position. keep the left “mouse” button down. The ECDIS control unit. Click on the menu or button with text within square brackets.2 Compliance The eGlobe system fulfills the demands specified in the following specifications: • SOLAS Regulation V/19. then move object with the mouse.2.IEC 61162 1.08.Page 14 The eGlobe program contains the following main functions: • • • • • • Chart and SENC-handling Navigation Route handling Database Recording and playback Alarms 1.IEC 60945 . Place the cursor on the object to be moved.1. Press the keyboard key F1 once.4 • IMO Resolutions: A. Please see table below.08. all of them are type approved as ECDIS: BASE – ESIG – EXTENDED.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07.4 eGlobe versions The eGlobe can be delivered in three versions.Page 15 1. 08.0 1 x 2GB DDR3 1066/800MHz non-ECC SO-DIMM 2 x 2.1 Realtek ALC888-GR (+ 2W Amplifier) Microsoft® Windows® Embedded eGlobe User Manual v 07. 1 x USB 1. 1.5" removable HDD (SATA) 1 x Intel® 82577LM Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000Mbps 1 x Realtek RTL8111C Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000Mbps Serial Ports 1 x RS-232 non-isolated. No need to connect this Panel PC to UPS if connected to both power sources. designed only for the marine environment and built to last.86 GHz) Front Side Bus (FSB) 800MHz Graphics Memory Disks Ethernet Intel® Arrandale IGD supports DVMT 5.0.2012 August 2012 . 4 x RS-422/485 isolated Parallel Port Keyboard/Mouse USB ports Audio Operating System 1 x Bi-Directional Centronics Standard PS/2 mini DIN connector 3 x USB 2. The panel computers are delivered with Multi-power (AC and DC power input built in) ensuring that they are compatible with all power systems on all vessels. The Panel computer offers the following performance: Part Version Processor: Performance HD 24T21 MMC Intel® Celeron® P4505 (2M Cache.1 eGlobe elements Panel PC HD 24T21 MMC The Series X Panel Computers are a single flexible solution. 1 x RS-422/485 non-isolated.Page 16 2 2. 08. 32bit) Powersupply Dimensions Weight Multipower 115&230VAC .50/60Hz + 24 VDC 593(W) x 348(H) x 84(D) mm Approx.Page 17 Enterprise (XP Professional Eng w/SP2c.14 kg The bottom (connector) panel: eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 . 08.Page 18 eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 . When they are not in use they will not be visible.2 Conitor User Controls / Indicators For units that have been factory ECDIS calibrated the text “ECDIS” will illuminate in green constantly as long as the unit is powered !he “"” and “#” symbols will illuminate in red when the $rightness%$rilliance is ad&usted either above or below ECDIS factory calibration point !o be able to stay within ECDIS calibrated range' please assure that both the “"” and “#” are not illuminated and that “ECDIS” text remains illuminated green during operation (ote that by touching these symbols no action will be performed or has been assigned These are the symbols available on Series X ECDIS.2.Page 19 2.ECDIS +” brightness indicator 2.2012 August 2012 . ON (Calibrated) ON (Calibrated +) ON (Calibrated -) ON (Not calibrated) eGlobe User Manual v 07.2. Computer User Controls / Indicators The Hatteland HD 24T21 MMC24” computer has the following controls: • Power ON/OFF button/ Power LED-indicator • HDD LED-indicator • Brightness control buttons • “.2 2.08.1 Operator Controls. 2012 August 2012 . specifications below: Standard Keyboard/Trackball Version Interface Dimensions Performance KSML92Y 1 x USB cable to computer 392(W) x 211(H) x 45(D) mm eGlobe User Manual v 07. specifications below: Standard Keyboard/Trackball Version Interface Dimensions Performance G84-5400 Black-2 mouse buttons.08.3 Keyboard/Trackball A combined type approved Keyboard/ Trackball unit is a part of the system. 89 keys 1 x USB/ PS2 cable to computer 374(W) x 139(H) x 20(D) mm Standard EGlobe marking of upper row on keyboard (F1 – F11) 2.4 Combined NSI Keyboard/Trackball (option) A combined type approved Keyboard/ Trackball unit with backlit is an optional part of the system.Page 20 2. 2012 August 2012 .6 ECDIS Control unit (Option) A special type approved Control unit is optionally available.Page 21 2.5 NSI Trackball (option) A type approved Trackball unit with 3 buttons is an optional part of the system.08. specifications below: Standard Keyboard/Trackball Version Interface Dimensions Performance TSX50YZ 1 x USB cable to computer 144(W) x 144(H) x 65(D) mm 2. specifications below: Standard Control Unit Version eGlobe 16 USB Performance 2.7 Sensor Interface Unit SIU-1 (Option) The SIU-1 unit is used to ensure sensor connection to Com 1 and/or Com 2 of the Panel Computer. It is also used as an approved signal splitter. The SIU-1 has the following eGlobe User Manual v 07. The SCU-2 has the following specifications: Keyboard/Track Performance ball Version Type eGlobe SCU-2 QWERTY 8IN / 2 OUT Dimensions 140(W) x 150(H) x 44(D) mm CN8E Connect the following cables to the SCU-2: Please observe that sensors needing bi-directional communication (radar.Page 22 specifications: Keyboard/Track Performance ball Version Type Power supply eGlobe SIU-1 QWERTY 1N4B 10 – 40 V DC. AIS) must be connected to COM7 and COM8 only. appr 12 mA at 24 V Dimensions 68(W) x 110(H) x 22(D) mm 2.08.8 Sensor Connection Unit SCU-2 (Option) The SCU-2 unit is used in case where the number of sensor connection provided by the Panel Computer is not sufficient or cabling of sensors direct to the Panel Computer is not practical.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07. DVI + VGA out 2 x 1 GB installed SDD 30 GB + extra HDD120 GB 1 x DVD-RW/CD-RW Dual recorder/Player 4 x 10/100/1000 GigaBit Fast Ethernet 2 x rs232 Serial Ports optional 4 x rs422 via Bluestorm Card Parallel Port Keyboard/Mouse USB ports Audio Operating System Powersupply Dimensions Weight 1 x Bi-Directional Centronics Standard PS/2 mini DIN connector 10 x total USB 2. Line in.08.Page 23 2. Mic in. Line out Windows XP SP2c 32 bit 220 VAC 345(W) x 133(H) x 390(D) mm Approx. The computer offers the following performance: Part Version Processor: Graphics Memory Disks Media Drive Ethernet Serial Ports Performance HT C01 STD A105 1 x Intel Core2 E8400 – 3.2 x in front) Realtek ALC888.9 Alternative computer – HTC01 (Option) The computer is the powerful Hatteland HTC01.0 (8 in rear.2012 August 2012 .10 kg eGlobe User Manual v 07.0 GHz Intel Graphics 3100. 20 kg eGlobe User Manual v 07.5 kg Monitor 23 inch Version Screen size Pixel resolution Video Connections COM Connections Power supply Performance JH 23T12 MMD-AA1-A0BA 23 inch 1600 x 1200 1 x DVI plus 1 x VGA 1 x COM rs232 via ”Multifunction Cable #1” 220 VAC Dimension Weight 584(W) x 534(H) x 85(D) mm Approx.Page 24 2. The monitors offers the following performance: Monitor 19 inch Version Screen size Pixel resolution Video Connections COM Connections Power supply Dimension Weight Performance JH 19T14 MMD-AA1-A0BA (Pot+Buzzer) 19 inch 1280 x 1024 1 x DVI plus 1 x VGA 1 x COM rs232 via ”Multifunction Cable #1” 220 VAC 483(W) x 444(H) x 82(D) mm Approx. 11.10 Alternative Monitors (Option) Two versions are included in the ECDIS certificate: Hatteland 19 inch and Hatteland 23 inch.2012 August 2012 .08. 2012 August 2012 .Page 25 eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. Page 26 2. lightning and other mains disturbances. which is not included in the delivery. Test the UPS in accordance with IEC 60945.11 Uninterruptible Power Supply. UPS(Option) Note: IEC60945 approved UPS is to be used only for HTC01 computer with a separate monitor or if either of 24V back up power source is not available. The computer and the monitor must be connected to the mains via a UPS.08.2012 August 2012 . It should be possible to change batteries without disconnecting the system from the mains. UPS Capacity Backup time at 800W Number of outlets Performance 800VA At least 20 minutes At least 2 eGlobe User Manual v 07. The UPS performance may be as specified below: A UPS will secure the ECDIS system against brownouts. total mains breakdown. Focus can be changed by either mouse clicking or by using the keyboard arrow keys. To execute a menu command press the Enter key or double click on the command. If eGlobe uses an alternative configuration with the separate computer and the monitor then both the computer and the monitor have power switch. Turn the separate monitor ON by pressing the power switch down (if applicable) 4.1 Start stop and adjustments of eGlobe operation workstation General The Operator Workstation has power switch on Panel Computer. Turn the Panel Computer ON by pressing the power switch ON 2.08. eGlobe will start after 10 s. Normally the power shall be left ON if the system is not used for a shorter time. If the focus is moved from [Start eGlobe] the countdown is stopped.Page 27 3 3. eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 . The start menu will be displayed . 3.2 Start-up the ECDIS System Start the computer system by: 1. The power light indicator will turn green 5. The power indicator will turn green 3. Wait until the computer has started 6. The separate monitor can be powered OFF to save the screen. The light intensity is regulated according to the backlight.3 Display Adjustment Control This TFT display features a 100 % dimmable image. 3. WARNING! Brightness Control may inhibit visibility of information when Night presentation is selected.08. The Brightness knob.Page 28 3. which means it is capable of displaying a completely black image when the brightness knob is turned fully to the left. This can also be manually adjusted using the Led Adjust knob on the rear side of the display. the power led is just visible in dark environment.2012 August 2012 . This means that the power led is not visible in daylight when the brightness knob is turned fully to the left. 1.1 Automatic Power Light Dimming This TFT display features a Power LED Dimmer function which controls the light intensity of the power light indicator. is used for individual adjustment of image brightness. that is according to the brightness knob. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Intelligent Auto Power LED Dimmer which control the light intensity based on your environment lightning. 2. indicated by a sun icon on the front panel of the monitor.3. With the exception that when the backlight brightness is zero. There are two different solutions for this feature. Select the [Shutdown System] either by clicking or by arrow keys and execute by double-click or by pressing the Enter key. see Figure 2.Page 29 3. eGlobe Program Window is presented at startup. To the right Function table is displayed.08. Power OFF the monitor by press and hold the power switch down for 3 seconds eGlobe User Manual v 07. The start menu will be displayed. 2. Figure 1.4 Presentation at start-up At start-up of the eGlobe the standard display at the largest scale available in SENC. Program window functions . 3.2012 August 2012 . 4. Stop the eGlobe program by select [Route] / [Exit] on the menu bar. 3. is displayed in the Chart Pan together with the eGlobe controls in the Menu Bar and in the Symbol Function Bar.5 Stop the ECDIS System Stop the ECDIS and power off the computer system by: 1. Figure 2. Alarm Bar showing active alarms and indications.08. Standard Display and Other Information. selected route and own ship symbol. Menu bar. showing the currently active function table. The information on the chart can be presented in three different levels: Display Base. selected route and active database. presenting chart. eGlobe User Manual v 07.Page 30 4 4. database points.2012 August 2012 . Symbol function bar. containing different function selections and info windows. showing eGlobe with version-number. Program window functions The ECDIS window consists of the following parts: • • • • • • Program header. Chart pane. AIS/radar targets. The pull-down menus are described under a separate heading. Function table pane. containing pull-down menus.1 eGlobe program window function General The eGlobe Program Window containing the ECDIS screen will be presented at the startup of the eGlobe program. It will also inhibit display of point database. 4.4 Button for closing open extra windows (upper-right) The windows button for closing or exit window X will close all open extra windows on the chart pane.2 The Menu bar menu bar shows available pull-down menus.3 Symbol Function Bar The symbol function bar contains quick selections for the most frequently used functions.1. Permanently displayed.1. Permanently displayed. 4. eGlobe User Manual v 07.1. selected route and active database. 4.Page 31 4.1.1 Program header The program header bar shows eGlobe and version.2012 August 2012 .08. Permanently displayed. 4.Page 32 4.1. Alarms can be linked to these items to be triggered when the line is crossed or the distance to the dot is too small.2 Pull-down menus on Menu Bar The functions in the pull-down menus on the Menu Bar lead to submenus with further selections.2012 August 2012 .2.1 Map/Alarm Map Alarm map refers to freely definable lines and dots presented in the chart.2.1 Route menu Clear edited route Clear monitored route Opens an existing route Saves the current route Saves the route under a new name See Alarm map below Delete route (Note active route cannot be deleted!) Opens a window for editing data Output of route to printer (“Voyage plan”) Output of chart to printer Exit eGlobe and power OFF the computer system 4. See further in the chapter Alarm lines. Selecting the arrow opens the submenu. Clears the presentation of the alarm map Opens an alarm map Import of Simrad Warning Areas Saves the current alarm map 4. All pull-down windows covering chart pane are temporary and are movable to desired location on the screen.2.1. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. This is illustrated by means of an arrow pointing to the right.2 Edit Route A route can be edited by use of the menu below. They can be used to supplement the existing chart information. Take out the media and insert it into the Backup ECDIS.Page 33 Open the menu and select the route that should be edited.2. Make the changes to the route by selecting the waypoint to be changed.2. Via a floppy/USB-memory: From the primary ECDIS – use “Export” function with the media floppy/USBmemory inserted.2. 4.2.2. With a network connected to both Primary and backup ECDIS: The transfer can be made from the primary ECDIS – use the “Export” function and the route will automatically be transferred to the backup ECDIS. position fixes can be initiated from the menu. Speed Source and Heading source. USB-memory or through a network.2 4. With floppy.3. position discrepancy limits. Input of position offset.1 Position Source Selection of source: EPFS1 or EPFS2 or Dead reckoning.1 Backup Export / Import Route With the Backup functions to transfer the active route from the primary ECDIS to the backup ECDIS.08. Now use the “Import” function on the backup ECDIS.3 Sensors The Sensors pull-down menu is used for selection of Position Source. (EPFS = Electronic Position Fixing Source) eGlobe User Manual v 07. it depends on the configuration. Or from the Backup ECDIS – use “Import” function. Please observe that the route must be transferred from Primary ECDIS to the Backup ECDIS whenever the route is changed ! 4.2012 August 2012 . 4. Enter Latitude and Longitude value to correct the difference.08.3 Position Discrepancy Settings Used for check of position discrepancy between selected sources. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 To delete a LOP. click on it in the chart and then on the [Delete Existing LOP]-button.3.2. transfer LOPs and calculating fixes and estimated positions.3.2012 August 2012 . Available sources are EPFS1 or 2 or Dead Reckoning.2 Position Offset The position offset can be set if the chart and the own ship position is incorrect. 4.Page 34 4.4 Position fix handling … The position fix handling form has the tools for creating and deleting line-of-positions(LOPs). Press OK. Bearing LOP – Insert new bearing LOP eGlobe User Manual v 07. 2 Set type of action. 08. transferred an used as input to a fix calculation. 4 UTC time of observation 5 Position of observed object 6 Bearing to observed object 7 Distance to observed object 8 Source of observation.Visual A-Astronomical 9 Button to save LOP-data In the following example two bearing LOPs and one range LOP are going to be inserted. Possible values are : R-Radar V. Step1 Insert bearing LOP 1: Select type of LOP Click On Insert button eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .Page 35 Range – Insert new range LOP Transfer LOP – transfer existing LOPs Calculate Fix – Calculate a new position using at least two existing LOPs 3 Insert a new range or bearing LOP. Display after step 3: eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 . All input data can be edited using the keyboard. bearing and distance are filled in automatically. When all data are filled in click the [Save Inserted LOP]-button to save. Repeat the actions in Step1 with a new object. Step 3 Insert Range LOP. Change type of LOP to range LOP and source to R and then repeat actions in step 1. The display is changed to: Step 2 Insert bearing LOP 2. Select source using the dropdown box. Lon.Page 36 Click in the chart on the object being observed. Values for time. lat . Click once more in the chart on the approximate position of the observer. 2012 August 2012 . time. If available the values for speed and heading are taken from speed log and heading source. click the [Pick LOP to Transfer]-button and then click in the chart on the LOP. Display after Step 4: Step 5 Calculate Fix Set type of action to Calculate Fix For every LOP. To remove a LOP from transfer just click on the row in the list. status (original or transferred) and source.Page 37 Step 4 Transfer the LOPs to a new time. Click the [Transfer]-button to calculate the transferred LOPs. value (bearing or distance). Set type of action to LOP transfer For every LOP.08. eGlobe User Manual v 07. To remove a LOP from transfer just click on the row in the list. The list box shows type of LOP. click the [Pick LOP to USE]-button and then click in the chart on the LOP. The list box shows type of LOP. time. status (original or transferred) and source. Fill in the new time and values for heading and speed. value (bearing or distance). The default is to update the systems DR position with the new fix. Display after Fix calculation: eGlobe User Manual v 07. Remove the mark in the [Update DR Position]-checkbox to not update DR position. The calculation tries to figure out what points are useful and shows the result. A range LOP will always intersect a bearing LOP or a range LOP in two points.08. Enter source as free text and click [OK]-button to calculate the fix. In normal conditions the marked intersections should be used to calculate the fix (or estimated position) but the user can decide what intersection points to use.Page 38 Click on the [Calculate Positions]-button to calculate intersection positions from different combinations of observations. Display after Step 5: The list box shows the results of all intersections of LOPs with the useful points marked .2012 August 2012 . Chart Work The chart work menu is used for updating the chart by special objects.2012 August 2012 .6 Heading Source Selection of sensor for heading input. See chapter 6.Page 39 4.3. eGlobe User Manual v Manual Updates Manual Updates are used to add corrections to the charts.4. One of EPFS1 or EPFS2 or Log can be selected.2.2 Manual Updates.2.4 Chart This pull-down menu is used for selection of Manual updates or Chart work.2. 4. 4.5 Speed Source Selection of sensor for speed input. 4. One of Compass 1 and 2 can be selected.08. If depth information from echo sounder or log is sent to eGlobe. Opens the recording. Saves the recording under a new name. See further in the chapter Recording/Playback. Keep in mind that “Recorded” must be highlighted in the menu line “Trail”. 