EC6013-Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

March 31, 2018 | Author: welcometonce | Category: Arm Architecture, Instruction Set, Central Processing Unit, Microcontroller, Pic Microcontroller


Description VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Question Bank VII SEMESTER ECE EC6013 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Regulation – 2013 2016 – 17 ODD Sem Prepared by Dr. C. Amali, Assistant Professor/ECE Mr. C. Saravanakumar, Assistant Professor/ECE CPU Architecture. 20. What are the advantages of segmented memory? Recall the different types of pipeline hazards? Point out the system management mode of operation for the Pentium? How an interrupt is processed in a Pentium processor? Justify that Pentium is a super scalar processor. Discuss the limitations of paging mechanism. 12. List the general purpose registers of Pentium processor. 11.Vidyarthiplus. 4. 7. 14.(8) Compare the following architectures in detail (i)RISC(8) (ii)CISC (8) (i) Illustrate the design considerations of page size in paging system. Illustrate the merits of RISC. Differentiate page and segment. 4. BT Level BTL 4 BTL 1 BTL 1 BTL 1 BTL 6 BTL 2 BTL 3 BTL 6 BTL 2 BTL 4 BTL 1 BTL 4 BTL 5 BTL 1 BTL 2 BTL 1 BTL 2 BTL 3 BTL 5 BTL 3 Competence Analyze Remember Remember Remember Create Understand Apply Create Understand Analyze Remember Analyze Evaluate Remember Understand Remember Understand Apply Evaluate Apply BTL 1 Remember BTL 5 Evaluate BTL2 Understand BTL 4 Analyze BTL 3 Apply BTL 4 Analyze BTL 2 Understand BTL 6 BTL 1 Create Remember BTL 4 Analyze BTL 2 Understand . (10) (ii) Sketch the CISC processor with main components? (6) (i) Explain the different operating modes of Pentium processor? (8) (ii) Differentiate multitasking from multithreading. 9. 9. 13. (8) (ii) Summarize the concepts of paging with respect to Pentium processor. 11. 5. 7. (6) (i) Discuss in detail about how the instruction level parallelism achieved in microprocessor. What are the advantages of instruction pipelining? Investigate the effects of pipeline hazards during execution process? Describe the operating modes of Pentium processor. Q. (6) Discuss the integer and floating point pipeline operation in Pentium www. (6) (i) Evaluate the techniques used to minimize the hazards in a pipeline processor. 10.No 1. What is meant by paging? Define multitasking. 8. (10) (ii) Discuss about the structure and the details of IVT.Bus Operations – Pipelining – Branch predication – floating point unit. 16. 15. How many memory banks are available in Pentium processor? Classify the addressing modes with its types. 6. 8. Validate the need of page fault exception in memory management. 1. 2. Write down register indirect with post increment addressing modes. PART A Questions Compare RISC and CISC. 17. 18.UNIT I HIGH PERFORMANCE CISC ARCHITECTURE – PENTIUM www.Operating Modes –Paging – Multitasking – Exception and Interrupts – Instruction set – addressing modes – Programming the Pentium processor. 19.vidyarthiplus. (8) Discuss the hardware signals and superscalar architecture of Pentium processor? (16) Elaborate on the on chip floating point unit of Pentium processor? (16) Write short notes on (i) Pipelining (8) (ii) Multitasking (8) (i) Classify the different group of instructions in Pentium processor?(10) (ii)Demonstrate on assembly language programming of Pentium processor with examples. 3. 5. 3. 6. How do you apply branch prediction in Pentium processor? PART –B (i) With suitable examples. explain the addressing modes available in Pentium processor? (10) (ii) Write short notes on register file. 2. 16. 20. (16) BTL 1 14. 4. 17. 14. 6.Interrupts – ARM organization . (8) 13. 7. 13. 8.vidyarthiplus. 15.Instruction cycle timings . 5. 18. 5. 