DOD STD 1399 301 Ship Motions



NOTE: DOD-STD-1399/301 has been redesignated as an Interface Standard.The cover page has been changed for Administrative reasons. There are no other changes to this Document. METRIC DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301 17 February 1972 (See 6.4) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARD INTERFACE STANDARD FOR SHIPBOARD SYSTEMS SECTION 301A SHIP MOTION AND ATTITUDE (METRIC) AMSC N/A DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. unlimited. FSC 1990 Approved for public release; distribution is DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 .- (-) .,)’ DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND Washington, DC 20362-5101 Interface Standard for Shipboard and Attitude (METRIC) Systems, Ship Motion 1. This Military Standard is approved for use within the Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA “55Z3, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (Db Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. customary units are approximated to a practical number of significant figures. Numerical quantities.. s. The purpose of this standard is to define the standard interface requirements and constraints imposed by ship motion and attitude on the design of ship structure and systems/equipment to be installed therein. . Numerical quantities are expressed in metric (S1) The S1 equivalents of units followed by U. customary units are to be regarded as the current specified magnitude. _ r’ “. customary units in parentheses.S. .s. FOREWORD Purpose./ -..DOD-STD-1399(NAVY ) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 ~“) .S. iii . Values stated in U. the u. . 2 5.1 5. 4.---------------------.2 3. INTERFACE AND INVOCATION ----——. 3.1 3. heel and trim -——--——---—-——--—---—----—-----------—----— Interface constraints ——--------—-—----—-----———--——Compatibility --------------------------------------Survival sea conditions _____________—__-_-_____—-——— Moderate sea conditions -----------------------------——Motion limits _-——--__------——---——------------—— 1 1 1 1 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~ 5 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 iv .4 3.1 5.3 3.1.7 4.5 3.4.3 3.2 5. pitch.2 1.1 3.3.3 1.-— -—----— -------.2.2.1.--——---—— -----------.3.1 5.1 2.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 1986 21 July CONTENTS Paragraph 1.2 5.--—-------.1.4 2.---— Surge ---------------------------—–----—----------Sway -----------------------------------------------Heave -----------------------------------------—-—Ship attitude ----.-—Interface characteristics _—--—————-——----.4.2 3.-—-— Standard -------------------------------------------Order of precedence --------------------.----------DEFINITIONS —-----------------------–------—-------Ship angular motions -----------------------.1 1.—-----------------Sea conditions -------------------------------------Loading factors -----------------— -----------------Static forces --------------------------------------Limiting values .1.2 3.— -—--— General —----.1 2.-----—.-—.—-------Interface requirements and constraints --------—-—DETAILED REQUIREMENTS --------------.4.-----——--Dynamic motion forces ——--------. 2. SCOPE.-------—Yaw ------------------------------------------------Snap roll -------------------------–---------------— Ship linear motions ------—-------— ----.-----.1 5.3 5.1 5.3 3. 1.2 3.3 5.1.2 5.6 3. list.--—.general considerations -—---.3.----------—.3.roll.3.3.--———---— Invocation —-----—-----—--—-—-—----—---—— REFERENCED DOCUMENT —--------------------------—------Government document ----------.2.2 3.1 3.1. 5*1 5.4 GENERAL .3 5.-----.3.3 3.-—--— Roll -----------------------------------------------Pitch ------— -------.-——Scope ----------——--—-——---—--—Interface —-.-----— ---Interface characteristics and constraints ----------Ship motion .-----.-------.--------------Heel --–------–---------------------------—--—-—Trim -----------------------------------------------Heel -----------------------------------------------Loading factor -------------------------------------Design load --–-----------------–---–-----–----—---Sea state ------------------------------------------GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ------—---. 