DS8700 Upgrade Process

March 20, 2018 | Author: Sureshnath Reddy Sidda Reddy | Category: Computer Data Storage, Booting, Transport Layer Security, Backup, Compact Disc



IBM TotalStorage DS8700 242X Model 941IBM CDA Microcode Update Instructions From levels 75.0.xxx.x V10 Page 1 Sysplex customers should not include volumes containing any Sysplex couple data set in an active PPRC pair.or 9 If the command output returns UNKNOWN CPU SPECIFIED.0 V10 Page 2 . Instructions for re-installing the RPQ are also in Tip 871. If the CD's you have are not the following part numbers. Z/os systems.ibm. 2421. see Tip 871 in the DS8000 PE field tips WEB page or data base. 8S0949 P/N 45W8884 8S0871 P/N 45W8885 During any code load . 2422. Sign on to RETAIN to verify that each new and existing rack in this storage facility is registered. MUST remove / suspend PPRC pairs of volumes with Sysplex/CFRM couple data sets prior to a concurrent code load. A time-out of the Sysplex primary couple data set will cause the Sysplex to switch to the alternate coupled data set. with the exception of the LOGR couple data set.htm Machines with RPQ 8S0849 or 8S0871 ( deferred DDM disablement ) must re-install this RPQ after this code load.r9. Valid Maintenance status is 1. ask the support center to register the rack serial number in Retain . The primary volume will stay in the long busy state until I/O is re-driven to the volume or a state change interrupt occurs on the volume. ID 253721 / 253962 For Z/os hosts running PPRC. Customers may want to want to terminate concurrent copy sessions before the code load starts.com/infocenter/zos/v1r9/index.zos.67. Z/Series with Sysplex / CFRM couple data sets and PPRC A condition exists that causes a primary volume in PPRC pair to stay in a long busy state (not respond to the host) after a warmstart on the secondary volume in the PPRC pair.CCA=00 These messages are considered normal and the PPRC paths will be recovered.PPRC-PATH ONE OR MORE PPRC PATHS REMOVED UNEXPECTEDLY SSID=B000 (PRI)=0175-FRBK1.Attention Must Read NEW Due to a problem in microcode . If the alternate couple data set volume times out.jsp?topic=/com. http://publib. this will cause sysplex-wide failure.z/cpu 2NNNPPSSSSS where: 2NNN Machine type of 2107. IEA498I B000. Note: Some countries register using 00 instead of the actual two-digit plant of manufacture code. IPL of an attached host could cause repeated warmstarts and cause a loss of access to other attached hosts.ONLH4Z. or 2424 PP Plant of manufacture SSSSS The last 5 digits of the serial number. Retain registration should be verified for all rack serial numbers in this Storage Facility. 75. 2423. the primary control unit may post the following IEA498I type messages.ibm. A link to the Sysplex planning guide for IBM recommendations is provided below. Customers who do not follow the above advice to exclude Sysplex/CFRM couple data sets from an active PPRC relation .ieaf100/allcds.boulder. A Fix for this problem will be in a future level of microcode.2. During host adapter updates on PPRC secondary Control units. Enter n.15. Concurrent copy sessions will be terminated during concurrent code loads. customers should not IPL there hosts systems during the Storage Facility Update part of this code load procedure. For example: A concurrent code load could possibly see a warmstart and cause this problem to occur. 15.0.15. Power CD.15.1 MM_EXT ^ ^ 20101110.15. HMC_MM_EXT CD.504 Version: 6.1 Version: 5.5.504 ^ ^ ^ 6.220 6.5.0 HMC Levels HMC_MCP_SQ_BASE or HMC Build Level HMC_MM_EXT or DS8000 HMC LMC HMC_ICAT_GUI or ibmdsstoragemanager8000.1 ^ 20091031. CDA Bundle Contents BUNDLE VERSION: 75.0 75.15. AIX_PTF CD.54-1 Version: 01FM340_115_039 Version: 6.0 75.0.402 60 min SEA (R14i.Media required for update BUNDLE DVD The “Target” bundle is the 75.67.1 60 min P6 ^ ^ 01FM340_115 ^ 01SF340_088 ^ 01SF340_087 30 min AIX PTF ^ ^ Remove older media from machine and discard.5.5.6b101129a) Level: 03202011095950 Level: 201015200007 Version: VER00078 Version: 2716 Version: 27 Version: 19-01 Version: 6. Bundle 75.1 MM_ECL342_0935A_0824.0-20101110.5.90 Code loads are only supported from the levels that are listed in the chart below.base HMC_CIM Agent Squadrons (P6) Managed System SFI AIX_PTF SEA (CPSS) Host Adapter Fibre/Ficon Device adapters Power Power code levels PPS Flash RPC Flash Storage Enclosures FCIC (Fiber Chan.67.0 75.251 6.1 Version: 25.0.1 20090925. P6 CD Leave all media (CDs.1084 Version: MM_ECL342_0935A_0911.1 ^ MM_ECL342_0938A_0929.15.90 6.1.215 100 min PPS/RPC ^ ^ 2716/V27 ^ ^ ^ 2716/V17 30-60 SES ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 19_01 75.5.79 6.2. HMC_ICAT_GUI CD. 20090903.0 Bundle DVD that contains the bundle file and the following content.67. Int card) Customer DSCLI Client Version: MM_ECL350_1005F_0128.0 75.177. SEA CD.0 V10 Page 3 .0 75.15. DVDs) used for this procedure with the machine for possible future recovery actions.15.15.78 6.0 HMC 45 min HMC ^ ^ MM_ECL350_1005F_0128.15. 