


EducationBooks, Journals & Textbooks Catalogue 2013 Education | 2013 Welcome... Welcome to our Education catalogue for 2013. SAGE offers a market-leading range of material from course-supporting textbooks for undergraduate and postgraduate Education courses, including initial teacher education, to practical books for education professionals, and world-class reference works. 2013 sees a range of exciting new editions from SAGE including the fourth edition of Derek Haylock and Anne Cockburn’s Understanding Mathematics for Young Children, a new second edition of Ioanna Palaiologou’s The Early Years Foundation Stage, and brand new textbooks including Mercier et al’s Professional Issues in Secondary Teaching and McGregor & Murphy’s Theories of Learning. Our best-selling Learning Matters imprint is carefully meeting the ever-evolving needs of students training to teach with a mix of new editions and some impressive new titles notably Roy Blatchford’s The 2012 Teachers’ Standards in the Classroom, and Bond et al’s Passing the Professional Skills Tests for Trainee Teachers and Getting into ITT, giving outstanding practical guidance to the teachers of tomorrow. This catalogue includes only our most recent and popular titles, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for here, please visit our website at where you can find full details of all of our books, journals and electronic products. All of our books are now available as eBooks for individual purchase. If you are planning an Education course, you can even pick and choose content from our growing list of textbooks, reference works and journals in Education, as well as content from the many other disciplines we publish in, to create course material that exactly matches what and how you teach. For advice on creating bespoke material contact your local representative at or see page 77. If you’d like to find out more about writing or editing an Education publication, please contact us – our contact details are on the opposite page. The SAGE and Learning Matters Education Team Key new titles P24 P31 P14 P29 P17 P11 P8 P13 P30 P37 Education | 2013 Contents Contact us 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City Road, London, EC1Y 1SP +44 (0)20 7324 8500 +44 (0)20 7324 8600 Early Childhood............................................................... 2-12 Education Texts - All Phases ........................................ 13-19 Education Texts - Primary ............................................19-29 Education Texts - Secondary ...................................... 29-30 Science ..............................................................................30 English & Literacy .............................................................. 31 Education Studies ........................................................ 32-34 Key Contacts Marianne Lagrange – Publisher [email protected] Jude Bowen - Publisher [email protected] James Clark - Commissioning Editor [email protected] Amy Thornton - Senior Commissioning Editor [email protected] Catherine Slinn - Senior Books Marketing Manager [email protected] Mark O'Loughlin - Journals Marketing Manager mark.o'[email protected] Educational Psychology ............................................. 34-37 Special & Inclusive Education .....................................37-39 Counselling ........................................................................40 Further Education / Higher Education ..........................41-45 Leadership & Management ......................................... 46-50 Study Skills ...................................................................51-55 Research Methods....................................................... 56-64 Reference ......................................................................65-72 New & Recent Major Works ....................................70-72 Journals.........................................................................73-76 Sales Information ...............................................................77 Index............................................................................. 78-84 Education for Practitioners section - Lime Green section SAgE eBooks Keep up-to-date Tell us which subject areas you are interested in hearing about and we’ll keep you up-to-date with relevant products and special offers. Over 4000 eBooks are now available from SAGE in a wide variety of formats covering every aspect of our publishing programme. Look out for the eBooks symbol when browsing and for a full listing visit Choose how you’d prefer to hear from us, be it by e-mail or post Inspection Copies Request and manage your inspection copies quickly and easily at green SAgE We recognise that our business operations have an impact on the environment and are committed to minimising them. Find out more: Free electronic inspection copies are also available for lecturers - for details contact your local sales representative at the natural home for authors, editors & societies Early Childhood EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE THREADS OF THINKING Schemas and Young Children's Learning An Introduction Fourth Edition Sheila Nutkins, Catriona mcDonald and mary Stephen all at University of Aberdeen Cathy Nutbrown University of Sheffield By examining how young children develop and learn from conception through to the age of eight, this book explores ways to enhance professional practice in the early years. Key content includes: • child development (including recent research into cognitive development of babies) so students can understand how it influences policy • international approaches to early learning and development, demonstrating how these impact on UK approaches and how students can apply them into their professional practice • the developing professional giving students insight into their own reflective practice and applying all they learn. Learning features: • key learning points identify at a glance what each chapter will cover • case studies from a range of settings help students link theory to practice • reflective activities help students reflect on how to apply ideas to practice • further reading directs students to additional resources to deepen their understanding. In the new edition of her popular book, Cathy Nutbrown presents evidence of continuity and progression in young children's thinking. She shows, with detailed observation, that they are able and active learners. Updates to this Fourth Edition include: • a discussion of the need for professional development • a look at the changes in early years pedagogy • more discussion of theories of learning in relation to curriculum and teaching practices. CONTENTS PART ONE: YOUNG CHILDREN LEARNING / Thinking about Young Children Learning / Some Questions about Schemas / PART TWO: CHILDREN'S PATTERNS OF LEARNING / Consistency, Continuity and Progression in Young Children's Learning / Schemas as Consistent Patterns of Behaviour: Studies of Three Children / PART THREE: SCHEMAS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING / Children's Developing Understanding of Mathematical and Scientific Ideas / Patterns of Literacy / Nourishing Children's Thinking through Stories / PART FOUR: IMPLICATIONS FOR EARLY EDUCATION / A Curriculum for Thinking Children / Assessment for Learning / Working with Parents READERSHIP Early years practitioners in child education March 2011 • 216 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-463-7) • £67.00 Paper (978-1-84920-464-4) • £22.99 CONTENTS PART ONE: CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING / Introduction / Development from Conception to Three: New Understanding / Play as Active Learning / Play and Risk / Creative Approaches to Teaching and Learning: 'Kodaly' / Creative Approaches to Teaching and Learning -'Transient Art' / PART TWO: THE CHILD IN THE SOCIOCULTURAL CONTEXT / Introduction / The Impact of Changes in Family Structure / The Role of the Parent in the 21st Century / The Role of the Community in Childcare and Education / The Place of the School in the 21st Century / The Place of Technology in Early Years Care and Education / PART THREE: INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL APPROACHES / Introduction / Practice and Provision for Children 0 - 8 in Sweden / Practice and Provision in Reggio Emilia / Practice and Provision in New Zealand: Te Whariki / High Scope / An Approach to Experiential Education: Ferre Laevers / PART FOUR: THE DEVELOPING PROFESSIONAL Concepts and Status of Early Years Professionalism / Inter-Professional Practice / The Practicing Professional as Researcher / Working in a Team / The Issue of Professional Autonomy READERSHIP Those studying on early years, early childhood studies and early years education and care courses From Birth to Three Frances Atherton Chester University and Cathy Nutbrown University of Sheffield A guide for Students Understanding Schemas and Young Children is the first book to focus specifically on schemas and children under three years old. It shows early years professionals how they can use schema theory to understand young children's learning and behaviour. The authors cover the theoretical aspects of schemas and schema development, tracing the development of schemas from motor level through to symbolic representation. This accessible and student-friendly book includes: • activities and discussion points • links to policy and practice • a look at the ethics of conducting this kind of research. Second Edition CONTENTS March 2013 • 344 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0711-6) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0712-3) • £21.99 EARLY CHILDHOOD Edited by Tina Bruce Honorary Visiting Professor at Roehampton University This popular book covers all the topics needed for an early childhood course, and has been fully revised in light of the latest policy developments. It now also includes new chapters on key issues such as Early Years Professional Status and personal, social, and emotional development. December 2009 • 440 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-223-6) • £71.00 Paper (978-1-84860-224-3) • £23.99 2 UNDERSTANDING SCHEMAS AND YOUNG CHILDREN ORDER TODAY PART ONE: KNOWING ABOUT SCHEMAS/ Schemas and the Youngest Children / Observing Children: Spotting Schemas / PART TWO: HOW DO CHILDREN UNDER THREE PURSUE THEIR SCHEMAS? 'ALL ABOUT HENRY' / Henry's Containing and Enveloping Schema / Henry's back and forth Schema / Henry's Dynamic Vertical Schema / Henry's Mark-Making and Figurative Representations / PART THREE: DEVELOPMENTAL JOURNEYS: TRACING DEVELOPMENTS IN CHILDREN'S THINKING FROM MOTOR TO SYMBOLIC BEHAVIOURS / Containing and Enveloping Schema / Going through a Boundary Schema / Dynamic Vertical Schema / Stories from Home READERSHIP Early childhood professionals as well as practitioners working in ECEC settings. Also students on teacher training and early years courses April 2013 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4893-5) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4894-2) • £20.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Early Childhood LEARNING STORIES Constructing Learner Identities in Early Education margaret Carr University of Waikato, New Zealand and wendy Lee Director of the Educational Leadership Project, New Zealand This new book outlines the philosophy behind learning stories and call on the latest findings from the research projects they have led with teachers on learning dispositions and learning power, to argue that learning stories can construct learner identities in early childhood settings and schools. By making the connection between sociocultural approaches to pedagogy and assessment and narrative inquiry, this book contextualizes learning stories as a philosophical approach to education, learning and pedagogy. Chapters explore how learning stories: • help make connections with families • support the inclusion of children and family voices • allow children to dictate their own stories. CONTENTS Learner Identities in the Early Years: An Introduction to Four Themes / Why Story? / Co-Authoring and Dialogue / Making Connections Across Boundaries Between Places / Recognising and Re-Cognising Learning Continuities / Appropriating Knowledges and Learning Dispositions in a Range of Increasingly Complex Ways / Reconceptualising Assessment / Constructing and Sustaining a Passion for Learning READERSHIP Students and practitioners in early childhood education March 2012 • 168 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-092-5) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85702-093-2) • £20.99 LEARNING THEORIES IN CHILDHOOD Colette gray Stranmillis University College and Sean macBlain University College Plymouth By focusing on the early philosophies of learning and the key behavioural, cognitive and social theorists, this book provides a comprehensive overview of children's learning. The authors discuss the key learning theories, highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and encourage reflection on how different approaches impact on the learning environment. Examples are drawn from practice to highlight key concepts and to make vital links between theory and practice Theorists considered include: • Locke • Vygotsky • Rousseau • Bandura • Montessori • Bronfenbrenner • Piaget • Bruner. CONTENTS An Introduction to Learning Theories / The Founding Fathers and Philosophies of Learning / Classical and Operant Conditioning: The Early Years Experience / Piaget, Learning and Cognitive Constructivism / Vygotsky: Learning in a Social Matrix / Bandura, Bronfenbrenner and Social Learning / Bruner and Discovery Learning/Constructivism / Developing a New Perspective: The New Social Studies of Childhood / Theory in Practice: Learning and the Reflective Practitioner READERSHIP Students on child development, early childhood and childhood studies courses, and anyone interested in understanding more about how children learn and think March 2012 • 184 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-145-8) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-146-5) • £21.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers THEORIES AND APPROACHES TO LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS Edited by Linda miller The Open University and Linda Pound Education Consultant This book conveniently brings together contributions from some of the leading academics in this field on the work of the main theorists including Montesorri, Vygotsky and Reggio Emilia. CRITICAL ISSUES IN THE EARLY YEARS 2010 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-577-1) • £74.00 Paper (978-1-84920-578-8) • £23.99 CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON EARLY CHILDHOOD Edited by Theodora Papatheodorou and Janet moyles Freelance Consultants By exploring the key issues, arguments and messages that exist in the field, this book provides an international, comparative look at aspects of early childhood education and care. Pedagogical practices, learning cultures and the professional development of practitioners are considered within the wider political agenda of different countries. Pertinent policy and practice issues, such as numeracy and literacy, are carefully examined. The text highlights how important it is to engage with and listen to children and to provide positive learning encounters. Divided into four parts, the book covers: • children's learning cultures • culture of pedagogy • cultural perspectives on curriculum • cultures of professional development. Chapters cover key topics such as: • multi-sensory learning • children as mentors • literacy and mathematics. CONTENTS PART ONE: CHILDREN'S LEARNING CULTURES / Seeing the Wood for the Trees: Adults' Roles in Supporting Sensory Play / Valuing Outdoor Spaces: Different Models of Outdoor Learning in the Early Years / The Power of Graphicacy for the Young Child / Young Children's Perceptions of their Classroom Environment: Perspectives From England and India / PART TWO: CULTURES OF PEDAGOGY / Constructing an Inclusive Culture in Kindergartens / Pedagogic Activities for Early Education in a Child-toChild Programme in South Africa / Transition to Preschool Education in Greece: Attitudes of Parents and Educators / PART THREE: CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON CURRICULA / Teaching Linear Measurement in the Israeli Kindergarten Curriculum / How Children's Books Create a Scaffold to Understanding Diversity / Challenging assessment / PART FOUR: CULTURES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / Colliding Discourses: Negotiating Spaces to Enact Pedagogy as an Ethical Encounter / The individual as inspiration: A Model for Early Years Teacher Transformation / International Student Experiences: Influences on Early Childhood Practice / Transformation of Early Years Provision Using Discourses for Professional Development for Practitioners / From Parent to Practitioner: Alternative Pathways to Professionalism / Endpiece: Where Are We Now and Where Should We Be Going? READERSHIP All those studying comparative education on early years courses January 2012 • 256 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0754-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0755-0) • £23.99 3 Early Childhood EFFECTIVE AND CARING LEADERSHIP IN THE EARLY YEARS THE REFLECTIVE EARLY YEARS PRACTITIONER Elaine Hallet The Institute of Education, University of London Iram Siraj-Blatchford and Elaine Hallet both at The Institute of Education, University of London Effective leadership is an essential part of raising standards and increasing the quality of learning in early childhood settings. This book explains leadership practices that can make a positive difference to the provision offered and improve outcomes for both children and families. With theoretical, practical and research-informed perspectives, this book: • uses cases studies to provide examples of caring and effective leadership • offers readers the opportunity to reflect upon their own leadership practices • integrates education and care with key practices in effective leadership • explores directional, collaborative and pedagogical leadership. Work-based reflective learning is a key part of the professional development of practitioners working in the early years sector. The Reflective Early Years Practitioner focuses on the practitioner's role and development within a wide range of contexts in this area. Informed by empirical research, packed with case studies from a wide range of settings and with points for reflection in each chapter, the author covers: • developing as an early years practitioner • reflective vocational progression • pedagogical examples for continuing professional development • study skills to begin reflective practice • professionalism and reflective leadership in the early years. Vital aspects of practice, such as assessing and planning for children's learning, developing inclusive teaching strategies and integrated practice are highlighted within the chapters. CONTENTS CONTENTS Leadership in Early Childhood: The Early Years Context / Leadership in Early Childhood: The Research Context / Directional Leadership: Developing and Articulating a Shared Vision / Directional Leadership: Effective Communication / Collaborative Leadership: Building Relationships and Promoting a Team Culture / Collaborative Leadership: Promoting Parental Collaboration / Empowering Leadership: Promoting Agency in Others / Empowering Leadership: The Process of Change / Pedagogical Leadership: Leading Learning and Supporting Others / Pedagogical Leadership: Monitoring Practice and Promoting Professional Development / Journeys into Leadership: What Makes the Difference? The Developing Early Years Practitioner / Being a Reflective Early Years Practitioner / Work-Based Reflective Learning / Reflective Vocational Progression / Work-Based Reflective Pedagogy / Being a Reflective Student / Reflecting upon Professionalism in the Early Years / Reflective Leadership / Reflective Learning Journeys / Continuing Learning Pathways and Future Reflections READERSHIP Students undertaking work-based and academic study in early years and those working towards postgraduate and professional qualifications READERSHIP November 2012 • 184 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0055-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0056-8) • £20.99 Students of early childhood as well as graduate leaders and those training to work in settings, schools and children's services December 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5534-6) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5535-3) • £23.99 ETHICAL PRACTICE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD LEADING AND MANAGING IN THE EARLY YEARS Edited by Ioanna Palaiologou University of Hull Second Edition Carol Aubrey University of Warwick In this new edition, Carol Aubrey integrates leadership and management practice with a real understanding of early years settings. Revised and updated, this Second Edition includes: • two new chapters on private day care and reflective practice and action research • fur ther coverage of reflective practice and reflective leadership skills • more on early years professional status (EYPS) as well as integrated centre leadership • practical suggestions for working with resistant groups and individuals. 2011 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-754-6) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-84920-755-3) • £25.99 Ethical considerations are raising new questions about the involvement and participation of children themselves in research. By considering the ethical issues that can arise when working with and doing research with young children from birth to five-years, this book examines a wide range of topics including: • involving young children in research • informed consent • research tools with children under five • doing research with children with special needs and disabilities • researching other cultures. CONTENTS Introduction: Towards an Understanding of Ethical Practice in Early Childhood / PART ONE: ETHICAL ISSUES IN RESEARCH / Involving Young Children in Research / Ethical Praxis When Choosing Research Tools for Use With Children under Five / Ethics in Researching Children with Special Educational Needs / Ethical Research with Children and Vulnerable Groups / Ethical Researching in Other Cultures / PART TWO: ETHICAL ISSUES IN POLICY AND PRACTICE / Ethics and Policy and Every Child Matters / Ethics in MultiAgency Working / Loss, Bereavement and Ethics / Ethics in Studying Early Years / Safeguarding Young Children / Ethics When Inspecting Early Years Practice / Ethical Leadership in Early Years Settings July 2012 • 240 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-852-5) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-853-2) • £21.99 4 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Early Childhood UNDERSTANDING EARLY YEARS POLICY CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN THE EARLY YEARS Third Edition Sixth Edition Peter Baldock formerly an Education Consultant, Sheffield, Damien Fitzgerald and Janet Kay both at Sheffield Hallam University Edited by gillian Pugh Institute of Education, London and Bernadette Duffy Thomas Coram Children's Centre Fully updated to include all the latest developments in early years policy such as the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) this book explores how policy is made, implemented, analysed and developed over time. There is a complete overview of early years policy, and an evaluation of its ongoing impact on practice. Case studies, points for reflection and activities encourage discussion and critical thinking. This Third Edition has been significantly updated to include: • a new chapter on international early years policy • discussion of the impact of the recession and the Coalition Government's policies • material on how ordinary practitioners can influence policy • a revised timeline of early years legislation. CONTENTS What Is Policy and Why Is It Important? / The Development of Early Years Policy so Far / Influences on Early Years Policy Development / Implementing Early Years Policy / Early Years Policy in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: The Impact of Devolution / Exploring the International Dimension / The Impact of Policy / Analyzing the Impact of Policy If you are a student or practitioner in the early years sector, you need to develop a rounded understanding of key issues in this fast-moving field. This new and updated edition provides a critical examination of the essential issues in Early Years policy and practice. With contributions from highly regarded practitioners and researchers, this book balances theory and practical concerns. The Sixth Edition has been extensively revised to include: • a new chapter on Child Protection and Safeguarding • coverage of the new EYFS • theory and research evidence • a companion Website, highlighting further reading and current policies and frameworks. READERSHIP Students on Early Childhood and Contemporary Issues courses, EYFS, EYPS, PGCEs, Early Years foundation degrees, and practitioners working in early childhood services provision October 2013 • 288 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6640-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6641-0) • £22.99 READERSHIP Early years students at all levels; also early years practitioners January 2013 • 208 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0705-5) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0706-2) • £23.99 THEMES AND DEBATES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Edited by Alison Street and mary wild both at Oxford Brookes University This focused title encourages and supports students to engage with current themes and debates in early childhood. Written for students of degrees and foundation degrees in early childhood studies, early years and related disciplines, it presents key readings addressing essential topics. It balances essential theory with extracts and thought provoking activities to help students develop critical thinking skills, exploring themes such as identities, learning in the early years and professional relationships. Written by a team of authors, the text opens up the complex field of early childhood for students, helping them to develop their own understanding of key themes. POLICY ISSUES IN THE EARLY YEARS Linda miller The Open University and Denise Hevey University of Northampton Providing a unique and critical insight into some of the most significant issues affecting early years policy, this book includes contributions from leading authorities and researchers in the field who draw on current research to address key debates and offer international perspectives. Each chapter draws attention to key themes and issues in early years theory, policy and practice. Topics covered include: • poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion • closing the gap in outcomes for young children • promoting infant mental health • safeguarding and well-being. CONTENTS THEME 1: EXPLORING IDENTITIES / Equality and Difference in the Early Years / Children's Rights and Children's Voice / Working Inclusively in the Early Years / THEME 2: EXPLORING LEARNING / Exploring How Children Learn in the Early Years / Enabling Learning through the Curriculum in Early Years / Ensuring Children's Wellbeing in the Early Years / THEME 3: EXPLORING PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS / Working with Families in the Early Years / Working with Professional Colleagues in the Early Years / Multiagency Working in the Early Years / Conclusion: From Rhetoric to Reality: The Implications of Theory For Practice (and Vice Versa) Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Early Years Policy-Making / PART ONE: POVERTY, SOCIAL DISADVANTAGE AND YOUNG CHILDREN / Poverty, Disadvantage and Social Exclusion / Closing the Gap: Policy into Action / Promoting Infant Mental Health: A Public Health Priority / PART TWO: EVIDENCE-BASED INTERVENTIONS IN EARLY YEARS / Enhancing Potential in Children (EPIC) / Safeguarding, Well-Being and Universal Services: A Case Study of Scotland / Parenting Policies and Skills Strategies in the United Kingdom / Play as a Foundation for Learning? The Rhetoric and Reality of the National Strategy for Early Education and Assessment in England / PART THREE: MARKETIZATION AND DEMOCRATIZATION / Making Democracy a Fundamental Value in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) - Meaning What? / Marketization of Early Years and Childcare Services / Early Years Services as a Vehicle for Democratization: ISSA's Experience in Supporting Practitioners' Professional Development, Building Partnerships and Influencing Systems / Critical Perspectives on Policy Implementation READERSHIP READERSHIP CONTENTS Written for students of degrees and foundation degrees in early childhood studies, early years and related disciplines or EYPS candidates EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES SERIES January 2013 • 180 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5635-0) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5636-7) • £17.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers Students on all levels of early years courses, from foundation degree to masters level CRITICAL ISSUES IN THE EARLY YEARS January 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-962-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-963-8) • £23.99 5 Early Childhood CHILD OBSERVATION FOR THE EARLY YEARS CHILDHOOD IN SOCIETY FOR THE EARLY YEARS Second Edition Second Edition Ioanna Palaiologou University of Hull Rory mcDowall Clark University of Worcester This is a key text for all those studying for degrees and foundation degrees in early childhood, early years and related disciplines and for candidates on EYPS pathways. It enables students to appreciate the central role of observation for understanding, planning for and educating early years children. The theoretical background to child observation is covered in detail, the text highlights important works and considers the ethical implications. This Second Edition includes new chapters on recording and analysing and the curriculum and is fully updated throughout with links to the updated Early Years Foundation Stage. Interactive activities and real life case studies are included to help the reader engage with the text and make essential links between theory and practice. Childhood can only be understood in relation to the multitude of social factors which surround it. This accessible text explores children's place within society through an examination of the different contexts within which a child exists. It begins by looking at the child within the family and goes on to examine the child within the educational setting, the community, the nation and other contexts. This Second Edition includes a new chapter 'The Context of Partnership: Children in Transition' and considers the impact of recent changes including initiatives such as the Tickell Review, Field Report and Allen Report. CONTENTS Introduction: Policy Context and Observation / The Pedagogy of Early Years / The Role of Observations in Early Years / Observation Techniques / Analysing and Documenting Observations / Ethical Implications / Observing for Development / Observing for Research / Observing for the Curriculum / Summary: Early Years Workforce and Observation The Context of Childhood: Social Understanding of Childhood / The Historical Context: The Emergence of Childhood / The Context of the Family: First Experiences / The Context of the Setting: Childhood Institutions / The Context of Partnership: Children in Transition / The Community Context: Children as Citizens / The National Context: Children and Social Policy / The Global Context: International Perspectives / The Child's Own Context: The Child's Voice and Agency / The Future Context: The 21st Century Child READERSHIP READERSHIP CONTENTS Students of degrees and foundation degrees in early years and early childhood studies and EYPS candidates All degree and foundation degree students in early years, early childhood studies and related disciplines April 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6005-0) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6006-7) • £17.99 EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES SERIES June 2012 • 192 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-860-1) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-745-1) • £17.99 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES IN THE EARLY YEARS WORKING WITH PARENTS IN EARLY YEARS SETTINGS Second Edition Edited by Linda miller The Open University and Claire Cameron Anglia Ruskin University Ute ward This book explores the ways in which early years practitioners work with parents and families to enhance children's development, learning and well-being. It examines the need for close partnership working between staff and families, offers examples of good practice and encourages reflection and discussion of the issues involved. This Second Edition has been updated to include a new chapter on working with others to support parents and features additional information on communication, leadership, early intervention and working in areas of disadvantage and deprivation. Linked to the new EYP standards and updated government initiatives. CONTENTS The Role of a Parent in a Child's Life / Parents and What We Think about Them / The Child-Parent-EY Triangle / Partnership Working - Involving Parents in Your Setting / Partnership Working - When Parents Are Not in Your Setting / The Learning Partnership / When Partnerships Get Difficult / Working with Others to Support Parents / Beyond the Triangle READERSHIP All degree and foundation degree students in early years, early childhood studies and related disciplines ACHIEVINg EYPS SERIES Stemming from original research in the field, a broad range of contributors explore the key themes and debates surrounding international perspectives on early childhood education and care. Drawing on studies carried out in Norway, Mexico, France, Hungary and many more countries, the book covers a wide range of topics including: • relationship between early childhood and primary education • gender and play in ECEC • the Forest School approach to learning. CONTENTS International Perspectives: Themes And Issues / Seeing Early Childhood Issues Through A European Lens / The Relationship Between Early Childhood And Primary Education / Gender And Using The Outdoors: Perceptions Of Practice In England, Hungary And Denmark / The French Approach To Family Intervention With Families With Young Children / How To Build A Curriculum For Infants And Toddlers / The Roma Early Childhood Inclusion (RECI) Project And Its Conclusions / Developing Place-based Learning in Early Years Services: Approaches and Examples from Norway and Scotland / Space And Place As A Source Of Belonging And Participation In Early Years Services In Chiapas, Mexico / Forest School - An Outdoor Space For Children / Families And Children's Well-Being / International Perspectives: Using The Lens Of 'Other' To Consider What We Learn READERSHIP May 2013 • 160 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6744-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6745-5) • £17.99 Students of early years at all levels, from foundation Degree to masters, as well as current early years practitioners CRITICAL ISSUES IN THE EARLY YEARS November 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5536-0) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5537-7) • £23.99 6 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Early Childhood INVOLVING PARENTS IN THEIR CHILDREN'S LEARNING Second Edition margy whalley Pen Green Centre, Corby This book is the story of the pioneering work of the Pen Green Early Years Centre for children and families. Showing how early years practitioners can collaborate effectively with parents, the book includes case studies of parents and children who have attended the centre, and studies that chart developments in learning for both children and parents. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Becoming a Professional Kimberly A gordon Biddle California State University Sacramento, Ana garcia-Nevarez, wanda J Roundtree Henderson and Alicia Valero-Kerrick California State University, Sacramento This is an inspiring introduction to the world of early childhood education, preparing the educators of tomorrow to reach their full potential in their schools and communities. Written by a diverse and experienced author team, this text engages readers to connect the most modern educational and developmental theory and research to developmentally appropriate practices and applications that are easily implemented in the classroom. March 2013 • 552 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7345-8) • £52.00 2007 • 232 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-3500-5) • £80.00 Paper (978-1-4129-3501-2) • £26.99 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION History, Philosophy and Experience Second Edition Cathy Nutbrown University of Sheffield and Peter Clough Liverpool Hope University This essential, informative read provides an accessible introduction to the history of early childhood education. Firmly grounded in current policy, the text features a series of imagined 'conversations' with key figures and pioneers, in which the authors exemplify various philosophical positions in early childhood. This Second Edition includes revised and updated material, as well as showing how early childhood policy has changed, yet how many issues from history are still concerns for early childhood educators today. The widely respected authors emphasise the role of history and philosophy in current early childhood practices. CONTENTS A Short History of Early Childhood Education / The Legacy of History / Into the 21st Century: Twenty Years of Policy Change / Into the Future, Learning from the Past / The Pioneers: Their Lives and Works / Socrates / John Amos Comenius [Komensky] / Jean Jacques Rousseau / Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi / Robert Owen / Friedrich Froebel / Charles Dickens / Charlotte Mason / Sigmund Freud / Rachel McMillan / John Dewey / Margaret McMillan / Rudolf Steiner / Maria Montessori / Alexander Sutherland [AS] Neill / Susan Sutherland Isaacs / Louis Christian Schiller / Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky / Donald Woods Winnicott / Jean Piaget / Erik Erickson / Carl Rogers / Burrhus Frederick Skinner / Robin Tanner / Talking of Early Childhood Education: Six 'Conversations' / So, Who Needs History? / Why Early Childhood Education? / What Motivates Young Children to Learn? / How Do Young Children Learn? / Literacy in the Early Years: A Pedagogy of Patience? / From God and Church to Awe and Wonder: Spirituality and Creativity in Early Childhood Education / Plus ça change...? / Children's Rights / The Arts and Creativity / Literacy / Play, Learning and Pedagogy / Early Intervention / Home Learning and Parents / Inclusion READERSHIP Students of early childhood education, or history of education; also early years trainee teachers, practitioners and policy makers WORKING IN MULTIPROFESSIONAL CONTEXTS A Practical guide for Professionals in Children's Services John m Davis and mary Smith both at University of Edinburgh This book equips readers with the skills, knowledge and understanding that managers, practitioners and students require to work in integrated multiprofessional settings. It book draws on case studies to consider the dilemmas, challenges and complexities common within workplaces. Chapters cover: • roles, policies and practices in integrated services • quality assessment in a multiprofessional context • evaluating and developing children and family services • participation and engagement in integrated family centres. CONTENTS Introduction: Themes, Issues and Conclusions / The Book, Its Concept, Why It Is Needed and Who It Is for / Multi-Professional Assessment, Planning and Delivery / Concepts of Assessment / Structures of Assessment / Relationships of Assessment / Participation and Multi-professional Working / Defining Our Concepts of Participation / Structures of Participation / Participatory Relationships / Conclusion / Recommended Further Reading / Traditional Structures of Multi-Professional Leadership and Management / Concepts of Visionary Leadership and Management / Management, Leadership and Organisational Structures / Relational Multi-Professional Management and Leadership / Conclusion / Recommended Further Reading / Contemporary Approaches to Multi-Professional Leadership and Management / Reflexive Managers, Leaders and Individuals / Systemic Multi-Professional Joint Working / Multi-Professional Systems, Relationships and Change / Conclusion / Recommended Further Reading / Multi-Professional Evaluation / Total Quality Management / Research-Based Evaluation/Development / Relational Approaches to Evaluation / Multi-Professional Learning and Creativity / Concepts of Multi-Professional Learning, Innovation and Creativity? / Environments for Innovation, Creativity and Change READERSHIP Undergraduate and postgraduate students and professionals on courses to develop their knowledge of multiprofessional working April 2012 • 216 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-172-4) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-173-1) • £21.99 November 2013 • 256 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6786-8) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6787-5) • £22.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 7 Early Childhood INTEGRATED WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE EXPLORING PLAY FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES Supporting Development from Birth to Nineteen mandy Andrews University of Worcester Edited by Nadia Edmond and mark Price both at University of Brighton This interdisciplinary, core textbook looks at learning and development from birth to 19 years, providing an accessible introduction to the common areas of study across the many roles supporting learning and development in the young people's workforce. There is coverage of common themes and issues, and theory is closely integrated with practice throughout. Chapters cover: • quality and effectiveness • physical development • working with families • cognitive development • safeguarding and • social and promoting well-being emotional development • transitions. • professionalism CONTENTS PART ONE: PROFESSIONALISM IN THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S WORKFORCE / Children and Young People's Services in Context / Professionalism in the Children and Young People's Workforce / Professional Relationships and Leadership in the Children and Young People's Workforce / Quality and Effectiveness in Working with Children and Young People / PART TWO: SUPPORTING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S DEVELOPMENT / Children's and Young People's Physical Development / Children's and Young People's Cognitive Development / Children's and Young People's Social and Emotional Development / PART THREE: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND ENGAGEMENT WITH YOUNG PEOPLE / Effective Communication and Engagement with Children and Young People / Effective Communication and Engagement with Families / Safeguarding and Promoting Well-Being / Supporting Transitions / Promoting Equality and Inclusion This is a key text for all those studying for degrees and foundation degrees in early childhood, early years and related disciplines and for candidates on EYPS pathways. It takes the reader through a detailed exploration of the nature of play examining the features and the concepts of play. Guidance on the observation of children's play is included and the text encourages students to appreciate the value of play in development and in socialisation. Children's rights and the ownership of play are also covered. With interactive activities and case studies throughout, the text helps students to arrive at an understanding of their own practice in relation to play. CONTENTS PART ONE: WHAT IS PLAY? / Identifying Features of Play / Understanding Concepts of Play / Historical Perspectives and Principles / Observing Play / PART TWO: THE BENEFITS OF PLAY / The Value of Play in Child Development / Play and Social Development / Play, Creativity and Risk / Contexts for Play / PART THREE: CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND THE OWNERSHIP OF PLAY / The Ownership of Play: Play space, Play Cues and Play Actions / Developing a Pedagogy for Play / Conclusion: Play IS for life, Not Just for Nursery READERSHIP Early Childhood Studies - degree and foundation degree students EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES SERIES September 2012 • 216 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-846-5) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-685-0) • £17.99 READERSHIP Teachers, trainee teachers, students on foundation degrees relating to working with children and young people, early years, teaching assistants, playworkers, youth workers; also learning mentors, advice and guidance workers March 2012 • 256 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-781-8) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-782-5) • £22.99 PLAY, LEARNING AND THE EARLY CHILDHOOD CURRICULUM Third Edition Elizabeth wood University of Sheffield LANGUAGE AND LITERACY FOR THE EARLY YEARS Sally Neaum Teesside University This is a focused text on early years' language and literacy discusses language acquisition and development and covers development theory, talking with babies and the factors that affect development. CONTENTS PART ONE : LANGUAGE ACQUISITION / An Introduction to Language Acquisition / Understanding Language Acquisition and Development: Theories and Approaches / Language Development Charts / Talking with Babies / Factors that Affect Children's Language Acquisition and Development / Responding to Children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs / PART TWO: SUPPORTING CHILDREN'S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT / Interaction to Support Language Acquisition and Development / Supporting Bilingual and Multilingual Children's Language Learning / Starting from the Child / Rhymes, Poems, Songs, Music and Stories / Creating a Literate Environment / PART THREE: BECOMING A READER AND A WRITER / Understanding Literacy / Emergent Literacy / Phonics in the Early Years READERSHIP EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES SERIES June 2012 • 184 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-859-5) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-741-3) • £17.99 ORDER TODAY CONTENTS Understanding Play: complexity and challenge / Understanding Children's Learning: Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives / Play in National Policies: International Perspectives / Play and the Curriculum / Play and Pedagogy / Play and Learning in Outdoor Environments / Assessing Children's Learning in Play / Developing Play READERSHIP Students on childhood studies courses and those on initial teacher education and masters programmes in early childhood and primary education. Experienced practitioners on CPD courses will also find the book useful Students of the Early Childhood Studies degree 8 The Third Edition of this popular book reflects contemporary research and thinking about the role and value of play in learning and development, within and beyond early childhood. Offering an objective and balanced view of the various competing theories on play, students are able to form their own opinions through reflection and consideration of different ideas. The Third Edition includes coverage of all the latest trends and research, keeping students up to date with the latest information on the role of play: • play in education policies - UK and international perspectives • working with parents • social and cultural diversity • children with special educational needs • outdoor play. +44 (0)20 7324 8703 March 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-115-5) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-84920-116-2) • £23.