Drosophila Genetics Lab

March 27, 2018 | Author: Chris Szaro | Category: Genotype, Allele, Zygosity, Drosophila Melanogaster, Genetics



Drosophila Genetics LabVersion 6.10 by Michael O’Brien Teacher Resource and Example Experiments A Product of Newbyte Educational Software 2 John Street, Dudley N.S.W. 2290 Australia Ph: (02) 4942 6733 Fax: (02) 4944 8826 International Ph: +6 2 4942 6733 Fax: +6 2 4944 8826 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.newbyte.com United Kingdom Newbyte Educational Software P.O. Box 23698 Edinburgh EH5 2WX, UK Ph: (03) 557 5060 Fax: (03) 557 5030 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.newbyte.co.uk © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab  Contents Introduction and Teacher Notes System requirements and installation Teacher Options Fly Construction Kit - Teacher Drosophila Chromosome Map Drosophila Genetics Breeding Program Using the Breeding Console Menus Fly Construction Kit Drosophila melanogaster Phenotypes Experiments for both Standard and Special Editions Exp  Single Gene Inheritance - Vestigial Wings Exp 2 Single Gene Inheritance - Curled Wings Exp 3 Single Gene Inheritance - Ebony Body Exp 4 Exp 5 Exp 6 Exp 7 Exp 8 Exp 9 Double Gene Inheritance - Vestigial and Ebony Double Gene Inheritance - Curled and Black Sex-linked Inheritance - White Eyed Male Sex-linked Inheritance - White Eyed Female 4 6 7 8 9 0  2 3 4 6 20 24 28 32 36 40 Copyright © 2006 By Michael O’Brien Drosophila Genetics Lab was developed by Newbyte Educational Software. All rights are reserved by Newbyte Educational Software. Copying, duplicating, selling or otherwise distributing this product, or part there of, is hereby expressly forbidden except by prior written consent of Newbyte Educational Software. Duplication of parts of this teacher resource for classroom purposes is permitted, however only use on the one campus of the institution which has purchased this product. Note: this is an educational simulation, for the sake of clarity and student understanding some simplifications have been made. This product is designed for educational purposes only and should not be used in any other capacity. Newbyte Educational Software nor the copyright owner shall have any liability or responsibility to the purchaser or any other person or entity with respect to any damage caused directly or indirectly by this product or its use. Sex-linked Incomplete Dominance -Bar Eyed Male 44 Sex-linked Incomplete Dominance -Bar Eyed Female 48 52 58 Exp 0 Linked Gene Inheritance - Curled and Ebony Exp  Linked Gene Inheritance - Vestigial and Black Exp 2 Calculation of Linkage Distance - Curled and Ebony 64 Exp 3 Calculation of Linkage Distance - Vestigial and Black 70 Exp 4 Dominant Gene Inheritance - Lobe Eye Exp 5 Lethal Gene Inheritance - Curly Wing Notes Trouble shooting 76 80 83 84 2 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 3 Introduction to Drosophila Genetics Lab “Drosophila Genetics Lab” is a breeding simulation program, designed for use with students 16-19+ years old. The program and the Teacher Resource enable teachers of genetics to conduct realistic breeding experiments, in the classroom, over a few minutes rather than several months. The program is easily followed by both teachers and students, while the data obtained represents realistic experimental results. The basic philosophy behind Drosophila Genetics, is the provision of a high quality, low cost teaching resource, which provides the student with experience in many laws of genetics, as well as in gathering and analysing data from realistic genetic experiments. In addition, the package is versatile enough to enable its use in a large variety of teaching strategies ranging from one computer - teacher directed breeding demonstrations to individual student - oriented data collection and analysis exercises. Selected experiments are ideally suited to use in assessment strategies. Drosophila Genetics Lab does not normally provide the student with numbers, unless the teacher options have been set to allow autocounting. However, by showing the student life like diagrams of random flies in each generation of offspring, the program stimulates and develops skills of observation, categorisation and analysis. By counting the individual flies the student gains a grassroots understanding of first-hand data. See the Teacher Options section for more details on auto-counting. The example experiments provide students with basic questions on five types of crosses. These questions are by no means exhaustive and the teacher should add additional problems or questions, in the space provided at the end of each experiment. It is not recommended that all students do experiments -5, but rather the teacher should select one or two from each category. To reduce the cost of using Drosophila Genetics Lab in a teaching situation, Newbyte Educational Software ALLOWS THE DUPLICATION OF THE MANUAL, IN PART ONLY, FOR USE WITHIN THE SCHOOL OR INSTITUTION WHICH IS THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE PACKAGE. The Site Licensed version of this software provides the registered owner with the ability to install the software on as many computers. With a site license your school, college or institution can run this software on all networks within the one campus. This licence does not include student home use or access either via the school intranet or on their computers. Laptop schools or those wishing to allow students secure access to the software via the school intranet will require a additional Student Home Licence. Some possible uses include: A teacher demonstration Student experiments Quickly demonstrate aspects of genetics, such as sex-linked and linked gene behaviour, to your class to emphasise classroom discussion. Detailed experiments included in this manual enable your students to investigate five types of genetic inheritance and even calculate linkage distances for the standard edition. For the Special Edition only, Experiments 4 and above provide much more variety and opportunity for student discovery learning, projects and testing. By combining the use of the Fly Construction Kit and the breeding module your students can investigate many more examples of gene inheritance. Let them design experiments with Lobe eye which is a dominant trait. What happens when the mutation is lethal? Use the integrated Construction Kit in teacher mode to produce a fly which is heterozygous for some characteristics and homozygous for others, lock the fly’s genotype and save it. Later allow your students to load the fly and conduct their own experiments to discover its genotype. Use the Construction Kit in teacher mode as above, lock the fly’s genotype with never show and save it. Later allow your students to load the fly from the school network and conduct their own experiments to discover its genotype. Student experimental design Student practical tests Student projects Limitations and Assumptions For easy data collection and student understanding several aspects of this simulation have been simplified including: ) Crossing-over occurs uniformly along all the chromosomes. 2) Crossing does not occur within 0 units of a previous crossing-over. 3) It is possible to get many gene combinations which mask each other. For example eye colour or wing shape. A warning note is posted if such an individual is examined, however, it only states that there may be more than one gene active, it does not indicate particular genes. Its best to avoid more than one mutation in any one characteristic. 4 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 5 System requirements and installation This is a Windows™ program. It will run in Windows XP, 2000, 98 etc. or Mac OS X for Macintosh. Teacher Options SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Drosophila Genetics Lab requires these system components: . Pentium II .2 GHz or faster. 2. Windows XP etc operating system. (Mac OS X for Macintosh) 3. Approx. 20Mb free Hard Disk space. 4. Screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 with Thousands of colours. One of the most versatile aspects of Drosophila Genetics Lab is its ability to respond to teacher options. It is important that you as the teacher decide, before your students start their breeding simulations, which genotype format is most appropriate for your aims and whether autocounting will be required. For example, if your students are simply doing the recommended experiments, the default is fine, however, if they are doing practical tests or projects then removing some of the options may help your objectives. To confirm your changes you will need to enter the Teacher ID Code. In some teaching situations it may be ideal to get your students to change the code for you. For this reason the code changes every day. You can tell your students the code one day and it will be different the next. I’d only tell them once, after that, most would figure it out. Teacher ID Code = 6dgpXtc (X = Day + month) e.g. if the date is 6 July then X= 6 + 7 = 3 the code would be 6dgp13tc INSTALLATION To setup Drosophila Genetics on your Windows computer: 1. Place the Drosophila Genetics CD in your appropriate drive (e.g. D:). 2. Open the SETUP directory. 