E-Talk Plans COCP+IOIP

April 2, 2018 | Author: bhaveshlib | Category: Roaming, Short Message Service, Subscription Business Model, Fee, Payments



EnrollPlan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda Note: 1. Activation fee is non refundable, service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason, the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans. 2. On the following National Holidays, all Local, National & International SMS will be charged at R 3. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.550 visit www.vodafone.in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_99 99 Free 100 Local V2V mins free 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 200 Local/National V2V sms free 0.60 0.60 5.00 Standard rates Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. & International SMS will be charged at Rs. 1, 1.5 & 5 respectively:New year, Diwali, Dussehra, Friendsh Rs.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.550/min. The above list of countries is indicative only. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only.(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this.(4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time.(7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle. (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates. Date of Birth Tel. No. (Residence): Tel. No. (Office): m rge account ( ) . per onference would be activated by default. New Year Eve. For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates. Dussehra. Friendship Day. please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges). 6/. is indicative only.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) . (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear.(8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs. (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form. the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period. omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. Diwali. Enroll Plan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda . On the following National Holidays. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: . 2. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time.Note: 1. all Local.550 visit www. Activation fee is non refundable.in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs.vodafone.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change. the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans. National & International SMS will be charged at R 3.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses. service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason. 60 200 Local/National V2V sms free 0.60 5.Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_125 125 Free 200 Local mins free 0.00 Standard rates Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( .60 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.50 0. The above list of countries is indicative only. (Office): . No.(4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice.(7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. Date of Birth Tel.able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. Friendsh Rs.550/min.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time.100/min and satellite calls at Rs. 1. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. (Residence): Tel.(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle. (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours. Diwali. 1. & International SMS will be charged at Rs. Dussehra. (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates.5 & 5 respectively:New year. No. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. m rge account ( ) . Diwali. omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. Friendship Day. (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber. New Year Eve.(8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs.per onference would be activated by default. please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges). is indicative only. (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form. the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period. 6/. For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) . Dussehra.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear. Enroll Plan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda . service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason. 2. On the following National Holidays. National & International SMS will be charged at R 3.in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs. all Local.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change.vodafone. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min. Activation fee is non refundable.Note: 1. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: . the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.550 visit www. 60 5.30 0.50 0.Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_149 149 Free 200 Local V2V mins + 100 National V2V mins free 0.60 300 Local/National V2V sms free 0.40 0.60 0.00 Standard rates Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( .50 0.60 0. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. 1.5 & 5 respectively:New year.550/min. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. Dussehra. Diwali. (Residence): Tel. Friendsh Rs.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time.(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this. (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours.able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle. The above list of countries is indicative only. 1. & International SMS will be charged at Rs.(7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates. (Office): . No. No.(4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice. Date of Birth Tel. m rge account ( ) . For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates.per onference would be activated by default. omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber. Friendship Day. Dussehra. Diwali.(8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs. 6/.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) . please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges). New Year Eve.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear. the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period. is indicative only. (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form. Enroll Plan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda . in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. On the following National Holidays.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min. Activation fee is non refundable.vodafone. service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason.550 visit www. 2.100/min and satellite calls at Rs. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs. the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: . National & International SMS will be charged at R 3. all Local.Note: 1. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time. 00 Standard rates Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( .40 0.30 0.60 5.60 0.50 0.60 0.Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_175 175 Free 300 Local mins free 0.60 300 Local/National V2V sms free 0.50 0. (4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. Friendsh Rs. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle. (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates.(7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. No. 1.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time. Date of Birth Tel. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. Diwali. & International SMS will be charged at Rs. (Residence): Tel.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.5 & 5 respectively:New year. (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours. (Office): . No.able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. The above list of countries is indicative only.550/min. Dussehra. 1.(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this. m rge account ( ) . New Year Eve.per onference would be activated by default. is indicative only.(8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) . (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber. (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form. For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates. the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear. please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges). Diwali. Friendship Day. 6/. Dussehra. omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. Enroll Plan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda . National & International SMS will be charged at R 3. service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time. On the following National Holidays.550 visit www. all Local. Activation fee is non refundable.