ECOS 2015 Proceedings

March 26, 2018 | Author: ibrahimdemir | Category: Cogeneration, Biomass, Biofuel, Gasification, Exergy



ECOS 2015 ProceedingsEcos2015 : 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems Use of the subsurface in the energy transition (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Isabelle Czernichowski-Lauriol. CO2GeoNet President. BRGM Direction of Research 3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) Chairman: Enrico Sciubba - University of Roma Sapienza, Italy › Transiting Exergy Flows Inside a One Phase Ejector for Refrigeration Systems - Mikhail Sorin - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada › Lattice Boltzmann simulations to assess heating and cooling strategies of phase-change materials based on second-law analysis - Alissar Yehya Université d'Artois, France › A Synthesis Optimization of More-Electric Aircraft Based on Exergy Analysis - Yuxue Ge, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China › Thermodynamic optimization of organic Rankine cycle architectures for waste heat recovery - Steven Lecompte - Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics, Ghent University, Belgium › Pinch and Exergy Analyses within Process Simulation Software to Enhance Process Energy Efficiency - Philippe Baudet - ProSim SA › Exergy-based study of a binary Rankine cycle - Mathias Hofmann - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany 6. Thermoeconomic analysis & optimization (Lautréamont) - Chairman: Christos Frangopoulos - National Technical University of Athens, Greece › Techno-economic analysis and comparison of an ORC-VCC biomasssolar trigeneration system and a photovoltaic driven heat pump Konstantinos Braimakis - National Technical University of Athens, Greece › Exergy efficiency of nonferrous metals smelting sector in china: data envelopment analysis - Hai Qi - School of Humanities and Economic Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China › Techno-economic modeling and optimization of CSP plants with thermocline TES and integrated Steam Generator - Vittorio Verda - Politecnico di Torino, Italy › Optimisation of unit investment and load shedding in a steam network facing undercapacity - Stéphane Bungener - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland › A Rolling-Horizon MILP Optimization Method for the Operational Scheduling of Tri-generation Systems with Incentives - Aldo Bischi - Politecnico di Milano, Italy › Thermoeconomic analysis of an oil separation process on offshore platform - Gabriele Cassetti - Politecnico di Milano, Department of Energy, Italy 7. Biomass / biofuels, biorefinery concepts, waste-to-energy (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairwoman: Silvia Nebra - UNICAMP, Brazil › Utilization of Biogas in Glass Melting Applications - Jörg Leicher - Gas- und Wärme- Institut Essen e.V., Germany › Development of the large scale biogas technology for energy generation in Mexico City - Lucia Mónica Gutiérrez Castro - Superior School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City. › Heat Integration Assessment for the Conceptual Plant Design of Synthetic Natural Gas Production from Supercritical Water Gasification of Spirulina Algae - Mohamed Magdeldin - Department of Energy Technology, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finland › Measurements of the laminar flame speed of the sewage sludge gasification gases - Werle Sebastian - Institute of Thermal Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Poland › Seaweed biorefineries: exergy, fermentation, and sustainability implications; example of potential production of bioethanol from kappaphycus alvarezzi in philippines - Alexander Golberg - The Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel › A mathematical model for evaluating the economic indicators of waste treatment with energy recovery - Gordana Stefanović - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Niš, Serbia 19. Carbon dioxide capture, utilization & storage (Ernest Gabard) Chairman: Noam Lior - University of Pennsylvania, USA › CO2 emissions reduction from coal-fired power generation: a technoeconomic comparison - Vittorio Tola, University of Cagliari, Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Italy › A comparison of CO2 mineral sequestration processes involving a dry or wet carbonation step - Ron Zevenhoven - Åbo Akademi University, Thermal and Flow Engineering Laboratory, Finland › Innovative process for landfill gas quality improvement - Lidia Lombardi University Niccolò Cusano, Italy › Post-combustion CO2 capture by aqueous ammonia in an advanced IGCC fired with high-sulphur coal - Antonio Giuffrida - Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Energia, Italy › CO2 capture in combined cycles with air-blown gasification of pre-dried high-moisture lignite - Antonio Giuffrida - Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Energia, Italy › Multi-objective Optimization of a Selexol® Process for the Selective Removal of CO2 and H2S from Coal-derived Syngas - Manuele Gatti - LEAP, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, Italy 13. Cogeneration and waste energy recovery (Adolphe Alphand) Chairman: Yoshiharu Amano - Waseda University, Japan › Modular design of organic Rankine cycle for low-grade waste heat recovery - Markus Preißinger - Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes, Center of Energy Technology, University of Bayreuth, Germany › Economic Analysis of Geothermal Combined Heat and Power Processes - Dominik Meinel - Institute for Energy Systems , TUM, Germany › The Misselhorn Cycle: Batch-evaporation process for efficient low temperature waste heat recovery - Moritz Gleinser - Institute for Energy Systems , TUM, Germany › Modelling and simulation of waste heat recovery systems for marine applications - Lorenzo Tocci - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, Italy › Optimisation-based Design of Site Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Gbemi Oluleye - University of Manchester, United Kingdom › Evaluation of an energy- and exergy-based generic modelling approach of combined heat and power (CHP) plants - Eike Mollenhauer - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany 24. Life Cycle Assessment, industrial ecology, environmental impact of energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) - Chairman: Wojciech Stanek Silesian University of Technology, Poland › Life cycle energy use and GHG emission assessment of coal-based SNG and power cogeneration technology - Sheng Li - Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Thermoeconomic analysis and design evaluation of a Waste to Energy power plant: an Input–Output approach - Matteo Rocco - Politecnico di Milano, Italy › Climate effect of bioenergy and agriculture integration, using the Viking gasifier. - Hafthor Sigurjonsson - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark › Conventional and advanced exergoenvironmental analysis of an ammonia-water hybrid absorption-compression heat pump - Jonas Kjaer Jensen - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark › Assessment of biomass-to-energy chains from the forest to the combustion in individual or district heating boilers - Chloé Pelletier Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés LRGP, CNRS, France › Marginal abatement cost curve and break-even carbon price of fuel cell technologies in Brazil - Sandra Fukurozaki - Nuclear Power and Energy Research Institute, Brazil Poster 5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Daniel Favrat - EPFL, Switzerland › Analysis of a gas system with a recirculation of the flue gases and carbon dioxide capture - Pawel Monka - Silesian University of Technology - Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery, Poland › Fuel saving due to pinch analysis and heat recovery in a petrochemical company - Sajjad Keshavarzian - Energy Department, Politecnico di Milano, Italy › Numerical simulation of the flow in 3-d radial/axial diffuser for a microcompressor - Maurizio Valenti - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Roma Sapienza, Italy › On the use of petri nets for modeling and optimization of interconnected power networks and territories - Mouhammad Al'anfaf Mohamed Mladjao - Research Laboratory in Industrial Eco-innovation and Energetics, ECAMEPMI, France, Laboratory of Studies and Research on Wood Material, University of Lorraine, France › Optimization of operation for CCHP based on energy and economical considerations - Peng Guan - Department of Operation and Security, Beijing Gas Energy Development CO.,LTD, China Lunch (Salle des Ambassadeurs) 3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) Chairman: Michel Feidt - University of Lorraine, France › Evaluation of two dimethyl ether processes manufactured by calcium carbide furnace off-gas - Xinxin Yi - Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China › Energy and carbon emission assessments of acetylene-based vinyl chloride manufacturing process - Zhao Ma - Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China › Is MVR an efficient alternative to optimize the energy use in an evaporation unity of electrolytic caustic soda production? An exergy approach to the diaphragm arrangement - Silvio de Oliveira Jr - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil › Thermodynamic analysis of water/water thermoelectric heat pumps: design considerations - Julien Ramousse - Laboratoire Optimisation de la Conception et Ingénierie de l'Environnement, University of Savoie, France › Systematic procedure for energy diagnosis and retrofit of industrial processes - Stéphane Gourmelon - Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France › Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship - Francesco Baldi - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden 6. Thermoeconomic analysis & optimization (Lautréamont) - Chairman: Luis Serra - University of Zaragoza, Spain › Thermoeconomic modeling for CO2 allocation in steam and gas turbine cogeneration systems - José Joaquim Santos - Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil › Thermodynamic and Economic Optimization of a Solar-powered Stirling engine for Micro-Cogeneration Purposes - Ana Ferreira - Centro Algoritmi, Guimarães, Portugal › Thermoeconomic cost assessment in future district heating networks Vittorio Verda - Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento Energia, Italy, › Thermoeconomic analysis of a biogas upgrading process in solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOEC) - Guido Lorenzi - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal › An Off-design Thermoeconomic Input-Output Analysis of a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant - Sajjad Keshavarzian - Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy › An optimized low-temperature flue gas waste heat utilization system for power plants - Shengwei Huang - North China Electric Power University, China 7. Biomass / biofuels, biorefinery concepts, waste-to-energy (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairwoman: Gordana Stefanović - University of Niš, Serbia › Energetic evaluation of different alternatives of energy recovery from municipal solid waste - Ana Medina Jimenez - Universidade Federal Do ABC, Brazil › Improvement of Wood Fuel Pellets Quality Using Sustainable Sugar Additives - Magnus Ståhl - Karlstad University, Sweden › A one-dimensional model for RDF thermo-chemical conversion on a moving grate a full scale incineration plant - Maurizio La Villetta - Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Italy 19. Carbon dioxide capture, utilization & storage (Ernest Gabard) Chairman: Ron Zevenhoven - Åbo Akademi University, Finland › Solar-aided precombustion CO2 capture in natural gas combined cycles - Andrea Lazzaretto - University of Padova, Italy › Mineral sequestration of CO2 by carbonation of oil shale ash - Birgit Maaten - Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Thermal Engineering, Estonia › Natural gas decarbonization for low emissions bitumen recovery – exergetic performance assessment - Experience Nduagu - Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada › Process modeling and economic analysis of ethanol synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation - Kyriakos Panopoulos - Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Greece › Energy consumption and economical evaluation of the CO2 capture installation for monoethanolamine and ammonia - Krzysztof Bochon - Silesian University of Technology, Poland 13. Cogeneration and waste energy recovery (Adolphe Alphand) Chairman: Brian Elmegaard - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark › Dynamic modelling and analysis of the potential for waste heat recovery on Diesel engine driven applications with cyclical operational profiles - Francesco Baldi - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden › Design of organic Rankine cycles using a non-conventional optimization approach - Jesper Andreasen - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Finland › Energy efficiency increase in a glass industry by means of waste heat recovery - Ioannis Dolianitis - Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Athène, Greece › Simulation and experimental research on a shell-tube heat exchanger using in ORC system for exhaust waste heat recovery of engine - Tian Hua State key lab of engine, Tianjin University, China › Assessment of gasification models for a BIGCC cycle using sugarcane bagasse and straw - Andressa Brito - Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil › Experimental Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a micro Humid Air Turbine - Marina Montero Carrero - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 24. Life Cycle Assessment, industrial ecology, environmental impact of energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) - Chairman: Alexander Golberg Tel Aviv University, Israel › Sustainability Assessment of Power Generation Systems by Applying Exergy Analysis and LCA Methods - Lydia Stougie - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands › Life cycle energy and carbon of university dormitories in sub-tropical China - Guri Krigsvoll - Gjøvik University College, Norway › Electric and hybrid vehicles: environmental sustainability - Lidia Lombardi University Niccolò Cusano, Italy › Exergo-Ecological and Economic Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plant within the Whole Life Cycle - Wojciech Stanek - Silesian University of Technology, Poland › Power to Fuel concept: Process analysis and economic evaluation Dimitrios-Sotirios Kourkoumpas - National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Greece › Indirect matrix converter contribution in microgeneration systems for a sustainable energy planning - J. Alexis Andrade-Romero - Federal University of ABC, Brazil Poster 7. Biomass / biofuels, biorefinery concepts, waste-to-energy (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairwoman: Gordana Stefanović - University of Niš, Serbia › Characterization of sugarcane straw and bagasse as biofuels and application in thermochemical processes - Julia Maria Camargo - Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil › Enhancement of methane production of microwaved pretreated biowaste at different enthalpies - Isabella Pecorini - Department of Industrial Engineering of Florence, Italy › Multiple response optimization to reduce exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of a diesel engine fuelled with olive pomace oil methyl ester/diesel fuel blends - David Leiva-Candia and Sara Pinzi - Dep. of Physical Chemistry and Applied Thermodynamics, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain › Numerical analysis of the laminar flame speed of low calorific gas - Werle Sebastian - Institute of Thermal Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Poland › PVT properties of oxigenated compounds DIPE and DBE for the development of new biofuels - Natalia Muñoz-Rujas - Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Burgos, Spain › Residual biomass from Brazil´s Pantanal and Cerrado – HHV and ultimate analysis estimations from experimental results fro proximate analysis - Robson da Silva - Dourados Federal University, Brazil › Thermodynamic considerations about the way from low to high pressure bagasse boilers - Erlich Catharina - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Poster 19. Carbon dioxide capture, utilization & storage (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Ron Zevenhoven - Åbo Akademi University, Finland › A review of processes and technologies to valorise gases from integrated steelworks - Wilmar Uribe-Soto - Reactions and Chemical Engineering Laboratory, LRGP ENSIC CNRS, Nancy, France Refreshment 3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) Chairman: Silvio de Oliveira Júnior - University of São Paulo, Brazil › Exergy costs analysis of water reclaiming - Sergio Usón - Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumptions, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain › Understanding the Inefficiencies of an IGCC Concept with Carbon Capture Based on an Advanced Exergy Analysis - Mathias Penkuhn - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany › Exergy analysis of ceramic composite manufacturing process. The case of Liquid Silicon Infiltration. - Sergio Usón - Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE) / University of Zaragoza, Spain › Exergy model of human heart - Izabela Henriques - University of São Paulo, Brazil › Performance assessment comparison of variable fin density microchannels for mitigation of temperature non-uniformities - Abel Hernandez - University of Guanajuato, Mexico › Exergoeconomic evaluation of different types of absorption and compression chillers - Tjaša Duh - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia 5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairwoman: Alicia Valero Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption, Spain › Development of a general organic Rankine cycle simulation tool: ORCSIM - Davide Ziviani - Gent University, Belgium › New features to Barbaro's heat exchanger network algorithm: heat exchanger technologies and waste heat flow representation - Cong-toan Tran - Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes, MINES ParisTech, France › Economic optimization of a Kalina cycle for a parabolic trough solar thermal power plant - Jesper Andreasen - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark › Strictly robust optimal design of decentralized energy systems - Dinah Majewski - RWTH Aachen University, Germany › Integrated SNG production in a typical Nordic sawmill - Sennai Mesfun Luleå University of Technology, Sweden 12. Engines, furnaces & boilers, combustion/gasification (Ernest Gabard) › Wood log combustion control and flue gas after treatment - Julien Ropp Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud, Switzerland › Experimental study on the performance of a three-way catalytic converter in an HCCI engine - Jacek Hunicz - Lublin University of Technology, Poland › Impact of Rankine cycle WHR on passenger car engine fuel consumption under various operating conditions - Plamen Punov - Department of Combustion Engines, Automobiles and Transport, Bulgaria › Wasted thermal energy recovery in heavy duty diesel vehicles using a thermoelectric/heat exchanger device - Olivia Rosa - Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Brazil › Energy and exergy analysis of a multiphase free piston Stirling engine Gwyddyon Féniès - SYMME, University of Savoie, France › Numerical study on the effects of gasoline-hydrogen blends on cyclic variability in spark ignition engines - Alejandro Medina - Department of Applied Physics -USAL, Spain 11. Chemical reactions & reaction engineering (Lautréamont) - Chairman: Pierre Cezac - University of Pau, France › Use of Degree of Disequilibrium Analysis to Select Kinetic Constraints for the Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium (RCCE) Method - Hameed Metghalchi - Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA › Analysis of solar thermochemical hydrogen production with hydrogen permeation membrane reactors - Hongsheng Wang - Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › A Solar Thermochemical Fuel Production System Integrated with Fossil Fuels - Hui Kong - Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 13. Cogeneration and waste energy recovery (Adolphe Alphand) Chairman: Frédéric Marias, University of Pau, France › Low temperature waste heat in chemical industry: possible ways to recover the heat of partial condensation - Zornitza Kirova-Yordanova, University “Prof. Assen Zlatarov” Bourgas, Bulgaria - Silvia Nebra, UNICAMP, Brazil. › Economic analysis of a micro Humid Air Turbine and an Internal Combustion engine based on hourly data - Marina Montero Carrero - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Poster 6. Thermoeconomic analysis & optimization (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Christos Frangopoulos - National Technical University of Athens, Greece › Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Optimization of a Thermal System based on Micro-CHP Gas Turbines - Ana Ferreira - Centro Algoritmi, Guimarães, Portugal › Shell and tube heat exchangers optimization considering mechanical constrains. - David Leiva-Candia - Dep. of Physical Chemistry and Applied Thermodynamics, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain › Thermoeconomic analysis of a combined solar - biomass heating system - Ion Ion - The “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania Poster 13. Cogeneration and waste energy recovery (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Frédéric Marias, University of Pau, France › Optimization of µCHP and energy storage systems coulped to buildings - Jean-Baptiste bouvenot - ICube laboratory, University of Strasbourg, France › Performance modelling of a microgasturbine operating at part load in a trigeneration system - Andrés Lázaro - Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Poster 11. Chemical reactions & reaction engineering (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Pierre Cézac, University of Pau, France › Modeling of NOx reduction from exhaust gas by SCR - Paweł Pilarz - Silesian University of Technology - Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery, Poland Event Co-combustion of coal and waste: experiment, modelling and environmental impacts (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Jamal Chaouki. Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Nuclear energy systems : from generation II to generation IV (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Marc Delpech. CEA Nuclear Energy Division (DEN) 3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Chairman: Noam Lior - University of Pennsylvania, USA › Energy and exergy analysis of integrated use of jatropha curcas biomass as energy agent - Hector Ivan Velasquez - Universidad Nacional de Colombia (COLOMBIA) › A proof of necessity of stable equilibrium for generalized Event potential equality in many-particle systems - Pierfrancesco Palazzo Technip, Technip, Italy › Exergy and energy analysis of the water scrubbing process applied to biogas upgrading - Benjamin Flores Zavala - Universidade Federal Do ABC, Brazil › About the exergy of terrestrial solar radiation - Edson Manyumbu - Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe › Assessment of the exergy performance of a floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit: Influence of three operational modes - Yamid Alberto Carranza Sanchez Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Brazil, Mechanical Technology School, Technological University of Pereira, Columbia › Optimal integration of Rankine cycles in CSP - Pierre Neveu Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France 5. Process integration, Event simulation & optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: JeanMichel Reneaume, University of Pau, France › Greenhouse gas emissions consequences of utilization of excess heat from an oil refinery - Lina Eriksson - SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden › Design of experiments for sensitivity analysis in multiobjective optimization of hydrogen supply chain - Jesus Ochoa Robles Laboratoire de génie chimique, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France › Reducing dimensionality in multi-objective LCAbased optimization of energy systems – The impact of normalization variants and weighting factors Sarah Postels - RWTH Aachen University, Germany › Modeling and Isothermal Dynamic Event Performance Study of Pure Hydrogen Production via Bioethanol Steam Reforming in a Membrane Reactor - Ali Hedayati - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France › Advanced exergy analysis applied to the process of regasification of LNG integrated into an air separation process Stefanie Tesch - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany › Efficiency improvement for hybrid electric powertrains using energy integration techniques - Zlatina Dimitrova - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 2. Heat & mass transfer, fluid dynamics (Adolphe Alphand) - Chairman: Alojz Poredos University of Ljubljana, Slovenia › Thermal analysis of a flat plate collector with Solidworks and determination of heat convection coefficient between water and Event absorber - Evangelos Bellos - National Technical University of Athens , Greece › Modelling of flat plate and V-corrugated solar air heaters operated in natural and forced convection - Hicham El Ferouali - LSET, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco › Design and experimental-based thermal characterization of heat exchangers made of wavy tubes - Primož Poredoš - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,University of Ljubljana, Slovenia › Heat and mass transfer in thermochemical compound used for thermal storage - Gabriel Boulnois - Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire, PROMES, Perpignan, France › New dynamic heat flux sensors to improve energy efficiency of buildings - Bertrand Garnier - Laboratoire de Thermocinétique, Ecole Polytechnique Univ.Nantes, France › Performance Testing Event of a Novel 3-Fluid Liquid-to-Air Membrane Energy Exchanger (3-Fluid LAMEE) for HVAC Applications - Mohamed Abdel-Salam - University of Saskatchewan, Canada 12. Engines, furnaces & boilers, combustion/gasification (Ernest Gabard) Chairman: Pascal Stouffs, University of Pau, France › A dynamic model for the study of theoretical limitations and effectiveness of active safety systems using internal combustion engine friction - Paolo Gobbato - Department of Industrial Engineering University of Padova, Italy › Effect of nozzle arrangements on MILD combustion characteristics for gas turbine application Yan Xiong - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Optimal split injection for the combustion efficiency improvement in GDI engine - Maurizio La Villetta, Maurizio La Villetta Event › CDF modelling to study swirl motion effects on combustion characterisics of pulverized olive cake in a vertical furnace - Elorf Abdallah - Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement, France › Modelling fo N2O emissions during fluidized bed incineration of sludge Frederic Marias - Laboratoire de Thermique, Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France 1. Fundamental & applied thermodynamics (Aristide de Monpezat) - Chairman: Ozer Arnas - U.S.Military Academy at West Point, NY, U.S.A. › Thermodynamic analysis of the integration of an advanced combined cycle power plant with ORC modules - Mateusz Brzęczek - Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Poland. › Optimization of the structure of the Combined Cycle Power Event Plant with Oxycombustion – Case study - Marcin Job - Silesian University of Technology, Poland › A Mid-temperature Solar hybridization CCHP System with Alternative Fuel Chemical-looping Combustion - Hao Zhang Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Conceptual design of a modern-day hydraulic air compressor. - Stephen Young - Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation & Applied Research Corporation, Canada › Mechanical efficiency of hydraulic air compressors - Valeria Pavese - Department of Energy Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, › Thermal analysis of coal gasification in supercritical water for power generation Zhewen Chen - Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, CAS, China 14. Energy conversion, storage and transport (Lautréamont) Chairman: Abel Hernandez-Guerrero - Event University of Guanajuato, Mexico › Energy and power savings through thermal energy storage in an airport air conditioning system Paulo Wander - University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil › Heat integration in regeneration process of molecular sieves including heat storages - Sahar Salame - Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes, MINES ParisTech, France › Static and dynamic modeling comparison of an adiabatic compressed air energy storage system - Youssef Mazloum - Center for energy efficiency of system, MINES ParisTech, France › Heating and cooling networks design algorithm for site wide energy integration Alaa Farhat - Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes, MINES ParisTech, France › Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Pumped Heat Electricity Storage System with Concrete Thermal Energy Storage - Axel Dietrich - Event Darmstadt Graduate School of Excellence Energy Science and Engineering - Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany › Physical Properties and Thermal Storage Characteristics of a Phase Change Emulsion - Tsuyoshi Kawanami - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University, Japan Lunch (Salle des Ambassadeurs) 3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Chairwoman: Tatiana Morosuk Technische Universität Berlin, Germany › Exergy Evaluation of a Supercritical Coal-fired Power Plant Considering Pollution Emissions - Ningling Wang - National Thermal Power Engineering and Technology Research Center, North China Electric Power University, China › Environmental exergonomics: sustainability analysis of energy systems considering impacts on eco-systems services - Event Alexander Golberg - The Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel › Exergy analysis for the optimization of flat-plate solar collectors characteristics - Soteris Kalogirou - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus › The associated reversible transformation method for the analysis and diagnosis of a CO2 refrigerating cycle - Mauro Reini - Dept. of engineering and naval Architecture , University of Trieste, Italy › Numerical investigation of entropy minimisation for heat transfer and pressure drop on cross-flow tube heat exchangers with circular and noncircular shapes - Ryan Blanchard - Software Development Group Boulevard Initialis, NUMFLO S.A., Belgium 5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: Hameed Event Metghalchi Northeastern University, Boston, USA › System Analysis of Integrating Fast Pyrolysis to an Iron and Steel Plant - Maria Sundqvist - Swerea MEFOS, Sweden › Modelling and evaluation of an IGCC concept with carbon capture for the coproduction of SNG and electricity - Timo Blumberg - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany › Thermodynamic comparison study among double-flash flash-Kalina and flashORC geothermal power plants - Liyan Cao - School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China › Performance Study and Energy Saving Mechanism Analysis of an Absorption/mechanical Hybrid Heat Pump Cycle - Noam Lior University of Pennsylvania, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, USA › A fuzzy-grey Event multicriteria decision making model for district heating system - Haichao Wang - School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Department of Energy Technology, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finland › Design of an Optimization Algorithm for the Distribution of Thermal Energy Systems and Local Heating Networks within a City District Jan Schiefelbein - RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, Germany 2. Heat & mass transfer, fluid dynamics (Adolphe Alphand) - Chairman: Erwin Franquet, University of Pau, France › CFD analysis of a constructal liquidcooled heat sink for high-power electronics - Abel Hernandez - University of Guanajuato, Mexico › Thermo-fluiddynamic analysis of a gas turbine blade with porous cooling - Roberta Masci - Department of Event Mechanical and Aerospace engineering, University of Roma Sapienza, Italy › Thermodynamic analysis for simultaneous heat and mass transfer systems Jesus Martinez-Patiño University of Guanajuato, Mexico › More onboard electricity with efficient cooling system for going to the green aircraft - Eric Schall - Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur Appliquées à la Mécanique et au génie Electrique, SIAME, University of Pau, France › Numerical study of laminar natural convective flow of a contaminated mixture in a closed room hassane Naji - Civil Engineering & GeoEnvironment Laboratory (LGCgE- EA 4515), Artois University, France › Dynamic modeling of thermal systems using a semi-empirical approach and the ThermoCycle Modelica Library - Sylvain Quoilin Energy Systems Research Unit, University of Liege, Belgium Event 12. Engines, furnaces & boilers, combustion/gasification (Ernest Gabard) Chairman: Paolo Gobbato - University of Padova, Italy › Steady state emissions of two light duty vehicle engines operating with ethanol-gas E20 blend - Sebastián Ospina Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia › Analysis of energy efficiency of methane and hydrogenmethane blends combustion in a PFI/DI SI research engine Paolo Sementa - Istituto Motori