EE6009-Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems

April 4, 2018 | Author: Vel Murugan | Category: Power Inverter, Renewable Energy, Photovoltaic System, Alternative Energy, Solar Power



VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGESRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING QUESTION BANK VIII SEMESTER EE6009 -POWER ELECTRONICS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS Regulation – 2013 Academic Year 2016 – 17 Prepared by Mr. G.Madhusudanan, Assistant Professor(Sel.G) /EEE Mr. S.PadhmanabhaIyappan, Assistant Professor(Sr.G) /EEE Questions BT Level BTL-2 Give any two environmental aspects of electric energy. 8. Identify the problems associated with tapping solar energy. ocean. (16) Discuss the qualitative study of different renewable energy resources. 14. 6. 17. BTL-1 List the limitations of Tidal energy.Qualitative study of different renewable energy resources: Solar. BTL-2 Discuss about anaerobic digestion? And its advantages. Point out the impact of wind power penetration in power grid BTL-1 BTL-4 BTL-2 BTL-3 BTL-3 BTL-4 Remembering Analysing Understanding Applying Applying Analysing 19. 11. [Content] BTL-1 Discuss about GHG emission? List the factors conversation Windows is checking for a solution to the problem. Classify the types of fuel cell. 5. Kattankulathur – 603 203. 1. . BTL-6 Summarize the significance of renewable energy.. 7. 2. BTL-1 List various renewable energy resources.No 1. (16) BTL-2 Understanding BTL-2 Understanding 10. Competence Understanding Remembering Remembering Creating Evaluating Appling Remembering Creating Understanding Discuss how to use hydrogen energy to generate electric power. 18. Explain about NOCT and STC of a solar cell. Explain how to assess the wind energy pattern for a particular location List the wind turbine used for domestic application. 15. Summarize the factors influencing solar power extraction BTL-2 Understanding BTL-1 Remembering BTL-5 Evaluating 13. [Canc BTL-5 Discriminate spring and neap tides.. Discuss about fuel cell and mention its specification. PART –B BTL-4 Analysing BTL-1 Remembering Discuss the impact of renewable energy generation on environment. Biomass. Fuel cell. 16. DEPARTMENT OFELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING QUESTION BANK SUBJECT: EE6009 . BTL-6 Compose various ocean tidal energy conversion schemes available. wind. 9. 2. Instruction] VCSystemTray has -stopped working PART A Q. 12. 4. 3.Academic Year 2016 – 17 UNIT I -INTRODUCTION SYLLABUS: Environmental aspects VCSystemTray of electric energy conversion: impacts of renewable energy generation on environment (cost-GHG Emission) . BTL-3 Explain the principle of power generation using tides. Identify the limitation of solar power. Show fuel cell characterization.POWER ELECTRONICS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS SEM / YEAR: VIII / IV .VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar. 20. Hydrogen energy systems and hybrid renewable energy[Main systems. influencing the amount ofGHG emissions. Show the merits of squirrel cage induction generators for wind energy conversion. Summarize the significance of induction generator based wind power generation. (16) BTL-4 Analysing 5. BTL-3 Applying 12. (16) BTL-1 Remembering 4. (16) . Define Clarke transformation. (i)Describe the consequences of green house effect (8) BTL-1 Remembering (ii) Describe the prospects of ocean and biomass energy (8) BTL-1 BTL-2 Remembering Understanding BTL-4 Analysing 6. Describe various biomass energy conversion techniques.(i)Show the different types of ocean thermal energy conversion power plants? (8) (ii)Illustrate indetailthe AndersonOTEC cycle. UNIT II . 