eBook - Gopaals Notes on Construction Engineering-Revised Edition- May-12

March 19, 2018 | Author: Ganesh Un | Category: Bookkeeping, Accounting, Concrete, Roof, Business



– A personal reference compilation of knowledge on Construction EngineeringA Compilation on day to day activities, its knowhow and exploration in the form of questionnaire, useful for the beginners and the people from construction industry who would like to refresh their knowledge. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering An e-book Compiled By:- Gopaal Dhussa DCE, BTE Delhi, AMIE (India), NICMAR (CODE) Edition:- 1st, Jan-2012, - ebook Edition:- Revised Edition, May-2012, - ebook Published in: Jan-2012, May-2012 at http://contractorindia.com Distribution:- 1st & revised edition are Free for distribution Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* The Book is dedicated to my Parents and to my Guruji. For their Guidance which made me travel so far that I’m trying to create a guide for Civil Engineers Page 2 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Preface to 1st edition This document is compiled from the point of view of creating a ready reckoner for day to day working on the construction sites and managing the projects while being at site and while taking the decisions. The efforts are put up to make a dynamic document which shall be updated on regular basis based on my personal needs and the questions raised by the readers. As the document is compiled from the view point of helping the engineers, contractors, owners and users of the construction industry so we have tried to cover mostly those elements which are required by people on day to day basis. The document can also be used as a preparatory guide and also as a reference. A word of caution is that as most of the information is compiled from various sources (though deemed to be authentic) but while quoting the information from this compilation a person’s own wisdom and jurisdiction is expected. The references are indicated where ever was possible and wherever they are not mentioned has actually skipped and shall be incorporated in next revision. As the book is a dynamic model of knowledge and shall be updated every three months based on the suggestions and usability of this book I would request the users not to print and waste paper. Readers may send their suggestions at:[email protected] Preface to Revised addition Based on the feedback received from our readers and my colleagues new information is added and the existing information is updated. I’m thankful to my readers and users of these notes for making these notes more useful regularly. The document shall be updated regularly as already committed. Regards Gopaal Dhussa Page 3 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. ....................... 23 WHAT IS A CONCRETE MIX ....................................................... 3................................................................................. 41 REINFORCEMENT STEEL OR REBAR ................ 25 CONCRETE STRENGTH TEST ........................................... 32 ALL ABOUT FORM WORK...................................................................................................... 25 CURING OF CONCRETE & ITS IMPORTANCE .............................Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Contents JOB DESCRIPTION & ROLE CLARITY ......... 8 POSITIVE TRAITS FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS TO POSSESS ..... 36 MATERIAL FOR FORMWORK .......................... 11 THE DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACCOUNTING STAFF ............................................................................................ 9 MANAGERIAL LEVEL.......................................... 43 PIPE WELDING ELECTRODES ............................................................................. 43 CARBON STEEL ELECTRODES ........ THEIR TYPE & USES .................................................. 26 CONCRETE COVER ....................................CONCRETE TESTING.......................................................................................................................................................................2 IS 456) ......3.......................................................................................................... 35 WHAT IS FORM WORK ............. 40 ALL ABOUT REINFORCEMENT STEEL..........................1 OF CPWD SPECIFICATIONS ............. 38 CLIMBING FORM WORK.......................................................................... 9 QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED FOR TECHNICAL & TECHNICAL MANAGERIAL INTERVIEWS .........1............................................. 24 WHAT IS A REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE ............................................................ 15 BASIC DEFINITIONS (FROM IS 1200).................................................................................... 9 SITE ENGINEER / ASSISTANT MANAGER ............................. 27 ADVANTAGES OF READY MIX CONCRETE OVER SITE MIX CONCRETE...................................................... 8 SPECIFIC DUTIES OF A CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER........................................................................................................................................................ 16 COMMERCIAL ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS................. 24 QUALITY CONTROL BASICS OF CONCRETE .. 41 BAR BENDING SCHEDULE .......................................... 30 CLASSIFICATION OF LIME CLAUSE 3.............................. 42 WELDING ELECTRODES & PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 30 BULKING OF FINE AGGREGATE CL................................................................. 10 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TIMEKEEPER ..... ............................. 30 FREQUENCY OF SAMPLING CONCRETE CUBES (CLAUSE 14.. 28 CEMENT & AGGREGATES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 ALL ABOUT CONCRETE ................................ 38 TECHNICAL TIPS ON FORM WORK / SHUTTERING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23 WHAT IS WORKABILITY / SLUMP IN CONCRETE? HOW IS IT BEING MEASURED / TESTED ..............................................................................................................................................1......................................................................................... 24 WHAT IS WATER CEMENT RATIO & HOW DOES IT AFFECTS STRENGTH OF CONCRETE ................................................................ 35 TYPE OF FORM WORKS............... 26 PARADOX ABOUT CONCRETE COVER .... 47 Page 4 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 WHAT ARE CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES....4.......................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER.................................................................... 11 DUTIES OF AN ACCOUNTANT ......... 13 KNOW BASICS OF STANDARD SITE OPERATIONS TO REVISE ONE’S TECHNICAL KNOWHOW ....... 29 STRENGTH ALTERATION OF CEMENT DUE TO STORAGE ......5 OF CPWD SPECIFICATIONS ... 27 A BRIEF ABOUT CONCRETE MIXER AND READY MIX CONCRETE .................................................................................................................................................................... 23 WHAT IS AN AGGREGATE ... 7 RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF A CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER .. 36 WHAT ARE THE COMMON TYPE OF DEFECTS IN TIMBER / LUMBER AND ITS PREVENTIONS . .... 37 PARTICLE BOARDS .................................................... ..................................................... ........................................................................SOURCE ........................ 93 SOIL STABILIZATION ......................................................................................................................... 93 POLYMERS ................................................................. 85 FEW METHODS & MATERIALS REPRESENTED FOR READY REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 64 IS CODES................................... 61 APPLICABLE LAWS / ACTS / IMPORTANT CLAUSES/ IS CODES ............................................................ 92 PORTLAND CEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 93 ASPHALT CONCRETE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94 PIGMENT (PAINT) .......................................................................... ESTIMATION........................................................................ 65 IS CODE FOR METHOD OF MEASUREMENTS – IS 1200 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CONSUMER PRICE INDEX................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 95 PAINT VEHICLE OR SOLVENT .................................... 49 TABLE FOR MEASUREMENT OF MATERIALS ................................................ 65 CODES AND STANDARDS ............................................................ 58 COST ESTIMATE ..................................................................... 87 DIFFERENT TYPE OF PIPES .......................................... 91 CLASS F FLY ASH................................................................................................................... 93 FLOWABLE FILL .............. 78 DEFINITION . 89 CEMENT......................................................... 98 Page 5 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.................................................. 91 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND CLASSIFICATION ............................................................... 52 COSTING ................................................................................................................................ 89 NON-PORTLAND HYDRAULIC CEMENTS................... MENSURATION ................................................................... 84 REFUND OF SECURITY DEPOSIT AND PERFORMANCE SECURITY .............................. 97 VARNISH ........................................................................................................................................................................ 77 PRICE ESCALATION CLAUSE .............................................................Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* QUANTITY SURVEY....................................................................................................... 67 FOR DESIGN & EXECUTION............................................................................................................ 89 DIFFERENT TYPE OF PORTLAND CEMENT ............... 94 GROUT ................................... 59 KNOW METHODS TO CALCULATE DEPRECIATION ................ 51 MENSURATION FORMULAS.......................................... 94 ROLLER COMPACTED CONCRETE ................................................................................................................................................... 88 KNOW FEW DAILY USE MATERIALS IN DETAILS ................................... 92 CLASS C FLY ASH ...........(SOURCE WIKIPEDIA) ................................... 58 COST ENGINEERING ................................ 67 STATUTORY LAWS / ACTS PERTAINING TO INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY .......................... 61 WHAT IS DEPRECIATION .....................................................(TAKEN FROM GCC OF DAE) ....................................... 84 DEFINITION ......... 92 FLY ASH REUSE .................................................................................................................................................. 94 BRICKS .................................................................................................. 90 FLY ASH ...... 96 PAINT ADDITIVES ............. 61 HOW TO CALCULATE DEPRECIATION ........................ 89 HYDRAULIC CEMENTS ..................WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX........................................ 92 EMBANKMENT........................................................................................... 48 RULES FOR ROUNDING OFF VALUE (SP 27-1987) ......................................................................... 96 EPOXY RESINS .................................................................................................................................................... 57 BASICS OF COSTING ............................................................................... 95 PAINT BINDER ...... Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* PLASTIC ..................................................................................................................................... 98 BRICKS.................................................................................................................................... 98 CONCRETE .................................................................................................................................. 99 TILES ......................................................................................................................................... 99 VITRIFIED TILE ............................................................................................................................. 99 CERAMIC TILE ............................................................................................................................. 99 MARBLE .................................................................................................................................... 99 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL ACP............................................................................................... 99 CURTAIN WALL & STRUCTURAL GLAZING ....................................................................................... 100 AREA MEASUREMENTS – READY REFERENCE NOTES............................................................. 101 PLINTH AREA MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................. 102 MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING AREAS .............................................................................. 103 METHOD FOR MEASURING OFFICE FLOOR AREA ....................................................................... 105 CONVERSION TABLE .............................................................................................................. 107 CONVERSION - WIRE GAUGE TO EQUIVALENT MM (PLATES) ...................................................... 107 CONVERSION FACTOR - RATE PER UNIT OF MEASUREMENT TO OTHER ........................................ 107 UNIT WEIGHTS - STRUCTURAL STEEL ELEMENTS ................................................................... 112 ISA - HOT - ROLLED STEEL EQUAL ANGLES - (AS PER IS : 808, 1976 AND PART V)............. 113 ISA - HOT - ROLLED STEEL UN-EQUAL ANGLES ............................................................... 115 ISMC - HOT-ROLLED STEEL SECTIONS - MEDIUM CHANNELS (SLOPING FLANGES) ...................... 117 ISMB - HOT-ROLLED STEEL SECTIONS - MEDIUM WEIGHT BEAMS ............................................ 118 WEIGHT OF STANDARD CHEQUERED PLATES ...................................................................... 118 WEIGHT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL BARS WITH THEIR STANDARD CROSS SECTIONAL AREAS ..... 118 WEIGHT OF G.I. PIPES FOR WATER, GAS & AIR CONFIRMING TO IS 1239 .................................. 120 WEIGHT OF PIPES FOR WATER, GAS & AIR CONFIRMING TO IS:3589/2001 ............................. 122 ANNEXURE – 1 ....................................................................................................................... 123 GLOSSARY OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TERMS......................................................... 123 ANNEXURE -2 ........................................................................................................................ 145 LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY NORMS FOR CIVIL WORKS .............................................................. 145 ANNEXURE – 3 ....................................................................................................................... 149 TABLE OF SCAFFOLDING MATERIALS PERTAINING TO CUP-LOCK SYSTEM ............................ 149 ANNEXURE - 4 ....................................................................................................................... 160 LIST OF MINIMUM STOCK OF BASIC ITEMS TO HAVE AT ANY PROJECT ................................. 160 ADDITIONS IN THIS REVISED EDITION ................................................................................... 163 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................... 164 Page 6 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Job Description & Role Clarity - for Understanding the Technical Competency of the Engineering & Project Managerial Levels for Construction Project and other Team Members Page 7 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Responsibilities and Duties of a Construction Engineer The role of a construction engineer is one which has multiple tasks and duties associated with it. The construction engineer will implement a construction project and wear many different hats along the way. It is important to detail the specific duties and general responsibilities which go along with this job position as it will show how useful this individual truly is in today’s society. General Responsibilities of a Construction Engineer In general, a construction engineer is responsible for the planning of the construction project. This includes conducting surveys, engaging in research, analyzing results, planning the construction and overseeing it along the way. The construction engineer will also provide information to the pertinent parties and general public to keep them informed and in the case that any issues arise before, during and after the construction. A construction engineer is the one who plans the project and advises the workers. Specific Duties of a Construction Engineer A construction engineer will have to fulfill a variety of specific duties on a daily basis. Prior to even thinking about starting a construction project, the construction engineer will have to survey the area. In conjunction with this they will need to produce reports and environmental statements detailing how the project will be done and what areas it will affect. During the pre-construction phase, the construction engineer will prepare diagrams, charts and surveys showing specific information about the area and the desired project. Once the reports, charts and data have been compiled, the construction engineer will then need to discuss such items with related parties such as builders, environmental agencies and local, state and federal entities. These items may also have to be made available to the general public for their objections to be heard. The construction engineer must also inspect the site to ensure that the building which will be taken place can be accommodated by that area. Tests will be performed relating to the ground and water level. The construction engineer may also have to determine the grade and elevation levels of the area. Some construction engineers must determine the costs of their construction projects. This is done by proposing bids and determining the costs of labor and materials to ensure that the project can be carried through in keeping with the budget that has been set aside. This will be an estimation on the part of the construction engineer but it must be as close to the true number as possible. The construction engineer must also provide technical advice to all parties involved with the project. This may relate to any number of topics including the construction of the site to abiding by certain laws, codes and regulations. A construction engineer is something of a jack of all trades in many respects and therefore will be consulted on a number of issues. Page 8 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. This includes performing surveys and research from which the construction engineer will draw conclusions. The first is good analytical skills. By possessing good problem solving skills. A construction engineer will often have to express their findings to individuals or even large groups throughout the course of a construction project. Construction engineers must also have wonderful problem solving skills. Questions to be asked for Technical & Technical Managerial Interviews Managerial Level First of all while deciding the candidate for the post of Project head / project manager please ensure that he / she has executed one project independently of at least half the value. the construction engineer will find that their daily tasks are completed much more quickly and correctly than if they lacked these skills. it is easy to see how good communication skills will be useful. graphs. For example in our case of a project worth 200 Crores to be completed in 2 years of time a project worth 100 Crores should have been completed by the person of similar nature who wishes to be project Page 9 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . Communication skills will also come in handy for the construction engineer. When it comes to construction. the construction engineer will be able to work in harmony with others around them and make the job that much easier. Figures and mathematical equations are commonplace in the job role of a construction engineer.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Positive Traits for Construction Engineers to Possess There are a few different traits which would be beneficial for construction engineers to possess. By having adequate mathematical skills. Another positive trait for construction engineers to possess is good teamwork skills. Therefore. the construction engineer will draft reports. charts and present data to the pertinent parties. A large part of a construction engineer’s job is to analyze the situation prior to the construction taking place. If one possesses such skills they will be able to detail the information to others in an effective manner and those listening to the details will be able to understand what they are being told. Good mathematical skills will also prove useful for the construction engineer. superb analytical skills will come in quite useful throughout these various tasks. Once the conclusions have been made. By being a good team player. there are other job duties where they must rely on a team in order to properly complete them. preciseness is crucial and one who exhibits good attention to details will be more likely to ensure that the construction is performed correctly. Attention to details is an additional positive trait for construction engineers to possess. it will be that much easier for the construction engineer to analyze the situation and then solve the problematic issues which have arisen. Therefore. Although construction engineers may complete a number of their specific job tasks alone. A construction engineer will find that from time to time he/she encounters problems along the way. here the laboratory tests the contents of concrete and tells the mix to be followed) M20 stands for Mix with compressive strength of 20 N / Sqmm. 4. otherwise this would be difficult for a person to envisage the problems which may come in the project and project sequencing. silt content etc. How will he track the progress of project that is method by which he will determine the direction of project progress in line with original scheduled completion of project. 4. Cost control parameters to be adopted. Ask the cut length for steel to be bent at 90 degrees (Answer the length would be L – 4d. In case contractor doesn’t fulfils his responsibilities or delays the project what will be your line of action? Will you be ready will plan B in case contractor intentionally delays the project or doesn’t provide sufficient technical and supervisory manpower? 9. Local coordination with client & consultants on day to day problems like design clarification etc. 2. How will he behave in case an accident occurs at site? Page 10 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. What will he do in case contractor generates unnecessary extra claim? That is his ability to interpret and implement contract is to be judged. How will he ensure? What are the checks will he adopt? How will he pressurise contractor to ensure safety at work? Site Engineer / Assistant Manager 1. Ability to check survey and coordinate with drawing to start the building. eg ask him how will he measure a white wash for the purpose of payment where the window is fixed on the outer side of wall. where d is the dia of bar and L is the final length required). The way he plans to take on / start the project? 2. Is he aware of the statutory laws and the mandatory inspections / clearances required from the local statutory / legal bodies? Can he coordinate with them? 6. Setting up of laboratory at site. other aggregate test like sieve analysis.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* head. How would you achieve quality and maintain standard of quality? 11. Awareness and implementation of Quality procedures like Mix design for concrete (Mix design is different from nominal mix of concrete where we deals in ratios of cement and aggregate. The method in which he would like to plan the project and his ability to understand the sequence of activities in terms of closing project and final handing over? 3. 5. How will he ensure? What are the checks will he adopt? How will he pressurise contractor to ensure safety at work? 7. Safety to be implemented at site. We have to check the leadership qualities of a person and ask him: 1. cube strength test. 6. If he has gone through IS 1200 (This is IS code for mode of measurement) then he would be in a position to answer or else no. Most of the engineers with lesser experience do not know how to calculate steel schedule. Cost control parameters to be adopted. Mode of measurement. what is the equipment required – eg cube testing machine. 12. Drawing reading capacity for eg. . Progress review meetings with contractor and various other agencies and what is expected out of this? 10. 3. Can he monitor the project in MS project or equivalent project planning & monitoring software? 8. 5. Does he understands the bar chart and PERT? 7. Safety to be implemented at site. eHow Contributor For employees to be paid correctly and on time. . They must be extremely reliable since they are dealing with time-related issues and paycheck distribution. These tasks could include journal entries. finance or accounting. They typically are hired as acting liaisons between employees and payroll coordinators to ensure the smooth process of pay distribution. Functions Duties of a timekeeper include maintaining time sheets and accurately inputting time and attendance data into the computer. Places of Work The majority of timekeepers work in cubicles or offices in the human resources department of a company. Team spirit to finish the project on time. hours worked and pay adjustments while tracking overtime hours and approving compensatory time earned. Duties also include ensuring time sheets are submitted and received by employees on time to issue accurate payroll adjustments. eHow Contributor Accounting assistants are entry-level positions requiring a two-year college degree in business. planning and organizing details while communicating effectively with co-workers and employees. Duties & Responsibilities of a Timekeeper By Daniel Shin. Abilities Timekeepers must have the ability to compute and post wages and deductions with employee hours worked. Timekeepers must be capable of multitasking. Coordination and reporting techniques he would like to follow. Timekeepers also work for companies that are contracted by multiple organizations to take care of their timekeeping needs The Duties & Responsibilities of Accounting Staff By Marquis Codjia.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 8. they must submit their hours worked either electronically or manually to timekeepers. Knowledge Timekeepers must have knowledge in accounting and payroll data software programs. Determination and alarming to Project manager about status of project. Knowledge of mathematical reasoning and analytical skills are needed to avoid any errors during work. Many organizations require timekeepers to have knowledge in administrative skills such as operating computers. 9. production and commission are duties of a timekeeper. holidays. A timekeeper also is responsible for keeping track of leave time such as vacation. Some timekeepers work in warehouses or on-site to manage manual time sheets used by labor workers. ledger confirmations and bank Page 11 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. word processing and proficiency with Excel spreadsheets. Timekeepers maintain an accurate track of hours worked for payroll purposes. They verify attendance. Calculating an employee's time worked. They must be able to attend meetings and inform employees on information that helps prepare for future issues related to payroll discrepancies. 10-key calculators. personal or sick days for employees. It is imperative for timekeepers to know personnel compensation and benefits relating to hours worked. They perform a variety of tasks under the supervision of senior professionals. Reconciling bank statements ensures that clerks can verify an organization's cash balance. Expenses are charges incurred. and ensure that such taxes are transferred to state and local revenue services.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* reconciliations. A business entity may have several accounts with a variety of institutions.or general ledgers. For example. Client XYZ's sub-ledger is part of a business customers' general ledger. Revenues reflect sales and commissions. Entering items in a journal means crediting or debiting an account. Support Audit Procedures Accounting clerks also may assist internal and external auditors by providing required data and confirming ledger balances. Verify Journal and Ledger Balances Journal and ledgers are accounting records. Assistants move up to more senior roles if they receive a four-year college degree and earn a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license. and liabilities. making journal entries to adjust unpaid bills or correcting prepaid expense amounts. and that such balance agrees to internal cash ledgers. Compute Taxes Accounting clerks also could compute a business entity's tax liabilities. guidelines and procedures in journal entry. liability and shareholders' equity. warehouse. They may work in the tax department or in the finance department under the guidance of professionals. Page 12 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Prepaid expenses are those that an organization pays prior to receiving goods or services. vendor bills and customer invoices. Accounting staff verify that balances are accurate by checking journal entries. inventory shipment and receiving departments are adequate and operating effectively. Reconcile Bank Statements Accounting clerks also perform bank reconciliation duties.and general ledgers. These employees perform reconciliations on a monthly basis. They also may assist internal and external auditors in evaluating a business' internal procedures. These employees may also perform administrative duties for internal or external auditors. revenue. what it owes. Support Monthly Close Accounting assistants work under the guidance of senior professionals to perform month-end procedures. and follow up on differences with bank staff. Such information is then summarized in sub. asset. Examples of such expenses are annual insurance premiums or semi-annual rents. Make Journal Entries Accounting assistants record an organization's business activities by making journal entries in sub. Such procedures could include reconciling bank statement balances to cash ledgers. Unpaid bills could be salaries due at month-end but payable five days into the following month. Assets indicate what a business entity owns. They work under the leadership of senior staff to ensure that internal policies. Shareholders' equity represents amounts invested by company owners. There are five types of accounts: expense. Bookkeepers enter financial data into journals by making journal entries. They also could evaluate and analyse sales taxes collected from customers. . A subledger is a section of a general ledger. The accountant can also interpret the financial statements to the client and show them any problem areas as well as any areas that are successful. eHow Contributor Accounting services involves much more than just filling out tax forms at the end of the year. analyse and report a company or individual's financial status. There are also accountants who act more like bookkeepers and just take individual clients or small business clients. you have your tax preparers. there are many different types of accountants and accounting firms. They work strictly from January to April. Next. they may move up to taking on to small business bookkeeping. quarterly and yearly. A big corporation would need to hire accountants to work at their companies on a daily basis to keep up with their transactions. the accountant would be able to prepare the taxes rather quickly because they have kept up with the financial records throughout the year. Time Frame Accountants are not generally needed during the year for individuals. While they are doing that. More specifically. They keep their records themselves and then just give the records to the accountant at tax time. or longer if extensions were filed. The accountant can translate the financial records so that problem areas can be pinpointed and corrected with his or her bookkeeping services. Tax preparers may or may not have a degree. . Potential Accountants have the potential to work their way up to better paying jobs. they take their certified public accountant exam and become licensed. they can attend school and get their degree. Small businesses may need an accountant to stop by once per week to update the books. The accountant would then create quarterly financial statements for small business bookkeeping so the business owner can see how the company is doing. the accountant functions as a tax preparer. First. These records should show whether a company is making a profit or whether it is suffering a loss. The client reviews the bookkeeping services and what accountant is telling them about their financial state to make adjustments as needed. Because of this. Finally. Auditors can get a certified license after passing an exhausting four-part exam. there are certified accountants. The point is to determine whether fraud has been committed. The accountant functions as an advisor. Auditors are responsible for examining the financial records of a business or an individual. They can begin without a degree working for individuals. The better they get. When tax time comes. Types Accountants do not legally have to obtain any degree or accounting license to perform their duties. Another type of accountant is an auditor. the more work is given to them until they are the ones training new accountants. These corporations would most likely have an accounting department with several accountants who are responsible for keeping the records all year long. Page 13 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Finally. Once they have their degree. Accountants are responsible to keep accurate financial records for individuals.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Duties of an Accountant By Alicia Bodine. They use their experience to apply for a job with a firm. These accountants usually work for accounting firms. an accountant keeps accurate business transactions in ledgers and then records them on financial statements monthly. They start out working under another CPA until they get good at what they do. small businesses and large companies. Function An accountant's job is to record. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Warning Be careful who you allow to do your taxes at the end of the year. Ask first. that they are using professional CPA's. That is an accountant that has earned a degree and passed the CPA exam. just because a company is a brand name. Don't assume that. These individuals do not hold a degree and often don't know why they are inputting certain information into the computer. Retail tax preparation chains typically hire individuals and teach them how to input tax information in their computers. . Page 14 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. You are better off finding a certified public accountant. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Know basics of Standard Site Operations to revise one’s technical knowhow Page 15 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . Batten . and lowered to the ground and not thrown and where these are fixed by nails.The projected reinforced cement concrete member of average thickness not exceeding 100 mm.Carefully taking up or down and removing without.A purpose-made fitting. damage. Haunch . Usually boulders are rounded by being carried or rolled along by water or ice.A decorative fitting of ridges and hips. and at the middle or dome roofs.A shelf that breaks the continuity of a slope. Corner Piece ( Corner Flashing ) . tile. Dismantling .The operation of attaching pieces of slate.A strip of impervious material usually metal. Page 16 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. sometimes also by weathering in place in which case they are known as boulders of weathering. pyramidal or dome roofs. by hand or mechanical methods. the article shall be passed by hand. D Demolition . used to exclude water from the junction between a roof covering and another part of the structure.The tlensification of a soil by means of mechanical manipulation. normally of angular section. etc. Chhajja . used at the junction top of conical. to form the junction between roof covering and either wall or vertical cladding at a gable end. H Hacking .The outer angle ( more than 110” ) formed by the inclined ridge between two intersecting roof slopes. L Lap . Flashing .A bend in the end of a reinforcing bar. Boulder . C Chair . to a wall with plaster. Dubbing Out . screws. Cobble . F Finial .A piece of sawn timber who’s cross sectional dimensions do not exceed 5 cm in either direction. and then likewise covering them in order to fill out hollows or to form projections.An accessory to form the junction between vertical corrugated sheeting at internal or external angles.A rigid device used to support and/or hold reinforcing bars in proper position to prevent displacement before or during concreting. these shall be taken out with proper tools and not by tearing or ripping. bolts. to provide a suitable key.The length by which one bar or sheet of fabric reinforcement overlaps another. where necessary.A rock fragment. . etc.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Basic Definitions (from IS 1200) B Barge Board -. Berm .Taking up or down or breaking up..A more or less rounded block or fragment of rock and of average dimension 300 mm or greater.The depend portion of a beam that increases in depth toward the support. Compaction . usually rounded or semi-rollnded. disintegration or exploitation. with an average dimension between 80 and 300 mm. Hook .The roughing of solid backgrounds. Hip . water or other gaseous or liquid material. rounded.Cohesion less aggregates of angular.Removing mortar from masonry joints to provide suitable key for the plastering and pointing.Space in a soil mass not occupied by solid mineral matter. V Verge . sub-rounded.The edge of the roof surface finished at a gable or the edge of the vertical tiling at window reveals and of walls and dormer cheeks. Scanting . Rock . to form a closure. flaky or flat fragments of more or less unaltered rocks or mineral of size between 4. This space may be occupied by air. R Raking . .A piece of sawn timber whose thickness does not exceed 5 cm but the width exceeds 5 cm.