DSSD - DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter - Operating Instructions

June 10, 2018 | Author: Duško Tovilović | Category: Ac Power, Battery (Electricity), Power Supply, Electromagnetism, Electronics



2010-0201DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Product Description Operating Instructions Features and Technical Data Maintenance Instructions Diagrams and Figures Nanjing Nanzi Electric Power Meter CO.,LTD. 8 Xinghuolu Nanjing,Jiangsu Province China Tel: 86-25-83429522,Fax:86-25-83412307 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................. 1 1. Features and Measurement ..................................................................................................... 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 Energy Metering ..................................................................................................................... 2 Maximum Demand Indication .............................................................................................. 3 Instrumentation Data Measurement & Display ................................................................. 3 Time of Use (TOU) Revenue................................................................................................. 4 Automatic Data Recording – End of Billing Period.......................................................... 4 Load profile recording .......................................................................................................... 4 Event registration of Terminal Cover Open ..................................................................... 5 Event registration of Phase Failure ................................................................................... 5 Event registration of Phase Voltage Loss ......................................................................... 5 Event registration of Phase Current Loss(CT Open) ................................................ 6 Event registration of voltage imbalance ........................................................................... 6 Event registration of Current Imbalance .......................................................................... 6 Event & Programming Log ................................................................................................... 6 Data displaying on LCD ........................................................................................................ 6 Inputs and outputs ................................................................................................................ 6 Communication Options....................................................................................................... 7 2. Operation Instructions.............................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Running and display ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Operation ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.2 Data display ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Programming ................................................................................................................................ 9 3. Specifications and technical data ....................................................................................... 10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Power supply ................................................................................................................ 10 Maximum demand indication..................................................................................... 10 Clock .............................................................................................................................. 10 Backup battery ............................................................................................................. 10 External size and weight............................................................................................. 11 4. Usage, transportation and storage conditions ................................................................. 11 5. Warranty ................................................................................................................................... 11 6. Ordering ................................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix A: Register (OBIS) Codes as per IEC 62056-61 .................................................... 12 Appendix B: 2818 LCD Display ................................................................................................. 15 B.1 Full screen self-check.................................................................................................................. 15 B.2 Screen display sign explanation ................................................................................................. 15 B.3 display Explanations.................................................................................................................... 17 B.4 Factory default settings for push-button & Automatic display .................................................. 22 Appendix C: C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 Connection Diagrams ....................................................................................... 24 3 Phase 4 Wire – Direct Connected.......................................................................................... 24 3 Phase 4 Wire - 3CT................................................................................................................. 24 3 Phase 3 Wire (2-Element) – CT Connected.......................................................................... 25 3 Phase 3 Wire (2-Element) – CTPT Connected..................................................................... 25 Signal terminals .......................................................................................................................... 26 Programmable Impulse Outputs ............................................................................................... 26 Page 1 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 1. Features and Measurement 2818 multifunction electricity meter meets the IEC 62053standard for static energy meters. The main features of meter include none physical adjustment components, digital signal processing, digital filters, digital error correction, digital calibration, immunity to temperature fluctuation, and excellent stability. Due to its 12 times overload multiplier, meter can record energy usage of extreme low load. Its accurate measurements of voltage, current, power factors, and power can replace a series of indicating instruments and transmitters. The basic functions of meter include measurement and registration of active and apparent bidirectional (import and export) energy, reactive four-quadrant energy, maximum demand indications and other related functions. Data can be retrieved through energy registering system, which consists of load-control terminal or other data terminal devices via RS485 bus or IR optical port. The communication protocol complies with standard. Also data is displayed on LCD in large characters with IEC 62056-61 compliant OBIS codes. 2818 Meter data processing functions include: 1.1 Energy Metering 1. Energy measurement using digital measuring chips, therefore metering precision can be digitally verified. 2. High overload-multiplier energy metering (12 times multiplier metering for class 0.5S) by applying variable gain measurement and multi-section digital compensation. 3. Active import and export energy, reactive 4-quadrant energy, and apparent energy metering through data provided by energy measuring integrated chips. Reverse units will be recorded into sum KWh. 4. 4-Tariffs and total energy metering of active import and export energy, reactive 4-quadrant energy, and apparent energy. 5. Energy displays in 8 digits, decimal points configurable from 0 to 2 digits. User can select to display Primary values or Secondary values. Energy units is also programmable as ‘k’, i.e. kWh, kvarh, kVAh. 6. Pulse indication of energy metering using two bright LED’s, which indicate active energy on the left and reactive energy on the right. The duty cycle of LED output is 50%. 