Duty Manager's Manual

March 26, 2018 | Author: shahzaf | Category: First Aid, Robbery, Crimes, Nature



DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCESHERIF NOAMAN www.sherifnoaman.org The Duty Manager Manual is Tailored to Serve all Managers on Duty in their Daily Tasks and Job Requirements, it meant as an Efficient tool to be the Guide for a Professional organizing of the Manage on Duty Shift, accompanied by the Most Frequent Delicate Cases and Situations it may occur and it will be within the Global Responsibilities of the Duty Manager. The Duty Manager Manual is considered as an Internal Policy for Handling Matters and situations that effect the Guest or the Property Safety and emergency situation, and it should be followed By all Duty Managers In Charge. The Duty Manager Manual Should Be always Kept in the Duty Manager Station either the Lobby Desk , or in Each Manager Original Office for any References Needed. Hope that this Tool will reach the aimed Objective in Facilitating and Standardizing the Duty Managers Performance as well as your own professional needs. Manager on Duty, Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www.sherifnoaman.org Consists            Outline of shift activities At the beginning of the shift - at the end of the shift Property inspection Limits of authority Daily responsibilities Property checklist Room inspection checklist A Manager on Duty station Training the new Manager on Duty Safety and Security Duty Manager Forms Manager on Duty, Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www.sherifnoaman.org Outline of Shift Activities As we mentioned in the introduction , The Manager on Duty.. A Mix between unlimited authorities and Responsibilities. The outline given below list activities that should be performed by the manager on duty during each Day of Operation. It should be followed more or less in the order shown. Used together with the authorities and responsibilities described in the job description, the outline completes the picture of the manager on duty function. In addition to the activities listed, the manager on duty may be called upon to handle guest complaints. All guests’ complaints should have top priority for the manager on duty’s time. Any of the routine shift activities can and should be interrupted or eliminated to provide time for handling the guest’s needs and following up on the actions taken to resolve a complaint. Manager on Duty, Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN Check the switchboard operator.org At the beginning of the shift:     Meet with the previous manager on duty (if any) review the Previous Day manager on duty report. guest complaints and other significant events which may require the attention of the manager on duty during the succeeding Day. Turn in the Manager on Duty Report to the General Manager’s office. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .) assigned to the manager on duty. etc. where applicable. At the End of the shift:     Hand over the Full Situation to the Next Manager on Duty if Any or the Night Manager . Pick up any communication equipment (beeper. Portable Phone. Manager on Duty. guest relations or shift leader.sherifnoaman. security officer. Sign for the manager on duty key or Card. Deliver Back any Communication equipment to the Telephone Operator. noting any work requests.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Deliver Back the Manager on Duty Key or Key card to the Front Office. org Property Inspection 1. check back with the guest within 20 minutes to make sure that the guest has received satisfactory service. Check to see if deficiencies have been corrected. Inventory the contents of the Manager on Duty station at Your Office to be sure that all items are present. select a minimum of One vacant guest room for inspection purposes.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. 3. 8. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Note the time on your report. 6. Manager on Duty. 7. Have any deficiencies corrected as soon as possible. using the Daily Guest Room Checklist form. Inspect the guest rooms. 5. Have a meal in one of the hotel’s dining areas. Replenish any supplies as necessary. Make the first tour of the property. After handling a guest complaint relayed to you. Observe the service and food quality while dining. Continue to check with the guest service personnel at least every hour for any calls or complaints requiring your attention. 4. 2. Note the time on your report. With the Front Desk staff.sherifnoaman. Make the second round of the property. Have any deficiencies corrected as soon as possible. Receive deliveries of goods for another department manager. 6. 2. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . In Case of Emergence. 4. 7. 4. Manager on Duty. Hire or terminate another department manager’s employees. electricity or water. In accordance with hotel policy approve the eviction of guests from the property. 2. Open the General Manager’s safe.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. 3. In the absence of the Department Head. suspend an employee without pay for the remainder of the work period if that employee has committed a serious violation of the hotel’s conduct polity. Taking actions necessary to obtain payment for hotel charges from guests without credit. unless a life safety situation occurs in which it is advisable to do so.org Limits Of Authority The Manager on Duty Has the Right To: 1. Alter any hotel policies or procedures.sherifnoaman. Call employee in to handle absenteeism or an unexpected increase in business (in the absence of the appropriate department manager). In the event of an emergency and in the absence of the Chief Engineer. The Manager on Duty Does not Have the Right To: 1. activate the main cut-off for gas. 3. 