EFFECT OF POLLUTION ON MUDSKIPPER FISHERY OF ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY WITH A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BIOLOGY OF BOLEOPTHALMUS DUSSUMIERI (CUV. & VAL.) A MINOR PROJECT IN BIOLOGICAL STUDIES Report Submitted on July 2005 MR. S. D. RATHOD Lecturer B. N. BANDODKAR COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, CHENDANI, THANE (W)-400 601. Sanctioned by University of Mumbai Fort, Mumbai- 400 032. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author sincerely thank the University of Mumbai for accepting the proposal and sanctioning the amount of Rs. 15000/- for this project. He also records his gratitude to the Principal of B. N. Bandodkar college of Science, Thane, Dr. (Mrs.) Madhuri Pejaver for allowing him to use the infrastructure for conducting the laboratory work at the Zoology Department, using the library and computer facilities and for the administrative assistance. He is indebted to Dr. (Mrs.) N. N. Patil, Dr. R. P. Athalye, Dr.(Mrs.) M. U. Borkar, Mr. Hemant Karkhanis, Mr. Amol Patwardhan, Dr. V. V. Bedekar, for extending their hands generously during the project period. He also expresses his gratefulness especially to his colleagues, fishermen community, the non-teaching staff and research students Mr. Sameer and Mr. Adesh from Advance Study Centre of the B. N. Bandodkar college of Science without their help project wouldn’t have been a success. Author also acknowledges with thanks to everyone who was involved in the project work, directly or indirectly. Mr. Sudesh D. Rathod 2 PREFACE The coastal inward waters such as creeks, estuaries, lagoons and other wetlands are the productive and diverse waterbodies. India has a long coastline of 8118 km and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.02 million km 2. Recent estimates of the total area of wetlands without mangroves in India include the brackish water suitable for fish culture 2,000,000 ha, Estuaries 3,900,000 ha and Back waters of 3,540,000 ha. Ramsar convention bureau has declared about 19 important wetlands, covering 648,507 hectares, in the country. These extremely interesting sites range geographically all over the country, from three sites in Kerala in the southwest and another in Tamil Nadu in the southeast to another at 4,595m (15,075 feet) altitude in the Himalaya. They include coastal estuaries, dammed reservoirs, and lots of mangroves. The coastal zone of the country is rich in natural resources. They are influenced greatly by human activities. Much of this wealth is often exploited in an unprecedented manner, resulting in rapid degradation of the environments which in turn deplete the natural resources. The seasonal variations in the water quality as well as the biological component of these systems are influenced heavily by anthropogenic stress exerted by the developmental activities carried out along the coastal waters. Estuaries are one of the most productive zones on our planet with the gross primary productivity amounting to approximately 10 K cal/m 2/yr of organic matter and also the most heavily utilized area. An estuary is a very dynamic and fragile ecosystem with unique physico-chemical and biological features. Since it is influenced largely by tidal cycle and the seasonal influx of land run off, it behaves variedly during the months or the seasons. Being transitional the estuary establishes the link between land, freshwater and seawater rendering ‘edge-effect’ and hence harbours the diverse fauna and flora. Several species complete their entire life cycle within the brackishwater of estuaries. Some coastal species find estuaries as very essential at least for a part of their life cycle. In addition, estuaries serve as critical reproductive and nursery grounds for a wide variety of fishes and important habitats for numerous benthic and 3 roads. sand dredging. the enrichment of estuaries with organic and inorganic nutrients has contributed to the eutrophication problems in numerous estuarine systems. shellfish and other marine living resources due to indiscriminate entry of domestic and industrial pollutants. mangrove cutting. railways. Most of these species are seasonal visitors. It causes acute and chronic pollution in estuarine and coastal marine environment leading to a severe threat to the inhabiting aquatic communities. They also serve as migratory routes for the anadromous species or for the catadromous species. In many cases. The fishermen communities thus affected looking for other earning sources may lead to the local financial crisis. The substratum of an estuary is always covered with silt and mud which is the most common type of bottom where the organic detritus is rich in floral and faunal populations. solid waste dumping. Some terrestrial species find their refuge in the premises. agriculture etc. The concentration of population and of industries on the banks has inevitably led to the discharge of the waste materials into the estuaries so that many have become seriously polluted water bodies. Due to these activities the existence of rich biodiversity in the estuaries is under threat. Various endemic finfish and shellfish species comprise the important fisheries. Hence it is very important to discuss about the estuarine ecosystems giving due consideration to pollution problems. 4 . affect these aquatic environments greatly. many major cities of the world are located on the shores of estuaries. mining. dams. Already many coastal inward waters have become either unproductive or unharvestable for a variety of finfish. Because of the convenience of sea transport. visiting the estuaries. Moreover. Heterotrophic microorganisms are a major component of estuarine ecosystems and are predominant in the estuarine sediments. Fishermen community residing in the vicinity relies on the estuarine fisheries for their wellbeing. Therefore it is comprised of a typical food chain amongst aquatic and terrestrial organisms. reclamation.planktonic organisms. for breeding or feeding purpose hence the seasonal fisheries are observed predominantly. domestic and municipal sewage wastes as well as nonpoint source run-off have been the principal sources of nutrients to estuaries. The other anthropogenic activities such as construction of bridges. tunneling. N. remedial measures. legislation etc. Mr. source. Sudesh D. Maharashtra. This project work discusses the status quo of pollution and problems and need for protection of Ulhas River estuary of Thane district situated in Maharashtra State. nature of toxicity on biota. their entry. This needs urgently a thorough knowledge of the pollutants. management. Rathod Associate Professor Zoology Deptartment B. India 5 . Bandodkar College of Science Thane.Strict monitoring and corrective measures have to be undertaken to safeguard their existence. monitoring of the ecosystem. .4 Chapter II 5--11 CHAPTER III 12---17 CHAPTER IV 18--19 CHAPTER V 20--23 CHAPTER VI BIBLIOGRAPHY WEBSITES SITED & ABBREVIATION……………………………….CONTENTS Chapter I INTRODUCTION ………………………. & Val. 24--30 6 . POLLUTION STATUS OF THE ……….…….…….) FISHERY of Boleopthalmus ………………… dussumieri (Cuv..) DISCUSSION ………………………………… 1-. & Val. ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY AND SOME ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITIES INVOLVED BIOLOGY of Boleopthalmus………………… dussumieri (Cuv.. salinity gradient. meanders for about 40 km. The upper stretches of the Ulhas River is fed by fresh water from the Raigad and Thane districts. E on the world map.CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Ulhas River estuary is one of the inward waters characteristic in its environmental conditions due to the shallow depth. The river is shallow having sandy basin since the land runoff carry huge sediments from its catchment area.55 meters above the sea level. before joining the sea at Vasai.20’. It is one of the important waterbody in Thane District. Kalu.45’ to 190. It runs for about 122 kms. There are number of industries situated along the either river’s banks. adding their effluents at various localities namely Ambivli. Varna and Kamwadi.42’ to 730. Pashri.16’ N and longitude 720. Bhiwandi and Thane City and loading the waterbody with pollutants heavily. Dombivli. It receives a number of tributaries carrying runoff water from their respective catchment areas namely Pej. There is a considerable load of the domestic waste water is also added to the estuary since the Thane city requires over 280 MLD (Lala. Ulhas Nagar.2004) of water which in-turn must be used variously and ultimately added to the Thane creek and Ulhas River estuary daily. mangrove vegetation. The estuarine part of the river commences from S-E near Kalyan –Dombivli railway station headwards. 8216. Bhatsa. Archeivala (1969) has observed that the heavy pollution at the upper reaches of the estuary has lost the spawning ground of the 7 . diurnal temperature variation etc. traverses through Sahyadrian ranges of hilly tracks of Western Ghats and meets the Arabian Sea at Vasai Fort in Thane District. Ulhas River originates at Budhemal Lake near Rajmachi Fort. tidal currents. Chilar. before it joins the Arabian Sea towards N-E at Vasai creek situated between the latitude 180. Murbadi. 13. V.5/27-28. due to industrial and domestic effluents. A. Nath et al. Fin Formula: B. The important fish species being Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.26. 1993).) are described as follows: i. Although they often come out of water they restrict themselves close to the water for breathing and other activities. P. Moreover mass kill of the fish occurs frequently in the coastal waters of Mumbai and Thane cities. It is consumed in fresh condition. D. eyes placed dorsally. 1964. The salient features of the ambient mudskipper B. 2002). C. L. reinvestigation of the hydrological conditions is essential.) (See plate no1) of the mudskipper fishery has been considered for the study. as the estuaries are dynamic in nature. rely. 1837) is the amphibious estuarine fish found flourishing in the mudflats of the of Ulhas River estuary. ii. It is one of the most relished and highly demanded fish in the local market. Therefore their burrows are always constructed in the limits of intertidal zone (Mutsaddi. (2003) observed the degeneration in the ovarian cells of Clarias batrachus due to the altered physicochemical parameters of the wetlands.V. Clayton. one of the major fisheries from the Ulhas River estuary on which the poor fishermen communities. dussumieri (Cuv.Hilsa fishery. Therefore despite of earlier findings.ca 125.1/5. & Val. Pseudobranchiae present. The conditions observer at one instance will change at the other.. single rayed dorsal fin with flexible spine. affects the aquatic organisms inhabiting the ambient water. Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuvier & Valencienne.1. An effort has been made to ordained pollution status of the Ulhas River estuary and to determine the fate of mudskipper fishery. & Val. It is evident that the heavy pollution.19. 1991. It is a benthic and burrowing type of fish inhabiting on the neretic mudflats of the Ulhas River estuary. It has been observed that the fisheries of the estuary have been dwindling to the threatening status (Rathod et al. Chung et al. residing in the vicinity. 8 . They construct the burrows in the mud and feed on the mudflats. Systematic position of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuvier & Valencienne.Boleopthalmus species. contains 2-3 rows of oblong white spots. Smaller black blotches on 1st dorsal. v. Family. Three teeth on the either side of middle of upper jaw pointed and directed downwards.Gobiidae Sub family. I.iii. 9 . construction etc.dussumieri The fishermen communities residing in the vicinity of the Ulhas River estuary dependant on available fisheries of the same are suffering for their daily needs due to the depleted fishery. A pair of posterior canines. reclamation.1. iii. mangrove cutting. are also observed to be influencing the estuarine environment of the ambient waterbody (Athalye et al. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: The project involves an attempt to determine the pollution status of the ambient water through the hydrological study and certain anthropogenic activities affecting the same. Caudal pointed. & Val) with its health status. iv. Besides some anthropogenic activities such as solid waste disposal. Many fisher-folks have therefore shifted to the other available occupations.. 1837) is as follows: i. To correlate the biological studies of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. lower rays are shorter than the dorsals. few fishermen have adopted sand dredging activities. 2nd dorsal.Oxudercinae Genus. ii. 2003). iv. on lower jaw and about 25 truncated and notched sub-horizontals on either aside of the lower jaw. As the river is moderate source of sand. & Val. Zone I – From Dombivli to Kolshet. Diva. Alimghar. Sample collection stations.To ordain the status quo of the Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. The zone is demarcated by moderate depth and prevalent mudflats. Mudskipper fishing is predominant in this zone as it holds a number of wider mudflats throughout. Vehele. -Gaimukh station (GS) at Gaimukh jetty from Zone-II and 10 .October to December Late Post Monsoon (LPM). The study was carried for nine months. from the month of July 2004 to March 2005. The seasons were designated as Monsoon. Mumbra. where fragmented of mangrove vegetation and the fishery is seldom occurred.July to September Early Post Monsoon (EPM). It is influenced largely due to the Bhiwandi MIDC area.January to March The hydro-sedimentological studies were performed zone-wise on monthly basis. Bayer Pharmaceutical Company. fishery of the Ulhas River estuary. it was taken up as the estuarine region of the Ulhas River. Zone II – From Kasheli village to Gaimukh Sand landing centre traversing from the lustful mangrove vegetation. I. PLAN OF WORK: Since tidal water oscillates from Vasai Fort to the Dombivli-Kalyan and back. Kharegaon. -Kharegaon station (KS) in the vicinity of Thane city from Zone-I. Zone III – From Gaimukh to the Bhayandar made-up of rocky basin and gradually increasing in depth at its greatest as it approaches the Arabian Sea towards Vasai Fort. this zone is highly affected due to the domestic activities as there are several human habitations viz.2. The zone is constricted at its seaward proximity due to two major bridge constructions of Bhiwandi bypass and the Kasheli. one station from each zone. The estuary was imagined for the three zones as study areas as follows. were decided for the sampling purpose. ColorChem Dyeing industry and sand dredging activities.). has been produced.