eCW V10 Care Plan
Care PlanNovember 2014 © eClinicalWorks, 2014. All rights reserved CONTENTS ABOUT THIS GUIDE __________________________________________________4 Product Documentation ___________________________________________________________4 Webinars ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 eClinicalWorks Newsletter _____________________________________________________________ 4 Getting Support__________________________________________________________________5 Conventions_____________________________________________________________________5 CARE PLAN ________________________________________________________6 Care Plan Setup__________________________________________________________________6 Setting Security Access For Care Plan ____________________________________________________ 6 Create Care Plan Visit Type ____________________________________________________________ 7 Create Care Plan Compendium _________________________________________________________ 8 Creating a List of Problems, Goals, and Objectives_______________________________________ 8 Mapping ICD Codes to Problem List _________________________________________________ 11 Adding Frequencies, Modalities, Care Plan Status, and Rules _____________________________ 12 Add Frequency _______________________________________________________________ 13 Add Modality ________________________________________________________________ 14 Add Status___________________________________________________________________ 14 Specify Care Plan Rules_________________________________________________________ 16 Marking Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Status as Inactive __________ 17 Displaying the Active and Inactive Statuses _________________________________________ 17 Editing Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Status _____________________ 18 Editing Problems, Goals, and Objectives ___________________________________________ 18 Editing Frequency, Modality, and Status ___________________________________________ 19 Patient Care Plan________________________________________________________________20 Care Plan Case _____________________________________________________________________ 20 Creating Care Plan Case From Progress Notes _________________________________________ 20 Creating Care Plan Case From Referrals ______________________________________________ 22 Problems, Goals, and Objectives in a Care Plan ___________________________________________ 23 Adding Problems, Goals, and Objectives to a Care Plan__________________________________ 23 Assigning Staff Member to Care Plan Problem ______________________________________ 26 Adding Problems That are Not Part of the Compendium_________________________________ 27 Deleting or Updating Problem, Goal, and Objective in a Care Plan _________________________ 28 Adding Notes for Care Plan Problems ________________________________________________ 29 Interventions for Care Plan Problems ________________________________________________ 31 Adding Intervention for an Objective______________________________________________ 31 Adding Addendum to an Intervention _____________________________________________ 33 ©Copyright eClinicalWorks, November 2014 - Care Plan Guide 2 CONTENTS View Care Plan Case _________________________________________________________________ 34 Care Plan Hub ______________________________________________________________________ 35 Care Dates Tab __________________________________________________________________ 35 Care Team Tab __________________________________________________________________ 36 Care Plan Tab ___________________________________________________________________ 37 Printing Care Plan Summary by Problem Status _____________________________________ 39 Viewing the Intervention Status__________________________________________________ 40 Care Plan Encounters Tab__________________________________________________________ 41 Care Plan Notes Tab ______________________________________________________________ 43 Care Logs Tab ___________________________________________________________________ 43 Care Plan Discharge Summary Tab___________________________________________________ 44 Care Plan Setup Tab ______________________________________________________________ 47 Multiple Signatures on Care Plan Hub________________________________________________ 48 Reviewing a Signed Care Plan Document___________________________________________ 50 Print Options____________________________________________________________________ 51 Import Care Plan Cases ______________________________________________________________ 51 Close Care Plan Progress Notes and Cases _______________________________________________ 53 Printing, Faxing, and Locking Care Plan Progress Notes __________________________________ 53 Closing Care Plan Case ____________________________________________________________ 54 Care Plan Manager ______________________________________________________________56 Viewing Open and Closed Cases _______________________________________________________ 56 Message Board _____________________________________________________________________ 57 APPENDIX A: NOTICES ______________________________________________ 60 Trademarks ____________________________________________________________________60 Copyright ______________________________________________________________________60 ©Copyright eClinicalWorks, November 2014 - Care Plan Guide 3 To sign up for an eClinicalWorks OR click the link available on the eClinicalWorks website: http://eclinicalworks. To subscribe to the newsletter: click the link available on the Customer Portal: https://my. subscribe to the eClinicalWorks Newsletter e-mailing list. and/or additional software features. timely. These courses are presented by product trainers who are experts with eClinicalWorks and all of its capabilities. eClinicalWorks Newsletter To receive important.eclinicalworks. To view and register for the webinars. and informative product notifications. eClinicalWorks Documentation is available from: https://my. November 2014 . Practice Management (PM).com. take advantage of the free unlimited eClinicalWorks webinars—interactive seminars conducted click the Documents and Videos widget on the Knowledge tab to display the documents available in PDF format click the HelpHub widget on the Helpdesk tab to display the documents available in HelpHub eClinicalWorks application .from the Help menu.eclinicalworks.Care Plan Guide 4 .com/ OR click the direct link: eClinicalWorks newsletter © Copyright eClinicalWorks. click the HelpHub link Webinars For more information.eclinicalworks. Product Documentation The eClinicalWorks documentation supports the eClinicalWorks Electronic Medical Record (EMR). go to: https://my.ABOUT THIS GUIDE This document provides information about the Care Plan module that can be used within eClinicalWorks® application to treat patients on a treatment plan over a period of time. from the Services tab click the eCW Webinar option. com You may also call or e-mail eClinicalWorks Support: Phone: (508) 475-0450 E-mail: support@eclinicalworks. Indicates feature meets a Meaningful Use requirement. new terms and concepts. Monospace Identifies examples of specific data values. Identifies new features. and items in a description. Icons are used to highlight new features and indicate enhanced features and item keys: Icon Description Indicates an item key. new features. November 2014 .eclinicalworks. from the eCWIdeas website: http://ecwideas. Indicates an enhanced feature. Typographical conventions: Bold Identifies