4 Channels of pulse outputs are available to other devices. The pulse width is 80 ms. The first channel of pulse output is active import energy, second channel of pulse output is active export energy, third channel of pulse output is reactive energy Q1 and Q2 (first quadrant and second quadrant), fourth channel of pulse output is reactive energy Q3 and Q4 (third quadrant and fourth quadrant). Page 2 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 7. KWh and Kvarh per Phase: meter measures per phase import and export active and reactive energy including: ² Phase A +KWh, -KWh, +kvarh, -kvarh ² Phase B +KWh, -KWh, +kvarh, -kvarh ² Phase C +KWh, -KWh, +kvarh, -kvarh All these values can be displayed on LCD or read from communication ports. 1.2 Maximum Demand Indication 1. Calculating functions of active import and export energy, reactive fourquadrant 4-tariff demands include total 30 demand data with the occurrence time of each demand data. The format of time stamp is “month, date, hour, minute”. The indication range of energy demand (including power) is 0 99.9999 kW/kvar/kVA 2. Calculating mode can be Block or Rolling. Sliding/Rolling Mode: Rolling interval can be set to 1, 2, 3, or 5 minutes and demand cycle can be set to 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes. If demand cycle is set to 60 minutes, rolling interval can only be set to 2, 3, or 5 minutes. Demand cycle must be integer multiple of rolling interval. Block Mode: demand cycle can be set to 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes. 3. Each average power of demand cycle is calculated and recorded, which can be displayed or read through load profile. 4. Total demand is not affected when time block is changed, but a rolling interval before the change will be skipped when calculating tariff demand. The recording will start from zero by eliminating the previous rolling interval. In general, total demand equals a certain tariff demand. But sometimes total demand may exceed all the demand combined. In other words, the maximum demand is recorded when tariff is being changed. 5. While recording the apparent max demand KVA, meter will record the coincidental active average power KW of demand cycle for user to calculate power factor. 1.3 Instrumentation Data Measurement & Display 1. Phase voltage(ABC) & current(ABCN), power factors(Total, ABC) can be read through RS-485 port or optical port, or displayed directly on LCD. 2. Measurement of harmonics values (optional). 3. Measurement of phase angles. (optional) NOTES: Display for phase sequence is not supported, but if current and phase are matched, the meter will record the electrical energy and maximum demand correctly, even when the phase rotation/sequence is incorrect.. 4. Active instantaneous power kW (ABC total), reactive instantaneous power kvar (ABC total), and apparent power kVA (ABC total) per second can be read through RS485 or optical port. Page 3 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 5. Temperature measurement. (optional) 6. Instant value of Frequency (Hz) . 1.4 Time of Use (TOU) Revenue 1. TOU can be controlled by configuring the parameters that are based on the meter’s internal hardware real-time clock. 2. There are 3 levels of TOU controls, in preferential sequence, they are: “Public Holiday”, “Weekend” and “Season”. 3. There are 4 sets of “daily-profile” tables. Public day, weekend and season can be controlled by selecting one of 4 “daily-profile” tables. 4. TOU for public holidays can set 24 days for every year(format: month day daily profiles or month week daily profiles), and can set 100 days for special day( format: year month day daily-profiles). 5. Weekend TOU can have up to 2 days as weekends for each week. 6. A year can be divided into up to 4 time sections. The shortest section is one day and the longest section one year. 7. “Daily-profile” can divide a day into 10 time sections. Each section can select one of 4 tariffs. The shortest time is one minute, and the longest one day. 1.5 Automatic Data Recording – End of Billing Period 1. Meter can be configured to record dynamic data at a pre-selected time to as billing information including energy storing and demand reset. The time is specified by ‘day/date’ and ‘hour’. 2. The automatic data recording cycle is per month. The date of automatic data recording can be set as non-zero value, namely date XX hour XX. Meterreading date can be chosen from 1 to 28. 3. Automatic data recording can be configured to execute energy recording and demand reset automatically, up to 16 historical energy and demand data can be recorded. 1.6 Load profile recording 1. Meter provides scrolling recording function of load profile data. Data sampling interval is programmable from 1 to 60 minutes. It can be selected to record differential value or accumulative value. There are 25 channels of data samplings: 1.) Active Import Energy, 2.) Active Export Energy, 3.) Active Energy, 4.) Reactive Import Energy, 5.) Reactive Export Reactive 6.) Reactive Energy 7.) Import Apparent Energy 8.) Export Apparent Energy Page 4 ) Apparent Energy 10.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 9.) Quadrant 1 Reactive Energy 11. therefore there is no need to weld the top cover or monitor the top cover open events.8 Event registration of Phase Failure If voltage of any phase is under 20 V. It can respectively record the latest 8 times of start and stop time (month/date/hour/minute) of phase failure 1.) Total Active Power 21. phase B voltage.) phase A current.) Phase A power factor. phase C Current 25.9 Event registration of Phase Voltage Loss Page 5 .) Quadrant 2 Reactive Energy 12.) Active Import Power 22. phase C power factor. phase C voltage 24. If 4 channels are selected at 20 minute interval.) Reactive Import Power 19. 3.Because change of meter clock might erase the existing load profile record.) Quadrant 4 Reactive Energy 14. total power factor 2.Non volatile memory size for load profile is 2M bytes. 1.) Quadrant 1 Apparent Power 15. 1. phase B current. It can record cumulative counts and minutes of phrase failure and cumulative active import/export energy while one or two phases fail. Up to 7 historical data can be stored in meter. meter will record the phase failure.) Quadrant 4 Apparent Power 18.) Active Export Power 23. 1. meter can record 900 days of load profile data in memory. 2.) Quadrant 3 Reactive Energy 13.) Reactive Export Power 20.7 Event registration of Terminal Cover Open Meter top part features a whole body design. The latest 8 records will be saved in meter ready for being read into PC software.) Phase A voltage. Meter will register the terminal cover open events with open & close time. Current data will not be cleared by reset command.) Quadrant 2 Apparent Power 16. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO READ LOAD PROFILE RECORD BEFORE SETTING METER CLOCK. Data recording uses cyclic mode. phase B power factor.) Quadrant 3 Apparent Power 17. 2.15 Inputs and outputs Page 6 . and start and stop time of current imbalance. It will record the cumulative counts and minutes. One row of monitoring display of voltage and current is added at the bottom of LCD. 2. It can record the last 8 times of start and stop time (month/date/hour/ minute) of phase voltage loss 1. It will record cumulative counts and minutes. It can record cumulative counts and minutes of phase voltage loss. The meter can record 255 events with time stamps.12 Event registration of Current Imbalance If maximum phase current is greater than 5% In and the result of (maximum phase current – other phase current) / maximum phase current is greater than 30 %. meter considers this as phase current imbalance. Current data will not be cleared when resetting. current secondary value. user can choose what kind of events need be recorded. Up to 7 historical data can be stored. power factors of ABC phases and total power factors in real time so that user can monitor running status of meter or power supply network. 2. 1.10 Event registration of Phase Current Loss(CT Open) If any phase current is less than 2% In. with IEC 62056-61 standard compliant OBIS code. The above energy and demand data can be displayed on LCD. meter will record phase current loss.