EDDH Charts

March 30, 2018 | Author: A340_600 | Category: Air Traffic Control, Aviation, Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautics, Aerospace



J E P P E S E NJeppView EDDH (Hamburg) Airport Information General Info Hamburg, DEU N 53°37.8' E 09°59.3' Mag Var: 0.0°W Elevation: 53' Public, IFR, Control Tower, Rotating Beacon, Customs, Landing Fee Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Repairs: Major Airframe, Major Engine Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 05-23 10663' x 151' asphalt Runway 15-33 12028' x 151' asphalt Runway 05 (49.0°M) TDZE 32' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL Displaced Threshold Distance 978' Runway 15 (151.0°M) TDZE 53' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL Runway 23 (229.0°M) TDZE 43' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 512' Runway 33 (331.0°M) TDZE 35' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL Displaced Threshold Distance 1463' Communications Info ATIS 123.125 Hamburg Ground Tower 121.8 Hamburg Tower 126.85 Hamburg Tower 121.275 Hamburg Tower 278.45 Hamburg Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.75 Hamburg Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.7 Hamburg Director Approach Control 118.2 Hamburg Director Approach Control 357.55 Military Notebook Info Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HAMBURG, GERMANY EDDH/HAM HAMBURG JEPPESEN + CHANGES: AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1.1. ATIS *ATIS 123.12 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. RWY USAGE RWY 33 shall be used for take-offs. Exceptions are permitted only if required by traffic situation or for reasons of air traffic safety, especially due to weather and RWY conditions. Take-offs from RWY 15 and landings on RWY 33 are permitted only if required for reasons of air traffic safety, especially due to weather and RWY conditions. 2200-0700LT RWY 15 shall be used for landings. Exceptions are permitted only if the weather minima established for the IFR approach procedure to RWY 15 are not reached and for reasons of air traffic safety as well as in exceptional traffic situations. Additional exceptions may be granted by the Aerodrome Control Service in agreement with the ‘Luftaufsichtsstelle’. 1.2.2. NIGHT FLYING RESTRICTIONS Jet-ACFT not licensed in accordance with ICAO Annex 16 - Take-offs and landings are not permitted between 2000-0700LT. Jet-ACFT licensed in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Part II, Chapter 2 - Take-offs are not permitted between 2000-0700LT. - Landings are not permitted between 2100-0700LT. - For take-offs in scheduled air services and regular inclusive tour charter traffic with scheduled time of departure before 2000LT, an exception to the night flying restrictions may be taken for granted in cases of provably unavoidable delays until 2100LT. Jet-ACFT licensed in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Part II, Chapter 3, propeller-driven ACFT and other ACFT not covered in paras and - Take-offs and landings are not permitted between 2300-0600LT. - For take-offs and landings in scheduled ‘passenger’ air services and regular inclusive tour charter traffic with scheduled time of arrival or departure before 2300LT, an exception to the night flying restriction may be taken for granted in cases of provably unavoidable delays until 2400LT. EXEPTIONS Exempt from the restrictions mentioned in paras to are: - ACFT provably approaching Hamburg APT as alternate or emergency aerodrome for meteorological, technical or other safety reasons. - ACFT on a mission in disasters, rendering medical assistance and SAR services or on an urgent police mission. - ACFT operated in the night airmail service of the ‘Deutsche Post AG’ after detailed instructions by the ‘Wirtschaftsbehoerde’. Additional exceptions from the regulations may be granted in individual cases, especially if required to avoid serious disturbances in air traffic or in cases of special public interest. Requests shall be submitted - if possible until 2230LT at the latest; - to: Behoerde fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit -Der Fluglaermschutzbeauftragte- Postfach 634107 22323 Hamburg Tel.: (040) 5075 2348 The ATC clearance does not comprise the exceptional permission from the "Fluglaermschutzbeauftragten" required as stated above. 10-1P 13 JUL 07 New page. 1. GENERAL Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HAMBURG, GERMANY EDDH/HAM HAMBURG JEPPESEN + CHANGES: AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1.2.3. REVERSE THRUST Reverse thrust other than idle thrust shall only be used to an extent necessary for safety reasons. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS Engine test-runs outside the noise abatement hangar are permitted only after prior consent and on specific instruction by the ‘Luftaufsichtsstelle’ of the ‘Wirtschaftsbehoerde’, Tel.: (040) 5075 2599 or 2600. Idle thrust test runs between 0600-2300LT are not covered by this regulation. The permission for a run-up-test from the ‘Luftaufsichtsstelle’ does not include the neccessary ATC clearance for taxiing. Engine test runs of rotorcraft: Engine test runs shall be reported to the traffic observer (Tel.: +4940-5075 1713) located at the GAT. Engine test runs shall be conducted on Apron 4 between the western edge and the ACFT Stand Taxilane - V on an area provided for this and marked by a white cross. Hovering flights towards this position are not allowed. The aerodrome operator reserves the right to assign another position if nesessary. Compensation runs may be conducted on request on RWY 33 abeam TWY R as well as on TWY L in front of taxi holding position RWY 05, but not for landings on RWY 05. The positions are marked with a yellow circle of 60m diameter. If specially requested, compensation runs may be interrupted and ACFT requested to leave its position if called upon to do so by the APT operator, the local air navigation services and/or air supervision authority (Luftaufsicht). 1.2.5. AUXILIARY POWER UNITS (APUs) In order to reduce noise and air pollution, the on-board APU shall be switched of on remote ACFT stands equipped with stationary or mobile supply units. The supplier of ground handling services may request an extra fee for the supply. ACFT shall shut down the APU max 5 minutes after arrival on the parking stand provided that external power is available. APU may be switched on 10 minutes prior to departure only. ACFT with only one cabin entrance may switch on the APU immediately prior to the boarding process starts, provided the outside air temperature is 25^C or above. In case of other justified reasons the APU may be switched on after reporting this to ‘Hamburg Apron’ on frequency 121.700 MHz. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES 1.3.1. ACFT GUIDANCE UNDER CAT II/III OPERATIONS ACFT having landed are requested to report leaving the color coded section of the TWY in order to draw attention to the fact that the ACFT has left the ILS protection area. At CAT II/III intermediate holding positions and on additional TWY sections equipped with stop bars, the latter may, under no circumstances, be crossed when switched on. In apron areas with taxi guideline lighting (Apron 2, L5 and L6 only), ACFT will be guided by means of green centerline lights when CAT II/III operations are activated. In the apron areas without centerline lighting (Aprons 1 and 4, as well as parts of Apron 2). Follow-me cars will be assigned by Apron if required, or at the request of the pilot. The taxilanes L5, L6 and L7 on Apron 2 have intermediate holding position lights at the junctions to TWYs K and L. These intermediate holding position lights are operated in conjunction with the lighting for the taxi guidelines. The intermediate holding position lights consist of 5 yellow unindirectional underfloor lights. ACFT may cross these without special permission - unless they are expressly requested to hold. 10-1P1 13 JUL 07 New page. 1. GENERAL Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HAMBURG, GERMANY EDDH/HAM HAMBURG JEPPESEN + AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1.4. TAXI PROCEDURES 1.4.1. GENERAL On Aprons 1 and 2, ACFT may only taxi on or along the yellow guidelines and are permitted only at minimum thrust. B747 and larger ACFT will be guided by a Follow-me car. ACFT crossing RWY 33 via TWY I-North or I-South in direction TWY K, may only taxi along the yellow guidelines. Within the General Aviation area, the wingtip clearance on Taxilane L7 is 10 '/3m, on Taxilanes L8 thru L10 is 15 '/4.5m. Pilots taxiing between Aprons 2 and 4 shall request clearance for crossong TWY K from Ground. Additional taxi-holding positions are located in front of the CAT I stop bars on TWYs I, K and R. These taxi-holding positions are named I-North,I-South, K, R. If instructed by HAMBURG Apron/HAMBURG Ground/HAMBURG Tower, pilots shall stop at these points. TWY Y RESTRICTIONS ACFT with a wingspan less than 262’/80 m may taxi through the gateway under their own power. ACFT permitted to taxi onto apron 6 under their own power will be requested to stop by a ground marking after passing through the gateway. The engines shall be turned off and the ACFT will subsequently be towed to its destination. ACFT wanting to leave apron 6 in the direction of ACFT stand taxilane Y will be towed up to the gateway. The engines may be turned on here and not earlier. After requesting and receiving a start-up/taxi clearance from HAMBURG Ground, ACFT may continue to taxi under their own power in accordance with instructions. ACFT with a wingspan of more than 262’/80m must wait in front of the gateway with the engines turned off. They will then be towed through the open gateway in the presence of a wing-walker. 1.4.2. TWY LIMITATIONS TWY R and the southern part of Apron 1 MAX wingspan less than 171 '/52m. Taxilane Q will be marked off by a gateway between taxilane K and apron 5. The gateway has a width of 197 '/60m and a height of 8 '/2.43m AGL. ACFT with a wingspan of less than 118 '/36m may taxi through the gateway under their own power. ACFT with a wingspan of 118'/36m or more shall stop in front of the gateway and turn off engines. They will then be towed to their destination. Eastern part of Apron 2 including Taxilane L7 MAX wingspan less than 98 '/30m. TWYs V, W and Apron 4 MAX wingspan less than 79 '/24m. Western part of Apron 2 including Taxilanes L8, L9 and L10 MAX wingspan less than 49'/15m. 1.5. PARKING INFORMATION Stands 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 15 thru 20, 31, 32 and 37 thru 40 equipped with Visual Docking Guidance System. On stands 04 thru 43 and 81 thru 95 push-back required. On stands 04 thru 48, onboard APU must be switched off as long as power supply and fresh air are provided in return for extra fees. 1.6. OTHER INFORMATION CAUTION: Birds in vicinity of APT. 10-1P2 21 AUG 09 1. GENERAL Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HAMBURG, GERMANY EDDH/HAM HAMBURG JEPPESEN + AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2.1. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 23 approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew and ACFT certification required. 2.2. TAXI PROCEDURES Arriving ACFT will be passed by Tower to Apron and will taxi as instructed by Apron to the position assigned. Change-over will take place as early as possible, at the latest when reaching the boundary of responsibility. Parking of ACFT at all positions without Visual Docking Guidance System performed by marshaller. 2.3. OTHER INFORMATION 2.3.1. FUEL SAVING AND NOISE REDUCING ILS APPROACH PROCEDURES (CONTINUOUS DESCENT APPROACH - CDA) General For the purpose of fuel-saving and noise abatement during approach the following approach procedure is announced. It may be requested by the pilot or offered by the controller. It can be performed only in connection with an ILS approach. Procedure - ACFT will be guided by the approach control unit by means of radar vectoring and will be cleared for a continuous descent to the intermediate approach altitude in such a way that after reaching this intermediate approach altitude on the localizer course, about 1 NM will be left for intercepting the glide path in level flight. This intermediate approach segment will serve to reduce speed. Intermediate approach altitude: 3000'. It is assumed that the continuous descent will be performed at a rate of 300 ft/NM (descent angle approx 3^), down to the cleared altitude. If, for specific reasons (e.g. separation, airspace structure, obstacles), altitudes above the intermediate approach altitude have to be initially assigned, these restrictions will be lifted early enough to allow a continuous descent at a rate of 300 ft/NM. Details about the distance from touchdown will be transmitted to the pilot together with the clearance for descent and usually at 20, 15 and 10 NM from touchdown. This should enable the pilot to correct the rate of descent as required. - In case of traffic situations allowing no CDA (e.g. approaches of ACFT with different performance data), pilots will be informed by the notice NO CDA POSSIBLE. In this case, approaches must be conducted according to the previous procedures. NOISE ABATEMENT On approaches in accordance with the CDA, pilots are also expected to use the approach techniques recommended for noise abatement in the vicinity of APTs (see AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL page GERMANY-1). 