Dragon ball Z Daizenshuu 7 Powerlevels_ Dragon Ball Z encyclopedia Daizenshuu 7 Power Levels

March 26, 2018 | Author: Mihai Florin | Category: Dragon Ball, Science Fantasy Comics, Animation, Sports, Leisure



Dragon ball Z Daizenshuu 7 Powerlevels: Dragon Ball Z encyclopedia Daizenshuu 7 Power Levelshttp://tenshinhanpowerlevel s.blogspot.com/2007/10/dragon-ball-z-encyclopedia-daizenshuu-7.html Distribuiţi Raportaţi un abuz Următorul blog» Creaţi blog Autentificare Q U A RT A -F E I R A , 1 0 D E OU TUB R O D E 20 0 7 Dragon Ball Z encyclopedia Daizenshuu 7 Power Levels Dragon Ball Z Real Fans. http://tenshinhanpowerlevels.blogspot.com/2008/08/goku-needed-power-levelof-3-millions.html F AV OUR IT E VI LL AI N Freeza Cell Fat buu Super Buu Kid Buu Super 17 General Rildo Vegeta baby Yi Xing Long 1-Star Dragon Voturi până acum: 154 Sondaj înche iat 64 (41%) 34 (22%) 4 (2%) 12 (7%) 9 (5%) 18 (11%) 2 (1%) 8 (5%) 3 (1%) We have to warn you about two fansites, KRILIN FANSITES: my favorite games-MFG(Mega Fucking Goofy web site), and pojo site who disregard Daizenshuu 7 approved and written by Akira Toriyama and edited by Toei Animation and Shueisha.Well they lie about everything related with Tenshinhan,because they can't stand the fact that the Triclop was in the millions,specially unsupported fan sites like MFG(Mega Fucking Goofy web site).If you want to see a good lie about daizenshuu or dbz,well visit that dumb fansite,lol. These fucking retards also try to make their dumb assumptions as dbz facts disregarding official information provided by DBZ staff in Daizenshuu under Toriyama supervision and revision who helps the fans to understand dbz series a lot better. Pojo forum is full of retards who can't even understand basic mathematics,those maggots fanboys are pathetic and make real persons puke. In fact all of them have a very low I.Q.. They always make dumb and fanatic statements,they are sites without any credibility. WHAT ARE HIS REFERENCES AND SOURCES? LIES AND CONTRADICTORY STATEMENTS,BUT WORSE THEY THINK THEIR DUMB CONTRADICTORY STATEMENTS ARE ABOVE OFFICIAL SOURCES: 1-AKIRA TORIYAMA/DAIZENSHUU 7=THE GREAT DRAGON BALL ENCYCLOPEDIA 2-MANGA 3-ANIME WHERE THEY CALL A WORK MADE BY PROFESSIONALS NON CANON BECAUSE SEVERAL TIMES THEY PROVE KRILLIN WAS A WEAKLING AND TENSHINHAN AND PICCOLO WERE ALWAYS STRONGER THAN KRILLIN. . ( IS TE NS H I NH AN A P U R E ALI EN OR A N HY BRI D ? Alien Hybrid Voturi până acum: 13 Sondaj înche iat 13 (100%) 0 (0%) TE NSHINH AN FINA L P OWER LE VE L I N DBZ 4-Shueisha/Toei Animation/Bandai /AB productions and Official Dragon Ball/GT magazine THEY ARE JUST STUPID FANBOYS.Here you have REAL sources and references. 80.000.0 00 above 120.000.000 above 500.00 0.000 Voturi până acum: 16 Sondaj înche iat 1 (6%) 0 (0%) 15 (93%) English:Here you can find some of the real power levels(i mixed with some made by myself) made by Akira Toriyama and his team in Dragon Encyclopedia Daizenshuu 7 the only book supervised and approved by akira toriyama: Português:Aqui vocês podem encontrar as verdadeiras forças de combate Dragon Ball/Z tiradas TENSH IN H AN LEVEL O F KAIOH K EN ? da grande enciclopédia Dragon Ball Z Daizenshuu 7 aprovada e supervisionada por Akira Toriyama. French:Ici vous pouvez rencontrer le septième dictionnaire encyclopédique de ''Dragon Ball'' Le livre septième officiel a été le seul approuvé , supervisé et écrit par Akira Toriyama . Español:Aquí pueden encontrar el séptimo diccionario enciclopédico ' de ' Dragón Ball '' el único libro oficial con la aprobación, supervision y escrito por Akira Toriyama. Kaiohken x 20 Kaiohken x 50 Kaiohken x 100 Voturi până acum: 69 Sondaj înche iat 25 (36%) 11 (15%) 33 (47%) DRAGON BALL Z Loadi ng... Início da série/Beginning of the series POWER LEVELS some of them MADE BY AKIRA TORIYAMA Kid Goku (pequeno): 10 INSC REVER-S E Ozharu Big Ape/Goku (gorila): 100 Yamcha-10 21º Budokai Tenkaichi Jackie Chun: 139 Bacteria:14 Postagens Comentários SEG UI DORES Krillin:97 Giran:71 Songoku:124 Lanfan:14 Nam:87 Yamcha:73 Red Ribbon Saga/Saga da legião vermelha Google Friend Connect Membros (3) Já é um membro? Fazer login After the training in karin tower /depois de treinar com karin na torre sagrada Goku:157 karin: 169 Songohan (goku´s grandfather/avô de goku) 156 Tao pai pai 144 22º Budokai Tenkaichi Goku: 180 Jackie Chun: 139-165 Tenshinhan: 180 daizenshuu 7 Chaoz:118 ARQUI V O DO BL OG Krillin:141 Manwolf/homem lobo:19 Panputte:56 Yamcha:146 Garça Genial/Crane hermit:120 Luta contra Piccolo Daimaoh/Fight against Piccolo Daimaoh Goku (depois de beber água sagrada/after the magic water): 260 daizenshuu 7 Piccolo Daimaoh (jovem outra vez/young again): 260 daizenshuu 7 Cymbal 150 Tambor: 190 Tamborine:173 Yajirobé:160 Old/viejo/velho-Piccolo Daimaoh:201 daizenshuu 7 Tenshinhan:190 23º Budokai Tenkaichi ► 2010 (6) ► 2009 (9) ► 2008 (14) ▼ 2007 (4) ▼ Outubro (3) Dragon Ball Z encyclopedia Daizenshuu 7 Power Leve... Tenshinhan descends from an alien race named Mitsu... Tenshinhan descends from an alien race called Mits... ► Abril (1) QU EM SOU EU T O E I AN I M AT I O N VI SU AL IZA R ME U PE R F I L C O MPL E TO Krllin:206 Songoku with weights/com pesos:244 Goku without weights/sem pesos:330 Piccolo Junior with weights/com pesos:236 Piccolo Junior without weights/sem pesos:322 Tenshinhan:290 Yamcha:177 Yajirobé:160 Chaoz:140 Shen/kamisama:301 Tao pai pai:189 Chichi:73 Fight against raditz Raditz: 1500 daizenhuu 7/manga gives raditz 1200 probably 1500 is a typo Piccolo (com roupas pesadas/with weights): 322 manga Piccolo (sem roupas pesadas/without weights): 408 manga Piccolo (primeiro /first Makankosappo): 1.330 manga Piccolo (segundo/second Makankosappo): 1.440 manga Goku (com roupas pesadas/with weights): 334 manga Goku (sem roupas pesadas/without weights): 416 manga Goku (Kamehameha): 924 Gohan: 1 Gohan (assustado/with afraid): 710 Gohan (atacando/atacking): 1.307 After the death of Raditz Mestre Kame: 139 manga/daizenshuu 7 Kuririn: 206 manga daizenshuu 7 Yamcha: 177 Yajirobé:160 Tenshinhan: 350-250 was a typo Tenshinhan maximum power:380 Chaoz:180 Tartaruga: 0,001 fight against Nappa and Vegeta Tenshinhan: 1830(hand to hand/corpo a corpo) Daizenshuu 7 Tenshinhan kikoho/QiQong:3900 Yamcha-1480(hand to hand) Daizenshuu 7 Yamcha(kamehameha):1900 Chaos: 