CNR, Italy 14. Energy conversion, storage and transport (Lautréamont) Chairman: Andrej Kitanovski - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia › Equivalent Electrical Modeling Approach of a Free Piston Stirling Engine - Gwyddyon Féniès SYMME, University of Savoie, France › Solidification of Subcooled Gallium Event poured into a vertical cylindrical mold - Vadim Dubovsky - Department of Mechanical Engineering, BenGurion University of the Negev, Israel › A novel heat-driven thermoacoustic natural gas liquefaction system. Part I: the impedance coupling rule between refrigerator and linear alternator - Zhanghua Wu - Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Toward efficient control of energy systems: an application of proper generalized decomposition to thermal storage Adriano Sciacovelli University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, Politecnico di Torino, Italy › Optimal design and daily operation of a hybrid CHP system with energy storage Benato Alberto - Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy › Thermal Characterization of NaNO3 + NaNO2 Compounds - Adrien Lomonaco - Laboratoire de Thermique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, Event France Poster 12. Engines, furnaces & boilers, combustion/gasification (Hall Anna de Noailles) Chairman: Paolo Gobbato - University of Padova, Italy › An experimental and theoretical comparison of Ericsson engine expander chamber. Mathieu Doubs - FrancheComté Electronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique, Sciences et Technologies - Assystem, France, › Behavior of combustion gases generated by an internal combustion engine using diesel and biodiesel - Lesso Santos Institute Alagoas Federal, Brazil Poster 8. Nonbiomass renewable energy: solar, wind, water, others & hydropower (Hall Anna de Noailles) Chairman: Ryohei Yokoyama - Osaka Prefecture University, Japan › Lumped methodology applied to sensible Event thermal storage systems - Paulo Schneider Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil › Numerical study of the performance of savonius rotor with gap flow guide - Svetlana Marmutova - University of Vaasa, Finland › Semi-empirical correlation to model heat losses along solar parabolic trough collectors - Rémi Dickes Energy Systems Research Unit, University of Liege, Belgium Poster 3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Tatiana Morosuk Technische Universität Berlin, Germany › Exergy analysis of a ground-source heat pump coupled with a phase change material energy storage system - Natalia Muñoz-Rujas Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Burgos, Spain Refreshment 5. Process integration, simulation & Event optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: Sylvain Serra - University of Pau, France › Optimizing the design of a district heating network - Haichao Wang School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Department of Energy Technology, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finland › Study on the integration characteristics of a novel integrated solar combined cycle system - Liqiang Duan - North China Electric Power University, China › Integrating Solar Power in Large Combined-Cycle Power Plants - Karolina Petela Silesian University of Technology - Institute of Thermal Technology, Poland › Exergy analysis of cogeneration solar power plant with low temperature desalination - Johannes Wellmann - TU Berlin, Campus El Gouna, Egypt › Optimization-based Event identification of potential for demandside management Björn Bahl - RWTH Aachen University, Germany 14. Energy conversion, storage and transport (Lautréamont) Chairman: Daniel Rousse - t3e Industrial Research Chair, Canada › Performance of loop thermosyphon solar water heater with four evaporators and Usymmetric heads - chien huang - Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan › Water sorption by zeolites: experimental results on thermal response of different design solutions - Pablo Dolado - Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), Zaragoza - University of Zaragoza, Spain › Energy and exergy analysis of ground thermal energy storage: optimal charging time in different operating conditions. - Vittorio Verda - Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Event › Recycled industrial wastes as high temperature energy storage materials, a review - Xavier Py Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire, CNRS, France › Parameter Computation using Circuit Based approach for two diode model based solar PV simulator modelling with partial shading effect - Ravi Nath Tripathi Graduate school of Life science and systems engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan 4. Exergy and Raw Materials (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) Chairman: Michel Feidt - University of Lorraine, France › Exergy as a resource efficiency indicator for industries - Marianela Valdés - Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption, Spain › Integrating the thermoecological and exergy replacement costs to assess mineral processing - Alicia Valero Reserarch Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption, Event Spain 8. Nonbiomass renewable energy: solar, wind, water, others & hydropower (Adolphe Alphand) Chairman: Ryohei Yokoyama - Osaka Prefecture University, Japan › Energy potential of pumps as turbines (PATs) in water distribution networks Mauro Venturini - Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy › Power Generation From Low Grade Solar Energy Using Organic Rankine Cycle Driven By An Absorption Heat Transformer System Emrah Demirtekin Mechanical Engineering Department of Gazi University, Turkey › Technical and economic implications of wind power integration in the future Finnish energy system: A scenario analysis for 2030 - Ville Olkkonen - Aalto University, Department of Energy Technology, School of Engineering, Finland › Preliminary feasibility Event study of a floating offshore wind plant along italian coastal area - Enrico Sciubba - Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy › Dynamic model of a vortex-induced energy converter - Giampaolo Manfrida - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy Poster 2. Heat & mass transfer, fluid dynamics (Hall Anna de Noailles) Chairman: Erwin Franquet, University of Pau, France › CFD of an ultra-mini turbogas combustion chamber with regeneration (validation of experimental data) Davide Travaglini Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy › Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Heat Transfer Performance of Silver Nanofluid in Absorber/Receiver Tube of Parabolic Trough Collector with Twisted Tape Inserts Dnyaneshwar waghole, Govt Event COE A'Bad,MIT pune › Multi-objective optimization of the thermal and hydraulic design of a heat exchanger of the type shell and tubes - Sara Pinzi - Dep. of Physical Chemistry and Applied Thermodynamics, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol – evaluation of a new tool for an old technology (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Dominik Godde. H2GO The role of gas in the energy transition (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) Gabriel André and Cécile Boesinger. TIGF. Coffee break 5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: Andrea Lazzaretto University of Padova, Italy › Experiment and modeling of photovoltaic modules under solar flux augmented by planar reflectors in a Paris suburb climate - Marko Pavlov Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur [Orsay], Laboratoire de Génie Électrique et Électronique de Paris, France › Developing an operating map to define the best thermal scheme, in off-design conditions, for a utilities plant. - Daniel Cerqueira - Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil › Modelling of the annual performance of a CAES plant and relative economic analysis - Nicola Destro - Department of Industrial Engineering, Italy Event › On the optimum integration of solar energy into natural gas combined cycles - Giovanni Manente - University of Padova, Italy › Methodology for designing a heat-integrated resource allocation network considering multi-contaminants, properties and nonisothermal mixing - Sami Ghazouani - EDF R&D - Eco-Efficacité et Procédés Industriels, Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes, France 8. Nonbiomass renewable energy: solar, wind, water, others & hydropower (Adolphe Alphand) - Chairman: Soteris Kalogirou - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus › Integrated model of a solar chimney equipped with axial turbines Giampaolo Manfrida - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy › Aeroelastic behavior of a morphing wind turbine rotor in varying wind - Asfaw Beyene - Mechanical Engineering department, San Diego, USA › Assessment of point-/line-focus hybrid scheme for CSP plant - Yawen Zhao - Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Sustainable transition to high PV penetration: Curtailment retrofit for the already deployed micro-inverters - Ognjen Gagrica - AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland › A theoretical criterion to determine the appropriate tracking strategy for PV solar systems - Daniel Rousse - t3e Industrial Research Chair, Canada › Influence of thermal energy losses on the yearly performance of medium size CSP plants. - Mario Petrollese - Dept. of Mechanical Chemical and Materials Eng,. Univ. of Cagliari, Italy 14. Energy conversion, storage and transport (Lautréamont) - Chairman: Didier Haillot, University of Pau, France › A soil-based seasonal thermal energy storage system assisted by a PVdriven heat pump under Danish conditions - Muhyiddine Jradi - The Maersk McKinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark › Assessing the performance of Concentrated Solar Power plants in Event selected locations of Chile - Allan Ricardo Starke - Laboratory of Energy Conversion Engineering and Energy Technology/EMC/UFSC, Brazil › Numerical modelling of a latent thermal energy storage system for high efficiency processes - Eric Pernot - Laboratoire de Thermique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France › Investigation on the performance of traveling-wave thermoacoustic heat engine unit - Zhanghua Wu - Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Latent thermal energy storage system for heat recovery: Numerical study - Sacha Rigal - Laboratoire de Thermodynamique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France › Simuling a compressed air energy storage for a net zero energy building in tropics - Jean Castaing-Lasvignottes - Physical and Mathematical Engineering for Energy, Environment and Building, Réunion, France 16. Refrigeration & air conditioning, Heat pumps (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Chairman: Vincent Lemort - Université de Liège, Belgium › Comparison of a solar-driven heat pump heating system with other typical heating systems with TRNSYS - Evangelos Bellos - National Technical University of Athens , Greece › Modelling of a new thermal compressor for supercritical CO2 heat pump - Rabah Ibsaine - Laboratoire de Thermique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France › Novel method to estimate thermal conductivity of geological layers from experimental data of a TRT by a finite elements 3D model simulation - Nordin Aranzabal - University of Valencia, Spain › Measurement of ammonia absorption in ionic liquids - Hifni Ariyadi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain › Efficiency of the fixed and controllable ejectors installed in a CO2 refrigeration system - Jakub Bodys - Silesian University of Technology, Poland Event › New solar hybrid absorption / thermochemical refrigeration cycle Jaume Fitó - CREVER Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain 23. Energy systems: social, environmental & sustainability issues (Ernest Gabard) - Chairman: Matteo Muratori - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA › Achieving net zero carbon performance in a commercial building by aligning technical and policy alternatives - Epameinondas Andrianopoulos Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom › Multi-objective thermodynamic performance optimization of thermal power generation - Ningling Wang - National Thermal Power Engineering and Technology Research Center, North China Electric Power University, China › Analysis of use of bioenergy production by-products to enhance electrolysis process - Julija Gusca - Institute of Energy and Environment, Riga Technical University, Estonia › Indexes to evaluate energy related self-sufficiency in motor fuel production from oil shale - Julija Gusca - Department of Thermal Engineering, Tallinn University of Technologies, Estonia 15. Buildings, urban & distributed energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) - Chairman: Rory Greenan - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland › Utilisation of a set of DG sources controlled by ANN to meet electricity demand of public utility buildings - Lukasz Szablowski - Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland › Stirling Engine Based Cogeneration System Retrofit Impact on the Energy Requirement and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Canadian Housing Stock - Ismet Ugursal - Dalhousie University, Canada › Phase change materials characterisation and applications to the thermal simulation of buildings - Erwin Franquet - Laboratoire de Thermodynamique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France › Energetic and Exergetic Analysis of a Low-Temperature Based District Heating Substation for Low Energy Buildings - José Castro Flores - Ecole des Event Mines de Nantes, France, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden › Particle Swarm Optimization and Kalman Filtering for Demand Prediction of Commercial Buildings - Araz Ashouri - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland › Support Vector Machine in Prediction of Building Energy Demand Using Pseudo Dynamic Approach - Subodh Paudel - Department of Energy Systems and Environment, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France Lunch (Salle des Ambassadeurs) 5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: Asfaw Beyene - San Diego State University, USA › Evaluation of energy efficiency efforts on oil and gas offshore platforms - Tuong-Van Nguyen - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark › Model-based thermoeconomic assessment and selection of alternative configurations for crude-oil tankers discharge systems - Iason Stefanatos - DNV GL Maritime Research & Development, Greece › Method for Evaluating Real Life Energy Consumption of an Automotive Subsystem - Jan Christoph Menken - AUDI AG, Germany › A process modelling approach to the evaluation of ship machinery configuration alternatives of LNG carriers - George Dimopoulos - DNV GL Maritime Research & Development, Greece › Experimental and numerical analysis of a PCM for more uniform battery temperatures - Carla Menale - University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy › Relative Performance Evaluation of Energy Supply Systems Under Uncertain Energy Demands - Ryohei Yokoyama - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan 22. Energy policy & planning (Ernest Gabard) - Chairman: Antonio Valero - Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption, Spain Event › Biomass district heating system: a solution for the directive 27/2012/EU - Víctor M. Soltero - University of Seville, Spain › The influence of technology assumptions on scenarios of carbon capture and storage deployment - Matteo Muratori - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA › Finding correlations between the crude oil price and stock returns in china by partial wavelet coherence - Shupei Huang - School of Humanities and Economic Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China › Contribution of renewable energy to regional structuring in southern Europe - Eva Llera - Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE) Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain › Optimization of the operating parameters of heat and power facilities based on local environmental impacts - Catharina Erlich - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden › The impact of energy policy on energy efficiency in Europe: a case study of waste heat recovery with an organic Rankine cycle in Flanders - Sanne Lemmens - University of Antwerp, Belgium 8. Nonbiomass renewable energy: solar, wind, water, others & hydropower (Adolphe Alphand) - Chairman: Soteris Kalogirou - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus › Mechanism of Mid-Temperature Solar heat Hybridization with traditional fossil-fired power plant - Yawen Zhao - Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Impact of wave energy conversion on sediment transport - Asfaw Beyene - Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University, USA › Model reduction for