Dua Ganjul Arsh (Transliteration)

May 7, 2018 | Author: Mateen Khan | Category: Theology, Islamic Belief And Doctrine, Monotheism, Islamic Theology, Creator Deity



Dua Ganjul ArshBismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful Benafits of Dua Ganjul Arsh One day Sayyidina Rasuli Akram (PBUH) was sitting in the Masjid Nabvi and Hazrat Jibreel Alaihi Salaam brought this Dua' to Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. He said that in addition to a lot of Fadhaail [favors] in this Dua', the reciter gets three things from Allahu ta 'ala. Firstly, Allah Subhaana Hoo gives him rizq [livelihood] from the ghayb [unknown sources], and thirdly, whoever recites this Dua' his enemies will not be able to overcome him. He will be superior to them. The person who does jihad will have the upper hand. He goes on a journey, he will come back with all his things. He will be safe from the shaat of shaytaan. He will be safe from all the bad things and insects and other things on earth and al the bad things in the skies. If a person writes this Dua' out and drinks it using rain water, he will get help for various diseases. If a person suffers from an unknown illness for which the worldly doctors can find no cure and he writes it [with permission of a True Shaykh, with Zafran [saffron] and washes it and drinks it for twenty one [21] days he will get health from that Bi Ithnillah. If he doesn't have children, he will get children with the help of this Dua'. DUA GANJUL ARSH There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Master .Glory be to The Forgiving .The Merciful.The Merciful.Transliteration: Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem LAILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MALIK UL QUDOOS LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AZIZ UL JABBAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL RAUF UR RAHEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHAFOOR IR RAHEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KAREEM IL HAKEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QAWI IL WAFI Translation: In the name of Allah the most Gracious .The Most Sanctified.Glory be to The Noble . There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah. There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Truthful(to His Word) . There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.the most Merciful There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Compassionate .The Wise There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Most Powerful.Glory be to The Noble .Glory be to The All Powerful. . The SelfSubsistent . The Loving There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Upright There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah. The One Who Causes to Die There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Prepetual .Glory be to The Self Sufficient.Glory be to The Living.Glory be to The Gentle .Glory be to The Watcher.Glory be to The Forgiving. The Keeper There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Ultimate Truster .Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL LATEEF IL KHABEER LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL SAMAD IL MA'BOOD LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHAFOOR IL WADOOD LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL WAKEEL IL KAFEEL LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL RAQEEB IL HAFEEZ LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL DAEM IL QAEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MUHI UL MUMEET LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HAYYUL QAYYUM Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The All Knowing There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Supporter There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The One Who Gives Live. The One Who is Worshipped There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah. . The Protector There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Forbearing.Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KHALIQ IL BAARI LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ALI IL AZEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL WAHID IL AHAD LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MOMIN IL MUHAIMIN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HASEEB IS SHAHEED LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HALEEM IL KAREEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AWAL IL QADEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AWAL IL AKHIR Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Incomparably Great There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Last .The Single There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Most High .The Eternal There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Generous There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The One .Glory be to The Creator .The Witness There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The First.Glory be to The Reckoner .The Maker There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The First .Glory be to The Granter Of Security . . Glory be to The Apparent.The King There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to My Lord.Glory be to The Lord of The Great Throne There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Compassionate .Glory be to The One Who Fulfills the Needs There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The All Hearing.Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ZAHIR IL BAATIN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KABEER IL MUTA'AL LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QAZI IL HAJAAT LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL REHMAN IR RAHEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA RABBIL ARSHIL AZEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA RABBI AL AALA LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL BURHAN IL SULTAN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SAMI IL BASEER Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Merciful There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Hidden There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Most High There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The All Seeing .Glory be to The Ultimate proof.Glory be to The Greatest.The Most High There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah. . The Subduer There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Greatest.The Devout There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Great.All Knowing There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Oft Forgiving There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Wise There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Remaining .The Great There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Pur.Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL WAHID IL QAHAAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ALEEM IL HAKEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SATTAR IL GHAFAAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AR REHMAN ID DAYYAN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KABEER IL AKBAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ALEEM IL ALLAM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SAFI IL KAAFI LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AZEEM IL BAQI Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Coverer(of the sins) .Glory be to The All Aware .The Sufficient There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The One.Glory be to The Merciful.Glory be to The AllaKnowing. . Glory be to The Eternally Besought.The Oft-Appreciative .Glory be to The Oft-Forgiver.Glory be to The Creator of The Created There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The All Sufficient There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Continuous Granter of Sustenance There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The One There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SAMAD IL AHAD LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA RABIL ARDE WAS SAMAAWTE LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KHALIQ IL MAKHLOOKTE LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA MAN KHALAQ AL LAILE WAN NAHAAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KHALIQ IR RAZZAQ LA ILAHHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL FATTAH IL ALEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AZEEZ IL GHANI LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHAFOOR IS SHAKOOR Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Lord of The Earth and The Heaven There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Noble .Glory be to The One Who has Created Night and The Day There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Opener .The All Knowing There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Creator. . Glory be to The Possessor of The Pride and The Dignity There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Possessor of the Dominion and The Heavens There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The possessor of the Respect and The Greatness There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Forbearing There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Cover-er(of sins) . The Exalted .Glory be to The Know-er of the Unseen There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AZEEM IL ALEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL MULKE WAL MALAKOOT LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL IZZATE WAL AZMATE LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL HAIBATE WAL QUDRATE LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL KIBRIYA E WAL JABAROOT LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SATTAR IL AZEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ALIM IL GHAIB LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HAMEED E WAL MAJEED Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The Praised.Glory be to The Great .Glory be to The possessor of the Grandeur and Power There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Great There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah. . Glory be to The All Sufficient.Glory be to The All Knowing .Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HAKEEM IL QADEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QADIR IL SATTAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SAMI IL ALEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHANI IL AZEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ALAM IS SALAM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MALIK IN NASEER LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHANI IR RAHMAN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QAREEB IL HASANAAT Translation: There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The King.The Merciful .The Merciful There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The All Sufficient.Glory be to The All Sufficient.The Peace There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Cover-er (of sins) There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The All Hearing All Knowing There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Great There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The AlWise .The Helper There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.The Eternal There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah.Glory be to The All Powerful. . Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL WALI IL HASANAAT LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SABOOR IS SATTAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KHALIQ IN NOOR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHANI IL MOJIZ LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL FADIL IS SHAKOOR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL GHANI IL QADEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL JALAL IL MUBEEN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL KHALIS IL MUKHLIS . . Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SADIQ IL WAED LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HAQ IL MUBEEN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL QUWATIL MATEEN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QAWI IL AZIZ LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL ALLAM IL GHOYOOB LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HAYYIL LA YAMOOT LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AS SATTAR IL AYOOB LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MUSTA'AN IL GHAFOOR . . Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA RABBIL ALAMEEN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AR REHMAN IS SATTAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AR RAHEEM IL GHAFAAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AZEEZ IL WAHAB LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QADIR IL MUKTADIR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL GHUFRAN IL HALEEM LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MALIK IL MULK LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL BARI IL MUSAWWIR . . Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL AZIZ IL JABBAR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL JABBAR IL MUTAKABBIR LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN ALLAHI AMMA YASI FUN LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL QUDOOS IS SUBOOH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA RABBIL MALAEKATI WAR ROOH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHANA ZIL ALA E WAN NA'AMA E LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL MALIK IL MAQSOOD LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO SUBHAN AL HANNAN IL MANNAN . . Transliteration: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO ADAM SAFI ULLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO NOOH E NAJI ULLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO IBRAHIM KHALIL ULLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO ISMAEL ZABI ULLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO MUSA KALEEM ULLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO DAWOOD KHALIFA TULLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO EISA ROOH ALLAH LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHO MUHAMMAD UR RASOOL ALLAH . . Transliteration: WA SALLAL LAHO ALA KHAIRI KHALKIHI WA NOORI ARSHI HI AFDALIL AMBIYA HI WAL MURSALEENA HABEEBINA WA SAYYIDINA WA SANADINA WA SHAFI INA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADIN WA ALA AALIHI WA ASHAABIHI AL MUNTAJABEENA BI REHMATIKA YA AR HAMAR RAHEEMIN .
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