EAOM210 FL Manual

May 16, 2018 | Author: Adeel | Category: Mains Electricity, Electric Generator, Machines, Electricity, Manufactured Goods



EAOM-210 FLAUTOMATIC TRANSFER & SWITCHING UNIT FOR DIESEL/GAS GENERATORS User Manual EMKO ELEKTRONIK A.S. Demirtas Org. San. Bolg. Karanfil Sk. No: 6 TR 16369 Bursa / TURKEY Phone : +90 224 261 1900 Fax : +90 224 261 1912 Url : www.emkoelektronik.com.tr e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 1 / 154 Section 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 4 Section 2 Installation................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Unit Configuration....................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Mechanical Installation ................................................................................................ 6 Figure 2.1 Front view Figure 2.2 Panel cut-out ................................................................................. 6 Figure 2.3 Side view. ............................................................................................7 2.3 Electrical Connections.................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2.4 Rear view.............................................................................................7 Figure 2.5 EAOM-210 FL three phase connections schematic. ............................................................. 9 Table 2.1 Unit wiring ................................................................................................................................. 11 Table 2.2 Unit wiring description ............................................................................................................ 13 Section 3 Definition Of Front Panel And Programming..................................................... 15 3.1 Front Panel Description ...............................................................................................15 3.2 Programming Procedure ..............................................................................................17 3.3 Accessing to the Operator Parameters............................................................................17 3.3.1 Changing and Saving Operator Parameter Values.................................................................. 19 3.4 Accessing to the Technician Parameters .........................................................................21 3.4.1 Changing and Saving Technician Parameter Values .............................................................. 30 3.5 Programmable function definitions ................................................................................32 3.6 Pc Interface ..............................................................................................................86 3.6.1 Technical Specifications............................................................................................................... 86 3.6.2 9 pin D connector/FCC68(4 pin) connection lead................................................................. 86 3.6.3 Installation Instruction ............................................................................... 86 Minimum system requirements.................................................................. 86 Installing EAOM-210 FL V00/SW ................................................................. 86 To Run EAOM-210 FL V00/SW communication software .................................... 87 3.6.4 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 88 Main Menu........................................................................................... 88 File Menu.................................................................................................................................. 88 Window Menu .......................................................................................................................... 88 Program Menu ......................................................................................................................... 89 Observation Menu................................................................................................................... 90 Operator Parameters Menu................................................................................................... 94 Technician Parameters Menu ............................................................................................... 95 Setting Menu............................................................................................................................ 97 Help Menu ................................................................................................................................ 97 Section 4 Commissioning .......................................................................................... 98 4.1 Manual operation.......................................................................................................98 4.2 Auto Operation ..........................................................................................................99 4.3 Test Mode Operation ..................................................................................................99 EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 2 / 154 Section 5 Operation .............................................................................................. 100 5.1 Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................. 100 5.1.1 LCD Display Description ............................................................................................................... 100 5.1.2 Failure Indicators Description...................................................................................................... 111 5.2 Mode transition ....................................................................................................... 112 5.3 Manual Start ........................................................................................................... 112 5.4 Manual Stop ............................................................................................................ 112 5.5 Auto Operation ........................................................................................................ 112 5.6 Test Operation ........................................................................................................ 113 5.6.1 Exercise Function ........................................................................................................................ 113 Section 6 Fault Finding .......................................................................................... 114 6.1 General.................................................................................................................. 114 6.2 Error Messages ........................................................................................................ 114 Table 6.1 Fault finding....................................................................................116 Section 7 Specifications & Ratings ............................................................................ 117 Section 8 Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 120 User Defined Parameter:........................................................................................ 121 List-1:......................................................................................................................... 121 EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 3 / 154 L3-N) • Generator volts (L1-L2. L3-L1) • Generator Hz • Generator kVA • Generator kW • Generator kVAr • Generator pf • Generator kVAh • Generator kWh • Generator kVArh • Load Amps • Earth current (IEA) It controls: • Engine fuel supply or engine stopping • Starter motor • Alarm horn • Automatic generator start and load transfer on mains failure • Mains Open. L2-L3. L2-N. Both automatic and manual control is possible. L2-N. L3-N) • Mains volts (L1-L2. L2-N. L3-L1) • Mains Hz • Generator volts (L1-N. L2-L3. L3-L1) • Mains Hz • Generator volts (L1-N. Generator Open and Generator Close contactors EAOM-210 FL features a 128x64 Dot-matrix LCD display. including: • Mains volts (L1-N. The unit monitors: • Engine speed • Engine Oil pressure • Coolant temperature • Fuel Level • Battery voltage • Charge generator voltage • Engine run time • Number of starts • Next maintenance • Mains volts (L1-N. L3-L1) EAOM-210 FL. L2-N. L2-L3. L2-L3. Intended for unattended operation. L3-N) • Mains volts (L1-L2. The unit monitors generator operation and gives warning of any faults that are detected.Section 1 Introduction The EAOM-210 FL provides for automatic transfer of a load from mains to generator in the event of a mains failure.eng / ver 0. A test mode is also available which allows the generator to be run without taking the load.6 Pages 4 / 154 . it is able to detect failure of any phase of the mains and to start and switch over to a generator if the mains voltage goes outside pre-set limits. L3-N) • Generator volts (L1-L2. Mains Close. the unit shuts down the engine and indicates the failure by flashing a relevant fault LED. with password protection on two levels. EAOM-210 FL. • Generator Hz • Generator kVA • Generator kW • Generator kVAr • Generator kVAh • Generator kWh • Generator kVArh • Generator pf • Engine Rpm • Load Amps (IL1. If the engine fails to start on the first attempt.eng / ver 0. IT) • Earth current (IEA) • Engine Oil pressure • Coolant temperature • Fuel Level • Battery voltage • Charge generator voltage • Real Time • Engine run time • Next maintenance hour • Next maintenance month • Error messages (if available) • Event Logs • Program parameters The unit is extensively programmable through the front panel. The user configurable inputs 1 and 2 can be programmed to perform 25 different functions. IL2. Operational parameters can also be monitored and controlled from a PC via a built-in RS232 port. Four user configurable relay outputs can be programmed for 93 different functions. Emergency stop input provide for remote control of the engine. Other four user configurable inputs can be programmed to perform 24 different functions. further attempts are made up to a programmed number of times or until successful. If a fault is detected. IL3.6 Pages 5 / 154 . 210 FL FAILED TO START LOW OIL PRESSURE HIGH TEMPERATURE RPM SPEED FAILURE V VOLTAGE FAILURE CHARGING FAIL 138mm 144mm START MAINS PROG G STOP ENGINE RUNNING LOAD RESET OFF AUTO TEST MANUAL TEST 204mm Figure 2.6 Pages 6 / 154 . 2. During the equipment is putted in hole on the metal panel while mechanical installation some metal burrs can cause injury on hands. .2 Mechanical Installation The unit is designed for panel mounting. . It is your responsibility to ensure that qualified mechanical and electrical technicians install this product.eng / ver 0.1 Front view. A visual inspection of this product for possible damage occurred during shipment is recommended before installation.1 Unit Configuration The unit can be programmed using the buttons and display on the front panel or EAOM-210 FL software.Section 2 Installation Please read the following information before installing.2 Panel cut-out EAOM-210 FL.1) 1. ( See Figure 2. you should be careful.Read and follow all installation instructions. Insert the unit in the panel cut-out from the front.Follow all safety warnings of the machine manufacturer. Installation parts of equipment should be tighten properly. 2. The equipment can be drop from mounting place reason of vibration if installation parts leave soft. Fixing is by four screw fixings. . Before beginning installation of this product: . Refer to Section 3 Definition Of Front Panel And Programming for details. Insert the fixings in the slotted at the corners of the unit and tighten the fixing screws to secure the unit against the panel. 186mm EAOM .Make sure the machine cannot operate during installation.Disconnect all electrical power to the machine. Figure 2. 2. OUT-4 89. INPUT 1 • RS 232 • E. 10kHz) D+ (W.3 Side view. 29mm 5A @ MAINS OPEN 250 V  CONTACTOR L1 1  MAINS MAINS CLOSE L2 5A @ 2 250 V  CONTACTOR L3 3 5A @ GEN. OUT-1 N 8 (Ph . OUT-2 5A @ 250 V  144mm CONF.L.N) 300 V  MAXIMUM + BATTERY 5A @ 250 V  * CONF. STOP 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 IL1 ICOM COMMUNICATON  . OUT-3 5A @ PARAMETERS 250 V  BY SELECTING CONF. INPUT 2 • LOW OIL PRES.4 Rear view.eng / ver 0. INPUT 5 LOAD IL2 CONF.BATTERY RS-232 34. INPUT 3 41 42 43 44 45 46 HIGH TEMP. CLOSE 250 V  CONTACTOR L1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 16A @ 2.5mm IT CAN BE USED AS A DIGITAL INPUT FROM THE PROGRAM . INPUT 6 IL3 +BATTERY CONF. OPEN (Ph . Figure 2.) IEA CHARGE GEN. SGN PICKUP GND MAGNETIC (Max. • OR CONF.6 . INPUT 4 CONF.5mm 7mm 16. SENDER OIL PRES. * * SENDER Figure 2. CONF.3 Electrical Connections 250 V  SOLENOID L2  6 + BATTERY 16A @ 250 V  GENERATOR L3 7 START 16A @ 250 V  HORN OUT OR CONF.N) 250 V  CONTACTOR 300 V  MAXIMUM N 4 5A @ GEN.5mm Pages 7 / 154 EAOM-210 FL.BATTERY COMMON LEVEL + BATTERY 8-32 V BATTERY SENDER VOLTAGE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 TEMP. OR CONF. EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 8 / 154 . Only qualified personnel and technician trained specially should work on this equipment. This equipment contains dangerous voltage inner circuits for human life . There is severe dangerous for human life on the case of unauthorised intervene. This equipment does not contain any parts and material related to users.eng / ver 0. Relay Out. FUSE-6. FUSE-7 1 A. T 3 1 2 3 4 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 6 7 8 41 42 43 44 45 46 Maximum ~300V Maximum ~300V 5A 5A 5A 5A Mains Mains Gen. D+(W.6 .T max +BAT 1 4 Pages 9 / 154 EAOM-210 FL. T) selecting from 2 the program Conf. Input-6 Low oil pres.L) Level Horn or Conf. 4 – 15 A. Output-1 Oil Pressure Temperature E. Output-3 Conf. Input-1 High temp. FUSE-5. 5A 5A 5A 16A 16A 16A 39 40 35 32 33 31 15 14 13 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 34 36 37 38 9 12 11 10 Figure 2. or Conf. Output-4 + parameters. or Conf. FUSE-4. 5A. 3. 16 A.eng / ver 0. CHARGE GENERATOR Magnetic START RELAY Pickup SOLENOID CHARGE BATTERY STARTER GEN. LOAD MAINS Mechanical interlock GENERATOR L1 L1 L2 L2 L3 L3 N N Electrical interlock FUSE-1 FUSE-2 FUSE-3 FUSE-4 FUSE-5 FUSE-6 M G FUSE-11 FUSE-10 FUSE-10. Input-2 FUSE-8 should meet the current required by configurable output-2. GND SGN FUSE-1. Input-5 Conf. Stop Conf. FUSE-3. Contactor Contactor Contactor Contactor Open Close Open Close Relay Out. Relay Out. Input-3 Conf. Input-4 Conf. Output-2 Conf. T FUSE-7 FUSE-8 FUSE-9 It can be used as * * * a digital input by FUSE-9 should meet the current required by solenoids (Max. Relay Out. FUSE-11 Max.5 EAOM-210 FL three phase connections schematic. FUSE-2. Gen. 2. Be sure to connect the battery supply the right way round and battery negative should be grounded. ensuring that the screen is grounded at one end ONLY.5 . Figure 2. Connect the unit as shown in the appropriate diagram. Screened cable must be used for connecting the Magnetic Pickup.1.eng / ver 0. EAOM-210 FL. The connectors can be unplugged from the rear of the unit to facilitate connection.6 Pages 10 / 154 . Table 2. 7 Alternator voltage input (L3) 2.5 31 Output to fuel / stop solenoid 2.5 3 phase applications only.5 25 Mains Contactor Close Relay Output 2.5 16 A. Max. Table 2. 3 Mains voltage input (L3) 2. Contactor Open Relay Output 2. 20 High temperature or configurable input-2 1 Switch to “0” volt.37.1 shows the connections and recommended cable sizes.5 24 Mains Contactor Open Relay Output 2.5 16 A. the engine is stopped.5 3 phase applications only. 8 Alternator voltage neutral 2.5 9 Sender common 1 Connect to sender common Connect to fuel level 10 Fuel level sender 1 sender Connect to Coolant 11 Coolant temperature sender 1 temperature sender Connect to Low oil pressure 12 Low oil pressure sender 1 sender 13 Connect to magnetic pick- Input from magnetic pick-up 1 14 up device 15 Input from charge generator 1 NC to “0” volt.1 Unit wiring Pin Description Cable Size Notes (mm²) 1 Mains voltage input (L1) 2.5 6 Alternator voltage input (L2) 2. Contactor Close Relay Output 2.5 Supplies to Pin 36.5 26 Mains Contactor Close Relay Output 2.5 2 Mains voltage input (L2) 2. Max.5 3 phase applications only. DC supply from Pin 32 34 Horn or configurable relay output-1 2. Contactor Open Relay Output 2. 17 Configurable input-5 1 Switch to “0” volt.5 3 phase applications only.5 28 Gen.5 16 A. 16 Configurable input-6 1 Switch to “BATTERY +”.5 29 Gen.6 Pages 11 / 154 .33. 19 Configurable input-3 1 Switch to “0” volt.eng / ver 0. 4 Mains voltage neutral 2. 23 Mains Contactor Open Relay Output 2. 18 Configurable input-4 1 Switch to “0” volt.5 5 A. DC supply from Pin 35 EAOM-210 FL. 21 Low oil pressure or configurable input-1 1 Switch to “0” volt. Max.34 33 Output to start 2. Contactor Close Relay Output 2.5 27 Gen.5 30 Gen.5 Supplies to Pin 31. DC supply from Pin 32 32 +Battery supply input 2. Table 2. When the switch is opened.5 5 Alternator voltage input (L1) 2.38 36 Configurable relay output-2 2. 22 Input from emergency stop 1 NC to “0” volt. DC supply from Pin 32 35 +Battery supply input 2. Max.2 describes the functions of the connections. 37 Configurable relay output-3 2.5 Connect to secondary of load L2 monitoring CT 45 CT Secondary for load L1 2.5 Supplies to unit 40 + Battery supply to EAOM-210 FL 2.eng / ver 0.5 Connect to secondary of Earth current monitoring CT 42 CT Secondary for Earth current 2.5 5 A.5 Connect to secondary of load L3 monitoring CT 44 CT Secondary for load L2 2.5 5 A.6 Pages 12 / 154 . DC supply from Pin 35 38 Configurable relay output-4 2. Max.5 Connect to secondary of load common monitoring CT EAOM-210 FL.Battery supply to EAOM-210 FL 2.5 Connect to secondary of Earth current monitoring CT 43 CT Secondary for load L3 2. DC supply from Pin 35 39 .5 Connect to secondary of load L1 monitoring CT 46 CT Secondary for load L2 2. Max.5 Supplies to unit 41 CT Secondary for Earth current 2. This is a negative switched configurable input. It is possible to configure input to be a normally closed signal or a normally open signal. This is a negative switched configurable input. EAOM-210 FL. An AC signal from the magnetic pick-up +ve for speed sensing. Used to detect failure for controlling automatic transfer of load 2 L2 to alternator. See Breakers Page Section for options available. Volts 24 free contacts to 24. see Digital 18 Configurable Input-4 Page Section for options available. It is possible to configure input to be a normally closed signal or a normally open signal. see Digital 19 Configurable Input-3 Page Section for options available. Gen. See Breakers Page Section for options available. This is a negative switched configurable input. Mains Contactor Open Relay Output. See Digital Configurable Input-2 Page Section for options available.2 Unit wiring description Pin Function 1 L1 Mains voltage inputs.6 Pages 13 / 154 .eng / ver 0. If Configurable input-2 is not selected as High Temperature. Volts 23 free contacts to 24. See Digital Configurable Input-1 Page Section for options available. Input from emergency stop switch. Gen. see Digital 16 Configurable Input-6 Page Section for options available. This is a negative switched configurable input. Unit can be programmed to use frequency of alternator 6 L2 output to detect when engine has started. Mains Contactor Open Relay Output. see Digital 17 Configurable Input-5 Page Section for options available. Configurable input-6. 15 Input from charge generator. Volts 25 free contacts to 26. Configurable input-3. It is possible to configure input to be a 20 normally closed signal or a normally open signal. Normally closed contact. Low Oil Pressure or Configurable input-1. This is a negative switched. Can be used to detect when engine has started. Volts 26 free contacts to 25. Contactor Open Relay Output. Mains Contactor Close Relay Output. 14 Magnetic input –ve. Volts 27 free contacts to 28. Configurable input-4. Volts 28 free contacts to 27. Mains Contactor Close Relay Output. See Breakers Page Section for options available. It is possible to configure input to be a normally closed signal or a normally open signal. High Temperature or Configurable input-2. when the switch 22 is opened. If Configurable input-1 is not selected as Low Oil Pressure. Pins 2 and 3 not used on single phase applications. 3 L3 4 Mains voltage neutral 5 L1 Alternator voltage inputs. It is possible to configure input to be a normally closed signal or a normally open signal. Contactor Open Relay Output. See Breakers Page Section for options available. See Breakers Page Section for options available. Configurable input-5. See Breakers Page Section for options available. Switch to 0V. Switch to 0V. Normally closed contact. the engine is stopped. It is possible to configure input to 21 be a normally closed signal or a normally open signal. An AC signal from the magnetic pick-up -ve for speed sensing. Pins 6 and 7 not used on single phase 7 L3 applications. Table 2. 8 Alternator voltage neutral 9 Sender common 10 Fuel level sender 11 Coolant temperature sender 12 Low oil pressure sender 13 Magnetic input +ve. Volts 29 free contacts to 30. 32 +Battery supply input. See Configurable Output-1 Page 34 Section for options available. 43 CT Secondary for load L3. Supplies to Pin 36. See Breakers Page Section for options available. Gen. Configurable relay output-3.37. DC supply from Pin 32. See Configurable Output-3 Page Section 37 for options available.33. 42 CT Secondary for Earth current (IEA).34 33 Output to start relay. Gen. 35 +Battery supply input. DC supply from Pin 35. DC supply from Pin 35.38 Configurable relay output-2. 46 CT Secondary for load common.6 Pages 14 / 154 . Horn or configurable relay output-1. See Breakers Page Section for options available. See Configurable Output-4 Page Section 38 for options available. DC supply from Pin 32. 44 CT Secondary for load L2. See Configurable Output-2 Page Section 36 for options available.eng / ver 0. DC supply from Pin 32. Output to fuel / stop relay. Contactor Close Relay Output. DC supply from Pin 35.Battery input supplies EAOM-210 FL 40 + Battery input supplies EAOM-210 FL 41 CT Secondary for Earth current (IEA). Controls fuel to engine or controls 31 engine stopping. Volts 30 free contacts to 29. Controls starter motor. 39 . Configurable relay output-4. Contactor Close Relay Output. 45 CT Secondary for load L1. EAOM-210 FL. Supplies to Pin 31. In 14 Programming mode. the unit goes into its PROGRAMMING Mode and LED (1) 13 illuminates. 