15 min. history Shows long trail. speed. position. The information may be used as supplements to the existing charts information.2. Tip! For fast presentation of a 24-hour recording without having to play the entire recording: Select “Draw Recording”. approx. The trail may represent either the current navigation or an opened recording.2. it can be presented in the chart. Creates a new database Opens the selected database Choose database to store new objects Saves the selected database Search for keyword in database Database settings.5 Database Symbols. approx. See below.08. eGlobe User Manual v 07. etc) can be recorded.6 Recording All incoming data to eGlobe (time. ARPA and AIS target. course. pictures and texts that can be freely placed in the chart and saved in a file (database). See chapter 11 for a detailed description of database handling.Page 40 4. 4. text info for own measurements or navigation information. showing the historical movement of the ship. These data can be used to replay a historical event.7 Trail A trail is a sequence of points in the chart. By linking a bitmap file to the database point. The menu alternative [Recording] is used to play a recording.2012 August 2012 . 2 days history Draws trail from one/several recordings Shows trail from AIS/ARPA with color See below: Display of trail. Ends the recording. Defines interval of time mark Displays the ECDIS log Shows short trail. the picture can be presented in the chart when the database point is clicked.2. depth. Delete a recording 4. The detailed 12 hour log has a resolution of one minute. To export the data log.2 View Data Log According to ECDIS standard. a log of the ship’s journey must be recorded.2. In both 12 hour and 3 month log LOP-data and position fixes are recorded. insert a floppy disc and click the save button. 4.7.2. 4.08.3 Recorded One or more recordings can be picked.Page 41 4. The trails will then be presented on the electronic chart.7. A recording is added for display by clicking on the Add menu item and a standard Open file dialog box is opened. just click on the menu eGlobe User Manual v 07. The overview 3 month log has a resolution of one hour and the only data recorded is time and position.1 Time Label Interval Interval between 1-120 minutes can be set.2012 August 2012 . To remove a recording from the collection.2. Click the menu item View Data Log to display the recorded data.7. 2. 4. Color=depth echo sounder Trail as depth figures with data from the echo sounder 4. Safety Depth. To present ECDIS-objects with time limits. Safety Contour. type in form. See below. with 4. Selects type of light sector lines.08.5 Trail Display Settings Display of trail determines how the trail is presented in the chart picture.8 ECDIS ECDIS is the set-up menu for the presentation of the chart.Page 42 row showing the name of the recording. Selects between Traditional and Simplified.7. Selects ECDIS type of presentation. AIS / ARPA Trail AIS / ARPA-data contained in a recording can be presented individually individual color. Selects how to present symbols in the chart.2012 August 2012 . Simply choose desired recording then pick color for each object. Selects detail-level for the chart presentation. AIO – Admirality Information Overlay (selects /deselects layer) eGlobe User Manual v 07. Shows the boundaries in the chart material. Time is also presented Trail with thicker color points Trail as colored points. type in form. Trail as color points. 1 Safety Contour The Safety Contour depth can be typed into a sub menu.2. Warning areas (closed polygons) can be loaded in the ECDIS. The main difference is that for an indication the buzzer is not activated.2. 4. the mariner can choose to use As Indication instead of As Alarm. Before the ship is crossing the wheel-over-line an alarm is given and the Wheel-Over-Alarm specifies how long before. The display of and inside check of warning areas can be switched on/off with the check boxes. Safe Distance is the horizontal clearance to dangerous objects. Safe Navigation Settings Safe Navigation Settings is used to set alarm limits for the safe navigation calculations. Default value: 30 m. Alarms are raised in advance and Warning Time is the amount of time in advance. The guard zone is displayed only as long as the [Safe Navigation Settings]-form is visible. Default value: 30 m.2.Page 43 4. 4.08.2012 August 2012 .4 Dangerous Objects Select a submenu for dangerous object during planning.8. The choice of alarm or indication is made by clicking one of the radio buttons labeled Special Condition Areas. For Route planning the following menu is presented. Display of the guard zone used for ant grounding calculations can be switched on/off with the [Display Guard Zone]-checkbox. 4.2 Safety Depth The Safety Depth can be typed into a sub menu.8. When the ship is entering an area for which an alarm is raised. Select a submenu for dangerous object during monitoring. In the menu Dangerous objects are eGlobe User Manual v 07. Air Draught is the total height of the ship over the water. 2012 August 2012 . Use date from route to let the system calculate the date (route with proper speed settings must be loaded). When non-default date checking is active this is indicated in the chart pane see Figure 26.option Check Date – Current date. Current Date means actual date from computer clock. When option Check Date is selected there are three different ways to specify the check date. For Route monitoring the following menu is presented.Page 44 presented during waypoint editing. 4. Dangerous objects will be presented during Route monitoring. eGlobe User Manual v 07.8.08. for instance a bird sanctuary area with entry prohibited during spring and summer.5 Objects with time limits Chart objects can have attributes specifying conditions varying in time. In Check Date mode the visibility of objects having time limits is controlled by the date specified.2. The default behavior is to use current date as check date. Set any date using the calendar control. Page 45 4. Simplified: Symbols are presented as simplified ECDIS symbols. symbols similar to the ones in normal charts are used.2012 August 2012 . new and simplified symbols have been created with a simpler geometrical design.8 Chart Boundaries Selects presentation of chart borders belonging to underlying charts.7 25 mm Light sector lines The display of light sector lines can be toggled between 25 mm long lines and lines with the same length as the nominal range of the light. See below: True Motion Area. See below: Point Database eGlobe User Manual v 07. See below: Ruler. 4.08. In traditional presentation. See below: Display motion See below: Display rotation. These charts are hidden in the current presentation due to selected scale.8.8. Simplified with Symbolized Boundaries: Symbols are presented as simplified ECDIS symbols and area boundaries are presented with traditional paperchart symbols. See below: Waypoint labels. See below: Radar.6 Presentation Since the traditional paper-chart symbols are difficult to present and read on a screen. Traditional: Symbols are presented as traditional paper-chart symbols. Shows Range rings.2. Shows the predictor.2. easier to interpret. (not available in eGlobe) Shows corner vectors. Shows wind-vector to the ship. See below: Display Options AIS/ARPA See below: Ship.9 Display The menu “Display” contains menu selections for the presentation of own ship and other targets.8. 4.2. 4. Shows the shadows of the ship.2. To get actual status place the cursor over the text Target ? and a box with actual information is displayed 4. Default behavior is that a new AIS target gets sleeping status.2 Ship Selection of own ship presentation: As symbol. Normally eGlobe gives an alarm when a target (AIS or ARPA) is lost. Sleeping AIS targets can be automatically activated if any of the Automatic Activation conditions is fulfilled. This is done in the Target Alarm Settings form.2012 August 2012 .Page 46 Display Options AIS / ARPA Turn display of path predictor on/off See below: AIS Target Filter See below: Target Alarm settings In the AIS Target Filter and Auto Activation form suppressing of sleeping and automatic activation of sleeping AIS targets can be configured. eGlobe User Manual v 07. When AIS target filtering is active or lost target alarm is disabled this is indicated in the upper right corner of the chart pane. True to scale whenever possible.9. To avoid cluttering of the chart displaying of sleeping targets can be suppressed. The lost target alarm can be disabled or configured to occur only for targets within a certain range. 3 True Motion Area It is possible to change can travel without redrawing chart picture in This is accomplished by drag” the lines as in figure. an easy “grab and If the checkbox Auto Mode is checked the automatic mode is selected. Check Ahead factors greater than 1. Values to be avoided: 1. The distance is calculated automatically and shown in the menu.4 Range Rings Display of range rings are turned on/off with this menu item. In auto mode the ships position.2.2012 August 2012 .9. the area where ship changing or TM mode. If the visible chart a is calculated from actual position in bearing = ships course and distance= display range multiplied with the reset factor. course .08. For every updated position calculated from actual position ships course and distance= multiplied with the check ahead calculated point is outside the new center point for the display true motion a point is in bearing = display range factor.Page 47 4.9. Reset factors greater than the Check Ahead factor 4.2.00 2. display range. eGlobe User Manual v 07. check ahead factor and reset factor are used to calculate an optimized area. The ruler is laid out by use of the trackball.Page 48 4. The presentation of any ruler is started in this menu with the “ruler” key on the control unit or by clicking in the cursor position square.6 Display Rotation It is possible to change the chart presentation between: North Up Course Up Head Up.2. (Note the parallel function on the Symbol Function Bar) 4. the ruler position relative to the ship will always be the same. the chart picture may be presented in the same way as in a radar: RM (Relative Motion) or TM (True Motion). RM= Chart moves and the ship stands still (Note the parallel function on the Symbol Function Bar) 4. True.2012 August 2012 .2.2.9. The free ruler measures distance between two points Ship free measures between ship and a point Measures between ship and a locked point. the advantage being that you always have a maximum lead. with Ship Locked. North Up is the native mode.7 Ruler eGlobe features several ways for measuring the distance.9. The control unit can be used to select if the distance shall be presented in meters or nautical miles. regardless of the ship’s motion. with a change of pictures when the ship comes to the edge. The normal presentation is TM.9. The north arrow is always shown at the top left position of the chart pane independent of setting above (North/Course/Head Up).08. In RM the ship stand still and all chart information moves in small steps for each position change. the ruler always shows distance and bearing to the locked position.5 Display Motion/Moving the chart In eGlobe. where the ship moves in the chart picture. The “Course Up Mode” is available only when a Course-overground value is present from EPFS (or GPS-receiver). TM= Chart is still and the ship moves Relative. With Ship Free. eGlobe User Manual v 07. The “Head Up Mode” is available only when ships heading is present (Compass). 10 Configure In the Configure menu some functions needs password and can only be set at installation. eGlobe User Manual v 07.9 Waypoint labels With a route open. VRM and cursor can be presented on the chart.2.9. Shows the database point symbols Shows the database point names Show the database point comments Shows a label with name and comment when the cursor is on the database point 4. the information to be presented is selected in the menu below. Presentation of the radar cursor.08. Presentation of EBL/VRM number 1 in the radar.2012 August 2012 . the radar’s EBL. Presentation of EBL/VRM number 2 in the radar. In addition there is a fourth setting. Selecting (ticking) the respective function starts the presentation.Page 49 4. which presents a label with the point name and comments.10 Point database The presentation of database points can be made in different ways on the chart.2. when the cursor is placed on the database point. 4. 4. Other functions can be set all the time.8 Radar With a radar connected.2.9. Shows waypoint number according to the list Shows waypoint name Shows first letters in the waypoint name Shows radius with which the waypoint is stored.2.9. text information about each waypoint can be presented in the chart. 11 Tides The Tidal Prediction form is activated by clicking on the Tidal Prediction menu item. Add a observation List of observation points Delete a observation Edit box for point Update observation Tidal height gauge To add a point: Click on the New Point button and then in the chart. Click the expansion button to show a list of Tidal Height Observation Points. The observation points are also displayed as tidal height gauges in the chart.2. edit the name in the edit box and click Update Point eGlobe User Manual v 07. and then click the Delete Point button.08. Select prediction position by mouse Controls to set prediction Expansion Select prediction Tidal heights Current date and time are used as initial prediction time. To update the name of a point: Select the point in the list. To delete a point: Select the point in the list.Page 50 4.2012 August 2012 . The position for prediction can be set either by selecting from a list of places or by clicking the button and then by clicking in the chart on desired position. See 4. eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 . 4.2.1 System This window shows various program data.4 See 51 4. which supply information about the installed version of eGlobe and Kernel.5 See 4.2.08. The pane below shows status of the different Views and status of program threads. Information about free memory capacity is also supplied.2.2 See See 4.12.12 About Under the About menu the following can be selected: See 4.6 See 4.2.2. 2012 August 2012 .2 Legend The legends contains data about the installed software and the system setup. eGlobe User Manual v 07.Page 52 E: Natural and Man made features F: Port features H.3 ECDIS Chart 1 (ECDIS Symbols) The ECDIS chart 1 contains symbols used in the system and a color test diagram.12.R. D. pipelines etc Nav symbols: Mariners navigational symbols M: Traffic routes N: Special areas P.T.Page 53 4. Under each key all symbols and colors used are presented. I: Depth.U: Aids and services Q Simplified: Buoys and beacons Q Traditional: Top marks Color Test Grayscale Black adjustment symbols Close the menu Color palette used Figure 3.S. K.2. L: Seabed obstructions. ECDIS Symbols: Chart 1 overview A. currents etc J.B 2: Information about Chart display 2 C.2012 August 2012 . ECDIS chart 1 Menu eGlobe User Manual v 07.B 1: Information about Chart display 1 A.08. 08. Information about the chart display (A. ECDIS Symbols Figure 5.Page 54 Figure 4.2012 August 2012 .B) 1 eGlobe User Manual v 07. 08.2012 August 2012 .(CDE) eGlobe User Manual v 07.Page 55 Figure 6 Information about the chart display (A.B) 2 Figure 7 Natural and man made features. Depths.I) eGlobe User Manual v 07. Port features (F) Figure 9. currents etc (H.Page 56 Figure 8.08.2012 August 2012 . Mariners navigational symbols eGlobe User Manual v 07. pipelines etc (JKL) Figure 11.08. Seabed obstructions.2012 August 2012 .Page 57 Figure 10. 08.Page 58 Figure 12.2012 August 2012 . Special areas (N) eGlobe User Manual v 07.Traffic routes (M) Figure 13. Page 59 Figure 14.08.S.2012 August 2012 .U) Figure 15.T. Buoys and beacons –Simplified (Q) eGlobe User Manual v 07. Aids and services (P.R. Color test diagram eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.Top marks traditional(Q) Figure 17.2012 August 2012 .Page 60 Figure 16. 2 please call for service as your monitor needs to be recalibrated.08. Black adjustment symbol IMPORTANT!!! If you cannot see or differentiate the lines on the screen of your ECDIS as shown on figures 17 an18 above with the brightness control correctly adjusted as per section 2. eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .2. Grey scale Figure 19.Page 61 Figure 18. Terms used on Charts ( 6. 4.12. To get a description of an attribute. .Number of optional attributes.08. Abbreviations . LINE or AREA. When an object is selected the following information is displayed: . click on the token in the Token-list and the description is displayed in the Description list.12. Cond Mandatory or Optional text box to fill the List labeled Mandatory/Cond Mandatory/Optional with all attributes for the desired group. .Page 62 4. In the drop-down list labeled Object all chart object classes are listed with their user friendly names and their object token. Can be POINT. Click the Mandatory.5 Abbreviations The abbreviations form shows an extract ( pages 88-89) from International Chart Series INT1 Symbols . . These are attributes that must exist for the object.Object geometry. a pattern attribute must also be defined. These are attributes that must exist if another mandatory attribute has certain values.4 Dictionary In the dictionary form the user can get information of the charts objects with attributes.Number of conditional mandatory attributes. .2.2.The list of attribute tokens is filled with values.2012 August 2012 . If for example a buoy has a color attribute with two or more colors. Edition 2008) eGlobe User Manual v 07.Number of mandatory attributes. 12.6 Information removed from standard display A list of objects removed from standard display is displayed in this form. eGlobe User Manual v 07. instead of waiting for a scheduled static data message. 4. When the AIS Ship Database menu item is clicked. Double click the ship name to expand/collapse the static data rows.2. a form with ship data is displayed.08.12.Page 63 4. The list is sorted by ship name. Ship and voyage static data is kept in a database ready to be displayed when another ship’s AIS first is heard.2. When information is removed from standard display an indication is shown in the upper left corner of the chart pane.2012 August 2012 .7 AIS Ship Database During operation eGlobe is collecting ship data received on the AIS. Call sign . hour. minute) eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .Type of ship.IMO number .Destination port .Size .ETA (month. For every ship and every destination sent by the ship’s AIS there is a record containing: .Draught .08. day.Page 64 For every ship there is one record containing: .MMSI number . 12. Selects a larger / smaller scale in steps of one up or down. Clicking on the icon or the box activates the function or opens the respective window. Increases / decreases the vector length. Nav = the chart follows the ship. Tip! To switch to nav mode.8 Symbol Function Bar The symbol function bar contains quick selections for the most frequently used functions.2012 August 2012 . Activation of the virtual control unit. Selection of View 3. Tip! Clicking in the position field activates the standard ruler showing bearing. Changes the program’s color setting to adapt it to the surrounding light conditions. press the ship symbol on the control unit or the Home key on the keyboard. Display from 0 seconds to an optional number of minutes. Selects day / night mode Indication TM / RM (True Motion / Relative Motion) Maneuvers TM / RM (True Motion / Relative Motion) Indication North Up / Course Up / Head Up Maneuvers North Up / Course Up / Head Up Indication of actual view class Maneuvers view class BASE / STANDARD / OTHER Selects the Standard Display at the largest scale Setting of a manual time mark on trail. Nav / Free. Free = the chart does not follow the ship. Activation of floating window for extra data. Symbol function bar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Selection of View 1. reciprocal bearing. Shows if the chart is under process by the computer or the chart is ready.Page 65 4. Selection of View 2. Day / night mode. Selection of View 4.2. Selects function table Navigation Selects function table Sensor channels Selects function table AIS Selects function table Chart query Selects function table Edit route Selects the Alarm list eGlobe User Manual v 07. Tip! Left click in the window to bring out a menu for quick selection of scales.08. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Figure 21. distance and ETA to cursor. Selects the Go To function Shows the selected scale. Position of cursor. See also the chapter Views. Vector length. Figure 20. comments and label • Ruler (3 types to choose. • ARPA target with ID and vector (prerequisite: an ARPA radar must be connected). Selected under ECDIS. • Database points with names. Standard dual selections and Other with individual selections. Free. View Class.3 Chart Pane In the chart pane the selected chart is presented according to eGlobe. in Scale or Automatic.2012 August 2012 . Ship Fixed). Chart pane with route presentation and own ship presented eGlobe User Manual v 07. On the chart the following information can be presented: • Own ship selected as Symbol. ship shadows. • Corner vectors. headline. • The charts can be presented as Display Base. wind vector • Selected route or multi-route with waypoints and their turning radius or name. predictor (prerequisite: an AIS transponder must be connected).08. Chart pane with routes presented Figure 23. • AIS target with ID and vector. Ship Free.Page 66 4. depending on the choice and selected range. 3. Figure 24.3. Standard or Other. Basic presentation according to ECDIS standard1) Standard display.Page 67 4. for example.1. view class (the key Ship on the Control Panel) the chart can be presented as Display Base.1 Display Selection in Chart Pane In the chart pane the following can be displayed: • The chart can be automatic selected to own ship position or manually selected.2.2012 August 2012 .Example of Display Base presentation eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. Since the chart information is saved in layers. In the ECDIS. The View Class dropdown list on the Symbol Function Bar allows quick selection of the level of detail in the chart presentation.1 Display Base The Display Base contains the chart with sea and land contours. it is possible to present that information which is of particular interest for one’s own navigation. It may. see also the STD button Display of customized information on the chart 1) It is not possible to remove any information from the Display Base. 4. • In View 1-4 on the Symbol Function Bar. 4. predefined chart pictures and settings of the ship presentation can be stored • Selected Routes in the menu bar • Information selected in the Display Menu. see.9. be of minor importance to see all the depth curves and point depths or text information in the chart. Page 68 The Display Base is selected as shown below: 4. The Standard display is selected as shown below: eGlobe User Manual v 07. etc • Visual and radar conspicuous features • Prohibited and restricted areas • Chart scale boundaries • Indication of cautionary notes. channels.2 Standard Display: The Standard Display adds on the following information: • Display Base • Drying line • Indication of fixed and floating aids to navigation • Boundaries of fairways.08. Example of Standard Display presentation.1.2012 August 2012 . Figure 25.3. tides • Services (pilot.Page 69 4. light floats/vessels • Administrative areas • New objects • Traffic routes • Restricted/cautionary areas • Information/protected areas • Swept areas and seabed dangers • Wrecks.08. magnetics.coastguard. currents.2012 August 2012 .3 Other Information Other Information can be composed in a special menu and the following information can be selected • Past track • Light sector areas • Buoys. signal stations) • Stations(radar.1.rescue) • Position lines (LOPs) • Non-important text • Zone of confidence pattern • Information points • Information about chart display • Shallow water area pattern • Unknown objects • Small craft facilities eGlobe User Manual v pipes and cables • Major coastal features and landmarks • Natural features and shore structures • Shallow soundings • Deep soundings • Depth contours. day marks. beacons. Zone of confidence pattern and Shallow water pattern.Page 70 The selection is made in the menu Select Chart Information: The key Mark All selects all but not Light Sector Areas. The selected items will be presented on the chart.08. Example of Other Information presentation eGlobe User Manual v 07. Figure 26. Each item can be selected individually.2012 August 2012 . Page 71 The Other Information is selected as shown below: 4. In RM the ship stand still and all chart information moves in small steps for each position change.5 * of SET Safety Contour (here 10m). The selection is made in the Symbol Function Bar. Figure 27. where the ship moves in the chart picture. See 20 meter curve below and further Safety Contour The Safety Contour value can be typed in an append menu.1. The Shallow contour is calculated as the equal or the next deeper contour to that Value.2. the advantage being that you always have a maximum lead. Depending on the Depth contours in the SENC the display of shallow contour may not be available.1. The contour is calculated as the equal or the next deeper contour and presented on the chart as a “bolder” line compared with other depth contours. eGlobe User Manual v 07.3. Safety contour presentation Shallow Contour The Shallow Contour is the depth contour on the shallow side of the Safety Depth Contour.3. 4. with a change of pictures when the ship comes to the edge.4 Display Motion/Moving the chart The chart picture may be presented in RM (Relative Motion) or TM (True Motion). Value = 0.8. The normal presentation is TM.2012 August 2012 . Page 72 Safety Depth The Safety Depth value can be typed in an append menu. Soundings with values higher than the Safety Depth will be “greyed out” and presented with Grey color. See further Figure 28. Safety depth presentation- Soundings with higher value than 50meters will be “grey” The selection is made under the ECDIS menu: eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 73 Scale Bar The Scale bar is shown in Display base when chart is presented in a scale of 1:80000 and larger. The color is orange and black. Each bar (red or grey) is 0.1 nautical mile in length. Figure 29. Scale bar presentation Latitude Bar The Latitude bar is visible in Display base when chart is presented in a scale of 1:80000 and smaller. The color is gray and black. Each bar (black or grey) is 1 nautical mile in length. Figure 30. Latitude bar presentation Non-standard indication When information is removed from standard display an indication is shown in the upper left corner of the chart pane. Figure 21 . Non standard indication. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 74 Target ? –indication In the upper right corner of the chart pane an indication is shown whenever the display of targets (AIS/ARPA) is in a non-default mode. To see the actual status place the cursor over the [Target ? ]-text. Figure 22. All targets removed. Figure 23. Filtering of sleeping AIS-targets Figure 24. Lost target alarm disabled SSE25- Expired cell permit warning According to S63-standard a warning message SSE25 must be displayed whenever a chart cell with a expired permit is displayed. In eGlobe the warning message is displayed in the upper middle part of the chart pane see Figure 25. SSE25-warning Figure 25. SSE25-warning Incorrect day or time Chart objects can have attributes specifying conditions varying in time. The default behavior is to use current date as check date. The checking of date can be modified, and in non-default modes an indication is shown in the upper left corner of the chart pane. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 75 Figure 26.2012 August 2012 .08.Non default checking of periodical attributes. eGlobe User Manual v 07. 08. For further information about the function and contents in the respective tables.Page 76 4.2012 August 2012 . Position Source Positioning system mode Position lat/long with offset (if entered) Course made good Course/speed reference Speed made good Ship heading with reference Eight alternative tables can be presented to the right-hand of the screen. course.4 Function Tables At the top of the function tables navigation data such as position. please refer to the chapter Navigation. speed and heading of the ship is displayed. Precision table Ocean table Docking table Sensor table eGlobe User Manual v 07. Page 77 AIS table Chart query Route edit Alarm table Figure 27.2012 August 2012 .08. Function tables eGlobe User Manual v 07. 1 Prediction General One of the most advanced functions in eGlobe is the possibility of prediction. The heading projection. With the Precision table selected. a quick glance at the screen is enough to verify that the requested maneuver is sufficient to go clear. 5. it is possible to change the predictor characteristics. By selecting the Precision table or the Cross-over table.2 Vector The vector is the simplest type of prediction. This avoids parallax and position errors in calculations and presentation. With prediction. since a ship at sea is normally allowed somewhat more space to move. where the predictors are often too sensitive. One of the prerequisites for the predictor is the “virtual antenna”. the program’s filter characteristics are adapted to use for navigation in narrow waters. The length of the vector represents the ship’s voyage during the set time period for the vector. and is particularly appreciated at poor visibility. where all tendencies must show quickly and clearly.3 Predictor predictor. 5. All predictor presentation is designed to show the trend clearly with simple graphical elements without concealing the chart picture. which is the very essence of all navigation and particularly useful in difficult waters with poor visibility.Page 78 5 5. strong winds and rapid-flowing water.2012 August 2012 . too. the filters are adapted to give a more stable eGlobe User Manual v 07. which makes it possible to correct the physical placement of the antenna and present the antenna in the ship’s turn center. The vector is suitable for use in open waters. which the ship’s speed The predictor is a more advanced type of graphically shows the integrated result of and course over ground and the rate of turn.08. With the Cross-over table selected. is shown as an indication of the leeway. which only shows speed and course over ground. The predictor function is primarily intended for archipelago navigation and harbor approach. which may be considerable during a narrow turn with a strong side wind or flowing water.08. 5. The function is primarily intended for archipelago navigation. Together. 5. strong winds and rapid-flowing water. the shadows and the predictor clearly show if the ship’s motion would diverge due to errors in the positioning or the compass. this predictor also shows the ship’s sweep area.5 Extra Vectors Extra vector show the ship’s fore-and-aft and abeam speed and the rate of turn (ROT).Page 79 predictor and calmer numeric data.2012 August 2012 .4 Full Predictor The full predictor is a highly advanced graphical presentation of the integrated result of the ship’s heading projection. In addition to the turn prediction. but shadows have a close relationship to prediction and are therefore described here. The shadows show the history in the form of a selectable number of ship silhouettes that are drawn at a selectable interval. eGlobe User Manual v 07. steering and putting in. The characteristics of the full predictor can be influenced with the Precision and Cross-over tables. speed and course over ground and rate of turn. harbor approach. They make it possible for the navigator to check visually that the prediction is correct. where they offer a very clear graphical illustration of the totality of the ship’s motion. and is particularly appreciated at poor visibility. 5.6 Shadows The presentation of shadows is not a prediction. The corner vectors are especially useful for very large ships during complicated maneuvers at extremely low speed. The figure shows the normal presentation. eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .Page 80 5.8 Trail presentation The trail can be presented in a number of layouts.08. 5.7 Wind vector The wind vector shows the wind direction and the wind speed. 08.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07.9 Docking presentation The docking manoeuvre can be presented in detail by use of functions extra vector and the shadow presentation.Page 81 5. 6.1 View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts in General View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts is always ticked by default. All chard Data such as new SENC. On a networked installation (Master .Page 82 6 Chart Handling IMPORTANT!!! To avoid viruses and to ensure the eGlobe system stability please use only a dedicated USB memory device to transfer chart data from other sources (e.g. 6.3 6. eGlobe User Manual v 07. For installing S-57 or S-63 Exchange Sets the mode View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts must be selected. communication computer) into eGlobe.1 Chart Handler A special application Chart Handler is used to manage chart collection for eGlobe.2012 August 2012 . Updates and Permits as applicable will be copied to another station(s) on eGlobe network. Please mark this dedicated USB memory device with one of the “eGlobe” sticks provided.08. To start Chart Handler change to the Start Up menu application and select Chart Handler: It is possible to use Chart Handler running together with eGlobe but for safety reasons we recommend that chart maintenance is done in the port when eGlobe is not used for navigation.3.2 Handling S-57 and S-63 Exchange sets – Chart Type Selection For S-57 Exchange Sets and S-63 data select type S-57/S-63 Charts. This lists all available information on charts of the chart format currently installed. 6.Back Up) we recommend to use always the same workstation for chart maintenance. 2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07. S-57 and S-63 Exchange Sets are delivered in a folder named ENC_ROOT. If a CD/DVD with a different chart data format is mounted e.Page 83 View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts lists all found S-57 and S-63 Exchange Sets that can be installed onto the system. If no CD/DVD is automatically selected please select the directory where all Exchange Sets are stored using the Browse button.031. and select the path where the data is stored.g. the following message will be displayed: Confirm the message if you want to install this data format.08. This folder contains the chart files and a catalogue file named CATALOG. In that case mount a CD/DVD with the required data. Click on No if you want to install S-57 or S-63 Exchange Sets. or select another directory with the Browse button. User Interface for View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts If no S-57 Exchange Sets are found in that drive a respective message appears. 2.crt.1 Actions of View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts Actions of View Importable S-57/S-63 Charts . The number of permits contained in the respective item (Exchange Set). This icon is only displayed in case a file README.TXT is available. Dover Strait. For the single charts the unique number the chart producer has assigned to the chart/chart set is displayed. S-63 Note: Please make sure the correct certificate (Primar. Only charts with a valid eGlobe User Manual v 07.g. Only after reading the permit files you can install the charts. The Agency Token of the producer.3.3. In case there is no correct certificate no charts will be installed. Chart Title Charts Permits Updates Issue Date Msg 6. An icon that – when clicked – displays information about the data set.2. Chart List The Chart List contains the following information: Permit Status Data Type Chart No The status of the permit for the respective chart unit determining its validity period.) has been installed before installing S-63 charts.2012 August 2012 .2 Install Charts Install Charts Update Charts S-57 no permits required.. e.3.2 6. The type of the chart or exchange set. . The date the S-57 chart was made available by the data producer. The number of update files belonging to the respective Exchange Set and the single S-57 charts. The descriptive name of the S-57 Exchange Set.Page 84 Note: Do not select ENC_ROOT directly! Always select the superior folder.Overview The following functions are available: 6. The number of charts contained in the respective Exchange Set.08.. g. Installation of Base and Update Cells and application of updates is processed cell by cell (i.e. In case an exchange set includes e. If you try to install an S-63 chart without a valid permit the following error message appears: You can choose whether to install all charts or only selected ones. In that case a warning message will be displayed (see below).2. e. After at least one item in the Chart List has been selected you can start the installation process.3 Update Charts If at least one item in the Chart List contains update files this button is used to start the updating process. it may happen that updates cannot be completely applied.e.08.2012 August 2012 .g.Page 85 permit can be installed. a wrong update number.3. After they have been loaded the charts can be used without any restriction. different from those data allowed according to the S-57 standard) these files will be loaded as well.doc or . Warning Message: Not all chart updates could be applied eGlobe User Manual v 07. chart file by chart file).pdf files (i. . 6. Due to various reasons. This allows for cancelling without losing the installation state already achieved. File Selection Box for reading Permit Files Having once been loaded the chart permits are permanently stored.1 Validate Actions of Validate The following functions are available: Read Permit Check S-63 Permits 6... Clicking on the Read Permit button opens a dialogue to select the permit file.4 6. or together with the charts on the CD.2 Read Permit (S57/S-63) S-57 Exchange Sets are not protected. This might be a file with the extension *.txt.\ChartHandler\data.4.3 Check S-63 Permits Clicking on the Check S-63 Permits button opens a management dialogue which reads the file s63permits.4. Thus the respective charts can be read and displayed any time as long as the permit is valid.4. Before importing the S-63 Exchange Sets it is necessary to read the permit file(s).08.Page 86 6. therefore permit files are not required. This file is part of the delivery and stored in . 6. eGlobe User Manual v 07.prm or *. Even if you should ever delete one of these charts you will still be able to reload it.txt.2012 August 2012 . Permits may be delivered on a separate medium. eGlobe User Manual v 07. the DataServer (Producer) of the permit. expiry date.08.Page 87 Permit Management Dialog of the Function Check S-63 Permits The dialogue shows all installed S-63 Permits. It is possible to select single permits by checking the respective box in the Permitstatus column. cellname for which the permit is valid and if available. For each permit it lists status.2012 August 2012 . 