e and t Academic Calendar 2011 2012

March 18, 2018 | Author: Sarvesh Singh | Category: Libraries, Institute Of Technology, Engineering, Laptop, Academia



ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2011 – 2012FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SRM Nagar Kattankulathur - 603 203 Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu Telephone: 044 – 27452270 (7 lines) 27417777, Fax: 044 – 27453903 Email: [email protected] URL : www.srmuniv.ac.in . BEST WISHES FOR A HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE AND ENJOYABLE ACADEMIC YEAR 2011–2012 . . BLOOD GROUP 15. YEAR & COURSE BRANCH/SECTION HOSTEL BLOCK & ROOM NO. PERMANENT ADDRESS :__________________________ __________________________ 11. 9. IDENTIFICATION MARKS :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ . 7. 5. BUS PASS NO. TRAIN PASS NO. CONTACT ADDRESS :_________________________ :_________________________ :_________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________ __________________________ 10. 8. DATE OF BIRTH 14. MOBILE NO. NAME REGISTER NO. IDENTITY CARD NO. 3.PERSONAL MEMORANDA 1. 6. 12. HEIGHT & WEIGHT 16. E-MAIL ADDRESS 13. 2. 4. Dr. SRM University . R. Simply covering the curriculum alone is not enough. At SRM University. T.FROM THE CHANCELLOR “Students today are competing in a rapidly changing world. . we equip our students with both a first-rate education and the necessary skill sets to ensure that they stand out in today’s world”. Pachamuthu Chancellor. creativity and innovation. Mission MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence. technology. ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom. .Vision To emerge as a world-class University in creating and disseminating knowledge. ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment. empowerment. management and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and betterment of mankind. and providing students a unique learning experience in science. medicine. . . 10 11 12 14 20 27 29 30 35 38 39 44 50 53 57 60 61 62 63 66 67 92 121 127 132 141 144 148 149 150 151 .CONTENTS TITLE SRM University Governance Faculty of Engineering and Technology Governance Board of Management Academic Council International Advisory Board Corporate Advisory Board Research Advisory Board International Relations Courses of Study About the Institute University Library Campus Facilities Scholarships and Awards Transport Details Rules and Regulations Government Order on Ragging Declaration on Ragging Academic Schedule Event Calendar 2011-2012 List of Holidays Academic Calendar June 2011 – May 2012 Kattankulathur Campus – Staff Details Ramapuram Campus – Staff Details Ramapuram Campus – Part Vadapalani – Staff Details Modinagar Campus – Staff Details Important Telephone Numbers and E-mail IDs Telephone Numbers of Deans / HODs / Professors – Kattankulathur Campus Telephone Numbers of Deans / HODs / Professors – Ramapuram Campus Telephone Numbers of Deans / HODs / Professors – Ramapuram Campus – Part Vadapalani Telephone Numbers of Deans / HODs / Professors – Modi Nagar Campus Student Leave Application Form PAGE NO. D. Ponnusamy Dr. S. Pachamuthu Mr. V. K. P. N.R. Gopal Prof. S. Narayana Rao Dr. Shivakumar Dr. R. A. Parameswaran Dr. Venkataramani Ms. Muthusubramanian Dr. Anuradha Parakkat Prof. N. T. K. P.GOVERNANCE SRM UNIVERSITY Chancellor Chairman President Vice President Vice Chancellor Pro Vice Chancellor (Planning and Development) Pro Vice Chancellor Registrar Controller of Examinations Director (Research) Director (OFD) Director (CL) : : : : : : : : : : : : Dr. Sethuraman Dr. P. Ponnavaikko Dr. R. Muniswaran Prof. Mohan Prof. Thangaraju Dr. Ganesan Dr. M. A. R. T. Ganapathy Director (Corporate Affairs and : Student Mentoring) Director (Admissions) Director (IT&KM) Dean (Industry Institute Interaction Cell) : : : Dean (International Relations) : Dean (Placement) : 10 . T. Ravi Prof. P. Sathyanarayanan Dr. P. GOVERNANCE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Director (Office at Kattankulathur Campus) : Dr. C. L. Antony Michael Raj Dean (Ramapuram Campus Part Vadapalani) : Dr. Muthamizhchelvan Vice Principal (Ramapuram Campus) : Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandey 11 . N. Vasudevan Dean (Modi Nagar Campus) : Dr. Ganapathy Director Medical and Health Sciences SRM University Three nominees of the President of the Institute : Dr. SRM University Dr.BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Chairman Deans of Faculties (if any) not exceeding three by rotation and on seniority : : Dr. Tower Block. Balasubramanian Director Faculty of Science and Humanities. M.SRM Dr. Thangaraju Pro Vice Chancellor SRM University Dr. M. SRM University Dr. Muthamizhchelvan Director Faculty of Engineering and Technology. C. S. Kilpauk Chennai . Ponnavaikko Vice Chancellor.600 010 (Ph: 26448181) Dr. P. TNHB Tailors Road. Ganesan Pro Vice Chancellor (P & D) SRM University University 12 . T. P. R. Palanichamy Vice Chairman Tamil Nadu Council for Technical Education B-23. M. 600 028 Dr. Sethuraman Registrar. Prof.Ramapuram Dr. UGC : Three teachers (Prof.One nominee of the Chairman. Kaw. MHRD D-31. Arthanareswari Professor. I. SRM University One nominee of the sponsoring society : Mr. Pamposh Enclave New Delhi . of Education. Varadharaj No. M.110 048 : Dr. Town Planning Scheme Road. Raja Annamalaipuram Chennai . SRM University 13 . Preeti Lecturer / Hindi Faculty of Science and Humanities. K. Ponnusamy Controller of Examinations SRM University Member Secretary : Dr. Dept. Ravi Professor. / Lecturer) by rotation according to seniority Shri. K. SRM University Kattankulathur Ms.S. S. N. M. / Asst. N.A. of Chemistry Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Dept. Former Secretary Dept. of Orthodontia SRM Dental College. 13. S. G. Institutional area Vasantha Kunj. SRM University External Experts : Dr. Arun Kumar Lab Group Manager India Science Lab General Motors R&D GM TCI. of Science and Technology Technology Bhavan New Mehrauli Road New Delhi . Electronic City Bangalore . Samathanam Scientist “G” and Head (TDT) Dept. M. Rao Aiyagari Advisor. Whitefield road Bangalore . ISID campus No. Hyderabad 14 . 4. P. T. Ltd. M. V. Varaprasadha Reddy Managing Director Shantha Biotech Private Ltd.110 016 Dr.ACADEMIC COUNCIL Chairman Special Invitees : : Dr. Ravindra Vice President and Head Education and Research Infosys Tech. New Delhi Dr. P. ITPB. Thangaraju Pro Vice Chancellor.560 100 Dr. J. Ponnavaikko Vice Chancellor.560 066 Dr. K. Creator 2nd floor. M. Ganesan Pro Vice Chancellor (P & D) SRM University Dr. SRM University Dr. Public Health Foundation of India. P.. K. Sethuraman Registrar. Muthamizhchelvan Director Faculty of Engineering & Technology . R. Ponnusamy Controller of Examinations SRM University Prof. R. M. A. Muthusubramanian Director (Admissions) SRM University Prof.SRM University Dr. K. Balasubramanian Director Faculty of Science and Humanities SRM University Dr. SRM University Dr.Dr. Muniswaran Director Organisation and Faculty Development Program SRM University Dr. Ganapathy Director Medical and Health Sciences SRM University Dr. Radhakrishnan Chairman ISRO Satellite Centre Technical Physics Division Airport Road Bangalore . R. N. C. S. P. Venkataramani Director (Campus Life) SRM University 15 .560 017 Member Secretary Heads of Faculties : : Dr. Dean. Sivaji Ganesan Film Institute SRM University Prof. Ramapuram Heads of Departments : Dr.Dr.SRM Dental College. Affairs and Student Mentoring. K. Ganapathy Dean (Placement) SRM University. Gnana Rajasekaran I. Parameswaran Dean Industry Institute Interaction Cell SRM University Prof. S. Chandraprabha Associate Director (Health Sciences). Anbazhagan HOD . SRM University Other Members : Dr. Anuradha Parakkat Director Corp. SRM University Mr.SRM University Mrs. Kattankulathur Prof. S. Narayana Rao Director (Research). A. L. Sridhar Krishnasamy Journalism and Mass Communication Faculty of Science & Humanities SRM University. N. Antony Michael Raj Vice Principal Faculty of E&T. Lakshminarayanan Dean.Dept. Kattankulathur Dr. Kattankulathur 16 . Kattankulathur Dr. of English & Foreign Languages SRM University. L. (Mrs) Jayashree Suresh Dean School of Management Studies Kattankulathur Dr. (Mrs) Jeya Mohanraj Dean. D. & Head Dept. Ganesan HOD. Antony Ashok Kumar Director SRM Institute of Hotel Management Kattankulathur Dr. R. Annadurai Prof. P. SRM University Dr. of Electrical & Electronics SRM University. of Maths SRM University. T.Dr. Dash Prof. Kattankulathur Prof. SRM University. Dept. School of Civil Engg. Kattankulathur Dr. of Physics and Nano Technology SRM University. V. S. & Head. James Pandian Dean (Medical) SRM MCH&RC. Gopal Dean International Initiatives. K. & Head Dept. SRM University Dr. Kamaraj 17 . S. Kattankulathur Dr. SRM College of Nursing Kattankulathur Dr. Kattankulathur Dr. John Thiruvadigal Prof. Kattankulathur Prof. S.V. of Computer Science & Engg. Kattankulathur 18 . of Mechanical Engg. Lakshmi Dean. Kingsly Jebasingh Head. Dept. S. SRM University. School of Chemical Engg. & Head. of Electronics & Communication Engineering SRM University. Mythili Coordinator Career Development Centre SRM University Dr. & Head. Kattankulathur Dr. SRMIMT. SRM University Kattankulathur Prof. T.Prof. SRM College of Pharmacy Kattankulathur Dr. Meignanalakshmi HOD i/c Department of Bio-Technology SRM University. Manoj Pandey Dean. S. UP Dr. of Chemistry SRM University. Malarvizhi Prof. Dept. R. Kattankulathur Dr. Dept. Kattankulathur Dr. Karthikeyan Head. Modi Nagar. K. C. SRM University. Malathy Prof. S. SRM University Dr. Kasmir Raja Dean (Research). & Head Dept. M. Vasanthakumar Dr. Suresh Prof. SRM University Dean SRM College of Occupational Therapy Kattankulathur Head.Prof. School of Public Health SRM University Dr. K. Satish Kumar Chetilapalli Dr. R. D. School of Education Kattankulathur Mr. P. SRM University. SRM Dental College Ramapuram Director. & Head Dept. V. Vinaitheerthan 19 . of Information & Telecommunication Engg. K. Thirumeni Dr. School of Architecture and Interior Design SRM University. Ramarao Dr. Sengotti Dean Faculty of Science & Humanities SRM University Dean SRM College of Physiotherapy Kattankulathur Vice Principal SRM MCH & RC. Ravi Vice Principal SRM Dental College Dean. Kattankulathur Dean. Shivakumar Dr. T. Shivasekhar Mr. V. Kattankulathur Dr. M. Vijay Kumar Senior Associate Dean & Director Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pradeep Khosla Dean College of Engineering Dowd Professor Founding Director. University of Pittsburgh Bopaya Bidanda Emest E. Kenneth K. Heinz II Professor of Management Marketing and Information Systems Carnegie Mellon University 4. . Prof. California 5. V. of Business Administration Joseph M. Jerome J. 9. Kannan Srinivasan Rohet Tolani Distinguished Professor of International Business H. Lee Associate Professor of Surgery Vice Chairman for Graduate Education & Program Director Department of Surgery. Sunil Dutta Joan and Egon von Kaschnitz Distinguished Associate Professor University of California Berkeley. 3. Rao 20 8. of Industrial Engg. Katz Graduate Business School University of Pittsburgh Vithala R. W. Roth Professor and Chair Dept. Connor Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6. M. Narayanamurti Benjamin Pierce Professor and Director of Science Technology and Public Policy Program Harvard Kennedy School 7.1. J. CyLab Carnegie Mellon University INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD 2. S. Singh Assistant Professor Columbia University 13. Jain Professor Sheldon B. Allan L. Medini R. Whiting School of Engineering Johns Hopkins University 18. Pittsburgh 16. Mark Stehlik Professor Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education CSD. Jones Executive Director Partners International Program (Teaching Harvard Hospitals) 17.Deane W. Fisher Ex-President and CEO I Carnegie. John N. Carter Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School. David M. Hemant K. Carnegie Mellon University 15.Fini Director Intellectual Property. Harvard University 21 . Lubar School of Business University of Wisconsin. Milwaukee 11. Sunil Gupta Edward W. Ramaiya Balachandra Professor IOA Group College of Business Administration Northeastern University Boston 12. Malott Professor of Management Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University 10. Rohan Abeyaratne SMART Director and Quentin Berg Professor of Mechanics Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14. Ashish Arora Professor of Economics and Public Policy Carnegie Mellon University 27. Ganesh Krishnamoorthy Walsh Research Professor Northeastern University 24. Cheng Professor of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 26. Davis 23. Stacey Lawson Co-Founder and Industry Fellow Center of Entrepreneurship and Technology University of California. Electrical Engineering and Prof. Cauligi S. Bhargava Professor of Management Professor of Computer Science Graduate School of Management University of California. of Computer Science Viterbi School of Engineering University of Southern California 21. P Raj Professor Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University 22. Hemant K. Mudge Senior Cardiologist & Senior Medical Advisor Director BWH International Program Brigham and Women’s Hospital 22 . S. Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives Prof. Gilbert H. Dr. Sivakumar Chairperson Department of Marketing Lehigh University 25.19. Berkeley 28. K. Bartlett Bernard Fisher Professor of Surgery Chief of the Division of Surgical Oncology University of Pittsburgh 20. Wai K. David L. Raghavendra Sr. Professor in Management Boston University. MPPM. University of Miami Miami 36. Russel.29. Dr. Tom Byers Professor and Academic Director Standford Technology Ventures Program Stanford University 30. CCRC Director Center for Global Health University of Pittsburgh 32. Boston 34. 34th Street Suite 465 Los Angeles California – 90089-2211. Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School Harvard University 31. Joanne L. Parasuraman Professor. Entertainment Media and Technology Program Stern School of Business. RN. Al Lieberman Prof. NYU 37. Venkatraman David J. Ravi Kumar Associate Dean for International programs and Professor University of Southern California 33. V. School of Management State University of New York Buffalo 35. Jr. Narayanan Thomas D. G. Allan Baker Associate Dean Administration & International Projects School of Cinematic Arts University of Southern California 900 w. McGrath Jr. Prof. Raghav Rao Professor Department of MSS. of Marketing. H. Executive Director. N. USA 23 . Casserly. Prof. Prof. Luzzi Dean. Texas . J. Prof. California – 90089-0281. USA 39. New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights Newark. Ilesanmi Adesida Dean and Wilett Professor College of Engineering 306 Engineering Hall MC – 266. Prof. USA 43. Department of Mechanical Engg. College of Engineering 230. Prof. Satish Udpa Dean. A & M University College Station.Annenberg Chair in Communication Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism University of Southern California 3502 Watt Way. Prof. Daid E. NJ 07102 24 . College of Engineering University Distinguished Professor. Snell Engg. TX 77843-3123. Wilson III Dean and Walter H. Director Advanced Laboratory for Information Systems & Analysis (ALISA) The Pennsylvania State University 324B Information Sciences and Technology Building University Park PA 16802 – 6823. Reddy Distinguished Professor and Holder of Oscar S. USA 40.Wyatt Chair. East Lansing MI 48824 – 1226. Raj Acharya Professor and Head Computer Science & Engg.38. University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign 1308 West Green Street. Suite 304 Los Angeles. Michigan State University 3410 Engineering Building. Prof. Sunil Saigal Distinguished Professor and Dean Newark College of Engg. N. Huntington Avenue Boston Massachusetts 02115 – 5000 USA 41. USA 44. Ernest J. Illinois 61801. Urbana. Center North Eastern University 360. USA 42. Prof. Oliver Linton Professor of Econometrics London School of Economics London 47. Dr. City Campus Broadway New South Wales 2007 51. Wales 48. Jeremy Howells Eddie Davies Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Head of Division Innovation Management and Policy Division Executive Director Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Manchester Business School University of Manchester 49. Malcom Peat Executive Director Queen’s University 50.William David Evans Head. Bernhard Glaeser Social Science Research Centre Berlin 25 . Dept of Medical physics Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust University Hospital of Wales Cardiff CFR 14 4XW. Dr. Christopher R Lowe Director Institute of Biotechnology University of Cambridge 46. Daniel Chandran Faculty of Information Technology University of Technology Sydney. Dr. MERIT Associate Dean of Engineering University of Melbourne 52.45. Thas Nirmalathas Director. of Business Administration and Political Sciences Tokai University 58. Francis Y. Opportunity India Consulting The Netherlands 59. Lee Loke Chong Executive Director Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology 56. Germany 54. Katsutoshi Ayano Chief of the Dept. Philips R&D Center The Netherlands CEO.O. Prof. Eberhard K. Rer. 88241 Weingarten. Chin Associate Dean of Engineering Professor and Chair Computer Science University of Hong Kong 26 . L. Bob Hoekstra Former CEO. Sreeram Ramakrishna Dean of Engineering National University of Singapore 55. Dr. Wong Poh Kam Director NUS Entrepreneurship Centre National University of Singapore 57. Prof.53. Dr. Hohl Head of MBA Program International Business Management Director of International Affairs Faculty Technology and Management Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences P.Box 1261. Pol. 10. Governing Board. Managing Director. 20. Proctor and Gamble. CEO. Murthy. Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. Dr. Abhayakumar. Jayaram Rangan. Managing Director. Hexaware Technolgies Ltd. 3. Mr. Mr. 11. Mr. JK Organisation Mr. 4. 6. Pradipta K. Mohapatra. Himesh Misra. Mr. Exclusive Search Recruitment Consultants Mr. IBM India Pvt. Vice Chairman. M. Elico Ltd. IBM. Natarajan. 15. Rajasthan Patrika Mr. 19. P. School level 1. 2. India Mr. EMC Data Storage Systems India Pvt Ltd. Asia Cryo-Cell Private Ltd. Manoj Chugh. Madhusudan V Atre. R. Managing Director. 5.Global Head Testing. R. Dr. Mr. 5. P. Vice President. Bimetal Bearing Ltd. 16. Vinay Deshpande. Govind Hari Singhania. Mr. Swamy. Country Leader. Mr. Aravind Sitaraman. Joint Managing Director & COO. Gurcharan Das . Mr. Ganesh Margabandhu. Ramesh Datla. 12. CEO. Ltd. Chairman Ranbaxy Labs Ltd. KUBOS Consulting Services Pvt Ltd. Murthy. The Hindu. V. Bala Sankaranarayanan. Director. President. 13.Global Delivery. Managing Director. Rajeev Gupta. R. 6. Mohan Narayanan. 8. K. Mr. Srikant. VP . Mr. VP . 7. Encore Software Ltd. Fichtner Consulting Engineers (India) Pvt Ltd. Mr. Mr. Bosch Limited Mr. Strategic Consultant. Applied Materials India Pvt Ltd. Mr. Mr. Mr. Practise Director-Life Sciences. Vice President (Operations). President & MD. Chairman. Cognizant Mr.CORPORATE ADVISORY BOARD University Level 1. Executive Director. CEO. Global Solutions Acceleration Initiative. C. Raju Venkatraman. ICRA Management Consulting Services Ltd. 3. Editor. Managing Director. Narayanan. CISCO Engineering India Mr. 27 . Gulab Chand. CEO. 18. 17. Ram. 9. Editor in Chief. Firstsource Solutions Ltd. Harpal Singh. N. CSM Software Ltd. Mr. Raghuttama Rao. Carlyle India Mr. 14. 2. S. Coaching Foundation India Ltd. T. 4. Mr.Talent Transformation. Rafeeque Ahmed. Thomas Simon. 30. R. Managing Director. 22.Exports. Global Head IT Infrastructure Services. Madras Management Association. R.. Tamilnadu Petroproducts Ltd. Vice President . K. Mr. Krishnan. Lucas TVS Ltd. Mr. Shardlow India Ltd. 42. 35. Ltd. The Center for Genomic Applications Mr. R. CEO. L. Dr. V. V. 23. Srinivasan. SRF Ltd. TCS Mr. Managing Director. Umamaheswaran. Chandramohan. 27. M. Simpson & Co. 36. CEO. R. Managing Director. Royal Enfield – A unit of Eicher Motors Ltd. Narayanasamy Ph. Siva Kumar. J. Ganesan. Ltd. CEO. C. Consultant 28 . M. 22. Chairman. K. President . 21. 43. Dr. Mr. Prabha Engineers Mr. V. TCS Mr. Mr. John Panikar.D. Metahelix Life Sciences Pvt Ltd. Praxair India Private Ltd. 23. 38. 25. TCS. D. Mr. Vittal Mallya Scientific Research Foundation Mr. Network Appliance Systems (India) Pvt Ltd. Technip India Ltd. K. S. Gp. Vice President (Operations). 31. SRA Systems Mr. T. 40. Mr. Muthukaruppan. Global Head . Narayanan. Director . K.21. Executive Vice President (Projects). 39. TAFE -Tractors and Form Equipment Ltd. Wipro Technologies Mr. 24. R. L. Advisor. Mr. P. President.S. Selvan. K. Vice President (Operations). 41. S. Sharma Centre for Heritage Education Mr. 37. Mr. Nagarajan. Executive Director. President. Nippo Batteries Co. Chief Executive. Vikram Shah. Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. 24. Mr. Anil Kush. Managing Director. Super Auto Forge Ltd. Managing Director. 32.Operations. Shankar. Mr. Ravishankar. Rajamani. Jayaraman. P. Senior Vice President . 25. Shiv Shankar. 34. Vice President . 28. S. P. Mr.HR. Chairman. Menon. Pappu. Mr. Managing Director. R. 29. Vice President. Capt. Sushil Kapoor.HR. Vice President. Tamil Nadu State Council Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Mr. Mr. S. 33. Subba Rao. Sundaram Brake Linings Mr. K. Srinivasan.HR Process Deployment. Ravichandran. 26. TCI Sanmar Chemicals LLC Mr. Vijayakumar. Prof. University. Prof. S.RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD Research Advisory Board has been constituted to fulfill following requirements. Lalit M Patnaik Vice Chancellor Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Pune 4. Bangalore 3. Ramamurthi Former Vice Chancellor S. Prof. P. Tirupathi 29 . Mohan Chairman Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics IISc. • • • • To promote Academic Research Guidance To bring in Funded Research Projects from Outside Agencies To encourage Students Research Initiatives To bring in Healthy Research Environment mirroring those prevalent in internationally reputed universities Following are the Members: 1. Dr.V. Prahalada Chief Controller R &D (SI) Defence Research & Development Organisation 2. It deals with the following: Admissions of NRI/Foreign students to various programmes in the faculties of Engineering and Technology. Building relationships with foreign Universities/Organisations and exploring new areas of cooperation with International community. Arts and Humanities. a subsidiary of the office of the International Relations. academic and financial matters. Organising orientation programmes. Besides this. With regard to students. Aurelien Le Poupon. They help new students through orientation and registration and are available year round to assist with problems.INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Office of the International Relations helps the international students adjust to and fully participate in the SRM University campus community. This gives both the students and the faculty greater opportunity for mutual interaction and learning. facilitating MoUs and collaborations with foreign Universities/ Organisations. Columbia Mr. Advice on immigration matters. Hugo Sandanter. Many more visit the campus for academic and research purposes on an ongoing basis. Gwenaelle Raisoir. student exchange and faculty exchange programmes. socio-cultural programmes etc. France 30 . France Ms. Information about international employment and Needbased English classes for the international students. Science. Programmes for social and cultural exchange. Foreign Faculty on Long Tenure Foreign visiting faculty are a boon to the university as they help to • promote international education • enhance the quality of research • build exposure to different cultures and international trends A few foreign faculty are teaching at SRM University on long tenure. facilitating the accommodation and other needs of the International students and faculty staying in the campus. The Counselors of the ISO help international students adjust to life at SRM University. Among the current list of foreign faculty at SRM are: Dr. functions as the nodal office. recruitment of visiting professors from foreign universities. the ISO provides counseling on personal. Germany Prof. ISO provides new student orientation prior to the start of the academic year. Nikolai Khartchenko. International Student’s Office (ISO). Medicine and allied health sciences. Irvine University of California. San Diego University of Chicago University of Massachusetts University of Miami University of Pittsburgh University of Southern California University of Wisconsin. Coloumbia University of California. LA University of California. Berkeley University of California. Madison University of Wisconsin. Milwaukee UNY – Binghamton 31 . Davis University of California. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Boston University Carnegie Mellon University Columbia University Cornell University CUNY .Baruch College Drexel University Leigh University Michigan State University MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Northeastern University Pace University Pennsylvania State University State University of New York at Buffalo Syracuse University Temple University.The following is the list of Universities from where foreign faculties visit SRM University for both academic and research purposes. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Carnegie Mellon University University of Wisconsin. Madison University of Pittsburgh State University of New York (SUNY) North Eastern University University of California University of Southern California New Jersey Institute of Technology University of Dayton University of Central Oklahoma North Eastern State University University of New Hampshire Bryant University Johnson and Whales University of Missouri University of Arkansa at Little Rock Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) Tufts University Virginia Commonwealth University Temple University University of Georgia UK University of Warwick University of Oxford University of Dundee Lancaster University Birmingham City University Queen Mary. River Falls University of Wisconsin. University of London University of Reading The Royal college of Psychiatrists Keele University Southampton University 32 . Wisconsin University of Wisconsin.MOU with international Institutions USA Partner’s Health Care Inc. CDFY Education and Training Co Ltd.ISA & ISEN Francois Rabelais University (University of Tours) SOUTH KOREA Youngsan University Hannam University CHILE University of Talca SINGAPORE Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) SWITZERLAND IMI 33 . JAPAN Kyushu Institute of Technology Union of Japanese Scientist and Engineers Tokai University NEC Japan FRANCE Lille Catholic University HEI.CANADA Queens University University of Toronto CHINA Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University Huanghe Science and Technology College (HSTC) LinYi Normal University Hubei University of Technology Yangtze University Wuhan Technical College of Communications Henan University of Finance & Economics North East Normal University Jilin University Department of Science and Technology Beijing Sailcon Education Co Ltd. GERMANY Technical University Furtwangen University University of Applied Sciences Bochum Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences BELGIUM Group T – International University College MALAYSIA Taylor’s School of Hospitality and Tourism SRI LANKA Sri Lankan Press Institute WEST AFRICA All Nations University ITALY University of Padova SWEDEN Umeå University AUSTRALIA University of Technology University of Western Australia La Trobe University University of Canterbury University of Waikato University of Auckland NETHERLANDS HAN University 34 . Information Technology 19. Architecture 27. Interior Design 35 . Electrical & Electronics Engineering 14. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ B.Arch. Mechanical Engineering 22.COURSES OF STUDY UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMMES 1. Genetic Engineering 18. Aerospace Engineering Architecture Engineering Automobile Engineering Bioinformatics Biomedical Engineering Bioprocess Engineering Bio Technology Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering DEGREE B. Instrumentation & Control Engineering 21. Software Engineering 26. 6. 8. Nuclear Science and Engineering 25. Computer Science & Engineering 12.Des. Electronics & Communication Engineering 13. Information & Telecommunication Engineering 20. 10. 5. Civil & Infrastructure Engineering 11. 4. 3. 9. Food Process Engineering 17. 7. B.Tech. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 15. 2. Mechatronics 23. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 16. Nano Technology 24. Power Systems Engineering 23. 7. 4. 8. 3. 5.A M. Computer Applications 31. Biomedical Engineering Bio Technology Chemical Engineering Communication Systems Computer Aided Design Computer Integrated Manufacturing Computer Science & Engineering Construction Engineering & Management Digital Communication & Networking DEGREE M. Multimedia Technology 21.A 10. Geo Technical Engineering 17. Embedded Systems Technology 12.POST GRADUATE PROGRAMMES 1. Remote Sensing & GIS 24. 2.C. 6. Genetic Engineering 16. Information Security & Computing Forensics 19. Business Administration (Full Time) 36 .Tech. Information Technology 18. Electronic & Control Engineering 14. Software Engineering 26. Robotics 25. Database Systems 11. Power Electronics & Drives 22.B. VLSI Design 29. Telecommunication Networks 28. Food Nutrition Bio Technology 15. Water Resources and Management 30. Structural Engineering 27. Environmental Engineering 13. Knowledge Engineering 20. 9. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ M. 2. 3. “ “ “ “ M. Business Administration (Part Time) 33. 5. “ “ “ “ “ DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES 1. All the above of Engineering & Technology Mathematics Physics Chemistry English and Foreign Languages PART TIME COURSES 1. 2. 4. Architectural Design MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAMMES 1.Tech.Tech. 4.D. 8. 2.A M. 9.B. 5. Structural Engineering 37 . DEGREE M. 3. “ “ “ “ “ 10. Arch.32. 6.S “ Ph. Nano Science and Nano Technology Total Quality Management M. Power Electronics & Drives 11. Civil Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Construction Engineering & Management Computer Science & Engineering Computer Aided Design Embedded Systems Technology B. 7. This is one of the first of a few engineering colleges started under the self financing scheme of the Tamil Nadu Government to meet the increasing demand for technical education. IT park. bank. T. guest house. workshops. In addition. The motivating force behind it is our dynamic Chairman and Founder Dr. New Delhi. the University has a multi purpose Dr. administration. The University functions in four campuses. about 15 kilometres from Tambaram. 38 . is the first and only one in India to get accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. Kattankulathur. library. indoor games.89. SRM University is run by Valliammai Society. namely. there are two fifteen storied buildings – Tech Park and University administrative building.Electronics and Communication Engineering Programme of SRM University. Ramapuram. classrooms. The Management has been rendering yeoman service to the cause of education in our country. hostel for boys and girls and other facilities. Kattankulathur. T. It is a matter of pride that the B. Management and Architecture. P. Further. gymnasium. Ramapuram Campus – Part Vadapalani – (all in Tamilnadu) and Modi Nagar (UP). SRM Engineering College has obtained the highest grade of accreditation from National Board of Accreditation. Pachamuthu. The main Kattankulathur campus is located in a sylvan campus skirting the National Highway (NH45). post office. Now SRM University has added another feather to its cap. Kancheepuram District.650 sq. After the birth of SRM University in the year 2003. R. the Faculty of Engineering & Technology (E&T) was carved out which now contains all the schools and departments related to Engineering & Technology. Ganesan Auditorium having a seating capacity of 3100 persons.m for laboratories. Chennai. staff quarters. Tamil Nadu.Tech .ABOUT THE INSTITUTE Sri Ramasamy Memorial Engineering College (SRMEC) was started in the academic year 1985–1986 at Kattankulathur. The campuses consist of buildings with a builtup area of about 7. The campuses occupy a total area of 250 acres. SRM University is a member of the Regional Level Network of Madras Library Network (MALIBNET) and National Level Network of Developing Library Network (DELNET) that enable the staff and students to have access to all the major participating libraries in India. There is a separate library for books on School of Architecture and there is even a Braille Library. The library also facilitates Inter Library Loan (ILL) and ‘Contents’ page service. SCOPUS. the library has facilities like a well furnished Video Hall containing 625 video programmes and a Digital Library and 1900 CD-ROMs. Library Office and Seminar Hall. The fully air-conditioned library. The Library Committee. Sciences. Technical Section. has a collection of 1. Life Science and Architecture. staff and research scholars. SRM University has become a Life Member of the Institution of Engineers. and 11686 e-books from publishers such as M/s John Wiley and M/s Elsevier and Springer. American Information Services Centre. 200-seater Reading Halls in each floor. discusses the developmental activities of the library. ft. Humanities. and Xerox copies of the articles of the journals from any of these libraries. Science Direct. Students can access these resources throughout the campus. Chennai. Springer Link.000 books and 15000+ titles of e-books in Engineering and Technology. It also subscribes to 253 printed journals/magazines. Kolkata and Institutional Member of British Council Library. research scholars and faculty have to follow some rules and regulations listed below. the library has a collection of electronic resources such as 4599 online journals including IEL Online (INDEST). the library has facilities such as Internet browsing centre. spread across 1. 39 . In addition. occupying the ground and the three floors above in the University Administrative Block. Madras University and is an Associate Member of IIT Madras to facilitate in borrowing journals/ magazines and video programmes that are not available in our Institution by our members. is constructed in modern and functional lines. Conference Hall. the students. To cater to the ever-growing needs of students. Anna University. ACM Digital Library. To access these facilities and benefit from them.5 lakh sq. represented by members from various departments. SC/ST Book Bank Section. Computer Science.UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The University Library. at a nominal cost. ASCE. The library has sections such as Stack Area.10. EBSCO Management Database. automated with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology. They are intended to regulate the use of library resources and they are reviewed periodically to meet the changing needs. To meet the changing and growing needs of its members. ASME. 00 pm 05.1.00 am 09.5. All final year student members should get ‘No Dues Certificate’ (NOC) from 40 . MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY Category Teaching Staff Supporting Staff Programmers Lab Assistants Student Members Under Graduate Post Graduate Research Scholars No. 08.30 pm 08. of Books Issued 6 4 2 3 4 4 Duration Full semester 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days Note: Additional two books are issued to those students who secure a CGPA of 8.15 am 10. Circulation Counter Monday to Friday Saturday & Sunday D.30 am Holiday to 04.00 pm 04.00 am to to 09. The HOD can recommend the list of students to the library through the Director.00 pm 3. Architecture Library Monday to Friday Saturday & Sunday C.00 am 09.00 am to to to 10. 2.00 pm 05. Central Library Monday to Friday Saturday & Sunday Summer Holidays B. WORKING HOURS The working hours of the University Libraries are as follows: A. Holidays All Government/University holidays. Members are responsible for all the books borrowed on their cards. MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to all the staff and the students of SRM University.30 pm 08. Similarly. e) Members. Dictionaries. before leaving the counter. b) Reference Books. 4.for all members on giving an undertaking that they will continue to be held responsible for any loss arising from the inadvertent use or misuse of the card lost. if required. are in good condition.1000/.edu through their login. d) The member can also renew the same through the website http://library. f) Books that are in special demand shall be lent for shorter periods as may be necessary and books lent may be recalled at any time. ISSUE AND RETURN OF BOOKS a) Books other than reference books will be issued to student members for a period of only 15 days. LOSS OF ID CARDS a) Loss of ID cards (Smart Card 4K) should be reported immediately to the University Library. For teachers. OVERDUE CHARGES a) . any damage/marking should be immediately reported to the Librarian failing which the member to whom the book was issued will be held responsible. c) Two renewals will be permitted if there are no reservations against the borrowed books. Hand Books. Absence will not be accepted as an excuse for the delay in the return of books. The Course Completion/Mark Sheet. the loan period is one full semester. Student Project Report. Periodicals. Dissertations. books have to be presented at the library counter. which they intend to borrow. For renewal. Degree Certificate will be given only on producing the NOC from the University Library. the staff members who intend to leave the University should settle all the dues. 5. b) Duplicate cards will be issued by the University Library on payment of Rs. Members are advised to return/renew the books on or before the due date marked on the book. Encyclopaedias.srmist. Theses and Back Volumes will not be issued and THEY ARE ONLY FOR REFERENCE. 41 g) 6. surrender their ID cards and obtain a ‘No Dues Certificate’ (NOC) from the University Librarian.the University Library. must check as to whether the books. For additional application software requirement please contact the University Networking Centre (UNIC).srmuniv. The reserved book/s will be kept at the issue counter for two days. 9. if any. RESERVATION OF BOOKS Members can reserve books that have been issued through the library website: http://library. if any.edu. h) A member shall bear the sole responsibility for any physical damage to the laptop and its accessories. The availability status shall be informed to the members by email or they can check reservation status column in the library website. If members fail to collect the book/s within two days. d) System settings set at the time of issue should not be changed. 42 . f) g) Please check the working condition of the laptop carefully at the time of issue. should be reported to the library immediately and it should be replaced with a new copy along with the overdue charges. he / she will be levied a penalty three times the cost of the book plus overdue charges. 8. if any.b) A borrowed book should be returned on the due date. e) No password protection for booting the system should be set. b) A borrowed laptop should be returned on the due date. the books will be given to the next member in the wait list. 7. c) Neither will the loan period be extended nor will a laptop transfer be permitted. ISSUE AND RETURN OF LAPTOP a) Students can borrow a laptop from the library for a period of only fifteen days. In case the borrower is unable to replace the books that are lost. i) In case of any loss or damage to the laptop the cost shall be recovered from the concerned members. c) Undue delay in returning the books will result in the cancellation of membership. failing which a penalty of ` 10 will be collected as overdue charge per day including holidays. LOSS OF BOOKS Loss of books. failing which a penalty of ` 50 will be collected as overdue charge per day. the decision of the University authorities in all matters shall be final and binding. files and other articles (except a small notebook or loose sheets of papers) are not allowed inside the library. From your particular failure there is a special greatness. the member should replace the book. GENERAL a) All members should display their identity cards prominently and it should be produced to the security if required. more surely and swiftly than your experience of failure. f) g) Misbehaviour in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and other serious disciplinary action. b) Personal books. In every mistake you make.10. in every fall you encounter. d) Use of cell phones inside the library is prohibited. Do not despair because of failure. he/she will be required to replace the book or other damaged property. there is a lesson of vital importance if you will but search it out. to be gained. If any damage/marking is found. a peculiar wisdom. Members have to deposit their personal belongings at the deposit counter near the entrance. c) Silence should be strictly observed inside the library. e) A member shall be responsible for any damage caused by him/her to the books or other University properties. and no teacher can lead you to that greatness. If found so. and he who will stoop to discover the good in that will appear successful. 43 . that wisdom. h) Not withstanding anything contained in these rules. Any marking or writing inside the books by the members is strictly prohibited. COUNSELING SERVICE Students sometimes encounter issues that they are unable to resolve due to ‘transition to college life’. Students take the psychometric test and a detailed report gives them an analysis of their employability traits and areas for improvement. over a period. Counseling gives a chance to talk one’s mind. The Placement Cell. Continuous feedback from the industry helps in shaping up the Placement process. Basic sessions on aptitude and personality development are carried out along with academic curriculum from I semester onwards. the 44 . TRAINING Training is designed to aid students in their preparation for recruitment.CAMPUS FACILITIES PLACEMENT SRM University. Special training to prepare students for CAT. Some common concerns that confront students include anxiety of exams. This enables the student to focus on their strengths and improve on areas for growth. All students go through personality development course to enhance their communication. In co-operation with the faculty and administrators. headed by the Dean is very active in attracting the best of companies to the campus. verbal and logical reasoning abilities. Students from different states and backgrounds find this very useful as this bridges the gap between their academics and employability. low level of confidence. TOEFL is also available in the campus. academic problems or adaptability to new environment. G-MAT. The Placement Officer and his team along with the HODs and Placement Coordinators of various departments strive to impart the necessary training to the students so that they are well-prepared for campus recruitments. New recruiters as well as recruiters in niche segments visit the campus for recruiting fresh talents from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. STUDENT AFFAIRS SRM University is the first of its kind to have full fledged student affairs department. change in culture. All matters of discussion during the Counseling are kept confidential. decision making dilemmas. problems in relationships and hostel life. has earned a name for itself in campus Placement. enabling the registration of alumni. Mr. R. Vice Chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellor. professional. enabling students to improve their competitiveness. The web page of the Alumni Association was set up and went online in January 2009. A. N. This Chapter also assists in bringing recognition and ISTE awards for outstanding students and staff. entertainments and celebrations provide opportunity to showcase their unique talents. sports and cultural competitions are held with great enthusiasm. The Chairman of the Alumni Office. The patrons of the Alumni Association are the Chancellor. non-profit Society having headquarters at New Delhi. Venkataramani. Parameswaran. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Office acts as the link between the alumni and the University. Dr. Prof. INDIAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION (ISTE) CHAPTER The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is a national. The major objectives of the association are to enhance coordination between SRM University and its alumni. Prof.department provides specific educational services and programmes that facilitate the achievement of students’ educational. teamwork and leadership qualities. SRM University is an Institutional Member of ISTE with an ISTE Staff Chapter and an ISTE Student Chapter. Deeptha Thattai take care of the functions of the office. to explore areas of interactive research between established alumni and the University and to look after the interests of SRM alumni. K. to improve the interaction of alumni with the students and faculty members. The student engagement activities aim at developing his/her intellectual. and Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps for Students. Counseling and various programmes provide growth enhancing environments. The association also provides scholarships to needy students. 