2. Show various types of wave energy conversion device and explain how togenerate electrical power from waves. 7. What is Hydrogen energy? Explain the operation of Hydrogen energysystem with a neat schematic. SCIG and DFIG. BTL-2 Understanding 10. 5. (16) BTL-1 Remembering 10. BTL-3 Applying . 7. (16) BTL-5 Evaluating 14. (i) Windenergyconversionsystem (8) (ii) Energy from the Ocean(8) BTL-4 Analysing 12.3. Why are induction generators preferred over dc generators inWECS. BTL-1 Remembering 11. How does environment get affected by the use of the renewable energy? (16) And alsothe discuss GHG emissions from thetypes various energy sources Explain working principle of various of concentrating solar collectors with neat sketch. 3. BT Level BTL-1 BTL-5 BTL-2 Competence Remembering Evaluating Understanding BTL-3 Applying BTL-1 BTL-1 Remembering Remembering BTL-2 Understanding BTL-5 Evaluating 9.ELECTRICAL MACHINES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYLLABUS:Reference theory fundamentals-principle CONVERSIONof operation and analysis: IG. Define reference theory. Define Park transformation. Label slip-torque characteristics of induction generator. Show the merits of DFIG for WECS. Compare the power extraction aspects of solar PV system with wind energy system. 6.No Questions 1. Illustrate the design and principle of operation of general Fuel cell andFossil Fuel cell.(8) BTL-6 Creating BTL-3 Applying BTL-3 Applying 13. Give the advantages of IG used in WECS. PMSG. 4. (16) 8. Explain the principle of operation of induction generators Distinguish induction generator and synchronous generator.Justify. PART –A Q. 8. Explain the following with neat schematic. Describe the operation and control strategy of solar power conversionsystems. Illustrate the principle of SCIG. (16) BTL-1 Remembering 11. (16) BTL-3 Applying 9. Describe the principle of generation of Bio gas and mention the factors affecting its generation. Label the slip-torque characteristics of PMSG. (13) BTL-2 BTL-1 Understanding Remembering 14. (7) (ii)Draw and explain the characteristics of SCIG. principle of working of SCIG with neat sketches. (16) (i)Label the schematic of Permanent Magnet Synchronous generator and explain the construction and principle of operation in detail. Differentiate between synchronous generator and PMSG. principle of working and characteristics of IG with neat sketches. Explain the principle of operation of double output induction generator system with neat diagram. 7.(8) BTL. Compose the characteristics of DFIG. 11. (i)Explain construction. Explain DFIG.(8) BTL-2 Understanding 12. List the advantages of SCIG. Differentiate between SCIG and DFIG. (8) (ii)Also discuss the characteristics and issues briefly. (8) . 19. 20. 16. (i)Compose briefly construction. 9. 8. (16) BTL-4 Analysing BTL-5 Evaluating BTL. 4. 13. 1. 15. (16) BTL-2 BTL-1 BTL-1 BTL-4 BTL-6 BTL-4 BTL-6 BTL-4 Understanding Remembering Remembering Analysing Creating Analysing Creating Analysing BTL-1 Remembering 2. 17.(8) BTL-4 Analysing BTL-4 Analysing (i)Explain with a neat diagram the operation of an induction generator. (16) (i)Discuss the working and operation of PMSG with neatdiagram.(8) (ii) Analyse the merits and demerits of the above.2 Understanding (ii)Discuss the operation of SCIG in details with proper analysis.1 Remembering BTL-2 BTL-3 Understanding Applying BTL-2 Understanding (i)Discuss the principle and construction of SCIG.(8) (ii)Draw and describe the characteristics of DFIG. (8) BTL-4 Analysing BTL-6 Creating 5. Show the principle of PMSG and analyse in detail. Discuss about DFIG based energy conversion system.(8) (ii)Compose the merits and demerits of mains excited and capacitor excited induction generator. 