
March 19, 2018 | Author: Gildo De M. Queiroz | Category: Subroutine, Taxes, Databases, Sap Se, Accounting



Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For BrazilR/3 4.7 ERP2004/2005 SAP Online Help 07/05/09   Version 3.1      Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 2 SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Copyright  © Copyright 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft®, WINDOWS®, NT®, EXCEL®, Word®, PowerPoint® and SQL Server® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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SAP, SAP Logo, R/2, RIVA, R/3, SAP ArchiveLink, SAP Business Workflow, WebFlow, SAP EarlyWatch, BAPI, SAPPHIRE, Management Cockpit, mySAP,, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. MarketSet and Enterprise Buyer are jointly owned trademarks of SAP Markets and Commerce One. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective owners. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 3 ......................14 Calculation Procedures for Condition-Based Tax Calculation..........25 Alternative Calculation Procedure ..............6....................................................................................................................15 5.......16 Tax Calculation ..........15 Entities .17........................................3.....14....1 4.....2 4.3 5.........14....... 37 4 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil ..............................................................27 Hints on Customizing Tax Code Conditions .....33 Check Conditions ..............................2 5...............................................1 5...............25 Internal Condition Codes .......................................................................................................8 5...........2 5.....16 5...........4 5...............................31 Mapping of Tax Laws to the Nota Fiscal ....................................................26 Customizing FI/MM Tax Codes ...................................................................12 New Tax Calculation Method................................................... 9 Glossary And Typographic Conventions ...14 5..... 36 Steps in Initial Tax Customizing.........................SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Content  1 2 3 4 4.........................................6............11 5............. 14 Activation of Condition Record Generation ..........3 5........32 Migration of Tax Data to Condition Records..............19 5......14 Tax Manager’s Workplace..26 Maintenance of Tax Code Conditions .....................................................26 Definition of Tax Types ....................................................... 11 Comparison of Old and New Tax Calculation ..................................................................................................................17..................14................25 Assignment of Condition Types to Internal Codes ...................................................................................13 5 5.....................................................................3 5...............................................................1 5..........................................................25 Tax Calculation Procedure ..........3 Version History ....................................................................................................12 Revised Approach: New Calculation Procedure.........31 Mapping of Tax Values to the Nota Fiscal .....................5 5...............................................................................................2 5.......................................23 Automatic Adjustment of Access Sequences ..........................................6 5.............................3................................1 5......................................................23 Tax Groups in Access Sequences .....21 Tax Groups of Dynamic Exceptions ............................35 Sequence for SD Tax Code Determination ........13 5.................................................................... 12 Previous Tax Calculation Method.26 One Single Tax Code Maintenance Tool..........................3..............23 Condition Types....................2 5.........9 5..4 5.....................................19 Maintenance of Tax Tables ..........................................................26 Assignment of Condition Tables to Tax Tables ..................................................14...............12 5.............................1 5..................................30 Note on Transporting Tax Code Conditions ......................................................................10 5...........21 Access Sequences ........................17 5..............................18 Condition Setup ........33 Convert Tax Data to Condition Records........... 10 Preface..........................35 Sequence for SD Tax Law Determination ...................................................................18 5..................................................1 5.............................................34 Collective Migration of All Tax Data..................................................................7 5...20 Customizing the Brazilian Tax Calculation ...........................................35 6 7 Tax Calculation Logic.....2 5.................................. .......................................................................2 10.........2 10....................1............................................................................1 7.....................1.......................54 Condition Types MM/FI ...............1 8................69 Withholding tax types used in tax calculation procedure for SD..1 7.......3 7.....................5........................68 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions With Manually Created Condition Records................2 8..........................5....2 10...1................................3......................................................3 10..46 Access Sequences MM/FI ........................................................................3 10.....1 7............. 41 Price Conditions Including Taxes .......39 Creation of Tax Codes..........................................................................5.....................39 Update of Access Sequences From Tax Groups ...........39 Migration of Tax Customizing ..1 7............................4............................................................38 Assignment of Calculation Procedures......1.........5 10.....1 10....38 Specify Calculation Procedures for CBT .................1 7...................72 Tax Code Conditions ....1 9.4.....3 10................3 10...........8........................40 User-Specific Modification / Enhancements of Tax Calculation ...................................5...................................4................1 9....2 7..................39 Note on Condition Records With Only One Application ....1 7.......................4 10.....43 Tax Data Without Condition Record .....................5 10.69 Condition types used in tax calculation procedure for SD ..........1 10.........44 Condition Records Without Tax Data .............................1........................................63 Tax Rate Conditions ........73 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 5 ............................................................41 Price Conditions MM ........................ 46 Create Condition Table 601.......................40 8 8.....4 10..............................................67 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions .......................6 SAP Standard Customizing ..37 Manual customizing required after BC Set activation........................5...........................44 10 10...........................39 Creation of Default Condition Records ...........3.2 Troubleshooting .2 7.....................................................................................................37 Transfer of Texts to Desired Language .............1..........................................................................................................4..............63 Condition types used in tax calculation procedure for MM ..................................................................2 10.........6 7.......................1...5...............38 Assign Country to Calculation Procedure...............4 10.....................................................................1 8........................................................................40 Extension of Calculation Procedure .......41 Price Conditions SD ............................................40 Changes in ABAP Coding .......................1............37 Procedure for Language Supplementation in Expert mode..............................3 8...............46 Extend Pricing Field Catalog ..........8 7.......41 Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM/SD Price Conditions ...........2.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 7.......................................................6..................................................72 Withholding tax Tax Rate Conditions ......................................42 Where to Insert Discounts ......5 7.2 Customizing SD Pricing Procedures With CBT .....42 9 9...........................................46 Create Access Sequences .......................69 Condition Types SD......................................1 10....................72 Nota Fiscal Mapping Condition.....................................................................................................................................1...................................................4 7..........47 Access Sequences SD ................................................2 Activation of BC Set CSC_BR_TAX ......... 43 Consistency of Condition Records ...................8.............................71 Withholding Tax Code Conditions ..........................................7 7....................... ............................................Outgoing Movements .................................7...........Consumption ..14 Customizing of Extended Withholding Tax............... + Cons.......14..............................................8 10.......5 10..........10 Tax Codes for Transfer Postings .......2 10.....7..................7 Calculation Procedure in MM (FI): TAXBRA ..........Trib......................................14....120 10............................7 10............................112 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements ...............6.........................................7 10...........................................83 Results of Tax Calculation .........................89 Tax recalculation on the modified amount including ICMS (Step 2).......................................................................................78 Create Processing keys for Withholding Tax (T007B)................99 Assignment of Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables .........3 10....................................................ICMS Sub.120 10.................6 10.................................................................................................. + Cons......6........................80 Create G/L Accounts .............................121 10.......................9 10.............................................13......................................109 Withholding Tax Codes ............9 Tax Codes for Outgoing Movements ......11 10....87 Customizing Data Retrieval ...............116 10..............................6.13...............82 Define Account Keys for SD (T687) .......................................6..105 Definition of Tax Types .......118 10..........................114 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements ........ISS and INSS ......................................................................Services ...........................................90 Results of Tax Calculation .............13.........................89 Nota Fiscal relevant modifications to the base price including ICMS .................................6.....6 Define Accounts For Withholding Tax to Be Paid Over .....................1 10..............4 10........................................120 10.........SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10..........1 10............................................................105 Nota Fiscal Mapping .........7.........2 10............13...........110 Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions.6 10.5 10......Ind................ on Freight..7....................................................................121 10...........................8 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements .................................................................76 Tax Code Conditions ......119 10......119 10..........................................13...................7.........................................1 10.....74 Results of Tax Calculation ............... Posted in SD .........................2 WHT Types at Invoice ......................................3 10...........3 Withholding Tax Codes .......................6..................13......................................7.............6...14.13.......................................6........92 Internal Condition Codes ......................4 10........................117 10..14...........109 Standard Tax Codes...............115 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements ....................3 10........6.............Ind...................................................................11 10.....................7 10...........81 Define and Assign Tax Accounts..7..........10 10..74 Transaction Data Retrieval .........9 10.........4 10.............13..........13 10.......................112 Tax codes for Incoming Movements ..............14...........................................5 10...........................Industrialization ..........8 10..............6..............94 Assignment of Internal Codes to Condition Types ...........................................................12 10........74 Customizing Data Retrieval ................................1 Withholing Tax Types at Payment ....84 Calculation Procedure in SD: RVABRA...............13..............6....................107 Tax Codes .6 10..............83 Tax Code Conditions .........................82 Tax Calculation ..........121 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 6 ...............10 10..............6 10..........86 Net price determination ............................................................Future Delivery Purchasing / Consignment ......4 Define Processing Key For Modified Tax Amount.5 Assign WHT Types to Company Codes ..............14.................................13.......90 Tax Code Conditions ...87 Tax Calculation on net amount (Step 1) ......2 10.. ...............3 10................................................2 15..............................126 16 16...21..........124 Assign Official Service Types ..........................................2 11.........14.................19 10...................122 Activate External Tax Calculation ..................................................... 