options.eclinicalworks. keywords. suggested by clients.ABOUT THIS GUIDE GETTING SUPPORT Getting Support Send messages directly to eClinicalWorks Support through the eClinicalWorks Customer Portal: https://my. Note to Cloud/SaaS Users: When accessing the eClinicalWorks application via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) as a Points out helpful tips or additional information. foreign words. Identifies new features. and messages from the system. © Copyright eClinicalWorks. or information that you should actually type. be advised that Microsoft® Office® applications such as Excel® and Word® will not be Conventions This section list typographical conventions and describes the icons used to call out additional information and to indicate item keys.Care Plan Guide 5 . Italic Indicates variables. or emphasis. and enhancements to the application. To give proper access to users for Care Plan Progress Notes: 1. such as weight-loss. The Security Settings window opens: 2. For more information on Care Plan. A list of security attributes display on the left pane. From the File menu.Care Plan Guide 6 . The system enables the providers to manage such episodes and monitor their patient’s treatment plan over a period of time. contact eCW Support and refer to Item Key Code 0098_UK. The Care Plan module can be used in various treatment plans for shortterm and long-term care. anger management. click the Security Settings option. To disable this feature.CARE PLAN The Care Plan module is used by the providers to treat patients on a Care Plan where they will be seen over a period of time. Select Patient Care Plan Access from the left pane: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. For more information. Click the By Security Attribute tab. 3. Note: This feature is an item key that is enabled by default. etc. refer to Getting Support. refer to the following sections: Care Plan Setup Patient Care Plan Care Plan Manager Care Plan Setup The following sections describe the setup that must be created prior to working with patient Care Plan. refer to: Setting Security Access For Care Plan Create Care Plan Visit Type Create Care Plan Compendium Setting Security Access For Care Plan Care Plan Progress Notes can be restricted to users with proper access. November 2014 . For more information. 5.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP A list of available users display on the right pane. November 2014 . Check the boxes next to all the users who would need access to the patient’s Care Plan Progress Notes. 4. Create Care Plan Visit Type After the module has been activated.Care Plan Guide 7 . The specified security permission is now saved for the user. visit types for Care Plan must be created from the Admin section. The Care Plan Visit box must be checked for such visit types: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Click Save. Users with access to patient Care Plan can view Care Plan Progress Notes. Goals. and Status Creating a List of Problems. Modalities. Modalities. such as mapping ICD codes with problems and setting up frequencies. and Status as Inactive Editing Problems.Care Plan Guide 8 . and Objectives Mapping ICD Codes to Problem List Adding Frequencies. goals. The compendium can be used to form a library of various objectives and goals that can be used to solve patient’s problems. refer to: Creating a List of Problems. Frequency.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP Create Care Plan Compendium An administrator can create a compendium of items for treatment plans. Other configurations. a goal of controlling diabetes can be set and an objective of eating healthy can be made to achieve the goal. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. and Care Plan rules can also be done. modalities. For more information. Objectives. to treat a patient-problem of diabetes. and Objectives A library of problems. Goals. November 2014 . Goals. Objectives. Modalities. and Rules Marking Problems. Frequency. For example. These goals and objectives can then be mapped to the problems so that the user can select a course of action for the Care Plan from an available list of mapped items. and objectives could be set up prior to creating Care Plans for patients. Goals. Care Plan Status. Objectives relate to modes of achieving the goals. Enter the name of the problem in the Problem field. click the plus (+) icon. One problem can be linked to multiple goals and objectives. There are three sections in the Create Problem List tab: Problems.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP Problems relate to behavioral or physical conditions that the patient is facing. The Care Plan Compendium window opens. and Objectives. Goals. The Create New Problem window opens: 3. November 2014 . To create a problem list: 1. From the Create Problem List tab. 4. The name is added to the list of Problems on the Care Plan Compendium window: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. From the EMR menu. and then click Configure Care Plan Compendium.Care Plan Guide 9 . Goals relate to an achievable target set to overcome the problem. point to Miscellaneous Configuration Options. Click Save. 2. follow the same set of steps for the corresponding sections as used in adding problems. goal. goals. and objectives: 1. To map problems. To delete a problem. The search used here is a wildcard search. November 2014 . and objective that should be associated. select the radio buttons corresponding to the problem. 2. enter the name in the search field and the problem will display underneath.Care Plan Guide 10 . The mapping for Problems->Goals->Objectives is displayed: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. select the radio button corresponding to the problem and then click the minus (-) icon.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP To search a problem by its name. Click Add next to Problems->Goals->Objectives. From the Create Problem List tab. To add goals and objectives. select the radio button corresponding to an ICD Code. Click the Associate ICDs with Problem List tab in the Care Plan Compendium window. and objectives in the Care Plan. To map ICD Code to Problem List: 1.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP To remove an association. it triggers the associated problems. check a box corresponding to a problem that should be mapped to the ICD Code. From the ICD Codes list. When a diagnosis is specified in the Progress Notes. 2. November 2014 . Click Map. One ICD Code can be mapped to multiple problems. 3. Mapping ICD Codes to Problem List ICD Codes can be linked to problems. click the Delete (x) button to the left of the Problem-Goal-Objectives mapping.Care Plan Guide 11 . goals. 4. From the Problems list. The ICD Codes to problem list mapping displays: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Care Plan Guide 12 . November 2014 . and Rules Certain elements that define a Care Plan can be configured from the Setup tab of the Care Plan Compendium window: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP To delete an association. Adding Frequencies. Care Plan Status. click the Delete (X) button to the left of the ICD Code-problem mapping. Modalities. To delete a frequency. November 2014 . Under Modality. such as Group Therapy or Collateral. various status options for Care Plan problems can be added. Add Frequency To add a frequency: 1. such as once.