14. (13) Describe the principle of operation of DFIG with neat diagram used for renewable energy conversion. Explain machine capacity factor and capacity utilization factor. PART – B Define reference theory and also explain about the fundamentals of reference theory. Compose the characteristics of SCIG. Show the principle and operation of induction generator for wind BTL-3 Applying 6.Express the steady state equation of a PMSG.(6) BTL-6 Creating BTL-4 Analysing 13. (16) Explain the analysis of Induction Generator used for Wind Energy Conversion System. 10. 18. (8) With the neat diagram. energyconversion system. Describe the following (a) Clarks Transformation(8) (b) Parks Transformation(8) BTL-1 Remembering 3. BTL-1 Remembering 9. Summarize the role of capacitor and the minimum value required for the boost converter. Show the limitations in the operation of matrix converter. (16) BTL-6 Creating 3.selection of inverter. Explain where are matrix converters can be used. PART –A Q.Boost and buck-boost converters. 13 . Draw and compose the converter topologies used for solar power generation. array sizing Wind: Three phase AC voltage controllers. Discuss about battery sizing. BTL-2 Understanding 8. Generalize the significance of buck boost converter. (16) BTL-1 BTL-2 BTL-3 BTL-5 BTL-6 BTL-3 BTL-4 Remembering Understanding Applying Evaluating Creating Applying Analysing BTL-1 Remembering 2. Explain inversion mode of operation of line commutated inverter. 4. PWM Inverters. Explain matrix converters. 12 . battery sizing. Give the advantages of uncontrolled rectifier.POWER CONVERTERS SYLLABUS: Solar: Block diagram of solar photo voltaic system -Principle of operation: line commutated converters (inversion-mode) .No Questions BT Level BTL-1 Competence Remembering Discuss line commutated converters? Draw the schematic diagram. Grid Interactive Inverters-matrix converters. List the advantages of boost and buck converter. 3. Show the advantages of dc link inverters. Compose its merits. List the advantages of dc link inverters. BTL-2 Understanding BTL-4 Analysing BTL-1 Remembering 5. BTL-5 Evaluating 6. PART –B Draw the block diagram of the solar PV system and describe the principleof operation in detail.UNIT III . . 1. Explain grid interactive inverter. BTL-3 BTL-1 Applying Remembering 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Identify limitations of AC voltage controller. Explain the converters used for solar energy conversion. Label the block diagram of solar photovoltaic system. BTL-1 Remembering Show the delicacies involved in sizing the solar arrays. Give the schematic diagram of buck boost converter. 2. Identify the factors to be considered for the selection of inverter and batteries for solar energy conversion. Explain the various aspects of battery sizing BTL-4 Analysing Define array sizing. BTL-2 Understanding 10 .(16) BTL-4 Analysing 1. 11 .AC-DC-AC converters: uncontrolled rectifiers. BTL-6 Creating 7. 7.(8) Discuss the following (i)Selection of inverters(6) (ii)Battery sizing(5) (iii)Array sizing(5) BTL-2 Understanding BTL-4 Analysing BTL-4 Analysing BTL-2 Understanding (i)Discuss the three phase uncontrolled rectifiers in details(8) BTL-2 Understanding (ii)Give short notes on PWM inverters. (8) BTL-3 Applying BTL-3 Applying Illustrate the working and operation of a matrix converter with a neat diagram.(8) (ii) Point out the delicacies involved in sizing the solar arrays. 5.(8) (ii) Analyse the principle of working of buck-boost converter with timeratio and current limit control. 8. 10 11 12 13 14 i)Explain with neat diagram the philosophy of operation of a solar source fed boost converter.