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AAD CAD AAX CAX CAE CPA ABO BBO CBO FBO HBO HCD ACT CCT FCT ADE BDE CDE CDD ADA AER CER AEI CEI HEI AHE BHE AIE HIA AMF ANE CNE AOM HPE APP CPP FPP BPP APT CPT FPS BQL BRE FRN ASC CSP ASA FSA SubAppDesc ADHD ADHD Anxiety Anxiety Aptitiude. 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ID ABS ADB AMP ANB APS ASD BRF CAT CDI CLS COA CPT CRS CRW CTO DDB DIC DTL EDB EIB EQI FTT GIL GOR ICP JAD JIR LDD MMI MSC PPB PPC SCB SET SIT SPC STA TLD TML TOL TVP WRA HDI CHP IEQ RSO LSI FBO PCL NIM CSO . SAR PDS CLM MST PFC HRB CRA CAA EMA TON CNS LAM TOM MTO CLO WCS MMS REH CDS DTS HPS ISS SPS PSP DSS SCV DSC SAF SAS CIS PSI QLQ HEL FAM DAS PAN TDM RSH TAT AAB NAB CBB CSW COW MFE CAP . AAP SPP TRE SEC ADI CSV SCQ BHI BHI STP SAA QQQ GAB TGT FAB CGI CPW CAD KPT CDO PGT PMT SPC STC FDO ADO BRE EQY GAD PPT WIS WRV WRT SCL CAU MGS BAS RIS AUI BHI BSI CAI HSQ ISO MAC MAP MBH MCM MMA MMP . MTQ HSG PDZ CAS CTM MTO SPQ CCV DTR CSI ICG BCG PAD IER QSH TPV RTP TIP SIP CDE IMP WHA EON DRE DOP CLT EDO EDM EDM PDR TAB IRH IRH AIM AIM AIM AIM BGM EMM PST INT MUM ING MIL COG EWA PSB CPP EEW AFV CIE . BCP IIB HOF TRO VCM VAT VRT DAP AMN ANG ANG RAS ASV LBS CRT ASS AAP PS5 PS5 AYO CRV FEJ PRO JSO DDS AAS CBT DVI YCA FAS PCO EQV IDE NEO CCB CWP EPS SSQ CAB EQE PRL WEI EIT TIS WIF EIT LOP UNK STO PTT APQ FIT . UCB ANX OCD SCP COS RMR ATC OBM PTG STM LDC PGA EDE HRC SOE TFB SPA POS CTM HEJ IBC FDO CRS RRA EOO MIH EOB CAM UPT HAD SNG SNG PER MIP ADS SST SMT EQE PRI CRI ESR MBM MH2 PPP QOL CCC GAF PCP PCP PC2 . TCS ICS PSC VIP SSS WCN PSO PSM MLL EOF HFP PCC POC FMH PFN CCH CST PEC CCM CMR CP2 HEA CRO POM PCY CRS WVS DDS IRH IMM ESS DEV BBH GAM ERS API AAA ABX ACQ ACS ACQ ASP AYM BOE CAL CAQ CAW CAX CCA CCL CCO CCS . CCT CFA CFI CLA CMA COK CPA CPQ CRR CSR DHR DOM DPB DPC DPR DSO EDI EFP EIE EMP ESP ETT EWC FAA FCI FCM FCN FMD GFP GOL GZT GZT HAM HAP HAT HED HER HSP IAS ICD IDO IDS IET IOS IYD LEA MAT MCI MHO MIS MPS NAS . NCO NON NSQ OPI PBT PCW PMF RNT SCD SCS SHR SKP SLP SMR SPN TCD TEC TJT TRN WKS FDO . ProdLineID ABS ADB AMP ANB APS ASD BRF CAT CDI CHP CLM CLS COA CPT CRS CRW CSO CTO DDB DIC DTL EDB EIB EQI FBO FTT GIL GOR HDI HRB ICP IEQ HSG JIR LDD LSI MMI MSC MST NIM PCL PDS PFC PPB PPC RSO SAR SCB SET SIT SPA . STA TLD TML TOL TVP WRA CRA CAA EMA TON CNS LAM TOM MTO CLO WCS MMS REH CDS DTS DTS HPS ISS SPS CAS PSP DSS SCV DSC SAF SAS CIS PSI QLQ HEL FAM DAS PAN TDM RSH TAT AAB NAB CBB TRE BH2 BH2 . BH2 BH2 BHI BHI GAB COA PDZ MTO SPQ CCV DTR CSI ICG BCG PAD IER QSH TPV RTP TIP SIP CDE IMP WHA EON DRE DOP BH2 BHH QQQ COA CMT CLT EDO EDM EDM PDR TAB IRH AIM ESS BGM EMM PST DEV INT MUM ING MIL . COG EWA PSB CPP EEW AFV CIE BCP IIB HOF TRO VCM VAT VRT DAP AMN ANG RAS ASV LBS CRT ASS AAP PS5 AYO CRV FEJ PRO JSO DDS AAS CBT DVI YCA FAS PCO EQV IDE NEO CCB CWP EPS SSQ CAB EQE PRL WEI EIT EIE WIF . EIT LOP UNK STO POM FDO FDO CRS BHH FAB CGI CPW CAD KPT JAD MMA COA COA TGT PGT PMT SPC STC FDO ADO BRE EQY GAD PPT WIS WRV WRT FTT FTT RRA EOO MIH EOB CAM UPT HAD SNG PER DDS SST SMT EQE PRI CRI ESR MBM . MH2 PPP QOL CCC GAF PCP PCP PC2 TCS ICS PSC VIP SSS WCN PSO PSM MLL EOF HFP PCC POC FMH PFN CCH CST PEC CCM BSI RMR CSW COW CMR CP2 HEA CRO POM POM CRS . and tracking mental health problems in children and adults A collection of books and other complementary products for Human Resource professionals A program to assist preschool and elementary aged students with problem solving A tool for assessing a patient's medical experience from multiple perspectives Homework Survival Guide: Parent Handout The complete collection of Jesness products for adolescent personality A measure of intrinsic processing disorders in children and adolsecents he complete collection of products in the Level of Service Inventory line. including paper-and pencil products and software p A tool to measure one's tendency to give desirable responses A self-report personality measure A collection of Personality and Psychopathology books for professionals working with children A measure of psychological processing difficulties in young children A tool for measuring the impact of injuries and trauma on adults A questionnaire to assist in determining likelihood of domestic violence A measure of competence and behavior for preschool children A programs for assisting children and adults with social effectiveness An intelligence test for children and adults Phobia and anxiety scales for children and adults .ProdLineShortDesc Scales to measure functioning and behavior disorders for children and adults A selection of books and other complementary products for ADHD in children A measure of underachievement for use with adolsecents and adults A selection of books and other complementary products for anxiety in children A means of identifying antisocial traits in children An assessment tool to help identify individuals with Asperger Syndrome An assessment tool to detect impairment of executive functioning A neurological screening computer program The complete collection of products in the Children's Depression Inventory line. including paper-and pencil products in mulitple A self-report coping measure for use with adults Programs to reduce anger. including paper-and pencil products and software prod MMPI Interpretive programs for children. and adults An anxiety scale for children and young adults An ability based measure of emotional intelligence A workbook for organizing and recording obserations of parent-child interactions ideal for use in custody evaluations The complete collection of products in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist line. adolescents. violence and emotional loss of control A tool for determining the impact of life events on personal development A coaching tool for students with ADHD The complete line of Conners' CPT software products The complete collection of products in the Conners' Rating Scales line. including paper-and pencil products in mulitple languag The complete collection of products that work in the Clinical Report Writer program A self-report sex history questionnaire for adult males A measure of nonverbal reasoning abilities A selection of books for assisting professionals working with children with developmental disorders A computerized diagnotic interview based on DSM-IV for use with children A collection of products in the Detroit Tests of Learning family A selection of Education Books and other complementary products for professionals working with children A collection of Emotional Intelligence Books and other complementary products for professionals working with children The complete collection of products in the BarOn EQ-I family A collection of books and other complementary products for professionals working in corrections and forensic settings A personality assessment tool for children that uses fairy tale characters and questions Scales used to assess Asperger Disorder and Autism A reading test for children and adolscents An essential tool for assessing. monitoring. including paper and software The complete collection of products in the DTS family. and adults A collection of books and other complementary products for professionals assessing adults A collection of neurpsychology books and other complementary products A collection of clinical reference books Theresa Battery for Health Improvement 2 Battery for Health Improvement 2 . including paper and software The complete collection of products in the HPSI family including paper and software A measure of internalized shame and the negative response patterns that result from it A tool for assessing an individual’s problem-solving style and ability to generate solutions A comprehensive test of acute psychopathology in the elderly A self-report instrument designed to illustrate personality styles A collection of software based on the DSM-IV™ A collection of paper products based on the SCID A collection of DSM-IV™ products to complement your practice The complete collection of SA-45 products The complete collection of SAS products A tool for measuring three types of coping styles Stress Management tools for parents A tool to assesses quality of life indicators The complete collection of modules in the computerized Help Series The complete collection of products in the FAM product line The complete collection of products in the DAS product line A 30-symptom rating scale for assessing schizophrenia A tool for assisting in generating a diagnosis and classifying the course of the movement disorder The complete collection of Rorshach test products A projective test for use in the assessment of children. including paper and software The complete collection of products in the DTS family. and perception of situational threat A language-free. trait anxiety. motor-reduced measure of intelligence A set of score corrections for popular tests A tool for assessing both specificity and sensitivity to diverse memory problems A tool for distinguishing between malingered and true memory impairments A measure of verbal and visuospatial learning and memory performance in older adults Helps differentiate between normal elderly and those suffering from dementia A neuropsychological measure for individuals aged 6 – 89 A tool for assessing cognitive functioning in adults A collection of rehabilitation and coping products The complete collection of products in the CDS family. adolescents.Anxiety scales for children and adults Language development tests for children A measure of general and specific memory problems A measure of executive planning and problem solving for children and adults Tests of visual perceptual skills for children of all ages A collection of aptitude tests for children of all ages The complete collection of CAARS products for adult ADHD A structured interview that aids in diagnosing ADHD adults A measure of state anxiety. 2nd Ed. A Beginner's Guide to the MMPI-2 Essentials of MMPI-2 Assessment MMPI-2 in Psychological Treatment Development and Use of the MMPI-2 Content Scales Internation Adaptations of the MMPI-2 Manual for Using the MMPI-2 as a Therapeutic Intervention Interpretive Guide to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory Second Edition The Million Clinical Inventories: Clinical and Personality Assessment .A. Essentials of MMPI-2 and MMPI-A Interpretation.T. 2nd Ed.T.A. 2 Ed. Assessment. and Treatment What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don't? Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment DSM-IV-TR Handbook of Differential Diagnosis Disorder of Personality" DSM-IV and Beyond. and the S. in Clinical Use Interpretive Reasoning and the Halstead-Reitan Tests The MMPI-2: An Interpretive Manual.T. the C.Battery for Health Improvement 2 Battery for Health Improvement 2 Battery for Health Improvement Battery for Health Improvement General Ability Measure for Adults Comprehensive Ability Battery Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS) Memory Test for Older Adults (MTOA) SCID Screen Patient Questionnaire (SSPQ) for Windows Computer-Assisted SCID-Clinician Version (CAS-CV) from Windows DTREE: The DSM-IV Expert for Windows Computer-Assisted SCID II Expert System (CAS II ES) An insider's Complete Guide to DSM-IV The Busy Clinician's Guide to DSM-IV Practical Applications of DSM-IV in a Managed Care Environment Intake Evaluation Report (IER) QUICKVIEW Social History Turning Points: A Psychoeducational Program for Overcoming an Eating Disorder Relaxation Training Program Tropical Island Paradise Relaxation Tape Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents (SIPA) Chemical Dependency Assessment Profile Impulsivity Theory.. Battery for Health Improvement 2 Battery for Health Improvement Quality of Life Comprehensive Ability Battery Comprehensive Trail-Making Test (CTMT) Clinician's Electronic Thesaurus Version 5 Electronic DSM-IV-TR Plus Electronic DSM-IV-TR Plus Electronic DSM-IV-TR Plus Psychologist' Desk Reference The T.A. MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology MMPI-A Assessing Adolescent Psychopathology The Psychology of Stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives Assessing the Youthful Offender: Issues and Techniques Criminal Responsibility Evaluations: A Manual For Practice Forensic Evaluations of Juveniles Protocols for the Sex-Abuse Evaluation Juvenile Sexual Offending: Causes. Alcohol. Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS) NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) Campbell Interest and Skills Survey (CISS) Canadian Work Preference Inventory (CWPI) Executive Profile Survey (EPS) Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ) Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success Primal Leadership Working with Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life The Wisdom in Feeling: Psychological Processes in Emotional Intelligence . and Legal Remedies You Can Control Your Anger! 21 Ways To Do It Forensic Assessment with the Millon Inventories A Primer on Community Corrections and Criminal Justice Work in Canada Williams LifeSkills System for Managing Stress & Anger Interest Determinination. Diagnosis. Crime and Legal Processes Investigative Interviewing Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment Treatment of Offenders with Mental Disorders Violence. and Treatment The Rorschach Assessment of Aggressive and Psychopathic Personalities Antisocial and Violent Youth Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them MMPI. & MMPI-A in Court: A Practical Guide for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys. and Corrections Dual Diagnosis: Counselling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser Adolescents. Programs.Cognitive Therapy for Personality Deisorders: A Schema-Focused Approach Essentials of WAIS-III Assessment New Personality Self-Portrait-Revised Coping with Psychiatic and Psychological Testimony The Expert Expert Witness: More Maxims and Guidelines for Testifying in Court Assessment of Family Violence: A Clinical and Legal Sourcebook Conducting Insanity Evaluations Behaviour. and Substance Abuse: Reaching Teens Through Brief Interventions Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Sexual Offenders Handbook of Domestic Violence Intervention Strategies: Policies. Crime and Mentally Disordered Offenders Violent Attachments Violence Risk And Threat Assessment Dealing with Anger Problems: Rational-Emotive Therapeutic Interventions Anger Management Anger Disorders: Definition. MMPI-2. Consequences. 2nd Ed. and Treatment Dual Diagnosis: Counselling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-By-Step Guide Stress Management Training: A Group Leader's Guide The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success Principles of Rorschach Interpretation Contemporary Rorschach Interpretation Essentials of Rorschach Assessment Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) .The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence Learned Optimism: How to Change your Mind and your Life MHS Professional Tool Suite with MHS SmartLink Digital Stopwatch Profile of Mood States Bipolar Version Forensic Distributed Other Forensic Distributed Other Conners Battery for Health Improvement An emotional and behavior assessment for children A brief 10-item measure of general psychopathology effective for monitoring treatment and change Assessment software that helps identify attention problems and measures treatment effectiveness A brief measure using DSM-IV&trade.0 Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Ability (WRAVMA) WRAT-Expanded Fairy Tale Test (FTT) Fairy Tale Test (FTT) Rethinking Risk Assessment Essential of Outcome Assessment Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change Essentials of Behavioral Assessment Clinical Assessment of Malingering and Deception The Use of Psychological Testing for Treatment Planning and Outcome Assessment Handbook for the Assessment of Dissociation: A Clinical Guide Shame and Guilt Perfectionism: Theory. Research. to screen for children at risk for ADHD Assessment software to help identify attention problems and measurement of treatment effectiveness in young children Journal of Attention Disorders (JAD) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescents (MMPI-A) Program for adult coaches to help attention-deficient students Program for adult coaches to help attention-deficient students A Teachers Guide to student behavior A Parent's Guide to Teenage Problems Parent Management Training for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (BarOn EQ-i:YV) Gilliam Asperger Disorder Scale (GADS) Psychological Processing Checklist (PPC) WISC-III Report 3. Dynamics. The Psychology of Criminal Conduct. 2nd Ed. Restless Kids: ADHD in Children & Adolescents CRS-R for Windows CRS-R for Windows Conners-March Development Questionnaire (CMDQ) Conners' Continuous Performance Test II (CPT II) fro Windows Highly Effective Approaches to Making the Conners' CPT Work in Your Clinical Practice Conners' Rating Scales (1989 Version) Profile of Mood States Bipolar Version Profile of Mood States Bipolar Version Conners . and Violent Behavior The Psychopathic Mind: Origins. Criminal. and Treatment Malingering and Deception in Adolescents: Assessing Credibility in Clinical and Forensic Settings Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment The Handbook of Forensic Psychology. 3rd Ed. The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior as a Clinical Disorder Forensic Mental Health Assessment: A Casebook The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology: Meeting Challenges in the Courtroom The Custody Evaluation Handbook: Research-Based Solutions and Applications Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations: A Manual for Practice Psychological Evaluations for the Courts Crime Classification Manual BSI Audiocassette Restless Minds.Millon Behavioral Health Inventory (MBHI) Pain Patient Profile (P-3) Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R) GAF Report For Windows: The Global Assessment of Functioning Scale Preparing for Court Testimony Based on the MMPI-2 Preparing for Court Testimony Based on the MMPI-2 Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)L: 2nd Edition Testifying and Child Sexual Abuse: A Courtroom Guide Interviewing for Child Sexual Abuse: A Forensic Guide Hare P-SCAN Research Version 2 (P-SCAN RV2) Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Amoung Us Psychopathy: Antisocial. ProdLineName Adaptive Behavior Scales (ABS) ADHD Guides. Books.IV (DICA-IV) Detroit Tests of Learning (DTLA) Education Books and Guides Emotional Intelligence Books. and Tapes Acheivement Motivation Profile (AMP) Anxiety Books and Guides Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) Asperger Syndrom Diagnostic Scale (ASDS) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) Category Test (CAT) Computer Porgram Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) Coping with Health Injuries and Problems (CHIP) Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage It (CALM) Coddington Life Events Scales (CLES) Coaching the ADHD Student Conners' Continuous Performance Test (CPT) Conners' Rating Scales Clinical Report Writer Software Clarke Sex History Questionnaire (SHQ-R) Comprehesive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) Developmental Disorders Books and Guides Diagnositc Interview for Children and Adolescents . Guides and Tapes Emotional Quotient Inventory EQ-i) Corrections Books and Complementary Products Fairy Tale Test (FTT) Gilliam Scales Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-4) Health Dynamics Inventory (HDI) Human Resource Books and Complementary Products I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) Ilness Effect Questionnaire (IEQ-MP) Homework Survival Guide: Parent Handout Jesness Products Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI) Level of Service Inventory .Revised (LSI-R) MMPI Interpretive Systems Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) NIMS Observational Checklist Hare Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) Paulhus Deception Scales (PDS) 16 PF Fifth Edition Personality and Psychopathology Books and Guides Psychological Processing Checklist (PPC) Rehabilition Survey of Problems and Coping (R-SOPAC) Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Preschool Edition (SCBE) Social Effectiveness Therapy (SET) Slossen Intelligence Test .Revised (SIT-R3) Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI) . NCS Battery for Health Improvement 2 .State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Test of Language Development (TOLD) Test of Memory and Learning (TOMAL) Tower of London-DX (TOL) Tests of Visual Perceptual Skills (TVPS) Wide Range Achievement Tests (WRAT) Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) Conners' Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV™ (CAADID) Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS) Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI-3) Third Edition Comprehesnvie Norms for an Expanded Halstead-Reitan Battery Learning and Memory Battery (LAMB) TOMM Memory Test for Older Adults (MTOA) Clock Test Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE™) Rehabilition Checklist (RCL) Carroll Depression Scales (CDS) Davidson Trauma Scales (DTS) Davidson Trauma Scales (DTS) Holden Psychological Screening Inventory (HPSI) Internalized Shame Scale (ISS) Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R) Clinical Assessment Scales for the Elderly (CASE) Personality Self Portrait (PSP) DSM-IV™ Software Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Products A Clinician's Guide to Diagnosing Dissociative Symptoms and Disorders Symptom Assessment-45 (SA-45) Social Adjustment Scale–Self-Report (SAS-SR) Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) Parenting Stress Tools Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ) Help Series Family Assessment Measure (FAM-III) Dyadic Assessment Scale (DAS) Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) TD (Tardive Dyskinesia) Monitor Rorshach Test Products Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Adult Assessment Books and Other Complementary Products Neuropsychological Assessment Books Clinical Reference Books Theresa Battery for Health Improvement 2. Battery for Health Improvement 2 Battery for Health Improvement 2 Battery for Health Improvement (BHI) Battery for Health Improvement (BHI) A brief. Essentials of MMPI-2 and MMPI-A Interpretation. and the S.T. Assessment. 2nd Ed. 2 Ed. Battery for Health Improvement 2. nonverbal test that provides an estimate of an individual's general intellectual ability Measures abilities relevant to job performance Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS) Memory Test for Older Adults (MTOA) SCID Screen Patient Questionnaire (SSPQ) for Windows Computer-Assisted SCID-Clinician Version (CAS-CV) from Windows DTREE: The DSM-IV Expert for Windows Computer-Assisted SCID II Expert System (CAS II ES) An insider's Complete Guide to DSM-IV The Busy Clinician's Guide to DSM-IV Practical Applications of DSM-IV in a Managed Care Environment Intake Evaluation Report (IER) QUICKVIEW Social History Turning Points: A Psychoeducational Program for Overcoming an Eating Disorder Relaxation Training Program Tropical Island Paradise Relaxation Tape Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents (SIPA) Chemical Dependency Assessment Profile Impulsivity Theory. NCS Battery for Health Improvement assesses quality of life indicators Measures abilities relevant to job performance Comprehensive Trail-Making Test (CTMT) Clinician's Electronic Thesaurus Version 5 Electronic DSM-IV-TR Plus Electronic DSM-IV-TR Plus Electronic DSM-IV-TR Plus Psychologist' Desk Reference The T.A. 2nd Ed.T. A Beginner's Guide to the MMPI-2 Essentials of MMPI-2 Assessment MMPI-2 in Psychological Treatment Development and Use of the MMPI-2 Content Scales Internation Adaptations of the MMPI-2 Manual for Using the MMPI-2 as a Therapeutic Intervention Interpretive Guide to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory Second Edition The Million Clinical Inventories: Clinical and Personality Assessment ..A. and Treatment What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don't? Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment DSM-IV-TR Handbook of Differential Diagnosis Disorder of Personality" DSM-IV and Beyond. in Clinical Use Interpretive Reasoning and the Halstead-Reitan Tests The MMPI-2: An Interpretive Manual.T.A. the C. Cognitive Therapy for Personality Deisorders: A Schema-Focused Approach Essentials of WAIS-III Assessment New Personality Self-Portrait-Revised Coping with Psychiatic and Psychological Testimony The Expert Expert Witness: More Maxims and Guidelines for Testifying in Court Assessment of Family Violence: A Clinical and Legal Sourcebook Conducting Insanity Evaluations Behaviour. and Legal Remedies You Can Control Your Anger! 21 Ways To Do It Forensic Assessment with the Millon Inventories A Primer on Community Corrections and Criminal Justice Work in Canada Williams LifeSkills System for Managing Stress & Anger Interest Determinination. and Treatment The Rorschach Assessment of Aggressive and Psychopathic Personalities Antisocial and Violent Youth Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them MMPI. 2nd Ed. Crime and Mentally Disordered Offenders Violent Attachments Violence Risk And Threat Assessment Dealing with Anger Problems: Rational-Emotive Therapeutic Interventions Anger Management Anger Disorders: Definition. Crime and Legal Processes Investigative Interviewing Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment Treatment of Offenders with Mental Disorders Violence. & MMPI-A in Court: A Practical Guide for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys. Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS) NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) Campbell Interest and Skills Survey (CISS) Canadian Work Preference Inventory (CWPI) Executive Profile Survey (EPS) Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ) Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success Primal Leadership Working with Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life The Wisdom in Feeling: Psychological Processes in Emotional Intelligence . Consequences. Diagnosis. and Corrections Dual Diagnosis: Counselling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser Adolescents. Programs. MMPI-2. and Substance Abuse: Reaching Teens Through Brief Interventions Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Sexual Offenders Handbook of Domestic Violence Intervention Strategies: Policies. Alcohol. MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology MMPI-A Assessing Adolescent Psychopathology The Psychology of Stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives Assessing the Youthful Offender: Issues and Techniques Criminal Responsibility Evaluations: A Manual For Practice Forensic Evaluations of Juveniles Protocols for the Sex-Abuse Evaluation Juvenile Sexual Offending: Causes. and Treatment Dual Diagnosis: Counselling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-By-Step Guide Stress Management Training: A Group Leader's Guide The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success Principles of Rorschach Interpretation Contemporary Rorschach Interpretation Essentials of Rorschach Assessment Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) .The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence Learned Optimism: How to Change your Mind and your Life MHS Professional Tool Suite with MHS SmartLink Digital Stopwatch Assessment that measures affective mood state fluctuation Other Forensic Distributed Products Forensic Distributed Other Battery for Health Improvement Feelings Attitudes and Behaviors Scale for Children (FAB-C) Conners' Global Index (CGI) Continuous Performance Test II (CPT II) for Windows Conners' ADHD/DSM-IV Scales (CADS) Kiddie Continuous Performance Test (K-CPT) for Windows Journal of Attention Disorders (JAD) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescents (MMPI-A) Coaching the ADHD Student Coaching the ADHD Student A Teacher's Guide to Recognizing Psychological and Behavioral Problems of Students A Parent's Guide to Teenage Problems Parent Management Training for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (BarOn EQ-i:YV) Gilliam Asperger Disorder Scale (GADS) Psychological Processing Checklist (PPC) WISC-III Report 3. Research.0 Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Ability (WRAVMA) WRAT-Expanded Fairy Tale Test (FTT) Fairy Tale Test (FTT) Rethinking Risk Assessment Essential of Outcome Assessment Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change Essentials of Behavioral Assessment Clinical Assessment of Malingering and Deception The Use of Psychological Testing for Treatment Planning and Outcome Assessment Handbook for the Assessment of Dissociation: A Clinical Guide Shame and Guilt Perfectionism: Theory. Restless Kids: ADHD in Children & Adolescents CRS-R for Windows CRS-R for Windows Conners-March Development Questionnaire (CMDQ) Conners' Continuous Performance Test II (CPT II) fro Windows Highly Effective Approaches to Making the Conners' CPT Work in Your Clinical Practice Conners' Rating Scales (1989 Version) Assessment that measures affective mood state fluctuation Assessment that measures affective mood state fluctuation x . The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior as a Clinical Disorder Forensic Mental Health Assessment: A Casebook The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology: Meeting Challenges in the Courtroom The Custody Evaluation Handbook: Research-Based Solutions and Applications Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations: A Manual for Practice Psychological Evaluations for the Courts Crime Classification Manual BSI Audiocassette Restless Minds. and Violent Behavior The Psychopathic Mind: Origins. 3rd Ed. The Psychology of Criminal Conduct. Dynamics.Millon Behavioral Health Inventory (MBHI) Pain Patient Profile (P-3) Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R) GAF Report For Windows: The Global Assessment of Functioning Scale Preparing for Court Testimony Based on the MMPI-2 Preparing for Court Testimony Based on the MMPI-2 Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)L: 2nd Edition Testifying and Child Sexual Abuse: A Courtroom Guide Interviewing for Child Sexual Abuse: A Forensic Guide Hare P-SCAN Research Version 2 (P-SCAN RV2) Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Amoung Us Psychopathy: Antisocial. 