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* P Plank . occurring in large masses or fragments. Void . gutters and the like.The forming of the lower ends of capping above drips.Natural solid mineral matter connected by strong and permanent cohesive forces. S Sand .A piece of timber whose cross-sectional dimensions exceed 5 cm but do not exceed 20 cm in both directions. Stopends . sub angular. Page 17 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.75 mm and 75 microns. Accounts current. . I.o. f.d. Days after sight. Ltd.U. f.v. Days after date.a. loaded into vans. G.D. Abbreviation At or to Against all risks.w. Free alongside ship : buyer puts them on board and pays dues & charges.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Commercial Abbreviations S. Debtor. f. Cr c/o c/s C. Cost.M.r.s. Errors expected. i.O.f.d. Good ordinary brands. Free on rail.i.O.W. i. Each. G.b.r. insurance & freight included in price.a. Inst.E. C. E.o. E. I owe you. & O. Free on wharf alongside ship. Instant (present month).q.a. Care of.e.O. Bill of sale Definition Cost & freight included in price. Free on van. Bill of landing. Cash with order. Fair average quality.O. f. Collect (or cash) on delivery. Page 18 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. d. Creditor. Good marketable brands.o. Cases. m.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 @ a. E. Bill of exchange.B. A/C Acc. Dr.s. f. No. After date. f. loaded into wagons. d. Account. Account sale. Months after date. Free on board : the price quoted to include all the expenses of putting goods on board ship. a/o a/d A/S B/E B/L b/s c&f c.e.o. Delivery. Account of. d/y ea. Limited. Errors & omissions expected. In the year of our Lord. In proportion. Librae.P. Please turn over. Per thousand. Videlicet (namely. P. pence). Pro tempore (for the time being). From the beginning. Xd Xi Ex. No advice. With dividend. Please reply. Steamship. No. To the point.V.O. To a word. Numero (Number).S.O.p. Promissory note. Page 19 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Re Shri S’Shri R. According to the value. -Do. Sarvashreeyut. not fixed.O. For further consideration. To infinity. Prox. Ex-interest. i. Per cent. div. to wit). Percent pro rata pro tem. div. Ex-dividend.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 m. P. Postal order. things to be added. Ex-dividend.or –docum. . In the meanwhile. or word for word. Shreeyut. Ultimo (last month).n. For this special purpose. Anno Domini Ab initio Ab origine Addenda Ad hominem Ad hoc Ad infinitum Ad interim Ad nauseum Ad referendum Ad rem Ad valorem Ad verbum Months after sight.s. pence (pounds.e. Personal. To the point of disgust or satiety. Supplied only. to the purpose. List of additions. Ditto or ditto.T. n. Money order. By the hundred (centum). o/a % 0/00 p. viz. M/s M.O. Messers.a. Proximo (next month) As regards. S. From the origin. £. SS Ult. On account. Trust one who has had experience. Let the buyer beware (look after his own interests). Indispensable. by right. By the very words. Good faith (in good faith). Argument founded on ignorance of the person addressed. After the deed is done. And the rest. .) In extenso Infra dig In re In situ In statu quo Inter alia In terrorem Inter se In toto In transitu Ipsissima verba Another exactly similar. In the point of fact. act of God. In its original situation. overwhelming force. From cause to effect. Entirely. In the course of passage or transit. From the law. List of errors.e. At the same place. And those that follow. retrospective. a list of errors. Things to be corrected. obligatory. In the very act. actual or actually. Other things being equal. In virtue of his office. Page 20 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Alter idem Ante meridiem A priori A posteriori Argumentum ad ignorantiam Bona fide Coeteries paribus Caveat emptor Corrigenda De facto De jure De novo De rigueur Errata Et cetera Et sequentes. From effect to cause. Among themselves. The source and origin. Anew. (in the book). often is. In the matter of. Among other things. Before noon. That is. At full length. Beneath one’s dignity. genuine. As a warning. From one party or side. Et sequential Exempli gratia Ex gratia Ex officio Ex parte Experto crede Ex post facto Expressis verbis Flagrante delicto Frons et origio Force majeure Humanem est errare Ibidem (or ibid) Id est (i. Greater force or strength. By way of example. In former state. In express terms. As an act of grace. To err is human. By itself. Willing or non-willing. For & against. A right to appear and be heard before a court in a particular case. A substitute. The burden of proof. A word said by the way. treacherously. Writ issued by higher court to lower court. To be astonished at nothing. a vacant space. Per day.) Nudis verbis Obiter dictum Obscurium per obscurius Onus probandi Pari passu Per Per diem Per mensem Per se Persona grata Petito principii Post meridiem Poste restante Prima fascie Pro et contra (Pros & cons) Pro forma By the very fact. used as a temporary working arrangement. A slip of the pen. Law or custom of the place.B. For the sake of form. After noon. I being judge. During the trial. Ill timed. By human law.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 Ipso facto Jure humano Juste milieu Lacuna Lapsus calami Lapsus linguoe Lex loci Lex non scripta Lite pendente Locum tenens Locus standi Mal a propos Mala fide Mandamus Me judice Modus operandi Modus vivendi Mutates mutandis Nil admirari Nolens volens Non liquet Non sequitur Nota bene (N. Page 21 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Slip of the tongue. With the necessary changes. It does not follow. An acceptable person. To remain in post office until call for. Mark well. An obscurity explained by another obscurity. A begging of the question. The golden mean. take notice. Manner of living. Per month. side by side. A gap. in my opinion. A place of standing. a passing comment made by a judge. In plain words. For. through. Unwritten law. Manner of working. The case is not clear. In bad faith. . At first view or consideration. With equal pace. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Pro rata Pro tempore Quantum meruit Quantum sufficit Quid pro quo Raison d’etre Re Reductio ad absudum Res judicata Resume Seriatum Sine cura According to rate or proportion. one by one. Page 22 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. As much as he deserved. In the matter of. Justification for existence. Without a charge or care. Something in return. A case or suit already setteled. For the time being. . In a series. A summary or abstract. As much as suffices. as equivalent. A reducing to the absurd (A method of proof). and water. High-flow concrete. Ans. gravel or crushed stone. wood-fiber. or slag in a mortar or cement matrix. Any of several manufactured. called aggregates. It is then filled in three layers of equal volume. many different types of concrete. the enclosed material will slump a certain amount due to gravity. sizes. There are. polymer. sand. The term concrete. broken stone. A relatively dry sample will slump very little. It is bad practice to add extra water at the concrete mixer. Slump is normally measured by filling an "Abrams cone" with a sample from a fresh batch of concrete. lightweight. like self-consolidating concrete. A hard. blended-hydraulic cement. strong construction material consisting of sand. When the cone is carefully lifted off." a simplistic measure of the plasticity of a fresh batch of concrete following the ASTM C 143 or EN 12350-2 test standards. Slump can be increased by adding chemical admixtures such as mid-range or high-range water reducing agents (super-plasticizers) without changing the water/cement ratio. pebbles. with each layer being tamped with a steel rod in order to consolidate the layer. or bituminous (asphaltic) concrete. which cannot be readily made more workable by addition of reasonable amounts of water. that are selected and graded into specified sizes for construction purposes and that are bonded together by one or more cementitious materials into a solid mass. What is Workability / slump in concrete? How is it being measured / tested Workability is the ability of a fresh (plastic) concrete mix to fill the form/mold properly with the desired work (vibration) and without reducing the concrete's quality. ordinarily is intended to indicate the product formed from a mix of portland cement. conglomerate gravel. and can be modified by adding chemical admixtures. with the resulting concrete having reduced quality. Excessive water will lead to increased bleeding (surface water) and/or segregation of aggregates (when the cement and aggregates start to separate). or heavyweight concrete. Raising the water content or adding chemical admixtures will increase concrete workability. Workability can be measured by the "slump test. and densities of aggregates—for example.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* All about Concrete What is a concrete mix Ans. however. stone like materials composed of particles. Page 23 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. non-absorptive surface. aggregate (shape and size distribution). natural-cement. is tested by other flow-measuring methods. The cone is placed with the wide end down onto a level. when used without a modifying adjective. A relatively wet concrete sample may slump as much as six or seven inches (150 to 175 mm). The use of an aggregate with an undesirable gradation can result in a very harsh mix design with a very low slump. cementitious content and age (level of hydration). Workability depends on water content. normal-weight. . having a slump value of one or two inches (25 or 50 mm). One of these methods includes placing the cone on the narrow end and observing how the mix flows through the cone while it is gradually lifted. The names of some are distinguished by the types. The names of others may indicate the type of binder used—for example. which when bound together into a conglomerate mass by a matrix forms concrete or mortar. The water/cement ratio (mass ratio of water to cement) is the key factor that determines the strength of concrete. The water-cement ratio is independent of the total cement content (and the total water content) of a concrete mix Potable water should be used for manufacturing concrete. but may make the mix more difficult to place. workers must carefully control the manufacturing process." 2) Retarders slow the hydration of concrete. and are added to the concrete at the time of batching/mixing. In normal use. their type & uses Chemical admixtures are materials in the form of powder or fluids that are added to the concrete to give it certain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes. Quality control charts are widely used by the suppliers of ready-mixed concrete and by the engineer on site to continually assess the strength of concrete. Water-cement ratio is the ratio of weight of water to the weight of cement used in a concrete mix. which they normally do by using statistical process control. Page 24 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . The most common types of admixtures are: Ans. The strength of concrete is probably the most important property that must be tested to comply with specifications. gravel. The Indian Standard of Testing Materials and other organizations have developed a variety of methods for testing strength.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* What is an aggregate Ans. and samples of the mix are frequently examined using X-ray fluorescence analysis. What is water cement ratio & how does it affects strength of concrete Ans. What are Chemical admixtures. uniform product. Other properties important for compliance include cement content. and standard test methods have been developed for these as well. A lower w/c ratio will yield a concrete which is stronger and more durable. Placement difficulties can be resolved by using plasticizer. the proportions of the various raw materials that go into cement must be checked to achieve a consistent kiln feed. crushed stone. crushed gravel. A lower water-cement ratio leads to higher strength and durability. 1) Accelerators speed up the hydration (hardening) of the concrete. vermiculite. Quality Control Concrete manufacturers expect their raw material suppliers to supply a consistent. and workability. and are used in large or difficult pours where partial setting before the pour is complete is undesirable. concrete may take centuries to cure. To achieve the desired strength. so it may be placed more easily. But the supercritical carbon dioxide treatment achieves the chemically stable condition in minutes or hours. An inert granular material such as natural sand. Quality Control Basics of Concrete Ans. manufactured sand. Without accelerants. water/cement ratio. admixture dosages are less than 5% by mass of cement. It has an important influence on the quality of concrete produced. Craig Taylor at Los Alamos says "The cement in the Great Wall of China has not yet reached a chemically neutral state. while a higher w/c ratio yields a concrete with a larger slump. perlite. At the cement production factory. and air-cooled blast-furnace slag. but for some purposes glass fibres or chopped wires have provided desired results. solid materials to improve its structural properties. bars. steel is more than 10 times stronger than concrete. Consequently. Unreinforced concrete cracks under relatively small loads or temperature changes because of low tensile strength. however. the reinforcement often must be set in several layers or formed into cages. However. 5) Super plasticizers (high-range water-reducing admixtures) are a class of plasticizers which have fewer deleterious effects when used to significantly increase workability. Plain concrete does not easily withstand tensile and shear stresses caused by wind. it changes in length only about one-tenth as much as concrete. fibre-reinforced concrete is an alternative to such arrangements. which will reduce damage during freeze-thaw cycles thereby increasing the concrete's durability. . It is elastic. Individual wires or bars resist stretching and tensile stress in the concrete only in the direction in which such reinforcement extends. yet has considerable reserve strength beyond its elastic limit. plasticizers can be used to reduce the water content of a concrete (and have been called water reducers due to this application) while maintaining workability. Curing of concrete & its importance Page 25 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 2) Portland cement concrete containing higher-strength. For this purpose. for aesthetics. vibrations. reinforcement sometimes is assembled as a rectangular grid. After the concrete has hardened. entrained air is a trade-off with strength. and other forces and is therefore unsuitable in most structural applications. reinforcement is incorporated in the concrete. as each 1% of air may result in 5% decrease in compressive strength. more than 100 times stronger. Generally. The cracks are unsightly and can cause structural failures. shear. Therefore reinforcement must usually be placed in more than one direction.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 3) Air-entrainers add and distribute tiny air bubbles in the concrete. the bars are placed in a form and then concrete from a mixer is cast to embed them. The reinforcing steel — rods. and fabric have the disadvantage that the principal effect of reinforcement occurs primarily in the plane of the layer in which they are placed. To prevent cracking or to control the size of crack openings. Tensile stresses and deformations. This improves its strength and durability characteristics. Steel usually is used in concrete. may occur simultaneously in other directions. 7) Corrosion inhibitors are used to minimize the corrosion of steel and steel bars in concrete. 9) Pumping aids improve pump ability. Under a specific axial load. 8) Bonding agents are used to create a bond between old and new concrete. allowing it be placed more easily. grids. In compression. and sometimes the compressive stresses in a concrete structure. with less consolidating effort. 6) Pigments can be used to change the color of concrete. and reduce dewatering of the paste What is a Reinforced Cement Concrete Ans. earthquakes. steel wires or bars are used for such reinforcement. Under some conditions. the tensile strength of steel and the compressive strength of concrete work together to allow the member to sustain these stresses over considerable spans. deformation is resisted and stresses are transferred from concrete to reinforcement by friction and adhesion along the surface of the reinforcement. Reinforcement may also be used to help resist compressive forces or to improve dynamic properties. During construction. thicken the paste. In reinforced concrete. 4) Plasticizers (water-reducing admixtures) increase the workability of plastic or "fresh" concrete. Alternatively. Bars. and in tension. Reinforced concrete 1) Concrete in which steel is embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces. or mesh — absorbs the tensile. etc. Concrete tests can measure the "plastic" (unhydrated) properties of concrete prior to. Compressive strength tests are conducted using an instrumented hydraulic ram to compress a cylindrical or cubic sample to failure. during this period. Purpose of Provision of Concrete Cover to protect the reinforcement bars from environmental effects to prevent corrosion to protect the reinforcement bars from fire to give reinforcing bars sufficient embedment to enable them to be stressed without slipping Guidelines Page 26 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. density and age are monitored to ensure the production and placement of 'quality' concrete.org).Concrete testing Engineers usually specify the required compressive strength of concrete. spraying a small stream of water over the surface. humidity. its constituents. covering with wet canvas or burlap. . that is. production and delivery under the "prescription" or "performance" purchasing options per ASTM C94 (www. Twenty eight days is a long wait to determine if desired strengths are going to be obtained. plastic state. with testing protocols requiring that test samples be cured under laboratory conditions (standard cured). soaked cotton mats. since hydration is a chemical reaction between the water and the cementing material. the properties of slump (workability).Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Adequate curing is essential to bring the concrete to required strength and quality. but the standard cured cylinders comprise acceptance criteria. with test methods. Concrete Strength Test . The aim of curing is to promote the hydration of the cementing material. Unformed surfaces are protected against moisture loss immediately after final finishing by means of wet burlap. which is normally given as the 28 day compressive strength in N/Sqmm or megapascals (MPa). As strength gain depends on the type of mixture. material design and properties are often specified in accordance with ACI International code (www. or waterproof plastic sheets. As these properties affect the hardened compressive strength and durability of concrete (resistance to freeze-thaw). and up to 40% strength gain can be realized with the inclusion of pozzolans and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM's) such as fly ash and/or slag cement. Technicians performing concrete tests MUST be certified. evaluation of curing. The length of the curing period depends upon the properties desired and upon atmospheric conditions. and wind velocity. it becomes imperative to proactively rely on testing the fundamental properties of concrete in its fresh. by controlling temperature. in reinforced concrete members. such as temperature. when necessary. Concrete is typically sampled while being placed. so three-day and seven-day strengths can be useful to predict the ultimate 28-day compressive strength of the concrete. proper testing and care of cylinders in transport. particularly vertical surfaces. Concrete Cover Concrete cover is the region between the exposed concrete surface and the nearest surface of the reinforcing bar. waterproof paper.astm. Curing time is shortened by the use of elevated temperatures. Formed surfaces. sprayed-on sealing compounds. This is accomplished by preventing moisture loss and. etc. Tests are performed per ASTM International or CSA (Canadian Standards Association) and European methods and practices. the use of standard curing.org). and during placement. or applying sprayed-on sealing compounds. Tensile strength tests are conducted either by three-point bending of a prismatic beam specimen or by compression along the sides of a cylindrical specimen. may be protected against moisture loss by leaving the forms on as long as possible. Moisture is a necessary ingredient in the curing process. Short curing periods are used in fabricating concrete products such as block or precast structural elements. Structural design. temperature. A 25% strength gain between 7 and 28 days is often observed with 100% OPC (ordinary Portland cement) mixtures. wet earth or sand. Additional samples may be field cured (non-standard) for the purpose of early 'stripping' strengths.concrete. form removal. and water to form concrete. A concrete mixer (also commonly called a cement mixer) is a device that homogeneously combines cement. resulting in possible corrosion of reinforcement and deterioration of concrete. Page 27 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. RMC can be custom-made to suit different applications. The lever allows the concrete/mortar to be tipped into a wheelbarrow. however. and its rotation is powered by mains electricity.3 mm) permit ingress of moisture and chemical attack to the concrete. each of these materials is procured separately and mixed in specified proportions at site to make concrete. . This is usually done in a wheelbarrow. For smaller volume works portable concrete mixers are often used so that the concrete can be made at the construction site. Therefore. RMC assures its customers numerous benefits. The Indian Concrete Code mandates the following: Nominal Cover Requirements based on Exposure Conditions in Indian Concrete Code IS:456-2000 Exposure Condition Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe Extreme Nominal Cover (mm) 20 30 45 50 75 Other national codes also specify minimum cover requirements based on their respective local exposure conditions. Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) Ready Mixed Concrete. water and aggregates comprising sand and gravel or crushed stone. refers to concrete that is specifically manufactured for delivery to the customer's construction site in a freshly mixed and plastic or unhardened state. giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it hardens. aggregate such as sand or gravel. Large crack-widths (greater than 0. There is a need for judicious balance of cover depth and crack width requirements. Ready Mixed Concrete is manufactured under computer-controlled operations and transported and placed at site using sophisticated equipment and methods. A brief about Concrete mixer and Ready mix concrete Concrete mixer The portable concrete/mortar mixer has wheels and a towing tongue so that it can be towed by a motor vehicle and moved around the worksite by hand. but thick cover leads to increased crack widths in flexural reinforced concrete members.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* The amount of cover depth that needs to be provided is usually based on the exposure conditions that the structure is likely to be subjected. A typical concrete mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components. In traditional work sites. Concrete itself is a mixture of Portland cement. An alternative to a machine is mixing concrete or cement by hand. or RMC as it is popularly called. Paradox about Concrete Cover Large cover depths (50-75 mm) are required to protect reinforcement against corrosion in aggressive environments. Ready Mixed Concrete is bought and sold by volume usually expressed in cubic meters. several companies have recently begun to sell modified tarps for this purpose. thick covers defeat the very purpose for which it is provided. This is known as "charging" the mixer. the material has already been mixed. or turning of the drum. Elimination of procurement / hiring of plant and machinery Wastage of basic materials is avoided. or onto with a conveyor belt which can be extended some distance (typically ten meters). Transportation of Ready Mix Concrete Special concrete transport trucks (in–transit mixers) are made to transport and mix concrete from a factory/plant to the construction yard. With this process. or forces the concrete out of the drum. and other distance prohibitive locations. In one rotational direction. Noise and dust pollution at site is reduced. the concrete is pushed deeper into the drum. (Although. This is the direction the drum is rotated while the concrete is being transported to the building site. Elimination of storage space for basic materials at site. the concrete may be discharged into a concrete pump connected to a flexible hose. Time required is greatly reduced. If the truck cannot get close enough to the site to use the chutes. the Archimedes screw-type arrangement "discharges". multi-floor buildings. A pump provides the means to move the material to precise locations. Page 28 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Labor associated with production of concrete is eliminated. From there it may go onto chutes to guide the viscous concrete directly to the job site. until delivery. When the drum rotates in the other direction. and then is loaded into the truck.) The interior of the drum on a concrete truck is fitted with a spiral blade. through agitation. The ready mix truck maintains the material's liquid state.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Advantages of Ready mix Concrete over Site mix Concrete Better quality concrete is produced. with the mixing occurring during transport. They are charged with dry materials and water. more modern plants load the truck with 'Ready Mixed' concrete. . 1990 IS : 7509 . .1993 IS : 7510 .1.1990 IS : 9743 .1989 IS : 12330 .1989 IS : 8041 -1990 IS : 8043 .1987 IS : 1489 .3.Clause 3.1991 IS : 12600 .1989 IS : 8229 .1 of CPWD Specifications Table of Bulking of Fine Aggregate .4. No.Clause 3.1989 IS : 8042 . 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Type of Cement Masonry Cement 33 Grade of OPC 43 Grade of OPC 53 Grade of OPC Portland Pozzolana Cement Portland (Blast Furnace) Slag Cement Rapid Hardening Portland Cement Hydrophobic Portland Cement Low Heat Portland Cement Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement High Alumina Cement White Portland Cement Oil Well Cement Super Sulphate Cement Thermal Insulation finishing Cement Thermal Insulating Cements Thermal Insulating Cements (Type 350) IS : 3466-1988 IS : 269-1989 IS : 8112-1989 IS : 12269 .5 of CPWD Specifications Different type of Cements Various types of Cements are being used in India: Specific IS Code (Linked to BIS site for catalogue) S.1986 IS : 6909 .1991 IS : 455 .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Cement & Aggregates Different type of Cements Strength Alteration of Cement Due to Storage Classification of Lime .1988 IS : 6452 .1.1974 Page 29 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 01 02 03 04 Moisture content percentage 2% 3% 4% 5% Bulking Percentage (By Volume) 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % Page 30 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . 3. white washing etc.1.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Strength Alteration of Cement Due to Storage Cement stored for long periods tend to loose strength if conditions of storage are not perfect: S. Semi hydraulic lime used for masonry mortars. Fat lime used for finishing coat in plastering.1.5 of CPWD Specifications Table gives relation between moisture content & percentage of bulking (for guidance only) S. Kankar lime used for masonry mortars. 01 02 03 04 05 Storage period of Cement Fresh 3 months old 6 months old 12 months old 24 months old Strength Reduction NIL 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % Classification of Lime Clause 3.3. No.4. & addition of pozzolanic material for masonry mortar. Bulking of Fine Aggregate Cl. No.1 of CPWD Specifications Lime used in building construction shall confirm to IS : 712-1984 S. 01 02 03 04 05 Class of Lime Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Description / Details Eminently hydraulic lime used for structural purpose. No. Magnesium lime used for finished coat in plastering. white washing etc. the sampling should be spread over the entire period of concrete and cover all mixing units. Cum ► ► ► ► ► Number of Samples 01 02 03 04 04 plus one additional sample for each additional 50 Cum or part there off 1 . Additional cubes may be required for various purposes such as to determine the strength of concrete at 7 days.30 Cum 31 .2 IS 456) Sampling Procedure .5 Cum 6 . Frequency .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Frequency of Sampling Concrete cubes (Clause 14. Page 31 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. that is.Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28 days. .15 Cum 16 .The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with the following: Quantity of Concrete in the Work.A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure that each concrete batch shall have a reasonable chance of being tested.50 Cum 51 Cum and above Test Specimen . U.5 units of sulphates.5 or >9.5 500 200 200 200 1 45 75 **Causes for Rejection 1 Turbidity (Units on J.1 0. Scale) 2 Colour (Units on Platinum cobalt scale) 3 Taste and Odour 4 pH 5 Total dissolved solids (mg/l) 6 Total hardness (mg/l) (as CaCO3) 7 Chlorides (as Cl) (mg/l) 8 sulphates (as SO4) 9 Flourides (as F) (mg/l) 10 Nitrates (as NO3) (mg/l) 11 Calcium (as Ca) (mg/l) 12 Magnesium (as Mg) (mg/l) >30 10 25 Unobjectionable <6. 13 Iron (as Fe) (mg/l0 14 Manganese (as Mn) (mg / l) 15 Copper (as Cu) (mg / l) 16 Zinc (as Zn) (mg / l) 17 Phenolic compounds (as Phenol) (mg/l) 18 Anionic detergents (mg / l) (as MBAS) 0. .001 0.5 5 Unobjectionable 7. S. Mg content can be increased to a maximum of 125 mg/l with the reduction of sulphates at the rate of 1 unit per every 2.5 45 200 150 Remarks If there are 250 mg/l of sulphates.5 1.T.05 0.05 5 0. No.5 15 0.2 1500 600 1000 400 1.002 1 Page 32 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Drinking Water Standards Physical & Chemical Standards for Water (Compiled from Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation's Manual on Water supply & Treatment) a) The Physical & Chemical quality of drinking water should not exceed the limits shown in the Table. Characteristics Acceptable* 2.0 to 8.2 1 0. 01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.2 micro g / l 0. .05 0. 3pCi/l 30pCi/l 3pCi/l 30pCi/l **2 *3 b) Bacteriological Standards Guideline Values for Bacteriological Quality S. but still may be tolerated in the absence of alternative and better source upto the limits indicated under column "Cause for Rejection" above which the supply will have to be rejected.001 0.1 Piped Water Supplies Treated Water entering the distribution system Page 33 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. It is possible that some mine & spring waters may exceed these radio activity limits and in such cases it is necessary to analyse the individual radiconuclides in order to assess the acceptability or otherwise for public consumption.05 0.01 0.1 0.3 TOXIC MATERIALS 20 Arsenic (as As) (mg / l) 21 Cadmium (as Cd) (mg / l) 22 Chromium (as Hexavalent Cr) (mg/l) 23 Cyanides (as CN) (mg/l) 24 Lead (as Pb) (mg/l) 25 Selenium (as Se) (mg/l) 26 Mercury (total as Hg) (mg/l) 27 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) . A.001 .05 0.05 0. Organism Unit Guideline Value Remarks A.1 0.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 19 Mineral Oil (mg / l) 0. Figures in excess of those mentioned under 'Acceptable render the water not acceptable.05 0.2 micro g / l RADIO ACTIVITY 28 Gross Alpha Activity 29 gross Beta Activity pCi = pico curie Notes: *1 The figures indicated under the column 'Acceptable' are the limits upto which water is generally acceptable to the consumers. No.01 0. 2 Untreated water entering the distribution system faecal coliforms coliform organisms number/100ml number/100ml 0 0 in 98% of samples examined throughout the year-in the case of large supplies when sufficient samples are examined coliform organisms number/100ml 3 in an occassional sample.3 Water in the distribution system faecal coliforms coliform organisms number/100ml number/100ml 0 0 in 95% of samples examined throughout the year-in the case of large supplies when sufficient samples are examined Page 34 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. free chlorine residual 0. .5 mg/l following 30 min (minimum) contact A. but not in consecutive samples.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* faecal coliforms coliform organisms number/100ml number/100ml 0 turbidity <1 NTU 0 for disinfection with chlorine. A. pH preferably 8.0.2-0. Page 35 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. but not in consecutive samples. .disinfection of the water with at least 0. Unpiped water supplies faecal coliforms coliform organisms number/100ml number/100ml 0 0 advise public to boil water in case of failure to meet guideline values. B. it is considered at present that contaminated source water may be regarded as adeqately when treated the following conditions are met. .0 The turbidity condition must be fulfilled prior to disinfection if adequate treatment is to be achieved. However.5 mg/litre of free residual chlorine after a contact period of at least 30 minutesat a pH below 8. Special Notes on Water Treatment Adequecy of treatment cannot be assessed in an absolute sense because neither the available monitoring techniques nor the epidemological evaluation is sufficiently sensitive to ensure the absence of viruses. All about Form Work What is form work Formwork is the term given to either temporary or permanent moulds into which concrete or similar materials are poured. the falsework supports the shuttering moulds.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* coliform organisms number/100ml 3 in an occassional sample. In the context of concrete construction. .a turbidity of 1 NTU or less is achieved. as well as serving to confine the concrete and prevent against environmental effects. Engineered Formwork systems. Their advantages are best utilized by large area and simple structures.Lumber or timber is a term used to describe wood. fir or spruce. boards). Material for Formwork Timber . are speed of construction (modular systems clip or screw together quickly) and lower life-cycle costs (barring major force. These are in the shape of hollow tubes. o Re-usable plastic formwork. The formwork stays in place after the concrete has cured and acts as axial and shear reinforcement. hemlock. "Timber" is a term also used for sawn wood products (that is. and the plywood facing has a relatively short lifespan. or backing for finishes. Formwork comes in three main types: Traditional timber formwork. usually out of prefabricated fibre-reinforced plastic forms. The assembled sections are either lifted per elevator or “flown” by crane from one story to the next. space to run utilities within. usually out of prefabricated insulating concrete forms. It is still used extensively where the labour costs are lower than the costs for procuring re-usable formwork. complicated sections may use it. Page 36 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Rough lumber is the raw material for furniture making and other items requiring additional cutting and shaping. but relatively simple concrete structures. o Stay-In-Place Structural Formwork systems.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Type of Form Works. The formwork stays in place (or is simply covered with earth in case of buried structures) after the concrete has cured. Table or Flying Form Systems These systems consist of slab formwork “tables” that are reused on multiple stories of a building without being dismantled. and is primarily one of a few coniferous (needle-bearing) species such as pine. such as corrosion and freeze-thaw cycles. Once in position the gabs between the tables or table and wall are filled with “fillers”. These interlocking and modular systems are used to build widely variable. depending on the applications). to its end product as a material suitable for industrial use — as structural material for construction or wood pulp for paper production. The use of these systems can greatly reduce the time and manual labor involved in setting and striking the formwork. This formwork is assembled on site. This formwork is assembled on site. timber. and are usually used for columns and piers. and may provide thermal and acoustic insulation. They vary in shape and size as well as their building material.or a few dozen .uses. cedar.). The two major advantages of formwork systems. either standing or that has been processed for use — from the time trees are felled. so even where other systems are in use. Stay-In-Place Formwork systems. . the frame is almost indestructible. while the covering may have to be replaced after a few . This formwork is built out of prefabricated modules with a metal frame (usually steel) and covered on the application (concrete) side with material having the wanted surface structure (steel. etc. mostly for the construction industry. compared to traditional timber formwork. It is available in many species. It is easy to produce but time consuming for larger structures. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes. The panels are lightweight and very robust. It is also the most flexible type of formwork. It is also common for architects and engineers to design building around one of these systems. Lumber is supplied either rough or finished. usually hardwoods. The formwork is built on site out of timber and plywood or moisture resistant particleboard. and aircraft. This means it has a C face with a D back. Plywood is made of three or more thin layers of wood bonded together with an adhesive. the crossbands. boats.3 m) increments. Defects due to seasoning Preservatives Timber or lumber may be treated with a preservative that protects it from being destroyed by insects. while D grade may have numerous knots and splits. N grade has very few surface defects. and Type III (Interior).2 m) wide by 8 ft (2.4 m) to 12 ft (3. Most plywood is pressed into large. . depending on the type of glue. Type II (Interior).5 m). some are being phased out.0 mm) range. The most common thicknesses are in the 0.4 m) long. Defects due to conversion Defects due to fungi Defects due to insects Defects due to natural forces 5. 