Dse Configuration Suite Pc Software Installation Operation Manual
Dse Configuration Suite Pc Software Installation Operation Manual
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DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLCDSE Configuration Suite PC Software Installation & Operation Manual Document Number 057-151 Author: Ashley Senior DSE Configuration Suite PC Software Installation & Operation Manual ISSUE 1 DSE Configuration Suite PC Software Installation & Operation Manual DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC Highfield House Hunmanby North Yorkshire YO14 0PH ENGLAND Sales Tel: +44 (0) 1723 890099 Sales Fax: +44 (0) 1723 893303 E-mail :
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Website : www.deepseaplc.com DSE Configuration Suite PC Software Installation & Operation Manual © Deep Sea Electronics Plc All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or other) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to Deep Sea Electronics Plc at the address above. The DSE logo is a UK registered trademarks of Deep Sea Electronics PLC. Any reference to trademarked product names used within this publication is owned by their respective companies. Deep Sea Electronics Plc reserves the right to change the contents of this document without prior notice. Amendments List Issue Comments Minimum Module version required 1 Minimum Configuration Suite Version required 1 Initial release Typeface: The typeface used in this document is Arial. Care should be taken not to mistake the upper case letter I with the numeral 1. The numeral 1 has a top serif to avoid this confusion. 2 DSE Configuration Suite PC Software Installation & Operation Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 4 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................... 5 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................... 5 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 5 INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................................. 5 TROUBLESHOOTING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .................................................................................... 9 WINDOWS 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 WINDOWS VISTA ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 WINDOWS XP .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 WINDOWS NT, WINDOWS MILLENIUM, WINDOWS 98, WINDOWS 95, WINDOWS 3.1 ............................................. 9 APPLE MAC, WINDOWS CE, PALM OS, SMARTPHONE, PDA, ANDROID ................................................................... 9 2.2 2.3 HARDWARE INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................ 10 TROUBLESHOOTING INSTALLATION ......................................................................................... 10 IF SOFTWARE UPDATES ARE AVAILABLE ................................................................................ 11 OPENING PAGE ............................................................................................................................. 13 TOOLBAR ....................................................................................................................................... 14 FILE MENU...................................................................................................................................... 16 TOOLS MENU ................................................................................................................................. 17 UPDATE FIRMWARE ................................................................................................................................... 19 DIRECT USB CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................................... 19 CONNECTION VIA DSE813 ............................................................................................................................................. 22 3 4 USING THE DSE CONFIGURATION SUITE PC SOFTWARE ...................... 11 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 MENUS AND TOOLBAR ............................................................................... 14 ACCESS PERMISSIONS.............................................................................................................................. 24 DSE8XXX SERIES PC EVENT LOG ............................................................................................................ 26 ADDRESS BOOK ......................................................................................................................................... 27 CREATING A NEW ENTRY ............................................................................................................................................. 27 USING AN ENTRY ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................................ 29 EDITING THE STRINGS .................................................................................................................................................. 30 UPDATING THE MODULE LANGUAGE.......................................................................................................................... 30 UPDATING THE SCADA ALARMS/EVENT LOG LANGUAGE ....................................................................................... 31 LANGUAGE EDITOR ................................................................................................................................... 29 4.3.8 4.3.9 DSE8XXX DATA LOG VIEWER ................................................................................................................... 