March 22, 2018 | Author: Sanwar Gadri | Category: Power Inverter, Fuse (Electrical), Alternating Current, Electric Power Distribution, Electronics



C-DOT DSS MAXACCEPTANCE TESTING System Practices Section No. 400-314-0715 Draft 02, February 1999 C-DOT DSS MAX ACCEPTANCE TESTING (Valid for different configurations of SBM-RAX, MAX & TAX) (Updated w.r.t. S/W link 2_1_1_1 to support CCS7, ISDN and 800 K BHCA) © 1999, C-DOT Printed in India C-DOT DSS MAX ACCEPTANCE TESTING DRAFT 02 FEBRUARY 1999 MAGHA 2055 SERIES 300 : INSTALLATION CSP SECTION NO. 400-314-0715 THIS C–DOT SYSTEM PRACTICE REFERS TO THE C–DOT DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEM MAIN AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE (ABBREVIATED AS C–DOT DSS MAX IN THE REST OF THIS PUBLICATION). THE INFORMATION IN THIS SYSTEM PRACTICE IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. A COMMENT FORM HAS BEEN INCLUDED AT THE END OF THIS PUBLICATION FOR READER'S COMMENTS. IF THE FORM HAS BEEN USED, COMMENTS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR (SYSTEMS ), CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TELEMATICS, 39, MAIN PUSA ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110 005 © 1999 BY C–DOT, NEW DELHI. ............3.............................................. 8....................2.............. 8...............................4.................................................1..................................................................................................................... 8.........28 Switching Function Check..........................................................................................................................................................2................................................................................ Chapter 5....... 2........................................................................... Chapter 6..............52 Testing of IOP Related Cards of IOP-VH........................................................................................................................... Chapter 9....Table of Contents Chapter 1..........1........... 2............................................... 5...................8 Cabling ..................................................23 Switch Unit Alarms .......................................................................52 .4...................................................................................................................................................... 7.................... 9................................12 Fire Alarms ......4.......................................60 Cabling............................6....................... 5...................1...........................................1.....3..................2.... 3...33 Testing of Tones/Announcements ...............................................................7 Software.....................10 Power Alarms.....................................12 Self Test of Devices ...................51 Card Testing.......................1......................2......... Chapter 4.21 Power Supply Alarm Testing in Central Module Rack ................................... 4........... 7...................................................................7...............................36 Testing of ISDN Services ............................................................................................................................ Introduction . Chapter 3................. Chapter 2................... 8..........................2.................. 8.....9 Power Distribution ..............................................................................................5.............. 9...................................................6.... 9.............................................................. 6....1...................................................................................................................................................................28 Charging Data..............................................................................................................5.............................................................................................30 Junction Testing ......................3.........52 Testing of BM/LM Related Cards ............................................................. 3.........................................................................................................................................................30 ISDN & CCS7 Testing Within the Exchange.................................................................................... 8....................5..... Document .................................................................................................................. 4.................................................................................................... 6.................................................. 5................... 6......... 9........2............39 Testing of Spare Cards .................................................7 Hardware................................13 Initialization Tests...50 Check for Analogue Subs Facilities ................................................ 7.....................................9 MDF/DDF.3...27 Local Data ....................3.....................19 Equipped Card Testing..7 2..60 Testing of CM Related Cards .................................................................................1...........................28 Trunk & Route Related Data .....................................3.........39 ISDN Bearer Services................................................................................28 Tests on Local Subscriber Lines ................................. 5...................39 ISDN U-Interface Testing ......................................9 Alarm Tests for Power & Fire Alarms ..... MDF and Power Distribution Checks....7................................1..............................48 Signalling Check ............21 Power Supply Alarm Testing in BASE MODULE........................3... 7.................................................. 5.........30 Subscriber Features..............................5 Conformity Check ............47 Test of ISDN Services On CCS7 ......... 3.......................................................................................2.......... 5......................................13 Exchange Data Checks ..........12 System Level Tests ................ Chapter 8..............................35 Testing of RSU Functions ................43 ISDN Supplementary Services ........................... 7.................................................13 IOP Testing ...............2.............................. Chapter 7................................................................. 8............4..................................................... 5.................................... ..............71 Call Offering Supplementary Service............................................................1 A...........................74 Miscellaneous Supplementary Services ..................................2 A..........5 Number Identification Supplementary Services ..............67 Operation Procedures for Supplementary Services in C-DOT..Chapter 10.......................4 A................... Appendix A Service Quality .........72 Dynamic Locking for Access Levels........71 A........................................................................................................74 H:\HOME\MAX2111\WORD\DSSMAXAT..........................................................................................................72 Call Completion Supplementary Services.......... 1999 .DOC February 22...................................................3 A................................................ . Digital Trunk BM. The product C-DOT MAX-XL is defined as CM-XL with BPC with a maximum of 32 BMs and IOP-VH. Further. Where ever. it is possible that all the BMs can be BM-L or BM-XL (with BPC and BME). This document is common for Acceptance Testing of different configurations of C-DOT DSS as SBM RAX. the BMs can be Line BM. the relevant procedures may be identified for acceptance testing. Digital Trunk BM. the test procedures. some test procedures are different and may not be valid for specific configuration. MAX-XL or TAX. can be executed sequentially. Trunk BM with Analog as well as Digital Trunk or RSU. The product C-DOT MAX-L is defined as CM-L with a maximum of 16 BMs and IOP-VL/IOP-VH. Digital Trunk BM.Chapter 1. Trunk BM with Analog as well as Digital Trunk or RSU. which are common. such tests are clearly marked and explained. The product C-DOT MAX-XLE is defined as CM-XL with HPC with a maximum of 32 BMs and IOP-VH. Trunk BM with Analog as well as Digital Trunk or RSU. MAX-L. CCS7 and ISDN which may or may not be the part of exchange at the time of commissioning. it is possible that all the BMs can be BM-XL with BPC and BME). The software release supports any mix of the different hardware modules. Depending on the availability of specific configuration being planned for commissioning. The test plan covers the acceptance testing for optional features such as RSU. the BMs can be Line BM. Depending on the site configuration. Depending on the site configuration. Depending on the site configuration. In general. Further. 5 MAX-XL : MAX-XLE : ACCEPTANCE TESTING . the BMs can be Line BM. Different possible configurations in C-DOT DSS are : SBM-RAX MAX-L : : The product is defined as BM-XL (with BPC) and IOP-VH. Introduction This document is intended to be used for acceptance testing of C-DOT DSS to certify that C-DOT DSS will provide the satisfactory service after it’s commissioning in the network. The tests are also explained accordingly. Depending on the site configuration. related to inter rack cabling is followed and traffic conditions are taken into account. of 32 BMs with BPC and IOP-VH. a max. the BMs can be Digital Trunk BM or Trunk BM with Analog as well as Digital Trunks. of 32 BMs with HPC and IOP-VH.Chapter 1. subject to the limitation that necessary engineering instructions. the BMs can be Digital Trunk BM or Trunk BM with Analog as well as Digital Trunks. All the BMs are equipped with HPC and HMS to meet higher BHCA requirement. The CCS7 signalling unit is equipped with HPC to meet requirement of higher BHCA and 64 signalling links. the optional hardware modules such as SUM for CCS7 and ISTU to support ISDN. a max. Even though the configurations of CM-XL with BM-L or CM-L with BM-XL is not mentioned above. Depending on the site configuration. may also be equipped. TAX-XLE : NOTE : 1. it is possible to integrate any mix of switching modules at the same site. The CCS7 signalling unit is equipped with HPC to meet requirement of higher BHCA and 64 signalling links. The product C-DOT TAX-XL is defined as CM-XL with HPC. In all the above configurations. In fact. 2. 6 C-DOT DSS MAX . being integrated due to relocation of the switching racks from one site to another site. they are very much feasible and may exist at some sites. TAX-XL : The product C-DOT TAX-XL is defined as CM-XL with BPC. Ensure that proper marking is done on racks for their identification. Check the appearance of iron work and racks. ♦ Subscriber and trunk connections cables from racks to MDF.Chapter 2. In SBM. subscribers complaint's record. etc. PCM equipments (if any). ADP. HARDWARE i. chassis earth plate.2. these cables are connected to BP instead of AP. power room. ACCEPTANCE TESTING 7 . ♦ PCM cables from racks to Digital Distribution frame. ♦ Cables from AP to IOP's. iii. inverter input. subscribers data. Ensure that adequate number of fault and repair statement forms and fortnightly performance report/statistical data forms are also available at site.1.g. ii. Painting should be smooth and nuts and bolts for fixing the rack and iron work should be tight. Check cable markers for the following cables ♦ All -48V power cables i. inverter. PCM equipments (if any) etc. power cables from power room to switch room upto the individual racks.e. DOCUMENT Ensure that the documents as per despatch list are available. exchange log-book. Ensure that proper cable markers have been put on various cables as per installation document. Conformity Check 2. etc. iv. ♦ All earth distribution cables from earth collector plate to MDF. and from Digital Distribution frame to the PCM equipment. Ensure that other registers for proper record keeping (administrative and technical) are also available e. ♦ Cables between IOP's and between Base Module and Line Modules. ADP in MAX-L/MAX-XL. from power room to IOP's. individual racks. 2. fan assembly and PSU card fuses are correct. Check the configuration and equipage of PCBs within racks as per the equipage list.Chapter 2. 8 C-DOT DSS MAX . 2.3. vi. cartridges and floppies by matching the labels with the software status as given in the Media Detail Form of the S/W Release. v. Ensure that the fuse ratings of all PDP fuses. rack fuses. SOFTWARE Verify the software version of EPROMs. ii. All cables should be protected from contact with sharp edges. Engine alternator to AC distribution box/panel. Check up whether the verticals have a coat of the proper type and colour of paint and good finish. MDF and Power Distribution Checks 3. power room. 220V AC from inverter to the power points provided to supply power to IOP terminals and printers. CABLING Ensure that all the cables are neatly laced and properly routed.2. racks. IOP. Check for the following type of cables. inverter and PCM equipments. Subscriber and trunk cables from racks to MDF. Examine whether each vertical is rigid and firmly fixed to the adjacent verticals and to the floor. ADP and PCM equipment. inverter input. Cabling. iii. • • • • • • • 3. The location of the verticals should be verified with reference to the approved floor plan and the alignment of a number of verticals should be checked by means of plumb line. ADP. Earth distribution cables from earth collector plate to MDF.Chapter 3. iv. IOPs. Also check for the proper cable types and cable terminations as mentioned in the installation document. 9 . -48V power cables from power room to racks. AC distribution box to different points in power room. PCM cables from racks to DDF and from DDF to PCM equipment. MDF/DDF i.1. Check whether all nuts and bolts are tight and secure. switch room & IOP/OMC room. Inside the OMC room. The sizes of different cables. POWER DISTRIBUTION -48V Power Distribution -48V power distribution has been planned with the aim to achieve a drop of not more than 1V from the source point (DC switching cubicle of power room) to the destination point (PDP). These jumpers should be connected just tight so as to have neat and tidy finish. The location and the proper fitting and mounting of the protection modules on the various (line side) verticals of the frame should be checked. on the other hand. In two conductor jumpers.Chapter 3. Blowing of any of PDP fuses results in activation of this alarm. 