DP W 3 Welding Structural



SPEC : DP-W-3REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 1 OF 52 DUBAI PETROLEUM STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS WELDING - STRUCTURAL REV. DATE BY REMARKS 16 03/08 Fac Engr Dropped the C from DPC only 15 08/06 BM Periodic Review- No change in the Specification 14 11/02 J GN/SBB Drawings Updated & URL Created 13 10/90 RCR/ABM Major revision to include PRD/ESD comments 12 09/89 RR/NF Moved fabrication topics to the new S-8 specification 11 06/88 RR/NF Minor revisions by ESD and DP. 10 05/87 CJ W Minor revisions throughout 09 03/87 STM Minor revisions, significant change in Section 12. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 2 OF 52 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 REFERENCES 3.O DOCUMENTATION 4.0 WELDING PROCEDURE AND QUALIFICATION TESTS 5.0 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERS AND WELDING OPERATORS 6.0 GENERAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS 7.0 PRODUCTION WELDING 8.0 PRODUCTION WELD TESTS 9.0 INSPECTION AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (NDE) TABLE 1 Test Specimen and NDE Requirements for Weld Procedure Tests TABLE 2 HAZ Hardness Limits TABLE 3 Charpy Impact Requirements TABLE 4 Weld Flaw Acceptance Levels TABLE 5 Extend of NDE FIGURE W-5 Test J oint for Welding Procedure Qualification Test FIGURE W-6 Test Specimen Locations in Welded J oints FIGURE W-7 Location of Charpy Impact Specimen Notches - Single Sided Butt Welds FIGURE W-8 Location of Charpy Impact Specimen Notches - Double Sided Butt Welds FIGURE W-9 Vickers Hardness Testing SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 3 OF 52 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This specification defines minimum Dubai Petroleum (DP) requirements for welding, inspection, non-destructive examination and testing of structural steel for offshore structures. Minimum requirements for fabrication and erection of structural steel are covered in DP-S-8, "Fabrication of Offshore Structures", which shall be read in conjunction with and be considered complementary to this specification. 1.2 Definition of Terms 1.2.1 Dubai Petroleum is referred to herein as COMPANY and/or DP. 1.2.2 The fabrication contractor is referred to herein as CONTRACTOR. 1.2.3 Corporations or firms engaged by the CONTRACTOR for the performance of work are referred to herein as SUB-CONTRACTOR. 1.3 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Responsibilities The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all Quality Control and for compliance with all Quality Assurance requirements throughout fabrication and production welding as stated in this specification and the contract documents. 2.0 REFERENCES 2.1 General 2.1.1 The CONTRACTOR is responsible for ensuring that quality of the work complies with requirements of this specification and the applicable Codes and Standards listed below. 2.1.2 The welding of offshore structures shall meet requirements of the American Welding Society's Structural Welding Code D1.1 and API RP 2A as augmented by this specification. 2.1.3 In the event of conflict between this specification and any Code, Standard, or Regulation, the CONTRACTOR shall inform the COMPANY in writing and receive written clarification from the COMPANY. The CONTRACTOR shall have readily available for COMPANY use at the work site; current copies of all Codes, Specifications and Standards necessary for the execution of the work. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 4 OF 52 Copies shall be in the language of the country appropriate to the work site and in the English language. 2.2 Applicable Codes and Standards Unless specifically noted in this specification, the latest edition of the following standards shall apply:- American Petroleum Institute API RP 2A 18th Edition, April 1989 Recommended Practice for Planning Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms API 2B 3rd Edition, November 1977 Specification for Fabricated Structural Steel Pipe API 2H 5th Edition, J uly 1988 Specification for Carbon Manganese Steel Plate for Offshore Platform Tubular J oints API 5L 37th Edition, May 1988 Specification for Line Pipe API RP 2X 2nd Edition, 1988 Ultrasonic Examination of Offshore Structural Fabrication and Guidelines for Qualification of Ultrasonic Technicians API 2Y 2nd Edition, 1 1990 Specification for Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered, for Offshore Structures API 2Z 1st Edition, May 1, 1987 Recommended Practice for Preproduction Qualification for Steel Plates for Offshore Structures American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes 1988 Section V Non-Destructive Examination 1989 Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 5 OF 52 American Society of Non-Destructive Testing ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification American Society of Testing and Materials ASTM A370-87c Methods and definitions of Mechanical Testing of Steel Products ASTM E23-86 Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials (Charpy) ASTM E92-82 Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials ASTM E94-88 Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing ASTM E142-86 Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing ASTM E709-80 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination ASTM E747-87 Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing Using Wire Penetrameters Dubai Petroleum Company Specifications DP-S-1 Steel Structures Design DP-S-8 Fabrication of Offshore Structures DP-W-5 General Welding Requirements British Standards Institute BS 427-81 Pt 1, Method for Vickers Hardness Test BS 638-84 Arc Welding Plant, Equipment and Accessories BS 709-83 Methods of Testing Fusion Welded J oints and Weld Metal in Steel BS 4165-84 Electrodes, Wires and Flux for the Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Medium Tensile Steel BS 5135-84 Processes for Metal Arc Welding Carbon and Carbon Manganese Steels SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 6 OF 52 American Welding Society AWS D1.1-90 American Welding Society, Structural Welding Code AWS A2.4-79 Symbols for Welding and Non-Destructive Testing AWS A3.0-89 Terms and Definitions AWS A5.1-81 Carbon Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes AWS A5.5-81 Low-Alloy Steel Covered Electrodes AWS A5.17-80 Carbon Steel Bare Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding AWS A5.20-79 Carbon Steel Flux Cored Arc Welding Electrodes AWS A5.29-80 Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding 3.0 DOCUMENTATION 3.1 Documentation Required with Bid The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following procedures and documentation as a minimum for COMPANY review at the time of bid submission. This information shall be accompanied by that required by DP-S-8, "Fabrication of Offshore Structures", as defined therein. Procedures a. Detailed procedures for Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) including visual, ultrasonic, magnetic particle and radiographic examination procedures. Radiation safety procedures shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for COMPANY approval. b. Procedures for storage, drying, handling and distribution of welding consumables. c. Mechanical testing procedures. d. Qualified welding procedures and repair procedures for both permanent and temporary welded attachments. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 7 OF 52 e. Details of welder training schemes. f. Procedure for monitoring welding procedure qualification and testing. g. Resumes of all NDE Supervisors. Subsequent to Contract award and prior to the commencement of fabrication, all above procedures must be approved by the COMPANY and any other procedures requested by the COMPANY shall be submitted to the COMPANY for review and approval. 3.2 Commencement Documentation 3.2.1 Prior to the commencement of each part of the fabrication, the CONTRACTOR shall submit as a minimum the following procedures and documentation for review and approval by the COMPANY. a. List of proposed qualified welding procedures, including repair procedures, in accordance with this specification for both permanent and temporary welded attachments. The CONTRACTOR shall indicate the proposed area of application for each procedure proposed. b. Detailed procedures for non-destructive examination and inspection if not otherwise approved. c. Certificates of welders and welding operators qualified in accordance with this specification. d. NDE personnel and qualifications. e. Welder and welding operator identification system for production welds. f. Production Test Program, where applicable. 3.2.2 Following completion of any part of the fabrication or upon completion of each sub-assembly, CONTRACTOR shall submit copies of the following documentation to the COMPANY for review and approval. a. Identification system for production welds including NDE drawings showing an unambiguous member identification and weld identification scheme, NDE and inspection requirements and welding procedure identification. Such NDE drawings and weld plans shall include as a minimum: SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 8 OF 52 - Weld Line Number, - Weld Procedure Number and Welding Processes, - NDE Requirements, - NDE Reports referenced to NDE Drawings showing all Welds Tested and their locations, - PWHT Records, - Repair Details and Statistics - Welder Identification. b. Production mechanical test results and records for each weld tested. c. Other documentation as required by specification DP-S-8. 3.3 Contractor Drawings and Documentation 3.3.1 The review and/or approval by the COMPANY of the documentation detailed in Section 3.1 and 3.2 shall only indicate that the general methods of fabrication are satisfactory and shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibilities for any errors or for any resultant remedial work. 3.3.2 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that only documents which have been reviewed and approved by the COMPANY are made available at the work site. 4.0 WELDING PROCEDURE AND QUALIFICATION TESTS 4.1 General 4.1.1 Only welding procedures approved by the COMPANY and CONTRACTOR shall be used for production welding. Pre-qualified welding procedures under AWS D1.1 shall not be permitted. See Section 4.3.2. 