DPharp Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitters

March 20, 2018 | Author: JoshuaIsaac | Category: Electrical Wiring, Electrostatics, Electromagnetism, Electrical Engineering, Electricity



User’sManual DPharp Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitters Manual Change No. 12-021-2 For the products of EJX and EJA-E series with any of the following option codes, please refer to this manual change for handling cautions of ATEX approval. Model Option code EJX110A, EJX115A, EJX118A, EJX120A, EJX130A, EJX210A, EJX310A, EJX430A, EJX438A, EJX440A, EJX510A, EJX530A, EJX610A, EJX630A /KF21, /KS2 EJX110A, EJX115A, EJX118A, EJX120A, EJX130A, EJX210A, EJX310A, EJX430A, EJX438A, EJX440A, EJX510A, EJX530A, EJX610A, EJX630A, EJA110E, EJA115E, EJA118E, EJA120E, EJA130E, EJA210E, EJA310E, EJA430E, EJA438E, EJA440E, EJA510E, EJA530E /KS26 Applicable part of this manual change (I) ( II ) Oct. 15, 2012 T120 • Group: II • Category: 2G. Ci = 10 nF. EN 61241-1:2004 • Type of Protection and Marking Code: Ex d IIC T6. that.: 100°C) T120°C (Tamb. apply waterproof glands to the electrical connection port.  ATEX Certification (1) Technical Data [Installation Diagram] a. ATEX Intrinsically Safe Type Hazardous Location Caution for ATEX Intrinsically safe type. • Enclosure: IP66 and IP67 Note 2. KEMA 03ATEX1544 X • Applicable Standard: EN 50014:1997.: –40* to 60°C. Tp. Pi = 0. • Maximum Surface Temperature for dustproof: T85°C (Tamb. b. Tp.: –40* to 60°C. and –50 to 75°C (T4) • Maximum Process Temperature (Tp.): 120°C max. 1D • Ambient Temperature for gas-proof: –50 to 60°C • Process Temperature (Tp. Model EJX Series pressure transmitters with optional code /KF21 for potentially explosive atmospheres: • No. <2. Handling Cautions> (I) if it is mounted in an area where the use of category 1 G apparatus is required.: –40* to 60°C. EN 50284:1999.ai *1: In any safety barriers used the output current must be limited by a resistor “R” such that Imaxout-Uz/R.: 80°C) T100°C (Tamb. T100. ATEX Flameproof Type Caution for ATEX flameproof type. 2D • Enclosure: IP66 and IP67 • Temperature Class for gas-poof: T6. Installation • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements.: 120°C) * –15°C when /HE is specified. Note 1.9 W. even in the event of rare incidents..: 120°C) * –15°C when /HE is specified. Electrical Data • In type of explosion protection intrinsic safety EEx ia IIC only for connection to a certified intrinsically safe circuit with following maximum values: Ui = 30 V.) for gas-proof: 85°C (T6). and 120°C (T4) • Maximum Surface Temperature for dustproof: T85°C (Tamb. Note 1. Ii = 200 mA. Tp. Maintenance and Repair • The instrument modification or parts replacement by other than authorized representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void KEMA Intrinsically safe Certification. EN 50020:2002. Note 5. Nonhazardous Location Transmitter Supply + + – – Safety Barrier *1 F0206.T4. Effective internal capacitance. . –50 to 80°C (T5).: –40* to 60°C. ignition sources due to impact and friction sparks are excluded. T5.: –40* to 80°C. it must be installed such. Tp. EN 61241-0:2006.: 80°C) T100°C (Tamb. and T4 • Ambient Temperature for gas-proof: –50 to 75°C (T6). EN 50281-1-1:1998 • Type of Protection and Marking code: EEx ia IIC T4 • Group: II • Category: 1G.. Effective internal inductance.: 100°C) T120°C (Tamb. Tp. Model EJX Series pressure transmitters with optional code /KS2 for potentially explosive atmospheres: • No. KEMA 07ATEX0109 • Applicable Standard: EN 60079-0:2006. Special Conditions for Safe Use • In the case where the enclosure of the Pressure Transmitter is made of aluminium. Tp.: –40* to 40°C. EN 60079-1:2004. Li = 0 mH Note 3. 100°C (T5). WARNING To satisfy IP66 or IP67. Ex tD A21 IP6x T85. (Refer to the installation diagram) Note 4. DELAY 5 MINUTES BEFORE OPENING.:120°C) Ui=30V.(Tp.:-40(-15)°C(for Dust) M A or W D WARNING AFTER DE-ENERGIZING.:120°C) Min.:100°C). Pi=0. • There is no need for conduit seal in Division 1 and Division 2 hazardous locations because this product is sealed at the factory. (6) Name Plate ● Name plate (2) Electrical Connection A mark indicating the electrical connection type is stamped near the electrical connection port. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS USER’S MANUAL • Take care not to generate mechanical sparking when access to the instrument and peripheral devices in a hazardous location. • Output signal: 4 to 20 mA Note 3.Tamb.:80°C. Li=0 F0208.:80°C). IP6X Enlcosure : IP66. Ci=10nF. WHEN THE AMBIENT TEMP. T120°C(Tamb. • Take care not to generate mechanical sparking when accessing to the instrument and peripheral devices in a hazardous location. <2. Electrical Data • Supply voltage: 42 V dc max. Ex tD A21. Screw Size ISO M20 × 1. ≥ 65°C. Tp. WHEN THE AMBIENT TEMP. apply waterproof glands to the electrical connection port.:100°C). IP67 TEMP.5 female ANSI 1/2 NPT female Marking ● Tag plate for flameproof type No.9W. (5) Maintenance and Repair WARNING The instrument modification or parts replacement by other than an authorized Representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void the certification.T4. WARNING: AFTER DE-ENERGIZING.ai . -50 to 75 80 75 °C T85°C(Tamb.ai D F0209. Note 4. CLASS T6 T5 T4 MAX PROCESS TEMP. WARNING To satisfy IP66 or IP67. Note 5. T120°C(Tp. Tamb.:40°C. KEMA 03ATEX1544 X EEx ia IIC T4 IP66 and IP67 Tamb. Tp. Tp.) 120°C T85°C(Tp. (4) Operation WARNING • OPEN CIRCUIT BEFORE REMOVING COVER. Ii=200mA . KEMA 07ATEX0109 Ex d IIC T6. USE HEAT-RESISTING CABLES≥90°C.:-40(-15)°C(for DUST) MAX. Installation • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirement.≥65°C.:80°C).. T100°C(Tp. Handling Cautions> (3) Installation Note 2. -50 to 60°C MIN. suitable for the conditions of use. DELAY 5 MINUTES BEFORE OPENING. USE THE HEAT-RESISTING CABLES ≥ 90°C Location of the mark ● Tag plate for intrinsically safe type No.T100°C(Tamb. These marks are as followed. WARNING • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements and the local electrical code. Maintenance and Repair • The instrument modification or part replacement by other than an authorized representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void KEMA Flameproof Certification. • The cable entry devices shall be of a certified flameproof type.) 85 100 120 °C Tamb.(Tp. Operation • Keep the “WARNING” label attached to the transmitter. PROCESS TEMP..:60°C. : 120°C) Ambient Humidity: 0 to 100% (No condensation) Degree of Protection of the Enclosure: IP66 / IP67 Electrical Data • When combined with Trapezoidal and Rectangular output characteristic FISCO model IIC barrier Ui = 17.32 W. <2. EN 60079-27:2008. Handling Cautions> MODEL: Specified model code. Ci = 3. EN 61241-11:2006 Note 2. Ii = 460 mA. CAL RNG: Specified calibration range.5 V. The following is an example of a serial number for a product that was produced in 2010: 91K819857 032 The year 2010 *2: “180-8750” is a zip code which represents the following address.2 W. Tokyo Japan ( II )  ATEX Certification (1) Technical Data a. NO. Ii = 250 mA.: 100°C) T120°C (Tp.: 80°C) T100°C (Tp. OUTPUT: Output signal.): 120°C Maximum Surface Temperature for EPL Db. EN 60079-11:2007/EN 60079-11:2012. *1: The first digit in the final three numbers of the serial number appearing after “NO. T85°C (Tp. EN 60079-26:2007. SUPPLY: Supply voltage. Pi = 1. 2D Ambient Temperature for EPL Ga: –40 to 60°C Ambient Temperature for EPL Db: –30* to 60°C * –15°C when /HE is specified. ATEX Intrinsically Safe Type Caution for ATEX Intrinsically safe type.52 nF. 2-9-32 Nakacho. Pi = 5. Li = 0 μH • When combined with Linear characteristic barrier Ui = 24 V. Musashino-shi. Ratings Type of Protection and Marking Code: Ex ia IIC/IIB T4 Ga Ex ia IIIC T85°C T100°C T120°C Db Group: II Category: 1G.” on the nameplate indicates the year of production.: Serial number and year of production*1.52 nF. TOKYO 180-8750 JAPAN: The manufacturer name and the address*2.5 V. Li = 0 μH • When combined with Trapezoidal or Rectangular output characteristic FISCO model IIB barrier Ui = 17. SUFFIX: Specified suffix code. Ci = 3. Maximum Process Temperature (Tp.52 nF. Li = 0 μH . Ii = 