Dsl-2750u Qig En



Quick Installation GuideDSL-2750U/NRU 3G/ADSL/Ethernet Router with Wi-Fi and Buit-in Swit!h DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide BEFRE !U BEGIN Delivery Package • Router DSL-2750U/NRU • Power adapter • RJ-11 telephone cable • Straiht-throuh !thernet cable "#$% 5!& • Splitter • #D-R'( with )User Manual* and )Quick Installation Guide* • )Quick Installation Guide* "brochure& +, an- o, the ite./ are .i//in0 plea/e contact -our re/eller1 ! Using a power supply with a different voltage rating than the one included will cause damage and void the warranty for this product. Default Settings I" add#ess o$ #oute# Use#na%e &lo'in( admin "ass)o#d admin Na%e o$ )i#eless net)o#k &SSID( DSL_2750 2 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide System Requirements and Equipment • $ co.puter with an- operatin /-/te. that /upport/ a web brow/er1 • $ web brow/er to acce// the web-ba/ed inter,ace o, the router2 3indow/ +nternet !4plorer0 (o5illa 6ire,o40 or 'pera1 • $ N+# "!thernet or 3i-6i adapter& to connect to the router1 • $ 702111b0 0 or n 3i-6i adapter to create a wirele// networ81 • $ 9: US; .ode. 1 to connect to the +nternet <ia 9: :S( networ8 2 1 ! =our US; .ode. /hould be e>uipped with an acti<e identi,ication card "S+( card& o, -our operator1 *NNE*+ING + "* &S ,IND,S -"( PC with Ethernet Adapter 11 (a8e /ure that -our P# i/ powered o,,1 21 #onnect an !thernet cable between an- o, ,our !thernet port/ located on the bac8 panel o, the router and the !thernet port o, -our P#1 91 To connect via 3G network: connect -our US; .ode. to the US; port located on the bac8 panel o, the router1 ?1 To connect the router to a DSL line: connect a phone cable between the DSL port o, the router and the ADSL OUT port o, the /plitter1 #onnect -our phone to the PHO! port o, the /plitter1 %hen connect another phone cable between a phone @ac8 and the ADSL " port o, the /plitter1 51 To connect the router to an Ethernet line: connect the !thernet cable between an- o, ,our !thernet port/ located on the bac8 panel o, the router and the !thernet line1 A1 #onnect the power cord to the power connector port on the bac8 panel o, the router0 then plu the power adapter into an electrical outlet or power /trip1 1 6or the li/t o, reco..ended US; .ode./0 re,er to the Supported USB Modes /ection o, the !User Manual" docu.ent1 2 #ontact -our .obile operator to chec8 whether the rele<ant /er<ice i/ /ub/cribed and to et in,or.ation on the /er<ice co<erae and ,ee/1 . DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide 71 %urn on -our P# and wait until -our operatin /-/te. i/ co.pletel- loaded1 Now -ou /hould con,iure -our P# to obtain an +P addre// auto.aticall- "a/ DB#P client&1 11 #lic8 the Sta#t button and proceed to the *ont#ol "anel / Net)o#k and Inte#net *onnections / Net)o#k *onnections window1 21 +n the Net)o#k *onnections window0 riht-clic8 the rele<ant Local 0#ea *onnection icon and /elect the "#o1e#ties line in the .enu di/pla-ed1 91 +n the Local 0#ea *onnection "#o1e#ties window0 on the Gene#al tab0 in the +2is connection uses t2e $ollo)in' ite%s /ection0 /elect the Inte#net "#otocol &+*"/I"( line1 #lic8 the "#o1e#ties button1 3 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide ?1 Select the 4tain an I" add#ess auto%aticall5 radio button1 #lic8 the 6 button1 #lic8 the 78 button1 Now -our co.puter i/ con,iured to obtain an +P addre// auto.aticall-1 PC with Wi-i Adapter 11 To connect via 3G network: connect -our US; .ode. to the US; port