(8) Describe the grid interactive inverters in detail. (16) Draw the schematic diagram of Buck-Boost converter and explain the operation in detail.4. AC voltage controller(8) (ii). Draw the circuit and necessarywaveforms.(8) (ii)Describe principle of operation of PWM inverter and describe how it is used for wind energy conversion. Voltage control in PWM inverters(8) (i)Explain the working of AC-DC-AC converter with circuit and wave form for wind energy conversion. (16) BTL-4 Analysing BTL-4 Analysing BTL-1 Remembering BTL-5 Evaluating Describe the following in detail: (i). (16) BTL-3 Applying . (16) BTL-2 BTL-1 Understanding Remembering BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering (i)Show how a three phase line commutated converter is operated as an inverter. (8) (i) Describe the principle and operation of line commutated converters in inverse mode. (8) (ii)Show the limitation in the operation of matrix converters.(8) Describe the operation of line commutated converter under inversion mode with the help of a neat circuit diagram and necessary waveforms. 9. 6. BTL-4 Analysing BTL-1 Remembering BTL-4 Analysing BTL-3 Applying 18 Define gridintegratedsolar system. grid Integrated solar system. Discussfaultridethroughcapability. Discusssome of thestandardsusedforgridintegration. 8. Listfewgridconnectionrequirementof renewablepower system. BTL-3 Applying BTL-5 Evaluating Discussstand-aloneoperationof fixedspeedWECS?Stateits advantages. BTL-2 BTL-1 Understanding Remembering 3. speedwindenergyconversion systems. BTL-1 Remembering 19 Pointoutthe problemsingridintegratedsolar system.ANALYSIS OF WIND AND PV SYSTEMS SYLLABUS: Standalone operation of fixed and variable speed wind energy conversion systems and solar system Grid connection Issues -Grid integrated PMSG. 7. Labelthe basic blockdiagramof WECS. Showhowthepower qualityissuesthataffectwindpower integration. Listoutgridinterconnectedissues. Labelthe schematicdiagramgridintegratedPMSGbasedWECS. 2.(16) BTL-6 Creating BTL-1 Remembering 5. power . BTL-3 Applying 14 Pointoutthe major problemsrelatedwithgridinterconnectionsof WECS.UNIT IV . BTL-1 Remembering 4. 9.No Questions BT Level Competence 1. Illustrate aboutoptislipconceptusedinwindenergyconversionsyst em. BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering 13. BTL-4 Analysing 20 Whatwillhappenifnoloadisconnectedtoasolar PVsystem? PART – B Describethe conditioningschemesusedinWECS. BTL-2 Understanding 11. Also mentionitsdemerits. Pointoutthe issuescreatedingridintegratedPMSGbasedWECS. 15 16 17 1. Summarize the impactofhighpenetrationof windpower intopower grid. Whypitchangle controlisusedfor WECS?Justify. PART – A Q. Generalize the limitationsof fixedspeedinductiongeneratorbasedwind power Differentiatebetweenfixedandvariable conversion. BTL-2 Understanding BTL-6 Creating BTL-2 Understanding BTL-5 Evaluating 10. 12. Showtheschematic diagramof gridintegratedSCIGbasedWECS. 6. SCIG Based WECS. Define energypaybackperiod. (i) GridintegratedPMSG (8) (ii) SCIGbased WECS (8) BTL-2 Understanding 4.(16) Describestandaloneoperationof solar energyconversionsystem.(16) BTL-4 Analysing 3. (6) (ii)Variable speedwindenergyconversionsystem. Describe aboutSCIGbased WECS.(6) BTL-3 Applying BTL-4 Analysing 8.(16) BTL-4 (i)Explainwiththehelpofaneatblockdiagramthefuncti onsofvarious blocksof a WECS. Give ashortnoteson conversionsystem.Calculatethe rotationalspeedof theturbine for optimalenergyextraction. 7.2.(16) BTL-1 Remembering 10 Compose ashortnotesongridintegratedsolar system. Discuss on Grid integrated PMSG operation with a neat diagram. Explainstanda loneoperationoffixedandvariablespeeds olarenergy.(08) Evaluate (i)Showthe workingandoperationof PMSGwithneatdiagram.The80mdiameterrotorhasthreebladesatt BTL-3 achedtothehub. (6) (iii) State theadvantagesoffixedspeedsystemovervariabl espeedsystems.