3 Paragraph 6.—---—-——____________ ____ NOTES —. IV.----.1 20.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 Jdy 1986 1’ -.loading factors) --------------------. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS v/vi . Interface flow chart ___________________________________ 1 TABLES Table I. v* VI.-----..4 .1 6.——— Deviations —-----------------— -—-------------—-—--International standardization agreements —-------——— Subject term (key word) listing —-------—---— --------Changes from previous issue ——---—----——----—--— FIGURE 11 11 11 12 12 e Figure 1. trim and heel are not included in.3 6. 10.Continued Page ----.2 6. 6. Data sources (list.—-----------------------------------------------------------------------------—------------— --------------------13 13 13 13 13 40. ( . III. 11. CONTENTS . 30 q 5 6 7 8 9 10 LOADING FACTORS GENERAL -------------------------------------------------Scope -------------------------------------—---------— REFERENCED DEFINITIONS DOCUMENTS ..---Roll motion parameters’for calculation of loading factors for conventional surface ships ----------------Pitch motion parameters for calculation of loading factors for conventional surface ships ----------------Heave and surge motion parameters for calculation of loading factors for conventional surface ships --------Design limits for ship motion --------------------------Sea states ---------------------------------------------APPENDIX Appendix 10. > ___ 1. The interface which is the concern of this section.. 1./ CONSTRAINTS COMPATIBILITY WEAPONS AND STORES HANDLING STOWAGE LUBRICATION HYDRAULIC FLUID SYSTEM ACCU&iCY FIGURE 1. The policies and procedures established by DoD-STD-1399 are mandatory.2 Scope.3 Interface. This section is an integral part of DOD-STD-1399. SCOPE. and the effects of ship motion and attitude. machinery. I ~ --’ . and all craft supported principally by hydrodynamic lift. GENERAL. The particular interface characteristics and constraints pertinent to this section are described in 5. systems and equipment is under consideration this section and the standard must be viewed as a single document. and the basic characteristic and constraint categories involved at this interface. . INTERFACE v SHIP “ MOTION AND ATTITUDE “@ L*I ~~ “/ ~. systems. 1.3.. ~. Values for the characteristics are listed for conventional surface ships and are not applicable to multi-hulls.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 . INTERFACE AND INVOCATION 1. fittings.2 and 5./ — DYNAMIC Roll Pitch Yaw Surge Sway Heave STATIC Heel Trim List BASIC CATEGORIES CHARACTERISTICS ~. appurtenances. When the interface between the ship motion and attitude and ship structure. are shown symbolically on figure 1 (see definitions of DOD-STD-1399). This section establishes interface requirements for ship structure.1 SHIP STRUCTURE/ SYSTEMS/ EQUIPMENT - (’ \. and so forth. Interface flow chart.1 General. surface effects ships. 1. and equipment which are affected by ship motions to ensure compatibility between such ship structure.. motions are characterized by their amplitudes and . STANDARD MILITARY DOD-STD-1399 . 2. Specific design requirements document. respectively. Unless otherwise specified..4 Invocation. (Copies of standard required by coritractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer. 3.Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems.1 Roll. the following standard of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation forms a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. 3.2 Pitch.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 -. Other motion limits or methods may be specified by the invoking document.1 Information necessary for the use of this section includes required operational capabilities versus sea state.1. dinal (x) axis.2 Order of precedence. this standard and the reference take precedence.) 2. NOTE : Yaw.— . 2.1.1 REFERENCED DOcmmrr Government document.1. Ship system and equipment motion limits and calculation methods are presented in this section in table I and the appendix. 