Ds-140 Design Specification



OUMDS.140 DESIGN SPECIFICATION <Company Long Name> <Subject> Author: <Author> Creation Date: May 7, 2014 Last Updated: May 7, 2014 Document Ref: <Document Reference Number> Version: DRAFT 1A Approvals: <Approver 1> <Approver 2> 140 Design Specification Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number> May 7. 2014 1 Document Control 1. DRAFT 1A ) 1216132 .1 Change Record 5 1.2 Date Author Version Change Reference 7-May-14 <Author> Draft 1a No Previous Document Reviewers Name <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Position Document Control (v.DS. .........1 6.1 5....................................11 9.......................... 5 Validation Logic.................... 8 7...................................... 7 6.................................................................................................................................2 SQL Statements.......................................................................2 8...............................2 Change Record. 5 Data Sources....................... 11 10 Database Design..........................................................8 Business Rule Design............ 7 Performance Considerations.............................. 2014 Contents 1 Document Control.................................................................................................3 3................ 1 3 <Screen Title> ..................................................... 3 4 <Report Name> ..............................................................................................................................DS............................................................................................................................................................................... iii 1............................. 11 Security...2 9................................................................................ 12 10...........2 Building Blocks........................................................................................................................... 9 Performance Considerations...........................2 Function (Operation) Design..........................................................3 Data Design Table..........................4 Restart Strategy.................................... 11 Performance.........................................1 Database Diagram............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Block Relationship Diagram..................................................................................... 9 External Interface Design...................... iii Reviewers................1 2.......................................................3 Service Design..................................................................................................................................2 5..............Screen Design.....................................................................................................................1 Navigation Logic.............................10 9 Quality of Service Design Considerations.................. 12 <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v.... 1 2............................................................................... 5 5.............................1 1................................................................................................4 5 Data Design........................................................... iii 2 Technical Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................................................1 7.7 7 Behavior Design...................1 9......................................................................... 8 8 Interface Design.................................................................................... 11 Crash Recovery............ 6 6 SQL Design...................................................................3 9.........................Report Design...140 Design Specification Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number> May 7...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DRAFT 1A ) 1316133 ... 9 8.................1 8...... .................................2 Open Issues............................................... 12 11 Installation Considerations.......................... Sequences............................................................DS......... Indexes................................................................................ 2014 10................... 14 <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v.140 Design Specification Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number> May 7...............................................................13 12 Open and Closed Issues..................................................1 12..............................................................12 Archiving.................... 14 Closed Issues.................................. DRAFT 1A ) 1416134 .......................................3 10...............14 12...................................... 12 Tables.....................................2 10...........................................4 Desired Table Changes................... DRAFT 1A ) 1116131 . along with the Analysis Specification for the package constitute the complete detailed design for this use case package.DS.2 Block Relationship Diagram The diagram below represents the base tables of each block or zone of the form (vertical) and tables referenced for validation or lookups (horizontal).1 Building Blocks Building Blocks   2. External System <system name> Draw Human actor here COMPONENT <THIS COMPONENT> Other Component <component Name> <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 External System <system name> Document Control (v. the design specifications for the other components that are part of this use-case package (package).140 Design Specification 2 Technical Overview This Design Specification documents the detailed design for <Component Name> that is part of <Use Case Package Name/Number>. 