610 daizenshuu 7 Kuririn: 981(hand to hand/corpo a corpo)manga Kuririn (poder máximo/energetic power): 1.770 Daizenshuu 7 Piccolo: 1.220(hand to hand)manga Piccolo (Makankosappo): 3.500-energetic power- Daizenhuu 7 Gohan: 1.083 hand to hand manga Gohan (Masenko): 2.800 energetic power firing masenko Daizenshuu 7 Saibaiman: 1.200 manga Nappa: 4000 Daizenshuu 7 Goku: 8.000 Daizenshuu 7 Goku (Kaio-Ken 2X): 16.000 Daizenshuu 7 Goku (Kaio-ken 3X): 24.000 Daizenshuu 7 Goku (Kaio-ken 4X): 32.000 Daizenshuu 7 Vegeta: 18.000 Daizenshuu 7 Chegada em Namek/Arrival to namek Kuririn: 1.400 manga Dodoria:22.000 Daizenshuu 7 Gohan: 1.500 manga Guerreiros de Namek/namek warriors: Entre/between 1.000 e 3.000 Kiwi: 18.000 Vegeta:24.000 daizenshuu 7/manga Fight against Zarbon Vegeta:30.000 Daizenshuu 7 Zarbon(normal):23.000 Daizenshuu 7 Zarbon(monster/monstro):32.000 Vegeta(after the injury):30.000 Luta contra as forças especiais Ginyu/Fight against Ginew Force Kuririn: 13.000(after the saichoro powerup)Daizenshuu 7 Gohan: 14.000(after saichoro powerup)Daizenshuu 7 1 din 11 27.05.2012 21:52 2 000.000(energetic power/poder energético) Cell after absorbing C-17:880.000 Trunks after the training in the room of time and spirit:1.000 Chaoz:40.000.000 Pui Pui:50.000.000 daizenshuu 7 Freeza (forma inicial/initial form): 530.000.000 C-16:480.000 Superbuu+gohan=500. The power levels had been removed of Great Encyclopedia Dragon Ball Daizenshuu 7 the only one approved and written by Akira Toriyama.000.000 Superbuu+gotenks level 3+piccolo=250.000.900.000.000 Songoku:300.000 daizenshuu 7 Goku (com kaioh ken X10): 30.963 Tenshinhan(kaioh ken x 4):272.000 Piccolo after the training in the room of time and spirit :800.000 Gohan super sayan level2 : 10.000 Yamcha:1. mas é confundido com unidade milhar.000 daizenshuu 7 Freezer (transformação final/Final form. but are confused with unit thousand.000.000 Yamu:1.000 Mr.500.000 daizenshuu 7 Goku (normal): Nail 42.000 Buu Saga Kid Trunks.000.000 Jis: Yamcha:47.000 Gohan:2.500.000 King Cold 2ºform/2ºforma:13.000 Tenshinhan using Neo kikoho/Qiqong:880.000.000 Vegeta(after the injurys with reecom/depois de recuperar dos ferimentos contra reecom):530.000 Piccolo:1.000 Gourd:8.000 daizenshuu 7 Metal Freezer Arrival Metal Freezer:200.000 Super buu:44.000 Piccolo:2.000 Piccolo:120.000.000 Trunks:220.000 Tenshinhan:11.750.000 Cell after absorbing humans(cell depois de absorver humanos):480.000.000.000 C-19: Goku super sayan 3: Android Saga C-20: SonGoku:225.000 Majin Vegeta: Kaiohshin.000 Krillin:80. Many people confuse the numbers .000 kid Goten:150.000.500.000.200.000 Tenshinhan (com /with x10 kaioh ken): Gohan:500.000 Songoku with virus/goku doente:35.000.000 Majin buu:30.000 Tenshinhan:600.000.000.000 Imperfect Cell(cell imperfeito):300.500.000 Daizenshuu 7 Goku (Kaio-ken 2X): 180.000. 50%): 60.000 Yamcha: Reecoom:45.250.000 Vegeta after the training in the room of time and spirit: Gohan after the training in the room of time and spirit: Piccolo Ressurection: Piccolo:70.000.000 Goku against Freezer Os valores de poder de luta desta luta foram retirados da enciclopédia daizenshuu 7 de Akira Toriyama.000 Tenshinhan:69.000 Barta: Dabura:2.000 c-17:400. Muitas pessoas confudem os números e acabam colocando a décima parte do número oficial.000.000 Tenshinhan(com/with x4 kaioh ken):2. Freezer (transformação final/final form.000 Vegeta super sayan 2:19.000 Vegeta:12.000 Kid buu:42.000.000 Akira Toriyama introduction in Daizenshuu 7 the encyclopedia who reveals TenShinHan is an Alien and everything in this book is the only and last word about Dragon ball Series:Scans of that book in french and japanese will be avaiable soon.000 manga Ginyu (no corpo de Goku/ginew in goku's body): 23.000 Chaoz:10.Satan:139 Spopovitch:1.000.000 daizenshuu 7 Goku (com kaioh ken X20): 60.000.000 Tenshinhan kaioh ken x 20=15.000 Krillin:6.000 Trunks after the training in the room of time and spirits 2º time/segunda vez:1.000.000 Tenshinhan:750.500.1.000 Krillin:1.000.000 Ginyu: 120.000 Vegeta:330.000 Luta contra Freezer/Fight against Freezer Piccolo after the assimilation with Nail):!1.000 Perfect Cell:2.000 Tenshinhan(kaioh ken x20): manga Freeza (primeira transformação): Goku after the training in the room of time and spirit :2.300. Gohan:8.000 Vegeta after the training in the room of time and spirit 2ºtime/segunda vez:1.Vegeta (contra/against Reecoom): 36.160.000 Vegeta after the injury made by krillin:10.000 Yakon:100.000 Mystic Gohan:50.000.000 Kibito: Gotenks level 3:45.500.800. Videl:150 Goku super sayan 2 :20.000. Introdução de akira toriyama na grande enciclopédia dragon ball que prova que tenshin han é um extra-terrestre.000.000 Goku: 90. 100%):120.000 Vegetto SSJ: 1.000 daizenshuu 7 Goku (Super Saiyajin 1): because in the encyclopedia these values appear with a number folloied of Japanese kanji that it means thousand sets of ten.000 Piccolo+Kami sama=Super namek:400.000 Perfect Celll level2: 10.000 Tenshinhan(com/with x 20 kaioh ken):12.900.000 c-18:350. porque nesta enciclopédia esses valores aparecem com um número acompanhado de um ideograma japonês que significa dezenas de milhar.000. . pero con éste alcanzaron el resultado de limit perfecto.mas o resultado valeu o esforço efectuado. They are the Yardrats. quisiera decir muchas gracias al equipo y por supuesto.que encontro nesta enciclopédia na sua totalidade. las tres razas más importantes eran: Los sayans. los terricolas y los nameks.however.the Métamols and the Three Eyes or Triclops TenShinHan's ancestors. If i had this encyclopedia when i wrote this story would be of great help. Uma pena realmente não a ter tido na altura. Português: Este livro.but with this one they reached the limit.por vezes esqueci-me de vários detalhes. Here is the proof tenshinh an has kaioh ken and he is an alien too .The result is perfect. Incluso si soy el creador de del dragón ball me olvidé por veces de algunos detalles muy importantes y en esta enciclopedia puedo encontrar todos.the three more important races are: The sayans.the earthlings and the nameks. Español: Este libro es el último de siete. es la gran enciclopedia dragon ball.i would like to say thank you very much to the team and of course.to all of you the dragon ball fans. Apesar das obras anteriores serem de extrema