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP The following elements are used to define a patient’s Care Plan: Under Frequency. Under Care Plan Rules Setup. the number of times the patient is required to visit the clinic can be specified. Enter the duration in days. The status is used to track the progress of the patient’s case on a Care Plan chart. etc. 2.Care Plan Guide 13 . select the frequency and then click the Delete (-) button. such as weekly. Click the plus (+) icon next to Frequency. Click the Setup tab from the Care Plan Compendium window. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. 5. such as 10. Click Save. Under Status. 4. The frequency is added. such as once a week. The Create New Frequency window opens: 3. the method of treating a problem can be specified. specific rules for care dates and Care Plan labels can be added. 20. such as In Progress and a score can be specified for each status option. Enter the frequency of visits required. Click the Plus (+) icon next to Status. Click the plus (+) icon next to Modalities. select the modality and then click the Delete (-) button.Care Plan Guide 14 . Add Status To add status: 1. November 2014 .CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP Add Modality To add modality: 1. The Create New Modality window opens: 2. The Create New Status window opens: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. To delete a modality. The modality is added. Click Save. 3. Enter a method of treatment. The score can be used later to graph the progress of the Care Plan.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP 2. Enter a status name in the given field. Enter the score that determines the status. 3. November 2014 . The status is added and displays the score in parentheses: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Click Save.Care Plan Guide 15 . 4. Note: The mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk and must be completed before you click Submit. Enter the maximum number of days by which a Care Plan should be reviewed in the second field. 2. the system automatically generates a case label when a Care Plan case is created. The Care Plan preview days span is the period for which the messages. the system automatically prefixes the case label to the case type when a Care Plan case is created. reminders. Select Yes or No for Prefix Care Plan Label with Care Plan Type. This signifies the maximum number of days by which a team of people should analyze the Care Plan to see if appropriate resources were utilized. If Yes is selected. In Care Plan Rules Setup’s first field. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Enter the number of days in the Care Plan Preview Days Span field.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP To delete a status. If Yes is selected. 3. enter the maximum number of days by which a patient should sign off on a Care Plan. 5. 6. The maximum number of days rules are reflected in the Care Manager window under due dates reminders and in the Care Dates tab of the Care Plan Hub. 4. The due dates are calculated based on the date when the case is created and the maximum number of days allowed. Specify Care Plan Rules To specify Care Plan rules: 1. Click Save: The Care Plan rules are added. 7. and events are displayed for preview in the Care Plan Manager window. and then click the Delete (-) button. November 2014 . Enter the maximum number of days for a Care Plan utilization in the third field. Select Yes or No radio button for Autogenerate Care Plan Label.Care Plan Guide 16 . select the status. CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP Marking Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Status as Inactive If providers no longer require Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Statuses used in previous encounters for any current or future encounters, mark the Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Statuses as Inactive. To mark Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Status as Inactive: 1. From the EMR menu, point to Miscellaneous Configuration Options, and then click Configure Care Plan Compendium. The Care Plan Compendium window displays. 2. Click the Care Problem List tab or the Setup tab as needed. 3. Click a Problem, Goal, Objective, Frequency, Modality, or Status, as needed. The Create/Update window displays. 4. Check the box Make Inactive, and then click Save: The inactive item is hidden in the list. Displaying the Active and Inactive Statuses Use the Show All check box on the Create Problem List and Setup tabs in the Care Plan Compendium window to display items in Active and Inactive status. To display the Active and Inactive statuses: 1. Check the Show All box to display Active and Inactive Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Status: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks, November 2014 - Care Plan Guide 17 CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP The Inactive elements display in bold: 2. Clear the selection for the Show All box to display only the Active items. Editing Problems, Goals, Objectives, Frequency, Modalities, and Status The items in the Problem, Goal, Objective, Frequency, Modality, and Status list are editable links. Click these links to open the Create/Update window and edit the properties of the item as needed. Editing Problems, Goals, and Objectives To edit Problems, Goals, and Objectives: 1. From the EMR menu, point to Miscellaneous Configuration Options, and then click Configure Care Plan Compendium. The Care Plan Compendium window displays. 2. Click the Create Problem List tab. 3. Click a Problem, Goal, or Objective from the list as needed: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks, November 2014 - Care Plan Guide 18 CARE PLAN CARE PLAN SETUP The Create/Update window for that item displays. 4. Change the name of the Problem, Goal, or Objective as needed. Check the Make Inactive box as needed: 5. Click Save. The Problem, Goal, or Objective is saved. Editing Frequency, Modality, and Status To edit Frequency, Modality, and Status: 1. From the EMR menu, point to Miscellaneous Configuration Options, and then click Configure Care Plan Compendium. The Care Plan Compendium window displays. 2. Click the Setup tab. 3. Click a Frequency, Modality, and Status from the list as needed. The Create/Update window for that item displays. 4. Change the Frequency, Duration in Days, Modality, Status, and Score as needed. Check the Make Inactive check box as needed. 5. Click Save. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks, November 2014 - Care Plan Guide 19 view. From the Progress Notes of the visit. 2. 3. click Problems: The Care Plan window opens. click New Care Plan: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The Frequency. To create a new Care Plan case: 1. From the Care Plan window. and import care plan cases for a patient: Care Plan Case Problems. November 2014 . refer to: Creating Care Plan Case From Progress Notes Creating Care Plan Case From Referrals Creating Care Plan Case From Progress Notes A Care Plan Case can be created from the Progress Notes of a Care Plan Visit. Modality. modify. and Status is changed. For example. For more information. a patient can have two active Care Plans at the same point of time. Patient Care Plan The following sections describe how to create. and Objectives in a Care Plan View Care Plan Case Care Plan Hub Import Care Plan Cases Close Care Plan Progress Notes and Cases Care Plan Case Patients can be seen on a case-by-case basis. close. therefore the user must create a Care Plan case to document a Care Plan for a patient. Goals.Care Plan Guide 20 . Note: A patient can have multiple Care Plans open at the same time. Create an appointment with a Care Plan visit type. such as Depression Care Plan and Weight Loss Care Plan. . Click the More (.. A label is generated automatically for the case in the Case Label field and can be changed manually: 4.Care Plan Guide 21 .CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The patient’s Care Plan Hub window opens. November 2014 . The Case Types window opens: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks.) button next to the Care Plan Type field. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. followed by the year. Select a case type code and click OK. Close the window. Update. 6. and time of the case creation. Open the Referrals window. To create a Care Plan from Referrals: 1.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 5. use the New. and Delete buttons respectively. Automatically generating case label and prefixing case type to the case label is a user-defined setting that is configured in the Care Plan rules setup. The case is created and the due dates are displayed: 7. Click the Create button located next to the Case Label field. To add. Note: The auto-generated case label has a prefix of the selected case type. date.Care Plan Guide 22 . or delete case types. November 2014 . update. month. Creating Care Plan Case From Referrals Care Plan cases can also be created from the Referrals window. 2. From the Progress Notes of the Care Plan visit.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 2. and Objectives to a Care Plan Adding Problems That are Not Part of the Compendium Deleting or Updating Problem. and Objectives to a Care Plan Problems and their related objectives and goals can be added to a patient’s Progress Notes and Care Plan. Goals. goals.Care Plan Guide 23 . Create a new case from the Care Plan Hub window. and then click Case Plan Manager: The Care Plan Hub window opens. November 2014 . Goals. 3. goals. and objectives. Goal. Click the N button to open a drop-down list. and Objective in a Care Plan Adding Notes for Care Plan Problems Interventions for Care Plan Problems Adding Problems. add an ICD Code (from the Assessment window) for the problem. refer to: Adding Problems. and Objectives in a Care Plan A Care Plan consists of problems and related goals and objectives for a patient that can be added or modified over a period of treatment. Problems. For more information on creating a new case. refer to Care Plan Case. and objectives to a patient’s Care Plan visit: 1. Click Problems: The Care Plan window opens. For more information. and providers can work on them simultaneously. A patient’s case can have multiple problems. To add problems. Goals. The ICD Code that was added in the Progress Notes displays along with its description: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. 5.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 3. eClinicalWorks. 4. As a result. Click Close. To browse notes from a predefined list.Care Plan Guide 24 . The user can select one or many combination of problems-goalsobjectives from this list as needed for the visit. goals. To check spelling for the notes. an ICD code can trigger a list of same problems that are linked to different goals and objectives. click Spell Check. To enter notes for a specific problem. and objectives that were mapped to the selected ICD Code: Note: One ICD Code can be mapped to multiple problems and one problem can be linked to multiple goals and objectives. select a row from the Care Plan window and type your notes in the Notes field. and objectives. goal. click Browse and select a note. November 2014 . ©Copyright The problem. and objective. and objective is added to the Care Plan window. goals. Click an ICD Code to open the list of problems. Repeat this process to add multiple combinations of problems. goal. Click the arrow next to a row to add a problem and the related goal and objective. while another provider could be treating the other objective(s) for the same patient's care plan. goal. Double-click a problem row in the Care Plan window. 9. and frequency of visit is once every week. The Care Plan Problem window opens: 7. The drop-down lists display options that were configured during Care Plan setup. ©Copyright The Status displays a score that was configured during the Care Plan setup. From the drop-down lists corresponding to the fields. one provider could be focused on a single objective and devising a treatment plan. For example. November 2014 . the provider who would supervise the problem-goal-objective could be a physical therapist. 8. field. if the modality is individual treatment. Note: Different providers could be working together on the same patient on the same care plan. From the drop-down calender in the Completion Dt. eClinicalWorks. For example. Drag the pointer under Status to specify the current status of the problem. 10. click Clear. 6.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN To delete the notes that was entered. The status of the problem. Click the Prv or Staff button to select a provider or staff member who is treating the problem-goal-objective.Care Plan Guide 25 . There can be multiple providers treating the patient on a single care plan. select a date to specify the expected date by which the problem should be resolved. select a frequency and modality for the problem. and objective can be updated periodically as the treatment progresses. a Problem-Goal-Objective could be assigned to a provider. November 2014 . 3. Select a staff member. 2. Click Cancel to exit without saving. Assigning Staff Member to Care Plan Problem In earlier versions. objective. Click Save.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The Care Plan chart is plotted for each set of patient’s problems. Click Staff: The Staff Lookup window displays. and objectives based on their status score. and notes are added to the Care Plan section of the Progress Notes. To assign Problem-Goal-Objective to a staff member: 1. goal. goals. The Problem-Goal-Objective is assigned to the staff member. and then click OK. 11. 4. Click Close. The problem. Click Save to save the information for the problem. a Problem-Goal-Objective can be assigned to a staff member. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Click Save & Next to save the current information and to move to the next problem. 12. Now.Care Plan Guide 26 . Open the Care Plan Problem window. goals. goal. goals. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. November 2014 . For more information on adding problems. and objectives to the compendium. 3.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Adding Problems That are Not Part of the Compendium Problems. the provider can add them at the encounter level without adding them to the compendium. and objectives could be unique to a patient and may not be found in the compendium. To add problems. and objective by clicking the Plus (+) icon in the corresponding sections. Click Add next to Problems->Goals->Objectives. and objectives at the encounter level: 1. In such cases. goals. Add a problem. refer to Create Care Plan Compendium. From the Care Plan window. click Add Problems: The Care Plan Encounter Data window opens: 2.Care Plan Guide 27 . select a problem. Click Close. goal. November 2014 . and objectives during a patient’s current visit. they can remove those problems. To delete or update a problem.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 4. Click the green arrow next to Add Problems to open a drop-down list: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. goals. On the other hand. as the treatment progresses. goals. and objective in a Care Plan: 1. 