Earthing Transformers

March 27, 2018 | Author: ashutoshvashishtha | Category: Transformer, Electrical Engineering, Electricity, Electromagnetism, Electric Power



ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 PN-N-18001:200499-320 Żychlin, ul. Narutowicza 70 Secretary’s Office Marketing and Sales Department Technical Office Quality Assurance Department Logistics Department Tel.: +48 24 285 46 05, Fax: +48 24 285 46 31, [email protected] Tel.: +48 24 285 18 53, Fax: +48 24 285 47 53, [email protected] Tel.: +48 24 285 47 85, +48 24 285 47 50, [email protected] Tel.: +48 24 285 48 31, Fax: +48 24 285 47 45, [email protected] Tel.: +48 24 285 47 52, Fax: +48 24 285 46 30, [email protected] THREE-PHASE OIL IMMERSED EARTHING TRANSFORMERS OFF-VOLTAGE REGULATION EN 60289 100-4000 kVA 6-20 kV Catalogue Sheet No. 68 Sheets in core columns are glued or tied and yoke sheets are tied with glass band. The Manufacturer offers also transformers subject to client requirements.5 50 Permissible operational period in hours 2 4 8 continuous operation continuous operation General description Transformer core consists of three columns and is manufactured from cold-rolled electromagnetic steel sheet with non-organic insulation layer. HV winding can be simultaneously loaded with compensating earthing current at secondary winding loaded with continuous rated power. Windings are made of electrolytic copper and used conductors are round with enamel insulation or profile insulated by means of insulating paper. where ambient air is free from dust and chemically active or explosive gases. Catalogue Sheet No.Application Earthing transformers are applied in power networks for getting an artificial neutral point to which arc-suppression reactor or resistor is connected. When failure occurs in power network transformers are energised with phase voltage in neutral point. HV winding has taps for voltage regulation. The transformers are three-phase and are used for substation auxiliary supply (self service) in case when power network is not earthed. Voltage regulation range equals to ±5%. During transformer operation HV terminals are connected to power network and 1N neutral point is connected to terminal 1A of arc-suppression reactor or resistor. 68 2 . Operational frequency 50 Hz.5 75 62. Transformers can be loaded with continuous power of auxiliary supply. Winding design and fastening ensure very high dielectric and arc insulation withstand and short-circuit capacity.000 metres above sea level or indoors with sufficient ventilation. annual average temperature should not exceed +20°C (293°K). for instance for operation in tropic climate. Ambient temperature range is from -25°C to +40°C (248°K to 313°K). Operational condition Transformers in basic execution are suitable to operate in moderate climates. There are oil ducts among winding which provide oil circulation and proper cooling. They can operate outdoors in location of altitudes up to 1. Loading conditions are shown in the Table below: Compensating current as % of rated current 100 87. 289) EN 60076-1 .Tap changer is installed in transformers main tank and it has manual regulation wheel on tank cover.Power Transformers. Tolerance In accordance with bending Standards tolerance for transformer ratings are as follows: • No-load loss: +15% • Load loss: +15% • Total loss: +10% • No-load current: +30% • Impedance voltage: ±10% Reference Standards and International Provisions EN 60289 . (IEC Publication No. 68 3 . placed on transformer main tank cover 4 porcelain bushings of LV side. Regulation of transformer ratio (by means of changing taps) is made after switching transformer off-voltage. Accessories • • • • • • • • 4 porcelain bushings of HV side. (IEC Publication No.1) Catalogue Sheet No.Reactors. 