Dr G R Damodaran College of Science - MCQ

April 3, 2018 | Author: Sukanta Das | Category: Accounting, Computing, Technology, Portable Document Format, Information System



12/3/13Dr G R Damodaran College of Science - MCQ Dr G R Damodaran College of Science - MCQ Root File name Size Last changed .. 100 E.pdf 85.23 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 100 F French2013.pdf 396.08 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 1000 MCQ-I year GA.pdf 542.45 KB 31.05.10 04:44:13 100T.pdf 134.44 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 91.02 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 120.07 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 86.97 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 125.39 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 86.26 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 92 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 103C-INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.pdf 86.36 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 103D-PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT.pdf 85.13 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 104A-Principles of Accounting.pdf 90.99 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 104B-INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.pdf 87.26 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 104C- BUSINESS COMMUNICATION.pdf 86.18 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 104D- BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND OFFICE MANAGEMENT.pdf 89.93 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 105 C - Corporate Communication.pdf 96.45 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 105A - Financial Accounting-I.pdf 91.44 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 105B – Business Management.pdf 84.13 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 105D-Business Economics.pdf 125.66 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 106A - Computer Organization and Architecture.pdf 105.12 KB 31.05.10 04:39:35 95.4 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 78.43 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 107B Numerical & Statistical methods.pdf 243.19 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 109A - Cell Biology and Genetics.pdf 807.19 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 109B-BIOCHEMISTRY AND ENZYMOLOGY.pdf 809.5 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 109C -BioAnalytical Techniques.pdf 94.01 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 109C-BIOANALYTICAL TECHNIQUE.pdf 104.65 KB 14.06.10 04:55:33 111A-Introduction to visual communication.pdf 173.99 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 111B-COMMUNICATION MEDIA.pdf 173.92 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 102A-PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING.pdf 102B - Business Organisation and Office management.pdf 102C-Business Communication.pdf 102D -Business economics.pdf 103 B - Business Communication.pdf 103A – Principles of Accounting.pdf 106B Mathematical Foundations for Computer Applications.pdf 107A - Digital Computer Fundamentals.pdf grd.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 1/9 10 04:39:36 114 B.MANAGEMENT PROCESS.10 04:39:36 152E-QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR MANAGEMENT.02 KB 05.84 KB 31.pdf 118.26 KB 31.pdf 802.10 02:39:19 153E .35 KB 31.pdf 108.05.34 KB KB 31.05.29 KB 31.BUSINESS COMMUNICATION.10 02:39:19 153D .pdf 153G .10 04:39:36 155D-Software Engineering.05.06.10 04:39:36 74.05.Principles of Accounting.10 04:39:36 113-C Business Communication.pdf 114.Business Organisation & Office Management.68 KB 05.pdf 155c_AdvancedJava.10 04:39:36 155E -Theory of Computing.18 KB 05.06.