EDDL Charts

March 16, 2018 | Author: A340_600 | Category: Air Traffic Control, Airport, Airlines, Instrument Flight Rules, Aeronautics



J E P P E S E NJeppView EDDL (Dusseldorf) Airport Information General Info Dusseldorf, DEU N 51°16.9' E 06°45.4' Mag Var: 0.0°W Elevation: 147' Public, IFR, Control Tower, Rotating Beacon, Customs, Landing Fee Fuel: Jet A-1 Repairs: Major Airframe, Major Engine Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 05L-23R 8858' x 148' concrete Runway 05R-23L 9843' x 148' concrete Runway 05L (53.0°M) TDZE 116' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL Displaced Threshold Distance 984' Runway 05R (53.0°M) TDZE 121' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 985' Runway 23L (233.0°M) TDZE 138' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 985' Runway 23R (233.0°M) TDZE 124' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 984' Communications Info ATIS 123.775 Dusseldorf Tower 118.3 Dusseldorf Tower 378.35 Military Dusseldorf Ground Control 121.9 Dusseldorf De-Icing Ramp/Taxi Control 135.225 Dusseldorf De-Icing Ramp/Taxi Control 122.775 Dusseldorf De-Icing Ramp/Taxi Control 122.125 Dusseldorf De-Icing Ramp/Taxi Control 121.6 Dusseldorf Clearance Delivery 121.775 Dusseldorf Director (Approach Control Radar) 128.65 Notebook Info Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF JEPPESEN + AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1.1. ATIS *D-ATIS 115.15 123.77 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES For additional depiction refer to 10-4. 1.2.1. RUNWAY USAGE Use of RWYs 05L/23R is restricted to MAX 56 hours per week (7 days period, MON - SUN, 0600-2200LT). APT company has to promulgate a weekly schedule of operating hours in advance to permitting ministry and DFS (ATC). Outside these published hours northern RWYs 05L/23R is to be used as alternative RWYs only. 1.2.2. NIGHT FLYING RESTRICTIONS Turbine-powered ACFT not licensed according to ICAO Annex 16 Take-offs and landings are not permitted between 1900LT(1850LT off blocks)-0800LT. Turbine-powered ACFT licensed according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 2 Take-offs and landings are not permitted between 1900LT(1850LT off blocks)-0800LT. Turbine-powered ACFT licensed according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 3 not included in the Bonus List of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing Scheduled take-offs and landings are not permitted between 2200LT(2150LT off blocks)-0600LT. Turbine-powered ACFT licensed according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 3 included in the Bonus List of the Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing - Scheduled take-offs are not permitted between 2200LT (2150LT off blocks)-0600LT. - For delayed take-offs in scheduled air services or scheduled charter services the Aviation Supervision Office may grant exceptional permission in individual cases until 2300LT(2250LT off blocks), if required to maintain the safety of flight operations or to avoid considerable disturbance to the operation of an air carrier. - Scheduled landings are not permitted between 2300-0600LT. - Delayed landings in scheduled air services or scheduled charter services are not permitted between 2330-0600LT. - Delayed landings of ACFT engaged in scheduled air services or scheduled charter services and owned by air carriers who have their local maintenance facilities recognized by the approving authority at Dusseldorf APT are not permitted between 2400-0500LT. If a recognized local main maintenance facility becomes vacant, the approving authority may recognize Dusseldorf APT as the local main maintenance facility at the request of another air carrier. Propeller-driven ACFT - Take-offs and landings are not permitted between 2200LT(2150LT off blocks) - 0600LT. - Excepted are take-offs and landings of propeller-driven ACFT with one of the following noise licenses: ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6 or 10. The following applies to propeller-driven ACFT exceeding 9t MTOM: - Scheduled take-offs are not permitted between 2200LT (2150LT off blocks)-0600LT. - For delayed take-offs in scheduled air services or scheduled charter services, the Aviation Supervision Office may grant exceptional permission in individual cases until 2300LT (2250LT off blocks) if required to maintain the safety of flight operations or to avoid considerable disturbance to the operation of an air carrier. - Scheduled landings are not permitted between 2300LT-0600LT. - Delayed landings in scheduled air services or scheduled charter services are not permitted between 2330LT-0600LT. 10-1P 23 OCT 09 1. GENERAL Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF JEPPESEN + AIRPORT.BRIEFING Excluded from the restrictions above are: - Landings of ACFT provably approaching Dusseldorf APT as alternate aerodrome for meteorological, technical or other safety reasons. - Take-offs and landings on a mission in disasters or rendering medical assistance as well as in other emergency cases; take-offs, however, only subject to individual permission by the Aviation Supervision Office. - Flight checks conducted by the DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH) Deviating from the above-mentioned regulations the "Bezirksregierung" Dusseldorf (Aviation Supervision Office at Dusseldorf APT) may grant additional exceptions in justified individual cases, especially if necessary to avoid considerable disturbance of air traffic or in cases of special public interest. If appropriate, applications shall be submitted to: Luftaufsichtsstelle Flughafen Dusseldorf 40474 Dusseldorf Tel: ++49-(0)211-4216364 Fax: ++49-(0)211-4216493. Clearance for take-offs during closing times issued by ATC do not comprise the necessary exceptional permission of the Aviation Supervision Office at Dusseldorf APT. Exceptional permission for night landings during the closing times will not generally be granted by ATC via radio telephony. Accordingly, a landing clearance issued by ATC for safety reasons will not necessarily include the decision of the Aviation Supervision Office about the admissibility of a night landing. In case of a delayed or premature landing (before 0500LT) not approved by the Aviation Supervision Office the pilot shall appear in person at the Aviation Supervision Office immediately after landing in order to justify the admissibility of the night landing. 1.2.3. REVERSE THRUST Reverse thrust other than idle should not be used between 2200-0600LT except for safety reasons. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS Run-ups of turbo-powered engines are generally permitted only with the noise suppressor device specified in the airport regulations. 1.3. TAXI PROCEDURES 1.3.1. GENERAL Apron West MAX wingspan 102 '/31m. TWY K MAX wingspan 94 '/28.5m. TWY E only usable if stand V01 not occupied. Follow-me car required. Use TWY G with ATC permission only. RWY 05R exit via TWY L not possible. TWY L available for all ACFT except B777 and A340-600. On TWYs L and M, ACFT with wingspan up to 198’/60.3m can overtake eachother. Wingtip clearance is reduced to 39’/12m. 1.3.2. TAXIING ON APRON ACFT are permitted to taxi only at the absolute minimum engine speed. Within apron area between TWY T and C parallel taxiing for B747-400/B777/A330/ A340 not possible. Within apron area between TWY Q and R parallel taxiing possible for B747, B777, A330 and A340. 10-1P1 23 OCT 09 1. GENERAL Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF JEPPESEN + AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1.4. PARKING INFORMATION Stands A01 thru A04, A08 thru A10, A12, A13, A15, A16, B01 thru B04, B06, B08 thru B10 and C01 thru C08 are equipped with AGNIS. On stands C02, C03, V68 and V70 wingtip clearance for B747-400 may be reduced to 16'/5m. Push-back required from all stands except from V01, V61 thru V74 and V91 thru V96. 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES ATC clearance for visual or VMC approaches will not be granted to arriving IFR flights. Exceptions may be granted to propeller-driven ACFT up to 5700kg MPW. 2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWYs 05R, 23L and 23R approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew and ACFT certification required. 3.1. DE-ICING 3.1.1. GENERAL De-icing areas are established at: - DA-West (within the area of parking positions V61 thru V71) for take-off RWY 05L or 05R. - DA-East (within the area of parking positions V01 thru V08) for take-off RWY 23L or 23R. De-icing on remote position has to be indicated to "DUSSELDORF Delivery" by use of phraseology: "Request start-up for remote de-ice". After the de-icing process has been completed contact DUSSELDORF Ground. In complex weather and traffic conditions departure slots for all ACFT (even ACFT which need no anti/de-ice) might be necessary. Adhere to slot is mandatory. 3.1.2. START-UP CFMU taxi time as necessary will be announced via ATIS as follows: Taxi time 30 min. Departing ACFT requiring de-icing and with CFMU slot are requested to call for start-up at CTOT minus 35 min in order to be at the RWY at beginning of slot, CTOT minus 5 min. 3.1.3. COMMUNICATIONS After parking the ACFT on the de-icing area, the pilot will report flight number and ACFT type to DUSSELDORF De-icing Pos.1: 121.6, Pos.2: 122.12, Pos.3: 122.77 or Pos.4:135.22 for the beginning of de-icing. After the de-icing procedure has been completed, the pilot-in-command shall report "ready to taxi" to Ground. 10-1P2 16 JAN 09 1. GENERAL 2. ARRIVAL 3. DEPARTURE Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF JEPPESEN + AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3.1.4. TAXIING The ACFT will be subsequently guided by a Follow-me car to a vacant de-icing position. Taxiing maneuvers may be carried out with the absolute minimum number of engine revolutions required only. 3.2. START-UP, PUSH-BACK & TAXI PROCEDURES 3.2.1. START-UP Pilots shall request clearance for starting the engines from DUSSELDORF Delivery. On initial radio contact the parking position concerned shall always be indicated. After starting the engines pilots are instructed to establish contact with DUSSELDORF Ground. 3.2.2. PUSH-BACK ACFT may leave nose-in positions only by the aid of tow tractors. Reverse thrust or variable pitch propellers shall not be used. To obtain instructions, pilots are requested to contact the driver of the tow tractor. Clearance for push-back by push- back driver only. Push-back shall only be requested if the pilot is able to perform the maneuver immediately. In order to avoid delays, the engines shall be started during push-back. After completed push-back, "ready to taxi" shall be reported to aerodrome control. 3.2.3. TAXIING Permission to taxi from a taxi-out position may only be requested if the pilot is able to perform the manoeuvre immediately. 3.3. SPEED RESTRICTIONS MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3.4. OTHER INFORMATION 3.4.1. DATALINK DEPARTURE CLEARANCE (DCL) DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH) is offering to grant start-up and enroute clearances using Datalink. The procedures are described in a separate AIC. The following temporal parameters apply: t i 25 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. 30 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. t t 11 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights 16 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. t 0 1 min t 1 5 min t 2 1 min 10-1P3 16 JAN 09 3. DEPARTURE Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 264^ D24 2 3 4 ^ D 2 0 N51 27.5 E006 38.6 N51 17.3 E006 33.2 N51 25.3 E007 10.3 N51 25.2 E007 32.2 N E T H E R - L A N D S Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS 10-2 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 115.15 123.77 Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF B-RNAV EQUIPMENT NECESSARY LIMA 311 LMA N51 22.3 E006 23.7 D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 LEBTI N51 08.0 E006 44.0 VALSU TEBRO N51 53.7 E006 35.3 GAPNU N51 22.7 E006 44.5 RONAD BOMBA N51 33.1 E007 06.4 XAMOD N51 41.4 E007 08.1 DOLAV DOMUX IBIKO 084^ 0 5 4 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5000 4 0 0 0 4000 (IAF) (IAF) 13.7 2 3 . 9 1 7 . 2 8 . 4 8 . 9 6 1 0 . 7 X A M O D 2 X 5 . 4 L M A 9 X 2 4 0 ^ 2 2 3 ^ 1 4 2 ^ 1 8 6 ^ 2 3 2 ^ 270^ DOMUX 2X G E R M A N Y .STAR. 1 8 6 ^ 0 6 0 ^ .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 BIKMU ONE X-RAY (BIKMU 1X) [BIKM1X] N51 28.1 E006 45.5 1 6 5 ^ 2 6 . 4 5 0 0 0 T E B R O 1 X BIKMU N51 06.3 E006 40.4 1 1 . 9 4 0 0 0 3 3 7 ^ B I K M U 1 X | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LIMA NINE X-RAY (LMA 9X) [XAMO2X] DOMUX TWO X-RAY (DOMUX 2X) [DOMU2X] *D-ATIS STARs renumbered & replaced. TEBRO ONE X-RAY (TEBRO 1X) [TEBR1X] MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only CHANGES: RWYS 05L/R ARRIVALS 0 6 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 NOT TO SCALE XAMOD TWO X-RAY (XAMOD 2X) SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D (IAF) 0 5 8 ^ 406.5 BOT N51 35.1 E007 01.4 BOTTROP 2 3 8 ^ Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 115.15 123.77 Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) .STAR. AGEDA N51 47.0 E007 01.3 B-RNAV EQUIPMENT NECESSARY D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF N51 25.2 E007 32.2 XAMOD N51 41.4 E007 08.1 DOMUX 10-2A LIMA EIGHT GOLF (LMA 8G) LIMA 311 LMA N51 22.3 E006 23.7 2 4 0 ^ D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 (IAF) 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 R 0 6 7 ^ 2 4 7 ^ 1 5 D O M U X 2 G 7 8 2 7 T E B R O 1 G X A M O D 2 G L M A 8 G 1 4 2 ^ 2 1 3 ^ 0 6 0 ^ N E T H E R - L A N D S TEBRO N51 53.7 E006 35.3 G E R M A N Y BIKMU N51 06.3 E006 40.4 1 7 .5 3 1 . 7 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 B I K M U 1 G T E B R O 1 G 1 1 2 ^ 0 2 4 ^ .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [XAMO2G] DOMUX TWO GOLF (DOMUX 2G) [DOMU2G] TEBRO ONE GOLF (TEBRO 1G) [TEBR1G] [BIKM1G] BIKMU ONE GOLF (BIKMU 1G) *D-ATIS STARs renumbered & replaced. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only 4 0 0 0 CHANGES: NOT TO SCALE RWYS 23L/R ARRIVALS 2 5 1 ^ 071^ 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 A T O R B E L O W 6 0 0 0 : M A X 2 0 5 K T XAMOD TWO GOLF (XAMOD 2G) SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN N51 13.0 E006 24.2 N51 15.5 E006 29.2 N51 09.1 E006 29.0 N51 17.3 E006 33.2 N51 46.8 E006 38.0 N51 06.6 E006 24.0 N51 10.6 E006 19.1 N51 25.2 E006 49.5 N51 27.6 E006 54.6 N51 30.0 E006 59.7 N51 33.1 E007 06.4 N51 22.7 E006 44.5 Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) .RNAV.TRANSITION. 