76. Transformer main tank is made of steel and its welded construction is reinforced by means of supports increasing rigidity and proper mechanical withstand. Transformer windings are connected in ZNyn11 connection group. Tap changer has blocking facility for each tap position. Cooling of transformers is performed by means of steel sheet radiators fixed in position to the main tank wall. Transformer main tank has undercarriage with bi-directional wheels. placed on transformer main tank cover Maximum thermometer Buchholza relay Conservator with Oil level indicator Earthing bolts Oil draining and filling valves Nominal plates Accessories of each transformer are in compliance with Dimensional Drawing. overhauls and repairs of its products.5 4. Type Power Power kVA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TUOd 110/6 TUOd 145/6 TUOd 220/6 TUOd 435/6 TUOd 485/10 TUOd 730/10 TUOd 970/10 TUOd 545/15 TUOd 730/15 109 145 218 436 485 727 970 546 727 1091 1637 485 727 970 1455 kVA 100 100 100 100 100 100 315 100 100 315 315 100 100 315 315 Voltage HV V 6300 6300 6300 6300 Comp. Factory provides guarantee and post-guarantee service.5 W 360 360 360 450 450 450 950 450 450 950 1050 450 450 950 1050 W 2000 1600 1500 1300 1300 1260 3500 1250 1260 3500 3000 1300 1260 3500 3000 Zo Mass Total Ω 5 5 5 5 15 15 5 30 30 15 15 60 60 30 30 kg 800 840 870 1220 1270 1250 2200 1300 1370 2250 2600 1230 1310 2240 2600 Oil kg 250 240 240 340 340 330 590 340 340 580 600 340 330 580 600 400 120-60 4.5 10500 400 10500 400 120-60 4.5 10500 400 160-80 15750 400 15750 400 60-30 80-40 5 4.5 5 5 10 TUOd 1090/15 11 TUOd 1640/15 12 TUOd 485/20 13 TUOd 730/20 14 TUOd 970/20 15 TUOd 1455/20 15750 400 120-60 15750 400 180-90 21000 400 21000 400 21000 400 40-20 60-30 80-40 21000 400 120-60 Other design execution to be consulted with the Manufacturer. Loss Volta NoLV Current Load ge load V 400 400 400 A 30-15 40-20 60-30 % 4. Catalogue Sheet No.5 4.Technical Data Comp. Imp.5 4. Auxiliary No.5 80-40 4. 68 4 .5 4.5 5 5 4. 11. 9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type TUOd 110/6 TUOd 145/6 TUOd 220/6 TUOd 435/6 TUOd 485/10 TUOd 730/10 TUOd 545/15 TUOd 730/15 TUOd 485/20 A 1160 1160 1160 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 B 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 C 1260 1260 1260 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 D 520 520 520 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 E 395 395 395 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 F 665 665 665 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 G 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 H 145 145 145 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 J 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 K 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 X 90 90 120 120 10 TUOd 730/20 Catalogue Sheet No.Dimensional Drawing 1. 8. 5. 4. 10. 3. 7. 12. HV bushing LV bushing Corrugated walls tank Oil level indicator Pressure Safety Valve Drain and Oil Test Valves Earthing Bolt Bi-directional Undercarriage Tap Changer Manual Drive Nominal Plate Dial Type Thermometer Lifting eye Approximate Dimensions in [mm] No. 6. 68 5 . 2. 6. HV Bushing LV Bushing Radiators Oil level indicator Tap Changer Manual Drive Buchholz Relay Drain and Oil Test Valves Earthing Bolt Bi-directional Undercarriage Nominal Plate Air Breather Dial Type Thermometer Conservator Tank Drain Valve Conservator Conservator Filling Valve Main Tank Cover Filling Valve Lifting eye Approximate Dimensions in [mm] No. 15. 13. 7. 2. 4. 14. 1 2 3 4 5 Type TUOd 970/10 TUOd 1090/15 TUOd 1640/15 TUOd 970/20 TUOd 1455/20 A B C D 670 670 670 670 670 E 685 685 685 685 685 F 1130 1130 1130 1130 1130 G 250 250 250 250 250 H 160 160 160 160 160 J 120 120 120 120 120 K 170 170 170 170 170 X 90 90 120 120 1800 1200 1750 1800 1200 1750 1800 1230 1750 1800 1200 1750 1800 1230 1750 The Manufacturer reserves right to change catalogue technical data in the course of product modernisation. 8. 10. 68 6 . 17. 16. 9. 12.1. 3. 5. Catalogue Sheet No. 11.
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