EC6301-OOPs and Data Structures-Anna University-Question Papers



9. 7. Write a C++ code to display “pen object initiated” and “pen object destroyed” when class for pen constructor and destructor are called. account details as private properties and percentage of marks as protected property. Write a C++ code to display an area of square or rectangle using function overriding.E. Delhi. (16) Or (b) Write a member function to perform matrix addition. What is the time complexity of quick sort and binary search? 11. 8. 5. simple addition and string concatenation by overloading + operator. Kolkata and Mumbai) as weighted graph. 4. 12. 6.2 (16) .Tech. Find the maximum number of nodes in complete binary tree if d is the depth. Give the representation of network of cities (Chennai.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC . DEGREE EXAMINATION. Construct a class with sports details of person./B. How to perform union operation? 10. Construct a class to rank person based on the equal weightage to academic and sports details. (a) PART B – (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) Write a member function and friend function to subtract two complex numbers in C++. No. Write short notes on connected components. 3. Answer ALL questions PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) Write a C++ code to swap values of two variable using reference variables in function. Use inheritance concept. Evaluate the value of expression a b + c * d – using stack. Write a sample code to show the usage of this pointer in C++.Reg. NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 Third Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC6301 – OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTRUES (Common to Biomedical Engineering) (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks 1. Question Paper Code : 97058 B. 2. B. (a) (16) Write a C++ code to construct classes of a person with name and age as pubic properties. 3 (16) . Write C++ code to implement linear search with suitable example. (a) C++ with suitable example. (16) Or (b) Write C++ code to implement merge sort with suitable example. Write C++ code to implement binary search with suitable example.Or (b) Explain Class Object to Base and Base to Class Object conversions using 13. (16) Write a C++ code to sum up all odd numbers in a single linked list. (16) Or (b) Write C++ code for the implementation of different types of tree traversals. (16) Or (b) Write a C++ code to perform addition of two polynomials using link list form 14.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC . (a) of queue. (16) Explain BFS and DFS with suitable example. State few tree applications. B. (a) (16) Write a C++ code to implement quick sort with suitable example. 15. /B.Tech. 7. Question Paper Code : 77111 B.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC . (16) Or (b) What is virtual function? Explain with an example how late binding is (16) achieved using virtual function. What is ADT? 6. What is time complexity? PART B – (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. No. (16) Or (b) What is the purpose of constructor and destructor? Explain with suitable example the different types of constructors in C++.4 . What is meant by sorting? 10. (a) (16) What is inheritance? Discuss in detail about the various types of inheritances in C++ with suitable examples. Why there is need for operator overloading? 5. (a) Describe the major component of object oriented programming with illustrations. How a graph is represented? 9. What is a tree? 8. What is a reference variable? 2. What is a friend function? 3. Robotics and Automation Engineering) (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. What is overriding? 4. 12. DEGREE EXAMINATION. B. Write short notes on queue.E. APRIL / MAY 2015 Third Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC6301 – OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTRUES (Common to Biomedical Engineering and also common to Fourth Semester Medical Electronics.Reg. 15.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC .13. (a) Discuss the different methods traversing a binary tree with algorithm. 14. 60.5 (16) . (a) (16) Discuss the quick sort algorithm and apply the same for the following numbers: 90. 77. B. (a) Write a set of routines for implementing two stacks within a single array. 66. 55. 99. (16) Or (b) Write a set of routines for implementing queue using linked lists. (16) Or (b) Explain in detail about linear search algorithm with an example. (16) (16) Or (b) Illustrate the Depth First Search algorithm with a graph and explain. 88. Robotics and Automation Engineering) (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. PART B – (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2015 Third Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC6301 – OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTRUES (Common to Biomedical Engineering and also common to Fourth Semester Medical Electronics. (a) What do you mean by function overloading and explain it with an example. No.Reg. 3. (a) (i) Narrate on parameterized constructor and copy constructor with an example for each of them. 6. required to search an element using binary search.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC . Question Paper Code : 27188 B.6 (8) . Differentiate private and protected members of a class. (8) (ii) Elaborate on binary operator overloading with an example. What do you mean by queue ADT? 7. 4. (8) (ii) Write a program to illustrate how constructors are implemented when the classes are inherited.Tech. (8) (i) Explain base and derived classes with examples. What is binary tree? 8. Define ADT. What is destructor? 2. When a graph is said to be connected? 9. B. With an example compute the number of comparison.E. Define friend function./B. What is dynamic binding? 5. (16) Or (b) (i) 12. How array elements are sorted using merge sort? 10. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (8) (ii) Write a note on “this” pointer with an example.Or (b) (i) 13. (4) Or (b) Describe in detail about breadth-first-search and depth-first-search in a graph. (8) (ii) Explain List ADT. (8) B. (8) Explain linear search in detail. (16) Or (b) (i) (ii) Describe binary search in detail. (8) Discuss how sets are represented? (4) (iii) Explain union. (a) Explain quick sort in detail. (a) Give an account on virtual functions with an example.7 . (16) 15.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC . (a) (i) (ii) (16) How can you construct an expression tree? Describe your answer with an example. (8) Or (b) Explain the applications of stack in detail. find operations. 14. (8) (i) Write a note on singly linked lists. 5. 10. Robotics and Automation Engineering) (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. 7. 8.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (4) (ii) Explain in detail about static class member with employee class program. List the advantages of quick sort. State about cast operator. No./B. Define sentinel nodes. List the operator that cannot be overloaded. header node and tail node. Question Paper Code : 57280 B. MAY / JUNE 2016 Third Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC6301 – OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTRUES (Common to Biomedical Engineering and also common to Fourth Semester Medical Electronics.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC .Reg.8 (8) . What do you mean by articulation points? 9. Define constructor.E. (a) Discuss about function overloading with varying number of arguments and data types. B. Draw expression tree for (a + b * c) + ((d * e + f) * g). 4. Convert the infix expression a + b * c + (d * e + f) * g into postfix. 2. 6. Which search is faster and why? PART B – (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (16) Or (b) (i) List the characteristics of friend function. Write a simple C++ program to demonstrate the virtual functions. List the type of constructor. (4) (ii) Write short notes on destructor. 3. (a) Consider the class network of above figure. Define all the four classes and write a program to create. (a) (16) Draw the binary search tree for the following input list 25. 15. 13. The class master derives information from both account and admin classes which in turn derive information from the class person. (a) (16) (i) Write a C++ program to implement quick sort. B. (16) Or (b) Explain the polymorphism with example. 60. (8) Or (b) Explain the binary search with sample program. 75. -8. 45. (16) Or (b) Discuss types of graph traversal and explain each with suitable examples. 5 using insertion sort. (16) (8) (8) Or (b) Discuss about addition of two polynomials using linked list with necessary ADT. 7. 0. 12. (ii) Explain the process of conversion from infix expression to postfix using stack. 92. 10 from the tree.9 (16) . (8) (ii) Sort the sequence 4. update and display the information contained in master objects. 2. 14.12. Trace an algorithm to delete the nodes 25.BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC . 10. 75. (a) (i) Write the ADT operation for insertion and deletion routine in stack. BHUVANESWARAN / AP (SS) / CSE / REC .B.10 .
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