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 2/9 .93 KB 31.pdf 125.pdf 81.10 04:39:36 151C-MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS.10 04:39:36 112B Mathematical Foundations for Information Technology.67 KB 05.BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS.pdf grd.10 04:39:36 117B-GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT.pdf 90.pdf 325.05.10 04:39:36 154D Mathematical Foundations for Computer Applications.05.pdf 86.05.27 KB 31.pdf 88.pdf 131.05.56 KB 31.BUSINESS ORGANISATION.6 KB 31.10 04:39:36 115B-Introduction to Information Technology.15 KB 31.05.pdf 86.10 04:39:36 117D .pdf 702.MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION.05.pdf 89.31 KB 31.pdf 154A-Computer Organization and Architecture.10 02:39:19 153C .05.46 KB 31.pdf 94.87 KB 31.89 KB 31.pdf 99.81 KB 31.05.05.BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND OFFICE MANAGEMENT.pdf 85.Data Structures and Algorithms.28 KB 31.03 KB 31.pdf 100.97 KB 31.C Programming.45 KB 05.GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONEMENT.INTRODUCTION TO RISK MANAGEMENT.pdf 120.10 04:39:36 114 A.10 02:33:26 117A .05.doc.02 KB 05.10 04:39:36 155B .05.34 KB 05.10 04:39:36 115D .pdf 99.05.48 KB 05.34 KB 31.96 KB 31.10 04:39:36 154C-Data Structures.06.05.pdf 790.3 KB 31.05.10 04:39:36 46.06.23 KB 31.10 02:33:17 116B-MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES FOR MANAGEMENT.69 KB 31.pdf 104.ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS.10 02:39:19 119.05.10 02:39:19 88.06.16 KB 31.Priniples of Accounting.MCQ 112A .pdf Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .06.ECONOMICS FOR DECISION MAKING.pdf 154B-Programming in c.10 04:39:36 115C .10 04:39:36 153A .10 04:39:36 116A-Business Organisation and Communication.INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANGAEMENT.10 04:39:36 158A-Biochemistry.06.84 KB 31.pdf 166.05.23 KB 31.pdf 84.10 02:39:19 153F .05.pdf 91.10 02:39:19 153B .95 KB 31.10 04:39:36 122.07 KB 05.pdf 115A .10 04:39:36 113A-Principles of Accounting.pdf 81.10 04:39:36 113B.06.06.Business Communication.pdf 169.10 04:39:36 119.pdf 159.10 04:39:36 117C .10 04:39:37 113D .pdf 475.Operating Systems.10 04:39:36 155A . pdf 811.pdf 121.pdf 302 B-commercial law.39 KB 31.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.65 KB 11.10 04:39:37 181A .91 KB 05.pdf 154.05.10 02:33:17 300E MCQ 2013.Personnel Management.pdf 194.pdf grd.10 04:39:37 164A .07 KB 31.pdf 302A-Higher Financial Accounting.05.10 04:39:37 302E .46 KB 31.10 04:39:37 303 A .05.pdf 127.05.pdf 92.Mobile Commerce.05.COMPUTER APPLICATION IN BUSINESS.85 KB 31.05.pdf 88.34 KB 31.pdf 304B .06.10 02:39:19 842.ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS.5 KB 31.Reporting and editing.10 04:39:37 303C .51 KB 31.Principles and Practices of Modern Banking.INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT.7 KB 31.Media Laws and Ethics.Indian Culture.pdf 83.05.57 KB 31.83 KB 31.10 04:39:37 04:39:37 163B .76 KB 31.05.76 KB 05.