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter If any phase voltage is under 70% Un and corresponding phase current is above 2%In.11 Event registration of voltage imbalance If result of (maximum phase voltage – other phase voltage) / maximum phase voltage is greater than 10 %. it will record start and stop time if user choose to record. 1. the meter considers this as phase voltage imbalance. and start and stop time of phase current loss. 1.14 Data displaying on LCD 1.13 Event & Programming Log 1. which can display voltage secondary value. 1. The meter can record 200 programming records which include parameter setting . current and power factor at occurrence and restoring time. meter will record phase voltage loss. and snapshot of three phase voltage. 1. 1. 1. default BPS 9600.16 Communication Options Meter features abundant choices of communication channels for meter reading as follows 1. Through the magnetic optical port on the meter front. The second serial port RS-485/232 can use either the push-fit terminal connectors. (optional) 2. Relay output for device control signal(optional). or latest versionIEC 62056-21. +/-kvarh. Meter provides option of up to 2 channels of RS485/232 for customer choice. 4 Channels of impulse outputs programmable to +/. Auxiliary voltage supply input optional to power up the meter(optional). Up to 2 nos digital input signal connections.kWh. Page 7 . 3.(optional) 5. and +/kVAh. user can read and program 2818 meter as per IEC 1107. 2.. 4. Passive pulse output interface with optical-coupling insulation for Voltage Free contact of 12-80 VDC/VAC.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 1. no matter which mode it is in. Next data will be displayed once display button is pushed again. it will start from the beginning again. If display button is not pushed throughout the period when a data is being displayed. if original display time is set as 8 seconds for each data. 2. some data can be configured to exclude from display if not interested in order to set the display intuitively and precisely for meter reading. or optical port using handheld terminals. The configuration can be set through RS485 interface. 2. and automatically display data at given time as programmed. In this mode. LED will flash once an effective energy pulse is registered. 2. Programming mode: Meter will switch to this mode after holding Reset button for 8 seconds. display time of each data item extends 60 times longer. Operation Instructions 2.1. 2) Pushbutton Display: Meter will switch to this mode once display button is pushed .1 Operation There are 2 modes after data processing unit powers up: 1. meter will automatically switch to Continuous display Mode after data display finishes. display time for the same data extends to 8 minutes. 2) Pushbutton Display: User may continuously push display button until the needed data is displayed on LCD.1 Running and display 2. display will not stop after it finishes one sequence of display.2 Data display 1. demand calculating and timeswitch only.1. Meter will exit from this mode when reset button is pushed again. LCD will display message “PRG”.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 2. Page 8 . it resumes after 1 minutes maximum. This can be used to check data records in the meter. Detailed descriptions of two types of data display modes are as following: 1) Automatic Display : In this mode. demand calculating and load monitoring. Running Mode: In this mode. it will not display data. If display is interrupted due to reset or other operations. In this mode. or exit automatically if no button was pushed for 10 minutes. Instead. For example. When data processing unit is running. Configuring display data Due to the large amount of data available. It will continue to process energy metering. There are 2 types of data display modes: 1) Automatic Display: The display is automatic scrolling and can be used for routine monitoring. meter can perform TOU metering. then press reset button (for approximately 8 seconds) until LCD screen displays “PrG”. push button and programming password. High precision display After holding the display button for 5 seconds. both with user level password. lead-seal. and the energy data will be displayed in 5 integer with 3 decimal digits. 2. 2.1 Three Level Programming protection Meter provides 3 levels of programming protection. 4. the meter will enter high precision display mode. this high precision display mode will not take effective even pushing buttons for 5 seconds. Detailed meter LCD display information Please see Appendix A and Appendix B.2 Programming Meter’s parameters can be configured from PC or from handheld programmer.. Within 5 minutes. In order to ensure data security and prevent nonauthorized operation.2. all programming commands will be recorded as only one count.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter All available data are listed in PC’s program software. please see PC programming software manual or programming meter reader handbook. or new calendar day beginning. 3. from which user can select which data to display. user must enter “programming status” by pressing reset button after breaking the seal. The high precision display will be ended by another button pressing for 5 seconds or meter power off.2 Tracking of User Access Meter will record the last user programming date & time and the counts that user has programmed meter. Page 9 . 2. User should break the seal on right side of LCD first to unlock the seal lid. For detailed operation instructions. If the meter has been configured to display 3 or more decimal digits.2. Now data processing unit is ready for programming. 3x1.1 Power supply 3 Phase 4 Wire 3x63.9999 kW Additional error: ± (0. or 60 minutes Rolling interval: 1. l Meter has internal super capacitor. data and time block settings. which will supply power to meter clock during mains power failure. 3. 10. 3x1.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter 3. 2.5S 0.2 Maximum demand indication Calculation method: rolling or block Calculation cycle: 5. Specifications and technical data 3. day. 3x1.5(6)A 3x57. and RS485 3. infrared.0) Pn .5(6)A 50/60Hz Active energy 0.2S reactive 2. 30.5(6)A 3 Phase 3 Wire 3x110V. minute. automatic. in 24hour format.5 seconds/day Error limits under working condition: ±2 seconds/day 3. 3x1.5(6)A 3x100V. it can sustain for about 2 weeks. The lithium battery will start working only after super capacitor consumes all of its power.7/100V.5+0.0 3. second. l Lifetime of the button lithium battery: ≥10 years. week.4 Backup battery One long-lifetime super lithium battery is provided as power-down protection for clock.05 Pm/Pn) % Pm . Page 10 . One extra button lithium battery is also provided as backup for the super lithium battery.3 Clock Electric clock: displaying year.power value at Imax (cosф=1. 15. Error at 23℃±2℃: ±0. hour. Lifetime of the super lithium battery: ≥30 years. month. or 5 minutes Recording range: 99.equivalent real power value on demand indicator Reset mode: manual.5/110V. 国电南自 3. to achieve LCD’s longest service life. 5. Page 11 . whether two-line or four-line connection pattern should be specified. transportation and storage conditions n n n n Same requirements as indoor meters. n Meter’s LCD and meter cover are anti-ultraviolet.5 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter External size and weight Size Weight 263 x 175 x 83 mm 1. The number of piling layers should not exceed five in original package. Ordering Meter types and specifications must be specified in the orders. Usage. If data output is selected. 6. It is strictly forbidden to store the meter in the environment of high temperature or dense moisture for long period of time. it is recommended not to install meter in environment that exposes to sunlight directly. Moisture absorbent must be provided inside sealed package. Either pulse output or data output should be specified.5 lbs) 4. Warranty The product will be repaired or replaced free of charge within 18 months if technical data do not comply with the standards when the product has been used properly according to the manufacturer’s manual and the seal remains intact. However.5 kg (3. 