EasySped VALIDATE - User Manual

May 23, 2018 | Author: shashi | Category: Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows, Parameter (Computer Programming), Backup



PRESENTATION ....................................................................................................................................................................2 PROCEDURE FLOW ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 CALCULATION AND PRINTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 2 CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 FILE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 ANAGRAFICHE (FILE REGISTER)................................................................................................................................................. 8 STRUMENTI (TOOLS) .................................................................................................................................................................. 9 CALCULATION AND PRINTING – EXE RECALL ......................................................................................................... 9 BARTOLINIVALIDATE.EXE ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 PROGRAM EXECUTION MODE:.................................................................................................................................................. 10 CALCULATION AND PRINTING – DLL RECALL ....................................................................................................... 15 CALCULATION OF THE ROUTING CO-ORDINATES - ADDINBARTOLINICAP.DLL .......................................................................... 15 ADDRESS VALIDATION - ADDINBARTOLINIDESTINATION.DLL .................................................................................................. 19 MIGRATION FROM THE OLD SOFTWARE (ADDIN57) ............................................................................................ 21 WHAT HAS CHANGED ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 CONVERSION CHART ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 ADDENDUM ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 PROCEDURE SET UP .................................................................................................................................................................. 22 EASYUPDATE - WEB UPDATES................................................................................................................................................ 26 DATABASE MANUAL UPDATE ................................................................................................................................................... 29 SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF THE INSTALLATION ON PC RUNNING XP AND SP3 .................................................................. 30 1 PRESENTATION For the clients that desire to adopt the "B" solution implementing their own applications, special functions have been arranged in EasySped-Validate that allow to:  Calculate BRT’s routing co-ordinates.  Print BRT’s Packing Labels.  Check the correctness of the addresses in your Registry using BRT’s Postal Code file (formal verification of POSTAL CODE-PLACE-PROVINCE consistency). The Package has been realized using Visual Basic 6.0 language in Windows Environment and the data base used is SQLServer 2005 Express Edition compatible with Windows Vista 32bit and Windows XP. The application is ‘Standalone’, meaning that the ’database’ and the ‘software’ are installed on the same machine. For installations on Windows 2000 use MSDE (Microsoft SQL server 2000 Desktop Engine). PROCEDURE FLOW The EasySped Validate procedure is divided up in two sections: the first one for the interactive management of database and settings, the second one for the calculation of routings and printing of labels. Configuration Allows the data base update with all necessary information for the management of the routing calculations, if an internet connection is available EasyUpdate can be used for On Line updates. Data available in the files meet all BRT defined standards, and are not editable or erasable by the user. In this section it is possible to customize the program on customer’s needs. When the interactive application is closed the Database is automatically saved. Calculation and printing In order to run the routing calculation and label printing functions, a specific EXE recall program and DLL that can be integrated in the user’s procedure have been arranged. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS PC minimum requirements: CPU P4 256 Mb RAM - 80 Gb disc Color Screen with 1024x768 C resolution 2 Operating System: Window NT/2003/XP for 2.1.2 version Window 2003/XP SP2/Vista from 3.0.0 version Microsoft Internet Explorer: 6.0/7.0 version All operating system versions have to be 32bit Software: in order to use EasyUpdate automatic update, the Microsoft Framework 2.0 needs to be installed on the PC (downloadable from the Microsoft Corporation website). To run the set up you need to have the system administrator rights, the same account has to be supplied for the sqlserver 2005 database engine service. 