Easy to Build WIFI 2.4GHz Yagi Antenna.pdf
Easy to Build WIFI 2.4GHz Yagi Antenna.pdf
March 28, 2018 | Author: Peter Frank | Category:
Wi Fi
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Antenna (Radio)
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Explore (/tag/type-id/) Create (/about/submit.jsp) Contests (/contest/) let's make Easy to Build WIFI 2.4GHz Yagi Antenna by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (/) Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) (/) Community Login (/y ou/) (/community/) (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) share what you make > (/about/submit.jsp) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) + Collection Favorite WE-2705P Antenna Analyzer w w w .rfequipment.co.uk 1.5 - 2700 MHz. Robust, accurate, compact, handheld. £1125.00 (/f iles/deriv /FV1/IT9I/GPLJ2IOL/FV1IT9IGPLJ2IOL.LARGE.jpg) GCC LaserPro Laser system About This Instructable This antenna w ill extend the range of your WiFi or 2.4GHz devices (like surveillance cameras) into many miles and kilometers. A yagi antenna is basically a telescope for radio w aves. I tired the pringle can antenna and the Yagi beats it hands dow n in performance. 242,118 views 386 favorites License: 2.4 & 5 GHz WiFi Antennas w w w .WiFi-Shop24.com Very high gain Omni-, Sector- and Directional WiFi Antennas! Point and Shoot Camera? Remove these ads by Signing Up (/account/gopro?sourcea=removeads&nxtPgName=Easy+to+Build+WIFI+2.4GHz+Yagi+Antenna& nxtPg=/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/) (/member /Biotele/) Biotele (/member /Biotele/) Biotele (http://www.biotele.com) Follow 219 Step 1: What You Need Bio: Make a better Instructable, and the world will beat a path to your website. More by Biotele (/id/MAKE-A-HIGH- /andrew mcneil/) Long Range Yagi Antenna 19 Element 2.LARGE.a w i-fi antenna (/id/TheConetenna---a-w i-fiantenna/) by Shadetree Engineer WiFi cantenna w ithout pigtail (/id/WiFi-Cantennaw ithout-pigtail/) by TheGoodLif e (/member /TheGoodLif e/) Next » (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview /) View All Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) (/id/WiFi- See More (/tag/type-id/?q=) Post Comment .jpg) cantenna (/tag/type-id/category-technology/keywordcantenna/) yagi (/tag/type-id/category-technology/keyword-yagi/) 2 (/tag/type-id/category-technology/keyword-2/) 4 GHz (/tag/type-id/category-technology/keyword-4 ghz/) (/f iles/deriv /FDQ/VVHO/GP7IHBMZ/FDQVVHOGP7IHBMZ.4 GHz device soldering iron and lead Sanding papers Scissors Pliers or preferably a nibbler (see photo below .gif ) Related 2. You need an ink jet printer/ Computer Popsicle sticks White glue Crazy glue Big paper clips (you could use any stiff solid metal w ire instead) USB WIFI.4GHz Yagi Antenna (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) (/id/Hack-The-Spy-Ear-and(/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) Learn-to-Reverse-Engineer-a-C) + Collection (/id/Make-a-VoltageControlled-Resistor-and-Use-It) Tags: WiFi (/tag/type-id/category-technology/keyword-wifi/) antenna (/tag/type-id/category-technology/keywordantenna/) Favorite (/f iles/deriv /FQO/AWCV/GPLJ2L32/FQOAWCVGPLJ2L32. preferably w ith an antenna extension OR a 2.VOLTAGE-SUPPLY-IN-5-MINUTES) Easy to Build WIFI 2. available at radio shack) a metric ruler w ith millimeters or a metric caliper.4GHz (/id/Long-RangeYagi-Antenna-19-Element2-4GHz/) Bi-Quad WiFi Antenna (/id/Bi-Quad-WiFi-Antenna/) by TheGoodLif e (/member /TheGoodLif e/) (/id/The- The Conetenna .LARGE.4GHz Yagi in a Can (/id/24GHz-Yagi-in-a-Can/) by andrew mcneil (/member This is an absolutely easy project. Easy 2. I would suggest some kind of plastic (they make popsicles with plastic sticks). at this frequency it's not going to make much difference. both are subject to absorbing moisture from the air and either can have a poor dielectric constant. All in all though good job to Biotele. original author said build around popsicle sticks(wooden). and if done right will provide excellent results. 