4.1.2 Weld test plates shall be of sufficient size to include all the test pieces required by this specification including any re-tests that may be required. All test plates shall be adequately restrained in order to minimize distortion during welding, such restraint being representative of that in production welding, unless prefabrication of girders allows for rotation of the flange and web. 4.1.3 The COMPANY shall approve the material used for the welding procedure qualification. 4.1.4 Each test plate shall have the appropriate heat and cast numbers together with any plate identification number transferred from the parent plate. The Mill Test SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 9 OF 52 Certificate(s) shall be appended to the welding procedure proposal and qualification test documentation. 4.1.5 A complete set of mechanical tests as defined in Table 1 shall be required for each welding procedure qualification test. 4.1.6 The approval of welding procedure qualification test welds shall be based on satisfactory non-destructive examination (NDE) and mechanical testing of the test assemblies in accordance with the attached Table 1. The level of inspection and NDE shall be 100%, to include visual, magnetic particle, ultrasonics and/or radiography (radiography applicable only to butt welds), all of which shall satisfy the requirements of Table 4. 4.1.7 Welding procedure qualification approval shall be subject to Section 4.1.6 and the submission of appropriate documentation. The documentation required as a minimum shall be: a. Welding Procedure Proposal. b. Material Test Certificate. c. Procedure Qualification Welding Records. d. NDE Records. e. Mechanical Test Reports (including original photo-macrographs). 4.2 Welding Procedure Proposal 4.2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the COMPANY for review detailed welding procedure proposals prior to conducting qualification tests. 4.2.2 Each welding procedure proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: a. Welding processes. b. Procedure plate carbon equivalent(s) (with mill sheets appended). CE =C +Mn +Ni +Cu +Cr +Mo +V 6 15 5 c. Sketch of joint showing plate edge preparation, orientation and joint fit-up (indicating bevel, included angle, root gap and root face). d. Material type, qualification material thickness and thickness range qualified. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 10 OF 52 e. Welding position(s). f. Welding direction(s). g. Welding consumables; manufacturer, AWS classification, trade name, size of electrodes. h. Weld pass sequence diagram indicating the depth of back gouging or back grooving. i. Welding parameters for each welding pass to include the following as a minimum: - Arc current and voltage ranges, - Welding speed range, - Minimum and maximum permitted electrode run-out lengths based upon a 50mm (2 inch) stub length and welding time (this must be verified on subsequent qualification and related to travel speed), - Current type and polarity, - Electrode diameter, - Calculated heat input, HI such that: HI =Amps x Volts x 60 =kJ /mm, S x 1000 where S =travel speed in mm/min. For multiple wires, HI is the summation of each wire. - Inter-pass temperature. j. Welding technique per pass, i.e. stringer or weave and degree of weave. k. Method of back gouging. l. Proposed preheat temperature and the range of preheat temperatures applicable to the welding procedure, and the method of heating. m. Maximum inter-pass temperature. n. Method of test panel restraint. 4.3 Welding Procedure Qualification Tests 4.3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall establish and qualify all welding procedures in accordance with this specification. Weld procedure qualification test results shall be submitted for COMPANY review. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 11 OF 52 4.3.2 Previously qualified procedures meeting all the requirements of this specification may be submitted, but acceptance and application limitations shall be at the sole discretion of the COMPANY. Where previously qualified procedures have been reviewed and approved by the COMPANY, such procedures will be used to develop welding procedure operating sheets which shall be used in production welding. The CONTRACTOR shall provide any additional documentation required by the COMPANY to fully develop the welding procedure operating sheets. Final acceptance of previously qualified procedures may be dependent upon the demonstration of satisfactory results from production weld tests (Section 8.0) carried out on the first day of fabrication. 4.3.3 The CONTRACTOR shall inform the COMPANY, giving 2 days notice of intended time and location of where each welding procedure qualification test weld is to be performed and tested. All procedure qualification testing shall be recorded in detail and witnessed by CONTRACTOR, and the COMPANY. 4.3.4 Welding procedure qualification test welds shall be performed in the simulated production welding environment i.e. under temporary covers in an outside location with identical equipment to that proposed for production welding. 4.3.5 Unless approved otherwise by the COMPANY, no interpass grinding shall be utilized during welding of the procedure qualification test welds. If approved, it shall be duly recorded on the welding procedure operating sheet and applied for all production welds using that procedure. 4.3.6 Weld passes with heat inputs which exceed 3.5 kJ /mm shall be qualified at the highest heat input. Weld passes with heat inputs which are below 1.0 kJ /mm shall be qualified at the lowest heat input. The welding parameters listed in the welding procedure specification shall include an appropriate tolerance to insure that the heat input extremes are not exceeded in production. These limits on heat input and parameters are applicable to all passes used to complete the weld procedure qualification test joint. Temper beads shall not be used for qualification tests and capping passes shall be deposited with a workpiece temperature equivalent to the minimum preheat temperature. 4.3.7 The allowable variation in preheat temperature along the length of the test plate shall be +10°C ( +18°F) of the minimum specified preheat temperature for the cap passes. 4.3.8 Essential variables for welding procedure qualification of ASTM A-36 and API 5L Grades A and B shall be as specified in the latest revision of AWS D1.1. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 12 OF 52 Essential variables for the welding of or making weld attachments to all other materials, unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing by the COMPANY, shall be as given in the following sections (a) through (n): a. Carbon Equivalent An increase of more than 0.05% in carbon equivalent. b. Type of J oint A change in weld preparation, unless approved by the COMPANY, outside the following limits:- - A change of included angle by +10°/-5°, - For butt joints less that 45°, +10° - 0°, - A change in root face by +1.6mm, - A change of root gap of +1.6mm. Single sided welds shall require separate qualification. For double sided where back gouging is employed, changes in root face and gap by up to 3.0mm shall not necessitate re-approval. c. Back Gouging/Back Grooving The omission or any decrease in the depth of back gouging or grinding. d. Material Grade The qualification of a higher yield strength grade will qualify all lower grades. e. Welding Position Any change to a welding position which has not been previously qualified per AWS D1.1 Table 5.10.5 or otherwise approved by the COMPANY. f. Thicknesses Range Qualified For materials listed in API RP 2A Table 8.1.4-1 and 8.2.1-1 Group 1 or 2: Any change of thickness outside the range of 0.5t through 1.5t where t is the thickness of the qualification test piece. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 13 OF 52 Materials not listed in API RP 2A shall be separately tested and are qualified for the range 0.5t through 1.5t unless otherwise approved by the COMPANY. Appropriate plate, or pipe joints are to be tested depending on the intended application. g. Weld Progression A change in weld progression from upward to downward direction or vice versa. h. Weld Consumables A change of classification, type or brand name of welding consumables (electrodes, flux or wire). For SMAW welding any increase of more than 1mm in the size of consumables qualified. A change of more than 10% in gas flow rates, or any change in composition of the gas mixture. Any change in the size of consumable from that qualified for automatic and semi-automatic welding. A change of +10% in the feed rate of iron powder additions for submerged arc welding. i. Diameter Qualification test diameters shall be in accordance with Table 5.10.1 of the AWS D1.1 code unless otherwise approved by the COMPANY in writing. j. Welding Parameters Submerged Arc Welding (SAW): Any change greater than 10% from the current range qualified for any specific portion of the weld, i.e. root, fill and cap. Any change greater than ±2V from the voltage qualified for a given current. Voltage shall be measured as close to the arc as practical. Any change greater than 10% on travel speed qualified for any specific portion of the weld, i.e. root, fill, cap. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 14 OF 52 The combined effect of changes to current, voltage and travel speed shall also be considered in the following manner. The heat input for each weld within any specific portion of the weld, i.e. root, fill or cap shall not vary by more than 15% from that qualified provided this is within the range 1.0- 3.5kJ /mm. Any change in the number or any change in the position of consumables. Any change in the angle of electrodes of more than:- +3° in the direction of travel, +5° normal to the direction of travel. Any change of more than 10% in the longitudinal spacing of arcs. Any change in the type of current used for welding from AC to DC or vice versa or any change in polarity for DC. Any change of more than 5mm in electrode stick out length. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW): Any change in the current, outside of ±15° of the qualified welding procedure. Any change greater than 10% in the travel speed or electrode run out length qualified for the specific portion of the weld, i.e. root, fill or cap. The combined effect of changes to current, voltage and travel speed shall also be considered in the following manner. The heat input for each weld within any specific portion of the weld, i.e. root, fill or cap shall not vary by more than 15% from that qualified provided this is within the range 1.0- 3.5KJ /mm. Any change in the type of current from AC to DC or vice versa or any change in polarity for DC. Self Shielded or Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW): The combined effect of changes to current, voltage and travel speed shall be considered in the following manner: The heat input for each weld within any specific portion of the weld, i.e. root, fill or cap shall not vary by more than 15% from that qualified provided this is within the range 1.0-3.5kJ /mm. Voltage control for gas shielded flux cored arc welding shall be within +2V of SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 15 OF 52 the value qualified. Voltage for self shielded flux cored welding shall be within ±1V. k. Preheat and Inter-pass Temperature Any decrease below the minimum qualified preheat temperature. The weld inter-pass temperature shall not exceed 260°C. l. Weld Passes Any change of more than +20% and -10% in the number of passes from that qualified for the same thickness of material. For thinner or thicker sections the maximum and minimum number of weld passes shall be proportional to the change in cross sectional groove area. The welders operating sheet shall detail the allowable number of passes. m. Backing Strips The deletion of a backing strip. n. Post-Weld Heat Treatment The addition or deletion of post-weld heat treatment. 4.4 Test Categories The principle welding procedure test categories that require qualification are listed below. The CONTRACTOR shall also qualify other procedure categories necessary to satisfy AWS D1.1 and this specification. 4.4.1 Plate and Tubular Butt Weld The weld test specimens required shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 paragraphs 5.10 and 10.12. 4.4.2 Plate and Tubular T-, Y- and K- Connections The weld test specimens required shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 paragraphs 5.10 and 10.12 except that the 6GR test assembly shall be as shown in Figure 1 of this specification. 4.4.3 Fillet Weld Qualification SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 16 OF 52 Fillet welding procedures shall be qualified in the 2F and 4F positions as defined in AWS D1.1. 2F shall qualify 1F and 4F shall qualify 3F positions. Both single and multi-pass fillet welds shall be qualified. SMAW and FCAW fillet welds with a leg length greater than 8mm shall be multi-pass. Single pass fillet welds shall be qualified at the minimum leg length specified for fabrication. Qualifications conducted on a continuous member plate thickness of 40mm and above shall qualify all thickness ranges. 4.4.4 Repair Weld Qualification Repair welding procedure proposals shall be presented for all anticipated repair situations in test categories outlined in 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 above. Subject to the requirements of Table 1, qualification testing shall be to clauses 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.5 and 4.5.6. 4.4.5 Weld Metal Buttering Procedure Qualification In the event that the joint fit up tolerances of production welds exceed those permitted, a weld buttering procedure specification shall be developed by the CONTRACTOR for COMPANY review and approval. Buttering procedures shall employ qualified welding procedures approved by the Company and shall be within the essential variables or the welding parameters. Combinations of existing procedures are permitted except where self-shielded FCAW is employed in combination with other processes. In such cases, full qualification of a separate groove welding procedure using the same combination of processes and pass sequence used in production is required. 4.5 Mechanical Test Requirements 4.5.1 General Mechanical testing shall be carried out to verify that the test weldment meets the requirements of this specification. All mechanical testing shall be performed by a test house or laboratory recognized and approved by the COMPANY. All qualification testing shall be witnessed by the CONTRACTOR and the COMPANY. Should a welding procedure qualification test weld fail to pass any of the SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 17 OF 52 required tests, the COMPANY shall be informed of the reasons for failure and of the subsequent proposed modification to the welding procedure essential variables as appropriate before re-qualification of the procedure (See Section 4.3.8). The locations of the various test samples are shown in Figure 2 and the type and number of tests required, are detailed in Table 1. 4.5.2 All Weld Metal Tensile Test In addition to AWS D1.1 requirements, all weld metal test specimens are required from structural plate and tubular butt procedure test plates. Specimens shall be removed in accordance with Figure 2 of this specification and as detailed in Table 1. The specimens shall have the form of and be tested to the requirements of AWS D1.1. Standard size specimens are preferred; however, sub-size specimens are acceptable where test piece thickness limitations exist. The 0.2% offset yield strength recorded during the all weld metal tensile test shall be equal to or greater than the specified yield strength of the base material. The ultimate tensile should not be lower than the base material. Where the welding procedure material thickness qualification range overlaps into a higher minimum yield strength material, the yield strength of the all weld metal tensile test shall be equal to or greater than that specified for the thinner and higher yield material. The all weld metal tensile test specimen after testing shall record elongation equal to or greater than 20% in a 50mm gage length. 4.5.3 Transverse Tensile Tests Specimens shall be removed from the locations specified in Figure W-6. Specimens shall have the form and dimensions of and shall be tested in accordance with AWS D1.1. The test specimen shall fail in the base metal or have a tensile strength of 80 ksi minimum. 4.5.4 Bend Tests SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 18 OF 52 Specimens shall be taken from the locations specified in Figure W-6. Each bend specimen shall be etched to identify the weld region. The weld and heat affected zone of the bend specimen shall be completely within the bent portion of the specimen after testing. Specimens shall be prepared and tested in accordance with AWS D1.1 except that for side bend specimens over 38mm (1 1/2 inches) thick, the cutting of specimens into strips is not mandatory. For acceptance, the maximum crack length shall not exceed 3.2mm. Cracks occurring on the corners of the specimen shall not be considered significant unless they are associated with a weld defect. 4.5.5 Macro-sections and Hardness Tests Macro-section(s) shall be cut from the test assembly in accordance with Table 1, polished and suitably etched to reveal the weld structure and number of weld passes. Groove and fillet weld macro-sections shall be removed as detailed in Figure W-6. The welded joint section shall show a regular profile with a smooth transition to the base material. There shall be no unacceptable flaws as defined by NDE listed in Table 1. The weld profile requirements shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 Section 3.6. Hardness surveys shall be carried out in accordance with BS 427 or ASTM E92 with Vickers hardness testing equipment, using a 5kg load. Test location shall be as shown in Figure W-9. The maximum allowable hardness value at any location shall be in accordance with Table 2. A photo-macrograph of 1X-3X magnification shall be required of all macro specimens. The magnification factor shall be noted under the photo-macrograph in the welding procedure qualification test certificates. Hardness impressions must be clearly visible in the photo-macrograph. Identification of the specimen must also be included in the photo- macrograph. 4.5.6 Charpy V Notch Impact Tests SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 19 OF 52 Charpy V notch test specimens shall be removed and tested in accordance with ASTM A370 and E23 or BS 131 part 2, & BS 709. Each Charpy V notch test set shall consist of 3 test specimens. Test specimens for Charpy V notch testing shall be performed as required in Tables 1 and 3. 4.6 Welding Procedure Operating Sheets 4.6.1 After review of the welding procedure and qualification test results by the COMPANY, the CONTRACTOR shall produce welding procedure operating sheets. These operating sheets shall specify all welding parameters to be used for production welding. The acceptable welding parameter ranges shall be those specified which satisfactorily passed qualification testing for production welding. All weld procedure operating sheets shall be approved by the COMPANY prior to commencing production welding. 4.6.2 Welding procedure operating sheets shall be given to the welders and welding operators by the welding foreman for each relevant joint to be welded. They shall contain all the information necessary for the joint to be properly welded in accordance with the qualified and COMPANY approved welding procedure. 4.6.3 Operating sheet requirements conflicting with the approved and qualified welding procedure shall be rejected by the COMPANY. 5.0 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERS AND WELDING OPERATORS 5.1 General 5.1.1 All structural welding, including tack and repair welding, shall only be performed by qualified welders and welding operators approved by the COMPANY. 