3. Double-click on SETUP.msi file. 4. Follow the installation prompts. 5. At the end of the installation the program will launch. You will then have to complete the installation process by entering your details. Use your full school name - initials may not be accepted. 6. Your Key Code for the software is inside the DVD case. 7. When the installation is complete you will be able to find a shortcut to the program at: Start > All Programs > Newbyte > Drosophila Genetics Lab. To setup Drosophila Genetics on your Macintosh OSX system: 1. Place the Drosophila Genetics CD in your appropriate drive. 2. Open the Macintosh directory. 3. Drag the Drosophila Genetics Lab folder to you hard disk. 4. Double click on the .hqx file to install the program. 5. Your Key Code for the software is inside the DVD case. Important Notes: l Most experiments I’d leave the setting as they are. l Problem solving work try removing the XY and indication of dominance. l Advanced studies the first 6 options may be turned off. l Check the options before your class. Someone may have changed them for their own use. l Student Counting Options To Uninstall in Windows 1. 2. Start the Windows operating system. Run the installer again and it will give you the option to remove the program. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software lAll flies to be counted: for most experiments this is fine and gives the students a good feel for the data. lFlies counted before offered auto-count: offers the best of both worlds this option also provides testing of student accuracy. lAuto-Count: Good for very experienced students who don’t need the practice with observation, categorisation and recording. Drosophila Genetics Lab 6 7 0 to version 6.forked bristles 57.5 .. Magnified View of body bristles.Fly Construction Kit .0 Bar eyes 48.5 .. Check our web site for free upgrades before you start the genetics unit every year. This enables teachers to choose homozygous or heterozygous for any characteristic. Drosophila Chromosome map These are the current mutant genes which can be found in this program..Dichaete wings 5.. l Be careful about letting students use this mode! l Student Mode: Only one light/button appears next to each characteristic. Genotype Options control if the genotype is visible in the incubator..0 ..0..0 .Teacher version To enter Teacher mode select the Teacher Construction Kit menu item from the OPTIONS menu and enter the teacher ID Code shown on page 7 of this manual. This becomes obvious when you switch between male and female.5 white eyes 2 6.0 .Mouse over the wings to see the wing veins clearly.vermilion eyes Characteristic & the group to which it belongs.purple eyes 55.Plum eyes 8 © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 9 .Lobe eyes 47. Wing Veins ..7 . 40.2 apterous wings 67.eyeless 3. Use the Fly as a Parent now or Save it for later.0 .0 ... version 6. l The maternal gene is on the left and the paternal on the right.0 ..scolloped wings 56..black body 54.ebony body Important Notes: l Teacher Mode: The console has two lights/buttons per characteristic. You can choose up to 2 characteristics per character group if you wish heterozygous flies.5 . .vestigial wings 72.sepia eyes 33. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software 04... its best to choose only one characteristic from each group to avoid over complicating the observation process..crossveinless 3.yellow body .curled wings 58. However.. Other genes will be added in the future and your program can be updated to the latest sub-version (i.7 . except in the case of lethal characteristics.shaven bristles 3. Select Sex of fly being constructed..2 Stubble bristles 58.0 .7 ..aristapedia antennae & spineless bristles 70.. Genotype of fly being constructed.singed bristles 26.0 . Teachers control the maternal and paternal genes.Incomplete wing veins 50.dumpy wings wing veins 2...0 . Also keep and eye on our web site for new stock flies which cannot be made in the Construction Kit.e.0 .5 . 1 (X) 0. If selected the genotype of the individual will be set to homozygous.7 .5 .Curly wings 3 4 2.) FREE from our web site. From the Open menu choose the experiment parents you wish and press OK. Important Notes: l When starting the program the first experiment has already been set up and the first 100 offspring breed. In some cases there are two versions Exp0_f. a carelessly placed fly may wonder off and be lost. click on the Select button and choose to select Saved Parents. The first parents are a Vestigial Winged female and a normal male. Parents are not parents until they have been bred.Load and Save flies or pairs of flies. Morgue Drop a fly in here if you no longer require it.Incubator Buttons . Magnify Bristles by moving the mouse over this icon. Observe and record these flies then press the breed button again to produce another 100 offspring. click on the other parent to swap them when one is being observed. Hold Jar Temporarily holds flies which will be the next parents. l Small flies can be moved about the screen by clicking on them and while holding down the left mouse button. Genotype of fly being studied.mfp. This prevents flies being counted twice. This button removes the fly currently being examined and moves another into place. l Loading and Saving: users are able to load and save pairs or individual flies. To automate this process an Observe button has been placed beside the offspring. To load a pair of flies for your next experiment. The new parents may be 2 offspring. When observing parents. To examine a fly simply click on or drag it to the microscope area. To observe the first offspring click on the arrow button near 3. The incubator is easy to use while retaining excellent functionality. To breed offspring press the Breed button. the ‘f’ and ‘m’ indicate which fly is mutant. Be careful. Offspring Click or drag each fly over to examine it. 1 parent & 1 offspring or even include a new fly created in the Construction Kit. if available under teacher options. A feature of this program is the unlimited offspring which can be bred (00 at a time) and the unlimited number of generations available.Drosophila Genetics Lab . These options can greatly enhance your use of this program in the widest variety of teaching strategies. Automatically drops current fly into morgue and displays next fly. Under default conditions their genotype will not be visible until after they have been bred. Parents Click or drag each fly over to examine it. Using the Incubator A simplified version of these instructions is in the procedure section of each experiment in the manual. Once an offspring has been moved from its area it can not be replaced. It is also possible to select pairs of flies saved earlier and even single flies generated from the Construction Kit or saved in the Incubator. l Use the Holding Jars to temporarily hold flies before using them as new parents in the next generation. View Wing Veins by moving the mouse over the wings. dragging them to different areas on the screen. To breed the next generation you will need to place a male and female fly in the hold jar then empty the Parent jar. l Teachers: take the time to read about teacher options on the previous page. The morgue can not be opened.mfp and Exp0_m. Total Number of flies counted in this generation. This enables you to place the new parents into the parent area. 0 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab  . Exit . Genotype Options control if the genotype is visible in the incubator.load an existing experiment pairs of flies or individual flies.Select the type of genotype required: Vg vg (most informative) V v (single letter) vg+ vg (recommended) + vg (wild gene +) + v (wild gene +.save the present experiment pair of flies or a single fly.All flies are removed ready for a new experiment. select when you wish its genotype displayed in the breeding program. Select the Mutations control the maternal and paternal genes. After you have constructed your mutant fly. About Drosophila Genetics Lab Information on program developer and version.Mouse over the wings to see the wing veins clearly.Helpful hints or both the Incubator and the Construction Kit. Fly Construction Kit .displays the current fly’s name and info. You can construct your own mutant fly.exit the program and return to Windows.000 flies. Options Characteristic & the group to which it belongs. this option allows you to automatically count up to 100. l Never is a very long time . Selecting a characteristic will make your fly homozygous for that mutant characteristic. Save .teacher control of genotype displays.prints fly’s data. however. depending on the Teacher Option Settings. Teacher Options . Print . Magnified View of body bristles. Use the Fly as a Parent now or Save it for later. Change Construction Kit . Print Fly Information .(Construction Kit only) allows you to swap between Teacher and Student Construction Kits. © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab Reset In Incubator . Wing Veins . you should try to have as few mutations as possible.Student To enter the Student Construction Kit click the Construction Kit button at the top left of the screen. Change Group Name .this option becomes active under different conditions.make sure you printout or record the flies information before you save it.Menus used in Drosophila Genetics Lab File Load.