125 Assign Jurisdiction Codes to Ranges of Postal Codes...............................................................................................126 15 15.................................................................................21..................126 Official Service Types ....................................15.............................1 14.............................................17 10............................123 Master Data Changes..23 Define Official Collection Codes ....................3 15................123 Customers (Transaction XD02) ....................................................................1 10........125 Activate External Tax Calculation ...............125 12 13 14 14.........................................................9 10.................................................................................123 Other Address Changes: Organizational Structure ..........................................1 11......................122 Maintain Withholding Tax SD Conditions ......................................................15 10................ 126 Master Data Changes ..........16 10..1 10......................................20.......................................124 PIS ...................2 14...........................................124 NF-relevant SD-Conditions for RVABRA.....126 Customers (Transaction XD02) ......................................2 Tax Rates....................18......122 Define Logical Destination.4 10..................................................2 10.....................................................22 10...............................................124 Tax Rates ...............................1 16........................................20 10...................................3 Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes ......15........ 126 Vendors (Transaction XK02) ........................................................21 10............3 10........................................ 126 Tax Laws .126 Other Address Changes: Organizational Structure ...1 10............ 125 Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (View V_TTXD) .............127 7 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil .............................20........3 Maintain Settings For External Tax Calculation ....7 10....................................3 10..................................................126 Assign Official Service Types ..........123 Vendors (Transaction XK02) ...21...................................................................................................................................123 ISS Customizing ............................1 10...............................................SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10..................................................................................8 10............................20...........................18.........................21........................4 ISS Customizing ......2 10................................124 ISS .....................................14.................14..127 PIS .....124 Withholding Taxes ........................126 Generic Service Types ........................15..........................2 10...............................................1 15............................124 Reserved Tax Groups of Dynamic Exceptions .............20..125 Define Logical Destination ............................................................................................................................... 127 COFINS ............................4 10.......................123 Assign Jurisdiction Codes to Ranges of Postal Codes...........125 11 11..................................122 Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (View V_TTXD) ........................................122 Maintain Settings For External Tax Calculation..................122 Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes ...........................................................124 COFINS .....................................................123 Tax Laws ........123 Official Service Types .18 10......................................................................................................................................2 10...............................................................................121 Maintain Tax Relevant Classification.......................124 Generic Service Types ............................................................................................................. ............................................3....132 18.....133 18....4 Post Goods Receipt.............................................................138 18... Vendor Data ....128 Stock Transport Order using SD Delivery (IntraCompany-Code)........4 Post Goods Receipt...128 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Issuing Plant 1000 ...............................129 18.................................................2.............3..........................4 ISS ....4 Process Flow ..............................................................................5...............3.2..........................3..........................................3 17........4 Customizing Settings and Master Data for the Stock Transport Order Process using SD Processing.........................................2 Create Delivery ...138 Overview in Table Form ...........................................2.............2....................5 17................3.......................................3..................139 18....................... 133 18.....................................127 Withholding Taxes .......1 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Issuing Plant 1000 ......................................................................................................................................3..................2............................2.......131 18...1 Create Stock Transport Order ...................................................128 18.............. 128 18..........5...2...............130 Vendor Data .................130 18.....1 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Issuing Plant 1000 ....................................... 140 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 8 ..3 Pick Delivery and Post Goods Issue .......................................5........133 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Issuing Plant 1000 ...127 17 17.................................................138 18.......139 18....................132 18..........................................1 Create Cross-Company-Code Stock Transport Order ......2 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Receiving Plant 1200 ................................................131 Process Flow ..................................2....3 17.....2..................................137 18.........4...........2...................................................3 Stock Transport Order using SD Delivery.............................137 Process Flow ...... 128 Settings – One-Step or Two-Step Procedure ........138 18.......................................................................129 Material Master ......SAP Online Help 07/05/09 16...2....5 Process Flow .......................................4...........2 Create Delivery ......................3..................................................3.......4 17.......................2 17.........................1 17..........2....................2.......................2..............................140 18 Customizing Settings and Master Data for the Stock Transport Order Process using SD Processing..............................3 Material Master........133 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Receiving Plant 0001 ..........136 Material Master ........1 18..................5...................................4 Overview in Table Form .................3....1 17........4 17.......................1 17............................................................................3 16..........132 18.....................3 Pick Delivery and Post Goods Issue .....2 17.................133 18......4...........133 18......128 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Receiving Plant 1200 .............................3..................3......................................... 128 Stock Transport Order using SD Delivery (Intra-Company-Code)128 18............136 18..........4.............2 17......132 Stock Transport Order using SD Delivery ...................................3 Material Master..........................................................2 Settings – One-Step or Two-Step Procedure ...........................4....................2 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Receiving Plant 0001 ..........................3 17........................................ 3 SD documentation added Version history added.2 2. Changes in tax calculation added that came with Note 679140: Modification of Sub.4 2. Added description of missing access sequences and condition types Section 7.1: Consistency of condition records and corresponding Brazilian tax data (Note 686780).1 added: Note on manual customizing after BC set activation General Revision Revision including law change MP135 General Revision The settings for the SD Conditions BXs and ISTI SD were changed Mapping for Subtrib Base into NF Tax item added for NF-e Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 9 . base amount by MM-PO conditions.1 added: Note on Condition Records With Only One Application. Documented in Note 664855.09.08.02. Section 7.0.11. ( 01.2005) 2. 2. ( 01. procedures TAXBRJ and RVXBRC).2004) 2.7 2.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 1 Version History  Document Version 2.1 3.2005) 3. 2.2007) Troubleshooting section extended by section 9.8 ( 15.2 (29.Trib.0 Description of Change New condition-based tax calculation (calculation procedures TAXBRA and RVABRA) replaces old one (calc.2006) (14. text. In this document. if the law change MP 135 applies are marked in red. in the CBT all calculation and tax rate determination is done by standard condition technique (pricing) Tax Manager’s Workplace (TMW) – A transaction that provides a workplace from which most of the Brazilian tax Customizing can be reached directly Pricing procedure results table – The table that is accessible internally after a calculation procedure was processed. In other words. Sections that are only relevant for Sales and Distribution are marked with a grey line and the text SD.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 2 Glossary And Typographic Conventions  Condition record – Data record with condition rate. possibly units. the table with the pricing results. Entries which are relevant. and other data Condition table – Table that stores the numbers of condition records Condition-based tax calculation (CBT) – Contrary to external tax calculation. CBT MM SD Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 10 . Sections that are only relevant for Materials Management are marked with a grey line and the text MM. sections that are only valid for specific application areas are marked at the side of the text: Sections that are only relevant for condition based tax calculation are marked with a grey line and the text CBT. It is focused on the condition-based tax calculation (CBT). This section will be updated whenever a new common problem in the area of CBT is identified. Note: Since the concept of CBT was revised (see section 4. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 11 . Things that have not changed (e. finally. The coding is quite self-explanatory. you will be guided through the steps you have to perform in order to set up CBT for Brazil. all steps in Customizing the Brazilian tax calculation are described.g. Section 6 briefly describes the technical details of the new calculation logic. at least support package 17 or SAP Note 664855 is required.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 3 Preface  This document describes the Brazilian tax Customizing and tax calculation. In section 5. introduced in R/3 release 4. step-by-step instructions are given how to proceed when customizing a system from scratch. nota fiscal types. In section 7. In section 10. Section 8 contains troubleshooting hints. etc.70.) are not described in this document.3). you find a complete reference of the standard Customizing of tax calculation for Brazil delivered by SAP. The focus is put on the activities that have changed compared to the Customizing of the classical Brazilian tax calculation. account determination. This should be enough for technical consultants to get the necessary knowledge to further study the ABAP coding that performs the tax calculation. What differs between this approach and the classical one of external tax calculation is described in section 4. In a cookbook-like manner. the base value XKAWRT of the respective line in the calculation procedure. and the condition rate XKOMV-KBETR. Furthermore. The generation of the nota fiscal used to be partly performed in J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES in the old method. activating specific lines in the calculation procedure by setting the respective rate to 100%. by calls to the function module PRICING a calculation procedure is processed. The generation of the condition records takes place during the view mainenance of the J_1BTX* tables. using the tax rates customized in transaction FTXP. J_1BTXIP1 contains the IPI rates).B.g. all logic which values are written in which fields in the nota fiscal line items and which tax lines are generated is customized in another mapping table and by the customizing of the tax code. During the tax calculation. the underlying tables are being read directly in the function module J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES. Which conditions are to be generated is being customized in mapping tables that are described in section 5.: not only set to be 0%). but only calls the function module J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES in formula 320. or deleted when data are maintained in the views and saved to the database.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 4 Comparison of Old and New Tax Calculation  4. Lines (taxes) which are not to be taken into account for the respective tax code have to be deactivated (N. In the old method. CRM systems). The values of the various taxes are being fetched by base formulas 301 – 308 and value formulas 521 – 528 which only serve to get the values stored in the global variables of function group J1BR by the module J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES. thus preventing a flexible and transparent adaption of the tax calculation logic to new legal requirements or special customer needs. The rates are stored as condition records and determined during the pricing procedure based on the actual values of the fields of the communication structures KOMP and KOMK.g. These records can be directly read by the pricing logic so that no extra database selections have to be performed in formulas being processed in the calculation procedure. the condition records can easily be transferred to other systems (e. These formulas typically consist of only a few lines of code. a significant amount of logic that deals with specific special cases of the complicated Brazilian tax system is hidden in the function module. The tax code serves to indicate which taxes are due. processing at most four parameters that are stored in the work fields XWORKD and XWORKE. By making use of the event technique provided in the extended table maintenance (transaction SE54). The previous standard calculation procedure assigned to Brazil. the system is being told which lines and values of the table of the calculation procedure contain which tax items. but are additionally present as condition records on the database. Basically.2 New Tax Calculation Method  The new approach of the Brazilian tax calculation that is decribed in this design document makes use of the standard condition technique to calculate the taxes. the tax rates are being read from the database in function J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES and not detemined by the standard condition technique that is meant to get the rates based on the actual entries in the communication structures KOMP and KOMK. Moreover. In the new method. and special indicators considering the appearance of the tax line item in the nota fiscal are maintained in Brazil-specific views J_1BTX* (e. The whole calculation logic is contained in the calculation procedure itself without calling an external function module. does not actually make use of the calculation functionality provided by the pricing modules. updated. the whole nota-fiscal-mapping logic is a matter of cus- Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 12 . The task of tax calculation is being executed by a dedicated function module rather than by direct processing of the tax calculation procedure assigned to the country. 