9 This red LED shows that the unit is in the OFF mode. The green LED indicates that Mains voltage and frequency is within limits and is ready 2 to take over the load. the red LED indicates that the engine has stopping 8 or stopped. In the MAN.1 Front Panel Description 30 31 5 7 1 MAINS 17 3 4 19 21 START 13 PROG 14N 15 P 16 2 8 18 20 6 22 STOP LOAD 9 10 11 12 23 TEST 24 25 RESET 26 OFF 27 AUTO 28 TEST 29 MANUAL Number Comment: 1 The red LED illuminates only when the EAOM-210 FL in the Programming Mode. the green LED indicates that the engine is starting 7 up or is running. it operates as an page changing function or increment function (increase value). 4 The LED shows that the load is supplied from the generator. 10 This red LED shows that the unit is in the AUTO mode. AUTO and TEST modes. 12 This red LED shows that the unit is in the MANUAL mode. It’s colour is green. The green LED indicates that Generator Voltage is within limits and is ready to take 5 over the load. 6 The green LED indicates that the engine has started and is running.6 Pages 15 / 154 . EAOM-210 FL. AUTO and TEST modes. 3 The LED shows that the load is connected to the mains. 11 This red LED shows that the unit is in the TEST mode. When this button is pressed. This button is used for showing next working screen in normal operation.Section 3 Definition Of Front Panel And Programming 3.eng / ver 0. It’s colour is green. In the MAN. 28 The TEST button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the TEST Mode. only operative when manual mode is 19 selected. 22 The STOP button is used for stopping the engine when the unit is in the Manual Mode. and 16 between programming parameters in programming mode. only operative when manual mode is selected. 26 The OFF button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the OFF Mode. This is used for displaying the electrical measurements 30 during normal operation (features explained in section 5. In 15 Programming mode.6 Pages 16 / 154 . This button closes the alternator contactor. 25 This button will reset the controller after a failure has been detected. This button opens the alternator contactor. 17 This button closes the mains contactor.). 23 The LAMP TEST button illuminates all LED indicators. 31 Failure Indicators. 128x64 Dot matrix LCD Display.1.Number Comment: This button is used for showing previous working screen in normal operation. and editing/inspecting programming parameters in program mode.1. only operative when manual mode is 20 selected. only operative when manual mode is selected. 21 The START button is used for starting the engine when the unit is in the Manual Mode. This button is used for rotating between Event Log screens in normal operation. 18 This button opens the mains contactor. 27 The AUTO button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the AUTO Mode.2. Detailed information available in section 5. 29 The MAN button is used for changing operating mode of the unit to the MANUAL Mode.1. 24 This button will silence the alarm horn after a failure has been detected. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. it operates as an page changing function or decrement function (decrease value). decrement buttons. OPERATOR SECTION OPERATOR PASSWORD PASSWORD 161 Note1: If Enter button is pressed and the operator Press the Enter button to password is zero. MAINS LEVELS PAGE PROG Operator or technician can access to the following page by pressing increment button Operator and technician OPERATOR SECTION GENERATOR VOLTAGE can access to this page.3 Accessing to the Operator Parameters Operation Screen MAINS & LOAD OPERATOR SECTION OPERATOR SECTION L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50. it will stop and the LED (9) lights on.2 Programming Procedure Many of the unit functions can be set by programming.LEVELS PAGE LEVELS Page Note2: When Password PROG message is shown. Programming can be carried out only while the unit is in OFF mode. The parameters have been divided into groups according to their functions.eng / ver 0. the unit will drop out of program mode. If the engine is running. 3. But user can not to the following page by pressing change the parameters. Password confirm password. GEN. password with parameters.0Hz IT: 378A PASSWORD IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP 0 OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG PROG When the prog button is pressed.6 Pages 17 / 154 . If the screen is ignored. Every group has a title and firstly user must determine the title (page) for accessing to the parameters. parameters can be seen by pressing Enter button without entering operator Operator or technician can access password. 3. Press the OFF (26) button. Refer to the parameters section for detailed information about parameters. Operator and technician OPERATOR SECTION MAINS LEVELS Page can access to this page. PROG password is incorrect. increment button EAOM-210 FL.VOLT. password is User can access to operator parameters by Enter asked for accessing to entering operator or technician password. This selection is done with increment and increment and decrement buttons. p O ra o te n h ce td a cn i se ca n sih to O P E R A T O R S E C T I N E N G L V R S A P g e R a T O F U E Q N C Y fIp g a tre n s h y q u c e n ig o p tra m e g o n e trs (G rn )e ti1 a o G E N . I L V N L P A G E E N G L V R S A P g e R a T O C U R E N T W P /E O R P R G O ro te a p m fO h ycrb e to g a a cn g isrp e se ca rm n d e h to su b n n rp sP e o tu b g tixe o n C te u n io n isrp e o n e rm c d n a t rp B y E g n ise N T E R b . PROG Operator or technician can access to the Operator or technician can access to the former page by pressing decrement button following page by pressing increment button Operator and technician can access to this OPERATOR SECTION GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER page GEN. from Program Mode and decrement buttons to change the user can access to all turn to operation screen. T C O U R / S P E C W T . this page is ignored.n re csd a o d p tn e r. F R E Q .LVL PAGE LEVELS Page PROG Operator or technician can access to the former page by pressing decrement button Press prog button to exit Continue to press increment and By pressing ENTER button.e l P R G O ro te a p O h cre to a cn i se ca n e h to s lp o fO p rw o g tn e a i p cyib n e h g a rt n g a icsre o tsn e rm ca i e h tn o u b rp e o m f yb e g a g n isrp e rm e cd o tu b n e n p g a O ra o te n h ce td a cn i se ca n sih to O P G E R N A .CUR/POW.6 Pages 18 / 154 .n o tu o tP ru m n f n o irte a p M m g . page. b a d s i .Operator and technician can access to this OPERATOR SECTION GENERATOR FEQUENCY page GEN. parameters in related page.m ca g sn o tu b n a h co t e h tg re m sp au e cn a irst la o tsd e r l.LEVELS PAGE LEVELS Page If the sensing options generator frequency parameter(Gen1) in Miscellaneous page(Gen) is disable. L V S P A G E s itM h n a le c g p s g p o a u e s in r n )e (G d .eng / ver 0.FREQ.e g a p EAOM-210 FL. eng / ver 0. Operation Screen MAINS & LOAD OPERATOR SECTION OPERATOR SECTION L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50.6 Pages 19 / 154 . PROG password is incorrect.0Hz IT: 378A PASSWORD IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP 0 OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG PROG When the prog button is pressed. EAOM-210 FL. decrement buttons. OPERATOR SECTION Mains Under Voltage parameter MAINS LEVELS PAGE MAINS UNDER VOLTAGE 320 Vac PROG Parameter can be changed with increment and decrement buttons OPERATOR SECTION MAINS LEVELS PAGE MAINS UNDER VOLTAGE 322 Vac PROG Press Enter button to confirm the changed value and access to the following parameter. Operator and technician OPERATOR SECTION MAINS LEVELS Page can access to this page. the unit will drop out of program mode. Password confirm password.3. user must access to “MAINS LEVELS PAGE” page firstly. password is User can access to operator parameters by Enter asked for accessing to entering operator or technician password. If the screen is ignored. password with parameters.1 Changing and Saving Operator Parameter Values Example-1 : To change Mains Under Voltage parameter in ”MAINS LEVELS PAGE”. OPERATOR SECTION OPERATOR PASSWORD PASSWORD 161 Note1: If Enter button is pressed and the operator Press the Enter button to password is zero.3. MAINS LEVELS PAGE PROG Press Enter button to access to first parameter in Mains Levels page. This selection is done with increment and increment and decrement buttons. buttons to change the page. MAINS & LOAD Operation Screen L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50. 340 Vac PROG When Prog button is pressed.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG EAOM-210 FL. OPERATOR SECTION MAINS LEVELS Page MAINS LEVELS PAGE PROG If Prog button is pressed again. OPERATOR SECTION Mains Under Voltage Return MAINS LEVELS PAGE parameter MAINS UNDER V.RET.6 Pages 20 / 154 .eng / ver 0. related page can be accessed. operation screen is Continue to press increment and decrement shown. Press the Enter button. TECHNICIAN SECTION TECHNICIAN SECTION TECHNICIAN PASSWORD PASSWORD PASSWORD 0 162 Press the Enter button to confirm password.ACT. TECHNICIAN SECTION GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER GEN. PROG Technician can access to the following page by pressing increment button TECHNICIAN SECTION MISCELLANEOUS Page MISCELLANEOUS PAGE Operator can not access to this page. This parameters. zero. If the PROG PROG password is incorrect.3. the unit will drop out of program mode. But user can not following page by pressing change the parameters.PAGE ACTIONS Page Note1: If Enter button is pressed Operator can not and the technician password is access to this page. Password screen is ignored. increment button EAOM-210 FL. PROG Note2: When Password message is shown.CUR/POW. selection is done with increment and decrement buttons.4 Accessing to the Technician Parameters Operation Screen MAINS & LOAD OPERATOR SECTION TECHNICIAN SECTION L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50. Enter password with increment and decrement buttons.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG PROG When the prog button is pressed.6 Pages 21 / 154 . password is User can access to technician parameters asked for accessing to by entering technician password. parameters can be seen by pressing Enter button without entering technician Technician can access to the password.eng / ver 0. Operator can not access to this page. Operator can not access to this page. page by pressing decrement button. TECHNICIAN SECTION ANALOGUE SENDER ANALG. EAOM-210 FL.Operator can not access to this page. page by pressing decrement button.eng / ver 0.PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. Operator can not access to this page.OPT PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. Operator can not access to this page.PLANT BATTR PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. page by pressing decrement button.6 Pages 22 / 154 .SPED SETING PAGE If the sensing options pick up parameter(Gen2) in Miscellaneous page(Gen) is disable. page by pressing decrement button.PAGE LINEARISATIONS Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button.CRANK DISCN. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. TECHNICIAN SECTION ENGINE STARTING OPTIONS Page ENGINE STAR. this page is ignored. TECHNICIAN SECTION GENERATOR SPEED SETTINGS Page GEN. TECHNICIAN SECTION ENGINE CRANK DISCONNECT Page ENG. TECHNICIAN SECTION ANALOGUE INPUTS Page ANALOGUE INPUTS PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.SENDR LIN. TECHNICIAN SECTION ENGINE PLANT BATTERY Page ENG. Operator can not access to this page. CNF. page by pressing decrement button.INPUT-4 PAGE INPUT-4 Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.INPUT-3 PAGE INPUT-3 Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. Operator can not access to this page. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page.6 Pages 23 / 154 . TECHNICIAN SECTION DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE DIG.Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE DIG. Operator can not access to this page.CNF.INPUT-1 PAGE INPUT-1 Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. TECHNICIAN SECTION DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE DIG. page by pressing decrement button. page by pressing decrement button.eng / ver 0. page by pressing decrement button.CNF. TECHNICIAN SECTION DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE DIG.INPUT-2 PAGE INPUT-2 Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. Operator can not access to this page. EAOM-210 FL. TECHNICIAN SECTION CANBUS CONFIGURATION Page CAN BUS CONFIG. PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. Operator can not access to this page.CNF.INPUT-5 PAGE INPUT-5 Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.CNF. TECHNICIAN SECTION DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE DIG. page by pressing decrement button. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.eng / ver 0. this page is ignored. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.6 Pages 24 / 154 .CNF. this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.INPUT-4 PAGE INPUT-4 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable. this page is ignored. this page is ignored. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP. Operator can not access to this page. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. page by pressing decrement button.INPUT-2 PAGE INPUT-2 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable.Operator can not access to this page.INPUT-6 PAGE INPUT-6 Page Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button.CNF.CNF. page by pressing decrement button.CNF.INPUT-3 PAGE INPUT-3 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.INPUT-1 PAGE INPUT-1 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable. Operator can not access to this page. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE DIG. Operator can not access to this page. EAOM-210 FL.INPUT-5 PAGE INPUT-5 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. this page is ignored.CNF.CNF. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CNF.INPUT-6 PAGE INPUT-6 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CNF.INPUT-7 PAGE INPUT-7 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CNF.INPUT-8 PAGE INPUT-8 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT-1 Page CONFIG.OUTPUT-1 PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT-2 Page CONFIG.OUTPUT-2 PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT-3 Page CONFIG.OUTPUT-3 PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 25 / 154 Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT-4 Page CONFIG.OUTPUT-4 PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-1 PAGE OUTPUT-1 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-2 PAGE OUTPUT-2 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-3 PAGE OUTPUT-3 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-4 PAGE OUTPUT-4 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-5 PAGE OUTPUT-5 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 26 / 154 Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-6 PAGE OUTPUT-6 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-7 PAGE OUTPUT-7 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE EXP.CONFG.OUT-8 PAGE OUTPUT-8 Page If the Expansion Module Selection parameter in CanBus Configuration page is disable, this page is ignored. Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION START TIMERS Page START TIMERS PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION LOAD/STOPPING TIMERS Page LOAD/STP.TIMERS PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 27 / 154 EAOM-210 FL.n o tu re m p O cro ta e ca to n o tsce a ip sh t . Operator can not access to this page.e g N E H T C A D E P S N U O T I N O I E T G C A E D A T S U E P T e P g a cg e a T p rp yib n ca e h in sg ce a n e m h tcro s n o tu b lw fe .eng / ver 0.d ca ge p tn e m . Operator can not access to this page. page by pressing decrement button.MAINT. o P tn m ru f n ito a M rm e p g n e a scrd o . page by pressing decrement button. TECHNICIAN SECTION LCD CONFIGURATION Page LCD CONFIG. TECHNICIAN SECTION COMMUNICATION Page COMMUNICATION PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.ALARM PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. TECHNICIAN SECTION ENGINE MAIN TENANCE ALARM Page ENG.PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button.e g N S H C A E P T E G S A P N O D I R T W N O I T C E P A S W R O D e P g a P R G O p sP e r o tu b g r xe o tn itC o te u in isn e rp o n e m cr d n a t B y sie n rp E g N R T n o tu b .g in P R G O e ch g a T p se rp cya ib n ce d sg in a b tn e m frh o s . p O cro ta e ca to n o tsce a ip sh t . page by pressing decrement button. TECHNICIAN SECTION BREAKERS Page BREAKERS PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page by pressing decrement button. TECHNICIAN SECTION EXERCISE Page EXERCISE PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button.Operator can not access to this page.6 Pages 28 / 154 .r sn o tu b n a ch o t e h tg ra se u p re ta n m c e tla risn o c e g a p d l . Operator can not access to this page. Operator can not access to this page. EAOM-210 FL. from Program Mode and decrement buttons to change the user can access to all turn to operation screen. page by pressing decrement button. Operator can not access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION DATE SETUP Page DATE SETUP PAGE Technician can access to the following PROG Technician can access to the former page by pressing increment button. page.Operator can not access to this page.6 Pages 29 / 154 . TECHNICIAN SECTION PASSWORD Page PASSWORD PAGE PROG Press prog button to exit Continue to press increment and By pressing ENTER button.eng / ver 0. parameters in related page. CUR/PW. If the PROG PROG password is incorrect.3. user must access to “GEN. Password screen is ignored.ACT. Press the Enter button. Enter password with increment and decrement buttons.CUR/POW.4.PAGE CT PRIMARY 100Vac PROG Parameter can be changed with increment and decrement buttons TECHNICIAN SECTION GEN.6 Pages 30 / 154 .ACT.PAGE CT PRIMARY 500Vac PROG Press Enter button to confirm the changed value and access to the following parameter. TECHNICIAN SECTION CT Primary parameter GEN. Operation Screen MAINS & LOAD OPERATOR SECTION TECHNICIAN SECTION L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50. zero.CUR/POW.ACT.ACT.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG PROG When the prog button is pressed.eng / ver 0. selection is done with increment and decrement buttons.CUR/POW. the unit will drop out of program mode. PROG Press Enter button to access to first parameter in Mains Levels page. TECHNICIAN SECTION GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER GEN. password is User can access to technician parameters asked for accessing to by entering technician password.PAGE ACTIONS Page Note1: If Enter button is pressed Operator can not and the technician password is access to this page. TECHNICIAN SECTION TECHNICIAN SECTION TECHNICIAN PASSWORD PASSWORD PASSWORD 0 162 Press the Enter button to confirm password.PAGE” firstly.1 Changing and Saving Technician Parameter Values Example-1 : To change CT Primary parameter in ”GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER ACTIONS PAGE”. This parameters. EAOM-210 FL. eng / ver 0.6 Pages 31 / 154 . related page can be accessed. TECHNICIAN SECTION GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER GEN.CUR/POW. TECHNICIAN SECTION CT Primary (Earth Fault) parameter GEN.ACT. MAINS & LOAD Operation Screen L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50.ACT.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG EAOM-210 FL. operation screen is Continue to press increment and decrement shown.CUR/POW. buttons to change the page.PAGE EARTH FAULT CT PRIM 100Vac PROG When Prog button is pressed.PAGE ACTIONS Page PROG If Prog button is pressed again. Also.3. (GEN.0 55.0 58.UNDER V.0 43. Mains Under Frequency Return Hz 20.0 45.eng / ver 0.LOADING VOLTAGE Generator Loading Voltage VAC 60 – 600 345 GEN.PRE-ALR Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm VAC (dis)60 – 600 340 GEN.0 GEN. Generator Loading Frequency Hz 30.0 MAINS OVER F.0 GEN.LEVELS PAGE) GENERATOR VOLTAGE LEVELS page GEN.0 46.EARTH FAULT Generator Earth Fault A AC 0 – 9999 100 EAOM-210 FL. Mains Under Voltage Return VAC 60 – 600 340 MAINS OVER VOLTAGE Mains Over Voltage VAC 60 – 600 440 MAINS OVER V.0 – 75.UNDER FREQUENCY Generator Under Frequency Hz (dis)30.0 The unit uses these parameters to decide when to display Speed Failure and Frequency Error Messages.OVER VO.PRE-ALR Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm Hz (dis)30.SHUTDWN Generator Over Voltage Shutdown VAC 60 – 600 440 The unit uses these parameters to decide when to display Voltage Failure and Voltage Error Messages.6 Pages 32 / 154 . In Automatic mode.OVER FR.RET.OVER V. Mains Over Frequency Hz 20.OVER F.RETURN Mains Over Frequency Return Hz 20.0 – 75. (GEN.LOADING FREQ.0 – 75.UNDER F.0 54.0 45. the unit uses Generator Loading Voltage parameter to decide when to take the load.CUR/POW.SHUTDWN Generator Over Frequency Shutdown Hz (dis)30.0 – 75.0 The unit uses these parameters to decide when to lit the “Mains Okey LED”.0 – 75.VOLT.LVL.OVER CURRENT Generator Over Current A AC 0 – 9999 9999 GEN.PR-A.RET Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Return VAC 60 – 600 400 GEN.0 – 75.RETURN Mains Over Voltage Return VAC 60 – 600 420 MAINS UNDER FREQ.PAGE) GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER LEVELS page GEN.PRE-ALR Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm VAC (dis)60 – 600 420 GEN. (GEN.0 MAINS OVER FREQ. Mains Under Frequency Hz 20.LEVELS PAGE) GENERATOR FREQUENCY LEVELS page GEN.0 GEN.FREQ.UNDER VOLTAGE Generator Under Voltage VAC (dis)60 – 600 320 GEN. the unit uses Generator Loading Frequency parameter to decide when to take the load. the unit uses these parameters to switch the load between the mains supply and the alternator.0 – 75.0 GEN.0 – 75.0 48.0 – 75.0 GEN.OVER V.RET Generator Over Frq Pre-Alarm Return Hz 30.RET.OVER F.0 – 75.PRE-ALR Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Hz (dis)30.5 Programmable function definitions Operator parameters (MAINS LEVELS PAGE) MAINS LEVELS page MAINS UNDER VOLTAGE Mains Under Voltage VAC 60 – 600 320 MAINS UNDER V.0 MAINS UNDER F. Also.PR-A.SHORT CIRCUIT Generator Short Circuit A AC 0 – 9999 9999 GEN.0 55.0 52. 6 Pages 33 / 154 .IGNITION SPEED Min Ignition Speed RPM 10 . 