2.Care Plan Guide 28 . the provider can update the status of the problem-goal-objective. Goal. and objectives from the current visit’s Care Plan window. The problem and the associated goal and objective is added to the Care Plan window: o Deleting or Updating Problem. and Objective in a Care Plan If a provider does not want to work on all the problems. From the Care Plan window. Click Add Problem and add one or more Problem. as needed. Edits can be made to this window. When Update Problems is clicked. Goal. 4. 3.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 3. and Objective to select it. The Notes tab of the Patient’s Care Plan window adds a structured data functionality. Click Problems in the Patient’s Care Plan Progress Notes. To add a new Care Plan. Select Delete or Update. and Objective combination. and Objectives display. The Problems. the problem. and objective is removed from the Care Plan window. goal.Care Plan Guide 29 . Goals. The Care Plan window displays. the Care Plan Problem window opens. Click a row of Problem. November 2014 . Select the patient’s existing Care Plan from the Select Care Plan drop-down list. Goal. To use the Notes tab in the Patient’s Care Plan Problem window: 1. click New Care Plan. When Delete Problems is clicked. and then enter any additional notes in the Notes box below: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Adding Notes for Care Plan Problems The system carries information entered in the Notes box in the Care Plan window to the Notes tab of the Patient’s Care Plan Problem window. 2. refer to the Progress Notes Customization section of the Electronic Medical Records Users Guide. 7.Care Plan Guide 30 .CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 5. Click the Notes tab. The Care Plan Problem window displays. 6. To create and use structured data questions for pre-defined notes. To add notes in the Notes box. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Spell Check. and then click Update Problems. Any notes added in the previous Care Plan window displays under the Notes tab: To create a list of pre-defined notes. use the New button. Click Save. November 2014 . and Clear functionality as necessary. Click the green arrow next to the Add Problems button. simply type the notes and use the Browse. Interventions is an optional feature and can be used as required. 4. Click the green arrow next to the Add Problems button. Interventions for Care Plan Problems From the Interventions tab of the patient’s Care Plan Problem window. Goal. and then click New Intervention. The following describes an intervention created to complete an objective: Problems John is unable to find a job Goals John would like to be employed in a part-time job Objectives Interventions Identify the kind of jobs John is good at and the kind of things he enjoys doing. including the structured data responses. Create interventions to complete objectives. • Establish objectives to achieve goals. and Objective to select it. The Care Plan Problem window displays. Help John in creating a portfolio of his personal achievements and strengths. In the Care Plan window. and then click Update Problems. Enter Intervention information in the text box: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. click a row of Problem. The following hierarchy describes the approach towards reducing patient's problems: Identify patient’s problems. 2. reduces distraction. providers create Interventions to complete objectives. Click the Interventions tab. and prepares him to finish work. display in the Progress Notes. It would assist him in remembering his strengths. Set goals to reduce patient’s problems.Care Plan Guide 31 .CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The Notes information. (The intervention would help build John’s confidence in securing a job. It would provide a task that requires focus. 3. November 2014 .) Adding Intervention for an Objective To add an Intervention for an Objective: 1. CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN (Optional) Use the Browse button to select from a list of user-defined keywords: 5. 6.Select this option if the intervention is currently in progress.Care Plan Guide 32 . Select one of the following options from the Status drop-down list: ©Copyright Active . November 2014 . Discontinued .Select this option if the intervention is complete: eClinicalWorks.Select this option when stopping the intervention. Click Save in the Care Plan Problem window. Achieved . 2. the user may or may not delete it.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN [ When a status changes. Click New Addendum. OR ©Copyright Use the Browse functionality to select from user-defined keywords: eClinicalWorks. Interventions display in the Progress Notes: Adding Addendum to an Intervention To add an addendum to an Intervention: 1.Care Plan Guide 33 . After adding an Intervention. Add the Addendum: Enter the information in the text box and click Save. under the Care Plan tab. November 2014 . Use the Addendum button to document any additional information to the Intervention. the user name and the status change text display: Note: The Intervention status displays in the Care Plan Hub. and objectives that were added to today’s visit. November 2014 . goals. The problems.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 3. Multiple encounters can be linked to a case. to get linked to the case that is being viewed. and objectives that were added to the current encounter display under the Care Plan tab. This leads to problems. 2. select a Care Plan from the Select Care Plan field using the drop-down list. goals. To learn how to link encounters. To view a Care Plan case: 1. Click View: The Care Plan Hub for the selected case opens. refer to Care Plan Encounters Tab. goals. From the Care Plan window. the user can now view the Care Plan. goals. To add other problems. click Add Problems in the Care Plan window. View Care Plan Case Once a case has been built and problems. Click Save.Care Plan Guide 34 . and objectives to the case. and objectives have been added to the patient’s Care Plan visit. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. The Intervention is added. The current encounter is listed under the Encounter tab. This signifies the due date by which the care team should review the case and signoff on it. refer to Care Plan Manager. These dates are auto-generated by the system based upon the case-creation date and the maximum number of days for each category. Select the radio buttons corresponding to Case Review.This signifies the due date by which a team of people should analyze the Care Plan to see if the proper treatment was provided and appropriate resources were utilized. Patient Sign-Off Due Date . Add comments related to the action in the Comments field. The maximum number of days for each category is configured in the Care Plan Setup. The action is logged and is displayed along with the username. single point of access to all information available in a patient’s Care Plan case. as needed. the Care Plan Review Due Date. Note: These dates also display under Care Plan Manager as a reminder of the tasks that are due on individual cases. This is usually performed by the insurance company after the case is closed. Review Due Date . Patient Sign-Off Due Date and the Utilization Due Date are displayed. date. refer to the following sections: Care Dates Tab Care Team Tab Care Plan Tab Care Plan Encounters Tab Care Plan Notes Tab Care Logs Tab Care Plan Discharge Summary Tab Care Plan Setup Tab Multiple Signatures on Care Plan Hub Print Options Care Dates Tab Under the Care Dates tab. November 2014 .This signifies the due date by which the patient would agree to accept and sign-off on their Care Plan. To log actions and view them: 1. and Case Utilization.Care Plan Guide 35 .CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Care Plan Hub The Care Plan Hub provides a convenient. For more information on Care Plan Manager. and time: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. 