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Early Childhood FOREST SCHOOL & OUTDOOR LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON FOREST SCHOOL Second Edition Natural Spaces to Play and Learn Sara Knight Anglia Ruskin University Edited by Sara Knight Anglia Ruskin University Outdoor learning continues to play an essential role in early years education, and this new edition of a bestselling book explores how the Forest School approach can be easily and effectively incorporated into early years practice. Expanding on aspects of Forest School teaching, and drawing on new developments and policy changes within the field, this new edition also includes: • a new chapter on working with parents • greater coverage of the 0-2 age range • new case studies to aid learning • coverage of international approaches to Forest School. CONTENTS Contextualizing Forest School / What Makes It Forest School? / Exercise, Fresh Air and Learning / Working with Parents and Carers / Seeing the Links / Participating in Forest School / Getting the Forest School Ethos into Settings / Forest School with Other Groups / Outcomes from Forest School Participation - A Report READERSHIP Early years students at all levels; also early years practitioners June 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5530-8) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5531-5) • £21.99 FOREST SCHOOL FOR ALL Edited by Sara Knight Anglia Ruskin University A guide on how to implement the Forest School ethos in a number learning environments. Anyone interested in how to implement the Forest School ethos in their learning environment will be enthused and inspired by this book. 2011 • 272 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-071-0 )• £67.00 Paper (978-0-857020727)•£22.99 RISK & ADVENTURE IN EARLY YEARS OUTDOOR PLAY Learning from Forest Schools Sara Knight Anglia Ruskin University This book shows the reader how to create exciting outdoor experiences for children, and incorporate the wilder and riskier elements of outdoor play into their planning, while adhering to health and safety requirements. 2011 • 152 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-629-7) • £63.00 Paper (978-1-84920-630-3) • £20.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers Forest School is now implemented across a wide range of settings both nationally and internationally, and this book explores the global similarities between the Forest School approach and how natural spaces are being used all over the world. Written by a range of international authors, the text includes perspectives from: • Sweden • Portugal • Brazil • Germany • Slovenia • South Africa • Australia • USA and Canada • India. It considers the impact that global influences have on early learning, and reflects on how the Forest School approach is used in the UK. READERSHIP All those studying Early Childhood Studies, Early Years and Primary Education October 2013 • 272 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5913-9) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5914-6) • £22.99 YOUNG CHILDREN'S THINKING marion Dowling Early Years Consultant Clearly linking theory and practice, this highly accessible book will be valuable to practitioners, teachers and students. The author explores the development of children's thinking from birth to seven years, and how this affects home, early years settings and schools. The book includes: • case studies • professional checkpoints to help reflection • practical suggestions • guidance on involving parents • suggested reading • questions for discussion. Access additional web resources at CONTENTS Thinking about Young Children Thinking / Thinking about Young Children's Thinking / Early Thoughts: Babies' and Infants' Thinking from Birth to Three Years / How Close Adults Can Support Babies' and Infants' Thinking / Playing with Thoughts and Ideas: Young Children's Thinking three to five Years / How Close Adults Can Support Young Children's Thinking three to five Years / Brimming with Thoughts at Home and in School: Children's Thinking five to seven Years / How Close Adults Can Support Children's Thinking during the Early School Years READERSHIP Students on early years foundation degrees, early years initial teacher education and early childhood studies courses November 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-1095-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-1096-3) • £19.99 9 Early Childhood YOUNG CHILDREN'S CREATIVE THINKING Hiroko Fumoto, Yew Chung Community College, Hong Kong Sue Robson, Sue greenfield and David J Hargreaves all at Roehampton University YOUNG CHILDREN'S PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Third Edition marion Dowling Early Years Consultant By linking the findings and recommendations from major reports and research to early years practice, this bestselling book helps trainee and practising teachers to understand and apply the latest research to their practice. The new edition includes links to Early Years Professional Status standards and coverage of multi-agency working. 2009 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-105-5) • £66.00 Paper (978-1-84860-106-2) • £21.99 ASSESSMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SETTINGS In this book, the authors push forward our understanding of what young children's creative thinking is, and how it promotes young children's well-being. By drawing on research evidence, they examine key issues from the perspectives of the child, the parents or carers, and early childhood practitioners. Whilst exploring this theoretically complex area, the authors never lose sight of what is important in day-to-day practice and make links between theory and practice through discussion around case studies. The book is divided into three parts: • creative thinking, social relationships and early childhood practice • exploring perspectives in early childhood research • experiences of young children, parents and practitioners. CONTENTS PART ONE: CREATIVE THINKING, SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS AND EARLY CHILDHOOD PRACTICE / What Do We Mean by Creativity and Creative Thinking? / Creative Thinking in Early Childhood / Social Relationships in Early Childhood / PART TWO: EXPLORING PERSPECTIVES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH / Children's Voices: Young Children as Participants in Research / Involving Parents in Research / Researchers and Practitioners Collaborating on Research / PART THREE: EXPERIENCES OF YOUNG CHILDREN, PARENTS AND PRACTITIONERS / Children's Experiences of Creative Thinking / Parents' Experiences of Supporting Children's Creative Thinking / Practitioners' Experience of Promoting Children's Creative Thinking / Conclusions: Towards Understanding Young Children's Creative Thinking READERSHIP Undergraduate and postgraduate students in early childhood education April 2012 • 184 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-731-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-732-0) • £22.99 Learning Stories margaret Carr University of Waikato, New Zealand This is an invigorating and very thoughtprovoking text that I would recommend to all early years professionals, parents and citizens interested in developing their understanding of early years philosophy in action, which is directly linked to a compelling research paradigm and deep reflection alongside a sound theoretical base. – Early Years LEARNING AND TEACHING MATHEMATICS 0-8 Edited by Helen Taylor and Andrew Harris both at Canterbury Christ Church University See page 25 for full details. November 2013 • 272 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5331-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5332-8) • £22.99 2001 • 224 pages Cloth (978-0-7619-6793-4) • £83.00 Paper (978-0-7619-6794-1) • £25.99 FREE ELECTRONIC INSPECTION COPIES FOR LECTURERS SAGE has teamed up with a number of online delivery partners so lecturers can have digital access to textbooks for consideration for course use. Contact your local sales representative at for all your course needs. 10 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Early Childhood THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE Theory and Practice Second Edition Edited by Ioanna Palaiologou University of Hull The Early Years Foundation Stage has been praised by academics and students for its theoretical underpinning and practical case studies. In the light of the revised EYFS, the new edition combines a comprehensive range of topics, up to date coverage of the EYFS curriculum, additional case studies, and an increased focus on critical reflection. The Second Edition introduces new chapters on: • Historical Developments in Early Years Educational Policy • Implementation of EYFS • Play-Based Learning • Working in partnership with parents • Safeguarding Children • Children's Health. Outstanding Learning Features: • up to date coverage of revised EYFS • new parts and design makes the book user-friendly and easy to navigate • chapter aims identify what each chapter will cover at a glance • case studies in each chapter help students to link theory to practice • further reading directs you to external resources to deepen you understanding • reflection boxes help you reflect on how the chapter can be applied to your personal and professional development. CONTENTS PART ONE: POLICY CONTEXT / Historical Developments in Policy for Early Years Education and Care / The Implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage / The National Picture / PART TWO: PEDAGOGY / Pedagogy of Early Years / Play in Early Years Foundation Stage / Observations: Recording and Analysis in Early Years Foundation Stage / Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage / Using Learning Stories in The Early Years Foundation Stage / Meeting EYFS Outcomes Outside of the Early Years Setting / PART THREE: KEY ISSUES IN PRACTICE / Working in Partnership with Parents / Working together to Safeguard Children / Children's Health / Inclusion in the Early Years / Leadership in Early Years Education Foundation Stage / PART FOUR: THE AREAS OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT IN EYFS / Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Communication and Language / Literacy / Mathematics / Understanding the World / Physical Development / Creative Development READERSHIP Students undertaking any early years or early childhood studies courses, or those working toward Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) January 2013 • 384 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5697-8) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5698-5) • £23.99 IOANNA PALAIOLOGOU Dr. Ioanna Palaiologou works as a lecturer and researcher in the Centre for Educational Studies at the University of Hull; she is also a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society specialising in child development and learning theories. In the early stages of Ioanna’s career, she qualified as an early years teacher and child psychologist. After studying for her Masters degrees in Child Development, Educational Psychology and her PhD investigating young children’s literacy responses to a cognitiveoriented intervention programme, she worked at the University of Wales, Swansea as a Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies. Ioanna Available as inspection copy for lecturers In 2004 she joined the University of Hull and has worked as Programme Director of the BA (Hons) Educational Studies and Coordinator of Early Childhood Studies. Ioanna is currently leading the Masters in Early Childhood Studies; she also supervises a number of PhD students and is the Academic coordinator for Research Students Support. 11 Early Childhood ACHIEVING EARLY YEARS PROFESSIONAL STATUS BECOMING A PRACTITIONER IN THE EARLY YEARS Second Edition Denise Reardon Canterbury Christ Church University Rose Envy and Rebecca walters Encompassing the Teaching Agency 2012 new-era EYPS standards, this Second Edition provides up-to-date advice and guidance grounded in current reading, research and government policy for all those training to achieve Early Years Professional Status (EYPS). The new edition offers support to those on all four pathways to achieve EYPS (UEP, UPP, GEP and GPP), and includes: • the Teaching Agency (2012) EYPS national standards so students can understand and meet the new standards to qualify as an EYP • the new-era EYPS assessment process so students can prepare for the assessments required • explicit information on the new-era EYPS national requirements, enabling students to reflect on how they will interpret, implement and evaluate policies within their own work • ideas and examples of early years leadership and practice, so students can relate theory to their practice • more on how to manage change, helping students build their professional leadership skills. Each chapter includes case studies, photographs illustrating practice, reflective practice tasks plus suggested further reading and useful websites. Journal articles linked to each chapter are available at This text is written for degree and foundation degree students of Early Years and Early Childhood. A core text for practice related modules, it examines both the theory behind early years practice, and the practical skills and knowledge needed for effective practice. Covering themes such as childcentred practice, reflective practice, inclusive environments and safe practice, it introduces students to the wide scope of practice in the early years. Throughout, practical examples, case studies and theory focus features help students to make links between theory and practice and to begin to develop their own sense of professional practice in the sector. CONTENTS Developing the Children's Workforce / Collaborative Working Within the Early Years / Child-Centered Practice / Developing Pedagogical Practice / Enhancing Pedagogical Practice / Becoming a Reflective Practitioner / Creating Inclusive Environments / Ensuring Safe Practice / The Aspiring Leader: Taking Your Practice Further READERSHIP All degree and foundation degree students in Early Years, Early Childhood Studies and related disciplines EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES SERIES May 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6793-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6794-3) • £17.99 CONTENTS Getting Started - An Introduction to the new era Early Years Professional Status / What Is the EYPS Process? / The EYP Role to Lead Practice and Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement / What Is Effective Practice? / Practicing, Leading and Supporting Others in the to Deliver Assessment Arrangements, Routines and Communication, Language and Literacy / Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children Aged 0-5 years / Promoting the Rights, Inclusion and Anti-Discriminatory Practice For Children 0-5 Years / Working Directly with Children and in Partnership with their Families and Carers / Leading Practice and Fostering a Culture of Continuous Development / Orientation for the New Era EYPS Formative Assessment: The Development and Progress Review / Orientation to the New Era EYPS Summative Assessment Process / Orientation to the New Era EYPS Summative Assessment process: The Setting Visit and the Final Stage Interview / Glossary / EYPS Standards READERSHIP This book offers support to those on all pathways to achieve EYPS From Birth to Three Second Edition Jools Page University of Sheffield, Ann Clare Early Years Consultant and Cathy Nutbrown University of Sheffield Evidence and Practice working with Babies and Children is an essential resource for all who work with children under three. Due to its combination of theory and practice, clear writing and valuable pedagogical material, it makes current research accessible and promotes best practice. The second edition contains extensive updates on policy, as well as new vignettes, case study material and activities from current settings. This new and revised edition emphasises: • working with other cultures and bilingualism • schema theory • integrated and collaborative work • working with parents • learning through play. Third Edition CONTENTS December 2012 • 280 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5538-4) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5539-1) • £21.99 EFFECTIVE TEACHING What Do We Know about Children Under Three? / Looking beyond What We Already Know about Our Youngest Children / Policies for the Youngest Children / Planning for Early Learning and Development / Environments for Learning / Understanding Every Child / Planning for Positive Transitions / Permission to Love Them Daniel muijs and David Reynolds both at Southampton University Appropriate for primary and secondary, this popular and comprehensive text sets out the evidence base for effective education methods and strategies. READERSHIP Those on initial training courses such as foundation degrees, EYFS, NVQ, Early Years Professional Status, BA (Hons) education and early years, and early childhood studies 2010 • 368 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-075-2) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-84920-076-9) • £25.99 12 WORKING WITH BABIES AND CHILDREN ORDER TODAY March 2013 • 256 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0905-9) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0906-6) • £20.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - All Phases TRAINING TO TEACH INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING A guide for Students Second Edition making a Difference in Student Learning Edited by Neil m Denby University of Huddersfield Previously known as How to Achieve Your QTS, this Second Edition is equally valuable to those training to teach in both primary and secondary education and aims to give students the confident start they need in the classroom. Features new to this edition include more balanced primary education coverage and four new chapters on: child protection issues; teaching pupils with English as an additional language; cross-curricular teaching issues; and your first teaching post - applications, interviews and induction. The accompanying Website, has been updated to include additional material expanding on and complementing the contents of the book. CONTENTS PART ONE: PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES / Relationships with Children and Young People / Professionalism, the Professional Duties of Teachers and Legal Requirements / Child Protection Issues / Communication and Collaboration / Developing through Mentoring and Reflection / Understanding the Roles of Specialist Colleagues / Continuing Professional Development and Learning at 'M' Level / PART TWO: STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING AND FOR DEVELOPING PUPILS / Classroom Management and Behaviour Strategies / Beginning to Understand How Young People Learn / Approaches to Teaching and Learning 1: Developing a Range / Planning, Progression and Sequence / Differentiation and Personalizing Provision / Teaching Pupils with English as an Additional Language / Understanding and Using Assessment and Delivering Feedback / PART THREE: BUILDING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS / Qualifications and Examinations in England and Wales / The Legacy of Every Child Matters / Issues and Skills That Cross Curriculum Boundaries / Developing Successful Cross-Curricular Teaching / Accessing and Using Statistical Information / Making Sensible Use of ICT / Your First Teaching Post: Applications, Interviews and Induction gene E Hall, Linda F Quinn both at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA and Donna m gollnick National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Introduction to Teaching: making a Difference in Student Learning is the ideal beginning text for aspiring teachers. The acclaimed authors thoroughly prepare students to make a difference as teachers, presenting first-hand stories and evidence-based practices while offering a student-centered approach to learning. The authors focus on how to address one of the biggest challenges facing many of today's schools - making sure that all students are learning - and help teachers make student learning the primary focus in all that they do. From true-to-life challenges that teachers will face to the inspiration and joy they will discover throughout their teaching careers, this text paints a realistic picture of the real life of a teacher. CONTENTS Today's Teachers, Students, and Schools / Becoming a Teacher / Today's Students / Addressing Learners' Individual Needs / The Social Context of Schools / Families and Communities / Part II: The Foundations of Education / The History of Schools in the U.S. / Developing an Educational Philosophy / Organizing Schools for Learning / Regulating and Funding Schools / The Law as it Relates to Teaching and Learning / Teaching for Student Learning / Standards, Curriculum & Accountability / Managing the Classroom and Student Behavior / Teaching Strategies that Improve Student Learning / Using Technology to Improve Student Learning / Assessing Student Learning and Results / Becoming Tomorrow's Highly Effective Teacher / Succeeding in Your Teacher Education Program, and Beyond March 2013 • 560 pages Paper (978-1-4522-0291-4) • £52.00 READERSHIP Students on initial teacher training courses in primary and secondary education January 2012 • 352 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-761-0) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-762-7) • £21.99 EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES From Theory to Practice Third Edition Kenneth D moore Henderson State University (Retired) Effective Instructional Strategies, Third Edition covers the practical information that all effective K-12 teachers need. Applying the latest research findings and practical classroom practices, it provides thorough coverage of the strategies and skills essential to every teacher's repertoire. The text provides information about how to be an effective classroom teacher. It has been carefully designed to maximize instructional flexibility and to model established principles of instruction as well as to expand the pedagogical teaching knowledge of teachers and their instructional repertoires. November 2011 • 480 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9572-6) • £65.99 THE 2012 TEACHERS' STANDARDS IN THE CLASSROOM Roy Blatchford All teachers and trainee teachers need to work towards and within the framework of the 2012 Teachers' Standards. This concise, practical text is a guide to the application of the standards in the classroom. The chapters mirror the standards and, throughout, practical guidance and classroom-based examples help trainees to apply the standards in practice. Interactive tasks encourage readers to consider how they would interpret the standards in their own classrooms. Written by the past Deputy Chair of the Teachers' Standards Review Body, this is an essential text for all trainee teachers. CONTENTS Set High Expectations which Inspire, Motivate and Challenge Pupils / Introduction to the Teachers' Standards / Set High Expectations which Inspire, Motivate and Challenge / Promote Good Progress and Outcomes by Pupils / Demonstrate Good Subject and Curriculum Knowledge / Plan and Teach well Structured Lessons / Adapt Teaching to Respond to the Strengths and Needs of all Pupils / Make Accurate and Productive use of Assessment / Manage Behaviour Effectively to Ensure a Good and Safe Learning Environment / Fulfil Wider Professional Responsibilities / Personal and Professional Conduct / Master Teacher / Ofsted Framework for Teaching / Successful Schools, Successful Teachers / Recommended Books on Schools and Teaching, and Articles by Roy Blatchford READERSHIP All trainee teachers and teachers in their first year of practice ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES January 2013 • 112 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5633-6) • £50.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5634-3) • £13.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 13 Education Texts - All Phases DOING YOUR PGCE AT M-LEVEL PASSING THE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TESTS FOR TRAINEE TEACHERS AND GETTING INTO ITT A guide for Students Second Edition Edited by Keira Sewell Education Consultant, Liz Lakin, Alex woodgate-Jones, Tim Cain and Kate Domaille Southampton University Bruce Bond, Jim Johnson, mark Patmore and Nina weiss Masters-level study is now a well established component of PGCE courses and this new edition of the best-selling student guide offers a clear and concise overview of M-level aspects in teacher education. This Second Edition includes discussion of recent developments in education policy, greater coverage of reflective practice in schoolbased training and up-to-date advice on how to get a teaching job at the end of your course. With new reflective activities designed to help students develop critical skills, and improved references to additional material, this book is essential reading for students on PGCE courses in primary and secondary education. All applicants to teacher training must pass their Professional skills tests before submitting their applications. This is guide to the skills tests, preparing candidates for what to expect and helping them increase their chances of passing. It includes information on the tests themselves as well as hints and tips on what to expect and how to respond. Also included are a chapter on the importance of knowledge of teaching and schools, and some guidance on what makes a good ITT applicant and interview candidate. An essential guide for all applicants, preparing them for the skills tests, their application and interview. CONTENTS Introduction: It's All about Teaching and Schools / The Literacy Skills Test / Notes on the Test / Practice Test / Answers with Guidance Notes / The Numeracy Skills Test / Notes on the Test / Practice Test / Answers with Guidance Notes / Applications and Interviews / What Makes a Good Teacher? / What Makes a Good Application? / What Makes a Good ITT Interview Candidate? What Will the PGCE at M-Level Do for Me? / What Can I Expect My PGCE at M-Level to Look Like at Subject Level? / What Can I Expect My PGCE at M-Level to Look Like During My School-Based Training? / What Is the Relationship between Research and Development as a Professional? / How Does Academic Writing at M-Level Make Me a Better Teacher? / Getting a Job With a PGCE at M-Level / When Should I Continue with My Studies? / READERSHIP CONTENTS READERSHIP All those applying for teacher training (QTS) in England Students on PGCE courses in primary and secondary education January 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6754-7) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6755-4) • £19.99 March 2012 • 144 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0829-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0830-4) • £18.99 PASSING THE LITERACY SKILLS TEST PASSING THE NUMERACY SKILLS TEST Third Edition Fifth Edition Jim Johnson and Bruce Bond mark Patmore All trainee teachers working towards Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) must pass a computerised numeracy skills test. The test is designed to ensure they have a sound grasp of numeracy skills such as mental arithmetic and interpreting statistics, and can apply these in practice. This book outlines all of the test requirements and explains the essential subject knowledge candidates will need. This Fifth Edition is updated throughout and now includes a full practice test. Written by one of the authors of the actual skills tests, from the Alphaplus Consultancy, this text is an accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive practice tool for the numeracy skills test. This book helps the reader: • familiarise themselves with the skills and knowledge to be tested • fully understand the format and structure of the numeracy skills test • know what to expect on the day of the test. Written by one of the authors of the skills tests, from the AlphaPlus Consultancy, this text is an accurate and up-to-date practice tool for the literacy skills test. It outlines all of the test requirements and the essential subject knowledge candidates will need. This Third Edition is updated throughout and now includes a full practice test. This book helps the reader: • familiarise themselves with the skills and knowledge to be tested • fully understand the format and structure of the literacy skills test • know what to expect on the day of the test. CONTENTS Spelling / Punctuation / Grammar / Comprehension / Literacy Skills Practice Test / Answers and Key Points READERSHIP All trainee teachers, primary and secondary ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES CONTENTS June 2012 • 128 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5682-4) • £40.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5879-3) • £9.99 Key Knowledge / Mental Arithmetic / Using and Applying General Arithmetic / Interpreting and Using Statistical Information / Practice Mental Arithmetic and On-Screen Tests / Answers and Key Points READERSHIP All trainee teachers, primary and secondary ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES June 2012 • 96 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5687-9) • £40.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5883-0) • £9.99 14 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - All Phases CROSS-CURRICULAR LEARNING 3-14 USING SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE CLASSROOM Second Edition A Best Practice guide Jonathan Barnes Canterbury Christ Church University megan Poore University of Canberra Fully updated in line with recent curriculum developments and including expanded coverage of social science perspectives on learning and a range of new case studies, this Second Edition continues to be the must-have textbook on cross-curricular teaching and learning for the age group 3-14. CONTENTS What Should Schooling in the 21st Century Look Like? / Cross-Curricular Policy and Practice / What Does Good Cross-Curricular Practice Look Like? / Social Perspectives on the Learning Journey / What Does Neuroscience Tell Us about Cross-Curricular Learning? / Psychology and Cross-Curricular Learning / Cross-Curricular Pedagogies / What Principles Should We Apply? / What Themes Are Suitable for Cross-Curricular Learning? / How Can We Assess Cross-Curricular and Creative Learning? / How Should We Plan for Cross-Curricular Activity? / Key Issues for Debate READERSHIP Students on teacher education courses across the three to 14-years age range; also practising teachers considering cross-curricular approaches to learning 2011 • 328 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-067-3) • £67.00 Paper (978-0-85702-068-0) • £22.99 Find out what lecturers really think of our textbooks… …and how useful they have found them for the courses they teach. And (so long as you’ve requested a textbook on inspection through your SAGE online account) why not submit your own feedback for others to read online too! In offering this facility, SAGE is the first academic publisher to share independent academic reviews and feedback online. We feel that encouraging two way communication with colleagues in the academic world is integral to producing quality content. Find out more at How much do you know about using social media in your teaching? Using Social media in the Classroom is an essential guide to Web 2.0 sites and services, providing both an overview of different types of digital technologies as well as constructive guidance on how to safely and intelligently use them as tools for learning. This comprehensive, accessible textbook combines practical information on using all forms of social media for educational purposes and provides indispensable advice on how to tackle issues arising from social media use in the classroom. Analysis of important contemporary topics also includes: • digital literacy and new modes of learning • digital participation and overcoming the 'digital divide' • cyberbullying and understanding risk online. An accompanying Website including additional resources and handouts suppor ting the book can be found at CONTENTS PART ONE: GETTING STARTED: THE ESSENTIALS / Social Media and Education / Sound Educational Design Using Social Media / Common Aspects of Social Media Functions and Practice / PART TWO: THE BIG FOUR / Blogs / Wikis / Social Networks / Podcasting, Music and Audio / Instant Messaging, Chat, Skype and Twitter / Bookmarking, Clippings, Mindmapping, and Polls / PART THREE: ENRICHING YOUR PRACTICE / Visual Media / Instant Messaging, Chat, Skype and Twitter / Bookmarking, Clippings, Mindmapping, and Polls / Educational Games and Mobile Learning / Productivity Tools / PART FOUR: SOCIAL CONTEXTS / 'Digital Natives', New Learning and Digital Literacy / The Digital Divide and Digital Participation / Cyberbullying / Understanding Risk Online / Practical and in-Class Considerations READERSHIP All graduates and undergraduates on teacher education courses, as well as practising teachers August 2012 • 288 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0280-7) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0281-4) • £20.99 ONLINE TEACHING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Pat Swenson and Nancy A Taylor both at California State University, Northridge Online Teaching in the Digital Age is a manual for instructors whose classroom resides online. The unprecedented explosion of online learning courses has resulted in increased demands for online teachers, and regular classroom teachers are often asked to teach in an online environment, whether they are prepared or not. This book functions as a general reference guide and 'how to' manual, encouraging new and experienced instructors to explore the vast variety of resources available to create and/or enhance their online teaching experience. It presents practical material in an approachable manner, allowing a larger audience to be reached. Teachers will come away from reading this book with a new confidence in how to utilize technology to enhance student learning. CONTENTS The Virtual Classroom: A Dynamic Learning Environment / Establishing Your Web Presence: The Learning Management System and Course Webpages / Web 2.0: A World Wide Web of Options / Choosing Your Course Format and Features / Planning Future Semesters March 2012 • 104 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9619-8) • £22.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 15 Education Texts - All Phases REFLECTIVE PRACTICE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Peter Tarrant University of Edinburgh The connections between reflective practice and professional development are the focus for this book which offers guidance to support lasting change and provides strategies to enable self-initiated professional development. The book includes: • traditional approaches to reflective practice • how to enhance the effectiveness of reflective practice • putting reflective practice in context • how reflective practice can improve attainment for students and staff • an appendix of useful resources. With case studies from new and experienced teachers, as well as examples of reflective practice from trainee teachers and from students studying across a range of education courses, this book equips readers to develop their own reflective practice framework. CONTENTS What is Reflective Practice? / What Is Reflective Practice? / What Does Reflective Practice Look Like? / How Can We Make Reflective Practice More Effective? / The Challenges, Benefits and Possible Solutions to Using Reflection in a Professional Context / How Does Reflective Practice Fit into the 'Big Picture?' / What Do Teachers and Students Think of 'Peer Learning Interactions' / Reflective Practice for Children and Young People / How Do We Support Putting Reflections into Practice? / Reflecting on Reflections: Reflections On Reflecting READERSHIP Trainee teachers and practising teachers undertaking Continuing Professional Development REFLECTIVE PRACTICE January 2013 • 232 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4950-5) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4951-2) • £21.99 writing and Professional Development Third Edition gillie Bolton Freelance Consultant In the Third Edition of this popular and highly readable book, Gillie Bolton draws on her considerable experience and extensive research to demonstrate a creative dynamic mode of reflection and reflexivity. Using expressive and explorative writing, combined with in-depth group work/mentoring alongside appropriate-focused research, it enables critical yet sensitive examinations of practice. Offering a searching and thorough approach which will increase student and professional motivation, satisfaction and deep levels of learning, she clearly explains: reflection; reflexivity; narrative; metaphor; and complexity, and grounds the literary and artistic methods in educational theory and values. Clear, step-by-step practical methods are given for every aspect of the process. New to this edition are: • a chapter presenting different ways of undertaking and facilitating reflective practice • further international coverage, including material from Australia, New Zealand and the United States. CONTENTS Mind the Gap: How to Use This Book / PART ONE: REFLECTION AND REFLEXIVITY: WHAT AND WHY / Reflective Practice: An Introduction / Reflection and Reflexivity / Principles of Reflective Practice / Through the Mirror / Writing as Reflection / PART TWO: REFLECTION AND REFLEXIVITY: HOW / Reflective Writing: A 'How-to' Guide / The Learning Journal / Assessment and Evaluation / Group Processes and Facilitation / Reflective Practice and Team Development / Reflective Practice: Other Methods / PART THREE: REFLECTIVE WRITING: FOUNDATIONS / The Power of Narrative / The Power of Metaphor / Wider and Deeper: Other Writing Forms / Reflection on Reflection READERSHIP Students and professionals in education, medicine and healthcare, clinical psychology, nursing, therapy, social work, counselling and business management 2010 • 304 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-211-3) • £74.00 Paper (978-1-84860-212-0) • £24.99 16 ORDER TODAY REFLECTIVE PRACTICE FOR TEACHERS maura Sellars The University of Newcastle, Australia An essential aspect of teaching is being able to reflect on your own practice and analyse your professional actions, and use this process to develop as a successful teacher. Reflective Practice for Teachers explores a range of key issues that you will need to engage with during your teacher preparation and early career in the classroom in order to deepen your understanding of teaching practice. Coverage includes: • The changing nature of teaching and the role of the teacher, and the importance of making personal evidence-based decisions • Key learning theories, findings from neuroscience and their impact on learning • How contemporary issues such as technology, global perspectives, and the importance of pedagogical practices can support effective teaching • Guidance on how to reflect on the richness of diversity in classrooms, and the tensions and challenges that may result from differences. CONTENTS Teaching as a Profession / Teaching Today / The Learning Process / Theories on the Nature of Intelligence / Thinking Skills that Support Successful Learning / Emotional Intelligence / Supporting the Learning Process / Understanding Diversity / Differentiation and Inclusion / Teachers as Professional Practitioners November 2013 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5650-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6740-0) • £22.