1:35 AM Okay well I read through the entire post and I saw many things that (/member + Collection Favorite made a lot of sense. Someone said glue it all to cardboard then cover it with more cardboard actually a strong and stable design. however the specific model was generated using 14awg copper. I'd make a simple dipole rather than a folded dipole. The driven element. I would take two pieces of wire make 90 degree bends in them cut the bent part to about 1/8 inch and attach my transmission line. reducing your effective gain and possibly resulting in early failure of the dongle.4GHz Yagi Antenna by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) 134to Build WIFI /?&sort=ACTIVE&limit=40&offset=40#DISCUSS) Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) Saarducci (/member/Saarducci/) says: (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) Reply (CFPF7NGHLSGSBH3) Sep 21. Take a piece of heat shrink cut two notches in it about 1/4 inch apart and insert the wires into it and shrink it. If you use the folded dipole make sure the folded part is perpendicular to the plane of the rest of the antenna and use 300 ohm twin lead to connect to the dongle. after you have your antenna connected and have connected to some network you can try rotating it about its horizontal axis to see if you can get a better aspect on the other antenna (more bars). also saw a lot of /Saarducci/) unnecessary flaming.instructables. the spacing between them. #2 in this design: that one I would make from 14awg copper. Horizontal vs vertical. The lengths of the elements. 2013. and keeping them all in the same plane and parallel to each other is the most important consideration. it's cheap. for these frequencies it should be as short as possible and a multiple of 1/2 wavelength I'd suggest as close to 2. maybe reinforce the space in the center (break a tooth from my comb and stick it in the middle before heating the shrink?) cut it down to the correct overall length and insert it last. but your SWR will probably be much higher. but I do have a few comments to make. Take the dongle apart and connect a USB extension cable to it and mount it directly on the antenna assembly. I did not build this 1-40 of Next » (http://www.com/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna . it's easy. Overlooked in the connecting the USB dongle to the antenna was the transmission line length.41 inches as one could manage (use a small diameter 50 ohm coax). Paper clips vs copper. Right off the bat the one individual that asked about having his modem in the basement with a rotating antenna on the roof needs a reality check. no. 2:33 PM Reply (CHLMDPOHIQ4NFSA) (/member /brian-kn/) Hi Having made the antenna how or what do i need to connect it to my laptop to increase the extra antenna power. 12:36 PM antenna. /popef elix/) However. /popef elix/) that won't work. 2013. 12:56 PM Reply (C1ER93JHNHOR0KU) 6 (/member /michi/) I did built this antenna. that's possible. but I built 2 antennae very similar before reading this post. Instead it is worse then before. that won't work. I thank you very much for the reply about the antenna wiring it is more clear now that you have explained.Easy to Build WIFI 2. if you mean connecting the antenna to a USB wireless adaptor. 2013. One wire. There is absolutely no gain.. provided you connect the feedline from the antenna to the antenna connector on the wireless adaptor. two wires? brian-kn (/member/brian-kn/) says: Jul 4. 2013.. no. if you mean connecting the antenna to a USB wireless adaptor. If the adaptro doesn't have one. Which wire goes were? michi (/member/michi/) says: Nov 1. 9:44 AM If you mean just soldering a USB connector on to the (/member feedline for this antenna. Kind Regards Brian UK brian-kn (/member/brian-kn/) says: Apr 30. you'd have to tear it apart and find where the . Kind Regards Brian UK brian-kn (/member/brian-kn/) says: Apr 20. 10:15 AM Reply (CY 2NP87HFPT8KJO) (/member /brian-kn/) Hi can the wires from the yagi antenna be connected with the wires in a a usb connecter and connect directly into my laptop. My son and I live almost 2 miles apart and either of us can stream 1080p movies from the other's house during a by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) thunderstorm. 9:43 AM Reply (C4WOF5THFPTELJN) If you mean just soldering a USB connector on to the feedline for this antenna. Reply (CRF1Z8SHFPTELJP) popefelix (/member/popefelix/) says: Apr 29. 