0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:* X(0<X<16) Active import energy of the current month in F1 Active import energy of the current month in F2 Active import energy of the current month in F3 Active import energy of the current month in F4 Active export energy of the current month in F1 Active export energy of the current month in F2 Active export energy of the current month in F3 Active export energy of the current month in F4 Reactive energy Q1 of the current month in F1 Reactive energy Q1 of the current month in F2 Reactive energy Q1 of the current month in F3 Reactive energy Q1 of the current month in F4 Reactive energy Q2 of the current month in F1 Reactive energy Q2 of the current month in F2 Reactive energy Q2 of the current month in F3 Reactive energy Q2 of the current month in F4 Reactive energy Q3 of the current month in F1 Reactive energy Q3 of the current month in F2 Reactive energy Q3 of the current month in F3 Reactive energy Q3 of the current month in F4 Reactive energy Q4 of the current month in F1 Reactive energy Q4 of the current month in F2 Reactive energy Q4 of the current month in F3 Reactive energy Q4 of the current month in F4 1-1:1.8.0 1-1:* X(0<X<16) Page 12 .8.8.1 1-1:8.2 1-1:5.0 1-1:8.8.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:10.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Appendix A: Register (OBIS) Codes as per IEC 62056-61 Register Name OBIS ID Total active import energy Total active export energy Total reactive Import energy Total reactive export energy Total reactive energy Q1 Total reactive energy Q2 Total reactive energy Q3 Total reactive energy Q4 Total apparent import energy Total apparent export energy 1-1:1.0 1-1:2.1 1-1:7.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.1 1-1:5.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:7.8.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.8.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.8.4 1-1:2.2 1-1:8.8.4 1-1:6.1 1-1: 1-1:3.8.0 1-1:7.1 1-1:1.8.3 1-1:2.3 1-1:1.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:1.1 1-1:6.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:5.2 1-1: 1-1:1.3 1-1:7.8.0 1-1:10.2 1-1:7.8.0 1-1:5.8.3 1-1:6.8.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1:7.8.3 1-1:8.0 1-1: 1-1:6.3 1-1:5.8.0 Total active import energy at the end of the previous month Total active export energy at the end of the previous month Total reactive import energy at the end of the previous month Total reactive export energy at the end of the previous month Total reactive energy Q1 at the end of the previous month Total reactive energy Q2 at the end of the previous month Total reactive energy Q3 at the end of the previous month Total reactive energy Q4 at the end of the previous month Total apparent import energy at the end of the previous month Total apparent export energy at the end of the previous month 1-1:1.8.2 1-1:6.8.4 Active import energy of the previous month in F1 Active import energy of the previous month in F2 Active import energy of the previous month in F3 Active import energy of the previous month in F4 Active export energy of the previous month in F1 Active export energy of the previous month in F2 1-1:1. 1 Page 13 .8.0 Phase A reactive import energy Phase B reactive import energy Phase C reactive import energy Phase A reactive export energy Phase B reactive export energy Phase C reactive export energy 1-1:23.0 1-1:41.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.8.0 1-1:10.8.3 1-1:1.8.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.3 1-1:2.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.1 1-1:1.5.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.0 1-1:24.4* X(0<X<16) Phase A active import energy Phase B active import energy Phase C active import energy Phase A active export energy Phase B active export energy Phase C active export energy 1-1:21.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1:64.6.2 1-1: 1-1:1.4 1-1: Reactive Maximum demand (import) Reactive Maximum demand (export) Apparent Maximum demand (import) Apparent Maximum demand (export) 1-1:3.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.0 1-1:42.6.1 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.0 1-1:2.8.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.0 Active Maximum demand (import) Active Maximum demand (export) Active Maximum demand (import) in F1 Active Maximum demand (import) in F2 Active Maximum demand (import) in F3 Active Maximum demand (import) in F4 Active Maximum demand (export) in F1 Active Maximum demand (export) in F2 Active Maximum demand (export) in F3 Active Maximum demand (export) in F4 1-1:1.8.0 import active total power at apparent demand import active tariff 1 power at apparent demand import active tariff 2 power at apparent demand import active tariff 3 power at apparent demand import active tariff 4 power at apparent demand 1-1:1.0 1-1:61.4 export active total power at apparent demand export active tariff 1 power at apparent demand 1-1:2.0 1-1:1.0 1-1:4.0 1-1:22.8.0 1-1:9.0 1-1:63.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.6.2 1-1:1.5.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:7.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.6.3 1-1: 1-1:1.8.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1:2.5.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Active export energy of the previous month in F3 Active export energy of the previous month in F4 Reactive energy Q1 of the previous month in F1 Reactive energy Q1 of the previous month in F2 Reactive energy Q1 of the previous month in F3 Reactive energy Q1 of the previous month in F4 Reactive energy Q2 of the previous month in F1 Reactive energy Q2 of the previous month in F2 Reactive energy Q2 of the previous month in F3 Reactive energy Q2 of the previous month in F4 Reactive energy Q3 of the previous month in F1 Reactive energy Q3 of the previous month in F2 Reactive energy Q3 of the previous month in F3 Reactive energy Q3 of the previous month in F4 Reactive energy Q4 of the previous month in F1 Reactive energy Q4 of the previous month in F2 Reactive energy Q4 of the previous month in F3 Reactive energy Q4 of the previous month in F4 1-1:2.0 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:43.0 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:7. 7.7.0 1-1:44.0 1-1:33.0 1-1: 1-1:52.7.0 1-1:53.0 Instantaneous active import power Instantaneous active export power Instantaneous reactive import power Instantaneous reactive export power Instantaneous apparent import power Instantaneous apparent export power Instantaneous power factor 1-1: 1.0 1-1: 2.0 1-1:71.0 1-1:29.0 1-1: 1-1: 9.7.0 1-1: 1-1: 4.7.0 1-1:24.0 1-1:31.0 1-1:13.2 1-1:2.7.0 1-1:63.0 Instantaneous active import power of phase B Instantaneous active export power of phase B Instantaneous reactive import power of phase B Instantaneous reactive export power of phase B Instantaneous apparent import power of phase B Instantaneous apparent export power of phase B Instantaneous current of phase B Instantaneous voltage of phase B Instantaneous power factor of phase B 1-1:41.0 1-1:23.0 1-1:32.7.0 1-1: Instantaneous active import power of phase C Instantaneous active export power of phase C Instantaneous reactive import power of phase C Instantaneous reactive export power of phase C Instantaneous apparent import power of phase C Instantaneous apparent export power of phase C Instantaneous current of phase C Instantaneous voltage of phase C Instantaneous power factor of phase C 1-1:61.7.0 1-1:69.0 1-1:70.0 1-1:42.0 1-1:51.7.