dificuldade para os seus criadores.esta conseguiu ultrapassar todos os limites. The former books already were very difficult for the creators. a chamada Grande Enciclopédia dragon ball. Los libros anteriores fueran ya muy difíciles para los creadores. Finnaly.others alien races show up in the story. Por último. otras razas extraterrestres aparecen en la historia. los Métamols y los antepasados de Ten Shin Han los tres ojos/ Triclops. sin embargo. Enfim. Se quando escrevi o dragon ball tivesse esta enciclopédia ela teria sido de enorme ajuda. The source is daizenshuu 7/Akira Toriyama /Toei animation/Shueisha English translation: Different Alien Races: In the Dragon ball World.English translation: This book the last of seven. All the Japanese sites say TenShinHan is an alien/todos os sites japoneses dizem que Tenshinhan é um extraterrestre. Apesar de eu ser o autor desta série. a usted los fans de dragon ball.para acabar um grande abraço para esta equipa e para todos os fãs dragon ball. Son los Yardrats. Official Dragon Ball Magazine in Europe/ Spain(norma editorial dragon ball GT) has the rights of Dragon Ball in Europe with french AB productions: Here you can read Tenshinhan is an alien and belong to the race of Three Eyes. Si tuviera esta enciclopedia cuando escribí esta historia sería de gran ayuda. Mala suerte para mí. Español:Diversas Razas Extraterrestres: En el mundo de la bola del dragón.é o o último volume de uma série de sete. Well bad luck for me .is the great encyclopedia dragon ball. Even if i am the creator of dragon ball sometimes i forgot some very important details and in this encyclopedia i can find all of them. the race of the three eyes were the first ones to develop this advantage in a fight. Bunshin: Duplication: Piccolo.Tenshinhan desea siempre llegar a ser más fuerte. Él se entrena después con el kaioh rey en el otro mundo y un año más tarde se vuelve a la vida restablecida por Polunga el dragón del namek.Quando chaoz es matado por Piccolo daimaoh él se entrena para dominar el mafuba para vengar su muerte. Later against nappa.he is one of the few to live for the sake of martial arts. But thanks to kame sennin and goku he decides to leave his master and become an warrior who fights for the sake of martial arts and justice.When chaoz is killed by Piccolo daimaoh he trains to master the technique mafuba to avenge his death. Next he trains with king kaioh in the other world and one year later comes back to life revived by Polunga the namek dragon.English translation: Tenshinhan: Expert in martial arts he was born in 733 Height:1. again chaoz dies and tenshinhan tries to avenge him with kikoho/qiqong....satan contra un buu estupendo enfurecido que asimiló previamente gotenks nivel 3 y piccolo. Después de las luchas contra cell se entrena durante 7 años para salvar dende gohan y mr. Pero gracias al kame sennin y al goku decide dejar su amo y tornarse un guerrero que luche para el motivo de artes marciales y del justicia. Más adelante contra nappa. His ancestors.. Shishin no ken: Technique of the 4 bodys used by Tenshinhan against goku in the 23º budokai tenkaichi. One of the special skills made by the Three Eyes or triclops Race. Español: Él aprende artes de los martials con el maestro grúa l para se tornar un asesino. Tenshinhan is an alien who descends from the Three Eyes or Triclops race.. Tenshinhan es un extraterrestre que desciende de la raza de los tres ojos/ Triclops. otra vez chaoz es matado y los intentos de tenshinhan para vengarse con kikoho/qiqong.satan against an enraged super buu who assimilated previously piccolo and gotenks level 3. él es uno de los pocos a vivir para el motivo de artes marciales. Tenshinhan always want to become stronger. The purple ninja uses this atack with his 4 twin brothers. Tenshinhan uses it against goku in the 22º budokai tenkaichi.but fails and dies too.. . He is the only one abble to perform this technique. Él tiene habililidades imposibles para los seres humanos como cuatro brazos o cuatro cuerpos . After the fights against cell he leaves and trains during 7 years later he saves gohan dende and mr. He has habiltys impossible for humans like four arms or four bodys. Tenshinhan has this power since he was born.85 weight:75 kg He learns martials arts with Master crane to become a killer. Shiyoken: Four arms.krillin Médamcha use this technique. It is possible to watch piccolo using this technique during his training Bunshin no jutsu: Ninjutsu copy technique. His power however splits in four what becomes tenshinhan weaker. pero fallan y muere también. however in the end after the sayans and Uub he is the stronger warrio r. His most noti ceable feature is his third eye.2 King Piccolo saga 1.4 Video games 4 Special abilities 4.howe ver some say Piccolo keeps his place ahead. Fran ce. Son Goku. CON T EN TS GOKU'S RIVALS IN DRAGON BALL /DRAGON BALL Z 1-Uub 2-Olibu 2-Tenshinhan 4-Paikuhan 5-Piccolo 6-Vegeta Where is the mighty krillin ?lol 1 Dragon Ball 1. Like a handful of other characters from the original Dragon Ball.2 Dragon Ball GT 3. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. He is introduced as an enemy of the series' hero.3 Piccolo Junior saga 2 Dragon Ball Z 3 Non-canon 3. He is usually accompanied by Chao zu.Category Tenshinhan (or Tien Shinhan in the English anime dub. his training partne r. but he is outpaced by the more powerful characters in the series.3 Dragon Ball movies 3.He belongs to the triclop alien race. Tenshinhan is exceptionally strong even for an alien. but soon becomes an ally.1 Fighting techniques 5 Trivia 6 External links D RAG O N B AL L 22nd Tenkaichi Budôkai saga Tien in the Tournament TENSHINHAN in the TOURNAMENT . Tenshinhan is inspired by a character from Journey to the West. He is known as Shinto in an early 1980's dub of Dragon Ball. the people of the three eye s(this is stated by akira Toriyama in the book dragon Bal Dayzenshuu 7 published in Japan.Luxembourg Belgium Switzerland and Canada .1 22nd Tenka'ichi Budôkai saga 1.Tenshinhan Japanese 天津飯 Romaji Tenshinhan Anime Name Tien Manga Name Tenshinhan Alternate Name(s) Tien Shinhan Shinto Canon to Original Manga First Appearance Issue #113 character appears in the original Dragon Ball series character appears in the Dragon Ball GT series Appears in Family