dudjom tersar ngondro1

March 18, 2018 | Author: Karma Arnab | Category: Mantra, Mysticism, Indian Religions, Buddhist Philosophical Concepts, Buddhist Philosophy



Dudjom Tersar Ngondro2 The Blessing of the Speech om ah hung ché wang ram yik lé jung mé sek né |ö mar nampé dorjé tsesum bub| ali kali takor tendrel nying| mutik trengwa tabü yikdru lé| ö trö gyalwa sé ché chöpé nyé|lar dü ngak drib dak né sung dorjé|jinlab ngödrub tamché tobpar gyur|| Oṃ āḥ hūṃ! From the syllable raṃ (in my speech centre) arises fire, consuming my tongue,Which is transformed 3 ang ah 4 . ri rii.In its centre are the vowels and consonants. The Vowel Mantra a aa. all the obscurations of my speech are purified. o au.Light streams out. u .ii. From them.Daily Practice in Three Parts into a three-spoked vajra of red light. and around them the mantra of ‘The Essence of Interdependent Origination’:Their syllables are like strings of pearls. e ai. making offerings to the buddhas and bodhisattvas. i . li lri. andI obtain all the blessings and siddhis of vajra speech.As it converges back.uu. and pleasing them. cha chha ja jha nya. 7 times Mantra of the essence of interdependent origination 5 . ta tha da dha na. ta tha da dha na.gnya. pa pha ba bha ma.7 times The Consonant Mantra ka kha ga gha nga. ya ra la wa sha sha sa ha ksha tra. om yé dharma hetu prabhava hetun teshan tatagato hyavadat teshantsa yo nirodha evam vadi maha shramana soha All dharmas originate from a cause. has been taught by the Great Śrama ṇa ḥ. The Tath āgata has taught this cause. 7 times Mantras for Multiplying the Power of Recitation om sambhara sambhara vimana sara maha dzambha hung 6 . That which brings the cause to cessation—this too. om rutsi ramani pravardhanaye soha hri benza dziha mantra dhara vardhani om Recite this seven or three times. whatever you say will multiply beyond all measure. 7 .om smara smara bimana skara maha dzambha hung Tadyatha Om dhare dhare bendhare svaha Recite the mantras seven times. and the power of your mantras will be increased one hundred thousand times. and it will bless it and increase the power and strength of its nutrition. 8 .To bless your mala before beginning the recitation of your yidam deity recite this mantra. along with the vowels and consonants and ‘The Essence of Interdependent Origination’. Also recite it from time to time over your food. 9 . Here is the Concise Recitation of The Preliminary Practice of the New Treasure of Dudjom First: The Preparation– The Recitation of the Four Reflections which Reverse the Mind NAMO LU MED TEN GYI GÖN PO LA MA K'YEN |DAL JOR 'DI NI SHIN TU NYED PAR KA'|KYE TS'ED MI TAG CH'I 10 . WA'I CH'Ö CHEN YIN|GE DIG LE KYI GYU DRE LU WA MED|K'AM SUM K'OR WA DUG NGAL GYA TS'O'I NGANG DREN NE DAG LO CH'Ö LA 'GYUR WAR SHOG|| Homage! Lama.The three realms of cyclic existence have the nature of an ocean of suffering:Remembering this. may my mind turn towards the Dharma! 11 . (you who) know!The freedoms and favourable conditions of this (human birth) are extremely difficult to Everything born is impermanent and bound to die.The results of virtuous and unvirtuous actions (which are causes) are inexorable. Infallible constant protector. First: The Going for Refuge Believe that the Root Teacher. The Actual Preliminary Practice. reciting as many times as possible. himself. the essence of the embodiment of the refuge field of the Three Jewels. is actually sitting in front (of one) in the sky. do the mental training. in the form of Guru Rinpoche.Thus. 12 . I take refuge in the Lama and the Three Jewels. Thus. recite as much as one can.'DI ZUNG JANG CH'UB NYING PO MA T'OB BAR LA MA KÖN CH'OG SUM LA KYAB SU CH'I From now until attaining the heart of enlightenment. Second: The Generation of Bodhicitta 13 . with prostrations. I shall accomplish the benefits and happiness of all parent sentient beings. do the mental training in the Bodhicitta. Thus.Beseeching the object of refuge to bear witness… DA NE ZUNG TE K'OR WA MA TONG BAR MA GYUR SEM CHEN KÜN GYI P'EN DE DRUB From now until samsara becomes empty. 