3 or the pull-down menus. Level 2: is the default level. 4 . where it would be possible to select the functions using the easy access buttons.CONFIGURATION Clicking on The Easysped Icon on the desktop will start the interactive part of the application. Starts with the application without any access password . File Login Allows to setup the ‘livello di utilizzo’ (level of usage) and the ‘lingua desiderata’ (desired language) . To enter use the password: “puser”. database and charts. Level 1: is the ‘restricted’ level that allows the UPDATE of the settings. On the left side of the form a sub-menu list is available. The labeling machine can be either connected to a serial port or to a network. In the VALIDATE mode it is possible to use only Continuous Feed printers and brand ZEBRA labeling machines. Esporta e importazione (Import and Export): to be used following the direction of BRT personnel. Enabled buttons are: Chiudi (Close): ends the function without saving the changes. allows setting the parameters needed to run the application and to customize the management by the user. while on the right side all information related to the selected subject will be shown. 5 . Salva (Save): ends the function saving the changes.Settings This function. Print Label Parameters for the configuration of BRT pack label printer. enabled at levels 1 and 0. Percorso File (File Path AddinValida Cap: File path to calculate the routing. Nome File Parametri (Parameters File Name) AddinValidaDestination: name of the input file for the address check. Numero Porta Seriale (Serial port Number): COM to which the labeling machine is connected Velocita` di collegamento-bit di parita`. Formato Stampa(Page setup): select A4 type Stampa su Zebra (Print on Zebra): ALWAYS activate Set the following parameters only if the labeling machine is connected to a serial port. Percorso File (File Path) AddinValidaDestination: file path for the address check. default ‘XON/XOFF’ Test Cavo Collegato (Cable connection test): activate the cable test control on the serial port (the label printing will run only if the printer cable is connected). Tipo Etichetta BRT (BRT label) : set the format of used labels.bit di stop.00) and Y point co-ordinate (0.numero bit dati (Connection speed – parity Bit – stop bit – data bit number): insert numbers shown on the labeling machine Controllo Flusso (Flow control): set the type of serial printing data flow control. Don not activate for drivers that do not support this signal. Nome File Parametri (Parameters File Name) AddinValidaCap: name of the input file to calculate routing. if a local printer is used (connected to a serial port) use ‘none’ or create a ‘generic printer’. 6 . Stampa Differita (Delayed Printing): DO NOT ACTIVATE Coordinata X punto e Coordinata Y punto (X point co-ordinate(0. The change of these parameters will result in the displacement of the print inside the label. values supplied by BRT. Validate Program contains names and paths of all files necessary to use the utilities and to calculate the routing and the printing of labels in Batch mode. Percorso File (File Path) AddinStampa: file path necessary to print the label. Nome File Parametri (Parameters File Name) Addinstampa: name of the input file to print the label.Nome Stampante (Printer Name): network printer name.00): point 0 on the label. Nome File Risultato (result File name) Addinstampa: name of the output file to print the label. Nome File Risultato (result File Name) AddinValidaCap:name of the output file to calculate routing. Import Contains Nomi (names) and percorso (path) of files supplied by BRT (database and charts). please modify values only under BRT’s directions. It is not possible to indicate the directory where the program is installed. Backup/Restore Contains Nome (name) and Percorso (path) of the database back up file. Exit from the Program 7 . It is also impossible to point out if every time the program is closed a form has to be issued for the execution of the back up or if it will run without inquiry. Nome File Risultato (result File Name) AddinValidaDestination:name of the output file for the address check. File . See Section ‘Manual File Update’ ( 8 . Anagrafiche (File Register) This menu contains functions to import databases and charts supplied periodically by BRT. Tabelle (Charts) Import Charts Allows the manual update of files sent by BRT.Closes the application and starts the cleaning of the files and the database back up. it is possible to confirm the back up or cancel it clicking on Annulla (Cancel). If set in the ‘Impostazioni – Backup/restore’ (Settings.Backup/restore) the back up execution form is issued. ) for loading instructions. Ricerca Localita`(Location Search) Query of the Italians Locations file supplied by BRT Traduzione Entita` (Translation) Allows modifying descriptions of the constants used by the procedure and/or the introduction of the translation in one of the languages handled by the program. Every change made could be lost in case of installation of newer versions