4. However. The tax rates. All the tax calculation logic is contained in this function module. condition records are automatically written. Thus.1 Previous Tax Calculation Method  The previous way of calculating Brazilian taxes made use of the external tax interface. Formulas are only used to do special calculations that are not provided by the standard pricing functionality. TAXBRJ. In the new approach the data are not only stored in the J_1BTX* tables. tax laws. and requirement formulas provide the calculation logic that cannot be achieved with the standard pricing algorithm. The initial approach pursued the aim to perform the complete tax calculation in the calculation procedure itself. It refers to the changes in condition-based tax calculation for Brazil described in SAP Note 664855. 2003. All entries referring to this law change are highlighted in red. These manual steps are described in this guide.3 Revised Approach: New Calculation Procedure  Note: This section was added on November 4. COFINS. This document refers to the revised calculation procedures (MM/FI and SD).SAP Online Help 07/05/09 tomizing and no longer to a great extent hard-coded. After implementation of the support package or the Note. For further details. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 13 . For this reason. or the changes are implemented manually. either the support package that contains the changes is installed. see Note 727475 and the Notes mentioned there. The prerequisite for the implementation is that all coding and DDIC changes have already been implemented. In such case. base. This approach worked. hidden in the function module J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES. This means. the calculation logic was moved to ABAP coding. This guide also describes how to technically set up the system for the new tax functions (ISS. and MP-135 withholding taxes). PIS. there are still manual steps necessary to work with the new taxes. entries in table J_1BAJ). Small condition value. 4. just skip the section.g. but it turned out that the section in the calculation procedure where the actual calculation happened got very long and complicated to understand. It may be that the changes described in some of the steps are already done in your system (e. following the instructions of the respective Note. Figure 5-2 shows a screenshot.1 Activation of Condition Record Generation  In order to use the new condition-based tax calculation. 5. the generation of condition records in CBT the maintenance of tax rates has to be activated by setting a flag for the respective country (see the screenshot in Figure 5-1). Here.2 Calculation Procedures for Condition­Based Tax Calculation  CBT The system needs to identify whether in the currently processed calculation procedure the tax calculation is condition-based or not. If the flag is set for Brazil. you specify the calculation procedure for CBT in the new IMG activity IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Specify Calculation Procedures for Condition-Based Tax Calculation. the new table J_1BCONDTAXACT is maintained. For this reason. condition records are being generated in the background during the maintenance of the Brazilian tax tables. Activation of condition generation. A new Customizing step in the IMG has been added: IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation Activate Condition Generation.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 5 Customizing the Brazilian Tax Calculation  5. This is necessary to either call the classical. external tax calculation or the new tax calculation in condition value formula 320. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 14 . In this customizing activity. the maintenance view J_1BCBTAXPROCV is called. Figure 5-1. The underlying program is J_1B_MIGRATE_TAX_RATES.3 Tax Manager’s Workplace  The Tax Manager’s Workplace (TMW) is a general entry point to do almost all Customizing relevant for the Brazilian tax calculation. 5.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-2. It is called by the transaction J1BTAX and can also be accessed from the IMG: IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Calculation  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Access Tax Manager’s Workplace. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 15 . Specification of calculation procedures used in CBT. though.4 to 5. It is not necessary to switch to the condition-based tax calculation (CBT) to use it. and special flags like “Convênio 100” or “Other base”. Initial screen of the Tax Manager’s Workplace. Figure 5-3 shows a screenshot of the initial screen of the transaction. This condition can be used in the tax calculation procedure to perform special handling of tax-free regions.17. The term “tax tables” shall mean all tables that contain Brazilian tax data being accessed during the tax calculation in order to find rates. In the following. If it is not active.3. This new transaction can be used in any case to do the Customizing of Brazilian taxes in R/3 Enterprise.1. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 16 . tax laws. On the entry screen a list of all Brazilian tax tables is shown. More detailed descriptions about the necessary Customizing steps to implement the CBT can be found in sections 5. Customizing steps are collected that define basic constants that are relevant for the Brazilian tax calculation. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Define Brazilian Tax Regions and Assign to Geograph. a condition record with a rate of 100% is generated in the background whose type was assigned to the internal code TAXFREEREGION. an overview about all menu options is given. If the Tax-Free Zone indicator is set and the condition-based tax calculation is active (see section 0). Regions. 5. The Customizing of these tables can also be found in the IMG under IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Tax Rates.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-3. 5.1 Entities  In this menu.3. some menu options regarding the CBT are not accessible.1 Tax Regions  Assignment of geographical regions to tax regions that are used in the ship-from and ship-to fields during the tax calculation. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BTREGV. 5. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 17 . Groups  Definition of possible Substituição Tributária groups in the vendor and customer master. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Cross Application Components  General Application Functions  Nota Fiscal  CFOP Codes  Define CFOP Versions. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Define ICMS Tax Laws. 5.3.3. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BT604FV. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BATL2V. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Cross Application Components  General Application Functions  Nota Fiscal  NCM Codes  Define NCM Codes.3. 5. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Calculation Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil Define Customer Groups for SubTrib Calculation. 5. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Cross Application Components  General Application Functions  Nota Fiscal  CFOP  Define CFOP Codes and Assign Versions.7 CFOP – CFOP Determination MM  Rules for the determination of the CFOP codes in MM applications.3. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Define IPI Tax Laws. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BAONV. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BCFOP_XREGNV.3. 5.1.6 CFOP – CFOP Codes  Definition of CFOP codes.3 Sub.9 Tax Laws IPI  Definition of IPI tax laws.1. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BAGNV.1. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Cross Application Components  General Application Functions  Nota Fiscal  CFOP Codes  Assign Validity Date to CFOP Versions.3.1.4 CFOP – CFOP Versions  Definition of CFOP versions. 5.5 CFOP – Validity Date of CFOP Versions  Definition of validity dates of CFOP versions.3.2 NCM Codes  Definition of NCM codes. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BAPNV.10 Tax Laws ICMS  Definition of ICMS tax laws.1.3. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BCFOPVERV.Trib. The IMG activity that corresponds SD to this menu item can be found in IMG  Cross Application Components  General Application Functions  Nota Fiscal  CFOP  CFOP Determination for Goods Issues and Returns.1. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BATL1V. 5.1. 5.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 5. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BTXSTGV.1.8 CFOP – CFOP Determination SD  Rules for the determination of the CFOP codes in SD applications.1. The IMG activity that corresponds MM to this menu item can be found in IMG  Cross Application Components  General Application Functions  Nota Fiscal  CFOP  CFOP Determination for Goods Receipts and Returns.3. The corresponding table is J_1BTXGRUOP.2.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 5.14.9. condition records are being generated.3. 5.3. It can also be accessed by pressing the button in the application toolbar or by double-clicking the line in the table.2. The IMG activities that correspond to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Calculation  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Tax Rates. Details can be found in section 5.5 for further information. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BTAXCODEV. To use newly defined tax groups requires additional Customizing activities when the condition-based tax calculation is used.2Tax Calculation  In this menu. If the condition-based tax calculation is active. 5. These groups must not be deleted. and texts that are used in the tax calculation.5 Alternative Calc. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BMWSKZKALSMV. or deleted automatically in the background when the data are saved. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Calculation  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Tax Rates  Maintain Tax Groups for Dynamic Exceptions.1 Maintain Tax Rates  Selecting this menu item starts the maintenance of the tax rates of the selected line in the table of the overview screen (transaction J1BTAX). Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 18 . flags.3 Tax Codes MM  Definition of FI tax codes that are used in MM applications.The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Assign Alternative Calculation Procedure per FI/MM Tax Code.2. 5.4 Tax Codes SD  Definition of tax codes that are used in SD applications. Procedure  Assignment of tax codes defined for a tax calculation procedure to a different combination of MM tax code/calculation procedure. 5. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BTAXCODEV.3. modified.2 Maintain Tax Groups  Here you define tax groups used in the dynamic tax exceptions. 5. Details for this Customizing step can be found in section 5. The numbers between 0 and 9 as well as between 90 and 99 are reserved for SAP. The activity can also be accessed by MM pressing the MM button in the application toolbar. The activity can also be accessed by pressing SD the SD button in the application toolbar. Customizing steps are collected that control the rates. Groups in the range from 10 to 89 can be defined. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Calculation  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Define MM Tax Codes.3. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Calculation  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Define SD Tax Codes.2. See section The activity can also be accessed by pressing the button in the application toolbar. 6. The TMW always has to be used for this.3. 5. 5.The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BNFTXCONDV. If this parameter has no value the user is prompted for a country that is stored in this parameter afterwards.3. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this SD menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation  Map SD Tax Values to Nota Fiscal Fields.17.15. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 19 . There is no entry in the IMG to start this activity.15. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BNFTXCONDMMV. The IMG activitity that corresponds to MM this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation  Map MM Tax Values to Nota Fiscal Fields. The IMG activitity that correSD sponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Define Sequence for SD Tax Law Determination.2 Migration – Tax Groups in Access Sequences  You use this activity to automatically update access sequences after you have created or changedCBT tax groups for dynamic exceptions.1 Migration – Tax Tables to Conditions  Choosing this menu point. 5.3 Nota­Fiscal Mapping – Tax Values MM  Here it is customized which fields of the table of the tax calculation procedure used in MM containCBT the values of the nota fiscal.7 Tax Law Determination SD  Definition of the sequence of the determination logic of the SD tax laws.3. Details can be found in section 5.2. and the correct conversion can be monitored.3Condition Setup  In this menu.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 5.3. This can also be executed by choosing this menu point. Details can be found in section 5. It is important that you ensure that tax groups are not customized differently in different clients because with each conversion to access sequences. The corresponding table is J_1BTXLAWSEQ. 5. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Calculation  Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil  Define Sequence for SD Tax Code Determination.2. Details can be found in section 5.8 Other Country  Here a different country can be selected. At the start of the Tax Manager’s Workplace the country is determined from the set/get parameter LND. the previous Customizing settings will be overwritten.2.3. 5. all Customizing steps are collected that are related to the condition technique in the tax calculation.19.3.2. You need to have authorization for cross-client Customizing if you want to modify the access sequences. 