14 . Third: The Accumulation of Merit Mandala Offering Having actually arranged the mandala configuration as a symbolic example… TS'E RAB KÜN GYI LÜ DANG LONG CHÖD PAL TS'OG NYI DZOG CH'IR KÖN CH'OG SUM LA 'BUL 15 . The bodies. enjoyments. Thus. (and) glories of the succession of all my lifetimes I offer to the Three Jewels in order to complete the two accumulations. offer the mandala as many times as possible. 16 . possessions. 17 . Fourth:The Purification of Obscurations. . The Meditation of Vajrasattva Remain in one's ordinary state. CHI WOR LA MA DOR SEM YER MED PA'I KU LE DÜD TSI'I GYÜN BAB DRIB JANG GYUR 18 . purifying (my) obscurations.Above one’s head is Vajrasattva. a nectar stream descends.From (Vajrasattva’s) body. OM VAJRA SATTVA SAMAYA MANU PALAYA VAJRA SATTVA TE NO PA TISHT'A DRI DHO ME BHA WA SU TO KHAYO ME BHA WA SU PO KHAYO ME BHA WA ANU RAKTO ME BHA WA SARWA SIDDHI ME PRAYATTSA SARWA KARMA SU TSA ME TSITTAM SHRE YAM KURU HUNG HA HA HA HA HO BHA GA WAN SARWA TAT'AGATA 19 . inseparable from the Lama. VAJRA MĀME MUNTSA VAJRI BHAWA MAHĀ SAMAYA SATTVA AH|| Thus. with the visualization of the nectar descending and purifying. Then… 20 . recite the hundred syllables OM VAJRA SATTVA HUNG Then recite the six syllable mantra as much as one can. 21 . having gathered Vajrasattva into oneself. Thus. remain in meditation.ÖD SHU DAG NANG DANG 'DRE RO CHIG GYUR Now the light dissolves in me as one. 22 . DÜ SUM SANG GYE MA LÜ 'DÜ PA'I KU |TSAWA'I LA MA CH'OG LA SÖL WA 'DEB'|DI CH'I BARDO SUM DU T'UG JE ZUNG|DÜ SUM GYÜN CH'ED MED PAR JIN GYI LOB|| 23 .The root teacher manifests in the form of Padma Sambhava.Fifth: The Swiftly Penetrating Blessings of the Guru Yoga RANG NYID DORJE NALJOR DÜN K'A RU TSAWA'I LA MA PEMA'I KUR SHENG GYUR Oneself is Vajaryogini in the sky in front. :In this and future lives and in the Bardo. hold me with your compassion. in these three.OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUNG || The embodiment of all the Buddhas of the three times.Bless me ceaselessly throughout the Three Times! Thus. recite this mantra one hundred times. etc. without exception.. to you I pray. as much as possible. one thousand times. 24 .Most excellent Root Teacher. take the Four Empowerments. Then… 25 . VAJRA GURU KĀYA WĀKA TSITTA SIDDHI HUNG Thus. Speech and Mind are completely and perfectly obtained.KU SUNG T'UG KYI WANG JIN YONG DZOG T'OB The blessings and empowerments of Body. Behold the Emptiness-awareness..LA MA ÖD SHU RANG T'IM YER MED NGANG |RIG TONG DÖN GYI LA MA'I RANG SHAL TA|| The Teacher dissolves into light and is absorbed into oneself and becomes inseparable With one’s own state of being. the true face of the Lama! Thus. absorbing the Guru into oneself. remain in meditation. 26 . 27 . motivate the Transference. 28 .Sixth: The Transference GÖN PO ÖD PAG MED LA SÖL WA 'DEB|ZAB LAM P'O WA JONG PAR JIN GYI LOB|| I pray to the protector Amitabha. Grant me the blessing to become accomplished in the profound path of Phowa (The transference of consciousness). Lord of limitless light.Thus. reciting as many times as possible. 