3. Utilization Due Date . Click Sign In. For more information. Patient Sign-Off. 2. Click Add Team Members. For example. To add members to a care team: 1. On the other hand. the provider can add members who are associated with treating a patient. The Staff Lookup window opens.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 4. 2. Care Team Tab Under the Care Team tab. a patient may be treated for depression by a provider who has set an objective of exercising for the patient. Select a staff member and click OK. Therefore a Care Team should comprise of all staff members and providers who contribute to a patient’s entire Care Plan. but with a different objective by a different provider. November 2014 .Care Plan Guide 36 . they could be treated for the same problem. refer to Multiple Signatures on Care Plan Hub on page 48. For more information on signing and reviewing signatures. Click the blue arrow link next to a logged action to view the comments. The staff member is added to the Care Team: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. November 2014 . To appoint a member as the lead clinician for treating the patient. repeat steps 1 and 2. To delete a staff member from the team. as well as a chart reflecting the current status for the problem-goal-objective: eClinicalWorks. select the radio button corresponding to their name and click the Delete (-) button. Goals. and Objectives for the patient: ©Copyright Click on the Plus (+) icon to view the notes. frequency.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN To add other staff members to the team. Lead Clinician for a Care Plan has been renamed as Lead Clinician/Case Manager. Care Plan Tab The Care Plan tab displays all Problems. and treatment provider.Care Plan Guide 37 . select the radio button next to a provider. modality. Note: The designated lead physician supervises the entire Care Plan. For more information on importing care plan cases. the provider can import the same care plan case from the Chart Panel to the Progress Notes and update the status of the problem-goal-objective to 20. For more information on documenting a problem-goal-objective’s status. and Objective in a Care Plan. based on the progress. For example. Goal. November 2014 . Click the Printer icon to open the Print Care Plan window and select options to print. and Objectives to a Care Plan and Deleting or Updating Problem. This week when the patient comes in. Goals. You can update a problem-goal-objective’s status each time you work on it. For more information on printing options. it displays the progress of the status in the graph. Click Print Summary to open the Care Plan Discharge Summary window and to print the summary. When the provider views the graph on the Care Plan Hub. from the Care Plan Problem window. their problem-goal-objective status was set at 10 for a care plan case. Click a visit date to open the patient’s Progress Notes for that date: eClinicalWorks. refer to Adding Problems. refer to Import Care Plan Cases. ©Copyright The visit type associated with the encounter displays next to the visit date. when a patient came in last week.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The patient’s progress is plotted in blue against the optimal progress denoted in red. refer to Print Options. The progress is plotted based on the status assigned to a patient’s problem-goal-objective over time and the score set for the status.Care Plan Guide 38 . Click the Care Plan tab in the Care Plan Hub.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Printing Care Plan Summary by Problem Status A drop-down field called Filter Problems has been added to the Care Plan tab in the Care Plan Hub. 2. November 2014 . This field can be used to filter problems in the Care Plan tab based on the status of the problem. Click the drop-down arrow in the Filter Problem field. and to print Care Plan Summary by problem status.Care Plan Guide 39 . To print Care Plan Summary based on problem status: 1. and then select a status: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. documented in the patient's Care Plan Problem window. displays in the Care Plan tab of the Care Plan Hub. click the Plus (+) icon to expand the Problem details. Viewing the Intervention Status The status of an Intervention. The Problem-Goal-Objective display by status. The status of the Intervention displays along with the date and the name of the user that changed the status: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Click Print Summary to open the Care Plan Discharge Summary. To view the status: In the Care Plan tab. Click Print.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Note: A status can be assigned to a Problem-Goal-Objective from the Care Plan window. November 2014 . The Care Plan Discharge Summary window opens displaying problems by the selected status: 4. 3.Care Plan Guide 40 . Care Plan Guide 41 . To link encounters to the Care Plan: 1. refer to Interventions for Care Plan Problems. Care Plan Encounters Tab All encounters linked to the current Care Plan display under the Encounters tab. That is. Additional encounters that are considered of significance to the patient’s Care Plan can be linked to the current Care Plan. Click Link Encounters.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN For more information about changing the status of an Intervention. The encounter is now linked to the case and displays under the Encounter tab: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. November 2014 . those encounters can be added to the Care Plan as a means to keep track of their treatment. 2. if a patient is being treated for any problems related to the current case but in a different visit. Select an encounter and click OK. The patient’s Encounters window opens. click the Delete (-) button corresponding to an encounter. To remove an encounter. To view an encounter. facility. click the encounter date link.Care Plan Guide 42 . and provider name.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The encounters are displayed under the Encounters tab by visit date. visit type. The patient’s Progress Notes for that encounter opens in a read-only format and displays the Care Plan information at the end of the Progress Notes: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. November 2014 . 3.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Care Plan Notes Tab Under the Notes tab. Click Add Notes. To add notes: 1. the provider can add general information that is outside the scope of the encounter. 2. The Notes are added.Care Plan Guide 43 . Enter your notes in the space provided. November 2014 . Click the blue arrow link next to a logged note to view the notes: Care Logs Tab Under the Care Logs tab. all activities on the Care Plan case that have been logged are displayed: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. 2. Care Plan Discharge Summary Tab From the Discharge Summary tab. The Discharge Summary details can be customized by creating structured data questions. click Close: The structured data questions are displayed under the Discharge Summary tab. 4.