-Versova-bridge station (VS) near Bhayandar Village. & Val. 11 . & Val. (see plate 1 & Map. A pooled data of the biology of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. were studied zone-wise and recorded according to season in the entire estuary. annexure I) -Whereas the fishery and the biology of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.).). Entire investigation was carried from the months of July 2004 to March 2005. 12 . 2005. Durve. 1884.CHAPTER II POLLUTION STATUS OF THE ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY AND SOME ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITIES INVOLVED Numerous experts have instantaneously studied the hydrological parameters of various waterbodies in the country. 1985. Shahoo et al. 1971. AWWA. Mohapatra et al. Tandel. 1984 and Organic carbon by Walkley and Black. Mathew (1989). 13 . sediments as per the Buchanan’s settling rate method. Hence the hydrology was considered for the study. every month from July 2004 to March. 1934 method.. Mukharji (1993). 1982). The study of water quality and the sediments indicate the pollution status of the aquatic environments. Sampling was done between the 2 nd and 3rd week of every month during full tide. 2002. 1961. The Ulhas River estuary hydrology was corroborated by Qamrul Hasan (1984). Zingde. Metcalf et al. 1979. 1987). Patil. Samples were assessed using the standard methods as per APHA. It influences aquatic environment heavily and put adverse effect on the organisms living therein (Mishra. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The study of hydrological parameters was carried in the three zones at their corresponding stations KS. GS and VS. WPCF. 2002. CPHERI.. 2000. It has been found that the water quality of the water bodies lying in the vicinities of urban areas is heavily polluted due to industrial and domestic wastes. 2003. 1981. Athalye et al. The temperature rises gradually from early post monsoon to the late post monsoons throughout the estuary. water temperature.).1 WATER PARAMETERS II. Temperature fluctuation also affects the phytoplankton and zooplankton and hence affects the fish. SiO3-Si.The water parameters assessment such as water colour. 1. salinity. land run-off. II. exothermic chemicals etc also affect the temperature regime of the estuarine ecosystem. brownish colour showed either river influx during the rainy season or the sand dredging activity and the blackish colour showed the pollution along the Ulhas River estuary. the study some how helps in water condition interpretation.i WATER COLOUR: Water colour changes due to the seasonal or artificial alteration. light penetration and dissolved oxygen were assessed on site during the collection.ii WATER TEMPERATURE: Due to the shallowness of the basin and influx of the river.1. Several other manmade factors such as the particulate matter. NO3-N and PO4-P were collected in the ‘washer-stoppered’ polyethylene bottles of one liter capacity and brought to the laboratory and were examine on the same day. II. thermal pollution. Therefore water temperature plays an important role in the estuaries.iii LIGHT PENETRATION: 14 . BOD. The endemic organisms being eurythermic can tolerate the temperature fluctuation but the occasional visitors are greatly affected. Water samples required for remaining parameters such as water pH. The greenish colour of water showed the rich growth of phytoplankton. industrial effluents etc.1. the temperature varies diurnally and seasonally. The surface water temperature ranged from 24oC to 33o C with an average of 26.3 0C in the Ulhas river estuary (Graph 1. II. such as planktonic growth. The high values occurred however occurred on other than rainy days also.5 cm in September 2004 at GS and 38 cm in October 2004 at VS and the average being 10. When water was greenish (revealing the high phytoplankton) the light penetration was also greater.) in Ulhas River estuary.). Being shallow the light can reach the bottom but due to the particulate matter it is greatly obliterated. (1992) observed that detrital particle generally form a major component of suspended matters in sewage polluted aquatic environment.The light penetration has importance regarding the primary productivity of the ambient water. 2005 at GS and VS) and 15. (Graph 2. (Graph 3. Suspended solids in the estuary were high during the rainy days.v pH of WATER: Saline water does not vary in pH since the salts render buffering action but the pollution status may bring down the pH of water which normally remains 15 . run-off water.33 cm. Light penetration ranged between 1. The upwelling of the sea and land run-off water during winter and monsoon respectively causes the increase in SS. Certain other sources like turbulence.1. 2004 at VS). II. Human activity such as mining. The average of being 4. Alam. The particulate matters may be the plankton or the suspended solids.iv SUSPENDED SOLIDS (SS): The plankton population imparts the suspended solids in aquatic habitat like estuary.4 mg/l (in Jan.1.378 mg/l. These also hinder the vision and clog the gills of animals. Present study exhibited the suspended solids in the Ulhas River estuary was fluctuating between 0. mining or dredging activity increase the particulate matters which in turn hinder the light penetration. Light penetration remained in concurrence with the water colour i.0 mg/l (in Nov.e. Suspended particles obliterate the light penetration hence lowering the photosynthetic rate. water added from the domestic and industrial wastes. sand dredging may bring about considerable change in the SS of small waterbody like Ulhas River estuary. II. 91 (alkaline in Sept.504 mg/l (in Feb. like salinity plays an important role in the estuary.049 mg/l (in March. may also decrease pH. The pH ranged from 6.22 %0 in March.24 (acidic in February 2005) at GS to 7.376 %0(in Aug. Oxygen being vital factor in the estuarine ecosystem BOD must be 16 .) II. II. Ulhas River estuary is very shallow and hence is affected largely due to both the tidal and riverine currents. water temperature and carbon dioxide concentration.4 %o (Graph 5.1. Accumulation of CO2.vi SALINITY: Water salinity plays a crucial role in the estuarine habitat as it often fluctuates with the oceanic tidal inundation and the river water influx.402 mg/l. The average pH was 7. High BOD depletes the oxygen level to a critical condition especially during the night.) II.) Dissolved oxygen ranged between 0. 2004) at VS.vii DISSOLVED OXYGEN (DO): Dissolved oxygen (DO). surface diffusion.viii BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD): It is a measure of the organic matter present in the ambient water. 2005 at KS) and 7. 2005 at VS). The salinity varied greatly from 0. the dissolved oxygen was almost at hypoxic level in the entire estuary. up-streams.. the average being 2. due to the heavy decomposition of organic matter indicating domestic deposition.1. BOD. (Graph 6.1.5 mg/l (Laponite et al. The dissolved oxygen level below 2.slightly alkaline. rate of photosynthesis.. BOD increases with the increased inflow of the domestic waste Athalye et al. 2004 at KS) to 31.08. 