3. and their termination methods have been indicated in the installation document. Inside the switch room. They should not. Wire of approved quality and specification should be used for cross-connections on frames. one for copy 0 and the other for copy 1 portion of the racks. used on the PDP. In the OMC room. 3. Sharp bends in cable or wiring should be avoided. Jumper wires should not be hanging loose on the frame so as to make the appearance untidy. corresponding red LED glows. white is to be used for positive and red for negative leads. Corresponding to each fuse on PDP. main yellow LED on PDP glows. copy 0 portion of PDP distributes power to all copy 0 portion of all the racks of the suite through separate fuses. When all fuses corresponding to all copies of racks are OK. vii. When any of the rack copy fuse blows.3. Also ensure that both external plant cable and cables from the racks are brought to MDF in a tidy fashion. be pulled very tight as that will cause tracking of circuits very difficult. inverter and PCM equipment (transmission room).1. All power cables are fed through fuses of proper ratings as mentioned in the document. -48V power is also given to IOPs. vi. 10 C-DOT DSS MAX . v. Similarly copy 1 portion of PDP distributes power to all copy 1 portions of all racks of the suite through separate fuses. Presence of any alarm conditions in the power room is reflected on DC switching cubicle and also activates the audio visual alarm in the OMC room. in OMA box. there are two LED's-yellow and red on the FBI card. another alarm indication from power room is brought out in audio (bell) and visual (lamp) form.3. -48V power is brought out from IDP in power room to DCDP in switch room and then to Power Distribution Panel (PDP) through two separate sets of cables. PDP fuse alarm indication is brought out in the form of audio (bell) and visual (lamp) alarm. From IOP-PDP. Measure the AC voltage present at inverter output. DDF.5 ohms. PCM equipment and inverter input. a very thin copper strip is placed between the MDF frame work and the backmount frame. C-DOT DSS MAX 11 . DC Earth Distribution From DC earth pit. any of the supply can be selected and given to Power Room for float rectifier. Through changeover switch on the AC distribution panel.5 ohm) to the main MDF earth point.4. MDF verticals) have their backmount frames connected with a very low resistance (<0. and shields of underground cables in cable chamber. PDP in switch room. MDF AND POWER DISTRIBUTION CHECKS 3. Also verify the method of earth cable termination at each point on MDF. For this purpose. earth is brought to DC earth collector plate. power room.3. and ensure that external cable (line) side of the MDF (i. The resistance of the mother earth should be less than 3 Phase AC Distribution AC distribution panel gets 3 phase AC from Engine Alternator and the local supply. switching cubicle. Ensure that the earth distribution is as mentioned in the installation document. 220V AC from Inverter 220V AC from inverter is distributed to various points to provide power to IOP terminals and printers. various power points in switch room/IOP room/OMC room provided for general purpose and lighting points in different rooms of the exchange.3. 3.CABLING. 3.e. Earth is distributed from the earth collector plate to MDF. Remove one of the fuses of PDP or filter boxes in the racks (BMs. Sensors from all the smoke detectors are brought out on a panel in OMC room.2. Remove the fault condition in power plant & verify that it results in deactivation of alarms indications on DC switching cubicle & audio-visual alarm in OMC room. With each smoke detector. one LED is provided which starts glowing whenever smoke detector detects smoke/fire. In OMC room also. Audio-visual fire alarm indication on the panel & visual LED indication on the corresponding smoke detector remain as long as smoke/fire is detected by the smoke detector. Simulate some fault conditions in the power plant & verify that it results in activation of appropriate alarm indications on DC switching cubicle & audiovisual alarm in OMC room. Replace the fuse & verify the deactivation of alarms at PDP & in OMC room. 12 ACCEPTANCE TESTING . Alarm Tests for Power & Fire Alarms 4. both in audio (bell) & visual (lamp) form.3. i. 4. smoke detector of that zone detects it & glows its LED. POWER ALARMS As described in section 2. The Panel has lamp indications for all the zones where smoke detectors have been put. Fire detection lamp indication for the zone appears on the Panel & hooter of the panel starts beeping.Chapter 4. ii.1. Repeat the above for different fuses of PDP & filter boxes in the racks. FIRE ALARMS Smoke detectors are provided at various places in the exchange e.1. power alarms are brought out in OMC room from PDP of switch room & from switching cubicle of Power Room. LMs & CM) or fan assembly of CM rack & verify that corresponding alarm indications are properly reflected on PDP. Ensure that all the smoke detector fire alarms are functioning properly by producing some smoke below the smoke detectors & verifying activation of appropriate fire alarms. switch room and IOP/OMC room.q. Also verify that it also results in activation of audio visual alarm in OMC room. Whenever smoke/fire is present in any zone of exchange. press LED test button & verify that all LED's and seven segment displays are lighted properly. printers & ADP & perform self test. For self-test procedure of VDU's & printers. refer manufacturer's manual. SELF TEST OF DEVICES Switch on VDU's. 5.Chapter 5. & Sign). 5. Onboard Devices Tests for C-DOT IOP RTC Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x.1.2.x > rtc <DD> <MM> <YY> <HR> <MIN> <SEC> <DOW> <duration> <dis_opt> This command allows the user to program the Real Time Clock to generate an alarm after ‘n' seconds. Parameter ranges: date month year hours minutes seconds day of week display option : : : : : : : 1-31 : 1-12 0-99 0-23 0-59 0-59 1-7 1-> enables periodic display 0->disables periodic display C-DOT DSS MAX 13 . Periodic display can be enabled or disabled through a flag.2.2. System Level Tests 5. IOP TESTING The following tests shall be performed on each of the IOPs from the console VDU. For ADP. All parameters need to be specified in hex (or give with an `Amperesand’. 1998 Mon 16:20:29 5.x> march <iter> <addr> <count> This test can be used to detect address line shorting. ‘aa' and ‘55' are filled in the specified memory area.g.X>check 1 1420000 400000 VHCX. It may be checked up with the below mentioned values. March Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x.1.X>check 1 1020000 400000 VHCX.2.2.X>check 1 1C20000 3dFFFF This test will take about 6 minutes for each command. : for a given date July 27.2. 1998 Mon 16:20:29 Parameters are : Date Month Year Hours Minutes Seconds Day of week Display option : : : : : : : : 1b 7 62 10 14 14 2 1 Message displayed ! Wake up !!! July 27.x> check <iter> <addr><count> The Checker Board pattern viz. After completion of this test it shows : Test Over ! Total error : 0 5. It fills the specified memory area with 0's and then 1 location is changed to ‘ff'. Memory Diagnostic Tests Checker Board Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. 5.2. For e.2. read back and checked. The memory is read back and C-DOT DSS MAX 14 .2.Chapter 5. VHCX.2.X>check 1 1820000 400000 VHCX. 3. The zeroth bit of location 1 is changed to 0/1. 1-interval > This test requires a loopback connector (Tx and Rx shorted) on the specified channel. It may be checked up with the below mentioned values.. VHC X. 5. .X>walk 1 1020000 400000 1 This test will take about 35 minutes for each command after completion of test it shows : Test Over ! Total error : 0 5.X>walk 1 1020000 400000 0 VHCX. Diagnostics Commands for ACIA/HDLC Asio Test #1 SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. ‘count' number of times. The test area is filled with zeroes or ones depending on a software flag which can be set/reset by the user. Zeroth bit is restored and the entire process repeated for bit 1.2.SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS ensured that the contents of no other location have changed.X> march 1 1420000 1000 VHC X. For e.2.X> march 1 1820000 1000 VHC X.3.X> march 1 1C20000 1000 This test will take about 15 minutes for each command. The command performs a link stability test and over-run test on the specified link.X> march 1 1020000 1000 VHC X.2. Cumulative error counts and timeouts are indicated on 15 C-DOT DSS MAX .g. After completion of test it shows : Test Over ! Total error : 0 5..x> walk <iter> <addr> <count> <flag> This test can detect data line shorting. This process is repeated with each address failing in the test area. VHCX.x> asio <chnl> <iter> <0-external.2. Base Pattern = ‘ff' Flag = 1 : Walking one test. Flag=0 : Walking zero test. Base Pattern = ‘00'.. The test area is read and verified that no other location has been affected.3. Walking Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x.2.1. X> host 1 This command will take about 1 sec. After completion of test it will show. Iterations specifies the number of times the test is to repeated. Default value for mode is polled. The mode specifies whether the tests are to be performed in the external mode or internal mode. → 5.2. Success : 1 Cont. Host Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. 5. Mismatch : 0.2. VDU Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. After completion of test it will show : VDU test on link 1 16 C-DOT DSS MAX .x> host <iter> The host port test dumps character patterns onto the host terminal. It is advisable to perform this test in interrupt mode. The test is performed 10 number of times.3. This is useful to check the interrupt mode operation of the host hardware. For e. Timeout : 0 Cont. Iteration : 1. <iter> specifies the number of times the test is to be repeated. VHC X. Specification of the parameter is necessary.g. the screen.2.g.x> vdu <chnl> <iter> The VDU test dumps character patterns onto the terminal connected to the specified ASIO port. VHC X.3. Timeout : 0.Chapter 5.X>asio 1 10 Specification of both parameters is essential. For e. VHC X.3.X> vdu 1 1 This command will take about 1 sec. For e.X> asio 1 1 After completion of test it will show : Iteration : 1. → VHCX.g. HDLC Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x.X>hdlc 5 10 for HDLC6 For e.3. overrun test and frame-abort test. It is advisable to perform this test with following parameters.SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS Iteration : 1. Mismatch : 0.5.x> hdlc <chnl> <iter> <0-external. 5.X> Print 0 1 A message on printer will be displayed i. Mismatch : 0.2. 1-interrupt>] This command validates the specified printer port by outputting a sliding pattern to it.X> hdlc 1 1 0 If the test is o. Printer Test SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. and it shows: Iteration : 1. Timeout : 0 Specification of first parameter is essential. VHC X. Default value for mode is polled.g. 1-internal> This test requires a loopback connector.X>hdlc 0 10 for HDL1 VHCX. underrun test. Success : 0 5. and it will show : Iteration : 1. Both parameters need to be input.2.e. Timeout : 1.4.x> print <chnl> <iter> [<mode: 0-polled. The tests performed include loop-back test. The mode specifies whether the tests are to be performed in the external mode (0) or internal mode (1). The channel can be one of the ASIO modem channels. Error counts are indicated on the screen.g. Success : 1 If the test is failed then it will take about 10 secs.3. Timeout : 0. VHC X. The pattern can be visually inspected. For e. Iteration count also needs to be specified. The number of iterations should also be specified. VHCX.k then it will take shout 1 sec. Serial printer test on port #0 (in polled mode) C-DOT DSS MAX 17 . 4.2.X>tdu w0 If it is o.2. Devices can be specified in the following manner : w0 . VHC X. Test Drive Unit SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. It will give nothing. then no message will display and it will come back to prompt again.2.4. Inquiry SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x.X>tdu C If there is no cartridge then it will show Drive not ready No defaults assumed.x> inq <device> Inquiry command gives the detail of the SCSI device connected. 5. C-DOT DSS MAX 18 . when it is o. If no floppy/cartridge is present and this command is given for the respective SCSI device a message saying “Drive not ready or no FLOP/CART” will be printed. 5.by assigning the relevant parameters as part of this command.g.4. 5.1.4.g. All devices are initialized .x> tdu <dev> The command selects the device specified and/or ready.k.k.2. Diagnostic Commands for SCSI Devices SCSI Bus Reset SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. The command takes no parameters. The bits of first 8 bytes have specific information whose details will be available in the respective device manual.3. c Cartridge Drive For e. If it is faulty then message will display on screen.Winchester For e. 5.x> scrs The command causes the SCSI bus to be reset.2. The remaining bytes shows the model number and the name of the manufacturer.Chapter 5. VHC X. SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS For e.2. TI11-0. ICC units status will be displayed. TI15-1. of blocks = 2503871 of 512 bytes each capacity = 1222 MB 5. If the exchange is already in powered up state. These tests involve software loading from the IOPs. VHC X. The two IOPs must be in warm start level and all the frames in all the racks in the exchange must be in a switched off condition to start with.4. TI07-1.4. for copy 0 TICs. bring them to warm-start level by issuing the command 'INIT-IOP : 2. TI06-0. TI15-0.X>cap w0 The result may be : Total no. TI04-1. C-DOT DSS MAX 19 . TI08-0. ii. Initialization with the Default Status Map This test involves complete downloading of software from the IOPs. In case of ISDN Terminal Units. Similarly TI02-1. TI04-0. Switch off the copy-0 and copy-1 PSUs of all the frames in all the racks.' from its console. the following procedure must be followed before performing this test : i. TI14-1. TI10-1.X>inq w0 It will show the model of the disk used. NOTE : 5. TI03-1.x> cap <device> Read capacity command gives the maximum number of blocks that can be accessed through the SCSI disk and the size of each block with total capacity in MB. The following tests are to be performed: TIC nos.g. TI16-0.g. in addition to TIXX. VHC X. TI07-0. TI12-0. If the IOPs are in duplex. Read Capacity SYNTAX USAGE~ : : VHC x. TI11-1. INITIALIZATION TESTS A set of tests need to be performed to test that the system initializes under various configurations of hardware. For e. corresponding to the concentration TUs are TI02-0. TI03-0.1. TI16-1 for copy 1 TICs. For Example : 0022-1270024 Quantum Fire ball TM1280530B0 5.3. TI14-0. The system must be connected with both the IOPs. TI10-0. 