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter export active tariff 2 power at apparent demand export active tariff 3 power at apparent demand export active tariff 4 power at apparent demand 1-1: 1-1:73.3 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:50.0 1-1: 1-1:49.0 1-1: 3.4 Instantaneous active import power of phase A Instantaneous active export power of phase A Instantaneous reactive import power of phase A Instantaneous reactive export power of phase A Instantaneous apparent import power of phase A Instantaneous apparent export power of phase A Instantaneous current of phase A Instantaneous voltage of phase A Instantaneous power factor of phase A 1-1:21.7.0 1-1:10.0 Page 14 . Arrowhead on the right of Watt show current active direction. the corresponding character flashes If all Phase Loss or Voltage Sequence Reversed. Arrowhead to left show export These arrows will indicate reverse connections on LCD Display only when lack of battery energy Page 15 . Arrowhead to right show import. Arrowhead on the right of var show current reactive direction.2 Screen display sign explanation sign Explain Data display code in compliance with IEC 62056-61. B and C respectively when displaying the instantaneous values of the three phases. Φ displayed with number means the total power factor. A/B/C and Φ displayed with number means the power factor per phase. If Current Imbalance. Data unit display: kWh (active energy ) kW (active power) kvarh (reactive energy) kvar (reactive power) kVAh (apparent energy) kVA (apparent power) Hz (Frequency) A/B/C represents phase A. the corresponding character does not show. If Phase Failure. the corresponding character does not show. “Ua Ub Uc ” should all display. Under normal working condition. including Voltage. Current and Power Factor. “Ia Ib Ic ” should all display If Current Loss.1 Full screen self-check B. If Voltage Loss.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Appendix B: Meter LCD Display B. “Ua Ub Uc” all flash. the corresponding character flashes. Φ means the current value is power factor. A is the unit for Current. Under normal working condition. V is the unit for Voltage. The lower one indicates 3 phase 3 wire connection. TX display show meter transfer data If this flashes. If Min is displaying. it means the unit for the current data is minute of time.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Display when meter is in level 2 program protect,if to be programmed. If this flashes. The upper one indicates 3 phase 4 wire connection. No. Page 16 . it means that warning or error event happened. The top 4 arrows indicate the current active tariff. you must open the seal RX display show meter receive data. it means that it is overloading. 5 & 6 &7 & 8 are reserved. Sunday Low 6 digits of Meter No. Wednesday 4. Saturday 7.87A) Today is Sunday 1: Monday 2. is 5456806 High 6 digits of User No.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter B. Tuesday 3. is 380210 Page 17 . is 000019 Low 6 digits of Device No. is 000006 Low 6 digits of User No.3 display Explanations Picture Explain Current date is 06/07/21 Year/Month/Day Current time is 10:32:57 ( Phase A Current is 1. is 210356 High 6 digits of Meter No. Thursday 5: Friday 6. 91kWh (Current Phase C Voltage 220V) The 3rd historical import active tariff 3 energy is 98. is 001031 Current import active total energy is 328.89) The 4th historical export active tariff 2 energy is 20.87) Current Export active total energy is 102.64 kWh (Current Phase A Voltage 221V) Current import active tariff 1 energy is 102.73kvarh The 6th historical import reactive tariff 3 energy is 87.06 kWh (Current Phase A Power Factor 0.62 kvarh Page 18 .57kWh (Current Phase B Voltage 220V) Current import active tariff 2 energy is 67.18 kWh Current import reactive total energy is 298.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter High 6 digits of Device No.34 kWh (Current Phase BPower Factor 0. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Current export reactive total energy is 78.21 kvarh Current import apparent total energy is 396.18kvarh Current Quadrant 3 reactive total Energy is 71.01 kVAh Page 19 .19 kvarh The 11th historical export reactive tariff 4 energy is 23.87 kvarh Current Quadrant 1 reactive total Energy is 69.18kvarh The 15th historical Quadrant 4 reactive tariff 2 energy is 13.18kvarh Current Quadrant 2 reactive total Energy is 69.03 kVAh Current export apparent total energy is 78.62kvarh Current Quadrant 4 reactive total Energy is 65. Current import reactive total max demand is 1.03 kVAh Current import active total max demand is 2.9863kW Displaying Secondary value nd The date of 2 historical export reactive tariff 4 max demand date is 01/19. Page 20 .6980kW Displaying Secondary value The date of 10th historical export active tariff 2 max demand date is 03/21. hour: minute)). hour: minute). day .hour: minute).08:49 (month: day..9871kW Displaying Secondary value. Current export reactive total max demand is 0. Current export active total max demand is 1.20:50 (month: day.0980kW Displaying Secondary value The date of 2nd historical import active tariff 1 max demand date is 03/1710:30 (month: day hour: minute).国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter The 10th historical export apparent tariff 4 energy is 16. The date of 1st historical import reactive tariff 3 max demand date is 02/07 01:00 (month. besides current demand will be cleared Program state display: When user press reset button for more than 8 seconds. The frequency is 49. the meter will display as left. Current export apparent total max demand is 2. day. Meter is Ok Reset state display: When user press reset button for more than 3 seconds, screen will display as the picture on the left.99Hz The error code is 0000 0000.0376kVA Displaying Secondary value The date of 6th historical import apparent tariff 4 max demand date is 01/0912:20 (month: day. hour: minute). the meter will reset . then the meter can be programmed Page 21 .国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Current import apparent total max demand is 2.hour: minut).current energy will be stored.1690kVA Displaying Secondary value The date of 7th historical export apparent total max demand date is 03/30 09:20 (month. If loosen the button at this moment. 4 Factory default settings for push-button & Automatic display Full screen 0-0:C.9.8.0 1-1:10.4 1-1:3.1 1-1:3. will display day profiles 2-4 and season High 6 digitals of Meter No (H) Low 6 digitals of Meter No (L) Active meter constant Reactive meter constant Current date Current time active import total energy (+kWh) active import tariff 1 energy (+kWh) active import tariff 2 energy (+kWh) active import tariff 3 energy (+kWh) active import tariff 4 energy (+kWh) active export total energy (-kWh) active export tariff 1 energy (-kWh) active export tariff 2 energy (-kWh) active export tariff 3 energy (-kWh) active export tariff 4 energy (-kWh) reactive import total energy (+kvarh) reactive import tariff 1 energy (+kvarh) reactive import tariff 2 energy (+kvarh) reactive import tariff 3 energy (+kvarh) reactive import tariff 4 energy (+kvarh) reactive export total energy (-kvarh) reactive export tariff 1 energy (-kvarh) reactive export tariff 2 energy (-kvarh) reactive export tariff 3 energy (-kvarh) reactive export tariff 4 energy (-kvarh) apparent import total energy (+kVAh) apparent export total energy (-kVAh) Active import total demand (+kW) Active export total demand (-kW) Page 22 .4 1-1: Full screen self check display Day profiles 1 display Notes: If don’t push button.8.0 1-1:2.0 1-1: 1-1:4.1*0 1-0:0.8.3 1-1:1.2 1-0: 1-1:2.3 1-1:3.1 1-1:1.3 1-1:4.1 1-1:1.3 1-0:0.4 1-1:9.8.0 1-1:1.0 1-0:0.0 1-0:0.8.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter B.8.8.0 1-1:4.2 1-1:3.3.4 1-0:0.0 1-1:1.8.4 1-1:4.8.0 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:2.8.2 1-1:1.8.1 1-1:4. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter B.B. error / warning will be flagged by flashing of the following symbol on LCD: Page 23 . All the above events can be displayed on LCD.C Active Energy Reverse Current Loss Phase Voltage sequence reverse NOTE: 1.5 Error Information Error code Warning Code Error Info 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0000 Clock ‘s Oscillator Error Read/Write Clock Error Read/Write EEPROM Error Read /Write measure chip Error CPU Program Error reserved Low Battery Voltage SPI Read or Write Error 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0000 Over Voltage Under Voltage Voltage Loss phase failure Active Energy Reverse of Phase A. Every Event of Error Uses One Unique ID Number, 2. 2 3 Phase 4 Wire .