Connections Chaozu (companion) Tsuru-Sen'nin (former instructor) Race-Alien 三つ目人 Mitsume Jin DB Character Listing . his unique feature of having a third eye was derived from the Chinese god Erlang Shen.1 Anime filler 3.it is an arguable question only because Piccolo had a bigger role in the show. but generally just Tien) is a fictional character from the manga Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z and the anime series Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. as Goku simply put on some sunglasses (Kame Sen'nin's to be precise)when he tried it. the Turtle Hermit Muten-Rôshi. with no fighter at an obvious advantage until Tenshinhan uses his Taiyô-ken (Fist of the Sun) technique to temporarily blind Jackie and then land a powerful knee attack to the back of Jackie's neck. Roshi. Tenshinhan finds his first challenge at the tournament thus far. smaller Kamehameha wave to slow himself down. Tenshinhan is able to get a powerful hit on Yamcha. as he can fly usin the Air hovering technique (buku jutsu) and Goku can't. In response to this. Roshi tells everyone that it represents an incredibly powerful Demon King. Realizing the gravity of the situation. It is again a fairly even battle. Tenshinhan's next fight is against Muten-Rôshi. Tenshinhan then attempts one of his "ace-up-sleeve" technique. breaking it. He also states that Tenshinhan is not truly evil at heart. and fires a Kamehameha at Tenshinhan. the Kikoho(Energy Canon). . they realize that Piccolo is coming for them and Goku is likely dead. Tenshinhan then starts to take the fight seriously. Tenshinhan has Chaozu use his telepathic powers to determine the order of the fights. the dragon radar indicates that the two remaining balls are now together. forcing Yamcha to dodge. Tenshinhan then floats high in the air and uses the attack. along with some telepathic help from Tsuru-Sen'nin. After the match is over. again using the alias of Jackie Chun. defeating his opponents so quickly that few can even see how many attacks he lands on them. as there is no way to survive being hit by it. using the attack to send him rocketing into Tenshinhan. which Tenshinhan is hard-pressed to defend against. Both fighters fall to the ground. In his battle with Yamcha. Goku slightly ahead. Tenshinhan lands an instant later. thus winning the tournament. who then orders Tenshinhan to kill Goku. They quickly formulate a plan where Tenshinhan and Roshi will steal Piccolo's Dragon Balls and hand them off to Chaozu. This happens several more times. as he wants to beat Goku fairly. reveals Jackie's true identity to Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan volunteers to help in anyway he can. Tenshinhan easily wins the preliminary rounds. He soon confronts Roshi. Roshi's words keep going through Tenshinhan's mind. who is entering his two top pupils (Tenshinhan and Chaozu) to defeat the students of his rival. but Goku is largely unaffected and retaliated with several hits of his own. and that Roshi didn't even fight to his full ability. The fight between Tenshinhan and Son Goku starts off fast. Along with his body there was note with the character 'Ma' (demon) on it. In his state of disbelief. Tenshinhan and Yamcha come close to blows on several occasions. and uses his Shiyoken (Fist of Four Arms) ability to grow an extra set of arms. He is informed of the Dragon Balls and. demanding an explanation. forcing him out of the arena. allowing Tenshinhan to land a hit.Tenshinhan is first introduced to the series at the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budôkai (Strongest Under the Heavens Fighting(Martial Arts) Tournament) during the Tenshinhan Saga. Tenshinhan launches a Kamehameha at Roshi. He is a student of the Crane Hermit. brutally countering when Yamcha tries it again. Between the matches. stating that he can not follow the teachings of another. and heading towards them at speed. destroying the entire arena. Tenshinhan takes an early advantage and lands some powerful hits on Goku. and that Tenshinhan is part of them. Until the start of the final match with Goku. is able to deflect the blast into the sky. He warns Goku to dodge the blast. as he recognizes that it was mere luck that he won. When Goku next moves in to attack. having learned it from observing Yamcha during the earlier fight. Tenshinhan telepathically tells Chaozu to stop interfering in his match. but Tenshinhan declines. Roshi compliments Tenshinhan and exits out of the ring. This. Tenshinhan is convinced he'll win at this point. As Yamcha falls to the ground Tenshinhan does one final attack. who will then use them to summon the dragon and make the wish to destroy the demon. turns around. along with Chaozu and Roshi. After finding five of the Dragon Balls. but is hit by truck and lands first. forfeiting the match. After the match. The plan is that they will use the power of the dragon to wish for the death of Piccolo. Goku counters by using a pseudo-eight arms technique he learned from an earlier fight in the tournament. with Yamcha seeming to pull ahead slightly after knocking Tenshinhan down with his Shin Rougafufuken (New Wolf Fang Fist). Tenshinhan is able to reflect the attack however. Goku rushes out once the match is over and promises to avenge the unneeded brutality. Piccolo. preventing him from wreaking havoc on the world again. Even Tenshinhan 's Taiyoken is defeated. Roshi tells him that it's time for a new generation of fighters to take over from the old. worried that it would harm spectators. With that failed. Weakened by Tenshinhan's assault. and that he no longer wants to be an assassin like Tao Pai Pai. as soon Kuririn is found dead at the tournament location after going back to fetch Goku's Nyoi-bo. He picks Yamcha as his first opponent. After witnessing this. Tenshinhan is disturbed by why Roshi let him win. This angers the Crane Hermit. The match starts off fairly evenly. but is now apparently free again. allowing Tenshinhan and Goku to concentrate on their match. Goku did dodge the blast though. Tenshinhan offers Goku half of the prize money. eager to settle the grudge between them. diving down and smashing his knee into Yamcha's leg. even if he has betrayed his master. Roshi offers to let Tenshinhan stay at the Kame House. When the finals begin. Roshi