33 BATCH CONVERT TO... .............................................................................................................................. 35 4.4 HELP MENU .................................................................................................................................... 36 3 The DSE Configuration Suite PC Software allows DSE modules to be connected to a PC via USB ‘A –USB B’ cable or a DSE813 USB Interface. Once connected the various operating parameters within the module can be viewed or edited as required by the engineer. may be barred on some modules by a security code set by the generator provider. Separate manuals cover the configuration and SCADA section for DSE modules supported by the software. The information contained in this manual should be read in conjunction with the information contained in the appropriate module documentation.Description 1 DESCRIPTION This manual covers the installation and generic operation of the DSE Configuration Suite PC Software. qualified personnel. This software allows easy controlled access to these values and also has diagnostic monitoring facilities. Access to critical operational sequences and settings for use by qualified engineers. 4 . The DSE Configuration Suite PC Software should only be used by competent. as changes to the operation of the module may have safety implications on the panel / generating set to which it is fitted. Separate manuals deal with the configuration and operation of the individual modules. DSE813 for some modules.Microsoft .0 Framework can be obtained from Microsoft’s website.As DSE configuration software for Windows™ is a 32 or 64 bit application requiring Microsoft .2 INSTALLATION Download the PC software by visiting our website www. Windows Vista. Windows XP with Microsoft™ . NOTE: .com . Alternatively: • Double click on Computer Once download: • Double click WebSetup • Double click on CD-ROM Drive • Double click CDSetup Click Next to continue 5 . it is included in the DSE Configuration Suite Software CD version which can be obtained on CD from Deep Sea Electronics PLC or by downloading the ‘WebSetup’ from the DSE website.0 framework 17 inch recommended (1024 x 768 resolution) USB required to configure the module.Installation 2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2.com – Once registered you will be able to download updates to the software to ensure that you always have access to the latest features.1 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Windows 7. NOTE: . it will not operate on Windows 2.3.1. 2.Please register online at www.Net® 4.1 2.net 4 framework. Operating System Monitor Communications NOTE: .Net 4. NOTE: .0.deepseaplc.0.deepseaplc. Alternatively.1.11. The CD will then Auto-run if this feature is enabled on your PC.1. 95. 3. It is recommended that any earlier releases of the software be uninstalled prior to installing this version.Exit all other programs before installing the software. 98 or Me. Insert the Software CD into the CD-ROM drive on the PC. 3. Click Install to begin. 6 . Custom (allows the user to customise to installation) or Complete (installs all software packages) to start the installation Example showing the Custom installation window. Click Next to continue.Installation Select Typical (only installs the common program features). NOTE: . Click Ok to continue.To register on our website please visit: http://www.deepseaplc.com/members/register/ 7 .Installation Enter your login details for the DSE Website. Click Finish to complete the installation. The installer will then either download or install the modules selected. Select the modules which are to be installed with the software. Click Update to continue. 8 .Installation A module with ‘(new)’ indicates it has not been installed. It is recommended that the system is operated under Windows 7.3 WINDOWS XP • • • • Ensure the operating system is logged onto using an Administrator Account.5 APPLE MAC. Ensure that Windows Installer is fully up to date using the Microsoft Windows Update facility. 2.3. instead of clicking the icon with the left mouse button. WINDOWS 3.1 • DSE Configuration Suite does not support these operating systems.2 WINDOWS VISTA 32 bit and 64 bit versions • • • • • Ensure the operating system is logged onto using an Administrator Account. click on the installation icon with the right mouse button. Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems. WINDOWS 95.1 WINDOWS 7 32 bit and 64 bit versions • • • • • Ensure the operating system is logged onto using an Administrator Account. 2. Ensure the operating system has Microsoft . WINDOWS CE. PALM OS. (Windows 7. Ensure the operating system has Microsoft . Failure to do this results in installation failure due to incorrect user permissions disallowing registration of some parts of the Configuration Suite Software.1. Failure to do this results in installation failure due to incorrect user permissions disallowing registration of some parts of the Configuration Suite Software. When installing the software. Ensure the operating system has Microsoft . instead of clicking the icon with the left mouse button.Installation 2. use the following checklist to troubleshoot your software installation 2. 2.net 4 Framework redistributable (for x86) installed and is fully up to date. Ensure that Windows Installer is fully up to date using the Microsoft Windows Update facility.net 4 Framework redistributable (for x86) installed and is fully up to date. Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems).3. SMARTPHONE. 