08. Any previously saved s63permits.Page 88 Colours white yellow red still valid for more than 30 days still valid for less than 30 days expired permit Delete Expired Permits If this option is checked all expired permits will be deleted when the Delete button is clicked. Delete All Permits If this option is checked all permits will be deleted when the Delete button is clicked. or only those manually selected. Whenever Delete is clicked the existing s63permits. Deselect All If this option is checked all manually selected permits in the dialogue will be deselected.txt is renamed s63permits.bak is deleted. Delete will delete the permits as specified by the different options.2012 August 2012 .bak. eGlobe User Manual v 07. S-63 charts are displayed as S-63 Chart. e.5. For the single charts the unique number / cell name the chart producer has assigned to the chart is displayed.Page 89 6.08. Dover Strait. The type of the chart.2012 August 2012 . The status of the permit for the respective chart unit determining its validity period.1 View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts in General After the successful installation of S-57 or S-63 Exchange Sets all installed charts are listed when View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts mode is selected. View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts Chart List The Chart List contains the following information: Permit Status Data Type Chart No. The Agency Token of the producer.5 6.g. Chart Title Charts Edition eGlobe User Manual v 07. S-57 Exchange Sets are displayed as S-57 Base Set. The edition of the exchange set and for the single charts the edition number of the chart and the number of applied updates is displayed. The number of charts contained in the respective Exchange Set. The descriptive name of the Exchange Set. Remove Charts With this button it is possible to delete selected charts including all updates.08.g. Since S-57 Exchange Sets do not require permits it is recommended to use the button Remove Charts instead. USB stick for future reference. An icon that – when clicked – displays information about the data set. eGlobe User Manual v 07.TXT is available.2012 August 2012 . 6.5.5. See Updates This function allows viewing installed updates in a modified version of the overview window 6.Page 90 Updated Msg For the exchange set the date when it was last updated. or the complete exchange set with all chart files.2 Actions of View Installed S-57/S-63 Charts The following actions are available for installed S-57/S-63 Charts: Remove Invalid Charts This function removes all charts without a valid permit.3 Actions and Error logs By use of Save Log command it is possible to save selected Actions and error logs on the external media e. This icon is only displayed in case a file README. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Please refer to chapters 3 – 8 for the different data types.e.6 ChartHandler Wizard The Wizard is available when ChartHandler is started. Open the Wizard by clicking on Start Wizard for Chart Actions at the top of the ChartHandler interface. ChartHandler Wizard All actions can also be performed by hand after closing the ChartHandler Wizard. a set of simplified charts (usage Overview) covering the whole world. However. these charts should not be used for navigation but allow for better orientation.08. The Wizard offers to comfortably install new charts update charts remove charts You will be guided step by step. The Wizard can read all chart permits. i.7 World Data Set The shipment of Chart Handler includes the World Data Set. Note: To ensure that the latest chart version is stored updates should always be read last. 6. The World Data Set is installed in data/denc/cells.Page 91 6. It can read various chart CDs one after another.2012 August 2012 . Type formats ARCS. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Start Wizard for Chart Actions function button 2.8 ACES Chart Data The eGlobe system is pre-filled with ACES chart data (SENC/S63). 6.2012 August 2012 . Selection and Action Section 3. VPF (DNC/VMAP) or BSB are not supported in eGlobe. This can be S-57/S-63. Advanced Functions After calling ChartHandler and closing ChartHandler Wizard the main dialogue window opens.9 The User Interface of the Main Dialogue Window User Interface of the Main Dialogue Window 1. The loaded chart collection needs to be updated as part of the commissioning routine. directENC. Please refer to ACES Getting Started Guide for instructions. Top left under Select Chart Type the format of the charts to be displayed can be selected. Chart List 4.Page 92 6. Chart Coverages 5.08. but the charts are encrypted (formerly known as 'PRIMAR' standard). Protected charts can be installed only after having installed the necessary keys or permits (See Validate above).08. and installs the selected charts to your chart database. To install protected charts (S-63. direct ENC) appropriate Permits/Keys are required. Please note that information is displayed only for the Chart Type previously selected in the Select Chart Type section. or on those found in a source directory (e. Clicking directENC lists information on directENC chart units. S-57 means charts that are organised in so-called 'Exchange Sets'. Since S-57 Exchange Sets do not require permits it is recommended to use the button Remove Charts instead. S63x.g. and removes the selected charts from your chart database. Remove Charts is enabled if charts are highlighted in the list below.2012 August 2012 . Checking Show Chart Coverages will open an Overview Chart displaying the rectangles showing the coverage area of charts currently displayed in the list. Select Mode In this box you can choose whether you want to see information on charts already installed on your system.10 Selection and Action Section Selection and Action Section Select Chart Type In this box you can select the (technical) chart format or product for which you need information. Action Install Charts is enabled if charts are highlighted in the list below. This function removes all charts without a valid permit. CD or some directory on the disk).Page 93 6. Remove Invalid Charts is available for charts which require a valid permit. You can select a directory by clicking on Browse. S-63 is the same format. Validate Read Permit opens a file dialogue for selecting Key or Permit files to be installed in the Permit database. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Only unprotected S-57 Charts or custom-created directENC Chart Units can be installed without any permits. Page 94 See Updates is enabled after a successful update of charts in the database. Create Chart Unit opens a file dialogue for selecting S-57 Base Cells to be contained in a directENC Unit.2012 August 2012 . and installed to the chart database.08. and opens a dialogue showing chart symbols previously changed by the update. Install ENCs is only available in directENC mode and allows to install ENCs (S57 files) instead of directENC charts. Update Chart Unit opens a file dialogue for selecting S-57 Update Cells to be applied to the installed charts of the chart database. eGlobe User Manual v 07. 11 Chart Coverages To open or close the Chart Coverages window select or deselect the Show Chart Coverages box in the Select Mode section. Clicking on a position in the Chart Coverage highlights the chart(s) and the corresponding list entries. Selecting a chart in the list highlights the chart in the display. eGlobe User Manual v 07. The chart section displayed can be shifted by clicking on the eight red arrows surrounding the display.Page 95 6. Ticking Select bottom left allows to select charts. Dialogue window ChartHandler with no chart selected The Chart Coverage section of the ChartHandler window shows the bounding boxes of the charts available in the set.08.2012 August 2012 . Moreover. the size of the chart section can be enlarged by resizing the window using the left mouse button. and select the display scale eGlobe User Manual v 07. to open the drop-down list.2012 August 2012 .Page 96 Dialogue window ChartHandler with selected chart Zoom ChartHandler offers various methods to zoom in and out: to zoom by drawing a rectangle enclosing the area to be enlarged. to increase or decrease the display scale around the chart centre.08. 12. The number of chart insets / plans. The type of the chart or exchange set. An icon that – when clicked – displays information about the data set. The date the chart was made available by the data producer.08. of the chart unit. The number of charts contained in the respective Exchange Set. e.1 Chart List in General Depending on the selected Chart Type and Select Mode certain information is displayed in the Chart List: Permit Status Data Type Chart No The status of the permit for the respective chart unit determining its validity period.g.12 Chart List 6. Chart Title Charts Scale Plans Edition Permits Updates Updated Issue Date Msg eGlobe User Manual v 07. The scale of the chart.TXT is available. The number of update files belonging to the respective Exchange Set and the single charts. The date the chart was last updated. Dover Strait.2012 August 2012 . The descriptive name of the Exchange Set. For the single charts the unique number the chart producer has assigned to the chart/chart set is displayed. This icon is only displayed in case a file README. The Agency Token of the producer.Page 97 6. Edition No. The number of permits contained in the respective item (Exchange Set). 12.3 Permit Status No permit existing No permit file has been loaded yet.13 Advanced Functions To open or close the Advanced Functions select or deselect the Advanced box below the Chart Coverages. Date displayed is the expiry date.08.e. eGlobe User Manual v 07. No permit required. unlimited validity. When expanded all contained charts are listed: Not expanded S-57 Exchange Sets Expanded S-57 Exchange Sets 6.2012 August 2012 .Page 98 6. Yellow background: validity will expire soon (i. 6. Permanently valid.12. Chart unit contains charts with different permit validity.2 Expandable Items In the Chart List the items are expandable. less than 31 days). 2012 August 2012 .14 The User Interface of the See Updates Function The function See Updates opens a modified user interface. Dialogue window See Updates At first the respective chart has to be selected from this drop down list: eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.Page 99 6. e. Return to Chart Handling On the right hand side.08. Information about the last update. Latitude of the position of the object. modified. ID of the feature object.g. eGlobe User Manual v 07. e. Date when the file was installed (only for the base cell). whether it has been inserted. for S-57 Exchange Sets.Page 100 Update List The Update List contains the following information: Action Class Record ID Update Info LAT LON Edition Update Applied Issued Type Information about the respective object.2012 August 2012 . S-57 Edition of the cell. too. In case charts have been removed before with Remove Charts the respective update information is removed. Type of Update (automatic or manual) When an object in the list is selected it will be focussed in the Chart Coverages window. closes the update display and returns to the previous view. Number of the update. S-57 Object Class. deleted.g. Purge Cell List Removes invalid update entries. Date when the file was first issued (only for the base cell). Longitude of the position of the object. The updates are displayed automatically at start-up. Pull-down menu Manual Update eGlobe User Manual v 07.Page 101 6. Selection of chart to be updated Review of inserted objects View update log Figure 35. Manual Updates can be inserted to the system by use of the Pull-down menu Manual Updates on the Menu bar under the Char heading.08. The updates are stored in the system and will be overlay on the chart.2012 August 2012 .15 Manual Updates The chart information and Other Information in the SENC can manually be updated temporarily until updated information is installed in the system. delete.1. This menu is used to insert. The pointer will be marked with M.15.Page 102 6.1. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Click on the object in the description and click on the Delete button.08.15.2 Delete Object An inserted object can be deleted. annotate or withdraw an object. Click on key Delete Object. A menu will be presented in which the object is described. Point and click on the object that shall be deleted. the following menu will be presented: By double click on the desired object the pointer will be added with M. move.15.2012 August 2012 . Point to the position where to place the object and click. 6.1 Updates to be inserted By selecting the Edit line in the chart menu the following menu will be presented.1 Insert Object By clicking on the Insert Object key. User id to be inserted Area where information can be inserted Object name to be inserted Key for selection of objects to be inserted Key for deletion of an inserted manual object Key to move an inserted object Key to annotate an inserted object Key to withdraw an inserted object 6. 15.1.1. Figure 36.5 Withdraw Object A manual updated object can be withdrawn information of the object by clicking in the Withdraw key and point the cursor marked with M and click. The pointer will be marked with M.3 Move Point Object An inserted object can be moved. Click on the object in the menu and click on the key Move. Point on the object and click. A Select Object menu will be presented.15.1.4 Annotate Object By selecting the key Annotate Object.Page 103 6.15. Add this information to the object in the Chart Query Result list by clicking the pointer marked with M on the object position. Menu to present history of updates made eGlobe User Manual v 07. information about an object can be inserted into the information area. 6. Withdraw menu 6. 6.2012 August 2012 .15.2 Review of Manual Updates The review of updates presents a menu where history of updates can be viewed. A menu will be presented in which information about an object can be withdrawn. Click on key Move Point Object. Click on the new position and the object will be moved. Figure 37.08. Even if no other changes has been made to chart collection (e.Page 104 6.g. Note: For Network configurations: When Manual updates are completed it is recommended to exit eGlobe and run Chart Handler on the same eGlobe station. Do NOT start Chart Handler on other stations.08. The manual update log can be viewed with the Update Log menu item. ACES updates or new permits loading) select to promulgate changes to ECDIS to synchronize ChartWork and Manual updates works done to other eGlobe stations on a network. Make sure they all ON and connected to network. Figure 38.3 Update Log All manual updates are recorded.2012 August 2012 . 6. Chart work menu eGlobe User Manual v 07.15.16 Chart Work The chart work menu is used for updating chart object list. New object can be inserted and existing objects can be deleted. 2012 August 2012 . 6.2 Insert a Clearing Line The Clearing line can be defined with three categories.08. The point shall be inserted on the chart. Press the key Insert New Object.1.16. 6.Page 105 Insert a Danger highlight A Danger Highlight can either be a point or an area. When selected object is an area or a line. Draw the line on the chart by use of the trackball. eGlobe User Manual v 07. draw it on the map and save it to the database. NMT or NLT.1. An area shall be drawn by use of the trackball and click function. Undefined.1 Insert a new object Select an object in the list. See specification of each object below. The line and the area shall be drawn on the chart. Recorded date will be set automatically.Page 106 6.1. The user remark shall be typed in.1.1. 6. 6.16. The time for the event will be set automatic.16. Information or Caution.08. Line or Area. The Object name and User remark shall be typed in. The object name and user remark shall be typed in.2012 August 2012 .16.5 Insert a Mariners note The Mariners notes can be inserted as Point and the following category of note can be selected: Undefined.3 Insert an Event Events can be inserted as points. eGlobe User Manual v 07.4 Insert a Mariners feature The Mariners feature can be inserted as Point. The time for the event will be set automatically. 6 Insert a Tidal stream Tidal streams can be inserted on the chart as Points.2 Delete Existing Object An existing object can be deleted by pressing the key Delete Existing Object and pointing on the object on the chart and click. The Current strength and orientation have to be typed in. Even if no other changes has been made to chart collection (e.g.1. Make sure they all ON and connected to network.16. Do NOT start Chart Handler on other stations.2012 August 2012 . 6. Note: For Network configurations: When chartwork is completed it is recommended to exit eGlobe and run Chart Handler on the same eGlobe station.Page 107 6. Local time will be set automatically. eGlobe User Manual v 07.16. Predicted or Actual. The Category of current can be selected as: Undefined.08. ACES updates or new permits loading) select to promulgate changes to ECDIS to synchronize ChartWork and Manual updates works done to other eGlobe stations on a network. The settings for navigation and ship presentation are made at System set-up. it is also used for the settings required if eGlobe runs in a network. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Adveto Charts etc) The chart information in a specific directory is then ”linked” to a “View” key to enable quick selection of the material you want to look at. The submenu Communication Settings is used for setting the communication via the computer’s serial ports and for the selection of GPS receiver.4 It is possible to save only the settings connected to the actual chart and the actual view presented (center position. Saves settings 7. S-63.2012 August 2012 . ChartWorld. The submenus for selection of System and Communication settings are protected by password.2 Connect directory to view In eGlobe you may use different chart material ( S-57.1 Configuration General The pull-down menu Configure is used to select basic settings in eGlobe. See Technical Description See Technical Description Connect directory to view. chart level etc) All settings Save all settings in eGlobe 7.4 Password Handling Some of the configuration settings are hidden under password. PRIMAR. zoom.3 Save • • View Settings for View: 1. 7.08. See Technical Description.Page 108 7 7. presentation of the next harbor View 4 – Especially difficult navigation leg in the route By “right-clicking” with the trackball-button. A number of help tools are available.2 Selection of views Views refer to pre-defined chart pictures and settings of the ship presentation as well as tools with various settings. The “View buttons I-IV” can be used to switch between views quickly and conveniently.08. frozen in the current position) or NAV (the chart picture follows the ship’s motion). the picture moves so that the ship is always visible on the chart. drawn on the chart close to the ship. 8. Navigation is made by use of a selected route that is displayed graphically on the chart. Below is a proposal for how to use the views.2012 August 2012 . overview View 3 – Harbor. The navigation instruments make it easy to follow the planned route with consideration to the current leeway. In free navigation. The cursor position will be the center of the new picture.1 Navigation mode The chart presentation can be position-controlled or free. 8. zoomed in View 2 – Navigation. Currently active navigation mode is indicated by ”Nav” or “Free” on the symbol function bar. a new view can be created over the cursor position and selected to one of the views. In position-controlled navigation. Each view can be selected as free (i. heading projection and trails. N.e.B. the picture can be moved with the trackball or arrow keys. eGlobe User Manual v 07. each view may have completely individual and unique settings. and clicking on the respective views is a quick way of switching between these settings. View 1 – Navigation. Consequently. Other tools are: vectors. All settings under the menus ECDIS and Display are unique for each view.Page 109 8 Navigation Digital charts can be presented in the views (1-4). on the symbol line. 8.08.Page 110 “Save All settings” in the menu “Configure” makes the view definition permanent. Figure 39. PgDn zooms in.3 Goto Position The function Goto. it is possible to enter a waypoint position and add it to the route by clicking on [Insert WP] without having to find the position in the chart. whereupon the chart picture “jumps” to this position. • The control unit offers an additional possibility of changing quickly between pre-set scales by use of the keys “bay zoom” and “pier zoom”. 8. • The easiest way is to use the control unit: Zin and Zout.2012 August 2012 . 