Drug & Alcohol Policy.doc

March 26, 2018 | Author: Line MySky | Category: Drug Test, Prohibition Of Drugs, Drugs, Psychoactive Drugs, Employment



Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards. Cross - Ref: Orig. Issue date: Rev. No. Date of revision: No. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4.2.4/4.5.3/4.5.4 31. 08. 2015 Page 1 of 10 DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Tran Nguyen Thuc Dam Quang Phat Doan Van Hai 2015 Page 2 of 10 DISTRIBUTION CONTROL No.5.4/4. Issue date: Rev.3/4. 1 2 3 REVISION PAGE CONTENT . of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech.Ref: Orig.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards.5.2. Date of revision: No. 08. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRIBUTION PVD Offshore Director PVD Offshore Deputy Director PVD Offshore Deputy Director Techincal & HSEQ Department Manager Planning & Operations Department Manager Commercial & Investment Department Manager HR & Traning Department Manager Administration Department Manager Financial & Accounting Department Manager Manpower Supplu Department Manager Oil Spill Response Service Center Manager Service Center Manager NAME Tran Thanh Tan Doan Van Hai Tran Thanh Binh Dam Quang Phat Pham trong Dan Hoang Nhan Van Dao Xuan Hoan Tran T Cam Khue Tran Minh Chau Le Thai Loi Nguyen Quang Hung Ho Sy Manh REVISION CONTROL No. Cross .4 31. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. sale. PURPOSE The prevent the unauthorized possession or use of drugs and alcohol on any PVD Offshore facility either offshore or onshore. The consent form shall also inform the applicant or employee that if they refuse to submit to the test. 08. Cross . or observed policy violations Management and Supervisory Responsibility .Ref: Orig. or to sign the consent form.Includes all liquids containing any type of alcohol . to ensure the well being of every employee under his or her supervision Appropriate Shore Based Rig Management will ensure compliance with specific client contractual drug and alcohol testing requirements that may differ from the guidelines provided in this PVD Offshore policy The PVD Offshore consent form (Attachment 1) shall inform the applicant or employee that he or she has the right to refuse to submit to the drug/alcohol test and to refuse to sign the consent form. 2. known. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. To provide a safe work environment.4/4. or distribution of illegal drugs. through awareness and support of this policy.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards. and consultants of PVD Offshore and its subsidiaries at any PVD Offshore facility. . the improper or abusive use of legal drugs or the unauthorized possession or consumption of alcohol in the workplace. part-time. RESPONSIBILITY Every employee has the responsibility to comply with this policy and report to their immediate supervisor any suspected.4 31. Date of revision: No. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Alcohol .2. possession.All levels of management must take responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy working environment and. temporary and contract employees.3/4.5. 3. Issue date: Rev. free from the use. their employment may be terminated. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech. SCOPE This policy applies to all full-time. 2015 Page 3 of 10 1. No.5. 4. 08.Testing urine. phencyclidine (PCP). or store a controlled substance or an illegal drug. Cross . transfer. Drug -Any substance or chemical that has mind or function altering effects on the human body. but is not necessarily limited to. marijuana.5.In the jurisdiction where the PVD Offshore work premises are located. temporary. such as amphetamines or barbiturates. including illegal prescriptions and over-the counter medications Drug Paraphernalia .Ref: Orig. POLICY 5. opiates. narcotics.The testing for a detectable level of alcohol in a person’s system by analyzing breath. blood or saliva for a detectable level of a controlled substance or illegal drug. but has not been legally obtained. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech. part. or that is specifically designed for such use.1 All applicants who seek employment with PVD Offshore on a full-time. hallucinogens. Employee . including but not limited to regular full and part-time employees. and/or with no accepted medical safety parameters. contract labor. hashish.time. Date of revision: No. No. or contract basis will be asked to consent to and be required to successfully pass an employment drug and alcohol screening test as a condition of starting employment.3/4. Controlled Substance . and any other substances which have either a stimulant or depressive effect on the central nervous system.Any item that has been used or may be used to administer.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards. 2015 Page 4 of 10 Alcohol Test .4/4. Issue date: Rev. any drug that (1) is not legally obtainable. or (3) has been legally obtained but is not being used for prescribed purposes or in the prescribed manner.2.5. which is a drug or substance listed in applicable state laws and/or the Federal Controlled Substances Act and includes. benzodiazepines. Refer to Attachment #2 – Cut off Levels. consultants.A substance with a particularly high potential for abuse with no accepted medical use. (2) is legally obtainable. heroin. blood or saliva. Illegal drug . and temporary workers from a temporary agency working for the PVD Drilling Division at any location. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. cocaine.All persons working for the PVD Offshore. .4 31. 5. Drug Test . 5. purchase or use of any illegal drug or substance in the workplace or in the course and scope of employment is strictly prohibited 5. or refuse to sign the PVD Offshore’s consent form.4 31.2 The manufacture.5.5. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech. possession. including termination 5.3/4.1 Exceptions: Moderate use of alcohol (within limits outlined in Attachment #2) by shore based personnel is not prohibited during the following activities:  Appropriate business social settings. No. 2015 Page 5 of 10 Applicants who refuse to submit to such testing. 08.  During business trips other than during business meetings. Date of revision: No.  During PVD Offshore sponsored or authorized social events during which alcohol is served. Issue date: Rev.  After hours during periods of foreign. or project assignments where PVD Offshore -provided onshore accommodations are utilized by the employee 5. distribution.3 Being impaired by or having the presence in his or her system in excess of testing limits (refer to Attachment #2) of any illegal drug in the workplace or in the course and scope of employment is strictly prohibited 5.2.3 Personnel who do not comply with PVD Offshore sobriety standards (Attachment #2) during the course of employment and at any workplace will be subject to disciplinary action.2 Exception: Moderate use of alcohol (within limits outlined in Attachment #2) by rig based personnel is accepted during PVD Offshore organized activities including:  After hours while attending PVD Offshore supported training courses onshore. but not limited to dilution or the introduction of any substance . 5.3.  After hours during periods of onshore assignments (temporary or project assignments)  PVD Offshore -provided onshore accommodations are utilized by the employee. or tamper with the test sample. substitution of urine.5 Any switching. sale. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. Cross . will have their offer of employment immediately revoked. blood or any other samples taken for drug or alcohol testing.3. including.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards.4/4.4 The legal use of prescription drugs is permitted on the job only if the medication does not impair the person’s ability to effectively perform essential job functions in a manner that does not endanger the employee or others in the workplace 5.3. temporary.Ref: Orig. an illegal drug.4/4. Employees who refuse to consent to drug or alcohol testing. bag.3/4. Switching. the PVD Offshore recognizes the need for a random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program The testing program will may include: 6. 2015 Page 6 of 10 whatsoever. Date of revision: No. Cross . substitution.5. Issue date: Rev. room. suitcase. alcohol. including termination. such as the employee’s work area. up to and including termination 5. No. or any other fraudulent or deceptive practice will result in disciplinary action. or alcohol at work.  Periodically: At PVD Offshore and/or client discretion 6. searches. If this prohibited activity occurs on or at a rig.6 Employees who test positive for drugs or alcohol are subject to appropriate disciplinary action. or other personal property.  An employee is found in possession of a controlled substance.7 Employees who are determined to have exceeded the alcohol sobriety standard while in the workplace or to have consumed alcohol in the workplace without authorization from an appropriate supervisor are subject to disciplinary action. an illegal drug. legal drugs.  Post–accident/incident testing. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech.2 Shore-Based Office Locations – Unless otherwise restricted by law. alcohol. 5. is prohibited. where safety is of paramount importance. up to and including termination 5. locker. or have tampered with test samples or test results in any way. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. will be terminated. drugs. testing of shore based office personnel may be conducted when:  There is reason to believe an employee is impaired by or under the influence of a controlled substance. illegal drugs. . Testing Procedures To effectively apply this policy.Ref: Orig.8 Employees shall be subject to the policy of the PVD Offshore’s Clients concerning alcohol. that person will be restricted to the accommodation and will be removed from PVD Offshore premises upon availability of transportation.2.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards. 6. or when a controlled substance. 08.5. vehicle. the PVD Offshore will conduct the following tests to maintain an alcohol and drug-free workplace:  For-cause (reason to believe) testing.4 31.  Random testing. or drug paraphernalia. or drug paraphernalia is found in the workplace in an area the employee uses or controls.1 Operational Locations – For all non-office operations. including the random selection process.5 Test Results  The PVD Offshore’s designated Medical Provider shall notify PVD Offshore and employees as soon as possible after receiving positive test results. 2015 Page 7 of 10  An employee has been injured.4 Consent for Testing Before testing. Under no circumstances will any personnel selected for random testing be excused from testing.  