2013.4GHz Yagi Antenna (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps michi (/member/michi/) says: Nov 2. It is also not clear how you need to solder the antenna to the board. You still need something to handle the actual generation and reception of the wireless signal. provided you connect the feedline from the antenna to the antenna connector on the wireless adaptor. kind regards brian popefelix (/member/popefelix/) in reply to brian-kn Apr 29. 2013. first picture. 4:24 AM Reply (CZFEKC1HFWSU0SO) (/member /brian-kn/) Hi. Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) Reply (CSS55RXHNICS2CY ) (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) + Collection Favorite 6 (/member /michi/) Please provide better pictures. I can see absolutely nothing here.: Step 7: Connect the Antenna to the Wifi Modem. You still need something to handle the actual generation and reception of the wireless (/member signal. but it does not work. 2013. However. If the adaptro doesn't have one. you'd have to tear it apart and find where the internal antenna was connected. that's possible. 2013. I don't think it has 10 to be exactly a certain (/member diameter. (/member For a router with 2 antennas. Thank you + Collection Favorite Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (author) in reply to sololife. but not the strongest signal.internal antenna was connected. 2013. 2011. 10:53 AM (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) Can i use a wire if so what is the diameter. it has to be stiff and solid. because i popped in my original antenna with the usb card. with this i can mooch off of someone elses:D Reply (CLLLPMCH9G16E3O) (/f iles/deriv /FKI/XNQZ/H9G16E1Q /FKIXNQZH9G16E1Q. and worked fine. 2:53 PM Of course.Bill/) why not build 2 yagi's and stack them? A stacked phased array just like the EME array's for moon bounce. why didnt it work with the copper wire? because i just took the 2 wires coming off my board.sai/) Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) sololife. the antenna boom is missing the element. 3:16 PM I think a larger diameter wire will result in a larger bandwith 16 antenna.Bill (/member/Dr. /Dr. as im bored of trying to get around the schools internet filter.sai Reply (C8NNCAOGSUT2PX0) Sep 30.Bill/) in reply to Biotele Mar 3. 2011.jpg) estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) says: here is a matching using a piece of coax to get the 300ohm down to 50ohm . Maybe someone /Biotele/) with antenna theory can enlighten us further.4GHz Yagi Antenna by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (/member /sololif e.sai (/member/sololife. completely skipping the original antenna? how is the wiring diagram? any help would be greatly appreciated. Dr. Reply (CIB1KCKHDRS67Q8) iamdarkyoshi (/member/iamdarkyoshi/) says: Nov 14.sai/) says: Reply (CR4TY 0NGT6ZCKI7) Sep 30.LARGE. 2012. and put them on each end of the element. 3:27 PM I have a major problems that needs solving quick: how exactly do i (/member connect the driven element to the /iamdarky oshi/) antenna? as you can see. Easy to Build WIFI 2. com /watch?v=BGdwIXMexCY& (/member feature=rellist&playnext=1& /estef an2020/) list=PLD7A103946CE9C072 here is another yagi folded antenna with aproprate matching cable for 50 ohms. 2012. or using plastic (/member wrap around the sticks. this way is called a folded loop. 2012. go for it. 12:51 PM here is an online yagi calc for 2. 2012.com /Electronic_Notebook/antennas /yagi_vhf. this will prevent /estef an2020/) moisture from the wood interfiering with the antenna. 2011. 2012.youtube.437 ghz. just like the old circle uhf antenna.4GHz Yagi Antenna Reply (CXS7A5FH742ZLXO) Sep 19. 12:23 AM Reply (CF20UOLGT9UA74T) (/member /chrislarkin/) it did not work because you were completing the circuit at the end of the coaxial cable stopping the signal from traveling through your antena estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) in reply to chrislarkin Reply (CUG7H6OH7432MFE) Sep 17.k7mem. but this is ac theory. 