1. For Dual HMC configurations. A pop-up will indicate the acquisition is complete.Select Network radio button Select: Check Secure HTTP (SSL) box Add Server address: testcase.Section 1 Acquire Release Bundle and Distribute Warning: If this machine is currently at 75. you are in the wrong instructions. Select: Yes A series of screens will indicate which component is being updated.X code .15. Select: Update HMC Code from the tasks screen. Once the HMC has rebooted the HMC update is complete **If the HMC hangs at initialize screen for more that 5 minutes .ibm.software.15. Removable Media (CDROM) radio button is selected Select go Insert the Target Release Bundle DVD as called for by screens A pop-up will indicate the acquisition is complete --->>>> Remove media and continue to the next section – b) Network Acquire .XX. continue with this step. reboot again by selecting the Alt Ctrl and F1 keys .15. Highlight the desired code level 75. At "An HMC reboot is necessary. c) Network Acquire – using TLS(FTPS) -.boulder.0 Select: Updates Select: The check box on the HMC line. Select: Updates Select: Check radio button on the HMC line Select: Acquire Code Images a) If you are using physical media to acquire code. Use Alt and Ctrl keys on the left side of keyboard. Press OK to reboot?" Select: OK HMC will reboot.59.0 Select: Ok At Proceeding with the update will take the HMC offline.com/storage/ds8000 Select: Check Anonymous box then Go Highlight the code bundle to acquire Select: Ok A series of Progress Dialog screens will indicate the files are being read. Return to section 1 and acquire and update HMC2 75.0 V10 Page 4 .Select Network radio button Add Server address: ftp.com/ds8000 Enter: Username and Password From tip 490 and then Go Highlight the code bundle to acquire Select: Ok A series of Progress Dialog screens will indicate the files are being read.67. A pop-up will indicate the acquisition is complete Section 2 HMC Update Update the HMC to the Latest Bundle The next steps will activate the HMC code for the target Bundle 75.Using FTP -. then Alt Ctrl Del keys. if using the network. go to step b or c.ibm.59. Please return to web site at use the CDApreload instructions. 59.0 Select: Distribute and Activate CCL This will initiate the update (A task progress window will display within 3 minutes. 75. 75.CCL Storage Facility Code Update Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. If full system scan fails.0 V10 Page 5 . Select Ok to close the results screen.CCL on the remaining Storage Facilities.15. Section 7 .Do not close this window This panel will display the operations involved in the CCL update.Run cdaPreverify Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line.) Task is in progress . Select: Run CdaPreVerify from the tasks screen. Section 3 Update Storage Facility Image . When the window indicates that the update is complete Click: Ok For Multiple Storage Facilities on HMC #1 . read the log file displayed and correct the problem before proceeding.67.Update Storage Facility Image . Select: Update Storage Facility Code Highlight: The Storage Facility Image to be updated Select: “OK” The Select a Code Level menu will be displayed Highlight the desired code level.15. Select: Ok to display the results screen. Do not close this window This panel will display the operations involved in the CCL power update{est. --RPC cards --I/O enclosures Power Supply LEDS --Rear power supplies LEDs on CEC's --No error indicators on either PPS *** All power problems must be repaired before continuing *** For Dual HMC machines there should be no open problems on either HMC before continuing. Power firmware update instructions Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. Highlight the desired code level.40 Minutes} 75.0 V10 Page 6 . Select: Recovery Utilities from the tasks screen.-) Select: Okay Select a code level menu displays. Select: Ok This will initiate the update Task is in progress . Open problems other than differed DDM's will cause the power update to suspend.15.CCL Power System firmware update * Interactive Visually check the following power LEDS are on and not flashing.67. Select: CCL Utilities Select: Okay Select: CCL Power Firmware Update Select: Okay Select an SFI menu displays.Section 4 Update Power Component Firmware . Highlight: (2107-9xx .. If any power LEDS are found incorrect . the bottom PPS’s with update and when complete the LED Check screen will appear. If any power LEDS are found incorrect.1) After the RPC0 and RPC1 cards and top PPS’s have been updated a screen will appear that has you check the power LEDS to insure the power supplies have powered backed on. If incorrect LEDs are found. answer no and repair the failed power supply. --RPC cards --I/O enclosures Power Supply LEDS --Rear power supplies LEDs on CEC's --No error indicators on either PPS If all power LEDS checked are ok select yes and continue the power firmware update. If power LEDS are incorrect select “no” and repair the power supply problem. repair and return to this step.0 V10 Page 7 . 4) Again check all the LEDS. Always answer Yes to this screen even if LED problems are found. **** Always answer Yes to this screen***** Visually check the following power LEDS are on and not flashing. 2) If all the LEDS are correct select “yes” . 