5. Details can be found in section 5. The calculation procedure assigned to the selected country (in table T005) is then taken as the default value. Details can be found in secSD tion 5.3. The corresponding table is J_1BTXCODESEQ.3.6 Tax Code Determination SD  Definition of the sequence of the determination logic of the SD tax codes.3. 5.3.4 Nota­Fiscal Mapping – Tax Values SD  Here it is customized which fields of the table of the calculation procedure used in SD contain the CBT values of the nota fiscal. the generation of condition records out of the entries in the Brazilian CBT tax tables can be triggered initially.3.3. 9 Access Sequences – Access Sequences MM  Definition of access sequences with application TX. These condition types can be used in the SD pricing SD procedures. The corresponding view cluster is VVC_T682_TX. 5. The corresponding maintenance view is VV_T685A_V1.3.3. 5. These access sequences can be used in theMM tax calculation that is called by the MM applications.8 Condition Mapping – Tax Rate Tables  Assignment of tax rate tables to the condition tables. 5. The IMG CBT activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation  Assign Condition Tables to Tax Tables. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation  Define Internal Codes for Tax Conditions.3. Details can be found in section Condition Types – Condition Types SD  Definition of condition types with application V. The IMG activity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Pricing  Pricing Control  Define Access Sequences.16. 5. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BCONDMAPV.12. The IMG activitity that correMM sponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation  Map MM Tax Laws to Nota Fiscal Fields. 5.3.3. 5.3. Details can be found in section 5.3. 5. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Check Calculation Procedure – Define Condition Types. The corresponding view cluster is V_T682. These access sequences can be used in the SD SD pricing procedures. Details can be found in section 5. The IMG CBT activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Condition-Based Tax Calculation  Assign Internal Codes for Tax Conditions to Condtion Types. Nota­Fiscal Mapping – Tax Laws MM  Here it is customized which fields of the table of the tax calculation procedure used in MM containCBT the tax law texts of the nota fiscal.3. Details can be found in section CBT 5.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 5. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Check Calculation Procedure – Access Sequences.3.10 Access Sequences – Access Sequences SD  Definition of access sequences with application V.7 Condition Mapping – Assign Conditions  Assignment of condition types to the internal codes. These condition types can be used in the tax calculaMM tion that is called by the MM applications. The corresponding table is J_1BVIEWMAP. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BNFLWCONDMMV.6 Condition Mapping – Internal Codes  Definition of internal codes used in the condition-based tax calculation. The corresponding table is J_1BTXCOND.3.3. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Sales and Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 20 .11 Condition Types – Condition Types MM  Definition of condition types with application TX.3. customer. 5. it is decribed how to verify and reestablish the consistency of the data. If the automatic condition generation is active (see section 5. The corresponding view cluster is V_T683.1). Furthermore. The number of the tax group determines which rates are taken in case of more than one matching record. This will lead to inconsistencies between the data in the Brazilian tax tables and the condition records.5 Tax Groups of Dynamic Exceptions  The screenshot in Figure 5-4 shows the maintenance of the table J_1BTXGRUOP in which the groups of dynamic tax exceptions are defined. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Check Calculation Procedure – Define Procedures.13 Calc. vendor. 5. In section 5. you can specify up to three key fields that are to be used to determine the tax rates. material class/material group. vendor. the maintenance view J_1BTXIP3V. The corresponding view cluster is VVC_T683_TX. Procedures – Calc. you can set the LPP (Last Purchase Price) indicator for each tax type in order to activate the recording of the LPP. For example. These access sequences can be used in the SD pricing SD procedures.3.3. However.4 Maintenance of Tax Tables  Selecting a line of the table on the overview screen of the TMW leads to the maintenance view of the selected table.3. The Brazilian tables are no longer accessed anywhere in the applications and only serve as a comfortable way of simultaneously maintaining multiple conditions having the same key fields. 5. Procedures SD  Definition of pricing calculation procedures. tax code. industry sector. Further details can be found in the document Last purchase price in R/3 for Brazil.15.14 Calc. The screenshot in Figure 5-5 shows an example. supposed tax group 50 has the key field NCM code and tax group 51 has the Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 21 . The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Pricing  Pricing Control  Define And Assign Pricing Procedures. All of the fields are taken from the customer. If a table with dynamic exceptions is selected the user is prompted for the tax group prior to the table maintenance. Here it is customized which fields of the pricing procedure results table contain the values of the Nota Fiscal. Procedures – Calc. The IMG activitity that corresponds to this menu item can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Define Tax Types. you define tax types for Brazil. Details can be found in section 5. 5. condition records are generated CBT and changed automatically when the data that are entered in these views are saved. You can choose from the following key fields: material.3. The corresponding maintenance view is J_1BAJV.3. Procedures MM  Definition of tax calculation procedures.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Distribution  Basic Functions  Pricing  Pricing Control  Define Condition Types. The corresponding maintenance view is V_T685A. For each tax group.17. It is possible to display the automatically generated condition records in transaction FV13. 5. city code. These calculation procedures can be used in the tax calculaMM tion that is called by the MM applications. NCM code. and material master records .15 Tax Types  In this IMG activity. and material tax usage. which is taken from the item level in the transactions. never may these condition records be changed or deleted with transaction FV12 or new conditions be created with transaction FV11.3.with the exception of the tax code. These conditions are accessed in the tax calculation. 1 for a detailed description how this is realized. J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES. Using CBT. SAP defines standard tax groups that are not to be used by customers. the record of group 50 will be taken since it has the lower number. a tax group can be restricted to be used only for certain applications by choosing a different value than General in the field Call. Also it can be restricted to be used only for certain tax types by only setting some tax type indicators in the columns at the right side of the table. The dynamic key fields are material and vendor. condition table 382 is used for all ICMS tax tables. tax group 6.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 key field material class. When using the new tax calculation. IPI. Figure 5-5. Furthermore.e. in the view J_1BTXIP3V. and J_1BTXIC3). You can individually activate the consideration of a tax group in the tax rate determination for the types ICMS.6. However. Using the CBT. IM. this logic has to be transferred to the customizing of the access sequences belonging to the conditions that store the tax rates. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 22 . 13. Maintenance of the tax rate table J_1BTXIP3. The individual MM sub-applications PO. and 25 are an example which is not deliverd as standard. for example. the condition table contains a key field TAXGROUP. different tax rates in the invoice compared to the purchase order. Maintenance of tax groups of dynamic exceptions. and SubTrib (ST). and IV. J_1BTXIC1. App. In order to identify which tax group an entry in the condition table belongs to. ISS. this condition table is not only used for dynamic tax exceptions. For example. In the former tax calculation method. two other applications can be selected: Sales and Distribution (SD) and Materials Management (MM). If in the tax calculation a record is found as well for tax group 50 as for group 51. i. are no longer supported since it makes no sense to use. See section 5. the described logic is programmed in the tax-calculating function. Groups 11. Therefore. They are listed in Figure 5-4. J_1BTXIC2. in the standard setup delivered by SAP the tax data belonging to different tax groups CBT are stored in condition records that have the same condition table. but for other tax tables. you need to assign the city code to dynamic field 1. If you have no authorization for crossclient customizing. Additionally. since the program makes cross-client changes to your data. Suppose you create tax group 50 with two key fields city code and NCM code. the system searches through the defined order of key fields of an active group as described above. e. It is important that you ensure that tax groups are not customized differently in different clients because with each conversion to access sequences. and marked as active for ICMS only.6. In section 10.2. You can create step 50 by copying step 5.6. assign the constant value '50' to the field Tax group . is provided that can do this automatically. One example from MM is BRIB. since they both use the same condition table (the one corresponding to material-dependent exceptions). This is extremely important. calling application General. you need to extend all MM and SD access sequences that are used in the ICMS conditions – by adding step 50. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 23 . You need to have authorization for cross-client Customizing if you want to modify the access sequences. Delete from access sequences .2Automatic Adjustment of Access Sequences  With the report J_1B_EXT_ACC_SEQ you can automatically adjust all access sequences that CBT are used by condition types used for the condition-based tax calculation. the access sequences and the underlying condition tables and fields that are used for the access are listed. Then. If you change the access sequences manually. In the field assignment. you enter the tax groups you want to include in the update. tax type indicators CBT were switched on and off. the following example illustrates what you need to change.if you want to update existing steps in the access sequences. Insert into the access sequences . you take over the assignment of fields and constant values for the fields . so that the system can uniquely identify the record during rate determination. This calls the maintenance of the view clusters VVC_T682_TX and V_T682. and the constant 'X' to field 3.except for the dynamic ones. the application was changed. this indicator is set by default and cannot be cleared. In consequence.if you want to include new steps in the access sequences after creating a new tax group . By copying step 5. respectively.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 section 10.g. If you do not use condition-based tax calculation. This is described in section 5. or even key fields were changed.6 Access Sequences  In the TMW.if you want to delete existing steps from the access sequences. the previous Customizing settings will be overwritten. customers may only use tax group numbers in the range from 10 to 89. J_1B_EXT_ACC_SEQ. 5.1Tax Groups in Access Sequences  Whenever a new tax group was created or an existing group was changed. On the program selection screen.22. In this case.6. you do not need to adjust the corresponding access sequences. you need to specify what type of conversion is to take place: • • • Update access sequences . 5. the NCM code to field 2. the access sequences have to be adjusted accordingly if the condition-based tax calculation is used. Lastly. The other numbers are reserved for SAP. A new step has to be included in all those access sequences that are used by conditions that are used to calculate taxes of the type that is switched as active in the customizing of the tax group. You can simulate the results of the program by setting the Simulate Only indicator. A program. Figure 5-6 shows the initial selection screen. Access sequences are cross-client data. the maintenance of access sequences is accessed by selecting the menu item Condition Setup – Access Sequences MM and Access Sequences SD. 5.2. it inserts a new step. Selection screen of the program that automatically adjusts access sequences based on the Customizing of the tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Delete from access sequences Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 24 . If the system does not find a corresponding step in the access sequence. If the system finds a step in the access sequence that corresponds to the selected tax group. the system displays a log that contains all messages issued during processing. in which case the system does not change the access sequence C. it overwrites the step's field assignment with the values customized for the tax group. If the system does find a step with the number of the tax group in an access sequence. but the Customizing settings indicate that this access sequence is not to have this step. In detail. the system behaves as follows based on the selected option: A. it displays one of the following in the application log: • • Warning message: if the existing field assignment is identical to the field assignment that would be generated by the conversion Error message: if the actual field assignment differs.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-6. Update access sequences • • • If the system finds a step in the access sequence that has the same number of the tax group. Following the conversion or the simulation. then the system deletes the step from the access sequence. B. Insert into access sequences Select this option if the tax groups you have specified have no corresponding steps and field assignments in the access sequences yet (this would be when you have created a new tax group). These are conditions that have a reference condition containing the data. This is achieved by reading this table in a BAdI before the call to the pricing procedure and modifying the communication fields that contain the calculation procedure and the tax code. use the external tax calculation for some tax codes (by specifying TAXBRJ in the above mentioned table) or use several smaller calculation procedures.11).9 Alternative Calculation Procedure  In R/3 Enterprise. 5. These conditions are manual. 5. They are used to reuse a condition value in another line of the calculation procedure. By this mapping. Thus the user could e. alternative calculation procedures can be specified that are to be used for certain tax codes instead of the standard one. 2. 4. Procedure MM.g. In MM the table J_1BMWSKZKALSM. The internal codes are maintained in the TMW by choosing Condition Setup – Condition Mapping – Internal Codes in the menu or maintaining the view J_1BCONDMAPV. 