5. 6. 5. Use the Emergency Key Card to enter a guest’s room. Issue written warnings to another department manager’s employee. Alter future work schedules for another department manager Approve complimentary rooms. Consults and coordinates with hotel security and/or any local law enforcement officials on matters pertaining to the welfare of guests. Assists in serving guests at the front desk or in the restaurant during peak periods as needed. and directs hotel personnel and guests during emergency periods. Make at least two tours of the public areas of the hotel. 2. Initiate action on guest problems which cannot be handled by shift leaders. 9. Conducts an inspection of a minimum of two vacant guest rooms per shift.sherifnoaman. 8. 6.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. 10. 7. employees and both liquid and fixed assets of the hotel.org Daily Responsibilities 1. inspecting each area according to the hotel’s standards and the Manager on Duty report. 4. Wear a name badge and appropriate. Acts according to the hotel’s emergency procedures. Work through department managers and designated shift leaders to correct any deficiencies noted in the public areas and guest rooms that can be resolved during the shift. and follow through on such action by checking back with the guest and appropriate personnel. completing a room inspection report on each one. locally acceptable business attire while on duty. Maintains control of the Guest Satisfaction at all Times. Remains readily accessible to guest at all times. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Manager on Duty. 5. 3. Manager on Duty Manual. 7. Basic Supplies: The following basic items should be kept at the Manager on Duty Station: 1.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Daily guestroom Checklist forms. Manager on Duty Daily Report. In addition. A par stock should be established for each item. By providing one place for such essentials. 2. The hotel’s standard form for reporting safety or security incidents. the Manager on Duty Section can be a Part of the Manager on Duty Original Office. 4. 6. It should be convenient to an office where guests can meet with the Manager on Duty privately when necessary.sherifnoaman. the Manager on Duty should replenish it. 5. Maintenance Request forms. the station allows the Manager on Duty to carry out related procedures with professional ease. Guest Complaints forms. Manager on Duty. The station can be a small supply cabinet or a pair of file drawers that can be locked. the station allows all items to be inventoried to ensure that they are available when needed. Complimentary Order forms. when the use of such supplies involves a guest complaint or request. especially. If the Duty Manager area is Not Available for the Moment . As quantity of an item is depleted. 3.org Manager on Duty Station A special area in the hotel should be designated as the “Manager on Duty Station” a central location for all supplies and equipment related to the Manager on Duty’s responsibilities. this experience alone is not sufficient. Allowing a supervisor to learn about the hotel’s operation and staff from direct. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . On the job experience is basic One of the criteria that a supervisor should meet before becoming a Manager on Duty is to have served a minimum of three months in the assigned supervisory position.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. However. The positive results of this preparation are substantial. lost business and possible legal action can be avoided when a Manager on Duty handles guest complaints and emergencies confidently and in the best interests of the hotel. It should be used as the basis for more development in the broader responsibilities of the Manager on Duty. Training schedule should be followed Manager on Duty.org Training the New Manager on Duty Training gets positive results A new Manager on Duty who will be assigned for the first time should be trained in those duties before working the first shift. The confidence that comes from adequate preparation contributes to the respect that each Manager on Duty has for the job and its responsibilities.sherifnoaman. on-the-job experience is part of the preparation that every Manager on Duty at the hotel should have. The expense of refunds. 3. Tour the property with the Chief Engineer to clear the location and operation of:  Main cut-off for water.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Determine from the Chief Engineer what actions should NOT be taken before calling the Chief Engineer to the property. 4. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Manager on Duty Training Schedule 1.sherifnoaman. 2. Review the hotel’s standard for public area inspection. gas & electricity  Annunciation panels for the hotel fire detection system  Fire extinguishers with checks for charge and type  Any other necessary points which should be verified. Meet with the Executive Assistant Manager to review the areas of liability defined by hotel policy and local laws that apply to the Manager on Duty and receive some advise. It lists recommended activities and the amount of time needed to complete each one.org The schedule shown on the following page should be used to complete the supervisor’s training. Manager on Duty. Adjust shifts for New MOD A new Manager on Duty should be scheduled for a minimum number of shifts during the first few weeks of the assignment. more shifts can be added. Based on the General Manager’s evaluation of the supervisor’s performance. Meet with some department heads to learn what procedures can be applied by the Manager on Duty to assist at the guest contact part. org Safety & Security Do not disturb signs Power failures Flooding/Plumbing malfunctions Disturbances Guest Accidents and injuries Sickness Attempted Suicide Death of a Guest Alleged thefts from Guests Assaults Armed Robbery Investigations by Law Enforcement Agencies Manager on Duty.