8.4 Zoom-Selection of Scale The simple way of changing the scale quickly is to make a left key click on the scale value in the symbol line and selecting the required scale in the popup menu. There are several alternative methods for zooming in and out in the chart: • Zoom in / out by clicking the buttons arrow up/arrow down next to the scale selection part • PgUp on the keyboard zooms out. if these functions have been set for the control unit. In addition.1 Over Scale When the information is displayed at a larger scale than that contained in the ENC a vertical line pattern is presented.4. Also changes in the set-up for the respective views are saved. Over scale pattern eGlobe User Manual v 07. lets you enter a position manually and then click on [OK]. from 1 minute to 2 minutes. 1.6 Cursor position The symbol function bar shows the current cursor position.08. e. 2. Figure 40.Page 111 8. 3.4. the ENC chart boarder will be drawn and presented as a magenta colored line in the chart. Also to 0 seconds. Press the up button to increase the vector time. activation of a ruler changes the display to current bearing and reciprocal bearing plus distance in meters or Nm to the cursor. The vector time is displayed on the symbol function bar. 8.g. 8.2012 August 2012 . Press the down button to reduce the vector length ⇒ The vectortip shows the estimated position for the defined time.5 The Vector length (speed over ground) length of the course and speed vector for own ship and for AIS and ARPA targets can be changed in steps of 1 minute. 15 seconds and 30 seconds. Press the button arrow up/arrow down on the symbol function bar. Chart boarder. The vector shows the estimated position after 4 minutes voyage. eGlobe User Manual v 07.2 Chart boarder If the own ship’s position is covered by an ENC at a larger scale than that Currently presented. 7.7 8. 8. it is also used to show if a connected transponder has received a text message. See the section ”Extended AIS table”.2012 August 2012 .8 Show Nav status The Nav status indicator shows how the system loads and symbolizes the charts.08. eGlobe User Manual v 07. When a chart picture is redrawn.1 Time Label Interval Setup Time Label Interval The Position Label Interval can be inserted manual in the menu. the computer fetches (Load) the information from the hard disk. Flashing green indicator means that the program has received a text message from the AIS transponder.Page 112 8. When everything has been drawn. whereupon the information is drawn in the background. the picture changes and the new picture is presented (Ready). followed by a symbolization (Symb). eGlobe User Manual v 07. 2. The alternatives will step from Day H to Night ⇒ The selections represent different color scheme standards according to ECDIS specification. Press the D/N button on the control unit to choose between the different day and night alternatives.9 The Selection of day/night presentation function Day/Night presentation changes the colors and the intensity on the screen to adapt to surrounding light conditions. 1.08. Warning: Use of the brightness control may inhibit visibility of information at night! When changing the brightness the indicator on the symbol bar will display DRAW which means the map is drawn on the display. There are three possibilities change the presentation: Via the symbol function bar.Page 113 8.2012 August 2012 . 3. Select in the drop-down menu on the symbol function bar Day/Night. Press the END key on the keyboard. control panel and via to the keyboard. via the menu bar. 1.Page 114 8.10 Selection of route Creation of new routes.1.1 8.10. 2.2 Final waypoint See 8.2012 August 2012 .10. Source Route monitoring will be presented. eGlobe User Manual v 07. see the section Route preparation. The own ship position can continuously be supervised and if the deviation is larger than defined an alarm will be given. select 1. Press the button [Route] on the control unit 2. 4.1 Next waypoint See 8.3 Dangerous Objects Dangerous objects can be monitored during route monitoring. Select a route with the arrow keys on the control unit “Route” “Open route” Click on the required route Click on [Open] ⇒ The route is presented on the chart. The menu Dangerous Objects. Press the button [%] (Enter) on the control unit or. 8.1 8.12. 8.1 Route Monitoring The route can be monitored during navigation.08. 3.1.12. 11 Setting of Safe Navigation Values Values for alarm or indication of Air draught and Safe distance can be set in the Safe Navigation Values menu. 8. Limit of deviation.2012 August 2012 . XTE. Figure 41.2 Deviation from Route. When actual value exceeds the limit an alarm is given.limit/ Course Limit.10.08.Page 115 8. The following menu will be presented. The value 0 (zero) means that no checking is done. XTE Deviation from route is set in the Edit function table either as a crosstrack-error-limit (XTE-limit) or a course limit. eGlobe User Manual v 07. The ship’s entering of Special Condition Areas can be selected as alarm or as indication.08. minutes and seconds. filter parameters in the program are adjusted for prompt indication of tendencies in ship symbol and numerical values. The Warning Time can be set in hours. The instrument shows with meter precision exactly how the ship adheres to the route. there is continuous position quality display. Precision eGlobe User Manual v 07. 8. Navigation table. which with very high precision guides the navigator in following the current route.12 Navigation tables There are different navigation tables.Page 116 In the menu the Air Draught and Safe Distance can be set in m. Mode selection buttons Date Course of current leg Course of next leg Navigation Instrument Schematic Ship Symbol Selectable info box Click on label to select Distance in NM or meters to next WOP Cross track divergence from current leg Selectable info box Click on label to select Name of next Waypoint Time to sail to next WOP Date for ETA to next ETApoint Name of next ETA point DGPS box. In addition. It presents numerical and graphical information. 8.12. In addition. The Wheel-Over-Alarm time can be set in hours.1 Precision table The precision table is especially intended for navigation in archipelagos and narrow waters. which helps the navigator to see any tendencies in the ship’s motion at a very early stage. minutes and seconds.2012 August 2012 . During turns the instrument shows a turn prognosis as an indication of how optimally the turn will be completed. see sep ETA or Time to next ETA- description Difference Time and Time Zone between primary and in position Figure 42. which supply continuous graphical and numerical information as to how the ship follows the current route. 08.12. The instrument is designed to guide the navigator clearly and optimally the straightest way in the route even in rapid-flowing water.2012 August 2012 . water streams and gyrocompass errors in latitude and speed. The box HTS (Heading To Steer) shows the course through water that the ship must steer to compensate for wind drift. description see sep Heading to steer Distance to next waypoint Name of next ETA point ETA or Time to next ETA Position difference between primary and secondary pos.2 Ocean sailing table The ocean-sailing table is intended for navigation over open water. Time and Timezone Figure 43. Mode selection buttons Date Course of current leg Cross track divergence from current leg -numerical -graphical Course of next leg Navigation instrument Schematic ship symbol Course to steer Name of next waypoint Date/Time to sail to next waypoint in route Date or number of days for arrival to next ETA point DGPS box.Page 117 8. which guides the navigator in following the current route. The filter parameters are adjusted to give a calm and stable presentation of ship symbol and numerical values even in bad weather. It presents numerical and graphical information. Ocean sailing table eGlobe User Manual v 07. and course after next turn to the right. and tendencies to a course drift are shown even before the drift is a fact. If the antenna has been moved out as a ”virtual antenna”. The ship can be shown in scale or showing drift – double-click the ship symbol to change the display. the drift is presented graphically as the ship’s turn in the instrument. Precision navigation instrument eGlobe User Manual v 07. We recommend strongly for navigation: “ship – showing drift” • “Showing drift”. • “Ship in scale”. the instrument shows the position of the virtual antenna. The number at the bottom represents the lateral divergence from the route in meters.2012 August 2012 .Page 118 8.3 Navigation instrument The navigation instrument is a graphical two-dimensional description of the ship’s situation relative to route.12. The scale normally goes in steps of 10 meters but may be changed in the menu “Configure”. The arrow in front of the lateral divergence indicates starboard or port divergence. 8. the display is enlarged compared to the chart and the ship’s turn presents the actual heading direction relative to route.08.showing drift Not showing drift Double click for changing between showing drift –or not Figure 45. Ship symbol .12.4 Navigation instrument information during straight travel The numbers at the top represent planned route courses – current course to the left. Page 119 8. the instrument shows a prognosis of how the turn will be carried out to for optimal entry into the new (next) leg of the monitored route.5 Navigation instrument information during turn During a turn.2012 August 2012 . Turn prognosis.08. diverg. completed turn (graphically) Next course to steer Course to steer when the turn is completed <<Turn<< indicates turn to port Prognosis in meters Figure 46.12. The navigation instrument during turn eGlobe User Manual v 07. The presentation is selected to give an integrated illustration of all ship movements with high resolution and great precision. fore-and-aft and abeam speed. true and relative True wind direction Transverse speed DGPS box.08. The table shows course. Figure 47.2012 August 2012 .Page 120 8.6 Docking table The docking table is intended for harbor maneuvers or other precision maneuvers.12. It is possible to supplement the display with data for pitch or throttle-up as well as rudder display. Mode selection buttons Date Heading Turnrate indicator Turnrate Wind speed. Docking table eGlobe User Manual v 07. RoT as well as wind direction and wind velocity. see sep description Position difference between Time and Time zone primary and secondary pos. number of satellites used in the position calculation and position quality based on used satellites. Indication of “normal” GPS or differential GPS (GPS – DGPS). signal strength for the diff. indication ”RDS” for RDS corrections 5. green indicates good position quality. For extra clearness.08. Should the positioning be lost completely. position errors are indicated with a precision down to the decimeter. “No Nav” is then presented in the Nav Instrument. you will see if the D-GPS receiver receives valid corrections. where the need for high positions quality is critical. With a standard D-GPS receiver. The fact that position errors may appear at random and often in harbor areas and narrow waters. the position quality indicator shifts colors at pre-set breakpoint values. Critical data from the DGPS receiver are displayed continuously.12. Number of satellites used by the GPS receiver eGlobe User Manual v 07. calls for a quick and clear indication. the field turns red and ”?????” is displayed. 2. signal / noise ratio for long-wave signal.Page 121 8. and with those ADVETO D-GPS receivers that make use of AIM technology.7 GPS status One of the corner-stones for exact positioning is to have control over possible errors from the D-GPS receiver.2012 August 2012 . Should the differential correction disappear. DGPS status instrument GPS status: 1. It is possible to change frequencies on the IALA receiver or change the correction source. With an AIM-compatible ADVETO D-GPS. Source of position quality (HDOP =”normal” DGPS receivers. 7. green field indicates a position quality of better than 1 meter and yellow field a position quality of 1-5 meters. Read field indicates a position error of 5-10 meters. IALA lighthouse. and these data are weighed together and presented as a line in the position quality indicator. 1 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 Figure 48. Indicator for analogue display of position quality (best value to the left). IALA lighthouse frequency in kHz. 3. 4. correction long-wave signal 6. With an eGlobe-compatible D-GPS receiver. yellow = doubtful and red = bad. you will have complete control of the position quality. the field turns red and “GPS” is displayed. IALA lighthouse. AIM=Adveto Integrity Monitoring). 13 Presentation during navigation The following navigation tools are available: • • • • • • The Nav instrument presents the ship’s position and movement relative to route The route in its entirety is presented graphically with turning radius The heading projection line shows the ship’s heading The vector shows a prediction of the ship’s movement in the chart. i. straight course 8.e. in the navigation-table the distance and Time-To-Go can be read. Simultaneously. The trail shows the ship dead water The ruler presents bearing and distance and “time to sail” to the cursor Wind vector and wind speed Shadow Ship in scale Heading -line Route presentation Figure 49. • An acoustic signal indicates when it is time to start the turn (= when the wheel-over-line is passed) • The Nav instrument presents the text “Turn” together with a turn prognosis.14 Presentation before and during turn The following turning tools are available: • The route in its entirety is presented graphically with the selected turning radius • The Nav instrument shows graphically the distance to the wheel-over-line. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.Page 122 8. how the ship is estimated to enter into the next leg of the route. Navigation presentation.2012 August 2012 . prognosis.Page 123 Turn diverg. among other things. bearing and distance to mooring position • The function table Sensors shows the current depth and the wind instrument shows the wind load on the ship. 8. completed turn Next course to steer Course to steer when the turn is completed <<Turn<< turn to port Prognosis in meters indicates • The trail shows the completed part of the turn in the ship’s dead water Ship in scale Cursor Window with Bearing-Distance-Time Waypoint Figure 50.15 Presentation during docking The following tools are available during docking: • • • • • Nonagonal (9-corner) ship symbol according to scale The heading projection line shows the ship’s heading Shadows give a reference for the ship’s movement tendencies Ruler for measuring bearing & distance and time The function table Navigation shows. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Ship presentation during turn.2012 August 2012 .08. MOB The function Man Overboard provides guidance back to the place where the MOB button on the Control Panel was activated. The program bar indicates that the MOB function is activated. The Navigation table with the Nav instrument presents bearing. The ordinary route is stored away.08. see example below.Page 124 Figure 51. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Program bar MAN OVER BOARD The MOB point is clearly indicated in the chart picture< . distance. The ship during harbor maneuver with shadows 8.16 Man overboard. and bearing to the MOB point is presented as an MOB route.2012 August 2012 . Figure 52. time and steering guidance to the MOB point. The function table Navigation then displays either ETA or TIME (time left to arrival) for one ETA point at a time. ETA/TIME is continuously calculated to the selected point. which brings out a pop-up menu with the question “End MOB-activities?”. which will then show the position of the MOB point. Press the button +-/ETA on the control unit 2.17.1 Select ETA point 1. The ordinary route will then be restored automatically. 8.17. there are filters in the system set-up that should be adapted to the ship in question. Press the button ETA/TIME on the control unit (toggle function) ⇒ The time indication toggles between ETA and Time left in the function table Navigation eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. Click Yes to interrupt the MOB activity. Figure 54.2 Toggle between ETA and TIME 1. 8. Press the – button to select a previous ETA point ⇒ ETA or TIME left is presented in the function table Navigation 8. Man over Board. ETA point The ETA point is drawn and a waypoint surrounded by a double ring. To get a stable ETA function. Press the + button to select the next ETA point in the route 3.2012 August 2012 . The Man-over-Board function is ended by a new pressing of the MOB button. MOB The MOB route can be saved with a new name. See example above.Page 125 Figure 53.17 ETA and time left to arrival Optional waypoints (WP) and the end point can be defined as ETA points (= Estimated Time of Arrival). Page 126 8.17.3 Rapid select of an ETA-point Put cursor in the name-field for ETA and click for a list of all ETA-points in the route. Make a rapid selection of an ETA-point by simply clicking on a point in list. 8.18 Change vector length (speed over ground) The length of the course and speed vector can be changed in steps of 1 minute, and also to 0, 15 and 30 seconds. The vector time is displayed on the symbol function bar. 1. Press the arrow up/arrow down for the vector. One minute per step. 2. Press the up button to increase the vector time, e.g. from 1 minute to 2 minutes ⇒ The vector shows the position after 2 minutes voyage 3. Press the down button to decrease the vector length ⇒ The vector shows the estimated position for the defined time 8.19 Selection of trail A trail presents the history of the ship movement (trail). A trail can be selected as: • Time Label Interval Defines time mark between 1-120 minutes. • Short, 10 min • Long approx. 48 hours. • Recorded, you will find an alternative, by which you can draw a 24-hour recording without having to replay the entire recording. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 127 Trails can be displayed in different ways: Normal Shows the ship’s voyage with colored points. Emphasized Show the trail with thicker points. Depth Colors Shows the depth in the form of points of different colors, where the color of the point represents the depth from the connected echo sounder. There are two different color schemes, one for shallow waters and one for deep waters. The color scheme may be changed freely in the system set-up to suit individual requirements. Depth Figures Shows the depth as depth numbers from the connected echo sounder. If an exact position determination of the depth recording is required, the virtual antenna must be moved out to the point where the echo-sounder sensor is placed. N.B. The trail setting does not affect the recording of data from echo sounder. The trail display type can be changed freely at replay. Recording of current depth can be corrected for draft and mean water level in the system setup; the depth saved in the recording will thereby be the true depth. Short trail Depth figures Long trail Figure 55. Trails 1. Select [Short] under the menu [Trail] ⇒ A short trail with a 10-minute history is presented 2. Select [Long] under the menu [Trail] ⇒ A long trail with a 48-hour history is presented ⇒ Select [Recorded] under the menu [Trail] eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 128 8.20 Selection of shadows Shadows show the ship’s movement tendencies and present a history of the ship’s voyage. Shadows can be configured with speed, time and quantity in the system set-up. Select [Shadows] under the menu [Display] ⇒ Shadows are presented on the screen 8.21 Position window Always shown is the window with ship position in the selected geodatum. The displayed position is the ships current position. Figure 56. Own Ship position 8.22 Movable window Click on the button [Movable window] on the symbol function bar to bring up a window for presentation of navigation data in two fields using the data below. CRS [ ° ] CTS [ ° ] Depth [m] Dist1 [NM] Dist2 [NM] DTG [NM] DWP [NM] Freq [kHz] HDG [ ° ] : Course : Course to steer : Water depth : Sailed distance 1 : Sailed distance 2 : Distance to next ETA point : Distance to next WOP : Tuned frequency for RTCM receiver : Heading Leg [NM] : Sailed distance on actual leg Nr of Sat.s : Number of satellites used in GPS-receiver Radius [NM] : Actual turning radius ROT[ ° /min] SNR [dB] SPD [kn] SS [uV/m] : Actual turn rate : Signal-to-noise ratio for RTCM-signal : Actual speed : Signal strength for RTCM-signal WDI [ ° ]T : True wind direction WSP [m/s]T : True wind speed XTE [m] : Cross track error deviation eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 eGlobe User Manual v 07. Information about bearing. Standard ruler Three other rulers are activated from the menu. Figure 57. distance. Information about bearing. The standard ruler is started by either clicking in the field “Cursor position” or pressing the ruler button on the control unit.Page 129 The arrow in the right section of each field activates a drop-down list with available selections. Figure 28. Clicking in the list selects the value to be presented in the movable window.2012 August 2012 .08. Movable window 8. and “time to sail” from ship to cursor is presented in the field “Cursor position” on the symbol function bar.23 Rulers There are four different types of rulers used for measuring in the chart. distance and time is shown in the chart picture. The standard ruler goes from own ship to the cursor. otherwise ruler origin is free (not moving with the ship). If the chart pane is in nav mode when the ruler is created ruler origin is conning position.23.2012 August 2012 .23. Ruler Free 8. Choose “Tools”.ERBL This function is enabled by a right-click in the chart at a position where the VRM/EBL-ruler is wanted.08.23. eGlobe User Manual v 07. 