45 . SRM University ISTE Chapter facilitates programmes sponsored by ISTE and engages in conducting Short-Term Training Programmes. several other literary. The major objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians. the Secretary. The two major extravagant activities are: Aaruush: National level intercollegiate Tech Fest and competition Milan : National level intercollegiate Cultural Fest and competition Besides. personal and career goals. social. Wordsworth Manivannan and the Principal Coordinator. emotional and spiritual needs. Faculty Awareness Camp on Entrepreneurship. The various clubs. the Treasurer. US East Coast (New Jersey). The chapters are at Singapore.S. chat and internal email. SRM University has got seven N. Ball Badminton. The Directorate of Sports is conducting the Inter University Tournaments since the year 2005–2006. US West Coast (California).srmalumni. Cricket. The future plans are to increase the number of chapters. Bangalore and Chennai.S. Table Tennis and Chess have the active participation of our boys and girls.S. Football. conducts free Medical checkups. of SRM periodically conducts Blood Donation Camps. N. Volleyball and Indoor games like Badminton. Unit of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology was established on 22 January 1993.S.S. Alumni are also invited to meet the students.S.com. set up an Alumni Centre and to increase the involvement of alumni through contributions such as sponsored labs. The University has a well equipped Gymnasium where students can work out and exercise. Special camps are also held from time to time. 46 . Units with a total volunteer strength of 700. planting trees in and around the compound and in Potheri village (adopted by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology) have been undertaken and are being implemented. PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Physical Education Department was started in the year 1987. job links. All the major tournaments including Basketball. Ball Badminton and Volleyball courts which are provided with flood-lit illumination. donation of books to library and joint research collaborations.) The N.The URL for the site is http://www. search facilities for alumni to contact their friends are some of the provisions available for registered alumni. NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (N. interact with them and guide them on their future. Five alumni chapters have been inaugurated both in India and abroad. One of the major activities of the Office is to invite the alumni to visit the campus and host them during their visit. Several schemes including keeping the Engineering and Technology campus clean. Another initiative of the Office is to conduct reunions of groups of alumni at the campus. The alumni chapters are fully independent and the Alumni Office facilitates their smooth running. collects and disburses donation towards social causes.S. The University has a state of art Basketball. Eye Camps and Veterinary camps. The students of Faculty of Engineering and Technology are also encouraged to participate in all the Inter Collegiate tournaments in which they bring laurels to the College.S. Discussion. The Directorate of Sports provides students all sports facilities and amenities. Tasty and hygienic vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is available almost round the clock. MEDICAL FACILITIES The SRM Medical College & Hospital offers 24 hour service. Since 2005.C.00 am . including girls.C.27451568/47432345 CATERING FACILITIES There are many AC and Non AC high quality cafeterias and canteens in the University Campus.2. THE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION This has been formed to motivate and encourage students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology to take part in various cultural events which are held round the year in several educational institutions as well as conduct such festivals in our institution every year.: 044 . parades are regularly conducted in our Faculty of Engineering and Technology campus. Independence Day and Republic Day are celebrated every year.C. MAGAZINE A magazine is published every year which includes articles (technical as well as general) from students and staff.C. cadets are enrolled from the first and second year engineering branches. forty-four girls have been enrolled in Signals Unit.C. Annual Training Camp. Ambulance Phone No.C.C.) The N. BANKING FACILITY Indian Bank The working hours are: 10. The Association aims to bring out the latent talents of the students in fine arts. The cadets are encouraged to complete the `B’ Certificate and `C’ Certificate N. : 044-27454603/27455317/47432444 9841589282/9841589283 Hospital and Casualty Phone No. RDC launch camp and special camps are held periodically. N. Reports of the achievements of the staff and students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and other activities of all the departments and their associations.C. examinations. salient events in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology are also included in the magazine.C. Signals Unit. The total strength of N. Each year.C.30 pm (Saturday) 47 . is 89. 1(TN) SIG COY was started in August 1996.NATIONAL CADET CORPS (N. Cadets.00 pm (Monday to Friday) 10.12.00 am . Computer Science and Engineering Association 4.30 am to 1.11. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association 6. 1.00 pm 9. SRM Society of Civil Engineers 2. colour printers and the necessary software.00 am . Instrumentation and Control Engineering Association 48 . in the compilation of their project reports. sports and cultural activities are provided to promote overall personality development. The hostel mess is run by both – the management and private caterers.00 am . Speed Post facility is also available here. The primary objective is to provide a ‘Home away from Home’ where the environment is conducive for both study and living.00 am (Monday to Friday) (Saturday) POST OFFICE The Kattankulathur Post Office is located in our campus and has a 24 hour telegram facility.2. It is besides the administrative block. This section provides useful service to the students. twelve for boys and eight for girls.City Union Bank The working hours are: 9. It is also equipped with modern photo copiers with reduction and enlargement facilities.30 am DTP AND REPROGRAPHICS SECTION Faculty of Engineering and Technology has a full-fledged DTP section which is networked having Intel Computers with scanner. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS The following associations function in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. HOSTEL FACILITIES SRM University has twenty hostels. Mechanical Engineering Association 3.30 pm & 2. especially. The working hours are: Monday to Friday : 8.00 pm to 4.30 am to 11. All facilities for games. Electronics & Communication Engineering Association 5.30 pm Saturday : 8. high-end network printers. SRM – ACM (Women) Chapter (International) 11. Student Chapter 8.E. I. (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) 3. Indian Society of Radiation Physics 20. MMA Student Chapter 7. IEEE Communication Society Student Branch 9. Tamil Mandram 16. 49 . Management Studies Association (SAMS) 13. Automobile Engineer’s Association OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (INTERNATIONAL) 1.S. Chemical Engineering Association 8.E. International Collegiate Club 2. IEEE Student Chapter 6. seminars. I. Sri Ramanujan Mathematics Club 14.7. (Computer Society of India) Student Chapter 4. (Regional & National) exhibitions and related activities from time to time for the benefit of the students. Student Chapter 3. QUANTA – SRM Nano Technology Association 21.A.S. Genetic Engineering Association 22. Architecture Association 12.E. Consortium of BioMedical Engineers. International Association of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs 19. Telecommunication Engineering Association 11. SRM – ACM Student Chapter (International) 10. ISHARE – Student Chapter These bodies organise academic lectures.T.E.I.A.E. I. SRM 18. Images SRM – The Photography Club 17. Information Technology Association 9. Bio Technology Association 10. S.E. I. (I) (Institution of Engineers (India)) – Attached to respective department association 2.E. C. (Instrumentation Society of America) STUDENT CHAPTERS 1.T. I.S. SAE Student Chapter 5. Languages Association 15.E. teaching and research assistance to meritorious and deserving students. The quantum of scholarship and the number of scholarships are subject to change from time to time. nearly 1500 students benefitted from various schemes with a total of ` 12.Tech Entrance Examination (SRMEEE) Top State rankers in school final Top rankers in SRMEE. Scholarship for Special Merits Scholarship with tuition fee waiver up to 100% is offered to selected students possessing exemplary skills in literary debating. JEE and AIEEE Exemplary Sports persons at National and International level This is provided throughout their programme subject to meeting set performance norms. fee waiver schemes. SCHOLARSHIPS To encourage and support students of exemplary talent.SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS SRM University offers several scholarships. fine arts and others.000 / month. hostel and mess fee along with a stipend ` 1. sports and deserving candidates. 50 . In 2010–11.27 crores distributed as scholarship. A large number of students greatly benefit from such schemes. The quantum and number would vary from time to time. several scholarship are instituted to recognise excellence in academic. University Scholarship Schemes Merit Scholarship Students who have secured above 95% in CBSE or in State Board Examinations and also ranked amongst the top 8000 in SRMEEE are eligible to apply for this scholarship having a value of up to 50% of tuition fee waiver in the branch they are eligible for at the time of Counseling. It is offered to: • • • • Top rankers in B. SRM Founder’s Scholarships It is the most prestigious scholarship with full fee waiver of tuition. attendance and character and conduct certified by the Head of the Department. Renewal All the above scholarships are renewed every year subject to meeting set performance norms.25 CGPA in first year. JEE. is offered to students who are economically challenged based on their performance in the qualifying examination. Minority community scholarship and Scholarship for physically challenged: Scholarship can be renewed based on the performance in the University examination. Scholarship for Physically challenged/Differently-abled Scholarship with full tuition fee waiver is offered to selected students who are physically challenged /differently abled.Merit-cum-Means Scholarship (For Economically Challenged/Need - based) Scholarship. Performance: 8. 25% to 100% tuition fee waiver. Merit-cum-Means scholarship. Attendance: 75% in each semester. attendance and character and conduct certified by the Head of the Department. AIEEE and top state rankers in School Final) and Merit Scholarship Scholarships can be renewed based on performance in the University examination (with no arrears at any point of time). 8. 2. Scholarship for Minority Community Scholarship. 51 . 1. Norms for Renewal SRM Founder’s Scholarship (Top rankers in SRMEEE. 25% to 100% tuition fee waiver. is offered to students of minority community based on their performance of students in the qualifying examination. Other Categories (Except Sports) In the categories of scholarship on Special merits.75 CGPA in second year and 9 CGPA in third year. 0 CGPA with no arrears Attendance: 75% in each semester Sports Scholarship International and National level sports persons are exempted from Tuition fee. Carnegie Mellon. 2. University of Wisconsin. Performance: 7. Food and Transport Free) State Level/University Level – 100% Fee Concession [Hostel (or) Transportation Free] District Level – 75% Concession Tuition Fees Free Sports Performance during the Programme Non-sports students are also provided with tuition fee waiver based on their sports performance. Sports Scholarship is also given to those categorised students who excel in sports. Semester Abroad Programme (SAP) Scholarship Scholarship to bright students of Semester Abroad Programme who take up studies in top universities across the world: MIT. Hostel accommodation and mess fee. Employee Ward Scholarship This scholarship provides fee waiver for the wards of faculty. Category I Category II Category III International/National Level – 100% Fee Concession (including free Hostel. considering their children’s welfare.1. Prizes are awarded to the best technical and general articles published in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology magazine and also to the winning teams of various quizzes conducted in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Medals and Prizes Gold medals and Prizes are awarded to the University rank holders as well as the rank holders in various classes. Tuition fee waiver and hostel fee waiver are given to all students who are going abroad through SAP during the period of stay in the foreign institution. Western Australia and others. fee waiver ranging from 25% to 100% is offered to the children of serving faculty. Further. 52 . 05 am) .50 am) .SRMEC (8.05 am) .SRMEC (8.Avichi (6.Ambattur OT (6.20 am) .55 am) . 7315 Incharge – Intercom No.05 am) Kesavarthini (6. 22A Route No.TRANSPORT DETAILS Dr.Besant Nagar Bus Stand (6.Valluvar Statue (6.40 am) .10 am) ./ ECE Mr. 11 Route No.33 am) .05 am) Vadapalani Depot (6. R.SRMEC (8.Butt Road (7.05am) 53 . Prof.05am) Vembuli Amman Koil (6.Collector Nagar (7.55 am) .05 am) .Valasaravakkam (7.55 am) .Golden Flats (6.45 am) .05 am) Mugappair (6. M.10 am) .00 am).SRMEC (8.30 am) . Parthiban Mr.SRMEC (8.AVM (6.22D Route No. 2053 Incharge – Intercom No.45 am) .22B Route No.00 am) Mugalivakkam (7.Indira Nagar Pillyar Koil (7.15 am) .05 am) Mandaveli (7.05 am) New College (6.Avvai Home (6.00 am) .Adyar Bus Depot (7.55 am) .05 am) Adyar Aavin (6. S.00 am) .15 am) .22C Route No.05 am) Mylapore Tank (6.55 am) . 11A Route No.50 am) .SRMEC (8.RBI Quarters (7.Adyar Gate (7.IIT (7.40 am) .55 am) .10 am) SRMEC (8.15 am) . K.SRMEC (8. 22 Route No.00 am) Ramapuram (Miot Hospital) (7.Asharkana (7.Kotturpuram (7.50 am) .Adyar Canal (7.33 Route No.Ajantha (6.35 am) .Porur Roundtana (7.10 am) SRMEC (8.Indira Nagar Water Tank (7. Jakeerhussen Coordinator – Intercom No. Kumar.Vavin (6.55 am) .Ambattur Estate (6.20 am) .SRMEC (8.40 am) . 33B Avadi (6. 7316 STUDENTS’ BUS ROUTE DETAILS (Kattankulathur Campus) Route No.Alwar Thirunagar (6.37 am) .33A Route No.Vannandurai (7.55 am) .00 am) .45 am) .Thirumullaivoyil (6.05 am) Rani Meyammai School (6.Canara Bank (6.Shanthi Bunk (7.45 am) . Nagar Depot (7.35 am) .52 am) .52 am) .05 am) Kamarajar Memorial (6.05 am) Chromepet (7.05 am) Stella Maris (6. 77 Route No.SRMEC (8.Camp Road (7.Kottivakkam (6.Kannammapet (7. 66A Route No.08 am) .55 am) . 44A Route No. 44B Route No.Vadapalani Sivankoil (7.K.55 am) .Baby Nagar (7.MIT (7.05 am) .00 am) .Music Academy (7.45 am) .47 am) .00 am) .05 am) Thiruvanmiyur Koil (6.50 am) .SRMEC (8.Rajakilpakkam (7.Ambika Empire (7.47 am) .Pallikaranai (7.Blue Star (6.Koyambedu (7.20 am) .05 am) Aranganathan Subway (7.50 am) .Sanatorium (7.05 am) SRM Hospital (Mambalam) (7. 77A Route No.Spencers (R A Puram) (7.00 am) . 44 Route No.38 am) Loyola College (6.05 am) .Route No.55 am) .30 am) . 55B Pondy Bazaar (7.05 am) Amman Koil (7.50 am) Thiruvanmiyur Signal (6.Postal Colony (7.Tambaram Railway Station (7.SRMEC (8.03 am) .Power House (6.50 am) Thirumangalam (6.05 am) Neelankarai (6.55 am) .15 am) .00 am) .Choolai Medu (6.25 am) .Pondichery Guest House (7.SRP Tools (6.Thiruvanmiyur Depot (6.35 am) .Pallavaram (7.50 am) .Medavakkam X Road (7. 88A .45 am) .35 am) .10 am) .Kaiveli (7.05 am) Guindy (7.SRMEC (8.30 am) SRMEC (8.Ampa Mall (6.48 am) SRMEC (8.05 am).SRMEC (8.00 am) Ayodhya Mandabam (7.05 am) Vijaya Nagar (6.T.45 am) . 55A Route No.Metha Nagar (6. 66 Route No.Naradha Gana Saba (7. 54 Route No.Palavakkam (6.Avenue Water Tank (7.05 am) .05am) Anna Nagar Roundtana (6. 55 Route No.03 am) Nesapakkam (7.40 am) .28 am) .05 am) .Srinivasa Theatre (7.SRMEC (8.Ram Theatre (6.Valluvar Kottam (6.08 am) .15 am) .Gowrivakkam (7.30 am) .00 am) .R.Udhayam (7.Sekar Emporium (6.05 am) .45 am) . Billroth Hospital (R A Puram) (7.10 am) .SRMEC (8.10 am) .SRMEC (8.05 am) .Hindi Prachar Saba (7.00 am) .K.05 am) North Usman Road (Post Office) (6.Ashok Nagar 11th .05 am).O Office (ECR) (6.Burkit Road (7.30 am) Christ King (7.00 am) .15 am) .50 am) SRMEC (8.42 am) . 88 Route No.30 am) .SRMEC (8. Ice House Police Station (6.Raja Kadai (6.Panchali Amman Koil (6.15 am) .40 am) .45 am) .AIR (6.SRMEC (8.35 am) Kalmandabam (6.28 am) .45 am) .Ayanavaram Noor Hotel (6.45 am) .05 am) Thiruvottiyur Bus Stand (6.New Avadi Road (6.(6. 122 Route No.15 am) .Shenoy Nagar (6.50 am) Santhome (6.58 am) . Sterling Road (6.SRMEC (8. 133A Route No.35 am) .Kilpauk Gardan (6. 122A Route No.58 am) .40 am) .12 am) .50 am) . 155 Route No.Alagappa Road (6.am) Lotus Colony (6.SRMEC (8.Nandanam Signal(7. 144A Route No.Anna Arch (6.Kolathur (6.00 am) Ambika Empire (7.Padi X road (6.05 am) SRMEC (8.05 am).40 am) .05 am) Kellys (6.32 .05 am) .10 am) .05 am) Parrys (6.Mental Hospital (6.Albert (6.20 am) Ellaiamman Koil (6.Route No.45 am) .50 am) .10 am) .Chetpet Signal (6.05 am) Korattur (6.Retteri (6.Central (6.Rohini Garden (7.K4 police Station (6. 177 .Toll Gate (6.Vanuvam Pet (7.Chinthamani Signal (6.15 am) .50 .22 am) .40 am) .35 am) .55 am) .10 am) .Kasi Theatre (7.05 am) 55 Route No. 133 Route No.00 am) .50 am) .Teynampet (DMS) (7.45 am) .Indian Hospital . 122C Route No.Vasantham Colony (6. 144 Route No.55 am) SRMEC (8.00 am) .am) SRMEC (8.45 am) .Gemini (7.50 am) SRMEC (8.50 am) SRMEC (8.Ega Theatre (6.Dr.20 am) .25 am) .45 am) . Mount Subway (7. 122B Route No.Adayar Bakery (7.Theradi (6.IInd Main Road (7.SRMEC (8.00 am) .45 am) .40 am) .Ekkaduthangal (7.37 am) .Pattinapakkam (6.15 am) . Doveton (6.40 am) Aminjikarai Market (6.55 am).45 am) .SRMEC (8.05 am).17 am) .30 am) .Beach Station (6.22 am) .05 am) Manali (Milk Colony) (6.05 am).05 am) Anna Nagar West Depot (7.Motcham Theatre (6.42 am) .40 am) .ICF (6.Chinnamalai (7.15 am) .Rathna Cafe (6.Saidapet (7.25 am) Tandaiyarpet (one way) (6.Alandur Bus Depot (7.05 am) Peravallur (6.55 am) Rajarathnam Stadium (7. 99 Star Theatre (6.48 am) .22 am) .SRMEC (8.20 am) .Nathamuni (6.Perambur Rly Station (6. 05 am) Ashok pillar (7.P.05 am) .36 am) .Mugalivakkam (7. S7 Route No.35 am) .SRMEC (8.35 am) .00 am)VadaPalani SivanKoil (7.25 am) .05 am) .S ( 7.27 am) .10 am) .LIC (6.Kishkintha X Road (7.35 am) .05 am) Route No. S3 Route No.05 am) .Royapuram (6.15 am) SRMEC (8.55 am) .Nandanam (7.05 am) Mount Subway (7.05 am) Chrompet (7.57 am) . S9 Route No.Porur (7.STAFF BUS ROUTE DETAILS (Kattankulathur Campus) Route No.Ramapuram ( Miot) (7.Koyambedu (6.(7.05 am) Ayanavaram (6.05 am) Nesapakkam (6.35 am) .MIT (7.40 am) .S.Mandaveli (6.50 am) .05 am)-Gandhi Road Junction (7.55 am) . S7B Route No.50 am) .12 am) .35 am) .Christ King .00 am .SRMEC (8.05 am) Camp Road (7.SRMEC (8.45 am) Theyanampet (DMS) (6.15 am) .10 am) .Kesavarthini (6.45 am) .05 am) Medavakkam X Road (7.05 am) .52 am) .05 am) . S1 Route No. S5 Route No.15 am) .50 am) .Koil 8.45 am) .Cannal (7.45 am) . S2 Route No.Aavichi (6.30 am) Beach Station (6.05 am) Mylapore Tank (6.10 am) .00 am) .24 am) .26 am) -Kamarajapuram (7.45 am) SRMEC (8.Pondy Guest House (6. S6 Route No.40 am) .45 am) .55 am) .Kasi (7.35 am) .40 am) .RBI Quarters (6.SRMEC (8.Indira Nagar Water Tank (7.25 am) .37 am) .Mahalakshmi Nagar (7.West Depot (6.00 am) .Nadamuni (6.25 am) .Ambika Empire (7.10 am) .10 am) .05 am) Chengalpattu Medical College (7.(7. S8 Route No.05 am) Krishna Nagar (7.New Bus Stand (7.35 am) .05 am) Thiruvotriyur Bus Stand (6.AirPort (7.30 am) SRMEC (8.20 am) .Vanuvampet (7.05 am) . S11 56 .Adyar Aavin (6.00 am) .05 am) Check Post (7. S10 Route No.Collector Nagar (6.II Main Road (7.Ambattur (6.Valasaravakkam (7.38 am) Air force .Maraimalainagar (8.Sanatorium (7.30 am) .Tambaram RS (7.SRMEC (8.40 am) .Pallikarani (7.Vijaya Nagar (7.40 am) SRMEC (8.ICF (6.Vannanthurai (6.Medavakkam (7.SRMEC (8.22 am) Gowrivakkam (7.40 am) Old Bus Stand(7.10 am) .Guindy R.10 am) SRMEC (8.Central (GH) (6.Pallavaram (7.Adyar Signal (7.Gandhi Mandapam (7.Sembakkam (7.40 am) Golden flats (6.28 am) . S7A Route No.Eakadu Thankal (7.35 am) .05 am) .05 am) .07 am) -Kaively (7.40 am) SRMEC (8.20 am) .Selaiyur (7.Saidapet (7.55 am) . S4 Avadi (6.Thirumangalam (6.Chinnamalai (7.40 am) .15 am) SRMEC (8.IIT (7.50 am) .Thirumaullaivoyl (6.Perungalathur ( 7. A fitness and medical certificate should be submitted while rejoining the classes. such as admission in hospital etc.) d) Staff members will take attendance for each period at the commencement of the class. Leave Rules a) It is compulsory that a leave letter in the approved form should be submitted for every day/period of absence. it will be treated as ordinary leave and will be covered by the previous clause. instrument boxes. HODs should use their discretion in treating such requests. The following Rules and Regulations based on the present University Regulations would be followed. 57 . 1. record note-books and standard note-books as and when necessary. These are subject to changes effected by the Institution from time to time. Students are requested to refer to the latest version of the respective regulations from the University website. Punctuality and Attendance a) Students should be punctual for lecture and practical classes and submit assignments. records.RULES AND REGULATIONS The students must be aware of the Vision and Mission of the University. homework etc. Repeatedly failing to submit leave letter could result in suspension from classes for a period of time. b) Leave letters should be signed/countersigned by parents/guardians/ Hostel warden. in time. They should be familiar with their Departmental goals. Medical leave letters should be accompanied by medical certificate for availing leave. 2. Prior permission must be obtained for availing leave. c) Attendance in tests and model examinations is compulsory and leave of absence will be granted only in rare cases (for pressing/valid reasons. Attendance once recorded will not be corrected later to include those students who report late. e) Students should equip themselves with approved drawing materials. d) Leave on Medical ground will be accepted only for genuine reasons. Students should take all efforts to enable their Department to achieve these goals. c) Leave of absence in a month should not normally exceed three days. Once a medical leave application is rejected by the HOD. b) A minimum of 75% of attendance is necessary for each semester / year. For practical classes students should have completed all experiments/ exercises as per schedule announced at the beginning of each semester. 6. f) It is important that all students are present on the reopening day as well as on the closing day. Footwear used on the field should be securely strapped at the heel. 4. b) Gentlemen students are to wear trousers and tucked-in shirts with collar. b) Students should maintain discipline. On play-fields. 3. skirts. Half sarees. Dress Code a) Students are required to wear their identity cards (in an easily noticeable way) when they are in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology campus and also when they travel using the Faculty of Engineering and Technology transport. the standard attire is shorts and vests or jerseys. Lady students are expected to wear saree or any other decent dress. 