2nd Ed. and Treatment Malingering and Deception in Adolescents: Assessing Credibility in Clinical and Forensic Settings Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment The Handbook of Forensic Psychology. Criminal. Diagnosis. and Treatment Ann Bibl MMPI/MMPI-2 in Pers & ADHD and the Nature of Self Co Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolscents Areas of Change Accomodation Plan Form Adult Personality Inventory 16 PF Adolescent Personality Questionnaire (APQ) Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale (ASDS) Adult ASAP-ASI Computer Progra MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology ID 16B 16L 16Q 16S 16W AAA AAD AAP AAS ABC ABP ABX ACC ACP ACQ ACS ACX ACZ ADA ADB ADH ADI ADK ADO ADS ADV ADW ADY AEI AFV AGG AHD AID AIM AKD ALD AMF AMN AMP ANG ANN ANS ANX AOC APF API APQ APS ASD ASP ASS . & Diagnosis Anger Disorder Scale Adverse Effects of Psych. Alcohol. and Substance Abuse: Reaching Teens Through Brief Interventions Adaptive Behavior Scale (AAMR ABS-S:2) Abusive Personality: Violence The Abusive Personality ACCESS Program ACCEPTS Program ACQ Software Consulting .Description 16PF books 16PF LEADR Report 16PF MTQ 16PF Select 16PF World Angie and Andy Assessing Attention/Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder MMPI-A Assessing Adolescent Psychopathology Adolescents.(Organizational) Assessment of Chronic Pain ACQ Paper Version Academic Performance Inventory ADHD: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment ADHD in Adults and Children ADI-R ADAPT KIT Adult Psych.Drug ADD Workbook ADHD in the Young Child Alternative Ed Delivery System Assessment of Family Violence: A Clinical and Legal Sourcebook An Assessment Guide To Geriatric Neuropsychology ADHD: Assessment and Treatment Aiding Older Adults (S/C) The MMPI-2: An Interpretive Manual A Kibitz with David Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities MTQ Annual Maintenance Fee Anger Management Achievement Motivation Profile (AMP) Anger Disorders: Definition. IPAT CAS-RV CASS Category Test (CAT) Computer Program 6. for Young C BOEI Product Best Practices in Sch Psych Bricklin Perceptual Scales Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) & BSI-18 Paper Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) Audiocassettes Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) Mail-in Scoring BSI MTA BSI MTQ Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) Paper Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) Scoring CAI MTA Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) MTQ Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) Coaching the ADHD Student Clinical Assessment Scales for the Elderly (CASE) Coaching the ADHD Student Conners' Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV™ (CAADID) CALMER Clinical Assessment of Malingering and Deception Computerized Aptitude CAQ .BASI Brief Battery For Health Improvement 2 (BBHI 2) Busy Clinician's Guide to DSM-IV Behavior.MTA Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI) MTQ A Visit with Maria A Visit with Sara Angry Young Men Assessing the Youthful Offender: Issues and Techniques Canada and UK . 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CRV FEJ PRO DDS PAD CBT ABC AAD ADB PCP YLS TCS ICS NIM CSQ PDX EQS ADH AHD ALD MAC PMT PSG PTT RMR TDA AMP ANX SCP CLE CAD HEA CMR CRO WIS CRS CSW CTO HRE PAG DTL AAS DCR LDC OBM STM TFB UCB EDE HRC SOE EQY HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRE HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC . FAC GAR GRT CPS ICP IPS LDD MAS PPT IDE INS ATC OCD SPC STC TLD TLP TML TVP WRA WRV CAA CAI STA SPA TON MR2 MM2 ML2 BS2 SSP EMA CNS TOL NES MMS REH LAM RHC IER MTO BS4 PRI TOM CDS TDS SSI MR2 ML2 ML2 DTS ISS HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC PPT IDE HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC MR2 MM2 ML2 BS2 SSP HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC BS4 PRI HRC HRC HRC HRC MR2 ML2 ML2 HRC HRC . SPS PPS MUM MIL EQV DVI HPS RIA SCB SIP ML2 ING MMP CAE PSP SCD SCT IBC NEO EIE DTR GAF PSH CIS CDE SA4 SAS SET MR2 ML2 ML2 ML2 SCL CLO SCV ML6 COG MBM QOL PSI QLQ RTP TIP DAS TDM RSQ WHA JIR HEL FAM CWP WIF HRC HRC MUM MIL EQV DVI HRC HRC HRC HRC ML2 ING HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC NEO EIE HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC MR2 ML2 ML2 ML2 SCL CLO SCV ML6 COG MBM QOL HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC JIR HRC HRC CWP WIF . PAN RSH TAT IMP CNT AGG PGC EON ML2 MH5 PST PRI TEB CHP DOP EDM CLT PDR MIH EOB CGI CAM EOO UPT HAD PER CM2 SSQ STO BS3 CBS SNG SST TAB EWA PSB SMT AMN CRI ESR SHR CSI PPO ML2 MA3 INT PC2 VIP CAB UNK CMP ML2 HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC AAG ML2 MH5 PST PRI HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC CM2 SSQ STO BS3 HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC CMP HRC CMP ML2 MA3 INT PC2 VIP CAB CMP CMP ML2 . ML2 MP3 CAW AMF FMD QSH SBE SIT TPV RRA AIM BHH POS GAM CPW APS CCR MR3 MM3 MM4 CCR FRM MR8 CCR PCD MR4 JAD 16B EQ5 MR4 PFF PFF PF4 HRD PCD BIR SPN CRW P02 HRD JIR CAW ML2 MP3 CAW AMF FMD QSH SBE SIT TPV RRA AIM BHH POS GAM CPW APS CCR MR3 MM3 MM4 CCR FRM MR8 CCR PCD MR4 JAD 16B EQ5 MR4 PFF PFF PF4 HRD PCD BIR SPN CRW P02 HRD JIR CAW . longDes <p>The LSI–R™ inventory is a quantitative survey of attributes of offenders and their situations relevant to level of supervision <p>The instruments of choice for the clinical assessment of psychopathy are the Hare PCL–R™ 2nd Ed.D. case examples. The 50 yes/no ASDS items were drawn from five sp <p>The client-completed Category Test Computer Program 6. this is a must-read for membe <p>Sexual abuse is an epidemic and a serious problem. MPS <p>This 2nd Edition is an essential resource for professionals who want to develop or enhance their expertise in the forensic ap <p>With lecture notes. Useful for <p>This book provides forensic psychologists and clinicians with interviewing techniques/strategies. Joseph P. TSI.0 (CAT) is a completely revised version of CAT 2. paradoxical. societal concerns over the dramatic rise in juvenile crime—especially violent crime—has reaffirmed the imp <p>This scale can be completed by anyone who knows the individual well. The authors argue that a leader’s emotions <p>The author of the international bestseller Emotional Intelligence demonstrates why emotional intelligence is the new measu <h1>Jesness Inventory</h1><p>The original version of the Jesness Inventory continues to be available for those who need it to <p>This comprehensive work is a guide to the latest in treatment and prevention of domestic violence. PCRI. brain-imaging. psychiatric diagnoses. focusing on numerous a <h1>Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life</h1><p><i>Edited by Joseph Ciarrochi.or herself. The language has been up <p>Of the personality trait disorders. and cog <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. It summarizes the majo <p>Widely recognized as the standard in assessing forensic populations. provide a collection of research that examines 5 topics of psychop <p>The HDI assessment is designed to accurately and efficiently assess. the Hare PCL–R assessment provides comprehensiv <p>The MSCEIT™ self-report employs a variety of interesting and creative tasks to measure a person’s capacity for reasoning <p>This field-tested manual includes reviews of competency measures. presented by the DSM-IV™ editor.0 has been completely renorm <p>The APQ provides a concise portrait of how an adolescent perceives him. Forgas.. Raine suggests that criminal b <p>This book illustrates the principles of conducting forensic mental health assessment and explores real-world case material. ethical issues. and elusive. genetic. breaking assignments into manageabl <p>Stock your office with these brochures to educate parents on high-risk adolescent behaviors. BPS. psychological testing appro <p>With interpretive and administrative guidelines for widely used assessment tools including ASPECT.. & John D <p>One of the world’s experts in psychopathy provides his answers to many questions: Are psychopaths born without empathy <p>The authors. and appendices of maj <p>With complex concepts conveyed clearly and illustrated with a wealth of personal anecdotes. and in social situations. Reuven Bar-On and tested on over 85. home. with other leaders in the field of psychiatry. and document mental health problems in ch <p>Current conceptions relating psychological variables to health recognize the key role of coping processes as mediating vari <p>The IEQ-MP assessment uses four separate questionnaires to assess a patient’s medical experience from multiple perspe <p>This advanced clinical manual balances the practical concerns of test interpretation and neuropsychological diagnosis with <p>Valuable details on the MMPI-2 restandardization and its content and supplementary scales. neurochemical. and the screening ver <p>Apply the principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to the personal and worldwide problems of controlling anger and xxx <p>The Homework Survival Guide provides pointers for organizing homework sessions. It is u <p>The CALM Program teaches male participants to monitor and understand their emotions in order to prevent and control pro <p>With real-life anecdotes of EI factors interacting at work. pursuit characteristics. This revised edition provides a comprehensive look at understanding. emotional. this book is generously illustrated with case material and is essential for nonpsychology <p>The R–SOPAC self-report is a thorough symptom survey in which clients rate a broad range of physical. neurological <p>This restandardized and updated version of the highly popular and effective Conners’ CPT 3. readings.D. monitor. this book defines EI. It details interpretive procedur <p>A basic introduction to the MMPI-2. Ph. The first three sections elicit valuable <p>The ISO-30™ is a brief screening tool designed to help identify adolescents at risk for suicide. and research for an advanced undergraduate psychology course in criminal conduct. demonstrates <p>This volume illustrates the importance of emotional intelligence for life success. and psychophysiological evidence.000 individuals worldwide. T <p>This 3rd edition incorporates significant new insights and research findings about brain-behavior relationships. <p>The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA) is a quality-control checklist that determines the extent to which a pro <p>In recent years. this boo <p>With sociological.0 that allows yo <p>The CDI self-report. the antisocial personality is one of the most troubling. Ph. . Parents learn to recognize sig <p>This videotape. offender<p>Based on over 20 years of research by Dr. is an update of the major features of DSM-IV™. It provides an overall suicide <p>Top writers and researchers in criminal psycopathy discuss threats. BarOn EQ-i® <p>The BRIEF™ assessment was designed to assess executive functioning in a youth’s home and school environments. symptom-oriented scale has a first-grade reading level and is designed for children and adolescents. Evolving from the Millon Adolescen <p>The BHI is a 202-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify psychological and psychosocial factors that could interf <p>The AUI self-report provides a multidimensional approach to the assessment of alcohol use and abuse. personal interview. Consisting of 63 items and taking only 10 <p>MBHI is a brief self-report personality inventory that assesses the psychological coping factors related to the physical health <p>The AUI provides a multidimensional approach to the assessment of alcohol use and abuse. Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR™)</h1><p>DSM-IV™ h .0) is easily administered via self-report. vocational interest inventory that compares occupational interests and pers <p>The MICROTEST Q™ Assessment System Software will accurately and efficiently score. The CTMT assessm <p>The MAPI™ assessment is a brief. bullying. or telephone interview <p>The Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ 2. vocational interest inventory that compares occupational interests and pers <p>The MACI™ assessment is a brief self-report personality inventory with a clinical focus. personal interview. or telephone interview <p>MBHI is a brief self-report personality inventory that assesses the psychological coping factors related to the physical health <p>The GADS scale is designed to evaluate children with unique behavioural problems who may have Asperger Disorder. Many aspects of the MM <p>The SASSI is a self-report screening tool for substance dependency. Each visual pe <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. Spe <p>This instrument is easily administered via self-report. helping the clinician more fully <p>The AUI provides a multidimensional approach to the assessment of alcohol use and abuse. The language has been up <p>The BHI is a 202-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify psychological and psychosocial factors that could interf <p>The BHI is a 202-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify psychological and psychosocial factors that could interf <p>The MBHI assessment is a brief self-report personality inventory that assesses the psychological coping factors related to t <p>Career Assessment Inventory™ is an objective. report. I <p>The Comprehensive Trail-Making Test (CTMT) is a new assessment based on time-tested techniques. fighting. helping the clinician more fully <p>The K-CPT program follows the same basic paradigm as the popular Conners' CPT II. Each visual pe <p>The Pain Patient Profile™ (P-3™) test is a brief self-report screening inventory designed to measure psychological factors c <p>Focusing on the MCMI and the MACI assessments. or telephone interview. Many aspects of the MM <p>The MACI™ assessment is a brief self-report personality inventory with a clinical focus. The FTT <p>The MMPI-A™ self-report is the first version of the MMPI™ assessment designed for adolescents. self-report inventory designed to assess adolescent personality characteristics including asdfasdfas <p>The WCST primarily assesses perseveration and abstract thinking. The scales measured are< <p>MBHI is a brief self-report personality inventory that assesses the psychological coping factors related to the physical health <p>The BBHI 2 assessment is a short version of the newly revised BHI 2 self-report. vocational interest inventory that compares occupational interests and pers <p>Career Assessment Inventory™ is an objective. and store information for o <p>The BHI is a 202-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify psychological and psychosocial factors that could interf <p>The BHI is a 202-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify psychological and psychosocial factors that could interf <p>The BHI is a 202-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify psychological and psychosocial factors that could interf <p>Career Assessment Inventory™ is an objective. helping the clinician <p>The Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ 2. It can be scored and plotted by support staff in 1 minu <p>The MMPI-A™ self-report is the first version of the MMPI™ assessment designed for adolescents. and <p>The FTT assessment is a clinical assessment tool that uses projection techniques to assess children's personality.0) is easily administered via self-report. Evolving from the Millon Adolescen <p>This battery of eight subtests measures different but interrelated visual-perceptual and visual-motor abilities. but with some key differences that m <p>This book teaches parents how to work with a child's talents and difficulties to help him/her interact more fully in the world. This objective measure of overall success and specific <h1>Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fourth Edition. personal interview.<p>This book outlines several important issues for clinical neuropsychologists involved in forensic practice including precedent <p>The Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV) helps identify potential patterns of cheating. this book begins with an overview of the Millon inventories and follows <p>Based on the BarOn EQ-i® assessment. the EQ–360™ assesses emotional intelligence (EQ) from a multirater perspective <p>The EPS self-report assesses whether an individual has the personality attributes to succeed as a senior manager or execu <p>This battery of eight subtests measures different but interrelated visual-perceptual and visual-motor abilities. this <p>An up-to-date review of current knowledge and best practice in the rehabilitation and treatment of offenders in community. he advocates measuring <p>This project by the FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime won the 1994 Award for the most significant cont <p>Required reading for psychiatrists and psychologists who provide expert testimony. With a focus on Community Corrections. standards. thi <p>A variety of edited articles from 70+ professional journals spanning the past 15 years are summarized and discussed in this <p>No matter where we live. Includes recent research on ethnic/cultural background. and psychiatrists involved in forensic work. outpatients.0 for Windows®</h1><p>The BarOn EQ-i® Version 5. the 12-step RET an <p>This book provides professionals with easy-to-follow advice and guidance on how to administer. research. psychiatric diagnoses. and psychologists say about the roles and limits of expert testimony in child abuse case <p>This is a detailed overview of psychological knowledge and its forensic applications and implications to psychologists and to <p>A must-have for police training/practice. Practitioners wanted an efficient vehicle for collecting <p>Customer requests shaped the development of the SSPQ-X software. gives practica <p>Top writers and researchers in criminal psychopathology discuss threats. external v <p>The CAS-CV software. howeve <p>Customer requests shaped the development of the SSPQ-X software. social workers.<p>The MAPI™ assessment is a brief. and <p>Read what lawyers. psychologists. provides a basic knowledge of anger disord <p>A rich and comprehensive account of the inner workings of male and female aggressive and psychopathic personalities. Moderately pessimistic children and a <p>Customer requests shaped the development of the SSPQ-X software. and interpret MMPI<p>This practice-oriented volume reviews many of the facts and theories of anger. therapists. Diverse case studies provide idiogra <p>Expert guidance for using RET to help your clients overcome anger. and clinical issues for both mental health and le <p>Interpretive strategies for the MMPI-2 and MMPI-A assessments. a psychiatrist and internationally exhibited photographer. e <p>This book describes the MMPI-2 Content Scales and provides information on their internal statistical consistency. Lea <p>This parent-completed screening and diagnostic instrument was developed on the basis that the total stress a parent exper <p>This revised work provides the most thorough discussion of legal. self-report inventory designed to assess adolescent personality characteristics including <p>Copublished with the American Psychiatric Association. pursuit characteristics. Garbarin <p>Ideal for those who testify using psychological assessment and those who challenge inadequate assessments and mislead <p>This 3rd edition incorporates what has been learned about the revised MMPI-2 in the years since its introduction and includ <p>This 2nd edition provides an overview of the author’s Structural Summary approach to MMPI-A interpretation. our children go to school with troubled boys capable of getting guns and pulling triggers. Practitioners wanted an efficient vehicle for collecting <h1>BarOn EQ-i® Version 5. Joel Walker. lawyers. it is useful to p <p>This comprehensive 2nd edition outlines a proven strategy for combating depression. and hostility. P <p>This parent-completed screening and diagnostic instrument was developed on the basis that the total stress a parent exper <p>As the short form of SCL-90–Revised. The pamphlets succinctly f <p>These four ambiguous images photographed by Dr. p <p>With administrative and legal issues in mind. incarcerated <p>With details necessary to understand the vexing behavior of mentally disordered offenders. copublished with the American Psychiatric Association and developed by the experts who created th <p>This expert in the field of custody evaluation warns against ―the negative incident model. Practitioners wanted an efficient vehicle for collecting <p>This text is used as an introduction to corrections and justice work. the BSI™ assessment reflects psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and m <h1>MMPI-2 Forensic Interpretive Reports</h1><p>This report is a tailored forensic report designed to help you make the inter <p>Head-injury clients will appreciate these 6 pamphlets summarizing symptoms and interventions. elde <p>Mental health and legal professionals involved in insanity cases need a solid foundation in current concepts. this book includes case vignettes. With the SCID II PQ for Windan unlimited number of times. M <p>This new video series teaches 10 core emotional intelligence mind/body skills for managing stress. this book provides a review of t <p>Most known violence occurs among those who are emotionally or technically attached. anger. score. this three-volume set explains the defic <p>This practical and entertaining description of forensic court psychology reveals the typical ploys used by attorneys to draw in <p>This 2nd edition includes empirically driven approaches to the clinical evaluation of violence involving incest. battering. this book addresses therapeutic work with inpatients.0 software works with MHS SmartLink™. offe <p>This book discusses the utility and limitations of psychological assessments in the juvenile justice system and reviews mea .‖ Instead. the authors discuss the impact of the developmental stag <p>Used by psychiatrists. CTRS-R:S. I <h1>DTLA-Primary Second Edition (DTLA-P:2)</h1><p>The DTLA-P:2 assessment is particularly useful with low-functioning s <p>This book reviews a range of empirically supported approaches to dealing with alcohol and other drug problems. successful. <p>This videotape describes the roles of professional and child witnesses in sexual abuse cases. youth workers. process-or <p>This 2nd edition incorporates recent findings on the nature. assessment methodology. and other mental health professionals for over 20 years. symbolic. The manual provides supple <p>Learn how to gauge children’s ability to report events accurately. and treatment information. most of them would prefer to live offence-free lives. this book goes beyond background his <p>Updated for today’s health care climate. assessment. behavior. Achieving these goals is based just as much on emo <p>A self-help program for managing anxiety. anger. and provid <p>The DICA-IV program is a software version of the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents (DICA). This <h1>Adaptive Behavior Scale–School Edition (AAMR ABS–S:2) Second Edition</h1><p>The ABS-S:2 assessment is a two-pa <p>This book provides child healthcare professionals and educators with a comprehensive set of empirically driven. sexual abuse. which questions to ask/avoid. this edition includes steps to manage ADHD in a variety of everyday situ <p>This convenient self-report inventory is an ideal way to evaluate underachieving or unmotivated students. CTRS-R:L. Conners’ Rating Scales–Revised (CRS–R) and Conners’ Global Index (CG <p>The clinician-entered WISC-III™ Report 3. ethics. this 2nd edition uses a 12-step concept.<p>Integrating research. pediatricians. diagnosis. psychologists. and CASS:S items on your com <p>The CTONI assessment is an unbiased measure of nonverbal reasoning abilities in individuals for whom most other menta <p>This book teaches parents how to work with a child’s talents and difficulties to help him/her interact more fully in the world. this is a practical guide for mental health profe <p>Anchored both in state-of-the-art developmental research and in clinical experience. parents. integrating substance use disorder and m <p>This three-volume audiotaped series is an excellent way to further your knowledge of DSM-IV™ and managed care. and others working in the school s <p>This popular and comprehensive book provides strategies for evaluating and managing children with behavioral problems. CASS:L. these scales assess the influe <p>This coaching program for adult coaches helps attention-deficient students enhance their time-management skills. this book is both entertaining and educational for both old <p>Based on the BarOn EQ-i® model of emotional intelligence. and depression. and happy. leading specialists in childhood behavioral disorders are joined in discussion by four mo <p>Filled with strategies for parents of ADHD children. and diagnosis of ADHD. Schopick’s down-to-earth approach and ingenious. Perfect for educator tra <p>These methods for managing oppositional-defiant students can help prevent heated confrontations and red-faced displays <p>This well-researched guide is filled with practical advice and good ideas on how to manage threats and other violent events <p>These two manuals provide school psychologists. educators. how to use anatomical prop <p>The NIMS Observational Checklist (NOC) is a workbook for organizing and recording observations of parent-child interactio <p>This self-report examines conventional and deviant sexual behaviors ranging from common sexual disorders and dysfuncti <p>The Paulhus Deception Scales (PDS). and recent case law. formerly known as the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding. and others to consider the ways <p>All parents want their children to be confident. the perspective of Salovey and Mayer has motivated scientists. the Conners’ Rating Scales–Revised (CRS–R) are the result of 30 years of research on child <p>The CRS–R software presents the CPRS-R:L. It also reviews the develop <p>This coauthor of CASS provides parent training information for professionals to help parents of ADHD children. In-depth and u <p>This is a must-have for mental health professionals who give testimony involving the MMPI/MMPI-2. is a 40-item ins <p>The BarOn EQ-i:S™ assessment is designed to measure emotional intelligence when a detailed assessment is not possibl <p>The acclaimed author of Conners’ Rating Scales integrates ADHD assessment. and is suitable for <p>Experts in the field of anxiety share their theoretical perspectives on research and clinical practice. practical suggestions for using C <p>An expert-endorsed treatment standard. provid <p>In this audiotaped ADHD workshop. alcohol/d <p>In this CINDY award-winning video. Dr. one of the firs <p>The authors identify the foundational. symptoms. research. </p> <p>While sexual offenders typically have a personal history of abuse. then explores and critiques the possible t <p>This 2nd edition includes a proven multidisciplinary approach to ADHD diagnosis and treatment. and treatment of ADHD. The Interpretation Guid <p>The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) helps probation officers. and conceptual building blocks of learning success. and <p>Drawing from clinical experience and extensive literature reviews. this is an authoritative work on adolesc <p>Presenting criteria for differentiating between true and false sex-abuse accusations. Conners (author of the Conners’ scales and clinician and researcher for over 30 ye <p>This comprehensive book details the causes. Dr.0 provides an automated interpretation of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Childre <p>The leading choice of experts. the BarOn EQ-i:YV™ inventory measures the level of emotiona . etiology. educators. <p>Today. and perform <p> Provide this resource where teachers congregate—they will learn to recognize behavior disorders. the parent-completed CMDQ was specially designed to save you time when collec <p>Completely restandardized and revised in 1997. counselors. social workers. Wells d <p>Busy teachers and parents will appreciate these tips and powerful strategies for improving attention. CPRS-R:S. diagnosis. develop <p>Novices and experts alike will value Dr. and sequence analysis into systematic guidelines for describing p <p> Based on research in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>As the short form of the SCL-90–Revised. the TOMM assessment is a visual recognition test design <p>Ideal for geriatric populations and primary care settings. cognitions. test anxiety. the DTS assessment is a 17 <p>Although many self-esteem and self-concept assessment products are helpful in measuring an individual’s sense of self. the TOLD-P:3 assessment has <p>The TOMAL assessment is a comprehensive battery designed to measure general and specific memory functions in childre <p>The Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (Non-motor):Revised (TVPS(n-M):R) and the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (non-moto <p>The third edition of the WRAT assessment expands on this effective and popular tool used to measure reading. the BSI™ assessment reflects psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric an <h1>SCID Screen Patient Questionnaire (SSPQ) for Windows®</h1><p>Copublished with the American Psychiatric Associatio <p>Useful in evaluating phobias. Supp <p>This instructional program for preschool-aged children is both educational and rehabilitative. th . the BSI™ assessment reflects psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric an <p>This textbook integreates structural. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Supported by 25 years of rese <p>This instructional program for children in intermediate elementary grades is both educational and rehabilitative.<p>While parents are rating their children using the CRS–R assessment. and one of the most popular tests of spoken language used today. generalized anxiety disorder. profile matching. spelling. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. and behaviors across a <p>The TONI–3 assessment is a major revision of the popular Test of Nonverbal Intelligence. ad <p>The STAI self-report differentiates between the temporary condition of ―State Anxiety‖ and the longstanding quality of ―Trait <p> The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI) assesses specific somatic symptoms. 