Drilling and Workover Aramco Training 2013_2.pdf

May 24, 2018 | Author: Anonymous 40IGqsR3jc | Category: Drilling Rig, Offshore Drilling, Safety, Risk Management, Oil Well



Drilling and WorkoverHealth, Safety and Environmental Requirements Manual Drilling and Workover HSE Requirements Manual / Overview 1. Purpose The purpose of this Drilling and Workover (D&WO) Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements Manual (HSERM) is to establish a uniform and comprehensive set of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) requirements that are applicable to Contractor and Saudi Aramco owned rigs, assets, facilities, and operating and support organizations of Saudi Aramco D&WO. 2. The D&WO HSERM A. Defines the HSE requirements for Contractor and Saudi Aramco owned rigs, assets, facilities, and operating and support organizations of Saudi Aramco D&WO. B. Replaces the 2008 D&WO Saudi Aramco Safety Requirements (SASR), all D&WO HSE procedures and combines all into one centralized HSE Requirements Manual (HSERM). C. Incorporates audit recommendations from prior audits (LPCR/SAMIR) and recommendations from D&WO Department Managers. D. Formatted in accordance with D&WO’s Document Control Procedure (DCP 001 / Current version). 3. D&WO HSE Vision To elevate D&WO’s HSE performance to the highest professional level through continuously enhancing the awareness and quality of the workforce and by effectively integrating HSE into the Saudi Aramco Culture. In so doing, we strive to provide the most professional service and support to Saudi Aramco D&WO. 4. D&WO HSE Mission To provide professional HSE support to Saudi Aramco D&WO to protect our employees, assets and the environment, in a highly professional and efficient manner using the most qualified workforce and technology, in compliance with Saudi Aramco policies, procedures and relevant government laws and regulations. 5. Scope The D&WO HSERM applies to Contractor and Saudi Aramco owned rigs, assets, facilities, and operating and support organizations of Saudi Aramco D&WO. 6. The D&WO HSERM is organized into five (5) Sections as follows: A. Section A: Administrative Requirements. B. Section B: General Requirements. C. Section C: Special Operation(s) Requirements. D. Section D: Offshore Requirements. ii Drilling and Workover HSE Requirements Manual / Overview E. Section E: Environment and Occupational Health Requirements. 7. How to use this Manual Managers are responsible for ensuring the requirements of the D&WO HSERM are complied with. Managers shall: A. Review, understand and acknowledge the requirements within the D&WO HSERM. B. Evaluate the current HSE status of your areas of responsibility, in reference to the requirements of the D&WO HSERM. C. Ensure compliance with the D&WO HSERM. D. Contact Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) for guidance and assistance, as needed. iii Drilling and Workover HSE Requirements Manual / Overview D&WO Loss Prevention Policy Statement iv Table of Contents Section A Administrative Requirements Section B General Requirements Section C Special Operation(s) Requirements Section D Offshore Requirements Section E Environment and Occupational Health Requirements A Administrative Requirements Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0_Section A / Administrative Requirements Document Title: Section A / Administrative Requirements Document Owner: SA-VP-D&WO Review Interval: 48 Months Date: January 2013 Section A Administrative Requirements SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 1 of 236 Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 2 of 236 Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Table of Contents Contents A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 Page Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms (DA&A) Reference Material (RM) General Safety Rules (GSR) Rig Operators Responsibilities for Loss prevention (ROR) Competency and Training (CT) Emergency Drills (ED) Drops Program (DP) Short Service Employee Program (SSEP) Requirements for SIMOPS, Land Rigs (SIMOPS) Journey Management (JM) Working with Service Companies (WWSC) Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) Monthly HSE Performance Monitoring (MHSEMR) Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Safety Inspection and Reporting Procedure (SI&RP) Management of Change (MOC) Risk Management Manual (RMM) Waiver of High Risk HSE Requirements (WHRHSER) Lock-out/Tag-Out (LOTO) Third Party Equipment Installation (TPEI) Confined Space (CS) Incident Reporting and Analysis (IR&A) Spudding In and Rig/Location Release (SI&RLR) Pre-Tour Checklist/Driller Handover (PTC/DH) 4 12 16 21 25 39 65 69 73 77 95 97 109 116 122 138 147 164 170 174 177 196 225 232 Revision Summary SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin 236 Page 3 of 236 Abbreviations and Acronyms SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 4 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 Definitions. Note: Corrective Action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence. targets and other E&OH performance requirements. a competent person is knowledgeable of applicable standards. Manuals/Codes. while and after commencing activities/operations. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 5 of 236 . shall be understood to mean Saudi Aramco. Measurable results of the E&OH implementation. Abbreviations and Acronyms (DA&A) A-1a / Definitions Company Competent Person Contractor Corrective Action D&WO HSE Performance Report D&WO Performance Management System (PMS) Drilling Information Highway (DIH) Drilling Safety and Environmental Leadership initiative (DSELI) E&OH Management E&OH Performance The term. programs and resources before. A measurement tool that reports actual progress toward meeting the goals as defined in the HSE Plan. A person or an organization providing services to SA at SA facilities/worksites in accordance with agreed specifications. Part of the overall D&WO management that facilitates the management of the environmental aspects and occupational health risks associated with the business and activities/operations of the D&WO. terms and conditions. hazardous. processes. as used throughout this document. procedures/Standards/G. drilling contractor management. and who has written authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them". sharing lessons learned from major incidents. controls. maintaining and continually improving the practices. plans. related to an organization’s control of its environmental aspects and occupational hazard and risk based on policies. and service company management to review DSELI member’s HSE performance. reviewing.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / Definitions.I. or dangerous to employees. "One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary. planning. This does not include Supplemental Manpower (SMP) working directly for SA. "Company". Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation. A monthly meeting with SA D&WO management. implementing. By way of training and/or experience. Some standards add additional specific requirements which must be met by the competent person. Along with other KPI’s the report identifies safety performance compliance and deficiencies. These inclusive of developing. is capable of identifying workplace hazards relating to the specific operation. and has the authority to correct them. recognition of HSE milestones and development/implementation of DSELI HSE initiatives. An intranet based website where HSE related information and other materials are updated and made accessible to authorized SA and Contractor employees. An on-line dashboard that provides management with a quick-look capability at benchmarking KPI’s including HSE. humans and their interrelation.1787. Means. public or private. water. regardless of the size or potential impact. Means a poisoning or a disease arising out of or in connection with work. situation. A forum and conference where all GCC operating companies MEET WITH Drilling Contractors and share HSE performance. Company. inside or outside the workplace. Any known or unknown source release of oil. or part or combination thereof.I. flora. Person or group. lessons learned and HSE initiatives. A site specific response and management plan to be activated in the event of a major incident at a rig location. the waters of the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea up to and including beaches to the spring high tide mark. Any change to the environment. or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health/poisoning and environment. An undesired event which could have (near miss) or did result in harm to people to property or to the environment or loss to process. enterprise. Element of an organization’s activities. A meeting at crew changeover to review the current operation. into the waters of the SA operating area. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 6 of 236 . Written administrative level plan that defines the HSE performance requirements to be achieved and how they are measured.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / DA&A / A-1a / Definitions / Continued Environment Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Environmental Release Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Fire Global Drilling Safety Leadership Initiative for GCC Hazard HSE Plan HSE Scorecard Incident Interested Party Leak or a Spill Occupational ILL Health Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease Offshore Oil Organization Pre-Tour Meeting Surroundings in which the organization operates. land. wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s activities. next 12 hours operation. for the purpose of this policy. products or services. whether adverse or beneficial. natural resources. A measurement tool that provides a means of identifying and Quantifying KPI’s as identified in the SA D&WO HSERM and D&WO annual HSE Plan. that has its own functions and administration. including air. Combustion of any material (Ref. corporation.1). Identifiable.000 – Section 2. concerned with or affected by the E&OH performance of an organization. G. whether incorporated or not. fauna. firm. Any liquid hydrocarbon substance. or combination of these. adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation. or products or services that can interact with the environment (A significant environmental aspect is one which can have a significant environmental impact). Any release of pollutant that could cause an adverse environmental impact. identify safety and operational hazards and other concerns. authority or institution. Source. reuse. emission or discharge of any type of pollutant or waste. It includes waste reduction or elimination process. techniques. applicable Saudi Arabia legal & other requirements and applicable international standards. A report on the findings of a scheduled rig site inspection that reviews compliance with D&WO policies and requirements for safety procedures.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / DA&A / A-1a / Definitions / Continued Prevention of Pollution Use of processes. operational issues that impact safety and employee awards and recognitions. services or energy to avoid. documentation. etc. and Service Companies about a specific HSE topic. in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts. efficient as of resources material and energy substitution. Minimum Medical Standard Requirements (MMSR). equipment. G. near misses. the term "Rig Operator" means the agency or company responsible for operating any drilling or workover rig.). A quarterly meeting to review previous quarter safety statistics (incidents. recycling. Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure. Engineering Standards. lessons learned. recovery. An organized and comprehensive publicity effort to raise awareness and knowledge of D&WO employees. Manuals. Contractors. and/or providing any drilling or workover rig services on behalf of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (SA).I. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 7 of 236 . Codes. Engineering Procedures. materials. practices. Preventive action Quarterly Safety Inspection (QSI) Quarterly Rig Evaluation (QRE) Rig Operator Risk Safe Operations Committee Meeting (SOC) Safety Campaign Safety Moment SA E&OH Requirements Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation. reduce or control (separately or in combination) the creation. A rig performance evaluation conducted by SA Liaisonman/Foreman to report the level of compliance and performance of the Drilling Contractor. Opening remarks or information that is presented in a meeting to encourage an attitude and awareness toward safety on and off the job. product or service changes. and competency (SA Owned Rigs only). In this document. products. reclamation and treatment. An incident that has not required the attendance or attention of the Rig Medic or any other medical professional. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 8 of 236 . and document changes to existing assets to ensure that safeguards are in place to eliminate the possibility of introducing hazards because of changes. with personnel. An incident that requires the attendance and treatment of the Rig Medic or any other medical professional.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / DA&A / A-1a / Definitions / Continued Crane and Heavy Equipment Incident Event Without Injury Event With Injury Management of Change Event where unintentional contact is made by equipment. or its load. implement.0007. structures.I. authorize. or other equipment causing injury or property damage (Ref. A process to systematically evaluate.026 – Section 2). G. HSE Health.005 – Section 3). Emergency Shut Down. Comprehensive Environmental Performance Inspection.An On-Job injury or occupational illness that results in Fatality (Ref. General Instruction. Environmental & Occupational Health Unit.005 – Section 3).I. GHG Greenhouse Gases. Availability. HSERM Health.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / DA&A / Continued A-1b / Abbreviations and Acronyms ALARP ANSI API AVAILS BOP BPV CEPI CFC DCC D&WO D&WOSD DMHSER DOE&CD DTD EDD E&OH E&OHU EP EPD ESD FAI As low as reasonably practicable.I. Emergency Preparedness. GDDD Gas Development Drilling Department. Drilling Technical Department. Drilling Management Health. ITD Industrial Training Department. G. Chlorofluorocarbons. Exploration Drilling Department. Disaster Control Center. Environmental & Occupational Health. Safety and Environment. American National Standards Institute. KPI Key Performance Indicator. GDD&WOD Gas Development Drilling & Workover Department. Back Pressure Valve.I. FAT On-Job Fatality .0006. Drilling & Workover Services Department. GOSRD Global Oil Spill Response Director. IO Internal Order. GM General Manager. HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. G. GS General Supervisor. American Petroleum Institute. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 9 of 236 . Safety and Environmental Requirements Manual. Environmental Protection Department. Drilling and Workover. Blowout Preventer. Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division. First Aid Injury Case . Safety and Environment Review.0006. G.Minor injury (not illness) requiring one-time treatment and followup observation (Ref. IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors. G. G.0006. Northern Area Producing Engineering. Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization.005 – Section 3). G.I.Event which did not result in injury or loss. Offshore Drilling Department. Northern Area Oil Drilling Department.An on-job injury or occupational illness that involves one or more days away from work beyond the day the injury or illness occurred (Ref.I. Quarterly Safety Inspection (SA Owned Rigs only).An injury suffered by an employee that does not arise out of and in the course of employment and which results in death or day(s) away from work (Ref.0).005 – Section 3). injury. Oil Spill Report. Motor Vehicle Accident . or property damage.0006. Oil Spill Committee.An on-job injury or occupational illness that results in restricted work or job transfer (Ref.I. Medical Treatment Injury/Illness Case .Job Disabling Injury Case . (American) National Fire Protection Association. Saudi Aramco Affairs. Presidency of Meteorology and Environment.An on-job injury or occupational illness that is more serious than on-job first aid injury (FAI) or occupational illness requiring medical treatment (Ref. Minimum Medical Standard Requirements. Marine Operations Division-Western Region. Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit. Manifa Drilling Department.005 – Section 3).3-1997 – Recording and Measuring employee Off-The-Job Injury experience and G. G. (American) National Electrical Code. Oil Spill Response Team. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 10 of 236 .0006.I.004 – Section 2. Marine SA Offshore Operations Division. Public Relations Department.0006.I. ANSI Z16. Near Miss . Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator. Ministry of Transportation. Off. Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. Restricted Duty Injury/Illness Case . Management of Change.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / DA&A / A-1b / Abbreviations and Acronyms / Continued LTI MDD MOC MODU MODWR MOT MMSR MSAOOD MTC MVA NAODD NACE NAPE NEC NFPA NM ODD ODI OPITO OSC OSR OSRT PME POD PRD QSI RDI R&HED ROSRC SAA SAES Lost Time Injury/Illness Case .An MVA is any occurrence involving motor vehicle that results in death.005 – Section 3). Power Operations Department.6. Roads and Heavy Equipment Department. but which had the potential for injury or loss if the conditions had been slightly different (Ref. National Association of Corrosion Engineers. Southern Area Transportation Division. Subject Matter Expert Supplemental Manpower Safe Operations Committee.005 – Section 3). Total Recordable Injury/Illness Cases . Well Approval Package.T. Safe Work Instruction(s) Manual 3 (Three) Month Compliance Inspection SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 11 of 236 .I. Saudi Aramco Rigs. Safe Working Load (Limit). Achievable. United States Coast Guard. Silicon Controlled Rectifier. Saudi Aramco Well Control Manual. Saudi Aramco Material System Specification. SME SMP SOC SSSV SWL TPOD TRC UKDOT USCG WAP WOD VP SWIM 3-MCI Saudi Arabian Government. RDIs and MTCs (Ref.M. Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization. LTIs. G. Saudi Electric Company.0006. United Kingdom Department of Transportation. Southern Area Oil Drilling Department. Reasonable and Time-Bound. Vice President.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-1 / DA&A / A-1b / Abbreviations and Acronyms / Continued SAG SAMSO SAODD SAR SATD SAWCM SCR SEAMS SEAPA SEC S.Includes. Sea Ports Authorities. Sub Surface Safety Valve.A.R. Specific. Workover Department. Terminal Pilotage Operations Division. Measurable. FATs. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-2 Reference Material SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 12 of 236 . Care and Use of Wire Rope For Oil Fields.1 API 510 API BULL 5C2 API BULL 5C4 API BULL 13C API RP 7G API RP 7H API RP 8B API RP 9B API RP 49 API RP 52 API RP 54 API RP 500 API SPEC 4A API SPEC 4E API SPEC 6A API SPEC 7 API SPEC 7 B-11C API SPEC 8 API SPEC 9A API SPEC 13A D&WO-SMS D&WO-WM D&WO-WCM G. Tubing. D&WO SMS Manual. Steel Derricks. Internal Combustion Reciprocating Engines For Oil Field Service. Drill Stem Design And Operating Limits. American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection. 2.702 Grounding Separately Derived Alternating-Current Systems.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-2 / Reference Material (RM) In addition to the HSERM. 2. the Rig operator shall have readily available for reference to drilling or workover personnel the most recent publications as follows: ANSI NFPA-70 ANSI Z41. Recommended Practice for Classification of Location for Electrical Installation at Petroleum Facilities. Wire Rope. Protective Footwear. Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations involving Hydrogen Sulphide.104 G.I. High Clearance Equipment/Loads or Operating Cranes Under or Near Power-Lines. Leak and Spill Reporting . latest Version Work Permit System. 2. Performance Properties of Casing. Rotary Drilling Equipment. Protective Head ware for Industrial Workers – Requirements. Recommended Practices for Occupational Safety and Health for Oil and Gas Drilling and Servicing Operation. Application. Inland Oil Spill Contingency Plan.I. Drilling Fluid Processing Equipment. Recommended Land Drilling Operating Practices for Protection of the Environment.400 G. Drilling and Well Servicing Structures.100 G. Oil Well Drilling Fluid Materials. 2.I. Offshore Oil (Spill) Contingency Plan.I. Pressure Vessel Inspection Code. latest Version D&WO Well Control Manual.401 G. and Drill Pipe. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 13 of 236 .83 ANSI Z88. 2.2 ANSI Z89. Drilling Machinery Hoisting Tool Inspection and Maintenance Procedures.I. Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment. latest Version D&WO Workover Manual. Wellhead Equipment. Round Thread Casing Joint Strength With Combined Internal Pressure and Bending. Moving Drilling Rigs.Arabian Gulf. 000 G. 1850.100 G.002 G. 150.003 G.I. Offshore Contingency Plan.I.001 G.004 G. 7.I.025 G. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 14 of 236 . 6. 1781. Isolation. 7.012 G. 2.I.020 G. 7. Onshore Contingency Plan. 2. 8.005 G. 7.029 G.I.001 G. Control of Remote Area Travel and Search/Rescue Procedures.I. 355. 1851.001 IADC Environmental Conservation Policy Implementation.I.001 G.I. 1321.I.I. 1780.I.006 G.I. 355.025 G. 355.030 G.001 G.004 G. and Rigging Operations.015-01 G.014-01 G. Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health Aspects of Loss Prevention Policy. 7. Over or Near Water. Safety Spectacles.I. 6. 151. Atmosphere-Supplying Respirators.716 G. Isolation Barriers for Wells During D&WO Operations (With and Without Rig) Rig and Equipment Operations and Maintenance Manuals for the Drilling Rig Manufacturers and Other Major Equipment Items. 2.I. The latest version Blasting Near Existing facilities. 475.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-2 / RM / Continued G.718 G. Implementing the SA Sanitary Code.I.I. 7. 8. 8.082 G.I. 6.714 G. Marine and Offshore Crane.001 G. Crane Suspended Personnel Platform Operations (Man basket).027 G. Testing and Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment. 7.I.000 G. International Association of Drilling Contractors. Contractor Sites Allotment Procedure. Rig site Flare Gun and Communication Equipment.001 G.I.I.I.I. 1852. 355.I.I.I.026 G.000 G. Inspection. 150.028 G. Accident Prevention.002 G.015 G. 7. Requirements for a Medical Evacuation.I.I.I.I. Inspection Use and Maintenance of Below-the-Hook Lifting Equipment for Cranes. 1853. Hoist. 430.I. The latest version The latest version The latest version The latest version Implementing the SA Sanitary Code.I. 355.001 G.024 G.I. The latest version Implementing the SA Hazardous Waste Code. Protective (Safety) Footwear.I.I. Safety Requirements for Scaffolds.001 G. The latest version Safety Requirements for Scaffold. 150. Hazardous Materials Communication Program (HAZCOM).I. Crane Lift: Types and Procedures. Land Use Permit Procedures. 432.I.I. Personal Flotation Devices (PFDS) for Work On. Cranes and Heavy Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures. Inspection and Testing Requirements of Elevating/Lifting Equipment. Mobile Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification. Lockout and Use of Hold Tags. 355. I. The latest version Contractor’s Safety and Loss Prevention Requirements.025). SA cannot copy or distribute non-SA documents such as ANSI. API or IADC copyrighted documents. The latest version Current Revision Remote Area Urgent Care Facilities / Minimum Medical Standards Requirements Manual. Code Applicable to the MODU. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. the latest version Saudi Aramco Marine Instruction Manual. Reuse and Disposal The latest version Saudi Aramco Crane Safety Handbook. Onshore Well site Safety Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lighting Safety Identification and Safety Colors Coding Electrical Area Classification Emergency Eyewashes and Showers Combustible Gas and Hydrogen Sulphide in Air Detection Systems Grounding Welding Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and FRP Components Wastewater Treatment. the latest version Saudi Aramco D&WO Drilling Manual. the latest revision Saudi Aramco Land Based Remote Travel Control (Supplement to G. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 15 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-2 / RM / Continued IADC NACE MR0175 MARPOL MODU PVIC SAES-A-007 SAES-A-103 SAES-A-105 SAES-B-019 SAES-B-062 SAES-B-063 SAES-B-067 SAES-B-068 SAES-B-069 SAES-J-505 SAES-P-111 SAES-W-010 12-SAMSS-023 SAES-A-104 SOLAS SA-CSH SA-CM SA-D&WO-DM SA-LBRTC SA MIM Contract Schedule “D” SASC MARPOL RAUCF/MMSRM Drilling Manual. the latest version Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual. Mobile and Special Fixed Firefighting Equipment. The latest version. 6. Metals for Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sour Oilfield Environments. The latest version Note: Assistance in obtaining copies of SA documents is provided by the Dhahran area Loss Prevention Division. Pressure Vessel Inspection Code. The latest version. the latest version. Safe Practices in Drilling Operations. The latest version Discharges to the Marine Environment Noise Control Portable. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-3 General Safety Rules SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 16 of 236 . Violation of the rules may lead to disciplinary action. including initiations. near miss or incident to your supervisor. Horseplay.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-3 / General Safety Rules (GSR) The following rules are to protect you and your fellow workers. 5. All block valves on pressure relief systems in service shall be locked or sealed open. Saudi Aramco D&WO. 8. practical jokes or fighting. 2. 10. shall be reported immediately to your supervisor. 3. shall be reported immediately to your supervisor. the appropriate supervisor and affected parties shall be notified. 1. Smoking is only allowed in designated smoking areas. spills and releases. This procedure applies to. The SA Liaisonman shall be kept informed of all ongoing operations. switches and alarms shall be in place and functional. A SWAP (SAR Rigs) or PTW (Contractor Rigs) shall be raised before a safety device is removed from service and/or defeated. are safety violations. 9. Before operating any machinery or switch gear. All work related injuries/illness or vehicle collisions. All fires. No work may be carried out on SA property without the written consent of the SA Liaisonman. Supervisors allowing these acts as well as the violators are subject to disciplinary action. 6. Immediately report any unsafe condition. The unauthorized removal of isolations or the operation of equipment having a “Danger Do Not Operate” tag is prohibited. no matter how slight. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 17 of 236 . All personnel (drivers and passengers) shall wear seat belts at all times. all safe guards. 12. 7. practice. 4. Identify risks and hazards associated with tasks before beginning work or if the location or conditions should change. no matter how small. the device shall be tagged and the action documented. Contractor and Service Companies. 11. Safety eyewear. Traveling up and down stairs requires the use of handrails. 15. 14. 21. 18. Safety goggles and a full-face shield must be worn when chipping. Erect barricades/flagging around areas of hazardous work. All chemical or hazardous material containers shall be properly labeled and stored. other gases or high pressure wash-down guns to yourselves or others. all tools and equipment must be well maintained. long hair (head and facial) and other loose accessories shall not be worn while working on rig locations. 17. Homemade tools are prohibited. Climbing or standing on equipment. Finger rings and other jewelry along with loose fitting clothing. road crossings and overhead hazardous work. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 18 of 236 . gloves and safety footwear are mandatory. 24. 20. If you think a load is too heavy. 19. Drums shall be stored in secondary containment area.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-3 / GSR / Continued 13. Use the correct tool for the task. When descending ladders. the employee must always face the ladder. work platforms. such as holes in decking and work areas. Accidental discharge or use of firefighting equipment must be reported to the supervisor immediately. Proper manual lifting techniques must be used at all times. Running in work areas is prohibited. 25. 23. inspected regularly and kept clear of any obstructions. Approved scaffolding. 22. trenches. personnel lifts or ladders with full body safety harnesses shall be used. All fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment shall be in good condition. grinding or when performing any job where flying particles pose a potential for eye injury. 16. hard hats. piping or valves to do work is prohibited. ask your supervisor for help or employ a mechanical lifting device. Climbing up and down ladders requires the use of both hands. Do not apply compressed air. Metallic hard hats are prohibited. No further activity shall be conducted until a safe working environment exists. 30. Anyone taking prescription drugs must report this to the Rig Medic when arriving on the rig. All personnel shall attend weekly safety meetings and participation in emergency drills. All personnel have the authority to Stop Work if you observe. 27. any defective equipment. goggles. Hearing protection must be worn when entering high noise areas 85dB or higher. 33. pre-tour and pre-job safety meetings. tubing. Riding the elevators and cathead lines is not permitted. Full body safety harnesses with properly secured lanyards must be worn when working at heights above 6 feet (1.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-3 / GSR / Continued 26. A “tail rope” must be used when moving pipe. 31. Hair should be neat and cleanly trimmed. 38. when mixing caustic. no longer than over the collar. apron and appropriate respirator must be used (reference the MSDS) In addition. Note: Anytime a face shield is required. etc. 32. intoxicating beverages or firearms is forbidden on SA locations. All personnel arriving to the rig location must report to the person in charge (PIC) for orientation. No one should ever work or walk under a suspended load. in from the V-door. machinery. hazardous condition or unsafe work practice and immediately report the hazardous condition or work practice to your supervisor. The use of one tong and the rotary to trip pipe is prohibited.8 meters). SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 19 of 236 . 35. 36. 37. 28. 34. Facial hair that might inhibit the seal of a respirator is not permitted. goggles shall also be worn. chemical gloves. When handling or mixing chemicals. a full-face shield and goggles are required. 29. The use or possession of illegal drugs. Definitions. and instruments) shall not be used in classified areas unless properly permitted. Maintain good housekeeping in your work area at all times. Non-approved electrical/electronic devices (e. cellular phones. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 40. 42. 41. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 20 of 236 .g.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-3 / GSR / Continued 39. pagers. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-4 Rig Operators Responsibilities for Loss Prevention SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 21 of 236 . I. The Rig Operator shall clearly indicate the "Smoking Permitted" areas around each rig location. The Rig Operator shall take all reasonable safety precautions to prevent oil spills or pollution both onshore and offshore. 5. The Rig Operator shall establish a written loss prevention program that fulfills all the requirements stated in this Manual including permit to work system for Rig Operator and all third party rig ups. 8. 9. including both employees and the public. All other areas on the location shall be considered as "No Smoking" areas and shall be marked accordingly. 3. He shall inform the rig crew of any potential adverse conditions (i. every effort shall be made to (a) protect human life. The Rig Operator shall be thoroughly familiar with the drilling or workover program. training.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-4 / Rig Operators Responsibilities for Loss Prevention (ROR) This procedure applies to Contractor and Service Companies. Assistance in complying with the requirements set forth in these guidelines is available from D&WO Management. 1. 2. 2. 6. 4. or additional personnel.I.I. The Rig Operator is responsible to ensure that all personnel arriving on location register and receive a thorough safety and H2S orientation.I. high reservoir pressure.401. etc. and the avoidance of any contamination of the environment. Should an accidental spill occur. lost circulation zones.e. and (b) minimize the impact on the environment. This inspection shall be completed on a Quarterly basis and submitted to the Company Drilling Superintendent with responsibility for the oversight of each rig. 2. high H2S concentrations. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 22 of 236 . If an accidental spill or discharge does occur. Smoking shall be closely controlled throughout the rig location. G.) that require special safety precautions. 7. equipment.104.). or G. it shall be reported immediately to the Company representative so that he can take the necessary steps to contain the spill and implement the applicable reporting requirements of General Instruction (G. materials. The Rig Operator shall provide at each D&WO rig a copy of the reference materials (Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) necessary for the safe operation of the rig. Any loss prevention program of the Rig Operator shall provide for frequent and regular inspections of the rig equipment. and accommodations by competent persons designated by the Rig Operator. The following minimum guidelines are provided to aid the Rig Operator in meeting this responsibility. the protection of Company interests and resources.400. 2. G.. Throughout all phases of any drilling or workover operation the Rig Operator shall be held accountable for the prevention of accidental losses. DOE&CD or from the Loss Prevention Department of the Company. acids and other harmful substances. 14. A Rig Operator providing offshore rigs shall ensure that all navigation and transit lights are operable and used as required by International Rules and Regulations for Aids to Navigation. or copies thereof. On all offshore rigs. 15. caustics. The Rig Operator shall allow only those personnel qualified by training and/or experience to operate equipment and machinery. and necessary personal protective equipment prior to their employees handling any harmful materials. A Rig Operator providing offshore rigs shall ensure that all required certifications are current and that recertification inspections are completed by an approved certification authority prior to the expiration of the existing certificate. a copy of the Barge Marine Operations Manual shall be kept readily available in the control room for consultation and use. to ensure that employees. 18. The Rig Operator shall also ensure that any personnel requiring operator's certificates have them. Rig Operator’s providing offshore rigs shall ensure that their rigs are kept in compliance with all applicable maritime/MODU standards of the country in which the rig is registered as well as any applicable laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the Company. Any special or unusual towing characteristics of an offshore rig shall be included in the operating instructions and communicated to the towing vessel operators before towing operations begin. The manual shall include a complete set of operating instructions. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 23 of 236 . 17. in their possession and have completed any training which may be required by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or by the Company. The Rig Operator shall maintain water stations for washing chemicals spills and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all potentially hazardous chemicals the Rig Operator orders onto the rig. He shall also adequately train his employees in methods to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposures resulting in injury or illness (hazard recognition program). Note: SA shall supply MSDS’s for materials SA orders. 13. The Rig Operator shall implement a HAZCOM Program. shall be adequately trained regarding their safe handling and use. and stability characteristics. the most restrictive requirement shall apply. personal hygiene. The Rig Operator's supervisors shall discuss the potential hazards.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-4 / ROR / Continued 10. 11. Each rig shall maintain a rig specific training matrix which shall be up-dated and submitted to the DOE&CD monthly. 12. The Rig Operator shall adequately train each of his employees in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and in all Company loss prevention standards applicable to his work environment. Should a conflict arise between a Rig Operator’s safety requirement and a Company requirement. 16. control systems diagrams. who are required to handle or use poisons. 400 . 20. C.104 .I.Inland Oil Spill Contingency Plan.I. 2. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 24 of 236 . 2. G.I. References: A.Arabian Gulf.Offshore Oil (Spill) Contingency Plan. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A.401. D. G. 2.Leak and Spill Reporting . HSERM / A / A-2 / RM B. Definitions.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-4 / ROR / Continued 19. G. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 Competency and Training SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 25 of 236 . The following are the minimum acceptable standards of training for Contractors. Training Provider: Third Party. D&WO SMS Element No. Training Provider: Third Party. See Flag requirements for guidance as to where the training is to be completed. Lifeboat Coxswain Training required by a regulatory body (SOLAS). training required to obtain and maintain a marine license or training required by the vessel’s flag state. Marine License Training required by a regulatory body. terms and conditions. Valid for: 5 years SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 26 of 236 . Management of Major Emergencies (MOME) MOME training program provides practical hands-on experience for managing unanticipated events. Persons to be trained (Minimum): OIM. This does not include SMP’s working directly for SA. Training Provider: Third Party.4 (Competency and Training). Note: Contractor definition . 1.1 / D&WO “Contractor” Training Matrix). Personnel who are in charge shall undergo MOME training. for each job position at the rig site. Individual contractors may require more stringent training/qualifications (Refer to HSERM / A / A-5 / C&T / Appendix No. training required to obtain and maintain a marine license or training required by the vessel’s flag state. Valid for: 5 years 2. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Two (2) Coxswains per Lifeboat.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / Competency and Training (C&T) SA personnel and SA Supplemental Manpower (SMP) shall meet the minimum requirements as specified in the D&WO Training Matrix (the D&WO Training Matrix can be accessed through the DIH and HRT&CDD web sites). Valid for: 5 years 3. Note: Reference. See Flag requirements for guidance as to where the training is to be completed. current version. Persons to be trained (Minimum): OIM and Barge Engineer.A person or an organization providing services to SA at SA facilities/worksites in accordance with agreed specifications. See Flag requirements for guidance as to where the training is to be completed. training required to obtain and maintain a marine license or training required by the vessel’s flag state. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. Training Provider: Third Party. training required to obtain and maintain a marine license or training required by the vessel’s flag state. See Flag requirements for guidance as to where the training is to be completed. OIM (if BE or Rig Mover OIM while Floating). Helicopter Landing Officer This training can be completed at any OPITO approved school or an Aramco Aviation approved school. Valid for: 5 years 6. Valid for: 5 years 5. HLO. 7.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued 4. Competency must be verified through experience and qualification. Valid for: No expiration. Training Provider: Third Party. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Radio Operator. Persons to be trained (Minimum): there shall be four (4) certified competent helideck crew aboard at all times. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 27 of 236 . Helideck Crew This training is to be completed at an OPITO approved school or an Aramco Aviation approved school. Valid for: No expiration. Persons to be trained (Minimum): there shall be one (1) certified competent HLO aboard at all times. Training Provider: Third Party. GMDSS Training Training required by a regulatory body. Stability Training required by a regulatory body. Training Provider: Third Party. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Barge Engineer. SA ID (if required). HUET. the heavy equipment operator applicant shall provide copies of: A. and stamped. Training Provider: In-House. Davit Launched Life-Raft Training This training shall be completed at the rig site. D. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All Forklift Operators. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 28 of 236 . B. Valid for: 3 years 9. In addition to the form. E.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued 8. SA USER sponsoring letter (for contractors only). C. Training Provider: Third Party. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel on-board. Valid for: 3 years. Saudi Arabian Government (SAG) Public Driver’s License or SAG Heavy Equipment Operator License (if required) with specific equipment stamp. Two (2) recent photographs for each certification application. Helicopter Underwater Escape Training This training can be completed through the SA School in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) or through an OPITO approved school or a SA approved school. Training Provider: Third Party. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel on-board. this training shall be Rig specific covering the specific equipment at the rig location. Valid for: No expiration.SA / Contractor’s Medical Examination for Heavy Equipment Operators “Physician’s Examination Form” – Completed. signed. SA Fork Lift Operator Test The “SA/Contractor Request for Heavy Equipment Operator Certification Test” application form (SA 9647) shall be submitted to ITD for each heavy equipment operator being tested. 10. Note: Expat Forklift Operators aboard a MODU holding a valid home country certificate shall be exempt from the above requirement. SA 9663 . G. and stamped. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All Crane Operators. Gas Tester Gas testing is required in all locations where injury to personnel or damage to property could occur due to the presence of combustible gases. Training Provider: Third Party. Crane Operators Medical Examination SA 9663 SA/Contractor’s Medical Examination for Heavy Equipment Operators “Physician’s Examination Form” – completed. experience. SA Crane Operators Test Note: Expat MODU crane operators are exempt. Note: Expat Crane Operators aboard a MODU holding a valid home country certificate shall be exempt from the above requirement. In addition to the form. Valid for: 2 years. it is recommended that the rig maintain at least 2 competent persons per tour. or oxygen enriched/deficient atmospheres. Valid for: 3 years. 13. Competency shall be demonstrated through.I. theoretical and practical examination. Valid for: 3 years.7. C. 12. An adequate number of competent personnel must be maintained at each rig location. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel requiring a SA License. B. signed. the heavy equipment operator applicant shall provide copies of: A. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Two (2) persons per tour. SA ID (if required). Saudi Arabian Government (SAG) Public Driver’s License or SAG heavy Equipment Operator License (if required) with specific equipment stamp. The “SA/Contractor Request for Heavy Equipment Operator Certification Test” application form (SA 9647) shall be submitted to ITD for each heavy equipment operator being tested. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. Training Provider: Third Party. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Two (2) recent photographs for each certification application. toxic gases.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued 11.024. D. Note: A current list of all competent Gas Testers shall be maintained at the PTW issuing center SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 29 of 236 . SA USER sponsoring letter (for contractors only). or oxygen enriched/deficient atmospheres. This training shall be documented. experience. particular attention must be paid to rescue procedures in given confined space work areas. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. theoretical and practical examination. Well Control Well control training shall be completed at an IADC approved school. 15. Valid for: 3 years.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued 14. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Fire Team leaders as identified on the Station Bill. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Two (2) Drilling Contractor PIC on day and Drilling Contractor PIC nights. Valid for: 5 years 17. Competency shall be demonstrated through. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 30 of 236 . it is recommended that the rig maintain at least 2 competent persons per tour. toxic gases. the physical condition of the work area must be considered. this training shall follow both the contractor emergency response procedures and SA emergency response procedures. Training Provider: Third Party. Two (2) persons per tour. An adequate number of competent personnel trained in confined space entry inspection (this training shall include gas testing) must be maintained at each rig location. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. Note: A current list of all competent Confined Space Entry Inspectors shall be maintained at the PTW issuing center. Valid for: 5 years. Emergency Response Onshore Senior personnel shall be trained to adequately respond in an emergency. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Two (2) persons per tour. Training Provider: Third Party. Fire Fighting Team Leader This training shall be completed at an external OPITO approved school or an Aramco approved school. 16. Confined Space Entry Inspection A physical inspection is required in all locations where injury to personnel could occur due to the nature of confined space work as well as considering the presence of combustible gases. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. each trainee shall demonstrate competency through practical and theoretical examination. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. 19. ABS Welder Each MODU welder shall be tested by an ABS approved examiner. Training Provider: Third Party. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. 18. Valid for: No expiration. ABS log book shall be maintained at the rig location. Each land rig welder shall be deemed competent by a 3rd party accreditation Society. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All rig personnel. theoretical and practical examination. equipment and the environment. Hazcom Training This program provides hazardous materials information and guidance on how to handle chemicals safely to minimize incidents and reduce risks to people. Training Provider: Third Party. First Aid CPR This training shall be administered by an approved competent instructor at an external school or at the rig location. production. Valid for: 2 years. 20. Valid for: No expiration. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All rig personnel. 21.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued Persons to be trained (Minimum): As per SA D&WO Well Control Manual (SAWCM). Each member of a fire team shall be able to demonstrate competency in basic firefighting techniques and the use of first aid firefighting appliances. Valid for: 2 years. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All Fire Team members as identified on the Station Bill. all certifications shall be current and valid. Competency shall be demonstrated through. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Fire Team This training should be conducted at an OPITO approved external school. experience. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Valid for: 5 years. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 31 of 236 . E. Valid for: 2 Years. Sealing and functioning of the face piece Note: Wearing and use of emergency SCBA shall be included in the H2S Training. I. this training can be combined with HAZCOM training. D. Confined Space Training All entrants into a confined space must be made aware of: A. An explanation of the operation. Regulations concerning respirator use. Maintenance. 23. capabilities and limitations of the respirator selected. This training shall be documented. Donning (putting on) and doffing (taking off) of respirators. F. Instructions in emergency procedures. Respiratory Protection Training The Rig Operator shall ensure that all respiratory protection equipment. All personnel must have a basic understanding of prevention. inspection. This training shall be documented. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 32 of 236 . Spill Prevention Training This training shall include. health and safety and legislative impact of chemical spills. prevention and containment of chemical spills. G. 24. The strict requirement for a SWAP or PTW prior to any entry or hot work. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Valid for: No expiration. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel at the rig location who will be required to use respiratory equipment in the normal course of their duties. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All rig personnel.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued 22. is provided. C. H. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. and storage of respirators. Fitting of face pieces. containment and the environmental impact. This training shall include the following: A. An explanation of why a particular type of respirator has been selected. needed by or reasonably anticipated to be needed by his employees. The need for respirator protection. B. Those employees required to use this equipment must be trained in its effective use. 2. This training shall be documented. or equipment. 26. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel whom in the course of their normal duties will be expected to enter a confined space. The importance of following the requirements as specified in HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP and the CSE procedure. The strict requirement for an emergency observer.I. This training shall be documented. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. F. The strict requirement for the preparation and review of a JSA. Lock-Out /Tag-Out (Refer to HSERM / A / A-19 / LOTO) The purpose of this training is to protect personnel from the potential releases of stored energy or the startup of machinery or equipment that may cause injury. The system is intended to be applied to those jobs which represent a potential hazard to operations. E. Electricians and Mechanics. shall receive training in these procedures. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 33 of 236 . Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Employees required to work under the SWAP or PTW system procedures. personnel. Persons to be trained (Minimum): Employees required to perform Lock-Out/Tag-Out as part of their normal duties. or whose jobs may be affected by the SWAP or PTW system procedures. a work permit system shall be established based on G. The hazards of a confined space: 1) Oxygen Deficiency 2) Flammable Gas 3) Toxic Vapors C. Additional hazards may include heated. steam. D. flammable. Employees required to perform Lock-Out/Tag-Out procedures shall receive training in these procedures before performing the procedures. hydraulic. Example. pneumatic or other energy source is present. Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) for SAR Rigs and Permit to Work for Contractor Rigs As part of each Rig Operator’s Loss Prevention Program. corrosive or chemical material. (Refer to HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP). Valid for: One time only. mechanical. toxic. Valid for: One time only. The necessity to wear a full body harness. 25.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued B. Contractors may use existing internal forms developed as part of their loss prevention programs. This specifically includes any maintenance activity where electrical.100. All personnel must be able to evacuate to the up-wind safe briefing area (land rigs). Emergency procedures consisting of: 1) Designation of safe briefing areas. B. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) The Rig Operator shall adequately train all his personnel in the basic fundamentals of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) safety. Each person must be able to don and breathe from the SCBA within 45 seconds. Instructions in the inspection. 4) Rescue procedures. All personnel must be able to identify the H2S alarms. and use of assigned respiratory protection equipment. C. This training must include and all personnel on the rig must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following: A. 3) Evacuation procedures. Valid for: One time only. D. following which the person must retake the basic H2S training. F. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. 2) Wearing and use of emergency breathing equipment. A training card shall be issued to each person completing the basic H2S training. G. J. or whose jobs may be affected by the SWAP or PTW system procedures. Detection and warning systems peculiar to the location. H. life-threatening emergency. 5) First aid for victims. E. This card shall remain valid for two years. maintenance. Characteristics of H2S and its toxicity. This training MUST include drills in all these procedures so all personnel on the location can quickly and effectively follow each of these instructions when there is an actual. shall receive training in these procedures to an appropriate level. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 34 of 236 . All personnel must be able to identify the wind direction. This training shall be documented.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued Persons to be trained (Minimum): Employees required to work under the SWAP or PTW system procedures. All basic H2S training shall include the actual donning and breathing from each different type of breathing apparatus in use on that particular rig. 27. I. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 35 of 236 . This training shall be documented. 29. all personnel must be able to competently perform the tasks assigned to them in the rig specific H2S emergency plan. All personnel must be able to muster to the safe briefing area or muster station (offshore) and enter in to the lifeboat wearing both SCBA and personal floatation device (PFD). In addition to the basic skills listed above. Competency shall be demonstrated through. M. non-friable or friable ACM. This shall be done by observing regular H2S drills and testing to verify competence in breathing apparatus use. Visitors to the rig whose job has the potential of disturbing ACM shall be required to take the Asbestos Awareness training or show evidence of prior asbestos awareness training. All drilling rig crews must be able to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). A competent person at each rig site shall provide said training. 28. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. it is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure at least one person per hitch is trained in Asbestos Maintenance and is onboard at all times where asbestos is known to be present. L.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued K. experience. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel on location where asbestos is known to be present plus one person per hitch trained in Asbestos Maintenance. Behavioral Based Safety programs such as “FOCUS” are an acceptable alternative to a hazard recognition program such as “STOP”. Certificates of competency shall be maintained at the rig location. theoretical and practical examination. It is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure everyone who visits the rig is made aware of the presence of ACM as a part of the rig orientation process. He shall also adequately train his employees in methods to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposures resulting in injury or illness (hazard recognition program). Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel on location. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Training Provider: In-House. Hazard Recognition Program The Rig Operator shall adequately train each of his employees in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and in all Company loss prevention standards applicable to his work environment. N. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel on location. Valid for: 2 Years. Valid for: One time only. It is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure everyone assigned to the rig receives Asbestos Awareness training. Valid for: One time only. The SA Liaison-man is responsible to verify that H2S training requirements are met. Asbestos Awareness On all rigs containing known. Training shall reflect “Industry Best Practices”. with curriculum content that meets or exceeds current international training models.7. Valid for: One time only. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. This training shall be documented. This training shall be documented. theoretical and practical examination. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel who will be expected to prepare equipment or personnel to be lifted by a powered or manual hoist. 32. experience. Air Hoist Operator Training Air hoists are powerful pieces of equipment that if miss used can lead to serious incidents. This training shall be documented. Only qualified competent personnel shall operate air hoists.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued 30. anchors. One or more of these systems may be required when working at an elevation. theoretical and practical examination.024. drill crew. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel who in the course of their normal duties would be expected to operate an Air Hoist. maintenance crew and marine crew. guardrails. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 36 of 236 .I. Example: all drill crew members 31. 33. Competency shall be demonstrated through. experience. Valid for: 2 Years. lanyards and safety netting. Note: Reference amendments to G. MODU exemptions for AB’s. Rigging and Lifting Rigging and lifting involves the use of equipment that if misused can lead to serious incidents. deck crew. Rigger Aramco. Fall Protection Training Fall protection refers to the use of lifeline. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. This training shall be documented. Manual Handling Many injuries are documented annually as a direct result of poor manual handling techniques. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel who would be expected to work at height as part of their duties. Competency shall be demonstrated through. Training must include the use of good kinetic lifting techniques. harnesses. Workers shall be trained and competent in the use of the “Fall Protection Plan” and the inspection and use of Fall Arrest and/or Fall Restraint equipment prior to using it. Valid for: One time only. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. Only qualified competent personnel shall rig loads or signal cranes and forklifts. . Scaffolding Safety Scaffolds shall only be erected and dismantled by qualified personnel. 36. main supports. Training Provider: Third Party or In-House. and all personnel must be made aware of SA and contractor procedures relating to the erection and dismantling of scaffolding. Valid for: 2 Years. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Valid for: Annual. erect and/or dismantle scaffolding and work platforms. This training shall be documented. 37. 35. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel on location. ties etc. Training Provider: In-House.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued Persons to be trained (Minimum): All rig crew who as part of their normal duties would be expected to manually handle loads in excess of 11kg. Persons to be trained (Minimum): All personnel who supervise. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 37 of 236 . Training Provider: Third Party. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 34. taking into account stresses on the scaffold. Rig Orientation The Rig Operator is responsible to ensure that all personnel arriving on location. Valid for: 2 Years. register and receive a thorough safety and H2S orientation. This training shall be documented. Definitions. 1 This matrix is intended as guidance only. Drilling contractors can substitute personnel they deem suitably qualified or competent SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 38 of 236 . the shaded cells indicate suggested crafts to train only.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-5 / C&T / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 Emergency Drills SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 39 of 236 . Press 2 (two) to record first message: C. 1. Activate the Drilling Alert System.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / Emergency Drills (ED) In order to maintain a state of readiness. enter PIN 4181 # to update message B. How to record and activate the drilling alert message: A. and enter PIN 4154 Emergency Numbers Security: 110 Ambulance: 110 and 997 Fire: 110 or 998 Outside Aramco: Central Area Southern Area Northern Area Central Region Western Region Rumors Control (03) 872-0110 (03) 572-0110 (03) 673-0110 (01) 285-0110 (02) 427-0110 (03) 872-4488 (03) 872-4499 Emergency Contacts: Dhahran (03) 872-3113 (03) 876-3333 Abqaiq (03) 572-3113 (03) 572-3333 Shedgum (03) 577-1221 South Ghawar (03) 576-2900 Udhaliyah (03) 577-8212 Ras Tanura (03) 673-3333 Riyadh (01) 285-3113 (01) 285-3333 Jeddah (02) 427-3113 (02) 427-3333 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 40 of 236 . all D&WO rigs (Saudi Aramco and Contractor) must conduct emergency drills on a regular defined basis. Press 3 to exit F. Dial 862-4181. Press 1 to play message D. Press 2 to record message E. dial 862-4112. These drills provide training and familiarization to all personnel on location. 4) Checking that lifejackets are correctly donned. Offshore A. and at least once per month. All Personnel on location must participate in drills. be lowered in compliance with this requirement at successive drills. as far as practicable. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 41 of 236 . 5) Lowering of at least one lifeboat after any necessary preparation for launching. is acceptable where free-fall launching is impracticable provided the lifeboat is free-fall launched and maneuvered in the water at least once every six months. The SA Liaisonman or OIM will decide if more frequent abandon ship drills are required to ensure adequate response. 10) Operation of davits used for launching life rafts. 12) Each offshore rig shall conduct an abandon ship drill within 24 hours of a crew change. 6) Different lifeboats shall. 3) Checking that crew are suitably dressed. Drills shall. 11) A mock search and rescue of passengers trapped in their staterooms. Abandon Ship Drill Each Abandon Ship drill shall include: 1) Summoning of crew to muster stations with the alarm followed by drill announcement on the public address or other communication system and ensuring that they are made aware of the order to abandon ship. However. C.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 2. in cases where it is impracticable. 2) Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the station bill. 7) Each lifeboat shall be launched and maneuvered in the water at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill. the OIM may extend this period to 12 months provided that arrangements are made for simulated launching which shall take place at intervals of not more than six months. 8) Lowering into the water. rather than launching of a lifeboat arranged for free-fall launching. as far as practicable. 9) Starting and operating the lifeboat engine. be conducted as if there were an actual emergency. B. Therefore. Headcount procedure for verification/reporting (to the command center). f. should be developed for drill purposes. that all persons are accounted for. and at the rescue/search team station. Immediate and repeated PA announcement “This is a Drill . 18) Each abandon ship Drill shall be documented on the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Report. the SA Morning Report. e. h. Verification that everyone aboard the rig is capable of entering the lifeboat and securely fastened his seat belt while wearing both a PFD and SCBA. Instruction in the use of radio life-saving appliances. Search and rescue procedure to locate all missing persons. 15) The maximum acceptable response time for abandon ship drills must take into account the possibility that evacuation may have to proceed in a hazardous H2S environment. Search and rescue procedures must include a detailed predetermined search pattern. Develop use procedures that allow launching unmanned Lifeboat. d. b. everyone must be aboard their assigned boat within 12 minutes of the alarm first sounding (this is not an instruction to board-the-boat). As of 1st July 2006 SOLAS Chapter III Regulation 19 no longer requires that lifeboat be launched with any crew aboard during abandon ship drill.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 13) Abandon ship Drills must include everyone aboard the rig. search pattern diagrams must be posted in the control room. 17) Abandon Ship drill procedure must include the following: a. With a standard 30-minute SCBA. and the approved Drill Report format. 16) Fully occupied lifeboats shall not be lowered into the water as part of the abandon ship drill. g. at each muster station. c. once in the water. Command center manned by senior rig management. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 42 of 236 . b. with the possible exception of only those crew members absolutely essential to maintain a safe watch over the ongoing operation. Two trained and competent lifeboat men assigned to each lifeboat. everyone aboard the rig must be able to muster to their boat stations and enter their boats with enough time left to lower the boats and sail to a safe upwind area before their SCBA’s run out of air. 14) Abandon ship drills may be combined with fire and/or H2S drills. Alternate methods of manning the lifeboats.This is a Drill”. Maximum acceptable response time for all persons to report to their boat stations. Drill report should include pump pressure procedure where known. fire doors. Each fire drill shall include: 1) Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the station bill. In all cases this requirement shall be complied with at least once every three months. using at least the two required jets of water to show that the system is in proper working order. should be launched each month with their assigned crew aboard and maneuvered in the water. 5) Checking the operation of watertight doors. 8) Each rig shall conduct a fire drill at least once per month. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format. areas for improvement and responsibility for implementation of improvements. Frequency: Abandon Ship Drills shall be conducted once every week. 2) Starting of a fire pump. where available. 6) Checking the necessary arrangements for subsequent abandoning of the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU). fire dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems in the drill area. Frequency: Rescue Boat Drill shall be conducted once every month. Rescue Boat Drill Rescue boats (other than lifeboats which are also rescue boats). 9) Fire drill locations shall be varied to provide practice in all Fire Attack Plans.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 19) Documentation shall include the response time for all aboard to muster to their assigned boat stations. 10) Each fire drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. D. 3) Inspection of fireman's outfit and other personal rescue equipment. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent fire drills are required to ensure adequate response. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 43 of 236 . 7) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time crew response during fire drills and verify that the Fire Attack Plan and Fire Attack Teams are adequate to address the fire risk. E. Documentation shall include the location and type of drill and the response time to assemble and begin to fight the fire. 4) Inspection of relevant communication equipment. Fire Drill Fire drills should be planned in such a way that due consideration is given to regular practice in the various emergencies that may occur depending on the type of vessel and the cargo. 1321. 2) Each rig shall have the telephone number of the following posted in the rig clinic. d. as a minimum the Stretcher Team shall be competent in: a. 6) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time crew response during Man Down (Injury) Drills and verify that the procedures are adequate to provide prompt and effective treatment.g. c. 8) The Rig Medic shall be responsible for the training of a Stretcher Team.015 contains other critically important procedures to ensure a rapid and effective response to a medical emergency. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent Man Down (Injury) drills are required to ensure adequate response.I. c. b.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued Frequency: Fire Drill shall be conducted once every 4 weeks. 7) Each Man Down (Injury) Drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. F. offshore rigs): a. Even if air Medevac’s is unlikely G. e. Contractor medical provider facility. and the radio room (if applicable. 3) Each rig shall develop Man Down (Injury) Drill procedures to address and treat an immobilizing injury occurring anywhere on the rig location. 1321. Man Down (Injury) Drills 1) Each rig shall develop a Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Plan that complies and coordinates with SA G.I. SA Aviation (Offshore). Man-Down (Injury) Drill procedure shall address the following: a. Transferring the injured person to the rig clinic. d. First aid at the injury site. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format. Prompt notification of the Medic. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 44 of 236 . 4) As a minimum. Nearest SA medical clinic. b. the rig office.015 (Request for Air Medical Evacuation). Immobilizing a casualty. 5) Each rig shall conduct a Man-Down (Injury) Drill in conjunction with the weekly H2S Rescue Drill. Documentation shall include the location and type of drill and the response time to bring the injured person to the clinic. Placing and securing the injured person in a basket stretcher. Nearest medical facility. 3) As a minimum. Vertical Rescue Drill procedure shall address the following: a. d. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent Vertical Rescue Drills are required to ensure adequate response. Using the correct techniques when maneuvering a casualty in to a stretcher. First aid at the injury site if possible. b. Vertical Rescue Drill 1) Each rig shall conduct a Vertical Rescue Drill for example getting an immobilized injured man safely down from the monkey board. Basic First Aid. Frequency: Man-Down (Injury) Drills shall be conducted once every 8 weeks. d. CPR. Prompt notification of the Medic. Transferring the injured person from height to the rig clinic (during all drills. 4) Each rig shall conduct a Vertical Rescue Drill at least once per year. H. once per year. Documentation shall include the location and type of drill and the response time to bring the injured person to the clinic. G. e. 2) Each rig shall develop Vertical Rescue Drill procedures to address and treat an immobilizing injury occurring for each reasonable scenario anywhere at height at the rig location. c.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued b. Frequency: Vertical Rescue Drill shall be conducted once every year. Man-Overboard Drills 1) Each offshore rig shall develop Man-Overboard rescue procedures and train a sufficient number of crewmen to effect a safe and prompt rescue. a suitably weighted dummy must be used). 6) Each vertical rescue drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. 5) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time crew response during Vertical Rescue Drills and verify that the procedures are adequate to provide prompt and effective treatment. c. Placing and securing the injured person in a basket stretcher (appropriate rescue equipment). SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 45 of 236 . Note: A suitably weighted dummy must be used to simulate the injured person. Identifying the appropriate type of stretcher to use. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill report format. 4) A confined space rescue drill shall utilize all rescue equipment as defined in the Saudi Aramco Rig (SAR) Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) or contractor Permit to Work (PTW). 6) Each man-overboard drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. Confined Space Entry (Refer to HSERM / A / A-21 / CS). I. depending upon equipment available on that specific rig. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Release Emergency Drills 1) All personnel must be able to don breathing apparatus and breathe bottled air within 45 seconds. when on location. 2) Each rig shall conduct a confined space drill at least once every 3 months. 5) If no standby boat is readily available. Frequency: Confined Space Drill shall be conducted once every 12 weeks. Documentation shall include the response time to rescue the man overboard. 3) A suitably weighted dummy shall be used to simulate a man overboard. 4) Man overboard drills shall involve either (or both) the standby boat. The SA Liaisonman or OIM will decide if more frequent man overboard drills are required to ensure adequate response. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent confined space rescue drills are required to ensure adequate response 3) A suitably weighted dummy shall be used to simulate a casualty in a confined space.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 2) Each offshore rig shall conduct a man-overboard drill at least once per quarter. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill report format. 5) For the purpose of drills. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 46 of 236 . 2) All personnel must be able to recognize the H2S alarm and know to proceed to the safe briefing area (SBA). or the rig’s own rescue boat. 6) Drill shall be planned so as to familiarize the rescue teams with all reasonable confined spaces rescue scenarios on the rig. the rig must launch a rescue boat to retrieve the dummy. Frequency: Man-Overboard Drills shall be conducted once every 12 weeks. J. all the safety requirements shall be followed. Confined Space Rescue Drill 1) Each offshore rig shall develop confined space rescue procedures and train a sufficient number of crewmen to effect a safe and prompt rescue. There must be no prior warning of the drill.This is a Drill” 5) H2S drill procedure shall include the following: a. c. c. Rescue procedures for rescuing potentially injured persons from the H2S contaminated site or vicinity (Refer to HSERM / A / A-6 / ED / 2. Following their normal H2S drill procedure. It is critically important to verify that the standard H2S drill procedure is adequate to identify who is missing and locate and rescue them. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 47 of 236 . no specific assigned tasks in the drill) muster at designated SBA. Masking up and breathing bottled air. Contractor PIC shall assign one crew member to act as an “H2S victim” and place this individual at an appropriate location. No other crew member shall be given advance notice of either the drill or that someone may be missing. Documentation shall include the response time (to complete the drill). The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent H2S drills are required to ensure adequate response. The SA Liaisonman or PIC will decide if more frequent H2S rescue drills are required to ensure adequate response. b. the rig crew must be able to identify that someone is missing. 3) H2S Rescue Drills shall proceed as per normal H2S drills. Note: The rig PA system shall immediately and repeatedly announce: “This is a Drill . Conducting a head count or other means to account for all personnel. K. with the following additions: a. 4) The H2S drill shall be announced by the standard siren and strobe light alarm. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format. nor any warning whatsoever that someone is missing. 6) Each H2S drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. Requiring all non-essential personnel (i.e.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 3) Each rig operating in a known or suspected H2S area shall conduct an H2S drill at least once per week. locate the missing person. H2S Rescue Drills 1) Each rig operating in a known or suspected H2S area shall conduct an H2S rescue drill as part of their weekly H2S drill. d.K). b. 2) There must be no prior warning of the drill. and rescue him by bringing him to the safe briefing area and administering appropriate first aid within 7 minutes after the alarm first sounded. Waiting on orders. the Monthly HSE Monitoring Report/Scorecard and the approved Drill Report format. 1) All equipment required for Pit Drills is to be installed prior to drilling and kept in good operating condition. The SA Liaisonman shall note the times required (in minutes) for various aspects of the pit drills and record them on the approved Drill Report format. L. or more often if deemed advisably by the SA Liaisonman. Logging. 3) A pre-arranged horn or siren signal is an essential part of the pit drill. Typical times would be while: a. Or any other time there is open hole and Blowout Preventers (BOP) installed. Pit Drills Pit Drills simulate an actual kick while drilling ahead and is designed as both a teaching and testing tool. Pit Drills train the Driller to be constantly aware of the fluid level in the mud pits. c. Go immediately to his assigned post and execute his assigned duties. 6) New drillers should be given special drills and thorough explanation of this practice. Shut down for equipment repairs. Circulating. c. e. f. At the signal. 7) Drills are to be conducted during both routine and special operations. 5) Pit Drills should be held at least one each day on wildcats wells and wells where above-normal bottom hole pressure could exist. 2) A multi-float pit level indicator and flow show device must be available. The number and times for these drills should be relayed to the office via morning reports. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 48 of 236 . then at least twice weekly per crew. b.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued Frequency: H2S Release Emergency Drills shall be conducted once every week. Drilling. d. It is one of the most important safety measures that can be initiated and followed. each crewmember must: a. 4) One or more pit drills should be conducted each day until the crews become proficient. b. Pit Drills should be supervised by the Toolpusher and coordinated through the SA Liaisonman. f.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 8) Procedure a. Record drill pipe. The SA Liaisonman shall be on the rig floor to announce to the driller that the exercise is only a drill and to stop him before he actually closes the blowout. check volumes of barite. g. e. Assistant Driller (AD) Check accumulator pressures and pumps. The time of the alarm must be noted. b. d. The Driller should prepare to shut in the well using the approved SA Shut-in Procedure While Drilling. pressure and casing pressure. Floor Hand No. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 49 of 236 . Record time. 3. These duties may include: 1. i. Members of the drilling crew must report back to the rig floor having completed their assigned duties. turn on water jets to diesel exhausts. The SA Liaisonman shall assist in observing the crew and recording completion times. Driller Shut in the well (simulated). h. check choke manifold for valve positioning and leaks.3 Assist Derrick Man on mud pits. 5. 4. Floor Hand No. all members of the drilling crew should immediately execute their assigned duties. Check BOP stack for leaks and proper valve positions.1 and 2 Assist Driller on rig floor. The Toolpusher simulates the kick by raising a float in the mud pits or by raising the arm on the flow show indicator and making a note of the time. The Driller must detect the kick and sound alarm. gel and water on location. The time must be noted when the driller is prepared to shut in the well. Upon hearing the alarm. Measure pit gain. Derrick Man/ Barge Engineer Weigh sample of mud from suction pit. 2. c. d. 2) The trip drill is supervised by the Toolpusher with the knowledge of the SA Liaisonman. all members of the drilling crew shall immediately execute their assigned duties. f. The Toolpusher simulates the kick by raising a float in the trip tank and making a note of the time. 4) When a new rig is picked-up. Members of the drilling crew should proceed with their assigned duties and report back to the rig floor upon completion. The time of the alarm shall be noted.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued Frequency: One or more pit drills should be conducted each day until the crews become proficient. 5) Procedure a. e. i. trip drills should be conducted at least twice weekly per crew. the SA Liaisonman shall announce to the Driller that the exercise is only a drill and that it is not necessary to close the preventers. These duties may include: SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 50 of 236 . ready for drills. h. The time shall be noted when the driller is prepared to shut-in the well. 3) All parts of the well control system must be kept hooked up and in good condition. After the safety valve is installed and the Driller is ready to close the preventers. then at least twice weekly per crew. trip drills should be conducted during each trip (both while pulling out and going into the hole) while the bit is up in the casing. or more often if deemed advisably by the SA Liaisonman. M. The SA Liaisonman shall assist in observing the crew and recording completion times. This shall include spacing out and stabbing/closing the full open safety valve. The trip drill is useful for both teaching and testing purposes. The Driller must detect the kick and sound the alarm. conditions allowing. The Driller must prepare to shut in the well using the approved SA Shut-in Procedure While Tripping. When the crew becomes proficient. Trip Drills 1) The trip drill is designed to train the drilling crew to recognize and respond to kick indications which occur while tripping pipe. g. c. Upon hearing the alarm. b. 1 and 2 Stab safety valve. 2. Floor Hand No. 4. Accumulator performance must be proven with an accumulator drill when the BOPs are first installed (which verifies proper sizing).3 Assist Derrick man on mud pits. and water. Accumulator Drill/Test Accumulator drill/test is designed to verify that the accumulator/closing system is in good working order and that it is properly sized for the particular blowout preventer stack. Open safety valve. but the Toolpusher is responsible for the actual supervision of the drill. Driller Shut in the well (simulated). but up in the casing. including closing times of the rams and annular preventer. turn on water jets to diesel exhausts. record time. and every 14 days on a gas well and 21 days on an oil well. 1) Results of the accumulator drill. Assist Driller on rig floor. conditions allowing N. 2) A notation should also be made on the tour report that an accumulator drill was conducted. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 51 of 236 . Thereafter in accordance with the Saudi Aramco Well Control Manual (SAWCM). Floor Hand No. When the crew becomes proficient. Frequency: Trip drills should be conducted during each trip (both while pulling out and going into the hole) while the bit is up in the casing. Record drill pipe and casing pressure. 4) At least one joint of drill pipe must be in the hole for the pipe rams to close on. Check BOP stack for leaks. trip drills should be conducted at least twice weekly per crew. 5) The SA Liaisonman and Toolpusher should witness all accumulator drills.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 1. Close safety valve Stab inside BOP. 5. Check choke manifold for valve positioning and leaks. Assistant Driller Check accumulator pressures and pumps. Derrick Man/Barge Engineer Weigh sample of mud from suction pit. Measure pit gain. 3. and initial final accumulator pressures are to be reported on the BOP Test and Equipment Checklist. 6) Use the remote station to close the preventers every other drill. gel. Check volumes of barite. 3) Accumulator drills must be conducted when the drill pipe is not in open hole. Annual Emergency Drills 1) D&WO shall conduct an annual “Primary” rig emergency drill as per G. h. Frequency: Accumulator performance must be proven with an accumulator drill/test when the BOPs are first installed (which verifies proper sizing). This Primary drill shall require full mobilization of equipment and personnel. Record the final accumulator. Substitute a reopening of a pipe ram to simulate the blind ram closure when applicable. Close all of the preventers (Except the Blind Rams). O. Open the Hydraulic Control Relief (HCR) valve. all BOPs must have closed in less than 30 seconds with at least: 1500 psi accumulator pressure remaining (for a 3000 psi accumulator). Record the initial accumulator. Turn off all accumulator-pressurizing pumps. One MODU from each drilling department (where applicable) and one MODU from workover shall be selected annually to participate. resulting in rapid control of the well. Note: Equipment that does not meet these requirements either has insufficient capacity. Marine Department and other operating organizations so that all parties shall become familiar with the respective responsibilities and response plans. c. the response time to activate the disaster plans for a blowout will decrease.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 7) Procedure a. j. Observe the remaining pressure for at least 5 minutes to detect any possible ram piston seal leaks. Thereafter in accordance with the SAWCM. e. and annular pressures. insufficient pre-charge or needs repair. Re-open the BOP and turn the accumulator pump(s) back on.I. f. 3) By conducting joint drills. Closing time for annular preventers 20" and larger should not exceed 45 seconds. Record the time required to charge system back up (re-charge time). and annular pressures. 1851. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 52 of 236 . i. and every 14 days on a gas well and 21 days on an oil well. b. g. 2) This drill shall be coordinated with the disaster plan drill of Northern area Producing. to better prepare for unexpected well disaster when they occur. To pass the accumulator test. Measure and record the closing times for each preventer with a stopwatch. d. manifold.001. manifold. Fire Drill Fire drills should be planned in such a way that due consideration is given to regular practice in the various emergencies that may occur depending on the type of operations on-going. as far as practicable. C. Oil Spill Equipment Clean-up Drill 1) Oil spill drills shall include instructions for the use and proper deployment of oil containment and recovery and/or oil dispersing equipment. Frequency: Twice per year. Note: The equipment used during drills shall immediately be brought back to its fully operational condition and any faults and defects discovered during the drills shall be remedied as soon as possible. D. 3. be conducted as if there were an actual emergency. P. B. Onshore A. Frequency: Once per year. All Personnel on location must participate in drills. Record the EFWP pressure and nozzle pressure if known. 3) The format and scope of such a drill shall be formulated by the Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC’s) and approved as necessary by the ROSRC Members. 2) These drills shall be held at least once every six months unless the equipment has been used during the intervening period. using at least the two required jets of water to show that the system is in proper working order. Drills shall. 