2. This is available from Microsoft’s website. then select Run as Administrator.3. WINDOWS 98.1. Ensure that Windows Installer is fully up to date using the Microsoft Windows Update facility.3. ANDROID • DSE Configuration Suite requires a Windows Personal Computer (PC) running the full version of Windows.net 4 Framework redistributable (for x86) installed and is fully up to date. 9 . This is available from Microsoft’s website.4 WINDOWS NT. click on the installation icon with the right mouse button. Ensure the operating system is fully up to date using the Microsoft Windows Update facility. Failure to do this results in installation failure due to incorrect user permissions disallowing registration of some parts of the Configuration Suite Software. however if problems arise. WINDOWS MILLENIUM.3 TROUBLESHOOTING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION It is very rare that problems are encountered when installing the system.1. When installing the software. Ensure the operating system is fully up to date using the Microsoft Windows Update facility. then select Run as Administrator. PDA. This is available from Microsoft’s website.1. Ensure the operating system is fully up to date using the Microsoft Windows Update facility.1.3.1. If you continue to experience problems then : Check the USB port with another device (for instance a mouse. Connection details for the DSE813 can be found in the products software manual. Wait a moment.2 HARDWARE INSTALLATION Ensure the Configuration Suite Software is installed on the PC as described above. • • • • Disconnect the Deep Sea Electronics Controller from the USB port. Reconnect the interface.Installation 2. 2. it’s the same type of cable as usually used between a PC and a USB printer (Type A to Type B). If you still encounter problems then : Try another USB cable. then reconnect and try again. Connect the USB cable to the PC as shown below and also to the module. Shutdown. Windows detects the module when power is applied to it. then restart the PC. The installation of the PC software also installs the DSE Controller USB and DSE813 Driver automatically. You are now ready to configure or monitor the module using the Configuration Suite Software.3 TROUBLESHOOTING INSTALLATION Occasionally USB devices are disabled by the Windows operating system. 10 . the following procedure will reenable the device in these instances. printer or digital camera). If you still encounter problems then : Disconnect the Deep Sea Electronics Controller. and then try again. If you don’t have one. after which the screen will display the following:- If there is an internet connection and updates are available. Click Update Now to begin the procedure.Using the DSE Configuration Suite PC Softwar 3 USING THE DSE CONFIGURATION SUITE PC SOFTWARE To run the Configuration Suite Software for Windows program click the Windows start button or depending upon your version of Windows.‘DSE Configuration Suite” . Then select ‘All Programs’ . this window will be displayed. the splash screen is shown. 11 .“DSE Configuration Suite” 3.1 IF SOFTWARE UPDATES ARE AVAILABLE After a short delay to load the application. 12 .Using the DSE Configuration Suite PC Software A module with ‘(update available)’ indicates there are updates available for that specific module Select the type of software update required. Example showing Custom Update Click Update to continue. The software will then download the selected updates. 2 OPENING PAGE If there are not updates or they have been completed. This is the initial start-up screen and can be disabled by checking the box Hide this screen at start-up. Use File | Convert to. Once you make a connection or load/create a configuration. Reading and changing the configuration of a connected module. Click Read configuration from a module. Select the configuration file either from the Open recent configuration area or by clicking Open a configuration file and browsing to the file. • • Alternatively you can ignore this screen and continue to use the program in the background.. 13 . to convert the configuration to suit an earlier module version or use Tools | Update firmware to update an ‘earlier’ module to the latest firmware version. The screen prompts the user to select between the three main uses for the software: • Creating a new configuration. The file is read from a currently connected controller and is available for editing in the Configuration Suite. Select the module type under Create new configuration..Using the DSE Configuration Suite PC Software 3. Editing a configuration previously saved to disk or flash memory device. the initial start up screen will be displayed. This allows you to create a configuration for the ‘latest’ module version. the start-up screen will disappear. Create a new configuration file Open an existing file from disk or flash memory device e the currently open file to the location it was loaded from previously. Not all options are applicable to all DSE controllers. If this is Save a new file. For a complete description see the section entitled “Address Book” else where in this document.Menus and Toolbar 4 MENUS AND TOOLBAR The menu and toolbar are located at the top of the screen: 4. you are prompted to enter a filename. Voltage are shown as phase to phase voltages in the configuration editor Voltages Voltage are shown as phase to neutral voltages in the configuration editor Voltages edit 14 . Print the currently open configuration file Preview what the configuration file will look like on the page after printing. Send the currently open configuration settings to the controller Read the settings out of the connected controller for viewing / editing Allows the user to create an Address Book of connects. Allows the user to mute any alarms