1992) is hypoxic to organisms residing in estuary. 2005 at VS) with an average of 17.. DO is governed by the water turbulence. (Graph 4.. Euryhaline endemic organisms are not much affected due to the salinity fluctuation but some being very sensitive to it cannot withstand the dilution due to sewage water disposal or release of dam water. 2003). The inhabitant organisms are affected greatly due the diurnal and seasonal variation in the dissolved oxygen of the ambient water. The SiO3-Si is brought in by riverine water. BOD increases to its greatest in the LPM season indicating the accumulation of organic matter. clams etc. Nitrate nitrogen values are moderate and rose twice in the monsoon and later in the Late-post monsoon.708 mg/l (in Jan.8 mg/l.1. require soil for their shelter. II.597mg/l. 2005 at VS).124 mg/l.N) and Silicate silicon (SiO3-Si)}: The nutrients play a major role in primary productivity of the estuary. However the industrial effluents and domestic waste also carry excessive nutrients like NO 3-N and PO4-P. from the domestic sewage. Besides it is a tool for monitoring the pollution status of waters. (Graph 9) The phosphate phosphorus is added to the estuary from the domestic area sewage. (Graph 8. 2002).) The silicate silicon values are very elaborate with an average of 48. it is due to high decomposition rate as indicated by the BOD. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3. high during monsoon and gradually decreasing in the EPM and finally LPM. with an average of 4. 2 SEDIMENTS Sediments are deposited from the river fed water which forms a rich substratum for the benthic organisms in the estuary. (Graph 10.checked for its existence.) II.ix NUTRIENTS {Phosphate-phosphorus (PO4-P). BOD of Ulhas River estuary ranged from 0. The Ulhas River estuary has rich mudflats on its either banks from Kevani-Diva to its proximity till 17 .. These are generated as a result of decomposition in natural condition that is regularly taken up by the phytoplankton in an aquatic body. 2004 at GS and VS) to 15. due to leaching of the basin as a result of affinity to oxygen or sources like igneous rock of volcanic origin (Mishra. Nitrogen averages at 1.403 mg/l (in Oct. In monsoon it must be brought in by the rain water from the catchment area. The animals like mudskippers crabs. (Graph 7). whereas in LPM. The bimodal curves occurred (see graph 10) thus land runoff increases the phosphorus during the monsoon and in LPM. (Graph 12. 44.) II. It ranged from 30% to 60% in various months. silt and clay respectively. 2.173%. between 4 µ to 62 µ is silt and particles below 4 µ are clay (Buchanan.69% in the month of November in EPM.) II. But due to the various anthropogenic activities the substratum is disturbed and the fishery species are greatly affected. The Sedimentology such as soil texture and organic carbon were done.Vasai Fort. increasing the BOD of the water and discomforting the living beings inhabiting in it.69% to 3. 18 . (Graph 11.2. Many endemic organisms are therefore shifted to the other available locations. The present finding revealed that organic carbon in the Ulhas River estuary varied from the minimum of 0. Therefore assessment of the sediment structure is essential to be taken in the mudskipper fishery study. However overall organic carbon kept fluctuates during the study period. This renders a considerable fishery in the area.56.53% with an average of 2.15 for sand.82 and 28. 1984). 3 ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITIES: Several anthropogenic activities have been noted during the study those incur favorable or adverse effect on the health of the ambient waters such as. The average was found to be 19.ii ORGANIC CARBON: Organic carbon is a source of organic matter which is dumped in the estuary through domestic wastes and the dead organisms of the water body.i SOIL TEXTURE: Soil texture involves three types of particles– the particles size above 62µ are sand. Zone I reciprocated with Zone II & III in early post monsoon dropping abruptly to 0. Mishra (2002) found highest percentage of the silt in monsoon season in the Ulhas River estuary. The present study revealed the silt being keeping high during the entire study period. II. Organic matter enhances the decomposition. 2003). The solid waste dumping and reclamation go hand in hand in the Ulhas River estuary.g.. Alimghar. mangrove cutting for fuel. 19 . have been observed for mangrove cutting for fuel purpose. are dumped in the area sited for reclamation (e.) Fuel gathering is the activity disturbing the habitat. Villagers from Yela. Besides the megaconstructions like bridges also constrict the passage for the estuarine water and enhances the sedimentation due to the lack of proper flushing. constructions.). HARMFUL PRACTICES ALONG THE ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY: Indiscriminate use of plastic goods and the polyethylene bags has raised the plastic garbage to unimaginable level. solid waste dumping. Kevani. A. & Val. Places are reclaimed for human settlement through obliterating the channel of the Ulhas River Estuary. The solid waste especially from the reconstructions e.) were found to get disappeared from plastic prone areas in the study (see plate 3. latter being more vigorous (Plate 2. dussumieri (Cuv.g.plastic garbage. Versova Bridge. building rubbles. and Bhaindar-Virar Bridge. Kalher. and hinder the normal activity of the aquatic organisms. The Ulhas River estuary has dumped with tremendous plastic garbage which is blocking the pneumatophores of mangrove plants. On estuary there are four major bridges namely Bhiwandi bypass. reclamation in the estuarine area. suffocate the fish. Animals sometime consume the plastic mistaking them for food and die (Anatharaman et al. The young ones of B. Kasheli Bridge. Huge amount of plastic was found trapped in the fishing gears. Sand dredging was frequent in the Zone I and Zone II. Mumbra) which narrowed the channel affecting the passage of organisms inhabiting it. Chena etc. It is prime time for controlling the plastic garbage from deteriorating the ambient waterbody. Such practices are the prime need of the present days.Water Temp. URE 2004-05 35 30 25 temp (C) 20 15 10 5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII 20 .B PLASTIC SORTING AT ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY: Approximately 10 million tonnes of solid waste are discharged in to ocean every year of which 1 million tonnes are plastic debris (Anantharaman et al. Amongst one of the healthy practices plastic was found to be sorted at Kharegaon for recycling procedure at Kharegaon (See Plate 2). 2003). Hydrological Parameters in Ulhas River Estuary Graph 1. Graph 2 Light Penetration URE 2004-05 40 35 30 25 LP (cm) 20 15 10 5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV monthas UI UII UIII DEC JAN FEB MAR Hydrological Parameters in Ulhas River Estuary Graph 3.Suspended solids URE 2004-05 16 14 12 10 SS (mg/l) 8 6 4 2 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV months UI UII UIII DEC JAN FEB MAR 21 . Salinity in URE 2004-05 35 30 25 Salinity (o/oo) 20 15 10 5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII 22 .Graph 4. pH in URE 2004-05 9 8 7 6 5 pH 4 3 2 1 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII Hydrological Parameters in Ulhas River Estuary Graph 5. BOD in URE 2004-05 20 BOD (mg/l) 15 10 5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII 23 .Graph 6. Dissolved ozxygen in URE 2004-05 8 7 6 5 DO (mg/l) 4 3 2 1 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII Hydrological Parameters in Ulhas River Estuary 25 Graph 7. 