ECE 4th sem.pdf

March 26, 2018 | Author: nishant.yahoo1573 | Category: Detector (Radio), Frequency Modulation, Amplifier, Modulation, Telecommunications Engineering



SEMESTER – IV67 Generation of Amplitude Modulation. P-0 Course Code Credits: 4 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS – I Name of the Course 52 (1 Hr Each) (L = 39. Section E will be compulsory. B. Square Law Diode Modulation. For Paper Setters: The question paper will consist of five sections A. For candidates: Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the sections A. Basic Principle of AM Generation. D & E. High power RF Amplifiers. B. C. Marks: 50 Continuous Assessment (based on sessional tests (2) 50%. Introduction. Vander Bijl Modulation. Ring Modulator.4001 EC – 4001 L-3. Tutorials/Assignments 30%. Amplitude Modulation in Amplifier Circuits. i) ii) iii) 68 . types of various signals. Super hetrodyne Receiver. C & D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in Section E. Time = 3 hrs. Section A. Neutralization of RF Amplifiers. 2. it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type. Attendance 10%) INSTRUCTIONS 1. AM modulation of a complex wave.Theory. AM Transmission and Reception Analog Modulation: . RF Amplifier. Pass Marks: Semester End 40 Examination Max. T-1. Communication System Block Diagram. General Definition of Modulation. Low Level and High Level Modulation. Product Modulator/Balanced Modulator. Need for Wireless Communication. which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Class of operation of RF Amplifiers. AM Reception: Tuned Radio Frequency (TRF) Receiver. Quiz/Seminar 10%. Basic Transmission signals. B. T = 13 for each semester) Lectures to be delivered Max. Max. High Power Linear Modulators. Marks: 100 Min. Use of nonprogrammable calculators is allowed. Need of Modulation. Definition of Communication. Basic Elements of AM Super-hetrodyne Receiver. C & D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. SECTION – A Base Band Signals and Systems.SEMESTER – IV COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS – I EC . power & current calculation. AM Transmission: Introduction. Suppressed Carrier AM Generation (Balanced Modulator). FM Reception: Direct Methods of Frequency Demodulation. The Filter method. Tracking and Alignment. Double hetro-dyne Receiver. Methods of increasing Bandwidth. Pilot Carrier SSB. Bipolar Transistor Additive Mixer. Indirect Method of FM Demodulation. PAM Time Multiplexing Flat-top PAM. Cascade RF Amplifiers. BOOKS: Modern Communication Theory – Sharma & Sinha. AM Compatible SSB Modulation. PAM Modulator Circuit. Multiplicative Mixing. 3. Square Law Detector. Narrow/Wide Band FM. Travis Detector/Frequency Discrimination (Balanced slope Detector). Self Excited Additive Mixers. The Third Method. The Armstrong Method. PPM Demodulator. Modulator. AM Detector. Envelope or Diode Detector. Transceiver. Independent Side-band systems (ISB). Zero Crossing Detector as a Frequency Demodulator. RF Amplifier. 4. AM receiver characteristics. SECTION – C i) ii) iii) Theory of Phase modulation. Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). Communication Systems – Taub & Schilling. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis. Advantage of SSB Transmission. Spectra of FM signals. Vestigial Side-band (CSSB) Receiver. Foster Seely or Phase Discriminator. Electronic Communication systems – George Kennedy. IF Amplifier. Indirect Generation of FM. The Phase – shift Method. RC Phase Shift Method. Comparison of AM & FM. FM Stereo Receiver. Mathematical Analysis of FM. Pulse Time Modulation (PTM). AM receiver using a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). 2. SECTION – B FM Transmission and Reception Frequency Modulation: Theory of FM. Natural PAM Frequency spectra for PAM. FM Transmitter. FM Stereo Transmitter. Frequency Stablished Reactance. Limiters. AM Detector. Pulse amplitude Modulation (PAM). SECTION – D Pulse Modulation Transmission and Reception: Introduction.Image Frequency Rejection. 1. The FM Receiver. 69 . FM Transmission: FM Allocation Standards. Circuit using Transistor. AM Detector with AGC. Modern Electronic Communication – Ashok Raj. Radio Detector. Varactor Diode. Multiplicative Mixer using Dual Gate MOSFET. Distortion in Diode Detectors. FM Detector using PLL. Additive Mixing. ISB/Suppressed Carrier Receiver. Demodulation of PAM Signals. Comparison of PM & FM . Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Generation of FM by Direct Method. Frequency conversion and Mixers. Generation of SSB. PM & FM. SSB Transmission and Reception: SSB Transmission: Introduction. Section A. 2. capacitance.SEMESTER – IV Electronic Measurement & Measuring Instruments EC (ID) . spectrum analyzer. VIVM Transistor voltmeter. measurement of voltage. Attendance 10%) INSTRUCTIONS 1. D & E. B. effective resistance at high frequency. T = 13 for each semester) Lectures to be delivered Max.4002 L-3. SECTION – A ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS Electronic voltmeter. LCR meter. P-0 Course Code Credits: 4 Electronic Measurement & Measuring Instruments Name of the Course 52 (1 Hr Each) (L = 39. constructional features. C & D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in Section E. special purpose oscilloscope measurement of inductance. wave analyzer. ratio and phase angle error. For Paper Setters: The question paper will consist of five sections A. Tutorials/Assignments 30%.4002 EC (ID) . B. Max. For candidates: Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the sections A. B. it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type. Q meters. harmonic distortion analyzer. Pass Semester End Marks: 40 Examination Max. Time = 3 hrs. Marks: 50 Continuous Assessment (based on sessional tests (2) 50%. current phase and frequency. CRO’s study of various stages in brief. Section E will be compulsory. which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. C & D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. SECTION – B INSTRUMENTS FOR GENERATION AND ANALYSIS OF WAVEFORMS Signal generators. spectrum analysis. Use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. function generator. Marks: 100 Min. Electronic Multimeter. 70 . INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER Current and potential transformers. Quiz/Seminar 10%. C. T-1. D. Digital Tape Recorders. Terman & Petit – Electronics Measurement. 71 . qualitative treatment of strain gauge. B. Method of data transmission. Nixie tube. segmental display.Stout . SECTION – D DISPLAY DEVICES Electronic Indicating Instruments. seven segment display. thermocouple.Sawhney – Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation. Graphic Recorders. 4.Cooper – Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques. Recording Requirements.SECTION – C TRANSDUCERS Principles of operation. Types of Telementary Systems and applications. A. piezo-electric crystal and photoelectric transducers. Magnetic tape Recorders. BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1.K. LVDT. Fourteen TELEMETERY Introduction. Strip chart Recorders.Basic Electrical Measurements. 2. DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM Necessity of recorders. 3. SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS: Asynchronous and synchronous circuits. Time = 3 hrs. synchronous counters. Quiz/Seminar 10%. modulo counters. T-1. which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. application of shift register. SECTION – A INTRODUCTION: The switching circuit. C & D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in Section E. Decade counter. Marks: 100 Min. SECTION – B SEQUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN: Introduction. C & D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. 2. P-0 Course Code Credits: 4 ELECTRONIC LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN Name of the Course 52 (1 Hr Each) (L = 39. B. Tutorials/Assignments 30%. register. Attendance 10%) INSTRUCTIONS 1. ripple or asynchronous counters. B. up down counters. T = 13 for each semester) Lectures to be delivered Max. state diagram and state table.4003 EC – 4003 L-3. Marks: 50 Continuous Assessment (based on sessional tests (2) 50%. Pass Marks: 40 Semester End Examination Max. C. Section A. classification of switching circuits. B. For candidates: Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the sections A. Section E will be compulsory. Design of counters (Binary & non-Binary) 72 . For Paper Setters: The question paper will consist of five sections A.SEMESTER – IV ELECTRONIC LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN EC . Max. Use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. D & E. it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type. SECTION – D HAZARDS: Introduction. finite state model – Basic definition. state assignment in asynchronous sequential circuits. elimination of static hazards. production of static hazards in combinational networks. capabilities and limitation of finite state machines. Logical design of switching circuits – Douglas Lewin. dynamic hazards. 2. gate delays. state equivalence & machine minimization. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. types of decomposition. essential hazards. design of hazard free combinational networks.SYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN: Sequential circuits. 