10-1P3 21 AUG 09 2. ARRIVAL Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HAMBURG, GERMANY EDDH/HAM HAMBURG JEPPESEN + CHANGES: AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3.1. START-UP, PUSH-BACK & TAXI PROCEDURES 3.1.1. START-UP GENERAL Pilots shall request start-up clearance from Ground. On initial radio contact the respective apron designation shall always be indicated. After clearance to start the engines, pilots will receive instruction to establish contact on the frequency of Apron. GENERAL AVIATION APRONS On initial radio contact the taxilane shall be indicated additionally. 3.1.2. PUSH-BACK & TAXI "Nose-in positions" may only be left with push-back facility. Reverse thrust shall not be used. To obtain push-back instructions from a nose-in position, pilots must request permission from Apron. In order to avoid delays in taxiing, pilots are instructed to start engines during push- back. After completion of push-back "ready to taxi" shall be reported to Apron. To obtain instructions for taxiing from a taxi-out position, pilots must request taxi clearance from Apron reporting "ready to taxi". On initial radio contact with Apron, pilots shall report position and RWY assigned. Permission for push-back or taxiing from a position may only be requested if the pilot can perform the maneuver immediately. 3.2. SPEED RESTRICTIONS MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3.3. OTHER INFORMATION 3.3.1. DATALINK DEPARTURE CLEARANCE (DCL) Temporal parameters: t i 25 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. 30 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. t t 11 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. 16 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. t 0 1 min t 1 5 min t 2 1 min 10-1P4 13 JUL 07 New page. 3. DEPARTURE Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN E L B E L B E V O R D M E G T N D B F U N D B L Y E L C T R H A M V O R T A C H A M B U R G L U B E C K L U B V O R H A M B U R G H O S N D B D 4 0 D 8 0 D 1 2 0 D 8 0 D 4 0 D 4 0 D 8 0 D 1 6 0 D 1 2 0 D 2 0 0 D 1 2 0 D 1 6 0 H a m b u r g ( H a m b u r g ) Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' A I R A C d a t e N O V u n t i l A I R A C d a t e M A R i n o r d e r t o m e e t r e q u i r e d o b s t a c l e c l e a r a n c e a t c o l d t e m p e r a t u r e s . 2 1 0 0 ( 2 3 0 0 ) M U N I C H E D M M F I R C O P E N H A G E N E K D K F I R Apt Elev 53' 10-1R 3 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 A M S T E R D A M E H A A F I R ( G ) ( 2 0 0 0 ) ( 2 3 0 0 ) .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. o f 5 0 0 ' ) . B e l o w t h e M R V A , I F R f l i g h t s w i l l n o r m a l l y A l t i t u d e s i n b r a c k e t s a p p l y f o r t h e p e r i o d f r o m T h e M R V A ( M i n i m u m R a d a r V e c t o r i n g A l t i t u d e ) i s t h e l o w e s t a l t i t u d e w h i c h m a y b e u s e d f o r r a d a r v e c t o r s f o r I F R f l i g h t s t a k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t t h e m i n i - m u m s a f e h e i g h t ( 1 0 0 0 ' a b o v e t h e h i g h e s t o b s t a c l e w i t h i n a r a d i u s o f 8 k m ) a n d a i r s p a c e s t r u c t u r e ( l o w e r l i m i t o f t h e c o n t r o l l e d a i r s p a c e p l u s a b u f f e r b e c l e a r e d o n p u b l i s h e d I F R p r o c e d u r e s o n l y . HAMBURG, GERMANY EDDH/HAM HAMBURG 5 1 - 3 0 5 2 - 0 0 5 2 - 3 0 5 3 - 0 0 5 3 - 3 0 5 4 - 0 0 5 4 - 3 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 7 - 3 0 0 8 - 0 0 0 8 - 3 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 9 - 3 0 1 0 - 0 0 1 0 - 3 0 1 1 - 0 0 1 1 - 3 0 1 2 - 0 0 1 2 - 3 0 1 3 - 0 0 1 3 - 3 0 1 4 - 0 0 1 4 - 3 0 1 5 - 0 0 1 6 0 0 B R E M E N E D W W F I R L A N G E N E D G G F I R B R E M E N E D W W F I R 13 MAY 11 Sectors & altitudes; callsign. BREMEN Radar (APP) 134.25 136.67 F I R ( C ) W A R S A W E P W W 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N E T H E R - L A N D S G E R M A N Y G E R M A N Y P O L A N D 4 1 1 8 ' C O N T O U R I N T E R V A L S 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 CHANGES: Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 3 1 5 ^ 0 3 0 ^ R 2 5 9 ^ D 1 3 D D D W S R 1 1 2 . 9 LOST COMMS L O S T C O M M S C O M M S L O S T C O M M S L O S T C O M M S L O S T C O M M S C O M M S L O S T C O M M S L O S T C O M M S L O S T C O M M S L O S T C O M M S C O M M S L O S T Apt Elev 53' EDDH/HAM 10-2 HAMBURG, GERMANY 123.12 HAMBURG Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1 ( I A F ) D E L B E 1 1 5 . 1 L B E N 5 3 3 9 . 3 E 0 0 9 3 5 . 7 2 2 2 2 C l e a r a n c e L i m i t R A R U P N 5 3 3 8 . 5 E 0 1 0 4 0 . 6 1 2 G P S / F M S e q u i p p e d a i r c r a f t e x p e c t r e s p e c t i v e T R A N S I T I O N o n c h a r t s 1 0 - 2 B t o 1 0 - 2 N . B R N A V a n d N O N - R N A V e q u i p p e d a i r c r a f t e x p e c t r a d a r v e c t o r s t o f i n a l a p p r o a c h . | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. V E R T I C A L P L A N N I N G I N F O R M A T I O N P i l o t s s h o u l d p l a n f o r p o s s i b l e d e s c e n t c l e a r a n c e o f a t o r b e l o w F L 1 1 0 b y B O G M U , N O L G O , R A R U P & R I B S O . A C T U A L D E S C E N T C L E A R A N C E W I L L B E A S D I R E C T E D B Y A T C . *D-ATIS MSA raised. 10 APR 09 .STAR. B O G M U N 5 3 5 8 . 8 E 0 1 0 1 7 . 3 N O L G O N 5 3 2 3 . 8 E 0 1 0 0 8 . 3 T O P R A R I B S O N 5 3 4 8 . 8 E 0 0 9 2 0 . 4 2 3 0 ^ R 0 5 0 ^ 3 1 C l e a r a n c e L i m i t 4 0 0 0 B O G M U 1 A 2 7 8 ^ R 0 9 8 ^ R 1 8 7 ^ 2 6 4 ^ R 0 8 4 ^ R349^ 169^ 0 7 9 ^ 11 4000 N 5 3 5 0 . 0 E 0 0 9 3 2 . 6 7 4 0 0 0 R I B S O 2 A C l e a r a n c e L i m i t 1 7 4 0 0 0 R A R U P 1 A C l e a r a n c e L i m i t 0 0 7 ^ 1 8 4 0 0 0 N O L G O 1 A 2 2 4 0 0 0 D H A M B U R G 1 1 3 . 1 H A M N 5 3 4 1 . 1 E 0 1 0 1 2 . 3 L U B E C K 1 1 0 . 6 L U B N 5 3 5 6 . 4 E 0 1 0 4 0 . 1 S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . M S A H A M V O R 2 1 0 0 ' N O T T O S C A L E RWYS 05, 15, 23, 33 ARRIVALS CHANGES: 2 3 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 7 8 ^ 0 0 7 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 ^ BOGMU ONE ALFA (BOGMU 1A) [BOGM1A] NOLGO ONE ALFA (NOLGO 1A) [NOLG1A] RARUP ONE ALFA (RARUP 1A) [RARU1A] RIBSO TWO ALFA (RIBSO 2A) [RIBS2A] P r o c e e d f r o m R A R U P o r N O L G O v i a H A M t o L B E , f r o m R I B S O v i a T O P R A t o L B E , f r o m B O G M U d i r e c t L B E f o r s t a n d a r d a p p r o a c h . Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 0 3 0 ^ W S R 1 1 2 . 9 Apt Elev 53' EDDH/HAM HAMBURG 10-2B HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 RIBSO N53 48.8 E009 20.4 DH21~ N53 45.1 E009 29.7 DH211 DH215 4 4 4 0 0 0 2 2 9 ^ 220 KT DH213 N53 30.0 E009 30.6 DH255 N53 21.1 E009 25.7 1 3 9 ^ 5 4 0 0 0 0 4 9 ^ DH257 N53 26.2 E009 36.0 3 0 0 0 DH258 N53 28.8 E009 41.1 4 B y A T C DH~~2 ANEXI N53 31.3 E009 46.2 (FAF) 1 2 . 1 4 4 0 0 0 1 6 6 ^ 2 1 3 ^ 4 0 0 0 220 KT 4 0 0 0 6 . 6 1 2 3 ^ Clearance Limit D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 DH214 D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 4 4 4 4 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum DH256 N53 23.6 E009 30.8 N53 24.9 E009 20.3 220 KT N53 27.5 E009 25.5 N53 33.9 E009 51.4 (LBE R-315/D13) N53 41.8 E009 25.9 220 KT *D-ATIS At or below FL110 | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.8.Apr. 26 MAR 10 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. None. MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: RIBSO ~5 [RIB~5] GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC FROM NORTHWEST ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 ^ NOT TO SCALE RWY 05 RNAV TRANSITION SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. RIBSO (FL110-) ANEXI - DH210 (K220) - DH211 (K220) - DH213 (K220) - DH215 (K220) - DH255 - Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 0 3 0 ^ W S R 1 1 2 . 9 D 1 3 3 1 5 ^ DH428 N53 34.4 E009 53.3 DH429 N53 38.0 E009 50.2 DH43~ DH431 N53 45.1 E009 44.0 DH432 N53 48.6 E009 40.9 DH433 DH434 N53 55.7 E009 34.7 DH435 N53 59.2 E009 31.6 DH455 N54 01.5 E009 39.1 DH456 N53 58.0 E009 42.2 DH457 N53 54.4 E009 45.3 DH458 N53 50.9 E009 48.4 DH~~4 N53 43.8 E009 54.6 DEVOD N53 47.3 E009 51.5 RIBSO N53 48.8 E009 20.4 (FAF) Clearance Limit D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 0 4 9 ^ 1 0 . 9 4 0 0 0 220 KT 220 KT 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 6 1 ^ 4 0 0 0 1 5 1 ^ 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 B y A T C O p t i o n a l At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum N53 41.5 E009 47.1 4 0 0 0 3 3 1 ^ 4 0 0 0 N53 52.1 E009 37.8 R I B S O 1 5 | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 *D-ATIS 10-2C EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. At or below FL110 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. .Eff.8.Apr. 26 MAR 10 Tracks updated. MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC FROM NORTHWEST ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 ^ RIBSO 15 [RIB15] NOT TO SCALE RWY 15 RNAV TRANSITION SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. RIBSO - DH434 (K220) - DH435 (K220) - DH455 - DEVOD (FL110-) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 0 3 0 ^ W S R 1 1 2 . 9 DH620 DH630 N53 45.2 E010 01.2 DH631 N53 47.8 E010 06.4 DH632 N53 50.4 E010 11.6 DH633 N53 52.9 E010 16.7 DH634 DH635 N53 58.0 E010 27.2 DH655 DH656 DH657 N53 49.1 E010 22.2 DH658 N53 46.5 E010 17.0 PISAS N53 44.0 E010 11.8 DH006 N53 41.4 E010 06.6 0 4 9 ^ 086^ 1 3 9 ^ 2 2 9 ^ 4 4 0 0 0 O p t i o n a l 4 4 4 4 5 4 0 0 0 N53 55.5 E010 21.9 220 KT 220 KT 17.2 4000 N53 52.1 E009 47.8 D RIBSO N53 48.8 E009 20.4 Clearance Limit ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 B y A T C 4 4 (FAF) At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 N53 54.2 E010 32.5 N53 51.6 E010 27.3 4 0 0 0 0 7 7 ^ 1 6 .6 4 0 0 0 (LBE R-315/D13) D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 R I B S O 2 3 Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 1. 2. *D-ATIS On downwind expect vectors to final. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. 10-2D EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HOLDING OVER RIBSO At or below FL110 MSA raised. 10 APR 09 MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC FROM NORTHWEST ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). RIBSO 23 [RIB23] 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 ^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOT TO SCALE RWY 23 RNAV TRANSITION RIBSO - DH620 - DH633 (K220) - DH635 (K220) - DH655 - PISAS (FL110-) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 1 3 3 1 5 ^ 0 3 0 ^ W S R 1 1 2 . 9 DH854 DH855 DH856 N53 18.9 E010 16.0 DH857 N53 22.5 E010 12.9 DH804 N53 49.3 E009 40.3 DH805 N53 45.1 E009 44.0 DH806 N53 41.5 E009 47.1 DH807 N53 38.0 E009 50.2 DH808 DH809 N53 30.9 E009 56.3 DH810 N53 27.3 E009 59.4 DH811 N53 23.8 E010 02.5 DH812 N53 20.2 E010 05.5 DH813 N53 16.6 E010 08.5 DH814 N53 13.1 E010 11.6 DH815 N53 09.5 E010 14.6 DH858 N53 26.0 E010 09.9 DH008 SOSAX N53 29.6 E010 06.8 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 220 KT N53 11.8 E010 22.0 N53 15.3 E010 19.0 N53 34.4 E009 53.3 220 KT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 8 4 0 0 0 1 5 2 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 6 2 ^ 3 3 2 ^ 3 0 0 0 B y A T C (FAF) At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum N53 33.1 E010 03.8 RIBSO Clearance Limit 11.8 4000 086^ Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 1. 2. *D-ATIS On downwind expect vectors to final. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. 10-2E EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HOLDING OVER RIBSO N53 48.8 E009 20.4 At or below FL110 MSA raised. 10 APR 09 MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC FROM NORTHWEST ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). RIBSO 33 [RIB33] RWY 33 RNAV TRANSITION SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOT TO SCALE RIBSO(FL110-) 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 ^ - DH804 (K220) - DH815 (K220) - DH854 - SOSAX Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 3 1 R 0 5 0 ^ D 1 7 R 0 9 8 ^ H A M DH229 DH228 DH227 DH226 DH225 N53 42.8 E010 22.6 RARUP BOGMU N53 58.8 E010 17.3 DH235 N53 17.2 E009 31.1 DH234 N53 19.8 E009 36.2 DH233 N53 22.4 E009 41.3 DH232 N53 24.9 E009 46.4 DH231 DH23~ N53 30.1 E009 56.7 DH255 0 4 9 ^ DH257 N53 26.2 E009 36.0 3 0 0 0 DH258 N53 28.8 E009 41.1 4 B y A T C DH~~2 ANEXI N53 31.3 E009 46.2 (FAF) D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 4 4 4 4 DH256 N53 23.6 E009 30.8 N53 33.9 E009 51.4 220 KT N53 21.1 E009 25.7 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 3 1 9 ^ 2 3 0 ^ N53 27.5 E009 51.6 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 N53 32.6 E010 01.9 N53 35.2 E010 07.0 N53 37.7 E010 12.2 4 4 4 4 4 N53 40.2 E010 17.4 4 0 0 0 220 KT Clearance Limit 1 6 8 ^ 1 6 . 