380 mA. Note 1. STYLE: Style code. Ci = 3.32 W. KEMA 04ATEX1116 X • Applicable Standard: EN 60079-0:2009. MWP: Maximum working pressure. EJX/EJA-E series pressure transmitters with optional code /KS26 for potentially explosive atmospheres: • No. Pi = 5. • More than one transmitter may be connected to the power supply line. Electrical data: Maximum Input Voltage Ui: 24 V Maximum Input Current Ii: 250 mA *1: Maximum Input Power Pi: 1. ignition sources due to impact and friction sparks are excluded.ai • In the rating 1(*1). This must be taken into account when installing the apparatus.32 W Maximum Internal Capacitance Ci: 3. if it is mounted in an area where the use of category 2D apparatus is required. the output current of the barrier must be limited by a resistor ‘Ra’ such that Io = Uo/Ra. Installation Instructions [Installation Diagram] Terminator Note 4. • In the rating 2(*2).52 nF Maximum Internal Inductance Li: 0 μH or Maximum Input Voltage Ui: 17. Handling Cautions> Note 6. • Electrostatic charge may cause an explosion hazard. • The terminator and the safety barrier shall be certified. • To satisfy IP66 or IP67. • The terminators may be built in by a barrier. Note 3.52 nF Maximum Internal Inductance Li: 0 μH *2: Rating 2 . the output of the barrier must be the characteristics of the trapezoid or the rectangle and this transmitter can be connected to Fieldbus equipment which are in according to the FISCO model. the apparatus is not capable of withstanding the 500V insulation test required by EN60079-11. • In the case where the enclosure of the Pressure Transmitter is made of aluminum. + Pressure − SUPPLY Transmitter Note 5. apply waterproof glands to the electrical connection port. Special Conditions for Safe Use WARNING • In the case where the enclosure of the Pressure Transmitter is made of aluminium. it shall be installed in such a way that the risk from electrostatic discharges and propagating brush discharges caused by rapid flow of dust is avoided. it must be installed such. if it is mounted in an area where the use of category 1 G apparatus is required. that even in the event of rare incidents.5 V Maximum Input Current Ii: 380 mA Maximum Input Power Pi: 5. • When the lightning protector option is specified.32 W Maximum Internal Capacitance Ci: 3. such as rubbing with a dry cloth on coating face of the product. (Refer to the installation diagram) <2. Installation • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements. Avoid any actions that cause the generation of electrostatic charge.2 W Maximum Internal Capacitance Ci: 3.5 V Maximum Input Current Ii: 460 mA Maximum Input Power Pi: 5. + − Transmitter + − Transmitter Hazardous Location Terminator Non-Hazardous Location − + Safety Barrier + − F0212.52 nF Rating 1 Maximum Internal Inductance Li: 0 μH or Maximum Input Voltage Ui: 17. Maintenance and Repair • The instrument modification or parts replacement by other than authorized representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void DEKRA Intrinsically safe Certification. NO.  Tag plate for intrinsically safe type No.5 female ANSI 1/2 NPT female  Name plate W V DC mA DC CAL RNG NO. (4) Operation WARNING • OPEN CIRCUIT BEFORE REMOVING COVER.):120°C T85°C(Tp. *1: The first digit in the final three numbers of the serial number appearing after “NO. Screw Size SUPPLY OUTPUT MWP M N or STYLE MODEL SUFFIX Marking ISO M20 × 1.52nF. Pi=1. 2-9-32 Nakacho.” on the name plate indicates the year of production.(Tp. TOKYO 180-8750 JAPAN: The manufacturer name and the address*2.SEE USER'S MANUAL. T120°C(Tp.ai POTENTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CHARTGING HAZARD . F0213. Handling Cautions> (2) Electrical Connection (6) Name Plate A mark indicating the electrical connection type is stamped near the electrical connection port.:80°C).:120°C) Enclosure: IP66/IP67 FISCO field device(IIC/IIB) Entity parameters Ui=24V.2W. OUTPUT: Output signal. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS USER’S MANUAL • Take care not to generate mechanical sparking when accessing the instrument and peripheral devices in a hazardous location. CAL RNG: Specified calibration range. Ci=3. Tokyo Japan . Musashino-shi. <2. Made in Japan TOKYO 180-8750 JAPAN : Refer to USER'S MANUAL. The following is an example of a serial number for a product that was produced in 2010: 91K819857 032 The year 2010 *2: “180-8750” is the Zip code for the following address. SUPPLY: Supply voltage. KEMA 04ATEX1116 X Ex ia IIC/IIB T4 Ga Ta:-40 to 60°C Ex ia IIIC T85°C T100°C T120°C Db Ta:-30(-15) to 60°C MAX PROCESS TEMP. SUFFIX: Specified suffix code. These marks are as follows. Ii=250mA. (5) Maintenance and Repair WARNING The instrument modification or part replacement by other than an authorized Representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void the certification. • There is no need for a conduit seal in Division 1 and Division 2 hazardous locations because this product is sealed at the factory. Li=0μH D Location of the mark WARNING F0214.: Serial number and year of production*1. MWP: Maximum working pressure.:100°C).ai (3) Installation STYLE: Style code. WARNING • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements and the local electrical code. T100°C(Tp. EJX510A. EJX118A. EJX115A. EJX530A. EJA120E. EJX610A. V. EJA310E. and. /FU1 (FM) and /CU1 (CSA). EJX118A. 13-001 To follow the change of ATEX standard. please refer to this manual change. EJX210A. EJA130E. EJA438E. EJA118E. EJA430E. EJA440E.3. For the products with /V1U1 and /HG options. EJX630A. EJX430A. EJX310A. EJX130A. EJX430A. EJX310A. EJX510A. The URL of static pressure range is also extended to 25 MPa. it should not be re-installed using any other approval types. Apply a permanent mark in the check box of the selected approval type on the certification label on the transmitter to distinguish it from unused approval types. EJX120A. EJX440A. ( II ) Code /V1U1 is a combination of /KU22 (ATEX). EJX440A. EJA115E. Mar. H. please also use this manual change for additional information. EJX530A. EJA530E /KU22 /KN26 Applicable part of this manual change (I) ( II ) ( III ) ( IV ) (I) Please use the following information in addition to the table on IM 01C25B01-01E section 9. Model Option code EJA110E /HG EJX110A.User’s Manual DPharp Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitters Manual Change No. Please be noted that the installation requirement of those two types of protection is basically equivalent and the Ex “ic” instruments can be used together with or as a replacements of the Ex “nL” instruments and vice versa. EJX630A /V1U1 EJX110A. EJX610A. High pressure-proof structure Maximum working pressure for differential pressure measurement: 25MPa* HG *: Applicable for Measurement span code M. EJX120A. and wetted parts material code S. EJX438A. the specification included in /KU22 and /KN26 option is switched from ATEX Ex “nL” to Ex “ic”. EJX438A. 2013 . EJA510E. 25. EJA110E. EJA210E. Please see each applicable section in the Chapter 2 “Handling Cautions” for the installation requirements of the designated protection type. EJX115A. For those products with /KU22 or /KN26 option whose nameplates show Ex “ic” as a type of protection. EJX130A. Note For combined approval types Once a device of multiple approval type is installed. EJX210A. Li=0µH WARNING POTENTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CHARGING HAZARD . PROCESS TEMP. • Ambient Humidity: 0 to 100% (No condensation) • Maximum Process Temperature: 120°C • IP Code: IP66 • Ambient pollution degree: 2 • Overvoltage category: I Note 1. any other type of protection cannot be used. Ci=27. such as rubbing with a dry cloth on coating face of the product. Specific Conditions of Use WARNING • Electrostatic charge may cause an explosion hazard.ai Note 4. adapters and/or blanking elements shall be of Ex “n”. Electrical Data Ui = 30 V Ci = 27. Installation • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements. This must be taken into account when installing the apparatus. The installation must be in accordance with the description about the type of protection in this user’s manual. <2. Avoid any actions that cause the gerenation of eletrostatic charge. once a particular type of protection is selected. 