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www.sherifnoaman. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Note the guest’s name. Double-check the time stamped on the registration card that the guest checkedin. Ask if the guest would like to have the room cleaned. 4. Explain that the hotel was concerned for the guest’s welfare. 2. 3. It is established for the protection of the guest who may be ill or otherwise unable to contact the front desk. Given these conditions. when in need of help. and the room is still listed as occupied. 1. the Executive Housekeeper must report the room to the manager on duty for further investigation. Note whether the room is connecting or could have sliding glass doors so the room can be entered by these entrances. The guest has occupied the room for 24 hours. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Immediate Actions: NOTE: If at any time during your check of the room you are able to contact the guest. The Executive Housekeeper has tried to contact the guest by phone has gotten not response. 2. Call the guest. (The sign is reported to the Executive Housekeeper by the room attendant to whom the room is assigned for cleaning). Manager on Duty. This procedure is not meat as a violation of the guest’s privacy. apologize for the interruption.sherifnoaman.org Don Not Disturb Sign A room that has a “Do Not Disturb” sign left on the door should be investigated by management under the following conditions: 1. The “Do not disturb” sign is on the door two hours after the posted checkout time. A physical check of the room by the Executive Housekeeper obtains no response. 6. use the Emergency key. Knock on the door and identify yourself. unconscious or deceased. When no response can be obtained. Follow up and Reporting: 1. 5. proceed to the room with the Duty Manager Master Key Card. When the investigation has been completed and the room has been unlocked be sure that the contents of the room are made secure again. death or possible legal consequences for the hotel. try to open the door. When the incident involves guest injuries. Manager on Duty. Note the incident in the Manager on Duty report. complete a Loss and Incident Report. 4. 2. Take a companion with you in case any problem should occur. Open the door slightly and identify yourself again. 4.org 3. follow emergency procedures based on the situation. 3. losses. If the deadbolt is still thrown.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. When a guest is found to be seriously ill. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .sherifnoaman. when no response can be obtained by phone. Wait for a response. 2. 4. Find out what caused the power failure and how long the power will be down.sherifnoaman. Notify the Chief Engineer and the General Manager.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Completely survey the property to make sure that all emergency lights are working and that there is enough light throughout the whole building for guest safety. will create expensive utility costs for the hotel. Make sure all equipment is shut down. 6. Check the type of power that is used to operate the switchboard. This equipment will use excessive amounts of energy to start up again. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Remember to check the flashlights from time to time to be sure that the batteries and bulbs are still operating. Manager on Duty. Batteries should power this system so that it will continue to work when the rest of the power in the hotel is out. Immediate Actions 1. Set up a central communication center. 5.org Power Failures General Precautions 1. Give this information to the switchboard operator and guest service personnel so that they can answer guest inquiries. 3. Make sure that there is an emergency box set up at the front desk that contains several flashlights that work and any critical keys you may need are on location. 2. Call the Utilities Company. Make sure that you have enough employees available in the event that you have to provide escorts for guests to and from their rooms. if all units start at once. and when power returns. 2. 3.sherifnoaman. and asset protection. Turn the water back on and wait for the tank to fill. Place bath mats and towels on the floor to absorb the water and prevent it from reaching the carpet in the bedroom. Flooding / Plumbing Malfunctions Clogged plumbing in guest bathrooms can result in complaints that may lead to refunds Request. If neither procedure is successful. Turn or push the lever that opens and closes the drain. Guest Room Plumbing Bathtubs and sinks: 1. Place the room out of order. If the toilet still will not operate properly.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Flush the toilet. Turn off the water using the cut-off below the tank at the base board level. For any major plumbing malfunctions. Consider increasing security during a prolonged power outage to ensure adequate guest employee. 3. 4. 3. remove the plug entirely and use the plunger. 2. 