Easy to Make and Safer to Breathe Napalm

May 21, 2018 | Author: jumpupdnbdj | Category: Sodium Hydroxide, Soap, Aluminium, Chemical Substances, Chemistry



Home Sign Up!Browse Community Submit All Art Craft Food Games Green Home Kids Life Music Offbeat Outdoors Pets Photo Ride Science Tech Easy to make (and safer to breathe) Napalm by FrenchCrawler on September 7, 2006 Table of Contents Easy to make (and safer to breathe) Napalm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intro: Easy to make (and safer to breathe) Napalm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 1: Mix them together and what do you get... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Related Instructables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 3 4 http://www.instructables.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ Thickened fuel also rebounds better from surfaces. It was used in the Vietnam War. When it burns. aluminum naphthenate. the resulting viscosity may range between syrupy liquid and thick rubbery gel. which means that you probably (I can't guarantee it cause you may be allergic to something in the oil) won't die from it. somewhere was smelling the fumes let off by burning it. also called "super napalm". and M4. and offers improved destruction effects. Napalm reaches burning temperatures of approximately 1. Some weapons utilize a pyrophoric variant. 25% aluminum oleate. Other additives can be added. napalm B burns for up to 10 minutes with fewer fireballs. sticks better to surfaces. It is not maintained in the US Army inventory any more as it was replaced with M4. thickener from partially used open containers should not be used later. straw.Intro: Easy to make (and safer to breathe) Napalm Make Napalm with two ingredients that can easily be found. About half the amount of M4 is needed for the same effect as of M1. powdered aluminum or magnesium. hydroxyl aluminum bis(2-ethylhexanoate) with anti-caking agent. but burns well enough to make firestarters out of it and even an outdoor stove. and magnesium palmitates and stearates. The earliest thickeners were soaps. Here's a Wiki excerpt explaining REAL NAPALM: "Napalm is usually a mixture of gasoline with suitable thickening agents. It is less hygroscopic than M1 and opened containers can be resealed and used within one day. Depending on the amount of added thickener. it develops a characteristic smell. The M2 Thickener (Mil-t-0903025b) is a whitish powder similar to M1.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ . is a fine white powder. etc.200 �°F). which burns for only 15â��30 seconds. Fire burns. The content of long hydrocarbon chains makes the material highly hydrophobic (resistant to wetting with water). or white phosphorus. but lacks a percentage of benzene. known as TPA (thickened pyrophoric agent). M2. making it more useful for operations in urban terrain. It is not as easy to ignite. The reason for this development was that the American-produced thickening agent performed rather poorly in the cold Norwegian climate. according to other sources. There are two types of napalm: oil-based with aluminum soap thickener. Ouch! Just to answer everyones' questions/comments: This isn't Military grade napalm. Also the oil is "Lemon scented" in this version. Materials that you will need: Empty jar (I used a pickle jar. This mixture closely resembles that of napalm-B. napalm-B. various websites including The Anarchist Cookbook advertised recipes for homemade napalm. aluminum. Chemically it is a triethylaluminium thickened with polyisobutylene. eg.200 �°C (2. Unlike conventional napalm. and oil-based with polymeric thickener ("napalm-B"). is a mixture of low-octane gasoline with benzene and polystyrene. aluminum stearate soap) is a highly hygroscopic coarse tan-colored powder. In the early 1950s. The product was known as Northick 11II. This version of Napalm isn't as sticky as those others that have been posted. and 50% aluminum laurate." http://www. The M4 flame fuel thickening compound (Mil-t-50009a). nor does it use a Styrofoam and gasoline mixture (known famously as a "Homemade Napalm"). I also already have a little bit left from my last batch) Stick (spoon. making it more difficult to extinguish.) Citronella oil (Lighter's fluid will also work) Powdered Sugar Warning: This stuff will continue to burn as it falls apart. which usually means someone. Starting in the early 1990s. These recipes were predominantly equal parts gasoline and styrofoam. Norway developed its own napalm. which reduces the number of accidents caused by soldiers smoking.instructables. As the water content impairs the quality of napalm. The United States military uses three kinds of thickeners: M1. A later variant. with added devolatilized silica and anticaking agent. The M1 Thickener (Mil-t-589a). based on fatty acids in whale oil. chemically a mixture of 25% wt. (or. Try mixing some saw dust in.instructables. 