7 ‘- 1. — Pitch is the oscillatory motion of a ship about the trans- Yaw is the oscillatory motion of a ship about the vertical These oscillatory periods.1 DEFINITIONS Ship angular motions.1 Standard. the text of this standard shall 3.3 (z) axis.4. 2. 3.1. Roll is the oscillatory motion of a ship about the longituIn the event of a conflict between the text of cited herein. ship motion conditions will be given in the ship 1.. {. verse (y) axis. 3. and vertical (up or down) directions as a result of the accelerations of gravity and ship motion.3 Heel. Sway is the lateral motion of a ship along the transverse (y) - Heave is the up and down motion of a ship along the vertical Ship attitude. Heel (or list) is the inclination of a ship about the longi3. Sway.Loading factors are dependent upon the magnitude and frequency of ship motions.“ $. The design load is the force applied to structure or equipment at a given location in the ship. transverse (port and starboard). It is determined by multiplying the mass of the structure or equipment by the loading factor calculated for such location. control surface). Sea conditions include wave height.3. 3.3 Ship linear motions. either lateral separation between the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy or steady externally imposed loads (that is. Trim is the inclination of a ship about the transverse (y) 3.3.1 Heel. and location in the ship of the structure or equipment under consideration.3 (z) axis.. dinal (x) axis. 3. energy distribuStatistics of occurrence of the sea state tion with wave frequency and direction.3. :) Snap roll is a unique motion experienced by submarines in 3.4.4. . response to asymmetric dynamic loads often experienced while executing high speed ‘turns submerged. control surface). 3.2). 3. Surge is the fore and aft motion of a ship along the longitu- 3.1 Surge. when multiplied by tbe mass of a structure or equipment. period.2 Trim. tudinal (x) axis due. tion (see 5.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 { ---. Sea state is a measure of the severity of the sea condi3. . wind. ship attitude. wind. The loading factor is a calculated number given in terms of gravitational and dynamic acceleration which..4.6 Design load. .2 axis.3. determines the design load (see 3. 3.5 Loading factor. about the longitudinal (x) axis caused by steady externally imposed loads (that is.7 Sea state. axis due to longitudinal separation of the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy. .6) of such structure or equipment in the longitudinal (fore and aft). Heel is the non-oscillating angular displacement of a ship 3.4 Heave.2 Snap roll. and sea conditions vary with location and time of year. in addition to the other rigors of shipboard existence. . . wind. and ship loading. Static effects are uniform throughout the ship. The specific interface requirements and constraints established herein are mandatory and shall be adhered to by Program Managers for ships. Dynamic effects vary depending upon the location in the ship and increase with distance from the ship motion axes. 5. surge. and heave. aircraft and equipment .1 Dynamic motion forces.- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. pitch. cance in the ship motion environment are given in 5. 5. pitch. They must be considered in their combined “worst-case”’ value and applied to the design of ships so that ship structure.2. surge. yaw. by sway are disregarded herein since they are normally of a lesser magnitude.2. system or equipment. Forces generated are those generated by roll.2. Ship motion in a seaway includes roll.1. Ship attitude caused by loading.1 are caused by the sea state.3.2 Interface characteristics. contractors and all engaged in any aspects of total shipboard design including system or equipment design. sway and heave.1 Ship motion . systems or equipment will perform in accordance with design requirements when exposed to such conditions.2. and produce effects whose magnitudes vary with the location on board ship.1. systems or equipment. Sea conditions generate ship motions which produce dynamic forces. ship maneuvers. These forces are present on all ships and produce an effect on all ship structures.1 through 5. or control surface forces includes list.1 The forces described in 5. 