puts an end to this by blasting Crane out of the stadium with a Kamahameha. As the fight progress. He knows that Roshi does not fear him. Tenshinhan defiantly states he won't kill Goku. Jackie tries to convince Tenshinhan to abandon the evil ways of Tsuru-Sen'nin. Yamcha tries his wild card. Goku readies one final Kamehameha and. He tries to use another. Crane then threatens to kill him instead. He also apologizes to Yamcha for using such excessive force during their fight. he is frozen in place. at the last moment. and readies himself against the attack. The now infuriated Crane Hermit orders Chaozu to kill both Tenshinhan and Goku and when Chaozu refuses. who was sealed away centuries ago by Roshi's old master using the suicidal Mafuba technique. leaping incredibly high in the air. nearly knocking him down long enough to win. both because he doesn't want to be disqualified. is soon on a quest to retrieve them. King Piccolo saga Enlarge The good mood is short-lived however. and Tenshinhan pummels Goku until he realizes that Chaozu is behind it. Tenshinhan drops the two extra arms and decides to use his final attack. Dragon Ball Z Tenshinhan in the Buu saga Enlarge TENSHINHAN IN SAYANS SAGA . as after Piccolo arrives he swallows his two Dragon Balls. blinding the Tenshinhan's. The Tenshinhan's disperse to the four corners of the ring. as Tenshinhan's power is divided amongst the duplicates. he uses the last of his strength to quickly fly in and levitate Goku out of its path. spawns a new minion. causing them to revert back to the single being. he is horrified on discovering that the electric rice cooker the talisman is on is cracked from his practicing. killing Drum with one fierce kick. Piccolo decides to take Tenshinhan hostage. Tenshinhan then receives a horrible vision of something happening to Chaozu. The Tenshinhan's warn Goku to give up before he gets hurt. Taopaipai explains that after his seeming death by Goku. at Goku. Still unable to move after Roshi's surprise attack. making Goku fast enough to steal Tenshinhan's belt without Tenshinhan even noticing. and that he seeks revenge on both Goku and the "traitor" Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan nullifies the large blast with his Kiai and then proceeds to defeat Taopaipai with a single punch to the gut. meaning he won't be able to use the Mafuba. and is about to lose his life when Goku intervenes and save Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan then states that he forgives Taopaipai for what he did to Chaozu and tells him to forfeit. he was rebuilt into the half-man half-machine before them. Tenshinhan training for 23ºBudokai Tenkaichi Piccolo Junior saga Tenshinhan vs Tao Pai Pai Tenshinhan keeps up his training.It is futile however. Tenshinhan tells Goku to attack regardless. With the battle over. and realizing that something of the Demon King has survived. watching as Roshi uses the Mafuba and nearly succeeds at trapping him again. but fails when the containing jar closes slightly too early. The battle starts with numerous quick sparrings and shows to be fairly even. never bothering him again. a rematch against Goku. The early matches seem to be going as usual. Drum. revealing a knife which he quickly uses to slash Tenshinhan. Goku dodges the beams this time though. creating a massive hole in Piccolo's chest. grabbing him by the skull and threatening to crush it if Goku doesn't comply. They get their wish as the Tenshinhan and Taopaipai are the first of the eight finalists to fight. Tenshinhan also helps to evacuate their friends. with Piccolo close to finishing him off. Once he has fully mastered it. Piccolo concedes and spits out one final egg into the distance before dying. He takes Taopaipai's unconscious body out of bounds and presents it to the watching Crane Hermit. The Tenshinhan's quickly fire again. but Tenshinhan sidesteps and counters. redoubling his efforts after learning that Goku is being trained by Kami. After Tenshinhan grabs one of Taopaipai's wrists. Tenshinhan again has Chaozu manipulate the cards so that none of the group (Tenshinhan. to be able to compete with Goku. Tenshinhan orders Chaozu to quickly make a wish to destroy Piccolo before the Demon King can make one himself. he could beat goku again. but is denied by Goku who wants to fight the demon alone. with the group quickly dispatching their foes. each one then firing a ki blast at the center. Guardian of the Earth. this time from their third eyes. Tenshinhan then trains with Yamcha and the newly resurrected Kuririn and Chaozu until they are informed by Roshi that. Though disqualified for use of a weapon. along with Yamcha and Kuririn. Taopaipai doesn't care and quickly drops his other hand to reveal a cannon and fires a Super Dodon-pa at Tenshinhan. He remains silent about the matter for the time. When the battle seems to be turning against him. thus also killing Piccolo. Piccolo continues to make his wish and then destroys the dragon. He races to the scene and finds Chaozu heavily wounded and unconscious. but he appears unphased by their attacks. though he is clearly outclassed by Tenshinhan. an act Tenshinhan can only watch. but is instead destroyed when Goku does a final Kamehameha-propelled punch through the demon. Semi-conscious. which Piccolo used to trap Kami. his opponent turning out to be the now cybernetic Tao Pai Pai. after Goku tosses it to him. return to compete in the 23rd Tenka'ichi Budôkai. and Piccolo has long gone. Tenshinhan is then discarded by Piccolo. With the fight over. who evades the demon's onslaught and ends up defeating him with a surprise attack. but with Tenshinhan having an edge in raw speed. where Goku is. they are going to need to find better ways to train then are available at the Kame House. who moves to finish off Goku. Tenshinhan uses a new technique he's created the Shishin No Ken (Fist of Four Bodies derives from his alien condition it isn' t a clone like krilin and piccolo are going to use later against nappa) and splits into four identical copies of himself. Goku states that the new technique Tenshinhan has a critical weakness. Taopaipai pulls a surprise maneuver and detaches his mechanical hand. but instead Goku obeys the demon. He is stopped by Goku though. and states they won't be able