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - All Phases PSYCHOLOGY FOR TEACHERS Scott Buckler and Paul Castle both at University of Worcester Every child is an individual whose knowledge and understanding needs to be developed in ways that help them succeed. How do you manage this alongside the realities of the curriculum? How do you achieve this for a full classroom of expectant learners? Psychology for Teachers explains how psychology can be intelligently applied to the classroom to meet the needs of different learners. It encourages you to review your own practice to develop a personal teaching style, supported by research findings and an awareness of the factors underpinning high-quality teaching. Focusing on how an understanding of psychological theory can support effective teaching and learning this book contains case studies and tasks to make sure that you really understand how theory can be meaningfully applied in the classroom. Supported by a companion website at, this is essential reading for all students on initial teacher education courses including undergraduate (BEd, BA with QTS), postgraduate (PGCE, SCITT), School Direct, and employment-based routes into teaching, and also Education Studies degrees. CONTENTS PART ONE: INTRODUCTION / Psychological Perspectives on Education: Classical Approaches / Psychological Perspectives on Education: Developing Approaches / The Balance of Teaching and Learning: the Teacher's Perspective / The Balance of Teaching and Learning: the Learner's Perspective / Developing Your Personal Perspective on Education / PART TWO: LEARNING: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL / The Individual Learner: Development of the Learner / The Individual Learner: Appreciating Variety / The Individual Learner: Unification of Perspectives / PART THREE: LEARNING: THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF THE LEARNER / Meeting the Needs of the Learner: Enabling Individual Success / Meeting the Needs of the Learner: Ensuring Individual Access to the Curriculum / Meeting the Needs of the Learner: a Unity of Perspectives / PART FOUR: TEACHING: EMPOWERING THE LEARNER / Empowering the Learner: Motivation for Learning / Empowering the Learner: Psychological Skills Development / Empowering the Learner: a Unity of Perspectives / PART FIVE: THE BALANCE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING / Structuring Learning: the Teaching and Learning Cycle / Structuring Learning: the Environment / Structuring Learning: a Unity of Perspectives / PART SIX: YOUR PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE ON TEACHING AND LEARNING / Conclusion November 2013 • 448 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-1114-4) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-1115-1) • £24.99 SCOTT BUCKLER AND PAUL CASTLE Scott Buckler originally worked as a primary teacher in London and Birmingham before his employment as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Worcester. He was originally appointed for his work in Special Educational Needs although has diversified over the years to pursue how psychology can be applied to education. He has a particular interest in redefining the context of transpersonal education, which he believes, unites the various domains of human experience. Paul Paul Castle is a Chartered Sport & Exercise Psychologist, registered with the Health Professions Council and Senior Lecturer at the University of Worcester. As an applied practitioner, Paul has over a decade of experience in providing psychological support to athletes and motor racers from novice to World Championship level. In recent years, Paul has utilised his expertise to provide support for members of the teaching profession, with a particular emphasis on reducing stress, depression and burnout. Scott Available as inspection copy for lecturers 17 Education Texts - All Phases KEY CONCEPTS IN EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards, Judgement and moderation Tina Isaacs Institute of Education, Catherine Zara Freelance Consultant graham Herbert Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors, Steven J Coombs Bath Spa University and Charles Smith Swansea Metropolitan University of Wales, Trinity St Davids Val Klenowski Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia and Claire wyatt-Smith Griffith University Key Concepts in Educational Assessment provides expert definitions and interpretations of common terms within the policy and practice of educational assessment. Concepts such as validity, reliability, assessment of learning, assessment for learning, measurement comparability and differentiation are discussed, and there is broad coverage of UK and international terminology. Drawing on the expertise and experience of the authors who have worked in a wide range of educational contexts, the entries provide: • clear definitions of the concepts • accounts of the key issues • authoritative and reliable information • suggestions for further reading. CONTENTS Introduction / A / Assessment for Learning / Assessment of Learning / Assessment of Prior Learning / Attainment / Awarding Bodies / B / Basic Skills / C / Comparability / Continuous Assessment (See Coursework) / Criterion - Referencing / D / Diagnostic Assessment / Differentiation / Discrimination (See Purposes) / E / E-Assessment / Examinations (See Assessment of Learning, Select Type, Supply Type) / External Verification / F / Fairness / Feedback / G / Grading / Marking / Group - Assessment / I / Internal Verification / International Assessment / Ipsative Assessment / IQ Testing / L / Learner Involvement in Assessment / M / Marking Schemes (See Grading) / Measurement / Moderation / N / National Curriculum Testing (See Also SATS) / Norm-Referencing / O / Oral Assessment / P / Peer and Self-Assessment / Performance-Based Assessment / Professional Standards / Purposes of / Q / Qualifications / Quality Assurance / R / Recording and Tracking / Regulation / Reliability / Reporting / S / Selection and Supply Type Questions / Standardization / Supply Type Questions / T / Theories of / V / Validity / Vocational / W / Work-Based READERSHIP Created to support students of education on undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and established education professionals including those who are members of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (CIEA), this book is an accessible guide for anyone engaged in educational assessment. The book offers the reader a clear guide to the complex field of educational assessment, and suggests routes to more detailed study SAgE KEY CONCEPTS SERIES February 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-1056-7) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-1057-4) • £18.99 ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING CONTENTS Why Teachers Need to Understand Standards / A Sociocultural Perspective of Teachers' Judgement Practice / Radical Change in Teaching, FrontEnding Assessment and Quality Task Design / The Purposes, Processes and Potential of Moderation and the Use of Standards / Transforming Learning through a Focus on Quality: The Pedagogical Utility of Summative Standards / Sustainable Assessment Cultures: Coherence between System and Site / Online Capabilities: Rethinking Criteria and Standards / Conclusion and Principles November 2013 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0840-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0841-0) • £22.99 EDUCATION POLICY Ian Abbott, michael Rathbone and Phillip whitehead University of Warwick From Butler to Balls and beyond, this essential book illuminates educational issues in England and Wales since World War II, drawing on extensive documentary evidence. Inside you will find in-depth interviews with former Secretaries of State for Education and other key decision makers, including: • Ed Balls • Alan Johnson • David Blunkett • Ruth Kelly. • Michael Gove The interviews cover the historical context of their period of office and the lasting legacy of their policies. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION / PART ONE: 1944-1979: POST-WAR CONSENSUS / 19441960: The Post-War Consensus: Education for All? / 1960-1969: A Decade of Social and Legislative Innovation / 1970-1979: The Breakdown of Consensus / PART TWO: 1979-1997: MARKETISATION AND COMPETITION / 1979-1987: Introduction of Competition into Education / 1988-1992: Education Reform: A Period of Turbulence / 1992-1997: Education Practice under the Microscope / PART THREE: 1997-2010: BLAIR AND BEYOND / 1997-2001: The First Labour Government since 1979 / 2001-2007: The Second Phase of the Labour Government / 2007-2010: The Final Part of the New Labour Project / 2010 AND BEYOND: INTERESTING TIMES / APPENDIX: TABLE OF MINISTERS/ SECRETARIES OF STATE 1945-PRESENT Second Edition Edited by John gardner University of Stirling This new edition provides a comprehensive overview of assessment that is used to support learning, practice-based theory on assessment for learning, and formative assessment to support individual development and motivate learners. READERSHIP November 2011 • 312 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-382-7) • £74.00 Paper (978-0-85702-383-4) • £23.99 18 This book makes assessment processes transparent for practitioners, and shows how assessment should align with curriculum and teaching for success in education. It looks at evidenceinformed decision-making and the interrelationships between standards, judgement and moderation practice for improved assessment, teacher quality, schools and systems. The book will provide you with: • knowledge about quality assessment and judgement practice • understanding of relationships across curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning • an analysis of practitioner judgement approaches and standards • principles derived from research of social moderation practices. ORDER TODAY Master's-level students on education courses and PGCE programmes; also library collections November 2012 • 224 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-576-0) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-577-7) • £21.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - All Phases / Education Texts - Primary TEACHING CHILDREN 3-11 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS A Student's guide An Anthology of Critical Readings Third Edition Third Edition Edited by Anne D Cockburn University of East Anglia and graham Handscomb Essex County Council Edited by Alan S Canestrari and Bruce A marlowe Roger Williams University Why Teach? Who Are Today's Students? What Makes a Good Teacher? Educational Foundations answers these questions, and more, providing an exciting alternative to other foundations textbooks. This anthology is aimed at students about to enter the teaching profession, those new to the profession and anyone interested in carefully examining and improving schools and schooling. In this Third Edition, the editors add new essays by classic and contemporary policy shapers and teachers. The readings are bold and refreshing, and their authors eschew unquestioning compliance. By taking a hard look at traditional educational practice, the contributors to this anthology serve as models for the kind of reflective practitioners that its editors hope that students will become while in the field. The established professional studiesfocused initial teacher education textbook for Early Years and Primary Education teaching routes returns for a third edition carefully revised for today's teaching environment. November 2011 • 368 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-486-2) • £72.00 Paper (978-0-85702-487-9) • £23.99 PRIMARY PROFESSIONAL STUDIES CONTENTS Second Edition Letters to a Young Teacher / The Green Monongahela / Why Teach? / Who Are Today's Students? / What Should Teachers Do? Ebonics and Culturally Responsive Instruction / Racism, Discrimination, and Expectations of Students' Achievement / Inclusion: Rejecting Instruction That Disables / Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students: Perceived Social Support in the High School Environment / What Makes a Good Teacher? / The Banking Concept of Education / On Stir-and-Serve Recipes for Teaching / 10. Psst... It Ain't About the Tests: It's Still About Great Teaching / What Do Good Schools Look Like? / The Idea of Summerhill / Success in East Harlem: How One Group of Teachers Built a School That Works / Beyond the Deficit Paradigm: An Ecological Orientation to Thriving Urban Schools / How Should We Assess Teaching and Learning? / A Mania For Rubrics / Grading: The Issue is Not How But Why? / Confessions of a 'Bad' Teacher / How, and How Not, to Improve the Schools / How Does One Develop a Critical Voice? / Teachers as Transformative Intellectuals / Resistance and Courage: A Conversation With Deborah Meier / From Silence to Dissent: Fostering Critical Voice in Teachers / How Do We Move Foward? / Poor Teaching for Poor Children... In the Name of Reform / Necessary Muddles / Teacher Unionism Reborn / Epilogue. The Quest: Achieving Ideological Escape Velocity - Becoming an Activist Teacher Edited by Alice Hansen Education Consultant January 2013 • 280 pages Paper (978-1-4522-1676-8) • £29.99 THE PRIMARY CURRICULUM A Creative Approach Edited by Patricia Driscoll Canterbury Christ Church University, Andrew Lambirth University of Greenwich and Judith Roden Canterbury Christ Church University A new core text which provides an informed critical approach to the primary curriculum and how to teach it. Underpinned by contemporary research and current policy The Primary Curriculum combines coverage of key subject-specific issues with relevant pedagogical approaches to teaching, offering a comprehensive overview of each major subject of primary education. 2011 • 296 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-596-2) • £67.00 Paper (978-1-84920-597-9) • £23.99 The changing landscape of primary teaching requires trainees to consider learning and teaching in new ways. This new book supports trainee teachers working towards primary QTS in all aspects of primary professional studies. Exploring the curriculum, the developing child, the developing teacher and teaching skills, the text offers in-depth coverage of all aspects of teaching and learning alongside practical teaching suggestions. Chapters on inclusion, teacher identity and the wider school community consider key issues in teaching and learning today. This Second Edition is newly linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. CONTENTS The Curriculum / Transforming Teaching and Learning / Curriculum Approaches / The Developing Child / Child-Centered Teaching and Learning / Including all Learners / Transitions and Progression / The Developing Teacher / Teaching as a Profession / Establishing your Own Teaching Identity / Safeguarding Children / The School Community: Being Part of a Wider Professional Environment / Personal Professional Development / Teaching Skills / Assessment / Planning / Managing Behaviour for Learning READERSHIP Trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES June 2012 • 264 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5681-7) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5959-2) • £21.99 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Hilary Cooper University of Cumbria Professional Studies in Primar y Education provides a wide-ranging overview of everything you will need to know to prepare you for your primary initial teacher education course, and your early career in the classroom. 2011 • 272 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-733-7) • £67.00 Paper (978-0-85702-738-2) • £21.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 19 Education Texts - Primary REFLECTIVE LEARNING AND TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS THINKING THROUGH ETHICS AND VALUES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Edited by Alice Hansen Education Consultant, Adrian Copping, Nick Clough, mike Pezet, Peter Dudley, Lisa murtagh, Elizabeth gowing, Helen Davenport and Emma mcVittie Edited by gianna Knowles, Vini Lander both at University of Chichester, Sally Hawkins, Carol Hughes, glenn Stone, Linda Cooper University of Chichester and Barbara Thompson University of Kansas Traine e teacher s are expe cte d to demonstrate reflective practice in many ways throughout their course. Unlike other texts, this book takes a focused look at what primary trainees need to know and offers specific and detailed guidance on how to be meaningfully reflective in learning and teaching. Examining reflection as a tool for both teachers and children, this text considers how teachers can encourage the children they teach to be reflective in their own learning and how this can improve learning and teaching. Chapters on lesson study and reflective journals offer practical guidance, and a chapter on using children's voice as a tool for reflection explores this popular topical theme. Case studies and activities are included to help the reader relate theory to practice and all chapters are linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. CONTENTS Thinking Through Ethics and Values in Primary Education is an accessible text that encourages readers to explore deeply the ethics and values surrounding primary education. The text helps the reader to critically reflect on the principles that underpin education. Specifically written for education students in the later years of their course, the text draws on research and practice to explore the challenges and opportunities involved, while helping to develop the reader's own critical thinking skills. The book begins by asking 'what are ethics and values?' and goes on to explore social diversity and society and education. It considers ethics and values and the curriculum, school organisation and the classroom. CONTENTS Children as Reflective Learners / Trainees and Teachers as Reflective Learners / Reflective Learning and Teaching Opportunities / Using Children’s Talk as a Basis for Reflective Practice / Using Coaching as a Tool for Reflection / Using Self and Peer-Assessment for Reflection / Reflection through Lesson Study / Reflective Journals and Portfolios What are Ethics and Values? / Ethics, Values and Social Diversity / What Does Society Want from Education – What Does it Value about Education? / Ethics, Values and the Curriculum / Ethics and Values in School Organisation – How Should Schools be Lead and Managed? / Ethics and Values in the Classroom – Classroom Management and Managing Behaviour / Children and Young People / Ethics, Values and the Teacher? READERSHIP READERSHIP Trainee primary school teachers Trainee Primary Teachers THINKINg THROUgH EDUCATION SERIES TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES May 2012 • 176 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-857-1) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-733-8) • £17.99 May 2012 • 176 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-865-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-769-7) • £17.99 DEVELOPING ACTIVE LEARNING IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM PRIMARY ENGLISH: AUDIT AND TEST Anitra Vickery Bath Spa University Third Edition This book explores a range of philosophies and strategies to develop active learning in primary education. It balances theory with practice to provide evidence-based guidance and suggestions for use in the classroom. Key topics include: • Creating a supportive learning environment • Developing the questioning skills of teachers and children • Learning through assessment • Developing thinking skills through curriculum subjects. Doreen Challen University of Southampton • CONTENTS Established and Implicit Frameworks for Thinking and Learning Skills / Creating a Classroom of Enquiry / Learning in the Early Years / Developing Teacher and Learner Questioning Skills / Reflective Teachers - Reflective Children / Learning through Assessment / ICT and Active Learning / Developing Thinking and Learning Skills in Mathematics / Developing Thinking and Learning Skills in Science / Philosophy for Children / Developing Thinking and Learning Skills in English - Dialogic Teaching 20 This book supports trainees on primary initial teacher training courses where a secure knowledge and understanding of English is required for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). A rigorous test enables trainees to identify their strengths and weaknesses in English and this can be revisited in order to monitor and evaluate progress towards QTS. Trainees are able to direct their studies more usefully and quickly develop confidence in topics they find difficult. This edition is fully up to date with the 2007 QTS Standards. CONTENTS READERSHIP English background / Interest in English / Perceived Competence and Confidence in English / English Test / Answers to Test Questions / Targets for Further Development / Suggestions for Revision and Further Reading Those on professional studies modules on primary initial teacher education courses READERSHIP November 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5546-9) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5547-6) • £20.99 ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES ORDER TODAY Professional and Scholarly; Tertiary Education 2007 • 64 pages Paper (978-1-84445-110-4) • £10.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - Primary PRIMARY ENGLISH: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Sixth Edition Jane medwell, David wray, george moore all at University of Warwick and Vivienne griffiths Canterbury Christ Church University The essential subject knowledge text for primary English. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. This comprehensive text includes interactive tasks, a self-assessment section to allow trainees to better understand their level of knowledge and M level extension boxes to provide further challenge in all chapters. With full coverage of the English curriculum, and updated research summaries reflecting the latest thinking, this text is written to help trainee primary teachers develop and consolidate their knowledge of English. The Sixth Edition of this popular book features detailed links to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. CONTENTS Spoken English and Standard English / The Acquisition of Language / Representing Sound in Writing / Words, Vocabulary and Morphology / The Grammar of the Sentences in Standard English / The Components of Sentences / Punctuation / Cohesion: Grammar at the Level of the Text / The Qualities of Stories / The Qualities of Poetry / The Qualities of Drama / Looking at Information Books / Electronic Texts / Self-Assessment Questions TEACHING PRIMARY ENGLISH Jackie Brien University of Chester A new core textbook for Primary English modules on initial teacher education courses, carefully focusing on a best prac tice approach link ing the or y and practice that can transcends the current changeable policy climate in primary education. CONTENTS What Teachers of Literacy Know and Do / Speaking and Listening / Reading for Understanding / Teaching Phonics for Reading and Writing / Learning and Teaching Writing: The Knowledge and Processes of Composing Text / Accuracy and Presentation: The Secretarial Aspects of Writing / Inclusive Learning and Teaching of English / Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching of English / English and Literacy beyond the Classroom / Planning to Ensure Progress in English / Assessment and Targeting in English READERSHIP Students studying primary English on primary initial teacher education courses including undergraduate, postgraduate and employment-based routes into teaching; also newly qualified teachers 2011 • 224 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-156-4) • £62.00 Paper (978-0-85702-157-1) • £19.99 READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES May 2012 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5684-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5955-4) • £19.99 PRIMARY ENGLISH: TEACHING THEORY AND PRACTICE Sixth Edition Jane medwell, David wray, Hilary minns all at University of Warwick, Vivienne griffiths Canterbury Christ Church University and Liz Coates University of Warwick With full coverage of the theory and practice required for effective and creative English teaching, this text is an essential guide for all trainees working towards QTS. Practical guidance and features support trainees throughout to translate this learning to the classroom, embed ICT in their lessons and to understand the wider context of their teaching. This Sixth Edition includes links to the 2012 Teachers' Standards and notes on the new National Curriculum. CONTENTS Learning English / Effective English Teaching / Speaking and Listening: Developing Talk in the Primary Classroom / Teaching Reading at Key Stage 1 / The Teaching and Learning of Phonics and Phonological Awareness / Teaching Early Writing / Teaching Handwriting and Spelling / Developing Reading at Key Stage Two / Teaching Writing at Key Stage Two / Teaching with Electronic Texts / Including All Children / Organising and Resourcing English at Key Stages One and Two / Assessing English OBSERVING PRIMARY LITERACY margaret Perkins University of Reading Observing children is a fundamental aspect of learning to teach and a vital component of primary English teaching. Observing Primary Literacy focuses on observing children and teachers in the primary classroom, enabling trainee teachers to make sense of what they observe in classrooms. This book helps make explicit the reasons for the professional decisions teachers make before and during lessons, as well as encouraging critical and reflective thought on key aspects of primary English. Using a detailed examination of real-life case studies, Margaret Perkins provides a framework for understanding the literacy learning processes of primary-age children and how this can inform good teaching practice. She demonstrates to readers how to re-focus on children's learning and develop a critically informed approach to literacy in the modern primary classroom. CONTENTS Introduction: Observation and Reflection / Understanding Texts / Talk / Teaching Reading / Teaching Writing / Literacy across the Curriculum / Planning and Assessment / Teaching with Story / Teaching Primary Literacy READERSHIP Students studying primary English on primary initial teacher education courses including undergraduate, postgraduate and employment-based routes into teaching; also practising teachers who wish to develop their understanding and practice of literacy teaching 2011 • 216 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-158-8) • £67.00 Paper (978-0-85702-159-5) • £21.99 READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES May 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5683-1) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5951-6) • £19.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 21 Education Texts - Primary TEACHING THROUGH TALK IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM PRIMARY ENGLISH ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Karen Tulloch, Judith Cullen St Mary's University College, Enid Jones, Linda Saunders and gillian Turner all at St Mary's University College, Twickenham This book supports trainee teachers working towards primary QTS in teaching primary English across all areas of the curriculum. Focused on teaching a more integrated and inclusive curriculum, this text draws out meaningful cross curriculur links and explores how the teaching of English can take place across the whole curriculum. It examines how a teacher's effective use of English is essential in supporting learning in all subjects and considers the role of the teacher in promoting English. Chapters cover topics such as language, literature, EAL and thinking skills. Incorporating the latest thinking in primary English and including exemplars of current good practice, this practical guide encourages trainee teachers to explore learning and teaching in new ways. CONTENTS English as a Core Skill / Language / Literature Across the Curriculum / Nonfiction Text Types / English as an Additional Language / Thinking Skills / Teachers' Wider Roles: Communication and Assessment / The Role of Primary English in Researching Teaching and Learning / Global Perspectives / Beyond Your Initial Training: Celebrating And Promoting English / Appendix 1: Model Answers to the Self-assessment Questions / Appendix 2: Language Books / Appendix 3: Children's Literature Books / Index READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers Nikki gamble Associate Consultant, University of London, Institute of Education and Director of the Write Away! consultancy and David Reedy The Westbury Centre, Barking This book sets out principles for effective talk for learning and teaching in primary classrooms. Based on the principle that talk is fundamental to learning, the authors identify what quality talk for learning looks like, and locate and analyze the classroom contexts where effective talk is particularly encouraged. They detail the reflective journeys of teachers and learners, and guide readers in an easy, structured format. Using case study material, they provide access to a range of voices. Each chapter includes: • vignettes of practice from different phases and curriculum subjects • a summary of key points • suggestions for strategies to try in class. READERSHIP Student teachers on undergraduate and postgraduate courses and for those specializing in literacy and English PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION wITH THE UKLA November 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-971-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-972-0) • £22.99 TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES June 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-868-7) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-781-9) • £18.99 PRIMARY HUMANITIES Learning Through Enquiry Tony Pickford, wendy garner University of Chester and Elaine Jackson Formerly Chief Adviser (Primary) Trafford BC and Primary Headteacher THINKING THROUGH NEW LITERACIES FOR PRIMARY AND EARLY YEARS Debbie Simpson, Ian Todd and Jayne metcalfe all at University of Cumbria (Lancaster) This acces sible book challenges readers to reconsider what is meant by the term 'literacy'. It encourages a deep consideration of literacy in the posttypographic age. Written for education students, it draws on current research and makes links between theory and practice. It explores some technological innovations designed to support the emergent reader and writer, and covers aural and oral literacies, visual literacies, and the legal and ethical issues arising from this new era. Readers are helped to think through 'new literacies' and their place in primary schools. Throughout, critical thinking exercises help the reader develop his/her own analytical skills. CONTENTS What's New about New Literacies? / Technological Interventions in Reading and Writing for Early Years onwards READERSHIP Trainee primary school teachers THINKINg THROUgH EDUCATION SERIES April 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-875-5) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-809-0) • £18.99 22 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 Providing a broad and balanced overview of the teaching of history and geography, Primary Humanities: Learning through Enquiry is indispensable reading for all primary teacher education students wishing to develop their understanding of teaching humanities subjects. Using an enquiry-based approach that encourages children to learn through questioning and investigating, it combines theoretical coverage with practical examples to provide an informed, engaging guide to humanities teaching in the primary classroom. Key issues covered include planning and assessment in history and geography, using resources in teaching, and exploring creative and crosscurricular approaches in humanities. CONTENTS Why do Enquiry-Led Learning? / What is Enquiry-Led Learning in Primary History and Geography? / Enquiry Outside the Classroom / Resources for Enquiry /Enquiry in Practice in History & Geography / Planning for Progression / Learning through Assessment / Cross-Curricular Approaches and Creativity in Teaching Enquiry Based Humanities READERSHIP This is essential reading for all students studying primary history and geography on primary initial teacher education courses including undergraduate (BEd, BA with QTS), postgraduate (PGCE, SCITT, School Direct), and employmentbased routes into teaching, and NQTs March 2013 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-339-1) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85702-340-7) • £19.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - Primary TEACHING SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS wendy Jolliffe University of Hull, David waugh University of Durham and Angela Carss The government prioritises systematic synthetic phonics as a key strategy in the teaching of reading and this text supports trainee teachers working towards primary QTS in how to use phonics effectively. The text begins by examining the central role of phonics in the teaching of reading, drawing on recent research and initiatives. It goes on to cover the essential knowledge trainees need to acquire themselves and the teaching of phonics to children. Accessible and relevant, the text uses case studies and useful research to support trainees in becoming competent and confident in the teaching of phonics. CONTENTS The Role of Phonics in the Teaching of Reading and Writing / PART ONE: SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE FOR TEACHERS / Discriminating Sounds and Phonemes / Challenges / Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondences and 'Tricky' Words / Decoding and Encoding Text / Long Vowel Digraphs – The Advanced Alphabetic Code / Phonics into Spelling / PART TWO EFFECTIVE PEDAGOGY / Teaching Phonics in the Early Years / Multi-Sensory and Interactive Methods / Teaching a Systematic Structured Progression / Planning for Phonics / Tracking and Assessing Pupils’ Learning and Effective Intervention / Teaching Phonics in Key Stage Two / Using a Range of Programmes and Resources READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES May 2012 • 208 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-845-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-681-2) • £18.99 WENDY JOLLIFFE Wendy Jolliffe is a former deputy headteacher who has worked in ITT for 10 years. She worked as a Regional Adviser for ITT for the National Strategies from 2008 to 2010 and advised ITT providers on effective provision for literacy, in addition to being responsible for producing a range of e-learning resources. She is currently Head of Teacher Education at the University of Hull and teaches on a range of modules including Primary English. She has published extensively in Primary English and Cooperative Learning. DAVID WAUGH David Waugh is a former deputy headteacher who worked in ITT from 1990 at University of Hull, where he led the PGCE course and became Head of Department. In 2008 he was appointed as one of two (the other being Wendy) National Strategies Regional Advisers for ITT. He is currently Director of Primary PGCE at Durham University, where he is also subject leader for English. He has published extensively in primary English, as well as developing elearning resources for National Strategies for English, mathematics and mentoring and coaching. ANGELA CARSS Angela Carss is an experienced teacher with a particular interest in early reading. She has taught in schools in County Durham and Bath and North East Somerset. She is also a part-time primary English tutor at Durham University and provides expert input on phonics and early reading for both undergraduates and postgraduates. Available as inspection copy for lecturers 23 Education Texts - Primary MATHEMATICS EXPLAINED FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS Fourth Edition Derek Haylock Education Consultant This Fourth Edition of Derek Haylock's much-loved textbook has been fully revised and restructured to match the current attainment targets for mathematics in England. Each chapter is written in a way that integrates children’s learning, classroom practice and the teacher’s own requirements for subject knowledge, making this the ideal text for primary PGCE courses. Some of the updates to the new edition include: • two new chapters on mathematics in the primary curriculum and learning to learn mathematics • more prominence given to using and applying mathematics • sections matching the attainment targets for mathematics • more learning and teaching points highlighted throughout the text • further material on number, risk, use of ICT, graphs and datahandling. The companion website ( provides a glossary and additional material to enable primary trainees to prepare with confidence for the ITT numeracy test and provides details of how each chapter of the book is linked to the National Curriculum. This will be updated to reflect any updates to the National Curriculum as they are introduced. CONTENTS PART ONE: MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING / Primary Teachers' Insecurity about Mathematics / Mathematics in the Primary Curriculum / Learning to Learn Mathematics / PART TWO: USING AND APPLYING MATHEMATICS / Key Processes in Mathematical Reasoning / Modelling and Problem Solving / PART THREE: NUMBER AND ALGEBRA / Number and Place Value / Addition and Subtraction Structures / Mental Strategies for Addition and Subtraction / Written Methods for Addition and Subtraction / Multiplication and Division Structures / Mental Strategies for Multiplication and Division / Written Methods for Multiplication and Division / Remainders and Rounding / Multiples, Factors and Primes / Squares, Cubes and Number Shapes / Integers: Positive and Negative / Fractions and Ratios / Calculations with Decimals / Proportions and Percentages / Algebra / Co-ordinates and Linear Relationships / PART FOUR: SHAPE, SPACE AND MEASURES / Measurement / Angle / Transformations and Symmetry / Classifying Shapes / Measurement / Perimeter, Area and Volume / PART FIVE: STATISTICS / Handling Data / Comparing Sets of Data / Probability / Answers to Self-Assessment Questions READERSHIP Trainee primary teachers 2010 • 432 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-196-3)• £79.00 Paper (978-1-84860-197-0)•£24.99 STUDENT WORKBOOK FOR 'MATHEMATICS EXPLAINED FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS' UNDERSTANDING MATHEMATICS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN A guide for Teachers of Children 3-8 Fourth Edition Edited by Derek Haylock Education Consultant and Anne Cockburn University of East Anglia Teachers or student teachers in nurseries and primary schools need a secure understanding of the mathematical ideas behind the material they will use in the classroom. And to help young children develop their understanding of mathematics, teachers need to develop their own understanding of how mathematics is learnt. In this book, the authors help trainee and practising teachers to understand mathematical concepts and how children come to understand them, and show how to develop their own confidence with mathematical activities. Each chapter of this book includes: • real-life examples and illustrations from children and teachers in the classroom, to help students recognise and build on children's mathematical thinking • the research behind some of the concepts and teaching approaches discussed to deepen students' understanding of maths principles and improve their ability to teach the subject • 'pause to reflect' exercises offering an opportunity for students to discuss and reflect on their own mathematical knowledge and experience • age-appropriate classroom activities to try with their class or group, which promote children's learning by doing. New to this edition: • new four colour format with full colour photos, making it even easier for students to navigate • new 'pause to reflect' exercises in every chapter help students consider their knowledge and experience • additional activities throughout for use in the classroom, providing students with practical material to use in their teaching. CONTENTS Derek Haylock Education Consultant and Ralph manning University of East Anglia Tried and tested by primary PGCE trainees, this workbook provides you with all you need to successfully review and use the material of mathematics Explained for Primary Teacher Fourth Edition. 2010 • 160 pages Paper (978-1-84860442-1) • £14.99 Understanding Mathematics / Understanding Number and Counting / Understanding Addition and Subtraction / Understanding Multiplication and Division / Understanding the Principles of Arithmetic / Understanding Calculations through Patterns and Pictures / Understanding Place Value / Understanding Measurement / Understanding Shape and Space / Understanding Data Handling / Understanding Problem Solving and Reasoning in Mathematics READERSHIP Early years students and trainee primary teachers, as well as practising teachers of children aged three to eight years March 2013 • 344 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4865-2) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4866-9) • £24.99 24 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - Primary PRIMARY MATHEMATICS: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Sixth Edition Claire mooney, Alice Hansen Education Consultant, Lindsey Ferrie, Sue Fox University of Cumbria (Carlisle) and Reg wrathmell University of Winchester The Sixth Edition of this popular core text is the essential subject knowledge book for primary mathematics. Helping trainees to establish and consolidate a secure subject knowledge and understanding of primary mathematics, it promotes the development of confident, creative and effective teachers. This Sixth Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. Providing full coverage of the required subject knowledge for primary mathematics, this is a core text for primary trainees working towards QTS. Self assessment questions enable readers to understand their own level of knowledge and an M level extension feature in all chapters suggests avenues for further study at Masters level. Research summaries include the latest works in primary mathematics and interactive tasks engage the reader with the text, helping them to link theory and practice. Trainees will find it helpful to use this book alongside Primary Mathematics Teaching Theory and Practice. CONTENTS TEACHING PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Sylvia Turner University of Winchester Teaching Primary mathematics covers what student teachers really need to know and why, including approaches to teaching and learning, planning and assessment, and using resources in maths teaching. It also provides a brief historical overview of the teaching of mathematics and examines strategies to enhance learning and development as a confident mathematician in the primary classroom. Informed by seminal and current research, and recent developments in education policy, the book also explores: • the role of mathematics within the primary curriculum • the development of mathematics as a subject of study • the knowledge that can be gained from considering international approaches to mathematics. CONTENTS Teachers as Mathematicians / The Nature and Language of Mathematics / What Do Children Really Need to Learn and Why? / What Should Teachers Know and Why? / Teaching Approaches / Assessment and Planning in Mathematics / Resources for Mathematics / What Can We Learn from Other Countries? / Researching Mathematics Education: A Case Study READERSHIP All students on primary initial teacher education courses Number / Algebra, Equations, Functions and Graphs / Measures / Shape and Space / Handling Data and Probability / Mathematical Language, Reasoning and Proof / Self-Assessment Questions / Glossary / Answers to Self-Assessment Questions November 2012 • 272 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-879-2) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-880-8) • £21.99 READERSHIP Initial Teacher training – all primary undergraduates and PGCEs ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES May 2012 • 168 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5686-2) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5911-0) • £19.99 LEARNING AND TEACHING MATHEMATICS 0-8 Edited by Helen Taylor and Andrew Harris both at Canterbury Christ Church University PRIMARY MATHEMATICS: TEACHING THEORY AND PRACTICE Sixth Edition Claire mooney, mary Briggs University of Warwick, Roger gomm The Open University, Alice Hansen Education Consultant and Judith mcCullouch University of Winchester The Sixth Edition of this popular core text provides the essential teaching theory and practice for primary mathematics. It promotes effective teaching through secure pedagogical knowledge, covering the key skills of planning, monitoring and assessment and class management, and relating these specifically to primary mathematics. This Sixth Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. It includes full coverage of the theory and practice required for effective and creative mathematics teaching. CONTENTS Teaching Strategies / Planning / The Daily Mathematics Lesson / Assessment, Recording and Reporting / Mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage / Number / Calculation / Algebra / Measures / Shape and Space / Handling Data and Probability Fostering an enthusiasm for mathematics in young children is a vital part of supporting the ir mathe matic a l deve lopme nt. Underpinned by subject and pedagogical knowledge of mathematics, case studies and research-based perspectives, the authors provide clear guidance on how to support young children's learning and understanding in an effective and engaging way. Contemporary issues and approaches to developing essential mathematical learning for young children are explored, including: • play, practical activities and talk for mathematics • outdoor learning • understanding pattern • counting, calculation and place value • measures and shape • working with parents. CONTENTS HOW CHILDREN LEARN MATHEMATICS AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING / Children Talking and Doing Mathematics / Play and Mathematics / Children Representing Their Mathematics / Mathematical Learning Outside The Classroom / Mathematics and Display / Assessing Children's Mathematics / Working with Parents / PART TWO: LEARNING AND TEACHING MATHEMATICS / Early Number, Counting and Place Value / Calculation / Fractions and Decimals / Pattern / Measures / Shape, Position and Movement / Handling Data READERSHIP READERSHIP Initial teacher training – all primary undergraduates and PGCEs ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES May 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5685-5) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5907-3) • £19.