1.3. TI12-1. TI08-1. TI06-1. Check that all the copies which were active before the softstart are still active. CMS. TI13-0.2. the same procedure as given below is to be used: Using 'INTCHG' command.Chapter 5. SSC-0. AP-1. 1. After loading is complete. 5. Issue the command 'INIT-IOP :5. Now bring IOP-0 to warm start level by issuing 'INIT-IOP :2. CMS-2.' from IOP-0. TU2. Check for the CM that AP-0. IFCs. TU3. C-DOT DSS MAX 20 . copy0 TICs of equipped concentration TUs. BMS-0. TI09-0. TOGC-0. Using the INTCHG command. equipped concentration TUs. Power up the frames of the BM in the following sequence TU1. BP-1. MU-1 active (in BMs). 1.3. Reset all the controller cards in the BM & LMs in the same order as they were powered on.1 to 5. After sometime the 'Load Pass' report appears on the OOD/Printer. Initialization with following Configurations Before proceeding with test. iv. vi. copy 0 TICs of equipped concentration TUs. TI05-0.3. TOGC-0. SCIC-0. The message 'Data Loading Begins' should appear on the IOP console.2.1. TS-0. TI09-0. SSU & BTU.3. TI01-0. Power up the frames of the CM in the following sequence – APU. Make inter-BM calls covering all BMs. vii. BMS-0. BP-0. TSU and BPU.' command and repeat steps (ii) to (vi) using IOP-1.2. TU4. Issue an INIT-SYS command to give a softstart (SS). SCIC-0.3. TI13-0. TI05-0. SSC-1.1. Check for the IOP that IOP-0 is active & IOP-1 is standby. copy-1 controllers are standby. TSC-1.2. v. check the system status using DISPL-SYS-ALL command. iii. The 'Code Loading Begins' message should appear on the IOP-0 console. SS-1 are standby. All copy zero controllers are active in the BMs i. 5. the 'Load Pass' report should appear on the OOD and printer.6. SCU. Check the system status using DISPL-SYS-ALL command and make some inter-BM calls covering all BMs. MU-0 and MU-1 of CM and AM both. TI01-0.2. make all copy zero controllers INS-ACT and copy 1 controllers INS-SBY in all the modules.e. In all of the following tests 5. 5.2. CMS-3 and CMS-4 are active & AP-1. MU-0. ensure the desired configurations of the controllers as INS-ACT/INS-SBY. Make some interBM calls covering all the BMs.3. SS-0. the IOPs should be brought in duplex. CMS-1. TI09-0. TI13-1. Power Supply Alarm Testing in Analog TU / DTU Switch off one of the power supplies of a TU and check that the alarm is reported on the OOD/Printer and the ADP. copy 1 TICs of equipped concentration TUs. MU-0 and MU-1 of CM and AM both. TI05-1. TI09-1.1.2. SSC-1.2. CMS1. SCIC-1. CMS-3 and CMS-4 active (in the CM) and IOP-1 active.5. TSC-1. if ISTU is equipped. SSC-1.5. SCIC-1. TI13-1. TI05-1. TOGC-0. TI05-0. CMS-1. SS-1. CMS-3 and CMS-4 active (in the CM) and IOP-0 active. AP0. CMS2. Each card has to be diagnosed for its health. a BM may have different types of frames equipped. CMS3 and CMS4 active (in the CM) and IOP-0 active. IFCs. AP-1. MU-1 active (in the BMs).3. AP1. TI13-0. MU-0. 5. SS-0.4. The above procedure should be repeated for all the PSUs of TUs including concentrate TUs in the system.2. MU-1 active (in the BMs). CMS-2.g. BMS-0.5. Switch it ON and the alarm should get cleared on the ADP while clearing messages should come on the OOD/Printer. CMS-3 and CMS-4 active (in the CM) and IOP-1 active. e. 5. SS-1. TI01-1. MU-0 and MU-1 of AM and CM both. TOGC-1.4. AP-0. CMS-1. testing as per 5.2. No card has to be taken out.5. 5. The tests for all the frames in the BM as well as LM may be performed. CMS-3 and CMS-4 active (in the CM) & IOP-1 active. TSC-0. MU-1 active (in the BMs).3. SS-0. TI01-0. IFCs. TSC-1. MU-0.3 has to be carried out . TSC-0. The procedure for card testing is same as given in chapter 8 (for spare cards). BMS-1. 5. CMS2. SCIC-0. TOGC-1. IFCs. Copy 1 TICs of equipped concentration TUs. TI01-1. SCIC-1. MU-0 and MU-1 of CM and AM both.3. Copy 0 TICs of equipped concentration TUs. 5. TI01-1. Copy 1 TICs of equipped concentration TUs. MU-0 and MU-1 active (in the BMs). TI13-1. POWER SUPPLY ALARM TESTING IN BASE MODULE Depending upon the site configuration. BP-1. BP-0. IFCs. Repeat the same for the other PSU in the TU. LMs & CM shall be tested one by one.3. CMS-2. EQUIPPED CARD TESTING Each card equipped in BMs. SSC-0. TOGC-1.6. SSC-1. BP-0. 5. BMS-1. Initialisation with all copy 1 controllers active i. Accordingly. TI09-1. CMS-1. TI09-1.3. CMS-2. SS-1. 5. BP-1. MU-0 and MU-1 of CM and AM both.SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS SSC-0. TI05-1. MU-0. C-DOT DSS MAX 21 . IFCs. MU0 and MU-1 of both CM and AM. BMS-1.e. Check that the power alarm reported for BPU copy 0 gets cleared on OOD.4. bring the BP-1 and MU-1 inservice using similar commands as used above for bringing in BP-0 & MU-0 and check that the alarm gets cleared on OOD.3. Make MU-1 out-of. MOD-ID = <BM-id>.Chapter 5. ii) 5. Now switch ON the Power Supply and wait for alarm to be cleared from the ADP as well as becomes Normal on OOD/Printer. Power Supply Alarm Testing in SUM There are four power supplies. copy 1 in BPU and check that the power alarm gets reported on OOD and printer. 5. ADP and printer. ADP and printer.service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = MU-1. i) Switch OFF the power supply in Slot 1 and wait for the alarm to be raised on ADP. Power supply Alarm Testing in ISTU i) Switch OFF the power supply in Slot 1 and wait for the alarm to be raised on ADP.2. ensuring that both the PSUs in the same side are not switched OFF simultaneously. Now put it on and bring BP-0 inservice using command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = BP-0. Power Supply Alarm Testing in BPU Ensure that BP-0 is standby. two in each plane feeding the power to corresponding copy of the SUM and both of them work in "Load Sharing Mode". Switch off the copy 0 PSU of the BPU and check that the power alarm is reported on OOD. MOD-ID = <BM-id>. MOD-ID = <BM-id>. OOD and Printer. Bring MU-0 inservice using command FRC-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = MU-0. ii) 5. Repeat the test for power supplies in Slot Nos. Switch ON the power supply. MOD-ID = <BM-id>. Make MU-0 out-of-service using command PUT-SWUOOS with UNIT-ID = MU-0.5. ADP and printer.e. MOD-ID = <BM-id>. OOD and Printer. Now make BP-0 out-of.5.service using command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = BP-0. 3.. MOD-ID = <BMid>. After both the BP-0 and the MU-0 are inservice make BP-1 out-of-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = BP-1.5. 22 C-DOT DSS MAX . MOD-ID = <BM-id>. 23 and 25 one by one ensuring that both the PSUs in the same side are not switched OFF simultaneously. Repeat the test for power supply in Slot No. If BP-0 is active then make it standby using the command INTCHG with UNIT. Now switch off the PSU of the BP-1 i.ID = BP-0. Now switch ON the Power Supply and wait for alrm to be cleared from the ADP as well as becomes NORMAL on OOD/Printer. 3. Power Supply Alarm Testing in TSU Make all the controllers of copy-0 i.SWU-OOS. Power Supply Alarm Testing in SSU & SCU (Frame 2 & Frame 3 from the top) i) Ensure that copy 0 of SS is standby. one of the two types of Central Module as CM-L or CM-XL may be used.e. Wait for about two minutes and now put the PSU ON. Check that the power alarm for this copy also gets cleared on OOD. BMS-0.5. Also ensure that copy 0 of SSC is standby. If SSC-0 is active then make it standby using the command INTCHG with UNIT-ID = SSC-0.1 for CM-L or 5. Power Supply Alarm Testing In CM-L Rack CM-L rack consists of only four frames i. Now switch off the PSU in slot 1 of SSU (frame 2 from the top). repeat the procedure for copy 1 PSU of the time switch unit. Make MU-0 of CM out-of-service using command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNITID=MU-0. MOD-ID = CM. the power supply alarm reporting should be properly verified for each and every power unit in the rack. TSC-0.5.. Switch OFF the copy 0 PSU of the TSU and check that the power alarm for BMS-0 is reported on OOD. TOGC-0 as INS-SBY and then make them OOS-OPR. The above procedure is repeated for all other BMs. SSU. 5.2 for CM-XL is applicable. POWER SUPPLY ALARM TESTING IN CENTRAL MODULE RACK Being the most critical component of the exchange. Now make SSC-0 out-of-service using command PUT.e.6. 5.SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS The above procedure should be repeated for each BM. ADP & printers and bring all the controllers in copy zero of TSU to inservice state using 'PUT-SWU-INS" command one by one. Accordingly any one of the following two sections as 5.. Now make SS-0 out-of-service using PUT-SWU-OOS command. Also make MFC 1 and MFC2 as OOS-OPR. 5.1.6. Switch off the copy 0 PSU of the SCU (frame 3 from the top) and check that the power alarm with id SSC-0 is reported on OOD and printer.ID = SS-0. As per the site specific configuration. ADP & printer.1.6.6. 5. BTU.1. Power Supply Alarm C-DOT DSS MAX 23 . SCIC-0. If SS-0 is active then make it standby using the command INTCHG with UNIT. Now put it ON and check that the power alarm report for SSC-0 (copy-0) changes to NORMAL on OOD & printer.6. SCU and APU in that order from top. After all the copy 0 controllers are inservice. Make CMS4 out-of-service using the command PUT- 24 C-DOT DSS MAX .1. MU-0 of AM.2.Chapter 5. Make CMS2 out-of-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = CMS2. Make MU-1 of AM out-of-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNITID = MU-1. Make CMS1 out-of-service using command PUT. 23 (frame 2).6. PSU alarms with id SWC1-1 & SWC9-1 are raised on OOD/Printer. Bring CMS3 inservice using the command PUT-SWU. Bring MU-0 of AM inservice using the command FRC-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = MU-0. Now put it on and bring AP-0 inservice using command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = AP-0. Make the SSC-1. The PSU alarms should change to NORMAL on OOD/Printer. Bring SS-0 inservice using command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = SS-0.SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = CMS1. Make MU-1 of CM out-of-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = MU-1. make SS-1 outof-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = SS-1. MOD-ID = CM. ii) After SSC-0. Bring MU-0 inservice using command FRC. Switch off Power Supplies in slot no. MOD-ID = AM.INS with UNIT-ID = CMS3. 3 & 25 of frame 2. 5.SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = MU-0. Check that the power alarm reported for APU copy 0 gets cleared on OOD and Printer. Switch on the power supply and see that alarm changes to NORMAL on OOD/Printer. should be raised for id SWC1-0. SS-1 and MU-1 of CM inservice using same commands as used above for bringing in SSC-0.ID = AP-0. Make CMS3 out-of-service using command PUTSWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = CMS3. After coming of AP-0. Make MU-0 of AM out-of. Switch Off the copy 0 PSU of the APU and check that the power alarm is reported on OOD and printer. Power Supply Alarm Testing in APU (Frame 5 from the top) Ensure that copy-0 of AP is standby. Bring CMS-1 inservice using the command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = CMS1. Now make AP-0 out-ofservice using command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = AP-0. make AP-1 outof-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = AP-1. Here PSU alarm will be raised for SWC9-0 instead of SWC1-0. Now switch on the Power Supplies. MOD-ID = CM. one by one in slot 25 of frame 3 and slots 3 & 25 of frame 2. If AP-0 is active then make it standby using the command INTCHG with UNIT.service using command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = MU-0. Now switch off the PSU of the SCU copy 1 (slot 25) and check that the PSU alarm with id SSC-1 is raised. CMS1 & CMS3 inservice. Bring SSC-0 in service using command PUT-SWUINS with UNIT-ID = SSC-0. SS-0 & MU-0 of CM and check that the alarms get cleared on OOD and printer. Make SSC-1 out-of-service using the command PUT-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = SSC-1. MU-0 of CM and SS-0 coming in service. Repeat the test for slot no. Now switch off the PSU of the APU copy 1 and check that the power alarm gets reported on OOD and printer. ii) 5. Now one by one. SS-0 and MU-0.2. Make SSC-0. Check that the power alarm is reported on OOD and printer with id IFC1.2. Now switch on the power supply. 5. Power Supply Alarm Testing in SCU (Frame 5 from the top) : i) Ensure that SSC-0 and SS-0 is INS-SBY. 3 after ensuring that PSU in slot no. bring the AP-1. Power Supply Alarm Testing in APU (Frame 6 from the TOP) i) Switch off the Power Supply in slot 1. Wait for the PSU Alarm to be raised on OOD/PRINTER with id AP-0. Repeat the above test for PSUs in slot no. 23. Power Supply Alarm Testing In CM-XL Rack CM-XL consists of 6 frames i. 1 & 3 of bus 0 are ON. Now switch ON the PSU in slot 1 and check that the alarm is changed to NORMAL on OOD and printer. OOS-OPR for MOD-NO : cm using MMI command PUT-SWU-OOS. Switch OFF PSU in slot no. SSU0.2. 25 C-DOT DSS MAX . 5.6.6. Check that the power alarm is reported on OOD and printer with id IFC2.SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = CMS4.e. BTU1. Switch on the power supply. PSU Alarm should be raised for AP-1 on ADP & OOD/PRINTER.6.1. put SSC-0. Switch off the PSU of slot 1. SS-0 and MU-0. 1 is ON. Now put it on and check that the alarm is changed to NORMAL on OOD and Printer. CMS2 and CMS4 inservice using similar commands as used above and check that the alarm gets cleared on OOD and printer. 23 is ON.3. Repeat the test for PSU in slot no.6. 5.2. Here PSU alarms will be raised with id IFC17 and IFC18 instead of IFC1 & IFC2 respectively. Alarm should retire from ADP and it should change to NORMAL on OOD/PRINTER. SCU and APU in that order from top. Switch unit alarms for these units will be raised on OOD/PRINTER. Alarm should change to NORMAL on ADP & OOD/PRINTER. 23 & 25. Switch off power supply in slot 1 and wait for power supply alarm for SSC-0 to be raised on OOD Printer. MU-1 of AM. Power Supply Alarm Testing in BTU (Frame 1 from the Top) Ensure that both the PSUs in slot no. Switch OFF PSU of slot 3 in BTU. Repeat the test for PSU in slot no. 25 after ensuring that PSU in slot no. INS-SBY one by one using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS for MOD-NO: CM. Switch ON the Power Supply. BTU-0. Switch ON the Power Supply and observe that Alarm should change to NORMAL on OOD/PRINTER. SSU1.1. 3 of frame 2. INS-SBY one by one using CRP command. After ensuring that Power Supply in Slot 1 of frame 1 is ON. 23 in frame 1 is ON. 1 of frame 1 and wait for the Power Supply Alarm for IFC1 to be raised on OOD/PRINTER. Power Supply alarms will be raised for IFC17. Here. repeat the test as listed in (i) for Power Supply in Slot no.4. Here Power Supply Alarm will be raised for IFC9. Power Supply Alarm will be raised for IFC 2. Switch ON the power supply and observe that Alarm should change to NORMAL on OOD/PRINTER. ii) Interchange the controllers SSC-0 & SS-0 to make them INS-ACT. 23 of frame 1.3. After ensuring that Power Supply in Slot 1 of frame 2 is ON.2. Note : No alarm is generated for Power Supply units in slot no. instead of IFC1. IFC25 & IFC26 respectively. When the Power Supply is switched off. 1 of frame 2 and wait for the Power Supply Alarm for SWC1-0 to be raised on OOD/PRINTER. 