3. (6) www. (i) List and explain the interrupt processing techniques in Pentium BTL 1 processor? (10) (ii) Write about exceptions in Pentium processor.Thumb Instruction set . 2. 3.No 1. What are pipeline hazards? Discuss them in detail. 1.C programming – Optimizing ARM Assembly Code – Optimized Primitives.ARM processor family – Co-processors . 10. 12. 9. (i)How will you use multitasking environment in Pentium processor? (8) BTL 3 (ii) Illustrate on branch group instructions of Pentium.ARM instruction set.Registers – Pipeline . Competence Remember Understand Understand Understand Remember Understand Evaluate Create Analyze Apply Analyze Apply Evaluate Remember Apply Analyze Remember Remember Create Remember Remember Remember Remember Analyze Remember . Questions BT Level Point out the ARMs visible registers BTL 1 Summarize how ARM handles the exceptions BTL2 Identify the need of thumb instruction set? BTL2 Mention any two of the thumb instruction set BTL2 Write down the ARM CPSR format BTL 1 State any two data transfer and control flow instructions BTL2 What facts would you select to list the features of the ARM instruction set BTL5 Formulate necessary code using ARM assembly language program for BTL6 creating a delay Illustrate Branch with Link and exchange instruction in ARM Processor BTL4 Identify the application of SWI instruction? BTL3 Which features does ARM have in common with many other RISC BTL4 architectures? Suggest the rules which apply to ARM data processing instructions BTL3 Evaluate the allocation of registers in ARM processor BTL5 Define pointer aliasing? BTL 1 How to avoid pointer aliasing BTL3 Categorize the tricks used to optimize primitives BTL4 Define Primitives BTL 1 What is meant by Profiler? BTL 1 Propose any 3 tools used to optimize ARM assembly code BTL6 Write about Loop unrolling? BTL 1 PART –B (i)Define the architectural inheritance of ARM processor and explain? (8) BTL1 (ii)Name the principle features of ARM architecture (8) (i) List the different ARM Development Tools and describe about them(10) BTL1 (ii)Illustrate the ARM Programmers Model with necessary diagrams (6) State in detail about the BTL1 (i)3 stage pipelined ARM Organization(8) (ii) 5 stage pipelined ARM Organization(8) (i) Explain the bus architecture of an ARM Processor? (8) BTL4 (i)Discuss in detail the different modes of operation of ARM processor? (8) (i)Define Addressing mode? List the addressing modes of ARM BTL1 www.processor? (16) 12.The ARM Programmer‟ s model – ARM Development tools – ARM Assembly Language Programming . PART A Apply Remember Remember UNIT II HIGH PERFORMANCE RISC ARCHITECTURE – ARM Arcon RISC Machine – Architectural Inheritance – Core & Architectures . 4. 11. 15. (8) (ii) Outline the concept of converting divide into Competence Understand Apply Analyze Create Analyze Create Understand Apply Remember Remember Evaluate Remember Apply Evaluate Understand . 8. 12. 12. 14. (8) (ii)Propose the accomplishment of Push and Pop instructions in ARM. 13.processor?(6) (ii)Explain the addressing modes of an ARM Processor with examples? (10) (i) Examine the implementation of branch.No 1. 11. 2.Caches – Memory protection Units – Memory Management units – Future ARM Technologies. 13. 5.STDIO Libraries – Peripheral Interface – Application of ARM Processor . 