1982) developed for assessing adult clients with frontal lobe dam <p>This series of 10 pamphlets is designed to give feedback on neuropsychological assessment results and help patients over <p>The MMSE assessment quickly detects and assesses the severity of cognitive impairment and documents an individual’s re <p>The Rehabilitation Checklist (RCL) will help you to accurately determine the needs of clients recovering from injuries and illn <p> Based on extensive theory and research from learning and memory models. and guidelines with case studies. thematic. thirty years of testing and development have shaped the Carroll sc <p>The clinician-completed TDS helps you develop a comprehensive yet concise summary of your client and the course of his <p>The clinician-completed Session Summary helps you to quickly summarize your client’s presentation and the significant eve <p>The MMPI-2 self-report remains the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. physical pr <p>The MTOA assessment is specifically designed to assess verbal and visuospatial learning and memory in older adults ages <p>As the short form of the SCL-90–Revised. panic attacks. self-scored interest inventory designed to be an introduction to career exploration for students an <p>This clinician-completed computer program provides comprehensive interpretive hypotheses. and education for 54 tests including the core an <p>Although similar to the original Tower of London (Shallice. this text helps professionals help pare <p>A systematic guide to assessment. The GORT–4 assessment provides an objective measure of ora <p>This instructional program for children from in kindergarten and primary grades is both educational and rehabilitative. and tr <p> This interpretive aid provides test score corrections based on age. an <p>Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Ability (WRAVMA) provides a Visual-Motor Integration Composite derived from se <p>The Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) are a reliable and valid measure of ADHD symptoms for use with adults <p>The CAADID structured interview aids the process of diagnosing Adult ADHD. It is a norm-referenced measure <p>The MMPI-2 self-report remains the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. and structur <p>With problem-focused chapters. The items are grouped into four subte <p>The widely used GORT-3 has been revised and renormed. The SPAI–C self-report helps clinicians and <p>The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC)—the ―How I Feel‖ questionnaire—contains two 20-item scales meas <p>Proven to be neutral to race and gender. treatment planning. it assists with th <p>The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III™ (MCMI-III™) is a self-report instrument that assesses DSM-IV™-related person <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>Providing a quick and accurate measure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. the TOLD–I:3 a <p>Used to identify children with language disorders and to isolate particular types of disorders. and estimate the severity of autism. behavioral. literature reviews. The interview is divided into Parts I and II. Speaking <p>The MASC assessment is an empirically derived instrument that provides a reliable and valid assessment of anxiety sympto <p>Basic psychological processing disorders involve difficulty understanding or using language and may be revealed in a child' <p>The IDEAS test is a short. it assists with th <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. and skill-based cognitive-behavioral intervention for treating youths <p>The SPAI–C assessment is a 26-item empirically derived self-report inventory. diagnose. the LAMB assessment offers clinicians and re <p>Increase your referrals and revenue with this collection of brief educational leaflets that address a range of topics relevant t <p>A comprehensive 108-item checklist guides you in evaluating the patient with respect to the presenting problem. Supported b <p>The LDDI scale is a reliable and valid norm-referenced inventory composed of six independent scales—Listening. gender. children under 13 could be completing this simple sel <p>The GARS assessment helps identify. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. Cassettes are <p>With this realistic. for using the MMPI-2 assessment as a therapeutic int <h1>The Millon Clinical Inventories: Clinical and Personality Assessment</h1><p>This comprehensive text examines the Millo <h1>BarOn EQ-i® Version 5. little has been written about the psychological underpinnings of emotional intellige . including the rationale behind the resulting changes. and interpersonal relationships for therapists. The SPS <p>The patient-completed Psychological/Psychiatric Status Interview (PPSI) is a computer administration of an initial psycholog <p>This manual provides a step-by-step procedure. A comprehensive manual describes the developm <p>The clinician-completed TD Monitor assists you in systematically monitoring patients receiving chronic neuroleptic maintena <p>This pocket-sized reference conveniently summarizes the main diagnostic categories and scoring codes for the Rorschach <p>Sensitively discusses the subtleties of manners. guided imagery. Includes five clinically successful sec <p>The DAS assessment is a self-report measure of relationship adjustment. communication. comprehensive review of scientific research in EI. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>This newest edition focuses on the latest empirical research and discusses the multitude of studies that have occurred sinc <p>The MMPI-2 Adult Interpretive System. cost-effective. subtext. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>The SCL-90–R® self-report is a brief. enables clinicians to enter T-scores to obtain a comprehensive single scale and con <p>The CASE™ assessment was formulated to identify DSM-IV™ Axis I disorders in less than one third the time required by o <p>A measure that allows individuals to discover their personality structures. An extension of the PS <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. <p>An informative.<p>Problem-solving ability has implications for all areas of life. the Personality Self-Portrait (PSP) illustrates the w <p>SCID–D Revised is the first diagnostic interview specific to the assessment of DSM-IV™ dissociative disorders and acute s <p>Familiarize yourself with the administration. This book addresses key issues such as how EI can be u <p>With the DTREE for Windows® software (Copublished with the American Psychiatric Association). Together. it assists with th <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. and comprehensive measure of symptomatology can now be obtained in a fraction of the usual time <p>The Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report is a 54-item questionnaire written at a fourth grade reading level which evaluates <p>The SET behavioral treatment program is designed to decrease social anxiety. you combine your clinica <p>The GAF Report for Windows® helps assess clients on the DSM-IV™ Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (Axis V). Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. par <p>The Jesness Inventory has long been recognized as a classic measure for assessing personality and delinquent profiles. visual perception. including interpersonal and work-related relationships. with case examples. multidimensional self-report inventory that screens for a broad range of psychologica <p>The Clock Test quickly assesses visual-spatial construction. Guidelines and examples illuminate the nature and p <p>This screening and diagnostic instrument identifies stressful areas in parent/adolescent interactions. a <p>The client-completed Psychological Social History Report for Windows® consists of multiple-choice questions that explore <p>The CISS assessment allows you to effectively measure three major types of coping styles: Task-Oriented. and abstract conceptualization using three s <p>With a systematic probe for symptoms that might otherwise be overlooked. It is an ideal tool for us <p>The NEO Personality Inventory-Revised™ (NEO PI-R™) is a concise measure of 5 major domains of personality. scoring. and interpretation of SCID-D-Revised. M <p>The Holden Psychological Screening Inventory (HPSI) measures three major dimensions of psychopathology—Psychiatric <p>The clinician-completed RIAP4 Plus™ for Windows® assists the clinical psychologist in scoring and interpreting Rorschach <p>Ideal training tapes for detecting dissociative disorders using SCID-D.0 software works with MHS SmartLink™. Includes guidelines on conductin <p>This video tells the ―inside story‖ on DSM-IV™. Emotion-Orient <p>The Chemical Dependency Assessment Profile (CDAP) saves you and your staff valuable time (it takes about 20 minutes to <p> A quick. the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV™ A <p>This practical "how-to" manual describes how to adapt short-term cognitive therapy techniques to more effectively treat pati <p>The MBMD self-report offers a contemporary view of the psychosocial assets and liabilities that may support or interfere wit <p>The Quality of Life Inventory™ (QOLI™) is a brief but comprehensive measure of life satisfaction used to facilitate treatmen <p>This parent-completed screening and diagnostic instrument was developed on the basis that the total stress a parent exper <p>You can use the QLQ self-report to measure the relationship between quality of life and other behaviors. relax your clients while teaching them how to relax. such as physical h <p>This short-term training is suited for clients who suffer from psychological disorders with anxiety components. the HELP Series for Windows® programs are user-friendly and can be administere <p>FAM-III is unique in its ability to provide a multilevel (within-family) assessment of family functioning across seven universal <p>The Canadian Work Preference Inventory (CWPI) is a tool for counsellors to measure five career interests in only 15 to 20 <p>Despite the emphasis on measuring EQ. improve interpersonal skills.0 for Windows®</h1><p>The BarOn EQ-i® Version 5. F <p>Upgraded from an earlier DOS version. and increase th <p>The MMPI-2 self-report remains the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. Practitioners in today’s managed care climate welcome this <p>This new edition of the award-winning original expands on recovered childhood memories. and researchers alike will benefit from these guidelines for the systematic assessment of dissociation a <p>Perfectionism can be a maladaptive personality trait. With PsychManager Lite™ features and termin <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. this book teaches how the frontal lobes enable our complex mental processes. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A . and intervention techniques to explain the co <p>This comprehensive and detailed anger management program is an indispensable resource for clinical and human service <p>This book is the most ambitious effort yet to integrate the empirical approach of John Exner with psychoanalytic theory. score. data surveys. <p>Outlining the theoretical background and practical uses of motivational interviewing (MI). With the SCID II PQ for Windows®. integrity testing. the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) projectiv <p>This book examines impulsive conduct with several new risk assessment tools and contributions from mental health and co <p>This 2nd edition incorporates new research findings about brain-behavior relations. this is the complete set of 10 psycho <p>Designed to reveal an individual’s perception of interpersonal relationships.<p>The PANSS interview is designed to help you assess schizophrenia. New features in <p>This book covers the entire spectrum of practice issues and current knowledge from diagnostic codes. It is fully searchable by d <h1>Clinician’s Thesaurus</h1><p>This 5th edition offers guidelines for shaping raw data into a cogent report. a recognized authority on the MMPI an <p>This textbook integreates structural. personality. neuropsychiatric disorders. standardized evaluation of <h1>Rorshach Psychodianostic Test Plates</h1><p>Printed and published in Switzerland. such as verbal. auditory. clinicians. and interpret behavioral assessment tests for children and teen <p>IPT now includes disorders of behavior. Evolving from the Millon Adolescen <p>This extensive ttext details the traslation and use of the MMPI-2 worldwide. Cas <p>A concise reference for those who want to use the Rorschach with confidence. Develope <p>The Seligman Attributional Sytle Questionnaire (SASQ) identifies how well a person repsonds to adversity and pressure. PsychManager™ combines assessment tools. This authoritative te <p>This book provides insights about the conceptualization and measurement of shame and guilt. This 6th edition includes c <p>The WAIS-III™ is a more sophisticated and complex instrument than its predecessors. thematic. and new test m <p>Ensure that you receive third-party payment for services rendered! This book offers crucial information and advice on the co <p>This 2nd edition addresses the need for psychological testing for treatment planning and outcome assessments. lists guide <p>Trainees. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>The MACI™ assessment is a brief self-report personality inventory with a clinical focus. James Butcher. visual aids. time-limited cognitive therapy.< <p>The 2nd Edition of PCL–R™ is a vital revision to this classic tool. Includes stard <p>As the short form of SCL-90–Revised. New chapters include preparation of the <p>This book fills the gap in research on the aged. <p>Quickly acquire the knowledge you need to administer. It includes 48 skill sheets (less <p>The leading source of training for clinicians interested in using thematic apperception techniques. co <p>This practical reference contains concise. this book profile <p>This book contains exercises. PeoplePro™ consolidates basic information about clients with c <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. stress analysis forms. MHS SmartLink™ uses the latest technological advances to provide you with a c <p>This is a valuable case-management tool for anyone in the corrections field. this book is ideal for the beginner or experie <p>Your professional and personal organizer. their phenomenology. This volume focuses on how and why the negative aspects of perfecti <p>The Campbell Interest and Skill Survey is a contemporary survey that measures self-reported interests and skills. patient and practitioner informatio <p>Copublished with the American Psychiatric Association. practice guidelines. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>This book is ideally suited for the critical task of treatment planning. Each medication category list <p>This revised theoretical framework moves from a learning theory biosocial framework to a more evolutionary model. This book is an authoritative source <p>With strategies on how to modify the character traits that keep your clients from reaching their full potential. numerical. behavioral. An exp <p>The Electronic DSM-IV-TR™ Plus is Windows®-based and contains unabridged hyperlinked text. <p>Your single source for client management. and supplants its predecessor as the mandatory tool for a <p>The VIP self-report provides a general assessment of response style and identifies when an individual’s assessments have <p>The CAB is a series of tests designed to measure abilities relevant to job performance. and th <p>In many settings use this curriculum to teach social skills to groups of schizophrenia clients. and mood. and interpret the neuropsychological tests that will help you id <p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. and sequence analysis into systematic guidelines for describing p <p>Filled with case histories and anecdotes. easy-to-use tables comparing drugs within a class. the BSI™ assessment reflects psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and m <p>This revision presents an ideal treatment approach for crises in focused. clients can respond to the pers <p>For use by human resource professionals and consultants. an <p>This economical stopwatch has a large LCD digital readout and accurately measures to 1/100th of a second. score. this revised and expanded second <p>Quickly get the knowledge to confidently administer. including normative data and research studies. The authors discuss all the measures that detect and discriminate among c <p>This book fills the need for an accessible overview of neuropsychological tests and techniques. It provides a broad-based. The language has been up <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. self-report inventory designed to assess adolescent personality characteristics including <p>The CAARS V. The language has been up <h1>MMPI-2 Forensic Interpretive Reports</h1><p>This report is a tailored forensic report designed to help you make the inter <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. The language has been up <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. The language has been up <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. report. The language has been up <p>The MMPI-2 self-report remains the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. it assists with th <p>The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III™ (MCMI-III™) is a self-report instrument that assesses DSM-IV™-related person <p>The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III™ (MCMI-III™) is a self-report instrument that assesses DSM-IV™-related person <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. The SCBE rating measures soc <p>The newly revised editon of the Slosson Intelligence Test–Revised remains a quick and reliable individual screening test of <p>This video series. so does your need to keep up with the latest developments. and those who work with the mentally ill to predict the frequency <p>Valuable details on the MMPI-2 restandardization and its content and supplementary scales. The language has been up <p>The MMPI-2 self-report remains the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. What better source <p>The MMPI-2 self-report remains the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. it assists with th <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. It details interpretive procedur <p>A significant revision of the original BHI. and i <p>The Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale™ (PDS™) is a brief screening and diagnostic instrument that helps assess the <p>The GAMA™ is a brief. and store information for o <p>The QUICKVIEW™ Social History is an extensive paper-and-pencil psychosocial inventory that assists in standardizing the <p>Measure how preschoolers are adjusting to and functioning within the school environment. judges.5 for Windows™ software combines the reliability and validity of the CAARS paper-and-pencil forms with the <p>The MICROTEST Q™ Assessment System Software will accurately and efficiently score. Many aspects of MMPI have been preserved in MMPI-A <p>The MAPI™ assessment is a brief.0 has been completely renorm <p>In recent years. The language has been up <p>The Jesness Inventory has long been recognized as a classic measure for assessing personality and delinquent profiles. societal concerns over the dramatic rise in juvenile crime—especially violent crime—has reaffirmed the imp <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale.<p>MMPI-A™ is the first version of MMPI™ designed for adolescents. has been designed as a first-stage intervention <p>This book is an innovative approach for clinicians. BHI 2 provides objective and reliable information to healthcare professionals. The language has been up <p>Heightened interest in mood states and mood changes has increased the need for a brief and economical method of asses <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. it assists with th <p>As research in the field of attention grows. F . which is based on successful psychoeducational classes. nonverbal measure of intelligence that was normed on a census-based sample of 2360 adults. The language has been up <p>The 16PF® Fifth Edition adds a number of enhancements to this widely used personality scale. The <p>This restandardized and updated version of the highly popular and effective Conners' CPT 3. gif MSC.gif SAR.gif HDI.gif MLL.gif BCL.gif VRT.gif CHI.gif IRH.gif EOF.gif PCL.gif CAT.ImagePath LSI.gif JSO.gif YCA.gif JES.gif .gif HFP.gif IEQ.gif EIT.gif PTG.gif CDI.gif ASD.gif PS5.gif EQE.gif PSM.gif EQI.gif HSG.gif CST.gif POC.gif CPT.gif BGM.gif WEI.gif PRL.gif PCC.gif FMH.jpg CLM.gif RSO.gif WCN.gif PSO. gif FIT.gif PCLYV.gif .gif KPT.gif MACI.gif EQ3.PFN.gif WCS. gif VCM.gif AAP.gif BCP.gif WVS.gif RAS.gif .gif HOF.gif LBS.gif LOP.CSP.gif CCH.gif ASV.gif CPP.gif WILLIAMS PEC.gif CRT.gif IIB.gif CSC.gif ANG.gif EEW.gif DAP.gif TRO.gif AFV.gif CIE.gif AYO.gif CCM.gif VAT.gif ASS. gif RMR.gif ADH.gif ANX2.gif PAD.gif PRO.gif CAD.gif MAC.gif ALD.gif CRS.gif CSQ.gif .gif DTL.gif UCB.CRV.gif CMR.gif ABC.gif AAS.gif WIS.gif AAD.gif EQS.gif PCP.gif TDA.gif CBT.gif PSG.gif TFB.gif AMP.gif YLS.gif NIM.gif OBM.gif EDE.gif CTO.gif CLE.gif STM.gif LDC.gif EQY.gif ADB.gif PMT.gif PDX.gif HEA.gif DDS.gif DCR.gif PTT.gif FEJ. gif IER.gif RHC.gif ICP.gif MTO.gif MAS.gif LAM.gif ISS.gif TLP.gif LDD.gif NES.gif .gif MMS.gif BSI.gif TOM.gif GRT.gif DTS.gif CDS.gif ICP.gif WRV.gif SSP.gif SPA.gif TML.gif EMA.gif GAR.gif IPS.gif REH.GIF CAA.gif STA.gif TVP.gif WRA.gif TON.gif STC.gif TOL.gif CAI.gif PPT.gif TLD.FAC. gif SIP.gif HPS.gif QLQ.gif CAE.gif SCB.gif PSI.gif PSP.gif NEO.gif DTR.SPS.gif WHA.gif SA4.gif SCD.gif PSH.gif DAS.gif GAF.gif RIA.gif SAS.gif CIS.gif FAM.gif .gif JIR HEL.gif SCV.gif WIF.gif SET.gif CLO.gif IBC.gif PPS.gif EIE.gif TDM. gif UNK.gif DOP.gif PDR.gif CMP.gif SNG.gif SASQ.gif PER.gif PSB.gif EWA.PAN.gif SHR.gif STO.gif AGG.gif PPO.gif CAM.gif CHP.gif .gif CNT.gif CRI.gif SMT.gif CLT.gif IMP.gif SST.gif HAD.gif AMN.gif PC2.gif CGI.gif TAB.gif CBS.gif PGC.gif EDM.gif EOB.gif ESR.gif TEB.gif UPT.gif MIH. gif RRA.SIT.gif JAD.gif APS.gif JIR . monitors. criminal.ShortDes A comprehensive risk/needs assessment for offender treatment planning and placement A tool to assess psychopathy and manage risk for antisocial. ethical issues. and treating juvenile sexual abusers An aid to criminal justice professionals for predicting the likelihood of domestic violence A parent/teacher rating scale that detects antisocial processes in young populations. balanced summary of the research in and theory about the biological determinants of criminal behavior An Illustration of the principles of conducting forensic mental health assessments . and documents psychotherapy or psychiatric intervention progress A psychometrically sound coping measure used with a broad range of health problems and illnesses An assessment of the impact of a patient’s illness from multiple perspectives Provides interpretive guidelines for neuropsychological tests Useful in MMPI-2 interpretation Guide for new MMPI-2 users A measurement of the impact of various injuries and trauma A 185-item questionnaire to measure the whole of human personality A tool for clinicians who evaluate and treat criminal psychopaths Insight into issues associated with assessing troubled youths A discussion of forensic mental health concerns with test yourself questions Source book for the study and application of forensic psychology An examination of research findings in prediction and intervention in keeping with the psychiatric/clinical psychological tradition A thorough. and case examples Clearly explains complex concepts for criminal justice and mental health communities A comprehensive look at understanding. A rating scale to help assess for Asperger Syndrome A client-completed software program that allows you to use your desktop or notebook computer for neuropsychological screeni A measure of depressive symptoms in youths An indispensable reference for neuropsychologists Assessment software to help identify attention problems and to measure treatment effectiveness Concise measure of personality for adolescents Screening tool to help identify adolescents at risk for suicide Discussion of various aspects of psychopathology A measure of emotional intelligence A parent and teacher rating scale designed to assess executive functioning in a youth’s home and school environments Group sessions that teach male participants to monitor and understand their emotions Describes Emotional Intelligence and provides steps for the reader to follow to improve their EI A description of how the Emotional Intelligence of leaders influences others An exploration of Emotional Intelligence in the corporate world A personality classification system for delinquent and conduct-disordered youths and adults Gudeline for prevention and treament of domestic violence Essential resources for professionals interested in learning more about applications and research in emotional intelligence Answers to many questions about psychopaths and psychopathology A collection of research that examines 5 topics of psychopathy A test that assesses. and violent behavior A concice approach to managing anger An aid for organizing homework sessions Brochures to educate parents on high-risk adolescent behaviors A brief videotape on the DSM-IV™ Assesses psychopathic (antisocial) personality disorders An ability-based masure of emotional intelligence Reviews of competency measures. assessing. 0) is an outcome measurement tool that yields a profile of scores on eight health The Millon Behavioral Health Inventory (MBHI™) assesses psychological coping factors related to adult physical health care Helps identify the psychological and psychosocial factors that may interfere with a patient’s normal course of recovery from an i Mail-in scoring service for Millon Behavioral Health Inventory (MBHI™) assessments Mail-in Scoring for the Alcohol Use Inventory The Microtest Q™ program of the Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI™) helps identify patterns of behaviour. an empirically-based measure of adolescent psychopathology Screens for substance dependency Mail-in scoring for MMPI-A.and cost-efficient screening tool to help identify the psychological factors that may be delaying a medical patient's recov Gives research and case examples for using the Millon Inventories in forensic assessment Provides a 360-degree perspective of an individual's EQ Assesses people's aptitude for executive positions Measures visual-perceptual and visual-motor abilities 185-item questionnaire designed to measure the whole of human personality The Battery for Health Improvement (BHI™) helps identify psychological and psychosocial factors that may interfere with a pati The Battery for Health Improvement (BHI™) helps identify psychological and psychosocial factors that may interfere with a pati The Millon Behavioral Health Inventory (MBHI™) assesses psychological coping factors related to adult physical health care An occupational interest inventory for both college-bound and noncollege bound individuals Microtest Q™ assesment software Audiotapes accompanying the Battery for Health Improvement (BHI™) to help identify psychological and psychosocial factors t Mail-in scoring service for the Battery for Health Improvement (BHI™) helps identify psychological and psychosocial factors tha The Battery For Health Improvement (BHI™) Microtest Q™ software helps identify psychological and psychosocial factors that The mail-in version of the Career Assessment Inventory™. attitudes.A tool for clinical neuropsychologists involved in forensic practice Assessment of antisocial traits in youths A personality assessment tool for children Audiocassette to accompany the MMPI-A. an empirically-based measure of adolescent psychopathy Mail-in scoring for MACI. an occupational interest inventory for both college-bound and nonco The Microtest Q™ version of the Career Assessment Inventory™ occupational interest inventory for both college-bound and no A brief self-report personality inventory with a strong clinical focus The Battery for Health Improvement (BHI™) helps identify psychological and psychosocial factors that may interfere with a pati A self-report that helps identifypatterns of behaviour. and symptoms Assessment soctware to help identify attention problems and measurement of treatment effectiveness in young children Helps parents improve socialization of children with Asperger Syndrome Search and sequencing tasks to evaluate central nervous system compromise Designed to assess personality characteristics of both typical and troubled teens asdf Assesses perseveration and abstract thinking DSM-IV-TR and books for use with the guidelines . a brief self-report personality inventory with a strong clinical focus Measures visual-perceptual and visual-motor abilities A time. attitudes. and symptoms associated with alcohol use and abuse The Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ™ 20) is an outcome measurement tool that yields a profile of scores on eight health att The Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ™ 20) is an outcome measurement tool that yields a profile of scores on eight health att Audiotapes that accompany the Millon Behavioral Health Inventory (MBHI™) to assess psychological coping factores related to Aids in identifying children who have Asperger Disorder <p>The Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ 2. the SSPQ–X assessment is a comprehens Introductory text about corrections and justice in Canada Helps change adults' and children's outlooks The SSPQ assessment is a brief self-report vesion of the SCID for Axis I disorders. an assessment designed to assess personality characteristics of both typical and troubled tee A 119-item relf-report DSM-IV Axis II questionnaire The SSPQ assessment is a brief self-report vesion of the SCID for Axis I disorders. incorporating biological and psychological perspectives A review of the knowledge and best practice for mental health and corrections professionals Case studies that provide idiographic portraits of violent offenders Expert guidance for using RET to help your clients overcome anger Guidance and information about using MMPI-2 A review of many of the facts and theories of anger An account of the inner workings of aggressive and psychopathic personalities A summary of articles for those who work with antisocial children and adolescents A commentary on the social environment that leads boys astray Explicit guidelines about the role and limits of expert testimony A review of what has been learned about the revised MMPI-2 An overview of the author’s Structural Summary approach to MMPI-A interpretation and literature review A description and discussion of numerous issues in criminal psychopathology A discussion of the utility and limitations of psychological assessments in the juvenile justice system . Describes the MMPI-2 Content Scales and their use An Axis I interview driver for clinicians Numourous tests and tools for eliciting reliable information from both children and parents A significant contribution to the literature of law enforcement intelligence An explanation of the deficiencies of psychiatric and psychological evidence Typical ploys used by attorneys to draw information in forensic court psychology Empirically driven approaches to the clinical evaluation of violence An Update for forensic professionals on how the law conceptualizes insanity and key issues surrounding insanity evaluations A description