3 4 0 0 0 B O G M U ~ 5 2 5 1 ^ 2 7 .5 4 0 0 0 R A R U P ~ 5 Clearance Limit N53 38.5 E010 40.6 (HAM R-098/D17) HOLDING OVER RARUP 220 KT RARUP ~5 Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 *D-ATIS 10-2F EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below FL110 At or below FL110 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. .Eff.8.Apr. 26 MAR 10 None. MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: RWY 05 RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). FROM NORTHEAST & EAST TRANSITION BOGMU ~5 RARUP ~5 (3000'+; K170+). 2 3 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOT TO SCALE 4 0 0 0 2 7 8 ^ BOGMU RARUP (FL110-) - DH225 (K220) - DH235 (K220) - DH255 - ANEXI - DH230 (K220) - DH235 (K220) - DH255 - ANEXI (FL110-) USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC RARUP ~5 [RAR~5] BOGMU ~5 [BOG~5] Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 3 1 R 0 5 0 ^ D17 098^ D17 R098^ HAM DH41~ N53 51.6 E010 12.5 DH413 DH414 N54 00.3 E009 49.7 DH416 N54 03.8 E009 46.6 220 KT 4 4 4 5 2 4 1 ^ 4 0 0 0 DH412 N53 53.2 E009 55.9 DH455 DH456 4 1 5 1 ^ DH457 3 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 N54 01.5 E009 39.1 N53 58.0 E009 42.2 N53 54.4 E009 45.3 DH458 N53 50.9 E009 48.4 DEVOD N53 47.3 E009 51.5 (FAF) 4 3 0 0 0 4 B y A T C DH~~4 N53 43.8 E009 54.6 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum 220 KT 220 KT 2 4 5 ^ 278^ 3 0 7 ^ 3 3 1 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4000 1 3 .8 9.9 BOGMU N53 58.8 E010 17.3 Clearance Limit B O G M U 1 5 N53 56.7 E009 52.8 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 2 1 . 2 4 0 0 0 R A R U P 1 5 RARUP Clearance Limit N53 38.5 E010 40.6 Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 *D-ATIS 10-2G EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below FL110 HOLDING OVER RARUP At or below FL110 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. .Eff.8.Apr. 26 MAR 10 Tracks updated. MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: RWY 15 RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). FROM NORTHEAST & EAST TRANSITION BOGMU 15 RARUP 15 (3000'+; K170+). BOGMU 15 [BOG15], RARUP 15 [RAR15] 2 3 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 NOT TO SCALE 4000 278^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. BOGMU - DH412 (K220) - DH416 (K220) - DH455 - DEVOD (FL110-) RARUP (FL110-) - DH410 (K220) - DH412 (K220) - DH416 (K220) - DH455 - DEVOD Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D17 R098^ D 3 1 R 0 5 0 ^ L B E 1 1 5 . 1 DH600 N53 34.0 E010 25.8 DH615 N53 50.3 E010 37.9 DH614 N53 47.8 E010 32.7 DH613 N53 45.2 E010 27.5 DH612 N53 42.7 E010 22.4 DH611 DH655 DH656 DH657 DH658 PISAS N53 44.0 E010 11.8 DH006 N53 41.4 E010 06.6 2 2 9 ^ B y A T C 4 4 (FAF) 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 N53 51.6 E010 27.3 4 0 0 0 N53 46.5 E010 17.0 N53 49.1 E010 22.2 N53 54.2 E010 32.5 220 KT 5 4 0 0 0 3 1 9 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 N53 40.1 E010 17.2 220 KT 0 4 9 ^ 8 9 . 9 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 4 2 ^ 3 1 9 ^ R A R U P 2 3 220 KT RARUP N53 38.5 E010 40.6 DH635 N53 58.0 E010 27.2 5 4 0 0 0 1 3 9 ^ 4 DH634 220 KT 1 3 9 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 . 3 B O G M U 2 3 0 4 9 ^ BOGMU N53 58.8 E010 17.3 Clearance Limit At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum N53 55.5 E010 21.9 220 KT Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 1. 2. *D-ATIS On downwind expect vectors to final. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. 10-2H EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below FL110 Clearance Limit At or below FL110 MSA raised. 10 APR 09 MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: RWY 23 RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). FROM NORTHEAST & EAST TRANSITION BOGMU 23 RARUP 23 (3000'+; K170+). BOGMU 23 [BOG23], RARUP 23 [RAR23] 4000 278^ 2 3 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. BOGMU - DH634 (K220) - DH635 (K220) - DH655 - PISAS (FL110-) RARUP (FL110-) - DH600 (K220) - DH611 (K220) - DH615 (K220) - DH655 - PISAS Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D17 R098^ D 3 1 R 0 5 0 ^ L B E 1 1 5 . 1 DH829 N53 36.5 E010 29.6 DH830 N53 31.9 E010 14.3 DH820 N53 46.1 E010 02.1 DH821 N53 42.5 E010 05.1 DH822 N53 39.0 E010 08.2 DH823 DH831 N53 28.3 E010 17.3 DH858 N53 26.0 E010 09.9 DH008 N53 33.1 E010 03.8 5 4 0 0 0 2 4 2 ^ 4 4 DH854 N53 11.8 E010 22.0 DH855 N53 15.3 E010 19.0 DH835 N53 14.0 E010 29.4 220 KT 4 4 DH833 N53 21.2 E010 23.4 4 DH856 4 DH857 N53 22.5 E010 12.9 N53 18.9 E010 16.0 DH832 N53 24.7 E010 20.4 DH834 N53 17.6 E010 26.4 SOSAX N53 29.6 E010 06.8 (FAF) B y A T C 4 4 3 0 0 0 4 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 O p t i o n a l D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 1 0 . 2 6 .9 2 5 2 ^ 2 4 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 N53 35.4 E010 11.3 220 KT RARUP N53 38.5 E010 40.6 R A R U P 3 3 220 KT BOGMU N53 58.8 E010 17.3 Clearance Limit 1 6 1 ^ 2 3 . 5 4 0 0 0 B O G M U 3 3 4 0 0 0 3 3 2 ^ Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 1. 2. *D-ATIS On downwind expect vectors to final. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. 10-2J EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below FL110 Clearance Limit At or below FL110 MSA raised. 10 APR 09 MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: RWY 33 RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING FROM NORTHEAST & EAST TRANSITION BOGMU 33 RARUP 33 (3000'+; K170+). BOGMU 33 [BOG33], RARUP 33 [RAR33] (3000'+; K170+). 4000 278^ 2 3 0 ^ 4 0 0 0 NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. BOGMU RARUP (FL110-) (FL110-) SOSAX SOSAX - DH829 (K220) - DH830 (K220) - DH835 (K220) - DH854 - - DH829 (K220) - DH830 (K220) - DH835 (K220) - DH854 - Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 1 8 R 1 8 7 ^ DH235 N53 17.2 E009 31.1 DH234 N53 19.8 E009 36.2 DH233 N53 22.4 E009 41.3 DH232 N53 24.9 E009 46.4 DH231 DH23~ N53 30.1 E009 56.7 NOLGO DH255 0 4 9 ^ DH257 N53 26.2 E009 36.0 3 0 0 0 DH258 N53 28.8 E009 41.1 4 B y A T C DH~~2 ANEXI N53 31.3 E009 46.2 (FAF) D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 4 4 4 4 DH256 N53 23.6 E009 30.8 N53 33.9 E009 51.4 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum 220 KT N53 21.1 E009 25.7 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 3 1 9 ^ 2 3 0 ^ 3 1 1 ^ 9 . 3 4 0 0 0 N53 27.5 E009 51.6 Clearance Limit 220 KT Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 *D-ATIS 10-2K EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N53 23.8 E010 08.3 At or below FL110 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. .Eff.8.Apr. 26 MAR 10 None. MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING (3000'+; K170+). NOT TO SCALE NOLGO ~5 [NOL~5] FROM SOUTH 0 0 7 ^ 4 0 0 0 RWY 05 RNAV TRANSITION SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOLGO - DH230 (K220) - DH235 (K220) - DH255 - ANEXI (FL110-) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 1 8 R 1 8 7 ^ Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. DH4~6 N53 39.0 E010 08.2 DH4~7 N53 42.5 E010 05.1 DH4~8 N53 46.1 E010 02.1 DH4~9 N53 49.6 E009 59.0 DH412 N53 53.2 E009 55.9 DH413 N53 56.7 E009 52.8 DH414 N54 00.3 E009 49.7 DH416 N54 03.8 E009 46.6 NOLGO N53 23.8 E010 08.3 Clearance Limit D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 3 5 9 ^ DH455 N54 01.5 E009 39.1 DH456 N53 58.0 E009 42.2 DH457 N53 54.4 E009 45.3 DH458 N53 50.9 E009 48.4 DH~~4 N53 43.8 E009 54.6 DEVOD N53 47.3 E009 51.5 (FAF) 4 4 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 B y A T C 5 4 2 4 1 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 1 5 . 2 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 5 1 ^ 3 3 1 ^ Apt Elev 53' 123.12 *D-ATIS 10-2L EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.8.Apr. 26 MAR 10 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 O p t i o n a l N O L G O 1 5 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum 220 KT At or below FL110 DH4~5 N53 35.4 E010 11.3 DH4~4 N53 31.8 E010 14.3 DH4~3 N53 28.3 E010 17.4 220 KT Optional transition established; tracks updated. MSA HAM VOR 2100' MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING NOLGO 15 [NOL15] FROM SOUTH RWY 15 RNAV TRANSITION 0 0 7 ^ 4 0 0 0 (3000'+; K170+). NOLGO - DH406 (K220) - DH416 (K220) - DH455 - DEVOD (FL110-) SPEED RESTRICTION NOT TO SCALE Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 1 8 R 1 8 7 ^ DH615 N53 50.3 E010 37.9 DH614 N53 47.8 E010 32.7 DH613 N53 45.2 E010 27.5 DH612 N53 42.7 E010 22.4 DH611 N53 40.1 E010 17.2 DH610 DH609 N53 35.0 E010 06.9 DH608 DH607 NOLGO N53 23.8 E010 08.3 Clearance Limit 0 1 7 ^ DH655 DH656 DH657 DH658 PISAS N53 44.0 E010 11.8 DH006 N53 41.4 E010 06.6 2 2 9 ^ B y A T C 4 4 (FAF) 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 N53 51.6 E010 27.3 4 0 0 0 N53 46.5 E010 17.0 N53 49.1 E010 22.2 N53 54.2 E010 32.5 220 KT 5 4 0 0 0 3 1 9 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 9 ^ 4 4 0 0 0 O p t i o n a l N53 37.6 E010 12.0 N53 32.4 E010 01.7 N53 29.9 E009 56.6 220 KT 1 7 . 2 4 0 0 0 At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 N O L G O 2 3 Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 1. 2. *D-ATIS On downwind expect vectors to final. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. 10-2M EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below FL110 MSA raised. 10 APR 09 MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING NOLGO 23 [NOL23] FROM SOUTH RWY 23 RNAV TRANSITION (3000'+; K170+). 0 0 7 ^ 4 0 0 0 NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOLGO - DH611 (K220) - DH615 (K220) - DH655 - PISAS (FL110-) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 1 8 R 1 8 7 ^ DH832 N53 24.7 E010 20.4 DH833 N53 21.2 E010 23.4 DH834 N53 17.6 E010 26.4 DH835 N53 14.0 E010 29.4 DH854 N53 11.8 E010 22.0 DH855 N53 15.3 E010 19.0 DH856 NOLGO N53 23.8 E010 08.3 Clearance Limit D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 DH858 N53 26.0 E010 09.9 DH008 SOSAX N53 29.6 E010 06.8 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 B y A T C (FAF) At or above 3000' 170 KT Minimum N53 33.1 E010 03.8 DH857 4 220 KT 220 KT N53 18.9 E010 16.0 N53 22.5 E010 12.9 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 0 0 0 2 4 2 ^ 1 5 2 ^ 7.3 4000 081^ 4 0 0 0 3 3 2 ^ Apt Elev 53' Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 1. 2. *D-ATIS On downwind expect vectors to final. Speed restrictions on Transition are always mandatory unless cancelled by ATC. 10-2N EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .RNAV.TRANSITION. | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below FL110 MSA raised. 10 APR 09 MSA HAM VOR 2100' CHANGES: GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC ROUTING NOLGO 33 [NOL33] FROM SOUTH RWY 33 RNAV TRANSITION (3000'+; K170+). 0 0 7 ^ 4 0 0 0 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOT TO SCALE NOLGO - DH832 (K220) - DH835 (K220) - DH854 - SOSAX (FL110-) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 1 1 6 ^ D 2 9 D 0 4 9 ^ 3 3 1 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 1 . 089^ 5 DME 1 1 8 ^ 3 D M E 8 .6 D M E 5 . 2 D M E 0 4 9 ^ R 2 9 8 ^ 3 5 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ Apt Elev .SID. 53' EDDH/HAM 10-3 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 136.67 BREMEN Radar D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG N53 36.9 E009 57.4 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 D ALSTER (115.8) ALF N53 38.1 E009 59.6 A M L U H 7 G HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS At or above 2800' | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. AMLUH 8B 350 FU SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. SIDs AMLUH 7B, 6D & 6G renumbered 8B, 7D & 7G. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. MSA HAM VOR 2100' NOT TO SCALE DME E M D 5 5 . E M D 4 4 1 6 3 ^ 1 6 AMLUH A M L U H 7 D N53 25.7 E010 19.4 CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES 23 AMLUH 8B ROUTING AMLUH 7C 05 AMLUH 7D 15 AMLUH 7G 33 A M L U H 7 C Initial climb clearance 5000' RWY SID Intercept 151^ bearing from GT to ALF 8.6 DME, turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-116 to AMLUH. 2800' 75 100 150 200 250 300 due to Gnd speed-KT 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 340' per NM (5.6%) until passing AMLUH 7D High Intensity Radio Transmission Area. If unable to comply advise ATC prior to start-up. To HOS (ALF 4.1 DME), 049^ bearing to ALF 5.2 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept HAM R-163 to AMLUH. Intercept 331^ bearing towards GT, at ALF 3 DME turn RIGHT, 358^ track, at ALF 5 DME turn RIGHT, intercept HAM R-298 inbound to HAM, turn RIGHT, HAM R-163 to AMLUH. Climb straight ahead via FU to ALF 5.5 DME, turn LEFT, 089^ track, inter- cept LBE R-116 to AMLUH. AMLUH EIGHT BRAVO (AMLUH 8B) AMLUH SEVEN CHARLIE (AMLUH 7C) AMLUH SEVEN DELTA (AMLUH 7D) AMLUH SEVEN GOLF (AMLUH 7G) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 2 3 5 ^ R075^ 291^ NIE 116.5 2 9 5 ^ D 3 3 1 ^ 8 . B A S U M 9 C 2 5 0 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ 1 5 2 4 5 ^ 9 G B A S U M 4 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ 2 2 9 ^ Apt Elev .SID. 