3) After selecting yes . Note: Selecting no at the second screen prompt with leave norsStart files on the LPARs 5) If all Storage Facilities are complete Select Ok • For machines with more Storage Facilities attached you will return to Power System firmware updates and update power firmware in those Storage Facilities 75. Then return and rerun power update procedure. Visually check the following power LEDS are on and not flashing. After the repair is completed start the power firmware update from the beginning.15. After the repair is completed start the power firmware update from the beginning.67. answer no and repair the failed power supply. --RPC cards --I/O enclosures Power Supply LEDS --Rear power supplies LEDs on CEC's --No error indicators on either PPS If all power LEDS checked are ok select yes and continue the power firmware update. Failed status can be viewed by highlighting the System Check Type and then select details. Step 2) Verify all Code levels are installed Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. End of Update 75. Step 4) Verify MRPD settings. Leave all media (CDs. Select: Service Utilities Select: View Storage Facility State All sections should report with passed in the status column. with CDA Bundle contents page.0 V10 Page 8 . Verify. For dual HMC's .15. Select: Cancel to close the screen. DVDs) used for this migration procedure with the machine for possible future recovery actions. Select: Ok to close screen Step 3) Perform backup critical data to the Storage Facility Hard drive( LPAR ) Select: HMC management From Storage Server HMC tasks Select: Backup Critical data (time less than 10 minutes) Click OK. Service Information Transmission If "schedule when to transmit the service information" is not checked it must be set to on check "schedule when to transmit the service information" box and click OK click OK at successfully updated settings For Dual HMC configurations. ***Automatic Critical backups will occur at 11:00 PM on Thursdays. verify MRPD is enabled on HMC 2 also. This level of code supports alt HMC backup MRPD transmissions. all code levels have successfully been installed on all Storage Facility Images and all Storage Facilities. Select: Service Management Select: Transmit Service Information Under Transmit Tab.Section 4 Run Final Checks Step 1) Run end of call Select: Storage Facility Management Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. Select: Display Storage Facility Code Levels The action panel will display all code levels now installed.67. So a maximum time with 128 DDM's updating will be be approximately 256 minutes. and continue on the other device adapter pairs if they were also doing updates. Updates will only occur on drives that had not updated before the DDM failure. Description and summary of DDM firmware update The method of loading and updating the targeted DDM's families firmware is different than procedures used in the past. This update is done with a special CD using the HMC Corrective Service facility and is automated from there.F or G) S5E(E. Multiple updates will be occurring across the device adapter pairs depending on the machine configuration.67.F or G) S5F(F. Machines affected DDM Family S5C(D.15. and the update process will need to be started again with this update procedure to finish the remaining DDM's on the device adapter that failed.E or F) S5D(E. This is done concurrently with Customer I/O. Required Firmware Level 9528 A332 E40C A50A E50C (T) (H) (HFDE) (E) (ESED) Checking DDM firmware levels only if desired HMC's with multiple Storage Facilities and/or Multiple Storage Facility Images will need to go through the procedure for all affected DDM's In the HMC complex.G or H) S5G(F.ECA 814 should be installed after the above code load completes. Time for the update will be determined by the maximum number of affected DDM's on a device adapter pair. Updates on a device adapter pair are done at a rate of 1 every 2 minutes. the update will stop on the device adapter pair for that DDM. At the end of the update a long process to harvest all the DDM information is begun and DDM code level checking will not be correct until the harvest is complete. Once the CD is loaded the new DDM firmware is transferred onto the machine and then the firmware update of any listed DDM families begins and updates one DDM at a time across device adapter pairs. ( 4 hrs 16 minutes ). Normal repair actions would be performed on the failed DDM. It not necessary to confirm the DDM firmware as long as the update did not fail and no SRC's are generated. If any failures occur on a DDM during the update process . Logon to WUI Select: Updates Select: Radio Button on Storage Facility line Select: Recovery Utilities Select: DDM Utilities Select: Display DDM Code levels 75.0 V10 Page 9 .G or H) Model 941 or 94E Machines with DDM families in chart below and firmware levels below the level indicated. read the log file displayed and correct the problem before proceeding. DDM format completion can be checked from End of Call. Select Ok to close the results screen.15. If any DDM's are replaced . 