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers Both serving and intending practitioners working with children aged 0 to 8 years, including those studying for early years and early childhood degrees, and those on primary PGCE and primary education courses November 2013 • 272 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5331-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5332-8) • £22.99 25 Education Texts - Primary TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN GRADES 6 - 12 CHILDREN'S ERRORS IN MATHEMATICS Developing Research-Based Instructional Practices Second Edition Edited by Alice Hansen Education Consultant Randall E groth Salisbury University This book explores how research in mathematics education can inform teaching practice in grades six to 12. The author shows pre-service mathematics teachers the value of being a researcher constantly experimenting with methods for developing students' mathematical thinking - and connecting this research to practices that enhance students' understanding of the material. Ultimately, pre-service teachers will gain a deeper understanding of the types of mathematical knowledge students bring to school, and how students’ thinking may develop in response to different teaching strategies. An essential reference guide to children's common errors and misconceptions in mathematics enabling trainee teachers to plan for and address errors arising in mathematics teaching. CONTENTS TEACHING ARITHMETIC IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Introduction to Teaching and Learning Mathematics / Introduction to the Field of Mathematics Education / Key Psychological Ideas and Research Findings in Mathematics Education / Planning Mathematics Lessons / Mathematics Curriculum Models and Techniques / Implementing and Assessing Mathematics Lessons and Curricula / Becoming a Professional Mathematics Teacher / Developing and Teaching Mathematical Thinking / Developing Students' Thinking in Number and Operations / Developing Students' Algebraic Thinking / Developing Students' Statistical and Probabilistic Thinking / Developing Students' Geometric Thinking / Developing Students' Thinking in Advanced Placement Courses October 2012 • 512 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9568-9) • £58.00 PRIMARY MATHEMATICS ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Richard English University of Hull The proposed National Curriculum for mathematics places an increased emphasis on arithmetic and so this book is intended to address trainee teachers' subject and pedagogical knowledge in this key area. Everything from the instant recall of number facts, through to traditional written methods is covered, but also with an emphasis on mental arithmetic and informal pencil and paper approaches. A key feature is the development of understanding, rather than the learning of rules and procedures. This is achieved through worked examples, reflective and practical activities, case studies, self-assessment tasks and a focus on the research which underpins the content being presented. Getting Your Head around Arithmetic / The Rapid Recall of Number Facts / Mental Arithmetic / The Development of Pencil and Paper Arithmetic / Traditional Pencil and Paper Arithmetic / Arithmetic with Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios / Arithmetic Using Technology Alice Hansen Education Consultant and Diane Vaukins University of Cumbria (Lancaster) This book supports trainee teachers working towards primary QTS in how to teach primary mathematics across all areas of the curriculum. Focused on teaching a more integrated and inclusive curriculum, the text draws out meaningful cross curricular links and embraces the latest thinking and current good practice. It begins with a section on teaching mathematics, covering the strands of the curriculum, and goes on to offer guidance on the use and application of mathematics more generally across subjects. The Second Edition now makes links to the 2012 Teachers' Standards and makes includes notes on the new National Curriculum. CONTENTS The Mathematics Curriculum / Mathematics as a Core Skill / Number / Shape and Space / Measures / Handling Data / Part 2 Using Mathematics In Your Wider Professional Role / Using Mathematics to Support the Organisation of Learning and Teaching / Using Assessment Data to Improve Learning and Teaching / Developing Teaching and Learning Through Research / Model Answers READERSHIP Trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES May 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5692-3) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5967-7) • £17.99 ORDER TODAY 2011 • 208 pages Paper (978-1-84445-612-3) • £18.99 CONTENTS Second Edition 26 TEACHINg HANDBOOKS SERIES +44 (0)20 7324 8703 READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES November 2012 • 160 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-855-7) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-725-3) • £18.99 UNDERSTANDING PRIMARY SCIENCE Third Edition martin wenham and Peter Ovens Nottingham Trent University Now in its Third Edition, this text provides the background knowledge primary teachers need to plan effective programmes of work and answer children's questions with confidence. 2009 • 296 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-118-5) • £71.00 Paper (978-1-84860-119-2) • £23.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - Primary PRIMARY SCIENCE: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING PRIMARY SCIENCE: TEACHING THEORY AND PRACTICE Sixth Edition Sixth Edition graham Peacock, John Sharp Bishop Grosseteste University College, Rob Johnsey and Debbie wright John Sharp Bishop Grosseteste University College, graham Peacock, Rob Johnsey, Shirley Simon Institute of Education, University of London, Robin Smith Sheffield Hallam University, Alan Cross and Diane Harris University of Manchester The essential subject knowledge text for primary science. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. This comprehensive text includes interactive tasks, a self assessment section to allow trainees to better understand their level of knowledge and M level extension boxes to provide further challenge in all chapters. With full coverage of the science curriculum, and updated research summaries reflecting the latest thinking, this text is written to help trainee primary teachers develop and consolidate their knowledge of science. The Sixth Edition of this popular book features detailed links to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. Functioning of Organisms: Green Plants / Functioning of Organisms: Humans and Other Animals / Continuity and Change / Ecosystems / Materials / Particle Theory and the Conservation of Mass / Electricity and Magnetism / Energy / Forces and Motion / Light / Sound / The Earth and Beyond / Self Assessment Questions The Sixth Edition of this popular core text provides the essential teaching theory and practice for primary science. It promotes effective teaching through secure pedagogical knowledge, covering the key skills of planning, monitoring and assessment and class management, and relating these specifically to primary science. This Sixth Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. With full coverage of the theory and practice required for effective and creative science teaching, this text is an essential guide for all trainees working towards QTS. Throughout, practical guidance and features support trainees to translate this learning to the classroom, embed ICT in their lessons and to understand the wider context of their teaching. Trainees will find it helpful to use this book alongside Primary Science Knowledge and Understanding. READERSHIP CONTENTS CONTENTS Initial Teacher training – all primary undergraduates and PGCEs ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES May 2012 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5688-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-899-1) • £19.99 The Nature of Science Understanding / Processes and Methods of Scientific Enquiry / Children's Ideas / Science in the Foundation Stage / Teaching Strategies / Planning / Classroom Organisation and Management / Assessment Recording and Reporting / Using ICT in Science / Health and Safety READERSHIP Initial Teacher training – all primary undergraduates and PGCEs ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES PRIMARY SCIENCE: AUDIT AND TEST May 2012 • 144 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5689-3) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-903-5) • £19.99 Third Edition John Sharp Bishop Grosseteste University College and Jenny Byrne University of Southampton An ideal way for trainee primary teachers to identify their strengths and weaknesses in science and to monitor and evaluate progress towards Qualified Teacher Status. ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES 2007 • 80 pages Paper (978-1-84445-109-8) • £10.99 Request one of our new catalogues online at w w or phone us on +44 (0)20 7324 8500 PRIMARY SCIENCE A guide to Teaching Practice mick Dunne Bradford College and Alan Peacock University of Exeter Touching on current curriculum concerns and the wider challenges of developing good practice in science education, Primary Science provides an indispensable overview of important areas of teaching every aspiring primary school teacher needs to understand. 2011 • 208 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-505-0) • £62.00 Paper (978-0-85702-506-7) • £19.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 27 Education Texts - Primary PRIMARY ICT: KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PRACTICE PRIMARY ICT ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Second Edition Edited by Debbie Simpson University of Cumbria (Lancaster) and mike Toyn University of Cumbria (Ambleside) Fifth Edition Jonathan Allen University of Reading, John Potter Institute of Education, University of London, Jane Sharp and Keith Turvey University of Brighton The Fifth Edition of this popular core text provides essential knowledge and best practice in primary ICT. It helps the reader develop their knowledge, understanding and practice of primary ICT and covers all aspects of how ICT can support learning and teaching in the core areas of the primary curriculum. It includes interactive tasks, a self assessment section to allow trainees to better understand their level of knowledge and M level extension boxes to provide further challenge in all chapters. A revised chapter on safety now includes essential guidance on e-safety. This Fifth Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. CONTENTS PART ONE:: TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH PRIMARY ICT / Organising ICT in Your Classroom / Planning for Primary ICT as a Subject / Planning for Primary ICT in Other Subjects / Planning ICT in the Early Years Foundation Stage / Assessment and Recording in Primary ICT / Monitoring Primary ICT / PART TWO: USING APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES / Word Processing and Desktop Publishing / Graphics Software / Graphing Programs / Databases and Spreadsheets / Digital Video / Digital Cameras / Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) / Mobile Technologies / Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) / The Internet / Music and Sound / PART THREE: ICT AND THE PROFESSIONAL TEACHER / Professional Use of ICT / E-Safety / Ethical and Legal Issues / Self-Assessment Questions Taking a cross-curricular approach, this text highlights meaningful links across the curriculum. A chapter on social networking and e-safety provides essential guidance on this topical issue. This is followed by a section aimed at strengthening trainees' own skills and subject knowledge in ICT. Interactive activities and case studies link theory to practice and encourage the reader to rethink how ICT is taught in primary schools. This Second Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards. CONTENTS PART ONE: ICT IN THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM / ICT as a Core Skill / Finding and Selecting Information / Creating, Processing and Manipulating Information / Collaborating, Communicating and Sharing / Refining and Improving Work / PART TWO: ICT SUPPORTING PRIMARY EDUCATION / Learning Outline: The Internet, Social Networking and E-Safety / ICT in the Classroom / Researching Teaching and Learning with ICT / ICT Linking Our World / Model Answers READERSHIP Trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES May 2012 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5690-9) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-963-9) • £18.99 READERSHIP Initial teacher training – all primary undergraduates and PGCEs ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES May 2012 • 256 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5680-0) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-943-1) • £19.99 TEACHING PRIMARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION Julia Lawrence Leeds Metropolitan University This book of fers a balanced and comprehensive overview of the knowledge, skills and understanding required for the confident teaching of physical education in primary schools. It covers issues such as safe practice in PE, inclusion, subject leadership and cross-curricular approaches to physical education supported by an accessible theoryinformed approach. Supported by a companion Website containing additional student-friendly material. CONTENTS Why Physical Education? / How Pupils Learn and Develop / Approaches to the Teaching of Physical Education / Inclusion in Physical Education / Safe Practice in Physical Education / Developing Motor Competencies / Developing Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Across Areas of Activity / Planning the Learning Experience / Promoting Physical Education Across the Curriculum / Physical Education and the Wider Community / Subject Leadership in Physical Education PLAY-BASED LEARNING IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL mary Briggs University of Warwick and Alice Hansen Education Consultant Play is an essential part of learning and development for children and is an increasingly important aspect of creative approaches to teaching and learning in primary education. This book demonstrates the value of play in all its different forms as a highly effective medium for teaching and learning across the curriculum. The authors explore how play can be used to increase engagement, motivation and fun in learning situations, examining: the theoretical principles of play for learning; types of play for older children; planning and facilitating play-based learning; using thematic approaches when working with individuals, groups and whole classes, in addition to covering important teaching issues such as assessment, inclusion and transition out of primary education. CONTENTS What Is Play in the Primary or Elementary School? / Play Principles for Primary or Elementary Aged Children / Types of Play for Primary School Children / Play in the Primary Curriculum / The Role of the Teacher and Other Adults in Play / Planning for Play / Assessment of Play-Based Approaches to Learning / Including All Learners in Play / Transition into Secondary School READERSHIP Students on primary initial teacher education courses, as well as practising teachers wishing to enhance their own teaching March 2012 • 152 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-823-5) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-824-2) • £21.99 READERSHIP Students on initial teacher training courses in primary education, and those on sports studies courses with a primary PE component March 2012 • 192 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-735-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-736-8) • £21.99 28 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Texts - Primary / Education Texts - Secondary CREATIVITY IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM Juliet Desailly Education Consultant Creativity is an integral element of any primary classroom. It has never been more important for teachers to involve children in their own learning and provide a curriculum that motivates and engages. Being creative involves generating new ideas, reflecting upon and evaluating different teaching approaches and establishing an environment that supports creativity. Creativity in the Primary Classroom explores how to develop as a creative teacher and how to foster creativity in your classes. Drawing from key literature and detailed real-life examples, Juliet Desailly puts into practice her extensive experience in planning, advising and developing creative approaches to teaching and curriculum planning. This book examines what creativity in a primary classroom can look like, and is supported throughout by practical activities for use across curriculum subjects and reflective tasks encouraging critical engagement with key conceptual issues. CONTENTS PART ONE: WHAT IS CREATIVITY? / The Key Elements of Creativity / Creativity in Education: History and Theoretical Background / PART TWO: A CREATIVE CHILD IN A CREATIVE CLASSROOM / Building the Skills to Work Creatively / Establishing the Ethos / PART THREE: A CREATIVE TEACHER / What Makes a Creative Teacher? / Key Skills for the Creative Teacher / PART FOUR: A CREATIVE CURRICULUM / Planning for Creative Outcomes / Medium-Term Planning for Creative Outcomes / Case Studies: Creativity in Practice TEACHING BILINGUAL AND EAL LEARNERS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Jean Conteh University of Leeds As the number of children learning EAL in primary schools increases, trainee teachers need to develop the professional skills and expertise to teach them. This text reconsiders which children should come under the umbrella of EAL and provides practical strategies for teaching them in an inclusive classroom. It asks 'what do we mean by EAL?' and covers essential theories of learning and approaches to teaching. Chapter topics include speaking and listening and reading and writing, and activities and case studies to link theory to practice are provided throughout. CONTENTS PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING EAL LEARNERS - THEORIES OF LEARNING AND LANGUAGE / Introduction to Bilingual and EAL Learners / All about Language / What Does It Mean to Be Bilingual? Principles for Planning for Bilingual Learners / PART TWO: PROMOTING LEARNING - PRACTICAL APPROACHES FOR BILINGUAL AND EAL LEARNERS / Planning across the Curriculum for Bilingual and EAL Learners / Strategies and Resources for Learning Across the Curriculum / Assessing Bilingual and EAL Learners across the Curriculum READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES July 2012 • 128 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-861-8) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-85725-749-9) • £15.99 READERSHIP This is essential reading for students on primary initial teacher education courses, as well as practicing teachers wishing to enhance their own teaching March 2012 • 176 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-763-4) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85702-764-1) • £19.99 TEACHING TEENAGERS A Toolbox for Engaging and motivating Learners warren Kidd and gerry Czerniawski both at University of East London Takes a problem solving approach to the main topics surrounding motivating teenage students. 2011 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-384-1) • £72.00 Paper (978-0-85702-385-8) • £24.99 LEARNING AND TEACHING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Fifth Edition Edited by Viv Ellis University of Oxford This popular text for secondary teacher trainees covers all the key issues for learning and teaching in secondary schools and is a core text for all those working towards QTS. Focusing on both professional attributes and more practical teaching skills, the text provides an essential summary of educational research and includes both reflective and schoolbased practical tasks. Throughout, case studies make essential links between theory and practice and the text focuses on what trainees need to know. This Fifth Edition is linked to the new Teachers' Standards. CONTENTS SUCCESSFUL TEACHING 14-19 Theory, Practice and Reflection warren Kidd and gerry Czerniawski both at University of East London This core text for student teachers training to teach the 14 - 19 age group is written by highly experienced authors. Covering all the essentials, it makes clear links to theory and enables students to take the critical approach that they need for M-level work. PART ONE: PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND LEARNING / Introduction / Teaching as a Masters' Level Profession: Implications for Beginning Teachers / Professional Values and the Teacher / Understanding Learning / PART TWO: Professional Skills: Planning and Assessing Learning / Planning for Learning / Assessment for Learning / Managing Behaviour for Learning / PART THREE: Professional Knowledge: Across the Curriculum / Teaching Literacy across the Curriculum / Teaching Numeracy across the Curriculum / Teaching ICT across the Curriculum / The 14-19 Curriculum: Aims and Values / PART FOUR: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE: INCLUSION / Pastoral Case Personal Social and Health Education and Citizenship / Special Educational Needs / English as an Additional Language / Equality and Diversity READERSHIP All trainee secondary school teachers ACHIEVINg QTS SERIES March 2013 • 208 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6750-9) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6751-6) • £19.99 2010 • 320 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-712-5) • £74.00 Paper (978-1-84860-713-2) • £24.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 29 Education Texts - Secondary / Science REFLECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL Second Edition Paul Chambers formerly at Edge Hill University and Robert Timlin Manchester Metropolitan University Second Edition Edited by Sue Dymoke University of Leicester Reflective Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School offers a comprehensive overview of core teaching topics designed as an essential companion textbook for professional studies modules on secondary initial teacher education courses. Offering a critically engaged examination of practical and theoretical topics in order to encourage deeper reflection on what underpins good teaching practice, this Second Edition has been carefully updated to provide a contemporary introduction to secondary education. New to this edition: • a new chapter on diversity, social justice and global issues • a new chapter on pastoral and tutorial roles • improved coverage of developing critical thinking skills in the classroom masters-level critical reading tasks in every chapter. CONTENTS CONTENTS Professional Development and the Reflective Practitioner / An Overview of Learning / Learning and Teaching Contexts / Classroom Management / Assessing Students / Pastoral Care and the Role of the Form Tutor / Diversity, Social Justice and Global Issues in Education Teaching Mathematics / Mathematics in the Wide-School Context / Planning to Teach a Mathematics Lesson / The Elements of a Mathematics Lesson / Learning Mathematics / Assessment / Personalising Learning / Teaching Different Topics / Teaching Strategies / ICT in Mathematics Teaching / Continuing Professional Development READERSHIP READERSHIP Anyone training to teach in secondary education including postgraduate and employment-based routes into teaching All secondary mathematics trainee teachers DEVELOPINg AS A REFLECTIVE SECONDARY TEACHER November 2012 • 320 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0714-7) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0715-4) • £22.99 March 2013 • 296 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5900-9) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5901-6) • £23.99 Becoming an Elementary / middle School Science Teacher Edited by Carrie mercier University of Cumbria, Carey Philpott University of Strathclyde and Helen Scott Manchester Metropolitan University Becoming a successful teacher in secondary education requires a strong understanding of a wide range of professional teaching issues, including practical concerns such as curriculum development and learning through observation in the classroom, alongside key conceptual aspects such as critical reflection and understanding the nature of learning. This book addresses these issues alongside a range of additional important contemporary topics in secondary education. CONTENTS Who Has All the Answers in Education (and Why Should You Believe Them)? / Is There More to Lesson Observation Than Meets the eye? What Can You Learn from Watching Others Teach? / Why Is Critical Reflection Important? / What Is My Professional Identity? / What Is The Role of the Subject Specialist in Secondary Education? / What Do I Need to Know about the Curriculum? / What Is Learning Theory? How Can It Help Me? / How Should I Engage with Classroom Assessment? / What Is Diversity and How Can I Respond to It? / What Is SMSC and How Does It Relate to Community Cohesion? / How Can I Prepare for My NQT Year? / What Can Masters Level Study Do for Me? / Conclusion: How Does It All Fit Together and What Do I Need to Do Now? READERSHIP Trainee secondary teachers and early career teachers February 2013 • 248 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0789-5) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0790-1) • £21.99 ORDER TODAY DEVELOPINg AS A REFLECTIVE SECONDARY TEACHER YOUR SCIENCE CLASSROOM PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN SECONDARY TEACHING 30 Te a c h i n g m a t h e m a t i c s i n t h e Secondar y School is an essential companion for anyone training to teach mathematics in secondary education. It offers clear and engaging coverage of all major aspects of mathematics teaching that you will need to engage with in order to successfully train for the classroom. This Second Edition includes: • a new chapter exploring different teaching approaches including active learning, effective group work and creative mathematics teaching • expanded coverage of assessment, using resources in the classroom and metacognition and learning • updated coverage of recent developments in education policy and the 2012 Teachers' Standards. m Jenice goldston The University of Alabama and Laura Downey Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education Focused on teaching methods, Your Science Classroom is a core textbook for use in elementary and middle school science methods courses. Designed around a practical, 'practice-what-you-teach' approach to methods instruction, the text is based on current constructivist philosophy and organized around 5E inquiry and guided by the National Science Education Teaching Standards. The text is purposely designed to prepare teachers to teach science in ways that foster positive attitudes and engagement in meaningful science learning for themselves and their students. CONTENTS NSES Teaching Standards / The Nature of Science / I Know What Science Is! It's an Experiment / Are you Scientifically Literate? Why We Teach Science / The Nature of the Learner / Children's Construction of Science / Children's Alternative Frameworks and Conceptual Change / The Nature of Science Teaching / Classroom Teaching Practices: Questioning and Inquiry / Inquiry Teaching Approaches and Science Process Skills / Inquiry Lesson Planning: 5E Instruction Model / Assessment or Evaluation: A Guide for Science Instruction /The Nature of Diversity in Science Teaching and Learning / Learning Styles and Diverse Learners / Addressing Student Diversity: Science for All / Interdisciplinary Connections: Science Across the Curriculum / Appendix A How Do I Write an Instructional Objective? / Appendix B Safety in Your Science Classroom / Appendix C Science Inquiry Learning Centers March 2012 • 320 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7522-3) • £44.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 English & Literacy LITERACY AND EDUCATION Second Edition Kate Pahl University of Sheffield and Jennifer Rowsell Brock University, Canada Literacy and Education continues to be an accessible guide to current theory on literacy with practical applications in the classroom. This latest edition has a new focus on the ecologies of literacy and on participatory and visual ways of researching literacy. The new edition examines • new literacy studies • material culture and literacy • digital literacies • the ecological, place-based approaches to literacy education • timescales and identities, and • ways in which research has moved on to inform literacy education. EXPLORING CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Reading with Pleasure and Purpose Third Edition Nikki gamble Associate Consultant, University of London, Institute of Education and Director of the Write Away! consultancy The New Literacy Studies and Teaching Literacy: Where We Were and Where We Are Going / Multimodal Literacies: New Ways of Reading and Writing / Children's Texts Go to School / Literacies in the Community / Literacy and Identity: Who Are the Meaning Makers? / Navigating New Literacies for New Times: Shaping Curriculum and Pedagogy / Conclusion to the Second Edition of Literacy and Education This book introduces students and teachers to English-language literature for children, and its role in promoting reading for pleasure and creating life-long readers. The author focuses on a range of fiction relevant to the National Curriculum, and covers a variety of genres and features, including poetry, non-fiction, traditional stories and picture books. Concepts and terminology are explained through an extensive range of examples. This Third Edition includes: • investigative activities and practical exercises • examples from world literature and work in translation highlighting the range of diverse material available for teaching inspiration • coverage of social, cultural and political reading practices to increase understanding of factors that influence children's reading experience • coverage of disability and equality issues to help inform teaching strategies that overcome barriers to learning. READERSHIP CONTENTS CONTENTS Classroom teachers, teacher trainers and students of literacy April 2012 • 216 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0134-3) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0135-0) • £23.99 Developing Personal Knowledge about Books / Reading for Purpose and Pleasure / Refining Children's Responses / Narrative, Narration and Structure / Aspects of Narrative: Character, Setting and Themes / Traditional Stories and Fairy Tales / Fantasy and Realism / Time and Place in Children's Fiction / Words and Pictures / The Pleasure of Poetry / Reviewing Book Provision and Policy READERSHIP LANGUAGE & LITERACY IN THE EARLY YEARS 0-7 Trainee teachers on PGCE, BEd and BA Education courses, or undertaking CPD in English, literacy or children's literature April 2013 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6859-9) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6860-5) • £23.99 Fourth Edition marian R whitehead Independent Consultant Language and literacy are at the heart of the early years and primary curriculum, and this book provides a thorough grounding in the essentials of the subject, while also updating the reader on the latest developments in policy and practice. 2010 • 264 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-007-3) • £71.00 Paper (978-1-84920-008-0) • £23.99 DEVELOPING LANGUAGE AND LITERACY 3-8 Third Edition Ann Browne University of East Anglia This is an insightful introduction to teaching and learning English in the early years, covering all aspects of language and literacy and drawing on contemporary ideas, research and classroom expertise to guide practice. 2009 • 320 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-082-7) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-84787-083-4) • £25.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS David waugh University of Durham, Sally Neaum Teesside University and Rosemary waugh Through an exploration of different genres of children's literature, this text provides trainees with knowledge of a huge range of literature. Models of good practice and suggestions for practical activities develop the reader's understanding of the possibilities for using literature for innovative and exciting teaching and explores how to support children develop a love of reading and books. Subject knowledge audits are included and book recommendations allow trainees to see how specific texts can be used for teaching. CONTENTS Developing a Love of Reading / Sharing Literature with Children / Literature across the Curriculum / Books for Younger Children / Picture Books / Stories and Poems from Other Cultures / Traditional Tales / Issue Fiction / Magic, Fantasy and Science Fiction / Classic Children's Literature / 'Soap Opera' Fiction / Poetry READERSHIP All trainee primary school teachers TRANSFORmINg PRImARY QTS SERIES May 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6748-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6749-3) • £18.99 31 Education Studies INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION STUDIES KEY ISSUES IN EDUCATION AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Third Edition Emma Smith University of Birmingham Steve Bartlett Professor of Education Studies at the University of Wolverhampton and Diana Burton Professor of Education and Pro Vice Chancellor at Liverpool John Moores University Inequalities can be experienced in different forms, from birth to school experiences, to the many different modes of learning as we grow up. This book focuses on educational experience as a lifelong and society-wide issue. The author draws on research, policy and contemporary thinking in the field to provide a comprehensive guide to the educational inequalities that may exist and persist throughout an individual's educational course. Providing an international perspective on different ethnic, gender and social groups, the book covers a broad range of issues, including: • theoretical, policy and research developments in the area • inequalities that may exist during the years of schooling • government policy • beyond the school classroom. Steve Bartlett and Diana Burton provide firsttime students and those engaged in more advanced aspects of the subject with all the tools that they need to approach education studies. The book encourage a critical, questioning approach which will put readers in good stead for further study and professional practice. Now fully updated, the Third Edition includes: • a new c ha pte r o n globa liz atio n a n d inte r natio na l comparative education • a new companion website featuring online journal articles relating to each chapter • more guidance on how to critique research • more 'Reader Reflection' boxes, encouraging students to reflect on their own practice throughout • a new framework for analyzing policy • new sections within the curriculum and the history of schooling chapters, reflecting the latest UK developments • complete update of education policy issues. CONTENTS Education Studies: An Introduction to the Field of Study / PART ONE: EDUCATION STUDIES: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELD OF STUDY / What is Education Studies? / The Nature of Education / Researching Education / PART TWO: POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION / A Modern History of Schooling / Curriculum / Politics and Policy in Education / Globalization and Comparative Education / PART THREE: ACHIEVEMENT IN EDUCATION / Individual Achievement: Major Psychological Theories / Education and Psychological Research / Social Factors, Gender, Ethnicity and Achievement / Organizing Teaching and Learning / Conclusion: Education: A Contested Enterprise READERSHIP Undergraduate students on education studies courses March 2012 • 400 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-911-9) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-912-6) • £24.99 CONTENTS An Introduction to Education and Social Justice / Social Justice and Inequality / Good Schools for All: Schooling and Social Justice / Falling Standards and Failing Students? Inequalities in Student Outcomes / Included or Excluded? Social Justice and Special Educational Needs / Pupils' Experiences of Social Justice in School / Higher Education and Social Justice / Social Justice and the Learning Society / Concluding Comments READERSHIP Undergraduate students on education studies programmes as well as those on master's-level and initial teacher education programmes EDUCATION STUDIES: KEY ISSUES January 2012 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-810-9) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-84920-811-6) • £21.99 THE SOCIOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD Third Edition william A Corsaro Indiana University, Bloomington A new edition of this internationally popular undergraduate textbook. Fully revised, it includes new sections on children, parents and consumer culture, and on electronic media and pre-adolescents and adolescents. KEY ISSUES IN SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND INCLUSION SOCIOLOgY FOR A NEw CENTURY SERIES 2011 • 456 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7943-6) • £28.99 Alan Hodkinson Liverpool John Moores University and Philip Vickerman Head of Research for Physical Education, Sport, Dance and Outdoor Education, Liverpool John Moores University This book explores and critically examines the field, providing a detailed introduction to the topic for students - helping them to develop understanding, without assuming any prior knowledge. EDUCATION STUDIES: KEY ISSUES 2009 • 200 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-380-4) • £68.00 Paper (978-1-84787-381-1) • £22.99 32 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Education Studies KEY CONCEPTS IN CHILDHOOD STUDIES KEY CONCEPTS IN YOUTH STUDIES Second Edition mark Cieslik University of Northumbria and Donald Simpson Teesside University Allison James and Adrian James both at University of Sheffield This is a revised and updated edition of a book that has proven itself as a course adoption leader in childhood studies. The Second Edition retains all of the strengths of the first edition, thoroughly revises old entries and adds new ones. The book is the most accessible, relevant student introduction to this expanding and interdisciplinary field, and makes an indispensable teaching text and an ideal prompt for researchers. Comprehensive and judged with the needs of students in mind, it is a model of clarity and precision and has been acknowledged as such in reviews and course feedback. CONTENTS Age and Maturity / Agency / Best Interests / Child / Child-Focused Research / Research with Children / Child-Friendly / Childhood / Child Soldiers / Childhood Studies / Children as Consumers / Children as Researchers / Children's Voices / Citizenship / Competence / Cultural Politics of Childhood / Cultural Relativism / Delinquency / Developmental Psychology / Developmentalism / Disappearance or Loss of Childhood / Diversity / Ethnicity / Familialisation / Family / Friendship / Futurity / Gender / Generation / Global Childhood / Health / Innocence / Internet and New Social Media / Interpretive Reproduction / Minority Group Status / Nature vs. Nurture / Needs / Neglect / Parenting / Participation / Peer Group / Play / Poverty / Protection / Representation / Resilience / Responsibility / Rights / Schooling and Schools / Sexual Abuse / Sexualization / Social Actor / Social Construction / Social World / Socialisation / Spaces for Children and Children's Places / Standpoint / Street Children / Structure / United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) / Vulnerability / Welfare / Work and Working Children / Youth READERSHIP Students of sociology, education, social work and social policy SAgE KEY CONCEPTS SERIES July 2012 • 160 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0189-3) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0190-9) • £19.99 What is youth? How do we understand youth in its social and cultural context? In this timely and sought-after title, Cieslik and Simpson provide a concise and readily accessible introduction to the interdisciplinary field of youth studies. Drawing upon the latest research and developments in the field, as well as discussing the fundamental ideas underlying the disciplines as a whole, it offers a comprehensive yet unpacked understanding of youth as a social phenomenon. Illuminating the many abstract and contested concepts within youth studies, this book offers explanations to questions such as: • How might we define youth? • How can we understand young people in relation to their social identities and practices? • What is the relationship between youth and social class? • How do youth cultures develop? • How can we understand youth in a globalized perspective? Key Concepts in Youth Studies stands out as a natural companion for students on youth studies, sociology, criminology and social science programmes. It will also be useful for youth practitioners such as social workers and teachers. CONTENTS Introduction: Making Sense of Young People Today? / Foundational Concepts, Issues and Debates / Defining Youth / Youth Transitions / Youth Cultures / Young People and Social Policies / Working with Young People / Researching Youth / Theorizing Youth / The History of Youth / Young People, Divisions and Inequality / Representations of Youth / Major Concepts, Issues and Debates / Leisure / Crime / Youth Training / Housing / Social Networks and Social Capital / Well-Being / Gender / Sexualities / Education / The Body / 'Place' and Belonging / Religion / Music / 'Race' and Ethnicities / Informal Learning / Social Class / Politics, Protest and Social Movements / Work and Employment / Globalization / Disability / Consumption / The Youth Underclass / Homelessness READERSHIP Students of youth studies, sociology, criminology, social policy, social work and education CURRICULUM THEORY Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns SAgE KEY CONCEPTS SERIES January 2013 • 200 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-984-6) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-84860-985-3) • £21.99 Second Edition michael Stephen Schiro Boston College, USA THE CURRICULUM The Second Edition of Curriculum Theory presents a clear, unbiased, and rigorous description of the major curriculum philosophies that have influenced educators and schooling over the last century. Michael Stephen Schiro analyzes four educational visions: scholar academic; social efficiency; learner centred; and social reconstruction to enable readers to reflect on their own educational beliefs and more productively interact with educators who might hold different beliefs. CONTENTS Introduction to the Curriculum Ideologies / Scholar Academic Ideology / Social Efficiency Ideology / Learner Centered Ideology / Social Reconstruction Ideology / A Comparative Overview of the Curriculum Ideologies / Individual Perspectives on the Curriculum Ideologies / Appendix: Curriculum Ideologies Inventory Theory and Practice Sixth Edition A V Kelly Goldsmiths College, University of London A V Kelly's bestselling and classic text is brought up-to-date with the latest curriculum changes and current thinking in education. It is strong on general principles and the philosophical background to education. 2009 • 336 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-274-6) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-84787-275-3) • £25.99 June 2012 • 320 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8890-2) • £26.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 33 Education Studies / Educational Psychology EMPOWERING FAMILYTEACHER PARTNERSHIPS HOME, SCHOOL, AND COMMUNITY COLLABORATION Building Connections within Diverse Communities Culturally Responsive Family Engagement mick Coleman University of Georgia E m p o w e r i n g F a m i l y -Te a c h e r Partnerships prepares students to work collaboratively with families and community professionals in support of children’s early education and development. Students are invited to develop a personal philosophy of family involvement to guide their work with families and to join a community of learners in relying upon their collective insights and problemsolving skills to address family involvement challenges. CONTENTS Foundations of Family Involvement / Contemporary Family Lives and Early Childhood Learning Environments / Developing a Guiding Philosophy of Family Involvement / Benefits of Family Involvement for Children / Benefits of Family Involvement for Families and Teachers / Understanding Family Lives in Contemporary Society / Normed Families: Single-Parent Families, Stepfamilies, and Grandparents as Caregivers / Emerging and Vulnerable Families: Gay and Lesbian Families and Families Living in Poverty / Families of Children With Disabilities / Immigrant Families and Families From Nondominant Cultures: Understanding the Adaptation Process / Adopting a Culturally Responsive Approach to Family Involvement / Planning for and Facilitating Family Involvement / Responding to the Challenges of Family Involvement / Empowering Families Through Family Involvement / Creating a Welcoming Environment for Families / Communicating With Families / Organizing Your Family Involvement Program / Promoting the Well-Being of All Children / Protecting Children's Health and Safety / Appendix: Position Statement: NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment May 2012 • 416 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9232-9) • £44.99 CENSORS ON CAMPUS Edited by Jo glanville Academic freedom is at risk. From the impact of the cuts in the UK to the threats faced by scholars in Turkey, Iraq, Belarus and Thailand, Index reports on the pressures. As creationists in the US use legal means to undermine the teaching of evolution in the classroom and the push for open access divides the academic community, leading writers and commentators analyse the space for freedom with Maureen Freely, Thomas Docherty, Michael Foley, Heather L Weaver, May Witwit, Sinfah Tunsawaruth, Bart Knoles and more. Plus - as the Leveson Inquiry prepares to report on the culture and ethics of the press, Alan Rusbridger, Guido Fawkes, Trevor Kavanagh, Mark Lewis and Martin Moore reveal their hopes and expectations. CONTENTS Editorial / Dispatches / After Leveson / The Geek Effect / From the Archive / Censors On Campus / Research by numbers / Crossing the Line / Cry for Peace / Losing the Debate / A Question of Sources / From the Archive / Stripsearch / Creationism by Stealth / Royal Chill / Index Index / The Chill on Academic Freedom: A News Round-Up / Costing Lives / Open Knowledge / False Freedoms / Memory Loss / Last Word / Art of Resistance / The Past in Hiding / Protagonist of History / From the Archive READERSHIP Kathy B grant State University of New York at Plattsburgh and Julie A Ray Southeast Missouri State University The Second Edition of this comprehensive textbook for family engagement courses uses the culturally responsive family-support model to prepare early childhood and elementary teachers to work effectively with the diverse families of their students. With more than 20 contributing authors who are experts in the field, representing multiple perspectives, the text provides information and strategies to help teachers understand, appreciate and support diverse families, as well as promote classroom family engagement. The authors provide up-to-date information on family demographics, address current issues that affect today's families, including those with children who have special needs, and present numerous real-life vignettes and case studies for application to culturally responsive family engagement. CONTENTS Understanding Family Engagement: Building a Knowledge Base for Culturally Responsive Family Engagement / Family Engagement and the Responsive Educator / Theories and Models for Family Engagement in Schools / Supporting Families as They Parent Today's Children / Appreciating Families: Today's Diverse Families / Structurally Diverse Families / Culturally Diverse Families / Students of Families in Transition / Families Overcoming Obstacles / Families in Abusive Situations / Family Engagement: Putting Knowledge and Skills Into Action / Engaging Families in Their Children's Learning at School and Home / Teacher as Family Communication Facilitator / Working With Families of Children With Exceptional Needs / Teacher as a Family Resource and Advocate / Schoolwide Family Engagement Activities: Family Events, Family Resource Centers, and Volunteer Programs / Appendix A. Standards / Appendix B. NAEYC Code of Ethics / Appendix C. State Agencies for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect / Appendix D. Family Engagement Program Mandates / Appendix E. Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a School's Family Engagement Plans April 2012 • 448 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9074-5) • £44.99 WORKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Second Edition Sheila Curran and Roger Harrison both at The Open University working with Young People is designed both for students who are new to practice and for experienced practitioners who are returning to study. It provides the foundational knowledge that both groups need to gain a deeper understanding of: • the social context of young people • the values and principles that underpin practice • the variety of settings in which practice takes place • the importance of informal learning in the lives of young people. CONTENTS PART ONE: YOUNG PEOPLE IN SOCIETY / PART TWO: THE NATURE OF WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE / PART THREE: THE PRACTICES OF WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Anyone interested in issues around free expression; students, academics and researchers of education, cultural studies, sociology, politics, journalism, media studies and communication studies READERSHIP INDEx ON CENSORSHIP August 2013 • 280 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-7327-2) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7328-9) • £24.99 September 2012 • 192 pages Paper (978-1-4462-6049-4) • £7.99 34 Second Edition ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 Students on degree and foundation level courses +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Educational Psychology IMPROVING WORKING MEMORY Supporting Students' Learning Tracy Packiam Alloway University of North Florida By an award-winning author and academic, this book is packed with strategies for developing the working memory of students with special educational needs. 2010 • 136 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-747-8) • £71.00 Paper (978-1-84920-748-5) • £23.99 WORKING MEMORY AND LEARNING A Practical guide for Teachers Susan E gathercole University of York and Tracy Packiam Alloway University of North Florida This book provides a coherent overview of the role played by working memory in learning during the school years, and uses theory to inform good practice. 2008 • 144 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-3612-5) • £71.00 Paper (978-1-4129-3613-2) • £23.99 THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING MEMORY IN CHILDREN Lucy Henry London South Bank University Using the highly influential working memory framework as a guide, this textbook provides a clear comparison of the memor y development of typically developing children with that of atypical children. DISCOVERIES & ExPLANATIONS IN CHILD DEVELOPmENT 2011 • 384 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-328-6) • £79.00 Paper (978-1-84787-329-3) • £27.99 SAGE Available as inspection copy for lecturers 35 Educational Psychology SELF-ESTEEM AN INTRODUCTION TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT A guide for Teachers David miller and Teresa moran both at University of Dundee Second Edition Thomas Keenan Niagara College and Subhadra Evans University of California, Los Angeles The bestselling text for students of developmental psychology returns with more on the biological foundations, moral development and applied aspects of developmental psychology. It now comes with a dedicated Companion website with resources for both students and instructors. SAgE FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOLOgY SERIES 2009 • 424 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-1114-6) • £83.00 Paper (978-1-4129-1115-3) • £27.99 Using insights from theory, research and classroom practice, it provides strategies and techniques that will enhance the confidence of primary school children through authentic learning experiences. CONTENTS An Overview of Self-Esteem Theory / Towards a Consensus: A Two-Dimensional Model of Self-Esteem / Self-Esteem and Schools / Developing Competence: Some Classroom Techniques / Developing SelfCompetence: Creating Positive Mindsets / Affirming Intrinsic Worth as an Individual / The Role of Conduct: Living According to Good Principles / READERSHIP Trainee teachers, practising teachers and managers keen to enhance selfesteem in their schools April 2012 • 192 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-969-0) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-970-6) • £22.99 CHILD DEVELOPMENT A Practical Introduction DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Kevin J Crowley Glamorgan University Covering all the main areas of study and assuming no prior knowledge of the topic, this book takes the reader through the key elements of child development, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject and its application to early years practice. Revisiting the Classic Studies Edited by Alan m Slater University of Exeter and Paul C Quinn University of Delaware November 2013 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-136-0) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-84920-137-7) • £19.99 This book revisits classic studies in developmental psychology with a view to showing, not only how they shaped the field, but also how the field itself has moved on through engagement with the issues these studies raise. It engages critically with the studies in order to reveal new ways of thinking both about them and about the ideas they explore. In effect, it shows how developmental psychology can be - and has been - taken forward in exciting ways through a careful re-examination of the core studies that lie at its heart. The chapters are written by internationally renowned scholars who are working at the cutting edge of the areas mapped out by particular classic studies and whose work has been heavily influenced by a deep appreciation of the research that they write about. CHILD LANGUAGE Acquisition and Development matthew Saxton University of London Presented with the latest thinking and research on how children acquire their first language, the reader is taken from a standing start to the point where they can engage with key debates and current research in the field. CONTENTS An Introduction to Classic Studies in Developmental Psychology / Attachment and Early Social Deprivation: Revisiting Harlow's Monkey Studies / Conditioned Emotional Reactions: Revisiting Watson and Rayner's Little Albert / Infants on the Edge: Beyond the Visual Cliff / Revisiting Piaget: A Perspective from Studies of Children's Problem-Solving Abilities / Imitation in Infancy: Revisiting Meltzoff and Moore's (1977) Study / Object Permanence in Infancy: Revisiting Baillargeon's Drawbridge Study / Children's Eyewitness Memory and Suggestibility: Revisiting Ceci and Bruck's (1993) Review / How Much Can We Boost IQ?: An Updated Look at Jensen's (1969) Question and Answer / Reading and Spelling: Revisiting Bradley and Bryant's Study / Theory of Mind and Autism: Revisiting Baron-Cohen et al's Sally-Anne Study / Moral Development: Revisiting Kohlberg's Stages / Aggression: Revisiting Bandura's Bobo Doll Studies / Language Development: Revisiting Eimas et al's /ba/ and /pa/ Study / Resilience in Children: Vintage Rutter and Beyond 2010 • 344 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-0231-1) • £74.00 Paper (978-1-4129-0232-8) • £24.99 INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT READERSHIP Shelia m Kennison Oklahoma State University Introduction to Language Development provides an introduction to language development for students with little or no background in the field. It covers characteristics of the world’s languages; the history of the study of language; the biological basis of language; child language development; models of language production; bilingualism; development of reading; models of language comprehension; social processes in language; language and ageing; among other topics. Undergraduate students of developmental psychology, child development, childhood studies and child psychology, as well as students studying modules on conceptual and historical issues in psychology PSYCHOLOgY: REVISITINg THE CLASSIC STUDIES June 2012 • 240 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-757-3) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85702-758-0) • £17.99 October 2013 • 552 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9606-8) • £65.00 36 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Educational Psychology / Special & Inclusive Education DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS A guide for Inclusive Practice Edited by Lindsay Peer and gavin Reid both Educational Psychologists A guide for Students and Practitioners David whitebread Cambridge University This beautifully written text discusses key issues surrounding developmental psychology in the early years. December 2011 • 184 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-4712-1) • £62.00 Paper (978-1-4129-4713-8) • £20.99 With a Foreword from Baroness Mary Warnock, this book contains chapters written by a range of experts on different aspects of SEN, and is full of practical suggestions for how to achieve effective, inclusive practice. Various research perspectives are considered, the value of labels is examined and the need to recognize the overlapping characteristics between different syndromes is highlighted. Chapters focus on translating theory into classroom practice and include case studies covering the birth to 19 years age range. CONTENTS SPECIAL EDUCATION LAW PART ONE: POLICY, PRACTICE AND PROVISION / PART T WO: PERSPECTIVES FROM PRACTICE / PART THREE: SYNDROMES AND BARRIERS / PART FOUR: WORKING TOGETHER Fifth Edition READERSHIP Laura Rothstein University of Louisville and Scott F Johnson Concord Law School Those undertaking teacher education courses, as well as experienced teachers, therapists and policy makers Special Education Law, Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive and current overview of the major federal laws and judicial interpretations of those laws that apply to the education of students with special needs. The text helps educators understand what the law requires so that they can make decisions that comply with these laws. CONTENTS The Legal System and How It Works / Students with Disabilities: History of the Law / Statutory Provisions / The People / Who is Protected / Identification, Evaluation and Eligibility / Free Appropriate Public Education / Individualized Educational Program / Placement and Least Restrictive Environment / Private School Placements, Residential Placements, and Public School Choice Programs / Special Issues with Secondary Students / Procedural Safeguards / Discipline / Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act / Remedies / Special Education Misconduct / The Status and Future of Education Law for Students with Disabilities / Appendix A: Education and the American Legal System / Appendix B: Frequently Used Acronyms and Terms / Appendix C: Summary of Evolution Cases / Appendix D: Individualized Education Plan June 2013 • 360 pages Paper (978-1-4522-4109-8) • £47.99 THEORIES OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION A Student's guide Peter Clough Liverpool Hope University and Jenny Corbett Institute of Education, University of London This book traces the major stages of thinking in the development of inclusive education. It provides a synopsis and critique of the last 50 years of the 20th century, including the introduction of the term 'special educational needs', the practice of integration and the present processes of inclusive education. 2000 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-7619-6940-2) • £79.00 Paper (978-0-7619-6941-9) • £25.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers November 2011 • 328 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-162-5) • £72.00 Paper (978-0-85702-163-2) • £23.99 INCLUSION IN THE EARLY YEARS Second Edition Cathy Nutbrown University of Sheffield and Peter Clough Liverpool Hope University In this insightful text, the authors argue for a broad definition of inclusion, not limited to those with learning difficulties or impairment. The book presents a number of original stories generated from a recent research project carried out by the authors, and shows how to apply theory to practice. This new and revised edition includes an increased focus on: • inclusion as a political issue • social class • poverty • children's rights • the inclusion of gay and lesbian parents and staff • practical activities including workshops and role-plays • different policies around the UK. This text is essential for all early years students, practitioners and researchers who want to become familiar with current research into inclusion and to develop ways of drawing on such studies to inform and develop their own inclusive practices. CONTENTS The Politics of Inclusion / Cultures of Inclusion in the Early Years: Mapping the Territories / Key Studies on Inclusion in the Early Years: Setting the Scene / Re-Defining Inclusion / Re-Thinking Inclusion / Still Talking Inclusion / Including Children? / Including Parents? / Including Staff? / Including: The Future? READERSHIP Undergraduate early years students, practitioners and researchers March 2013 • 208 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0322-4) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0323-1) • £23.99 37 Special & Inclusive Education DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD BECOMING A MULTICULTURAL EDUCATOR An Introduction Developing Awareness, gaining Skills, and Taking Action Chandrika Devarakonda University of Chester Covering a wide range of concepts and taking a broader perspective of what inclusion entails, this book offers an overview of current research, policy and practice in diversity and inclusion in the early years. It is a clear introduction to what inclusive practice means for those working with young children in the early stages of their lives. With case studies and activities designed to help students relate to diverse situations, the author discusses the main issues surrounding: • race • gender • culture • disability and special educational needs • English as an additional language • traveller children • the contexts of inclusion and exclusion • good practice in early childhood settings • different perspectives of inclusion. CONTENTS Gender / Race / Culture / English as an Additional Language / Gypsy, Roma and Travellers Families / Disability / SEN READERSHIP Students studying inclusion and diversity on early childhood or early years courses, and those seeking to promote good practice and enable all children to develop to their full potential November 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-850-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-851-8) • £21.99 william A Howe Connecticut State Department of Education and Penelope L Lisi Central Connecticut State University, USA Becoming a multicultural Educator is a core textbook for use by pre-service and in-service PK-12 educators in courses on multicultural education / diversity. The text addresses how teachers can incorporate the knowledge they gain about other cultures into their classroom practice. In meeting the need of training teachers better in how to work with a diverse population, this text offers both solid theory and a very userfriendly practice component that focuses on showing teachers how to apply that theory effectively in the classroom. The book begins by focusing on essential questions and theoretical concepts about multicultural education, then leads readers through experiences to heighten their own cultural awareness, knowledge base, and skills set, and concludes with demonstrating how teachers can apply the concepts in classroom and schoolwide settings. CONTENTS Multicultural Education: History, Theory, and Evolution / What is a Multicultural Educator? A 4-Step Model / Section Assessment / Knowledge / Historical Perspectives on a Multicultural America / Foundation Knowledge for Culturally Responsive Teaching / Section Assessment / Awareness / Understanding Cultural Identities and their Influence on Teaching and Learning / Developing Awareness of Others as Cultural Beings / Section Assessment / Skills / Curriculum Development and Lesson Planning / Instructional Strategies Needed by Multicultural Educators / Developing Skills in Language and Linguistic Diversity / Assessment that is Culturally Responsive / Section Assessment / Action / Becoming a Multicultural Educator / Supporting Diverse Learners on a School Wide Level / Section Assessment / Appendix: The Vital Multicultural Classroom: Resources, Organizations and Associations March 2013 • 448 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9805-5) • £47.99 Find out what lecturers really think of our textbooks… …and how useful they have found them for the courses they teach. And (so long as you’ve requested a textbook on inspection through your SAGE online account) why not submit your own feedback for others to read online too! In offering this facility, SAGE is the first academic publisher to share independent academic reviews and feedback online. We feel that encouraging two way communication with colleagues in the academic world is integral to producing quality content. Find out more at UNDERSTANDING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Educators Partnering with Families michelle R Haney Berry College This is an introductory core textbook for use by pre-service and in-service teachers in schools of education. The aim is to introduce, in an accessible manner, the significant body of research and theory in the field of autism within the larger context of understanding the unique socio-cultural dimensions of individuals with ASD and their families. CONTENTS The Evolving Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder / Historical Overview of Autism and the Role of the Family / Current Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder / Biological Issues and Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder / Collaborating with Families for Diagnosis and Setting Educational Goals / Collaborating With and Supporting Families of Children with ASD / Identification and the Diagnostic Process / Early Intervention and Transitioning to Elementary School / Addressing the Needs of Individuals with ASD within the School Setting and the Greater Community / Interventions Based on Applied Behavior Analysis at School, Home, and Within the Community / Environmental Supports Addressing Sensory Needs and Promoting Academic Success for Children with ASD / The Development of Communication and Language Skills in Children with ASD / Social Development in Children with ASD / Transitioning to Adulthood: Fostering Independence and SelfDetermination November 2012 • 424 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8246-7) • £28.99 38 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Special & Inclusive Education / Learning Support LEARNING DISABILITY Theory to Practice SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING S P K Jena University of Delhi A Critical Appraisal In spite of their average or even above-average intelligence, a large number of children suffer from learning disabilities. Failing to cope with the academic demands, many of them drop out from schools and are therefore deprived of opportunities in life later. Although, there exists a growing body of research explaining this etiology, the gap between theory and practice is perceptible. Subsequently, the challenge is to place the treatment programmes on firmer scientific footing by validating them empirically, demanding rigorous response-guided research. This book is designed to serve two major objectives: first, to provide up-to-date information on theories and current practices in remediation of learning disability and second, to demonstrate the therapeutic effectiveness of two major techniques of intervention, that is, cognitive-behaviour therapy and computer-assisted instruction , through a series of case studies. Edited by Neil Humphrey CONTENTS Brain and Neurodiversity: From Laboratory to Classroom / Reading Disability / Writing Disability / Mathematical Disability / Information-Processing Approach / Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy / Computer-Assisted Instruction / The Experiment / Method / Case Studies / Results / Discussion / Overview and Future Directions READERSHIP Academic practitioners, institutional libraries and individuals in the field of mental health, psychiatry, psychology, education, special education, and social work December 2012 • 424 pages Cloth (978-8-1321-0969-3) • £45.00 SUPPORTING EVERY CHILD Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a dominant orthodoxy in education systems around the world. This important new book provides the first in-depth, authoritative and balanced examination of the critical issues pervading the field. Each substantive aspect of SEL is examined through a critical lens, thanks to an extensive and thorough review of the international research literature. The book investigates key topics such as: • definitions and conceptualization • origins and influences • international policy and practice • assessment and monitoring • implementation • outcomes. The book highlights key strengths and significant flaws in SEL theory and research, and sets the agenda for the next generation of inquiry in the field. CONTENTS What Do We Mean by Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)? / Origins and Influences / SEL around the World / Assessment / Implementation / Outcomes of SEL READERSHIP Researchers, policy makers, students, teachers and anyone interested in the role played by schools in promoting children's social and emotional well-being. April 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5695-4) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5696-1) • £22.99 Second Edition Edited by Anita walton and gillian goddard Edge Hill University This book is for all degree students who are support staff, particularly teaching assistants (TAs), working in educational settings. It focuses on professional, academic and vocational issues that are common to support workers across the school sectors, and provides essential guidance on the increasingly complex role of all those involved in teaching and supporting learning. The reader is supported throughout by learning objectives, practical and reflective tasks, relevant case studies and chapter summaries. This new edition has been extensively revised to reflect recent changes in legislation, policy and the curriculum. It includes new or significantly amended chapters on the development of support staff, supporting pupils in crisis, learning in the Early Years, inclusion, SEN and phonics. CONTENTS Introduction: The Role and Scope of Support Staff in Education Practice / Support Staff as Professionals / Working with Other Professionals / Supporting the Whole Child / Inclusion and SEN / Behaviour for Learning / Teaching and Learning / Managing Change / Teaching Reading Using Synthetic Phonics / Supporting Pupils through Crisis / Supporting Learning in the Early Years / Education in the 21st Century PREPARING EDUCATORS TO ENGAGE FAMILIES Case Studies Using an Ecological Systems Framework Third Edition Edited by Heather B weiss Harvard Graduate School of Education, m Elena Lopez Harvard Graduate School of Education, Holly Kreider Sociometrics Corporation and Celina Chatman-Nelson Preparing Educators to Engage Families, Third Edition encourages readers to hone their analytic and problem-solving skills for use in real-world situations with students and their families. Organized according to Ecological Systems Theory (of the micro, meso, exo, macro, and chrono systems), the text presents researchbased teaching cases that reflect critical dilemmas in family-schoolcommunity relations, especially among families for whom poverty and cultural differences are daily realities. December 2013 • 224 pages Paper (978-1-4522-4107-4) • £27.99 READERSHIP Degree students who are support staff, particularly teaching assistants (TAs), working in educational settings wORKINg wITH CHILDREN, YOUNg PEOPLE AND FAmILIES Lm SERIES May 2012 • 168 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-878-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-821-2) • £18.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 39 Counselling COUNSELLING CHILDREN COUNSELING CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN SCHOOLS A Practical Introduction Third Edition Kathryn geldard University of the Sunshine Coast and David geldard Private Practice Psychologist Robyn S Hess University of Northern Colorado, Sandy magnuson Retired Counselor Educator and Elementary School Counselor and Linda Beeler Capella University Delightfully crafted and up to date. It is difficult to think of a more comprehensive and essential text in this field – Colin Feltham, Professor of Critical Counselling Studies, Sheffield Hallam University . 2007 • 328 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-4833-3) • £80.00 Paper (978-1-4129-4834-0) • £26.99 CBT WITH CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools is a text and workbook designed to help aspiring school practitioners (school psychologists, school counsellors and school social workers) gain the necessary theoretical background and skill set to work effectively with youth in schools. The text covers all the basic therapeutic models used in working with children, such as: Alderian therapy; play therapy; group therapy; brief therapy; cognitive-behavioural therapy and more. It also contains chapters that outline the context in which these services are received and special chapters on ethical and legal issues in schools, accountability in service delivery, and working with family and school personnel. The workbook works in conjunction with the text, chapter by chapter, and provides full-length cases, application of each model to the case, full session transcripts, tip boxes, critical thinking questions, and more. CONTENTS Peter Fuggle, Sandra Dunsmuir and Vicki Curry This book uniquely addresses the application of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) to children and young pe ople within he alth, school and community contexts. With the recent expansion of increasing access to psychological therapies (IAPT), CBT is increasingly applied to work with children outside the traditional therapy clinic. This book provides accessible knowledge and practice skills for professional staff working with troubled children and young people in real-world settings. Frontline practitioners commonly face children with complex patterns of difficulties that do not fit clear diagnostic categories. Moreover, long waiting lists and fixed lengths of treatment do not always fit the presenting needs. Correspondingly, the authors take a much-needed realistic approach to applying CBT to childhood problems. At the centre of this book is the child, the authors moving outwards to cover childhood itself, the principles, core practice and techniques of CBT and its adaptation to the context of the therapy. This is relevant and accessible reading for a wide range of specialist child trainees and practitioners, including new IAPT therapists, counsellors, nurses, teachers and social workers. CONTENTS PART ONE: KNOWLEDGE OF CHILDREN AND THEIR CONTEXT / Parents and Child Development / The Wider Context: Families, Schools, Culture and Safety / Childhood Problems and Distress / PART TWO: CORE CBT PRACTICE / Assessment and Formulation / Evaluating Practice / Setting the Right Context / Therapeutic Alliance / Collaboration / Strengthening the Therapeutic Process / Facilitating Psychological Understanding / Facilitating Acceptance and Coping / Facilitating Change: Behavioural Techniques / Facilitating Change: Cognitive Techniques / PART THREE: CBT IN CONTEXT / Moderating Factors to Effective Practice / The Role of Supervision / What to Do if CBT Is Not Working What is so Special About Counseling in the Schools? / Working within Family, School, and Community Systems / Understanding the Developmental Worldview of Children and Adolescents Theory Integration and Case Conceptualization / Adlerian Approaches to Counseling in Schools / Cognitive Behavioral Approaches to Counseling in Schools / Solution-Focused Brief Therapy in Schools / Choice Theory and Reality Therapy Approaches to Counseling in Schools / Play and Art Based Approaches in Counseling in Schools / Working with Groups in Schools / Crisis Response and Intervention in the Schools / Legal and Ethical Issues in School Settings / Accountability in School-based Services / Building Alliances through Consultation and Collaboration / Creating a Continuum of Care January 2012 • 440 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9087-5) • £43.99 COUNSELLING ADOLESCENTS The Proactive Approach for Young People Third Edition Kathryn geldard University of the Sunshine Coast and David geldard Private Practice Psychologist This publication is a further invaluable resource to counsellors wanting to work with young people. It offers a "one-stop shop" for any practitioner who wants to understand adolescent development and the need for a counselling approach that parallels this, with helpful strategies for enhancing the counselling conversation and the relationship between counsellor and the young person - Barbara Rayment, Director of Youth Access, London READERSHIP 2009 • 320 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-642-5) • £83.00 Paper (978-1-84860-643-2) • £27.99 Specialist child trainees and practitioners, including new IAPT therapists, counsellors, nurses, teachers and social workers December 2012 • 312 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-727-6) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-728-3) • £24.99 40 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Further Education / Higher Education PREPARING TO TEACH IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR ACHIEVING YOUR PTLLS AWARD The New Award A Practical guide to Successful Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Fifth Edition Second Edition Ann gravells Bishop Burton College mary Francis Learning and Skills Council and Jim gould Farnborough College This popular and accessible guide to the new PTLLS Award is a comprehensive introduction to teaching in a variety of settings within the lifelong learning sector, from colleges to work-based learning, offender learning and adult and community contexts. This Fifth Edition is written for the new Award, is structured around the teaching and learning cycle and includes full coverage of the core and optional units. Features examples and activities including 'Extension Activities' targeting Level 4 learners. Based on the PTLLS assessment criteria and linked to the QTLS standards, this is a key text for the new Award. CONTENTS Introduction / The Structure of the Book and How to Use It / The PTLLS Award / Qualifications and Credit Framework / Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector / Lifelong Learning Professional Teaching Standards / The Institute of Learning / Teaching and learning / Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher / Boundaries of Teaching / Record Keeping / Legislation and Codes of Practice / Theories of Learning / The Teaching and Learning Environment / Learning Styles / Key Theories of Learning / Motivation / Identifying Needs / Identifying Needs of the Organisation, Teachers and Students / Initial and Diagnostic Assessment / Potential Needs of Students and Points of Referral / Equality and Diversity / Inclusive Learning / Planning and Learning / Schemes of Work and Session Plans / Differentiation / Resources / Literacy, Language and Numeracy / Information and Communication Technology / Facilitating Learning / Induction, Icebreakers and Ground Rules / Teaching and Learning Approaches / Communication, Behaviour and Respect / Working with Groups and Individuals / Safeguarding and Every Child Matters / Assessing Learning / Planning for Assessment / Assessment Types / Assessment Methods / Making Decisions and Giving Feedback / Assessment Records / Quality Assurance and Evaluation / Quality Assurance / Evaluation / Self-Reflection and Learning Journals / Continuing professional development / Progression / MicroTeaching / Planning / Preparing / Delivering / Evaluating / Appendices / Index READERSHIP All PTLLS trainees taking the new award LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES This accessible book comprehensively covers the new assessment requirements for Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS). This updated edition includes: • practical interactive activities for readers • roles, responsibilities and relationships • inclusive learning and teaching approaches • learning and development for individuals and groups • principles and practice of assessment. Extra resources are also available at The book will be helpful to unqualified teachers, and to anyone embarking on a PGCE or Certificate in Education programme in PCE. The book also provides knowledge for Learning and Development units. CONTENTS Working in the Lifelong Learning Sector - Roles, Responsibilities, Boundaries / Establishing a Positive Learning Environment / Communicating with Learners / Motivating Learners and Managing Behaviour / Starting to Plan / Planning for Inclusive Learning / Learning Individually and in Groups / Teaching Your Specialism / Effective Use of Resources / Assessing Learning / Competencebased Assessment / Supporting Functional Skills Development / Developing Session Plans / Evaluating Learning / Micro-Teaching READERSHIP New entrants and unqualified teachers, and trainers in the lifelong learning sector who require the PTTLS qualification in order to gain their license to practice October 2012 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4979-6) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4980-2) • £20.99 December 2011 • 176 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-866-3) • £61.99 Paper (978-0-85725-773-4) • £14.99 ACHIEVING YOUR TAQA ASSESSOR AND INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURER AWARD Ann gravells Bishop Burton College This focused and comprehensive text from Learning Matters is written specifically for TAQA trainee assessors and internal quality assurers. The content covers all three assessor and all three internal quality assurance units and all chapters are cross referenced to the standards. Easy-to-read and clearly structured, the text is accessible and includes activities and examples throughout to help trainees link theory with practice. TAQA trainees will find this text both an invaluable resource for their course and a useful handbook to take into practice. CONTENTS Principles and Practices of Assessment / Assessing Occupational Competence in the Work Environment / Assessing Vocational Skills, Knowledge and Understanding / Principles and Practices of Internally Assuring the Quality of Assessment / Internally Assuring the Quality of Assessment / Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work READERSHIP All TAQA learners LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES January 2012 • 244 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-853-3) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-85725-717-8) • £19.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 41 Further Education / Higher Education PASSING PTLLS ASSESSMENTS STUDY SKILLS FOR PTLLS Second Edition Jacklyn williams University of Plymouth and Ann gravells Bishop Burton College Second Edition Ann gravells Bishop Burton College This is an essential text for all PTLLS candidates no matter which awarding organisation they are with. It gives key advice on completing written and practical assessments, and helps both in-service and pre-service candidates fully understand the requirements of the Award and how to evidence their achievement towards the standards. This Second Edition is updated for the NEW four unit PTLLS. This book: • helps candidates with their written assessments, with information on the four units of the PTLLS Award • gives guidance on how to demonstrate and evidence competence • helps candidates with their practical assessments including hints and tips for succeeding in the micro-teach • gives guidance for giving and receiving feedback. This text is a companion title to the best selling Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, a core text providing an essential introduction to all the key aspects of the PTLLS Award. It can also be used alongside Study Skills for PTLLS. Together, these texts provide complete coverage of the PTLLS Award. CONTENTS The PTLLS Award / Self-Assessment Activities and Guidance for Evidencing Achievement / PTLLS Assessment Methods / Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships In Lifelong Learning / Understand Your Own Role and Responsibilities In Lifelong Learning / Understand the Relationships between Teachers and Other Professionals in Lifelong Learning / Understand Your Own Responsibility for Maintaining a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment / Understanding Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning / Understand Learning And Teaching Strategies in Lifelong Learning / Understand How to Create Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning / Understand Ways to Create a Motivating Learning Environment / Using Inclusive Learning and Teaching Approaches in Lifelong Learning / Be Able to Plan Inclusive Learning and Teaching Sessions / Be Able to Deliver Inclusive Learning and Teaching Sessions / Be Able to Evaluate Own Practice in Delivering Inclusive Learning and Teaching / Principles of Assessment in Lifelong Learning / Understand Types and Methods of Assessment Used in Lifelong Learning / Understand Ways to Involve Learners in the Assessment Process / Understand Requirements for Keeping Records Of Assessment in Lifelong Learning / Micro-Teaching / Planning and Preparing Your Micro-Teach Session / Giving and Receiving Feedback / Evaluating Your Micro-Teach Session / Micro-Teaching Hints And Tips READERSHIP PTLLS candidates often find their studies challenging - some are returning to study after a long break and others have no previous experience of study at this level. This accessible book provides all candidates with a study skills guide specifically tailored to PTLLS Award, no matter which awarding organisation they are registered with. This Second Edition has been updated for the NEW four unit PTLLS Award and includes new information on referencing and e-portfolios. This text covers the different methods through which PTLLS is delivered, helping candidates to study more effectively. It helps candidates: • prepare for the award, with advice on interpreting the skills needed for PTLLS and the requirements at levels 3 and 4 • make the most of their taught sessions and self study time by examining effective note taking, group activities, research and resource evaluation • succeed in their practical sessions, including tips on effective presentations and the use of ICT. This text is a companion title to the bestselling Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector core text providing an essential introduction to all the key aspects of the PTLLS Award. It can also be used alongside Passing PTLLS Assessments. Together, these texts provide complete coverage of the qualification, helping candidates with all aspects of their study and practice. CONTENTS Preparing for Your PTLLS Award / Meeting the Lifelong Learning Professional Teaching Standards / Becoming an Expert Student / Taught Sessions / Getting the Most from Taught Sessions / Effective Note-taking / Keeping Notes and Information Safely / Making the Most of Group Activities / Self-Study / Researching Using Different Media / Choosing and Evaluating Texts and Other Resources / Reading Texts Actively and Critically / Reflective Practice and Reflective Learning Journal Writing / Reflecting on Learning / The Reflective Cycle / Writing Reflective Learning Journal Entries / Referencing your PTLLS Work / Avoiding Plagiarism / Using and Setting out Quotations and Citations in your Text / Setting Out References in Your Reference List and Bibliography / Presenting Your PTLLS Work / Presenting your Work in Writing / Presenting Your Work Practice / Moving Forward / Transferable Skills / Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector / Lifelong Learning READERSHIP All PTLLS Learners LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES All PTLLS Learners June 2012 • 168 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5693-0) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5887-8) • £14.99 LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES June 2012 • 152 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-870-0) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-85725-789-5) • £14.99 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF ASSESSMENT IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR PLANNING AND ENABLING LEARNING IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR Second Edition Ann gravells Bishop Burton College Second Edition A new and revised edition of this core text for CTLLS candidates or those taking the revised Assessor Awards. Ann gravells Bishop Burton College and Susan Simpson North East Lincolnshire Council A valuable text and useful resource for all teachers working towards the new LLUK standards for the associate and full teaching roles. LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES 2011 • 144 pages Paper (978-0-85725-260-9) • £16.99 LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES 2010 • 160 pages Paper (978-1-84445-798-4) • £16.99 42 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Further Education / Higher Education WHAT IS TEACHING IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR? REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Ann gravells Bishop Burton College Second Edition This is a handbook for anyone considering a career in teaching in the lifelong learning sector. It offers an essential introduction to what it is like to teach in the sector. It considers the diversity of contexts, settings and students, covering all you need to know. It reviews the role of the teacher and offers advice on choosing what to teach and how to become qualified. Whether you are a skilled tradesperson, have specialist knowledge in a particular subject or simply enthusiastic about working with adults in an education role, this is your essential guide: • an easy-to-read and accessible guide to teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector • considers a diverse range of contexts, settings and students • written for anyone considering, approaching or beginning teaching in the lifelong learning sector. This text is a companion title to the bestselling Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector a core text providing an essential introduction to all the key aspects of the PTLLS Award, helping candidates with all aspects of their study and practice. Jodi Roffey- Barentsen and Richard malthouse CONTENTS READERSHIP The Historical Perspective / The Qualifications and Credit Framework / The Lifelong Learning Sector / Becoming a Teacher in the Lifelong Learning Sector / Choosing a Subject or Qualification to Teach / Getting Qualified / Obtaining a Teaching Position / Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector / Roles and Responsibilities / Teaching, Learning and Assessing / Challenges and Barriers / Gaining your Licence to Practice / The Institute for Learning / The Minimum Core / Associated and Qualified Teacher Status / Maintaining your Licence to Practice / Continuing Professional Development / Reflection and Evaluation / Reflective practice is an important part of CPD and many trainee teachers need support in this area of their development. This practical text introduces and contextualizes reflective practice within CPD. Considering 'what is reflective practice?' and including an examination of the processes involved. This Second Edition has been updated throughout with new chapters on: reflective learning and teaching; enabling trainee teachers to use reflection to enhance their teaching; and how to reflect on one's own reaction, developing a deeper understanding. A 'theory focus' feature is also added to encourage the reader to engage with research in this area. CONTENTS What is Reflection? / Why Reflect? / Professional Reflective Practice: The Process / A Psycholateral Approach to Professional Reflective Practice / Reflective Learning and Teaching / Types of Continuing Professional Development / Strategies and Structure of Reflective Writing / Levels of Reflective writing / Reflection-Re-Action / To Conclude All trainee teachers in the FE and skills sector ACHIEVINg QTLS SERIES January 2013 • 160 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5631-2) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5632-9) • £16.99 READERSHIP All trainee teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector - especially PTLLS candidates LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES May 2012 • 112 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-856-4) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-85725-729-1) • £14.99 DOING RESEARCH IN FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING Susan wallace Nottingham Trent University Research is an essential component of professional practice in the FE and skills sector. Whether it be action research, research in a specialist subject or a more formal empirical study, research can improve the quality of teaching and learning and enhance professional development. This text is specifically written for those teaching or training to teach in education and training. It gives practical advice and guidance on how to carry out research in the sector. Examples and real-life scenarios from the sector are included throughout, enabling the reader to understand research in the context of their teaching. CONTENTS Why Do It? How Doing Research Can Support Teaching and Learning / Research Ethics and How We Apply Them in the LLS / Identifying a Topic and Planning Your Project / Looking in the Mirror: Action Research as Reflective Practice / Getting on the Case: Case Studies and Insider Research / Questions and Answers: Questionnaires and Focus Groups / Watching and Listening: Observations and Interviews / Paper Chase: Exploring Policies and Other Documents / What Does It All Mean? Analyzing Your Findings / Sharing Your Findings: Writing up a Project or Making a Presentation READERSHIP All trainee teachers in the FE and skills sector ACHIEVINg QTLS SERIES May 2013 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5918-4) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5919-1) • £19.