to pull off that trick again. Tenshinhan looks forward to their next rematch. which they then promptly attempt. knocking Taopaipai to the ground. Tenshinhan gladly accepts his challenge. wanting to avenge Chaozu. Tenshinhan heads back to the Kame House with Lunch. Tenshinhan plays little role in following battles. Roshi then dies as Piccolo escapes unharmed from the attack and joins the seven balls together to make a wish to restore his youth. They all head to Karin's Tower and train with Karin before each going their own separate way. His real shock. Yamcha and Bulma. He is somewhat surprised to see the now teenaged Goku and hopeful that he's even more powerful than Goku. Tenshinhan witnesses Roshi's stand against the powerful Demon King. Tenshinhan prepares for battle regardless. When it looks like Goku has been beaten. Three years after Piccolo's defeat. collapsing afterwards. to take care of him. Tenshinhan heads off to Piccolo's location in the world capital to confront the demon. Chaozu and Kuririn) or Piccolo fight each other in the preliminaries. sending him crashing back to the ring. Realizing that he won't be able to defeat Goku physically. Tenshinhan can only watch as Goku and Piccolo battle it out. but is quickly killed mid-sentence from a blast by Piccolo. Tenshinhan practices the Mafuba. Tenshinhan's next fight is the one he's been waiting for. not seeing Tenshinhan as being worth fighting. suspecting that Goku was still holding quite a bit back. Tenshinhan. Chaozu tries. not wishing to create a panic. This changes after Goku removes his weighted clothing though. Taopaipai lunges at Tenshinhan. knowing it's the only thing that can stop him. and uses the Taiyô-ken against them.Tenshinhan doesn't want to lose energy and for that reason suffers in the fight. With the dragon restored. He offers his assistance at several points. After he arrives and challenges Piccolo. telling him to take Taopaipai and leave. Yamcha. is seeing Piccolo (who is going by the alias "Ma Junior" (Demon Junior)). creating a pit in the earth for them take shelter from one Piccolo's more devastating attacks. He vows to train harder so that next time he and Goku meet at the Tenka'ichi Budokai. suspecting a trap. learning it from watching Roshi perform it. When Piccolo charges up a massive blast however. After regaining his mobility. Taopaipai refuses this and presses on his assault. but is knocked out by Roshi and dragged out of sight into a cave. he decides to confront Piccolo regardless. He then quickly dispatches each of them. resulting in a large explosion which Goku has to leap to avoid. however. Piccolo. allowing himself to be crippled in the process. Tenshinhan reluctantly accepts the order from Kami to kill the elderly guardian. Battered by Piccolo's attack. he can only watch as Goku fights the seemingly all-powerful Piccolo. a wish is made to bring all those killed by Piccolo back to life. When the lots are drawn up to determine the order of the fights. though he does open the Sealed Flask. Knowing he is defeated. Goku. and has his left arm ripped off early in the fight. enraged by the death of Chaozu. puts all his remaining strength into one final Kikoho attack through his remaining right hand. Tenshinhan wastes no time. Nappa decides to enter the fray himself. They are interrupted when they sense a powerful evil and flying to the location where it's coming from. He is eventually wished back to life by a wish made to Polunga. When the saiyan's finally do arrive. both more powerful than Raditz. Joining him were there other warriors who perished in the battle with the saiyans: Yamcha. but it isn' t enough to kill him. After all the cultivers are destroyed. Tenshinhan learns that Goku has died in battle against an amazingly powerful warrior called Raditz. training in the mountains. and Tenshinhan volunteers to go first. Tenshinhan is no match for the giant warrior. who somehow survived. He remains there and learns of Goku's mighty struggle with the evil tyrant Freezer on the planet Namek. are on their way to Earth and will be there in about a year. a Sayan and Goku's brother. Even more disturbing is that two more saiyans. Tenshinhan and Chaozu go into solitude. the Z Fighters agree to this. to train at kami's lookout so they can aid Goku when he is wished back to life in a year. he is quickly dispatched by an unknown mysterious youth (Trunks). He manages to quickly defeat the vicious creature. Piccolo and Chaozu. Chaozu. who remains unharmed and starts to fight with the now ally Piccolo and Goku's son Songohan Tenshinhan. tells them the warning that incredibly powerful Androids will attack in three years. overhearing the youths private conversation with Goku. Yajirobe and Kuririn. after he completes his training with kaio-sama. causing Vegeta to destroy it for incompetence. TENSHINHAN in ANDROID SAGA . FREEZER RETURNS TO EARTH TENSHINHAN IN FREEZER ARRIVAL After returning to Earth. after he perished Tenshinhan was allowed train on Kaio-sama's planet as Goku did earlier. and is invited. along with Yamcha. killing himself in the process. Because of the influence of Kami. grow several cultivers in the Earth's soil so he can hold a small tournament. deciding to toy with his opponents. The attack manages to do serious damage to Nappa's armor and several scratches in the body. the Z senshi have to hold them off until Goku can arrive. When Freeza does land though. Tenshinhan finds Vegeta (who was somewhat reformed during the crisis on Namek and now resides on Earth with Bulma) and the other Z Fighters who inform him that the ki he is detecting is Freeza.Five years after the tournament. Vegeta. Chaozu sacrifices himself with a kamikaze attack against Nappa. taking on Tenshinhan as his first opponent. Knowing that they have to buy time. has Nappa. Piccolo. Seeing this. Gohan and Dende from being killed by Buu.. but is held off by Tenshinhan. 