2. For example. usually with the grains of adjoining layers at right angles to each other. or ply. Each layer of wood.9 m) and 5 ft (1. Treating lumber provides long-term Page 37 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. C. For example. or D. Other common widths are 3 ft (0. Generally this is applied through combined vacuum and pressure treatment. Exposure capability may be interior or exterior. The other class of plywood is known as hardwood and decorative.0 in (76 mm).6 m) in 1 ft (0. A. Likewise the top and bottom crossbands must be equal.4 mm) to 0. each with its own grading system. What are the common type of defects in timber / lumber and its preventions Ans. is usually oriented with its grain running at right angles to the adjacent layer in order to reduce the shrinkage and improve the strength of the finished piece. Plywoods in this class are used primarily for their strength and are rated by their exposure capability and the grade of veneer used on the face and back. no matter what the rating. and the face and back of a sheet of plywood may be made of different thickness veneers. 06 in (1. plywood used for subflooring in a house is rated "Interior C-D". 3. Plywood sheets range in thickness from. Plywood Classification and Grading There are two broad classes of plywood.25 in (6.6 mm) to 3.A structural material made of layers of wood glued together. the face and back must be of equal thickness. The most common size for plywood sheets used in building construction is 4 ft (1. 4. B. the thickness of each must balance around the center. Although the core. Their face veneers are virtually free of defects. and the glue is suitable for use in protected locations.75 in (19.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Plywood . The preservatives used to pressure-treat lumber are classified as pesticides. Veneer grades may be N. Special applications like boat building may require larger sheets. Type I (Exterior). fungus or exposure to moisture. flat sheets used in building construction. Defects occurring in timber are grouped into the following five divisions: 1. One class is known as construction and industrial. Lengths vary from 8 ft (2. Plywoods in this class are used primarily for their appearance and are graded in descending order of resistance to moisture as Technical (Exterior). Other plywood pieces may be formed into simple or compound curves for use in furniture. The inner plies of all construction and industrial plywood are made from grade C or D veneer. due to potential hazards to humans and the environment. skyscrapers and other tall vertical structures. also called high-density fiberboard. such as wood chips. or be achieved segmentally. which is pressed and extruded. but it is made up of larger pieces of wood than medium-density fibreboard and hardboard. except for insulation board. are stronger and denser than particleboard. kitchens and laundries. Particleboard is a type of fibreboard.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* resistance to organisms that cause deterioration. However. wood that is exposed to moisture or soil for sustained periods of time will become weakened by various types of fungi. or particle board. the formwork around the structure is displaced upwards with the help of one or more cranes once the hardening of the concrete has proceeded far enough. A major disadvantage of particleboard is that it is very prone to expansion and discoloration due to moisture. it is rarely used outdoors or places that have high levels of moisture. . Characteristics Particleboard is cheaper. Medium-density fibreboard and hardboard. where it is commonly used as an underlayment beneath a continuous sheet of vinyl floor covering. it extends the productive life of lumber by five to ten times. Climbing formwork (self-climbing) or Slip Form . and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder. Particle Boards Particleboard. particularly when it is not covered with paint or another sealer. with the exception of some bathrooms. Types Climbing formwork (crane-climbing) . Page 38 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. it allows the reuse of the same formwork over and over for identical (or very similar) sections / stories further up the structure. a composite material. but also usually provides working space / scaffolds for construction crews.In this type of formwork. Best known in the construction of towers. A higher quality material not subject to expansion is underlayment-grade plywood. It may also provide areas for machinery and screens for weather protection.in this type of climbing formwork. Climbing formwork is a special type of formwork for concrete structures that rises with the building process. it is the lightest and weakest type of fiberboard. it fixes itself to sacrificial cones or rails emplaced in the previously cast concrete. If left untreated. or even saw dust. particleboard can be made more attractive by painting or the use of wood veneers that are glued onto surfaces that will be visible. To do this. (called "chipboard" in the UK and Australia) is an engineered wood product manufactured from wood particles. denser and more uniform than conventional wood and plywood and is substituted for them when appearance and strength are less important than cost. If it is applied correctly. This may entail lifting the whole section. Therefore. which is constructed without interior voids in its layers to better resist the high local pressure from objects such as stiletto heels Climbing Form Work Ans. In such an installation the edges must be properly covered upward against the wall and joints and non-covered edges must be properly sealed against moisture penetration. the structure elevates itself with the help of mechanic leverage equipment (usually hydraulic). Though it is denser than conventional wood. bacteria or insects. The climbing formwork structure normally does not only contain the formwork itself. sawmill shavings. Page 39 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. but it requires a continuous.This type of formwork is similar to the self-climbing type above. and is usually only broken for a short time (for example to fix the mounting mechanisms to new anchoring points). .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Gliding formwork . However. uninterrupted process throughout. the climbing process is continuous instead of intermittent. The advantage is that it will produce seamless structures. 6 mm + 12 mm .Clause 5. lines and dimensions shoiwn on the drawings within tolerance given as under: Element a) b) Deviation from specified dimensions of cross section of columns and beams Deviation from specified dimensions . . forms may generally be removed after the expiry of the following periods: Type of Form Work (Location) a) b) c) d) Vertical formwork to columns.12 mm + 50 mm Deviation from dimensions of footings 1) 2) 3) Dimension in plan Eccentricity Thickness 0.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Technical Tips on Form Work / Shuttering Deviation from Specified dimensions of Form Work The Form work shall be designed and constructed to the shapes. beam Soffit formwork to slabs (props to be re-fixed immediately after removal of formwork) Soffit formwork to beams (props to be re-fixed immediately after removal of formwork) Props to slabs: (1) Spanning upto 4.24 hrs 3 days 7 days 7 days 14 days 14 days 21 days e) Page 40 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.02 times the width of footing in the direction of deviation but not more than 50mm +/.2.5m (2) Spanning Over 4.05 times the specified thickness Removal of Form Work (Stripping Time) .3. Walls.5m Props to beams & arches: (1) Spanning upto 6m (2) Spanning Over 6m Min period before striking Form Work 16 .7 of CPWD Specifications In normal circumstances and where OPC is used.0. rebar is cast into it to carry the tensile loads. This combination is known as reinforced masonry. This is a particular problem where the concrete is exposed to salt water. However. making it susceptible to rusting. While any material with sufficient tensile strength could conceivably be used to reinforce concrete. Masonry structures and the mortar holding them together have similar properties to concrete and also have a limited ability to carry tensile loads. . a portmanteau for reinforcing bar or reinforcement bar. Fiber-reinforced polymer rebar is now also being used in high-corrosion environments. structural failure. which is then secured in place with grout. or bent and hooked at the ends to lock it around the concrete and other rebar. To prevent such a failure. Page 41 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. or in marine applications. It can also be described as reinforcement or reinforcing steel. an occurrence that often precedes a larger-scale collapse of the structure. leading to cracking. it would be useless for reinforcing concrete. it can still be pulled out of the concrete under high stresses. but significantly lower expense over the service life of the project. which can be used to bind several pieces of rebar together. it causes severe internal pressure on the surrounding concrete. is common steel bar. rebar is either deeply embedded into adjacent structural members. Epoxy-coated rebar or stainless steel rebar may be employed in these situations at greater initial expense. as in bridges built in areas where salt is applied to roadways in winter. welding can reduce the fatigue life of the rebar. Physical characteristics Steel has an expansion coefficient nearly equal to that of modern concrete. As rust takes up greater volume than the iron or steel from which it was formed. If this weren't so. and ultimately. This first approach increases the friction locking the bar into place while the second makes use of the high compressive strength of concrete. Welding Most grades of steel used in rebar are suitable for welding.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* All about Reinforcement Steel Reinforcement Steel or Rebar Rebar. an important component of reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures. Some standard masonry units like blocks and bricks are made with strategically placed voids to accommodate rebar. Use in concrete and masonry Concrete is a material that is very strong in compression. To compensate for this imbalance in concrete's behaviour. spalling. It is usually formed from carbon steel. but virtually without strength in tension. steel and concrete have similar coefficients of thermal expansion: a concrete structural member reinforced with steel will experience minimal stress as a result of differential expansions of the two interconnected materials caused by temperature changes. Common rebar is made of unfinished steel. Although rebar has ridges that bind it mechanically to the concrete with friction. and is given ridges for better frictional adhesion to the concrete. and as a result rebar cages are normally tied together with wire. U straps.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Safety To prevent workers and / or pedestrians from accidentally impaling themselves. strength and cost estimation. but provide little to no protection from impalement. meeting point of the top and bottom bars. and bend for longitudinal position of re-bars. bending of stirrups & ties. bend for anchorages. Bar scheme diagram requires a thorough structural analysis for better safety and stability of the concrete structure. the fabricator is well equipped to do the job within a definite set of quality management criteria. walls. Bar bending Schedule Bar bending schedule or bar scheme diagram is the comprehensive representation of cut and bend bars as per the design requirements of reinforcement detailer.com/2487316 Page 42 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. bend of bars in slabs. The schedule contains specialized notes to describe various reinforcing materials etc. Some examples are the bending of hooks. the protruding ends of steel rebar are often bent over or covered with special steel-reinforced plastic "plate" caps. lap lengths and cover. columns. Bar bending schedule is used as a guide in positioning various structural members such as footings. girders. It helps in determining appropriate material quantities. . piles. The bar bending schedule is used to communicate requirements for cut & bent shapes from the detailer to the fabricator. beams. etc upon casting. Although the process of cutting and bending of reinforcement is relatively complex. The precision of cutting and bending activities is crucial to ensure appropriate fit on site and to facilitate necessary anchorage lengths. Article Source: EzineArticles. "Mushroom" caps may provide protection from scratches and other minor injuries. sheet metal fabrication.1 : E 6013 490 26% 70J ESAB Ferrospeed plus A5.1 : E 6013 500 26% 70J ESAB Vortic AS. boiler components etc. ESAB FERROSPEED PLUS is recommended in applications such as bogies and under-frame of railway carriages and wagons. truck and bus bodies. shaft reclamation. bus and truck bodies.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Welding Electrodes & Procedures Carbon Steel Electrodes Brand AWS Code Application Mechanical Properties UTSN/mm2 E% 23% °C/J 27/70 ESAB Ferrospeed A5.1 : E 6012 Chimney. repair-jobs. rolling mills. . cement mills. general welding fabrication. ship building. construction engineering job. welding of pipe sockets. etc. steel furniture and frameworks. tanks. barge .building etc. pipe welding. machine building. ship building. ESAB VORTIC is recommended for applications such as bogies 490 ESAB Ferroarc A5. chimney. steel structures and frame works. Ideally suited for structural welding.1 : E 6013 490 26% 65J Page 43 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. storage tanks. etc. etc. bridges and dam construction. bridges and dams. trucks. bogies and under frames of carriages and wagons. shipbuilding.1 : E 6013 490 26% 90J ESAB 46 A5. bogies and under frame of railway carriages and wagons. 500 26% 90J ESAB Vordian A5.1 : E 6013 520 26% 70J Page 44 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. general engineering constructions. heavy structural work. Suitable for welding of pipes. plate and sheet metal fabrication.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* and under frames of railway carriages and wagons. etc.1 : E 6013 It is recommended for welding structures of varying thickness of MS plates in different type of joints and welding ordinary grade ship steel as well as structural steel of similar strength and composition. Boiler and pressure vessels. sheet metal fabrications. . boilers and pressure vessels. pipes. ship construction steel structure and frameworks. boilers and pressure vessels storage tanks. framework. machine building. etc. cranes. ship construction. bridges. ESAB VORDIAN is recommended for applications such as boiler and pressure vessels. tankages. ESAB 28 A5. pipe welding. machine building. tanks and coaches. bus frames and bodies. cranes. storage tanks. 1 : E 7024 Welding of thick plate in shipbuilding. air-receivers. buffer layer prior to hard facing etc. For welding heavy section of mild and medium tensile steels that are subjected to dynamic loading. structure and other components under restrained conditions and dynamic loading. steel of doubtful composition. grey cast iron. buffer layer for hard facing. penstock. penstock.1: E 7018 570 26% 75J Page 45 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. ship building. heavy beams and girders etc. compressors. grey cast iron. structural works. 550 23% 65J ESAB Ferroweld 1 A5. It is intended for welding carbon and C-Mn steels. Boiler and pressure vessels. buffer layer prior to hard facing etc. Boiler and pressure vessels. structural and other components under restrained conditions and dynamic loading. ship building.1 : E 7016 540 30% 80J ESAB 56 A5. etc.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ESAB C23S A5. . penstock fabrication. It is also suitable for depositing nonmachinable weld on Cast Iron.1 : E 7016 550 29% 110J ESAB Ferroweld 2 A5. steel of doubtful composition. This electriode is ideal where superior fi nal bead fi nish coupled with good radiographic and mechanical properties are required. boilers. pipelines. etc. ESAB 36H (SPL) is ideal for welding of fi ne grained carbon manganese steels and medium tensile steels having UTS of 50-58 Kgf/mm2 and is recommended for welding of pressure vessels.1: E 7018 560 30% 100J ESAB 36 H (Spl) A5.20 A5. 540 28% 100J OK 48. Boiler and pressure vessels. mounded bullets. structure and other components under restrained conditions and dynamic loading. steel of doubtful composition. etc. boilers. penstock. OK 48. heavy fabrication work and for ipelines subjected to low temperature. hortonspheres.20 (Spl) is especially designed for welding of CMn steels such as ASTM A 106 Gr B.1: E 7018 590 26% 120J ESAB 36 H Spl (M) A5. ship building.1: E 70181 570 28% 75J OK 48.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ESAB 36 H A5. pressure vessels.1: E 70181 540 34% 150J Page 46 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. used for sour gas service.1: E 7018 ESAB 36H is ideally suited for welding boiler quality and pressure vessel steels and heavy structures as well as pipes. .20 (Spl) A5. storage tanks and piping used for sour gas service. spheres. grey cast iron. ESAB 36H (Spl) M is designed for welding C-Mn steels used in boilers. buffer layer prior to hard facing etc. tankages. 5 : E7010G 5. 510 26% 65J Source:.1 : E6013 Boilers and pressure vessels. shipbuilding and heavy structurals.1 : E6010 PIPEWElD 6010R is designed for site welding of carbon steel pipes and pipelines in all positions using conventional techniques particularly for root run.47 P OK 22. .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ESAB Vortex .1 A5.1 : E6011 544 24% 60J OK 22.esabindia.46 P A5. It can be used where stringent NDT requirement and testing codes are involved.5 : E9010G A5.5 : E8010-G A5.48 P 600 700 24% 22% 70J 60J PIPEWELD 6011 480 27% 50J Page 47 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.htm Pipe Welding Electrodes Mechanical Properties Brand AWS Code Application UTSN/mm2 500 E% 27% °C/J 50J PIPEWELD 6010R A5.1 : E6010 495 26% 40J A5.com/products/welding_consumables/carbon_steel_electrodes. Pipeweld 6010 Plus OK 22. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Quantity Survey. . Mensuration Page 48 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Estimation. . 3 .770 5 3 900 4 ( see Note 3 ) NOTE 2 . For example. it would be always desirable to write the value in the power-of-ten notation. SCOPE 1. the expression IO. 2.9 x l0s. an analysis.002 5.900 ‘X 10s depending upon the last figure(s) in the value to which it is desired to impart significance.77 x l02 4 0 056.029 5 4 2 000~000 001 6 291. Examples: Value Decimal Places 0. 100 or any other unit depending on the fineness desired.5.3 Fineness of Rounding ..000 5..Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* RULES FOR ROUNDING OFF VALUE (SP 27-1987) 1. increase by 1.029 5 3 10..001. counting from the left-most non-zero digit and ending with the right-most digit in the value.005.2 Number of Significant Figures .029 5 6 2 000~000 001 10 5 677-O 5 567 700 6 56. 2. 0. 103. a value may be rounded to the nearest 0. 0. NOTE 3 . There is diversity of practice when the figure next beyond the last figure retained is 5. 2.32 and the unit of expression for the value. some computers ‘round up’. 20. 0.07.01.. 1. 2.90 x 10s or 3.32 x 10sshould be taken to consist of two parts. For example. 3. TERMINOLOGY 2.029 500 5 0.1 This sub-section prescribes rules for rounding off numerical values for the purpose of reporting results of a test.000 01.0 For the purpose of this sub-section.. the value proper which is IO.. 0. 0. the following definitions shall apply. 0. . 2. In such cases.With a view to removing any ambiguity regarding the significance of the zeros at the end in a value like 3 900.Any of the digits.00 2 10’32 x 103 2 ( see Note 1 ) NOTE 1 .000 2.1 Number of Decimal Places .The unit to which a value is rounded off.For the purpose of this sub-section. a measurement or a calculation.0 The rule usually followed in rounding off a value to unit fineness of rounding is to keep unchanged the last figure retained when the figure next beyond is less than 5 and to increase by I the last figure retained when the figure next beyond is more than 5. 1. 50. . Examples: Value Signijcant Figures 0. 3 900 may be written as 3.A value is said to have as many significant figures as there are number of significant dig&s ( see Note 2 ) in the value. the last figure Page 49 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. RULES FOR ROUNDING OFF VALUES 3. 10..A value is said to have as many decimal places as there are number of figures in the value. 3.029 50 5 21. 0. When appearing in the power of 10 to indicate the magnitude of the unit in the expression of a value. and zero shall be a significant digit only when it is preceded by some other digit ( excepting zeros ) on its left. It also makes recommendations as to the number of figures that should be retained in course of computation. that is. counting from the first figure after the decimal point and endiq with the last figure on the right. 2.9 occurring in a value shall be a significant digit(s). zero shall not be a significant digit. When the figure next beyond the last figure or place to be retained is 5 alone or 5 followed by zeros only.When the figure next beyond the last figure or place to be retained is more than 5 or is 5 followed by any figures other than zeros. discard everything beyond the last figure retained. the sum and the average of a series of values so rounded will be larger or smaller than the corresponding sum or average of the unrounded values. 3.1 in one step ( see 3.In case the fineness of rounding is unity in the last place retained. the figure in the last place retained shall be (a) increased by 1 if it is odd and (b) left unchanged if even ( zero would be regarded as an even number for this purpose ).Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* retained. if rounding off is carried out in accordance with the rules stated in 3. the sum and the average of the rounded values would be more nearly correct than in the previous cases ( see Appendix A ). . Rule III . the following rules shall be followed: Rule I . the figure in the last place retained shall be increased by 1.1 Rounding Off to Unit Fineness . Obviously.When the figure next beyond the last figure or place to be retained is less than 5.3 ). the figure in the last place retained shall be left unchanged. that is. if the retained value is always ‘rounded up’ or always ‘rounded down’. For more details it is recommended to have SP-27 (Handbook of Methode of measurements for Building Works) Page 50 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Rule II . others ‘round down’. However. stating class and size Enumerated stating size. stating type In kg In linear metre and described ( outside dimensions measured ) In m2 and described In m’ stating thickness and grade In m2 and described Enumerated Page 51 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. type and grade. grade and width By weight. moorum. if any In kg. ridge finials. in kg. stating size In running metre stating size Enumerated. etc ) Cement/Lime Pozrolana Mixture Distemper Doors/Windows/Ventilator Frames Doors Windows/Ventilators ( Excluding Filtingr In m* and drscribed and Finishes ) Fibrc Glass Felt Filler Fibrous / Non Fibrous Fittings for Doors and Windows In m*. stating size. stating size and type Enumerated. stating grade and type In tonnes. eaves fillers. . apron pieces. louvers. size and length Enumerated and described Ridge Gutters Roof lights. stating size In pairs. according to size and type Enumerated. Stone. north light curves Sheets Ventilators. type and length Enumerated. stone dust Aluminium Flats Aluminium Strip and Edging Asbestos Cement Products Barge boards In m3 after making a deduction of 7’5 percent from stack measurements and as per type In m3 of gross stack measurements according to nominal size and type In kg. fly ash. Cement. sand. stating type In kg In ms. stating type and thickness Enumeratrd. cowls. pozzolana. etc Brick/Brick I&s Blocks Building ( Clay. stone. stating type.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* TABLE for MEASUREMENT OF MATERIALS NAME: OF MATERIAL How MEASURED Aggregates Brick/stone of 40 mm nominal size and above Brick/stone aggregates of less than 40 mm size cinder. septic tanks Bitumrm Products Bitumen felt Bitumen hot sealing compound Bitumen road tar Joint filler ( sealing compound ) Boards Plywood. stating type. Area of triangle = This formulas is also knows as “Heroe’s formula”. Area of a triangle (A) = (Base(b) * Height(b)) / 2 And for a triangle with sides measuring “a” . Area of a parallelogram(A) = Length(l) * Height(h) 6. Area of a square (A) = Length (l) * Length (l) 4. Area of triangle(A) = Page 52 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. “b” and “c” . Perimeter of a parallelogram (P) = 2 * (length(l) + Breadth(b)) 7. Perimeter of a rectangle (P) = 2 * (Length(l) + Breath(b)) 3. . Perimeter of a square (P) = 4 * Length (l) 5. 8.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Mensuration Formulas 1. Perimeter = a+b+c and s = semi perimeter = perimeter / 2 = (a+b+c)/2 And also . Area of rectangle (A) = length(l) * Breath(b) 2. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Where . Area f rhombus (A) = Product of diagonals / 2 13. . c are the respective opposite sides of the angles as shown in figure below: area of triangle . 10. b .mensuration 9. Perimeter of a rhombus (P) = 4 * l where l = length of a side 14. Area of quadrilateral (A) = 1/2 * Diagonal * (Sum of offsets) Page 53 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Area of isosceles triangle = Where . C are respective angles of triangles and a . Area of trapezium (A) = Where . 11. B and C are the vertex and angle A . B . b= length of base of isosceles triangle. “a” and “b” are the length of parallel sides and “h” is the perpendicular distance between “a” and “b” . A . a = length of two equal side . Perimeter of a trapezium (P) = sum of all sides 12. Total surface area of cuboid = where . b=breadth . length of diagonal of cube = 23. r= radius of the circle and d= diameter of the circle. Circumference of a Circle = r= radius of circle d= diameter of circle 19. Total surface area of cuboid = where . length of diagonal of cuboid = 22. Volume of cube = l * l* l Page 54 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Area of a Kite (A) = 1/2 * product of it’s diagonals 16. l= length . Perimeter of a Kite (A) = 2 * Sum on non-adjacent sides 17. .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 15. l= length 21. Area of a Circle (A) = Where . 18. h=height 20. Volume of cuboid = l * b * h 24. h = height of cylinder 39. Volume of hollow cylinder = where . Volume of right circular cone = Where . Lateral surface area of prism = Perimeter of base * height 32. d= diameter of sphere 37. h = height of cylinder 34. Volume of a sphere = 38. Volume of a cylinder = 36. r = radius of base . Total surface area of a cylinder = 35. l = slanting height of cone 27. Area of base of a cone = 26. r = radius of base of cone . . r= radius of sphere . R = radius of cylinder .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 25. Surface area of polygonal prism = (Perimeter of base * height ) + (Area of polygonal base * 2) 31. Curved surface area of a cylinder = Where . Volume of Triangular prism = Area of the triangular base * height 33. h= height of the cone (perpendicular to base) 29. Curved surface area of a cone =C Where . r = radius of base . Surface area of a right square pyramid = Page 55 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Surface area of triangular prism = (P * height) + (2 * area of triangle) Where . Surface area of sphere = where . p = perimeter of base 30. Total surface area of a cone = 28. r= radius of hollow . Volume of a Hemisphere = 48. Volume of a right square pyramid = 41. b= length of equal side . 40. . Area of a regular hexagon = 42. of the isosceles triangle forming the slanting face. Area of sector of a circle = where . Curved surface area of a Frustums = 44. r= radius of the sector Page 56 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. a = length of base . Total surface area of a Hemisphere = 47.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Where . Curved surface area of a Hemisphere = 46. area of equilateral triangle = 43. Total surface area of a Frustums = 45. = measure of angle of the sector . .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Costing Page 57 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. cost engineering. project. Cost engineering is most often taught at universities as part of construction engineering. Total Cost Management is that area of engineering practice where engineering judgment and experience are utilized in the application of scientific principles and techniques to problems of business and program planning. involving such activities as estimating. The most obvious perception is that engineering addresses technical issues such as the physical design of a structure or system. Page 58 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. and planning and scheduling. schedule analysis/planning and risk assessment. This is accomplished through the application of cost engineering and cost management principles. while the “process” through which these practices are applied is called total cost management or TCM. profitability and risk. time. beyond the physical manifestation of a design of a structure or system (for example. cost estimating. . business management. It recognizes and focuses on the relationships between the physical and cost dimensions of whatever is being "engineered"." "Cost Engineers budget." One key objective of cost engineering is to arrive at accurate cost estimates and schedules and to avoid cost overruns and schedule slips.. a building). quality and time requirements. product or service. and other resources that were invested in the creation of the building. and engineering. Cost engineers refer to these investments collectively as "costs".. facility. are collectively called cost engineering. and risk analysis. cost forecasting. there are other dimensions to consider such as the money. Cost engineering then can be considered an adjunct of traditional engineering. cost analysis/cost assessment. Engineering economics is a core skill and knowledge area of cost engineering... costs. and related curricula because it is most often practiced on engineering and construction capital projects. program and project management. cost control. plan and monitor investment projects. project management. engineering management. They seek the optimum balance between cost. investment appraisal. it is a systematic approach to managing cost throughout the life cycle of any enterprise. profitability analysis. but in particular cost estimating. program.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Basics of Costing Cost engineering (Wikipedia) "Cost engineering [is] the engineering practice devoted to the project cost management. Simply stated. . the list of practice areas . business planning and management science." The broad array of cost engineering topics represent the intersection of the fields of project management. Total Cost Management is the effective application of professional and technical expertise to plan and control resources. and cost and schedule performance measurement and change control. planning and scheduling. "The discipline of ‘cost engineering’ can be considered to encompass a wide rang e of cost-related aspects of engineering and program management. design-to-cost. In summary. Cost engineering goes beyond preparing cost estimates and schedules by supporting assessment and decision making. However. proven methodologies and the latest technology in support of the management process." A cost engineer is "an engineer whose judgment and experience are utilized in the application of scientific principles and techniques to problems of estimation. Most people have a limited view of what engineering encompasses. civil engineering. cost control. economic and financial analysis. and inflation. or operation. A problem with a cost overrun can be avoided with a credible. or electrical estimator. several inflation or cost indexes are available. A realistic cost estimating was imperative when making wise decisions in acquiring new systems. There are different types of estimators. The method used for most definitive estimates is to fully define and understand the scope.” Tools that may be part of costs estimation are cost indexes. project. whose title may be preceded by a modifier." A cost estimate is often needed to support evaluations of project feasibility or funding requirements in support of planning. following changes in technology. . replicated. to estimate the future costs of a program. and accurate cost estimate. which can then be summed to a total cost. and updated. "the summation of individual cost elements. The cost estimate has a single total value and may have identifiable component values. provision for program uncertainties. repeatable methods that result in high-quality cost estimates that are comprehensive and accurate and that can be easily and clearly traced. or chief estimator. These best practices represent an overall process of established. A cost estimate is often used to establish a budget as the cost constraint for a project or operation. Pricing transforms the cost estimate into what the firm wishes to charge for the scope. An estimator is the professional who prepares cost estimates. cost engineers. using established methods and valid data. Early estimates may employ various means of cost modeling. broad participation in preparing estimates.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Cost estimate (Wikipedia) A cost estimate may be defined as. and apply costing to the scope. Other professional titles may also prepare estimates or contribute to estimates. take off or quantify the scope. The cost estimate is the product of the cost estimating process. independent review of estimates. such as quantity surveyors. etc. “Certain best practices should be followed if accurate and credible cost estimates are to be developed. The basic characteristics of effective estimating include: clear identification of task. standardized structure for the estimate. Application of best practices helps ensure a high-quality estimate. based on what is known today. Due to the inherent unavailability of up-to-date cost literature. recognition of excluded costs. Proper documentation and review are also important. Cost Estimating Methods and Best Practices (Wikipedia) Estimating methods may vary by type and class of estimate. availability of materials and labor." A Cost Estimate is the approximation of the cost of a program. and revision of estimates for significant program changes. reliable. such as building estimator. These factors promote time adjustment of capital costs. availability of valid data. recognition of inflation. Construction Cost Estimates (Wikipedia) Page 59 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. This includes using the Construction Specifications Institute Uniform Numbering System (MasterFormat) to ensure that all work is accounted for. "Quantify. and contingency. payment and performance bonds. the cost is what something costs you to build. Earlier estimates are prepared by differing methods by estimators and others to support the planning process and to compare with bids. escalation. profit. but are not identifiable. RSMeans refers to this as. those are not a necessary function of cost estimate preparation. Then costs are applied to the quantified line items. . Cost–benefit analysis (Wikipedia) Page 60 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. A construction general contractor or subcontractor must normally prepare definitive cost estimates to prepare bids in the construction bidding process to compete for award of the contract. preferably what are called contract documents (CD). sales or use taxes. and. Definitive Estimates (Class 1) (Wikipedia) A definitive estimate is prepared from fully designed plans and specifications (or nearly so). or BOQ. In estimating for contracting. Being unable to complete a project risks public ridicule. a contingency is often added to improve the probability that the budget or funding will be adequate to complete the project." ASPE recommends the "quantity times material and labor costs format" for the compilation of the estimate. or anything else unrelated to delivering the scope as defined in the estimate documentation. "Price the quantities. "Determine basic production rates and multiply them by the units of work to determine total hours for the work. When using an estimate which has no contingency to set a budget or to set aside funding. construction equipment costs. such as overhead. The standard method is to review and understand the design package and take off (or perform a quantity survey of) the project scope by itemizing it into line items with measured quantities. "Scope out the project. subcontractor costs are also extended on the estimate detail form." and. if applicable. RSMeans refers to this as. Generally more contingency is needed for earlier estimates due to the higher uncertainty of estimate accuracy. The estimate or budget contingency is not intended to compensate for poor estimate quality. For labor. This may be called costing or pricing." Some jurisdictions or areas of practice define the itemization and measuration in certain terms. and is not intended to fund design growth. and price is what you charge another party for building it. the estimator should. Although many estimators participate in the bidding and procurement processes. such as RICS and may have specific rules for development of a Bill of quantities." and then multiply the hours by the per hour average labor cost. Labor burdens. owner changes. The ASPE proposes a best practice standard method for the quantity survey. material costs.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Estimates for the cost of facility construction are a major part of the cost estimate domain. This format is illustrated in the handwritten spreadsheet sample. Contingency A contingency may be included in an estimate to provide for unknown costs which are indicated as likely to occur by experience. Other costs and pricing are added. some assume that all assets will have zero salvage value. This amount is added to the accumulated depreciation for the asset. Know Methods to calculate Depreciation What is Depreciation Depreciation is defined as an accounting methodology which allows an organization to spread the cost of a fixed asset over the expected useful life of that asset. The straight line method calculates depreciation by spreading Page 61 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. The period of years is called the life or the useful life of the item. some use a percentage of the purchase price. CBA has two purposes: 1. The net value of the asset on the books of the organization is the asset account less the accumulated depreciation account. In CBA. benefits and costs are expressed in money terms. but distinct from cost-effectiveness analysis. and are adjusted for the time value of money. manufacturing equipment." Closely related. and governmental regulations. This expected value is called the salvage value. The cost of the fixed asset immediately comes out of the cash account of the organization and is entered as an asset for the organization. management standards. cost–utility analysis. is a systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project. Land is not considered a depreciable item as it does not wear out or become obsolete. fiscal impact analysis and Social return on investment (SROI) analysis. It involves comparing the total expected cost of each option against the total expected benefits. Some organizations set this value on a per asset basis. and some use a combination of these methods. sometimes called benefit–cost analysis (BCA). formal techniques include cost-effectiveness analysis. Some fixed assets may be expected to have a market value at the end of their useful life. CBA is related to. The life that is assigned to an item will depend on industry standards. Generally. decision or government policy (hereafter. 