of the program. Printing is possible only with compatible printers and modules. Input and output files names and paths can be modifies using the Settings (Impostazioni) menu. Then a Bartolinivaloidate. starting from input file TISI57IN. CALCULATION AND PRINTING – EXE recall BartoliniValidate.EXE This application. To obtain the printing of the labels it is necessary to create in the input file a record for every pack label. The user mode consists in the construction of an ASCII file containing all data to be processed following BRT’s specifications. In the Setting (Impostazioni) menu.DAT.exe will run and will bring back the same file completed with the search results. Strumenti (Tools) This menu contains some utilities. Backup/Restore Allows the execution of the Database back up or Restore. or to validate the addresses of a file register. This function is available top level 1 and 0 users only. 9 . The file obtained by the routing calculation could be used by the customer to implement his application writing the shipment data file FNVAB00F. printer characteristics have to be set and defined. PrintLabel section. Validate section (see CONFIGURATION). allows to calculate the routing co-ordinates and print the pack labels. with th only difference that you have to leave the ‘ITST’ field BLANK. In the TISI59IN.exe using as parameter the value 1. Prepare TISI57IN. D. TISI59OU. using the ‘INTW’ field. to indicate the printing is needed valorize the ‘ITST’ field (the value set is not important because for every value different from blank the procedure will understand that you want to print). Execute the printing of BRT Pack labels Prepare the TISI57IN. to indicate the printing is needed valorize the ‘ITST’ field (the value set is not important because for every value different from blank the procedure will understand that you want to print). Result File TISI57OU. Calculation of the routing co-ordinates and Pack Label Printing.DAT file set the data on the addresses to verify and run the BartoliniValidate.Program Execution Mode: A. 10 .DAT the information will be returned for every input line as indicated in the routing as output. it is necessary to point out that some errors are purely informative. will not affect the label printing. B.exe using as parameter the value 1. along with possible errors found valorizing ‘OERR’ and ‘OMSG’ fields. in this new version it is possible to indicate the Network. In the output file. in this case it will be necessary to complete the routing information located in the ‘ILNA’ arriving branch and ‘IZSC’ delivery area.exe using parameter 2.DAT file renamed in TISI57OU.DAT file valorizing the ‘IRLZ’ field = ‘S’ and leaving blank all the information related to the routing that are located in the fields ‘ILNA’ Arriving branch and ‘IZSC’ delivery area. Fill the fields exactly as explained above.DAT for A and B points Once the input file has been fully processed. Obtain the routing coordinates without pack label printing. now you just have to run the BartoliniValidate. Verify the quality of the addresses in your Address Database. the result of the operation will be the TISI57IN.DAT file valorizing the ‘IRLZ’ field = ‘N’ (disable the routing calculation). but just want to weigh the quality of the customer’s database.DAT that will contain for every input line the information of the elaboration selected in the routing as output. now you just have to run the BartoliniValidate. C. TISI57IN. FIELD DESCRIPTION TYPE FIELD ASCII NAME LENGHT POSITION DECIMAL FROM TO Input ITLA TIPO LANCIO (LAUNCH TYPE) A 1 1 1 Set blank IRLZ RICERCA COORDINATE CONSEGNA (SEARCH A 1 2 2 DELIVERY CO-ORDINATES)?S/N (Y/N) “S” (Y)= search the delivery co-ordinates “N” (N)=input delivery co-ordinates manually in the ILNA and IZSC fields ITST STAMPA ETICHETTE (LABEL PRINTING) A 10 3 12 Leave blank to avoid printing. To print set any font or figure aligned on the left IAAS ANNO SPEDIZIONE (YEAR OF SHIPMENT) A 4 0 13 16 Year of the shipment date in the YYYY format IMGS MESE/GIORNO SPEDIZIONE (SHIPMENT’S N 4 0 17 20 MONTH/DAY) Shipment’s month and day in the MMDD format IRSM MITTENTE: RAGIONE SOCIALE (SENDER’S A 35 21 55 BUSINESS NAME) Sender’s business name INAM MITTENTE: NAZIONE (SENDER’S NATION) A 3 56 58 Sender’s Nation (leave blank for Italy) IPRM MITTENTE: PROVINCIA (SENDER’S PROVINCE) A 2 59 60 Sender’s province abbreviation IRSD DESTINATARIO: RAGIONE SOCIALE A 35 61 95 (CONSIGNEE’S BUSINESS NAME) Consignee’s business name INAD DESTINATARIO: NAZIONE (CONSIGNEE’S A 3 96 98 NATION) Consignee’s Nation (for Italy leave blank) ICAD DESTINATARIO: CAP (CONSIGNEE’S POSTAL A 9 99 107 CODE) Consignee’s postal code IIND DESTINATARIO: INDIRIZZO (CONSIGNEE’S A 35 108 142 ADDRESS) Consignee’s address ILOD DESTINATARIO: LOCALITA' (CONSIGNEE’S A 35 143 177 LOCATION) Consignee’s Location/City 11 .DAT – TISI57OU.DAT Structures In this structure new fields have been added to facilitate customers that will migrate from the old program version. 