12:56 PM @kiranrpatil01 if your phone has an external wifi jack. gives more options http://www. yes. + Collection Reply (CJ8CBNSH742ZLV2) Favorite (/member /estef an2020/) estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) says: Sep 19. estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) in reply to estefan2020 Reply (C9IO9URH742ZL3A) Sep 19.k7mem.like licence for WiFi and can it be connected to android . dc looks like a short. if you need a wifi with detachable antenna.html Reply (C6V3EZUH742ZLUR) chrislarkin (/member/chrislarkin/) says: Oct 3. the driver (/member element acts much like a /estef an2020/) loop.html (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) says: Sep 19. 2012.com by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) /Electronic_Notebook (/member /antennas Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) /estef an2020/) /yagi_vhf_feed. 2012. when the folds are the same distance. 1:15 PM http://www. ac does not.Easy to Build WIFI 2. 11:01 AM http://www. Reply (CFH5IS8H742Z8AI) kiranrpatil01 (/member/kiranrpatil01/) says: is there any danger by using it . 1:26 AM I would suggest ether placing glue on your sticks and let it dry. 10:21 PM if this was dc theory. or you plan on (/member opening ypur phone and soldering /estef an2020/) some lmr-400 cable to your phone and have a 2ft antenna attached. alfa on fleebay is a good choice estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) says: Sep 18. Vehicle Omni . Reply (CG21DNSH7432MHR) . Indoor . but still lacking some imformation.Mast Mount Omni . 2012.4 /f rankortega/) GHz).Wireless Router Antenna Mobile .8662
[email protected]
Models Yagi . IL 60540 USA Tel: 630. 12:48 AM Reply (C355HPSH742SH0O) by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (/member Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) /kiranrpatil01/) (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) + Collection Favorite estefan2020 (/member/estefan2020/) says: Sep 17. RFID and ther wireless applications using the 2. need more information. I try to build (/member two type of antenna in (easybuild2.4GHz (Wi-Fi Antenna) AIR802 manufactures a variety of antennas for WiFi.4GHz (Wi-Fi Antenna) Printable 2.com 2102 Av Fermin Vivaceta Independencia .WiFi Antenna Grid Sector Reply (CZU2WGCGZHJVX2Z) HomeFAQWhere to BuyPartnersAbout CompanyContactSitemap Copyright © 2006-2012 Air802 LLC 424 Fort Hill Drive. 2012.4 GHz unlicensed ISM band. thanks Home :: Antennas :: 2. 1:34 PM I found a company and there antenna are not too expensive.637.Marine/RV Mount Omni .connector.428. 2012.Mesh Style Omni . you can get 'RP-SMA male flange' and connect your antenna to your usb antenna adapters jack.4GHz Yagi Antenna (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps mobile to access internet? Sep 18.kind ofcable.Easy to Build WIFI 2. 10:39 PM for cable ebay 'rp-sma lmr 400' 3ft 1mcable $13 this is the only thing (/member you don't want to skimp on. #105 Naperville. frankortega (/member/frankortega/) says: Mar 7. and its end up lossing my time.and how long the maximum leght of the cable.3108 Fax: 630. and avoid the cable loss. just mount the driver element so it hooks up at the bottom instead of the top. as it is /estef an2020/) for these frequency's cable signal loss can eat up the gain. 6 (/member /jbaker22/) j baker22 (/member/j baker22/) in reply to Biotele Jun 4.0976 ventas@air802. Argentina.11b/g/n Wireless Standards Comparison. UK. Facts and Channels FCC Rules and Regulations (2.air802. 3:45 AM I don't understand your question. Do you need? Reply (CGF790UH2WEM3DE) . 2012. Peru. Columbia. Chile. 1:03 PM I have a Cisco wrt120n. 2012. 2012.455. Australia. It has 2 antenna how do I make the yagi antenna? Reply (CN5WNS8H2WESS00) Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (author) in reply to frankortega Reply (C2LQZJBGZHJZIKQ) Mar 8.4GHz Yagi Antenna Santiago.air802. Brazil.4 & 5 GHz) View RF Coaxial Connector Identification Chart Radio Manufacturer to Coaxial Connector Type Cross-Reference Customer ServiceContact Information Hours of Operation Return Authorization Form (RMA) Your cart Cart is empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wish list Gift registry Our PoliciesShipping Information Payment Options Sales Tax Privacy Policy Statement of Warranty Return Policy Legal Conditions SupportContacts Drivers Firmware Manuals AuthenticationSign in Register Forgot password? 