5. Suitable fine will be levied for absence on the opening day and closing day of the semester. Gentlemen and lady students have to wear leather shoes in the workshops.e) Leave on medical grounds will not be normally permitted during class tests and model tests. Discipline a) Students should maintain good conduct inside and outside the classes. Cell Phones Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the campus. In the workshops. Absence will be permitted only for unavoidable reasons. Those who are found smoking or who consume alcohol. all students have to wear white overcoats. Ragging a) Ragging in any form is strictly forbidden and severe action will be taken against those who indulge in such activities as per the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act No. the uniform for Lady Student is grey overcoat and for a Gentleman student it is grey trousers and grey shirts. 7 of 1997. prohibited drugs etc. In Physics and Chemistry laboratories. jeans and frocks are to be avoided. No loose garments are permitted in the workshop/laboratories. T-shirts of any kind is prohibited. will be dismissed immediately. Not wearing the identity card will be considered as an act of indiscipline. unless the students are admitted in the hospital or for similar reasons. 58 . The course/conduct/extra-curricular/certificates will also be issued when the students leave the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Corrective actions proposed by the Department to maintain academic excellence should be strictly adhered to by the students. Students are expected to know the mode of internal assessment from their respective academic regulations. Any amendment issued by the University concerned will be binding on students. 59 . shall abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel as existing at the time of admission and as amended from time to time. 8. b) A student dismissed from the Institute shall automatically cease to be a member of the Hostel. Hostelers a) Students admitted to the Institute hostel. b) Students should maintain satisfactory progress on all fronts c) d) Unsatisfactory performance will also make the students ineligible to sit for University Examinations. They will be returned on producing a clearance certificate indicating that the student has no dues to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. b) The original certificates submitted by students at the time of admission to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology will be returned at the time of their leaving the Faculty of Engineering and Technology on completion of studies or earlier for other valid reasons. History Cards/Certificates a) All the students are expected to fill the students’ personal and performance record which will be supplied to them after they join the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Overall Progress a) Students should maintain good academic progress on a continuous basis.7. 9. These cards will form a record of their progress and achievements throughout their stay in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Prohibition of Ragging Ragging within or outside any educational institution is prohibited. to assist in this effort. 7 of 1997 in Legislative Assembly. Extract of Act No. ACT No. 4. whenever any student complains of ragging to the Head of an educational institution or to any other person responsible for management of the educational institution he/she shall inquire into the same immediately and if found true shall suspend the student. The Tamil Nadu Government has passed an act. We are consequently addressing this amply to the students of the University and their parents. who has committed the offence. Penalty for Ragging Whoever directly or indirectly commits. 2. Suspension of Student Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions. 7 of 1997 1. Dismissal of Student Any student convicted on an offence under this section shall also be dismissed from the educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution. shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees. We at SRM University are fully cognizant of the problem and are determined to enlist the cooperation of the parents of the students to tackle the menace. 3. participates in.GOVERNMENT ORDER ON RAGGING IMPORTANT NOTE You must be aware of the serious dimensions that the ragging activities in colleges have risen to and the resultant menace and detrimental social consequences of such activity. 60 . from the educational institution. The Extract of the above Act is as follows. abets or propagates “ragging” within or outside any educational institution. .... I am fully aware of the consequences and punishments that are stipulated in the above act and I undertake to make sure that my son/daughter …………………………… studying in ……………………………. I hereby declare that I have read “THE ACT No.. Yours sincerely...… in SRM University/SRMEC will not indulge in any form of Ragging activity directly or indirectly within the campus or outside..DECLARATION ON RAGGING (To be given by the parent) The Director/Dean Faculty of Engineering & Technology Kattankulathur / Ramapuram / Ramapuram – Part Vadapalani/Modinagar SRM University Sir...7 OF 1997 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRA-ORDINARY .. 61 .THE TAMILNADU PROHIBITION OF RAGGING ACT 1997”..... 2011 30.2011 to 18.2011 10.07.2011 (VPN) 10.2011 14.2011 Campuses) Others Freshers PG Others 31.2012 62 .2011 NA NA 06.2012 18.04.2012 05.03.2011 16.04.2011 9.2011 (MDN) Commencement of Cycle test – I Commencement of Cycle test – II Commencement of Model Examination Last working day Commencement of University Theory Examinations Winter Vacation Reporting date for Faculty Reopening date for students 14.08.2011 26.11.2011 EVEN SEMESTER (ALL PROGRAMMES) UG Commencement of EVEN semester Commencement of Cycle test – I Commencement of Cycle test – II Commencement of Model Exam Last working day Commencement of University Theory Examinations Summer Vacation Reporting date for Faculty Reopening date for Students 26.2011 (ALL 06.2011 03.2011 9.2011 27.2011 25.2012 NA 09.2011 18.06.2011 (KTR) Commencement of Odd Semester 18.2011 19.12.2012 to 26.09.2012 (RMP) 08.2011 02.04.2012 PG 26.10.2011 02.08.12 09.2012 04.ACADEMIC SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 ODD SEMESTER UG Freshers 03.01.2012 27.2011 30. 1 Date Month Department Activity STTP Programme on English Language Workshop on Advanced Analytical Techniques for Material Characterisation Workshop on Animation and Games Programming Workshop on Electricity Distribution Franchise Hands on Training on MEMS Software Workshop on Real Time Digital Hardware Simulation of Power Electronics & Drives Workshop on Developing Applications for Android Platform Aaruush'11 .National Level Technical Festival Workshop on Advances in Web Technology National Conference on Recent Advancement in Separation Process National Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation Control and Automation . No.NCICA'11 National Seminar on Medical Thermography 4–5 July'11 English 2 19–20 July'11 Chemistry 3 21–22 July'11 IT 4 28–30 July'11 EEE 5 1–5 August'11 ICE 6 18–19 August'11 EEE 7 24–26 August'11 IT 8 7–10 September'11 E&T 9 12–14 September'11 MCA 10 15–16 September'11 Chemical 11 19–20 September'11 EIE 12 21–22 September'11 Biomedical 63 .EVENT CALENDAR 2011-2012 CO ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Sl. NSS Festival Workshop on Ethical Hacking and Computer Forensics Workshop on Use of MATLAB for Power Engineers Hands on Training on Tiny OS.13 23–25 September'11 NSS EUFFORIE'2K11 . Sensor Network Programming 14 26–28 September'11 IT 15 13–14 October'11 EEE 16 17–18 October'11 CSE 17 19–23 Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)Physics and National Symposium on Solid State December'11 Nanotechnology Physics FDP on Virtualisation and Cloud Computing STTP on Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB Training Programme on Entrepreneur and Product Development in Food Processing Sector for Rural Women National Conference on Advanced Technology for Environment and Climate Modeling International Conference on Genetic and Molecular Diagnosis in Modern Medicine Workshop on Machine Winding & PCB Fabrication National Conference on Impact of Computing Technologies in Emerging Scientific Fields National Conference on Biotechnology Short Term Training Programme on "MIMO-OFDM" System 18 28–30 December'11 IT 19 16–17 December'11 CSE 20 2–6 January'12 Food Process 21 20–21 January'12 Civil 22 27–29 January'12 Genetic 23 30–31 January'12 EEE 24 25 26 23–25 13–15 1–2 January'12 February'12 February'12 CSE Biotechnology ECE 64 . RaMmCom IT FDP on Data Mining and Web Intelligence National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and its Applications 28 16–18 February'12 29 8–9 February'12 Mathematics 30 10–11 February'12 National Level Symposium Comprising of Conference (Paper presentation) for Faculty.27 6–7 February'12 Tele "Recent Advances in Communication Communications” . Arch. & Design Competition & Culturals Interior Design for Students. titled "Festival of Architechture & Built Environment" (FAB) ECE Workshop on Modelling and Simulation on CMOS Analog VLSI Workshop on Modern Optimization Techniques for Power Engineers Training on LABVIEW Software National Conference on Recent Developments in Civil Engineering National Conference on English Language Workshop on AD HOC and Sensor Networks National Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks National Conference on Computational Intelligence in Power Apparatus and Systems (CIPS 2012) 31 20 February'12 32 3–4 February'12 EEE 33 21–22 February'12 ICE 34 22–23 March'12 Civil 35 26–27 March'12 English 36 28 March'12 ECE 37 12–13 April'12 IT 38 18–20 April'12 EEE 65 . 2012 26.2011 06.2011 07. Ambedkar’s Birthday May Day * Subject to change 66 .2012 01.2011 26.08.2011 06.05.2011 21.2011 05.12.2012 04.2012 17.2012 14.2012 Day Monday Sunday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Friday Friday Saturday Tuesday Festival Independence Day Krishna Jayanthi Ramzan Vinayakar Chathurthi Gandhi Jayanthi Ayutha Pooja Vijayadasami Deepavali Bakrid Muharram Christmas New Year 2012 Pongal Thiruvalluvar Day Uzhavar Thirunal Republic Day Milad-un-Nabi Telugu New Year Good Friday Tamil New Year & Dr.No.2012 16. R. B.LIST OF HOLIDAYS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-12* (BASED ON STATE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS) S.2011 15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Date 02.09.2012 23.2011 01.08. 67 . Thoughtlessness and inefficiency go together.ACADEMIC CALENDAR JUNE 2011–MAY 2012 There is only one right way of doing everything. but there are thousand wrong ways. whether with speech or thought will always find a place for the exercise of his skill. Skill consists in finding the right way and adhering to it. There is plenty of room in the world for thoughtful and efficient people. even the smallest. The good workman. whether with tools or brains. how much he has still to learn.JUNE 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Note Working days A wise system of education will at last teach us how little man yet knows. ~Sir John Lubbock 68 . or even how much you know. ~Anatole France 69 . It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t.JUNE 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Staff reporting day for ODD semester Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Note Working days An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory. S. he must not be afraid of assuming responsibilities.JULY 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Holiday Holiday 4 5 6 7 8 Reopening day for ODD Semester (Except I Sem UG & PG) 1 2 3 Holiday Holiday Note Working days If man would accomplish anything in this world. Marden 70 .~ O. ~ Napoleon Hill 71 .JULY 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday 14 15 16 17 18 Holiday Holiday 9 10 11 12 13 Note Working days Education comes from within. you get it by struggle and effort and thought. Attitude determines how well you do it. Motivation determines what you do. ~Lou Holtz 72 .AUGUST 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Holiday Holiday Holiday – INDEPENDENCE DAY Reopening Day (I Sem UG) Ramapuram Holiday Holiday Reopening Day (I Sem UG) Vadapalani 24 25 26 27 28 Reopening Day (I sem UG ) kattankulathur Commencement of Cycle Test – I (Except I Sem UG & PG) Note Working days 19 20 21 22 23 Ability is what you’re capable of doing. AUGUST 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Holiday – RAMZAN Reopening Day (I Sem UG) Modinagar Holiday Holiday 38 39 FOUNDER’S BIRTHDAY Holiday Holiday – KRISHNA JAYANTHI 33 34 35 36 37 Note Working days 29 30 31 32 Education is a weapon. ~Joseph Stalin 73 . whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. ~ Antony J. If you do. Angelo 74 . you will never cease to grow.SEPTEMBER 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Commencement of Cycle Test – I (I Sem UG ) Commencement of Cycle Test – II (UG) Holiday 46 47 48 49 AARUSH ’11 Note Holiday – VINAYAKAR CHATHURTHI Reopening Day (I Sem PG) (All Campuses) Holiday Holiday TEACHERS’ DAY 41 42 43 44 45 40 Working days Develop a passion for learning.D. SEPTEMBER 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Day Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Holiday Holiday 56 57 58 59 60 Holiday Holiday 51 52 53 54 55 Note Working days 50 Education is a social process. education is life itself. Education is not a preparation for life. Education is growth. ~John Dewey 75 . OCTOBER 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Holiday Holiday Holiday Commencement of Cycle Test – II (I Sem UG) , Cycle Test – I (I Sem PG) 64 65 66 67 68 Holiday – AYUTHA POOJA Holiday – VIJAYADASAMI 63 Holiday Holiday – GANDHI JAYANTHI 61 62 Note Working days It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated. ~ Alec Bourne 76 OCTOBER 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Holiday Holiday Commencement of Model Exam (Except I Sem UG & PG) 78 Holiday – DEEPAVALI 76 77 Holiday Holiday 74 75 Holiday 69 70 71 72 73 Note Working days Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. ~ Plato 77 NOVEMBER 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Holiday Holiday Last working day (Except I Sem UG & PG) Holiday Holiday Holiday – BAKRID 83 84 Note Working days 79 80 81 82 Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it. ~ Anonymous 78 by teaching you will learn.NOVEMBER 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Day Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Last working day (I Sem UG & PG) Holiday Holiday Commencement of University Theory Examinations (Except I Sem UG & PG) Holiday Holiday Commencement of Model Exam (I Sem PG) Note Commencement of Model Exam (I Sem UG) Working days By learning you will teach. ~ Latin Proverb 79 . DECEMBER 2011 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Holiday Holiday Holiday – MUHARRAM Commencement of University Theory Examinations (I Sem UG & PG) Holiday Holiday Note Working days It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ Claude Bernard 80 . DECEMBER 2011 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Holiday Holiday Holiday – CHRISTMAS Reopening day for EVEN semester 1 2 3 4 5 Holiday Holiday Staff reporting day for EVEN semester Note Working days Man’s mind. once stretched by a new idea. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes 81 . never regains its original dimensions. JANUARY 2012 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holiday PONGAL Holiday Holiday 11 12 13 14 15 Note Holiday – NEW YEAR 6 7 8 9 10 Working days Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. ~ Chinese Proverb 82 . JANUARY 2012 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Holiday Holiday Commencement of Cycle Test – I (UG & PG) 23 24 Holiday – REPUBLIC DAY 22 Holiday Holiday 19 20 21 Note Holiday – THIRUVALLUVAR DAY Holiday – UZHAVAR THIRUNAL 16 17 18 Working days Learn as much as you can while you are young. since life becomes too busy later. ~ Dana Stewart Scott 83 . FEBRUARY 2012 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Holiday Holiday 33 34 35 Holiday – MILAD-UN-NABI Holiday 28 29 30 31 32 Note Working days 25 26 27 Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. ~ Thomas Szasz 84 . FEBRUARY 2012 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Holiday 43 44 45 MILAN ’12 Holiday Holiday 38 39 40 41 42 Note Working days 36 37 Anyone who stops learning is old. whether at twenty or eighty. ~ Henry Ford 85 . ~John Deway 86 .MARCH 2012 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Holiday Holiday 53 54 55 56 Holiday Holiday Commencement of Cycle Test – II (UG) 48 49 50 51 52 Note Working days 46 47 The aim of education should be to teach the child to think. not what to think. ~ Henry Brougham 87 .MARCH 2012 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Holiday Holiday – TELUGU NEW YEAR Holiday Holiday 62 63 64 65 66 Holiday Holiday 58 59 60 61 Note Working days 57 Education makes a people easy to lead. easy to govern but impossible to enslave. but difficult to drive. ~ Samuel Johnson 88 . B.APRIL 2012 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holiday– TAMIL NEW YEAR & Dr. R. AMBEDKAR’S BIRTHDAY Holiday Holiday – GOOD FRIDAY Holiday Holiday Commencement of Model Exam (UG & PG) 71 72 73 74 75 Holiday 67 68 69 70 Note Working days You can never be wise unless you love reading. just as machines do. ~ Henry Ford 89 . Every man is happier when he is working his full hours.APRIL 2012 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Commencement of University Theory Examinations (UG & PG) Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Last working day Note Working days 76 77 78 Men wear out when idle. ~ Edmund Burke 90 .MAY 2012 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Note Holiday – MAY DAY Working days To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. MAY 2012 Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Note Working days Our hands are full of problems. God’s hands are full of solutions seek them with prayerful heart. ~ Rosepal 91 . (S. Prof. M. M.. Nagalingam Dr. Ph. R. M.D. P. C.Sc.E.G. (S.S..Sc.E. B.. Officer Visiting Professor Visiting Professor Visiting Faculty AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Dr.E.G) Asst..E. Prof. B. Vivian Antony Mr. M. V.D.Tech. Prof. P. C. Muthamizhchelvan M. (O. (O. S.D. S. L.D. Professor & Head Asst. B. Ganapathy Subramanian Dr. S. M. M. (Sr. Palani Samy Dr. P. G. T.E. Prof.C.S. M. Ph.. R.E. Nanthakumar Mr.P.I. E. (O. Kannanrajkumar M. Professor & Head Professor Professor Asso.G) Asst.D. M. M.G) Asst. M. Thirumeni Mr.Sc. Ph. Prof. Rajadurai Mr. Prof. K. (O.Arch.) B. Thiyagarajan Mr. Dorairaj D. Prakash Mr. Ph. Prof. Ph.G) Asst. (Sr.) M.G) 92 . Ph. Sakthivel E Vadaseri Mr..E. M. Professor Asst.. (S. Prof. (O.) M..Arch. S. S.G) Asst.E. Karunakaran Mr.Tech.(Engg.G) Visiting Professor Visiting Faculty Scientist ARCHITECTURE Prof.Tech. (Ph.Tech.Arch. A. M. (O.Dip (Rural) B. Krishnan Mr.. M. M.(Engg. Martin Anandaraj Johnson Mr.E. S. S.G) Asst.E. M.G) Asst.Sc.. M. Ph. DMIT. Subramanian Dr. Lakshmanan Mr. M.E. Prof.G) Asst. M. R. Leenus Jesu Martin Mr. T.I. (Sr. Prof... Siluvaimuthu Mr. Ph. Professor & Head Asst.D. M.S. P. Geetha Mr. Kamalakannan Ms. Prof.G) Asst. M. T. (O.Arch. Samsudeem B.G) Asst. B. A.G) Asst.. (O. M.A. R.G) Asst. M.E. M. Mahendra Perumal Mr.. B.M.E. Jayabalaji Mr. Prof.E. Prof. M. M. P. Prof. Chandrasekar Mr. Prof.I. R.... (O.G) Asst.G) Asst. Prof.FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY KATTANKULATHUR CAMPUS Dr.E.S.D. R.T.Arch. G.D. (O. Director (E&T) TEACHING STAFF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Dr.E. Vasudevan Dr. (Sr. Meena Kumari Mrs.G) Asst.D.D.Arch.. M.. Prof. Baskara Sethupathi Mr. Prof. Balakrishnan Dr.E.G) Proj. Ph. M. (O. Nadaraja Pillai Mr.. Krishnamurthi Dr.E. B. Ph..D. M. Prof. B. Sheema Mrs.Tech. (O. Shobana Mrs.Arch) M.G) Asst. (O. (O. Prof.Tech. M.D..A. Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst. Prof.E. (O... Suresh Navaneetha Kumar Mr.) B. Prof. S.) M.A. (O..E.. (Sr. Anand Mrs.. M. U. K.G) Asst. G. M. (O. (M. (O. M.Arch. (O. G. (Painting) B.) B.E. B.) M.G) Asst. P.E. Jovita Vinolin Kavitha Mrs. Rathi Suganya Dr.D. Prof. (O. H.Sc. Prof. Prof. (O. (M. (Ph.Sc.Arch. S.Arch.Tech..Arch.G) Asst.. M. (O. Ph.. S.Arch. Prof.D.Sc. Varshini Karthik Ms.G) Asst. B.Arch.E. Susetha Ms. (Ph. MPhil..G) Asst.G) Asst. Prof. M. Prof. D.Plan. PGDBI. Prof. M.G) Asst.Arch.G) BIO-MEDICAL ENGINEERING Dr. Arnab Sarkar Mr. Rathankar Mr. Professor & Head Asst.Arch. Bhargavi Haripriya Ms. (Sr.. L. PGDBI. Kathirvelu Mr.E. Vinupritha M. M. Prof.G) Asst.Sc. Snehalatha Ms. Prof.) M. B.Phil. (Ph. Professor & Head Asst. Vijayasri Mrs. T. Anburajan Ms. M. Prof. M.. P.D. M. (Ph. Ashok Kumar Mr. (O.Phil. T.Tech.G) Asst. C. (O. B. PGDBI M. Shanthini Mrs. S. P. Prof.Phil.) B. Lavanya Somanathan M.D. (O. Rajesh Ms.Tech. Rajalakshmi Ms..G) Asst..Phil. D. Pradeepa Mrs. (Ph... (O. M.B. (Ph. (Ph.G) Asst.Arch.Arch. (O.Arch.G) Asst.E. Zareen Tija Ms. (O. Anitha Ms.D. PGDCA.Arch. M. Swetha Mrs. Prof. (S. M. R. A. Madhan Raja Mrs.) M.G) Asst. M.E..G) 93 . Waheeta Hopper Dr... Remya Elizabeth Chanoy M.B. M. Prof. B. M. Prof.G) Asst.Tech..Arch.G) Asst..G) Art Teacher Asst.Sc.D.Arch. (O.D. T..Tech. Sivanantham Ms. Prof.G) Asst. P..G) Asst.Phil. Ph..Sc. (Ph.) M. M. Yogapriya Ms.E.G) Asst..) B.E. Prof.E.Arch. (O.. M. M. M.Arch. (O.Sc. M... Prof.. Revathy Priyadharshini Ms.Sc. Prof. (Ph.G) Asst..) B. Lilly M.Phil.. P..Tech.G) Asst.Arch.G) Asst. M. Ph. Prof.G) Asst.. M.Arch. Priya Swaminathan Mr. Prof.D. B. (Ph. Ph.) B. (O.Sc. N. S. K. B. B. Prof. (O. (O. Jawhar Benazir Ms. (O. (O. M. Tamil Ezhil Mr. Parvati Murugesh Ms.Arch. Pharm. Prof. (O. N.D.Mr. B.G) Asst.S. B.. B.G) Asst.. Prof. Prof. Prof. Angeline Kirubha Ms.G) Asst. Prof. (O. S. Prof. Prof. M. (O.. M. Pharm. B. FIMSA B.A.Ed.G) Asst. Deepthi Peshkar Ms. Prof. Prof. (O.G) Asst.) B.F. M. (O. Saleena Mrs.. (M. (O.. Prof.G) Asst. M.G) Asst. M.Arch.D. M. Karthikeyan Ms. Banuchitra Ms.Sc. H. Prof. Prof. M. M.Sc.G) Asst..G) Asst.G) BIO-INFORMATICS Dr. M. (M. M.. Jayanthi Mr.) M. Prof. J.D. C. (O. Prof... (O.D.D.. (O.Arch. (Sr.Sc.G) Asst. Ramya Ms. (O.Phil. D..) M. Winkins Santhosh Dr. M. Manish Khare Mr. M. T. N. Jai Ganesh Ms..Phil. (Ph. S. (Ph.) M. K.Sc.G) Asst.D. (Sr. M. (O..Tech.D. (Ph.G) Asst.D. (O. E. (O. (O.Sc. Prof. Anulakshmi Ms. M. (O. R. Gnanavel Mr. M. Prof.G) Asst... (O.G) Asst. (S. M. P. Prof. W. Muthukumar Mr.Sc.Sc.Tech.G) Asst.Tech. (Ph.D..Sc..) M. M. B.G) Asst. M. Prof. M. (O.G) Asst. M...Sc. M. M. M.G) Asst.Tech. M. Jayabrata Das Mr. D. S.. D. (Ph. V.G) Asst.D..Sc. Professor & Head i/c Professor Professor Professor Asso. (Ph. Prof. (Ph. Radha Mr. Karthikraj M.Sc. (Ph.. Prof. P.. Prof. Prof. (O.Sc. Asst. Prof. P. Prof.D. (Sr.G) Asst. Vasantharekha Mr. M. M.D.Tech. Ph...Sc. M.G) Asst. Asso. (Sr..Phil.. M. Prof. Sharmila Mrs. Prof. Velusamy Mrs. Ph. Venkatesan Ms.Tech.Tech. J.Tech.D.Sc. Ph.Phil.Sc. T.) M. (Ph. M. M. (Ph. K. Prof. (O. (O..Sc. Thirumurugan Ms. (Sr..D. (Ph. Prof. Dhanavathy Mr..D. M. (Ph. Prof. Maheshkumar Mr.G) Asst..Sc.D. R.Vsc.) M.G) Asst. Prof. Ph.) B.. Prof. Ph. M. M. (S.D. M. (O. (O.G) Asst. B. (O.G) Asst.) M.. Rupachandra Dr. K.Sc.G) Asst.) M. Ph. Ph. A.Sc. Prof.) M.Mr.. (O.) M. Dharshan BIO-TECHNOLOGY Dr. M.. Venkatesh Prabhu Dr.) M...Tech..D.D. Sarada Ms. Pandima Devi Mrs..D.) M.D.G) Asst. (O.. Prof. B.D. Prof. Berla Thangam Dr. R. (O.. Ph.G) Asst.. K.Phil. S.. M..Sc. M.) M. S.Tech.