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 3/9 .01 KB 31.05.Management Information System.10 04:39:37 158C-PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY.pdf 201C-Legal Aspects in Business.10 04:39:37 300G.MCQ 158B.Introduction to web Designing.06.pdf 79.10 04:39:37 304E .10 04:39:37 302C.05.16 KB 31.pdf KB 31.10 04:39:37 164B .10 04:39:37 92.55 KB 31.10 04:39:37 111.10 04:39:37 164D.10 04:39:37 305B .06.Financial Accounting.10 04:39:37 164E .10 04:39:37 163A .06.06 KB 31.05.05.Protein Engineering and Cell Signalling.05.06.10 04:39:37 100.06.31 KB 31.91 KB 31.10 04:39:37 304A .75 KB 05.pdf 73.05.10 04:39:37 303B.10 04:39:37 303E-CORE.05.10 02:39:19 181D .Management Information System.10 04:39:37 305C .pdf 300T.05.pdf 180.10 05:38:08 98.Mobile Communication.10 04:39:37 158U1 .05.05.Distributed Operating System.10 04:39:37 305A-Financial Accounting III.72 KB 31.05.18 KB 31.pdf 98.01 KB 31.pdf 97.32 KB 31.pdf 126.05.pdf 104.10 04:39:37 304C.pdf 87.59 KB 31.93 KB 31.06.99 KB 05.APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY.pdf 163C .OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.Advanced Java.05.pdf 136.10 02:05:34 108.10 02:39:19 181C.pdf 83.98 KB 31.Principles of Marketing.05.43 KB 31.pdf 120.53 KB 31.pdf 98.10 04:39:37 163D .pdf 98.pdf 185.PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING.78 KB 05.13 KB 31.05.Object Oriented Analysis and Design.54 KB 31.10 04:39:37 118.FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING.10 04:39:37 163E .pdf 88.10 02:39:19 181B .Introduction to communication.NEWMEDIA CULTURE AND SOCIETY.pdf 93.pdf 94.03 KB 31.05.05.pdf 127.pdf 300G1 .05.pdf 96.pdf 924.BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS.Advanced Relational Database Management System.82 KB 19.10 04:39:37 164C .GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. pdf grd.C++ Programming.10 04:39:37 307C .19 KB 31.06.pdf 826.06.05.36 KB 31.COMMUNICATION THEORIES(1).55 KB 31.Operations Research.77 KB 31.Company Law and Secretarial Practice.10 04:39:38 314 A.10 04:39:38 311A .10 04:39:38 315B .25 KB 31.19 KB 31.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .05.34 KB 31.pdf 316B-Financial Accounting.05.10 04:39:38 118.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 4/9 .05.05.10 02:33:17 316C-Marketing Management.Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming.10 04:39:37 306C .pdf 312 B .STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT.48 KB 31.pdf 89.pdf 132.79 KB 31.56 KB 31.Computers in Communication Media.03 KB 05.05.31 KB 05.10 04:39:38 88.pdf 317B .pdf 854.06.pdf 126.10 02:33:17 106.10 04:39:38 309C .57 KB 31.pdf 313A-Higher financial accounting.05.05.52 KB 31.05.pdf 115.pdf 184.pdf 816.pdf 316A-Organisational Behaviour.34 KB 31.10 04:39:38 315A-Financial Accounting.10 02:39:19 104.10 04:39:38 81.10 04:39:38 313B – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING.10 02:33:17 842.10 04:39:38 351V3 -Consumer Behaviour.05.pdf 98.10 04:39:38 315C .pdf 126.pdf 353A .05.10 04:39:38 311B.9 KB 05.Banking and Foreign Exchange.10 04:39:38 812.79 KB 31.42 KB 31.pdf 88.Core.10 04:39:38 317E .10 04:39:38 311D .10 04:39:37 307B .23 KB 31.Object Oriented Programming with C++.05.pdf 99.10 04:39:37 76.GLOBAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.pdf 85.MICROPROCESSOR & ALP.10 04:39:38 311C Advertising.57 KB 31.10 02:39:19 306A-Software Engineering.93 KB 05.05.46 KB 31.6 KB 05.06.pdf 99.10 04:39:38 313C .05.VISUAL BASIC.09 KB 31.pdf 353B .10 04:39:38 108.Company Law and Secretarial Practice.pdf 172.MCQ 305E .05.05.13 KB 31.06.05.Web Technology.10 04:39:38 317C-Company law & Secretarial practice.05.pdf 163.pdf 306B-Data Structures and Algorithms.Programming in C.pdf 102.05.pdf 94.43 KB 31.pdf 312C COMPUTER BASED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES.07 KB 31.9 KB 05.10 04:39:38 309A -Molecular Biology.10 04:39:38 309B-BASIC BIOTECHNOLOGY. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.pdf 183.05.10 02:33:17 316D-Taxation.pdf 94.pdf 105.73 KB 31.49 KB 31.10 04:39:37 307A .06.pdf 317A-Higher Financial Accounting.pdf 89.53 KB 31.06.10 02:33:17 804.92 KB 31.05.pdf 97.92 KB 31.07 KB 31.pdf 88.pdf 316E-Business Environment.05.62 KB 31.10 04:39:38 313E Modern Banking.10 04:39:37 108.Principles of Marketing.5 KB 31.04 KB 05.pdf 312A .05.pdf 84.05.92 KB 31.Data Structures and Algorithms.05.Writing for Media.10 04:39:38 100.05.10 04:39:38 92.10 04:39:37 306D .05. 10 04:39:38 354B-OPERATING SYSTEMS.73 KB 31.7 KB 31.10 04:39:39 363U1 .pdf 353U1 .GENETIC ENGINEERING.pdf 364A-Media Research.87 KB 31.05.10 02:33:17 94.10 04:39:38 354E.BRAND MANAGEMENT.05.pdf 501V1-Cost and Management Accounting.05.pdf 353W1 .pdf 855.pdf 792. 04:39:38 358U1 .pdf 502B – PRINCIPLES OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.pdf 210.06.GLOBAL PUBLIC AND CORPORATE RELATIONS.34 KB 31.4 KB 05.05.10 04:39:39 353C .68 KB 05.pdf 353E .83 KB 31.10 02:39:18 94.pdf 355U3 .76 KB 05.pdf 181.10 04:39:38 363A-Service Oriented Architecture.10 04:39:39 364V1-Radio & television journalism.EVENT MANAGEMENT.pdf 179.06.pdf 114.38 KB 31.05.10 02:33:17 821.pdf 173.pdf 502A-Corporate accounting II.GLOBAL MARKETING RESEARCH.pdf grd.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 5/9 .pdf 93.05.06.pdf 358B-MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY.45 KB 31.DISTRIBUTION AND CARGO MANAGEMENT.05.06.3 KB 31.10 04:39:39 364W2 .TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT.87 KB 05.pdf 353D .10 04:39:39 364V3-TELEVISION PRODUCTION.10 04:39:38 85.10 02:39:18 113.05.42 KB 31.pdf 358A.6 KB 05.13 KB 31.10 02:39:18 84.96 KB 05.10 04:39:39 364V2-Radio production.pdf 353X1 .Data Warehousing and Mining.99 KB 31.CORPORATE FINANCE.42 KB 31.10 04:39:39 364W-INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION-.05.pdf 197.88 KB 31.Resource Management Techniques.87 KB 31.99 KB 31.56 KB 31.10 04:39:38 354C COMPUTER GRAPHICS.10 04:39:39 99.pdf 884.pdf 502C .06.pdf 855.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .05.06.75 KB 31.10 04:39:39 91.05.pdf 174.5 KB 05.pdf 841.10 02:33:17 501B-International Business.10 04:39:38 97.85 KB 31.10 02:39:18 108.17 MB'S FOREIGN TRADE & LEGISLATION.10 04:39:39 364V4-Electronic media management.29 KB 05.pdf 87.06.51 KB 31.pdf 742.pdf 170.05.05.pdf 173.06 KB 31.MCQ 15.pdf 354A-Computer Networks.53 KB 05.pdf 176.29 KB 31.pdf 91.Systems Biology and Drug Design.06 KB 02:39:19 108.10 02:33:17 834.10 02:39:18 112.05.pdf 353V1 .45 KB 31.77 KB 31.05.Cost Accounting.10 04:39:39 137.10 02:39:21 73.pdf 895.Data Warehousing and Mining.pdf 833.39 KB 31.10 04:39:39 364W3 .10 04:39:38 354D Principles of Management.ONLINE MARKETING.05.pdf 501U1-Rural Marketing.06.10 04:39:38 93.05.06 KB 31.10 04:39:39 364W4-ADVERTISING AND MARKETING RESEARCH.06.10 04:39:39 501A-Management Information System.10 04:39:38 355B-OpenSourceTechnology.10 04:39:38 355A-Software Testing.42 KB 31.10 04:39:38 363B Web Programming.10 04:39:38 358C-IMMUNOLOGY AND ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY.39 KB 05.05.05. 10 04:39:40 125.05.Advanced Biotechnology.67 KB 31.05.10 04:39:39 85.pdf 165.05.79 KB 31.10 04:39:39 136.05.10 04:39:39 506U3 .93 KB 14.25 KB 31.3 KB 31.pdf 91 KB 31.pdf 171.pdf 503C-SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT.05.05.pdf 89.05.10 04:39:39 506A .pdf 506D-Java Programming.06.Financial Management.10 04:39:40 512B .05.Open Source Software.46 KB 31.63 KB 31.10 04:39:39 175.10 04:39:39 507U6-SOFTWARE TESTING.59 MB 31.05.pdf 181.Object Oriented Analysis and Design.pdf 101.92 KB 31.pdf 94.pdf 94.10 04:39:39 507A-SYSTEM SOFTWARE AND COMPILRE DESIGN.Corporate Accounting II.05.9 KB 31.Business Environment.10 04:39:40 512E .pdf 503B .05.05.10 04:39:40 511C Audio production.10 04:39:39 504C .05.05.Data Mining.pdf 129.38 KB 31.6 KB 31.10 04:39:40 509B .05.89 KB 31.05.pdf 113.67 KB 31.10 04:39:40 511A -Television production.pdf 504 B .07 KB 31.05.18 KB 31.pdf 128.10 04:39:40 509A-MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY.46 KB 31.84 KB 31.10 04:39:40 509U2-Nanobiotechnology.84 KB 31.05.