located on the bac8 panel o, the router1 21 To connect the router to a DSL line: connect a phone cable between the DSL port o, the router and the ADSL OUT port o, the /plitter1 #onnect -our phone to the PHO! port o, the /plitter1 %hen connect another phone cable between a phone @ac8 and the ADSL " port o, the /plitter1 91 To connect the router to an Ethernet line: connect the !thernet cable between an- o, ,our !thernet port/ located on the bac8 panel o, the router and the !thernet line1 5 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide ?1 #onnect the power cord to the power connector port on the bac8 panel o, the router0 then plu the power adapter into an electrical outlet or power /trip1 51 %urn on 3i-6i2 pu/h the rele<ant button on the bac8 panel o, the router1 A1 %urn on -our P# and wait until -our operatin /-/te. i/ co.pletel- loaded1 71 %urn on -our 3i-6i adapter1 $/ a rule0 .odern noteboo8/ with built-in wirele// N+#/ are e>uipped with a button or /witch that turn/ on/o,, the wirele// adapter "re,er to -our P# docu.ent/&1 +, -our P# i/ e>uipped with a pluable wirele// N+#0 in/tall the /o,tware pro<ided with -our 3i-6i adapter1 Now -ou /hould con,iure -our 3i-6i adapter1 11 #lic8 the Sta#t button and proceed to the *ont#ol "anel / Net)o#k and Inte#net *onnections / Net)o#k *onnections window1 21 Select the icon o, the wirele// connection and .a8e /ure that -our 3i-6i adapter i/ on1 91 Search ,or a<ailable wirele// networ8/1 ?1 +n the opened ,i#eless Net)o#k *onnection window0 /elect the needed wirele// networ8 "DSL_2750& and clic8 the *onnect button1 $,ter that the ,i#eless Net)o#k *onnection Status window appear/1 9 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide *NFIGURING RU+ER C!nnecting t! We"-"ased #nterface 11 Start a web brow/er1 21 +n the addre// bar o, the web brow/er0 enter the +P addre// o, the router "b- de,ault0 the ,ollowin +P addre// i/ /peci,ied2 Pre// the Ente# 8e-1 91 'n the opened pae0 enter the u/erna.e "loin& and pa//word ,or the ad.ini/trator account "b- de,ault0 the ,ollowin u/erna.e and pa//word are /peci,ied2 admin0 admin&1 %hen clic8 the Ente# button1 ! +, the error ) The page cannot be displayed * "or ) Unable to display the page */) Could not connect to remote server *& occur/ upon connectin to the web-ba/ed inter,ace o, the router0 .a8e /ure that -ou ha<e properl- connected the router to -our co.puter1 $,ter /ucce//,ul rei/tration the /-/te. /tati/tic/ pae open/1 %he pae di/pla-/ eneral in,or.ation on the router and it/ /o,tware1 ! +t i/ /tronl- reco..ended to chane the ad.ini/trator pa//word upon initial con,iuration o, the router1 %o do thi/0 o to the S5ste% / 0d%inist#ato# 1ass)o#d pae1 7 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide %he web-ba/ed inter,ace o, the router i/ bilinual "!nli/h/Ru//ian&1 Select a needed lanuae ,ro. the .enu di/pla-ed when the .ou/e pointer i/ o<er the Lan'ua'e caption1 =ou can chane the lanuae o, the web-ba/ed inter,ace in an- .enu ite.1 C!nfiguring C!nnecti!n t! the #nternet ! =ou /hould con,iure -our 3$N connection in accordance with data pro<ided b- -our +nternet /er<ice pro<ider "+SP&1 (a8e /ure that -ou ha<e obtained all nece//ar- in,or.ation prior to con,iurin -our 3$N connection1 'therwi/e contact -our +SP1 3G WAN Connection +, the P+N code chec8 i/ enabled ,or the S+( card in/erted into -our US; .ode.0 then prior to creatin a 9: 3$N connection0 proceed to the USB %ode% .enu and enter the P+N code on the pae di/pla-ed1 11 :o to the Net / *onnections pae