5. appurtenances. These dynamic forces depend on ship motion amplitudes and periods which depend upon the ship’s responsiveness to the characteristics of the seaway. production or installation (see requirements of DOD-STD-1399).1 Sea conditions.general considerations. wind. yaw. The interface characteristics of signifi5. The more significant dynamic motion forces 5. Loading factors are calculated for a number of sea states and are applied as dictated by the nature of the affected structure. trim. and heel. 5.1 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS Interface characteristics and constraints.1 Interface requirements and constraints.1. appurtenances.1.DOD-STD-1 399( NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 --\ \ 4. control surfaces.1. 5. Ship motion and ship attitude generate forces which are both static and dynamic in nature and which exert a cumulative effect. L Sway “ See table II See table 11 ~1 ~/ ~1 ~f Acceleration gl ~1 ~1 See table II See table 11 ~/ Period ~1 See table II ~1 ~1 ~/ ~/ ~1 Shall be calculated. but not necessarily in phase. trim and heel are not included in loading factors).DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 ) —. . TABLE I.. . Data sources (list. system or equipment type.3. Loading factors shall then be computed depending upon location and equipment function. * Magnitude Roll Pitch Yaw Surge Heave . independently computed for each individual ship type for sea conditions appropriate to each structure . as specified in 5.2.1._ . 2/ Not applicable. .2 Loading factors. :.- 5. Dynamic motions shall either be selected from tables I through IV or. II Approximately equal to pitch period. The appendix describes the loading factors and gives examples of the application of the formulas for two selected ship types under storm conditions. .?l 5 See note for determination of roll perioc@/ 6 See note for determination of roll perioti/ t 7 See note for determination of roll perio&!/ 8 See note for determination of roll perioc@/ 11/ Excludes multi-hulls. ~/ Roll angle is measured from vertical to starboard or port. B– is the maximum metacentric height (m or ft).’-- ( Sea state 4 Beam meters (feet) Less than 15 (50) 15-23 (50-75) 23-32 (75-105) Greater than 32 (105) Less than 15 (50) 15-23 (50-75) 23-32 (75-105) Greater than 32 (105) Less than 15 (50) 15-23 (50-75) 23-32 (75-105) Greater than 32 (105) Less than 15 (50) 15-23 (50-75) 23-32 (75-105) Greater than 32 (105) Less than 15 (50) 15-23 (50-75) 23-32 (75-105) Greater than 32 (105) Roll angle?/ degrees 7 6 6 5 12 10 10 9 19 16 15 13 . is a roll constant based upon experimental results from c(0.28 24 22 20 42 37 34 31 Roll period See note for determination of roll period.89 (see/<m) to 0. surface effect ships.38 similar ships . ~/ Full roll period is to be calculated from: Tr = (Cx Where: Tr . — .usual range 0.49 (see/fi)).is the full roll period (seconds).. . is the maximum beam at or below the waterline (m or ft).DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 --. and all craft supported principally by hydrodynamic lift. . lXB) / (~)1/2 6 .69 to 0. -.for conventional surface ships. TABLE III.5 4 5 6 7 8 3.5 4 5 6 7 8 3*5 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 *NOTE: Pitch angle is measured from horizontal to bow up or down.- ea ate 4 Length between perpendiculars (LBP) meters (feet) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) LSSS than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) LSSS than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) Pitch angle* degreee 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 5 4 4 3 3 2 7 6 6 5 4 3 11 10 9 7 6 5 Pitch period seconds 3. .DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 -. Pitch motion parameters for calculation of loading factors . .5 4 5 6 7 8 3*5 4 5 6 7 8 3.. 21 .10 6 7 8 8 .10 .05 .06 .2 0.04 0.10 .10 . Heave and surge motion parameters for calculation loading factors for conventional surface ships.20 .10 0. ) LBP meters (feet) Sea state 4 ~ I Heave acceleration 0.3 .10 .05 0.30 .05 .05 0.10 .15 .16 .15 .05 ..10 .15 .25 .10 .02 q (g) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) kss than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) Less than 46 (150) 46-76 (150-250) 76-107 (250-350) 107-152 (350-500) 152-213 (500-700) Greater than 213 (700) 5 0.14 .06 .15 .10 .10 .17 .5 .6 .15 .20 .27 .