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr. Richard Thilagaraj Dr. Meenakumari Mr. M. (Ph. M. PDF (Fr) M.G) Asst. G. M. Ph. Muthukumaran Dr. Ramyadevi Ms.G) Asst..E. V.D.G) Asst. SrinivasanThyagarajan Dr.Phil.Sc.D.Tech. S. M. Lavanya Mrs. M. R.. S. R. Prof.Tech. Ph. (Ph. Prof. Ramyapriya M.G) BIO-PROCESS Dr. Prof. Nazeer Mrs. (O.D.Phil.Sc. Barathi Mr.Phil. (O..Tech. T.G) 94 . (O. (O. M. M.. Jaganathan Mr. DIS.G) Asst. M. (Ph.Phil.Pharm.Tech. (O.. Rajesh Mrs..S.G) Asst.Phil. M. (O. B.D. Prof.Tech. Ph.Sc.Sc. Prof.Tech. Sivashankari Mr.D) M. Prof. M. Selvamurugan Dr.Tech.Sc.G) Professor & Head Asst. M..D.G) Asst.Tech. M.G) Asst. M. Subhashini (Sr) Mrs.D. Subhashini (Jr) Ms. Saranya Mr.Tech.D.Tech. Prof. Prof. M.Sc.. (O. M.) M.D. Prof.Tech.E.G) Asst. Ph..D. Prof.. (O.G) Asst. (O... Professor Asst.Vsc.. Prof.D. Kiruthika Mrs. Thangavel Dr. S.) B. (Ph. Prof. L. T.) M.. (Sr.Tech. (O. (O.. Prof.G) Asst. Prof.D. C.) M.Phil. G.G) Asst.) M.. Meignanalakshmi Dr. (Ph. Prof. M. Anju Ms. M. (O. Prof. (Ph.. Y. (Sr.G) Asst.G) Asst. Ravichandran Mrs.Sc.G) Asst. (Ph.G) Asst.D. . Prof.E.Tech. Prof.D... M. (O. Ph.(Sr.D.D. Ph. R.S Asst. M. (O.G) Asst. Prof.D.G) Asst. Thilakavathi Mr.D..G) Asst. G. M. B. S.D. K. S.) M.D. M.G) Asst.. K.. Prof. (Ph. P. Prof.E. M. Prof. Prof.) M. PGDIM M. Karunanithi Dr.. Prof. S.) M.E. Ph. Ph. B. (S. Sendhil Mr. M. (Ph. Prof.D) M. Muthamilselvi Mr. Sujatha Ms. (O.E.D.Sc. B. Sivakumar Mr.D.. (Ph. B.. P... Magesh Kumar Mr. Vivekanandan Ms. (O.) M.. Baskar Mrs.Tech.D. B.D.. Arul Prakash Mr.E.E.(Sr.G) CIVIL ENGINEERING Dr. Prof.. Selvam Mrs.. Sofia Mr.Pharm. Chithra Ms. (O. J. M.G) Asst. K. Prabhakar M.(Sr. N. K.) M. D. M.Tech. (Ph.E..D. S. S. Poonguzhali Mrs.G) Asst. Annadurai Dr.Tech. (O. Prof.Tech. (Sr. (O. Ph. K.M. (Ph.D.G) Asst. (Sr.. B. Ph. K.G) Asst.D. Nakkeeran Ms.D. K. M. R. Deeptha Thattai Mr.D. Lakshmipathy Dr.D. Ph. M. Prof.D.. (O. (Ph. (O. Ph.D.S..) M.G) Asst.. Professor & Head Professor Professor Professor Asst.Tech Professor & Head Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Asso. M. M. Ph. (O.E. (S.D.A. M. Prof.G) Asst. M. M. Prof. M.. Ph.G) Asst.E. Vishali Ms.Dr.G) Asst.D. M.Sc. (S.Tech.G) Asst.Tech.Tech. M. R.Tech.Sc.) M.. Kasthuri Mr.(Sr.. E. (Sr. Prof.. (Ph. M..E.. (Ph. B.G) Asst.D. Prof. Sivakumar Mr. S.E.. Prof.G) Asst...Sc. N. Karthik M.E. (Ph. Anbalagan Mr.. M. Ph.) M. (Ph. Kumar Dr. (Ph. K. B. (O. T.. Prof. Sathyanathan Dr.Sc. M. (S. M. (Ph.Tech.Tech.. (Ph.E.Tech. Nagarajan Dr. V.G) Asst.G) Asst. M.Sc. Ravichandran Dr.) A. (S. Professor Asst.E.D. Prof. Elavenil Dr. (M.Tech..) M.B.G) Asst. Santhanaselvi Mr.).E. Ganesh Mr.G) Asst.Phil. E. Prof.E. Prof.E. (Ph. Satyanarayanan Prof. Prof. M.G) Asst.Tech.D.. M.) M. S.E.. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst. Ramkumar Mr. (OG) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Dr. Ph. M. (S. Prof. Prof. Prof.G) Asst.I. Prof.E. Padmapriya Mr. Kavitha B. (O. (Ph. B. (Engg..D.G) 95 .Tech.Tech) M. Balasubramanian Ms.. (Sr. Umamaheswari Dr. E.G) Asst. M.D) M.D. (Ph...) M. (O.E.D) M.D. M.A.(Sr.D. R. Amala Reddy Dr. M. Ph.) M. R. S. Augustine Maniraj Pandian Dr. Prof.G) Asst.E. M. Ph... Ph.G) Asst. G.E. Prof. R. Gunasekaran Ms.B. (Sr.G) Asst. Karthikeyan Dr. Prof. Mr. S. A. Vengadesh Subramanian Mr. V. Satya Ramesh Potti Mr. H. Thiagu Ms. R. Keerthana Ms. S. Sindhu Nachiar Mr. Vinish John Mr. C. P. Shanmuganathan Mr. J. S. Sudarsan Mr. G. Venkatasamy Ms. K. Gomathi Ms. S. Hemamalini Mr. Sachikanta Nanda Ms. R. Raji Ms. T. Deepa Ms. M. Gouthampriya Mr. K. Prasanna Mr. S. Pradeep Mr. L. Krishnaraj Mr. S. Mary Rebekah Sharmila Mr. D. Renuka Parameswari Mr. K. S. Anandh Mr. S. Vidhya Lakshmi Mr. V. R. Prasathkumar Mr. J. Raj Prasad Mr. B. Geetha Mr. A. Balamurugan Ms. Sija Arun Ms. M. A. Sree Manthra Rupini Mr. D. Justus Reymond Ms. A. Revathi Ms. C. Sudha Ms. A. Jean M.Tech M.Tech M.E. M.E. M.Tech M.Tech M.E. M.E., (Ph.D.) M.E. B.E., M.Tech., (Ph.D.) M.E. M.Tech. B.Tech., M.Tech. B.E., M.E. B.E., M.E. B.E., M.E. M.Tech., (Ph.D.) M.Tech. M.E. M.Tech. M.E. M.E. M.Tech. M.Tech. M.E. B.E., M.E. B.Tech., M.Tech. M.E. M.E. M.E. M.Tech. B.E. Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. 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Jeyasekar Mrs. R. Annie Uthra Mr. B. Muruganantham Mrs. J. Ezhilarasi Mr. K. Senthilkumar Mr. A. M. J. Muthukumaran Mr. T. Balachander Mrs. P.Girija Mrs. K. R. Jansi Mr. A. Murugan Mr. S. Karthick Ms. R. Mangalagowri Mrs. G. Niranjana Mr. S. Ganesh kumar Mr. J. Prassanna Mrs. N. Snehalatha Mr. R. Jebakumar Mr. G. Senthil kumar Mrs. G. Suseela Mrs. P. Akilandeswari Mr. T. Senthil Kumar Mrs. T. S. Shiny Angel Mr. N. Praveen Mr. S. Selvakumar Mrs. S. Angeline Julia Mr. V. Deeban Chakravarthy Mrs. Sasi Rekha Shankar Mrs. Anila Gundavarapu Mrs. R. Jeya Mrs. G. K. Sandhia Mr. S. Nirmalsam Ms. S. Nagadevi Mrs. S. Krishnaveni Mr. S. Jagadeesan Mr. C. Jothi Kumar Ms. K. Varalakshmi Mr. M. ArulPrakash Mr. M. Rajasekaran Mrs. G. Vijayalakshmi Mr. M. Raja B.E., M.C.A., M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.E., (Ph.D.) M.Sc., M.C.A., M.S., M.Tech. M.C.A., M.Tech., (Ph.D.) M.Sc., M.B.A., M.S., M.Tech., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.Tech. 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Ramesh Dr. R. Ramesh Dr. T. Vigneswaran Mr. Diwakar R Marur Mrs. M. Neelaveni Ammal Mrs. J. Manjula Mrs. A. Ruhan Bevi Mrs. M. Valarmathi Mr. J. Selvakumar Mr. A. V. M. Manikandan Mr. P. Eswaran Mr. P. Vijayakumar Mrs. J. Subhashini Mrs. V. Nithya Ms. P. Radhika Ms. J. Radhika Mrs. A. Maria Jossy Mrs. Sabitha Gauni Mr. K. Kalimuthu Mrs. K. Suganthi Mrs. S. Kayalvizhi Mrs. S. T. Aarthy Mrs. J. K. Kasthuri Bha Mrs. K. Ferents Koni Jiavana Mrs. S. Kolangiammal Mrs. S. Vasanthadev Suryakala Ms. T. Ramya Mrs. V. Padmajothi M.E., Ph.D. M.E., Ph.D. B.E., M.S., Ph.D. B.Sc., B.Tech., M.Tech. B.Sc., M.E., M.S.E., Ph.D. B.E., M.S., Ph.D. M.S., Ph.D. M.E. B.Sc., B.Tech., M.E. M.E., (Ph.D.) B.Sc., B.Tech., M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.S. B.E., M.Tech. M.E., Ph.D. M.E., Ph.D. M.E., (Ph.D.) M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.Tech., (Ph.D.) M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.Tech. M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.Tech. A.M.I.E., M.E., (Ph.D.) M.E. B.E., M.Tech. M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.Tech., (Ph.D.) M.E., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.Tech. 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Prof. Prof. (O. (S. (O.E.. Aravindan Mr. Ajitha Mr. Shanmugapriya B. (Sr.Tech.G) Asst. Krithiga Mr.G) Asst.D. Prof. Prof. Prof. M. Prof. K..G) Asst. (O.D.G) Asst. B. M.G) Asst.Tech. U.. B. E.E. M. B. Sridhar Ms.G) ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 99 .E.E.G) Asst. Prof.. Nivash Mr.. M.D. Boopathy Ms. Prof. (Ph. M.D.E. C. M.Tech. Prof.E. Sarada Mrs.G) Asst. (O. (O.) M.G) Asst. Thaisubha Mr. (O. V. Prof. (O. Suchitra Mr.E. S..D. (O. Prof. D. Rajarajeswari Mrs. (O.E.. M. Shanthapriya Ms. Prof. S. Jegatheesan Mr. (O.. Prof. Prof. (Ph. Chitra Mrs. (O.Tech. E. M.D. E.) M. Prof. M. (O.) M.. Dayana Mrs. Mohanraj Ms.. (O..D. B.G) Asst. Chellammal Mr. M.G) Asst.. Prof. M.E. Uthra Mr.G) Asst... M.G) Professor & Head Professor Asst. B. (O. S. (Ph.. M. Prof. (Ph. (Ph.E. (O. M.G) Asst. R. (O.) M. Prof.E. (O. Srilekha Ms. Prof. S. R. (O.G) Asst.. (O. N. Prof. (Sr. (Sr. Ramchandran Dr.G) Asst. (O.G) Asst. (Ph..G) Asst. Prof.G) Asst.. (O. K. B. M.G) Asst. D. P. M.. M.Tech.G) Asst. M. Selvapriya Mr.D. (O.G) Asst. Sangeetha Mrs. K.E. Prof. (O. Prof.E. M. Prof. S.E. (Ph.G) Asst.Tech. M. Manikandaswamy Ms. Prof.E. N.G) Asst. Prof. Prof. B.Tech.) B..Tech. R. M. Malarvezhi Mr.) M.Tech.E. M. B. (Sr. Prof..Ms.Tech. K. Prof. S.S. Ph.Tech. (O.) M. Padmini Mrs.D. Prof. S.D.E. B. (Ph. (Ph.D. M.G) Asst. Sivakumar Mrs.G) Asst.. (O. B. Srivatsan Mr. M. (O. A.D.Sc..E. Prof.K.G) Asst. (O. Prof.E.G) Asst.. M. (O. Suhasini Mrs. Prof.. M.Tech. Prof. R.E. Srinath Ms. S.Tech.) M. Ramesh Ms.Tech.E. A.) B.E.. (S. Rathinam Mrs.) B. Ph. R. M. (O. (O. Sattianandan Ms.E. M. Umadevi Mr. M.E.Tech.G) Asst. Kalaiarasi Ms. Raghavendran Mrs. Joshua Jaffersen Ms. Prof.G) Asst.. V.G) Asst. M.) M. P. (Ph. Subhransu Sekhar Dash Dr.) B.E.D.. Bhakkiyalakshmi Mr. (Sr.) M.G) Asst.D.E.G) Asst.E. Vadivukarasi Mr. (Ph. (Ph. (O.E..D.G) Asst.E.Tech. R.E. K.Sc.Tech. Daliya Ms. Vijayakumar Mr.G) Asst.D. Prof.G) Asst.Tech. (Ph.E. Prof. Nalinkant Mohanty Ms.G) Asst.) M. R.) B.Tech. Prof.G) Asst. B. M.G) Asst. (O. M. Sivasankari Mrs.. (Ph. Ilambirai Mr. Prof. V.D...G) Asst.) M. Prof. (O.D.) M. (O. Prof.E.G) Asst.. Prof.Sc.E.E. Prof.) M. (O. V. (O...D. (O. (O.Tech. Syed Mazara Ali Mrs. A. Gayathri Ms. (Ph. P.Tech.D.) M.Tech..Tech. M. (O.Sc. M. Ph.Tech.G) Asst. M. (O..Sc. S. M.G) Asst.E. Athmaselvi Dr. (Sr.D.E. (O.. C.D. Arul Jothi Ms. J. C.G) Asst. S.) M.D. Senthilkumar Ms. Parani Dr. (O.G) Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst. Rathinasababathi Mr.. M. S. M. Nithyalakshmi Ms.D. M. M. Vidyasagar Mr. B. Ananthi Christy Ms. M.Sc. J. Srirevathi Ms... R. M.) B.G) Asst. V.D.G) Asst. R.. C.Sc.Tech. (O. Vijayalakshmi Ms. (Ph. (Ph.G) Asst.E.E..A.G) Asst. Prof.G) Asst. Rex Arun Raj Mr. Ph.G) Asst. Arunoyal Doss Mr.) B. Prof.G) Asst. Prof.. D. C.G) Asst. M. N.D. (S. (Ph.E.. (O.) M. (Ph. Gurumoorthi Mrs. (Ph.. A. (Ph.D. Prof.B. B.E.Tech. (Ph. M.) M.) M.Sc. C. Prof.A. Prof.G) Asst.D. P. Prof. Rekha M. Jenney M. K. Prof. B. (Sr. (O. Prof. Divya Navamani Ms.D.E. M. C.D. P.. (O. Prof. T..) M. M. Ph.D.Tech. Ph. (Ph. Abiramisundari Ms.E. Prof. Prof. Usha Mr. Manimehali Ms. (O.E. Ph.G) Asst. (Ph. Lavanya Ms. M. P. (O. Kalyanasundaram Ms. N.E.E. (O.E. (O. Prof. Geethanjali Ms. Subbu Chithira Kala Ms.G) Asst. N.D. R. Prof. Prof.G) Asst. Prof.. Prof. M. M. U.E. S.G) Asst.Sc.E. Ramya Mr.G) Asst.) M. Nagamani Ammai Ms. Prof.Sc. (O.E..E.D. Subramanian M.D.G) Asst. Jayasankar Mrs.Tech.G) Teaching Associate 100 .Mr.D. Prof. Prof. Prof. B. Anuradha Ms.) M. (O.D.G) Asst.G) Asst..G) Asst.G) Asst. (O. (Ph.. Prof.G) GENETIC ENGINEERING Dr. (O. (O. Prof. M. S. M. Prof. Preetha Roselyn Mrs. Prof. Brindha Mr. Prof. (O.) M.D. Professor & Head Asst. M.E. M.Tech.G) Asst... A.) M..E.. Professor & Head Asst. Poornima Mrs.Tech. Prof.. (Ph. (Ph. Priya Ms.E.G) Asst. Ph. Prof. M.E.. M. M.E.E.Iyappan Mr.. (O.D.G) Asst.) M.. Prof. (O. Bharatiraja Mr. Geetha Mr. M.Sc. Palanisamy Mrs.D.) M. G.G) Asst. (O. Prof. B. (Ph. (O. (Ph.D. (O.Tech. K. Prof.B.G) Asst.E. (O. Prof. B.. (O. (Ph. N.G) Asst. Prof. B. (O.E.D.) Asst.G) Asst.Tech. Prof. (Sr. M.) M. (Ph. P.G) Asst. (Ph. (O. (Ph. M.. (Ph.) M. (O. A.. Manojkumar Dr.G) FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING Dr. Purushothaman Mr..D. Sangeetha Mr. P..G) Asst. (O. Sc. M. (O..Tech. Selvaraj Mr. N. Prof. Prof.E. M. Prof. K. M. Subburaj Mr.E.. M. Devahema Mr. (Ph.G) Instructor cum Counselor Professor & Head Asst.E. S..Tech. (O. T. Sujatha Mr. Godwin Ponsam Mrs. Roselin Ms.Tech. Venkatesh Kannan Ms. M. M. M. P. Panbu Mr. M. M.) M.D. M.D.. N.S. Prof. (O.G) Asst. J.E. (O.) M. Prof.Sc. Rajasekar Ms.A.Tech. M. G. Murugaanandam Ms.E. Asst. M.D. M.D. (O. M.) M.. M.D.E.S. N.G) Asst.D. M. Prof. (O.E. M.. Prof.D.Tech. B. Deivanai Mr.. Prof. Karthigeyan Mr. J.. S..) B.) M.E.A. (Ph. M.E. Prof. Professor & Head Consultant & Prof. (Ph.G) Asst.G) Asst. Prof. M.G) Asst.E.S. (O. Prof.Tech. Prof.E. Prof.G) Asst. Hemavathi Mr.. M.G) Asst. (O.G) Asst. K. Mukeshkrishnan Ms. (Ph.G) Asst.E. G. M.. Vasanthi M. (Ph..E. (Ph.D.G) Asst. (S.Tech. P. B.. B.D.G) Asst. Prof.G) Asst.Tech..G) Asst. Prof. (O. (O.G) Asst.E. Prof. M. Prof.G) Asst. Arokiaraj Jovith Mrs. D.Tech. M. Prof. Arivazhagan Mrs..S. M.G) Asst. (Sr.) M.Tech. Prof. Prof. (O. Rajendran Dr. K.Tech. (O..S. (Sr.. Prof. Navin Mr.S. (O.C.G) Asst.. Vadivu Mrs. Nimala Mrs. (Sr.E.. S. Kayalvizhi Jayavel Mrs.) M. (O. Rama Rao Ms. (O. B.G) Asst. Sundhara Kanchana M. (Ph. P.. Magesh Mrs. K. (O. Thenmozhi Mr. J. (O..G) Asst.G) Asst. Nithya Ms. Prof. (O. Raja Sulthana M.D. V. Joseph Reymond Ms. (O. B. M. Venkatesh Mr. Kamaraj Mr. Christobel Diana Mr. M. Prof. Subha Ms. M. M. Prof. Jeysree Mr. M. Prof..D. M.G) INFORMATION & TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Dr.E. Prof.Tech.D. M. M.E. Prof.E. K. B.E.G) Asst.Tech. (S.G) Asst. B. (Ph.G) CENTRE FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT IT CSD Ms. M.G) Asst.) M. Ph. (O.G) Asst. M.G) Asst. M. Prof. (Ph.. L.G) Asst.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Prof. (O. M. R. Ph. Prof.D.) B.C. Sornalakshmi S. B.E. (Sr.G) Asst. (O. Asst.. Subashini Mrs. M. (Sr. S.Tech. (O.) M. A.G) Asst.. Prof. T. M. (Ph. D. Vijayalakshmi Ms. (Ph. Prof. R. Prof. Prof.D. (O. K. P. B. (O..S. (O. Prof. Prabhu Ms.G) Asst.E.G) Asst. C.) 101 .G) Asst. (O. B. CAS Deiva Preetha Ms.) B. (O. Prof.G) Asst. J. (Ph.Tech.E.Tech.Tech.G) Asst. M.E. Prof. (O.E.. (Sr. Srinivas Mr. Prof. Vivekanandan Mr. M.Sc.G) Asst.. M.Sc.S. Prof. K. Palanithanaraj Mr. (Sr. B. (O.G) Asst. R. B. S.E. K.. B. Karnam Anantha Sunitha Ms. (O.E. C. M. M.. M.E. Priyalakshmi Mr.Tech. Nagajothy Mr. Harisudha Ms. Kavitha Narayanan Ms.D.E. B. T.G) Asst.E.D. N.Tech.E. J. (O. Krushnasamy Mr. B.) M.E. R. S. Prof. (O.E. Prof.G) Asst. Prof. K. K. Prof.G) Asst. (Ph. Prof. Prof. M. M. Prof. M. Asuntha Mrs. Prof. (Ph. M.. Prasath Ms. M.G) Asst. Joanof Arc Mr. Selvakumar Mrs. Prof. (O. Prof.G) 102 .) M. M. Deepa Ms..D.D. Vijayananth Ms. M.. (O. (O. (Ph.Tech.Tech. Y.D.E. Prof.E. S. Prof. B.G) Asst.G) Asst. M.G) Asst. Prof. Tamil Selvan Mr.G) Asst.G) Asst. (O. Prof. (Ph. M.D. Ph. (O. B.E. B.. M. M. Ranjani Ms..E. (O. A. Bakiyalakshmi Mr.E. Asst. Prof.E.E.G) Asst. Jegan Mr. Prof. Prof. M. Prof. Vimala Juliet Ms.Tech.. (O. (O. Prof.G) Asst. M. B. M. (O. (O. Prof. Anitha Kumari Mr.Tech. Vijayan Ms. X.E.G) Asst. Vibha Ms. (Sr.E.D.) M. Angel Ms.E. M.G) Asst. Vinoth Kumar Mr. Prof. S. M. (Sr. Prof.E. M. Hemalatha Mr.E. K....G) Asst. (O.G) Asst.E. Vasantha Kumar Mr. Jeyashree Ms. Prof.. Suganthi Ms. Ramkishore Vemula Mrs.G) Asst.E. (O.G) Asst.) M. (O.G) Asst.) M. Prof. Prof.G) Asst. (M. Joselin Retna Kumar Ms. (O. M. B.G) Asst.E.) M.. (O.D.G) Asst.G) Asst.E. B.) B. (O.G) Asst. Prof. Prof. (O. (O. Vijaya Prabhu Mr.Ms.E. P. N. B. Deepa Ms. Samuel Ebenezer Ms.A. Thangadurai Ms. C. S. K. Senthil Kumar M.Tech.. A. M. (O. (O.E. Prof.G) Asst. S. (O. M. G.. Prof.G) Asst.E.G) Asst. (O. P. Prof. (O. J.E. Senthil Kumar Mr. M. Prof. Murugaveni Mr. Balaji Ms. M.) M. (O. G.Tech.Tech. B. M.G) Asst. Prof. (S.Tech. (O. S.G) Asst. Prof. B.G) Asst. (O.E. Showme Mr. Dominic Savio Mr. N.Tech. Prof. (Sr. B.E.G) Asst. Sama Jeba Kumar Ms.S.. Sri Laxmi Mr. J.E.G) Asst. (Ph. Prof.G) Asst. V.G) Asst. Vimala M. M. Prof. M.G) Asst. Sathishkumar Mr.B. Prof. (O. S.E. Prof. K.E. Prof..G) Asst. (O. T. M. C. M. (O.Tech. (M.) M.E. (Ph. B..E. (O. B. M.E. Prof.E. (Ph.E. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O. S.Tech. M.G) Asst. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst.E. (O. M.G) Asst. (O.E.G) Asst.Tech. M. Prema Mr. Prof. M.Tech. M.G) INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Dr. D. Prof. Susila Mr. A..G) Asst.E.. (O.. (O. Professor & Head Asst.Tech. Manimegalai Ms.Tech. (Ph.D.) M.D. M. (Sr. Raguraman Mr. Senthil Mr.D. Prof..G) Asst. D. T.D. (Ph.D. M. Prof. T.. Vijayaragavan Mr. (M.G) Asst. (S.D. (Sr.E. (O. G. P. M.. (Sr.E.E.E.E.Tech. B. B.G) Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst.E. Venkatasubramaniam Dr. (O.D. Vijaya Mr. R.G) Asst. B. Prof. Cheralathan Dr. (S. Prof. Prof. (Ph.. Prof.D. G. S.D.G) Asst.) M. (O..G) Asst. (O.D. M. S. Arun kumar Mr. Dean i/c Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Asst.E. (Sr. Sudhakar Mr.) M. Prabhu Mrs. Prof. R. Prof. Prof. Kasiraman Mr. Anbarasu Mr.) M. Prof. Prof. Stalin John Mr. Sai Ram Mr.. Harris Samuel Mr.E.G) Asst..) M.G) Asst.G) Teaching Asst.G) Asst. D.E. M.D. (O.G) Asst.G) Asst.) M.D. Jeyakarthikeyan Mr. Thirunavukkarasu Mrs. M. P. Prof.D. M.Ms. Prof. (Sr. Prof. R.G) Asst. (Sr. Prof. Rajasekar Mr. M. (S. (Ph. (Ph.E. (O.E. Prof. (Ph.) M.G) Asst. (Ph. C.) M.G) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Dr.) M.G) Asst. Subramanian Mr.D.G) Asst.) M. Chandrasekaran Mr.G) Asst. Karthikeyan Mr. Prof. Senthil Kumar Mr. Ramesh Mr.) Ph.E. S. (Ph. S. (Ph.E. Infanta Mary Priya Mr. G.) M.Tech. M.E.. (Sr.D.E. (O.D.G) Asst.) M.D. Ph. K. (Ph. Prof.G) Asst. Prof..E. K. Gopal Prof.E.E..E. Prof. Prof.Tech.G) Asst. D. A.G) Asst. D. T. (Ph. (Sr. Rajasekaran Mr. Mydhili Pavuluri Ms.D. M. (O. (Ph.G) Asst.E. M. (O. Prof. (Sr. M. V. M.Tech. P.E. Kharchenko Nikolay Dr. (Ph. (Ph. M..E. (Ph. Prof.Tech. (S. M.E. Kumar Mr.G) Asst.G) Asst. R. (S. Prof. Ph.D. (Sr. (Sr. (O. K. A. Balaji Mr.E.Tech. S.G) Asst. (Sr. M. V. Prof. (O.) M. Prof..G) Asst.. Magesh 103 .E..G) Asst. Prof. Rajasekaran Mr.E... (Ph..D.G) Asst. Arun Prasad Mr. Prasanna Venkatesh Mr. Kingsly Jeba Singh Dr. P.D. Prof. V. Balamurugan Mr. Prof.) Ph.) M.. (O. Prof. (S. Prof. Shanmugam Dr. Prof.G) Asst. R. Murugesan Mr. A. Kamaraj Mr.G) Asst.E. D.G) Asst.E. (Ph.) M. M. M. Ph. Prof. H. R. Raja Mr. Prof. Premnath Mr. Uma Ms. Santhana Krishnan Mr. M.E. V. Brindha Ms. (Ph.G) Asst. (Sr. Prof. Murali Mr. M.G) Asst. Asst. M.) M. (S.D. Prof.G) Asst. (O. Karuppudaiyan Mr. Ph.Tech...D. M.D. S. K. R.E. Prof.E.E. (O..) M. V. (S. Indirani B. G.G) Asst.Sc.) M. M.E.D.Tech. (S.Tech. (O. Prof. (O. I.. E. M. G. M..Tech. (Ph.E. G) Asst. Raghavendra Rao Mr. (O.E.E. M.Tech.E. Prof. (O. M. (O. (O. M. Prof. D.G) Asst. P.D. (O. Purushothaman Mr. S. T. M.Sc. M.G) Asst. Vinayagam Ms.(Engg. M. M. R. (O.G) Asst. Prof. Guna Mr. Prof. Prof.Phil.E.E. M.E.E. M. Prof. K.G) Asst. M. M. Prof. (O. Prof.G) Asst. M. G.E. M. Yuvaraj Mr. Selvam Mr.G) Asst. M.A.G) Asst. M. R. Prof.G) Asst. M.G) Asst. M. Uma Sekar Mr. (O.G) Asst. M. S. Prof. J.E.E. M. S. M. Asst. Prof. Sucheta S Deshmukh Mr. Nagarajan Mr. (O.E. M. Soumya Ms. (O. Thavamani Mr. (O.. (O. (O.E.E. Muralidharan Ms. Prof. Prof. (O.E. Sivanathan Mr. Silambarasan Mr. (O.G) Asst. Sundar Mr. Prof. Jesugodwin Mr. M.E. M. (O. Balamurugan Mr.E. (O.E. Santhosh Rani Mr. M. Jeegatheesh Mr.E. B. (O. (O.G) Asst.Sc. S. Thamizhvanan Mr.G) MECHATRONICS Dr.G) Asst. Oliver Nesa Raj Mrs. (O.G) Asst.D. Brahanandham Mr. (O. Prof.E.G) Asst.G) Asst. M. Prof. M. S.G) Asst.E. S. A.B. (O. M. Varun Hassija M.G) Asst. M. Rajalakshmi Ms. G. V.E.E. A. Prof.E. Prof. P. V. (O. M. Ph. Prof. Maridurai Dr. (O. Balaji Ms. Chandra Sekaran Ms.G) Asst. Prof. Prof.G) Asst. T.G) Visiting Faculty Asst. Prof.. N. Pandithevan Mr.G) Asst.G) Asst. M.E.(Engg). (O. V. M. G. (O. Prof. M. (O. K.) M.. (O.G) Asst. Prof.E. M. P. (O.G) Asst. (Sr. Mathan Raj Mr.E. G. R.E. (O. Vinoth Mr.E. M. C. Prof.Tech.Tech. Prof.). Prof. (O. Sanjay Kumar Kar Ms.Tech. M. Prof. M. Daniel Glad Stephen Mr.G) Asst.E. M. T.E. Prof. M. Shashi Kumar Mr.G) Asst. Prof. (O. (Ph.E. M.E. Prof. J. (O. M.G) Asst. (O. Prof.Mr. Prof. T.G) Asst. V. Perungosh Mr. Sachidhanandam M. J. Prof. Ph.Tech. A. M. (O. K.G) NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Dr. M. Sermaraj Mr.Sc.D. Prof. Prof. M.D. Shobana Swarna Ratna Mr. (Sr.G) Asst. V. Malar Mannan Mr. B. Prof. Vaidyanathan Ms. (O. (O. Prof. S. M.G) Asst. R.E. M.G) Asst. Prof. Asst.G) Asst. Krithika 104 . (S.Tech. (O.G Professor & Head Asst. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst. Ph.G) Asst. Ambigai Mr.E.. G. Emmanvel Raja Mr. M. K. Gangadevi Mr. Prof. J. Phil.Sc. M.G) Asst. Mohanaselvi Mr.Phil. Merlyn Margaret Dr..D. (Ph. Vidhya Ms.) M.D.G) Asst. U.. S. (M. T.Phil.D.Sc.. S.. Senthilkumar Mrs. Ph.Phil. (O. M. Prof.Sc. M.. A. Remigius Perpetua Mary Mr.D. Prof. Bhaskar Mrs.MATHEMATICS Dr.D.Phil. N..G) Asst... M.G) Asst. Sudha Ms. (Sr. B.D. M.G) Asst. PGDCA.Phil. (O. M. (S.Phil. (Ph. S.D.. M.D. M. Prof. Prof.Sc.D. B. M.C. Ph. M.Phil. (O. Praveen Kumar Mr.G) Asst. Padmapriya Mr. Karthy Ms. MBA. Suresh Kumar Ms.Phil. Sangeetha Dr.Phil. M. Prof. M. (O. K. M.. (O. Srinivasan Dr. Prof.Sc.. Prof.D.) M.Sc.Phil.Phil.. B. Prof.Phil.D. M.D..G) Asst.D.. (Sr.Ed. (Ph. M. R. Sundarammal Kesavan Prof. (O. G. Ph. M. M..Ed. (Ph..Phil.. (S.G) Asst.Phil.. N. (O.Sc. T. M. M.G) Asst. M.C. M. M.Phil. M.) M.Sc.D. Prof. Vennila Ms.Sc.Sc.Sc.Phil..Sc. Ph.. M.. Vijayalakshmi Mr.. Prof.G) Asst. Babuji Pullepu Dr. Ph. Balaji Mr.G) Asst. Ph.D. Siva Mr. S.. (Ph. M.Phil.G) Asst.. M.Sc. Lavanya Mrs...G) Asst. (O. Ganesan Dr.Sc.Phil.. M. Prof. (O. PGDCA M. Vidyanandhini Ms. J. (Ph. (Ph. A.. (O. M. E. M.Sc.. N.D. Prof.Phil..G) Asst. Manimegalai Mr. Sundaresan Mr. M. (Ph.Phil.Sc.Phil. (Sr.Sc.Sc. Prof.Sc. (S.G) Asst.Sc. (O. (Ph. P. M. (Ph.. K.) M. M..G) Asst. M. Sampath Mr.D. Chandrasekaran Mr. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof.Sc.D.G) Asst. (Sr.Sc. M.G) Asst. (O.. Ph.) M. Prof. (Sr. (O. M. Prof. M.G) Asst. Prof... Senthil Kumar Ms.. PGDCA M. Govindarajan Dr.Phil.E. Prof.. Prof.) M.Phil. C. M. (Sr.... (O. Prof.Phil..Sc..D. Ph.G) Asst.) M. M. (Ph.) M. S.G) Asst. D.. M. B.G) Asst. Kannan Ms..Phil.D.. Rengarasu Mrs.. G. Baskaran Dr.G) Asst.Phil. Ph. D. M.. (O.. M. T.Phil. M. P.Phil.. Vijayakumar Dr.Sc. M.G) Asst. Prof.. M. Prof. M. Thanga Rajathi Mrs..Sc.G) Asst.Sc. M.. Uma Ms. Prof.G) Asst.Phil. Prof. (Ph..Sc. F. Prof. Prof. H.Sc. M. (Ph. M. M.Sc. D.) M. M.Sc.D..Phil. (Sr. (O. C.C M. Ph. M. (Sr..G) Asst. K. M.A. V. M.Sc. (O.Phil. (O. M.Phil. (O. Ph. Prof. M.D. M. Leelavathy Mrs.Phil. M. Prof. E.. M. Antiha Mr.. M.G) Asst.G) Asst. M.G) Asst. Kalaivani Mr. G. Sasi Kumar Mrs. M. Suja Mrs. Balaganesan Ms.) M. L.G) Asst. (O. (O.Phil. Jeyalakshmi Dr.Sc.Sc..Sc.Sc. Sujatha Ms. M.D. (Sr..G) Asst. M.Sc.. K. Ganapathy Subramanian Dr.G) Asst.Phil.) M. S. (Sr. M.. M. Prof. (Sr.Sc..D.Phil. M. T. M. (Sr. M.) Professor & Head Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Asst. J.. Prof. Prof.. Prof. M.G) Asst. M. S. M. (Ph. Parvathi Mr. Ph.Phil.) M. (S...Phil.). Prof.Sc.. G. (Sr..Sc.Sc. V.G) 105 .Phil..Phil. G.G) Asst. M. V. M.D. Prof. M.G) Asst.. (S.Sc.G) Asst. S.D.Sc. Prof. M.. Prof.A. Mageswari Mr. Shirly Glona M. M.. D.G) Asst...Sc.Sc. Prof. R. Abirami Dr.Sc.Phil.Sc..G) Asst.Phil.Sc. K. M.) M. (O. Sc.Sc. (O. M.Phil. Ph.Sc... Nirmala Mr..Phil.G) Asst. (O.G) Asst.G) Asst. T. (O.Phil.Sc. T.D.G) Asst.. Pushpa Malini M. M.Phil. Ph. M.G) Asst.G) Asst. Ph.Sc. Krishnamohan Dr.D. Abirami Mrs.. Karthikeyan Ms. R. Sampath Raj Mr.. Jositta Sherine Dr. M.) M... Ph. A.Phil..Ed.. R. M. (O. (O. (Sr.D. (O. Prof.Sc.D. Ph. Prabakaran M. M.G) Asst.G) Asst..D.G) Asst.Sc.. Ph. M.Tech.) M.D. S.Phil M.) M. (Ph..Sc.Sc. M.. M.. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst. (O.Sc. M. M.Sc. (Sr.) M. Mary Anjalin M.G) Research Scholar Research Scholar Research Scholar Research Scholar Research Scholar PHYSICS AND NANO TECHNOLOGY Dr. S. Prof. (O. Saravanan Mr.D. B.Sc. B. M. K. P. M. C. Janani Mr. Ph. M. Ph. M. Prof. M. (Ph.Phil.D.Ms. M. Prof. Alagiriswamy Dr. Ph. Prof. Ph. (O. Prof.