115.15 123.77 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. 3. 10-2B 1 DL522 GAPNU DL53~ 4 4 DL525 DL524 D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF 1 4 2 ^ 3 0 0 0 5 4 0 5 2 ^ 3 0 0 0 DL55~ NATOS N51 11.5 E006 34.1 4 4 0 4 8 ^ DIKMI DL555 4 2 3 2 ^ N51 11.7 E006 33.9 4 0 0 0 DL512 RONAD 3 . 1 4 . 9 1 1 XAMOD N51 41.4 E007 08.1 BOMBA DL517 DL518 DL519 4 0 0 0 X A M O D ~ 5 220 KT 220 KT 8 . 4 1 8 6 ^ 1 8 6 ^ 5 . 4 4 4 4 5 . 2 GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT FROM NORTH 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 F L 7 0 B y A T C 0 5 2 ^ 3000' At or above N51 20.3 E006 39.4 At or below FL140 Speed limits are mandatory from the respective waypoint throughout the entire transition route unless cancelled by ATC. Altitude assignments will be issued by ATC. (FAF RWY 05L) (FAF RWY 05R) At or above 3000' N E T H E R - L A N D S TEBRO N51 53.7 E006 35.3 G E R M A N Y N51 28.1 E006 45.5 VALSU XAMOD ~5 [XAM~5] TEBRO ~5 [TEB~5] USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC At or below FL170 7 . 1 1 9 . 3 5 0 0 0 T E R B O ~ 5 1 6 5 ^ *D-ATIS | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 RNAV Transision ARKON 05 replaced by TEBRO 05; track update. 220 KT TEBRO ~5 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only CHANGES: 3000'+)/ ; NATOS (05R; 3000'+). TRANSITION TEBRO ~5 ROUTING Valid for LOST COMM situation. XAMOD ~5 3000'+)/ ; NATOS (05R; (FL170-) NOT TO SCALE RWYS 05L/R RNAV TRANSITIONS TEBRO - DL512 - VALSU - GAPNU (K220) - DL530 (K220) - DL550 (K220) - DL555 - DIKMI (05L XAMOD (FL140-) - BOMBA - DL530 (K220) - DL550 (K220) - DL555 - DIKMI (05L 3000'+). SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN AGEDA N51 47.0 E007 01.3 N51 41.4 E007 08.1 DL42~ DL421 DL422 Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) .RNAV.TRANSITION. GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT 115.15 123.77 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. 3. DL45~ N51 30.2 E007 13.5 DL43~ DL428 DL426 DL454 DL455 REGNO N51 23.2 E006 57.9 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 5 2 ^ N51 31.8 E007 03.6 5 4 4 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 4 2 ^ 2 3 2 ^ 4 4 . 1 2 3 6 ^ METMA N51 23.0 E006 58.2 220 KT D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF N51 36.6 E006 57.8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 1 4 2 ^ 2 3 2 ^ N51 39.0 E007 02.9 N51 25.4 E007 03.3 FROM NORTH 7 1 4 2 ^ 5 0 0 0 10-2C XAMOD XAMOD 23 [XAM23] N51 34.2 E006 52.7 N51 29.4 E006 58.5 220 KT T E B R O 2 3 X A M O D 2 3 DL452 N51 37.8 E007 16.4 DL429 N51 27.8 E007 08.4 N51 34.2 E007 08.7 6 6 1 1 1 USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 4 0 0 0 F L 7 0 B y A T C 2 3 2 ^ HOLDING OVER DL429 0 5 2 ^ At or below FL140 XAMOD 23 At or above 3000' 220 KT (FAF RWY 23R) (FAF RWY 23L) Altitude assignments will be issued by ATC. waypoint throughout the entire transition route unless cancelled by ATC. Speed limits are mandatory from the respective 220 KT 3000' At or above N E T H E R - L A N D S TEBRO N51 53.7 E006 35.3 G E R M A N Y N51 33.8 E007 21.2 1 1 2 ^ 1 7 . 5 5 0 0 0 T E B R O 2 3 At or below FL170 .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 TEBRO 23 [TEB23] | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS RNAV Transision ARKON 23 replaced by TEBRO 23; track update. 220 KT TEBRO 23 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only CHANGES: NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 3000'+)/REGNO (23R TRANSITION TEBRO 23 ROUTING Valid for LOST COMM situation. XAMOD 23 3000'+)/REGNO (23R ; 3000'+). RWYS 23L/R RNAV TRANSITIONS (FL170-) (FL140-) TEBRO - AGEDA - XAMOD (K220) - DL422 (K220) - DL426 (K220) - DL430 (K220) - DL450 (K220) - DL455 - METMA (23L; ; 3000'+). XAMOD - DL422 (K220) - DL426 (K220) - DL430 (K220) - DL450 (K220) - DL455 - METMA (23L; Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ELDAR N51 01.4 E006 40.8 DL5~1 DL5~2 N51 12.4 E006 49.0 DL5~3 DL5~4 DL5~5 DL51~ N51 02.7 E006 28.8 EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. DL55~ DL555 DIKMI N51 11.7 E006 33.9 NATOS 4 0 5 2 ^ 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 4 8 ^ D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF N51 09.1 E006 29.0 N51 06.6 E006 24.0 5 4 3 0 0 0 3 2 2 ^ N51 05.1 E006 33.9 N51 07.5 E006 38.9 4 4 N51 09.9 E006 44.0 4 5 1 0 . 8 E L D A R ~ 5 0 4 9 ^ 3 2 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 220 KT 1 1 1 10-2D DOLAV N51 25.3 E007 10.3 DOMUX N51 25.2 E007 32.2 13.7 1 8 . 6 DOMUX ~5 5000 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 3 2 ^ 2 2 5 ^ 270^ N51 08.4 E006 53.8 220 KT 220 KT Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) 115.15 123.77 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. 3. 220 KT N51 11.5 E006 34.1 FROM EAST GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT DOMUX ~5 [DOM~5] ELDAR ~5 [ELD~5] USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC B y A T C F L 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 5 2 ^ 2 3 2 ^ HOLDING OVER DL5~3 At or below FL140 At or below FL170 Speed limits are mandatory from the respective waypoint throughout the entire transition route unless cancelled by ATC. Altitude assignments will be issued by ATC. (FAF RWY 05L) (FAF RWY 05R) At or above 3000' At or above 3000' | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Track update. *D-ATIS .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only CHANGES: NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 TRANSITION DOMUX ~5 ROUTING 3000'+)/ ; 3000'+). NATOS (05R Valid for LOST COMM situation. ELDAR ~5 NATOS (05R 3000'+)/ ; 3000'+). RWYS 05L/R RNAV TRANSITIONS (FL170-) (FL140-) DOMUX - DOLAV - DL502 (K220) - DL510 (K220) - DL550 (K220) - DIKMI (05L; ELDAR - DL501 (K220) - DL502 (K220) - DL510 (K220) - DL550 (K220) - DIKMI (05L; Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN N51 29.8 E007 26.0 N51 21.4 E007 08.1 N51 19.0 E007 03.0 N51 23.8 E007 13.2 N51 27.8 E007 08.4 N51 25.4 E007 03.3 N51 15.0 E007 07.8 N51 17.2 E007 13.1 N51 19.5 E007 18.4 DL4~3 DL4~4 DL4~5 DL4~6 DL4~7 DL4~8 DL41~ DL45~ DL454 DL455 METMA N51 23.0 E006 58.2 REGNO N51 23.2 E006 57.9 D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 2 ^ 0 5 2 ^ 2 3 2 ^ 4 4 . 1 2 3 6 ^ 5 4 5 0 0 0 3 2 2 ^ 4 5 0 0 0 1 6 6 DL4~9 DL452 N51 30.2 E007 13.5 N51 26.2 E007 18.3 DOMUX DL4~2 6 . 4 4 2 3 6 ^ Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) .RNAV.TRANSITION. 115.15 123.77 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. 3. 10-2E 1 N51 25.2 E007 32.2 220 KT FROM EAST GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT DOMUX 23 [DOM23] USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC N51 33.8 E007 21.2 N51 21.7 E007 23.7 4 0 0 0 F L 7 0 B y A T C 2 3 2 ^ At or above 3000' At or above 3000' At or below FL140 220 KT 220 KT 220 KT waypoint throughout the entire transition route unless cancelled by ATC. Speed limits are mandatory from the respective Altitude assignments will be issued by ATC. (FAF RWY 23R) (FAF RWY 23L) *D-ATIS .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 RNAV Transition ELDAR 23 withdrawn; track update. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only REGNO (23R; 3000'+). ; 3000'+)/ NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 CHANGES: ROUTING Valid for LOST COMM situation. (FL140-) DOMUX RWYS 23L/R RNAV TRANSITION - DL405 (K220) - DL406 (K220) - DL410 (K220) - DL450 (K220) - METMA (23L Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN N51 13.0 E006 24.2 N51 20.3 E006 39.4 N51 09.1 E006 29.0 N51 25.1 E006 33.6 N51 15.5 E006 29.2 IBIKO N51 27.5 E006 38.6 DL514 DL513 DL55~ N51 06.6 E006 24.0 DL53~ N51 10.6 E006 19.1 DL555 DIKMI N51 11.7 E006 33.9 NATOS DL525 DL524 DL522 GAPNU N51 22.7 E006 44.5 4 4 4 2 3 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 4 1 4 2 ^ 0 5 2 ^ 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 4 8 ^ D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF LIMA 311 LMA N51 22.3 E006 23.7 6 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 4 2 ^ 0 5 2 ^ 0 6 0 ^ 1 0 . 7 4 0 0 0 L M A ~ 5 N51 22.7 E006 28.5 220 KT 5 0 0 0 BIKMU Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) .RNAV.TRANSITION. FROM WEST GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 115.15 123.77 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. 3. 2 2 10-2F 2 RONAD 3 . 1 4 . 9 6 . 1 220 KT 220 KT 220 KT 220 KT 4 0 0 0 F L 7 0 B y A T C 0 5 2 ^ waypoint throughout the entire transition route unless cancelled by ATC. Speed limits are mandatory from the respective Altitude assignments will be issued by ATC. (FAF RWY 05L) (FAF RWY 05R) RNAV Transition KUBIM 05 replaced by BIKMU 05; track update. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BIKMU ~5 [BIK~5] , LMA ~5 *D-ATIS .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 3 3 0 ^ N51 06.3 E006 40.4 N51 11.5 E006 34.1 At or above 3000' 3 3 7 ^ 1 1 . 9 5 0 0 0 B I K M U 0 5 At or below FL150 At or above 3000' 1 N51 17.3 E006 33.2 1 220 KT BIKMU ~5 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only LMA - IBIKO (K220) - GAPNU (K220) - DL530 (K220) - DL550 (K220) - DL555 - DIKMI (05L TRANSITION BIKMU ~5 ROUTING 3000'+). LMA ~5 CHANGES: ; 3000'+)/ Valid for LOST COMM situation. NATOS (05R; ; 3000'+)/NATOS (05R; 3000'+). NOT TO SCALE RWYS 05L/R RNAV TRANSITIONS (FL150-) BIKMU SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 - RONAD (K220) - DL513 (K220) - IBIKO (K220) - GAPNU (K220) - DL530 (K220) - DL550 (K220) - DL555 - DIKMI (05L Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN N51 29.4 E006 58.5 N51 31.8 E007 03.6 N51 27.8 E007 08.4 N51 25.4 E007 03.3 N51 23.2 E006 57.9 BIKMU N51 06.3 E006 40.4 DL452 DL429 DL428 DL426 DL454 DL455 METMA REGNO Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) .RNAV.TRANSITION. FROM WEST GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 115.15 123.77 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. 3. LIMA 311 LMA N51 22.3 E006 23.7 0 7 1 ^ 2 2 .9 5 0 0 0 L M A 2 3 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 5 2 ^ D 115.15 DUS N51 17.0 E006 45.2 DUSSELDORF 0 2 5 ^ 5 4 4 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 4 2 ^ 2 3 2 ^ 4 4 . 1 2 3 6 ^ 1 1 10-2G 1 [BIK23], BIKMU 23 LMA 23 N51 30.2 E007 13.5 DL43~ DL45~ N51 33.8 E007 21.2 N51 37.8 E007 16.4 220 KT 6 6 N51 34.2 E007 08.7 220 KT 220 KT B I K M U 2 3 4 0 0 0 F L 7 0 B y A T C 2 3 2 ^ 3000' At or above At or below FL150 waypoint throughout the entire transition route unless cancelled by ATC. Speed limits are mandatory from the respective Altitude assignments will be issued by ATC. (FAF RWY 23R) (FAF RWY 23L) 3000' At or above N51 23.0 E006 58.2 *D-ATIS .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 RNAV Transition KUBIM 23 replaced by BIKMU 23; track update. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 5 . 7 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only TRANSITION ROUTING LMA 23 CHANGES: Valid for LOST COMM situation. LMA - DL426 (K220) - DL430 (K220) - DL450 (K220) - DL455 - METMA (23L; 3000'+)/ REGNO (23R ; 3000'+). 3000'+)/ REGNO (23R ; 3000'+). NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 BIKMU 23 RWYS 23L/R RNAV TRANSITIONS (FL150-) BIKMU - DL426 (K220) - DL430 (K220) - DL450 (K220) - DL455 - METMA (23L; Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R266^ R278^ R 3 5 4 ^ 1 0 3 ^ 1 6 4 ^ .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 086^ 098^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 1 7 4 ^ N51 19.9 E007 08.1 N51 07.8 E007 02.8 D1.6 BAM 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 COL 2L, 2T 10-3 COL 2L, 2T C O L 2 J , 2 Z COLA 108.8 COL N50 47.0 E007 35.7 D R 3 2 8 ^ 5 0 0 0 1 4 8 ^ E007 15.4 N51 08.7 D20.3 DUS 2 5 N51 07.6 E007 13.9 *LANGEN Radar .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 0 5 4 ^ SIDs renumbered; SIDs rwys 05L/R revised. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only FL150 At or above FL150 At or above CHANGES: RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING D 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 D 115.4 GMH N51 10.2 E007 53.5 GERMINGHAUSEN N51 14.1 E006 39.3 DUSSELDORF 284.5 DY N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 05L 05R 23R 23L RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES D6.4 DUS 5 E M D NOT TO SCALE . 4 D32 GMH N51 14.2 E006 29.4 D20.6 NOR N51 10.9 E006 38.2 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT COLA TWO JULIETT (COL 2J) COLA TWO LIMA (COL 2L) COLA TWO TANGO (COL 2T) COLA TWO ZULU (COL 2Z) COL 2L COL 2J COL 2T COL 2Z D11.4 BAM Intercept 230^ bearing (Rwy 23R)/233^ bearing (Rwy 23L) towards DY, at DUS 4.5 DME turn LEFT, intercept NOR R-354 inbound to D20.6 NOR, turn LEFT, intercept GMH R-266 inbound to D32 GMH, turn RIGHT, intercept MHV R-103 to D20.3 DUS, turn RIGHT, intercept COL R-328 inbound to COL. 109.8 MHV MONCHEN- GLADBACH SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 Intercept DUS R-054 to D6.4 DUS, turn RIGHT, intercept BAM R-278 inbound to D1.6 BAM, turn RIGHT, intercept BAM R-164 to D11.4 BAM, turn LEFT, intercept COL R-328 inbound to COL. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R 3 5 4 ^ R266^ .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 1 2 1 2 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. 086^ 098^ R278^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ DODEN 4L, 4T 1 7 4 ^ D12.9 BAM DODEN 4L, 4T due to airspace structure. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of D21.1 GMH N51 08.7 E007 20.1 FL250 N51 10.5 E007 25.6 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 10-3A BETZO 1 4 7 ^ 6 0 0 0 2 5 . 8 shall file KUMIK SIDs. *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 0 5 4 ^ 1 3 5 ^ 1 2 . 9 1 5 . 9 SIDs renumbered & revised. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D O D E N 4 J , 4 Z 11 FL150 At or above MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only FL250 At or above FL150 At or above CHANGES: DODEN 4L DODEN 4J DODEN 4Z 05L 05R DODEN 4T 23R 23L RWY SID ROUTING After D12.9 BAM BRNAV equipment necessary. 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 75 100 150 200 250 300 Gnd speed-KT 5 E M D D 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 NOT TO SCALE . 