5.1.2 All welders and welding operator tests shall be witnessed and approved by the COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR before the welder or welding operator is permitted to weld on any part of the structure. Any decisions regarding acceptance of previously qualified welders or welding operators shall be at the sole discretion of the COMPANY. 5.1.3 The CONTRACTOR shall establish, in agreement with the COMPANY, an SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 20 OF 52 identification system for each welder and welding operator. 5.1.4 All materials required for the testing of welders and welding operators shall be approved by the COMPANY. 5.1.5 Welders and welding operators shall not be qualified on production welds. 5.1.6 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that welders and welding operators are only employed on those parts of the work for which they are qualified. 5.1.7 Welders and welding operators shall execute their qualification tests using approved welding procedures agreed with the COMPANY. Inability of a welder or welding operator to follow the welding procedure shall be cause for rejection. 5.1.8 The CONTRACTOR shall institute a formal system of instruction to ensure that all welding personnel are familiar with relevant sections of this specification. As a minimum all welders and welding operators shall be instructed in the significance of heat input levels, determination of and significance of preheat, welding operating sheets and essential variables of the welding procedures. 5.1.9 All welders and welding operators shall be qualified using the same consumables and welding process(es) as intended for production welding. 5.1.10 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain and issue on COMPANY request, a current record for all welders employed giving the following information:- a. Welder's name and identifying number or symbol. b. Welding processes, thickness, diameters, procedures and positions for which each welder and welding operator is qualified. c. Dates of qualification. 5.2 Previous Qualification 5.2.1 The CONTRACTOR may submit evidence of previous qualifications to the COMPANY in accordance with minimum requirements of this specification. 5.2.2 In addition to the above, all previously qualified welders and welding operators shall:- a. Have been tested within the preceding 90 days. b. Have been employed by the CONTRACTOR on offshore fabrication work, or work of a similar nature, during the preceding 90 days. c. Have a satisfactory production welding performance record. 5.2.3 The COMPANY'S decision regarding the acceptability or otherwise of any SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 21 OF 52 previously qualified welder or welding operator shall be final. 5.3 Re-Testing 5.3.1 Any welder or welding operator who for any reason produces a test weld which does not meet the requirements of this specification may, at the discretion of the COMPANY, be immediately re-tested. The re-test shall consist of 2 tests, identical to the test that the welder or operator failed, both of which shall meet the requirements of this specification. In the event that one or both re-tests are unacceptable, no further re-testing shall be permitted until the welder or welding operator has completed a COMPANY approved period of re-training. 5.4 Welder Performance Qualification Testing 5.4.1 Welder performance qualification testing shall be conducted and assessed in accordance with AWS D1.1 except as modified by this specification. 5.5 Welding Operator Qualification Testing 5.5.1 Welding operator performance qualification testing shall be conducted and assessed in accordance with AWS D1.1 Section 5, Part D, except as modified by this specification. 5.6 Documentation 5.6.1 A certificate shall be prepared for each test successfully completed by a welder or welding operator. Each certificate shall be endorsed by the COMPANY. The COMPANY shall be provided with a copy of each endorsed certificate. Certificates of welders approved by the COMPANY as detailed in Section 5.2 shall also be supplied. 5.6.2 In addition to the above, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain a complete list of qualifications for all welders or welding operators employed on COMPANY work and shall provide the COMPANY with an updated copy of this on a regular basis. 6.0 GENERAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 General 6.1.1 Welding and NDE shall be in accordance with the requirements of this specification and AWS D1.1 where appropriate. 6.1.2 Only welding procedures approved by the COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 22 OF 52 shall be used for any production welding. 6.1.3 Prior to fabrication, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the following information on welders to the COMPANY. This information shall be current at time of submission and shall be continuously updated as required throughout the fabrication program. - Welders names, and identification numbers. - Welder Performance Qualification Records. 6.1.4 Each qualified welder shall be supplied with a heat resistant indelible marker which shall be used to apply his identification number to all production welds to which that welder or welding operator has been assigned. The location of such identification numbers shall be in the vicinity of the weld toe and at approximately 1 meter intervals. Welds not clearly identified may be rejected by the COMPANY. A group numbering system for small pieces may be proposed by the CONTRACTOR for review and approval by the COMPANY. 6.1.5 CONTRACTOR tools for grinding and profiling of all welds shall be subject to specific COMPANY review. Tool(s) may be rejected at COMPANY's discretion. 6.1.6 Each welder and welding operator shall possess a copy of the approved welding procedure operating sheets applicable to the work assigned, together with appropriate temperature measuring devices. Weld procedure operating sheets shall also be displayed at each welding location. Welders shall not produce welds without being familiar with the requirements of the appropriate approved welding procedure operating sheet. Any welder found not to be complying with the full requirements of the approved welding procedure, during production welding, shall be removed from the work and the non-conforming weld(s) may be completely rejected, at the discretion of the COMPANY. 6.1.7 Work shall not be performed when lack of protection precludes satisfactory workmanship or conditions prevent adequate inspection and NDE at the COMPANY'S discretion. 6.2 Welding Equipment 6.2.1 All welding equipment shall be of sufficient capacity and be maintained in such a condition as to ensure welds of the specified quality throughout the Work, and shall conform to appropriate sections of BS 638 or equivalent standards. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 23 OF 52 Welding equipment which, in the opinion of the COMPANY, does not comply with these requirements for the service in which it is being used, shall be replaced by the CONTRACTOR. The COMPANY may request recalibration of gauges and meters, etc. to ensure compliance with welding procedure operating sheets at any time. 6.2.2 All electrical equipment shall be adequately grounded and welding machine ground leads shall be affixed firmly to the work piece by clamps or other approved means. All return currents shall travel via the insulated grounding cable. Particular care shall be exercised if a welding machine is placed on reinforced concrete. In this case the machine shall be on rubber tyres or wooden supports. Welding cables shall be maintained in first class condition at all times. Loose connections or damaged cables as evidenced by localized heating shall be replaced or repaired immediately. 6.3 Welding Processes 6.3.1 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), submerged arc (single and tandem wire) welding (SAW), and flux cored arc welding (FCAW) are acceptable welding processes. However, acceptance of the flux cored arc welding process (FCAW) for any part of the structure shall be at the COMPANY'S discretion and be subject to the requirements of Section 6.3.4 and 4.3.8 j. 6.3.2 Iron powder additions during submerged arc welding are permissible subject to written prior approval of the COMPANY who reserve the right to limit the scope of application and to request additional testing. 6.3.3 Where the use of self shielded FCAW is proposed, the CONTRACTOR shall submit, for COMPANY review and approval, details of specific weld locations and the consumables proposed. Such details shall be presented to the COMPANY at the bid stage. All details pertinent to the achievement of HAZ hardness and weld metal toughness shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S submission. 6.3.4 The COMPANY reserves the right to refuse the use or limit the use of the intended process(es) and to specify additional testing and inspection requirements. 6.3.5 If alternative processes are intended to be used, a proposal shall be made stating items and areas of intended use together with full details of the process and all consumables. 6.4 Welding Consumables SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 24 OF 52 6.4.1 Electrodes shall conform to AWS or to an equivalent standard approved by the COMPANY. 6.4.2 Only basic low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for shielded metal arc welding. 6.4.3 Welding electrodes, including covered types and bare spooled electrode (wire form) shall be handled with such care as may be necessary to prevent damage. Where containers show evidence of damage, their contents should be examined and electrodes with cracked or flaked-off coatings, or damaged spools of filler metal should not be used on production welding. Unopened covered electrodes and bare electrodes (wire form) and rods shall be stored under clean dry conditions to prevent damage from contamination, moisture or water. 6.4.4 Handling, storage and baking of low hydrogen electrodes shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.1 paragraph 4.5. 