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 6/9 .pdf 507D-Computer Networks.10 04:39:39 92.75 KB 31.1 KB 31.pdf 96.05.pdf 88.43 KB 31.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .pdf 132.pdf 99.05.10 04:39:39 506B-Web Design.pdf 816.67 KB 31.05.61 KB 31.Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems.pdf 93.pdf 834.10 04:39:39 506C-Computer Networks.10 04:39:39 114.pdf 168.10 04:39:39 503U1-E-Banking & Financial Services.05.pdf 104.10 04:55:54 509U1.pdf 16.10 04:39:40 503A.Direct Tax.CLINICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY.79 KB KB 31.10 04:39:39 504U1 – On-line Banking.13 KB 31.10 04:39:39 505A .10 04:39:39 505C-Cost Accounting.Corporate Finance.Computer Networks.Direct Tax.97 KB 31.pdf 116.31 KB 31.39 KB 31.14 KB 31.05.Java Programming.10 04:39:39 125.83 KB 31.05.28 KB 31.05.05.pdf 90.05.FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.05.pdf 100.pdf 117.10 04:39:41 512D-Principles of Software Engineering.10 04:39:39 505U1 .Corporate Law.10 04:39:39 505B .05.05.pdf 04:39:39 90.05.05.pdf 101.05.10 04:39:39 117.pdf 176.10 04:39:40 509C-RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.pdf 169.Operating Systems.pdf 507U4-Computer Graphics and Multimedia.05.10 04:39:39 504 A .10 04:39:40 512A .10 04:39:39 113.05.pdf grd.74 KB 31.pdf 170.10 04:39:39 504D-Principles of Multimedia.pdf 507C-Operating Systems.19 KB 31.83 KB 31.15 KB 31.75 KB 31.pdf 511B MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS.28 KB 31.10 04:39:40 512C .MCQ 502U1 – Principles of Insurance.pdf 506U2 .10 04:39:40 511D Magazine production.10 04:39:39 507B Internet and Java Programming. MCQ 512U3-Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems.10 04:39:41 GRD MALAYALAM -100m.Web Programming.05.05.98 KB 31.10 04:39:40 515A .Network Administration.05.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .10 04:39:41 844.Enterprise Computing Using Java.05.64 KB 31.Corporate Accounting II.53 KB 31.pdf 802.10 04:39:40 513U1 .05.79 KB 31.pdf 278.72 KB 31.10 04:39:41 FS .57 KB 31.pdf 754.Entreprenuerial Development.17 KB 31.05.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 304D.pdf 137.pdf 757.pdf ERPM 351W2.24 KB 31.21 KB 31.pdf 89.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 302D.pdf 278.10 04:39:41 97.05.pdf 157.514A.10 04:39:41 DRAMA .05.10 09:31:21 FM .316E.33 KB 31.05.10 04:39:41 GRD MALAYALAM-300M.351X4.pdf grd.05.pdf 278.II-514B.54 KB 31.pdf 278.152D.pdf 278.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 315D.501V1.99 KB KB 31.05.Principles of financial management.pdf 554U4-Elective-CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANGEMENT.10 04:39:41 842.76 KB 31.pdf 99.pdf 96.37 KB 31.pdf 278.pdf 102.63 KB 31.pdf 78.10 04:39:40 515C .351W1.85 KB 31.05.316B.05.MCQ .10 09:31:21 Cost and Management Accounting .10 04:39:40 515B-DIRECT TAX.pdf 82.pdf 81.pdf 116.10 04:39:41 ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS .05.pdf 101.05.514V1.28 KB 31.352B.10 04:39:40 160 KB 821.24 KB 31.pdf 100.67 KB 31.pdf 88.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 313D.05.29 KB 31.pdf 827.9 KB 31.46 KB 31.10 04:39:41 554B .pdf 112.351V4.53 KB 31.Cost and Management Accounting.pdf 100.10 04:39:41 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION .05.10 04:39:40 515U1.