1. add more oil or sugar as needed until you get a mixture that resembles whipped cream or butter. 3. Mix them together. Hope you've enjoyed this instructable.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ . Army Field Manuals: How to Make Napalm from Blood by TimAnderson Glass Bottle Oil Lamp by Sappho OLD Orange Peel HOOKAH/SHISHA Flamethrower OIL LAMP by by discontinuuity shibby Emergency Pocket-Size Oil Campfire Starter Lamp by CanDo by sstables42 http://www. Next time you're at a BBQ. 2. Take the powdered sugar and pour about a cup into the jar. good as new...S. Just take the spoon and mix it up.. Video Below.Step 1: Mix them together and what do you get. Now take the oil and pour about a 3/4 cup into the jar. Experiment with it to get new effects. There's a Video below so you can watch how well this stuff burns (a nice steady pace). Add regular or brown sugar into the mix.. This stuff does become kind of hard after being stored for a while. take a jar of this stuff out and smear it on the grill (on the coal. not the actual grill) to help start the fire. Easy as I said it would be. That's all there is to it. Related Instructables From U. we had training for such items in the FM (field manual) series but after Nam. .. we all joke with him and say he is crazy but this guy loves what he does in the u.C. When I was in army combat services. This type of fuel adheres more readily to the target and produces greater heat concentration. i have like messed up sheets of it Nov 8. learning how to make napalm (aka gelled flame fuels) is mainly for information only.if it burns like sterno small quantities might be useful. 2010. 2010.Comments 50 comments Add Comment view all 167 comments oldercreations says: Jan 31. Thanks for the post. . The methods are divided into the following categories based on the major ingredients: 4.2 Lye-Alcohol Systems 4.3 Soap-Alcohol Systems 4.1 Lye Systems 4. 7:52 PM REPLY loopycar27 says: okay i took gasoline and i put styrofoam in it and it did absolutely nothing whadda eff is up? Jun 27. 4 -.M.instructables. No. I find that the white Styrofoam that is used to cushion large appliances and furniture works great but. 12:17 PM REPLY dracoaliamin says: Ummmm i'm sorry but wouldent it help if you actually LIGHT the napalm with fire? Aug 4.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ . he talks about pipe bombs and stuff. This has helped me alot. . 2010.GELLED FLAME FUELS -. Don't like my post ? Don't screw with napalm. we want take out a Nation ! Semper Fi bruddah ! Nov 7. Scarlet023 says: Aug 25. Stump grinding five acres is too expensive as well as bulldozing (and i have lots of stumps). 4:43 PM REPLY 66411 says: Aug 15. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. .like packing peanuts. Gang cause we no like take out da hood. My primary source of information is loose leaf Special Forces Black Books (not to be confused with TM31-210. muberblob says: i use pink extruded styrofoam. we trained extensively with improvised munitions familarity. L8r Mike Jan 11. 4:45 PM REPLY ogeezer says: Feb 9. . namely Section V. 7:19 AM REPLY It has to do with what type of Styrofoam is used. . . Several methods are shown for gelling gasoline using commonly available materials. the outer most part of the foam seems to be a coating or maybe just more compacted (probably the later) and does not dissolve as well. Find a way to manufacture the stuf where you don't breathe it.4 Egg White Systems 4. 7:50 PM REPLY I REALLY ENJOYED READING YOUR POST ON nAPALM. 2009.from which I quote: Gelled or paste type fuels are often preferable to raw gasoline for use in incendiary devices such as fire bottles. "Gelled Flame Fuels" is covered. Another source of failure could possibly be caused by different additives to gasoline in different areas.s. 2010. and he is always talking about explosives. 2011. 8:17 AM REPLY Hi thanks for the info here. The amount of benzene that is added to gasoline has steeply declined as it known to be very bad for you like most organic solvents and is more likely to be what dissolves the Styrofoam in the first place. 5:17 PM REPLY As is the case with most OFFBEAT instructables. I like to use a 2 stroke engine mixture for making napalm. like how to make them and stuff. 2010. If you are unaware. From this publication. However napalming five acres one stump at a time seems like a affordable route for me.. 5:10 PM REPLY drbill says: Safer to breathe ? The idea is to Kill the enemy. 2010. when I changed over to support services (engineers) prior to pursuing a career via OCS. Sorry for such a long comment but i hope that it is an adequate explanation for your pyrotechnic/pyromanical dilemma . i told him that no one knows how to home make that stuff and you cant just buy tha stuff any where drbill says: Yah we no join da gang in da hood.6 Wax Systems http://www. A friend of mine is stationed @ Ft. These books were later printed in bound series titled Improvised Munitions Black Book wherin in Volume-2 of a three book series.. 