6 (/member /jbaker22/) j baker22 (/member/j baker22/) in reply to frankortega Jun 1. http://www.AIR802 manufactures professional.0975 by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) Fax: 562. Canada. 4:48 PM This is router what other info. Product CategoriesAntennas Cable .com Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) http://www. The cable products include 50 ohm 195 and 400 series + Collection Favorite coaxial cable in addition to high quality outdoor CAT5E Ethernet cable.455.Ethernet / Coax / USB Connector/Adapters Lightning Protector Marine-RV Hardware Miscellaneous Power Over Ethernet Injector / Splitter Products Radios Switch Tools Knowledge CenterConversion Table (dBm to Watt) IEEE 802. antennas and coaxial connectors. Chile Tel: 562. Our (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) wireless products include high power and long range access points or routers.com . usb adapters.Easy to Build WIFI 2. Mexico. reliable and high quality wireless and cable products.com covers USA. Our products are offered direct or through distributors or resellers. You build this 10 antenna but you can't connect (/member it to the usn wifi receiver? Can /Biotele/) you post a picture of what you build so far? Thanks. But also its metal further back interacts inductively with other antenna elements in its vicinity. 2012. 2012.LARGE. I would like to /jbaker22/) (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) attach an alligator clip to 1 antenna which should I clip it to? + Collection Favorite Then I will attach the other end to the Yagi antenna. it's hard to understand why this is. The metal parts 6 on the side are the Download (/member (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) antenna. forming ROUGHLY another half reflector.4GHz Yagi Antenna j baker22 (/member/j baker22/) in reply to Biotele Reply (CSK5ZQGH2WELODA) Jun 2. 9:06 AM It has 2 antena like this by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) shows. there seemed to be tremendous problems. 4:27 AM The ARRL Antenna Book (Chapter 27. 4:39 PM Reply (CTCN083H2MY KCH3) (/member /nzammit/) Hey great instructable! It might be a bit off topic but I have a few old disused TV antennas. 1:24 AM Reply (CMJE7T1H1Y OL1ZY ) Anyone with experience of reflections from the coax itself? I built a 4-element vertically polarized 850-MHz Yagi antenna. though it is perpendicular in this region. rather than haphazard arrangement. dbartley (/member/dbartley/) in reply to dbartley May 20.5 wavelengths) behind and down to the wooden mast improves reception consistency somewhat. The outside of the coax is actually part of the antenna. 2012. Could I somehow change those to receiving WIFI? Thanks. With the coax dangling haphazardly from the boom (/member behind. Directing the coax back along the boom.Easy to Build WIFI 2. Because of the peculiar geometry and the lack of actual measurement rather than qualitative evaluation. dbartley (/member/dbartley/) says: May 14. 2012. These problems seem to disappear by /dbartley /) looping the coax behind from boom to the mast.jpg) nzammit (/member/nzammit/) says: May 28. being directly attached to an active antenna element. Reply (CRI885Y H2BMNLY E) . (/f iles/deriv /FJG/2X56/H2WER4T8 /FJG2X56H2WER4T8. with a large loop (about 1. 1991) describes (/member this problem of antenna /dbartley /) currents on the transmission lines somewhat. But the ideal loop seems to be obtained from the tightest possible. 2012. it would act as a shield to interference. 2012. frisbeechamp1983 (/member/frisbeechamp1983/) says: Jan 20. 3:22 AM get a solid piece of copper wire that fits into the router's 10 antenna socket. the put it 1 on a slow rotation like radar. would it (/member still work? It would be attached to a /f risbeechamp1983/) modem in my basement. 1:46 PM Easy j baker22 to Build WIFI 2. 2012. and not a reflector though. 3:02 PM It has no socket. a possibility would be to add something covering the back that was grounded. I have to solder and hope I don't ruin the router. Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (author) in reply to frisbeechamp1983 Yes that will work.4 GHZ coax cable with adapter hooked to your router. Reply (CGAWI3FGZKGLF4I) 6 (/member /jbaker22/) j baker22 (/member/j baker22/) in reply to Biotele Jun 1. you would cause undue interference for yourself.the wired to the roof of my house. 