10.vidyarthiplus. BTL4 Analyze BTL2 Understanding BTL2 Understanding BTL6 Create BTL3 Apply BTL3 Apply BTL2 Understanding BTL5 Evaluate BTL4 Analyze UNIT III UNIT III ARM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Introduction to DSP on ARM –FIR filter – IIR filter – Discrete fourier transform – Exception handling – Interrupts – Interrupt handling schemes. Questions BT Level Identify the role of Memory Management Unit BTL2 How are relocation registers used in memory management unit? BTL3 Describe how to represent a digital signal for ARM processor BTL4 Develop the guidelines to write DSP code for ARM? BTL6 What happens when an exception changes mode of the core? BTL4 Prioritize the exceptions of ARM processor? BTL6 Summarize about interrupt latency? BTL2 Write the difference between firmware and bootloader? BTL3 What is context switching? BTL 1 Define a cache memory? BTL 1 Draw the Relationship that a cache has between the processor core and BTL5 main memory Point out the formula to calculate the cache hit rate BTL 1 Distinguish between caches flush and clean? BTL3 What did you infer from cache Lock down? BTL5 Illustrate the rules that govern the protected regions of memory? BTL2 www.Firmware and bootloader – Embedded Operating systems – Integrated Development Environment. 9. 6. call and return instructions in ARM instruction set? (12) (ii) Write a program to find the product of two numbers? (4) Illustrate the thumb instruction set of ARM processor with examples in detail (16) Describe the organization of CPU of a high performance RISC architecture. 14. 10. 7. 6. 4. (8) www. 7. (8) (i) Choose an approach to remove the test for N being zero that occurs in a for loop? (8) (ii) Develop the points for the efficient use of C types (8) How to construct loop structures (i) using fixed number of iterations (8) (ii) using variable number of iterations (8) (i) Summarize the Transcendental functions in ARM processor. 9. 8. 3.Vidyarthiplus. (8) (i) Conclude on Optimizing the assembly code in ARM processor (12) (ii) Point out the factors that influence the efficiency of loops structure(4) (i) Analyze the structure arrangement in programming ARM processor.(16) (ii)Write a program to arrange N number of data in ascending order (8) (ii)Write a code using ARM instructions to calculate square root using Newton Raphson Iterations. PART A Q. 2.Interrupt system. Explain in detail with necessary code snippets (8) (i)Demonstrate the cache policies for replacement and allocation during a BTL2 Understand cache miss (8) (ii)With respect to ARM processor. 20.vidyarthiplus. 7. and BTL5 Evaluate the enable bit of Memory (8) (ii)Summarize about initializing MPU. 11. 6.(8) (i)Code the ARM processor to set the starting address. 7. PART A Questions Examine the major features of UART What are the built-in peripherals in 68HC11? Identify the features of 68HC11 microcontrollers? Discuss the functions of CCR in 68HC11? When did the conversion complete flag will set in 68HC11? How to program 68HC11 to operate at 9600 band? Name the interrupts used in 68HC11. www.No 1. 14. Q.16. caches and Write Buffer (8) Design a Memory protection unit with respect to ARM application BTL4 Analyze development (16) Write Short notes on BTL 1 Remember (i)Working of Virtual memory systems. 19. 6. BT Level BTL3 BTL 1 BTL3 BTL6 BTL5 BTL6 BTL 1 Competence Apply Remember Apply Create Evaluate Create Remember . 18. 3. 3. 2. size of a region. write in detail about (i)The exceptions and its associated modes(8) (ii) Exception Priorities(8) (i)Describe about the interrupts and its associated usage in ARM processor(10) (ii)How would you enable and disable FIQ and IRQ exceptions(6) Design a Basic interrupt stack and discuss how to implement in ARM(16) Illustrate the firmware for an ARM processor with an example (16) www. 8. 4.Vidyarthiplus. 10. 17.RTC-Serial Communication Interface – A/D Converter PWM and UART. explain the concepts of flushing and cleaning of cache. 9. 5. (8) (ii)Translation Lookaside buffer (8) UNIT IV MOTOROLA 68HC11 MICROCONTROLLERS Instruction set addressing modes – operating modes. 4. 