5. This tax calculation procedure has to be assigned to the country BR in table T005.7 Condition Types  CBT The condition types that have to be defined can be classified in four categories: 1. The records are maintained by customizing the tax codes. Only the internal codes are used in the program coding. Conditions containing tax data. These condition types have to be entered also in the table J_1BAJ to classify them as tax type. Conditions that are only used to mark specific lines of the calculation procedure to use them in the Nota Fiscal mapping tables.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Select this option if the tax groups you have specified are to be deleted from all access sequences used in the CBT.10 Internal Condition Codes  An internal code has to be created for each condition type that is to be used in the automatic generaCBT tion of condition records during the maintenance of the Brazilian tax tables.5. Conditions that refer to other conditions.g. 3.8 has been introduced. An internal code must be assigned to each condition in table J_1BTXCOND (see sections 5. Conditions indicating that a certain tax type is due. an extension to the concept described in section 5. The condition types used in CBT are described in section 0. 5. The corresponding IMG activity can be found in IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Assign Country To Calculation Procedure.The condition Codes for withholding tax might be required and are therefore Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 25 . The customer usually is not expected to maintain this table because SAP delivers the internal codes required for the standard Brazilian tax calculation. The maintenance of the tax types is accessed in the TMW under Condition Setup – Tax Types. The customizing of calculation proCBT cedures is done in the view cluster VVC_T683_TX and can be reached from the TMW by choosing MM Condition Setup – Calc. i. they have no access sequence and no condition records in the database.8 Tax Calculation Procedure  The new standard tax calculation procedure for Brazil is TAXBRA. the customers are free to use their own condition types. These condition records are maintained automatically during the maintenance of the Brazilian tax rate tables. e. in case of performance problems or new requirements.e. A detailed description of the new standard calculation procedure TAXBRA can be found in section 10.9 and 5. Per group there is a separate line in the nota fiscal. This can be overwritten if the feature of alternative calculation procedures (section 5.13 Definition of Tax Types  The condition types that indicate whether a specific tax is due or whether specific lines are to be listed MM in the nota fiscal have to be specified in the table J_1BAJ. SAP delivers all internal codes.12 Assignment of Condition Tables to Tax Tables  During the maintenance of the Brazilian tax tables. ICMS. there are statistical lines that have tax code conditions (see section 10.g. the condition will be ignored in the nota fiscal generation. In the case of dynamic exceptions. Details about this functionality can be found in the document Last purchase price in R/3 for Brazil. This transaction cannot be used because the tax calculation procedure TAXBRA is not compatible with the functionality of the transaction. however.9) is used. the user is prompted for the calculation procedure. this tax line will be transferred to the nota fiscal. the tax calculation procedure assigned to the country is displayed. Substituição Tributaria. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 26 . It is no longer done with the transaction FTXP. A tax type can be assigned to a tax group. In TAXBRA. 5. you additionally specify the condition table per tax group. conditions. it has to be defined as a tax type as well. Table 10. If you do not assign a tax group to a tax type. In the table J_1BVIEWMAP it has to be specified which condition tables are to be used for a specific tax table. records can be generated only for condition types that are non-statistical and that have an account key assigned in the calculation procedure. indicating that for this tax type the last purchasing price is to be calculated and used in the tax rate determination. the respective tax group has to be assigned to the codes. As default. the case for offset conditions like ICOX. However.11 Assignment of Condition Types to Internal Codes  The condition types that are actually used in the tax calculation procedure have to be assigned toCBT the above described internal codes. and therefore no tax group is assigned to it.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 listed. For each tax type an indicator LPP can be set. IPI. 5. ISS) and the information whether it is a complementary tax or a tax on freight. This is e.14. If customers need to define their own internal codes for user-specific coding. They are customized in the view J_1BAJV that can be accessed in the TMW by choosing Condition Setup – Tax Types. 5. it is not nota-fiscal relevant.6. The default entries delivered by SAP are shown in Table. This leads to the maintenance view J_1BTAXCODEV. In order to maintain this condition in the tax code maintenance. ISS. Before the table with the tax codes is displayed. Tax groups are the different Brazilian taxes (IPI. For the internal codes that represent condition types that contain data of a specific tax group (ICMS.1 One Single Tax Code Maintenance Tool  The Customizing of FI/MM tax codes is done in the TMW by choosing Tax Calculation – Tax Codes MM MM.2).g. in FTXP. Table 110-812 shows the standard tax types delivered by SAP. For the standard Brazilian tax calculation. condition records are generated and changed CBT automatically.14 Customizing FI/MM Tax Codes  5. 5.5). If a tax group is assigned to the tax type that corresponds to a tax code condition. The condition types are referred to as tax types in this table. This is necessary for the system to consider the access sequence of the condition type assigned to the internal code in the automatic extension of access sequences after changing tax groups of dynamic exceptions (see section 5. they can define new codes beginning with Z. or SubTrib). E. and their assignments.shows all standard internal condition codes delivered by SAP. 5. Figure 5-7 shows a screenshot of this view.6C three customizing steps had to be executed to customize a tax code. The table T007_IT has been replaced by the new table J_1BT007 in release 4. In case the system does not find a unique assignment of a tax calculation procedure to a country (in table T005). A tax type is active when the respective checkbox is checked. had to be maintained with the view J_1BTXMMCV.14. The Brazil-specific fields in table T007A. all condition types are listed that are defined as tax types in the table J_1BAJ (see the previous section) and that are present in the calculation procedure assigned to the country. the conditions of the tax code had to be maintained in transaction FTXP. First. otherwise it is inactive.2 Maintenance of Tax Code Conditions  The conditions belonging to a tax code are maintained by selecting the line with the tax code that is to MM be maintained and afterwards choosing Goto – Maintain Conditions (Ctrl+F3) or pressing the button on the application toolbar.7.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Until release 4. The screenshot in Figure 5-8 shows an example of the screen where the tax code conditions are maintained. When the data are saved in the screen displayed in Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 27 . The new view J_1BTAXCODEV allows the maintenance of all fields mentioned in the three steps above at the same time in one line. which contains the tax code data (except the condition records). For the automatic determination of tax codes in stock transfer processes. In the table. There it was also specified whether the code belongs to input or output tax. finally the table T007_IT had to be maintained to map SD tax codes (defined in table J_1BTXSDC) against incoming and outgoing tax codes (defined in T007A). the user is asked to select a country first. SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-7. for unchecked types the respective condition records are deleted so that the line will not appear in the pricing-procedure results table after the execution of the pricing procedure in the tax calculation. Checked tax types are transferred to condition records with a value of 100%. condition records are automatically being generated. The tax code conditions are stored in the condition table A003 which has as key fields the country and the tax code. This is different to the table T007A in which the tax codes are defined for Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 28 . SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-7. Overview of the tax code maintenanec. Figure 5-8. Conditions that belong to the selected tax code. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 29 SAP Online Help 07/05/09 country and calculation procedure. In the standard tax calculation, only one tax calculation procedure can be assigned to a country in table T005. However, if the new feature of alternative calculation procedures is used (see section 5.9), a different calculation procedure can be used for certain tax codes. For this reason, the tax codes defined for different calculation procedures have to be given different names if their conditions are to be customized differently, in order its conditions do not overwrite the ones of tax codes with the same name assigned to a different calculation procedure. 5.14.3 Hints on Customizing Tax Code Conditions  Compared with the former way of customizing Brazilian tax code conditions, some changes were inCBT troduced in the condition-based tax calculation. The basic idea is the same: You activate the lines of the calculation procedure that store the tax amounts which are to be taken for the tax code. The other MM lines that contain tax code conditions (tax types) are deactivated. The table displayed in Figure 5-8 is basically a special view on the tax calculation procedure in which only those lines are displayed that contain conditions that are tax types (defined in table J_1BAJ, see section 5.13). What has changed is that no special internal nota-fiscal handling is performed in an external tax calculation any longer. All this logic is customizable in the nota-fiscal mapping table J_1BNFTXCOND, which is explained in section 5.15. This has the following consequences compared to the Customizing of tax codes for the classical, external tax calculation (TAXBRJ). ICMS and IPI Lines in Nota Fiscal  In general, a nota fiscal always has a line for ICMS and a line for IPI, no matter if ICMS and IPI CBT are due. (There are some exceptions to this rule which are, however, handled in the ABAP coding of the tax calculation.) MM In order to generate the IPI or ICMS lines in the nota fiscal that only store the calculation base in the Other Base field in case the respective tax is not due (referred to as dummy line in the following, the following conditions (lines in the table shown in Figure 5-8) have to be activated too: • • IPI0 ICM0 Activate if IPI dummy line is to be generated in the nota fiscal Activate if ICMS dummy line is to be generated in the nota fiscal These special additional conditions that have to be maintained are only relevant for ICMS and IPI, not for ISS, SubTrib, or any other tax group. Consequently, when migrating from the old to the new tax calculation, all tax codes that have either IPI or ICMS or both not active have to be modified accordingly. IPI Split  In order to consider the special case of “vendor non-industry” in IPI industrialization postings, twoCBT IPI conditions have to be activated, one being deductible and one non-deductible. In the new standard these are condition types IPI1 and IPI4. IPI1 is deductible, IPI4 non-deductible. In the old tax calculaMM tion, it was condition IPI2 that had to be activated together with IPI1. This was changed, because the semantics of IPI2 is IPI consumption, and the nota-fiscal mapping is different. The ABAP coding handles the special logic and does not transfer the values in the IPI4 line to the nota fiscal if IPI split is not the case. In this situation, as well the tax amount as all base amounts are zero which indicates that such line is not to be considered in the nota fiscal. Consequently, all tax codes that have IPI industrialization active (and thus used to have conditions IPI1 and IPI2 active) have to be modified in a way that IPI2 is deactivated and instead IPI4 is activated. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 30 SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Offset Postings  In the old tax calculation, conditions for offset postings have the rate –100%. In the new tax calculaCBT tion, however, you only activate or deactivate conditions. If you activate a condition, a record with always +100% is generated. Therefore, in each line of the calculation procedure that corresponds to a MM condition type used for an offset posting, the condition base formula 164 has to be specified. This formula multiplies the base value with –1. Consequently, all tax codes that have active condition types with –100% have to be edited so that the rate is changed to +100% instead. 5.14.4 Note on Transporting Tax Code Conditions  When you customize tax codes with transaction FTXP, you have the option to import or export CBT tax code conditions. When importing tax codes, the condition records are read from table T007V and the transaction FTXP is processed in batch input mode. The report RFTAXIMP reads the standard MM tax codes for a country. This is the way how standard tax codes can be created in a system. With the new tax calculation procedure TAXBRA, however, this is not possible because transaction FTXP cannot be used to edit tax codes (see section 5.14.1). Therefore, for the time being, tax codes have to be created manually. In section 0, the Brazilian tax codes SAP delivers as standard are described. Refer also to that section for examples and further explanations. 5.15 Mapping of Tax Values to the Nota Fiscal  By using the new condition-based tax calculation the pricing-procedure results table contains all CBT values that need to be listed in the nota fiscal. Which values of the table are transferred to which nota fiscal fields is customized in the TMW by choosing Condition Setup – Nota-Fiscal Mapping – Tax Values MM or SD, respectively. This leads to the maintenance of the views J_1BNFTXCONDMMV (for MM) and J_1BNFTXCONDV (for SD) that define the mapping rules. The screenshot in Figure 5-9 shows an example. A tax line in the nota fiscal consists of the tax rate, pauta rate (used for IPI Pauta), the tax value, the normal base, the excluded base, and the other base. An active tax type for a tax code leads to a corresponding line in the nota fiscal. In this view it is specified from which fields in the pricing-procedure results table the above mentioned nota fiscal fields are being filled. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 31 the respective line will not be found in the pricing-procedure results table and the initial value will be transferred. The screenshot in shows the standard mapping delivered by SAP. Mapping of lines in the table of the calculation procedure to tax values in the NotaFiscal. If the condition is inactive.g. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 32 . KBETR. From which condiMM tion types the laws are taken is defined in the table J_1BNFLWCOND. J_1BTXIP1 or J_1BTXIC2). For each nota fiscal field the condition type that identifies the line in the calculation procedure has to be specified. There are three alternatives: the condition base value. This leads to the maintenance of the view J_1BNFLWCONDMMV that defines the mapping. the condition rate or amount. It is maintained in the TMW by choosing Condition Setup – Nota-Fiscal Mapping – Tax Laws.