73 . simplification of incompletely specified machines. state diagram & flow tables. synthesis. timing diagram. SECTION – C DESIGN OF ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS: Introduction to asynchronous circuits. synthesis & analysis of synchronous sequential circuits. pulse mode circuits. introductory example. DECOMPOSITION OF SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Advantage of modularity. Extraction of maximal compatibles. Switching and finite automata theory – ZVI Kohavi. hazard free asynchronous circuit design. fundamental mode circuits. generation of spikes. conditions for serial and parallel decomposition. relationships between parameter sets. hybrid parameters. 74 . restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving points functions and transfer functions. RLC Circuits to various excitation signals such as step. NETWORK FUNCTIONS: Terminal pairs or Ports. Attendance 10%) INSTRUCTIONS 1. T-1. Time domain behavior from the pole zero plot. Section A. Tutorials/Assignments 30%. Inter connection of two port networks. D & E. C & D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. SECTION – B CHARACTERISTICS AND PARAMETERS OF TWO PORT NETWORKS: Relationship of two-port variables. Network functions for one-port and two-port networks. Pass Semester End Marks: 40 Examination Max. poles and zeros of Network functions. SECTION – A TRANSIENT RESPONSE: Transient Response of RC. Section E will be compulsory. B. Marks: 100 Min. P-0 Course Code Credits: 4 NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS Name of the Course 52 (1 Hr Each) (L = 39. For Paper Setters: The question paper will consist of five sections A. Use of nonprogrammable calculators is allowed. short-circuit Admittance parameters. it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type. impulse and sinusoidal excitations using lap lace transform. Max. Quiz/Seminar 10%. RL. which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Transmission parameters. open circuit impedance. For candidates: Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the sections A. parameters. Time = 3 hrs. C & D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in Section E. 2. T = 13 for each semester) Lectures to be delivered Max.SEMESTER – IV NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS EC .4004 EC – 4004 L-3. ramp. B. B. C. Marks: 50 Continuous Assessment (based on sessional tests (2) 50%. PHI. Introduction to modern Network Synthesis: Van Valkenburg John Wiley. Basic circuit theory: Dasoer Kuh.F. low-pass. Circuit Analysis: G. Synthesis of one port and two port networks. TYPES OF FILTERS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS: Filter fundamentals. network analysis using graph theory.SECTION – C TOPOLOGY: Principles of network topology.Roy Choudhary. high-pass. band-pass and band-reject Filters.Kuo. 3. 2. elementary Ideas of Active networks TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dhanpat Rai Publication. 6. Mc Graw Hill. John Wiley & sons Inc. 4. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Networks and systems: D. Network Analysis & Synthesis: Umesh Sinha. New Age International 75 .Mittal. 2.K. Network Analysis & Synthesis: F. Satya Prakash Pub. Khanna Publication. 5. SECTION – D NETWORK SYNTHESIS: Positive real functions. A course in Electrical Circuit Analysis by Soni & Gupta. Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg. RL and RLC Circuits: The High – Pass RC Circuit (Sine. Marks: 50 Continuous Assessment (based on sessional tests (2) 50%. Exponential & Ramp Circuits). Use of nonprogrammable calculators is allowed. RLC circuits. step. The Low Pass RC circuit. Pass Semester End Marks: 40 Examination Max. 2. Transistor at Cut – Off. Transistor as a SWITCH. Break down Voltages. Reach – Through. T-1. Transistor SWITCH in Saturation. Square. P-0 Course Code Credits: 4 PULSE SHAPING & WAVE GENERATION Name of the Course 52 (1 Hr Each) (L = 39. T = 13 for each semester) Lectures to be delivered Max. The Low – Pass RC circuit as an Integrator. Section – A Linear Wave Shaping: RC. Avalanche diode. Steady – State Switching Characteristics of devices: The semi conductor diode. Diode transition capacitance. Latching Voltages. C & D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in Section E. D & E. B.4005 L-3. Section A. RL Circuits. pulse. 