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 305D.COMMERCIAL LAW.65 KB 31.pdf 804.10 04:39:41 554C .05.10 04:39:40 513A .10 04:39:41 BRAND MANAGEMENT .05.10 04:39:41 554A.10 04:39:41 AMERICAN LITERATURE .pdf 278.10 04:39:41 513B . 09:31:21 Business finance MCQ-2013.pdf 113.pdf 130.Principles of Auditing.10 04:39:41 Business Environment .32 KB 31.62 KB 31.pdf 63.04 KB 31.05.16 KB 31.65 KB 31.68 KB 31.10 09:31:21 DBMS .05.05.67 KB 31.68 KB 31.10 04:39:40 512U5 .05.INTERNET AND WEB DESIGN.Web Services.05.Distributed Computing.05.pdf Financial Accounting .10 04:39:41 107.pdf 89.pdf 554U1-Elective.65 KB 31.68 KB 31.82 KB 31.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 7/9 .10 04:39:41 Business Organisation and Communication-116A.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 317D.81 KB 31.05.pdf 281.10 04:39:40 513C .05.10 04:39:41 Business mathematics 303D.MCQ .05.05. 10 04:39:42 97.352D.10 04:39:42 Indian writing in english .10 04:39:42 INTENSIVE STUDY OF AN AUTHOR .pdf MENTAL HEALTH II-362V2.05.01 KB 31.57 KB 31.10 05:25:03 HRD .351V2.10 09:31:21 SDM .05.pdf grd.05.3 KB 31.10 04:39:42 International Business .10 04:39:42 Legal Aspects in Business .10 09:31:21 91.05.05.pdf 84.pdf 792.76 KB 31.10 04:39:41 HRM .3 KB 31.352C.pdf 842.pdf 102.05.pdf Rural Marketing .pdf MANAGING INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS 351U3.05.06.pdf 99.pdf 812.72 KB 31.316A.68 KB 31.152B.10 04:39:42 MCQ 300F.pdf SOCIAL WELFARE ADMINISTRATION AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION.10 09:31:21 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM-351A.316C.05.351W3.514C.05.05.pdf LABOUR WELFARE AND LABOUR LEGISLATIONS362U1.pdf Marketing Management .10 04:39:42 92.28 KB 31.28 KB 31.39 KB 31.362B.10 04:39:42 826.05.05. CORE-SELF STUDY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY .10 04:39:41 HUMAN RIGHTS 362A.10 04:39:41 IB 351C .10 04:39:41 HUMAN RELATION AT WORK.05.pdf 119.10 05:25:01 806.314b.05.pdf 86.pdf 818.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .31 KB KB 20.pdf 118. SEMESTER 3.501U1.10 09:31:21 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR .pdf 168.351 U1.05.10 04:39:42 SERVICES MKTG .05.6 KB 31.pdf MARKETING MGMT .4 KB 31.152A.76 KB 31.352E.06.05.38 KB 04:39:42 Organisational Behaviour .23 KB 31.10 04:39:42 831.05.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 8/9 .pdf 99.05.10 08:16:58 834.pdf 110.96 KB 31.05.10 04:39:42 815.1 KB 31.351X2.pdf 95.29 KB 31.10 04:39:42 874.351W4.93 KB 31.25 KB 31.05.79 KB 31.05.MCQ HINDI MCQ I year I sem 100 H.06.pdf 854.pdf 326.65 KB 15.MCQ .10 04:39:42 MPP .49 KB 15.73 KB 31.05.3 KB 31.10 04:39:42 PROJECT PLANNING AND APPRAISAL .05.05.pdf KMIS .pdf 105.05.10 04:39:42 Operations Management-352A.pdf MBA PT (2012-2015).10 04:39:42 Management Information System .05.23 KB 31.15 KB 31.501B.pdf 103.pdf 99.10 04:39:42 MAGAZINE PRODUCTION-511D.59 KB 31.10 04:39:42 OCD 351U2.pdf MENTAL HEALTH I-362V1.pdf 101.10 04:39:42 833.41 KB 31.pdf RESEARCH METHODS FOR MANAGEMENT .pdf 852.10 04:39:42 828 KB 31.10 09:31:21 M & A .pdf 101.58 KB 31.34 KB 31.05.pdf Research Methods for Management -501D.14 KB 31.10 09:31:21 88.501C.47 KB 31.2013.151F.10 04:39:42 MCQII year III sem HINDI 300H.501A.351V1.10 04:39:42 123.pdf 106. pdf 816.97 KB 31.316D.pdf Mobile view | Page loaded in 23.org:8084/grdcs/mcq/ 9/9 .10 04:39:42 Taxation .25 KB 31.10 09:31:21 87.514D.03 KB 31.40 ms | "Dr G R Damodaran College of Science" grd.05.05.12/3/13 Dr G R Damodaran College of Science .05.10 04:39:42 WEB JOURNALISM .pdf 117.MCQ STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT -351B.
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