of the roles and limits of expert testimony in child abuse cases A detailed overview of psychological knowledge and its forensic applications An aid to improve practitioners’ interviewing skills Current knowledge and best practice in the rehabilitation and treatment of offenders Addresses therapeutic work. the SSPQ–X assessment is a comprehens Measures emotional intelligence Teaches emotional management skills French translations of Parenting Stress Index Discusses issues in evaluation for courts Explores MMPI-2 and MMPI-A interpretive strategies French translations of Parenting Stress Index Audiocassette to accompany BSI.Mail-in scoring service for MAPI. An easy-to-use and useful projection technique clinical tool. an assessment designed to reflect psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and menta Forensic interpertive report for MMPI-2 6 pamphlets summarizing symptoms and interventions. the SSPQ–X assessment is a comprehens The SSPQ assessment is a brief self-report vesion of the SCID for Axis I disorders. dietary supplements. the standard in ADHD assessment for children A measure of nonverbal reasoning abilities Stratgies to help parent's of children with asperger syndrome and high-level functioning autism to improve social functioning A measure of language. alcohol/drug abuse. diagnosis. anger. behavior. research. Conners (author of the Conners’ scales and clinician and researcher for over A comprehensive reference book detailing the causes. and performance in ADHD students An essential resource for teachers dealing with behavior disorders. and diagnosis of ADHD An ADHD resource book featuring discussion of controversial treatments such as diets.A practical guide for mental health professionals interested in applying their training and knowledge to criminal responsibility as An authoritative work on adolescent assessment for the courts Protocols are delineated for common types of sexual perpetrators and victims A 12-step concept that integrates substance use disorder and mental health treatments A DSM-IV™ audiotape series A program that motivates sexual offenders to take responsibility for their actions A measure of functioning and behavior disorders in mentally handicapped and autistic individuals and those requiring special e A set of guidelines for assessing children and adolescents with ADHD An essential resource for individuals interested in learning about the nature. and An award-winning video to help parents with ADHD children. and treatment of specific DSM-IV™ childhood-onset anxiety d An essential resource for professionals dealing with social phobia A measure that determines the impact of life events and change in a young person’s personal development A coaching tool for adults to assist attention-deficit students in enhancing their organizational and study skills. attention. and EEG/biofeed A parent training audiotape series for professionals helping parents of ADHD children A collection of tips and strategies for improving attention. assessment. An audiotape with practical suggestions for using Conners’ CPT and explaining the results clients A parent-completed form designed to collect information about clients before an ADHD assessment The 1989 version of the Conners’ Rating Scales–Revised (CRS–R). sexual abuse. symptoms. Guide and preparation for providing court testimony A guide for the assessment of rehabilitation needs Videotape that describes the roles of professional and child witnesses in sexual abuse cases Video and manual that teach best interviewing practices Workbook for recording parent-child interactions A method for documenting past sexual behaviors as a means to assess respondent’s risk to others and the likelihood of treatm A measure of the tendency to give socially desirable responses A quick measure of emotional intelligence This essential resource by the author of the CRS-R includes information on the assessment. An essential resource to help parents of ADHD children A self-report inventory used to identify underachieving or unmotivated students A collection of theoretical perspectives on the diagnosis. ADHD. which was restandardized in 1997 A computer program to assist in interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III A comprehensive assessment of psychopathology and problem behavior and the standard in ADHD assessment in children an A computerized version of the CRS-R. and treatment of ADHD An audiotaped ADHD workshop conducted by Dr. depression. and motor abilities A collection of empirically supported approaches to dealing with alcohol and other drug problems A computerized diagnostic interview based on the DSM-IV™ An educator training tool that teaches strategies for improving academic outcomes and classroom management An educator training tool that teaches strategies for neutralizing and redirecting even the worst classroom tyrants An educator training tool that provides strategies on how to manage threats and other violent events occuring in schools An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children Grades 1-6 and 7-12 A guide to evaluating and managing children with behavioral problems for educators An essential resource for professionals encorporating emotional intelligence into their educational programs A guide to teaching social and emotional skills. and depression A self-report emotional intelligence test for children and adolescents . etiology. and treatment of ADHD. A self-help program for managing anxiety. an assessment designed to reflect psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and mental patients Describes Rorschach interpretation Helps distinguish between malingered and true memory impairments Questionnaires that measure depressive symptom severity Summarizes client treatment course Helps summarize client presentation and session events In-depth measure of adult psychopathology An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology A quick. accurate measure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms Measures internalized shame and the negative response patterns that result from it . spelling. and interpersonal relations. trait anxiety. A measure of verbal and visuospatial learning and memory performance in older adults Mail-in scoring for BSI. mental status. physical presentation. motor-reduced measure of intelligence In-depth measure of adult psychopathology Designed to assess DSM-IV™-related personality disorders and clinical syndromes An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology Designed to reflect psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and medical patients SCID questionnaires for DSM-IV™ Axis I and II disorders A measure of state anxiety. and arithmetic and to measure development of basic academic codes A composite assessment of Visual-Motor abilities A multidimensional adult ADHD assessment instrument A two-part structured interview that aids in diagnosing ADHD adults A measure of two distinct anxiety concepts A self-report inventory to assess social anxiety and fear A language-free. and perception of situational threat A set of score corrections for popular tests Assesses executive planning and higher-order problem-solving A pamphlet set to educate patients with neuropsychological difficulties Assesses cognitive functioning in adults Helps determine the needs of clients recovering from injuries and illness Assesses both specificity and sensitivity to diverse memory problems Educational leaflets for rehabilitation psychology Helps evaluate presenting problems.An emotional and behavior assessment for children A tool to aid in identifying autism A tool for assessing children's and young adult's understanding of written language A program to improve problem-solving skills for primary school-aged children A program to improve problem-solving skills for preschool-aged children A program to improve problem-solving skills for intermediate grade school-aged children A rating scale designed to identify intrinsic processing disorders in children and adolescents A self-report questionnaire that assesses the major dimensions of anxiety in young persons Rating scale to measure psychological processing An introductory career exploration inventory A tool to provide MMPI-A interpretive hypotheses A text to help professionals help parents understand and manage childhood problems A guide to assessing and treating youths with obsessive-compulsive disorder An inventory to detect and assess social anxiety and phobia A self-report measure of two distinct anxiety concepts in children A test to detect strengths and deficiencies in basic spoken language ability A test to detect and isolate children’s language disorders A comprehensive battery designed to measure general and specific memory functions in children and adolescents A test of visual-perceptual skills for children and young adults Tests to pinpoint learning disabilities in reading. Assesses an individual’s problem-solving style and ability to generate solutions A computer administration of an initial psychological/psychiatric interview Describes use of the MMPI-2 assessment Books about the MCMI and other Millon Clinical Inventories Measures emotional intelligence A brief self-report assessment of psychiatric symptomatology. and depression Assists the clinical psychologist in scoring and interpreting Rorschach results An audiotape series to assist in detecting dissociative disorders Identifies stressful areas in parent-adolescent interactions An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology Research using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory Provides MMPI-2 configurable interpretation A comprehensive test of acute psychopathology in the elderly A self-report instrument designed to illustrate personality styles A diagnostic interview specific to the assessment of DSM-IV™ dissociative disorders An audiotape to assist in the use of the SCID-D revised A videotape series on the DSM-IV™ classification system Obtain a detailed assessment of normal personality Suggestions for implementing EI into everyday life Software that assists in diagnosing DSM-IV™ Axis I disorders Helps to assess clients on the DSM-IV™ GAF Scale A computerized psychological intake interview Used to effectively measure three types of coping styles Documents details about your client’s drug and alcohol use A brief assessment of symptomatology across nine psychiatric domains Assesses individuals’ ability to adapt to and be satisfied with their social roles Program to decrease social phobia and improve interpersonal skills In-depth measure of adult psychopathology An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology A brief self-report inventory designed to screen for a broad range of psychological problems and symptoms Helps differentiate between normal elderly and those suffering from dementia A face-to-face. self-image. social symptomatology. paper-and-pencil diagnostic interview for major DSM-IV disorders Helps adapt therapy techniques to help those with personality disorders Offers a contemporary view of the psychosocial assets and liabilities that may support or interfere with a patient’s course of me A brief inventory to help measure life satisfaction that can also be used to help measure outcomes Identifies parent-child problem areas Assesses quality of life indicators An audiotaped relaxation training program An audiotape of relaxation techniques A self-report measure of relationship adjustment Assists in generating a diagnosis and classifying the course of the movement disorder A pocket-sized quick scoring guide Social Skills Help for Adults with ADHD: A Reader-Friendly Guide A personality classification system for delinquent and conduct-disordered youths and adults A series of computer-assisted therapy programs that can help clients improve their assertiveness. stress tolerance. Provides a multilevel (within family) assessment of family functioning A vocational assessment that measures five career interests Describes EI concepts and research . and location charts A widely used projective assessment An essential reference to impulsive conduct A reference guide to neuropsychological assessments An essential resource for neuropsychologists An overview of neuropsychological assessments and techniques A guide to administering. A guide to use to the Rorschach A concise reference for users of the Rorschach PsychManager™ and PsychManager Lite™ organize your practice into files and folders. PeoplePro consolidates information about clients with results from h An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology Audiotape to accompany the MACI. allowing you to access patient. LCD digital stopwatch. enhanced client-searching cap A valuable case management tool for corrections professionals. Audiocassette to accompany BSI. Correction Manager combines the features of PsychManager™ An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology . a brief self-report personality inventory with a strong clinical focus Describes international use of MMPI-2 Assesses psychopathic (antisocial) personality disorders Provides a general assessment of responses and is designed to measure malingering Measures abilities relevant to job performance MHS Professional Tool Suite with SmartLink offers instantaneous scoring and report generation. practiti A 119-item self-report DSM-IV™ Axis II questionnaire For use by human resource professionals and consultants.A 30-symptom rating scale for assessing schizophrenia Psychodiagnostic test plates. recording blanks. an assessment designed to reflect psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and menta An authoritative text that addressses emerging concerns in crisis intervention A reference guide to shame and guilt A social skills teaching tool An essential resource for practitioners using thematic apperception techniques An authoritative resource on the use of the WAIS-III A resource to help individuals understand their personality A stress management training tool An indispensable resource for clinical settings. scoring and interpreting behavioral assessments An indispensable resource in today's managed care environment A new edition of the award-winning orginal A guide to selecting appropriate outcome measures assessments An indispensable resource on treatment planning and outcome assessments Guidelines for the assessment of dissociation and PTSD A reference guide to perfectionism A vocational survey that measures and cross-references self-reported interests and skills A questionnaire that determines a person's attributional style. scoring and interpreting neuropsychological assessments An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology Helps in planning MMPI-2 treatment Describes Rorschach interpretation A comprehensive text on brain functioning A practical reference for clinicians A reference guide to personality disorders A convienent tool for users of the DSM-IV™ A Thesaurus for use by mental health practitioners A reference guide for mental health practitioners A handbook for motivational interviewing practitioners and trainees A guide to administering. 5th Ed. an assessment designed to assess DSM-IV™-related personality disorders and clinica Mail-in scoring service for MCMI-III. Uses 16PF® items to assess relationship issues Audiocassette to accompany MMPI-2. an assessment designed to assess DSM-IV™-related personality disorders and clinical syn Uses 16PF® items to assess relationship issues Forensic interpertive report for MMPI-2 Uses 16PF® items to assess relationship issues Uses 16PF® items to assess personal and career strengths Mail-in scoring service for MMPI-2. Uses 16PF® items to assess human resources development issues Uses 16PF® items to assess personal and career strengths Assessment that measures affective mood state fluctuation Uses 16PF® items to assess human resources development issues A personality classification system for delinquent and conduct-disordered youths and adults . an in-depth measure of adult psychopathology French translation of 16PF.An empirically based measure of adolescent psychopathology Audiocassette for use with MAPI. an in-depth measure of adult psychopathology Audiocassettes to accompany MCMI-III. nonverbal test that provides an estimate of an individual’s general intellectual ability Assessment software that helps identify attention problems and measures treatment effectiveness A parent/teacher rating scale that detects antisocial processes in young populations. 5th Ed. French translation of 16PF. an assessment designed to assess personality characteristics of both typical and troubled tee Software to assess ADHD in adults Microtest Q™ software annual maintenance fees An extensive psychological inventory that assists in standardizing the collection of client information in major areas A measure of social competence and behavior in preschool children A quick. reliable measure of intelligence A program formulated to help individuals dealing with an eating disorder Helps predict violence risk among mentally disordered people Useful in MMPI-2 interpretation Battery For Health Improvement 2 (BHI 2)helps identify the psychological and psychosocial factors that may interfere with a pat Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS™) assess the presence and symptom severity of posttraumatic stress disorder A brief. an in-depth measure of adult psychopathology A journal publishing research about attention disorders Mail-in scoring service for MMPI-2. Intermediate (9–14) 7–17 na 6 and older 11–22 na na 16 and older 5–18 Males 14 and older na na na 8 and older na na na na Parents of children aged 4–19.Ages 16 and older 13 and older na na na na 18 years and older 17 and older na na na na 6–13 5–18 Adult (15 and older). 14 and older 18 and older 18 and older na na na 18 and older 16 and older na na na na na na na . na 12–18 7–12 14–18 Adult and adolescent versions 14–18 13–19 4–10 17–76 na 16 and older Adult 4–10 16 and older 18–65 18–65 18 and older 15 and older n/a 18–65 18–65 16–65 15 and older 15 and older 13–19 18–65 16 and older 14 and older 14 and older 18 and older 3–22 14 and older 18 and older 18–65 18 and older 16 and older 16 and older 4–5 na 11 to 74 13–19 asdf 6–89 na . 13–19 18 and older 18 and older 18 and older na na 18 and older 16 and older na Parents of children aged 1 month to 12 years na na Parents of children aged 1 month to 12 years 13 and older 18 and older na 18 and older na 18 and older na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na . 6–12 (CLES-C). and 13–19 (CLES-A) na na 3–17 3–17 3–13 3–17 (Self-report for 12–17 year olds) 3–17 (Self-report for 12–17 year olds) 6–90 na Primary: 3– na na na na na 3–18 na na na 12–17 na na na Males 18 and older 16 and older 16 and older na na na na na na na na na 14 and older na na 5 and under (CLES-P). Adult: 16–79 na 6–17 na na na na na na na na 7–18 . and adults n/a 18 and over 20–80 na 17 and older 55–84 years 13 and older na 16–84 na na 18 and older 14–18 14–18 18 and older 13 and older .12-18 5–75 3–17 18 and older 18 and older 15 and older 14 and older 6–90 18 and older 18 and older 14–18 13 and older 18 and older adolescents. adolescents.6–13 3–22 6–18 kindergarten and primary grades preschool aged intermediate elementary grades 8–17 8–19 kindergarten to fifth grade sixth grade and older 14–18 na na 8–14 6–14 8–12 4–8 5–19 4–13. and the elderly n/a Children. adults. adolescents. 13–17 10 and older 15 and older na . 18 and older.13 and older na na na 16 and older 14 and older 5 to 70 na Parents of adolescents aged 11–19 14–18 na 18 and older 55–90 18 and older na na na 17 years and older na 18 and older 18 and older 17 and older Adolescent (13–18) and Adult (18+) 16 years of age and older 13 and older 17 and older 18 and older 18 and older 14–18 14–18 14–18 13 and older 65 and older 18 and older na 18 and older 18 years and older Parents of children aged 1 month to 12 years 18 and older na na Adults na na na 8 and older Adults. 18 and older na na na na na na na 14–18 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 15 and older 14 and older na 13 and older na na na na na na na na na na na 18 and older na 14–18 13–19 na 18 years and older 18 to 69 Adolescent and adult na na 14–18 . 5–6 4–65 young adult to adult na na 18–65 17–65 18 and older 6 and older 6–13 16 and older 18 and older 18 and older 18 and older 16 and older 18 and older 16 and older 16 and older 18 and older na 18 and older 16 and older 16 and older 16 and older 16 and older 18 years and older 16 and older 8 and older .14–18 13–19 18 and older n/a 16 years and older 2. observer rating. Parent Rating.AdminType Structured interview. professional rating na na na Self-report Self-report na na na na na na na . Teacher Rating na Self-completed performance measure Self-Report Self-report na Self-report Parent/Teacher Rating Group sessions na na na Self-report na na na na Parent-report and Self-report Self-report Self-report. Expert Rating form Assessor-completed na na na na Structured interview and Expert Rating Form Client-completed na na na Clinician-completed Parent/Teacher Rating Observer rating Client-completed Self-report. na structured interview and Expert Rating Form Individual Self-Report Self-report Self-Report Self-report Individual Self-report na Self report (BarOn EQ-i®) and multirater-report (EQ-360™) Self-report Individual Self-report Self-Report Self-Report Self-report Self-report n/a Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-Report Self-report Self-report. Telephone Interview Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-completed performance measure na Individual Self-report asdf Individual na . Personal Interview. interview Self-report Parent or professional completed Self-report. interview Self-report. Self-report Client-completed Computerized self-report Computerized self-report na na Computerized self-report Self-report Video Parent-completed na na Parent-completed Self-report Self-report na Client completed na Clinician-completed na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na . and Adolescent Self-report Professionally completed Parent and Teacher Rating. and Adolescent Self-report Professionally administered na Professionally administered na Parent Rating and Self-report for Children/Adolescents na na na na na na na na Self-report . Assisted Self-report (5 and under) na na Parent-completed Parent and Teacher na na na na na Individual na na na Semi-structured interview na na Completed by professional Self-report Self-report Self-report na na na na na na na na na Self-report na na Self-report (6–19). and Adolescent Self-report Parent and Teacher Rating. Self-report Self-report Self-report Individual Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report or interview driver Self-report na Individual na Individual Individual Individual na clinician-completed Individual Self-report na Individual Self-report clinician-completed clinician-completed Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report . or a professional Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Self-report Teacher rating Self-report Clinician completed na na Self-report Self-report Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Professionally completed Self-report and/or observer rating Clinical interview.Self-report Rated by parent. teacher. family rating Self-report na .Self-report Client-completed na na Self-report Self-report Clinician-completed na Parent-completed Self-report na Clinician enters T-scores Individual or Group Self-report Interview na na Self-report or observer na Interview Clinician-completed Client-completed Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Group and individual sessions Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Individual Interview na Self-report Self-report Parent-completed Self-report na na Individual or Couple clinician-completed na na Self-report Self-report Self-report. 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Self-report Self-report Self-report and/or observer rating software Clinician-completed Teacher rating Individual Individual na na Self-report Self-report Timed Self-Report Self-completed performance measure Parent/Teacher Rating Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report na Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report Self-report . up to 95 minutes for impaired clients 10–30 minutes na 14 minutes 55 minutes 10 minutes (30 items) na 30 minutes 10–15 minutes 24. 2-hour sessions (CALM).5–2 hours.5–2-hour sessions administered once or twice a week (CALMER) na na na 20–30 minutes na na na na 10–15 minutes 10–15 minutes 10 minutes per form na na na 10 minutes 35–50 minutes na na na na na na na . collateral review.AdminTime 30–45 minutes 10–15 minutes na na na na Interview section. 1. 1 hour 30–45 minutes na na na na na 10–15 minutes 30–40 minutes. 1. 8. 1.5 minutes na 5 to 12 minutes 20–30 minutes (150 items asdf na na .5–2 hours. collateral interview section. 1 hour 45 minutes 45–60 minutes 15 minutes 45–60 minutes 30 minutes (160 items) na 12–15 minutes na 30 minutes per questionnaire 50–60 minutes na 35 to 50 minutes 30–40 minutes 30–40 minutes 20 minutes (150 items) 40 minutes n/a 25–40 minutes 25–40 minutes 25–40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 30 minutes (160 items) 30–40 minutes 35–60 minutes (228 items) 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 20 minutes (150 items) 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 20 minutes (150 items) 30–40 minutes 20 minutes (150 items) 35–60 minutes (228 items) 35–60 minutes (228 items) 7. 20–30 minutes (150 items) 30–45 minutes Approximately 20 minutes Approximately 20 minutes na na Approximately 20 minutes 30 minutes 75 minutes per tape 20–30 minutes na na 20–30 minutes 8–10 minutes (53 items) 60–90 minutes na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na . 5–10 minutes 1 hour na 15 minutes–2. 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MASC-10 5 minutes 30 minutes na 45–60 minutes na na 20–30 minutes 20 minutes 30–60 minutes 1 hour 45 minutes 10–20 minutes 15–40 minutes 5–10 minutes per subtest 10–15 minutes 90 minutes each part 10 minutes 20–30 minutes 5–20 minutes 60–90 minutes 25 minutes (175 items) 45–60 minutes (478 items) BSI: 8–10 minutes (53 items). 5 minutes na na 60–90 minutes 45–60 minutes (478 items) 45–60 minutes (478 items) 10 minutes 15 minutes . 20 minutes. BSI 18 4 minutes na 15–20 minutes CDS–R. Brief CDS. 