2. economic impact analysis.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Cost–benefit analysis (CBA). so that all flows of benefits and flows of project costs over time (which tend to occur at different points in time) are expressed on a common basis in terms of their "net present value. and by how much. To determine if it is a sound investment/decision (justification/feasibility). office equipment. A fixed asset is considered depreciable if it will wear out or become obsolete over a period of years. depreciable items include buildings. At the end of each period of the useful life of the asset a part of the cost is expensed. How to Calculate Depreciation Depreciation expense is calculated utilizing either a straight line depreciation method or an accelerated depreciation method. "project"). . To provide a basis for comparing projects. but slightly different. to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs. and vehicles. would be expensed. The depreciable basis of the asset is the book value of the fixed asset .5 500 * 0. Examples of depreciation calculations for both straight line and accelerated methods are provided below. Using double declining balance the depreciation would be calculated as follows: factor = 2 * (1/4) = 0.5 Depreciation Expense 500 250 125 75 Accumulated Depreciation 500 750 875 950 Sum of the Years Digits . The expected life is 5 years. which is the most common. Salvage value may also be considered.5 125 * 0. The expected life is 4 years. So to calculate the depreciation expense each year the depreciable basis would be multiplied by 50%. 1000/-. 200/. Example: A copy machine is purchased for Rs. The required variables for calculating depreciation are the cost and the expected life of the fixed asset. SL = Cost / Life Example: A desk is purchased for Rs. For example. Calculate the annual depreciation as follows: 1000 / 5 = 200 Each year for 5 years Rs.5 250 * 0. . Accelerated depreciation methods such as declining balance and sum of years digits calculate depreciation by expensing a large part of the cost at the beginning of the life of the fixed asset.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* the cost evenly over the life of the fixed asset. 1000. Using double declining balance or 200%. Declining Balance Depreciation Method – In the case of considering Salvage Value The declining balance depreciation method uses the depreciable basis of an asset multiplied by a factor based on the life of the asset.50 Year 1 2 3 4 Depreciable Basis 1000 500 250 125 Depreciation Calculation 1000 * 0. The factor is the percentage of the asset that would be depreciated each year under straight line depreciation times the accelerator. Straight Line Depreciation Method The straight line depreciation method divides the cost by the life.cost less accumulated depreciation.In the case of considering Salvage Value Page 62 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. an asset with a four year life would have 25% of the cost depreciated each year. would mean that depreciation expense in the first year would be twice that or 50%. 467. For example.33 % 1.467.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* The first step is to sum the digits or numbers starting with the life and going back to one.40 391.89 * 26.34% Year 2 4 / 15 = 26.49 293. The expected life is 5 years.89 * 13.67 % Depreciation Expense 489.67% Year 3 3 / 15 = 20 % Year 4 2 / 15 = 13.89 * 6.89 * 33.58 195. Since this is a 5 year asset the yearly factors have been calculated above. Year 1 2 3 4 5 Depreciation Calculation 1. In the example above the percentage would be calculated as follows: Year 1 5 / 15 = 33. an asset with a life of 5 would have a sum of digits as follows: 5+ 4+ 3 +2 + 1 = 15 To find the percentage for each year divide the year's digit by the sum.67 % 1. .467.67% Example: A conference table is purchase for 1.91 Page 63 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.467.89 * 20 % 1.89.34 % 1.33 % Year 5 1/ 15 = 6.467.67 97.467. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Applicable Laws / Acts / Important Clauses/ IS Codes  List of IS Codes – IS 1200  List of IS Codes for Design & Execution  Statutory Laws / Acts Pertaining to Indian Construction Industry Contractual Clauses  PRICE ESCALATION CLAUSE  Refund of Security Deposit and Performance Security Conditions for Refund of Security Deposit (Clause 21 CPWD) Page 64 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . distampering and painting of building surfaces Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 14 glazing Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 15 painting. colour washing.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* IS Codes IS Code for Method of Measurements – IS 1200 IS 1200 : Part 1 : 1992 IS 1200 : Part 2 : 1974 IS 1200 : Part 3 : 1976 IS 1200 : Part 4 : 1976 IS 1200 : Part 5 : 1982 IS 1200 : Part 6 : 1974 IS 1200 : Part 7 : 1972 IS 1200 : Part 8 : 1993 IS 1200 : Part 9 : 1973 IS 1200 : Part 10 : 1973 IS 1200 : Part 11 : 1977 IS 1200 : Part 12 : 1976 IS 1200 : Part 13 : 1994 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 1 Earthwork Method of measurement of building and engineering works: Part 2 concrete works Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works Part III : Brickwork Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 4 stone masonry Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: part 5 form work Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 6 refractory work Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 7 hardware Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work: Part 8 steel work and iron work Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work: Part 9 roof covering (including cladding) Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: part 10 ceiling and linings Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work: Part11 paving. floor finishes dado and skirting Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works Part XII : Plastering and Pointing Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 13 Whitewashing. . polishing. varnishing etc Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 16 laying of water and sewer lines including appurtenant items Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 17 road work including air field pavements Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 18 demolition and dismantling Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works Part XIX : Water Supply. Plumbing and Drains Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 20 laying of gas and oil pipelines Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 21 wood-work and joinery Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 22 materials IS 1200 : Part 14 : 1984 IS 1200 : Part 15 : 1987 IS 1200 : Part 16 : 1979 IS 1200 : Part 17 : 1985 IS 1200 : Part 18 : 1974 IS 1200 : Part 19 : 1981 IS 1200 : Part 20 : 1981 IS 1200 : Part 21 : 1973 IS 1200 : Part 22 : 1982 Page 65 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* IS 1200 : Part 23 : 1988 IS 1200 : Part 24 : 1983 IS 1200 : Part 25 : 1971 IS 1200 : Part 26 : 1987 IS 1200 : Part 27 : 1992 IS 1200 : Part 28 : 1992 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 23 piling Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 24 well foundations Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 25 tunneling Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 26 Acid resistant lining Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 27 Earthwork done by mechanical appliances Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 28 Sound insulation works Page 66 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 01. if any. b IS-3764 : Safety Code for excavation work. c IS-432 : Mild Steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement. b IS-383 : Coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete. q IS-6452 : High Alumina Cement for Structural use.01. e IS-9759 : Guide lines for dewatering during construction. f IS-460 : Test Sieves (all parts g IS-516 : Methods of test for strength of concrete. "Accepted Standards" and "Good Practice" listed in the appendix to National Building Code of India. Page 67 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. s IS-7861 : Code of practice for extreme weather concreting (all parts. n IS-3370 : Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids (all parts o IS-3414 : Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings. d IS-4701 : Code of practice for earth work on canals. shall be followed: 2. . i IS-1566 : Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete Reinforcement. t IS-8041 : Rapid Hardening Portland Cement. r IS-7320 : Concrete slump test apparatus.01. 2. IS-1256 : Code of Practice for Building Byelaws. h IS-1199 : Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete. c IS-7293 : Safety Code for working with construction machinery.01 Earthwork a IS-1498 : Classification and identification of soils for General Engineering purposes. l IS-2386 : Methods of test for aggregates for concrete (all parts m IS-2502 : Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement. e IS-456 : Code of Practice for Plain and reinforced concrete. d IS-455 : Portland Slag Cement.02 Concrete a IS-269 : Ordinary and low heat portland cement. IS-1200 : Method of measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works. p IS-4948 : Welded steel wire fabrics for general use. 2. k IS-1834 : Hot applied sealing compounds for joints in concrete.00 General a b c d e National Building Code of India.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* CODES AND STANDARDS for Design & Execution Following is a general listing of Codes and Standards to be used in the design. The latest editions/ revision of following codes and standards along with addendums/ amendments. j IS-1786 : High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement. Applicable codes and standards will be identified in System Design Descriptions/ Technical Specifications as appropriate. f IS-10379 : Code of practice for field control of moisture and compaction of soils for embankment and subgrade. IS-4925 : Concrete batching and mixing plant. IS-2722 : Specification for Portable Swing weigh batchers for concrete (single and double bucket type IS-2750 : Steel scaffoldings IS-2751 : Recommended practice for welding of mild steel plain and deformed bars for reinforced construction. IS-10262 : Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. IS-4990 : Plywood for concrete shuttering work. IS-5525 : Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works. IS-12200 : Code of practice for provision of water stops at transverse construction joints in masonry and concrete dams. IS-13311 : Non destructive testing of concrete . . SP-16 : Design codes for reinforced concrete to IS:456-1978. IS-4014 : Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding IS-4656 : Form vibrators for concrete.methods of test.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz aaa bbb ccc IS-8112 : High strength ordinary Portland Cement. IS-3558 : Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete. IS-1791 : General requirement for batch type concrete mixers IS-1838 : Preformed fillers for expansion joints in concrete pavement and structures IS-2438 : Specification for roller pan mixers.immersion type. IS-3150 : Hexagonal wire netting for general purposes. ddd eee fff ggg hhh Page 68 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. IS-5256 : Code of practice for sealing expansion joints in concrete lining on canals. IS-11384 : Code of practice for composite construction in structural steel and concrete. SP-23 : Handbook of concrete mixes. IS-457 : Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for dams and other massive structures. IS-12269 : Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement IS-1489 : Portland-pozzolana cement. IS-9103 : Admixtures for concrete IS-9417 : Recommendations for welding cold worked bars for reinforced concrete construction. IS-2506 : General requirements for screed board concrete vibrators. IS-12118 : Two parts polysulphide based sealants. SP-24 : Explanatory handbook on Indian standards code for plain and reinforced concrete. (Part 2) Rebound hammer. IS-6461 : Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete. IS-2505 : Concrete vibrators . (Part 1) Ultrasonic pulse velocity. (IS : 456 SP-34 : Hand book on concrete reinforcement and detailing. IS-6509 : Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements. IS-6494 : Code of practice for water proofing of underground reservoir and swimming pools. IS-280 : Mild steel wire for general engineering purpose. ACI-318 : American Concrete Institute code for structural concrete. (Fly ash based (Part-I IS-1542 : Sand for Plaster IS-4082 : Recommendation on stacking and storage of construction materiel and components at site IS-13757 : Burnt clay fly ash building bricks. IS-9012 : Recommended practice for shotcreting. 04 Foundations a IS-1904 : Code of practice for structural safety of buildings Shallow foundations. c IS: 4091 : Code of practice for design and construction of foundation for transmission line towers and poles.Hollow and Solid concrete blocks. (all parts . (Part -1) : Shallow foundations. n DIN:2096 : Helical compression spring out of round wire and rod : Quality requirements for hot formed compression spring. b IS:10297 : Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs using precast reinforced/ Prestressed concrete ribbed or cored slab units. m DIN:2089 : Helical compression spring made of round wire and rod calculation and design of compression. j IS:12070 : Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on rocks.01. (Part -2) : Deep foundations. e IS:1080 : Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on soils. 2.05 Loading a IS-875 : Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings . c IS:10505 : Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using pre. h IS:6403 : Code of practice for determination of Bearing capacity of Shallow foundations. d IS-1528 : Methods of sampling and physical tests for refractory materials.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 2. k VDI:2056 : Criteria for assessing mechanical vibrations of machines.loading standards.06 Masonry a IS-712 : Building limes.01.01.cast reinforced concrete 2. c IS-2974 : Code of practice for design and construction of Machine foundations (all parts. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board. d IS 2911 : Code of practice for Design and Construction of Pile Foundation.01. e IS-1597 : Code of practice for construction of stone masonry (all parts. Page 69 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. b IS-1077 : Common Burnt Clay Building Bricks. g IS-2116 : Sand for masonry mortars h IS-2185 : Concrete masonry units. i IS-2250 : Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars.03 Precast Concrete Works a SP:7 : National Building Code . 2.Structural(Part 6/Sec. f IS-2212 : Code of practice for brickwork.7 Design of prefabrication and system building. i IS:8009 : Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundation. c IS-1127 : Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stones for masonry work. b IRS : Bridge Rules of Government of India. . b IS-2950 : Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations. o DIN:4024 : Flexible supporting structures for machine with rotating machines. l VDI:2060 : Criteria for assessing the st of balance of rotating rigid bodies. f IS:2314 : Steel sheet piling sections g IS:4091 : Code of practice for design and construction foundations for transmission line towers and poles. IS-1868 : Anodic coatings on Aluminium and its alloys.ferrous metals IS-208 : Door Handles. IS-451 : Technical supply conditions for wood screws IS-733 : Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy bars. (Part-1 . IS-2691 : Burnt clay facing bricks. IS-4860 : Acid Resistant Bricks. rods and sections for general engineering purposes.01. 2. s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff Page 70 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Windows and Ventilators a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r IS-399 : Classification of commercial timbers and their zonal distribution.General purposes IS-3564 : Door closers (Hydraulically regulated IS-5187 : Flush bolts. IS-3614 : Fire check doors. IS-3495 : Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks. (Part 1 : Ferrous metals (Part 2: Non . IS-5437 : Figured. . IS-883 : Code of practice for design of structural timber in building. IS-3103 : Code of practice for Industrial ventilation. IS-2202 : Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type. rolled and wired glass. IS-1003 : Timber paneled and glazed shutters (all parts. IS:1905 : Code of practice for structural use of unreinforced masonry. IS-4441 : Code of practice for use of Silicate type chemical resistant mortars. IS-1038 : Steel doors. IS-1285 : Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded round tube & hollow section (for general engineering purposes IS-1823 : Floor door stoppers. IS-362 : Parliament Hinges. IS-1949 : Aluminium windows for industrial building.07 Doors. windows and ventilators. IS-1081 : Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and aluminium doors. IS-4351 : Steel door frames. IS-204 : Tower Bolts. IS-6248 : Metal rolling shutters and rolling grills. IS-2191 : Wooden flush door shutters (Cellular and hollow core type. IS-3548 : Code of practice for glazing in buildings. IS-1948 : Aluminium doors windows and ventilators. IS-:281 : Mild steel sliding door bolts for use with padlocks. SP:20 : Hand book on masonry design and construction. IS-2835 : Transparent sheet glass for glazing and framing purposes. IS-12894 : Fly ash lime bricks. windows and ventilators. IS-3414 : Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings. IS-2209 : Mortice locks (vertical type IS-2553 : Safety glass.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* j k l m n o p q r IS-2572 : Code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry. IS-4021 : Timber door. IS-6315 : Specification for floor springs (Hydraulically regulated for heavy doors. windows and ventilator frames.. IS-1361 : Steel windows for industrial buildings. 01. IS-1237 : Cement concrete flooring tiles. 2. . b IS-3067 : Code of practice for general design. details and preparatory work for damp proofing and water proofing of buildings. 2. IS-1198 : Code of practice for laying. f ASTM : Standard guide for high solid content cold g C898-89 : liquid applied elastomeric water proofing membrane for use with separate wearing course.01. IS-7452 : Hot rolled steel sections for doors. 2. IS-1196 : Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring.12 Water Supply. 2. IS-10019 : Mild steel stays and fasteners.C. b IS-1892 : Code of practice for sub-surface investigation for foundations. IS-2114 : Code of practice for laying in situ terrazzo floor finish. c IS-2131 : Method for standard penetration test for soils. fixing and maintenance of linoleum floors. IS-8042 : White portland cement. c IS-3384 : Bitumen primer for use in water proofing and damp proofing. Drainage and Sewerage a IS-404 : Lead pipes Page 71 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. d IS-4365 : Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for waterproofing of roofs. IS-1197 : Code of practice for laying of rubber floors. IS-1195 : Bitumen mastic for flooring.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* gg hh ii jj kk IS-7196 : Hold fast.01.10 Waterproofing a IS-3037 : Bitumen mastic for use in waterproofing of roofs. IS-809 : Rubber flooring materials for general purposes. IS-5766 : Code of practice for laying burnt clay brick flooring. IS-2441 : Code of practice for fixing ceiling coverings. IS-2210 : Criteria for Design of R. e ASTM : Standard specification for high solid content cold C836-89a : liquid applied elastomeric water proofing membrane for use with separate wearing course. IS-1443 : Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles. 2.09 Floor Finishes and Allied Works a b c IS-5318 : Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile flooring. IS-10451 : Steel sliding shutters (top hung type IS-12823 : Prelaminated particle boards. IS-5491 : Code of practice for laying in situ granolithic concrete floor topping.01. shell structures and folded plates. IS-2571 : Code of practice for laying in situ cement concrete flooring.08 Roof and Flooring a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o IS-2204 : Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete shell roof.01. windows and ventilators. IS-3201 : Criteria for the design and construction of precast concrete trusses.11 Soil Engineering a IS-1498 : Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes. IS-13801 : Chequered cement concrete tiles. d IS-2720 : Methods of test for soils (all parts. where pressure tight joints are required on the thread.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt IS-458 : Concrete pipes IS-651 : Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings. IS-777 : Glazed earthenware wall tiles. fittings and accessories. IS-1537 : Vertically cast iron pressure pipe for water. IS-3486 : Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes . IS-5219 : "P" and "S" traps. IS-1726 : Cast iron manhole covers and frames. IS-554 : Dimensions for pipe threads. IS-1742 : Code of practice for building drainage. IS-774 : Flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals other than plastic cisterns. IS-2065 : Code of practice for water supply in buildings. (Part 1 to 5 IS-5382 : Rubber sealing rings for gas mains. IS-781 : Cast copper alloy screw down bib taps & stop valves for water services. IS-1230 : Cast iron rainwater pipes and fittings. Page 72 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. IS-4127 : Code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes. IS-771 : Glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances (all parts. IS-2548 : Plastic water closet seats and covers (all parts. IS-1703 : Copper alloy float valve for water supply fitting IS-2326 : Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals. IS-784 : Prestressed concrete pipes. . IS-5961 : Cast iron grating for drainage purposes. IS-2556 : Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china IS-3311 : Waste plug and its accessories for sinks and wash basins. IS-5329 : Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings. IS-1626 : Asbestos cement building pipes. IS-12251 : Code of practice for Drainage of Building Basement. waste and ventilating pipes. water mains and sewers. installation and maintenance of sanitary appliances. IS-3438 : Silvered glass mirrors for general purposes. IS-1172 : Code of basic requirements for water supply. gas and sewage. IS-4111 : Code of practice for ancillary structure in sewerage system. globe and check valves for water works purposes. IS-3076 : Low density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies. IS-:778 : Copper alloy gate. IS-2064 : Code of practice for selection. [Part-I] IS-772 : General requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances. IS-3989 : Centrifugally cast (Spun iron spigot and socket soil. IS-782 : Caulking lead. IS-1538 : Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water. IS-1536 : Centrifugally cast (spun iron pressure pipes for water. IS-5822 : Code of practice for laying of electrically welded steel pipes for water supply. gas and sewage. IS-1729 : Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil. fittings and accessories. waste and ventilating pipes. IS-783 : Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes. drainage and sanitation. IS-2527 : Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and down pipes for roof drainage. IS-2470 : Code of practice for installation of septic tanks (all parts IS-3114 : Code of practice for laying of Cast Iron pipes. gas and sewage. gutters and fittings (all parts. IS-1200 : Method of measurement: Laying of water and [Part-XVI] sewer lines including appurtenant items. IS-775 : Cast iron brackets and supports for wash basins and sinks. 16 Structural Steelwork a IS-800 : Code of practice for general construction in steel. thru' 1220 d IRC: 58 – 2002: Guidelines for the design of pain jointed rigid pavements for highways ( second revision e IRC: 15.01. Fossil power committee. Power division published by ASCE – 1975.01. IS-8931 : Copper alloy fancy single taps combination tap assembly and stop valves for water services.01. IS-12701 : Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks. Page 73 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.14 Earthquake Resistant Design a IS-1893 : Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures. Part-II : Fabrication.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* uu vv ww xx yy zz aaa bbb ccc IS-7740 : Code of practice for construction and maintenance of road gullies. c IS-806 : Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction. IS-9762 : Polyethylene floats for float valves.01. Part-I : Load and permissible stresses.13 Paving and Road works a IS-73 : Paving bitumen b IS-702 : Industrial Bitumen c IS-1201 : Method of testing tar and bituminous materials. IS-13983 : P Stainless steel sinks for domestic purposes. Galvanizing. 2. 2.15 Chimney a IS-4998 : Criteria for Design of R. g IS-2606 : Alloy lead anodes for chromium plating h IS-9537 : Rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring The Indian Electricity Rules The Indian Electricity Act The Indian Electricity (Supply Act) The Indian Factories Act i IS-2309 : Practice for protection of buildings and allied structures against lightning 2. eye and face fountains and combination units. b IS-4326 : Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings. d IS-808 : Rolled steel beams. . channels and angle sections. Inspection and Packing. SP-35 : Hand book on water supply and drainage with special emphasis on plumbing.as updated. (Second revision d Practice followed by Indian Road Congress (all parts 2. IS-10592 : Industrial emergency showers. CPH&EEO : Manual on sewage and sewage treatment Publication. Chimneys (all parts b IS-6533 : Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys c ACI-307 : Specification for the design and construction of reinforced concrete chimneys d BS-4076 : Specification for steel chimneys e CICIND : Model Code for concrete chimneys Model code for steel chimneys f ASCE Code : Design and construction of steel chimney liners prepared by Task committee on steel chimney liners. b IS-802 : Code of practice for use of structural steel in Overhead Transmission Line. e IS-813 : Scheme of symbols for welding. IS-12592 : Specification for precast concrete manhole covers and frames.2002 : Standard specifications and code of practice for construction of concrete roads(third revision f IRC: 37 – 2001: Guidelines for the design of flexible pavements.C. [all parts] IS-1364 : Precision and semi-precision hexagon bolts. IS-4759 : Hot dip zinc coatings on structural steel and other allied products. AWS D. IS-2074 : Ready mixed paint. IS-7215 : Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures.6 to 24 mm. IS-1608 : Method for tensile testing of steel products. IS-5334 : Code of practice for Magnetic Particle Flaw detection of welds. range 6 to 39 mm. IS-1024 : Code of practice for use of welding in Bridges and Structures subjected to Dynamic loading.6 to 20 mm IS-1367 : Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners. [all parts] IS-1365 : Slotted counter sunk head screws (dia range 1. IS-1239 : Mild steel tubes. IS-1443 : Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles. IS-819 : Code of practice for Resistance spot welding for light assemblies in Mild Steel. air drying. IS-816 : Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel. IS-2633 : Methods of testing uniformity of coating of zinc coated articles. IS-1161 : Steel tubes for structural purposes. IS-3664 : Code of practice for Ultrasonic Pulse echo testing by contact and immersions methods. IS-2595 : Code of practice for Radiographic testing Page 74 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.1. IS-3757 : High strength structural bolts. screws. IS-919 : Recommendations for limits and fits for engineering. IS-818 : Code of practice for safety and health requirements in electric and gas welding and cutting operation. IS-7318 : Approval test for welders when welding [Part-I] procedure approval is not required. nuts and locknuts (dia. IS-8500 : Structural steel . tubular and other wrought steel fittings (all parts. IS-1731 : Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes. . IS-1182 : Recommended practice for Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Butt joints in steel plates.micro alloyed (medium and high strength qualities IS-9595 : Recommendation for metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels. 6 to 39 mm and black hexagon screws (dia. IS-1200 : Method of measurement of steelwork and [Part-VIII] ironwork. IS-4000 : High strength bolts in steel structures. IS-7280 : Base-wire electrodes for sub-merged arc welding of structural steels. sheet and strip for structural and general engineering purpose. nuts and locknuts (dia. red oxide zinc-chrome and priming. IS-1363 : Black hexagonal bolts. IS-1730 : Dimensions for steel plate.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq IS-814 : Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steel. IS-817 : Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders. IS-1852 : Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products. IS-1977 : Structural steel (Ordinary quality IS-2016 : Plain Washers IS-2062 : Steel for General structural purposes. IS-3613 : Acceptance tests for wire-flux combinations for submerged-arc welding of structural steels.1 : Structural Welding Code. p IS-12027 : Silicone based water repellent q IS-13238 : Epoxy based zinc phosphate primer (2 pack r IS-13239 : Epoxy surfacer (2 pack s IS-13467 : Chlorinated rubber for paints t IS-14209 : Epoxy enamel. u BS-5493 : Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion. n IS-6278 : Code of practice for white washing and Colour washing. IS-4353 : Sub merged arc welding of mild steel and low alloy steel Recommendation IS-5369 : General requirements for plain washers and lock washer IS -6623 : High strength structural nuts. masonry and plaster surface. IS-7307 : Approved test for welding procedures (Part . IS-7310 : Approval test for welders working to approval welding procedure. d IS-7178 : Heat Treated steel tapping screws-Mechanical properties. . colour as required. b IS-427 : Specification for Distemper. two component glossy. k IS-627 : Washable Distemper l IS-1650 : Specification for colours for building and decorativematerials. 2.I: Fusion welding of steel. f IS-12093 : Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof covering using plain and corrugated galvanised steel sheets. h IS-2932 : Specification for enamel. (Part 1 to 7) 2. synthetic. b) finishing. d IS-1477 : Code of practice for painting of ferrous metal [I & II] in buildings. exterior – a) undercoating. exterior a) Undercoating b) finishing. g IS-2395 : Code of practice for painting concrete. j IS-5410 : Specification for cement paint.01. oil emulsion.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz aaa bbb IS-3658 : Code of practice for liquid penetrate flaw detection. i IS-2933 : Specification for enamel. dry colour as required. e IS-2338 : Code of practice for finishing of wood and [I & II] wood based materials. Page 75 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. IS-12843 : Tolerances for erection of steel structures SP-6 : ISI Hand book for structural Engineers.17 Painting a IS-348 : Specification for French Polish. f IS-2339 : Specification for Aluminium Paints for general purposes in dual containers. c IS-801 : Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in general building construction. m IS-2524 : Code of practice for painting of nonferrous metals in buildings. e IS-8869 : Washers for corrugated sheet roofing. IS-6649 : Hardened and tampered washers for high strength structural bolts & nuts.01. c IS-428 : Specification for Distemper. IS-6911 : Stainless steel plate.18 Sheeting Works a IS-277 : Galvanised steel sheets (Plan & corrugated b IS-730 : Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing. o IS-10403 : Glossary of term related to building finish. sheet and strip. : Fusion welding of steel (Part-I) IS-9178 : Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of (Part-1to 3 bulk material. BS-5950 : Code of practice for design of light gauge profiled (Part-6) steel sheeting 2. (Part I & II) d IS-4832 : Specification for chemical resistant mortars.20 Safety a IS-1641 : Code of practice for fire safety of buildings . d CIRIA : Design and construction of buried thin-wall pipes.Details of construction. d IS-4130 : Demolition of buildings .22 a Indian Road Congress (IRC Bridge Codes) b Indian Railway Standard Bridge Rules 2. c IS-4081 : Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations. . e IS-5121 : Safety code for piling and other deep foundations. (Part – 1): Silicate type (Part – 2) : Resin type (Part – 3) : Sulphur type e IS-9510 : Bitumastic acid resisting grade.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* g h i j IS-12436 : Preformed rigid Polyurethane (PUR and Polyisocyanurate (PIR foams for thermal insulation. 2. b IS-4443 : Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars. IS-12866 : Plastic translucent sheets made from thermosetting polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced IS-14246 : Continuously pre-painted galvanised steel sheets and coils. Publications 2. b IS:10430 : Criteria for design of lined canals and guidance for selection of type of lining.01. Page 76 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.2003. c IS-4456 : Method of Test for chemical resistant tiles.code of safety. b IS-1642 : Code of practice for fire safety of buildings . f IS-5916 : Safety code for construction involving use of hot bituminous materials. Indian Explosives Act 1940 (As updated 2.23 Environmental Protection Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP published in Gazette of India dated Acid and Alkali Resistant Lining a IS-412 : Expanded metal steel sheets for general purpose.General principles of fire grading and classification. fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel cylindrically welded in storage tanks.01.21 Miscellaneous a IS:803 : Code of practice for design. g IS-7969 : Safety code for handling and storage of building materials. c IS:12867 : PVC handrails covers. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Statutory Laws / Acts Pertaining to Indian Construction Industry      The Indian Contract Act, 1872 The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 The Contract labour (regulation and abolition) act, 1970 Child Labour Act, 1986 The buildings and other construction workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) act, 1996      The Right To Information Act, 2005 The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 NEW DELHI_MUNICIPAL COUNCIL ACT 1994 REGISTRATION ACT 1908 THE BUILDING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS WELFARE CESS BILL 1996   THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 1986 THE EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUNDS AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ACT, 1952         THE EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE ACT 1948 THE FACTORIES ACT 1948 THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE REGULATION ACT (FERA) 1973 THE INDIAN PENAL CODE 1860 THE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT 1947 THE PAYMENT OF BONUS ACT 1965 THE PAYMENT OF GRATUITY ACT 1972 THE PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT 1936 Page 77 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* PRICE ESCALATION CLAUSE - (taken from GCC of DAE) If, after submission of the tender, the price of material specified in Bill of Quantities increases/decreases beyond the price(s) prevailing at the time of the last stipulated date for receipt of tenders (including extensions, if any) for the work, then the amount of the contract shall accordingly be varied and provided further that any such variations shall be effected for stipulated period of contract including the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract without any action under clause 2. However for the work done/during the justified period extended as above, it will be limited to indices prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or as prevailing for the period under consideration, whichever is less. The increase / decrease in prices shall be determined by the All India Wholesale Price Indices of materials as published by Economic Adviser to Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry and base price for cement and/or steel reinforcement bar s as issued under authority of Engineer-in charge as valid in the last stipulated date of receipt of tender, including extension, if any, and for the period under consideration incase, price index of a particular material is not issued by Mini stry of Commerce & Industry, then the price index of nearest similar materials is indicated in Bill of Quantities shall be followed. The amount of the contract shall accordingly be varied for cement and/or steel reinforcement bars and will be worked out as per the formula given below for individual material: a) Adjustment for component of individual material: V = PXQX (Cl – Clo) Clo Where, V: Variation in material cost i .e. increase or decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered. P: Base price of material as issued under authorit y of Engineer -in charge, valid at the time of the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including extensions, if any. Q: Quantit y of material used in the works since previous bill. Clo: All India whole sale price index for material as Published by the Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce as valid on the last stipulated date of receipt of tenders including extensions, if any. Cl: All India whole sale price Index for material for period under consideration as published by Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce. (In respect of the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract without any action under clause 2, the index prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or the prevailing index of the period under consideration, whichever is less, shall be considered) PAYMENT DUE TO INCREASE / DECREASE IN PRICES / WAGES AFTER RECEIPT OF TENDER FOR WORKS Page 78 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* If the prices of materials (not being materials supplied or services rendered at fixed prices by the department in accordance with material supply clause) and/or wages of labour required for execution of the work increase; the contractor shall be compensated for such increase as per provisions detailed below and the amount of the contract shall accordingly be varied, subject to the condition that such compensation for escalation in prices and wages shall be available only for the work done during the stipulated period of the contract including the justified period extended under the provisions of extension of time clause of the contract without any action under clause of time completion. However, for the work done during the justified period extended as above, the compensation as detailed below will be limited to prices/wages prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or as prevailing for the period under consideration, whichever is less. No such compensation shall be payable for a work for which the stipulated period of completion is equal to or less than the time as specified In Bill of Quantities. Such compensation for escalation in the prices of materials and labour, when due, shall be worked out based on the following provisions:(i) The base date for working out such escalation shall be the last stipulated date of receipt of tenders including extension, if any. (ii). The cost of work on which the escalation will be payable shall be reckoned as below: Gross value of work done upto this quarter ---------- (A) Gross value of work done upto the last quarter ---------- (B) Gross value of work done since previous quarter (A-B) : ---------- (C) Full assessed value of Secured Advance fresh paid in this quarter ---------- (D) Full assessed value of Secured Advance recovered in this quarter: ---------- (E) Full assessed value of Secured Advance for which escalation is payable in this quarter (D-E). ----------(F) Advance payment made during this quarter ---------- (G) Advance payment recovered during this quarter ---------- (H) Advance payment for which escalation is payable in this quarter (G-H) ---------- (I) Extra items/deviated quantities of item paid as per Clause 12 based on prevailing market rates during this quarter ---------- (J) Then, M = C + F + I –J N = 0.85 x M Less cost of material supplied by the Department as per Clause 10 and recovered during the quarter ---------- (K) Less cost of services rendered at fixed charges and recovered as per clause 34 and recovered during the quarter. ---------- (L) Cost of work for which escalation is applicable W = N - (K + L) (iii) Components of CEMENT, STEEL, materials, labour , P.O.L. , etc. shall be pre-determined for every work and incorporated in the special conditions of contract attached (to the tender paper) here-in-after. The decision of the Engineer -in-Charge in working out such percentages shall be binding on the contractors. (iv) The compensation for escalation for CEMENT, STEEL, materials and P.O.L. shall be worked as per the formulae given below: a) Adjustment for component of “Cement” Page 79 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. the index prevai ling at the time of stipulated date of completion or the prevai ling index of the period under consideration.