-.4 .11 0..08 .25 .6 .DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 -.17 .17 .6 .35 . of TA8LE IV.07 0.2 (g) Surge acceleration 0.04 ._ .4 .4 .2 .4 .25 .27 .05 04 .30 .27 . . 2 Static forces. and all craft supported principally by hydrodynamic lift. “ Either more or less stringent limiting values may be invoked by governing documents and shall be used when available. .4. TABLE V. and equipment which are subject to ship motion forces shall be compatible with the interface characteristics given in 5. pitch.2. These constraints are described in 5. pitch.. 5.Significant static forces are those generated by ship 5. . Overall design limits of roll.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 i’ -.) . systems 5.- .- Surface ships~l Degrees Rol12/ { . Loading factors calculated for survival 5.3. and surge.3. systems or equipment when the intent is to maintain satisfactory lubrication and avoid the loss of oil from machinery or hydraulic systems.’ Pi tch~/ Heel. heave. The interface characteristics of ship motion forces impose certain constraints on the design of ship structure. list Trim 2/7. It iS not statistically likely that the motions given in table V will be exceeded. Limiting motion values are useful in designing structure.2 Survival sea conditions. Submarines Surfaced Degrees 60 (below 10 kts) 30 (above 10 kts) 10 15 7 Submerged Degrees ~/30 45 30 (for (Xl types) 10 15 5 . The design and installation of ship structure. systems and equipment which will be subject to such forces.. heel and trim are given in table V. No design limits are placed on certain less significant parameters of ship motion attitude such as”yaw.roll. ~/ Roll is measured from vertical to starboard or port. heel and trim.3 Interface constraints. 5.trim. Pitch is measured from horizontal to bow up or down.5 15 30 ~/ Excludes multi-hulls. Design limits for ship motion. list. Forces generated by heel are included in the attitude . determination of effects of maximum list. list. surface-effect ships.3.2.3 Limiting values .permanent list and.1 Compatibility. conditions specified in ship requirements documents shall be applied to the design of the following: f ‘ ~J 9 .3. ~/ Snap roll and pitch due to control surface action must be calculated separately for certain submarine classes if their design will permit snap roll or extreme pitch angles to occur.2.1 through 5. - The ship requirements documents which invoke this section specify survival sea conditions which are more severe than those in which various ship subsystems are operational.0 Feet 0. Table VI presents TABLEVI.4.4.0 .2 8.1 0. Different sea conditions may be specified for different performance levels.0 >14.6 1.survive the effect of severe ship motion forces.7 19.1. superstructure. as follows: (a) (b) Limited operation and capability of continuing its mission without returning to port for repairs after sea subsides.5 >45.0 .2.0. the sea state definitions. Sea states.3 0.8.7 . Sea state number o-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >8 Significant wave height Meters 0.5 4.1 13.5 29.6. The holding features of weapons and ammunition handling equipment intended to prevent uncontrolled movement when carrying full load under lesser conditions.14. -) (a) (b) (c) (d) Masts.1 4.0 6.5 10 .45.9.0 9.ed to. other structure.0.3 .0 .5 . fittings and equipment intend.3.0 .25 . Survivability without serious damage to mission essential subsystems.O*5 0.0 . Certain structure in the unloaded condition (see 5.3) which is intended to carry working loads only under less than specified survival sea conditions.5 2.25 .13.1 . The securing features of stowed equipment intended to prevent damage or dislodgement of such items.0 .DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 ___ .6 .1 .19.2 .1 . systems and equipment shall be designed to operate satisfactorily – under the conditions given in 5. Unless otherwise specified in the governing document.1 Deviations. When amendment. Loading factors calculated for other sea conditions shall be applied to the design of structure.3. 5. that there must be some flexibility of application. 