13. BTL 1 BTL 1 BTL 1 BTL2 BTL4 Remember Remember Remember Understand Analyze BTL2 Understand BTL3 Apply BTL4 Analyze BTL6 Create BTL 1 Remember BTL3 Apply BTL4 BTL2 Analyze Understand Write in detail about the fundamental components of Embedded operating BTL 1 Remember systems (16) (i)What are the basic cache architecture and the operation of Cache BTL 1 Remember controller (8) (ii)Name the different methods to Lock down cache. 5. What do you mean by Virtual address and Physical address Name the functions of ARM MMU List the replacement policies that are supported by ARM cached core? Describe briefly cache miss penalty? Outline the different interrupt handling schemes of ARM processor PART –B (i)Discuss the interrupt handling schemes of ARM processor (10) (ii)Summarize its Advantages and Disadvantages (6) (i)List the guidelines to write code for FIR filters on ARM?(6) (ii)Implement a block filter in ARM processor using DSP concepts?(10) Design an IIR filter using ARM7TDMI processor for 1 x 2 block (16) Develop a code to implement radix – 4 FFT using ARM processor (16) In accordance to ARM processor . Vidyarthiplus.8. (8) (ii)Interrupt vectors and its priorities. 3. (4) (ii) Summarize about each operating mode in detail (12) Demonstrate the following with respect to 68HC11 (i) Interrupt system of microcontroller? (8) (ii) UART interface with Motorola microcontroller? (8) (i) Explain the concept of serial communication with a suitable application in MC68HC11? (8) (ii) Illustrate the Arithmetic instructions of 68HC11 with suitable examples? (8) Discuss in detail about (i) ADC unit features in 68HC11. 11.vidyarthiplus. 4.(8) List and explain in detail about the instruction set of 68HC11 with examples? (16) How the different types of polling system are used to service an interrupt in 68HC11? (16) Suggest a design to interface Keyboard and Printer using Interrupts in 68HC11. 12. 2. How would you use Pulse Width modulation? Differentiate full duplex from Half duplex communication PART –B (i) Name the various operating modes of Motorola 68HC11 Microcontroller. 10. (16) BTL 1 BTL2 BTL 1 BTL5 BTL4 BTL 1 BTL4 BTL 1 BTL2 BTL2 BTL2 BTL3 BTL4 Remember Understand Remember Evaluate Analyze Remember Analyze Remember Understand Understand Understand Apply Analyze BTL 1 Remember BTL3 Apply BTL4 Analyze BTL2 Understand BTL2 Understand BTL4 Analyze BTL5 Evaluate BTL2 Understand BTL 1 Remember BTL 1 Remember BTL3 Apply BTL 1 Remember BTL6 Create BTL4 Analyze UNIT V PIC MICROCONTROLLER CPU Architecture – Instruction set – interrupts. Mention about the operating modes of 68HC11 Microcontroller? What is the use of real time clock? State the registers of 68HC11? Evaluate the use of test instructions available in 68HC11? Distinguish between SCI and SPI? Define polling? Classify the different techniques of A/D conversion? Write about semaphores? Point out any 2 features of internal ADC of MC68HC11? Discuss the different techniques to poll a interrupt? Describe about the single chip operating mode of Motorola processor. write a program to control the speed of the Motor? (16) Realize 68HC11 microcontroller environments to transmit and receive data at different bits rates in serial fashion. 18.I2C Interfacing –UART. 8. 19. 9.Timers. 13. (16) Outline the Concepts of (i)Real Time clock in 68HC11. (8) (i) Summarize the different addressing modes used in 68HC11? (4) (ii) Elaborate each addressing mode and explain with examples?(12) Using PWM control of 68HC11. 5. (8) (ii) A/D conversion process in 68HC11 microcontroller. 14. www. (16) Illustrate the interfacing details with supporting diagrams for SCI receive only Interrupt Interface and SCI transmit only Interrupt Interface. 6.(16) With a suitable diagram. 12. 14. 10. 20. 1. . 16. 9.A/D Converter –PWM and introduction to C-Compilers. 11. describe the architecture of Motorola 68HC11? (16) List the problems that occur in serial Port printer interface and choose a technique to overcome those difficulties? Illustrate with diagrams. 