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Vc = WX Xc 100 X (Cl – Clo) Clo Vc : Variation in cement cost i . the Price Index shall be minimum of the following:i) Index for the month when the last consignment of steel reinforcement for the stipulated contract period is over. W: Cost of work done. worked out as indicated in sub para (ii) of above.e. Xc: Component of cement expressed as percent of the total value of work. a) For the month when the last consignment of steel reinforcement for the work is procured or b) For the month in which half of the stipulated contract period is over. XS: Component of steel expressed in per cent to the total value of work. Ministry of Industry and Commerce as valid on the last stipulated date of receipt of tenders including extension. CI0: All India Whole Sale Price Index for Cement as published by the Economic Adviser to Government of India. the same principle as for the period within stipulated period of completion. However . Whichever of these two is earlier. without any action under clause for compensation for delay2. increase or decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered. (In respect of the justi fi ed period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract wi thout any action under clause2. shall be considered). . iii) Index for the period under consideration. ii) Index for the month by which half of the stipulated contract period is over.e. (as indicated under Para 21 of special conditions of contract). W: Cost of work done. SI: All India Wholesale Price Index for steel (bars & rods) for the period under consideration as published by Economic Advisor to the Government of India. Ministry of Industry & Commer ce. worked out as indicated in sub para (ii) of clause for payment due to increase or decrease in labour prices. will apply. if any. whichever is less. b) Adjustment for component of “Steel” Vs = WX Xs 100 X (SI – SIo) SIo VS: Variation in steel cost i . CI: All India Wholesale price Index for cement for the period under consideration as published by the Economic Advisor to Government of India. Page 80 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. increase or decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered. For the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract. Ministry of Industry & Commerce. increase or decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered.e. W: Value of work done. MI0: All India Whole Sale Price Index for civil component / electrical component of construction materials as worked out on the basis of All India whole sale Price Index for Individual Commodities/ group items valid on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including extension. worked out as indicated in sub Para (ii) of clause 10CC. shall be considered). c) Adjustment for component of “Material” (except cement & steel /electrical component of construction material) VM = WX XM 100 X (MI – MIo) MIo VM: Variation in Materials cost i. Ministry of Industry & Commerce and applying weightages to the individual Commodities/Group items. . Z: Component of Fuel. (In respect of the justified period. and applying weightages to Individual Commodities / group Items d) Adjustment for component of “POL” VF = WX Z 100 X (FI – FIo) FIo VF : Variation in cost of Fuel. Page 81 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. W: Cost of work done. whichever is less. if any. New Delhi . Ministry of Industry and Commerce. increase or decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered. Oi l & Lubricant for the period under consideration as published by Economic Advisor to Government of India. the index prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or the prevailing index of the period under consideration. extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract without any action under clause 2. MI: All India Wholesale Price Index for civil component/electrical component of construction material as worked out on the basis of Al l India Wholesale Price Index for individual Commodities/Group items for the period under consideration as published by Economic Advisor to Government of India. if any. as valid on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including extension.e. FI: All India Wholesale Price Index for Fuel . XM: Component of Materials expressed as percent of the total value of work. Oil and Lubricant expressed as percent of the total value of work.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* SI0: All India Whole Sale Price Index for Steel (Bar & Rods) published by the Economic Adviser to Government of India. Ministry of Industry & Commerce. Oil and Lubricant i. as published by the Economic Adviser to Government of India. worked out as indicated in sub Para (ii) of above. Ministry of Industry and Commerce New Delhi . worked out as indicated in sub-Para (ii) above. the last period for payment might become less than 3 months. . amount of increase or decrease in rupees to be paid or recovered.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* (In respect of the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract without any action under clause 2. Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Ll: Minimum wage in rupees of an unskilled adult male mazdoor.) vii) The following principles will be followed while working out the compensation as per sub para (vi) above.) relevant to any quarter / period for which such compensation is paid shall be the arithmetical average of the indices relevant to the three calendar months. The first such payment shall be made at the end of three months after the month (excluding) in which the tender was accepted and thereafter at three months interval. Page 82 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. if any. the minimum wage prevailing on the last data of quarter previous to the quarter pertaining to stipulated date of Completion or the minimum wage prevailing on the last date of quarter previous to the one under consideration. is less than three months. At the time of completion of the work. fixed under any law. depending on actual date of completion. shall be considered. Y: Component of labour expressed as a percent of the total value of the work Ll0: Minimum daily wage in rupees of an unskilled adult male mazdoor. (a) The compensation for escalation shall be worked out at quarterly intervals and shall be with respect to the cost of work done as per bills paid during the three calendar months of the said quarter. If the period up to date of completion after the quarter covered by the last such installment of payment. W: Value of work done. (b) The index (MI / FI etc .e. if any. v) The following principles shall be followed while working out the indices mentioned in para (iv) above. whichever is less. without any action under clause 2. shall be considered). statutory rule or order as applicable on the last date of the quarter previous to the one under consideration. the index MI & FI shall be the average of the indices for the months falling within that period. New Delhi valid on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including extension. the index prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or the prevailing index of the period under consideration. whichever is less. fixed under any law. Oil and Lubricant as published by the Economic Adviser to Government of India. vi) The compensation for escalation for labour shall be worked out as per the formula given below: VL = WX Y 100 X (LI – LIo) LIo VL: Variation in labour cost i . (In respect of the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract. FI0: All India Whole Sale Price Index for Fuel. statutory rule or order as on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including extension. is paid under this clause. Ministry of Labour and that notified by the local administration.L.O. b) The escalation for labour also shall be paid at the same quarterly intervals when escalation due to increase in cost of materials and/or P. (b) The Engineer -in-Charge shall otherwise be entitled to lay down the procedure by which the provision of this sub-clause shall be implemented from time to time and the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this behalf shall be final and binding on the contractor. Page 83 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. the escalation compensation shall be payable at revised rates only for work done in subsequent quarters. there shall be a downward adjustment of the cost of work so that such price of materials and/or wages of labour shall be deductable from the cost of work under this contract and in this regard the formula herein before stated under this c lause 10 CC shall mutatis –mutandis apply. If such revision of minimum wages takes place during any such quarterly intervals. viii) In the event the price of materials and/or wages of labour required for execution of the work decrease( s). . provided that: (a) No such adjustment for the decrease in the price of material s and/or wages of labour aforementioned would be made in case of contract s in which the stipulated period of completion of the work i s equal to or less than the time as specified in Bill of Quantities. c) Irrespective of variation in minimum wages of any category of labour. both relevant to the place of work and the period of reckoning. the variation in the rate for an unskilled adult Male Mazdoor alone shall form the basis for working out the escalation compensation payable on the labour component . for the purpose of this clause.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* a) The minimum wage of an unskilled Male Mazdoor mentioned in sub para (vi) above shall be the higher of the wage notified by Government of India. e. Definition . . being combined to produce the overall index with weights reflecting their shares in the total of the consumer expenditures covered by the index. the WPI is determined through the averaging principle. Ten-Day Price Index Under this method.Consumer price index (source Wikipedia) A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households. salaries. in particular India – The Indian WPI figure is released weekly on every Thursday and influences stock and fixed price markets. It is one of several price indices calculated by most national statistical agencies. Calculation Method Monthly price indexes are compiled by calculating the simple arithmetic mean of three ten-day “sample prices” in the month.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Definition .. The following methods are used to compute the WPI: Laspeyres Formula (relative method) It is the weighted arithmetic mean based on the fixed value-based weights for the base period. a "ten-day price index" is compiled and released. Some countries use the changes in this index to measure inflation in their economies.400 commodities available. pensions. The CPI is a statistical estimate constructed using the prices of a sample of representative items whose prices are collected periodically. The purpose of the WPI is to monitor price movements that reflect supply and demand in industry. This helps in analyzing both macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions.Wholesale price index (source Wikipedia) The Wholesale Price Index or WPI is "the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. The indicator tracks the price movement of each commodity individually. “sample prices” with high intra-month fluctuations are selected and surveyed every ten days through phone. Calculation The wholesale price index (WPI) is based on the wholesale price of a few relevant commodities of over 2. The commodities chosen for the calculation are based on their importance in the region and the point of time the WPI is employed. manufacturing and construction. rather than goods bought by consumers. for regulating prices and for deflating monetary magnitudes to show changes in real values Page 84 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. The annual percentage change in a CPI is used as a measure of inflation. Sub-indexes and subsub-indexes are computed for different categories and sub-categories of goods and services. For example in India about 435 items were used for calculating the WPI in base year 1993-94 while the advanced base year 2004-05 uses 676 items. The Wholesale Price Index focuses on the price of goods traded between corporations. adjust for the effect of inflation) the real value of wages. Based on this individual movement. which is measured by the Consumer Price Index. Utilizing the data retrieved by this procedure and with the assumption that other non-surveyed "sample prices" remain unchanged. A CPI can be used to index (i. 2 The Performance Security shall be refunded to the contractor on completion of the work and recording of the completion certificate as above.21.21.4 The period of maintenance as prescribed in Clause 17 of the Contract will be counted from the date of completion as recorded in the certificate mentioned above. Such completion certificate shall be issued by the authority in a manner detailed in section 29. The recovery of overpaid amounts Page 85 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.20 of the CPWA. 21.5 The Divisional Officers should keep a close watch on the delays in the refund of security deposit to contractors and for this purpose they should periodically review the register of security deposit Form PWA 67 maintained in the Division. .21. the original certificate must be recorded by the S. Action to recover the overpaid amount should not pend or be in abeyance on account of the case being before the arbitrator.21.6 Once the recoveries become due from the contractor. the same should be effected from the money due to the contractor either from the same work or from any other work or from the security deposit.2. the S. Lumpsum Deposits Recoveries and Release 21. The Security Deposit of the contractor should be refunded by the Executive Engineer after the prescribed maintenance period as stipulated in the agreement or after the final bill has been prepared and passed for payment. In case of works costing more than the normal acceptance power of tender of EE.1 Refund of Security Deposit. Action in terms of the award can be taken after the award is received and accepted by competent authority. .1 Lumpsum Deposits Recoveries and Release .4.2 SECTION 21 of CPWD Refund of Security Deposit and Performance Security Conditions for Refund of Security Deposit 21.D.O. concerned shall countersign it within one month.1 The Security Deposit and Performance Security shall not be refunded to a contractor except in accordance with the terms of his security bond or agreement. regarding Specialised Items of Work. 21.21.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* REFUND OF SECURITY DEPOSIT AND PERFORMANCE SECURITY Conditions for Refund of Security Deposit .O. 21.1 Divisional Accountant’s Responsibility for Prompt Refund of Security Deposit . and countersigned by the Executive Engineer within one month. is not available the Executive Engineer should himself record the certificate. 21. If the S.D.O. This clause envisages the issue of a completion certificate in terms of Clause 8 of the Contract.3 In cases the completion certificate is recorded by a junior Engineer/Sectional Officer.1 Time Limit on Claims for Refund of Security Deposit .D.1 In case of works executed against agreements in Forms PWD 7 & 8 the refund of security deposit to a contractor on the completion of works is regulated by Clause 17 thereof. 21. which ever is later. (The instructions contained in para 22. Code will continue to be observed as a normal procedure).2. Divisional Accountant’s responsibility for prompt Refund of Security Deposit 21. every month a list of all the cases where the security deposit becomes due for refund so that the requisite certificate is immediately obtained by the Divisional Officer from the Sub-Divisional Officer concerned and the security deposit refunded without waiting for any application from the contractor.8 The specialised items of work such as anti-termite treatment. The Divisional Officer shall. kiln seasoned and chemically treated wooden shutters etc. waterproofing work.9 In order to avoid delay in the refund of security deposit to the contractor. the Divisional Accountant should put up to the Divisional Officer. Page 86 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Refund of Security Deposit. and Action taken by the firm. It has further been decided that 10% of the security deducted from the bills of the contractors shall be refunded to him after expiry of maintenance period in accordance with the terms of the contract in this behalf. shall be entrusted to specialised firms or registered contractor but they should be asked to give a specific guarantee that they shall be responsible for removal of any defect cropping up in these works executed by them with in guarantee period. The form of the guarantee to be executed by the contractors is given vide Appendix . The period of limitation is 3 years commencing from the date the right to due accrues. The history will help as a ready reference about the efficiency and the quality of the work done by the firm.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* should be effected as early as possible and the recovery should not be held in abeyance during the pendency of arbitration proceeding. Time Limit on Claims for Refund of Security Deposit 21.7 The claim for refund of security deposit is governed by the Limitation Act.24. Name of the firm/or registered contractors: History of all defects with date noticed during the guarantee period. . however. the right to due would accrue under Clause 17 after the maintenance period or payment of final bill whichever is later. maintain a register in which all these works carried out in the Division shall be entered and which shall be reviewed by the EE. The Register will contain the following heads :— o o o o o o Name of the work: Date of completion: Specification in brief: Rate paid. In the case of security deposit paid along with the individual contract. regarding Specialized Items of Work 21. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Few Methods & Materials represented for ready reference Page 87 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . PIPES Question Answer 1. No. just coated differently. Black is for gas. Page 88 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Different Type of Pipes S. 2. doesn't rust. Generally a hose is flexible and a pipe is not.) whereas tubes are used for Heat Exchanging purpose. The pipe is the same. Galvanized is for water. Liquid etc. What is the difference between pipes and tubes? What are the differences between Galvanized pipe and black steel pipes? What is the difference between hose and pipe? 3. 4. but the only difference is that Pipe is used for Transferring Material (Gas. . What is difference of MS pipe and ERW Pipe? MS is (MILD STEEL) material ERW is Electric Resistance Welding (as per IS1239 or IS3589) Pipe and tube are same in shape etc. Setting and hardening of hydraulic cements is caused by the formation of water-containing compounds. Natural cement. the resulting hardened mass is then impervious to water. and gypsum. and most of these are based upon Portland cement. and gravel) to form concrete. The reaction and the reaction products are referred to as hydration and hydrates or hydrate phases. Portland cement is made by mixing substances containing lime. Different type of Portland cement These are often available as inter-ground mixtures from cement manufacturers. Non-hydraulic cements include such materials as (non-hydraulic) lime and gypsum plasters. although slower-setting and weaker than portland cement. which can be mixed with water and poured to set as a solid mass or used as an ingredient in making mortar or concrete. for example. When mixed with water.the bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong building material which is durable in the face of normal environmental effects. sand. cement is a binder. A building material made by grinding calcined limestone and clay to a fine powder. As a result of the immediately starting reactions. and gain strength only very slowly by absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to re-form calcium carbonate. over a period which ranges from a few days in the case of "ultra-rapid-hardening" cements. this point in time is referred to as the start of setting. filling small spaces. Portland Blastfurnace Cement contains up to 70% ground granulated blast furnace slag. and can bind other materials together. typically made by heating a mixture of limestone and clay until it almost fuses and then grinding it to a fine powder. with the rest Page 89 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Know few daily use materials in details . Gypsum is later added to these products during a grinding process. often called hydraulic cement. after hardening. The consecutive further consolidation is called setting. binding material used in construction and engineering. Cement. During the heating process dicalcium and tricalcium silicate. and oxychloride cements which have liquid components. and iron oxide and then heating the mixture until it almost fuses. in a high temperature process that drives off carbon dioxide and chemically combines the primary ingredients into new compounds. to several years in the case of ordinary cements. retain strength and stability even under water. "set" only by drying out. but similar formulations are often also mixed from the ground components at the concrete mixing plant. . The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concrete . Most construction cements today are hydraulic. which is made primarily from limestone. and a solid solution containing iron are formed.Source . alumina. Lime mortars. but which increases with time. After reaching a certain level. after which the phase of hardening begins. is still employed to some extent and is occasionally blended with portland cement.(source Wikipedia) Cement In the most general sense of the word. certain clay minerals. silica. It may also be mixed with water and aggregates (crushed stone. a stiffening can be observed which is very small in the beginning. The compressive strength of the material then grows steadily. tricalcium aluminate. because it expands upon hardening. Cement with high aluminate content is used for fireproofing. which must be kept dry in order to gain strength. respectively. a substance which sets and hardens independently. as a result of chemical reactions with the mixing water and. cement with high sulphate content is used in complex castings. the silicates and aluminates in the cement undergo a chemical reaction. Hydraulic cements Hydraulic cements are materials which set and harden after combining with water. because it is quick-setting and resistant to high temperatures. The key requirement for this is that the hydrates formed on immediate reaction with water are essentially insoluble in water. forming as a result of reactions between cement components and water. including sulfate. The active ingredients are monocalcium aluminate CaAl 2O4 (CA in Cement chemist notation) and Mayenite Ca12Al14O33 (C12A7 in CCN). silica fume is more usually added to Portland cement at the concrete mixer. retarders. Only granulated slag (i. In countries where volcanic ashes are available (e. this can be an economic alternative to ordinary Portland cement. Ground granulated blast furnace slag is not hydraulic on its own. . so that ultimate strength is maintained. These contain about 80% ground granulated blast furnace slag. Slag-lime cements. and must not be used in concrete. the Pantheon in Rome). air entrainers. All compositions produce high ultimate strength. the addition of pigments to produce "colored Portland cement" is allowed. but as slag content is increased. The hydration products that produce strength are essentially the same as those produced by Portland cement. They are well- Page 90 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.g. and are to be found in Roman structures still standing (e. and colored cements are sold as "blended hydraulic cements". early strength is reduced. Supersulfated cements. with strength growth similar to a slow Portland cement. but is “activated” by addition of alkalis. In some standards. hydrated lime. They develop strength slowly. Subtle variations of Masonry cement in the US are Plastic Cements and Stucco Cements. Strength forms by hydration to calcium aluminate hydrates. pigments are not allowed constituents of Portland cement. Non-Portland hydraulic cements Pozzolan-lime cements. Mixtures of ground pozzolan and lime are the cements used by the Romans. expansive clinkers (usually sulfoaluminate clinkers). most economically using lime. Calcium aluminate cements are hydraulic cements made primarily from limestone and bauxite. They produce strength by formation of ettringite.e. Colored cements are used for decorative purposes. This allows large floor slabs (up to 60 m square) to be prepared without contraction joints. They are formulated to yield workable mortars that allow rapid and consistent masonry work. These are designed to produce controlled bond with masonry blocks. Because flyash addition allows a lower concrete water content. since fly ash is a pozzolan. They are similar to pozzolan lime cements in their properties. glassy slag) is effective as a cement component. Mexico. Portland Silica Fume cement. water-quenched. Where good quality cheap flyash is available. Portland Flyash Cement contains up to 30% fly ash.g. and cements containing 5-20% silica fume are occasionally produced. early strength can also be maintained. They are usually complex proprietary formulations containing Portland clinker and a number of other ingredients that may include limestone. in addition to Portland clinker. White blended cements may be made using white clinker and white supplementary materials such as high-purity metakaolin. In other standards (e. Chile. Addition of silica fume can yield exceptionally high strengths.g. ASTM). Portland Pozzolan Cement includes fly ash cement.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Portland clinker and a little gypsum. the Philippines) these cements are often the most common form in use. while sulfate resistance increases and heat evolution diminishes. and are designed to offset the effects of drying shrinkage that is normally encountered with hydraulic cements. They exhibit good resistance to aggressive agents. Italy. Expansive Cements contain. Masonry Cements are used for preparing bricklaying mortars and stuccos. 15% gypsum or anhydrite and a little Portland clinker or lime as an activator. The flyash is pozzolanic. However. but their ultimate strength can be very high. Used as an economic alternative to Portland sulfate-resisting and low-heat cements. but also includes cements made from other natural or artificial pozzolans. waterproofers and coloring agents. Since the particles solidify while suspended in the exhaust gases.. or CCPs) is the finely divided mineral residue resulting from the combustion of coal in electric generating plants. Calcium sulfoaluminate cements are made from clinkers that include ye’elimite (Ca4(AlO2)6SO4 or C4A3 in Cement chemist’s notation) as a primary phase. and are hence a suitable source of aluminum and silicon for geopolymers. Geopolymer cements are made from mixtures of water-soluble alkali metal silicates and aluminosilicate mineral powders such as fly ash and metakaolin. and lignite). . e. alumina. Two classes of fly ash are defined by ASTM C618: Class F fly ash and Class C fly ash. in ultra-high early strength cements. Their use as a low-energy alternative to Portland cement has been pioneered in China.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* adapted for use in refractory (high-temperature resistant) concretes. and in "low-energy" cements. In Europe. Energy requirements are lower because of the lower kiln temperatures required for reaction. there is EN450 with a significant difference being the carbon content.e. anthracite. and iron content in the ash.5 µm to 100 µm. Engineering properties and development of strength over time are different depending on the chemical composition of the fly ash. the lower limestone content and lower fuel consumption leads to a CO2 emission around half that associated with Portland clinker. this may not be Page 91 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. incombustible matter present in the coal that has been fused during combustion into a glassy. high-late strength mineral in Portland cement) are formed without the formation of excessive amounts free lime. Fly ash consists of inorganic. and specialized physical properties (such as expansion or rapid reaction) are obtained by adjustment of the availability of calcium and sulfate ions. “Natural” Cements correspond to certain cements of the pre-Portland era.g. although depending on the application. Not all fly ashes meet ASTM C618 requirements. Hydration produces ettringite. aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2O3). fly ash particles are generally spherical in shape and range in size from 0. As with any natural material. and the lower amount of limestone (which must be endothermically decarbonated) in the mix. FLY ASH Fly ash (one of several coal combustion products. They consist mostly of silicon dioxide (SiO2). where several million tonnes per year are produced. SO2 emissions are usually significantly higher. The level of clay components in the limestone (around 30-35%) is such that large amounts of belite (the low-early strength. produced by burning argillaceous limestones at moderate temperatures. The chief difference between these classes is the amount of calcium. They are used in expansive cements. silica. The chemical properties of the fly ash are largely influenced by the chemical content of the coal burned (i. for furnace linings. bituminous. Chemical composition and classification Component Bituminous Subbituminous Lignite SiO2 (%) Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) CaO (%) LOI (%) 20-60 5-35 10-40 1-12 0-15 40-60 20-30 4-10 5-30 0-3 15-45 20-25 4-15 15-40 0-5 Fly ash material solidifies while suspended in the exhaust gases and is collected by electrostatic precipitators or filter bags. such cements have very variable properties. When processed to the correct surface area (particle size)''''They can be''''are also pozzolanic in nature and react with calcium hydroxide and alkali to form calcium silicate hydrates (cementitious compounds). amorphous structure. However. In addition. S. older anthracite and bituminous coal typically produces Class F fly ash. Alkali and sulfate (SO4) contents are generally higher in Class C fly ashes. This fly ash is pozzolanic in nature. Class C fly ash will harden and gain strength over time. Before its use was lost to the Dark Ages. measured by the loss on ignition (LOI). LOI needs to be under 6%. or hydrated lime. fly ash is used as a replacement of Portland cement in concrete. Roman structures such as aqueducts Page 92 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Ash used as a cement replacement must meet strict construction standards. Waste stabilization and solidifaction. Stabilization of soft soils. Class C fly ash Fly ash produced from the burning of younger lignite or subbituminous coal. in descending frequency. . Portland cement Owing to its pozzolan properties. Mineral filler in asphaltic concrete. Especially important is the ongoing quality verification. Aggregate. Three-fourths of the ash must have a fineness of 45 µm or less. The particle size distribution of raw fly ash is very often fluctuating constantly. and have a carbon content. India. and relative uniformity. self-cementing Class C fly ash does not require an activator. Mine reclamation. The use of fly ash as a pozzolanic ingredient was recognized as early as 1914. Class C fly ash generally contains more than 20% lime (CaO). and filler in wood and plastic products. quicklime. In the presence of water. Possessing pozzolanic properties. Fly ash reuse The reuse of fly ash as an engineering material primarily stems from its pozzolanic nature. due to changing performance of the coal mills and the boiler performance. Embankments and structural fill. A typical Fly Ash processing plant with quality verification is the DIRK India plant in Nashik/Maharashtra. also has some self-cementing properties. but no standard environmental standards have been established in the United States. metal castings. Fly ash recycling. In the U. such as Portland cement.. although the earliest noteworthy study of its use was in 1937. Environmental benefits to recycling fly ash includes reducing the demand for virgin materials that would need quarrying and substituting for materials that may be energy-intensive to create (such as Portland cement). roofing tiles. and contains less than 10% lime (CaO). Class F fly ash The burning of harder. Flowable fill. with the presence of water in order to react and produce cementitious compounds. paints. Raw feed for cement clinkers. Unlike Class F. Road subbase.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* necessary. the glassy silica and alumina of Class F fly ash requires a cementing agent. Other applications include cellular concrete. spherical shape. includes usage in: Portland cement and grout. in addition to having pozzolanic properties. of less than 4%. This makes it necessary that fly ash used in concrete needs to be processed using separation equipment like mechanical air classifiers. This is mainly expressed by quality control seals like the Indian ISI mark or the DCL mark of the Dubai Municipality. and can contain mineral admixtures. Due to fly ash’s spherical shape. This is typically used for a soft. the fly ash must meet mineral filler specifications outlined in ASTM D242. other binders (such as Portland cement or hydrated lime). whereas Class C fly ash is almost always used in low fly ash content mixes. or CLSM). Class F fly ash is best suited for high fly ash content mixes. Nearly all fly ash used in embankments are Class F fly ashes. India. an additive (such as lime or cement) is needed whereas the self-cementing nature of Class C fly ash allows it to be used alone. Flowable fill includes mixtures of Portland cement and filler material. self-compacting backfill material in lieu of compacted earth or granular fill. For Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC)[used in dam construction] replacement values of 70% have been achieved with POZZOCRETE (processed fly ash) at the Ghatghar Dam project in Maharashtra. which is used as self-leveling. Recently concrete mix design for partial cement replacement with High Volume Fly Ash (50 % cement replacement) has been developed. Engineering properties that will affect fly ash’s use in embankments include grain size distribution. shear strength. and water. . For use in apshalt pavement. As pozzolan greatly improves the strength and durability of concrete. The hydrophobic nature of fly ash gives pavements better resistance to stripping. and can add to the concrete’s final strength and increase its chemical resistance and durability. its replacement by fly ash could dramatically reduce global emissions of carbon Embankment Fly ash properties are somewhat unique as an engineering material. Page 93 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. The replacement of Portland cement with fly ash also reduces the greenhouse gas signature of concrete. It can replace up to 30% by mass of Portland cement. depending on the design requirements of the project in question. Fly ash has also been shown to increase the stiffness of the asphalt matrix. Improvement can be done with both Class C and Class F fly ashes. clayey subgrade beneath a road that will experience many repeated loadings.3 MPa). or as a replacement for.200 lbf/in² (1. Since the worldwide production of Portland cement is expected to reach nearly 2 billion tons by 2010. Fly ash can replace fine aggregate (in most cases. permeability. compaction characteristics. the use of ash is a key factor in their preservation.4 to 8. compressibility. If using a Class F fly ash.