4 D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 D 115.4 GMH N51 10.2 E007 53.5 GERMINGHAUSEN N51 14.1 E006 39.3 DUSSELDORF 284.5 DY N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES , turn RIGHT, N51 10.9 E006 38.2 D20.6 NOR /D21.1 GMH Intercept 230^ bearing (Rwy 23R)/233^ bearing (Rwy 23L) towards DY, at DUS 4.5 DME turn LEFT, intercept NOR R-354 inbound to D20.6 NOR, turn LEFT, intercept GMH R-266 inbound to D21.1 GMH Flights unable to cross DODEN at or above SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 ONLY FOR JET FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL250 OR ABOVE DODEN FOUR JULIETT (DODEN 4J) DODEN FOUR TANGO (DODEN 4T) DODEN N50 58.0 E007 44.2 N50 36.1 E008 05.6 Initial climb clearance 5000' D6.4 DUS DODEN FOUR LIMA (DODEN 4L) DODEN FOUR ZULU (DODEN 4Z) intercept BAM R-135 to BETZO, turn RIGHT, 147^ track to DODEN. Intercept DUS R-054 to D6.4 DUS, turn RIGHT, intercept BAM R-278 inbound to BAM, BAM R-135 via D12.9 BAM 147^ track to DODEN. to BETZO, turn RIGHT, Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R354^ I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . T h e s e S I D s r e q u i r e a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f G M H 6 L , 6 T 0 8 6 ^ G M H 6 L , 6 T 3 0 0 0 ' 4 2 5 ' p e r N M ( 7 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g d u e t o a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e . Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3B DUSSELDORF 133.77 0 9 6 ^ 6 . 6 R 2 6 6 ^ 1 1 3 ^ D 2 1 . 1 G M H 6 0 0 0 2 1 . 1 R 2 9 3 ^ 6 0 0 0 0 9 8 ^ R 2 7 8 ^ 174^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ .SID. *LANGEN Radar | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0 5 4 ^ SIDs renumbered & revised. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. G M H 6 Y , 3 Z 1 1 M S A D U S V O R 2 1 0 0 ' 2 8 0 0 ' 2 3 0 0 ' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ a p p l i c a b l e o v e r G e r m a n t e r r i t o r y o n l y R W Y I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' S I D R O U T I N G 2 3 R 0 5 L 0 5 R 2 3 L RWYS 23R/L, 05L/R DEPARTURES I n t e r c e p t 2 3 0 ^ b e a r i n g ( R w y 2 3 R ) / 2 3 3 ^ b e a r i n g ( R w y 2 3 L ) t o w a r d s D Y , a t D U S 4 . 5 D M E t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t N O R R - 3 5 4 i n b o u n d t o D 2 0 . 6 N O R , t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t G M H R - 2 6 6 i n b o u n d t o G M H . G M H 6 Y G M H 6 L G M H 3 Z G M H 6 T D 1 1 5 . 4 G M H N 5 1 1 0 . 2 E 0 0 7 5 3 . 5 G E R M I N G H A U S E N D 1 1 6 . 2 N O R N O R V E N I C H N 5 0 5 0 . 4 E 0 0 6 4 1 . 6 4 2 5 ' p e r N M 5 3 2 7 0 9 1 0 6 3 1 4 1 8 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 G n d s p e e d - K T S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 D B A R M E N 1 1 3 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 9 . 7 E 0 0 7 1 0 . 6 CHANGES: D 6 . 6 B A M N O T T O S C A L E GERMINGHAUSEN SIX LIMA (GMH 6L) GERMINGHAUSEN SIX YANKEE (GMH 6Y) ONLY FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL140 OR BELOW N 5 1 1 4 . 1 E 0 0 6 3 9 . 3 D U S S E L D O R F 2 8 4 . 5 D Y 5 E M D . 4 N 5 1 1 7 . 0 E 0 0 6 4 5 . 2 D 1 1 5 . 1 5 D U S D U S S E L D O R F D 2 0 . 6 N O R N 5 1 1 0 . 9 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 2 N 5 1 1 8 . 9 E 0 0 7 2 1 . 1 D 6 . 4 D U S o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . GERMINGHAUSEN SIX TANGO (GMH 6T) GERMINGHAUSEN THREE ZULU (GMH 3Z) I n t e r c e p t D U S R - 0 5 4 t o D 6 . 4 D U S , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t B A M R - 2 7 8 i n b o u n d t o B A M , B A M R - 0 9 6 t o D 6 . 6 B A M , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t G M H R - 2 9 3 i n b o u n d t o G M H . Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R354^ R 2 6 6 ^ NOR 116.2 0 9 8 ^ R 2 7 8 ^ 6 0 0 0 0 8 6 ^ 174^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ D 2 1 . 1 G M H Apt Elev .SID. 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3C DUSSELDORF 133.77 K U M I K 3 L , 3 T D 1 0 G M H 0 9 6 ^ 6 . 6 D E G O M 1 2 9 ^ 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 K U M I K 2 3 2 N 5 1 0 9 . 9 E 0 0 7 4 0 . 4 2 4 . 8 1 1 . 1 I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . 3 0 0 0 ' 4 2 5 ' p e r N M ( 7 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g d u e t o a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e . T h e s e S I D s r e q u i r e a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f K U M I K 3 L , 3 T N o r m a l l y n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r f l i g h t s a b o v e F L 2 5 0 v i a B O M B I , e x c e p t P r o p / T u r b o P r o p a i r c r a f t . 1 4 2 ^ I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . 1 N 5 1 0 9 . 5 E 0 0 7 3 7 . 7 *LANGEN Radar ONLY FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL150 OR ABOVE | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 SIDs renumbered & revised. 0 5 4 ^ N 5 0 5 0 . 2 E 0 0 8 0 4 . 4 K U M I K 2 J , 2 Z 1 1 M S A D U S V O R 2 1 0 0 ' 2 8 0 0 ' 2 3 0 0 ' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ a p p l i c a b l e o v e r G e r m a n t e r r i t o r y o n l y F L 1 5 0 A t o r a b o v e 1 F L 1 5 0 F L 1 5 0 A t o r a b o v e N O T T O S C A L E N 5 1 1 4 . 1 E 0 0 6 3 9 . 3 D U S S E L D O R F 2 8 4 . 5 D Y 5 E M D . 4 N 5 1 1 7 . 0 E 0 0 6 4 5 . 2 D 1 1 5 . 1 5 D U S D U S S E L D O R F D 2 0 . 6 N O R N 5 1 1 0 . 9 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 2 D B A R M E N 1 1 3 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 9 . 7 E 0 0 7 1 0 . 6 CHANGES: D 6 . 6 B A M R W Y S I D R O U T I N G 0 5 L 0 5 R K U M I K 2 J K U M I K 2 Z B R N A V e q u i p m e n t n e c e s s a r y . / D 1 0 G M H D 1 1 5 . 4 G M H N 5 1 1 0 . 2 E 0 0 7 5 3 . 5 G E R M I N G H A U S E N 4 2 5 ' p e r N M 5 3 2 7 0 9 1 0 6 3 1 4 1 8 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 G n d s p e e d - K T S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 N 5 1 1 8 . 9 E 0 0 7 2 1 . 1 A f t e r D 6 . 6 B A M D 6 . 4 D U S KUMIK TWO ZULU (KUMIK 2Z) KUMIK TWO JULIETT (KUMIK 2J) I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' 2 3 R 2 3 L K U M I K 3 L K U M I K 3 T , t u r n R I G H T , 1 4 2 ^ t r a c k t o K U M I K . KUMIK THREE LIMA (KUMIK 3L) KUMIK THREE TANGO (KUMIK 3T) I n t e r c e p t 2 3 0 ^ b e a r i n g ( R w y 2 3 R ) / 2 3 3 ^ b e a r i n g ( R w y 2 3 L ) t o w a r d s D Y , a t D U S 4 . 5 D M E t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t N O R R - 3 5 4 i n b o u n d t o D 2 0 . 6 N O R , t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t G M H R - 2 6 6 i n b o u n d t o D 1 0 G M H RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES I n t e r c e p t D U S R - 0 5 4 t o D 6 . 4 D U S , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t B A M R - 2 7 8 i n b o u n d t o B A M , B A M R - 0 9 6 t o D 6 . 6 B A M , t u r n R I G H T , 1 2 9 ^ t r a c k t o D E G O M , t u r n R I G H T , 1 4 2 ^ t r a c k t o K U M I K . Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3D LMA 5Y, 9Z These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of LMA 4L, 8T 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000' 407' per NM (6.7%) due to airspace structure. due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. D8 DUS 7 4 0 0 0 261^ LMA 5Y, 9Z 2 9 7 ^ DME 1 L M A 4 L , 8 T 1 .1 D M E G E R M A N Y N E T H E R L A N D S At or above 4000' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TO EDLN | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 0 5 4 ^ Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. whichever is later 600' or DUS 1.1 DME At LMA 4L LMA 8T SIDs renumbered; SIDs rwys 05L/R revised; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only CHANGES: RWY SID ROUTING N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 600', 23R 23L LMA 4L LMA 8T LMA 5Y LMA 9Z 05L 05R whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept 297^ bearing to LMA. 75 100 150 200 250 300 407' per NM 509 679 1018 1357 1696 2036 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 D6 DUS LIMA FIVE YANKEE (LMA 5Y) LIMA NINE ZULU (LMA 9Z) N51 22.3 E006 23.7 311 LMA LIMA RWYS 23R/L, 05L/R DEPARTURES Gnd speed-KT NOT TO SCALE LIMA FOUR LIMA (LMA 4L) LIMA EIGHT TANGO (LMA 8T) Climb on runway track to DUS 1.1 DME (Rwy 23R)/DUS 1 DME (Rwy 24L) or Initial climb clearance 5000' SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 whichever is later At DUS 1 DME or 600' Intercept DUS R-054 to D6 DUS, turn LEFT, intercept 261^ bearing to LMA. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 6 0 ^ R 1 6 9 ^ 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing M E V E L 8 L , 9 T These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of due to airspace structure. 1 D M E If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3E DUSSELDORF SID MEVEL 5J, 6Z 3 4 9 ^ DUS 1 3 .5 D M E Y 850 FL245. FL245 L 179 to OSN. Flights intending to proceed via airway to BASUM must be able to cross ARTER above If unable or planning below continue via airway G E R M A N Y REKKEN 116.8 RKN N52 08.0 E006 45.8 M E V E L 5 J , 6 Z N E T H E R - L A N D S Initial climb clearance 5000' | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 1 .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 0 5 4 ^ Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 5 0 5 3 ^ 2 2 SIDs renumbered & revised; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only NOT TO SCALE 0 0 9 ^ MEVEL 600', MEVEL 8L MEVEL 5J 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 05L 23R MEVEL 9T 23L 05R MEVEL 6Z 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 CHANGES: RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES RWY ROUTING N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF D Gnd speed-KT 190 KT NOR R-360 until estab- lished on MAX or 600' whichever is later At 1 DME DUS MEVEL FIVE JULIETT (MEVEL 5J) MEVEL SIX ZULU (MEVEL 6Z) MEVEL NINE TANGO (MEVEL 9T) N51 51.3 E007 12.6 D28.2 RKN D LUSIX N51 42.4 E006 53.1 D6 DUS Climb on runway track to DUS 1 DME or whichever is later, turn MEVEL EIGHT LIMA (MEVEL 8L) whichever is later or 600' At DUS 1 DME N51 40.4 E006 54.9 D45.1 NOR N51 35.5 E006 41.6 053^ track to MEVEL. SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 , turn RIGHT, LUSIX to MEVEL. RIGHT, intercept NOR R-360 to D45.1 NOR , turn RIGHT, 053^ track via /D45.1 NOR BRNAV equipment necessary. Intercept DUS R-054 to D6 DUS, turn LEFT, 009^ track to DUS 13.5 DME, turn LEFT, intercept RKN R-169 inbound to D28.2 RKN After D28.2 RKN Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 0 3 ^ .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3F DUSSELDORF 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ UBORO 3 . 4 D ME 3 2 1 ^ 2 0 0 ^ N51 22.5 E006 27.0 MODRU 5J 05L 05R 2 SID 3 1 M O D R U 8 L , 8 T 2 3 . 3 D M E 5 0 0 0 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000' due to airspace structure. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. FL210. FL210 NETEX Only for flights with requested and above. These flights have to be able to cross MODRU at or above If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. ORSOV N51 33.7 E006 40.3 12.7 DM E 2 9 0 ^ 2 4 2 ^ VEBAK N51 27.5 E006 20.9 3 1 M O D R U 5 J , 5 Z 1 3 .6 8 . 3 1 9 . 9 G E R M A N Y N E T H E R L A N D S MODRU N51 01.0 E006 05.4 N51 19.7 E006 16.3 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or above FL210 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 0 5 4 ^ SIDs renumbered; SIDs rwys 05L/R revised; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only NOT TO SCALE 23R MODRU 8L MODRU 8T MODRU 5Z CHANGES: N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF RWY ROUTING 23L DUSSELDORF 284.5 DY N51 14.1 E006 39.3 Intercept 230^ bearing towards DY, at DUS 3.3 DME Intercept 233^ bearing towards DY, at DUS 3.4 DME , turn RIGHT, , turn RIGHT, / DUS 3.4 DME BRNAV equipment necessary. 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT 321^ track to UBORO, turn LEFT, 200^ track via NETEX to MODRU. 321^ track to UBORO, turn LEFT, 200^ track via NETEX to MODRU. 321^ track 210 KT MAX until established on 0 0 9 ^ / DUS 3.3 DME SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 After DUS 12.7 DME D6 DUS Initial climb clearance 5000' RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES MODRU FIVE JULIETT (MODRU 5J) MODRU FIVE ZULU (MODRU 5Z) MODRU EIGHT LIMA (MODRU 8L) MODRU EIGHT TANGO (MODRU 8T) MAX until established 250 KT 200^ track on N51 14.2 E006 29.4 109.8 MHV MONCHEN- GLADBACH Intercept DUS R-054 to D6 DUS, turn LEFT, 009^ track to DUS 12.7 DME , turn LEFT, 290^ track to ORSOV, turn LEFT, 242^ track to VEBAK, turn LEFT, 200^ track via NETEX to MODRU. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 0 3 ^ .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3G DUSSELDORF 2 0 0 ^ NETEX 2J 05L 05R SID 1 ORSOV N51 33.7 E006 40.3 12.7 D M E 2 9 0 ^ 2 4 2 ^ VEBAK N51 27.5 E006 20.9 1 1 3 .6 8 . 3 3000' NETEX 2L, 2T NETEX 2J, 2Z 425' per NM (7%) until passing 407' per NM (6.7%) due to airspace structure. due to airspace structure. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. N E T E X 2 L , 2 T D8 DUS 4 0 0 0 5 2 9 7 ^ DME 1 .1 D M E 1 whichever is later 600' or DUS 1.1 DME At NETEX 2L NETEX 2T FOR FLIGHTS VIA AIRWAY Z 282 - DIBIR - AIRWAY L 179 (IF AVAILABLE) D13.4 DUS At or above 4000' FOR FLIGHTS FROM REQUESTED FL100 TO FL200 OR G E R M A N Y N E T H E R - L A N D S NETEX N51 19.7 E006 16.3 2 4 0 ^ N E T E X 2 J , 2 Z Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 0 5 4 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MONCHEN- GLADBACH 109.8 MHV N51 14.2 E006 29.4 SIDs renumb; SIDs rwys 05L/R revised; chart reind; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only NOT TO SCALE 23R NETEX 2L NETEX 2T NETEX 2Z CHANGES: N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF RWY ROUTING 23L 0 0 9 ^ 600', 75 100 150 200 250 300 407' per NM 425' per NM 509 679 1018 1357 1696 2036 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT whichever is later At DUS 1 DME or 600' NETEX TWO LIMA (NETEX 2L) RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES NETEX TWO TANGO (NETEX 2T) NETEX TWO ZULU (NETEX 2Z) NETEX TWO JULIETT (NETEX 2J) N51 22.3 E006 23.7 311 LMA LIMA N51 21.7 E006 25.3 After DUS 12.7 DME BRNAV equipment necessary. Initial climb clearance 5000' D6 DUS Climb on runway track to DUS 1.1 DME (Rwy 23R)/DUS 1 DME (Rwy 23L) or whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept 297^ bearing towards LMA, at D13.4 DUS turn LEFT, intercept 240^ bearing from LMA to NETEX. SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 Intercept DUS R-054 to D6 DUS, turn LEFT, 009^ track to DUS 12.7 DME , turn LEFT, 290^ track to ORSOV, turn LEFT, 242^ track to VEBAK, turn LEFT, 200^ track to NETEX. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R278^ 2 1 2 ^ NOR 1T, 5U 098^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ R 3 5 4 ^ 1 7 4 ^ R 0 3 2 ^ N O R 1 T , 5 U 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing due to airspace structure. .