Dukane Avionics 42A12D Technical Manual

March 30, 2018 | Author: Madhan Ganesan | Category: Microphone, Power Supply, Amplifier, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronics



TECHNICAL MANUALULTRASONIC TEST SET MODEL 42A12D JUNE 15, 1998 REV 00 SEACOM DIVISION DUKANE CORPORATION ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS 60174 PHONE: 630/584-2300 FAX: 630/584-5154 DOCUMENT NO. 03-TM-0038  1998 DUKANE CORPORATION 199806-08SC 1........1..........................................2.......................................1.........................2............... Specifications 42A12D Ultrasonic Test Set....2... Schematic Ultrasonic Test Set Model 42A12D................4........................... Symbols and Abbreviations.................................................................1......................1.................... 1............................................................................... Maintenance and Replacement Parts.......................2....................... General......1......... Specifications........................................ Audio Output......................Table Of Contents SECTION I General Information.... 2. Test Set Tuning.1................. 3........................................... 1...............................3......3.........2................................................... Tuning Components..................3...............................................................................3................ General Description......................................................... Figure 3.............................. 3................................ 1.............................................. 3.................................................. Ultrasonic Test Set Model 42A12D......................... 1...................................................................................................................................................1..............................................................................1............................................... Introduction............................................................. 03-TM-0038 REV 00 PAGE i of i 1 .................................... Figure 1........................... Block Diagram...... 1...... 3................ Tuning.................................. Function...................................................3..........................3......................... 3........................................ 1................... 3......................3......5........ Battery Life..........2.... 3................................................................................. 3 3 III Maintenance..........................2....................2..........1................. Auxiliary Connections and Uses............ Test Set Schematic Diagram.......... Adjusting Frequency Range..................................................2................................ 1.................................. 3............. Test Set Block Diagram...................... 1 2 4 5 Tables Table 1. 1..................2.......................... Operation...............3....1 Figure 3...... 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 Figures Figure 1............................................ PAGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 II Operation.... Battery Replacement........................1....................... Test Equipment.....1........... ...3....... etc.9V (Qty 1) Gain.. St.. The test set was designed primarily as a self-contained............ 250 mW into .2........... 1... hand-held functional tester for testing underwater acoustic beacons... operation and maintenance of the 42A12D Ultrasonic Test Set manufactured by Dukane Corporation............25" (5........... TABLE 1............ SPECIFICATIONS 42A12D ULTRASONIC TEST SET Size. 1.2.1.......... GENERAL...........1..... GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1... oscilloscope....