2012. and chances are it would work against you. Reply (CIXDP74GZHJZIKT) 6 (/member /jbaker22/) j baker22 (/member/j baker22/) in reply to Biotele Mar 8. 6:00 AM actually if you look at yagi antenna theory. 9:40 PM Reply (CUXDDKPGXO0U61P) andrew 101 (/member/andrew 101/) in reply to frisbeechamp1983 Reply (CZJEWMAGY VDIN1P) Feb 24. 2012. The /Biotele/) wire should short. and the spacing was wrong. 2012. Can you post a picture that sounds like a great idea. Reply (C2EU73EH2WESS2R) If I added like a reflector to the back to send all waves forward. 3:46 AM you can use a 2. and connect to (/member one side of the dipole. .(/member/j baker22/) says: Yagi Mar 5. 2012. 1:07 PM (removed by author or community request) Reply (C7WEFOZGZISQRHH) Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (author) in reply to jbaker22 Mar 9. the wire just 4 behind the driven wire acts (/member like a reflector If you added a /andrew101/) dish behind the antenna.4GHz Antenna 6 (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) (/member /jbaker22/) Reply (C0KQ5GFGZFDPXS0) by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (removed by author or community request) Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) + Collection Favorite 10 (/member /Biotele/) Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (author) in reply to jbaker22 Mar 8. autodesk. . 2012.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=21959721) | Privacy Policy (http://usa.com) ©Copyright 2013 Autodesk Inc.jsp) Jobs (/community/Positions-available-at-Instructables/) Help (/community?categoryGroup=Help) Find Us Facebook (http://www.youtube. Photo's please.instructables.pinterest.com/legal-notices-trademarks/) | Mobile Site (http://m.4GHz Yagi Antenna by Biotele (/member/Biotele/) 10 Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) (/member /Biotele/) (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) (/member /khan0daulatzai/) khan0daulatzai (/member/khan0daulatzai/) says: Jan 31. 3:07 PM Reply (CQ3Y 5QJGX3MBY 88) Biotele (/member/Biotele/) (author) in reply to Computothought Reply (CGEY ZGFGXDWY 9G0) Jan 14. have to rescue a cable first. 4:14 PM you don't need a cable a tiny short wire between the 10 active strip on the board and (/member one side of the loop will /Biotele/) work.autodesk.com/+instructables) Join our newsletter: Join! English Terms of service (http://usa. All rights reserved..com/instructables) Pinterest (http://www.Jan 21.google.com/instructables) Google+ (https://plus.twitter..instructables.com/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna /?&sort=ACTIVE&limit=40&offset=40#DISCUSS) Post Comment About Us Who We Are (/about/) Advertise (/advertise/) Contact (/about/contact. thanks 1-40 of 134 Next » (http://www. 2012. 8:24 AM Reply (CMOKCDNGXMS6080) Easy to Build WIFI 2.facebook. 2012. 2012. 1:18 AM guy can any paste a video of this test.plzz + Collection Reply (CXDHFRDGY 18R6RO) Favorite 214 (/member /Computothought/) Made your antenna.com/user/instructablestv) Twitter (http://www. Computothought (/member/Computothought/) says: Jan 6. but have not tested it yet.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=21292079) | Legal Notices & Trademarks (http://usa.com/instructables) Youtube (http://www. google.autodesk.apple.com /store /apps/details?id=com.Resources (/member/Biotele/) Download by ourBiotele new apps for For Teachers (/teachers/) iOS and android! Artists in Residence (/group/air/) Download (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?download=pdf) Forums (/community/) 8 Steps (/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/step2/Building-Overview/) Answers(/id/Easy-to-Build-WIFI-24GHz-Yagi-Antenna/?ALLSTEPS) (/tag/type-question/?sort=RECENT) Easy to Build WIFI 2.instructables) iOS (https://itunes.4GHz Yagi Antenna (http://usa.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?id=20781545&siteID=123112) Mobile Android (https://play.com /app/instructables /id586765571) + Collection Favorite Go Pro Today » (/account/gopro?sourcea=footer) We're Hiring! » (/community/Positions-available-at-Instructables/) .adsk.
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