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. 10-3H D NORVENICH 116.2 NOR N50 50.4 E006 41.6 D3.5 BAM N51 20.2 E007 05.1 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of .Eff.11.Mar. Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 0 5 4 ^ SIDs renumbered; SIDs rwys 05L/R revised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N O R 7 Y , 3 Z 7 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only NOR 7Y NOR 1T NOR 3Z NOR 5U 23L 23R 05L 05R 4 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 CHANGES: RWY SID ROUTING NOT TO SCALE Gnd speed-KT NORVENICH FIVE UNIFORM (NOR 5U) RWYS 23L/R, 05L/R DEPARTURES FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL90 OR BELOW FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL100 OR ABOVE SHALL FILE VIA MODRU Intercept 233^ bearing (Rwy 23L)/230^ bearing (Rwy 23R) towards DY, at DUS 4.5 DME turn LEFT, intercept NOR R-354 inbound to NOR. N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 5 E M D . N51 14.1 E006 39.3 DUSSELDORF 284.5 DY D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 Initial climb clearance 5000' D6.4 DUS SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 26 FEB 10 NORVENICH ONE TANGO (NOR 1T) NORVENICH SEVEN YANKEE (NOR 7Y) NORVENICH THREE ZULU (NOR 3Z) ALSO AVAILABLE FOR FLIGHTS VIA AIRWAY Q 760 BETWEEN 0600-0800LT Intercept DUS R-054 to D6.4 DUS, turn RIGHT, intercept BAM R-278 inbound to D3.5 BAM, turn RIGHT, intercept BAM R-212 to NOR. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R 2 6 6 ^ R354^ R 2 9 3 ^ 116.2 NOR I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . 3 0 0 0 ' 4 2 5 ' p e r N M ( 7 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g d u e t o a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e . T h e s e S I D s r e q u i r e a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f M A M I B 0 9 8 ^ R 2 7 8 ^ 6 0 0 0 0 8 6 ^ 174^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ D 2 1 . 1 G M H N U D G O K U L I X Apt Elev .SID. 147' EDDL/DUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3J DUSSELDORF 133.77 2 2 1 N U D G O 2 L , 2 T 6 0 0 0 8 . 2 N U D G O 2 L , 2 T 6 0 0 0 0 9 6 ^ 1 1 3 ^ 6 . 6 D 8 . 7 G M H N 5 1 1 3 . 3 E 0 0 7 4 2 . 6 N 5 1 1 3 . 6 E 0 0 7 4 0 . 8 N 5 1 0 8 . 9 E 0 0 7 2 4 . 1 2 . 5 *LANGEN Radar | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOT AVAILABLE FOR FLIGHTS INTO UPPER AIRSPACE 1 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. 0 5 4 ^ 0 6 8 ^ 2 1 . 7 N 5 1 2 1 . 1 E 0 0 8 1 4 . 8 N 5 1 2 4 . 8 E 0 0 8 2 6 . 5 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 2 ^ D 1 8 . 6 G M H N U D G O 2 J , 2 Z 1 1 M S A D U S V O R 2 1 0 0 ' 2 8 0 0 ' 2 3 0 0 ' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ a p p l i c a b l e o v e r G e r m a n t e r r i t o r y o n l y 4 2 5 ' p e r N M 5 3 2 7 0 9 1 0 6 3 1 4 1 8 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 G n d s p e e d - K T N O T T O S C A L E N 5 1 1 4 . 1 E 0 0 6 3 9 . 3 D U S S E L D O R F 2 8 4 . 5 D Y 5 E M D . 4 D 1 1 5 . 4 G M H N 5 1 1 0 . 2 E 0 0 7 5 3 . 5 G E R M I N G H A U S E N N 5 1 1 7 . 0 E 0 0 6 4 5 . 2 D 1 1 5 . 1 5 D U S D U S S E L D O R F D 2 0 . 6 N O R N 5 1 1 0 . 9 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 2 D B A R M E N 1 1 3 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 9 . 7 E 0 0 7 1 0 . 6 S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 R W Y S I D R O U T I N G 2 3 R 0 5 L 0 5 R 2 3 L CHANGES: N U D G O 2 L N U D G O 2 T N U D G O 2 J N U D G O 2 Z D 6 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 8 . 9 E 0 0 7 2 1 . 1 D 6 . 4 D U S NUDGO TWO LIMA (NUDGO 2L) NUDGO TWO TANGO (NUDGO 2T) NUDGO TWO ZULU (NUDGO 2Z) NUDGO TWO JULIETT (NUDGO 2J) DEPARTURES RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R I n t e r c e p t 2 3 0 ^ b e a r i n g ( R w y 2 3 R ) / 2 3 3 ^ b e a r i n g ( R w y 2 3 L ) t o - w a r d s D Y , a t D U S 4 . 5 D M E t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t N O R R - 3 5 4 i n b o u n d t o D 2 0 . 6 N O R , t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t G M H R - 2 6 6 i n b o u n d t o D 1 8 . 6 G M H , t u r n L E F T , 0 6 8 ^ t r a c k v i a M A M I B t o K U L I X , t u r n L E F T , 0 6 2 ^ t o N U D G O . I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' I n t e r c e p t D U S R - 0 5 4 t o D 6 . 4 D U S , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t B A M R - 2 7 8 i n b o u n d t o B A M , B A M R - 0 9 6 t o D 6 . 6 B A M , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t G M H R - 2 9 3 i n b o u n d t o D 8 . 7 G M H , t u r n L E F T , 0 6 8 ^ t r a c k t o K U L I X , t u r n L E F T , 0 6 2 ^ t r a c k t o N U D G O . A f t e r D 8 . 7 G M H / D 1 8 . 6 G M H B R N A V e q u i p m e n t n e c e s s a r y . .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 6 0 ^ R 1 6 9 ^ 0 0 5 ^ 4 0 0 0 .SID. EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3K 1 D M E 3 4 9 ^ DUS 1 3 .5 D M E 4 0 0 0 2 SONEB FL140 N52 01.4 E006 45.9 3 4 6 ^ Only for flights with requested or above via RKN/TENLI. FL140. If unable to comply advise De- livery on start-up request. S O N E B 3 L , 3 T S O N E B 2 J , 2 Z REKKEN 116.8 RKN N52 08.0 E006 45.8 N E T H E R L A N D S G E R M A N Y 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of SONEB 2J, 2Z Other flights proceed via MEVEL. Expect clearance to cross 10 NM prior SONEB at or above | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 0 5 4 ^ 2 6 . 1 2 1 . 8 2 1 SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only 600', 23R 05L 05R 23L 0 0 9 ^ CHANGES: RWY SID ROUTING NOT TO SCALE RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DEPARTURES N51 35.5 E006 41.6 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 D N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 190 KT NOR R-360 until estab- lished on MAX or 600' whichever is later At 1 DME DUS SONEB TWO JULIETT (SONEB 2J) SONEB TWO ZULU (SONEB 2Z) D28.2 RKN SONEB 2J SONEB 2Z SONEB 3L SONEB 3T D Initial climb clearance 5000' Climb on runway track to DUS 1 DME or whichever is later, turn D6 DUS 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 or 600' whichever is later At 1 DME DUS SONEB THREE LIMA (SONEB 3L) SONEB THREE TANGO (SONEB 3T) D45.1 NOR N51 40.4 E006 54.9 RIGHT, intercept NOR R-360 to D45.1 NOR to SONEB. , turn RIGHT, 005^ track Intercept DUS R-054 to D6 DUS turn LEFT, 009^ track to DUS 13.5 DME, turn LEFT, intercept RKN R-169 inbound to D28.2 RKN , turn LEFT, 346^ track to SONEB. /D45.1 NOR BRNAV equipment necessary. After D28.2 RKN Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R266^ 1 0 3 ^ R 3 5 4 ^ 2 . 4 3 . 8 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ (600'+) (600'+) (600'+) (600'+) 098^ 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of LIPMI 1 6 4 ^ due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 5 . 7 5 . 8 1 7 4 ^ D L 2 3 9 5 . 8 f r o m D L 2 4 0 5 . 7 f r o m 086^ 16.9 N51 08.7 E007 05.8 R278^ 10.1 EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3L DUSSELDORF 1 (FL150+) COLA 108.8 COL N50 47.0 E007 35.7 D R 3 2 8 ^ 1 4 8 ^ 2 3 . 6 5 0 0 0 C O L 2 J , 2 Z COL 2L, 2T N51 07.1 E007 16.1 If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. (FL150+) (FL150+) (FL150+) RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. 6 .8 1 3 COL 2L, 2T Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only FL150 At or above 1 N51 21.3 E006 54.8 DL058 N51 19.9 E006 51.7 DL050 DL244 - DL240 - DL241 - DL244 - LIPMI - DL239 - DL241 - DL244 - LIPMI - DL050 - DL058 - BAM - LIPMI - DL050 - DL058 - BAM - LIPMI RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING D 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 D 115.4 GMH N51 10.2 E007 53.5 GERMINGHAUSEN N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 05L 05R 23R 23L NOT TO SCALE 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 109.8 MHV N51 14.2 E006 29.4 Gnd speed-KT SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DL240 N51 13.4 E006 38.0 DL239 N51 13.5 E006 38.0 DL241 N51 07.7 E006 38.9 COLA TWO JULIETT (COL 2J) COLA TWO LIMA (COL 2L) COLA TWO TANGO (COL 2T) COLA TWO ZULU (COL 2Z) CHANGES: RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3) COL 2L COL 2J COL 2T COL 2Z - COL. - COL. - COL. - COL. (COL 2L) (COL 2T) MONCHEN- GLADBACH Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R 3 5 4 ^ R266^ 10.1 2 . 4 3 . 8 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 5 . 8 5 . 7 5 . 7 f r o m D L 2 4 0 5 . 8 f r o m D L 2 3 9 DL242 N51 21.3 E006 54.8 DL058 N51 19.9 E006 51.7 DL050 DL241 DL240 N51 13.4 E006 38.0 DL239 N51 13.5 E006 38.0 N51 07.7 E006 38.9 (DODEN 4T) (DODEN 4L) 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. 086^ 098^ R278^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ DODEN 4L, 4T 1 7 4 ^ DODEN 4L, 4T due to airspace structure. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of [DODE4L] [DODE4J] [DODE4T] [DODE4Z] BETZO 1 4 7 ^ 6 0 0 0 2 5 . 8 FL250 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3M DUSSELDORF 1If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. ELBAL shall file KUMIK RNAV SIDs. 25.9 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 N51 09.2 E007 20.1 1 3 5 ^ 1 4 . 4 1 5 . 9 D O D E N 4 J , 4 Z N51 09.4 E007 26.8 1 RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4.2 MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only FL250 At or above FL150 At or above 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 75 100 150 200 250 300 Gnd speed-KT D 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 NOT TO SCALE D 115.4 GMH N51 10.2 E007 53.5 GERMINGHAUSEN N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R DODEN N50 36.1 E008 05.6 D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 ONLY FOR JET FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL250 OR ABOVE (600'+) DODEN 4J 05L RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING - DL050 - DL058 - BAM - ELBAL (FL150+) - BETZO - DODEN (FL250+). (600'+) DODEN 4L DODEN 4Z 05R DODEN 4T 23R 23L (FL250+). (FL150+) - (FL250+). (600'+) CHANGES: - DL240 - DL241 - DL242 - ELBAL BETZO - DODEN BETZO - DODEN (FL150+) - - DL239 - DL241 - DL242 - ELBAL RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3A) DODEN FOUR JULIETT (DODEN 4J) DODEN FOUR TANGO (DODEN 4T) SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 N50 58.0 E007 44.2 Flights unable to cross DODEN at or above DODEN FOUR LIMA (DODEN 4L) DODEN FOUR ZULU (DODEN 4Z) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R354^ I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . T h e s e S I D s r e q u i r e a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f ( 6 0 0 ' + ) ( 6 0 0 ' + ) ( 6 0 0 ' + ) 1 0 . 1 2 . 4 3 . 8 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 5 . 8 5 . 7 5.7 from DL240 5.8 from DL239 G M H 6 L , 6 T 0 9 8 ^ R 2 7 8 ^ 0 8 6 ^ 174^ G M H 6 L , 6 T 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 3 0 0 0 ' 4 2 5 ' p e r N M ( 7 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g d u e t o a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e . .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3N DUSSELDORF 133.77 0 9 6 ^ 6 . 6 R 2 6 6 ^ 1 1 3 ^ 6 0 0 0 D 2 1 . 1 G M H 6 0 0 0 2 1 . 1 R 2 9 3 ^ A N A V I N 5 1 1 8 . 7 E 0 0 7 2 3 . 3 1 . 4 2 0 . 8 G M H 6 Y , 3 Z 6 0 0 0 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *LANGEN Radar Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. 2 5 . 8 M S A D U S V O R 2 1 0 0 ' 2 8 0 0 ' 2 3 0 0 ' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ a p p l i c a b l e o v e r G e r m a n t e r r i t o r y o n l y o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . N 5 1 2 1 . 3 E 0 0 6 5 4 . 8 D L ~ 5 8 N 5 1 1 9 . 9 E 0 0 6 5 1 . 7 D L 0 ~ 5 ~ D L 2 4 1 D L 2 4 ~ N 5 1 1 3 . 4 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 0 D L 2 3 9 N 5 1 1 3 . 5 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 0 ( G M H 6 T ) ( G M H 6 L ) R W Y I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' S I D R O U T I N G G M H 6 Y G M H 6 L 2 3 R 0 5 L 0 5 R G M H 3 Z G M H 6 T 2 3 L D 1 1 5 . 4 G M H N 5 1 1 0 . 2 E 0 0 7 5 3 . 5 G E R M I N G H A U S E N N 5 1 1 7 . 0 E 0 0 6 4 5 . 2 D 1 1 5 . 1 5 D U S D U S S E L D O R F D 1 1 6 . 2 N O R N O R V E N I C H N 5 0 5 0 . 4 E 0 0 6 4 1 . 6 4 2 5 ' p e r N M 5 3 2 7 0 9 1 0 6 3 1 4 1 8 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 G n d s p e e d - K T S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 D B A R M E N 1 1 3 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 9 . 7 E 0 0 7 1 0 . 6 CHANGES: D 6 . 6 B A M N O T T O S C A L E - D L 2 3 9 - D L 2 4 1 - G M H . - D L 2 4 0 - D L 2 4 1 - G M H . - D L 0 5 0 - D L 0 5 8 - B A M - A N A V I - G M H . N 5 1 0 7 . 7 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 9 GERMINGHAUSEN SIX LIMA (GMH 6L) RWYS 23R/L, 05L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3B) GERMINGHAUSEN SIX YANKEE (GMH 6Y) ONLY FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL140 OR BELOW GERMINGHAUSEN SIX TANGO (GMH 6T) GERMINGHAUSEN THREE ZULU (GMH 3Z) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R354^ R 2 6 6 ^ D E G O M N 5 1 0 9 . 9 E 0 0 7 4 0 . 4 I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . 3 0 0 0 ' 4 2 5 ' p e r N M ( 7 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g d u e t o a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e . T h e s e S I D s r e q u i r e a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f K U M I K 3 L , 3 T ( 6 0 0 ' + ) ( 6 0 0 ' + ) ( 6 0 0 ' + ) 1 0 . 1 2 . 4 3 . 8 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 5 . 8 5 . 7 5.7 from DL240 5.8 from DL239 0 9 8 ^ R 2 7 8 ^ 0 8 6 ^ 174^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Apt Elev 147' EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3P DUSSELDORF 133.77 0 9 6 ^ 6 . 6 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 8 . 6 A N A V I N 5 1 1 8 . 7 E 0 0 7 2 3 . 3 1 . 4 1 2 9 ^ 1 4 2 4 . 8 6 0 0 0 K U M I K ( F L 1 5 0 + ) ( F L 1 5 0 + ) N 5 0 5 0 . 2 E 0 0 8 0 4 . 4 N o r m a l l y n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r f l i g h t s a b o v e F L 2 5 0 v i a B O M B I , e x c e p t P r o p / T u r b o P r o p a i r c r a f t . I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . 1 1 4 2 ^ K U M I K 3 L , 3 T K U M I K 2 J , 2 Z 5 0 0 0 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N 5 1 0 9 . 4 E 0 0 7 2 6 . 8 E L B A L 4 . 2 6 0 0 0 *LANGEN Radar ( F L 1 5 0 + ) - .Eff.11.Mar. ONLY FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL150 OR ABOVE [KUMI2J] [KUMI3L] [KUMI3T] [KUMI2Z] D 2 1 . 