-150dB re 1uPa Battery Life........1.........87 dB min........ permits operation into headphones.... the Test Set can perform an operational test on a beacon without removing the beacon from its mount on the aircraft.................... This manual contains the description....2......... See Figure 1.................. SPECIFICATIONS.................Less than one mW across 10 ohm load Undistorted Output.. INTRODUCTION 1. 1. FUNCTION. in place of internal loudspeaker (impedance 10 ohm nominal) * NEDA Type 1604A... at 37.......5 k Hz Noise. All symbols and abbreviations used in this manual are in accordance with the ANSI Y14....30 to 45 kHz Battery*.............. 2900 Dukane Drive....43 cm) x 2................. Charles.Switchcraft type 43A. The specifications for the 42A12D are given in Table 1.. Figure 1...62 cm) x 4.13 ounces (368 grams) Tuning Range..1.2.. Ultrasonic Test Set Model 42A12D........72 cm) Weight........1.....5" (11.......1..SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION 1..30 to 40 hours Audio Output Jack....1. The 42A12D is a battery operated heterodyne type receiver tunable over the ultrasonic frequency range of 30 to 45 kHz.15 and MIL-STD-12........ 10 ohm load Microphone Sensitivity. SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS..... Seacom Division..................2...0" (7..1.......... Utilizing the internal microphone and loudspeaker.... respectively....... 03-TM-0038 REV 00 PAGE 1 of 5 ..1. Illinois 60174. 3. 1.1. AUXILIARY CONNECTIONS AND USES A. CAUTION A SHORT ACROSS THE AUDIO OUTPUT JACK MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE TEST SET CIRCUITRY. Operation into higher impedance such as oscilloscopes. The signals coming out of the mixer are amplified by the audio amplifier. SOME FORM OF PROTECTION SHOULD BE PRO-VIDED WHERE SPLASH CONDITIONS EXIST.2. No DC potential is present on the AUDIO OUTPUT jack. Figure 1. 1. The microphone detects a beacon signal which is amplified and fed into the mixer. where most of the gain of the test set is provided. hence no output from the mixer. the difference frequency is the resultant output from the mixer.2. When tuned above or below the incoming signal.2. 1. Test Set Block Diagram. The tunable oscillator frequency is also fed into the mixer. 03-TM-0038 REV 00 PAGE 2 OF 5 .1 AUDIO OUTPUT. the difference frequency is zero. is the schematic diagram of the test set. is a block diagram and Figure 3. chart recorders or other types of readout equipment is permissible.3. meters. BLOCK DIAGRAM. When both frequencies are the same.3.Figure 1. CAUTION TEST SET IS NOT WATER-PROOF OR SPLASH PROOF. The test set AUDIO OUTPUT jack circuit is designed to work into a load impedance of approximately 10 ohms which is ideal for attachment of low impedance head phones. and will be in the audio range when the difference is within 1000 to 3000 Hz. If the Beacon is mounted. CAUTION TO CONSERVE BATTERY LIFE. GAIN CONTROL SHOULD BE SET TO OFF POSITION WHEN TEST SET IS NOT IN ACTUAL USE. The beacon need not be removed from its mount on the aircraft to perform operational testing. Lack of noise may indicate a dead battery. 03-TM-0038 REV 00 PAGE 3 of 5 . D. Turn the GAIN control to a fully clockwise position. Beacon operation will be indicated by an audible pulsing tone. C. E. The audio response is peaked at about 3200 Hz. therefore. Point the microphone of the Test Set towards the water switch end of the Beacon for best results. replace battery before resuming operational testing. See Maintenance Section 3. or by shorting the water switch terminal to the case by means of a shorting tab. Set the TUNING control to approximately midscale.SECTION II OPERATION 2.1. A pronounced background noise should be present. B.2. F. The tuning control permits reception of an acoustic signal operating anywhere within the 30 to 45 kHz frequency range. Set the GAIN control at a comfortable listening level. the test set should be tuned to produce an output signal of approximately this frequency to achieve greatest sensitivity. Actuate a beacon under test by immersing the water switch in tap water. OPERATION A. Rubbing fingers in front of microphone should produce a rushing noise from speaker. position the Test Set for maximum unobstructed signal. Should this occur. 