2) Starting of a fire pump. the drill shall be integrated with an offshore Primary drill to evaluate the coordination and response. All drills shall be documented on the IADC Report. Each fire drill shall include: 1) Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the station bill. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 53 of 236 . 4) At least once in every two years. The “Secondary” drills shall evaluate readiness to respond to a major incident and shall require minimal mobilization of equipment and personnel. the D&WO Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 4) D&WO shall also conduct annual “Secondary” rig emergency drills with each MODU. 8) Each rig shall conduct a fire drill at least once per month. fire dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems in the drill area. Each rig shall develop a viable search and rescue plan in accordance with D&WO ERP Manual section 6. for operability. fire doors. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent fire drills are required to ensure adequate response. 5) Checking the operation of watertight doors. Reference the D&WO ERP Manual section 6.11 Man Lost – Search and Rescue. Man-Down (Injury) Drills 1) Each rig shall develop a Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Plan that complies and coordinates with SA G. 11) Each fire drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. 10) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time crew response during fire drills and verify that the Fire Attack Plan and Fire Attack Teams are adequate to address the fire risk. 9) Fire drill locations shall be varied to provide practice in all Fire Attack Plans. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 54 of 236 .015 (Request for Air Medical Evacuation). where applicable.015 contains other critically important procedures to ensure a rapid and effective response to a medical emergency. Even if an air Medevac is unlikely G. c. areas of improvement with concise instruction for improvement with clear responsibility for the implementation of improvement. Documentation shall include the location and type of drill and the response time to assemble and begin to fight the fire. The Fire Attack Plans shall be referenced. 1321.I. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format. the D&WO Liaisonman may require that more frequent drills are require. 7) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time drill crew response. The established Search Plan should be referenced for all search and rescue drills. Man Lost . 4) Inspection of relevant communication equipment.I. F.Search Rescue Drills shall be conducted annually as a minimum.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 3) Inspection of fireman's outfit and other personal rescue equipment. Frequency: Man-Lost .Search/Rescue Drill 1) Confirm that a man is actually lost a.11 Man Lost – Search and Rescue. for correct use and donning. 6) Checking the necessary arrangements for subsequent evacuation of the drilling rig. b. Frequency: Fire Drill shall be conducted once every 4 weeks E. 1321. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 2) Each rig shall have the telephone number of the following posted in the rig clinic. b. First aid at the injury site. Placing and securing the injured person in a basket stretcher. d. the rig office. SA Aviation. Basic First Aid. CPR. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 55 of 236 . b. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent Man Down (Injury) drills are required to ensure adequate response. as a minimum the Stretcher Team shall be competent in: a. e. including an immobilized injured man at height. Identifying the appropriate type of stretcher to use. Using the correct techniques when maneuvering a casualty in to a stretcher. 3) Each rig shall develop Man Down (Injury) Drill procedures to address and treat an immobilizing injury occurring anywhere on the rig location. 7) Each Man Down (Injury) Drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. Immobilizing a casualty. and the rig clerk’s office: a. b. Frequency: Man-Down (Injury) Drills shall be conducted once every 8 weeks. Prompt notification of the Medic. Transferring the injured person to the rig clinic. c. Documentation shall include the location and type of drill and the response time to bring the injured person to the clinic. 4) As a minimum. c. 8) The Rig Medic shall be responsible for the training of a Stretcher Team. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format. 5) Each rig shall conduct a Man-Down (Injury) Drill at least once per quarter. 6) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time crew response during Man Down (Injury) Drills and verify that the procedures are adequate to provide prompt and effective treatment. d. Nearest medical facility. c. Man-Down (Injury) Drill procedure shall address the following: a. Nearest SA medical clinic. 2) Each onshore rig shall conduct a confined space drill at least once every 3 months. Vertical Rescue Drill procedure shall address the following: a. Placing and securing the injured person in a basket stretcher (appropriate rescue equipment). 3) As a minimum. 2) Each rig shall develop Vertical Rescue Drill procedures to address and treat an immobilizing injury occurring for each reasonable scenario anywhere at height at the rig location. 5) The SA Liaisonman shall observe and time crew response during Vertical Rescue Drills and verify that the procedures are adequate to provide prompt and effective treatment. Confined Space Entry process (Refer to HSERM / A / A-21 / CS). 4) A confined space rescue drill shall utilize all rescue equipment as defined in the SAR Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) or Contractor Permit to Work (PTW). once per year. Confined Space Rescue Drill 1) Each onshore rig shall develop confined space rescue procedures and train a sufficient number of crewmen to effect a safe and prompt rescue. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent confined space rescue drills are required to ensure adequate response 3) A suitably weighted dummy shall be used to simulate a casualty in a confined space. a suitably weighted dummy must be used). The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent Vertical Rescue Drills are required to ensure adequate response. Vertical Rescue Drill 1) Each rig shall conduct a Vertical Rescue Drill for example getting an immobilized injured man safely down from the monkey board. Prompt notification of the Medic. b. Transferring the injured person from height to the rig clinic (during all drills. Note: A suitably weighted dummy must be used to simulate the injured person. all the safety requirements shall be followed. c. Documentation shall include the location and type of drill and the response time to bring the injured person to the clinic. Frequency: Vertical Rescue Drill shall be conducted once every year H. d.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued G. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 56 of 236 . 4) Each rig shall conduct a Vertical Rescue Drill at least once per year. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill report format. 6) Each vertical rescue drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. 5) For the purpose of drills. First aid at the injury site if possible. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Release Emergency Drills 1) Every person must be able to don breathing apparatus and breathe bottled air within 45 seconds. There must be no prior warning of the drill. 2) Every person who may be required to work on a land rig must be able to don breathing apparatus and breathe bottled air within 45 seconds. I. Masking up and breathing bottled air for those crew members whose assigned tasks require breathing apparatus. Frequency: Confined Space Rescue Drill shall be conducted once every 12 weeks. Documentation shall include the response time (to complete the drill). SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 57 of 236 . Note: The rig PA system shall immediately and repeatedly announce: “This is a Drill .e. The SA Liaisonman will decide if more frequent H2S drills are required to ensure adequate response. d.This is a Drill” 6) H2S drill procedure shall include the following: a. 4) Each crew of each rig operating in a known or suspected H2S area shall conduct an H2S drill at least once per week. 5) The H2S drill shall be announced by the standard siren and strobe light alarm. Conducting a head count or other means to account for all personnel. 3) All known persons working near a land rig must be able to recognize the H2S alarm and know to proceed to the safe briefing area. b. the SA Morning Report and the approved Drill Report format. c. Frequency: Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Release Emergency Drills shall be conducted once every week. e. Requiring all non-essential personnel (i. the contractor PIC and the SA Liaisonman shall randomly select (nonessential) crew members mustered at the safe briefing area and verify that they know how to don and breathe from breathing apparatus.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 6) Drill shall be planned so as to familiarize the rescue teams with all confined spaces on the rig. 7) Each H2S drill shall be documented on the IADC Report. no specific assigned tasks as per the Station Bill) muster at upwind safe briefing area (land rigs). Rescuing procedures for rescuing potentially injured persons from the H2S contaminated site or vicinity (Refer to HSERM / A / A-6 / ED). Following the drill. 3) H2S Rescue Drills shall proceed as per normal H2S drills. Well Control Drills Shutting-in the well quickly to minimize the size of the influx is a major element of successful well control. and rescue him by bringing him to the safe briefing area and administering appropriate first aid within 7 minutes of the initial alarm sounding. L. K. 2) There must be no prior warning of the drill. No other crew member shall be given advance notice of either the drill or that someone may be missing. each crewmember must: SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 58 of 236 . It is critically important to verify that the standard H2S drill procedure is adequate to identify who is missing and locate and rescue him. Contractor PIC shall assign one crew member to act as an “H2S victim” and place this individual at an appropriate location. Drilling crews can only get proficient in this action through training and practice. Following their normal H2S drill procedure. b. nor any warning whatsoever that someone is missing. the rig crew must be able to identify that someone is missing. 2) A multi-float pit level indicator and flow show device must be available. The SA Liaisonman should ensure that the Toolpusher administers training in the areas of kick detection and shut-in procedures until proficiency is demonstrated. c. H2S Rescue Drills 1) Each crew of each rig operating in a known or suspected H2S area shall conduct an H2S rescue drill at least once per month (as part of their weekly H2S drill). Pit drills should be supervised by the Toolpusher and coordinated through the SA Liaisonman. The SA Liaisonman or Contractor PIC will decide if more frequent H2S rescue drills are required to ensure adequate response. Pit drills train the Driller to be constantly aware of the fluid level in the mud pits. Frequency: H2S Rescue Drill shall be conducted once every 4 weeks. with the following additions: a. 3) A pre-arranged horn or siren signal is an essential part of the pit drill. At the signal. The training must be repetitive and frequent enough so that shutting-in the well becomes automatic whenever a kick is detected. 1) All equipment required for pit drills is to be installed prior to drilling and kept in good operating condition.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued J. locate the missing person. Pit Drills The pit drill is designed to simulate an actual kick while drilling ahead and is designed as both a teaching and testing tool. wildcats. then at least twice weekly per crew. c. Shut down for equipment repairs c. 4) One or more pit drills should be conducted each day until the crews become proficient. The time of the alarm must be noted. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 59 of 236 . The number and times for these drills should be relayed to the office via morning reports and the Monthly HSE Monitoring Report/Scorecard. Waiting on orders e. c. 5) Pit Drills should be held at least once each day on wells. 7) Procedure a. f. e. The Driller must detect the kick and sound alarm. and wells where above-normal bottom-hole pressure could exist. 6) Drills are to be conducted during both routine and special operations. b. Upon hearing the alarm. all members of the drilling crew should immediately execute their assigned duties. The SA Liaisonman shall assist in observing the crew and recording completion times. Or any other time there is open hole and Blowout Preventers (BOP) installed. b.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued a. Typical times would be while: a. Go immediately to his assigned post and execute his assigned duties. The SA Liaisonman shall note the times required (in minutes) for various aspects of the pit drills and record them on the tour report. d. Circulating f. or more often if deemed advisably by the SA Liaisonman. The Driller should prepare to shut in the well using the approved SA Shut-in Procedure While Drilling. Logging d. Drilling b. The Toolpusher simulates the kick by raising a float in the mud pits or by raising the arm on the flow show indicator and making a note of the time. The trip drill is useful for both teaching and testing purposes. Driller Shut in the well (simulated). trip drills should be conducted at least twice weekly per crew. Derrick Man Weigh sample of mud form suction pit. Check BOP stack for leaks and proper valve positions. 2) The trip drill is supervised by the Toolpusher with the knowledge of the SA Liaisonman. ready for drills. 4) When a new rig is picked-up.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued g. conditions allowing. i.3 Assist Derrick Man on mud pits Frequency: One or more pit drills should be conducted each day until the crews become proficient. h. check volumes of barite. 2. Floor Hand No. Record drill pipe. Record time. gel and water on location. Assistant Driller Check accumulator pressures and pumps. 5. or more often if deemed advisably by the SA Liaisonman. 3. trip drills should be conducted during each trip (both while pulling out and going into the hole) while the bit is up in the casing. turn on water jets to diesel exhausts. Measure pit gain. These duties may include: 1. When the crew becomes proficient. M. 4. then at least twice weekly per crew. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 60 of 236 . The SA Liaisonman shall be on the rig floor to announce to the driller that the exercise is only a drill and to stop him before he actually closes the blowout. pressure and casing pressure. The time must be noted when the driller is prepared to shut in the well. Trip Drills 1) The trip drill is designed to train the drilling crew to recognize and respond to kick indications which occur while tripping pipe. 3) All parts of the well control system must be kept hooked up and in good condition. Floor Hand No. check chock manifold for valve positioning and leaks.1 and 2 Assist Driller on rig floor. Members of the drilling crew must report back to the rig floor having completed their assigned duties. These duties may include: 1. f. h. Floor Hand No. d. e. 3. The time of the alarm shall be noted. Assist Driller on rig floor. and water.1 and 2 Stab safety valve. Open safety valve. Assistant Driller Check accumulator pressures and pumps. all members of the drilling crew shall immediately execute their assigned duties. b. Check BOP stack for leaks. The SA Liaisonman shall assist in observing the crew and recording completion times. The Driller must detect the kick and sound the alarm. Close safety valve Stab inside BOP. the SA Liaisonman shall announce to the Driller that the exercise is only a drill and that it is not necessary to close the preventers. The Toolpusher simulates the kick by raising a float in the trip tank and making a note of the time. Check choke manifold for valve positioning and leaks. The Driller must prepare to shut in the well using the approved SA Shut-in Procedure While Tripping. Members of the drilling crew should proceed with their assigned duties and report back to the rig floor upon completion. Record drill pipe and casing pressure. record time. The time shall be noted when the driller is prepared to shut-in the well. 4. Check volumes of barite. 2. g. Measure pit gain. i. This shall include spacing out and stabbing/closing the full open safety valve. After the safety valve is installed and the Driller is ready to close the preventers. c. Derrick Man Weigh sample of mud from suction pit. gel. turn on water jets to diesel exhausts. Upon hearing the alarm.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 5) Procedure a. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 61 of 236 . Driller Shut in the well (simulated). Open the Hydraulic Control Relief (HCR) valve. When the crew becomes proficient. Accumulator Drill/Test Accumulator drills/tests are designed to verify that the accumulator/closing system is in good working order and that it is properly sized for the particular blowout preventer stack. Substitute a reopening of a pipe ram to simulate the blind ram closure when applicable. c. Frequency: Trip drills should be conducted during each trip (both while pulling out and going into the hole) while the bit is up in the casing. conditions allowing. 5) The SA Liaisonman and Toolpusher should witness all accumulator drills. N. 1) Results of the accumulator drill. 2) A notation should also be made on the tour report that an accumulator drill was conducted. d. 6) Use the remote station to close the preventers every other drill. Record the initial accumulator. To pass the accumulator test. all BOPs must have closed in less than 30 seconds with at least: 1500 psi accumulator pressure remaining (for a 3000 psi accumulator).Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued 5. Accumulator performance must be proven with an accumulator drill when the BOPs are first installed (which verifies proper sizing). 4) At least one joint of drill pipe must be in the hole for the pipe rams to close on. Measure and record the closing times for each preventer with a stopwatch. b.3 Assist Derrick man on mud pits. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 62 of 236 . manifold. and every 14 days thereafter in conjunction with the weekly BOP pressure tests (which checks for hydraulic leaks). Turn off all accumulator-pressurizing pumps. Record the final accumulator. Floor Hand No. 7) Procedure a. g. trip drills should be conducted at least twice weekly per crew. Close all of the preventers (Except the Blind Rams). and initial final accumulator pressures are to be reported on the BOP Test and Equipment Checklist. but the Toolpusher is responsible for the actual supervision of the drill. f. manifold. and annular pressures. but up in the casing. 3) Accumulator drills must be conducted when the drill pipe is not in open hole. including closing times of the rams and annular preventer. and annular pressures. e. Frequency: Accumulator performance must be proven with an accumulator drill/test when the BOPs are first installed (which verifies proper sizing). 1850.I. Annual Emergency Drills 1) D&WO shall conduct an annual “Primary” rig emergency drill as per G. This Primary drill shall require full mobilization of equipment and personnel. Oil Spill Equipment Clean-up Drill 1) Oil spill drills shall include instructions for the use and proper deployment of oil containment and recovery and/or oil dispersing equipment. 3) By conducting joint drills. Observe the remaining pressure for at least 5 minutes to detect any possible ram piston seal leaks. O. h. 4) At least once in every two years. insufficient pre-charge or needs repair. 2) This drill shall be coordinated with appropriate operating organizations so that all parties shall become familiar with the respective responsibilities and response plans. resulting in rapid control of the well. 4) D&WO shall also conduct annual “Secondary” rig emergency drills with each Producing crew department.001. 2) These drills shall be held at least once every six months unless the equipment has been used during the intervening period.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued Note: Equipment that does not meet these requirements either has insufficient capacity. the drill shall be integrated with an offshore disaster drill to evaluate the coordination and response. One Land rig from each drilling department and one Land rig form workover shall be selected annually to participate. Re-open the BOP and turn the accumulator pump(s) back on. i. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 63 of 236 . 3) The format and scope of suck drill shall be formulated by the ROSC(s) and approved as necessary by the ROSC Members. Frequency: Annual Emergency Drills shall be completed once per year. The “Secondary” drills shall evaluate readiness to respond to a disaster and shall require minimal mobilization of equipment and personnel. to better prepare for unexpected well emergencies when they occur. Closing time for annular preventers 20" and larger should not exceed 45 seconds. the response time to activate the disaster plans for a blowout will decrease. Record the time required to charge system back up (re-charge time). and every 14 days thereafter in accordance with the SAWCM (SAWCM). P. j. Definitions. Frequency: Oil Spill Equipment Clean-up Drill shall be completed once per year. 4. 5. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 64 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-6 / ED / Continued Note: The equipment used during drills shall immediately be brought back to its fully operational condition and any faults and defects discovered during the drills shall be remedied as soon as possible. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-7 Drops Program SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 65 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-7 / Drops Program (DP) While primary focus of this program shall be on the derrick. Procedure A. Remove all non-essential equipment from the derrick. This program applies to. Divide the derrick into small manageable sections to help you define areas for identification. such as tool rooms. The Rig Operator Person In Charge (PIC) is responsible for ensuring that the inspection required by this requirement are entered into the rig’s applicable preventive maintenance system and that the instructions contained therein are complied with. Each item deemed nonessential or redundant should be analyzed for any knock off effect if remove. The time and effort spent compiling this list will greatly affect the success of the program. B. This process should involve Rig management. Compile an Inventory of Equipment. 1. The Rig Operator PIC is responsible for maintaining the temporary equipment log. Contractor and Service Companies. D. On the same form enter the fastening methods used on each item and any inspection detail that will aid the inspector in the inspection process. this policy applies to all other equipment areas of the rig that are determined to pose a hazard of falling objects. Typically five zones are used: 1) Zone1: Travelling Equipment 2) Zone 2: Crown Section 3) Zone 3: Monkey board to Crown 4) Zone 4: Rig Floor to Monkey Board 5) Zone 5: Lower Substructure and BOP deck. The Rig Operator PIC shall ensure that all temporary equipment arriving at rig location for use in situations where it may create a dropped object hazard that is not covered by the inspections required under this requirement is accounted for on a log sheet that is to be maintained by the Rig Operator PIC until such time as the temporary equipment is removed from the rig. Record the information using a separate form for each zone identified. C. 2. Saudi Aramco D&WO. The inventory listing process will require considerable effort and commitment from various personnel and could take some time depending on available resources. Responsibility A. cranes etc. An accurate and detailed list is crucial and will benefit all involved. Review derrick inventory and define each item as essential or non-essential. and ensuring that an inspection checklist is added to “DROPS” for as long as the temporary equipment is in use on the rig. C. Identify the Derrick zones. The number of zones shall depend on the size of derrick and the amount of equipment in the derrick. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 66 of 236 . not listed in the inventory needs to be noted. 1) Inspection Schedule a. tool rooms and paint lockers d. Cranes b. Other areas should include but not be limited to the following: a.g. F. All items in the inventory need to be accounted for and inspected. This log sheet should be used to periodically check to see that all temporary items have been removed from aloft after use. the same process should then be applied to other areas of the rig.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-7 / DP / Continued E. A record of the third party inspection shall be kept at the rig site until superseded by the next annual inspection. Periodic inspections of the different zones shall be scheduled. it should be logged out in the same manner. the necessary information should be entered into the Preventive Maintenance (PM) system to show compliance. with reason for being in the derrick and expected duration. Once the tool or equipment is removed. An annual derrick inspection shall be conducted by a third party contractor. starting with the more critical areas first. The old age adage of “what goes up must come down” is extremely relevant. Welding Shack and surrounding areas f. Note: Rigs should make the derrick inspections a part of their current PM program. hand tools used during maintenance or equipment taken up the derrick for operation such as wire line work. b. A log sheet should be used to effectively control temporary equipment within the derrick. 3) Covering other areas of the rig Once “DROPS” has been implemented for the derrick. b. Shale Shaker areas e. Machinery Spaces SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 67 of 236 . All derrick zones shall be inspected by rig personnel a minimum of once per month with inspection results recorded in the PM system. e. The rig foreman may periodically request that the list be changed to reflect changes in operational requirements. Storerooms. Jack Houses c. Once inspections are carried out. Any item found in a particular zone. Once the items are removed from the derrick the inventory list should be modified to reflect the changes. 2) Control of Temporary Equipment a. Any tool or equipment taken aloft should be logged in and signed off by the person carrying out the task as well as the Driller on duty. both internal and external. galleys. h. and around the moon pool areas on floaters.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-7 / DP / Continued g. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. etc. 3. Other Areas as determined by the OIM/PIC. To make the inspection process easier these other areas should be divided up and assigned to specific departments. mess rooms. including accommodation spaces. laundry rooms. change rooms. Underneath drilling substructures between Cantilever Beams on jack-ups. Quarters Areas. 4. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 68 of 236 . Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Definitions. i. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-8 Short Service Employee Program SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 69 of 236 . 1) For the first 90 working days that they are filling a regularly rotating or field position they shall wear a GREEN hardhat. 2. they shall continue to wear a GREEN hardhat for the duration of their initial 90 working day period. 1. Responsibility It is responsibility of each Contractor PIC to ensure that a Short Service Employee program. 3. and all Visitors (Office Personnel) to SA industrial sites shall be easily identified as Short Service Employees by the following system. C. Scope This program is applicable to all SA Drilling and Workover facilities. D.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-8 / Short Service Employee Program (SSE) The purpose of this program is to help protect persons who are at particular risk on SA work sites because they are new (Short Service Employees). 3) New to the rig/location. Procedure A. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 70 of 236 . The Site Manager shall have the authority to assign Short Service Employee status (GREEN hardhat) to any person whom he assesses to be particularly at risk irrespective of their assignments. meeting the minimum requirements of this program. drilling contractor and service companies. If they are transferred to or working temporarily on another SA site during this time period. All service personnel shall conform to the above system of recognition but in any event shall NOT wear a hardhat color that conflict with and / or reduces the effectiveness of the above system. service time or location of employment E. is implemented at his site. All Short Service Employee (SSE’s) are required to attend an initial orientation on the rig prior to beginning work. or are unfamiliar with the site. All new employees regular and contract employees holding rig rotational positions or assigned to a shore base industrial site. A Short Service employee shall be only or all of the following: 1) New to the industry. 2) New to the company. After the 90 working day initial period they shall only wear a WHITE hardhat. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 71 of 236 . 3) Casualty Handing.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-8 / SSE / Continued F. The supervisor and designated safety partner shall ensure that the SSE is familiarized with personal protective equipment. a green hard hat shall distinguish SSE personnel. 5) Hazard Recognition Program. The term "Competent Person" is defined as "one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary. the location and operation of emergency equipment. or dangerous to employees. G. and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them". the supervisor and appointed safety partner shall record the fact by signing and dating the enrollment form. Note: All Training must be provided by a “Competent Person”. Some standards add additional specific requirements which must be met by the competent person. a competent person is knowledgeable of applicable standards. By way of training and/or experience. Following the successful completion of the required SSE period. I.4. All SSE’s shall be assigned. The appropriate supervisor shall enroll the SSE into the program by utilizing the Short Service Employee Enrollment Form. An employee shall not be considered a graduate from the program until he/she has successfully completed the following training as a minimum: 1) Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) safety training as per HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S Safety / Paragraph No. a safety partner (Mentor) from within their work group. is capable of identifying workplace hazards relating to the specific operation. procedure. The completed form shall be submitted to the SA DOE&CD with a copy retained on the rig to record the enrollment. hazardous. The supervisor and appointed safety partner shall discuss and review with the SSE any and all known and/or potential hazards associated with a proposed task prior to commencement and review all emergency equipment. The completed form shall be maintained on the rig copies shall be forwarded to SA DOE&CD. K. Throughout the appropriate SSE period. 4) Permit to Work. 2) Basic Fire Fighting. 6) Rigging and Lifting. J. and has the authority to correct them. personal protective equipment and procedures. H. The supervisor and appointed safety partner (Mentor) shall provide close supervision during the appropriate familiarization period and ensure that the SSE does not attempt to perform any task in which he has not been properly trained. An appropriate hazard recognition process must be utilized. 5.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-8 / SSE / Continued Additional questions and tasks may be added as necessary by the supervisor and safety partner to ensure that the employee has a working knowledge of Safety and Environmental procedures and has demonstrated safe work ethic and behavior throughout the period of the SSE program. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 72 of 236 . Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Any Employee who is not deemed as qualified for release from SSE status after a period of 90 working days may continue to work only with the written approval of the Site Manager. 4. L. Definitions. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-9 Requirements for Simultaneous Drilling and Producing Operations (Land Rigs) SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 73 of 236 . A. 5) Main camp and mini-camp locations. 6) Welding shop location. 2) Layout of rig components and materials. 1) Flagging all flow lines. 7) Emergency Shut-Down (ESD). A summary of the meeting shall be sent to Area Producing Department (APD). no oil production shall be allowed while the rig on location until the ESD system is functioning properly. The following and any other pertinent issues shall be discussed. E. Sub Surface Safety Valve (SSSV) and H2S sensor testing and reliability assurance. drilling contractor and service companies. Pre-Move and Planning This procedure is applicable to all SA Drilling and Workover facilities. 9) Review of AP and Drilling activates planned for the location. Land Rigs 1. D. rig-up. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 74 of 236 . A pre-move meeting shall be held at least 2 weeks before the rig move between the Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman. 8) Installation of ESD switch in Drilling Forman’s office and rig floor (if required) for all wells connected to a production or injection manifold. 10) Injector shut-in to avoid kicks while drilling thru reservoirs. If the ESD system is not functioning properly. Rig move-in. B. Area Producing (AP) and D&WO Well sites.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-9 / Requirements for Simultaneous Drilling and Producing Operations (SIMOPS). The location ESD system must be operational and tested by AP Producing in the presence of Drilling Forman before rig mobilization to the site. Substantial barricades (capable of stopping any rig vehicle moving at 10 km per hour) to be installed around all live/flowing equipment on the location – to stop any vehicle approaching closer than 20m to such equipment . Traffic controls (barricades) shall be installed on the location to direct all traffic away from flowing wells area. 3) Installation of barricades and traffic control and responsibilities for same. 4) Wells to be shut-in in addition to the minimum requirements below and responsibility for installing mechanical down-hole barriers. C. rig-down and move-off shall be a daylight only activity. Additional wells may be shut-in. utilizing the ESD the Drilling Foreman is authorized to shut-in all wells on the same location without notifying AP at any time he feels it is not safe to operate with nearby wells active. The ERP shall be in accordance with the requirements of D&WO SMS No. an AP representative shall be available on the location 24 hours as a single point of contact for the Drilling Foreman. wire line work. If any ESD system is by-passed. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 75 of 236 . shall be shut-in. Well Services activities are not allowed within 85 meters of the wellbore or in any other shut-in well on the location. Rig Move While the rig is moving on/off a location. No major PMT or other construction work shall be allowed while the rig is on the locations. but is not limited to. 8 / Emergency Preparedness. While the rig is operating. Prior to commencing operations. No location safety systems shall be by-passed. all wells in adjacent rows and any other wells identified in the premove meeting. flaring. F. When the rig is on the location. Any planned activity (surface or sub-surface) on the location shall be reviewed with the Drilling Foreman for his approval and coordination. The Drilling Foreman shall immediately notify the AP representative on location. sampling. 3. B. well control situation. This is minimum requirement only. This shall include. Drilling shall install additional H2S sensors between the rig and existing wells. In case of any alarm. The wells shall be returned to normal operation as soon as it is safe to do so. as agreed to at the pre-move meeting. 2. All reasonable scenarios shall be addressed with particular attention being paid to the ability to protect and evacuate additional none rig personnel on location. unless there is written concurrence from Drilling Operations Management. Both location access roads shall remain clear at all times. Rig Operating A. etc. or other emergency. H. E. C. G. ESD maintenance. the well(s) shall be shut-in. Minor work and all hot work shall be reviewed case by case with the Drilling foreman. anyone entering the location shall check-in and review his plans with the Drilling Foreman. An adequate Emergency Response Plan (ERP) shall be developed and implemented prior to any equipment being moved to well location. all wells within a distance of 85 meters from the wellbore shall be shut-in with two (2) mandatory mechanical shut-offs. producers can use SSSV and BPV. D. testing SSSV’s. for the duration of drilling activities.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / SIMOPS / Continued F. In general. bleeding. injectors can use a mono-lock plug and BPV. L.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-9 / SIMOPS / Continued I. AP shall be responsible for supervising any work done on the location by AP or its contractor companies. N. Drilling shall provide a Separator and Vertical Flare Stack from spud to release while operating on production location and while drilling across pay zones on an injection location. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 76 of 236 . Drilling shall have two Drilling Foremen from spud to release. P. Drilling shall have a Rig Safety Advisor available on the location from spud to release. Definitions. All personnel on location at any time shall have H2S training and carry a current H2S certificate at all times. AP shall provide sufficient self-contained breathing apparatus for their contractor personnel. The ESD H2S alarm settings shall be as follows: 1) 5 ppm to actuate the siren. J. A location that contains both injectors and producers shall be considered a production location. Note: The Auto Ignition system shall be operational from spud release. M. K. O. 4. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 5. 2) 10 ppm to activate the ESD and shut all the wells. Contact number of AP personnel shall be provided to the Drilling Foreman prior to working on any well in the location. AP shall adopt non-conventional sampling and bleeding methods that mitigate SIMOPS risk by eliminating the potential for hydrocarbon release and un-necessary activation of the ESD system. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 Journey Management SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 77 of 236 . Definitions (Ref: G. or over open water.I. 3. 2) Air travel over land far from inhabited areas. skid roads to drilling rig locations. 2. B. Search and Rescue Response Vice Commander (SRRVC) The Vice President of SA Medical Services Organization (SAMSO) or his designee. Remote Area Those areas of operation which by distance or topography are isolated from any existing facility capable of providing a timely response to an emergency situation. towns or industrial facilities. 3) Sea travel. the Vice President of SAMSO or his assigned alternate shall assume the responsibilities of the SRRC.I. The SRRC shall assume control of all search and rescue activities on the activation of ‘Secondary’ response procedures. and defining responsibilities for implementing search and rescue operations for missing personnel or medical evacuations of injured/ill persons from remote areas. and includes responsibilities for implementing “Primary” and/or “Secondary” search and rescue operations for missing or injured personnel. sub-contractors and service companies involved in remote area D&WO operations and associated travel.025 (Control of Remote Area Travel and Search/Rescue Procedures) and D&WO Safety Management System (SMS) Element No.0) A. C. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 78 of 236 . 4) Off road travel. Scope This procedure applies to all SA employees. Search and Rescue Response Commander (SRRC) The Executive Director of Industrial Services Organization or his assigned alternate. developed roads or landing strips.6. such as pipeline corridors.6.025. contractors. In any absence of the Search and Rescue Response Commander.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / Journey Management (JM) 1. This procedure is a supplement to G. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to establish requirements and responsibilities for Drilling and Workover (D&WO) organizations for: controlling travel to and from remote locations. such as: 1) Seldom used tracks or dirt roads.6 (Safe Operations). Section 4. or tracks to exploration camps. specifying proper equipment for remote area travel and operations. even if it is near to paved roads. water well. (asphalt or dirt roads) or close proximity to company facilities on route. regardless of road conditions. Vehicle first aid kit and sufficient water. b.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued D. poor visibility. a. well site constructions when trips involve driving distances more than 150km. Secondary Response A coordinated corporate level response to any emergency situation which involves search. 2) Remote and Deep Desert Areas: The Remote Area Travel Log (Refer to HSERM / A / A-10 / JM / Appendix No. The ECC is located on the second floor of building 3193. F. Primary Response Search and rescue (SAR) actions initiated by the individual department when notified of stranded or missing personnel and/or medical emergencies in remote areas. G. mechanical failures or even becoming lost. Communication equipment and Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).2) must be completed before driving to any remote or deep desert areas. Drivers and crews shall ensure the minimum safety equipment is taken on all trips: a. Initial coordination with Emergency Medical Services for medical evacuations is included in ‘Primary’ response. drilling rigs. c. remote areas and deep desert areas. Remote Areas: Remote areas are classified as areas of operations which are geography isolated from any existing facility capable of providing a timely response to an emergency situation as: SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 79 of 236 . 1) Field Trips: The Daily Area Travel Log (Refer to HSERM / A / A-10 / JM / Appendix No. Bad weather conditions. rescue and/or medical evacuation operations in remote areas which exceed the available resources of “Primary” response organizations.1) must be completed before driving to D&WO operations. Vehicle jacking and emergency equipment. one way from the origin point of travel. Dhahran Emergency Control Center (ECC) The location from which the SRRC and designated personnel shall coordinate a ‘Secondary’ response. Field Trips – Remote Travel – Deep Desert Areas Employees should be prepared for unexpected situations while travelling on field trips. E. 6. 2) Ensure clear departmental procedures and policies are established. GPS. 7. 4X4 Vehicles. Seldom used tracks. 2. their responsibility to follow Journey Management policies and procedures.025. Deep Desert Areas: Deep desert areas are classified as areas more than 100km away from paved roads or any SA facilities. contractor management understand that they are responsible to ensure all sub-contractors and service companies working directly for them follow adequate travel control procedures consistently. 5. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 80 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 1. Equipment Kits. Satellite telephones. 3) Clearly communicate to the Division Heads that. 2. 2 vehicles travelling together. 15 liters of water per person. 6. D&WO Management 1) Responsible for ensuring all employees follow departmental travel control procedures. dirt roads such as pipelines corridors. 3. b. Deep desert driving has special requirements documented clearly in G. 4) During SOC meetings reinforce the commitment of service companies and contractors. skid roads to D&WO Rig locations. Remote communication equipment. The minimum requirements for desert driving are: 1. 4. towns or industrial facilities.I. Sleeping kits. Off-Road travel even if it is near to paved roads. Responsibilities A. 2 spare wheels per vehicle. 4. This includes all contractors and service companies under their departments' supervision. 7) Provide Driver Improvement Refresher courses. until help arrives. if stranded for any reason. communication tools and safety equipment for vehicles. traffic violation. Records of vehicle logs. D&WO Division Head 1) Shall ensure all relevant Driver certification and vehicle asset documentation is recorded in the divisions filing system. b. they are responsible for ensuring all sub-contractors and service companies working directly for them consistently follow adequate travel control procedures. C. MVA records. e. Enforce Travel management logs. g. c. As well. 5) Initiate appropriate departmental search and rescue efforts when an employee in a remote area is reported missing. D. 2) Ensure contractor and service companies under the department’s supervision have adequate travel control and Search and Rescue procedures (of their own) in place. h. Authorized employees and SMPs driver’s license list. 3) Communicate policy and regulation changes to all employees. Assigned vehicle list. Contractor Management Responsible for ensuring all their employees follow their own travel control procedures. Any SA 1193 recordings. Drivers shall stay on the planned or designated route while traveling and remain with the vehicle. f. d.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued B. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 81 of 236 . Driver performance / safe driving attitudes and behavior records. Supervisors Road Test records (SRT). Drivers All drivers are required to follow remote travel procedures developed by their employer at all times. Near miss. a. 4) Provide adequate information on remote area work locations together with maps. 6) Provide driver training including remote desert driving for employees and approved SMPs. 9) Promote safe driving practices to all employees whether during working or non-working hours. policies. 7) Ensure vehicle checklists. The assigned driver for each vehicle shall complete the checklist and give to his Supervisor for review. procedures and safety equipment is available in his work area or facility and is communicated to all employees. 4) Assign a Travel Controller (clerk) to coordinate. 3) Ensure all driving is performed in daylight hours when travelling to and from work locations. radio communication. 5) Carry the minimum safety equipment when travelling to locations or facilities. Any pool vehicle or vehicle used by employees other than the assigned driver must utilize a vehicle log. control and document daily travel logs. first aid kit and vehicle kits. mobile phone.I.030. D&WO Unit Heads 1) Shall ensure only employees with SA Driver licenses operate vehicles. 8) Ensure all SMPs under his supervision have the necessary driver training and certification when they operate any vehicle. Records are kept for audit purposes.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 8) Ensure he enrolls specific employees into the Deep Desert Driving program and other related courses. 4) Perform vehicle safety checks utilizing the Department’s Vehicle Safety Checklist once a month. drinking water. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 82 of 236 .6. remote and deep desert travel logs and plans. 10) Ensure drivers are proficient with the use of GPS. 5) Ensure vehicle Safety Check Inspections are performed and documented by the assigned driver once a month. 6) Ensure existing employees. travel documents. E. new hires or transferred personnel review driving policies and procedures including any site specific regulations during the site safety orientation. 2) Shall be conversant with the SA G. F. 2) Ensure vehicles are assigned to specific employees. 3) Ensure all employees DO NOT travel at night by planning all vehicle travel in daylight hours only.025 and 6. map and compass use. Employees 1) Shall apply safe driving practices and follow the SA policies and regulations when operating or driving company vehicles. Refer to: 1) HSERM / A / A-10 / JM / Appendix No. 2) HSERM / A / A-10 / JM / Appendix No. c. 8) Check weather conditions before travelling to locations and prepare accordingly. Remote Areas. Before leaving location the driver shall call the Travel Controller and inform him of his return trip plans. This effort should include frequent periodic inspections of the vehicles. aircraft. Deep Desert. A. b. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 83 of 236 . When the driver returns home he must inform the Travel Controller. 7) Ensure accommodation is pre-determined and organized before travelling long distances. Procedure D&WO departments with remote area travel should take every effort to provide all equipment and supplies necessary and/or as required for survival and emergency situations which may be encountered. If a driver is leaving from his home and going directly to the location then he must: a. Telephone the Travel Controller (assigned clerk) and complete the form over the telephone by giving the full details of his trip. 10) Report any vehicle accidents.1 / Daily Travel Log. 11) Keep your licenses current and up to date. G. Travel Control System Requirements / Travel Controller A Designated Person (Travel Controller) in each Unit or work facility shall be assigned by the Unit Head to ensure all travel plans are recorded and closed out. 9) Complete Vehicle Travel Log before driving to work areas away from the office. or Over Night Destinations.2 / Remote Travel Log / Deep Desert Travel Log. private or company immediately to the Unit Head. regulations when operating or driving vehicles. following the instructions before travelling to Field Trips. 5. Contractors Shall apply safe driving practices follow the SA and contractor policies. The Travel Controller is responsible for initiating Primary Search and Rescue (SAR) Plan in the event a vehicle becomes overdue.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 6) Complete the Vehicle Travel Logs. or vessels to ensure compliance and mechanical soundness. b. 10) Any check-in required in Section Travel Check. 2) Destination(s) including: a. Overnight stops.All routes taken to rig/camp sites shall follow the Aramco designated routing where signs are placed every 10 Km. 7) Expected return time to point of origin if applicable.in. 5) Actual departure time. 5) Reason for travel. 4) Drivers contact details. 3) Vehicle description(s) and unit number(s).2) Minimum information required for single vehicle and convoy travel to be recorded as follows: 1) Name and company ID numbers of driver(s) and passengers. 4) Planned routing . All items on travel log must be clarified with the driver. 9) Signature(s) for sign in/out (for land travel). 3) Expected time of arrival.in points. The Travel Controller and driver shall report as a minimum the following information to the site foreman: 1) Contact rig or facility. Communication check.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued B. Remote Travel Log System (Refer to HSERM / A / A-10 / JM / Appendix No. C. Current issue phone lists are an acceptable alternative for both Travel Manager and person traveling. 6) Expected arrival time at destination(s). inform foreman how many personnel are travelling. 2) Expected time of travel. 8) Communications contact information for destinations (if applicable) and mobile communications (if applicable). SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 84 of 236 . The Travel Controller shall complete the travel Log with the assistance of any driver who is travelling directly from his home to location. Note: If the driver has not checked-in within 2 hours of expected check-in time. 2) If there is a change in planned route. Remote Night Travel All night travel shall be discouraged. the Travel Controller shall initiate the Search and Rescue Primary Response Plan. E. 3) If there is a change in passenger list.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued Note: Crew changes between remote operations worksites such as drilling rigs or seismic operations and remote crew camp facilities specified for that worksite are not required to record a travel log. F. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 85 of 236 . Travel Check-In The driver must contact the Travel Controller under any of the following circumstances: 1) If there is a change in expected arrival time at destination exceeding 2 hours of original estimate. the aircraft or vessel shall comply with the applicable international and local regulations for procedures. Prior to leaving and after returning to high traffic paved highways that go to built-up industrial areas or manned plant facilities. 4) If there is a change in composition of convoy. supplies and equipment necessary for remote area travel. Night travel to or from or in an area that is defined as remote should not commence after dark or before light. requiring continuous operations and remote crew camp facilities specified for that worksite. 7) If traveling off-highway for a period of four hours. Note: There are abandoned Aramco infield paved roads and government paved roads which are not considered high traffic roads. Air or Sea Travel For air or sea travel. such as drilling rigs. with the exception to the following: 1) Material supply trucks or vehicles controlled by SA transportation department where the operation complies with SA transportation Procedures. 5) If possible. 6) Prior to traveling off-road into the open desert. 8) Upon arrival at destination and also check-in with the destination Travel Controller. 2) Crew changes between remote operations worksites. D. 6) Matches or lighter and charcoal lighter fluids. Off-Road Basic Emergency Supplies/Equipment In addition to the equipment listed in section HSERM / A / A-10 / JM / paragraph G. road reflectors. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 86 of 236 . 7) Blanket. trails and tracks. 3) Additional fuel and vehicle fluids. 5) Shovel. 9) Communications Equipment. 2) GPS Unit. H. flashlight.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued G. 4) First Aid kit. vehicles driving off road require the following: 1) Food rations for 3 days per person. 3) Four wheel drive vehicles are required when vehicles leave graded skid roads for travel in open desert. 2) Accurate area maps with North marked clearly at top. 10) PPE. I. 12) Vehicle Jack. 11) Spare Wheel. 2) Light vehicles are to be equipped with two spare tires. Remote Travel Vehicle Requirements 1) Vehicles must have current Saudi Government Motor Vehicles Periodic Inspection sticker and SA vehicles must have valid inspection and PM services sticker. 8) Personal medications. Remote Travel Basic Emergency Supplies/Equipment: 1) Accurate compass of reasonable quality. 3) Water for 3 days (15 liters per person). 5) Off-highway Travel Personnel shall receive training to cover the following: a. 7) Winch or tow cable. D&WO SMS Element No. Communications 1) All Companies shall provide employees with the necessary means of communication to check-in as required in the travel plan prepared for remote travel. b.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 4) Tire pump and pressure gauge. 2) Vehicles traveling off road must have communications equipment that shall allow for continuous contact capability for all locations traveled to. e. Training 1) D&WO personnel shall receive adequate initial and refresher training (for personnel undertaking remote area travel) as referenced in G. Training as highlighted in the D&WO SMS element No. 5) Spare fan belt(s).6. depending on positions shall be registered to Attend and pass the SA Driving Courses as per G. 3) All SA drivers shall participate in the Driver Improvement Program (DIP).6. d.025 section 5 (Control of Remote Area Travel).030. 2) Regular Driving: All selected employees.4 Competency and Training and HSERM / A / A-5 / C&T. J. 4) Off highway/Off Road travel personnel shall receive training to cover the following: a. Map orientation and navigation by compass (all) and GPS (if applicable). 6) Appropriately equipped tool kit. c. Mobile communications equipment (if applicable). Basic first aid training.I. Emergency procedures to follow when lost or stranded.4 (Competency and Training) and HSERM / A / A-5 / C&T. 8) Traction grates.I. Off highway driving skills. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 87 of 236 . K. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 88 of 236 . hospitals. A. facilities along planned route. 2) The Travel Controller shall call the following: a. d.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 6) Off-Road Travel Personnel driving off -road shall receive training covering the following: a. Relevant police. including family/friends. Contact driver if equipped with communications equipment. d. e. Primary Response Plan 1) The Travel Manager shall initiate the following within the prescribed time limits if check-in is overdue: a. Remote Travel Performance Indicators The contractors shall maintain records of the following: 1) Section Travel Logs. Destination(s) contacts. c. GPS tracking equipment. c. L. b. Search and Rescue (SAR) Each D&WO department and each contractor shall have in place a primary SAR Response plan that shall address initial search operations contained in this section. who may know the overdue person. Mobile communications equipment. 3) The number of times needed to phone a location to discover the whereabouts of a driver. Desert survival skills. Off road driver skills. 2) The number of travel plans where non-compliances were identified and description of corrective actions taken. Any other possible contacts. b. Telephone Search (Maximum 2 hours overdue). 6. Last check-in point (if applicable). SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 89 of 236 . Planned route information from Travel Log.1. B. be coordinated by a Search Manager. Likelihood of person remaining lost or stranded if searchers are not sent to this area. c. Likelihood of missing person being found by passer-by or finding help from local populated areas. Vehicle range of missing vehicle and search vehicles.025 Section 6. the search area grids may be prioritized using the following criteria particularly when planning an initial road search: a. Ground Search The initial ground search plan shall take into consideration the resources available at the time of implementation using the information contained in this section and. d. b. 1) Search Area Initial search area shall be defined by establishing a Search Pattern Grid and assessing the following: a. b.6.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 3) Notification (maximum 4-6 hours overdue) The Travel Manager shall notify designated Company and Aramco supervision that an overdue person is missing. both off-highway and off-road. 2) Prioritize Areas According to Degree of Risk to the Missing Person Depending on resources available. Note: SA management may request Search aircraft if the situation warrants such action. For all initial searches. Off road searches would most often be conducted using a search pattern in conjunction with an initial road search and the planned off-road route given search priority. c. as per G. Type of terrain in search area. e. Last known location (usually the start point for establishing a search area). Supervisors shall then notify relevant Contractor and Aramco management representatives who shall initiate the Primary SAR ground search operations.I. it may be logical to first explore all roads and tracks in the designated search area.1. Vehicles without communications equipment must travel in convoy. a. Vehicle Requirements 1. unless the Search Manager has set other plans.I. 2.0. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. All search vehicles should meet the requirements for the type of search being conducted and have communications equipment.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued 3) Search Pattern A basic ground search pattern grid system can be applied to identify a search area when conducting both road and off road searches. The search radius and distance between check-in stops may vary according to search circumstances. b. 6.025 Section 7. Secondary Response Plan The SA Corporate plan is in place and shall be activated if necessary as per G. Definitions. C. 8. Drivers Trained as per Section Training and Off Road travel requirements. Search Manager Search and rescue planning and techniques for ground search. Training 1. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 90 of 236 . 7. Search vehicles should return to their base of operations after each search segment has been completed. 2. 1 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 91 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued Appendix No.2 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 92 of 236 . Animals can make sudden erratic movements without any apparent reason which could cause you or others to have a serious accident. G. The requirements for land based travel. in a very short distance. (4X4) and equipped with the necessary safety equipment. When you plan driving to remote areas. Unsealed or Poorly Maintained Roads: Take extra care. Make sure you are fully prepared for desert travel and you have been trained to do so safely. D&WO Drivers (Employees and Contractors) SA D&WO and Contractor employees are reminded that the Driving Policy applies to everyone who drives motor vehicles on or off-the job. HSERM / A / A-10 / Journey Management B. Desert and Remote Area Driving: Use the Driving and Journey Management Procedure. Pull off the road and stop until conditions clear. D&WO SMS Element No. 0006. Rig Roads. G. conditions can change dramatically. Camels.3 D&WO Driving Policy 1. Do not travel into the desert unless your vehicle is a four wheel drive. C.6 . Wildlife. slow down and only drive on designated roads.030 . However.Safe Operations C. from good to bad.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Continued Appendix No.I. The maximum speed on unpaved SA roads is 70 Km/h. 6. slow down to walking speed. stop if necessary and exercise extreme care. If visibility is poor switch on your lights to low beam. Do not use your hazard warning lights unless you have broken down or are trying to warn other traffic of a serious hazard ahead.Control of Remote Area Travel and Search/Rescue Procedures D. including remote area travel are documented in the following: A. D. Harsh Weather Conditions: Heavy rain. 2. Skid Roads. in adverse weather or on poor road conditions. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 93 of 236 .025 .I. Sheep and Cattle: Switch on your hazard warning lights. If conditions are marginal then slow down. these basic rules apply: A. switch on fog lights if fitted and take extra care. sand storms and fog. Ensure the Journey Management Log is completed in full with the travel controller in your division. B.Traffic and Vehicle Safety Employees and Contractors driving personal or company vehicles must follow both Saudi Arabian Government and SA driving regulations at all times. keep in mind that many of these roads are not maintained on a regular basis. If it is wet do not accelerate or brake quickly as your vehicle may spin out of control. Camels have been known to stray onto unfenced roads at night.3 / Continued E. drive within the limits of your lights. drive at a slower speed and leave adequate room to take evasive action if needed. injuries or fatalities and to minimize driving violations both at work and home. It is our vision to have zero accidents. We can only achieve this with your help by following these simple safety rules. the safety of your family and others around you is within your control. The Manager’s approval is required prior to undertaking any night driving. 3.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-10 / JM / Appendix No. Night Travel: D&WO does NOT permit driving at night except in extreme emergencies. Take extra care on unlit roads. but are not limited to: well control situations or potential loss of human life. they are very difficult to see and collisions involving fatalities have been frequent in the past. These include. When driving your personal car. Your driving behavior and proactive precautions will allow you to arrive at your next destination safe and sound. Note: Your safety. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 94 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-11 Working with Service Companies SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 95 of 236 . Definitions. snubbing and electric line operations. 2. the service company’s representative should report directly to the Company office. The requirements as defined in HSERM / A / A-20 / TPEI and HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP shall be followed. cell phone policy. They will be re-directed to the appropriate place for safety orientation and assignment of accommodations. 3. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 8.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-11 / Working with Service Companies This procedure is applicable to all SA Drilling and Workover facilities. This should be conducted immediately prior to the job. 7. All 3rd Party equipment shall be installed under the drilling contractors Permit to Work (PTW) System. This includes coil tubing. 6. etc. potential pinch points. hand signals or other means of communication. The safety orientation shall include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements. This meeting shall include discussions of responsibilities. A joint operational procedural meeting shall be conducted with all service companies concerned to review the task at hand and to coordinate their combined efforts. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. and hazardous chemicals/materials to be used. SAWCM”. danger from overhead falling objects. drilling contractor and service companies. A “safe distance” area should be cordoned off to indicate potentially high danger zones such as pressurized lines. Upon arriving to location. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 96 of 236 . 5. muster station identification. 4. opened cellar grating. Special operations requiring the use of BOP equipment must conform to design and testing procedures in “Section J: Equipment Requirements. A combined pre-job safety meeting shall be conducted with all service and rig personnel in the primary work environment. etc. 1. smoking policy. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 Safe Work Authorization Procedure SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 97 of 236 . On Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU). his designate. This procedure establishes minimum requirements and responsibilities for issuing/receiving Safe Work Authorizations. the SWAP serves as a written record of conditions and requirements agreed upon by the issuer and receiver. and for outlining the competencies required for those responsible for implementing the system. 2. 3) The contractor personnel and the D&WO Liaisonman follow their responsibilities (as defined in HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / paragraph No.10 / Training). B.I. 3. the PIC is the Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) / Barge Master (or designate).2. and are certified by their employer to issue the SWAP form are designated issuers. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 98 of 236 .5A / Responsibilities). 2) The contractor PTW system shall cover the rig activities identified in their PTW process. Purpose The purpose of the Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) is to define a formal safe system of control for SAR rig activities which are potentially hazardous. Drilling Contractors shall be permitted to use their own PTW procedure provided: 1) The contractor PTW procedure has been reviewed by the Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD). They list minimum safety precautions to be taken and hazards which must be controlled.2. SWAP Issuers The SAR rig supervisors who have received training (as defined in HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / paragraph No.B below. When issued.100 and verified in writing prior to work commencement. depending on the type of operations. Person In Charge (PIC) 1) SAR Rigs The PIC is the Toolpusher or. B. in his temporary absence. and found to comply with the requirements of G. Division Head or his designate. Definitions A. The SWAP is applicable to Saudi Aramco drilling rigs (SAR) and all contractor rigs not using an approved Permit to Work (PTW) procedure as defined in HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / paragraph No.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) 1. Scope A. Included could be carpentry (without power tools). Limit the scope of the task. Routine drilling operations. may be exempt from the SWAP.) not normally intended for human occupancy. b. Function of the SWAP A. SWAP Receivers The craft supervisors. Routine Helideck operations. 4. This shall apply to the use of spark or flame producing tools and equipment. and certain classes of non-flash photography where Drilling Operations determine these jobs can be conducted safely without a SWAP. The SWAP is intended to be applied to those jobs which represent a potential hazard to company operations. inspections in nonhazardous areas. Routine crane operations. in which entry. vessel. Drilling Operations must maintain adequate control in the workplace. the SWAP shall: a. or others who have received training (as defined in HSERM / A / A12 / SWAP / paragraph No. Cold Work Work that will not produce sufficient energy to ignite flammable a atmosphere or material. e. E. Routine Cold Work inside workshops and within accommodation units. 2) In such cases. Hot Work Any Work outside the designated “welding shop” that develops sparks. c.10 / Training). as determined by Drilling Operations. d. Routine materials handling. personnel or equipment.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued C. D. excavation when 4 feet or deeper. vault. 1) Examples of Work that may be performed without a SWAP are: a. craftsmen. Extremely low risk jobs. etc. Confined Space The entry of personnel into any space or structure (tank. On a practical level. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 99 of 236 . F. flames or heat sufficient to cause ignition. movement within or exit is restricted. and are certified by their employer to sign the SWAP form are the designated receivers. cleaning or lubricating non-hydrocarbon equipment. 8) Work carried out below sea level (i. Ensure that upon completion of work. 3) Work where there is a danger of falling into the sea or any working over water activity. this shall include the use of a man-ridding air hoist.1 / SWAP Form . 10) Man riding operations. 2) Work requiring entry in any tank or confined space. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 100 of 236 . d. 6) Work on electrical or mechanical equipment requiring energy isolation to ensure the safety of personnel.. watertight doors etc. f. required precautions/safeguards. Encourage pre-task planning.. The SWAP shall include.e. Increase the awareness of personnel responsible for the overall safety of the unit by providing documented details of potentially hazardous activities in progress. heating. detailing the nature of the work. B. and the responsible competent person in charge. 4) Work involving the use of unapproved electrical equipment (i.e.) that might affect the station keeping. e. 9) Work that might affect or disable the Rig’s safety systems (i.Example.e. Provide formal notification of completion of all work to the PIC.). pontoons. minimizing risk to personnel and equipment. etc. Any Lock-Out/Tag-Out Energy Isolation (LOTO) conducted on SAR Rigs shall follow the requirements of HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / Appendix No. and reduce the inconvenience and interference to other operations.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued b. work baskets whether suspended by a crane or air hoist. c. structural integrity. stability of the Rig or certification. are informed of and heed necessary safety precautions and recognize the need for and use required safety equipment. flashguns. but is not limited to the following operations: 1) Any Hot work involving welding. gas detection.. and any other spark producing activity or potential ignition source outside the designated “welding shop”. cell telephones etc. Provide a continuous control and record of ongoing work activities. tanks. radios. equipment and site are left in a safe condition. firefighting. 11) Personnel transfer to or from MODU to supply vessel. g.). camera. 5) Work on any pressurized system where there is a possibility of pressure being released. 7) Work on electrical equipment in hazardous areas to eliminate sources of ignition. burning. columns. Ensure supervisors and crew members follow procedures. explosives or other dangerous substances. 19) Pressure testing BOP’s. C. 15) Any crane lift that is determined to be a “Critical Lift” (as defined in G. all Derrick sections.0). 21) Removing well heads. as appropriate for specific work on a specific site.. 27) Any repair to the jacking or ballasting system of an offshore rig (MODU). BOP hoists etc. 17) Flaring and/or flow testing of wells. top drive systems.Example) must be issued.e.028.1 / SWAP Form . SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 101 of 236 . 14) Work involving heavy lifts with material handling equipment (i. cranes.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued 12) Work involving perforating or acidizing operations.B of this procedure. 23) Any maintenance on the accumulator unit. The SWAP form is for work defined in paragraph 4.I. generators. 26) Any Rig up or Rig down by a Workover Rig over an existing wellhead (as defined in SA OIM 19. 18) Maintenance of the draw-works. Note: This list is not definitive. SWAP Form The SWAP form (refer to HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / Appendix No. Section 5.) that are near maximum safe working loads (85%). 20) Cementing operations. water treatment plant. 25) Slipping and cutting drill line. rotary table. pumps. life boat. 16) Opening the Master Dump Valve. 24) Any raising or lowering of the mast. if in doubt. engines. 7. use the SWAP. radioactive materials. 28) Any work to be performed or equipment to be moved near or around overhead power lines. deep water wells or tanks.016). 13) Work on/or near moving equipment where safety barriers and guards have to be bypassed. 22) Installation and testing of all Contractor equipment. He shall “initial” all permits beside the signature of the contractor “permit issuer” to acknowledge notification of the work. Recommend additional mitigations if he determines that the safety precautions in HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / paragraph No. Determine if the mitigations and safety precautions specified for this work are adequate for safe operations. b. b.4. d. b and c are completed to his satisfaction. the location. When HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / paragraph No. He shall do this by reviewing the filed PTW forms at least once a month and periodically monitor work being conducted under the PTW. Responsibilities A. He shall: a. SWAP contains a clear description of the work to be done. Review the contractor PTW before work starts. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 102 of 236 .b are not adequate. 4) The SA Liaisonman shall be responsible for ensuring safe operations for any “Hot Work” within 10 feet of the wellhead. he shall initial the contractor PTW form beside the signature of the issuer. 5) He has the responsibility to stop work and advise the issuer of his action any time he determines the safety of the job or any unsafe conditions in the area do not meet the conditions on the contractor work permit.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued 5. Saudi Aramco (SAR) Rigs 1) The PIC (Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) / Barge Master (or designate)) Responsible for the overall control of the SWAP and shall ensure: a. c. 3) The Aramco Liaisonman must be notified by the contractor of all permits before they are issued. B. to ensure that contractor personnel comply with their PTW procedure. He shall advise the issuer to take action to correct deficiencies before allowing the job to resume. All work requiring a SWAP is identified. start time and duration. 2) It is the responsibility of the Aramco Liaisonman on a contractor rig.4. Contractor Rigs 1) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor Rig Line Management Staff to fully implement their approved PTW procedure.a. is made safe and suspended. b.. Hot work in hazardous location areas. g. The work site is inspected prior to work commencing. d.e. SWAP activities that may interact or affect one another are clearly and effectively crossreferenced and managed. SWAP’s do not extend beyond 12 hours or end of tour. Fire / Gas detection. the long term isolation shall be performed as per HSERM / A / A-19 / LOTO. f.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued c. I. lifesaving etc. The following activities shall only be issued by the PIC: 1. All hazards associated with the proposed job have been identified. and any work continuing after a tour change is not resumed until a new SWAP is issued. Entry into all confined space. The persons conducting the work are aware of the precautions to be taken. PPE and gas testing. All other work. at any time work is suspended or restarted and on completion of the job to verify that it is left in a safe condition.e. The work site is examined.). the safety equipment to be used and the procedures to be applied during the period of the SWAP. He shall ensure that: a. All Safety measures required for the job have been identified in a JSA. Exception: If “long term isolation” is required that extends past the time limits (12 hours or end of tour). 2) SWAP Issuer Responsible for the work area in which the task is to be performed. Pre-Job Safety meeting to be held prior to each SWAP task and JSA to be reviewed. c. e. All persons involved in the preparation of SWAP’s and responsible for the supervision and performance of the job are identified. e. 2. whichever occurs first. d. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 103 of 236 . the safety measures are in place and remain in effect for the duration of the job. 3. barricades. Work over water. f. 4. Work on safety systems (i. which would create a hazard if undertaken at the same time. Issuance and Approval of SWAP form A. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 104 of 236 . b. the SWAP Issuer is informed and the SWAP document returned and/or signed off and the worksite is made safe. The conditions and precautions specified in the SWAP issued for the job are fully understood and adhered to. G. Any additional instruction or training is given to the work group to ensure understanding of the SWAP and the specific precautions required for the work. Transfer from one craft to a different craft is not permitted. The issuer and receiver are jointly responsible for the safety of people and equipment in the area. The issuer must obtain the approval and signature of other operations supervisors (Issuers) whose operations will be affected. He shall ensure: a. The issuer's and receiver's signatures must be on the completed form. d.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued g. The issuer shall issue the SWAP form after he (or his designated representative) has visited the site. During an Emergency the issuer may permit work without a SWAP. However. Before issuing the SWAP. When a job has been completed or suspended. The issuer must confirm that the receiver's certificate is valid and approved for the type of work to be done. The operation of the SWAP system and requirements of the SWAP are understood by all personnel associated with the identified task and the applicable procedures are followed. he should issue a SWAP as soon as he can. c. The issuer is responsible for specifying precautions so the work can be done without incident. E. The receiver requests SWAP from the Issuer. C. listed applicable precautions and restrictions and reviewed aspects of the job with the receiver. F. 3) SWAP Receiver The senior person assigned to the task. The SWAP is for specific work on a specific site. performed the appropriate gas tests. D. before issuing a permit. The receiver is responsible for performing the work in accordance with the conditions and requirements agreed upon with the issuer and written on the SWAP. and any associated systems are returned to normal operating condition. all necessary actions to approve the proposed work and/or possible configuration changes must be completed. Before SWAP cancellation or closeout. 6. ensure that all precautions or isolations required to be withdrawn are completed. This section is only applicable to the actions of workers during the implementation of the rig Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Training and Certification A. the time and other relevant information. he shall.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued H. The receiver of a SWAP must keep a copy in his possession or within view of the job site for the duration of the job so that it may be available for inspection and cancellation if necessary. Training SWAP courses are conducted by Planning and Technical Services/Training and Professional Development Unit. Filing SWAP’s Upon completion of the work and after the SWAP is closed (as per paragraph 8). 1) When work is stopped the Issuer must pick up the SWAP. Right to Stop Work and Cancel SWAP A. C. All Unnecessary Personnel Whose presence adversely affects the safety of the job must be removed and kept from the job site or work shall be stopped. The Receiver Has the responsibility to stop work and advise the issuer of his action any time he feels the safety of the job or any unsafe conditions in the area do not meet the conditions on the SWAP. 2) When conditions are safe again the issuer may issue a new SWAP. write the reason for stopping the work. B. 9. 10. If he must leave the job site. 7. until he returns. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 105 of 236 . 8. relinquish supervisory control to another certified receiver. if the issuer concurs. the 3 copies shall be filed together and retained on the rig for no less than 12 months. The alternate receiver’s name and badge number must be written on the SWAP by the issuer. He and the issuer shall take action to correct deficiencies and resume the job. Closing SWAP Documents SWAP’s shall be closed by the signatures of both the issuer and the receiver. The Issuer May stop a job and withdraw a SWAP if he feels that safety of the job does not meet with conditions specified on the work authorization. B. D.Work Permit System.Third copy to be retained by the issuer while the SWAP is active. A.016 . B.I. triplicate “carbon copy” type document. Periodic Reviews All departments within the scope of this document are required to review their own operations to ensure compliance with this procedure. as appropriate. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. C. the Rig Operator shall have readily available the following: A. Pink . SWAP Form The SWAP form (HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP / Appendix No.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued The purpose of the courses is to acquaint potential issuers/receivers/gas testers with the SWAP Process. Certification Upon successful completion of the SWAP course and any required pre-requisite course (Hazard Recognition. In addition to this procedure. G.Example) is a numbered. Certificates expire two years after the date of issue. the candidate shall be issued a certificate of achievement. The Department must maintain Records All departments within the scope of this document must maintain records of their SWAP issuer / receiver certified personnel.Original to be kept at the site of the work being performed or in the custody of the receiver. White . accordingly issuers and receivers must be recertified every two years.1 / SWAP Form . 11. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 106 of 236 .100 . 13. 14. C.Oil/Water Well Workover Activities Instruction. Any person Issuing or Receiving a SWAP Persons issuing or receiving a SWAP must have in his possession a valid issuer or receiver certificate. B. Yellow . Gas Tester). 12. Definitions.2.Second copy to be displayed on the SAP control board while the SWAP is active. OIM 19. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 107 of 236 . HSERM / A / A-19 / LOTO.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued C. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-12 / SWAP / Continued Appendix No.1 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 108 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 Monthly HSE Performance Monitoring (Score Card) SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 109 of 236 . 1) Documentation shall be examined and sampled against the input data. Scope The scope of this procedure is applicable to Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR) and all contractor rigs. 3. 2. 2) Verify correctness of entered data and make corrections. 3) The SAR Liaisonman shall be made aware of all data discrepancies. Saudi Aramco (SA) Liaisonman/Foreman It is the responsibility of the SA Liaisonman/Foreman to: 1) Ensure that the report is completed as required. shall be recorded and corrected. 2) Discrepancies. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide a means of identifying and quantifying KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) as identified in the Drilling and Workover (D&WO) Annual HSE Plan. Responsibility A. if needed. 3) Forward to his Superintendent for validation. 3) Forward completed form to the Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) on schedule. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 110 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 / Monthly HSE Performance Monitoring (MHPM) Score Card 1. if needed. Superintendent It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to: 1) Review the form for correctness and make corrections. B. 2) Validate and sign the form. 4) The SAR Superintendent shall be made aware of all data discrepancies. C. DOE&CD Data entered in the Monthly Rig HSE Performance Scorecard shall be verified by DOE&CD during regular rig visits. the third day of each month. in data sampled. An LTI includes death or occupational injury or illness incurred by a work-related activity during regular on-tour or on-watch duty. after examination cannot be issued a Full Duty release or a Restricted Duty Injury release and return to his next scheduled “tour”. B.) are not considered agency labor and should not be included in the man hours (refer to IADC for guidance). Definitions (Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. Personnel on Board (POB) This is the total number of rig crew assigned to the rig. Days Without Lost Time Accident/Incident (LTA) This is the total number of days the rig has worked without an LTA. beyond the “tour” or watch during the incident occurred. A Lost Time Accident/Incident (LTI) A work-related personal injury or illness which prevents a person from conducting his/her assigned duties. 4. C. and during hours at the rig but off tour are not classified as LTIs. D. Man Hours This is the total number of hours worked (on tour) by the rig crew (50 personnel. 50 x 12 = 600) Work hours must include all leased labor who are under the direct supervision of the drilling/service contractor this includes catering crew. Or SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 111 of 236 . each person works a 12 hour tour. This figure should include the LTA free days brought forward from previous contracts. Wire line crews etc. this includes lease labor under the direct supervision of the drilling contractor such as catering crew and all day visitors to the rig in that 24 hour period. crew change (to or from the rig).Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 / MHPM / Continued 5) Contractor management shall be made aware of all data discrepancies. A factor to be considered when classifying an injury or illness is the ability of the employee to evacuate the facility during an emergency. the employee. Personal injuries incurred during crew boat/helicopter transport. If an employee’s work-related injury or illness affects his ability to make their next scheduled “tour” of duty. 6) Upload the HSE scorecard results into Rig Best system. Third party labor such as service companies (casing crews. it shall be classified as an LTI if: 1) In the judgment of the rig Medic. in a restricted or unrestricted capacity. Agency labor performing the duties of regular crew must be included. 3 – Communications 1. b. cannot be issued a Full Duty release or a Restricted Duty Injury release and return to their next scheduled “tour”. the employee.1). 2. A FAT is a Recordable incident. Provided the doctor issues a Full Duty release or Restricted Duty Injury release following examination. d. (Refer to HSERM / A / A-13 / MHPM / Appendix No. c. Comments required (topics discussed. 