8.1 Ruler Free Measures between two optional points in the chart. The ruler can have its origin in the conning position or in any position(free).3 Ruler Ship Fixed Measures from the ship and is fixed to any point in the chart. then pick EBL. The ruler origin can be toggled by pressing <F7>. The ruler moves with each clicking Figure 58.2 Ruler Ship Free Measures from the ship with unchanged relative bearing and distance. VRM or ERBL. 8.Page 130 8.24 VRM – EBL . whereby the ruler continuously will display bearing and distance between the ship and the locked chart position. by clicking with pointer. Press <F8> for offset . Rulers A ruler in free mode can be moved by placing the cursor over the circle showing the origin. Use the key <F10> to switch between locked and moving measuring point. See Figure 41. When a ruler is no longer needed it can be removed by pressing the <Del> key. All ruler actions using keyboard keys implies the cursor placed over origin or measuring point. Figure 31. Figure 30. Pressing <F8> again will make the conning position to origin. Bearing and relative angle display For a moving ruler the default condition is a moving measuring point. The <F8> key changes the offset of the ruler making the measuring point to a new origin.Page 131 Figure 29. For both moving and free rulers bearing/distance values can be changed by using the same technique as above but on the measuring point.Move the measuring point The key <F9> toggles the display of bearing between bearing and bow angle.2012 August 2012 . Release the mouse button to lock. Press the right mouse button and keep it down during movement to a new origin. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. Create ruler . 08.2012 August 2012 .26 Route planning – ETA A prognosis for ETA can be made by manually writing Date . Datum-time can be set under “Year-Month-Day-Time”. one is “Select place” where suitable place can be chosen from list or “select position for prognosis with the cursor”. under eGlobe User Manual v 07.25 Tidal heights There are two methods to choose site or place for the tidal-prognosis.Page 132 8.Time “Departure” above. 8. ETA will then be calculated on rows under “Departure”. however. Click the expansion button to view navigation data input. Sensor table Double click the echo sounder graph to display a pane to edit the maximum depth for the three depth ranges. In addition.08. Figure 60. The wind window shows relative or true wind direction and wind force with digits and a vector. The echo-sounder window shows current depth in figures. connect and disconnect them manually by clicking on the respective button. eGlobe is configured for automatic connection of the sensors. 9. you may make adjustments for the difference between turner and water surface plus an offset for mean water level.Page 133 9 9.1 Function tables Sensor channels & Chart query General The Sensor table shows data from connected wind instrument and echo sounder. Under System set-up. eGlobe User Manual v 07.1. Press OK to return to normal display.1 Selection of Sensor table Click the Sensor table button on the symbol function bar ⇒ The function table Sensor channels is displayed Normally. it may be used to handle the sensor channels.2012 August 2012 . and a time chart shows the history. under Sensor channels you may. 2012 August 2012 .Page 134 In the source frame the input channel to be viewed is selected. eGlobe User Manual v 07. only with serial input cards. Options Thread Loop and Dynamic Timer are for service engineer use. The Pause/Play buttons make the display of data to stop/start.08. The display mode can either be Data or Serial Status. Serial status shows serial communication parameters and will NOT work together with SCU input channels. 1 AIS transponder and ARPA targets General Automatic Identification System.Page 135 9. e. • The AIS with MMSI 211000777 is a SAR aircraft • The AIS Sart is displayed as a circle with a cross. draft.g. As a standard. TANKER • A ”single click” on the symbol toggles between active and sleeping mode. SANDY HOOK.g. will transmit their own position (and other data). 9. in addition. e.2. It is also possible to send text messages to other AIS-equipped ships in the area. position quality.2 AIS and ARPA presentation in the chart AIS and ARPA targets are presented in the chart automatically See the figure below. ARPA targets from own radar can be presented in the chart picture the same way as AIS targets.g. The information that can be presented is: name. The AIS-standard is a global world standard according to IMO.g. In addition. with a request for passage or the like. e. means that ships equipped with an AIS-transponder. Radar601 • A simple presentation of data will be achieved by placing the cursor on the target. heading.2012 August 2012 . EBL and VRM and cursor position from the radar can also be presented in the chart.2 9. speed. the ship’s actual size.08. • AIS targets are presented with their names. call signal. course over ground.q MALMOE REDD is displayed as a diamond.2. This data can be presented onboard other ships. eGlobe User Manual v 07. AIS. • Aids-to-navigation e. e. • Radar targets are presented as ”Radar and a consecutive number”. • Meteorological information from weather stations can also be displayed in the chart presentation. MMSI number. eGlobe has highly advanced possibilities of receiving data from AIS-equipped ships. destination and. It states that all ships with gross tonnage of over 300 tons must be equipped with AIS. detailed data are showed in the field Automatic tracking of ships is a selectable feature “Double-clicking” on the target in the chart picture highlights the ship in the table list.2012 August 2012 . ⇒ The function table AIS data is presented with the following functions: • • • • • List of available AIS and ARPA targets When selecting an AIS or ARPA ship.3 AIS table 1. To search for a specific target.2. AIS and ARPA presentation in the chart 9. Click the button for AIS table on the symbol function bar.Page 136 Figure 61. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. enter a name in “Find ID”. 08.3.2. If the search has one match the target list and target data fields will display info about the ship.2012 August 2012 . Click on the column header “Ship Name“ to get the list sorted by ship name.Page 137 Button to display Extended Button to show Sort OrderAIS/ARPA Target list Follow Target checkbox Target Data Limits for collision alarms Set Pasttrack length Set Target highlight status Figure 62. In normal display mode Ship Name and one of the sort order criteria are displayed. To search a list for a certain Ship Name enter a part of the name in the Search ID text box and click on the Search Button. If the result is more than one ship the Search Result list will eGlobe User Manual v 07. The default sort order for AIS-targets is distance from own ship but it can be changed to Call Sign. To return to the previous sort order just click on the other column header (for example “Dist”). AIS table 9.1 Sort Order and Search ID Click the button to display the Sort Order-Search ID frame. MMSI Number or IMO Number. (Field 11 on symbol function bar) eGlobe User Manual v 07. the target selected in the AIS list will be followed. which results in display of the extended AIS table where data sent out from own ship can be viewed. Own navigation will be disengaged in the view that follows a target. Click on the row with the ship you want as the active ship. 9. To resume own navigation in the selected view.2. (Only when “READY”-filed light green. Close the extended AIS table by clicking on the key < at the top or by pressing the ship key. If the AIS transmits alarm messages to the ECDIS the status is displayed here.3. N. Under “Incoming Text messages” is it possible to receive text messages.2012 August 2012 .08. and the chart picture will switch automatically when the target reaches the edge of the chart picture.4 Extended AIS table The AIS table can be enlarged with the e3xpand button at the top right.2. clear the box “Follow current target” and press the ship button.Page 138 be displayed.2 Follow current target By ticking the box “Follow current target” in the AIS Table. 9.B. first enter text for hotkey in message-field. 9. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Close the extended AIS table by clicking on the key < at the top or by pressing the ship key.5 Send text message easy An alternative way to send text-messages is to simply mark target in chart then right-click twice.2. Then press the Shift-key and click simultaneously in the message-field. Choose hotkey to be programmed by pressing little arrow on the right hand side and choose hotkey.08. now following menu comes up: Fill in message-field with desired text and click “Send addressed” In message-field desired text can be entered in 3 ways: • • • With keyboard With cursor and “the keyboard on screen” With the “Hotkeys” To program the “Hotkeys.Page 139 Under “Outgoing Text messages” is it possible to send text-messages: Send to chosen receiver or send broadcast.2012 August 2012 . Mid-button-click on the trackball Info table about the chart query showing objects : Function table Chart query is selected in the following manner: Figure 63. eGlobe User Manual v 07.3 Chart query Information about raw data in the chart can be presented in the function table “Chart query”.1 Selection of Chart query table 1. Click the button to view the file contents. 2.3. an option button “Text Info” will be visible.08. Chart Query To view all attribute data for a chart object click on the object in the object result list. 9. If so.Page 140 9. Position the cursor over the chart object that interests you. The chart query function table will go expanded. The attribute collection for an object can contain a reference to a text file.2012 August 2012 . If so.Right: Zoom out .Left: Zoom in . an option button “Picture” will be visible. To zoom and pan in the picture the mouse buttons have functions as follow: .2012 August 2012 .Pick (mid): Center the display over clicked point eGlobe User Manual v 07. Click the button to view the picture.Page 141 The attribute collection for an object can contain a reference to a picture file.08. Line of Turn eGlobe User Manual v 07. Turning in eGlobe makes use of the internationally recognized methods ”Line of Turn” and ”Wheel over Point”.08. Dynamic F distance The dynamic F distance automatically considers the ship’s speed. will actually start turning when it should. regardless of its speed. Idealtrack Figure 65.1 General eGlobe has one of market’s most advanced turn and route handling functions. A unique eGlobe function is the dynamic F distance which (slightly simplified) can be described as the lead required in order to start the turn so that the ship.2012 August 2012 . which offer superior security compared to the more traditional methods ”arrival alarm” and ”bisector”. normal speed Start of turn. and the “Wheel-over-point” (WOP) signal is issued in time for the ship to start the turn optimally and be able to carry it through in a calm and safe manner. Idealtrack Start of turn. which continuously and optimally guides the navigator and supplies information as to how well the ship follows the route and whether or not the time table will be upheld. The difference is illustrated by the figures below. The setting of the dynamic F distance can be adapted to each ship during the system set-up.Page 142 10 Routes 10. since the differences are considerable between the different types of ships. slow speed Figure 64. Bisector turn handling Bisector turn handling produces a parallax error. eGlobe corrects the auto pilot dynamically so that the ship automatically can follow the route with very high precision.2012 August 2012 .08. Routes are used for • planning the voyage • reference for the Nav instrument’s information about leeway and lateral divergence • ETA calculation during the voyage • Automatic change of scales • print-out of “voyage plan” • Information to auto pilot for ”Track” control Routes can be produced with the following methods: • • • • Laying waypoints straight the chart picture Input of waypoint positions via the keyboard Importing an existing route from some other system Editing an existing route 10. Integrity is maintained. the system automatically issues an alarm. eGlobe User Manual v 07. which is as large when you come out of the turn as when you enter it.g. e. Please observe that the advanced control of autopilot described above must be approved before taken into service. you will enter the next leg of the route in an optimal manner. eGlobe also features the possibility of advanced control of auto pilot and DP system. even if you choose to go into the turn wrongly. since eGlobe and the auto pilot exchange data continuously. you should check the route settings. due to passing ship. In case of impaired integrity.2 Route settings Before creating a route. Idealtrack Figure 32.Page 143 With “Line of Turn” turn handling and the dynamic F distance. 2012 August 2012 .1 nm Catamaran = 0. Proposed values: Pilot and archipelago boat = 0.5 “Radius-steered” ship = 1.3 ”Manually steered” ship = 0.Page 144 Select “Route – Edit Route” on the menu bar.0 • StdSpeed – “Cruising speed” for the ship • Pres – Geodatum in the waypoint list: default = WGS84 • Inp – Geodatum for input of WP: default = WGS84 eGlobe User Manual v 07. Enter default values for the following settings at the top of the route editing window: • Std Radius – the normal turning radius for the ship in question.08. 1.3. 1 4 Insert a new waypoint as described above (WP 1 is created and the name WP 1 is written) 5 Continue according to 3-4 above and lay off all waypoints to be included in the route Figure 67. 1 Place the cursor on the starting-point for the route 2 Insert a new waypoint as described above (creation of WP 0) 3 Place the cursor on the position of waypoint No. To complete “Insert Waypoint”.Page 145 10.2012 August 2012 .08.1 Create new route If there is already a route on the screen – make sure you save it before you continue! Select Rout Edit function table to enable route editing functions. Figure 66. Insert waypoints Waypoints can be inserted in 3different ways • Press the keyboard key [Insert] • Press the key [INS] on the control unit • Right-click and select “Insert Waypoint” in the pop-up window. Adjust turn radius eGlobe User Manual v 07. right-click once more and deselect the ticked box. Select [Clear Edited Route] in the menu [Route] by use of the trackball. Press the button [Route] on the control unit 2.3 Route preparation with the cursor 10. Select [Create New Route] and press the key %. then left-click to insert a new waypoint. Alternatively 1. Move the cursor to the position where you want the new WP 3. 2. You may now adjust the turn radius by pressing [+] or [–] on the keyboard or control unit.3. Press ”plus” or ”minus” on the keyboard ⇒ The turning radius is changed 10. 7 Select the respective waypoint in the Edit route table and enter a suitable name. 8 Define ETA and Auto-Zoom points according to the respective descriptions below.2012 August 2012 . When an existing route has been changed as required. As the number of routes grows. so that the waypoint symbol is activated. When you double-click on a waypoint number in the route editing table. the presentation jumps to the next waypoint automatically. select menu item [Route] ⇒ [Save Route] and changes will be saved permanently. 6 10. If you want to save a change. Names. Press ”plus” or ”minus” on the control unit Alternatively 3. The easiest way to adjust the waypoint radius is by use of the control unit.3.2 Adjust waypoint position 1. etc. a square cursor is then displayed. confirm with [OK]. Position data are presented in the cursor position window 10.3 Adjust waypoint turning radius 1. Select WP1 by placing the cursor on the waypoint so that the symbol is activated. Keep the right trackball button pressed down and drag the WP to a new position ⇒ WP is adjusted to a new position. 2. or by selecting it in the route editing table.3.Page 146 The simplest way to change the turn radius of already laid waypoints is to place the cursor on the waypoint position. speed limits.08. it may become easier to open an existing route and change it to a new destination or pathway.4 Insert waypoint Example: a new WP is needed between WP 1 and WP 2 in an existing route. be changed at any time. Place the cursor on the required WP 2. 1. Tip! The easiest way to create a route is to use a rather large scale to lay waypoints in their approximate positions and then zoom in and adjust each one carefully. select [Save as] and enter a new route name. 9 End and save the route with [Route] ⇒ [Save Route as] on the menu bar 10 Enter a suitable name with the keyboard and confirm with [Enter] The route is now completed and saved. of course. Place the cursor on the WP that needs to be adjusted. This name will then be presented instead of the waypoint number. rather than creating a completely new route. its extension and characteristics can. Press the INS key (Insert) on keyboard or control unit 4. (if any) may then be entered by use of the function table Edit route. A new WP is inserted after WP1 in the route and the waypoints after it are renumbered eGlobe User Manual v 07. Course-deviation from route is set in field Course limit. 10.3.8 Changing the Order of Waypoints The order of the waypoint can be changed in 10.3.3. 10.9 Alarms when Planning a Route Alarms can be put in when planning and preparation a route. 10. Select a WP 2.10 Limit of Deviation from the Route Cross-track-deviation from route is set in the Edit function table. Select “Route – New Route” on the menu bar 2.08.4 Route preparation with the keyboard 10.7 Define auto-zoom points 1.3. Select a WP 2. Select the required scale with the arrow keys next to auto zoom in the Edit route table.2012 August 2012 .3. The waypoint is deleted and erased in the list. Select a WP 2.3.Page 147 10. Select ”Route – Edit Route” on the menu bar 3. Enter new values for the WP in the input row above the waypoint list eGlobe User Manual v 07. XTE-limit. 10.1 Enter waypoints for the route A route can be created by input of positions in its waypoint list 1. Press the button “+-ETA” on the control unit ⇒ A circle (ETA indication) is drawn around the WP 10.4.5 Delete waypoint 1. Press the DEL key (Delete) on the keyboard or control unit 3. Press the INS key (Insert) on the keyboard (the cursor position is then indicated in row 1) 4.6 Define ETA points 1. Indicate the last WP in the leg where new speed shall apply 2. Enter the new speed in the input field above the waypoint list ⇒ The new speed will apply from the preceding WP to the selected WP eGlobe User Manual v 07. 