2. Pre-set power supply to 9V DC. Set the Audio Oscillator to 37. Work surface with insulated electrostatic shield plate (see Figure 3. C. Output monitor and VTVM. Necessary interconnecting cables to connect input. C.2. The battery is accessible in the Test Set by removing the single screw on the bottom of the case and dropping out the chassis. CAUTION USE AN INSULATED TOOL TO MAKE THIS ADJUSTMENT 03-TM-0038 REV 00 PAGE 4 OF 5 .5 kHz and 45 kHz and provides several volts output. output and power to test set. TUNING A. BATTERY LIFE With intermittent usage. at least 1.3. loosen the screw on the back of the case and remove the test set from the housing. Figure 3. The response will be very subtle.1. With the GAIN pot at MAX. Tuning Components.5 Vrms should be observed E. Test Oscillator which is accurate at 30 kHz. 3. B. TEST SET TUNING The following test equipment and procedures should be followed to tune and adjust the frequency range of the 42A12D Test Set. Connect the audio oscillator to the wiper and ground leads of the gain pot.1. In any event.SECTION III MAINTENANCE 3. with an output of 35 mvrms. D. BATTERY REPLACEMENT 3. 3.3. 3. but for additional safety.2. 37. TEST EQUIPMENT A. D. but longer service will be obtained by the use of premium batteries such as NEDA Type 1604A. Any 9-volt battery may be used. always turn GAIN control knob to OFF position before making battery change. B. Locate adjustment T1 on Figure 3. D. Tune the slug of T1 for peak signal output. Turn the GAIN control to OFF.5 kHz. A snap type connector facilitates change of battery and prevents reversal of polarity. Regulated current limiting power supply capable of 9V and 200 mA output current.. battery should be replaced when its load voltage has dropped to 7 volts (Test Set turned ON and GAIN control set to minimum).1. battery operating life will be approximately 30 to 40 hours depending on the type of and manufacturer of the battery. Disconnect the battery snap and remove battery.) connected to common (battery negative terminal) of equipment.3.3. adjust the TUNING knob for peak signal at either the upper or lower peak. Place test set GAIN control side up on the insulated side of test plate. Monitoring the Audio Output Jack. .. Monitoring the frequency........ ADJUSTING FREQUENCY RANGE.....O..1%. Figure 3. 15K D4 1N4454 R24 2.....P/N 809-440-0004 B. approximately 42 kHz or as high as possible.. A.. M=1. pin 14 of U2.P/N 601-315 C. 75K R2 150 R17 750 L1 2.. 7MH T2 C7 .... MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT PARTS.3. 01 C2 . CAPACI TORS ARE I N MICROFARADS.. 000..2.. 1K 3 2 4 1 1 U2A 1 LF444 C17 470pF R22 10K 6 5 1 1 U2B 7 LF444 R26 56. Set the TUNING knob to the maximum frequency (45 kHz). 5K C10 68 R30 2. Tune R22 for the minimum L. Place an oscilloscope probe or frequency counter on the output of the local oscillator circuit. K=1.. 2K R7 15K C3 Q2 2N5088 D2 1N4005 T1 Q1 2N5088 R3 3...1 J2 AUDI O OUTPUT 5 3 C8 22 R18 120 4 C9 ... 2. 00K C5 560pF R14 511K R15 511K C12 330 8U? 6 1 2 D3 1N4454 C16 . 000....3. 32K L2 2. ALL RESI STORS ARE I N OHMS. 01 C15 ..4.....O...P/N 601-372 D. 01 R4 3. BT1 9V R13 10K SW 1 SWPOW ER C1 68 R1 33.. 1K R6 221K ....3. 1... Set the TUNING to the minimum frequency (30 kHz).. The audio output is tuned for approximately 3200 Hz. Tuning or Gain 1 control knob.. A. 2K R25 56. adjust R16 for the maximum L.NEDA Type 1604A C. TEST SET SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM..... is the schematic diagram for the 42A12D Ultrasonic Test Set.. 7 1408 Q4 2N5088 R12 4........ 16K Y1 TRANSDUCER D1 1N4005 1408 R29 75K R9 68. 000.. 5K R16 50K R23 100K NOTES: UNLESS OTHERW I SE SPECI FI ED. 8 R10 47. See Figure 3. 7MH R5 68..2 Schematic Ultrasonic Test Set Model 42A12D 03-TM-0038 REV 00 PAGE 5 of 5 .3. 02 7 C13 68 C4 22 R20 10 LS1 SPEAKER R28 7. TUNING control R23....1 C18 68 C11 10 R19 75K R11 6.. 3. 3....... Figure 3. 6K 1 1 U2D 14 LF444 4 R21 47. approximately 27 kHz.... 1/ 3 W ATT +/ .. B. The frequency range for the Test Set is 30 to 45 kHz. 2K 4 9 10 1 1 U2C 8 LF444 R27 13 12 4 22. GAIN control R13...... F. 047 R31 R32 10 10 C14 LM386M .5. 01 R8 100K Q3 2N5086 C6 .. E. D.. Battery.. Repeat steps C through E as many times as necessary until both ends are tuned...
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