5.4 – Competency and Training 1. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 112 of 236 . Employee Training Enter percentage (%) of rig employee training completed as per Training matrix. E. Do not delete formulas. the personal injury shall not be classified a LTI. who lead the meeting). D&WO SMS Element No. or while awaiting examination results. time delays due to transportation. a.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 / MHPM / Continued 2) In the judgment of the doctor. Procedure A. except as outlined in the IADC ASP Guidelines. after examination. Weekly Safety Meetings Enter the total number of weekly safety meetings conducted at the rig site that day. The layout of the form must not be altered. The completed report must be submitted to DOE&CD by the 2nd day of each month. shall not be used in classifying LTI’s. All data entered must be numerical. 2) Completing the form a. Comments required (topics discussed). Pre-tour Meetings Enter the total number of pre-tour meetings conducted at the rig site that day. D&WO SMS Element No. b. Full Duty release or Restricted Duty Injury release from a doctor before returning to work on his next regularly scheduled hitch. General Information 1) The report form is a Microsoft Excel spread sheet. A Fatality (FAT) FAT is a work-related injury or illness that results in death. 5. comments required.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 / MHPM / Continued c. D&WO SMS Element No. 3. comments required (Weekly for each crew). 4. H2S Rescue Drill Enter the total number of H2S rescue drills conducted. Lost Time Injury/Illness Case (LTI) The total number of LTI that occur that day must be inserted. 2. D&WO SMS Element No. 7. comments required.9 – Incident Reporting and Analysis 1. Trip Drills Enter the total number of trip drills conducted by the rig on that day. D&WO SMS Element No. Aramco Safety/Operational Alerts Enter the total number of Aramco Safety/Operational Alerts received and reviewed. Rescue Boat Drill Enter the total number of Rescue Boat drills conducted. General Safety and H2S Orientation Meetings Enter the total number of personnel registered and received General Safety and H2S orientation that day.6 – Safe Operations 1. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 113 of 236 .8 – Emergency Preparedness 1. Fire Fighting Enter the total number of firefighting drills conducted by the rig on that day. comments required where applicable. start fire pumps as part of the drill. 2. e. comments. comments required (Monthly requirement). Pit Drills Enter the total number of pit drills conducted by the rig on that day. 6. H2S Release Emergency Drill Enter the total number of H2S release emergency drills conducted. Abandon Ship Drill Enter the total number of Abandon Ship drills conducted. d. Insert the rig crew POB for that day. Days Without LTI This is the total number of days the rig has worked without an LTI insert the total number of days under the month date. On-Job Fatality (FAT) All Fatalities that have occurred that day must be entered. comments required.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 / MHPM / Continued 3. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. POB This is the total number of persons aboard the rig. g. General 1. D&WO SMS Element No. this shall be a running total. Oil Spills All oil spills that have occurred that day must be entered. Definitions. h. Environmental Protection 1. 7. insert the total number of rig crew hours for that day. comments required. Man Hours This is the total number of hours worked (on tour) by the rig crew. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM.11 – Continuous Improvement 1. f. 6. 2. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 114 of 236 . 1 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 115 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-13 / MHPM / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-14 Job Safety Analysis SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 116 of 236 . Definitions A. Reassessment must also be completed when a significant change of scope occurs or if conflicting work is being done. Purpose The purpose of this Drilling and Workover (D&WO) Job Safety Analysis (JSA) procedure is to: A.An object. Communicate the hazards and the control strategies to the workers involved in or affected by the work 2. The JSA must be completed prior to the start of the job. Identify the control measures necessary to reduce the risks associated with those hazards to a level which is As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). Risk Reduction Measure . The JSA process is focused at the specific supervisor and/or crew level.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-14 / Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 1. B. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) . 4. stored energy. Hazard .any provision (behavioral. Scope The scope of this procedure is applicable to Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR). condition or behavior with the potential to interrupt or interfere with the orderly progress of an activity. The source may be from substances. Risk . C. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 117 of 236 . The threshold of the control measures is ALARP. The JSA involves both the site supervision and employees involved in the work.probability that during a period of activity a hazard will result in an incident/accident with definable consequences. physical methods of work or organization of the work itself. B. hardware or procedural) that eliminates or reduces the hazard. D. machinery. Provide a means of identifying workplace hazards prior to performing work. Aramco Liaisonman who direct the work being carried out by service company workers have to ensure the service company have and use a comparable process (JSA) or manage the work with this procedure.A JSA is a process for identifying hazards or potential hazards that can be anticipated during the performance of a specific job. and the control strategies required to make the work safe. C. Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Person In Charge (PIC) to ensure that the Job Safety Analysis process (JSA) is utilized in the safe planning of work activities. 3. Administrative controls deal with the directing of people and include policy. B. Extreme hazards such as those listed need only to be incorporated into JSA’s if they pose a real threat simultaneous to other work activities. Engineering controls are the preferred method of controlling hazards. It shall be noted that extreme hazards encountered while performing emergency response duties during events such as well blowout.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-14 / JSA / Continued E. Well Control Manual etc. 6) Whenever a permit to work is required. C. do not require independent JSA’s since those subjects are accounted for within the Safety Management System (Emergency Response Manual. Administrative controls reduce or limit the amount of exposure an employee has to a specific hazard. It is implemented only after other reasonably practicable means of eliminating a hazard have been attempted. 2) Administrative Controls . SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 118 of 236 . 7) When there is no written procedure in place. General Information JSA’s shall be used to ensure that all hazards relative to the site’s work activities have been identified and controlled. Hazard Control Strategies 1) Engineering Controls . facility fire etc. 4) If conditions change while performing the job that create new hazards. 3) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) . it must be systematic and consider all aspects of a particular activity.Engineering control of hazards deals with the elimination or isolation of the hazard from the worker. 2) Jobs that are not done very often. The JSA must be reviewed with all workers involved in or affected by this job. 3) Jobs that have high incident rates or safety concerns. Procedure A. procedure and training.). vessel collision.. Some examples of this situation would be the potential for well control problems while running tubulars or the possibility of structural failure while performing rig modifications.PPE is the final line of defense against hazards in the workplace. Jobs That Require a JSA 1) First time jobs or where people have little experience on the job. 5) If there are a number of jobs happening close to each other. For the assessment process to be effective. and physically limits the workers exposure to the hazard. explosion. 5. structural failure. D. 6) Consider human factors. hoist. 5) Give careful consideration to what circumstances or hazards have changed since the last time the activity was carried out. pump. 4) Address the possibility of changed circumstances during the activity.g. 3) Consider non-routine activities such as repair work. 3) Decide who the JSA team members shall be. resulting in missing specific steps and their associated hazards. extended work periods beyond normal 12 hour per day multiple days in a row. Can any body part get caught in or between objects? SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 119 of 236 . lack of application etc.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-14 / JSA / Continued The assessment process shall: 1) Consider human work time risk factors relating to sleep deprivation and fatigue. long crew change travel without a reasonable sleep period prior to starting work.B). The JSA must be led by the supervisor or someone competent in the JSA process. 6) Identify the potential hazards for each step. and too detailed. remove. The use of a generic JSA as a sole source process is prohibited as per Section 5. and environmental factors (extreme heat/cold). questions such as the following can be asked: a. That should be in the Preventive Measures section of the JSA. open. 4) Break the job down into basic steps. for developing JSA’s. 2) Address what actually happens in the workplace or during the work activity. it is usually better to break the job into multiple jobs. How to Conduct a JSA 1) Determine whether a formal JSA is needed (Refer to HSERM / A / A-14 / JSA / paragraph No. diving operations etc. Poor communication. If more than ten steps are required. 2) Review any existing documents or JSA’s already developed for this job. for example tour change or temporary stoppage of the job. are examples of how behavioral issues can influence the successful outcome of an activity. It is recommended that each job should be limited to a maximum of ten steps.g. Address corrective actions that result from sleep deprivation/fatigue caused by work periods beyond the normal 12 hour per day tour.5. 5) Identify who shall do that step then record that worker on the JSA. Suitable control measures should be developed and applied to mitigate these circumstances also. Each step should begin with an action word (e. inadequate leadership. A balance needs to be struck between making the steps too general. valve). To assist in identifying hazards.F of this procedure. well testing. leading to excessive steps. check) and end with a subject (e. This part of the preparation can be done by watching the worker do the job) Do not include statements like “conduct safety meeting” in the basic steps section of the JSA. Is excessive noise or vibration a problem? 7) Recommend ways to control the hazards (safety measures). Communication Before commencing the work activity. e. machines. Could equipment operating limits be exceeded? e. assuming responsibility for completion of that task must review and update the JSA for their continued use. 9) Complete the JSA form. Is equipment fit for purpose? d. Similarly if the JSA for a task was completed by the Off-going crew then the crew. E. This communication may be accomplished via a Pre-job Safety Meeting (PJSM) or Pre-Tour Meeting (PTM). if you require control measures such as “gas testing” or inspect “rigging hardware”.4 of this procedure. 12) Review and update the formal JSA. 11) Perform the job. 8) Identify who is responsible for the individual control measures and record on the JSA. Do tools.. If the review takes place more than twelve hours prior to the work activity actually commencing. 10) Review the JSA with the workers as per Section 5. or equipment present any hazards? c. pushing. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 120 of 236 . Can the worker suffer strain from lifting. trip or fall? g. the JSA must again be reviewed immediately prior to starting the task to ensure that the conditions have not changed or a re-assignment is called for. This person must be competent to do what he is assigned to do. all personnel involved (directly or indirectly) must be informed of the results of the assessment and fully understand their roles and responsibilities.g. Can the worker make harmful contact with objects? f.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-14 / JSA / Continued b. the assigned person must be competent in this skill set. Can the worker slip. Is the worker exposed to extreme temperatures? i. or pulling? h. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-14 / JSA / Continued F. 6. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. G. Definitions. It is recommended that the JSA and PJSM document that is linked to the work gets filed together. a catalogue of Generic JSA’s may be constructed. hazards and mitigation to allow the user to add to the document when preparing the job specific JSA. Adequate space shall be allowed between successive steps. 2) Job specific JSA’s shall be filed on the rig for a 6 month period to facilitate the audit process. 7. The information detailed on these Generic JSA’s may then be used to form the foundation of Task-Specific JSA’s which are completed for particular work activities. Generic JSA To simplify the JSA process and reduce the requirement to re-write the same information every time a repetitive task is undertaken. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. Note: If Generic JSA’s are used to manage the risk of work activities they shall always be reviewed and updated by the crew performing the task and shall never be considered to be adequate as standalone documents without review and revision as necessary. Filing JSA Documents for Review 1) Generic JSA’s shall be maintained on the rig in an electronic format. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 121 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 Safety Inspection and Reporting Procedure SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 122 of 236 . Where this process conflicts with corporate requirements. J. Its objective is to help fulfill Corporate and Departmental policy of providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for SA and Contractor employees alike. E. MODU Bi-Annual Safety Inspection (Refer to DOE&CD website / on-line forms). SAR Rigs Only. G. MODU 3-Month Compliance Inspection (3-MCI) (Refer to DOE&CD website / on-line forms). This procedure does not supersede corporate requirements. Onshore Bi-Annual Safety Inspection (Refer to DOE&CD website / on-line forms). Comprehensive check lists are used so that important items/areas are not overlooked. B. not D&WO SMS) F. Planned Specific Interval Inspection(s) A. Environmental Health Inspections for all rigs.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / Safety Inspection and Reporting Procedure (SI&RP) 1. Power Tools and Equipment Pre-Use Inspections SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 123 of 236 . C. Annual General Inspections for Saudi Aramco owned rigs. Scope The scope of this procedure is applicable to Saudi Aramco Drilling Rigs (SAR) and all Contractor Rigs. Onshore 3-MCI (Refer to DOE&CD website / on-line forms). Intermittent Inspections on an as-needed basis for all rigs which includes but is not limited to: 1) Hand Tools. These audits check the implementation and compliance of various elements in the SMS programs of both D&WO and the contractor. It is conducted on all rigs to find and report existing and potential hazards in the on-the-job area. 3. The inspection program shall incorporate auditing of elements of the D&WO Safety Management System (SMS). Purpose D&WO Safety Inspection Process is a monitoring function. D. H. I. K. SMS Compliance audits of all drilling contractors (Contractor compliance to their Corporate SMS. D&WO uses both the Continuous and Planned Specific Interval types of inspections. SAR Quarterly Safety Inspections (QSI). Safety Inspections for all rigs. ATTEST SMS audits of all rigs. 2. corporate requirements shall apply. 3) Rig / Location Release Inspection When vacating a well site. or whenever operators are changed. power tool or equipment. This is an undocumented inspection.g.. hammers. webbing slings. equipment refers to all other items used by a worker to assist him in the performance of his job. 2) Pre-Spud Inspection After moving a rig onto a new location but prior to spud. This inspection report shall be available for review. 7) Derrick Mast Inspection The driller shall ensure that the derrick is inspected once a week as per D&WO / SWIM-001 / Section No.4 / D&M. prior to use. e.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued Hand tools are those tools for which the hand provides the motive force. The PIC shall sign and date the original inspection document after he has completed his inspection. This is not intended to be a detailed site inspection by the PIC. The inspection report or log shall be available for review. 5) Daily Mobile Equipment Pre-Use Inspection This shall be performed by the operator of any mobile equipment. Power tools are those tools which have an integral motive force. He may delegate the inspection to the derrick man but retains responsibility for its completion. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 124 of 236 .. 6) Daily Crane Pre-Use Inspection Pre-operational inspections shall be performed by the crane operator daily. elevating work platform. wrenches etc. 4) PIC Safety Inspection This inspection is performed once a week by the foreman on a SAR rig and by the Aramco Liaisonman or Contractor PIC on a contractor rig. ladders etc. shovels. This documented inspection shall conform to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) recommended pre-use inspection process. For the purpose of this section. e.g. e. It is an opportunity to verify and enhance the efforts of the workers responsible for all other inspections. the PIC (person in charge) shall ensure that the worksite and rig equipment is inspected as per the Pre-Spud Checklist. including PPE. using the appropriate daily inspection checklist (SA 9466 Crane Operators Checklist). the PIC shall ensure that the site is inspected as per the Rig/Location Release Checklist. fall protection harness. forklift. during tour changes.g. motor vehicle etc. This shall be the only documentation required to verify his weekly inspection responsibilities. He shall take this opportunity to verify the rig’s compliance with the Inspection Policy by examining the documentation for the previous weeks required inspections and comparing it to the actual condition of the worksite. when using it for the first time during his tour to ensure it is free from defect or deficiency and is properly equipped with any guard or safety accessory required by Aramco standards. A worker must perform a pre-use visual inspection of any hand tool. adding any comments from his observations. The limiting devices testing and setting procedures are to be performed by the Driller at the beginning of each tour and immediately after drill line slip and cut operations. Its objective is to meet corporate and departmental policies for providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for SA and Contractor employees alike. It shall be done in conjunction with the turnover at tour change.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued 8) Monthly DROPS (Zones) Inspection The Rig Operator PIC shall ensure that monthly DROPS inspections are completed in the 5 derrick zones as outlined in HSERM / A / A-7 / DP. D&WO Contractor facilities. rigs moving from one department to another and following any offshore rig shipyard visit. Safety Inspection and Reporting (SIR) The SIR process provides a formal inspection system to identify deficiencies in. These inspections shall be documented 9) Drillers Pre-Tour Inspection This inspection shall be conducted by the oncoming driller at the start of his tour. The inspection shall be performed as per HSERM / A / A-24 / Pre-Tour Checklist/Driller Handover and be documented on the attached checklist. by contractor supervisory personnel (as applicable) and by employees at all time. All critical deficiencies are to be rectified before drilling into the first potential hydrocarbon zone (Refer to D&WO / DOE&CD / PCP-003). 10) Continuous Inspections The Continuous Inspection portion of the Inspection Program is covered by Liaisonman/Foreman inspecting the work area. work areas and documentation. These checks are to be reported in the IADC tour book for each 12 hours (Refer to HSERM / C / C-7 / TB). 12) Other Inspections Additional inspections by Environmental Health shall be scheduled by the Manager for each of the SA owned facilities on an annual basis. 13) Pre-Commencement Inspection A comprehensive pre-commencement inspection shall be conducted on all rigs by a combined D&WO operations and safety team prior to acceptance of any rig under a new contract. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 125 of 236 . 4. equipment. 11) Travelling blocks Testing and setting procedures are to be put in place by the Rig Contractor and posted clearly on the drill floor. h. i. d. Apply sound risk management techniques when mitigating risk to SA operations. Shall develop an annual Bi-Annual Safety Inspection schedule to visit and audit each rig/asset under his area of responsibility twice per year with 6 monthly intervals (Bi-Annual Safety Inspection).SCU Administrator. conducted as part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. e. Ensure that a copy of the “Comprehensive Environmental Health Assessment” (CEHA) checklist is submitted to the DOE&CD . Ensure that a copy of the emergency drill report. Ensure that a copy of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection deficiency action list is submitted to the DOE&CD .SCU . SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 126 of 236 . Perform a RCA of all repeat / reoccurring inspection / audit deficiencies.Lead Field Compliance Coordinator a. Ensure that a copy of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection closeout meeting attendance sheet is submitted to the DOE&CD . b. are addressed with the relevant D&WO Superintendent immediately (Refer to: D&WO / DOE&CD website / on-line forms for current forms).SCU Administrator on the completion of each inspection. Ensure that a detailed Bi-Annual Safety Inspection (MODU / Onshore) for each rig under his area of responsibility is completed twice per year (as far as is reasonably practicable) as per the developed schedule (Refer to DOE&CD website / on-line forms).Safety Compliance Unit (SCU) Responsible for the verification of all submitted contractor safety inspection reports. j. Responsibilities 1) Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) . Ensure that all “MODU / Onshore Quarterly Safety Inspection (3-MCI) checklists” submitted by the D&WO contractor are reviewed. g. that shall immediately effect the safe operation of the rig. is submitted to the DOE&CD . l. f. Ensure that a copy of the “Environmental Performance Assessment” (EPA) checklist is submitted to the DOE&CD . c. and any identified issue.SCU Administrator on the completion of each inspection.SCU Administrator on the completion of each inspection.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued A. 2) DOE&CD .SCU .Safety Inspection Check List is completed in its entirety and submitted to the DOE&CD . Ensure that when completing the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection the DOE&CD .SCU Administrator on the completion of each inspection.SCU Administrator on the completion of each inspection. k. Ensure that all potentially significant Safety issues are identified on the D&WO Morning Report. his signature. ID number and date. he shall ensure that a copy of the completed Bi-Annual Safety Inspection deficiency action list is submitted to the DOE&CD .SCU – Field Compliance Coordinator. As part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. d. he shall ensure that a copy of the completed emergency drill report.SCU Lead Field Compliance Coordinator with a copy to the DOE&CD . j. is submitted to the DOE&CD .SCU Field Compliance Coordinator shall: a.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued 3) DOE&CD . Ensure each document includes.SCU Lead Field Compliance Coordinator with a copy to the DOE&CD .Field Compliance Coordinator As part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. f. conducted as part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. b. twice per year as far as is reasonably practicable. before leaving the rig. before the start of the inspection.SCU Lead Field Compliance Coordinator with a copy to the DOE&CD .Safety Compliance Unit (SCU) Administrator a. As part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. Complete a detailed Bi-Annual Safety Inspection.SCU Administrator on the completion of each Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. e. Ensure that all relevant submitted reports are uploaded into the SCU Data Base. i.SCU Administrator on the completion of each Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. He shall conduct a closeout meeting with the D&WO Contractor PIC and SA Liaisonman as a minimum. Apply sound risk management techniques when mitigating risk to SA operations. Name of the DOE&CD .SCU Administrator on the completion of each inspection. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 127 of 236 . the DOE&CD . he shall ensure that the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection Check List is completed in its entirety and submitted to the DOE&CD . As part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection.SCU Administrator on the completion of each Bi-Annual Safety Inspection.SCU Lead Field Compliance Coordinator with a copy to the DOE&CD . he shall ensure that a copy of the completed Bi-Annual Safety Inspection closeout meeting attendance sheet is submitted to the DOE&CD . He shall ensure that an opening meeting is conducted with the D&WO Contractor PIC and SA Liaisonman as a minimum. k. Ensure that all “Inspection checklists” submitted by the D&WO Contractor are reviewed and any identified issue that shall immediately effect the safe operation of the rig are addressed with the relevant D&WO Superintendent immediately.SCU . 4) DOE&CD . He shall submit a DRAFT copy of the final deficiency action list to the drilling contractor PIC and the SA Liaisonman before leaving the rig. for each rig under his area of responsibility. As part of the Bi-Annual Safety Inspection. h. g. as per the developed schedule. c. Prepare a cover letter for each complete Bi-annual report. Ensure that a post-inspection meeting with the Rig Liaisonman and the contractor PIC is conducted at the end of the inspection. Responsible for the implementation of this Safety Inspection and Reporting (SIR) procedure. Liaisonman and the DOE&CD Lead HSE Advisor by the 5th day of each month. Ensure that the final report is completed in a timely manner and submitted to the SA D&WO Superintendent. e. 6) Drilling Contractor Management a. Make the SA D&WO Liaisonman and Superintendent aware of items outstanding for prolonged periods. c. Act as Inspection Team Chairman for all inspections under his responsibility. all deficiencies shall be discussed. The Drilling Contractor PIC (Person in Charge) is responsible for the timely completion of the Quarterly Safety inspection.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued b. f. Provide training and mentoring support to inspection committee members as required.Lead Field Compliance Coordinator by the last day of each month. I. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 128 of 236 . Ensure that the current Inspection Check List (Rig Safety Inspection Check list) is completed monthly. Implement the closeout of identified deficiencies. d. 5) Drilling Contractor Person In Charge (PIC) a. H. e. J. d. addressed from the DOE&CD Division Head to the relevant Department Manager. Perform Trend Analysis of all findings from all inspection / audit reports. b. K Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies and make the Rig SA Superintendent and Liaisonman aware of items outstanding for prolonged periods. c. b. Ensure that all Bi-annual report documents are collated ready for submittal to the relevant Department Manager. Submit a copy of the Inspection checklist to the SA Liaisonman. Ensure that all Bi-annual report documents are submitted for each inspection. Make the SA D&WO Liaisonman and Superintendent aware of items of critical importance. g. Ensure that the completed check list is submitted to the relevant SA Superintendent and DOE&CD – SCU . with copy to DOE&CD and LPD. d. Provides a w r i t t e n s u m m a r y /quarterly inspection findings to Manager. Ensure that all potentially significant issues are adequately mitigated using sound risk management techniques and are identified on the D&WO Morning Report. e. including all auxiliary equipment. Conducts a new rig acceptance inspection and ensures all critical deficiencies are rectified before drilling the first hydrocarbon zone. e. 8) D&WO Superintendent Responsible for monitoring submitted reports for issues of significance to safety and operations.no less than once per month. that are structurally and mechanically capable of performing according to the agreement between the Rig Operator and the Company (SA). b. a. Acts as a team member for Manager's general inspection (as required) and Superintendent's quarterly inspection. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies. Ensures inspections under his responsibility are conducted to schedule. Conduct and document a physical inspection of its rig and all auxiliary equipment on a regular basis . Ensures that a p p r o pr i a t e corrective action is taken to remedy deficiencies as quickly as possible. Monitor that corrective actions prescribed are documented and carried through and provides feedback to Superintendent.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued c. Ensure that the current inspection Check List (Rig Inspection Check list) is completed for every inspection. c. d. g. Implement a comprehensive Preventive Maintenance (PM) program to keep equipment in good working condition. He shall ensure all safety related issues are promptly addressed. d. 7) SA Liaisonman Responsible for communicating this procedure to all D&WO Contractor Rig senior personnel. Conducts continuous inspections and BOPE/H2S drills. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies and makes the Rig Superintendent aware of items outstanding for prolonged periods. Acts as team member for Manager’s general inspection (as required). b. f. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 129 of 236 . Responsible for providing Drilling or Workover rig(s). a. c. facilities. Loss Prevention representative.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued 9) D&WO Manager a. 1. equipment. Perform Trend Analysis of all findings from all inspection reports. b. 10) Environmental Department Provides periodic health inspection services as required. b. 2) SA Liaisonman a. SAR Rig Quarterly Safety Inspection (QSI) The SAR QSI process provides a formal inspection system to identify deficiencies in. work areas and documentation. c. Its objective is to help fulfill the corporate and departmental policy of providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for SA and Contractor employees alike. Ensure inspections under his responsibility are conducted to schedule. A. 2. Department Safety Advisor D. Responsibilities 1) Department Safety Advisor a. 3. Conduct an Annual General Inspection of SA owned rigs with a team composed of the following: A. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 130 of 236 . Enforce compliance with this procedure. Perform a RCA of all repeat / reoccurring inspection deficiencies. Superintendent B. Ensure that SAR QSI’s are conducted on all SA owned rigs in his department. Liaisonman / Foreman C. Ensure that the current SAR QSI Check List (Rig Inspection Check list) is completed before the day of the scheduled inspection. 5. Additional inspections by Environmental Health shall be scheduled by the Manager for each of the SA owned facilities on an annual basis. Ensure that effective corrective actions are implemented for the identified deficiencies. Provide training and mentoring support to QSI committee members as required. c.011. 4) Manager a.011. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies and make the Rig Superintendent aware of items outstanding for prolonged periods. c. as a minimum. drilling contractor personnel as required and Loss Prevention representative as per G. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 131 of 236 . Act as Inspection Team Chairman for all inspections under his responsibility. e. c. Perform Annual General Inspection by leading SAR QSI’s in accordance with D&WO HSE Plan.I. 6. 5) Loss Prevention Department a. d. Act as Inspection Team Chairman for one SAR QSI inspection per rig per year under his responsibility. Shall ensure that inspections under his responsibility are conducted to schedule as per G. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies. b. Liaisonman/Foreman. c.I. Ensure that inspections under his responsibility are conducted to schedule.011.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued b. 6. Ensure that a pre-inspection meeting with the Inspection Team and the contractor PIC is conducted on the day of the inspection. 3) Superintendent a. b. Ensure that a post-inspection meeting with the Inspection Team and the contractor PIC is conducted at the end of the inspection. Note: The point of contact for each department shall be the Department Safety Advisor. 6. 6. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies. f. Ensure closed out items from the SAR QSI are identified in the monthly rig HSE monitoring report. Ensure that inspections under his responsibility are conducted to schedule.I. b. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies as per G. Coordinate with the operations department to schedule quarterly safety inspections as per G.011. d. Ensure that SAR QSI inspections are conducted by a team composed of the following.I. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 132 of 236 . the Drilling or Workover Department. Fall Protection Equipment. 2) Priority 2 . b. Draw-works and Hoisting System. Shakers. Accumulator and BOP’s. Ensure that a pre-inspection meeting with the Rig Liaisonman and the contractor PIC (Person in Charge) is conducted on the day of the inspection. LPD and DOE&CD.High Potential Outcome High potential outcome if a future accident occurs in terms of harm to people (individual or group). e. a. e. b. the Rig. The Inspection Team Chairman shall be the person leading or initiating the SAR QSI. all deficiencies shall be discussed. c. Cranes. H2S and Fire Protection System (Detection and Response). Centrifuges and Gas Separation Equipment. B. Ensure that the final report is completed in a timely manner (within 14 days of the initial inspection) and made available to. Mud Pumps. SCR Module and Cabling. Forklift and Lifting Gear. d. Critical Equipment Safety Inspection List 1) Priority 1 – Past Accident History a. Choke Manifold and HP Co-flex Hoses. d. b. Monitor the closeout of identified deficiencies and make the Rig Superintendent aware of items outstanding for prolonged periods. Generators. Pipe handling Equipment.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued 6) Inspection Team Chairman a. f. c. g. Ensure that a post-inspection meeting with the Rig Liaisonman and the contractor PIC is conducted at the end of the inspection. c. e. Derrick and Crown Assembly. d. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued f. Each inspection team shall review the previous inspection report to confirm that the identified items have been rectified. deviations from procedure and any other item which may directly or indirectly impact safety. Hazard Recognition Program and the contractors Training Matrix. Substructure. 6. E. b. C. g. hazards or other deviations and suggestions for corrective actions. h. D. Drillers Panel. g. After noting the deficiencies. An inspection team Chairman shall lead the inspection. housekeeping deficiencies. h. f. Mud Watch System. the team chairman shall ensure a report is submitted to the SA D&WO Superintendent and the DOE&CD Lead HSE Advisor by the 5th day of each month. Drilling Contractor Safety Management Systems (SMS) shall be examined and sampled. Mud Tanks and Circulating System/Piping. 3) Priority 3 . d. Fuel Storage. MCC Room. Inspection Procedure A. The inspection team members shall report all unsafe conditions. a. this should include Permit to Work. Hand and Power Tools. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 133 of 236 . Rig Site Office and Communications. unsafe acts. The inspection team shall review the rig inspection checklist and clarify with rig management any identified items. e. Compressed Gas Cylinders. Flare-line and Ignition System. Rig Site Accommodation. Personnel shall be interviewed to establish their understanding of the contractor SMS. c. F.Operations Disturbance and High Cost Operations disturbance and high cost effect of the outcome if equipment failure occurs. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued G. The platform should be of sufficient size and strength to support two workers”.1 / Example): A. C. B. Finding Insert a description of the non-compliance. 8. C. ASME B30. D. Standard Insert the applicable standard. The rig Liaisonman/Contractor PIC shall initiate corrective actions as soon as possible. The Rig Superintendent shall monitor the follow-up and close out of all identified items. F. e. D. Inspection of non-compliance items shall be tracked through D&WO safety inspection tracking system findings. Superintendents must be informed in writing. it shall be controlled immediately. Where an IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) exists. no space out available. drills not conducted. Action Required What does the standard say e. of any identified deficiency that remains open for more than 90 days.14 says “When personnel cannot perform necessary duties from ground level.g. Corrective Actions and Follow-up A. e.g. The Rig Liaisonman shall ensure that a proper follow-up system is maintained.g. 7. Item Insert the item number. Best Practices identified during the inspection should be circulated throughout D&WO via the D&WO Alerts System “Safety Flash” use pictures if possible to clarify points. API RP 54 9. He shall consult with the Department HSE Advisor and the area LPD when necessary.3. E. well servicing rigs shall use a working platform around the wellhead. Standard Non-Compliance Report Format (Refer to HSERM / A / A-15 / SI&RP / Appendix No. MACP not posted. Note: No Priority 1 items shall remain open.9. Any deficiency not closed shall be identified and highlighted in the following inspection. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 134 of 236 . B. Priorities Classification 1) Priority 1 Close immediately: These items shall be deemed immediately hazardous to life and or the safe operation of the rig. they may pose significant hazards which can be controlled for restricted period not greater than 2 weeks. this item should be categorized as a Priority 2. 4) Priority 4 . SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 135 of 236 . Toolpusher. G. Aramco Liaisonman. If adequate mitigations cannot be implemented. 3) Priority 3 . These items should be closed immediately. e. if they cannot be closed before the inspection team leaves the rig. Electrician.Close before the next scheduled inspection. 2) Priority 2 . If adequate mitigations cannot be implemented. this item should be categorized as a Priority 1. e.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued E. 3) Priority 3 Close before the next scheduled inspection: these items shall not be immediately dangerous to life or the safe operating condition of the rig.Close within 2 weeks.g. they shall not pose a significant risk to personnel or the safe operation of the rig.g. and Aramco? It may be necessary to identify individual personnel by name or job title. with adequate mitigations. and they shall require minimal mitigation to control the hazard until a permanent remedy is implemented. Action By Who is responsible for the implementation of the standard and rectifying the deficiency. suspension of operations should be considered. Priority Each identified deficiency must be given a priority of closeout ranging from 1 thru 4: 1) Priority 1 . F.Close immediately.Negotiated closeout date. 2) Priority 2 Close within 2 weeks: These items shall not be immediately dangerous to life or the safe operating condition of the rig. Ensco. Pool Arabia. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 136 of 236 .g. shall have trend analysis performed. e. Definitions. equipment may have to be ordered. identify when the identified deficiency was first opened. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 9. They shall require a significant amount of time to implement for example. Remarks This will be a short statement to give guidance as to how this item can be closed. Repairs that can only be completed when the rig is not working may be required. Trend Analysis / Root Cause Analysis All findings. 11. I. Requiring all the rig crew to be trained in the next 7 days would not be realistic as at least 30% of the crew will be absent at any given time. they shall not pose a significant risk to personnel or the safe operation of the rig. imported or installed. retrain all personnel in the Permit to Work System. In the case of items outstanding from previous inspections. Specialized training may be required that may have limited training providers with restricted training schedules. Date Opened Enter date item was first recognized. Ensure that the requirement for the completion of closeout is realistic.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued 4) Priority 4 Negotiated closeout date: These items shall not be immediately dangerous to life or the safe operating condition of the rig. H. 10. generic / reoccurring deficiencies will be the subject of a root cause analysis. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. as a result of any of the stated inspections identified in this procedure. 1 NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT (Example) PRIORITY 1=Immediately 2=Within 2 weeks 3=Before the next 3-MCI 4=Indicate negotiated Close-Out Date DATE: LOCATION: FINDINGS 0 Number of items outstanding from previous inspections Number of new items from present inspection TYPE: ITEM Number of items closed from last inspection STANDARD Referenced Standard Quote RESPONSIBILITY PRIORITY 0 DATE OPENED OUTSTANDING FROM PREVIOUS INSPECTION ITEMS IDENTIFIED IN CURRENT INSPECTION SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 137 of 236 REMARKS / Guidance to Close .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-15 / SI&RP / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 Management of Change SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 138 of 236 . Change Package The Change Package is made up of all the documentation necessary for the submittal. and equipment safety is not compromised. Rather. chemicals (New and/or before Field Test Trials). facilities. E. equipment. at D&WO facilities and SAR Rigs. 2. Purpose Establish and implement procedures to formally manage changes or additions (both temporary and permanent) so that process. disabling. movement of personnel into D&WO from outside organizations shall be subjected to the MOC process. 3. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 139 of 236 . bypassing of such devices for servicing only is not part of the MOC process. CMC Change Management Control. B. buildings or organizations. Changes to process technology. C. F.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / Management of Change (MOC) 1. the Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) for SAR Rigs and Permit to Work (PTW) for contractors shall be used to manage this type of work. or repair.1. Note: Deviations from SA High Risk HSE Requirements (HRHSER) shall be in accordance with HSERM / A / A-18 / WHRHSER. bypassing or modifying an emergency shutdown device or system) are included in the scope of the MOC process. Scope A. Definitions A. Temporary and emergency changes (including removal. procedures. This process does not apply to movement of personnel within D&WO. This scope covers Contractor Rigs which shall follow their approved MOC process. B. exact replacement. Departments and/or Divisions shall be subject to the MOC process when opening and/or closing a new department and/or division. However. This process does not apply to changes in kind. D. review and implementation of the change. A sample Change Request Form is provided in HSERM / A / A-16 / MOC / Appendix No. However. shall be subjected to a MOC process. restoration. facility. should be subject to the change review process. operation or procedural control of the facility. D. Pre-Start-up Safety Review (PSSR) A field verification that all criteria identified in the change review process with regard to physical installation. shall be a permanent feature of the design. Change in Operational Arrangements Where changes to an operational arrangement occurs. I. implement. J. Emergency Change An Emergency Change situation exists when changes are required and implemented to: 1) Prevent injury to personnel or damage to equipment. Management of Change (MOC) A process to systematically evaluate. usually a proponent employee. for example. H. which. K. and document changes to existing assets to ensure that safeguards are in place to eliminate the possibility of introducing hazards because of changes. Originator The person. authorize. 3) Prevent significant loss of productivity or assets. 2) Correct immediate safety and fire hazards or extreme service failure. from 24-hour operating to daylight manning only or when facilities are mothballed. procedural amendments and training are in place. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 140 of 236 . Hazard Identification The process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics. G. Operating Window The established parameters for the specific process within which the operator has the discretion to manipulate the various operating parameters. Permanent Change A Permanent Change is one. The Originators Supervisor shall ensure PSSR is conducted. who identifies the necessity for a change. once implemented. MOC Coordinator A person assigned by the department head to record.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Continued C. track and report the status of the MOC requests. E. F. 2) Replacing equipment or piping with material meeting the same specification as the original. work orders in the case of equipment) or appropriate approvals in the case of procedures. material specifications.. Replacement-inkind is not subject to MOC procedures. Risk Analysis Checklist (RAC) A checklist found in the MOC form used to identify potential hazards and operability problems. any replacement of equipment or minor update to written procedures requires documentation in accordance with maintenance work requirements (e.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Continued L. Any replacement needs to include all necessary quality assurance. 2) Any organizational changes. P. Temporary Change A change implemented with the intent that the change is applied for a fixed duration. O. Significant Change 1) Any changes to parts. methods. However. 3) Any significant Process Improvement Changes. 3) Painting or coating to the original specification using the same or equivalent materials. 4) Revision of procedures to include updated associated references. Temporary changes that remain in place for longer than six months should be subject to the full permanent change procedures. equipment. Risk Combination of the frequency of occurrence and consequence of a specified hazardous event. N. or facilities including changes resulting from purchasing a replacement with a non-identical make and model. inspection and field verification. quality control.g. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 141 of 236 . or procedures. Some examples of replacements-in-kind are: 1) Repairing equipment or piping. 4) Any changes to standards. operating conditions. Replacement-in-Kind (RIK) A replacement-in-kind is one in which the old equipment is replaced with an identical part or an equivalent part approved and specified by the applicable engineering standard or in the case of a change to process parameters these remain within the established operating window. M. Unit Head 1) Ensure MOC Process is in place for any change in his facility or area of responsibility. These actions shall include but not be limited to: 1) Review the MOC request feasibility. Attachment A2. 2) Upon receiving MOC Request from originator. 3) Assign MOC coordinator.2).Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Continued Q. Section 9. Training Needs Analysis Change A Training Needs Analysis is utilized to identify the necessary training required to ensure that personnel are fully conversant with the equipment and operations within their facilities by identifying any required training needed because of a specific change. Roles and Responsibilities A.MOC. C. Department Manager 1) Ensure full implementation of this MOC process. 2) Ensure that the entire required approval route (flow chart) is followed. including the MOC Process Flowchart. 4) Ensure the hazard identification section has been completed prior to the submittal of the MOC Request. 3) Coordinate a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA).0. 4) Review previous MOC requests for similar proposals and lessons learned. 3) Review previous MOC records for similar procedures and control methods. Guide Number 05-001-2006. 4. 5) Determine if MOC requires escalation to next management level based on Risk Assessment checklist in the MOC Form. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 142 of 236 . 2) Ensure the implementation of this MOC process is audited annually as per the SA – Safety Management Guide . Division Head Perform any necessary actions as a result of an MOC request if it escalates to his level as per the MOC flow chart (Refer to HSERM / A / A-16 / MOC / Appendix No. evaluate potential impacts and benefits. B. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Continued 6) Complete the approved MOC Request Form and submit it to the MOC Coordinator with supporting documentation. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Note: Minor . MOC Coordinator 1) Assign tracking number and keep records of all MOC requests. Exclusions A. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. where parts or equipment are replaced by an identical part or equipment of an identical make and model. 7. importance. is not covered by this procedure. B. Definitions. 3) Submit quarterly report to the designated division head with pending MOC request. D. 5. extent.Lesser or secondary in amount. 2) Shall keep MOC request forms updated. 6. Minor Process or work procedure changes (modifications) are also excluded. Urgently needed changes for an emergency are excluded from this process. or degree. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 143 of 236 . Normal maintenance work. 1 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 144 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Continued Appendix No. 1 / Continued SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 145 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Appendix No. 2 / MOC Flow Chart SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 146 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-16 / MOC / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 Risk Management Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 147 of 236 . and evaluate the potential consequences.2) SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 148 of 236 . 3) Implementation of new technology.1) 1) Well Planning stage including Well Approval Process (WAP) and/or Workover Candidate Proposal (WOCP). Engineering (with Operations input) – Office based. The Risk Management Process shall be applied in the following circumstances: A. Operations (with Engineering input) – Rig based (Refer to HSERM / A / A17 / RMM / Appendix No. 2) Well program development stage during well design and approval process. 3.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / Risk Management Manual (RMM) 1. C. The manual shall be used in conjunction with the Risk Management Training Package. Purpose The overall purpose of this Drilling and Workover (D&WO) Risk Management Manual (RMM) is to outline the risk assessment and management activities to protect people and preserve company assets. D&WO Operation’s departments shall use a risk-based approach to identify hazards. and controlled. Contractors and service companies shall also have a Risk Management System that meets the D&WO Risk Management Policy. General 1) Operations in new areas or under new circumstances 2) Execution of new operational requirements. D&WO Risk Management Policy To assess and manage risks. Hazards associated with the work within the scope of this manual shall be identified and associated risks determined. D&WO Operation’s contractor and service companies will execute aspects of the programs and activities resulting from SA use of this manual. Scope This manual applies to all onshore and offshore drilling and workover rigs. are described in this manual. ensuring the protection of people. Tools and procedures which shall be used to identify and control risks associated with D&WO Operations. B. 2. prioritized. (Refer to HSERM / A / A-17 / RMM / Appendix No. assets and facilities controlled directly by D&WO Operations. assess their likelihood of occurrence. property and environment. risk assessed and adequate controls stipulated in the drilling program are in place. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 149 of 236 . Engineering . Managers Managers shall provide adequate resources required for the implementation of Risk Management and Assessment in order to ensure that the Risk Management Policy is complied with. E.Rig Foremen / Liaisonman / SAR Tool Pushers and other SAR Key personnel Implement the Risk Management policy on site and have the required controls in place prior to and during the execution of well programs including Rig moves. b. B. Any other situation as may be required by management 4. 2) Managing D&WO well related activities. Changes in well program. D. c. Ensure that the controls identified are implemented.Superintendents Ensure that all hazards within operations activities in their respective divisions are identified. Unplanned arising conditions. They shall take overall responsibility for the implementation of this manual for their respective departments and ensure that Risk Management decisions are made at the appropriate management level. Engineering – General Supervisors / Supervisors Ensure that all hazards within technical/engineering designs are identified. risk assessed and adequate controls are in place. Drilling program implementation.Drilling Engineers Ensure that all hazards are identified in drilling programs. Operations . Operations . D.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued 1) Well construction activities (D&WO). risk assessed and adequate controls in place at the planning stage prior to the approval of work to be performed and during the execution of well programs.g. e. C.: a. Responsibilities The following are the responsibilities in the implementation of this manual: A. practice or behavior with the potential to interrupt or interfere with the orderly progress of an activity being carried out and which has the potential to cause harm to people. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 150 of 236 . equipment. H. substance. C. Risk The chance that something or someone will be adversely affected by a hazard. updates and revisions shall be in accordance with the D&WO Document Control Procedure. Probability/Likelihood Is the chance of a hazard being released or of an incident/accident occurring or of the loss of control. G. B.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued F. Definitions A. They shall also provide advisory role and support for the Risk Assessment and Management including the role of risk assessor. E. Risk Assessment is an integral part of Risk Management. property or environment. Distribution. Drilling Contractors and Service Companies Contractors and service companies shall implement the controls identified by D&WO Operations. Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) The DOE&CD shall be the Custodian of the Risk Management Manual which is a controlled document. Risk Assessment A formal process to assess the likelihood and consequences associated with identified hazards to determine the risk and evaluate the acceptability of the risk. they shall also have a Risk Management System that meets the D&WO Risk Management Policy. situation. D. Safety Advisors Verify that the controls identified are implemented. Risk can be defined as the combination of the likelihood or probability of an event and its consequences. 5. Consequence An event or chain of events that results from the release of a hazard with a defined severity. In addition. condition. Hazard An object. where and when? 2) Why and how can it happen? SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 151 of 236 . 7. Risk Management Process The core process of Risk Management involves identifying hazards. Hazard Identification Hazards shall be identified through a series of simple questioning of the activity to be carried out. E. The following are the sequential steps in Risk Assessment and Management core process which shall be individually addressed in this manual: A. property or environment and its frequency of occurrence. Risk Management The ongoing implementation of existing control measures. G. Hazard Identification and Recording Process A. Reviews shall be made regularly to measure effectiveness and continual improvement. B.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued F. Risk Reduction and Control. 6. Risk Matrix A Technique used to determine qualitatively the ranking of a hazard based on the severity of its harm to people. communicated and controls implemented (including necessary training and register updates). Risk Communication and Documentation. It shall seek to answer the following questions: 1) What can happen. systematically assessing and evaluating risks and applying risk reduction and control measures throughout an asset’s life cycle. Risks shall be documented. and identification and implementation where practicable of additional control measures to manage risk to levels that are tolerable and As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). C. Risk Management Measurement and Review. Risk Management is an integral part of the D&WO Safety Management System (SMS). Hazard Identification and Recording. equipment. It is a methodology that matches the potential consequences of an event outcome with the probability that the outcome will occur in order to establish an appropriate response. D. Risk Assessment and Evaluation. CHBs are developed within the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to provide essential information on the safe handling of chemicals and are prepared in both Arabic and English. It can be used in D&WO for underbalanced drilling operations. HAZCOM consists mainly of two types of documents which have been prepared using information from the chemicals Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): A. HAZOP technique applies more to plants and machinery rather than Rig operations activities. HAZCOM labeling is established within EPD to alert employees to hazards associated with chemicals and to provide precautionary information.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued 3) What can go wrong? 4) What tools and techniques can be used to assist detection? B. All chemicals on a rig location shall have appropriate HAZCOM labeling. Information from CHBs helps protect employees from unnecessary exposure to harmful chemicals in the workplace. Further details are available on HAZCOM. and B. Chemical Hazard Bulletins (CHB). 8. a multidisciplinary team of individuals systematically “brainstorms” the process under review in a series of meetings using a set of guide words to structure the review. For more details. CHBs are an effective tool for providing the required minimum information for employees working with chemicals. etc. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 152 of 236 . HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) In a HAZOP study. refer to SAER-5437 (SA HAZOP Guidelines) 9. HAZCOM Hazardous Material Communication program (HAZCOM) is a comprehensive and structured system for the communication of chemical hazards to management and employees throughout SA. SIMOPS. Hazard Recording New Hazards identified in drilling and workover operations shall be recorded in a Hazard Register which shall be updated continuously. HAZCOM labeling for chemical containers. and should be available for all chemicals in use on a rig location. The proper use of the Risk Assessment Matrix is covered in the Risk Management Training Package. The RAF is used to document the hazards associated with a particular project or activity. The Risk Assessment Matrix is a tool used to determine qualitatively the ranking of a hazard.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued 10. Risk Assessment Matrix (see HSERM / A / A-17 / RMM / Appendix No. the potential consequences. based on the consequence or severity of its harm to people. property. the associated risks are assessed and evaluated to estimate the probability or likelihood of an incident occurring and evaluate the potential severity of the resulting loss in order to determine the appropriate mitigating actions (controls). the threats (causes) that could result in a release of the hazard. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 153 of 236 .g.3) 1) The “Risk Assessment Matrix” technique shall be used as the main technique to assess risks for Drilling and Workover operations. equipment. The D&WO Risk Assessment Matrix provides guidance on assessing the likelihood and severity of identified hazards. The RAF shall prioritize (rank) all hazards associated with a project or activity. • JSA. • Bow Tie. the potential risk associated with the hazard. The result of the assessment shall be summarized in a Risk Assessment Form (RAF). Risk Assessment and Evaluation Once hazards have been identified. the control measures that are or will be put in place and the residual risk taking into account the effectiveness of these measures. Refer to HSERM / A / A-17 / RMM / Appendix No. A. The following are techniques/tools used for Risk Assessment in D&WO: • Risk Matrix. environment or company business. and shall be used primarily during the project or process planning stage. 2) Qualitative Risk Analysis uses scales or ranking (e.: high/medium/low) to describe the seriousness of potential consequences and the likelihood or probability that those consequences will occur. public image or reputation and its probability or likelihood of occurrence as well as how frequently it could occur.4. 1.1: Bow Tie Schematic In the Bow Tie. on the left hand side barriers are the controls which prevent or reduce the likelihood of a threat resulting in a top event.e. Figure No. The results of this analysis are presented in a simple diagram (the Bow Tie diagram). and evaluate the effectiveness of the controls. A schematic of the Bow Tie diagram is shown in Figure No. On the right hand side recovery measures are the controls that limit the consequences of the top event.2 below.2: Bow Tie Analysis Example SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 154 of 236 . An example of a simplified Bow Tie diagram is shown in Figure No. severity level 4 and 5) and high-risk hazards identified on the Risk Assessment Matrix. the consequences on the right hand side with the Hazard and Top Event in the middle. Bow-Ties should be developed for all major hazards (i.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued B. The Bow Tie combines the threat (cause) on the left hand side. Bow Tie Analysis The “Bow Tie” method is used to demonstrate how a particular hazard is controlled. Figure No. ’s. 4) Transferred: The risk is toured to others or avoided. Further details of JSA and methodology are covered in HSERM / A / A-14 / JSA. 2) Treated: Controls are implemented to reduce the risk to acceptable levels. the control measures must balance the level of risk with the amount of effort.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued C. the main tool that shall be used is the Risk Assessment Matrix (Refer to HSERM / A / A-17 / RMM / Appendix No. and G.I. For field implementation of a job process. The SA JSA Form is shown in HSERM / A / A-17 / RMM / Appendix No. JSA The purpose of the JSA is to provide a means of identifying workplace hazards.3). SA Engineering Standards (SAES). That is. time and money required to reduce the risk. Various engineering standards are in place in SA to address designs and implementation with minimum standards for controlling hazards. Risk Control Techniques Risk Control techniques include the following: 1) Terminate: Measures are established to eliminate the risk completely. 11. Drilling Manuals. the Job Safety Analysis tool (JSA) shall be used in place of Risk Analysis. For D&WO Operations. implementing control measures necessary to reduce the possible effects of the hazard and communicating the strategies to workers prior to performing the work. reduce. A. accept or avoid the risk analyzed in order to control the undesirable effects of the risk or hazard. 3) Tolerated: The risk is determined to be acceptable. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 155 of 236 . B. Risk Reduction and Control Process This is the step where measures are taken to eliminate. Controls to be implemented must be reasonably practicable.5. eliminated or minimized through appropriate engineering design. Risk Control Measures The following measures are used for controlling specific risks and shown in preferred order: 1) Engineering Controls: Risks are avoided. 2) Teleconferencing. recognition and understanding of the Risk Management approach and a positive risk-awareness culture at all levels. controls to mitigate hazard consequences must be communicated by the approving party to all parties concerned for implementation. Risk communication can be done in the following ways: 1) Structured meetings. D&WO Loss Prevention Manual and D&WO HSERM. substitutions. 3) Detailed written program/instructions. education. Risk Communication Following a risk assessment. A key factor to the success of any Risk Management activity is risk communication. location and proximity. A proper risk communication will support Risk Management implementation and enhance staff general awareness and Risk Management. Risk Communication and Documentation Process A. SA D&WO HSE Requirements Manual (HSERM). 3) Monitoring the risk. 3) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Controls: These are additional or supplemental interim measures to complement engineering and administrative controls. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 156 of 236 . 12. Risk Management is an ongoing process which involves three significant topics which must be communicated in various ways: 1) Analyzing the risk. 2) Treating the risk.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued 2) Administrative Controls: These controls include administrative procedures. breaks and personnel rotations. A structured communication process is required so that an informed decision about risk treatment can be made. work assignments. This database is yet to be developed in D&WO. there could be some planned activities which if carried out as designed. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 157 of 236 . A database of lessons learned shall be maintained and made available to supervisors so as to avoid mistakes that had been made in the past. B. In the course of implementing a risk assessed project. To share and communicate Risk Management activities among all stakeholders. 14. and Rig Foremen. most particularly with the field personnel who will be executing risk managed projects. A Risk Management Training Package developed by D&WO shall be used to train personnel in Risk Management. C. accident / incident reports. These shall be lessons learned. Drilling Engineers. 13. Supervisors. etc. Risk Documentation The various analyses done to assess risk prior the execution of an activity must be well documented in a formal report within which the members of the risk assessment team shall be identified. Division Heads. Training and Implementation Process As part of the implementation phase of the Risk Management Process. incident investigations. could result in a hazard which was not initially identified.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued B. These reports shall be included in the well file for D&WO operations and in the central projects database for other operations. To provide an audit trail for the follow-up of key actions related to the exposures being addressed. The custodian of the documents shall be D&WO DOE&CD. Who is to be trained: Risk Assessor. The relevant training requirements shall be included in personnel competencies and tracked through the Training Matrix. Facilitate continuous monitoring and review of Risk Management. Risk Management Measurement and Review Process The observations during implementation combined with the communication and documentation process will help in achieving the following: A. There shall also be a hazard register which shall be maintained and updated regularly with feedback from projects. D&WO shall conduct training of personnel in Risk Assessment and Management including the implementation of the tools outlined in this Risk Management Manual. The following have been considered in a Risk Management Training Package: A. 15. Australian / New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4360:1999. Guidelines for development and implementation of Risk Management system. Petroleum and natural gas industries . Definitions.Part 3: Application guide . E. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Risk Management .Part 3: Guide to the management of business related project risk. K. learning outcome. National Fire Protection Association Fire Department Occupational Health and Safety Standards Handbook (Supplement 7) Risk Management Planning. ISO 17776:2000(E). assessment and materials.Offshore production installations Guidelines on tools and techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment. H. Training level: To be consistent with level of responsibilities. C. Who will do the training: The Risk Management Training Package developed shall be delivered by the Aramco Training department. F. Project Management . L. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. B. British Standard BS 6079-3:2000. ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002 (E/F).Vocabulary . Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 68 Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7). Risk Management.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued B. 1st Ed. Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA-Q850-97. IEC International Standard 300-3-9:1995.Section 9: Risk analysis of technological systems. 16. Dependability management . Recommended Practice in Emergency Service Organization Risk Management. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 158 of 236 . C. Risk and Emergency Preparedness. The Risk Management Training Package shall contain stated objectives. NORSOK Standard Z-013. Risk Management: Guideline for DecisionMakers. G. D. Risk Management International Standards A.Guidelines for Use in Standards 1st Ed. Project Risk Management – Application guidelines. I. Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Q 2001:2001 (E). J. National Fire Protection Association NFPA 1250. IEC International Standard 62198:2001. 1 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 159 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued Appendix No. 2 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 160 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued Appendix No. 3 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 161 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued Appendix No.4 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 162 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-17 / RMM / Continued Appendix No.5 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 163 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-18 Waiver of High Risk HSE Requirement(s) SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 164 of 236 . Removing the handrails from an elevated work platform and requiring personnel to continue to use the platform. 2. Purpose The purpose of this Drilling and Workover (D&WO) procedure is to ensure all deviations from SA High Risk HSE Requirements (HRHSER) are subject to a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and to establish a procedure (including the need for a formal risk assessment) to initiate. HSERM / A / A-17 / Risk Management Manual / Appendix No. and approve deviations from HRHSER. it is the potential likelihood and severity of the incident that may result as a consequence of that deviation that must be assessed for risk. rig. personnel. Severity (catastrophic. When determining the risk associated with any planned deviation. equipment. Deviations from HRHSER are not allowed unless justification is presented to D&WO Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) Division Head that establishes mitigation equal to or greater than the existing HRHSER. rigs. fatality) = 5 Likelihood (probable) = 4 Severity X Likelihood = Risk Rating 5 X 4 = 20 High Risk. B. The scope of an approved Waiver request is limited to the facility. projects. buildings. chemicals.3 shall be utilized to determine the potential severity and/or consequence of the incident or potential incident. and its subsequent approval. Example. procedures. Personnel falling from height is the potential incident. Scope This procedure establishes a standard for obtaining a Waiver to a HRHSER. waiver required.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-18 / Waiver of High Risk HSE Requirement(s) (WHRHSER) 1. “Changes” to process technology. This procedure is applicable to “High Risk” category deviations only. Extending the scope of an approved waiver request to cover additional facilities. A. process. B. Note: A. review. project. or requirements in the HSERM shall be accomplished by submittal of a new Waiver request. and HRHSER. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 165 of 236 . contracts and/or organizations shall be in accordance with HSERM / A / A-16 / Management of Change. facilities. Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) Division Head and the VP-D&WO. Procedure Approval to deviate from any HRHSER must be obtained from the manager of the proponent department affected by deviation from the requirement. 4. C. the initiator shall initiate a waiver request. Waivers are for a specific time frame and shall not exceed 12 months in duration. 2) The Waiver request justification shall include a discussion of the impact of approving the Waiver. new projects are encouraged to obtain a Waiver request approval during Project Proposal development (Refer to DOE&CD website / on-line forms / HRHSER Waiver Request Form). Document and support cost benefits or penalties by addressing the following items: a. D. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 166 of 236 . including Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR). Formal Risk Assessment). Definitions (Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A A. VP-D&WO: HRHSER Waiver final approval authority. To assist in expediting the Waiver review. Also tasked to conduct the Waiver Request Analysis and Conditions of Approval. Contractors and Service Companies.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-18 / WHRHSER / Continued C. update. Initiation of a Waiver Request 1) To request approval to deviate from established HRHSER(s). Maintenance or any other organization with a vested interest in the waiver of a HRHSER. B. The Originating organization may be a Project Management Team. D. 3. Initiator: A Division Head or an Engineer in an operating unit who initiated and created a waiver request. Originator: The Manager of the organization proposing to waive a HRHSER. Decrease in safety or reliability. To minimize cost and schedule impacts. Approval shall be obtained prior to implementing any deviation from a HRHSER. This procedure is applicable to all departments within D&WO. Operations. SA facilities. E. A. Approval to waive must be approved prior to deviating from a HRHSER. attach all supporting documentation (Example. maintain and monitor specific HRHSER documents and their requirements. DOE&CD: The Division assigned responsibility to establish. 3) If the review and analysis determines that the waiver request should be supported and approved. The final authority to approve or reject shall rest with them. D. the initiator shall insert them.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-18 / WHRHSER / Continued b. C. 1) If the review determines that the Waiver request is not required. Waiver/Deviation Request Approval The Waiver request is approved by obtaining signatures from the Department Manager(s). B. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 167 of 236 . it shall be returned to the Originator with an explanation note by the DOE&CD SME. The Waiver request shall be assigned a tracking number and routed to the appropriate subject matter expert (SME) within DOE&CD to analyze the request and recommend disposition. due to misinterpretation or misapplication of a HRHSER. Waiver Request Analysis and Conditions of Approval The Responsible DOE&CD SME shall be assigned the task of review and analysis of the Waiver request. If there are conditions associated with the approval of the waiver request. Adverse environmental impact. E. it shall be returned to the Originator with an explanation of the rejection by the DOE&CD SME. Waiver Request Rejection and Appeal 1) The Originator shall accept the rejection recommendation or resolve the issue with DOE&CD. then the analysis shall be documented. 2) If the Originator disagrees with the rejection decision. 2) If the review and analysis determines that the Waiver request is not supported and should be rejected. Waiver Request Submittal and Logging Submit a Waiver request and all supporting documentation to DOE&CD Division Head. these shall also be included in the analysis documentation. The DOE&CD SME shall provide the review analysis recommendation to the DOE&CD Division Head. If the DOE&CD SME has identified specific factors or concerns. DOE&CD Division Head and VP-D&WO. DOE&CD shall attempt to resolve the issue. 3) The Waiver request shall always identify and analyze other alternatives to waiving the HRHSER. he must submit an appeal for reconsideration to DOE&CD. B.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-18 / WHRHSER / Continued 5. 6. HSERM / A / A-17 / Risk Management Manual. 3) Conduct a detailed review of all aspects of “After-the-Fact” Waiver requests. E. DOE&CD Division Head 1) Receives request for Waiver from Originator and assigns SME to conduct formal analysis of the waiver request. Initiator 1) A Waiver request is initiated and created typically by a Division Head or an Engineer. Provides all supporting documentation to explain why waiving HRHSER is the best course of action available to the Company. B. DOE&CD Subject Matter Expert (SME) Conduct a detailed analysis of the request for Waiver and provide recommendation (Approval or Rejection) to the DOE&CD Division Head. 7. Responsibilities A. VP-D&WO Approves request for Waiver/Deviation based on DOE&CD recommendation. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Definitions. A. C. D. Originator Review the initiators Waiver request with the department manager for completeness then forward to DOE&CD for formal analysis. 2) Provides the Originator with the results of the analysis then forwards recommendation for approval to VP-D&WO. HSERM / A / A-16 / Management of Change. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 3) Prepares responses to questions or requests for additional information from DOE&CD (Reviewing Authority). including what allowed their occurrence. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 168 of 236 . 2) The Initiator shall conduct a formal risk assessment in accordance with HSERM / A / A-17 / Risk Management Manual. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 169 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-18 / WHRHSER / Continued C.Instructions for obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory SA Engineering Requirement. SAEP-302 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-19 Lock-Out / Tag-Out SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 170 of 236 . a Saudi Aramco Rig (SAR) Safe Work Authorization Procedure (SWAP) or contractor Permit to Work (PTW) shall be completed before the work is commenced. Person requesting isolation to verify zero energy source established. Advise person requesting isolation that zero energy source established. Purpose The purpose of this Drilling and Workover (D&WO) Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO) procedure is to protect personnel from the potential releases of stored energy or the startup of machinery or equipment that may cause injury. Isolate the equipment from all potential energy sources. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 171 of 236 . 4. Prior to performing any maintenance or repair work on any machine or equipment. pneumatic or other energy source is present. Additional hazards may include heated. Complete the appropriate tags for energy isolation devices. steam. Scope The scope of this procedure is applicable to Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR). Function Testing Should a function test be required following inspection and/or repairs to equipment which is in isolation and prior to reintroducing it into service. This specifically includes any maintenance activity where electrical. Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Person in Charge (PIC) to ensure compliance with this procedure. toxic. Supervisors shall identify all energy sources that are subject to this procedure. Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Action Notify all affected personnel that an energy isolation procedure is being utilized. Initiate the work. 3.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-19 / Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO) 1. Verify that all potential energy sources have been isolated. Shut down all the equipment by following the normal shutdown procedures. corrosive or chemical material. mechanical. flammable. approval must first be granted by the SWAP or PTW issuer. B. 2. During the function test all safety practices and procedures in place are to be adhered to. Procedure A. Complete the LOTO (Energy Isolation) and store keys in PIC controlled lock box during isolation (if an equally restrictive procedure is in place that will be an acceptable alternative). hydraulic. Notify all affected employees. When isolation of the equipment has been completed (i. the following procedure shall be followed: 1) A permit shall be raised. removal of equipment) the electrical SWAP or PTW and all safeguards shall remain in place. locked and tagged out. Tag attachment devices shall be on a non-reusable type. the following procedure shall be followed: a. Advise PIC and gain approval to remove absent employee’s lock.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-19 / LOTO / Continued C. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 172 of 236 . keys to all locks used in the LOTO process shall be kept in a lock box under the control of the PIC and shall not be kept on individual’s person. Verify that the employee in not on-tour. The keyed locks shall be of a specific design used only for LOTO. Inspect the work to ensure that nonessential items have been removed. d. c. Long Term Isolation Procedure In the event it is necessary to isolate a piece of equipment for an extended period of time or more than one tour. E. During isolations. c. self-locking and non-releasing. a record of the isolation shall be made in the Isolation Log added on the Active Isolation List displayed in the control room/permit issuing office. D. Locks and Tags Each rig shall provide standardized tags and individually keyed locks as required to implement the procedures. b. The individual restoring energy shall: a. Ensure that the equipment components are intact. Restoring Service to Equipment 1) After completing the work the locks shall be removed and only the person who placed their lock and signed the tag may remove the lock.e. b. The last person removing their lock and releasing the “DO NOT START” tag shall close out the permit and notify all affected parties that the repairs are complete and the equipment is ready for service. 2) In the event a person is unavailable to remove the lock. Ensure that the employee knows that their lock/tag has been removed before they return to work. The equipment shall be isolated. attachable by hand. Check the work area to ensure all employees are safely positioned or removed from the equipment. Training The purpose of this training is to protect personnel from the potential releases of stored energy or the startup of machinery or equipment that may cause injury. Definitions. 5. pneumatic or other energy source is present. hydraulic. flammable. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. All LOTO equipment shall be removed following all safety procedures. 6. mechanical. This specifically includes any maintenance activity where electrical. Employees required to perform LOTO procedures shall receive training in these procedures before performing the procedures. corrosive or chemical material. toxic. steam. This training shall be documented. Additional hazards may include heated. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-19 / LOTO / Continued 2) When work/repairs have been completed on the isolated equipment. Once the equipment is back in service and all systems have been returned to a safe condition the SWAP or PTW shall then be cancelled. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 173 of 236 . F. the following steps shall be followed. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-20 Third Party Equipment Installation SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 174 of 236 . A current file of Installation of Equipment shall be maintained. Note: Tools or equipment used down hole. Assess Risk The OIM/PIC. or equipment that presents no risk to facility or personnel does not require a third party permit to install equipment program. 2. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 175 of 236 . the drilling contractor will initiate its third party permit to install equipment program. To facilitate a survey on arrival. Confirm The OIM/PIC or his designee shall review the provided documentation and verify it conforms to the equipment received. reducing such risks as far as reasonably practicable. Equipment Installation 3rd Parties or Subcontractors must advise the SA Liaisonman of plans to ship equipment to the rig.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-20 / Third Party Equipment Installation (TPEI) It is the responsibility of the SA Liaisonman. each third party unit shall be subject to the full inspection and audit verifying conformance with the Installation Permit and Checklist. Documentation The equipment shall be shipped to the rig with all required compliant certification such as Lifting Gear Certification. Audit On a six-month basis. 5. 1. Toolpusher or Barge Master/Engineer shall agree to placement of the equipment and identify obvious hazards of such placement and assess any risks created. Inspect The OIM/PIC or his designee shall appoint a Mechanic/ Electrician/Other Supervisor to survey the equipment for obvious external and internal damage and overall condition. 3. 4. OIM/PIC to ensure that all personnel follow the rules outlined within HSERM / A / A-20 / TPEI. 6. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. Definitions. Disconnection When the equipment is to be removed from the rig. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 176 of 236 . 8. the process will reverse with the OIM/PIC or his designee appointing maintenance personnel to safely disconnect the unit from rig. 9. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-20 / TPEI / Continued 7. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 Confined Space SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 177 of 236 . tea breaks. such as. 4) Ensure all atmospheric tests are completed by a competent person and logged before personnel enter a confined space after the area has been unoccupied for extended periods of time. 4) Must ensure the workers are trained in confined space entry and the safe use of all the personnel protection equipment prior to entering any confined space. Responsibility A. 6) Ensure you understand the procedure for rescue. 3) Ensure all atmospheric tests are completed by a competent person and logged before personnel enter a confined space. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to introduce within Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR) the planning. 5) Ensure all safety precautions are in place before entering a confined space. 2) Know the procedures for confined space entry. B. 3) Prepare a Confined Space Rescue Plan. meal breaks. Scope The scope of this procedure is applicable to Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR). Supervisor or Competent Designate 1) Conduct a Hazard Assessment. 2) Determine the type of personnel protective equipment (PPE) required.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / Confined Space (CS) 1. 2. 3. Worker 1) Be trained in confined space entry. 5) Ensure all atmospheric tests are completed by a competent person and logged before personnel enter a confined space. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 178 of 236 . procedures and practices necessary to enable people to work safely in confined spaces. Open-topped spaces of more than 1. batch mix tanks and other tank-like compartments. Is not intended as a regular workplace. Storage tanks. a competent person is knowledgeable of applicable standards. pressure vessels. which is either contaminated or oxygen-deficient. d. A. By way of training and/or experience. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 179 of 236 . but are not limited to: a. liquids or solids or of lack of oxygen. hazardous. Positive measures in making the working conditions safe shall always be ensured by means of strict supervision. gasses. and who has written authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them". spud cans. Once the decision has been made that entry to a confined space is necessary.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 4. mud pits (land rigs or MODU). pre-load tanks. Is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy. Entry into a confined space for any purpose shall only be considered when all reasonably practicable steps have been taken to deal with the problem in some other way. 2) Confined spaces include. or from any other source such as fume or dust emission from an adjacent plant or area which might cause hazard to the operation. voids. process vessels. pits which are not subject to good natural ventilation. harmful residues radiation or moving machinery within the confined space. which is the basis that the international standards and best practices regulations call up as a minimum requirement. Introduction This policy gives guidance on the precautions necessary to avoid the hazards associated with the entry into and working in CONFINED SPACES. positive steps shall be taken to eliminate or minimize the risk from the hazards of dangerous fumes. c. it is necessary to know the meaning of certain terms and phrases that are used within Aramco standards. Definitions (Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) In order to understand these requirements. trip tanks. boilers. is capable of identifying workplace hazards relating to the specific operation. Some standards add additional specific requirements which must be met by the competent person. 5. Competent Person "One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary. May have inadequate ventilation and/or an atmosphere. or dangerous to employees. B. Confined Space 1) A space or volume which: a. and has the authority to correct them.5 meters in depth such as rotary opening when the bell nipple is installed. Has restricted means of entry and exit. b. b. A fifteen (15) minute TWA exposure which should not be exceeded at any time during a working day even if the eight (8) hour TWA average is within the TWA exposure standard. Exposure at the STEL should not be longer than fifteen (15) minutes and should not be repeated more than four (4) times per day. Pipes. cargo tanks.The average airborne concentration of a particular substance when calculated over a normal eight-hour (8) workday. thermal or oxygen cutting. for a five-day (5) working week. the presence of which can be harmful to health. according to current knowledge. and void spaces. fume. Time Weighted Average (TWA) . Peak . 3) Contaminant Any dust. gas (H2S) or other substance. and other ignition producing or spark producing operations. exposure to which. 5) Explosive (Flammable) Range The range of flammable contaminant/air mixture between the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and the Upper Explosive Limit (UEL). duct keels. cellular double bottom tanks. There should be at least sixty (60) minutes between successive exposures at the STEL.A maximum or peak airborne concentration of a particular substance determined over the shortest analytically practicable period of time. but not including dry cargo holds. which does not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. vapor. this is the concentration of the contaminant in air below which the spread of a flame does not occur on contact with an ignition source. c. b. heating. The exposure standard can be of three (3) forms: a. should not cause adverse health effects nor cause undue discomfort to nearly all workers. Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) . ballast and oil tanks. mist. 6) Hot Work Welding. shafts. ducts and similar structures. sewers. d. 4) Exposure Standard An airborne concentration of a particular substance in the workers breathing zone.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued c. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 180 of 236 . cofferdams. Any shipboard spaces entered through a small hatchway or access point. 7) Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) In relation to a flammable contaminate. 5. if practicable. 9) Sufficient Oxygen The minimum oxygen content in air should be 19. including whether it is necessary to enter the confined space. the confined space and capable of being in continuous communication with and. whether entry of persons to the confined space is necessary. where necessary. Slow oxidation reactions of either organic or inorganic substances. Risk Assessment A. Absorption by grain. and in close proximity to. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 181 of 236 . If it is decided that such work can be undertaken from outside.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 8) Stand-by Person A competent person assigned to remain on the outside of. Physical activity. 3. chemicals or soils. The hazards involved and associated risks. 4. 7.5 % by volume under normal atmospheric pressure. 6. to observe those inside. all confined spaces shall be identified. that is. Rapid oxidation (combustion). The methods by which the work can be done. 8. Risk Identification For any work proposed. a written risk assessment is carried out by a competent person and takes into account the following: 1. then precautions should be taken to physically prevent unauthorized entry to the confined space. The work to be done. Dilution of air with an inert gas. The actual method and plant proposed. An employer shall ensure that before carrying out work involving entry to a confined space. 6. Major Hazards Fatalities or severe injuries could occur as a result of the following: 1) Oxygen deficiency in the confined space caused by: a. initiate rescue procedures and operate equipment used for entry to the confined space. B. 2. signposted and physically secured and it should be determined whether the work proposed can be undertaken from outside. (For example. 2. radiation gauges. Therefore. crushed by rotating or moving parts such as agitators). Contaminants may be in the form of solids. welding or brazing with metals capable of producing toxic fumes). Other Hazards Undertaking work in confined spaces may greatly increase the risk of injury from hazards. sludge’s. 5. (For example. gases. The product stored. Drowning by accidental flooding. Factors to be Considered Tasks undertaken in confined spaces can present serious and unique hazards. vapors. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 182 of 236 . Noise . Suffocation by solids (For example. 3.This may be caused by hammering or the use of equipment within the confined space. Radiation . being trapped by augers. The source of atmospheric contaminants encountered may include: 1. first aid and resuscitation. 4. lasers and welders. c. 2. 3. 4. fumes or particles. Work being conducted in adjacent spaces such as welding and gas cutting. Arrangements for rescue. Temperature .either too hot or too cold. bulk tanks). disturbing decomposed organic material in a tank can liberate toxic substances such as Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). The presence of contaminants on surfaces or in the atmosphere. such as: 1. The operation performed in the confined space. 6.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued b. liquids. 2. a number of factors need to be considered. Manual handling d. or where appropriate ventilation or appropriate clothing is not supplied or worn. These include the following: 1. isotopes.within a confined space caused by the use of X-rays. which can result from the work process or the weather conditions. Operation of plant and services (For example. The number of persons occupying the space. for example: 1) Prohibition of hot work in adjacent areas. All hazards which may be encountered. Whether cleaning is required in the confined space. Comply with SA and International Standards. Policies and Procedures. 4) Prohibition of movement of equipment such as forklifts in adjacent areas. 3) Avoidance of contamination of breathing atmosphere from operations or sources outside the confined space. 11. 7. including the use and limitations of any personal protective equipment and mechanical or other equipment to be used. Whether Signs: A. 12. and to properly initiate rescue procedures. essential for the confined space task. The availability and adequacy of appropriate personal protective equipment. Indicate that entry is permitted only after signing the entry permit in a manner appropriate to the workplace. The soundness and security of the overall structure and the need for illumination. The atmospheric testing to be undertaken and the parameters to be assessed before the entry permit(s) are issued. 8. 5. The identity and nature of the substances last contained in the confined space. observation of the persons within the confined space. to ensure adequate communication with and. The need for additional protective measures. 13. 9. The steps needed to bring the confined space to atmospheric pressure. The status of medical fitness and training of those persons intending to enter the confined space. 14.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 3. 2) Prohibition of smoking and naked flames within the confined space and where appropriate. protective clothing and rescue equipment for all persons likely to enter the confined space. such as from the exhaust of an internal combustion engine. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 183 of 236 . particularly those which are unusual or non-typical. 6. B. Whether hot work is necessary. Adequate instruction of those persons in any work procedure required. C. the adjacent areas. The number of persons required outside the space to maintain equipment. 10. 4. causes a false zero reading. 3) Presence of airborne contaminants that may reduce the accuracy of the reading or “poison” the sensor. 5) Calibration. 6) Need for recalibration during testing. A thorough knowledge of the gas indicators is required and should include the following: 1) Properties of the gas/vapor. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 184 of 236 .e. can carry-out the gas test. B. 2) The confined space contains sufficient oxygen. which may damage the sensor and give misleading results.I. 4) When any of the above cannot be achieved. who has attended and passed Confined Space Entry Training.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 7. 2) Humidity and temperature in the space. nor can you determine the level of oxygen present. Note: Only an Authorized Gas Tester.0%). 7) Condensation and/or absorption of gas into walls of sampling lines where these are used. Monitoring A. consistent with the hazards identified in the risk assessment and ensure: 1) The concentration of flammable contaminant in the atmosphere of the confined space is below 0% of its LEL. (i. The supervisor shall ensure that no person enters a confined space without a work permit and until the following tasks have been carried out: Test the atmosphere. 3) Atmospheric contaminants in the confined space are below the relevant exposure standards. adjustment and maintenance requirement. Never trust your senses to determine if the air in a confined space is safe! You cannot see or smell any toxic gases and vapors. 2. 4) Presence of corrosive gases and mists. Gas Detectors Flammable gas indicators should as a minimum comply with SA G. Prior to Entry The evaluation of the atmosphere and a survey of other hazards should be performed outside the confined space before any entry occurs (the results should be recorded on the entry permit).709. 19. appropriate personal protective equipment should be used. 5) Adoption of safe work practices. Consequently. 4) Engineering controls. where the concentration of flammable contaminant in the atmosphere of a confined space has been found to be greater than 0% of its LEL. false zeros). is the most conservative approach. Hierarchy of Control Measures. 8. 9) Oxygen deficiency causing an erroneously low reading. 6) Use of personal protective equipment. Control A. The use of continuous monitors. which may cause false readings in some sensors. C. which have alarms. Equipment for continuous monitoring of gases and vapors should be intrinsically safe and equipped with an audible alarm if danger develops. 2) Substitution. If an acceptable result cannot be obtained without continuous forced draft ventilation. the confined space shall not be entered. arrangements should be made to monitor or re-test the atmosphere within the confined space. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 185 of 236 . 11) Difference in atmospheric pressure. complete elimination of the need to enter the confined spaced should be the first consideration in controlling risk to workers. The hierarchy lists the control measures that should be implemented in the workplace in priority order. which is substitution. The standby person is responsible for monitoring the proper operation of the forced draft ventilation device. 10) Oxygen enrichment where the instrument may act as an ignition source causing explosion. A non-flammable solvent in place of a flammable one. Instruments should be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. Examples of substitution include using: a. The control measures should consist of: 1) Elimination. then the ventilation device should be suitably tagged to ensure it is not disconnected while the inspection or other work is in progress.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 8) Response of the instrument to high and low concentrations of flammable gas or vapors (for example. During Entry Because of the potential for latter release of hazardous material. It is only if this is not practicable that consideration should be given to the second measure in the hierarchy. 3) Isolation. All isolations shall be conducted under the SWAP or PTW and LOTO Procedure. The cap or blank should be identified to indicate its purpose. and as close as possible to. mixers.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued b. Removal of a valve. ducts. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 186 of 236 . Pastes instead of powders. and It may be necessary to withdraw a confined space from service before it is prepared for entry and that all persons who may be involved with the repair. alternative methods may be used if equivalent security can be achieved. Positive steps should be taken to achieve the following: a. It may be necessary to use a combination of control measures to eliminate or minimize the risk to workers. conveyors. an expansion joint in piping leading to. Isolation of all other energy sources which may be external to. including all process services. This process of progressively applying the elements of the hierarchy of controls should continue until the risks have been reduced to acceptable levels. but still capable of adversely affecting the confined space. through piping. the employer shall ensure that all potentially hazardous services. Isolation Requirements Prior to any employee entering a confined space. agents or conditions harmful to people occupying the confined space. e. C. spool piece. Methods of Isolation 1) Hazardous Materials No personnel shall be allowed to enter a confined space until positive means are established to prevent all energy sources from entering the confined space area or causing associated equipment to operate while work continues . Listed below are three (3) methods of isolation. Water based paint in place of an organic solvent-base. However. De-energisation and Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO) de-energisation and tag-out or both of machinery. for example heating and/or refrigeration methods. service pipes or fire protection equipment. d. normally connected to that space are positively isolated in order to prevent: 1) The introduction of any materials. Prevention of accidental introduction into the confined space of materials. a. c. the confined space and blanking or capping the open end of the piping leading to the confined space. b. agitators or other equipment containing moving parts in the confined space. contaminants. B. drains. Personal protective equipment should only be used as a last resort when all of the other control measures have failed to adequately control the risk. A detergent in place of a chlorinated solvent for cleaning. vents. maintenance or operation of the confined space are advised. c. Brush application of paint rather than aerosol or spray application. a. When a lock is used. 2) Before entry is permitted to any confined space which itself can move. 4.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued b. 3. c. fans or other moving parts which may pose a risk to personnel are present. a belt of other mechanical linkage shall be disconnected and tagged to indicate that a person is in the confined space and that the linkage shall not be reconnected until all persons have left the confined space. blanks or other protective systems shall only be removed be the person who installed them or by the Competent Person. b. The blocks and tags should not be removed until the person has left the space. Where the methods in item a) and b) above are not practicable. tags. Where more than one person is in the confined space. c. the key shall be kept in the possession of the competent person. Insertion of a suitable full-pressure spade (blank) in piping between the flanges nearest to the confined space. or both. the isolating device shall be either: 1. or in which agitators. clutches or other controls shall be tagged to indicate that a person is in the confined space. or closing and tagging. isolation by means of closing and locking. Spare keys should not be accessible except in cases of emergencies. Removal of Isolation: The locks. or both. All SWAP or PTW and Isolation certification shall be closed. after confirming that work has been suspended or completed and all persons have left the confined space. Locked and tagged. and switches. d. of at least two valves in the pipe leading to the confined space shall suffice. moveable components shall be blocked. on the open circuit breaker or open isolating switch supplying electric power to equipment with hazardous moving parts. by the Competent Person. Where practicable. pneumatic. or both. chemical. equipment or devices with stored energy such as hydraulic. controlled readily or effectively. Where neither method above are practicable. 2. Locked and tagged. The spade should also be identified. This will indicate that a person is in the confined space and that such isolation shall not be removed until all persons have left the confined space. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 187 of 236 . The person entering the confined space or the competent person should place a lock or tag. movement shall be prevented by an approved means or an alternative method offering the equivalent security. mechanical. by each person entering the confined space. Where a power source cannot be isolated. Where locking or tagging is undertaken by the Competent Person. each person entering the confined space shall verify or have it verified to him/her that isolation is effective prior to his entry. or both. thermal or other types of energy should be reduced to zero energy. electrical. Cleaning Prior to Entry All substances. E. Potentially dangerous material may be trapped in sludge. The use of oxygen above concentrations of 21% shall not be used for ventilation. Exhaust facilities should be arranged to ensure that any contaminated air removed from the confined space does not present a hazard to persons or equipment. in liquid traps. each must be of similar square area in opening. there must be two ventilation points. Similarly. then the equipment should: a. one at low level and one at high level. It should be noted that for natural ventilation to be effective. Mechanical or forced. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 188 of 236 . particularly during operations likely to generate toxic contaminant. a fan. Where maintenance of a safe breathing atmosphere in a confined space is dependent on mechanical ventilation equipment. Contaminants should be disposed of in a manner that will not constitute a hazard. these are: a. should be removed as far as possible prior to entry. it is disturbed or heat is applied. or other places where removal is difficult. or in instrument fittings. Procedures and processes to be used to clean the inside of a confined space should be reviewed and authorized prior to entry. initial cleaning should be performed from outside the confined space. Be continuously monitored while the confined space is occupied.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued D. for example. Have the controls (including any remote power source) clearly identified and tagged to prevent against unauthorized interference. 2) Either means of ventilation should be employed while confined space entry is taking place to establish and maintain a safe breathing atmosphere. Ventilation 1) There are two main types of ventilation techniques. The following are some general practices to be observed: 1) Whenever practicable. which are likely to present a hazard to persons inside the confined space. scale or other deposits. Such initial cleaning should continue until the hazard of atmospheric contaminants has been reduced as far as reasonably practicable possible. such material may lodge in joints in vessels or in the bends of connecting pipes. Mechanical ventilation equipment may not be adequate or sufficiently reliable to maintain a safe atmosphere in the operators breathing zone. behind loose linings. b. and may be released only when for example. Natural. Nor do the emissions from equipment such as petrol or diesel engines enter the confined space. This ventilation should be continued throughout the period of occupancy as a safeguard against unexpected release of contaminants. b. The method to be used will depend upon the material in the confined space and the potential hazards that may be created by the cleaning process itself. 2.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 2) Each person entering the confined space should be provided with suitable protective suits. Hoses should be tagged to indicate the working pressure and age. steam temperatures should be significantly lower than the auto-ignition temperature of previously stored products. where necessary. A high pressure/low pressure volume gun should be used to intermittently clean. In addition. Where there is a possibility of a flammable environment. a. The area affected by the hydro jetting should be barricaded while work is in progress. b. Care should be taken when laying out hoses on the ground to avoid constant pulsation damage. Where oxygen is present in the confined space. e. thus allowing adequate replacement of air. 4. c. 4) Steam cleaning the following precautions should be observed: a. b. a safety helmet with face shield. 3) Hydro jetting the following general precautions should be observed when hydro jetting is undertaken in a confined space. by the operator’s hand or foot to keep the supply valve open. Removal of fluids from the confined space should be continuous during operation. Hoses with exposed reinforcing wire should be disposed of immediately. d. Hoses used for high pressure cleaning should have a bursting pressure of at least twice that of the operating pressure. All high pressure cleaning equipment should be fitted with actuating devices. 3. the nozzle of the hydro jetting equipment should be earthed to decrease the generation of static electricity. Nozzle operators should have direct visual or audible communication with the pump operators. f. which require positive effort. Where there is a possibility of a flammable environment. impervious footwear. g. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 189 of 236 . protective gloves and. rather than operating continuously. Hydro jetting should always be carried out by trained personnel. an appropriate respiratory protective device. especially from corners. the following recommendations should be observed: 1. Warning signs indicating that hydro jetting is in progress should be displayed in conspicuous locations outside the confined space. the pipe or nozzle of the steam hose should be bonded to the confined space enclosure to decrease the generation of static electricity. Escape equipment. Further consideration should also be given to: a. 6) Chemical Cleaning In addition to creating toxicity hazards. G. Where appropriate. c. Actuating devices. Illumination and visibility adequate to allow safe working to continue. Purging Prior to Entry Care should be taken in the purging of a confined space to preclude rupture or collapse of the enclosure due to pressure differentials. When flammable contaminants are to be purged. An employer shall ensure that oxygen or gas mixtures are not to be used for purging or ventilation. Any methods employed in purging should ensure that any contaminants removed from the confined space are exhausted to a location where they present no hazard. b. chemicals used in cleaning operation may also be capable of producing a flammable atmosphere. the confined space shall be cleared of contaminants by use of a suitable purging agent. 5) Abrasive Blasting Cleaning by abrasive blasting should only be undertaken where suitable air supplied respirators are used. F. purging and ventilation equipment designed for use in hazardous locations should be employed and precautions taken to eliminate all sources of ignition. Protection of the breathing airline to the respirator. Issue of Permits / SWAP The permit / SWAP should state the period of its validity and should be replaced whenever it becomes evident that the duration of work will involve one of the following: 1) A change in the supervisor. precautions should be used to establish and maintain a safe breathing atmosphere. 2) A significant break in work continuity. d. the safety of the atmosphere should be re-evaluated after cleaning and prior to the commencement of further work. The permit should be displayed in a prominent position to facilitate signing and clearance. Accordingly. which require positive effort by the operator to keep blasting apparatus. Where supplied-air-breathing apparatus is not used.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued c. 3) A significant change in atmosphere or work. The confined space should be allowed to return to an acceptable thermal environment prior to entry. supply valve open. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 190 of 236 . including voice. shall ensure appropriate signs and protective barriers are erected to prevent entry of people not involved in the work. 4) The extra load placed on workers when wearing personal protective equipment. Communication can be achieved. by a number of means. The maximum and minimum standby persons should also be recorded on the permit. Standby Persons It is essential that communication and observation between those in the confined space and the standby person(s) be constantly maintained. The supervisor ensures that no person enters the confined space unless standby person(s) outside the confined space are maintained and relieved as required. radio hand signals and other appropriate means. be alert to any need for rescue or other assistance by those inside. 3) The contaminants that may be encountered. Competent and well-experienced persons only should decide on the appropriate protective equipment to be used in the confined space. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 191 of 236 . The supervisor. which can lead to serious health effects. Where it is expected that the person entering the confined space and the standby person may change places then authorization shall be required on the permit to do so. dependent on the conditions existing in the confined space. I. A stand-by man shall be assigned the duty of watching the persons working inside the confined space during the time they are inside. All protective equipment should fit the individual who uses it and the following points should at least be considered: 1) Results of the evaluation of the atmosphere including testing. prior to any person entering the confined space. and during any occupancy of the space.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued H. Safety Equipment Personal protective equipment should only be used as a last resort when all other control measures in the hierarchy are either inadequate or impractical. The duties of the stand-by man are: 1) He shall have no responsibilities other than to continually watch those inside the confined space and observe their condition and. 2) He shall be in such a position as to physically observe the condition of every person inside the confined space. he can enter the area safely. also. 2) The process to be conducted within the confined space. 3) He shall have the means (winching equipment or adequate nearby personnel) to rescue any personnel from inside the space. 4) He shall have adequate personal protective equipment available so if it should become necessary to aid those inside the confined space. provide suitable safety equipment for: a. J. of any used. First Aid. where appropriate. 5) Clean storage of equipment when not in use. where appropriate. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 192 of 236 . 2) Drying the equipment. 4) Identification and repair. An employer shall. Other Equipment 1) Hoses supplying gas operated equipment used in the confined space should be located. b. Equipment worn by more than one (1) worker should be cleaned and disinfected after each use. suspended or otherwise guarded to avoid accident damage. The equipment shall be appropriate to the work to be carried out in the confined space and shall be maintained in a proper working condition. d. Personal protective equipment and rescue equipment shall. 7) Ensuring supplies of disposable protective equipment are continually available to all users of the equipment. 6) Employee’s report damaged defective or lost equipment to a competent person responsible for the repair or replacement. Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment It is essential that proper maintenance is an integral part of any personal protective equipment program to ensure that the user receives the required level of protection at all times. c. Failure to provide the proper cleaning and maintenance can have serious health effects. worn or defective components and/or equipment. 3) Inspection for any defects. consumed. or replacement. Rescue. A proper maintenance program should include procedures for: 1) Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the equipment.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued The following should act as a guide as to the protection to be considered. Fire suppression. or possibly result in death. Personal protection. K. be selected and fitted to suit the individual (Refer to HSERM / B / B-3 / PPE). any special ventilating equipment etc. There is a hazard of falling during ascent or descent. Be connected. There are various reasons for this requirement: a. 5) Great care must be taken to visually inspect the harness prior to use.46 / EW and D&WO / DOE&CD / SWIM-001 / Section No. Safety Harness 1) Each person entering the confined space shall wear a Confined Space Entry safety harness with an attached life-line. Additionally. Such cases must be approved by the PIC (person in charge) and the SA Liaisonman. A Confined Space Full Body Safety Harness shall be worn at all times when in a confined space.48 / H&PT. 4) All electrical equipment connected to an external supply to be used in a confined space should comply with API 500. 3) Atmospheric testing and sampling equipment. the equipment should be fitted with a flexible supply cable. Be protected through a residual current device. should all be regularly maintained to prevent them being the cause of other hazards (i. c. 4) All harnesses should be capable of attachment to a line by means of a “Karabiner” or similar device. In making such an assessment it is advisable to consult the supplies. intrinsically safe etc. b. oxygen meters. individually or collectively.). cutting or loose stitching should render the harness out of commission.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 2) Where a portable ladder is used. with the device being located outside the confined space. Any signs of fraying. D&WO / DOE&CD / SWIM-001 / Section No. it is recommended that all insulated electrical tools be used. explosi-meter. Rescue by a direct vertical or horizontal route is practicable. L. not inferior to heavyduty type. 3) Safety harnesses and lines should not be used as the sole means of entry or exit to and from a confined space where alternative methods are available. Where available.e. b. 2) Suitable safety harnesses come in various types and designs for different purposes and great care should be taken when selecting such equipment. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 193 of 236 . particular care should be taken to ensure it is adequately constructed and firmly secured to prevent movement. 5) Portable electrical equipment should: a. to earth-free extra low voltage supply from an isolating transformer with the transformer located outside the confined space. except in those rare cases where a life line would increase risk. common sense and experience in the implication of SRT activities. 4) Entry and exit points to confined spaces must be of adequate size to permit rescue of all persons who may enter a confined space. Rescue and Rescue Equipment 1) Method: The removal of trapped. injured or unconscious people from confined spaces is extremely difficult. prudence. Danger is inherent in these activities. Equipment Standards 1) Inspection of and Damage to Equipment. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 194 of 236 . which could impede rescue. Safety standards are not a substitute for foresight. 2) Rescue methods and equipment to be used must be determined (and documented) before commencement of the job. knowledge of procedures and high standards of training will minimize risk. The use of mechanical lifting equipment should be considered and a Confined Space Entry and Work Tripod is on site before entry to the confined space is permitted. M. N. chemicals and released for SRT activities only. Meticulous attention to detail. but invariably involves the use of Rescue line techniques (or Single Line Rescue Techniques . 5) Standby persons must be equipped with a suitable means of communication. b.SRT). 2) Storage of Equipment All SRT equipment is to be stored separately from all other items in a wellaired area away from fuels. 3) Personnel who are suitably trained in rescue and first aid procedures (Rig Medic) and are to be utilized in the event of any emergency. Equipment that has been damaged or becomes unsafe due to age/wear and tear must be condemned for use immediately. It is the responsibility of all persons participating to continually check equipment before and during use. or provide for suitable alternative means of rescue. Openings for entry and exit are of adequate size to permit rescue of all persons who may enter a confined space. These openings are not obstructed by fittings or equipment. b. the following precautions are to apply for the inspection and replacement of damaged equipment: a.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 6) The supervisor shall ensure that: a. These openings are not to be obstructed by fittings or equipment which could impede rescue. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-21 / CS / Continued 9. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 10. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 195 of 236 . Definitions. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 Incident Reporting and Analysis SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 196 of 236 . tools involved. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 197 of 236 . Purpose This procedure is aligned with D&WO SMS Element No. 2. The scope of this procedure is applicable to: 1) Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR). 3) Fact finding. This A. 4) Focus on prevention (what can we do to prevent recurrence?) 5) Interview of employees. not fault finding. To ensure that personnel who sustain injury or become ill receive the best possible care as soon as possible. 8) Determine the indirect cause(s). 2) Contractor rigs and Service companies not using an approved incident investigation and reporting process. Scope A. dissemination and review of incident reports. 12) Verify corrective action closure. procedure details the process for timely investigation and reporting of all incidents and near misses. To establish guidelines for investigating incidents and near misses that ensure: 1) Immediate notification.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / Incident Reporting and Analysis (IR&A) 1. 7) Determine the direct cause. 10) Develop two (2) or more specific corrective actions to prevent recurrence based on root causes.9 / Incident Reporting and Analysis. 9) Determine the basic (root) cause(s). To provide guidance in the preparation. positions of workers. 2) Timely investigation that gather the facts while they are fresh. C. 11) Track corrective actions to closure. B. 6) Site visit by investigator to review the equipment. 6) Appoint the chairman for committees investigating Moderate Incidents in accordance with G. 2) Ensure incidents shall be classified by the affected department to define the levels of notification.001. (Reference.6. environmental spills.003.6. 7) Appoint investigation teams as deemed necessary for other incidents.e. corporate requirements shall apply. Where this procedure conflicts with corporate requirements.3 / Preliminary Incident Notification Matrix).001.I. This procedure does not supersede or replace local or plant disaster plans.6.I.I.1. 3) Take immediate action when any injury or potential major incident is found to have occurred but was not reported.6.6. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 198 of 236 . rig moves) are reported as soon as practicable to the SAR Superintendent and Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD). per the classifications stipulated in section 3 of G. MODERATE AND MINOR) are used as per section 3 of G. illnesses.I. A.001) all incidents in a timely manner. Manager 1) Ensure that all Division Units will appropriately report and investigate (as per G.I. In doubtful cases the Loss Prevention Department shall provide guidance on the incident category and investigation level. and recording activity that are required by SA and the Saudi Arab Government.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 3) This procedure does not apply to company fleet motor vehicle accidents or to injuries or fatalities which result from these accidents. 4.I.6. 5) Follow the requirements stipulated in section 3 of G. property damage. B. the associated rig camp or non-routine rig operations (i. HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No.001 when assigning / determining classifications of incidents. Determine the factors that contributed to the non-reporting. 4) Ensure major and moderate incidents. investigation. the SAR Superintendent is responsible for making notification to executive and staff functions as per G.001-Sec. Three categories (MAJOR. are properly reported according to the requirements of sections 4 and 5 of G. C. Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Saudi Aramco (SA) Liaisonman/Foreman to ensure that all incidents involving injuries. This procedure does not supersede corporate requirements.6. Within one hour of being made aware of an incident.I. 3.001. fire or near miss incidents which occur at the rig site. fax. 2) Ensure that all required injury data from the incident for Saudi Aramco (SA) or SMP employee are entered into SAP EH&S per G. The status of these recommendations shall be reviewed as charted in “Safe Operations Committee”. 12) Ensure that the department training policy mandates training for incident reporting responsibilities. such as in Safe Operations Committee meetings. 9) Communicate and encourage his division heads to communicate the details of incidents and corrective actions at local level meetings. 6. 14) Conduct an internal review annually of the department records to verify that incidents are properly investigated.I.9 (Incident Reporting and Analysis).I. section 4. 13) Ensure that division and unit heads receive training in incident investigation techniques. Preliminary Incident Notification Matrix). 11) Ensure that an investigation is conducted to determine the underlying causes of an incident.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 8) Ensure that the department has in place a system to track and update all safety recommendations and corrective actions. record factual information relating to the incident and make recommendations aimed at preventing recurrence. 3) Encourage and support open and honest reporting and investigation of incidents within his facilities. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 199 of 236 .6. 5) Evaluate the Unit heads incident reporting skills by participating in minor incident or near miss investigations. 10) Communicate details of incidents and associated corrective actions in MIS meetings to share the lessons learned with other departments. the Rig Superintendent shall notify certain required organizations by telephone. within one hour of being made aware of an incident. 7) Review and approve investigation reports for investigations conducted in his facilities in accordance with G.003.005. B. 4) Ensure all Unit Heads are aware of and familiar with the provisions of Drilling and Workover (D&WO) SMS Element No. 6.1. e-mail or any other mean of communications (see Attachment 1. messenger. Division heads 1) Per G. e-mails etc. Such analysis is presented and discussed in the Safe Operations Committee meetings. Determine the factors that contributed to the non-reporting and provide corrective action recommendations that address the cause. Quarterly Safety Inspections.I.001. 6) Take immediate action for any injury or potential major incident that is found to have occurred but was not reported. 2) Ensure that all employees and contractors working for SA within D&WO facilities are aware of their incident reporting responsibilities to the SA person in charge. spills. 10) Verify all action items resulting from investigations. analyzing internal trends to determine frequency and severity. engineering reviews. 6) Upon notification of a near-miss. 9) In case of major incidents (per G.I. 14) Include statistical safety analysis in presentations delivered in the Safe Operating Committee meetings. near-misses and emergency drills are implemented. 11) Conduct incident tracking analysis for the facilities under his responsibility. 12) Use incident trends and analysis to identify areas of improvements in safety management processes. Monitor any other necessary follow-up action until it is completed. the positive aspects of near miss reporting.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 8) Ensure adequate resources are provided to support and maintain the investigation program. Liaisonman/Foreman 1) Promote immediate reporting of all near misses by communicating to employees and contractors. This will first be communicated during the site safety orientation.001). unsafe conditions. 3) Report all injuries. 7) Ensure recommendations from incident investigation are tracked and completed on time. 9) Appoint investigation teams for other incidents as deemed necessary for incidents occurring in their division. compliance reviews. 8) Communicate lessons learned to all employees. insurance surveys. 5) Investigate all incidents in their area of responsibility. Determine the factors that contributed to the non-reporting and submit the information to the Division Head who will determine the corrective action that will be applied. near-misses and incidents to his Division Head. This can be accomplished through positive reinforcement at safety meetings. 13) Ensure incident information from outside sources and from Loss Prevention Department is analyzed if deemed applicable to his facilities. 4) Take immediate action for any injury or potential major incident that is found to have occurred but was not reported. ensure the following measures are taken: SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 200 of 236 .6. C. determine if additional investigation is required and arrange for the investigation to be completed in a timely manner. e. c. 11) Conduct regular reviews to verify that corrective actions have been completed. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 201 of 236 . if the attending physician specifies in the Medical report that the injured employee is being given a day off (in addition to the remainder of the day of the injury) then it would be considered a lost workday case (either LTI or ODI) irrespective of the fact that in some cases the injured employee returned to work on the days off given to him by the physician. This responsibility will be extended to the offsite treating physicians who treat non. by appropriate Saudi Arab Government personnel. Secure the immediate area. Identify potential witnesses and have each witness independently write a statement describing what happened. through the area Industrial Security manager. d. 13) Ensure corrective action recommendations and lessons learned from incidents are communicated to his employees and contractors. Area is secured and off limits to personnel except those involved in handling the incident. 3. Preserve evidence. office space and standard office provisions (computer. condition or near-miss reported in his area of responsibility. with the concurrence of the investigation committee chairman and. Provide accommodation. that the scene of the incident is secured and that access to the scene is limited to those authorized by him.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued a. Achievable. D. when applicable. 1. Prior to the arrival of the investigation team. 12) Ensure all corrective action recommendations are Specific.SA personnel for work related injuries that occur on any D&WO rig or facility. or the duration of the absence authorized. ensure the incident site is secured to protect materials or preserve evidence (unless necessary in initial recovery efforts) until released by the Department Manager. For example. D&WO management shall ensure. SAMSO and Treating Physicians SAMSO is responsible for addressing any questions or concerns pertaining to whether an injury to a SA employee is serious enough to warrant no duty or restricted duty as opposed to regular duty. supplies) for team members. 10) Provide corrective actions for every unsafe act. b. 2. Measurable. Record the incident scene with photographs. Reasonable and Timely (SMART). 2) For Incidents involving Contractor rig employees or equipment. D. The Liaisonman/Foreman shall notify the SAR rig Superintendent for all Loss Time Incidents (LTI’s) and property damage exceeding $99. 4. The Medic provides treatment as required. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 202 of 236 . Injured/ill persons shall be accompanied to clinic/hospital by medic.I. the Drilling General Manager. The supervisor notifies the SA Liaisonman/Drilling Foreman (Rig foreman on SAR rig). another employee or 3rd party representative.S. will determine the final classification. depending on seriousness of the injury or illness. DOE&CD DOE&CD is responsible for the final classification of all Injury/Illness incidents. 3) For Incidents that occur on a contractor rig involving Service Company employees or equipment. Incident Reporting Procedure A. the SA Liaisonman will ensure that the Contractor conducts a thorough investigation as per the contractor Investigation policy and provide a complete investigation report. 6) Motor vehicle accidents involving SA vehicles shall be reported as per G. arranges for the evacuation of injured or ill person.000 as soon as practicable but in no case more than eight hours after he has been advised. 5) If investigation assistance is needed.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued E. a Safety Advisor will be dispatched to the location. Liaisonman/Foreman notifies SA Rig Superintendent and if required. 4) Any injury/incident that is found to have occurred but was not reported will be reviewed by Drilling Management to determine the factors that contributed to the non-reporting.029. the SAR Foreman will supervise the investigation and submit all required documentation to the SAR Superintendent and the Department incident administration function. Department of Labor and/or the “IADC Incident Statistics Program Reporting Guidelines”. B. the Liaisonman/Foreman will ensure that the Service Company conducts a thorough investigation as per the Service Company Investigation policy and provide a complete investigation report. C.6. 1) For incidents involving SAR rigs. In the event of a dispute over the classification of an Injury/Illness. using the guidance of the “OSHA Recordkeeping Handbook” published by the U. This report will be sent to the SAR Rig Superintendent and the Department incident administration function. E. the assigned department Safety Advisor will call the rig back to offer advice and to assist with SA protocol. Employee or witness to an incident informs his supervisor. This report will be sent to the SAR Rig Superintendent and the Department incident administration function. If necessary. within one hour of being aware of an incident.I.000 shall apply.Section 3.7. c. All motor vehicle accidents.029-3 and ANSI D15. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 203 of 236 . d.000. b.1787.000 and G. A motor vehicle accident is any occurrence involving a SA motor vehicle that results in death. all types’ Rigging Below the hook lifting devices Skid mounted support equipment Tractor-scrapers Graders Forklift trucks Man baskets Aerial platforms Backhoes Elevating equipment Overhead hoists Wheel loaders b. 8) Fire or explosion incidents shall be reported as per G. The Division Head (Superintendent) shall. a. with the following as notable examples: Bulldozers Cranes. cranes or man baskets shall be reported as per G. or property damage. elevating and mobile equipment accident reporting shall cover all equipment contained in G.I. b. All fires and emergencies involving non-SA facilities that are attended by the Fire Protection Department are subject to the reporting protocol of G. The Division Head shall electronically create and submit an initial “crane or heavy equipment” incident report using the SAP EH&S system within 24 hours of the incident.I. One current regulation is that vehicles involved in an accident shall not be moved from the scene of the accident until released by the Police or a SA Industrial Security representative.I. injury. 2 of SA form SA2437.6. The proponent (unit head or higher) of a SA facility involved in a fire or emergency response shall. c. or where it is being test driven by a maintenance contractor should be reported to the Loss Prevention Department through the SAP EH&S The Loss Prevention Department will determine record ability per the guidelines listed in Supplement 6. the driver must obey the latest Traffic Regulations of the Saudi Arab Government. Lifting. within 48 hours of the incident. When a motor vehicle accident occurs.7. including those cases where the vehicle was properly parked. 7) Incidents involving mobile equipment. where the vehicle is driven by unauthorized non-company personnel.I.1787.1787.026. a. The definitions for Fire and Explosion found in Section 2. notify the Roads and Heavy Equipment Division area Superintendent and also Loss Prevention Department / Loss Prevention Exploration and Development Unit.026 .1.001. "Report of Fire or Emergency".I. The operator's supervisor shall obtain written statements from the equipment operator and witnesses. respond through EH&S-SAP to Part No.0 (referenced standards).0 of G.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued a. 104 (offshore) and G.6. Date and time. 10) Damage or loss over $5000 to SA property shall be reported as per G. 5. Note: Reference HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. 6. visibility and sea conditions. Reporting Forms For each incident that occurs. silver sheen. B. Size (length and width). Weather conditions: wind speed and direction. colors (i. Name of person reporting and /or observing the spill. a. as a minimum. 2.1 / Reporting Offshore Oil Spills. all reportable events.e. 7. 8.) Incident Report Form shall be completed by the SA Liaisonman/Foreman for all incidents and forwarded to the SAR Superintendent. Source and cause of spill. The SA Preliminary (24 hr. Location of spill. 5.2.I. Contact number. All onshore leaks and/or spills shall be reported to Industrial Security through 110. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 204 of 236 . Action being taken. c.I. All offshore leaks and/or spills shall be immediately reported regardless of size or potential impact. 4. brown. Department incident administration function and DOE&CD. b. the person reporting the spill should provide the following information: 1. 9. SA Liaisonman to report on Morning Report in “Remarks” section. In general.401 (onshore). The level of Management notification. 3. Oil Spill Response Team activation and cleanup response initiation shall be decided by the respective area Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator in consultation with the Global Oil Spill Response Director (GOSRD). Badge number. black) and area covered.2. the following reports must be completed: A.) Incident Report Form will automatically be generated by data entry in the ORBITS database. The SA Preliminary (24 hr.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 9) Hydrocarbon leaks and oil spills shall be reported as per G. as it may deem necessary.I.001. rainbow. SA Incident Investigation Report Form (Refer to HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. Use the drop down menu. 21st February 2006. For administration purposes.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued C. PA-858. for all investigations except Near Miss incidents and attach it to the preliminary report filed in the ORBITS. include in the e-mail subject line the following information. signature and copied to D&WO . 3) Contractor Rigs shall follow the direction of their Incident Investigation and Reporting process to produce a final investigation report.All C-1/2/3/4-111 Incidents will be investigated and a Root-Cause-Analysis (RCA) will be completed by DOE&CD. Vanuatu.1): SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 205 of 236 . This will assist to ascertain the severity or potential severity of the incident. E. LTI. in this sequence.2) 1) All sections of the report form must be completed wherever appropriate.2 for codes). (Refer to G. Use the incident matrix (Refer to HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Figure No. the SAR Liaisonman/Drilling Foreman shall enter the injury data from the incident into SAP EH&S within 1 working day of the incident. 1) SAR Rigs shall use the Incident Investigation Report Form . 6. For “Injury Incidents” involving SA employees and SA Supplemental Manpower. FAT or near miss) and date. G. MTC. 5) The SAR Superintendent shall ensure the form is completed. 6) The SAR Superintendent shall sign the final report and send the completed form to D&WO DOE&CD. 4) The completed reports shall be sent via e-mail to the SAR Superintendent for review. Rig name/number. F. 2) All rigs shall use the ORBITS database to report Near Miss incidents. Incident Investigation Report Form (Refer to HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. Panama and/or the United States (Refer to HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No.2).I. This report shall be reviewed by the Liaisonman/Foreman and attached to the preliminary report filed in the ORBITS database.DOE&CD.2) (for SAR rig investigations) or the contractor Investigation form (for contractor and service company investigations) shall be submitted by the SA Liaisonman to the SAR Superintendent and DOE&CD when the investigation has been completed. incident type (FTL. RDI. For offshore rigs the following minimum threshold events require a notification of marine casualty to at least one of the three flag states.005 Supplement No. MTC. D. Use the matrix to identify both the matrix code for the actual incident and the potential matrix code.1 / Incident Matrix) to identify the matrix code in the given areas in the Incident Investigation Report Form (Refer to HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix 2).IIR Form No.001 (Refer to HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. Note: High Potential Impact Incidents (HI-PO) . Example. H. I. 2) Loss of Life.000.T. Other Statutory or Coastal States reports may be required by authorities in the rig’s operational area and. 7. B. if required. Review each Minor and Moderate incident based on HSERM / A / A-17 / RMM.6.I.R. RDI’s and MTC’s. FAT – On-The-Job Fatality An On-The-Job injury or occupational illness that results in fatality.A. 6) Any other damage affecting the seaworthiness or operational capability of the rig. 4) Any incident causing damage to a vital system. LTI’s. 6. C. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 206 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 1) Injury to Personnel. 3) Physical damage to property in excess of $25.007 (Reporting of Contractor On-Job Injuries / Occupational Illnesses): A. Investigation and Recording of Injuries / Occupational Illnesses) and G. Ensure the implementation of the recommendation in each incident are S.6. Classification of Injury and Illnesses Classification of work and non-work related personal injuries and illnesses are summarized and briefly described as follows (Reference. Review and distribute progress reports to each DOE&CD / Safety Compliance Unit (SCU) / Lead Field Compliance Coordinator. SA G. shall be completed by the PIC. D.005 (Reporting. Ensure each incident is tracked with the individual significant tracking number. B.00 USD. 5) Any release into the water of a substance harmful to the environment. D&WO ORBITs Tracking System The DOE&CD-SCU Administrator shall: A.M. A FAT is a recordable incident. Total Recordable Injury/Illness Cases (TRC’s) TRC’s include all recordable injuries/illnesses as defined by OSHA including FAT’s. Illness includes diseases or rashes that may be caused by inhalation. IDI included On-The-Job fatalities while the LTI does not. and illnesses to medical professionals as a result of exposure to patients. poisoning (such as H2S and other gases). dustdisease of the lung. awaiting medical evaluation results. Off-The-Job Disabling Injury Case (ODI) Any injury suffered by an employee that does not arise out of and in the course of employment and which results in death or day(s) away from work. Time spent traveling. undergoing evaluation. The employee cannot perform an activity he/she regularly performs at least once a week. Reference: ANSI Z16. or other environmental factors. dehydration. and the employer assigns work restriction to that employee or restricts the employee’s job functions.3-1997 – Recording and Measuring Employee Off-The-Job Injury Experience. respiratory conditions due to toxic agents. 2) A physician or other licensed health care professional recommended that the employee not perform one or more of the routine functions of his/her job. or from working the full workday that he/she would otherwise have been scheduled to work. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 207 of 236 . Restricted Duty Injury/Illness Case (RDI) An On-The-Job injury or occupational illness that results in restricted work or job transfer. a physician or licensed health care professional determines that the employee is fully able to perform all of his routine job functions. heatexhaustion.g. D. absorption.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued C. ingestion or direct contact. or not work the full workday that he/she would otherwise have been scheduled to work. for purpose of preventing a more serious condition from developing. Examples of how to determine a restricted work case are: 1) Employee is kept from performing one or more of the routine functions (work activities the employee regularly performs at least once a week) of his/her job. the case is not recordable as a restricted work case.Lost Time Injury/Illness Case (LTI) An On-The-Job injury or occupational illness that involves one or more days away from work beyond the day the injury or illness occurred. disorders due to physical agents (other than toxic materials) such as heatstroke.) Does not include restricted work activity limited to the day of injury or illness. (Example: A sprained ankle resulting in a reassignment from a field to a desk job for 5 days. E.. Some examples include noise induced hearing loss. LTI .) NOTE: Time away from work on the day of the incident is not considered in determining Lost Time Incidents (LTI). The exposure may have taken place over a period of time or resulted from a single incident. or otherwise seeking medical treatment should not be counted as a Lost Time Incident (LTI) when considering LTI classification. NOTE: Should an employee experience minor musculoskeletal discomfort such as muscle pains or strains. LTI replaces the Industrial Disabling Injury (IDI) to align with standard industry practice and to allow for better performance comparisons (e. 4) Using wound coverings such as bandages. 7) Removing splinters from the eye with tweezers and other complex means. Example(s): Treatment requiring sutures. are considered medical treatment). 6) Using devices with rigid stays or other systems designed to immobilize parts of the body (does not include any non-rigid means of support). A FAI is not a recordable incident. staples. etc. 3) Cleaning. 5) Physical therapy or chiropractic treatment. The following are generally considered first aid treatment: 1) Using a non-prescription medication at non-prescription strength (for medications available in both prescription and non-prescription form. 4) Using wound closing devices such as sutures. and any follow-up visit for the purpose of observation.. 3) Other immunizations that are administered to manage a job related injury or illness such as Hepatitis B or rabies vaccine..Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued F. splinters and so forth. Medical Treatment Injury/Illness Case (MTC) An On-The-Job injury or occupational illness that is more serious than On-The-Job first aid injury (FAI) or occupational illness requiring medical treatment. 2) Administering tetanus immunizations (other immunizations. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 208 of 236 . First Aid Injury Case (FAI) Any treatment of minor scratches. or using butterfly bandages or Steri-StripsTM (other wound closing devices such as sutures. use of tweezers to remove splinters from eye ( rigid means to immobilize part of body). Band-Aids TM. etc. flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin. rabies). G. MTC’s include all cases involving: 1) Given one or more doses of prescription medicine. cuts. staples. prescription medicines. etc. burns. gauze pads. 2) Given an “over the counter” medicine at prescription strength. such as Hepatitis “B” vaccine are considered medical treatment). vaccines (hepatitis B. a recommendation by a physician or other licensed health care professional to use a non-prescription medication at prescription strength is considered medical treatment (for recordkeeping purposes). 10) Removing splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye by irrigation. or draining fluid from a blister. Near Miss A near miss is defined as an event which did not result in injury or loss.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 5) Using hot or cold therapy. splints. 9) Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab. Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) [(MTC+RDI+LTI+FAT) multiplied by 200. etc. 12) Drinking fluids for relief of heat stress. Incident Rate Calculations The Loss Prevention Department published guidelines for the calculation of Loss Time Incident Rate (LTIR) And Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) are summarized and briefly described as follows: A. neck collars. cotton swabs or other simple means.000 then divided by Total Man Hours Worked = Recordable Incident Rate]. 11) Using finger guards. B. slings.000 and then divided by Total Man Hours Worked = Lost Time Incident Rate].g. but which had the potential for injury or loss if circumstances had been slightly different. using massages (physical therapy or chiropractic treatment are considered medical treatment for record keeping purposes).). 7) Using temporary immobilization devices while transporting an incident victim (e. 8. wraps. such as elastic bandages. Lost Time Incident Rate [Number of Lost Time Incidents (LTI) including Fatalities (FAT) multiplied by 200. 6) Using any non-rigid means of support. non-rigid back belts. back boards. H. etc. (devices with rigid stays or other systems designed to immobilize parts of the body are considered medical treatment). tweezers. using eye patches. 8) Drilling of a fingernail. or toenail to relieve pressure. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 209 of 236 . in addition to contractual requirements: 1) Be of sufficient size and suitable to accommodate a stretcher (securing points for a stretcher) and accompanying person (seating) entirely within the body of the vehicle or conveyance. C. Third party labor such as service companies (casing crews. this includes catering crew. (The vehicle will be equipped with the minimum equipment required. medication as required).Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued C. the Liaisonman/Foreman shall utilize the most efficient means of transportation. Total Man Hours This is the total number of hours worked (on tour) by the rig crew (50 personnel. the vehicle must be operational and comply with Saudi Arabian traffic laws at all times. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 210 of 236 . Agency labor performing the duties of regular crew must be included. The vehicle used for transport of the injured shall. 6) Carry sufficient medical supplies and equipment to facilitate the efficient transportation of the specific injured. A copy of the release shall be submitted to the Department incident administration function. Injured personnel shall be accompanied from the rig by a First Aid trained employee to assist with documentation and to provide care for the injured or ill person. D. 4) Be designed and equipped such that verbal communication between the operator of the vehicle or conveyance and the injured worker or accompanying person is possible. Work hours must include all leased labor who are under the direct supervision of the drilling contractor. Recommendations for Handling and Treatment of Injuries and Illness A. the medic may be called on to supply additional equipment. 50 x 12 = 600). each person works a 12 hour shift. 3) Protect the injured and the accompanying person. Wire line crews etc. When immediate transportation of the injured is necessary.) are not considered agency labor and should not be included in the man hours. 9. 2) Be clean and well maintained. All personnel returning from a doctor shall submit to the PIC a full duty release or RWC release before commencing any work related activity. 5) Be air conditioned. B. but which had the potential for injury or loss if circumstances had been slightly different. 3) Direct Cause This is the basic or fundamental reason for the incident. damage to property or the environment or loss to process.6. the crown cluster was struck by the traveling block and sustained damage. 2) Near Miss A near miss is defined as an event which did not result in injury or loss. It should be described as an action that results in an outcome.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 10. Abbreviations and Acronyms (Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) 1) Incident An undesired event which could have (NEAR MISS) or did result in harm to people. C. The investigation is “fact” finding not “fault” finding and is not intended to assign blame. “The driller raised the traveling block too far and struck the crown”.003. Definitions. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 211 of 236 . Incident Investigation A. 4) This procedure does not replace the investigative requirements outlined in G. B. The “direct cause” was. 2) Drilling Contractors and Service Companies not using an approved Investigation and Analysis process 3) Drilling Contractors and Service companies will comply with the overall guidance of this procedure but will conduct their investigations following the specific directions outlined in their own Investigation and Analysis process. and ensure that recommendations are made and action taken to prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. Purpose The purpose of conducting an incident investigation is to determine what happened. Scope The scope of this procedure is applicable to: 1) Saudi ARAMCO rigs.I. why it happened. Example: While POOH. T. will prevent (or significantly reduce the likelihood or consequences of) the problem's recurrence. Measurable. The driller did not follow the Crown Saver procedure c. that management has control to fix and. Achievable. b.M. D. Reasonable and Timely) Managers are responsible for closure of corrective actions. (Specific. Corrective actions shall conform to the criteria of S. 6) Corrective Action Specific outputs in the form of recommendations that are derived from an investigation. Communicate the requirements for incident reporting. The indirect cause(s) were: a.A. This includes encouraging and supporting an environment for open reporting. Example: The investigation finds that the Crown-O-Matic was not set correctly (indirect cause) because the driller is new and does not know about the Crown Saver procedure or how to set the COM the basic cause is. The supervisor did not check the IADC report to verify that the driller tested the crown saver. Responsibilities 1) Manager a. The decision not to implement a corrective action must be documented and approved by the manager. Investigate injuries. He may achieve this by delegating specific responsibilities to his subordinates. 5) Basic Cause (Root Cause) The most basic cause (or causes) that can reasonably be identified.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued 4) Indirect Cause Conditions that existed prior to the incident that contributed to the direct cause. Example: “The driller raised the traveling block too far and struck the crown”. and other incidents and promptly provide corrective actions. “The communication of critical procedures to new hires is Less Than Adequate”. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 212 of 236 . you will arrive at the basic cause(s) of the incident. The Crown-O-Matic was not set correctly b. By examining the indirect causes and determining why they are present.R. when fixed. spills. Managers will implement all applicable corrective actions to ensure similar conditions do not exist within their areas of responsibility. Review the corrective actions of all recordable incident reports. Approve in writing. b. Review all recordable incident reports. Direct investigative resources to assist investigations. c. 5) Department Safety Advisor a.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued c. Ensure that Drilling Contractors and Service Companies comply with the requirements of this procedure. b. d. Ensure that all incidents are reported. Review all recordable incident reports. d. the requirements for incident reporting. Assist with incident investigations as requested. e. Notify the Drilling Superintendent of all incidents. 3) SAR Rig Foreman a. c. Conduct investigations into all incidents. Ensure that Drilling Contractors and Service Companies conduct investigations into all incidents that are within their area of responsibility. 4) ARAMCO Liaisonman a. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 213 of 236 . e. e. d. Implement all applicable corrective actions to ensure similar conditions do not exist within his areas of responsibility. 2) Drilling Superintendent a. any decision not to implement a corrective action. c. Track the status of all corrective actions until they are completely and effectively closed out. Notify the manager of all incidents. b. Communicate to the workers. Communicate details of incidents and corrective actions through SOC and DSLI initiatives. f. This includes encouraging and supporting an environment for open reporting. Review the corrective actions of all recordable incident reports. Provide investigative direction and support to his subordinates. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 214 of 236 . Providing technical support in determining injury classification.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued b.6. The purpose of this system is to allow for analysis of incidents. c. This training will be incorporated into new hire rig orientations. identifying causal factors. 6) Interview of employees. positions of workers. near misses. spills. 9) Determination of basic causes (root causes). Assuming lead investigator role if requested. 10) Two or more specific corrective actions to prevent recurrence based on root causes. F. 4) Fact finding not fault finding. This will prepare them for investigating the less frequent “Major and Moderate” incidents. fires. E. 2) Incident scene isolation to protect evidence 3) Timely investigation – begin while the facts are fresh. Analysis All incidents will be recorded in the DIH electronic tracking system. property damage and other incidents. and trending for loss reduction. 7) Site visit – Review equipment. Training 1) All employees will be trained in the basic reporting processes for injuries.003. 5) Focus on prevention (what can we do to prevent recurrence?). MVA’s. tools involved. 8) Determination of immediate causes (causal factors). performance tracking. including root cause analysis. as defined in G. 3) Safety Advisors and staff identified by the manager will receive training in advanced investigation methods. root causes and corrective actions. 2) Managers and supervisors will receive training in investigation techniques and completion of reports. including corrective action to prevent recurrence. General Incident investigations are characterized by: 1) Immediate notification.I. G. 6. 8) Lessons learned are shared. H. 11. Emergency or False Alarm.029 .I. 6) Investigation reports are thorough and completed promptly. G.I.Recording and Measuring Employee Off-The-Job Injury Experience B. 6.Notification Requirement for Incidents (Including Fires).Incident Investigating E.Reporting.003 .026 . 2) All employees are trained in the reporting process.IIR Form No. Investigation and Recording of Injuries/Occupational Illnesses. G.I.Crane and Heavy Equipment Incident Reporting Procedures.000 – Report of Fire. ANSI Z16. Periodic Review Department managers will perform an annual internal review of their operations to ensure that: 1) All incidents are reported and an open reporting environment is encouraged. 5) Key employees are trained in advanced investigation techniques. 7) Corrective actions have been properly implemented. 1787. G.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued H. G.I.3-1997 .Reporting and Recording of Motor Vehicle Accidents.005 .1 C.I. ANSI D15.SA D&WO DOE&CD – Electronic Forms . F. 6. 6. G. 4) All department supervisors and managers are trained in investigation techniques. 7. G. D. Incident Investigation Report Form .I. G.001 . 3) All incidents are reported in a timely manner. I. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM A.001 SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 215 of 236 . 000 Reportable Occurrence oil spill <1000 barrels.2: Establish Effect(s): Step No. III. will be investigated and a Root-Cause-Analysis (RCA) will be completed by DOE&CD. IV or V. 3 or 4.I Likely to occur repeatedly in three years Probable .000. MTC.1 / Incident Matrix Severity Effects Severity Descriptive Word People Property Damage (Loss) Environmental Impact Public Image and Reputation 1 2 3 4 Major Fatality > $1. I. Near Miss < $1.000 Reportable Occurrence oil spill <10.1: Establish the Severity Step No.000 No Impact Individual or None A Moderate B Minor C Notification Only D Three Year (cycle) Probability of Occurrence Descriptive Word Definitions Frequent . Toxic/Flammable gas release SA/Drilling Contractor Intervention Local Media Intervention. Toxic/Flammable gas release Government Intervention LTI. A 1 I Actual Rating A Major Fatality Likely to Occur Repeatedly in a 3 year period SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 216 of 236 1 I .III Likely to occur sometime in three years Remote . 1.V Probability of occurrence can not be distinguished from zero To Classify the Potential and Actual Rating (EXAMPLE) Step Potential Rating Step No. Actual A.000 <$100. Toxic/Flammable gas release Community or Local Attention First Aid. permanent Impairment and/or long term injury or illness >$100. C or D.IV Not likely to occur in three years but possible Improbable . and incidents with a potential cost greater than $100.000 impact Reportable Occurrence oil spill > 10.000.3: Establish Probability of Occurrence High Potential Impact Incidents (HI-PO): All C-1/3/4-III Incidents. II. 2.000. Serious Injury (Restricted Work Medical Aid) > $1.II Likely to occur several times in three years Occasional .000 barrels.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued Figure No. RDI. B.000 <$1.000 barrels >1000 barrels. should any leak or spillage occur.I. 2.104 is to be fully complied with at all times. 3. Fulfill the Company's obligations with respect to its Environmental Protection Policy.I.I.) 2. Policy and Objectives Saudi Aramco (SA) is committed to the prevention of harmful effects of oil pollution to the offshore environment in all areas of its operations. As soon as safely possible following the sighting of an oil spill from any source. 6.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued Appendix No.1 / Reporting Offshore Oil Spills 1. Notwithstanding the above policy. employees training and technical applications are aimed at preventing and/or minimizing the accidental leak and/or spillage of liquid hydrocarbon substance. • Refer to G. 6. Purpose The purpose of this instruction is to outline the procedures for the reporting. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 217 of 236 .I. investigating and/or documenting of Oil Leaks and Spills into the marine offshore environment. this instruction defines leaks/spills and identifies who is responsible for preparing written documentation of the incident. the source of the spill should be secured. Reasons for Reporting All leaks and spills must be reported in order to: A.400 "Offshore Oil Spill Contingency Plan". The notification of a spill shall generate the spill response activity described in the Arabian Gulf or Red Sea "Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plans" and G. However.400 "Offshore Oil Spill Contingency Plan".003 "Guide For Committees Investigating Major Incidents and Engineering Reviews of Other Incidents". General Instruction (G. 2. • Refer to G.001 "Notification Requirements for Incidents (Including Fires)". the offshore disaster shall take priority over the oil spill for accessing those resources. Notes It is important to immediately inform the Chairman of the Oil Spill Committee (OSC) of any oil spill that may have an impact on vital Saudi Government or SA Facilities or environmentally sensitive areas. G. • Refer to G.I. investigating and documenting oil leaks and spills which may result in a discharge of oil into the waters of the Arabian Gulf or Red Sea.104 overrides any other General or Facility instruction and or directive as applied to the reporting. 2. In the case of simultaneous offshore oil spill with offshore disaster and only limited resources available.I. SA’s policy in safeguarding the offshore environment is to ensure that all operating procedures. In addition.2. The level of Management notification. Initiate action to contain. 02-427-5444/2597 (Jeddah) or 02-425-4530/4528 (Rabigh). SA MODU Liaisonman shall notify the SA MODU superintendent immediately of all oil spill incidents. 2) Contact number. as it may deem necessary. Provide information. Protect environmentally sensitive areas. Obtain the required financial guarantees/letters of undertaking from vessel’s insurer/owner. G. Reporting Responsibilities A. F. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 218 of 236 . D. B. 1) Badge number. Fulfill the Company’s obligations to report spills to the Government of Saudi Arabia. Investigate the cause of a spill and to take the corrective action to prevent reoccurrence of similar incidents. Provide support for claim action and recovery of cleanup costs from third parties causing the spill. Persons observing a LEAK or SPILL shall Report it by the most rapid means available to the SA Marine Tour Coordinators at Ras Tanura or Jeddah on the 24-hour telephones: 03-678-1475/1405 (Ras Tanura). 3) Date and time. J.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No.1 / Continued B. Bring potentially dangerous situations to the attention of management. E. which can serve as the basis for measuring progress in improving methods and equipment for the prevention and cleanup of leaks and spills. 4. correct and cleanup leaks and spills. D. C. Request detentions of a vessel in Port until satisfactory financial guarantees are provided. K. and vital SA/Government Facilities. 4) Location of spill. C. I. H. All leaks and/or spills shall be immediately reported regardless of size or potential impact. Oil Spill Response Team activation and cleanup response initiation shall be decided by the respective area Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator in consultation with the Global Oil Spill Response Director (GOSRD). Protect the company from damage to its image and reputation that may result from negative publicity due to a leak or spill. In general the persons reporting the spill should provide the following information: Name of person reporting and /or observing the spill. The investigation shall be carried out in a professional manner to the point that a report shall be developed indicating the reason for the leak or spill and the actions taken to mitigate any damages as a consequence of the leak or spill. The Duty Harbour Pilot shall initiate SEAPA's response to combat the spill in accordance with "SEAPA Oil Spill Contingency Plan" for King Fahad Industrial Port. the Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator and area Loss Prevention. Operating Facility Superintendent shall: 1) As safe as practical. 5. silver sheen. Visibility c. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 219 of 236 . Investigation procedure A. 7) Weather conditions: a.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. 6) Immediately notify Duty Harbor Pilot at King Fahad Industrial Port Control on telephone 396-7188 or 396-7177. materials and/or omissions of actions of individuals in order to prevent reoccurrence. 2) Initiate preliminary investigation of source and cause of spills originating from a SA facility in coordination with the Regional oil Spill Response Coordinator. Wind speed and direction b.e. 5) Immediately initiate Response using available Pollution Control Equipment at his facility. brown. 3) Immediately notify the Loss Prevention Duty Officer/Engineer of the oil spill. rainbow. E. 8) Action being taken. ensure that the source of the oil spill is secured. Sea conditions. It is of paramount importance that the investigative report documents any and all failures of procedures. All leaks and/or spills shall be investigated. 4) Immediately notify the OSPAS Oil Planner/Dispatcher on telephone 03-874-6821/2 or 03-8743003/4/5 for any spill that may curtail production of Terminal/Bulk Plant Operations. 6) Source and cause of spill. Yanbu (For Yanbu Only). colours (i. Leaks or spills less than 50 barrels resulting from SA facilities are to be investigated by representatives of the Proponent Department. black) and area covered. 7) Immediately notify the Yanbu Gas and Terminal and/or Yanbu Refinery Marine Advisor(s) (for Yanbu Only). B.1 / Continued 5) Size (length and width). It shall carry the Oil Spill Reference Number and immediate details of the leak and/or spill incident as noted on the Oil Spill Initial Report received from the Marine Tour Coordinators. The Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC) shall prepare SA Form 5046 “Leak and/or Spill Report-Offshore” for each Offshore Oil Spill Incident. A representative of Global Oil Spill Response must be a member of this committee. This is to be assigned by the Chairman of the Oil Spill Committee as deemed necessary. 2) Superintendent/ Tour Superintendent of Facility. 7) Offshore oil spills of unknown origin shall be investigated by the Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC). SA MODU Liaisonman shall enter details of the oil spill incident on the next drilling report under the remarks section. Documentation and Distribution Requirements A. 5) A member having specialized knowledge of the concerned facility. F. The Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC) shall forward form SA-5046 to the MODU Superintendent/ Investigating Committee for comments and they should attach their investigative report required under section 6.I.000 barrels shall be investigated by a committee consisting of at least: 1) Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC).000 barrels shall be investigated by a committee in accordance with G. 8) The resultant investigative reports shall form part of the essential documentation procedures as outlined in HSERM / A / A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. 4) Loss Prevention Representative. The MODU Superintendent should review and add his comments to the incidents' report for leaks and spills of unknown source in his area of operation. The Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC) will route the form through the Marine Pollution Control Support Unit/ Marine Operations Division for completion of the section titled "Cleanup Operation" and for comments and signature when Marine’s resources are used in combating the spill.003. 3) Terminal Pilotage Operations Division (if tanker is involved or suspected). Leaks or spills in excess of 50 barrels and less than 1. 6.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. E. Form A-5046 shall in all cases be initiated within five working days of the date of the incident from the office of the ROSRC. SA MODU Liaisonman shall input the incident into ORBITs within 24 hours of the incident. The form is to be returned to ROSRC for revision.1 / Section 6. D. B. 6) Leaks or spills in excess of 1. C.1 / Continued C. Assistance may be required from other Departments as deemed necessary. 6. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 220 of 236 . SA-5046 will then be routed through the Proponent Department Manager for his comments and signature prior to returning the completed document to the Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC) office for further processing and final distribution. 4) Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator (ROSRC). SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 221 of 236 . Copies of form SA-5046 “Leak and/or Spill Report-Offshore” are to be distributed as follows: 1) Global Oil Spill Response Director. H. 3) Proponent Department Manager. SA Public Relations. Risk Management Division.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No. 7) Area Loss Prevention Division. 6) Administrator. SA Affairs. 9) Environmental Protection Department. 2) MODU Superintendent.1 / Continued G. 5) Manager. 8) Manager. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued Appendix No.2 / D&WO Incident Investigation Report Form SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 222 of 236 . Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Appendix No.2 / Continued SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 223 of 236 . 3 / Preliminary Incident Notification Matrix SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 224 of 236 .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-22 / IR&A / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 Spudding In and Rig / Location Release SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 225 of 236 . SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 226 of 236 . A complete Rig/Location Release Checklist for the previous well is required prior to Spudding-in on a new location.1. Spudding-in shall not commence until a Pre-Spud Inspection is conducted by the Rig Operator and Company representative.2.