2. This specification. Screen Design Use Case 1  Screen Design A  Screen Design B  Screen Design C  Screen Design D Use Case 2 3. DRAFT 1A ) 1216132 . Screen D Screen E Screen F Use Case 2 Scenario 1. Screen A Screen B Screen C Scenario 2.1 Navigation Logic Use Case 1 Scenario 1. Screen A Screen C Screen G <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v. Screen A Screen D Screen E Scenario 2.DS.140 Design Specification 3 <Screen Title> . DS.140 Design Specification 4 <Report Name> .Report Design Use Case 1  Report A  Report B  Report C  Report D Use Case 2 <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v. DRAFT 1A ) 1316133 . 2 Data Sources Table Column Source Value <table name> <column name <table>.<column> <column 2> 'Literal string' <column 3> (Description of derived value) 5.1 Table Name Attribute Name Validation logic Warning Conditions Error Conditions Attribute 1 Attribute 2 <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v. DRAFT 1A ) 1416134 .3.3 Validation Logic 5.140 Design Specification 5 Data Design 5.1 Data Design Table Entity (Class) Attribute (Data Field) Format Length Accessibility Validation Rules Required? Person Name Alphanume ric 25 All Must exist in HR Database Yes 5.DS. Data Selection SELECT <data> FROM <tables> WHERE <select criteria> AND <join conditions> Use Case Scenario 1 .DS. DRAFT 1A ) 1516135 .2 Performance Considerations <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v.1 SQL Statements Use Case Scenario 1 .Data Deletion DELETE <data> FROM <table> 6.140 Design Specification 6 SQL Design 6. 1 Function (Operation) Design Function (operation) Name Arguments Default Values Return Values Pseudo code Comments Person:ComputePay HoursWorked. PayRate Hours worked =40 GrossPay GrossPay = HoursWorked * PayRate Only Used for Exempt Employees 7.2 Business Rule Design <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v. DRAFT 1A ) 1616136 .140 Design Specification 7 Behavior Design 7.DS. user_id :$$DATE$$ <Use Case2 name/number> <Service Name> is published for this component with the following arguments: Argument Prompt Value Set Default Value ORG_ID USER_ID DATE Organization id Application User ID Selection Date Generic Generic FND_Date4_required :$PROFILE$.140 Design Specification 8 Interface Design <Overview description> 8.user_id :$$DATE$$ <Use Case2 name/number> <Message Name> is sent or received by this component with the following arguments: Argument Prompt Value Set Default Value ORG_ID USER_ID Organization id Application User ID Generic Generic :$PROFILE$.mfg_organization_id :$PROFILE$.mfg_organization_id :$PROFILE$.mfg_organization_id :$PROFILE$.DS.user_id <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v.1 Service Design <Use Case1 name/number> <Service Name> is published for this component with the following arguments: Argument Prompt Value Set Default Value ORG_ID USER_ID DATE Organization id Application User ID Selection Date Generic Generic FND_Date4_required :$PROFILE$.2 External Interface Design <Use Case1 name/number> <Message Name> is sent or received by this component with the following arguments: Argument Prompt Value Set Default Value ORG_ID USER_ID DATE Organization id Application User ID Selection Date Generic Generic FND_Date4_required :$PROFILE$.mfg_organization_id :$PROFILE$. DRAFT 1A ) 1716137 .user_id :$$DATE$$ 8. 140 Design Specification Argument Prompt Value Set Default Value DATE Selection Date FND_Date4_required :$$DATE$$ 8.3 Performance Considerations <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v. DRAFT 1A ) 1816138 .DS. 3 9.1 9.2 9.4 Restart Strategy  Strategy Consideration 1  Strategy Consideration 2 Crash Recovery  Strategy Consideration 1  Strategy Consideration 2  Strategy Consideration 1  Strategy Consideration 2 Security Performance <Subject> File Ref: 328719776  Strategy Consideration 1  Strategy Consideration 2 Document Control (v.140 Design Specification 9 Quality of Service Design Considerations Based on the requirements stated in the Supplemental Requirements (RD. DRAFT 1A ) 1916139 .055) 9.DS. DS. However.140 Design Specification 10 Database Design This section summarizes new and/or changing database objects and data required to support <Component Name>. 10. Sequences 10.3 Tables.4 Archiving <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v.1 Database Diagram 10.2 Desired Table Changes 10. Indexes. DRAFT 1A ) 110161310 . the complete database design is documented in the Develop Database Design work product. 8. Insert seed data into <App Prefix>_LOOKUPS as described above. <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v. 4. Define Value Sets and Validation Tables. 5. Define Message text. Register Standard Report Submission parameters. Register Forms. Define Help text. Run grant/synonym script. 9. 10. 6. Define Descriptive Flexfields. 11.140 Design Specification 11 Installation Considerations Installation scripts must be prepared to perform the following actions in an automated way: 1. 2. Create new tables. Create Menus. 7. Register Concurrent Programs.DS. 3. DRAFT 1A ) 111161311 . 1 Open Issues ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date 12.DS. DRAFT 1A ) 112161312 .140 Design Specification 12 Open and Closed Issues 12.2 Closed Issues ID Issue <Subject> File Ref: 328719776 Document Control (v.
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