76 . the temperature dependence of p-n charac. C. Quiz/Seminar 10%. Marks: 100 Min. Variation of Saturation parameters. For Paper Setters: The question paper will consist of five sections A. which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Attendance 10%) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Tutorials/Assignments 30%. the High – Pass Circuit as a Differentiator. Section E will be compulsory. I/P Charac. Time = 3 hrs.SEMESTER – IV PULSE SHAPING & WAVE GENERATION EC – 4005 EC . B. For candidates: Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the sections A. Diode Resistance. it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type. B. Max. C & D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Temp. 2. Sampling gates: Basic operating principle of gates. (b) Section – C Logic Circuits: Digital operation of a system. Diode clippers. Applications of voltage comparators. Transistor as a SWITCH. Damper diodes. Self-bias transistor binary. AND – gate. comparison of logic gates. NOT – gate. Section – D Multi Vibrators: Stable states of a binary. Winfield Hill. Clamping circuit with source and diode resistance. comparators.Morgan’s Laws. The art of Electronics: Paul Horowitz. Books: 1. INHIBIT – operation. SWITCH with inductive load. Monostable multi vibrators. Resistor – Transistor Logic (RTL and RCTL). De. Fixed – bias Transistor binary.Section – B (a) Clipping & Comparator circuits: Clipping (limiting) circuits. 77 . XOR – gate. 3. NAND and NOR gates. Electronics Devices & Circuits: Millman & Halkias. Practical clamping circuits. SWITCH with capacitive load. Registers. Uni-directional diode gate and its other forms. Clamping & Switching Circuits: Clamping Operation. Diode Matrices. Bidirectional gates using transistors. Direct coupled Transistor logic (DCTL) Low – level logic. Pulse Shaping & Wave Generation: Milman & Taub. Integrated Electronics: Millman & Halkias. 4. clamping circuit theorem. Dynamic Registers. clipping at two independent levels. OR-gate. Time = 3 hrs. B. nested macro – definitions. B. For Paper Setters: The question paper will consist of five sections A. Marks: 50 Continuous Assessment (based on sessional tests (2) 50%. files.SEMESTER – IV SYSTEM SOFTWARE CS (ID) – 4001 CS (ID) – 4001 L-3. which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Tutorials/Assignments 30%. Macro processor: Definitions. Section E will be compulsory. it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type. T-1. Attendance 10%) INSTRUCTIONS 1. addressing modes of the chosen machine. Use of nonprogrammable calculators is allowed. 78 . macro expansion. conditional macro-expansion. SECTION. 2. T = 13 for each semester) Lectures to be delivered Max. Pre-processor. floating point operations. Cross Assemblers: Two pass assembler design.B Assemblers. C & D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in Section E. C Programming: Reviews of syntax of C with emphasis on feature like pointers. arithmetic & logic operations. Pass Semester End Marks: 40 Examination Max. Marks: 100 Min. SECTION . For candidates: Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the sections A. D & E. Bit operations.A Machine Architecture. Section A. Max. C & D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Data structure and algorithms. B. C. P-0 Course Code Credits: 4 SYSTEM SOFTWARE Name of the Course 52 (1 Hr Each) (L = 39. Quiz/Seminar 10%. instruction set. SECTION – D DOS: Introduction to interrupts. Hardware interrupts. Donovan. Tata McGraw Hill. D.. interrupts at a glance. internet types. Suggested Text Books & References 1.. internal structure of DOS. Loading.M. J. 3. software interrupts. Com & Exe Programs. Running Batch file. and Relocation. 2. debuggers. Programming Examples of Text handling. Memory resident programs. file management. D. programming in C. Tata McGraw Hill. Loading and relocation. structure of the interrupt vector table. Static and Dynamic linking. Booting Dos.M. 79 . “ Introduction to System Software”. Tata McGraw Hill.. Dhamdhare.J. Dhamdhare. BIOS. “System Programming”.SECTION – C Linking. interface and device drivers. interactive programming environments. interrupts calla from C. “ System Programming & Operating System”. Editors. Marks: 50 Max. Attendance 20%) Max. To study the operation of a balanced Modulator. 80 . T-0. To study the function of a superhetrodyne receiver. To study the operation of a phased lock loop. Lab record 25%. 7. PWM. To study the vestigial sideband Transmission system.4006 L-0. 4. PPM. To study the Amplitude Modulation and demodulation experimental boards. Pass Marks: 25 Instructions for paper setter/Candidates Laboratory examination will consist of two parts: i) ii) Performing a practical examination assigned by the examiner (25 marks).SEMESTER – IV COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LAB – I Course Code Name of the Course Lectures to be delivered Semester End Examination Laboratory EC – 4006 EC . To study the frequency Modulation and demodulation experimental boards. Time = 3 hrs. 6. Continuous Assessment (based on Lab work 30%. Viva-voice examination (25 marks). techniques. To study the PAM. P-2 Credits: 2 Communication Systems Lab – I 26 hours of Lab sessions Max. To study the operation of a single mode band transmission system. Viva 25%. 