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Mail-in Mail-in scoring Mail-in scoring Paper-and-pencil. Mail-in scoring Mail-in scoring Hand-scoring. Mail-in Hand-scoring. Mail-in. Mail-In Scoring Service Computer n/a Computer scoring and mail-in scoring service Paper-and-pencil Paper-and-pencil na na na Hand Scoring. mail-in scoring service Hand-scoring. Mail-in scoring service Hand-scoring. Mail-in scoring Hand-scoring. Mail-In Scoring and Computer Scoring Hand Scoring. Mail-in scoring service Hand-scoring. Online Mail-in scoring 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Software Computer Scoring.Handscore. Computer Scoring Hand Scoring and Computer Scoring computer paper-and-pencil Hand-scoring. Mail-in scoring Mail-in scoring service Hand-scoring. Mail-in scoring service Hand-scoring. Mail-in scoring service na Hand-scoring. Caruso.D. Cattell.D.D.D. Peter K. Thomas Grisso. & John D.D.D.. Reid Meloy.. First. Hare. M.D.. Linda Laatsch.D. Ph.. Jesness. & Vicki Grisim.D. Ph. Roberts. Karen Cattell.D.D. Erik Simonsen. Endler. Geoffrey R. King.D. J. Ph. Ph. Ph. Edited by Albert R. Ph.D. Ph. Paul J. Peter Salovey. BCD Peg Dawson. Glen D.D. M.D J. Book. John D. Hare. Ph. Hart. M. Ph. & Heather E. & Hugues F. & Derek Eaves. & James Bonta. Butcher. James Choca.D. A.D.D. Hervé.. Steven C. Guy. Robert D. Ph. Ph. Reid Meloy.D..D. Schuerger. Ph. Webster.D. Reid Meloy.. Ph. Frick. Keith Conners. Ph. Ph.D.D. Ph. Muriel Deutsch Lezak. Weiner. Ph. & David R.D. Stein. Richard Boyatzis B..D. Mayer. & Howard E.D. M. Marczyk. Psy. Edited by Gail Ryan & Sandy Lane P. Ph... Isquith. Robert D. & Rolf A.D. Ph. Ph.D. & Roger D. & Richard Simpson.D.D. Randall Kropp.. Ph. Morten Birket-Smith. Christopher D. A. Ph.D. Ph. William Benninger. and MHS Staff J.D. Ph. Norman S. Stacy Jones-Bock. & Annie McKee Daniel Goleman.. Adrian Raine. Ph. Ph. M. Ph.A. Theodore Millon. Ed. Hare. James N. Fields Various Robert D. Ph. Brenda Myles.D. Ackerman. Ph. Stephen D.. Carl F.D.. Ph. Michael B.D. Ph.B.D. Ph.. Greenberg. David T. Ed. Ph. J. Gioia. D.D. & James Bonta. Ph. Bill Borcherdt. Ph. Ph.D.D. McCann. Raymond B. Cattell. Marc J.D. Ph.D.. Ph.D.D... Gerard A.D.D. M.Ed.D. Douglas Salmon. C.D. Ph. Stephen Saunders. & Robert D. Peterson.D.. Ph. Laurence Gauzas. Ph. Ph. & Lauren Kenworthy. Jr. A.D. Parker. ACSW. Reuven Bar-On. Ph. William Winogron.D. J. Ph.D.D. Ph.D. Roger L.D.D. Steven J.. Ph.D. & Carl Arnemann Maria Kovacs.D.Sc. Ph.D. & James Wojcik.D. Davis. & James D. Joseph T.. P. Dan Garside. Edited by J.. Greene. Ph.D.. Don Andrews.. Ph.D. Kirk Heilbrun.D. M. & Marek Celinski.D. Ph. Irving B. Ph. Foreword by Judge Marjory D. Brian Kowalchuk.Author Don Andrews. Ph. Hare.D Daniel Goleman Ph. Marilyn Van Dieten.D. & David DeMatteo . Ph.D. Ph. Ph. Bradford.D. Ph.D. Ph. Ph. M. Ph. . Jr. D. Ph. K. Ph. & MHS Staff Sally Ozonoff. Foster. Jr. & Roger Davis Donald D. Ph. & Robert B. Psy. Jerid M.D.. Ph. Psy. & Robert D. C. M. Jr. with contributions by Julia Copeland Disorbio.D.D.D. & Mark Disorbio.D. Ph. with contributions by Julia Copeland Disorbio. Ph. NCS Daniel Bruns. Ph. & J. & John Disorbio. Ed.. Catherine J. Green. Ph. Ed..D. Theodore Millon. McCaffrey. Jr.D. Ed. A.D. Cattell.D. Charles B. Green. Theodore Millon. Gillam.Edited by Robert J. Grant Da Theodore Millon. Ed. D. Meagher. David Tollison. Psy. & Linda C.D. Green. J.Sc. W. Theodore Millon.D.. Ph.. Ph. David Kosson..D. & Heather E.D. Restandardization Committee: James N. & Frank Dyer.D. Voress. Restandardization Committee: James N. Ph. Theodore Millon. Catherine J. Ph.D. P. Psy.D. Carina Coulacoglou.D.. Psy. & F.D.T. Catherine J. W.D.. Ph. M.. Ph..D. Daniel Bruns. with contributions by Julia Copeland Disorbio. Foster. Ph.D.. n/a n/a Theodore Millon. Psy.D.T. Voress. asdf Various Various . & Judith K.D. Ph. Catherine J. J. Ed.T. Ph.D. Jr. Meagher. Arthur D. with Carrie Millon. Charles B. L. Ph.D. Ed.D. Ed.D. Raymond B.. W. Meagher. PhD.C. Nils A. P. & James McPartland Cecil R. Ph. Green. Ph.T.D.D. & Judith K. & Mark Disorbio. & Mark Disorbio.. Ph.S. with contributions by Julia Copeland Disorbio. Daniel Bruns. Karen Cattell. W.D.. Wanberg.D. Fisher. Donald D. Ph. Hathaway.D.T. James E. & Robert B.D. Ph.D.D.D. Cattell. Ph.D. P. & Robert B. Ph. Ph. Ph. Ph.D. with Carrie Millon. Charles B. Wanberg. Ph. Ph.D.. Williams. Ph.D. Ph. Butcher. & F. M. Ph. Laing Adelle Forth. M.D.D. P. Horn. Ph. Ph.D.D.D. Ph.D.S.. Ph. Charnley McKinley.D. Keith Conners. Johansson. K. & F. Ph. Meagher. L. with contributions by Julia Copeland Disorbio. with contributions by Julia Copeland Disorbio. John Mark Disorbio.D. Johansson.. Horn. Horn. Peterson.. Peterson.D. Foster. Hammill. W.. P. Ph. & John Disorbio. Starke R. Psy. & J. Virgil R. & Daniel Bruns. J. & Rich Handley. Langley.. McCann. Daniel Bruns. Ph. Catherine J. Joseph T. Hathaway.D Theodore Millon.D... & John Disorbio.D..D. Grant Da SASSI Institute Starke R.D. Ed. Ph. Ph. C.D. Wanberg. Daniel Bruns..D.D..D... Hammill. & Robert B.S.D. Geraldine Dawson.D. M. L.D.. K. & Jerry C. Ph. P.D.D... Johansson. Psy. Reynolds. Ph. Ph.D. Daniel Bruns. Green. Charnley McKinley. Foreword by Theodore Millon Reuven Bar-On. Long.D. Butcher. M..D. Ph....D. Ph..D. Ph. M. P. & Robert B. Ph. Ph. M... Nils A.. Meagher.. Hare. Ed. J.D.D.D. Ph.T. S. FRCPC.D. Ph.D.W.D. Williams.D.. Ph.D. Ph.D.D. Edited by Stephen J.D..D. M. Lorna Smith Benjamin. Tom Mason.D.W. W. Ph. Joel Walker. Burgess. Ph.S. Ph. Ph. First.S.W. Williams. D. Williams.S. Shuman.. W.D.. & Carolyn L.D.. A. Ph. Jr. Ph.D. W. Spitzer.D. Butcher.A. Richard R.D. Ph.D. Kenneth S. JD. B. Ph. Ph.. M. First. W.W.. Green. Sorrel Nicholl.. Ph. Ann W.S.W. Butcher. Gacono. & Robert L. W.D. .D. M. Ph.D. Williams. Ph. Reuven Bar-On. Reid Meloy.S.D.W.. John Petrila.M. Edited by Clive R.D.. Restandardisation Committee: James N. & Daniel W. Janet B. Ph. Edited By J.. Ressler Jay Ziskin. Williams. Ph.S.D.D.D. Ed.D.. Ph.B.P. Ph. Ed. James N. Michael B.D.M. Melton.W. Ph. Janet B.D. Andrews. Ph. & Redford W. Nichols. Windy Dryden.D.. First. Davis S.D. Charnley McKinley. Spitzer.D. Ph. W. Janet B.A. Ph.S. & Robert B.S. Ph. M.D. A. JD. John E. Gary B.. & Helene Hembrooke. D.D.. Ph. Ph.D. & Michel Hersen.D... Archer. A. Michael B.. M. Poythress. Brodsky.. Williams. LL. M. M.Sc.B.D.. Seligman.Theodore Millon. Spitzer. Robert L. Richard Rogers. P.D. Hoge. & Joyce Seelen. Ph. Ph.D. M. Ph. Madsen. Edited by Howard Kassinove. Douglas.. & J. M. M. & J..W..D. & MHS Staff Virginia P.D.S. Allen G. Williams.D. Ph. Ph. M. & Rüdiger Müller-Isberner J.D.D.. B. Richard R. Hollin Robert M.B. Stanley L.D. Ph. Spitzer. Wettstein. M. Catherine J. Ph. Hathaway. & Robert K. M. James N. Editor Michael B... Jalal Shamsie.D. Ph.D. LL. D.. LL.. John R. Ammerman.B. Abidn.D. Miriam Gibbon. First. Reid Meloy. M. M. M. & Chrisotpher Slobogin. & D. J. Williams. P Michael B..D.D. Carl B. First. M.D. & Aisling O’Kane. James Garbarino. Michael B. Meagher. M.. Abidn. Miriam Gibbon. Ceci. Ph. Ph.D. D. & Robert L. Robert L. Miriam Gibbon. CTI Canadian Training Institute Martin E..D. Leonard R.. Ph. P. Ph.W. Janet B. Edited by Sheilaugh Hidgins. Miriam Gibbon. Reid Meloy. Ph.. Miriam Gibbon. Edited by James McGuire.D.. Spitzer.D. Ph. Burgess.D.. Ph. & Robert L. Graham.. Grant D Tom Tombaugh.D.D. & Kirsten C. James N. & Ray Bull. Pope. Norman G. Ph. & MHS Staff Barry Bricklin..D.W. Ph. Derogatis. Rebecca Milne. Edited by Robert T. J. Robert D. Ph.D. Butcher. Robert P.D.D.D. Ph. Starke R. Janet B.. Butcher. D. Ph. M. Ph. M. Ph. Marshall.D. Ph. Ph.D.D. Ph. & John S. Barry T. David Schopick. Sam Goldstein Ph. & Samuel M.C. Edited by Peter M. Jett. Ph. R. Ph. & Sam Goldstein. Ph. A. Ph. & John S. & D. Ph. Ingersoll..D.. Gardner. O’Leary.D. C. Michael Honaker. Shelton.A. Deborah C.W.D. M..D..D. Ph. James N. C. Ph. Jerry P. Barbara D. Anastopoulos.D. DSM-IV™ Text and Criteria William L.D. Lee Wiederholt. Donald D. A. C. First.D. Parker. & James McPartland Donald D. Harvey C.D. Ph. M.D.D. Ed. Peter Salovey. Ph. J. Pearson. R.D.D. & Henry Leland.. Ph. Ph. Ph.D. Nils A. Parker. Nadine Lambert. Hammill. Ph. Sluyter. & Terri L. Delroy L. M.S.D. Paulhus. Hammill.D.S. Ph. Keith Conners. Bryant.. Colby. L.D. & James D. Michael B. Butcher.D. Ph.. Keith Conners. Sam Goldstein. March. Ph. Monti.D.D.D.D. Ph. Ph.D.D. Ph.D. Ph. Ph.D.D. Wendy Reich. Thomas Grisso. Russell A. Keith Conners. & Tracy A. & Thomas Harrell. Ph. A. Ann Vernon.D.D.D. & Dan Paitich. M. Shapiro. Ph.D. Barbara Herjanic.D. M. Ph.D.D. Barkley.D.. Wells. Kathleen Coulborn Faller. & Richard Guare.D. Kazuo Nihira.D. Ron Langevin.D.D.A.D.D.D. Ph. Dean Coddington. Keith Conners.D. Jotham Friedland. Ph. Ph.D. Sally Ozonoff.. & Juliet L.D.D. Karen C. & J. Editor.. M. . Ph.D. & David J.D. Richard A.D.D.. Edited by John S. Ph. C..D. Turner. Keith Conners. Ph. Barkley.D.A. Ph. Ph. William Benninger. Ph.D. Arthur D.D.D.D.D. Geraldine Dawson. C. Ph.D. Beidel. Reuven Bar-On. & Yolanda Fernandez.W. Ph. Suzanne M. Ph. Zila Welner. Nims.D. & Michael Goldstein. Ph.D.D. M. M. C. Ph. Dana Anderson. Reuven Bar-On. & MHS Staff Nancy Mather. Ed. March.. Ph. Ph.D. & Sander Marcus. Kathleen Coulborn Faller.D.D. Ph. & Brian R. Michael Sullivan.C.. Ph.D. Ed. Keith Conners.D. Ph. Lawrence E. Ph. Ph.D. Hoge. Christian. Shapiro. Katie Evans.D. Ed.D. Kris Mohandie. Ph. & Sam Goldstein. M.D. Harvey Mandel. Ph.D. Ph. Ph. Ph. Ph. Keith Conners.. Ph...D. Ph. M. Ph. Ph.D. with C. Rick D’Alli.David L. Russell A. D. Ph. Andrews.D. March. Ph.D. Lynn Clark. Ph.D.D.. & J. Peg Dawson. M. Douglas Salmon.. Restandardisation Committee: James N.D..D. Ph. M. Ph. Ph. Ed. Dancu. M... Shure. M.D. Ph. Rita J. M. & Constance V.D. & Charles G. Matthews. Jeff Epstein.A. Ph. Ph.B.D..D.D. Ph. and Gary J. M. Ph. Restandardization Committee: James N. William C.D. Norman S. Ph. Hathaway. M. Anita M. Butcher. M. Morrison F. Spitzer. John S. & Gary Fanjiang. Folstein...D. Charles Spielberger. Morris. Beitchman. Ph. Igor Grant.D. March.D.D.D. Ph. Hubley. Ph. Starke R.D. Drew Erhardt. Ph.. L. Charnley McKinley.D. & Tim Thomas. Grant D Theodore Millon. Schmidt. Paul R. Hammill. Endler. Ph. Samuel M. Cook.W.Sc..D.D. W.D. Douglas Salmon Jr. Beidel.. Hathaway.D. Sherbenou Ph.. Ph. & Phyllis Newcomer. Butcher. & Brian R.D. Ph. Restandardization Committee: James N.D. Deborah C. Hathaway. Grant Da Leonard R. Ph.. Myrna B.D.D.. Ph. Ph. & Karen Mulle. Shure.D. Butcher. M.. Ph.D.S. Johansson.. Spielberger. & J.. Ph.D. Johnsen. Ph. . Robert K.D. Reynolds. Ph.D.D. J... & Roger Davis Starke R. Ph. Turner. Ph. Donald D.D.D. Mark E.D. Ph.D. Heaton. Ph.. Culbertson. Jean M.D.D. D. Keith Conners. Ph. Charles B. Ph. Ed. First. Ph. Ph. Hathaway. Ph.. Ph. with Carrie Millon. J. Gilliam. Michael Honaker.D. Ph.D. Ph. Marshal F.D.D. Wayne Adams.D.S. Charnley McKinley. M. Weiner.. & Eric A.D.D.D.D. W.D.D. Ph. & Tom N. M. Gary Wilkinson. M. McHugh...T. M. Ph.D. Gardner. Schroeder.D. Phyllis Newcomer. Ph. Tombaugh.D. & L. & Betty N. C. L. Beidel. Ph. Ph. & C. Ph.C.D. Ph..N. John S. F. Grant Da Jonathan Davidson.D. & Elizabeth Sparrow. W. Grant D Starke R. Ph. Restandardisation Committee: James N.D. M. Ph. M. Ph. Tom N.D. Edwards. & Donald Hammill. & Romeo Vitelli. Ph. Michael Honaker. Gordon.. Turner. Ph. Grant Da Starke R. & Susan K. Starke R.D. Archer.. & Robert L.D. & J. & Erin D. Ph. Ed. M.. Myrna B. Bigler. Folstein. Bernard Carroll. Douglas Salmon Jr.Joseph H. & J. Charnley McKinley.S.D.D. Deborah C. James E.D. Samuel M.D. Kahn.R.. & J. Carolyn S.D.D. Jeffery H. M. M. Michael Honaker.D.D.D. D. Ph. & Tracy L. Ed. Charnley McKinley. Ph.D. Ph.D.D. Diane Johnson. David R. & J. D. Ph. J. Ph. Derogatis..S. Ph.. M. Ph.D. Ph.. Hathaway.D.D.D. Charnley McKinley. Tombaugh.D. Bryant.D.D. Cecil R. Myrna B. Tombaugh.D. Derogatis. March. Butcher. B. Restandardization Committee: James N.. Ph.D.. W.D. Psy. M. Lee Wiederholt. M. Ph.D. James P. Thomas Harrell. Butcher.D.S.. Miriam Gibbon.D.D.D. Shure. Ph. Ph.S.W. Ed. Zillmer.. Swerdlik. Robertson.. & David Sheslow. Ph.D.. Ph. Ph. Ph. Ph. & Tom N. Jr..D.S. W. Linda Brown Ph. Susan E.D.D..D.Ed. Donald Hammill. Ph. Ph. Ph. Keith Conners. Janet B. Leonard R. & Brian R. J. Ph. Ph. Bryant. Ph. Peggy Swerdlik. M.D.. Robert P.D.D.D.D.D. Williams. Irving B.W. Michael B. Charles D. D.S. & B. Theodore Millon. Ph.. Carl F. Forgas.D.D. Skinner.. Annette Horton.D.D. Ph. Williams.. Hathaway.. M. Carrie Millon. Ph.D. & Robert R. M.D. M. & MHS Staff Norman Endler. Ph.Thomas J.D. M. Ph. & MHS Staff Michael B. & Rebecca E. First.. Jesness.D. Reuven Bar-On... Ph.D.. Grant D Starke R.D. Ph. D.. D.D. Ph. & J. M. Ph. & J. M. W. Ph. David Evans. Lynn Beattie.D. Peter L.D.D. John M. Ed.D. Ph. Ph. First.D.A. Ph.W. W.. Exner. (paper-and pencil) and MHS Staff (software) Myrna Weissman.D. Michael B. Human Resources Development Canada Lisa Feldman Barrett. Robert C. Joseph P.D. Ph.D.D.D. Ph. D’Zurilla.. Hathaway. Ph. Ph. W.. Jr.W. W..... & James D.S. D.D.D. Starke R. Marlene Steinberg... M. Ph. & Irving B. M. Ph.D. M.D. Ph. Ph. & Erin D. Kovan Cecil R. Ph. Michael B. Deborah C.D. Restandardization Committee: James N. Brown.D. DSM-IV™ Text and Criteria Paul T. Paul D..D. M. Michael B.D.D. & Eric Van Denburg. W. Samuel M.D.D.D. Ph. Williams.. D. Hathaway.D.D.D.D.D. Spitzer. Ph.D. Ph. & Anthony Ciminero.D. Ph.. Butcher.D. Grant Da James P. Holden.. & Thomas Harrell. Graham Spanier. Restandardisation Committee: James N. Ph... Greene..D. Miriam Gibbon. & Wendy Cope. Ph. Ph. M. Stephen E. Michael Antoni.S.D. First.S.. Restandardization Committee: James N.D. Rex Samuel. & MHS Staff Ronald R.D. Ph.D.D. Spitzer. Choca. Haig J.. Frisch. Charnley McKinley. Butcher. Ph. Grant Da Starke R. Michele Novotni. Ph. Marlene Steinberg. Oldham. Nezu. Mayer.D. Richard R.. Weiner.D. William M. Ph. Abidin.D. Editor. M.D.D. M. & Albert Maydeu-Olivares.D.. C.D. & J. M.D. Ph. Ed. Charnley McKinley.D.D. Ph.D.D.. Beidel.D. Charnley McKinley. Ph.. Steinhauer. Derogatis.P. Parker. Robert L. L. & Richard R.D.. McCrae.D. Ph. Ph. Rainwater. Jr. & Peter Salovey. Costa. Thomas Budzynski.. M. Psych. Turner.C.D. Thomas Harrell. Thomas Hadjistavropoulos. Ph.D. Ph. M. & Michele R. Ph. Sarah Meagher. & J. Bigler. Foreword by John D. Holly Tukko.D. Morris Marlene Steinberg. & J. Edited by Joseph Ciarrochi. Ph. Ph. W. Janet B. Ph. & John D.D. Ph. Michael Honaker. M. Ph. Glazer. & MHS Staff Giles D. Ph. M. M.D. Ph.. & Jack Santa-Barbara. Ph.. Jeffery E. Ph. Edited by Theodore Millon.D. Ph. Butcher. Ph. Sheras. Psy. L. Ph.D.W. Mayer. Grant Da Leonard R. Cooley-Quille. Charnley McKinley.D. Restandardization Committee: James N. Reynolds. Abidin.D. John E.D.D. W.D. Jo Ann Miller. Arthur M. Hathaway. Various Harvey A.D. Kojian. Jr.D. Young. Ph. Ph.. Charnley McKinley. Ph. Hathaway.D.D. Robert L. Ph. Ph. Ph.. First. & Seth Grossman. & Lois B. Butcher. Butcher.D. & Janet B.D... Roger L. Ph. M..D.D.D. . A. Finn.. Starke R.A. Ph. Strategic Advantages Inc. M. Michael B.Sc. Debora Silver Coe. Restandardization Committee: James N. Michael Honaker. Ph. M. Ph. M.D. Grant Da Starke R. Restandardization Committee: James N.S.D. Ogles. Ramsay.D. Edited by Gordon L.D. M. W. Peterson. & Julie Agresta.D. Elkhonon Goldberg. Susan Gingerich. Weiner. M.Sc. Zuckerman. Grant Da James N.. Flett.P.P. First.D. American Psychiatric Association Edward L.D. M. Mueser. Ph. Michael C. M. & Lois B.D.D. with Carrie Millon. Ph. Ph.D.D. Ph.D. Jackson. & J. W. Ph. Charnley McKinley. Seligman. Ed. W. Anderson. Ph. Ph. Myrna Weissman. Butcher. Robert L. Jr.D. M. Ph. Kalyna Z.D. Charnley McKinley.. Ph.W.. Ph. Ph. Michael J.D. Ph. Alan S. Charles A. M. & Scott A. Lorna Smith Benjamin. Markowitz.D.D. Maruish..D. Ph. Edited by Christopher D.. Tara Rose. Ph. Marlene Steinberg. Irving B.D.. Restandardization Committee: James N. na Leonard R.D.D.D.S.B.. & Sam S. Ralph Hakstian. Ph. Ph. M. Opler. Edited by Richard Rogers. Editor Robert D. Ph. Ph.D.D.D. & Paul L.D.Stanley R. Ph. Ph. Frederick.D. Ph. Lambert Ph. Lewis A.. Butcher.D.D. Ph. W..S..A. Hewitt. Reynolds. William R. Alan S. Jeffries.D. Ph.D.. Ph.. Leopold Bellak. MHS Staff Michael B. Psy. Robert M. Ph. Ph. Ph.D.D.D.D.D.W. Hare. Ph.D.. Lichtenberger. Ph. Ph. Kaufman.. D. Gerald P. Ph.D. & Michael P. Ph. Ph. Ph. Henry A.S. Hill III.D. MHS Staff MHS Staff Starke R. M. Fields.D..Sc.D.D.D. & David Abrams.D. & Abraham Fiszbein. Kim T. Ph.D. Ph. Ph. Benjamin M. John E.D. & Ronda L. Bellack. & William Milberg.D. Ph.D. Morris Nancy Norvell.. Bezchilbnyk-Butler. Butcher.. Edited by Frank M. Restandardization Committee: James N. Ph. M. Ph. Holly Tuokko..D. Exner. Dearing. Kamphaus.D.D.D. & Raymond B.D.D. Ph. & Esther Strauss.. & J. Kay. Grant Da . M.D. Ph. Butcher. Spitzer. Howard Kassinove.D. P MHS Staff Starke R. Charnley McKinley.D. Edited by Mark E. Williams. Starke R.D. & Dale Belles. John M. Martin E. Ph. M.D.D. Hathaway. Ph. Ph.D. Theodore Millon. Ph. Ph. & Thomas Hadjistavropoulos. & Elizabeth O.S.. Miller. Dattilio.D. Butcher..P..D. Richard I. M.D. Ph. John C. Derogatis.D. Phm.W..B. Murray.. Cecil R.. M. M. M..D.. W. Ph. Jr. Oldham. A. June Price Tangney.D. M. Ph.. M.. Koocher. Otfried Spreen. Ph.D. ABPP & Raymond Chip Tafrate. A. Ph. Webster. & Roger Davis James N. Nancy Hebben. John C. Ph. Grant Da Theodore Millon..D. Ph.D. Ph. Hathaway. D. Ph.D. M. & Gerald Klerman. Ph.. & Arthur Freeman. Maloney. & R.D. Janet B. Cattell.D. & J.D.D. Ph. Nancy Kaser-Boyd. David Campbell. B. & Margaret A. & Joel J. Hermann Rorschach. Ph. Ph. & Stephen Rollnick. Ph.D.D. Norcross. Miriam Gibbon.D. Hathaway. .D. Nicholson. Heuchert.D.D.. Ph. D. Ph. P.M. Hathaway. Ph. Ph. Butcher. & Roger Davis Theodore Millon.D. Cattell. D. & Heather E. Cattell.D.Ph.D. W. & Heather E. Karen C.D. Ph. A. Hathaway. Ph. Karen S.D.D...D. & J.D. Ph.. & Daniel Bruns. M. Carl F.. Cattell. Cattell. P. Cattell.. Ph. & Jean E.D.D.D. Ph.D. Starke R.D. Keith Conners.D.Starke R. W... Ph. Pamela Clark Robbins. Grant D Theodore Millon. Allen Frances. Jr. A Karen Cattell. Frick. Slosson. & JW P. Ph. A. Edna B. Ph.D.D.D.. M.D.Sc. & Robert D. Peter J. & Terry L.. & Heather E. Cattell. and Achilles N. Edwa Roger L. Cattell. Hare. & Robert B. Ph. P.D.D. B. Ph..A. Raymond B. Ph.. Ed. & J. Ph.D.. Henry J. Catherine J. & Heather E.Sc. M. Charnley McKinley. P.D. M. Butcher. Raymond B. Cattell. Ph.Sc. W. Cattell.D.. Ph. Ph. . Ph. Paul S.. A. Grant Da Theodore Millon. Hathaway. Restandardisation Committee: James N..D. Butcher. Cattell. John S.D.D.Sc.D.Sc.D. D. A. Ph. Ph. & Ruth Ross. A Karen Cattell. M. A Karen Cattell.D. Cattell. Cattell. Ph.. Butcher.. D.D. Starke R. P. Grant D Raymond B. Ph.A. Ph. Karen S.Sc.. & J.D. Grant D Edited by C. Ph.D. Ph... & J.A.D.Sc.Ph.. Ph. Keith Conners. Ph. W. M. Ph.. Cattell.B.. John Mark Disorbio.D.D..D. W. & Heather E. Karen S... Cattell. and MHS Staff Paul J.D. Ph. Butcher. Ph. & William Phillips. John Monahan... Drew Erhardt. March M. Dumas. B. Ph. Ph.. A. Ph. & Heather E. M. Ph.D. Cattell. Karen S.Sc..D. Steadman. & Heather E... Karen S.D. Restandardisation Committee: James N. Ph. D. Karen S. M. Ph. Restandardisation Committee: James N...D. Bardos. Keith Conners. Wells. Applebaum.A. McNair.D. Ph. P.D. Raymond B. Psy. & J.D. & Roger Davis Raymond B.Sc. Charnley McKinley. Richard L. Ph.D. D. Jesness. Green.D Raymond B. Ph. Ph. Ph. & MHS Staff n/a Ronald A. M. P.. Ph.Sc. Supplementary Manual by Sue L Ron Davis.Sc.D.D. Charnley McKinley. Eric Silver. Cattell.D. Raymond B. Ph. D. Restandardisation Committee: James N.. & Heather E. Ph. Ph. revised by Charles L. Greene. Ph.D. Ph. Ph.D. D... Foa. Giannetti. Hathaway. Starke R. Cattell.A.D. LaFreniere. Ph. C. D. Ph. Cattell. & Heather E.D. Charnley McKinley. Meagher. with Carrie Millon.D. Douglas M.D.D. Cattell.D.D. Cattell. Elizabeth Sparrow. Cattell..A.D.D.. Hathaway. Jack Naglieri... P..Sc. Cattell.D. Cattell.D.. P. Ph.. D. Cattell. Ph. Maurice Lorr. Ph. Hibpshman.D. with Carrie Millon. Charnley McKinley. Grant D Raymond B. Ph... D.Ph.D Raymond B. C.D. A... Starke R. Restandardization Committee: James N.D. ) English English English English English Multiple translations available translations available English English English English English English English Multiple translations available English English English English English translations available English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English and French English English English English English English English .S.Languages English. Spanish (U. Spanish English. Spanish n/a English. French. French. French. Spanish English English. French. Spanish asdf English English . Spanish English English English English English English. Spanish English. Spanish English English English. French. Spanish English English English English English English English English. Spanish English. French.English English English English English English. Spanish English. Spanish English. Spanish English. Spanish English. Spanish English English English English. Spanish English. Spanish English. Spanish English English English English. French English English Various English French English English French English.English. Spanish English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English . English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English. 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Spanish English English English English English English and French (Canadian) English English English English English English English English Multiple translations available English. Spanish English English English English.English and Spanish English English English Various English English English English English English English English English English English English English and Spanish English English English English Multiple translations available English English Multiple translations available English English. Multiple translations available English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English. Spanish English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English and Spanish English English English English English English English . French. French (Canadian). Spanish English English English English English. Spanish English English English English. Spanish English English. Spanish English n/a English English asdf English English English English English English. French. Spanish English.English English. Spanish French French English English English English . French English. French (Canadian). Spanish. Memory. & Saddness Communicating your Symptoms to Others Dizziness Following an Injury Coping with Pain and Neg.Thinking Why Does Recovery Take So Long? 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A/S (25/pkg) (DISCONT) CAI Vocational MTQ Answer Sheets (25/pkg) English CAI Enhanced MTQ Career Assessmt Answ Sht (25/pkg) Spanish CAI Enhanced MTQ Career Assessmt Answ Sht (25/pkg) CAI Voc. Coloured Printout Paper(500) (DISCONT) CAI Enhanced Manual CAI-Voc.06 Update MMPI-A Basic Scales Answer Keys (50/pkg) MTQ Version 5. Hispanic Prof .00284N 51400N 51454D MTQ503 MTQ504 MTQ505 MTQ506 MTQ50D MTQ54P MTQ55P MTQ56P 25001E MTQ5PD MTQ5UP 25004C MTQCD3 25005D MTQD0G Z25015 25013B 25008M 25009D 25011E 51420I Z51419 Z51420 48010B 48011A 48013E 51605F 51606F 51613C 51614A Z51529 26382B 26408G 26410A 50205G 50207G 50209G 50213B 51462B 51465B 51466B Z26328 Z26382 Z51462 Z51465 25002E 25006E Z48010 51492A MTQ Kit with USB Report Counter MTQ USB Report Counter MICROTEST Q Version 3.06 Base Package MTQ Version 5. French Answer Sheets (Singles) CAI MTQ VOC AN/SHT SINGLE CAI ENH Q AN/SHT SINGLE MMPI-A Basic Scales Answer Keys (50/pkg) MMPI-A Content/Supplementary Scales Answer Keys AUI Test Booklet . 0 User's Guide HSQ 2.0 MICROTEST Q Progress Report HSQ 2. EMAS-SAS Complete Kit PSI French Reusable Maternal Test Booklets SCID II PQ Installation EQ-i Resource Report Kit-Web Quickview Mail-In Answer Sheets Quickview Mail-In Answer Sheets French Canadian FAM-III General Scale QuikScores French Canadian FAM-III Dyadic Relation.0 MTQ Ans/Sht . 2nd Ed.51493A 514950 514970 Z51491 45155L 45156L 45099J 45105J 46120A 46124 46128A 00626J 48015I 48018I 00754J 514250 514260 26305E 26306E 26308E 26328E 26381E 26400E 26402E 26405E 51624 EMA1R0 MCI1RA EMS100 PS11FA XSIIB0 EQORK0 02401F 02404F FAF01B FAF02C FAF03D FAF04I FAF05J FAF06K 25007E 51419I 00761F 51607J 51608J 51609H MTQMFE 00683K 514441 46125 46126 51625A HSQ 2.Single English MBHI Audiocassette Spanish MBHI Audiocassette Spanish MBHI Interpretive Report (Mail-In) English MBHI Interpretive Report (Mail-In) BHI 2 Manual BHI 2 Mail-in Profile Report BHI 2 Microtest Q™ Answer Sheets (25/pkg) AUI Interpretive Mail-In Preview Pkg AUI Interpretive Report Mail-In AUI Profile Report Mail-In AUI Interp.0 MICROTEST Q Single Administration Report HSQ 2.QuikScores French Canadian FAM-III Self-Rating QuikScores French Canadian Brief FAM General Scale QuikScores French Canadian Brief FAM Dyadic Relp QuikScores French Canadian Brief FAM Self-Rating QuikScores MMPI-A Content/Supplementary Scales Answer Keys MMPI-A MICROTEST Q Answer Sheets (25/pkg): S/C CAI-Vocational MTQ Preview Package BHI Mail-in Spanish Profile Report BHI Mail-in Profile Report BHI Spanish Mail-in Interpretive Report MTQ Annual Maintenance Fee MBHI Interpretive MTQ Preview Package MBHI MTQ Interpretive Reports BHI 2 Mail-In Interpretive Report BHI 2 Mail-In Enhanced Interpretive Report BHI 2 Microtest Q™ Profile Report . MTQ Preview Package AUI Interpretive Report for MICROTEST Q AUI Profile Report (MTQ) English CAI Vocational Interpretive Report (Mail-in) French CAI Vocational Interpretive Report (Mail-in) English CAI Vocational Profile Report (Mail-in) CAI-Voc. Hispanic Profile Report Mail-In French CAI Vocational Profile Report (Mail-in) English CAI Enhanced Profile Report (Mail-in) Spanish CAI Enhanced Profile Report CAI Enhanced Interpretive Report (Mail-in) BHI 2 Microtest Q™ Progress Report Essentials of MMPI-2 Assessment Interpretive Guide to the MCMI. Singles .SINGLE HSQ 2.5 Preview Version CDS-R V. Answer Keys MMPI-2 Alcohol & Drug Interpretive Report Mail-In MMPI-2 Extended Score Report Mail-In MMPI-2 Extended Score Report Mail-In PANSS Specimen Set French SCI PANSS Forms French PANSS QuikScore Forms French PANSS QuikScore Forms French PANSS Kit Brief CDS V.0 MTQ Answer Sheets (25/pkg) BBHI2 Audiocassette (max -1) BHI Microtest Q™ Preview Package BHI Microtest Q™ Profile Report BHI Microtest Q™ Interpretive Report BBHI 2 Mail in Report BBHI 2 MTQ Answer Sheets (25/pkg) BHI2 Audiocassette BBHI 2 Standard/Extended Report (MTQ) BBHI .2 Information BBHI 2 Sample Report BBHI 2 MTQ Answer Sheets .51626A 51627A Z46128 POCR00 CW10PE SASQ10 05658M 05647L 05648L 33002L 33003L 33012J 33013J 24010F 24012E 24106N 24037J 24040J 24043J PA7P0B PA9P0E PAFR10 PAFR20 PAFR30 CDS003 CDS004 CDS005 CDS006 CDSK30 NEO020 NEO030 NEO040 NEO050 NEO060 NEO080 NEO090 NEO100 48020D 51427H Z51427 51491A 46101 00817K 515300 515310 46102 46105A 46123 51616A BBHIN INBBHI Z46105 BHI 2 Microtest Q™ Basic Interpretive Report BHI 2 Microtest Q™ Enhanced Interpretive Report BHI 2 Microtest Q™ Answer Sheets (singles) Primer on Community Corrections (English) CWPI Feedback Forms SASQ Online Report BSI Profile Report Mail-In English BSI Audiocassette Spanish BSI Audiocassette English MCM-II Audiocassette Spanish MCM-II Audiocassette English MCMI-III Interpretive Report Mail-In English MCMI-III Profile Report Mail-In MMPI-2 Hardcover Test Booklet MMPI-2 Validity & Clinical Scales Answer Keys MMPI-2 Additional Suppl.5 Computer Data Entry Sheets CDS-R Complete Kit NEO PI-R Professional Manual NEO PI-R Reusable Form S Item Booklets NEO PI-R Reusable Form R Item Booklets NEO PI-R Answer Sheets NEO PI-R Answer Sheets NEO PI-R Form S Adult Profile Forms NEO PI-R Form R Adult Profile Forms NEO PI-R Form R Adult Profile Forms AUI Answer Sheets/Profile Forms AUI MICROTEST Q Answer Sheets (25/pkg) AUI MTQ A/S . Scales Int.5 Computer Data Entry Sheets Brief CDS V.5 Profile Report CDS V. Mail-In Preview Pkg Spanish BHI Audio Cassette BHI Mail-in Interpretive Report MSCEIT Item Booklet (1) (R&D use) CISS Profile Report Mail-In EPS Preview Package MMPI-2 Validity & Clinical Scales Profile Forms MMPI-2 Content Profile Forms . Mail-In Preview Pkg CAI-Enh. Interp.Single STAI for Windows Profile Report Manual for Using the MMPI-2 Millon Inventories: Clinical & Pers.51735G 51736D 51737B 51738A 517390 51740F Z51737 XSTPRO MUM1RA MC1R0L 5145EJ 5145HJ CRF21I EQF10F EQF200 EQF2D0 EQF2R0 EQODK0 51470A 51473B 51474B 05631B 05638B 05640B 51904N NEO110 NEO120 NEO130 NEO140 NEO150 02202B 02200E CW1P0A CW1PFA CW2P0B CW3P0B CW4P0B CW5P0C CW7P0D CW9P0E 088A0A EQ3601 ZCRS9S 00502E 00650F 51611L 51610J MSC010 26461D 27400B 24001D 24002D PDS Handscoring Starter Kit PDS MTQ Preview Package PDS MICROTEST Q Answer Sheets (25/pkg) PDS Manual PDS MICROTEST Q Profile Report PDS Reorder Kit PDS MTQ Ans/Sht . Assessment BSI Interpretive Report Mail-In Spanish BSI Interpretive Report Mail-In French Canadian CTRS-R:S Feedback Forms French EQ-i Item Booklets French EQ-i Individual Summary Report French EQ-i Development Report French EQ-i Resource Report EQ-i Development Report Kit-Web Quickview User's Guide Quickview Hardcover Test Booklet Quickview Softcover Test Booklet BSI Nonpatient Adult Reorder Kit BSI Nonpatient Adolescent Reorder Kit BSI Inpatient Psychiatric Reorder Kit BSI 18 Community Norms Profile Form NEO PI-R College Profile Forms NEO PI-R Summary Feedback Sheets NEO PI-R Manual and Supplement Spanish NEO PI-R Reusable Form S Item Booklets Spanish NEO PI-R Feedback Sheets P-3 Hand-Scoring Answer Sheets P-3 Mail-In Interpretive Report CWPI Complete Kit CWPI French Kit CWPI Technical Manual CWPI Counsellor's Manual CWPI Job Dictionary CWPI QuikScore Forms CWPI Work Sheets CWPI Feedback Forms CAB Battery 1 Preview Package EQ-360 Multirater Feedback Report Mail/Fax Kit CRS-R Site Co-ordinators Kit CAI-Voc Interp. Test Booklets . & Clin. French Kit French 16PF 5th Ed. Individual Record Forms 16PF 5th Ed. 2002 Couples Counselling Report (CCR) Mail-in Karson Clinical Report (KCR) 5th Ed. Technical Manual 16PF 5th Ed.Web NEO-FFI Introductory Kit 16PF 5th Ed. Norm Supplement. Scoring Keys & Norm Tables 16PF 5th Ed. PCDP Manual PCDP Report Mail-In 16PF 5th Ed. CCPI Manual CCPI Mail-In Report Couples Counselling Report (CCR) User's Guide PCDP Plus Report Mail-In 16PF 5th Ed. Manual Teamwork Development Report (TDR) Mail-in Teamwork Development Report (TDR) Manual 16PF English/Canadian Version Kit 16PF English/Cdn Supplemental Manual EQ-360 Technical Manual EQ-360 Item Booklets EQ-360 Additional Rater Response Sheets CISS Softcover Manual CAB Battery 2 Preview Package CAB Battery 3/4 Preview Package CAB Battery 5 Preview Package CAB Profile Sheets CAB 1 Scoring Keys & Instructions CAB 2 Scoring Keys & Instructions CAB 3 Scoring Keys & Instructions CAB 3/4 Test Booklets GAMA Manual GAMA English Test Booklet GAMA Handscoring Answer Sheets Spanish GAMA Test Booklet P-SCAN RV2 Profile Reports .Profile Forms MMPI-2 Personnel Selection Interpretive Mail-In SCL-90-R English Answer Sheets SCL-90-R Outpatient Psychiatric Reorder Kit SCL-90-R Inpatient Psychiatric Reorder Kit SCL-90 Analogue Forms SCL-90-R Answer Keys French SCL-90-R Hand-Score Answer Sheets SCL-90-R Profile Report Mail-In SCL-90-R Interpretive Report Mail-In French SCL-90-R Interpretive Report Mail-In Spanish SCL-90-R Interpretive Report Mail-In 16PF 5th Ed. Answer Sheets 16PF 5th Ed. Question Booklets 16PF 5th Ed.24004D 24005D 24006D 24063J 05618B 05621D 05622D 05630L 05650E 05651B 50058M 5143EJ 5143FJ 5143HJ 51400D 51500E 51600F 51700G 51900C 5190NS 520A0F 52900C 580M0D 58200B PFEC1B PFEC2C EQ3603 EQ3605 EQ3606 26469A 088B0A 088C0A 088D0A 08900D 090A0E 090B0E 090C0E 09900C 51751B 51752D 51753C 51754D PSCW01 NEO200 562MN0 560MI0 52200C 432M0D 43500E 454M0B PFFR10 514F0A MMPI-2 Supplementary Profile Forms MMPI-2 Clinical Subscale Profile Forms MMPI-2 Non-K Corrected Valid. 27500C CSQ020 00760F 514600 514610 514630 514640 51612L 00818K 515320 46100A IAM20A SP8FR0 EMS200 EMS300 EMS400 EMS500 51907N 00652A 00653A 00677A PCLR01 51767A PS2F0A PS3F0A SA4502 SA4503 27700D 278M0B 27900E CRF310 CRF300 CRF290 CRF280 CRF22I CRF20I CRF19I CRF18K CRF17K CRF16K CRF15K EQYV52 EQYV53 24017F 00697A 25015F 25016F 46145 CD3P0B CD4P0A CD5P0C CD6P0A EPS Perspectives on Executive Personality SHQ-R V.5 Comprehensive Reports CAI-Enhanced Interp. MTQ Preview Package CAI Vocational MICROTEST Q Interpretive Report CAI Vocational Microtest Q™ Profile Report CAI Enhanced MICROTEST Q Interpretive Report CAI Enhanced MICROTEST Q Profile Report BHI English Audiocassette BHI Mail-In Preview Package BHI Microtest Q™ Progress Report BBHI 2 Manual International Adaptations of the MMPI-2 French (Canadian) SPAI QuikScore Forms EMAS-SAS Answer Sheets EMAS-SAS Profile Forms EMAS-SAS Scoring Template EMAS-SAS Manual Extension BSI 18 Answer Sheets BSI Outpatient Psychiatric Starter Kit BSI Inpatient Psychiatric Starter Kit BSI Nonpatient Adult Starter Kit PCL-R : 2nd Ed. Complete Kit VIP Manual PSI French (Canadian) Kit PSI French Manual SA-45 V.5 Profile Reports SA-45 V.5 Preview Version EPS Test Booklets EPS Report Mail-In EPS Answer Sheets French Canadian CPRS-R:S Data Entry Sheets French Canadian CTRS-R:L Data Entry Sheets French Canadian CPRS-R:L Data Entry Sheets French Canadian CPRS-R:L Data Entry Sheets French Canadian CTRS-R:S Feedback Forms French Canadian CTRS-R:L Feedback Forms French Canadian CTRS-R:L Feedback Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:S Feedback Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:S Feedback Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:L Feedback Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:L Feedback Forms EQ-i :YV V.5 Profile Reports EQ-i :YV V.5 Preview Version English MMPI-2 Softcover Test Booklets MMPI-2 Hand-Scoring Kit MMPI-A Softcover Test Booklets MMPI-A Hardcover Test Booklets Single test booklet CDI Manual CDI Complete Kit CDI-Short QuikScore Forms CDI/CDI-S Complete Kit CD7P0A CD8P0C CD9P0C CDIF10 CDIF20 CDIF30 CDIF40 CDIS2J CDIS30 CDIS40 CH1ROA MA3UPA KCPT20 700000 45103C CDS10C CDIP0L CDIS0L XCDIOO GADS10 INSET0 EQIW02 PPC001 EQYS6 EQYV54 EQYV55 33005A CLES50 CTMO0A XDI1PH XDI2CH 25021J 25022J 25023J 45211L 45212L 45220J 45102J 45108J 02303B 02302D CTMO2A 25010E XCDID0 CDI11 CDI20 CD2P0C XCACD0 TP1V1C HDI08 CDI10 CDI21 CDI-S Complete Kit CDI QuikScore Forms CDI-Short QuikScore Forms French Canadian CDI QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) French Canadian CDI QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) French Canadian CDI-Short QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) French Canadian CDI-Short QuikScore Forms (100/pkg Spanish CDI QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) Spanish CDI-Short QuikScores (25/pkg) Spanish CDI-Short QuikScores (100/pkg) CPT II/K-CPT Preview Version APQ Guidance Report MAPI Manual Spanish CDI Quikscore Forms (25/pkg) CDI Data Entry Sheets CDI-Short Data Entry Sheets CDI PsychManager Reports GADS Complete Kit SET Product Information BarOn EQ-i:YV Profile Reports Kit Web PPC Complete Kit Spanish BarOn EQ-i:YV/EQ-i:YV(S) Kit EQ-i :YV V.5 Data Entry Sheets EQ-i :YV(S) V.5 Data Entry Sheets MCMI-III Handscoring Starter Kit CLES Complete Kit CTMT Record Booklets DICA-IV Parent DICA-IV Child/Adolescent MMPI-A Basic Service Profile Report Mail-In MMPI-A Basic Service Profile Report Mail-In MMPI-A Extended Score Report Mail-In MACI English Audiocassette MACI Spanish Audiocassette MACI Mail-in Interpretive Report MAPI Clinical Interpretive Report Spanish MAPI Clinical Interpretive Report ISO-30 Hand-Scoring Reorder Kit ISO-30 Manual CTMT Examiner's Manual MMPI-A Harris-Lingoes Subscales Answer Keys CDI Computer Preview for Windows CDI Parent Quickscore CDI Teacher QuickScore CDI QuikScore Forms CAS-CV Preview Version (diskette) Turning Points Patient Video HDI-S Response Forms CDI Parent Quickscore CDI Teacher QuickScore 703000 704000 708000 EQIW01 EQYS5 HSG00A 00350O FABW01 FABW02 25012B 25024J 25025J 25026J CTMO1A XSIIDO IEQ01A FTT002 FTT003 FTT004 M21R0A PS12FA 515270 02100C PSC01 PSPW01 05639B 05649E 05653B 05656I 51905N 51906N 00300D LO1P0A 51750E 00910A 51925N CI1P0A DTS7FB DTS8FC DTS9FB 33014J 33015J 33018J CP2D3B 00693A PFEC3D PFEC4E PFEC5E EQ3602 EQ3604 EQ3607 EQ3610 APQ Test Booklets APQ Answer Sheets APQ Psychological Report BarOn EQ-i:YV Profile Reports Web Spanish BarOn EQ-i:YV Kit Homework Survival Guide SCL-90-R: Personality Disorders Research FAB-C Profile Reports - Web FAB-C Profile Report Kit - Web MMPI-A Answer/Profile Sheets (50/pkg) MMPI-A Extended Score Report Mail-In MMPI-A Interpretive Report Mail-In MMPI-A Interpretive Report Mail-In CTMT Complete Kit SCID II PQ Disks only IEQ Research Version Manual FTT Technical Manual FTT Picture Cards FTT Interview Guides MMPI-2 In Psychological Treatment PSI French Reusable Paternal Test Booklets P-3 Interpretive Report (MTQ) Quality of Life Inventory Manual Hare P-Scan RV2 : V.5 Profile Report Uses - NYP PSP Reports-Web BSI Outpatient Psychiatric Reorder Kit BSI Answer Keys French BSI Hand-Scoring Answer Sheets Spanish BSI Answer Sheets BSI 18 Oncology Norms Profile Forms BSI 18 Manual 16PF Form A Test Booklets 4th Ed.