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* or the Pantheon in Rome used volcanic ash (which possesses similar properties to fly ash) as pozzolan in their concrete. High fly ash content mixes contain nearly all fly ash. This application is used in conjunction. it can also increase workability of cement while reducing water demand. Unlike typical soils used for embankment construction. Portland cement. Flowable fill Fly ash is also used as a component in the production of flowable fill (also called controlled low strength material. Use of fly ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement is generally limited to Class F fly ashes. Low fly ash content mixes contain a high percentage of filler material. Asphalt concrete Asphalt concrete is a composite material consisting of an asphalt binder and mineral aggregate. Soil stabilization Soil stabilization involves the addition of fly ash to improve the engineering performance of a soil. as the production of one ton of Portland cement produces one ton of CO2. and a low percentage of fly ash. and frost susceptibility. river sand) as a filler material. The strength of flowable fill mixes can range from 200 to 1. Both Class F and Class C fly ash can typically be used as a mineral filler to fill the voids and provide contact points between larger aggregate particles in asphalt concrete mixes. improving rutting resistance and increasing mix durability. fly ash has a large uniformity coefficient consisting of silt-sized particles. with a small percentage of Portland cement and enough water to make the mix flowable. then toughened with an air entrainment agent. This has been demonstrated in the Ghatghar Dam Project in India. Whether neat or sanded. is less suited because of placing limitations or restrictions on coarse-aggregate contents.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Polymers More recently. Bricks Ash bricks have been used in house construction in Windhoek. reduce mercury pollution. and costs 20% less than traditional clay brick manufacturing. a problem with the bricks in that they tend to fail or produce unsightly pop-outs. the brick can be described as "self-cementing". . a retired 70-year old American civil engineer. and brick and concrete masonrywall assemblies. is greater than or equal to the original installed volume. chemical grouts are also produced. It has the following characteristics: can be loaded in a few hours (2-5) ready for use cement. need only be mixed with water does not shrink develops a controlled increase in volume with force-locking bonding between surrounding concrete or metal walls. Liu intends to license his technology to manufacturers in 2008. building and dam foundations. containing only hydraulic cement. and possibly admixtures. water. This happens when the bricks come into contact with moisture and a chemical reaction occurs causing the bricks to expand. Roller compacted concrete Another new application is using fly ash in roller compacted concrete dams. liquifiable. cementitious grouts derive their strength and other properties from the same calcium silicate-based binding chemistry as concrete. Compressed at 4. Non-shrink grout is a hydraulic cement grout that produces a volume that. to place ceramictile. often used as a transfer medium between load-bearing members. Owing to the high concentration of calcium oxide in class C fly ash. to construct floor toppings or provide flooring underlayment. when hardened under stipulated test conditions. however. Grout A binding or structural agent used in construction and engineering applications. Henry Liu. Grout can be formulated from a variety of cements and minerals and proportioned for specificapplications. however. fly ash has been used as a component in geopolymers mixtures. Paint Paint is any liquid. or mastic composition which after application to a substrate in a thin layer Page 94 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Grout is typically a mixture of hydraulic cement and water. The type most commonly specified in construction and engineering is cementitious grout. the bricks last for more than 100 freeze-thaw cycles. There is. with or without fine aggregate. Sanded grout is any mix containing fine aggregate and it is formulated much like masonry mortar. The manufacturing method is said to save energy. and to bind preplaced-aggregate concrete. Namibia since the 1970's.000 psi and cured for 24 hours in a 150°F (66°C) steam bath . Cementitious grouts are used to fill voids and cracks in pavements. concrete. In May 2007. which is used where its more conventional sister material. Neat cement grout refers to formulations without aggregate. environmentally sound building brick composed of fly ash and water. announced that he had invented a new. calcined clays. Hiding pigments. . As a verb. The titanium dioxide used in most paints today is often coated with silicon or aluminum oxides for various reasons such as better exterior durability. Depending on chemistry and composition. Other paints contain no pigment at all. Binders can be categorized according to drying. Paint is used to protect. precipitated calcium carbonate. Not all paints include fillers. calcium carbonate. support its structure and simply increase the volume of the paint. mechanism. catalyzed polymerization. Fillers are a special type of pigment that serve to thicken the film. etc. or add functionality to an object or surface by covering it with a pigmented coating. An example of decoration is to add festive trim to a room interior. Fillers are usually comprised of cheap and inert materials. The binder imparts adhesion. polyurethanes. and toughness. baryte. decorate (such as adding color). exterior durability. An example of added functionality is to modify light reflection or heat radiation of a surface. A commercially important pigment is titanium dioxide. clay. On the other hand some paints contain very large proportions of pigment/filler and binder. Alternatively. Paint Binder The binder. Someone who paints artistically is usually called a painter or artist. Pigment (Paint) Pigments are granular solids incorporated into the paint to contribute color. flexibility. Floor paints that will be subjected to abrasion may even contain fine quartz sand as a filler. blanc fix. and strongly influences such properties as gloss potential. An example of protection is to corrosion of metal. or oils. lime. oxidative crosslinking. toughness or simply to reduce the cost of the paint. depending on the desired properties of the cured film. Binders include synthetic or natural resins such as acrylics. Opacity is also improved by optimal sizing of the titanium dioxide particles. Some pigments are toxic. and many others. Pigments can be classified as either natural or synthetic types. some paints contain dyes instead of or in combination with pigments. such as the lead pigments that are used in lead paint. while someone who paints commercially is often referred to as a painter and decorator. in making paint opaque. binds the pigments together. painting is the application of paint. other components listed below are included optionally. is the actual film forming component of paint. or house painter. polyesters. mica. Another example of functionality would be the use of color to identify hazards or function of equipment and pipelines. Hiding pigments include titanium dioxide. or better hiding performance (opacity) via better efficiency promoted by more optimal spacing within the paint film. phthalo blue. and synthetic silicas. such as talc. Drying generally refers to evaporation of vehicle. also protect the substrate from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. red iron oxide.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* is converted to an opaque solid film. whereas curing refers to polymerization of the binder. or resin. any Page 95 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. melamine resins. Note that drying and curing are two different processes. and talcs. There are others. Synthetics would include engineered molecules. silicas. or curing. epoxy. The four most common are simple solvent evaporation. and coalescence. Natural pigments include various clays. It is the only component that must be present. encaustic or wax paints are liquid when warm. the solvent is evaporated first. so that the paint will not redissolve in the solvent/water that originally carried it. glycol ethers. Residual surfactants in the paint as well as hydrolytic effects with some polymers cause the paint to remain susceptible to softening and. Classic nitrocellulose lacquers fall into this category. alcohols. and flow and cure are produced by heating of the substrate after application of the dry powder. Also note that the term "vehicle" is industrial jargon. sometimes called oil based. Depending on composition they may need to dry first. ketones. Paint Vehicle or solvent The main purpose of the vehicle is to adjust the viscosity of the paint. Paints that cure by oxidative crosslinking are generally single package coatings that when applied. and ketones. aromatics. It can also control flow and application properties. Paint Additives Besides the three main categories of ingredients. and the film can re-dissolve in the solvent again. and harden upon cooling. over time. Paints that dry by simple solvent evaporation contain a solid binder dissolved in a solvent. Still other films are formed by cooling of the binder. These include organic solvents such as petroleum distillate. Paints that cure by catalyzed polymerization are generally two package coatings that polymerize by way of a chemical reaction initiated by mixing resin and hardener. Classic alkyd enamels would fall into this category. this forms a solid film when the solvent evaporates. and which cure by forming a hard plastic structure. latex rubber (the sap of the rubber tree that has historically been called latex) is not an ingredient. In powder coatings there is little or no solvent. Water is the main vehicle for water based paints. or coalescing. which are usually added in very small amounts and yet give a very significant effect on the product. degradation by water. evaporate and draw together and soften the latex binder particles together and fuse them together into irreversibly bound networked structures. Solvent based. including aliphatics. Latex paints cure by a process called coalescence where first the water. alcohols. These dispersions are prepared by emulsion polymerization. they will resoften or liquify if reheated.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* particular paint may undergo either. particularly for industrial purposes. Some Page 96 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. and then the trace. For example. Thus. and those that do not depend on drying for curing. and hardening is then initiated by ultraviolet light. Its main function is as the carrier for the non volatile components. In many cases. Classic two package epoxies or polyurethanes would fall into this category. paint can have a wide variety of miscellaneous additives. there are paints that dry only. it is used to refer to the binder. and alternative means of curing have been developed. and affect the stability of the paint while in liquid state. esters. Recent environmental requirements restrict the use of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). paints can have various combinations of solvents as the vehicle. It is volatile and does not become part of the paint film. In UV curing paints. those that dry then cure. as do non-grain raising stains composed of dyes dissolved in solvent. . Latex paint is a water-based dispersion of sub-micron polymer particles. and the like. The term "latex" in the context of paint simply means an aqueous dispersion. solvent. the exposure to oxygen in the air starts a process that crosslinks and polymerizes the binder component. Sometimes volatile low-molecular weight synthetic resins also serve as diluents. This component is optional: some paints have no diluent. by evaporation of solvent. In some companies the term is used to refer to the solvent and in others. or both processes. stabilizers. It’s particularly effective in repairs to fiberglass hulls. soluble in most organic solvents but not in water. Most epoxy is not totally waterproof. And while it is very strong. It also forms high-grade laminates with glass fibers and other materials. when the bark is injured or stripped. the film-forming component of a paint or varnish.The resin can be thickened and strengthened with various fillers that make gap-filling easier and compensate for lack of woodworking skill in amateur builders —a fact many traditionalists decry. it stays flexible. epoxy is supplied as a liquid resin and a separate liquid catalyst. The fluid secretion usually dries out and hardens into a material that can be worked. chemical-resistant coatings and excellent adhesives. obtained as gum from certain trees or manufactured synthetically. which must be mixed together to start a chemical cure. emulsifiers. especially pines and firs (conifer).. any of which might be formulated for special purposes such as better resisting heat or moisture penetration. Epoxy resins Group of synthetic resins used to make plastics and adhesives. Natural resins are usually transparent or translucent yellow to brown and can melt and burn. the latter derived from the secretion of an insect). and the like. Most are exuded from trees. used in making plastics and adhesives. Natural resins have been used in perfumes and medicines (e. control skinning. the term resin.g. Thermoplastic resins are plastics such as polyethylene that can be shaped repeatedly on reheating. It is particularly vulnerable to degradation by the sun’s ultraviolet rays and. Resin A nonvolatile solid or semisolid organic material.and marine-grade plywood. improve pigment stability. hard. dates from the years when synthetics began to replace natural resins. thickeners.Epoxy resin has revived interest in wooden boatbuilding because of its promise to reduce maintenance and extend the life of wooden hulls. turpentine and shellac. impart antifreeze properties.g. UV stabilizers. therefore. usually of high molecular weight. Synthetic resin with great strength and adhesive power Epoxy resin is widely used in the boatbuilding and repair business as a tough gap-filling adhesive. These materials are noted for their Page 97 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. amber. increase wet edge. control foaming. Oriental lacquer).However. . Other types of additives include catalysts.g. and is rated only as water-resistant. and in decorative ware (e. The adhesive most commonly recommended for wood-to-wood applications is resorcinol. whereas thermosetting resins are plastics such as epoxy that set permanently and cannot be reshaped Epoxy A high-strength adhesive. epoxy is a generic term for a whole group of resins. Synthetic resins are all plastics.. etc. thermosetting resins which produce tough. Some critics believe epoxy has no place in wooden boat-building because it is sensitive to heat and starts to deform at temperatures commonly found on deck in hot climates. improve the finished appearance. but when it’s properly applied. tends to flow when subjected to heat or stress. texturizers. It’s also used extensively in paints as a sanding filler and a barrier coat to help prevent osmosis in fiberglass hulls..Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* examples include additives to modify surface tension. adhesion promoters. balsams). biocides to fight bacterial growth. either. improve flow properties. which are typically made from polyester resin. The theory is that wood saturated in epoxy is immune to attack by dry rot and even by the various kinds of wood-boring mollusks that have always been attracted to wooden boats. must be protected by coats of paint or varnish loaded with ultraviolet filters. A class of synthetic. which is used extensively in outdoor. flatteners (de-glossing agents).For amateur use. in paints and varnishes (e. though still used in the modern industry. it forms an extremely strong bond that clings tenaciously to almost any surface. “OR” Resin Any natural or synthetic organic compound consisting of a noncrystalline (amorphous) solid or viscous liquid substance or mixture.Clear epoxy in thin consistency is used to seal wood and protect it from water penetration. often made of two different materials that must be mixed together just prior to use. but also may be of lower quality mud. Binders may be natural materials. elasticity. and weather and to reduce the penetration of water and other materials without obscuring the grain or changing the color materially. Clay bricks are formed in a moulding (the soft mud method). made by dissolving shellac in alcohol. Varnish A transparent surface coating which is applied as a liquid and then changes to a hard solid. fillers. usually clay or shale. There are two basic types of plastic: thermosetting. Synthetic resins are polymerized. usually with heat. The binder gives a plastic its main characteristics and usually its name. Fillers are added to improve particular properties. cold. Plasticizers are added to a binder to increase flexibility and toughness. although the term is used for similar coatings made with other solvents. either with oxygen from the air or by some other means. Virtually any desired color or shape and many combinations of the properties of hardness. casein is also a naturally occurring polymer. Oleoresinous varnishes are made by treating a drying oil with a resin. the chainlike polymers slide past each other. e. the molecular chains become cross-linked. pigments. thus preventing any slippage if heat and pressure are reapplied.. drying results from the evaporation of the solvent. and toughness have made them valuable as coatings. a naturally occurring polymer. giving the material “plasticity. They are strong enough to be used in place of rivets and welds in certain industrial applications. When heat and pressure are applied to a thermoplastic binder. Cellulose derivatives are made from cellulose. when heat and pressure are initially applied to a thermosetting binder. epoxy resin plastics are especially useful for encapsulating electrical and electronic components. and resistance to heat. but are more commonly synthetic resins. etc. followed by polymerization of the drying oil portion. High resistance to chemicals and outstanding adhesion. any organic material with the ability to flow into a desired shape when heat and pressure are applied to it and to retain the shape when they are withdrawn. a reaction which is accelerated by metallic driers added to the varnish. For a discussion of the mechanism of this drying action. and acid can be obtained in a plastic.” However. and most other synthetic resins. construction materials.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* versatility. Bricks A brick is a block made of kiln-fired material. durability. and dissolving the reaction product in a solvent. or milk protein. Because of their high electrical resistance. and other additives. from small simple molecules called monomers. Paper is coated with varnish to resist moisture and keep printing from being damaged. Varnish coatings on wood are used to protect against abrasion. usually a petroleum fraction. the binder materials consist of very long chainlike molecules called polymers. Spirit varnishes are those in which the evaporation of solvent is the only drying process.g. is the most common of this type. Varnishes are used on masonry to reduce the penetration of moisture and the damage from freezing. e. casein. hardness or resistance to shock. Epoxy resin adhesives can be used on metals.g. polyvinyl chloride is both the name of a binder and the name of a plastic into which it is made. and thermoplastic. Composition and Types of Plastic A plastic is made up principally of a binder together with plasticizers. durability. but their relatively high cost has limited their use. or in commercial manufacture more frequently by extruding clay through a die and then wire-cutting them to the proper size (the stiff mud Page 98 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. and the ease with which they can be poured or cast without forming bubbles. In either case. which can be repeatedly softened and remolded by heat and pressure. Thus. durability at high and low temperatures. staining.. the solvent is usually alcohol. or built up. including absorption of atmospheric moisture. Varnishes are solutions of resinous materials in a solvent. which cannot be resoftened after being subjected to heat and pressure. . cellulose derivatives. Pigments are used to impart various colors. and dry by the evaporation of the solvent or by a chemical reaction. Plastic Plastic. Shellac varnish. It is processed in ways that it has very low porosity (and water absorption) making it stain-resistant and strong. either limestone or dolostone. and mineral wool. Another type of block replaced clay bricks in the late 20th century. such as glass. Tiles A tile is a manufactured piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramic. and can range from simple square tiles to complex mosaics. silt. which is. aragonite and/or dolomite crystals. Made mostly with concrete. portland cement and water. or even glass. stone. These various impurities have been mobilized and recrystallized by the intense pressure and heat of the metamorphism. metal. in turn. floors.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* process). The most common form of concrete is Portland cement concrete. Ceramic Tile A burned-clay product composed of a clay body with a decorative surface glaze. composed mostly of calcite (a crystalline form of calcium carbonate. but other materials are also commonly used. Tiles are often used to form wall and floor coverings. . This metamorphic process causes a complete recrystallization of the original rock into an interlocking mosaic of calcite. When used in the generic sense. or other objects such as tabletops. Aluminum Composite Panel ACP Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP) or Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) is a widely-used term Page 99 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Pure white marble is the result of metamorphism of very pure limestones. Less precisely. onyx. Bricks were very popular as a building material in the 1700. Tiles are most often made from porcelain. walls. which consists of mineral aggregate (generally gravel and sand). as a building material. more durable surfaces. Tiles are generally used for covering roofs. from the Latin word tegula. Concrete Concrete is a composite building material made from the combination of aggregate (composite) and a binder such as cement. metal. fired clay or ceramic with a hard glaze. and fairly cheap to produce. Tiling stone is typically marble. typically used for wall and ceiling applications. cork. the modern term can refer to any sort of construction tile or similar object. and in many other applications. the cement hydrates and eventually hardens into a stone-like material. CaCO3). showers. Thinner tiles can be used on walls than on floors. Vitrified Tile Vitrified Tile is a tile is created by the Vitrification process. tile can sometimes refer to similar units made from lightweight materials such as perlite. or metamorphism of older marble. It was the Cinder block. used principally for decorative and sanitary effects. or chert which were originally present as grains or layers in the limestone. iron oxides. The characteristic swirls and veins of many colored marble varieties are usually due to various mineral impurities such as clay. After mixing. wood. such as rectangular counters used in playing games (see tile-based game). It is extensively used for sculpture. Green coloration is often due to serpentine resulting from originally high magnesium limestone or dolostone with silica impurities. sand. Marble Marble is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock resulting from the metamorphism of limestone. This was probably due to the fact that it was much more flame retardant than wood in the ever crowding cities. which require thicker. Marble is a metamorphic rock resulting from regional or rarely contact metamorphism of sedimentary carbonate rocks. meaning a roof tile composed of fired clay. The temperatures and pressures necessary to form marble usually destroy any fossils and sedimentary textures present in the original rock. granite or slate. 1800 and 1900s. and stone. Alternatively. Vitrified tile can be used as an alternative to marble and granite flooring. The word is derived from the French word tuile. this is the material referred to by the term concrete. but can also be used in any form of cladding such as partitions. the tightness of the whole system being obtained by a silicone seal. which in turn is attached to a structural element of the building. Instead of being fitted in a frame. Planimetry of the whole glass wall as a single unit and special sealing elements.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* describing flat panels that consist of a non-aluminum core bonded between two aluminum sheets. Aluminum Composite Panels are also widely used within the signage industry as an alternative to heavier. Page 100 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . such as wood or marble. ACPs are frequently used for external cladding of buildings (building facades). It uses the adhesive qualities of silicone sealants to retain the glass in the frame by adhesion without the necessity of any mechanical retention such as beads. more expensive substrates. Structural Glazing Structural glazing is a system of bonding glass to an aluminium window frame utilizing a high-strength. including insulating glass units. for insulation and for signage. Curtain Wall & Structural glazing Curtain Wall The traditional curtain wall is a frame of aluminum with mullions and transoms quite similar to large framed glazing except that the walls form an independent envelope around the main structure and are generally not resting on the concrete structure but only connected to it. Applications of ACPs are not limited to external building cladding. The core is commonly low density Polyethylene or an insulating material no less than 10 cm thick when its use is refrigeration insulation. The design factors for wind loading and provisions for expansions and movements of wall v/s the structure and glass v/s the aluminium are to be considered carefully. high performance silicone sealant. Aluminum sheets can be coated with PVDF or Polyester paint. the glass is fixed to a support. false ceilings etc. Structural glazing with sealants allows perfectly uniform large glazed surfaces. Aluminum can be painted in any kind of color. materials and techniques make it a highly specialized job. and ACPs are produced in a wide range of metallic and non-metallic colors as well as patterns that imitate other materials. clips or bolt fixings. not interrupted by traditional frames or any other supporting or fitting system projecting out of the frame. ACP is very rigid and strong despite its light weight. The glass is fixed on its support by means of a silicone seal along the edges of the internal surface. The glass is kept in place by placing it in the sash and fixing with a pressure plate & screws. This technique can be used with almost all types of glass. .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Area Measurements – Ready Reference Notes          Plinth Area Measurement Gross Building Area Gross Floor Areas Fully Enclosed Covered Area Unenclosed Covered Area Usable Floor Area Service Areas Non-Habitable Areas Method for Measuring Office Floor Area Page 101 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. e) Internal sanitary shaft and garbage chute provided these are more than 2 Sqm in area. provided these do not exceed 2 sqm in area. j) Terrace at floor One. g) Area of vertical sun breaker or box louver projecting out and other architectural features. Domes projecting above the terrace level at terrace. Page 102 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. b) Internal shaft for sanitary installations and garbage chute. a) Area of the wall at the floor level excluding plinth offsets if any. b) Cantilevered porch. k) Spiral staircase including landing. the plinth area shall be measured upto the external face of the cladding (in case of corrugated sheet cladding outer edge of corrugation shall be considered). and e) Porch The Following Shall not be included in the plinth area:a) Additional floor for seating in assembly buildings / theaters and auditorium. and m) Towers. f) Area of architectural band. d) Machine room. When the building consists of columns projecting beyond the cladding. (Loft is an intermediate storage area between two main floors). cornice (Horizontal or ornamental feature projecting from the face of a wall) etc. . vertical duct for air conditioning. for eg. c) Balcony. c) Stair cover (Mumty).Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Plinth area Measurement Following areas shall be included where occurring in each category of plinth area. h) Open platform. and lift well including landing. slab projection for keeping flower pots. d) Area of loft. the measurements shall be taken to the edge of the paving or to the edge of the cover. columns. Unit of Measurement: Square Metres (m2). USABLE FLOOR AREA The sum of the floor areas measured at floor level from the general inside face of walls of all interior spaces related to the primary function of the building. GROSS BUILDING AREA The total enclosed and unenclosed area of the building at all building floor levels measured between the normal OUTSIDE face of any enclosing walls. penthouses. vertical ducts. excluding the wall or balustrade thickness). GROSS FLOOR AREAS The sum of the 'Fully Enclosed Covered Area' and 'Unenclosed Covered Area' as defined. awnings and the like where these do not relate to clearly defined trafficable covered areas. floored roof spaces and attics. staircases and any other fully enclosed spaces and usable areas of the building. computed by measuring from the normal INSIDE face of exterior walls but ignoring any projections such as plinths. unenclosed access galleries (including ground floor) and any other trafficable covered areas of the building which are not totally enclosed by full height walls. including basements (except unexcavated portions).e. Unenclosed Covered Area The sum of all such areas at all building floor levels. interstitial spaces and the like which extend through the storey being computed.e.) and deducting all of the following areas supplementary to the primary function of the building: Deductions (a) Common Use Areas Page 103 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. sun shading. 2b. lobbies. equipment rooms. porches and porticos. connecting or isolated covered ways and net open areas of upper portions of rooms. enclosed porches and attached enclosed covered ways alongside buildings. U. is cantilevered or is suspended. including roofed balconies. whichever is the lesser. When the covering element (i. Fully Enclosed Covered Area The sum of all such areas at all building floor levels. garages.A.E. or any combination of these. piers and the like which project from the normal inside face of exterior walls. from the inside face of the U. halls. It shall not include open courts.C.C. lift shafts. roof or upper floor) is supported by columns. 2.C.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING AREAS 1. light wells. This will normally be computed by calculating the 'Fully Enclosed Covered Area' (F. open verandahs. 3. 2a. computed by measuring the area between the enclosing walls or balustrade (i. attached open covered ways alongside buildings. nor shall it include connecting or isolated covered ways. . undercrofts and usable space under buildings. balustrades and supports.A. shall not include eaves overhangs.A. lift motor rooms. tenants and/or public.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* All floored areas in the building for circulation and standard facilities provided for the common use of occupiers. meter cupboards. (c) Non-habitable Areas All non-habitable building space such as that occupied by internal columns and other structural supports. tank rooms. loading bays and all car parks including access ways thereto. tenants and/or the public such as lobbies and fire escapes. (b) Service Areas All areas set aside for building plant supplying services and facilities common to the building for the use of occupants. corridors and passages. . such as mechanical plant and equipment rooms. Page 104 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. toilet and rest rooms areas. refuse collection areas. tea making and similar amenities areas. These are extracts of NWPC standard method of measurement of building areas with an addition from Australian Universities Commission. verandahs and balconies. cloak and locker areas. some ancillary areas should be included such as plant rooms housing equipment directly used in the department and workshops. telecommunication switchrooms. However. service ducts and the like. internal walls and permanent partitions. lift shafts. electrical equipment and switchrooms. cleaner's rooms including stores and cupboards. The Rentable Area of a floor is fixed for the entire life of the building. These are areas which are not included in the office area of any specific tenant. . flues. The Usable Area of an office is calculated by measuring to the finished surface side of the office side of corridor and other permanent walls. is the percentage of space on a floor that is not usable plus a pro-rata share of the Building Common Area. minus the elevator core. It should be noted that this standard can and should be used in measuring office space in old as well as new buildings. vertical ducts. expressed as a percent of Usable Area. Usable floor area is converted to Rentable Area by the addition of a conversion factor (common area factor). Building Common Area The Building Common Area includes all the areas of a building that are used to provide services to building tenants. AKA Common Area Factor or the Loss Factor. It is not affected by changes in corridor sizes and configuration. It also includes any other common areas and is added to the Floor Rentable Area to calculate the Rentable Area. No deduction is made for columns and projections which are structurally necessary to the building. Page 105 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Method for Measuring Office Floor Area A Summary of the generally accepted method for measuring office space This general overview of the the method used for measuring office space is to allow you to get a general idea on how office space should be measured for rental purposes. balconies. It is applicable to any architectural design or type of construction. Usable Area The Usable Area is the actual area that can be occupied on a floor or an office. This method been the generally accepted method for measuring office space for many years. and to the inside finished surface of the main portions of the permanent outer building walls. The Usable Area of a floor is equal to the total of all Usable Areas on that floor. Rentable Area The Rentable Area is the tenant's gross square footage of the entire office floor. A Typical range is 10% to 18%. stairwell areas and other similar columns and projections. or Rentable /Useable Ratio. The amount of Usable Area on a multi-tenant floor usually does vary over the life of a building as corridors expand and contract and as floors are remodeled. Building Rentable Area + Pro Rata Building Common Area = Rentable Area Load Factor The Load Factor. The Rentable Area of an office floor is calculated by multiplying the Usable Area of that office by the result of the division of the Floor Rentable Area of the floor by the Usable Area of the floor resulting in the Floor Rentable/Usable Ratio. pipe shafts. Gross Rentable Area Rent is almost always paid based upon the Gross Rentable Area which includes the Floor Rentable Area plus the pro rata share of Building Common Area. to the center of the partitions that separate the office from adjoining Usable Areas. carpet or other similar surface addition. ceiling. It excludes Finished Surface: the thickness of any additional surface additions such as paneling. vertical ducts. It does not include stairs. flues.1 Rentable Area Usable Area Rentable Area Definitions A wall. and similar (including enclosing Major Vertical walls) which serve more than one floor of a building. elevator shafts. and Penetrations: other similar structures which serve only one tenant occupying office space on 2 or more floors.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Gross Rentable Area ÷ Usable Area = R/U Ratio Conversion Formulas Load Factor (Load) (Usable Area x R/U Ratio) Rentable Area ÷ R/U Ratio Usable Area x (1 + Load) R/U Ratio . pipe shafts. Page 106 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Stairs. or floor surface. lifts. . including glass. as prepared for tenant use. 4.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Conversion Table  Conversion . 8.80 7.63 mm 0.Kg / Sqm 24.10 Conversion Factor . .27 4. Wire Gauge 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Equivalent mm 3.2800 0. 5.00 mm 0.Rate per Unit of measurement to other S.0480 30.84 6. 7.80 mm 0.Wire Gauge to Equivalent mm (Plates)  Conversion Factor .61 15. 1 2 3 4 5 To Convert Rate per running foot into Rate per running metre Rate per 10 running feet into Rate per running metre Rate per 100 running feet into rate per running metre Rate per square foot into Rate per running metre Rate per 10 square feet into Rate per square metre. No. 1. 10.0929 0.50 mm 0.91 3. 6.9290 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.50 mm 2.15 mm 2.3280 0. 9.0328 10.69 12.55 9.70 19. 2.4800 0.Rate per Unit of measurement to other Conversion .66 mm 1.7640 1.94 3. No. 3. Page 107 of 164 Multiply By Vice Versa 3.Wire Gauge to Equivalent mm (Plates) S.44 mm Weight .25 mm 1.00 mm 1.0764 0.3048 3. 2050 0.0020 4. 4. 1.9370 0. . Multiply acres acres centimetres centimetres cubic centimtres cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet By To Obtain 0.0184 0. 7.3532 2.4710 9.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Rate per 100 square feet into Rate per square feet. ton / sqft into tonne / sq m.2832 hectolitres 28.3150 0.0624 1. 8.0160 0. Rate per gallon into Rate per litre. 2.06102 cubic inches 28317 cubic centimetres 0.4536 0.2230 0. Pounds / square inch into kg / sq cm.0283 2.metres.2200 0.4047 S. 11. Pounds / cubic foot into kgs / cubic metre.2046 1.0700 10.2900 0.1076 35. Rate per cubic foot into Rate per cubic metre.8810 16.9684 0. 5. Rate per acre into Rate per hectare.028317 cubic metres 6. 6.0998 0. Imperial 0. No. Rate per 100 cubic feet into Rate per cubic metre.00003532 cubic feet 0.0328083 feet 0. 9.3937 inches 0. Rate per ton into Rate per tonne (metric).404687 hectares 0.6720 0. Pounds / gallon into kgs / litre. Bending moment from foot .2330 0.8300 0. 0.pounds to kilograms . Pounds / running foot into kgs / running metre.5080 1. Rate per hundredweight (cwt) into Rate per quintel. 10.9842 1.0914 7.5460 14.4881 4.0040469 square kilometres 0.317 litres Page 108 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Pounds / square foot into kgs / square metre. Rate per pound into Rate per Kg.1380 2.22905 gallons. 3. 41. U.54596 litres 0. 25. Imperial 3.4001 millimetres 2.7 square feet 0.832702 gallons. 19. .0022046 pounds.47104 acres 107638. angular degrees. U.20091 gallons.3145 cubic feet 1.233 foot pounds 0. 13. 24. metric 2.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 12.160538 cubic feet 1. 16. avoirdupois 2. grams hectares hectares hectares horse power. 17. Imperial gallons. 33.801 millimetres 0. 18.8 degrees. 