that have been received by telephone modem from a suitably configured controller.1 TOOLBAR The toolbar contains the most used commands from the menus and is often a quicker way of accessing these commands. For a complete description see the section entitled “Event Log” else where in this document. Allows the user to log all the events from any module connected to the PC via SCADA. Any modem connections added to the address book are also selected here.Menus and Toolbar Select the communication method. select your comport from the list : Then click Serial Settings to configure the RS485 Port : Enable 485 : Enable or Disable the RS485 port connection in the PC. Dial Hang-up Answer mode Dial the number currently entered into the Module Phone Number setting. Baud Rate: The baud rate you wish to connect at. You must consult your network administrator for help in selecting these settings. select USB : If there are more than one controller connected via USB. Alternatively you can select an entry in the address book. select TCP/IP connection : Then click TCP/IP Settings in the toolbar. select your modem connection from the list: Then click Modem Settings box to enter the number to dial. select which module you wish to communicate with: Modem To connect via Modem. The Configuration Suite goes into Answer Mode awaiting a connection from a remote module. They must match the settings of the controller you wish to communicate with. RS485 / RS232 To connect to a module via RS232 or RS485. 86x Support : Enables a longer communication time-out Slave ID: The modbus slave ID you wish to communicate with. 15 . Close the phone connection. The choices present are dependent upon your PC’s configuration. TCP/IP connection To connect via Ethernet. USB To connect via USB directly to the controller. Convert the currently loaded configuration file to suit another module type or another module version. Read the settings from a modules configuration file on disk or flash memory device and convert to the currently selected configuration type.. Close the currently open file. Preview what the configuration file will look like on the page after printing. you will be prompted to save it. you are prompted to enter a filename. Send the currently open configuration settings to the controller. Print the currently open configuration file.2 FILE MENU Create a new configuration file. Save the currently open file. You will be prompted to enter a filename.. Read the settings out of the connected controller for viewing / editing. You are prompted to select what kind of module you want to create the configuration for.Menus and Toolbar 4. Select printer type and printer settings. under a new name. Open an existing file from disk or flash memory device. you can use Convert to. If you want to create a configuration for an earlier version of controller. You can only select to create a configuration file for the ‘latest’ version of controller. If the currently open file has changed since it was last saved. 16 . The settings of the new configuration file match the factory settings for the chosen module type. Exit the software. Read the settings from the connected controller and convert to the currently selected configuration type. to make your configuration suitable for the earlier controller or use Tools | Update firmware to update the earlier module to the latest version. If this is a new file. Save the currently open file to the location it was loaded from previously. This allows the user to create Text Inserts for the configurable LEDs on the certain DSE modules.Menus and Toolbar 4.3 TOOLS MENU Opens the Settings screen containing customisation options for the DSE Configuration Suite. Change background colour Reset font and colour changes Change font Print this insert card 17 . File/folder location Browse to change file/folder location Options Press ok to save changes Logo insert Check for updates Only available when currently viewing the Module section of the configuration. This allows the user to create Logo Inserts for certain DSE modules to customise the controller to suit the generator manufacturer. Load an image into the logo insert program Print this logo insert card Text Insert Only available when currently viewing the Module section of the configuration. For a complete description see the section entitled “Event Log” else where in this document.” elsewhere in this document. For a complete description see the section entitled “Update Firmware” elsewhere in this document. Allows the user to create an Address Book of connections.. For a complete description see the section entitled “Data Log Viewer” elsewhere in this document. Allows the user to restore a previous configuration file and SCADA settings to the connected module. Allows the user to mute any alarms that have been received by telephone modem from a suitably configured controller. See the section headed “Access Permissions” after this table. Allows the management (editing or deleting) of custom sensor curves Allows the user to log all the events from any module connected to the PC via SCADA. For a complete description see the section entitled “Language Editor” elsewhere in this document.. For a complete description see the section entitled “Address Book” else where in this document. Allows the editing of the text displayed by the module..Menus and Toolbar Annunciator text insert Only available when currently viewing the DSE2548 configurations in the Expansion | 2548 Annunciator Modules section of the configuration. Allows the user to update a large quantity of configuration files to the latest version. Allows the user to backup up the connected modules configuration file and SCADA settings. Allows the user to view previously logged data from a DSE module. This allows the user to create Text Inserts for the DSE2548 Expansion Annunciator modules Reset font Change and colour Load an image background changes into the logo colour insert program Change font Print this insert card Update Firmware Access Permissions Alarms Manage curves Event Log Address Book Language Editor Data Log Viewer Batch Convert To. Backup Module Restore Module Allows the user to update the firmware (internal software) of the DSE controller.. For a complete description see the section entitled “Batch Convert To. 18 . Select the device type Click next to continue. 