(25/pkg) Learned Optimism GAMA Microtest Q Answer Sheets GAMA Hand-Scoring Starter Kit MBMD Profile Report Mail-In CISS Adult Complete Kit French DTS QuikScore Forms French DTS Complete Kit French DTS Specimen Set Spanish MCMI-III Interpretive Report Mail-In Spanish MCMI-III Profile Report Mail-In English MCMI-III Corrections Interpretive Mail-In CPT Preview Version (3 uses) - DOS SCL-90-R Outpatient Psychiatric Starter Kit 16PF English/Canadian Scoring Template 16PF English/Cdn QuikScore Formss 16PF English/Cdn QuikScore Forms EQ-360 Multirater Feedback Report Reorder Kit EQ-360 Item Booklets EQ-360 Additional Rater Response Sheets EQ-360 Multirater Feedback Report- Web Kit EQ3611 CDS002 RSP02 51768B 51772C 52300D 52400E CRF410 CRF400 CRF390 CRF380 CRF370 CRF360 CRF350 CRF340 CRF330 CRF320 CRF13A CRF08F CRF07F CRF06E CRF05E CRF04H CRF03H NEO070 EQ4R00 LSIS1A SASF10 SASF20 SASF30 SAS200 SAS300 SAS400 SAS410 SAS500 SAS600 SAS700 SAS800 SAS900 SASA10 SASA20 SASA3 SASA40 SASA50 SASA60 SASA70 SASA80 SASA90 090D0E 09100E 09200F 09400F EQ-360 Multirater Feedback Reports - Web CDS-R V.5 Profile Report R-SOPAC Specimen Set VIP Test Booklet VIP Interpretive Report Mail-In CCR Test Booklets CCR Answer Sheets French Canadian CADS-A QuikScore Forms French Canadian CADS-A QuikScore Forms French Canadian CADS-T QuikScore Forms French Canadian CADS-T QuikScore Forms French Canadian CADS-P QuikScore Forms French Canadian CADS-P QuikScore Forms French Canadian CGI-P QuikScore Forms French Canadian CGI-T QuikScore Forms French Canadian CASS:S Data Entry Sheets French Canadian CASS:L Data Entry Sheets Complete French CRS-R Parent, Teacher, &Adolescent French Canadian CTRS-R:S QuikScore Forms French Canadian CTRS-R:S QuikScore Forms French Canadian CTRS-R:L QuikScore Forms French Canadian CTRS-R:L QuikScore Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:S QuikScore Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:S QuikScore Forms NEO PI-R Form S Adult Profile Forms Working with Emotional Intelligence LSI-R:Screening Version Complete Kit French SAS QuikScore Forms French SAS Item Booklets French SAS-SR QuikScore Forms SASSI-3 User's Guide SASSI-3 Connecting Clinician & Client Video SASSI-3 Questionnaire/Profiles SASSI-3 Handscoring Kit SASSI-3 Questionnaire/Profiles SASSI-3 Software SASSI-3 Software SASSI-3 Software SASSI-3 Scoring Key SASSI-A2 Manual SASSI-A2 User's Guide SASSI-A2 Scoring Key SASSI-A2 Handscoring Kit SASSI-A2 Questionnaire/Profiles SASSI-A2 Questionnaire/Profiles SASSI-A2 Software SASSI-A2 Software SASSI-A2 Software CAB 4 Scoring Keys & Instructions CAB 5 Scoring Keys & Instructions CAB 1& 2 Answer Sheets CAB 3 & 4 Answer Sheets 09500F 09700C 09800C 10000C PCLS8T NEO220 NEO230 NEO300 NEO310 NEO320 NEO340 475M0B 47700C CRF14D CRF02G CRF01G CRS59A JIR001 JIR007 JIR002 JIR003 JIR004 JIR005 JIR006 JIR010 JIR011 JIR015 JIR016 00995N 00996N 51927N 51931N 51938N 51940N 51968N 02201A 02108A 02109B 26471F 26479F 26486A 51811F 35021A 35022B CRS1RW JIR018 CHI10A JIR022 CHI40A JIR023 JIR024 CHI60A CAB Audio Cassette Tape CAB 1 Test Booklets CAB 2 Test Booklets CAB 5 Test Booklets PCL:SV Interview Guides NEO-FFI Form S Booklets NEO-FFI Form S Booklets NEO PDR Introductory Kit NEO PDR Software User's Manual NEO PDR 3.5" Key Diskette NEO PDR Pocket Folders HRDR Mail-in Report 16PF 5th Ed. HDRD Manual French Canadian CRS-R Specimen Set French Canadian CPRS-R:L QuikScore Forms French Canadian CPRS-R:L QuikScore Forms Iowa Conners' Teacher Rating Forms JI-R Complete Kit JI-R Specimen Set JI-R Technical Manual JI-R Item Booklets JI-R Response Forms JI-R Response Forms JI-R Scoring Templates JI-R Profile Report (Mail-in/Fax-in) JI-R Interpretive Report (Mail-in/Fax-in) JI-R Profile Report Kit - Web JI-R Profile Report - Web MBMD Reorder Kit MBMD Hand-Scoring Starter Kit MBMD Interpretive Report Mail-In MBMD Test Booklets MBMD Audiocassette MBMD Manual MBMD Large Print Answer Sheets P-3 Inventory Manual Quality of Life Inventory Starter Kit Quality of Life Inventory Reorder Kit CISS Pattern Worksheets CISS Report Cover Sheets CISS Hardcover Manual CISS Career Planner IDEAS Manual Spanish IDEAS Test Booklets Conners' Rating Scales (Annotated Bibloiography) JI-R Interpretive Report - Web Preview Version JI-R V.5 Preview Version Consussion and Fatigue JI-R V.5 Computer Data Entry Sheets JI-R V.5 Interpretive Reports Concussion and Anger CHI70A PS4F0A WV100A WV100J WV200A WV300A WV400A WV500A WV600A WV700A WV900I JB9P0M JI5P0C JIIM00 PCLR02 PCLR03 PCLR04 PCLR05 PCLR06 PCLR07 PCLR08 CSQ030 PDSF20 XSSEIN CAD07 CAD08 CAD09 CRS76 CRS77 CMDQ3 CMDQ4 CHI20A JIR021 CHI30A CHI50A DA1R0A LS4FP0 WLS2V0 POM04 LS12P LS13P LS14P SAT1R POFR00 QLQW01 SASQ20 PCL1FQ PCL7FQ PCL4FQ PCL5FQ MSC07 POM23 Concussion, Personality Change, and the Family PSI French Answer Sheets/Profile Forms Walker Visuals Kit Walker Color Cards (set of 4) Walker Visuals Manual Walker Visuals QuikScores: Image 1 Walker Visuals QuikScores: Image 2 Walker Visuals QuikScores: Image 3 Walker Visuals QuikScores: Image 4 Walker Visuals QuikScores Set Walker Visuals Self-Assessment Forms JBC Self Data Entry Sheets JI Test Booklets JI Interpretive Report (Mail-in/Fax-in) PCL-R: 2nd Ed. Technical Manual PCL-R: 2nd Ed. Rating Booklet PCL-R: 2nd Ed. QuikScore Forms PCL-R: 2nd Ed. QuikScore Forms PCL-R : 2nd Ed. Interview Guides PCL-R: 2nd Ed. Interview Guides PCL-R: 2nd Ed. Specimen Set SHQ-R V.5 Preview Version French PDS QuikScore Forms SSPQ-X for Windows French (Canadian) CADS-P:V.5 Data Entry Sheets French (Canadian) CADS-T:V.5 Data Entry Sheets French (Canadian) CADS-A:V.5 Data Entry Sheets French (Canadian) CGI-T:V.5 Data Entry Sheets French (Canadian) CGI-P:V.5 Data Entry Sheets French Canadian CMDQ Forms French Canadian CMDQ Forms Introduction JI-R V.5 Profile Report Concussion and Memory Concussion and Attention Development & Use of MMPI-2 Content Scales French LSI-R Interview Guides Williams Lifeskill Video Set LSI-R ColorPlot Profile Forms- U.S. Norms LSI-R ColorPlot Profile Forms- U.S. Norms LSI-R U.S. Norms Supplement Primer on Community Corrections (French) QLQ Reports - Web SASQ Preview Use French (Canadian) PCL-R Complete Kit French (Canadian) PCL-R Specimen Set French (Canadian) PCL-R QuikScore Forms French (Canadian) PCL-R Interview Guides MSCEIT Personal Summary Report Kit- Web POMS BiPolar QuickScore PDSF30 LS3FP0 LS5PFE WLS3V0 PCYV01 POM22 SASQ1O POM03 French PDS Complete Kit French LSI-R Interview Guids French LSI-R Quikscores Williams Lifeskills Corporate Library Set POMS BiPolar QuickScore SASQ Online Report Additional (25/pkg) (3 uses) (25/pkg) BarOn EQ-i:YV Manual and 3 EQ-i:YV and 3 EQ-i:YV(S) QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (20/pkg) minimum purchase of 50 (5/pkg; reusable) (20/pkg) 1 Item Booklet and 5 QuikScore Forms/Interpretation Guides (20/pkg) QLQ Manual, 10 Question Booklets, and 25 QuikScore Forms QLQ Manual, 1 Question Booklet, and 3 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (10/pkg) RCL Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) 1 of each leaflet (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) unlimited use (Video, 32 min.) (100/pkg) R-SOPAC Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) 3 cassettes and 8-page guide, male narrator 3 cassettes and 8-page guide, female narrator SARA Manual, 25 Checklist Forms, and 25 Assessment Forms SARA Manual, 3 Checklist Forms, and 3 Assessment Forms (25/pkg) SA-45 Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) SA-45 Technical Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) SAS-SR User's Manual, 10 Question Booklets, and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (10/pkg) SAS-SR User's Manual, 3 Question Booklets, and 3 QuikScore Forms (155 pages, 1994) (5/pkg) Interviewer's Guide with 5 SCID-D forms Manual and 25 Autoscore Forms (25/pkg) User's Guide, 1 Administration Booklet, and 5 Scoresheets (160 pages) (96 pages) (5/pkg) SCID-II User's Guide and 5 SCID-II Questionnaires (5/pkg) (5/pkg) (10/pkg) Manual, 25 Reusable Item Booklets, and 25 Handscorable Answer Sheets/Profile Forms (25/pkg; reusable) (25/pkg) with test items (50/pkg) with Calibrated Norm Tables and CRW Software Manual TD Monitor Manual. 1 modified AIMS QuikScore Form. 3 SPSI-R:L. and 3 SPSI-R:S QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) Session Summary disk. and 1 TD Monitor History Form (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) . CRW disk. 25 Modified Webster QuikScore Forms. and 25 SPSI-R:L and 25 SPSI-R:S QuikScore Forms SPSI-R Technical Manual and 25 SPSI-R:L QuikScore Forms SPSI-R Technical Manual and 25 SPSI-R:S QuikScore Forms SPSI-R Technical Manual. 1 Modified Webster QuikScore Form. and 25 TD Monitor History F TDS disk. 25 modified AIMS QuikScore Forms.SPAI Manual and 25 QuikScore forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) SPAI Manual and 3 QuikScore forms SPAI-C Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) SPSI-R Technical Manual. CRW disk. and CRW Software Manual Manual with Scoring Key and 25 Questionnaires (25/pkg) Software Manual and 3 uses (50/pkg) minimum purchase of 50 uses Manual and set of 31 Picture Cards TD Monitor Manual. 1991. 25 Adult Recording Forms TOL-DX Manual. Picture Book. 1 set of Keytops. Test Plates.5" disks Manual. 50 Form A and 50 Form B Answer Booklet and Record Forms (50/pkg) (50/pkg) Examiner's Manual.5" disks TOL-DX Manual. 2 Peg Boards with Beads. and 25 WCST Computer Version Record Forms (Set of 2) unlimited-use Software. Online Manual. 25 Child Recording Forms Manual. and 25 Record Forms (25/pkg) Softcover Hardcover WCST Manual.5" disks 3. 1 Set of Stimulus Booklets. 2 Peg Boards with Beads. 25 Record Forms and Administration Booklets. 25 Child and 25 Adult Recording Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) TOL-DX Manual. 25 WCST Computer Version Record Forms. Picture Book. and 25 Recording Forms (set of 3) (25/pkg) (hardcover. and the Revised and Ex . 1993. 25 Supplementary Analysis Forms. Picture Book. 1995. 672 pages) (hardcover. and 25 Record Booklets (25/pkg) unlimited-use Software. 2 Decks of Cards. 672 pages) (hardcover.5" disks 3. 1 set of Keytops.Manual. 2 Peg Boards with Beads. Online Manual. 430 pages) (1 Audiotape and Handbook) Manual. and 25 Profile/Examiner Record Forms (25/Pk) 3. Facial Me (25/pkg) User's Manual. Test Plates. Picture Book. and 25 Profile/Examiner Forms (25/pkg) 3. and 25 Record Forms (set of 144) (25/pkg) Manual. Technical Manual. Technical Manual. 3. CRW disk. & 5 Level 1 Manual. 25 Profile/Analysis Forms. and WCST-64:CV Record Forms WISC-III disk. and Soft Attac 3. 230 pages) WCST:CV3 Scoring Program CD-ROM. Technical Manual. 25 Examiner Forms (Visual-Motor). 25 Level 1 Booklets. and 25 Level 4 Scoring Forms Level 5 Manual. 3. 25 Level 5 Booklets. Flipbook. Software Manual. and 6 uses minmum purchase of 50 uses 3 Child/Adolescent uses.(1993. 3. and 25 Level 5 Scoring Forms Reading/Math Manual. and 25 Level 2 Scoring Forms Level 3 Manual. and Software Manual unlimited use BarOn EQ-i Technical Manual. online Manual. and CRW software manual (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) 2/set Manual. and 25 WCST:CV3 Record Forms WCST-64 Manual. Pegboards and Pegs (Fin (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Levels 1. WCST Manual. & 5 Administration Manuals. 50 Record Booklets. and 25 Level 1 Scoring Forms Level 2 Manual. and 50 Record Booklets (25/pkg) CD-ROM. 25 Matching Forms (Visual-Spatial). 3 Parent uses. 2. and 25 Level 3 Scoring Forms Level 4 Manual.5" disk. Technical Manual. 25 Blue Test Forms. 25 Tan Test Forms. and 3 Development Report scorings . DAS Software Manual. Technical Manual. Technical Manual. 25 Drawing Forms. 25 Level 2 Booklets. 4. 4. and 1 WCST Card Deck (25/pkg) (50/pkg) onscreen Software Manual. Plastic Cards for Reading/Spelling. 2 Decks of Cards. and 10 Booklets and 10 Forms for Levels 1. and 25 Response Forms (Unlimited use) 1 SCID II PQ Installation and 1 CAS II ES Installation CAS-CV Software Manual and 3 uses 3 Interpretive Report uses and the CRS-R Software Manual minimum purchase of 25 uses minimum purchase of 50 uses minmum purchase of 25 DAS Software Manual and 3 Uses DAS User's Manual. 25 Level 4 Booklets. 25 Level 3 Booklets. 2.5" disks Manual. 3 Interview Guides. and 3 Resource Report scorings 3 FAM-III Profile Report uses and a Software Manual unlimited use 3 program launches and a Software Manual (6 user) Software Manual and 3 uses minimum purchase of 50 3 program launches and a Software Manual minimum purchase of 25 uses minimum purchase of 25 uses Software Manual and 3 Interpretive Report Scorings minimum purchase of 25 uses Software Manual and 3 Interpretive Reports minimum purchase of 50 uses (unlimited use) (Software Manual and 3 uses) Software Manual and 3 uses Software Manual and 3 Uses (3 uses) Software Manual and 3 uses (50/pkg) minimum purchase of 25 reports (Unlimited use) (3 uses) (3 uses) STAI Software Manual and 3 Profile uses (50/pkg) Software Manual and 3 uses TOMM User's Manual. Software Manual.BarOn EQ-i Technical Manual. Software Manual. 25 QuikScore Forms. and 3 uses YLS/CMI User's Manual. and 25 Case-Management Forms YLS/CMI User's Manual. and 3 Case-Management Forms . 25 Interview Guides. 3 QuikScore Forms. 25 Examination Booklets. and 3 APSD-C QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) ASDS Manual and 50 Summary/Response Forms (50/pkg) .(25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) Examiner's Manual. 25 Examination Booklets. and 25 APSD-C QuikScore Forms APSD Technical Manual and 3 APSD-T. 3 APSD-T. and 25 Profile and Scoring Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Manual and 25 AutoScore Forms (25/pk) APSD Technical Manual and 25 APSD-T. and 25 Profile and Scoring Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Examiner's Manual. 25 APSD-T. CAARS-O:L. 25 CASE Form S and 25 CASE Form R Item Booklets. CAARS-S:SV.(10/pkg) (130 min. and 1 Audiotape (set of 6) (10/pkg) CAARS Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms for each of the CAARS-S:L. and 10 Diagnostic Criteria Interview Forms CAADID Technical Manual. 10 Patient History Forms. CAARS-S:SV. CAAR CASE Manual. CAARS-S:S. CAA (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) minimum purchase of 50 reports minimum purchase of 25 reports 3 Interpretive Report uses and the CAARS V. 50 Parent Form Scoring/Summary Profile F (50/pkg) (50/pkg) softcover (10/pkg) (10/pkg) CAADID Technical Manual.) and handbook (30/pkg) BRIEF Manual. 25 Parent Form Questionnaires. 25 Teacher Form Questionnaires. 25 CASE Form S and 25 CASE Form R Handscorable A . 10 Group Member's Workbooks. CAARS-S:S.5 Getting Started Guide (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (100/pkg) (50/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) CAARS Technical Manual and 1 QuikScore Form for each of the CAARS-S:L. and 1 Diagnostic Criteria Interview Forms (25/pkg) (100/pk) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) 1 set of 6 Group Leader's Guides. 1 Patient History Form. CAARS-O:L. 1 Master Package. and SSC QuikScore Forms CISS Manual and 25 Adolescent QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) CLES Technical Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms for each of the CLES-P. Adolescent.(pad of 50) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (16 pages. 20/pkg. 25 CDS-R. CLES-C. software required) Chemical Dependency disk. and CRW Software Manual (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) CDS Technical Manual. 3 CDS-R. and 25 SSC QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) CISS Manual and 3 each of Adult. 25 Adult QuikScore Forms. and CLES-A (25/pkg) . and 25 Brief CDS QuikScore Forms CDS Technical Manual and 25 Brief CDS QuikScore Forms CHIP Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms CHIP Technical Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms (25/pk) (100/pkg) CISS Manual. and 3 Brief CDS QuikScore Forms CDS Technical Manual. CRW disk. CTRS-R:L. and CASS:S) (CRS-R Technical Manual and 1 QuikScore&trade. Forms for each of CPRS-R:L. Forms for each of CPRS-R:S. CPRS-R:S. 79 pages) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) . and CTRS-R:S) (CRS-R Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore&trade. Forms for each of CPRS-R:L. CASS:L. CTRS-R:S. CTRS-R:L. 3 CPT-II uses. CPRS-R:S. (1997. and CTRS-R:S) (CRS-R Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore&trade. Forms for each of CPRS-R:L. Forms for each of CPRS-R:L. and CASS:L) (CRS-R Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore&trade. and 3 K-CPT uses) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (CRS-R Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore&trade. CTRS:L.(100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (CPT II Software Manual and K-CPT Software Manual. CPRS-R:S. CTRS-R:L. 209 pages) (1997. CTRS-R:S. CTRS-R:S. and 15 CRS-R Treatment Progress ColorPlot Forms minimum purchase of 50 uses minimum purchase of 25 uses 3 Interpretive Report Uses and the CRS-R Software Manual (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) CRS-R Technical Manual (English) and 25 QuikScore forms for each of Spanish CPRS-R:L. CPRS-R:S. 50 CGI-P QuikScore Forms. CTRS-R:S. (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) . CTRS-R:L. CPRS-R:S. 25 CGI-T and CGI-T QuikScore Forms. CASS:L 50 CGI-T QuikScore Forms. CTRS-R:L. and 15 CRS-R Treatment Progress ColorPlot Forms (CRS-R Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore&trade. CPRS-R:S. Forms for each of CPRS-R:L.(25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (15/pkg) CRS-R Technical Manual. CTRS-R:L. CTRS-R:S CRS-R Technical Manual (English) and 1 QuikScore forms for each of Spanish CPRS-R:L. 25 QuikScore Forms. reusable) SHQ-R Technical Manual. and 25 Profile Sheets DAS Manual and 20 QuikScore Forms DAS Manual and 6 QuikScore Forms (20 Forms–10 Couples/pkg) hardcover softcover . Stimulus Cards Tent. Categories Picture Book. Sequences Picture Book. and CADS-A (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) STAIC Manual with Scoring Key and 25 STAIC Questionnaires (25/pkg) (3/pkg.5" disks) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) 3. Analogies Book. and 1 Comprehensive Report (25/pkg) (CD-Rom for Macintosh) (CD-ROM for Windows) (3. and 25 Profile/Examiner Record Form (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) Clock Test Manual.(50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) CRS-R Technical Manual.5" disks Examiner's Manual. 1 Item Booklet. and 25 Feedback Handouts for each of CADS-P. 25 QuikScore Forms.5" disks. 3 uses) (3. CADS-T. reusable) (10/pkg. Picture Book 2 for S (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (3. and Symbolic Relations.5" disks) DTS Maunaul and 25 QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) DTS Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) DTS Manual (English) and 25 Spanish QuikScore Forms DTS Manual (English) and 3 Spanish QuikScore Forms Examiner's Manual. 25 Response Forms. 2001. requires BarOn Eq-i® Item Booklets) (Mail-In/Fax-In) EQ-i Technical Manual. 1995. 1995. 370 pages softcover. 943 pages softcover. 230 pages Hardcover. 2001. and 25 EMAS-T/EMAS-P Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Hardcover. 943 pages spiralbound. 25 Profile/Examiner Record Forms. 230 pages Manual. and a Picture Book (25/pkg) Examiner's Manual. Picture Book 1 for Design Sequences. 370 pages (25/pkg) Examiner's Manual. Picture Book. 352 pages Softcover. and 25 Response Booklets Softcover. Design Reproduction. and 1 Development Report Response Sheet .hardcover. 25 Profile/Examiner Record Forms. 25 EMAS-S. 1 Item Booklet. 352 pages Hardcover (with Slide Masters) (3/pkg) (10/pkg) (50/pkg) (25/pkg. and 25 Interview Guides Manual. and software JI-R Technical Manual and 2 Interpretive Reports includes ISO-30 manual and 10 carbonless English Answer Sheets CDI Manual. 2 Worksheets. self-contained booklet includes instructions for self-scoring) (25/pkg) FTT Technical Manual. 50 Profile Forms. Technical Manual/Norm Tables. Answer Keys. 3 CDI and 3 CDI-S QuikScore Forms QLQ Manual and 1 QLQ Report. and software Technical Manual. 5 Patient Workbooks. and BSI Bibliography optional. can be used instead of Softcover Test Booklet optional optional SET Therapist's Guide and 5 Workbooks (25/pkg) (5/pkg) includes 7 Patient Videotapes. and 50 Profile Forms (10/pkg) Hardcover Hardcover . 1 Practitioner's Supplementary Video. Getting Started Guide. and 50 Score Sheets includes 50 Answer Sheets.(Mail-In/Fax-In) Technical Manual. Picture Cards. 3 Resource Report uses. and 1 Practitioner's Guide Mail-in/Fax-in (10/pkg) (15/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg. Getting Started Guide. 50 Answer Sheets.Web includes BSI Manual. Supplementary Manual. 50 Worksheets. 3 Development Report uses. Hardcover Softcover Softcover Softcover Softcover (10/pkg) (10/pkg) Hardcover. includes 50 Answer Sheets. Picture Book for Design Sequences. Answer Keys. 10 NEO PI-R Form R Item Booklets (5 men and 5 women ea (10/pkg) optional. Quantitative Relations. Design Reporduction. 2 Worksheets. 50 Answer Sheets. 50 Profile Forms. 2 Worksheets. Pic (100/pkg) NEO PI-R Manual. 50 Profile Forms. 50 Validity and Clinical Scale and Profile Forms and 50 new RC Scales Profile Forms Softcover. Symbiotic Relations. 50 Answer Sheets. 10 NEO PI-R Reusable Form S Item Booklets. and SCL-90-R Bibliography . can be used instead of softcover test booklet Softcover Softcover Hardcover Softcover Hardcover Softcover Hardcover Softcover Softcover Hardcover Softcover Hardcover includes Manual. and SCL-90-R Bibliography includes Manual. can be used instead of softcover test booklet (25/pkg) Examiner's Manual. includes 50 Answer Sheets. 50 Validity and Clinical Scale and Profile Forms and 50 new RC Scales Profile Forms Hardcover Softcover (50/pkg) Hardcover Softcover Hardcover Softcover Hardcover (50/pkg) Softcover Hardcover optional. Answer Keys. includes Manual. User's Manual. Mail-In/Fax-In) (Mail-In/Fax-In) black and white paper (black & white. 25 Answer Sheets. 50 Answer Sheets. Mail-In/Fax-In) (Color Paper. 2 Worksheets. and SCL-90-R Bibliography optional optional includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets (25/pkg) Individual Subscription (4 issues) Institutional Subscription (4 issues) includes Administrator's Manual. Answer Keys. 1999. and Facilitator's Guide (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) BarOn EQ-i:YV Manual and 25 EQ-i:YV QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) . 50 Profile Forms. Mail-In/Fax-In) 1 Technical Manual. 149 pages Technical Manual and 10 Complete Assessment Sets Technical Manual and 1 Complete Assessment Set (10/pkg) (Color Paper. 1 Item Booklet. and Scoring Keys Hardcover. 10 Question Booklets. Administrator's Guide. 25 Individual Record Forms. Mail-In/Fax-In) Technical Manual. and 1 Resource Report Response Sheet (10/pkg) (Mail-In/Fax-In) (Mail-In/Fax-In) (black & white. and 5 Self-Rating QuikScore Forms. 25 HDI-P and HDI-S Background Information Questionnaires. 1 FAM-III ColorPlot Profile (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) FAB-C Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms FAB-C Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) FAM-III Manual. 10 HDI-P and HDI-S Item Booklets. and 1 FAM (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Manual and 25 Summary/Response Booklets (25/pkg) Manual. and 5 FAM-III ColorPlo FAM-III Manual. and 25 Form A and Form B Profile/Examiner Record Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Softcover. 344 pages (50/pkg) Book and 50 Record Forms HDI Technical Manual.(100/pkg) BarOn EQ-i:YV Manual. and . 25 Brief FAM Dyadic Relationship. 10 Brief FAM Dyadic Relationship. 25 Dyadic Relationship Scale and 15 Self-Rating QuikScore Forms. 25 General Scale. and 25 EQ-i and 25 EQ-i(S) QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (15/pkg) FAM-III Manual. and 15 (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) FAM-III Manual. 10 Dyadic Relationship Scale and 5 Self-Rating QuikScore Forms. Student Book. 25 Brief FAM General Scale. 5 General Scale. 5 Brief FAM General Scale. and 25 Self-Rating QuikScore Forms. 1 HDI-P and HDI-S Item Booklet. 2002. 2000. 1992. 3 forms each of IEQ-S. 323 pages for use with IER software IER disk. 3 IEQ-CIP Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) . IEQ-PRO. reusable) (10/pkg. reusable) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) HDI Technical Manual. 25 forms each of IEQ-S.(10/pkg. 2000. 25 HDI-P Background Information Questionnaires. and IEQ-TX.5 hrs) with handbook (30/pkg) Hardcover. and CRW Software Manual IEQ-MP Technical Manual. 10 HDI-S Item Booklets. 25 HDI-S Background Information Questionnaires. 25 IEQ-CIP Forms IEQ-MP Technical Manual. and 3 HD HDI Technical Manual. 3 HDI-P and HDI-S Background Information Questionnaires. CRW disk. and 25 HDI-P Response Fo HDI Technical Manual. IEQ-O. 221 pages Softcover. 439 pages Softcover. 496 pages HPSI Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) HPSI Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms minimum purchase of 50 reports 3 uses and HPSI Getting Started Guide (50/pkg) (10/pkg) (4. 2001. 421 pages softcover. and 25 HDI-S Response Fo (Audiotape & Notebook) Hardcover. IEQ-PRO. IEQ-O. 10 HDI-P Item Booklets. and IEQ-TX. Softcover Hardcover (25/pkg) "Understanding and Dealing with Shame" (25/pkg) ISS Technical Manual. and 25 QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) (50/pkg) JI Manual. 25 Profile/Summary Sheets. 25 QuikScore Forms. 25 Recording Dorms. 1 Observer and 1 Self-Appraisal Item Booklet. 10 Item Booklets. 25 Observer and 25 Self-Appraisal QuikScore Form (10/pkg) (25/pkg) (10/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) JBC and JI Complete Kit. 10 Item Booklets. Treatment of ADHD) JBC Manual. 1 Item Booklet. which includes JI Manual. Stimulus Cards Tent. and 25 QuikScore Forms (10/pkg) (25/pkg) JI Manual. 10 Observer and 10 Self-Appraisal Item Booklet. and 3 QuikScore Forms minimum purchase of 50 uses LAMB Manual. and 25 ColorPlot Profiles (25/pkg) . 25 Interview Guides. 1 Observer and 1 Self-Appraisal QuikScore Form (50/pkg) JBC Manual. LAMB Standard Score Conversion Boo (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pad) (set of 2) Examiner's Manual and 50 Rating Summary Booklets (50/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) LSI-R Manual. 3 QuikScore Forms. and 3 Brochure Handouts (Expert Consensus GuideLine Series. 25 QuikScore Forms. and 25 Brochure Handouts ISS Technical Manual. (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) LSI-R Manual. 392 pages Softcover. 3 Interview Guides. and 3 QuikScore Forms 3 Profile Reports and LSI-R:SV Getting Started Guide (50/pkg) MASC Manual and 25 MASC QuikScore Forms MASC Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms for boththe MASC and MASC-10 (25/pkg) (100/pkg) MASC Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms for both the MASC and MASC-10 (25/pkg) (100/pkg) Hardcover. 2000.5 Getting Started Guide (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) LSI-R:SV Manual. 3 Interview Guides. 3 QuikScore Forms. 2002. and 3 ColorPlot Profiles (3 videos & set of handbooks) 3 uses and LSI-R V. 64 pages . 1 Response Sheet. 25 MTOA:L Record Forms.2 MMSE User's Guides and 100 MMSE Test Forms MMSE User's Guide and 50 MMSE Test Forms MSCEIT User's Manual. and 25 MTOA:S Record Form (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) MTOA Technical Manual. and 25 IQ-PANSS Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) . and Goals for K (30 pages) (5 pads/50 sheets each) (5 pads/100 sheets each) (5 pads/50 sheets each) (5 pads/50 sheets each) PANSS Technical Manual. 25 PANSS QuikScore Forms. 3 MTOA:L Record Forms. and 3 MTOA:S Record Forms (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) 1 of each pamphlet 25 NOC Booklets and 25 NOC Overall Summary Forms (25/pad) (25/pkg) 3 NOC Booklets and 3 NOC Overall Summary Forms Guidebook and 1 pad of 50 sheets for each of the Long Term Goals Planning Sheet. Weekly Progress Report. 1 MTOA:L and 1 MTOA:S Geometric Card. 1 Item Booklet. and 1 Mail-in/Fax-in Personal Summary Report (3/pkg) (Mail-In/Fax-In) (20/pkg) (20/pkg) MTOA Technical Manual. 25 SCI-PANSS Forms. 1 MTOA:L and 1 MTOA:S Geometric Card. and 25 SCI-PANSS Forms PANSS Technical Manual. 25 PANSS QuikScore Forms. and CRW Software Manual . 25 Interview Guides. and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) Hare PCL:SV Manual. 25 QuikScore Forms. and 3 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) Interpretation Guide and 25 Preparation Forma (25/pkg) (100/pkg) PDS Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) 3 Audiotapes and Handbook Softcover PPSI disk. 1 Rating Booklet. 1 Rating Booklet. and 25 Interview Guides Hare PCL:SV Manual. 25 QuikScore Forms. 3 Interview Guides. and 25 Interview Guides (50/pkg) (reusable) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) Manual. CRW disk.(100/Pkg) Audiotape and Handbook 2 Audiotapes and Handbook Audiotape and Handbook (25/pkg) (100/pkg) 3 cassettes (270 minutes) and Handbook (25/pkg) Manual. 10 English Test Booklets. and 50 Profile Forms . 