国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter Appendix C: Connection Diagrams C.3CT Connected through Current Transformer (CT) & Voltage Transformer (PT) 1 2 3 4 5 A B C N Page 24 6 7 8 9 10 .1 3 Phase 4 Wire – Direct Connected Direct Connection (Whole Current) 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 A B C N C. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter C.4 3 Phase 3 Wire (2-Element) – CTPT Connected Connected through Current Transformer (CT) & Voltage Transformer (PT) 1 2 3 4 5 A B C N Page 25 6 7 8 9 10 .3 3 Phase 3 Wire (2-Element) – CT Connected Connected through Current Transformer (CT) 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 10 9 A B C N C. power range 40VAC-300VAC or60V-400V.1: No.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 Multifunction Meter C. Termial number 30(+),31(-).5 Signal terminals Note: (optional)Aux.4: No.3: No.5 channels P1-P6 are programmable to the following options No. C.6 Programmable Impulse Outputs Vcc R Vcc = 5V. Burden <4VA ,<2W 1.6: active import energy output (+kWh) active export energy output (-kWh) reactive import energy output (Q1 + Q2 kvarh) reactive export energy output (Q3 + Q4 kvarh) active energy output (kWh) reactive energy output (Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 kvarh) Page 26 .2: No.5: No. 24V R = Vcc / 5 (KO) C E GND OPTO OUT NOTE: Impulse output shown in C. 12V. 传真:86-25-83412307 .2010-0201 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 产品介绍 使用说明 规格及技术参数 操作与指示 外形尺寸与接线图 南京南自电力仪表有限公司 中国江苏省南京市高新技术开发区星火路 8 号 电话: 86-25-83429522. ..........................................4 备用电池 ................................................................................................................6 2..........................1..1 1.....................8 3........................................................3 时钟................6 2...................................................24 C.....................................................................................................................................................8 断相记录 ......................................................................................................2 编程..............................2 1.......................4 时间管理和分时控制功能......................2 三相四线 – 电流、电压互感器式 ...........................................................................4 1...................................................................5 1...........................13 B.3 瞬时值指示功能 ..........................5 1......................使用说明..............6 2..................................................................................................................................................................................................9 4..................................................................................................5 1.........................................24 Page 1 ....................................2 1...............................................................................................1 电能量计量功能........................................................................................................................................................................5 1..................................使用、运输和贮存条件 .................5 1...............22 C..............................国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 目录 目录 ................................................5 功能端子接线图 ........................3 三相三线 (2-元件) – 电流互感器式 ...................................................................................................................................20 B...........11 电压不平衡记录 ...........................................................................................................................................................1........................2 数据显示 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 电能表出厂默认按键显示和自动显示内容 .............................................16 通讯说明 ............................................................................................................................6 1.....3 1.........................................................5 外形尺寸和重量 .13 事件和编程记录 ............................................................................................................................................................................9 5......................................................1 规格..........................................................................................................22 C...........................................................6 负荷曲线记录功能 ...6 脉冲测试示意图 ........规格及技术参数 ............10 失流记录 ................ 功能和特点 ...............4 三相三线(2-元件) – 电流、电压互感器式 ........................................................................................................3 1........................................21 附录 C: 接线图 ....................................23 C.....................................................................................................................................................15 B...............................2 需量检测功能..........................................................................8 3..22 C................................................................................... 13 B............ 订货须知.......................................................3 三相三线 (2-元件) – 电流互感器式 .......................13 B..........2 液晶显示符号说明 ....................................3 显示内容说明 .....................15 输入和输出接口 .......................................................14 数据显示功能...........................................2 1....................................................................8 3........................................12 电流不平衡记录 ...........................................................9 失压记录 .............................................................................................7 接线端盖打开关闭事件记录(选件)...............6 2...........5 报警和错误信息代码说明 .........6 2.....................................................................5 1....1 全屏自检显示 ........................1 运行及显示 ....................................9 附录 A: 数据项 IEC 62056-61 OBIS 代码 .......5 1................................................................................................ 22 C..............................................................................................................8 3.........................................................................1 运行 ...................9 6.............................1 三相四线 – 直接式 ...................................... 10 附录 B: 液晶显示.....................................................................................8 3....................................................................................................4 1.......................................23 C......................................................................................2 最大需量计算............................................................................... 保证期限..............................7 3...........................5 复位与自动抄表功能............5 1....................... 功能和特点 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表支持 IEC62053 标准的多功能电能表。本产品的主要特点 是无任何物理调整元件,信号数字运算,数字滤波,数字误差修正,数字调校,对温度影响 不敏感,极好的稳定性。12 倍的过载倍数,极低负荷时的电量也可记录。电压、电流、功 率因数、功率等精确测量,可以代替一系列指示仪表和变送器的作用。 基本功能为有功双向、无功四象限四费率数据处理单元.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 1. kVAh。 6 电能量计量脉冲指示,用两个高亮度 LED 实现,左边指示有功总电能,右边指示无功 总电能(亮的时间与校验脉冲输出的宽度相同) 有四路电能量脉冲输出,供其它远动设备使用,四路脉冲输出的宽度及内容可编程设 置,输出宽度可设为:80ms,四路脉冲输出内容均可单独或同时设为以下内容: 有功正向、有功反向、无功一象限、无功二象限、无功三象限、无功四象限、视在 电能正、视在电能反。 例如:当需要输出无功正向脉冲时,可选择无功一象限、无功二象限同时输出,要输出 无功反向脉冲时,可选择无功三象限、无功四象限同时输出。按此方法,可灵活输出所 需的脉冲信号; 7 电能表可实现有功正反向. 无功正反向 4 费率及总电能进行分相计量。 以上数据均可通过 LCD 显示和通过通信口读出。 1.5S 级 12 倍)的电 能量计量。 3 根据电能测量芯片提供的数据可实现有功正反向电能计量、无功四象限正反向电能计 量和视在正反向电能计量;反向电能可以被记录在正向电能上。 4 有功正反向、无功四象限和视在电能计量均可分别实现 4 费率及总电能的计量; 5 电能显示位数为 8 位,小数位可配置为 0~2 位。电能量的单位为‘k’’.2 需量检测功能 1 需量的种类和指示范围 实现有功正反向、无功四象限和视在正反向 4 费率需量计算功能,总共 30 多个需量数 据,同时记录各需量数据的产生时间,时间数据格式为“月、日、时、分”;需量(含 功率)指示范围为 0 . kvarh.99.1 电能量计量功能 1 电能量测量采用数字化测量芯片,实现了计量准确度的数字校验; 2 本仪表采用变增益测量及多段数字补偿,实现了高过载倍数准确(0.同时实现四费率最大需量指示 及其他相关的功能。 经 RS485 接口或红外通信口后负控终端或其它数据终端装置可将表内数据读出,组成电 量计费系统;通讯协议符合《多功能电能表通信规约》标准,同时数据以 IEC 62056-61 的 OBIS 代码形式显示在 LCD 屏上。 数据处理功能有: 1.也就是 kWh.9999 kW/kvar/kVA。 2 需量的计算方式 需量计算方式可为区间方式或滑差方式: 对于滑差计算方式,滑差时间可设为 1、2、3、 5 分钟,需量周期可设为 5、10、15、30、60 分钟(若需量周期设为 60 分钟,则滑差时 Page 2 . 