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 / Spudding In and Rig/Location Release (SI&RLR) 1. see HSERM / A / A-23 / SI&RLR / Appendix No. see HSERM / A / A-23 / SI&RLR / Appendix No. 2. 1 / Rig/Location Release Checklist Rig Name/Number: Liaison Man: Well Name/Number: Date: No. Inspect/Confirm YES 1 Is cellar/cellar deck cleaned out to its lowest level? 2 Is cellar area clean and free of all debris? 3 Are all bolts installed in casing spools? 4 Are all bolts proper size for flange? 5 Are all valve and flange bolts installed? 6 Are all valve handles installed and secured? 7 Are all valves fully closed? 8 Are all blind flanges installed on annulus valves? 9 Are all TCA / CCA valves clear of cement? 10 Is TCA / CCA pressure reported on the last morning report? 11 Is the top of tubing spool 2” below top of concrete cellar wall or 6” above ground level for metal cellars? ( Land Gas Ops only) 12 Is the well name and number secured to the tree? 13 Are barriers erected around cellar? 14 Is trash removed and properly disposed from location? 15 No empty/toxic drums or cans left unattended? Note: Buried Toxic items are forbidden! 16 Are rat hole and mouse-hole filled in and location leveled? SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin NO Page 227 of 236 Remarks .Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 / SI&RLR / Continued Appendix No. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 / SI&RLR / Appendix No.1 / Continued Additional Offshore Requirements No. Inspect/Confirm 1 Is platform properly cleaned? 2 Are all platform handrails in place? 3 If necessary. has the workover Gin Pole been replaced? 4 Has the platform inspection permit been signed? 5 Are all platform drains free flowing and clear of debris? YES NO Liaison Man Signature: SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 228 of 236 Remarks . Inspect/Confirm 1 Are all hand rails in place throughout the rig? 2 Are all floor plates installed properly? 3 Are catwalk and pipe racks set? 4 Are all safety hobbles connected? i..2 / Pre-Spud Checklist Rig Name/Number: Liaison Man: Well Name/Number: Date: No.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 / SI&RLR / Continued Appendix No. 5 Are all steps set in place and secured? 6 Are all ground’s cables connected where applicable? 7 Are all raising lines. yokes and bridle lines properly secured and protected? 8 Are all fire extinguishers set in correct place and checked? 9 Are all hand tools in their proper place? 10 Are all lights working and properly installed? 11 Are adequate drainage ditches dug where required with safety cables attached? 12 Do all derricks. mud lines. sub-bases and carriage pins have safety pins installed? 13 Are all electrical cables laid in their proper place? 14 Are all electrical plugs properly fitted or have covers on them and labeled? 15 Have all surface high pressure mud lines been tested? 16 Are there any leaks on the low pressure system? 17 Has the Crown Saving Equipment (both) been properly set and tested? 18 Are there any leaks on diesel lines? 19 Are the mud tanks clear of trip hazards and rubbish? SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin YES NO Page 229 of 236 Remarks . stand pipe etc.e. 34 Is flow line properly secured / snubbed off? 35 If diverter is being used at spud. Warnings. PPE. ready and documented? 23 Are there any leaks in the water tanks system? 24 Has all rig and camp signs been properly posted? 25 Is the Auxiliary Geronimo escape line adequately secured and free of obstruction? 26 Are wind socks installed? 27 Has diverter and diverter valves been function tested? 28 Is the rig’s internal communication functioning properly? 29 Have the primary and secondary muster points and staging areas been established (On Main Camp Muster Points and Communications)? 30 Is derrick climber line properly rigged up? 31 Is instrumentation hooked up and functioning properly? I. is diverter properly secured / snubbed off? 36 Is the Koomey unit functional and checked? 37 Are there any hydraulic leaks? 38 Has Pre-Spud meeting been held and documented? 39 Are the breathing air cascade system and the air packs functioning properly and looped? 40 Do you have an ERP prepared? 41 Is the ERP site specific? SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin NO Page 230 of 236 Remarks . 32 Has all emergency contact phone numbers been updated. tested and calibrated. Alarms set.Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 / SI&RLR / Appendix No.e. SWL. Inspect/Confirm YES 20 Are the cement lines to the drill floor connected and pressure tested? 21 Are transfer lines to the cement pre-mix tanks hooked up and ready? 22 Are f Firefighting systems hooked up.2 / Continued No. tested.e. MSDS. posted and verified? 33 Has all safety signage been posted? I. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-23 / SI&RLR / Appendix No.’s? 54 Is your BOP stack OEM approved? 55 Do your key personnel have valid well control certificates? 56 Does your flare gun have valid shells? 57 58 Are you familiar and capable of reporting incidents and near misses in SAP and ORBITS system? Are you aware of your open inspection items? 59 Was the last Safety Alert shared and discussed? Liaison Man Signature: SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 231 of 236 Remarks .2 / Continued No.I. 42 43 Inspect/Confirm YES NO Are all ERP requirements implemented on site? Do you have the RER map on location? 44 Is your camp outside the RER area? 45 Do you have relief wells locations identified? 46 Are you familiar with (110 call) protocol? 47 Is your well in an H2S risk area? 48 Do all personnel on location have valid H2S certificates? 49 Do you have H2S/gas cascade system checked and calibrated recently prior spud? 50 Are emergency response drills conducted? 51 Do you have third party operations on location (such as PMT)? 52 Do they participate in drills? 53 Are you aware of D&WO SMS elements and G. Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-24 Pre-Tour Checklist / Driller Handover SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 232 of 236 Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-24 / Pre-Tour Checklist/Driller Handover (PTC/DH) A Pre–Tour checklist / Driller Handover form shall be created (See Drillers Checklist HSERM / A / A-24 / PTC/DH / Figure No.1) to ensure basic well control and / or safety devices are present, checked and in the proper working order. Current operations including any outstanding down-hole conditions should also be discussed and noted on the form. 1. The checklist items should include but not be limited to the following points: A. Accumulator unit oil level checked and recorded. B. Control hoses checked for damage and leaks. Unused hoses plugged. C. Accumulator, manifold and annular pressure recorded. D. Type and size of rams posted on main and remote control units. E. BOP and well head measurements posted on rig floor with correct pipe space out note. F. Bop stack and choke manifold alignments checked. G. Remote chokes functioned and left closed. H. Maximum, Allowable Casing Pressure posted on the choke manifold and the remote choke panel. I. Rig floor SCBA’s and cascade system units pressure checked. J. Pit level, flow show indicators / recorders on and functioning properly. K. Crown Saving Equipment (Both) set and adjusted properly. L. Drilling recorder – all channels working properly. M. Fully Open Safety Valve open and counter balance with operating wrench available near driller’s console. N. Is BOP valve available on rig floor functioned and locked open? O. Safety valves cross over subs available on rig floor for all connections in the hole. P. Current drilling and/or tripping parameters in use listed. Q. Current drilling fluid properties posted. R. List of unusual down-hole conditions observed during previous tour. 2. The complete form (Drillers Check-List) should be signed by both drillers and tool pusher each tour. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 233 of 236 Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-24 / PTC/DH / Continued Figure No.1 Rig Name/Number: No. Well Number: Date: Observation Remarks 1 Inspect the Accumulator unit oil level and recorded. 2 Are control hoses free of damage and leaks? 3 Are unused hoses plugged? 4 Record accumulator, manifold and annular pressures. 5 Are type and size of rams posted on main and remote control units? 6 Is the BOP and well head measurements posted on rig floor with correct pipe space-out noted? 7 Has the BOP stack and choke manifold alignments been checked? 8 Have the Remote chokes been functioned and left closed? 9 Is the Maximum, Allowable Casing Pressure posted on the choke manifold? 10 Is the Maximum, Allowable Casing Pressure posted on the remote choke panel? 11 Have the drill floor SCBA’s and cascade system unit’s pressures been checked? 12 Are pit level, flow show indicators / recorders on and functioning properly? 13 Is the Crown Saving Equipment (Both) set and adjusted properly? 14 Drilling recorder – are all channels working properly? 15 Is the Fully Open Safety Valve open and counter balanced with operating wrench available near driller’s console? 16 Is the IBOP valve available on rig floor functioned and locked open? 17 Are all safety valves cross over subs available on rig floor for all connections in the hole? 18 Are current drilling and /or tripping parameters in use listed? SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 234 of 236 Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual A-24 / PTC/DH / Figure No.1 / Continued Rig Name/Number: No. Well Number: Observation Date: Remarks 19 Are current drilling fluid properties posted? 20 List any unusual down-hole condition observed during previous tour. Drillers Name: Shit: 00:00 hrs. - 12:00 hrs. 12:00 hrs. – 00:00 hrs. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 235 of 236 Section A / Administrative Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Revision Summary Rev No. 00 Date Jan 2013 Approvals Revision Summary Original Release Originator Custodian Review Approval Authority RGW RGW OSH & AAR NOTE: Signed Original(s) are maintained within D&WO-DOE&CD. SA-DWO-HSERM-AR-001-R0 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 236 of 236 B General Requirements Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-SRM-GR-002-R0_Section B / General Requirements Document Title: Section B / General Requirements Document Owner: SA-VP-D&WO Review Interval: 48 Months Date: January 2013 Section B General Requirements SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 1 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 2 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Table of Contents Contents Page B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 4 6 8 12 20 47 50 52 60 71 73 B-8 B-9 Communications Cellular Telephone Use on Drilling Rigs (CT) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Respiratory Protection (RP) Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Safety Housekeeping (HK) Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (FFE&O) B-7a Onshore Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (ON/FFE&O) B-7b Offshore Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (OFF/FFE&O) Control of Static Electricity (CSE) Flare Gun (FG) Revision Summary SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin 78 Page 3 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-1 Communications SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 4 of 78 . Definitions. Every MODU shall be equipped with an integrated alarm system capable of providing a minimum of three (3) separate and distinct alarm signals (i. or structure.001. with sufficient stations and speakers to contact all operational areas of the rig.1852. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 5 of 78 . Offshore rigs shall also be able to continuously communicate with other rigs. 2. and vessels in the vicinity. 3. visual alarm signals (strobe lights) shall be provided in addition to the audible alarms. Reliable radio and telephone communications shall be maintained at all times between the rig (onshore / offshore) and operations base. and H2S) which are audible throughout the entire rig. Combustible Gas / Fire. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. Acoustic Cabins shall be provided in all high noise areas. 4. 6.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-1 / Communications 1. 5. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. machinery. Abandon. Ensure that all communication equipment is in line with G. helicopters.I. MODUs shall be equipped with an internal multi-channel (Minimum 4-Channels) Gai-Tronics or D&WO approved equivalent communications system. supplied for a UPS Power Source.e. The Rig Operator shall ensure that all visual warning signals are readily visible in all work areas and unobstructed or hidden by equipment. In high noise areas. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-2 Cellular Telephone Use on Drilling Rigs SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 6 of 78 . Depending on the task at hand the Drilling Foreman or Medic may not be able to field calls. in addition to distracting personnel from their jobs at hand. 6. With the rig Medic at the rig site Medic’s office or offshore rig infirmary. provided the vehicles are properly parked on the edge of the location. 5. Anyone found with a cellular telephone on a SA D&WO rig work site shall be removed from the site and a letter shall be sent to their employer. All persons entering a SA D&WO rig work site shall leave their cellular telephones in one of the following places: A. SA reserves the right to bar repeat offenders from entering a D&WO rig work site. They therefore pose an unacceptable safety risk on a drilling or workover rig work site 2. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A.C below Cellular telephones are not classified as safe to operate in a potentially flammable atmosphere. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 7 of 78 . 7. Note: It is not SA’s responsibility to field such calls. 4. 3. Work site is defined as anywhere on the rig location except as specified in HSERM / B / B-2 / CT / paragraph No. In the Drilling Foreman’s office. 2. Persons expecting a critical call shall make arrangements with either the rig Medic or the SA Drilling Foreman to alert them to an incoming call. B. In their room at camp or in offshore accommodations.A through 2.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-2 / Cellular Telephone Use (CT) on Drilling Rigs 1. Service company employees may leave their cellular telephones in their vehicles. C. Definitions. Cellular telephones are prohibited on all Saudi Aramco (SA) Drilling and Workover (D&WO) rig work sites. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-3 Personal Protective Equipment SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 8 of 78 . Properly fitting goggles. All contractors shall make available prescription safety glasses to those personnel required to wear prescription eye glasses. E. C. eye protection and gloves shall be worn by all personnel working at a drilling or workover well site. face-shields. caustics. heat rays.8. The Rig Operator shall provide. boots. The Rig Operator is responsible to provide and require the wearing of approved personal protective equipment at all times where its use could protect personnel. Protective headgear. Prescription safety glasses shall have approved safety lens with side shields installed.1.83. however. are mandatory on all SA locations. 7. or an equivalent standard. The Rig Operator shall post warning signs in areas where the use of PPE is required. good condition. when handling acids. Safety glasses with side protection that meet or exceed ANSI Z87. Aramco employees shall follow G. or radiation. Note: Metal hard hats are forbidden per SA Construction Safety Manual. or engaged in any work in which there is an eye hazard from flying objects. 6.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-3 / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can never prevent an accident. or other harmful substances which are potentially harmful or hazardous to the skin. B. Sunglasses are not acceptable as Safety glasses. 1. D. Safety Glasses A. or other eye protection equipment appropriate to the work being done. Additional eye protection shall be required for specialist tasks. injurious light. suitable. those exposed shall get in the shower and then remove their clothing and wash the affected part of the body. The Rig Operator shall ensure that. 2. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 9 of 78 .I. 3. serve to minimize the effects of an accident if an accident does occur. 4. The clothing shall be decontaminated before re-use. including proper eye and face protection. protective clothing and equipment including appropriate respiratory protection. Protective headgear shall meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Z89. and all personnel shall wear. 5. Any rig employee handling dry mud material shall wear adequate personal protective clothing. when the clothing or skin of any personnel becomes contaminated with any flammable or harmful substance. It does. shall be worn by all personnel who are handling or exposed to any material capable of causing injury or irritation to the eyes. Safety steel-toe boots or shoes shall be worn by all personnel when working on or about a drilling or workover rig as per ANSI Z41.1-89.002. for ALL eyewash stations it is required that a portable insulated unit such as “Sellstrom 16 Gallon Gravit-Eye ANSI Portable Eyewash Station – 90320” or similar. up-dated and conspicuously posted.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-3 / PPE / Continued 8. In addition rig specific safety equipment plans shall be prepared. shall be readily available to personnel working in high noise level areas. The minimum flow rate of drench showers shall be 20 GPM at 30 PSI as per ANSI Z358. These units are to be shaded and or insulated to minimize temperature variations. The supplied water shall be clean and suitable for use when applied directly to the eyes and body. Work Clothing A. When the operating temperature of the eye-wash station and shower exceeds the maximum 38°C operating temperature. particularly for employees working on electrical systems. 12. Where hard piped systems are used. Rig Operator shall post warning signs informing all personnel that hearing protection is required while working in that area (Refer to SAES-A-105 / Noise Control). the water shall be cooled to within the 15°C . 14. The Rig Operator shall ensure that all personnel wear clothing suitable for the existing conditions and the work being performed.38°C range. temperature control becomes critical. temperature control and sanitation are critical. The Rig Operator shall maintain these eye wash stations in good sanitized condition continually ready for use per SAES-B-69. including head phone type hearing protection or soft ear plugs. 11. clean water to irrigate eyes that have been contaminated by some hazardous material. The Rig Operator shall post identification signs to mark the location of all emergency equipment such as emergency eye wash stations. The Rig Operator shall provide emergency eye wash and or shower stations where necessary to provide immediate relief to any personnel who may be contaminated with a harmful substance. Because of the high ambient operating temperatures encountered in Saudi Arabia during the summer months. “Eye Wash Station and Showers”. The eye wash stations shall be capable of providing a minimum of 15 minutes of fresh. Rig Operator shall provide hearing protection in areas where the noise levels are above 85 DBA. breathing air manifolds and fire protection equipment. 13. 9. The Rig Operator shall make available to all employee’s and encourage the use of barrier cream to all employee’s especially where oil based mud materials are being used. The delivered water temperature at the eyewash and or shower stations shall range between 15°C and 38°C. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 10 of 78 . be installed and used with a suitably buffered solution. flame resistant coveralls being the preferred garment. Hearing protection equipment. All personal protective equipment shall be kept in a sanitary condition and maintained to perform satisfactorily the function for which it was designed. 10. grinding etc. painting. Employees shall be supplied with coverall at no cost to the worker. as far as is reasonably practicable. If workers have any concerns about the serviceability of the coveralls. (mixing chemicals. 16. Laundering and changing facilities shall be provided at each rig camp location (Reference: SASC-S-07 / Camps and Communal Living Facilities). Worker should always check the condition of the coveralls before use. Clothing exposed to excessive amounts of flammable or harmful substances shall be replaced immediately. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. This is particularly important for fire resistant work coveralls which will lose their fire resistant properties if they are not kept clean and in good repair. H. When and where appropriate. E.) long sleeve coveralls shall be provided by the contractor and the wearing of said coveralls shall be enforced. Your special skills and safety attitude is your primary protection against accidents and injuries. WORK SMART Your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is your final protection against accidents and injuries. Definitions. D. Personnel aboard MODU’s shall be supplied with clothing that will assist in the location of personnel should they go overboard (fluorescent stripes and or bright colors). Loose fitting clothing shall not be worn. F.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-3 / PPE / Continued B. C. shall be kept clean. The Rig Operator shall specifically prohibit all personnel from wearing synthetic clothing. J. All work clothing. G. shorts or no shirt while on the rig. welding. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 11 of 78 . References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. No personnel shall expose any part of their body to substances which may be harmful or hazardous to the skin. they should immediately inform their direct supervisor who shall arrange for return of the defective item and arrange for a replacement to be issued. I. 15. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 Respiratory Protection SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 12 of 78 . A check for tightness of connections. C. This training SHALL include: A. Donning (putting on) and doffing (taking off) of respirators. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 13 of 78 . Sealing and functioning of the face piece. Maintenance. 3. inspection. An explanation of the operation. An explanation of why a particular type of respirator has been selected. F. Each air cylinder shall be inspected to ensure that it is fully charged and with a current hydro-test date. harness assemblies.001. Fitting of face pieces. and storage of respirators. The Rig Operator shall ensure that all respiratory protection equipment is provided. G. I.I. D. The Rig Operator shall ensure that the required respiratory protection equipment is maintained and used as intended. D. Regulations concerning respirator use. H. Such respiratory protection equipment shall be readily available. E. The need for respirator protection. F. E. and alarms. This equipment may be provided by the Contractor or by the Company. connecting tubes. Instructions in emergency procedures. The condition of the respiratory inlet covering. hoses. Each rubber or other elastomeric part shall be inspected for pliability and signs of deterioration. maintained in good working order. Respirator inspection shall include: A. C. 1780. head harness. The proper function of regulators. capabilities and limitations of the respirator selected. B. Those employees required to use this equipment shall be trained in its effective use. 2. and that it provides all personnel with adequate protection against all anticipated hazardous atmospheres. valves. depending upon the terms and conditions of the contract. A record of inspection dates shall be kept for each respirator maintained for Emergency or rescue use. and inspected every 30 days per G. in a sanitary condition.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / Respiratory Protection (RP) 1. or 2) Where the atmosphere is contaminated or in danger of being contaminated by any airborne substance that may be considered to be harmful. there shall be on each rig at least the minimum amount of respiratory protection equipment required in the drilling/workover contract. Note: Refer to HSERM / B / B-4 / RP / Appendix No. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 14 of 78 . 5. Only technicians certified in the proper respirator maintenance and overhaul shall do replacement of parts and repair. 6. C. All Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): A. Compliant 15-Min and 30-Min SCBA. no personnel shall be allowed to enter any area: 1) Where the oxygen content of the atmosphere is less than 20. On all D&WO rigs operating in known Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) areas or on any rig drilling a wildcat well. 9. a clean shaven policy shall be implemented. Where respiratory protection equipment is or may be required to be worn in areas which are or may be contaminated with substances immediately dangerous to life or health. Unless protected by respiratory protection equipment.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / RP / Continued 4. including an emergency escape cylinder. 7. 8. Facial hair that interferes with the seal of a face mask will adversely affect the duration of SCBA. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Hose-line work masks. Replacement parts shall be only those designated for the specific respirator. B. Definitions. B.1.9 % by volume. Parts Replacement and Repair A. for further information regarding Respiratory Protective Equipment. or. C. Atmospheres containing less than 20 % oxygen. E. It is very important each user of this equipment understands how important it is to properly clean and sanitize this equipment after each wearing. and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Written standard operating procedures governing the selection and use of respiratory protective equipment. 2) Instructions in the wearing and use of this equipment. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 15 of 78 . respiratory protective equipment should be assigned to individual workers for their exclusive use. Respiratory protective equipment shall be selected on the basis of the hazards to which the worker is exposed. b.I. It is imperative that the correct filters be identified and used.) 3) Proper cleaning and sanitizing of the equipment after it is worn and used. 2) Corrosive or irritating particulate matter for which full-face filter mask protection is required.1 Requirement for minimal acceptable Respiratory Protection Program 1. Each Rig Operator shall develop and put into practice a respiratory protection program that meets or exceeds the following criteria (per G. even for equipment that may be permanently assigned to him. Where possible. The user shall be instructed and trained by the Rig Operator in the correct use of respiratory protective equipment and their limitations. The most likely IDLH atmospheres that may be encountered at drilling and workover locations are: a.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / RP / Continued Appendix No. This training shall include: 1) Instructions on the selection of the proper respiratory protection equipment for each potential hazard an employee may encounter. Toxic vapors and gases. for instance. B.001): A. (BOP drills while wearing work masks. The airborne hazards most likely to be encountered in drilling and Workover operations are: 1) Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) atmospheres that require the use of supplied-air respiratory protection equipment. Those issued for the exclusive use of one worker are to be cleaned after each day’s use or more after if necessary. such as H2S. by volume. This training SHALL include drills in which the equipment is used and worn under simulated emergency conditions. This equipment includes the hose-line work masks. Respiratory protective equipment shall be regularly cleaned and disinfected. including an escape cylinder. D. those used by more than one worker are to be thoroughly cleaned is of paramount importance. 1780. Respiratory protective equipment shall be inspected during cleaning. shall be thoroughly inspected by the Rig Operator at least once a month and after each use. 3) Condition of cylinder. serial number. Voice Communication Device Battery Replacement Date. Next Inspection Date.1). Hydro-test Date. cleaning and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment. cylinder pressure on inspection. number of the unit. Next Hydro-test Date. Voice Communication Device Battery Installation Date. Respiratory protective equipment for emergency use. its location. A detailed Maintenance / Inspection Registry shall be maintained by the Rig Operator for each SCBA. Every rig inspection shall include: 1) A function test. 2) Confirmation of cylinder hydrostatic test date. Figure 1 H. Inspection Date.1 / Continued F. A comprehensive Cascade BA System and SCBA Registry shall be developed and maintained on every rig.D. all replaced parts shall be recorded in the SCBA log book. 4) Condition of all hoses (both low pressure and high pressure). and SCBA Mask Voice Communication Device equipped.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / RP / Appendix No. every 3 years for composite cylinders and every 5 years steel cylinders. such as self-contained devices. Worn or deteriorated parts shall be replaced. (Example: HSERM / B / B-4 / RP / Appendix No.1 / Figure No. The minimum required Registry information shall include location. the Registry shall include. Face Mask Voice Communication Device Operability. I. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 16 of 78 . G. MAWP. monthly inspection records. I. Specific contaminated air hazard sources include but are not limited to Main Engine and E-Gen Exhaust Stacks.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / RP / Appendix No. and Wire Line Unit Exhaust. A part of every planned inspection shall be to evaluate the state of the entire respiratory protection program of each location visited. 2. J. 6) Condition of back plate. Galley Hood Exhaust Stacks. The level of exposure to a given substance is determined by continuous area monitoring. Breathing air compressors shall be strategically positioned so as to minimize the potential entry of contaminated air. 7) Condition of cascade hose connection. All compressors shall have a minimum ambient operating temperature rating of no less than 50°C. L.1 / Continued 5) Condition of straps and buckles. Oil Lubricated Breathing air compressors shall be equipped with necessary safety and standby devices. They shall be equipped with purifying sorbet beds and filters to further assure greater air quality.I. They shall be equipped with alarms to indicate compressor failure and/or overheating. Compressed air used for breathing purposes shall comply with the standards recommended in G. personal monitoring and warning devices. or from studying the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each substance used on the location. an OEM Compressor Continuous Carbon Monoxide Monitoring / Shutdown System and H2S Detection (5ppm) / Shutdown System shall be fitted to each compressor and automatically shut down the compressor to prevent contamination of stored air.3.001 and HSERM / B / B-4 / RP / Appendix No. There shall be regular inspection and evaluation to determine the continued effectiveness of the program. The Rig Operator is responsible for requiring the use of the proper equipment at all times when exposure limits exceed acceptable limits. Appropriate surveillance of work area conditions and the degree of employee exposure or stress shall be maintained. As a minimum. The Rig Operator is responsible for knowing what respiratory exposures may be present and shall alert all personnel when protective equipment is required. E. The Rig Operator is responsible for his respirator protection program. A. C.001. K. In meeting that responsibility a Rig Operator shall know that all equipment is in good condition and is ready for use when needed. 1780. B. Personnel should not be assigned to tasks requiring the use of respiratory protective equipment unless it has been determined that they are physically able to work while wearing the equipment. D. Compressors The Compressors for Supplying Breathing Air Should Meet the Requirements of G. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 17 of 78 .1 / Figure No. 8) Integrated Face Mask Voice Communication Device Operability I.1780. and Oil Mist prior to recharging the cascade breathing air cylinders.1 / Figure No. H2O. J.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / RP / Appendix 1 / Continued F. at least once in every three months. Breathing air compressors shall have a detailed maintenance log that records information as shown in HSERM / B / B-4 / RP / Appendix No. H. G. Breathing Air Compressors shall be “Manually Start” and are specifically prohibited from having any Automatic Start Features and shall be continuously manned during all periods of operation.2 I. They shall be equipped with OEM shop set and certified RV’s which are included in the rig RV Registry and inspection process. by SA Laboratories to ensure the air quality continues to meet the following air purity standards: SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 18 of 78 . Air samples from the breathing air compressor shall be tested. following the required H2S release drill and after every H2S alarm.2. Figure No. Each Rig shall maintain an air purity test kit and conduct weekly air purity sampling for CO2. etc. 4.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-4 / RP / Appendix No. <by 0.800 Cubic Feet 50.273. including the Compressed Gas Association (C.5 Liters by Volume 300 Cubic Feet of Air 8.10% max.3 Component C. adequate mask seal. in reference to the C.1. Decimal System (Cubic Feet) Metric System (Liters) 1 Cubic Foot of Air 28.23% Carbon Dioxide.A.A. HSERM / “B” / B-4 / RP / Appendix No. physical condition. therefore.1 / Continued 3.2 Cubic Foot Delivery per Minute 260.3 Liters by Volume SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 19 of 78 . Figure No.1 / Figure No. Volume (<500 ppm) Carbon Monoxide <5 ppm Oil Vapor (< 1 mg/liter @ STP) Water Saturated Odor None Particulates and Solids None The standards cited in HSERM / B / B-4 / RP / Figure No. without taking into consideration the size of the person.3 Liters One .A.G. Many factors come into play that may greatly reduce the rated duration. Table No. breathing habits. one should not expect to obtain the exact time rating.490. Standard Oxygen % by volume 19 . Air Purity Standards Limits have been established for breathing air quality.3 are usually referred to as "Grade D".940. Air suitable for human respiration shall meet minimum standards as established by various governing bodies. These standards apply to compressed air for use in filling open circuit breathing systems.G. each man should be trained and drilled to determine his own duration by using the Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) under extremely strenuous working conditions. How Much Breathing Air? In reality.0 Liters by Volume 1 Cascade of 6-300 Cubic Foot of Air Cylinders is equivalent to 1.0 Liters by Volume An Air Compressor with a 9.G.3 provides the maximum allowable contaminant allowed under the C. standard.30 Minute Air Cylinder is Equivalent to 45 Cubic Feet 1.A).G. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 Hydrogen Sulphide Safety (H2S) SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 20 of 78 . HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. maintenance. 4) Rescue procedures. section-C of the Drilling Manual.2 . Also.1. Characteristics of H2S and its toxicity.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / Hydrogen Sulphide Safety (H2S) 1. shall be provided and maintained in good condition. They shall be conspicuously located so at least one is readily visible from anywhere on the location.SA Standard Safety Equipment for H2S Operations on all Onshore D&WO Rigs. 2) Donning and operation of SCBA equipment. 5) First Aid for victims. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 21 of 78 . C. All drilling and workover operations in known or suspect Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) areas shall be conducted according to API RP 49. C. 2. Unobstructed wind indicating devices. Training The Rig Operator shall ensure all personnel are adequately trained in the basic fundamentals of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) safety and continuously maintain valid H2S safety Train Certificates. and use of assigned respiratory protection equipment.SA H2S Contingency Plan. HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S / Appendix No.3 .SA Standard Safety Equipment for H2S Operations on all Offshore D&WO Rigs. Instructions in the inspection. D. 3. B. B. and the requirements of the following Appendices to this Section: A. No personnel are permitted to enter any rig / well site location without a valid H2S Safety Training Certificate and completing the rig safety orientation. these Rig Operators shall comply with all requirement listed here. Rig Specific Detection and warning system alarm signals. HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. For More Details. "Recommended Practices for Safe Drilling of Wells Containing Hydrogen Sulphide" and with any Company rules. such as wind socks. Emergency procedures consisting of: 1) Location of the designated Safe Briefing Areas / Muster Stations. This training shall include all personnel and all personnel on the rig shall be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following: A. 3) Evacuation procedures. see chapter 8. from G. The SA Foreman / Liaisonman is responsible to verify that H2S training requirements are met. L. K. All personnel shall be able to evacuate to the up-wind safe briefing area (land rigs) utilizing upwind and / or cross wind escape routes. All personnel shall be able to identify the H2S alarm signals. M. 5. Note: Refer to HSERM / B / B-4 / RP / Appendices No. life-threatening emergency. F. J. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. all personnel shall be able to competently perform the tasks specifically assigned to them in their Rig Specific H2S Emergency Plan and demonstrate competency in unannounced H2S Release Drills. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 22 of 78 . All drilling rig crews shall be able to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation. 2 and 3 for specific details regarding H2S Safety Equipment and procedures. H. A training card shall be issued to each person completing the basic H2S training. In addition to the basic skills listed above. This card shall remain valid for two years.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Continued E. I. All basic H2S training shall include the actual donning and breathing from each different type of breathing apparatus in use on that particular rig. 4. This shall be done by observing regular H2S drills and testing to verify competence in breathing apparatus use.1. All personnel shall be able to muster to safely access their designated muster station (offshore) and enter in to the lifeboat wearing both SCBA and PDF (Personal Floatation Device). Definitions. All personnel shall be able to identify the actual wind direction. N. This training SHALL include drills in all these procedures so all personnel on the location can quickly and effectively follow each of these instructions when there is an actual. following which the person shall retake the basic H2S training. Each person shall be able to don and breathe the SCBA within 45 seconds. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 3. flaring initiated during daylight hours can continue after dark but extreme caution shall be shown because: 1) Wind normally diminishes at sundown. 4) Drilling Engineering shall coordinate this notification.1 SA H2S Contingency Plan 1. 5) The Medical Department shall be notified by the Drilling Operations Department 6) The Fire Department shall be notified by the Drilling Operations Department 7) All installations within the area of Operations shall be noted and the Management of possibly affected installations notified.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Continued Appendix No. The on-site SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall be responsible for carrying out the plan. 1) Camp Management shall be notified prior to starting operations. 2. Loss Prevention Department and the Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) can be consulted for advice and recommendations on plan actions. The D&WO Operations Departments shall have the responsibility for executing the plan. 2) Government Relations shall be given a map covering the surrounding area that might be affected in the event of an emergency. The scope of the Aramco H2S Contingency Plan is to cover operations while drilling. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 23 of 78 . testing. 4. Note: Drilling/Workover Engineering shall coordinate the development of this plan with Government Relations as per SA Drilling Manual. A. Other Organizations shall be advised of the operations by the D&WO Operations Department. A. and completing oil and gas wells that have a potential H2S hazard as per SAES-B-062. B. Flaring of sour gas wells shall not start at night. 3) Government Relations may notify any possibly interested Saudi Arabian Government (SAG) Authorities. Drilling Engineering shall develop and coordinate the procedures. 8) A detailed evacuation plan shall be developed for any residential area that might be remotely endangered if an emergency condition develops. Personal electronic H2S monitors. Cascade systems for work and recharge shall be set up on location. F. warning signs and flags as well as streamers in localized areas shall be in use. if required. first aid kits. 5. Resuscitators. hand pump type H2S – SO2 detectors shall be used. This will allow rapid and accurate identification of missing personnel. explosive meters. The heater. Minimum flare line size shall be two 3-1/2-in. two flare pits shall be constructed downwind from the location in the direction of prevailing wind and at least 90º apart and 1000 feet from the wellhead manifolds or any test equipment. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 24 of 78 . The BOP equipment. spot checks. the wellhead equipment. Explosion-proof bug blowers shall be positioned to move air around well and equipment. API Specifications 6A for sour service. All preventers and associated equipment (wellhead. Wellhead gas shall not be used for controller gas. 6. C. All flare lines and emergency blow down lines shall be staked or otherwise secured against movement in the event of a mechanical failure. A. Emergency Safety and First Aid Equipment shall be on location and conveniently located (in addition to contractual requirements) in compliance with the following: A.1 / Continued 2) With little or no wind.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. bottled nitrogen is preferred over supply air for controls. safety ropes. Wind socks.) shall meet NACE. B. splints and litters shall be on location. J-55 lines to each pit. The heater. MR0175/ISO 151566. D. lines etc. the test equipment and the safety equipment shall all conform to presently developed standards. E. Self-contained breathing apparatus shall be located for emergency work and escape. choke manifold. As part of the H2S contingency plan. G. D. Note: An efficient Head Count system (such as “T” cards) shall be implemented on all rig locations. shall be of minimum 150 feet from the wellhead and the test separator. F. B. it is impossible to disperse any escaped H2S or SO2 from flares. During gas well production tests. An H2S monitor with alarm systems and sensor at various locations shall be installed. E. test unit and all connections shall meet current NACE Standard MR-01-75 for sour service. safety harnesses. C. While drilling these zones. The Rig Specific H2S Contingency Plan shall Include the Following Information as a Minimum: A. everyone shall be alert to the fact that the H2S concentration could increase at any time. Upon reaching Level 1 conditions. Note: [H2S]. but increased alertness. Although this is an acceptable H2S concentration. All equipment and procedures shall be in place as specified in HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. Acceptable amount of H2S is present Level 1 begins whenever H2S is detected anywhere on the rig. Restricted access to affected areas. the SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall take the following actions: SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 25 of 78 . preparing for next level. using square brackets. when safe concentrations (i. However. This section outlines D&WO operations when drilling or working through zones known or suspected to contain H2S. the rig shall conduct operations based on the following classifications of H2S risk. 2) Level-1 0 ppm < H2S < 10 ppm Normal operations. Alert Level H2S Concentration [H2S] 1) Level-0 H2S = 0 ppm. This is the base level. The following items shall be done even when no H2S has been detected: a.2. Typically. It is D&WO Operation’s policy to keep atmospheric H2S within a safe level by such methods as the following: 1) Adding H2S scavenger. it is normal and not necessarily hazardous to have small amounts of H2S (as drilled gas) released to the atmosphere as the mud returns come over the shale shaker. in effect immediately after drilling out casing above the suspected H2S formations. refers to H2S concentration.e. less than 10 ppm) of H2S are being released to the atmosphere. this will be at the shale shaker. usually measured in parts per million (ppm). Since it is common to drill through zones containing H2S. the SA Foreman / Liaisonman is responsible to take every practical precaution to maintain a safe working environment while these remedial actions are being taken to reduce the amount of H2S circulated to surface. 3) Reducing hole size (drilling a pilot hole). 2) Reducing ROP or temporarily discontinuing drilling.1 / Continued 7. B.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. Normal Operations in Potential H2S Zones. 2. Immediate action taken to reduce mud H2S levels. All equipment and procedures shall be in place as specified in HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S / Appendix No.1 / Continued a.2. or to declare “Off-Limits” those areas with an atmospheric H2S concentration higher than 10 ppm. high alarm at 20 ppm. the Drilling Foreman /Liaisonman shall take the following actions: SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 26 of 78 . 3) Level 2 10 ppm< H2S < 100 ppm anywhere but on the drill floor. reduce ROP. Non-essential personal removed from rig package. The Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman shall take appropriate actions to maintain H2S levels below 10 ppm. Appropriately rated (i. c. Continuous awareness of current H2S concentration (e. H2S safety shall be discussed at a brief tool-box safety meeting at every shift change. No one may approach these areas without the following: 1.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No.e.g. it is not uncommon to have H2S breaking out at the shale shaker as drilled gas. If the 10 ppm H2S alarm becomes excessive. The SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall identify possible courses of action to take should the H2S concentration increase to higher levels (e. Continuously observed by a stand-by man who also had immediate access to breathing apparatus (e. treat mud with H2S scavenger).g. f. every practical precaution shall be taken to either reduce atmospheric H2S levels to less than 10 ppm. This can be addressed by treating the mud with scavenger. personal H2S monitor giving continues readouts). Ready access to breathing apparatus. The area around the shale shaker and the rig cellar shall be declared “Restricted Areas”. The H2S concentration in the mud is checked a minimum of every 24 hours. The Toolpusher or designated “H2S Representative” shall conduct an initial H2S safety meeting with each crew. e. When drilling through H2S bearing zones. d. First alarm at 10 ppm.g. it will contribute to complacency and lose its effect as a warning sign. The rate of penetration can be controlled or even halted until corrective measures have been taken. b. g. Therefore. more often at the SA Foreman / Liaisonman’s discretion. 3. “Buddy System”). weighting up to increase overbalance and restricting access to the shaker area. The objective is to minimize the number of times the H2S alarms sound. Upon reaching Level 2 conditions. SA policy requires breathing apparatus to be worn when working in an atmospheric of H2S concentration higher than 10 ppm. “Explosion-Proof”) bug blowers shall be positioned to provide adequate ventilation to H2S contaminated areas and the rig floor. i. H2S concentrations higher than 10 ppm are far more critical on the drill floor than in more remote areas of the rig. All of the previous H2S level precautions are already in place. Upon reaching Level 3 conditions. 4) Level 3 10 ppm < H2S < 100 ppm (on the drill floor) Approaching an emergency situation. increase ventilation to area. treat mud with H2S scavenger. this is not as critical a situation as H2S > 10 ppm on the drill floor). f.). b. control ROP. e. Hand-held H2S monitors shall be used to continuously measure atmospheric H2S concentrations. This is not necessarily an uncontrolled release but would include uncontrolled releases. The rig substructure.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. increase overbalance. can the H2S alarm be shut off. c. and respond accordingly (As stated above. high alarm at 20 ppm. g. No one shall remain in an area with H2S >10 ppm unless their presence is absolutely necessary to regain a safe working environment. shall identify the source of the H2S. A strict “Buddy System” shall be enforced throughout the rig package. The SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall implement appropriate procedures to reduce atmospheric H2S levels in the affected areas (e. The rig crew shall respond to the low level (H2S >10 ppm) alarm with their H2S drill (as previously trained). h.1 / Continued a. H2S Emergency H2S > 100 ppm Actions taken to reduce H2S concentrations have failed and an emergency situation has been reached. and immediately downwind of the rig. The SA Foreman / Liaisonman. Under no circumstances. No one shall enter these areas without specific SA Foreman / Liaisonman approval. First alarm at 10 ppm. The H2S concentration in the mud shall be checked every 4 hours or as directed by the SA Foreman / Liaisonman. j. the SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall take the following actions: a. Breathing apparatus shall be worn when entering an area with atmospheric H2S concentration higher than 10 ppm. d. etc. 10 ppm< H2S < 100 ppm on the drill floor Since the drill floor is a critical work area and cannot be easily evacuated. shale shaker area. Ensure that all of the previous H2S level precautions are already in place. if the H2S release is confined to the shale shaker area only. and any other areas with H2S > 10 ppm shall be barriered off and identified as a restricted area.g. assisted by the Senior drilling contractor representative. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 27 of 78 . Upon initial low alarm (H2S > 10 ppm). All personnel on the drill floor shall wear an H2S monitor to provide continuous atmospheric H2S concentrations. The specific response will depend upon the specific problem. For example. increased breathing apparatus re-fill capacity. H2S > 100 ppm It is difficult to define an H2S emergency on the basis of the atmospheric concentration. g. Two men shall be placed at each entrance to the location to turn back non-essential personnel and to direct essential personnel to the appropriate safe briefing area. No one shall remain on the drill floor unless their presence is absolutely necessary to regain a safe working environment. or may need in the immediate future (e. H2S Emergency. the well shall be immediately circulated bottoms-up. An H2S emergency is defined as having lost the capability to control the amount of H2S being released at the well site. i. and adequate action has been taken to maintain safe H2S levels during subsequent drilling. gas monitoring teams. The SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall immediately implement appropriate procedures to reduce H2S concentration in the mud (e. etc. increase ventilation.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No.).). Drilling or workover operations shall not recommence until drill floor H2S levels have been reduced to less than 10 ppm. d. The Superintendent shall contact the outside resources needed to assist the rig. at the same time. when drilling a large hole through a highly porous deep zone containing a relatively high concentration of H2S. the drilled gas breaking out at the shale shaker could easily exceed 100 ppm. increase overbalance. the Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman shall implement the following precautions and work procedures to provide an adequate level of safety for the men working on the rig: 1) Immediately implement a strict “Buddy System”. Everything is done in pairs. h. although this does not necessarily constitute an emergency. However. everyone on the drill floor shall either evacuate or mask up as per established H2S drill. The SA Foreman / Liaisonman shall discuss longer-term procedures to reduce H2S levels with his Superintendent and Engineering. c.g. treat mud with H2S scavenger. the Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman shall identify the problem and take immediate corrective action. Under this condition. f. e. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 28 of 78 .g. These teams shall be equipped with breathing apparatus and H2S monitors. No one is to ever do anything alone. gas monitors. 2) Communicate to the Superintendent what outside resources the rig needs. mobile radios. C.1 / Continued b. Drilling or workover operations shall stop and unless well conditions dictate against it. walkie-talkie etc. e. it may be difficult for one man to directly supervise more than 4 people. equipped as specified in “Safe Briefing Area Equipment List” HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. Assign one man as leader of every work team. Winds can very and change conditions rapidly. This allows the Commander to be fully up-to-date on the progress being made. and to stand by for further instructions. d. Telephone and radio. Continuous contact with the Drilling Superintendent. or a highly reliable. b. c. masked up and equipped with a continuous H2S monitor. 8) Assign an individual to gather all designated emergency vehicles and park them in a safe upwind location parked facing their escape route. Under emergency conditions. d. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 29 of 78 . 7) Maintain at least one 2-man team to continuously check that the “Hot” zone is adequately identified. If a work team has not completed their task by their “Estimated Time of Completion”. c. The Safe Briefing Area commander keeps a written log of all assigned tasks. This is done by assigning pairs of individuals. Walkie-talkies to communicate with the Safe Briefing Area and work parties throughout the rig. to measure H2S concentrations throughout the location.2.1 / Continued 3) Establish a Command Post (CP) equipped with the following: a. experienced and competent individual. plus at least 2 pairs of runners 5) Man the primary safe briefing area (SBA). e. Flare gun and one box (10 cartridges) of flare gun shells. f. 6) Establish and mark off a “Hot” zone. 4) Continuously manned by either a SA Foreman / Liaisonman. Each work team reports back to the Safe Briefing Area immediately upon completion of their assigned task. 10) Organize small work teams of at least 2. Fluorescent orange vest to identify the Command Post Commander. hence the 5 person maximum: a. 9) Alert the rig camp of the emergency. Each work team is assigned one task and one task only. An “Estimated Time of Completion” is identified for each assigned task. but usually not more than 5 men.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. they shall report back to the Safe Briefing Area or send a pair of runners to report in. with the motor off and with the keys left in the ignition. where H2S concentration is greater than 10 ppm. All work is assigned to individual teams at the Safe Briefing Area. b. Driller precedes to flow-check and shut-in the well as per the Aramco Well Control Manual (BOP Drill). on visual alarm. If the alarm is confirmed. A. The person acting as the “H2S Safety Representative” shall collect any equipment that may not already be at the “Safe Briefing Area” and see that it is in place. These include reducing drilling rate or pulling off bottom to circulate the use of H2S scavengers in the mud. 2) If the well did not flow. it will usually be prudent not to shut-in the well and risk stuck DP (shutting in the well can actually concentrate H2S just below the annular or ram). This should be his primary responsibility: he should not be assigned other duties that could interfere with this vital safety function. All other personnel don SCBA and proceed directly to the Safe Briefing Area. Section V. 8. However. cellar. use the rigs multi-gas detectors). bell nipple.1 / Continued g. Saudi Aramco (SA) D&WO do not allow personnel to work unprotected in H2S concentrations greater than 10 ppm. 1) If the well was flowing and had to be shut in.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. the listed precautions in this plan should be taken. The area of the alarm should then be checked with the portable monitor to confirm that it was not a false alarm (do not use personal H2S monitors as they will normally only read up to a maximum of 100 ppm. At 20 ppm the audible alarm will sound (amber light and horn/siren). B. there are several options open to reduce H2S concentrations in the atmosphere that are a result of gas breaking out of the drilling mud. Typical H2S Drill Onshore Low level alarm. The option of pumping the kick away down the annulus should be considered. Stopping circulation completely is only a temporary measure and the resulting reduction in ECD can actually worsen the situation. etc. If no flow was detected. D. Each work team shall have an individual to be assigned to check the air supply of all team members and to monitor H2S levels using a continuous monitor. the Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman and Toolpusher shall plan the appropriate action. At this time two Safe Briefing Areas have been designated with the Primary area near the Aramco Drilling Foreman’s office and the secondary area near the entrance to the rig site.. If the decision is made to kill the well conventionally. If no flow. Driller and one floorman or assistant driller (if there is one) don 30 minute SCBA’s and plug into cascade system. He shall continuously monitor the atmospheric conditions at the safe briefing area to ensure that the area does not become contaminated. then locate the source of the alarm (shaker area. this would become a well kill operation and handled according to the Saudi Aramco Well Control Manual (SAWCM). C.). Superintendent should be informed at this point and drilling engineer consulted if there is any doubt about how to proceed. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 30 of 78 . SA Foreman / Liaisonman and Toolpusher don 30 minute SCBA’s and proceed to the rig floor with at least one portable H2S monitor. increasing overbalance (increasing mud weight) and additional ventilation in the area of the alarm. Special operations / Well Control of the H2S Contingency Plan should be consulted. circulate until receiving orders from Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman. They are to first confirmed the well is properly secured if flow was detected. personnel shall don SCBA. visual for 10 ppm or more (amber light). the “Safe Briefing Area” commander shall select two. A further pre-designated team of a minimum of six personnel shall don SCBA (do Not mask-up) and await further instructions. recover the casualty and proceed to the safe briefing area with the casualty. He shall then assist with the head count. using stretchers. L. J. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 31 of 78 . K. all personnel shall be stood down.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. points to address at the meeting: Did all personnel hear/see the alarm. two men teams to mask up on SCBA’s and searches the pre-planned search routes. They shall then proceeds to the Safe Briefing Area for the head count. drills shall be completed at least once per week. A pre-designated team of two personnel shall don a 30 minute SCBA and checks all rooms and offices for anyone who did not hear the alarm. I. dispatch the back-up rescue team to continue search pattern. When a casualty is found.. The pre-designated person shall proceed to take a head count with the assistance of the medic. If further casualties are known. Once the drill has been completed. things that went well. a post drill critique meeting shall be held and documented. G. H.1 / Continued E. He shall assume command of the “Safe Briefing Area” reporting to the Drilling Foreman/Liaisonman and Toolpusher. first aid kit and any other required medical equipment not already at the “Safe Briefing Area”. If anyone is missing. equipment problems. The above condition shall continue until an H2S level of less than 10 ppm is confirmed and alarms cease or until the Drilling Foreman announces that all unsafe areas with H2S levels in excess of 10 ppm have been barricaded (shaker shake and choke area only) and continuous monitoring with portable monitors is being done.. Medic proceeds to Safe Briefing Area with portable resuscitators. make all personnel aware that the drill is complete. Once this has been achieved. The remaining rescue team personnel shall stand-by at the safe briefing area to assist as required. F. report to the Toolpusher. These personnel shall be used as search and rescue and or rescue back-up. Note: Drills shall be held as frequently as required to ascertain a proficient standard achievable by all personnel at the rig site. 3) The H2S alarm system (amber strobe lights and audible alarm) shall be set for a maximum low level visual alarm at 10 ppm and a maximum high level visual and audible alarm at 20 ppm. H2S detectors.2 SA Standard Safety Equipment for H2S Operations on all Onshore D&WO Rigs 1. this sensor should be readily moveable so that it can be use around the BOP stack or at the well testing equipment when necessary. c. b. All personnel shall be informed by the Rig Operator of the specific well site hazards linked to Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and shall receive specific instruction and demonstrate competency in the correct use of any personal safety equipment. H2S and Combustible Gas Monitors. shops. (See also SAES-J-505 Combustible Gas and Hydrogen Sulphide in Air Detection Systems). The Audible alarms shall be ready heard by all personnel in any work area and shall be readily heard inside all rig site living quarters. Two detection device stations shall be positioned on the perimeter of the camp site. c. d. The alarm system shall be designed and strategically positioned so that at least one visual alarm strobe light is clearly visible to all personnel in any work area. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 32 of 78 . The flow line opining to the shale shaker. 1) The sensors for one of the systems shall be located as near as practical to: a. The Driller’s position and about 18-24 inches above the floor. One sensor shall be positioned outside the rig military post.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Continued Appendix No. One sensor shall be positioned at the camp muster station. The top of the bell nipple. 2) Remote H2S Detection Devices shall also be positioned as follows: a. This integrated Combustible Gas and H2S Detection System shall be continuously supplied with both rig electric power and an emergency battery power back-up source sized for a minimum of sixty (60) minutes of full operation. meeting rooms. The cellar. Integrated Combustible Gas and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Detection and Alarm System An integrated Combustible Gas and H2S Detection System with separate and distinct Visual / Audible Alarms shall be installed on all onshore well site locations with known or suspected H2S Hazards. A. on the closest side to the drilling rig. and training cabins. The sensors shall be place at no more than 24 inches above the terrain ground level or rig substructure level for camps situated within the well site perimeter. and warning systems associated with the Rig Operator’s H2S Safety Program Procedures. b. Combustible Gas Detection and Alarm System All onshore well sites shall have a continuous combustible gas monitor and alarm system composed of a minimum of two combustible gas detection devices connected to a low level visual alarm (Red Strobe) and a high level visual and audible alarm. b. and training cabins. One to the Driller. e. 3) At the rig. 5) Six Personal Portable H2S Monitors. One to the Aramco Foreman. The top of the bell nipple b. two spare H2S sensors. d. shops. c.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. 4) There shall be a minimum of one spare LEL sensor. one monitor shall be located in the doghouse and the other located in the Supervisor or Toolpushers office. 2) The combustible gas alarm system (red strobe light and audible alarm) shall be set for a maximum low level visual alarm at 20% LEL (Methane) and maximum high level visual and audible alarm at 50% LEL (Methane). then additional alarms shall be installed. The Audible alarms shall be ready heard by all personnel in any work area and shall be readily heard inside all rig site living quarters. 5) There shall be. meeting rooms. if H2S alarms cannot be clearly heard and seen in these areas. 4) Rig Site: One monitor shall be located in the doghouse and the other located in the Supervisor or Toolpushers office (24 Hour manned area). One to the Rig Manager. The flow line opening to the shale shaker. The alarm system shall be designed and strategically positioned so that at least one visual alarm strobe light is clearly visible to all personnel in any work area. at a minimum. One to the Shakerman. The minimum of two (2) required combustible gas detection devices shall be located as follows: 1) Rig Combustible Gas Detection Device Locations: a. One to the Derrickman. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 33 of 78 .2 / Continued Note: Consideration shall be given to all work areas such as the logging unit and military post. Alarm to be Set at 10 ppm Distributed as Follows: a. two (2).two (2). One to the Rescue Team Leader. e. Choke manifold . Shale shaker . Required Breathing Apparatus 1) All Onshore Well site Breathing Apparatus shall be equivalent to the SCBA Units specified in SA G. Open-circuit positive pressure design.2 / Continued f. Each gas detector shall be labeled with: date of last calibration and name of person performing calibration. Mud Pits . medium and high level H2S and SO2 tubes. 8) Test Kit for checking H2S concentrations in water base and oil base mud (equipment such as a Garrett Gas Train). f. g. The range of detection tubes shall be able to accurately measure from 0ppm-high percentage H2S and SO2. Integrated Face Mask Voice Communication Device (Specified Locations).two (2). Rig floor . d. Logging unit .I. 2) Minimum 10-Minute SCBA Escape Units with integrated Cascade BA Manifold Connections and Cylinder Quick Fill Connections shall be positioned as follows: a. c. Mud mixing area .-1780 specified units (NFPA-1500 compliant for all fire and rescue team members). Integrated OEM Cylinder Quick Fill Connection (Emergency Packs Only 10/15 minute). log books with maintenance and calibration records shall be maintained for each gas detector.six (6). Minimum 10-Minute Escape Cylinder / Minimum 30-Minute Emergency Operations Cylinder.I. b.two (2). e. Note: All portable gas monitoring equipment shall be calibrated monthly. d. In derrick for Derrickman (at monkey board) . f. C. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 34 of 78 . 7) Two portable combustible gas or vapor monitors.four (4).1780 with the minimum design features: a.two (2). b. Cascade BA System Manifold Hose Connection. c. Equivalent Harness Quality to the SA G.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. 6) Two portable H2S detectors (hand pump suction type such as Gas-tech) with an adequate supply of low. All Rig camp Accommodation Cabins when located within the well site perimeter. This examination shall include a pulmonary function test.5 cubic ft. 3) Minimum 30-Minute SCBA Escape Units with integrated Cascade BA Manifold Connections and integrated Face Mask Voice Communication Devices shall be positioned as follows: a. Any employee who may. Per man per minute. be required to wear respiratory protection equipment shall successfully complete an annual examination by a competent medical staff. Secondary safe briefing area .two (2).2 / Continued h.two (2). This requirement shall be waived for any personnel with valid H2S safety Training Certificates unless their H2S drill performance or competency observations establish further training is required. Company Foreman’s office/quarters . Primary safe briefing area . SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 35 of 78 . i. 3. f. 2. All Rig Site Accommodation Cabins. in the course of his employment. 5) A cascade storage system of a capacity sufficient to provide breathing air to all working crew members for not less than 60 minutes at a consumption rate of 3.two (2).three (3). SCR room . Rig Floor . Note: Specialized operations such as well testing may require further SCBA. d. 4) At least one fully-charged spare cylinder shall be provided for each 30 minute SCBA at each designated Safe Briefing Area. Persons should not be assigned to tasks requiring the use of respiratory protective equipment unless it has been determined that they are physically able to work while wearing the equipment. Each work area with potential exposure to H2S shall have SCBA available. he shall demonstrate that he is capable of donning it. each person in that work area shall be able to reach said SCBA within 10 seconds. adjusting the face piece. operations shall be considered when planning SCBA requirements.eight (8). Note: 1.eight (8). and turning on the pressure demand air. e. c. Each work area shall be individually assessed for risk of exposure to H2S.two (2). j. Toolpushers office/quarters . Cement unit (when in use) . SCBA shall be strategically placed in all potential H2S hazard areas to ensure all personnel working in these areas can access a SCBA unit within 10 seconds.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. b. Before assignment of a SCBA to any person. two outlet manifold at the Derrickman’s Position (Monkey Board). b. High Pressure Distribution Loop Compression Fittings shall be strategically placed to minimize any potential hazard associated with impact displacement and provided with protective shielding in any high activity hazard area. three outlet manifolds at the Mud Pits. = 49 X 300 cu ft. The compressors shall be a permanent installation allowing the immediate recharging of all cascade cylinders connected in the integrated high pressure loop. b. There shall be one. e. 6) One electric powered and one diesel powered breathing air compressor capable of producing a minimum output of 11cfm. storage cylinders. h. There shall be two. c. There shall be two. There shall be one. An integrated high pressure loop with appropriate isolation valves shall be installed which permits any cascade breathing air cylinder to be filled from the compressor and any breathing air manifold to be supplied with any single section of the integrated high pressure loop isolated. Note: Each breathing air manifold shall be fitted with certified breathing air connection hoses of a suitable length to allow work to be conducted so as to restrict the need to change connections from one manifold to another (all work hoses shall be restricted to a length no greater than 100-ft. four outlet manifold at the Shale Shakers. four outlet manifold at the Mud Mixing Area.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. 7) Minimum Cascade BA Manifold Locations: a.). 70 X 60 X 3. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 36 of 78 . to allow filling the cascade storage system cylinders connected in an integrated high pressure loop in a reasonable amount of time and to maintain them at full. three outlet manifold at the Mud Pumps. two outlet manifold at the Casing Stabbing Board (Retractable SS Air Line Reel). a. The rig emergency generator shall be able to power the compressor in the event of a Rig Primary Electrical Power Failure and the compressors are specifically prohibited from being fitted with an automatic start feature. four outlet manifold at the Cement Unit. There shall be one. There shall ne one. The manifolds shall be located adjacent the defined escape exits to ensure the work hose will always lead to an exit. There shall be one. f. four outlet manifolds on the Drill Floor. d. No single breathing air hose on the drill floor can be of such a length that it will allow the user to cross the rotary table. There shall be one. c. g.2 / Continued Example: 70 personnel. All compressors shall have an ambient operating temperature of no less than 50°C and a minimum working pressure of 3600psi.5 = 14700 cu ft. but no less than 3780psi and included in the Rig RV Registry and RV Inspection Process. plus streamers to be strategically located so all personnel shall know wind direction. 14) A separate and distinct minimum 3600psi SCBA Cylinder Recharging Rack shall be provided if the Rig Operator wishes to operate the required integrated high pressure loop at less than 3600psi. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 37 of 78 . 15) A competent person shall conduct weekly air purity testing utilizing a compliant air purity test kit for CO2. high volume (40.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. 2) A minimum of three wind socks. Fire and Rescue Team Leaders. one at rig site and one at camp site. H2O and Oil Mist prior to recharging the cascade air cylinders. two in service. 16) All components of the Integrated Cascade BA System shall have both OEM Certification and traceability for the applicable MAWP and Breathing Air Service and shall be included in a comprehensive Cascade BA and SCBA Unit Registry. 13) Compressor Relief Valves shall be OEM RV Shop set at a maximum of 105% of Cascade BA Cylinder MAWP. 10) Compliant Integrated SCBA Face Mask Voice Communication Devices shall be provided for all Supervisors. each with a spare oxygen cylinder or a minimum of two bag valve mask (BVM – also known as an AMBU bag) with the capability of providing 100% 02. and Fire and Rescue Team Members 11) A set of green. 7) Eyes wash stations/Safety Showers shall be located in the following hazard areas: a. Emergency Safety Equipment 1) Three "Bug Blowers" explosion proof. 3) Flare line ignition system (Alex-500 or equivalent) with backup flare gun and supply of 24 long shelf life cartridges. One wind sock is to be held as a spare. Recharging SCBA cylinders directly from the BA compressors is specifically prohibited. 12) Each cascade system shall be pressure tested to +10% of the operating pressure and purged before commissioning. 4) Two portable oxygen resuscitator units.000 cfm) and moveable. 5) Six 02 non re-breather masks. 6) Two 25 man First Aid Kits. On the rig floor or in the rig floor doghouse. yellow and red flags to signal H2S danger status. 9) There shall be a quick fill SCBA cylinder recharging connection at the drill floor and mud pit area.2 / Continued 8) Each cascade system shall be pressure tested to +10% of the maximum operating pressure and purged before commissioning after each rig move. D. Chief Mechanic.explosion proof with an extra set of batteries and extra lamp for each (number to be at least one for each two persons in the operation but not less than five).2 / Continued b. In the Super Sack Hopper Area d.2. Driller. Note: All safety equipment with rubber. Note: Dry eraser boards may be substituted for chalk boards). 13) One portable bull horn with extra battery pack.3. Chief Electrician)) and the Emergency Response Team Leaders (Fire and Rescue) shall have portable radios for safe and efficient incident management and emergency operations activities. Boards can be utilized as visual means of coordinating activities when working under a SCBA.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. In the mud mixing area. 12) Two Quick-Air splint kits. 10) Two safety harnesses with two (2) 250 foot retrieval ropes to be worn by search team for search and rescue operations under limited visibility.1. 14) Six small chalk boards with clamps for mounting with an adequate supply of chalk and erasers. plastic or other parts likely to deteriorate shall be stored in a dark air conditioned room. 8) Water quality to stringently comply with SAES-B-069: Section 5. 11) Two basket-type stretchers (Stokes or Navy type litter) with blankets. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 38 of 78 . In the Shale Shaker Area. 16) Flashlights . 17) All Supervisors (Toolpushers. 9) Eye wash and safety shower stations shall be diligently flushed and tested on a weekly basis. Hard pipe systems shall be flushed for a minimum of three (3) minutes in accordance with SAES-B-069: Section 5. Adequate supplies of sanitizing materials shall be available for sanitizing face masks and other body contact equipment.1 Requirements and be maintained between 15o and 38°C in accordance with SAES-B-069: Section 5. securing straps and lifting harnesses. c. The integrated continuous monitoring system composed of the specified detection devices connected to a visual / audible alarm system installed throughout the MODU. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 39 of 78 . Sensors shall be located as near as practical to: 1) H2S and Combustible Gas sensors at the top of the bell nipple (Bell Nipple Flow Line Outlet is an acceptable alternative). B.24 inches above the floor in the Engine Room. 2) H2S and Combustible Gas sensors at the flow line opening to the shale shaker. A. This integrated Combustible Gas and H2S Detection System shall be continuously supplied with both rig emergency power and an emergency battery power back-up source sized for a minimum of sixty (60) minutes of full operation. 7) H2S Sensor positioned approximately 18 . (In the Compartment Air Flow Stream) 6) H2S sensors shall be positioned at all air intakes for the living quarters and adjacent the Main Deck Entry / Exit Doors. All sensors shall have protective housings (rain caps) capable of protecting the sensor from accidental spray from rig wash down hoses and accidental mud and/or oil splashes. Combustible Gas Sensor shall be located above the Draw Works. An integrated Combustible Gas and H2S Detection System with separate and distinct Visual / Audible Alarms shall be installed on all MODUs. Combustible Gas Sensor shall be positioned approximately (36) inches from the ceiling. Combustible Gas Sensor shall be positioned approximately 18 . H2S detection devices.24 inches above the Drill Floor between the rotary table and the Drillers Cabin.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Continued Appendix No.24 inches from the ceiling above the flow line opening.24 inches above the floor in the mud pump room. 3) H2S Sensor at Drillers position approximately 18 . A structured PM and testing program shall be developed and diligently implemented in order to ensure continuous calibration and operation. 4) H2S Sensor at the mud pits (Mud Pit Room Flow Line Opening is an acceptable alternative). and warning systems associated with the H2S Safety Program Procedures. The alarm system stations shall be designed and strategically positioned to ensure at least one visual alarm strobe light is clearly visible to all personnel in any work area and in specified locations within the accommodation module. All personnel shall be informed by the Rig Operator of the specific well hazards linked to H2S and shall receive specific instruction and demonstrate competency in the correct use of any personal safety equipment. The audible alarms shall be readily heard by all personnel in any work area and in the accommodation module. Combustible Gas Sensor shall be positioned approximately (36) inches from the ceiling (In the Compartment Air Flow Stream).3 SA Standard Safety Equipment for H2S Operations on all Offshore D&WO Rigs 1. 5) H2S Sensor positioned approximately 18 . Required Breathing Apparatus All Offshore MODU Breathing Apparatus shall be equivalent to the SCBA Units specified in SA G. 6) Equivalent Harness Design Quality to the SA G. and recreation room. d.I. adjusting the face piece. Note: This setting criteria applies to cold work situations only. e.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. 2) Integrated Face Mask Voice Communication Device (Specified Locations). Note: Before assignment of a SCBA to any person. conference room. c. The H2S alarm system (amber strobe lights and audible alarm) shall be set for a maximum low level visual alarm at 10 ppm and a maximum high level visual and audible alarm at 20ppm. The combustible gas alarm system (red strobe light and audible alarm) shall be set for a maximum low level visual alarm at 20% LEL (Methane) and maximum high level visual and audible alarm at 50% LEL (Methane).I. 4) Integrated OEM Cylinder Quick Fill Connection (Emergency Packs Only 10/15 minute). he shall demonstrate that he is capable of donning it. and turning on the pressure demand air. b.3 / Continued 8) A spare H2S and Combustible Gas sensor system with 200 feet of cable on 316 L SS portable reel and cabinet shall be mounted aft of the accommodation module and will be used to monitor any potential BOP / Well Platform Operations Activities H2S Release Sources. 5) Cascade BA System Manifold Hose Connection. The audible alarms shall be readily heard by all personnel in any work area and in the accommodation module. a. C. There shall be at least four spare H2S sensors. The two monitors shall be located in the OIM’s office and continuously manned Control Room or Radio Room. Persons should not be assigned to tasks requiring the use of respiratory protective equipment unless it has been determined that they are physically able to work while wearing the equipment.1780 with the minimum compliant design features: 1) Open-circuit positive pressure design. 3) Minimum 15-Minute Escape Cylinder / Minimum 30-Minute Emergency Operations Cylinder. This requirement shall be waived for any personnel with valid H2S safety Training Certificates unless their H2S drill performance or competency observations establish further training is required. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 40 of 78 . galley. The alarm system stations shall be designed and strategically positioned to ensure at least one visual alarm strobe light is clearly visible to all personnel in any work area and in the accommodation module corridors.1780 specified units (NFPA 1500 compliant for all fire and rescue team members). Two SCBA’s in the pit room. P. B. Minimum Three SCBA’s below decks at the designated muster point(s) for the Mechanic. I. Two SCBA’s in the shale shaker house. these units shall be stored in protective cases in each cabin and allocated one to each bunk.3 / Continued Any employee who may. Minimum Five SCBA's shall be stored at the port safe briefing area for the use of the designated firefighting and rescue team members. One SCBA in the Barge Engineers office. N. Two SCBA’s in the pump room. D. Further hose-line work units with 15 minute escape cylinders shall be stored as follows: 1) Eight work units (three with integrated face mask voice communication devices) on the rig floor in a convenient location. Four SCBA’s for the use of the Driller and Assistant driller) on the drill floor. Two SCBA's shall be stored in the Aramco Foreman’s office. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 41 of 78 . 2. There shall be a minimum of one 15 minute escape unit for each person aboard. One SCBA in the H2S Safety Supervisors office. C. Two SCBA’s in the rig clinic for the medic and his assistant. Motor Man. K. Minimum Five SCBA's shall be stored at the starboard safe briefing area for the use of the designated firefighting and rescue team members. G. F.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. L. M. Four spare SCBA’s for use as required. J. be required to wear respiratory protection equipment shall be deemed physically fit to do so (refer to HSERM / E / E-11 / MR). H. if his normal work station is outside the accommodation O. The minimum required 30 minute SCBA Units equipped with a cascade manifold connection and integrated Face Mask Voice Communication Devices shall be provided as follows in protective cases / cabinets: A. E. Two SCBA’s at the top of the access stairs to the production platform. Each man with designated potentially remote location emergency response operations assignments on the MODU Station Bill shall have a 30-Minute with an integrated face mask voice communication device in his cabin. Two SCBA's shall be stored in the OIM’s office. in the course of his employment. and Electricians use. 14) One work unit at the starboard crane cab.3 / Continued 2) Two work units each with integrated face mask voice communication devices on the stabbing board. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 42 of 78 . 4) Two work units shall be stored in the pit room. 3) Two work units shall be located in the derrick at the Derrickman’s position. 8) A minimum of four work units shall be stored on the production platform for personnel working on the platform and stack. 15) One work unit at the Bow Crane. Each work area with potential exposure to H2S shall have SCBA available.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. 12) One work unit equipped with a rescue hood at the port safe briefing area for the rescue teams use. each person in that work area shall be able to reach said SCBA within 10 seconds. 16) Nine spare integrated face mask voice communication devices with a supply of spare batteries. finger board. 9) Two work units shall be stored in the shakers. 11) One work unit equipped with a rescue hood at the starboard safe briefing area for the rescue teams use. 5) Two work units shall be stored in the pump room. 6) Two work units shall be stored in the mechanical/electrical workshop. 18) Further 15 minute SCBA shall be positioned in any other manned area as operations require Note: Each work area shall be individually assessed for risk of exposure to H2S. 7) Two work units shall be stored in the warehouse. 17) Six work units in the control/radio room. 13) One work unit at the port crane cab. 10) A minimum of four work units shall be stored in the logging unit (there shall be a sufficient number of work units for all personnel in the unit at any given time). each with purification system and minimum capacity of 11 scfm at 3600 psi (minimum total capacity 33 scfm). Low pressure lines shall have an inner diameter of not less than ⅜ inch. Main Engine.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. which shall monitor as a minimum. a compliant air purity test kit shall be onboard to continuously support weekly air quality testing for CO2.5 cu ft. one electrical mains powered and the third. All compressor relief valves shall be annually certified by the OEM or an API Relief Valve Shop and entered into the MODU Relief Valve Registry and RV re-certification process. and included in a comprehensive Cascade BA and SCBA Unit Registry.5 cubic foot per man per minute is to be used to calculate the air volume required. to evacuate. one diesel powered. Additional provision should also be made for the re-boarding of the MODU. The total stored air capacity shall not be less than 21. and Oil Mist.3 / Continued 3. A Consumption rate of 3. The breathing air cascade shall include but not be limited to: 1) Three air compressors. (Example: 100 personnel x 60 minutes x 3. prior to recharging cascade BA cylinder racks. High pressure lines shall have as a minimum an outer diameter (OD) of not less than 3/8 inch. per minute = 21000 cu ft. electrical auxiliary powered. isolation valves shall be installed so as to allow individual sections of high pressure pipe and individual storage racks to be isolated without resulting in the isolation of the alternative loop path.000 cu ft. The compressors shall be position on the highest practical point of the accommodation in order to minimize the intake of contaminated air from sources such as the E-Gen. 3) All compressors shall have an ambient operating temperature of no less than 50°C and a minimum relief valve set pressure of 3780psi and a maximum set pressure of not greater than 105% of the HP Loop MAWP. 2) All oil lubricated compressors shall be fitted with OEM compliant continuous air purity monitoring and shutdown systems. High Pressure Distribution Loop Compression Fittings shall be strategically placed to minimize any potential hazard associated with impact displacement and provided with protective shielding in any high activity hazard area or Muster Station. All components of the Integrated Cascade BA System shall have both OEM Certification and traceability for the applicable MAWP and Breathing Air Service. Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Sulfide. 