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-9. and the condition value. KWERT. The MM view J_1BNFTXCONDMMV is shown. Field.16 Mapping of Tax Laws to the Nota Fiscal  The tax laws are also stored in condition records that are generated by the maintenance of the CBT tax code or the maintenance of certain tax rate tables (e. 5. KAWRT. the field of the line of the pricing-procedure results table has to be specified in the column Map. Furthermore. 5.17. 5.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Figure 5-10. Mapping of lines in the table of the calculation procedure to tax law texts in the Nota-Fiscal. The selections made in the Application group determine whether the conditions for the application TX (used in materials management) or V (used in sales and distribution) are being checked. by choosing Condition Setup – Migration (Shift+F5) a screen is displayed where the initial CBT conversion of the entries in the Brazilian tax tables to condition records can be started and it can be checked whether all entries are successfully converted. For each entry in the respective table it is checked (based on the Customizing in the mapping tables J_1BVIEWMAP and J_1BTXCOND) whether corresponding condition records exist.1 Check Conditions  The entries in the table of the selected line in the list of tax rate tables can be checked for correspondCBT ing condition records by choosing Condition Records – Check Conditions (F5) or pressing the button in the application toolbar. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 33 .17 Migration of Tax Data to Condition Records  In the TMW. Green traffic lights mean that every entry in the table has all corresponding condition records. The icon in the leftmost column of the table control with all Brazilian tax tables gives a summary of the check: The magnifyingglass indicates that the respective table has not been checked yet since the transaction was started. otherwise errors are being issued. red means that at least one entry has no condition records so far. yellow means that at least one line has only some converted fields. It is prerequisite that all customizing of the mapping tables described in this section is already done. If the third option is chosen. that no conditions exist so far (red).CBT the conversion of tax records to conditions is started. 5. the user is asked in case of the previously described situation.2 Convert Tax Data to Condition Records  By choosing Condition Records – Convert (F6) or pressing the button in the application toolbar. only the fields are converted that do not have corresponding condition records so far.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 The entries and the numbers of the corresponding conditions are displayed in the ALV list.17. The migration and check tool that controls the initial conversion and the consistency of entries in Brazilian tax tables to condition records. The traffic lights icon in the leftmost column of the ALV list indicates whether for each field in the table line that is to have a corresponding condition record exists a condition (green). or that only some fields have corresponding conditions (yellow). If the second option is chosen. The selection made in the group Conversion Options determines the mode of conversion. every field is converted in any case. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 34 . no matter if there already exists a corresponding condition record. Figure 5-11. If the first option is chosen. By doubleclicking a condition record number a modeless popup window is displayed that contains detailed information about the condition record from the corresponding entries in the DDIC tables KONH and KONP. The screenshot in Figure 5-11 shows an example. They can be either derived from the SD Item Category. then the item category tables if no tax laws were found and finally the customer master.19 Sequence for SD Tax Code Determination  In Sales and Distribution there are two places to define the SD Tax Code which can be automatically CBT determined in a transaction (e. a sequence can be defined by which these data sources are accessed. Enter sequential integer numbers and assign the data sources from the drop down menu to them. the customer material information. By means of the table J_1BTXLAWSEQ. Sequence in Tax Law Determination 1 2 3 Source for Tax Law Determination Tax Exception Tables Item Category Table Customer Master An example is shown in Table 5-2. the system will look up the data sources in ascending order of the sequence number until a tax code is found. or the SD Customer/Material Information Record. Sequence in Tax Code Determination 1 2 Source for Tax Code Determination Item Category Table Customer Material Information An example is shown in Table 5-1.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 5. This program is useful in the initial migration of all tax data. a sequence can be defined by which the various data sources are accessed. In this example the system would first look up the item category table and if no tax code was found. During the transaction. You can also schedule it in background. Enter sequential integer numbers and assign the data sources from the drop down menu to them. a sales order).g. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 35 . By means of the table J_1BTXCODESEQ.g. you can use the program CBT J_1B_GEN_TAX_COND_BACK. Table 5-1. Table 5-2. In this example the system would first look up the tax exception tables. Note 634981 describes the details. 5. the Tax Rate Exception Tables or from the Customer Master Record.18 Collective Migration of All Tax Data  In order to migrate all tax Customizing data to condition records. It can be either derived from the Item Category. Example of a sequence for tax law determination. During the transaction.20 Sequence for SD Tax Law Determination  In Sales and Distribution there are several places to define Tax Laws for ICMS and IPI which can be CBT automatically determined in a transaction (e. 5. a sales order). the system will look up the data sources in ascending order of the sequence number until the tax laws are found. Example of a sequence for tax code determination. coding can be reused more easily.10). Freight etc. The formula is used as well to call the tax calculation (see section 0) as to retrieve the results of the tax calculation in order to store them in the pricing-procedure results table (section 10.) including ICMS. All data retrieval and nota fiscal generation is based on the Customizing of the calculation procedure and the nota fiscal mapping tables. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 36 . The ABAP coding of the tax calculation is object-oriented.2). The tax results are retrieved in the next section of the calculation procedure.g. Each line contains a condition type that is assigned to an internal code that indicates a tax result value. The procedure is identical to the classical tax calculation.g. Discounts. In the SD pricing. the tax calculation is no longer performed by the pricing algorithm in several steps of the calculation procedure. in the MM/FI calculation procedure TAXBRA the tax calculation is triggered in the step that contains the condition type BX01. Instead.e. only the calculation is done there. If the calculation procedure is specified in the table J_1BCBTAXPROC (see section 5. and customer-specific extensions on ABAP level can be implemented more transparently (see also section 7.8). condition type BX12 is assigned to the internal code NF_ICMS_OBAS which indicates the ICMS other base amount (see section 0 for the complete list).SAP Online Help 07/05/09 6 Tax Calculation Logic  Different to the initial approach of condition-based tax calculation (MM/FI calculation procedure TAXBRC). depending on this internal code either the calculation is started or a specific tax result is retrieved (identified by the internal code). However. Functionality that is specific for an application. By the object-oriented approach.e.11 and 0). By assigning internal codes to these condition types (see sections 5. The condition value formula 320.6. was extended to work also with CBT. The differentiation is done by analyzing the condition type of the step in the calculation procedure in which the formula was called. Three ABAP Object classes contain the coding: CL_TAX_CALC_BR contains coding used for MM/FI and SD. i. different to the classical Brazilian tax calculation (TAXBRJ). i. MM/FI or SD is contained in two derived classes: CL_TAX_CALC_BR_MM and CL_TAX_CALC_BR_SD. in case there are Nota Fiscal relevant conditions (e. whereas the second call on condition IBRX is calculating based on the amount including ICMS. For example. possibly modified by other conditions inbetween. the function module J_1B_CBT is called in which the new calculation logic is processed. already used in the classical Brazilian tax calculation. This is because condition type BX01 is assigned to the internal code CALCULATE_TAX. the calculation is performed in ABAP coding. the formula must be called two times. the first call is calculating tax on the net amount on condition ICMI. E. 10 5.13 5. the texts are English. It contains the Customizing entries of the IMG activities listed in Table 7-1.1 Activation of BC Set CSC_BR_TAX  The SAP standard Customizing entries are delivered and available in client 000 of the system the actual support package is installed in.12 Table in This Document w/ Standard Customizing Table 110-812 Table 10- Table110Table Table 10-22 Table 110Table 7.1Manual customizing required after BC Set activation   Note 736675 7. Section in This Document w/ Explanations 5.8 5.15 5.16 5. Log on to the system in the relevant client.g. you have to proceed as follows after activating the BC Set. Start transaction SMLT. Table 7-1: Customizing entries in BC Set CSC_BR_TAX Customizing Activity Define Tax Types Define Internal Codes for Tax Conditions Activate Condition Generation Map MM Tax Laws to Nota Fiscal Fields Map MM Tax Values to Nota Fiscal Fields Define Tax Groups for Dynamic Exceptions Assign Condition Types to Internal Codes for Tax Conditions Assign Condition Tables to Tax Tables Specify Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code Calculation Procedure (FI) Condition Types (FI) Activate External Tax Calculation Map SD Tax Values to Nota Fiscal Fields Special Conditions for Pricing (SD) Define and Assign Pricing Procedures (SD) Define Condition Types (SD) 5.2 Transfer of Texts to Desired Language  The BC Set had to be created in language DE (German) because of limitations of some Customizing tables. • Activate the BC Set CSC_BR_TAX with transaction SCPR20. 7.11 5.1. Only valid until release 4. English) and verify it is filled up from German 37 • • • Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil .SAP Online Help 07/05/09 7 Steps in Initial Tax Customizing  This section describes what to do when setting up the Brazilian tax Customizing from scratch. Select the language to be filled up (e. However.15 5. In order to have texts also in your desired logon language.1 5.7 Table 10-11 – Table 10Error! Reference source not found.7. In order to facilitate the transfer of Customizing to other clients.5 5. Higher releases include this in delivered customizing. a BC Set is available that contains most of the Customizing entries for CBT. For SD.20: Language Transport  Tables to be selected for language fillup: T682T T683T T683U T685T J_1BCONDMAPT 7. Each table is shown with its table class. we recommend this for experienced users only. Alternatively. Indicator. Create two new entries: • • For MM. and the client in which the table will be supplemented. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 38 . you can specify conditions for selecting the tables you want to supplement.2. however.3. Read the long texts of the dialog boxes that appear when you change the defaults.3 Assignment of Calculation Procedures  7. In other clients. all cross-client and client-specific tables are supplemented in client 000. Indicator. calculation procedure RVABRA and set the CBT Act. a description. 3. execute the activity IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Brazil  Specify Calculation Procedures for Condition-Based Tax Calculation. These fields are set with SAP defaults.g. the supplementation mode. 4. 7. Choose the following for the language that you want to supplement: Language → Special Actions →  Supplementation (Expert).1Specify Calculation Procedures for CBT  In the IMG. application V.SAP Online Help • • • 07/05/09 Choose the expert mode for the language supplementation as described below. application TX. You can use the appropriate pushbuttons to change this list. see the document SAP Web AS 6. only the client-specific tables in the logon client are selected for supplementation. create an entry for usage A. In the center of the dialog box. however.1Procedure for Language Supplementation in Expert mode  Proceed as follows after starting transaction SMLT: 1. For information on the rest of the procedure. according to the selection you made by choosing Select. 2. Portuguese from English. This helps you to recognize the supplementation you have started in the transaction SMLT overview. On the next screen. call the maintenance view J_1BCBTAXPROCV (see section 5. If you want to use other calculation procedures for CBT. you can change them by choosing Change. specify them here as well. Select the tables given below for the Language fillup Repeat the process to fill up e. . calculation procedure TAXBRA and set the CBT Act. The tables that you want to supplement appear at the bottom of the screen.2). create an entry for usage A. enter a description of your supplementation. The default is set so that if you are logged on to client 000. with transaction SM30.. Table J_1BTXSDC contains the tax codes used in SD.2).3. wrong tax Customizing data can be read during the tax calculation. • Edit the entry for country BR and assign the calculation procedure TAXBRA to it. If you have not maintained any tax rates yet.14.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 7.1).2Assign Country to Calculation Procedure  In the IMG. 7. Create the tax codes you need. In the migration tool. 7. you can’t generate such condition records with the tool. execute the activity IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on Sales/Purchases  Basic Settings  Assign Country to Calculation Procedure. Therefore. because they are not used in the FI calculation procedure.