EDGE+ Features Activation Guide



文档名称文档密级 EDGE+ Features Activation Guide 1 Configuring MSRD Procedure    Activation Procedure 1. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLPSCHM. In this step, set MSRD PDCH Multiplex Threshold to 10 and MSRD MCS Threshold to MCS9(MCS9). Verification Procedure 1. Assume that the interference is the same and dual carrier in the downlink is not supported. Use the MS that supports MSRD to perform packet services. Check that the rate of this MS is more stable than the MS that does not support MSRD. Deactivation Procedure 1. This feature does not need to be deactivated. Example //Activating MSRD SET GCELLPSCHM: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, MSRDPDCHLEV=10, MSRDMCSLEV=MCS9; 2 Configuring Dual Carriers in Downlink Procedure   Activation Procedure 1. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. In this step, set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU), EDGE to YES(Yes), and Support Downlink Dual-Carrier to SUPPORT(Support). Verification Procedure 1. Use the MS to perform streaming services. 2013-2-7 华为保密信息,未经授权禁止扩散 第 1 页, 共 4 页 Uplink EGPRS2-A Fixed MCS Type and Downlink EGPRS2-A Fixed MCS Type to the coding types required by the test.文档名称 文档密级 2.未经授权禁止扩散 第 2 页. Use the MS to perform the PING service. 2. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU) and EGPRS2-A to NO(No). GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. 4. In this step. CELLID=0. DLDCSPT=UNSUPPORT. DLDCSPT=SUPPORT. In this step. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLEGPRSPARA. 3. //Deactivating DLDC SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. Use the MS to perform the PING service. set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU) and Support Downlink Dual-Carrier to UNSUPPORT(Not Support). EDGE=YES. The uplink/downlink EGRPS2-A coding schemes set in Step 1 can be viewed. 3 Configuring the EGPRS2-A Procedure    Activation Procedure 1. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. 共 4 页 . Example //Activating DLDC SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. Refer to Monitoring Channel Status to check the usage of occupied channels. set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU) and EGPRS2-A to YES(Yes). Deactivation Procedure 2013-2-7 华为保密信息. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. In this step. The output result shows that only the coding schemes from MCS1 to MCS9 are used. EDGE to NO(No). and Tracing PS Domain Messages on the Um Interface on the BSC6900 LMT. GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. In this step. EDGE=NO. In this step. Verification Procedure 1. Expected result:  Deactivation Procedure 1. CELLID=0. and Tracing PS Domain Messages on the Um Interface on the BSC6900 LMT. set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU) and Support Reduced Latency Capability to UNSUPPORT(Unsupport). SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. CELLID=0. 共 4 页 . //Deactivation Procedure SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. the number of RTTI TBFs on the PDCH is not zero. CELLID=0. Run the BSC6900 MML command DSP PDCH to query the status of the PDCH. Verification Procedure 1. GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. //Verification Procedure SET GCELLEGPRSPARA: IDTYPE=BYID. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. EGPRS2A=NO. Example //Activating Latency Reduction 2013-2-7 华为保密信息. In this step. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. Deactivation Procedure 1. In this step. set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU). GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. CELLID=0. UPE2AFIXMCS=MCS2. Expected Result: In the displayed result. EGPRS2A=YES. Example //Activation Procedure SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. CELLID=0. In this step.未经授权禁止扩散 第 3 页. 4 Configuring Latency Reduction Procedure    Activation Procedure 1. Run the BSC6900 MML command SET GCELLGPRS. Use the MS to perform conversational services in the PS domain. set GPRS to SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU) and EGPRS2-A to NO(No). EGPRS2A=NO. and Support Reduced Latency Capability to SUPPORT(Support). DNE2AFIXMCS=MCS2. 2.文档名称 文档密级 1. EDGE to YES(Yes). CELLID=0.文档名称 文档密级 SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. GPRS=SupportAsInnPcu. //Deactivating Latency Reduction SET GCELLGPRS: IDTYPE=BYID. CELLID=0.未经授权禁止扩散 第 4 页. SPTREDUCELATENCY=UNSUPPORT. 共 4 页 . EDGE=YES. 2013-2-7 华为保密信息. SPTREDUCELATENCY=SUPPORT. EDGE=YES.
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