6.4.5 A welding consumable control and identification procedure shall be approved by the COMPANY prior to implementation. This procedure when approved shall be strictly controlled by the CONTRACTOR throughout all phases of production welding. Electrodes shall be kept clean and free from grease, oil, dirt, rust, moisture and other contaminants. All unidentified, damaged or rusty electrodes, as defined by the COMPANY shall be removed from the working area and rejected. Any electrodes not contained in heated quivers shall be removed from the site and rejected. Electrodes shall not be exposed to wet conditions. 6.4.6 Submerged arc consumables shall be withdrawn from store as required for immediate use. Unused consumables shall be returned to store on completion of the welding operation. After issue from storage, flux shall be held in a heated oven or silo at a 70°C minimum temperature and 60% maximum relative humidity. 6.4.7 Unused flux may be re-cycled at a mix rate of 2 parts new flux to 1 part used flux according to a procedure which has been approved by the COMPANY. Such a procedure shall be based on the flux manufacturer's recommendations. Flux recovery systems which immediately reintroduce unused flux into the flux hopper are acceptable. Flux shall be removed from individual welding machine hoppers and returned to the heated flux holding ovens whenever there is a break in welding of 1 working shift or more. 6.5 Weld J oint Quality SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 25 OF 52 6.5.1 All surfaces or cut edges to be welded shall be visually inspected prior to any welding and shall be free from fins, laminations, tears, cracks or any discontinuity which would adversely effect weld quality. Surfaces to be welded and adjacent surfaces shall be free from mill scale, rust, grease or other foreign materials which could adversely affect weld quality and shall be ground to a bright steel surface for a distance of at least 12mm from the welding edge. Aluminized paint may also be used on weld preparations to act as a weldable primer; areas of usage will be at the COMPANY'S sole discretion. 6.5.2 Finished weld preparations shall be smooth and free from gouges or other deformities which could affect weld quality. Notches up to a depth of 3mm resulting from flame cutting shall be locally ground to give an even profile prior to welding. Notches greater than 3mm shall be ground out and the bevel face weld repaired with a COMPANY approved and qualified welding procedure, in accordance with Section 7.10. Welding procedure root opening tolerances are to be maintained. 6.6 Welding Sequence 6.6.1 Insofar as practical, all welds shall be deposited in a sequence that will balance the applied heat of welding while the welding progresses. 6.6.2 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a welding sequence for a member or structure which, in conjunction with the joint welding procedures and overall fabrication methods, will minimize distortion and produce members or structures meeting the dimensional requirements specified. 6.6.3 The direction of the general progression in welding on a member shall be from points where the parts are relatively fixed in position with respect to each other toward points where they have a greater relative freedom of movement. 6.6.4 J oints expected to have significant shrinkage should in general be welded before joints expected to have less shrinkage 6.6.5 Long girders or girder sections may be made by splicing sub-sections. 6.6.6 In making welds under conditions of severe external shrinkage restraint, welding shall be carried out continuously to completion or to a point that will ensure freedom from cracking before the joint is allowed to cool below the minimum specified preheat and inter-pass temperature. Reference should be made to Section 7.6 regarding interruption of welding. 7.0 PRODUCTION WELDING SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 26 OF 52 7.1 General 7.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall make no substitution of materials or modifications to details without prior written COMPANY approval. 7.1.2 The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the COMPANY that any SUB- CONTRACTOR not pre-qualified at the time of contract is capable of producing work to this specification. This may be achieved by producing documented records of past and current types of work on which the CONTRACTOR and SUB- CONTRACTOR has been engaged. COMPANY approval of all SUB- CONTRACTORS is required prior to the placement of sub-orders. 7.1.3 Preparation and welding of structural members shall be in accordance with the approved, qualified welding procedures. 7.1.4 Wherever possible all butt welds shall be made from both sides of the joint. 7.1.5 Ends of finished girders shall be left un-welded for a length of 300mm to allow matching of mating girders during fabrication unless agreed otherwise by the COMPANY. 7.2 Weld Preparation 7.2.1 Butt Welds For single sided full penetration welds, the root opening dimension shall be in accordance with the approved welding procedure. Butt welds between materials of different wall thickness shall be tapered by scarfing the parent material at a taper of 15° (1 in 4) and shall not be tapered by the use of additional weld metal outside the width of the weld joint. 7.2.2 Plate and Tubular T, Y, or K J oints a. Tubular J oints: T, Y, or K joint welds onto any member shall be full penetration double sided butt welds where access permits, unless the attachment diameter is 800mm (tubulars) or less and 30mm thickness or less. Single sided butt welds shall be permitted only under this condition and shall have a root face and root gap in accordance with the COMPANY approved welding procedures. b. Plate J oints: SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 27 OF 52 Where access permits, all welds shall be full penetration double sided butt welds. Single sided butt welds shall have a root face and root gap in accordance with the COMPANY approved welding procedures. 7.3 Execution of Welding 7.3.1 The use of permanent backing strips shall not be permitted without prior approval of the COMPANY. 7.3.2 Weld stops and starts shall be staggered so that adjacent weld passes do not contain stops/starts within 50mm of each other. 7.3.3 The width of weave during production welding shall be within the acceptable limit of the COMPANY approved and qualified welding procedure, qualification certificates, and production welding operating sheets. 7.3.4 Double sided welds shall be back-gouged and ground, or ground to sound metal before the second side is welded. The resulting excavation shall have a profile suitable for welding in accordance with the COMPANY approved and qualified welding procedure. 7.3.5 Each run of weld metal shall be thoroughly cleaned of flux, spatter and slag before depositing the next weld run. Any cavities which could result in lack of fusion, or slag entrapment shall be removed by grinding. 7.4 Arc Strikes Arc strikes outside the weld groove should be avoided. Should they occur, they shall be removed and inspected as for temporary attachment welds in accordance with specification DP-S-8. 7.5 Tack Welds 7.5.1 Wherever possible the use of tack welds should be minimized by the use of temporary attachments, such as "strong backs" or other suitable fabrication aids. Where tack welds are to be used, the area shall be pre-heated prior to welding to a temperature 50°C above that shown for the root run specified on the COMPANY approved welding procedure. 7.5.2 Where tack welds are used they shall be a minimum length of 100mm and shall be of sufficient throat thickness and frequency to avoid any movement and cracking of the tack weld or adjacent areas. All tack welds shall be 100% visually inspected. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 28 OF 52 7.5.3 Tack welding shall be carried out by welders qualified in accordance with the requirements of this specification. 7.5.4 Where tack welds are to be incorporated into the welded joint, the tack welds shall be deposited in accordance with the root pass parameters of the COMPANY approved welding procedure operating sheets. Such tack welds shall be ground to a feather edge on both ends and visually inspected prior to incorporation into the weld. 7.5.5 Where visual examination indicates a tack weld to be defective, it shall be completely removed and the entire area examined by MT for rejectable flaws. Defective tack welds shall not be incorporated into the finished work. 7.5.6 Where tack welds are removed, the bevel preparation shall be correctly maintained for the subsequent root pass. Removal of defective tack welds by arc/air gouging in single sided welds shall not be permitted. Removal of defective tack welds by arc/air gouging in double sided welds to be back-gouged shall be subject to COMPANY approval. 7.6 Interruption of Welding 7.6.1 Welding of joints shall be completed in one continuous operation. Where interruption is unavoidable at least one third of the joint thickness over the full weld length shall have been completed before welding is discontinued. 7.7 Weather Protection 7.7.1 All welding shall be adequately protected in order to limit wind speed to 5mph. 7.8 Weld Profile Requirements 7.8.1 Weld profile requirements shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1, Section 3.6 except as indicated on COMPANY approved construction drawings. Where fatigue behavior improvement is required, then AWS Section 10.7.5 shall be met as well as the improved weld profile of AWS D1.1, Figure C 10.7.5. 7.8.2 Surfaces of plate butt weld joints required to be flush shall be finished so as not to reduce the thickness of the thinner base metal or weld metal by more than 1mm or 5% of the thickness, whichever is smaller, nor leave reinforcement that exceeds 1mm. 7.8.3 The CONTRACTOR shall remove any weld spatter which will interfere with NDE interpretation or proper coating. 7.9 Preheat and Inter-pass Temperature SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 29 OF 52 7.9.1 Pre-heating shall be conducted by electrical resistance methods, gas burners or radiant heaters. Deposition of carbon by incorrectly set burners shall be avoided. Preheat shall apply to all welded joints including tacking and repair welding of existing welds. 