4) Stored air shall be distributed via a looped tubing/hose distribution system. and Galley Hood Exhausts. A looped minimum 3600psi high pressure cascade storage system of a capacity sufficient to provide breathing air to all persons aboard for a period adequate to provide reasonable time for Non-essential personnel to muster and evacuate and for essential personnel to work to control the H2S exposure and if necessary. Water. shall be installed on each MODU. A structured contaminated air hazard review shall be completed in conjunction with the compressor location selection. A. All lifeboat cascade systems shall be equipped with lifeboat OEM certified break away air supply line connection installed in accordance with lifeboat OEM specifications and applicable classification society requirements. In addition.). SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 43 of 78 . low pressure hose connections shall not be fitted with any type of locking device which may hinder the connection of SCBA which shall supply breathing air to work manifolds. three outlet manifolds in the engine room. 9) There shall be one. A 316 L SS portable reel shall be mounted at the Stabbing Board for the hose to ensure the hose will not catch or hang up on equipment. three outlet manifolds in the pump room.35 m2 area per person without including the defined access and escape paths. Lines shall be protected and secured appropriately in high traffic areas and at all Muster Stations. and hull compartment. 10) There shall be one. this will require a sufficient reservoir of air to be included in the manifold design. two outlet manifolds at the starboard crane cab. 5) There shall be one. 6) There shall be a Quick Fill recharging point for all types of SCBA cylinders in use. The Manifolds shall be Positioned as Follows: 1) There shall be four. two outlet manifolds at the bow crane cab.3 / Continued 5) Breathing air manifolds shall be so designed that they will retain air sufficient to equalize the demand for breathing air under heavy use. four outlet manifolds shale shaker house.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. three outlet manifolds in the pit room. 6) There shall be two. two outlet manifolds at the stabbing board. four outlet manifolds in the mud mixing area. Work manifolds shall be placed around the rig as necessary to enable essential personnel to safely and efficiently work to mitigate the H2S Release Incident. 8) There shall be one. 7) There shall be one. six outlet manifolds in the radio room. 7) High pressure hard lines shall be installed and routed to ensure safety of personnel in case of a connection failure. three outlet manifolds at the Derrickman's position. 12) There shall be one. drill floor. 2) There shall be one. 4) There shall be two. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 44 of 78 . 13) There shall be one. available at all safe briefing areas. 11) There shall be one. two outlet manifolds at the port crane cab. four outlet manifolds on the cement unit. 3) There shall be two. 14) There shall be one outlet at the starboard muster station for the total number of personnel whom may be assigned to that muster stations based upon the minimum unobstructed area of 0. four outlet manifolds on the drill floor. A Test Kit shall be used to perform quantitative Sulphide analysis in conjunction with the Gas train system.001. 12 personal portable H2S monitors. Six bug blowers. B.3 / Continued 15) There shall be one outlet at the port muster station for the total number of personnel whom may be assigned to that muster station based upon the minimum area of 0. C. and flags to be strategically located at separate and distinct locations throughout the MODU. The manifolds shall be located adjacent the defined escape exits to ensure the work hose will always lead to an exit. Note: Each breathing air manifold shall be fitted with certified breathing air connection hoses of a suitable length to allow work to be conducted so as to restrict the need to change connections from one manifold to another (all work hoses shall be restricted to a length no greater than 100ft.SO2 detectors. D.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. Four portable H2S detectors (hand pump suction type such as Gas-tech) with an adequate supply of low. Flare Boom OEM Remote Flare Line Ignition System. B.000 cfm or larger) and movable. Garrett Gas Train Sulphide Analysis unit with supply of accessory equipment (Dreager tubes) for testing water and oil based mud for H2S levels. Unobstructed readily visible wind socks (4 minimum). so all personnel can immediately determine the wind direction. D. (suction type) with H2S and SO2 tubes. high volume (25. 1852. Additional Safety Equipment A. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 45 of 78 . One emergency flare gun with a supply of 20 cartridges with long shelf life shall be stored in a lockedup wooden box in the Company Foreman’s office. streamers. E. 4.I.35 m2 area per person without including the defined access and escape paths. Four portable H2S . All rigs shall have functional and dedicated flare gun on location. No single breathing air hose on the drill floor can be of such a length that it will allow the user to cross the rotary table.). The range of detection tubes shall be able to accurately measure from 0ppm-high percentage H2S and SO2. 17) There shall be one outlet in the port lifeboat for each passenger (maximum allowable). C. explosion proof. Portable Gas Monitoring Equipment A. 5. medium and high level H2S and SO2 tubes. Continuous H2S mud monitoring system. prior to commencing and during D&WO Operations as per G. A Hydrogen Sulphide calibrator suitable for the purpose of calibrating the fixed and/or portable monitoring system. 16) There shall be one outlet in the starboard lifeboat for each passenger (maximum allowable). Six small chalk / white boards with clamps for mounting with an adequate supply of chalk / markers and erasers. K. Four first aid kits (each 25 man size).3 / Continued E. J. I. Stokes Navy. near the Supervisor's office.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-5 / H2S / Appendix No. Adequate supplies of sanitizing material shall be available for sanitizing face masks and other body contact equipment. Four Quick-Air splint kits or equivalent. Note: Dry eraser boards may be substituted for chalk boards. shall be stored in an air conditioned. Four portable oxygen resuscitators with eight spare oxygen cylinders. Flashlights . Four stretchers of the following type. plastic or other parts likely to deteriorate. F. dark and designated area. Six portable electronic bull horn speakers with six extra battery packs.explosion proof with extra set of batteries and extra bulb for each (minimum number shall be 10 flashlights). Spine Board. Boards can be utilized as visual means of coordinating activities when working under a SCBA. Note: All safety equipment with rubber. Scoop with blankets and securing straps that are capable of being carried on the helicopter or transportation serving the rig. G. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 46 of 78 . H. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-6 Housekeeping SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 47 of 78 . 10. 9. clean. G. stored in tiers shall be stacked. shall be stored in approved covered metal container and disposed of as hazardous waste. Empty sacks and containers. All rubbish bins shall have a cover (Reference: SASCS-07). no matter what chemical or the quantity spilt. shall be cleaned up immediately.. Emergency escape routes shall be kept clear at all times. and limited in height so they are stable and secure against sliding or collapse. 5. hazardous chemical containers (Reference: G. stairs and walkways shall not be obstructed by debris or stored materials. The area around emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers shall be kept clear at all times. Work areas. 6. fire. The area around the rotary table shall be kept clear of obstacles. 7. explosion. from mixing mud.I.2. Storage areas shall be kept free from accumulation of materials that constitute hazards. super sacks. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 48 of 78 . The area around the Mixing Hoppers shall be kept clear at all times. such as oily rags. 4.Inland Oil Spill Response and SAHWC).2. The Area around the BOP controls shall be clear of materials to allow unobstructed access.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-6 / Housekeeping (HK) 1. Combustible materials. 3. If the chemical is classified as hazardous. bundles. The area around the base of all ladders shall be kept clear to provide unhampered access to the ladder.e. 11. etc. 2. waste oil and other waste. materials and any accumulation of oil. tripping. Any and all chemical spills. mud. Chemical spills shall be cleaned up and disposed of as per the MSDS. 13. shall be stacked neatly and disposed of appropriately as soon as mixing is complete. the chemical shall be disposed of appropriately i. Bags. or circulating fluids.400 . 8. 12. Storage of material shall not create a hazard. containers. blocked.401 . water.Offshore Oil Contingency Plan.I. Pallets shall never be stored more than two high. All walking and working surfaces shall be kept in good repair and free from oil. and other potentially slippery material. Rubbish bins shall be provided around the location. and free of tools. or environmental hazard. drill pipe. 16. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. remove permanent trip hazards from walkways. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 49 of 78 . All permanent trip hazards in emergency escape routes shall be marked with black and yellow diagonal stripes. 15. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-6 / HK / Continued 14. Definitions. Were practical. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 Fire Fighting Equipment And Operations SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 50 of 78 . References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. 4. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 51 of 78 . Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Definitions. 3. B-7a / Onshore Rig Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (ON/FFE&O). B-7b / Offshore Rig Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (OFF/FFE&O). 2.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (FFE&O) HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O covers the following types of Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations: 1. and provided with an OEM protective cover or cabinet. For each rig. Monthly Fire Water System Equipment Function Tests 3. All rig fire detection and extinguishing equipment maintenance. appropriately mounted so that the top of the extinguisher is 1m above the ground. B.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / Continued B-7a / Onshore Rig Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (ON/FFE&O) 1. 8. along with the firefighting equipment specified in the contract. inspection. Post Rig Move Fire Water System Equipment Function Test. the Rig Operator shall provide and continuously maintain the fire detection and extinguishing system equipment. All fire extinguishers shall be conspicuously signed. and testing activities shall be documented in an inspection log. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 52 of 78 . the Rig Operator shall prepare a fire control plan and the plan shall be permanently exhibited on the rig. and/or required maintenance servicing. 7. C. specified in the Drilling/Workover Contract. 5. On every onshore drilling or workover rig. The essential elements of this structured rig firefighting equipment maintenance and inspection program are as follows: A. Any fire extinguishers removed from the well site for maintenance and/or recharging shall be replaced by spare extinguishers during the period they are missing. 4. 2. The Rig Operator shall develop and implement a structured rig fire detection and extinguishing equipment maintenance and inspection program designed to ensure all detection and extinguishing equipment is readily accessible and continuously operable in their designated locations. Fire detection and extinguishing equipment shall not be tampered with and shall not be removed for other than for firefighting. training. Post Rig Move Fire Water System Hydro-test and Flush. All firefighting equipment shall be inspected monthly as a minimum. 6. Carbon tetrachloride and other toxic vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers are prohibited. Halon-1301 Fixed Extinguishing Systems and Halon-1301 or Halon-2402 Portable Fire Extinguishers are prohibited and shall be removed from service and replaced with a compliant environmentally sensitive agent. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Continued 9. The rig crew shall validate the safe and effective implementation of this plan in routine rig fire training exercises and emergency drills. Cylinders have valid hydrostatic test date (every five years). C. available for immediate use at all times while engaged in drilling operations or in transit and have conspicuously placed operational instructions for each system. Identify the Fire Team composition. All designated Fire Team Members shall wear NFPA-1500 compliant firefighting PPE and 30 minute SCBA.1): A. Fuel tank storage area(s). C. E.2 / Figure No. Identify the primary and secondary Fire Attack Teams that will fight the fire. F. As a minimum the fire attack plan shall include the following: A. BOP / Cellar Area D. 11. B. dry powder. Each rig (land and offshore) the drilling contractor shall develop written site specific Fire Attack Plans for each of the following areas (Refer to HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Appendix No. Identify specific firefighting equipment and procedures to fight a fire in that specific area. as a minimum this will consist of: Fire Team leader and 3 further members. Fixed fire extinguishing systems for each onshore rigs (including water. D. or foam) shall be kept in good working order. Include procedures such as a “T” Card system. Any other area on the rig where a fire may be reasonably thought possible. As per Drilling Manual Chapter-8 Section F 3. carbon dioxide. The drilling contractor shall provide adequate training to ensure that all personnel are capable of performing their assigned tasks as specified in the fire attack plan. Rig site and camp accommodation cabins. 12. F. Include rescue procedures for rescuing potentially injured personnel from the fire site or vicinity. 10. to facilitate a rapid and accurate head count or other means to account for all personnel.4. B. Engine compartment or engine skid. E. Note: The drilling contractor shall provide adequate training to ensure that all personnel are capable of safely and effectively performing their assigned tasks as specified in the fire attack plans. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 53 of 78 . Identify the maximum allowable response time for the Fire team to assemble and fight the fire. SCR room. Cylinders continuously in service without discharging may be retained in service for a maximum of 12 years from the date of last hydro-test. B. Choke Manifold / Cellar Area. high noise areas shall also be furnished with a visual alarm (strobe lights). Fire Water Pump and Diesel Engine. Each rig shall have a diesel fire pump operation procedure which clearly defines the minimum required Engine RPM and discharge pressure for both drill floor hose reel operations and simultaneous ground level hose reel operations. Drill Floor. All fire doors shall remain closed at all times unless fitted with magnetic locks (or a similar device) which shall automatically release when an alarm is activated. Manual Start Controller / Manual Engine Speed Control. The diesel fire water pump engine shall be designed to operate in a minimum 52o C Ambient Temperature Environment and have the minimum components designed in accordance with applicable API Standards: A.2 / Figure No. Manual fire alarm stations shall be conspicuously located. 15. 16. B. C. Each rig shall install a fire water system (See HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Appendix No. 14. A manually operated quarter turn pressure control valve routed back to the drill water storage tank shall be provided on the diesel fire pump skid. Skid Isolation Valves. C.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Continued Note: Discharged cylinders shall not be recharged without a hydrostatic test and remarking if more than 5 years have elapsed from the date of the last test. Digital Engine Tachometer.2) composed of a diesel fire water pump skid taking suction from the drill water tank and supplying a minimum 3 inch fire water distributing system connected to a minimum of three (3) fire hose reel stations strategically located in the following hazard areas: A. Fire alarms shall be audible in all areas of the rig. D. At the end of 12 years of service an in-place discharge test shall be conducted and hydro-test performed. Mud Pump / Generator / Diesel Fuel Storage Area. 17. 18. 13. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 54 of 78 . The 3 inch Rig Fire Water Distribution System (FWDS) shall be composed of 3 inch pipe and 3 inch high pressure hose with integrated couplings designed for a minimum working pressure of 250psi.001-1). at a height of 2feet above the bottom. The minimum required fire hose reel stations shall be designed as follows: A. C. 1781. 100-ft. brass couplings on the drill floor.25-in.25-in.50-in. Shut-In @ 175psi (Maximum). and provided with an OEM Hose Cabinet or protective cover and a gated isolation valve. The access to any fire hose reel station shall not be blocked. The 3 inch FWDS should be flushed prior to pressure testing. 1. in order to allow a fire truck to take suction from the rig water supply. fire hose stations may be substituted for the 100-ft 1. is equipped with brass couplings. is rated for a minimum 250psi working pressure. 21. L-84 Goodall rubber fire hose with 1. 24. The diesel fire water shall have the following rated conditions designed to provide a minimum 75psi at any 1. Note: 100-ft. An Elkhart Model EB25 Uni-body valve shall be installed on the drill water storage tank. ¼ Turn ball isolation valve installed at the hose reel inlet connection.50-in.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Continued 19. L-84 Goodall rubber fire hose with 1. ground level fire hose reels. Akron 3019 95 GPM 1. 50-ft. 250 GPM @ 160psi. provided the 100’ 1. 23. hose strictly complies with the NFPA-1962 Standard. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 55 of 78 . the fire water system shall be hydro-tested to 250psi for 20-minutes with no leaks and then thoroughly flushed of any potentially obstructive materials. Fire hoses shall be hydro-tested annually to a minimum pressure of 250psi (Refer to G.25-in. brass couplings at ground level fire hose reel stations.25 inch hoses in operation: A. Brass Pistol Grip Nozzle or approved equal.50-in. B. B. D. length of 1. 22.I. Each fire hose shall be completely unrolled and inspected by the Rig Operator once each month and defective parts should be replaced. Following each rig move and prior to spud. length of 1.50-in. 20. Flush entire system with hose nozzles removed and pressure to 250 psi with ¼ turn isolation valves at fire hose reel stations in closed position. 500 GPM @ 140 psi.25 inch fire hose reel station. This will allow for any contaminants / obstructions to be removed as well as minimize air pockets in the system which could allow for false indications of system leak by drop in pressure. with two (2) 1. in a readily vehicle accessible location. C.50-in. spray jet type) incorporating a shutoff. 27. 29. 30. Each fire hydrant shall be equipped with a spanner wrench. Each fire nozzle shall either be attached to the hose or stored next to the fire hydrant to which the fire hose is attached. 26. Each fire station shall be properly identified by marking: "FIRE STATION NO.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Continued 25.1 and 2.____" next to the station in letters at least 5 centimeters (2 inches) high.e. Each fire hose shall be properly stored on a rack or reel when not in use. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 56 of 78 . Each hose water nozzle provided shall be of an approved dual purpose type (i. Additional information on requirements is available in specific Rig Contracts / Schedule “G” and HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Appendix No. 28. Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers shall be either Badger 10V or Kidde Pro 10CD. Powder 1 30lb Warehouse Foray (ABC) Powder 1 30lb SA Material House Foray (ABC) Powder 1 30lb Shale Shakers Foray (ABC) Powder Cabins 10lb Accommodation Cabins Foray (ABC) Powder SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Dry Chemical Extinguishing Agent Purple K. D. 3) 10lb Dry Chemical Extinguishers shall be Ansul Sentry 10. Powder 1 30lb Gasoline Storage Tank Purple K. Hand / Portable Fire Extinguishers The specified CO2 and Dry Chemical Hand / Portable Fire Extinguishers shall be of the specified manufacturers and models and deployed as follows: A. Powder 1 30lb Diesel Storage Tank Purple K. Minimum Required Dry Chemical Extinguisher Design / Placement Table Required Number Required Size Required Location 2 150lb Heeled Diesel Fuel Storage/Generator Tool Pushers Office 1 150lb Heeled Rig Camp Foray (ABC) Powder 2 30lb Rig Floor Purple K. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguisher Specification Requirements 10 lb. Powder 1 30lb Utility House Purple K. 2) 30lb Dry Chemical Extinguishers shall be Ansul Red Line. Powder 1 30lb Accumulator Purple K. Powder 1 30lb Each Mud Tank Purple k.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Continued Appendix No. Powder 1 30lb Each Generator Purple K. Dry Chemical Extinguisher Specification Requirements 1) 150lb Wheeled Dry Chemical Extinguishers shall be Ansul Red Line. Minimum Required Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Design / Placement Table Required Number 2 1 Required Size 10 lb. B. 10 lb. Powder 1 30lb Each Mud Pump Purple K. Powder 2 30lb Tool Pushers Office Foray (ABC) Powder 1 30lb Camp Generator Purple K. Powder Page 57 of 78 . Required Location SCR Each Camp Kitchen Extinguishing Agent Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide C.1 1. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Continued Appendix No.2 / Figure No.1 SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 58 of 78 . Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7a / ON/FFE&O / Appendix No.2 SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 59 of 78 .2 / Continued Figure No. C. D. 6-Month Helideck Foam Fire Fighting System Foam Blanket Function Test. while engaged in drilling operations or in transit. 4. Fixed Extinguishing System Cylinder Racks (including operating instructions). and associated Shutdown Interlocks / Switches shall be placed in protective enclosures when located outside the hull compartment or similar protected space.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / Continued B-7b / Offshore Rig Fire Fighting Equipment and Operations (OFF/FFE&O) 1. available for immediate use at all times. designed to ensure all firefighting and rescue equipment is readily accessible and continuously operable in their designated locations. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 60 of 78 . and rescue equipment shall not be tampered with and shall not be removed for other than for firefighting. inspection. Any fire detection or fire extinguishing equipment removed from the offshore rig for maintenance. and testing activities shall be documented in an inspection log. extinguishing. the MODU Operator shall provide and continuously maintain the fire detection and extinguishing equipment. BOP / Well Platform Water spray and Helideck DIFFS System Function Flow Test. Weekly EFWP System and Fire Water / Foam Monitor System Functional Testing (Monitor can be used without foam) / Strainer cleaning. Annual Fire Hose Station Function Test. and testing program are as follows: A. 3. All offshore rig firefighting and extinguishing equipment maintenance. and/or recharging shall be replaced by compatible spare extinguishing equipment during the period they are missing. All fire extinguishers located in the potential helideck “Rotor Wash” Zone shall be stored in OEM Protective Cabinets. training. All firefighting and rescue equipment shall be conspicuously signed and appropriately mounted with OEM brackets and protective covers specifically designed for reliable service in the rugged offshore operating environment. Fire detection. Essential elements of a compliant firefighting and rescue equipment maintenance. 2. On every offshore drilling or workover rig. refurbishment. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted so that the top of the extinguisher is 1m above the ground and shall be provided with an OEM protective cover or cabinet specifically designed for offshore installations. Note: Canvas or cloth covers shall not be used as protective covers for firefighting equipment located in the “ROTOR WASH ZONE”. inspection. specified in both the applicable Drilling/Workover Contract and Classification Society Standards. and/or required maintenance servicing. The MODU Operator shall develop and implement a structured rig fire detection and extinguishing equipment maintenance and inspection program. Piping Manifolds. B. C. Jacked – Up 1) Bop Area . Halon-1301 Fixed Extinguishing Systems and Halon-1301 and Halon-2402 Portable Extinguishers are specifically prohibited. D. F. The electric fire water pump supplied from the sea chest shall be connected to the rig’s emergency power supply bus.600 GPM @ 75psi (Minimum Simultaneous Monitor Nozzle Pressure).692 GPM @ 75psi/60psi (Minimum Single / Simultaneous Foam Monitor Nozzle Pressure). Key components of the fire water system shall be as follows: A. This automatic pressure control system shall be specifically designed for reliable Seawater Service with Nickel Aluminum Bronze or 316L SS Body. G. 6. NFPA 20 complaint calibrated liquid filled pressure gauges shall be installed on the inlet side of the strainer and the outlet side of the actuation valve. and Buna-N diaphragms and seat discs. In addition. NFPA 20 complaint calibrated liquid filled suction and discharge pressure gauges The rig fire water system design shall be of sufficient capacity to provide the following minimum fire hazard area water supply with one (1) fire pump in operation and connected to the rig’s emergency power system: E. isolation valve). Each offshore rig shall have a dedicated fire water system supplied by a minimum of two (2) electric fire water pumps taking suction from the deep well pump system supply loop. Suction strainers shall have a nickel aluminum bronze or 316 L stainless steel body and 316 L of Monel strainer basket. check valve. Refer to the Section-8 below for examples of approved sea water service pressure relief valves. Carbon tetrachloride and other toxic vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers are prohibited. Rig Floating/Under Tow 1) Main Deck – 300 GPM @ 75psi (Minimum Simultaneous Fire Hose Nozzle Pressure). 7. 2) Heli-Deck – 692 GPM @ 75psi/60psi (Minimum Single / Simultaneous Monitor Nozzle Pressure). 316L or Monel stems. 2) Heli-Deck . SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 61 of 78 . All Halon-1301 Fixed Extinguishing Systems shall be replaced prior to initial Rig Acceptance or at the next 5-Yr Special Survey for existing MODUs. All fire pumps shall be installed in accordance with the relevant requirements of NFPA 20. Deep Well Pump System shall have an approved automatic pressure control valve specifically designed to maintain the defined minimum deep well pump system operating pressure in a helideck crash scenario. Seawater Suction strainers shall have a maximum mesh opening of 5mm.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued 5. at least one (1) of the fire water pumps shall be configured to be effectively supplied from the sea chest and drill water tanks. B. All fire pump suction line isolation valves shall be gate valves (butterfly valves expressly prohibited). NFPA 20 compliant EFWP discharge manifold configuration (RV Tee. OCV Model 108. and Buna-N diaphragms and seat discs. The minimum required BOP / Well Platform Deluge Water spray Design Density shall be . and GEM D-3 95o Water spray Nozzles or approved equals with a minimum 11mm orifice.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued 8.4 lpm/m2) with a minimum water spray nozzle operating pressure of 20psi. 316L or Monel stems. BOP / Well Platform Fire Water Monitor System Design Alternative The BOP / Well Platform Fire Hazard Area shall be protected with either an approved fire water monitor system or deluge water spray system. B. This automatic pressure control system shall be specifically designed for reliable Seawater Service with Nickel Aluminum Bronze or 316L SS Body. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 62 of 78 . The approved fire water monitor system design shall include two (2) 300 GPM @ 75psi fire water monitors strategically positioned on the port and starboard sides of the stern on the main deck. The BOP Area Fire Water Monitor Station shall be designed for reliable seawater firefighting service and utilize the following component examples or approved equals: 1) 3-in. Each Fire Water Pump shall have an approved automatic pressure relief valve specifically designed to limit the Main Deck Fire Water System Operating Pressure to a maximum of 150psi. The system shall be manually operated from a minimum of two (2) strategic escape path locations and the driller’s cabin. 3) Akron-4450 Brass 300 GPM @ 100psi Monitor Nozzle. Examples of approved EFWP Pressure Relief Valves are as follows: A.50 GPM/ft2 (20. from the rear of the cantilever area. 9. 2) Akron-3526 3-in. Inbal Series 700D. Suction strainers shall have a nickel aluminum bronze or 316 L stainless steel body and 316 L of monel strainer basket Spray nozzle connections shall branch from the upper part of the supply header between the ten o'clock and two o'clock position in order to minimize nozzle obstruction. Bermad Model 430-UF. The system shall be equipped with an approved sea water service strainer (maximum 5mm strainer mesh) located on the inlet side of the deluge system actuation valve. Full Port ¼ Turn SS Butterfly Valve. BOP / Well Platform Fire Fighting Systems A. Brass Monitor. BOP / Well Platform Deluge Water spray System Design Alternative The BOP / Well Platform Fire Hazard Area may alternatively be protected with a deluge water spray system designed in accordance with the applicable sections of API-2030 and NFPA-15. The fire water supply to these monitors shall be configured to allow them to be pre-aimed and actuated in an unobstructed 90o protective water spray pattern over the BOP / Well Platform Area. Spiral water spray nozzles designs are specifically prohibited due to poor operational experience with plugging. galvanized water spray system piping downstream of the strainer. C. B. Flex line ENX5 100-ft. All Rig Fire Hose Stations shall be equipped with the following component examples or approved equals: A. 11. Helideck Foam Bladder Tank Skid The compliant 150-Gallon Foam Bladder Tank Skid design includes an ASME Code Section-VIII internally coal tar coated tank. Akron 3019 or Elkhart SFL 1. All Rig Fire Hose Stations shall have a Minimum Nozzle Operating Pressure of 75psi and a Maximum Nozzle Operating Pressure of 125psi. 2) Buckeye. The Foam Monitor Nozzle shall be elevated a maximum of 25cm above the helideck surface and provide an unobstructed 90-Degree Foam Monitor Nozzle Spray Pattern across the entire helideck surface. Either Helideck Foam Fire Fighting System shall be supplied by a compliant 150-Gallon Foam Bladder Tank Skid utilizing a 3% MIL Spec AFFF Foam Concentrate.66m. C. A. A minimum of two (2) Helideck Foam Monitor Stations shall be located on separate and distinct Foam Monitor Platforms no greater than 50” below the helideck surface with direct stairway SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 63 of 78 . Examples of potentially compliant Helideck Foam Skid OEMs are as follows: 1) Ansul.50” Foam Hose Reel Station Ratio Controller.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued 10. hose with 1. ASME Code Section-VIII Relief Valve. Minimum 4” Foam Monitor / DIFFS Ratio Controller. 3) Skum.50-in. The Rig Fire Hose Stations shall be strategically positioned throughout all operational areas. Elkhart U-25 1.50-in. in accordance with the applicable Classification Society Standards. Foam Concentrate Level Indicator. SA CAP-437 Helideck Foam Fire Fighting System A SA CAP-437 compliant Helideck Foam Fire Fighting System composed of either a Foam Monitor System or DIFFS Foam Water spray System with a minimum compliant design for the SA Aviation AW-139 Helicopters having a D-Value=16. Where helideck foam booster pumps are provided they shall comply with the defined requirements of section 7 and 8 of this procedure. Maximum 2. Helideck Foam Monitor System The Helideck Foam Monitor System shall be designed to supply a minimum of 346 GPM @ 75psi Foam Monitor Nozzle Inlet Pressure to each of two (2) simultaneously operating Foam Monitor Stations. B. 1. In addition these pumps shall be equipped with a compliant by-pass line configuration. Brass Angle Valve.50-in. and 3” Foam Hose Reel Station Supply Manifold. brass couplings and 250psi / 500psi Pressure Rating. 6” Foam Monitor / DIFFS Supply Manifold. 316L SS bolts and ¼-Turn ball valves.50-in. B. 95 GPM Brass Pistol Grip Nozzles. The Helideck Foam Hose Reel Stations shall be designed for reliable seawater firefighting service and utilize the following component examples or approved equals: 1) ¼-Turn 316L SS Foam Hose Reel Station Isolation Ball Valve. 2) Akron-3526 3-inch Brass Monitor. Helideck Foam Hose Reel Stations In addition to either the Helideck Foam Monitor System or Helideck DIFFS Foam Water spray System. Helideck Foam Fire Fighting System EFWP Start Switches Helideck Foam Fire Fighting System EFWP Start Switches shall be provided at each Foam Monitor Station and / or at the HLO Staging Position located outside the potential helideck crash fragment zone SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 64 of 78 . two (2) Foam Hose Reel Stations shall be provided with a minimum 60 GPM flow of a 3% MIL Spec AFFF Foam Solution.50” Goodall L-84 Hose with integrated brass couplings. The Helideck Foam Monitor Stations shall be designed for reliable seawater firefighting service and utilize the following component examples or approved equals: 1) 3-inch Full Port ¼ Turn SS Butterfly Valves. Helideck DIFFS Foam Water spray System The Helideck DIFFS Foam Water spray System Design Alternative shall be installed in accordance with both the 2012 CAP-437: Chapter-5: Section-2.10-2. 2) OEM Offshore Material Spec Hose Reels. A direct stairway access / escape path shall also be provided under the helideck to each foam monitor station platform.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued access to the helideck surface. C. 4) Akron-3012 or Elkhart SFL 95-GPM Brass Pistol Grip Nozzle.12 and SA Offshore Helideck DIFFS Foam Water spray System Design Standard. These Foam Hose Reels shall be place in OEM Protective Cabinets and located 180o apart at the Foam Monitor Station Platforms or Helideck Access / Escape Stairway Platforms. 3) 1. Helideck DIFFS Foam Water spray Activation Switches shall be provided at the HLO Staging Position located outside the potential helideck crash fragment zone. through a 95 GPM Brass Pistol Grip Nozzle. 3) Buckeye BFMN-400 Brass 400 GPM @ 100psi Monitor Nozzle. Each Foam Hose Reel Station shall have direct unobstructed stairway access to the helideck surface and positioned so that the hose can be readily deployed across the helideck surface. D. E. Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued 12. Each offshore drilling or workover rig contractor shall develop and implement a practical Rig Fire Attack Plan, in accordance with the applicable requirements defined in the SA Drilling Manual Chapter-8 Section-F 3.4 (September 2010), See Appendix- 1. A. Engine Compartment. B. BOP / Well Platform Area. C. SCR Compartment. D. Pit Room. E. Mud Pump Room. F. Accumulator Unit / Deck. G. Heli-Deck. H. Accommodation Module. I. Rig Floor. 13. As a Minimum the Fire Attack Plan shall include the following: A. A “Quick Reference” Hazard Area Sketch with the Critical Sequential Emergency Response Actions (Refer to HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Appendix No.1), supplemented with a detailed Fire Attack Plan Operations Procedure defining the requirements of HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Section-13 (B-E). B. Identify the Fire Team composition, as a minimum this shall consist of a Fully Trained Fire Team leader and four (4) experienced team members. All designated members of the Primary and Secondary / Backup Fire Team shall have NFPA-1500 compliant firefighting PPE and 30 minute SCBA with integrated face mask voice communications devices. C. Identify specific firefighting / rescue equipment and procedures to safely and effectively conduct basic firefighting and rescue operations in the defined hazard area. D. Identify the maximum allowable response time for the Fire Team to assemble and safely initiate the required firefighting and/or rescue operations. E. Include procedures for conducting a head count or other means to account for all personnel. Include practical operational procedures for rescuing potentially injured personnel from the defined fire hazard area. Note: The drilling contractor shall provide adequate training to ensure that all personnel are capable of safely and effectively performing their assigned tasks as specified in their fire attack plans and validated their preparedness through a structured rig emergency exercise and drill program. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 65 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued 14. Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems SA approved manually actuated fixed fire extinguishing systems with the following specified shutdown interlocks shall be provided for the Engine Room, MCC Compartments, SCR and VFD Rooms, Paint Locker, and Galley Hoods. SA approved fixed fire extinguishing system agents include CO2, FM-200, and NOVEC-1230 for the Engine Room, MCC Compartments, SCR and VFD Rooms, and the Paint Locker. Galley Hoods may be protected with CO2 or Wet Chemical Extinguishing Agent. All fixed fire extinguishing system design and installations shall stringently comply with the latest edition of the applicable NFPA Standard. The Engine Room, MCC Compartments, and SCR / VFD Room Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems shall remain fully operational in all Dead Ship Loss of Power Scenarios. Water Mist systems is not an approved equivalent design to the specified fixed fire extinguishing system as described above. Conspicuously placed sequential operational instructions shall be posted at each manual actuation station. Fixed Extinguishing System Cylinder Racks shall not be located in the hazard areas they protect, with the exception of the Galley Hood Extinguishing Systems. A. Fixed Fire Extinguishing System Shutdown Interlocks The following specified shutdown interlocks shall be provided for each designated system. Manually operated fire dampers, located outside the fire hazard zone, are an acceptable design alternative to automatic damper closure devices. 1) Engine Room Engine and Diesel Fuel Supply Shutdown, Supply and Exhaust fan shutdown and Supply and Exhaust damper closure interlocks. 2) MCC Compartments / SCR and VFD Rooms HVAC Shutdown and Damper closure interlocks. 3) Paint Locker Supply / Exhaust fan shutdown and Damper closure interlocks. 4) Galley Hoods Exhaust fan shutdown and damper closure interlocks. 15. An integrated heat, smoke, and manual fire alarm station system shall be provided in accordance with applicable Classification Society Standards, with detection and alarm devices strategically located throughout the rig. Smoke detection devices shall be provided in all climate controlled living and work spaces and fixed temperature / rate of rise heat detectors in all equipment and machinery spaces. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 66 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued 16. Fire alarms shall be audible in all areas of the rig, high noise areas shall also be furnished with a visual alarm (strobe lights). 17. All compartment fire doors shall be diligently maintained and remain closed at all times, unless fitted with magnetic locks (or a similar device) which shall automatically release when an alarm is activated. All main deck supply / exhaust and vent stacks shall be adequately labeled with the hull compartments / areas they serve. All main deck hatch covers shall have suitable means of access and closing mechanisms installed as appropriate. When mechanical or closing mechanisms are used they shall be inspected and function tested weekly and entered into the rigs lifting gear registry and preventative maintenance system. 18. All fire hose shall be completely unrolled and function flow tested by the Rig Operator once each month, with any defective parts replaced. Fire hoses shall be hydro-tested annually to 300psi. (Refer to G.I. 1781.001). 19. The access to any fire hose station shall not be blocked. 20. Each fire hose station shall be equipped with an appropriate spanner wrench. 21. Each fire hose shall be properly stored on a Fire Equipment OEM designed offshore rack or reel with a protective cabinet or cover when not in use. All Fire Hose Stations located within the potential helideck “Rotor Wash” Zone shall be placed in OEM Protective Cabinets 22. Each fire nozzle shall remain continuously attached to the hose at each designated fire hose station. 23. Each fire station on an offshore rig shall be properly identified by marking: "FIRE STATION NO.____" next to the station in letters at least 5 centimeters (2 inches) high. 24. On each offshore rig, there shall be at all times at least one formally trained helideck crew holding valid OPITO or Approved Equivalent Certificates in HLO and Heli-Deck Crash Fire Rescue operations. The minimum required Heli-deck crew will include at least four personnel; HLO, baggage handler and a two (2) member Heli-Deck Crash Fire Fighting Team. The required Heli-deck crew shall demonstrate knowledge and competency in the following critical operational elements: A. Rig Heli-Deck Fire Attach Plan. B. Basic Heli-Deck Crash Rescue. C. Rig Heli-Deck Fire Fighting System. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 67 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued D. Basic Heli-Deck Fire Fighting. 25. Crash rescue box is to be permanently located in a designated staging area readily accessible to the heliport. This box is to be highly visible and designated exclusively for crash equipment. The minimum required contents shall comply with the SA Aviation Department’s “Helideck Crash Box Inventory List” (Refer to HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&OE / Appendix No.2). 26. Portable and Wheeled Fire Extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the applicable Classification Society Requirements and installed in accordance with the requirements in Section-4. Helideck Portable & Wheeled Fire Extinguishing Equipment shall comply with the requirements of 2012 CAP-437: Chapter-5: Section-4.0. Wheeled Extinguishers are not required for any helideck that is also protected with a SA Compliant Helideck Twin Agent Skid. The rig shall have the capability to refill / recharge their fire extinguishers or maintain sufficient onboard spare units. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 68 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued Appendix No.1 SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 69 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Continued Appendix No.2 Fire Fighting and Control Equipment Helideck Crash Box Equipment Inventory List 1. NFPA-1500 Compliant Fire Fighting PPE 3 Sets 2. Bolt cutter 36-in. 1 each 3. ½” Fire Retardant Rope 1 roll 50-ft. and 1 roll 100-ft. 4. Fire Blanket 2 each 5. Hooligan tool, 36-in. 2 each 6. Firemen’s Crowbar, 51-in. 1 each 7. Safety Rescue Knife 1 each 8. Grapnel Hook attached to 50-ft braided 3/16” SS cable Water-Jet Fire Blanket (72-in. x 60-in.) 1 each 9. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin 2 each Page 70 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-8 Control of Static Electricity SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 71 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-8 / Control of Static Electricity 1. When transferring flammable liquids or finely divided flammable or explosive materials from one container to another the containers shall be in firm contact with each other or be continuously electrically bonded throughout the transfer so as to prevent the accumulation of a static charge. 2. When tanks, mixers, or processing vessels are used for flammable liquids or flammable or explosive compounds, they shall be electrically bonded and grounded while being filled or emptied. 3. When pneumatic pumps are used to transfer flammable liquids, they shall be grounded. 4. All transfer hoses used to transfer flammable fluids shall be of an antistatic construction. 5. All air hoses, used as part of the rigs breathing air system, shall be of an antistatic construction. 6. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 7. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 72 of 78 Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-9 Flare Gun Procedure SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 73 of 78 training. The DOM is stamped on the cartridge. Flare Cartridge SAP Material Number is: 1000631333.I.-1852. This procedure does not supersede corporate requirements.I. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 74 of 78 . Provide the purchase order number(s) for the flare gun and cartridges. 3. Flare Gun SAP Material Number is: 1000631334.01.1852. D. B. The shelf life of the cartridge is 3 years from the Date of Manufacture (DOM).Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-9 / Flare Gun Procedure (FG) 1. Flare Gun and Cartridge Ordering Information A. Responsibility It is the responsibility of the Person in Charge (PIC) to ensure that this Flare Gun Procedure (FG) is followed on their rig. and use of the flare gun. 20 cartridges are required as per G. B. Flare Gun training form. it only enhances the choice made for Drilling and Workover (D&WO). 2. Note: One box contains 10 cartridges. Flare Gun and Cartridge Storage The Flare Gun and cartridges shall be locked in a clearly marked wooden box in the Foreman’s office. 5. D. C. care. Scope The scope of this policy is applicable to Saudi Aramco Rigs (SAR) and all Contractor Rigs in accordance with SA G. Purpose A. Provide step by step instructions for safe storage. C. Identify alternate systems for ignition. 4. the location of the key shall be known only to the Foreman and the Drilling Contractor PIC. The rig foreman shall bring the flare gun. If a well site emergency occurs during any drilling or workover operations. keep it pointed in a safe direction and the breech is open. Review the PPE requirements in HSERM / B / B-3 / PPE. 3) Any flow condition other than that described in item A and B above shall be evaluated on a case-bycase basis. the additional PPE shall be a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) which shall be donned. C. Before loading a cartridge ensure the firing pin is in the retracted position. the situation shall be reported by dialing the 110 incident notification system. Superintendent or Manager.Should uncontrolled hydrocarbon flow from a well occur without being accidentally ignited the decision to ignite shall be based on the following: 1) If uncontrollable flow from a gas well creates a 30ppm H2S concentration at the defined RER ignite the flow immediately.the pin shall have free movement. Always handle the flare gun as if it were loaded. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 75 of 78 . after evaluating all the facts. B. The decision to ignite shall be made by the VP / Executive Director D&WO and/or General Manager of Drilling. by creating a minimum 100ppm H2S concentration at the well site parameter. B.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-9 / FG / Continued 6. Well Control Team Site Leader. if not used. The barrel should be cleaned and oiled on a regular basis: 1) Annually. Flare Gun Usage A. Voluntary Well Ignition . 7. Igniting the Well A. If there is no communication with a higher level of management or time factor becomes critical. utilizing the seven digit local area emergency numbers and contact the relevant Drilling Superintendent in D&WO. Flare Gun Care and Maintenance A. 8. ignite the flow immediately. Main priority is to evacuate all non-essential personnel to the Rig Evacuation Muster Point (REMP) located outside the 100ppm Rupture Exposure Radius (RER) area. D. Ensure the firing pin is not seized . 2) If uncontrollable flow presents immediate and serious danger to adjacent inhabited areas or facilities. SMART radio and his vehicle to the REMP. C. the decision to voluntarily ignite can be made by a D&WO Liaison-man. 2) After each use. Other Ignition Areas: 1) Shale Shaker area .Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-9 / FG / Continued B. Depending on the well situation affects the aiming of the flare gun. H. 2) If there is no significant column of fluid aim just above the rotary table. Fire-Fly 1) This is a self-contained unit utilizing a solar panel and battery pack as a source of power. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 76 of 78 . aim the flare gun at the potential vapors escaping at the top of the fluid column.If your flare lines are open check to ensure this area is also ignited. 3) If there is only fluid and gas escaping from the cellar area. keep the barrel pointed down range. A. Another situation for flare gun usage In a controlled well control situation where the gut line is opened to flare through the flare lines – and the remote ignition system fails – only then shall the flare gun be used to ignite the flare pit. C. Ensure an escape route is available before ignition. F. 3) If flare gun still does not fire. approximately 300 to 400 feet away from the ignition point. repeat this step at least 4 times. 9. while in this position. E. Alternate System for Ignition. open the breech and drop the cartridge into a bucket of water and seal it with the lid. 2) Flare Pits . 2) If the gun does not fire.Since Hydrocarbons and gases can reach the shale shaker you shall ensure this area is ignited. keeping gun pointed down range. D. G. you may need to move closer depending on the power of the flare gun. re-cock the hammer and pull the trigger again following the same safety precautions. Considerations are as follows: 1) If a column of fluid is rising up. The flare gun operator shall position himself with the wind to his back. Misfire Instructions: 1) Keep the flare gun pointed down range at the same angle. Increments of 20 feet should be used. then aim at the cellar. The 300 to 400 feet is a starting point. 3) Follow the same procedure to ignite these areas as mentioned above. Onshore Well site Emergency Response Operations Roles and Responsibilities. No. The secondary system is a flare gun.I.Offshore Well site Emergency Response Operations Roles and Responsibilities.01 . References (Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material) A.I. G.1850. B.I.No.1851. B. Definitions. where the drill out or completion period exceeds 30 days.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual B-9 / FG / Continued 2) This system can be installed and operational in approximately 1-2 hours with absolutely no downtime to drilling operations.No. E. 3) The Fire-Fly supervisor and the Liaisonman shall complete a walk around and checklist reviewing the installation.Fire-Fly Brochure. D. we recommend that a full inspection of the system be carried out by an authorized Fire-Fly representative. 11.Rig Site Flare Gun and Communication Equipment. 6) The primary ignition system should be installed such that remote activation can be achieved from a safe location through a triggering device that allows for complete egress of all personnel from the well site prior to ignition. G.001 . 10.1852.001 . G. Sour Gas Well Ignition System . 5) On critical wells. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 77 of 78 . HSERM / B / B-3 / PPE – Personal Protective Equipment. 4) The Liaisonman shall sign for and be responsible for the security of the ignition key. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. C. 00 Date Revision Summary Jan 2013 Originator Custodian Review Approval Authority RGW RGW OSH & AAR Original Release Note: Signed Original(s) are maintained within D&WO-DOE&CD.Section B / General Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Revision Summary Approvals Rev No. SA-DWO-HSERM-GR-002 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 78 of 78 . C Rig Equipment and Procedure(s) Requirements . Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003-R0_ Section C / Special Operations Requirements Document Title: Section C / Special Operations Requirements Document Owner: SA-VP-D&WO Review Interval: 48 Months Date: January 2013 Section C Special Operation(s) Requirements SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 1 of 32 . Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 2 of 32 . Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Table of Contents Contents Page C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 4 6 8 11 13 15 18 20 Drill Stem Testing Swabbing Well Servicing and Well Stimulation Stripping and Snubbing Flare Pits and Flare Lines Water Well Operations Coil Tubing Safety Rig Move Revision Summary SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin 32 Page 3 of 32 . Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-1 Drill Stem Testing SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 4 of 32 . Before drill stem testing starts. Definitions. documented meetings shall include the full name of all personnel taking part. 9. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 6. shall be securely staked down or secured in such a manner as to prevent any undue whipping or flailing of the pipe should a failure occur. The Rig Operator shall ensure that water on engine exhausts is shut off when engines are not operating. All safety aspects of the operation. During drill stem testing. All engine exhausts shall be equipped with water sprays or spark arrestors for spark suppression. 7. which will be exposed to either pump or well pressure. Fluid recovered from the mud saver shall flow back to the tanks or to a reserve pit. Chain of command. Emergency procedures. During drill stem testing and well stimulation. During drill stem testing. When oil or gas have been encountered during a drill stem test. 5. the person in charge (contractor personnel if employed) shall conduct a pretask meeting with all rig crew and 3rd party personnel. 8. no motor vehicle shall be permitted within 22. C. the SA Liaisonman or an equally qualified person shall remain on the rig and shall exercise continuous supervision over all operations. During drill stem testing or the removal of pipe after a drill stem test. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. Initial flowing of formation fluids to surface during a drill stem test shall be restricted to daylight hours only. the drill stem contents should be replaced with drilling fluid. motors and engines not required in the operation shall be shut off. B. 4.9 meters (75 feet) of the well bore. The meeting shall address the following: A. Note: All meetings must be documented. this may require more than one meeting. 2. all piping systems.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-1 / Drill Stem Testing 1. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 5 of 32 . 3. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-2 Swabbing SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 6 of 32 . Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-2 / Swabbing 1. 5. flare pit. The air intake and exhaust of the pump engine shall be located 7. During swabbing operations. 2. Auxiliary swabbing units shall be anchored securely during swabbing operations.7 meters (150 feet) or more from the well bore. skid tank. Definitions. 8. 7. and shall wear. 4. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 7 of 32 . the tank truck exhaust shall be located at a distance of not less than 7. Fluids used in or as a result of swabbing operations shall not be piped to a tank truck under any circumstances. they shall be continuously monitored during this procedure by another person.6 meters (25 feet) from the rig fuel tank and a minimum of 22. 6. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. any personnel physically gauging the tanks shall be provided with. Where swabbing tanks are not provided with an external means of gauging. Oil savers shall be equipped with controls which can be readily operated from the rig floor.6 meters (25 feet) or more from the rig tank when a well is being circulated with hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon based fluid. approved respiratory protective equipment. 10. 3.9 meters (75 feet) away from the well bore. or mobile trailer tank located 45. 9. In addition. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Swabbing operations shall not be carried out during the hours of darkness. the fluids shall be piped directly to a battery. During loading or unloading. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-3 Well Servicing and Well Stimulation SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 8 of 32 . During drill stem testing and well stimulation. Emergency procedures. documented meetings shall include the full name of all personnel taking part. Note: All meetings must be documented. or tubing while it is in the hole. C.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-3 / Well Servicing and Well Stimulation (WS&WS) 1. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 9 of 32 . and fittings used in servicing operations shall be hydraulically pressure-tested prior to the commencement of each well cementing or servicing operation. 4. 2. shall be securely staked down or secured in such a manner as to prevent any undue whipping or flailing of the pipe should a failure occur. this may require more than one meeting. C. Note: All meetings must be documented. 3. If the operation should change. Before drill stem testing starts. documented meetings shall include the full name of all personnel taking part. all piping systems. 6. valves. B. Swivel joints provided with lugs for hammer tightening shall not be used in a well servicing operation unless they are manufactured from steel. casing. Any tool or equipment other than normal drilling equipment. the person in charge (contractor personnel if employed) shall conduct a pretask meeting with all rig crew and 3rd party personnel. pumps. Subsequent pumping pressure shall not exceed the test pressure. A pre-task safety meeting shall be held with all rig crew and contractor personnel before: A. After every crew change. shall be secured against falling by means of a wire rope safety line. which is connected to the top of the drill string. 5. The meeting shall address the following: A. All safety aspects of the operation. Hammering or tightening of unions or connections while under pressure shall not be permitted. which will be exposed to either pump or well pressure. Rig-up of contractor equipment. 7. Chain of command. All piping. 12. tanks. 13. Pressurized lines and vessels shall be so barriered as to restrict access. only authorized personnel shall be allowed in the work area. Before transferring hydrocarbons. On any well service job involving pressure only the minimum number of people necessary to perform the task shall be exposed to the equipment under pressure. all pumps.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-3 / WS&WS / Continued 8. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 10 of 32 . and trucks shall be bonded together and electrically grounded. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. 10. 9. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. No vehicle shall be allowed to cross surface flow-lines on a location. Definitions. 11. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-4 Stripping and Snubbing SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 11 of 32 . References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. This may be accomplished by hand signals. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 8. 5. 9. 6. Two-way communications shall be provided between the snubbing operator and the pump operator.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-4 / Stripping and Snubbing 1. Well surface pressure shall be monitored at all times during stripping and snubbing operations. A safe means of access shall be provided to the tower platforms. 2. 3. 4. Definitions. or other effective means. Gasoline engines shall not be used on snubbing operations. All personnel involved in a stripping operation shall be informed of the maximum working pressure that is safe for the work. 10. voice communication. 7. The Rig Operator shall provide blow-down lines with remote control valves as needed to relieve pressure from the wellhead equipment if the working pressure exceeds the established limit. 11. An emergency escape system shall be provided for personnel working atop hydraulic snubbing equipment. Prior to starting snubbing operations. the snubbing tower shall be guyed according to the manufacturer's specifications to prevent it from collapse or turnover. Flow lines or bleed-off lines shall be located away from areas frequented by personnel and adequately secured to prevent whipping or flailing if these lines should burst. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 12 of 32 . Diesel engines used for snubbing operations shall be equipped with spark arrestors and located a sufficient distance away from the wellhead to ensure that any inadvertently released well fluids do not come in contact with the engines. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-5 Flare Pits and Flare Lines SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 13 of 32 . 3. Electronic flare ignition sources shall be positioned in the main flare pit. 10. 7. with targeted or block-tee elbows at turns. No personnel shall enter a flare pit to light the flare or any waste material therein. alternate flare pit. each approximately 400 feet in length. 5. When there is no wind or when the wind direction is uncertain. All sources of ignition in the flare pit and surrounding areas shall be extinguished while any vessel is being completely drained to the flare pit. This emergency flare pit shall be used in well kill operations if the main flare pit cannot be utilized due to change in wind direction. unless the system is designed and constructed to prevent flashback.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-5 / Flare Pits and Flare Lines 1. shall be as straight as possible. An alternate flare pit and flare line shall be rigged-up on deep gas wells. 2. 12. All lines connecting any vessel to a flare pit shall be blanked off before any work is performed within the vessel. 11. the lighting shall be done from the upwind side. A reliable and safe means of remote ignition shall be provided when hydrocarbon gases are released to the atmosphere through a flare system. no attempt shall be made to light the pit unless the man can locate himself in a position known to be free of flammable concentrations of gases or vapors. Two (2) 3-1/2” EUE flare lines. as with the choke line. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Definitions. 9. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 14 of 32 . When lighting a flare pit. Elbows and Chicksans on the flare line are susceptible to erosion/washouts and are not acceptable (because of the potential for high fluid velocities). 8. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. as required. each 1000 feet in length. and gas buster flare pit. shall be required for onshore gas wells. Four (4) 4-1/2” LTC gas flare lines and one (1) 3-1/2” EUE liquid flare line. 6. 4. The flare line. shall be required for onshore oil wells. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-6 Water Well Operations SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 15 of 32 . Pit and Trip drills and frequencies on a water well rig shall be developed and scheduled by the Water Well Supervisor. Diverter system should replace the accumulator drill requirement when in use. Definitions. D. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. H2S. Accumulator drill should be only when in use.3) A. General requirements (Reference: HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S Safety) A. B. Blow out preventers requirement would not apply as water well rig only use a hydril or diverter system 5. The rig specific H2S contingency plan should only be required when the well history indicates a presence of H2S or the formation being drilled on a new well is suspected to have H2S. B. 2. General requirements (Reference: D&WO / DOE&CD / SWIM-001 / Section No. 4. Well control drills should be set as required weekly based on diverter system this should also reflect in the monthly scorecard requirements for water well rigs. C. C. B. Escape packs and cascade requirement should only be required when the well history indicates a presence of H2S or when a new water well is suspected to have H2S in the formation to be drilled. If the rig floor is too small on a water well rig to accommodate 2 man rider air hoists. 3. Drills (Reference: HSERM / A / A-6 / ED) A. Rig Equipment and Procedures Requirement (Reference: D&WO / DOE&CD / SWIM-001 / Section No. C. D.46 / EW) SCR requirement are not needed as water well operations do not have SCRs. The cascade requirement should only be required when the well history indicates a presence of H2S or the formation being drilled on a new well is suspected to have H2S. Accumulator. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 16 of 32 . Crown O matic settings may not apply for water well rigs due to small derricks. however I think the system is still required. Only 1 breathing air compressor shall be required for filling SCBA 30 minute packs. they should follow the man basket procedures using certified crane operator trained for tandem lift and man basket certification.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-6 / Water Well Operations 1. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 17 of 32 .Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-6 / WWO / Continued 6. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-7 Coil Tubing Safety SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 18 of 32 . 5. Cranes should not be allowed to lift loads across high pressure lines. Once the injector head is connected to the work string and prior to running coil. Heavy equipment and/or light duty vehicles shall not be allowed to cross over any treatment lines at any time. 9. 6. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 3. 4. This should be considered for both normal operations and emergency situations. 7.3 / RMH&RE. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 19 of 32 . Rig Operator supplied lifting slings must comply with the requirements listed in D&WO / DOE&CD / SWIM001 / Section No. Definitions. Non-essential personnel should be restricted from the rig floor and coil tubing equipment areas during rig up. 8. The layout of equipment should take into account safe access and egress for personnel. 2. Ensure that the crane is capable of lifting all of the equipment within safe working limits prior to equipment arriving location. it must be secured with slings or wire rope at a minimum of three points to ensure stability and resistance to bending moments caused by reel tension during the operation. operation and rig down.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-7 / Coil Tubing Safety 1. the tubing or in the vicinity of the tubing reel. 10. Stand-by nitrogen storage units should be kept at a minimum safe distance whenever possible. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 Rig Move SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 20 of 32 . 0 meters/10 feet.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / Rig Move (RM) 1. 2. tandem lifts. on SA jobsites outside of operating facilities or. 3) Any part of a crane whose boom or boom attachment is working within 10 meters (33 feet) of any populated/traffic areas. and/or equipment containing hydrocarbons. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 21 of 32 .000 volts 3. or other pressurized liquids. designated signalman shall ensure the following minimum distances are maintained: Line Voltage Absolute Limit of Approach a. 7) Any crane lift with explosion/fire/high heat hazards. 5) Any load 40 tons or greater. When working less than 1-1/2 fully extended boom lengths from energized power-lines. Purpose This procedure illustrates and specifies the sequence. 8) Any crane working near energized power-lines. right lifts that require prior Manager approval. and/or occupied buildings. steam. Rig moves shall be in accordance with SA Policy. This includes cranes having to suspend a load over vessels. 1) Critical crane lifts include. load exceeding 85% of rated crane capacity. Definitions A. procedures and responsibilities for performing Rig Moves in all SA on-shore rigs. off SA property. Scope All SAR and Contractor Rigs loading / moving / offloading within Aramco facilities. 3. but are not limited to. 6) Any load that exceeds 85% of the crane’s rated load capacity or manufacturer’s specifications for that specific lift. Critical Lift All Lifts conducted near power lines. piping. Up to 50. the following examples and restrictions/requirements: 2) Any part of a crane whose boom or boom attachment is working within 10 meters (33 feet) of any hydrocarbon and/or pressurized piping areas. 4) Any crane lift that requires an attachment(s) to the main boom. methods. This includes cranes having to suspend a load over pedestrians. vehicle traffic. loads weight more than 40 tons. occupied construction equipment. 1 meters/20 feet. Signalman Person who has been assigned the responsibility to warn and stop drivers or crane operators when high clearance equipment or loads may come in contact with power-lines and/or other obstructions to insure safe movement of the equipment and/or loads. 2. when calculated at full extension and with attachments.000 to 250. Power Operations Department concurrence shall be required on all Critical Lift Plan forms for cranes whose booms. D.I. Power-Line Overhead. rig mechanics and rig electricians. Well sites shall initiate the Rig Move Route Survey to the next location for each Onshore Drilling Rig according to the latest Approved Drilling Schedule. non-insulated electrical conductor. E. floormen. G. Rigger-II and Rigger-III. could be operating within 10 meters (33 feet) or less of energized powerlines. Over 250. 2.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued b. drillers. roustabout. 50. Local work permit procedures shall be followed when work is performed within the above limits (Refer to G. Rig Move Route Approval Procedure A. Critical Lift Plan Document that identifies a specific load and the operating restrictions.702). They include. B. d.000 volts 6. Rig Drilling and/or Workover rig and all auxiliary components. Rig Crew Personnel that are operating the rig. 4. F. C. SA rigger categories are RiggerI/rigging competent person.100 and G.000 volts 7. The process of approving the rig move chart as shown in the flow chart (Refer HSERM / C / C-8 / RM / Appendix No.I. c. Rigger An individual certified by SA to fit lifting apparatus around a load.6 meters/25 feet.2) is as follows: SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 22 of 32 . Pertinent information includes all weights on hook blocks and attachments. A. D. If the work is to be performed around SEC transmission lines. POD and Transportation. Rig route condition. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 23 of 32 . d.702 and obtain a copy of the Rig Route survey sheet and map. Passing over pipeline.I. 1) If the Rig Route has no power line or pipeline to cross and the road condition is satisfactory. Wellsites representative shall lead the group through the proposed Rig Route and: 1) Any concerns or issues shall be rectified by the responsible party.1). 2) If clearance is insufficient then: a. and then wellsites shall notify POD (Refer to HSERM / C / C-8 / RM / Appendix No. 2) If new crossing is needed then. 2) If the route is acceptable. For POD contact personnel and telephone numbers (Refer to HSERM / C / C-8 / RM / Appendix No. Re-visits shall be required to ensure all issues have been rectified. notify POD in your area to obtain the required work permit. Wellsites shall arrange with the responsible Department (POD or SEC) for power to be cut off and the cable lifted or removed for Rig to pass. Wellsites shall coordinate with the proponent to upgrade if needed according to the Rig specification.1). Wellsites shall coordinate with the Proponent to construct new crossing. 7 days prior to Rig Move. Rig Foreman should inform Wellsites about the approximate date and time Rig will reach to the overhead cable. b. POD shall notify SEC to obtain the required work permit.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued 1) Clearance is OK. B. Well sites shall construct diversion or excavate under the cable to give the necessary clearance. Wellsites shall ensure that the necessary up-grade is completed as required. then Wellsites shall submit preliminary Rig Route to the Rig Liaisonman. E. Wellsites shall determine the condition of Rig Route and if it is satisfactory or not. c. When all of the above items are complete. C. 2. If it is not possible to do item 5.a. 1) If there is an existing crossing. 2) If the Rig Route needs upgrading. then all involved groups shall sign the pre-Rig Move checklist form as per G. Rig Liaisonman shall coordinate a joint meeting with Wellsites. Wellsites shall check if a new crossing is required or an existing crossing exists. For any work to be performed or equipment to be moved near or around overhead power lines.2). 7. Lifting Equipment shall include sling wires. all shall be checked and certified in accordance with G. A. B. Cranes with sufficient capacity for each Rig.028 for each critical lift. Rig Move Supervisor He shall be responsible to supervise the following activities include but not limited to: 1) Give instructions to all personnel performing the Rig Move.029.I. Local Traffic Police and Royal Commission in Jubail or any other Government Agencies. 6.I. chains. SATD Personnel Responsibilities SATD shall provide the required manpower to move Aramco owned land rigs. SATD Rig Move Equipment Requirement SATD is responsible to provide the following equipment: A. Rig Move Route Planning Rig move routes shall be planned to avoid crossing any Saudi Government highways or railways. shackles and bundles. 2) Oversee the entire rig move operations and coordination with the Rig Liaisonman. 4) Ensure that a “Lift Plan” is prepared and approved as per G. only the authorized crossing point is to be used. Required Trucks. If it is necessary to cross a Saudi government highway or railway. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin This Page 24 of 32 . 7. such as Rig sub-base and mast will be under the close supervision of the Rig Move Supervisor and Rig Liaisonman (no delegation is acceptable) and shall be conducted as per the Load-out List. Escort vehicles to be equipped with rotary beacon lights. 7. SATD responsible for obtaining the proper Move permits from Coast Guard. It will also coordinate with R&HED to provide crane operators. 5) Ensure all wide loads are moved in a convoy with a lead escort vehicle and a follow escort vehicle. 3) Loading/moving/off-loading the critical lifts. SATD shall coordinate with R&HED for crane deliveries that have a valid crane inspection sticker and all trailers needed to deliver the cranes. C. All vehicles shall be in good operating conditions. operation must be under the close supervision of both the Rig Move supervisor and Rig Liaisonman.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued 5. Escort Vehicles and Maintenance Road Service Truck. which can adversely affect the safety of personnel or the rig move operations. certified and meet SA Asset Integrity Standards. 4) Ensure that traffic is allowed to get around wide loads whenever possible by pulling off to the side of the road at the specific points identified in the Rig Move Route map. to the Rig Move Supervisor immediately. SATD mechanics and the Convoy Leader to discuss all safety aspects and lessons learned from previous rig moves also to emphasize the safety during the rig move. trailers. 6) Contact the road services mechanic for any truck/trailer break down. Contractor drivers. Note: All operators of Heavy Equipment-machinery-trucks and trailers shall report any defects. Rig Liaisonman. All vehicles. Convoy Leader He shall be responsible to perform the following activities include but not limited to: 1) Ensure safe driving at all Rig Move stages through close supervision of drivers.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued 6) Ensure that rig move convoy avoids rush hours (0600 – 0800 hrs. 3) Escort the loaded truck/trailer in-group between old and new location following the Load-out List. trucks and/or equipment that are NOT within road legal limits shall adhere to the approved Rig Route (No deviations from approved Rig Routes are allowed). SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 25 of 32 . 8) Ensure all rig move equipment (winch trucks. loader forklifts and cranes) and their operators are in good working order. 7) Assist the Rig Move Supervisor as needed. prime movers. 9) Whenever possible. 8) All vehicles. 7) Conduct and document safety meeting at the beginning of each day of the rig move with all SATD drivers. 5) Ensure that none of the drivers leave the old location without his permission. 2) Enforce high truck utilization and distribute work evenly among drivers. B. and 1500 – 1700 hrs.) on all government highways and primary SA road network. two convoy leaders should be present during rig moves. trucks and/or equipment that are within the road legal limits can utilize any road/route. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 26 of 32 .028 and G. 3) Shall follow the designated route as instructed by the Rig Move Supervisor and Convoy Leader and never proceed with a load from the old location without their permission.029. 2) Shall ensure that loaded components are secured using chains/bundles/guard posts before traveling regardless of the distance. 5) Shall full comply with G. 4) Conduct daily pre-user inspections of his crane and document said inspections on the SA9466 checklist. Riggers’ Activities They shall be responsible to perform the following activities include but not limited to: 1) Play the role of signalman for the crane operator to perform crane lift. 2) Ensure that the components are safely distributed on trailers and assist the drivers to secure the loads.Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued C.7.I. Drivers’ Activities They shall be responsible to perform the following activities include but not limited to: 1) Shall hook/load the Rig components on their trucks/trailers in a safe manner and as directed by the Convoy Leader and Rig Move Supervisor. 4) Make sure that all the lifting equipment is inspected and certified. and exhibit extreme caution when loading and off-loading trucks. 2) Pick and carry lift must be according to G. Report any mechanical or electrical crane defects to the nearest R&HED maintenance facility. 3) Follow the direction of the rigger in charge to make sure that the position of the signalman is in a safe clear view. E.I. D.I. 7. 7. ensure tag lines are used on each load. Crane Operators They shall be responsible to perform the following activities include but not limited to: 1) Make sure that all the crane outriggers are fully extended per crane manufacturer operating manual and supported by mats.028. 3) Shall apply good lifting practices. Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued F. Road Service Mechanics They shall be responsible to perform the following activities include but not limited to: 1) Repair any truck/trailer break down. 2) Accompany trucks/trailers convoy between old and new locations. 3) Check/inspect the trucks/trailers before loading to reduce the number of breakdown trucks. 8. SA Rig Personnel Responsibilities A. Rig Liaisonman Responsibilities 1) The Rig Liaisonman shall obtain the Rig Move preliminary Route map along with the route survey sheet from Wellsites Division (2 weeks prior to drilling Rig Move and no less than 4 days prior to workover rig move). The map shall show: a. Designated Rig Move Route. b. Road conditions. c. Road obstacles, i.e. Power lines, pipelines, highway and any other obstacles. 2) The Rig Liaisonman, Wellsites engineer, Rig Move supervisor, convoy leader and POD representative shall check, verify and approve the Rig Move Route for safe passage (by driving the prescribed route) and observe and document any potential hazard(s). 3) Once the Rig Move has been surveyed and approved, Rig Liaisonman, Rig Move supervisor and, Convoy leader shall hold a Pre-Rig Move Meeting. This meeting will include but not limited to: a. Sequence of loading as per the Load-Out List. b. Additional equipment needed for the move (example. Lifting equipment and their corresponding lift plans). c. Lessons learned from the last Rig Move. d. Any special inspections (i.e. derrick) or repairs to be completed before moving. e. Any first time employees or limited experience people need to be identified and assigned tasks appropriate to their experience and ability. 4) No Moves are allowed in foggy, rainy and dusty weather where visibility is less than 100 m. It is the Rig Liaisonman’s responsibility to ensure that there is adequate visibility for the move. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 27 of 32 Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued 5) Night time Moves shall be avoided as much as possible and limited to road legal loads only. Loading and moving oversize loads are not allowed at night time. The Rig Liaisonman has the authority and responsibility to shut down any night move when in his opinion conditions make it unsafe to continue. 6) Rig Liaisonman and Rig Move Supervisor ensure that all overhead cables are to be approached with caution. Rig move has to stop then proceed slowly under the cable to avoid any excessive movement of the rig suspension. 7) Affected facilities should be notified of the Rig Move. In congested areas (Qatif, Safaniyah, Jubail causeway etc.) the Rig Liaisonman should inform them about the rig move. 8) The Rig Liaisonman responsibility during Rig move includes but not limited to: a. Supervise moving derrick and sub-base off wellhead and clearing location. b. Ensure Form “Oversized Equipment Pre-Move checklists” G.I. 2.702 is completed and supervise over size loads at critical crossing. c. Monitor the Rig Move to ensure it is proceeding safely as planned. 9) During the Move, a meeting shall be held at the start of everyday between the Rig Liaisonman and Rig Move supervisor. The day’s agenda shall be decided (what loads to move on to which trucks based on the specific Rig Move plan). 10) For crossing railways Rig Foreman shall make sure that one signal man with the proper communication device (walkie-talkie) positions himself in such a way to alert the convoy if the train is coming before proceeding to cross the railroad. 11) It is the responsibility of the Rig Foreman to finally determine if the Rig can pass safely under overhead cables as outlined in the table: LINE VOLTAGE 2.4, 4.16, 13.8 34.5 69 115 230 380 ABSOLUTE LIMIT OF APPROACH 1.22 meters (4 feet) 1.53 meters (5 feet) 1.7 meters (5 feet 7 inches) 1.95 meters (6 feet 5 inches) 2.7 meters (8 feet 8 inches) 3.65 meters (12 feet) 12) Moving any miscellaneous loads prior to Rig release shall be limited to road legal loads only with prior approval from Rig Liaisonman. 13) Supervise spotting, connecting, raising sub-base, rigging up mast and other critical loads. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 28 of 32 Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued 14) SAR Liaisonman is to supply enough long range walkie talkie radios to help coordinate a safe and efficient Rig Move between the old and new location. These radios shall remain under the custody of the Rig Liaisonman. B. SAR Rig Safety Man It is the responsibility of the SAR Rig Safety Man to ensure the rig move is in accordance with SA HSE Policies and procedures. 9. Contractor Rig Safety Man Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Contractor Rig Safety Man to ensure the rig move is in accordance with SA HSE Policies and procedures. 10. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 11. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM. A. G.I. 2.702 - Moving Drilling Rigs, High Clearance Equipment/Loads, or Operating Cranes Under or Near Power-Lines. B. G.I. 7.028 - Crane Lifts: Types and Procedures. C. G.I. 7.029 - Inspection, Use and Maintenance of Below-the-hook Lifting Equipment for Cranes. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 29 of 32 Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued Appendix No.1 SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 30 of 32 Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual C-8 / RM / Continued Appendix No.2 SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 31 of 32 Section C / Special Operation(s) Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Revision Summary Approvals Rev No. 00 Date Revision Summary Jan 2013 Original release Originator Custodian Review Approval Authority RGW RGW OSH & AAR Note: Signed Original(s) are maintained within D&WO-DOE&CD. SA-DWO-HSERM-SOR-003 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 32 of 32 D Offshore Requirements Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004-R0_ Section D / Offshore Requirements Document Title: Section D / Offshore Requirements Document Owner: SA-VP-D&WO Review Interval: 48 Months Date: January 2013 Section D Offshore Requirements SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 1 of 28 Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 2 of 28 Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Table of Contents Contents Page D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 4 7 15 22 25 Over Water Operations Life Saving Equipment MODU’s Heliports and Helicopter Operations Personnel Transfer between Boats and MODU’s Rig/MODU Orientation Revision Summary SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin 28 Page 3 of 28 . Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-1 Over Water Operations SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 4 of 28 . survival craft. Equipment to be transported to or from offshore water locations shall be securely tied down once the cargo has been loaded on a vessel. 9.D. and free of all excess equipment that poses a tripping or fire hazard. 8. Employees wearing PFD's shall keep them snugly fitted and securely fastened. When work is performed over water. C. 4. When being lowered to the water in a davit-launched life raft. grease. When being transported by personnel basket between an offshore drilling rig or platform and a crew boat. the Rig Operator shall instruct all personnel in the proper water entry and survival procedures to be used. life boat.G. 2.K. approved life preservers and buoyant work vests (personal flotation devices (PFD's)) shall be readily available on an offshore rig or platform. 7. D. or inspection boat. When being transported by helicopter over water. or U. E. B.O. Decks of all rig platforms shall be kept clean of oil. When performing work over water or from a work basket that is suspended over water.T. 5. rescue craft. debris.C. Oil-soaked or otherwise damaged personal flotation devices (PFD's) shall be removed from service and destroyed. 3.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-1 / Over Water Operations (OWO) 1. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 5 of 28 .S. The Saudi Aramco Liaisonman will counter sign all over water SWAP or PTW. U. Working over water will be controlled using the Saudi Aramco Rig (SAR) Safe Work Authorization procedure (SWAP) or contractor Permit to Work (PTW) System (Refer to HSERM / A / A-12 / SWAP). 6. While working over water an emergency means of escape from platforms shall be provided. When moving either a blowout preventer or a diverter stack on or off the wellhead where the suspended work platform on which personnel are working is over open water. Approved PFD's shall be worn: A. 15. 14. abandon rig drills. Sufficient work area illumination shall be provided in the over water work and sea areas. Definitions. 12. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) drills. if necessary cannot be conducted safely i. and man overboard drills shall be held by the Rig Operator as per HSERM / A / A-6 / ED. Support Vessel unable to provide rescue support or the rig cannot safely launch the Fast Rescue Craft. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / OWO / Continued 10. 11. The Rig Operator shall brief all newly arriving personnel on all emergency procedures. Fire drills. 16. 13. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 6 of 28 .e. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. Man-Overboard rescue plan shall be part of the over-the-side-work JSA. It shall be the responsibility of the person skippering a vessel to determine when it is safe or unsafe to tie up or jack up on a well site. Working over water during adverse weather conditions shall be suspended when rescue operations. Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 Life Saving Equipment MODUs SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 7 of 28 . whichever is greater. 