0-3 dis -Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) -Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) OVER CUR.99 0 Earth Fault Actions -Disable -Warning (Alarm Only. ENAB DIS ENAB Look Mains Failure For Mains Cont. 1-1000: Speed sensing will be derived from the magnetic pickup and the number is flywheel teeth on the engine. (dis)0-1000 DIS Ac System 0 =1phase 2wire. STOP/FUEL FUEL STOP SOLENOID TIME Stop Solenoid Time Sec 5 .OPT.99 0 Short Circuit Actions -Disable -Warning (Alarm Only. SENSING OPT.EN All Warnings Are Latched En/Dis .OP. No Shutdown) EARTH FAULT ACTIONS .99 5 GAS VALVE DELAY Gas Valve Delay Sec 1 . DISABLE: Speed sensing not will be derived from the generator output frequency. No-YES no (MISCELLANEOUS PAGE) MISCELLANEOUS page SENS. EAOM-210 FL.FEAT. ENAB DIS ENAB SNS.99 0 TOTAL ENERGY CLEAR Total Energy Clear . No-YES no ACTIVE ENERGY CLEAR Active Energy Clear .ALARM TIME Over Current Alarm Time Sec 0 .99 5 MIN.1500 200 SENSING OPTIONS GENERATOR FRQ EN/DIS: ENABLE: Speed sensing will be derived from the generator output frequency. ENAB DIS DIS ALL WRN.PAGE) GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER ACTIONS page CT PRIMARY CT Primary A AC 0 – 9999 500 EARTH FAULT CT PRIM CT Primary (Earth Fault) A AC 0 – 9999 500 Over Current Actions -Disable -Warning (Alarm Only.MA.ALRM TIME Short Circuit Alarm Time Sec 0 .E .FO. 2: AC system is 3 phase 4 wire series delta.ACTIONS . 0-2 1 4wire 2= 3phase 4wire Series Delta FAST LOAD. No-YES no REACTIVE ENERGY CLR Reactive Energy Clear .ENAB Sensing Options Generator Frq En/Dis .Technician parameters (GEN. GAS/ DIESEL DIESEL STOP/FUEL SELECTION Stop / Fuel Selection . 0-3 dis -Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) -Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) EARTH FAU.eng / ver 0.PICKP ENA&FW Sensing Opt Pickup En/Dis & Flywheel . 1: AC system is 3 phase 4 wire. PICKUP EN/DIS & FLYWHEEL DISABLE: Speed sensing will not be derived from the magnetic pickup.MA. AC SYSTEM 3 PHASE 4 WIRE OR 1 PHASE 2 WIRE 0: AC system is 1 phase 2 wire.99 20 IGNITION DELAY Ignition Delay Sec 1 . LK.F.ACT.CUR/POW. 0-3 dis -Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) -Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) SHORT CIR.FA.GEN.ENAB Fast Loading Feature En/Dis .CN.ALRM TIME Earth Fault Alarm Time Sec 0 . ENAB DIS DIS MAINS FAIL. No Shutdown) SHORT CIR.DETEC. 1= 3phase AC SYSTEM .ARE LTCH.ACTIONS .EN Mains Failure Detection En/Dis . No Shutdown) OVER CUR. ENAB DIS DIS En/Dis GAS/DIESEL SELECT Engine Fuel (Gas/ Diesel) Selection . If diesel engine selected: STOP/FUEL SELECTION Selection for the engine has Fuel or Stop selenoid. especially useful if the load is a 3-phase motor or pump. the warnings and pre-alarms (except spare inputs. because they have their latching or non-latching selections) will automatically reset once the triggering condition has cleared. In the event of generator failure the module will open the generator relay and remove the supply to the load until either the mains supply is restored or the generator is restarted. this timer will still operate. This is to prevent damage to the load in case of single-phase failure. STOP SOLEONID TIME This timer is used if the unit is configured to operate an Energise to stop engine. This feature is useful if the module is to be used with some small engines where pre-mature termination of the delay timer can lead to overspeed alarms on start up. ensuring that in the event of a system failure the load will still be fed from the AC mains supply. the safety on timer will be observed in full. MAINS FAILURE DETECTION EN/DIS Disable: The module will not monitor the AC mains supply for failure. DISABLE: Normal operation. preventing an immediate restart.FAST LOADING FEATURE EN/DIS ENABLE: The module will terminate the safety on timer once all monitored parameters have reached their normal settings. If the Stop Solenoid output is not configured. The supply to the load will then be fed from the gen-set once it is available. This provides a ‘fail-safe system’. ALL WARNINGS ARE LATCHED EN/DIS Disable: Normal operation. In the event of a generator failure the module will default back to the incoming AC mains supply. Enable: As soon as the module detects a mains failure the mains contactor or breaker relay will be opened to remove the supply from the load.6 Pages 34 / 154 . Should the supply go out side of limits the module will initiate its automatic mains failure sequence. It dictates the duration that the Stop Solenoid output will remain active after the module has detected the engine has come to rest. ENGINE FUEL (DIESEL /GAS) SELECTION Diesel or Gas engine can be selected. To reset the alarm either an external reset must be applied to one of the inputs or the ‘Reset’ pushbutton operated. Example: Start/stop diagram for Diesel Engine. Enable: Warnings and pre-alarms will latched when triggered. The formula signs and indices mean: TPT Preheating time [s] EAOM-210 FL. This feature is useful if the module is to be used as a standby controller as it allows the generator to start and go on load in the shortest possible time.eng / ver 0. Enable: The module will monitor the incoming AC mains supply. LOOK MAINS FAILURE FOR MAINS CONTACTOR EN/DIS Disable: In the event of a mains failure the EAOM-210 FL will attempt to maintain the supply to the load for the incoming AC mains supply until the generator is available to go on load. The AC mains instrumentation will still be active however. once the triggering condition has cleared. eng / ver 0.6 Pages 35 / 154 .TCT Engagement time [s] TRT Interval between 2 start attempts [s] TDT Engine delayed monitoring [s] EAOM-210 FL. eng / ver 0.RPM] Crank disconnect magnetic pick-up speed t[s] Start request t[s] Pre-heat tPT tRT t[s] Starter 2s tCT tCT t[s] Fuel relay t[s] Engine monitoring ON tDT t[s] Starting Unsuccessful Successful Stopping Pages 36 / 154 EAOM-210 FL.6 . [RPM] Rated speed [1/min. GAS VALVE DELAY By setting the ignition relay the gas valve delay is started.6 Pages 37 / 154 . The formula signs and indices mean: TRT Interval between 2 start attempts [s] TIT Ignition delay [s] TGT Gas valve delay [s] TDT Engine delayed monitoring [s] EAOM-210 FL. gas valve is de-energised. the configurable relay output ‘ignition’ is set. so that the configurable relay output ‘ignition’ will be set. After the expiry of the set time as long as the number of revolutions is higher than the minimum ignition speed.If gas engine selected: IGNITION DELAY With gas engines often a purging operation is desired before starting. MIN IGNITION SPEED After expiry of the ignition delay the number of revolutions set must be reached. If the ‘min ignition speed’ is reached after expiry of this time. With the engaging of the starter the ignition delay is started. Example: Start/stop diagram for Gas Engine. When the necessary engine shutdown process.eng / ver 0. the gas valve is set. 6 .RPM] Minimum ignition speed will not be reached Crank disconnect magnetic pick-up speed Minimum ignition speed t[s] Start request t[s] Ignition tIT 5s t[s] Starter tIT tRT t[s] Gas valve tGT t[s] Engine monitoring ON tDT t[s] Starting Unsuccessful Successful Stopping Pages 38 / 154 EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. [RPM] Rated speed [1/min. ATEMP.0 AUDIBLE ALARM PRIOR TO STARTING EN/DIS ENABLE: The audible alarm will sound before the engine starts.ATEMP. CRANK REST TIME This is the amount of time the module will wait for between start attempts.0 1.OPT PAGE) ENGINE STARTING OPTIONS page AU. This will be repeated until either the starter motor engages correctly or the number of engage attempts expires.0 1. Each start attempt can have a maximum number of attempts to engage the starter. it will de-energise the start relay and after a short delay it will attempt to re-engage the starter. the module must receive a speed signal within this time. This is to allow the starter motor to cool and the starter batteries to recover.0 PICK. ENAB DIS DIS NUMBR OF STR. MULTIPLE START ENGAGE ATTEMPTS E/D (Only available if using Magnetic pickup) ENABLE: The module will monitor the flywheel to ensure that the starter motor has engaged.6 Pages 39 / 154 .ENG. If the generator does not start after the final attempt.1 – 10.REST TIME Engage Attempt Rest Time (Pickup) SEC 0. If the magnetic pickup is not detecting movement of the flywheel when this timer expires the engage attempt will terminate.ATTEMP Number Of Start Attempts .0 ENG. this value is entered the box.E Audible Alarm Prior To Starting En/Dis . Once all engage attempts have been made the module will generate ‘Fail to engage’ alarm. Should the generator start the module will not attempt further starts. the module will give a ‘Fail to start’ alarm. The sounder will become active once the start delay is initialised. CRANKING TIME This is the maximum amount of time that the module will energise the starter motor for during starting attempts once the starter has engaged. NUMBER OF START ATTEMPTS This value is the number of times the module will attempt to start the generator. it will remain active until either the engine reaches crank disconnect speed or pre-heat timers are cancelled. ENAB DIS DIS ENGAGE ATTEMPT TIME Engage Attempt Time (Pickup) SEC 0. ENGAGE ATTEMPT REST TIME (Only available if using Magnetic pickup and multiple engage attempts) This timer dictates the duration that the module will wait between attempts to engage the starter. EAOM-210 FL.STR. If no signal is present the generator will be shutdown and Loss of Speed Sensing alarm given. If it detects the starter has not meshed.eng / ver 0. 1 – 10 3 CRANKING TIME Cranking Time SEC 5 – 99 5 CRANK REST TIME Crank Rest Time SEC 5 – 99 10 MUL.ALR.1 – 10. PICKUP SENSOR FAIL DELAY (Only available if using Magnetic pickup without multiple engage attempts) This is only used if magnetic pickup speed sensing is selected.(ENGINE STAR. starter engagement with flywheel will not monitored.0 1.SNSR FAIL DELY Pickup Sensor Fail Delay(Pickup) SEC 0.PRIOR STRT.1 – 10. DISABLE: Normal operation.E Multiple Start Engage Attempts E/D (Pick) . When cranking. ENGAGE ATTEMPT TIME (Only available if using Magnetic pickup and multiple engage attempts) This timer dictates the duration that the module will attempt to engage the starter motor during each engage attempt. 0 10.0 10.0 CRNK DISCN.WARN.WARNING Battery Overvolts Warning VDC (dis)6.RT Generator Under Speed Prealarm Return RPM 500 – 5000 1380 GEN.V Crank Disconnect On Charge Alt.0 – 30. Frequency Hz 25. This switch returns a closed signal during low oil pressure conditions (and engine at rest).WARNING Charge Alternator Warning VDC (dis)6.0 dis (ANALOGUE INPUTS PAGE) ANALOGUE INPUTS page OIL PRES.300 110 LEVEL SHUTDOWN Level Shutdown % 0 .INPUT TYPE Temperature Input Type Dis.0 30.PR-A.0 – 99.DELAY Batt Undervolts Volts Delay Sec 0 – 9.300 100 LEVEL PRE-ALARM RET Level Pre-Alarm Return % 0 . TEMPERATURE INPUT TYPE This section is used to configure the Coolant Temperature sender input.(ENG.WARNING Battery Undervolts Warning VDC (dis)6.ON MAG.UNDR V.V Crank Disconnect On Gen.PRE-ALARM Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm BAR (dis)0.SPED SETING PAGE) GENERATOR SPEED SETTINGS page GEN.5 BAT.OVER VOL.0 TEMP.ON GEN.0-90. EAOM-210 FL.OVER SPED PRE-A Generator Over Speed Prealarm RPM (dis) 500 – 5000 1650 GEN.9 1.0 BAT.5 BAT.ON OIL P Crank Disconnect On Oil Pressure BAR (dis)1.SHUTDWN Generator Over Speed Shutdown RPM 500 – 5000 1740 (ENG.0 – 30.UNDER VOL.F Crank Disconnect On Gen. 2: digital & normally open : The Coolant Temperature input is fed from an engine mounted digital temperature switch.PLANT BATTR PAGE) ENGINE PLANT BATTERY page BAT.0 – 30.0 – 30.0 30.0 1.300 90 OIL PRESSURE INPUT TYPE This section is used to configure the Oil Pressure sender input.0 CHARGE ALT.0 29.6 Pages 40 / 154 .no.SHUTDOWN Oil Pressure Shutdown BAR 0.anlg ANLG TEMP.RT Generator Over Speed Prealarm Return RPM 500 – 5000 1620 GEN.9 1.0 – 99.PRE-AL.UNDR SPED PRE-A Generator Under Speed Prealarm RPM (dis) 500 – 5000 1350 GEN.9 1.anlg ANLG OIL PRES.PRE-ALARM RET Temperature Pre-Alarm Return C 0 .4 OIL PRES.CRANK DISCN.OVER SP.0 dis CRNK DISCN.UNDER V.no.OVER V. 3: analog : The Oil pressure input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted oil pressure transducer.nc.eng / ver 0.ON GEN.9 1.SHUTDDOWN Temperature Shutdown C 0 . once oil pressure is established the switch will close. This switch returns a closed signal during low temperature.INPUT TYPE Oil Pressure Input Type Dis. This switch returns an open signal during low oil pressure conditions (and engine at rest).G.UNDER SPEED Generator Under Speed RPM (dis)500 – 5000 1270 GEN.ON CH.OVER V.0 – 30.WARN.2 OIL PRES. 1: digital & normally closed : The Coolant Temperature input is fed from an engine mounted digital temperature switch.300 88 TEMP. should the temperature rise above the switch manifacturers trip point the switch contact will open.RET Battery Undervolts Warning Return VDC 6.300 95 LEVEL PRE-ALARM Level Pre-Alarm % (dis)0 .nc.0 BAT. 1: digital & closed for low oil pressure : The Oil pressure input is fed from an engine mounted digital pressure switch.PAGE) ENGINE CRANK DISCONNECT page CRNK DISCN.0 BAT.OVER SP.300 90 TEMP.0 – 75. dıS: The Oil Pressure input will not be monitored. 2: digital & open for low oil pressure : The Oil pressure input is fed from an engine mounted digital pressure switch. Voltage VAC (dis)60 – 600 300 CRNK DISC.0 – 30. Voltage VDC (dis)6.PRE-ALARM Temperature Pre-Alarm C (dis)0 . dıS: The Coolant Temperature input will not be monitored. once oil pressure is established the switch will open.UNDR SP. should the temperature rise above the switch manifacturers trip point the switch contact will close.PR-A.RET Battery Overvolts Warning Return VDC 6. This switch returns an open signal during low temperature.5 (GEN.P Crank Disconnect On Magnetic Pickup RPM 500-6000 500 CRNK DISCN.0 – 99.9 1.DELAY Batt Overvolts Delay sec 0 – 9.RET Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm Return BAR 0. PAGE) ANALOGUE SENDER LINEARISATIONS page OIL PRESS.SENDER 2 Oil Pressure Sender 2 R 0 -650 111 OIL PRESSURE 2 Oil Pressure 2 BAR 0 –99. 0 -300 25 LEVEL SENDER 2 Level Sender 2 R 0 -650 80 LEVEL 2 Level 2 .SENDER 1 Temperature Sender 1 R 0 -650 145 TEMPERATURE 1 Temperature 1 C 0 -300 54 TEMP.0 OIL PRESS. PAGE) CANBUS CONFIGURATION page EXPANS.0 OIL PRESS.9 10.3: analog : The Oil pressure input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer.9 6.eng / ver 0.9 4.9 0.0 TEMP.SENDER 3 Oil Pressure Sender 3 R 0 -650 156 OIL PRESSURE 3 Oil Pressure 3 BAR 0 –99.Enable Disable EAOM-210 FL.SENDER 1 Oil Pressure Sender 1 R 0 -650 62 OIL PRESSURE 1 Oil Pressure 1 BAR 0 –99. 0 -300 0 LEVEL SENDER 1 Level Sender 1 R 0 -650 40 LEVEL 1 Level 1 . 0 -300 50 LEVEL SENDER 3 Level Sender 3 R 0 -650 140 LEVEL 3 Level 3 .6 Pages 41 / 154 .9 2.0 OIL PRESS.SENDER 3 Temperature Sender 3 R 0 -650 43 TEMPERATURE 3 Temperature 3 C 0 -300 100 TEMP.SENDER 4 Temperature Sender 4 R 0 -650 10 TEMPERATURE 4 Temperature 4 C 0 -300 150 LEVEL SENDER 0 Level Sender 0 R 0 -650 10 LEVEL 0 Level 0 .SENDER 4 Oil Pressure Sender 4 R 0 -650 205 OIL PRESSURE 4 Oil Pressure 4 BAR 0 –99.SENDER 0 Oil Pressure Sender 0 R 0 -650 10 OIL PRESSURE 0 Oil Pressure 0 BAR 0 – 99.SENDER 0 Temperature Sender 0 R 0 -650 360 TEMPERATURE 0 Temperature 0 C 0 -300 34 TEMP. 0 -300 100 (CANBUS CONFIG. 0 -300 75 LEVEL SENDER 4 Level Sender 4 R 0 -650 185 LEVEL 4 Level 4 . (ANALG. MODUL SELECT Expansion Module Selection Disable.SENDR LIN.0 OIL PRESS.SENDER 2 Temperature Sender 2 R 0 -650 50 TEMPERATURE 2 Temperature 2 C 0 -300 84 TEMP. 6 Pages 42 / 154 . User Configured Or Select From DIS. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.2 2 List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.USERCNF. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On.(DIG. Electrical Trip.INPUT-1 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (1) page Disable. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary SELECT FROM LIST 12 Generator Load Inhibit 0 – 25 25 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode 25 Low Oil Pressure INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 . Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Status.OR LIST (dis)0 . Warning Non-Latching.CNF. INDICATION 0–4 0 Warning Latching.250 0 EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.CNF. Warning Non-Latching.(DIG.USERCNF. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary SELECT FROM LIST 12 Generator Load Inhibit 0 – 25 25 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode 25 High Temperature INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .eng / ver 0. Electrical Trip. INDICATION 0–4 0 Warning Latching. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Status.INPUT-2 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (2) page Disable.2 2 List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.250 0 EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 43 / 154 .OR LIST (dis)0 . User Configured Or Select From DIS. INDICATION 0–4 0 Warning Latching.OR LIST (dis)0 . User Configured Or Select From DIS. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.INPUT-3 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (3) page Disable.eng / ver 0.(DIG.2 1 List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Warning Non-Latching.250 5 EAOM-210 FL. Electrical Trip.USERCNF.CNF.6 Pages 44 / 154 . Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 0 – 24 4 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 . Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Status. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On.2 1 List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching. Electrical Trip. User Configured Or Select From DIS.INPUT-4 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (4) page Disable.eng / ver 0.CNF.OR LIST (dis)0 . Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 0 – 24 5 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .USERCNF. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.250 5 EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 45 / 154 .(DIG. eng / ver 0. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 0 – 24 6 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 . User Configured Or Select From DIS.USERCNF.(DIG. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.250 5 EAOM-210 FL.2 1 List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Electrical Trip. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching.OR LIST (dis)0 .6 Pages 46 / 154 .INPUT-5 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (5) page Disable.CNF. INPUT-6 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (6) page Disable.OR LIST (dis)0 .CNF.(DIG.6 Pages 47 / 154 . User Configured Or Select From DIS. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.eng / ver 0.2 1 List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 0 – 24 7 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 . Electrical Trip.USERCNF.250 5 EAOM-210 FL. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Electrical Trip.(EXP. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On.OR LIST (dis)0 .2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve.INPUT-1 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (1) page Disable. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.USERCNF. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching.250 5 EAOM-210 FL. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .CNF.6 Pages 48 / 154 . INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching. User Configured Or Select From DIS.eng / ver 0. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. USERCNF. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .INPUT-2 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (2) page Disable.(EXP. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.CNF.2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve.6 Pages 49 / 154 . Active 0–2 0 From Safety On.eng / ver 0. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching. Electrical Trip.OR LIST (dis)0 . User Configured Or Select From DIS. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.250 5 EAOM-210 FL. User Configured Or Select From DIS.(EXP.eng / ver 0.INPUT-3 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (3) page Disable.250 5 EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 50 / 154 . 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 . Electrical Trip.2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.CNF. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching.OR LIST (dis)0 .USERCNF. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. Electrical Trip. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .OR LIST (dis)0 .2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve.eng / ver 0. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching.6 Pages 51 / 154 . User Configured Or Select From DIS.250 5 EAOM-210 FL.(EXP.USERCNF.CNF. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching.INPUT-4 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (4) page Disable. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. USERCNF.OR LIST (dis)0 . INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.(EXP. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. Electrical Trip.250 5 EAOM-210 FL. User Configured Or Select From DIS.eng / ver 0.INPUT-5 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (5) page Disable. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve.CNF.6 Pages 52 / 154 . OR LIST (dis)0 . Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching.(EXP.CNF.6 Pages 53 / 154 . Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching.INPUT-6 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (6) page Disable.USERCNF. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .eng / ver 0.2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve. Electrical Trip. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. User Configured Or Select From DIS.250 5 EAOM-210 FL. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.CNF. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching. Electrical Trip.(EXP. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 .6 Pages 54 / 154 .2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve.250 5 EAOM-210 FL.INPUT-7 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (7) page Disable. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. User Configured Or Select From DIS.OR LIST (dis)0 .eng / ver 0.USERCNF. If the input is passive module will perform the stop sequence. INDICATION 1–4 1 Warning Latching.2 1 List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE 0-1 0 (0 = -Ve. EAOM-210 FL.INPUT-8 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (8) page Disable.eng / ver 0. Active 0–2 0 From Safety On. It may be required to monitor a different mains supply or some aspect of the incoming mains not monitored by the Eaom- 210 Fl. Under Voltage. the Eaom-210 Fl will operate as if the incoming mains supply has fallen outside of limits. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. Over Frequency or Under Frequency. the generator will be instructed to start and take load.CNF. the module doesn’t perform the mains failure control in order to start the generator.6 Pages 55 / 154 . Electrical Trip. 1 AUXILIARY MAINS FAIL The Eaom-210 Fl module will monitor the incoming single or three phase supply for Over Voltage. If the devices providing this additional monitoring are connected to operate this input.250 5 CONFIGURABLE INPUTS SELECTIONS 0 REMOTE START/STOP In AUTO mode. In AUTO mode.USERCNF.OR LIST (dis)0 . Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 0 – 21 2 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay SEC 0 . then the module will perform the start sequence. Removal of the input signal will cause the module to act if the mains has returned to within limits. User Configured Or Select From DIS. Open To 0-1 0 Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. if one of the configurable inputs are selected as 0 (Remote Start) and this input is active. if one of the configurable inputs are selected as 0 (Remote Start).(EXP. 8 SIMULATE MANUAL BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Manual’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Manual mode push button. Removing the input will allow the generator to be loaded again. It will not control the generator- switching device when the mains is on load. It should be connected to the generator load switching device auxiliary contact.2 SIMULATE LAMP TEST BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Lamp Test’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Lamp Test push button. 10 SIMULATE STOP BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Stop’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Stop push button. It should be connected to the generator load switching device auxiliary contact. 6 SIMULATE AUTO BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Auto’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Auto mode push button. 13 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY This input is used to provide feedback to allow the Eaom-210 Fl to give true indication of the contactor or circuit breaker switching status. 11 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY This input is used to provide feedback to allow the Eaom-210 Fl to give true indication of the contactor or circuit breaker switching status. 12 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT This input is used to prevent the Eaom-210 Fl from loading the generator. NOTE: This input only operates to control the generator-switching device if the Eaom-210 Fl load switching logic is attempting load the generator. If the generator is already on load. 7 SIMULATE TEST BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Test’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Test mode push button. activating this input will cause the Eaom-210 Fl to unload the generator. 9 SIMULATE START BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Start’ button and is used to provide a remotely located start push button. 3 SIMULATE HORN RESET BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Horn Reset’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Horn Reset push button. 5 SIMULATE OFF BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Off’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Off mode push button.eng / ver 0. 4 SIMULATE ALARM RESET BUTTON This input mimic’s the operation of the ‘Alarm Reset’ button and is used to provide a remotely located Alarm Reset push button.6 Pages 56 / 154 . EAOM-210 FL. It will not control the mains-switching device when the generator is on load. When activated it will reset the maintenance counter to the pre-configured value (i. The operation of the module is not affected and the operator will still be able to view the various instrumentation pages etc. the module will not respond to operation of the mode select or start buttons.6 Pages 57 / 154 . 250 hours). If the input is active when a schedule run is called for. While the input is active no scheduled runs will occur. 21 TRANSFER TO MAINS/OPEN GENERATOR This input is used to transfer the load to the mains supply when running in Manual mode. 17 PANEL LOCK This input is used to provide security to the installation. NOTE: This input only operates to control the mains-switching device if the Eaom-210 Fl load switching logic is attempting to load the mains. Simulate Start Button) are not affected by the panel lock input and will continue to operate normally. If this input is active and a remote start signal / mains failure occurs the Eaom-210 Fl will not give a start command to the generator. NOTE: External control sources (i. 20 TRANSFER TO GENERATOR/OPEN MAINS This input is used to transfer the load to the generator when running in Manual mode. EAOM-210 FL. 19 RESET MAINTENANCE ALARM This input used to reset the maintenance alarm. (i. Once the input is removed the module will transfer the load back to the mains supply and follow a normal generator stop sequence. the Eaom-210 Fl will operate as if a remote start / mains failure has occurred. activating this input will cause the Eaom-210 Fl to unload the mains supply.14 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT This input is used to prevent the Eaom-210 Fl from loading the mains supply. If this input signal is then removed. 15 AUTO RESTORE INHIBIT When module in the AUTO mode. 16 AUTO START INHIBIT This input is used to provide an over-ride function to prevent the Eaom-210 Fl from starting the generator in the event of a remote start / mains out of limits condition occurring. If the manis supply is already on load. This allows the module to be placed into a spesific mode (such as Auto) and than secured. In the event of a remote start / mains failure the generator will be instructed to start and take load. If the maintenance alarm is configured to monitor the monthly service interval this will also be reset to the pre-configured period. This input allows the module to be fitted as part of a system where the manual restoration to mains is controlled remotely or by an automated system. If the ‘Auto Start Inhibit’ signal become active once more it will be ignored until the module has returned the mains supply on load and shutdown. If the panel lock input is active. Removing the input will allow the mains to be loaded again. This function can be used to give an ‘AND’ function so that a generator will only be called to start if the mains fails and another condition exists whish requires the generator to run.eng / ver 0. starting and loading the generator. On removal of the remote start signal / mains return the module will continue to run the generator on load until this AUTO RESTORE INHIBIT input is removed.e. 18 SCHEDULED RUNS INHIBITED This input is used to prevent the generator for starting in the event of a programmed scheduled run occurring.e. 6 months).e. and is removed during the running period the gen- set will start and complete any remaining scheduled running time. unit inhibits to work of the generator. test is done without load. If the input is not active. load is transferred to the generator to do the test on load. the power is calculated. 24 GENERATOR IS SUPPLYING THE LOAD IN OFF MODE If this input is active when the unit is in OFF mode. the power is not calculated. EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 58 / 154 . if this input is active while the generator is working. unit stops the generator. If the input is not active. 23 TEST ON LOAD If this input is active when the unit is in test mode. 25 LOW OIL PRESSURE (FOR CONFIGURABLE INPUT-1) This input is used as the oil pressure failure input. In addition to this. 25 HIGH TEMPERATURE (FOR CONFIGURABLE INPUT-2) This input is used as the temperature failure input.22 REMOTE INHIBIT In automatic mode.eng / ver 0. if any of the configurable inputs is congigured as ’16 Auto Start Inhibit’ and this input is active. eng / ver 0.OUTPUT-1 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (1) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.93 55 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .6 Pages 59 / 154 .(CONFIG. 6 Pages 60 / 154 .93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.(CONFIG. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .OUTPUT-2 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (2) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .(CONFIG.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 61 / 154 .OUTPUT-3 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (3) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. OUTPUT-4 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (4) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .93 32 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 62 / 154 .(CONFIG. eng / ver 0.OUT-1 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (1) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.(EXP. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .CONFG.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 63 / 154 . (EXP.6 Pages 64 / 154 .OUT-2 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (2) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.CONFG. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 . 93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.CONFG.(EXP.OUT-3 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (3) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.6 Pages 65 / 154 . Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .eng / ver 0. (EXP.OUT-4 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (4) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.CONFG. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .6 Pages 66 / 154 .eng / ver 0. 6 Pages 67 / 154 .CONFG.eng / ver 0.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.OUT-5 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (5) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.(EXP. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 . (EXP.eng / ver 0.CONFG.OUT-6 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (6) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 68 / 154 . 6 Pages 69 / 154 .eng / ver 0. Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 .OUT-7 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (7) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.CONFG.(EXP. eng / ver 0.93 9 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.(EXP.CONFG.OUT-8 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (8) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.6 Pages 70 / 154 . Normally Closed) 0-1 0 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0 . the module will change mode to ‘test’ and the generator will run if no shutdown alarms are present. This output can only be reset by removal of the fault and by then pressing the RESET button.eng / ver 0. 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM This output indicates that a shutdown alarm has been activated. the output become inactive again.6 Pages 71 / 154 . It may be use for external sounder. 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN This output indicates that a scheduled run has been called for.CONFIGURABLE OUTPUTS SELECTIONS 0 NOT USED Output is not used 1 AUDIBLE ALARM The output indicates that the internal sounder is operating. This output can only be reset by removal of the fault and by then pressing the RESET button or by using an external ‘alarm reset’ input. This output is normally self- resetting on removal of the fault. 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as ‘auxiliary mains failure’ is active. 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM This output indicates that a warning alarm has been activated. electrical trip or shutdown alarm has been activated. The output could be used to give an external reset signal to external systems. 3 AUTO START INHIBIT This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as ‘auto start inhibit’ is active. 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE This output indicates that a battery low voltage alarm has occurred. 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM This output indicates that an electrical trip alarm has been activated. 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a high engine coolant temperature warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 2 ALARM RESET The output indicates that an alarm reset being performed. Once the alarm reset has been completed. EAOM-210 FL. 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE This output indicates that a charging alternator failure has occurred 9 COMMON ALARM This output indicates that a warning. If the module is in the ‘auto’ and mains okey. 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE This output indicates that a battery high voltage alarm has occurred. 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE This output indicates that digital input 3 is active. 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE This output indicates that digital input 5 is active. 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE This output indicates that digital input 6 is active. 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE This output indicates that digital input 4 is active. 29 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT7 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 7 is active. 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE This output indicates that digital input 1 is active. 28 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT6 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 6 is active. EAOM-210 FL. 31 EARTH FAULT This output indicates that the module has detected that an earth fault exists on the generator output. 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS This output source will be active when the cooling off-load timer is running.6 Pages 72 / 154 . 23 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT1 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 1 is active. 24 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT2 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 2 is active. 25 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT3 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 3 is active. 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE The output indicates that the delayed alarms now enabled. 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE This output indicates that digital input 2 is active. 27 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT5 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 5 is active.14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a high engine coolant temperature shutdown has occurred. 26 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT4 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 4 is active. 30 EXPNSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT8 ACTIVE This output indicates that expansion configurable input 8 is active.eng / ver 0. Can be used to control external logic circuitry. When the necessary engine shutdown process. 35 FAIL TO START ALARM This output indicates that the engine has not started after the specified number of attempts. If the ‘minimum ignition speed’ is reached after expiry of this time. Then ignition output is de-energised that after 5 seconds when the engine speed become lower than ‘minimum ignition speed’. 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the generator contactor or breaker. 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT With the engaging of the starter the ignition delay is started.eng / ver 0. It can be used to control external logic circuitry. firstly gas valve is de-energised. This output should continue to operate for Cooling Fan Time parameter after engine has stopped. 39 GENERATOR AT REST The output indicates that the generator is not running.32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER START This output should energise as soon as engine has started so the fan should be running when the engine is running. after safety on and warm up timers have timed out.e. 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator high frequency warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. It can only be used if the module is configured to use ‘generator closed auxiliary’ feedback. 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM This output indicates that the generator has failed to stop within the selected time 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED The output mimics the operation of the fuel relay. 34 EMERGENCY STOP This output indicates that an emergency stop alarm has occurred. 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE This output indicates when the generator is ready to accept load. 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTER STOP This output indicates that can be made to energise for Cooling Fan Time parameter after the engine shuts down (to run an electric cooling fan on the radiator). EAOM-210 FL. 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as ‘generator closed auxiliary’ is active.6 Pages 73 / 154 . the configurable relay output ‘ignition’ is set. i. It can only be used if the module is configured to use ‘generator closed auxiliary’ feedback. 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the generator contactor or breaker. 6 Pages 74 / 154 . Once the lamp test completed. It is disabled if ‘multiple attempts to engage’ is selected. 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT This output indicates that a digital input has been configured as ‘generator load inhibit’ is active. If the MPU fails during engine running this would result in an underspeed alarm. 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator high voltage shutdown has occurred.45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator high frequency shutdown has occurred. the output will become inactive again. 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator low frequency warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 56 LAMP TEST This output indicates that the module is performing a lamp test. To clear the output a maintenance reset must be performed. 55 HORN OUTPUT This output indicates that the horn alarm has occurred. 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM This output indicates that the generator is now due for maintenance either because it has used all the available running hours or the periodic maintenance time has expired. 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator high voltage warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. EAOM-210 FL. 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING This output source indicates that the engine has been instructed to stop but has not come to rest.eng / ver 0. The output can be used to feed a lamp test on external modules or panel lamps. 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a generator low voltage warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 57 LEVEL PREALARM This output indicates that a level warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. The alarm can only operate if the speed signal fails to appear during cranking. 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator low frequency shutdown has occurred. 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL This output indicates that the magnetic pick up signal is not sufficient to be used by the module for speed monitoring. 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a generator low voltage shutdown has occurred. 63 MAINS FAILURE This output indicates that the module has sensed that a failure of the incoming AC mains supply.6 Pages 75 / 154 . 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY This output indicates that the module has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply frequency has exceeded the frequency limit setting. 69 NO LOADING COMMAND This output indicates that the module is not calling of the generator contactor or breaker to be closed. 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE This output indicates that the module has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply voltage has fallen below the voltage limit setting. It can only be used if the module is configured to use ‘mains closed auxiliary’ feedback. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. This output will become active whenever the mains voltage or frequency goes out of limits. 72 OVER CURRENT ALARM This output indicates that the over current trip level has been reached.60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as ‘mains closed auxiliary’ is active. 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM This output indicates that the over speed warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM This output indicates that a low oil pressure warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. Should the module close the generator contactor this output will become inactive. 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT This output indicates that a digital input has been configured as ‘mains load inhibit’ is active. 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the mains contactor or breaker. It can only be used if the module is configured to use ‘mains closed auxiliary’ feedback. 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN This output indicates that a low oil pressure shutdown has occurred. 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY This output indicates that the module has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply frequency has fallen below the frequency setting. or if the auxiliary mains failure input active (if used) and the mains transient timer has expired. 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE This output indicates that the module has sensed that the incoming AC mains supply voltage has exceeded the voltage limit setting. 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE This output source has intended to be used to indicate a failure of the mains contactor or breaker. 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED The output indicates that the starting alarms are now enabled. 