Duel Piperin (1)

March 17, 2018 | Author: Sauqi Akbar | Category: Black Pepper, Nature



Fakhrur rozy nasution Rifki rusdian A.Radhya dionanda Rifka uljannah Orindia suarmin Hadi syukria Nedita putri bandaro Nellia yasmin Afifah makhirliana Ahmad satrio Fatma utami M. Fariz permana Ronny sasko p. H. Rudi pranata Melisa arnety Fitria lavita agresa Putri andini Nadya kasih ramadhani Yuliana puspita sari A new aristolactam alkaloid and anti-platelet aggregation costituents from piper taiwanense A spectrophotometric method to estimate piperine in piper species Aktivitas larvasida minyak atsiri pada daun sirih (pipper betle linn) terhadap larva nyamuk aedes aegepty Alkaloids from piper sarmentosum and piper nigrum Analysis of the contents of pungent compounds in fresh korean red peppers and in pepper-containing foods Anthelmintic activity of piperine from black pepper Antidepressant and cognitive activities of intranasal piperine-encapsulated liposomes. Antimicrobial activity of piperine purified from piper nigrum Antitumor and antibacterial activity of ethylacetate extract of ludwigia hyssopifolia linn and its active principle piperine Bioactivity guided isolation of mosquito larvicide from piper longum Cardiovascular effects of two amides (piperine and piperdardine) isolated from piper tuberculatum jacq. Characterization and hplc quantification of Gemmy sarina Dianty putri Azhimatu rahmi Fuji aglariat Dini hanifa Murniati Ronita afriani Riska ropika hasibuan Roza natulchair Maya anggrelana zalmi Vella sri oktavia Annisa Sherly ramadhani Raudatul atikah Sanezea effendy Irena kartika Nurhidayati yusri Adek saputra amri Riri adekurnia Khiky dwi natrana Miftahul jannah piperin isolated from piper guineense Characterization and hplc quantification of piperine isolated from piper guineense (fam. Piperaceae) Characterization and hplc quantification of piperine isolated from piper guineense (fam. Piperaceae) Chemical standardization and quantification of piperin from methanolic extract of piper nigrum by hplc method on the basis of isolated markers Comparasion and bioevaluation of piper longum fruit extract Compound specific extraction of camptothecin from nothapodytes nimmoniana and piperine from piper nigrum using accelerated solvent extractor Corrosion inhibition of c38 steel in 1 m hcl: a comparative study of black pepper extract and its isolated piperine Corrosion inhibition of c38 steel in 1 m hcl: a comparative study of black pepper extract and its isolated piperine Cytotoxic compounds against breast adenocarcinoma cells (mcf-7) from pikutbenjakul Daya antimikroba ekstrak dan fraksi daun sirih merah (piper betle linn.) Determination of piperine in pepper (piper nigrum l) Determination of piperine in pepper atau piperine determination in pepper and oleoresin Development and validation of rapid rp-hplc method for estimation of piperine in piper ningrum l. Development and validation of rapid rp-hplc Willyan dari Febri rahmadani yuzar Lefrina gusriani Siti khoratun nisa Fitri mayenti Citra humairoh uzra Lydian permata sari Poppy apriani Azizah fitri Naura prima vidian Annisa fathania adrizal Hakimul arif Jam’atur rahmah Didi muhammad ikhsan Ni putu katarina d. Rani zafira arman method for estimation of piperin in piper nigrum l. Double bypasses soxhlet apparatus for extraction of piperine from piper nigrum Double bypasses soxhlet apparatus for extraction of piperine from piper nigrum Effect of methanolic extract of piper sarmentosum leaves on neointimal foam cell infiltration in rabbits fed with high cholesterol diet Enhanced hepatoprotective activity of piperine loaded chitosan microspheres Estimation of piperine by uvspectrophotometric method in herbal formulation, pippli churna Evaluation of active constituent of piper nigrum in diarrhoea Evaluation of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition and anti-oxidant activity of piper longuml. Evaluation of herbal toothpowder for its piperine content Evaluation of in vitro antitumor property of ethanolic extract of piper nigrum seeds Extraction and evaluation of piperine from piper nigrum linn Extraction and evaluation of piperine from piper nigrum linn Extraction of sarawak black pepper essential oil using supercritical carbon dioxide Extraction, identification, formulation and evaluation of piperine in alginate beads. Extraction, identification, formulation and evaluation of piperine in alginate beads. Extraction, identification, formulation and evaluation of piperine in alginate beads. Hptlc method for analysis of piperine in fruits of piper species Tika apri elni Fauriza rivandra Yuci pramujianti Rayi laras alit Vonny kurnia utama Lora rahmatika Dhilla shintya magza Usi wulandari Al hidayanti putri Andari faseran Rafiqha nurul fadjri Ade jihan rosida Maisura antika rurianda In - vivo assessment