All costs associated with retesting an original sample will be for the employee’s personal account .2.Ref: Orig. Date of revision: No.Chain of Custody form provided by the Medical Provider authorizing the collection of a specimen for the purpose of a drug screen 6.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Standards.4/4. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech. Issue date: Rev.3 Testing procedures.5. 6. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. No.  The PVD Offshore shall also inform the employee of the consequences of a confirmed positive test result and of his or her right to request a retest of the original sample  Employees will be given the opportunity to request a retest of their original sample only.  An employee is selected for random drug testing or when a decision has been made to test all employees at a location or in a department.3/4. 6. or caused or contributed to the cause of a jobrelated accident or incident that may or may not have resulted in injury to persons or damage to property. all personnel shall be given an opportunity to review the latest version of the Drug and Alcohol Guidelines and shall sign the consent form allowing the PVD Offshore to conduct the test as per policy.  Additional retesting an employee’s original sample will be the only basis for appeal. 08. Cross . will comply with all applicable laws.5. or interruptions to operations.4 31. environmental damage. Cross .5.Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : PROCEDURE FOR CONTROL OF RECORDS Standards. including but not limited to contraband. No. firearms or dangerous weapons. or the work and living places accessible to or under the control of any person in the workplace will result in removal from the workplace and subject the person(s) to disciplinary action up to and including termination .3/4. property.4 06. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4.4/4.5. alcoholic beverages. Search Procedures The PVD Offshore and its clients reserve the right to carry out unannounced search procedures to determine the presence in the workplace of prohibited items.2. Date of revision: No. 2008 Page 8 of 10 7. Issue date: Rev. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech.Ref: Orig. and to determine whether stolen property is being transported to or from the workplace. or otherwise cooperate with a search of one’s person. Refusal to submit to. 03. or illegal drugs. PVD Offshore Tech. to submit to a drug or alcohol test and to furnish a sample of my urine.5. saliva and/or blood for analysis. 2008 Page 9 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 USE AND POSSESSION OF ILLEGAL DRUGS AND ALCOHOL TESTING CONSENT FORM I have been given the opportunity to read a copy of PVD Offshore Drug and Alcohol Policy and the USE AND POSSESSION OF ILLEGAL DRUGS AND ALCOHOL TESTING CONSENT FORM The policy and this authorization have been explained to me in a language I understand.2.4 06. and I have been told that if I have any questions about the test or the policy. and to refuse to execute this consent form. or tamper with the test sample. or alcoholic substances consumed in the past 24 hours. of Pages: ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4. Cross .3/4. they will be answered. Employee/Applican Name(print) Employee/Applicant Signature Witness Name (print) Witness Signature Company Date Company Date . any legal drugs taken in the past thirty (30) days.4/4. I also acknowledge that I will be given the opportunity to disclose with the third party entity administrating the PVD Offshore’s drug/alcohol test. I understand that if I refuse to submit to the test or search. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : PROCEDURE FOR CONTROL OF RECORDS Standards. or sign the consent form. I understand completely that disciplinary actions will be taken in the event my test is verified positive or if prohibited items are in my possession in violation of this policy. However.Ref: Orig. Date of revision: No. breath. I hereby agree. I further understand I have the right to refuse to submit to the drug and/or alcohol test. or any other information that may be relevant to the reliability or explanation of any positive test result. No. Issue date: Rev. and/or search. my conditional offer of employment will immediately be revoked or my employment will be immediately terminated.5. I consent to the PVD Offshore providing the results of my drug and alcohol testing to its Clients to meet contractual obligations. I understand that all employees and applicants of the PVD Offshore are subject to testing and/or searches. upon a request made under the drug/alcohol testing policy of PVD Offshore. 03. 03. of Pages: PVD Offshore Tech.4 06.3/4. Date of revision: No. HSEQ Dept PVDO/KTATCL/01 ISO 14001 2004 OHSAS 18001 1999 ISO 14001 2004 4.5. No.5.025 PVD CUT OFF CONFIRMATION .Drug and Alcohol Guidelines CUTOFF LEVELS DRUG DRUG SCREEN CUT OFF Carboxyl-THC (Marijuana) 0 Amphetamine / Methamphetamine 0 Benzoylecgonine (Cocaine-Met) 0 Opiates (Codeine/Morphine) 0 Phencyclidine “PCP” 0 Barbiturates/ 0 Benzodiazephines Propoxyphene 0 0 Methadone 0 Alcohol 0. Cross . Issue date: Rev.Ref: Orig.2. 2008 Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2 PVD Drug and Alcohol Policy .Issued by: PVD Doc Ref : PROCEDURE FOR CONTROL OF RECORDS Standards.4/4.
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