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: .100/min and satellite calls at Rs. the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs.Note: 1.vodafone. 2.in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. 00 Standard rates Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( .50 0.60 0.60 300 Local/National V2V sms free 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_199 199 Free 400 Local mins free 0.50 0.60 5. (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates.(4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice.550/min.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time. Friendsh Rs. Diwali. & International SMS will be charged at Rs. Date of Birth Tel.(7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. (Residence): Tel. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle.100/min and satellite calls at Rs. (Office): .(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this. 1. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. Dussehra. 1. No. The above list of countries is indicative only.able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours.5 & 5 respectively:New year. No. m rge account ( ) . (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form. (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber. Diwali.(8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear. New Year Eve. Dussehra. Friendship Day. For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates. 6/.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) .per onference would be activated by default. is indicative only. the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period. please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges). omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. Enroll Plan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda . 550 visit www. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: . 2.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min. all Local. On the following National Holidays.Note: 1.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses. National & International SMS will be charged at R 3.vodafone. Activation fee is non refundable. the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time.100/min and satellite calls at Rs. service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason.in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs. 60 0.60 300 Local/National V2V sms free 0.60 0.1 Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( .00 Incoming calls : 0.50 0.30 0.40 0.8 & Outgoing Local/National calls : Re.Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_249 249 Free 200 Local mins + 200 National mins free 0.50 0.60 5. (7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. Diwali. 1.100/min and satellite calls at Rs.5 & 5 respectively:New year.(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this. No. Dussehra.able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. 1. (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. & International SMS will be charged at Rs. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time. The above list of countries is indicative only.(4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice. Date of Birth Tel.550/min. (Office): . (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours. No. (Residence): Tel. Friendsh Rs. m rge account ( ) . (8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs. 6/. the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period. For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates. Friendship Day. (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form. New Year Eve. please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges). is indicative only. Dussehra.per onference would be activated by default.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) . omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. Diwali. (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber. Enroll Plan Name Activation Fees (In Rs including service tax) Onetime Tariff Plan Fee (In Rs) Local Deposit(In Rs) Minimum Billing Amount (In Rs/month) CLIP Optional (in Rs/month) Outgoing calls Local CUG call charges Local Calls (Within Mah & Goa) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) STD Calls (in Rs/min) VF2VF (in Rs/min) Vodafone to other mobiles (in Rs/min) Vodafone to fixed (in Rs/min) SMS Charges (in Rs/SMS sent) Local SMS National SMS International SMS VF National Roaming (Excluding International calls) Itemized bill CUG: Yes ( ) Existing/ New ( ) Manda . Note: 1. 2. all Local.in T& C-(1)All the above rates are applicable in the Maharashtra & Goa Telecom circle only.550 visit www.(9)All other terms and conditions mentioned in the subscription minute (11)Unutilised talk time will not be carried forward to the next bill (12) Benefit of group calling w (14) Promo benefit will be lost if promo deassigned and also if plan change happens in mid of th of plan change. In the event that the plans are being used by any subscriber in contrave have the right to immediately withdraw the benefits of the plan from such subscribers without a mentioned in the enrollment form are liable to be amended by the company from time to time.vodafone. ISD calls to premium destinations shall be charged at Rs.(4)The above plans are avai and related businesses. Activation fee is non refundable.( and / or amend the tariff plans without assigning any reason at any time and the decision of the plans will be at a flat rate of Re 1/min.(2)The a Roaming charges & Service Tax are applicable over and above this. I have understood conditions for availing the Plan and shall abide to the same: For un-interrupted services please ensure that payments of bill should be cleared as per the the Name: Vodafone Mobile: Date: Place: . service tax as applicable and one time tariff plan fees will be any other reason.100/min and satellite calls at Rs. National & International SMS will be charged at R 3. the tariff plan fees will get forfeited in these plans. On the following National Holidays. 50 0.60 0.00 Incoming calls : 0.Enrollment Form ST_CR_MV_E_Talk_349 349 Free 1500 Local mins free 0.60 5.20 0.50 0.30 0.8 Free ) Mandatory reference MSISDNs / Large account ( .50 500 Local/National V2V sms free 0.50 0.6 & Outgoing Local/National calls : 0. & International SMS will be charged at Rs.(4)The above plans are available only for personal use and are not meant for applications being used by any subscriber in contravention to the term and conditions mentioned in the Enrollment the plan from such subscribers without any prior notice. Date of Birth Tel. (10) All calls to 56789 information serv e next bill (12) Benefit of group calling will be after 24 hours. Dussehra. (Residence): Tel. 1. No.(5)Monthly Rentals will be charged in advance ded by the company from time to time.5 & 5 respectively:New year. Friendsh Rs. Diwali. (13) Call Conference would be activated also if plan change happens in mid of the bill cycle. (Office): . (15) Activation of promos will take a minimum of 2 shall abide to the same: s of bill should be cleared as per the the Bill Cycle due dates.able and one time tariff plan fees will be charged in the bill. The above list of countries is indicative only.(2)The above outgoing charges mentioned are composite charges (inc d above this.550/min. No. If customer leaves before 12 bills or gets s these plans. 1.(7)The Company reserves the right to reject any Application / E ason at any time and the decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on the Appli onditions mentioned in the subscription form continue to apply. For a compl ashtra & Goa Telecom circle only.100/min and satellite calls at Rs. m rge account ( ) . Friendship Day. is indicative only.(16 ) Benefits of this plan will be lost in case SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE (As appearing on the original CAF form) (Seal in case of company) . the Company shall als will be charged in advance of the billing period. (3) re not meant for applications such as Call centers and other such commercial uses s mentioned in the Enrollment Form and the subscription form.(8)Voice Mail retrieval on all the calls to 56789 information services will be charged at a flat rate of Rs.leaves before 12 bills or gets suspended/deactivated because of non payment or ear. For a complete list of destination codes and ISD rates. Dussehra.per onference would be activated by default. New Year Eve. Diwali. (6)The terms and conditions ht to reject any Application / Enrollment Form as also to withdraw wholly or in part final and binding on the Applicant / Subscriber. omos will take a minimum of 24 hours. 6/. please ed are composite charges (inclusive of airtime and interconnect charges).
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