1 G M H Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. 2 5 . 8 M S A D U S V O R 2 1 0 0 ' 2 8 0 0 ' 2 3 0 0 ' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ a p p l i c a b l e o v e r G e r m a n t e r r i t o r y o n l y F L 1 5 0 A t o r a b o v e F L 1 5 0 A t o r a b o v e 1 4 2 5 ' p e r N M 5 3 2 7 0 9 1 0 6 3 1 4 1 8 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 G n d s p e e d - K T N 5 1 2 1 . 3 E 0 0 6 5 4 . 8 D L ~ 5 8 N 5 1 1 9 . 9 E 0 0 6 5 1 . 7 D L 0 ~ 5 ~ D L 2 4 1 D L 2 4 ~ N 5 1 1 3 . 4 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 0 D L 2 3 9 N 5 1 1 3 . 5 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 0 R W Y I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' S I D R O U T I N G 2 3 R 0 5 L 0 5 R 2 3 L N 5 1 1 7 . 0 E 0 0 6 4 5 . 2 D 1 1 5 . 1 5 D U S D U S S E L D O R F D 1 1 6 . 2 N O R N O R V E N I C H N 5 0 5 0 . 4 E 0 0 6 4 1 . 6 D B A R M E N 1 1 3 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 9 . 7 E 0 0 7 1 0 . 6 CHANGES: D 6 . 6 B A M N O T T O S C A L E N 5 1 0 7 . 7 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 9 D 1 1 5 . 4 G M H N 5 1 1 0 . 2 E 0 0 7 5 3 . 5 G E R M I N G H A U S E N K U M I K 3 L K U M I K 3 T K U M I K 2 J K U M I K 2 Z - K U M I K . - D L 0 5 0 - D L 0 5 8 - B A M - A N A V I - D E G O M - K U M I K . o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 ( K U M I K 3 T ) ( K U M I K 3 L ) - D L 2 4 0 - D L 2 4 1 - E L B A L - D E G O M - D L 2 3 9 - D L 2 4 1 - E L B A L - D E G O M K U M I K . 26 FEB 10 KUMIK TWO ZULU (KUMIK 2Z) KUMIK TWO JULIETT (KUMIK 2J) RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3C) KUMIK THREE LIMA (KUMIK 3L) KUMIK THREE TANGO (KUMIK 3T) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN LMA 5Y, 9Z These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of LMA 4L, 8T 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000' 407' per NM (6.7%) due to airspace structure. due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. At or above 600' G E R M A N Y N E T H E R L A N D S .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3Q DUSSELDORF ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TO EDLN | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (LMA 4L) (LMA 8T) 2 3 3 ^ 1 . 7 D8 DUS 4 0 0 0 LMA 5Y, 9Z 2 9 7 ^ L M A 4 L , 8 T At or above 4000' 16.9 6 . 6 6 . 9 0 .3 At or above 600' 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 3 . 8 1 2 3 0 ^ 1 . 9 261^ Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only (600'+) DL237 (600'+) (4000'+) - DL238 DL236 (600'+) - DL238 (4000'+) - LMA. - DL050 - DL051 - DL052 - LMA. - LMA. N51 20.5 E006 53.0 N51 15.9 E006 43.1 RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 23R 23L LMA 4L LMA 8T LMA 5Y LMA 9Z 05L 05R 75 100 150 200 250 300 407' per NM 509 679 1018 1357 1696 2036 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 LIMA FIVE YANKEE (LMA 5Y) LIMA NINE ZULU (LMA 9Z) Gnd speed-KT NOT TO SCALE LIMA FOUR LIMA (LMA 4L) LIMA EIGHT TANGO (LMA 8T) RWYS 23R/L, 05L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3D) SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 CHANGES: DL237 N51 16.0 E006 42.7 DL236 DL238 N51 19.2 E006 33.0 N51 22.3 E006 23.7 311 LMA LIMA DL~51 DL~5~ N51 19.9 E006 51.7 DL~52 N51 24.7 E006 50.2 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 6 0 ^ R 1 6 9 ^ These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. Flights intending to proceed via airway must be able to cross ARTER above M E V E L 5 J , 6 Z 1 2 3 3 ^ 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing MEVEL 5J, 6Z M E V E L 8 L , 9 T due to airspace structure. SID 8 . 9 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 3 . 8 2 1 2 3 2 ^ At or above 600' At or above 600' .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3S DUSSELDORF Y 850 FL245. FL245 L 179 to OSN. to BASUM If unable or planning below continue via airway 3 4 9 ^ 1 2 . 8 G E R M A N Y N E T H E R L A N D S Initial climb clearance 5000' REKKEN 116.8 RKN N52 08.0 E006 45.8 1 7 | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 . 7 2 . 3 0 1 1 ^ 0 0 8 ^ 0 . 5 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 ERKUM LUSIX N51 37.2 E006 41.8 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 5 3 ^ 1 5 8 . 8 N51 42.4 E006 53.1 RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only (600'+) DL230 (600'+) DL231 (600'+) (600'+) N51 21.0 E006 54.3 DL~53 NIKOG N51 29.8 E006 56.6 DL232 N51 20.3 E006 41.7 DL233 DL231 DL23~ (MEVEL 8L) (MEVEL 9T) 0 0 9 ^ MEVEL 8L MEVEL 5J 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 05L 23R MEVEL 9T 23L 05R MEVEL 6Z 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 RWY ROUTING N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF D Gnd speed-KT DL~5~ N51 19.9 E006 51.7 N51 16.3 E006 44.1 CHANGES: - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - LUSIX - MEVEL. - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - LUSIX - MEVEL. NOT TO SCALE D - DL234 - DL233 (K190-) - ERKUM - LUSIX - MEVEL. - DL235 - DL232 (K190-) - ERKUM - LUSIX - MEVEL. DL235 DL234 N51 17.7 E006 40.9 N51 17.4 E006 41.1 RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E) MEVEL FIVE JULIETT (MEVEL 5J) [MEVE5J] MEVEL SIX ZULU (MEVEL 6Z) [MEVE6Z] [MEVE9T] [MEVE8L] MEVEL NINE TANGO (MEVEL 9T) MEVEL EIGHT LIMA (MEVEL 8L) N51 16.5 E006 43.8 190 KT MAX N51 19.7 E006 41.7 190 KT MAX SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 MEVEL N51 51.3 E007 12.6 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 0 3 ^ These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of N51 22.5 E006 27.0 M O D R U 8 L , 8 T If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. and above. These flights have to be able to cross MODRU at or above If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 5 . 5 5 . 4 DL247 N51 13.6 E006 38.4 DL243 N51 13.6 E006 38.4 (MODRU 8L) (MODRU 8T) 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000' due to airspace structure. UBORO 3 2 1 ^ MODRU 5J G E R M A N Y N E T H E R L A N D S 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 3 . 8 1 1 . 4 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3T DUSSELDORF FL210. FL210 Only for flights with requested 2 8 . 9 2 0 0 ^ ORSOV VEBAK N51 27.5 E006 20.9 8 . 3 1 3 .6 2 9 0 ^ N51 33.7 E006 40.3 2 4 2 ^ NETEX 5 0 0 0 1 9 . 9 MODRU N51 01.0 E006 05.4 1 0 .9 M O D R U 5 J , 5 Z | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 210 KT MAX N51 19.7 E006 16.3 At or above FL210 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 250 KT MAX MODRU 8L, 8T 210 KT MAX RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only N51 21.0 E006 54.3 (600'+) MODRU 8L MODRU 8T MODRU 5Z N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT DL~5~ N51 19.9 E006 51.7 CHANGES: DL~53 NIKOG 0 0 9 ^ RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3F) MODRU FIVE JULIETT (MODRU 5J) [MODR5J] [MODR8L] [MODR8T] [MODR5Z] MODRU FIVE ZULU (MODRU 5Z) NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 N51 29.8 E006 56.6 - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - ORSOV - VEBAK - NETEX - MODRU (600'+) 05L RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING (FL210+). 05R 23R 23L (FL210+). (FL210+). (600'+) - DL247 (K210-) - UBORO - NETEX (K250-) - MODRU - DL243 (K210-) - UBORO - NETEX (K250-) - MODRU MODRU EIGHT LIMA (MODRU 8L) MODRU EIGHT TANGO (MODRU 8T) N51 14.2 E006 29.4 109.8 MHV MONCHEN- GLADBACH Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 0 3 ^ NETEX 2J 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 3 . 8 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 10-3U DUSSELDORF 2 8 . 9 2 0 0 ^ ORSOV VEBAK N51 27.5 E006 20.9 8 . 3 1 3 .6 2 9 0 ^ N51 33.7 E006 40.3 2 4 2 ^ NETEX 1 0 .9 N E T E X 2 J , 2 Z 3000' NETEX 2L, 2T NETEX 2J, 2Z 425' per NM (7%) until passing 407' per NM (6.7%) due to airspace structure. due to airspace structure. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. 2 4 0 ^ 2 3 0 ^ 1 . 9 2 3 3 ^ 1 . 7 (NETEX 2L) 4 0 0 0 N E T E X 2 L , 2 T 6 . 6 D8 DUS 6 . 9 2 9 7 ^ 0 .3 At or above 600' (NETEX 2T) At or above 600' 5 . 3 G E R M A N Y FOR FLIGHTS VIA AIRWAY Z 282 - DIBIR - AIRWAY L 179 (IF AVAILABLE) [NETE2J] [NETE2L] [NETE2T] [NETE2Z] FOR FLIGHTS FROM REQUESTED FL100 TO FL200 OR N51 19.7 E006 16.3 At or above 4000' N E T H E R - L A N D S Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 MONCHEN- GLADBACH 109.8 MHV N51 14.2 E006 29.4 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only N51 21.0 E006 54.3 NETEX 2L NETEX 2T NETEX 2Z DL050 N51 19.9 E006 51.7 CHANGES: DL053 0 0 9 ^ NOT TO SCALE (600'+) 05L RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING 05R 23R 23L SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 75 100 150 200 250 300 407' per NM 425' per NM 509 679 1018 1357 1696 2036 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT DL237 (600'+) (4000'+) - DL238 DL236 (600'+) - DL238 (4000'+) - LMA - NETEX. - LMA - NETEX. DL237 N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF N51 22.3 E006 23.7 311 LMA LIMA DL238 DL237 N51 16.0 E006 42.7 DL236 N51 15.9 E006 43.1 - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - ORSOV - VEBAK - NETEX. RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G) NETEX TWO LIMA (NETEX 2L) NETEX TWO TANGO (NETEX 2T) NETEX TWO ZULU (NETEX 2Z) NETEX TWO JULIETT (NETEX 2J) NIKOG N51 29.8 E006 56.6 N51 19.2 E006 33.0 - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - ORSOV - VEBAK - NETEX. (600'+) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN (600'+) (600'+) (600'+) NOR 1T, 5U 098^ R 3 5 4 ^ 1 7 4 ^ NOR 7Y, 3Z N O R 1 T , 5 U 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing due to airspace structure. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. D NORVENICH 116.2 NOR N50 50.4 E006 41.6 R278^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 3 . 8 2 . 4 10.1 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 5 . 7 5 . 8 2 3 . 2 f r o m D L 2 3 9 2 3 . 1 f r o m D L 2 4 0 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of R 0 3 2 ^ 2 1 2 ^ 3 4 . 5 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 10-3V .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF RNAV SIDs renumbered & rebised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only - DL239 - NOR. - DL240 - NOR. NOR 7Y NOR 1T NOR 3Z NOR 5U 23L 23R 05L 05R 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 CHANGES: RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 Gnd speed-KT NORVENICH FIVE UNIFORM (NOR 5U) FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL90 OR BELOW FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED FL100 OR ABOVE SHALL FILE VIA MODRU N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF D BARMEN 113.6 BAM N51 19.7 E007 10.6 DL050 N51 19.9 E006 51.7 N51 21.3 E006 54.8 DL058 DL240 N51 13.4 E006 38.0 DL239 N51 13.5 E006 38.0 (NOR 1T) (NOR 5U) RWYS 23L/R, 05L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3H) - DL050 - DL058 - BAM - NOR. NORVENICH ONE TANGO (NOR 1T) NORVENICH SEVEN YANKEE (NOR 7Y) NORVENICH THREE ZULU (NOR 3Z) ALSO AVAILABLE FOR FLIGHTS VIA AIRWAY Q 760 BETWEEN 0600-0800LT Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R354^ R 2 6 6 ^ R 2 9 3 ^ ( 6 0 0 ' + ) 1 0 . 1 2 . 4 3 . 8 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 5 . 8 5 . 7 5.7 from DL24~ 5.8 from DL239 0 9 8 ^ R 2 7 8 ^ 0 8 6 ^ 174^ 2 3 0 ^ 2 3 3 ^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 0 9 6 ^ 6 . 6 1 1 3 ^ 6 0 0 0 D 2 1 . 1 G M H 6 0 0 0 A N A V I N 5 1 1 8 . 7 E 0 0 7 2 3 . 3 1 . 4 I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e D e l i v e r y o n s t a r t - u p r e q u e s t . 3 0 0 0 ' 4 2 5 ' p e r N M ( 7 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g d u e t o a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e . T h e s e S I D s r e q u i r e a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f N U D G O 2 L , 2 T N U D G O N 5 1 2 4 . 8 E 0 0 8 2 6 . 5 K U L I X N 5 1 2 1 . 1 E 0 0 8 1 4 . 8 6 0 0 0 8 . 2 N U D G O 2 J , 2 Z N U D G O 2 L , 2 T 4 . 1 1 3 . 3 ( 6 0 0 ' + ) ( 6 0 0 ' + ) ( 6 0 0 ' + ) Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 10-3W NOT AVAILABLE FOR FLIGHTS INTO UPPER AIRSPACE [NUDG2J] [NUDG2L] [NUDG2T] [NUDG2Z] 6 0 0 0 0 6 2 ^ 0 6 8 ^ 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 . 7 2 1 . 7 M A M I B E L B A L N 5 1 1 3 . 3 E 0 0 7 4 2 . 6 N 5 1 0 9 . 4 E 0 0 7 2 6 . 8 RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 5 . 8 EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF M S A D U S V O R 2 1 0 0 ' 2 8 0 0 ' 2 3 0 0 ' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ a p p l i c a b l e o v e r G e r m a n t e r r i t o r y o n l y o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . N 5 1 2 1 . 3 E 0 0 6 5 4 . 8 D L ~ 5 8 N 5 1 1 9 . 9 E 0 0 6 5 1 . 7 D L ~ 5 ~ D L 2 4 1 D L 2 4 ~ N 5 1 1 3 . 4 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 0 D L 2 3 9 N 5 1 1 3 . 5 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 0 R W Y I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' S I D R O U T I N G 0 5 L 0 5 R N 5 1 1 7 . 0 E 0 0 6 4 5 . 2 D 1 1 5 . 1 5 D U S D U S S E L D O R F D 1 1 6 . 2 N O R N O R V E N I C H N 5 0 5 0 . 4 E 0 0 6 4 1 . 6 S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 D B A R M E N 1 1 3 . 6 B A M N 5 1 1 9 . 7 E 0 0 7 1 0 . 6 CHANGES: D 6 . 6 B A M N O T T O S C A L E N 5 1 0 7 . 7 E 0 0 6 3 8 . 9 4 2 5 ' p e r N M 5 3 2 7 0 9 1 0 6 3 1 4 1 8 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 G n d s p e e d - K T N U D G O 2 J N U D G O 2 Z D 1 1 5 . 4 G M H N 5 1 1 0 . 2 E 0 0 7 5 3 . 5 G E R M I N G H A U S E N ( N U D G O 2 T ) ( N U D G O 2 L ) 2 3 R 2 3 L N U D G O 2 L N U D G O 2 T - D L 2 4 0 - D L 2 4 1 - E L B A L - M A M I B - K U L I X - N U D G O . - D L 2 3 9 - D L 2 4 1 - E L B A L - M A M I B - K U L I X - N U D G O . - D L 0 5 0 - D L 0 5 8 - B A M - A N A V I - M A M I B - K U L I X - N U D G O . - D L 0 5 0 - D L 0 5 8 - B A M - A N A V I - M A M I B - K U L I X - N U D G O . NUDGO TWO LIMA (NUDGO 2L) NUDGO TWO TANGO (NUDGO 2T) NUDGO TWO ZULU (NUDGO 2Z) NUDGO TWO JULIETT (NUDGO 2J) RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J) .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 6 0 ^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). DUSSELDORF, GERMANY 1 2 3 3 ^ 8 . 9 3 . 7 0 5 2 ^ 0 5 6 ^ 3 . 8 2 1 2 3 2 ^ At or above 600' 3 4 9 ^ 1 2 . 8 N E T H E R L A N D S G E R M A N Y 1 7 [SONE2J] [SONE3L] [SONE3T] [SONE2Z] 0 0 5 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 SONEB N52 01.4 E006 45.9 2 4 . 4 1 9 . 