29. metric horse power.13826 kilogram metres 30. U. 22.304801 metres 304.2234 pounds per inch 0.38716 cubic centimetres 35. 32. 31. 39.671972 pounds per foot 14. 21. 26. 23.204817 pounds per sq foot 0. 34. 15. 4.0254001 metres 25.20462 pounds 0. cubic inches cubic metres cubic metres degrees. Imperial gallons. 1. U.00098421 tons (=2240 lbs) 7.01387 horsepower. 14.00386101 square miles 0. C foot pounds feet feet feet gallons.78543 litres 0.0624283 pounds per cubic foot 0.54001 centimetres 0. 42. 43. Imperial gallons. 35. 37.4801 centimetres 0. U. 30.S. 38. gallons.62137 miles Page 109 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.S. 20.98632 horsepower. 27.3079 cubic yards 0. C 1. F (less 32F) degrees.0174533 radians 0. 40.S.S. 36.S. 28. inches inches inches kilograms kilograms kilogram metres kilograms per metre kilograms per sq cm kilograms per sq metre kilograms per cubic metre kilometres 16. F (less 32 F) 0.5556 degrees. 73. 66. 51. .104 square acres 0. 68. 52. 49.26417 gallons. 47. 70. 71.19599 square yards 2.45163 square centimetres 247.022 cubic inches 3.01605 tonne (metric) Page 110 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 74. 46. 54.37 inches 1.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 44.07031 kilograms per sq cm 16. 45. 58.0184 kilograms per cu metre 57.09361 yards 1. 64. Imperial 0.00092903 ares 0.83613 square metres 1016.00328083 feet 0. 72. 76.S.03937 inches 28. 57. 0.29578 degrees. 56.0004464 tons (=2240 lbs) 0.0004536 tonne (metric) 1. 53.155 square inches 0.453592 kilograms 0.349 grams 453. 55. angular 0.3861 square miles 10.48816 kilograms per metre 4.7639 square feet 1.219975 gallons. 69.592 grams 0.0929034 square metres 6. 65.28083 feet 39.7 feet 0. 61. 59.88241 kilograms per sq metre 0. 60.59 square kilometres 0. kilometres litres litres litres litres metres metres metres miles millimetres millimetres ounce (oz) pounds (avoirdupois) pounds (avoirdupois) pounds (avoirdupois) pounds (avoirdupois) pounds per foot pounds per square foot pounds per square inch pounds per cubic foot radians square centimetres square feet square feet square inches square kilometres square kilometres square metres square metres square miles square yards tons (2240 pounds) tons (2240 pounds) 3280. 75. U. 50.035 cubic feet 61. 62.60935 kilometres 0. 63. 48.05 kilograms 1. 67. 62 pounds 0. tonne (metric) tonne (metric) yards 2204. 78.98421 tons (=2240 lbs) 0. 79. .914402 metres Page 111 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 77. I.Hot-Rolled Steel Sections .Medium Channels (Sloping Flanges) ISMB .Rolled Steel Equal Angles ISA .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Unit Weights . Pipes for Water. Gas & Air confirming to IS 1239  Weight of Pipes for Water.Rolled Steel Un-Equal Angles ISMC .Hot .Structural Steel Elements ISA .Medium Weight Beams Weight of Standard CHEQUERED PLATES Weight of Reinforcement Steel Bars with their Standard Cross sectional Areas  Weight of G.Hot . .Hot-Rolled Steel Sections . Gas & Air confirming to IS:3589/2001       Page 112 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 0 1.1 4.8 ISA 2020 ISA 2525 ► ► ISA 3030 30 x 30 ► ISA 3535 35 x 35 ► IS4040 40 x 40 ► ISA 4545 45 x 45 ► ISA 5050 50 x 50 ► ISA 5555 55 x 55 ► ISA 6060 60 x 60 ► ISA 6565 65 x 65 ► ISA 7070 70 x 70 ► ISA 7575 75 x 75 Page 113 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.6 2.38 8.82 4.9 5.HOT .(as per IS : 808.4 3.8 1. 1976 and Part V) Designation ► Size (mm X mm) 20 x 20 25 x 25 Thickness (mm) 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 8 10 4 5 6 8 10 5 6 8 10 5 6 7 8 10 5 6 Weight per metre (in Kg) 0.1 1.4 4.0 3.4 7.6 3.8 7.2 5.9 6.ROLLED STEEL EQUAL ANGLES .5 5.7 3.5 2.5 5.6 4.7 9.7 4.9 1.1 2.0 2.9 3.1 1.4 1.8 2.8 4.15 5.0 3.3 10.4 1.1 2. .7 6.4 7.3 7.2 1.0 8.8 2.4 5.3 3.3 6.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ISA . 7 14.9 ► ISA 100100 100 x 100 ISA 110110 110 x 110 8 10 12 16 ► ISA 120120 120 x 120 8 10 12 15 ► ISA 130130 130 x 130 8 10 12 16 10 12 15 16 18 20 15 18 20 12 16 20 24 25 ► ISA 150150 150 x 150 ► ISA 180180 180 x 180 ► ISA 200200 200 x 200 Page 114 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.5 8 10 12 15 ► Designation ► Size (mm X mm) 80 x 80 ISA 8080 ► ISA 9090 90 x 90 8.8 14.8 9.5 30.9 27.6 19.7 18.8 13.3 33.2 9.9 17.8 40.1 40.6 11.0 71. 35.9 13.6 53.7 36.6 26.2 10.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 8 Thickness (mm) 10 6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 6 6.1 14.2 21. .7 25.3 9.7 23.99 12.9 48.9 48.1 73.0 8.0 7.1 44.6 15.7 22.4 15.9 19.7 21.4 16.5 60.9 Weight per metre (in Kg) 11. 2 ISA 3020 ► ISA 4025 40 x 25 ► ISA 4530 45 x 30 ► ISA 5030 50 x 30 ► ISA 6040 60 x 40 ► ISA 6545 65 x 45 ► ISA 7045 70 x 45 ► ISA 7550 75 x 50 ► ISA 8050 80 x 50 ► ISA 9060 90 x 60 ► ISA 10065 100 x 65 6 8 10 ► ISA 10075 100 x 75 6 8 10 12 ► ISA 12575 125 x 75 6 Page 115 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.7 8.4 9.8 2.0 10.7 4.5 13.4 9.4 2.4 3.9 2.HOT .4 4.0 7.6 7.7 5.8 3.8 1.4 1.4 6.4 5.1 1.9 5.3 1.9 6.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ISA .5 1.8 8.2 8.8 1.7 2.5 3.7 9.9 11.5 9.2 2.0 3.0 15.2 6.9 7.3 4.0 4.9 12.3 5.ROLLED STEEL UN-EQUAL ANGLES Designation ► Size (mm X mm) 30 x 20 Thickness (mm) 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 5 6 8 5 6 8 5 6 8 10 5 6 8 10 5 6 8 10 6 8 10 12 Weight per metre (in Kg) 1.8 4.0 13. .1 4. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Size (mm X mm) Thickness (mm) 8 10 ► Designation Weight per metre (in Kg) 12.1 14.9 10.1 13.4 16.5 19.7 13.7 17.0 20.2 16.3 20.1 24.0 31.4 22.9 27.3 35.8 26.9 32.1 42.2 52.0 ISA 12595 125 x 95 6 8 10 12 ► ISA 15075 150 x 75 8 10 12 ► ISA 150115 150 x 115 8 10 12 16 ► ISA 200100 200 x 100 10 12 16 ► ISA 200150 200 x 150 10 12 16 20 Page 116 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ISMC - Hot-Rolled Steel Sections - Medium Channels (Sloping Flanges) Designation Weight per metre (in Kg) Sectional 2 Area (cm ) Depth of Width of Thickness of Thickness of Channel Flange Flange (mm) Web (mm) (mm) (mm) ► ISMC 75 ISMC 100 ISMC 125 ISMC 125+ 7.14 9.56 13.1 13.7 9.1 12.2 16.7 17.5 75 100 125 125 40 50 65 66 7.5 7.7 8.2 8.1 4.8 5.0 5.3 6.0 ► ► ► ► ► ISMC 150 ISMC 150+ ISMC 175 ISMC 175+ 16.8 17.7 19.6 21.7 21.3 22.6 24.9 27.6 150 150 175 175 75 76 75 77 9.0 9.0 10.2 10.2 5.7 6.5 6.0 7.5 ► ► ► ISMC 200 ISMC 200+ ISMC 225 ISMC 225+ 22.3 24.3 26.1 30.7 28.5 31.0 33.3 39.0 200 200 225 225 75 76 80 83 11.4 11.4 12.4 12.4 6.2 7.5 6.5 9.0 ► ► ► ► ISMC 250 ISMC 250+ ISMC 250++ ISMC 300 30.6 34.2 38.1 36.3 39.0 43.5 48.5 46.3 250 250 250 300 80 82 84 90 14.1 14.1 14.1 13.6 7.2 9.0 11.0 7.8 ► ► ► ► ► ISMC 300+ ISMC 300++ ISMC 350 ISMC 400 41.5 46.2 42.7 50.1 52.8 58.8 54.4 63.8 300 300 350 400 92 94 100 100 13.6 13.6 13.5 15.3 10.0 12.0 8.3 8.8 ► ► Page 117 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* ISMB - Hot-Rolled Steel Sections - Medium Weight Beams (as per IS : 800, 1964 and Part II) Designation Weight per Depth of Sectional metre Beam 2 Area (cm ) (in Kg) (mm) 11.5 13.0 14.9 19.3 25.4 31.2 37.3 44.2 52.4 61.6 72.4 86.9 103.7 122.6 14.6 16.6 19.0 24.62 32.33 39.72 47.55 56.26 66.71 78.46 92.27 110.74 132.11 156.21 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Width of Thickness Thickness Flange of Flange of Web (mm) (mm) (mm) 70 70 75 85 100 110 125 140 140 140 150 180 190 210 7.2 7.6 7.6 8.6 10.8 11.8 12.5 12.4 14.2 16.0 17.4 17.2 19.3 20.8 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.5 5.7 6.5 6.9 7.5 8.1 8.9 9.4 10.2 11.2 12.0 ► ► ► ► ISMB 100 ISMB 125 ISMB 150 ISMB 175 ISMB 200 ISMB 225 ISMB 250 ISMB 300 ISMB 350 ISMB 400 ISMB 450 ISMB 500 ISMB 550 ISMB 600 ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Weight of Standard CHEQUERED PLATES S. No. 1. 2. 3. Thickness (in mm) 7 mm 10 mm 12 mm Weight - Kg / Sqm 61.10 84.60 100.30 Weight of Reinforcement Steel Bars with their Standard Cross sectional Areas Cross Sectional Area mm) 28.3 38.5 50.3 78.6 113.1 (Sq S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nominal Size (In mm) 6 7 8 10 12 Mass per meter (Kg / m) 0.222 0.302 0.395 0.617 0.888 Page 118 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 11. 13.2 254.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 6.3 491. 16.83 6.85 4.00 2.3 380.98 3. 8. 15.0 804.6 1018.6 314.85 12.5 15.42 These are as per clause 5.3 1.31 7. 14.1 616. .3 1257.2 of IS 1786 . 9. 12. 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 45 50 201.2 1591.47 2.1985 Page 119 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 10.1 1964.58 2.99 9. 7. 2 34.54 8.3 75. Oute r dia.0 21.82 3.080 5.2 14 12 10 13 12 10 12 10 8 12 10 8 11 10 8 11 9 7 10 9 7 10 0. mm Max.26 5.8 60.45 1.3 87.790 3.27 3.2 60.0 21.2 42.4 21.6 3.I.2 4.5 46 49 51 56 51 68 60 84 69 98 75 Page 120 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.8 48.9 42.05 6.5 3 21.5 33.39 1. in inc hes Outside Diameter Wal l thic knes s mm Plain end Screwed & Socketed No.2 2.7 2.5 26.3 33.4 48.6 76.370 4. mtrs /tonn e Min. B.0 26.00 2.0 76.7 59.440 1.0 2.030 6.930 6.560 1.410 2.947 1.8 47. Gas and Air Pipeline conforming to IS: 1239 Nominal Mass of Galvanized Steel Tubes N.15 5.5 39 39.870 1.60 4.2 3.560 4.6 4.710 6.9 48.956 1.0 47.8 34.190 5.8 60.5 3.410 7.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Weight of G.980 2. Length mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 32 mm 32 mm 32 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 65 mm 65 mm 65 mm 80 mm L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 1 ½ 1½ 1½ 2 2 2 2½ 2 ½ 2. mm Min. Gas & Air confirming to IS 1239 For Water.7 75.88 2.3 41.720 1056 826 694 725 641 535 505 415 341 394 323 264 310 281 229 245 199 162 175 156 126 149 0.41 4.8 21.6 4.9 47.9 3.43 2.4 26. Pipes for Water.100 3. B.8 76.2 4.95 2.9 42.89 1046 820 690 719 637 532 500 412 339 389 319 262 306 278 227 241 196 160 172 153 124 145 165 132 110 112 98 84 80 65 55 60 51 42 48 45 36 39 30 27 27 24 20 23 27 37 32.6 3. .5 3.230 3.of Pipes per bundl e Socket Min.2 33. mtrs /tonn e Kg /mtrs.2 75.9 3.210 1.9 27.8 26.57 3.6 39.930 2.22 1. mm SW G Kg /mtrs.2 4.0 2.83 6.0 2.6 3.3 27.9 59.540 3.3 33.6 88.0 42.10 6.2 2. in mm Se ri es N.5 42.57 1.0 2.13 3.3 2.9 21.380 1.6 3. 360 9.5 113.0 115.8 5.4 8 6 9 7 5 6 5 6 5 8.5 163.5 138.00 12.50 14.20 14.8 3.8 140.5 166.0 4.900 9.1 113.90 21.40 18.750 12.6 4.3mm Weight Light Tubes+ Not limited -8% Medium and+ Not limited Heavy Tubes -10% Single tube +10% (Light series) Single tube (Medium& Heavy series) ± 10% For Quality per Load of 10 tonnes minimum (Light series) ± 5% For Quantity per Load of 10 tonnes minimum (Medium & heavy series) ± 7.90 117 96 100 80 68 61 54 51 46 19 16 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 178 96 151 96 124 87 L=Light.8 5. .8 166.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 80 mm 80 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 125 mm 125 mm 150 mm 150 mm M H L M H M H M H 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 88.40 10.90 18.50 15.0 140.50 21.0 113.53 10.40 19.4 4.5 89.4 4. Above 21. H= Heavy Tolerance s a) Outside Diameter Maximum Deviation Upto & including 21.9 115.5 4.9 89.5% Length 4 to 7 meters unless otherwise specified Page 121 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.0 138.5 5.0 113.3mm #9.80 16.0 88.30 120 101 103 82 69 63 56 53 47 8.9 163. M = Medium.90 17. 90 26.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Weight of Pipes for Water.5 6.00 55.20 18.10 23.6 8.6 3.6 7./tonne approx.50 33./ mtr.60 12. 168.0 5. .0 4.0 6.0 4.60 Mtrs.5 2.00 41.10 23. Gas & Air confirming to IS:3589/2001 For water steel pipes and sewage conforming to IS: 3589/2001 Outside Diameter OD Nominal Bore Wall Thickness Calculated Weight (Plain end) Kg.90 19.20 13.6 3.1 4.80 35.40 44.0 5.0 5.1 mm 200 mm 273 mm 250 mm 323.6 mm 350 mm Tolerances Outer Dia Thickness Length ± 0.75% ± 10% 4 to 7 meter Page 122 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.70 43.30 68. 94 83 62 55 72 52 42 30 42 38 30 24 31 28 23 18 29 23 21 15 219.80 33.10 31.9 mm 300 mm 355.3 3.20 48.50 34.3 mm 150 mm 2.00 16.6 4.6 4.0 10.3 4.2 4.5 5. Architect One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other structures. transportation. A construction manager for fee does not have any financial responsibility whereas a construction manager at-risk does have financial risk similar to a general contractor. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations. ADA The Americans with Disabilities Act which gives civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race. national origin. A term used to describe partial construction work performed within an existing structure 2. the basic building block of a project. sex. Remodeling without a building addition. and religion. age. Addendum (Addenda) Written information adding to. The smallest work unit within a project. Application for Payment Contractor's written request for payment for completed portions of the work and. Agent One authorized by a client (principal) to act in his/her stead or behalf and owes the client a "fiduciary duty" (Trust).Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Annexure – 1 Glossary of Construction Management Terms Activity 1. . Alterations 1. Alternate Bid Amount stated in the bid to be added or deducted from the base bid amount proposed for alternate materials and/or methods of construction. employment. State and local government services. addenda are intended to become part of the contract documents when the construction contract is executed. Agreement An arrangement between the parties regarding a method of action. Example: Construction Manager for fee but classified as an independent contractor for tax purposes. and telecommunications. Architects Basic Services Page 123 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. color. clarifying or modifying the bidding documents. for materials delivered or stored and properly labeled for the respective project. An addendum is generally issued by the owner to the contractor during the bidding process and as such. A scheduling term 2. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A recognized series of phases performed by an architect as follows: 1st Schematic Design Phase, 2nd Design Development Phase, 3rd Construction Document Phase, 4th Bidding or Negotiated Phase, 5th Construction Phase. Architect-Engineer An individual or firm offering professional services as both architect and engineer. Architectural Drawing A line drawing showing plan and/or elevation views of the proposed building for the purpose of showing the overall appearance of the building. As-Built Drawings (also known as Record Drawings) Contract drawings marked up to reflect changes made during the construction process. It is good practice to make As-Built drawings by marking the changes on reproducible drawings such a sepias for the duplication purposes later. Bid 1. An offer or proposal of a price 2. The amount offered or proposed. (see RFP) Bid Bond A written form of security executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety for the purpose of guaranteeing that the bidder will sign the contract, if awarded the contract, for the stated bid amount. Bid Date/Time The due date and time set by the owner, architect or engineer for receiving bids. Bid Form A standard written form furnished to all bidders for the purpose of obtaining the requested information and required signatures from the authorized bidding representatives. Bid Opening The actual process of opening and tabulating bids submitted within the prescribed bid date/time and conforming with the bid procedures. A Bid Opening can be open (where the bidders are permitted to attend) or closed (where the bidders are not permitted to attend). (see Bid Date/Time, Open Bid, Closed Bid) Bid Price The stipulated sum stated in the bidder’s bid. Bid Tabulation A summary sheet listing all bid prices for the purpose of analyzing the bid results. Bid tabulations include the required items of the invitation to bid and usually include bid amount, completion time, addenda's included, contract exclusions, bonding rate, etc. Often times, the apparent low bidder is not the low bidder. (see Bid Form ) Bid Shopper Page 124 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A buyer or client who seeks to play one proposed supplier or subcontractor against the other for the purpose of reducing a purchase price. Bid Time (see Bid Date/Time) Bidding Documents The published advertisement or written invitation to bid , instructions to bidders, the bid form and the proposed contract documents including any acknowledged addenda issued prior to receipt of bids. Bidding Period The calendar period allowed from issuance of bidding requirements and contract documents to the prescribed bid date/time. ( see Bid Date/Time) Bidding Requirements The written minimum acceptable requirements set forth by the owner to the contractor during bidding process. The owner usually reserves the right to reject a bid if the Bidding Requirements are not met. (see Bidding Documents) Bond (see Bid Bond; Contract Bond; Contract Payment Bond; Contract Performance Bond; Labor and Material Payment Bond; Performance Bond; Subcontractor Bond; surety) Bonding Company A properly licensed firm or corporation willing to execute a surety bond, or bonds, payable to the owner, securing the performance on a contract either in whole or in part; or securing payment for labor and materials. Budget (Construction Budget) 1. An itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period of time 2. The total sum of money allocated for a specific project. Building 1. To form by combining materials or parts 2. A structure enclosed within a roof and within exterior walls housing, shelter, enclosure and support of individuals, animals, or real property of any kind. Building Code The legal requirements set up by the prevailing various governing agencies covering the minimum acceptable requirements for all types of construction. (See Codes) Building Envelope (Sometimes referred to as Building Shell) 1. The waterproof elements of a building which enclose conditioned spaces through which thermal energy may be transferred to or from the exterior. 2. The outer structure of the building. (See Tenant and Leasehold improvements for building interiors) Building Inspector/Official A qualified government representative authorized to inspect construction for compliance with applicable building codes, regulations and ordinances. Courts have ruled that building inspections are exempt from errors and omissions liabilities. Page 125 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Building Permit A written document issued by the appropriate governmental authority permitting construction to begin on a specific project in accordance with drawings and specifications approved by the governmental authority. Building Process A term used to express every step of a construction project from it’s conception to final acceptance and occupancy. Change Order A written document between the owner and the contractor signed by the owner and the contractor authorizing a change in the work or an adjustment in the contract sum or the contract time. A change order may be signed by the architect or engineer, provided they have written authority from the owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority is furnished to the contractor upon request. The contract sum and the contract time may be changed only by change order. A change order may be in the form of additional compensation or time; or less compensation or time known as a Deduction (from the contract) the amount deducted from the contract sum by change order. Change Order Proposal (See Change order) A change order proposal is the written document before it has been approved and effected by the Contractor and Owner. A change order proposal can be issued by either the contractor or the owner. The change order proposal becomes a change order only after it has been approved and effected by the Contractor and Owner. Change Order Request A written document issued by the owner requesting an adjustment to the contract sum or an extension of the contract time; generally issued by the architect or owners representative. Closed Bid/Estimate A service offered by constructionplace.com where only invited bidders or estimators are given access to the project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information is given access to project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information. This option is for those seeking bids/estimates from a pre qualified and selected list of professionals or service. For security and easy access, the RFP poster receives an e-mail showing the list of bidders/estimators and links to View the RFP Details and View any Bids as they are received.This e-mail gives the poster the ability to file and track their respective RFP's using their own e-mail filing system. (see Open Bid/Estimate) Codes Prevailing regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements set forth by governmental agencies associated with building construction practices and owner occupancy, adopted and administered for the protection of public health, life safety and welfare. (see Building Code) Construction Documents All drawings, specifications and addenda associated with a specific construction project. Construct To assemble and combine construction materials and methods to make a structure. Page 126 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. rightsof-way or other costs which are defined in the contract documents as being the responsibility of the owner. Construction Phase The fifth and final phase of the architect's basics services. and services. Consultant One hired by the owner or client to give professional advise. Construction cost does not include the compensation paid to the architect and engineer and consultants. and cost breakdowns for the purpose of confirming that these documents and estimates are feasible and are in accordance with the proposed loan or project appraisal. Construction Inspector (see Project Representative) Construction Management Organizing and directing men. Construction Documents Phase The third phase of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares working drawings. addenda. The building team generally consists of the owner. the conditions of the contract and the form of agreement between the owner and contractor. other pertinent construction information associated with the construction of a specific project. Cost Breakdown (see Schedule of Values) Cost Codes A numbering system given to specific kinds of work for the purpose of organizing the cost control process of a specific project. Cost of Work Page 127 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. design and construction are given to a construction management firm. equipment. material. specifications and bidding information. list of materials.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Construction The act or process of constructing. Construction Cost 1. materials. Construction Document Review The owners review of the borrowers construction documents (plans and specifications). Depending on the architects scope of services the architect may assists the owner in the preparation of bidding forms. contractors overhead and profit. specifications. and equipment to accomplish the purpose of the designer. Construction Management Contract A written agreement wherein responsibilities for coordination and accomplishment of overall project planning. contractor and designer or architect. the cost of the land. which includes the architect's general administration of the construction contract(s). (see Soft Costs) Construction Documents A term used to represent all drawings. . The direct contractor costs for labor. and other direct construction costs. Contract 1. Cost Plus Contract (see Cost Plus Fee Agreement) Cost Plus Fee Agreement (Cost-Plus) A written agreement with the owner under which the contractor or the architect and engineer is reimbursed for his/her direct and indirect costs and. Contract Period The elapsed number of working days or calendar days from the specified date of commencing work to the specified date of completion. guaranteeing the completion of the work in accordance with the terms of the contract. as specified in the contract. all addenda issued prior to execution of the contract. materials. or services in accordance with the contract. in addition. is paid a fee for his services. especially one that is written and enforceable by law 2. supplementary or other contract conditions. the drawings and specifications. guaranteeing payment to all persons providing labor. Contract Bond A written form of security from a surety company. . The fee is usually stated as a stipulated sum or as a percentage of cost. Page 128 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor. equipment. An agreement between two or more parties. The writing or document containing such an agreement. Contract Payment Bond A written form of security from a surety company to the owner. on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor. Contract Administration The contractual duties and responsibilities of the architect and engineer during the construction phase of a specific project.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* All costs incurred by the contractor in the proper performance of the work required by the plans and specifications for a specific project. Contract Date (see date of agreement) Contract Documents A term used to represent all executed agreements between the owner and contractor. guaranteeing complete execution of the contract and all supplemental agreements pertaining thereto and for the payment of all legal debts pertaining to the construction of the project. on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor. and any other items specifically stipulated as being included in the contract documents. Contract Performance Bond A written form of security from a surety company to the owner. Contract Over-run (under-run) The difference between the original contract price and the final completed cost including all adjustments by approved change order. any general. Current Date Line A vertical line on the chart indicating the current date. equipment and associated services to perform the work as specified for a specified price. standard order or sequence.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Contract Sum The total agreeable amount payable by the owner to the contractor for the performance of the work under the contract documents. By establishing a master list of titles and numbers Master Format promotes standardization and thereby facilitates the retrieval of information and improves construction communication. (see Change Order) Contract Time The time period set forth established in the contract documents for completing a specific project.M. Contractor A properly licensed individual of company that agrees to furnish labor. materials.) A planning scheduling and control line and symbol diagram drawn to show the respective tasks and activities involved in constructing a specific project. Page 129 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. methods or systems without changing in the contract sum. Contractor's Qualification Statement A written statement of the Contractor's experience and qualifications submitted to the Owner during the contractor selection process. Contracting Officer An official representative of the owner with specific authority to act in his behalf in connection with a specific project. The American Institute of Architects publishes a standard Contractor's Qualification Statement form for this purpose. Activities on the critical path have no slack time. It provides a uniform system for organizing information in project manuals. Critical Path Method (C. Contractual Liability The liability assumed by a party under a contract. and for filing product information and other technical data. . The contract time can only be adjusted by valid time extensions through change order. Critical Path The set of activities that must be completed on time for the project completion date to be met. usually stated in working days or calendar days. Contractor's Option A written provision in the contract documents giving the contractor the option of selecting certain specified materials. CSI Construction Specification Institute CSI Master Format The CSI Master Format is a system of numbers and titles for organizing construction information into a regular. for organizing project cost data. P. so the owner may occupy the work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended. or the date the agreement was actually awarded to the contractor. equipment on the job site. names and titles of visitors. stating "no work today" ( due to rain. Design-Construct Contract A written agreement between and contractor and owner wherein the contractor agrees to provide both design and construction services. interior and exterior elevations. Design A graphical representation consisting of plan views. If not on front page it may be the date opposite the signatures when the agreement was actually signed 3. in accordance with the contract documents. In the event of no-work days. Design-Development Phase The second phase of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares drawings and other presentation documents to fix and describe the size and character of the entire project as to architectural. a daily report should still be made. Each report should be numbered to correspond with the working days established on the progress schedule. mechanical and electrical systems. and other drawings and details to depict the goal or purpose for a building or other structure. Design-Build Construction When a Prime or Main contractor bids or negotiates to provide Design and Construction services for the entire construction project. and they furnish historical documentation that might later have a legal bearing in cases of disputes. or when it was recorded 4. free from the expression of personal opinions and feelings. Date of Agreement 1. job progress today. and a remarks column for other job related information. materials and other essentials as may be appropriate. accidents and/or safety meetings. they furnish information to off-site persons who need and have a right to know important details of events as they occur daily and hourly. Date of Commencement of the Work The date established in a written notice to proceed from the owner to the contractor. . and prepares a statement of probable construction cost. Demising Walls The boundaries that separate your space from your neighbors' and from the public corridor. Date of Substantial Completion The date certified by the architect when the work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete. strike. Daily reports should be as factual and impersonal as possible. Page 130 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. work started and completed today. sections. subcontractors by name. The report includes a description of the weather. or other causes).Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Daily Construction Report A written document and record that has two main purposes: 1. Usually on the front page of the agreement 2. a record of the total number of employees. structural. To calculate approximately the amount. A line drawing. Facility or Site Analysis A visual inspection of a building and on-site improvements for functional or physical deterioration. Hard Costs. Estimate of Construction Cost. A graphical scale representation (drawing at a larger scale) of construction part(s) or item(s) showing materials. Detailed A calculation of costs prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis of materials and labor for all items of work. as contrasted with an estimate based on current area. *195 Estimating A process of calculating the amount of material. (see Construction Costs and Hard Costs) Drawings 1. To form an opinion of estimated costs. extent or value of something 2. Engineer (see Professional Engineer) Estimate 1. prepare optional Replacement Cost Estimate for making recommendations to improve functional and physical deficiencies to increase market value. An individual part or item 2. (See Design-Build Construction) Field Order A written order effecting a minor change or clarification in the work not involving an adjustment to the contract sum or an extension of the contract time. volume or similar unit costs. composition and dimensions. Direct Costs. assignment or task. Duration The length of an activity.(See Site Analysis) Fast Track Construction (Fast Tracking) A method of construction management which involves a continuous design-construction operation. A term used to represent that portion of the contract documents that graphically illustrates the design. When a prime or main contractor starts the construction work BEFORE the plans and specifications are complete. .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Detail 1. labor and equipment required for a given project necessary to complete the work as specified. excluding holidays and other non-working days. Direct Cost (or expense) All items of expense directly incurred by or attributable to a specific project. and Construction Costs are synonymous. AND/OR prepare a Reserve Study over five (5) years to increase Net Operating Income (NOI) for the facility. location and dimensions of the components and elements contained in a specific project 2. Field Report (see Daily Construction Report) Page 131 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. An abbreviation generally associated with interior design and planning of retail stores or office facilities. materials. Final Payment The last payment from the owner to the contractor of the entire unpaid balance of the contract sum as adjusted by any approved change orders. Final acceptance is confirmed by the owner when making the final payment to the contractor. responsibilities and relationships of the parties involved in the performance of the contract. . Fixed Limit of Construction Costs A construction cost ceiling agreed to between the owner and architect or engineer for designing a specific project.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Field Work Order A written request to a subcontractor or vendor. and contractors overhead and profit for all work being performed for a specific scope of work. General Conditions A written portion of the contract documents set forth by the owner stipulating the contractor’s minimum acceptable performance requirements including the rights. critical and non-critical activities. General conditions are usually included in the book of specifications but are sometimes found in the architectural drawings. equipment and services. owner or owner’s authorized representative prior to issuing the final certificate for payment. Final Acceptance The action of the owner accepting the work from the contractor when the owner deems the work completed in accordance with the contract requirements. site for services or materials. An abbreviation for furniture. and predecessor relationships. General Contracting (the traditional method) Page 132 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Fixed Fee A set contract amount for all labor. slack time. Items classified as personal property rather than real property 3. Final Inspection A final site review of the project by the contractor. General Contractor Properly licensed individual or company having primary (prime) responsibility for the work. (See Budget) FF&E 1. fixtures and equipment 2. usually from the general or main contractor. A Gantt Chart shows start and finish dates. Gantt Chart The schedule of activities for a project. (see Final Acceptance) Finish Date The date that an activity or project is completed. (see TI'S) Indemnification 1. Example: architect. The act of inspecting. 2. An official examination or review of the work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with contract requirements. materials and applica tions applied to a building’s interior excluding furniture. (see FF&E) Page 133 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 2. (see Inspection List) Inspector One who is appointed or employed to inspect something. guidance. Inspection List (punch list) A list prepared by the owner or his/her authorized representative of items of work requiring immediate corrective or completion action by the contractor. Inspection Report Sometimes used to describe an Inspection List.The act of indemnifying. 2. expenses indirectly incurred and not chargeable to a specific project or task. A term sometimes used to describe TI'S or Tenant Improvements. Improvements 1. construction manager at-risk. Inspection for Disbursement of Funds An independent vehicle for the disbursement and accounting of construction funds allowing construction obligations to be paid (progress payments) when work is completed. (see Design-Build Construction and Fast Track Construction) Hard Costs (see Construction Costs and Direct Costs) Independent Contractor One free from the influence. The terms Indirect costs and soft costs are synonymous . inspected and approved. plans and specifications are complete and have been approved by the owner. Indirect Cost (or expense) A contractor’s or consultant’s overhead expense. prime or main contractor.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* When a prime or main contractor bids the entire work AFTER the final design. Job Costs are reviewed prior to making disbursements to establish that the actual construction payments are within the confines of the original estimate confines or schedule of construction values. . Improvements can be in the form of new construction or remodel work. or control of another or others and does not owe a "fiduciary duty". fixtures and equipment. Interior Finish A term used to represent the visible elements. engineer. (see Soft Costs) Inspection 1. The condition of being indemnified. Generally. Lump Sum Contract A written contract between the owner and contractor wherein the owner agrees the pay the contractor a specified sum of money for completing a scope of work consisting of a variety of unspecified items or work. Lien waivers are generally used for processing progress payments to prime or main or subcontractors as follows: Conditional Lien Waiver. 2. and overhead and profit for completing the construction of a variety of unspecified items of work without the benefit of a cost breakdown. This form is given to all persons attending any meeting. equipment. Each person attending the meeting will complete their respective information. Unconditional Lien Waiver. subcontractor. guaranteeing payment to the owner in the event the contractor fails to pay for all labor. 2. Lump Sum Agreement (See Stipulated Sum Agreement) Lump Sum Bid A single entry amount to cover all labor. equipment or services to improve the property. materials. equipment. A written form of security from a surety (bonding) company to the owner. (see TI'S) Lien.