15. 17. 13. 10. . 8. (6) (i) Explain the data communication protocol of I2C bus. 1. 20. 3.Vidyarthiplus. 11. 17. (10) Enumerate on (i) Interrupt service routine in PIC. 5. (8) (i) Classify the timers of PIC microcontroller and explain it. 12. 7. Write short notes on (i) C Compiler (8) BTL 1 (ii) CCP Module in PIC (8) Propose an architecture of PIC microcontroller with design considerations in BTL 6 detail? (16) (i) Write a note on PWM in PIC microcontroller. 8. BTL 4 How many I/O ports of supported in PIC micro controller? BTL 2 What are the features of ADC in PIC? BTL 1 Elaborate the use of Watchdog timer in PIC micro controller BTL 6 Explain about INTCON and ADCON registers BTL 2 Write a PIC microcontroller program for decrementing a 16 bit counter. 4. BTL 3 Write a short note on C-compiler. 7. BTL 3 Evaluate the role of INDF register in PIC micro controller. (8) (i)Write a program to turn on a LED at interval of one second (8) BTL 3 (ii) Illustrate the various features of I2C bus for peripheral chip access. BTL 2 Specify the different interrupt resources present in the PIC microcontroller? BTL 2 Demonstrate the role of I2C interfacing in PIC microcontroller. 14. 16. BTL 4 What is the use of PCLATH in program memory? BTL 1 What are the applications of PWM output? BTL 1 Compare serial and parallel transmission. 2. 4. (i)Describe the instruction set of PIC microcontroller and explain the BTL 3 Apply programming of PIC microcontroller with suitable examples. 10. (8) BTL 2 (ii) Discuss in detail the organization of program and data memory of PIC microcontrollers? (8) (i) What are the architectural features of PIC microcontrollers? (6) BTL 1 (ii) Draw and explain the interrupt structure of PIC microcontrollers. (8) BTL 1 (ii) I/O port expansion in PIC. (8) BTL 4 (ii)Demonstrate the role of an A/D in a PIC microcontroller. 18. (10) Realize the following applications using PIC Microcontroller BTL 4 (i)To measure the received Pulse Width and control a DC motor based on the pulse width. 9.vidyarthiplus. (i)Describe how the timers are used as event counters in PIC BTL 2 Understand microcontroller (10) (ii)Explain interrupts handling in PIC micro controller. 19.No 1.(8) Competence Remember Apply Remember Create Evaluate Apply Evaluate Analyze Understand Understand Analyze Remember Remember Analyze Understand Remember Create Understand Apply Remember Understand Understand Remember Analyze Analyze Apply Remember Create Remember Remember 11. BTL 5 Analyze the use of CCP module in PIC microcontroller? BTL 4 Draw the format of a data transfer packet of I2C. (8) (ii)Burglar Alarm. 5. 3. 15. 6. 2. BTL 1 PART –B (i) Describe the architecture of PIC micro controllers. 9. (6) BTL 1 (ii) Discuss briefly about the UART interface of PIC micro controller.Q. (10) BTL 2 (ii) Discuss the features of register bank in PIC micro controller. Questions BT Level What are the features of Harvard architecture? BTL 1 Illustrate the steps required to perform read/write operation using I2C bus? BTL 3 What are the interrupts in PIC microcontroller? BTL 1 Test the functions of retlw and retfie instructions? BTL 6 Assess the relationship between length of the PC and memory size? BTL 5 Sketch the status register format in PIC micro controller. PART A www. (16) www. 6. Vidyarthiplus. 14. (i)Justify how the PIC microcontroller supports Harvard architecture? BTL 5 (ii)Evaluate how the peripheral devices are interfaced with PIC. (10) www.(6) (ii)Explain about the asynchronous transmission and reception in PIC microcontroller. (i)Analyze the merits and demerits of asynchronous mode of BTL 4 Evaluate Analyze www.13.
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