25.23 & 25 of frame 4.Chapter 5. Switch ON the Power Supply and wait for the alarm to change to NORMAL on OOD/PRINTER. Here Power Supply Alarm will be raised for IFC10. Power Supply Alarm Testing in SSUs (Frame No.6. IFC18. Make SSC-1. ii) 26 C-DOT DSS MAX . Power Supply Alarm will be raised for SWC2-0. Switch ON the Power Supply and wait for the alarm to change to NORMAL on OOD/PRINTER. Here. alarm for CM is also raised on ADP and retires for ADP when Power Supply is Switched ON. PUT-SWU-INS for MOD-No : CM. Repeat the test as listed in (i) for Power Supply of Slot no.6. Now make SSC-1. ii) iii) iv) v) 5. Repeat the test (i) to (iv) for Power Supplies in Slot No. Switch off Power Supply in Slot 25 and wait for the Power Supply Alarm for SSC-1 to be raised on OOD/PRINTER.2. repeat the test as listed in (i) for Power Supply in Slot no. When the Power Supply is switched off. 3 & 23. SS-1 and MU-1. alarm for CM is also raised on ADP and retires for ADP when Power Supply is Switched ON. After ensuring that Power Supply of Slot No. repeat test (i) for Power Supply of Slot No. 3 of frame -1. 5. 1. Power Supply Alarm Testing in BTUs (Frame 1 & 4 from the top) i) Switch off Power Supply in slot No.3. 2 & 3 from the top) i) Switch off Power Supply in slot No. SS-1 and MU-1 OOS-OPR for MOD-NO: cm and wait for Switch Unit alarms to be raised for these units on OOD/PRINTER. MFC. SCIC. ANN. the test for corresponding TUC and BPC (SU7) for both the copies should be done. TGA. Here Power Supply Alarm will be raised for SWC2-1. SWC9-1 & SWC10-1 respectively. Power Supply alarms will be raised for SWC9-0.3. BMS. SUM is equipped to provide CCS7 signalling. BPC. In case. Check for reporting of the alarm on ADP/OOD/Printer. C-DOT DSS MAX 27 . After ensuring that Power Supply of Slot No. TTC. 23 in frame 2 is ON. 25. AP. Similarly if ISTU is equipped to provide ISDN service.SYSTEM LEVEL TESTS iii) iv) Repeat the test as listed in (i) for Power Supply of Slot no. SWITCH UNIT ALARMS The following procedure should be repeated for all the copies of the following controllers one by one : TIC/TUC. TSC. 23 of frame 2.SWU-INS command for the controller and check that alarm is cleared. Press the reset button of the “Standby” controller till the alarm is raised for that controller. Here Power Supply Alarm will be raised for SWC1-1. SSC. repeat test (i) for Power Supply of Slot No. the test is to be repeated for ITC (TI) and ICC units. CMS. 1. Make the unit out-of-service by issuing a "FRC-SWU-OOS" command. Bring it inservice by issuing a PUT. SWC10-0.7.23 & 25 of frame 3. Repeat the test (i) to (iv) for Power Supplies in Slot No. v) 5. Prefix digits and Dial tone feed on seizure option for IC trunk groups.2.Chapter 6. rank of digit (ROD) and minimum digits for seize forward for OG trunk groups. of digits including the Route code) and trunk group choices using DISPL-ROUT-CHAR command.. CHARGING DATA Check the data related to type of days in the charging calendar.) of services. actual usage etc. Line type.) may be checked using DISPL-SUB command on sample basis. type of line and register signalling. 6. List of reserved directory nos. check the list of all route codes.1. allowing/barring of Trunk offer and Manual Hold facility. Instrument type and facilities enabled for different subscribers (eg. Also check the characteristics of each route like route flag (which defines routing restrictions) for different incoming routing categories. the hardware used (2-wire physical/E&M/Digital). check the IC. trunk group priority and category (to determine routing and charging restrictions). Check that the data complies with the data supplied by the customer. etc. OG and BW trunk groups. Exchange Data Checks 6. LOCAL DATA Check the exchange code using DISPL-XCOD commands. time zones and corresponding tariff classes for each type of day.3. charge rate no. activation. Use the following commands for verification of the data : 28 ACCEPTANCE TESTING . digit length (maximum no. Also check the list of directory nos. STD allowed. TRUNK & ROUTE RELATED DATA Using DISPL-TGP command. charge rates for different tariff classes and the charge units for different modes (eg. may be checked using DISPL-DIRNO-RSRV command. de-activation. using DISPL-DIRNO command and their status using "DISPL-TRMSTATUS" command. for all the trunk groups. 6. Using DISPL-ALL-ROUT command. Details about different Hunt groups may be verified using DISPL-HGP command. Using DISPLTGP-ROUT commands display the routes associated with each trunk group. (display the details of charge band association with charge rate number).EXCHANGE DATA CHECKS DISPL-DAY-TYP DISPL-TYP-DAY DISPL-CRG-RTN DISPL-SSRV-CRG DISPL-CHB-CRG (display type of day for different days of the year) (display time slices and corresponding tariff classes for all types of days) (display charging information for different tariff classes and charge rate numbers) (display charge units for different modes of a service with a given service type). C-DOT DSS MAX 29 . TESTS ON LOCAL SUBSCRIBER LINES i.2. calling party disconnects first. there should be -48V and at 'b'. Called party answers. Switching Function Check 7. then after about 480 secs. 7. Make calls to non-metered subscribers & check that metering is not done for such calls. ringing should stop. Give loop on a line and verify through command that its status becomes LLO (Line Lock Out) after some time. JUNCTION TESTING Connect the junctions of the exchange in the network and perform the following tests. Remove the loop from the line and verify that its status becomes normal.1. Set up an incoming call in each of the following cases : • Called party does not answer during ringing. Make calls between two subscriber lines. When call is established. Make calls from CCB lines & check that reversal is given on called party answer. Check for metering over junction when called party answers (Reversal of potential or equivalent condition). In case called party is of non-metered category. Check that called party receives parking tone and answer signal from the incoming junction is removed. At 'a'. ACCEPTANCE TESTING • • 30 . ring tripping and metering for each call.1. iv. 7.Chapter 7. check for no metering over junction when called party answers.. Incoming Calls to the Exchange i. ii. Cover all the subscriber lines and check the parameters like ringing.2. there should be GND potential. v. If clear forward is not received from originating exchange for same reason. Verify polarity of all 'a' (tip) and 'b' (ring) wires at the MDF. iii. make five successive calls and check that the calls are successful. C-DOT DSS MAX 31 . iii. Make an outgoing call (not STD or ISD) and check that subscriber meter increments properly. Blocking Condition : Set blocking condition on incoming junctions (using PUT-TRM-OOS command) and check that the blocking condition is returned to the originating exchange. v. Malicious Call : Setup an incoming call to a local subscriber with malicious call tracing facility. In this case. a clear forward is expected due to CSH time out at originating exchange. Repeat (i) above for STD and ISD calls also. as soon as clearback is received. • • ii. the called party should become free. Setup an operator with trunk offer facility on an incoming trunk. Answering Circuit Test : On each incoming trunk group. call should continue. time out) called party release. Check for immediate calling party release and delayed (60 secs. When called party disconnects first and reanswers before expiry of CSH Time out (normally 60 seconds) supervision time. on OOD and printer. Called party is busy while the call is made then calling party should get busy tone.SWITCHING FUNCTION CHECK • When called party disconnects first. iv. Trunk Offering : Make call between two local subscribers. Answering circuit call should be successful.2. 7. call is disconnected. select one junction and dial answering circuit number. vi. Outgoing Calls from the Exchange i. It is assumed that the answering circuit number is already created for the exchange using command 'CRE-SPL-NUM'. On each incoming junction. if however clear forward is not received for some reason then after about 480 secs. Make an outgoing call (not STD or ISD) and check. iii. Flash during conversation and check the output message printout.2. ii. Check proper trunk offer signal functioning. resistance. dialling speed and make-break ratio. Complaint Position 198 i. dial xxx2198 (xxx = exchange code). Operator should answer & give command TSTTRM with TST-SET = 107 for the calling number. 7.. result should come indicating loop current. When call is made to non-metered number. 100). On operator's VDU. Manual Hold : From a local subscriber.2. From a local subscriber. calling party gets busy tone. he should dial '0'.2. The test should be successful. When all outgoing trunks in a direction are made out of service (using PUT-TRM-OOS or FRC-TRM-OOS command) calling party gets congestion tone or announcement. • • • • When called party does not answer. select one junction and give the command TST-TRM . When called party is busy. vi. Call should land on the complaint position telephone and should not be metered when operator answers. TST-SET = 203 (answering circuit test) for the junction.Chapter 7. Operator Position Tests 163 Tests From any telephone line go off-hook and dial 163. From a local subscriber.2. • iv. dial 198. make five successive calls and check that the calls are successful.2. The call should land on 163 telephone in the exchange. 32 C-DOT DSS MAX .3. calling party gets parking tone after one min. calling party's meter does not increment.3. v.3. it gets parking tone after 5 secs. Call should land on the complaint position telephone and should not be metered when operator answers. 7. 7. Answering Circuit Test : On each outgoing trunk group. make an outgoing call to MH operator (eg. On each outgoing junction. and the outgoing junction is released. When calling party dials incomplete number without dialling the last digit. ii.1. When the caller hears a click sound. Call should be successful and should not be disconnected unless the MH operator disconnects. When subscriber answers. Subscriber Controlled STD i. and verify that the new keyword works in selecting the new access level. 7. he should get proper announcement.3. First call will be cleared and ringing current will be fed for the second call. Select the current access level to allow only 10X calls. Ensure that no local. 33 iii) C-DOT DSS MAX .3. Try incoming call from some other exchange to complaint position (xxx 2198). Select the current access level to allow STD/ISD calls and ensure that STD/ISD calls from the subscriber are passing.2. This is a terminating facility. Call should be successful and there should be no metering on incoming junction when operator answers. The caller will get the ring back tone and this number will be fed zip tone to inform that one more call is waiting. STD and ISD calls are passing from the subscriber. Now make one more call from some other telephone to this number. Now change the keyword from subscriber telephone. 7. Select a subscriber having "Subscriber controlled STD" feature.3. iii. 7. SUBSCRIBER FEATURES The services are to be registered and invocation/control procedure is to be followed as specified in Appendix-A at the end of the document. iv. 7. Replace the handset of the number getting the zip tone. v. ii.SWITCHING FUNCTION CHECK iii.3. STD/ISD calls from the subscriber will be allowed in this case only if subscriber's access barring parameter for STD/ISD calls is set for allowing them. Establish a call in conversation phase from or to this number. Automatic Alarm Select a subscriber having automatic alarm facility. Try to book an alarm for future time using subscriber telephone. Repeat the tests for 90 level barring and verify for proper functioning. Select the current access level to allow all calls.1.3. Ensure that alarm gets matured at specified time. Select the current access level to bar STD/ISD calls from subscriber and ensure that no STD/ISD calls are passing from the subscriber. Only 10X calls are getting through. Call Waiting Controlled by Called Subscriber i) ii) Select a number having call waiting called (CLD-CALL-WTD) facility. Diversion on No Answer to a Selected Number i) ii) iii) iv) Select a number having this facility. Another Hook Switch Flash will switchover again to the first party. Make a call and keep the subscriber busy. check that the number is having a warning Dial Tone instead of the normal Dial Tone. The call should be diverted to the destination number after "Ring Time Out". 7. Hotline Without Time-Out i) ii) iii) Select a number having hotline without time-out facility.Chapter 7. switchover will take place.3. Select the destination number at the time of activating the facility. The call will not go to this number but instead will go to the directed number. 7. iv) If the party desires to continue with both parties then by giving Hook Switch Flash. make a call to the busy subscriber and verify that the call in diverted to the predefined number. On lifting the handset. 34 C-DOT DSS MAX . On lifting the handset. Wait for "Ring Time Out". Make a call to this subscriber and do not answer.3.4. check that the number is having a warning Dial Tone instead of the normal Dial Tone. Now from another telephone. the call will go to the registered number.6. 7. 7. On lifting handset. Diversion Busy to a Selected Number i) ii) iii) iv) Select a number having this facility.7.5. Now dial this number from some other number. Now activate the facility. Now activate this facility to divert the call to the specified number when the subscriber is busy On lifting the handset. specifying the destination number.3. Diversion to a Selected Number (Follow Me) i) ii) iii) iv) Select a number having this facility Now activate this facility to divert this number to some other number.3. check that the number is having a warning Dial Tone instead of the normal Dial Tone. 7. 7.5.4. when the desired digits are dialled.2.3.3. Only English Language Announcements are listed but. The Services 7. the call will land on the registered number. corresponding Hindi or Regional Language Announcement is also switched along with the English Announcement if the site is equipped with the bi-lingual announcements. 