2 of 3) INC2 TOTALE SEGNACOLLI DELLA SPEDIZIONE N 3 0 212 214 (SHIPMENT’S TOTAL PACK NUMBER) Parcel’s total number in the shipment IVOL VOLUME (VOLUME) N 5 3 215 220(a) Entire shipment’s volume expressed in cubic meters with three decimals IFVR FLAG VOLUME BOLLETTATO (BILL NUMBER A 1 221 221 FLAG) To be used by courier IPKG PESO IN KG (WEIGHT IN KG) N 7 1 222 229(b) Entire shipment’s weight IRST R=RISTAMPA (RE-PRINT) A 1 230 230 To be used by courier IFCA USI FUTURI (FUTURE USES) A 1 231 231 Set ‘N’ ILNA P.O. PARTENZA (LEAVING OPERATING POINT) N 3 0 180 182 Bartolini’s Operating Point from where goods leave ICDP CODICE PRODOTTO (PRODUCT CODE) A 15 183 197 Reference eventually to be printed in the lower part of the label ITSP TIPO SERVIZIO BOLLE (SERVICE TYPE BILL) A 1 198 198 Service typ acronym (D/C/E).g.SEGNACOLLO DI (PACK NUMBER OF) N 3 0 209 211 Progressive parcel number in the same shipment (e.O. Only ‘C’ and ‘E’ will be printed on label IFFD S=FERMO DEPOSITO (S=HOLD AT DEPOT) A 1 199 199 S=if the good are to be held at the receiving Bartolini Branch INRS NUMERO SERIE SEGNACOLLO (PACK SERIAL N 2 0 200 201 NUMBER) Serial Number assigned to the customer INCD NUMERO SEGNACOLLO (PACK NUMBER) N 7 0 202 208 Univocal Pack Number INC1 NUM. Blank means no error OMSG MESSAGGIO DI ERRORE (ERROR MESSAGE) A 80 238 317 12 .IPRD DESTINATARIO: PROVINCIA (CONSIGNEE’S A 2 178 179 PROVINCE) Consignee’s province abbreviation ILNP P. ARRIVO (solo se IRLZ=N) (ARRIVING N 3 0 232 234 OPERATING POINT – only if IRLZ=N) Code of the Bartolini branch that will provide the delivery. To use ONLY if the field IRLZ=N OUTPUT OERR CODICE ERRORE (ERROR CODE) A 1 237 237 Program Return code. To use ONLY if the field IRLZ=N IZSC ZONA SEGNACOLLO (solo se IRLZ=N) (PACK N 2 0 235 236 AREA – Only if IRLZ=N) Area of the Bartolini branch that will provide the delivery. F=Porto Franco (Free Port). Identifies the program return code in case of error ODLP P. ARRIVO: CODICE (OPERATING N 3 0 356 358 POINT:CODE) Code of the Bartolini’s branch that will provide the delivery ODLA P.O. S=FedEx ITPO TIPO PORTO DELLA SPEDIZIONE (DELIVERY A 1 384 384 OPTIONS) Set the shipment’s delivery terms. ARRIVO: DESCRIZIONE (ARRIVING A 20 359 378 OPERATING POINT:DESCRIPTION) Decodes the Bartolini’s Branch that will provide the delivery OZNC ZONA SEGNACOLLO (PACK AREA) N 2 0 379 380 Area of the Bartolini’s Branch that will provide the delivery NUOVI INPUT (NEW INPUT) ITC1 1a CONSEGNA PARTICOLARE (1st DELIVERY A 1 381 381 PARTICULAR) Set ‘S’ if delivery goes to a supermarket ITC2 2a CONSEGNA PARTICOLARE (2nd DELIVERY A 1 382 382 PARTICULAR) To be used by courier INTW CODICE NETWORK PER EXPORT (NETWORK A 1 383 383 CODE FOR EXPORT) Identifies the network used for export shipments: E=EuroExpress.O.DAT – TISI59OU. PARTENZA: DESCRIZIONE (LEAVING A 35 318 352 OPERATING POINT:DESCRIPTION) Decodes the operating point from where the goods leave OTNA TERMINAL ARRIVO (ARRIVING TERMINAL) N 3 0 353 355 Code of the Bartolini’s Branch that will re-launch the delivery OLNA P. D=DPD.O. A=Porto Assegnato (delivered) IGMA GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' CONSEGNA A 2 385 386 (delivery exceptions management) For courier use only IGGA GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' GIACENZA A 2 387 388 (Stocking exceptions management) For courier use only IGVA GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' VARIE A 2 389 390 (Exceptions management) For courier use only IGCA GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' CONTRASSEGNO A 2 391 392 (COD exceptions Management) For courier use only TISI59IN.DAT Structure ASCII FIELD FIELD LENGTH DESCRIPTION TYPE POSITION Name Decimals From To INAZ NAZIONE (NATION) A 3 1 3 Nation of the address to be checked (Italy=blank) ICAP CAP (Postal Code) A 9 4 12 13 . Postal code of the address to be checked ILOC LOCALITA' (LOCATION) A 35 13 47 Location/City of the address to be checked DESTINATARIO: PROVINCIA (CONSIGNEE’S: IPRV A 2 48 49 PROVINCE) Consignee’s Province abbreviation of the address to be checked output MESSAGGIO DI EVENTUALE ANOMALIA OMSG A 80 50 129 (ANOMALY MESSAGE) Description of the error found during the checking process LIVELLO DI AFFIDABILITA' DELLA RICERCA OLIA N 1 0 130 130 (RELIABILITY LEVEL OF THE SEARCH) Reliability Level of the search launched 0=Not Reliable. all 3 data are matching OCAP CAP (Postal Code) A 9 131 139 Postal Code of the checked address OLOC LOCALITA' (LOCATION) A 35 140 174 Location/City of the checked address listed as in the Italian Mail Service OPRV PROVINCIA (PROVINCE) A 2 175 176 Province abbreviation of the checked address PROVINCIA ALTERNATIVA (ALTERNATIVE OPRA A 2 177 178 PROVINCE Alternative Province abbreviation of the checked address. the number of decimals is to be intended as a part of the total field  Explanation of the composition of the Numerical Fields with Decimals in ASCII (a) -> 6 = 2 integers + separation sign (point or comma) + 3 decimals. Not found in the files 2=Reliable. Particularity of layout in ASCII: Every Record has to end with the end record (HEX 0D) and the indent (HEX 0A) 14 . to be found in case of provinces created from the splitting of existing ones. A = Alphabetical  In