4. Manager on Duty. If the water still does not drain. If the toilets overflow: 1. call the Chief Engineer at once. move the guest to another room. Go to the room with rags and a plunger. Toilets: 1. Place the room out of order and write up a Maintenance Request. and write up a Maintenance Request. Use the plunger.org 7. Use the plunger. Go to the room with rags and a plunger. move the guest to another room. lift the plug up partially with your fingers to allow the water to drain. then flush the toilet to see if it empties properly. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Basic procedures are given below for actions that can be taken to resolve less critical problems until the maintenance department can make the necessary repairs. If the drain does not open. Overflows of water from poor drainage can also damage carpet and create a hazard from slippery floors. 2. Manager on Duty.org 5. 5. If this procedure is not successful. 7. such as the dishwasher. 4. Move the guest to another room.sherifnoaman. Kitchen Drains / Storm Drains For kitchen drains. and write up a Maintenance Request. Use a “Water ac”. If the carpet is already wet. If carpeted areas could be soaked by the flow of water. extract as much of the water as soon as possible. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . if possible. pull the carpet up and back from the base of the wall. Place the room out of order. 3. turn the water off again. Send to the Laundry and to be Returned on a Complimentary Order Signed By the Duty Manager. Close all doors near the affected area.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Put rags or towels against the threshold to absorb the seeping water. disposal and pot sink. Roll back the padding. 2. then follow the procedures given below: 1. our first action should be to shut off all equipment discharging water into the drain. Post signs to keep traffic away from wet floors that could cause slips and falls. Write up a Maintenance Request on the problem. If any clothes of the Guest Damaged By Water. 6. This action can prevent the need for replacement of soaked carpet and padding. if available. sherifnoaman. Evacuate the area if the person becomes violent or makes threats of violence. 4. Manager on Duty. Remain calm and speak in a low voice. Contact the security officer or the local law enforcement officials for assistance at the earliest recognition of a problem. Make sure that lounge employees are not serving liquor to persons who are already intoxicated. Maintain a safe distance from the individual. Immediate Actions: 1. 3. Remember that irrational persons under the influence of alcohol or some other stimuli can be a threat to your physical well-being in addition to being loud or obnoxious. This supervision can prevent a major problem that requires further action. Use reasonable force only as a last resort for self-defense. Act in the interest of your own safety and safety of the hotel’s guests and employees. 3. Have the person removed from the area when severity or law enforcement assistance arrives.org Disturbances General Precautions: 1. 5.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. The person causing the disturbance may be asked to leave the hotel under penalty of arrest as a trespasser. 2. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . 2. Maintain a calm attitude. Correct any problems as soon as possible.  Try to contact the guest’s family. If necessary. Immediate Actions 1.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. The parents must give their legal consent before the child can receive medical treatment. note the refusal in your report of the injury. if available. and provide the name of the Hotel Doctor. 3. call a taxi to take the person to a medical facility. Do not talk about insurance or claim settlements with the guests. Manager on Duty.  Contact the hospital to find out the person’s condition. 5. inform the parents of the injury immediately. Do not discuss defects for the building or equipment with the guest. 4. When the injury is not serious but medical attention is requested. 6. If a guest is admitted to the hospital:  Emergency key the room of a guest who is traveling alone to protect the guest’s belongings. When medical treatment is declined.sherifnoaman. When the injured person is a juvenile. if they want to see the Hotel doctor for an examination. 2. Be courteous and do not argue.  Conduct a witnessed inventory of the personal effects left in the guest’s room. Tell the guest that a representative will be calling to obtain a statement. Respond to the location of the accident with first aid equipment and personnel trained in first aid. A copy of the inventory may be signed as a receipt. Store these items in a secure location until they are claimed by the guest or the guest’s family. Call the Insurance company. Ask injured person. If proper notification cannot be made contact local police officials for their assistance. Include the name of witnesses to the refusal. Obtain a receipt when the items are claimed. find out if the person has transportation at the hotel. 2. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . When the injury is apparently serious:  Render emergency first aid (if practical)  Call an ambulance immediately to take the person to the nearest hospital 7.org Guest Accidents and Injuries General Precautions 1. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. have the guest assisted to his or her room. 2. 3. When the person appears to be severely ill:  Render emergency first aid (if practical)  Call an ambulance to take the person to the nearest hospital emergency room. 4. When medical help is needed. 