19 . Click next to continue.1. Hint : Stopping the update process once it begins could leave the module inoperable! If this occurs. and then click next to continue.3.1 UPDATE FIRMWARE Selecting Update Firmware initiates the update wizard: Click the exit button if you don’t want to update your module.1 DIRECT USB CONNECTION Ensure the module’s supply and USB cable are removed.Menus and Toolbar 4. simply run the update wizard again and let it complete correctly.3. 4. Then click next to continue. the update cannot continue.Menus and Toolbar Click to select the firmware update file. If the file you attempt to send to the module is not compatible with the currently connected module. Ensure the USB cable is connected before the module’s power supply. In this example an attempt was made to send a DSE8660 firmware file to a DSE8610 module! 20 . It will be automatically detected and the update process will begin. It is now safe to disconnect the USB lead and power down the module or your PC. During this phase: • • • DO NOT DISCONNECT THE USB CONNECTION DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR PC DO NOT REMOVE POWER FROM THE CONTROLLER The update is now complete. 21 .Menus and Toolbar The update is now in progress and will take under one minute. The module will automatically restart with the updated firmware (internal software program). Click OK to continue. or the DSE813 in not connected properly the update will not begin 22 . If the wrong COM port has been selected.Menus and Toolbar 4. Then click next to begin the firmware upgrade.2 CONNECTION VIA DSE813 Select the COM Port of the DSE813 uses.1.3. Hint : You can find the COM Port number out from Windows Device Manager | Ports (COM & LPT) Then click next to continue. Click to select the firmware update file. Click OK to continue. 23 . It is now safe to disconnect the DSE813 interface from the module and your PC. During this phase: • • DO NOT DISCONNECT THE DSE813 INTERFACE DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR PC The update is now complete.Menus and Toolbar The update is now in progress and will take around three minutes to complete. Menus and Toolbar 4. An example of this is to give only SCADA access to a user requiring monitoring. or to give access to read and write configuration files.3. the generator OEM can install the software on the End User’s PC and then setup multiple usernames to limit the customers’ access to only those functions that the OEM requires for the end user.2 ACCESS PERMISSIONS Access permissions is an advanced Administration option to allow OEMS to setup the Configuration Suite software to limit access for certain users. Create a new user type Select Edit. then New to create a new user 24 . For instance. but not to edit a configuration file. When you exit this window you are asked if you want to save these changes and then prompted to enter the password for this user. 25 .Menus and Toolbar This example shows a new user that is able to view. read and write configurations but is not able to edit the configuration. Clear and create a new PC Event Log Export PC Event Log as either a PDF or Excel spreadsheet Events taken from DSE8XXX modules and stored on the PC 26 .4 DSE8XXX SERIES PC EVENT LOG The PC event log is provided to maintain a log of alarms of DSE8XXX controllers that have been connected to the SCADA section of the software.3.Menus and Toolbar 4. This event log is intended to maintain a log of alarms from modules that have ‘dialled’ in when the station is unattended. To save the address entry. Enter the address details.3. If the module does not have a PIN number configured. An obvious use for this facility is to allow the user to create and store address entries for modules which are connected with modems to make communication without entering the information into the software multiple times. press the Ok button. Select the port to communicate with module.5 ADDRESS BOOK The Address Book (Tools | Address Book) is included to allow the user to create and store address entries to make connection to a defined module with ease. The user can choose to create a new Address Book entry. a number will be automatically added after each entry. click on the “Address Book” icon or go to (Tools | Address Book). Configure the communication parameters.1 CREATING A NEW ENTRY To create a new Address Book entry. 27 .5. Enter the modules PIN number if configured to allow access. 4.Menus and Toolbar 4. Available communication ports Click the column headings to sort them into order. leave as shown. open an existing one for editing or delete an old one. if an identical name is used multiple times.3. the last 5 used will be shown in the ‘Connect via’ drop down menu. 28 .3.Menus and Toolbar 4.5.2 USING AN ENTRY The new entry can now be selected by double clicking with the left mouse button or using the ‘Connect via’ drop down menu If the user has multiple Address Book entries. 