2 strokes run off of a fuel/oil where you add oil to the gasoline to obtain a ration of gasoline to oil of around 20:1 or more. 2010. not to make Love to them. Mar 2. We join da U. What i am interested in this is for purely peaceful means as in getting a stumps to catch fire and stay on fire.5 Latex Systems 4. 12:35 PM REPLY kwazai says: Any ideas on the various styrofoams. 2009. military an his country. . Stewart.S. . or asprin will produce a gelled fuel. Be also known. a variety of thickeners like non-detergent soap. fact filled. explosives regulations within the Dept. the USMC. not "corpse" -.BUT. Mr. 2008. crayons. or castor oil (good).5 When gasoline 'n latex paints/adhesives are combined with one of the following acids: vinegar. or butter or oleomargarine. mixed up and poured into outward tilted barrels. dried tea leaves.7 Animal Blood Systems End Quote.1 Lye (aka caustic soda or sodium hydroxide) can be combined with powdered rosin or castor oil to gel gasoline into either a very firm paste of gelatinous liquid. To learn more about what some of us airmobile soldiers went thru in the action identified above. The battle for Hue wasn't just about the Marines. and C-rat discards. 2010. we called it phugas. Nother good thing bout comp-4. dried tea leaves. state. located in El Dorado. or any fish oil. Furthermore. 8:50 AM REPLY thisonegoesto11 says: Feb 14. but providing the books are still available. and federal alcohol. BLACK BOOK Series resource: I don't have a URL since my copies were printed prior to development of the worldwide web. waxes paper.4 Combining gasoline with whites of bird eggs plus any one of the following substances: table salt. liquid latex products. 2008. Obama. beeswax. sal soda washing powder. muncipality. 2008. baking soda. 3:55 PM REPLY The M18A1 does indeed liven up a good sapper attack but we tended to use the Charlie-4 inside the antipersonnel device more for warming up our C-rats or making boonierat instant mocha {cocca powder + artificial sweetner + powder creamer + instant coffee + water} than for November Delta Papa defense. or any vegetable oil (corn.. 6:55 AM REPLY holy crakers thats kool dude! my JROTC major was telling me about john mccain and his time being a POw. the First Air Cav 'n the 101st Airborne did our parts too to kick the commies happy little arses in the last major battle in the war in Vietnam.instructables. or epsom salts will gel gasoline suitable for target adhering. saltpeter. with a covering mat of wood or cardboard. and even Nevada Victor Alpha troops. 2010.something we saw lot of during the '68 Tet: north of the Citadel city of Hue.7 Animal blood and gasoline mixtures that include one of the following: salt. 4. since we seldom blew any Mary Jane when in the boonies. mazeka. 4. Using hi-octance JP4 aviation gas (kerosene).14 says: John McCain rocks:D Dec 8. attempting to make any of the above systems can be extremely hazardous to your health. sugar. Charlie-4 work'd better than those trioxane fuel bars the army gave us 'n it didn't give off an oily smoke that encouraged Victor Charlie or Nathaniel Victor to lob mortars/arty/rpg rds our way. peanut. and unless you are both a trained professional and practioner of safe handling methodology. firearms.3 Common household soap (not detergent soap) can be used in combo with ethyl alcohol and gasoline to gel gasoline for flame fuel which will adhere to target surfaces. sealing wax. sugar.4. rocks. 4. Once we'd done that. a gelled flame fuel substance is produced. you will not find a more concise.. Charlie-4 plastic explosive. bricklaying lime.that's pronounced "core". baking soda. tobacco. 10:01 PM REPLY http://www. that brought our POWs (like John McCain) home. bayberry wax. furniture/floor waxes. ethyl alcohol 'n a tallow. or myrtle wax. motor vehicle battery acid. AR 71731.2 Lye can also be used in combo with gasoline. Having provided the necessary disclaimers. etc). here's more about Gelled Flame Fuel systems. We used det cord. even if they do not run you afoul of the laws within your jurisdiction. (that again stole all the glory) throughout this Viet New Year offensive in I-Corps -. known as Desert Publications. such as leather polish. 4. Republic of. ground coffee. in the Thon La Chu area. you may find yourself on some domestic terrorism database for ordering these books but short of joining the ordinance disposal training of our armed forces. biffdog says: Yo Bro! We used phugas but put a claymore behind just to liven things up a bit! Feb 4. sounds that you used that stuff pretty good against the commies! Fireownsallelements says: can you do anything evil and/or cool with the waxy stuff it leaves behind??? Jul 27. 2008. ogeezer says: Feb 11. google/bing Thon La Chu. linseed. with/without fist size projectiles. 10:24 PM REPLY We made that stuff in The Nam for use around our forward fire mission support bases . 