7.9.2 Measurement of preheat and inter-pass temperature shall be by thermocouples, contact digital pyrometers and/or temperature indicating crayons. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to ensure that the minimum preheat temperature is within the range specified on the applicable welding procedure operating sheets. The minimum preheat shall be established for at least 75mm on each side of the weld centerline and shall be established through the plate thickness prior to production welding. Whenever possible preheat and inter-pass temperature shall be measured on the plate surface on the opposite side to that of preheat application. Where access to only one joint face is possible, the heat source shall be either removed or power switched off to allow for temperature equalization of one minute for each 25mm of combined joint thickness, prior to measurements of the preheat temperature. Temperature measurement on the weld shall not be permitted and inter-pass temperature shall be measured within 25mm from the weld fusion face. 7.9.3 In all cases until notified otherwise by the COMPANY the minimum preheat temperature shall be 20°C. The determination of minimum preheat temperatures for production welds shall be based upon BS 5135 (except as modified by this section) after consideration of specific heat input, joint thickness and consumable combinations. 7.9.4 The maximum inter-pass temperature shall be 260°C (500°F). 7.9.5 Welding shall not be carried out when the ambient temperature is -10°C or lower, unless specific precautions to maintain the required preheat levels are applied and have been approved by the COMPANY. In such cases or when condensation is forming on metal surfaces, a minimum work piece temperature of 20°C or a temperature above the dew point shall be established for sufficient time to give dryness for a distance of not less than 75mm either side of the weld. 7.9.6 Unless agreed otherwise by the COMPANY, the minimum preheat temperature shall be applied to the whole joint lengths to be welded and shall be maintained without interruption until the welds have been completed. Where interruption is unavoidable, reference should be made to Section 7.6. 7.9.7 Insulation shall be provided on adjacent areas where necessary to maintain the SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 30 OF 52 required degree of preheat during welding. 7.10 Repair Welding 7.10.1 No rectification, repair or modification shall be made without the approval of the COMPANY. 7.10.2 Prior to the use in production of an approved qualified welding procedure the CONTRACTOR shall qualify and obtain approval from the COMPANY for repair procedures to cover anticipated repair situations for that welding procedure. 7.10.3 If the CONTRACTOR intends to apply a repair procedure to more than one welding procedure then a list shall be submitted for COMPANY approval identifying the relevant repair procedure and the applicable welding procedures. The COMPANY reserves the right to require further qualified repair procedures to be submitted. 7.10.4 The removal of defective areas shall be by machining, grinding, chipping or arc/air gouging followed by grinding to bright metal. The resulting excavation shall be clean, free from scale and have a contour to permit ease in repair welding. Oxy acetylene gouging shall not be permitted. Defect removal shall be confirmed by magnetic particle inspection. 7.10.5 Unless otherwise approved by the COMPANY, repair welding qualifications shall include NDE and mechanical testing in accordance with Sec. 4.4.4. 7.10.6 All defects deemed unacceptable to this specification shall be repaired at no cost to the COMPANY. 7.10.7 Any defect requiring rectification shall be reported to the COMPANY. Any cracking shall be reported immediately to the COMPANY and its cause is to be established and approved steps taken to prevent the reoccurrence of such cracking. 7.10.8 All repair welding shall be performed by welders fully qualified in accordance with Section 5.0 of this specification. 7.10.9 Any repair welding carried out after post-weld heat treatment shall necessitate a second post-weld heat treatment of the complete item or weld joint as directed by the COMPANY. 7.10.10 CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain a detailed log of all weld repairs. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 31 OF 52 The log shall include details of all defects together with welders and welding procedures employed during the production of the defective welds. The COMPANY reserves the right to require re-qualification of welders, welding operators or welding procedures should the frequency of defects become unacceptable to the COMPANY. Detailed repair statistics based on weld length and number of welds etc. shall be reported to the COMPANY on a weekly basis. 7.10.11 Repair welding shall be performed strictly in accordance with the following:- a. Welding shall be in accordance with a qualified welding repair procedure. b. Preheat shall be applied to 50°C above that specified in the relevant original welding procedure, or a minimum of 50°C, whichever is higher. 7.10.12 The weld repaired area shall be subject to 100% visual inspection and NDE by the same techniques used for original examination. 7.10.13 Rectifications, repairs and modifications shall be fully identified and documented. 7.10.14 The CONTRACTOR shall advise the COMPANY of all first time repairs which fail to remove the initial defect or re-introduce defects that require further repair. 8.0 PRODUCTION WELD TESTS 8.1 General 8.1.1 Production weld tests may be requested by the COMPANY at any time. When requested, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that production coupons represent the production welds as far as practically possible. 8.1.2 Wherever possible, test welds shall be welded as extensions to production welds. Care shall be taken to insure that the extension plates represent the preheat and inter-pass temperature of production welds. Where this is not possible they shall be welded in the same location, at the same time, by the same personnel using the same equipment and consumables as production welds. They shall be welded in accordance with the welding procedure operating sheets used for the welds being evaluated. 8.1.3 Where separate test plates have to be used, particular attention shall be paid to achieving the necessary restraint on the test coupon. 8.1.4 Production test welds shall be non-destructively examined in accordance with SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 32 OF 52 the requirements for the production welds represented. Any unacceptable defects shall be reported. 8.1.5 CONTRACTOR shall inform the COMPANY of the results of production weld tests immediately upon completion of all testing, which shall be not more than 7 working days from the completion of welding. All original documentation relating to production tests shall be retained by CONTRACTOR for incorporation into the final documentation. 8.1.6 Production test welds shall be subject to mechanical testing in accordance with Section 4.5 except that tests shall be limited to the following:- a. All weld metal tensile. b. Macro-section and hardness. c. Charpy impact tests are the same as for the procedure qualification requirements. 8.1.7 In the event that mechanical tests fail to meet the minimum requirement of Section 4.5, CONTRACTOR shall establish the cause of failure and shall detail his proposals for establishing the acceptability of the respective production welds. All production welding using the affected welding procedure shall stop until such time as the cause of the unacceptable mechanical test results has been established. 8.1.8 All production test welding, NDE and mechanical testing shall be witnessed by the CONTRACTOR and the COMPANY. 8.1.9 In the event of a failed production test, the COMPANY reserves the right to specify further mechanical tests, at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. 8.1.10 In the event of a failed production weld test, the CONTRACTOR shall establish a new welding procedure proposal with sufficient modification of the welding variables to avoid repetition of the cause of failure. Upon preliminary approval by the COMPANY, the procedure shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of this specification. 9.0 INSPECTION AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (NDE) SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 33 OF 52 9.1 General 9.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall co-operate fully with the COMPANY in all aspects of inspection and NDE and shall give adequate notice of any required fabrication inspection stages, together with sufficient time for thorough inspection by the COMPANY. 9.1.2 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for supplying all NDE equipment, tools and materials for his use in conducting any inspection required by Company. 9.1.3 Any examination and inspection by the COMPANY shall not absolve the CONTRACTOR from his responsibility to exercise such quality control which will ensure that the requirements of this specification and related Codes, Standards and Specifications are satisfied. 9.1.4 After completion, all NDE reports shall be furnished to the COMPANY within 2 working days. These reports shall detail a complete history of the fabrication and inspection sequences. The reports will form the basis of final inspection and acceptance by the COMPANY. 9.1.5 The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that all NDE procedures are able to consistently identify allowable flaws defined in Table 4. Each NDE procedure shall be demonstrated to be suitable for its intended purpose. If satisfactory, these procedures shall be approved by the COMPANY and all NDE shall be performed in accordance with these COMPANY approved procedures. 