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 134.25 BREMEN Radar D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG N53 36.9 E009 57.4 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 D ALSTER (115.8) ALF N53 38.1 E009 59.6 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 10-3A WESER 112.9 WSR N53 20.9 E008 52.5 (114.3 OSN R-027) | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 1 2 N53 29.3 E009 41.8 N53 25.4 E009 25.6 N53 45.2 E009 58.7 350 FU SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .Eff.21.Oct. 8 OCT 10 SIDs BASUM 1B, 9D, 8G renumbered 2B, 1D, 9G. MSA HAM VOR 2100' N53 19.7 E009 19.8 E M D 5 E M D 4 BASUM D25 HAM 255^ 4000 4 0 0 0 7 2 0 8 ^ 4 0 0 0 6 0 B A SU M 1D 4 0 0 0 E M D 3 D38 HAM N52 46.3 E008 47.3 D32 HAM 1 3 NOT TO SCALE DME CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES 23 BASUM 2B BASUM 9C 05 BASUM 1D 15 BASUM 9G 33 D25 HAM Intercept 331^ bearing towards GT, at ALF 4 DME turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-070 inbound to LBE, turn LEFT, LBE R-208 to BASUM. Intercept 151^ bearing from GT to ALF 5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept WSR R-075 inbound to D32 HAM, turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-208 to BASUM. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING RWY SID BASUM NINE CHARLIE (BASUM 9C) Intercept 049^ bearing towards HOS, at ALF 3.8 DME turn LEFT, intercept HAM R-295, intercept LBE R-065 inbound to LBE, turn LEFT, LBE R-208 to BASUM. BASUM TWO BRAVO (BASUM 2B) B A S U M 2 B Climb straight ahead to FU, 229^ bearing, intercept HAM R-235 to D38 HAM, turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-208 to BASUM. BASUM ONE DELTA (BASUM 1D) BASUM NINE GOLF (BASUM 9G) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 5 1 0 4 9 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 1 . 0 3 9 ^ E K E R N 7 B 2.5 DME 0 2 8 ^ R 2 0 8 ^ 0 3 1 ^ 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 ^ 7 .2 D M E 5.6 DME 3 5 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ Apt Elev .SID. 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 136.67 BREMEN Radar D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG N53 36.9 E009 57.4 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 D ALSTER (115.8) ALF N53 38.1 E009 59.6 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 10-3B Intercept 151^ bearing from GT, at ALF 2.5 DME or E K E R N 7 G 3 D M E 0 4 9 ^ E K E R N 8 D To HOS (ALF 4.1 DME), 049^ bearing to ALF 7.2 DME, turn LEFT, intercept HAM R-345 to EKERN. whichever is | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. later, turn LEFT, intercept HAM R-208 inbound to HAM, turn LEFT, HAM R-345 to EKERN. 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 53.6 E010 07.3 Climb straight ahead via FU to ALF 5.5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept 039^ bearing to GT, 031^ bearing, intercept HAM R-345 to EKERN. 350 FU SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. SIDs EKERN 6B, 7D, 6G renumbered 7B, 8D, 7G. MSA HAM VOR 2100' 1500', EKERN D25 HAM 2 6 4 0 0 0 3 4 5 ^ E M D 4 E M D 5 5 . NOT TO SCALE DME CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES 23 EKERN 7B EKERN 7C 05 EKERN 8D 15 EKERN 7G 33 4 E K E R N 7 C ROUTING Initial climb clearance 5000' RWY SID Intercept 331^ bearing towards GT, at ALF 3 DME turn RIGHT, 358^ track, at ALF 5.6 DME turn RIGHT, intercept 031^ bearing from GT, intercept HAM R-345 to EKERN. EKERN SEVEN CHARLIE (EKERN 7C) N54 30.3 E009 51.8 EKERN EIGHT DELTA (EKERN 8D) or 1500' At whichever is later ALF 2.5 DME EKERN SEVEN BRAVO (EKERN 7B) EKERN SEVEN GOLF (EKERN 7G) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 2 9 5 ^ R075^ R 1 2 1 ^ 3 0 1 ^ D17 HAM Apt Elev .SID. 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 134.25 BREMEN Radar 10-3C 3 3 1 ^ 8 . 2 5 0 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ 1 5 2 4 5 ^ L B E 8 G N53 45.2 E009 58.7 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ 2 2 9 ^ D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG N53 36.9 E009 57.4 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 D ALSTER (115.8) ALF N53 38.1 E009 59.6 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS WESER 112.9 WSR N53 20.9 E008 52.5 L B E 9 C | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. R-15, UM-170, (U)N-125, N-850 & UL-126 NO ACCESS TO AIRWAYS 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 28.9 E009 52.6 350 FU SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. SIDs LBE 8B, 8D, 7G renumbered 9B, 9D, 8G. MSA HAM VOR 2100' 3 2 1 ^ R 1 4 1 ^ NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES 23 05 15 33 LBE 9B LBE 9C LBE 9D LBE 8G E M D 5 5 . E M D 5 E M D 4 255^ E M D 3 DME L B E 9 B LBE 9D ROUTING Initial climb clearance 5000' RWY SID Intercept 049^ bearing towards HOS, at ALF 3.8 DME turn LEFT, intercept HAM R-295, intercept LBE R-065 inbound to LBE. Intercept 151^ bearing from GT to ALF 5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept WSR R-075 inbound to D17 HAM, turn RIGHT, intercept LBE R-141 inbound to LBE. Intercept 331^ bearing towards GT, at ALF 4 DME turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-070 inbound to LBE. ELBE EIGHT GOLF (LBE 8G) Climb straight ahead via FU to ALF 5.5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept LBE R-121 inbound to LBE. ELBE NINE CHARLIE (LBE 9C) ELBE NINE BRAVO (LBE 9B) ELBE NINE DELTA (LBE 9D) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 2 9 5 ^ R075^ D Apt Elev .SID. 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 134.25 BREMEN Radar 10-3D 3 3 1 ^ 8 . 2 5 0 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ 1 5 2 4 5 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ 2 2 9 ^ D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 D ALSTER (115.8) ALF N53 38.1 E009 59.6 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 1 8 6 ^ 4 0 4 0 0 0 N53 27.0 E009 37.8 N53 25.2 E009 34.0 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 HAMBURG N53 36.9 E009 57.4 WESER 112.9 WSR N53 20.9 E008 52.5 4 0 0 0 N52 59.6 E009 27.0 Initial climb clearance 5000' I D E K O 3 G I D E K O 4 C | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 45.2 E009 58.7 1 8 350 FU SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. SID IDEKO 3B, 2D, 2G renumbered 4B, 3D, 3G. MSA HAM VOR 2100' NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: RWY 23 SID ROUTING 05 15 33 E M D 5 E M D 4 255^ E M D 3 DME D25 HAM D20 ALF IDEKO IDEKO 4B IDEKO 4C IDEKO 3D IDEKO 3G Intercept 151^ bearing from GT to ALF 5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept WSR R-075 inbound to D25 HAM, turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-186 to IDEKO. Intercept 331^ bearing towards GT, at ALF 4 DME turn LEFT, intercept LBE R-070 inbound to LBE, turn LEFT, LBE R-186 to IDEKO. ID EK O 3D RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES Intercept 049^ bearing towards HOS, at ALF 3.8 DME turn LEFT, inter- cept HAM R-295, intercept LBE R-065 inbound to LBE, turn LEFT, LBE R-186 to IDEKO. IDEKO FOUR CHARLIE (IDEKO 4C) IDEKO FOUR BRAVO (IDEKO 4B) I D E K O 4 B Climb straight ahead to FU, 229^ bearing to D20 ALF, turn LEFT, inter- cept LBE R-186 to IDEKO. IDEKO THREE GOLF (IDEKO 3G) IDEKO THREE DELTA (IDEKO 3D) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R244^ R 2 3 1 ^ R 2 2 5 ^ 0 5 1 ^ 0 4 5 ^ 2 6 2 3 0 4 7 ^ 0 6 4 ^ 6 R242^ 0 6 2 ^ 13 1 5 1 ^ 1 . 0 3 9 ^ 2.5 DM E 0 2 8 ^ R 2 0 8 ^ 3 3 1 ^ 3 5 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ Apt Elev .SID. 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 136.67 BREMEN Radar SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG N53 36.9 E009 57.4 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 D ALSTER (115.8) ALF N53 38.1 E009 59.6 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 10-3E Intercept 151^ bearing from GT, at ALF 2.5 DME or 3 D M E 0 4 9 ^ L U B 9 D L U B 9 B L U B 9 G 5 DME LUBECK 110.6 LUB N53 56.4 E010 40.1 whichever is Initial climb clearance 5000' later, turn LEFT, intercept HAM R-208 inbound to HAM, turn RIGHT, HAM R-045 to LUB. | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4000 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 46.6 E010 02.6 Climb straight ahead via FU to ALF 5.5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept 039^ bearing to GT, 047^ bearing, intercept LUB R-244 inbound to LUB. 350 FU 11 D27.7 LBE (115.1 LBE) 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. SIDs LUB 8B, 8D, 8G renumbered 9B, 9D, 9G. MSA HAM VOR 2100' 1500', E M D 4 E M D 5 5 . NOT TO SCALE DME CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES SID ROUTING 4 L U B 8 C LUB 9B LUB 8C LUB 9D LUB 9G RWY 23 05 15 33 Intercept 331^ bearing towards GT, at ALF 3 DME turn RIGHT, 358^ track, at ALF 5 DME turn RIGHT, intercept LUB R-242 inbound to LUB. LUBECK EIGHT CHARLIE (LUB 8C) LUBECK NINE GOLF (LUB 9G) To HOS (ALF 4.1 DME), intercept LUB R-231 inbound to LUB. or 1500' At whichever is later ALF 2.5 DME LUBECK NINE BRAVO (LUB 9B) LUBECK NINE DELTA (LUB 9D) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R 2 4 2 ^ R 2 4 4 ^ R 2 3 1 ^ R 2 1 2 ^ 0 9 4 ^ 0 8 5 ^ D 2 6 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 3 1 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 1. 5 D M E 3 D M E 0 4 9 ^ 3 5 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ EDDH/HAM Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 136.67 BREMEN Radar L U B E C K 3 9 4 L Y E N 5 3 4 8 . 0 E 0 1 0 4 1 . 8 D H A M B U R G 1 1 3 . 1 H A M N 5 3 4 1 . 1 E 0 1 0 1 2 . 3 H A M B U R G N 5 3 3 6 . 9 E 0 0 9 5 7 . 4 H A M B U R G 3 2 3 G T N 5 3 4 2 . 9 E 0 0 9 5 5 . 5 D A L S T E R ( 1 1 5 . 8 ) A L F N 5 3 3 8 . 1 E 0 0 9 5 9 . 6 H A M B U R G N 5 3 4 0 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 5 . 0 3 3 9 H O S 3 5 0 F U 0 6 2 ^ D 2 7 . 7 L B E D 2 8 . 3 L B E 1 0 1 ^ 1 2 0 ^ 0 3 9 ^ 0 4 7 ^ 0 6 4 ^ L U B E C K 1 1 0 . 6 L U B N 5 3 5 6 . 4 E 0 1 0 4 0 . 1 7 . 2 D M E 0 5 1 ^ 0 7 3 ^ 7 . 1 D M E A t o r a b o v e .SID. S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . A t o r a b o v e 2 3 0 0 ' 0 3 2 ^ ( 1 1 5 . 1 L B E ) ( 1 1 5 . 1 L B E ) 0 5 8 ^ R A M A R 2 G R A M A R 2 B 1 1 R A M A R N 5 3 4 2 . 6 E 0 1 0 5 6 . 3 10-3F N 5 3 4 6 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 2 . 6 4 0 0 0 1 0 N 5 3 5 0 . 4 E 0 1 0 1 8 . 4 N 5 3 5 0 . 3 E 0 1 0 1 9 . 7 N 5 3 4 0 . 6 E 0 1 0 2 2 . 1 6 1 1 2 2 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. 2 0 SIDs renumbered. M S A H A M V O R 2 1 0 0 ' CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES RAMAR TWO GOLF (RAMAR 2G) RAMAR TWO BRAVO (RAMAR 2B) RAMAR TWO DELTA (RAMAR 2D) E M D 5 5. E M D 4 4 RAMAR TWO CHARLIE (RAMAR 2C) D M E R A M A R 2 D N O T T O S C A L E R A M A R 2 C C l i m b s t r a i g h t a h e a d v i a F U t o A L F 5 . 5 D M E , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t 0 3 9 ^ b e a r - i n g t o G T , 0 4 7 ^ b e a r i n g , i n t e r c e p t L U B R - 2 4 4 i n b o u n d t o D 2 7 . 7 L B E , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t 1 0 1 ^ b e a r i n g t o L Y E , t u r n R I G H T , 1 2 0 ^ b e a r i n g t o R A M A R . R A M A R 2 B R A M A R 2 C R A M A R 2 D R A M A R 2 G I n t e r c e p t 3 3 1 b e a r i n g t o w a r d s G T , a t A L F 3 D M E t u r n R I G H T , 3 5 8 ^ t r a c k , a t A L F 5 D M E t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t L U B R - 2 4 2 i n b o u n d t o D 2 8 . 3 L B E , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r - c e p t 1 0 1 ^ b e a r i n g t o L Y E , t u r n R I G H T , 1 2 0 ^ b e a r i n g t o R A M A R . 2 3 R O U T I N G 0 5 1 5 3 3 R W Y S I D I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' I n t e r c e p t 1 5 1 ^ b e a r i n g f r o m G T t o A L F 7 . 1 D M E , t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t L U B R - 2 1 2 i n b o u n d , w h e n p a s s i n g H A M R - 0 9 4 t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t 0 5 8 ^ b e a r i n g t o L Y E , t u r n R I G H T , 1 2 0 ^ b e a r i n g t o R A M A R . A f t e r A L F 7 . 2 D M E B R N A V e q u i p m e n t n e c e s s a r y . T h i s S I D r e q u i r e s a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f 3 4 0 ' p e r N M ( 5 . 6 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e A T C p r i o r t o s t a r t - u p . 2 8 0 0 ' 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 d u e t o G n d s p e e d - K T 3 4 0 ' p e r N M 4 2 5 5 6 7 8 5 1 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 8 1 7 0 1 R A M A R 2 D H i g h I n t e n s i t y R a d i o T r a n s m i s s i o n A r e a . T o H O S ( A L F 4 . 1 D M E ) , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t L U B R - 2 3 1 i n b o u n d t o A L F 7 . 2 D M E t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r c e p t 0 7 3 ^ b e a r i n g t o L Y E , t u r n R I G H T , 1 2 0 ^ b e a r i n g t o R A M A R . , Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 2 9 5 ^ 8 . 1 5 W S R 9 C W S R 9 G H A M B U R G N 5 3 4 0 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 5 . 0 3 3 9 H O S H A M B U R G 3 2 3 G T N 5 3 4 2 . 9 E 0 0 9 5 5 . 5 D A L S T E R ( 1 1 5 . 8 ) A L F N 5 3 3 8 . 1 E 0 0 9 5 9 . 6 H A M B U R G N 5 3 3 6 . 9 E 0 0 9 5 7 . 4 Apt Elev 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 134.25 BREMEN Radar 10-3G 2 5 0 ^ 2 4 5 ^ 2 2 9 ^ D H A M B U R G 1 1 3 . 1 H A M N 5 3 4 1 . 1 E 0 1 0 1 2 . 3 D E L B E 1 1 5 . 1 L B E N 5 3 3 9 . 3 E 0 0 9 3 5 . 7 W E S E R 1 1 2 . 9 W S R N 5 3 2 0 . 9 E 0 0 8 5 2 . 