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) The output controls the pre-heater.eng / ver 0. It can be used to control external logic circuitry. 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) The output controls the pre-heater. As ‘ Pre-heat (until safety on)’ but pre-heat continues to be available until the warm-up timer has elapsed.6 Pages 76 / 154 .74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN This output indicates that the over speed shutdown has occurred. If the panel lock input is active. EAOM-210 FL. This output could be used to pass the remote start signal on to elsewhere in the control system. Starting alarms are armed as soon as module commences starting of the engine and remain armed until the engine at rest. 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS This output source will be active to indicate that the return timer is running. which terminates prior to cranking. This allows the module to be placed into a spesific mode (such as auto) and then secured. 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) The output controls the pre-heater. As ‘ Pre-heat (during pre-heat timer)’ mode but pre-heat is also available during cranking. 75 PANEL LOCK This output indicates that the module ‘panel lock’ is active. 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED This output indicates that the stop pushbutton being operated. As ‘ Pre-heat (until end of cranking)’ but pre-heat is also available while waiting for the delayed alarms to become active. The output will be active during the start delay and pre-heat timer (if used). 82 SHORT CIRCUIT This output indicates that the module has detected a short circuit on the generator output. Once the button is released the output will become inactive. 80 REMOTE START PRESENT This output indicates that a digital input that has been configured as ‘remote start’ is active. 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) The output controls the pre-heater. 83 START RELAY ENERGISED The output mimics the operation of the start relay. 84 STARTING ALARM This output is used to supply an external sounder with a signal that the engine is about to start. 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE The output indicates that the module is in the Auto mode. the modul will not respond to operation of the Mode select or start buttons. Pre-heat output is available for the duration of pre-heat timer. Can be used to control external logic circuitry. 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE The output indicates that the module is in the Manual mode. 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE The output indicates that the module is in the Stop mode. 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE The output indicates that the module is in the Test mode. 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN This output indicates that an underspeed shutdown has occurred. 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM This output indicates that an underspeed warning (pre-alarm) has occurred. 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR This output indicates that the engine has been instructed to start but has not yet become available. Once the generator becomes available this output will be in-active. (Available = generator frequency and voltage levels are above the ‘loading’ levels set in the configuration.) (START TIMERS PAGE) START TIMERS page MAINS TRANS.DELAY Mains Transient Delay sec 0 - 9999 0 REMOTE START DELAY Remote Start Delay sec 0 - 3600 4 REMOTE STOP DELAY Remote Stop Delay sec 0 - 250 4 PRE-HEAT Pre-Heat Sec 0 – 250 3 PRE-HEAT BYPASS Pre-Heat Bypass Min 0 – 250 0 SAFETY ON DELAY Safety On Delay sec 0 - 99 8 HORN DURATION Horn Duration sec (dis)0 - 999 60 CHRG.EXCITATION TIM Charge Excitation Time sec 0 – 99(cont.) 15 ELECTR.COOL.FAN TIM Cooling Fan Time sec 0 - 250 180 MAINS TRANSIENT DELAY This timer dictates how long a mains anomaly must be present before the module will respond to it. This can be used to prevent nuisance tripping when switching loads etc. REMOTE START DELAY This timer dictates how long the module will wait after it has received a remote start signal before it will attempt to start. This prevent un-necessary starting on a fluctuating mains supply etc. REMOTE STOP DELAY This timer dictates how long the module will wait after it has received a remote stop signal before it will attempt to stop. This prevent un-necessary stopping on a fluctuating mains supply etc. PRE-HEAT This timer dictates the duration that the pre-heat output will be active before an attempt is made to start the engine. Once this timer is expired cranking will commence. PRE-HEAT BYPASS This feature allows the module to start a hot engine without performing an un-necessary pre- heat delay. The bypass timer is triggered by the generator starting and actually being loaded. If the generator started but does not achieve loading then the timer will not be triggered. The bypass timer is initiated once the engine has come to rest. If any attempts to start are EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 77 / 154 requested within the duration of the bypass timer the start sequence will bypass the pre-heat timer. SAFETY ON DELAY This timer dictates how long the module will ignore the Low Oil Pressure, High Engine Temperature, Underspeed, Undervolts and any other inputs configured as active from safety on. It allows the values such as oil pressure to rise to their operating values on starting without triggering an alarm. Once the timer has expired all alarm conditions are monitored again. If configured to use ‘fast loading’, should all the monitored conditions, such as oil pressure, come to expected state prior to the end of the safety on timer, the timer will be terminated prematurely ensuring maximum protection as soon as possible. HORN DURATION This timer dictates how long the horn will work after the last error detected. Once after this timer ended module will do horn reset. CHARGE EXCITATION TIME Charge excitation was selectable as momentary / continuous operation.This timer dictates how long the Charge excitation will active. COOLING FAN TIME This timer dictates how long the Cooling Fan will continue to operate. (LOAD/STP.TIMERS PAGE) LOAD/STOPPING TIMERS page WARM UP TIME Warmup Timer Sec 0 - 250 3 RETURN DELAY Return Delay Sec 0 – 3600 5 COOLING TIME Cooling Timer Sec 0 – 9999 60 GEN.FR.ERR.CNT.TIME Generator Frequency Error Control Time Sec 0.0 – 10.0 1.0 GEN.VL.ERR.CNT.TIME Generator Voltage Error Control Time Sec 0.0 – 10.0 1.0 FAIL TO STOP TIME Fail To Stop Time Sec 0 – 99 30 WARMUP TIMER This timer is initiated once the engine is up and running. It delays loading the generator until it has stabilised. Once this timer is expired the ‘Close generator’ signal will be given and the generator is available to be loaded. RETURN DELAY This timer dictates how long the module will wait before it will un-load the generator (back to the mains supply if AMF) and initialise it’s run-on and shutdown cycle. This is ensure that the mains supply has stabilised before transferring the load back to mains. COOLING TIMER This is the time the generator is to run off-load once the load transfer signal has ceased. This gives the engine time to cool down before shutdown. GENERATOR FREQUENCY ERROR CONTROL TIME If firstly generator frequency is out of under and over set points this timer is initiated. If generator frequency is out of under and over set points when this timer expires a ‘generator frequency error’ alarm signal is generated. GENERATOR VOLTAGE ERROR CONTROL TIME If firstly generator voltage is out of under and over set points this timer is initiated. If generator voltage is out of under and over set points when this timer expires a ‘generator voltage error’ alarm signal is generated. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 78 / 154 FAIL TO STOP TIME Once the module has given a shutdown signal to the engine it expects the engine to come to rest. It monitors the Oil pressure and speed sensing sources and if they still indicate engine movement when this timer expires a ‘Fail To Stop’ alarm signal is generated. (BREAKERS PAGE) BREAKERS page HARDW.BREAKER SELCT Hardware Breaker Selection 0–2 0 GEN.CLOS.BREK.C.TYP Gen Close Breaker Contact Type NO/NC 0–1 0 GEN.CLOS.BREK.R.TYP Gen Close Breaker Relay Type NOR/PULS 0–1 0 GEN.CLOSE TIMER Gen Close Timer Sec 1 – 250 5 GEN.OPEN.BREK.C.TYP Gen Open Breaker Contact Type NO/NC 0–1 0 GEN.OPEN.BREK.R.TYP Gen Open Breaker Relay Type NOR/PULS 0–1 0 GEN.OPEN TIMER Gen Open Timer Sec 1 – 250 5 MAIN CLS.BREK.C.TYP Main Close Breaker Contact Type NO/NC 0–1 0 MAIN CLS.BREK.R.TYP Main Close Breaker Relay Type NOR/PULS 0–1 0 MAINS CLOSE TIMER Mains Close Timer Sec 1 – 250 5 MAIN OPN.BREK.C.TYP Main Open Breaker Contact Type NO/NC 0–1 0 MAIN OPN.BREK.R.TYP Main Open Breaker Relay Type NOR/PULS 0–1 0 MAINS OPEN TIMER Mains Open Timer Sec 1 – 250 5 BREKR.CLOS.PULS.TIM Breaker Close Pulse Time Sec 0.0 – 10.0 0.5 BREKR.OPEN.PULS.TIM Breaker Open Pulse Time Sec 0.0 – 10.0 0.5 TRANSFER TIME Transfer Time Sec 0 - 250 2 HARDWARE BREAKER SELECTION 0- Mains and Gen schalters have only close drives and if close drive off schalter will open. Parameters; GEN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, GEN CLOSE TIMER(if gen closed input selected), GEN OPEN TIMER(if gen closed input selected), MAIN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, MAINS CLOSE TIMER(if mains closed input selected), MAINS OPEN TIMER(if mains closed input selected), TRANSFER TIME. Example: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 0; For closing For opening Gen. Shalter Gen. Shalter Gen. Closed Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. Closed Out. (NC) t[s] Gen. Shalter Closed Opened 1- Mains and Gen schalters have only close drives, when want to schalter close, close breaker output on and after 1 sec. open breaker output on and after breaker close pulse time open breaker output will off. When want to schalter open close breaker output and open breaker output will off. Parameters; GEN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, GEN CLOSE TIMER(if gen closed input selected), GEN OPEN BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, GEN OPEN TIMER(if gen closed input selected), MAIN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, MAINS CLOSE TIMER(if mains closed input selected), MAIN OPEN BREAKER CONTACT TYPE, MAINS OPEN TIMER(if mains closed input selected),BREAKER CLOSE PULSE TIME, TRANSFER TIME. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 79 / 154 Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 0 (NOR) and Gen. (NO) t[s] Gen. BREAKER CLOSE PULSE TIME(if Gen Close Breaker Relay Type or Main Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1). MAIN OPEN BREAKER CONTACT TYPE. Shalter Gen. Shalter Gen. Closed Out. Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 0 (NOR). GEN OPEN TIMER(if gen closed input selected). Gen. Closed Out. For closing For opening For closing For opening Gen. Shalter Closed Opened Closed Opened EAOM-210 FL. Shalter Gen. Shalter Closed Opened 2. (NO) t[s] Gen. Closed Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. (NC) t[s] Gen. MAINS CLOSE TIMER(if mains closed input selected). GEN OPEN BREAKER RELAY TYPE. Shalter Gen. MAINS OPEN TIMER(if mains closed input selected). MAIN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE. GEN CLOSE BREAKER RELAY TYPE. Shalter Gen. Example-1: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 2 (user configured). Open Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. GEN OPEN BREAKER CONTACT TYPE. GEN CLOSE BREAKER CONTACT TYPE. Shalter Breaker close pulse time Gen.USER CONFIGURED: User can select all the schalter types. (NC) t[s] Gen. Open Out. MAIN CLOSE BREAKER RELAY TYPE. BREAKER OPEN PULSE TIME(if Gen Open Breaker Relay Type or Main Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1).eng / ver 0. (NC) t[s] Gen. Closed Out.Example: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 1. Open Out. Open Out. TRANSFER TIME. GEN CLOSE TIMER(if gen closed input selected). Parameters. MAIN OPEN BREAKER RELAY TYPE. (NC) t[s] 1s Gen.6 Pages 80 / 154 . For closing For opening Gen. Shalter Gen. Gen. Closed Out. Shalter Gen. For closing For opening For closing For opening Gen. Closed Out. Shalter Gen. Shalter Gen. (NC) t[s] Breaker open Breaker open pulse time pulse time Gen. For closing For opening For closing For opening Gen. (NO) t[s] Gen.eng / ver 0. Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 0 (NOR) and Gen. Shalter Closed Opened Closed Opened EAOM-210 FL. (NO) t[s] Gen. Open Out. Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE). Shalter Closed Opened Closed Opened Example-3: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 2 (user configured). Shalter Gen.6 Pages 81 / 154 . (NC) t[s] Gen. Open Out. Shalter Gen. (NC) t[s] Gen. Closed Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. Open Out.Example-2: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 2 (user configured). (NC) t[s] Gen. Gen. Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 0 (NOR). Open Out. Closed Out. Shalter Breaker close Breaker close pulse time pulse time Gen. Shalter Gen. Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE) and Gen. (NO) t[s] Gen. MAINS OPEN TIMER This is used to monitor the opening of the mains contactor or breaker. If the timer expires and the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ has not become in-active the module will issue a ‘generator failed to open’ alarm. If the timer expires and the ‘Mains closed auxiliary’ has not become in-active the module will issue a ‘mains failed to open’ alarm. Open Out. Closed Out. If the timer expires and the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ has not become active the module will issue a ‘generator failed to close’ alarm. Shalter Gen. (NC) t[s] Breaker open Breaker open pulse time pulse time Gen.Example-4: If Hardware Breaker Selection parameter is selected as 2 (user configured).6 Pages 82 / 154 . Once a mains closed signal is issued the ‘mains close timer’ is initiated. Open Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE). Once a generator closed signal is issued the ‘gen close timer’ is initiated. Once a generator open signal is issued the ‘gen open timer’ is initiated. Gen. EAOM-210 FL. Should the ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ input become active the timer the ‘mains close timer’ is cancelled. Should the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ input become active the timer the ‘gen close timer’ is cancelled. If the timer expires and the ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ has not become active the module will issue a ‘mains failed to close’ alarm. (NO) t[s] Gen. Closed Out. Shalter Closed Opened Closed Opened GEN. (NC) t[s] Gen. CLOSE TIMER This is used to monitor the closure of the generator contactor or breaker. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the generator contactor or breaker. Open Out. (NO) t[s] Gen. Should the ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ input become in-active the timer the ‘mains open timer’ is cancelled. OPEN TIMER This is used to monitor the opening of the generator contactor or breaker. Close Breaker Relay Type parameter is selected as 1 (PULSE) and Gen. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the mains contactor or breaker. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the generator contactor or breaker. MAINS CLOSE TIMER This is used to monitor the closure of the mains contactor or breaker.eng / ver 0. GEN. It will only operate if an auxiliary input is configured as ‘Mains Closed Auxiliary’ and connected to the auxiliary on the mains contactor or breaker. For closing For opening For closing For opening Gen. Should the ‘Generator Closed Auxiliary’ input become in-active the timer ‘gen open timer’ is cancelled. Shalter Breaker close Breaker close pulse time pulse time Gen. Once a mains open signal is issued the ‘mains open timer’ is initiated. Shalter Gen. Shalter Gen. 0 . (ENG.99 4 DIGITAL CONTRAST Digital Contrast 0 – 15 8 BACKLIGHT ON/OFF Backlight On/Off 0-1 0 AUTO SCROLL TIMER Error messages are displayed eighth line of LCD Display. 1.STP. It can be used to ensure that the supply is removed from the load for fixed period of time to allow pumps/motors to come to rest etc.ALARM PAGE) ENGINE MAINTENANCE ALARM page RUNN. This timer is only used if Pulsed outputs are configured to be used.BREAKER CLOSE PULSE TIME This is used to determine the duration of the Mains and Generator close signals. If more than one error condition is present.MESS SCROLL TIM Scroll Time For Error Messages Sec 0 .MAINT. 1 = RTU EAOM-210 FL.WH.RUN. DIGITAL CONTRAST It is used to change contrast of LCD Display.E/D . BREAKER OPEN PULSE TIME This is used to determine the duration of the Mains and Generator close signals.HOUR(MSB) Engine Running Hour(Msb) . 1= ODD.HOUR(LSB) Engine Running Hour (Lsb) .247 1 Baud Rate 0=1200 1=2400 BAUD RATE 0-4 3 2=4800 3=9600 4=19200 PARITY Parity.HOURS INTERVAL Running Hours Interval HOUR (dis)0 . TRANSFER TIME This is used to allow for fixed duration transfer breaks when switching from mains to generator and back. 0 – 255 0 ENGIN. each of them is displayed during time defined by Auto Scroll Timer parameter. This timer is only used if Pulsed outputs are configured to be used.MANT.PAGE) LCD CONFIGURATION page ERR. ENAB DIS DIS Maintenance Is Due En/Dis ENGIN. (LCD CONFIG.eng / ver 0.Backlight off.12 6 Force Engine Shutdown When ENG. BACKLIGHT ON/OFF 0. 0= NONE.Backlight on. 2= EVEN 0-2 0 STOP BIT Stop Bit 0–1 0 Modbus Communication Type MODBUS SELECT 0-1 0 0 = ASCII. 0 .RUN.9999 5000 MAINT.255 0 ENGINE RUNNING HOUR Engine Running Hour .DATE INTERVAL Maintenance Date Interval MONTH (dis)0 .14 0 (COMMUNICATION PAGE) COMMUNICATION page SLAVE ADDRESS Slave Address 1 .6 Pages 83 / 154 . EX.ST. (dis)0 The exercise function is Wednesdays disabled.WR.eng / ver 0.EX.WR. min (dis)0 – 99 DIS Sunday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.WR.TUES hour-min 0.59 0. min (dis)0 – 99 DIS Tuesday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.0 – 23.59 0.THUR. min (dis)0 – 99 DIS Thursday Generator exercise work start time on GEN. min (dis)0 . GEN. (10) The exercise function is every Tuesday enabled for 10 minutes.EX.EX.T.THUR hour-min 0. Generator exercise working time on Friday min (dis)0 – 99 DIS Generator exercise work start time on GEN.WR.EX.WR. GEN. (if it is enabled) GEN. (if it is enabled) GEN.20 The exercise function is every Wednesday started at 12.MOND.EX.FRID.WR. (10) The exercise function is every Thursday enabled for 10 minutes.ST. min (dis)0 – 99 DIS Saturday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.EX. (dis)0 The exercise function is Tuesdays disabled.59 0. GEN.WR.20 o’clock.WR.20 The exercise function is every Monday started at 12.EX.0 – 23.T. (dis)0 The exercise function is Thursdays disabled. Example: GEN.TIM.TIM. (dis)0 The exercise function is Fridays disabled.WR.EX.EX.THUR 12.WR.WR.WR.EX.MOND hour-min 0.MOND.EX.59 0.WEDN.T.0 – 23.0 Thursday GEN.TUES 12.EX.59 0.WR.EX.6 Pages 84 / 154 .ST.EX.20 o’clock.WR.T.SATU hour-min 0.0 Saturday Generator exercise working time on GEN.0 – 23.EX.0 Friday Generator exercise working time on GEN.EX.TUES.SUND hour-min 0.WR. GEN.TIM.T.T.TIM.TIM. (if it is enabled) GEN.EX.SATU.ST. (10) The exercise function is every Wednesday enabled for 10 minutes.20 o’clock.0 – 23.20 o’clock.TIM.T.TIM. min (dis)0 – 99 DIS Wednesday Generator exercise work start time on GEN. (dis)0 The exercise function is Mondays disabled.T.WR.TIM.(EXERCISE PAGE) EXERCISE page Generator exercise working time on GEN.ST.MOND 12.WR. EAOM-210 FL.WEDN.59 0.WR.WEDN 12.ST.0 – 23.FRID hour-min 0. (if it is enabled) GEN.EX.59 0.TIM.EX.WEDN hour-min 0.TIM.0 Monday Generator exercise working time on GEN.ST.SUND. (10) The exercise function is every Friday enabled for 10 minutes.THUR.20 The exercise function is every Thursday started at 12.WR.WR.T.TIM.0 Wednesday Generator exercise working time on GEN.T.TIM.ST.TUES.0 Tuesday Generator exercise working time on GEN.WR.20 The exercise function is every Tuesday started at 12.WR.EX.ST.ST. (10) The exercise function is every Monday enabled for 10 minutes.0 Sunday Please enter the days of the weekly workdays for Exercise Function.WR.EX.ST.FRID.EX.T.0 – 23.99 DIS Monday Generator exercise work start time on GEN. 9999 0 TECHNICIAN PASSWORD TECHNICIAN PASSWORD 0 .WR.SUND 12.6 Pages 85 / 154 .99 MONTH MONTH 1 . (10) The exercise function is every Sunday enabled for 10 minutes.20 The exercise function is every Saturday started at 12.WR.12 DATE DATE 1 .EX.31 DAY DAY 1-7 HOUR HOUR 0 . (if it is enabled) (DATE SETUP PAGE) DATE SETUP page YEAR YEAR 0 . (dis)0 The exercise function is Saturdays disabled. This password allows access to operator parameters section.EX.9999 0 OPERATOR PASSWORD Use this option to change the Operator password.20 The exercise function is every Friday started at 12. (if it is enabled) GEN. It allows access to both operator and technician parameters section.T.20 The exercise function is every Sunday started at 12.TIM.eng / ver 0.FRID 12.59 SECOND SEC 0 . To prevent to changing unit program parameters by unauthorised personnel don’t allow to the learning operator and technician passwords by the others. (if it is enabled) GEN.WR.SATU 12. (10) The exercise function is every Saturday enabled for 10 minutes. (dis)0 The exercise function is Sundays disabled.20 o’clock.WR.T. TECHNICIAN PASSWORD Use this option to change the Technician password.ST.TIM. EAOM-210 FL.T.WR. In case of this situation.EX. GEN.59 (PASSWORD PAGE) PASSWORD page OPERATOR PASSWORD OPERATOR PASSWORD 0 .GEN. GEN.ST.20 o’clock.20 o’clock.EX.EX.ST.SUND.23 MINUTE MIN 0 . change passwords immediately.SATU. Cable Connection Between RS-232 Terminal of the Device and PC EAOM-210 FL PC 9 pin D connector 9 pin D connector female male White Brown Green 3.2 Installing EAOM-210 FL V00/SW Insert the software CD into the CD-ROM drive on the PC Double click on MyComputer Then double click on CD-ROM drive EAOM-210 FL.2 Cable Connection Between RS-232 Terminal of the Device and Modem EAOM-210 FL MODEM 9 pin D connector 9 pin D connector male female Green Yellow White Brown 3. Stop Bit.3.2.3.eng / ver 0. Windows NT Ram :16 Mbyte Monitor :14” SVGA (640x480 resolution) Fixed Disk Free Space :1 Mbyte Disk Drive :CD-ROM Communication :An RS232 communication port is needed to communicate with the EAOM-210 FL Unit 3.1 Minimum system requirements Processor :486 66MHz Operating Systems :Windows95/98. Odd or Even. Parity.3.6. Programming The Device Over PC or Modem 3.2.6. None.6.2 RS-232 Serial Interface.6 Pages 86 / 154 . 