7 of the Guest Accidents and Injuries). find out who should be contacted to give the person any assistance that may be needed. contact the present to determine whether he or she is a guest and if medical assistance is needed. have the front desk call for medical assistance. follow the policy as normal (No.org Sickness Immediate Actions: 1.sherifnoaman. 6. When you are advised that a person at the hotel has become ill. NOTE: The incident and the refusal of medical help in the Manager on Duty report must include the names of witnesses to the refusal. When the person is not a guest and medical help is declined. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . whether or not the person is a guest. When the person is a guest and medical help is declined. Manager on Duty. 5. If a guest is admitted to the hospital. 6. The person may make another attempt at suicide. Do not allow on-lookers to become a nuisance or interfere with emergency personnel or vehicles.sherifnoaman. Notify the police. if available. follow the policy as normal (No. Call an ambulance. 5. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .org Attempted Suicide Immediate Actions: 1. 4. Have the area secured. 7 of the Guest Accidents and Injuries). and Follow His Instructions  Manager on Duty. NEVER LEAVE THE PERSON ALONE AT ANY TIME.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Call the General Manager . 2. If a guest is admitted to the hospital. Go to the location of the suicide attempt with first aid equipment and personnel trained in first aid. Death of a Guest Immediate Actions: 1. 3. Make sure that the guest is contacted personally by yourself and/or the hotel’s security officer. Manager on Duty. Determine whether the guest would like to have the matter reported to the local law enforcement officials. In the interest of employees and other guests. With the guest’s assistance. make sure that the refusal has been noted in the report on the incident. 2. This report is the decision of the guest.sherifnoaman. 4. If the guest does not want to have a law enforcement agency contacted. Include the names of witnesses to the refusal.     Your decision can be based on whether or not the theft involved: Armed robbery Physical assault and injury A break-in which jeopardizes the hotel’s security An item or items of significant value 3.org Alleged Thefts from Guests Immediate Actions: 1. All locks should be checked to be sure that they were engaged and working properly. unless hotel security has been jeopardized. search the area for any mislaid items. Have the area where the alleged theft took place inspected for signs of possible forced entry. determine whether the severity of the indigent requires that the local law enforcement officials should be contacted. 5. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www.  A complete description of the items reported as stolen. these leads should be referred to the local law enforcement officials for follow up. and any visitors to the guest’s room. including hotel employees. including the value of each one. 3. Where the guest was before discovering the loss and who the guest was with.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Obtain interviews with any witnesses to the theft.org Follow up and Reporting: 1. Manager on Duty. Make sure that you obtain the following information about the alleged theft either from the guest directly or from the security officer’s report.  Whether the guest requested the assistance of local law enforcement officials.  The guest’s name. Provide the names and addresses of witnesses to the law enforcement officials who investigate the incident.     When the item was last seen When the loss was discovered Who discovered that the items were missing.sherifnoaman.  The location of theft.  What visitors and acquaintances of the guest had access to the guest’s room. address and room number. Record any serial numbers that can be used for identification. If the guest has any suspects in mind. 2. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . Manager on Duty. and provide the name and address of one or more licensed local physicians. inform the parents of the injury immediately. 7 of Guest Accidents and Injuries). 5. Ask injured persons if they want to see a doctor for an examination. follow the policy as normal (No. Make sure that statements are taken from any witnesses to the assault. If the injury is apparently serious:  Render emergency first aids. Follow-up and reporting: 1. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . 2. 3. 6. 2.sherifnoaman. note the refusal in your report of the incident. If a guest is admitted to the hospital. Call security or the local law enforcement officials to the location of the assault. Respond to the location of the assault with first aid equipment and personnel trained in first aid. If medical treatment is declined.  Call an ambulance immediately to take the victim to the nearest hospital.org Assaults Immediate Actions: 1. The parents must give their legal consent before the child can receive medical treatment. 4. 7. if available. Include the names of witnesses to the refusal. Call the claims adjustment organization as soon as possible and furnish them with the details of the incident. When the injured person is a juvenile.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. These statements should be made in your presence as acting manager. if the area is not disturbed. 