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr..) M.D.Sc. Ph.D. M.Phil. Nirmala Ms. Ashok Mrs.Sc. M. Ph. Deepa Ms.G) Asst.Sc.D.Sc. M. Sudha Mrs. M. Ph. (O. Ramesh Mr.. Lenwathi Mrs. M..Phil. (Ph.Tech.D. Prof. Prof..) M.Sc.G) Asst. T. R..Phil.Ed. M.) M. (O.. X. Arun Dr. M.Sc.Sc. (Ph.Sc. M. Prof.. Prof.) M. Prof. M. Ph. Prof. (O.G) Asst.D.D.D.G) Asst. M. Ph.D.D.. Jeyalakshmi Dr.D.Sc.. M. A.. M. (Sr. M. Sivakami Mrs. M.. (Ph.Sc. Prof.D. D.Phil. R.Sc.Sc..Phil..Phil.G) Asst.. A. M.. M.Phil.. Prof.. Natarajan Dr.D. Kalaivani Dr. Naresh Raj Dr.Tech.G) Asst.Phil... M.) M..) M..Sc. (O.Phil. (O.Phil.G) Asst. M.D.) Asst. Ph. (Ph.Sc. PGDCA M.. Devikala Mr.. Ph... (O. M. K.G) Asst. Prof.) M. (Ph. M.D.Phil. (O.Phil. G.G) Asst.Phil. Prof. Amy Magdalene Paul Mrs.G) Teaching Asst.) M.. M. (Ph.D. (Ph. Prof. M. M. F.Phil. Janet Sabina Dr. K. Prof. (O...D... K. Lakshmi Kumar Dr.. (O. M.. Prof.Sc..Phil. M. Prof. CHEMISTRY Dr. Prof.Tech. (O.Sc..Phil.Sc.Phil.. Prabaharan Mrs. M. Prof. R. (O. Kathirvelu Mrs. Kamaraj Dr. (O. M. P. B. Professor & Head Professor Professor Asst.D.. Ph. K.. M. R. M. (Ph.. (Ph. A.. M. M.Sc...Phil. (Sr.) M. B. Geetha Dr.D.D.) M.. Prof.Ed.D.Sc. M.G) Asst. Prof.. Meenakshi Dr.) M. B. Prof.D. (PDF) M. Arthanareeswari Dr. Prof. T. (Sr.G) Asst. M. B. N.Sc.. (Ph.G) Asst.. Gopalakrishnan Mrs..G) Asst.D..D.Phil.D.Phil. V.Phil. Ph.D.G) Asst.Sc. J.G) 106 . R.Sc. A.. (S.Sc. S. A.G) Asst. V.Phil. Nithiyanantham Dr. (Ph.. Santhi Ms. M.Phil.(Nano Tech) Professor & Head Asst.Phil. Prof..D.. Anni Sujatha Dr. S.Sc.G) Asst... R. Arulmozhi Mrs. S.Sc. (Ph.Sc. (O. Prof.G) Asst.. M. (Sr.Sc.. Prof. M. (Ph.D. M..Phil. Prof. M. John Thiruvadigal Mrs.Sc. M. (PDF) M. M. Hariharan Dr.. Preferencial Kala Mr. John Bosco Mrs. B. Prof..G) Asst. (Ph. (O.. (O. (S. M. Subramanyam Ms. Prof.D. Ponniah Prof. Prof.B. V. (O. D. (Food Tech) German B..G) Asst. MMM (Marketing) M..Phil. Prof.A.) D..A. PGDCA. Japanese L-VI. (S.G) Asst. Diploma in French B.A. (French) M. (S.. M. (English) M. Prof..A. Ph. D..B.G) Asst. Krishna Mourthy Mr.G) Asst. (O. Bellarmine Dr.. C.A. (Sr.Phil. (English) M. J.E..A. (Ph.G) Asst. M. DSM. M.. Sreejith Mrs.G) Asst.E.Phil.G) Asst.Phil.G) Visiting Faculty Visiting Faculty MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dr. B. (O. R. B.G) Asst. Prof. B.D.B. (English) M.. M.A. (Sr..Sc. Rajalakshmi Mr. (Ph.S.D. B.. R. Monika Nair Mr.A. Devika Ms.G) Asst.B. A. M.A. M. (O. Cauveri Mr.D. (O. M.G) Asst. Asst.(French). Ph. (O. L-III B. (O.D.. Magdalene Sowmya Ms.Ed.E.Phil.....Phil.(English). M. Michael Raj Ms. M. L-II B. M..A.G) Asst. (Sr.Dr. PGDSM.E. (O.Phil. Sharada Mrs. Prof. Horizan Prasanna Kumar Mrs.D. Tamilarasan Mr. M. (O. B2 in German M.A. Sabastian Sathish Mr. M. Velu B.. M. M. (Hindi). Dip.. M. Ph. L-III.G) Asst.A.E.Phil. in French (AFM). (Sr. B..A. Prof. (O. S.A. M.A. Ph. PGCTE M. Prof.) B. Subbulakshmi Ms.G) Asst. Padmajaa Mr. Dip. (O. Ph. Bharati Mr.G) Asst. Shyamala Ms.A.G) Asst.. (O..D. Arockia Selvi Dr. S.K. Prof.A...G) Asst..A.E. Prof. K. Sankari Mr. M. Alagesan Ms.Sc. B.G) Asst. B.. in German M. Mathangi M..G) Asst. R.G) Asst. P. P. Prof.Sc. Prof. (O. Jayshree Suresh Prof. Vijaya Kumar Ms. Prof. FICWAI. (English) M. M.B.. Japanese--L-III.. M.G) ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES Dr. Prof. (O. Prof..A. (O. M. B..G) Asst. (O. M. Ph.A.G) Asst.Com (German) B.G) Asst.B.C..A.Sc. M. M.D. Anbazhagan Mr. Prof. K. Prof. Ph.G) Asst.. Prof. K. Prof.Ed. (French) M.(CSE).A. PGDFM. J... L-II.A.D. Rekhaa Mr. Natarajan Dr. (Sr. Prof. V.. Dip.. Ph. (English) M. M. Prof. (O.Phil. CAIIB. A. Muralidhara Thimmaiah M.. (French) M.P. in German M. Prof.Sc. (English) M..D.Sc.A. K.. Japanese L-IV.G) Asst. Prof.A. (Sr.A. (English) B. Prof. Nirmal Ephraim Mr.Phil. (Sr. (German) M. M. Japanese L-III M.Phil..A. Sundararajan Dr. Prof.S.Phil.. Prof. Jayagobi Dr. Dean Professor Professor Professor 107 . J. Professor & Head Asst. M. M.Tech. M. M. Japanese--L-III. Dr. T. Ramachandran Dr. Annavarapu Chandramohan Dr. P. Ravilochanan Dr. G. Ramaniah Dr. V. Balasubramanian Dr. K. Jeyaraman Dr. Sarprasatha Joe Dr. V. M. Shenbagaraman Mr. S. Senthil Kumar Mr. K. Sadasivan Ms. Nisha Ashokan Mr. S. Chinnathambi Mr. K. D. Balaji Dr. N. Santhoshkumar Ms. K. Priyakrishnan Mr. P. Saravanan Ms. R. Ramaa Ms. R. Srividya Mr. J. Dinesh Mr. Yaseen Masvood Mr. R. Shanmugam Ms. M. Vetriselvi Ms. S. Premlatha Mr. T. Vijayakumar Dr. R. Krishnaraj Dr. K. Vasanthikumari Ms. J. Devimanohari Ms. S. Kavitha Mr. S. Arunkumar Ms. L. Kanimozhi Ms. R. Shenbagavalli Ms. R. Poonguzhali Mr. M. Vinoth Ms. A. R. Shanmuga Priya Mrs. K. Santhanalakshmi Ms. M. Chitra Mrs. S. Sujatha Ms. P. S. Rajeswari Ms. B. Shyamaladevi Mr. R. Ananth Kumar M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., Ph.D. B.Com., M.B.A., Ph.D. M.A., M.Com., M.B.A., Ph.D. B.Com, M.B.A., M.Com., Ph.D. M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D. M.Com., M.B.A, Ph.D., PGDLL & AL B.Com., M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D. B.Sc., A.M.I.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D) B.A., M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) MFC, M.Phil., M.B.A., PGDST., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.Sc., M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., PGDHRM., PGDPM&IR., Ph.D. B.Com., M.B.A. M.B.A., M.Phil., PGDCA M.Sc., M.Phil. M.Sc., MPhil. B.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) M.B.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.B.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D.) M.B.A., PGDHCA, M.Phil., (Ph.D.) M.B.A., M.Phil., MFM, (Ph.D.) M.B.A., PGDMM., Ph.D. B.B.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. M.B.A., (M.Phil.) B.Com., M.B.A. B.Sc., M.B.A., (M.Phil.) B.E., M.B.A. M.B.A., (Ph.D.) M.B.A., (Ph.D.) M.B.A., (M.Phil.) M.B.A., M.Phil. 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Hari Priya Mr. Jawahar Philimis Mr. V. Suresh Ms. Priya Xavier Ms. R. Subbulakshmi Mr. G. Venugopalan Mr. Jacob Pratabaraj Ms. S. Vasumathy Hariharan Ms. P. Suganthi Mr. W. A. Abdul Nasser Mr. S. Kumaresh Mr. T. Velmurugan Ms. K. Kavitha Mr. V. Siva Sankaran Ms. K. Subathra Mr. S. C. Rajan Daniel Mr. R. Sakthikumar Mr. C. Sriram Ms. Giftleen K Jebakumar Mr. S. K. Manivanan Dr. P. Abirami Mr. E. Pradeep Ms. P. Jotheswari B.A., M.B.A. B.Tech., M.B.A. B.Tech., M.B.A. B.E., M.B.A. B.B.A., M.B.A. B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.Tech., M.B.A. B.Tech., M.B.A. B.B.A., M.B.A. B.Com., M.B.A. M.B.A. B.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil. B.B.A., M.A., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.E., M.B.A. M.B.A., PGDFM., MPhil., (Ph.D.) B.B.M., M.B.A., PGDHE.,(Ph.D.) M.Com., M.B.A., MFM, M.Phil., (Ph.D.) B.B.A., M.B.A. B.Cop., M.B.A., PGDFTM B.B.A., M.B.A., (Ph.D.) B.B.A., M.B.A, M.Phil. B.E., M.B.A. B.E., M.B.A. M.B.A., M.Phil. M.A., M.Phil., M.B.A. M.S., M.B.A. B.Tech., M.B.A. B.A., M.B.A. B.Sc., PGDM (IIM-Ah.) M.C.S., M.Phil., Ph.D. B.E., M.B.A. B.Com., M.B.A Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (S.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (S.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof. (O.G) MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Dr. A. Subbarayan Dr. S. Govindarajan Dr. H. Srimathi Mr. K. Manikandan Mrs. P. Visalakshi Mrs. V. Elezabeth Jesi Mr. N. Mohamed Ibrahim Mrs. A. Meenakshi M.Sc., Ph.D. Ph.D. M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. M.C.A., M.Phil., M.S., (Ph.D.) M.C.A., M.S., (Ph.D.) M.C.A., M.Phil., M.S., (Ph.D.) M.C.A., M.Phil. M.C.A., M.Phil., M.S., (Ph.D.) Professor & Head Professor Professor Asst. Prof. (S.G) Asst. Prof. (S.G) Asst. Prof. (S.G) Asst. Prof. (S.G) Asst. Prof. (Sr.G) 109 Mr. M. Eliazer Mr. Paul Prabakaran Pugazhenthi Mr. T. K. Sivakumar Mr. K. Senthilkumar Mrs. M. S. Abirami Ms. J. Anitha Ruth Mrs. M. Uma Ms. B. Priyadharshini Mrs. S. Anjugam Mr. A. Vijay Bharath Mrs. K. M. Umamaheswari Mr. P. Christopher Mr. A. Pandian Mr. J. Venkata Subramanian Mr. S. Saravanan Mr. M. Anand Mr. V. V. Ramalingam Ms. M. Metilda Florence Ms. R. Thenmozhi Mrs. F. Ezhil Mary Arasi Ms. S. Kavitha Mrs. S. Kanchana Devi Mrs. R. Yamini Mrs. R. Rajarathinam Ms. Daphne Sherine Ms. S. P. Angelin Claret Ms. A. Rajalakshmi Ms. K. Subhashini M.C.A., M.Phil., M.S., (Ph.D.) M.C.A., M.S., (Ph.D.) M.C.A., M.Phil. M.C.A., M.Phil. M.C.A., M.Phil., (M.Tech.) M.C.A., M.Phil., M.S., (Ph.D.) M.C.A., M.Phil., (M.Tech.) M.C.A., M.Phil., (M.Tech.) M.C.A., M.Phil. M.C.A., M.Phil., (M.S.) 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Prof. (O.G) LIBRARY Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. P. Yesudoss M.A., M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D. M.A., M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D. University Librarian Documentation Officer Dean Placement Officer Dy. Placement Officer PLACEMENT CELL Mr. S. Ganapathy Mr. N. Venkata Sastry Mr. P. Saravanan B.Com., M.B.A., PGDFM B.Sc., M.A.(IR&PM) B.E., M.E., M.B.A. 110 Mythreyi Koppur Mr.G) Asst.Ed. (O. C. Prof. (O.. (O. PGDCA.. (O. M. (O. M.M. Prof.Phil..G) Asst.A.) M...G) Asst.Phil.Phil...A. G. M.Sc. M. (O.G) Asst. (O.Phil.A..Phil.P. K. (O. PGDHE B. M.A. Physical Director Physical Directress Physical Director MAINTENANCE Mr. M. (Sr.) B.Ed. Sumathi Mr..G) Asst. D..A. M.Mr. M.. P. (Ph. M.A. Thirumurugan Mr. M. M.G) Asst. Priyanand Mr. (Ph. Merlin Lydia Ms.A.A. R.Phil.Sc.. S..B.Phil.Phil..Ed. Sarala Ms. Prof. (O.Sc. (O. M. Mythili Mr. M. Prof. M..Phil. (M.C.G) Asst. Prof.G) Asst. (O. MIE.A. M.Com. (O. MPhil. S. P.Phil. B.Ed.Sc. Louis Raj Mrs. Placement Asst. Prathap Chandran Ms. Prof.E. J.. V. M..A.. M. M..E.Phil.Phil M. (O.G) Asst. Prof.. Prof. Placement Asst. M.Phil.. (O. M.A.. P.D. M. V. B.G) Asst.) M. (O..Phil.P.G) CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Mrs. Santha Mr.Phil.) M. Mahendran Ms. (O. (O. M. Prof. M. Kavitha Ms. PGDGC.D..B. Revathi Mr.A.E. Mythili B.G) Asst. PGDOR.S. M. M. Prof. Prabhu Ms.A. Y.) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr.. A. K. Mohamed Ibrahim Mr. Sridharan Ms. C. M. S. (M. (O. Prof. Prof. Jayapragash Mrs. Prof. Jr.G) Asst.B. C. Prof. M.Ed. Maintenance Engineer 111 .Phil.G) Asst. M. M. J. Harinarayana Rao Mr.. B. S. Com.D.A.PGDBM M.Sc.Ed. M.G) Asst.A.. Prof. Vijay Ms.. Harikumar Mr. M.... Prof. (O. Jubilet Gnanachellam Mr.. S. T.G) Asst. Prof.A. M. M.Ed.. B. M.G) Asst..Ed. U..) M. M.Phil. Priyadarsini M. M.Ed. Prof. M. M.B.G) Asst.G) Asst...B.A. Prof. MISTE B. Asst.. (M. Vivekanandan Mr.Sc.D.P. M. Madhusoodhanan Mr. M. D. V. M.G) Asst. Maruthamuthu M.A. ( Electrical ) Estate Officer Asst. Asathalikhan B.A. Sabastian Mr.Com. (Ph.G) Asst. Prof.A.. K. Prof. M. M. (S.M..Phil. M. ... DTP Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator LIBRARY Mr. Muthukutti Mr. Mohan Mr. Nithyananthan Mr.Com. Sridhar Mr.A. Vivekanandhan Mr.C.Com. R.) B. Asst.L.A. K.Sc M.B. Manoharan Mr.A.) M. N.C.Sc. M.) Assistant Registrar Deputy Manager Asst.L. M.Phil.Com. M. M. V. Sudhakar Mr..L.A. Murali Mr.D.A.Phil. Ravichandran Mr. M..L.) (B. B. Mohamed Ismail Mr. S.) B. Manikandan Mr. A. S. P. Jr. S. S. PGDEAS M. R. Sureshkumar M. M. V.Sc. M..B.I. S.I.A.A.Com.A.L. Stenographer Purchase Asst.A. Librarian Asst. Wordsworthmanivannan Mr. Chandramohan Mr.Phil.C.. S.Sc.C..I.Com. D.L. K. S. D. V. H. Programmer Jr.Phil. V.A. Asst. Sudalaimuthu Mr. S.) B.C. A. (M. Janarthanan Mr.L.) B. Lokesh Ms. M. P.Sc.A. Librarian Asst. (B. M.C. Kannan Mr. B.. A. Asst. P. Gr-I Lib.Sc.. Shankar Mr. Asst. Manager(Finance) Cashier Assistant-II Assistant-III Programmer Assistant Stores Asst. Office Asst. A. Librarian Asst. Ushagandhi Mr.A. M.Com. DTP Operator Jr. Jagadeesan Ms.Sc. Ramesh Kumar Mr. 9TH H. A.Sc.. Chandra Menan Mr. M.A. Krishnan Mr. A.I.I.. Attender (Sg) Record Asst. M.. Manickaraj Mrs. Ka. S. Gr-I Lib. Ranjith Kumar Mr. M. A. L. B.. P. N. Anandan Mr.U.S. P. Kalyana Sundaram Mr.I.S. Kalpana M..I. G.I.S. Murugan Mr.C B.Sc.Sc. K. M.I. R.Tech) M.C. M. Librarian Asst. M. Gr-I 112 .A. Asst. M.A. Librarian Asst.L. M. M. DAMT. M. Uma Maheshwari Mr. B. Sundaraj Mr..NON-TEACHING STAFF KATTANKULATHUR CAMPUS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Mr.Tech.A.Phil. Neelagandan Mr.Asst. M.A. M. B.Com. B. M.Asst(Accounts) DTP Operator Acct. M. (B. S. Pugalendhi Mr. (Ph. M.. M.Com. M. J. Junior Asst.Sc. Janakiraam Mr.L.Sc. K.A. M.Asst. M. DMO (M.Sc. (M.A. (B. M.Com.L. Librarian Cataloguer Lib.L.I.A.Sc. Janaradhanan Mr. M. B.L. N. Senthil Kumar Mr. M.Com.A..L.Sc. S. Hemanathan Mrs. K. S. M.. Suresh Mr.A. K. Gr-I Lib. M. N.I. Gr-II Lib. Vasu Mr.C M. (M. M. Asst. Gr-I Lib. B.I.. S. P. E.S. Gr-I Lib.B.A) B.B.Com.I. R. DCACC S. S. Asst.L.Com.Sc..S. Prabhakaran Ms. Manager DTP Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator Xerox Operator Xerox Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator Xerox Operator Xerox Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator Xerox Operator DTP Operator DTP Operator Xerox Operator ARCHITECTURE Mr. M.C.L. M.S. Gr-I Lib. M.. (M. Gunasekaran B. B. (B. K.S.L.C H. Geetha Mr. M. B.C S. E..A.Sc. Ambikapathi Mr. K. Gr-I Lib. Sagayarani Mrs. V. PGDDEC DRTA.C..A. B.C.L.C H. Asst.Sc. B.S.L. M.Sc.C B.A.S. Varalakshmi Mr.A) B.C M.S. R. S.. Gr-I Lib. M. Logamani Mr.Sc H. Asst. Natesan Mrs. Nathan Mr. Asst. Asst. Dinesh Kumar Mr.A. Asst.. B. Buvaneswari Mr. Rajesh Mr.C H. Pitchammal Mrs.S. Mekala Mr. Gr-II Lib.L. S. B.A. R.S.S.C H. Asst. A. S.I. Rahini Mrs.S. R. Gr-II Clerk Xerox Operator Programmer Attender Attender Attender DTP AND REPROGRAPHICS SECTION Mr.A. Asst.Sc.Sc. Asst. Saravanan B. P. Kamalakkannan Mr. Williams Mr.Ed.C CAD Instructor DTP Operator Model Making Workshop Assistant 113 . S..Com.Sc. Gr-I Lib.I. Asst. S.A. B. Anandan Mr.A. V.C Lib. Gr-II Lib.L. Gr-II Lib. Amaran Mr. Jothilakshmi Mr. Anand Kumar Mr.. R.A. M.S. Saravanan ITI B. Tech. Abraham Edinborough Ms.L. M.Com. B. B. A. T. Saraswathi Mr.A.L. Asst. Senthil Kumar Mrs.A. M.C H.I. V. Yuvaraj Mr. K.Phil. M. C.S.. G.. B.Com. S.I.A) H. M. Vishnu Prasad Mr. Sagadevan Mr.A. Dhanalakshmi Mr. M. M. Thirumalai Mr.L.L. Thinakaran Mrs. Gr-II Lib.) B. Elangovan Mr. Asst.A. V. Saravanan Mr. Ramachandran Mrs. Ganesh Mr. K. Diploma in Hardware (B.) B.C (B. S.Sc B. K.Mrs. M. A.A. Vijayaragavan Mr. Y. Chandranathan Lab Assistant BIO-INFORMATICS Ms.M. Jenkins Roy Mr.. Vinoth Kannan Ms..S. Balamurugan Mr. ITI ITI.Tech.L. B. Narayanan Ms. DTP Operator BIO-TECHNOLOGY Mr.M.Ed. N..Sc.Sc.I. Workshop Supt. B.M.Com.. E. M.Sc. Sampath Mr.Sc. R.E.Sc.Phil. M..A.A. B. Grade) Engine Instructor Lab Assistant BIO-MEDICAL Mr.A B.Ed. M.. Kavitha Mrs.E. DTP Operator Lab Assistant Lab Assistant 114 .Ed. Sivashankari Mr. Lab Assistant.. Choudhury Mr.Phil. Seetha Ms. B. Kabila Mr. David Palraj B. S. M. Thanigaivel Mr. Yuvaraj Mr.AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Mr.P. J. K. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Mr. R. M.A. T. S. Chitra D.E. Bairavamoorthy (B. Iswarya Ms.. Bilal Ahmed Ms. D.) B. Chandrasekar Ms.. Hafizulla Khan Ms. Assistant Technician Office Assistant. B. M. M. Nithya Mr. M. B. DNCC. B.PGDCA B. M.Phil. E. K. Nagasathiya D. M. G. D.C.E. K. ITI.E B.Sc. M. Archana Devi Ms. Tech.. A. ITI Asst.. B... V.A. M.Sc. E. D. Selvam Mr.C. C. ITI Supervisor (Sr. M.Sc.Sc. D. Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Store Keeper Lab Assistant. B. N.Sc B.M. Technical Asst. V. James Mr.Sc. Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Instructor(spg) DTP Operator Instructor Instructor DTP Operator Instructor Lab Instructor BIO-PROCESS Mr. R. Kathir B. B. M.Sc.Sc. Alamelu Mr.Sc.. A.A.C. B.Sc. M.E. Vijayakumar Mr. M.A. Ganesan Ms.C. Shajahan Mr.. M. M. Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Library Assistant Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer DTP Operator COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Ms.G.B.Sc. N.Tech.M. R.C.M.E. N. D.A) D.Tech.. Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Technical Assistant DTP Operator Technical Assistant CIVIL ENGINEERING Mr. Jamuna Rani Ms. Thambu Gladstan Ms. S.A. B. B.C. Yamuna B. Rajasekaran Ms.A B.C. M. Vinoth Kumar Mr. J.) B. P.A.(IT) (B. G. Geetha Ms. C. (M.A. M.Phil. M. P. M. N. B. (IT). PGDCA. R. Kavitha Mr.A.B.Tech. (M.C.. B. Anitha Ms. M. Elumalai Ms.C.Tech.Sc.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Mrs. R.Sc. Anuja Ms.A. Meganathan Mr.M.) M.C. M. R.E.A. G. Sivaraj Mr.E.. PGDCA D. Panneer Selvam Mr. D.. Anand Mr. A.A.) B. A. E.Com.. Arivazhagan Mr. Janarthanan Mr. Paramasivam Ms. Vijayakumar Ms. M. G. M. B. B. M. (M.A..Phil.C. Sathya Mr. V.Sc.T. M. S.C. Fahamitha Mr. C.Sc. K.Tech. (M.B. Nizar Babu Mr.S. Venkatesh Mr. S. Ramesh Mr. Vaidegi M.. Programmer DTP Operator Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer 115 .) M..Com. M.B..Sc. M.A. M.Tech M. B.A. N. M.Tech. Jangannaathan ITI(MOULDER) D. Mohan M.A Lab Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Programmer Lab Assistant Technical Assistant Lab Assistant Programmer Assistant COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Mr. Sarrumathi Ms.Sc. B. Srinivasa Senthil Mr. V.) M.C. T.Phil. P. M. M. R. Sasidharan Mr. (M. M. T.A.E. (M.C.C.A M.Tech. Deepa Rani Mr. D. M.Sc.(IT) 8th M.. V.Phil. Vembu Ms. D.) M. P.B. M. Yuvaraj Mr..H.Sc..Tech) M.O.T. Anbarasi Mr.Tech. Anbu Mr. Arioli Mr... D.A. (B.Sc.Tech. D. A. M. M. Prakash (Sr) Mr. Baskar Mrs.E.Com.Tech. Jayanthi Mr. Umalakshmi Mrs. K... B. Devi Mr.E.C.. J.Sc.E. Subramanian Ms.E. B.Tech. Kanchana Mr. H.E.C. (B.A.Tech.A.A.Ed.Sc. R.A. Elavel Visuvanathan Mr. Programmer Programmer Programmer Assistant ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Mr. K.E.A.C. B. M. Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer DTP Operator INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Ms.Com. K. B. L.C.C. Mohandoss M. G.C.E. K.Ed. B.C. B. Kothandaraman Mr. Anitha Ms. G.Tech) D. M.E. Padmavathy Mr.) M. Seetharamani Mr. P.E. M.C. Srinivasan Mr. M.Phil. Rekha Mrs.Sc.E.C.E. Muthubabu Ms. PGDCA.C. K.E..E. B. Ilavarasi B.E. M. Jayavelu M.A.E D. Elavarasi Mr.E.A. Programmer Technical Assistant Programmer Programmer Programmer Technical Assistant Programmer DTP Operator Programmer Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant DTP Operator DTP Operator Xerox Operator GENETIC ENGINEERING Mr. D..B. D. C.Sc. Soosai Manickam Mrs. Lidya Mr. Prakash (Jr) Mrs.Tech. Deepan Mr.A.E..E. Karthikeyan M. Arumugam Mr.E..A.Com.C.C.C. Ranganathan Mr. D. B. Technical Assistant Technical Assistant DTP Operator Technical Assistant INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr. D.E. Nagalakshmi Ms.. S. Murugan Mr. B. Sethuraman Mr.C. (B..Tech) D. DTP operator Programmer Programmer 116 . B. M.C.. Neelakandan Mr.A B. A. K.C. Sujan Mrs. (M. (B. (B. W. S. J. Jiji Retna Kumar B. G.C..E. B.E. S. PGDCA.) D. B. M.Sc. A.E. S. Siddharthan Ms. N. G..Tech. D. Kasthuri Mr. B.. A.) B. K. Gomathy Mr. (PDCA) D. PUC B.B.E.C.Tech. B.E .Sc. R. (B. M. (B.. T.E. M. V.E. S. M.) D.Tech) D.. HSC. Kadirvelu Mr.A. Balaji Ms.C. A. M.E. V. D.Ms. D.C. (B.E. D. S.) ITI.E.E.V. NATC Dip.Machinist Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technician . A. ITI.. S.E. S..Fitter Technician . N. NTC D.Turner 117 . B. NTC. NATC ITI.Fitter Technical Assistant Technician .T.C.A.. Vijayaragavan Mr.E.C ITI.) D. NTC. H. NATC. B. C. Gnanasekaran Ms.C. Workshop Instructor Workshop Instructor Workshop Instructor Workshop Instructior Technician . (B..A. Paulraj Mr. (B. Sampath Mr.D. (B.M.Sheet Metal Technical Assistant Technician . NTC.. Sundar Mr. K. D.Turner Technical Assistant Technician – Fitter & Smithy Technician .B. Jayaraman Mr.E.. NTC.E.Tech. K.) ITI.Lit.. E. NTC ITI. A. William Thiraviaraj Mr.E. R & A/C S. B.L. Pandian Mr.Welder Technician .A ITI. NATC. Ramesh Mr. NTC. Gunasekaran Ms. Sampath B. C.E.S. Madankumar D.E.E. (B. (B.Sc. L. K.A.M.A. S... Ancy Mr.. Bhaskar Mr.E. G. Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Lab Assistant DTP Operator Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Programmer Programmer Technical Assistant MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mr.. Frasncis Carvalho Mr.E. Elangovan Mr.E.E. V. S. G.Thermal Technician .. NATC ITI. D..A. Jayaraman Mr. Sankar Mr. R. V. Sundaraj Mr. M. Padmavathy Mr. CAT... A.Welder Technician . NTC. NTC. NATC D..Thermal Laboratory Assistant Technician . (B. Asokan Mr. NTC. Sampath Narayanan Mr. NTC. C..M. Divakaran Mr. NATC Workshop Supdt.. D. P. A. NTC ITI. D.E. B. P. V. B.. G. R.E. S. M. Ramachandran Mr. S.Turner Technician .Turner Technician . NTC.M.Workshop Supdt. Palani Ganesa Chakravarthy Mr.INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Ms. NATC D. P. R.M. Asst. D.. J.E. D. R. Thirumal Mr.Carpenter Technician . S. NATC D. N.A.E.. Srinivasan Ms.E.E.S. ITI. D. Amudhapriya Ms..M.E. Prabhakaran Mr.Machinist Technician .. Joseph Muthu Sekar Mr. Ganesan Mr.) M. R.. G.B.A. Palayam Mr.) B. M..E.. ITI.Turner Technician .E.) ITI. Vetrivelan Mr. Vanitha Mr.) D.E. S. ITI.Welder Technician .Tech..B. Mohana Krishnaswamy Mr. Arumugam Mr. Nagarajan Mr.E. (D. (B.. Thirunavukkarasu Mr. T. V.) ITI.M.. CCA ITI. A. Santhi Ms. S.E.E. Kalidoss Mr. NTC.M.) ITI ITI...Tech. S.L.I. Rekha Mr. B.E. K.Carpenter DTP Operator DTP Operator Technician . Prakasam Mr. R.M. E. Jaina D.Sc.E. G.. Inbasegaran Mr.C.PGDCA. Mathiyalagan Mr. S. B.Mr.C.Sc..E.M. (M..S..Sc. I. (M. C.Ed.E. S. M. CHT. Sekar Mr.A. Shakunthala Mr. Murali Mr. D.A.A.Com..M.E. ITI B.Sc. C. Devithilagam Ms.S.C.I D. (M. (S.) B.C. Saravanan B. Lab Asst. Y. A. B. A. S.Sc.S. B.S (IT).Sc.E.A.. N. Sundarraj Mr. R.T. M. (B. C.L. DTP Operator Attender PHYSICS AND NANO TECHNOLOGY Mr. Anitha M.Sc. A. S.M. J. M.C.C. M. Lab Assistant Technical Assistant DTP Operator 118 . Arun Mr. M.S.) (B. B. Senthukumar Mrs.Sc. T. N.E. E. Rajendran Mr. G. G.). Technical Assistant Technician – Machinist Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Assistant DTP Operator MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Mr. V.L.L. Ramesh Mr.Phil.M. S. Madhu Mr. S. Augestine Aseervatham Ms.Sc.) S. D.) (B. Thanam Mr.Sc. P.C.. DOA. Ananthan Mr. ADWD.E. S.) B. K. Lakshman Kumar Mr. Programmer Lab Assistant DTP Operator Stores Assistant DTP Operator Programmer Store Keeper Programmer Programmer MATHEMATICS Mr. Dinakaran Mr. N. K. R. Subashini Mrs. V.C.) B.Sc. S. DTP Operator Office Assistant Office Assistant ENGLISH Mr. (M. Srinivasan Mr.. D. Ranjith Mr. D.S. A.Tech..) B. Murugan Mr. M. DTP.L.Tech.A. M.A. Sundara Vadivel B.L. Jayasudha B. DTP Operator Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant CHEMISTRY Ms. Deivasigamani Mr.Sc.. Rajkumar Mr.M. Gomathi Ms. Vellaidurai Pandian Ms.L.S. Vijay Anand Mr.. Baskar B.Com. B.C. Dhanapal Mr. Prabhakaran Mr. S. P. Nithyanandan Mr. M. B.M.M. G. R. Madhankumar Mr. S. N.L. DITT 9th B. D. Elumalai Mr. Sridevi B. Nambi Mr. DTP Operator DTP Operator CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Mr. Murugan Mr. Manager Asst.L.S.F.E. S.C & Intercom) DG Supervisor Purchase Officer Tractor Driver P. M. Kasinathan Mr. V. 6th D. B. V.E D.Com. P. N. DTP operator DTP Operator MAINTENANCE Mr.RTAE ITI ITI S. M.A. G. Sam Vijaya Anandan Ms. Kalaiselvan Mr. R. ITI ITI B. C.S ITI M. Rajendra Lesslie Mr.L. K. E.C.Com. S. S. Gopal Mr. J. S.E. Senthil Kumar S. G. Rajmohan Mr. Rajendran Mr. V. S. Ramkumar Mr. Ramalingam Mr. Kalvikarasi B. Srinivasan Mr. R..A.C. M.