(Incubator only) . Help Points to Remember . There are 9 characteristic groups on the console and you can select one characteristic from each. Genotype of fly being constructed. single) Auto-Count . View Fly Information . l Lock Code lets you hide it until someone enters your code word.all mutations are set to normal and a female fly is selected. In Construction Kit . When active. In most cases. Click on Save to name and save your own fly or use it as a parent now. Genotype Display Options . Select Sex of fly being constructed. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software 2 3 .name printed in reports. l Always lets the genotype be visible to all.print the screen or the current fly being observed. Drosophila melanogaster Phenotypes Wild Female Wild Male Wing Size Wild Apterous Vestigial Eye Colour Wild Plum Purple Sepia Vermilion White Wing Shape Curled Curly Dumpy Scolloped Eye Shape Wild Bar Wide-Bar Eyeless Lobe Wing Veins Body Colour Wild Black Ebony Yellow Wild Crossveinless Incomplete Crossveinless Incomplete Wing Shape Wild Dichaete Antennae Wild Aristapedia Body Bristles Wild Forked Shaven Spineless Stubble Singed 4 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 5 . Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. Drag the held flies into the Parent jar and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. However. As wild wing shape is dominant to vestigial. Wild Female Vestigial Wing Female Wild Male Vestigial Wing Male Parent Description Female Phenotype Male female “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ male female male Vestigial Wing flies Wild Wing flies Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total = Total Vestigial flies = Fly ratio Wild : Vestigial _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male “ - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Vestigial Wing flies Aim Wild Wing flies To examine the inheritance of the single mutant allele for vestigial wing.Exp 1 Introduction Single Gene Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. The symbol used for the wild allele is Vg and the mutant vg. as each offspring is displayed. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . A heterozygous fly possesses an allele for the wild wing shape and an allele for vestigial wing. Select Exp01_f. the fly will possess a wild wing phenotype. This wing shape is called vestigial and the allele causing the change in shape is called the vestigial wing allele. then answer the questions. 2. 7. The gene is found on the second chromosome of our flies and normally results in the fly having a wild flat wing shape. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total Wild flies = Total Vestigial flies = Fly ratio Wild : Vestigial _______:_______ 6 © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 7 . 4. 5. Procedure . drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. 8.mfp or Exp01_m.mfp. (f & m are the mutant’s sex) Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. Name : ___________________________ In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of a single gene which governs wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. 6. During recording. a mutant allele has been found which causes the wing to become twisted and useless. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. 3. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies.100 offspring. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. between two heterozygous individuals. which deals with the hybrid-cross.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 7) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to vestigial flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : vestigial winged flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5) Why are there usually differences between the number of males and the number of females observed in a random sample of flies? ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 8 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 9 . what is the expected ratio of NORMAL flies to vestigial winged flies? _______ : _______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? (VgVg : Vgvg : vgvg) _______ : _______ : _______ 8) How well does the ratio of wild : vestigial winged flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? ___________________________________________________________ 9) Why would you expect a difference. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the following table. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous vestigial winged individual. which deals with the original parentcross. 3. a mutant allele has been found which causes the wing curl. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. (f & m are the mutant’s sex) Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. The gene is found on the third chromosome of our flies and normally results in the fly having a wild flat wing shape.mfp or Exp02_m. 4. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. then answer the questions. As wild wing shape is dominant to curled. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. Select Exp02_f. as each offspring is displayed. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies.mfp. Wild Wing flies Procedure . However. This wing shape is called curled and the allele causing the change in shape is called the curled wing allele. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total Wild flies = Total Curled flies = Fly ratio Wild : Curled _______:_______ 20 © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 2 . Wild Female Curled Wing Female Wild Male Curled Wing Male Wild Wing flies Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total = Total Curled flies = Fly ratio Wild : Curled _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male “ - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Curled Wing flies Aim To examine the inheritance of the single mutant gene for curled wing. 8. A heterozygous fly possesses an allele for the wild wing shape and an allele for curled wing shape. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. During recording. The symbol used for the wild allele is Cu and the mutant cu.100 offspring. Name : ___________________________ Parent Description Female Phenotype Male female “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ male female male Curled Wing flies In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of a single gene which governs wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. 7. 6. 2. the fly will possess a wild wing phenotype.Exp 2 Introduction Single Gene Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. 5.. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous curled winged individual.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 7) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). what is the expected ratio of NORMAL flies to curled winged flies? _______ : _______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? (CuCu : Cucu : cucu) _______ : _______ : _______ 8) How well does the ratio of wild : curled winged flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? ___________________________________________________________ 9) Why would you expect a difference. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the following table. which deals with the hybrid-cross. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). between two heterozygous individuals. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to curled flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : curled winged flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5) Why are there usually differences between the number of males and the number of females observed in a random sample of flies? ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 22 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 23 . phenotype:__________________________ Female Male Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. which deals with the original parentcross. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. (f & m are the mutant’s sex) Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. 5. 2. as each offspring is displayed. The gene is found on the third chromosome of our flies and normally results in the fly having an orange body. Wild Female Ebony Body Female Wild Male Ebony Body Male Parent Description Female Phenotype Male female “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ male female male Ebony Bodied flies Wild Bodied flies Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total Ebony flies = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Ebony _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male “ - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Ebony Bodied flies Aim To examine the inheritance of the single mutant gene for ebony body colour. As wild body colour is dominant to ebony. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . 8. 6. 3. a mutant allele has been found which causes the body to darken. This colour is called ebony and the allele causing the change is called the ebony body allele. The symbol used for the wild allele is Eb and the mutant eb. However. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. 7. Name : ___________________________ In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of a single gene which governs body colour in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies.100 offspring. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar.mfp or Exp03_m. a heterozygous fly will possess a wild body phenotype. Total Wild flies = Total Ebony flies = Fly ratio Wild : Ebony _______:_______ 24 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 25 . then answer the questions.Exp 3 Introduction Single Gene Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. During recording. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. 4. Select Exp03_f. Wild Bodied flies Procedure .mfp. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous ebony winged individual. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). which deals with the original parentcross.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. phenotype:__________________________ Female Male Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. what is the expected ratio of NORMAL flies to ebony bodied flies? _______ : _______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? (EbEb : Ebeb : ebeb) _______ : _______ : _______ 8) How well does the ratio of wild : ebony winged flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? ___________________________________________________________ 9) Why would you expect a difference. between two heterozygous individuals. which deals with the hybrid-cross. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the following table. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to ebony flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : ebony bodied flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5) Why are there usually differences between the number of males and the number of females observed in a random sample of flies? ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 26 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 27 . Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 7) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). mfp. (f & m are the mutant’s sex) Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. 3.Exp 4 Name : ___________________________ Double Gene Inheritance Results Date:______________ Record the results observed in the following tables. then answer the questions. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. 2. Both wild genes are dominant over the mutant genes. 5. in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. Select Exp04_f. as each offspring is displayed. The genes used in this experiment are the vestigial wing (2) and ebony body (3) genes. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . Procedure . During recording. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. 8.100 offspring. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Vestigial : Ebony : Vestigial & Ebony _______:_______:_______:_______ © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 28 29 . 6. Record the phenotypes of 300 offspring. Introduction In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of two genes found on different chromosomes. occurring on separate chromosomes.mfp or Exp04_m. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. 7. Wild Female Vestigial Wing Female Wild Male Vestigial Wing Male Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ Ebony Bodied flies Vestigial Wing & Ebony Bodied Vestigial Wing flies Ebony Body Female Vestigial & Ebony Female Ebony Body Male Vestigial & Ebony Male Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Mutant _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Ebony Bodied flies Vestigial Wing & Ebony Bodied Aim Male Wild flies “ Vestigial Wing flies To examine the inheritance of two mutant genes. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. 4. phenotype:__________________________ Female Male Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to mutant flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : mutant flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Ebony : Vestigial & Ebony flies observed in the experiment compare to the predicted ratio? ___________________________________________________________ 8) Why would you expect a difference. between two heterozygous individuals. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous mutant individual. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 5) Complete the following table. which deals with the hybrid-cross. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). which deals with the original parentcross. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 30 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 3 . what is the expected ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Ebony : Vestigial & Ebony flies _______:_______ : _______ : _______ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents.mfp or Exp05_m. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. 7. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . During recording. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Curled : Black : Curled & Black _______:_______:_______:_______ © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 32 33 . 3. then answer the questions. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. 8. (f & m are the mutant’s sex) Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. Name : ___________________________ In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of two genes found on different chromosomes. 4. Record the phenotypes of 300 offspring.mfp. 6.100 offspring. occurring on separate chromosomes. Both wild genes are dominant over the mutant genes. Select Exp05_f. Procedure . Wild Black Body Wild Black Body Female Female Male Male Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ Curled Wing flies Black Bodied flies Curled Wing & Black Bodied Curled Wing Female Black & Curled Female Curled Wing Male Black & Curled Male Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Mutant _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Curled Wing flies Black Bodied flies Curled Wing & Black Bodied Aim Male Wild flies “ - To examine the inheritance of two mutant genes. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. 5. in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies.Exp 5 Introduction Double Gene Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. The genes used in this experiment are the black body (2) and curled wing (3) genes. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. as each offspring is displayed. 2. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to mutant flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : mutant flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 34 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 35 . Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 5) Complete the following table.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). which deals with the hybrid-cross. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. between two heterozygous individuals. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous mutant individual. what is the expected ratio of Wild : Curled : Black : Curled & Black flies _______:_______ : _______ : _______ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild : Curled : Black : Curled & Black flies observed in the experiment compare to the predicted ratio? ___________________________________________________________ 8) Why would you expect a difference. phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). which deals with the original parentcross. A male has only one chromosome containing the gene and so will either be XWY. Wild Eyed flies Procedure . Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. as each offspring is displayed. as is red-green colour blindness in humans. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . A hybrid female XWXw. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total White flies = Total = Fly ratio Wild female : Wild male : White Eyed female : White Eyed male _______:_______:_______:_______ © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 36 37 .or XwY-.100 offspring. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. 2. White eyes in Drosophila is sex-linked. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. The wild gene for red eye colour is dominant over the mutant gene. from a white eyed male. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. 7.Exp 6 Introduction Sex-Linked Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. During recording. A gene found on the X chromosome which has no corresponding gene on the Y is said to be sex-linked. would have the wild eye colour. 6. Name : ___________________________ Parent Description Female Phenotype Male female “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ male female male White Eyed flies In Drosophila melanogaster. as in humans. 4. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. sex is determined by the sex chromosomes X and Y. 3. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. 8. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar.mfp. The symbol used for the wild gene is W and the mutant w. An XX individual is female while an XY is male. 5. Wild Female White Eyed Female Wild Male White Eyed Male Wild Eyed flies Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total White flies = Total = Fly ratio Wild : White Eyed Flies _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ male female male White Eyed flies Aim Male female “ - To examine the inheritance of the sex linked gene for white eyes. Select Exp06. then answer the questions. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to white eyed flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : white eyed flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions Do experiment 7 and compare its results to these. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). which deals with the original parentcross.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. compare to the ratio predicted? ___________________________________________________________ 8) Why would you expect a difference. which deals with the hybrid-cross. between a homozygous wild female and a homozygous white eyed male individual.: XwXw : XwY-)_______:_______:_______:_______ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild female : Wild male : White Eyed female : White Eyed male flies observed. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. what is the expected ratio of Wild female : Wild male : White Eyed female : White Eyed male _______:_______:_______:_______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? (XWXW : XWY. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 5) Complete the following table. between two heterozygous individuals. 38 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 39 . Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total White flies = Total = Fly ratio Wild female : Wild male : White Eyed female : White Eyed male _______:_______:_______:_______ © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 40 4 . Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. 3. 2. then answer the questions. Wild Female White Eyed Female Wild Male White Eyed Male Wild Eyed flies Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total White flies = Total = Fly ratio Wild : White Eyed Flies _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ male female male White Eyed flies Aim Male female “ - To examine the inheritance of the sex linked gene for white eyes. 8. 7. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. A gene found on the X chromosome which has no corresponding gene on the Y is said to be sex-linked. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. 4. 6.mfp. Wild Eyed flies Procedure . They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. as is red-green colour blindness in humans. sex is determined by the sex chromosomes X and Y. A male has only one chromosome containing the gene and so will either be XWY. 5. as in humans. Select Exp07. White eyes in Drosophila is sex-linked. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. would have the wild eye colour. A hybrid female XWXw. During recording. The wild gene for red eye colour is dominant over the mutant gene. Name : ___________________________ Parent Description Female Phenotype Male female “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ male female male White Eyed flies In Drosophila melanogaster. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. The symbol used for the wild gene is W and the mutant w. as each offspring is displayed.100 offspring. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. An XX individual is female while an XY is male. from a white eyed female.Exp 7 Introduction Sex-Linked Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables.or XwY-. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . which deals with the hybrid-cross. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. which deals with the original parentcross.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table.: XwXw : XwY-)_______:_______:_______:_______ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild female : Wild male : White Eyed female : White Eyed male flies observed. between the observed and predicted phenotypic ratios? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. compare to the ratio predicted? ___________________________________________________________ 8) Why would you expect a difference. 42 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 43 . what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to white eyed flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : white eyed flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions Do experiment 6 and compare its results to these. between two heterozygous individuals. between a homozygous wild female and a homozygous white eyed male individual. what is the expected ratio of Wild female : Wild male : White Eyed female : White Eyed male _______:_______:_______:_______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? (XWXW : XWY. phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 5) Complete the following table. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. An XX individual is female while an XY is male. 4. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. from a bar eyed male. which is given the symbol B. 2. This is a case of incomplete dominance. 6. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies.mfp. 5. A gene found on the X chromosome which has no corresponding gene on the Y is said to be sex-linked. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents.or XBY-. 3. as in humans. An unusual sex-linked gene studied in Drosophila is the mutant gene for Bar Eye. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software total = = = = Drosophila Genetics Lab = = 44 © Newbyte Educational Software 45 . then answer the questions. Wild Eye Bar Eye Wide-Bar Eye total = = = = = = Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male Wild “ Female Bar - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Wide-Bar Wild Male Bar Wide-Bar Aim To examine the inheritance of the sex linked gene for white eyes. as each offspring is displayed. Since males have only one gene for this characteristic their genotype will be either XB+Y. The mutant gene causes a marked reduction in the number of eye facets.Exp 8 Sex-Linked Incomplete Dominance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. 8. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . During recording. Procedure . Select Exp08. The Bar Eye gene not recessive to the wild gene for round eye shape. resulting in small and narrow eye. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. The bar eye gene expresses itself even when a wild gene is present. Name : ___________________________ Introduction Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild “ Female Bar - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ Wide-Bar Wild Male Bar Wide-Bar In Drosophila melanogaster.100 offspring. sex is determined by the sex chromosomes X and Y. A female with XBXB will have bar eyes while a female with XBXB+ will have an intermediate sized eye called widebar. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. which is given the symbol B+. 7. between a homozygous wild female and a homozygous bar eyed male individual. © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 46 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software 47 . compare to the ratio predicted? ___________________________________________________________ 8) Why would you expect no female flies with bar eyes to appear in the second generation of offspring? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions Do experiment 9 and compare the results with these. phenotype:__________________________ Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). which deals with the hybrid-cross. between two heterozygous individuals.: XBXB : XBY. phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 5) Complete the following table.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table.: XB+XB)______:______:______:______:_____ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild female : Wild male : Bar female : Bar male : Wide-Bar female flies observed. what is the expected ratio of Wild female : Wild male : Bar female : Bar male : Wide-Bar female _______:_______:_______:_______:_______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. which deals with the original parentcross. Parent Female Male 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). would you expect any wild eyed or bar eyed females to appear in the first generation? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4) Would you expect any wild male flies to appear in the first generation? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (XB+XB+ : XB+Y. An XX individual is female while an XY is male. This is a case of incomplete dominance. A gene found on the X chromosome which has no corresponding gene on the Y is said to be sex-linked. then answer the questions. from a bar eyed female. 5. sex is determined by the sex chromosomes X and Y. The mutant gene causes a marked reduction in the number of eye facets. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. which is given the symbol B. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software total = = = = Drosophila Genetics Lab = = 48 © Newbyte Educational Software 49 . as each offspring is displayed. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . 7. A female with XBXB will have bar eyes while a female with XBXB+ will have an intermediate sized eye called widebar. 4. 3. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. During recording. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. Name : ___________________________ Introduction Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild “ Female Bar - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ Wide-Bar Wild Male Bar Wide-Bar In Drosophila melanogaster. as in humans.100 offspring.Exp 9 Sex-Linked Incomplete Dominance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. Wild Eye Bar Eye Wide-Bar Eye total = = = = = = Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male Wild “ Female Bar - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Wide-Bar Wild Male Bar Wide-Bar Aim To examine the inheritance of the sex linked gene for white eyes. 8. 2. resulting in small and narrow eye. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring.or XBY-. Since males have only one gene for this characteristic their genotype will be either XB+Y. An unusual sex-linked gene studied in Drosophila is the mutant gene for Bar Eye. Select Exp09. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. which is given the symbol B+. The Bar Eye gene not recessive to the wild gene for round eye shape.mfp. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. Procedure . The bar eye gene expresses itself even when a wild gene is present. 6. © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 50 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software 5 . phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. would you expect any wild eyed or bar eyed females to appear in the first generation? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4) Would you expect any wild male flies to appear in the first generation? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (XB+XB+ : XB+Y.: XBXB : XBY. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 5) Complete the following table. between a homozygous wild female and a homozygous bar eyed male individual. compare to the ratio predicted? ___________________________________________________________ 8) Why would you expect no female flies with bar eyes to appear in the second generation of offspring? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions Do experiment 8 and compare the results with these.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. phenotype:__________________________ Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). Parent Female Male 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). which deals with the hybrid-cross. between two heterozygous individuals.: XB+XB)______:______:______:______:_____ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild female : Wild male : Bar female : Bar male : Wide-Bar female flies observed. what is the expected ratio of Wild female : Wild male : Bar female : Bar male : Wide-Bar female _______:_______:_______:_______:_______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. which deals with the original parentcross. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar.mfp. 6. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. Select Exp10. occurring on the same autosomal chromosome. then answer the questions. One way to show two genes are on the same chromosome is to draw a line under the genotypes. 4. 8. Using this method an individual with one chromosome Cu Eb and the other cu eb can have its genotype written like this: Cu Eb cu eb The inheritance of linked genes. as each offspring is displayed. in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. 3. is very different to genes found on separate chromosomes. Both wild genes are dominant over the mutant genes. for example Cu Eb. from generation to generation. 5. 2. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. Wild Female Curled Wing Female Wild Male Curled Wing Male Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ Curled Wing flies Ebony Bodied flies Curled Wing & Ebony Bodied Ebony Body Female Curled & Ebony Female Ebony Body Male Curled & Ebony Male Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Mutant _______:_______ 52 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 53 . 7. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. Results Record the results observed in the following tables. In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of two genes found on the same autosomal chromosome.Exp 10 Introduction Linked Inheritance Date:______________ Aim Name : ___________________________ To examine the inheritance of two mutant genes. During this experiment we will discover some of those differences and the reasons they exist. The genes used in this experiment are the curled wing and ebony body genes.100 offspring. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. Procedure . During recording. Record the phenotypes of 300 offspring. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. phenotype:__________________________ Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. which deals with the original parentcross. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous mutant individual.Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ Curled Wing flies Genotype “ Ebony Bodied flies Curled Wing & Ebony Bodied Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to mutant flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : mutant flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony _______:_______:_______:_______ 54 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 55 . Would the ratio increase or decrease? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. predict the effect on the ratio of single mutant individuals to total flies in the F2 generation.5) Complete the following table. what is the expected ratio of Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony flies observed in the experiment compare to the predicted ratio above? ___________________________________________________________ 8) If this was a normal Mendelian Cross with genes on different autosomal chromosomes. which deals with the hybrid-cross. what would be the expected ratio of Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 9) If the curled and ebony genes were permanently linked and could not separate under any conditions. phenotype:__________________________ Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 0) What were your observed ratios of Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 11) How could the flies showing only one mutation arise? (it may be necessary to alter your Punnett Square while answering this question) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2) If the two mutant genes were further apart on the third chromosome. between two heterozygous individuals. Parent Female Male 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). what would be the expected ratio of Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ Additional Questions 56 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 57 . for example Vg Bk. During recording. then answer the questions. is very different to genes found on separate chromosomes. 7. 6. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. 8. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. One way to show two genes are on the same chromosome is to draw a line under the genotypes. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . The genes used in this experiment are the vestigial wing and black body genes.Exp 11 Introduction Linked Inheritance Date:______________ Aim Name : ___________________________ To examine the inheritance of two mutant genes. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. 3. During this experiment we will discover some of those differences and the reasons they exist. as each offspring is displayed. 4. Select Exp11. 5. Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ Black Bodied flies Vestigial Wing & Black Bodied Vestigial Wing flies Black Body Female Vestigial & Black Female Black Body Male Vestigial & Black Male Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Mutant _______:_______ 58 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 59 .100 offspring. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. Both wild genes are dominant over the mutant genes. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. Record the phenotypes of 300 offspring. In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of two genes found on the same autosomal chromosome. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. Results Record the results observed in the following tables. Wild Female Vestigial Wing Female Wild Male Vestigial Wing Male Procedure . from generation to generation. in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. 