50 Answer Sheets. and 50 Profile Forms includes MHI Manual. 10 Test Booklets. 50 Worksheets. 5 PSP reusable Item Booklets.(25/pkg) Manual. 50 Worksheets. and 50 Profile Sheets includes MACI Manual. 25 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheet/Profile Forms (25/pkg) 25 administrations only (10/pkg) 50 administrations only includes Manual and 25 Questionnaire/Profile Sheets Hare P-SCAN RV Manual. and 20 PSP QuikScore Forms/Interpretation Guides Softcover includes 50 Answer Sheets. Hare) Hare P-SCAN RV Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) (25/pkg) Hare P-SCAN RV Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms the New Personality Self-Portrait book. 50 Profile Sheets. a (10/pkg) includes 50 Answer Sheets. 50 Worksheets. 50 Worksheets. Hand-Scoring User's Guide. 25 QuikScore Forms. 50 Answer Sheets. 10 Reusable Item Booklets. and Without Conscience (book by Dr. For use with Softcover Test Booklets 50/pkg For Use with Hardcover Test Booklets 50/pkg For use with Hardcover Test Booklets 5weptuiw[9ap5trp]q93-r (10/pkg) (10/pkg) (10/pkg) (25/pkg) For use with Hardcover Test Booklets For use with Softcover Test Booklets . Manual Extension. and 25 Profile Forms (10/pkg) unlimited use EQ-i Technical Manual and 1 Black & White Resource Report for use with hardcover test booklets for use with softcover test booklets (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) For use with Hardcover Test Booklets softcover Microtest Q . 25 Answer Sheets. Scoring Template. (100/pkg) (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional) (1 lapbook/pkg) Hardcover Softcover Hardcover Hardcover Softcover PANSS Technical Manual. 3 CDS uses. and 25 SCI-PANSS Forms minimum purchase of 50 uses CDS Getting Started Guide. and 3 SCI-PANSS Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) includes PANSS Technical Manual (English). 3 PANSS QuikScore Forms. 25 PANSS QuikScore Forms. and 3 Brief CDS uses (50/pkg) (50/pkg) CDS Technical Manual and 25 CDS-R QuikScore Forms (10/pkg) (10/pkg. 5 each of men and women) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (50/pkg) . 1 Answer Sheet. Job Dictionary. and 25 Client/Student includes Technical Manual.includes PDS manual. also includes the Manual Supplement for the Spanish Edition) (25/pkg) (50/pkg) includes Technical Manual. 1 EQ-i It (50/pkg) (50/pkg) . 25 CWPI QuikScore Forms. 25 Worksheets. 25 Worksheets. and 1 Scoring Sheet minimum purchase of 50 uses (25/pkg) (10/pkg) Mail-In/Fax-In Mail-In/Fax-In Mail-In/Fax-In EQ-i Technical Manual and 1 Development Report (10/pkg) (10/pkg) includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets (50/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) for the Spanish Edition (10/pkg. 10 Scoring Worksheets. User's Manual. Job Dictionary. includes EQ-360 Technical Manual. and Scoring Keys For 3 to 10 raters. 10 EQ-360 Rater Response Sheets. 10 Answer Sheets. 10 EQ-360 Item Booklets. 50 Scoring Worksheets. User's Manual. and 1 Scoring Sheet includes 50 Answer Sheets. 25 French CWPI QuikScore Forms. 1 Profile. and 25 Client/S (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) includes 1 Test Booklet. and 25 NEO-FFI Feedback Sheets (10/pkg) . 1 Answer Sheet. 1 Profile. and Scoring Templates (10/pkg) (5/pkg) includes 1 Test Booklet. 1 Answer Sheet. Scoring Keys. 1 Answer Sheet. and Scoring Keys includes 1 Test Booklet.(50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) Hardcover (50/pkg) includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets (100/pkg) (50/pkg) (10/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) set of 5 includes Manual. 25 NEO-FFI Form S Booklets. 25 QuikScore Forms. 1 Profile. and an audiocassette includes 1 Test Booklet. 1 Profile. and Scoring Keys (50/pkg) (10/pkg) (1/pkg) (25/pkg) (1/pkg) NEO PI-R Professional Manual. (25/pkg) (pad of 100) (pad of 100) (50/pkg) includes BSI Manual, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Profile Forms, 2 Worksheets, Answer Keys, and BSI Bibliography includes BSI Manual, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Profile Forms, 2 Worksheets, Answer Keys, and BSI Bibliography includes BSI Manual, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Profile Forms, 2 Worksheets, Answer Keys, and BSI Bibliography PCL-R: 2nd Ed. Manual, 1 Rating Booklet, 25 QuikScore Forms, and 25 Interview Guides includes PSI Manual, 5 Maternal and 5 Paternal Item Booklets, 25 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheet/Profile Forms minimum purchase of 25 uses 3 uses and SA-45 Getting Started Guide (10/pkg) (10/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) minimum purchase of 50 uses Software Manual and 3 uses (10/pkg) Hardcover 10/pkg 1 lapbook/pkg CDI Manual and 25 CDI Forms (25/pkg) CDI Manual, 25 CDI and 25 CDI-S QuikScore Forms CDI Manual and 25 CDI-S QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) (100/pkg) CPT II Software Manual and K-CPT Software Manual, 3 CPT II Uses and 3 K-CPT Uses Onsite uses (50/pkg) (50/pkg) includes Examiner's Manual and 50 Summary/Response Booklets BarOn EQ-i:YV Manual and 1 BarOn EQ-i Report- Web PPC Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms BarOn EQ-i:YV English Manual, 25 Spanish EQ-i:YV QuikScore Forms, and 25 Spanish EQ-i:YV(S) QuikScore Forms (50/pkg) (50/pkg) includes MCMI-II Manual, Hand-Scoring User's Guide, 10 Test Booklets, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Worksheets, 50 profile Forms, CLES Technical Manual and 25 QuikScore Forms for each of the CLES-P, CLES-C, and CLES-A (10/pkg) unlimited use unlimited use For Use with Softcover Test Booklets For Use with Softcover Test Booklets For Use with Softcover Test Booklets (optional) (optional) includes 50 carbonless English Answer Sheets For use with Softcover Test Booklets (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (10/pkg) (25/pkg) Onsite uses minimum purchase of 25 uses BarOn EQ-i:YV English Manual and 25 Spanish EQ-i:YV QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) minimum purchase of 25 uses FAB-C Manual and 1 FAB-C Report - Web For Use with Softcover Test Booklets For Use with Hardcover Test Booklets For Use with Softcover Test Booklets For Use with Hardcover Test Booklets CTMT Examiner's Manual and 10 CTMT Record Booklets (21 Pictures) (25/pkg) (10/pkg) minimum purchase of 20 uses includes 50 Profile Forms and 2 Worksheets (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (25/pkg) includes a manual, 1 test item booklet, 3 carbonless answer sheets CISS Manual and 25 Adult QuikScore Forms (100/pkg) DTS Manual (English) and 25 French QuikScore Forms DTS Manual (English) and 3 French QuikScore Forms includes Manual, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Profile Forms, 2 Worksheets, Answer Keys, and SCL-90-R Bibliography (25/pkg) (100/pkg) for 3-10 raters; includes 10 EQ-360 Rater Response Sheets, 1 EQ-i Item Booklet, 1 EQ-i Response Sheet, and 1 EQ-360 Multi (3/pkg) (10/pkg) EQ-360 Technical Manual and 1 EQ-360 Multirater Feedback Report minimum purchase of 50 uses R-SOPAC Technical Manual and 3 QuikScore Forms (reusable) (10/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) CRS-R Technical Manual (English), and 25 QuikScore Forms for each of French CPRS-R:L, CPRS-R:S, CTRS-R:L, CTRS-R:S (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) Softcover LSI-R:SV Manual, 25 Interview Guides, and 25 QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (10/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) SASSI-3 Manual, SASSI-3 User's Guide, 25 Questionnaire/Profile Sheets, and Scoring Key (100/pkg) (25 uses) (50 uses) (100 uses) SASSI-A2 Manual, SASSI-A2 User's Guide, 25 Questionnaire/Profile Sheets, and Scoring Key (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25 uses) (50 uses) (100 uses) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (10/pkg) (10/pkg) (10/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) NEO PDR Software User's Manual, NEO PDR 3.5" Program Diskette, NEO PDR Key Disk with 10 uses, 10 NEO PI-R Reusab (25 uses) (10/pkg) CRS-R Technical Manual (English), 1 QuikScore Form for each of French CPRS-R:L, CPRS-R:S, CTRS-R:L, CTRS-R:S, CAS (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) JI-R Technical Manual, 10 Item Booklets, 25 Response Forms, and Scoring Templates JI-R Technical Manual, 1 Item Booklet, 3 Response Forms, and Scoring Templates (reusable; 10/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) minimum purchase of 50 uses minimum purchase of 25 uses JI-R Technical Manual and 3 Profile Reports minimum purchase of 50 uses includes 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Worksheets, and 50 Profile Forms includes MBMD Manual, Hand-Scoring User's Guide, 10 Test Booklets, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Worksheets, 50 Profile Forms, a (10/pkg) (25/pkg) includes a QOLI Manual, 50 Hand-Scoring Answer SHeets, and 50 Worksheets includes 50 Hand-Scoring Answer Sheets and 50 Worksheets (50/pkg) (optional; 100/pkg) (50/pkg; self-contained booklet includes instructions for self-scoring) Softcover, 1996, 144 pages minimum purchase of 25 uses (one of each pamphlet) 3 Interpretive Report uses and a JI-R Getting Started Guide (10/pkg) (50/pkg) minimum purchase of 25 uses (10/pkg) (10/pkg) (25/pkg) four 19" x13" Color Cards, Manual, 5 Self-Assessment Forms, and 5 each of Quikscore Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25/pkg) (25 of each) (25/pkg) (50/pkg) (10/pkg) minimum purchase of 25 uses (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) PCL-R: 2nd Ed. Manual, Rating Booklet, 2 QuikScore Forms, and 2 Interview Guides SHQ-R Technical Manual, SHQ-R V.5 Getting Started Guide, and 2 Comprehensive Reports (100/pkg) (unlimited use) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (50/pkg) (25/pkg) (100/pkg) (10/pkg) minimum purchase of 50 uses (10/pkg) (10/pkg) Hardcover, 1990, 200 pages (100/pkg) includes video series and 1 Workbook (25/pkg) (100/pkg) minimum purchase of 25 uses PCL-R Manual (English), French Manual Supplement, 1 Rating Booklet, 25 QuikScore Forms, and 25 Interview Guides PCL-R Manual (English), French Manual Supplement, 1 Rating Booklet, 2 QuikScore Forms, and 2 Interview Guides (25/pkg) (25/pkg) MSCEIT User's Manual and 1 Personal Summary Report scoring (100/pkg) PDS Manual (English) and 25 French PDS QuikScore Forms (25/pkg) (25/pkg) includes Video Series, Facilitator's Guide, 15 Workbooks, and 15 Laminated Cards (25/pkg) nd 25 TD Monitor History Forms TD Monitor History Form . Analysis Forms. and the Revised and Expanded WCST Professional Manual . 15 Facial Memory Chips. Visual Selective Reminding Test Board. and a set of Delayed Reca s. Facial Memory Picture Book. 3. and a WRAVMA Soft Attache Case Levels 1. 2. 4. & 5 . and Soft Attache Case Pegboards and Pegs (Fine-Motor).ng/Spelling. . . and CAARS-O:SV S:SV. and CAARS-O:SV SE Form R Handscorable Answer Sheets.Scoring/Summary Profile Forms. and 50 Teacher Form Scoring/Summary Profile Forms RS-S:SV. CAARS-O:L. CAARS-O:S. and 50 CASE Profile Forms . CAARS-O:L. CAARS-O:S. . CTRS-R:S. CASS:S. CGI-P. CASS:L. CADS-A. and CTRS-R:S) S-R:L. Form. and CTRS-R:S) -R:L.S-R:L. CADS-T. 1 Fee . 1 CRS-R Treatment Progress Colorplot&trade. CADS-P. CGI-T. CTRS-R:L. ColorPlot Forms S-R:L. CTRS-R:S. CADS-P. CADS-A. CASS:L. CTRS-R:S. CADS-T. CTRS-R:S. CASS:S. and CASS:S :S. CASS:L and CASS:S) R:S. 1 CRS-R Treatment Progress Colorplot form (Eng . CTRS-R:L. CASS:L. CGI-P. ADS-T. and CADS-A file/Examiner Record Forms . 25 Profile/Summary Forms. Picture Book 2 for Story Sequences and Story Construction. 25 Response . 25 Examiner Record Booklets.tions. actitioner's Guide . Symbiotic Relations.RC Scales Profile Forms RC Scales Profile Forms on. 25 Examiner Record Booklets. 25 R ts (5 men and 5 women each). Form Assembly. 25 Profile/Summary Forms. 25 each of NEO PI-R Form S (self-report) and Form R (observe . Picture Book for Story Sequences. 25 NEO PI-R Handscorable Answer Sheets. ms. and Scoring Keys . ms. and 1 Progress ColorPlot QuikScore Forms. and 1 FAM Progress ColorPlots ation Questionnaires. and 5 FAM-III ColorPlot Profiles of Family Perceptions 1 FAM-III ColorPlot Profiles of Family Perceptions. and 15 FAM Progress ColorPlots uikScore Forms. and 25 HDI-P and HDI-S Response Forms . n Questionnaires. and 3 HDI-P and HDI-S Response Forms and 25 HDI-P Response Forms and 25 HDI-S Response Forms . uikScore Form dard Score Conversion Booklet. and 100 Simple and Complex Figure Drawing Forms . . d 25 MTOA:S Record Forms 3 MTOA:S Record Forms ss Report. and Goals for Kids. and 1 pad of 100 Coach Monitoring Sheets . . 50 Profile Sheets.s/Interpretation Guides sheets. and Answer Keys . . . . ets. and 25 Client/Student Feedback Forms Response Sheets. 1 EQ-i Response Sheet. and 25 Client/Student Feedback Forms Worksheets. 1 EQ-i Item Booklet. and 1 EQ-i Multirater Feedback Report . . . QuikScore Forms ksheets. 50 profile Forms. and Scoring Keys . Sheet. and 1 EQ-360 Multirater Feedback Report . CTRS-R:L. CTRS-R:S. and CASS:S . CASS:L.R:S. 25 NEO PI-R Handscorable Answer Sheets. and 1 NEO PDR Pocket Folder TRS-R:L. and Answer Keys . CASS:S. 50 Profile Forms. 1 CRS-R Treatment Progress ColorPlot Form (E sheets. CGI-T. 10 NEO PI-R Reusable Form S Item CGI-P. CASS:L. CADS-A. CADS-T. CTRS-R:S. CADS-P. CGI-T. 5 Interview Guides nterview Guides . . . . . st Board. and a set of Delayed Recall Cue Cards . . . . . . Form.ogress Colorplot&trade. and 1 CTIF) . 1 Feedback Handout. atment Progress Colorplot form (English). and 1 CTIF . 1 Feedback Hangdout. . Story Sequence Chips.miner Record Booklets. Design Sequence Cubes . 25 Response Forms. . and 25 NEO Feedback Sheets .ets. 25 Response Forms and Story Sequence Chips. Design Sequence Cubes. and Form Assembly Pieces S (self-report) and Form R (observer) Adult Profile Forms. 25 Profile/Summary Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEO PDR Pocket Folder reatment Progress ColorPlot Form (English). and 1 Feedback Handout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bes, and Form Assembly Pieces InvtID 00278 00284N 00293 00294 00300D 00350O 003S0D 00400D 004S0D 00500F 00502E 00510J 00515K 00517K 00626J 00640E 00650F 00651A 00652A 00653A 00660K 00676A 00677A 00679K 00681K 00683K 00684K 00692A 00693A 00694A 00696A 00697A 00698A 00700E 00701K 00702K 00719A 00720A 00721A 00726K 00737K 00740K 00742G 00743E 00746G 00748A 00749A 0074AK 00751K 00754J User1 A A A A B B B B B B B C C C B B B B B B C B B C C C C B B B C C C B C C C C C C B B B B B C C B C B User3 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 0 37 0 21.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 User2 SW 16Bit Dongle Reorder Kit Reorder Kit Test Booklet Bibliography Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Kit Kit Kit Mail-In Kit Kit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit 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Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Kit Kit Freight Kit Book Book Manual CCP CCP IOS IOS IOS IOS IOS IOS PFC PFC PFC PFC APQ APQ APQ APQ APQ APQ APQ APQ APQ 16W 16W NON CRS AAD AAS ASV ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ACQ ACQ ACZ ACZ AAA AAA FRE DTL ANX ANX DTL 1 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 8/4/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 8/4/2000 0:00 N 0 8/16/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 Y 0 1/30/2002 0:00 Y 0 1/30/2002 0:00 N 0 1/30/2002 0:00 Y 0 1/30/2002 0:00 Y 0 1/30/2002 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/30/2002 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/30/2002 0:00 N 0 1/30/2002 0:00 N 0 1/30/2002 0:00 N 0 10/23/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 12/20/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 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Material Profiles Answer/Data Sheets SW DOS Book Book Book Book Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Manual Manual Manual Journal Journal Journal Answer/Data Sheets Interview Guide/Bklt Misc Reorder Kit Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Manual Kit Kit Kit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Answer/Data Sheets Interview Guide/Bklt Video Video Book Book Book Book Book Book Answer/Data Sheets Interview Guide/Bklt Answer/Data Sheets Interview Guide/Bklt Kit ANG DTL DTL DTL DTL DTL DTL ALD HYP ADH ADB JAD JAD JAD AAA AAA ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS AAA AAA ADS ADS ADS ADS ADY AEI AFV AGG AAA AAA AAA AAA AMP 0 1/1/1998 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 7/15/1999 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 8/29/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 8/29/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 12/28/2000 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 8/29/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 8/29/2000 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y .9 3.95 31. Material Admin.AD2R0A AD300A AD400A AD500A AD600A AD700A AD8F3A ADDLDB ADDS2A ADHAC0 ADHD0A ADIR1 ADIR2 ADIR3 ADIR4 ADIR5 ADJBWF ADJBWH ADJCRF ADLR2B ADLR5B ADMCVR ADO1 ADO2 ADO2M1 ADO2M2 ADO2M3 ADO2M4 ADO3 ADS01 ADS02 ADS03 ADS04 ADS05 ADS06 ADS07 ADS08 ADSR3C ADSR4C ADT01 ADT02 ADT03 ADT04 ADYC10 AE1R0A AFV1R0 AGG1R0 AGLR2B AGLR5B AGSR3C AGSR4C AMP1RA A B B B B B B A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A B B B B B 40.25 89 Book Admin.5 55 27.5 113 29. Material Admin.95 0 0 0 0 0 700 400 1100 36.95 73.5 27.5 120 12.5 108 3. 35 101.95 68.35 101.95 79.95 98 57 43 37.75 15.25 47.95 7. Misc.35 101.95 43.5 1.7 39.AMP2R0 AMP3R0 ANGM10 ANS10A AP1R0A APDS10 APDS20 APQP APS01 APS02 APS03 APS03CVR APS04 APS05 APS06 APS07 APS08 APS09 APVR00 AREAMF AS10PP AS11PP AS12PP AS13PP AS1P0P AS1W0A AS2D3B AS2F3B AS2G3D AS2O3E AS2P0P AS3G3D AS3P0P AS4P0P AS5P0P AS6P0P AS7P0P AS8P0P AS9P0P ASA10A ASDS10 ASDS20 ASDS30 AT1R0A AT2R0A ATCP10 ATHR4D AUD3C3 AUT2CE AUTO2E AY2R0A AYM1R0 B B A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B A B B B A A A B A A B A A 54 40 27.75 0 0 30 110.85 28.95 25 Manual Answer/Data Sheets Book Book Book None None SW Refresher Kit Specimen Set Manual Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Book Manual Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Profiles Admin.95 50.95 0 15. Material Book Kit Manual Interview Guide/Bklt Book Book Book Scoring Key/Material Misc.5 54. Manual Book Book AMP AMP AMN ANS ADO NON NON APQ APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS ABP ACQ CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO ASP CSI CSI CSI CSI CRO DTR CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO ASD ASD ASD ATI TAS ATC AAA INF CSI CSI AYO AYM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 6/29/2000 0:00 6/29/2000 0:00 1/30/2002 0:00 11/4/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2004 0:00 11/5/2004 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 12/24/2001 0:00 12/24/2001 0:00 12/24/2001 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 Y Y Y N N N N 0 Y Y Y 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y N y 0 Y Y Y N N Y N N N N Y N .85 31.85 28.95 0 0 0 30.75 0 0 0 369 45 405 100 0 0 50 0 0 54. Material Kit SW 16Bit SW DOS SW Unlock Upgrade SW DOS Kit Upgrade Kit Kit Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Profiles Manual Admin.5 38.75 0 28.25 40.75 20. 25 36.5 7. Book SW Refresher SW DOS SW 16Bit Book Book Kit Reorder Kit SW DOS SW 16Bit SW DOS Manual Kit Manual Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Profiles Profiles SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Reorder Kit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Book Book SW Refresher Manual Kit Kit Kit Specimen Set Misc Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets INF BGM BOE BPS BPS BIO BIO BPS BPS BPS BPS BEN BEN BRI BRI BIR BIR BRI BRI BRI BRI BRI BRI BRI BRI CAM DRE cap CAI CAI CAI CAI CAI CRO CRO CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1995 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1995 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1995 0:00 Y 0 12/20/2001 0:00 Y 0 2/6/2002 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/2001 0:00 N 0 1/1/2001 0:00 N 0 1/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 8/23/2001 0:00 Y 0 8/23/2001 0:00 Y 0 8/23/2001 0:00 Y 0 8/23/2001 0:00 Y 0 8/23/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1994 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1994 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y .9 29.5 55 42.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 Manual Video Video Video Book Admin.95 0 33 34.75 89. Material Book BBH BCL BCL BCL BCP INF MIL Misc.5 347 239 75 46 199 99 0 199 200 0 197 58 46 46 32 32 425 579 115.5 59.75 0 27 94.7 63.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 38.BBHIN BC1P0B BC1V0A BC2P0B BCLP1R BETAPK BGMC BGMCMI BILLY BILLYKIT BIND4A BMM1R0 BOEIR1 BP1F3A BP1W0A BP2P0A BP2PSC BP3P0A BP4P0A BP5P0A BP6P0A BR1F3A BR1MNB BRI10A BRI20A BRI30A BRI40A BRI50A BRI60A BRI700 BRI800 BRIP10 BRIP20 BRIP30 BRIP40 CA1R0A CA3R0A CAABSCOR CAAD1 CAAD2 CAAD3 CAAD4 CAAD5 CAADIDCVR CAAQ0A CAAQ2A CAD01 CAD02 CAD03 CAD04 CAD05 CAD06 B A A A A B B B A B B B A A B B B B A A B B B B B B B B B B B B A A c B B B B B A A B B B B B B 0 20 79 55 71.75 34. 5 106.5 0 3 0 45 25 25 25 25 25 106.5 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 201.5 1. Material Workbook/Worksheet Admin.5 170. Material Audio Audio Misc Info Pak Info Pak Reorder Kit Kit QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Reorder Kit Scoring Key/Material Manual Scoring Key/Material Manual QuikScore Form Manual Video QuikScore Form Video Video QuikScore Form SW Refresher Video SW Refresher Manual SW 16Bit Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Specimen Set CSW CSW CSW CAS CRX CRX CRX CRX CLM CLM CLM CLM CLM INF INF CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAA CAW CAA CAA CAA CAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 3/21/2000 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 12/4/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 Y Y Y N N N N N y y y N N 0 N N 0 y y y y y y 0 0 y 0 0 y 0 0 y 0 0 y Y 0 Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y y y y y .5 106.5 106.5 0 0 109.CAD07 CAD08 CAD09 CAD10A CADD15 CADD25 CADD35 CADD45 CALM1A CALM2B CALM3C CALM4D CALM5E CALM5ESLV CALMGUCVR CANCTA CANCTI CAR1 CAR10B CAR10D CAR11D CAR12D CAR13D CAR14D CAR15W CAR2 CAR20A CAR21W CAR3 CAR30D CAR31W CAR4 CAR40D CAR41W CAR5 CAR50D CAR510 CAR51W CAR520 CAR530 CAR540 CAR550 CAR560 CAR570 CAR580 CAR590 CAR60D CAR610 CAR70D CAR80D CAR90D CARS0C B B B B B B B B A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 25 25 25 167 0 0 0 0 291.25 Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Interview Guide/Bklt Kit Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Kit Admin.25 29.25 0 0 29.5 0 0 44 0 0 30.5 137.5 25 29.5 109.5 30.5 29.5 47. 5 57.5 45 1.5 45 82 25 25 30 95 27 95 Kit Manual Profiles Interview Guide/Bklt Answer/Data Sheets Interview Guide/Bklt Answer/Data Sheets Book Book Book Book Book SW DOS SW .5 66 22.5 27.95 52.95 295 350 0 0 22 43.Macintosh SW DOS SW DOS Answer/Data Sheets Book Specimen Set SW 16Bit SW DOS SW DOS QuikScore Form QuikScore Form SW 16Bit Misc SW DOS Manual Kit QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Kit QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit CAE CAE CAE CAE CAE CAE CAE CBS CBT CCI CCM CCS CDE CDE CDI CDI CDE CLD CDI CDE CDI CDI CDI CDI CDE CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI cdv cdv cdv CDV CDV CDV CDI CDI CDI CDI Kit Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1991 0:00 1/1/1991 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1991 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N Y N Y N N N Y N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Y Y Y Y .95 42 350 35 145 31.5 108 29.CASEK CASEM CASEP CASERB CASERS CASESB CASESS CBS1R0 CBT1R0 CC100A CCM1R0 CCU1R0 CD1F3A CD1MAA CD1O3H CD1OPH CD1P0A CD1R0A CD1S0D CD1W3A CD2D3F CD2F3E CD2P0C CD2PSC CD2W3F CD3CVR CD3F3E CD3P0B CD4P0A CD5P0C CD5PSC CD6P0A CD7P0A CD8P0C CD9P0C CDI10 CDI11 CDI20 CDI21 CDI22 CDI23 CDI24 CDI50 CDI51 CDI52 CDI53 CDI54 CDI55 CDIF10 CDIF20 CDIF30 CDIF40 B B B B B B B A A A A A B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 219 51 27.75 112.5 108 29.5 1 350 0 260 43 63 29.5 49.5 108 137 85 51.95 21.5 49.5 1 91 57.5 27. 75 132.95 0 0 0 0 0 97.5 15 15 15 15 15 15 50.25 Kit Manual Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Kit Report Paper Manual Refreshers Refreshers SW 16Bit Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form Manual Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Specimen Set Misc.95 59 65 60. QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Kit Kit SW DOS SW DOS Book Book Book Audio Book Book Book Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Kit Manual Specimen Set QuikScore Form CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI SHR CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDI CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CER CER CCH SCB CGN SCA CGI CHP CPW HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ CHI CHI CHI CHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 8/20/1999 0:00 8/20/1999 0:00 5/25/2000 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 12/4/1999 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 N N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y 0 y y y y y N N N N N y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .5 54 8.5 25.CDIF50 CDIMNB CDIP0L CDIS0L CDIS2J CDIS30 CDIS40 CDIS50 CDIS60 CDR10A CDS001 CDS002 CDS003 CDS004 CDS005 CDS006 CDS10C CDS20B CDS2CVR CDS30C CDS40C CDS60C CDS70C CDS8SD CDSCVR CDSF3C CDSF4C CDSF6C CDSF7C CDSK1A CDSK2A CDSK30 CE1F3A CE1O3A CE2R0A CG1A0A CG1R0A CG2A0B CGIPR0 CH1R0A CH1ROA CHI10A CHI20A CHI30A CHI40A CHI50A CHI60A CHI70A CHIP30 CHIP40 CHIP50 CHIP60 B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B 55 0 25 25 112.5 29.5 69.5 0 36.25 74.5 33 33.5 106 59.5 100 0 77 39 59.5 108 55 75 65 0 3 1.5 29.5 45 25 25 31.5 49. 75 31. Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt CHI CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CLI CIS CIS CIS CIS CLI CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CIE CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CM2 CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA CLE CLE CLE CLE CLE CLE CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CMP CMR CMR 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 4/22/1999 0:00 Y 1 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1993 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1993 0:00 N 1 1/1/1993 0:00 N 0 1/1/1991 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 4/21/1999 0:00 y 0 1/1/1991 0:00 N 0 1/1/1991 0:00 y 0 1/1/1991 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 1 1/1/1991 0:00 y 0 1/1/1991 0:00 y 0 1/1/1991 0:00 y 0 1/1/1991 0:00 y 0 1/1/1991 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 12/28/2000 0:00 Y 0 9/30/1999 0:00 N 0 9/30/1999 0:00 N 0 9/30/1999 0:00 N 0 9/30/1999 0:00 N 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1994 0:00 N 0 1/1/1994 0:00 N 1 1/1/1994 0:00 N 0 1/1/1994 0:00 N 1 1/1/1994 0:00 N 0 1/1/1994 0:00 N 0 1/1/1994 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 1 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 4/28/1999 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1994 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1994 0:00 y .5 31.25 1 24 24 24 24 49.5 QuikScore Form Kit SW DOS SW DOS Manual SW DOS SW DOS Kit Book QuikScore Form SW DOS QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Book Specimen Set Manual Kit QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Book QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Mail-In SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Manual Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Specimen Set Kit Manual Workbook/Worksheet Misc.25 1 51.5 71 35 160 0 0 0 47.75 25.25 51.5 94. 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SW DOS SW DOS Feedback Feedback Feedback SW .5 1.Macintosh Book SW 16Bit SW DOS SW DOS Upgrade SW .5 55 0 0 0 0 110 30.5 110 55 44 55 45 360 50 129.25 65.Macintosh SW Unlock SW DOS SW DOS SW 16Bit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Feedback Book Video Video Interview Guide/Bklt Kit Manual STC STC STC CSA STC CST INM CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ STC STC STC CRO CRO CRO CLT CLT CLT CAT CAT CAT CLT CAT CAT CAT CLT CAT CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CTC CTC CTC CTM CTM CTM 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1989 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 y 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1 0 3/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 3/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 6/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 6/1/2001 0:00 Y 0 10/10/2001 0:00 1 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1989 0:00 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1989 0:00 N 0 1/1/1990 0:00 N 0 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Material QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Profiles Profiles Kit Consulting Book Feedback Specimen Set SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Kit Kit SW DOS Manual SW DOS SW DOS Manual SW DOS Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Workbook/Worksheet Workbook/Worksheet Workbook/Worksheet Feedback Feedback SW DOS Manual SW DOS SW DOS SW .CTN1FA CTO1PA CTO2PA CTO3PA CTO4PA CTO5PA CTO6PA CTP1RA CTS10F CTS20F CTS30E CTS40E CTT2PB CTT3PE CTT4PC CTT4SC CTT5PC CTT6PD CTT7PD CTT8PA CUSTXA CVS100 CW10PE CW11PJ CW1F3F CW1O3I CW1OFF CW1OPI CW1P0A CW1PFA CW2F3F CW2P0B CW3F3G CW3O3G CW3P0B CW4D3H CW4P0B CW5P0C CW5PFC CW5PSC CW5SFC CW6P0C CW7P0D CW7PSD CW8P0D CW9P0E CW9PSE CWFF3F CWPIMB DA1D3E DA1F3D DA1FAE B B B B B B B A B B B B C B C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B 315 320 76 48 48 48 38.5 104 30.25 65 245 14 41 175 8. Material Admin.5 15. 5 46. 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Material Answer/Data Sheets Manual SW 16Bit Manual Misc Manual Kit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Interview Guide/Bklt QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Specimen Set Answer/Data Sheets Admin.25 94.5 33 372 27.5 59 40 0 0 196 29.DT1D3A DT1F3A DT1N3C DT1O3A DT1OPA DT1R0A DT1UPM DT2F3A DT2O3G DT2P0A DT3F3E DT3P0A DT4F3F DT4P0A DT5F3F DT5P0A DT7P0A DT8F3A DT8P0A DT9P0A DTL1PA DTL2PA DTL3PA DTL4PA DTL5PA DTL6WA DTRE2G DTREECVR DTREEG DTS1PC DTS2PA DTS3PB DTS4PB DTS5PB DTS6FB DTS7FB DTS8FC DTS9FB DTSP10 DTSP20 DTSP30 DTSP40 DTV020 DTV030 DTVP10 DUAD10 DUTC10 DUTC20 DW1R0A ED2W00 ED4P0A ED7P0A B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A B B A B B B 45 395 350 0 0 13. 