0 or 1 Maximum allowable cable length is 10 meters 3.6 Pc Interface The PC interface kit ( EAOM-210 FL/PCIK ) comprises the following: 9 pin D connector/FCC68(4 pin) connection lead with 2 meters cable EAOM-210 FL V00/SW Communication software (CD) 3.1 Technical Specifications RS-232 serial communication with Modbus RTU protocol Baud Rate from 1200 to 19200 8 data bits.3 Installation Instruction 3.6. connection is established. when ‘Connect’ button is pressed. EAOM-210 FL. a window is shown to determine how the connection will be established: over modem or RS-232 communication port. EAOM-210 FL V00/SW will be installed automatically on to your PC in its own folder(directory).There will be a short delay while the CD-ROM is accessed.exe”.3 To Run EAOM-210 FL V00/SW communication software Press the START icon Then select Programs  EAOM-210 FL V00 SW(Folder)  EAOM-210 FL V00 Then click on EAOM-210 FL V00 When the program runs firstly. If the comport settings are correct. 3.3.6 Pages 87 / 154 . then the disk contents will be displayed. user can access to the window below and save the location name and phone number for using to connect with modem.6. It will also create “START MENU” items. With ‘Add New Phone Number’ button. This selection is made with the ‘Connect with Modem’ check box. Double click on “Install.eng / ver 0. When the connection is established. Firstly. enter phone number and location name (It is used to remember where the phone number belongs) and press ‘Ok’ button for saving these values. main screen is shown.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 88 / 154 . EAOM-210 FL. 3.6.4 Description EAOM-210 FL unit communicates with PC by means of EAOM-210 FL/PCIK. With EAOM-210 FL V00/SW ,the EAOM-210 FL unit’s parameters and status information can be reached over PC easily. Operator and Technician parameters can be viewed. Parameters are password protected. Main Menu File Menu This menu allows the user to save configuration files to the disc, read from disc and write to disc. Open :This menu allows the user to load the registered configuration files to PC. For example: Click 'Open' in File menu. Choose configuration file which includes operator or technician parameters on Open Dialog Box. When user clickss 'Open' button on Open Dialog Box parameters will be transferred to PC window. Save :This menu allows the user to save the parameters with a name defined by user. For example: Click 'Save' in File menu. After choosing where to save the file, enter the file name. When user clicks 'Save' button on Save Dialog Box, all parameters will be saved to the file that user determine. Preview : This menu allows the user to preview the operator parameters, when the user to come into the Operator Parameters section. It allows the user to preview the technician parameters, when the user to come into the Technician Parameters section. It allows the user to preview the Event Logs, when the user to come into the Events section. Print :This menu allows the user to print the parameters. Exit :With this menu user can exit from the EAOM-210 FL V00/SW. Window Menu Explorer: This menu allows the user to reach quickly the Observation, Operator Parameters and Technician Parameters sections. Toolbar: Toolbar on/off EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 89 / 154 Program Menu This menu is active during the Operator or Technician Parameters Section is open. With this menu user can load parameters from EAOM-210 FL unit to PC or from PC to EAOM-210 FL unit. Download :With this menu user can load parameters from PC to EAOM-210 FL. For loading parameters from PC to EAOM-210 FL follow the steps below. Download This Page to the Controller: While the operator parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Download This Page to the Controller” in Program menu, only parameters in the related page is loaded from PC to device. While the technician parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Download This Page to the Controller” in Program menu, only parameters in the related page is loaded from PC to device. Download All Parameters to the Controller: While the operator parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Download All Parameters to the Controller” in Program menu, all of the operator parameters is loaded from PC to device. While the technician parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Download All Parameters to the Controller” in Program menu, all of the technician parameters is loaded from PC to device. Upload :User can load the parameters that is stored on EAOM-210 FL unit to PC. For loading parameters from EAOM-210 FL unit to PC follow the steps below. Upload This Page from the Controller: While the operator parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Upload This Page from the Controller” in Program menu, only parameters in the related page is loaded from device to PC. While the technician parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Upload This Page from the Controller” in Program menu, only parameters in the related page is loaded from device to PC. Upload All Parameters from the Controller: While the operator parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Upload All Parameters from the Controller” in Program menu, all of the operator parameters is loaded from device to PC. While the technician parameters window is showing, If user clicks “Upload All Parameters from the Controller” in Program menu, all of the technician parameters is loaded from device to PC. Add New Phone Number: User can be saved the phone number which is used for connecting with the modem. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 90 / 154 Observation Menu There are four sub-menus in this menu: Measurement Values, Failures, Events and Output & Modes. Measurement Values: In this window the values listed below can be observed: Mains volts (L1-N, L2-N, L3-N) Mains volts (L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1) Mains Hz Generator volts (L1-N, L2-N, L3-N) Generator volts (L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1) Generator Hz Load amps (IL1, IL2, IL3) Earth current (IEA) Generator pf Generator kVA Generator kW Generator kVAr Generator kVAh Generator kWh EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 91 / 154 6 Pages 92 / 154 . EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. Generator kVArh Next maintenance Working time Real time Charge generator voltage Battery Voltage Level Pressure Temperature Engine speed (Rpm) Failures: In this window the failures listed below can be observed: Failed to start Low oil pressure High temperature Voltage failure Speed failure Charging fail Spare 1 Spare 2 Spare 3 And the 39 different error messages (if Expansion Module is selected as disable) or the 47 different error messages (if Expansion Module is selected as enable). 6 Pages 93 / 154 .eng / ver 0.Events: In this window the last 32 Event logs can be observed: EAOM-210 FL. Configurable Exp Output6(if Expansion Module is selected as enable). Configurable Exp Output4(if Expansion Module is selected as enable). Configurable Exp Output7(if Expansion Module is selected as enable). Start Mains open and button for remote control Mains close and button for remote control Generator open and button for remote control Generator close and button for remote control Solenoid EAOM-210 FL. Configurable Exp Output3(if Expansion Module is selected as enable).eng / ver 0. Configurable Exp Output2(if Expansion Module is selected as enable). Configurable Exp Output8(if Expansion Module is selected as enable).Outputs & Modes: In this window the parameters listed below can be observed: Outputs: Configurable Output1 Configurable Output2 Configurable Output3 Configurable Output4 Configurable Exp Output1(if Expansion Module is selected as enable).6 Pages 94 / 154 . Configurable Exp Output5(if Expansion Module is selected as enable). Parameters are password protected.6 Pages 95 / 154 . Enter the Operator Password and click OK button. Then Operator Password is monitored. first page of the operator parameters (Mains Levels page) will be viewed. Entering To Operator Parameters Section Click “Mains Level” in Operator Parameter menu.Modes: Manual mode and button for remote control No Load Test mode and button for remote control Auto mode and button for remote control Program Off mode and button for remote control Engine status: Start position and button for remote control Stop position and button for remote control Failure Reset: Reset button for remote control Operator Parameters Menu Operator can reach the parameters in this menu. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. If the password is correct. When the operator password is entered. it is compared with operator password that is registered on EAOM-210 FL unit. When the technician password is entered. Entering To Technician Parameters Section Click “Mains Level” in Technician Parameter menu. it is compared with technician password that is registered on EAOM-210 FL unit.Technician Parameters Menu All parameters can be viewed in this menu. Enter the Technician Password and click OK button.eng / ver 0. If the password is correct. Parameters are password protected. EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 96 / 154 . first page of the technician parameters (Mains Levels page) will be viewed. Then Technician Password is monitored. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.Adjusment Page (Calibration) Menu There is one sub-menu in this menu: Adjusment. Then Technician Password is monitored. the ADJUSMENT section will be viewed. Enter the Technician Password and click OK button. If the password is correct. Adjusment (Calibration): Click “Adjusment” in Adjasment Page menu.6 Pages 97 / 154 . EAOM-210 FL. Slave ID parameters and click OK button.eng / ver 0.And then change Comport Settings.6 Pages 98 / 154 . Then Comport Settings window is monitored.Setting Menu Click “Comport Setting” in Setting menu. when the ‘Connect’ button is pressed. EAOM-210 FL. Disconnect: If the connection is established over modem or RS-232 port. It gives information about the PC software version and MCU software version to the user.6 Pages 99 / 154 .eng / ver 0. Help Menu Help: This menu allows the user to get information about mention to used the program and the menus in the program. connection is established. connection can be establish over RS-232 port or modem. the window below is observed. According to the ‘Connect with Modem’ check status. About: Click “About” in Help menu. If the comport settings are done correctly.Connect: With this menu. connection can be cut off with this selection. At this moment the LED (7) lights on. as follows: the starter motor runs the engine starts the starter motor disengages once the engine is running. 13. check that the engine is fully operational (fuel available etc. 14.6 Pages 100 / 154 . At this moment the LED (8) will light on. The starter motor should run for the programmed time period (cranking time) for the pre-set number of times (number of start attempts). 4. The associated LED (12) should light. The engine should stop. 7. 11. Allow time for the engine to come to rest. 4. disable the fuel solenoid. Check the start sequence. Take temporary steps to prevent the engine from starting . 9. Check the unit will change to the OFF mode and the LED (9) lights on. Restore the engine to operational state (reconnect the fuel solenoid). Check that the engine start sequence commences. (for example. The LED (7) will light on. EAOM-210 FL. connect the battery supply. Program the unit as detailed in Section 3 Definition Of Front Panel And Programming. If not.eng / ver 0. Check that the correct fuses are fitted. On the EAOM-210 FL. Check that the Failed to Start LED flashes and the LED (7) lights off. 6. Check that the engine runs up to its operating speed. 12.Section 4 Commissioning These commissioning checks may interfere with the power supply to the load. 3.) and check the wiring and programming of the EAOM-210 FL. Check that the unit is correctly wired and that the wiring is of a standard and rating compatible with the system.1 Manual operation 1. After a visual inspection to ensure it is safe to proceed.) 5. The LED (12) will light on. 16. 2. check that the alarm is valid and then check the input wiring. Press the Engine Start (21) button. 8. Therefore they should not be carried out with a mission-critical load connected to the system. Press the Engine Start (21) button. press the Man (29) button. 10. Press the Man (29) button. 15. If not and an alarm is present. Press the Engine Stop (22) button. 6 Pages 101 / 154 . 4. 5. the load is transferred back to the mains and the generator. EAOM-210 FL. Restore the mains supply to the unit. 6. 2. Switch off the mains supply. Check that the contactors change over to connect the load to the generator.3 Test Mode Operation 1. 2. At the EAOM-210 FL. 4.4. Check the mains voltage readings on the display. Press the Test (28) button. Check also that the Auto (10) LED is lit. Check that the generator starts and. 5. after a delay. after a further delay. press the Auto (27) button.eng / ver 0. Restore the mains supply. The unit changes operating mode to AUTO Mode automatically. the load is transferred to the generator. Check that the mains is connected to the unit and is present. after a delay. Switch off the mains supply to the unit. Check that the generator shuts down with cool-down period. 3. Check that the generator starts and that the load is still connected to the mains. 3. At this moment the LED (11) will light on. 4.2 Auto Operation 1. Check that the contactors reconnect the load to the mains supply. Check that the mains is connected to the unit. shuts down. Check that. The LED (10) on the button should light. Use the and buttons to select which working page (screen) is to be displayed.Load current • IT . 1.1 LCD Display Description: Mains & Load Page Current page name MAINS & LOAD Measurement values L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50.1 Controls and Indicators 5. There are 10 working pages in the LCD display. as follows.Mains frequency • IL1 .Load current • IL3 .Load current • IL2 .Working mode • CRANKNG ATTEMP .6 Pages 102 / 154 .Mains voltage L3-L1 • Fq .Section 5 Operation 5.1. It consist of 10 main working pages (screens).0Hz IT: 378A Engine Status Working mode IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP Error Messages OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG 128x64 Dot-matrix LCD display.Mains & Load Page: MAINS & LOAD L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50.eng / ver 0.Mains voltage L2-L3 • L31 . (Engine status) EAOM-210 FL.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • L12 .Mains voltage L1-L2 • L23 . Every screen has got 8 lines.Engine cranking process is executing. Seventh and eighth lines are common in all pages.Earth current • AUTO . For details see Example- 1: Changing page with Next and Previous buttons.Total current • IEA . EXPAN. LEVEL ERROR! : Fuel Level Error. SPARE-4 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 4 Error. EXPAN. EXPAN. SPARE-6 ERROR! : Spare 6 Error.TRIP! : Reverse Power Electrical Trip REVERSE POWER ERROR! : Reverse Power Error REVERSE POWER WARNN! : Reverse Power Warning SHORT CIRCT EL.ALR! : Mains Breaker Not Opened alarm MAINTENANCE ERROR! : Maintenance error OVER CURRNT EL.This message indicates that the over speed warning (pre-alarm) has occured. Possible error messages are: BATTERY HIGH ERROR! : Battery High Error. EXPAN.PREAL! : Generator Under Frequency Prealarm GEN UNDER VOL. EARTH FAULT ERROR! : Earth Fault Error EARTH FAULT EL. SPARE-2 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 2 Error.NOT OPEN. GEN BR.PREAL! : Generator Under Voltage Prealarm GENERATOR STOP ERR! : Generator Stop Error. SPARE-5 ERROR! : Spare 5 Error.EL.ALR! : Generator Breaker Not Closed alarm GEN BR. EXPAN.NOT OP. LEVEL PREALARM! : Fuel Level Prealarm.6 Pages 103 / 154 .ALR! : Generator Breaker Not Opened alarm GEN OVER FRQ. EXPAN.PREAL! : Generator Over Voltage Prealarm GEN UNDER FRQ. MULTPLE ENGAGE FAIL! : Multiple engage fail MAINS BR.• OVER SPEED PREALARM . SPARE-7 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 7 Error. EXPAN. EXPAN. PREALARM! : Generator Temperature Prealarm. SPARE-8 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 8 Error. (Error message). UNDER SPEED ERROR! : Under speed error UNDER SPED PREALARM! : Under speed pre-alarm EAOM-210 FL.TRIP! : Short Circuit Electrical Trip SHORT CIRCUIT ERROR! : Short Circuit Error SHORT CIRCUIT WARNN! : Short Circuit Warning SPARE-4 ERROR! : Spare 4 Error. If more than one error condition is present.NOT CLOS. SPEED LOSS ERROR! : Speed loss error TEMPERAT. REVERSE POW.ALR! : Mains Breaker Not Closed alarm MAINS BR. SPARE-6 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 6 Error. BATTERY LOW ERROR! : Battery Low Error.PREAL! : Generator Over Frequency Prealarm GEN OVER VOL. SPARE-5 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 5 Error.TRIP! : Earth Fault Electrical Trip EARTH FAULT WARNING! : Earth Fault Warning EMERGENCY STOP ERR! : Emergency Stop.NOT CL. all of them is displayed sequencely in time defined by “Scroll Time For Error Messages” parameter. CANBUS ERROR! : Can Bus Error.eng / ver 0. SPARE-1 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 1 Error.TRIP! : Over Current Electrical Trip OVER CURRENT ERROR! : Over Current Error OVER CURRENT WARNNG! : Over Current Warning OVER SPEED ERROR! : Over speed error OVER SPEED PREALARM! : Over speed pre-alarm PRESSURE PREALARM! : Oil Pressure Prealarm. SPARE-3 ERROR! : Expansion Spare 3 Error. Generator voltage L3-L1 • Fq .Generator & Load Page: GENERATOR & LOAD L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50.Mains frequency • L12 .Mains voltage L3-L1 4.Generator voltage L1-L2 • L23 .Load current • IL2 .eng / ver 0.Mains voltage L1-N • L2 . • IL1 .Load current • IL3 .Mains voltage L2-L3 • L31 .Earth current 3.2.Mains voltage L1-L2 • L23 .Generator voltage L2-L3 • L31 .6 Pages 104 / 154 .Generator frequency (if enabled).Generator Page: EAOM-210 FL. • Sp .Mains voltage L3-N • Fq .0Hz AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • L1 .Mains voltage L2-N • L3 .Engine Rpm (if enabled).0Hz IT: 378A Sp:2000Rpm IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • L12 .Load current • IT – Total current • IEA .Mains Page: MAINS L1:220Vac L12:380Vac L2:220Vac L23:380Vac L3:220Vac L31:380Vac Fq:50. Generator voltage L1-N • L2 .Generator voltage L2-L3 • L31 .Meter Page: METER kVAh : 37800 kWh : 30600 kVArh : 7200 AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • kVA .84 AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • kVA .6 Pages 105 / 154 . GENERATOR L1:220Vac L12:380Vac L2:220Vac L23:380Vac L3:220Vac L31:380Vac Fq:50.Generator energy • kW .Engine Rpm (if enabled).Generator voltage L1-L2 • L23 .Generator frequency (if enabled).Generator active energy • kVAr . • L12 .Generator reactive power • FACTOR .Generator active power • kVAr .Generator power • kW .Generator voltage L2-N • L3 .0Hz Sp:2000Rpm AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • L1 .Generator voltage L3-N • Fq .Generator voltage L3-L1 • Sp .Load Page: EAOM-210 FL. 5.Power Page: POWER kVA : 630 kW : 510 kVAr : 120 FACTOR:-0.eng / ver 0.Generator power factor (pf) 6.Generator reactive energy 7. minute.Load Current • CURRENT L2 .Fuel Level 9.GEN.The remaining month for maintenance 10.Real Date: Day.Coolant temperature (if enabled).0Vdc OIL PRESS.Load Current • TOTAL CURRENT .Real Time: Hour.GEN.HOUR:5000 NEXT MAINT. : 40.Total Current • EARTH CURRENT .MONT .HOUR . LOAD CURRENT L1 : 126A CURRENT L2 : 126A CURRENT L3 : 126A TOTAL CURRENT: 378A EARTH CURRENT: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • CURRENT L1 .Charge generator voltage • OIL PRESS.Earth Current 8.Engine Oil pressure (if enabled).eng / ver 0. • LEVEL . • TEMPERATURE .0Vdc CHR.VOL .Anologue Page: ANALOGUE BATTERY VOL:18.Miscellaneous Page: DATE: 30/06/2005 TIME: 14:20:58 WORKING HOUR : 1 NEXT MAINT.Battery voltage • CHR.VOL:18.Event Logs Page: EAOM-210 FL. Year.3Bar TEMPERATURE: 30ºC LEVEL : 16% AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • BATTERY VOL .The remaining hour for maintenance • NEXT MAINT. second.MONT: 6 AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • DATE . . • WORKING HOUR – Engine run time • NEXT MAINT. Month.6 Pages 106 / 154 .Load Current • CURRENT L3 . • TIME . 15:21:38 time).SPARE-5 ERROR: Expansion Spare-5 error EXPAN.SHTDWN: Generator low voltage shutdown GEN OVER FRQ. Possible Event messages are: BATTERY HIGH ERROR: Battery high voltage alarm BATTERY LOW ERROR: Battery low voltage alarm CAN BUS ERROR: Can Bus error CHANGED MODE TO AUTO: Changed mode to auto CHANGED MODE TO MAN: Changed mode to manual CHANGED MODE TO OFF: Changed mode to off CHANGED MODE TO TEST: Changed mode to test CHARGE ALTERNTR FAIL: Charge alternator fail EARTH FAULT ALARM: Earth fault alarm EMERGENCY STOP ERROR: Emergency stop error EXPAN.PREALRM: Generator high frequency pre-alarm GEN OVER FRQ.SPARE-6 ERROR: Expansion Spare-6 error EXPAN.SPARE-2 ERROR: Expansion Spare-2 error EXPAN.SHUTDWN: Generator high frequency shutdown GEN OVER VOL.PREALRM: Generator high voltage pre-alarm GEN OVER VOL.ALRM: Gen breaker close error GEN BR. (Event history: 20/03/2005 date.PREALR: Generator low frequency pre-alarm GEN UNDER FRQ. Events (from 1 to 32) can be displayed sequencely with the button.SHUTDWN: Generator high voltage shutdown GENERATOR STOP ERROR: Generator fail to stop LEVEL ERROR: Fuel level alarm LEVEL PREALARM: Fuel level pre-alarm MAINS BR.SPARE-4 ERROR: Expansion Spare-4 error EXPAN.NOT CLOS.SPARE-8 ERROR: Expansion Spare-8 error FAIL TO START ALARM: Generator fail to start GEN BR.eng / ver 0.SPARE-1 ERROR: Expansion Spare-1 error EXPAN.SPARE-7 ERROR: Expansion Spare-7 error EXPAN.NOT OPEN.NOT CLS.This message indicates that an emergency stop alarm has occured.ALR: Mains breaker close error MAINS BR.ALR: Mains breaker open error MAINTENANCE ERROR: Generator maintenance error MAINTENANCE WARNING: Generator maintenance warning OIL PRESSURE PREALRM: Oil pressure pre-alarm EAOM-210 FL.PREALR: Generator low voltage pre-alarm GEN UNDER VOL.EVENT LOG 1 20/03/2005 15:21:38 EMERGENCY STOP ERROR AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! • EMERGENCY STOP ERROR .SPARE-3 ERROR: Expansion Spare-3 error EXPAN.6 Pages 107 / 154 .ALRM: Gen breaker open error GEN UNDER FRQ.SHTDWN: Generator low frequency shutdown GEN UNDER VOL.NOT OPN. OIL PRESSURE SHUTDWN: Oil pressure shutdown OVER CURRENT ALARM: Over current alarm OVER SPEED PREALARM: Generator high speed pre-alarm OVER SPEED SHUTDOWN: Generator high speed shutdown REVERSE POWER ALARM: Reverse power alarm SHORT CIRCUIT ALARM: Short circuit alarm SPARE-1 ERROR: Spare 1 error SPARE-2 ERROR: Spare 2 error SPARE-3 ERROR: Spare 3 error SPARE-4 ERROR: Spare 4 error SPARE-5 ERROR: Spare 5 error SPARE-6 ERROR: Spare 6 error SPEED LOSS ERROR: Magnetic pickup loss of speed error TEMPER.HIGH SHUTDOWN: High temperature shutdown UNDER SPEED PREALARM: Generator low speed pre-alarm UNDER SPEED SHUTDOWN: Generator low speed shutdown EAOM-210 FL.HIGH PREALARM: High temperature pre-alarm TEMPER.