17. constant stream of energy that is hurled at an opponent through the user's palms. make him weak against the Taiyô-ken technique.The three years soon pass and the Z Fighters head to the location where the androids soon appear. but is way overmatched. he used this ability to mimic Yamcha's Kamehameha in his battle against Jackie Chun. Enhanced sight: Tien has significantly better vision than normal. When the androids leave to continue their pursuit of Goku. and 18 appear. During the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budôkai. however. He attacks 17. It can stun his opponents. When he finally intervenes. himself and Chaozu managing to evade being hit. he was able to reflect a Kamehameha shot at him by Yamcha and mirror it back at him. It is basically a shout. stunned by the huge ki Goku emits. Tenshinhan spends the rest of his life training becoming more and more powerful. Cell then makes his move to absorb 18 as well. Tenshinhan himself doesn't do any fighting until Android 16.Tenshinhan would be able to easily beat Pui Pui.. Dragon Ball GT Tenshinhan makes cameo appearances inDragon ball Gt episodes 40 (Piccolo's Decision) and 64 (Until We Meet Again. Kamehameha (Turtle Destruction Wave) By placing their hands together. He is first seen when Goku turns Super Saiyan 3.makes for the first time in a video game reference to the alien past of Tenshinhan in the biographies. Eventually Tenshinhan catches up with Cell. Cell defeats Piccolo though. This is Tenshinhan's most powerful attack. In episode 64 he is seen training under a flow of water with Chaozu. Tenshinhan goes off with Chaozu to try and get powerful enough to help against this new threat. who uses his new Shin Kikoho to hold Cell in place until Goku arrives and relieves the thoroughly drained Tenshinhan. because he was able to deflect an energy attack very powerful made by Super Buu after absorbing Piccolo and Gotenks level 3. 6-Dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 2 7-Dragon Ball Z :sagas 8-Dragon Ball:Advanced adventures He has been a boss and NPC in: Dragon ball z the legacy of goku 2 S PE CIA L ABIL I TIE S Third eye Tenshinhan's third eye has numerous capabilities. Tenshinhan appears only briefly. It isn't to be though. who then goes on to destroy Cell. Satan. Tenshinhan copied this skill from Yamcha. He then looks through the opening at his opponent and unleashes a blast. Shinkikôhô . This does. the user releases a powerful. Kiai Tenshinhan can nullify ki blasts within a close proximity. it's the Spirit Cannon.). he saves Mr. Hanegaeshi Tenshinhan performs quick hand seals and has his hands folded in front of chest with two fingers together pointed out. and ends up absorbing 17 to become "Semi-Perfect" Cell. Copy Attack: Tenshinhan can observe and learn the attacks of his opponents.but by some editorial reason Toriyama decided to keep Tenshinhan unknown in the montains. it's much more powerful than the basic Kamahameha. He also uses it later to learn the Mafuba technique after watching Roshi perform it. as Cell spawns seven Cell Juniors to torment the Z Fighters in order to make Gohan angry. who is recovering from a heart disease. Tenshinhan later upgrades this to the Shinkikôhô .However. After a severe beating by the small creature. provided that they are not too powerful for him. and the DBZ dub. but it drains his lifeforce and is potentially fatal if overused. it's the Tri-Beam. Dodonpa An energy beam shot from the finger. but he is dispatched after one hit. Tien simply controls his energy and pushes out from underneath him allowing him to fly. and witnesses his battle against the combined force of Piccolo and 17. and ends up being choked until he is dropped. Bukujutsu This is the ability to fly using one's ki. some say that he surpassed the power of a sayajin 1.He is the example of hard work. When Cell declares his Cell Games Tenshinhan sits on the sidelines. Kikoho/Qi Qong Tenshinhan puts his hands (one over the other making a square reticule. awaiting his turn to enter the arena against the monstrosity. Dragon Ball movies Tenshinhan appears in the following Dragon ball Movies and specials: 1-Mystical Adventure 2-The tree of Might 3-Bojack Unbound 4-The history of Trunks Video games Tenshinhan has been a playable character in: 1-Dragon ball Z ultimate battle 22(27) 2-Dragon ball z budokai 3-Dragon ball z budokai 2 4-Dragon ball z budokai 3 5-Dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi. TENSHINHAN IN THE BUU SAGA In the following Buu Saga.Alongside with Goku and Uub Tenshinhan dedicates his life to train and become stronger. He is soon interrupted from this to lend his aid in hunting for the new menace called Cell. In the Dragon Ball dub. After doing so and concentrating his power. Kousengan: A thin laser-like energy beam shot from Tenshinhan's third eye. He later appears just after Buu’s genocide attack to exterminate the population of Earth. he is saved by Gohan. But Akira wanted to show him married with lunch and with a son however Toei animation denied the request. odată cu venirea lui Tim Cook la conducerea companiei. It is used by several Z senshi. jurnalist la Fortune. Tenshinhan only uses this move once against Goku during the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budokai Taioken (Fist of the sun) Tenshinhan is able to create an extremely bright light. the technique.It is an upgrade to ShinKikoho and he is then able to fire the blast multiple times in rapid succession. each of which possesses one fourth of the power of the original. The problem with this technique is that it sacrifices the user's life if he isn't strong enough. he could kill himself by vaporizing his body.Tenshinhan masters this technique with only 3 days of training due to his third eye.. It's a distraction used to mount surprise and counter attacks. doubling Tenshinhan's physical abilities and strength. the user was forced into a container with a holy talisman charm reading "seal". Fusion Dance (Fusion-Ha) While Tenshinhan doesn't uses this technique in neither the manga nor the anime. If Tenshinhan multiplies the attack too much for his body to handle. After watching Kame Sennin himself attempt the Mafuba against Piccolo Daimao.in all the story krilin is always the weaker character in the group of Z-fighters. Shiyoken Tenshinhan can sprout 2 extra arms from behind his shoulders. Basically.. Rekka Kosoku-ken Light-Speed Fury Punch. His name is directly taken from a food consisting of rice with scrambled eggs and soup. Spanish version: Ten Shin Han:es un extraterrestre descendiente de alienigenas Tres Ojos (三つ目人 Mitsume Jin ) Chaoz. Tenshinhan does so with Chaozu and Tsuru-Sen'nin. an