5 3 NO3-N (mg/l) 2.140 Graph 8.5 1 0.5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII 24 . Nitrate-Nitrogen in URE 2004-05 3. Silicates in URE 2004-05 120 100 Silicateas (mg/l) 80 60 40 20 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months Series1 Series2 Series3 Hydrological Parameters in Ulhas River Estuary 4 Graph 9.5 2 1. 0.4 phosphate (mg/l) 0.5 3 % org.5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months UI UII UIII 25 .5 0.6 Graph 10.3 0.5 1 0. Organic carbon in URE 2004-05 4 3.2 0.5 2 1. Phosphates-P in URE 2005-04 0.1 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR month UI UII UIII Sediments in Ulhas River Estuary Graph 11. carbon 2. Soil Texture in Ulhas River Estuary 2004-05 80 70 60 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 UI UII Sand % JULY AUG SEPT OCT UIII UI UII Silt % NOV DEC JAN UIII UI UII Clay % FEB MAR UIII Sediments in Ulhas River Estuary Silt regime of URE 2004-05 70 60 50 40 % silt 30 20 10 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR month Silt % UI Silt % UIII Silt % UII 26 . 45 Graph 12. Sand Regime in URE 2004-2005 40 35 30 % of Sand 25 20 15 10 5 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV months Sand % UI Sand % UII Sand % UIII DEC JAN FEB MAR Graph 14. Clay regime in URE 2004-05 80 70 60 50 % of Clay 40 30 20 10 0 JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR months Clay % UI Clay % UII Clay % UIII 27 . 28 . Specimens were washed and carefully blotted and length and weight were noted to the 29 . 2003) and body moisture assessments. and liver. Mutsaddi.1. proximate composition. Qasim.) Biological study is essential to ordain the health status of the ambient fish. gonadosomatic index. length-weight relationship. Food feeding.CHAPTER III BIOLOGY OF BOLEOPTHALMUS DUSSUMIERI (CUV. & VAL. food and feeding. spawning behaviour etc.( (Day. 1972). MATERIAL AND METHOD: The specimens were collected from the fishing location in live condition and were assessed immediately for glycogen in the muscles. hepatosomatic index. The present biological studies have been corroborated for procuring the exact health status of the ambient fish in the Ulhas River estuary. Remaining individuals were preserved in 10% Formaldehyde prepared in brackish water collected from the Ulhas River estuary for future study (length-weight relationship. The edible part (muscles) was removed from the freshly killed individuals and was kept for drying in the oven at 70oC for 48 hrs. total lipids (Ametaj et al. 1964. The length and weight of fish were noted in preserved condition. This was used for crude protein. III.somatic index).. are the frequently quested biological aspects during the last two centuries and have been found to be established in directing the condition of the fish. 1882. At-least three individuals were assessed separately and the mean of the spectrophotometric readings was noted. No. 8 Muscle crude protein Muscle glycogen Total lipids Body moisture Total ash Lowry’s method (Lowry. 1993. Dussumieri (Cuv. 1984). The Following methods were used for various biological assessments: Sr. 1994. Food and feeding habit of Boleopthalmus Dussumieri (Cuv. Wise. & Val. Each fish was then opened and the liver weight and the gut contents were noted. 1972.1949) Folch et al. breeding and migration and also for management of commercially important fisheries (Bal et al. 1. 7. Kitts. Clayton. 1964. Connolly. 6. 3. Qasim.2. & Point method Val. 5.1984) Anthrone reagent method (Seifter et al.nearest mm and mg respectively.) The estuarine environment are rich in primary production. (1957) Oven drying Furnace combustion III.) Method 2. therefore numerous fishes migrate to the estuary for feeding purpose. Food and feeding habit of the fish in the estuary is of great importance to understand their life history including growth.. Biological study Food and feeding habit of B. 2004). Length-weight relationship Hepato-somatic index Statistical method Adams & Mc Lean’s equation Proximate composition: 4. 30 . 2004. Mutsaddi. 1882. Several experts have concentrated on the food and feeding habit of various fish in the world (Day. Dussumieri (Cuv. But the extent of the intake of mangrove foliage was very low.). Palisade cells and salt glands) and seldom on fish scales and ova. water storage tissue. 2. & Val.) from ulhas river estuary 2004 -2005 as tabulated below (plate 5 & 6): Table III. Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. 13. Oscillatiria sp. 7. type of food pinnate diatoms sr. Individuals were well-fed in monsoon. Cyclotella sp. & Val. 8. Food items were observed in the gut of b. name of food item Nitschia sigmoides Navicula tumida Pleurosigma sp. frequency most frequent Very frequent Very frequent Frequent Frequent Frequent Common Frequent Common Frequent Frequent Frequent Common 31 . Nitschia ascicula Gyrosigma sp. Surirella sp. 11. bottom feeder and endemic to the Ulhas River estuary.). 5.2. 4. Melosira sp. & Val) was observed for shifting from diatom to algae during early post monsoon. moderately fed in early post monsoon and starving in the late post monsoon season (Graph 13). Centric Diatoms Algae 10.) is herbivorous. Navicula sp. Individuals having the gorged or full stomach were found to forage on diatoms predominantly (Table III.2. Asterionella sp. The high feeding intensity of the monsoon season decreased to its lowest level in the late post monsoon. & Val. 3.Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. whereas in late post monsoon most of the individuals were starving (Graph 14) and found to be foraging on decayed mangrove foliage (Spongy tissue. A seasonwise pooled data was procured for food and feeding habit of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. 9. Pseudonitschia sp. no. 12. 6. Spirulina sp. Diatoms were the most selected food during the monsoon season. 1. 37 1. dussumieri (Cuv.) 85. 18.89 Foliage Others 32 . Water storage tissue. & Val.83 Diatom Algae 0 12.) 62. Unidentified sp.& Val. Fish egg Fish scale Accidental Accidental Early postmonsoon diet of B.71 27.) 15.2 Foliage Others Late postmonsoon diet of B dussumieri (Cuv.23 2.14. (Chlorophyceae) Mangrove foliage 16. Unidentified sp. Palisade cells and salt glands Others 17.97 Diatom Algae 10. Common Spongy tissue. ) Rare (plate 5. (Chlorophyceae) Common (plate 5. & Val) 17. 1951) is a constant and b the exponent.The relationship between length. L and weight W is derived by the equation W = a Lb where a. the above equation becomes log W = log a + b (log L) Where theoretical value of ‘b’ is normally 3 called as Herbert Spencer’s cube law. On the linear transformation. & Val. Fishery biologists commonly record the size of fish in terms of length and work out its relationship with the weight of animal. Average 33 . This relationship also helps in fishery management and in understanding biological phenomena like age.g.11 Diatom Algae Foliage Others III. as it not only helps in establishing the yield but in converting one variable (e. dussumieri (Cuv. Average total body length and total body weight of the specimens in each group were calculated. (Le Cren. for which they were grouped with the class interval on 10 mm.monsoon diet of B.73 0 6. 