6 3 4 6 ^ S O N E B 3 L , 3 T S O N E B 2 J , 2 Z FL140 Only for flights with requested FL140. If unable to comply advise De- livery on start-up request. If unable to comply advise Delivery on start-up request. 3000' 425' per NM (7%) until passing due to airspace structure. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of SONEB 2J, 2Z or above via RKN/TENLI. Other flights proceed via MEVEL. Expect clearance to cross 10 NM prior SONEB at or above At or above 600' | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0 . 5 0 0 8 ^ 2 . 3 0 1 1 ^ 2 . 7 Apt Elev 147' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 128.5 *LANGEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact LANGEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 10-3X .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF LUSIX ERKUM N51 42.4 E006 53.1 N51 37.2 E006 41.8 RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised; communications. MSA DUS VOR 2100' 2800' 2300' 3 3 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 1 5 0 ^ applicable over German territory only CHANGES: (600'+) (600'+) DL231 (600'+) DL230 (600'+) 23R 05L 05R 23L RWY Initial climb clearance 5000' SID ROUTING RWYS 05L, 23R/L, 05R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3K) N51 21.0 E006 54.3 DL~53 NIKOG N51 29.8 E006 56.6 DL23~ 0 0 9 ^ 116.2 NOR NORVENICH N50 50.4 E006 41.6 N51 17.0 E006 45.2 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF D DL~5~ N51 19.9 E006 51.7 N51 16.3 E006 44.1 NOT TO SCALE SONEB TWO JULIETT (SONEB 2J) SONEB TWO ZULU (SONEB 2Z) SONEB 2J SONEB 3L SONEB 3T SONEB 2Z - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - LUSIX - SONEB. - DL050 - DL053 - NIKOG - LUSIX - SONEB. (SONEB 3T) SPEED RESTRICTION or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX 250 KT below FL100 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 Gnd speed-KT DL231 (SONEB 3L) - DL234 - DL233 (K190-) - ERKUM - SONEB. - DL235 - DL232 (K190-) - ERKUM - SONEB. DL232 190 KT MAX N51 20.3 E006 41.7 DL233 190 KT MAX DL234 DL235 N51 17.7 E006 40.9 N51 17.4 E006 41.1 N51 16.5 E006 43.8 N51 19.7 E006 41.7 SONEB THREE LIMA (SONEB 3L) SONEB THREE TANGO (SONEB 3T) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 3 6 0 ^ N O R M O D R U 8 L , 8 T COL 2L, 2T DODEN 4L, 4T GMH 6L, 6T KUMIK 3L, 3T NOR 1T, 5U NUDGO 2L, 2T 2 3 0 ^ 1 D M E 2 9 7 ^ 0 9 8 ^ R278^ 261^ R266^ R 3 5 4 ^ 1 7 4 ^ 086^ N O R 1 T , 5 U . 1 1 D M E 3 . 3 D M E 3 .4 D ME 3 2 1 ^ U B O R O EDDL/DUS Apt Elev 147' .NOISE. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY DUSSELDORF LMA 5Y, 9Z 0 5 4 ^ 0 5 4 ^ 10-4 | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages .Eff.11.Mar. 26 FEB 10 M E V E L 5 J , 6 Z M O D R U 5 J , 5 Z N E T E X 2 J , 2 Z S O N E B 2 J , 2 Z COL 2J, DODEN 4J GMH 6Y, KUMIK 2J LMA 5Y, MEVEL 5J MODRU 5J. NETEX 2J NOR 7Y, NUDGO 2J SONEB 2J COL 2Z, DODEN 4Z GMH 3Z, KUMIK 2Z LMA 9Z, MEVEL 6Z MODRU 5Z, NETEX 2Z NOR 3Z, NUDGO 2Z SONEB 2Z SIDs renumbered & revised; NAPSI SIDs withdrawn. C O L 2J, 2Z D O D EN 4J, 4Z G M H 6Y, 3Z KUM IK 2J, 2Z N O R 7Y, 3Z N UD G O 2J, 2Z COL 2L, 2T, DODEN 4L, 4T GMH 6L, 6T, KUMIK 3L, 3T NUDGO 2L, 2T M E V E L 8 L , 9 T S O N E B 3 L , 3 T BAM 5 D M E 0 0 9 ^ 2 3 4 5 6 11 14 D6.4 DUS DY 0 5 R 2 3 L 1 2 3 3 ^ 0 5 L 2 3 R D6 DUS . 4 15 18 8 LMA LMA DUS GMH NOR CHANGES: D20.6 NOR 16 13 Hospital 1 Noise monitoring point NOISE ABATEMENT DUS 13.5 DME DUS 12.7 DME D45.1 NOR L M A 4 L , 8 T N E T E X 2 L , 2 T Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Approved Operators Apt Elev CHANGES: TAKE-OFF 1 LVP must be in Force Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. A B C D RCLM (DAY only) 250m 300m 400m 500m NIL (DAY only) 1 RCLM (DAY only) RL & CL 200m 250m & mult. RVR req 125m 150m or RL or RL & mult. RVR req 150m 200m RL, CL HIRL, CL Feet Meters 0 0 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1500 500 51-17 51-17 51-18 51-18 06-44 06-44 06-45 06-45 06-46 06-46 06-47 06-48 06-48 VAR 0^ | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 430' For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages .Standard. 4 JUN 10 From rwy head twy Y int twy B int From rwy head twy E int ARP 0 5 3 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 3 0 0 0 m 147' DUSSELDORF 10-9 Tower 121.9 118.3 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY N51 16.9 E006 45.4 Elev 115' P E Elev 147' F 245' VOR 0 5 R 2 3 L 0 5 L 2 3 R WIDTH TAKE-OFF ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION USABLE LENGTHS RWY Threshold LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope 05 RVR 7844' 2391m 7632' 2326m 148' 45m 3 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE 05L 23R 05R 23L RWY 23R: 8858' 2700m 6765' (2062m) 7874' (2400m) F G E *DUSSELDORF Delivery 121.77 *Ground 2 3 3 ^ 0 5 3 ^ B B Y Y Z RVR RVR 6923' 2110m 6659' 2030m 3 148' 45m 7874' 2400m 2 1 1 2 1 2 Elev 112' 8530' (2600m) with paved strip in front of rwy (PPR only) 221' Trees up to 192' 8 8 5 8 ' 2 7 0 0 m E F 5 HIRL HIRL CL CL 115.15 123.77 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 23L: RWY 05R: RWY 05L: 172' 175' 226' GA 191' EDDL/DUS FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9A ALSF-II TDZ PAPI-L(3.0^) REIL HIALS SFL PAPI-L(3.0^) REIL HIRL CL TDZ PAPI-L(3.0^) REIL ALSF-II (15m) X X 123' Elev 227' G Control Tower *D-ATIS 191' 173' Trees up to 169' 172' 170' 177' Trees up to 171' 173' Trees up to M L M E A D N 9 8 4 3 ' M C T M S B C B D V M A C P A W X R Q K From rwy head twy M int twy L int twy E int 8858' (2700m) 8678' (2645m) 8202' (2500m) 7333' (2235m) From rwy head twy A int twy B int 8858' (2700m) 8120' (2475m) 6663' (2031m) 7874' (2400m) 6775' (2065m) 5643' (1720m) 4 56 4 6 Additional 984'/300m available as stopway. Additional 984'/300m available as stopway. APRON WEST Limit of Ground competence spacing 60m spacing 15m Apron. Usable length. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 0 6 - 4 5 . 3 0 6 - 4 7 0 6 - 4 5 . 5 0 6 - 4 5 . 3 | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0 6 - 4 5 . 5 5 1 - 1 6 . 5 0 6 - 4 5 . 4 5 1 - 1 6 . 6 5 1 - 1 6 . 5 4 JUN 10 D A - E a s t V 0 5 V 0 3 V 0 4 V 0 2 V 0 1 V 0 8 V 0 6 V 0 7 V 0 9 D A - W e s t 10-9A DUSSELDORF, GERMANY EDDL/DUS 0 6 - 4 6 . 7 5 1 - 1 7 . 2 CHANGES: E H A N G A R 8 H A N G A R 9 D 5 1 - 1 7 . 2 0 6 - 4 7 5 1 - 1 7 . 4 5 1 - 1 7 . 3 0 6 - 4 6 . 8 5 1 - 1 7 . 4 0 6 - 4 6 . 7 0 6 - 4 6 . 9 DUSSELDORF V 9 5 V 9 4 V 9 3 V 9 2 V 9 1 V 9 6 W A P V 8 5 V 8 4 V 8 3 V 8 2 V 8 1 V 8 6 X K M A P R O N W E S T H A N G A R 7 A R W Y 0 5 R / 2 3 L L E G E N D T a x i w a y T a x i g u i d e l i n e a l l a c f t R W Y 0 5 L / 2 3 R P a r k i n g p o s i t i o n D e - i c i n g a r e a 5 1 - 1 7 . 3 5 1 - 1 6 . 6 5 1 - 1 6 . 7 5 1 - 1 6 . 8 5 1 - 1 6 . 9 0 6 - 4 5 . 4 0 6 - 4 5 . 8 0 6 - 4 6 0 6 - 4 6 . 6 0 6 - 4 6 . 4 5 1 - 1 7 0 6 - 4 6 . 4 B 5 1 - 1 6 . 9 5 1 - 1 7 C A R G O C 0 6 - 4 6 . 2 A 1 0 C o n t r o l T o w e r A R P W 0 6 - 4 5 . 4 A P R O N W E S T 0 6 - 4 6 C 0 6 C 0 7 C 0 8 S R M A M P Q B 0 5 A 1 3 A 1 4 V 6 1 V 6 2 V 6 3 B 0 4 B 0 6 B 0 7 B 0 3 V 6 6 V 6 4 T E R M I N A L V 6 5 B 0 1 B 0 2 B 0 8 B 0 9 B 1 0 B 1 1 A 1 6 A 1 5 V 7 4 V 7 3 V 7 2 C 0 5 V 7 1 V 7 0 V 6 9 V 6 8 C 0 1 C 0 2 C 0 3 C 0 4 V 6 7 A 0 8 A 0 3 A 0 4 A 1 0 A 1 1 A 0 1 A 0 2 A 1 2 V 1 7 V 2 3 M V 3 9 A V 4 0 V 4 1 A V 4 2 V 2 1 V 2 2 V 2 0 V 1 8 V 1 9 V 4 1 V 1 6 V 1 4 V 1 3 V 1 2 V 1 0 V 3 8 A V 1 5 V 3 9 V 3 8 T V 4 3 V 4 4 V 4 5 V 4 6 V 2 4 V 2 5 V 2 6 V 2 7 V 2 8 V 2 9 V 5 2 V 5 0 V 4 8 V 5 1 V 4 9 V 4 7 C A 0 6 A 0 7 A 0 9 V 5 3 A 0 5 D V 1 1 B P C B Y 5 1 - 1 7 . 1 H A N G A R 6 H A N G A R 5 M V H A N G A R 7 T a x i g u i d e l i n e a l l a c f t e x c e p t B 7 4 7 , B 7 7 7 , A 3 3 0 ( C 0 1 / C 0 7 p o s s i b l e ) , A 3 4 0 5 1 - 1 7 . 2 X X X 0 6 - 4 5 . 2 0 6 - 4 5 . 2 V 1 1 1 V 1 1 2 V 1 1 3 V 1 1 4 V 1 1 5 V 1 1 6 V 1 0 1 V 1 0 2 V 1 0 3 V 1 0 4 V 1 0 5 V 1 0 6 W Apron. Stands. L i m i t o f G r o u n d c o m p e t e n c e A B C Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 10-9B EDDL/DUS | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 JUN 10 INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES DUSSELDORF, GERMANY DUSSELDORF CHANGES: STAND No. COORDINATES A01, A02 A03 thru A08 A09 A10 thru A12 A13 thru A16 B01, B02 B03 thru B06 B07 B08, B09 B10, B11 C01 C02 C03, C04 C05 C06 C07, C08 V01 V02 thru V04 V05 thru V09 V10, V11 V12 thru V16 V17 thru V20 V21 V22 thru V24 V25 thru V27 N51 16.9 E006 46.1 N51 17.0 E006 46.1 N51 16.9 E006 46.1 N51 17.0 E006 46.0 N51 16.9 E006 46.0 N51 16.9 E006 45.9 N51 16.9 E006 45.8 N51 16.9 E006 45.7 N51 16.8 E006 45.8 N51 16.8 E006 45.9 N51 16.7 E006 45.9 N51 16.7 E006 45.8 N51 16.7 E006 45.7 N51 16.6 E006 45.8 N51 16.7 E006 45.8 N51 16.7 E006 45.9 N51 17.5 E006 47.0 N51 17.5 E006 46.9 N51 17.4 E006 46.8 N51 17.4 E006 46.7 N51 17.3 E006 46.6 N51 17.3 E006 46.5 N51 17.3 E006 46.4 N51 17.2 E006 46.4 N51 17.2 E006 46.3 V28 V29 V38 thru V39A V40 V41 thru V43 V44 thru V46 V47 thru V52 V53 V61 thru V66 V67 thru V71 V72, V73 V74 V81 V82 thru V86 V91 thru V95 V96 V101 thru 104 V105 V106 V111, V112 V113 thru 116 N51 17.2 E006 46.2 N51 17.1 E006 46.2 N51 17.2 E006 46.6 N51 17.2 E006 46.5 N51 17.1 E006 46.5 N51 17.1 E006 46.4 N51 17.1 E006 46.3 N51 17.0 E006 46.2 N51 16.8 E006 45.6 N51 16.7 E006 45.6 N51 16.6 E006 45.6 N51 16.6 E006 45.4 N51 16.7 E006 45.4 N51 16.6 E006 45.5 N51 16.6 E006 45.4 N51 16.5 E006 45.5 N51 16.7 E006 45.2 N51 16.7 E006 45.3 N51 16.6 E006 45.3 N51 16.8 E006 45.4 N51 16.7 E006 45.4 Stands V101 thru 116 added. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 10-9C EDDL/DUS | JEPPESEN, 2001. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 JUN 10 B-747 other types A 320 B-747 other types A 320 B-747 other types A 320 B-747 other types A 320 SIGHTING SLOT LIGHT TUBE All types continue taxiing. GENERAL CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD CAUTION TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD GREEN GREEN GREEN RED RED GREEN Be sure to select the correct vertical reference mark corresponding to your type of aircraft. Marker board layouts are different for the various nose-in parking positions. The aircraft is stopped at the correct position by means of the Stop Element. When the tubular light, visible through the horizontal slot in the marker board, registers in line with the appropriate vertical reference mark, the aircraft has reached the correct stopping position. LEFT of centerline. Turn towards GREEN. (RIGHT) Aircraft on centerline. RIGHT of centerline. Turn towards GREEN. (LEFT) Approach the parking position along the yellow centerline so that both ver- tical slots in the Centerline Guidance Element show GREEN. Adjustments to the left or right shall always be made towards the GREEN. The system is aligned with the LEFT hand pilot's seat only. In case of AGNIS failure, nose-in positioning will be guided by marshaller. CAUTION The visual guidance system for nose-in ance for Nose-In Stands) consists of the following elements: 1. CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT 2. YELLOW CENTERLINE 3. STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD NOSE-IN PARKING PROCEDURES CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT YELLOW CENTERLINE STOP ELEMENT- MARKER BOARD parking positions AGNIS (Aircraft Guid- Other types stop. B-747 continue taxiing. B-747 stop. A 320 stop. Other types and B-747 continue taxiing. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY DUSSELDORF CHANGES: None. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 10-9X .JAA.MINIMUMS. 7 MAY 10 Minimums. | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: STRAIGHT-IN RWY D C B A EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY DUSSELDORF 05L ALS out ILS 316'(200') R1000m R550m 316'(200') R550m R1000m 331'(215') R600m R1000m 341'(225') R600m R1000m ALS out LOC 500'(384') R1500m R900m 500'(384') R1000m R1500m 500'(384') R1000m R1800m (384') R1400m R2000m 500' ALS out 600'(484') R1500m R1000m 600'(484') R1500m 600'(484') R1200m R2000m (484') R1600m R2000m 600' R1200m ALS out 680'(564') R1500m R1000m 680'(564') R1200m R1500m (564') R1200m R2000m (564') R1600m R2000m 680' 680' NDB ALS out 680'(564') R1500m R1000m 680'(564') R1200m R1500m (564') R1200m R2000m (564') R1600m R2000m 680' 680' SRA 05R ALS out ILS 321'(200') R1000m R550m 321'(200') R550m R1000m 321'(200') R550m R1000m 321'(200') R550m R1000m ALS out LOC 500'(379') R1500m R900m 570'(449') R1000m R1500m 570'(449') R1000m R1800m (449') R1400m R2000m 570' ALS out 680'(559') R1500m R1000m 680'(559') R1500m 680'(559') R1200m R2000m (559') R1600m R2000m 680' R1200m ALS out 650'(529') R1500m R1000m 680'(559') R1200m R1500m (559') R1200m R2000m (559') R1600m R2000m 680' 680' NDB ALS out 680'(559') R1500m R1000m 680'(559') R1200m R1500m (559') R1200m R2000m (559') R1600m R2000m 680' 680' SRA 221'(100') 221'(100') 221'(100') 221'(100') CAT 2 ILS R300m RA105' RA105'R300m RA105'R300m RA105'R300m CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m approved approved approved approved ALS out 480'(364') R1500m R900m R1500m R1000m R1800m R1400m R2000m R1000m 480'(364') 480'(364') 480'(364') ALS out 540'(419') R1500m R900m R1500m R1000m R1800m R1400m R2000m R1000m 540'(419') 540'(419') 540'(419') RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) RNAV (LNAV) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 10-9X1 .JAA.MINIMUMS. Minimums. A B C D RCLM (DAY only) 250m 300m 400m 500m NIL (DAY only) RCLM (DAY only) RL & CL 200m 250m & mult. RVR req 125m 150m or RL or RL & mult. RVR req 150m 200m RL, CL HIRL, CL Approved Operators LVP must be in Force 7 MAY 10 | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 1 LACFT: DA(H) 367' (243'). CHANGES: STRAIGHT-IN RWY D C B A EDDL/DUS DUSSELDORF, GERMANY DUSSELDORF 23R ALS out ILS 324'(200') R1000m R550m 331'(207') R600m R1000m 354'(230') R600m R1000m 364'(240') R600m R1000m ALS out LOC 510'(386') R1500m R900m 510'(386') R1000m R1500m 510'(386') R1000m R1800m (386') R1400m R2000m 510' ALS out 640'(516') R1500m R1000m 640'(516') R1500m 640'(516') R1200m R2000m (516') R1600m R2000m 640' R1200m ALS out 700'(576') VOR ALS out 680'(556') R1500m R1000m 680'(556') R1200m R1500m (556') R1200m R2000m (556') R1600m R2000m 680' 680' SRA 224'(100') 224'(100') 224'(100') 224'(100') CAT 2 ILS R300m RA101' RA101'R300m RA101' R300m RA101' R300m TAKE-OFF RWY 05L, 05R, 23L, 23R CAT 3A ILS RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 23L ALS out ILS 338'(200') R1000m R550m 338'(200') R550m R1000m 338'(200') R550m R1000m 338'(200') R550m R1000m ALS out LOC 520'(382') R1500m R900m 520'(382') R1000m R1500m 520'(382') R1000m R1800m (382') R1400m R2000m 520' ALS out 610'(472') R1500m R1000m 680'(542') R1500m 680'(542') R1200m R2000m (542') R1600m R2000m 680' R1200m ALS out 700'(562') VOR ALS out 680'(542') R1500m R1000m 680'(542') R1200m R1500m (542') R1200m R2000m (542') R1600m R2000m 680' 680' SRA 238'(100') 238'(100') 238'(100') 238'(100') CAT 2 ILS RA92'R300m RA92'R300m RA92'R300m RA92'R300m CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m approved approved approved approved (562') 700' (562') 700' (562') 700' R1500m R1000m R1500m R1200m R2000m R1600m R2000m R1200m (576') 700' (576') 700' (576') 700' R1500m R1000m R1500m R1200m R2000m R1600m R2000m R1200m ALS out 600'(462') R1500m R1000m R1500m R1200m R2000m R1600m R2000m R1200m 600'(462') 600'(462') 600'(462') ALS out 620'(496') R1500m R1000m R1500m R1200m R2000m R1600m R2000m R1200m 620'(496') 620'(496') 620'(496') RNAV (LNAV) RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchen- gladbach 2 2 8 ^ D25.0 BAM D3.0 DUS Within German territory only D7.0 OM MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M DUSSELDORF 11-1 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY LOC 053^ 1480' DA(H) Apt Elev RWY 147' 116' Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' P A N S O P S 4 Gnd speed-Kts Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' MSA DUS VOR 115.15 123.77 IDNE 109.5 70 90 100 120 140 160 ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A B C D FULL Limited ALS out LOC (GS out) 05L OM D7.0 0 5 3 ^ BARMEN 113.6 BAM D D11.5 DUS MONCHENGLADBACH 109.8 MHV LEBTI (IAF) (IAF) Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 DUS, then turn REIL PAPI D3.0 DUS DIKMI DIKMI 267^ 2 1 7 ^ 3 4 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 . 