of enhanced bioavailability of metronidazole with piperine in rabbits In vitro permeation of aceclofenac through the shed skin of two different species In vivo assessment of enchanced bioavaibility of metronidazole piperine in rabbit.. Indonesian oleaginous yeast isolated from piper betle and p.nigrum Insecticide activity of piperine: toxicity to eggs of spodoptera frugiperda(lepidoptera: noctuidae) and diatraea saccharalis(lepidoptera: pyralidae) and phytotoxicity on several vegetables In-vivo assessment of enhanced bioavailability of metronidazole with piperin in rabbit Ionic liquid-based ultrasonic assisted extraction of piperine from white pepper Isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa kimia serta uji aktivitas anticandidaisis serbuk daun sirih duduk (piper sarmentosum roxb. Ex hunter) Isolasi dan uji antiradikal bebas minyak atsiri pada daun sirih (piper betle linn) secara spektroskopi ultra violet-tampak Isolasi senyawa alkaloid dari biji buah pala Isolasi senyawa antioksidan dari daun sirih merah (piper crocatum) Isolasi, identifikasi dan uji aktifitas senyawa alk aloid daun binahong ( anredera cordifolia (tenore) steenis Isolasi, identifikasi dan uji pendahuluan aktivitas antibakteri senyawa metabolit sekunder dari ekstrak metanol kulit batang bakau merah (rhizophora stylosa)(rhizophoraceae) isolation, identificatian, and test of antibacterial activity secondary metabolites from methanol extract of red mangrove’s stem bark (rhizophora stylosa)(rhizophoraceae) Triziska Ulfa syafli nosa Rizki yora oktriandita Nia chairunnisa br. Ginting Annita novia roswan Carmelia saraswati Siti rukmana Rezka fajar ramadhan Rahmad fajar Ayu larassati Nurhidayah Amrina rasyada M.eri ismail Khiratul azizi Abdila rahmi hanifa roza Fitri Rika fenesia apriyanti Fuji yasardi Isolation and characterization of lead molecul from gramineae and piperacea drug Isolation and characterization of piperine from the fruits of black pepper (piper nigrum) Isolation and hptlc estimation of kaempferol from oxystelma esculentum Isolation and identification of alkaloids and anthocyanins from flower and bulb of lycoris radiata using hplc and lc-esi-ms Isolation and quantification of kaempferol- 7o- glucoside and their antimicrobial screening of cassia nodosa bunch Isolation identification and antymicrobacterial aveluation of piperin from piper longum Isolation of piperdine from piper nigrum and its antiproliferative activity Isolation of piperdine from piper nigrum and its antiproliferative activity Isolation of piperdine from piper nigrum and its antiproliferative activity Isolation of piperine and few sesquiterpenes from the cold petroleum ether extract of piper nigrum (black pepper) and its antibacterial activity Isolation of piperine and structural confirmation by synthesis Isolation of piperine from black pepper Isolation, identfication and antymycobacterial evaluation piperine fromm piper longmum Isolation, identification and antimycobacterial evaluation of piperine from piper longum Isolation, identification and antimycobacterial evaluation of piperine from piper longum Isolation, identification, and antymicobacterial evaluation of piperine from piper longum Isolation, spectroscopic characterization and computational modeling of chemical constituents of piper longum natural product Isolation, spectroscopic characterization and Lakmi nurul suci Hasanatul khairiyah Agus suparman Mifta hul jannah Rifka desti ningsih Annisa velmitha sari Robby kurniawan Sally marcelina juniasty computational modeling of chemical constituents of piper longum natural product Isolation, synthesis, and evolutionary ecology of piper amides Isolation,spectroscopic characterization computational modeling of chemical constituent of piper longum natural product Ketahanan dan pengaruh fitotoksik campuran ekstrak piper retrofractum dan annona squamosa pada pengujian semi lapangan Microwace assisted isolation of hesperidin,ricinoleic acid and piperic acid Microwave assisted extraction and estimation of piperine, andrographolide using hplc techniques Analgesic antiphyretic and ulcerogenic effects if piperine : an active of pepper New method development for extraction and isolation of piperine from black pepper New method development for extraction and isolation of piperine from black pepper New method development for extraction and isolation of piperine from black pepper Novel aromatic ester from piper longum and its analogues inhibit expression of cell adhesion molecules on endothelial cells Oral administration of piperine for the control of aflatoxin intoxication in rats Pemanfaat ekstrak etanol buah lada hitam ( piper ningrum ) sebagai antibakteri terhadap methicillin resistance staphylococcus areus (mrsa) no isolat m . 