1984). when desired.) The knowledge of length-weight relationship of fish has a vital importance in fishery.36 76. Length-weight relationship of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.3. The observations on specimens from three seasons (monsoon. so that the conversion between length and weight may be possible. Length and weight of the specimens were taken in preserved condition. Length) into the other (weight). early postmonsoon and late post-monsoon) were analyzed separately. It also gives insight into the well being of the animal (Pejaver. growth and maturity. The length-weight relationship indicated that the health of the Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.length frequency of specimens groups ranged from 75-85 to 105-115.49 monsoon Epm Lpm Season Diatom Algae Foliage Others 34 .e. Seasonwise feeding intensity of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 85. These groups were found common in all the three seasons and hence were considered in the length-weight relationship. The relationship between the length and weight of both the sexes shows parabola (Graph.23 17.11 0 12.83 0 10. exponential relationship occurred.32 62. Log length and Log weight relationship in all the three seasons indicates a straight line with little difference (Graph. & Val. 16).) 50 45 40 35 % fullness 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 mon Epm Lpm Season 3/4th half gorged full 1/4th traces empty Graph 14.87 % Occurrence 27. Dussumieri (Cuv.37 77. & Val. Season wise variation in components of gut content in B. Graph 13.15) i.2 1.36 6. & Val) was better in early post monsoon and was poor in the late post monsoon.89 1. dussumieri (Cuv. Seasonwise Length-weight relationship of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.) in Monsoon 9000 8000 7000 weight (mg) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 length (mm) 10000 L-W Relationship of B. & Val.Graph 15. & Val. & Val.) in LPM 7000 6500 6000 5500 weight (mg) 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 length (mm) 35 . Dussumieri (Cuv.) from URE 2004-05 L-W Relationship of B. & Val.) in EPM 9000 8000 7000 weight (mg) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 length (mm) L-W Relationship of B. dussumieri (Cuv. 06 2.) from URE 2004-05 4 L-W rlationship B.02 2.55 3.06 2.65 log w 3. Seasonwise Length-weight relationship of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv.96 1. dussumieri (Cuv.8 3.88 1.98 log l 2 2.4 3.08 log l 4 3.9 1.6 3.96 1.75 3.04 2.04 2.6 3.9 3.Graph 16.85 3.2 1.9 1.96 1.4 3.3 3. dussumieri i(Cuv.02 2.55 1.92 1. Val.75 3.7 3.45 3.94 1.02 2. & Val. & Val.85 3.98 2 2.04 2. dussumieri (Cuv.92 1.8 3.92 1.94 1. & Val.) in EPM log w 1.8 L-W Relationship of B.35 1.5 3.7 log w 3.08 3.65 3.) in monsoon 3.) in LPM 3.9 3.5 3.06 log l 36 .7 3.94 1.98 2 2.88 L-W Relationship of B.6 3.95 3.9 1. 0 5.411 1. Aug & Sept) Length-Weight BD Early-postmonsoon -2004 (Oct.0 80.949 1.604 5.499 4.128 2.45 13.079 2.0 129.07 20.353 9. Nov & Dec) Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ 105-115 115-125 125-135 135-145 145-155 155-165 165-176 175-185 8 110.931 20.061 2.275 15.455 24.044 2.052 0.858 5.43 Log W =Y 0.018 2.053 1.637 3.178 2.006 1.238 2.113 2.811 4.0 173.697 11.132 0.243 3.744 4.5 9.02 10.188 1.0 629.100 2.901 1.158 0.5 21.67 89.327 Length-Weight BD Monsoon -2004 (July. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ∑ 55-65 65-75 75-85 85-95 95-105 105-115 6 49.53 4.708 1.5 134.857 3.786 2. Feb & March) Sr.4 150.907 1.982 4.446 2.701 0.072 2.323 4.00 0.123 1.75 89.78 1.996 2.788 0912 1.602 1.27 13.417 0.371 1.974 1.687 2.227 0.115 4.955 1.29 109.012 1.0 99.058 37.111 12.Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ∑ Grps.337 0.022 0.317 X2 Y2 XY 37 .405 19.397 0.307 3.135 20.67 2.037 0.489 0.571 100.639 1.998 6.204 2.67 160.669 4.929 0.428 2.69 0.615 8.261 1.782 2.952 2.103 0.491 0.319 0.0 177.8 3.618 2.0 115.024 8.249 17.005 4.618 1.303 9.0 118.472 X 2 Y 2 XY Length-Weight BD Late-postmonsoon -2005 (Jan.953 1.0 126.095 2.091 0.63 120.495 3.178 4.0 69.22 Grps.041 9. L(mm) W(gm) Log L=X Log W=Y X 2 Y 2 XY 75-85 85-95 95-105 105-115 115-125 125-135 6 79.246 4.301 0.293 4.09 0.986 2.41 4.855 0.101 1. L (mm) W (gm) Log L=X Log W=Y 1.399 1.381 3.73 9.565 0.571 3.732 1.239 0.391 0.001 2.757 1.949 1.307 1.914 2.696 2.863 0.28 1.164 21.864 2.363 0.917 0.113 Grps.69 1.635 0.09 5.04 41. L (mm) W (gm) Log L =X 1.839 1. Graph 17: Season-wise average of hepato-somatic index (I H) of B. (1998) found the growth rate and liver somatic index (IH) significantly lower (P>0.) from URE 2004-05 6 5 4 IH 3 2 1 0 Monsoon EPM LPM Season In the ambient fish the Hepato-somatic index (Mc Lean. Millory (1908) observed conspicuously low glycogen level in spent fishes. III 5.4. & Val.III. crude protein) has been fetching the concentration of the several experts.. The increased feeding intensity rises the 38 . moisture. dussumieri (Cuv. as it is closely related to the health and the toxic stress caused due to the pollution in aquatic environment.05) in Mystus nemurus exposed to hydrogen sulphide.. Hepato-somatic index (IH) of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. & Val. & Val. 1983). Hoque.) Fish growth pattern can be a tool for determining the health of fish. during the period of high energy intake (Busacker et al. the second highest was the monsoon and the least being late post-monsoon (Graph 17). On the contrary the pollution may affect the normal growth of fish. A reduction in IH has been demonstrated in fish population stressed by acidity (Lee et al.) The proximate composition of organisms (such as lipids. glycogen. Proximate composition of Boleopthalmus dussumieri (Cuv. other chemicals such as heavy metals (Larsson et al. 1998). 1985) was found to be greater in early post-monsoon. the growth of tissue and the storage energy in muscles and liver can cause a fish to attain a greater weight than it would normally have at a particular age. Logically. 1984). glycogen percentage after spawning in both the sexes. The glycogen content of muscle fluctuates in relation to the maturation and spawning (Sonawane et al., 2001). The energy metabolism has a key role as the animal is forced to spend more energy to mitigate the augmented toxic stress. The glycogen level decreases as the pollutants increase in the aquatic organisms (Kumar et al., 2001). Tandel, (1984) observed the reciprocal relationship fat and moisture content in both Mugil cephalus and Mystus gulio. Therefore proximate composition was assessed to find whether they correlation with the pollution status of the estuary. III.5.i Observations: Table III.5. Season Moisture (%) Monsoon 80.3 Crude Protein (%) 9.55 10.48 8.69 0.63 0.51 1.10 Lipids (%) Glycogen (%) 1.69 2.40 1.20 Total Ash (%) 7.80 6.80 8.32 EPMonsoon 80.7 LPMonsoon 80.1 The study revealed that the percentage of the moisture in the muscles is directly proportional with that of crude protein, glycogen and total ash, where as it reciprocates with the fat content of the body (Table III.5). The fish was observed to be containing comparatively high moisture, crude protein and glycogen and low fat contents in early post-monsoon. Monsoon season exhibited medium levels whereas in late post-monsoon the former conditions were exactly opposite to that of early post-monsoon season. 