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 43 Further Education / Higher Education CURRICULUM STUDIES IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR Second Edition LEARNING THEORY AND CLASSROOM PRACTICE IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR Jonathan Tummons Teesside University Second Edition This book provides an accessible and up to date overview of the key issues surrounding the curriculum. Written for all those working towards QTLS, it provides examples and case studies from working FE colleges, adult education centres and work-based learning contexts as well as offering succinct summaries of key theories and debates relating to the curriculum. This fully revised Second Edition reflects the latest policies and thinking, has a new chapter on the implications of e-learning on curricula, and includes a full glossary of key terms and concepts. Jim gould Farnborough College of Technology CONTENTS Defining the Curriculum / Conceptualizing the Curriculum / Shaping the Curriculum / Planning, Sequencing and Delivering the Curriculum / Evaluating the Curriculum / Curriculum, Learning and Knowledge / Boundary Crossing: Curriculum, Place and Time / The Accessible Curriculum READERSHIP All those working towards QTLS, particularly those on DTLLS / PGCE courses ACHIEVINg QTLS SERIES May 2012 • 128 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5691-6) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5915-8) • £15.99 This book supports all trainee teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector working towards QTLS in their understanding of the key learning theories and how these can be applied to their teaching. Existing teachers within the sector will also find this book a valuable resource for refreshing their knowledge and continuing their professional development. Each learning theory is explored in clear and accessible language, considering the implications for planning, teaching, assessment and classroom management. Readers are encouraged to think critically about learning theories and the implications for classroom practice. Points for reflection, teaching and learning activities, and useful summaries are included throughout. CONTENTS Behaviourism / Implications of Behaviourism for Practice / Cognitive Approaches / Implications of Cognitive Approaches for Practice / Humanistic Approaches / Andragogy / Attention, Perception and Learning / Memory and Learning READERSHIP All those working towards QTLS, particularly those on DTLLS / PGCE courses ACHIEVINg QTLS SERIES October 2012 • 176 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-877-9) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-817-5) • £17.99 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY IN THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Second Edition Ann gravells Bishop Burton College and Susan Simpson North East Lincolnshire Council This comprehensive course book for the popular optional unit Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning Sector is relevant for all students, whatever their awarding organisation and whether they are taking the unit at Level 3 or Level 4. All chapters are linked to the QTLS standards and provide comprehensive coverage, closely following the content of the unit, while examples and activities are included to enhance learning. This Second Edition now includes 'extension activities' specifically for Level 4 students and has been updated following the Equality Act 2010. CONTENTS Qualifications and Credit Framework / Lifelong Learning and Professional Teaching Standards / Key Features of a Culture Which Advances Equality and Values Diversity / Meanings and Benefits of Equality and Diversity / The Equality Act 2010 / Promoting a Positive Culture / Advancing Equality and Valuing Diversity / Applying the Principles of Equality and Diversity / Advancing Equality / Benefits of Diversity / Demonstrating Appropriate Behaviour / Demonstrating Good Practice / Apdating Learning Situations and Resources / Developing Strategies for Dealing with Discrimination / Helping and Supporting Others / Identifying Inequality / Identifying Barriers to Inclusion / Supporting Equality and Diversity / Reviewing Your Contribution / Interacting With Others / Sources of Information and External Agencies / Evaluating Your Own Practice / Relevant Legislation / Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning READERSHIP Specifically for those doing the 'Equality and Diversity' unit of the CTLLS. More widely to all trainee teachers in the lifelong learning sector/FE April 2012 • 200 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-849-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-697-3) • £16.99 ORDER TODAY This book is designed to take students, step by step, through each teaching experience they will face. It includes advice, practical exercises, top tips and words of warning on: • seminar presentations • giving lectures to peers • dynamic • leading learning environments undergraduate seminars • handling assessment • choosing material for teaching • success as a guest speaker • preparing productive • mentoring. teaching aids This is a practical 'how-to' guide which is supported throughout by accessible explorations of how teaching can support research. Written by lecturers who have taught for many years, the 'voice of experience' sections will support and encourage novice teachers in their move towards becoming a successful and confident educator. CONTENTS Why Teach? / Seminar Presentations to Your Peers / Leading an Undergraduate Seminar / Dynamic Learning Environments / Lectures / Productive Teaching Aids / Handling Assessment / Conclusion / Glossary of Assessment Terms READERSHIP Postgraduate students and novice researchers SUCCESS IN RESEARCH LIFELONg LEARNINg SECTOR SERIES 44 Lucinda Becker University of Reading and Pam Denicolo Universities of Reading & Surrey +44 (0)20 7324 8703 March 2013 • 168 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5604-6) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5605-3) • £22.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Further Education / Higher Education HE IN FE: TEACHING HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES IN FE QUALITY ASSURANCE IN DISTANCE EDUCATION AND E-LEARNING Teaching Higher Education Courses in the Lifelong Learning Sector Edited by Insung Jung International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, Tat men wong Wawasan Open University Malaysia, Asian Association of Open Universities and Tian Belawati Universitas Terbuka Jonathan Tummons Teesside University, Kevin Orr and Liz Atkins University of Huddersfield Quality Assurance in Distance Education and E-Learning: Challenges and Solutions from Asia documents the existing regulatory framework covering quality assurance (QA) systems in distance education (DE) in a number of Asian countries. It draws on the knowledge and experience of 16 selected DE/e-learning institutions of Asia and reveals the respective development of QA systems and procedures within these providers/programmes. The endeavour towards developing QA systems through various stages of testing and development is in response to the growing public concern for the quality of DE as well as staff aspirations for quality. This book, through the selection of cases from the aforementioned institutions, covers a wide range of QA systems and perspectives of quality in DE. These cases present good practices in QA for DE/e-learning, analyse challenges in assuring the quality of DE products and services, offer possible solutions to meet those challenges, and present lessons for other DE providers. As the number of higher education (HE) courses offered in further education (FE) settings increases, so does the need for teachers and trainee teachers to develop their teaching skills. This text is written for all those working towards QTLS who are teaching or planning to teach HE courses. It examines what it means to teach HE and how a HE environment can be created in a FE setting. It gives guidance on planning, teaching and assessing HE courses in FE. A practical guide for all FE teachers and trainee teachers as the sector adapts to the needs of education today. CONTENTS HE in the Lifelong Learning Sector and widening participation / The HE Ethos - Creating a University Within a College / HE in FE Students / Planning and Preparing for Teaching HE in FE / The Practice of Teaching HE in FE / Assessing HE in FE / Research and Scholarship in HE in FE / Managing HE in FE / Quality Assurance in HE in FE READERSHIP All trainee teachers in the FE and skills sector ACHIEVINg QTLS SERIES May 2013 • 160 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6746-2) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6747-9) • £19.99 MAKING LEARNING HAPPEN A guide for Post-Compulsory Education Second Edition Phil Race Leeds Metropolitan University Focusing on Phil Race's 'ripples on a pond' model of learning, this text explores successful teaching and learning in further and higher education. Including three new chapters covering 'designing the curriculum for learning', 'what can I do when ?' and 'reflective observation', this book enables teachers and students to easily examine learning in post-compulsory education. Challenges and Solutions from Asia CONTENTS PART ONE: A SYSTEMS OR BALANCED APPROACH TO QUALITY ASSURANCE / Sinagpore's SIM University / Thailand's Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University / Open University of Hong Kong / South Korea's Hanyang Cyber University / PART TWO: ENSURING THE QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT PROCESSES / Indonesia's Universitas Terbuka / China's Peking University School of Distance Learning for Medical Education / Mongolian E-Knowledge / South Korea's AutoEver / PART THREE: FOCUSING ON INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND PEDAGOGY / Japan's Kumamoto University Online Graduate School / Open University of China / India's Indira Gandhi National Open University / University of the Philippines Open University / PART FOUR: ASSURING QUALITY OF LEARNING SUPPORT AND ASSESSMENT / Malaysia's Wawasan Open University / Virtual University of Pakistan / PART FIVE: OUTCOMES AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT / Open University of Sri Lanka / Open University Malaysia / Concluding Remarks: Future Policy Directions READERSHIP The book will serve as reference book in higher education institutions offering distance education and e-learning courses. It will also be helpful for the professionals like evaluators in international and national QA and accreditation agencies, policy makers and managers in governments, and distance education and e-learning associations and DE/e-learning educators and trainers December 2012 • 336 pages Cloth (978-8-13-211006-4) • £39.99 2010 • 260 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-113-1) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-84920-114-8) • £25.99 See the full listing of all our Education titles online at Available as inspection copy for lecturers 45 Leadership & Management THEORIES OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPING AS AN EDUCATIONAL LEADER AND MANAGER Fourth Edition megan Crawford Institute of Education, University of London Tony Bush University of Warwick This internationally popular and classic text has been thoroughly revised and updated for the Fourth Edition with the latest research findings, new case studies and examples from around the world, and an increased focus on early years, post compulsory education and extended schools. 2010 • 232 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-190-1) • £71.00 Paper (978-1-84860-191-8) • £23.99 This practical book covers key issues such as handling time, difficult people and situations, recruitment and selection, and values. It places an emphasis on leading organisational improvement and leading strategically within changing policy contexts. It includes sections on: • evolving as an educational leader • leaders and context • working across boundaries and borders (with international examples from the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, and more) • the evolving educational leader as researcher. CONTENTS LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE IN EDUCATION Third Edition Tony Bush and David middlewood both at University of Warwick The Third Edition of this successful and respected book covers leadership and management of people at all levels in educational organizations. It contains up-to-date research and literature in the area, covering the entire spectrum of educational institutions. This new and revised edition: • reflects United Kingdom and international changes • has an enhanced focus on international trends, drawing examples from many countries, using research in those areas • deals with issues such as succession planning, leadership development and diversity, which have grown in importance since the previous edition • acknowledges the changing English context, including the shift to system leadership, academies and free schools, as well as changes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. CONTENTS PART ONE: LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE: SETTING THE SCENE / The Context for Leadership and Management / Models of Educational Leadership / Leading and Managing the Whole Workforce / PART TWO: KEY CONCEPTS / Organizational Cultures / Organizational Structure and Roles / Leading and Managing for Diversity / Motivation and Job Satisfaction / Leading and Managing through Teams / PART THREE: KEY PROCESSES / Recruitment and Selection / Induction and Retention / Mentoring and Coaching / Leading and Managing People for Performance / Organizational Learning and Professional Development / Succession Planning and Leadership Development READERSHIP Postgraduate students in educational leadership, management and administration, and those embarking on professional leadership qualifications; also middle and senior managers, aspiring leaders in schools and colleges, and academics and researchers in educational management and the curriculum EDUCATION LEADERSHIP FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE June 2013 • 256 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5651-0) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5652-7) • £25.99 PART ONE: EVOLVING AS AN EDUCATIONAL LEADER / The Evolving Leadership Narrative / Vision and Values / Models of Leadership / Leadership and Accountability / Evolving as a Leader- Working with What you Have / PART TWO: LEADERS AND THE CONTEXT / Models of Organisations and Leadership / Culture, Structure and Power / Leadership Styles / Leadership at All Levels / Leadership Challenges / PART THREE: WORKING ACROSS BOUNDARIES AND BORDERS / Approaches to Change / Strategic Leadership: Internal and External / Leadership and Communities / Governance / Key Capabilities for the Evolving Leader / PART FOUR: THE EVOLVING EDUCATIONAL LEADER AS RESEARCHER / Becoming a Leadership Researcher / Further Study: Choices and Challenges / Researching My Organisation / Involving the Whole School: Students, Staff and Community / Bringing It All Together: Challenges and Opportunities READERSHIP Practising educational leaders and managers, and students on Masters, EdD courses, training and national development programmes such as the National Professional Qualification for Headship and SQH September 2013 • 384 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-922-5) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-923-2) • £24.99 MANAGING EFFECTIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN EDUCATION Carol Cardno Combining a theoretical and practical approach, this book provides a guide to educational administration, management and leadership across sectors. Carol Cardno focuses on two particular topics: organizational learning; and dilemma management. More specifically,she looks at how to bring about productive relationships in order to solve complex problems. By drawing attention to particular sets of theory and practice,Cardno presents seminal and recent research that can be applied to practice in an original way. She demonstrates that effectiveness is enhanced when complex problems are resolved collaboratively and trustingly. CONTENTS Concepts of Educational Administration, Management and Leadership / The Leadership of Teaching and Learning / Organisational Learning in a Learning Organisation / Managing Dilemmas through Productive Dialogue / Managing and Developing Professional Performance / Managing DecisionMaking Collaboratively / Productive Teamwork / Strategic Leadership and Management READERSHIP Students, practitioners and researchers in the early childhood, school and tertiary sectors March 2012 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0303-3) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0304-0) • £24.99 46 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Leadership & Management LEADING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN EDUCATION Christine wise, marion Cartwright and Pete Bradshaw The Open University This volume provides an overview of key contemporary themes in educational leadership. It focuses on developing professional capacity, organisation improvement and the implementation of change, looking at theoretical frameworks and concepts, recent research studies and case examples of effective practice. The book covers: • leading learning and learner leadership • change processes and distributed leadership • leading professional development for educational contexts. CONTENTS PART ONE: LEADING LEARNERS AND LEARNER LEADERSHIP / Leadership for Learning / Leadership and Student Learning: What Works and How / Teacher Leadership and Organisational Development / The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes: An Analysis of the Differential Effects of Leadership Types / Trust and Educational Leadership: Comparing the Development and Role of Trust between U S and Ugandan School Administrators / Coming to Terms with 'Voice' / Schools, Teachers and Curriculum Change: A Balancing Act? / PART TWO: WORKING AS A CHANGE AGENT/ Educational Change: Implementation and Continuation / Teaching and the Change Wars: The Professionalism Hypothesis / School Leadership in an Age of Accountability: Tensions between Managerial and Professional Accountability / Distributing Leadership to Improve Outcomes for Students / Change from the Middle? Exploring Middle Manager Strategic and Sense-Making Agency in Public Services / Managing Resources to Support Learning / PART THREE: LEADING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / From Simplicism to Complexity in Leadership Identity and Preparation: Exploring the Lineage and Dark Secrets / Revisiting Informal and Incidental Learning as a Vehicle for Professional Learning and Development / Leading Professional Learning Communities / Leadership Development / Mentoring and Coaching Programmes for the Professional Development of School Leaders / Myriad Professional Identities: The Challenge for Leading Professional Development in the Further Education Context? READERSHIP Designed to encourage critical analysis and debate, this volume will be a useful resource for those taking postgraduate and professional development courses in educational leadership as well as practitioners PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION wITH THE OPEN UNIVERSITY September 2012 • 304 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5333-5) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5334-2) • £24.99 CURRICULUM LEADERSHIP RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Third Edition Edited by Ann R J Briggs Newcastle University, marianne Coleman Institute of Education, University of London and marlene morrison Oxford Brookes University This classic guide continues to be the leading research methods text that specifically deals with educational leadership and management. The collection boasts an array of high-profile international expert contributors, covering a wide range of specialisms, emphasising the importance of the critically engaged practitioner. Accessible and user-friendly, this edition has been fully revised and updated to take full account of online research. It features new authors, more case studies and examples, and brand new chapters on: • research design • grounded research • ethnography • discourse analysis • narrative / life history • student voice. CONTENTS PART ONE: THE CONCEPT OF RESEARCH / Understanding Methodology / Taking a Critical Stance in Research / The Role of Culture in Interpreting and Conducting Research / Reviewing Educational Literature / Authenticity in Research: Reliability, Validity and Triangulation / The Ethical Framework of Research Practice / PART TWO: APPROACHES TO RESEARCH / Research Design: Frameworks, Strategies, Methods and Technologies / MixedMethods Research / Surveys and Sampling / Case Studies / Practitioner Research / Grounded Theory Research / Ethnography / Narrative and Life History / Learner Voice in Educational Leadership Research / PART THREE: RESEARCH TOOLS / Interviews / Developing and Using Questionnaires / Making Use of Existing Data / Documents and Documentary Analysis / Discourse Analysis / Reflection as Research: Using Diaries and Blogs / PART FOUR: ANALYSING AND PRESENTING DATA / Quantitative Data Analysis: Using SPSS / Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis / Qualitative Data Analysis: Using NVivo / Academic Writing READERSHIP Students on master's-level and professional doctorate courses in educational leadership and management April 2012 • 448 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0043-8) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0044-5) • £26.99 Strategies for Development and Implementation Third Edition Allan A glatthorn, Floyd Boschee both at The University of South Dakota, Bruce m whitehead University of Montana, Bruce m. whitehead Principal, Missoula School District and Bonni F Boschee Northern State University This book provides innovative and successful curriculum ideas, including reflective case studies, 'keys to leadership' sections, curriculum tips, and 'challenge' sections with key issues and questions in every chapter. Also interspersed throughout the book are tried-and-tested strategies that provide administrators with innovative ideas on meeting state and national standards. This is a much-needed, highly informative and easy-to-read account of curriculum development and change for curriculum leaders, those teaching curriculum courses and those aspiring to become curriculum decision makers. It provides the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement a school curriculum. January 2012 • 552 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9219-0) • £80.00 Available as inspection copy for lecturers A VERY SHORT FAIRLY INTERESTING AND REASONABLY CHEAP BOOK ABOUT STUDYING LEADERSHIP Second Edition Brad Jackson University of Auckland, New Zealand and Ken Parry Bond University The Second Edition of the bestselling, short, readable, critical text with coverage of contemporary debates that encourages students to think in fresh and innovative ways. VERY SHORT, FAIRLY INTERESTINg & CHEAP BOOKS 2011 • 208 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-738-6) • £45.00 Paper (978-1-84920-739-3) • £14.99 47 Leadership & Management LEADERSHIP RESEARCHING EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Theory and Practice Sixth Edition Peter g Northouse Western Michigan University methods and Approaches mark Brundrett Liverpool John Moores University and Christopher Rhodes University of Birmingham Carrying out leadership research in educational establishments can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. This accessible book offers sound practical advice and a clear conceptual framework for this research. Drawing on their extensive expertise, the authors show you how to prepare to carry out research, design research tools, and report and reflect on the results. Students using the book are supported by features such as: • key learning objectives in each chapter • figures, rich case studies and vignettes to ser ve as real-world examples • explanation of key terms and questions • suggestions for further reading and key Web links for each chapter. CONTENTS PART ONE: PREPARING TO CARRY OUT RESEARCH ON EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP / Introduction: Key Issues in Research on Educational Leadership / Theories of Educational Research / Ensuring Reliability, Validity or 'Truthfulness' in Research / Reviewing Existing Ideas to Develop a Conceptual Framework / PART TWO: DESIGNING AND USING RESEARCH TOOLS FOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP RESEARCH / Developing a Sample / Questionnaire Research / Interviews and Focus Groups / Using Observation / Documentary Analysis / Action Research and Practitioner Inquiry / PART THREE: ANALYSING DATA AND REPORTING THE FINDINGS OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS / Analysing Quantitative Data / Analysing Qualitative Data / The Uses of Leadership Research / Conclusions: Writing Reports and Making Sense of Outcomes READERSHIP Master's-level students who wish to research a wide range of issues connected with the operation of schools and institutions of further and higher education November 2013 • 240 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-830-3) • £70.00 Paper (978-0-85702-831-0) • £23.99 Adopted at more than 1,000 colleges and universities worldwide, this market-leading text owes its success to the unique way in which it combines an academically robust account of the major theories and models of leadership with an accessible style and practical exercises that help students apply what they learn. Each chapter of the book follows a consistent format, allowing students to contrast the various theories, and three case studies in each chapter provide practical examples of each theory or trait discussed. The Sixth Edition adds an important new chapter on Servant Leadership. CONTENTS Psychodynamic Approach / Team Leadership / Women in Leadership / Special Features / Audience / Acknowledgments / Introduction / Trait Approach / Skills Approach / Style Approach / Situational Approach / Contingency Theory / Path–Goal Theory / Leader–Member Exchange Theory /Transformational Leadership / Servant Leadership / Authentic Leadership / Team Leadership / Psychodynamic Approach / Women and Leadership / Culture and Leadership / Leadership Ethics READERSHIP Students of leadership across disciplines April 2012 • 504 pages Paper (978-1-4522-0340-9) • £38.99 INTRODUCTION TO LEADERSHIP Concepts and Practice Second Edition Peter g Northouse Western Michigan University An applied text by the author of the bestselling Leadership, Fifth Edition, this text provides the much needed how-to component of leading for students in leadership courses. Also available in an interactive ebook format. CREATING EFFECTIVE TEAMS 2011 • 304 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8952-7) • £36.99 A guide for members and Leaders Fourth Edition Susan A wheelan G.D.Q Associates, Inc. Creating Effective Teams is a practical guide for building and sustaining topperforming teams. Based on the author's many years of consulting experience with teams in the public and private sector, the Fourth Edition describes why teams are important, how they function and what makes them productive. CONTENTS Why Groups? / From Groups to Teams: The Stages of Group Development / Navigating Stage 1 / Surviving Stage 2 / Reorganizing at Stage 3 / Sustaining High Performance / How Do High Performance Teams Function? / Effective Team Members / Effective Team Leadership / Effective Organizational Support for Teams THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LEADERSHIP Second Edition Roger gill Durham Business School, Durham University The Second Edition of this esteemed text explores leadership from the head to the toe of an organization - whether that leadership is traditional or virtual, and whether the organization is corporate or non-profit. December 2011 • 552 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-023-3) • £93.00 Paper (978-1-84920-024-0) • £36.99 July 2012 • 160 pages Paper (978-1-4522-1707-9) • £25.99 48 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Leadership & Management CASES IN LEADERSHIP Third Edition Edited by w glenn Rowe Western University, Canada and Laura guerrero University of Texas, El Paso Cases in Leadership, Third Edition is a unique collection of 32 real-world leadership cases from Ivey Publishing, as well as 16 practitioner readings from the Ivey Business Journal. The updated Third Edition helps business students gain a better understanding of leadership and enables them to be more effective leaders throughout their careers. Each of the selected cases are about complex leadership issues that require the attention of the decision maker. CONTENTS Leadership: What Is It? / Leadership Trait Approach / Leadership Skills Approach / Leader Style Approach / The Contingency Theory of Leadership / The Leader-Member Exchange Theory of Leadership / Transformational Leadership / Servant Leadership / Authentic Leadership / Team Leadership Strategic Leadership / Women and Leadership / Culture and Leadership / May 2012 • 528 pages Paper (978-1-4522-3497-7) • £31.99 LEADING WITH COMMUNICATION A Practical Approach to Leadership Communication Teri Kwal gamble College of New Rochelle and michael w gamble New York Institute of Technology This book prepares today's students to acquire the skills, develop a global perspective and master the technology designed to enhance their visibility and credibility as leaders. It addresses leadership from the students' perspective, facilitating (via various pedagogical features) in them the ability to nurture their leadership and team-building talents. In the process, students will express themselves, engage in visioning, build on glocal, global and technological experiences, and work collaboratively and creatively with others. They will hone fresh perspectives on how best to integrate skills and knowledge, build trust and elevate worker performance This book provides an understanding of the leadership concepts and team-building strategies that business and professional communicators working and interacting in 21st-century organizations need to master. CONTENTS ORGANIZATION CHANGE Theory and Practice PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING LEADERSHIP / PART TWO: DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP SKILLS / PART THREE: EXERCISING LEADERSHIP / PART FOUR: MEETING LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES READERSHIP Third Edition w warner Burke Teachers College, Columbia University, USA The Third Edition of this bestselling text continues to make clear how effective organization change is grounded in sound knowledge about human behaviour in the workplace. FOUNDATIONS FOR ORgANIZATIONAL SCIENCE SERIES 2011 • 384 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7886-6) • £44.99 MEETING THE ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF LEADERSHIP Casting Light or Shadow Fourth Edition Craig E Johnson George Fox University This Fourth Edition identifies the unique ethical demands of leadership and then equips readers to meet these challenges. 2011 • 536 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8222-1) • £49.99 Students of organizational communication, management communication and leadership November 2012 • 328 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9426-2) • £36.99 THE PRINCIPAL Leadership for a global Society Bruce m whitehead University of Montana, Floyd Boschee The University of South Dakota and Robert H Decker University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls The Principal: Leadership for a global Society is the core textbook for aspiring and practising K-12 school principals. Taking a practice-to-theory and researchgrounded approach, preparing school leaders to successfully face the challenges that they will deal with on a day-to-day basis and throughout their careers. From curriculum development to staff development to policy and discipline, it addresses the most up-to-date practices in developing leadership skills. The book provides a wide array of pedagogical features to help practising and aspiring school principals: improve programmes; create a safer and more enriching environment for students and staff; meet school, district, community, state and national ideologies and standards; and much more. After reading The Principal, the educational leaders of tomorrow will be equipped with innovative, practical and successful leadership concepts and ideas that will help them make a powerful impact on not just those who walk through the school doors, but the community as well. CONTENTS PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS OF PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP / PART TWO: PROCESS OF LEADERSHIP FOR THE PRINCIPAL / PART THREE: FORCES OF LEADERSHIP / PART FOUR: THE PRINCIPAL AND CURRENT TRENDS December 2012 • 520 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8710-3) • £63.00 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 49 Leadership & Management COACHING UNDERSTOOD COACHING AND MENTORING A Pragmatic Inquiry into the Coaching Process A Critical Text Elaine Cox Oxford Brookes University Simon western AnalyticNetwork Coaching Ltd This is the only coaching text available that explains exactly what happens in a coaching session and why it works. By building an understanding of how all the basic elements present in coaching interaction work, the book exposes the mystery underlying coaching's success as a personal and professional development intervention. It examines each element of the coaching encounter, each visible building block of interaction, in detail, in order to verify and justify its effectiveness as part of the coaching process. Evidence-based and well-referenced, it draws primarily on research and theory from the fields of philosophy, cognitive and humanistic psychology, neuroscience, education and management in order to explain the fundamental elements of coaching. Bringing a fresh and critical perspective to coaching and mentoring, this text challenges assumptions and narratives, proposing an ethical and emancipatory approach that goes beyond instrumentalism and individualism. The book: • accounts for how coaching has emerged and what discourses and normative practices underpin and influence contemporary coaching practice • develops a meta-theory of coaching that acts as a baseline for future developments • offers frames of thinking to support and guide coaching and mentoring practitioners and educators. CONTENTS CONTENTS Touching Experience / Articulating Experience / Listening / Clarifying / Reflecting / Becoming Critical / Questioning / Being Present / Integrating Experience PART ONE: SCOPING THE FIELD WITH A CRITICAL LENS / A Critical Theory Approach To Coaching / Scoping The Field: Definitions and Divergence of Practice / PART TWO: FROM FRIENDSHIP TO COACHING: A BRIEF GENEALOGY OF COACHING / Introduction / Pre-Modernity: Helping Relationships / Modernity: Experts, Tools and Technology / PostModernity: Coaching Hybridity / Conclusion / PART THREE: THE DOMINANT DISCOURSES OF COACHING / Introduction / The Soul Guide Discourse: A Mirror to the Soul / The Psy Expert Discourse: Coaching the Outward Self / The Managerial Discourse: Coaching the Role Self / The Network Coach Discourse: Influencing the Network / Discourse Mapping: Coaching across and between Discourses / PART FOUR: THE FUTURE OF COACHING / Developing Coaching Theory / Creating a New Coaching Meta-Theory: The Micro-Practices and the Macro-Social of Coaching / Coaching Formation: Coach Education and Pedagogies READERSHIP Coaches, mentors and coaching educators, also students and academics studying management, organizational behaviour and human resource management November 2012 • 192 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-825-9) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-826-6) • £24.99 READERSHIP Coaches, mentors and coaching educators, also students and academics studying management, organizational behaviour and human resource management at both upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate levels THE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT July 2012 • 336 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-163-5) • £85.00 Paper (978-1-84860-164-2) • £27.99 Theory, Practice, and Cases Third Edition Theodore J Kowalski University of Dayton, USA The School Superintendent: Theory, Practice, and Cases, Third Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the school district superintendent position and a blend of theory and practical knowledge pertaining to contemporary practice in this pivotal position. Readers are encouraged to engage in reflection by linking content with personal experiences. This objective is pursued by providing reflective summaries, pertinent questions and case studies at the end of each chapter. The Third Edition continues to focus contextual variables influencing practice in an information-based and reform-minded society. Current reform strategies are identified and their effects on current and future role expectations for superintendents are discussed. Special attention is given to the emerging role of superintendent as communicator. The book also contains two other noteworthy features: balanced perspectives of the potential rewards and challenges commonly experienced by school superintendents; and career development information. Request one of our new catalogues online at w w or phone us on +44 (0)20 7324 8500 CONTENTS PART ONE: THE POSITION: ROLES AND CONTEXT / Defining Practice / Society and Schools / PART TWO: SCHOOL DISTRICTS: STRUCTURE AND AUTHORITY / School Districts as Organizations / School Boards / Superintendent and School Board Relationships / School District Policy / PART THREE: SUPERINTENDENT LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES / Providing Leadership at the District Level / Community Leadership / Material Resources Management / Human Resources Management / PART FOUR: PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES / Contemporary Challenges / Personal Dispositions and Practice / Seeking the Position January 2013 • 448 pages Paper (978-1-4522-4108-1) • £74.00 50 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Study Skills HOW TO DO YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT Second Edition CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS FOR EDUCATION STUDENTS gary Thomas University of Birmingham Second Edition This expanded and updated Second Edition includes new chapters on ethics and practical concerns, has a fully integrated companion Website including worksheets, annotated examples and links to SAGE journals, and has a completely new page layout with glossary. Lesley-Jane Eales Reynolds Pro Vice Chancellor (Education) Kingston University, Brenda Judge, Elaine mcCreery and Patrick Jones all at Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester) May 2013 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5886-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-5887-3) • £20.99 HOW TO DO YOUR CASE STUDY This book will help education students develop their understanding of critical analysis. It outlines the skills needed to examine and challenge data and encourages an appreciation of how this way of thinking can enrich the personal and professional development of students. It gives clear definitions of key terms and examples of how to analyze data. The book outlines how action learning sets can contribute to analytical skills and helps students develop the self-evaluation skills to recognize personal values and perceptions. This Second Edition has been updated and extended to include chapters covering reflection and the critical selection of information sources. READERSHIP A guide for Students and Researchers gary Thomas University of Birmingham In this lucid, accessible and often witty text, Gary Thomas introduces students and researchers to the basics of case study research. All students on education courses: education studies, education with or without QTS, early years education, PGCE students, students on foundation degrees in education STUDY SKILLS IN EDUCATION SERIES May 2013 • 128 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6840-7) • £50.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6841-4) • £12.99 2010 • 248 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-562-3) • £74.00 Paper (978-0-85702-563-0) • £24.99 SUCCESS WITH YOUR EDUCATION RESEARCH PROJECT Second Edition John Sharp Bishop Grosseteste University College Research projects are carried out in schools and non-school settings by virtually all undergraduates in the areas of teacher training, education studies and other educational disciplines. This text, written for this specific target audience, makes clear references to these courses and contexts throughout. Hot topics such as using the Net and plagiarism are covered with up-todate information, while key content on literature searches, critical thinking and the development of argument provide clear guidance and ensure academic rigour. This new edition has been updated throughout to provide greater depth on many topics, FAQs and a glossary of key terms. CONTENTS Let's get Acquainted / Finding a Focus and Formulating a Plan / Looking at Literature / Approaching It in Style / Discovering Things: Questionnaires / Conversations with a Purpose: Research Interviews / Seeing Is Believing: Observation / From the Past to the Here and Now: Documents and Documentary Research / Making Sense of Data: Analyzing Numbers and Words / Writing up / FAQs READERSHIP All those taking degrees or foundation degrees in education-related subject disciplines STUDY SKILLS IN EDUCATION SERIES THE GOOD WRITING GUIDE FOR EDUCATION STUDENTS Third Edition Dominic wyse Institute of Education, University of London T hi s a c c e s s ib l e g ui d e to w r i tin g academically is based on the author's many years of experience helping students to improve their writing and get better marks in assignments. The advice works because it uses real examples of students' work to explain what tutors look for, and shows you how to get there. New to this Third Edition: • increased coverage of plagiarism (and how to avoid it) • how to show critical reflection and judgement • turning useful notes from lectures and readings into powerful written argument • updated material on citations and references • new examples of students' work • developing an academic 'voice'. CONTENTS Reading Widely / Searching for Reading Materials / Planning for Writing / Small-Scale Research Projects / Referencing / Structuring Your Writing / Grammar and Punctuation / Spelling / Presentation and Proof-Reading / Assessment and Learning from Feedback READERSHIP Education students studying at all levels SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES June 2012 • 168 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0709-3) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0710-9) • £16.99 May 2012 • 152 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5675-6) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85725-947-9) • £16.