2.mfp. occurring on the same autosomal chromosome. Using this method an individual with one chromosome Vg Bk and the other vg bk can have its genotype written like this: Vg Bk vg bk The inheritance of linked genes. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to mutant flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : mutant flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Total = Total = Total = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black _______:_______:_______:_______ 60 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 6 .Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ Vestigial Wing flies Genotype “ Black Bodied flies Vestigial Wing & Black Bodied Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. which deals with the original parentcross. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). phenotype:__________________________ Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous mutant individual. Would the ratio increase or decrease? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. what would be the expected ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 9) If the vestigial and black genes were permanently linked and could not separate under any conditions. what is the expected ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 7) How well does the ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black flies observed in the experiment compare to the predicted ratio above? ___________________________________________________________ 8) If this was a normal Mendelian Cross with genes on different autosomal chromosomes. predict the effect on the ratio of single mutant individuals to total flies in the F2 generation. which deals with the hybrid-cross. phenotype:__________________________ Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 0) What were your observed ratios of Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 11) How could the flies showing only one mutation arise? (it may be necessary to alter your Punnett Square while answering this question) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2) If the two mutant genes were further apart on the third chromosome. what would be the expected ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ Additional Questions 62 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 63 .5) Complete the following table. Parent Female Male 6) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). between two heterozygous individuals. then the larger the distance between the two linked genes the greater the chance of getting these new combinations of genes. Ebony Body Female Curled & Ebony Female Ebony Body Male Curled & Ebony Male Aim To calculate the linkage distance between two mutant genes on an autosomal chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. for example Cu Eb. This natural mechanism is called crossing-over and results in the formation of gametes which contain genes from both chromosomes. The percentage of these new genotypes depends on the distance between the genes on the chromosome. Using the example above. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the table. a geneticist who worked with Drosophila. In this experiment the linkage distance between the linked genes will be determined by using a testcross. Crossing-over can occur more than once on the same chromosome. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype.Exp 12 Calculation of Linkage Distance Name : ___________________________ Date:______________ Wild Female Curled Wing Female Wild Male Curled Wing Male Introduction In this experiment we will calculate the distance between two genes found on the third autosomal chromosome. using a testcross. Both wild genes are dominant over the mutant genes. 3. proposed that linked genes are occasionally broken apart by some natural mechanism. the percentage of crossing-over in the heterozygote can be calculated by counting the number of offspring with only one of the characteristics. 5. the individual fly would not only produce gametes of genotypes Cu Eb and cu eb. Morgan. Using this method an individual with one chromosome Cu Eb and the other cu eb can have its genotype written like this: Cu Eb cu eb T. then answer the questions. The genes used in this experiment are the curled wing and ebony body genes. Select Exp12. H. One way to show two genes are on the same chromosome is to draw a line under the genotypes. in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. Procedure . A testcross involves the breeding of a heterozygous individual with a homozygous recessive individual. If we assume the chance of crossing-over is equal all along the chromosome. 2. The unit used for measuring the distance between two linked genes is the distance within which crossing-over occurs one percent of the time. The percentage of crossing-over can therefore be used as a measure of the distance between the linked genes. In this way. If no crossing-over occurs then all offspring will be either wild or show both mutations. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. Record the phenotypes of 500 or more offspring.mfp. but also Cu eb and cu Eb. 64 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 65 . 4. which deals with the original testcross.Discussion Questions Table 1 Testcross Results Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ Curled Wing flies Genotype “ Ebony Bodied flies Curled Wing & Ebony Bodied ) Complete the following table. between a heterozygous individual and a homozygous mutant individual. Female Male GAMETE genotypes phenotype:__________________________ genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ 3) If the genes we are dealing with were permanently linked and could not separate under any conditions. what would be the expected ratio of Wild : Curled : Ebony : Curled & Ebony flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 4) How could the flies showing only one mutation arise? (it may be necessary to alter your Punnett Square while answering this question) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Total = Total = Total = Total = 66 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 67 . Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the testcross. 7 units. Linkage Distance = = = Number of flies with only one mutation Total number of flies counted X 100 1 Units X 100 1 Additional Questions Continued 6) The actual distance between the curled and ebony genes is 20. determine the linkage distance between the two genes investigated in this experiment. Even this distance is much longer than most would wish to measure accurately. (Hint: there are other genes) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 68 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 69 . Propose a way of more accurately measuring the distance between these two genes.5) Using the following equation. the greater the error. How well did your result compare to the actual linkage distance and how may your results be improved? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 7) The longer the distance between the linked genes. The percentage of these new genotypes depends on the distance between the genes on the chromosome. Black Body Female Vestigial & Black Female Black Body Male Vestigial & Black Male Aim To calculate the linkage distance between two mutant genes on an autosomal chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. If we assume the chance of crossing-over is equal all along the chromosome. In this experiment the linkage distance between the linked genes will be determined by using a testcross. 70 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 7 . 4. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. using a testcross. This natural mechanism is called crossing-over and results in the formation of gametes which contain genes from both chromosomes. but also Vg bk and vg Bk. 3. then answer the questions. then the larger the distance between the two linked genes the greater the chance of getting these new combinations of genes. Record the phenotypes of 500 or more offspring. 2. H. Drag the each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the table.mfp. Crossing-over can occur more than once on the same chromosome. 