5.3 Where required for proper performance of certain systems.3. systems or equipment required to be operational” under those conditions.. at rated load and rated speed). the design shall provide for the maintenance of satisfactory lubrication under the operational conditions specified. During the early stages of ship design. Certain provisions of this standard are the subject of international standardization agreement STANAG 4154 and STANAG 4194. revision. Normally these sea conditions will be specified in the Required Operational Capabilities (ROCS) of the governing document which dictate missions to be performed in various sea states. Request for deviation should be submitted to the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) with copies to the Hull Form and Hydrodynamics Performance Division.4. . surveillance. In such instances. it may become apparent that significant advantages can be achieved by deviating from the characteristics specified herein.2 For hydraulic or other fluid operated systems. . 5.. The designer shall indentify the structure. 5.3 Moderate sea conditions.2. the design of such systems shall provide that under the specified operational conditions fluid pressure and flow necessary for continuous operation shall be maintained and loss of fluid from such systems shall be prevented. or cancellation of this standard is proposed which will modify the international agreement concerned.3.4. 5.3. weapons control. 6. navigation system) the design shall provide for the maintenance of the required accuracy under the specified operational conditions. system or equipment that is to be operated in each mission and shall develop and apply loading factors to that item in accordance with the sea states called out in the ROCS.Z -. the deviation provisions In DOD-STD-1399 should be complied with. 6. the preparing activity will take appropriate action through international standardization channels including departmental standardization offices to change the agreement or make other appropriate accommodations.3.2 International standardization agreements. 11 . NOTES ( In achieving the purpose of this section it is recognized 6. Such equipment shall be designed to permit satisfactory operation (that is .4. structure. (that is.3.4 Motion limits.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 ‘) -.1 Where required by the type of equipment. Review activities: AS. constraints and effects 6.3 Subject term (key word) listing. Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. shipboard systems Loading factors.DOD-STD-L399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 ---. Calculation methods . categories Interface standard.SH (Project 1990-N047) 12 . MC User activity: CG Preparing activity: Navy .4 Changes from previous issue. EC. YD. definition and application Ship motion and attitude. OS.- --) 6. ship system interface Design limits. ship motion Dynamic motions Equipment motion limits Interface characteristics. the optical landing system of a carrier). 40. equipment. In such cases precise calculations of ship motion are required independent of the procedures used in this document.) 10. 40. DEFINITIONS Not applicable. Specific cases may require more in-depth computation of ship motions to obtain more accurate loading factors. Reference DOCUMENTS Not applicable. and IV.-— . 40. .3.2 Data which is relatively given in table II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Some of this 40. Y. the detailed motion of a ship in a seaway may.1 To calculate loading factors. The design loads are obtained by multiplying the mass of the structure or equipment by the appropriate loading factor for each location. constant for ranges of ship dimensions is 40. or Z distances in feet from the ship’s center of gravity.1 In addition to the generation of design loads on structure. While it is expected that this material will apply in most cases.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A 21 July 1986 -. and so forth. 