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 51 Study Skills THE STUDY SKILLS TOOLKIT FOR STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA PRACTICE TESTS, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR THE UKCAT monica gribben Edinburgh Napier University Second Edition Packed with helpful advice, checklists and templates, this book will help you improve your study skills throughout your time at university. Written in a straightforward, no-nonsense style, the guidance can be broken down into manageable chunks. Issues covered include: • procrastination • planning your assignment • understanding your essay question • researching, writing and referencing your written work • managing your own well-being. The companion Website has podcasts, worksheets and electronic resources to support each chapter. CONTENTS How to Use This Toolkit / Companion Website / Stepping out in to University with Dyslexia / Procrastination / Note-Taking / Understanding Your Assignment / Gathering Information / Thinking Critically / Writing Your Assignment / Writing Your Dissertation / Referencing / Exams / Oral Presentations / Making the Most of Your Feedback READERSHIP Any student with dyslexia studying in higher education October 2012 • 208 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-931-7) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-932-4) • £22.99 Rosalie Hutton and glenn Hutton The revised edition of this text is updated with a range of new questions across all the sub-tests. It provides reader the with essential practice as they prepare for the UKCAT, with over 500 questions in the equivalent of two full practice tests plus a unique section on tackling non-cognitive analysis / personality tests. The practice tests replicate the format of the UKCAT, and they can be tackled under timed conditions or worked through at the reader's own pace. Clear explanations and answers ensure understanding of the reasoning and analysis processes required and are fully prepared for the final examination. CONTENTS PART ONE: PRACTICE TEST / Verbal Reasoning Practice Subtest / Quantitative Reasoning Practice Subtest / Abstract Reasoning Practice Subtest / Decision Analysis Practice Subtest / PART TWO: PRACTICE TEST / Verbal Reasoning Practice Subtest / Quantitative Reasoning Practice Subtest / Abstract Reasoning Practice Subtest / Decision Analysis Practice Subtest / PART THREE: NON-COGNITIVE ANANLYSIS PRACTICE TEST / NonCognitive Analysis Practice Test / PART FOUR: ANSWERS and RATIONALE / Verbal Reasoning Practice Subtest / Quantitative Reasoning Practice Subtest / Abstract Reasoning Practice Subtest / Decision Analysis Practice Subtest / Verbal Reasoning Practice Subtest / Quantitative Reasoning Practice Subtest / Abstract Reasoning Practice Subtest / Decision Analysis Practice Subtest / Non-Cognitive Analysis Practice Subtest READERSHIP All those intending to apply for United Kingdom medical and dental courses at university STUDENT gUIDES TO UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE SERIES April 2012 • 208 pages Cloth (978-0-85725-869-4) • £50.00 Paper (978-0-85725-785-7) • £15.99 STUDY SKILLS FOR STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA PASSING THE UKCAT AND BMAT Second Edition Edited by Sandra Hargreaves Education Consultant Full of advice on topics such as notetaking, reading strategies and exam techniques, this fully revised and updated new edition will motivate, inspire and guide you through your studies. The advice and tools provided will help you plan your work, improve your skills and boost your confidence. The Second Edition has: • a new chapter on writing your dissertation • more on using statistics • more on planning and timetabling techniques • more on using technology to help you • expanded advice on preparing and giving presentations • a new chapter on collaborative learning. CONTENTS Managing Your Workload / Understanding Your Preferred Learning Style / Note-Taking and Note-Making / Reading Strategies and Speed-Reading / Answering Essay Questions / Structuring Different Writing Genres / The Dissertation / Improving Your Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation / Improving Mathematics Skills and Using Statistics / Examination Techniques / Collaborative Learning READERSHIP All dyslexic students in further and higher education and secondary schools, as well as learning support staff working with these students Advice, guidance and Over 600 Questions for Revision and Practice Eighth Edition Rosalie Hutton, glenn Hutton and Felicity Taylor King's College London The most comprehensive guide available for the UKCAT and BMAT. This book is all you need to face the tests with confidence, succeed and get in to medical school. Offering support for both the UKCAT and BMAT in one volume with hints and tips on how to pass the tests, worked examples and guidance on technique, this is your guide to success. This title includes over 600 practice questions for the UKCAT and BMAT for extensive revision and question practice. READERSHIP All those intending to apply for UK medical and dental courses at university STUDENT gUIDES TO UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE SERIES April 2013 • 448 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-7121-6) • £50.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7122-3) • £15.99 SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES April 2012 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0286-9) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0287-6) • £19.99 52 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Study Skills Second Edition PASSING THE NATIONAL ADMISSIONS TEST FOR LAW (LNAT) Rosalie Hutton and glenn Hutton Third Edition If you are applying to Oxford or Cambridge Universities, you may be required to take one of the Oxbridge-specific admission tests. This text provides all the essential information you need to understand the format and structure of the tests along with vital practice in the sort of questions you will face. The book covers, in detail, the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) for both institutions, focusing on critical thinking and problem solving skills. It includes a practice test with answers and explanations and also guidance on the writing task undertaken by applicants to Oxford. This revised and updated edition includes new material across all parts of the book. It provides enhanced information on interviews and personal statements, coverage of the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP), and expanded sections on the other tests for English, history, physics, mathematics and computer sciences. Rosalie Hutton, glenn Hutton and Fraser Sampson PASSING OXBRIDGE ADMISSIONS TESTS A comprehensive must-have guide for all those preparing for and sitting the LNAT exam. STUDENT gUIDES TO UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE SERIES 2011 • 144 pages Paper (978-0-85725-485-6) • £16.99 CONTENTS Oxbridge Admissions Tests / How Will This Book Help Me? / Application Process for Oxford and Cambridge / Thinking Skills Assessment / MultipleChoice Questions / Format and Design of Multiple-Choice Questions / Format of the Thinking Skills Assessment: Problem Solving / Format of the Thinking Skills Assessment: Critical Thinking / How to Approach Multiple-Choice Questions / Thinking Skills Assessment / Problem Solving / Problem-Solving Curriculum / Problem-Solving: Example Questions / Critical Thinking / Critical Thinking: Example Questions / Thinking Skills Assessment Practice Test / Introduction / Thinking Skills Assessment: Practice Test / Thinking Skills Assessment: Answers and Rationale / TSA Writing Task / Introduction / TSA Writing Task / Structured Approach / Writing the Essay / Critical Thinking / Other Oxbridge Admissions Tests / Oxford Tests / Cambridge Tests READERSHIP All those considering applying to Oxford or Cambridge Universities STUDENT gUIDES TO UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE SERIES July 2012 • 160 pages Cloth (978-0-8572-5872-4) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-8572-5797-0) • £16.99 OVER 4,000 EBOOKS AND COUNTING... eBooks are now available from SAGE in a wide variety of formats covering every aspect of our publishing programme. To find out more about our retail and library aggregator partners please visit Available as inspection copy for lecturers 53 DOING YOUR MASTERS DISSERTATION From Start to Finish Inger Furseth and Euris Larry Everett This book is an indispensible guide to writing a successful Masters dissertation. The book begins by addressing issues students face in the early stages of writing a dissertation, such as deciding on what to research, planning your project and searching for literature online. It offers guidance that other books often miss, from dealing with emotional blocks, to ways of identifying the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and improving writing. It addresses the social aspects of the writing process, such as choosing and working with an advisor, using social media and forming student work groups for added help and inspiration. SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES March 2013 • 208 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-6398-3) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6399-0) • £20.99 THE LITERATURE REVIEW Alex Osmond Brunel University A Step-by-Step guide for Students Second Edition Diana Ridley Sheffield University This second edition of Diana Ridley's bestselling book provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and literature review, using cases and examples throughout to demonstrate best practice. Burns & Sinfi eld • (978-1-4462-0325-5) Ridley outlines practical strategies for conducting a Craswell & Poore • (978-0-85702-928-7) systematic search of the available literature, reading and note taking Hargreaves • (978-1-4462-0287-6) and writing up your literature review as part of an undergraduate research project, Masters dissertation or PhD thesis. Chong Ho Shon • (978-1-4462-0932-5) New to this edition are: • Examples drawn from a wide range of disciplines • A new chapter on conducting systematic reviews ACADEMIC WRITING AND GRAMMAR FOR STUDENTS evaluating the quality of online sources and online literature • Enhanced guidance in dealing with copyright and permissions issues. • Increased guidance on This book also comes with a companion website containing a wide range of examples of successful literature reviews from various academic disciplines. SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES July 2012 • 232 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0142-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0143-5) • £19.99 This handy guide shows students how to craft their essays using academic English grammar and punctuation. It focuses on grammar rather than academic writing as a process, by identifying common grammatical mistakes and showing the reader how to avoid them. This valuable book enables readers to apply what they learn in a practical way, so that they can immediately improve their work at university. Inside, you will find advice on: • Common mistakes • Proofreading • Punctuation • Referencing • Conciseness The book is based on the author's extensive experience advising on student writing from a variety of disciplines. It will be useful to a wide range of students, whatever their age, level of study, and subject area. SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES April 2013 • 224 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-1090-1) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-1091-8) • £20.99 ESSENTIAL STUDY SKILLS The Complete guide to Success at University Third Edition Tom Burns London Metropolitan University and Sandra Sinfield Coordinator for Learning Development Are you looking to give your students a helping hand with their work? Then this book is for you. Packed with study tips and handy activities, this proven guide shows step-by-step how students can make the best of their time and study effectively – whatever level they're at. Whether they are going to university straight from school, a mature student, or an overseas student studying in the UK for the first time, they'll find tips and advice on how to: • Sail through those tricky first weeks • Get the most out of lectures by understanding how they learn • Learn techniques for academic writing and research • Pass exams with flying colours • Stay cool and cope with stress. Practical and interactive, this edition features six brand new chapters to arm students with even more essential skills including how to produce a dissertation, plan a career and focus on building relationships with lecturers and other students to help get ahead. Also launching with this new edition is an improved and expanded companion website Don't miss the extensive range of guidance and resources for both students and tutors, including downloadable templates, practice exercises and other tools for students to use in both their preparation and their actual work. HOW TO READ JOURNAL ARTICLES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES A Very Practical guide for Students Phillip Chong Ho Shon University of Ontario Institute of Technology Many titles provide tips for successfully writing theses, dissertations, and journal articles; all argue that writing is like any other skill – it has to be developed, taught, and practiced daily. The same is certainly true of academic reading, yet many advanced students have trouble with the essential skill of 'reading critically'. This book teaches students and early career researchers how to read so that they are able to maximize their output in the writing process. Using the author's unique reading code, this book teaches students how to approach social and behavioural science journal articles as texts that can be deciphered structurally, mechanically and grammatically. The strategies included allow readers to systematize the reading, note-taking and organizing of voluminous amounts of information in an easily identifiable and retrievable format, which will be a huge confidence boost to those who struggle with this first phase in the writing process. This book is indispensable for social and behavioural science students and researchers worldwide wanting to sharpen their critical evaluative skills for better academic writing. SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES March 2012 • 120 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0931-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0932-5) • £16.99 SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES March 2012 • 472 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0324-8) • £56.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0325-5) • £14.99 CRITICAL READING AND WRITING FOR POSTGRADUATES Second Edition mike wallace University of Cardiff and Alison wray Cardiff University In this new edition the authors show students how to read critically and how to write using critical techniques. This book is a 'must-have' resource for postgraduate students and early-career academics. It has been expanded and updated to include: • A range of examples encompassing disciplinary areas including linguistics, education, business and management • Commentaries on using e-resources and features of e-research • New and additional material available online including access to journal articles This book is for postgraduate students, methods course tutors and researchers. SAgE STUDY SKILLS SERIES 2011 • 264 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-561-0) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-84920-562-7) • £22.99 Research Methods RESEARCH METHODS AND METHODOLOGIES IN EDUCATION RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION Joseph Check and Russell K Schutt both at University of Massachusetts Boston Edited by James Arthur Birmingham University, michael waring University of Loughborough, Robert Coe University of Durham and Larry V Hedges Northwestern University An innovative new text for teaching introductory research methods that addresses emerging instructional needs. Using a variety of methodological approaches and research techniques in education, this book provides students with the theoretical understandings, practical knowledge and skills they need to carry out independent research. The editors bring together an array of international contributors, all of whom identify key research methodologies, data collection tools and analysis methods, and focus on the direct comparisons between them. Written in an accessible and jargon-free style, each chapter sets out the strengths and weaknesses of a key research method by: • identifying specific research designs • presenting a series of relevant data collection tools • highlighting the various analytical methods which can be used. CONTENTS PART ONE: INTRODUCTION TO RESE ARCH ME THODS AND METHODOLOGIES IN EDUCATION / How This Book Can Help You / The Nature of Educational Research: Exploring the Different Understandings of Educational Research / Finding Your Theoretical Position / PART TWO: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE IN CONDUCTING RESEARCH / Design of Empirical Research / Planning Your Research / Conducting Your Research / Research Impact and Dissemination / PART THREE: KEY METHODS / Dimension 1: Research Designs / Action Research / Naturalistic Research / Ethnographic and Representational Styles / Grounded Theory / Visual Methodologies / Case Study Research / Issues of Truth and Justice / Surveys and Longitudinal Research / Statistical and Correlational Techniques / Secondary Data / Impact Evaluation / Interventions: Experiments / A Systematic Review / Mixed Methods / Philosophical Research / Dimension 2: Data Collection Tools / Observation-Based Research / In-Depth Interviews / Techniques to Assist with Interviewing / Focus Groups and Group Interviews / Internet-Based Methods / Doing Blog Research / Documentary Methods / Systematic Reviews / Questionnaires / Measurement and Validity / Dimension 3: Analysis Methods / Software and Qualitative Data Analysis / Statistical Analysis Tools / Discourse Analysis / Media-Analysis / Visual Methodologies and Social Change / Grounded Theory / Ethnography as Epistemology / Biographical Research Methods / Statistical Hypothesis Tests / Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) / Multiple Linear Regression / Multilevel Analysis / Effect Size / Meta-Analysis READERSHIP Postgraduate students on education and educational research methods courses 2011 • 456 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-038-3) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-039-0) • £26.99 INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION A Critical Thinking Approach Second Edition w Newton Suter University of Arkansas at Little Rock An engaging and informative core text that enables students to think clearly and critically about the scientific process of research. December 2011 • 528 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9573-3) • £68.99 DOING RESEARCH WITH CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Second Edition Alison Clark, Rosie Flewitt, martyn Hammersley and martin Robb all at the Open University Researching with children and young people comes with its own unique challenges. This book explores both the practical and ethical considerations for researchers and provides strategies for designing and conducting effective and ethically sound research. The book covers: • issues specific to working with children, such as why to do research and ethics. • appropriate methodological approaches, including interviewing and observation. • examples of successful research with commentaries explaining the issues. • implementation and the impact of research on children. PART ONE: ISSUES / Images of Childhood / What is Research? / Why Research? / Doing Research with Children and Young People / Ethics / PART TWO: METHODS / Research Design / Observation / Interviewing / Texts Documents: Texts, images and artefacts / Methodological Ideas / PART THREE: REALITY OF RESEARCH / Commentary on the Mosaic Approach / Inventing Adulthood / Young Lives / Practitioner Research / PART FOUR: ENGAGEMENT, DISSEMINATION AND IMPACT / Academic Impact / Policy Impact / Impact on Practice / Impact on Children and Young People This book offers a highly accessible, clear and engaging introduction to research in education, which has been carefully and extensively developed to fully meet the needs of those studying in education and related fields. READERSHIP Those studying and undertaking research on courses including childhood studies, education, social work, youth work, health and social care December 2013 • 328 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-7492-7) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7493-4) • £25.99 2009 • 398 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-017-9) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-84787-018-6) • £25.99 ORDER TODAY INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONTENTS Keith F Punch University of Western Australia 56 December 2011 • 440 pages Paper (978-1-4129-4009-2) • £60.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Research Methods DOING RESEARCH WITH CHILDREN RESEARCH METHODS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD A Practical guide An Introductory guide Third Edition Penny mukherji and Deborah Albon London Metropolitan University Anne D greig University of Strathclyde, Jayne Taylor West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust and Tommy macKay Psychology Consultancy Services and University of Strathclyde The Third Edition is a practical introduction to the process of designing, doing and writing up research with children and young people. At the centre is a commitment to engaging with children and young people as active research participants rather than as passive subjects. In the new edition, readers will find up-todate information on the fast-changing political and ethical debates around research with children and young people as well as guidance on how to carry out research. CONTENTS PART ONE: THE SPECIAL NATURE OF CHILDREN IN RESEARCH: THEORIES AND APPROACHES / Introduction to Research and Children: A Special Relationship / Theory for Research and Practice with Children and Young People / Theoretical Frameworks / PART TWO: DOING RESEARCH WITH CHILDREN: REVIEWING, DESIGNING AND CONDUCTING RESEARCH WITH CHILDREN / Evaluating Research with Children / Designing and Doing Research with Children and Young People: The Importance of Questions / Quantitative Research with Children and Young People: Key Concepts / Quantitative Research with Children and Young People: Data Collection / Designing and Doing Qualitative Research with Children and Young People / Ethics of Doing Research with Children / Communicating Research / Themes and Perspectives This highly engaging and easy-to-read introductory text is tailored to meet the needs of early childhood students. It includes practical examples of research with and about young children and babies, and encourages the reader to take an interactive approach. Each chapter contains learning objectives, case studies, research in focus sections, reflection points, a summary and suggestions for further reading. The language used throughout is accessible, and a full glossary of terms is included. CONTENTS PART ONE: PARADIGMS AND PRINCIPLES / Positivist Research / Interpretivism and Post-Structuralism / Ethics / Listening to Young Children / PART TWO: APPROACHES TO RESEARCH / Surveys / Ethnography / Case Studies / Action Research / PART THREE: METHODS / Observation / Interviews / Questionnaires / Using Documents and Other Visual 'Texts' / Journaling as a Research Tool / Creative Methods for Listening to Children in Research / PART FOUR: CARRYING OUT A RESEARCH PROJECT / Research Design / Reviewing the Literature / Analyzing and Presenting Data / Writing up READERSHIP All students undertaking research in early childhood studies 2009 • 288 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-523-5) • £74.00 Paper (978-1-84787-524-2) • £23.99 READERSHIP Students and practitioners engaged in research with children and young people November 2012 • 312 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-885-3) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-886-0) • £24.99 RESEARCH WITH VULNERABLE CHILDREN Theory and Practice michelle O'Reilly, Nisha Dogra University of Leicester and Pablo Daniel Ronzoni Thought-provoking, per tinent and engaging, this new book provides an overview of the process of doing research with children. It is unique in its particular focus on vulnerable groups of children such as those with mental-health problems, physical health problems and learning disabilities, along with young offenders and looked-after children. CONTENTS PART ONE: PRELIMINARY ISSUES / Cultural and Diversity Issues / Ethics in Child Research / Children's Capacity to Make Decisions / PART TWO: STARTING A RESEARCH PROJECT WITH CHILDREN / Planning to Do Research with Children / Getting Started in Research with Children / Children with Specific Characteristics / Recruiting Children and Families: Communicating with Gatekeepers, Parents and Children / PART THREE: PRACTICAL ISSUES / Choosing a Method for Your Research / Quantitative Methods of Data Collection and Analysis / Qualitative Methods of Data Collection and Analysis / Writing-up and Dissemination READERSHIP Students of educational research, as well as academics and professionals working with, or doing research with, children February 2013 • 312 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0848-9) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0849-6) • £23.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers RESEARCH IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Andrea Nolan University of Melbourne, Kym macfarlane and Jennifer Cartmel both at Griffith University In this innovative guide to research in early childhood, the research process is presented as a journey and this book is a roadmap for your students. The authors take students, step-by-step, through the practical considerations and complexities of undertaking research with young children featuring the realworld research journeys of two student researchers. Their authentic stories describe the emotions, challenges and moments of exhilaration involved in completing a research project, making the research process more manageable for your students as they share their experience. The book gives students guidance on all aspects of the research process, to ensure nothing gets missed on the way, including selecting a topic, ethical considerations, collecting and analysing their data and disseminating their findings. CONTENTS Why Become Involved in Research in Early Childhood? / Orientation: 'It's Like Another Language' / Exploring and Theorizing Perspectives / Beginning the Research Journey: Determining Your Point of Departure / Knowing What Has Gone before: Reviewing the Literature / Guiding the Research Journey: Ethical Considerations / Moving along QUALITATIVE methodological pathways / Taking the QUANTITATIVE methodological trail / Drawing the journey to a close: Dissemination of the findings / The Journey READERSHIP Students of Early Childhood and Early Years completing a research project or writing a thesis or dissertation October 2012 • 240 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-253-0) • £65.00 Paper (978-0-85702-254-7) • £21.99 57 Research Methods SCHOOL-BASED RESEARCH A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO DOING YOUR EDUCATION RESEARCH PROJECT A guide for Education Students Second Edition mike Lambert University of Wolverhampton Edited by Elaine wilson University of Cambridge Focused on the needs of the new classroom researcher, and those studying at masters-level on education degree courses, School-based Research is a thorough and thoughtful guide to the research process. This Second Edition has been updated to provide further coverage on the best ways to approach, construct and carry out educational research within the classroom. It contextualizes methodological issues alongside key ideas that teachers are likely to be concerned with, such as ability grouping, pupil voice, pupil behaviour, teaching approaches and pupil motivation. New to this edition: • a new chapter exploring how small-scale research can be undertaken with younger pupils in order to inform, understand and develop better classroom practices • coverage of action research is now split across two chapters, exploring a range of approaches, including guidance on how to apply mixed methods approaches to schools-based action research. CONTENTS PART ONE: USING EXISTING RESEARCH TO UNDERSTAND AND PLAN SCHOOL BASED RESEARCH / Becoming a Reflexive Teacher / Refining the Focus for Research and Formulating a Research Question / Reviewing the Literature and Writing a Literature Review / Research with Younger Children: Issues and Approaches / PART TWO: CARRYING OUT AND REPORTING ON CLASSROOM-BASED RESEARCH / Research Design / Ethics in Educational Research / Data Collection / Handling Data / Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research by Teacher Researchers / Analysing Qualitative Data / Taking a Quantitative Approach / Analysing Quantitative Data / Writing about Your Research / PART THREE: METHODOLOGIES / What is Educational Action Research? / How to do Action Research / The Case Study / Building Theory from Data: Grounded Theory / PART FOUR: PARADIGMS / Beyond Positivism: 'Scientific' Research into Education / Interpretivism: Meeting Our Selves in Research - Alexander Miesen, student, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences In this basic guide, step-by-step advice is presented in a clear way and chapters take the reader through the entire process, from planning and doing research, to writing it up. Each stage is covered, with detailed help on choosing a topic, drawing up research questions, doing the literature review, choosing and designing research methods, the ethics of doing research, analyzing data, and collating and presenting findings. Features in the text include: • explanations of key research terms • activities (with answers) • progress sheets • case studies. CONTENTS Research: Important or Just Interesting? / Research and You / Education: A Research-Based Profession? / Why This Book? / Structures and Contents / Features / Time to Start / PART ONE: LEARNING ABOUT RESEARCH / Research, 'Paradigms' and Ethics / The Process of Doing Research / Learning from Other Research / PART TWO: DOING RESEARCH / Choosing Your Topic / Research Questions / Literature Review / Choosing Your Methods / Designing Research Instruments / Validity, Reliability and Ethical Approval / Carrying Out Your Investigation / PART THREE: ANALYZING AND WRITING UP / Analyzing Data and Producing Your Findings / Writing Up Your Project READERSHIP READERSHIP Students on education degree programmes featuring a research methods component, including PGCE, MEd and professional development courses December 2012 • 376 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4748-8) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4749-5) • £20.99 Undergraduate students undertaking their first ever research project, postgraduates pursuing masters awards and teachers and others in education carrying out action research September 2012 • 248 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-980-5) • £60.00 Paper (978-0-85702-981-2) • £18.99 DOING YOUR EARLY YEARS RESEARCH PROJECT A Step by Step guide • increased material on using, presenting and analysing data, including using software • more reflective and detailed study aids including case studies, surveys, questions and activities. Second Edition CONTENTS guy Roberts-Holmes University of London This new edition of a much-loved book guides you through your early years research project from start to finish and draws on the work of early years practitioners to illustrate concepts and methods, bringing the entire process to life. Packed with research summaries, key points, checklists and discussion topics, the author shows you how to organise and structure your project, write a literature review, interpret findings and present/write up your project. This edition has been fully updated and revised to include up-to-date references, a focus on 'reflective practice', and coverage of the Early Years Foundation Stage, as well as: • coverage of action research, including examples 58 Mike Lambert's book is a useful source of information, helping to create and shape your research methods project. The book contains detailed chapters with easy to follow guidelines, tips and suggestions ensuring help at every step of the way from start to finish ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 You Can Do Research! /Your Research Story, Methodology and Research Questions / Ethical Issues in Early Childhood Research / Designing Your Research / Organising and Writing Up your Research Project / Observation: Looking and Listening / Creative Listening to Young Children / Interviewing Children and Adults / Writing and Using Questionnaires / Analysing Your Data READERSHIP Students on early childhood studies courses, those working towards Early Years Professional Status (EYPS), teacher education, nursing and social science; also early years practitioners required to carry out small-scale research 2011 • 232 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-519-1) • £67.00 Paper (978-1-84920-520-7) • £23.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Research Methods DOING YOUR EDUCATION RESEARCH PROJECT Second Edition Neil Burton Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE), mark Brundrett and marion Jones both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK If you are a trainee teacher or experienced practitioner new to research, or are simply wondering how to get started on your education research project, this practical book will be your guide. The authors offer simple steps to ensure that you ask the key questions in the most effective way possible. The book guides you through the entire research process: from clarifying the context and conceptual background, to presenting and analysing the evidence gathered. Supported by examples, checklists and diagrams, this fully revised and updated edition includes a wealth of information on: • research design • evidence gathering techniques • practitioner research • ethics • data analysis techniques. CONTENTS PART ONE: THINK BEFORE YOU DO / The Place of Research Within the Classroom and School / Analysing the Context in Order to Ask the Right Questions / Reviewing Existing Theories and Findings / PART TWO: GATHERING EVIDENCE: WHAT EVIDENCE, WHO FROM, AND HOW TO COLLECT IT / Models of Research / Identifying Sources / Documentation: Examining Existing Evidence / Observing: Individuals, Groups and Environments / Direct Questioning: Surveys and Questionnaires / A Cyclical Model of Research: Action Research / PART THREE: MAKING SENSE OF THE OUTCOMES / Collating and Reporting Qualitative Evidence / Collating and Presenting Quantitative Evidence / Qualitative Data Analysis / Quantitative Data Analysis / Drawing Conclusions and Making Recommendations / Developing Academic Skills READERSHIP Anyone embarking on a research or a professional or school development project, whatever stage they are at within the teaching community, from training for QTS, higher degree, or in need of evidence-backed decisions for the strategic development of their school CLASSROOM-BASED RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE An Introduction Second Edition Keith Taber University of Cambridge This refreshing Second Edition offers a helpful overview of educational research for those training to be teachers, or setting out on classroom-based research projects. Drawing on a variety of relevant examples, the book demonstrates each stage of the research process - including formulating research questions, selecting data collection techniques and deciding on approaches to data analysis - and usefully integrates each stage. The new edition includes: • expanded treatment of data analysis to help students select which research method to use and how to understand the data they collect • a new chapter on ethics, ensuring students understand the implications of classroom-based research and carry out research ethically • discussion of research carried out by trainee teachers using reallife study examples. CONTENTS PART ONE: LEARNING ABOUT EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH / The Professional Teacher and Educational Research / What Is This Thing Called Educational Research? / How Do Educational Researchers Think about Their Research? / What Strategies Do Educational Researchers Use? / How Can Teachers Research Their Own Classrooms? / PART TWO: LEARNING FROM EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH / Teachers Evaluating Research Quality / Teachers Evaluating Research Relevance / PART THREE: LEARNING THROUGH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH / Teachers Planning Research / Teachers Prioritizing the Ethical Imperative in Classroom Research / Teachers Collecting Evidence through Research / Teachers Interrogating the Evidence from Classroom Studies / Teachers Making the Case through Reporting Research November 2013 • 256 pages READERSHIP Cloth (978-1-4462-6676-2) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-6677-9) • £23.99 Students, researchers, teachers and trainee teachers interested in doing research in the classroom May 2013 • 208 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0921-9) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0922-6) • £25.99 CASE STUDY RESEARCH International Student Edition Design and methods Fifth Edition Robert K Yin COSMOS Corporation Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fifth Edition of Robert K. Yin's bestselling text Case Study Research offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid research tool. The book's coverage of case study research and how it is applied in practice gives readers access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide variety of academic and applied fields. CONTENTS Getting Started: How to Know Whether and When to Use the Case Study as a Research Method / Designing Case Studies: Identifying Your Case(s) and Establishing the Logic of Your Case Study / Preparing to Collect Case Study Evidence: What You Need to Do before Starting to Collect Case Study Data / Collecting Case Study Evidence: The Principles You Should Follow in Working with Six Sources of Evidence /. Analyzing Case Study Evidence: How to Start Your Analysis, Your Analytic Choices, and How They Work / Reporting Case Studies: How and What to Compose / Appendix A: A Note on the Uses of Case Study Research in Psychology / Appendix B: A Note on the Uses of Case Study Research in Evaluations / Appendix C: Index of Individual Case Studies (cited in BOXES or from Expanded Case Study Materials) May 2013 • 240 pages Paper (978-1-4522-7724-0) • £34.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 59 BERA / SAGE Research Methods in Education QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION USING CASE STUDY IN EDUCATION RESEARCH Liz Atkins University of Huddersfield and Susan wallace Nottingham Trent University Lorna Hamilton University of Edinburgh and Connie Corbett-whittier Friends University, Topeka, Kansas This accessible and practical book is a perfect quick guide for postgraduate researchers in education. Looking at the interdependence of teaching and research, the authors show that a critical and analytical exploration of policies and practices is a necessary part of what we mean by being a 'professional' in education. Drawing on the authors' substantial experience of teaching research skills at postgraduate level, as well as on their own experiences as active researchers, the book will guide you through: • discourse analysis • visual methods • textual research • data collection and analysis. This book provides an accessible introduction to using case studies. It makes sense of literature in this area showing, how to generate collaborations and communicate findings. The authors bring together the practical and the theoretical, enabling readers to build expertise on the principles and practice of case study research, as well as engaging with possible theoretical frameworks. They also highlight the place of case study as a key component of educational research. With the help of this book, Master's-Level students, teacher educators and practitioner researchers will gain the confidence and skills needed to design and conduct a high-quality case study. CONTENTS Research in Education / Ethical Research in Education / Insider Research / Writing a Literature Review / Interviewing in Education Research / Case Study / Action Research / Ethnographic Research / Discourse Analysis and Policy Analysis / Text and Image in Qualitative Research / Analysing and Reporting Qualitative Data / Disseminating Your Research READERSHIP PART ONE: THE CASE STUDY APPROACH TO EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH / Defining Case Study in Education Research / Ideas as the Foundation for Case Study / PART TWO: CHOOSING THE CASE STUDY ROUTE / Key Purposes / Key Decisions / Ethics and Issues / PART THREE: DOING A CASE STUDY / Carrying out Your Study / A Practitioner Perspective / Approaches to Data Analysis / Using Technology to Manage and Analyze Your Data / PART FOUR: DISSEMINATING AND DEFENDING CASE STUDY APPROACH / Finding Your Voice / Quality and Communication / PART FIVE: COMMUNITY AND NETWORKING / Collaboration / Community-Building READERSHIP Postgraduate researchers in education BERA/SAgE RESEARCH mETHODS IN EDUCATION July 2012 • 272 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0806-9) • £65.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0807-6) • £21.99 ETHNOGRAPHY IN EDUCATION M a s te r 's - L eve l s t u d e n t s , te a c h e r e d u c a to r s a n d e m e r g i n g practitioner researchers BERA/SAgE RESEARCH mETHODS IN EDUCATION November 2012 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0816-8) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0817-5) • £19.99 ACTION RESEARCH IN EDUCATION David mills University of Oxford and missy morton University of Canterbury Ethnography in Education is an accessible guidebook to the different approaches taken by ethnographers studying education. Drawing on their own experience of teaching and using these methods, the authors help you cultivate an 'ethnographic imagination' in your own research and writing. With extended examples of ethnographic analysis, the book introduces: • ethnographic 'classics' • the best existing textbooks • debates about new approaches and innovations. CONTENTS Introduction: Schooling the Imagination / Reading Ethnography, Writing Ethnography / Ethnography by Design, Ethnography by Accident / Into the Field? Relationships, Reciprocities and Responsibilities / Being, Seeing or Writing? The Role of Fieldnotes / New Times, New Ethnographies / What Do I Do Now? Making Ethnographic Meaning / The Last Goodbye? Leaving the Field / Writing Again: Communicating Ethnographic Insights / Ethnography for Everyday / Conclusion: Unlearning and Re-Learning mary mcAteer Edge Hill University This hands-on and user-friendly book uses illustrative case studies to demonstrate and explore the potential for change in real social situations. At a time when the term 'action research' is widely misused, and often reduced to a form of low-level evaluation of imposed educational initiatives, this book seeks to assert the academic integrity of action research, and to de-mystify the process. Each chapter includes: • a 'how to' section based on concrete examples and dilemmas • commentary that relates examples to the broader field • a discussion of the underlying theoretical approach • quality issues • discussion of both ethical and pragmatic decision-making. CONTENTS Postgraduate students in education and related disciplines Getting to Know Action Research / What Is This Thing Called Action Research? / Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models / Doing Action Research / Getting Started on an Action Research Project / Collecting, Collating and Conversing with Data / Dealing with the Literature / Using Data: Making Sense and Making Claims / Writing up an Action Research Project / Sharing Action Research / Conclusion: Sharing and Promoting Action Research BERA/SAgE RESEARCH mETHODS IN EDUCATION READERSHIP READERSHIP March 2013 • 192 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0326-2) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0327-9) • £19.99 60 CONTENTS ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 Master's-Level students in education BERA/SAgE RESEARCH mETHODS IN EDUCATION March 2013 • 184 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4105-9) • £60.