invisible ki blast of a sudden wind attack can be launched theoretically from any part of the body. It is quite useful for attacking the opponent at multiple angles. dominat . however. also known as the Rapid Velocity Technique. scrie Business Insider.Tenshinhan can't be moved when performs this technique. Tenshinhan hits his opponent in the air. It's generally not as powerful as other attacks.) Fighting techniques Kikanju Tsuki Machine Gun Thrust. The aim has to be perfect in order to get the user inside the jar. In the end. The Kaioken is a sudden eruption of ki. Tenshinhan was able to increase the multiplier that the Kaiōken had on his power. Zanzouken The user of this technique is able to move extremely fast over small distances.. Tenshinhan moves his '''arms''' faster than can be seen. he can use this technique to fuse with Yamcha and become Yamhan (Tiencha in the US version) Terepashi Known as Telepathy in English. IBM și Google. and it takes a great deal of discipline. he uses it on Drum and survives. leaving an after-image behind. Even though this attack gives Tenshinhan a sudden explosion of energy. this ability channels one's thoughts to another being. Known as the Tri-Beam in english releases.(Evil Containment Wave in the US anime) (Demon Seal) was invented by Mutaito (Kame Sennin's sensei) as a way to capture Piccolo Daimao. forcing their spirit to a destination. First.However. E XTE R N A L L IN K S Yamcha during a conversation with Marron during the Buu Saga says krilin only is stronger than Tenshinhan refering only to the fighters in the tournament and also because yamcha left the trainings. Adam Lashinsky. and Kami without dying. whereas in the manga he never had a chance of using it against Piccolo Daimao or any of his footmen for that matter. the crater that the attack creates is shaped as a square. Fans mistakenly reer to it as 12 Eyes because Tenshinhan claims he can't beat Son Goku with three eyes so he'll have to use twelve. In the anime though. Haikyuken Also known as the Volleyball technique. later Tenshinhan masters this technique and can increase his power level 20 times. creating a vacuum that sucks his opponent in and then pummels them with a total of 20 hits to their vital areas in one breath. did require some extensive training on his part . In the manga he can't use the technique against Piccolo Daimaoh because the holy talisman is broken during his training. cele mai valoroase branduri din lume Ziarul Financiar Valoarea mărcii Apple a crescut anul trecut cu 19%. increasing his combat effectiveness. then 'spikes' them to the ground. not a triangle. palm up. characters like Piccolo or Tenshinhan are always much stronger than him.Tenshinhan is the only one who can perform this technique with Piccolo Jr. Articole asociate » Apple. Tenshinhan quickly attacks his opponent by punching them in all of their vital points. also known as the Machine Gun Fist. Kaiō-Ken (Fist of Kaiō) The Kaioken was taught to Tenshinhan by Kaio-Sama and is one of Tenshinhan's most powerfull attacks in the Dragon Ball series .Tenshinhan (with goku) is the only one who can control this technique perfectly without repercussions in his body. the effect of it is extremely dangerous. enough to temporarily blind and stun most opponents. Shogekiha Known as Shock wave in English. Ten Shin Han ? 天津飯 Ten Shin Han : Apple Google Microsoft Probleme la Apple: Executivii se implică prea mult în munca inginerilor Capital S-au schimbat priorităţile în interiorul companiei Apple. TR IVI A His seiyuu is Hirotaka Suzuoki. and stick two fingers out. you hold one hand in the air. Through training. The Shinkikoho is called Neo Tri-Beam in the Budokai Tenkaichi series. ceea ce a ajutat compania americană de tehnologie să se menţină pe prima poziţie în topul celor mai valoroase branduri din lume. Mafuba . (Depends on the Power Level of the opponent. you concentrate on the user and pick them up. This attack was used once during the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai in the anime only. When holding Cell back with his Shinkikôhô technique. a discutat cu actuali și foști ingineri de la Apple și a ajuns la o concluzie . 'bumps' them back up when they come down. he is the creator of this technique. Blood Defense Tenshinhan uses this technique against Yamcha in the 22nd Budokai Tenkaichi where he uses his blood pressure through the whole body to avoid pain. in the video game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2. Tenshinhan used this against a Saibaman before knocking it down with a single elbow blow Shishin no ken Tenshinhan is able to split himself into 4 separate identical bodies. In all the cases. Mutaito took an year to control it. Krilin is always weaker than Piccolo or Tenshinhan. not a triangle.. conduce in lista celor mai bine platiti presedinti de companii din America pe anul 2011. este cel mai bine platit director american din 2011 . Articole asociate » Apple plusează: John Malkovich se sfătuiește cu SIRI și face reclamă la iPhone 4S Cotidianul Gigantul Apple intră în rândul marilor companii care își fac publicitate prin intermediul starurilor și lansează un nou set de reclame TV în care o celebritate interacţionează cu Siri. HotNews Directorul general al Apple.. the crater that the attack creates is shaped as a square. potrivit unui clasament . inteligenţa artificială disponibilă pe iPhone 4S. seful Apple.de companiile din sectorul IT&C... When holding Cell back with his Shinkikôhô technique... Articole asociate » Tim Cook. Tim Cook. His name is directly taken from a food consisting of rice with scrambled eggs and soup. gratie unei optiuni de achizitie de actiuni care ii permite sa-l devanseze cu peste 300 de milioane de dolari pe ocupantul .. . E XTE R N A L L IN K S Yamcha during a conversation with Marron during the Buu Saga says krilin only is stronger than Tenshinhan refering only to the fighters in the tournament . Spanish version: Ten Shin Han:es un extraterrestre descendiente de alienigenas Tres Ojos (三つ目人 Mitsume Jin ) Chaoz. Articole asociate » Codus de TRIVIA His seiyuu is Hirotaka Suzuoki. Ten Shin Han ? 天津飯 Ten Shin Han : PU BLI CA D A PO R TOE I AN IM AT IO N E M 07 : 3 1 Postagem mais recente Início Postagem mais antiga ..
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