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Use the scroll button to move to the next page. Responses to the structured data questions are specific to the Care Plan case. numeric. the patient’s Care Plan Discharge Summary can be printed. Enter responses to the structured data questions: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. These structured data questions are available for all Care Plans. Boolean. To create Discharge Summary questions and to print a Discharge Summary: 1. click Custom Discharge Structured Data. From the Discharge Summary tab. Once the questions are created.Care Plan Guide 44 . 3. The Discharge Summary is comprised of information on the patient and the care team. as needed. Click a row to open the Care Plan Discharge Summary Data window. and are not carried over to other Care Plan cases. 5. November 2014 . The Structured Data window opens. summary of problems. and date data-type questions. Create a list of structured. and Discharge Summary details. summary of problems. objectives. Click Close. goals.Care Plan Guide 45 . The structured data questions and the responses associated to them are displayed under the Discharge Summary tab: 7. November 2014 . The Care Plan Discharge Summary window opens displaying the patient and care team information. and the structured data entries: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 6. Click Print Discharge Summary. November 2014 . ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. Click Print to print the Discharge Summary.Care Plan Guide 46 . Note: For more information on structured data.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN 8. refer to the section titled Structured Data in the EMR Users Guide. November 2014 . select Every in the Trigger field and enter the number 7 in the next field: 4. Click the Setup tab in the Care Plan Hub. to set a reminder for every seven days. Select a trigger option from the Trigger drop-down list for Care Plan Review.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Care Plan Setup Tab Under the Setup tab. 3. Enter the number of days in the field next to the Trigger option.Care Plan Guide 47 . Care Plan Patient Sign-Off. Click Save. To configure reminders for Care Plan Review. and Care Plan Utilization: 1. 2. and Care Plan Utilization. 5. the user can configure reminders for Care Plan Review. Care Plan Patient Sign-Off. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the Care Plan Sign-Off and Care Plan Utilization options. View the reminders in Care Plan Hub from the Care Dates tab: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. For example. These reminders act as alerts for important due dates and display in red under the Care Dates tab of the Care Plan Hub and in Care Plan Manager > Message Board > Reminders. Message Board. Click Sign In: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks.Care Plan Review. 3. 2.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN To view the reminders from the Referrals band. From the patient’s Care Plan Hub. 4. if the Care Plan document was reviewed by multiple providers. To review and sign a Care Plan: 1. or Care Plan Utilization Review. Enter comments in the Comments field. For examples. and attorneys. point to Care Plan Manager. and then click Reminders: Multiple Signatures on Care Plan Hub Use the Sign In button to capture multiple signatures on the Care Plan for the review process. click the Care Dates tab. Patient Sign-Off. Select an appropriate radio button .Care Plan Guide 48 . November 2014 . users may capture their individual signatures manually or digitally using the Sign In button. social workers. If reviewing the Care Plan document from the past.Care Plan Guide 49 . use the Stylus to sign in the Please Sign Below box.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The Care Plan Signature Capture window displays. Click New Review to review the current Care Plan document. ©Copyright If using a Tablet PC. and then click Done: eClinicalWorks. select the date from the drop-down list to display the Care Plan document from that date. November 2014 . 5. click Print. refer to the Devices Users Guide. and indicates that the Care Plan document is signed and reviewed: Reviewing a Signed Care Plan Document Use the Review Signature button to evaluate a signed Care Plan document. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN If using a Signature Pad.Care Plan Guide 50 . click the Sign with Sig Pad button. click Clear. • To clear the signature. Click Close to exit the window. November 2014 . For more information about using Signature Pads. The signed Care Plan document displays. • To print the signed Care Plan document. To review a signed Care Plan Document: Click the Review Signatures button and then select a date from the drop-down list. 6. eClinicalWorks® adds the Action. Check the options to display the related information in the Print Summary window: Care Plan Team Care Plan Interventions Care Plan Notes Care Plan Assessments 3. next to the Print Summary button in the Care Plan tab and Print Discharge Summary buttons in the Discharge Summary tab. Import Care Plan Cases Patient’s Care Plan cases and problems would be displayed in the Progress Notes under the Overview tab of the Chart Panel. Click the arrow next to a problem. The Print icon enables users to choose specific options to display when printing the Discharge Summary.Care Plan Guide 51 . From the Chart Panel of the current Progress Notes. Click the Print icon to open the Print Care Plan window: 2. under a Care Plan case: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. To address this situation. To select Print Options: 1. click the Overview tab. November 2014 . Click Print to print the Care Plan Discharge Summary. 2. 4. To import all problem-goals-objectives within a problem from a Care Plan case to the current visit: 1. A patient can have several Care Plan cases or problems at one point. a provider can work on simultaneous problems during a visit by importing the problems-goals-objectives from a past encounter to the current one. Click Print to open the Care Plan Discharge Summary window.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Print Options A Print icon is available for printing. they are imported to the Progress Notes as well. Note: If a problem has multiple goals and objectives. To import a specific combination of problem-goal-objective within a problem (rather than all problems-goalsobjectives within a problem) to the current visit: 1.) button next to a problem: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. and the ICD Codes associated to the problem: 3..Care Plan Guide 52 ..) button next to the Care Plan name to open the Care Plan Hub. goals. November 2014 . Click Save to save the changes and return to the Care Plan window. Click Close.. The problem and all the related problem-goal-objective and notes are imported to the Care Plan section of the current Progress Notes. Select a row of problem-goal-objective.. Note: Click the orange More (. 5. objectives. Double-click a problem row to open the Care Plan Problem window and to update the status of the problem-goal-objective.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The Care Plan window opens displaying the case name. 6. Click the orange More (. 4. and enter notes in the Notes field. Care Plan Guide 53 . Select a row of problem-goal-objective. printed.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN The Care Plan Problem List window opens and displays any objectives. 