120°C Ui=30V. ATEX Intrinsically Safe Type/ATEX Flameproof Type Model EJX/EJA-E Series pressure transmitters with optional code /KU22 can be selected the type of protection ATEX Flameproof. For combined approval types Once a device of multiple approval type is installed. (refer to the control drawing) • Cable glands.SEE USER’S MANUAL F0209r. Note 3. Maintenance and Repair • The instrument modification or parts replacement by other than authorized representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void ATEX intrinsically safe. or Ex ic for use in hazardous area. the apparatus is not capable of withstanding the 500V insulation test required by EN60079-11. [Control drawing] Hazardous Area Transmitter Nonhazardous Area + Associated Apparatus – F0207. For the installation of this transmitter. • When the lightning protector option is specified. Note 1. Apply a permanent mark in the check box of the selected approval type on the certification label on the transmitter to distinguish it from unused approval types.ai . (6) Name Plate  Tag plate for intrinsically safe Ex ic Ex ic IIC T4 Gc IP66 Tamb -30(-15) TO 60°C MAX. Handling Cautions> ( III ) (1) Technical Data c.6nF. it should not be re-installed using any other approval types. EN 60079-11:2012 • Type of Protection and Marking Code: II 3G Ex ic IIC T4 Gc • Ambient Temperature: –30* to +60°C * –15°C when /HE is specified. Intrinsically Safe. Ex “e” or Ex “d” and shall be installed so as to maintain the specified degree of protection (IP Code) of the transmitters. Note 2. Ex ia. ● ATEX Intrinsically Safe Ex ic Caution for ATEX intrinsically safe Ex ic • Applicable Standard: EN 60079-0:2009/EN 60079-0:2012.6 nF Li = 0 µH Note 2. [Control drawing] Hazardous Area Transmitter Nonhazardous Area + Associated Apparatus – * –15°C when /HE is specified. Avoid any actions that cause the gerenation of eletrostatic charge. (refer to the control drawing) • When installing the transmitter in “ic” FISCO system or FNICO system. ATEX Intrinsically Safe Ex ic Caution for ATEX Intrinsically safe Ex ic The transmitters with option code /KN26 for potentially explosive atmospheres: • Applicable Standard: EN 60079-0:2009/EN 60079-0:2012. Ci=3. • When the lightning protector option is specified. adapters and/or blanking elements shall be of Ex “n”. F0211r. When installing the transmitters in “ic” FISCO system or FNICO system. • Cable glands. Handling Cautions> ( IV ) (1) Technical Data c. EN 60079-11:2012 • Type of Protection and Marking Code: II 3G Ex ic IIC T4 Gc • Ambient Temperature: –30* to +60°C Note 3.SEE USER'S MANUAL. This must be taken into account when installing the apparatus. Electrical Data Ui = 32 V Ci = 3. PROCESS TEMP. follow the installation requirements of each system. Specific Conditions of Use WARNING • Electrostatic charge may cause an explosion hazard. F0207r.ai • Above drawing shows the installation of Entity system. Installation • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements. Ex “e” or Ex “d” and shall be installed so as to maintain the specified degree of protection (IP Code) of the transmitters. 120°C Ui=32V. • Maximum Process Temperature: 120°C • Ambient Humidity: 0 to 100% (No condensation) • IP Code: IP66 • Ambient pollution degree: 2 • Overvoltage category: I Note 1. follow the installation requirements of each system.52 nF Li = 0 µH Note 2. Maintenance and Repair • The instrument modification or parts replacement by other than authorized representative of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is prohibited and will void ATEX intrinsically safe. Li=0µH WARNING POTENTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CHARGING HAZARD .ai . <2. (6) Name Plate  Tag plate for intrinsically safe Ex ic Ex ic IIC T4 Gc IP66 Tamb -30(-15) TO 60°C MAX. Note 4. the apparatus is not capable of withstanding the 500V insulation test required by EN60079-11.52nF. such as rubbing with a dry cloth on coating face of the product.
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