and clic8 the 0dd button1 21 +n the Gene#al settin's /ection0 /peci,- a na.e ,or -our connection "an- na.e ,or ea/ier identi,ication& in the Na%e ,ield and /elect the .G <alue ,ro. the *onnection +51e drop-down li/t1 91 +n the "25sical la5e# /ection0 /elect the us4 <alue ,ro. the "25sical inte#$ace drop-down li/t1 : DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide ?1 +n the """ Settin's /ection0 enter authori5ation data pro<ided b- -our operator "the u/erna.e "loin& in the """ Use#na%e ,ield and the pa//word in the "ass)o#d and "ass)o#d con$i#%ation ,ield/&0 or /elect the ,it2out aut2o#i;ation chec8bo4 i, authori5ation i/ not re>uired1 51 +n the 0"N ,ield0 enter the acce// point na.e0 and in the Dial nu%4e# ,ield0 enter the nu.ber dialed to connect to the authori5ation /er<er o, the operator1 A1 #lic8 the Sa<e button1 ADSL WAN Connection 11 :o to the Net / *onnections pae and clic8 the 0dd button1 21 +n the Gene#al settin's /ection0 /peci,- a na.e ,or -our connection "an- na.e ,or ea/ier identi,ication& in the Na%e ,ield and /elect a t-pe ,or -our connection ,ro. the *onnection +51e drop-down li/t1 = DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide 91 +n the "25sical la5e# /ection0 /peci,- the CP+ and C#+ in the rele<ant ,ield/0 and then /elect a .ethod o, encap/ulation ,ro. the Enca1sulation >ode drop-down li/t1 ?1 6or the I"o0 and I"oE connection t-pe/0 ,ill in the I" 0dd#ess0 Net%ask0 and Gate)a5 I" 0dd#ess ,ield/ in the I" settin's /ection1 6or the I"oE t-pe0 -ou can /peci,- auto.atic a//in.ent o, the/e para.eter/ "to do thi/0 /elect the 4tain an I" add#ess auto%aticall5 chec8bo4&1 ?0 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide 51 6or the """oE and """o0 connection t-pe/0 enter authori5ation data pro<ided b- -our +SP in the """ Settin's /ection "the u/erna.e "loin& in the """ Use#na%e ,ield and the pa//word in the "ass)o#d and "ass)o#d con$i#%ation ,ield/&1 +, the/e data ha<e not been pro<ided b- -our +SP0 /elect the ,it2out aut2o#i;ation chec8bo41 A1 De/elect the N0+ chec8bo4 in the >iscellaneous /ection i, -our +SP re>uire/ -ou to di/able the networ8 addre// tran/lation ,unction1 71 #lic8 the Sa<e button1 Ethernet WAN Connection 11 :o to the 0d<anced / Inte#$ace '#ou1in' pae1 21 Select the choice corre/pondin to the L$N port that will be u/ed a/ the 3$N port o, the Et2e#net ,0N 1o#t radio button0 and clic8 the Sa<e button1 91 :o to the Net / *onnections pae and clic8 the 0dd button1 ?1 +n the Gene#al settin's /ection0 /peci,- a na.e ,or -our connection "an- na.e ,or ea/ier identi,ication& in the Na%e ,ield and /elect a t-pe ,or -our connection ,ro. the *onnection +51e drop-down li/t ",or the Static +P and DB#P connection t-pe/ /elect the I"oE <alue&1 ?? DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide 51 +n the "25sical la5e# /ection0 /elect the <alue corre/pondin to the L$N port that will be u/ed a/ the 3$N port ,ro. the "25sical inte#$ace drop-down li/t1 A1 +n the I" settin's /ection0 ,ill in the I" 0dd#ess0 Net%ask0 and Gate)a5 I" 0dd#ess ,ield/ ,or the Static +P t-pe1 Select the 4tain an I" add#ess auto%aticall5 chec8bo4 ,or the DB#P t-pe1 71 6or the """oE connection t-pe0 enter authori5ation data pro<ided b- -our +SP in the """ Settin's /ection "the u/erna.e "loin& in the """ Use#na%e ,ield and the pa//word in the "ass)o#d and "ass)o#d con$i#%ation ,ield/&1 +, the/e data ha<e not been pro<ided b- -our +SP0 /elect the ,it2out aut2o#i;ation chec8bo41 71 De/elect the N0+ chec8bo4 in the >iscellaneous /ection