4. Note: Once problems. and ICD Codes associated to the problem. Click Save to save the changes and to return to the Care Plan window. printing. Click the arrow next to a row to select that problem-goal-objective combination.. the status of the problem-goal-objective can be seen in the Care Plan chart. This feature is applicable to all styles of faxing. Double-click a problem row to open the Care Plan Problem window and to update the status of the problem-goal-objective. modality..) button that is described here is used to import a specific combination of problem. and enter notes in the Notes field. and Locking Care Plan Progress Notes Closing Care Plan Case Printing. and objective. or faxed. Click Close. goals. November 2014 . 7. the orange More (. 5. goals. 6. refer to: Printing. frequency. Close Care Plan Progress Notes and Cases A Care Plan case can be closed and locked for use in future. refer to Care Plan Tab. For more information. and provider associated to the problem: 2. Faxing. For more information on the Care Plan chart. goal. goal. objective. and locking Progress Notes: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. and objectives have been imported from a past encounter to the current one. 3. The Care Plan window opens displaying the case name. Faxing. and Locking Care Plan Progress Notes Care Plan Progress Notes display Care Plan problems-goals-objectives and notes on top of the Progress Notes when locked. Note: Since one problem can have multiple goals and objectives. The specific combination of problem-goal-objective and notes are imported to the Care Plan section of the current Progress Notes. Close the window. To close a Care Plan case: 1. 2. the Discharge Summary can be printed anytime from a closed Care Plan case. Open a Care Plan case. Select the Closed radio button: ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. and locking Progress Notes. faxing. However. Review the Care Plan and ensure that the Case Review.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN Note: For more information on printing. November 2014 . 3. Closing Care Plan Case Once a Care Plan case is complete. A closed Care Plan case cannot be modified.Care Plan Guide 54 . Patient Sign-Off. refer to the Electronic Medical Records Users Guide. and Case Utilization is complete and logged under the Care Date tab of the Care Plan Hub. it can be closed. such as patient. All closed cases are displayed with an asterisk in the Care Plan Cases drop-down list.CARE PLAN PATIENT CARE PLAN A message displays confirming if you want to close the existing Care Plan. November 2014 . Close the window. Closed cases can be viewed by filters. case type. case label. eClinicalWorks. The case is locked for use and an alert message is displayed on the Care Plan Hub: The following points are important to note when viewing closed Care Plan cases: ©Copyright If a user tries to modify any item in the Care Plan Hub. a message will inform them that the case is closed. Click OK to close the case. 4.Care Plan Guide 55 . and date range from the Care Plan Manager window. lead clinician. The user can still print a Discharge Summary from the Discharge Summary tab of a closed case. 5. Click a case type. 2. November 2014 . Click the More (. eClinicalWorks. Click the Open or Closed tab. Case Label Filter to search by the case label. The Care Plan Manager window opens.. 3.. 2. Click OK. Click OK. Click OK. 3. Click a provider/staff name to highlight it.. They can also manage due dates that are significant to the patient’s Care Plan.. 3. 2. You can enter free text in this field. Click the More (. as needed. click the Care Plan Manager icon. The selected case type displays in the chosen field. Apply the filters described below: Filter Patient Description Filter to search by patient name: 1.) button to open the Case Types window.Care Plan Guide 56 . refer to: Viewing Open and Closed Cases Message Board Viewing Open and Closed Cases In the Care Plan Manager. The selected provider/staff name displays in the chosen field.) button to open the Patient Lookup window.. The selected patient displays in the chosen field.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN MANAGER Care Plan Manager The Care Plan Manager is available under the Referrals band. Click a patient to highlight it.) button to open the Staff Lookup window. ©Copyright Click the More (. 2.. Lead Clinician Filter to search by lead provider in the care team: 1. Users can keep track of open and addressed Care Plan cases through this section. From the Referrals band. The Care Plan Manager window is controlled by the security attribute Patient Care Plan Access. Case Type Code Filter to search by case type: 1. users can see a list of open and closed cases by different filters. For more information. 3. To view open or closed cases: 1. patient signoff date. and utilization date: 1. Enter the beginning and the ending dates of the date range by using the drop-down calendars. Click a row to open the Care Plan Hub for a case: The Care Plan Hub displays.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN MANAGER Filter Date Drop-Down List Description Filter to search by created date.Care Plan Guide 57 . click Clear. Click GO to generate the query and display the results: 5. ©Copyright eClinicalWorks. The selected date type displays in the chosen field. Date range fields Click the arrow to open a drop-down list. To remove the selections made in the filters. Click a date type. 2. review date. November 2014 . 4. Messages. review date due by.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN MANAGER Message Board The Message Board contains reminders on important dates associated to a patient’s Care Plan case. and events. The Reminders. • The Reminders page displays the Care Plan case name and the patient’s name associated with it. November 2014 . click the Care Plan Manager icon. • The Reminders page displays significant due dates.Care Plan Guide 58 . • To open a case and take action on it. a running list of messages or notes entered in the cases. displaying reminders. From the Referrals band. The Care Plan Manager window opens. To view the Message Board: 1. and Events icons display an item count in brackets for each category: ©Copyright To view reminders only. Click the Message Board tab. and actions taken on a case. click the Reminder icon. click the blue hyperlink for the Care Plan case or the patient name: eClinicalWorks. 2. such as. messages. The Message Board opens. • The Events page displays any actions that were taken on a case along with the date and user name. click the blue hyperlink for the Care Plan case or the patient name: To refresh the Message Board.CARE PLAN CARE PLAN MANAGER ©Copyright To view messages only. eClinicalWorks. click the Events icon. • To open a case. click the Messages icon. click the blue hyperlink for the Care Plan case or the patient name: To view Events only.Care Plan Guide 59 . • To open a case and enter notes in it. • The Messages page displays notes that were entered under the Notes tab in the Care Plan Hub and the user that created the notes. click the Refresh Cache icon. November 2014 . • The Messages page displays the Care Plan case name and the patient’s name associated with it. Excel. All rights reserved. Microsoft® Microsoft.APPENDIX: NOTICES Trademarks eClinicalWorks® eClinicalWorks is a registered trademark of eClinicalWorks.Care Plan Guide 60 . All other trademarks or service marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Copyright Microsoft Copyright Notice ©2014 Microsoft Corporation. LLC. November 2014 . © Copyright eClinicalWorks. and Word are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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