the numerical fields with decimals. there are at least 2 or 3 matching data 3=Very Reliable. (b) -> 8 = 6 integers + separation sign (point or comma) + 1 decimals. Chart Keys:  Tupe: N = Numerical. CodiceErrore contains the code of the last error found. DLL would accept 2 conditions for the passage of the parameters. in this case you need to recall the DLL for every Pack label. Setting the parameters conveniently it is possible to obtain the printing of the labels as well. Printlabel section.outputCap ‘output structure containing the routing information In case of error the property cls_CapBar. End With cls_CapBar. E.inputMode = modeFromProperty ‘shipment data are passed through the inputCap structure With cls_CapBar. if =0 no error was found.displayErrorMessage = False ‘disables the visualization of class errors cls_CapBar. Printing is possible only if compatible printers and modules are connected.addinBartoliniCap. but in this case we suggest to use the batch option described above (see Calculation of the routing co-ordinates and Pack Label Printing).dll The API given with addinBartoliniCap.addInBartoliniCap") cls_CapBar. Use the property cls_CapBar.validateCap Set output = cls_CapBar. are to be used inside your own computer process. with this DLL it is possible to validate the consignee’s address in order to calculate the delivery co- ordinates using the Postal Code Data Base supplied by BRT. 15 . Example of Recall using the DLL from a Visual Basic Program: Set cls_CapBar = CreateObject("addInCapValidate.CALCULATION AND PRINTING – DLL Recall Calculation of the routing co-ordinates .dll. the suggested one is inputMode=modeFromProperty. you will have to define the characteristics of the printer to be used to print the labels.DescrizioneErrore to find the description of the error.outputCap. In the Impostazioni (settings) menu.outputCap. this because the other option would run through files.inputCap ……………. D=DPD.InputCAP Structure FIELD LENGTH FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE Decimals MODALITA DI UTILIZZO TipoLancio(Launch Type) DELL'APPLICAZIONE (application use A 1 mode) Set = blank RicercaPOArrivo (Search Arrival RICERCA COORDINATE CONSEGNA ? A 1 OP) (search delivery co-ordinates?) “S” (Y)= search the delivery co-ordinates “N” = the delivery co-ordinates have to be input in the POArrivo (arriving OP) property and ZonaSegnacollo (Pack Label Area) CODICE NETWORK PER EXPORT Network A 1 (Network Code for export) Identifies the network used for export shipments: E=EuroExpress. S=FedEX. blank NOT to print. AnnoSpedizione (shipment year) ANNO SPEDIZIONE (shipment year) A 4 0 Year of the date of the shipment in YYYY format MeseGiornoSpedizione (shipment MESE/GIORNO SPEDIZIONE (shipment N 4 0 month/day) month/day) Month and day of the shipment in MMDD format MittenteRagioneSociale (Sender’s MITTENTE: RAGIONE SOCIALE (Sender’s A 35 Business Name) Business Name) Sender’s Business Name MittenteProvincia (SENDER’S MITTENTE: PROVINCIA (SENDER’S A 2 PROVINCE) PROVINCE) Sender’s province abbreciation MittenteNazione (sender’s MITTENTE: NAZIONE (sender’s Nation) A 3 Nation) Sender’s Nation (Italy =Blank) DestinatarioRagioneSociale DESTINATARIO: RAGIONE SOCIALE A 35 (consignee’s Business name) (consignee’s Business name) Consignee’s business name DestinatarioNazione (Consignee’s DESTINATARIO: NAZIONE (Consignee’s A 3 nation) nation) Consignee’s Nation (Italy =Blank) DestinatarioCap (Consignee’s DESTINATARIO: CAP (Consignee’s Postal A 9 Postal Code) Code) Consignee’s Postal Code DestinatarioIndirizzo DESTINATARIO: INDIRIZZO A 35 (Consignee’s address) (Consignee’s address) Consignee’s Address DestinatarioLocalita (Consignee’s DESTINATARIO: LOCALITA' (Consignee’s A 35 Location) Location) Location/City of the consignee DestinatarioProvincia DESTINATARIO: PROVINCIA A 2 (Consignee’s Province) (Consignee’s Province) Consignee’s Province abbreviation 16 . TipoStampante (printer type) STAMPA ETICHETTE (Print Label) A 10 Set = 1 (left justified) to print labels. F=franco (Free Port).O. PARTENZA(Departing OP) N 3 0 Code of the BRT Branch from where the goods leave TIPO PORTO DELLA TipoPorto (Delivery Options) A 1 SPEDIZIONE(Delivery Options) Set Delivery Options.O. 2 of 3) totaleSegnaColli (Total Pack TOTALE SEGNACOLLI DELLA SPEDIZIONE N 3 0 number) (Shipment’sTotal Pack number) Parcel’s total number in the shipment Volume VOLUME N 5 3 Entire Shipment’s Volume expressed in cubic meters with three decimals FlagVolumeBollettato (Bill FLAG VOLUME BOLLETTATO (Bill Number A 1 Number Flag) Flag) To be used by courier only Peso (weight) PESO IN KG (weight in KG) N 7 1 Entire shipment’s weight Ristampa (Reprint Flag) R=RISTAMPA (R=Reprint) A 1 To be used by courier only P. A=assegnato (delivered) CodiceProdotto (Item Code) CODICE PRODOTTO (Item Code) A 15 Reference to be printed eventually at the bottom of the label TipoServizioBolle TIPO SERVIZIO A 1 FermoDeposito (s=hold at depot) S=FERMO DEPOSITO (s=hold at depot) A 1 S=if the goods are to be held at the receiving BRT Branch.SEGNACOLLO DI (Pack Number of) N 3 0 of) Progressive parcel number