4. It worked just as good as Nap and was a real morale killer to the commies with whom we battled to a stalemate until April of 1973 when ceasefire was signed. ground coffee.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ . 11:15 AM REPLY ogeezer says: Feb 9. such as lanoline (very good). a pinch put tween lower lip 'n teeth was always good for a uplifting buzz to take the edge off after a really nasty 'n bloody firefight -. will produce flame fuels suitable for adhering to target surfaces. and battery powered initiators mounted to barrel bottom to launch the firey goo outward over attacking Viet Minh fighters. resource than the Black Book series. cottonseed. 4. PAVN sappers. and even animal blood. when the First Air Cav {2d Btn / 12th Cav Rgmt (my unit)} 'n other cavarly units were cutting off the flow of logistical supplies 'n fighters into the Imperial City {1-25 February 1968}. cocoa.6 Mixing gasoline with several common waxes. 4. or muriatic acid. you should contact an underground press publisher. of Justice. candles.to win this major operational undertaking. . 3:36 PM REPLY dsand69 says: u saffacat it dont give it any oxergien dont use plastic stuff b+c=p Nov 24. 1:34 PM REPLY grizzly g says: but hey you could try Apr 7. concentrated. 2009.) stujini says: Apr 17. Apr 8.. 7:05 PM REPLY It takes a lot of Styrofoam just to make a little though. 2009. btu be carful u cant put it out with water Nov 12. 4:27 PM REPLY Thelonelysandwitch says: ok. im trying tomorrow. like rubber (if it works. the snow has melted like 3 months ago.. 3:35 PM REPLY grizzly g says: Apr 8. 2009. 2009. I heard that works too. 2009.well if theres too much snow ( i dont think itd matter but i wouldnt know. too lazy to try. and it doesnt take much styrophoam http://www.. Is this true. 2009. 3:15 PM REPLY EnigmaMax says: Apr 14. 5:37 PM REPLY EnigmaMax says: try rubber and gasoline will you're at it. 2009. You should try something a little more. 5:11 PM REPLY lol... 2008.. Apr 9.. 6:05 PM REPLY rubber doesnt work i just tryed it two minutes ago it didnt melt. 4:33 PM REPLY dobbish11234 says: by waxy stuff do u mean the napalm itself? ya u light it on fire and watch is burn.. 2009. :( Apr 7. 2009. Apr 8. 2009. 2009. 2009. 7:38 PM REPLY grizzly g says: uhh. 2009. 8:02 PM REPLY stujini says: I do it with styrofoam and gasoline it makes the best flamethrower Apr 13.just try it in your garage or somewhere like that.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ .i dont think itd work Apr 6. 6:15 PM REPLY Thelonelysandwitch says: mabye Apr 9. 4:35 PM REPLY Thelonelysandwitch says: my friend said that if you mix cooking oil and flour it will have the same effect.instructables. 2009.. 4:34 PM REPLY dsand69 says: no u cant Nov 24.. 9:17 PM REPLY Thelonelysandwitch says: ohhh..az lol).of course in a bucket or something Thelonelysandwitch says: Yeah.cuz i live in mesa.dsand69 says: u can keep it as a sufaner Nov 24. 2009. too much snow to test here Jan 19. you talked me into it. 10:20 AM REPLY professorPyro says: yeah im talking about mosquitos lol. 8:10 PM REPLY dsand69 says: u can use diesel/ unleaded Nov 24. 4:49 PM REPLY Blacksmith Spader says: hehheheheheheh kerosene is very fun for this Aug 7. sorry about that previous comment.really? dang.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ . 4:32 PM REPLY halogirl says: what can you use instead of tiki torch oil? Oct 27. Jun 23. 2009... 8:51 AM REPLY dsand69 says: no just read dsand69 up more Nov 24. 7:24 PM REPLY Blacksmith Spader says: I'm sorry. 2010.... 3:17 PM REPLY http://www. 2009. 2009. 2009. I am not familiar with that term lol. by the way. small batches.EnigmaMax says: Apr 21.. 2008.. what is a "mozzie?" Aug 9.meths etc. 2:57 PM REPLY Dude567 says: Oct 10.. i heard of diesl but thats not the best idea. 2009. 4:31 PM REPLY professorPyro says: kero. OH. 2010. also lighter fluid Apr 13.. stujini says: depends on how much you have but yes small batches Apr 24. 8:54 PM REPLY stujini says: gasoline. 6:25 PM REPLY isaac! says: i would tell you. prey tell.. 6:24 PM REPLY Ah. styrofoam is good for making small batches. 2009. im not an australian either btw lol Mar 3.. 2009. 2009.. 2009. 11:12 PM REPLY Dude567 says: I'm guessing it means moths Oct 10. that's a bummer. 2009. but 1+1=2 so small batch plus small batch equals bigger batch km94 says: do you have to use powder suger Aug 4. 7:37 PM REPLY .instructables.. 2009. 2009. 11:44 PM REPLY professorPyro says: the only down side is that it attracts mozzies Aug 9. 5:05 PM REPLY ggiihh1 says: i'm guessing mosquito Sep 1.petrol. 2010. but then od have to kill you all Aug 15. 3:27 PM REPLY view all 167 comments http://www. 9:54 PM REPLY Stephon #9 says: idk i havent used that stuff i use 2-stroke gas 4 my dirtbike lol May 12.com/id/Easy-to-make-and-safer-to-breathe-Napalm/ . 2009.gas would prbly work as well Apr 6..grizzly g says: lighter fluid :d..instructables. 2009.
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