公共假日数:表示电能表一年中能运行在公共假日状态下的最大天数,其值最大不超 过 24。如公共假日数设置为 1.4 时间管理和分时控制功能 1.电表分时控制具有三种优先级的,优先次序从高到低分别为公共假日、周休日、时 区。 3.可设置 4 套时段表,分别为第 1 至第 4 时段表。公共假日、周休日、时区可执行指定 的时段表。 4.3 瞬时值指示功能 1 实时测量显示 A、B、C 三相电压、电流、功率因数,并可通过 RS485 或红外口采用协 议读出。 2 实时测量谐波值及谐波含量(可选功能)。 3 可实时测量相位角。(可选功能) 注:不支持相序显示,但如果电流与电压相一致,电表就会正确计量电能量和测量最大 需量,甚至在相序错误状态下。 4 实时测量 A、B、C 三相瞬时有功/无功功率和视在功率,并可通过 RS485 或红外口读 出。 5 可实现温度测量(可选功能)。 6 实时测量电网频率(Hz)。 1.只运行第 1 公共假日;如设置为 2,则运行前两个公共假 日;依次类推。如公共假日数为 0,表示公共假日选择无效。 特殊假日数:表示电能表能运行在特殊假日状态下的最多天数,其值最大不超过 100。如特殊假日数设置为 1.电表可以将一天分为若干个不同的时段,最多可以设定 10 个时段。时段设置必须连 续,即第一个时段的结束时间为第二个时段的起始时间,……依此类推;最后一个时段的结 Page 3 .分时控制以内部的硬件实时时钟为基础,根据时段控制参数实现时段转换。 2.只运行第 1 特殊假日;如设置为 2,则运行前两个特殊假日; 依次类推。如特殊假日数为 0,表示特殊假日选择无效。 5.一年可划分 4 个时间区间,最短时区为一天,最长时区为一年。电表最多可编设 4 个 时区,最少可编设 1 个时区,时区设置必须连续,即第一个时区的结束时间为第二个时区的 开始时间,第二个时区的结束时间为第三个时区的开始时间,依次类推。每个时间区间可执 行不同的日时段表。 7.每周可设 1~2 日为周休日,周休日可以执行指定的时段表。 6.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 间必须为 2、3、5 分钟),用户可按需量周期能被滑差时间整除的条件来选择所需的参 数。 对于区间计算方式,需量周期可设为 5、10、15、30、60 分钟。 3 需量周期平均功率 在计算需量的同时,保留了每次计算的需量周期平均功率,可通过负荷曲线功能记录。 4 需量统计误差 在时段转换后,总需量没有影响,但费率需量会忽略时段转换前的一个滑差时间, 并从零开始启动记录。所以,通常总需量等于某一费率需量,但也会大于所有费率需量 (即最大值发生在费率转换时)。 5 功率因数(可选功能) 视在最大需量发生时,记录当时的需量周期内的平均有功功率,以用来计算功率因 数。 1. 自动抄表的周期为月。自动抄表时间可设置为非“零点”,即 XX 日 XX 时;抄表日只 可在 1-28 日内选择。 3.6 负荷曲线记录功能 1.数据记录采用环形记录方式,可记录的 天数与用户设定的时间间隔、记录内容有关。编程后清除负荷曲线的记录。如选择 4 个采样 数据,20 分钟采样间隔,那么电表可以记录约 900 天负荷曲线数据。 3.5 复位与自动抄表功能 1.自动抄表功能可实现对电能的存贮和需量的复位。电能数据和需量数据共可记录 16 次 存贮值。 1.如使用了“广播对时”命令,有可能造成负荷曲线多记一次记录(时钟调慢大于 1 分 钟)或少记一次记录(时钟调快大于 1 分钟),在数据处理时请注意。 Page 4 .电表可按照用户设定的时间间隔对选定的内容进行滚动数据记录功能。数据采样时间 间隔可设定为 1 到 60 分钟。可记录瞬时值或累计值。共有 25 个采样数据可供选择记录。 (1)正向有功电能 (2)反向有功电能 (3)有功总电能 (4)正向无功电能 (5)反向无功电能 (6)无功总电能 (7)正向视在电能 (8)反向视在电能 (9)视在总电能 (10)一象限无功电能 (11)二象限无功电能 (12)三象限无功电能 (13)四象限无功电能 (14)一象限视在功率 (15)二象限视在功率 (16)三象限视在功率 (17)四象限视在功率 (18)正向无功功率 (19)反向无功功率 (20)总有功功率 (21)正向有功功率 (22)反向有功功率 (23)A、B、C 三相电压 (24) A、B、C 三相电流 (25) A、B、C 三相功率因数和总功率因数 2.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 束时间等于第一个时段的开始时间。每个时段可选择四费率中的一个费率。最短时间为一分 钟,最长时间为一天。 1. 用于“负荷曲线记录”的存贮空间共 2M 字节. 仪表可设置自动抄表功能实现对特定时刻的电量的转存、以及当前需量的存贮及清 零。 2. 11 电压不平衡记录 当最大相电压-某一相电压/最大相电压>10%时,电能表判断该相电压不平衡。并且如果 用户选择记录那么电表将记录不平衡开始和结束的时间。 1.电量、需量数据显示 各费率正反向有功无功电量和需量数据可通过液晶屏显示,数据显示符合标准 IEC62056-61 的 OBIS 代码。 2.可记录断相次数、断相累计时间,以及断相期间累计的有功电能量。上 7 次的断相历 史数据被保存在电表中。但当前值不随复位命令清零。 2.电压、电流、功率因数监视 在显示屏下方增加了一行电压、电流的监视性显示,可实时显示 ABC 三相电压、电流、 功率因数,以及总功率因数,更方便用户实时监测电表或电网的运行状态。 Page 5 .9 失压记录 当某一相电压小于 70%Un(称“失压阈值”,可设置),并且对应相的电流大于 2%Ib (称“失压时电流阈值”,可设置)时,电能表判该相失压。 1.可记录该相失压次数、失压累计时间,上 7 次的失压历史数据被保存在电表中。但当 前值不随复位命令清零。 2.8 断相记录 当某相电压小于 20V(称“断相阈值”,可设置),电表判为断相。 1.可记录最近 8 次断相起止时间(月/日/时分)。 1.13 事件和编程记录 1. 可记录最近 8 次失压起止时间(月/日/时分)。 1.电表可记录 200 次的包括参数设置的编程记录。 1.电表可记录 255 个带有时标的事件。也可记录时间发生和恢复时刻的三相电压、电 流、功率因数。用户可以选择需要记录的事件类型。 2.7 接线端盖打开关闭事件记录(选件) 电表上半部被设计为一个整体,因此不再需要记录上盖的打开关闭事件。 电表可记录接线端盖的打开关闭时间。通过 PC 软件可读出最近 8 次的事件记录。 1.14 数据显示功能 1.10 失流记录 当某一相电流小于 2%Ib(称“失流阈值”,可设置)时,电能表判该相失流。 可记录该相失流次数、失流累计时间(单位为分钟),以及失流的起止日期时间。 1.12 电流不平衡记录 当三相中的最大电流大于 5%In(称“电流不平衡阈值”,可设置),某一相电流与最大 电流相比大于 30%(称“电流不平衡率”,可设置),即:(最大电流-某一相电流)/最大 电流>30%时,电能表也判该相电流不平衡。电笔记录该相电流不平衡次数、累计时间(单 位为分钟),和最近 8 次分相的起止时间。 1.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 1. 2 数据显示 1. 4 路可编程脉冲输出口。+/.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 1.1. 每计一个有效电能脉冲 LED 均闪烁一次。 2. 不论处于那一状态.按键显示:在按键进入此模式,此时一项数据的显示时间延长60倍,如原显示时间 设为 8秒,则此时此项数据显示时间为 8分钟;再按显示键可跳到下一项数据显示;如果在 显示一项数据时一直不按显示键,则数据处理单元在该项数据显示时间结束后自动转为自动 显示模式,继续下一项数据显示。 2.自动显示:显示结束后不停止显示,而是从头开始继续显示;如按复位键或其它操 作使显示停止,最长 1 分钟即可恢复连续显示。 2). 按键显示:连续按键到所需的内容,用于查阅表内记录。 二种显示模式的详细描述如下: 1).15 输入和输出接口 1. 显示内容设置 因可显示的内容较多,且显示方式也较灵活,为了能直观准确的设置好表的显示内容, 可以删去目前不需要的显示数据。本产品支持在 PC 机上设定显示内容,然后通过 485 口直 接设置到表内,或将设置好的内容通过 232 口传到手持终端,用手持终端通过红外通道对表 Page 6 . 显示提供了二种显示模式: 1).1.1 运行 数据处理单元通电工作后分两种状态: ● 运行态---进行分时计量、需量计算、负荷监测等处理.1 运行及显示 2.辅助电源供电(可选功能)。 4.最多支持 2 路网络数字信号输入接口(可选功能)。 5. 自动显示:电表自动显示已编程要求显示的数据,用于平时监测。 2).使用说明 2.16 通讯说明 电表支持多种通讯通道读取电表数据 1.电表最多支持 2 路 RS485/RS232 功能,用户可进行选择。第二路 RS485/232 端口还 可作为终端连接器连接。 2.kVAh。 1. and +/. +/-kvarh.通过面板上磁性光口(可选择功能)对电表通讯。通信协议符合 IEC 1107 或 IEC62056-21,默认波特率 9600。 2.9 秒后进入此状态;在此状态显示 "PRG" 提示,只 处理电量计数、需量计算、时段转换,不处理定时显示、负荷监测等功能。再按一次“复 位”键退出此状态,不按键则 10 分钟后自动退出。 数据处理单元在运行中. 在设定的时间自动显示 设定的内容; ● 编程态---按“复位”键 8 .带光耦隔离的脉冲输出接口。 2.继电器控制节点输出(可选功能)。 3.kWh. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 进行设置。 可显示的数据在 PC 机编程程序中全部列出,用户可从中选择所需的显示数据;每选择一 项数据均提示用户选择此项数据在二种显示模式中是否显示,并可设置此数据的显示时间。 3.2 编程记录 电表可记录最近一次用户编程日期时间,以及累计用户编程次数。5 分钟内的编程将只被记 录一次。 Page 7 .2. 详细操作见 PC 编程软件说明或 编程抄表器说明书。 2.2.2 编程 本产品的编程 (即参数设置) 可使用 PC 机或手持编程器.显示说明 详见附录 A、附录 B 2.1编程保护: 电表具有三级编程保护,铅封、按键和密码。为了确保数据安全和防止非授权操作,用 户进入编程状态前打开铅封和按住复位键。用户打开电表面板右边的复位按键铅封,然后按 住复位按键约 8 秒,直到 LCD 屏上显示”PRG”,方可对表进行编程。 2.高精度显示 按住显示按键5秒,电表将进入高精度显示模式。电能量将采用5位整数3位小数的显示方 式。在按显示键5秒或电表断电亦或新一天开始,电表将结束高精度显示方式。 4. 5 秒/日(23℃±2℃) 3)使用条件下极限误差:±2 秒/日 3.5(6)A 三相三线 3x110 3x1.0) Pn--需量指示器上的等效真实功率值 6)复位方式:手动、自动、红外、RS485 3.5(6)A 50/60Hz 有功电能 0.1 规格 三相四线 3x63.05Pm/Pn)% Pm--Imax 时的功率值(COSΦ=1.5+0.3 时钟 1)电子钟:年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒显示,二十四小时制; 2)误差: ±0.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 3.5(6)A 3x100 V 3x1.5/110 V 3x1.9999kW/kvar 5)附加误差:±(0.4 备用电池 由一节长寿命超级锂电池提供,用于时钟、数据的掉电保护。另一节扣式锂电池因为电 表制作工艺方便而加装,也作为超级锂电池备份。 ●扣式锂电池存贮寿命: ≥10 年;超级锂电池存贮寿命: ≥30 年; ●电表内部还有一超级电容会在停电状态下为电表时钟提供约 2 周时间的工作电源。然后锂 电池会在超级电容耗尽后继续提供时钟工作电源。 Page 8 .规格及技术参数 3.2 最大需量计算 1)计算方法:滑差或区间 2)计算周期:5、10、15、30、60 分钟 3)滑差时间:1、2、3、5 分钟 4)记录范围:99.5S 0.5(6)A 3x57.0 3.7/100 V 3x1.2S 无功电能 2. 使用、运输和贮存条件 n n n n n 本产品的使用、运输和贮存条件与室内表要求相同。.5 外形尺寸和重量 尺寸 重量 263 x 175 x 83 mm 1. 订货须知 订货时必须标明品种、规格,脉冲输出参数、数据传输方式及通讯规约要求等其他用户需要 的技术参数,请在合同中注明。 Page 9 .5 lbs) 4.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 3. 在原包装条件下,叠放高度不超过5层。 必须在密封包装中放置吸湿剂。 严禁在高温、高湿的环境中长时间存放。 本产品的液晶屏和表盖有防紫外线功能,但为了延长液晶屏的使用寿命,请避免安 装在阳光直射的环境。 5.5 kg (3. 保证期限 产品自出厂日期起18月内,用户按说明书正常使用,并在制造厂封印完整的条件下,若 发现产品不符合技术参数,制造厂予以免费修理或更换。 6. 1-1:5.4 1-1:8.8.0 1-1:7.8.0 1-1:4.8.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.1 1-1:2.8.2 1-1:6.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:7.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:9.1 1-1:7.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:1.8.4 1-1:7.0 1-1:10.1 1-1: 1-1:6.8.2 1-1:1.3 1-1:1.4 1-1:5.3* X(0<X<16) Page 10 .0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:4.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:1.2 1-1:7.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:10.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:2.8.2 1-1:2.1 1-1:6.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.8.2 1-1:5.0 1-1:3.8.0 1-1:5.4 1-1: 1-1:9.4 上 1-15 月费率 1 正向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 2 正向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 3 正向有功电能 1-1:1.8.0* X(0<X<16) 当前费率 1 正向有功电能 当前费率 2 正向有功电能 当前费率 3 正向有功电能 当前费率 4 正向有功电能 当前费率 1 反向有功电能 当前费率 2 反向有功电能 当前费率 3 反向有功电能 当前费率 4 反向有功电能 当前费率 1 象限 1 无功电能 当前费率 2 象限 1 无功电能 当前费率 3 象限 1 无功电能 当前费率 4 象限 1 无功电能 当前费率 1 象限 2 无功电能 当前费率 2 象限 2 无功电能 当前费率 3 象限 2 无功电能 当前费率 4 象限 2 无功电能 当前费率 1 象限 3 无功电能 当前费率 2 象限 3 无功电能 当前费率 3 象限 3 无功电能 当前费率 4 象限 3 无功电能 当前费率 1 象限 4 无功电能 当前费率 2 象限 4 无功电能 当前费率 3 象限 4 无功电能 当前费率 4 象限 4 无功电能 1-1: 1-1:1.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 附录 A: 数据项 IEC 62056-61 OBIS 代码 Register Name OBIS ID 当前正向有功总电能 当前反向有功总电能 当前正向无功总电能 当前反向无功总电能 当前象限 1 无功总电能 当前象限 2 无功总电能 当前象限 3 无功总电能 当前象限 4 无功总电能 当前正向视在总电能 当前反向视在总电能 1-1:1.0* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1:6.8.3 1-1:6.2 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.0 上 1-15 月正向有功总电能 上 1-15 月反向有功总电能 上 1-15 月正向无功总电能 上 1-15 月反向无功总电能 上 1-15 月象限 1 无功总电能 上 1-15 月象限 2 无功总电能 上 1-15 月象限 3 无功总电能 上 1-15 月象限 4 无功总电能 上 1-15 月正向视在总电能 上 1-15 月反向视在总电能 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:8. 0 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:7.8.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.6.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.8.2 1-1:2.2* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.2 1-1:1.8.0 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.0 1-1:41.8.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.0 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 当前正向无功最大需量 当前反向无功最大需量 当前正向视在最大需量 当前反向视在最大需量 1-1: 1-1:1.0 1-1:43.0 1-1:24.0 1-1:44.0 1-1:22.8.4* X(0<X<16) A 相正向有功电能 B 相正向有功电能 C 相正向有功电能 A 相反向有功电能 B 相反向有功电能 C 相反向有功电能 1-1:21.6.