5 3 3 1 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ R 0 7 5 ^ R 0 5 3 ^ 2 4 8 ^ 2 5 5 ^ R 0 6 8 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 4 0 0 0 2 7 2 7 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 W S R 1 D .SID. 3 2 5 0 0 0 ' I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 1 1 | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. W S R 9 B 1 5 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ N 5 3 4 5 . 2 E 0 0 9 5 8 . 7 3 5 0 F U S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. SIDs WSR 8B, 9D, 8G renumbered 9B, 1D, 9G. M S A H A M V O R 2 1 0 0 ' E M D 5 5 . E M D 3 E M D 4 E M D 5 D M E CHANGES: N O T T O S C A L E D 2 5 H A M D 2 5 H A M RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 DEPARTURES WESER NINE BRAVO (WSR 9B) R W Y 2 3 S I D R O U T I N G 0 5 1 5 3 3 W S R 9 B W S R 9 C W S R 1 D W S R 9 G I n t e r c e p t 3 3 1 ^ b e a r i n g t o w a r d s G T , a t A L F 4 D M E t u r n L E F T , i n - t e r c e p t L B E R - 0 7 0 i n b o u n d t o L B E , t u r n L E F T , L B E R - 2 3 3 t o W S R . I n t e r c e p t 1 5 1 ^ b e a r i n g f r o m G T t o A L F 5 D M E , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r - c e p t W S R R - 0 7 5 i n b o u n d t o W S R . I n t e r c e p t 0 4 9 ^ b e a r i n g t o w a r d s H O S , a t A L F 3 . 8 D M E t u r n L E F T , i n t e r c e p t H A M R - 2 9 5 , i n t e r c e p t L B E R - 0 6 5 i n b o u n d t o L B E , t u r n L E F T , L B E R - 2 3 3 t o W S R . A f t e r p a s s i n g F U o r 2 0 0 0 ' , w h i c h e v e r i s l a t e r , B R N A V e q u i p m e n t n e c e s s a r y . c e p t W S R R - 0 6 8 i n b o u n d t o W S R . C l i m b s t r a i g h t a h e a d v i a F U t o A L F 5 . 5 D M E , t u r n R I G H T , i n t e r - WESER NINE CHARLIE (WSR 9C) WESER ONE DELTA (WSR 1D) WESER NINE GOLF (WSR 9G) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 1 1 6 ^ D 2 9 D 3 5 8 ^ DH1~8 N53 30.9 E009 54.7 DH1~9 1 6 DH151 DH25~ DH251 DH252 7 . 1 1 . 6 2 . 2 DH2~4 8 . 6 5.1 2 . 3 2 . 6 3 3 1 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 089^ 1 1 8 ^ R 2 9 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ Apt Elev 53' EDDH/HAM Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 136.67 BREMEN Radar SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 A M L U H 7 G .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 10-3H (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - (2800'+) - 0 4 9 ^ HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 0 4 9 ^ 4 . 7 A M L U H 7 C | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N53 42.8 E009 56.8 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. AMLUH 8B DH111 N53 34.5 E009 52.5 N53 44.6 E010 02.0 N53 43.6 E010 11.1 N53 41.3 E009 56.8 N53 30.8 E010 03.2 N53 29.7 E010 06.7 9 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. At or above 2800' At or above 2800' AMLUH 7D 4 . 2 RNAV SIDs AMLUH 7B, 6D, 6G renumbered 8B, 7D, 7G. 1 6 3 ^ R 3 4 3 ^ MSA HAM VOR 2100' NOT TO SCALE 1 6 3 ^ AMLUH A M L U H 7 D CHANGES: 23 ROUTING 05 15 33 Initial climb clearance 5000' RWY SID DH250 - DH251 - DH252 - HAM - AMLUH. RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3) DH204 AMLUH. 2800' 75 100 150 200 250 300 due to Gnd speed-KT 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 340' per NM (5.6%) until passing AMLUH 7D High Intensity Radio Transmission Area. If unable to comply advise ATC prior to start-up. 3 . 9 HOS - DH151 - AMLUH. [AMLU7G] [AMLU7D] [AMLU7C] [AMLU8B] N53 25.7 E010 19.4 AMLUH 8B AMLUH 7C AMLUH 7D AMLUH 7G AMLUH EIGHT BRAVO (AMLUH 8B) AMLUH SEVEN CHARLIE (AMLUH 7C) AMLUH SEVEN DELTA (AMLUH 7D) AMLUH SEVEN GOLF (AMLUH 7G) DH111 - DH108 - DH109 - AMLUH. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 2 3 5 ^ R075^ 291^ NIE 116.5 2 9 5 ^ D 6 0 . 4 3 3 1 ^ B A S U M 9 C 2 5 0 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ 2 4 5 ^ 2 2 9 ^ 4 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 10-3J WESER 112.9 WSR N53 20.9 E008 52.5 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 6 . 5 6 .5 DH153 DH15~ DH254 4 . 4 1 4 . 9 B A S U M 9 G 1 2 .2 4 . 6 DH2~2 DH2~3 DH1~5 (114.3 OSN R-027) | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 134.25 BREMEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 29.3 E009 41.8 N53 30.6 E010 00.9 N53 33.6 E010 03.3 N53 42.3 E010 08.4 N53 45.2 E009 58.7 N53 43.2 E009 55.2 N53 25.2 E009 22.7 N53 19.7 E009 17.6 1 3 . 3 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. RNAV SID BASUM 1B, 9D, 8G renumbered 2B, 1D, 9G. MSA HAM VOR 2100' BASUM D25 HAM 255^ 4000 4 0 0 0 9 2 0 8 ^ 4 0 0 0 1 6 BA S U M 1D 4 0 0 0 N52 46.3 E008 47.3 NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: RWY 23 SID BASUM 2B ROUTING BASUM 9C 05 BASUM 1D 15 BASUM 9G 33 D25 HAM (500'+) - (500'+) - DH150 - DH153 - LBE - BASUM. (500'+) - (500'+) - DH202 - DH203 - DH207 - BASUM. DH254 - LBE - BASUM. RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3A) 14.4 1 3 . 3 DH2~7 DH1~7 6 . 3 3 8 . 1 Initial climb clearance 5000' B A S U M 2 B [BASU9G] [BASU1D] BASUM NINE CHARLIE (BASUM 9C) [BASU9C] [BASU2B] BASUM TWO BRAVO (BASUM 2B) DH105 - DH107 - BASUM. BASUM ONE DELTA (BASUM 1D) BASUM NINE GOLF (BASUM 9G) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN D 5 0 . 8 0 4 9 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 0 3 9 ^ E K E R N 7 B 0 3 1 ^ 3 3 1 ^ 3 5 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 10-3K E K E R N 7 G 0 4 9 ^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 7 . 1 N53 37.4 E009 47.7 DH1~3 N53 53.6 E010 07.3 1 2 . 1 1 . 5 N53 44.1 E009 56.8 1 1 . 4 2 . 2 N53 41.3 E009 56.8 2 . 9 4 . 7 2 . 7 DH152 N53 43.7 E010 11.3 2 . 1 N53 35.9 E010 01.4 N53 35.8 E010 07.1 1 0 . 2 0 2 8 ^ R 2 0 8 ^ 6 . 2 | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 136.67 BREMEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. DH111 N53 34.5 E009 52.5 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. RNAV SIDs EKERN 6B, 7D, 6G renumbered 7B, 8D, 7G and revised. E K E R N 8 D MSA HAM VOR 2100' EKERN D25 HAM 4 0 0 0 3 4 5 ^ NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: E K E R N 7 C RWY 23 SID EKERN 7B ROUTING EKERN 7C 05 EKERN 8D 15 EKERN 7G 33 (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - DH250 - DH253 - DH103 - EKERN. DH200 (1500'+) - 4 . 2 DH1~2 DH253 RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3B) DH25~ 3 . 9 DH2~~ DH2~1 N54 30.3 E009 51.8 Initial climb clearance 5000' HOS - DH152 - EKERN. DH201 - HAM - EKERN. 2 5 . 8 [EKER7G] [EKER8D] EKERN SEVEN CHARLIE (EKERN 7C) [EKER7C] [EKER7B] EKERN EIGHT DELTA (EKERN 8D) 1500' EKERN SEVEN BRAVO (EKERN 7B) EKERN SEVEN GOLF (EKERN 7G) DH111 - DH102 - GT - DH103 - EKERN. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R075^ 2 9 5 ^ R 1 2 1 ^ 3 0 1 ^ 1 5 1 ^ L B E 9 D 3 3 1 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ 2 4 5 ^ 0 4 9 ^ L B E 9 C (500'+) (500'+) (500'+) (500'+) R 0 7 0 ^ L B E 8 G 2 5 0 ^ 2 2 9 ^ DH1~1 DH2~5 DH254 N53 43.2 E009 55.2 DH153 DH15~ 6 .5 1 4 . 9 DH2~2 N53 33.6 E010 03.3 DH2~3 N53 30.6 E010 00.9 4 . 6 7.2 1 3 . 1 4 . 4 EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 10-3L D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 WESER 112.9 WSR N53 20.9 E008 52.5 N53 45.2 E009 58.7 N53 28.9 E009 49.1 | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. R-15, UM-170, (U)N-125, N-850 & UL-126 NO ACCESS TO AIRWAYS Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 134.25 BREMEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. DH111 4 . 2 N53 34.5 E009 52.5 N53 42.3 E010 08.4 N53 34.4 E009 48.5 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. RNAV SIDs LBE 8B, 8D, 7G renumbered 9B, 9D, 8G and revised MSA HAM VOR 2100' NOT TO SCALE 3 2 1 ^ R 1 4 1 ^ L B E 9 B LBE 9B LBE 9C LBE 9D LBE 8G 2 5 5 ^ 23 05 15 33 9 . 1 1 2 .2 6 . 5 CHANGES: - DH150 - DH153 - LBE. - DH202 - DH203 - DH205 - LBE. - DH254 - LBE. RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3C) RWY SID ROUTING Initial climb clearance 5000' ELBE EIGHT GOLF (LBE 8G) ELBE NINE CHARLIE (LBE 9C) ELBE NINE BRAVO (LBE 9B) ELBE NINE DELTA (LBE 9D) - DH111 - DH101 - LBE. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R075^ 2 9 5 ^ W SR 112.9 D 4 0 EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 10-3M 2 5 0 ^ 2 4 5 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ 2 2 9 ^ D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 D ELBE 115.1 LBE N53 39.3 E009 35.7 1 8 6 ^ 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 2 5 . 4 1 . 9 1 2 . 7 DH2~2 N53 33.6 E010 03.3 DH2~3 N53 30.6 E010 00.9 4 . 6 DH15~ N53 42.3 E010 08.4 6 . 5 6 .5 N53 43.2 DH254 E009 55.2 N53 45.2 E009 58.7 DH153 1 2 .2 1 4 . 9 3 3 1 ^ 4 . 4 R 0 6 5 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ N52 59.6 E009 27.0 Initial climb clearance 5000' I D E K O 3 G I D E K O 4 C | JEPPESEN, 2005, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 134.25 BREMEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 24.7 E009 32.5 N53 26.7 E009 32.9 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. RNAV SIDs IDEKO 3B, 2D, 2G renumbered 4B, 3D, 3G and revised. MSA HAM VOR 2100' NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: RWY 23 SID ROUTING 05 15 33 (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - DH2~6 DH1~6 255^ 17.2 IDEKO ID EK O 3D IDEKO 4B IDEKO 4C IDEKO 3D IDEKO 3G DH150 - DH153 - LBE - IDEKO. DH202 - DH203 - DH206 - IDEKO. DH254 - LBE - IDEKO. [IDEK4B] [IDEK3D] [IDEK3G] RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3D) [IDEK4C] IDEKO FOUR CHARLIE (IDEKO 4C) IDEKO FOUR BRAVO (IDEKO 4B) I D E K O 4 B IDEKO THREE DELTA (IDEKO 3D) IDEKO THREE GOLF (IDEKO 3G) DH106 - IDEKO. 2 0 . 5 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R244^ R 2 3 1 ^ R 2 2 5 ^ 0 5 1 ^ 0 4 5 ^ 0 4 7 ^ 0 6 4 ^ R242^ 0 6 2 ^ 3 3 1 ^ EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG D HAMBURG 113.1 HAM N53 41.1 E010 12.3 HAMBURG 323 GT N53 42.9 E009 55.5 HAMBURG N53 40.6 E010 05.0 339 HOS 10-3N 0 4 9 ^ L U B 9 B L U B 9 G LUBECK 110.6 LUB N53 56.4 E010 40.1 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 7 . 1 0 3 9 ^ 2 . 1 1 5 1 ^ 2 2 . 5 2 6 . 2 5 . 6 2 8 .5 2 . 9 2 . 2 3 5 8 ^ R 2 0 8 ^ 0 2 8 ^ 6 . 2 L U B 9 D | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 136.67 BREMEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 2 2 9 ^ N53 35.9 E010 01.4 DH111 N53 34.5 E009 52.5 N53 37.4 E009 47.7 N53 44.1 E009 56.8 N53 46.6 E010 02.6 N53 41.3 E009 56.8 N53 35.8 E010 07.1 R244^ 0 6 4 ^ 4000 11 D27.7 LBE (115.1 LBE) 13.3 At or above At or above SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. RNAV SIDs LUB 8B, 8D, 8G renumbered 9B, 9D, 9G and revised. MSA HAM VOR 2100' L U B 8 C CHANGES: RWY 23 SID ROUTING 05 15 33 (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - (500'+) - DH200 (1500'+) - LUB 9B LUB 8C DH250 - DH253 - LUB. DH1~2 3 . 9 DH1~4 DH253 DH25~ RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E) DH2~1 HOS - LUB. DH201 - HAM - LUB. NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 5000' 4 . 2 DH2~~ LUB 9D LUB 9G LUBECK EIGHT CHARLIE (LUB 8C) LUBECK NINE GOLF (LUB 9G) 1500' LUBECK NINE BRAVO (LUB 9B) LUBECK NINE DELTA (LUB 9D) DH111 - DH102 - GT - DH104 - LUB. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN R 2 4 2 ^ R 2 4 4 ^ R 2 3 1 ^ R 2 1 2 ^ 0 8 5 ^ D 2 6 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. R A M A R 2 G R A M A R 2 B N 5 3 4 6 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 2 . 6 N 5 3 3 7 . 4 E 0 0 9 4 7 . 7 N 5 3 3 4 . 5 E 0 0 9 5 2 . 5 N 5 3 4 2 . 7 E 0 1 0 0 9 . 7 N 5 3 4 4 . 1 E 0 0 9 5 6 . 8 HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 3 3 1 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 0 4 9 ^ 3 5 8 ^ 2 2 9 ^ EDDH/HAM Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 136.67 BREMEN Radar L U B E C K 3 9 4 L Y E N 5 3 4 8 . 0 E 0 1 0 4 1 . 8 D H A M B U R G 1 1 3 . 1 H A M N 5 3 4 1 . 1 E 0 1 0 1 2 . 3 H A M B U R G 3 2 3 G T N 5 3 4 2 . 9 E 0 0 9 5 5 . 5 D A L S T E R ( 1 1 5 . 8 ) A L F N 5 3 3 8 . 1 E 0 0 9 5 9 . 6 H A M B U R G N 5 3 4 0 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 5 . 0 3 3 9 H O S 0 6 2 ^ 1 0 1 ^ 1 2 0 ^ 0 3 9 ^ 0 4 7 ^ 0 6 4 ^ L U B E C K 1 1 0 . 6 L U B N 5 3 5 6 . 4 E 0 1 0 4 0 . 1 0 5 1 ^ 0 7 3 ^ 0 3 2 ^ 0 5 8 ^ 1 1 R A M A R N 5 3 4 2 . 6 E 0 1 0 5 6 . 3 10-3P 4 0 0 0 I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' 7 . 1 5 . 6 2 . 9 2 . 2 6 . 7 1 2 . 1 1 3 . 1 1 0 . 2 D H 2 1 2 N 5 3 4 1 . 5 E 0 1 0 2 2 . 7 D H 2 ~ 9 N 5 3 3 1 . 5 E 0 1 0 1 1 . 3 N 5 3 3 1 . 8 E 0 1 0 0 4 . 9 D H 2 ~ 8 D H 1 ~ 2 D H 1 1 ~ N 5 3 5 1 . 0 E 0 1 0 1 9 . 4 D H 1 ~ 4 D H 1 1 1 4 . 2 1 0 . 9 1 2 . 9 0 . 7 D H 1 5 4 1 9 . 8 N 5 3 5 0 . 9 E 0 1 0 2 0 . 6 D H 2 5 9 D H 2 5 3 1 5 . 7 A t o r a b o v e 2 3 0 0 ' S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . N 5 3 4 1 . 3 E 0 0 9 5 6 . 8 | JEPPESEN, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. RNAV SIDs renumbered. M S A H A M V O R 2 1 0 0 ' T h i s S I D r e q u i r e s a m i n i m u m c l i m b g r a d i e n t o f 3 4 0 ' p e r N M ( 5 . 