7.S. and mounted so that they are easily removable from their brackets. 5. Each cabin shall be equipped with the proper number of PFD's stored on top of the lockers.4 meters (90 feet). Not less than one half of the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with lifebuoy self-igniting lights. Escape ladders with OEM protective covers shall be provided and maintained either side of the MODU on the main deck. 4. 9. 8.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / Life Saving Equipment (LSE) MODU’s 1. PFD's shall be equipped with compliant (within the manufacturers’ expiration dates) salt water activated lights. The end of the line must not be secured to the rig. There shall always be enough personal flotation devices (PFD's) aboard to provide 125% coverage of persons on board at any time.G. Note: These life buoys may not have any other attachment.C. or U. 2. At least one ring life buoy on each side of the offshore rig (total of two) shall have attached to the ring a buoyant life line that is at least 1-1/2 times the distance from the deck of stowage to the waterline at low tide and maximum air gap of 27. and labeled with the name of the rig.T. whistles and reflector tape.D. 10. and each shall be marked with the rig name and port of registry. U.O. not less than two of these shall also be provided with lifebuoy self-activating smoke signals and be capable of quick release. Appropriate access platforms shall be provided for each escape ladder. Lifebuoys with lights and those with lights and smoke signals shall be equally distributed on both sides of the MODU and shall not be the lifebuoys provided with lifelines. 3. 6.K. approved. All ring life buoys shall be in their proper location. Escape ladders shall be attached to the MODU on no less than two (2) certified anchor points each with a minimum SWL of 1000kg or the manufacturer SWL of the ladder. the throwing line must be attached directly to the buoy. Each offshore rig shall be equipped with at least ten (10) life buoys rings maintained in satisfactory condition. Spare PFD's shall be stored in marked containers throughout the rig. and the throwing line must be stored so as to unravel without knotting when used. The PFD's shall be maintained in good condition. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 8 of 28 . 17. rubber seals shall be free of breakage or damage. The Rig Operator shall ensure that the length of the painter line for each manually launched inflatable life raft is greater than the distance from the deck of stowage to the waterline at low tide and maximum air gap. 16. Each life raft station shall be clearly marked to conform to the Station Bill. Temporary lashing bands used in transporting the inflatable life raft containers shall be removed before stowage on the rig. 12. and capacity. The exit point for the painter line shall be pointed aft of the rig when possible to protect it from the oncoming water during towing. All life raft containers shall be kept clean and free of oil and gas. The painter line for each inflatable life raft which is not davit-launched shall have its external end secured to a strong point on the platform. Inflatable life raft containers shall be stored with the top straight up so the drain holes on the bottom are properly positioned for drainage of any moisture. Access to each raft shall be free of obstructions that would interfere with launching. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 9 of 28 . date of next servicing. The Rig Operator shall ensure all life rafts are stowed within the manufacturer’s maximum certified storage height. Annual certification by an authorized third party and servicing inspections shall be required for all life rafts and containers. 18. Operating instructions shall be posted at each life raft. There shall be sufficient Inflatable life rafts for the total number of persons allowed aboard. The cradle for each raft shall be of proper size and the release mechanism kept free of rust and corrosion. Inflatable life rafts and their containers shall be intact and not damaged. 20. and the container bands intact.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / LSE / Continued 11. 15. 19. 21. and shall be clearly marked with "inflatable life raft". 14. 13. 22. E. E. Survival craft and life rafts shall be manufactured to a recognized international standard. Station Bills shall be kept current and posted in conspicuous locations throughout the MODU. and Safety Briefing. B. Emergency escape routes leading to the lifeboat and life raft stations shall be conspicuously marked. along with the composition of the Fire Fighting and Rescue Teams shall also be clearly defined. The launching equipment for davit-launched inflatable life rafts must include: A. C. MODU Rescue Boat Operations Note: Each MODU shall develop a compliant Station Bill which is aligned with the required Fire Attack Plans. Pathways shall be painted throughout the MODU. B. Crucial MODU Emergency Response Assignments such as the closure of Main Deck Fire Dampers and Hatches. Rig Abandonment. Activation of Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems. A system whereby a loaded life raft does not have to be lifted before it is lowered. A means to hold it securely while personnel enter the life raft. 26. A means to rapidly retrieve the falls if the station has more than one life raft. Note: All personnel aboard will receive sufficient training as to allow them to efficiently and safely load and launch a davit launched life raft. A standard escape route / pathway will have a minimum width of 600mm (24 inches) in accordance with the applicable SOLAS Regulations. H2S Release. H2S Contingency Plan. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 10 of 28 . Combustible Gas Release. D. 24. The capability of being operated from either the life raft or from the rig. C. Not more than two davit-launched life rafts may be launched from the same launching equipment. Fire.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / LSE / Continued 23. 27. maintained and kept clear at all times. D. Winch controls located where the operator can observe the life raft launching. All MODU Station Bills shall define the Emergency Response Actions to be taken in the following specific incident scenarios: A. 25. The Station Bill shall specifically define the required emergency response actions to be taken upon the activation of any low level visual gas release alarm. 38. The fuel tank shall be kept full. life raft. The access route and launching platform from which survival craft are to be launched shall be kept clear of any obstruction that interferes with the immediate launching of the craft. provided that there shall be at least one embarkation ladder on each side of the ship. Davit release mechanisms are to be clearly labeled in a manner to prevent premature release. A compass shall be mounted in the craft where it will be readily visible to the operator. name of the rig. An embarkation ladder extending. 33. life boat.6 centimeters (3 inches) high and in a color that contrasts to the background color of the craft (international orange). the operator may permit such ladders to be replaced by approved devices to afford access to the survival craft when waterborne.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / LSE / Continued 28. 35. from the deck to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition under unfavorable conditions of trim of up to 10 and a list of up to 20 either way shall be provided at each embarkation station or at every two adjacent embarkation stations for survival craft launched down the side of the MODU. port of registry. 30. Emergency and dead ship lighting shall also be provided for overboard launching zones and shall be maintained in good working order. However. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 11 of 28 .30. 32. It shall be maintained in good working order. Emergency and dead ship lighting shall be provided at each embarkation ladder. and the number of persons allowed in the craft. 37. Other means of embarkation enabling descent to the water in a controlled manner may be permitted for the life rafts. 29. The watertight doors of all survival craft shall seal properly in order to maintain watertight integrity. Each survival craft shall be marked with the number of the craft. in a single length. Spare life preservers shall be stored in a storage box outside both lifeboats. This marking shall be with letters at least 7. 31. 34. The salt water inlet valve and fuel shut-off valve shall always be in the open position. Lifeboat and rescue boat diesel fuel shall be changed out quarterly and a log maintained. 36. The gear shift and throttle control shall always be kept in the neutral position until made ready for starting the engines. Davit release mechanisms are to be clearly labeled in a manner to prevent premature release. rescue boat and designated muster stations. B. As a minimum. 40. wire rope. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 12 of 28 . One Transponder (McMurdo Marine Model RT9-3 or equivalent) shall be available at each lifeboat. Transmission fluid. Drain plug is in place. 48. motor and motor starter. 41. All survival craft shall be checked weekly and recorded in a log book by a qualified mechanic to ensure that: A. release pins. the sprinkler system shall be checked to ensure that it works properly. The complete launching system for all survival craft shall be visually inspected weekly by a qualified mechanic to ensure that the hand stop. Signal flares shall be replaced prior to their expiration date. falls. A survival craft operator and alternate operator shall be assigned to each craft. All survival craft engines shall be started weekly and run for no longer than five minutes (or until the engine becomes warm) if the craft is not placed in the water. Belts and hoses are in good condition. They shall be replaced sooner if the vacuum seal of the container is lost. hydraulic fluid. When any survival craft is launched in the water during boat drills. E. Emergency food rations and drinking water in each survival craft shall be replaced prior to their expiration date. 46.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / LSE / Continued 39. 44. All emergency supplies required in the survival craft shall be visually inspected weekly to ensure that they are still safely stored in the craft. Both shall be trained in the operation of the survival craft.in accordance with HSERM / A / A-5 / C&T. U-clamps. Each offshore rig will be inspected by representatives of Saudi Aramco organizations as required. and oil levels are in the full range of the dipstick. 43. one of the assigned operators will be capable of completing running repairs on the survival craft. and limit switches are in good order. D. 42. Emergency lifeboat drills shall be conducted in accordance with HSERM / A / A-6 / ED. 45. Compressed air tanks are full. C. sheaves and blocks. Battery and battery connections are in good condition. 47. supports. 54. Cascade breathing manifolds shall be suitably positioned in order to minimize the potential for any obstructions of access / escape paths. on-load release mechanisms will be inspected annually. Class Society 5 year load test certificates are to be obtained for all lifeboat on-load release mechanisms winches and davits. All designated muster stations shall have a minimum of 0. Muster areas shall have clearly marked assembly indications on the deck for each person assigned to the muster station. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Muster Area personnel assignments shall be defined based upon calculated space available. The rescue boat shall comply with all applicable SOLAS Regulations. All designated members of the rescue boat crew shall have specific training and operations experience with the rescue boat. 59. Definitions. 55. 50. load tested every 5 years. this information will be entered into the MODU lifting equipment registry. Air will be supplied from the MODU cascade system via a breakaway airline connection. defined access / escape paths. Lifeboat and life raft on-load release mechanisms shall be certified by an OEM authorized third party service provider. 52. lifejacket containers or doorway openings. 57. Designated muster areas shall be arranged appropriately to allow for a clear access path to the lifeboats embarkation area without obstructing the movement of assembled personnel. Each rig shall have a designated Zodiac or equivalent rescue boat equipped with a forty (40) horse power diesel engine and four (4) point certified lifting system.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / LSE / Continued 49. Lifeboats shall have a compliant cascade system installed complete with manifolds to ensure sufficient air is available under demand for the total capacity the lifeboat is certified to carry. 53. 58. The certified lifting frame shall have an OEM 200 % proof load test and a minimum 5:1 safety factor and shall obtain a Saudi Aramco blue inspection sticker. The calculation of the required assembly area shall exclude any obstructions. 56. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 13 of 28 . Each lifeboat shall have certified anchor points used for connecting safety slings during lifeboat inspections and maintenance rated the lifeboats OEM’s certified minimum SWL. Cascade plug in points shall be available for the maximum allowable capacity of the lifeboat. 51.35 m2 (square meters) per person of unobstructed assembly area. Note: All MODUs shall develop and implement an OEM Compliant LSE maintenance and inspection process to ensure all LSEs are diligently maintained and readily operable. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 14 of 28 .Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-2 / LSE / Continued 60. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 Heliports and Helicopter Operations SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 15 of 28 . there shall be at least two exit routes from the heliport.2). Supervise fire and crash team. Each access to the heliport area shall be marked with warning signs in Arabic and English saying "Beware of the Tail Rotor". The Rig Operator shall ensure that a fully equipped fire equipment storage box is available at the heliport for firefighting and rescue. One exit may be designated for emergency use only. B. All passengers will assemble in the helicopter waiting area at least 30 minute before the helicopter arrival. The HLO will have a current OPITO approved HLO certificate. passenger will not leave this area to proceed to the helideck until instructed to do so by the MODU HLO. Any changes and / or modifications to the MODU Helidecks or Helideck Operations Procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Saudi Aramco Aviation Helicopter Safety Pilot. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 16 of 28 . 3. a clear deck policy sign. Inform the crane operator to cease operations. 4. The HLO shall wear a brightly colored vest with the letters “HLO” clearly printed on the front and rear of the vest. Note: Cranes shall be cradled if possible before Helicopter landings and takeoffs.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 / Heliports and Helicopter Operations (H&HO) 1. All helideck exits shall include compliant stairways along with the specified helideck operations warning signs. Each shift must have a designated HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer). to meet landing aircraft. C. the passenger waiting area will be so positioned as to be out of the helicopter / helideck crash fragment area. 5. D. If unable to cradle the boom. 2. but not limited to. His duties include the following: A. All MODU Helidecks shall stringently comply with the Saudi Aramco CAP-437 Requirements defined in both HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Appendix No. The contents of this box are listed in. and a scale for weighing passengers. SA CAP-437 MODU Helideck Design and Operations Compliance shall be formally verified in a Periodic (6-Month) OECD Emergency Operations Preparedness Assessment Process. Saudi Aramco Aviation Department’s “Helideck Crash Box Inventory List” (Refer to HSERM / B / B-7 / FFE&O / B-7b / OFF/FFE&O / Appendix No.2 and HSERM / D / D-3 / H&HO. All newly contracted and refurbished MODUs shall submit Obstacle Free Sector Sketch developed in accordance with CAP-437 chapter 3 section 6 to the Saudi Aramco Aviation Helicopter Safety Pilot for review and approval. This area shall have a passenger briefing sign. Inform the fire and crash rescue team on helicopter operations. Each MODU will have a passenger waiting area. 6. Check the helideck for loose objects. Unless the heliport is a continuous extension of a rig deck with unrestricted entry and exit to it. the crane operator shall stand next to the crane cab in full view of the pilot. B. Access to the helideck must be restricted. must be immediately reported to the pilot. M. Direct loading and off-loading of cargo. or loose articles. the remote operation point must be manned. D. Helicopter on the Helideck Passengers shall remain seated with lifejackets on and wait to disembark until told to do so by the pilot. 8. Approaches/departures to/from helideck shall be observed and Helicopter pilots notified of any abnormalities or deviation noted from safe operations. Safety nets. The firefighting equipment for the helicopter landing area is to be manned. Helideck Operations A. The HLO shall ensure the following procedures are adhered to during helicopter operations. are to be properly secured and in good condition. H. Any fluid/oil leakage found on the helideck after the helicopter has taken off. G. will be informed that helicopter operations are going to take place. Assure life vests and seat belts are correctly worn. 7. The standby vessel. F. E. if provided. Passengers are to follow the instructions of the Pilot and the HLO at all times. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 17 of 28 . K. I. debris. Do not load any cargo until directed by the pilot. baggage. Prior to Helicopter Arrivals or Departures: A. Supervise passengers entering and exiting the aircraft. Obtain the exact weight of passengers. F. if provided around the landing area. If remote monitors are installed. J. L. and cargo and log this information on the passenger manifest for the pilot. Supervise the loading and unloading of passenger baggage. The helicopter landing area is to be clear of obstructions. Other requirements may be imposed depending upon operation. C. unless remote monitors are installed. No smoking is allowed with any aspect of helicopter flights or helideck operations. HLO.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 / H&HO / Continued E. D. the quantity of fuel required has been determined and the correct grade of fuel has been verified. All passengers should normally be disembarked and clear of the helideck unless the pilot has approved otherwise. Helicopter Departures 1) The pilot shall be given a copy of the manifest with accurate weights. Next attach the main grounding lead to the helicopter grounding point. A. 3) Passengers shall follow the directions of the pilot and HLO and be mindful to keep clear of the tail rotor and the main rotors at the front of the helicopter. The pilot should witness the test or be shown the sample and give his approval before refueling. B. 2) Passengers. run out the delivery hose on the helideck to the aircraft refueling point. with seat belts fastened. It is of vital importance to supply the correct grade of uncontaminated fuel to the helicopters and to maintain communications between the pilot and refueling crew during the operation. Take a fuel sample from the nozzle end or from the water separator drain point and carry out a water detection check. 8) The HLO shall give the all clear signal to pilot before take-off. being mindful to keep clear of the tail rotor and the main rotors at the front of the helicopter. 7) The HLO shall clear the Helideck prior to take off. baggage and cargo shall be loaded per the directions of the pilot and HLO. Helicopter Refueling Refueling operations shall follow these guidelines and also conform to regulations. exit the helicopter directly away from the side of the helicopter and then exit the heliport. 5) The HLO shall check the closure of doors and the security of hatches. 4) Passengers shall wear lifejackets and ear protection. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 18 of 28 .Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 / H&HO / Continued 1) Passengers shall. B. 9. 2) The helideck crew will unload baggage under the supervision of the HLO. for outgoing passengers/cargo from HLO. The pilot. 6) The HLO shall check for fuel and oil leaks. HLO shall direct the refueling and ensure the fuel in the storage tank is properly settled. When the pilot is ready. or as directed. C. conduct a final check that the filler cap is secure. When the pilot indicates refueling should begin. disconnect the grounding lead from the helicopter and ensure that all equipment is clear of the helideck. The required helideck perimeter trench drain system shall not be routed under the perimeter safety netting. 12. Four (4) helicopter xenon landing surface flood lights are to be installed and shall be so arranged as not to impair the Pilot’s vision during night operations. Record the fuel quantity dispensed. start the pump. If the highest points on the rig exceed the elevation of the helideck by more than fifty feet. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 19 of 28 . open the tank filler cap and insert the nozzle. The upper portion of the light guard should be no greater than six inches above the helideck. 11. When pressure refueling Connect the hose pressure coupling to the aircraft and remain adjacent to the fueling point. If any problems arise. take a fuel sample and conduct another water detection test. helideck operations status lights shall be provided in accordance with CAP-437 chapter 4 section 3. 14. replace the filler cap and disconnect the bonding lead. 13.6. The lights are to be strategically positioned to ensure they do not obstruct the helideck fire monitor nozzle 90 degree spray pattern. stop the pump.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 / H&HO / Continued E. remove the nozzle. 10. In addition. the person assigned to operate the pump shall shut it off immediately. disconnect the hose pressure fitting from the helicopter and close the filler cap. An UPS power supply shall power the perimeter and obstruction lighting and lighting along heliport access and egress routes as well as the illuminated windsock. Crane operators must be knowledgeable about proper procedures to use around helicopters. The helideck safety net shall extend 1. an Omnidirectional red light shall be fitted at that point including a bow LED leg illumination flood light. A rotating or flashing red strobe shall be installed on the crane gantry of any crane boom which is able to reach the helideck. Upon completion of the delivery. When Refueling by Gravity rather than by Pump 1) First connect the bonding lead from the hose nozzle to the receptacle on the helicopter. F. 2) Finally.5 meters (5 feet) in the horizontal plane and be arranged so that the outboard edge does not exceed the level of the landing surface and angled so that it has an upward and outward slope of approximately 10 degrees. Green LED lighting shall be installed on the outer perimeter of the helicopter landing surface at intervals not exceeding three (3) meters behind the trench drain. The red strobe shall be illuminated whenever the crane engine / motor are operating. Begin delivery when the pilot indicates to do so. Remove the delivery hose from the helideck and stow. All lighting shall have a minimum OEM ambient operating temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. When delivery is completed. Each heliport shall be constructed with a helideck perimeter trench drain system sized to accommodate a minimum combined flow rate of the actual firefighting system plus the helicopter fuel spill without any accumulation on the helideck surface. The rig must be equipped with a VHF radio capable of reaching 138. The heliport markings shall be in stringent compliance with the Saudi Aramco Aviation CAP 437 paint guide. A red omnidirectional strobe Visual Status Warning light shall be installed at close proximity to the helideck to serve as a visual aid to Helicopter Pilots that the helideck is closed. Heliport drain systems shall be required to pass a five (5) minute drain test with two monitors flowing in a 90 degree spray pattern at the actual flow rate. Heliport drains shall be able to effectively drain all fluids from the heliport. Obstruction markings are as follows: A. B.25 and 138. Any obstruction four feet or higher is a main rotor obstruction and must have a solid red arc one third the rotor diameter of the largest helicopter expected to land there. Each heliport shall have a minimum of four recessed tie-down points arranged to secure one helicopter in the middle of the deck. It must be illuminated for night operations and not constitute an obstacle to helicopter operations. C. 20. The Visual Warning Light shall also be capable of manual activation by the HLO or Control Room at the HLO’s direction. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 20 of 28 . All drain openings shall be covered with secured perforated covers to eliminate trip hazards. The Visual Status Warning Light shall be interlocked into the MODU’s Emergency Alarm System and maintained in good working order. 17. 19. 21.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 / H&HO / Continued 15. 18. B. Any obstruction six inches or higher is a tail rotor obstruction and must be marked with a three foot solid red rectangular border. 16. C. Each heliport shall have a windsock that is easily visible to the pilot. Any obstruction on the deck less than six inches high is a skid hazard and must be marked with an eight inch red circular band.20 to allow for direct communications with the helicopter. Helideck Closure Procedure: A. Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-3 / H&HO / Continued D. 23. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. 3) Severely impaired / inoperative helideck CAP-437 lighting system. 24. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 21 of 28 . A periodic (6 month) SA D&WO MODU Helideck CFR Operations Preparedness Assessment shall be completed and forwarded to the SA Aviation Helideck Safety Pilot for formal review. 1) Failure to continuously maintain a certified HLO and or two man helideck crash team onboard at all times. 4) A non-compliant Helideck CFR Procedure B. 2) Severely impaired / inoperative helideck foam firefighting system. Existing MODU’s utilizing the combination of a helideck “traffic cone” and rig alarm system strobe lights is a compliant equivalent to the SA CAP-437 specified status warning light. Definitions. Any flagrant failure to stringently comply with the defined SA CAP-437 Helideck design and operations requirements will be immediately reported to the SA Aviation Helicopter Safety Pilot for formal review and Helideck Closure consideration as deemed appropriate. SA Aviation Helideck Operations Shutdown Procedure: A. 22. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-4 Personnel Transfer between Boats and MODUs SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 22 of 28 . It shall be stored and covered when not being used. The crane hook shall be equipped with a safety latch. The lifting and lowering of personnel in a personnel basket shall be over open water whenever reasonably practicable. A safety line shall be used on each personnel basket. then the following restrictions will apply. 5.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-4 / Personnel Transfer between Boats (PT) and MODU’s 1. 2. 8. Only light hand luggage shall be permitted inside the personnel basket when the basket is occupied by personnel. 9. 10. The offshore crane operator shall not be required or permitted to transfer more than four persons by personnel basket each crane trip. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 23 of 28 . 7. An offshore crane operator shall not be required or permitted to transfer personnel by personnel basket if the wind force is above 20mph unless it is an emergency. The Crane Operator must hold an approved Saudi Aramco License or home country License indicating that he has been tested and passed. they shall wear approved life preservers or buoyant work vests. Each personnel basket used for transferring personnel by crane between an offshore rig and crew boat shall: A. Provided with an adequate number of approved life preservers or buoyant work vests. When employees are transported by personnel basket. 3. C.8 meters (6 feet). or if the wave height is above 1. no personnel transfers will take place if the wind speed is 30 knots or more. They shall stand on the outer rim of the basket facing inward. Personnel transfers will be controlled by the use of an adequate risk assessment and the contractors Permit to Work (PTW) system. 6. Have current lifting gear certification. D. 4. to handle man baskets. Personnel shall be transferred by basket to or from a rig only when visibility is good. Be in good condition. B. 13. Rig supplies shall not be transported by personnel basket at any time. 12. Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. 14.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-4 / PT / Continued 11. Definitions. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 24 of 28 . Personnel transfers at night will only take place in an emergency and with the prior knowledge of the Aramco Rig Superintendent or where sufficient illumination of the safe lift zone is provided. Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-5 Rig / MODU Orientation SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 25 of 28 . Work Site Orientation is applicable to all personnel visiting /working at the rig site. All personnel will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the general safety rules HSERM / A / A-3 / GSR. location of first aid stations. Review of any rig specific safety policies. All personnel will receive rig specific H2S training as per HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S Safety. All personnel will be able to demonstrate their understanding of when a Permit to Work is required. M. H. N. All personnel will know their Lifeboat Stations and Assignments. E. Room Assignment . O. Information shall include. Fire and Emergency Station Assignments and Escape Routes. Orientation/Indoctrination Check List (See Employee Orientation Checklist) will be completed for all personnel and a copy of said will be retained at the rig location.. 4. All personnel will receive rig evacuation training. C. D. All personnel will be issued with Rig Safety Handbook (if applicable). L. K. F. I. All personnel will be able to identify emergency signals and state his assignments. All personnel will be able to demonstrate their understanding of their responsibilities toward safe working practices. All personnel will be able to demonstrate their understanding of when a Risk Assessment is required. The rig orientation shall be conducted when personnel arrive at the work site.Including bunk card review. P. etc. All personnel will be able to explain reason for pre-tour safety meetings.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-5 / Rig/MODU Orientation (RO) 1. emergency signals. B. G. Use of cellular phones SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 26 of 28 . shall be explained prior to commencing work. Confirm all personnel have viewed contractor Hazard Observation Program. emergency exits. 2. J. but not limited to: A. 3. General instructions pertaining to living quarters. 11. 6. The Person in Charge or designated person shall conduct a tour of the rig with all new personnel explaining emergency procedures and evacuation routes. 10. 12. The Person in Charge shall oversee their enrollment in to the contractor Short Service Employee program as per HSERM / A / A-8 / SSE. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 27 of 28 . Abbreviations and Acronyms: Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A. 3rd party. 7. 9.Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual D-5 / RO / Continued 5. Definitions. training will be provided by a 3rd party at the cost of the persons employer. if the drilling contractor cannot facilitate said training. All personnel will complete the rig orientation as a minimum once per year. Personnel who cannot produce verification of having completed H2S training within the past 2 years will be required to undertake a complete H2S orientation as per HSERM / B / B-5 / H2S Safety . No personnel are allowed on rig locations without H2S training. 8. 13. service contractors will repeat the rig orientation if absent from the rig location for greater than 3 months. Any contractor or client personnel absent from the rig for greater than 3 months will be required to repeat the rig orientation. References: Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / Reference Material. Section D / Offshore Requirements D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Revision Summary Approvals Rev No. SA-DWO-HSERM-OR-004 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 28 of 28 . 00 Date Revision Summary Jan 2013 Original Release Originator Custodian Review Approval Authority RGW RGW OSH & AAR Note: Signed Original(s) are maintained within D&WO-DOE&CD. E Environment and Occupational Health Requirements . SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 1 of 95 . specific Corporate General Instructions (GIs). Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code (SASC).Environmental and Occupational Health Unit. requires compliance with the most stringent requirement. Any specific queries regarding conflicts should be directed to the Drilling Operational Excellence& Compliance Division . or industry standards. most recent government or Saudi government-ratified regional or international standards or regulations. forms. Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs). codes. Standard Drawings (SASDs).HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005-R0_ Section E / E&OH Document Title: Section E / E&OH Document Owner: SA-VP-D&WO Review Interval: 48 Months Date: January 2013 HSERM E Environment and Occupational Health Conflicts and Deviations Any conflicts between these requirements and other applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and Procedures (SAESs and SAEPs). HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 2 of 95 . Preparedness and Response Revision Summary SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin 95 Page 3 of 95 .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Table of Contents Contents Page E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-10 E-11 E-12 4 16 22 31 34 45 53 56 64 74 81 83 Waste Management Air Emissions Control Water Supply Protection Effluent Discharges Management Noise Control Hazardous Materials Management Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Management Refrigerant Management Food Service Hygiene Camp Sanitation Medical Requirements Spill Prevention. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 Waste Management SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 4 of 95 . Alternative oil based drilling mud (e. 3. DW&F . and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Waste Handling Procedure defines the steps to be followed to properly process waste. NORM .Cuttings re-injection.Drilling Rig and Equipment Maintenance Division G. DRSD . 2. using Safra base oil). Abbreviations A.Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration Q. and recyclable materials returning from the rigs and all other Drilling and Workover (D&WO) fixed and mobile facilities.Environment. AOBM .Drilling waste and fluids J. IBC . D&WO . B.Drilling Rig Supply System I.Drilling Rig Support Division H. CRI .Drilling Operational Excellence and Compliance Division F. DR&EMD . EPD .Naturally occurring radioactive material SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 5 of 95 . and to promote re-use and recycling. reusable materials.Environmental Management System L. DRSS . Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). D&WOSD . GER .Intermediate bulk container P.Environmental Protection Department M.General Environmental Regulations N.g. MEPA . C. Health and Safety K. DOE&CD .Drilling and Workover D. EH&S .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / Waste Management (WM) 1. to reduce hazardous and non-hazardous waste volumes.Drilling and Workover Services Department E. HDPE ..High density poly-ethylene O. EMS . 2) Ensure trash is properly segregated as per this procedure. or SAP Environment. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 6 of 95 . C. Proponent Manager Responsible for the implementation of this procedure in its entirety. B. WSD . SA .Saudi Aramco Rigs W. OBM . Superintendent Responsible for the implementation of this procedure in its entirety and to develop and implement an audit program that will accurately record and identify the level of implementation of this procedure.Presidency of Meteorology and Environment T. Health. WS/ES . WMF . PME . 4) Track all backhauled materials and hazardous waste from the rig using online SAP manifest transaction.Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code V. Responsibilities A. Shedgum X.Waste Management Facility Y. D&WO Liaisonman / Foremen 1) Ensure waste is segregated properly onsite and that it is handled in compliance with SA Standards and Government Regulations.Water Well Maintenance Division 4. SAR .Saudi Aramco U.Well-Sites Division AA. and sent directly to landfill (from onshore rigs).Wastewater separator / evaporation site Z. 3) Ensure any recyclable or reusable materials are sent to Shedgum or Tanajib Tool house for further processing.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued R. WWMD . and Safety (EH&S) Hazardous Waste Manifest System. 5) Ensure an effort is made to reuse materials from damaged bags and containers at the rig site.Special Well Action Team unit.Oil based drilling mud S. SWAT . SAHWC . EPD 1) Communicate any changes or updates to the Government or Corporate waste management regulations to Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division (DOE&CD) / Environmental Coordinators. Containers that hold hazardous waste must be inspected weekly. 3) Implement improvements to this procedure as required. and tracking of hazardous waste. G. Hazardous waste may be stored at a rig location for a maximum of 90 days. DOE&CD and D&WO Departmental Environmental Coordinators 1) Monitor D&WO facility compliance with these procedures. Tanks must be visually inspected for leaks on a daily basis. D&WO Waste Storage Requirements When waste has been adequately identified and characterized.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued 6) Ensure drilling contractor is in compliance with “Schedule D: Safety Health and Environmental Requirements” of its working contract. handling. Drilling Rig Contractor 1) Follow their contractual obligations as set out in Schedule D of their working contract. E. 5. D. F. reusable material. Written records for all inspections will be maintained at the rig location for the length of the contract. and recyclable material as set out in this procedure to maximize efficiency and minimize generated waste volumes. A record of accumulated hazardous waste shall be recorded and maintained at the rig. All chemical containers should have proper labeling as per the HAZCOM program. Form 112-H. so that alternate arrangements can be made for waste disposal. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 7 of 95 . All rigs and D&WO fixed and mobile facilities 1) Handle waste. or SAP EH&S Hazardous Waste Manifest System. 2) Track all materials and hazardous waste using online Form 112. 2) Coordinate with EPD to resolve any compliance issues. Storage in containers requires leak control or secondary containment. The SA Hazardous Waste Code (SAHWC) outlines all requirements for storage. it needs to be segregated and stored properly. transportation. and will be segregated and stored appropriately as per the SAHWC. 2) Communicate any changes made to status of available environmental contractors and operating waste management facilities (WMF) to the DOE&CD / Environmental Coordinators. 2) Maintain records of waste manifests as per SA Hazardous Waste Code (SAHWC) and PME GER. The goal is to reduce hazardous and non-hazardous waste volumes.03 Processing and Handling of Hazardous Material). Once onshore.” Hard copies of transfer documents (for waste materials transport) and hazardous waste manifests (for hazardous waste disposal) must be available for review at the point of generation (either the rig or contractor base facility). 1) Onshore Rigs (refer to HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No. reusable and recyclable materials. and reduce the transport costs and WMF disposal fees. A. are considered contractor waste and. designated areas at Tanajib Pier. D&WO is not responsible for tracking rig contractor generated waste. to be transferred to contractor-specific. 2) Offshore Rig Contractors Offshore rig contractors must segregate their own waste from SA waste on the rigs. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 8 of 95 . Rig Contractor Generated Waste Schedule D of a typical SA contract contractually binds rig contractors to follow a Waste Management Plan for the proper handling. SA Generated Wastes and Materials All chemicals and supplies purchased and provided to the Contractor Rigs and SAR by SA are included in this category. promote recycling. EPD states that “Wastes that are derived solely from materials purchased by contractors. the contractor waste will be handled as per Schedule D of their working contract. if hazardous. including all classes of waste.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued 6. treatment. B. Shedgum Tool-house will receive and process the following hazardous wastes and materials as indicated: 1. D&WO Waste Handling Procedures The various types of wastes that return from the rigs and those that are used in D&WO fixed and mobile facilities. SHEDGUM WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RIG CONTRACTOR WASTE. They need not be manifested in the SAP EH&S Hazardous Waste Manifest System. and solely used in contractor equipment. Transport and WMF contractors used by rig contractors are not required to be EPD-approved. and storage of their wastes generated on SA sites. in their own skips.1 / Figure No. must be handled as set out in this document. Plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels) and intermediate bulk containers (IBC’s) that have chemical contamination (*) will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H (see SA CU 22. unless contractually specified. should be manifested in accordance with PME GER and SA requirements.1 / Onshore Rig Waste Handling) a. 1) Onshore Rig Contractors Onshore rig contractors must segregate their waste from SA waste on the rigs and handle as per Schedule D of their working contract. To promote evaporation. 5. Any SAR trash. Undamaged wood pallets will be reused in Shedgum. 5. 2. Cut off pipe and scrap metal will be sent to DPC-531 using online Form 112. Excess drilling mud and non-containerized chemicals (e.g. 2. OBM fluids are sprayed on the sides of skid roads during operations or after rig move during site cleanup. EMPTY (*) chemical IBC’s will be sent to DPC-531 using online Form 112. 4. drums. 3. spilled chemicals) will be sent to an EPD approved WMF using SAP EH&S Hazardous Waste Manifest System. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 9 of 95 . SAR used air filters and EMPTY used oil filters. EMPTY White Super-sack bags. Expired and unusable chemicals in IBC’s. Excess and reusable chemicals (i. If a regional wastewater separator/evaporation site (WS/ES) is available. d. damaged packaging) will be repackaged and reused at Shedgum Tool-house. 3.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued 2. Shedgum Tool-house will receive and process the following non-hazardous wastes and materials as indicated: 1. 2. c. EMPTY small chemical cans and bottles. SA casing protectors and damaged pipes will be sent to DPC-165 using online Form 112. and 6. 4. OBM fluids will be transferred there to minimize disposal volumes. SAR used engine oil and used batteries will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H.e. barrels. 4. Damaged wood pallets. and super-sacks will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. 3. EMPTY (*) chemical plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels) will be sent to DPC-531 using online Form 112. 5. Onshore SA Drilling Waste and Fluids (DW&F): 1. b. Reusable or repairable super-sack bags (BENTONITE and BARITE ONLY) will be sent back to the chemical supplier for reuse. Shedgum Tool-house does NOT accept the following wastes (this waste should be sent to a landfill or WMF directly from the drilling rigs): 1. Tanajib Tool-house will receive and process the following non-hazardous wastes and materials as indicated: 1. Sensitive Areas: A. are transferred to Manifa WS/ES. 3.e. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 10 of 95 .. 2.e. B. 2) Offshore Rigs (refer to HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No. Excess and reusable chemicals (i. C. drums. Safaniya Landfill). Mix empty drain pit materials in-place with clean sand/marl (50%) for stability. barrels.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued 3. DW&F from platform wells are injected into CRI wells (i. All SAR trash and SA EMPTY chemical super-sack bags (i. to minimize volumes. chemical IBC’s. 5. SA scrap metal and cut off pipes will be sent to DPC-321 using online Form 112. Completion fluids are disposed at EPD approved WMF via request to DRSD Dispatcher. 4. Expired and unusable chemicals in IBC’s. c. white bags) will be disposed of at the nearest landfill area (e. zero discharge). Tanajib Tool-house will receive and process the following hazardous wastes and materials as indicated: 1. 4. Note: Present SA DW&F disposal practices are covered under Onshore Well-site Drilling Waste Management procedure. b. and super-sacks will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. damaged packaging) will be repackaged and reused in Tanajib or transferred to Shedgum.e.g. Offshore SA DW&F are processed as indicated: 1. Skip and ship the CRI well DW&F to Tanajib for processing.1 / Figure No.2 / Offshore Rig Waste Handling) a. DW&F from low-toxicity AOBMs. Oily hazardous waste sludge from the wastewater separators sent to an EPD approved WMF. as needed. 3. as per SAES-A-103. 2. SAR used engine oil and used batteries will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. Plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels) and IBC’s that have chemical contamination(*) will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. Damaged pipes and thread casing protectors will be sent to DPC-165 using online Form 112. EMPTY(*) chemical plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels). barrels. and materials generated by D&WO fixed and mobile facilities are included in this category. used. Oil. Grease) have to be collected individually in a properly sealed container and sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. e. AOBM (i.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued 2.3 / D&WO Fixed and Mobile Facility Waste Handling): a. Plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels) and intermediate bulk containers (IBC’s) that have chemical contamination (*) will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H (see SA CU 22. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 11 of 95 . Non-sensitive areas: Discharge non-toxic. and used sandblasting waste will be sent to an EPD approved WMF using online SAP EH&S Hazardous Waste Manifest System. EMPTY small chemical cans and bottles) will be disposed at the nearest landfill area. WWMD damaged pipe. expired and damaged batteries will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. b. and WSD will be sent to DPC-531 using online Form 112. airlines. Excess. 1) Hazardous wastes and materials will be handled as indicated (refer to HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No. used. using Safra base oil) cuttings near sea floor.g.1 / Figure No. air filters. EMPTY (*) chemical plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels/IBCs) will be sent to DPC-531 using online Form 112. shafts. and bags will be sent to DPC-280 using online Form 112-H. d.e. and damaged chemicals (e. b. paint. garbage. solvents. Cut off pipe and scrap metal from DR&EMD. Mixing different types of hazardous wastes in one container (holding tank or pit) is prohibited. c. damaged wood pallets. drums. 2) Non-Hazardous wastes and materials will be handled as Indicated (refer to HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No. f. Excess. lubricants. raw chemicals) in IBC’s. c.1 / Figure No. Thread casing protectors will be sent to DPC-165 using online Form 112. submersible motors and pumps will be sent to DPC-321 using online Form 112 (items should be scanned for NORMs and sent to DPC-280 if affected using online Form 112-H). expired and damaged lubricants (e. e. Hazardous wastes should be segregated from non-hazardous wastes. tubes.3 / D&WO Fixed and Mobile Facility Waste Handling): a. WWMD.g. Excess. All trash (e. d. EMPTY used oil filters. C. D&WO Fixed and Mobile Facility Generated Waste and Materials All waste chemicals. chemical drainage pits.03 Processing and Handling of Hazardous Material). Industrial drainage holding tanks. and scrap metal will be sent to DPC-321 using online Form 112. Dhahran DRSD shops generated empty(*) chemical plastic and steel containers (drums/barrels/IBCs).g. cut off pipe. expired. 11) SASC-S-07: Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. 2) INT-5: Environmental Protection Policy. 1409-01. and Disposal. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 12 of 95 . 150. 2) General Environmental Regulations (GER) and Rules for Implementation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.I. 5) D&WO DRSD Procedure for Receiving Returned Excess Chemicals. 7) SAES-A-103: Discharges to the Marine Environment. Environmental Protection Standards. 3) Interim Procedure: Onshore Well-sites Drilling Waste Management. 7. presently Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME). 12) Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code (SAHWC). or if less than 0. 2004. B.5 cm (1-inch) or 3% by weight remains in a container that is < 110 gallons.03: Supply Chain Management Manual: Processing and Handling of Hazardous Material. SA Standards 1) CU 22.100: Hazardous Materials Communication (HAZCOM) Program. 3) Royal Commission Environmental Regulations.1 as follows: a container is empty if less than 2.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-1 / WM / Continued Note: Empty drums and containers are defined in the SA Hazardous Waste Code section 4. PME. 6) SAES-A-102: Ambient Air Quality and Source Emission Standard. 8) SAES-A-104: Wastewater Treatment. Camps and Communal Living Facilities. If it contains more chemical it is considered contaminated. Solid Waste Management. 10) SASC-S-03: Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code.3. Reuse. 9) SAES-S-07: Solid Waste Landfill Standard. Volume 1. Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu. 2004. Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA). 4) G. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) A.3% by weight of the total capacity remains in a container that is >110 gallons. Government Regulations and Standards 1) Document No. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No.1 SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 13 of 95 .1 / Figure No. 2 SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 14 of 95 .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No.1 / Figure No. 1 / Figure No.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual HSERM / E-1 / WM / Appendix No.3 SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 15 of 95 . HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-2 Air Emissions Control SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 16 of 95 . 2. Carbon Monoxide . Air Pollution . ash.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-2 / Air Emissions Control (AEC) 1.Nontoxic and innocuous. respiratory irritant and poison. Their high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point. particulate matter.Dust. The primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapors. C.Large group of volatile organic compounds. G.005 to 100 micrometer in size. Carbon Dioxide . odorless and non-irritating that can cause death at low concentrations. Air Pollutants . Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) . Increasing concentrations in the upper atmosphere could implicate in global warming. Definitions. soot. B. smoke and droplets of pollutants either emitted to the air or formed in the atmosphere. E. 3. Abbreviations and Acronyms (Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. Produced when organic materials such as fuels are incompletely burned from vehicles engine and stationary fuel combustion. Characterized as 0. and periodical monitoring of Greenhouse Gas emission data where applicable and provides the minimum guidelines to be followed to generate. nitrous oxide.Organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary. In addition. Nitrogen Oxides . room-temperature conditions. or gases.Colorless. GHG . they may be natural or man-made. They can be in the form of solid particles. and ozone.Colorless corrosive gas. or cause damage to the atmosphere. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). I. Particulates . H. Hydrocarbons . Reacts with ozone. J. or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms.3. methane. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.The introduction of chemicals.A greenhouse gas (GHG) is a gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. F. water vapors and other materials to form sulfuric acid.A substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. carbon dioxide.Highly reactive gases from oxidation of the nitrogen in the air during combustion. liquid droplets. implement and manage the standalone procedures. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Air Emissions Control Procedure defines the minimum requirements to be implemented in order to control the air emissions at D&WO operations including design and operating requirements. Sulfur Dioxide . flare minimization. which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate or sublimate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 17 of 95 . D. Volatile Organic Compounds Landfill • • Hydrocarbons Carbon Monoxide 5. NOx PM Particulate Matter Smoke Hydrocarbons Engines’ (generator and vehicles) fuel combustion • • • • • SOx. procedures and standards). animals.I. Spills. Welding activities. B. Responsibilities A. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 18 of 95 .s. 5) Ensure all current and new D&WO operations. 3) Ensure that all of the periodic GHG data are sent to E&OHU in a timely manner. bulk loading/bunkering and other operational locations not vented through controlled openings. C. Types and sources of air pollutants are summarized in the following table: Activities/Sources Air Pollutants Planned or unplanned flaring operation • • • • • Carbon Dioxide SOx. Air Pollutants Air pollutants are classified as primary pollutants which are directly released into air in a harmful form or secondary pollutants which are modified into a hazardous form after they enter atmosphere due to chemical reactions or which are formed in the atmosphere. flanges. seals. or plants. valves. 2) Adopt piloting and implementing applicable technology such as 3 or 4 phase separator with high efficiency burner. 4) Ensure periodic preventive maintenance programs are in place and implemented in order to prevent from any environmental release or spill. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities shall be designed not to discharge any toxic substances or hazardous matters in such quantities or durations as to be harmful to the health and welfare of humans. NOx Hydrocarbons PM Particulate Matter Smoke VOC A. Proponent Departments 1) Comply with this procedure and the applicable Saudi Aramco air emission requirements (G. Pumps.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-2 / AEC / Continued 4. technical and environmental evaluation. Flaring Requirements The amount of flaring and burning of associated gas from D&WO sites is a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Most of the pollutants are emitted through the exhaust. Requirements A. such as: 1) 3 or 4 phase separators. tankers. Engineer from Proponent Departments and Facilities Planning department shall be involved in the initial scope development.gov/ttn. shall be in accordance with the manufacturing Maintenance and Operation Manual. including replacement in-kind.epa. determination of smokeless capacity and selection of a flare system. Fuel Combustion Requirements Engines’ fuels supply mechanical and electrical power to D&WO operations. However. Whenever practicable. mechanical and structural). OHHA. Environmental Protection Department 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. The preventive maintenance and repair of the flare systems. There are also driven engine trucks being used at D&WO facilities such forklifts. and/or 2) High efficiency burner. air pollutants generated from flaring can be minimized and controlled. B. Nearly all of the organic compounds enter the atmosphere from the exhaust. feasible and applicable. shall be implemented for any project proposal. EPA and RPA inspections 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations 6. heavy duty application trucks.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-2 / AEC / Continued B. Air quality and source emission control recommendations from the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). some organic compounds escape from the crankcase as a result of blow by and from the fuel tank and carburetor because of evaporation. Flare system shall be supplied from an approved Saudi Aramco flare manufacturer. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 19 of 95 . which meets the design requirements (system. By proper design and/or controls. etc. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. this source specific BACT and BART information can be found at the USEPA database through its website at www. BACT shall be used for new facilities and BART shall be used for existing facilities undergoing modification to control air pollutant emissions as part of each well program. Monitoring Requirements All D&WO operations departments are responsible for tracking GHG emissions data and reporting these data to DOE&CD/E&OHU for compilation on a quarterly basis. GHG emissions data are collected as: 1) Any planned and unplanned flaring operations. This information is uploaded by the Upstream Continuing Excellence (UCE) and Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to their GHG Database System. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 20 of 95 .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-2 / AEC / Continued Control measures are primarily directed at limiting NOx and CO emissions since they are the primary pollutants from these engines. 2) Engines’ Fuel combustion. This system will assist in GHG emission trends analyses and evaluating the effectiveness of Saudi Aramco strategies for the control of these emissions. Emissions from engines can be reduced and/or controlled by the examples mentioned in the following table: Control Measures Alternatives Fuels (Lower NOx and PM) Alternative Engineering Controls Maintenance Program Monitoring Program Examples • Low sulfur fuels • Zero sulfur fuels such Natural Gas • Water emulsions • Engines filters • PM Trap Adequate preventive maintenance program and plan for both power generators and vehicles/trucks Smoke inspections C. SAEP-400 Guidelines for Facility Flaring Minimization Plan. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following matrix shows the summary of D&WO E&OH air emission control related references from the applicable SA requirements. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 21 of 95 . D.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-2 / AEC / Continued 7. SAEP-400 Appendix 10 Real Time Flare Monitoring System Design Document. and related external origin documents: Applicable SA Requirements External Origin Documents A. USEPA. SAES-A-102 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards. B. SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modeling and Emission Inventory. C. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 Water Supply Protection SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 22 of 95 . Any water that has been chemically treated. 2. Some bacterial spore forming organisms may survive the process. wastes or wastewater F.The direct or indirect introduction into water of microorganisms.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / Water Supply Protection (WSP) 1. the active bleaching ingredient in liquid chlorine bleach. Bottled Drinking Water . SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 23 of 95 . but all other microorganisms are reduced to insignificant levels or eliminated completely. through which a fluid is passed. I. Filter . Definitions.Water that has no objectionable tastes or odors and meets all water quality requirements as defined in this procedure. which is sealed in bottles. Coliform Group Bacteria 1) A group of bacteria predominantly inhabiting the intestines of man or animal. Contamination. Disinfect . Drinking Water (Sweet Water) . to separate from it matter held in suspension. Hypochlorite . but also occasionally found elsewhere. B. The treatment may range from simple addition of chlorine to kill bacteria to multiple chemical applications to render it non-corrosive and/or non-scaling or to remove certain physical or chemical pollutants. chemicals. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Water Supply Protection Procedure defines the minimum mandatory requirements for the control of the supply of water throughout Drilling and Workover operations and facilities and outlines the steps to be followed to safeguard the water supplies and ensure that water is adequately protected from any means of contamination. Gram negative. Water . C. Chemically Treated .A device made of porous material. which include Escherichia coli. Chlorine Residual . D. 2) A group of organisms. Abbreviations and Acronyms (refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. It includes all aerobic and facultative anaerobic. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). G.All water. non-spore forming bacilli that ferment lactose with production of gas. H. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. 3.in its sodium salt form.The amount of chlorine in all forms (total) or hypochlorous acid HOCl (free) remaining in treated water to ensure disinfection for a certain period of time.To kill infectious microorganisms by physical or chemical means. packages or other containers and offered for sale for human consumption. E. Water Supply System -Includes the waterworks and auxiliaries for collection. Raw Water . can create scaling problems. Q. treatment. N. Water Hardness -Soluble metal salts. QAQC . simple fungi.000 mg/l TDS and is used extensively in Saudi Arabia for domestic purposes. Utility Water -Water containing. Residual Chlorine -The free chlorine. Potable Drinking Water . normally less than 5000mg/L TDS. algae. Responsibilities A. S.In Saudi Aramco terminology. EPA and RPA inspections 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 24 of 95 . a highly active oxidizing agent.A solution of sodium hypochlorite. P. raw water means water that has not undergone treatment. mg/L . Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. storage and distribution of the water from the sources of supply to the free-flowing outlet of the consumer. which is the metric equivalent of parts per million (ppm). physical and microbiological section as outlined in SASC-S-01. OHHA. 4. This includes bacteria. Microorganisms . used in process facilities (as opposed to raw water used in domestic facilities). MODU . TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) -Total solids dissolved in water.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued J. Liquid chlorine bleach is also called household bleach and is commonly distributed as an approximately five percent solution of sodium hypochlorite.Water at the consumer tap that is wholesome and which meets the chemical.Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit. K. TDS is expressed in mg/L. T. principally those of calcium and magnesium. This water normally contains less than 5. sometimes including iron and manganese that. Liquid Chlorine Bleach . Some of these produce disease in man.Milligrams per liter. M. L. which remains in solution after the demand has been satisfied.Quality Assurance/ Quality Control. yeasts. when present in water in significant levels. etc. R. O.Generally any living microscopic things (too small for the naked eye). animals and plants. Frequently expressed as parts per million (ppm). U. 5) Conduct all required sampling and testing as stipulated in this procedure and maintain all results and records onsite. C. 3) Ensure that water quality meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in this procedure and standards referenced in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. 4) Provide training or awareness sessions regarding the hazards and risks of a vulnerable water supply. 3) Conduct regular inspections to ensure the compliance of contractors and provide recommendations as necessary.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued 4) Approve all new water suppliers provided that they adhere to rules and regulations set by EPD 5) Recommend appropriate engineering and administrative control measures to ensure that water supply is protected B. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 25 of 95 . Saudi Aramco Approved Contractors 1) Maintain a continuous safe supply for all rig and camp sites. 2) Perform additional monitoring of water quality supplied on rig and camp sites. 7) Provide training or awareness sessions regarding the hazards and risks of a vulnerable water supply D. 2) Coordinate and ensure that contractors are adhering to the requirements stipulated in this procedure. 4) Appoint EPD approved contractors to ensure a safe water supply. 6) Perform all necessary sampling and testing on SA Rigs to ensure a safe water supply and maintain all documents and records onsite. 2) Provide a safe water supply in order to maintain work environments that minimize hazards of contaminated water supply. Proponent Department(s) 1) Comply with this procedure and all applicable Saudi Aramco requirements and codes. 4) Conduct all required sampling and testing as stipulated in this procedure and maintain all results and records onsite. Contractor(s) 1) Generate and maintain a stand-alone procedure which is in compliance with the requirements in this procedure. 3) Identify and evaluate the risks and hazards associated with the supply of contaminated water. Disinfection Requirements: 1) Potable water systems and water wells shall be disinfected by chlorination (with sufficient amounts of chlorine either in the form of gas. 3) Potable water systems shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet to prevent contamination of the enclosed water.1 below. 4) All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap and designed with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning and disinfection. 5) Both the low concentration method and the high concentration method can be used for the disinfection of water storage tanks based on the applicability on site. Records shall be maintained and located onsite. repaired and painted in accordance to Saudi Aramco Standards. If the initial disinfection fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological results. B. b. d.Bacteriological Testing a. 2) Potable water systems and water wells shall be constructed. c. Bacteriological Testing parameters. Testing Requirements: 1) Potable Water System Microbiological Testing . SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 26 of 95 . Requirements A. Samples shall be collected after final flushing of potable water/before the potable water is placed in service during the disinfection of the potable water system. requirements and frequency are shown in Table No. solution.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued 5. the disinfection shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. granules or tablets) or by other means or methods of equal efficiency according to Best Available Technology in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causing infection. Record shall be maintained and located onsite. Maximum contaminant level (MCL) of total coliforms – Using P-A test Requirements Frequency Heterotrophic Plat Count (HPC) <500CFU/ml Monthly Free from turbid culture in the absence of gas production Monthly Free from confluent growth/colony (exceeds 200 on 47-mm diameter membrane filter used as detector) Free from a turbid culture in the absence of an acid reaction (an acid indicated when the medium changes to a yellow color) Monthly Monthly 2) Potable Water System Physical and Chemical Water Quality Testing a. requirements and frequency are shown in Table No. Maximum contaminant level (MCL) of total coliforms – General Maximum contaminant level (MCL) of total coliforms – Test using multiple tube fermentation technique Maximum contaminant level (MCL) of total coliforms – Test using membrane filter technique 2.5ppm/mg/L – 3. Parameters Requirements Frequency 1.2: Potable Water System Physical and Chemical Water Quality Testing No.1: Potable Water System Microbiological Testing . 2. 3. 4.5 Residual Chlorine SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Daily Daily Page 27 of 95 . Parameters 1. pH Level <5000 mg/l 0.2 below. c.Bacteriological Testing No.0ppm/mg/L 6. Water shall not contain impurities in concentrations. Table No. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Daily 3. b.5 – 8. Physical and Chemical Water Quality testing parameters. which may be hazardous to the health of the consumers.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued Table No. 2. bathing. brushing teeth. Shall comply with bacteriological requirements and be chlorinated sufficiently. 4. Records of treatment and testing shall be maintained and retained on site. Treatment Testing Location Source Testing Requirements Testing Responsibility Requirement Frequency Potable water system Bulk supplied by SA Disinfection of Physical and chemical Daily Saudi Aramco/ Contractors Potable Water Well approved supplier (An potable water system parameters as stipulated updated list of – Chlorination in Table 2 approved suppliers can be provided by E&OHU upon request) Seawater . 7. Physical and chemical quality of the water must be inherently free from acute health hazards. Contractors shall request all the documentation from the potable water supplier that confirms that the water is safe and protected from contamination. Contractors are recommended to use the SA approved suppliers (List can be provided by E&OHU upon request). laundry. warewashing. contractors shall perform their own sampling and testing in order to ensure that the potable water is safe for consumption as per EPD requirements. conveyed. If it is not feasible to use the SA approved supplier due to shortage of bulk water suppliers. laboratory analytical data.Water maker Saudi Aramco/ Contractors Bunkered from vessel Saudi Aramco/ Contractors Maximum contaminant Monthly Saudi Aramco/ Contractors level (MCL) of total Water Wells coliforms as stipulated in Table 1 SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 28 of 95 . 6. QAQC controls and water making process description. stored and distributed in a closed system that is protected from contamination and every reasonable effort shall be made to prevent pollution. including applicable licenses. treated. credentials. 5. washing raw food. Shall be obtained. eyewash stations. operation 1.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued C. hand washing. 3. domestic/utility purposes. Drinking and Potable Water Requirements: 1) Potable Water Water Data Sheet Potable Water Type General Requirements Usage Ablution. but need not comply with the stringent chemical quality parameters required to protect the most sensitive individual from chronic health risks associated with lifetime consumption of drinking water. laboratory analytical data. 7. 9. credentials. any purpose involving ingestion 1. upon request) sedimentationcoagulation. It shall not be transferred into a potable water system and/or any system/tank/container. Treatment Testing Treatment & Testing Location Source Testing Requirements Requirement Frequency Responsibility Original containers in Bottled/Bulk supplied by Any treatment that Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer bottles or bulk at site SA approved supplier. If bulk drinking water is to be transferred to a different tank the receiving tank. and water making process description. Drinking water shall not be supplied from a potable water system (Potable water cannot be used for drinking and cooking purposes/any ingestion purposes). 5. 2. 6. QAQC controls. Contractors shall request from the SA approved drinking water supplier all of the necessary documents to ensure that the provided drinking water is safe for human consumption including applicable licenses. Contractors shall retain copies of the provided documentation at applicable locations.g. Drinking water shall be supplied by Saudi Aramco approved suppliers. 8.filtration) SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-005 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 29 of 95 . Shall have no objectionable tastes or odors and shall meet all water quality requirements identified in this procedure. Shall be obtained from a safe source which is protected by all means from contamination. Bottled water shall remain in its original container throughout its usage at the facilities.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued 2) Drinking Water Water Data Sheet Drinking Water Type General Requirements Usage Drinking (directly from bottle or water fountain) Ice Making Cooking. 4. gives a compliance (An updated list of result to Table 9 approved suppliers can parameters of SASCbe provided by E&OHU S-01 (e. Shall contain less than 500 mg/l TDS. 3. connecting pipes and distribution system shall all be sufficiently disinfected to ensure safe water supply and prevent contamination. I. SAES-S-40 SA Water Systems. G. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 30 of 95 . D&WO E&OH Stand Alone Procedure: D&WO E&OH Drinking and Potable Water Supply Protection Procedure. B. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following matrix shows the summary of D&WO E&OH drinking and potable water supply protection documents. C.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-3 / WSP / Continued 6. B. CEPI: Comprehensive Environmental Health Assessment (CEHA) Checklist.006 Implementing the SA Sanitary Code. A.0151. related references from applicable SA requirements: D&WO E&OH Documents Applicable SA Requirements A. SASC-S-01 Water Section of SA Sanitary Code. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-4 Effluent Discharges Management SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 31 of 95 . are necessary for the protection of public health and the environment.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-4 / Effluent Discharges Management (EDM) 1. testing and monitoring requirements. They will not give rise to public health hazards. from D&WO sites both offshore and onshore. implement. maintain. They will not pollute or contaminate any water body including groundwater and aquifers. Provide standard method/operation/technology of collection and treatment. treated. C. B. Cover the restriction/prohibition of discharging pollutants into a land and/or a water body. The purpose of effluent discharge management is to: A. D. E. F. Provide sampling. B. such wastewaters shall be collected. treatment/holding and reuse/discharge of all forms of wastewater. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 32 of 95 . Serve as a guide to contractors to generate. Provide standard discharge parameters governed by applicable legal and other requirements. In order to accomplish that. 2. Provide design requirements of treatment/holding unit and its operation and maintenance. reused or disposed so that: A. and manage their own standalone effluent discharges management procedures. Safe collection. 2004. SAES-S-010 Sanitary Sewers. SAES-S-030 Storm Water Drainage Systems. B. G. M. C. related references from the applicable SA requirements. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 33 of 95 . SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment. SAES-A-403 Offshore Platform Drainage System. Royal Commission Environmental Regulations. Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME). SAES-S-020 Oily Water Drainage Systems. The following matrix shows the summary of D&WO E&OH effluent discharge documents. A. G. 0151. J. B. K. Reuse and Disposal. E. D&WO E&OH Stand Alone Procedure: D&WO E&OH Effluent Discharge Procedure. H. General Environmental Regulations (GER) and Rules for Implementation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. CEPI: Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Checklist.006 Implementing the SA Sanitary Code. SAES-A-400 Industrial Drainage Systems. Contractors’ Stand Alone Effluent Discharge Procedure. I. SAES-103 Discharges to the Marine Environment. F. L. Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration.I. and related external origin documents: D&WO E&OH Documents Applicable SA Requirements External Origin Documents A. SASC-S-02 Sanitary Wastewater and Sewerage Systems Section of SA Sanitary Code. 2004. D. SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from Cleaning/ Flushing/ Dewatering Pipelines/ Vessels. Volume 1 Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY).HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-4 / EDM / Continued 3. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 Noise Control SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 34 of 95 . dB (A): Decibel . 2. Annual Audiogram: The subsequent audiogram performed after the baseline audiogram.weighted. Audiologist: A professional.A . duration and character of sounds from all sources that affect a given location. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. The procedure also outlines the minimum controls to be implemented to prevent hearing loss and protect the environment. Definitions. Audiogram: A chart. a unit of measurement of un-weighted sound levels using a reference level of 20 microPascal. Continuous Noise: Noise which has negligibly small fluctuations of sound levels within the period of observation. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 35 of 95 . Action Level: Equivalent continuous sound level of 85 dB (A). J.weighted scale using a reference level of 20 micro-Pascal. Baseline Audiogram: Audiogram against which future audiograms are compared. G. Ambient Noise: A measure of intensity. Exposures at or above this level require the carry out of the following to reduce harmful effects of noise on hearing: 1) An employee must be enrolled in the Company Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) and provided audiometric testing by PMSD. Abbreviations and Acronyms (refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. dB: Decibel. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). a unit of measurement of sound level corrected to the A .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / Noise Control (NC) 1. noise exposure monitoring and/or noise exposure reduction/controls throughout Drilling and Workover Operations. 3) Hearing protectors and hearing conservation training shall be provided to and worn by the employee. C. E. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Noise Control Procedure defines the minimum mandatory requirements for the management of noise such as identification of noise hazard. F. B. D. specializing in the study and rehabilitation of hearing. H. 3. 2) Representative noise exposure monitoring is required by EPD. I. graph or table resulting from an audiometric test showing the employee's hearing threshold levels as a function of frequency. Community Noise: A measure of the overall noise which is associated with outdoor sound levels in the community. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued K. the care and use of hearing protective device. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 36 of 95 . 2000 and 3000 Hz which is shifted by 25 dB or more compared to the standard audiometric reference level. Employee Exposure: Exposure to noise measured with a noise measuring equipment at a position which most closely approximates with the noise levels at the head position of the employee during normal operation. 2) Isolation brought about by barriers. M. N. as a minimum: 1) Noise exposure monitoring 2) Audiometric testing and analysis 3) Provision and effective use of hearing protective device 4) Training on the effects of noise. P. 5) Recordkeeping. Feasible: Technical feasibility is the existence of technical know-how as to materials and methods available or adaptable to specific circumstances which can be applied to control noise with a reasonable possibility that employee exposure to occupational noise will be reduced. enclosures. etc. and the Environmental Compliance Division/Environmental Protective equipment Department. Employee: A person employed in a factory by the occupier or by any person who contracts with the occupier to carry out the whole or any part of any work undertaken by the occupier in the course of and for the purpose of the occupier's trade or business. O. Hearing Impairment: The arithmetic average of the permanent hearing threshold level of an employee at 500. Engineering Control: The reduction of the noise level reaching the ear-drums of an employee by lessening the amount of noise transmitted to the employee's ear-drums or the amount of noise level produced. but does not include a reduction obtained by the use of a hearing protective device. Or 3) Modification of the equipment. Saudi Aramco's HCP is administered by the Preventive Medicine Services Division/SAMSO. including the addition of materials such as absorbers and damping materials. 1000. the Loss Prevention Department. Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) An effective HCP includes. Examples are: 1) Substitution of manufacturing equipment or processes. L. and the like. especially of high intensity.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued Q. Z. SASO: Saudi Arabian Standards Organization. Intermittent Noise: A sound level which suddenly drops to the ambient level several times during the period of observation and the time during which the level remains at a constant value different from that of the ambient level being of the order of one second or more. which if constant over an 8-hour exposure period. Proponent Departments 1) To comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. Impulse Noise: A noise of short duration (typically less than one second). Noise: A sound which is unwanted. W. sonic booms. in dB. The current PEL is 90 dB(A) over an eight-hour period. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 37 of 95 . AA. a unit of measurement of frequency. S. Hearing Protective Device Level: The amount. Noise Hazard: An acoustic stimulation of the ear which is likely to produce noise induced permanent hearing loss in some of the exposed population. U. or its interference with the perception or detection of other sounds V. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): The maximum legal noise exposure. established by SASO. Time Weighted Average (TWA): That sound level. 3) To ensure hazards and risks of noise are identified. 2) To coordinate and enforce the operations commencing at both Saudi Aramco and Contractors’ facilities to comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. would result in the same noise dose as is measured. impacts. Y. Occupational Noise: Noise arising from the scope of employment. firearm discharges. 4. abrupt onset and rapid decay. practicably and reasonably reduced/controlled in accordance/in line with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. by which the threshold of audibility for an ear differs from the standard audiometric reference level. Impulse noises are characteristically associated with such sources as explosions. and often rapidly changing spectral composition. X. its effect on fatigue or malfunction of physical equipment. or a lifetime. evaluated and feasibly. numerically equal to cycles per second. and many industrial processes. Noise Exposure: Cumulative acoustic stimulation which reaches the ear of a person over a specified period of time such as a work shift. Responsibilities A. a working life. either because of its effect on humans. Hz: Hertz. a day. T. R. OHHA. Contractors 1) To comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. evaluated and reasonably and feasibly reduced/controlled in accordance/in line with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. Continually implementing appropriate controls in accordance with this procedure and/or as per recommendations. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. a. etc. 2) To coordinate and enforce the operations commencing at their (Contractors’) facilities to comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 38 of 95 . Continually providing adequate Hearing Protection Devices (HPD) wherever necessary and enforcing the use of HPD. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. Requesting appropriate party to conduct noise exposure monitoring and audiometric testing program (wherever necessary). 2) Shall maintain HPD in sanitary condition and proper working order. Continually identifying and evaluating noise hazards and risks. c. e. C. Continually providing adequate communication pertaining to the noise hazards to the employees such as tool box talk. EPA and RPA inspections 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations D. 3) To ensure hazards and risks of noise are identified. D&WO and Contractors’ Employees 1) Shall wear approved HPD correctly in noise hazard areas or when performing tasks which require the use of HPD. exposure monitoring result. b. D&WO And Contractors’ Facilities Most Authorized/Senior Person 1) To comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. d.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued B. audiometric testing results. 2) To provide and maintain a workplace environment that minimize and/or control the noise exposure by: E. Pipe Bends. D. C. E. J. 4) Shall not use personal stereo headsets in lieu of hearing protective device devices 5.25 or less Sound Pressure Level. F. A/C Units. Source of Noise at D&WO And Contractors’ Facilities Sources of noise are such as: A. I. Pressure Relief Valves and Pressure Reduction Stations. H. Pumps and Drivers. Generators. Construction Equipment.5 0. Centrifugal Fans. Vehicle/Vessel 6. B. G.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued 3) To report noise hazards and HPD problems to their supervisor. Engines and Compressors.5 1 0. Source of Noise at D&WO And Contractors’ Facilities Duration of Exposure (Hours) 16 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1. dB (A) 85 87 88 90 92 95 97 100 102 105 110 115 SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 39 of 95 . Mixing equipment. Flow Chart showing how noise is managed at the workplace (Refer to Appendix No. Are controls adequate/exposure <85dBA TWA? YES NO Conduct Audiometric Testing Program and its recommendations/restrictions SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 40 of 95 . periodic.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued 7. or additional noise monitoring NO Are exposures ≥85dBA TWA? Continue to maintain safe work place YES Determine and implement adequate controls to reduce and/control the noise and provide employees with HPD Conduct monitoring.1 for Flow Chart details) Whenever/Wherever Noise Hazard(s) are identified at the workplace Facilities to notify proponent department/contractors and E&OHU Conduct either baseline. SAEP-371 Hearing Conservation Program. and related external origin documents: Applicable SA Requirements A. SAES-A-105 Noise Control. External Origin Documents Royal Commission Environmental Regulations-2010 RCER-2010 Volume 1. Regulations and Standards SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 41 of 95 . References (Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following table shows D&WO E&OH noise exposure management related references from the applicable SA requirements. B.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued 8. the additional monitoring shall be conducted. controls or personnel change in the workplace. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin A. proponent department and E&OHU. periodic or additional noise monitoring to determine if any employee may be exposed to noise level at or above the action level. Noise level at or above the action level risk shall be reduced/controlled wherever feasible.4 and be calibrated according to manufacturer’s instruction in order to ensure measurement accuracy.4 and be calibrated according to manufacturer’s instruction in order to ensure measurement accuracy. F.1 / Flow Chart Details 1. Notify proponent department and E&OHU. B. C. Whenever there has been an operation. Noise monitoring (As required in Section 6. C. Notify contractor’s management. Proponent and E&OHU to request EPD to conduct either baseline. Page 42 of 95 . process. E. equipment. Contractor to conduct baseline. periodic or additional noise monitoring. periodic or additional noise monitoring to determine if any employee may be exposed to noise level at or above the action level in accordance to requirements stipulated in this procedure. the additional monitoring shall be conducted. controls or personnel change in the workplace. B. E. Whenever there has been an operation. practicable and reasonable. equipment.