29 . go to the File menu.3. For instance “Shutdown” can be renamed to “Critical Alarm” and “Warning” can be changed to “Prompt Alarm”. Other uses include changing some wording to better reflect the customer’s application. The text strings are grouped together to make finding a particular string easier. An obvious use for this facility is to allow the user to change the entire module text to another language.1 GETTING STARTED To start a new translation.6.6 LANGUAGE EDITOR The Language editor (Tools | Language Editor) is included to allow the user to tailor the text for some DSE controllers to suit their own requirements. Give the new text file a name. The user can choose to create a new module translation or SCADA/event log translation (Module alarm strings) or open an existing one for editing. 4. and if any are incorrect (are too long to display on the module screen) these will be shown as ‘errors’.Menus and Toolbar 4. A summary shows how many strings do not have text entered. for instance the name of the language you are translating it to.3. 30 . Enter the new text into the Translation column.3.Menus and Toolbar 4.6.3. Take care that the text fits correctly in the green box. A ‘cross’ means the text is too long for the display. Remember you must select this new language file in the module’s display configuration editor. You may need to abbreviate your translation if it does not fit into the space allowed.3 UPDATING THE MODULE LANGUAGE When you’re ready to test your new text file in the connected module.2 EDITING THE STRINGS Click the + symbol to open up that section and view/modify the text strings. 4. Click – to close this group Click the column headings to sort the strings into alphabetical order A ‘tick’ shows that the text fits onto the display.6. The Mimic column shows how it will appear on the module display. ‘send’ it using the button provided. You can also upload language files to the module using the SCADA | LANGUAGES section of the Configuration Suite Software. NOTE: . press the Ok button to save the changes. When you have saved the new text file for the SCADA alarms.The SCADA text file will be used until the user configures it back to default (leaving the file location blank) or selecting another file.Menus and Toolbar 4. 31 . the name of the language you are translating it to. e.The SCADA text file only affects the alarms page and the event log in the SCADA section.The SCADA text file is only applicable to the PC that it has been selected on. to a folder on your computer you know the location of.6. NOTE: . go to the Options page (Tools | Options) and click the Browse button for ‘SCADA Module alarm translations’ to locate the new text file.3.g. NOTE: .4 UPDATING THE SCADA ALARMS/EVENT LOG LANGUAGE When you’re ready to test your new text file for the SCADA alarms and event log. save the file with an appropriate name. When you have selected the new text file for the SCADA alarms. Menus and Toolbar An example of a default SCADA alarm string for ‘Fail to Stop’ An example of a user configured SCADA alarm string for ‘Fail to Stop’ An example of a default event log string for ‘Fail to Stop’ An example of a user configured event log string for ‘Fail to Stop’ 32 . Menus and Toolbar 4. To view the logged data.8 DSE8XXX DATA LOG VIEWER The Data Log Viewer (Tools | Data Log Viewer) is included to allow the user to view saved data which has been logged by a DSE module. Navigation sliders Zoom slider Data segment being downloaded from the module An example of logged data from the module Download progress per segment from the module Data segments downloaded from the module 33 . press the ‘Read from Controller’ icon if the data is being logged to the modules internal memory.3. plug the external device into your computer and press the ‘Open Icon’ and locate the data. If the data is being logged to an external memory device. An obvious use for this facility is to allow the user to gather information for fault diagnostic or creating a report. g.Menus and Toolbar Click the + symbol to open up the data. save the file with an appropriate name. Click the + symbol to increase the resolution in the Y axis Click the – symbol to decrease the resolution in the Y axis Once the data has downloaded from the module. When the data is hidden the text will be in italics. Data which has been logged by the module and is currently downloading Data which has been logged by the module and waiting to be downloaded 34 . the name of the site the generator is based. to a folder on your computer you know the location of. e. Click the – symbol to close to minimise the data Click to hide the data on the graph. Configuration files waiting to be converted.. Select the type of configuration file to convert the pre-existing files to. The Batch Convert To.... Add single configuration file to be converted.. 35 .) is included to allow the user to convert a large batch of preexisting module configuration files to the latest version with ease. Add filename suffix to the new converted configuration files Click Start to begin the conversion process.Menus and Toolbar 4. (Tools | Batch Convert To..3. Add multiple configuration files contained within a folder.9 BATCH CONVERT TO. A ‘cross’ shows that the configuration file has not been converted. Current configuration file being converted.Menus and Toolbar A ‘tick’ shows that the configuration file has been converted. the software will check for any updates to download. 4.4 HELP MENU If an internet connection is available. Shows the version number of the configuration suite Check for Updates 36 . This page is intentionally left blank 37 . This page is intentionally left blank 38 .
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