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Material Manual Refreshers Refreshers Refreshers Kit Kit SW Refresher SW Refresher SW Refresher SW Refresher Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Kit Specimen Set Manual WEI EQI WEI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQW EQI EQI EQI EQE EQE EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQI EQ5 EQ5 EQ5 EQ5 EQ5 EQ5 EQI EQ5 EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQV EQI EQS EQS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 4/18/2000 0:00 9/20/1999 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/14/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 9/12/2001 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 6/22/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 5/28/2002 0:00 5/28/2002 0:00 5/28/2002 0:00 Y y Y y y y y y N N y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y 0 0 0 0 y 0 0 Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y 1 N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .25 29 36.25 44 Book Manual Book Manual Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Misc Mail-In Mail-In Kit Book Book Test Booklet Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Mail-In Reports Workshop QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets SW Refresher Admin.25 17.75 0 0 0 68.95 66 10.5 28.95 14.95 55 15.5 116 116 55 55 55 55 63 63 63 63 131.75 35 29 0 11.25 47.5 36.25 40 0 0 35 10.5 22.EQ3R00 EQ4P0D EQ4R00 EQ5P0E EQ6P0F EQ7P0F EQ8P0F EQ9P0L EQCNS1 EQDFX0 EQDR0G EQDT EQED10 EQED20 EQF10F EQF200 EQF2D0 EQF2P EQF2R0 EQF5D0 EQF5I0 EQF5R0 EQFPV0 EQGRPG EQI06222001 EQI200 EQI201 EQI33 EQI34 EQI35 EQI36 EQI37 EQI38 EQI39 EQI41 EQI50 EQI51 EQI52 EQI53 EQI54 EQI55 EQI57 EQI58 EQI59 EQI60 EQI61 EQI62 EQI63 EQI64 EQI70 EQI71 EQI72 A B A B B B B B B B B B A A B B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 26. 25 0 1. Misc QuikScore Form Workshop Misc.75 70 16. Online Use Misc. 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Material Admin. Material Interview Guide/Bklt Kit Manual Interview Guide/Bklt Manual Kit Manual Interview Guide/Bklt SW 16Bit Manual Kit Kit Manual Manual Admin.3 98 57 43 35 94.75 32 90 0 0 120. 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Book SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Audio Audio Audio Book Book Book Book Kit Specimen Set Kit Kit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Specimen Set Manual SW Refresher SW 16Bit Answer/Data Sheets Misc.5 45 25 0 0 125 0 449 395 645 14.5 0 0 35 595 QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Specimen Set Manual Kit Kit Misc.5 48.5 115.5 115. 75 41 36.Macintosh Answer/Data Sheets SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Manual Answer/Data Sheets Kit Specimen Set Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Misc Book Book Info Pak Info Pak Reports Info Pak Info Pak Info Pak HED HED HED HED HSG HSG HSG SSH HED HED HED HED HED FDO INT IBC IBC IBC PFC IPS CPS ICP ICS IER IER IER IER IER IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IIB IIB PFC INF BBH INF INF INF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 1/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 N N N N 0 Y y 0 y y y y y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N .95 43.HS2F3A HS3F3A HS6F3A HS7F3A HSC1R0 HSG00A HSG10A HSGF10 HT2F3A HT3F3A HT4F3A HT5F3A HT6F3A HV1R IAM20A IC1P0B IC1V0A IC2P0B ICPR0A ICPSE0 ICPSK0 ICPSP0 ICSAVA IE1F3A IE1FMA IE1P0A IE1W3A IE2W3F IEQ01A IEQ02B IEQ03 IEQ04 IEQ05 IEQ06 IEQ07 IEQ08 IEQ09 IEQ10 IEQ11 IEQ12 IEQ13 IEQ14 IEQ15 IEQMNCVR II2R10 II3R10 IN16PA IN16UA INBBHI INBHIM INBSIM INCAIG A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A B A A A 495 795 595 495 35 40 150 17 495 595 795 595 495 82.5 123 0 55.95 235 110 31 43.75 139 36.95 43.5 99 39.75 139 36.75 139 36.5 57.95 104.75 139 32.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Book Pamphlet Pamphlet Book SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Book Book Workbook/Worksheet Video Workbook/Worksheet Book Book Book Book Video SW 16Bit SW .95 105 275 325 22 325 325 0 0 199. 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SW 16Bit Misc.5 36.95 33.Macintosh Kit Video SW 16Bit Reorder Kit SW 16Bit Kit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Misc. 95 191.5 15.95 25.PS10PA PS11FA PS11PA PS12FA PS12PA PS13FA PS1F3F PS1O3F PS1OPF PS1P0A PS1R0A PS2F0A PS2F3F PS2P0A PS3D3G PS3F0A PS3P0A PS3R0A PS4F0A PS4P0A PS6F3A PS7F3A PS7P0A PS8F3A PS8P0A PS9F3A PS9P0A PSC01 PSC02 PSC03 PSC04 PSCKB0 PSCKK0 PSCN10 PSCN20 PSCN30 PSCNS0 PSCNU1 PSCSDS PSCW01 PSGS1R PSIFRCVR PSP1PA PSP1RB PSP25D PSP2PD PSP3PC PSP4PD PSP5PE PSP6PD PSP7PJ PSPMNA B B B B B B A A A A A B A B A B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A B B A B B B B B B B B B B 60 56 42 56 33 56 125 0 0 15 59.5 78. Material Book Kit SW DOS Kit SW DOS Manual Manual Book Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets SW DOS SW DOS Answer/Data Sheets SW DOS Test Booklet SW DOS Kit SW Refresher Manual SW Refresher Answer/Data Sheets Kit Kit Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Specimen Set Info Pak Online Use Online Use Book Misc Kit Book QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Test Booklet QuikScore Form Specimen Set Scoring Key/Material Answer/Data Sheets Manual PSI PSI PSS PSI PSS PSI PSP PSP PSP PSH PSY PSF PSP PSI PSP PSF PSI PRO PSI PSI PSS PSS PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSG PSP PSB PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 4/26/2002 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 12/20/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1994 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1994 0:00 N 0 1/1/1994 0:00 y 0 1/1/1994 0:00 y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 y 0 1/1/1994 0:00 y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N .25 21 60 44 21 94.5 16.2 101 33.25 23 0 0 3.7 60 43 56 58 465 569 44 145 52 265 113 6.75 20 35 Answer/Data Sheets Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Admin.25 0 47.6 22 31.5 25.4 235 167 40 62.5 0 136. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 35 125 0 0 0 54 30 19.PSPW01 PSS1R PST1R0 PSTCR0 PSYCHSLKSCRN PTDK10 PTDK20 PTRT10 PTS1RA PTSK1 PTSK5 PTSM2 PTSM3 PTSM4 PTSSLKSCR PUBMAN PYTS10 QL1D3G QL1F3F QL1MNC QL1O3H QL1OPH QL1P0A QL1S0B QL2P0D QL2PSD QL3P0C QL3POC-CVR QL4P0D QL5P0E QL5PSE QLQW01 QLQW02 QRT00A RA1R0A RCL1PC RCL2PA RCL2PACVR RCL3PB RE10PA RE11PA RE12PA RE1P0A RE2P0A RE3P0A RE4P0A RE5P0A RE6P0A RE7P0A RE8P0A RE9P0A REFINV A A A A b B A A C A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A B 5 54. Manual Book SW DOS SW DOS Manual SW DOS SW DOS Kit Specimen Set QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Manual Manual QuikScore Form Test Booklet Test Booklet Online Use Online Use Audio Book Kit Manual Manual QuikScore Form Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet None PSP FDO PBT FCM LSI EQI PER PTS UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK NON PYT QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QLQ QRT RAS REH REH REH REH RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC RHC NON 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 12/28/2000 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 9/5/2001 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 1/1/1990 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1990 0:00 N 0 1/1/1990 0:00 N 0 1/1/1990 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N .95 47.5 18 0 5 33 55 59.5 0 0 0 0 54.95 27.95 0 23 0 71.5 86 44 0 48 32 32 20 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 0 Online Use Book Book None Misc Maintenance Maintenance Book Book SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Manual Manual Manual Misc. 5 0 83 14. Material Book Kit Specimen Set Manual Admin.5 399 399 372.3 104.5 99 33 77 207 36 67 25. Material Admin.5 0 55 30 28 23 56 35 29 37 0 0 3 45 0 Misc.95 0 22.REPR00 RI1F3F RI1W00 RIA5CD RIAP5 RIAP5S RIAPS RIAS1 RIAS2 RIAS3 RIAS4 RIAS5 RIAS6 RIAS7 RIST1 RIST2 RIST3 RIST4 RL1P0A RMRKVA RMS1R RNTFEE RP1P0A RQ1P0A RR1P0A RRA1R0 RRE1R RSP01 RSP02 RSP03 RSP04 RSP05 RT100A RT1W0A RT200A RTCW1R RTFRT1 RW1P0A RWC1R SA1P0A SA1PSD SA2P0B SA3P0C SA410A SA420B SA430C SA44SH SA4501 SA4501CVR SA4502 SA4503 SA45MANCVR A C C C C C C B B B B B B B B B B B C A A C C C A A B B B B B A C A B B A A A A A B B B B B B B 0 595 625 625 403.5 104. SW DOS SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Reorder Kit Reorder Kit Book Book Book Reorder Kit Manual Book Book Book Reorder Kit Admin. Material Video Book None Admin.95 71 51 50 30 114 46 269 46 21.3 80.95 22 41. Material Book Book Kit Specimen Set Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Audio SW 16Bit Audio Book Freight Admin.5 181.9 58.3 80. Material Admin. 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Material Admin.25 176 192.5 200 0 49.5 53 132 176 192. Material Admin.5 368.95 0 0 0 0 0 39. Material Admin. Material Admin.5 38 74 0 0 45 0 695 0 0 125 550 Answer/Data Sheets Kit Kit Manual Answer/Data Sheets Profiles Profiles Profiles Kit Manual Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Kit Manual Interview Guide/Bklt Misc Interview Guide/Bklt Book Answer/Data Sheets Scoring Key/Material Scoring Key/Material Manual Scoring Key/Material Scoring Key/Material Profiles Misc Kit Kit Manual Admin. Material Admin.25 39.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 130 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 74 38.5 101. Material Admin.SC3D0A SC4D0A SCBE10 SCBE20 SCBE30 SCCZ10 SCFN10 SCHG10 SCID1A SCID2A SCID3A SCID4A SCID5A SCID6A SCID7A SCIDCVR SCIPS1 SCP1RA SCQ1 SCQ2 SCQ3 SCQ4 SCQ5 SCQ6 SCRS10 SCSSPQCVR SEC01 SEC02 SEC03 SEC04 SEC05 SEC06 SEC07 SEC08 SEC09 SEC10 SEC11 SEC13 SEC14 SETKTA SETMNC SETW1B SETW2B SH1BD2 SH1BM2 SH1D3O SH1DDO SH1F3M SH1FDP SH1FGP SH1MF1 SH1NGX B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A 39. Material Admin.5 91 53 44 55 55 55 126.5 85. Material Admin. Material Admin.5 47. Material Manual Manual Kit Manual Workbook/Worksheet Workbook/Worksheet SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Maintenance SW DOS SCD SCD SBE SBE SBE PAN PAN PAN SCV SCV SCV SCV SCV SCV SCV PAN SCP PAN SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SET SET SET SET SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 Y Y Y Y Y 0 0 0 y y y y y y y N Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Y y y y N N N N N N N N N .5 43.5 83 39.5 0 55 32. 55 0 0 0 45 0 0 100 45 595 550 45 795 750 250 0 45 0 0 0 SW DOS SW Unlock SW 16Bit SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS Maintenance SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW Unlock EMC EMC EMC EMC Manual SW DOS SW DOS SW DOS SW Unlock SW Conversion SW DOS SW DOS SW Unlock SW DOS SW DOS SW Unlock SW Conversion SW Conversion SW DOS Misc. SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR SHR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N 0 N N N N N N .SH1PGT SH1U3N SH1W38 SH2BD2 SH2BM2 SH2D3S SH2DDS SH2F3Q SH2FDT SH2FGT SH2NGX SH2U3R SH3F3Y SH3FDX SH3FGT SH3MF1 SH3N1X SH3N4X SH4F3Y SH4FDY SH4FGT SH5BD2 SH5D3C SH5DDC SH5F3A SH5FDD SH5FGD SH5G3D SH5PGD SH5U3B SH6CEW SH6FDU SH6MCW SH6MMW SH6MNZ SH7F35 SH7FD5 SH7MF1 SH7U35 SH8CN6 SH8D3O SH8F3M SH8U3N SH9D3S SH9F3Q SH9U3R SHCNV5 SHCON5 SHDD3C SHDRGP SHED30 SHEK10 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 200 750 0 0 0 45 0 790 0 0 550 950 1345 0 0 250 250 925 1545 0 0 0 45 0 395 0 0 400 550 350 125 0 17. SHEM20 SHRMNZ SHROT1 SHRVCV SHRVTP SHTR10 SHTR20 SHTRNE SHWKP9 SHWWKB SINMR0 SIPA10 SIPA20 SIPA30 SIPA40 SIT10A SIT20A SIT30A SIT40A SIT50A SIT60A SM1R0A SM2R0A SMDCVR SNT1RA SO1R0A SO1RCA SO2TAA SO3R0A SO4R0A SOPACCVR SP1P0A SP1R0A SP2P0B SP3P0C SP3PSC SP4P0C SP5P0D SP6PRT SP7PRT SP8FR0 SPAN01 SPAN02 SPAN03 SPARDS SPC10A SPC20B SPC30C SPC40D SPC5FR SPC6SP SPCP10 A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 0 35 75 0 0 75 100 39 165 35 25 125 44 44 44 48. Material Answer/Data Sheets Manual Answer/Data Sheets Manual Kit Kit Manual Book Book Misc Book Book Book Audio Video Book Misc Kit Book Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Specimen Set QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Kit Answer/Data Sheets Online Use Kit Manual QuikScore Form Specimen Set QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form SHR SHR SHT SHR SHR SHT SHT SHR SHR SHR SMR SIP SIP SIP SIP SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SMT SMA STN SOH SOH HTU SOH SOE SPA PFC SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPA SPC SPA SPA SPA SPA SPC SPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 5/30/2000 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 4/13/2000 0:00 4/13/2000 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 2/19/1999 0:00 2/19/1999 0:00 11/5/1999 0:00 3/6/2002 0:00 3/6/2002 0:00 3/6/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 11/5/1999 0:00 2/21/2000 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N N N N Y y N y y N y y N N Y N 1 1 0 y N N N N Y 0 .5 40 37 31.5 0 116 42 30 110 30 94 74 40 0 63 40.5 30 Admin.5 12 0 11. Material Manual SW 16Bit Video Video SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Video Workshop Workbook/Worksheet Book Kit Manual Admin.95 0 47.5 41 31.5 33 48 108 108 11 15.5 23.75 31.5 0 63 25.95 175 15. 5 64 62 42 41 31.95 0 25 100 70 35 15 35 0 0 45 25 0 45 1.Macintosh SW 16Bit SW DOS SW .5 40 30 25 75 45 0 175 225 225 425 425 425 225 45 0 16.5 29.5 108 11 10.5 112.Macintosh SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW DOS SW DOS Book Book SW DOS Audio SW DOS Kit Answer/Data Sheets Scoring Key/Material Bibliography Manual SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Answer/Data Sheets Manual SW 16Bit SW Refresher Answer/Data Sheets Profiles Scoring Key/Material Manual Profiles Profiles SW 16Bit wks SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ CSQ SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSI SSP SSP wha SST STA SLP STA STA STA STA STA STA STC STC STC STC STC STC NON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 10/1/1999 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 7/30/1999 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N 0 N N N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y N y N y y N y N N Y Y N N Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Online Use Online Use Kit Kit Kit Specimen Set Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Manual Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Manual Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Kit Specimen Set Misc SW DOS SW .5 40.SPKSO1 SPLRDS SPS01 SPS02 SPS03 SPS04 SPS05 SPS06 SPS07 SPS08 SPS09 SPSI1A SPSI2B SPSI3C SQP10B SQP20C SQP30D SQPK00 SQPS00 SRCVR SS1F3A SS1MAA SS1W3A SS2F3A SS2MAA SS2W3A SS2W3F SS3D3A SS3O3E SSA010 SSR1RA ST103B ST1A00 ST1F3A ST1P0E ST2P0C ST3P0D ST4P0H ST5P0G STAIB0 STAID0 STAIE0 STAIM0 STAIT0 STAIW0 STAXI10 STP01 STP02 STP03 STP04 STP05 STP06 A B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C A A A A A A B B B A A B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 0 0 90.5 8. 95 35 33 25 25. Material Admin. Material Admin.25 71.Macintosh SW 16Bit Kit Manual Manual STM STO STO PAN TAT TCA TIC TDA TCD TAB TCS TDS TDS TDM TDS TDM TDS TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TEB NON TEC TFB TFB TFD THE TIP CRO TLD TLD TLD TLD TLD TLD TLP TLP TLP TLP TLP TLP TOL TOL TOL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/20/2001 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00 1/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1992 0:00 12/20/2001 0:00 11/8/2002 0:00 6/27/2002 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 12/28/2000 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1990 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 Y Y N N Y N N Y N Y Y N N y N y Y y Y N y N y N Y 0 Y Y N N y y 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N . Material SW . Material Book Consulting None Book Book Admin.5 22 55 197 82. Material Book Audio Admin.95 29.25 60. Material SW .5 100 63 165 21.95 0 0 32.5 44 72.5 108 108 270 89 61 108 108 108 236.95 38.5 0 32.95 43 149.Macintosh SW 16Bit Kit Manual Admin.5 97 105 225 225 40 225 99.5 0 Book Stopwatch Stopwatch Kit Kit Book Book Book Book Book Video SW DOS SW .95 32.75 225 42 21 0 21 0 31. Material Reorder Kit Manual Report Paper Kit Manual Admin.95 18.Macintosh Manual SW 16Bit Kit SW 16Bit Specimen Set QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Admin. Material Admin.SVTM1R SW4S0A SW4STA SWPAN1 TAT10A TC100A TC1R0A TCA1RA TCD1R0 TCS1RA TCSAVA TD1F3A TD1MAA TD1P0C TD1W3A TD2P0A TD2W3F TD3P0B TD4P0D TD4PSD TD5P0E TD5PSE TD6P0F TD6PSF TEB1R0 TECDEV TECFEE TFB1R0 TFB2R TFB2R0 TFDG1A TG1R0A TI1A0A TI1P0Q TIC1 TIC2 TIC3 TLI4PA TLI5PA TLI6PA TLI7PA TLIMAA TLIW0A TLP1PA TLP2PA TLP3PA TLP4PA TLPMAA TLPW0A TLRP1 TLRP2 TLRP2CVR A A A B C A A A A A A A A B A B B B B B B B B B A A A A B A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 32. Material Kit Manual Admin.5 QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Admin.75 205 45 25 25 110 281 105 74 44 44 242 48. Material Misc Book Video Video Workbook/Worksheet Manual Video Book Book Book Book Book Book Translation Book Book Book Kit Audio Audio Audio Kit Manual Admin.75 204.5 0 105 41 56 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 495 22. Material Admin. Material Admin. Material Admin. Material Kit Kit Kit Manual Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Admin.5 65 49. Material Answer/Data Sheets TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TON TON TON TON TON TML TML TML TML TML TOM TOM TOM TOM TOM TOM TOM TAC TPV TPV TPV TPV TPV TPS RSH RSH RSH RSH RSH TRN TNK TSA TRS NON SCT SCT SCT TVP TVP TVP TVP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 7/16/2001 0:00 7/16/2001 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 11/1/2003 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 Y Y 0 Y Y N N N N N Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N y y y y N N N N N N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y 0 N N N N y N N Y Y Y Y . Material Answer/Data Sheets Admin.95 121 121 121 325 104.TLRP3 TLRP4 TLRP50 TLRPA TLRPC TLRV1A TLRV2B TLRV3C TLRV4C TLRV5D TN6P0A TN78PA TN7P0A TN8P0A TN9P0A TO1P0A TO2P0A TO3P0A TO4P0A TO5P0A TOM10A TOM20B TOM30C TOM40D TOMF1C TOMF2C TOMF3C TOMMSWCVR TP1R0A TP1V1C TP1V2D TP1V3B TP1V9E TP1VVA TP2S0A TR1R0A TR2R0A TR3R0A TR4R0A TR5R0A TRANS0 TS1R0A TS2R0A TS3R0A TSCC10 TT1A0A TT1AAB TT1AMC TVP10A TVP20A TVP30A TVP40A B B B C C B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A B B B B 31.5 0 18.5 57. Material Kit Admin. Material Admin. Material Manual Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Kit Manual Admin.5 31.95 75 66 0 25 0 0 180 34 127 19.75 204. Macintosh SW .95 449 30 30 30 200 250 250 250 Kit Manual Admin.Macintosh SW 16Bit TVP TVP TVP TVP EQW EQW TRO TRO FDO UCC UCC UCC UCC UCC UCC INF UCB MMP RIA UPT WCS WCS INF INF INF UNV VAT DCV DCV DCV VCM INF AVS AKD VRF GLM LLC LBT RMW SCC AVM YDD VRC VRT WII WII WII WII WAI WAI WAI WAI 0 1/1/1997 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1997 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/23/2002 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1995 0:00 0 0 1/1/1995 0:00 N 0 12/4/2001 0:00 0 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 12/20/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 12/20/2001 0:00 Y 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N 0 1/1/1997 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N . Material Admin.5 60 60 32.5 0 57.5 49.5 193 38.95 55 130 130 197.5 49.5 33 33 33 133 0 143 399 79 120 165 273 0 0 0 28.TVU10A TVU20A TVU30A TVU40A TWEIFD TWEIOF TWMD20 TWMDRA UAR1R UC1P0A UC2P0A UC3P0A UC4P0A UC5P0A UC6P0A UKCAT0 UMCC0A UPMMPI UPRIAP UPTT0A UPWCST UPWCV3 USCAT USCATA USCATI UV2R0A VA2R0A VC200A VC300A VC400A VCMDO VDJKT3 VR10VA VR11VA VR1V0A VR2V0A VR3V0A VR4V0A VR5V0A VR6V0A VR7V0A VR8V0A VR9V0A VRTA1R W1F00A W2P00B W3P00B W4P00B WA1F3A WA1FMA WA1MAA WA1W3A B B B B A A A B B B B B B A A C C A C C A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C C C C C C 137. Material Reorder Kit Info Pak Book Upgrade Upgrade Book Upgrade Upgrade Info Pak Info Pak Info Pak Book Book Video Video Video Book Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Book SW DOS Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets SW DOS SW .5 0 0 27.95 60 0 0 0 60 65 60 55 39.5 32 88 17. Material Answer/Data Sheets Workshop Workshop Book Book Book Kit Manual Answer/Data Sheets Admin. Macintosh SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Book Kit Kit Video Video Kit Book Misc.WC1P0A WC2P0A WC2R0A WC2W00 WC3P0A WC3W00 WC4B0A WC4P0A WC4W00 WC5BW0 WC5P0A WC642 WC64RF WC6BW0 WC6P0A WC6V2S WCCV4 WCS10A WCS20A WCS30A WCS40A WCS50A WCS6V2 WCS6W0 WCS7W0 WCSP2 WCSP4 WCSPU WCUP WCV4SK WCVS4K WI2FMA WI2W3A WI2W3F WIF10A WKEQ01 WKEQ02 WLS1V WLS2V0 WLS3V0 WMBW10 WR220A WR910A WR92BA WR92TA WR930A WR950A WR980A WR9P0A WR9W0A WRAMLA WRAV1A C C A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C B A B B A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B 335 46.5 38.7 90.5 27.5 16.5 49.7 40.7 679 639 17.2 495 520 290 290 405 55 55 639 679 300 300 300 57 1500 1400 229 69.95 849 25 38.2 16.5 38. Material Answer/Data Sheets Kit SW 16Bit Kit Kit WCS WCS WCN WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS CPW WCS WCS WCS CPW CPW WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS WCS CPW CPW WCS WCS CPW CPW WIS WIS WIS WIF EQI EQI EQV EQV EQV WMB WRA WRA WRA WRA WRA WRA WRA WRA WRA WRV WRV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 8/16/1999 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 8/16/1999 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 2/8/2000 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 2/8/2000 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 11/3/2003 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 3/4/2002 0:00 3/7/2002 0:00 2/25/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 0 Y N 0 Y Y N 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y 0 N Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N Y Y 0 N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y .6 520 36 389 17.5 165 129 358 320 Kit Answer/Data Sheets Book SW 16Bit Admin.5 279 620 253 106.5 38. Material SW 16Bit SW DOS Manual SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW DOS SW 16Bit Interview Guide/Bklt SW 16Bit Answer/Data Sheets SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Kit Manual Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Misc.95 595 167 679 949 106.7 73. SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Reorder Kit SW 16Bit SW . Manual Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Profiles Admin. 5 49.WRAV2A WRAV3A WRAV4A WRAV5A WRAV6A WRAV7A WRAV8A WRE10A WRE20A WRE30A WRE40A WRE50A WRE60A WRE70A WS3AUG WS3FEB WS3JUL WS3NOV WS3OCT WS3SEP WSACAU WSACJU WSACND WSACNV WSACOC WSACSP WSCL36 WSCLEQ WSCLMS WSCLYV WSCOMA WSCOMB WSCOMC WSCOMD WSCOME WSE360 WSEQAU WSEQFB WSEQJU WSEQNV WSEQOC WSEQSP WSKWKIN WSMSAU WSMSCA WSMSCB WSMSJU WSMSSP WSTR36 WSTREQ WSTRMS WSTRR1 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B A B B 49. Material Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Admin. 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Material Manual QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Manual SW 16Bit SW Unlock SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Upgrade Upgrade Manual SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Manual SW Refresher SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit sw 16bit sw 16bit sw 16bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Mail-In Mail-In EYW EQW EQW EQW SKP SKP SKP SKP SKP WVS WVS WVS WVS WVS WVS WVS WVS WVS CSI CSC CAW CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSC CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI KPT CSW CRS CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW CSW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 75 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 8/14/2002 0:00 8/14/2002 0:00 8/14/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 0 0 0 N N 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y N N N N N N N Y N Y N N N Y N N 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N . 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0:00 N 0 1/1/1988 0:00 N . Material BS2 PFC AU2 MA2 MA2 CA2 CA2 QSH QSH MR2 MR2 HSQ ISQ QSH PFF TJT TJT MM2 MM2 QOL PP3 BH2 MR8 MR8 POS GAM VIP MBM MBM 16S APQ APQ AHD AHD AHD ACQ APS APS APS CSI CSI BCL BCL CAA CAA CAI CAI CRX CLM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/30/2002 0:00 1/30/2002 0:00 1/30/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 11/5/2001 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 8/23/2001 0:00 8/23/2001 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N .Z51421 Z51424 Z51427 Z51428 Z51429 Z51462 Z51465 Z51471 Z51472 Z51477 Z51478 Z51491 Z51494 Z51498 Z514FA Z51504 Z51505 Z51511 Z51512 Z51520 Z51526 Z51529 Z51536 Z51537 Z51737 Z51750 Z51770 Z51929 Z51931 Z53200 Z70300 Z70400 ZA5P0E ZAAATA ZAAATB ZAAATS ZAC1PA ZADS05 ZADS07 ZAPS04 ZAPS06 ZAPS08 ZAS2D3 ZAS2F3 ZBC1PB ZBC1VA ZCA11D ZCA13D ZCAAD2 ZCAAD3 ZCADD2 ZCAL1B B B B C C B B B B C C B C B B B B C C B B B C C B C C C C B B B A A A B B B B B B B B A A B B B B B A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Audio Audio Audio Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form SW DOS SW DOS Video Video QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Admin. Material Admin. SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit SW 16Bit Answer/Data Sheets SW 16Bit SW 16Bit QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form CLM CLM CLM CLM CLM CLM CAA CAA CAA CAA CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDI CDS CDS CGD CGD CGD HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ HEJ CHI CIS CIS CIS CLE CLE CLE CAL CAL INF CMP CMP cmp cmp CMR CMP CPT CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 10/13/1999 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 8/10/1999 0:00 N 0 8/10/1999 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1996 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 4/21/1999 0:00 N 0 9/30/1999 0:00 N 0 9/30/1999 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1998 0:00 N 0 4/28/1999 0:00 N 0 4/28/1999 0:00 N 0 4/28/1999 0:00 N 0 4/28/1999 0:00 N 0 4/18/2002 0:00 N 0 4/28/1999 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 7/4/2001 0:00 N 0 1/1/1900 0:00 N 0 7/4/2001 0:00 N . Material QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Audio Audio Audio Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet Pamphlet QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Manual Workbook/Worksheet Misc. Material Admin.ZCAL2B ZCAL3B ZCAL3C ZCAL4B ZCAL5B ZCAL6B ZCAR3D ZCAR5D ZCAR7D ZCAR9D ZCDFS0 ZCDI10 ZCDI20 ZCDIF0 ZCDIS3 ZCDS10 ZCDS3C ZCDS6C ZCG1A1 ZCG1A2 ZCG1MA ZCHI20 ZCHI30 ZCHI40 ZCHI50 ZCHI60 ZCHI70 ZCHIP6 ZCI20P ZCIF10 ZCIF30 ZCLESA ZCLESC ZCLESP ZCLMR2 ZCLMR3 ZCLPB3 ZCMCD1 ZCMCD2 ZCMCD3 ZCMCD4 ZCMDQ3 ZCMDS2 ZCPT10 ZCRF1G ZCRF2H ZCRF34 ZCRF35 ZCRF36 ZCRF38 ZCRF3E ZCRF40 A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B A A C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Admin. Material Admin. Material Workbook/Worksheet Admin. ZCRF4F ZCRF5Y ZCRF6Z ZCRF7K ZCRF8K ZCRF9I ZCRFAI ZCRFBI ZCRFC2 ZCRP1K ZCRP2K ZCRP3I ZCRP4I ZCRP51 ZCRP62 ZCRS11 ZCRS13 ZCRS15 ZCRS17 ZCRS19 ZCRS21 ZCRS23 ZCRS25 ZCRS27 ZCRS29 ZCRS31 ZCRS33 ZCRS35 ZCRS37 ZCRS39 ZCRS41 ZCRS43 ZCRS45 ZCRS47 ZCRS48 ZCRS49 ZCRS59 ZCRS60 ZCRS62 ZCRS64 ZCRS66 ZCRS68 ZCRS70 ZCRS80 ZCRS82 ZCRS84 ZCRS86 ZCRS87 ZCRS9S ZCRSXS ZCS1KE ZCS1MA B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A B B B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Feedback Feedback Feedback QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Profiles QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Kit Manual Scoring Key/Material Manual CRS CAS CAS CRS CRS CRS CRS CAS CAS CRS CRS CRS CRS CAS CAS CRS CRS CRS CRS CAS CAS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CAS CAS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS STC STC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . 1 2.35 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 5. Material Admin. 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Material QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt Answer/Data Sheets QuikScore Form Admin.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interview Guide/Bklt Admin.ZCSQ10 ZCTT1P ZCTT2P ZDTS1F ZDTS1P ZDTS1S ZDUTC1 ZDUTC2 ZEQ20 ZEQ360 ZEQ361 ZEQ362 ZEQ363 ZEQ364 ZEQ6PF ZEQDFX ZEQF1F ZEQI33 ZEQI36 ZEQI37 ZEQI38 ZEQI41 ZEQI61 ZEQI62 ZEQI63 ZEQI64 ZEQI71 ZEQI73 ZEQIAF ZEQIDR ZEQIFX ZEQIRR ZEQIRS ZEQIS10 ZEQISR ZEQITR ZEQRFX ZEQS1F ZEQYS1 ZEQYS3 ZEQYV0 ZEQYV9 ZEUIAB ZEUIPC ZFA1GP ZFAF01 ZFAF02 ZFAF03 ZFAF04 ZFAF05 ZFAF06 ZFAM2P B C C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A B B B B B B B B 0 0 0 2 2. ZFAM3P ZFAM4P ZFAS01 ZFAS02 ZFAS03 ZFAS04 ZFAS05 ZFAS06 ZFREN1 ZFREN2 ZFTT00 ZHDI02 ZHDI03 ZHDI04 ZHDI05 ZHDI06 ZHDI08 ZHP3FF ZHPS01 ZHPS02 ZHPS03 ZIC1PB ZIC1VA ZIC2VA ZIC3VA ZIEQ06 ZIEQ08 ZIEQ10 ZIEQ12 ZIEQ14 ZISS20 ZISS30 ZJIR00 ZJIR01 ZKD010 ZLS12P ZLS3FP ZLS3SD ZLS5PF ZLS5SE ZLS7SF ZLSCR1 ZLSCR2 ZLSCR3 ZLSS1E ZLSS2D ZMAS7D ZMASCD ZMSC05 ZMSC06 ZMSCRS ZMTOA3 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B A b A A A A A B B B A A B B B B B C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet Test Booklet QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form FAM FAM FAM FAM FAM FAM FAM FAM PAN PAN FIT HDI HDI HDI HDI HDI HDI HPS Video Video Video Video QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Misc Test Booklet QuikScore Form SW 16Bit Profiles Interview Guide/Bklt Interview Guide/Bklt QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Profiles Profiles Interview Guide/Bklt QuikScore Form Interview Guide/Bklt QuikScore Form QuikScore Form QuikScore Form Test Booklet Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets Answer/Data Sheets IBC IBC IBC IBC IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ IEQ ISS ISS JIR JIR NON LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI LSI MAS MAS MSC MSC MSC MTO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1988 0:00 3/29/1999 0:00 3/29/1999 0:00 3/29/1999 0:00 5/24/2001 0:00 5/24/2001 0:00 5/24/2001 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 4/28/1999 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00 2/21/2000 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00 3/15/2002 0:00 3/26/2002 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 1/1/1900 0:00 N N N N N N N N N N 0 N N N N N N N 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 N 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . Material Admin. Material Admin. Material QuikScore Form Admin. Material Admin. 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