7.6 & 7. Select the destination number at the time of activation for facility On lifting handset and waiting for about 8(secs). additional attachment is not required as the feature is inbuilt in the ISDN phone. dial the digits as listed in Table 7.8 can be activitated with destination number as upto ISD subject to the condition that the current access level of the subscriber permits that level. with CLIP attachment to display the caller identity. being selected for the destination number. For testing of different Announcements. TESTING OF TONES/ANNOUNCEMENTS i) ii) iii) Select a directory number with instrument type as DTMF with Dialling By Equipment (DBE) facility. For testing of different tones in different BMs.8. Now make a call from B to A.3.SWITCHING FUNCTION CHECK 7.1. The caller identity is not displayed. security agencies to hide the identity. Ensure that ECN is implemented for Port A. Note : In case of ISDN.3. dial the digits as listed in Table 7. Now subscriber CLIR to B and repeat step (iii).4.3.3. Hotline With Time-out i) ii) iii) Note : Select a number having hotline with time-out facility.. i) ii) iii) iv) Subscribe the feature for A. C-DOT DSS MAX 35 . 7. The call is offered to A with the identity of ‘B’. Also it may be used by special callers eg. being displayed on the CLIP attachment of A.9. Calling Line Identity Presentation (CLIP) and Calling Line Identity Restriction (CLIR) The facility is used by the subscriber to know the caller. the subscriber is connected proper Tone / Announcement to confirm that in the absence of network connectivity. 1. 4.1 Verification of various Tones Sl.Chapter 7. 2. If not created use the command MOD-RBMSA-CONFIG to create 100 with one subscriber as the alternate number. 5. TESTING OF RSU FUNCTIONS At the sites where RSUs are being commissioned along with the main exchange or separately. 9. 8. the call is landed on the 100 position as specified in the network. 11. Create fault in the PCM links so that all the PCMs are down. Digits to be dialled * 683 xx 1 6 03 01 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 02 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 03 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 04 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 05 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 06 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 07 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 08 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 09 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 10 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 11 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 12 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 13 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 14 # Dial Tone Busy Tone Ring Back Tone Number Unobtainable Tone Call Routing Tone Congestion Tone Intrusion Tone Distinctive Ring Back Tone Transfer Dial Tone/ Warning Dial Tone Not valid in 2_1_1_1 Positive Indication Tone Action Fail Tone Special Information Tone Zip Tone Expected Tone ii) iii) iv) iv) 36 C-DOT DSS MAX . Restore the PCMs and repeat step (ii) again to verify that the RSU has come up and providing network connectivity properly. On dialling STD route codes. the following tests are to be performed to ensure proper switching of calls in both the cases when PCM links are working between main exchange and RSU as well as in case of its failure. 7. 6. Ensure that local calls are switched properly. Dial 100 and verify that the call is landed on the 100 position of the main exchange or in case of multi-exchange area. 7. Table 7. i) Verify that RBMSA configuration is created for Level 1 emergency services as 10X. 14. 13. 3. Now dial 100 and verify that the call matures on 100 position of the RSU instead of being routed to the 100 of main exchange. RBM will be configured in stand-alone mode. 12. the subscriber is fed correct in-band information. No. 10.5. No one is presently available on this telephone to take the call. No. 6. 16. 2. This facility is not available on your telephone. 10. Digits to be dialled * 683 xx 1 1 03 01 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 02 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 03 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 04 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 05 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 06 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 07 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 08 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 09 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 10 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 11 # Expected Announcements The lines to the route dialled by you are out of order. Kindly confirm the number from directory or consult enquiry operator. xx : BM-NO with possible values as 01 to 16 in MAX-L and 01 to 32 in MAXXL Table 7. The number you have dialled is not working any more. 17. 37 C-DOT DSS MAX . 15. There is no route corresponding to the digits dialled by you. In case of a Rotary Telephone. Kindly try after some time. 20. The line to which you have dialled is presently out of order. 21. Kindly wait you are in a queue. Route code you have dialled has been recently changed. Kindly try after sometime.SWITCHING FUNCTION CHECK Sl. 23. 8. We hope you found the facility useful. 18. Country code dialed is not available. Kindly confirm the number from directory or consult enquiry operator. 11. This is the alarm call booked by you. 9. All the lines to the route dial led by you are busy. 22. 1. Kindly confirm the number from directory or consult enquiry operator. replace 1 in place of *. No need to dial any digit in place of # in the end. 5. No. 4. 19.2 Verification of various announcements Sl. 24. Please contact trunk exchange. 7.. 3. Digits to be dialled * 683 xx 1 6 03 15 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 16 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 17 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 18 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 19 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 20 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 21 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 22 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 23 # * 683 xx 1 6 03 24 # Pay Tone Continuous Test Tone Slow Interrupted Tone Fast Interrupted Tone Very Slow Interrupted Tone Hold Tone Parking Tone Silence Tone Test Tone MF Tone Expected Tone Note : (i) (ii) Use an instrument having DTMF facility. Please contact the Accounts officer for details. Expected Announcements Note : (i) (ii) Use an instrument having DTMF facility. Sl. 12. 15. Kindly try after some time. In case of a Rotary Telephone replace * by 1. No need to dial any digit in place of # in the end. No.Chapter 7. xx : BM-NO with possible values as 01 to 16 in MAX-L and 01 to 32 in MAXXL 38 C-DOT DSS MAX . This telephone number does not exist. Digits to be dialled * 683 xx 1 1 03 12 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 13 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 14 # * 683 xx 1 1 03 15 # Silence Tone This telephone is Out of Service due to non payment of Telephone Bills. 13. 14. All the line to this subscriber are busy. ISDN & CCS7 Testing Within the Exchange 8. ISDN U-INTERFACE TESTING The U-Interface (LT) in C-DOT DSS confirms to 2BIQ line coding and Embedded Operational Channel (EOC) functions are part of 2BIQ line coding. of IBM compatible PC with add-on data cards Connecting U and S bus cables. The integrated tests are sufficient to test and isolate the faults in the interface.Chapter 8. Test Procedures for ISDN U-Interface The CRP command TST-TRM is used to perform the tests on the U-interface in C-DOT DSS.1. On execution of CRP command. the following parameter entry sheet is displayed on the screen. A reference test set up for acceptance testing of ISDN services is shown in figure 8. as explained in the document “Exchange Operations”. The EOC functions are used to support the functional testing on LT in the exchange as well as NT in the customer premises up to S-Interface.2. Create the Directory Numbers with service profile as “DIGITAL” subscribers. The testing of ISDN services require the following add-on equipments.1. 3. of Network Terminator (NT) 2 nos. 8. RTN-COD RPT-FMT REPEAT TML-TYP ACCEPTANCE TESTING : : : : G B NO LINE 39 . 8. of Terminal Adapter (TA) 2 nos. 1.2. Now the tests on the interface can be performed. 2 nos. 4. 2. TESTING OF ISDN SERVICES This chapter has been organised in three different sections to ensure complete testing of ISDN services within the exchange as well as across the network.1. marked as OOS-SO. Activation/Deactivation from LT It is possible to activate to deactivate the interface from the exchange side. The details of the test sets are listed. However. 608. The line status is marked as 40 C-DOT DSS MAX . the interface will be deactivated with its status.2. The test set 607 is used to test the exchange side i. 8. PUT-TRM-INS (to activate the interface from LT after successful testing) TML-TYP TEN DIRNO : : : The command can be executed after defining the parameter values subject to the condition that the TLC is already created. The successful execution of the tests confirm that the line is fault free. FRC-TRM-OOS (to deactivate the interface from LT) TML-TYP TEN DIRNO : : : The command can be executed after defining the parameter values. The successful execution of the command confirms that the interface has been deactivate. : : : 60X Circuit Number Directory Number Only one of the two parameters as TEN or DIRNO.Chapter 8 TST-SET TEN DIRNO. The command can be executed after defining the parameter values. The successful execution of the command will result in activation attempt. The successful execution of the command confirms that there is no fault in LT. being initiated from LT. The valid value for the test sets are 607. in case of fault of LT or NT. 609 and 610. should be specified at a time.e.2. The parameters are measured and absolute values are displayed. FRC-TRM-INS (to activate the interface from LT without tests) TML-TYP TEN DIRNO : : : The command can be executed after defining the parameter values. (LT) and test set 608 is used to verify the customer end up to S-Interface. The test is executed subjected to the condition that the TTC card is INS. The test sets 609 is used to monitor the characteristics of cable pair. after The status of a BRL card can be modified to “Out of Service” by using CRP command FRC-TRML-CARD-OOS. the interface will be deactivated with its status. its status can be modified to “In service” by using CRP command FRC-TRML-CARD-INS without testing or PUT-TRML-CARD-INS after successful testing. Creating a Reference Test Circuits (TLC) in C-DOT DSS The TLC is created to simulate the functions of LT when tests set 608 is executed to verify the functioning of NT up to S-Interface. Procedure for Testing of ISDN Termination Card In case. it simulates the functions of NT to test the LT in the exchange. The card can be tested using CRP command TST-TRML-CARD with parameters as : RTN-COD RPT-FMT REPEAT TML-CRD-TYP TST-SET CARD-SLOT : : : : : : G B NO BRI 605 or 606 The status of the BRL card can be displayed by using CRP command DISPLTRML-CARD-STATUS with parameter as : TML-CRD-TYP CARD-SLT : : BRI The status of the card can be displayed as INS-NRM.3.4. more than 50% interfaces corresponding to a Interface Card is reported as faulty. successfully. This helps in integration of all the functional requirements of testing of ISDN-Interface in C-DOT DSS as the tests are simulated in conformance to actual functional requirement. The card has been made INSERVICE. INS-FRC or OOS-SE. In case of fault in DLL or NT. Similarly. forcibly. Sufficient checks are also incorporated to verify the sanity of TLC. 8. marked as OOS-SO. time to time. The TLC C-DOT DSS MAX 41 . This avoids the use of any additional test equipment to isolate and locate the fault. The card is faulty.ISDN & CCS7 TESTING WITHIN THE EXCHANGE INS-FREE. 8.2. INS-NRM INS-FRC OOS-SE : : : Card has been brought INSERVICE performing the complete tests.2. This possible by testing the TLC at the time of creation itself. it is advised to perform the tests on the BRL card. Similarly. it is possible to create the TLC on any alternative BRL-Card. In such cases. After executing the command.2.5. 8. How to Observe the Status of ISDN-Interface ? DISPL-TRM-STATUS (to monitor the status of interface) STAT-TRM TML-TYP TEN DIRNO : : : : On execution of the above command. This can be ensured by executing the command TST-TRML-CARD The TST-TEN should be any free circuit (i.e. Alternatively. Procedure to Delete a TLC The TLC can be deleted using CRP command DEL-TST-CKT with parameters as : TLC-TEN : The mandatory requirement of deleting the test circuit is that the BRL card should be made OOS-OPR using CRP command FRC-TRM-CARD-OOS. 3. it is advised to delete the TLC and create it after changing the BRL card. not associated with DIRNO) of any BRL card. not associated with DIRNO) of the same BRL card or any other BRL card in the ISTU. Once the functional tests are executed and passed. DLL or NT C-DOT DSS MAX . the current status of the U-interface is displayed which may be as: OOS-SO 42 : Fault may be in LT. the TLC is created and subjected to functional tests by using the TST-TEN as reference circuit.Chapter 8 is functionally tested in totality before making it available for testing of other ISDN-interfaces in C-DOT DSS. The status of the BRL card should be INS-NRM. the status of the circuit is marked as INS-FREE which be verified using command DISPL-TRM-STATUS. 2. The TLC is created by using CRP command CRE-TST-CKT with parameters as : TLC-TEN TST-TEN : : The basic requirements are : 1. The TLC-TEN should be the first free circuit (i. the status of the circuit is marked as OOS-SE.e. In case of failure. 8. ISDN to PSTN and PSTN to ISDN interworking tests. ISDN BEARER SERVICES Using the setup as shown in figure 8. the status of line is marked as INS-FREE and available to the subscribers to provide the service. 7.ISDN & CCS7 TESTING WITHIN THE EXCHANGE OOS-SE INS-FREE or INS-FREE CP-BUSY OOS-SUS : : : : Fault is confirmed in LT The interface is activated upto NT and free to provide service. Summary Sheet of the CRP Commands for O&M of ISDN Interface in C-DOT DSS CRE-TST-CKT DISPL-TRM-STATUS FRC-TRM-OOS FRC-TRM-INS PUT-TRM-INS TST-TRM DISPL-TRML-CARD-STATUS FRC-TRML-CARD-OOS FRC-TRML-CARD-INS PUT-TRML-CARD-INS TST-TRML-CARD DEL-TST-CKT To create a test circuit to simulate the functional of LT and NT for functional testing of ISDN-interface. It is transient status and valid for internal use by the system itself. 9. 3. with out performing the detail tests To make the card in service after performing the detail tests on the card as well as all the 8 LTs. 6. 10. The details of the tests are given in the following table. The successful tests will ensure the C-DOT DSS MAX 43 . To make the card in service forcibly i. 11. different calls are made to test ISDN to ISDN.1. 12.e. The status of the terminal is made OOS-SE or OOS-SO after verification of fault condition. 8. It the fault is found to be transient in nature. 2.3. 1. The interface is busy and providing service. To test the card To delete the test circuit if it is faulty 8.2. 1. 5. 