9 5 . 0 51-10 51-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 MHA 4000 6000 by ATC 638' 630' 867' 890' 766' 698' 610' LEFT on track 267^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. EDDL/DUS 1 1 778' *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) 133.77 128.5 (1364') LOC LOC 1480' GS GS HIALS 3 0 0 0 Final Apch Crs Refer to Minimums 576' ILS or LOC Rwy 05L MAP at MM/D0.5 DUS DME REQUIRED. RONAD 2 0 6 ^ LOC: 4 0 0 0 1 . 7 556' | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS 3.00^ ALS out AB: .Standard. 7 MAY 10 D2.5 C: D: D2.5 LOC TCH displ thresh 52' (T) D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA ILS MM 0 5 3 ^ 053^ 109.5 IDNE 2 4 1 ^ D4.1 DUS DUS CHANGES: 861 753 646 538 484 377 LOC (GS out) ALTITUDE 2.0 3.0 4.0 810' 1130' 1450' 5.0 6.0 8.0 DUS DME 2720' 2080' 1760' MM 1480' DUS 1.9 2.0 RWY 05L116' 2400' 2.9 3000' D8.9 DUS D8.9 DUS OM D4.1 DUS ILS 2400' 7.0 D0.5 DUS D0.5 DUS 0.5 629' ILS GS or LOC Descent Angle 1500m RVR RVR 1100m DA(H) 316'(200') RVR 550m RVR 750m RVR 1200m DUS 331'(215') 341'(225') DA(H) 500'(384') RVR 1800m Communications. Procedure. Minimums. DUS 970' 1.6 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchen- gladbach 2 2 6 ^ P A N S O P S 4 Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 D7.0 0 5 3 ^ D11.5 DUS MONCHENGLADBACH 109.8 MHV LEBTI (IAF) REIL PAPI D3.0 DUS NATOS 268^ 2 0 6 ^ 3 4 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 3 0 0 0 5 . 0 51-10 51-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 D25.0 BAM A B C D FULL Limited ILS LOC (GS out) ALS out ALS out NDB: MAP at D0.5 DUS D0.5 DUS MHA 4000 6000 by ATC OM D7.0 NATOS D0.5 NOT TO SCALE 630' 867' 890' 766' 698' BARMEN 113.6 BAM D D3.0 DUS 610' NDB 1 Within German territory only ALSF-II DUSSELDORF 11-2 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY MSA DUS VOR MISSED APCH: 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' LOC NDB IDSE DY 111.5 284.5 053^ 3000' ILS NDB DA(H) DA(H) 321'(200') Apt Elev RWY 147' 121' Final Apch Crs B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Minimum Alt OM 1480' EDDL/DUS NATOS 1 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) 133.77 128.5 (1359') (2879') LOC GS 1480' GS 3 0 0 0 2 2 LOC 576' Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 DUS, then turn LEFT on track 268^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. ILS or LOC or NDB Rwy 05R LOC: MAP at MM/D0.6 DUS DME REQUIRED. 2 1 7 ^ 3 . 9 (IAF) RONAD 556' LOC or NDB: 4 0 0 0 1 . 7 | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS 3.00^ ALS out .Standard. RVR 1200m RVR 1400m CMV 2400m RVR 1800m CMV 2100m RVR 1500m RVR 1500m STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05R 7 MAY 10 BCD: BCD: A: A: DA(H) 570'(449') DA(H) 680'(559') DA(H) 321'(200') 500'(379') (529') 650' RVR 1000m D2.5 D2.5 LOC Refer to Minimums (T) D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA 2 4 1 ^ 0 6 1 ^ 861 753 646 538 484 377 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 DUS DME DUS RWY 05R 121' 3000' D8.9 DUS TCH displ thresh 51' LOC (GS out) MM DY Lctr 0.5 1480' 0.7 1.9 D4.8 DUS NDB 1680' 1.9 2.2 0.1 0 5 3 ^ MM D4.1 DUS DUS D8.9 DUS DUS 284.5 DY DUSSELDORF D4.8 DUS ILS 053^ 111.5 IDSE CHANGES: OM D4.1 DUS 6.0 810' 1130' 1450' 2720' 2090' 1770' 2410' 2410' NDB 2400' ALTITUDE NDB ALTITUDE 2720' 2400' 2080' 1760' 1440' 1130' 810' Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' D0.6 DUS D0.6 DUS 629' ILS GS or LOC or NDB Desc Angle RVR 550m 750m RVR Communications. Minimums. DUS DUS 1.6 970' Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchen- gladbach 2 2 6 ^ D3.0 DUS D25.0 BAM Within German territory only MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY LOC 053^ 1480' Apt Elev RWY 147' 121' Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' P A N S O P S 4 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' MSA DUS VOR IDSE 111.5 OM D11.5 DUS MONCHENGLADBACH 109.8 MHV Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 DUS, then turn 51-10 51-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 CAT II ILS Rwy 05R 11-2A CAT II ILS RA 105' DA(H) 221'(100') Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 3.00^ CAT II ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 1 300m RVR DA(H) (100') 221' RA 105' 05R 1 GS 121' 0 5 3 ^ RWY 05R REIL PAPI D3.0 DUS NATOS NATOS OM MHA 4000 6000 by ATC 268^ 3 4 0 ^ 2 3 5 ^ 3 0 0 0 5 . 0 LEBTI (IAF) BARMEN 113.6 BAM D 638' 630' 867' 890' 766' 698' 610' LEFT on track 268^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. EDDL/DUS 1 1 576' 778' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) ALSF-II GS 1480' (1359') GS Final Apch Crs 377 484 538 646 753 861 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. 133.77 128.5 2 0 6 ^ 2 1 7 ^ 3 . 9 (IAF) RONAD Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 4 0 0 0 1 . 7 556' ABCD | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS .Standard. 7 MAY 10 Communications. TCH displ thresh 51' (T) D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA CHANGES: OM 3000' 3.5 D4.1 DUS D8.9 DUS 4.8 0 5 3 ^ D8.9 DUS D4.1 DUS 284.5 DY DUSSELDORF 2 4 1 ^ ILS 053^ 111.5 IDSE MM D0.6 DUS MM D0.6 DUS 0.6 629' Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN MSA DUS VOR TCH displ thresh 52' Essen- Mulheim Within German territory only PAPI REIL METMA LOC IDSW 109.9 233^ 1850' Apt Elev RWY 147' 138' 11-3 DA(H) 338'(200') MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 A B C D FULL Limited ILS LOC (GS out) ALS out Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' 2 3 3 ^ ILS MM 233^ 109.9 IDSW D6.5 DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: DUS DME LOC (GS out) ALTITUDE 4.0 1050' 5.0 1370' 3.0 7.0 2010' 10.0 2650' 6.0 1690' 740' RWY 23L METMA 138' 2 3 3 ^ MM 3000' D6.5 DUS 1850' 3.6 2.2 ILS BARMEN 113.6 BAM D OM D2.0 DUS OM D10.1 DUS 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ TO SCALE NOT 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C D10.1 DUS OM DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D D2.0 DUS (IAF) (IAF) 1 7 3 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 . 8 D5.8 BAM 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 1033' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 1 1 959' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) (1712') GS ALSF-II LOC GS 1850' 2.5 1050' LOC D4.0 DUS DUS D4.0 8.0 9.0 2330' 2960' Final Apch Crs 377 484 538 646 753 861 Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. 133.77 128.5 ILS or LOC Rwy 23L D1.8 DUS D1.8 DUS MAP at MM/D1.8 DUS 1. LOC: DME REQUIRED. 2. Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23L. DUSSELDORF 417 LI | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS ILS GS or LOC Descent Angle 3.00^ .Standard. 1500m RVR RVR 1800m RVR1100m ALS out RVR 550m RVR 750m RVR1200m DA(H) 338'(200') STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23L 7 MAY 10 DA(H) 520'(382') 0.5 Communications. Minimums. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN MSA DUS VOR Essen- Mulheim TCH displ thresh 52' Within German territory only METMA LOC IDSW 109.9 233^ 1850' Apt Elev RWY 147' 138' MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' 2 3 3 ^ ILS MM 233^ 109.9 IDSW D6.5 DUS DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: BARMEN 113.6 BAM D 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ TO SCALE NOT 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C D10.1 DUS OM DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D D2.0 DUS (IAF) (IAF) 1 7 3 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 . 8 D5.8 BAM 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 PAPI REIL RWY 23L METMA 138' 2 3 3 ^ MM 3000' D6.5 DUS 3.6 4.7 D2.0 DUS OM D10.1 DUS Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 3.00^ GS 377 484 538 646 753 861 CAT II ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 1 300m RVR DA(H) (100') 238' 23L 1 RA 92' CAT II ILS RA 92' 238'(100') DA(H) 11-3A CAT II ILS Rwy 23L OM 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 1033' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 1 1 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) ALSF-II GS (1712') GS 1850' Final Apch Crs Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. 959' 133.77 128.5 D1.8 DUS D1.8 DUS 1. Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23L. 2. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. ABCD DUSSELDORF 417 LI | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS .Standard. 7 MAY 10 Communications. 0.5 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN MSA DUS VOR TCH displ thresh 52' Essen- Mulheim Within German territory only LOC IDNW 109.3 233^ 1870' Apt Elev RWY 147' 124' 11-4 MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' 233^ 109.3 IDNW DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY CHANGES: IDNW DME LOC (GS out) ALTITUDE 2.0 RWY 23R REGNO 124' 2 3 3 ^ 3000' 1870' 3.6 2.3 BARMEN 113.6 BAM D D2.0 DUS D9.1 IDNW 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ TO SCALE NOT 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D D2.0 DUS (IAF) (IAF) 1 7 4 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 . 1 D6.1 BAM 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 ILS DA(H) REGNO D9.1 IDNW 2 3 3 ^ 750' 1070' 1390' 1710' 2030' 2660' 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A B C D 23R ILS 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 1 1 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) GS (1746') ALSF-II LOC 2.5 1070' LOC D3.0 IDNW GS 1870' 7.0 2350' D3.0 IDNW Final Apch Crs 377 484 538 646 753 861 Refer to Minimums Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. 959' ILS or LOC Rwy 23R Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 133.77 128.5 DME required. | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS ILS GS or LOC Descent Angle 3.00^ .Standard. ALS out ALS out FULL LOC (GS out) RVR 550m RVR 750m Limited RVR 1200m A: B: C: D: (207') (200') (240') (230') 324' 331' 354' 364' DA(H) RVR 1100m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m DA(H) 510'(386') 1 1LACFT: DA(H) 367' (243'), ALS out RVR 1300m. 18 JUN 10 .Eff.1.Jul. ILS DME D5.5 IDNW D0.7 IDNW D5.5 IDNW D0.7 IDNW 2980' 9.0 D5.5 IDNW 1. 2. Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23R. 3. LACFT: See ATC State pages. MAP at D0.7 IDNW 0.5 ILS DME added. 712' 1460' 771' Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN MSA DUS VOR Within German territory only LOC IDNW 109.3 233^ 1870' Apt Elev RWY 147' 124' MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' 51-20 51-30 RWY 23R REGNO 124' 2 3 3 ^ D2.0 DUS D9.1 IDNW Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 3.00^ GS 377 484 538 646 753 861 CAT II ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 1 300m RVR DA(H) (100') 224' 23R 1 CAT II ILS 224'(100') DA(H) 11-4A RA 101' BARMEN 113.6 BAM D 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ TO SCALE NOT 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D D2.0 DUS 1 7 4 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 . 1 D6.1 BAM 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 REGNO D9.1 IDNW RA 101' REIL PAPI 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 1 1 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) GS (1746') GS 1870' ALSF-II Final Apch Crs Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. 959' CAT II ILS Rwy 23R 133.77 128.5 ABCD | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS .Standard. 18 JUN 10 .Eff.1.Jul. D5.5 IDNW D5.5 IDNW IDNW ILS DME added. DME required. 1. approaching rwy 23R. 3. Speciel Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 2. Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when TCH displ thresh 52' Essen- Mulheim DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: 3000' 3.6 4.8 233^ 109.3 IDNW (IAF) (IAF) 2 3 3 ^ 0.5 IDNW D0.7 ILS DME D5.5 IDNW D0.7 1460' 712' 771' Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchengladbach REIL PAPI HIALS 2 3 4 ^ MHA 4000 6000 by ATC 267^ 3 2 2 ^ 2 3 4 ^ 3 0 0 0 6 . 9 LEBTI (IAF) DL~19 D3.0 DUS DL~2~ DL~1~ DL~17 6 . 6 1 4 2 ^ 5 . 0 DL~16 3 0 0 0 DIKMI RW~5L 0 5 2 ^ 4 . 1 6.0 NM 2.5 NM 51-10 51-20 06-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 RNAV 052^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 116' 12-1 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2800' Minimum Alt DA(H) 480'(364') A B C D ALS out Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 DIKMI DIKMI MAP at RW~5L Descent Angle RW~5L 2.5 NM to RW~5L 6.0 NM to RW~5L MSA Airport 616' 610' 638' 630' 890' 766' 698' 857' EDDL/DUS 576' 778' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) (2884') Final Apch Crs 0 5 2 ^ 267^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. NON-RNAV: Refer to Missed Apch above 133.77 128.5 (IF) (IAF) RONAD 7 . 1 556' 4 0 0 0 *D-ATIS 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 52' 3.00^ .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05L DA(H) 600'(484') | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LNAV/VNAV 3 . 