39 40 CHAPTER IV FISHERIES OF BOLEOPTHALMUS DUSSUMIERI (CUV. & VAL.) IV.1. FISHING ACTIVITIES: The poor fishermen are mostly involved in the inward water fishery; therefore estuary is boon for their livelihood. It has been observed that the estuarine fisheries are dwindling by time. The main reason is the human exploitation of the ambient waterbody. The fuel gathering, reclamation, industrial and domestic pollutants and overfishing are the main factor involved in the deterioration of the Ulhas River estuary (Qamrul, et al., 1981; Athalye, et al. 2003; Baig, 1990). In the Ulhas River estuary fishermen from localities in the vicinity such as Vehele, Sarang, Surai, Anjur, Diva-Kankavli, Alimghar, Dombivli, and Kasheli from Zone-I are involved in the mudskipper fishery. In Zone-II mudskipper fishery was insignificant, whereas in Zone-III, it was frequently observed at Nagla, Sasu Navghar, Maljipada, Versova, Naigao, Vadavli, Khochivade and Panju situated along the northern bank. The fishery study was carried through the personal interview of the fishermen involved in the mudskipper fishery in the regions and the survey of fish market at Thane, Kankavli Naka, Kalher and Bhayandar. The mudskipper fishing is carried out mostly mudflats setting a trap on the only of northern bank of the Ulhas River estuary as there is considerable deterioration occurred due to the human intrusion on the southern bank (see map annexure I). The fishing method involved ‘basin -method’, locally known as ‘Malli’. The technique is based on suffocating the fish by covering the 41 A rectangular or triangular embankment is constructed out of mud from the fishing ground itself. The B. Fishing attempts were on vogue from monsoon to the early postmonsoon seasons frequenting from thrice to forth in a fortnight which however diminished towards the late post-monsoon to negligible level. IV. The value of a ‘Kodi’ ranged from Rs. Bokshi net (small bag net used in the inundated area with very fine mosquito-net mesh during monsoon) and barrier net (a pen net popular for mullet fishery) along the entire estuary. Apart from this fishes are seldom caught in Dol net (bag net used in the estuary proper in major fishery). dussumieri (Cuv. B. dussumieri (Cuv. 25 to Rs. dependent on the availability and demand of the 42 .) fishing during the observation. It is relished in fresh condition by the local people of Thane district.2. The container plays a role of trap. 2003) out of which the Gobius spp. B.burrow. & Val. & Val. There were about 50 from Zone I. The mudskippers come out of burrow due to suffocation. Boleopthalmus dussumieri and B. boddarti comprised major catch. It was soled in a local measure of ‘Kodi (i.. 3 from Zone II and 200 fishermen from Zone III were found to be engaged in B. one Kodi = 22 pieces) immaterial of the size and weight. FISHERY: Several gobiid fish species were caught along the Ulhas River estuary (Rathod.e. which are scared. Fish is hauled after a considerable number of individuals are trapped and transported in the splitbamboo basket. keeping its mouth (brim) open at ground level. A slope is maintained towards one of the corners. where an earthen or metal container is buried in the soil. dussumieri (Cuv.) fishery has fetched a special importance as the fish is available in live condition in the markets. The bokshi-net being destructive to mudskipper fishery as the young-ones of 30mm to 60mm length are caught which may diminish the catch of the forthcoming season.) fishery is important as concerned to the high demand from decades. making noise and waving the flag made of colorful cloth and slowly driven towards the trap. & Val. dussumieri was dominant species in the mudskipper fishery locally known as ‘Niwati’. 100/Kodi. Now the burrows in the ring are blocked by plastering with the mud. Most of the mudskipper catch was confined to monsoon and early post monsoon seasons of the study period. Therefore many fishermen have recently stopped the mudskipper fishing. The size groups in the monsoon were varied whereas in the early post-monsoon they were bigger and uniform. 43 .fish. It was learned through the interview of fishermen that the fishery has dwindled to merely 5 % as compared to the past two decades. 44 . 45 . 46 . This dropped to its minimum due to the increased turbidity in Zone II and Zone III except Zone I where the turbidity is diluted due to riverine clear water. Athalye. et al. 2003) and as the estuary being a dynamic and ever-changing. Water 47 ..). The other reason to increase the turbidity in Zone II and Zone III was due to the increased sand dredging activity in Zone II. Archeivala. & Val. dussumieri (Cuv. Light penetration was at peak in the early post-monsoon. V.1. (Graph 1. I. it was essential to perform the similar studies again to ordain exact present status quo of the estuarine pollution and fisheries therein. 2002.). dussumieri (Cuv. 1969. Therefore the hydrological study was included in the plan along with the fishery B.3): Present study revealed that the water temperature stayed almost constant except during the severe hot month of Late post-monsoon. The synchronization between the ambient species B. Mishra. The water colour was in concurrence with the light penetration. Variations were almost stable in all the zones.2 and I. Several factors found insignificant at one instance may become significant at the other. 1964. & Val. 1990.CHAPTER V DISCUSSION Despite the studies on hydrology and fisheries of the Ulhas river estuary were attempted on a few occasions (Mutsaddi. 1981. et al. The temperature condition is quiet encouraging to the inhabitant species as it renders the protection.) and the seasonal variation in the hydrological conditions of the Ulhas river estuary was needed to be established.1. Baig. Qamrul. Hydrological parameters (Refer Table I. 1992). therefore the mudskippers are not populated at all in zone II and scarce in zone I. The brownish water colour was due to the land runoff water from riverside during monsoon and at the occasions of sand dredging activity..22 mg/l). Sedimentology study with an average of sand. 2002). Normally the saline water remains stable in pH keeping at slightly alkaline. This must be due to the effluent added intermittently. The ambient species being Euryhaline stays in the estuary for lifetime but it has been observed that the young-ones abruptly disappear after the initial monsoon precipitation from zone I. Extreme high levels of SiO3-Si in Ulhas River estuary was due to igneous rock of volcanic origin in the vicinity (Mishra.remained greenish when light penetration was greater indicating high primary productivity. revealed that the percentage of silt was greater. (Laponite & Clark. revealed that the estuary is highly polluted. High phosphate status in the monsoon was due to land runoff water flooded in the estuary during monsoon (Qasim et al. 1993). Bhiwandi etc. Tandel (1984) in her study observed. 