2036, t secara in vitro. Pemanfaatan ekstrak ethanol buah lada hitam ( piperin nigrum) sebagai antibakteri terhadap methicillin resistant staphyococcus aureus ( Restu adithya indraini Taufiq salam Rindu okditanisa Fitria rahma Fauzia noprima okta Rahmatika fitri angelia Nadia ningrum masa) no. Isolat m.2036 t.secara invitro Pengaruh ekstrak daun sirih terhadap pertumbuhan (vibrio sp) Pengujian ekstrak piper retrofractum sebagai insektisida nabati terhadap crocidolomia pavonana dan plutella xylostella serta keamanannya terhadap diadegma semiclausum Pengujian ekstrak piper retrofractum sebagai insektisida nabati terhadap crocidolomia pavonana dan plutella xylostella serta keamanannya terhadap diadegma semiclausum Pharmacognostic, phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of two piper species Phyto chemical and therapeutic potential of piper longum linn a review Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of piper longum linn a review Phytochemical evaluation and antiinflammatory studies of polyherbal formulation Phytochemical studies on piper umbellatum l Piperine an alkaloid derived from black pepper increases serum response of beta carotene during 14 days of oral beta carotene supplementation Piperine determination in pepper (piper nigrum l.) And its oleoresins-a reversed-phase hige-performance liquid chromatographic method Piperine determination in pepper and its oleoresin a reversed hptlc method Piperine determination in pepper and its oleoresins- a reversed phase higt performance liquid chromatography method Piperine from the fruits of piper longum with inhibitory effect on monoamine oxidase and antidepressant-like activity Piperine production by endophytic fungus Diana safitri Friska fourtunella Pika nur adhini M. Ramadhan syahputra Reinaldo pradana Atika melati Andini khairunnisa Maylan susantika Ratu aulia tilqa Yuliana ristantia Sylvi istiqhamah Intan nedia putri Fitria Sauqi akbar Dona febrianti Widya putri Nurbaiti Risa hestia Intan permata sari Nanda putri utami periconia sp. Isolated from piper longum l Piperine-type amides: review of the chemical and biological characteristics Piperine-type amides: review of the chemical and biological characteristics Potensi anti jamur kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah dan bunga rosela terhadap candida albican Potential use of piper nigrum etanol extract agains pyrethroid resistant aedes aegypti larves Preparative isolation of piperine from black pepper extracts Quantification of piperine in p. Chaba by hplc and its bio-potentials Quantification of piperine in p. Chaba by hplc and its bio-potentials quantitative estimation of piperine in piper nigrum and piper longum using high performance thin layer chromatography Maria clara chrisantini Mona ade lisa Rizky ananda Vanessa vimel Alvin arif Agnes simbolon Wahyu safitri Quantitive estimation of piperine, 18 beta glycerrhetinic acid and 6 gingerol from suryacid tablet formulation by hplc method Rapid validated hptlc method for estimation of piperine and piperlongumine in root of piper longum extract and its commercial formulation Rp - hplc method for determination of piperine from piper longum linn. And piper nigrum linn Senyawa terpenoid hasil isolasi dari daun lada (piper nigrum, linn) dan uji bioaktivitasnya terhadap hama callosobruncus chinensis Studies on the constituents of the crude drug "piperis longi fructus" on the alkaloids of fruits of piper longum l. Tea polyphenols and alkaloids content using soxhlet and direct extraction methods The aphrodisiac effect and toxicity of combination piper retrofractum l, centella asiatica, and curcuma domestica Sherly veronica Elsa septiyeni Amyra wisman Farendina suarantika Iga analusya Ghea rizky adrin Aufa rahmi Atika suri Dede lufrian permata Fadhilah ulfa irawan infusion The comparison of antioxidative and proliferation inhibitor properties of piper betle l., catharanthus roseus [l] g.don, dendrophtoe petandra l., curcuma mangga val. Extracts on t47d cancer cell line The effect of piperine on midazolam plasma concentration in healthy volunteers, a research on the cyp3a-involving metabolism The isolation and identi f ication of three alkaloids from acacia berlandieri* The plant alkaloid piperine as a potential inhibitor of ethidium bromide efflux in mycobacterium smegmatis The plant alkaloid piperine as a potential inhibitor of ethidium bromide efflux in mycobacterium smegmatis The potency of piperine as antiinflammatory and analgesic in rats and mice Transdermal delivery of aceclofenac: effect of piperine and its mechanism of action Uji fungistatik ekstrak daun sirih (piper betle l.) Terhadap candida albicans Validated spectrofluorimetric method for estimation of piperine in an ayurvedic formulation Validatidated spectrofluorimetric method for estimation of piperine in an ayurvedic formulation
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