simulating the dynamic behavior of parabolic troughs and a thermocline energy storage in a micro-solar power unit Rémi Dickes - Energy Systems Research Unit, University of Liege, Belgium › Performance analysis of a solar driven organic Rankine cycle using multi component working fluids - Jesper Graa Andreasen - Technical University of Event Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark › Fast algorithm for the flux distribution calculation for a parabolic trough solar concentrator - Song Jifeng - North China Electric Power University, China › Optimal energy management strategy for CSP-CPV integrated power plants with energy storage - Mario Petrollese - Dept. of Mechanical Chemical and Materials Eng,. Univ. of Cagliari, Italy 16. Refrigeration & air conditioning, Heat pumps (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Chairman: › Importance of the reconciliation method to handle experimental data: application to a reversible HP/ORC unit integrated in a positive energy building - Olivier Dumont - Université de Liège, Belgium › Experimental Investigation on Travelling-wave Thermoacoustic Heat Pump System Using in Cold Regions - Zhanghua Wu - Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China › Solar thermo-hydraulic engine for combined heat, cold and electricity production for the residential sector. - Rémy Borgogno - Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France › Thermodynamic analysis of secondary refrigeration loops: effects of slurry type and flow conditions - Michel Pons - Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Orsay, France › Energetic, exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of CO2 refrigeration systems operating in hot climates - Paride Gullo - Dipartimento di ingegneria elettrica gestionale e meccanica, Università di Udine, Italy › Investigation on the performance characteristic of Ericsson refrigeration cycle based on Gd5Si2Ge2 or Gd - junyi wang - Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China 15. Buildings, urban & distributed energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) - Chairman: Jean Castaing-Lasvignottes - University of la Réunion, France Event › Operational Management of Residential Energy Supply Networks Based on Optimization Approaches - Tetsuya Wakui - Osaka Prefecture University, Japan › Purely agent based control of building energy supply systems - Max Huber - Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, RWTH Aachen University, Germany › Optimal system design for end-users and components in microgrids and smart grids - Ramanunni Parakkal Menon - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland › Approach for simulation-based scenario analyses of district energy systems - Jens Teichmann - RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, Germany › A modelling approach for district heating systems with emphasis on transient heat transfer in pipe networks - a case study of Studstrup, Denmark - Soma Mohammadi - Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark › Impact of passive solar design parameters on an office building energy use in Serbia - Sanja Stevanovic - University of Niš, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Serbia Poster 14. Energy conversion, storage and transport (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairman: Didier Haillot, University of Pau, France › Analysis of a micro-dispersed PCM composite behaviour in a building's wall for different climates - Le Guer Yves - SIAME Laboratory, University of Pau, France › Conversion of waste heat to electricity: cartography of possible cycles due to hot source characteristics - Nicolas Tauveron - CEA, LITEN – DTBH/SBRT/LS2T, Grenoble, France › Deep freezing thermochemical storage for refrigerated transport applications - Aleix Pubill - PROMES-CNRS, France › Modeling and analysis of energy flow in a hybrid wind-dieselcompressed air energy storage system - Daniel Rousse - t3e Industrial Research Event Chair, Canada › Study and conception of heat recovery system for hybrid power plant – development of thermal design software - Daniel Rousse - t3e Industrial Research Chair, Canada Refreshment 8. Nonbiomass renewable energy: solar, wind, water, others & hydropower (Adolphe Alphand) - Chairman: Ryohei Yokoyama - Osaka Prefecture University, Japan › Wind characteristics and energy potentials in three locations northern Morocco - Mouhammad Al'anfaf Mohamed Mladjao - Research Laboratory in Industrial Eco-innovation and Energetics, ECAM-EPMI, France, Laboratory of Studies and Research on Wood Material, University of Lorraine, France › Analysis of energy supply from renewable sources considering the climate in Riga - Saule Sakipova - E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan, University of Latvia, Latvia › Energetic and exergetic evaluation of the hybridization of Combined Cycle Power Plants - Soteris Kalogirou - Archimedes Solar Energy Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences and Engineering, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus 9. Fossil energy: coal, oil, natural gas (Lautréamont) - Chairman: Alberto Mirandola - University of Padova, Italy › Evolution of International Fossil Fuel Trade Patterns: A Network Analysis Based on Emergy - Weiqiong Zhong - School of Humanities and Economic Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China › Dynamic simulation of a three pressure level heat recovery steam generator - Alberto Benato - Department of Industrial Engineering, Italy › Energy analysis of a CCGT power plant integrated to a LNG regasification process - Paulo Schneider - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Event 15. Buildings, urban & distributed energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) - Chairman: Laurent Zalewski, University of Artois, France › A comparative study for simulation of heat transport in large district heating network. - Kévin Sartor - Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department Laboratory of Thermodynamic and Energetic , University of Liège, Belgium › Key Energy and Technological Aspects of Three Innovative Concepts of District Energy Networks - Daniel Favrat - Energy Centre, EPFL, Switzerland › A MINLP optimization of the configuration and the design of a district heating network : academic study case - Theophile Mertz - NOBATEK-INEF4, Laboratoire de Thermique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France › Experimentation and modeling of an active skylight - Ron Zevenhoven - Åbo Akademi University, Thermal and Flow Engineering Laboratory, Finland › Thermal fluid-dynamic model of a DHN for load prediction of thermal plants - Vittorio Verda, Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Italy 22. Energy policy & planning (Ernest Gabard) - Chairman: Jean-Pierre Bédécarrats, University of Pau, France › Pro-ecological exergy tax of electricity - Wojciech Stanek - Silesian University of Technology, Poland › Flanders energy dilemma: the challenges and opportunities of energy storage - Kris Hameeuw - Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics, Ghent University, Belgium › Optimal development of the future Danish energy system – insights from TIMES-DTU model - Stefan Petrović - Systems Analysis Division, Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Poster 23. Energy systems: social, environmental & sustainability issues (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Matteo Muratori › Acceptance of regenerative energies: the importance and the measurement of scepticism - Melanie Hulliger - Insitute Humans in Complex Systems, School of Applied Psychology, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Event Switzerland › Preferences of regenerative energies in Switzerland - Julia Koch - Insitute Humans in Complex Systems, School of Applied Psychology, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland › Services that enhance the demand response capability - Muhammad Babar - Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands 16. Refrigeration & air conditioning, Heat pumps (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Chairwoman: Sabine Sochard - University of Pau, France › Present and future solid state energy conversion technologies - Andrej Kitanovski - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia › Dynamic modelling of water-ammonia absorption chiller in GAX configuration - Lorenzo Castillo Garcia - Laboratoire de Thermique Energétique et Procédés, University of Pau, France › Modeling of a