9.1.6 The COMPANY reserves the right to test, monitor and record all NDE operators and equipment and to reject any NDE operator or equipment if deemed unsuitable. The equipment used by the CONTRACTOR during NDE shall be capable of performing the required tasks. The CONTRACTOR shall calibrate, test, monitor, and record all equipment and shall remove from production use any equipment which in the opinion of the COMPANY is not satisfactory for the intended purpose. The COMPANY reserve the right to re-examine any production welds submitted for approval and to employ independent NDE personnel and whatever equipment the COMPANY considers necessary to enable evaluation of the production welds. The COMPANY reserves the right to undertake independent NDE at any stage of fabrication. 9.2 Extent of Inspection and NDE SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 34 OF 52 9.2.1 The extent of inspection and NDE shall be in accordance with the minimum requirements laid down in attached Table 5 along with this Section. 9.2.2 COMPANY reserves the right to increase or decrease the levels of percentage inspection subject to known rejection rates and joint locations. The COMPANY reserves the right to increase the level of inspection and NDE specified in Table 5 if at the sole option of the COMPANY the CONTRACTOR'S quality performance record is deemed to be unsatisfactory. The inspection and NDE requirements may be subsequently reduced at the COMPANY'S discretion on reversion to an acceptable quality performance record. 9.2.3 If severe defects (e.g. cracks and other linear type defects) occur repeatedly, all welds deposited using the same welding procedure during the period in question may be inspected and non-destructively examined in full. 9.2.4 Where less that 100% of the weld length is required to be tested the COMPANY shall approve the lengths of weld to be tested. 9.2.5 Lengths of weld which are found to be defective shall be 100% retested to the original requirements after repair welding. 9.2.6 All full penetration welds in which any part of the welding is by the gas shielded metal arc process shall be 100% examined by ultrasonics. 9.2.7 As a minimum, on all primary structural steelwork the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the COMPANY documentary evidence of the following inspection stages:- Inspection Stage Type of Examination Required a. T, Y, and K joints UT lamination check continuous member (prior to fit-up) b. Edge preparation and Visual, dimensional and NDE fit-up (UT lamination check) including materials identification c. Fit-up prior to welding Visual and dimensional (after tacking or strong backing) d. After back-gouging Visual, dimensional, MT (if required) SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 35 OF 52 e. On completion of welding Visual, dimensional and NDE as required. f. After defect removal prior Visual and MT, UT where to repair welding required. See 7.10. g. On completion of repair Visual welding h. After removal of temporary Visual and NDE as attachments required Note: Dimensional inspection referred to above relates to localized dimensional checks on weld preparation, depth of back-gouge etc. and not global dimensions of weldments. The acceptance criteria for all NDE shall be in accordance with Table 4 of this specification. 9.3 Visual Inspection 9.3.1. All weld joints shall as a minimum be visually inspected at the relevant stages listed in Section 9.2.7. 9.3.2 Visual inspection shall be carried out after the removal of all slag, mill scale, dirt, grit, weld spatter, paint, oil or other foreign matter from the weld(s) and adjacent area. All welded items shall be presented in a suitable condition to the COMPANY to perform a visual inspection. 9.3.3 Visual inspection shall be completed prior to final NDE and shall be done after any weld grinding has been completed. This shall also apply to any weld repair. a. All welds meet the profile requirements and weld reinforcement requirements as detailed in AWS D1.1 or as specified in contract drawings. b. All arc strikes wherever located shall be removed in accordance with the requirements of this specification. 9.4 Ultrasonic Examination (UT) 9.4.1 Ultrasonic examination (UT) shall be carried out in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures. These procedures shall be in accordance with API RP 2X, except as modified by this specification. The CONTRACTOR shall submit procedures to the COMPANY for approval prior to their implementation. 9.4.2 A compression probe scan shall be conducted on the continuous member of T, Y, and K joints prior to fit-up. Reflectors within 150mm (6 inches) of the intended SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 36 OF 52 weld location shall be evaluated in accordance with API RP 2X Level C acceptance criteria. Cylindrical can sections shall be rotated to avoid unacceptable reflectors within 150mm (6 inches) of the attachment weld. 9.4.3 Each weld joint shall be examined with sufficient probe angles to guarantee full coverage of the joint. Scanning shall be done from both sides of the weld and from both inside and outside surfaces where access permits if the member thickness exceeds 25mm (1 inch). Refer to API RP 2X, Paragraph 3.4.2 for UT equipment requirements. Where problems exist in coverage of a weld joint due to material, configuration, surface condition, etc; probes of a different frequency will be used in addition to the basic API RP 2X probe requirements. 9.4.4 Prior to shear wave examination, a compression probe search shall be conducted to confirm that no lamination type defects exist within the scanning surface of members at T, Y and K joint weld locations, which will mask the shear wave examination. 9.4.5 Prior to conducting ultrasonic examination, the operator shall ensure that both weld deposits and surrounding areas are sufficiently smooth to avoid spurious indications. The maximum surface correction factor shall be +6dB. If this correction factor is exceeded, additional surface grinding shall be performed prior to final ultrasonic examination. All flaw indications which exceed 50% of the reference level shall be investigated and detailed in the operators report. 9.4.6 All ultrasonic operators shall be qualified in accordance with a Certification Scheme approved by the COMPANY. 9.4.7 During production examinations, the CONTRACTOR shall produce a test report for each weld joint or weld repair examined. 9.4.8 Each ultrasonic examination report shall detail the following information as a minimum (using joint diagrams to indicate scans). a. J oint identification number. b. Welder(s) and welding operator(s) identification(s). c. Welding procedure number. d. Ultrasonic procedure identification number. e. Operator identification and signature. f. Sketch showing location(s) face width or amplitude above the reference level, length and location of all indications exceeding 50% of the ref. level. g. Date and time of welding completion and NDE. h. Original weld or repair. i. Heat treated condition or "as welded". SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 37 OF 52 j. Plate thicknesses. k. Probe angles and frequencies. l. Equipment identification serial numbers. m. The primary reference level sensitivity, and transfer value. n. Couplant. o. State if "hot" or ambient temperature examination. Surface correction factor adopted during examination and calibration. p. Conclusions; accept or reject with respect to this specification. 9.4.9 All UT reports shall be submitted for COMPANY review and approval. 9.4.10 The CONTRACTOR shall make an initial assessment of defects against acceptance criteria and all ultrasonic reports including recommendations shallbe reviewed for approval by the COMPANY. 9.5 Magnetic Particle Examination (MT) 9.5.1 Magnetic particle inspection (MT) procedures shall be written in accordance with ASME Section V, Article 7 using wet or dry particles in accordance with Clause T- 726 and the prod method Clause T-743 or yoke method T-746. Acceptable levels shall be in accordance Table 4 of this specification. The CONTRACTOR shall submit procedures to the COMPANY for approval prior to their implementation. 9.5.2 MT shall be conducted after passing visual inspection and after any weld profile grinding. 9.5.3 All weld areas examined by MT shall be sufficiently smooth to avoid false indications. 9.5.4 MT shall be used to detect both longitudinal and transverse defects. The applied magnetic field strength and sensitivity shall at all times meet the ASME Section V requirements. 9.5.5 MT operators shall be qualified to Level II in accordance with SNT-TC-1A, to the standard of CSWIP 3.1 tester (MT), or to an alternative standard approved by the COMPANY. 9.5.6 Spurious indications may be removed by grinding to a maximum depth of 1.0mm at weld toe locations. Weld metal indications may be removed by grinding provided the weld profile requirements are maintained. 9.5.7 Light surface grinding may be carried out before or during MT examination to provide a satisfactory surface finish on which to carry out the test, or to assist the SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 38 OF 52 operator in the interpretation of any indication. 9.5.8 If surface indications cannot be removed by light dressing to a maximum depth of approximately 1.0mm, the COMPANY shall be informed and shall witness any further grinding required to remove the indication. The repair by welding of any location where grinding is carried out to a depth greater than 1.0mm shall be at the discretion of the COMPANY. 9.5.9 Each report shall outline the following information as a minimum:- a. J oint identification number. b. Type of joint or areas, i.e. full penetration butt joint, T, Y and K joint, fillet weld, area of arc strike, scar area, etc. c. Welder(s) and welding operator(s) identification(s). d. Welding procedures(s) identification(s). e. Operator identification and signature. f. Magnetic particle procedure number. g. Method of magnetization and consumables (yoke, prod, ink, powder, etc.) used. h. Date i. Original weld or repair. j. Flaw types and sizes discovered and location(s). k. Conclusions; accept or reject with respect to this Specification. l. Flaw excavation profile (mimic). m. Ink strength. 9.5.10 All MT reports shall be submitted to the COMPANY for review and approval. 