29 . The Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik Kusali Chod PHAT LÜ CHE DZIN BOR WAI LHA DÜD CHOM|SEM TSANG PE GO NE YING LA TÖN |CHI DAK GI DÜD CHOM TRÖ MAR GYUR|YE NYÖN MONG DÜD CHOM DRI GUK GI|ZUK PUNG PÖ DÜD CHOM TÖD PA DREK|YÖN LE CHED TSUL GYI BHENDHA TOK|KU SUM GYI MI GÖ GYED PUR ZHAK|NANG TONG SUM GANG WAI BAM RO DE|AH 30 . The demon of the lord of death is conquered: [my consciousness] becomes Tröma.The demon of the afflictions is conquered by the curved blade in her right hand.My mind emerges from my brahmaaperture into space.TUNG DANG HAM YIK GI DÜD TSIR ZHUDRU SUM GYI NÜ PE JANG PEL GYUR|| OM AH HUNG The godly demon is conquered by forsaking grasping to this beloved body.The demon of the aggregates of form [and so forth] 31 . large enough to fill the billion-fold universe.Within is my corpse. short AH and HAM.is conquered: my skull is cut. the three kayas.She holds the skull cup in her left hand in the manner of [enlightened] activity. increased and transformed by the power of the three syllables:Recite as much as possible PHAT 32 .The letters. melt it into nectarand it is purified.[My skull is] placed on a tripod hearth of human heads. YAR CHÖD YUL DRÖN GYI TUK DAM KANG|TSOK DZOK NE CHOK TÜN NGÖ DRUP TOB|MAR KHOR WAI DRÖN NYE LEN CHAK CHANG|KHYED PAR DU NÖD CHED GEK RIK TSIM|NED DÖN DANG BAR CHED YING SU ZHI| KYEN NGEN DANG DAK DZIN DUL DU LAK|TAR CHÖD CHA CHÖD YUL MA LÜ KÜN|SHI DZOK PA CHEN POR MA CHÖ ||AH|| 33 . in particular.In conclusion. harmdoers and all varieties of obstructors are satisfied.Illnesses. the nature of all of the offerings and recipients without exception is [placed] without contrivance in the great perfection: AH. I obtain the common and supreme spiritual attainments.The samsaric guests below are pleased and my karmic debts are discharged. the guests who receive the offerings are fulfilled. 34 .Adversity and self-grasping are crushed into dust. evil spirits. and all obstacles subside into space.Having perfected the two accumulations.Above. NA MO PEN DE MA NAM KÜN LA NGO|PEN DE NAM KHA GANG WAR SHOK|DUK NGAL MA LÜ DAK LA MIN| DUK NGAL GYI GYA TSO KEM PAR SHOK|NAMO CHÖ NAM TAM CHED GYU LE CHUNG|DE GYU DE ZHIN SHEK PE SUNG|GYU LA GOG PA GANG YIN PA|GE JONG CHEN PÖ DI KED SUNG|DIK PA CHI YANG MI CHA ZHING|GE WA PÜN SUM TSOK PAR CHED|RANG GI SEM NI YONG SU DUL|DI NI SANG GYE TEN PA YIN|TEN PA DAM PE CHÖ LA YÜN RING DU NE PAR GYUR CHIK|| 35 . and 36 .engage in an abundance of virtue. What is the cessation of suffering? The Great Practitioner of Virtue explained this.Homage! I dedicate this merit to the benefit and happiness of all mothers (sentient beings.May the ocean of suffering dry up!Homage! Each and every phenomenon arises from a cause.This cause is taught by the Thus-Gone.Refrain from every negativity.)May all of space be filled with benefit and happiness!May every suffering ripen upon me. May [all beings] abide by these teachings. the sacred dharma.This is the buddha’s teaching.completely tame one’s own mind. forever! 37 . (my) body possessions.Seventh: The Charity of the Body The Dedication of Virtues DA NI LÜ DANG LONG CHÖD GE TSAR CHE|MA GYUR 'DRO LA P'ANG PA MED PAR TANG|DRO DÖN LAB CH'EN GEG MED 'DRUB PAR SHOG|| Now. all together.I give without clinging to all beings who have 38 . and (the) source of my virtue. Thus. in order to benefit those who don't know or are unable to do the Elaborate Recitation of the Preliminary Practice According to the New Treasure. 39 . this is a mere synopsis which clarifies the essential meaning of this Concise Recitation of the Preliminary Practice by Jigdral Yeshe Dorje.been my parents. make prayers of aspiration and so forth. insistently. Thus.May I accomplish great benefits unobstructably for all beings.
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