2004 to February and March. The nutrients like SiO3-Si and NO3-N remained very high can be correlated with the industrial effluent and domestic waste added to the estuary. It was observed during the study that in zone III the human excreta were disposed in the estuary in the late post monsoon season due to which the BOD shot to extreme level (21. throughout the year. 2005. 1969). due the buffering action of dissolved salts.). except some instances (Graph 6. the pH variation in zone I and zone II must exerting heavy stress as the estuarine organisms are sensitive to pH fluctuation. According to Buchanan (1984) the soil is 48 . BOD was relatively high in zone than zone II and zone III indicating the high organic deposition through domestic wastes. MIDC. But it was found that the pH dropped to slightly acidic from the month of December. The condition becomes worst when the salinity is low (Clayton. the size-wise composition of mudskippers in the catch indicated that only small mudskippers were more sensitive to the turbulence caused by rainy season. silt and clay. Dissolved oxygen however remained hypoxic throughout the year in all the zones. color-hem. In zone II it kept fluctuating irrespective of the seasons. from the industries lying in this zone such as Bayer. This forced the inhabitant species to abandon the area. dussumieri (Cuv. In the absence of both the basic and obligatory food the fish was found to survive on mangrove foliage in late post monsoon season. & Val. The fish containing high body fat. Overall scenario of the pollution status of the Ulhas River estuary during the study period indicated that the estuary has deteriorated to its threshold limit and must be protected from indiscriminate exploitation in future to save the natural heritage of our township. This must be the reason for the depletion of the mudskipper fishery in the late post-monsoon season and the meager catches of the same indicated lack of bigger individuals in the estuary. In the present study it was found that the health of the estuary has reached a critical position due to industrial and domestic activities.). The bigger individuals might be either migrating towards sea or dying of starvation and stress or probably due to the fishing activity in early post monsoon. Val. dussumieri (Cuv. of diatoms from the number of them occurred in earlier study (Mishra. Alternatively the individuals also foraged on algae as obligatory food. low muscle glycogen in late postmonsoon indicated the high pollution stress. dussumieri (Cuv. 2002). Biological study: From feeding intensity and the content of gut B. Therefore the decayed mangrove foliage may be noted as emergency food.) that it suffered from sever starvation which is in concurrence in the low primary productivity. 49 .2. V. Diatoms were the most selected food during monsoon and early post monsoon seasons. in late post-monsoon season. It is evident from the food and feeding of B . Due to the siltation the benthic organisms were disappeared from zone I and zone II as it must be hindering them from building their burrows. 2001) added to the estuary. Individuals were well fed in the prosperous seasons.) was found to be selective in feeding as it selected only few spp.clayey silt if the silt exceeds 60% in soil texture estimate. & Val. High silt is the sign of domestic wastes (Goldin. Hence the diatom can be called as the basic food of the B. The fish has to face heavy environmental stress in late post monsoon that makes it to disappear in the season from the Ulhas River estuary. Tandel (1984) observed the reciprocal relationship between the fat and moisture content of the body.) health has affected due to pollution. 50 .3. The fish was lacking from the Zone I and Zone II in late post monsoon the pollution stress exerted on the fish during the late post monsoon season. Conclusion: The pollution study of the ambient water examined through hydrology has clearly shown that the estuary was polluted to a critical level. The early post monsoon season exhibited wealthy food condition. In the early post monsoon the fish were comparatively healthy stating the prosperity of the season. She has also mentioned that the fish accumulates fat due to the environmental stress. dussumieri (Cuv. The fishery study was found concomitant to the hydrological and biological evidences procured in this study. The study of proximate composition also revealed the change according to the seasons. At the same time the lowered glycogen in the late post monsoon season supports the above fact. stability in the environmental conditions. The rise in the fat in late post monsoon is the similar observation in present study. The anthropogenic activities along with the industries are worsening the situation. The water body as a whole was influenced greatly during the late post-monsoon season. & Val. The subsequent increase in the organic carbon indicated that earlier primary production in the season. V. The B.) during the late post monsoon was concurrent with the pollution and the low salinity stress during the rainy season. The low glycogen and high fat content of the fish B. dussumieri (Cuv. Zone I comparatively faced sever hazard due to domestic activity. & Val.The length weight study supports the pollution conditions in the three seasons. 51 .The fishery has dwindled to a miserable condition due to the above reasons. 874pp. 1985. M. 4. Alam. 1975.. 1992. AWWA. C. Adams. 51: 2105 5.C. S. K. J. Estimation of the largemouth bass. D. Gross Chemical Composition of the Skeletal Muscle in some Representative Vertebrates and its Significance. Horwitz W. 6. 7. 1981.11 No. th 52 . Daisy Rathina Nightingale CAS in Marine Biology Seshaiyana Vol.CHAPTER VI BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of official analytical chemists (AOAC). and V. Ametaj B. 11-126. International Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water.. 1984. 12 Edition. 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Mon = monsoon Epm /EPM= early post monsoon Lpm/LPM = late post monsoon URE = Ulhas River estuary DO = Dissolved oxygen BOD = Biochemical oxygen demand IH = Hepatosomatic index LP= light penetration SS = Suspended solids pp = printed pages 61 . 917-931pp.River. 57. 3. 7.Sci.http://aucasmbenvis.org www. Physico-chemical studies on coastal pollution off Bombay. Trivedi and B. 8. 88. I. 4. Bulletin of the Japanese Soc.au. pp. J. Kumamoto Prefecture”. Websites sited: 1. 4. Growth. Wise.org/photo_essay_india_bhoj.. J. Mumbai 400054. 4. National Institute of Oceanography. K. H.gov. 2002. 89. www.nsw.1994. 2002. 637-644pp.http://South Asia SUSG Fisheries Workshop www.B. 2. 90.. no. www. Ind. 45. Potter and J.http://fisheries. 5. 10. 3. D. Wallace. 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FROM ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY NEAR THANE CITY, MAHARASHTRA STATEFOOD AND FEEDING HABIT OF MYSTUS GULIO (HAM.) FROM ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY AND THANE CREEKASSESSMENT OF POLLUTION STATUS OF AMBIENT WATER BODIES USING FOOD SELECTION HABIT OF MYSTUS GULIO (HAM.) FROM ULHAS RIVER ESTUARY AND THANE CREEK IN THE VICINITY OF THANE, MAHARASHTRA,Animal BehaviorFYBSc2004FYBSc Course-I, Semester-II, Ethology, Question Bank, sudeshrathodFOOD AND FEEDING HABIT OF BOLEOPHTHALMUS DUSSUMIERI (CUV. & VAL.) 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