9.6 Radiographic Examination (RT) 9.6.1 Radiographic examination shall be carried out in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures. These procedures shall be written by the CONTRACTOR and be in accordance with AWS D1.1 and referenced ASTM specifications E94 and E142 except as modified in this Section. The CONTRACTOR shall submit radiographic examination procedures to the COMPANY for review and subsequent approval with details of any practical limitations prior to fabrication. In the event of such limitations the COMPANY reserves the right to modify accordingly the NDE requirements of this specification in order to maintain the optimum level of quality assurance considered necessary by the COMPANY. 9.6.2 The COMPANY reserves the right to test CONTRACTOR'S radiographic examination procedures to ensure that they meet the requirements of this SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 39 OF 52 specification. 9.6.3 Should a procedure prove inadequate at any time, the COMPANY reserves the right to require the CONTRACTOR to modify and re-submit the procedure to the COMPANY for review and subsequent approval. 9.6.4 Radiographic film density shall be between 2.0 and 3.5. Densitometers shall be used to ensure compliance with film density requirements. Only ASTM Type 1 or Type 2 film and lead intensifier screens shall be used. 9.6.5 Radiographic operators will be qualified in accordance with the Certification Scheme for Weldment Inspection Personnel (CSWIP) to the level of Industrial Radiographer Grade I (welds) or Industrial Radiologist (welded construction), ASNT Level II to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A, or COMPANY approved equivalent. 9.6.6 Radiographs will have a film sensitivity of at least 2% in the weld area when using DIN wire-type Image Quality Indicators or shall meet 2-4T requirements when using ASTM penetrameters. Placement/quantity of IQIs' shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1. Where geometry restricts compliance to AWS D1.1, alternative methods may be employed with Company approval. 9.6.7 Each radiograph shall contain sufficient information via lead characters to identify the following:- a. J ob number. b. The individual weld identification. c. Reference arrow along weld. d. Weld fusion line markers (where required). e. Repair weld shall contain the character R, for second time repairs, R2, etc. f. Date of radiograph. 9.6.8 Radiographs presented for interpretation will be free from film defects or film processing marks which might mask or be confused with flaws in the welds being examined. 9.6.9 Where less than 100% radiography is specified, the welds and weld locations to be radiographed shall be approved by the COMPANY unless the locations are detailed in this specification or contract documents. 9.6.10 All radiographs shall be accompanied by a test report for each weld seam when presented for interpretation and approval by the COMPANY. Each report shall SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : FE APP : RD TITLE : WELDING - STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 40 OF 52 detail the following information as a minimum:- a. J oint identification number. b. Radiographers identity. c. Location of film and type. d. Original weld or repair. e. Wall thickness(es). f. All flaws discovered and locations. g. Details of Image Quality Indicator(s) (IQI). h. Date of examination. i. Conclusions; accept or reject with respect to this specification. j. Welder(s) identification(s). k. Welding procedure(s) identification number(s). 9.6.11 All radiographic reports and radiographs shall be assessed by the CONTRACTOR and reviewed/approved by the COMPANY. All rejectable flaws shall be repaired and re-examined in accordance with this Section. 9.6.12 At the discretion of the COMPANY rejectable flaws detected by radiography may be evaluated by ultrasonic methods prior to repair. TABLE 1 TEST SPECIMEN AND NDE REQUIREMENTS for Weld Procedure Tests Procedure J oint Transverse Weld Charpy V-Notch Sets Test Thickness NDE Weld Metal Bend Hardness/ Type (mm) (100%) Tensile Tensile Tests Macro Weld FL FL +2mm Tubular butt t <12 VT MT RT 2 - 2 face 2 1 1 1 and plate butt 2 root 12 <t <20 VT MT UT/RT 2 1 4 side 2 1 1 1 20 <t <40 VT MT UT/RT 2 1 4 side 2 See Note 1 t >40 VT MT UT/RT 2 1 4 side 2 See Note 2 See Note 4 Fillet Weld See Section VT MT - - - 2 - - - 4.4.3 Repairs All VT MT UT/RT - See Note 4 - See Note 4 See Note 4 NDE =non-destructive examination FL =fusion line UT =ultrasonic tested FL +2mm =2mm from fusion line MT =magnetic particle tested RT =radiographic tested VT =visual inspection UT/RT =either UT or RT _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ \E&C\SPEC\W3-T BY : J H DATE : 03/08 REV : 16 PAGE 41 OF 53 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 42 OF 52 NOTES ON TABLE 1 1. For single sided butt welds 21 to 40mm in thickness, 5 charpy sets are required (reference Figure 3). For double sided butt welds 21 to 40mm in thickness, a minimum of 4 charpy sets are required with a further 3 being required should welding procedures on the first and second side differ (reference Figure 4). 2. For single sided butt welds greater than 40mm in thickness, a minimum of 6 charpy sets are required including the mid-thickness fusion line (reference Figure 3). Double sided butt welds greater than 40mm in thickness will require a minimum of 4 charpy sets, with a further 3 sets being required should welding procedures on the first and second side differ (reference Figure 4). 3. For transverse tensile test on weldments greater than 38mm (1 1/2 inches) thick, the tensile test specimens shall be cut into equal sized strips in order to test the full thickness of the plate material at the weld joint. Each strip shall meet the minimum requirements. 4. Charpy impact, macro, hardness and NDE requirements shall be as required by the original procedure and as per sections 4.4.4 and 7.10. The all weld metal test is not required if the consumable has been qualified on a previous procedure and the parameters are within the essential variables of that procedure. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 43 OF 52 TABLE 2 Maximum Acceptable HAZ hardness for C.E. =0.30 - 0.50% C.E. HV1 HV5 HV10 0.30 240 250 260 0.31 242 252 262 0.32 245 255 265 0.33 250 260 270 0.34 255 265 275 0.35 265 275 285 0.36 270 280 290 0.37 280 290 300 0.38 290 300 310 0.39 300 310 320 0.40 310 320 330 0.41 320 330 340 0.42 330 340 350 0.43 and over 340 350 360 SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 44 OF 52 TABLE 3 CHARPY ENERGY REQUIREMENTS GROUP CLASS TEMPERATURE MINIMUM ABSORBED ENERGY I C Not Required Not Required I B -10°C (14°F) 20 ft. lbs. I C -18°C (0°F) 20 ft. lbs. II C O°C (32°F) 25 ft. lbs. II B -10°C (14°F) 25 ft. lbs. II A -18°C (0°F) 25 ft. lbs. III C 0°C (32°F) 30 ft. lbs. III B -10°C (14°F) 30 ft. lbs. III A -18° (0°F) 30 ft. lbs. Notes 1. Material Groups and Classes refer to API RP 2A, Table 10.2.2. 2. When welds are made joining materials from different test categories, the weld metal shall meet the requirement of the material with the lower test temperature, or where the test temperature is the same, the material with the higher impact requirement. 3. The absorbed energy specified is the minimum for any individual test bar. 4. See of this specification for effect of strength ratio on toughness requirements. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 45 OF 52 TABLE 4 WELD FLAW ACCEPTANCE LEVEL Visual Inspection - AWS D1.1 paragraph 9.25.1 considered as welds subject to tensile stress. Radiographic Inspection - - for butt welds in tubulars - AWS D1.1 paragraph 10.17.3 - for butt welds in plate - AWS D1.1 paragraph 9.25.2, considered as welds subject to tensile stress. Magnetic Particle Examination - AWS D1.1 paragraph 9.25.2, considered as welds subject to tensile stress. Ultrasonic Examination - API RP 2X, Level C. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 46 OF 52 TABLE 5 CASE EXTENT, PERCENT VISUAL METHOD Structural Tubulars Longitudinal Weld Seam (L) 10 * 100 % UT or RT Circumferential Weld Seam (C) 100 100 % UT or RT Intersection of L & C 100 100 % UT or RT Tubular J oints Major brace-to-chord welds 100 100 % UT Major brace-t0-brace welds 100 100 % UT Misc. Bracing Conductor Guides 10 * 100 % UT or MT ** Secondary bracing and 10 * 100 % UT or MT ** Sub-assemblies, i.e. splash zone, and/or mud line secondary bracing, boat landings, etc. Attachment weld connecting 100 100 % UT or MT secondary bracing/subassemblies to main members Deck Members All primary full penetration 100 100 % UT or MT welds All partial penetration welds 100 100 % Visual *** All fillet welds 100 100 % Visual *** * Partial inspection should be conducted as 10 percent of each piece, not 100 percent of 10 percent of the number of pieces. Partial inspection should include a minimum of three segments randomly selected unless specific problems are known or suspected to exist. All suspect areas (e.g. areas of tack welds) shall be included in the areas to be inspected. If rejectable flaws are found from such 10% inspection, additional inspection should be performed until the extent of rejects has been determined and the cause corrected. ** Depending upon design requirements and if specified in the plans and specifications MT may be an acceptable inspection method. *** May include MT and/or PT. SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 47 OF 52 SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 48 OF 52 FIGURE 2 TEST SPECIMEN LOCATIONS IN WELDED J OINTS FIGURE 2A PLATE BUTT WELD Discard Min. 50mm Bend Transverse tensile test Bend Macro section and hardness survey Impact test specimens All weld metal tensile test Bend Transverse tensile test Macro section and hardness survey Bend Material available for re-test purposes Discard min. 50mm SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 49 OF 52 SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 50 OF 52 SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 51 OF 52 SPEC : DP-W-3 REV : 16 DATE : 03/08 BY : JH APP : RD TITLE : WELDING – STRUCTURAL E&E\SPEC\W3 PAGE 52 OF 52
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