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 108 / 154 . EAOM-210 FL.0Hz IT: 378A Sp:2000Rpm IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page.eng / ver 0.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG Press the next button Press the previous button to view the next page.Example-1: Changing page with Next and Previous buttons.0Hz Fq:50. Mains & Load Page MAINS & LOAD L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50. Mains Page Mains & Load Page MAINS MAINS & LOAD L1:220Vac L12:380Vac L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L2:220Vac L23:380Vac L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L3:220Vac L31:380Vac L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50. to view the next page.0Hz IT: 378A IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page. to view the next page. to view the previous page. Generator & Load Page Event Log Page GENERATOR & LOAD EVENT LOG 1 L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L23:380Vac IL2: 126A 20/03/2005 15:21:38 L31:380Vac IL3: 126A EMERGENCY STOP ERROR Fq:50.6 Pages 109 / 154 . Meter Page Generator Page METER GENERATOR kVAh : 37800 L1:220Vac L12:380Vac kWh : 30600 L2:220Vac L23:380Vac kVArh : 7200 L3:220Vac L31:380Vac Fq:50. to view the next page. to view the next page.0Hz Sp:2000Rpm AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page. Generator Page Generator & Load Page GENERATOR GENERATOR & LOAD L1:220Vac L12:380Vac L12:380Vac IL1: 126A L2:220Vac L23:380Vac L23:380Vac IL2: 126A L3:220Vac L31:380Vac L31:380Vac IL3: 126A Fq:50.0Hz IT: 378A Sp:2000Rpm IEA: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page. to view the next page. Power Page Mains Page POWER MAINS kVA : 630 L1:220Vac L12:380Vac kW : 510 L2:220Vac L23:380Vac kVAr : 120 L3:220Vac L31:380Vac FACTOR:-0.eng / ver 0.0Hz AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page.84 Fq:50. EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 110 / 154 .0Hz Sp:2000Rpm Fq:50. to view the next page.0Vdc kVAh : 37800 CHR.0Vdc kWh : 30600 OIL PRESS.VOL:18. to view the next page. : 40. Load Page Power Page LOAD POWER CURRENT L1 : 126A kVA : 630 CURRENT L2 : 126A kW : 510 CURRENT L3 : 126A kVAr : 120 TOTAL CURRENT: 378A FACTOR:-0.84 EARTH CURRENT: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page. Analog Page Meter Page ANALOGUE METER BATTERY VOL:18.GEN.MONT: 6 TOTAL CURRENT: 378A EARTH CURRENT: 63A AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page. EAOM-210 FL. to view the next page.eng / ver 0.3Bar kVArh : 7200 TEMPERATURE: 30ºC LEVEL : 16% AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the previous button Press the next button to view the previous page. Miscellaneous Page Load Page DATE: 30/06/2005 LOAD TIME: 14:20:58 CURRENT L1 : 126A WORKING HOUR : 1 CURRENT L2 : 126A NEXT MAINT.HOUR:5000 CURRENT L3 : 126A NEXT MAINT.6 Pages 111 / 154 . : 40. Event Log 2 Page EVENT LOG 2 18/03/2005 17:42:53 SPARE-4 ERROR AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG Press the next button to view Press the previous button to Press the page button to view the Mains & Load page.0Vdc EMERGENCY STOP ERROR OIL PRESS.VOL:18.6 Pages 112 / 154 .3Bar TEMPERATURE: 30ºC LEVEL : 16% AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP AUTO CRANKNG ATTEMP OVER SPEED PREALARM! OVER SPEED PREALARM! PROG PROG Press the page button to view the following Event Log page. view the Miscellaneous page.Event Log 1 Page Analogue Page EVENT LOG 1 ANALOGUE BATTERY VOL:18. the following Event Log page.eng / ver 0.0Vdc 20/03/2005 15:21:38 CHR.GEN. EAOM-210 FL. and the controller can be programmed to perform 22 different functions when this input is asserted.6 Pages 113 / 154 . before afresh attempt can be made.Failed to Start LED : This LED flashes if the engine has not started after the programmed number of attempts. the unit will stop the engine without any cool-down period. This failure immediately releases the generator contactor. and Generator Over Voltage parameter. 7. without any cool-down period. EAOM-210 FL. 5.2 Failure Indicators Description: FAILED TO START LOW OIL PRESSURE HIGH TEMPERATURE RPM SPEED FAILURE V VOLTAGE FAILURE CHARGING FAIL SPARE-1 SPARE-2 SPARE-3 Explanations: 1. For a fault to be indicated. A fault will not be indicated if the current falls within the period defined by the Safety On Delay parameter after the engine has started. The unit must be reset.Charge Generator Failure LED : This LED flashes if the field current for the battery charge generator fails to fall to zero after the engine has started. 4. 2.1. This failure immediately stops the generating set. If this fault occurs. This failure will not stop the generating set.Voltage Failure LED : This LED flashes if the Alternator output voltage is outside of the limits programmed into Generator Under Voltage parameter. 3. and stops the generating set. For a time period longer than the Generator Voltage Error Control Time parameter. input-1 is selected as Low Oil pressure) on the engine indicate low oil pressure while the engine is running.Configurable Input-1 LED (SPARE 1): This LED indicate the status of the input Pin 21.High Temperature Failure LED : This LED flashes if the Temperature Sender and the High Temperature Input (if conf. the unit will stop the engine without any cool-down period. without any cool-down period.Low Oil Pressure Failure LED : This LED flashes if the Oil Pressure Sender and the Low Oil Pressure Input (if conf. 6.5.eng / ver 0. by pressing the Reset button. input-2 is selected as High Temperature) on the engine indicates high temperature while the engine is running. If this fault occurs. the speed must be outside these limits for longer than the period defined by the Generator Frequency Error Control Time parameter.Over Speed Failure LED : This LED flashes if the Alternator Frequency goes below the Generator Under Frequency parameter or above theGenerator Over Frequency parameter. 5 Auto Operation Press the Auto (27) button to select Auto mode. The LED (10) in the corner of the button will light to indicate this mode has been selected. if the unit is in Auto mode with the generator running and the load running on the generator. LED (3) should go off. When the mains is restored and stable. the unit will start up the generator and. EAOM-210 FL.2 Mode transition The mode can be changed at any time. shut down the generator.eng / ver 0. Press the Man (29) button. Once LEDs have lit. 5. after a cool-down period. 2. changing the mode to Manual will not effect the operating state. Any changes between Auto. • The “Generator Ready” LED (5) is lit after “safety on delay” time period like as AUTO mode.Configurable Input-2 LED (SPARE 2): This LED indicate the status of the input Pin 20. it will transfer the load back to the mains and. LED (4) should light. Press the Generator contactor close button (19) to connect the load to the generator supply. Manual and Test modes will not change the operating state. • The LED (6) “Engine Running” is lit.4 Manual Stop The LED (8) is lit and engine is stopped when the “Engine Stop” (22) button is pressed. When the “Engine Stop” button is pressed while the load connected to the alternator output (generator output) first alternator contactor is released then engine is stopped. 9. (The contactor open / close button does not work) 3. • It is not possible supply to load on the generator unless “Generator Ready” LED (5) is lit. Press the Engine Start (21) button on the panel the LED (7) will light on. In the event of a mains voltage failure. A change in mode will not effect the current state of the generator or load connection. The sequence is as follows: • The starter motor runs • The engine starts Once the engine is running.Configurable Input-3 LED (SPARE 3): This LED indicate the status of the input Pin 19. 5. 5. 5. The LED (12) will light on. For example. and the controller can be programmed to perform 22 different functions when this input is asserted. and the controller can be programmed to perform 22 different functions when this input is asserted. The engine should start.3 Manual Start 1.8. once the generator is running and alternator voltage available. will transfer the load to the generator.6 Pages 114 / 154 . press the Mains contactor open button (18) to disconnect the load from the mains supply. 4. the unit will revert to Auto mode and will switch the load to the generator.EX.WR.6 Test Operation Press the Test (28) button to select Test mode the LED (11) will light on.TIM. If a mains failure occurs while the unit is in Test mode.5. If the time is completed the unit changes run mode to “AUTO” automatically. 5.6. (dis)0 The exercise function is Mondays disabled. GEN.ST. (10) The exercise function is every Monday enabled for 10 minutes.MOND 12. Example: GEN. The time period of engine running is counted and compared with value of Generator Exercise Working Time parameter (10 minutes). This mode allows for testing of the generator off load.6 Pages 115 / 154 .WR.MOND. (if it is enabled) When the Real-Time clock reached to the Generator Exercise Work Start Time (12.eng / ver 0. All alarm circuits will operate so that any faults will be reported.EX.20 o’clock. the unit will change run mode to “AUTO MODE” automatically.T.20 o’clock) if the unit is in “AUTO MODE” and Mains is available the unit changes running mode to the “TEST MODE” automatically and starts the engine. EAOM-210 FL. When the unit is in the “TEST MODE” if the Mains is gone.1 Exercise Function Please enter the days of the weekly workdays for Exercise Function.20 The exercise function is every Monday started at 12. (If the engine does not run time is not counted). BATTERY LOW ERROR! : This message indicates that a battery low voltage alarm has occured. EARTH FAULT WARNING! : This message indicates that a earth fault warning (pre- alarm) has occured. Select the required mode of operation – Manual. 3. it’s error message is displayed in the eighth lines of current page. For details see Section 5. If a failure is indicated. All Error messages are: BATTERY HIGH ERROR! : This message indicates that a battery high voltage alarm has occured. Press the Failure Reset (25) button to enable a restart. Auto or Test. 2. EXPAN. all of them is displayed sequencely in time defined by “Scroll Time For Error Messages” parameter.2 Error Messages OVER SPEED PREALARM! In addition to the indicators on the centre panel.TRIP! : This message indicates that a earth fault electrical trip has occured. SPARE-1 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 1 alarm has occured. EARTH FAULT ERROR! : This message indicates that a earth fault shutdown has occured. Fault conditions latch so that further operation is prevented. EAOM-210 FL. EMERGENCY STOP ERR! : This message indicates that an emergency stop alarm has occured. EARTH FAULT EL. EXPAN. CAN BUS ERROR! : This message indicates that a Can Bus error has occured. proceed as follows: 1. SPARE-3 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 3 alarm has occured. EXPAN. If more than one error condition is present. SPARE-2 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 2 alarm has occured.1. 6. when a fault is occured. Seventh and eighth lines are common in all pages.Section 6 Fault Finding 6.eng / ver 0.2 Failure Indicators Description. Find and fix the fault.1 General Indicators on the central section of the panel will flash if a fault is detected.6 Pages 116 / 154 . MAINS BR. REVERSE POWER WARNN! : This message indicates that a reverse power warning (pre-alarm) has occured. MULTPLE ENGAGE FAIL! : This message indicates that the multiple engage fail has occured. GEN OVER VOL.EL. SPARE-7 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 7 alarm has occured.TRIP! : This message indicates that a over current electrical trip has occured.ALR! : This message indicates that a mains breaker not closed alarm has occured. REVERSE POWER ERROR! : This message indicates that a reverse power shutdown has occured. EXPAN.NOT CL.NOT OPEN. GEN UNDER VOL.PREAL! : This message indicates that a generator under frequency warning (pre-alarm) has occured.PREAL! : This message indicates that a generator under voltage warning (pre-alarm) has occured. OVER SPEED PREALARM! : This message indicates that the over speed warning (pre- alarm) has occured. GEN BR. GENERATOR STOP ERR! : This message indicates that the generator has failed to stop within the selected time. LEVEL PREALARM! : This message indicates that the fuel level warning (pre-alarm) has occured. OVER SPEED ERROR! : This message indicates that the over speed shutdown has occured. SPARE-4 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 4 alarm has occured. PRESSURE PREALARM! : This message indicates that a low oil pressure warning (pre-alarm) has occured.eng / ver 0. EXPAN. SPARE-5 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 5 alarm has occured. EAOM-210 FL.EXPAN. MAINS BR.ALR! : This message indicates that a generator breaker not opened alarm has occured. MAINTENANCE ERROR! : This message indicates that the generator is now due for maintenance.NOT CLOS.NOT OP. GEN BR. GEN UNDER FRQ. SPARE-6 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 6 alarm has occured. GEN OVER FRQ. EXPAN.TRIP! : This message indicates that a reverse power electrical trip has occured.PREAL! : This message indicates that a generator over frequency warning (pre-alarm) has occured. SPARE-8 ERROR! : This message indicates that an Expansion spare 8 alarm has occured.ALR! : This message indicates that a mains breaker not opened alarm has occured.6 Pages 117 / 154 . OVER CURRNT EL. LEVEL ERROR! : This message indicates that the fuel level shutdown has occured.PREAL! : This message indicates that a generator over voltage warning (pre-alarm) has occured. OVER CURRENT WARNNG! : This message indicates that a over current warning (pre-alarm) has occured.ALR! : This message indicates that a generator breaker not closed alarm has occured. REVERSE POW. EXPAN. OVER CURRENT ERROR! : This message indicates that a over current shutdown has occured. ( measure voltage between pins 39 and 40 ) Check the DC fuse. Normally Closed) or that sender is compatible with the device. TEMPERAT. EAOM-210 FL. SPARE-5 ERROR! : This message indicates that a spare 5 alarm has occured. Fault operates after Check configured polarity (if applicable) is correct (i. has started.eng / ver 0.1 Fault finding Symptom Possible remedy Check the battery and wiring to the unit. Check engine oil level and pressure. Refer to engine manual. temperature Check temperature switch and sender and wiring. operates. Check configured polarity (if applicable) is correct (i. Low oil pressure fault operates after engine Check oil pressure switch and sender and wiring.e. Failed to Start fault. Check fuel solenoid and wiring. operates. Check the DC supply. inoperative. High engine Check engine temperature. SPARE-6 ERROR! : This message indicates that a spare 6 alarm has occured. PREALARM! : This message indicates that a high engine coolant temperature warning (pre-alarm) has occured. SHORT CIRCT EL. Normally Open or Normally Closed) or that sender is compatible with the device.TRIP! : This message indicates that a short circuit electrical trip has occured. UNDER SPEED ERROR! : This message indicates that the under speed shutdown has occured. Shutdown fault Check relevant switch and wiring of fault indicated on the panel. has started. Disconnect the equipment totally from electricity in the best and correct way during mechanical and electrical maintenance. UNDER SPED PREALARM! : This message indicates that the under speed warning (pre-alarm) has occured.6 Pages 118 / 154 . Normally Open or engine has started.e. Check wiring to starter solenoid. the equipment must be in the “OFF” position for preventing any accident. Check battery supply is present on the Start output pin 33 of the EAOM-210 FL. Unit is inoperative. SHORT CIRCUIT WARNN! : This message indicates that a short circuit warning (pre- alarm) has occured. Check configuration of input. When this is not possible.. SPEED LOSS ERROR! : This message indicates that the magnetic pick-up sensor fail (speed loss error) has occured. Warning fault Check relevant switch and wiring of fault indicated on the panel. Starter motor Check battery supply. SHORT CIRCUIT ERROR! : This message indicates that a short circuit shutdown has occured. Table 6. fuel and battery. Check configuration of input. after Pre-set number Check the signals that the EAOM-210 FL is using to determine if the engine of Attempts. SPARE-4 ERROR! : This message indicates that a spare 4 alarm has occured. Reset the Engine failed to start EAOM-210 FL and restart the engine. 6 to 99. EMC Generic Emission Standard for industrial equipment EN 61000-6-2. Panel Cut-Out 138 mm x 186 mm. EMC Generic Immunity Standard for industrial equipment Electrical Safety EN 61010-1. 35 VAC Ph-N) Accuracy: 0. Accuracy: 1 % FS. Accuracy: 1 % FS.6 to 99. Operating / Storage 0°C to +50°C / -25°C to +70°C Temperature Operating / Storage 90 % max. Battery Voltage 8 to 32 VDC.9 Hz (min.) Accuracy: 0. operating current is 360 mA.eng / ver 0.6 to 99. Safety Requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. Normal office or workplace. Resolution: 0. Protection IP54 at front panel.6 Pages 119 / 154 . accuracy: 1 % FS. 15. Charge Generator 220mA. 15. Generator Voltage Selectable three phase or single phase. Resolution: 0. resolution: 0. 2 wire connection for single phase gen-set.9 Hz (min. CT secondary 5A. non conductive pollution Mode of Operation Continuous EMC EN 61000-6-4. Excitation EAOM-210 FL.9 Hz. Environmental rating Standard.6 to 99.1 Hz.1 V Measurement Mains Voltage Selectable three phase or single phase. 35 to 300 VAC Ph-N. 100 ms during cranking (battery voltage should be at least nominal voltage before cranking).25 % FS. (including connectors) plastic housing for panel mounting.25 % FS Generator Frequency From alternator voltage: 15. IP20 at rear side. Weight Approximately 0. Category Pollution Degree II. 35 to 300 VAC Ph-N. max 4W.9 Hz. Cranking Dropouts Battery voltage can be “0” VDC for max. indoor at an altitude of less then 2000 meters with non-condensing humidity. 4 wire connection for Measurement three phase. 4 wire connection for Measurement three phase. portable equipment. Resolution: 1 V Generator Speed From magnetic pick-up: 35 to 10000 Hz (4 to 35 volts peak continuously. 2 wire connection for single phase gen-set.Section 7 Specifications & Ratings Specification: Description: Equipment use Electrical control equipment for generating sets Housing & Mounting 144 mm x 204 mm x 37 mm. Resolution: 1 V Mains Frequency 15. control and laboratory use DC Battery Supply Voltage 8 to 32 VDC max.76 Kg. (non-condensing) Humidity Installation Over Voltage II Appliances.25 % FS.1 Hz. 35 VAC Ph-N) Accuracy: 0. Specification: Description: LCD Display 128x64 Dot-matrix LCD display showin: Mains volts (L1-N, L2-N, L3-N) Mains volts (L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1) Mains Hz Generator volts (L1-N, L2-N, L3-N) Generator volts (L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1) Generator Hz Engine Rpm Generator kVA Generator kW Generator kVAr Generator kVAh Generator kWh Generator kVArh Generator power factor (pf) Load amps (IL1, IL2, IL3) Earth current (IEA) Engine oil pressure Coolant temperature Fuel level Battery voltage Charge generator voltage Real time Engine run time Next maintenance hour Next maintenance month Event logs Working modes Engine status Error messages Program parameters Failure Indicators Failed to start Low oil pressure High temperature Speed failure Voltage failure Charging fail Spare 1 Spare 2 Spare 3 Status indicators OFF mode LED TEST mode LED AUTOMATIC mode LED MANUAL mode LED Engine start LED Engine stop LED Engine running Main voltage available LED Generator ready LED Mains contactor LED Generator contactor LED Communication RS 232 serial communication with PC. interface CanBus communication with Expansion module. EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 120 / 154 Specification: Description: Contact sensing inputs Emergency stop (NC) Low oil pressure or configurable failure input-1 (NO or NC selectable) High temperature or configurable failure input-2 (NO or NC selectable) Configurable failure input-3 (NO or NC selectable) Configurable failure input-4 (NO or NC selectable) Configurable failure input-5 (NO or NC selectable) Configurable failure input-6 (NO or NC selectable) Relay outputs Fuel relay output. 16A at DC supply voltage Start relay output. 16A at DC supply voltage Horn or configurable relay output-1. 16A at DC supply voltage Mains open relay output. 5A at DC supply voltage Mains close relay output. 5A at DC supply voltage Generator open relay output. 5A at DC supply voltage Generator close relay output. 5A at DC supply voltage Configurable relay output-2. 5A at DC supply voltage Configurable relay output-3. 5A at DC supply voltage Configurable relay output-4. 