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Invoice A list sent to a purchaser containing the items and charges of merchandise. . (see Performance Bond and Surety Bond) Leasehold Improvements A term used to mean Tenant Improvements. Mechanic's or Material The right to take and hold or sell an owner’s property to satisfy unpaid debts to a qualified contractor for labor. Mechanic’s or Material following it’s satisfaction. this term is used when building in retail stores as contrasted with the term Tenant Improvements which are generally associated with office buildings. Meeting Notes Page 134 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. services. The date of the meeting should be included for reference. materials. relinquishes all or part of those rights. (see Statement) Labor and Material Payment Bond 1. on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor. materials. Lien Waiver 1. The terms are often used interchangeably. individuals title. Meeting Attendance Form A form consisting of three columns (individuals name. material supplier or other construction professional(s). and company the individual represents). having lien rights against an owner’s property. and Final Lien Waiver. An written document from a contractor. (see Preliminary Lien Notice) Lien Release A written document from the contractor to the owner that releases the Lien. or services in accordance with the contract. or services in accordance with the contract. . A written form of security from a surety (bonding) company to the owner. materials. (see Labor and Material Payment Bond and Surety Bond) Performance Specifications The written material containing the minimum acceptable standards and actions. This gives the RFP poster the ability to file and track the respective RFP's using their own e-mail filing system. and a list of actions taken and/or discussed during the meeting. Including the minimum acceptable quality standards and aesthetic values expected upon completion of the project. Milestone An activity with a duration of zero (0) and by which progress of the project is measured. Owner-Construction Agreement Contract between owner and contractor for a construction project. (see Closed Bid/Estimate) Owner 1. The surety companies generally reserve the right to have the original prime or main or subcontractor remedy any claims before paying on the bond or hiring other contractors. 2. it does not affect scheduling. PERT An abbreviation for Program Evaluating and Review Technique. An individual or corporation that owns a real property. This option is for those seeking bids/estimates from any interested professionals or service with out pre qualifying them. equipment. meeting place. Owner-Construction Management Agreement Contract between construction manager and client for professional services. project name. Open Bid/Estimate A service offered by constructionplace. Performance Bond 1. Owner-Builder A term used to describe an Owner who takes on the responsibilities of the general contractor to build a specific project. Critical Path Method) Page 135 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Owner-Architect Agreement A written form of contract between architect and client for professional architectural services. A milestone is an informational marker only.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A written report consisting of a project number. the project poster receives an e-mail showing the links to View the RFP Details and View any Bids as they are received.com where any bidder or estimator is given access to project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information. guaranteeing payment to the owner in the event the contractor fails to perform all labor. For security and easy access. (see Activity. on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor. meeting date and time. meeting subject. as may be necessary to complete a project. Generally. a list of persons attending. this report is distributed to all persons attending the meeting and any other person having an interest in the meeting. Usually these drawings are stamped or titled "PRELIMINARY". The drawings that precede the final approved drawings. an arrangement of means or steps for the attainment of some object. or materials furnished or to be furnished. any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. The section (a horizontal plane) is taken at an elevation to include the relative positions of the walls. Plan Checker A term sometimes used to describe a building department official who examines the building permit documents. overall project scheduling and design criteria. The notice states if bills are not paid in full for the labor. columns. a mode of action. equipment or materials to that project. and any supplemental drawings for complete execution of a specific project. A plan can be thought of as cutting a horizontal section through a building at an eye level elevation. Pre-Construction Planning and Team Building A process used for the purpose of establishing below market dollar budget(s). chimneys. design and construction team. windows. Plan 1. . 2. requiring the prime contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm thus giving the owner notice before making payment to the prime contractor or 2. Pre-qualification of prospective bidders Page 136 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. pilasters. Predecessor An activity that must be completed before another activity can begin. method. The notice explains how the owner can protect himself against this consequence by 1. doors. design. through court foreclosure proceedings. equipment. Preliminary Drawings 1. partitions. services. Preliminary Lien Notice A written notice given to the property owner of a specific project by the subcontractors and any person or company furnishing services. etc. a mechanic's lien leading to the loss. Plans A term used to represent all drawings including sections and details. also identification and selection of the most feasible planning. of all or part of the property being so improved may be placed against the property even through the owner has paid the prime contractor in full. Planner A person who forms a scheme or method for doing something. A line drawing (by floor) representing the horizontal geometrical section of the walls of a building. and work in progress. 2. charts and reports a projects estimated start and completion times. and the "PRELIMINARY" is removed from the drawings upon being reviewed and approved by the owner. a scheme.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* PERT Schedule A diagram that illustrates. The state of California mandates that a Preliminary Lien Notice must be given to the property owner not more than 20 days after starting the work on the specific project. (see Schedule of values.e. Attorney. Civil Engineer. furnishings. Project Manager (Project Management) Page 137 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. responsiveness. Prime Contractor 1. professionals. (see Activity) Project A word used to represent the overall scope of work being performed to complete a specific construction job. The list usually includes a classification or description of the party (i. Program An ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed for a specific project. Project Cost All costs for a specific project including costs for land. These numbers should be kept confidential if requested by the respective parties.). 2. name. financing and any other project related costs. Principal 1.. Project Directory A written list of all parties connected with a specific project. . equipment.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A screening process wherein the owner or his/her appointed representative gathers background information from a contractor or construction professional for selection purposes. Owner. integrity. work on hand. fixtures. Structural Engineer. similar project experience. Any contractor having a contract directly with the owner. and other specific owner requirements. Qualifying considerations include competence. Prime Contract A written contract directly between a prime or main contractor or subcontractor for work on a specific project. telephone and FAX numbers opposite their respective classifications or description. Unit Costs). Usually the main (general) contractor for a specific project.. dependability.. It is particularly important that the emergency or after hour telephone numbers are included. etc. General Contractor. bonding rate. Professional Engineer One who is professionally engaged in a branch of engineering. The leading participant of professional practice. Architect. address. Progress Schedule A line diagram showing proposed and actual starting and completion times the respective project activities. bonding capacity. Progress Payment A payment from the owner to the contractor determined by calculating the difference between the completed work and materials stored and a predetermined schedule of values or unit costs. construction. conditions of the contract and the technical work specifications for a specific project. Any area not exposed to view. in accordance with the terms of the appropriate agreement. materials or professional services on a project which releases his mechanic's lien against the project property. (see Specifications) Project Representative A qualified individual authorized by the owner to assist in the administration of a specific construction contract. materials. current building standards. equipment. or professional standing. ( see Bid) Proposal Form (see Bid Form) Purchase Order A written document from a buyer to a seller to purchase materials. or who by extensive knowledge. equipment or supplies with acceptable purchase terms indicated. or is inaccessible is not included in this inspection. A land value and cost of on-site improvements can be added if desired. Replacement Cost Estimate A cost of constructing a building or structure that would have similar utility. Punch List (see Inspection List) Qualified An individual or firm with a recognized degree. are to be reimbursed by the owner. Proposal A written offer from a bidder to the owner. to perform the work and to furnish all labor. is concealed. Record Drawings (see As-Built Drawings) Release of Lien A written action properly executed by and individual or firm supplying labor. Page 138 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. (see Mechanic's Lien) Reimbursable Expenses (or Costs) Amounts expended for or on account of the project which. services. design and layout less depreciation. tasks and people for all or specified portions of a specific project. preferably on a prescribed proposal form. equipment and/or services for the prices and terms quoted by the bidder. . money. Project Site (see Site) Property Inspections and Reports A limited visual inspection to identify the general features and major deficiencies of the property. (see Construction Manager) Project Manual A organized book setting forth the bidding requirements. training and experience. has successfully demonstrated his/her abilities to identify and solve or resolve problems associated with a specific subject matter or project type.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A qualified individual or firm authorized by the owner to be responsible for coordinating time. but constructed with modern materials. certificate. . 2. RFP 1. a diagram. Scope of Work Page 139 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. An abbreviation for Request for Proposal. Schedule A plan for performing work or achieving an objective. design professional or subcontractor for an estimate or cost proposal. Scheme 1. A chart. An orderly combination of related construction systems and components for a specific project or purpose. (see Owner's Inspector) R. An abbreviation for Request for Information. *455 Schematic A preliminary sketch or diagram representing the proposed intent of the designer. A written request from a contractor to the owner or architect for clarification or information about the contract documents following contract award. A Safety Report is prepared following a regularly scheduled project safety inspection of the specific project. Schedule of Values A statement furnished by the contractor to the architect or engineer reflecting the portions of the contract sum allotted for the various parts of the work and used as the basis for reviewing the contractor's applications for progress payments. or an outline of a system being proposed 2. Schematic Design Phase The first phase of the architect's basic services in which the architect consults with the owner to ascertain the requirements of the project and prepares schematic design studies consisting of drawings and other documents showing the scale and project components for the owner’s approval. Safety Report The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 clearly states the common goal of safe and healthful working conditions. 1.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Resident Architect An architect permanently assigned at a job site who supervises the construction work for the purpose of protecting the owner's interests during construction. A written request from the requestor (usually the owner or a contractor) to a contractor. The RFP usually contains a specific scope of work. Resident Engineer (inspector) An individual permanently assigned at a job site for the purpose of representing the owner's interests during the construction phase. (see Bid) (see Closed Bid/Estimate) (see Open Bid/Estimate) Roll Out A loose term used to describe the rapid succession (completion) of similar projects over a given time period. 2.R. advertising and promotion. capacity for achievement. (See Invoice) Statute of Limitations The period of time in which legal action must be brought for an alleged damage or injury. The period commences with the discovery of the alleged damage or injury. (see CSI) Special Conditions A section of the conditions of the contract. construction Interest and operating expenses. (See General Conditions) Standard Details A drawing or illustration sufficiently complete and detailed for use on other projects with minimum or no changes. or in construction Page 140 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. The most common arrangement for specifications substantially parallels the CSI (Construction Specification Institute) format. and quality of work for a specific project. . hence. outlook.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A written range of view or action. Site The place where a structure or group of structures was. Statement A copy or summary of any account covering a stated period. (see Construction Cost) Specifications A detailed. but not satisfactorily covered by the General Conditions. Soft Costs Soft Costs are cost items in addition to the direct Construction Cost. other than the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. or is to be located (a construction site). Standard Dimension A measurement unique to a specific manufactured item. financing fees. Specific clauses setting forth conditions or requirements peculiar to the project under consideration. legal. exact statement of particulars. all in connection with a designated project. Soft Costs generally include architectural and engineering. and supervision. leasing and real estate commissions. permits and fees. which may be prepared for a particular project. especially statements prescribing materials and methods. (See Performance Specifications) Slack Time The flexibility with non-critical jobs that allows their start dates to be adjusted without affecting the project completion date. and covering work or materials involved in the proposal and estimate. Standards of Professional Practice A listing of minimum acceptable ethical principals and practices adopted by qualified and recognized professional organizations to guide their members in the conduct of specific professional practice. Start Date The date that an activity or project begins. room for the exercise of faculties or function. Subcontractor Bond A written document from a subcontractor given to the prime or main contractor by the subcontractor guaranteeing performance of his/her contract and payment of all labor. (See Lump Sum Contract) Structural Design A term used to represent the proportioning of structural members to carry loads in a building structure.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* industry cases with completion of the work or services performed. equipment and service bills associated with the subcontract agreement. Subcontract A written form of agreement between the prime or main contractor and another contractor or supplier for the satisfactory performance of services or delivery or material as set forth in the plans and specifications for a specific project. Structural Systems (frames) The load bearing assembly of beams and columns on a foundation. Sub-surface Investigation Page 141 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. . Substructure The supporting part of a structure. materials. ceilings and roofs are generally constructed within and on the structural system. Other systems such as non load bearing walls. A building put together based on specific plans and specifications. Subcontractor A qualified subordinate contractor to the prime or main contractor. The beams and columns are generally fabricated off site and assembled on site. Structure 1. Legal advise should be obtained. Sublet To subcontract all or a portion of a contracted amount. Substantial Completion (see Date of Substantial Completion) Substitution A proposed replacement or alternate offered in lieu of and represented as being equivalent to a specified material or process. Sub An abbreviation for Subcontractor. Something constructed 2. floors. Stipulated Sum Agreement A written agreement in which a specific amount is set forth as the total payment for completing the contract. Sub-subcontractor An individual or firm having a written contract with a subcontractor to perform a portion of the work. the foundation. The act. Successor 1. A term used to represent an examination of soil conditions below the ground. materials. methods and processes for a specific project 2.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 1. ceilings. An abbreviation for a contracting method called Time and Materials ( 2) A written agreement between the owner and the contractor wherein payment is based on the contractor's actual cost for labor. bathrooms and telephone closets. One that succeeds another 2. and with tenant requirements. and the general contractor’s fee. partitions. switches. frames. Hands on field direction of the contracted work by a qualified individual of the contractor. electrical consisting of lighting. power outlets. hardware. The cost of tenant improvements are generally born by the tenant and the costs of tenant improvements will vary with every building. Tenant's Usable Square Feet The square footage contained within the demising walls. or function of supervising construction materials. A scheduled activity whose start depends on the completion of one or more predecessors. and services plus a fixed add-on amount to cover the contractor’s overhead and profit. window coverings. Supervision 1. including hallways. fire protection. doors. general conditions. control boxes. Supplemental Conditions (See Supplementary Conditions) Supplementary Conditions A written section of the contract documents supplementing and qualifying or modifying the contracts general conditions. and some main lobbies. exit and energy lighting. and registers. ( see Vendor) Surety (see Bonding Company) T&M 1. HVAC consisting of branch distribution duct work. process. Superstructure The part of a building or other structure above the foundation. 2. (see Demising Walls) TI'S (Tenant Improvements) TI'S is a term used to define the interior improvements of the project after the Building Envelope is complete. Investigations include soil borings and geographical laboratory tests for structural design purposes. TI'S usually include finish floor coverings. Tenant's Rent able Square Feet Usable square feet plus a percentage (the core factor) of the common areas on the floor. Rent able square footage is the number on which a tenant's rent is usually based. . phone/data outlets. (see Work Letter) Time (as time of the essence associated with a construction contract) Page 142 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. (See Conditions of the Contract) Supplier An individual or firm who supplies and/or fabricates materials or equipment for a specific portion of a construction project but does not perform any labor on the project. equipment. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A provision in a construction contract by the owner that punctual completion within the time limits or periods in the contract is a vital part of the contract performance and that failure to perform on time is a breach and the injured party is entitled to damages in the amount of loss sustained. . Verbal Quotation Page 143 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Underwriter's Laboratories Label (UL) A label on a product or manufactured item showing the material is regularly tested by. (Uniform Building Code) The Uniform Building Code is one of the family of codes and related publications published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and other organizations.5 following predetermined normal working hours.C. and complies with the minimum standards of the Underwriter's Laboratories specification for safety and quality. The transmittal is usually the cover sheet for the information being sent and includes the name. Timely Completion Completing the work of the contract before the date required. U. Uniform System (see CSI Format) Unit Price Contract A written contract wherein the owner agrees to pay the contractor a specified amount of money for each unit of work successfully completed as set forth in the contract. telephone/FAX number and address of the sending and receiving parties. The Uniform Building Code is designed to be compatible with these other codes. It is also important to include the names of other parties the information is being sent to on the transmittal form. such as the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). which have similar goals as far as code publications are concerned. The designated unit price would include all labor materials. Time-and-a-half A term meaning any individuals normal billing hourly rate is increased by a multiple of 1. as together they make up the enforcement tools of a jurisdiction. (see Date of Substantial Completion) Transmittal A written document used to identify information being sent to a receiving party. equipment or services associated with the measurement or quantity established. The sender may include a message or instructions in the transmittal. B. Travel Time Wages paid to workmen under certain union contracts and under certain job conditions for the time spent in traveling from their place of residence to and from the job. Time of Completion The date or number of calendar or working days stated in the contract to substantially complete the work for a specific project. Unit Prices A predetermined price for a measurement or quantity of work to be performed within a specific contract. (see Drawings) Work Order A written order. of a contractual status requiring performance by the contractor without negotiation of any sort. Vendor One that sells materials or equipment not fabricated to a special design. Zoning Permit A document issued by a governing urban authority permitting land to be used for a specific purpose.asp Page 144 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. and other associated items necessary to fulfill all obligations under the contract. materials. Source . the size and construction of the suite-entry and interior doors. signed by the owner or his representative. a Work Letter is associated with the leasing or renting of office space by a tenant within a Building Envelope. Generally.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* A written document used by the contractor to receive a subcontract or material cost proposal over the telephone prior to the subcontractor or supplier sending their written proposal via mail or facsimile. including the type of ceiling . . The work letter defines the building standards. details. Building standards define the quality of tenant spaces.constructionplace. Working Drawing A drawing sufficiently complete with plan and section views. (see TI'S and Building Envelope) Zoning Restrictions of areas or regions of land within specific geographical areas based on permitted building size. equipment. and notes so that whatever is shown can be constructed and/or replicated without instructions but subject to clarifications. and uses as established by governing urban authorities. Work The successful performance of the entire scope of the project being performed for a specific construction project including labor. the type and number of light fixtures. dimensions. Work Letter A written statement (often called Exhibit B to a lease or rental agreement) of the specific materials and quantities the owner will provide at his own expense. character.com/glossary. No.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Annexure -2 Labour Productivity Norms for Civil Works Compiled from CPWD RA S. Activity Unit Skilled SemSkilled UnSkilled Remarks One Manday (MD) – 8 Hrs Earth Work in Excavation 1 Earth Work in Rough Excavation and Stacking Material in layers at dumping Yard. Brick Work Brick Work in Foundation & Plinth Cum MD Brick Work in Super structure upto 5 floor Cum MD Half Brick Work .(115mm thick) in Foundation & Plinth Sqm MD Half Brick Work .07 MD Sqm 0.8 0.2 0. .06 0.09 Mason 0.59 0.07 1.94 Mason 0.18 Cum MD 0.12 Mason 0.2 1 0.05 Mason 0.155 0.(115mm thick) in Super Structure upto 5 Floor Sqm Mason 0.66 Mason 0.4 MD Pointing on Brick Work Flush / Ruled / Struck / Weathered Pointing on Brick Work Raised & Cut Pointing Sqm 0.093 Page 145 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 107 Mason 0.027 Mason 0.18mm thick in two coats Sqm MD Cement Plaster .067 Mason 0.08 0.121 Mason 0.20mm thick Sqm MD Neat Cement Punning over Plaster Sqm MD Plaster of Paris Putty .212 0.2mm thick Sqm MD 0.12mm thick Sqm MD Cement Plaster .15mm thick Sqm MD Cement Plaster .128 0.296 0.137 0.094 Mason 0.167 0.067 Mason 0.6mm thick Sqm MD Cement Plaster .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* MD Pointing on Tile Brick Work Flush / Ruled / Struck / Weathered Sqm 0.234 0.167 0.2 Mason 0.092 Mason 0.1 0.131 0.027 0.091 Page 146 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.091 0.08 Mason 0.051 Mason 0.093 0. .1 MD Pointing on Stone Work Flush / Ruled Sqm MD Pointing on Stone Work Raised & Cut Sqm MD Cement Plaster .187 0. 12mm thick .24 0.8 1.13 1.5 MD 0.1 1.59 1.188 0. 100mm wide bands in plaster Rm Mason For different type of bonds the labour requirement may go up by 15% to 25% 0.8 1.032 MD Plaster in Skirting .242 Mason MD Stone Work Random Rubble Masonry in foundation & Plinth Cum MD Random Rubble Masonry in Super structure upto 5 floor Cum MD Coursed Rubble Masonry in foundation & Plinth Cum MD Coursed Rubble Masonry in Super structure upto 5 floor Cum MD Tile Work Ceramic Glazed Wall Tiles including 12mm thick mortar bed & Joint filling Sqm 0.07 Mason 1.07 0.34 Mason 2.12 Mason 2.25 0. upto 300mm height Sqm MD Gypsum Partitions Gypsum Panel Partitions 100mm thick with water proof panels of size 666X500X100mm fixed with tongue & groove jointed with bonding plaster.027 Mason 0.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Flush Band .38 Mason 0.05 Mason 1.18mm thick.25 Page 147 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.45 1. Sqm 0. . 215 Mason 0.215 0.104 MD Sqm 0.35 Mason 0.215 MD Cum MD Sqm 0.108 Mason 0. including 12 mm thick hardner topping Mixing & Placing Cement Concrete Flooring 62mm thick.09 Mason 0.104 Page 148 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.18 0.189 0.14 0. including 12 mm thick hardner topping Mixing & Placing Pavement Cement Concrete Flooring Mixing & Placing Marble Chip Flooring . rubbing & polishing Sqm MD Sqm 0.198 0. Placing.2 Mason 0.186 0. .215 Mason 0.179 0.299 0.025 0.16 0.05 MD 0.2 0.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Ceramic Glazed or Vitrified Floor Tiles 100 x 100mm or 300 x 300mm or 600 x 600mm including 20mm thick mortar bed & Joint filling Sqm Mason MD Flooring Brick on edge Flooring Sqm MD Dry Brick on Edge Flooring Sqm MD Cement Concrete Flooring 40mm thick Mixing & Placing Cement Concrete Flooring 52mm thick.08 Mason 0.40mm thick (under layer 34mm thick & 6mm granolithic) Including Mixing. 5 7.91 2.5 3 1.565 0.8 Unit Weight (Kg) 2.2 8.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Annexure – 3 Table of Scaffolding materials pertaining to Cup-Lock System S.4 6.8 7.45 5.42 3.5 3.5 0. Element Approx. SPIGOT Accessories Page 149 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 4. LEDGER BLADE WITH & WITHOUT HOLE Accessories Accessories 8.5 2 2.2 1.45 4. DECKING BEAM 6.95 7.4 9.5 Pictorial view 1.9 12.621 7.6 0.8 2 2.74 4.36 3.5 1 1.2 1. Ledger 2.7 5.5 7.8 2. TOP CUP 4 LEG Accessories 9.3 1.795 1. .2 1.5 1. Vertical Standard 3.9 1 1.2 5.5 1.50 0. INSIDE BOARD TRANSOM INTERMEDIATE TRANSOM 5. Bottom Cup 7.5 1.3 16. Size / Standard Lengths Available (mtr) 0. No.42 14. ADJUSTABLE BASE JACK 0.65 2.65 1.I00 mm 3 3. ADJUSTABLE U HEAD JACK 0.25 0.35 0.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 10.5 3. ROUND SPIGOT Accessories 13.6 3.75/0.9 2.45/0.75/0.5 mm Pipe : Ø27.55/0. .45/0.3 3.35 0.55 0.45/0.45 0.55/0.55/0.8 12.50 mm Page 150 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.45 0. H .21 17.2 3.2 2. DROP HEAD 11.7 2.35/0.65/0.5 2.8 14. H .9 4. BASE PLATES Plate Size: 150x150x2.25 0.25 0.45 0.8 16.35/0.3 mm.65 Plate Size:150x150x6 mm Pipe size: Ø48. BASE PLATES 18.6 1. ADJUSTABLE UNIVERSAL JACK 0.35/0.9 3.2 1.3 mm.55 0.65/0. U . INFILL BEAM 1.HEAD Customized 15.55 0.35 0.75/0.65/0. JACK PLATE Accessories Page 151 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. FORK HEAD JACK 22.25 mm.HEAD 26. JACK NUT Accessories 21.5 mm Strip : W . SOLID BASE JACK Customized 23. SWIVEL BASE JACK 25.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 19. SOLID U-HEAD 24. BASE PLATES Plate Size: 150x150x2. U . . H 50 mm 20. 2 1.2x0. SHUTTERING PLATES 1.9 0. PRIMARY WALER 1.8 2. FLOOR FORM Customized(as per Specification) 32.4 31.8 2.9x0. LIGHT DUTY SOLDIER’S 1.8 2.9x0.2x0.4 3 30. .3 33.4 3 28. HEAVY DUTY SOLDIER’s Customized – 2.9x0.6. 0.6 1.4 3 Page 152 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.9 0.4 3 29.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 27.8 2. LONGITUDINAL WALER 1. WALL WALER 1. 2 FLAT FITTMENT WITH 48.3 DIA 1.4.8 2 2. STEEL PALLETE Customized 39. COLUMN’s Customized(as per Specification) 36.46 .2 1.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 34. DOUBLE HEAD JACK 37. SPAN 2.5 Page 153 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.B 1.15 35. WALKBOARD .8 PIPE) 2 2. . SWIVEL PROP Customized 38.5 40. WALK BOARD – A (SHEET & HR 1. 75 0. WEDGE Accessories 49. PROP SLEEVE 44. WALKBOARD .1.5 .C 1.94 . RAKER PROP 1. .CLIP Accessories Accessories Page 154 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.59 -3.5 42.95 2.45 2.1.9 .5. LOCKING PIN Accessories 46. PROP Customized 2.2 1.1 2.8 2 2.6 48.5 43. GUIDING PIN 50.1 . PROP NUT WITH HANDLE 45. BASE PLATE Accessories 47.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 41.3.4. U .0 . EDGE PROTECTION CLAMP 1.5 58. STAG BRACKET-Galvanized 2 Board 0. STAG BRACKET-Galvanized 1 Board 2. SWIVEL COUPLER for Pipe OD 48.413 2.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 51.3 mm 59.7 2.PRESSINGS Accessories 52. V . .245 1. FACE BRACE -Galvanized 53.54 0.82 9. TIE BAR-Galvanized 1.82 55.3 mm 60.34 54.51 5.738 9.9 9.54 57. STAG BRACKET-Galvanized 3 Board 0.54 56.34 5.74 3.243 10. DUAL PURPOSE DOUBLE COUPLER for Pipe OD 48.296 × 1.3 mm & 60. DOUBLE COUPLER for Pipe OD 48.803 2.3 mm Page 155 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. 3 mm Page 156 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. JOINT PIN for Pipe OD 48. SPARE FORGED CAP Accessories 65.3 mm SWIVEL COUPLER 62.BOLT Accessories 68. SLEEVE COUPLER for Pipe OD 48.3 mm 63.3 mm 64. GIRDER COUPLER for Pipe OD 48. FORK . DOUBLE COUPLER BODY Accessories 67. HEX . .Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 61.BOLT Accessories 69. SWIVEL COUPLER BODY Accessories 66. DUAL PURPOSE for Pipe OD 48.3 mm & 60. Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 70. CAP RIVETS Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories 80.3 mm 73.3 mm / 48.BOLT & FLANGE NUT 77. FENCING COUPLER for Pipe OD 42. HEX NUT & WASHER 79. I . STAIRCASE COUPLER for Pipe OD 48.3 mm 71. FORGED GIRDER COUPLER Page 157 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.3 mm 72. PUTLOG HEAD ADAPTER for Pipe OD 48.3 mm 75. TEE. PUTLOG COUPLER for Pipe OD 48. TOE BOARD BRACKET for Pipe OD 48. .BOLT Accessories 76.3 mm 74. EYE .BOLT 78. 6 87.39 5 7.590 83.11 4. KWICK STRIP BEAMS 0.6 0. THREE WING ANCHOR NUT 100 mm 0. WATER BARRIER WITH DISC 116 0.2 1.17 4.3 82.9 13. STEEL CONE 90 mm 0.5 2.23 4.54 85.35 3. WING NUT 0.9 1.294 1. C PRESS LEDGERS 0.400 / 0.219 1.7 17 24 Page 158 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.5 6. TIE BAR CONNECTOR 100 0.5 2.41 88. .64 84.3 6.5 2 2. TWO WING ANCHOR NUT Ø 70 / 100 mm 0.9 1 1.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 81.45 86. Upto 6 Mtr. Length 1.38 92.CLAMP 91. WEDGE CLAMP Ø 4 .47 KG / Mtr 93.10 mm 0. . UNIVERSAL BRACKETS Page 159 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. B . COLD ROLLED TIE ROD Ø 15 mm. HINGES & BRACKETS 94.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 89.CLAMP 90. A . 00 100.00 100.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 10.1 1/2" NAILS .00 50.00 20.2 1/2" NAILS .00 100.00 50.00 5.00 1000.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 25.00 Make -Modi Welding Electrode 6013/3.4 List of Minimum Stock of basic items to have at any project SL NO Description UOM Minimum Stock Level (Example only.00 20.15 Make-Esab Rm Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Kg roll ltr Nos Mtr kg Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos pkt Pkt pkt pkt Pkt Welding Consumables Page 160 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.00 100.00 10.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Annexure .00 250.3" NAILS .15 Make -D&H/modi Welding Electrode 6013/2.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 20. .00 5.00 General Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 31 32 20 21 22 23 Hessian Cloth MS Binding Wire NAILS .4" Spade Pickaxe Showel Spade Handle M S Gamela Pvc Gamela Lime Powder Line Dori Shuttring Oil SHALITAX BOARD 25MM Curing pipe 25mm Cotton Waste foam sheet 4mm Hecxa Frame Crow Bar Wire rope celing 12mmx6mtr long wire rope celing 16mmx6mtr long Wire rope celing 25mmx10mtr long wire brush Measuring Tape 5 mtr Chalk Box Welding Electrode 6013/4.00 15.5 Make-D&H/MODI Welding Electrode 6013/3.00 50.2" NAILS .00 25.00 100.00 5. User needs to work based on their project's requirement) 1000. Runners etc.00 50.00 50.7 cum L.00 100.00 6.00 20.00 10.00 50.40NB Ply Wood 12mm Ply Wood 19mm Ply Wood 6mm Wooden Runner 2"X3"X8' Wooden Runner 3" x 4" x8' vibrator needle 60mm x 6mtr Safety Helmet yellow Safety Helmet White pkt PKT PKT PKT PKT Nos Nos Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Ltr Nos Ltr Ltr Ltr ltr ltr Ltr Nos nos nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos nos Nos Nos Nos 10.00 500.00 100.00 2.00 200.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Welding Electrode 7018/3.5MM Make -Modi Welding Black Glass Welding White Glass Gas Cutting Hose (OXY) Gas Cutting Hose (LPG) Welding Cable 50 sqmm welding Cable 70sqmm Gas Cutting Nozzle Gas Cutting Torch Regulator (Oxgen) Regulator (L P G) Oxygen Cylinders .00 20.00 2.00 50.P.19Kg Paint Golden Yellow Paint (yellow) 50Ml Pack Paint Yellow Paint White Paint (Red) Paint Black Redoxide Primer Thinner Writting Brush Paint brush 3" Paint brush 4" MS Pipe .5MM Make -D&H Welding Electrode 7018/2.00 5.00 2.00 200.00 100.Modi/D&H Welding Electrode 7018/4MM Make -Modi Welding Electrode 7018/4MM Make -ESAB Welding Electrode 7018/2.00 2.00 5.00 500.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 2.00 10.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 Paints 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1 2 Pipes & Clamps Plyboards.00 25. Concrete Related SAFETY ITEMS Page 161 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.G Cylinders .00 100.00 5.00 5.15 Make. .00 50.00 10. Cable 3 coreX1.00 50.5sqmm (Polycab) Flex.00 100. 3Pol(HPL/STANDARD) M C Plug Top 20AMP 3POLE M C Plug Top 30Amp.00 50.00 2. 3Pol(HPL/STANDARD) M C Socket 20Amp.00 50.00 50. .00 40.00 25.00 15.00 100.00 10.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 200.00 50.00 3 3.00 20.00 20 ELECTRICAL Page 162 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 30.5sqmm(Polycab) M C Socket 30Amp.00 25. 2Pol(HPL/STANDARD) Halogen lamp 500Wt (Havells) Halogen lamp 1000Wt(Havells) Halogen lamp 150 watts Halogen Fitting 500Watt Halogen Fitting 1000Watt HPSV Lamp 400Wt(Bajaj) PVC Insulation tape (Steel Grip) Tester Make-Taparia Nos Nos Nos Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair PAIR Pair Pair Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos roll Nos Nos Roll Roll Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos nos nos nos Nos Nos Roll Nos 40.00 25.00 300.00 10.00 100. 2Pol(HPL/STANDARD) M C SOCKET 20Amp. Cable 4 coreX2.00 100.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Safety Helmet Blue Safety Helmet Red Safety Shoes (Workers) Safety Shoes (Service Provider) Safety Shoes (Staff) Gum Boot Workers Gum Boot Staff Safety Belts (Full Body) Hand Gloves (Fiber Coating) HAND GLOVES RUBBER Hand Gloves (Cotton) Hand Gloves (Leather) Hand Gloves Dotted Super EAR MUF MAKE-UDYOGI EAR PLUG Nose MAsk Safety Goggles White Safety Goggles Black Face Shield Welder Caution Tape P P Rope 1" Rain Coat(Staff) Rain Coat(Workers) Flex.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 50. 3Pol(HPL/STANDARD) M C Plug Top 20Amp.00 50. TABLE WEIGHT OF PIPES FOR WATER...Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Additions in this Revised Edition DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TIMEKEEPER THE DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACCOUNTING STAFF DUTIES OF AN ACCOUNTANT BAR BENDING SCHEDULE .LIST OF MINIMUM STOCK OF BASIC ITEMS TO HAVE AT ANY PROJECT .LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY NORMS FOR CIVIL WORKS .THEORY COST ESTIMATE ..THEORY WEIGHT OF G....THEORY KNOW METHODS TO CALCULATE DEPRECIATION WHAT IS DEPRECIATION ... 11 11 13 42 43 43 47 58 58 59 59 61 61 61 120 122 123 ANNEXURE -2 ..THEORY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES . PIPES FOR WATER. GAS & AIR CONFIRMING TO IS:3589/2001 .. 145 ANNEXURE – 3 .THEORY HOW TO CALCULATE DEPRECIATION . 160 Page 163 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required.TABLE ANNEXURE – 1 . GAS & AIR CONFIRMING TO IS 1239 .THEORY COST ENGINEERING ..THEORY WELDING ELECTRODES & PROCEDURES CARBON STEEL ELECTRODES .TABLE PIPE WELDING ELECTRODES .... .GLOSSARY OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TERMS .TABLE OF SCAFFOLDING MATERIALS PERTAINING TO CUP-LOCK SYSTEM 149 ANNEXURE – 4 .I.TABLE BASICS OF COSTING . weights & sizes The list is endless and shall remain so. . Page 164 of 164 Save paper – Please do not print this e-book until very much required. Vendor’s data for cup-lock system of scaffolding for photographs. Wikipedia is one of the websites referred apart from various other sites. Few tables from existing books on construction engineering Various websites from where the contents have been taken. Various IS Codes (mainly IS 456). Steel tables Various tender documents which covered information pertaining to escalation clause and list of various codes to be referred for execution and design purpose.Gopaal’s Notes on Construction Engineering Compiled by Gopaal Dhussa *Revised Edition – May-2012* Bibliography The book is a compilation of various documents and mainly the inspiration is CPWD.
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