( Electrical ) D.L. A. V. S. Indumathi Mr. Velmurugan Mr. Baskar Mr.Com. Engineer Administrative Officer Junior Engineer Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor (Electrical) Supervisor (A.System Operator Telephone Operator Welding Helper Store keeper Attender DTP Operator PA System Operator A/C Plant Operator DG Operator Roneio Operator Plumber Plumber Electrician Sr. B.C. M.C. K.E. Amsavarthini Mr. Manikandan Mr.PLACEMENT AND TRAINING CELL Mrs. Rajendran Mr.S. Baghyalakshmi Ms.A. D. Kannapiran Mr. R.L. Dip.Com. S. Rajendran Mr. Experience Experience ITI ‘B’ Licence ITI 6th 9th ITI B. K. Thagapillai Mr.A.C Plant Operator 119 . Manoharan Mr. Murugan Mr.A. P. M.A. Athikesavan Mr. Venkataraman Mr. Ilavarasan Mr. Electrician Electrician Plumber Electrician Supervisor Electrician Electrician DTP Operator PA System Operator Electrician Supervisor Supervisor (Fire & Safety) Electrician Centralised A. Vivek Mr.C. 9th B. Ambalavanan Mr.S. R. G. S.C. P. B.A. Sivachidambaram Mr.T.M. J. S.Sc. Meyyalagan Mr. Sudhakar Mr. D. K. K. S.E.S.S. Pandian Ms.E. Shanmugam Ms. L. R. R. S.F. ITI ITI (A/C Mechanic) D. R. H. R. Shridhar Chari Mr.C.Ed) Supervisor (Staff Quarters) HK Supervisor (Tech Park) HK Supervisor (Tech Park) Store Assistant HK Supervisor (Univ.Com. M. B. Alagaiya Mr.) Office Assistant (Univ.) Office Assistant DTP Operator 120 . Rabi Mr.E. S. M. ITI B.C. Bldg. Rajkumar Mr. Pavithra Mr. D. M. Muthumariappan Mr.S.C ITI ITI ITI ITI Diploma in Hotel Management B. D. P.E. U. P.B.C. Deepa H.C.Com.E. Rojar Mr. Kaviarasan Mr. Rajesh Mr.A.E. E. Velmurugan Mr. Muthukumar Mr.A. D. Zonal Security Officer Electrician Supervisor (Motor Vehicles) Electrician Electrician Supervisor (House Keeping) Supervisor (House Keeping) A. P.(Civil) 9th ITI ITI D. C. R..Mr. S. Anandan Mr. B. D. Durairaj Mr.S. Vemburaja Ms. Mohan Ms.S.S.Sc.E. L. John Bosco Mr. Venugopal Mr.A. Sivakumar Mr. Sathish Kumar Mr.S.Ed B.Com. Bldg.C. T. S. B. Vijayakumar Mr. ITI B. N. T. D. S.L. Sangeetha Mr.E. A.L. S. Antony Sami Mr. H.L. 9th H. Ganesan Mr. H. M.C.C.C. Jenova Ms. K. S. S. Balakrishnan Mr.E (Trainee) Attender AC Mechanic Pump Mechanic Supervisor (UPS) Supervisor (Civil) Supervisor (Civil) Plumber Junior Assistant Security Checking Officer Security Control Officer Smart Class Incharge Supervisor (Annexure) HK Supervisor (Food Court) Maintenance i/c (Bio / B. Prabhakar Mr. B. S. K.E. Balasubramanian Mr. A.S. K. Chellappan Mr.E. S. S.(Hotel Management) B. Mohamed Owais Mr.A. S. Prof. S.G) Asst. Raja Rajeshwari Mr. Prof.E.E. Prof. (O.E.E. M. Prof. Augustian Isaac Mr. V. N. Asst.FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY RAMAPURAM CAMPUS -TEACHING STAFF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Mrs. B. Senthilkumar Ms. M.E. E.G) Asst. M. Bindhu Parkavi Mr. Prof. Pandiaraj Mrs. B.E. Prof. S.E. M. (O.G) Asst.Tech.E.G) / HOD i/c Asst.Tech. Nithya Mr. Priya Ms.G) Asst.G) / HOD i/c Asst.G) Asst. Mary Sobana M. Chellaiah Mrs. E. M.G) Asst.G) Asst. S.E. M. S. Bennet Praba Mr. Prof. Prof. (O. Rajkumar Mrs. Kumuthavalli B. Prof. (O. Mythili M. Poovaraghan Ms. Ramani Mr.G) Asst. (O. M. P. Prof.G) ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Ms. M. M.G) Asst. L. M. M. (O. Reji Mrs.Tech.G) Asst. G. Sathiya Priya Ms. (O.G) Asst. M. Poovannan Ms.E.G) Asst. P . S. Prof.E. Priya Rathi Ms. (O. M. A.Tech. (O. (O.Tech. Prof. B. M. Sundar Mr. Prof. Prof. Petrishia Ms. (O. (O. (O.G) Asst.E. Prof. (O. M. R. K.G) Asst.E. Prof. M. V. (O. T. Prof. Jayakumar Ms. Jhon Shalini Ms. Prof. M.E.G) ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Mr. B.E. Prof. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst. M. K. (O. (O.E. Prof. (O. Jayasakthi Mr.G) Asst. B.E.G) Asst. D. (O. S.E.G) Asst.E. V. M. (O. Sri Sabarimani Ms. Prof. J. M. M.G) Asst. G. Prof. K. (S. (S. Prof. Prof. S. G.Tech. Asst. (O. (O. Prof.G) Asst. (O. Prof.E. Praveena Mr. (O. J. M.Tech.G) Asst. Prof.G) Asst. Ramkumar Prabhu Ms. Prof. Rathika Mr.E. Prof.G) Asst. Arun Kumar Ms. Revathi Mrs. (O. J. Prof. M. R. B. S. (O. A.Tech. C. Prof.G) 121 . Sakthivel Mrs. Nithya Mrs. M. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst. (O. Prof. B. Periasamy Mr. M.E.Ramesh Mr. Prof. S. Balika. Kamalakannan Mr. T. R. K. (O. M.G) Asst.G) Asst. (O. Arul Kumar Mrs.E. A.G) Asst.E.G) Asst. P. Prof. M.G) Asst. Prof. (O. (Sr. Prof. (O.G) Asst. Prof.E. M. Sankarapandiammal Ms. Aravindan Mr.G) Asst. M. Prof.E. M.E. (O. (O. M.E.G) Asst.Tech. Salai Aaviyamma Mr.Tech. M. S. Asst. K. (O.E. A. Prof. Ganesh Mr. M. Kavitha Sudha Mr.G) Asst. M. (O. (O. (O. (O. B. B. B.Tech.E.G) Asst. Prof. J. P. (O. M. (S. Rajiv Palaniappan Ms. M.G) Asst. G.Sc.Phi..E. Kanimozhi Mr.G) Asst.Sc.G) Asst.G) Asst. Prof.E.E. (Sr. (O. Prof. Asst. (O.E. Sivamohan Ms. Prof.E.G) Asst.E.G) Asst.. Dhanalakshmi Mrs. S.Phil.E. Prof.G) Asst. S.Tech. M. (O. M. (O. S. (O.G) Asst.Sc. K. M. S. (O.. M.Tech. (O. Prof.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr. B. R. M.E.G) / HOD i/c Asst.. Vishnupriya Mr. Padmanaban Ms. Prof. M.Phil. (O.Sc. M. (O. Madhavi Mr.G) Asst.Tech.E. Karthika Ms. Liza M. Shakeela Sathish Mrs. Prof.G) Asst. M. (O. Prof.G) Asst.G) CIVIL ENGINEERING Dr. (O. K. T. M. (O. M.G) Asst. T. M. (O. Rani Mrs. B. M.G) Asst.Phil. M.G) Asst. A. Prof. Prof.E.E. V. A. Padmapriya Mr.Sc.G) Asst. Prof. N. Nandha Kumar Mr. M. Prof.G) Asst. Saraswathi M. (O.. Vijayalakshmi Mrs. Prof.G) / HOD i/c Asst.G) Asst.G) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mr. Prof. M. Sujatha Mr. Jagadeesan Mrs. (O. D. M. Prof. Prof. K. M. Dinesh Ms.G) Asst. M. Prof.Sc. S. Dhanalkshmi Ms. Dennie John Mr.Sc. M.Rathiga Ms. C.E. R. Sethilvelan Mrs. Sindhu Devi Ms. V. Prof. (O. S.. Senthil Mr. M. (O.Phil.D. Beaula Ms.G) Asst. (O. Prof. (O.G) Asst. M.Phil. M. Prof. Prof. Prof. (O.l M. S. R. (O. Asst. Professor & HOD Asst.E. Prof. Prof. Raghu Mrs.Tech. Prof. P. Asst. Srividya Ph. (O.Sc.Sc. P. Arockia Aswini Mr.E. M. (O. M. S. (O. (O.Sc.G) Asst.Phil. (O. Shiek Mansoor Mr. Harikrishnan M. M. M. M.E. Kunjachan Mr. M. K. Stellamary Mr. Prof. K. (O. Prof. M. Vadhana Azhmi Mr.E. Vaidhyanathan Ms.G) Asst.Tech. Prof. M. (O. T. M. Prof. (O. B. (O. B.G) Asst. T. M. M.G) / HOD i/c Asst. Muthu Selvan Mr.E.Tech. M.G) Asst. M. Prof. Karthikeyan Mr. (S. M. Prof. Eunice Jemima M.G) Asst. (O.Sc.G) Asst.G) Asst. Muralidaran Mr. (O.. Prof.E. K. (S.G) Asst. Prof. Udayakumar Mr. Mythili Mrs. Sathiyavalli Mr. M. Muthukumar Ms. M.E.Tech. F. M. Veeramani Ms. M. M. (O.G) 122 .G) Asst.. (O. Prof. (O. M. Deeptha Mrs. Sujatha Mrs. C.Phil. Prof. M. Prof. R.G) Asst. (O. Prof.G) Asst.Tech.Tech.E. M.E. Prof. Prof.G) MATHEMATICS Mrs. Ch. (S.E.G) Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst. (O. (O. Prof. Kannan Mrs.Phil. Prof. D.Tech. R.. M.E.G) Asst.Phil. J.G) Asst.G) Asst.. Prof.E. Prof. M. Prof.G) Asst. M. (Sr. M. M. Manimala Ms. M. Sc.A. (Sr. M. S. Prof. Anand Babu Christus Ph.A.A.B. Asst.B. / HOD i/c Asst. Thilagavathi Mrs.Phil.ENGLISH Ms.G) Asst. M. M.. Beena Ms.G) Asst. B. M.Phil. R. K. Jayavelu Ms. Y. Padma Priya Mrs.B.G) Asst.Com.G) Asst.Phil.G) CHEMISTRY Dr. M.. (O. J. N.B. M. B. Kavitha Ms.B. M. Prof. Vani Ms. B. M. Prof.G) Asst..G) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dr.D. Prof. (O.Sc. (S. V. M. (O. M. R. Vijaya Rani Mr. (O. B. Mary Auxilia Mr. Prof. Balaji Ms. K. Prof.G) Asst.G) Asst. S.G) PHYSICS Dr.A.. Sneha Latha Mr.. M. Prof. Asst.. M. Sri Vidya Lakshmi Ms.G) Asst. Revathi M.A. Prof. (O.Sc.B.Phil.A. M. (O. S. M. M.Phil. (O.G) Asst. (O. M. C.G) Asst.Tech..Sc.. Prof. (O. M.A.Phil.G) Asst. Asst.Phil. (O. Helen P. P.Phil.D.D.Sc. i/c Asst. (O..B. M. Kavi Priya Mr. Jebaseeli Novaleena Mrs.G) / HOD i/c Asst. M. M.Sc.G) Asst. (O. R. Prof.. Asst.. M. M. K. Sudha Ms.G) Asst. Prof.Sc.Phil. (Sr. (O.G) Asst. G. (O.A. Prakash Mr. Prof.B. M. M. Priya Ph.B.Phil.G) Asst. (Sr. Prof.A.Phil. Loganayaki Ph. K. M. Prof..Phil. Chitra Mrs.G) 123 . D..E. Arulmoli Ms.A.G) Asst. Prof. (O. M. M.Phil. M. Sundar Mr.. Joythi Mrs.Phil. M. M. (O. Prof. Prof. Mehernissa Mrs. Prof. (Sr. Ramya Rajan Mr. M. Saravanan Ms. M. M. T. M. Prof.. R.A. M. D.Phil. Prof.G) Asst. Prof. Prof.G) Asst. R.A.A.G) / Dept.B. (O. M. (O. Sathish Kumar Ms. Prof. L.. M.G)/HOD i/c Asst. M.G) Asst. (O. Prof. Prof.. D.Phil. M.B. M. (O.Phil. Prof. Kannan Mrs. / HOD i/c Asst. M.Phil.Phil.G) Asst. M. (Sr.G) Asst. M.Phil. A.A. Prof.B. Palaniyandi Mr. Prof. S. M.E.. M.Phil..G) Asst.Phil.. Sumitha Bennet Hilda Mrs. Prof. M. (O. Prof.A.G) CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Ms. Padmaja M.. Prof.. (O.Sc.G) Asst. (O.A. (Sr. (M. Asst.A. (O. Prof.Sc. Theresa Lourdes Christ Mr..A. M. Sylviya Ms.Sc. M.) M. M.A. Prof..Sc.. M.. Ponveni M.C. Shimna Ms.B.G) Asst. Selvaraju M.Tech.C. M. R. M. G. Sr. Kamali Mrs.A. Devi Mr.A.A. (O. M. Williams Mr. M.A. J. Anitha Mr. (S.Fine Art. D. Ayyppan Ms. A. Kanchana Ms. T. N. Deepa Mr.B. U.. (O.G) Asst.Librarian NON . Jayavel Mr. D. Prof.Sc. G.B. R.C. Sasi Kumar Mr.Com. (Chemistry) B. Gopi Mrs. M.Com.G) ARCHITECTURE Prof. (Chemistry) B.Sc.Tech.. Shobana Mrs. R. K.Veenaiyan M.MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Mr. B. E. M. N. Asst. (O. Jebeula Dinesh Ms. S.A.I. B.A. John Ms. D. M.A.G) Asst. Prof. (O. Prof. Dhilipan Mr.G) Asst. (O. Prof. A. R. Rajkumar Ms. M.G) Asst.Sc. Venkatesh B.B.Arch. M. S. M.G) / HOD i/c Asst. V.) B. M.G) Asst.B. Sasireka Ms.TEACHING STAFF RAMAPURAM CAMPUS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Mr. (IT) Lab Assistant Lab Assistant CHEMISTRY CMC Mr. Manager Assistant Manager Accountant Office Assistant Office Assistant DTP Operator Accounts Assistant Receptionist Senior Clerk BIOINFORMATICS Ms.C..Phil. Professor & HOD Asst.C. Ashok Kumar Mr. P. B.A..Arch. CLIS B. M. M. (O. Prof.A.A. OSSLC.G) Asst. Prof.Com.A.A.Sc. Lakshmi M. B.. S.C. T. M. Prof. Prof.C. (M. Vekataraman Mr. (O. B. Umamahesh Mr.A. Lab Assistant Demonstrator Hardware Engineer Lab Assistant 124 . (O. V.A.C.A.A. J. Prof. Usha Ms. Lokesh M. B. (O.A. M.Sc. M.G) LIBRARY Mr. Prof.L.B. Programmer Lab Assistant DTP Operator Lab Assistant LIBRARY Ms. Manivannan Mr. T. C.C. Kumarasamy Mr.A. BLIS.Com. MLIS. B. G. Subramanian Mr. D. Chidhambaranathan Mr.Phil. B. Muruganandam Mr. Subashini Mr. Kamatchi Ms.C. V.. M. M. B. D.A.C. Programmer Lab Assistant MANAGEMENT STUDIES Mr. V.Phil..A. Vinoth Kumar M. (CSE) B.(IT) B.A.S. T. CLIS B.Phil.E.C. S.E. M. Kalyani Mr.E.E. Sankilimuthu Mrs. J.Phil.Sc. K.A. S. P. G. B.E. B. Kalaivani Ms.E. Maheshwari Ms. D.A.C.COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Ms. Arun Mozhi Devan D. Vanitha M. I.E. Sumathi Ms.E. MLIS B. Assistant Librarian Library Assistant Assistant Librarian Assistant Librarian Assistant Librarian Assistant Librarian Library Assistant MATHEMATICS Ms. Devendiran Mr. M. Prakash Ms. S. Murugan B.. R.E.. B. V.A. Karthikeyan Ms. Elambarathi Ms. Mahalakshmi B. M. Rajan Babu Mr. Programmer Programmer UPS Maintenance i/c Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Ms.. M. Kamala Devi Mr.A.Sc. K.E. P. Geetha Priya M. D.) ITI (Sheet metal) ITI (Welder) ITI (Fitter) Office Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant 125 . Diploma (Tool Engg.Com. MLIS. M. Sasikala Ms.E.A.A. E.A. M. R. DTP Operator COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Mr.C.Phil.C.A. P.. R. Lab Asstistant MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mrs. MLIS. Vinoth B. MLIS.E.C.E Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ms. Shaji Kosal Ram Mr. K. Amudha Mr. D. I. Muruganandham Mr. B. B. M. Geetha B. Sashti Priya Mr.Sc. E.M. (Physics) B. K. Panneer Selvam D. Lab Assistant Lab Assistant PHYSICS Mr.Sc.Sc. Purushothaman Mr. G. Senthil Mr. S.E. Jayashree B.E. Siva Prabu M. D.Tech. (IT) Programmer 126 . (Physics) Demonstrator Lab Assistant ENGLISH Ms. P.Mr.E. V. Elavenil Mrs. S. K.E. P.. Sankar Mrs. Prof.. Prof. (S. M. Vasudevan B.D.. Ph. Anlin Ponn malar Mrs. Prof. T. P. M. M. M. Sankar Mr. M.D. M. R.B. (Sr. A. K. B. Rajesh Kumar Ms.Phil.B.G) Asst.G) Asst. Arul Raja Mr.Phil.B. Prof. S. CAIIB. (O.G) Asst. (O.E. Prof. (Ph. Prof.B.. Shanti Venkatesh Mrs. (O.G) Asst. Kavitha Mrs. (O. M. (O. (O.A. Prof. M. N.G) Asst. M. Prof.A.A.Tech..A. M.D.(ECO). Ph. Kalaivani Ms.Com..A. Professor & HOD Asst. Suresh Mr. (S. R. B.) M.G) Asst. M. Prof.G) Asst.E.B.E.A.B.G) Asst. Professor Asst . Prof. Zarana Chouksey Mr. M. (Ph. (O. M.E. Gayathry Mr. Machharlawar Krishna Balaji Mr. Asst.G) Asst. M. Prof. Prof. B.Tech. Prof.G) Asst. (O.G) Asst.G) Asst.A.D.E.Com. Prof. (Sr. (O. B. Vanitha Mr.B.E.. M.. M.) M. (O. Dhanalaxmi MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mr. Prof. (O. (Ph. A. Ph. M. Prof.E. Prof.E.(Lit).G) Asso.G) Asst.A. M.. Lokeswara Choudary Dr.G) M. Y.D.D. (O. M.E.G) Asst.E. B.Tech.. (O. Subramaniyam Dr.B. Prof. Gopi Mr. Prof.A. M. (O.G) Asst.E.A.B.. P. (Sr.A. Lakshmiganthan Mr.Com..G) Asst.G) Asst.E. FICWA M. (O. Prof. Prof. M.D.. Venkatragavan Mr. Krishna Arjuna Rao Dr.Com.B. (O.FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY RAMAPURAM CAMPUS – PART VADAPALANI Mr. S. M.B..A. DCA. Prabhadevi Dr. Haja Syeddu Masooth M. M. Ashokkumar Mr. (O.Phil.E. M..L.G) Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst.G) Asst. V. Arunnath Mr.. B. B.A. Director Dean TEACHING STAFF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Prof. (O. (O. Meena Priyadarshini Mr. M. Premkumar Ms.G) Asst..A. M.A. M.) M.A. T.. Prof. Prof.G) Asst. P. Ganesh Kumar Ms. (O. M. B. B.. (O.G) Asst. M.B.B.A. Prof. D.B. M. Ph. S. Prof.E. B. E.G) 127 . M. Nagesh Mr. E. N. Nandhini Mr. Prof. M. (O. S. Prof. E.Phil. M. M. M. (O. T. Prof. P. (O. Prof. M.Tech. Prof.G) Asst. (O.S.Tech.Phil M.. (Ph. Prof. Prof.D.SC.E. N.G) Asst. A.E. Prof. M.SC.C. Prof.G) MATHEMATICS Ms. Prof.E. Prof. P. S.A. Arun Mr.G) Asst.E. S. G.E.Phil.E. P.E. Baskaran Mr. Praveen Jesudass B. M. Amudha Dr. (Sr. Prof.Sc.E. P.D. M.G) COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Mrs. M. (O.Phil.E. P. Chitra Ms.E. M.. Sathiya Mrs. Chitra Lakshmi Mrs. M. Vaishali Mrs.Phil. Bhuvaneswari Mrs.E..G ) Asst.) M. (O. Asst. J. M.G) Asst Prof.B.D.D. Muthukrishnan Mr.G) Asso. Archana Prasanthi Ms.G) Asst. Poonkodi Mr. M.G) ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Mrs. Prof. (O. M. R.E. Ph. Chellaswamy Mrs. Muthu M. M..G) Asst. (O. B. M.E. M. S.Phil M. Thendral M. (O. Balaji Mr.G) Asst. M.G) Asst.G) Asst. M. Padma Priya Ms.G) Asst. Jothimani Mrs. (Sr.E. Prof.. B. Thalapathiraj Mr. M. Asst. (O.. Prof. Prof. Prof. (S. (Ph.. (O.G) Asst.. M. Prof.. Vijayakumari Mr. M. (Ph. (O. Prof. M.G)/ HOD i/c Asst. Aravind Mrs. M. M. Prof. (O. T.SC. Asst.E. M.E.G)/ HOD i/c Asst. R.A. Prof. M. Prof. B. Sumathy Mr. Rathina Kumar Mr. M. M.G) Asst. C.E.E. Prof..G) 128 . Prof. (O.S.. Meena Mr. Prof. M. S. Prof. Prof. M. P. Sudhakar Mr.E.G) Asst. (Sr.SC.G) Asst. M. (O.Tech.G) Asst.G) Asst. Glaret Subin Mr.COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Mr. (O..Tech. M.E. M.G) Asst. Joan . Prof. (O. V. (O. Rameshan M.G) Asst Prof. N.Sc. Anita Christaline Mrs. (O. B.. Prof. Rajesh Mr.) M. Prof. C.G) Asst. Asst..G) Asst. S.E. R.G) Asst.E. Ganesh Ms.G) Asst. A. (O.) M. Shirly Edward Mrs. (O. (O.G) Asst. (O. Malathi Mr. Sridhar Ms. Prof. (O. Prof. Prof. (O. (O.G) Asst. (O. R. Professor/ HOD i/c Asst.Ed. M. (O. (O. S. K. M. M.G) Asst.. M. (O.Sc.Sc. Ananta Praveen Kumar Mr. .G) Asst.A. M.Ed.G) Asst.Com. K. Natarajan Ms.Sc. M..C Manager Students Co-ordinator Accounts officer Accountant Accounts Assistant Junior Assistant Office Assistant Attender 129 .D. Jagannathan Mr. Kumuthini B..Phil.Sc.A. M. M.Sc.Sc. Prof. Rajesh Mrs. M. M. Jaisankar M..Phil. Ph.A. Prof. (O. M.G) Asst. Jesus Rajkumar B. R.D.D.G) / HOD i/c Asst. B. Prof. D. (O.Com. R. Prof. Nithyadevi M. V. B. Savidha Dr. M.. Ph.L. K. Prof.A. Prof.. SC.G) Asst. M.D.D. Elavenil Mr.Sc.Phil..B. Dy. D. Ph. M. J..Ed.S.... Prof. Ph.D. M.Phil.D. B.. Ph. (O. Indira Priyadharshini Dr.B. (O.Phil. S. M.B.G) / HOD i/c Asst.G) / HOD i/c Asst.. M. Ph. B. C.G) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. M.S M. V. (O.. Prof.G) PHYSICS Dr.Sc.Com. D. Uma Maheswari Mr. M...G) CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Ms. PGDT. P. M. (O. (O.Sc. S. Ph. Asst.G) CHEMISTRY Dr. Prof. M. Vijayalakshmi M. Prof.P.Com. (O.Ed Physical Director RAMAPURAM CAMPUS – PART VADAPALANI NON-TEACHING STAFF ADMINISTRATION Mr. Jayanthi Ms. M. PGDPL Asst. R.A. Partha Sarathy Mr. M.D. Ed.A. M.P.. Geetha Dr. S. Prof. Asst. Ph.ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES Dr. M. N.Sc. S. M.. Ramachandran Dr. Prof. (O. Ph.Ed.G) Asst. M. Padmarao Mr.L. S.I. Senthil Kumar Mrs..Sc.A. Asst.A. (O.A B. Anand M. V.G) Asst. Prof.E. (Sr.D.. (Sr..B. S. K.E. PGDPM B. Mahalakshmi Mr. K. E.Phil. (S. Christopher Amaladass Mrs. Lavanya Mr.. A. S.E. Nithya M. Sellamuthu Mr. K..Tech S.E.E.E. (M. Ananthan Mr. K. Manikandan Mr.S.C. Office Assistant Attender Accounts Assistant MAINTENANCE Mr. Karnan Mr. Bharathi Mr. G. Mary Mr. Arul Doss Mr.E.A.Sc.Ed 8th M.Electrician Electrician A/C Mechanic Plumber CDO COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Mr.A..C.E.Sc. B.Mrs. Uma Mr.) M.S. Jaganathan Mr.Sc. V.B. C. Dinesh Mr.E. B.E.L. N.C. Kalaiselvi B. P. J. R. Vijaya Mrs.S. G.Machinist MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Ms. Rajendran Mr.E.S.E. B. Munirathnam GCE A/L D.C. Vigneshwaran Mr. ITI S. Muruganantham Mr.E. K. M.. P.C. Ravi Kumar Mr. Kaviya Ms. System administrator Lab Instructor Programmer Programmer ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Mr.E.E. D.C. Selvamani B. Prabhu Mr.. G. B. M.E.L. ITI ITI Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Tool Room i/c Tech .E.Sc. Kumaravadivelan Mr. Mohandass Mr. R. J. Junior Engineer/Maintenance Junior Engineer/Maintenance Store keeper ES Plumber Telephone Junior Engineer Telephone Asstant Engineer Electrician Civil Engineer Sr. V. Sivakumar Mr.C.E. T.L. Ashok Kumar Mr. V. D. Programmer Programmer Lab Assistant Lab Instructor MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mr.C.E. Balamurugan Ms.E. William Rajasingh Ms.A.Phil. G.A. Krishnan D. D.L.M. Anwar Mr. G.C ITI Programmer Attender Office Boy 130 . M.E. D. D. Sachithanantham Mr. M.C.Sc. D. ITI D. Devanath M. Sreepathy Mr.Ch. ITI ITI S. B. K.M. M. P.E. Parthiban Mr. R. N.. C Assistant Librarian Library Assistant Library Assistant Library Assistant PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. B. A.A. Issac H. S.Phil. B. Lakshman Mr. M. Physical Education Sports Assistant PHYSICS Mr.L. Lab Assistant CHEMISTRY Mrs. Ramamurthy M.A.S. H. K. Babu MS. Ruba M.C.A. G. Ramachandran Mr.. A.Sc. S. M.S.LIBRARY Mr. T.(Chemistry) Lab In Charge HOSTEL OFFICE Mr.. B.Ed S.. Vairam Mr.S.Sc. Karuppuraj B. Ramalingam B. R.Sc(lis).C. Hostel Supervisor 131 .Sc.C. Tech.Suhaib Abbasi Mr. Amit Mr. Ghazala Ansari Mr.Tech. B.(Power System & Electric Drives) M.Tech.D.Tech.(VLSI Design) M.(VLSI) M. Minakshi Sanidhya Mr.E.Tech. Abhishek Chauhan Mr. Rupali Singh Mr.Tech. Vipin Kumar Yadav Ms.Tech.Tech.Tech. Vinod Puri Mr. Nidhi Singh Mr.. M. S.(EEE) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate 132 . Ankit Tyagi M. Manoj Kumar Vishnoi Ms. V.Tech.Tech. (VLSI) M. Devasis Halder Mr. Palani M.(VLSI) B.(VLSI Design) M.Tech. Gobinathan Mr.(Optoelectronics and Optical Communication) M.Sc. Surabhi Chauhan Mr.. Ph.Tech. M.Tech. Anurag Singh Mr.Tech. Nitin Kumar Ms.Tech.E.(Embedded System & Technology M. Mohd.(Communication) M. Pankaj Singh Mr.D.FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (MODI NAGAR CAMPUS) Dr. Ph. Sanjeev Uppal Mr. Pankaj Aggarwal Mr. (M. Arun Kumar Ms. Amit Gangapadhyay Mrs.) M.Tech.Tech.Tech.Tech.(Physics) & M. Satya Sai Srikant Mr.Tech. Prashant Mani Mr. B.) B. Giraja Shankar Chaurasia Mr.(VLSI) M.(VLSI) M.(ECE).(Microwave Electronics) M.Tech.Tech. B. Dean TEACHING STAFF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Dr. Poonam Yadav Ms.Tech.(Energy Engineering) M.Tech. M.(Power Electronic) M. Aditya Aggarwal Mr. Design & Tech. (OG) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Senior Lecturer Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Prof. M. Manoj Kumar Pandey Mr.(VLSI) M. Dean / HOD Assistant Prof.(Elect.(VLSI) B. Manoj Kumar Pandey M.Tech.E. (OG) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Teaching Associate ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Mr.(VLSI) M.E. COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Dr. R. P. Mahapatra Mr. Rakesh Kumar Yadav Mr. Naresh Sharma Mr. Analp Pathak Ms. Priyanka Kapoor Mr. Govind Verma Mr. Partha Sarathi Chakraborty Ms. Renu Gola Ms. Ritesh choudhary Mr. Shalendra Kumar Singh Mr. Jitender Singh Mrs. Sapna Malik Mr. P. Velmurugan Mr. M. Mohan Mr. A. Kulothungan Mr. Sunil Kumar Mrs. Arnika Jain Mrs. Monika Johri Mr. R. Mohan Raj Mr. Prakash Rao Mr. Manish Bhardwaj Ms. Sachi Pandey Ms. Megha Agarwal Ms. Neha Sharma Mr. Girish Kumar M.E.( CSE) Ph.D. B.E. (M.E.(CS)) M.Tech.(CS) M.Tech.(CSE) B.Tech.(IT), M.E.(CSE) M.Tech.(CS) M.Tech.(CS) M.Tech.(IT) M.Tech.(IT) M.Tech.(CS) M.Tech., M.C.A., M.Sc.(Maths) M.Tech.(CSE) B.E.(Comp.Science), M.Tech. B.Tech.(IT), M.Tech.(CSE) M.E.(Computer Science) B.Tech.(IT) M.C.A. M.Tech.(CS) B.E.(C&E), M.Tech. B.Tech. B.Tech., (M.Tech.) B.Tech., (M.Tech.) B.Tech.,(M.Tech.) B.Tech. B.Tech. Asst. Prof. & HOD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Prof. (O.G) Assistant Professor Assistant Prof. (O.G) Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr. Madan Kumar Mr. Shashank Yadav Mr. Srimanta Kumar Mohapatra Ms. Dhowmya Bhatt Mr. Anand Pandey Mr. Pramod Kumar Sagar Mr. Chiranjit Dutta Mr. Ranjeet Singh Mr. Naresh Kumar Mr. Manoj Kumar Srivastava M.Tech (CSE) M.E (CS) M.Tech. (CSE) M.Tech.(Computer & IT) M.Tech.(CSE) M.Tech.,M.C.A. M.Tech.(CSE) M.Tech.(CSE) M.C.A. B.Tech. Assistant Professor/ Head Incharge Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer 133 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Aggarwal Mr. Y. N. Prajapati Ms. Mradula Sharma Miss. Garima Atrey Ms. Sandhya Sharma Ms. Ruby Singh Mr. Ashish Kumar Singh M.Tech., M.Sc.(Maths) B.Tech. B.Tech. B.Tech.(IT) (M.Tech.) M.Tech. M.C.A. Lecturer Lecturer Teaching Assistant Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mr. Prashant Gupta Mr. Gyanendra Prasad Bagri Mr. Manoj Kumar Pal Mr. Ashish Kumar Mr. Balmukund Dhakar Mr. Md. Tasnim Arif Mr. Rajesh Rajpoot Mr. Rama Krishna Anam Mr. P. Freedon Daniel Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Ms. Ambrish Maurya Mr. Rajendra Kumar Anuragi Mr. Sourabh Raghuwanshi Mr. Danish Ansari Mr. Harish Kumar Sharma Mr. Hasan Raza Mr. Rishu Gupta Mr. Angad M.Tech.(Metallurgical & Materials Engg.) M.Tech. (Production Engineering) M.E. (QEM) M.Tech. (Thermal Engineering) M.Tech. (Mech. & Ind.) M.Tech.(Metallurgical & Material Engg.) M.Tech. (Industrial Metallurgy) M.Tech. (Corrosion Engineering) M.E. M.Tech. M.Tech.(P&I) M.Tech.(SVA) M.Tech.(SVA) M.Tech. B.Tech. B.Tech. B.Tech.(Mech.) B.Tech.(Mech.) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor HOD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate Teaching Associate CIVIL ENGINEERING Dr. Vineet Bajaj Mr. Arvind Prakash Srivastava Mr. T. Punitharuban Mr. K. Sureshraja M.Tech. M.Tech.(Construction Engg.& Management) B.E. M.E. HOD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES Dr. Ranjana Dubey M.Sc.,Ph.D.(Chemistry), B.Ed. Assistant Professor 134 Dr. Namita Misra Dr. Richa Shalya Dr. Garima Pandey Dr. Piyush Gupta Mrs. Pallavi Jain Ms. Sakshi Aggarwal Mr. Ritesh Kumar Mitra Dr. Prerna Sharma Dr. Kapil Kumar Bansal Dr. Abha Singh Mr. Mohd.Asad Dr. Sohan Lal Tyagi Dr. Vipin Kumar Verma Dr. Mani Agarwal Dr. Aftab A.Tyagi Mr. Mohd. Abid Dr. Ajay Singh Yadav Mr. Vikas Kumar Tyagi Mr. Brajbhushan Bharadwaj Mr. Mohd.Asim Mr. Ajay Kumar Mr. Hariom Kumar Kaushik Mr. Rahul Solanki Mr. Shekhar Mr. C. Anandan Mr. Pankaj Varshney Ms. Manisha Grover Dr. Nirmal Sharma Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma Mr. Yameen Khan Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma Dr. Madhurima Srivastava Dr. Vijay Kumar Roy Mrs. Suman Lata Mr. J. Arul Prasad Mr. Amrit Kumar Mr. Vinod Upadhyay Mrs. Gayatri Pandey Ph.D.(Chemistry) Ph.D.(Chemistry) Ph.D.