6 % ) u n t i l p a s s i n g I f u n a b l e t o c o m p l y a d v i s e A T C p r i o r t o s t a r t - u p . R A M A R 2 C CHANGES: RAMAR TWO GOLF (RAMAR 2G) 2 8 0 0 ' 7 5 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 d u e t o G n d s p e e d - K T 3 4 0 ' p e r N M 4 2 5 5 6 7 8 5 1 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 8 1 7 0 1 R A M A R 2 D H i g h I n t e n s i t y R a d i o T r a n s m i s s i o n A r e a . RAMAR TWO BRAVO (RAMAR 2B) RAMAR TWO DELTA (RAMAR 2D) RAMAR TWO CHARLIE (RAMAR 2C) D M E R A M A R 2 D R W Y 2 3 S I D R O U T I N G 0 5 1 5 3 3 ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - H O S - D H 1 5 4 - L Y E - R A M A R . R A M A R 2 B R A M A R 2 C R A M A R 2 D R A M A R 2 G D H 2 5 0 - D H 2 5 3 - D H 2 5 9 - L Y E - R A M A R . D H 2 0 8 ( 2 3 0 0 ' + ) - D H 2 0 9 - D H 2 1 2 - L Y E - R A M A R . RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES [RAMA2G] [RAMA2D] [RAMA2C] [RAMA2B] (OVERLAY 10-3F) 3 . 9 3 . 5 N O T T O S C A L E D H 2 5 ~ D H 1 1 1 - D H 1 0 2 - G T - D H 1 0 4 - D H 1 1 0 - L Y E - R A M A R . Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 2 9 5 ^ EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 10-3Q .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). D H 1 ~ ~ S P E E D R E S T R I C T I O N M A X 2 5 0 K T b e l o w F L 1 0 0 o r a s b y A T C . N o t a p p l i c a b l e w i t h i n a i r s p a c e C . 2 5 0 ^ 2 4 5 ^ 1 5 1 ^ D H A M B U R G 1 1 3 . 1 H A M N 5 3 4 1 . 1 E 0 1 0 1 2 . 3 D E L B E 1 1 5 . 1 L B E N 5 3 3 9 . 3 E 0 0 9 3 5 . 7 W E S E R 1 1 2 . 9 W S R N 5 3 2 0 . 9 E 0 0 8 5 2 . 5 D H 2 ~ 2 D H 2 ~ 3 4 . 6 D H 1 5 ~ N 5 3 4 2 . 3 E 0 1 0 0 8 . 4 6 . 5 W S R 9 C D H 2 5 4 D H 1 5 3 1 2 . 2 1 4 . 9 W S R 9 G 3 3 1 ^ 4 . 4 R 0 6 5 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ R 0 7 5 ^ R 0 5 3 ^ N 5 3 3 4 . 0 E 0 0 9 5 1 . 6 2 4 8 ^ 2 5 5 ^ N 5 3 3 0 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 0 . 9 R 0 6 8 ^ 2 3 3 ^ 3 1 . 7 4 0 0 0 2 7 2 7 1 5 1 0 . 7 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 W S R 1 D I n i t i a l c l i m b c l e a r a n c e 5 0 0 0 ' Apt Elev 53' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 134.25 BREMEN Radar 1. Remain on Tower frequency until passing 2000', then contact BREMEN Radar. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. Rwys 23, 05, 15: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 2 2 9 ^ 6 . 5 0 4 9 ^ N 5 3 3 3 . 6 E 0 1 0 0 3 . 3 N 5 3 4 5 . 2 E 0 0 9 5 8 . 7 N 5 3 4 3 . 2 E 0 0 9 5 5 . 2 | JEPPESEN, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. 5 RNAV SIDs WSR 8B, 9D, 8G renumbered 9B, 1D, 9G and revised. M S A H A M V O R 2 1 0 0 ' CHANGES: RWYS 23, 05, 15, 33 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G) N O T T O S C A L E W S R 9 B D 2 5 H A M R W Y 2 3 S I D R O U T I N G 0 5 1 5 3 3 ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - ( 5 0 0 ' + ) - W S R 9 B W S R 9 C W S R 1 D W S R 9 G D H 1 5 0 - D H 1 5 3 - L B E - W S R . D H 2 5 4 - L B E - W S R . D H 2 0 2 - D H 2 0 3 - W S R . D 2 5 H A M WESER NINE CHARLIE (WSR 9C) WESER NINE BRAVO (WSR 9B) WESER NINE GOLF (WSR 9G) D H 1 0 0 - W S R . WESER ONE DELTA (WSR 1D) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 1 1 6 ^ 2 9 5 ^ For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages AMLUH 7C, 7G L U B 8 C BA SUM 1D IDEKO 3D W SR 1D B A S U M 2 B I D E K O 4 B B A S U M 9 C I D E K O 4 C L B E 9 C , W S R 9 C B A S U M 9 G ID E K O 3 G LB E 8 G , W S R 9 G IDEKO 4C, 3G D25 HAM E K E R N 7 B L U B 9 B R A M A R 2 B R A M A R 2 C R A M A R 2 D | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10-4 Apt Elev EDDH/HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY .NOISE. 53' 0 4 9 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 2 2 9 ^ 3 3 1 ^ 8 . 6 D M E 089^ 5 . 5 D M E 3 DME 5 DME 3 5 8 ^ 1 1 8 ^ R 2 9 8 ^ 2 4 5 ^ 2 5 0 ^ R 0 6 5 ^ R 0 7 0 ^ 1 8 6 ^ 4 D M E 1 6 3 ^ 3 . 8 D M E 5 D M E 2 5 5 ^ 0 3 9 ^ E K E R N 7 B , 7 G 3 4 5 ^ 0 3 1 ^ EKERN 7 . 2 D M E 0 2 8 ^ R 2 0 8 ^ 2 . 5 D M E 5.6 DME L B E 9 B L B E 9 D 3 0 1 ^ 3 2 1 ^ R 1 2 1 ^ R 1 4 1 ^ D17 HAM 0 6 4 ^ 0 6 2 ^ 0 4 7 ^ R 2 4 4 ^ R 2 4 2 ^ R 2 3 1 ^ 0 5 1 ^ 4 . 1 D M E 5 . 2 D M E 2 4 8 ^ R 0 6 8 ^ W S R 9 B L U B 9 D E K E R N 8 D 989' 591' 585' 585' 693' 1004' 983' 770' 511' 770' 468' 670' 53-30 53-50 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 L U B 9 G L U B 9 B R A M A R 2 B E K E R N 7 C , 8 D 7 .1 D M E R 2 1 2 ^ 0 3 2 ^ 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 5 2 5 RAMAR RAMAR R A M A R 2 G RAMAR 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. SIDs renumbered & revised. D25 HAM 2 3 A M L U H 8 B , 7 D D 3 2 H A M I D E K O D 3 8 H A M D 2 0 A L F 0 5 1 5 A M L U H LBE WSR FU ALF LUB HAM CHANGES: NOISE ABATEMENT 3 3 GT HOS A M L U H I D E K O B A S U M WSR LUB LUB Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Limit of apron control competence Elev 53' Elev 45' Elev 38' Elev 36' 1 Trees up to 131' 121.7 Apron HAMBURG Ground 121.8 Tower Apron 1 121.75 Apron 2 ARP Apt Elev 53-37 53-38 53-38 53-39 53-39 09-58 09-58 09-59 09-59 10-00 10-00 10-01 10-01 10-9 123.12 181' 196' 142' 107' 116' 123' 103' 144' 169' 111' 169' 230' 109' 95' 103' 95' Trees up to 138' up to Trees 135' 217' 228' 141' 0 2 ^ E LEGEND Apron For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages 126.85 135' Trees up to 108' 106' up to Trees 107' Trees up to 126' | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 126' 120' 112' 135' 137' 201' 153' 112' 120' Trees up to 141' 103' 107' 95' 89' 118' 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. 108' Trees up to *D-ATIS Variation. Rwy bearings. 185' Control D D E C D B G A S I R K K V L L L L T U P O O N M Y Q 6 5 2 4 1 1 South L K W 2 3 0 5 0 4 9 ^ 3 3 3 3 1 ^ 1 0 , 6 6 3 ' 3 2 5 0 m 1 2 , 0 2 8 ' 3 6 6 6 m E F C G Tower FOR PARKING POSITIONS B A SEE 10-9B FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9C HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG N53 37.8 E009 59.3 53' CHANGES: 1 5 1 5 1 ^ 2 2 9 ^ EDDH/HAM ACARS: DCL 5000 1500 1000 1000 500 0 0 Feet Meters 2000 3000 4000 D-ATIS AIS + MET AIS Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN TAKE-OFF A B C D RCLM (DAY only) 250m 300m 400m 500m NIL (DAY only) 1 1 RCLM (DAY only) RL & CL 200m 250m & mult. RVR req 125m 150m LVP must be in Force or RL or RL & mult. RVR req 150m 200m RL, CL HIRL, CL Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. Approved Operators (30m) (30m) (15m) (15m) .Standard. .Eff.21.Oct. 8 OCT 10 HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY CHANGES: 10-9A EDDH/HAM RWY ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION Threshold LANDING BEYOND USABLE LENGTHS WIDTH TAKE-OFF Glide Slope 15 33 46m 151' RVR 10,565'3220m 11,009'3356m 2 05 23 46m 151' TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE 1 RVR 10,151'3094m 2636m 1 8648' 8940' 2725m 2952m 9685' RVR RVR RWY 05: From rwy head twy M int twy N int twy O int twy P int 10,663' 8071' 6824' 5249' 4724' (3250m) (2460m) (2080m) (1600m) (1440m) RWY 23: From rwy head twy G int 10,663' 8694' (3250m) (3218m) (3050m) (2650m) 10,558' 10,007' TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE 2 RWY 15: From rwy head twy E int 12,028' 8333' (3666m) (2540m) RWY 33: From rwy head 12,028' 9482' 8957' (3666m) (3470m) (3350m) (2890m) (2730m) 11,385' 10,991' twy K int twy S/L int twy C int 6201' (1890m) twy A-West int twy B-East int twy I-North int twy U int 7415'(2260m) twy O int 5512'(1680m) PAPI-L(3.0^) HIRL HIRL CL CL HIALS SFL REIL REIL PAPI-L(3.0^) PAPI-L(3.0^) HIRL CL HIALS SFL REIL TDZ PAPI-L(3.0^) HIRL CL REIL twy C int 5807' (1770m) twy G/T int ALSF-II HIALS SFL | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. None. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN L I N E 3 L I N E 1 L I N E 1 HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 10-9B EDDH/HAM | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11 MAR 11 AIS + MET T I I NORTH SOUTH R B B EAST WEST G S D L I N E 1 L I N E 2 L I N E 4 L I N E 3 05 05A 06 06A 07 08A 08 15 15A 16 17A 17 18 18A 19 31 32 37 71 72 61 61A 61B 62 63A 64B 64 64A 65 56 55 55A 55B 54 54A 54B 53 52 52A 52B 51 63 APRON 1 HANGAR H CARGO V K 73 73A 71A R W Y 0 5 / 2 3 R W Y 1 5 / 3 3 TERMINAL 1 TERMINAL 2 HANGAR F HANGAR G L CHANGES: APRON 2 GA 53-38.2 53-38 53-38.1 53-37.8 53-38.1 53-37.3 53-37.3 53-37.4 53-37.5 53-37.6 53-37.7 53-37.9 10-00 09-59.8 10-00.1 09-59.9 10-00.2 10-00.3 10-00.4 09-59.7 10-00.1 10-00.2 10-00.3 09-59.6 09-59.7 09-59.8 09-59.9 10-00.4 10-00.5 10-00.6 10-00.5 10-00.6 APRON 4 GA APRON 5 53-38.2 53-37.8 A EAST A WEST LEGEND 44 45 46 47 48 APRON SOUTH 1 10-00 Limit of apron control competence L I N E 1 L I N E 1 42 39 40 41 43 38 20A 20 W EAST GA TERMINAL AIS 04 04A 05B Rwy guard lights Holding positions. Parking Stands. Rwy guard lights. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 10-9C EDDH/HAM | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11 MAR 11 L K L10 T I I NORTH SOUTH G S APRON 1 400 V K K L5 Q 500 APRON 5 Control Tower HANGAR R W Y 0 5 / 2 3 R W Y 1 5 / 3 3 81 82 83 86 91 92 93 94 95 U L APRON 2 GA L6 L7 L8 L9 O O P L K L ARP 91 LEGEND Collecting position 400 K Parking position Limit of apron control competence APRON 4 CHANGES: 53-37.5 53-37.7 53-37.6 53-37.5 09-59.2 09-59.1 09-59 09-59.9 10-00 09-59.2 09-59.1 09-59.4 09-59.5 09-59.3 09-59 53-37.4 W STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES INS COORDINATES 05 thru 08A 15 thru 16 41 thru 43 45 thru 48 51 thru 52B 53 thru 55B 56 61 thru 62 N53 38.2 E010 00.3 N53 38.1 E010 00.3 N53 38.0 E010 00.3 N53 37.9 E010 00.3 N53 37.8 E010 00.3 N53 37.6 E010 00.2 N53 37.5 E010 00.3 N53 38.0 E010 00.1 N53 38.0 E010 00.0 N53 37.9 E009 59.9 N53 37.9 E010 00.1 N53 37.9 E010 00.0 17 thru 19 N53 37.8 E010 00.2 N53 37.7 E010 00.2 N53 37.5 E010 00.2 44 GA TERMINAL AIS 04, 04A B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 85 84 86A 85A 84A 83A 82A 81A 86B 83B 20, 20A 31, 32 37 thru 40 Rwy guard lights Holding position. Stands. RWY guard lights. 63 N53 37.8 E010 00.1 N53 37.8 E010 00.0 N53 37.8 E009 59.5 N53 37.7 E009 59.6 N53 37.6 E009 59.7 N53 37.7 E009 59.5 N53 37.6 E009 59.5 N53 37.6 E009 59.6 91 thru 93 94 N53 37.7 E009 59.3 N53 37.6 E009 59.3 N53 37.6 E009 59.4 B3 thru B6 N53 37.6 E009 59.3 B7 thru B12 71 thru 72 73, 73A 95 82 thru 85A 86, 86A, 86B N53 37.9 E010 00.1 64 thru 65 N53 37.9 E010 00.0 63A 81, 81A B1 B2 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView 13 JUL 07 CHANGES: VISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM Pos. 10 A 3 2 0 Steady Position Information Alphanumerical Information Yellow bar indicates stop position reference - Flight number until turning into centerline - ACFT Type after entering centerline - STOP command - OK if correctly positioned STEER INFORMATION Steer LEFT Steer RIGHT On Centerline Steer Information (see below) APIS - AIRCRAFT POSITIONING & INFORMATION SYSTEM HAMBURG HAMBURG, GERMANY 10-9D JEPPESEN EDDH/HAM | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Chart reindexed. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 10-9X A B C D .Eff.21.Oct. 8 OCT 10 | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 1LACFT: DA(H) 314' (271'), FULL: R650m, ALS out: R1200m. .JAA.MINIMUMS. ALS out R1600m R2000m SRE ALS out ILS R1000m ALS out LOC ALS out SRE ALS out R600m ALS out R1200m R2000m R1000m R550m R1200m R1500m R1000m R550m R1000m R1500m (498') (528') R1000m (200') (447') (537') (507') R550m R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m R1400m R2000m R1000m R1800m R1000m R1500m R900m R1500m R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m (588') R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m (207') (567') R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m 530' (498') 530' (498') 530' (498') 530' NDB ALS out 620' (588') 620' (588') 620' (588') 620' 560' (528') 560' (528') 560' (528') 560' 15 NDB ALS out 253' 260' (200') 253' (200') 253' 500' (447') 500' (447') 500' (447') 500' 590' (537') 590' (537') 590' (537') 590' 620' (567') 620' (567') 620' (567') 620' 560' (507') 560' (507') 560' (507') 560' CAT 2 ILS CAT 3A ILS RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m (100') RA50'R200m CAT 3B ILS approved approved approved approved RA 98' R300m 23 143' (100') RA 98' R300m 143' (100') RA 98' R300m 143' (100') RA 98' R300m 143' ALS out ILS R1000m ALS out LOC R1000m R1000m R1000m (219') (457') R600m R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m (248') 262' 291' (228') 271' (238') 281' 500' (457') 500' (457') 500' (457') 500' R600m R600m R600m ALS out R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m (478') 510' (478') 510' (478') 510' (478') 510' ALS out (527') R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m 580' (527') 580' (527') 580' (527') 580' CHANGES: STRAIGHT-IN RWY ALS out ILS R1000m (227') ALS out R1600m R2000m LOC R600m R1000m (217') R1200m R2000m R600m R1000m (200') R1200m R1500m R550m R1000m (200') R1000m R1500m (528') R550m 05 232' 232' 249' 259' 560' (528') 560' (528') 560' (528') 560' RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) ILS rwy 15 and 23. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN 10-9X1 EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG A B C D | JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A B C D RCLM (DAY only) 250m 300m 400m 500m NIL (DAY only) RCLM (DAY only) RL & CL 200m 250m & mult. RVR req 125m 150m LVP must be in Force or RL or RL & mult. RVR req 150m 200m RL, CL HIRL, CL TAKE-OFF RWY 05, 15, 23, 33 Rwy 23 LVP must be in Force Approved Operators All Rwys Rwys 23, 33 .Eff.21.Oct. 8 OCT 10 .JAA.MINIMUMS. STRAIGHT-IN RWY ALS out R1400m R2000m LOC ALS out SRE ALS out R1000m R1800m R1000m R1500m R900m R1500m (445') (445') (565') R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m CHANGES: 33 480' 480' 600' (445') 480' (445') 480' (445') 480' (565') 600' (565') 600' (565') 600' ALS out SRE ALS out (437') (527') R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m R1400m R2000m R1000m R1800m R1000m R1500m R900m R1500m (547') R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m NDB ALS out 480' 590' 570' (437') 480' (437') 480' (437') 480' (547') 590' (547') 590' (547') 590' (527') 570' (527') 570' (527') 570' ALS out (367') R1400m R2000m R1000m R1800m R1000m R1500m R900m R1500m 410' (417') 460' (417') 460' (417') 460' 23 ALS out R1600m R2000m R1200m R2000m R1200m R1500m R1000m R1500m (515') 550' (515') 550' (515') 550' (515') 550' (445') 480' (445') 480' (445') 480' R1400m R2000m R1000m R1800m R1000m R1500m R900m R1500m None. RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN CHANGES: STRAIGHT-IN RWY 10-9Y .JAA.COPTER.MINIMUMS. DA(H) / MDA(H) RVR (ALS/ALS out) 150m RL, FATO LTS, CL & RVR info 200m 200m 800m RL, FATO LTS & RCLM Unlit/unmarked defined RWY/FATO LVP must be in Force1 250m 2 1 2 Nil Facilities DAY Nil Facilities NIGHT EDDH/HAM HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 05 15 23 33 | JEPPESEN, 2000, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 NOV 09 .Eff.19.Nov. ILS LOC RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) NDB SRE 232' (200') 560' (528') 510' (478') 530' (498') 620' (588') 560' (528') 500m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m ILS LOC RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) NDB SRE 253' (200') 500' (447') 580' (527') 590' (537') 620' (567') 560' (507') 500m / 1000m 800m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m CAT 2 ILS ILS LOC RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) NDB SRE 143' (100') 262' (219') 500' (457') 410' (367') 480' (437') 590' (547') 570' (527') RA 98' - 300m 550m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 800m / 1000m 800m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m LOC RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) RNAV (LNAV) SRE 480' (445') 480' (445') 550' (515') 600' (565') 800m / 1000m 800m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m 1000m / 1000m RNAV. TAKE-OFF RWY 05, 15, 23, 33 Without LVP 400m are stipulated. Or rejected take-off distance whichever is the greater. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ED(R)-2 MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 11-1 LOC 110.5 IHHE Final Apch Crs 049^ 1430' ILS DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 32' P A N S O P S 4 70 90 100 120 140 160 (IAF) ILS 049^ 110.5 IHHE In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. HOS 339 HIALS PAPI REIL Climb direct to HOS NDB, then turn RIGHT direct to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. RT 4000' 113.1 HAM EDDH/HAM 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 53-30 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 GS GS1430' LOC (Do not mistake for Hamburg) MISSED APCH FIX ILS or LOC Rwy 05 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 *D-ATIS BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower Ground 121.8 Refer to Minimums 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 D5.5 ALF .Standard. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. 0 4 9 ^ D8.3 LBE ANEXI 1 5 8 ^ 8 . 3 4 .0 3 0 0 0 Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR 3.00^ STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A B C D FULL ALS out ALS out 05 ILS LOC (GS out) DA(H) 232' 249'(217') 259'(227') DA(H) 560'(528') C: (200') 1200m RVR RVR1500m 2400m CMV RVR1700m 377 485 539 647 755 862 Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' HAMBURG D 115.1 LBE ELBE RVR 550m 0 4 9 ^ 32' 0.5 5.0 3.7 RWY 05 3000' thresh 53' TCH displ 989' 562' 585' 983' 511' 770' LOC (GS out) 1430' D10.5 ALF ANEXI D10.5 ALF 4 0 0 0 ALF DME ALTITUDE 7.0 1900' 6.0 1590' 8.0 2220' 4.0 3.0 5.0 1270' 950' 630' 9.0 2540' 10.0 2860' (1398') D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG D: DME required. D1.8 ALF D1.8 ALF 339 HOS HAMBURG D4.1 ALF D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 4 0 0 0 AB: 670' D5.5ALF 350 FU D5.5ALF LMM MAP at LMM/D1.8 ALF LOC Descent Angle ILS GS or Limited RVR 750m RVR1500m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ED(R)-2 0 7 1 ^ MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 11-2 LOC 111.35 IHHS Final Apch Crs 151^ Lctr ILS DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 53' Refer to Minimums P A N S O P S 4 70 90 100 120 140 160 Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 ALF, then turn LEFT direct to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. (IAF) In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. D3.0 ALF MSA HAM VOR HIALS PAPI REIL D3.0 ALF LT 4000' 113.1 HAM EDDH/HAM 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ ILS 151^ 111.35 IHHS 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 53-45 53-35 MISSED APCH FIX 1390' GS LOC 1390' GS ILS or LOC Rwy 15 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower Ground 121.8 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS DME required. 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 .Standard. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. Minimums. 1 5 1 ^ MM 1 1 . 1 3 0 0 0 4.1 DEVOD 0 3 3 ^ D11.1 LBE 1 5 1 ^ 53' 5.0 3.6 MM Lctr RWY 15 TCH 53' 3000' D5.4 ALF Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 2100' CHANGES: DA(H) 253'(200') 260'(207') 500'(447') 377 485 539 647 755 862 Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' D 115.1 LBE ELBE ABC: 983' 511' 770' D10.4 ALF DEVOD D10.4 ALF 4 0 0 0 HAMBURG D5.4 ALF 323 GT LOC (GS out) ALF DME ALTITUDE 7.0 1930' 6.0 1610' 8.0 2240' 4.0 3.0 5.0 1290' 970' 650' 9.0 2560' 10.0 2880' D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG 1390' (1337') D1.8 ALF D1.8 ALF 0.5 MAP at MM/D1.8 ALF D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 4 0 0 0 D: STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A B C D FULL ALS out ALS out 15 ILS LOC (GS out) DA(H) 1200m RVR RVR1500m 2100m CMV RVR 550m Limited RVR 750m 3.00^ LOC Descent Angle ILS GS or 1400m RVR Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 11-3 LOC 111.5 IHHW Final Apch Crs 229^ LOM ILS DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 43' Refer to Minimums Ground 121.8 P A N S O P S 4 D22.1 LBE 0 0 9 ^ 1 1 In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. MHA 3000 (4000 for Missed apch) EDDH/HAM ILS 229^ 111.5 IHHW LT 4000' 113.1 HAM PAPI REIL 5 . 3 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ (IAF) NOT TO SCALE 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 53-45 53-35 ALSF-II LOC GS1340' GS 1340' ILS or LOC Rwy 23 3 0 0 0 2 2 .1 0 6 7 ^ 70 90 100 120 140 160 | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower *D-ATIS 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FU Lctr to D5.5 ALF, then turn LEFT to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. via FU 350 D5.5 ALF .Standard. LACFT: DA(H) 314' (271'), FULL: RVR 600m, Limited: RVR 750m, ALS out: RVR 1300m. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. DME required. 2 2 9 ^ MM 2100' (Finkenwerder) Hamburg HAMBURG D5.5 ALF D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR DA(H) 262' 271'(228') 281'(238') 291'(248') 500'(457') A: B: C: D: (219') 2 2 9 ^ 43' 3.4 MM LOM LOC (GS out) 5.2 RWY 23 TCH displ thresh 52' 3000' D4.1 ALF Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 989' 693' 983' 511' 770' PISAS D9.3 ALF PISAS D9.3 ALF 4 0 0 0 D 115.1 LBE ELBE ALTITUDE ALF DME 2.0 670' 3.0 990' 1630' 5.0 6.0 1950' 7.0 2270' 8.0 2580' 9.0 2900' 1310' 4.0 1340' (1297') 1. LOC: 2. LACFT: See ATC State pages. 339 HOS HAMBURG D4.1 ALF D0.7 ALF D0.7 ALF 0.5 MAP at MM/D0.7 ALF D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 377 485 539 647 755 862 350 FU STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A B C D FULL ALS out ALS out 23 ILS LOC (GS out) DA(H) 1200m RVR RVR1500m 2100m CMV RVR1400m RVR 550m Limited RVR 750m 3.00^ LOC Descent Angle ILS GS or 1300m RVR Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG LOC 111.5 IHHW Final Apch Crs 229^ LOM Apt Elev 53' RWY 43' Ground 121.8 P A N S O P S 4 70 90 100 120 140 160 1 11-3A RVR 300m CAT II ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23 RA 98' DA(H) (100') 143' 1 CAT II ILS Rwy 23 In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 53-45 53-35 MHA 3000 (4000 for Missed apch) EDDH/HAM ILS 229^ 111.5 IHHW (IAF) NOT TO SCALE 53-40 GS 1340' GS1340' Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. 3 0 0 0 2 2 .1 0 6 7 ^ D22.1 LBE 5 . 3 ABCD | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower *D-ATIS 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 LT 4000' 113.1 HAM PAPI REIL ALSF-II via FU 350 D5.5 ALF Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FU Lctr to D5.5 ALF, then turn LEFT to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. .Standard. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. Minimums. 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 0 0 9 ^ CAT II ILS DA(H) RA 98' (100') 143' 2 2 9 ^ MM (Finkenwerder) Hamburg 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR 377 485 539 647 755 862 2 2 9 ^ 43' 3.4 MM LOM 5.2 RWY 23 TCH displ thresh 52' 3000' D4.1 ALF Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' GS 3.00^ D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 989' 693' 983' 511' 770' 591' 512' D 115.1 LBE ELBE PISAS D9.3 ALF PISAS D9.3 ALF (1297') 339 HOS HAMBURG D4.1 ALF D0.7 ALF D0.7 ALF 0.5 D5.5 ALF HAMBURG 350 FU Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 4 0 0 0 Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN [ML33] ED(R)-2 ED(R)-3 [7~DME] [3~DME] [ML33] [3~DME] [7~DME] 1 2 6 ^ 2 0 . 9 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 11-4 LOC 109.9 IHHN Final Apch Crs 331^ DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 35' Ground 121.8 P A N S O P S 4 70 90 100 120 140 160 Minimum Alt 480'(445') RVR CMV 3 0 0 0 (IAF) 53-30 53-40 09-30 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 10-20 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. MISSED APCH: Climb direct to GT Lctr, then turn RIGHT direct to 4000' 113.1 HAM MHA 3000 (4000 for Missed apch) PAPI REIL GT 323 RT EDDH/HAM LOC 331^ 109.9 IHHN 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 Descent Angle 372 478 531 637 743 849 468' 3000' SOSAX | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower *D-ATIS LOC Rwy 33 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 DME required. In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. .Standard. TCH displ thresh 50' 3.00^ 3.00^ RVR Bearings. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. 3 3 1 ^ D0.9 D7.0 5 .5 Hamburg (Finkenwerder) ALF ALF D20.9 LBE 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' A B C D STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 33 ALS out DA(H) 480'(445') 1500m 2100m D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG D5.4 ALF D 115.1 LBE ELBE RWY 33 35' 0.5 2.6 2.1 3000' 2190' D0.9 D7.0 ALF ALF 323 GT MAP at D0.9 ALF 989' 562' 585' 585' 693' 1004' 983' 511' 521' 770' HIALS SOSAX D9.6 ALF D9.6 ALF SOSAX 3 3 1 ^ ALF DME 3.0 4.0 1240' 2.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 1550' ALTITUDE 600' 920' 1870' 2190' 8.0 2510' 9.0 2830' (2965') D3.0ALF D3.0 ALF 4.0 920' D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 670' 1400m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ED(R)-2 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 12-1 Final Apch Crs 049^ 3000' Apt Elev 53' RWY 32' P A N S O P S 4 70 90 100 120 140 160 In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. HIALS PAPI REIL EDDH/HAM Minimum Alt 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ MISSED APCH FIX 53-30 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 RNAV DA(H) RNAV (GPS) Rwy 05 MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 049^ to DH~3~, then turn RIGHT on track 085^ to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. NON-RNAV: DH~2~ DH~25 ANEXI DH~3~ to RW~5 3.0 NM RW~5 to RW~5 3.0 NM ANEXI Descent Angle 372 478 531 637 743 849 ANEXI RW~5 Refer to Missed Apch above TO DISPL THRESH (Do not mistake for Hamburg) (IAF) (IF) 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower Ground 121.8 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 ELBE 115.1 LBE D 3.00^ 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 50' Climb direct to HOS NDB, then turn RIGHT direct to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. CMV .Standard. LNAV/VNAV Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. LNAV LNAV/VNAV ALS out ALS out CMV 510' 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 2100' CHANGES: STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05 Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 32' RWY 05 989' 585' 983' 511' 770' 4 0 0 0 D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG MSA ARP 1 7 4 ^ 7 . 5 4 0 0 0 1 3 9 ^ 4 . 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 9 ^ 4 . 0 0 4 9 ^ 5 . 