in the same shipment (e. ARRIVO: CODICE (Arriving OP: POArrivo (Arriving OP) N 3 0 Code) Code of the BRT’s Branch that will provide delivery ZonaSegnaCollo (Pack Area) ZONA SEGNACOLLO (Pack Area) N 2 0 Area of the BRT’s Branch that will provide delivery GestParticolaritaConsegna GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' CONSEGNA (delivery exceptions A 2 (delivery exceptions management) management) To be used by courier only GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' GestParticolaritaContrassegno CONTRASSEGNO (COD exceptions A 2 (COD exceptions management) management) To be used by courier only GestParticolaritaVarie GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' VARIE A 2 (Exceptions Management) (Exceptions Management) To be used by courier only 17 .POPartenza (Departing OP) P. NUMERO SERIE SEGNACOLLO (Pack NumeroSerie (serial number) N 2 0 Serial Number) Serial Number assigned to the customer NumeroSegnaCollo (Pack NUMERO SEGNACOLLO (Pack Number) N 7 0 Number) Univocal pack number NumSegnaColliDi (Pack Number NUM.g. O. ARRIVO: CODICE (Arriving OP:Code) N 3 0 Code of the BRT Branch that will provide the delivery POArrivoDes (Arriving P. PARTENZA: DESCRIZIONE (Deaprting A 35 Description) OP: Description) Describes the BRT Branch from where the goods leave TerminalArrivo (Arriving TERMINAL ARRIVO (Arriving Terminal) N 3 0 Terminal) Code of the BRT Branch that provides the re-launch for delivery POArrivo (Arriving OP) P.GestParticolaritaGiacenza GESTIONE PARTICOLARITA' GIACENZA (Stocking Exceptions A 2 (Stocking Exceptions Management) Management) To be used by courier only PrimaConsegnaParticolare (1st 1a CONSEGNA PARTICOLARE (1st A 1 Delivery Particular) Delivery Particular) Set ‘S’ if delivery goes to a supermarket SecondaConsegnaParticolare 2a CONSEGNA PARTICOLARE (2nd A 1 (2nd Delivery Particular) Delivery Particular) To be used by courier only TipoContrassegno (2nd Delivery Tipo Contrassegno (2nd Delivery A 1 Particular) Particular) To be used by courier only OutputCAP Structure FIELD FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE LENGTH Decimals CodiceErrore (Error Code) CODICE ERRORE (Error Code) A 1 Program Return Code. 18 .O. ARRIVO: DESCRIZIONE (Arriving A 20 OP:Description) OP:Description) Describes the BRT Branch that will provide the delivery ZonaSegnaCollo (Pack Area) ZONA SEGNACOLLO (Pack Area) N 2 0 Area of the BRT Branch that will provide the delivery DestinatarioProvincia DESTINATARIO: PROVINCIA (Consignee’s A 2 (Consignee’s Province) Province) Onsignee’s province abbreviation DESTINATARIO: PROVINCIA DestinatarioProvinciaAlt ALTERNATIVA (Consignee’s Altenative A 2 (Consignee’s Altenative Province) Province) Consignee’s alternative province. to be found where new provinces have been created recently from existing ones. Blank means no error DescrizioneErrore (error MESSAGGIO DI ERRORE (Error Message) A 80 Description) Describes the program return code in case of error POPartenzaDes (Deaprting OP: P.O. Address validation .outputDestination. this because the other option would run through files. Use the property cls_Destination. G.validateDestination Set output = cls_Destination. F. ).inputDEstination …….inputMode = modeFromProperty ‘Shipment’s data are passed through the inputDestination structure With cls_ Destination.dll The API supplied with addinBartoliniDestination.DescrizioneErrore to find the error description. InputDestination structure FIELD LENGTH TYP FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION E Decimals Nazione (Nation) NAZIONE (Nation) A 3 Nation of the address to be checked (Italy=blank) Cap (postal code) CAP (postal code) A 9 Postal Code of the address to be checked Località (Location) LOCALITA' (Location) A 35 Location/city of the address to be checked Provincia (Province) DESTINATARIO: PROVINCIA (Consignee: Province) A 2 Province abbreviation of the address to be checked 19 . Example of Recall using the DLL from a Visual Basic Program: Set cls_Destination = CreateObject("addInDestVal. if = 0 no error was found. End With cls_Destinationr. the suggested one is inputMode=modeFromProperty. but in this case we suggest to use the batch option described above (see Verify the quality of the addresses in your Address Database.CodiceErrore will contain the code of the last error found.addinBartoliniDestination") cls_ Destination. This DLL allows to validate the consignee’s address using the Postal Code Database supplied by BRT. DLL would accept 2 conditions for the passage of the parameters.dll can be used in your personal computer system.outputDestination ‘output structure containing the validation information In Case of error the property cls_Destination.displayErrorMessage = False ‘Disables the visualisation of class error cls_ Destination.addinBartoliniDestination.outputDestination. 