(Chemistry) Ph.D. M.Sc., M.Tech.(Chemical), M.Phil (Chem.) M.Sc.( Bio Chemistry) M.Sc.( Chemistry), M.Phil (Chem.) M.Sc.(Maths), Ph.D.(Maths) Ph.D. (Maths) Ph.D. (Maths) M.Sc.(Maths&Physics) M.Sc., M.Phil.(Maths) M.Sc. (Maths), Ph.D. M.Sc.(Maths), Ph.D.(Maths) Ph.D. M.Sc.(Maths) Ph.D. (Maths) M.Sc., (Ph.D.) (M.Phil.) PG (Maths) M.Tech.(Nano Science & Technology) M.Sc., M.Phil.(Physics) M.Sc., M.Phil.(Physics) M.Tech.(Engineering Physics) M.Sc., M.Phil. M.Sc.(Physics), M.Phil.(Physics) M.A.(Pol Science) Ph.D.(English) Ph.D.(English) Ph.D.(English) Ph.D.(English) D.Phil. M.A.(English) B.Ed. Ph.D. M.A.(English) BPE, MPED, PGDIY, M.Phil, PGDCA B.Sc.(PEHES), B.P.Ed M.A. (Economics) M.Phil., M.A. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Teachng Associate Asst. Prof./HOD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Teaching Associate Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Teaching Associate Lecturer Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Teaching Associate Asst. Physical Director Sports Instructor Sports Instructor Lecturer 135 D.. (Ph. Surendra Kumar Mr. M.Sc.C.A.A.C. MCM.Sc.Phil. Assistant Prof.C.B. Nanak Chand Dr. Rakesh Rai Dr. LLB.) (Edu) M..A. Kamlesh Kumar Gautam Ms.(CS).A.. Ashish Sharma Ms.C. B.(Phil.A.) UGC-Net Exam.A.. M.. HDSE MCM M.A.A. M. Asim Ray Mr. Rupak Sharma Mr.A. M. Shekhar Pandey Ms.B.B.A. Ramesh Kumar Pandey Ms.Ed.A.A. M. M.. M.C. M.D. (M.(Finance) Professor & Head Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Assistant Professor (OG) Lecturer Lecturer EDUCATION Dr. Manju Singh Dr. M.A.A.Sc.Tech. M. B.A.C. B.Sc. Ph.Tech.Phil.A.C.Ed.A.Ed. M. Ph. Anchal Kansal Mr. Vikas Kumar Mr. M.. & History) . Deepak Sharma Mr. NET(Ed. Manisha Paliwal Mr.Ed. Swati Bhatt Ms. M. Nidhi Arora Kumar Ms. Chandra Bhushan Pandey Dr.Phil.D. Anita Rai M. M. Ph. Rajeev Kumar Sharma Mr.D. Chandra Sharda M..Phil) M. M. Dadan Kumar Jha Mr.. Jai Prakash Sharma Dr.G Dip in Intellectual.& Phil. Sharat Sharma Dr. B.A. Naresh Pratap Mr. (M. (Ph. Ph. M.. Gopal Bihari Saraswat Ms.. Ajay Jain Mr.C. Pardeep Singh Dehal Mrs.C. M..B.D. (M.Sc.. M.Com. Neha Saini Mr..) M.D. (English).C.Com..D.) M. (Ph. Manoj Kumar Mr..Ed. M. FICWA PGDM. Pallavi Agarwal Ms. M. Ph.Com.A. M. M.(Edu). Shalu Chauhan M./HOD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Teaching Associate MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dr. M..A..A.B. M.Com...A. M.D. CS.D.Phil. M. Ph. P. M. Anubha Sharma Ms..A..Ed. M. Professor/HOD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer 136 . M.B. Piyush Pandey Mr.) M.Sc.D..Sc. M.Phil(Computer Science) M.A. Ph.B.B.MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Mr.D. (CS)) M.B.(Edu) & Phil.Ph. (Marketing) M. M.(Education) Ph. Ravindra Kumar M.Sc. (M.Sc. Shail Tandon Mr. R. B.. (PGDM) M. Viswanathan Mr.. M.. Suchita Negi Mrs.B.) B. Sanjay Kumar Dr. MTM B.B. B.Ed. (Retd.O..(Hospitality & Hotel Adminstration).(Hospitality & Hotel Adminstration.D.D.Ms.) M. Soumyajit Sen Ms.(Hospitality & Hotel Adminstration) B. B..Assistant Office Assistant Office Assistant Office Assistant Office Assistant PA to Dean PA to AO Receptionist Store Keeper 137 ..A. (Ph. Alisha Choudhary Mr.Ed. MTM Sr. Neeta Sharma Mr.(Hindi.in Hotel Management B. Parthasarthi Mrs. M. M. Geetika Agarwal M.B.B.A.Sc.(Education) Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer HOTEL MANAGEMENT Mr.S. M.Ed..A.) M. Anil Sharma Ms. Sharma Mr. M.A. Deepak Kumar Mr.Sc. Anuradha Agarwal Mr.A. PRO & Transport Incharge HR Executive Office Superintendent Academic Coordinator Admin.C.. Niharika Pathak Mr.A.A. Tuhina Sahu Miss.Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer MODI NAGAR CAMPUS NON TEACHING STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Mr. Political Science). B. B. M.Phil.U.Ed.. M. Somali Mr. Avnish Saxena Mr.A. History).A. S. R. H.A. NET (I) Education.Ed. M.Com. Bennet Manoharan Miss.A. C. B.Ed. Sunil Bhati Mr. (Ph. Lata Rajput Mr.A..D. Administrative Officer A. Ram Kumar Ms. Charu Pandey Mr.Ed B..A.( English.Sc. Gopal Singh Ms. Poorani Ms. M. B. Surendra Kumar Sahu Ms. Diploma in Comp.A. B.(Food & Nutrition) B.A. Lavpreet Singh Gill Dip.Phil.S from UGC) Intermediate PGDBM B. B.A.A. Sharad Tripathi Mr. Murugan Ms. Nazma Mr.Sc. B.Tech. Bittu Mr. Er.) M. K. GNIIT B.Com. M. Sachin Kumar Mr.Sc.Com.A.C..Sc.B. ITI B. Pankaj Punia Mr. Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer Hardware Engineer Service Engineer Jr.C. Satish Kumar Mr. Sukhveer Sharma B. MCSE B. Rajnesh Kumar M.A.Prabhudosspatwary Mr.Lab. Anil Kumar Mr..A. Asst Account Officer Account Assistant Accountant Attender Asst... ITI Diploma (Electronics) Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technician Typist Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Technical Assistant COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Mr. Ombir Singh Mr. Vipin Kumar Harit Mr. Pramod Kumar Mr.. Asaithambi Mr. Pradeep Kumar Mr. Accountant SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES Mr. M. JCHNP B. Shrikant Sharma Mr.E.Com.S. Tony Chacko Mr. Amit Kumar Mr.A. Rajneesh Kumar Miss.M. Ashish Kumar Mr. 9th ITI Inter Lab Assistant Marker Technical Assistant Lab.(Education) M.A. Manoj Kumar Mr. Shashank Sharma Mr. Randhir Kumar Mr.Sc. Sanjeev Mr. M. M.Sc. Inter.) Intermediate. Ruby Srivastava Mr. Shiv Prasad Sharma Mr.(IT) DICT. ADCHT.E.(Mathematics) B. (B. High School B.Com. Praveen Kumar Mr. H. Commn..Com) ITI (Electrical) (B.Instructor Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Office Assistant Techanical Assistant Technical Assistant Lab Technician ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Mr.Ed.Asst. Anoop Tandon Mr.A. Sandeep Kumar Mr. M. Lab Assistant Technical Assistant 138 . D. M. ITI ITI (Fitter Trade) ITI (Grade Turner) B. Sumit Kumar Diploma in Electronics ITI ITI (B.ACCOUNTS Mr. Kripal Singh Ms. Kriti Pathak Mr. Typist Comp.Sc. DNT. 8th ITI D. Chanderkant Mr.A. Rajeev Kumar B. N. ) Typist HOTEL MANAGEMENT Mr. Divya Pandey Ms.. Neeraj Tyagi Mrs.Sc.Librarian Library Asst.A. B.B. Arvind Kumar Mr..Sc. Chandrika M.Librarian Library Asst.Sc.C. Sonu Kumar Mr. Khemraj Singh Mr. Rakesh Kumar pandey Ms. Pradeep Negi B.A. Asst.B.A. B LIS B.) B.Lib) Office Assistant Librarian Asst.. Lab Assistant Store Keeper Lab Assistant EXAM CELL Mr. Sandeep Kumar (B. Atul Mishra Mr. Warden Warden Warden Warden Warden Warden 139 .A. Subhash Chandra Verma Mr.A.. Sunita Mr. High School B..S.A. Sanjay kumar Shukla Ms. LIBRARY Ms.Com.Com. Head/T&P Business Development Manager Placement Officer HOSTEL Mr. Ms.Mr. M. Tariq Shoeb M.LIS.A. Jitendar Tiwari B.. Razia Sultana Mr. Sarika Pandey Ms.A. B... M. Ajay Kumar B. Library Asst.A.Com. Naveen Kumar (B. PGDHRM M. B. M.U. Dip. H. Programmer MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Mr.LIS. M.LIS B. P. MCITP Technical Assistant Lab Assistant Lab Assistant Typist INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr.b.A. Rajnesh Kumar Mr. PGDCA M. Pradeep Kumar Mr. B. Johney Kumar Mr. B. Bhavani Ms. M. (B.C.A. Susmita B.A. In Hardware & Networking B.Com. Shurti Sharma PLACEMENT Mr.C.Com. V.Tech. C. L.. Kartik D. K. ITI ITI ITI B. A. M. Dal Chand Mr. 8th 8th B.Mr.A. Engineer Accountant Supervisor Store In-charge Electrician Electrician Electrician Store In-charge Gardener Plumber Campus Supervisor Site Supervisor 140 . Site Engineer Jr. B. M. Pappu Mr. D.E. ITI B.. B.C. Anil Kumar Mr. Warden Warden Warden Warden CONSTRUCTION Mr. Mohit Malik Mr.C.E.Lib. Parvej Alam Mr. N. Lokesh Sharma Mr.A.A.E. Sudhir Kumar Mr. Faheem Ullah Khan Mr. D.Com. Shahid Ali Ms. Amit Kumar Mr.A. Nadarajan Mr. Mahakveer Mr. Anbazhagan Mr. M. Kothandapani Mr. Inter B. Hari Om Sharma B.A.A.L.B. Venkatesan Mr. ac.ac.27452818 9940636069 coe@srmuniv. 24893688.in / [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] TELEPHONE / MOBILE NUMBERS / E-mail IDs Chancellor Office Fax Email id Valliammai Society West Mambalam Vadapalani Vice Chancellor Office Email id Provost Office Cell Email id : : : 044 .in 044 .24742836.in 044 .27454646 9840036008 [email protected] Controller of Examinations Office : Cell : Email id : 141 .ac.ac.in Pro Vice Chancellor (Planning and Development) Office : 044 . 43907000 : : : : 044 .in : : : 044 . 24747231 43969999.in Registrar Office Cell Email id : : : 044 .27453904 Residence : 044 .24910268 Email id : [email protected] 044 .27455765 9940036001 provost@srmuniv. in 142 .27456020 9940036004 dir.in Director (Corporate Affairs & Student Mentoring) Office : 044 – [email protected] 9940036005 dir.ac.ac.in : : : 044 [email protected] 9790946082 [email protected]@[email protected] 9940036019 dir.ac.27456702 9940036006 svkr@srmuniv. 27457172 Cell : 9940636051 Email id : dir.ac.27455621 Cell : 9940036020 Email id : dir.in Director (Admissions) Office : Cell : Email id : Director (Research) Office Cell Email id Dean (Research) Office Cell Email id 044 .Director (E&T) Office Cell Email id Director (CL) Office Cell Email id : : : 044 .in Director (Organisation and Faculty Development) Office : 044 .in : : : 044 [email protected] : : : 044 . v.248618.30603042 Fax : 044 .27451568. 47432345 : 143 . 47432444 9841589282.: SRM Hospital and Casualty 044 .in Dean (Ramapuram Campus - Part Vadapalani) Office : 044 .com Estate Officer / Maintenance (Kattankulathur Campus) Office : 044 [email protected] [email protected]@srmuniv. 27400190 Cell : 9444154375. 9841589283 044 . 221576 01232 .27453903 Cell : 9841811321 Mail id : [email protected] Assistant Registrar (Kattankulathur Campus) Office : 044 .in Dean (Placement) Office : 044 .27455774. 9940036026 Email id : [email protected] Cell : 9941613365 Email id : g.com SRM Ambulance Ph No.in Manager / Administration (Ramapuram Campus) Office : 044 [email protected] Email id : dean.27454603.30603073 Email id : vp. 9940036016 Placement Officer : 044 . 27455317.Vice Principal & Head (Ramapuram Campus) Office : 044 .ac.in Dean (Modi Nagar Campus) Office : Fax : Email id : 01232 .27453903 Mail id : srmplacement@yahoo. 9940036017 Fax : 044 .27452767. srmuniv.ac.in 9884356933 hod. M. Subhransu Sekhar Dash HOD / ICE Dr.in 044-26452380 / 9790840279 hod.& TeleCommunication Dr.srmuniv. Malathy HOD / MCA Dr. Vimala Juliet HOD / Bio Medical Dr.srmuniv.srmuniv. A.in 044-22651067 / 9444383927 hod. S. Malarvizhi HOD / Information.ac. D.ac. C.srmuniv.ac.ac.cse@ktr. R.srmuniv. Karthikeyan 144 . [email protected] 044-22236389 / 9444219687 hod mca@ktr. Jayshree Suresh HOD / Civil Dr. Kingsly Jeba Singh Dean / MBA Dr. Meignanalakshmi 9884317730 dean.in 044-22265457 / 9444925837 hod.in 044-22235211 / 9840679948 hod.srmuniv. Anburajan HOD / Chemical Dr.ac.in 044-42669605 / 9840972516 hod.srmuniv. R. A. / Mail id Dean / Bio-Tech Dr.srmuniv.ac.in 9962393553 hod. S.ac. Annadurai HOD / CSE Prof.in 044-22392626 / 9444255090 [email protected]. Rajendran HOD / ECE [email protected]@ktr.in 044-23767215 hod.in 044-22383865 / 9940449418 hod.in Dean (i/c) / Mechanical Dr.srmuniv.chme@ktr. Ramarao HOD / EEE Dr.ac.ite@ktr. [email protected] 044-26415869 / 9381055552 hod. Subbarayan HOD / IT [email protected]@[email protected] NUMBERS OF DEANS/HODS Kattankulathur Campus Designation Name Contact No.mech@ktr. M.arch@ktr. K.in 9841140106 hod. Waheeda Hopper HOD /Aerospace Dr.in 9677149224 hod.ac. D.in 9444451344 hod.srmuniv.ac.ac.srmuniv. Parani HOD / Bioprocess [email protected]. John Thiruvadigal HOD / Chemistry Dr. [email protected]@ktr.ac.in 9445560165 hod.ac. B.srmuniv.auto@ktr. Rajesh Head / Maths Dr. M.in HOD / Genetics Dr. P. Kamaraj 044-24420453 / 9444455865 hod. Thirumeni HOD / Bioinformatics Dr.ac. K.Designation Name Contact No. M.mtronics@ktr. Balakrishnan HOD / Automobile Dr.bp@ktr. Leenus Jesu Martin HOD / Mechatronics Dr. M.ac.ac. T.srmuniv. P.srmuniv.ac. ac. Mythili 145 .fpe@ktr. Ganesan HOD/English and Foreign Languages Dr. M.srmuniv. K.in 9380284512 hod. T.srmuniv. Vinayagam HOD / Career Development Centre Mrs. / Mail id HOD / Food Dr.in 044-22294401 / 9840044179 hod.in 9840665078 hod. Palanisamy 9283792149 hod.in 044-22237271 / 9884343577 hod.in 9444452515 [email protected]. Anbazhagan HOD / Physics Dr.in HOD / Architecture Prof.in 9840182812 [email protected]@[email protected]@ktr.ac.srmuniv.in 044-22554311 / 9840777395 hod.ac. S. Natarajan Dr. Sridhar Dr. Rajamane Dr. S. Venkatasubramanian Dr. Elavenil Dr. Kumar Dr. Lakshmipathy Dr. V. S. S. M. P. Cheralathan Dr. Sathyanarayanan Prof. Vidhyacharan Baskar Dr. Shanmugam Dr. V. T. K. R. H. Lakshmi Dr. G. P. G. B. 9444151350 9176082621 9444550371 9840237492 9444104121 9840076821 9940636059 044-25511161 / 9940036038 9841763453 044-22311719 / 9841341749 9444282716 9841622326 044-24426174 7299453351 9444129395 9444043471 044-22294534 9381879801 9840044332 9442554055 9444153021 044-22432756 / 9789905345 044-22604254 / 9940036036 9884353812 9884661184 9444129458 9444962179 9790808741 146 . Subburaj Dr. M. Kharchenko Nikolay Dr. D.PHONE NUMBERS OF PROFESSORS KATTANKULATHUR CAMPUS Name Dr. Subramanian Dr. Gopal Prof. Nagalingam Prof. T. Ganapathy Subramanian Dr. Malathi Dr. Ravichandran Mr. R. B. R. Shanthi Prince Dr. Kumar Prof. Prabhakaran Dr. R. C. Ramachandran Dr. K. L. Augustine Maniraj Pandian Dr. S. M. T. Vasudevan Dr. Jegatheesan Department Civil Civil Civil Civil Civil Civil Mech Mech Mech Mech Mech. R. Mech. Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Automobile CSE CSE CSE CSE IT ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE EEE Residential / Mobile No. S. N. Malathi Dr. Bio-Tech. Thangavel Dr. Arthanareeswari Prof. Balasubramanian Dr. K. Ganapathy Subramanian Dr. V. M. Velu Dr. M. Ravilochanan Dr. Ramachandran Dr. Anna Varapu Chandramohan Dr. P. Jayaraman Dr. M. Berla Thangam Dr. Govindarajan Dr. V. Shenbagaraman Dr. S. S. Srimathi Residential / Mobile No. B. R. M. Sarprasatha Joe Dr. R. Bio-Tech.Department Chemical Chemical Chemical Bio-Tech. Baskaran Dr. Sundarammal Kesavan Prof. Bio-Tech. K. Srinivasan Thiyagarajan Dr. Karunanithi Dr. K. N. Jeyaraman Dr. K. E. V. Chitra Dr. S. Parvathi Dr. Ramanaiah Dr. S. T. R. V. Kumar Dr. B. Ponniah Prof. Jeyalakshmi Dr. G. M. Sundararajan Dr. Selvamurugan Dr. Govindarajan Dr N. 9840491428 044-42035595 / 9840139849 9444662960 9940201794 9940632350 9444681340 9840210417 9840436669 9940419036 98401140813 9884606569 9444952423 9443004036 9444107321 9600112945 044-24919156 / 9444959156 044-24836047 / 9884576780 9884091724 9790985839 9884116094 9381054474 9840399342 9841826890 9444960126 9382129526 9840389456 9444960126 9444958392 9940599928 147 . A. H. Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Chemistry Chemistry MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MBA MCA MCA Name Dr. Srinivasan Dr. Selvaraju Dr.com Cell : 9841224440 Ph: 24825994 Cell: 9444918601 dmehernissa@hotmail. / Mail id Ph.com Cell: 9790740226 jagadeesan@gmail. Ramesh Mr.G) / HOD i/c (MBA) Asst. Prof. M.G) / HOD i/c (MCA) Sr. R. A. Mehernissa Dr.ac. C. John 148 . 9444141081 acadcord.G) / HOD i/c (Mech) Prof.G)/ HOD i/c(EEE) Asst. C.PHONE NUMBERS OF DEANS/HODS/PROFESSORS RAMAPURAM CAMPUS Designation Vice Principal Asst.co.in Ph: 32526181. Prof. T.Kavitha Contact No. (S. Cell : 9962115550 [email protected] Cell: 9282408070 johnag@ktr. (S. Theresa Lourdes Christ Ms. Prof. D. Sundar Mr. L.in Mr. Jagadeesan Mr. Cell: 9840410045 sundar. L. (S. (OG) / Dept. Prof.in Ph : 24768001 Cell : 9444257020 selvarajuvrs@yahoo. G.044-22522575 Cell.com 044-26493550.in Cell: 9940220088 [email protected] 9381889995. Prof. Helen P.chidambaram@yahoo. Prof. B. Dhilipan Mr./HOD i/c (Chemistry) Asst.G) (English) Asst. (S. (S. D. Sudha Dr.co.G) / HOD i/c(IT) Asst.com Ph : 24768001 Cell : 9841729101 helenkavithap@yahoo. Prof. Prof. 9381777050 kcudaiyakumar1967@gmail. P. J. A./ HOD i/c(Physics) Asst. com Cell: 9367423297 jd_pan@yahoo./HOD(Arch) Name Dr. (Sr.srmuniv. com Cell: 9840954753 Ph : 26477210 Cell : 9444404970 shakeelas@hotmail. (S. Ch. Prof.G)/ HOD i/c(CSE) Asst. i/c (CGC) Asst. Madhavi Mrs. [email protected] Ph : 24911709 Cell : 9444450062 sudhasuraj@rediffmail. (Sr. Salai Aaviyamma Mr. J.G) / HOD i/c (Maths) Asst. Prof. & HOD(Civil) Asst. Librarian Prof.ac. Prof. Antony Michael Raj Mrs. Shakeela Sathish Ms. K. Udayakumar Dr. K. P. A. M. Baskaran Mr. Ganesh Dr. T. M. S. Vasudevan Prof. P. J.PHONE NUMBERS OF DEANS/HODS/PROFESSORS RAMAPURAM CAMPUS – PART VADAPALANI Name Mr. Uma Maheshwari Ms. Senthil Kumar Mrs. N. N. Y. Senthil Designation Director. E. M.Tech & Maths HOD / Mech HOD i/c / ECE HOD i/c / CSE & MCA HOD i/c / Physics HOD i/c / Chemistry HOD i/c / English & Foreign Languages HOD i/c / Career Development Centre Manager / Office Students’ Coordinator / Office Manager / Maintenance Manager / Transport Mobile Number 9500020891 / 044-43969910 044-43969955 / Fax:044-43969957 8056155158 / 044-43969948 9444053649 / 044-43969958 9940298322 / 044-43969961 9500091541 / 044-43969947 9841737667 / 044-43969965 9444941013 / 044-43969916 9840915684 / 044-43969916 9444767569 / 044-43969914 9944539893 / 044-43969914 9362951227 / 044-43969949 9840365672 / 044-43969966 9840597735 / 044-43969920 9677139394 149 . Elevenil Mrs. Indira Priyadharshini Dr. Subramaniyan Dr. S. Jeyanthi Mr. V. S. Padma Rao Mr. Vadapalani Campus Dean / E & T HOD / MBA HOD i/c First Year – B. Anwar Mr. Mahalakshmi Dr. B. Nagesh Dr. Shirley Edward Mr. Vineet Bajaj Dr./ HOD i/c (IT) HOD/Mech HOD/Civil Asst. Mahapatra Mr.& HOD/CSE Asst. Madan Kumar Mr. R. Prof/HOD(MCA) Professor & Head(MBA) Professor/HOD(Edu) CONTACT NO. Prof. Jai Prakash Sharma DESIGNATION Dean /HOD(ECE) Prof. P. 8859995888 8859997888 7830100358 04652-286784 011-22581220 7830100364 7830100357 7830100351 783010036 MOBILE NO. Manoj Kumar Pandey Dr. Prof. Prerna Sharma Mr.PHONE NUMBERS OF DEANS/HODS/PROFESSORS MODI NAGAR CAMPUS NAME Dr. Nanak Chand Dr. Freedon Daniel Dr. 9811632691 9990059066 09897606102 9760835657 09442427860 9560044135 9457624181 9410649777 9927814736 9871930415 150 . /HOD(SH) Asst. P. Kamlesh Kumar Gautam Dr. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY STUDENT LEAVE APPLICATION FORM : : OD/ML/Leave UG / PG Date: Leave Category (Please Tick) Programme Name of Student (as in Institute Rolls) : Dept.. 2. Any test during the period of leave : Signature of Hostel Warden/Parent/Guardian For Office use Percentage of attendance as on date: Leave : sanctioned / recommended Signature of Class Teacher Signature of HOD / Authorised Person Signature of Director (E&T)/Authorised Person Note: 1. /Branch/ Section / Semester : Reg. To. No Period of Leave (dates) (If half day mention FN/AN) No. of days Reason Proof Enclosed : : : Yes/No Yes/No Signature of student : : From ………. ……………. Long leave beyond three days has to be approved by the Director(E&T) / Authorised Person Leave on Medical Grounds and OD leave should be approved by 151 . 20–3.35 9.10 3.35– 11.20 6 Academic Year…………………… Branch……………… 7 PERIOD 1 DAY ORDER 8. 2 10 Mins 10.15 3 4 12.25 11.15 to 1.25 2.00 152 BREAK LUNCH DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 .35–10.10–4.30–2.30 5 1.45–9..FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SRM UNIVERSITY TIME TABLE Semester …………………….25–12. 25 2.45–9.25 11.15 to 1.15 3 4 12.35 9.35– 11.FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SRM UNIVERSITY TIME TABLE Semester …………………….30–2.00 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 .25–12.20 6 Academic Year…………………… Branch……………… 7 PERIOD 1 153 BREAK LUNCH DAY ORDER 8. 2 10 Mins 10.20–3..10–4.35–10.30 5 1.10 3. 2  MARCH        6  13  20  27        7  15  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30   3  10  17  24  31  4  11  18  25  5  12  19  26  SEPTEMBER        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3 10  17  24     1    8  15  22  29   2    9  16  23  30  OCTOBER  30  2    9  16  23  31  3  10  17  24        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29        7  14  21  28        6  13  20  27        5  12  19  26        4  11  18  25        3  10  17  24  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3  10  17  24  31  4  11  18  25   5  12  19  26  6  13  20  27  7  14  21  28  NOVEMBER        6  13  20  27        7  15  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30   3  10  17  24    4  11  18  25  5  12  19  26  APRIL  MAY  Calendar 2011  JUNE        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3  10  17  24    4  11  18  25  DECEMBER        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3 10  17  24   31    JUNE  JANUARY  FEBRUARY   3  10  17  24  Sun  30  2    9  16  23        6  13  20  27   4  11  18  25  Mon  31  3  10  17  24        7  15  21  28   5  12  19  26  Tue        4  11  18  25  1    8  15  22     6  13  20  27  Wed        5  12  19  26  2    9  16  23     7  14  21  28  Thu        6  13  20  27  3  10  17  24      8  15  22  29     9  16  23  30  AUGUST  DECEMBER    2    9  16  23   3  10  17  24   4  11  18  25   5  12  19  26   6  13  20  27  7  14  21  28   8  15  22  29  154 Fri        7  14  21  28  4  11  18  25  Sat  1    8  15  22  29  5  12  19  26    JULY  Sun  31  3  10  17  24        7  14  21  28  Mon        4  11  18  25  1    8  15  22  29  Tue        5  12  19  26  2    9  16  23  30  Wed        6  13  20  27  3  10  17  24  31  Thu        7  14  21  28  4  11  18  25  Fri  1    8  15  22  29   5  12  19  26  Sat  2    9  16  23  30  6  13  20  27  . Calendar 2012  MARCH        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3  10  17  24  31  SEPTEMBER  30  2    9  16  23        3  10  17  24        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  OCTOBER        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3  10  17  24  31  4  11  18  25  5  12  19  26  6  13  20  27  7  14  21  28  6  13  20  27  5  12  19  26  4  11  18  25   3  10  17  24    2    9  16  23  30        7  15  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3  10  17  24  31  4  11  18  25  5  12  19  26  NOVEMBER        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29  2    9  16  23  30  3 10  17  24     1    8  15  22  29        6  13  20  27  APRIL  MAY  JUNE        3  10  17  24        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27        7  14  21  28  1    8  15  22  29   2    9  16  23  30  DECEMBER  30  2    9  16  23   31 3  10  17  24        4  11  18  25        5  12  19  26        6  13  20  27       7  14  21  28  1   8  15  22  29    JANUARY  FEBRUARY  Sun  1    8  15  22  29        5  12  19  26  Mon  2    9  16  23  30        6  13  20  27  Tue  3  10  17  24  31        7  14  21  28  Wed  4  11  18  25   1    8  15  22  29  Thu  5  12  19  26  2    9  16  23    Fri  6  13  20  27  3  10  17  24    155 Sat  7  14  21  28  4  11  18  25    JULY  AUGUST  Sun  1    8  15  22  29        5  12  19  26  Mon  2    9  16  23  30        6  13  20  27  Tue  3  10  17  24  31        7  14  21  28  Wed  4  11  18  25   1    8  15  22  29  Thu  5  12  19  26  2    9  16  23  30  Fri  6  13  20  27  3  10  17  24  31  Sat  7  14  21  28  4  11  18  25  . Mr. D. Malathi. Wordsworth Manivannan. Professor/ECE . Convenor (Intercom No: 2057). Shanthi Prince. please contact Dr. Shanthi Prince. Professor/ECE 2. Dr. Asst. Prof. Professor/CSE 3. Registrar Convenor Member Member Member For corrections and suggestions for improvement. Dr. Asst. Dr. K. B. (S.G)/EFL 4. 156 . Cauveri.Calendar Committee 1. Notes 157 . 158 . 159 . 160 .
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