4. To display the status of the interface To deactivate the interface from the exchange To activate the interface from the exchange without testing To activate the interface from the exchange after successful testing of LT To test the interface as LT as well as NT up to SInterface at the customer premises To display the status of the card To make the card out of service for replacement or as a mandatory requirement to delete the test circuit.6. 1KHz) on another ISDN line. The calls are originated from two ISDN subscribers A1 & B1 on the different ISDN lines and terminated on the two ISDN subscribers A2 & B2 on different ISDN lines. The calls should be successful The calls should be successful (ii) 3 ISDN Calls with in the Interface The two ISDN phones are connected on the same interface using multi-drop connector . The call is made from B by dialling its own directory number.1 KHz) on the one ISDN line and terminated on the two ISDN subscribers B1(SPEECH) & B2 (3. The calls are originated from two ISDN subscribers A1(SPEECH) & A2 (3.Chapter 8 ISDN&PSTN interworking across the network. (A1&B1 are PHILIPS ISDN Phones and A2&B2 are C-DOT TAs). No 1 Test Description ISDN to ISDN Call (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 2 Basic ISDN to ISDN local Call ISDN to ISDN Call through DECADIC routes ISDN to ISDN Call through MOD-R2 route ISDN to ISDN Call through CCS7 route The calls should be successful Expected Result / Response Two Simultaneous ISDN Calls (i) The calls are originated from two ISDN subscribers A1 & A2 on the same ISDN line and terminated on the two ISDN subscribers B1 & B2 on another ISDN line. Test Sheet for Teleservices in case of ISDN S. The call is offered to the second ISDN phone on the same line and connection is established on answer. The calls should be successful 44 C-DOT DSS MAX . 4 Two Simultaneous ISDN Calls with same and different Bearer Services. “Packet Mode” Bearer services need not be tested as they are not available in C-DOT DSS at present but likely to be available in immediate future. 2 ISDN to Analog The test set up is made by connecting C-DOT TA on ISDN line A and its Analog Port is configured as FAX port. are configured as FAX ports.No. The PCs are connected at the asynchronous data ports . No 1 Test Description ISDN to ISDN using TA The test set up is made by connecting two C-DOT TAs on lines A & B.ISDN & CCS7 TESTING WITHIN THE EXCHANGE Test Result Sheet for G3 FAX Services S. 198 as non metered services and 131 as metered services are already created in the Exchange. by dialling the number of ISDN line A.The call is made from A by dialling the number B. The call should be successful and the FAX transmission is also through. The call is put through successfully. 3 Analog to ISDN The test set up is made as explained in Step-2. 1 Test Description ISDN Call to Level 1 Services Level 1 positions . A FAX machine is connected to TA of ISDN line A and another FAX machine is connected to Analog Line C. The call is put through successfully with bearer service as “ 64 Kbps UDI “ and the file is transferred from terminal A to B. The call is made from FAX connected to A . by dialling the number C . The call is made from FAX connected to C. by dialling the number B . The call should be successful and the FAX transmission is also through. A call is made from ISDN Phone A to 198. The call should be successful between two FAX machines and the FAX transmission is also through. The call is made from FAX connected to A . Expected Result/Response Test Result Sheet for Misc. from the keypad. No. The TAs are configured as Synchronous DTEs. Expected Result / Response Test Result Sheet for Bearer Services S. Expected Result / Response C-DOT DSS MAX 45 . A call is made from ISDN Phone A to 131. Services related to ISDN S. The Analog Ports at TAs. The call is put through successfully without incrementing meters. incrementing the meter of A. 1 Test Description File Transfer Using PC ( 64 Kbps UDI data call ) The test set up is made by connecting two C-DOT TAs on ISDN lines A & B. Chapter 8 46 C-DOT DSS MAX . are also available to ISDN subscribers except multi-party services. The charge units are periodically updated on the LCD display with periodicity defined and controlled by a system parameter AOC-D timer. i) ii) iii) iv) A has subscribed COLP B has subscribed to diversion and diversion is activated with destination directory number ‘C’. Even though the supplementary services DDI and SUB addressing are supported in C-DOT DSS and validated by TEC for its functioning. C-DOT DSS MAX 47 . The supplementary services as CD. CONF and 3 PTY are not supported in C-DOT DSS at present. it is not feasible to test at site due to unavailability of suitable test equipments. 8. The ISDN specific supplementary services are tested as per the procedure. Make a call from A to the network. ISDN SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES In C-DOT DSS. This is important in case of diversion when the call is being diverted to some other number. Now C answers the call and A gets the information on the LCD display that the connected number in C and not the dialled number B. 8. This facility is used by the subscriber to know that who is the ultimate destination.2. explained subsequently in this section.ISDN & CCS7 TESTING WITHIN THE EXCHANGE 8. all the PSTN feature available for analog subscribers.4. Advice of Charge (AOC) This facility is used to know the charge for the call as it is the case of 16 KHz metering pulse in case of Analog line. refer Annexure-A of this document.4. UUS. CUG.1. A calls to B but the call land on C. For details of supplementary services. Now subscribe AOC-D on A and repeat (ii) and (iii).4. i) ii) iii) iv) Subscribe the facility AOC-E on A. Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP) and Connected Line Presentation Restriction (COLR). being connected against his dialled number.3 can also be used for testing of the common features on ISDN subscribers. Release the call after successful conversation and verify the total charge units being displayed on the LCD display. The section 7. Signalling point code = linear codes allotted by TEC. Now. error correction method = BASIC.4. 8. minimum signalling link = 2 for one direction (link set). 8. TEST OF ISDN SERVICES ON CCS7 Establish a CCS7 link between two new technology exchanges. Refer to the annex of ITU-T Rec. i) ii) iii) iv) Subscribe the facility TP on A.703 for the definition and the value of the timers. A protocol analyzer should be connected across both the signalling data links for observation of MTP and ISUP messages. Q. In the activated state. Store the MTP messages from the moment when the link was in deactivated state.Chapter 8 8. Normal alignment of signalling links a) Check the status of the both signalling links through DISPL-LS-STS.5. Generally the nominal values are taken.5. SLTM and SLTA messages should be seen on the MTP monitor from both the connected nodes. Signalling Link Management Note: It is assumed that a linkset with 2 links has already been created and the links are activated and available. Now remove S-BUS and reconnect. Press “Resume” and A is again connected to B. Ensure that the CCS7 link follows the National Standard link USERPART=ISUP. It should be activated and available.3. 8. The link should successfully become activated and available. Calculate the value of the “Normal Alignment” timers from the time stamps of the level2 messages. Deactivate one of the links by giving MOD-LS-STS command so that the status of the link is now shown to be deactivated via the DISPLLS-STS command. The call is suspended. C-DOT DSS MAX b) c) 48 . Terminal Portability (TP) This feature is used by the subscriber to suspend the call and resume it later on.5.1. Make a call to B Press “SUSPEND” on the ISDN terminal equipment. The protocol analyzer is set in the “MTP Monitor” mode.2. activate the same link by giving MOD-LS-STS command after making sure that the MTP messages are being seen on the analyzer. 2 & 8. Now activate this link (this is changeback) and repeat the case by deactivating the other link while maintaining the calls. Start the LNK-REP traffic report. Observe the LNK-REP.3 above.703 for the definition and the value of the timers.3. activate one of the links by giving MOD-LS-STS command after making sure that the MTP messages are being seen on the analyzer. None of the calls should get cut. Changeover and changeback a) In the presence of ISUP call traffic or a specially made call. Calculate the value of the “Emergency Alignment” timers from the time stamps of the level2 messages. b) c) 8.4. In the activated state. The number of octets received and transmitted should to roughly the same for each of the two links. Emergency alignment of signalling links a) Check the status of the both signalling links through DISPL-LS-STS. make the link/s active by giving MOD-LS-STS command. Deactivate both the links one by one by giving MOD-LS-STS command so that the status of the links is now shown to be deactivated via the DISPL-LS-STS command. b) C-DOT DSS MAX 49 .5. Store the MTP messages from the moment when the link was in deactivated state.5. Now. It should be activated and available. Refer to the annex of ITU-T Rec.ISDN & CCS7 TESTING WITHIN THE EXCHANGE 8.5. 8. It should be activated and available. None of the calls should get cut even now.5. Run CCS7 call traffic between the nodes. if not so already. Else. Activation/Deactivation of signalling links This gets tested in tests 8. Let the traffic run for about 15 minutes.5. Load sharing within a link set a) Check the status of the both signalling links through DISPL-LS-STS. In the activated state. SLTM and SLTA messages should be seen on the MTP monitor from both the connected nodes. Q. b) c) 8. SLTM and SLTA messages should be seen on the MTP monitor from both the connected nodes.6.5. Generally the nominal values are taken. deactivate one of the two links to initiate changeover of the messages from this link to the other link. This confirms load sharing between the links.5. The link should successfully become activated and available. but if both the even circuits are busy and another call is successfully completed by seizing odd circuit. Only IAM messages for the calls originating from the C-DOT switch should be seen. This will make only some of the initial address digits to be filled in the IAM message. observe the ISUP message flow. This will make all the address digits to be filled in the IAM message itself. This route connects exchange A & B.2. Blocking & Unblocking of speech channels a) Deactivate both the links one by one by giving MOD-LS-STS command so that the status of the links is now shown to be deactivated via the DISPL-LS-STS command.6. 8. no SAM messages should be seen.” b) c) d) 50 C-DOT DSS MAX .3. b) 8.6.. in addition to the IAM messages SAM messages should also be seen for the calls originating from the C-DOT switch. i.1. See the status of the speech circuits via the DISPL-BLK7-STS command.Chapter 8 8.4. 8. The blocking status should be now be “Not Blocked. Then for all OG calls from exchange A even circuits will be seized. Now in the presence of ISUP call traffic. Now in the presence of ISUP call traffic. Enbloc Operation a) Keep min-dgt-szfd parameter value at the ISUP TGP equal to the number of digits (dgt-len) on the route. SIGNALLING CHECK Bothway Circuit Selection Create a BW TGP with 4 circuits and associate it with CCS7 route. The blocking status should be “Locally Blocked. See the status of the speech circuits via the DISPL-BLK7-STS command.e.” Now activate one of the links by giving MOD-LS-STS command so that the status of the link is now shown to be activated via the DISPL-LSSTS command. where X1 > X2. observe the ISUP message flow.6. Now. The rest will be in SAM messages with one digit per message. b) 8. Overlap operation a) Keep min-dgt-szfd parameter value at the ISUP TGP less than the number of digits (dgt-len) on the route. The point code for exchange A is X1 and B is X2.6.6. CHECK FOR ANALOGUE SUBS FACILITIES Check outgoing only. malicious calls identification. CLIR etc. hot line etc. incoming only. C-DOT DSS MAX 51 . Remarks : MCI should be verified with CLIP.7.ISDN & CCS7 TESTING WITHIN THE EXCHANGE 8. BPC or HPC card is to be tested. TIC.2. the system card should be again brought into service. IOP related spare cards & CM related spare cards. Against UNIT-ID give BP-0 or BP-1 whichever is standby. Diagnostic will pass in case of good card. i.1. Using CRP command. TUI. TSI. BPC or HPC. or ETS. Using command. ii. ITC and ICC in ISTU. 9. HMS or MSC & MSD. 9.1 (A) to 9. TME or BME. Say CPU. TUC.1 (F).1. TSC. BPC in SUM. Now replace the system level card by spare card. CARD TESTING All the spare cards received at the site should be checked. This will make that copy OOS-OPR. Testing of Spare Cards 9. Spare card testing can be divided in three parts . DGN-SWU command will diagnose the card & indicate the health status of the card. TSM.Testing of BM/LM related spare cards. the spare card should be removed & the system card should be put back. TSS. CPU.2. the spare card can be tested. Replace the system card with a spare card. After testing. SPC. Issue command PUT-SWU-OOS for the standby copy of BP. TESTING OF BM/LM RELATED CARDS Testing of BM/LM related spare cards can be divided into the following The BM/LM related spare cards can be tested by first making a system card of that type OOS-OPR (out-of-service operator).Chapter 9. Testing of Cards in Controller Complex having duplicate copies The following spare cards can be tested using the procedure given in this section and equipage details in Fig 9. Issue command DGNSWU with the UNIT-ID same as that given in step 1. 52 C-DOT DSS MAX . FIG.TESTING OF SPARE CARDS ======================================================= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S U I T C T T C C T C T C T C T C T C T I C S T P U C I OR I S P T U I T S T I P C C C OR I S P T C T T C C T C T C T C T C P S U I NOTE: 1 TC MAY BE LCC. CCM. SLOT 24 WILL BE TTC.1B DIGITAL TERMINAL UNIT (DTU) CONFIGURATION \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATATU C-DOT DSS MAX 53 . 9. TWT OR E&M 2 IN CASE OF TU4 AS ATU IN BM.1A ANALOG TERMINAL UNIT (ATU) CONFIGURATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S U I D T S Ø D T C Ø D T S 1 D T T U C C 1 T U I T U I T U C D T S 2 D T C 2 D T S 3 D T C 3 P S U I FIG. 9. FIG.Chapter 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S U 1 P S U 2 L L C C 1 2 L L C C 3 4 L L C C 5 6 L L C C 7 8 I I I T C I C C C Ø Ø Ø I I I C C C 1 1 I L L L L L L L L T C C C C C C C C C 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 LC BRL OR PRL CARDS NOTE : IIC CARDS ARE REQUIRED ONLY IN CASE OF CONCENTRATION OF ISTU FIG. 9. 2.1D #7SU CONFIGURATION \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATDCO 54 C-DOT DSS MAX . (ii) HPC IS USED TO SUPPORT SHM 1 TO 8 AND HIGHER MESSAGE PROCESSING CAPABILITY. 