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1:1.8.0 1-1:62.0 1-1:42.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1: 1-1: 1-1: Page 11 .6.8.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.4 1-1:2.1* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.0 1-1:10.0 1-1:1.0 视在需量周期内总正向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 1 正向有功功率 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:6.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5.0 A 相正向无功电能 B 相正向无功电能 C 相正向无功电能 A 相反向无功电能 B 相反向无功电能 C 相反向无功电能 1-1:23.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 上 1-15 月费率 4 正向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 1 反向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 2 反向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 3 反向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 4 反向有功电能 上 1-15 月费率 1 象限 1 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 2 象限 1 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 3 象限 1 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 4 象限 1 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 1 象限 2 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 2 象限 2 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 3 象限 2 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 4 象限 2 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 1 象限 3 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 2 象限 3 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 3 象限 3 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 4 象限 3 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 1 象限 4 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 2 象限 4 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 3 象限 4 无功电能 上 1-15 月费率 4 象限 4 无功电能 1-1:1.8.0 1-1:4.8.0 1-1:9.3* X(0<X<16) 1-1:2.0 1-1: 1-1:1.5.0 当前正向有功最大需量 当前反向有功最大需量 当前费率 1 正向有功最大需量 当前费率 2 正向有功最大需量 当前费率 3 正向有功最大需量 当前费率 4 正向有功最大需量 当前费率 1 反向有功最大需量 当前费率 2 反向有功最大需量 当前费率 3 反向有功最大需量 当前费率 4 反向有功最大需量 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:* X(0<X<16) 1-1:8.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:7.8.4* X(0<X<16) 1-1:5. 0 1-1:64.7.0 1-1:10.0 1-1: 1-1:44.0 1-1: 1-1:13.7.0 1-1:62.0 B 相瞬时正向有功功率 B 相瞬时反向有功功率 B 相瞬时正向无功功率 B 相瞬时反向无功功率 B 相瞬时正向视在功率 B 相瞬时反向视在功率 B 相瞬时电流 B 相瞬时电压 B 相瞬时功率因数 1-1:41.0 1-1: 4.0 1-1:30.7.3 1-1:2.0 1-1:50.0 1-1:70.1 1-1:2.0 1-1: 1-1: 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:1.0 1-1: B 相瞬时正向有功功率 B 相瞬时反向有功功率 B 相瞬时正向无功功率 B 相瞬时反向无功功率 B 相瞬时正向视在功率 B 相瞬时反向视在功率 B 相瞬时电流 B 相瞬时电压 B 相瞬时功率因数 1-1:61.0 1-1:31.5.0 1-1:33.4 A 相瞬时正向有功功率 A 相瞬时反向有功功率 A 相瞬时正向无功功率 A 相瞬时反向无功功率 A 相瞬时正向视在功率 A 相瞬时反向视在功率 A 相瞬时电流 A 相瞬时电压 A 相瞬时功率因数 1-1:21.0 1-1:71.0 1-1:43.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 视在需量周期内费率 2 正向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 3 正向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 4 正向有功功率 1-1:1.0 总瞬时正向有功功率 总瞬时反向有功功率 总瞬时正向无功功率 总瞬时反向无功功率 总瞬时正向视在功率 总瞬时反向视在功率 总瞬时功率因数 1-1: 1-1: 9.7.0 1-1:2.7.0 1-1:24.7.2 1-1:2.5.0 Page 12 .7.7.0 1-1: 视在需量周期内总反向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 1 正向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 2 正向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 3 正向有功功率 视在需量周期内费率 4 正向有功功率 1-1:2.0 1-1: 2.0 1-1:53.0 1-1:23.0 1-1:69.7.0 1-1: 1-1: 3.2 1-1:1.0 1-1:22. 2 液晶显示符号说明 符号 说明 符合 IEC 62056-61 标准的数据显示代码显示 单位显示: kWh (有功电能 ) kW (有功功率) kvarh (无功电能) kvar (无功功率) kVAh (视在电能) kVA (视在功率) Hz (频率) A/B/C 分别代表 A 相/B 相/C 相,用来显示三相 的电压、电流及功率因数。 V 为电压单位,A 为电流单位,Φ表示功率因数。 A/B/C+Φ与数字一起显示表示 A/B/C 相功率因 数,Φ与数字一起显示表示总功率因数。 在正常工作电压下,“Ua Ub Uc ”全显 在断相情况下,对应字符不显示 在失压情况下,对应字符闪烁 全失压或电压逆相序,“Ua Ub Uc”全闪烁 在正常工作电流下,“Ia Ib Ic ”全显 在失流情况下,对应字符不显示 在电流不平衡情况下,对应字符闪烁 在全失流时,“Ia Ib Ic”全闪烁。 var 右边的箭头表示当前无功方向; Watt 右边的箭头表示当前有功方向; 箭头向右表示正向,箭头向左表示反向。 时钟电池电压不足时显示,平时不显示 Page 13 .国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 附录 B: 液晶显示 B.1 全屏自检显示 B. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 显示表示电表处于二级编程保护状态,必须开铅封编程。 RX 显示表示电表接收到数据; TX 显示表示电表发送数据。 此符号闪烁代表电表超负荷。 Min 显示时表示该数据的单位为分钟 左侧四个“ ”标志(实际 8 个,预留 4 个),配合标牌上 由上至下的 I、II、III、IV 来直观指示当前费率和费率切 换。 符号闪烁代表有警告或错误事件发生。 上面的符号显示代表三相四线接线 下面的符号显示代表三相三相接线 Page 14 . 星期二 3. 星期六 7.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 B.87A) 今日是星期日 1: 星期一 2. 星期日 表号低六位是 210356 表号高六位是 000006 用户号低六位 5456806 用户号高六位 000019 设备号低六位 380210 设备号高六位 001031 Page 15 . 星期三 4.3 显示内容说明 图例 说明 当前日期是 06 年 7 月 21 日 当前时间为 10 点 32 分 57 秒 (A 相电流为 1. 星期四 5: 星期五 6. 87 kvarh Page 16 .62 kvarh 当前反向无功总电能为 78.91kWh (当前 C 相电压为 220V) 上 3 月费率 3 正向有功电能为 98.19 kvarh 上 11 月费率 4 反向无功电能为 23.73kvarh 上 6 月费率 3 正向无功电能为 87.34 kWh (当前 B 相功率因数为 0.18 kWh 当前正向无功总电能为 298.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 当前正向有功总电能为 328.06 kWh (当前 A 相功率因数为 0.64 kWh (当前 A 相电压为 221V) 当前费率 1 正向有功电能为 102.57kWh (当前 B 相电压为 220V) 当前费率 2 正向有功电能为 67.89) 上 4 月费率 2 反向有功电能为 20.87) 当前反向有功总电能 102. 03 kVAh 当前正向有功最大需量为 2.18kvarh 当前象限 3 无功总电能为 71.62kvarh 当前象限 4 无功总电能为 65.0980kW 显示为二次侧值 Page 17 .01 kVAh 上 10 月费率 4 反向视在电能为 16.18kvarh 当前象限 2 无功总电能为 69.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 当前象限 1 无功总电能为 69.03 kVAh 当前反向视在总电能为 78.21 kvarh 当前正向视在总电能为 396.18kvarh 上 15 月费率 2 象限 4 无功电能为 13. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 上 2 月费率 1 正向有功最大需量发生时间为 03/1710:30 (月: 日 时: 分) 当前反向有功最大需量为 1.20:50 (月: 日 时: 分) 当前正向视在最大需量为 2.0376kVA 显示为二次侧值 上 6 月费率 4 正向视在最大需量发生时间为 01/0912:20 (月: 日 时: 分) Page 18 .9871kW 显示为二次侧值 上 1 月费率 3 正向无功最大需量发生时间为 02/07 01:00 (月: 日 时: 分) 当前反向无功最大需量为 0.08:49 (月: 日 时: 分) 当前正向无功最大需量为 1.9863kW 显示为二次侧值 上 2 月费率 4 反向无功最大需量发生时间为 01/19.6980kW 显示为二次侧值 上 10 月费率 2 反向有功最大需量发生时间为 03/21. 当前无报警 复位状态显示: 当用户按复位键三秒以上时,液晶屏会如左图显示,如此 时松开按复位键,则电表将进行复位操作,当前电量转 存,当前需量清零 编程状态显示: 当用户一直按复位键 8 秒以上时,液晶屏会如左图显示,此 时指示电表处于编程状态,可进行参数设置。 Page 19 .1690kVA 显示为二次侧值 上 7 月反向视在最大需量发生时间为 03/30 09:20 (月: 日 时: 分) 频率为 49.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 当前反向视在最大需量为 2.99Hz 报警字显示为 0000 0000. 2 1-1:1.3 1-0:0.1 1-1:4.8.2 1-0:0.4 1-0: 1-1:2.4 电能表出厂默认按键显示和自动显示内容 全屏显示 0-0:C.0 1-1:4.6.4 1-1:4.0 1-0:0.3.0 1-1:2.8.1 1-1: 1-1: 1-1:10.3 1-1: 1-1:1.8.2 1-1: 1-1:3.8.4 1-1:3.3 1-1:4.3.1 1-1:2.0 1-1: 1-1:2.0 全屏自检显示 日时段表 1 显示 注意: 如果不按键,将继续显示日时段表 2-4 和时区 表号高 6 位 (H) 表号低六位 (L) 有功常数 无功常数 日期 时间 正向有功总电能 (+kWh) 费率 1 正向有功电能 (+kWh) 费率 2 正向有功电能 (+kWh) 费率 3 正向有功电能 (+kWh) 费率 4 正向有功电能 (+kWh) 反向有功总电能(-kWh) 费率 1 反向有功电能 (-kWh) 费率 2 反向有功电能 (-kWh) 费率 3 反向有功电能 (-kWh) 费率 4 反向有功电能 (-kWh) 正向无功总电能 (+kvarh) 费率 1 正向无功电能(+kvarh) 费率 2 正向无功电能 (+kvarh) 费率 3 正向无功电能 (+kvarh) 费率 4 正向无功电能(+kvarh) 反向无功总电能 (-kvarh) 费率 1 反向无功电能 (-kvarh) 费率 2 反向无功电能 (-kvarh) 费率 3 反向无功电能 (-kvarh) 费率 4 反向无功电能 (-kvarh) 正向视在总电能 (+kVAh) 反向视在总电能 (-kVAh) 正向有功最大需量 (+kW) 反向有功最大需量 (-kW) Page 20 .0 1-1: 1-1:3.1*0 1-0: 1-1:1.8.8.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 B. 1-1:9.0 1-1:2.2 1-1:4.0 1-0:0. 每一种报警或错误信息占用一个数字 2.5 报警和错误信息代码说明 错误代码 报警代码 信息代码 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0000 时钟晶振无效 时钟读写错误 EEPROM 读写错误 测量芯片读写错误 CPU 程序错误 保留 电池低电压 SPI 读写错误 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 0000 1000 0000 过压 欠压 失压 断相 分相有功功率反向 有功电能反 断流 电压逆相序 注意: 1. 以上事件均可在液晶屏上显示。当出现错误或报警时液晶显示屏上将显示: Page 21 .国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 B. 1 三相四线 – 直接式 Direct Connection (Whole Current) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 A B C N C.2 三相四线 – 电流、电压互感器式 Connected through Current Transformer (CT) & Voltage Transformer (PT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C N Page 22 7 8 9 10 .国电南自 附录 C: DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 接线图 C. 4 三相三线(2-元件) – 电流、电压互感器式 Connected through Current Transformer (CT) & Voltage Transformer (PT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C N Page 23 7 8 9 10 .3 三相三线 (2-元件) – 电流互感器式 Connected through Current Transformer (CT) 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C N C.国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 C. 国电南自 DSSD/DTSD2818 多功能电能表 C.4: No. 12V. 辅助电源 AC40-300V 或 DC 60V-400V。 2.3: No.1: No.5: No.2: No. 24V R = Vcc / 5 (KO) C E GND OPTO OUT 注: 若用户无特殊要求 1 到 6 路脉冲输出出厂默认设定为: No. 功耗<4VA <2W C.6 脉冲测试示意图 Vcc R Vcc = 5V.5 功能端子接线图 注意: 1.6: 正向有功电能脉冲输出 (+kWh) 反向有功电能脉冲输出(-kWh) 正向无功电能脉冲输出 (Q1 + Q2 kvarh) 反向无功电能脉冲输出 (Q3 + Q4 kvarh) 有功电能脉冲输出 (kWh) 无功电能脉冲输出(Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 kvarh) Page 24 .
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