20 . all 3 data are matching Cap (postal Code) CAP (postal code) A 9 Postal Code of the checked address Località (Location) LOCALITA' (location) A 35 Location/City of the checked address listed using the names in use by the Italian Mail Service Provincia (Province) PROVINCIA (province) A 2 Province abbreviation of the checked address ProvinciaAlt (alternative PROVINCIA ALTERNATIVA (alternative province) A 2 province) Alternative province abbreviation of the checked address. to be found where new provinces have been created recently from existing ones.Struttura OutputDestination FIELD LENGTH FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE Decimals CodiceErrore (Error CODICE ERRORE (Error Code) A 1 Code) Return code of the program. ‘0’ means non error found DescrizioneErrore MESSAGGIO DI ERRORE (error message) A 80 (error descroption) Describes the return code in case of error LivelloAffidabilta LIVELLO DI AFFIDABILITA' DELLA RICERCA N 1 0 (reliability level) (reliability level of the search) Reliability Level of the search launched 0=Not Reliable. there are at least 2 or 3 matching data 3=Very Reliable. Not found in the files 2=Reliable. exe (no imput BartoliniValidate. For those willing to use the new search modes see the TI57IN. in case the customer would want to add to its own software the abovementioned functions.exe (No input BartoliniValidate. Conversion Chart This chart shows how we used to recall the old AddIn and how the recall needs to work with the new software to obtain the same result. the ITST field (matches I57TST) set for the printing (anything different from BLANK).exe). File TISI59OUT.DAT like in the old software using the ITST field (matches I57TST).DAT Bart5000. this way it will not be necessary to use the interchange data files. The parameter = 2 indicates that you want to validate the Input File TISI59IN. AddIn59.DAT file layout.exe (No input BartoliniValidate.DAT.exe. From this version it is supported only the printing on ZEBRA label printers (ZPL Language). Output File TISI57OUT. the label printing will be managed File TISI57OUT. Input and output files have not changed.DAT. another for the label printing (bart5000). but a simple input/output structure can be used.exe 1 parameter) The recal is the same as for Addin57. Input file FLPRN00F.exe 1 parameter). What has changed What has changed is the way to use the software. We used to have three programs: one for the routing calculation (addin57. The BART5000. Input and output files have not changed. and the third one for the address validation (addin59.MIGRATION FROM THE OLD SOFTWARE (addin57) To migrate to the new version it is note necessary to modify your procedure to generate the TISI57IN and TISI59IN files.exe). For a better integration with all business situations. Now we have one single software that allows doing all these things just changing the parameter of the call at BartoliniValidate. because the input layout has been modified with the introduction of new fields at the end of the file.DAT 21 .DAT Compared to the old version you need to modify the input file in TISI57IN. Input File TISI57IN. Output addresses.PAR file is no longer necessary. as explained in the specific section. Output calculation of the routing.DAT. some DLL have been implemented that can be recalled from your own system.exe. the printing parameters are set in the configuration parameters.exe 2 parameter). The parameter = 1 indicates that you want to manage the Input File TISI57IN. AddIn57.DAT. 22 .ADDENDUM Procedure Set up The installation has to be done by a user with administrator rights. Select the language for the installation and click on ‘OK’ For the installation of MSql Server 2005 the following form will appear.EXE contained in the main root of the CD. In case the set up will not activate automatically you will need to run the program SETUP. A self installing CD is supplied for the installation. in not supplied the default ones will be used. requiring the input of the name and password of the administrator. that may affect the database operation. check the “Installare solo BartoliniValidate” box and then click on ‘Avanti’ (next).Next the program will ask if you want to install the VALIDATE version. 23 . Afterwards the installation will show the page for the selection of the components to be installed. we suggest modifying the default only in case these parameters have been installed in a previous installation (it is not necessary to do it) From this page. continue confirming the data showed in the various forms that will appear with the notice to confirm the Installation Agreement terms when required. Clicking on Fine (End) EasySped will run requesting the downloading of the files and databases needed to run the program. then click on Conferma (confirm) the run the downloading.zip file is (Postal Codes and Charts file) .At the end of the installation the following screen will appear. A form showing the downloading process will appear. 24 . It is required to indicate manually where the VAS. The procedure will request to insert the missing data in the “impostazioni” (settings) of the program. We suggest. to shut down and re-start the application before starting to use it. See Impostazioni (settings) section. when the installation is completed. 