30. These forces must be translated into their effect on ship structure. systems and equipment by ship motions. be of major concern (for example. in certain operational circumstances. Data sources for the various parameters are given in tables I. certain data is required. in order to be applied by the ship and equipment designers. the remainder must be calculated for the particular ship type. it is recognized that exceptional cases may require deviation from this approach. 20. data is relatively constant for ranges of ship dimensions.3 Loading factors are calculated in the longitudinal (x). 111. This is accomplished by the calculation of loading factors using the empirical formulas given in 40. GENERAL 10.1 Scope. transverse (y). APPENDIX LOADING FACTORS (The material in this appendix is provided for information and guidance to assist the designer in complying with the requirements of this standard. The coverage of this section concerns ship motions and the force generated by such motions.5. 13 . and vertical (z) directions at X. .1. the plus sign relates relates to upward force. yaw. These terms are contributed by roll.5 Loading factors.807 m/sec2 or 32. (7 40. Heave acceleration (in m/sec2 or ft/sec2) (Note: Values from table IV are multiplied by 9.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A APPENDIX 21 July 1986 --. are the sum of a number of terms as shown in the formulas given in 40. . and the minus sign (In the factor ~. or z direction. 40.01745 to convert degrees to radians). Surge acceleration (in m/sec2 or ft/sec2) (Note: Values from table IV are multiplied by 9.. or z 41r2 \ ‘ 4T2 TP2 ‘z gsine + s +— TP2 ezx + — 4112 Az = g+(h+— — TP2 eX+— 4112 Tr2 ‘y) to downward force.807 to convert g’s to m/sec2 or by 32.5. The components of the gravitational acceleration on the equipment are also included. . Pitch period (seconds). pitch. Transverse distance from center of gravity (in meters or feet). in the x. Acceleration due to gravity (9. Longitudinal distance from center of gravity (in meters or feet).15 to convert g’s to ft/sec2).) Where: e 0= A()= ~= r h= s x= Y= z g = Maximum pitch angle (radians) (Note: Values from table III are multiplied by 0. Loading factor in x. y.01745 to convert degrees to radians). Maximum roll angle (radians) (Note: Values from table 11 are multiplied by 0. y and z direction . y. heave .15 to convert g’s to ft/sec2).15 ft/sec2). .807 to convert gts to m/sec2 or by 32. 14 .1 The formulas for computing directions are as follows: the loading factor in the x. Roll period (seconds). Vertical distance above center of gravity (in meters or feet). and surge accelerations.5. 2m (50 feet) 152.45) 10 seconds 7 seconds 24 degrees 4 degrees o.243+4.05624 Z (2.08+0.82 (0.006924 Y+ 0. For calculations of other sea conditions see 5.1653 Z m/sec2 (13.05624 X+ 0.2: Example A: A typical destroyer Beam (B) Length (LBP) Draft Displacement GM Roll constant (C) From table II.000 tons) 1.960 +0.02812 X+ 0.1653 Y) 0.003925 X + 0.52m (5 feet) 0.003925 X+ O.6841 + 1.lm (20 feet) 7.1653 Z) ft/sec2 9.02812 X + 0.470 + 0.1653 Y)) m/ sec 2 ft/sec2 15 . their periods.15g Heave acceleration Surge acceleration %= 0. and the location on the ship.2g o.DOD-STP1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A APPENDIX 21 July 1986 ---.807 + (1.823 +0.006924 Y + 0.15~ (6.2.05624 Z) %= A= = 3. III and IV: Roll period (Tr) Pitch period (Tp) Maximum Maximum roll angle pitch angle (h) (s) m/see 2 ft/sec2 15.05624 X+ (32.1OO tonnes (7.4m (500 feet) 6.989 + 0. These formulas are then applied to the calculation of loading factors by inserting the applicable maximum angles of ship attitude. Examples of the application of these formulas to the design requirements of two typical ship types for sea state 7 are as follows.430 + 0.1. 001690 X+ O.807 ~ (1. multiply the loading factors A(i) for the selected location in the ship by the mass of the structure or equipment: F(i) = Where: wig” A(i) F(i) = Design load at specified location in x. 111 and IV: Roll period (Tr) Pitch period (Tp) Maximum roll angle Maximum pitch angle Heave acceleration Surge acceleration ~ = 0.725 (0.03229 X+ O.05519 Y)) 40.01926 Y + 0.9807 + 0.40) 15.215 +0. y. (F(i)) .01615 X + 0.8 seconds 8 seconds 20 degrees 3 degrees (h) (s) o. - (’-) Example B: A typical aircraft carrier Beam (B) Length (LBP) Draft Displacement GM Roll constant (C) 38.5133 + 0.430+0.961 + 0.2g O.354 + 0. in the x.05519 Z (11.lg m/sec2 ftlsec2 - From table II.67m (35 feet) 71.15 ~ (6.683 + 3.01615 x+0.000 feet) 10. y and z directions for any particular ship.