1.2 Define speed between two waypoints In Route preparation and ETA calculation. the speed is normally retrieved from the route setup according to the default value entered in the settings for the route. Repeat items 3 – 5 above 7.08.4. Waypoint list 10.2012 August 2012 . By changing the speed on a specific number of legs in the route.Page 148 5. possible temporary speed limitations or increases can be considered in the ETA calculation.input time date tation OK or Undo Reverse Default Default Enter key route radius speed Edit fields WP ETA Name Nr Point Lat Lon Turning Speed XTEradius limit Delay Leg in WP dist- Leg Time Sail mode Leg Coursecourse limit Total Total dist time Figure 68. Save the route by selecting ”Route .Save Route” on the menu bar. Press OK 6. Geodetic Geodetic datum for datum for Departure Departure presen. The easiest way to edit an opened route is to do it in the function table Edit route.1 Selection of Edit route table 1. 10. Select ”Route . Select [Route] – [Save Route as] on the menu bar and enter a route name. Keep in mind! Settings for ETA points and delays on a leg are not imported automatically.6 Import route 1.5 Edit route All the described methods for creating a route can be mixed freely. Route editing table Tip! Keep the Shift key pressed down when a waypoint is selected in the chart. Click on the button “Edit route” on the symbol function bar.2012 August 2012 .5. Waypoint number Waypoint name Course to this waypoint Course to next waypoint Planned speed for the leg Limit for cross track deviation Auto zoom range Sail mode Save changes to memory Shows the Edit Route window Selects alternatives in multiroutes Checking this box makes the list contain only the selected route Limit for course deviation Geodetic datum for input and presentation of WP position Undo last change Do an antigrounding check Do an antigrounding check whenever the WP position is changed Waypoint list with scrollbar Waypoint position Turning radius in waypoint E in this box selects the point as ETA point Figure 69. eGlobe User Manual v 07. 10. and then move the cursor to the input field in the Edit route table for processing the waypoint. Select a route from DATANAV or Atlas Track ⇒ The route is converted and loaded into the system 3.Page 149 10. Must be done manually.08.Import Route” on the menu bar ⇒ A pop-up menu is presented 2. ⇒ The function table Edit route is displayed. In other words.08. Make an alternate route 3. consists of WP0 to WP5: Now the first alternate route will be made. route can be chosen depending on weather. do not touch any other waypoint with the cursor! We will now make an alternate route from WP1. Toggle Start Point Status: mark WP6 with cursor then press Shift-key and at the same time left-click. 10. Now choose “Toggle Start Point Status” as on picture below. in a fast and flexible way.1 Making Multi Routes It is relatively easy to make Multi Routes: 1. The new waypoint on picture above is WP6.7 Multi Routes It is a great advantage to be able to handle and use Multi routes. therefore lay cursor somewhere after WP1. Other alternate route can then be made and connected. it should be somewhere between WP1 and WP2. When connecting against the main-route the exact position is not critical. First make a normal route. remember that WP5 must be the waypoint that the cursor “last touched”. the main route 2.2012 August 2012 . Connect the alternate route to the main route 4.7. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Depending on different alternative routes.Page 150 10. meeting with other traffic etc. First we make the main route as in example below. 2012 August 2012 . the other end on the alternate-route (WP9) shall be connected to the main route. press Shift-key and left-click. press Shift-key and left-click. choose “Connect To Leg” Now we shall add another alternate-route.08. We start by laying some extra WP on the existing eGlobe User Manual v 07. mark WP9.Page 151 Carry on with alternate route by laying out complete alternate-route (WP6-WP7-WP8-WP9) Mark once again WP6. choose “Connect from Leg” At last. If in doubt what WP that is the very last you can always look in the Route editing table. “Connect From Leg” eGlobe User Manual v 07. “Connect To Leg” At last.2012 August 2012 .08. “Toggle Start Point Status” Lay out next WP according to picture below. mark WP according to picture.Page 152 route to make it possible for the new alternate-route to have something “to connect to”. (WP8 and WP2) When adding new alternate-routes it is important that the very last WP in route are “touched” and marked before we start the work with the alternate-route. When last WP is “touched” lay out a new WP as in picture below. instrument info. This can be done when weather.Page 153 10. Actual alternative will be marked red as in picture below.7. ETA etc. change the route you are following. To activate just “click” simply on the alternative (on a WP) that you wish to make active.2 To use Multi Routes The advantage using Multi Routes is the possibility to. turning info. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 eGlobe User Manual v 07. in an easy . there is no need for changing and loading another route anymore! All navigation info from eGlobe will come from the chosen Multi Route: steering information.quick and flexible way.2012 August 2012 .08. meetings with other ships changes. eGlobe User Manual v 07. eGlobe features advanced database management.1 Database settings Select. Since the virtual antenna can be moved. The name of the active database is displayed at the top of the program header. The databases can be used to supplement Chart information or to enter own information. 11. Names and text information for database objects can be displayed in the chart picture.1 General A database is a file in the computer where information is stored. i. which makes it easy to develop your own application outside eGlobe in Microsoft Access.2 Start of database Starting a database means that its content is presented with symbols on the chart.e.08. Click on [Open] ⇒ The database is active. under [Database] ⇒ [Database settings] on the menu bar. The database is then ready for input or editing. but you may also draw own symbols or even delete the display of normal buoyage in the chart and only use databases for the buoyage. Click on “Database ⇒ Start Database” on the menu bar 2.3. The database format is Microsoft database format MDB. To start a database: 1. 11. A new database can be created with [Database] ⇒– [New Database] on the menu bar. for example. 11. the cursor position. it is possible to insert a database point exactly at. after selected route. the unit from which the position should be retrieved. Select a database 3.Page 154 11 Database 11.3 Input into database Make sure that the database you want is active. The database can be compared to an index or register.2012 August 2012 . Virtual Antenna position or GPS antenna position. where information is arranged systematically. A standard set of symbols is delivered with the program. the crane jib position when beaconing. if Name. Figure 70. “Usage” is intended for input of a scale limit for the presentation of the database point. you may select automatic input of time and/or date. either general or at the input occasion by the selection “Enter”. Select text size by clicking on the arrows (the size is presented in the box).Page 155 Database points can be assigned a name as well as a comment. comment (any length). Place the cursor on the required position in the chart.2012 August 2012 . as default they are ticked. Right-click and select [Position to database] The editing window will pop up. you will have the possibility to enter name and comment. press the button “Text” to display the right-hand part of the menu. Click on [OK] to confirm the input.08. eGlobe User Manual v 07. If you want a text in the chart by the database point. The alternative “Enter” means that for each new point. The format of entered database points is selected under “Type”. 2. you may enter name. but may easily be cleared (no tick) if you do not want display of name or text. Comment or Type has been set to “Enter” in the database settings. in relation to the database point. to place the text. proceed as described above but enter the position in the Lat/Lon windows. Under “Name” and “Comment”. Input of database point In this window. Tip! If you want to lay off a database point with Lat/Lon in a known position. type. Placement is used to select where.2 Input of database point 1.3. The tick boxes to the left of the fields “Name” and “Comment” are used to hide name or comments for the current database point. 11. 3. Figure 71. can now be changed by input of the information from the keyboard: the point may also be deleted or edited by clicking on the respective buttons. stored in the computer in the format JPG or BMP may then be selected with the button “Select picture”. thereby activating it-.3 Database point edit With a database active. select the point to be edited by placing the cursor on it. This requires that the database point in question has been defined as a picture point by ticking the box “Picture point”. including the position.08.2012 August 2012 . Note that the program ”Aeimage” is assumed to be stored in the computer under eGlobe. Activated database point Right-click and select: [Database edit] The editing window will pop up: Any information.4 Picture point Pictures can be linked to a database point.Page 156 11. Confirm by clicking [OK]. eGlobe User Manual v 07. 11. Any picture. By linking a bitmap file to the database point. Symbols. text info for own measurements or navigation information. Left-click to enlarge the picture. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. Creates a new database Opens the selected database Choose database to store new objects Saves the selected database Search for keyword in database Database settings. right-click to reduce it. see below.2012 August 2012 . The information may be used as supplements to the existing charts information. the picture can be presented in the chart when the database point is clicked.Page 157 The picture is manipulated as follows in eGlobe: Clicking on the database point will bring out the picture on the screen. pictures and texts that can be freely placed in the chart and saved in a file (database). 5 Database menu 11.3 Save new Database points in When at least two databases are started this alternative will be visible.2 Start Database Several databases can be run simultaneously and started one by one With the “Add” function. 11.5. 11. The newly created database is added to the list of open databases.5.08.Page 158 11.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07. It is also possible to stop databases individually. by removing the mark.5. 11.4 Save Database It is possible to save databases on an individual base with same or a new name.1 New Database A new database can be created with the New Database function. To the database selected here the new points will be added.5. Name to be ”written” manually. Comment to be “written” manually. Type of symbol to be “written” manually when setting out the database point. Click Exit to save and end. 11. “Pre-defined” symbol to be inserted automatically. Use of ”Marker”. Indicates the hotkey to be configured. The scroll bar to the right is used for scrolling the list of figures up and down. <Ctrl>+<F10>.08. there are four different alternatives via the keyboard and one with the trackball.5.B. “Date” or ”Time” to be inserted automatically.5 Database Search Searches through the databases that are currently started.2012 August 2012 . ”Date”.5. N.6 Database settings Database settings are used to select the conditions that must apply for the setting out of database points. Clicking a figure selects it as predefined. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Consequently. It is possible to insert database points from the computer keyboard with the hotkeys (quick commands) <Ctrl>+<F9>. Indicates scale maximum / Text size for presentation of the database symbol.Page 159 11. ”Time” to be inserted automatically or ”Date and Time” to be inserted automatically. With “GoTo” button it is possible to go to that position in the chart. <Ctrl>+<F11> and <Ctrl>+<F12>. The configuration of each quick command can be completely individual. GPS ”Antenna” or ”Virtual Antenna” for setting out database points. Own position data (GPS1-GPS2) are recorded as well as data from other connected sensors: Gyro or other compass. which always represents the date of the recording day in the format ’YYYYMMDD’ (20010101).08. All voyages made last 90 days are stored. Wind meter. the same date with a text added to it): ’20010101 steering engine breakdown in the Kiel canal’ ⇒ The recording is saved permanently 12. etc. you should save it with a different name as described below. Actually.Page 160 12 Recording / playback The voyage with its data from connected sensors is always recorded and cannot be turned off. edition.2012 August 2012 . Select “Recording – Open recording” on the menu bar 2. The voyage can be played back and the data will be presented on the screen.1-1024 times) Figure 71. ENC source. e.0=Realtime) (0. cell and update history are also automatically recorded in same way as the sensor data above. If you do not want a recording to be deleted.g. Enter a new file name (it may be 255 character long. Recordings are saved per 24 hours with the date used as the file name. Select the menu “Recording – Save Recording as” 2.3 Save recording as 1. AIS.1 Recording of data Data are recorded automatically. 12. Select the recording you want to play ⇒ The window “Playback” is presented Actual playbacktime Reset recording Play Pause Choose starttime Speed of Manouver keys playback For choice of speed (1. there is a function which automatically deletes recordings after a certain time (90 days). Radar. Echo sounder. but rather the recording’s file name. 12. Playback window eGlobe User Manual v 07.4 Playback of data 1. 12.2 Auto delete To avoid that the hard disk becomes full with the risks that this entails. date. the determining factor is not age in itself. thereby avoiding having to play the entire recording from the start.4. In every recording there is a “water mark” that makes it impossible to alter or manipulate the data contained in the recording. 1. eGlobe User Manual v 07. To start the playback again. or an optional section can be repeated. Click the button “Play” in the Playback window ⇒ The playback starts with the selected speed and start time 12. 00. click the button “Play” 12.e.Close playback” on the menu bar ⇒ The Playback window is closed and own navigation in real time is resumed.4.7 “Water Mark” in recordings A security-function is implemented in eGlobev3. Click on the buttons ”Increase” (displayed in the window) or ”Decrease” to select the required speed 12. the playback must be stopped. Press the button “Pause” 2. A special test can be performed to test if a recording is authentic or not.6 End playback To be able to return to normal navigation.1 Start playback 1. Select “Playback .4. 1.3 Back to starting point 1. thereby updating the ship’s position.4.4 Speed for playback By increasing the playback speed. you may go to the start time by means of fast forward. Press the button “Play” 12. click the button “Play 12. which makes it possible to move quickly to the required place in the recording.Page 161 12. Click the button “Reset” ⇒ The recording function returns to the starting point (i. Click the button “Pause”” ⇒ The playback stops.2 Pause in playback 1.00 the current day). 1.08.4. you may play a 24-hour recording in only 10 minutes.5 Position for playback The position for the playback can easily be changed by sliding the control lever. If the required playback time is known. To start it again.2012 August 2012 .4. Slide the control lever to the required position or start time 3.4. 12. colored dots according to depth from echo sounder.08. or depth figures according to depth from echo sounder.5 Draw recording on chart By “drawing” a recording. the trail after the ship can be presented without having to play an entire 24-hour recording. The presentation of the recording is made according to the settings on trails with either dots.2012 August 2012 . 1. Select ”Recording – Draw Recording” on the menu bar ⇒ The active (opened) recording’s route is drawn on the chart eGlobe User Manual v 07.Page 162 12. 1 Presentation of geodetic datums The presentation is fixed to WGS84. in a generalized model of the earth. To achieve a ”paper chart” that corresponds to reality as much as possible. EPFS1) provide a position with any different datum and alarm will be given by eGlobe. eGlobe User Manual v 07. since the earth is round and a “paper chart” flat. an ellipsoid that serves as the basis for the position-indicating circular measures. 13. among other things. a large number of ellipsoids with their associated coordinate systems are used in different countries of the world for map and chart production. the conception of the earth’s dimension and shape has been revised from time to time. Should positioning system (e. In the course of history. Actually. they correspond to the angle measurements from the center of the earth.g.Page 163 13 Geodetic datums When a position on the curved surface of the earth is indicated in latitude and longitude.2012 August 2012 . This is expressed. Selection of other Datums is NOT possible.08. it is impossible to present the earth on a “paper chart”. The Alarm will also be cancelled or moved to the Alarm Function Table depending on what alarm it is.08.1 Alarm Bar (below chart area) (Alarm above is shown with following data: Time for incoming alarm – Alarm Level – Alarm number# . (Please see the list over the Alarms) eGlobe User Manual v 07.2 Alarm Acknowledge The alarm can be acknowledged by cursor left-click on button “Alarm Acknowledge” shown above at alarm bar.Alarm Name) The Alarm Bar appears when an alarm or indication goes active. When an alarm is acknowledged it will disappear from the alarm bar.) (Alarm # 3070: under Choice between / Safe Alarm and Indication ECDIS-menu Navigation Values / Special Condition Areas) 14.Page 164 14 Alarms 14.2012 August 2012 . The alarm can also be acknowledged by the “ACK” button on the Control unit. Together with the audio buzzer which also goes active for all alarms except for alarm # 3070. (Indication is defined as an alarm without sound from buzzer. the buzzer will start except for alarm # 3070. Whenever an alarm is triggered. eGlobe User Manual v 07.3 Alarm Buzzer The Alarm Buzzer is found on the monitor’s front panel. (Alarm under # 3070: Choice / Safe between Alarm and Indication / Special ECDIS-menu Navigation Values Condition Areas) When all active alarms are acknowledged the buzzer will go silent again.08.Page 165 14.2012 August 2012 . 2012 August 2012 . just to the left of the alarm name.5 Alarm Priority The different alarms are divided into Alarm Levels after the priority.4 Alarm function table To activate the Alarm Function Table. The last figure on each row represents the Alarm number #. eGlobe User Manual v 07. (see alarm list below) 14. press the right button as on picture above. Press the “left arrow” to close the window to normal view. It is possible to sort the Alarms by Time of incoming alarm or by priority.08. in the list above is indicating the alarm level. (see the alarm list below) When an alarm is acknowledged. Press the “right arrow” in order to view more of the text. The figure.Page 166 14. some alarms are canceled and some other are placed on a lower Alarm Level. 