2. Pass Marks: 20 Min. Viva-voice examination will be related to the practicals performed/projects executed by the candidate related to the paper during the course of the semester. Marks: 50 Min. 5. 8. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. 3. Pass Marks: 20 Min. Measurement of speed of DC Motor using Magnetic Pick up. Measurement of speed of DC Motor using Photo Electric Pick up. Attendance 20%) Max. 4. Pass Marks: 25 Instructions for paper setter/Candidates Laboratory examination will consist of two parts: i) ii) Performing a practical examination assigned by the examiner (25 marks). Measurement of distance using LDR.D. Measurement of pressure using Strain Gauge. 8.SEMESTER – IV Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation – Lab Course Code Name of the Course Lectures to be delivered Semester End Examination Laboratory EC(ID) – 4007 Credits: 2 EC (ID) . 1. Continuous Assessment (based on Lab work 30%. Time = 3 hrs. Measurement of temperature using Thermocouple. 81 . Lab record 25%. P-3 Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Lab 39 hours of Lab sessions Max. 6. 10. 7. Measurement of temperature using R. Marks: 50 Max. 5. Measurement of distance using Capacitive Pick up.4007 L-0. Marks: 50 Min. T-0. 3. 2. Viva-voice examination will be related to the practicals performed/projects executed by the candidate related to the paper during the course of the semester.T. 9. Measurement of pressure using Piezo – Electric Pick up. Viva 25%. Viva-voice examination (25 marks). Measurement of distance using inductive. Measurement of displacement using LVDT. Reading a binary file. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) Roots of a quadratic equation. Marks: 50 Max.LAB Course Code Name of the Course Lectures to be delivered Semester End Examination Laboratory EC – 4008 MAT . 82 . The Maths work Inc. Singapore (2001). T-0. Guessing a number. Plotting one and two-dimensional graphs using various MATLAB 2-D Plot types. Factorial Program Simulation of an RC circuit. Viva-voice examination will be related to the practicals performed/projects executed by the candidate related to the paper during the course of the semester. Writing a binary file.LAB 39 hours of Lab sessions Max.SEMESTER – IV MAT . Pass Marks: 25 EC – 4008 Credits: 2 L-0. Marks: 50 Min. Books: a. P-3 Instructions for paper setter/Candidates Laboratory examination will consist of two parts: i) Performing a practical examination assigned by the examiner (25 marks). Thomson ASIA Ptc Ltd. Units conversion. Programming in MATLAB. Lab record 25%. I-V characteristic of a MOSFET. The Language of Computing. Marc E. MATLAB.Herniter. b. ii) Viva-voice examination (25 marks). Continuous Assessment (based on Lab work 30%. Attendance 20%) Max. Time = 3 hrs. Using functions in MATLAB environment. Pass Marks: 20 Min. Viva 25%. Finding average with a dynamic array. The teacher concerned will give at least 10 more exercises to solve non-trivial problems using MATLAB environment. Design a ring counter and twisted ring counter. Design a mod – 8 up and down counter. Attendance 20%) Max. 10. NOR. Design a common emitter single stage amplifier. Lab record 25%. Design a square wave generator using IC555 timer. Design a full wave bridge rectifier. ii) Viva-voice examination (25 marks). Marks: 50 Max. NOT. 7. Verify the operations of OR. 8. T-0. 6. Viva-voice examination will be related to the practicals performed/projects executed by the candidate related to the paper during the course of the semester. 3. 5. 2. Pass Marks: 25 Instructions for paper setter/Candidates Laboratory examination will consist of two parts: i) Performing a practical examination assigned by the examiner (25 marks). 4. 83 . AND. P-3 ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT SIMULATION LAB 39 hours of Lab sessions Max. 9. Familiarization with electronic circuit simulation tool. Viva 25%. Design a biased diode clipper. Marks: 50 Min. Designing with electronic circuit simulation tool. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1.SEMESTER – IV ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT SIMULATION LAB Course Code Name of the Course Lectures to be delivered Semester End Examination Laboratory EC – 4009 Credits: 2 EC – 4009 L-0. Design a Voltage regulator using Zener diode. NAND and XOR gates. Design a full wave rectifier. Time = 3 hrs. Continuous Assessment (based on Lab work 30%. Pass Marks: 20 Min.
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