i, -our +SP re>uire/ -ou to di/able the networ8 addre// tran/lation ,unction1 D1 #lic8 the Sa<e button1 ?2 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide C!nfiguring $!cal Area %etw!rk 11 :o to the Net / *onnections pae and /elect the L0N connection1 +, needed0 chane the +P addre// and /ubnet .a/8 ,or the L$N inter,ace o, the router in the I" 0dd#ess and Net%ask ,ield/ o, the I" settin's /ection1 %hen clic8 the Sa<e button1 21 ;- de,ault0 the DB#P /er<er o, the router i/ enabled1 'n the D@*" se#<e# tab -ou can chane the para.eter/ o, the DB#P /er<er1 +, -ou want to .anuall- a//in +P addre//e/ to de<ice/ o, -our L$N0 di/able the DB#P /er<er "/elect the Disa4le <alue ,ro. the >ode drop-down li/t&1 91 $,ter /peci,-in the DB#P /er<er /ettin/0 clic8 the Sa<e button1 ?. DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide C!nfiguring Wireless %etw!rk ;- de,ault0 the wirele// networ8 o, the router i/ open "it re>uire/ no pa//word to acce// it&1 %o a<oid unauthori5ed acce// to -our wirele// local area networ80 chane the de,ault /ettin/ o, the router1 Example of Wireless Settings 11 :o to the ,i-Fi / Secu#it5 settin's pae1 21 Select the ,"0-"S6 <alue ,ro. the Net)o#k 0ut2entication drop- down li/t1 91 !nter a 8e- "a pa//word that will be u/ed to acce// -our wirele// networ8& in the Enc#51tion 6e5 "S6 ,ield1 U/e diit/ and Latin character/1 ?1 Select the 0ES <alue ,ro. the ,"0 Enc#51tion drop-down li/t1 51 #lic8 the *2an'e button1 ! +, -ou per,or. initial con,iuration o, the router <ia 3i-6i connection0 note that i..ediatel- a,ter chanin the wirele// de,ault /ettin/ -ou will need to recon,iure the wirele// connection u/in the newl- /peci,ied /ettin/1 ?3 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide Changing Administrat!r Passw!rd +t i/ hihl- reco..ended to chane the ad.ini/trator pa//word u/ed to acce// the web-ba/ed inter,ace o, the router upon initial con,iuration1 %hi/ help/ -ou to i.pro<e -our networ8 /ecurit-1 11 :o to the S5ste% / 0d%inist#ato# 1ass)o#d pae1 21 !nter a new pa//word ,or the ad.ini/trator account in the "ass)o#d and *on$i#%ation ,ield/1 91 #lic8 the Sa<e button1 ! Re.e.ber or write down the new pa//word ,or the ad.ini/trator account1 +n ca/e o, lo/in the new pa//word0 -ou can acce// the web- ba/ed inter,ace o, the router onl- a,ter re/torin the ,actor- de,ault /ettin/ <ia the hardware Re/et button1 %hi/ procedure wipe/ out all /ettin/ that -ou ha<e con,iured ,or -our router1 Saving Settings t! %!n-v!latile &em!ry +n order to a<oid lo/in the new /ettin/ upon hardware reboot "accidental or intentional power-o,, o, the de<ice&0 it i/ reco..ended to /a<e the /ettin/ to the non-<olatile .e.or- o, the router1 #lic8 the Sa<eARe4oot line in the top-pae .enu di/pla-ed when the .ou/e pointer i/ o<er the S5ste% caption1 3ait until the router i/ rebooted1 Now -ou can u/e it to acce// the +nternet or acce// the web-ba/ed inter,ace o, the router to con,iure additional para.eter/ ",or detailed de/cription o, e<er- pae o, the web-ba/ed inter,ace0 /ee the )User Manual* docu.ent&1 ?5 DSL-2750U/NRU Quick Installation Guide +E*@NI*0L SU""R+ =ou can ,ind /o,tware update/ and u/er docu.entation on our web/ite1 D-Lin8 pro<ide/ it/ cu/to.er/ with ,ree /upport within the productE/ warrant- period1 #u/to.er/ can contact the technical /upport roup b- phone or b- e- .ail/+nternet1 FR +ELE"@NE NU>BERS 0ND 0DDRESSES F D-LIN6 FFI*ES ,RLD,IDE BISI+ http2//www1dlin81co./corporate/worldwideo,,ice// ?9
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