2 Alarms Level 2 Alarm # 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Name Wheel Over Point Different GeoDatum No Route XTE-limit Cross Safety Contour Course Limit To Level 8 To Level 8 To Level 8 To Level 8 At Ack Remain Until Start of turn Datum same eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.1 Alarms Level 1 Alarm # 1010 1011 1020 1021 1030 1031 1040 1050 1051 1060 1061 1070 1071 1080 Name DR Heading DR Heading Timeout DR Speed DR Speed TimeOut DR Position DR Position Timeout Pos Discrepancy Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav Position Invalid Position Timeout Speed Invalid Speed Timeout Heading Invalid Hdg Timeout At Ack Remain Until Return of Hdg Return of Hdg Return of Spd Return of Spd DR Pos Set/Calc DR Pos Set/Calc Discrepancy < limit Return of Pos Return of Pos To To To To level level level level 7 7 7 7 Nav Rot Invalid To level 7 use calculated To level 7 use calculated Cancel To level 7 To level 7 To Level 7 Cancel ACK:ed 1081 Nav Rot Timeout 1082 1090 1091 1100 1110 Nav Rot return Chk Pos Invalid Chk Pos Timeout Dangerous Target Lost AIS/ARPA Target ACK:ed 14.Page 167 14.6 List of Alarms and Indications 14.2012 August 2012 .6.6. Page 168 14.6.4 Alarms Level 4 Alarm # 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 Name AIS Timeout Radar Timeout Echo sounder Timeout General 1 Timeout General 2 Timeout General 3 Timeout General 4 Timeout At Ack To level 10 To level 10 To level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 Remain Until eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .Compass1 ALR.6.Epfs2 ALR.3 Alarms Level 3 Alarm # 1120 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 *note Name New Auto Arpa target ALR.Log ALR.08.Compass2 Epfs1 Checksum Epfs2 Checksum Log Checksum Compass1 Checksum Compass2 Checksum Dangerous Object At Ack Cancel To Level 9 To Level 9 To Level 9 To Level 9 To Level 9 Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel To Level 9 ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed Remain Until ACK:ed *(Choice between Alarm and Indication under ECDIS-menu / Safe Navigation Values / Special Condition Areas) 14.Epfs1 ALR. 7 Alarm # 1060 1061 1070 1071 1080 1081 1090 1091 1100 Alarms Level 7 (from Level 1) Name Nav Spd Invalid Nav Spd Timeout Nav Hdg Invalid Nav Hdg Timeout Nav Rot Invalid Nav Rot Timeout Chk Pos Invalid Chk Pos Timeout Dangerous Target At Ack Remain Until Return of speed Return of speed Return of hdg Return of hdg Return of rot Return of rot Return of pos Return of pos Non dangerous eGlobe User Manual v 07.2012 August 2012 .6.Page 169 14.Echo sounder ALR.General 2 ALR.5 Alarm # 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 Alarms Level 5 Name ALR.6 Alarm # empty Alarms Level 6 Name At Ack Remain Until 14.General 4 AIS Checksum Radar Checksum Echo sounder Checksum General 1 Checksum General 2 Checksum General 3 Checksum General 4 Checksum At Ack To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 To Level 10 Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed ACK:ed Remain Until 14.6.AIS ALR.General 3 ALR.6.08.Radar ALR.General 1 ALR. Alarm # 2030 2040 2050 2060 Alarms Level 8 (from Level 2) Name No Route XTE-limit Cross Safety Contour Course Limit At Ack Remain Until Route loaded Inside limit Deep Water Inside limit 14.Echo sounder ALR.Epfs1 ALR.Compass2 Dangerous Object At Ack Remain Until Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Non-dangerous 14.9 Alarm # 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3070 Alarms Level 9 (from Level 3) Name ALR.Page 170 14.General 2 ALR.Epfs2 ALR.AIS ALR.Log ALR.10 Alarms Level 10 (from Levels 4.General 4 Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK Ext ACK eGlobe User Manual v 07.Compass1 ALR.08.Radar ALR.General 1 ALR.5) Alarm # 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 Name AIS Timeout Radar Timeout Echo sounder Timeout General 1 Timeout General 2 Timeout General 3 Timeout General 4 Timeout At Ack Remain Until Return of signal Return of signal Return of signal Return of signal Return of signal Return of signal Return of signal 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 ALR.General 3 ALR.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07.2 Regarding color-calibration Only Panel PCs and monitors mentioned in the DNV type-approval certificate can be used in the system.2012 August 2012 .1 Color Differentiation test The colors in a monitor can change when the monitor ages. 15. The Color Differentiation Test Diagram is a part of ECDIS chart 1 and you can use it as follows: 1.08. Check with all palettes that you can discriminate the lines from background color of the boxes. Choose menu “About” – Chart 1 2. For both reasons there is a tool to check that you can clearly see all details of the charts. Or the mariner may want to use other setting then the calibrated settings.Page 171 15 Maintenance 15. Move cursor to “Color Test Diagram” – Click 3. Propulsion and state of motion .Time and position .Navigation table The conning display has no user input.08. 16.1 Wind True wind force is displayed numerically. The ship symbol is orientated in ships true heading.Depth . True wind direction is indicated by the triangular marker.Page 172 16 Conning Display The conning display is located on a separate monitor.2012 August 2012 . The information displayed is: . eGlobe User Manual v 07.Wind . 3 Time and Position Display of ship’s time with relation to UTC Position source is the active position sensor.2 Depth The depth graph uses the same scale range as the graph in sensor function table. Change the scale in the sensor function table. The length is always 10 minutes Propulsion and state of motion Heading Rate-of-turn indicator Longitudinal speed Bow transverse speed Propeller pitch in % Revolutions Source of data Shaft or Engine Stern transverse speed Rudder angle indicator(s) 16.Page 173 16. eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 . 08.2012 August 2012 .Page 174 16. When the docking table is shown in the primary display the conning display will show the precision navigation table.4 Navigation table The navigation table display is the same as the one in the ECDIS primary display with one exception. eGlobe User Manual v 07. 2012 August 2012 .1 List of Terms and Abbreviations Term Electronic Navigational Chart Electronic Position Fixing System Electronic Range and Bearing Line Emergency Position IndicatingRadio Beacon Enhance Enter Equipment Error Estimated Position Estimated Time of Arrival Estimated Time of Departure European Geo-Stationary Navigational Overlay System Event Exclusion Zone External F-Band (applies to radar) February Foreword Fishing Vessel Fix Forward Frequency Frequency Modulation Full Gain Geographics Geometric Dilution Of Precision Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Global Navigation Satellite System Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System Global Positioning System eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.Page 175 17 Appendix A Abbreviation ENC EPFS ERBL EPIRB ENH ENT EQUIP ERR EP ETA ETD EGNOS EVENT EZ EXT F-Band FEB FWD FISH FIX FWD FREQ FM FULL GAIN GEOG GDOP GMDSS GNSS GLONASS GPS 17. 2012 August 2012 .08.Band Identification In Increase Indication Information Infrared Initialisation Input Input/Output Integrated Bridge System Integrated Navigation System Integrated Radio Communication System Interference Rejection Interswitch Interval January July June Label Latitude Latitude/Longitude GC GRID GND GAS GRI GZ GYRO HS H UP HDG HCS HL HF HSC HDOP I-Band ID IN INCR IND INFO INF RED INIT INP I/O IBS INS IRCS IR ISW INT JAN JUL JUN LBL LAT L/L eGlobe User Manual v 07.Page 176 Great Circle Grid Ground Grounding Avoidance System Group Repetition Interval Guard Zone Gyro Harmful Substances (applies to AIS) Head Up Heading Heading Control System Heading Line High Frequency High Speed Craft Horizontal Dilution Of Precision I . 2012 August 2012 .08.Page 177 Leeway Limit Line Of Position Log Long Pulse Long Range Longitude Loran Lost Target Low Frequency Magnetic Man Overboard Manoeuvre Manual Map(s) March Maritime Mobile Services Identity number Maritime Pollutant (applies to AIS) Maritime Safety Information Marker Master Maximum May Medium Frequency Medium Pulse Menu Minimum Missing Mute Navigation Night Normal North North Up Not Less Than Not More Than Not Under Command November LWY LIM LOP LOG LP LR LON LORAN LOST TGT LF MAG MOB MVR MAN MAP MAR MMSI MP MSI MKR MSTR MAX MAY MF MP MENU MIN MISSING MUTE NAV NT NORM N N UP NLT NMT NUC NOV eGlobe User Manual v 07. 2012 August 2012 .Page 178 October Off Officer On Watch Offset On Out/Output Own Ship Panel Illumination Parallel Index Line Past Positions PAST Passenger Vessel Performance Monitor Permanent Person Overboard Personal Identification Number Pilot Vessel Port/Portside Position Positional Dilution Of Precision Power Predicted Predicted Area of Danger Predicted Point of Collision Pulse Length Pulse Modulation Pulse Repetition Frequency Pulse Repetition Rate Pulses Per Revolution Racon Radar Radar Plotting Radius Rain Range Range Rings Raster Chart Display System Raster Navigational Chart Rate Of Turn OCT OFF OOW OFFSET ON OUT OS PANEL PI POSN PASSV MON PERM POB PIN PILOT PORT POSN PDOP PWR PRED PAD PPC PL PM PRF PRR PPR RACON RADAR RP RAD RAIN RNG RR RCDS RNC ROT eGlobe User Manual v 07.08. Page 179 Real-time Kinemetic Receive Rx Receiver Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Reference Relative Relative Motion Revolutions per Minute Rhumb Line Roll On/Roll Off Vessel Root Mean Square Route Safety Contour Sailing Vessel Satellite S-Band Scan to Scan Search And Rescue Search And Rescue Transponder Search And Rescue Vessel Select September Sequence Set (i.e., set and drift, or setting a value) Ship’s Time Short Pulse Signal to Noise Ratio Simulation Slave South Speed Speed and Distance Measuring Equipment Speed Over the Ground Speed Through the Water Stabilized Standby Starboard/Starboard Side Station RTK RX RCDR RAIM REF REL RM RPM RL RoRo RMS ROUTE SF CNT SAIL SAT S-BAND SC/SC SAR SART SARV SEL SEP SEQ SET TIME SP SNR SIM SLAVE S SPD SDME SOG STW STAB STBY STBD STN eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 180 Symbol(s) Synchronised/Synchronous Target Target Tracking Test Time Time Difference Time Dilution Of Precision Time Of Arrival Time Of Departure Time to CPA Time To Go Time to Wheel Over Line Track Track Control System Tracking Trail(s) Transmit and Receive Transceiver Transferred Line Of Position Transmit Transmitter Transmitting Heading Device Transponder Trial Trigger Pulse True True Motion Tune Ultrahigh Frequency Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal Time, Coordinated Universal Transverse Mercator Unstabilised Variable Range Marker Variation Vector Very High Frequency SYM SYNC TGT TT TEST TIME TD TDOP TOA TOD TCPA TTG TWOL TRK TCS TRKG TRAIL TXRX TCVR TPL TX TMTR THD TPR TRIAL TRIG T TM TUNE UHF UPS UTC UTM UNSTAB VRM VAR VECT VHF eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 Page 181 Very Low Frequency Vessel Aground Vessel at Anchor Vessel Constrained by Draught Vessel Engaged in Diving Operations Vessel Engaged in Dredging or Underwater Operations Vessel Engaged in Towing Operations Vessel Not Under Command Vessel Restricted in Manoeuvrability Vessel Traffic Service Vessel Underway Using Engine Video Visual Display Unit Voyage Voyage Data Recorder Warning Water Waypoint Waypoint Closure Velocity West Wheel Over Line Wheel Over Point Wheel Over Time World Geodetic System X-Band VLF GRND ANCH VCD DIVE DRG TOW NUC RIM VTS UWE VID VDU VOY VDR WARNING WAT WPT WCV W WOL WOP WOT WGS X-BAND eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 ground-based reference stations to broadcast the difference between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions. and speed can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS. The correction signal is for maritime use broadcast over the LW long-wave band between 285 kHz and 325 kHz. These stations broadcast the difference between the measured satellite pseudoranges and actual (internally computed) pseudoranges. AIS is intended to assist the vessel's watchstanding officers and allow maritime authorities to track and monitor vessel movements. An ECDIS system displays the information from electronic navigational charts (ENC) and integrates position information from the Global Positioning System (GPS) and other navigational sensors. It is estimated that more than 40. and all passenger ships regardless of size. and receiver stations may correct their pseudoranges by the same amount.Page 182 17. Information such as unique identification. ECDIS A typeapproved Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a computerbased navigation information system that complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations and can be used as an alternative to paper navigation charts. DGPS Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is an enhancement to Global Positioning System that uses a network of fixed.08. CRS Or Course Over Ground (COG) is the direction of the path followed by the ship.2 Common Terms and Abbreviations explained AIS The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a short range coastal tracking system used on ships and by Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and VTS stations. The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross tonnage (GT) of 300 or more tons. ECS See ECDIS. IMO refers to similar systems not meeting the regulations as Electric Chart Systems (ECS). It may also eGlobe User Manual v 07.000 ships currently carry AIS class A equipment. course. such as radar and automatic identification systems (AIS). position.2012 August 2012 . the first mandatory requirements for the use of ENC and ECDIS will become international law.Page 183 display additional navigation-related information.08. The €3. developed by the former Soviet Union and now operated for the eGlobe User Manual v 07. Distributors like the UKHO and PRIMAR then distribute these to chart agents. ENCs are available through Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Coordinating Centre (RENCs) and national electronic chart centers. IMO has proposed compulsory carriage of ECDIS and ENCs on high speed crafts from 1 July 2008 onwards for all new crafts. GALILEO or earthbound radiofix systems such as: DECCA. GLONASS GLONASS (abbreviation "GLObal NAvigation Satellite System" in English) is a radio-based satellite navigation system.2012 August 2012 . Only ENCs can be used within ECDIS to meet the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) performance standard for ECDIS. In July 2008. OMEGA etc. An electronic chart must conform to standards stated in the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System. and from 1 July 2010 onwards for existing crafts.S. IHO Special Publication S-63 developed by the IHO Data Protection Security Working Group is used to commercially encrypt and digitally sign ENC data. LORAN-C. Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian GLONASS. ENC An electronic navigational chart (ENC) is an official database created by a national hydrographic office for use with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). Can be satellite navigation systems such as: GPS. On 30 November 2007 the 27 EU transportation ministers involved reached an agreement that it should be operational by 2013. ETA Estimated Time of Arrival GALILEO Galileo is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) currently being built by the European Union (EU) and European Space Agency (ESA). GLONASS.4 billion project is an alternative and complementary to the U. Chart data is captured based on standards stated in IHO Special Publication S-57. and is displayed according to a display format stated in IHO Special Publication S-52 to ensure consistency of data rendering between different systems. It provides reliable positioning. construction. the system rapidly fell into disrepair with the collapse of the Russian economy. and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather. Following completion. GPS is made up of three parts: between 24 and 32 satellites in Medium Earth Orbit. with a goal of global coverage by 1991. firstly. together with those from interested intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. anywhere on or near the Earth.Page 184 Russian government by the Russian Space Forces. IMO's specialized committees and sub-committees are the focus for the technical work to update existing legislation or develop and adopt new regulations. The distance between any two points on a sphere is therefore known as the great-circle distance. day and night. eGlobe User Manual v 07. Russia committed to restoring the system. including standards for ship design. Development on the GLONASS began in 1976. and altitude) plus the time. Beginning in 2001. four control and monitoring stations on Earth. supported by hundreds of recommendations governing every facet of shipping. and in recent years has diversified. an arc (or an orthodrome) of a great circle is the shortest path between two points on the surface. The result is a comprehensive body of international conventions. is the path with the smallest curvature. and accelerated the program with a goal of restoring global coverage by 2009. introducing the Indian government as a partner.key treaties include SOLAS.2012 August 2012 . measures aimed at the prevention of accidents. the MARPOL convention for the prevention of pollution by ships and the STCW convention on standards of training for seafarers. space-based global navigation satellite system. longitude. There are. Beginning on 12 October 1982. operation and manning .S. equipment. also known as the Riemannian circle. and hence. Great Circle The great circle. The great-circle route is the shortest path between two points across the surface of a sphere GPS The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.08. with meetings attended by maritime experts from Member Governments. numerous rocket launches added satellites to the system until the constellation was completed in 1995. IMO is based in the United Kingdom with around 300 international staff. and the actual navigation devices users own. navigation. IMO IMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations with 169 Member States and three Associate Members. GPS satellites broadcast signals from space that GPS receivers use to provide three-dimensional location (latitude. without changing the direction as measured relative to true north. eGlobe User Manual v 07.e.08. one proceeds along the same bearing. That is. a path derived from a defined initial bearing.Page 185 MOB Man Over Board Rhumbline A rhumb line (or loxodrome) is a line crossing all meridians of longitude at the same angle.2012 August 2012 . upon taking an initial bearing. i. Function: Show/Hide floating window for extra data. Function: Display GoTo Form. Function: Show sensors pane Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Close all superimposed windows Location: Symbol Function Bar.3 eGlobe Symbols and icons Location: Upper right corner of screen. Function: Output of a time label on past track. Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Show chart query pane eGlobe User Manual v 07. Function: Show navigation pane Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Select what view to display in chart pane.2012 August 2012 .08. Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Show targets pane Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Select view class standard. Location: Symbol Function Bar. Location: Symbol Function Bar. Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Show/Hide virtual control unit.Page 186 17. Location: Symbol Function Bar. 2012 August 2012 . Function: Show route edit pane Location: Symbol Function Bar.Page 187 Location: Symbol Function Bar. Function: Show alarm pane Location: Navigation Pane Function: Select precision navigation table Location: Navigation Pane Function: Select docking table Location: Navigation Pane Function: Select ocean sailing table Location: Various Function: Expand the pane/window Location: Various Function: Shrink the pane/window Location: Expanded sensors pane Function: Resume display of incoming sensor data Location: Expanded sensors pane Function: Pause display of incoming sensor data Location: Targets pane Function: Show Sort Order/Search ID frame Location: Replay form Function: Rewind recording to start.08. Location: Replay form Function: Replay recording eGlobe User Manual v 07. Page 188 Location: Replay form Function: Pause replay of recording eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 . eGlobe User Manual v 07.08.2012 August 2012 .Page 189 This page intentionally left blank.
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