thermal storage system incorporated into a solar cooling installation in an office building - Jean Castaing-Lasvignottes - Physical and Mathematical Engineering for Energy, Environment and Building, University of la Réunion, France Poster 16. Refrigeration & air conditioning, Heat pumps (Hall Anna de Noailles) - Chairwoman: Sabine Sochard - University of Pau, France › A numerical prediction of the thermal environment of a room heated with a hydronic heating system - Samir Moujaes - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA › Design and test of an autonomous wireless probe to measure temperature inside borehole pipes - Nordin Aranzabal - University of Valencia, Spain › Determination of the composition of H2O/LiBr mixtures using SWnear infrared spectroscopy for absorption chillers - María Isabel Barba Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain › Study of Oil / Ammonia separation for combined absorption power and cooling systems - James Muye - Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Event 5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems (Auditorium Alfred de Vigny) - Chairman: Daniel Favrat - EPFL, Switzerland › A multi-stage renewal planning of an energy supply systems for a hospital based on the mathematical optimization method - Akira Yoshida - Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan › Thermodynamic and economic evaluation of solar aided sugarcane bagasse cogeneration power plants - Eduardo Burin - Laboratory of Combustion and Thermal Systems Engineering - Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil › Heat integration of ethanol from sugarcane production process through modifications to separation sections - Rami Bechara - IFP Energies Nouvelles, France - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland › Optimal speed control of two unequal parallel pumps in reservoir filling – Minimum energy with fixed time - Matti Lindstedt - Tampere University of Technology, Finland 9. Fossil energy: coal, oil, natural gas (Lautréamont) - Chairman: Jean-Paul Serin, University of Pau, France › Exergy analysis of hydro-fractured shale gas extraction - Noam Lior - University of Pennsylvania, USA › Influence of Lignite Petrographic Properties for Drying Characteristics in Superheated Steam Atmosphere - Marcin Zakrzewski - AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland › Net exergy flow network analysis in the international fossil energy trade - Xiaoqing Hao - China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China › Discovering time-varying characteristics of export-weighted crude oil prices of OPEC and non-OPEC: A wavelet perspective - Xiaoliang Jia, Lab of Resources and Environmental Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China 15. Buildings, urban & distributed energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) Chairman: Jens Buchgeister - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Event › Parametric study and simulation-based exergy optimization for energy retrofits in buildings - Ivan Garcia Kerdan - Energy Institute, University College London, United Kingdom › Adaptive Reuse of Chimney Flues in Historic Buildings in New Zealand - Rory Greenan - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland › Dynamic modeling, experimental validation and simulation of a virtual district heating network - Loïc Giraud - Laboratoire d'Innovation pour les Technologies des Energies Nouvelles et les nanomatériaux, CEA, France › The analytical method to obtain the optimal phase change temperature in BCHP system with the consideration of limited storage period - Xiaoguo Teng, Beijing Gas Energy Development LTD, China 17. Fuel cells (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: Vittorio Verda Politecnico di Torino, Italy › Objective Validation of the Mathematical Models for the Non-Equilibrium Methane/Steam Reforming Process - Anna Sciazko - AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan › Economic Assessment of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System for Biogas Utilization in Sewage Plants - Mathias Penkuhn - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany › Comparison study on different ITM (Oxygen ion transfer membrane)-integrated molten carbonate fuel cell hybrid systems with CO2 recovery using sweep gas Liqiang Duan - North China Electric Power University, China › Optimization of the design of SOFC systems with anode off-gas recirculation - Isha Shukla - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 18. System operation, control, diagnostics & prognosis (Adolphe Alphand) Chairman: Zygmunt Kolenda - Silesian University of Technology, Poland › Optimization of ship speed profile along a route under variable weather conditions - George Tzortzis - National Technical University of Athens, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Greece › Economic Evaluations of Residential Energy Systems Based on PredictionOperational Planning-Control Method under Time-of-Use Prices - Ryohei Ogata - Event Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Waseda University, Japan › Energy efficiency on-site estimation of self-excited induction generator under internal fault conditions - Victoria Herrera - Ferderal University of ABC, Brazil › Development of a Transient Simulation Program for Micro Gas Turbines and its Application to a 30 kW class engine - Min Jae Kim - Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, Korea 21. Industrial production, sustainability & use of resources (Ernest Gabard) Chairman: Giampaolo Manfrida - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy › On the allocation of the exergy costs and CO2 emission cost for an integrated syngas and ammonia production plant - Daniel Florez-Orrego - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil › A System Dynamic Model to Analyze the Freshwater Dependence of the Marcellus Shale in Bradford Country, Pennsylvania - Huajiao Li - The Pennsylvania State University, USA China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China › The Factory of the Future: two casestudies to illustrate the future role of energy in two industrial sectors - Marc Berthou - EDF R&D, Site des Renardières, France › Optimal design and control of wind-diesel hybrid energy systems for remote Arctic mines - Alberto Romero - Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation Laurentian University, Canada Coffee break 15. Buildings, urban & distributed energy systems (Aristide de Monpezat) Chairman: Jens Buchgeister - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany › Comparison of models for thermal energy storage units and heat pumps in mixed integer linear programming - Thomas Schütz - RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, Germany › Simulation and analysis of a meshed district heating network - Vesterlund Mattias Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Sweden Event 17. Fuel cells (Auditorium Alphonse de Lamartine) - Chairman: Vittorio Verda Politecnico di Torino, Italy › Study on coal-fired power plant with CO2 capture by integrating molten carbonate fuel cell system - Liqiang Duan - North China Electric Power University, China › System analysis for co-electrolysis of water and carbon dioxide from biogas upgrade in solid oxide cell, with experimental assessment of the effects of hydrogen sulfide - Aga Zeleke - Department of Energy (DENERG), Politecnico di Torino, Italy 18. System operation, control, diagnostics & prognosis (Adolphe Alphand) Chairman: Zygmunt Kolenda - Silesian University of Technology, Poland › Advantage of a Home Energy Management System for PV Utilization Connected to Grid - Akira Yoshida - Japan Science and Technology Agency, Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology, Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Waseda university, Japan › Test of room temperature control systems in a fully controllable surrounding - Nina Kopmann - RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, Germany 21. Industrial production, sustainability & use of resources (Ernest Gabard) Chairman: Giampaolo Manfrida - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy › Forestry meets Steel. A system study of the possibility to produce DRI (directly Reduced Iron) using gasified biomass. - Carl-Erik Grip - Luleå University of Technology, Sweden › Mapping of low temperature heat sources in Denmark - Fabian Bühler - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
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