(16) Describestandaloneoperationof windenergyconversionsystem. 11 12 13 14 Applying Analysing Applying . (08) (ii)AHAWTisinstalledatalocationhavingfreewindvel ocityof15m/s. BTL-5 Explainthestandalone operationof (i)Fixedspeedwind energyconversionsystem.(16) BTL-6 Creating BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering Discussindetailthegridsystemcharacteristicsandexplai nwithaneat diagramthe standalone andgridintegratedsolar system.(10) (ii)DrawandexplainthecharacteristicsofDFIG.(16) BTL-2 Understanding BTL-4 Analysing 5. (4) Showthe variousgridconnectedissues anditsimpact BTL-3 onsystemstability. 6.(16) ExplainaboutgridintegratedPMSGbasedWECS.(16) BTL-2 Understanding 9. (8) BTL-5 Evaluating BTL-5 Evaluating . Explainthedesignaspectsof hybridrenewable energysystems. 4.Range and type of Hybrid systems.HYBRID RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS SYLLABUS:Need for Hybrid Systems. Summarize the importance of MPPT intheoperationof a photovoltaic system. Questions BT Level Competence Remembering Creating Definehybridsystems.(8) (ii)Explainvariousstrategiesusedfor theoperationof anMPPT. 9. Labelthe schematicdiagramof PV-Dieselhybridsystem. 5.Case studies of Wind-PV Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). ExplainMPPTtechniquesfor WECS. Givetheapplicationsof solar PVsystem. BTL-1 BTL-2 BTL-1 Remembering BTL-2 BTL-2 Understanding Understanding BTL-2 Understanding Classifythe typesofpumpsusedfor solar pumpingapplications. PART – A Q. Showtheadvantagesof PV-Dieselhybridsystem. Labelthe schematicdiagramof gridinteractive solar PVsystem. 11 ExplainMPPT. . 7. (i)SummarizetheimportanceofMPPTintheoperationofaph otovoltaic system. BTL-1 BTL-6 BTL-4 BTL-5 BTL-1 BTL-4 BTL-4 BTL-1 Analysing 8. 12 .(16) BTL-4 Analysing 5. BTL-3 Applying Whatwillhappenifnoloadisconnectedtoasolar PVsystem? BTL-6 Creating Listthe meritsof HybridRES overthe isolatedRES. 10 . 6. Explainthe rangeofhybridsystems. BTL-3 Applying BTL-1 Remembering BTL-5 Evaluating Showtheneedfor maximumpower pointtracking. Define charge usedforwindenergyconversionsystem. controller water Analysing Evaluating Remembering Analysing Remembering Understanding Remembering 2. Summarize the benefitsofthe hybridenergysystems. Discussthe major featuresof hybridsystem. Composethe needfor hybridenergysystems. Definehybridsystem?Discuss theneedforhybridsystemanditsrange andtype.No 1.(16) BTL-3 Applying BTL-4 Analysing 3.(16) BTL-4 Analysing 3. PART – B Explainthehybridenergyconversionsystem withneatsketch. Discussthesignificanceof MPPT. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Pointoutthe meritsof wind-dieselhybridsystem. Classifythe typesofhybridsystemwithrange.UNIT V . Listoutsome of the hybridsystemsusedinindustries. 2. 13 .(16) BTL-2 Understanding 4. DescribetheoperatingprincipleofPVMaximumPowerPoint Trackinginenergyconversion.(16) 7.(16) BTL-1 Remembering BTL-3 Applying BTL-2 Understanding BTL-2 Understanding BTL-3 Applying BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering 13 BTL-1 Remembering BTL-6 Creating 6. Discussandclassifythe workingofMPPTinasolar PVsystem.(16) 11 Withaneatsketch.(16) 9.Also justifytheimportanceofimplementingMPTforthepumpsyst em. Showbrieflythe maximumpower point trackingsystem.(16) 8.(16) 12 Draw anddescribethe operationof WindPVhybridsystem.describetheoperationofPVDieselhybridsystem.(16) .(16) 10 Showwithcasestudyhowtogetmaximumpowergenerationi nsolar energyconversionsystem. Discusswithcasestudyhowtogetmaximumpowergeneratio ninwind energyconversionsystem. Describethe case studiesof wind.(16) 14 DesignsolarPVpumpandclearlyexplaintheaccessoriesrequ ired.
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