0 14.4 Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^C. LNAV DA(H) 480'(364') ALS out LNAV/VNAV MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 DUS, then turn LEFT onto 267^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. Climb on 052^ to DL~19, then turn LEFT via DL~2~ onto 7 MAY 10 (Within German territory only) D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA 2 4 1 ^ to RW~5L to RW~5L DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: ALTITUDE 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 1130' 1450' 1760' 2400' 116' 3000' 2.5 2080' RWY 05L 0 5 2 ^ RNAV (GPS) Rwy 05L 3.5 2.9 970' 2.0 810' 6.0 2080' 8.0 2720' DIST to RW~5L 629' 702' RVR 1500m 2300m CMV RVR 1500m RVR 1500m RVR 1700m RVR 1000m Communications. Minimums. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchengladbach MHA 4000 6000 by ATC 268^ 3 2 2 ^ 2 3 4 ^ 3 0 0 0 6 . 9 LEBTI (IAF) DL~14 D3.0 DUS DL~15 DL~1~ DL~12 6 . 3 1 4 2 ^ 5 . 0 DL~11 3 0 0 0 NATOS RW~5R 0 5 2 ^ 4 . 0 6.0 NM 2.5 NM 51-10 51-20 06-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 RNAV 052^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 121' 12-2 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 Final Apch Crs Minimum Alt DA(H) 540'(419') Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 NATOS NATOS MAP at RW~5R Descent Angle RW~5R 2.5 NM to RW~5R 6.0 NM to RW~5R MSA Airport 616' 610' 638' 630' 890' 766' 698' REIL PAPI 857' EDDL/DUS 778' 576' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) ALSF-II (2879') 0 5 2 ^ 268^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. NON-RNAV: 2800' Refer to Missed Apch above 133.77 128.5 (IF) (IAF) RONAD 2 3 2 ^ 7 . 1 556' 4 0 0 0 *D-ATIS 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 51' 3.00^ | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LNAV/VNAV Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^C. 3 . 0 14.5 A B C D ALS out .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05R DA(H) 680'(559') LNAV DA(H) 540'(419') ALS out LNAV/VNAV MISSED APCH: Climb on 052^ to DL~14, then turn LEFT via DL~15 onto Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 DUS, then turn LEFT onto 268^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. 7 MAY 10 D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA 2 4 1 ^ to RW~5R to RW~5R DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY CHANGES: ALTITUDE 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 1130' 1450' 1770' 2410' 121' 3000' 2.5 2090' RWY 05R 0 5 2 ^ RNAV (GPS) Rwy 05R 3.5 2.9 970' 2.0 810' 6.0 2090' 8.0 2720' (Within German territory only) Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) DIST to RW~5R 629' 702' Communications. Minimums. RVR 1800m 2400m CMV RVR 1500m RVR 1500m RVR 1200m 1900m RVR Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN METMA RNAV 232^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 138' 12-3 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2800' Final Apch Crs BARMEN 113.6 BAM D 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C 1 7 3 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 . 3 9 . 9 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 Minimum Alt DA(H) 600'(462') 2 3 2 ^ A B C D ALS out Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 REIL PAPI METMA METMA Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23L. RW23L DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D D2.0 DUS DL~~3 2.5 NM to RW23L 5.0 NM to RW23L 4 . 0 DL~~1 MAP at RW23L Descent Angle RW23L 2.5 NM to RW23L 5.0 NM to RW23L 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 1033' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' EDDL/DUS DL~21 0 4 1 ^ 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) (2862') ALSF-II (Within German territory only) MSA Airport Refer to Missed Apch above 959' NOT TO SCALE NON-RNAV: MISSED APCH: BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to 133.77 128.5 (IF) *D-ATIS 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 52' 3.00^ .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23L | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Communications. Minimums. Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^C. LNAV/VNAV 3 . 3 2 3 2 ^ 2 1 . 9 DA(H) 680'(542') LNAV ALS out DA(H) 600'(462') LNAV/VNAV 041^ to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. Climb on 232^ to DL~~3, then turn RIGHT via DL~21 onto 7 MAY 10 610'(472') A: BCD: DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: (IAF) (IAF) Essen- Mulheim ALTITUDE 3.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 1150' 1470' 2110' 2420' 138' 3000' 2.5 1790' RWY 23L 2 3 2 ^ RNAV (GPS) Rwy 23L 2.5 3.8 990' 2.0 830' 5.0 1790' 8.0 2740' DIST to RW23L RVR 1500m CMV2400m RVR 1800m RVR 1500m CMV2200m RVR 1500m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN (Within German territory only) REGNO 12-4 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2800' BARMEN 113.6 BAM D 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C 1 7 4 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 . 6 9 . 6 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 2 3 2 ^ Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 REIL PAPI REGNO RW23R DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D D2.0 DUS DL~~6 2.5 NM to RW23R 5.0 NM to RW23R 4 . 0 DL~~4 MAP at RW23R Descent Angle RW23R 2.5 NM to RW23R 5.0 NM to RW23R 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 1033' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 0 4 2 ^ DL~22 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) ALSF-II RNAV 232^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 124' Minimum Alt DA(H) 620'(496') REGNO (2876') MSA Airport Final Apch Crs 2 3 2 ^ Refer to Missed Apch above 959' NOT TO SCALE Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23R. 133.77 128.5 (IF) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to NON-RNAV: BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. *D-ATIS 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 48' 3.00^ | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LNAV/VNAV Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^C. 3 . 2 2 1 . 8 A B C D ALS out .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23R DA(H) 640'(516') LNAV ALS out DA(H) 620'(496') LNAV/VNAV Communications. Minimums. 042^ to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. Climb on 232^ to DL~~6, then turn RIGHT via DL~22 onto 7 MAY 10 Essen- Mulheim DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY CHANGES: ALTITUDE 3.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 1130' 2090' 2410' 124' 3000' 2.5 1770' RWY 23R 2 3 2 ^ RNAV (GPS) Rwy 23R 2.5 3.9 970' 2.0 810' 1450' 5.0 1770' 8.0 2730' Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) (IAF) (IAF) DIST to RW23R RVR 1500m CMV2400m RVR 1600m RVR 1500m CMV2300m RVR 1500m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN [MD23L] [4~VO2] [FD23L] [6~VOR] [MD23L] [4~VO2] [6~VOR] [FD23L] MSA DUS VOR Essen- Mulheim Within German territory only D10.1 VOR DUS 115.15 234^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 138' 13-1 MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: BARMEN 113.6 BAM D D2.0 DUS 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ TO SCALE NOT 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C D2.0 DUS (IAF) (IAF) 1 7 3 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 . 6 D5.6 BAM 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 Minimum Alt DA(H) 700'(562') DUS DUS DUS D6.0 D2.0 2 3 4 ^ DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D A B C D ALS out Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 REIL PAPI ALTITUDE DUS DME 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 1370' 1690' 2010' 2640' D10.1 VOR D2.0 138' 3000' 0.7 2.0 4.1 1690' RWY 23L 2 3 4 ^ DUS MAP at D2.0 DUS DUS D6.0 DUS D10.1 DUS 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 1033' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 1 1 8.0 2330' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) (2862') ALSF-II 2.0 1050' D4.0 DUS 10.0 2960' DUS D4.0 3.00^ Final Apch Crs 3.0 1050' 730' Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. 959' 133.77 128.5 VOR Rwy 23L DME REQUIRED. 1. 2. Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23L. 3. Final approach track offset 1^ from runway centerline. *D-ATIS TCH displ thresh 50' 3.00^ Descent Angle 478 372 531 637 743 849 | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Standard. DA(H) 700'(562') STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23L RVR 1900m RVR 1500m 2400m CMV 7 MAY 10 Communications. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN [MD23R] [4~VO3] [6~VO2] [FD23R] [FD23R] [6~VO2] [4~VO3] [MD23R] MSA DUS VOR Essen- Mulheim Within German territory only D10.0 VOR DUS 115.15 231^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 124' 13-2 MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M P A N S O P S 4 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 5 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) CHANGES: BARMEN 113.6 BAM D D2.0 DUS 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ TO SCALE NOT 4 0 0 0 BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 6 0 0 0 b y A T C D2.0 DUS (IAF) (IAF) 1 7 3 ^ 3 2 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 . 4 D6.4 BAM 51-20 51-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 07-10 Minimum Alt DA(H) 700'(576') DUS DUS DUS D6.0 D1.9 2 3 1 ^ DUSSELDORF 115.15 DUS D A B C D STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ALS out DA(H) 700'(576') 23R Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 381 490 545 654 763 872 REIL PAPI RVR 1500m RVR1900m CMV 2400m ALTITUDE DUS DME D10.0 VOR D1.9 124' 3000' 0.7 2.1 4.0 1740' RWY 23R 2 3 1 ^ DUS MAP at D1.9 DUS DUS D6.0 DUS D10.0 DUS 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1420' 2060' 2380' 2690' 617' 619' 566' 1237' 821' 1382' 1033' 600' 937' 598' 798' 867' 1080' 927' 766' 698' 1782' 806' EDDL/DUS 1 1 6.0 1740' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) ALSF-II (2876') 2.0 1100' D4.0 DUS D4.0 DUS Final Apch Crs 4.0 1100' 780' Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.0 DUS, then turn RIGHT to BOT NDB climbing to 4000'. 959' 133.77 128.5 VOR Rwy 23R DME REQUIRED. 1. 2. Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23R. 3. Final approach track offset 2^ from runway centerline. *D-ATIS .Standard. Descent Angle TCH displ thresh 50' 3.08^ 3.08^ | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 MAY 10 Communications. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchen- gladbach [MQ~5L] [DIKMI] [DIKMI] [MQ~5L] [7~VOR] [4~VOR] [4~VOR] [7~VOR] 2 2 9 ^ [25VOR] [25VOR] D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA D7.0 DUS MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M DUSSELDORF 16-1 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY Lctr 054^ 3000' Apt Elev RWY 147' 116' Rwy Elev: 4 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' P A N S O P S 4 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' MSA DUS VOR CHANGES: Final Apch Crs D10.9 DUS MONCHENGLADBACH 109.8 MHV Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 DUS, then turn REIL PAPI D3.0 DUS D3.0 DUS 51-10 51-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 LI 417 Minimum Alt D8.9 DUS DA(H) 680'(564') DUS DME ALTITUDE 8.0 2720' 6.0 2080' 5.0 1760' 4.0 1440' 3.0 1130' 2.0 810' RWY 05L116' LI Lctr A B C D STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ALS out DA(H) 680'(564') 05L Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 RVR1500m RVR1900m CMV 2400m 2.0 D8.9 2400' D0.5 D7.0 3.0 1440' 3000' 0 5 4 ^ MAP at D0.5 DUS DUS DUS DUS 1.9 0.5 DUSSELDORF 417 LI D4.0 DUS D0.5 DUS D8.9DUS 0 5 4 ^ 2 4 1 ^ MHA 4000 6000 by ATC 267^ 3 4 0 ^ D25.0 BAM 2 3 5 ^ 3 0 0 0 5 . 0 LEBTI (IAF) 638' 630' 867' 890' 766' 698' BARMEN 113.6 BAM D 610' LEFT on track 267^ to LMA NDB climbing to 4000'. EDDL/DUS 1 1 778' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 115.15 123.77 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) (2884') 7.0 2400' D4.0 DUS Within German territory only HIALS 3 0 0 0 576' 133.77 128.5 NDB Rwy 05L DME REQUIRED. 2. Final approach track offset 1^ from runway centerline. 3. Course fluctuations plus/minus 10^ approximately 1.5 NM in front of threshold. 1. 556' 2 1 7 ^ 3 . 9 (IAF) RONAD 4 0 0 0 TO D10.9 DUS 206^0.7 *D-ATIS Descent Angle .Standard. TCH displ thresh 50' 3.00^ 3.00^ | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 MAY 10 D2.5 DUS 1.5 D2.5 DUS 970' 629' Communications. Procedure. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Monchengladbach Lighting- Refer to Airport Chart D (112.5) MHD MONCHENGLADBACH D 115.15 DUS DUSSELDORF 417 LI DUSSELDORF 311 LMA LIMA 377 MGB MONCHENGLADBACH 2 3 3 ^ MM MM OM 0 5 3 ^ 053^ 109.5 IDNE 233^ 109.3 IDNW 233^ 109.9 IDSW 2 3 3 ^ 0 5 3 ^ MISSED APCH FIX P A N S O P S 4 Gnd speed-Kts 18-1 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Minimum Alt MDA(H) Apt Elev 147' 121.9 *Ground DUSSELDORF Tower 118.3 128.65 2 3 5 ^ 3 3 0 ^ 1 5 0 ^ 2300' 2100' 2800' MSA DUS VOR RADAR RWY - See below By ATC 348 447 497 596 695 794 70 90 100 120 140 160 SRA 05L SRA 05R SRA 23L SRA 23R 05L 116' 121' 05R Minimum Alt/NM RWY BASED ON ELEV. 23L 138' 124' 23R Apt Elev: 5 hPa Trans level: By ATC Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 109.8 MHV MONCHENGLADBACH 284.5 DY DUSSELDORF 053^ 111.5 IDSE Final Apch Crs Refer to Minimums MHA 4000 6000 by ATC ILS RWY 23R ILS RWY 23L ILS RWY 05R ILS RWY 05L SRA 05L SRA 05R SRA 23L SRA 23R See table below 4000' Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 4000'. MISSED APCH: 51-10 51-20 06-30 06-40 06-50 07-00 610' 630' 867' 890' 927' 766' 698' EDDL/DUS 1 1 *DUSSELDORF Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) 123.77 115.15 Within German territory only 128.5 133.77 556' *D-ATIS 2.83^ .Standard. MDA(H) 680'(559') | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MDA(H) 680'(564') MDA(H) 680'(542') MDA(H) 680'(556') CMV 2800m CMV 3000m RVR 2000m CMV 2900m CMV 2700m CMV 2100m CMV 2300m CMV 2200m RVR 2000m CMV 2900m CMV 2700m CMV 2200m RVR 2000m CMV 2900m CMV 2700m CMV 2200m 7 MAY 10 Trans alt: 5000' 2 4 1 ^ 4 0 0 0 0 6 1 ^ BOTTROP 406.5 BOT 2 3 8 ^ 0 5 8 ^ CAUTION: Do not mistake ESSEN-MULHEIM 9.0 NM NE of DUSSELDORF when approaching rwy 23L/R. 6 0 0 0 b y A T C DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY MAP at THR CHANGES: B C D ALS out ALS out ALS out STRAIGHT-IN LANDING ALS out A 3200' 8.0 2600' 6.0 2000' 10.0 3200' 3.0 1100' 2.0 4.0 1400' 800' ALTITUDE RADAR FIX 4.0 1200' 10.0 FAF 3200' 3200' 3200' 1200' SRA All Rwys 629' Descent Angle Communications. Recommended altitudes.
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