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Continued Appendix No. process. Sound level meter shall conform to ANSI S1.1 of SAEP-371) For Contractors’ Facilities For D&WO Facilities A. practicable and reasonable. D. D. EPD to conduct baseline. Sound level meter shall conform to ANSI S1. Noise level at or above the action level risk shall be reduced/controlled wherever feasible. determine and implement adequate controls to reduce and/control the noise and provide employees with HPD Control Measures Options based on feasibility. Periodical noise hazard. risk. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 43 of 95 . installing attenuator/silencer at the noise source. purpose of audiometric testing.0 SAES-A-105 and Section 6. C. proponent department shall request EPD to conduct a baseline/annual or additional monitoring. C. proponent department shall contact EPD to request for a noise level testing during the commissioning process. D.1 / Continued 2. contractor’s management shall then appoint a 3rd party hygiene technician to conduct a baseline/annual or additional noise monitoring. B.Communication of exposure monitoring and audiometric testing result with inclusion of the effects of noise. They shall notify the proponent department/E&OHU and their management and ensure contractor implement appropriate steps to determine the noise exposure level and implement appropriate actions in order to reduce/control the noise exposure level. shall be submitted to EPD. purpose/usage/maintenance of HPD. Hearing protective devices shall be replaced as necessary. the Project Manager shall submit a completed “Form 7305-EBF” to EPD. or B. and/or 3) Any employee who has experienced a standard threshold shift. noise isopleths of 85.Tool Pusher shall notify his management. May include modification to toll/equipment/system/machinery/facility like: A.4 of SAEP-371 and/or monitoring report recommendation) Control Description Measures Isolation Screening Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Provision of HPD Separating the hazard from other persons at the workplace like installing acoustic barrier/fence Pre-Qualification program for new facility/equipment Environmental screening and scoping (ESS) statement and EIA for equipment generated and other noise level shall be considered in the design phase of all projects involving new facilities/equipment.Prior to purchase of any new piece of equipment.Tool box talk program. control training program. C.Periodical workplace inspection A. a “Key Drawing” noise contour diagram showing. integrated unit or replacement of pre-existing that will generate noise in excess of 85dB(A) at a distance of one meter.Closed or partially closed spaces containing equipment that reaches/exceeds 85dB(A) shall be designed and with adequate construction materials selected to minimize the effects of echoes and reverberation A.The supervisor is directly responsible for the enforcement and shall ensure that hearing protective devices are correctly worn by: 1) any employee who is exposed to noise levels which reaches/exceeds action level. the Project Manager shall submit a completed “Form 7305-EBF” to EPD. EPD may visit the equipment manufacturer to verify conformance. B. B. For D&WO Facilities A. B.3 and 6.Employees shall be required to correctly use and be trained on the use and care of hearing protective devices provided to them. and failure to comply will result in disciplinary action. 6.For new/modified facilities/major modifications. as minimum. and D. prior to approval of the Mechanical Completion Certificate (MCC). 95 and 100 dB(A).For existing facilities and equipment. and D. EPD may visit the equipment manufacturer to verify conformance.1. 90. C. Facilities shall notify the proponent department and E&OHU. If the noise level of any area within the facilities is likely to reach/exceed 85dB(A).HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Appendix No. 2) any employee who has not yet had a baseline audiogram established within the first 6 months of employment. If noise level ≥85dBA TWA.For existing facilities and equipment. practicality and reasonability (As required in the Section 5. For Contractors’ Facilities A. integrated unit or replacement of pre-existing that will generate noise in excess of 85dB(A) at a distance of one meter.Prior to purchase of any new piece of equipment. For D&WO facilities. E.2 of SAEP-371 and/or monitoring report recommendation) Stage Description 1 A. If the audiometric test results show any variation from normal. and For D&WO facilities. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 44 of 95 . Medical Designated Facility (MDF) must refer to Occupational Medicine within 30 days. repeats will be arranged as recommended by Occupational medicine physician. Contractors are required to implement similar tests performed by an appropriate audiometric testing company. C. and 4000 Hz in either ear. If a comparison of the annual audiogram to the baseline audiogram indicates a standard threshold shift. MDF tests will be repeated by Occupational Medicine. Audiometer calibration shall be checked acoustically at least annually pursuant to ANSI S3. The warning signs shall clearly indicate that the area is a noise hazard area and that hearing protection devices shall be worn. The occupational medicine physician shall review all problematic audiograms and shall determine whether there is a need for further evaluation. B. Both D&WO and Contractor shall communicate the result to their employees and shall establish work restrictions program necessary to avoid further hearing loss. Deviations of 10 decibels or greater require an acoustic calibration.1 / Continued 3. D. For Contractors’ facilities. NOTE: A Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) is a permanent and verified change in hearing threshold relative to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10 dB or more at 2000.6 Specification for Audiometers. and Warning signs shall be posted at entrances to or on the periphery of all well-defined work areas in which workers may be exposed at or above the action level. Hearing protective devices shall not be used as a substitute for the requirement that baseline audiograms be preceded by 12 hours without exposure to workplace noise. stable hearing thresholds. Occupational Medicine shall provide directives concerning alternative working conditions that the hearing impaired employee can work in without substantial risk of further permanent hearing loss. the employee shall be informed of this fact in writing. If Occupational Medicine carries out the tests. At this stage. H. Each employee's periodic audiogram shall be compared to that employee's baseline audiogram to determine if the audiogram shows a change in hearing threshold which cannot be accounted for by natural aging. J. the list shall be provided to Preventive Medicine Services Division. within 21 days of the determination. K. the list shall be provided to an appropriate audiometric testing company A. An exhaustive calibration shall be performed at least every two years. 2 F. The audiometric testing shall be preceded by at least 12 hours without exposure to high levels of noise. Audiometric Testing shall be conducted reasonability (As required in the Section 6. If noise level still at ≥85dBA TWA. B. B. both D&WO and Contractor’s facilities shall compile a list of “at risk” group based on the exposure monitoring report. or with an electroacoustic „ear‟. The functional operation of the audiometer shall be checked before each day's use by testing a person with known. G. I. Audiometric Testing is carried out by the PMSD Medicine. 3000. a valid baseline audiogram must be performed. 3 A. Within 6 months of an employee's first exposure to noise levels which reaches/exceeds action level.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-5 / NC / Appendix No. The audiometric test shall be performed once every 2 years or as deemed necessary by occupational medicine physician on any employee exposed to noise levels which reaches/exceeds action level. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 Hazardous Materials Management SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 45 of 95 . handling. The procedure also outlines the minimum requirements pertaining to the management of hazardous materials from purchasing. inventory. transported.A container is anything that holds hazardous chemical except pipes and piping systems. labeled.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / Hazardous Materials Management (HMM) 1. compatibility. stored. information. Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) . or the environment if improperly managed (purchased. methods of transfer & handling. E. F. C. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). Hazardous Material (HM) . transportation.Any material or chemical which possess health effect for which there is scientific evidence based on at least one scientific study that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. 2. documentation. storage conditions. fire & reactivity.A biological agent or condition that constitutes a hazard to humans or the environment. HAZCOM labels are developed only for materials used and produced in Saudi Aramco. and risk assessment. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. Abbreviations and Acronyms (refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. issued. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 46 of 95 .A comprehensive assessment of the handling and use of hazardous materials. The CRA covers identification of hazardous materials. risk characterization. handling. Health Hazard . storage & disposal and first aid information for use in the handling of hazardous materials. G. B.Unlike manufacturer and transportation labels. safety. Biohazard . labeling. control measures and use of personal protective equipment. handled or disposed). Container . 3. Chemical Hazard Bulletin (CHB) .Any purchased or Saudi Aramco produced material or chemical which is capable of posing unreasonable risk to health. HAZCOM – Hazardous Materials Communication. and provide basic hazard information taken from the CHB. H. Definitions. D. The labels are placed on containers where this additional warning information is required. HAZCOM Label . packaging. The scope of HAZCOM program excludes biohazards and radiation. storage. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Hazardous Materials Management Procedure defines the minimum controls to be followed to minimize the risk of adverse health impacts as well as impact to the environment resulting from exposure or release of hazardous materials in Drilling and Workover Operations.An internal ARAMCO company document (available in both English & Arabic) developed by Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to provide a standardized one-page summary of a material's hazard ratings that will specify health hazards. 4. etc.Following the full implementation of the HAZCOM Program at a facility. audiometric testing results. EPD will perform a "Program Audit" to verify that all HAZCOM elements are in place and meet requirements. J. Responsibilities A. flammable and/or reactive). EPA and RPA inspections 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations B. 5) Provide and maintain a workplace environment that minimize and/or control the hazardous materials exposure by continually identifying hazards of HM. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. continually providing adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) wherever necessary and enforcing the use of PPE. requesting appropriate party to conduct Chemical Risk Assessment (CRM) (wherever necessary). 2) Coordinate and enforce the operations commencing at both D&WO and Contractors’ facilities to comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / HMM / Continued I. oxidizing. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 47 of 95 . Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – An up-to-date hand-out or information sheet containing relevant information pertaining to the hazardous material/chemical or preparation which is vital for establishing arrangements in the safe management of the material/chemical or preparation at work. practicably and reasonably reduced/controlled in accordance/in line with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. continually implementing appropriate controls in accordance with this procedure and/or as per recommendations. Program Audit . 3) Ensure hazards and risks of Hazardous Materials (HM) are identified and evaluated. and continually providing adequate communication pertaining to the hazards associated with HMs to the employees such as tool box talk. K. Physical Hazard – Any material or chemical which possesses physiochemical properties (explosive. 4) Ensure hazards associated with HMs and risks are feasibly. Proponent Departments 1) Comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. OHHA. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. exposure monitoring result. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / HMM / Continued 6) Shall ensure that employees wear adequate PPE provided by the company correctly during handling HM or when performing tasks which require the use of PPE. etc. 8) Report hazards associated with HMs and PPE problems. audiometric testing results. 3) Ensure hazards and risks of HM are identified. continually providing adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) wherever necessary and enforcing the use of PPE. 6) Shall maintain PPE in sanitary condition and proper working order. practicably and reasonably reduced/controlled in accordance/in line with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. 5) Shall wear adequate PPE provided by the company correctly during handling HM or when performing tasks which require the use of PPE. 4) Provide and maintain a workplace environment that minimizes and/or controls the hazardous materials exposure by continually identifying hazards of HM. requesting appropriate party to conduct Chemical Risk Assessment (CRM) (wherever necessary). C. 7) To report hazards associated with HMs and PPE problems to their supervisor. and continually providing adequate communication pertaining to the hazards associated with HMs to the employees such as tool box talk. evaluated and feasibly. exposure monitoring result. 7) Shall maintain PPE in sanitary condition and proper working order. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 48 of 95 . 2) Coordinate and enforce the operations commencing at their (Contractors’) facilities to comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. continually implementing appropriate controls in accordance with this procedure and/or as per recommendations. Contractors 1) Comply with the requirements stipulated in this procedure. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / HMM / Continued 5. maintained and enforced Adequate Transportation Training & Awareness SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 49 of 95 . Diagram showing how HM is managed at the workplace (Detailed explanation in Appendix No. CHB & MSDS Adequate Packaging & Labeling Hazardous Materials Procedure Adequate PPE to be supplied.1) Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) Isolation Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls: Change in work practice/procedure that reduce risk PPE Adequate Storage Inventory system Isolating the hazard/ hazardous work practices from the work place Replacing the hazard or hazardous work practices with a less hazardous one Workplace modification or introduction of device that may reduce the exposure of HM to employees Signage. storing/handling/disposing of HM. Classroom training shall be provided once every 3 years. quantity stored. D. instruction and training as may be necessary to enable them to know the risk to health created by such exposure to chemicals (including results of monitoring of exposure at the work place) and the precautions which should be taken. All HM (both D&WOs and contractors’) shall be inventoried and kept up-to-date and submitted to EPD on annual basis. engineering control. C. and location for all HM used. HAZCOM label shall be affixed at each HMs’ containers and can be found at the EPD CHB/Label site. quantity used. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 50 of 95 . Administrative Color Printed Label Controls HM label from manufacturer or distributor shall be available and provided upon purchasing and delivery. Risk Classification is required upon request to EPD E. B. The inventory shall contain the stock number. MSDS is an important document for the development of CHB & HAZCOM label.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / HMM / Continued Appendix No. Dual Language CHB Color printed CHB shall be posted or MSDS (if CHBs are not available) on a bulletin board in the areas where particular HM are stored and/or used. MSDS MSDS from manufacturer or distributor is a mandatory provision whenever HM is planned to be and purchased. Instruction and Training Personnel shall be provided with such information. Controls Description Isolation Separating the hazard from a person at the workplace such as locating diesel tank away from mixing area Substitution Replacing the hazard or hazardous work practices with a less hazardous one such as replacing hazardous drilling chemicals with environmental friendly type of chemical Engineering Modification to tool/equipment/system/machinery/facility or introduction to a new device which may reduce exposure/contact of HM to Controls employees. 2. Signage Warning signs shall be posted at a conspicuous place of the area to warn persons entering the area of the hazards Information. HM inventory shall be updated annually and/or when new HM are introduced at the workplace. Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) (for both D&WOs and contractors’) A. etc. as a reference during spill.1 / Diagram Details 1. safe work practices or use of personal protective equipment) in turn. until a control or combination of controls are identified which can achieve the required reduction in exposure. Individual(s) with appropriate qualification and experience shall be nominated by Proponent as recommended by EPD to participate in the CRA and assist the CRA team in conducting field activities. consideration should be given to each of the other controls (such as isolation. Where this is not practicable. commencement of CRA/other assessment (whenever necessary). Controls involve firstly assessing whether a HM or process can be eliminated. CHBs shall be printed directly from the EPD CHB/Label site. For any new HM introduced without any MSDS/CHB. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / HMM / Appendix No. Ensure the following: 1. Loading and Unloading The risks associated with the transfer. Employee awareness of spill containment. Although elimination of HM or use of engineering controls to minimize exposure are the preferred methods for assuring personnel safety and health. pipeline. safe use and condition of transport equipment. equipped with necessary controls in accordance to the requirements in the MSDS. Leak detection inspection for storage tanks shall be in place. Personnel shall be trained in the proper use of PPE according to the classifications of HM handled such as face-shields. 2. Audit/Inspection HM Management program audit shall be conducted by the proponent on a periodic basis. not less than annually. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 51 of 95 . Tanks are subject to weathering. all personnel should be aware of the use and condition of storage tanks. respirators etc. Container HMs containers and the containers’ materials shall be so designed. inadequate training or improper equipment. which can pose hazards to both human health and the environment. Availability. damage and corrosion. Employee awareness of site secondary container and where to obtain containers.1 / Diagram Details / Continued Controls Administrative Controls Provision of HPD Description Storage HMs shall be stored in designated area(s) and segregated as per requirements stated in the MSDS. Remove any damaged containers or potential to be damaged containers Handling Handling of HM shall be in accordance to the requirements stipulated in the MSDS. deteriorated hoses. designated PPE may also be an important part of a personnel’s job training and responsibility. all of which may result in personal injury or incidents. constructed and with condition that its contents cannot escape unless there is a requirement for safety devices to be fitted into the container. Tank Inspection If tanks are used for storage. and 3. Transfer. loading and unloading of chemicals include leakage or defective containers. and correct any deficiencies that are noted. Any of these can lead to leakage. HMs storage shall be constructed. SAES-A-111 Borrow pit requirements. D&WO E&OH Stand Alone Procedure: D&WO E&OH Hazardous Materials Procedure.717 Procedures and Guidelines of Handling PCBs. GI 2. E. GI 150. related references from the applicable SA requirements.03 Processing and Handling of Hazardous Materials.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-6 / HMM / Continued 6. D. C.001 Asbestos Management. CEPI: Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Checklist. GI 150. A. H. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following table shows the summary of D&WO E&OH Hazardous Materials documents. SAES-A-205 Oilfield Chemicals. CU 22. B. CU 22. GI 1310.000 Transportation of Dangerous Goods onboard SA Aircraft.01 Processing and Handling Gas and Gas Cylinders.100 HAZCOM Program. F. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 52 of 95 . B. G. and related external origin documents: D&WO E&OH Documents Applicable SA Requirements A. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-7 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Management SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 53 of 95 . inventory. Establish the minimum requirements for management of NORM waste and equipment to protect workers. and control measures. B. which may contain radium as well as other uranium. D. radon or thorium daughter products. irrespective of method of intake). implement. storage. Serve as a guide to contractors to generate. The potential exists for buildup of scaling and sludge on various pieces of equipment. C. C. handling. Contamination control. NORM surveys. Radioactive contamination is defined as contamination of any material. G. Disposal of NORM waste. Classification. by any Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). transportation. F. Qualification of NORM surveyors. Workers’ protection. Storage of NORM waste. public environment due to exposure to radioactive materials (including radioactive waste) used in D&WO’s operations. documentation. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 54 of 95 . D. NORM originates in subsurface oil and gas formations and is typically transported to the surface through flowing fluids from the reservoir. The purpose of NORM management is to: A. packaging. 2. H. Ensure compliance to the requirements/regulations pertaining to the purchasing. risk assessment. surface or environment. Any naturally occurring primordial radioactive nuclides and their radioactive decay products. Ensure that controls are in place to prevent and/or minimize the risk of adverse effects to the employees. 3. maintain and manage their own standalone NORM procedures wherever applicable. Purchasing requirements. information. are classified as NORM. general public and the environment.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-7 / Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Management (NORM) 1. labeling. B. E. or of any person (including both external skin contamination and internal contamination. which have been enhanced above their natural level due to industrial operations. Elements of radioactive management are: A. L. Decontamination. SAEP-358 Management of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material TENORM.003 Ionizing Radiation Protection Req. D. EPD NORM MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME – Control of Contaminated Equipment: Equipment Screening – Tubulars from Work Over Wells. H. For Medical and Veterinary Radiation Producing Equipment.006 Ionizing Radiation Protection Req. E. I. related references from the applicable SA requirements. Contingency planning. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 55 of 95 . G. G.I. 4. N. Confined space entry.003 Ionizing Radiation Protection. B. D&WO E&OH Stand Alone Procedure: D&WO E&OH NORM Procedure. K. B.I. K. SAEP-1142 Qualification of Non SA NDT Personnel.007 Ionizing Radiation Protection Handling Unsealed Radioactive Sources and Contamination Control. C. G. 150. G. SAEP-1143 Radiographic Examination. 150.I. SAEP-370 Transportation of Radioactive Materials. Transportation of NORM contaminated materials.I. M. G. A. 150. Tank inspection. CEPI: Radiation Performance Assessment (RPA) Checklist. For Analytical X-Ray Equipment. SAEP-1140 Qualification of SA NDT Personnel. NORM contamination limit. and related external origin documents: D&WO E&OH Documents Applicable SA Requirements A. J. J. SAEP-1141 Radiation Protection for Industrial Radiography. F. 150.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-7 / NORM / Continued I. The following table shows the summary of D&WO E&OH NORM documents. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 Refrigerant Management SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 56 of 95 . Class I ODSs. MVAC-like appliance . and specifies the minimum requirements for the management of ozone-depleting substances (PDSs). G. Abbreviations and Acronyms (refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. Motor vehicle air conditioner (MVAC) .ODSs are divided into two classes (I and II) based on their ozone-depleting potential. Major maintenance. service. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Refrigerant Management Procedure outlines the minimum guidelines to be followed to adequately address the environmental concern pertaining to chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in Drilling and Workover Operations. (This definition is not intended to encompass the hermetically sealed refrigeration systems used on motor vehicles for refrigerated cargo and the air conditioning systems on passenger buses using HCFC–22 refrigerant). or repair involving the removal of any or all of the following appliance components: compressor. evaporator. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). F. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. dumping or placing of its discarded component parts into or on any land or water. the disassembly of any appliance for discharge. chiller. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 57 of 95 . mechanical vapor compression refrigeration equipment used to cool the driver’s or passenger’s compartment of any motor vehicle. condenser.Mechanical vapor compression.Any maintenance. B. or the disassembly of any appliance for reuse of its component parts. C. in order to identify. Definitions.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / Refrigerant Management (RM) 1. service. deposit.Any device which contains and uses a class I or class II substance as a refrigerant. or auxiliary heat exchanger coil. 2.Any appliance that is a motor vehicle air conditioner i. Class I and Class II Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODSs) . Appliance . refrigerator.Chlorofluorocarbons D.e. Disposal – The process leading to and including: The discharge. or freezer. monitor and control areas that utilize ODS or have a negative impact on the environment. the class of compounds more destructive to the ozone layer and Class II ODSs the class of compounds less destructive to the ozone layer. This includes the air-conditioning equipment found on agricultural or construction vehicles. including any air conditioner. open-drive compressor appliances used to cool the occupant’s compartment of a non-road motor vehicle. 3. dumping or placing of any discarded appliance into or on any land or water. or repair . CFC . E. deposit. and MVAC-like appliances that could be reasonably expected to release refrigerants from the appliances into the atmosphere.Any service. Self-contained recovery equipment . or tightening nuts and bolts on the appliance are not reasonably expected to violate the integrity of the refrigerant circuit.Any substance consisting in part or whole of a class I or class II ozone depleting substance that is used for heat transfer purposes and provides a cooling effect. Performing maintenance. Small appliance . charged. or (6) Water in any application. service.Any of the following products that are fully manufactured. packaged terminal heat pumps. (5) Nitrogen in any application. Substitute . These compounds are divided into two main groups. vending machines. service. room air conditioners (including window air conditioners and packaged terminal air conditioners). Technician also means any person who performs disposal of appliances.Any chemical or product. K. and drinking water coolers. Activities such as painting the appliance. Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODSs) . repair. dehumidifiers. replacing insulation on a length of pipe. whether existing or new.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / RM / Continued H. under-the-counter ice makers. (2) Hydrocarbons in industrial process refrigeration (processing of hydrocarbons). Activities reasonably expected to violate the integrity of the refrigerant circuit include activities such as attaching and detaching hoses and gauges to and from the appliance to add or remove refrigerant or to measure pressure and adding refrigerant to and removing refrigerant from the appliance. Opening an appliance . except for small appliances. or disposal of an appliance that would release refrigerant from the appliance to the atmosphere unless the refrigerant was recovered previously from the appliance. Refrigerant . MVACs. or repair that could be reasonably expected to release refrigerants from appliances into the atmosphere. L. Technician . halons and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). (4) Carbon dioxide in any application.Any person who performs maintenance. and hermetically sealed in a factory with five (5) pounds or less of refrigerant: refrigerators and freezers designed for home use. that is used by any person as an United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved replacement for a class I or II ozone-depleting substance in a given refrigeration or air-conditioning end-use.A class of commonly used organic halogenated compounds that are a major contributor to the rapidly accelerating destruction of the Earth’s protective stratospheric ozone layer. repair. rewiring an external electrical circuit. (3) Chlorine in industrial process refrigeration (processing of chlorine and chlorine compounds). except for the following substitutes in the following end-uses: (1) Ammonia in commercial or industrial process refrigeration or in absorption units.Refrigerant recovery or recycling equipment that is capable of removing the refrigerant from an appliance without the assistance of components contained in the appliance.’’ I. or any substance used as a substitute for such a class I or class II substance by any user in a given end-use. N. maintenance. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 58 of 95 . or disposal could be reasonably expected to release refrigerants only if the activity is reasonably expected to violate the integrity of the refrigerant circuit. Connecting and disconnecting hoses and gauges to and from the appliance to measure pressures within the appliance and to add refrigerant to or recover refrigerant from the appliance shall not be considered ‘‘opening. M. J. 2) Ensures that service technicians are certified through an approved training course and that technician certification levels are appropriate to the needs of the work area. 6) Maintains ODS containing equipment inventory within the operations control. recovery and reuse operations correctly. service technician certifications. in accordance with their level of training and pursuant to the manufacturer instructions for the recycling and recovery of equipment. 3) Ensures that contractors under their control conduct the appropriate familiarization training for working with CFC/HCFC and refrigerant recovery/recycling techniques. 5) Ensures that personnel under their control obtain and maintain the appropriate certification for working with CFC/HCFC. 6) Ensures that service technicians are certified through an approved training course and that technician certification levels are appropriate to the needs of the work area. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations B. 5) Establishes and maintains an ODS Compliance Program Manual that contains an ODS. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 59 of 95 . C. and ODS inventory form. Proponent Department 1) Maintains ODS containing equipment inventory within the organizations control. 2) Ensures that DOE&CD refrigerant management procedure is adhered to. OHHA. Responsibilities A. 3) Ensures that service technicians conduct recycling.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / RM / Continued 4. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. 4) Establishes written work instructions for each piece of recycling/recovery equipment. EPA and RPA inspections. 4) Ensures the required PPE is worn while completing any CFC/HCFC work. Contractor and Subcontractor 1) Will comply with EPD & D&WO policies regarding ODS air emissions. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 60 of 95 . air conditioning units.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / RM / Continued 7) Ensures that D&WO policy is adhered to. DOE&CD ODS Refrigerant Venting Prohibition In accordance with G. or motor vehicle air conditioners. 5.I. industrial-process refrigeration units. 8) Ensures that personnel under their control obtain and maintain the appropriate certification for working with CFC/HCFC. and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Service Technicians 1) Ensures that certifications are current and that the level of work completed is within the boundaries of the certification. 5) Follows procedures to eliminate refrigerant contamination and mixing. Class I and Class II Ozone Depleting Substances The following class I and II ozone depleting substances are covered by this procedure CLASS I CFC-11 CFC-114 CFC-502 CLASS II HCFC-22 B. 6) Use the required PPE prior any work. 3) Responsible for ensuring that equipment is functioning properly each time it is used. 425. Heating. repairing. servicing. D.000 and this procedure venting of refrigerants is prohibited. 7) Report any malfunction or deficiency in the PPE provided. “Do not intentionally release any Class I or Class II ODS refrigerant in the course of maintaining. 4) Completes required records for all activities involving ODS. Ventilation. 9) Ensures the required PPE is worn while completing any CFC/HCFC work.” This procedure outlines necessary steps to be taken to prevent unauthorized release of ODS refrigerants. Requirements A. 2) Inspects equipment before each use. or disposing of appliances. b. Adds or removes refrigerant from an appliance. d. or dispose of any appliance that could reasonably be expected to have the potential to release refrigerants to the ambient air. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 61 of 95 . 5) Whenever refrigerant leakage in any HVAC/refrigeration system is suspected. D. recovery/recycling equipment shall be used to decontaminate recovered refrigerant to a reusable level. 10) Disposal or reclamation of refrigerant shall only be performed by vendors approved by government 11) Refrigerant disposal manifests shall be prepared by the proponent or contract service provider and kept on file onsite in the contractor’s ODS Compliance Program Manual.) that repair. 9) Recovered refrigerant that cannot be recycled to a reusable quality shall be stored in containers designated and properly labeled for that purpose. a technician is someone who: a. 4) Leak detectors shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. 6) All refrigerant shall be recovered before discarding refrigerant containing equipment. disposing. 1) For the purpose of the ODS management program. prior to repairing. etc. 8) Recovered refrigerant shall only be stored in containers designated and labeled for that purpose. 2) All recovery operations must use commercially available equipment and the equipment must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer specifications. or servicing motor vehicle air conditioners. 7) Whenever possible. all personnel shall be a certified technician. Attaches and detaches hoses and/or gauges to an appliance for the purpose of measuring internal pressure of the appliance. c. maintain service. 3) Portable leak detectors shall be made available to all groups that are responsible for the operation or maintenance of HVAC/refrigeration equipment. Operates refrigerant recovery equipment. maintaining.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / RM / Continued C. Sub Contractors. Further. Technician Certification/Training All personnel (D&WO Contractors. the system shall be thoroughly inspected for leaks and sealed as per HVAC/refrigeration system manufacturer. Conducts any other activity that may compromise the integrity of the small appliance and MVAClike appliances. must be a certified technician prior to conducting such work. Refrigerant Recovery/Recycling 1) Use of recovery/recycling equipment is mandatory during the servicing or maintenance of all D&WO HVAC/refrigeration equipment using CFC or HCFC refrigerant. which will provide familiarization with the refrigerant recovery/recycling techniques that are necessary for the implementation of this Procedure.for servicing or disposing of high-pressure or very high-pressure appliances. For Aramco Employee.for servicing small appliances. Record Keeping 1) Required Documentation an ODS manual must be kept at each D&WO facility that utilizes ODS to recharge or refill systems. d. This manual will be maintained at the maintenance shop where these activities are performed and updated as required. Type II . Type III . e) Refrigerant usage log. c) Copies of the work area.for servicing or disposing of low-pressure appliances. except small appliances and MVACs. Universal . or equivalent. a) A copy of the service technicians training certification. b) Documentation of in-house training for each employee.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / RM / Continued 2) A list of trained technicians will be kept by each operation in the ODS Management Program Manual. c. g) Waste refrigerant manifests. f) Records of maintenance. d) Refrigerant inventory. F. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 62 of 95 .for servicing all types of equipment. b. ODS manuals will contain equipment information to include manufacturer data and a current list of equipment. Type I . All certified technicians must have taken and passed an approved course administered by the Saudi Aramco Training and Career Development Organization. Documentation that is outdated will be removed from the manuals and kept on file for a minimum of five years. Items listed below as part of the ODS manual will be subject to inspection. The inventory of certified technicians identifies what type of certification each technician holds: a. D&WO E&OH Stand Alone Procedure: D&WO E&OH Refrigerant Procedure.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-8 / RM / Continued 6.000 Management Of CFC and HCFC Refrigerants. B. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 63 of 95 . CEPI: Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Checklist. Applicable SA Requirements A. and related external origin documents: D&WO E&OH Documents A. GI 425. related references from the applicable SA requirements. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following matrix shows the summary of D&WO E&OH refrigerant documents. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 Food Service Hygiene SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 64 of 95 . flaking. which kills bacteria. 2. any of numerous synthetic water soluble or liquid organic preparations that are chemically different from soaps. C. handling and serving in Drilling and Workover operations. washing and cleaning agents with a composition other than soap that clean by much the same mechanisms as soap. such as sausages. Strict control of chilled storage temperature is needed if the food is to remain safe. Definitions. Cook Freeze: System of food preparation in which food is prepared in advance and then deep frozen. E. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). B. hold dirt in suspension. Electric type employs heating elements. D. The procedure also outlines the minimum steps to be followed to ensure compliance in terms of facility and equipment sections. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Food Service Hygiene Procedure defines the minimum health and hygiene requirements to ensure the safety of food materials during preparation. F. It includes fish or meat products that are reduced in size and restructured or reformulated such as formed roast beef. Contamination: The introduction (into food or water) of unwanted. Bactericidal Soap: A soap containing a chemical. Adulterate: To make impure by the addition of a foreign. A cleaning agent. In popular usage. H. or harmful substance. temperature control and handling practices to prevent the threat of foodborne illness. I. If properly packaged the food may be kept for several months with no loss of quality. Cook Chill: System of food preparation in which food is prepared in advance to be reheated several days later. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 65 of 95 . but are able to emulsify oils. G.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / Food Service Hygiene (FSH) 1. or mincing. 3. undesirable materials including microorganisms. Detergent: Technically. inferior. heating unit and controls. as soap. Comminuted: Reduced in size by methods including chopping. Abbreviations and Acronyms (refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. packaging. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. hot gas type uses heat exchanger to remove frost from the coil and allow condensate to flow to the drain pan under the coil. chemicals or foreign bodies. Disinfectant: A chemical or physical agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms (see 'disinfect' above). grinding. ground beef or a mixture of 2 or more types of meat that have been reduced in size and combined. Defrost System: Refrigeration system for a freezer consisting of a blower evaporator coil. any cleansing agent. and act as wetting agents. storage. and other chemicals. milk or milk products. with which food normally comes into contact. cartooned. and always before eating. after contact with any potential contamination. The term does not include private homes where food is prepared or served for individual family consumption. acids. securely bagged. These protective measures include: keeping the body clean by sufficiently frequent soap and water baths. insects. eggs. or by direct contact. retail food stores. Poisonous or Toxic Materials: Substances that are not intended for ingestion. which promote health and limit the spread of infectious diseases transmitted through food. which is converted by the thermometer into a numerical figure for the temperature of the surroundings. The term includes any such place regardless of whether consumption is on or off the premises and regardless of whether there is a charge for the food. such as petroleum products and paints. L. air. which consists of. whether packaged in a food establishment or in a food processing plant. Food Service Establishment: Any place where food is prepared and intended for individual portion service and includes the sites at which individual portions are provided. and birds. poultry. including synthetic ingredients capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic organisms. M. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 66 of 95 . drying agents. O. 2) Pesticides.g. R. water. or other ingredient. P. Q. Probe: Part of the temperature measuring equipment that is affected (heated or cooled) by the temperature of the surroundings. or onto a surface normally in contact with food. polishes. Pest: Any unwanted animal that can or does enter a food premises and may live in the premises or the food. or a surface of equipment or a utensil from which food may drain. Potentially Hazardous Food or Ingredient: Signifies any food. Food-contact surface: A surface of equipment or a utensil. washing hands in soap and water immediately after voiding bowels or bladder.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Continued J. or splash into a food. Packaged: Bottled. primarily within the responsibility of the individual. canned. e. shellfish. mice. 3) Substances necessary for the operation and maintenance of the establishment such as nonfood grade lubricants and personal care items that may be deleterious to health. which include substances such as insecticides and rodenticides. which include cleaning and sanitizing agents and agents such as caustics. the location of food vending machines and supply vehicles. drip. This then produces an electrical signal. Included in 4 categories:1) Cleaners and sanitizers. rats. fish. Insect-Proof Screens: Fine mesh screens of gauge no less than 6 per linear centimeter (16 per linear inch) fitted to windows and occasionally other openings to prevent the entry of flying insects such as flies into the building. and 4) Substances that are not necessary for the operation and maintenance of the establishment and are on the premises for retail sale. K. N. Personal Hygiene: Those protective measures. in whole or part. or securely wrapped. meat. The term also includes delicatessen-type operations that prepare sandwiches intended for individual portion service. wearing clean clothes and good grooming. Environmental Protection Department 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. 4. EPA and RPA inspections 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations 4) To report non-compliance to the Proponent Department(s) including: a. thermistor. or in case of water and ice manufacturers.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Continued S. recommend proponent organization or Purchasing Department to send a “Suspension Notice” to the offending company. usually chemical. B. Responsibilities A. Send a “Warning Notice” to supplier. or water. or in the case of water and ice manufacturers. The term sanitizing generally refers to inanimate objects (particularly food related utensils. recommend through Purchasing Department to send a “Warning Notice” to the offending company. Or b. detergent sanitizers combine cleaning and sanitizing. Thus. T. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. or other device that indicates the temperature of food. and surfaces) and implies providing a satisfactory condition of cleanliness in addition to a safe bacterial level. Temperature Measuring Device: A thermometer. Or c. OHHA. equipment. that reduces the number of bacterial contaminants to safe levels as determined by public health requirements. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 67 of 95 . 2) To coordinate and ensure contractor(s) are adhering to the requirements stipulated in the procedure. Proponent Department(s) 1) To comply with this procedure and the applicable Saudi Aramco catering management requirements (Codes). Issuance of a “Suspension Notice”. thermocouple. The proposed recommendation. Sanitizer: An agent. The same kinds of compounds that provide disinfecting action in cleansers and hard surface cleaners also contribute sanitizing capability. air. 8) Ensure that an effective HACCP plan is developed and implemented in place according to Saudi Aramco requirements. 7) Ensure personnel carry valid identification card and valid medical examination certificate. 5) To ensure a proper pest control program is in place and continuous monitoring of are conducted. 5) Ensure employees are following the appropriate dress code and maintain high levels of cleanliness and personal hygiene. D. 2) To appoint a Saudi Aramco approved Catering Company and to ensure the contract is renewed periodically. Catering Crew 1) Be aware and comply of the stipulated catering management requirements. continually implement and comply with its catering management stand-alone procedure. 6) To establish.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Continued C. 2) Maintain records of the inspections and recommended actions. 7) To ensure the food quality assurance and personnel hygiene are continually in place. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 68 of 95 . 2) Maintain a high level of personal cleanliness and hygiene standards. 6) Ensure the effectiveness of the sanitary and hygiene procedure. 4) To ensure an effective HACCP program is developed and continually implemented by a Saudi Aramco approved Catering Company. Contractor(s) 1) To comply with this procedure and the applicable Saudi Aramco catering management requirements (Codes). 3) To ensure the competency and medical fitness (in accordance to the HACCP requirements) of catering crew are in place and up-to-date. 4) Cooperate with Saudi Aramco EPD during inspections and ensure that deficiencies reported shall be corrected in a timely manner. Saudi Aramco Approved Catering Company 1) Conduct periodic (at least weekly) “in-plant” sanitation inspections. E. 3) Follow up on action items and ensure closure. Requirements Requirements and regulations pertaining to food establishments in D&WO sites are available in SASC-S-04 Food Establishment Section of Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. B. SASC-S-09 Marine Vessels Section of SA Sanitary Code. and related external origin documents: D&WO E&OH Documents Applicable SA Requirements A. 5.1 / Overview of Major Requirements. Refer to HSERM / E / E9 / FSH / Appendix No. C. 0151. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following table shows the summary of D&WO E&OH catering management related references from the applicable SA requirements. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 69 of 95 . 10) Post “No Smoking” signs and other signs to demonstrate hazards and recommend actions to mitigate them. SASC-S-04 Food Establishment Section of SA Sanitary Code.006 Implementing the SA Sanitary Code. CEPI: Comprehensive Environmental Health Assessment (CEHA) Checklist.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Continued 9) Supervise and enforce employees to wear appropriate uniforms and maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and provide necessary clean uniforms and equipment necessary to maintain a high level of service. 6. G.I. labeling and MSDS. 3) Be restricted to work if he is found to be diagnosed with foodborne or communicable disease. clean. Controls measures are such as: C. preparing or serving food. Adequate separation and storing. whenever handling. Adequate handling. Poisonous or Toxic Materials Management 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Provision of designated poisonous/toxic materials related to food establishment. Adequate packaging. Personnel Requirements 1) Possess dedicated catering ID. 6) Shall be provided with. General Requirements Requirements Refer to Section 3 of SASC-S-04 and they shall be continually implemented and complied Saudi Aramco approved Catering Company/catering crews shall: B. 4) Develop. 5) Maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall conform to good hygienic practices. neat. All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 5 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied. light colored uniforms that are changed at least daily.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Continued Appendix No. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 70 of 95 . and be required to wear.1 / Overview of Major Requirements Parameter A. Prohibition of handling and storing of non-designated material such as personnel medication and first aid items. 2) Undergo physical health examination and obtain medical examination certificate from an approved KSA licensed health care provider. implement and document an on-going on-the-job food sanitation training program. All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 4 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied The purpose of this section is to define the required control measures to be implemented in managing poisonous/toxic materials related to food establishment. bait stations and electrocution devices.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Appendix No. E. stored or served. safely designed and maintained in accordance to Section 10 of SASC-S-04. vapors and smoke from the food establishment area and shall be installed in accordance to Section 13 of SASC-S-04. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 71 of 95 . Walls. Proper design requirements in order to prevent entrance and harborage of pest. including appurtenances of rooms where perishable ingredients are stored. H.1 / Continued Parameter Requirements The purpose of this section is to define the required control measures to be implemented in managing the pest control program. Floors 1) ‘Food Safety Risk Assessment’ shall be carried out by developing an appropriate and effective HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan 2) The seven HACCP principles shall be followed. I. cooked. Ceilings and non-supporting partitions. Ventilation All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 7 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied. chilled. 5) Provision of trapping. Ventilation shall be provided to remove gases. pest control spraying by an authorized and trained personnel. All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 6 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied. Pest Control Program 1) 2) 3) 4) Commencement of periodical pest survey. grease. equipment and utensils. rodents and other vermin and in accordance to Section 11 of SASC-S-04. Lights shall be safely designed to contain broken glass from exploding electric light bulbs and area level of illumination shall be in accordance to Section 12 of SASC-S-04. Ceilings and Appurtenances Walls. The use of approved pesticides. Prohibition of applying pesticides in a place they could potentially contaminate packaging. Doors and Windows All openings shall be safely designed and designed in such way to avoid accumulation of dirt. odors steam. Controls measures are such as: D. Control of Operation by Means of Hazard Assessment and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Program Requirements F. and food are prepared. frozen. Illumination and Ventilation J. prevent the entrance of insects. equipment and utensils are washed and stored shall be adequately. G. Floors where perishable and non-perishable ingredients are stored and handled shall be adequately and safely designed and maintained in accordance to Section 9 of SASC-S-04. excessive heat. containers and disposal management shall be complying with the requirements stipulated in the Section 22 of SASC-S-04.1 / Continued Parameter Requirements K. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 72 of 95 . The purpose of this section is to define the required control measures to be implemented in the cleaning and preventive maintenance management such as: N. All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 23 and 24 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied. Equipment and Utensils 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) New (materials and design) and replacement of equipment/utensils/machines requirements Adjustment of components as per manufacturer operation and maintenance manual Designed of machines which provide minimal operator assistance Color coded management Adequate location/storage arrangement Maintenance. regular examination and proper design. Plumbing and Cross Connection Control Plumbing and cross connection control shall be designed to prevent contamination and shall be clean.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Appendix No. Preferred goods handling shall include proper arrangement.1 and 21.2 of SASC-S-04. Cleaning and Preventative Maintenance 1) 2) 3) 4) An appointment of personnel for the cleanliness and his responsibilities. smooth. Garbage and Refuse Storage facilities shall be adequately installed with suitable space. Establishment of a cleaning and preventive maintenance. impervious.1 of SASC-S-04.2 and 21. Control measures are such as: O. Provision of janitor’s closer. Food Storage Facilities nonrefrigerated storage and refrigerated facilities/process M. durable materials. label of containers that can prevent contamination and shall be complying with the requirements stipulated in the Section 20. cleaning and sanitization management All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 25 and 27 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied. Storage facilities shall be complying with the requirements stipulated in the Section 20. shelving. Maintenance of tools. operative and maintained in accordance to Section 14 of SASC-S-04. rotation system. Provision of garbage and refuse facilities. L. The purpose of this section is to define the required control measures to be implemented in managing and maintaining of food establishment equipment and utensils. and operated with adequate temperature. cleanable. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-9 / FSH / Appendix No. Transportation of Food Requirements The purpose of this section is to define the required control measures to be implemented in the transportation of food. spoilage or lowering of quality. 3) Vehicles management.1 / Continued Parameter P. Control measures are such as: 1) Protection of food during transportation. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 73 of 95 . 2) Adequate protection against deterioration. All of the applicable requirements stipulated in the Section 26 of SASC-S-04 shall be continually implemented and complied. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 Camp Sanitation SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 74 of 95 . Definitions. 2. 3. institutions. It may or may not contain groundwater. toilet facilities. I. Habitable Room: A room occupied by one or more persons for living eating. EPA and RPA inspections SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 75 of 95 . corridors and other such spaces. Domestic Wastewater: Wastewater derived principally from dwellings. storage areas. E. surface water. 4. EPA: Environmental Performance Assessment. Responsibilities A. OHHA: Occupational Health Hazards Assessment. RPA: Radiation Protection Assessment. family. D&WO: Drilling and Workover. business buildings. or storm water. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Camp Sanitation Procedure defines the minimum health and hygiene requirements to ensure the safety of personnel and prevent the occurrence of accidents. G. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. B. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA. C. It does not include bathrooms. and the like. OHHA. sleeping or working purposes. D. Campsite: Any specific area within an organized campground or other recreation area which is used for overnight stays by an individual. EPD: Environmental Protection Department. and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. group or other similar entity. laundries.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 / Camp Sanitation (CS) 1. F. Abbreviations and Acronyms (refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. H. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors). CEHA: Comprehensive Environmental Health Assessment. deaths and occupational illnesses in D&WO operations as a result of applying unhygienic practices and maintaining insanitary D&WO camps. 7) Post “No Smoking” signs and other signs to demonstrate hazards and recommended actions to mitigate them. Contractor(s) and Subcontractors 1) Comply with this procedure and the applicable Saudi Aramco requirements and codes. 5) Cooperate with Saudi Aramco EPD during inspections and ensure that deficiencies reported are corrected in a timely manner. 3) Maintain records of the inspections and recommended actions. 2) Inspect all communal living facilities for which they are responsible as often as is necessary to ensure compliance with the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. 3) Establish and continually implement a camp and communal living facilities management stand-alone procedure. 5) Maintain records of the inspections and recommended actions. 6) Ensure employees are following the appropriate dress code and maintain high levels of cleanliness and personal hygiene. Proponent Department 1) Ensures that all applicable entities including contract service providers comply with this procedure. 4) Follow up on action items and ensure closure. 9) Post “No Smoking” signs and other signs to demonstrate hazards and recommended actions to mitigate them. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 76 of 95 . 7) Cooperate with Saudi Aramco EPD during inspections and ensure that deficiencies reported are corrected in a timely manner. 4) Conduct periodic sanitation inspections to ensure that accommodations are maintained in a clean and orderly manner. 2) Ensure that camps and accommodations have been constructed in accordance with approved plans and specifications that comply with Saudi Aramco Sanitary code requirements. C. 8) Ensure employees are following the appropriate dress code and maintain high levels of cleanliness and personal hygiene. 6) Follow up on action items and ensure closure.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 / CS / Continued 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations B. Further details on the minimum requirements are available in Section 3 of SASC-S-04 Floors 1) The floors of kitchens.slip. the procedure for implementation and other requirements are found in SASC-S-07. However. 2) The walls in toilet and shower rooms shall be impervious to water. nonabsorbent and easily cleanable. Walls and Ceilings 1) Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored. habitable rooms. B. doors. laundry rooms. Parameter A. Ventilation and Air 1) The temperature in all habitable rooms and other rooms in which personnel live and work Conditioning shall be controlled by mechanical means and maintained at a level conducive to the healthful performance of the activity conducted in the area. easily cleanable surfaces that are non . smooth. shower rooms. The following is an overview of the major requirements. as well as appurtenances thereto. shall be designed and constructed to avoid accumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth. windows and appurtenances thereto. hard. and impervious to water. ventilation and air conditioning and illumination. Windows and 1) All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. Doors. toilet rooms. or persons shall be appointed to ensure that proper cleaning is being carried out. 2) All shower rooms. hand washing facilities and service buildings are maintained in a clean condition. detergents and disinfectants. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 77 of 95 . General Requirements Construction Requirements Requirements 1) All dormitories. Illumination Light shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration. windows. easily cleanable surfaces.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 / CS / Continued 5. utility rooms and hand washing facilities shall have smooth. windows and screening. toilet rooms. Refer to a list of complete requirements in Section 2 of SASC-S-04 The purpose of this section is to define the minimum construction requirements for floors. a person. Requirements Requirements and regulations pertaining to D&WO camps and living facilities are available in SASC-S-07 “Camps and Communal Living Facilities” Section of Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. laundry rooms and similar areas shall be well ventilated and free of excessive condensation. toilets. 3) Doors. shower rooms. walls and ceilings. Screening 2) Doors. shadows and strong glare. shall be kept clean and maintained in good repair. detergents and disinfectants 2) Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. 2) A checklist and system for monitoring the efficiency of the cleaning schedule should also be developed and used. 3) All areas shall be kept free of nuisance and safety hazards. carpets on floors. They shall be cleaned at least once daily. Sorting tables.6 square meters (50 square feet) per occupant.5 square meters (70 square feet) per occupant. floors. hallways. 3) All facilities shall be well ventilated 4) Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed to ensure that an individual’s need for privacy does not interfere with his commitment to personal hygiene. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 78 of 95 . E. chair and reading lamp shall be provided for each sleeping room. easily cleanable finish. shall be kept free of objectionable odors and shall be maintained in good repair. mattress pad and pillow shall be provided for each occupant. 7) A storage closet or cabinet shall be provided for storing the clothing and other personal items of each occupant. 8) A refuse container shall be provided for each habitable room. then these need not be provided adjacent to hand washing facilities. sanitary and in good repair. furniture and other furnishings shall be clean. urinals. shower rooms and hand washing facilities. 5) If residents are provided with personal supplies of hand washing cleanser and their own towels. 10. Refer to Section 12 of SASC-S-07 for the minimum requirements relating to design and operation requirements of laundry rooms in facilities. hand washbasins and utility sinks shall be designed to be easily cleanable. 4) A bed. and 11 in SASC-S-07: 1) Toilets. operated and maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions. D. All bedding and linen shall be clean. entrances to fire escapes and stairways must be kept free of obstructions. The main purpose of this section is to subscribe the minimum requirements relating to toilets. preferably 6. sanitary and in good repair. 1) All laundry equipment shall be installed. 2) All equipment and facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. mattress. showers. hand washing facilities and other such service areas shall be separated from food preparation and sleeping rooms by a self-closing. storage racks and other surfaces that contact linen shall be made of substantial material having a smooth.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 / CS / Continued Parameter C. tight-fitting door. walls. 2) Hallways. Elaborated requirements are available in Sections 8. ceilings and appurtenances shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. Shower Rooms and Hand washing Facilities Laundry Rooms Requirements This section defines the minimum requirements pertaining to dormitories stipulated by Section 7 of SASC-S-07: 1) All outside premises. 6) All curtains. 2) Shower rooms. carpeting. Dormitories Toilet Rooms. 3) Floor space in sleeping rooms shall be allocated at a rate of not less than 4. nonabsorbent. 5) At least one table. laundry rooms. 9. toilet rooms. lugger boxes and compactor systems after they are emptied. employee. equipped. shall be designed to have "escape-resistant" trays. Filled refuse containers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refuse storage facility. as well as floors. Areas along fences. dump or permit to accumulate any garbage or trash in any building. 7) Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and the attraction of insects and rodents. under stored materials. There shall be a sufficient number of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and to accommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposal periods. They shall be installed so that dead insects are prevented from falling on food and food contact surfaces. in a manner that will afford food and harborage for insects and rodents.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 / CS / Continued Provision of garbage and refuse facilities. Garbage and Refuse G. The purpose of this section is to define the required control measures to be implemented in managing a pest control program for D&WO facilities: 1) The communal living facility shall be designed. 6) Periodically. ware washing or other such operations are in progress or in a way that contaminates food equipment. leave. operator or occupant shall place. 2) Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight. constructed. food or the environment. 6) Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling. properly trained personnel. such as smoke and dust. Open dumps and burn-pits are prohibited. 3) No contractor. utensils or other food contact surfaces. freed of vermin before occupancy and shall be maintained in an insect and rodent free condition. in and around refuse facilities. 8) All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal or approved sanitary landfill. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 79 of 95 . maintained and operated to prevent the entry and harborage of insects. 4) The pest control program shall encompass all areas outside and inside the communal living facility.fitting lids. containers and disposal management shall comply with requirements stipulated in Section 13 of SASC-S-04: F. as well as environmental contaminants. shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence of insects. walls and ceilings in buildings. 5) Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. birds and other vermin. 3) The lids. rodents. around buildings. each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on the inside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water. 4) Refuse containers that are being actively used in the facility need not be covered. Restricted-use pesticides shall be applied by a qualified pest control operator. but not less than twice per week. doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall be kept in the closed position when not in immediate use. 2) All buildings. if used. Insect and Rodent Control 1) Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers. or on any premises or open lot. doors or covers. Trays shall be emptied into an outside refuse container at least once each day. animals.and rodent-proofed. Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. 7) Fly electrocution devices. 5) Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized. rodents and other vermin. structures and associated facilities shall be insect. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-10 / CS / Continued 6. References (refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following table shows the summary of D&WO E&OH camp and communal living facilities hygiene documents, related references from the applicable SA requirements, and related external origin documents. D&WO E&OH Documents A. CEPI: Comprehensive Environmental Health Assessment (CEHA) Checklist. B. CEPI: Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Checklist. Applicable SA Requirements A. G.I. 0151.006 Implementing the SA Sanitary Code. B. SASC-S-07 Camps and Communal Living Facilities Section of SA Sanitary Code. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 80 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-11 Medical Requirements SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 81 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-11 / Medical Requirements (MR) D&WO remote sites are required to have emergency clinics capable of responding to any medical emergencies that arise. Remote clinics are required to meet the Minimum Medical Standard Requirements (MMSR) as regulated by the SA Medical Services Organization (SAMSO), including medic qualifications and ambulance requirements. 1. The purpose of medical management is to: A. Set requirements for medical facilities/equipment/manpower and allowable medication. B. Ensure the best available medical and first aid services are delivered to all patients at the work site. C. Serve as a reference to assist organizations in setting up, evaluating and monitoring the standards of patients’ health care and services. D. Serve as a guide to contractors to comply with the requirements. 2. Elements of medical management are: A. Building requirements. B. Disaster response preparedness. C. Staff qualifications and Education requirements. D. Equipment requirements. E. Medicine and drug requirements. F. Safety, environmental health and infection control requirements. G. Ambulance services. 3. The following matrix shows the summary of D&WO E&OH medical documents, related references from the applicable SA requirements, and related external origin documents: D&WO E&OH Documents Applicable SA Requirements A. D&WO E&OH Stand Alone Procedure: D&WO E&OH Minimum Medical Standard Requirements Procedure. A. G.I. 150.110 Periodic Occupational Physical Examination Program. B. CEPI: Comprehensive Environmental Health Assessment (CEHA) Checklist. C. 4x4 ambulance specifications and modifying requirements B. MMSR Manual. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 82 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 83 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response (SPP&R) 1. Purpose The Drilling and Workover Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response Procedure defines the minimum steps to be followed to prevent the occurrence of a spill and to ensure the optimum response and mitigation plans in case of the occurrence of a spill in Drilling and Workover operations. The procedure also outlines the corrective actions to be carried out to prevent the recurrence of spill events. 2. Scope This procedure is applicable to all current and new D&WO operations (Saudi Aramco/Contractors), and any drilling related/supporting activities commencing at both offshore and onshore facilities. 3. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms (Refer to HSERM / A / A-1 / DA&A) A. BACT – Best Available Control Technology. B. BART – Best Available Retrofit Technology. C. FIC – Facility Incident Commander. D. ECC – Emergency Command Centre. E. G.I. – General instruction. F. GOSRD – Global Oil Spill Response Director. G. LOTO – Lock-Out/Tag-Out H. MSDS – Material Safety data Sheet. I. PTW – Permit to Work. J. ROSRC – Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinator. K. SRTL – Spill Response Team Leader. L. SRT – Spill Response Team. 4. Potential Spill Sources Spill can occur from individual or variable cause(s) such as: A. Connection/line failure during bunkering; B. Blowout; SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 84 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Continued C. Failure/Damage of a chemical containers/storage tank during handling/storage; D. Leaking from equipment/machinery/engine/vessel; E. Overflow during mud/drilling fluid preparation; or F. Collision event 5. Responsibilities A. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 1) Generate and ensure up-to-date applicable Saudi Aramco requirements (codes) and provide technical advice in order to assist Proponent Department(s) to ensure that activities are carried out prudently and effectively. 2) Inspect D&WO facilities according to the requirements and carry out the CEHA, OHHA, EPA and RPA inspections 3) Report non-compliances to the proponent department(s) along with the necessary recommendations B. Proponent Departments and Contractors Comply with this procedure and the applicable Saudi Aramco spill prevention, preparedness and response requirements (G.I.s, procedures and standards). C. Responsibilities During Spill Each designated personnel responsibility during the event of spill is detailed in Section 8.0 of this procedure. 6. Spill Prevention Program Spill can be prevented by implementing practice(s) such as: A. Best Available Control Technology (BACT) application for a new facilities and Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) application for existing facilities undergoing modification. B. Well control program implementation. C. Equipment integrity and maintenance program implementation. D. Adherence to Hazardous materials management procedure. E. Adherence to the requirements of Permit To Work (PTW) Isolation, testing and reinstatement/Locked Out Tagged Out (LOTO).; F. Engineering controls. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 85 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Continued G. Using spill prevention equipment (for example spill control pallet, or secondary containment). H. Adherence to the offshore marine operation requirements in order to prevent spills from collision, bunkering and chemical transfer operations. 7. Classification of Spills Type Spill Size (Bbl) Description Clean-Up Party A. Minimal adverse environmental impact. Small Offshore <50 Onshore <1000 Offshore 50-5000 Medium Onshore 1000-10000 Major B. Onsite clean-up required. In most cases, spills will be recovered, oil are allowed to be dispersed naturally depending on the location, time and weather condition. Facility’s response. Under Regional Spill Response Coordinator jurisdiction if spill overboard into the sea. A. Substantial and short term environmental impact. B. External assistance required to do cleanup/chemical dispersion/actual and forecasted spills tracking/monitoring to determine their path. Offshore >5000 A. Severe and/or long term environmental impact. Onshore >10000 B. External assistance required to do cleanup/chemical dispersion/actual and forecasted spills tracking/monitoring to determine their path. Under Regional Spill Response Coordinator jurisdiction. Under Regional Spill Response Coordinator jurisdiction. 8. Spill Response Strategy Offshore and Onshore refer to Appendix No.1 9. Spill Preparedness A. Drill This spill preparedness and response shall be tested at regular intervals. The main objectives of conducting regular tests are to: 1) Familiarise all personnel with their roles, responsibilities and the use of kit/equipment. 2) Practice and improve on the spill response management and tactical skills/ techniques. 3) Identify any potential operational/logistical problems that may arise during an actual spill. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 86 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Continued The FIC is ultimately responsible for the implementation of spill response preparedness through drills. Drills associated with testing of the Spill Response are summarized in Table 6.1 below. Table 6.1 / Planned Spill Response Drills No. Type of Exercise Frequency of Testing Facility spill response Drill 1. A. Tests the roles, responsibilities and competency of the Spill Response Team. B. Deployment/use of spill kit/equipment. 6-Monthly Notification Drill 2. A. Tests the procedures to alert and call-out the response team. B. Conducted by telephone or other means of communication as stipulated in the response plan. As and when necessary Integration of Facility spill response drill and Disaster Drill A. Interactive discussions of a simulated scenario with members of the response team. B. Does not involve mobilisation of personnel or equipment. C. Focuses on the roles and actions of individuals, interactions between various parties, development of information and response strategies. 3. Bi-Annually After the completion of each drill, a post mortem will be conducted to review the effectiveness and performance of the overall response management and to identify any weaknesses, areas of improvement or changes in contact details or roles/ responsibilities. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 87 of 95 HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Continued B. Spill Kit/Equipment Each facility shall have an adequate spill kit/equipment. Example of the facility spill kit/equipment is provided in Table 6.2 below: Table 6.2 / Facility spill response equipment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Items Description At Facilities Non-sparking hand scoops Non-sparking hand shovels Non-sparking hand buckets Containers suitable for holding recovered waste Emulsifiers for deck cleaning PPE for spill clean-up Absorbents Saw Dust On Standby Vessel Non-sparking hand scoops Non-sparking hand shovels Non-sparking hand buckets Containers suitable for holding recovered waste Emulsifiers for deck cleaning PPE for spill clean-up Absorbents Dispersant Both D&WO and contractors are ultimately responsible for the implementation of the preventive maintenance program encompassing inspection and spill response kit/equipment operational and availability in accordance to their manufacturing maintenance and operation manual. This kit/equipment shall be stored, maintained by qualified personnel all the time. C. Competency and Training Both D&WO and contractors are ultimately responsible to ensure there are a sufficient number of properly trained personnel to respond to all spill scenarios. As training is an essential component of preparedness, spill response members shall be trained in spill response (as advised by Marine and/or EPD). This is to ensure that all the designated response personnel are able to respond to a spill in a quick and competent manner. Training may be provided in-house or by external recognised organisations. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 88 of 95 C.401 Inland oil Spill Response.1850. and related external origin documents: Applicable SA Requirements External Origin Documents A. G. Marine Department Global Oil Spill Contingency Plan. Well Control Manual – Volume I and II. H. Contractors’ Stand Alone spill prevention. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 89 of 95 . 2. G. B. D.400 Offshore oil spill Contingency Plan.I. preparedness and response related references from the applicable SA requirements. D&WO ERP Template.104 Offshore Oil Spill Reporting. References (Refer to HSERM / A / A-2 / RM) The following table shows the D&WO E&OH spill prevention. G. G. 2.I. F.I.001 Onshore Well site Emergency Response Operations Roles and Responsibilities. G.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Continued 10.I.I.1851. preparedness and response procedure E. 2. G.001 Offshore Well site Emergency Response Operations Roles and Responsibilities. 2. 4. Upon Receiving Call B.104 for offshore spill. Assess the incident (type of spill/approximate size/possible hazards). B.104 for offshore spill . Gather the details of the spill from the SRTL. C.1 and 5.I. Instruct actions if necessary and practicable to stop the spill.2 of G. Discover Spill at site B.1 and 5. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 90 of 95 FIC Refer Section 5. Provide updates to Proponent Manager as frequently as possible. 2. B. Contact Facility Control Room to notify Facility Incident Commander (FIC).1 and 5. Instruct additional actions (including vessel operation) if necessary and practicable.104 for offshore spill. C. E. 2.2 of G.I. 1. 2.1 and 5. Report the details of the spill to the FIC. D. A. Mobilize the Spill Response Team Leader (SRTL) to the spill location to assess the incident. 3. Refer Section 5. Command and alert Spill Response Team Leader to mobilize the Spill Response Team to clean-up the spill. Proceed to the incident location immediately. Alert personnel in vicinity.104 for offshore spill.2 of G. A. Refer Section 5.I. FIC Spill Response Team Leader (SRTL) via walkie-talkie SRT FIC via walkie-talkie C. Refer Section 5.I. assess the situation and declare appropriate initial action if necessary. After receiving mobilization alert from the Incident Commander (IC) Reporting Procedure when Incident Commander (IC) Declares Small Spill A. 2.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Continued Appendix No.2 of G.1 / Spill Response Strategy / Offshore and Onshore Spill Response Strategy (Offshore and Onshore) Step Situation Actions to be taken Responsibility Who To Contact Person who discovers spill Facility Incident Commander (FIC) via phone/walkie-talkie A. C. Clean-Up Procedure D. F. 5. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 91 of 95 SRTL FIC via walkie-talkie . B. Direct actions for isolation or shutdown of power/pipeline/system/equipment if necessary to secure the source if necessary. Update the situation to FIC. Initiate clean-up operation as required in the MSDS. Gather Spill Response Team and ensure they are equipped with appropriate PPE. Ensure appropriate spill kit/equipment with adequate quantity. E. Ensure up-to-date Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are available for references.1 / Spill Response Strategy / Offshore and Onshore / Continued Spill Response Strategy (Offshore and Onshore) Step Situation Actions to be taken Responsibility Who To Contact A.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Appendix No. G. Direct actions to seal off the area and lead Spill Response Team in clean-up operations. HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Appendix No. 7.104 for offshore spill. Stand-by on any support or technical expertise required. Refer Section 5. 2. Refer Section 5.I. Follow ups on requested support. The response management will be commenced as per the applicable Saudi Aramco G.I. 2. Refer Section 5.104 for offshore spill D.I. 2. A.s. Activation of D&WO Emergency Command Centre (ECC) required. Instruct additional actions if necessary and practicable. information and establish chronological event report. D&WO ECC Appropriate Response Group via phone or emergency channel C. During Medium or Major Spill or if spill overboard into the sea The Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinators and Global Oil Spill Response Director will take over and be responsible in commanding/commencing response for a medium. A.104 for offshore spill.1 / Spill Response Strategy / Offshore and Onshore / Continued Spill Response Strategy (Offshore and Onshore) Step 6. Situation Reporting Procedure when IC Declares Medium or Major Spill from the jurisdiction of Regional Spill Response Coordinator Actions to be taken Responsibility Who To Contact FIC Refer Section 5.1 and 5.2 of G.2 of G. Gather D&WO ECC members. E.1 and 5. procedures and/or Marine Department Global Oil Spill Contingency Plan SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 92 of 95 . Provide updates as frequently as possible via emergency channel. B.I.2 of G. Specific support required.2 of G. major or spill response beyond the facility’s capabilities. F. C.1 and 5.104 for offshore spill.1 and 5. B.I. 2. Support the Regional Oil Spill Response Coordinators and Global Oil Spill Response Director if needed/wherever necessary. I. marine. Stand down and demobilize Spill Response Team.s. C. Commence site restoration activities as instructed by the FIC. when the situation allows.HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Appendix No. Ensure wastes resulting from the spill are properly disposed in accordance to the D&WO waste management procedure. B. Spill response and clean-up operations terminated 1) Conduct inventory check on spill response kit/equipment 2) Ensure all kit/equipment is replaced. B. Incident investigation may involve technical expertise from the operations. Coordinate Site Restoration activities: 8. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 93 of 95 . Ensure re-usable PPE is properly cleaned/decontaminated and placed back at their storage. Call for termination of the spill response and clean-up operations. C. EPD. DOE&CD shall coordinate medium/major spill incident investigation as per the applicable D&WO incident investigation procedure/G. cleaned. report and follow up on the closure of Corrective actions. LPD or local authority where necessary.1 / Spill Response Strategy / Offshore and Onshore / Continued Spill Response Strategy (Offshore and Onshore) Step Situation Actions to be taken Responsibility Who To Contact FIC via walkie-talkie SRTL SRTL via walkietalkie FIC A. Generate corrective actions. planned for service or repaired when necessary 3) Ensure all kit/equipment are promptly returned to storage A. FIC 9. Initiate preliminary incident investigation and generate incident report for a small spill as per the applicable Saudi Aramco incident investigation procedure/G. Implement corrective actions where necessary. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 94 of 95 .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual E-12 / SPP&R / Appendix No. C. Involve in the incident investigation for a medium or major spill. DOE&CD shall coordinate medium/major spill incident investigation as per the applicable D&WO incident investigation procedure/G.I. EPD. marine. Post Spill Not Applicable B.I.s. Generate corrective actions. report and follow up on the closure of Corrective actions. Incident investigation may involve technical expertise from the operations.s. LPD or local authority where necessary.1 / Spill Response Strategy / Offshore and Onshore / Continued Spill Response Strategy (Offshore and Onshore) Step Situation Actions to be taken Responsibility Who To Contact A. SA-DWO-HSERM-ENV-001 / Created: 01/13 / Last Review: 01/13 / Next Review: 01/17 Owner: VP-D&WO Revision(s) identified by a Vertical Bar in the Right Margin Page 95 of 95 .HSERM / E / Environment and Occupational Health D&WO HSE Requirements Manual Revision Summary Approvals Rev No. 00 Date Revision Summary Jan 2013 Original Release Originator Custodian Review Approval Authority RGW RGW OSH & AAR Note: Signed Original(s) are maintained within D&WO-DOE&CD.
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