3. Do not touch any physical evidence left behind by the robbers. write down a description of the robber and the means of escape. the direction of escape. After the Robbery: 1. Consider all guns to be loaded. If possible. Manager on Duty. Do not be a hero.org Armed Robbery During the Robbery: 1. and do not block the robber’s exit. 2. Limit access to the area where the crime occurred in the likelihood that evidence. As soon as possible after notifying the police. Avoid doing anything that would excite the robber or provoke violence.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. 2. 4. such as fingerprints. such as notes or clothing. and a description of any vehicle or means of escape used by the robber. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .sherifnoaman. Do not resist. Notify local policy station immediately after the robbery. could be obtained. 3. note all physical characteristics of the robber. Never take any action that would jeopardize the safety of the hotel employees. guests or yourself. Any alarm systems at the hotel (or the absence of alarms). Normally. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . A physical description of the robbers.sherifnoaman. 6. do not release the following information:      The exact amount of money taken in the robbery. Provide all information recorded on the robbery to the police. The identity of particular persons who can accurately describe the robber. Manager on Duty. 5. When dealing with media representatives.org 4. Any cash that was overlooked by the robbers. Ask them to wait until the law enforcement officials arrive so that they can give their descriptions of the incident. Obtain the names and addresses of any witnesses to the robbery. the media will be satisfied with a general statement concerning the robbery.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. and they can then be directed to the police who are making an official investigation of the incident. Ask to see the officer’s proper identification. Release of Guest Records: Do not release registration cards.  To investigate the presence of an individual who has broken in to the room or has not legitimate reason for being there. Hotel management may allow police officers to enter a guest room without a warrant only when there is an immediate concern for the security of the hotel’s property or operation.org Investigation by Police Officer For All Investigations: 1. telephone call records folios or any other documents. These exceptions are:  To handle a disturbance. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . If the officer presents a subpoena for any documents or information. messages.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. 2. Manager on Duty. call the General Manager at once.sherifnoaman. Determine whether the officer is conducting an official investigation. unless the guest is in the room and consents to the search. If the officers plan to apprehend the guest and there is possibility of violence.org Arrests: 1. 3. Manager on Duty. Search: Ask to see the search warrant. Ask to see the arrest warrant and call the General Manager. Accompany the officers to the guest room.sherifnoaman. take steps to move other guests from the area. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . 2. but stand and back and allow them to announce themselves and open the door.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Do not permit an officer to enter or search a guest room without a warrant. DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www. Do not use when:  The fire is spreading rapidly beyond the point of origin  The fire could block your exit. Manager on Duty. as in a mattress. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .org Fire FIRE EXTINGUISHERS When to use a Fire Extinguisher: 1. Use a fire extinguisher to fight a fire given all of the following conditions:  The fire department has been called. you can fight the fire with your back to an Never re-hang an extinguisher once it has been discharged (even if it is used for a few seconds only). 2. Always maintain an area of three feet clearance around all fire protection equipment. exit.sherifnoaman.  You are not sure how to operate the extinguisher. waste basket.  When using the extinguisher.  The fire is small (confined to its origin cushion or small appliance). Have it recharged by a licensed service company. wood and most plastics Class B .Common combustibles: Cloth. titanium or sodium Type of Extinguisher All purpose or water type All purpose All Purpose Because of the infrequent occurrence of Class D fire in hotels. The correct type of fire extinguisher must be used on each kind of fire.DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www.sherifnoaman. Class C . Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN . solvents. paint. this type of extinguisher will probably not be used at the hotel Manager on Duty. Class of Fire Class A .Combustible metals: Magnesium.org Categories of Fires: There are four classes of fires. etc. gasoline. oil. based upon the different types of combustible materials.Electrical: Writing appliances. motors or any energized electrical equipment Class D .Flammable Liquids : Grease. Maintenance Request Form Accident Report Above Forms should be photocopied and Kept Ready in the Manager on Duty Stations as Mentioned before.org Duty Manager Forms Duty Manager Property Check-list ( MOD Daily Report) Guest Room Check list Complimentary Order Form. Authorities & Responsibilities DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE / SHERIF NOAMAN .DEVELOPMENT OF HOTEL SKILLS & STAFF PERFORMANCE SHERIF NOAMAN www.sherifnoaman. Manager on Duty.
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