75. they must complete formatting before starting this update. All problems must be resolved before continuing Deferred DDM’s (SRN BE34XXXX ) must be replaced prior to the DDM firmware Update .0 V10 Page 10 .Checking machine and replacing any deferred DDM's Run cdaPreverify Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. If full system scan fails.67. Select: Run CdaPreVerify from the tasks screen. If program must be run a second time . Contact support to use SMART menu's to disable Fast Sparing .15.67.2) Select: CD-ROM or DVD Select: Next Select: Media Image (No Description) Select: Next Displays Confirm Service Installation Media Type: CD-ROM or DVD Service Package: Media Image Select: Finish Install Corrective Service Action begins The CD will run and display results of the Process DDM fast sparing is checked at this time. 75. Do not reboot the HMC Select: No Select: Updates Select: Radio Button on Storage Facility line Expand: Recovery Utilities Select: DDM Utilities Select: Display DDM Update Status Monitor update status from the displayed progress window until complete. HMC harvest of DDM information begins and could take several hours depending on total machine size. if enabled the update will stop and require this option to be disabled.0 V10 Page 11 .Moving new DDM Firmware to machine and automatic update with corrective service CD. It is not required or recommended to verify DDM firmware levels as long as the update process completed without failures.2 Select: HMC Management (Left Side) Select: Install Corrective Service (Right Side) New Window Opens Confirm Current HMC Driver Information Select: Next Displays Select Service Repository Select: Removable Media Select: Next Insert Corrective Service CD into HMC DVD drive. then OK After the update is completed. insure that the first progress window has completed before loading the corrective service CD a second time. (updateHTEFirmware_CCL_r_5_4_v1. CD required for HMCv7 updateHTEFirmware_CCL_r_5_4_v1. Running multiple instances of this program can cause undesirable results. Select: Cancel to close the screen. If Fasts Sparing was disabled to allow the DDM firmware updating . Failed status can be viewed by highlighting the System Check Type and then select details.Run End of call Select: Storage Facility Management Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. contact support to reenable Fast Sparing from the SMART menu's 75. Select: Service Utilities Select: View Storage Facility State All sections should report with passed in the status column.0 V10 Page 12 .15.67. Recommended setting ( true ) Interactive host adapter update ( default off ) CDA setting Host adapter settings and support Fiber card Fastload FICON Fast load off CUIR CUIR off Interactive Update yes Still uses fastload N/A N/A Yes Fiber card (FICON) yes Will use CUIR if enabled Yes if FICON fastload is off If FICON fastload is off . ( Note: to select 2 options at once the use the CTRL key ) 75. if needed change the setting and select set Select: Cancel to close the screen.67.Appendix Description of host adapter settings for update during concurrent code load. restore the default configuration of advanced options. Instructions for checking / changing CUIR options. Validate that only the Desired options are set at that time and select continue or cancel as appropriate. Instructions for disabling FICON Fastload. Select: Recovery Utilities Select: Advanced Configuration Select the configuration option from the list Highlight "FICON Fastload Disable" and press Save Selected Configuration Confirm Selection and select Continue The CDA Concurrent Code Load process will prompt that the default configuration is not set and ask that you confirm the settings. The preferred settings for code load that will be faster with no manual intervention are : FICON fast load enabled (default on ) CDA setting CUIR Set during machine install. Select: Storage Facility Management Select: The Storage Facility Select: The storage Facility Image # Select: Service Utilities Select: Enable/Disable control Switches Observe the setting for CUIR . Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line.0 V10 Page 13 .15.SRN created for manual dummy rep Yes Mixing topology's on fiber cards and turning FICON fast load off will result in the card being skipped and an SRN generated for manual dummy replacement of the card. when required. After completing the Concurrent Code Update. 15.67.0 V10 Page 14 .Instructions for enabling interactive Host adapter update. After completing the Concurrent Code Update. Select: Updates Select: The check box on the Storage Facility line. Validate that only the Desired options are set at that time and select continue or cancel as appropriate. restore the default configuration of advanced options. 75. when required. Select: Recovery Utilities Select: Advanced Configuration Select the configuration option from the list Highlight "Interactive HA" and press Save Selected Configuration Confirm Selection and select Continue The CDA Concurrent Code Load process will prompt that the default configuration is not set and ask that you confirm the settings.
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