9 085^ ALTITUDE 8.0 2640' 7.0 2320' 9.0 2960' 5.0 4.0 6.0 2000' DIST to RW~5 2.0 3.0 1050' 730' 1680' 1360' 0 4 9 ^ 3000' 3.0 6.2 1050' A B C D DA(H) 530'(498') RVR 1500m MAP at RW~5 (2968') 9.2 0 339 HOS HAMBURG D4.1 ALF D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 4 0 0 0 670' 562' 0 4 9 ^ 4.0 RVR 1500m 2300m DA(H) 510'(478') RVR 1500m 2200m RVR 1500m (478') Bearing. Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ED(R)-2 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 12-2 Final Apch Crs 151^ Apt Elev 53' RWY 53' P A N S O P S 4 direct to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. EDDH/HAM Minimum Alt 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ RNAV DEVOD RNAV (GPS) Rwy 15 MSA ARP via DH~51 on track 023^ to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 ALF, then turn LEFT MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 151^ to DH~5~, then turn LEFT DH~51 DH~5~ DH~45 DH~4~ RW15 to RW15 3.0 NM D3.0 ALF 53-40 53-50 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 3.0 NM RW15 HIALS PAPI REIL to RW15 3000' Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Angle 372 478 531 637 743 849 Refer to Missed Apch above MISSED APCH FIX (IF) 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower Ground 121.8 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 (IAF) ELBE 115.1 LBE D 3.00^ 3.00^ TCH 50' CMV .Standard. Bearings. Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. LNAV LNAV/VNAV ALS out ALS out CMV DA(H) LNAV/VNAV 580' 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. DEVOD 2100' CHANGES: Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 511' 770' 4 0 0 0 1 5 1 ^ 1 0 . 6 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 ^ 4 . 0 0 6 1 ^ 4 . 0 1 5 1 ^ 53' RWY 15 1 5 1 ^ 3000' 3.0 6.1 1060' DEVOD MAP at RW15 ALTITUDE 8.0 2660' 7.0 2340' 9.0 2970' 5.0 4.0 6.0 2020' DIST to RW15 2.0 3.0 1060' 740' 1700' 1380' (2947') D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG 6 . 2 9.1 0 4 . 3 4 0 0 0 D (115.8) ALF ALSTER STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 15 A B C D DA(H) 590'(537') RVR 1500m RVR 1500m 2400m RVR 1700m 1 5 1 ^ 0 2 3 ^ DA(H) 580'(527') 2400m RVR 1500m RVR 1500m RVR 1700m (527') Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ED(R)-2 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 12-3 Final Apch Crs 229^ Apt Elev 53' RWY 43' P A N S O P S 4 EDDH/HAM Minimum Alt RNAV MISSED APCH RNAV: NON-RNAV: PISAS RNAV (GPS) Rwy 23 DH~7~ DH~65 DH~6~ 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ to RW23 3.0 NM RW23 PISAS 0 6 3 ^ 3 0 0 0 2 4 . 3 In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. MHA 3000 (4000 for Missed apch) 4 . 0 1 3 9 ^ to RW23 3.0 NM PISAS RW23 53-30 53-40 53-50 09-30 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 10-20 3000' Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Angle 372 478 531 637 743 849 Refer to Missed Apch above PAPI REIL ALSF-II 4 . 0 2 2 9 ^ TO DISPL THRESH (IF) | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower Ground 121.8 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 (IAF) ELBE 115.1 LBE D 3.00^ 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 50' Climb on track 229^ via FU Lctr to DH111, then turn LEFT via DH~7~ on track 046^ to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FU Lctr to DH111, then turn LEFT to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. 3 0 0 0 D5.5 ALF DH111 3 . 7 1 3 . 2 2 . 0 RVR .Standard. Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. LNAV LNAV/VNAV ALS out ALS out Refer to Minimums DA(H) LNAV/VNAV 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. None. 2100' D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG CHANGES: STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23 43' RWY 23 Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 4 0 0 0 A B C D DA(H) 480'(437') MSA ARP ALTITUDE 8.0 2650' 7.0 2330' 9.0 2970' 5.0 4.0 6.0 2010' DIST to RW23 2.0 3.0 1060' 740' 1690' 1370' MAP at RW23 2 2 9 ^ HAMBURG 2 2 9 ^ 0 4 6 ^ Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 989' 591' 585' 585' 693' 983' 511' 785' 770' 2 2 9 ^ 3000' 3.0 6.1 1060' (2957') 9.1 0 D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 670' 562' 350 FU RVR 1500m RVR 1300m 2000m DA(H) 460'(417') RVR 1200m RVR 1500m RVR 1900m A: BCD: 410'(367') RVR 1000m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN ED(R)-2 ED(R)-3 B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 12-4 Final Apch Crs 331^ Apt Elev 53' RWY 35' P A N S O P S 4 Minimum Alt 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. 1004' MHA 3000 (4000 for Missed apch) PAPI REIL EDDH/HAM 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 4 0 0 0 RNAV MISSED APCH RNAV: NON-RNAV: Climb direct to GT Lctr, then turn RIGHT to HAM VOR SOSAX RNAV (GPS) Rwy 33 Climb on track 331^ to GT Lctr, then turn RIGHT via DH~9~ on track 113^ to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. to RW33 4.0 NM RW33 DH~8~ DH~85 DH~9~ to RW33 4.0 NM RW33 2 2 . 6 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 ^ 4 . 0 0 6 1 ^ 53-30 53-40 09-30 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 10-20 3000' Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Angle 372 478 531 637 743 849 Refer to Missed Apch above 4 . 0 468' TO DISPL THRESH (IF) | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *D-ATIS 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower Ground 121.8 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 (IAF) ELBE 115.1 LBE D 3.00^ 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 50' climbing to 4000'. 8 . 9 5 . 8 .Standard. CMV Bearings. Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. LNAV LNAV/VNAV ALS out ALS out CMV DA(H) LNAV/VNAV 480' 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 2100' CHANGES: Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 33 D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG HAMBURG D5.4 ALF 35' 323 GT 989' 585' 585' 693' 983' 511' 521' 770' HIALS SOSAX SOSAX MSA ARP A B C D DA(H) 550'(515') ALTITUDE 8.0 2640' 7.0 2320' 9.0 2960' 5.0 4.0 6.0 2000' DIST to RW33 2.0 3.0 1050' 730' 1680' 1360' RWY 33 3 3 1 ^ 3000' 4.0 5.2 1360' 3 3 1 ^ 3 3 1 ^ 1 1 3 ^ (2965') MAP at RW33 0 9.2 D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 670' 562' RVR 1500m 2400m RVR 1600m DA(H) 480'(445') RVR 1400m 2100m RVR 1500m (445') Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN [FQ~5] [FQ~5] ED(R)-2 [55DM2] [55DM2] MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 16-1 Lctr Final Apch Crs 049^ DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 32' Ground 121.8 P A N S O P S 4 Minimum Alt 620'(588') Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 FU D10.5 ALF (IAF) Climb direct to HOS NDB, then turn RIGHT direct to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. 4000' 113.1 HAM 339 HOS HIALS PAPI REIL RT EDDH/HAM 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 53-30 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 MISSED APCH FIX (Do not mistake for Hamburg) 3000' 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NDB Rwy 05 DME required. In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower 123.12 *D-ATIS 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 MAP at FU Lctr/D1.8 ALF 350 FU 350 3.00^ TCH displ thresh 50' CMV .Standard. RVR RVR 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 478 531 637 743 849 Bearings. Descent angle. 0 4 9 ^ Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 3 .9 D5.5 ALF 1 5 8 ^ D8.3 LBE 8 . 3 3 0 0 0 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' A B C D STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05 ALS out DA(H) 620'(588') 32' 5.0 3.7 RWY 05 3000' 1420' D1.8 ALF FU Lctr ALF D10.5 D5.5 ALF 0.5 D 115.1 LBE ELBE D1.8 ALF HAMBURG 989' 585' 983' 511' 770' D10.5ALF 4 0 0 0 0 4 9 ^ ALF DME ALTITUDE 7.0 1900' 6.0 1580' 9.0 2540' 4.0 5.0 1260' 950' 8.0 2220' 10.0 2860' D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG (2968') 339 HOS HAMBURG D4.1 ALF 3.0 630' D (115.8) ALF ALSTER 4 0 0 0 562' 670' 2400m 1500m 2000m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN [MQ15] [FQ15] [MQ15] [FQ15] ED(R)-2 4.3 (IAF) In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M Gnd speed-Kts HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 16-2 Lctr Final Apch Crs 151^ DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 53' Ground 121.8 P A N S O P S 4 323 Minimum Alt 620'(567') Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 GT D10.4 ALF direct to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. D3.0 ALF 323 GT Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D3.0 ALF, then turn LEFT LT 4000' 113.1 HAM D3.0 ALF HIALS PAPI REIL EDDH/HAM 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 53-45 53-35 Descent Angle 372 478 531 637 743 849 MISSED APCH FIX 3000' NDB Rwy 15 0 0 9 ^ 1 8 9 ^ | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower *D-ATIS 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 3.00^ TCH 50' 3.00^ CMV .Standard. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. DME required. Trans alt: 5000' 1 5 1 ^ D11.1 LBE 1 5 1 ^ 1 1 . 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 ^ D1.8 ALF Hamburg (Finkenwerder) D 115.1 LBE ELBE 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC MAP at D1.8 ALF D10.4 ALF D5.4 ALF HAMBURG 983' 511' 770' 151^ 53' 0.5 5.0 3.6 RWY 15 3000' D5.4 ALF 1 5 1 ^ ALF ALF D1.8 D10.4 1390' Lctr 4 0 0 0 ALTITUDE 2240' 8.0 7.0 1920' 1600' 6.0 5.0 1290' 970' 4.0 3.0 650' ALF DME 2880' 10.0 9.0 2560' D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG (2947') 4 0 0 0 D (115.8) ALF ALSTER STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 15 A B C D ALS out DA(H) 620'(567') RVR 1500m RVR 1900m 2400m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN [MQ23] [FQ23] [MQ23] [FQ23] B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 16-3 NDB HOS Final Apch Crs 229^ DA(H) Apt Elev 53' RWY 43' Ground 121.8 P A N S O P S 4 339 Minimum Alt D9.3 ALF 590'(547') Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 MAP at D0.7 ALF 0 0 9 ^ In case of radio comm failure proceed from HAM VOR to LBE VOR. 53-40 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 53-45 53-35 MHA 3000 (4000 for Missed apch) EDDH/HAM 1 1 2 ^ 2 9 2 ^ (IAF) NOT TO SCALE D22.1 LBE 6 . 1 Descent Angle 3000' 0 6 7 ^ 3 0 0 0 2 2 .1 NDB Rwy 23 | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 BREMEN Radar (APP) HAMBURG Director (APP/R) HAMBURG Tower *D-ATIS 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 MISSED APCH: LT 4000' 113.1 HAM PAPI REIL ALSF-II Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FU Lctr to D5.5 ALF, then turn LEFT to HAM VOR climbing to 4000'. via FU 350 D5.5 ALF TCH displ thresh 50' 3.04^ 3.04^ .Standard. CMV DME required. 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. Descent angle. 376 484 538 645 753 861 (Finkenwerder) Hamburg 2 2 9 ^ 2 2 9 ^ ALF D0.7 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 43' 0.5 3.4 5.2 RWY 23 3000' 1340' D4.1 ALF HOS NDB ALF ALF D9.3 D0.7 D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG 989' 693' 983' 511' 770' D9.3ALF 512' 4 0 0 0 D 115.1 LBE ELBE 229^ 2 2 9 ^ ALTITUDE ALF DME 2.0 670' 3.0 990' 1310' 4.0 6.0 1950' 7.0 2270' 5.0 1630' 9.0 2900' 8.0 2580' (2957') 339 HOS HAMBURG D4.1 ALF D (115.8) ALF ALSTER HAMBURG D5.5 ALF 350 FU STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23 A B C D ALS out DA(H) 590'(547') RVR 1500m RVR 1800m 2400m Licensed to QANTAS. Printed on 01 Jan 2012. Notice: After 13 Jan 2012 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 26-2011 J E P P E S E N JeppView JEPPESEN Lighting- Refer to Airport Chart MISSED APCH: B R I E F I N G S T R I P T M HAMBURG, GERMANY HAMBURG 18-1 Final Apch Crs Apt Elev 53' HAMBURG Director (APP/R) BREMEN Radar (APP) P A N S O P S 4 Minimum Alt SRE All Rwys Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 4000'. Refer to Minimums By ATC RADAR See table below DA(H) Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 350 450 500 600 700 800 4000' EDDH/HAM RWY -See below Ground 121.8 53-40 53-30 09-40 09-50 10-00 10-10 (Do not mistake for Hamburg when approaching Rwy 05) | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 123.12 HAMBURG Tower *D-ATIS 134.25 136.67 118.2 124.62 126.85 During cold temperatures, pilot will not receive temperature-correction altitudes. .Standard. Descent Angle 2.83^ 8 OCT 10 .Eff.21.Oct. Bearing. Recommended alt. 1 5 1 ^ 2 2 9 ^ A B C D ALS out ALS out ALS out ALS out DA(H) 560'(528') SRE 05 SRE 15 DA(H) 560'(507') STRAIGHT-IN LANDING SRE 23 SRE 33 DA(H) 570'(527') DA(H) 600'(565') RWY BASED ON ELEV. 05 15 23 33 32' 53' 43' 35' MAP at THR RVR1700m 1400' SRE 23 3100' SRE 33 3100' 2100' CHANGES: MSA HAM VOR Apt Elev: 2 hPa Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 151^ 111.35 IHHS 229^ 111.5 IHHW ILS RWY 23 ILS RWY 15 SRE 15 3200' SRE 05 3100' 339 HOS HAMBURG D 115.1 LBE ELBE HAMBURG 323 GT MM MM 693' 770' 0 4 9 ^ Minimum Alt/NM Hamburg (Finkenwerder) 5.0 10.0 FAF 049^ 110.5 IHHE 989' 983' 511' 585' 585' ILS RWY 05 670' D 113.1 HAM HAMBURG D (115.8) ALF ALSTER HAMBURG 350 FU CMV 2400m RVR1600m CMV 2400m RVR1700m CMV 2400m RVR1900m CMV 2600m 4.0 ALTITUDE 8.0 2500' 7.0 2200' 9.0 2800' 1300' 3.0 5.0 1600' 8.0 2600' 7.0 2300' 9.0 2900' 3.0 1100' 5.0 4.0 1400' RADAR FIX ALTITUDE RADAR FIX RWY 05, 23, 33 1000' 1700' 6.0 1900' 6.0 2000' 10.0 3100' 10.0 3200' RWY 15 2.0 2.0 700' 800'
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