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4106-6) • £19.99 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Research Methods ACTION RESEARCH IN EDUCATION Learning Through Practitioner Enquiry Second Edition Vivienne Baumfield Glasgow University, Elaine Hall and Kate wall both at University of Newcastle upon Tyne Action Research in Education is an essential guide for any lecturer, teacher or studentteacher interested in doing research. This exciting new edition of a popular text is an important resource for any education professional interested in investigating learning and teaching. Building on the success of Action Research in the Classroom, the authors have revised, updated and extended this book to include examples from further and higher education. It maps out easy-to-follow steps for usefully applying an action research approach and is full of practical tips and examples of reallife practitioner research projects from a range of schools, colleges and universities. This book will help teachers to: • understand and apply practitioner inquiry • enhance their problem-solving skills • locate their own activity in a wider context • maximize opportunities to develop practice • evaluate the needs of their learners. Clear, pragmatic and timely, this is a must-have text for all teachers and students of education. CONTENTS Introducing Practitioner Enquiry / Ways of Being a Practitioner Enquirer: Beliefs, Ethics and Practice / How to Do a Practitioner Enquiry: Finding and Refining a Question / How to Do a Practitioner Enquiry: Deciding on an Approach and Complementary Methods / Taking Account of Learner Perspectives in Your Enquiry / Exploring Your Own and Your Colleagues' Professional Knowledge / Engaging with the Views of Families and the Wider Community / Making Sense of It, Making Connections and Bringing It Together / Sharing Your Findings, Finding New Questions READERSHIP Education students and practising teachers December 2012 • 184 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0719-2) • £70.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0720-8) • £23.99 DOING ACTION RESEARCH IN YOUR OWN ORGANIZATION Third Edition David Coghlan Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland and Teresa Brannick University College Dublin Revised and updated, this Third Edition contains an expanded discussion on the politics and ethics of insider action research; an expanded chapter on writing an action research dissertation; and more case examples and reflective exercises taken from a wide variety of organizational settings. 2009 • 184 pages Cloth (978-1-8486-0215-1) • £77.00 Paper (978-1-8486-0216-8) • £24.99 A STUDENT'S GUIDE TO METHODOLOGY Third Edition Peter Clough Liverpool Hope University and Cathy Nutbrown University of Sheffield The Third Edition of this hugely popular text provides students with straightforward principles and frameworks for understanding methodology. Peter Clough and Cathy Nutbrown are adept at making methodology meaningful for beginners and more advanced readers alike. Their book clearly demonstrates how methodology impacts upon every stage of the research process giving, readers all the tools needed to understand it. New to this latest edition are the following: • new boxes and guidance on research ethics in every chapter • more international examples and perspectives • up-to-date coverage of online research methods • more examples from real students • a new companion Website, featuring PowerPoint slides for lecturers. CONTENTS Fourth Edition PART ONE: RESEARCH IS METHODOLOGY / What Is Research? / What Is Methodology? / PART TWO: THE PERVASIVE NATURE OF METHODOLOGY / Looking: Seeing beyond the Known / Listening: Issues of Voice / Reading: Purpose and Positionality / Questioning: The Focus of Research / PART THREE: MAKING RESEARCH PUBLIC / Research Design: Shaping the Study / Reporting Research: Telling the Story / Research Action: Next Steps Craig A mertler Lynn University READERSHIP ACTION RESEARCH Improving Schools and Empowering Educators Action Research introduces practicing educators to the process of conducting classroom-based action research. The book’s practicality stems from its focus on research methods and procedures that educators can use with their everyday instructional practices, classroom activities, and school procedures. Students doing a dissertation or taking a research methods module in education, the social sciences, business and health February 2012 • 288 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0861-8) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-0862-5) • £24.99 December 2013 • 288 pages Paper (978-1-4522-4442-6) • £29.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 61 Research Methods HUMANIZING RESEARCH THE CODING MANUAL FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCHERS Decolonizing Qualitative Inquiry with Youth and Communities Edited by Django Paris Michigan State University and maisha T winn The University of Wisconsin-Madison Second Edition Diversity is inevitable in researching minority, indigenous and marginalized populations. In this collection, the editors have selected essays written by top scholars in education on humanizing approaches to qualitative and ethnographic inquiry with youth and their communities. Vignettes, portraits, narratives, personal and collaborative explorations, photographs and additional data excerpts bring the findings to life for a better understanding of how to use research for positive social change. CONTENTS Trust, Feeling, and Change: What We Learn, What We Share, What We Do / Too Close to the Work/There is Nothing Right Now / The Space Between: Listening and Story-ing as Foundations for Projects in Humanization (PiH) / Conducting Humanizing Research with LGBTQQ Youth through Dialogic Communication, Consciousness Raising, and Action / Navigating Institutions and Communities as Participatory Activist Researchers: Tensions, Possibilities, and Transformations / Humanizing Research in Dehumanizing Spaces: The Challenges of Conducting Participatory Action Research with Youth in Schools / Activist Ethnography with Indigenous Youth--Lessons from Humanizing Research on Language and Education / Critical Media Ethnography: Youth Media Research / The Complex Nature of Power, Relationships, and Responsibilities / La Carta de Responsabilidad: The Problem of Exiting the Field / Critical A Double-Dutch Methodology: A Kinetic Approach to Qualitative Educational Research / Revisiting the Keres Study: Learning from the Past to Engage Indigenous Youth, Elders and Teachers in Intergenerational Collaborative Research and Praxis / Revisiting Old Conversations toward New Approaches in Humanizing Research / Chapter 10: The Ethnographic Method in Educational Research: Why I Study Culture, and Why It Matters / Critical for Whom?: Theoretical and Methodological Dilemmas in Critical Approaches to Language Research / R-words: Refusing Research April 2013 • 288 pages Paper (978-1-4522-2539-5) • £38.99 Johnny Saldaña Arizona State University The Second Edition of Johnny Saldaña's international bestseller provides an in-depth guide to the multiple approaches available for coding qualitative data. Fully up to date, it includes new chapters, more coding techniques and an additional glossary. Clear, practical and authoritative, the book: • describes how coding initiates qualitative data analysis • demonstrates the writing of analytic memos • discusses available analytic software • suggests how best to use The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers for particular studies. CONTENTS An Introduction to Codes and Coding / Purposes of the Manual / What Is a Code? / Codifying and Categorizing / What Gets Coded? / The Mechanics of Coding / The Numbers of Codes / Manual and CAQDAS Coding / Solo and Team Coding / Necessary Personal Attributes for Coding / On Method / Writing Analytic Memos / The Purposes of Analytic Memo Writing / What Is an Analytic Memo? / Examples of Analytic Memos / Coding and Categorizing Analytic Memos / Grounded Theory and its Coding Canon / Analytic Memos on Visual Data / First Cycle Coding Methods / The Coding Cycles / Selecting the Appropriate Coding Method(s) / Overview of First Cycle Coding Methods / The Coding Methods Profiles / Grammatical Methods / Elemental Methods / Affective Methods / Literary and Language Methods / Exploratory Methods / Forms for Additional First Cycle Coding Methods / Themeing the Data / Procedural Methods / After First-Cycle Coding / Post-coding Transitions / Eclectic Coding / Code Mapping and Landscaping / Operational Model Diagramming / Additional Transition Methods / Transitioning to Second Cycle Coding Methods / Second Cycle Coding Methods / The Goals of Second Cycle Methods / Overview of Second Cycle Coding Methods / Second Cycle Coding Methods / Forms for Additional Second Cycle Coding Methods / After Second Cycle Coding / Post-Coding and Pre-Writing Transitions / Focusing Strategies / From Coding to Theorizing / Formatting Matters / Writing About Coding / Ordering and Reordering / Assistance from Others / Closure READERSHIP DESIGNING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Students, teachers and practitioners in education, sociology, communication, anthropology, psychology, business, political science, social work and health care October 2012 • 328 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4736-5) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4737-2) • £25.99 Fifth Edition Catherine marshall University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and gretchen B Rossman University of Massachusetts Amherst This popular text provides useful and pragmatic guidance for developing and successfully defending proposals for qualitative inquiry. The Fifth Edition addresses the advances and challenges presented by developments and new applications while providing clear and direct guidance. CONSTRUCTING GROUNDED THEORY Second Edition Kathy Charmaz Sonoma State University This Second Edition of Kathy Charmaz's groundbreaking and bestselling text retains the accessible and engaging style of the first edition to present for readers a benchmark introduction to doing grounded theory from a constructivist perspective. This book is a must-have for any student or researcher serious about understanding and doing grounded theory research. 2010 • 344 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7044-0) • £39.99 INTRODUCINg QUALITATIVE mETHODS SERIES November 2013 • 224 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-913-3) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-85702-914-0) • £24.99 62 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Research Methods An Introduction QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION Second Edition A User's guide R michael Furr Wake Forest University and Verne R Bacharach Appalachian State University Third Edition This Second Edition has been thoroughly revised to improve the clarity and accessibility of key concepts and to increase the depth of discussions. Many new tables and figures have been added and the references have been significantly updated and expanded. An entirely new chapter on confirmatory factor analysis has also been added to this edition. This new chapter focuses on the use of CFA to evaluate measurement models, including in-depth discussion of the logic and interpretation of the process. Key features of this volume: • presents information in a clear, easy-to-read, conversational style: the authors introduce concepts in a way that is accessible to non-professionals without sacrificing the academic integrity of the material • highlights practical applications: intended to enhance readers' appreciation of the importance of psychometrics, the book provides examples that will resonate with students • offers an up-to-date treatment of topics in psychometrics: the book offers readers the most contemporary views of topics in psychometrics available in the non-technical psychometric literature. Qualitative Research in Education is a core textbook for graduate courses in educational research. As with previous editions, the Third Edition provides readers with a blend of practical and theoretical information. The use of real-world examples and illustrations helps users grasp abstract ideas and apply them to their research. New to the Third Edition: • a new chapter on the use of social media for data collection, analysis, retrieval and collaboration expands students' thinking about the relationship between social media and qualitative research • the chapter on data analysis has been expanded to include an emphasis on thematic analysis and narrative approaches • did you know? sections have been updated to reflect current research • updated references in each chapter target the most recent key writing and examples. PSYCHOMETRICS April 2013 • 496 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-5680-1) • £76.00 QUALITATIVE RESEARCHING marilyn Lichtman Virginia Tech CONTENTS Traditions and Influences / Introduction and Overview of the Field / Learning How to Be a Qualitative Researcher / Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research / Designing Your Research: Five Popular Research Approaches / Designing Your Research: Additional Research Approaches / Gathering, Organizing, and Analyzing / Social Media, the Internet, and Technology / Embarking on Qualitative Research / Reflexivity and Subjectivity / . The Role and Function of a Literature Review / Learning About Others Through Interviewing / Learning About Others Through Observations and Other Techniques / Putting It All Together / Making Meaning From Your Data / Communicating Your Ideas / Judging and Evaluating / Thinking About the Future March 2012 • 368 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9532-0) • £31.99 Second Edition Jennifer mason University of Manchester Bridging the gap between 'cookbook' approaches to qualitative research and theory, this edition includes expanded coverage of observation, documents, visual data, CAQDAS and writing up qualitative research. 2002 • 224 pages Cloth (978-0-7619-7427-7) • £83.00 Paper (978-0-7619-7428-4) • £26.99 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH FOR THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCHER Laura O'Dwyer Boston College, USA and James A Bernauer Robert Morris University QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PRACTICE Q u a n t i t a t i ve R e s e a r c h f o r t h e Q ualit at ive Researcher provides students with a conceptual and practical understanding of quantitative methodology for behavioral research so that they will be better prepared both cognitively and attitudinally. The text explains the fundamental structure and purposes of design, measurement, and statistics within the framework of a research report (including a dissertation). The book is designed for students who struggle with or are not predisposed to mathematical or scientific thinking. A guide for Social Science Students and Researchers November 2013 • 136 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9779-9) • £18.99 Edited by Jane Ritchie and Jane Lewis both at National Centre for Social Research, London In this excellent introduction to the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of qualitative research, the authors deal with issues at all stages in a very direct, clear, systematic and practical manner and thus make the processes involved in qualitative research more transparent. 2003 • 336 pages Cloth (978-0-7619-7109-2) • £75.00 Paper (978-0-7619-7110-8) • £27.99 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 63 Research Methods QUALITATIVE INQUIRY AND RESEARCH DESIGN DISCOVERING STATISTICS USING IBM SPSS STATISTICS Choosing Among Five Approaches Fourth Edition Third Edition Andy Field University of Sussex John w Creswell University of Nebraska, Lincoln In this Third Edition of his bestselling text, John W Creswell explores the philosophical underpinnings, history and key elements of each of five qualitative inquiry traditions: narrative research; phenomenology; grounded theory; ethnography; and case study. In his signature accessible writing style, the author relates research designs to each of the traditions of inquiry. He compares theoretical frameworks, ways to employ standards of quality and strategies for writing introductions to studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a narrative and verifying results. CONTENTS Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks / Designing a Qualitative Study / Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry / Five Different Qualitative Studies / Introducing and Focusing the Study / Data Collection / Data Analysis and Representation / Writing a Qualitative Study / Standards of Validation and Reliability in Qualitative Research / "Turning the Story" and Conclusion / Appendix A. An Annotated Glossary of Terms / Appendix B. A Narrative Research Study / Appendix C. A Phenomenological Study / Appendix D. A Grounded Theory Study / Appendix E. An Ethnography / Appendix F. A Case Study READERSHIP Advanced undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in introductory qualitative research methods across the social, behavioural and health sciences May 2012 • 472 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9531-3) • £62.00 Paper (978-1-4129-9530-6) • £39.99 Andy Field's bestselling Discovering Statistics Using SPSS Fourth Edition, already an immensely comprehensive textbook - taking students from first principles to advanced statistical concepts, and all the while grounding knowledge through the use of SPSS - now focuses on providing essential updates, better accessibility to its key features, more instructor resources and broader reach to new student groups - with powerful new digital developments on the textbook's companion Website. March 2013 • 912 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4917-8) • £110.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4918-5) • £41.99 Print and Electronic Bundle (978-1-4462-6391-4) • £46.99 STATISTICS FOR PEOPLE WHO (THINK THEY) HATE STATISTICS Fourth Edition Neil J Salkind University of Kansas The bestseller continues to help instructors teach an often intimidating and difficult subject in a way that is informative, personable and clear. RESEARCH DESIGN 2010 • 472 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7959-7) • £45.99 Creating Robust Approaches for the Social Sciences Stephen gorard University of York This new book: discusses the nature of design; gives an introduction to design notation; offers a flexible approach to new designs; looks at a range of standard design models; and presents craft tips for real-life problems and compromises. Most importantly, it provides the rationale for preferring one design over another within any given context. Each section is illustrated with case studies of real work and concludes with suggested readings and topics for discussion in seminars and workshops, making it an ideal textbook for postgraduate research methods courses. CONTENTS PART ONE: INTRODUCTION: 'DESIGN' AS DISTINCT FROM METHODS / What Is Research Design? / Introducing Designs in the Cycle of Research / PART TWO: THE PRELIMINARIES OF RESEARCH DESIGN / Identifying Researchable Questions / Warranting Research Claims / The Nature of Causal Claims / PART THREE: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER / Identifying the Sample or Cases / Allocating Cases to Sub-Groups / Matters of Timing and Sequence / Experimental Designs / PART FOUR: MORE ADVANCED CONSIDERATIONS / A Range of Further Designs / Issues of Validity / How Big Is a Difference? / Second Principle of Ethics / PART FIVE: CONCLUSION / Developing a First Proposal / Conclusion: Summary of Need for Design DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE RESEARCH PROPOSALS Second Edition Keith F Punch University of Western Australia This indispensable guide includes: expanded sections covering research strategy, research planning and academic writing; examples of successful research proposals from across the social science disciplines; and a more comprehensive discussion of ethics. 2006 • 176 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-2125-1) • £74.00 Paper (978-1-4129-2126-8) • £24.99 READERSHIP Postgraduate researchers and academics February 2013 • 240 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4901-7) • £75.00 Paper (978-1-4462-4902-4) • £24.99 64 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Reference SAGE HANDBOOK OF MIXED METHODS IN SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH Second Edition Abbas Tashakkori University of North Texas, USA, Charles Teddlie Louisiana State University, USA Surveying the differing viewpoints and disciplinary approaches to using mixed methods, this volume helps the reader explore the answers to a wide range of key questions in the field. 2010 • 912 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-7266-6) • £95.00 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF ACTION RESEARCH Participative Inquiry and Practice Second Edition Edited by Peter Reason University of Bath and Hilary Bradbury Oregon Health & Science University Building on the strength of the seminal first edition, The SAgE Handbook of Action Research has been completely updated to bring chapters in line with the latest research approaches in this field of social inquiry. Cloth 2007 / Paper March 2013 • 752 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-2029-2) • £95.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7114-8) • £39.99 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF EDUCATION ACTION RESEARCH Edited by Susan E Noffke University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and Bridget Somekh Manchester Metropolitan University Action research continues to play a major role in democratizing educational inquiry. This volume demonstrates why this is the case. It provides a set of articulate and sensitive analyses that deserve a wide readership – Michael W Apple, University of Wisconsi and Institute of Education, University of London This handbook presents and critiques predominant and emergent traditions of educational action research internationally. Now a prominent methodology, educational action research is well suited to exploring, developing and sustaining change processes both in classrooms and whole organizations such as schools, departments of education and many segments of universities. Cloth 2009 / Paper March 2013 • 568 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-4708-4) • £110.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7054-7) • £29.99 SAGE HANDBOOK OF DIGITAL DISSERTATIONS AND THESES Edited by Richard Andrews Institute of Education University of London, Erik Borg Coventry University, Stephen Boyd Davis Royal College of Art, myrrh Domingo New York University and Jude England British Library This handbook sets out the processes and products of 'digital' research. It is a theoretical and practical guide on how to undertake and navigate advanced research in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Topics covered include: • how to make research more accessible • the use of search engines and other sources to determine the scope of work • research training for students • what will theses, dissertations and research reports look like in 10 years time? • the storing and archiving of such research • ethics and methodologies in the field • intercultural issues. CONTENTS PART ONE: INSTITUTIONAL PERSPECTIVES / PART TWO: STUDENT PERSPECTIVES / PART THREE: ETHICAL AND INTERCULTURAL ISSUES / PART FOUR: MULTIMODALITY,INCLUDING THE REPRESENTATION AND PRESENTATION OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS / PART FIVE: ARCHIVING, STORAGE AND ACCESSIBILITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE / PART SIX: RESEARCH METHODS READERSHIP Researchers, supervisors and administrators; and library collections June 2012 • 548 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-739-9) • £95.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4462-0103-9) THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF EARLY CHILDHOOD LITERACY Second Edition Edited by Joanne Larson University of Rochester, New York and Jackie marsh University of Sheffield This new edition of the much-loved The SAgE Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy has been revised and updated to retain its cutting-edge focus on emergent and important areas of research. This comprehensive and groundbreaking work guides the reader through current social, cultural and historical analysis on a global scale. The new edition contains a greater range of methodologies, and includes chapters on: • space and literacy • disabilities and early childhood literacy • digital literacies • indigenous literacy • play and literacy • policy. READERSHIP BA QTS students; MEd in Literacy students; PhD students; undergraduate, postgraduate and CPD students; researchers and literacy-centre personnel; anyone involved in early years education and teaching reading and writing November 2012 • 704 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-924-9) • £95.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4462-4751-8) Available as inspection copy for lecturers 65 Reference DEBATING ISSUES IN AMERICAN EDUCATION A SAGE Reference Set Edited by Charles J Russo University of Dayton This issues-based reference set on education in the United States, from the editor of Encyclopedia of Law and Higher Education and Encyclopedia of Education Law, tackles broad, contentious topics that have prompted debate and discussion within the education community. The volumes focus on pre-school through secondary education and explores prominent and perennially important debates. This set is an essential reference resource for undergraduate students within schools of education and related fields including educational administration, educational psychology, school psychology, human development and more. November 2012 • 3096 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8978-7) • £550.00 Special Introductory Offer: £450.00 TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOLS CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Edited by Kevin P Brady North Carolina State University Edited by A Jonathan Eakle The Johns Hopkins University October 2012 • 352 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8759-2) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1837-3) DEBATINg ISSUES IN AmERICAN EDUCATION: A SAgE REFERENCE SET October 2012 • 376 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8808-7) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1846-5) SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND SAFETY Edited by Suzanne E Eckes Indiana University, Bloomington and Charles J Russo University of Dayton October 2012 • 392 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8756-1) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1865-6) Edited by Richard C Hunter Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain, Frank Brown University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Saran Donahoo Southern Illinois University Carbondale October 2012 • 392 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8765-3) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1834-2) SCHOOL LAW Edited by Charles J Russo University of Dayton October 2012 • 384 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8758-5) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1835-9) SCHOOL FINANCE STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN SCHOOLS Edited by Thomas J Lasley, II University of Dayton, USA October 2012 • 408 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8766-0) • £55.00 Edited by william E Thro University of Kentucky October 2012 • 432 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8757-8) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1866-3) ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLING AND SCHOOL CHOICE DIVERSITY IN SCHOOLS Edited by Frank Brown University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Richard C Hunter Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain and Saran Donahoo Southern Illinois University Carbondale October 2012 • 400 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8764-6) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1849-6) ORDER TODAY Edited by Charles J Russo University of Dayton October 2012 • 432 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8775-2) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1863-2) SCHOOL GOVERNANCE 66 RELIGION IN SCHOOLS +44 (0)20 7324 8703 Edited by Allan g Osborne, Jr Principal (Retired), Snug Harbor Community School, Quincy, Massachusetts, Charles J Russo University of Dayton and gerald m Cattaro Fordham University October 2012 • 400 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8795-0) • £55.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1832-8) +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Reference ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCHOOL HEALTH Edited by David C wiley Texas State University, San Marcos and Amy C Cory Valparaiso University Children spend more time at school than anywhere else except home; thus, schools can have a major effect on children's health by providing a healthy physical environment, serving meals and snacks built around sound nutritional guidelines, and teaching about health, as well as modelling and promoting healthy behaviours. School health-services programmes involve not only school nurses and focus not only on nursing practice, standards and performance issues, they also include services and classes to teach students the information and skills they need to become health-literate, to maintain and improve their health, to prevent disease and to reduce risky behaviours impacting health. The Encyclopedia of School Health offers quick access to health and wellness information most relevant to children in America's K-12 school setting. Valuable guidance is provided on: developmental stages; acute and chronic illnesses; special education; nutrition; crisis response; prevention; and more. November 2013 • 952 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9600-6) • £80.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-7625-0) HANDBOOK OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY TEACHING A global Perspective Edited by James E groccia Auburn University, USA, mohammed A T Alsudairi King Saud University and william Buskist Auburn University, USA Using a unique global view, this comprehensive volume presents international perspectives on critical issues impacting teaching and learning in diverse higher-education environments. The need to understand learning and teaching from multiple-cultural perspectives has become critically important in educating the next generation of college students. Education experts from around the world share their perspectives on college and university teaching, illuminating international differences and similarities. The chapters are organized around a model developed by James E Groccia, which focuses on seven interrelated variables that must be explored to develop a full perspective of college and university teaching and learning. March 2012 • 560 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8815-5) • £95.00 SAGE HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT Edited by James H mcmillan Virginia Commonwealth University, USA The SAgE Handbook of Research on Classroom Assessment provides a comprehensive source of research on all aspects of K-12 classroom assessment. The emphasis is on theory, conceptual frameworks and all types of research (quantitative, qualitative, mixed method) to provide in-depth understanding of the knowledge base in each area of classroom assessment and how to conduct inquiry in each area. The Handbook includes a par ticular emphasis on how classroom assessment practices affect student achievement and teacher behaviour. December 2012 • 576 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9587-0) • £95.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1864-9) THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION Edited by Darla K Deardorff Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, Hans de wit Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Hans de wit Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences, John D Heyl CEA Global Education, Tempe, Arizona, USA and Tony Adams The SAgE Handbook of International Higher Education examines the internationalization of higher education from a marginal to a core dimension of higher education worldwide. This mainstreaming of internationalization is a fascinating phenomenon: new concepts, programme, providers and methods of delivery are emerging; impressive national and regional scholarship programmes have been established; radical reforms have been undertaken to make higher education globally competitive; and mobility of students and scholars has increased around the world. October 2012 • 552 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9921-2) • £95.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-18397) THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF LEADERSHIP Edited by Alan Bryman University of Leicester, David Collinson University of Lancaster, Keith grint University of Warwick, UK, Brad Jackson University of Auckland and mary Uhl-Bien University of Nebraska, Lincoln A one-stop reference on the state of leadership, encompassing macro, political, philosophical, psychological and cultural perspectives, with contributions from a 'who's who' of scholars in leadership studies. 2011 • 592 pages Cloth (978-1-84860-146-8) • £95.00 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF VISUAL RESEARCH METHODS Edited by Eric margolis Arizona State University, USA and Luc Pauwels University of Antwerp, The Netherlands Visual methods is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic and contested of fields. This handbook is not only "about" research, it is also an example of the way that the visual can be incorporated in data collection and the presentation of research findings. 2011 • 776 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-556-3) • £95.00 Available as inspection copy for lecturers 67 Reference HANDBOOK OF YOUTH MENTORING SAGE HANDBOOK OF EMOTIONAL & BEHAVIORAL DIFFICULTIES Second Edition Edited by David L DuBois University of Illinois, Chicago and michael J Karcher University of Texas at San Antonio Second Edition The definitive Handbook of Youth mentoring is a state-of-the art compilation of the research, practice and application of best practices in the field of youth mentoring. The first edition won the award by the SRA for the best edited book, and the new Second Edition increases its focus on practical application and implementation of best practices. This edition includes several new chapters on emerging areas of research and practice, such as: • developmental issues in mentoring • social class • electronic mentoring and media • mental-health problems and special needs • mentoring immigrant youth. CONTENTS Frameworks and Foundations / Mentoring Relationships / Cultural Perspectives / Programs and Contexts / Special Populations / Practice and Programmatic Considerations THE SAgE PROgRAm ON APPLIED DEVELOPmENTAL SCIENCE April 2013 • 520 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8013-5) • £85.00 Paper (978-1-4129-8014-2) • £58.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4129-9660-7) October 2013 • 544 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-4722-8) • £95.00 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE Edited by Darla K Deardorff Duke University, Durham, NC, USA This title brings together, in one volume, the leading experts and scholars from a variety of fields, and from around the world who do work in intercultural competence. 2009 • 560 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-6045-8) • £95.00 SAGE HANDBOOK OF MENTORING AND COACHING IN EDUCATION HANDBOOK OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Edited by David Kirk University of Bedfordshire, Doune macDonald niversity of Queensland and mary O'Sullivan University of Limerick Edited by Sarah Fletcher Independent Consultant and Carol A mullen University of North Carolina at Greensboro This Handbook is a leading source of ideas and information. It covers national and international research on schools, higher education and disciplines within and beyond education. The editors draw together contributions and present evidence bases and alternative world views in which concepts are both untangled and substantiated. Unique in its coverage, the Handbook maps current knowledge and understanding, values and skills underpinning educational mentoring and coaching for learning. The contributors, who are leading scholars and practitioners, address issues of theory and practice in school, higher education and other educational contexts, and set out practical applications of coaching and mentoring for practitioners and researchers. They also addresses social justice issues, such as those involving traditional and technical forms of mentoring and coaching, democratic and accountability agendas, and institutional and historical patterns of learning. CONTENTS PART ONE: THEORIES OF MENTORING AND COACHING / PART TWO: SKILLS, VALUES AND UNDERSTANDINGS / PART THREE: CULTURALLY BASED CONCEPTS / PART FOUR: SCHOOL CONTEXTS / PART FIVE: ADULT AND HIGHER EDUCATION CONTEXTS / PART SIX: INCLUSION / PART SEVEN: RESEARCH ISSUES READERSHIP This is simply the physical education book of its time. The editors must be congratulated on bringing together so many quality authors from so many different parts of the world. As a handbook, it represents how far the study of physical education has moved forward in recent times. What we have is a clear portrayal of physical education at the start of the 21st century – Mike Jess, University of Edinburgh Cloth 2006 / Paper March 2013 • 864 pages Cloth (978-1-7619-4412-6) • £110.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7050-9) • £29.99 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Second Edition Edited by Lani Florian University of Aberdeen Practitioners, researchers, educators and policy makers; also library collections March 2012 • 568 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-753-5) • £95.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4462-4754-9) 68 Edited by Philip garner University of Northampton James Kauffman University of Virginia and Julian Elliot University of Durham ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 November 2013 • 620 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-1053-6) • £95.00 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 Reference THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Edited by Richard Bailey Independent Scholar, Robin Barrow Simon Fraser University, David Carr University of Edinburgh and Christina mcCarthy University of Iowa A user-friendly guide to the philosophy of education, its extent, its key thinkers and movements, and its potential contribution to a range of educational concerns. Cloth 2006 / Paper March 2013 • 864 pages Cloth (978-1-84787--467-2) • £110.00 Paper (978-1-4462-7041-7) • £29.99 SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION An A-to-Z guide Edited by James Ainsworth Georgia State University Sociology of Education introduces students to the social constructions of our educational systems and their many players, including students and their peers, teachers, parents, the broader community, politicians and policy makers. August 2013 • 1056 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-0505-2) • £265.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-7615-1) Special Introductory Offer: £225.00 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DIVERSITY IN EDUCATION Edited by James A Banks University of Washington, USA With 695 signed entries with cross-references and recommended readings, the Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education in both print and electronic formats, presents research and statistics, case studies and best practices, policies and programmes at pre- and post-secondary levels. Diversity is a worldwide phenomenon, and while most of the entries in the Encyclopedia focus on the United States, diversity issues and developments in nations around the world, including the United States, are intricately connected. Consequently, to illuminate the many aspects of diversity, the volumes contain entries from different nations in the world. From A-to-Z, the Encyclopedia covers the full spectrum of diversity issues, including race, class, gender, religion, language, exceptionality and the global dimensions of diversity as they relate to education. There is also an appendix consisting of a chronology of significant events related to diversity. This four-volume reference work is the definitive reference for diversity issues in education around the world. July 2012 • 2600 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-8152-1) • £385.00 E-ISBN (978-1-4522-1853-3) Available as inspection copy for lecturers 69 New & Recent Major Works EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION THEORIES OF LEARNING Four-Volume Set Edited by David Scott University of London Four-Volume Set Bringing together a wide -ranging selection of articles, written by elite of internationally-renowned scholars, this four-volume collection aims to provide an overview of the many theories of learning, from Aristotle to the present day. Edited by Fenwick w English The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE 2009 • 1768 pages Cloth (978-1-84787-564-8) • £600.00 October 2012 • 1640 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0907-3) • £600.00 Special Introductory Offer: £550.00 ONLINE LEARNING Four-Volume Set SOCIAL THEORY AND EDUCATION RESEARCH Edited by michael Thomas University of Central Lancashire Online Learning examines the influence of new technologies on online pedagogy and provides an authoritative synthesis of existing research in the field. It also investigates the direction of e-learning in the digital age. Four-Volume Set mark murphy Glasgow University This exciting new major work turns the spotlight on social theory and education research, taking a look at key thinkers and setting out the relevance of their ideas to education. SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE 2011 • 1680 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-765-8) • £600.00 SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE January 2013 • 1496 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5312-0) • £600.00 LITERACY TEACHING AND EDUCATION Special Introductory Offer: £550.00 Four-Volume Set TEACHING AND LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Edited by Dominic wyse Institute of Education, University of London Dominic Wyse, a leading scholar in literacy, curriculum and pedagogy, has distilled the significant body of knowledge in this vital area of research, policy and practice into a four-volume collection. Four-Volume Set Edited by James E groccia and william F Buskist both at Auburn University, USA SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE 2011 • 1536 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-507-4) • £600.00 December 2013 • 1664 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5715-9) • £600.00 Special Introductory Offer: £550.00 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD LITERACY Four-Volume Set Edited by Iram Siraj-Blatchford and Aziza mayo both at University of London Four-Volume Set Edited by Kate Pahl University of Sheffield and Jennifer Rowsell Brock University, Canada SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE November 2011 • 1632 pages Cloth (978-1-84920-737-9) • £600.00 SAgE LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUgHT & PRACTICE November 2011 • 1688 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-977-5) • £600.00 70 ORDER TODAY +44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700 New & Recent Major Works LITERACY STUDIES Five-Volume Set Edited by michael J Baynham University of Leeds and mastin Prinsloo University of Cape Town This four-volume collection lays out the foundations and nuances of literacy studies. With a full introduction to the set and to each volume, researchers will find in this set a comprehensive guide to this crucial area of study. SAgE BENCHmARKS IN LANgUAgE AND LINgUISTICS July 2013 • 2080 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-5315-1) • £750.00 Special Introductory Offer £675.00 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS DATA Four-Volume Set Edited by Roger Penn and Damon Berridge University of Lancaster This new four-volume colle ction, assembled and introduced by the esteemed editorial team of 2010's acclaimed Social Statistics (Volumes I - IV), tracks the development of statistical methods for continuous, or interval-scale data. 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SAgE BENCHmARKS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH mETHODS OBSERVATION METHODS Four-Volume Set Janu ary 2013 • 1624 pages Cloth (978-0-85702-827-3) • £600.00 Special Introductory Offer: £550.00 Edited by Barry Smart, Kay Peggs and Joseph Burridge all at University of Portsmouth This collection, drawing together key contributions on observation methods in social research, provides comprehensive coverage of the historical development of observational methods and techniques and offers analytic reflection on the various issues involved in the scientific practice of observation. SAgE BENCHmARKS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH mETHODS February 2013 • 1680 pages Cloth (978-1-4462-0811-3) • £600.00 Special Introductory Offer: £550.00 ETHNOGRAPHIC METHODS IN EDUCATION Four-Volume Set Edited by Sara Delamont Cardiff University Demonstrating the long and fascinating history of the use of ethnographic research methods, this collection brings together disparate research from key figures in the field. 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