5. Procedure . proposed that linked genes are occasionally broken apart by some natural mechanism. Using the example above. Using this method an individual with one chromosome Vg Bk and the other vg bk can have its genotype written like this: Vg Bk vg bk T. The percentage of crossing-over can therefore be used as a measure of the distance between the linked genes. In this way. Both wild genes are dominant over the mutant genes.Exp 13 Calculation of Linkage Distance Name : ___________________________ Date:______________ Wild Female Vestigial Wing Female Wild Male Vestigial Wing Male Introduction In this experiment we will calculate the distance between two genes found on the second autosomal chromosome. for example Vg Bk. the individual fly would not only produce gametes of genotypes Vg Bk and vg bk. One way to show two genes are on the same chromosome is to draw a line under the genotypes. the percentage of crossing-over in the heterozygote can be calculated by counting the number of offspring with only one of the characteristics. The unit used for measuring the distance between two linked genes is the distance within which crossing-over occurs one percent of the time. A testcross involves the breeding of a heterozygous individual with a homozygous recessive individual. If no crossing-over occurs then all offspring will be either wild or show both mutations. a geneticist who worked with Drosophila. Morgan. The genes used in this experiment are the vestigial wing and black body genes. Select Exp13. Female Male GAMETE genotypes phenotype:__________________________ genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ 3) If the genes we are dealing with were permanently linked and could not separate under any conditions. what would be the expected ratio of Wild : Vestigial : Black : Vestigial & Black flies? _______:_______:_______:_______ 4) How could the flies showing only one mutation arise? (it may be necessary to alter your Punnett Square while answering this question) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Total = Total = Total = Total = 72 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 73 . between a heterozygous individual and a homozygous mutant individual.Discussion Questions Table 1 Testcross Results Parent Description Female Phenotype Male Wild flies “ Vestigial Wing flies Genotype “ Black Bodied flies Vestigial Wing & Black Bodied ) Complete the following table. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the testcross. which deals with the original testcross. Linkage Distance = = = Number of flies with only one mutation Total number of flies counted X 100 1 Units X 100 1 Additional Questions Continued 6) The actual distance between the vestigial and black genes is 18. Propose a way of more accurately measuring the distance between these two genes. How well did your result compare to the actual linkage distance and how may your results be improved? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 7) The longer the distance between the linked genes. the greater the error.5) Using the following equation.5 units. (Hint: there are other genes) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 74 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 75 . determine the linkage distance between the two genes investigated in this experiment. Even this distance is much longer than most would wish to measure accurately. in three generations of Drosophila melanogaster flies. The gene is found on the second chromosome of our flies and normally results in the fly having a wild type eye shape. The wild gene.100 offspring. Wild Eyed flies Procedure . 2. Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software Total Wild flies = Total Lobe flies = Fly ratio Wild : Lobe _______:_______ 76 © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 77 .mfp or Exp14_m. 5. as each offspring is displayed. They are still offspring until they are bred and so their genotype may not be visible. 8.Exp 14 Introduction Dominant Gene Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables. Name : ___________________________ Parent Description Female Phenotype Male female “ - Table 1 Parent-Cross Results Genotype “ male female male Lobe Eyed flies In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of a single dominant gene which governs eye shape in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. The symbol used for the wild gene is l and the mutant L. (f & m are the mutant’s sex) Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. 6. 7. During recording.mfp. a mutant gene has been found which causes the eye to be smaller. drag a male and female offspring into the Hold Jar. then answer the questions. Select Exp14_f. However. 4. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. Wild Eye Lobe Eye Wild Eyed flies Total = Total Wild flies = Total = Total = Total Lobe flies = Total = Fly ratio Wild : Lobe _______:_______ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype - Table 2 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Lobe Eyed flies Aim Male “ - To examine the inheritance of the single mutant gene for Lobe eye. This eye shape is called lobe and the gene causing the change in shape is called the Lobe eye gene. Record the phenotypes of 200 offspring. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. which has both a normal and a mutant gene. Empty the Parent/Offspring area after counting 50 . is recessive to the mutant gene and so a hybrid fly. with few facets. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. would have Lobe eyes. 3. Drag the held flies into the Parent area and breed them before you examine and record them in table 2. phenotype:__________________________ Male Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. what is the expected ratio of wild flies to Lobe eyed flies? _______ : _______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? ( l l : Ll : LL) _______ : _______ : _______ 8) How well does the ratio of wild : Lobe eyed flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? ___________________________________________________________ 9) How does the dominant nature of the Lobe eye gene affect the second generation phenotypes as compared with if the Lobe eye gene was recessive? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3) By referring to the Punnett Square above. which deals with the hybrid-cross.Discussion Questions ) Complete the following table. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes Complete the following table. Parent Female Male Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes 7) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross (or F cross). between a homozygous wild individual and a homozygous Lobe eyed individual. between two heterozygous individuals. which deals with the original parentcross. what would you expect the ratio of wild flies to Lobe flies to be? _______ : _______ 4) How well does the ratio of wild : Lobe eyed flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? Why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5) What ratio of wild flies to Lobe eyed flies would you expect if the Lobe mutation was recessive to the wild gene? _______ : _______ Additional Questions 78 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 79 . phenotype:__________________________ Female 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the homozygote-cross (Parent-cross). The gene is found on the second chromosome of our flies and normally results in the fly having a flat wing. 8. from two heterozygous individuals. Click the Breed button and record each offspring’s phenotype. would have the curly wing shape. then answer the questions. Drag each of the parents over to the Observation Platform and record their phenotype and genotype in the first table. Procedure . which has both a normal and a mutant gene. is recessive to the mutant gene and so a hybrid fly. The symbol used for the wild gene is cy and the mutant Cy. Select Exp15. The wild gene. 3. in Drosophila melanogaster. as each offspring is displayed. Wild Female Curly Wing Female Wild Male Curly Wing Male Wild Wing flies Aim To examine the inheritance of a lethal gene for curly wing. in Drosophila melanogaster flies.Exp 15 Introduction Lethal Gene Inheritance Date:______________ Results Record the results observed in the following tables.mfp. Click on the Reset then Select buttons and select Saved Parents. 2. a mutant gene has been found which causes the wing to curl. However. 4. Name : ___________________________ Hybrid Description Female Phenotype Male “ - Table 1 Hybrid-Cross (F1 Cross) Results Genotype “ Curly Wing flies In this experiment we will examine the inheritance of a lethal gene. This wing shape is called curly and the gene causing the change in shape is called the curly wing gene. The curly gene is lethal if the fly inherits 2 curly genes from its parents. by placing a stroke in the appropriate column. Total Wild flies = Total Curly flies = Fly ratio Wild : Curly _______:_______ 80 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 8 . Both flies will be heterozygous for curly wing. Record the phenotypes of 300 offspring. Phenotype Genotype Genotypes of gametes Notes: Female Male phenotype: _______________ _______________ genotype: _______________ GAMETE genotypes phenotype:__________________________ genotype :____________________ From the Punnett Square above. Parent Female Male 2) Complete the Punnett Square below for the hybrid-cross. between two heterozygous individuals.) Complete the following table. which deals with the hybrid-cross. what is the expected ratio of wild flies to curly winged flies? _______ : _______ What are the expected ratios of genotypes? (cycy : Cycy : CyCy)_______ : _______ : _______ 3) How well does the ratio of wild : curly winged flies observed in the experiment compare to the ratio predicted by the Punnett Square? ___________________________________________________________ 4) How does the lethal nature of the curly gene affect the phenotypic ratios of the offspring? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Additional Questions 82 Drosophila Genetics Lab © Newbyte Educational Software © Newbyte Educational Software Drosophila Genetics Lab 83 . .e... or Macintosh OSX 0. 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