3. AND 4 CAN BE EQUIPPED.1C ISTU CONFIGURATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S U 1 P S U 2 B S S S S H T M H H H H P U E M M M M C C 1 2 3 4 OR B P C T U I T T U U I C H P C OR B P C S S S S B H H H H M M M M M E 5 6 7 8 P S U 4 P S U 3 SHM #7 PROTOCOL HANDLER CARD NOTE: (i) WITH BPC. 9. ONLY SHM1. 1E BASE PROCESSOR UNIT (BPU) CONFIGURATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S U II T G A M M S F F C C C I C A M M F S S B D C OR T T S S I M T S C T S S T S S T T T S S S C M I M M A S S F C D B OR S M M T C F F G I C C A C P S U II H M S H M S NOTE : (i) REPLACE TSS CARDS BY ETS CARDS IN CASE OF REMOTE BASE MODULE (RSU) (ii) MSC AND MSD ARE REPLACED BY HMS FOR 800K BHCA FIG. 9. 9.1F TIME SWITCH UNIT (TSU) CONFIGURATION \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATDTS C-DOT DSS MAX 55 .TESTING OF SPARE CARDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S U II B M E H P C OR B P C H P C OR B P C B M E P S U II NOTE: HPC USED TO SUPPORT 800K BHCA FIG. 3. Say for testing of MSD and MSC cards UNIT-ID will be BMS-0 or BMS-1.Chapter 8 iii) Remove the spare card from the system & put back the original system card. MU BME in BM-XL BID & TME in BM-L * 9. use table 9.2. Table 9. Testing of MFC & TGA Cards i.1 Sl. specify TST-SET = 301 & in case of TOGC card. In case of MFC card. Issue command PUT-SRV-INS for the TOGC card with SRV-TYP = TONE to bring it inservice. TIC is used in Analog TU and TUC is used in Digital TU. Issue command FRC-SRV-OOS with SRV-TYP = MF for a system level MFC card & SRV-TYP = TONE for TGA card. BMS TIXX (XX = 01 to 16) BP TIC* } SPC } or TUC* TUI TUI } BPC or HPC in BM-XL CPU & BIC in BM-L 4. Result of the test will indicate health of the spare card. Now for testing of other cards step 1 to step 3 is to be repeated.1 & verify 56 C-DOT DSS MAX . Now replace the system level card by the spare card to be tested. 1. 5.1. Issue command PUT-SWU-INS for the card with UNIT-ID same as that mentioned in step 1 to bring the system card back into service. Using MOD-SUB-FAC command. No.e. ii. Dial appropriate digits as given to Table 7. TSC UNIT-ID CARDS TESTED TSC TSM TSS or RTS/ETS TSI MSC MSD } } or HMS 2. assign the originating facility of DIALLING-EQPT to a subscriber (preferably a DTMF subscriber). TOGC (i. iii. Issue command TST-SRV with SRV-TYP same as that mentioned in step 1.2. For UNIT-ID to be given for each card. TGA) card can also be checked using dialling by equipment no. specify TST-SET = 304. facility. After announcement are checked. 9. issue command FRC-SRV-OOS with SRV-TYP = TONE to make the card OOSOPR. EMF) i. & TST-SET = 402 in case spare DTC card is to be tested. iv. ii. Remove the spare card from the system & put back the original system card.4. Issue command FRC-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = ANNC. Testing of Line & Analog Trunk Cards (LCC. Issue command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = ANNC to bring the original system card inservice. C-DOT DSS MAX 57 .3. Testing of ANNC Card i. Issue command FRC-TRM-OOS with TML-TYP = LINE in case of LCC or CCB card and TML-TYP = TRK in case of TWT or EMF card. iv. repeat step 1.5. ii. In this command while specifying TEN or DIRNO.TESTING OF SPARE CARDS whether correct tone is switched or not. ii. After testing is complete. Replace the system level card by the spare card to be tested. Issue command TST-TRML-CARD with TST-SET = 401 in case spare DTS card is to be tested. Issue command FRC-TRML-CARD-OOS for a Digital Trunk in the system. assign the originating facility of DIALLING-EQPT to a DTMF subscriber. The result will indicate health of the spare card. Remove the spare card from the system & put back the original system card. cover all the 8 circuits of the card so that all the circuits become OOS-OPR. 9. Issue command PUT-SWU-INS for the card with UNIT-ID same as that mentioned in step 1 to bring the system card back into service. iii.2 & verify the announcement. Remove the spare card from the system and put back the original system card. TWT. Dial appropriate digits as given in Table 7. CCB. Using MOD-SUB-FAC command. Replace the system level DTS or DTC card by the corresponding spare card to be tested.2. Issue command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = ANNC to bring the card inservice. Replace the system level ANNC card by the spare card. iii. iv.2. 9.2. Testing of Digital Trunk (DTS & DTC) Cards i. Issue command PUT-TRML-CARD-INS to bring the system level digital trunk inservice. The result of the test will indicate health of the circuits in the spare card. The SHM card can be tested by repeating the steps (i) to (iii) of 8.2. Select a good working line circuit & issue the command TST-TRM with TST-TRM with TST-SET = 103 (exchange side tests). The test should pass. Testing of Digital/ISDN Line Cards (Only at the sites where ISDN is equipped). iv. only one SUM is equipped. The result of the command should display the status of the card as INS-NRM.2.6.Chapter 8 iii. Testing of TTC Card i) ii) iii) iv) Issue command FRC-SWU-OOS with UNIT-ID = TTC. Now ensure that a good telephone of line capacitance as 1. Issue command PUT-TRM-INS with TML-TYP = TEN or DIRNO same as that mentioned in step 1 above. NOTE : Same procedure is valid for testing of BRL and PRL cards with only difference that CARD-TYP should be specified as PRI. 9.8. Issue command PUT-SWU-INS with UNIT-ID = TTC to bring the card inservice.6 with only difference that the CARD-TYP will be PHC. Replaces the system level card by the spare level card to be tested.. Issue command TST-TRM with TST-SET = 103 in case of LCC or CCB or TST-SET = 202 in case of TWT or EMF card. 9. Replace the system level TTC card by the spare card to be tested. Issue command TST-TRM with TST-SET = 102 (outside plant open loop Test) & RPT-FMT = D (detailed report format). TML-TYP = LINE for the line circuit. i) ii) iii) Issue the command FRC-TRML-CARD-OOS command with CARDTYP=BRI and also specify the slot number. Remove the spare card from the system & put back the original system level card.8 uf is connected to the line. 9. Testing of CCS7 Signalling Link (SHM) Card in SUM The SUM cards are equipped in SUM which is equipped in one of the BMs in the main exchange Irrespective of the capacity of the exchange. Issue command PUT-TRML-CARD-INS with other parameters as defined in (i).2.2. The report should display the capacitance value measured.7. C-DOT DSS MAX v) 58 . 2. TICs/TUCs of the TU should remain inservice & lines/trunks of the TU should keep working. The cards for which INTCHG command in TSU may be required are TSC. Now handset should be replaced. Power alarm should get cleared on OOD/Printer & ADP. Power alarm should be reported on OOD/Printer & ADP. Conduct the test both for a rotary and a DTMF telephone. Using INTCHG command for different cards. Handset should be lifted. dial 162. After about 5 secs. make BMS-1. Remove the spare PSUI card put back the original system card & switch it on. Switch off the system PSU I card in the other copy of the same TU. Replace the system level PSU I card by the spare card to be tested. 9.2.1. Ring should be fed (for bell adjustment). vii) 9. Continuous tone should be fed indicating that line insulation tests have passed. BMS & SCIC.2. SCIC-1 & TSC-1 OOS-OPR.9. Repeat step (iii). RBT should be fed. Handset should be replaced and to be lifted again after about 20 secs. Now '0' should be dialled if telephone is rotary. make all copy 0 cards in TSU active & copy 1 cards in TSU standby. Now switch on the system PSU I. Testing of PSU II Cards i) ii) C-DOT DSS MAX .9. use command FRC-SRV-OOS with SRV-TYP = MF to make them OOS-OPR. Testing of PSU I Cards i) Switch off one PSU I card of a TU. ii) iii) Switch on the spare PSU I card.2. Remove the spare TTC card from the system & put back the original system card. 59 iv) 9. For equipped MFC cards in copy 1 (card slots 22 & 23 of TSU). Repeat step (i). Continuous tone should be fed indicating that dial test has passed. From the telephone. continuous tone should be fed indicating that loop current test has passed. Testing of Power Supply Cards (PSU I & PSU II) PSU I cards are used in TUs of BM/LM & PSU II cards are used in BPU or TSU of BM.9. otherwise a sequence of digits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 0 # should be dialled if the telephone is DTMF. Now switch off the spare PSU I in the system. Now using PUT-SWU-OOS command.TESTING OF SPARE CARDS vi) 162 tests Connect a telephone (rotary or DTMF) to a line port. 9. Switch off the IOP & replace the spare card by the original system level card in IOP. bring copy 1 equipped MFC cards (in card slots 22 & 23 of TSU) inservice. After spare cards are tested. Replace the system level PSU II card by the spare card to be tested. TESTING OF CM RELATED CARDS The detailed of equipage with their slot is given in Fig.1 for VHC card. Power alarm should get cleared from OOD/Printer & ADP. they should be removed & original system level IOP cards should be put back. Conduct tests given in sections 5. To shutdown SBYIOP. and wait for few minutes.3.3. Testing of VHC i) ii) iii) Repeat steps (i) & (ii) of section 9.1. SCIC-1 & TSC-1 inservice. and then INIT-IOP: 1. iv) v) vi) 9. Repeat step 5.1 to 5. Using PUT-SWU-INS command. This IOP should now be booted & brought in service using the procedure given in "CDOT DSS MAX Maintenance Procedures" document.2. Switch on the spare PSU II card. Once the spare card is put in the IOP. 9. Remove spare PSU II card from the system & put back the original system card. Repeat step 2.2 for CM-L and 9. the procedure given below can be used for testing different cards.1.3.4. Repeat step (iii) of section 9. bring BMS-1.3. execute CRP command INIT-IOP: 2. Power alarm should be reported OOD/Printer & ADP. Monitor prompt should appear on the console terminal. 60 C-DOT DSS MAX .Chapter 8 iii) Switch off copy 1 PSU II (card slot 25) in TSU. Using PUT-SRV-INS command.4. Switch on the IOP.1 for VHC card.2. Refer these figure for testing the spare cards. Testing of Power Supply Module The following procedure may be used i) ii) iii) Replace the system level card by the spare card to be tested. TESTING OF IOP RELATED CARDS OF IOP-VH IOP related spare cards can be tested by first shutting down one of the two IOPs & then replacing system level IOP cards by the cards to be tested.3 for CMXL. 9. If more cards are there as spare. jack in original card. If no more spare cards are there. Testing of PSM/ESM Cards in CM-XL or SSM/ESL Cards in CM-L i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Put IFC1 OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUT-SWU-OOS. Jack in space switch card given as spare in the position of SWC1-1. Put IFC17 INS-ACT by using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS.1. Run space switch diagnostics on switch plane copy 1 (SS-1) by using command DGN-SWU. jack the next switch card in and follow step 5. Diagnostics should pass.TESTING OF SPARE CARDS 9. Make some line to line calls from BM1 to BM4. If more spare switch card are there. Testing of PSS Cards in CM-XL & SSS cards in CM-L i) By using CRP command DISPL-SWU-ALL or DISPL-SWU-STATUS. Make sure that BUS-1 IFC for BM1 (IFC17) is INS-ACT.4. Jackout spare IFC card. Take the case when SS-0 is INS-ACT and SS-1 is INS-SBY. find out the status of switch plane copy0 (SS-0) and switch plane copy 1 (SS-1). Status of one switch plane should be INS-ACT and status of second switch plane should be INS-SBY. Follow Step 2. Calls should not fail.4. Jackin spare IFC card in place of it. Follow steps 1 & 2. SWC1-1 card will be in slot 15 in 2nd frame in CM-XL and in slot 9 in 2nd frame in CM-L.2. 9. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) C-DOT DSS MAX 61 . Jackout IFC1 card. jack the next spare card in or jack in original cards. Jackout SWC1-1 card (SWC1-1 card caters to bus 0 of BM1 to BM4). Put IFC17 (Bus1 IFC for BM1) OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUT-SWU-OOS. Make IFC1 INS-ACT by using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS. Put switch planecopy 1 (SS-1) OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUTSWU-OOS. Ø BUS .Chapter 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BUS -1 BUS -Ø P S U II Ø P S U II 1 S S M 1 E S L 1 S S S S S S S S S S M M M M M 2 3 4 5 6 E E E S S S L L L 2 3 4 SS -Ø S S S S M M 7 8 E S L 7 E S L 8 S S M 17 S S M 18 S S M 19 S S M 20 S S S S S S M M M 21 22 23 E S L 5 E S L 6 E E E E E E E S S S S S S S L L L L L L L 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SS -Ø COPY -Ø SS -1 COPY-1 S S P M S 24 U E II S 2 L 24 P S U II 3 BTU SS -1 COPY -1 P S U II Ø P S U II 1 } } S S S 1 S S S 2 S S S 3 S S S 4 S S S 1 S S S 2 S S S 3 S S S 4 S C T 0 S C T 1 S S S 9 } } S S S 10 S S S 11 S S S 12 S S S 9 S S S 10 S S S 11 COPY-Ø P S S U S II S 2 12 P S U II 3 SSU P S U II Ø } } } B I D 0 S S C K 0 S C T 0 S C T 1 S C K 1 B I D 1 S B I C 1 S C P U 1 B I C 1 M T M E B I D 0 M B C I P C U 0 0 M B I C 0 S B I D 1 M } T M E MU .1 CMS B CMS D P S U II 1 APU SPARE SPARE NOTE : RSM CARD CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF ESL WHEREVER 4 PCMs ARE REQUIRED FIG. 9.Ø AP -Ø AP -1 MU .1 P S U II Ø } } } } } } } M S D M S C M S D M T S M C E B B I I D C 0 0 C C P P U U 0 1 B B I I C D 1 1 T M M M S S E C D M M S S C D } CMS C CMS A MU .2 CM-L (CONFIGURATION) \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATF4 62 C-DOT DSS MAX .Ø SSC -Ø SSC -1 MU .1 P S U II 1 SCU BUS . . 9..TESTING OF SPARE CARDS 1 2 3 4 5 P S M or E S M 6 P S M 7 P S M 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S M P C C P S M M S M L L M or or ..A A 0 0 0 0 C C M M H L L M .S A A 0 0 0 0 P S S P S S P P S S S S P S S P S S P P S S S U II P S U II SSU1 A P S U II B P S U II P S M or E S M P S M P S M P P S S M M P S M or or or or or E E E E E S S S S S M M M M M P C C P S M M S M L L M or or .S A A 0 0 0 0 H B M M S E C C M M B L L B B H P P M M .S A A A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P S U II P S U II APU NOTE : ABSENCE OF ANY PSM OR ESM CARDS SHOULD BE EQUIPPED BY THE DUMMY LOAD CARD APC-CML 483/S-S00 ABSENCE OF ANY PSS CARD SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH THE DUMMY LOAD CARD APC-CSL 484/S-S00 ABSENCE OF ANY CARD IN APU AND SCU FRAMES SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH THE DUMMY LOAD CARD APC-CML 483/S-A00 ALL VACENT SLOTS IN ALL FRAMES SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH CORRESPODING DUMMY LOAD CARDS FIG.or E E A A E S S 0 0 S M M 0 0 M P S M P S M P S M P P S S M M P S M P S M P S or or U E E II S S M M P S M A P S U II B P S U II P P S S M M or or or or or E E E E E S S S S S M M M M M or or or E E E S S S M M M or or E E S S M M P S U II BTUØ A P S U II B P S U II P S S P S S P S S P P S S S S P S S P S S P S S C C M M L L P S .C C E S A A 0 0 0 0 C C C C M M M M L L H L L M .C C A A 0 0 0 0 C M C L B C B M C X E K A 0 0 P S U II P S U II SCU A P S U II B P S U II C C M M L L .or E E A A E S S 0 0 S M M 0 0 M P S M P S M P S M P P S S M M P S M or or or E E E S S S M M M or or E E S S M M P S M P S or or U E E II S S M M P S M P S U II BTU1 A P S U II B P S U II C C K B M E C M L A 0 0 C N B S X C B P C C C M M L L B N P S .3 CENTRAL MODULE-XL CONFIGURATION \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATCMC C-DOT DSS MAX 63 .S A A 0 0 0 0 P S S P S S P P S S S S P S S P S S P P S S S U II P S U II SSUØ A P S U II B P S U II P S S P S S P S S P P S S S S P S S P S S P S S C C M M L L P S . If more spare switch card are there. jack in original card. jack the next switch card in and follow step 5. Make some inter-BM calls covering all BMs.3 for NSC card but before testing. find out the status of switch plane copy 0 (SS-0) and switch plane copy 1 (SS-1). SS-1 will become INS. Run space switch diagnostics on switch plane copy 1 (SS. Put switch plane copy 1 (SS-1) inservice by using CRP command PUTSWU-INS. DISPL-SWU-ALL or DISPL-SWU-STATUS. Make some inter-BM calls covering all BMs. Diagnostics should pass. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) 9. Testing of Clock Card in CM-L or CM-XL i) By using CRP command. Jack in the original and make it INS.SWUINS. If no more spare cards are there. 64 C-DOT DSS MAX . Give CRP command INTCHG for SS-1. Put SS-1 inservice by using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS. Testing of NSC Card in CM-XL only Repeat all above steps as specified in 9. See SS-1 status by using CRP command DISPL-SWUSTATUS.4. See the status of SS-0 and SS-1 using CRP command DISPL-SWU-ALL. Put switch plane copy 1 (SS-1) OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUT-SWU-OOS. Put switch plane SS-0 OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUT. Status of one switch plane should be INS-ACT and status of second switch plane should be INS-SBY. Status of SS-1 will be INS-SBY. Put switch plane SS-0 INS-ACT by using CRP command PUT. Status of SS-1 will become INS-SBY. See the Status of SS-0 by using CRP command DISPL-SWUSTATUS.3. Jackout copy 1 clock card. Same as step 2.SWUOOS.4.ACT.Chapter 8 vi) vii) viii) 9. Status of SS-0 should be INS-SBY and of SS-1 INS-ACT. Status of SS-0 will be INS-SBY. Take the case when SS-0 is INS-ACT and SS-1 is INS-SBY.4.4. Jack in clock card given as spare in the place of jacked out clock card.1) by using command DGN-SWU. Give CRP command INTCHG for making switch plane SS-1 active. allow 3 hrs warm up time after making card inservice. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 9. Status of AP-1 will be INS-SBY. C-DOT DSS MAX 65 . AP-1 status should be INS-ACT. Run diagnostics on CMS 1 using CRP command DGN-SWU.6. Jack out OOS-OPR AP-1 card.4. Jackin the original HMS cards and make it INS.4. Bring in CMS2 by using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS. Make some inter-BM calls covering all BMs. Execute INTCHG AP-1 to make it INS-ACT. Same as step 2 & 3. Bring in OOS-OPR AP using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS. find the status of both the copies of AP. Jackout HMS cards.5.SWU. Testing of HMS Card in CM-XL only i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Put CMS 1 OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUT-SWU-OOS. Put CMS2 OOS-OPR by using CRP command PUT-SWU-OOS. See the status of AP-1 using CRP command DISPL-SWU-STATUS. Take the case when AP-0 is active and AP-1 is standby. Put the AP-1 OOS-OPR using CRP command PUT-SWU-OOS. After replacement. Diagnosis should pass. Testing of CPU Card in CM-L and BPC or HPC Card in CM-XL i) By using CRP command DISPL-SWU-ALL or DISPL-SWU-STATUS. Both the IOPs should be ACT and SBY. after making AP-1 INS-SBY and then OOS-OPR. make it INS-SBY. See the status of AP-1 using DISPL-SWU-STATUS. Jack in the card which has been given as spare for AP. Run diagnostics on OOS-OPR AP using CRP command DGN.TESTING OF SPARE CARDS 9. Jack out the CPU card and jack in the original system card. Put CMS 1 INS-ACT by using CRP command PUT-SWU-INS. Jackin the HMS card given as spares. Diagnosis should pass. Memory diagnostics takes long time. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) 66 C-DOT DSS MAX .STATUS. Jack out BME card (MU-0) in AP Jack in the BME card given as spares. Put MU-0 OOS-OPR by using command PUT-SWU-OOS. So wait for the final results. Jack in the original BME card and make it INS. Jack out the BME card which was jacked in in step 4. Run diagnostics on MU-0 by using CRP command DGN-SWU. Reports will come on OOD. Testing of BME Card i) See the status of both memory units (MU-0 & MU-1) in APU frame by using CRP command DISPL-SWU.7.4. Status of both units MU0 and MU-1 will be INS.Chapter 8 9.ACT. 10. However.000 calls and remaining five BMs in next cycle.(Fig.000 calls distributed over all the Base Modules. Now start the LTG and wait for about 10 minutes and thereafter interchange all the controllers of the Base Modules and that of the Central Module. If there are more Base Modules. Service Quality test is conducted as the final test to ascertain the stability/peformance of the exchange It is performed using C-DOT load test generator which generates 50. it is desired to divide the Service Quality Test in two or more cycles as the case may be. the use of LTG is not desired as it is smaller exchange and also the availability of LTG for small exchanges is no guaranteed. Remaining left out BMs are to be considered in next Service Quality Cycle.2). Efforts may be made to connect as many BMs as possible for first Service Quality Cycle of 50000 calls. In such cases. they can be connected to different Base Modules and Service Quality Cycles can be run independently for 50.000 calls each Trunk BMs are included using loop back calls. 10. This will reduce the time required for Service Quality of large exchanges. first five BMs can be connected for first Service Quality Cycle of 50. due to the constraints of length of the interconnection cables used between Load Test Generator and Base Modules of the Exchange. Service Quality Cycle : Each Service Quality Cycle is completed in two steps : STEP-1 : Before starting the Load Test Generator.000 calls generated by each LTG.Chapter 10. one by ACCEPTANCE TESTING 67 . (Fig. Service Quality In C-DOT DSS MAX. as of Service Quality using 16 telephone sets may be one of the alternatives. The current practice is continued. COPY-0 or COPY-1 controllers of the Base Modules being considered for Service Quality Cycle and that of Central Module are to made INS-ACT.1) Note : If it is possible to arrange more LTGs. Example : If there are 10 Base Modules at the site. Service Quality Test may be divided in three cycles for 50. it may not be possible to consider all the Base Modules for Service Quality in one cycle. NOTE : In case of SBM Exchanges. This will ensure the system stability and successful reconfiguration of hardware in case of any failure under partial load conditions.000 calls.000 calls. make COPY-1 of all the controllers INS-ACTIVE and start the Load Test Generator once again to run 25. 68 C-DOT DSS MAX . After completion of 25. Note down total failures which should not be more than 15. the load can be generated by equipping analog Terminal Units and creating the subscribers. In this STEP-1. one.Chapter 10. call failures should not be monitored because the transient calls (the calls under set-up phase) may fail during interchange of some controllers. for 50. Now start the Load Test Generator for 25. They will be removed after completing the service quality.000 calls. Each and every interchange of controllers should pass and no alarm should be raised on ADP or OOD/PRINTER during this process. COPY-0 of all the controllers of the Base Modules under consideration and that of Central Module are to be made INS-ACT. In case of C-DOT TAX-XL or C-DOT TAX-XLE. STEP-2 : After successful completion of STEP-1. Note : 1.000 calls. 10.C-DOT DSS MAX LTG 64 PAIR CABLE 1 TRUNK BM TRUNK BM LOOP BAK CABLE 2 LOOP BACK CM TRUNK BM LOOP BACK TRUNK BM TRUNK BM FIG.1 \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATF1 SERVICE QUALITY 69 . 2 \DESIGN\DSSMAX\DSSMX-AT\DSSATF2 .70 LTG 64 PAIR CABLE 1 CABLE 2 Chapter 10. 10. LTG SETUP-1 TRUNK BM TRUNK BM LOOP BACK LOOP BACK CM TRUNK BM CABLE 1 64 PAIR LTG CABLE 2 LOOP BACK LTG SETUP-2 TRUNK BM TRUNK BM LOOP BACK LOOP BACK C-DOT DSS MAX FIG. Appendix A Operation Procedures for Supplementary Services in C-DOT A.1 Sl. No. 1. CLIP NUMBER IDENTIFICATION SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Facility Registration as ORG-FAC Registration as TRM-FAC CLIP Activation Deactivation Remarks NO NO In case of PSTN Subscriber, the telephone instrument should support CLI display. 2. 3. 4. CLIR CLIRO MCID CLIR-PR CLIP&CLIRO MCID NO NO See Note-1 NO NO NO Subscriber is put under malicious observation using command MODSUB-OBS with OBSTYP=MALC Only for ISDN Only for ISDN . Applicable to DDI groups , created using command CRE-HGP. Only for ISDN. GRNTMSN to grant the facility and ADD-MSN-DN to add additional MSN Subscribers. Only for ISDN. Can be used with C-DOT-TA210 as PHILIPS Phone does not support the feature. The facility is available by default to all the subscribers and no registration is required. Only for ISDN Only for ISDN 5. 6. MSN DDI MSN NO NO NO NO 7. SUB SUB NO NO 8. COLP NO NO 9. 10. COLR COLRO COLRO COLR-PR NO NO NO NO Note-1 : The PSTN subscriber can invoke the service just by HSF. A ISDN subscriber can invoke the service by * 65 # after switching over to 71 ACCEPTANCE TESTING Chapter 10. “Keypad Dialling Mode” from conversation stage. Procedure to switch over to “Keypad Dialling “ is specific to the user’s equipment e.g for PHILIPS Phone , the keys < Memory > <Display> are to be pressed . The complete procedure for invocation of MCID service from PHILIPS ISDN Phone is : <Memory> <Display> *65# . In the absence of any procedure from TEC for ISDN Subscribers , the in built capability of PHILIPs telephone has been exploited to support the feature. A.2 Sl. No. 11. LH CALL OFFERING SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE Facility Registration as ORG-FAC Registration as ORG-FAC Activation Deactivation Remarks NO NO Applicable to HGP and DDI groups , created using command CREHGP. GNT-ABS-SRV Subscriber has activate the facility GRNT-DIV Subscriber has activate the facility GRNT-DIV Subscriber has activate the facility to to to 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. CFU(FXD) CFU(SEL) CFB(GRP) CFB(SEL) CFNR(GRP) CFNR(SEL) ABSNT-FXDNUM ABSNT-SELNUM DOB-SETNUM DOB-SELNUM DONA-SETNUM DONA-SELNUM *28# *14 B# *66# *220 B# *224# *222 B# #29# #15# #67# #221# #225# #223# A.3 Sl. No. 18. 19. CALL COMPLETION SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Facility Registration as ORG-FAC Registration as TRM-FAC CLD-CALLWTNG CH-WR or CH-WOR Activation Deactivation Remarks Call Waiting Call Hold * 18 # HOLD # 19 # NO See Note-2 Only for ISDN 20. Terminal Portability TERMPORT SUSPEND/ RESUME NO Only for ISDN 21. Hot Line (Timed) TMD-HT-LN * 20 B # # 21 # GRNT-HTLN to activate the facility first time or when deactivated by the subscriber. 72 C-DOT DSS MAX OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES IN C-DOT Sl. No. 22. Hot-Line ( Un-timed) Facility Registration as ORG-FAC UNTMD-HTLN Registration as TRM-FAC Activation Deactivation Remarks NO NO GRNT-HTLN Note-2 : Invocation procedure for ISDN and PSTN subscribers are different. A ISDN subscriber uses functional keys to put the existing call to wait to receive another call in waiting. The PSTN subscriber has to invoke the feature by HSF and can toggle between two subscribers repeatedly by using HSF. Also for ISDN subscriber, CH should also be subscribed on the interface. Sl. No. 23. Facility Registration as ORG-FAC CNF-3W Registration as TRM-FAC Activation / Usage Procedure Remarks CNF3PTY HSF *250 B # to add B HSF *253# to toggle HSF * 254 B # to drop B HSF * 254 # to drop last party HSF * 252 # to activate Only for PSTN 24. CNF6PTY CNF-6W As above with difference that dial 251 in place of 250 to add a party B as conference member. Subsequently , before adding a new member into the conference , the procedure HSF * 252 # to activate the conference should be followed , before attempting to add a new party C using procedure HSF * 251 C # . Only for PSTN C-DOT DSS MAX 73 26. 29.5 Sl. being selected . a subscriber can subscriber can register an alarm call with help of OPERATOR . more than one call can wait on an ISDN interface as specified/allowed by the administrator for that interface. MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Facility Alarm (Once) Registration as ORG-FAC ALRM-AUTO Registration as TRM-FAC Activation * 16 hh mm# Deactivation #17 hh mm # Remarks Alternatively. 90 Access * 23 ABCD PQRS # to change the password * 24 ABCD N # current access where ‘N’ is the Note-3 : A. The subscriber should be created with MTR-CLS =CHK-MTR. However for individual ISDN subscriber . Only for ISDN. Only for Note-4) NO NO NO NO NO NO PSTN (See 27.Chapter 10. C-DOT DSS MAX 74 . It possible by registering the facility ALRM-SEMI and then granting it using command GRNT-ALARM. Note-4 : The facility is valid for ISDN interface when configured as Hunt Group. Only for PSTN. 25. is allowed by registration.e. subject to the condition that the access level . No. A. 30. No. The values for ‘N’ are valid . Queuing QUING-NODCTV or QUING-DCTV *686 # #685# 28. Use HSF *684 # for suspending the Queue to make an originating call .4 DYNAMIC LOCKING FOR ACCESS LEVELS Sl. Facility Registratio n as ORGFAC SUB-OGBRRD Registratio n as TRMFAC Activation / Usage Procedure Remarks Dynamic STD Locking * 23 ABCD ABCD # password to select the N=0 for all allowed N=1 for Local Access N=3 for STD Access N=4 for 10X Access N=5 for Regional i. AOC-E AOC-D 16 Khz for Home Meters AOC-E AOC-D Only for ISDN. C-DOT DSS MAX 75 . The procedure is specified for DTMF subscribers using * and #. For example.OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES IN C-DOT GENERAL COMMENTS 1. For other services. with out dialling any digit in place of # in the end. '1' in place of * or # in the beginning. 2. The columns “ Activation “ and “ Deactivation” for such services are marked as NO. Alternatively Decadic as well as DTMF subscribers can use the procedures by dialling. should be followed by DTMF as well ISDN subscribers unless it is specified . There are a number of services which are activated on registration by the exchange administrator and no procedure is required to be followed by the subscriber.*228 # will be 1 228. the procedure specified in the table . The services are available for ISDN as well as PSTN interfaces unless specifically mentioned. .K. Pandey Director.: +91-11-5740374 Fax: +91-11-5756378 Your Reference: Name : Designation : Company : Address : Tel.System Practices The following comments pertain to: Document Name CSP Section Issue/Draft No. Systems 39. Main Pusa Road New Delhi 110 005 Tel. Y. : Fax : . (Month) - COMMENTS (Year) COMMENTS : (Use a separate sheet if required) Please mail your comments to: Centre for Development of Telematics Attn: Mr.
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