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A APPENDIX 21 July 1986 --.05519 Y) (32.000 tons) 3.03229 Z) ~ mlsec 2 = 3.01926Y +0.5.03229 X + 0.000 tonnes (70.8m (1. or z direction (newtons or pounds) w= w= z Weight of structure or equipment (newtons or pounds) !%ss of structure or equipment (kilograms sec2/ft) or pounds “ 16 .05519 Z) ft/sec2 ml sec 2 ftlsec2 A= = 9.00 +0.03229 Z (1.05m (10 feet) 0. .001690 X + 0.2 To obtain the component of the design load.lm (125 feet) 304. .32) ft/sec2 m/sec2 ft/sec2 ~ A= = 9“.03 m (16.23) = 721.807 m/sec2 or 32.15 ft/sec2) for example: The load equation may also be rewritten.15) = (2224/9. y.15 + 14. or z direction Acceleration due to gravity (9.2) pounds = (2224/9. A(i) g= = Loading factor in x.807) ((500/32.415 m/sec2 (13.8908 = 3.34 = 160.3538 +2.336 (32.153 m/sec2 (2.430+ 5.243 + 4. and the equipment weight are inserted into the load equations to obtain the design load.15) = (2224/9.15 ~(6. Y.0 newtons “ 10.823 +0. .15114.23 Then the components Fx of design load are: “ 3.924 = 10.34) ft/sec2 = 3.070+ 2..7727 + 0.1142+8.807 + 4.8) pounds newtons “ 7.596 = 24. the distances Then the load factors X.32 = 378.470 + 0.336) = 3207 newtons (32.03483+ 2.8315) = 9.807) ((500/32.727) = 32.15 feet) 5. Fx=W/g”~ Fy=W/g”~ F= =w/g”~ And the magnitude given by: F= of the total force acting on the structure or equipment is (FX2 +FY2 +Fz2)1/2 For a piece of equipment of a given weight at a given location.807) ((500/32.84 m (52.3) pounds q 17 .989 + 0.6841 + 1.00 feet) and with values inserted for X.48 m (90.1078 + 0.50 feet) 15.08+ 2.807 ~4. Y and Z the load factors are: ~ = 0.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A APPENDIX 21 July 1986 -.618 = 7. and Z are inse”rted into the bad factor equations.153 = 715. Continuing the examples begun above: Example A: Equipment A typical destroyer Weight (W) Longitudinal location (X) Transverse location (Y) Vertical location (Z) 2224 newtons (500 pounds) 27.545 + 0.960 + 1.15) ‘Y F ‘max q “ (9.535+0.415= 1682 24.807~ (1. 0)2 + (1682)2 + (3207)2)1/2 = 3691 (((160.961 + 2.15) newtons (9.9807 + 0.5133 + 0.660 + 0.436 m/sec2 (32.3)2)1/2 = 839.83) = 777.436) = 3457 “ (32.807) ((500/32.354 + 1.430 + 8.0) pounds 18 . Y and Z the load factors are: \ = 0.8151) = 9.83 ft/sec2 Then the components of the design load are Fx = (2224/9.110 = 478.DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) SECTION 301A APPENDIX 21 July 1986 And the magnitude of the force is newtons pounds F = ((715.5)2 + (1320)2 + (3457)2)1/2 = 3731 (((107.330 + 0.919) = 3.9) q newtons pounds newtons pounds = (2224/9.3199 + 0.674) = 32.819 = 1320 “ 19.050+ 2.564 =6.153 (6.807 ~ (1.4769 = 2.61 m (54.15:17.8)2 +(378.807) ((500/32.8152 = 5.819 (11.683+3.15 + 17.4567+ 1.37 m (270.807 + 5.25 feet) 16.2)2 +(721.1329 + 0.09) m/sec 2 ft/sec2 m/ sec 2 ft/sec2 ~ A= = 9.77 m (48.110 (1.807 + 5.00+4.6.726 + 2.5 .6)2 + (296.6) “ 5.807) ((500/32.15) ‘Y “ 2.45 feet) and with values inserted for X.15) F ‘max = (2224/9.365 + 1.674 = 19.09 = 296.9)2 + (777.3) pounds And the magnitude of the total force is newtons F = ((478.3)2)1/2 ‘830c2) Example B: Equipment A typical aircraft carrier Weight (W) Longitudinal location (X) Transverse location (Y) Vertical location (Z) 2224 newtons (500 pounds) 82.50 feet) 14.215+0.919 = 107. .optional – OPthId 8.. MAILING ADDRESS (Shwt.AOORE”k$(Sfrwt. Rocomfnond4 Wording: c.* STANDARDIZATION 1. PROBLEM ~ Pw~r@h AREAS Numtir UM Wording: OT”ERC3pd&. Section ORGANIZATION (Mi=tric) VENOOR 4. 5. CMY. City.: - b. i -. OATE OF 8USMIS810N C. ZIP Cd) (YYMMDD) v \ DO &O$:R 1426 PREVtOIJS ED1710?4 IS O@flOLETE. Stab.Z[PC*J USE R u MANUFACTURER n . R~/Rationala for R.comrimndtiion: 6.00cuMEN7TlT~E for Shipboard ~lldP •1 . REMARKS 7= NAME OF SUOMITTEfT &a#t.DOCUMENT NUMBER DOD-STD-1399(NAVY) = NAME OF SUBMITTING DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT (Seeinstructions . TYPE OF ORGANIZATION u b. PROPOSAL Systems (M-’bwu) 2.Stde.Reverse Side) Interface Shio ~ Standard 301A. Flrct. MI) - Optlcw’d b. WORK TELEPHONE MUM8ER {Inclu& Arn co&) . 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