5A at DC supply voltage EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 121 / 154 Section 8 Block Diagram +BATTERY POWER SUPPLY MICROCONTROLLER BATTERY VOLTAGE RELAY SENSING OUTPUTS MAINS N MAINS L1 MAINS MAINS L2 & MAINS L3 GENERATOR VOLTAGE GEN. N SENSING GEN. L1 & ANALOG CONDITIONING TO GEN. L2 DIGITAL GEN. L3 CONVERTOR LOAD L1 LOAD RS232 LOAD L2 CURRENTS COMM. LOAD L3 & EARTH IEA CURRENT SENSING ANALOG SENDERS LCD DISPLAY & FREQUENCY INDICATORS SENSING FROM GENERATOR VOLTAGE COUNTER & TIMER FREQUENCY MAGNETIC SENSING FROM PICK-UP MAGNETIC PICK-UP FAILURE & CONTROL INPUTS PUSH BUTTONS EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 122 / 154 LOADING FREQ.PRE-ALR Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm GEN.EARTH FAULT Generator Earth Fault EAOM-210 FL. Mains Under Voltage Return MAINS OVER VOLTAGE Mains Over Voltage MAINS OVER V.OVER V.RET Generator Over Frq Pre-Alarm Return GEN.PAGE) GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER LEVELS page GEN.6 Pages 123 / 154 .OVER F.RET.LOADING VOLTAGE Generator Loading Voltage GEN.UNDER F.RET.RETURN Mains Over Voltage Return MAINS UNDER FREQ.OVER VO. Mains Under Frequency Return MAINS OVER FREQ.LEVELS PAGE) GENERATOR VOLTAGE LEVELS page GEN. Generator Loading Frequency GEN.RETURN Mains Over Frequency Return (GEN.LVL.OVER FR.OVER CURRENT Generator Over Current GEN.PR-A.SHUTDWN Generator Over Frequency Shutdown (GEN. Mains Under Frequency MAINS UNDER F.UNDER VOLTAGE Generator Under Voltage GEN.FREQ.VOLT.eng / ver 0.UNDER FREQUENCY Generator Under Frequency GEN.UNDER V.PR-A.PRE-ALR Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm GEN.LEVELS PAGE) GENERATOR FREQUENCY LEVELS page GEN.OVER V.RET Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Return GEN.SHORT CIRCUIT Generator Short Circuit GEN.SHUTDWN Generator Over Voltage Shutdown (GEN.PRE-ALR Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm GEN.OVER F.CUR/POW. Mains Over Frequency MAINS OVER F.User Defined Parameter: List-1: Definition of Parameter User Defined Value Operator parameters (MAINS LEVELS PAGE) MAINS LEVELS page MAINS UNDER VOLTAGE Mains Under Voltage MAINS UNDER V.PRE-ALR Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm GEN. No Shutdown) SHORT CIR.F.OP.ARE LTCH.ALRM TIME Earth Fault Alarm Time TOTAL ENERGY CLEAR Total Energy Clear ACTIVE ENERGY CLEAR Active Energy Clear REACTIVE ENERGY CLR Reactive Energy Clear (MISCELLANEOUS PAGE) MISCELLANEOUS page SENS.6 Pages 124 / 154 .ACTIONS -Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) -Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) SHORT CIR.PAGE) GENERATOR CURRENT/POWER ACTIONS page CT PRIMARY CT Primary EARTH FAULT CT PRIM CT Primary (Earth Fault) Over Current Actions -Disable -Warning (Alarm Only.CUR/POW.CN.ENAB Sensing Options Generator Frq En/Dis SNS.ACTIONS -Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) -Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) OVER CUR.IGNITION SPEED Min Ignition Speed EAOM-210 FL.EN Mains Failure Detection En/Dis Look Mains Failure For Mains Cont. 1= 3phase AC SYSTEM 4wire 2= 3phase 4wire Series Delta FAST LOAD.EN All Warnings Are Latched En/Dis MAINS FAIL.ENAB Fast Loading Feature En/Dis ALL WRN. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value Technician parameters (GEN.FO.OPT. No Shutdown) OVER CUR.ALRM TIME Short Circuit Alarm Time Earth Fault Actions -Disable -Warning (Alarm Only.FA. No Shutdown) EARTH FAULT ACTIONS -Electrical Trip (Alarm/Off Load Generator Followed By Shutdown After Cooling) -Shutdown (Alarm And Shutdown) EARTH FAU. LK.ALARM TIME Over Current Alarm Time Short Circuit Actions -Disable -Warning (Alarm Only.PICKP ENA&FW Sensing Opt Pickup En/Dis & Flywheel Ac System 0 =1phase 2wire.eng / ver 0.ACT.MA.DETEC.MA.E En/Dis GAS/DIESEL SELECT Engine Fuel (Gas/ Diesel) Selection STOP/FUEL SELECTION Stop / Fuel Selection STOP SOLENOID TIME Stop Solenoid Time IGNITION DELAY Ignition Delay GAS VALVE DELAY Gas Valve Delay MIN.FEAT.GEN. OVER V.WARNING Battery Undervolts Warning BAT.WARNING Charge Alternator Warning (ANALOGUE INPUTS PAGE) ANALOGUE INPUTS page OIL PRES.E Audible Alarm Prior To Starting En/Dis NUMBR OF STR.DELAY Batt Undervolts Volts Delay BAT.ON GEN.CRANK DISCN.eng / ver 0.ALR.ON MAG.SHUTDWN Generator Over Speed Shutdown (ENG.G.UNDER SPEED Generator Under Speed GEN.UNDR SP.SHUTDOWN Oil Pressure Shutdown TEMP.V Crank Disconnect On Gen.OVER SP.WARNING Battery Overvolts Warning BAT.ON OIL P Crank Disconnect On Oil Pressure (GEN.ENG.SHUTDDOWN Temperature Shutdown LEVEL PRE-ALARM Level Pre-Alarm LEVEL PRE-ALARM RET Level Pre-Alarm Return LEVEL SHUTDOWN Level Shutdown EAOM-210 FL.WARN.SNSR FAIL DELY Pickup Sensor Fail Delay(Pickup) (ENG.PR-A.V Crank Disconnect On Charge Alt.PRE-ALARM RET Temperature Pre-Alarm Return TEMP.F Crank Disconnect On Gen.STR.DELAY Batt Overvolts Delay CHARGE ALT.PRIOR STRT.OVER SPED PRE-A Generator Over Speed Prealarm GEN.PLANT BATTR PAGE) ENGINE PLANT BATTERY page BAT. Voltage CRNK DISCN.UNDR SPED PRE-A Generator Under Speed Prealarm GEN.PR-A.REST TIME Engage Attempt Rest Time (Pickup) PICK.OVER SP.WARN.SPED SETING PAGE) GENERATOR SPEED SETTINGS page GEN.UNDR V.OVER V.P Crank Disconnect On Magnetic Pickup CRNK DISCN.RET Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm Return OIL PRES. Frequency CRNK DISCN.OVER VOL.PRE-ALARM Temperature Pre-Alarm TEMP.INPUT TYPE Temperature Input Type TEMP.UNDER VOL.ON CH.PAGE) ENGINE CRANK DISCONNECT page CRNK DISCN.6 Pages 125 / 154 .OPT PAGE) ENGINE STARTING OPTIONS page AU.PRE-ALARM Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm OIL PRES. Voltage CRNK DISC.RT Generator Over Speed Prealarm Return GEN.INPUT TYPE Oil Pressure Input Type OIL PRES.E Multiple Start Engage Attempts E/D (Pick) ENGAGE ATTEMPT TIME Engage Attempt Time (Pickup) ENG.PRE-AL.ATEMP.ATEMP.RET Battery Undervolts Warning Return BAT. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (ENGINE STAR.RT Generator Under Speed Prealarm Return GEN.ATTEMP Number Of Start Attempts CRANKING TIME Cranking Time CRANK REST TIME Crank Rest Time MUL.UNDER V.ON GEN.RET Battery Overvolts Warning Return BAT. SENDER 4 Temperature Sender 4 TEMPERATURE 4 Temperature 4 LEVEL SENDER 0 Level Sender 0 LEVEL 0 Level 0 LEVEL SENDER 1 Level Sender 1 LEVEL 1 Level 1 LEVEL SENDER 2 Level Sender 2 LEVEL 2 Level 2 LEVEL SENDER 3 Level Sender 3 LEVEL 3 Level 3 LEVEL SENDER 4 Level Sender 4 LEVEL 4 Level 4 (CAN BUS CONFIG.SENDER 0 Temperature Sender 0 TEMPERATURE 0 Temperature 0 TEMP.SENDER 2 Temperature Sender 2 TEMPERATURE 2 Temperature 2 TEMP.SENDER 1 Oil Pressure Sender 1 OIL PRESSURE 1 Oil Pressure 1 OIL PRESS.PAGE) ANALOGUE SENDER LINEARISATIONS page OIL PRESS.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 126 / 154 .SENDER 4 Oil Pressure Sender 4 OIL PRESSURE 4 Oil Pressure 4 TEMP.SENDR LIN. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (ANALG.SENDER 0 Oil Pressure Sender 0 OIL PRESSURE 0 Oil Pressure 0 OIL PRESS.SENDER 1 Temperature Sender 1 TEMPERATURE 1 Temperature 1 TEMP.SENDER 2 Oil Pressure Sender 2 OIL PRESSURE 2 Oil Pressure 2 OIL PRESS. PAGE) CAN BUS CONFIGURATION page EXPANS.SENDER 3 Temperature Sender 3 TEMPERATURE 3 Temperature 3 TEMP.SENDER 3 Oil Pressure Sender 3 OIL PRESSURE 3 Oil Pressure 3 OIL PRESS.MODUL SELECT Expansion module selection EAOM-210 FL. INDICATION Warning Latching. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Status. Electrical Trip. Active From Safety On.INPUT-1 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (1) page Disable. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (DIG. User Configured Or Select From DIS.OR LIST List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Warning Non-Latching. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.CNF. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary SELECT FROM LIST 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode 25 Low Oil Pressure INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL.USERCNF.eng / ver 0.6 Pages 127 / 154 . Warning Non-Latching. User Configured Or Select From DIS. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary SELECT FROM LIST 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode 25 High Temperature INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (DIG.USERCNF.6 Pages 128 / 154 . Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Status. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.CNF.INPUT-2 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (2) page Disable. INDICATION Warning Latching. Active From Safety On.OR LIST List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Electrical Trip.eng / ver 0. INDICATION Warning Latching. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Status. Warning Non-Latching.CNF.6 Pages 129 / 154 .eng / ver 0. Active From Safety On.INPUT-3 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (3) page Disable. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. User Configured Or Select From DIS.USERCNF. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (DIG.OR LIST List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Electrical Trip. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. INDICATION Warning Latching. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (DIG. Electrical Trip.INPUT-4 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (4) page Disable. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Active From Safety On. User Configured Or Select From DIS.OR LIST List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.6 Pages 130 / 154 .CNF. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.USERCNF. CNF.6 Pages 131 / 154 .OR LIST List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. INDICATION Warning Latching. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. User Configured Or Select From DIS.USERCNF. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (DIG.eng / ver 0. Active From Safety On.INPUT-5 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (5) page Disable. Electrical Trip. Active From Safety On.6 Pages 132 / 154 .eng / ver 0. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching.USERCNF.OR LIST List If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.CNF. INDICATION Warning Latching. Electrical Trip. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button SELECT FROM LIST 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator 22 Remote Inhibit 23 Test on Load 24 Generator is supplying the load in OFF mode INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (DIG.INPUT-6 PAGE) DIGITAL CONFIGURABLE INPUT (6) page Disable. User Configured Or Select From DIS. USERCNF. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP.INPUT-1 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (1) page Disable. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.CNF. INDICATION Warning Latching. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.eng / ver 0. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL.OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching.6 Pages 133 / 154 . Electrical Trip. Active From Safety On. User Configured Or Select From DIS. USERCNF.6 Pages 134 / 154 .eng / ver 0. Active From Safety On. INDICATION Warning Latching. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Electrical Trip.CNF. User Configured Or Select From DIS. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL.OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve.INPUT-2 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (2) page Disable. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve.eng / ver 0.CNF.INPUT-3 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (3) page Disable. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Electrical Trip. User Configured Or Select From DIS. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. INDICATION Warning Latching.USERCNF.6 Pages 135 / 154 . Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. Active From Safety On. INPUT-4 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (4) page Disable.6 Pages 136 / 154 . Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. Electrical Trip.OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve. Active From Safety On.eng / ver 0. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting. User Configured Or Select From DIS.CNF. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. INDICATION Warning Latching.USERCNF. INDICATION Warning Latching.6 Pages 137 / 154 . Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. Electrical Trip. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. User Configured Or Select From DIS.eng / ver 0. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve.INPUT-5 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (5) page Disable.CNF. Active From Safety On.USERCNF. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP.INPUT-6 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (6) page Disable. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching.6 Pages 138 / 154 .OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve. User Configured Or Select From DIS. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.CNF. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. INDICATION Warning Latching.eng / ver 0. Active From Safety On. Electrical Trip. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.USERCNF. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL.CNF. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve.6 Pages 139 / 154 . 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate. User Configured Or Select From DIS. INDICATION Warning Latching.USERCNF.INPUT-7 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (7) page Disable. Active From Safety On. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Electrical Trip.eng / ver 0. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. OR LIST List -Hardware type HARDWARE TYPE (0 = -Ve. 1 = +Ve) If User Configured POLARITY -Polarity (Close To Activate.CNF. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. INDICATION Warning Latching.eng / ver 0. Always Active) If Select From List 0 Remote Start 1 Auxiliary Mains Fail 2 Simulate Lamp Test Button 3 Simulate Horn Reset Button 4 Simulate Alarm Reset Button 5 Simulate Off Button 6 Simulate Auto Button 7 Simulate Test Button 8 Simulate Manual Button SELECT FROM LIST 9 Simulate Start Button 10 Simulate Stop Button 11 Generator Closed Auxiliary 12 Generator Load Inhibit 13 Mains Closed Auxiliary 14 Mains Load Inhibit 15 Auto Restore Inhibit 16 Auto Start Inhibit 17 Panel Lock 18 Scheduled Runs Inhibited 19 Reset Maintenance Alarm 20 Transfer To Generator/Open Mains 21 Transfer To Mains/Open Generator INPUT TIME DELAY Input time delay EAOM-210 FL. User Configured Or Select From DIS. Electrical Trip. Active From Safety On. Shutdown) If User Configured ACTIVATION -Activation (Active From Starting.6 Pages 140 / 154 .INPUT-8 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE INPUT (8) page Disable.USERCNF. Open To Activate) If User Configured -Indication(Warning Non-Latching. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (CONFIG. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.6 Pages 141 / 154 .OUTPUT-1 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (1) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.eng / ver 0. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (CONFIG. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.OUTPUT-2 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (2) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.6 Pages 142 / 154 .eng / ver 0. 6 Pages 143 / 154 . Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (CONFIG.eng / ver 0.OUTPUT-3 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (3) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. 6 Pages 144 / 154 .OUTPUT-4 PAGE) CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (4) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (CONFIG. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.CONFG.6 Pages 145 / 154 .OUT-1 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (1) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.eng / ver 0. CONFG.6 Pages 146 / 154 .eng / ver 0.OUT-2 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (2) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. 6 Pages 147 / 154 .OUT-3 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (3) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.CONFG.eng / ver 0. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP.6 Pages 148 / 154 .CONFG.eng / ver 0.OUT-4 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (4) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. eng / ver 0.6 Pages 149 / 154 .OUT-5 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (5) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.CONFG. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. eng / ver 0.OUT-6 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (6) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.6 Pages 150 / 154 .CONFG. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. eng / ver 0. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.CONFG.6 Pages 151 / 154 .OUT-7 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (7) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open. CONFG. Normally Closed) 0 NOT USED 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 2 ALARM RESET 3 AUTO START INHIBIT 4 AUXILIARY MAINS FAILURE 5 BATTERY HIGH VOLTAGE 6 BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE 7 CALLING FOR SCHEDULED RUN 8 CHARGE ALTERNATOR FAILURE 9 COMMON ALARM 10 COMMON ELECTRICAL TRIP ALARM 11 COMMON SHUTDOWN ALARM 12 COMMON WARNING ALARM 13 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH PRE-ALARM 14 COOLANT TEMPERATURE HIGH SHUTDOWN 15 COOLING DOWN TIMER IN PROGRESS 16 DELAYED ALARMS ACTIVE 17 DIGITAL INPUT1 ACTIVE 18 DIGITAL INPUT2 ACTIVE 19 DIGITAL INPUT3 ACTIVE 20 DIGITAL INPUT4 ACTIVE 21 DIGITAL INPUT5 ACTIVE 22 DIGITAL INPUT6 ACTIVE 23 EXPANSION INPUT1 ACTIVE 24 EXPANSION INPUT2 ACTIVE 25 EXPANSION INPUT3 ACTIVE 26 EXPANSION INPUT4 ACTIVE 27 EXPANSION INPUT5 ACTIVE 28 EXPANSION INPUT6 ACTIVE 29 EXPANSION INPUT7 ACTIVE 30 EXPANSION INPUT8 ACTIVE 31 EARTH FAULT 32 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTART 33 ELECTRIC COOLING FAN AFTERSTOP 34 EMERGENCY STOP 35 FAIL TO START ALARM 36 FAIL TO STOP ALARM 37 FUEL RELAY ENERGISED 38 GAS ENGINE IGNITION OUTPUT 39 GENERATOR AT REST 40 GENERATOR AVAILABLE 41 GENERATOR CLOSED AUXILIARY 42 GENERATOR FAILED TO CLOSE 43 GENERATOR FAILED TO OPEN 44 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 45 GENERATOR HIGH FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 46 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM FUNCTION 47 GENERATOR HIGH VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 48 GENERATOR LOAD INHIBIT 49 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY PRE-ALARM 50 GENERATOR LOW FREQUENCY SHUTDOWN 51 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE PRE-ALARM 52 GENERATOR LOW VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 53 RESERVED 54 GENERATOR STOPPING 55 HORN OUTPUT 56 LAMP TEST 57 LEVEL PREALARM 58 LOSS OF MAGNETIC PICK-UP SPEED SIGNAL 59 MAINTENANCE DUE ALARM 60 MAINS CLOSED AUXILIARY 61 MAINS FAILED TO CLOSE 62 MAINS FAILED TO OPEN 63 MAINS FAILURE 64 MAINS HIGH FREQUENCY 65 MAINS HIGH VOLTAGE 66 MAINS LOAD INHIBIT 67 MAINS LOW FREQUENCY 68 MAINS LOW VOLTAGE 69 NO LOADING COMMAND 70 OIL PRESSURE LOW PRE-ALARM 71 OIL PRESSURE LOW SHUTDOWN 72 OVER CURRENT 73 OVERSPEED PRE-ALARM 74 OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN 75 PANEL LOCK 76 PRE-HEAT(during preheat timer) 77 PRE-HEAT(until end of cranking) 78 PRE-HEAT(until end of warming) 79 PRE-HEAT(until end safety on) 80 REMOTE START PRESENT 81 REMOTE STOP DELAY IN PROGRESS 82 SHORT CIRCUIT 83 START RELAY ENERGISED 84 STARTING ALARM 85 STARTING ALARMS ARMED 86 STOP BUTTON PRESSED 87 SYSTEM IN AUTO MODE 88 SYSTEM IN MANUAL MODE 89 SYSTEM IN OFF MODE 90 SYSTEM IN TEST MODE 91 UNDERSPEED SHUTDOWN 92 UNDERSPEED PRE-ALARM 93 WAITING FOR GENERATOR EAOM-210 FL.eng / ver 0. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXP.OUT-8 PAGE) EXPANSION CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT (8) page POLARITY Polarity (Normally Open.6 Pages 152 / 154 . MAINT. 2= EVEN STOP BIT Stop Bit Modbus Communication Type MODBUS SELECT 0 = ASCII.BREAKER SELCT Hardware Breaker Selection GEN.TIM Breaker Close Pulse Time BREKR.HOURS INTERVAL Running Hours Interval MAINT.eng / ver 0.PULS.R.TIME Generator Frequency Error Control Time GEN.6 Pages 153 / 154 .ERR.COOL. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (START TIMERS PAGE) START TIMERS page MAINS TRANS.DELAY Mains Transient Delay REMOTE START DELAY Remote Start Delay REMOTE STOP DELAY Remote Stop Delay PRE-HEAT Pre-Heat PRE-HEAT BYPASS Pre-Heat Bypass SAFETY ON DELAY Safety On Delay HORN DURATION Horn Duration CHRG. 1 = RTU EAOM-210 FL.TIM Breaker Open Pulse Time TRANSFER TIME Transfer Time (LCD CONFIG.HOUR(MSB) Engine Running Hour(Msb) (COMMUNICATION PAGE) COMMUNICATION page SLAVE ADDRESS Slave Address Baud Rate 0=1200 1=2400 BAUD RATE 2=4800 3=9600 4=19200 PARITY Parity.OPEN.R.CLOS.TYP Gen Close Breaker Relay Type GEN.PULS.BREK.FAN TIM Cooling Fan Time (LOAD/STP.C.TYP Gen Close Breaker Contact Type GEN.TYP Main Open Breaker Contact Type MAIN OPN.TYP Main Open Breaker Relay Type MAINS OPEN TIMER Mains Open Timer BREKR.HOUR(LSB) Engine Running Hour (Lsb) ENGINE RUNNING HOUR Engine Running Hour ENGIN.CLOS. 1= ODD.MANT.E/D Maintenance Is Due En/Dis ENGIN.WH.BREK.BREK.ERR.ALARM PAGE) ENGINE MAINTENANCE ALARM page RUNN.R.TIME Generator Voltage Error Control Time FAIL TO STOP TIME Fail To Stop Time (BREAKERS PAGE) BREAKERS page HARDW.BREK.RUN.BREK.CNT. 0= NONE.C.C.BREK.TYP Main Close Breaker Contact Type MAIN CLS.TIMERS PAGE) LOAD/STOPPING TIMERS page WARM UP TIME Warmup Timer RETURN DELAY Return Delay COOLING TIME Cooling Timer GEN.BREK.BREK.PAGE) LCD CONFIGURATION page ERR.OPEN TIMER Gen Open Timer MAIN CLS.TYP Main Close Breaker Relay Type MAINS CLOSE TIMER Mains Close Timer MAIN OPN.CNT.MESS SCROLL TIM Scroll Time For Error Messages DIGITAL CONTRAST Digital Contrast BACKLIGHT ON/OFF Backlight On/Off (ENG.R.OPEN.RUN.TYP Gen Open Breaker Contact Type GEN.CLOS.OPEN.CLOSE TIMER Gen Close Timer GEN.EXCITATION TIM Charge Excitation Time ELECTR.C.TYP Gen Open Breaker Relay Type GEN.DATE INTERVAL Maintenance Date Interval Force Engine Shutdown When ENG.STP.FR.VL. WR.. Generator exercise working time on Friday Generator exercise work start time on GEN. Change Technician Name : EAOM-210 FL.TIM.TUES.WEDN...WR.THUR.TIM.EX.WR.WR.WR. Sunday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.SUND Sunday (DATE SETUP PAGE) DATE SETUP page YEAR YEAR MONTH MONTH DATE DATE DAY DAY HOUR HOUR MINUTE MIN SECOND SEC (PASSWORD PAGE) PASSWORD page OPERATOR PASSWORD OPERATOR PASSWORD TECHNICIAN PASSWORD TECHNICIAN PASSWORD Change Date :.ST.EX.THUR Thursday GEN..WEDN Wednesday Generator exercise working time on GEN. Tuesday Generator exercise work start time on GEN..EX./.EX.EX. Saturday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.EX.EX.EX.T.FRID.ST. Thursday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.ST..EX.T.FRID Friday Generator exercise working time on GEN.SATU Saturday Generator exercise working time on GEN.TIM..WR..WR.MOND.WR.WR.WR.WR.TIM.ST.ST.T..ST..TIM.SUND.EX.EX.../.WR.WR.T.TUES Tuesday Generator exercise working time on GEN. Wednesday Generator exercise work start time on GEN..eng / ver 0.TIM.TIM.SATU.EX.ST.MOND Monday Generator exercise working time on GEN.6 Pages 154 / 154 .WR.EX.T.T.T.EX.. Definition of Parameter User Defined Value (EXERCISE PAGE) EXERCISE page Generator exercise working time on GEN. Monday Generator exercise work start time on GEN.
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