25 . once the update is over if no errors have been found. Figura 1(picture 1). In case of errors the icon will indicate what component has not been updated and the reason why. where for the EasySped component is highlighted that administrator rights are needed to run the update. where the components that needs to be updated are listed. the system will verify if new updates are available and needed. Using the ‘Aggiorna’ (Update) button the user will start the updating procedure. using the ‘Rimanda’ (postpone) button. the program will shut down automatically.WEB updates At the start of the EasySped program. The log will also show the motivation of the error. Figura 1 Updating During the updating the EasySped program will shut down and restart several times.EasyUpdate . 26 . In case new updates will be available a screen will appear as shown in. in the example you can see that the EASYSPED program is updatable to the 4. see example in Figura 2 (picture 2).0003 of 01/05/2009 version and the “Calcolo Instradamento’ (routing calculation) files and databases is updatable to the 31 of 05/05/2009 version.00. or you can decide to postpone the updating to the next start of the program. Figura 3 27 .Settings If you use a ‘Proxy’ for the internet connection and the program cannot found those information. To find the Proxy settings go to Menu Stumenti > Opzioni Internet > Connessioni > Impostazioni LAN (Control Panel> Internet Options> Connections>LAN settings) and in the section Proxy Server take the information contained in the ‘Indirizzo’ (address) and ‘Porta’ (port) fields. open the setting page using the ‘Impostazioni per Update’ (Update settings) link see Figura 4 (picture 4). using the ones listed in your Internet Connection Settings. see Figura 3 (picture 3).Figura 2 Proxy Server . you will need to set the ‘Proxy’ parameters manually. to be used if the user to be used is different from the current one. ProxyUser: Name of the ‘User’ to be used to connect to proxy. It is suggested to input the ‘Proxy’ information as a first solution to all connection errors. if the proxy requires also the authentication input the following information as well “Dominio” (Domain). The error which requires the settings to be entered is Errore. in not set the credential of the current user will be used. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. UpdateURL: Internet address to be used for the updates. ProxyPassword: “Password” of the user to be used to connect to proxy. the modification of this field could affect the updates. this field is set by BRT. to be used if the user to be used is different from the current one. Figura 5 28 . to be used if the user to be used is different from the current one. ProxyUserDomain: name of the ‘domain’ of the user to be used to connect to proxy. Figura 4 ProxyURL: use the proxy server address in the http://<indirizzo>:<porta> (http://<address>:<port>) format. “Utente” (User) and “Password”. . From the Anagrafiche (File Register) menu run the Importazione Tabelle (Import Charts) that will automatically show the list of file to download. Start the application and login as a Level 1 user. the default is C:\Programmi\Elos2006\toImport. . .ZIP file containing the update of the database (Postal Codes) To update the file follow this procedure: .Database manual Update To the customers that don’t have an internet connection BRT will send the VAS. File Import section. The progress is shown graphically. Copy VAS. in the Percorso Importazione (import layout) directory in the Impostazioni (settings) menu. substituting the existing file. 29 . . When that page will show that all charts are “completato” (completed) shut down and re-start the program.ZIP. Click on Importazione (import) and wait for the end of the process. Enter the directory and follow these directions: Installation of SQLServer 2005 EN 1. Run SQLEXPR32.0 component.Solution of the problem of the installation on PC running XP and SP3 In case of installation on PC updated with the XP service pack 3 version. To solve the problem. the installation will show a Denied access error when trying to overwrite the XMLParser 6. in the CD we supply. Uncheck the <Hide advance configuration options> box and push <next> until you reach Schermata 2 (screen 2) 30 .06. This is due to the increased level of security of the service pack and will not allow modifying this file.EXE 2. Go ahead in the process pushing <next>until you get to Schermata 1 (screen 1) Schermata 1 3. starting from version 4. there is the directory MSSQLExpressEN containing the SQLServer 2005 in English. Name the databese instance BARTELOS and push <next> until you get to Schermata 3 (screen 3) Schermata 3 5. Choose “Local System” as <built-in System account> push <next> until you reach Schermata 4 (screen 4) 31 . Schermata 2 4. <enter password> = sabartolini and <Confirm password> = sabartolini. Push <install> and wait for the installation to be completed. once completed launch the EasySped ste up. push <next> until you get to Schermata 5 (screen 5) Schermata 5 7. Schermata 4 6. Select the option <Mixed Mode> and set the password for the user sa. 32 .
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