– Table 10-21. country BR: 100% This condition record is taken when ICMS complement is calculated and no exception of ICMS complement base reduction was defined in table J_1BTXCI1 for the material of the item being processed.1). If these entries do not exist. you cannot check or convert condition records for a combination of application and table/tax group if the tax group is not valid for the selected application.6.2. However.17 to see how to migrate tax Customizing to condition records for each table separately.4).3. you do not need to run the migration tools.5 Creation of Default Condition Records  Some condition records of tax rates cannot be maintained by creating entries in the Brazilian tax tables J_1BTX*.2. only condition records with application ‘V‘ are generated.4 Creation of Tax Codes  In transaction J1BTAX. with transaction SM30. If you restrict the calling application of the tax group to either SD or MM (see section 5. condition records will be generated automatically when maintaining tax rates.1Note on Condition Records With Only One Application  The system usually generates condition records for as well application ‘V’ as application ‘TX’. create the following condition record: • Condition type BCI1 (ICMS complement base). which happens during activation of the BC Set (section 7. but must be created manually with transactions FV11 (for FI records) and VK11 (for SD records).6 Migration of Tax Customizing  If you upgraded to release 4. you have to initially generate condition records for the entries in the Brazilian tax tables. there are no condition types of application ‘TX’ • Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 39 . Moreover.70 or if you switched to condition-based tax calculation after some tax Customizing had already been carried out.18 will be helpful. With transaction FV11. 7. for the following tables this is not the case: • In tables with dynamic tax exceptions you maintain entries for a certain tax group. the mass migration program described in section 5. go to the maintenance of tax codes as described in section 5. Alternatively. 7. When you maintain entries of this table (see section 5. Especially when migrating all tables the first time. The system displays a message in such case. you don’t need to check for condition records of application ‘TX’ belonging to table J_1BTXSDC. Refer to section 5. Refer to section 10. call the maintenance view V_T005.13 that describes the standard tax codes for Brazil. condition records are generated only for that application. After activating the condition generation (described in section 5. Furthermore. • • Create tax codes based on Table 110Create the tax code condition records based on Table1 10.3. In this way. You then overwrite only those methods of the class that actually have to be changed. the tax calculation logic can be changed deeply. If the calculation logic is too complicated to handle by the standard pricing algorithm. 7. This is because the object-oriented implementation allows a clearer discrimination of modified coding from standard one.1Extension of Calculation Procedure  If there is the need to enhance or modify the tax calculation SAP delivers. This is explained in section 5. In this case you can add lines to the calculation procedure that perform the calculation according to your needs. but you only use part of the results.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 assigned to the internal codes of the values you maintain in table J_1BTXSDC (see the entries for internal codes beginning with TXSDC in section 0). execute the activity in TMW as described in this section. but from your own ones. The kind of modification that is easiest to handle is an extension of the tax calculation that does not affect the standard tax calculation. so that most of the standard coding is used.8 User­Specific Modification / Enhancements of Tax Calculation  7. it is. The object-oriented implementation of the tax calculation coding makes it easy to reuse the standard coding. Then you modify the nota-fiscal mapping for the ICMS values so that the values are no longer taken from the standard conditions. This is e.8. still possible for SAP to analyze problems in the tax calculation.g. You can access all transaction-specific and tax Customizing data by referring to the respective standard lines in the calculation procedure (see section 10. If values need to be transferred to the nota fiscal.6. A little more complicated is the case if some of the existing calculation logic has to be modified. a customer-specific condition value formula can be used.5). Without going in too much detail here. Though being a coding modification.2Changes in ABAP Coding  If the modification turns out to be more complicated or to have a strong interaction with the standard tax calculation logic. however. new tax types can be defined (table J_1BAJ) and the nota-fiscal-mapping table can be extended (see section 5.and SD-specific classes CL_TAX_CALC_BR_MM and class CL_TAX_CALC_BR_SD.8. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 40 . This kind of change would be suitable rather for industry-specific solutions than for customer extensions. as mentioned in the paragraph above. the easiest way to do this is to modify the calculation procedure or the nota-fiscal mapping. the approach would be to inherit an own ABAP class from the class CL_TAX_CALC_BR or the MM. 7.g.15). respectively in which all the tax calculation and data transfer takes place. For this purpose. an alternative to extending the calculation procedure is to implement the change in ABAP coding. the ICMS calculation logic has to be modified.2.7 Update of Access Sequences From Tax Groups  The access sequences used in CBT have to be extended by the steps according to the definition of tax groups for dynamic exceptions. unless a customer has requirements of large changes in the tax calculation. the case for additional taxes like PIS / COFINS. With this approach. In this case you just add additional lines to the calculation procedure. the system still calculates all taxes according to the standard way. 7. provided that SAP standard coding is affected. This would be the case if e. 1.: PR00 Manual Entries: C (Manual entry has priority) Amount/percent: X Item Condition: X Pricing Proc: Delete fr. Type ZPB0 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB3 Description Price w/o Taxes Price+ISS Price+PIS+COF Price+ISS+PIS+COF 8. Cond. 8. or any combination of these. Type: C (Quantity) Cond.1 Price Conditions Including Taxes   The new solution for tax calculation supports prices which are not the real net prices. but may contain PIS. It is possible to either continue using existing price conditions or introduce new ones.g. The following is a suggestion based on 4 new price conditions.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 8 Customizing SD Pricing Procedures With CBT   Note 549179 8. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 41 . In order to allow the system to consider correctly which taxes are already included in a price and which not. Class: B (Prices) Calculat. corresponding price conditions should be maintained. Category: H (Basic Price) Access Seq.2Price Conditions MM  If necessary. ISS due at the municipio of the service provider.1. DB: Scale basis: Check value: C A RVABR2 (do not delete) Quantity Conversion: X Cond.1Price Conditions SD  Copy pricing procedure PR0000 to RVABR2 before creating the conditions. all price conditions must be updated. RM0000) or create new ones by copying and modifying. COFINS. if new price conditions are introduced. create new price conditions and adapt the MM pricing procedure for Purchase Orders (e. Of course. ISS due at the municipio of the service execution. SAP Online Help 07/05/09 8. As an example.2 Where to Insert Discounts  Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 42 .1.3Define Which Taxes Are Included in  MM/SD Price Conditions  Views J_1BKON1MMVV and J_1BKON1SDVV. the SD procedure RVABRA is maintained for the conditions ZPB0 … ZPB3 Price Condition ZPB1 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB2 ZPB3 ZPB3 ZPB3 ZPB3 Tax Group ISSP ISS at location of service provider ISSS ISS at location where service is provided COFI COFINS PIS PIS COFI COFINS ISSP ISS at location of service provider ISSS ISS at location where service is provided PIS PIS 8. Maintain for each SD (Application V) or MM (Application M) pricing procedure the taxes that are included in each price condition type. For each tax rate (or whatever you customize in the Brazilian tables) there exists one condition record. the condition database The reason for this redundancy is the fact that for a given key field combination (e. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 43 . ship-from. tax law. shipto. and additionally the system automatically generates corresponding condition records. Normally. there is a 1:1 relationship between Brazilian tax data and corresponding condition records. the same information is stored at two places: 1. Each condition record of a condition type that is used for Brazilian tax determination has a corresponding entry in a Brazilian tax table. etc. There does not exist a corresponding entry in a Brazilian tax table for a condition record of a Figure 9-1. 2. like tax rate. reduced base rate. Program J_1B_CBT_CONSIST.g.g. 9.1 Consistency of Condition Records  When the automatic generation of condition records in the tax Customizing is active. There does not exist a corresponding condition record for a tax rate (or whatever you customize in the Brazilian tables).SAP Online Help 07/05/09 9 Troubleshooting  This section will be updated whenever a new common problem regarding CBT is identified. material number) several tax data can be specified. Consequently. the Brazilian tables still contain this information. you can have two kinds of inconsistencies in your system: 1. the Brazilian tax table (like e. To facilitate the tax Customizing (and to stay compatible with the old tax calculation). This means: 1. exempt flag. J_1BTXIC2) 2. 2. Double-click a table.1Tax Data Without Condition Record  You can detect inconsistencies of type 1 by running the migration tool in TMW (see section 5. this field is blank).1. introduced with support package 19 (release 4. Such inconsistencies can have several reasons: - 07/05/09 You deactivated automatic generation of condition records and created or changed tax data (results in type 1 inconsistencies). You can migrate them as described in section 5. 2. You deactivated automatic generation of condition records and deleted tax data (results in type 2 inconsistencies). but the data differs (for example. 9.6C: 47) and Note 686780. and the system displays a list of condition tables. You deleted records with customer programs or the database utility (results in type 1 or 2 inconsistencies). respectively.SAP Online Help condition type that is used for Brazilian tax determination. 9. 1. yellow means a record exists in the tax table. At the far right. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 44 . you see the corresponding Brazilian tax table as well as the index in the table (for condition records with yellow and green status only. In a popup window you are asked to confirm the deletion (see Figure 9-2). and the system displays all condition records used for Brazilian tax calculation. for red entries. Tax data without corresponding condition records are indicated by a red traffic-light icon. You manually created condition records with transactions VK11 (application V) or FV11 (application TX) (results in type 2 inconsistencies).2Condition Records Without Tax Data  For type 2 of inconsistencies there exists a check program.1. Run program J_1B_CBT_CONSIST. and green means a correct corresponding entry exists. Figure 9-2: Deletion of condition records. and delete them by pressing the Delete condition records pushbutton. Figure 9-1 shows an example screenshot The traffic light indicates the status of the condition record: red means there is no corresponding record in the tax table.2. the tax rate). 3.17. Select all condition records with red and yellow status.17). all condition tables must contain green entries only.17 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 45 . 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the condition tables. the icon next to it changes to include a pair of eyeglasses. if you have made at least one change to a table. Once you have viewed a condition table. For the tax calculation to function properly. run the migration program as described in section 5. the icon includes a diskette. To ensure that there are condition records for all existing tax records.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 4. In this case. replace 601 by your number in the access sequences described in the next sections.3 Create Access Sequences  New access sequences have to be created that are used in the new condition types that store the rates of the new taxes. IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Condition Tables Extend Pricing Field Catalog  In order to use the new components LOC_PR and LOC_SE in the ISS access sequences.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10 SAP Standard Customizing  10. Specify usage ‘A’.1 Create Condition Table 601  This table is used for ISS data. the pricing field catalogue has to be extended by these components. 10.1. and field group 001. This is performed in the maintenance view V_T681F. application ‘V’ or ‘TX’. You can choose a different number than 601 if this table is already in use for something else. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 46 . Add the new components from structure KOMP. Field Constant BR KOMP MATNR  Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 47 .T. Condition ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. Doc. Condition 5 346 0 X ALAND DYNKEY1 I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Doc. Req.2 Access Sequences MM/FI  Table 10-1 shows the access sequences used in the Brazilian MM/FI tax calculation. Tax Code Table 10-2: Access sequence BRB1 – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Condition ALAND TXREG_ST MATNR ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Brazil wht Country.Struc. The steps and field assignments of each access sequence are listed in the following tables.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10. Excl. Req.Struc. Table 10-1: Access sequences used in the MM (FI) tax calculation AccSeq BRB1 BRCI BRCO BRIB BRIC BRID BRIP BRIS BRPI BRLC BRLP BRS1 BRS2 BRST BRTF BRII BRWT MWST Description Dummy 1 for Brazil Brazil ICMS Complement Brazil COFINS Brazil ICMS Base Brazil ICMS Brazil ICMS Rate SF=ST Brazil IPI Brazil ISS Brazil PIS Brazil Tax Law: ICMS Brazil Tax Law: IPI Brazi:ISS at Service Provider Brazi:ISS wh Service provided Brazil Subtrib. Brazil: Tax-Exempt Brazil ICMS Rate SF=ST for S.Field TXREG_ST MATNR BR Constant BR 10 349 0 X   = 20 392 0 X Table 10-4 : Access sequence BRCO -Name: Brazil COFINS Step Tab. Excl.Field Constant BR 10 392 0 X Table 10-3: Access sequence BRCI – steps and field assignment Step Tab. KOMP KOMP Doc. Excl. Req. SAP Online Help Step Tab.Struc. Excl.Field Constant X X 5 07/05/09 Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions.Struc.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 0 X    = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 48 . Excl.Field TAXBS DOCTYP BR 0 KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR 0 KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR Constant BR 1 344 0 X   = = 5 382 0 X    = = = = = 98 382 0 X   = = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-6: Access sequence BRIC – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Table 10-5: Access sequence BRIB – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 I/O = = Field Assignment Doc. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. Excl. Req. KOMK KOMK Doc. Condition ALAND TAXBS DOCTYP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Doc. Req. Req. Condition DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = = = Field Assignment Doc. Doc.Struc. Struc.Field Constant BR 4 5 382 0 X    = = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 49 . Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.Struc.Field Constant 5 BR 0 KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR 07/05/09   = = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-7: Access sequence BRID – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 0 X    = = = = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_ST TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR 0 98 382 0 X   = = = = = KOMP KOMP TXREG_ST TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR 99 392 0 X Table 10-8: Access sequence BRIF– steps and field assignment Step Tab. Doc. Doc. Req. Excl.Struc. Excl. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = = Field Assignment Doc. Req.SAP Online Help Step Tab. Req. Excl. Doc. Condition TAXGROUP 98 382 0 X ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = = Field Assignment Doc. Req. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.Struc.Struc. Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Excl. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.SAP Online Help Step Tab.Field DOKTYP TXREG_ST Constant BR 5 382 163 X   Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 50 .Struc. Excl. Doc. Req.Field Constant BR 4 5 382 163 X    = = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_ST TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 Table 10-10: Access sequence BRIP – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Excl. Req. Req.Struc. Doc. Excl.Field Constant BR 4 07/05/09 98 382 0 X   = = = = = KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR 99 392 0 X Table 10-9: Access sequence BRII – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF I/O = Field Assignment Doc. KOMP Doc. KOMK KOMP Doc.Field MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP STEUC X X 97 BR Constant BR 5 346 0 X  = = = = 97 346 0 X  = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-11: Access sequence BRIR – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req.Struc. Condition ALAND MATNR ALAND TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. KOMP KOMP Doc. Excl. Doc. Condition TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 98 382 0 X ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O Field Assignment 07/05/09   = = = = Doc. Req.Struc. Excl. KOMP KOMP KOMP KOMP Doc. Excl.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 0 X    = = = = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR 0 98 382 0 X   = KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 51 .SAP Online Help Step Tab. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. Req.Field MATNR BR TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR Constant BR 1 5 121 347 0 0 X X  =    = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-13: Access sequence BRLC – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field TXREG_ST MATNR Constant X X 5 BR KOMK KOMP KOMP DOKTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR    = = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-12: Access sequence BRIS – steps and field assignment Step Tab. 0 Excl.Struc. Condition X ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 99 392 0 X ALAND I/O = = KOMP KOMP LOC_PR MATNR X X 5 BR Field Assignment Doc. Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMP Doc. Excl. Doc. Doc.Field MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP STEUC X X 97 BR KOMK MWSKZ Constant BR 5 346 0 X  = = = = 97 346 0 X  = = = = 99 3 0 X  Table 10-15: Access sequence BRPI – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR 5 346 0 X  = = = Table 10-16: Access Sequence BRS1 – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Excl.SAP Online Help Step Tab. Condition DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 99 3 0 X ALAND MWSKZ I/O = = = = Field Assignment Doc. KOMP Doc. Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND MWSKZ I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Excl.Field Constant X X 98 BR KOMK MWSKZ 07/05/09  Table 10-14: Access sequence BRLP – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Req. Re q. Req.Field Constant BR 5 601  = = = = Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 52 .Struc.Struc. SAP Online Help 07/05/09   Table 10-17: Access sequence BRS2 - steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition 5 601 0 X ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 99 392 0 X ALAND I/O = = KOMP KOMP LOC_SE MATNR X X 5 BR Field Assignment Doc.Struc. Doc.Field Constant BR  = = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. Step 99 is used for country default rates. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field. Table 10-18: Access sequence BRST – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMP KOMP KOMK KOMP Doc.Field TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP KOMP KOMK TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT X X X 98 Constant BR 5 348 0 X     = = = = 98 348 0 X    = = = = Table 10-19: Access sequence BRTF – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND TXREG_ST ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMP Doc.Field TXREG_ST BR Constant BR 5 10 394 3 0 0 X X  = Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 53 SAP Online Help Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition MWSKZ I/O Field Assignment 07/05/09  Doc.Struc. KOMK Doc.Field MWSKZ Constant Table 10-20: Access sequence BRWT – Name: Brazil WHT Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMP Doc.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR 5 346 0 X  = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. Table 10-21 : Access sequence BUNI – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND MWSKZ ALAND I/O Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMK KOMK Doc.Field MWSKZ BR Constant 10 99 3 392 0 0 X X   = Table 10-22: Access sequence MWST – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND MWSKZ I/O Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMK KOMK Doc.Field ALAND MWSKZ Constant 10 3 0 X   10.3 AccSeq BRCO BRPI BRWT DIBR IBRR IBRX ICBS ICCB ICLW ICVA Access Sequences SD  Description Brazil Cofins Brazil PIS Brazil wht Brazil Taxes Due Brazil: 100% offset Brazil Ext. Tax Det. BR: ICMS Tax Base Val BR: ICMS Offsetting Entry BR: ICMS Tax Laws BR: ICMS Tax Rates Table 10-23: Access sequences used in the SD tax calculation Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 54 SAP Online Help AccSeq ICXC IPBS IPLW IPVA ISS1 ISS2 IPXC ISTC ISTI ISTV ISVA IZOF Description BR: Customer ICMS Exempt BR: IPI Tax Base Value BR: IPI Tax Laws BR: IPI Tax Rates Brazil ISS at Service Provider Brazil ISS wh Service provided BR: Customer IPI Exempt BR: ICMS Rates for Subtrib BR: ICMS Rate for S.T BR: Subtrib Surcharge BR: ISS Tax Rates Zona Franca 07/05/09 Table 10-24: Access sequence BRCO– steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMP Doc.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR 5 346 0 X  = = = Table 10-25: Access Sequence BRPI - steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition 5 346 0 X ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. Doc.Field Constant BR KOMP MATNR X X 5  = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. Table 10-26 Access sequence BRWT– Brazil WHT Step Tab. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. KOMP Doc.Field MATNR X X Constant BR 5 346 0 X  = = Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 55 Req. Req. Table 10-27: Access sequence DIBR – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field ALAND MATNR Constant 10 121 0 X   Table 10-31: Access sequence IBRR – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Excl. Condition ALAND MATNR I/O Field Assignment Doc. Doc.Struc. KOMK KOMP Doc. Doc. KOMK KOMK KOMP Doc.Struc. Excl.Struc. Condition ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. Req.Field LAND1 TAXK1 TAXM1 BR Constant BR 10 11 0 X    = 20 392 0 X Table 10-29: Access sequence DIPI – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field Constant 5 07/05/09 Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. Req. Condition ALAND J_1BTXSDC I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Condition ALAND TAXK1 TAXM1 30 40 342 392 0 0 X X ALAND TAXM2 ALAND I/O Field Assignment Doc. Excl.Field ALAND TAXK1 TAXM1 ALAND TAXM2 BR Constant ATYP A / PRIO 1 ATYP A / PRIO 2 20 002 X      = Table 10-30: Access sequence DISI– steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req.Struc. Excl. Condition TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Struc.SAP Online Help Step Tab. Excl. KOMP Doc. Condition ALAND LLAND TAXK1 TAXM1 ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Req. Excl. KOMK KOMK KOMP KOMK KOMP Doc.Field J_1BTXSDC Constant BR 10 291 X  Table 10-28 Access sequence DICM– steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field Constant BR 1 390 0 X Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 56 . Req.Struc. Excl.Field ALAND TAXK1 TAXM1 Constant 1 002 X    Table 10-33: Access sequence ICCB – steps and field assignment Step Tab Req. KOMK KOMK Doc. KOMK KOMK KOMP Doc.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 0 X  KOMP TXREG_SF Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 57 .Struc.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Table 10-32: Access sequence IBRX – steps and field assignment Step Tab. KOMP KOMP Doc.Struc. Req. Condition ALAND TAXK1 TAXM1 I/O Field Assignment Doc. Condition ALAND TAXK3 ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O Field Assignment Doc. Excl.Struc.Field ALAND TAXK3 Constant 1 5 341 382 0 X X   = = BR 0 KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR    = = = = = 98 382 0 X   = = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-35: Access sequence ICLW – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Condition ALAND TXREG_ST MATNR ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Excl. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF I/O = = Field Assignment Doc. Doc.Field TXREG_ST MATNR BR Constant BR 10 349 0 X   = 20 392 0 X Table 10-34: Access sequence ICBS – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Excl. Req. Req. Req.Field ALAND TAXK3 Constant 1 341 0 X   Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 58 .Struc. Condition ALAND TAXK3 I/O Field Assignment Doc. KOMP KOMP Doc. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.Struc.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 0 X    = = = = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR 0 98 382 0 X   = = = = = KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR 99 392 0 X Table 10-37: Access sequence ICXC – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Excl. Condition TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND MWSKZ I/O Field Assignment 07/05/09   = = = = = Doc.Struc. Req.Field TXREG_ST MATNR Constant X 5 BR 0 KOMP KOMP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR KOMK MWSKZ 98 382 0 X   = = = = = 99 003 0 X  Table 10-36: Access sequence ICVA – steps and field assignment Step Tab. KOMK KOMK Doc. Excl. Doc.SAP Online Help Step Tab. Excl. Excl.Field TAXK2 BR MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP STEUC X X 97 BR Constant BR 1 5 293 346 0 0 X X  =  = = = = 97 346 0 X  = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-39: Access sequence IPLW – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Excl.Struc. KOMK KOMP Doc. Condition ALAND TAXK2 ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 99 003 0 X ALAND MWSKZ I/O = Field Assignment Doc.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Table 10-38: Access sequence IPBS – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Struc. Req. KOMK KOMP Doc. Condition ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Req. Req. Doc. Excl.Field TAXK2 BR MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP STEUC X X 97 BR X X X 98 BR KOMK MWSKZ Constant BR 1 5 293 346 0 0 X X  =  = = = = 97 346 0 X  = = = = 98 346 0 X = = = = =  Table 10-40: Access sequence IPVA – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Field Constant BR 1 293 0 X Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 59 .Struc. Condition ALAND TAXK2 ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Excl.Struc. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field. Req. Excl.Field ALAND TAXK2 Constant 1 293 0 X   Table 10.Field Constant BR KOMP KOMP LOC_PR MATNR X X 5 BR 5 601 0 X ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP  = = = = 99 392 0 X ALAND Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Doc. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it.43: Access Sequence ISS2 .Struc. Req. Condition I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.Struc. Excl. KOMK KOMK Doc.steps and field assignment Step Tab. Table 10.SAP Online Help Step Tab. Req. Req.steps and field assignment Step Tab. Condition ALAND TAXK2 I/O Field Assignment Doc.Field TAXK2 MATNR Constant BR X X 5 BR  = = = = 98 346 0 X  = = = = KOMP STEUC X X 98 BR 99 392 0 X Table 10-41: Access sequence IPXC – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Step 99 is used for country default rates.Struc.Field Constant Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 60 . KOMK KOMP Doc. Condition I/O Field Assignment Doc.42: Access Sequence ISS1 . Excl. Condition TAXK2 5 346 0 X ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O Field Assignment 07/05/09  = Doc. Doc. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 99 392 0 X ALAND I/O = = Field Assignment Doc. Excl. Doc.Field Constant BR 07/05/09  = = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Condition 5 601 392 Leer 0 X ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP 99 392 0 X ALAND I/O = = KOMP KOMP LOC_SE MATNR X X 5 BR Field Assignment Doc. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND DOCTYP TXREG_SF TXREG_ST I/O = = Field Assignment Doc.Struc.Struc.SAP Online Help Step Tab.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 163 X   KOMP KOMP TXREG_ST TXREG_ST Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 61 . Req. Table 10-44: Access sequence ISTC – steps and field assignment Step Tab. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field. Step 99 is used for country default rates. Req.Field Constant BR 0 5 382 0 X    = = = = = KOMP KOMP KOMP TXREG_ST TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR 0 98 382 0 X   = = = = = KOMP KOMP TXREG_ST TXREG_ST X X X 98 BR Table 10-45: Access sequence ISTI – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. Excl. Doc.Struc. Doc. Struc. KOMP KOMP KOMK KOMP Doc.Struc. Req. Excl. Condition ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc.Field MATNR BR TXREG_SF TXREG_ST MATNR X X 5 BR Constant BR 1 5 121 347 0 0 X X  =    = = = = 99 392 0 X Table 10-48: Access sequence IZOF – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Req. KOMP Doc. Condition DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O Field Assignment 07/05/09  = = = Doc.Field TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT MATNR X X 5 BR KOMP KOMP KOMK TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT X X X 98 Constant BR 5 382 0 X     = = = = 98 382 0 X    = = = = Table 10-47: Access sequence ISVA – steps and field assignment Step Tab.Struc. Doc. Excl.Struc. Req. KOMP KOMP KOMP KOMP Doc.Field Constant BR 5 394 0 X Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 62 .Field MATNR Constant X X 5 Table 10-46: Access sequence ISTV – steps and field assignment Step Tab. Condition ALAND MATNR ALAND TXREG_SF TXREG_ST DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Excl.SAP Online Help Step Tab. Condition ALAND TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND TXREG_SF TXREG_ST XSUBT DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Field Assignment Doc. Excl. Req. ICMS exempt ICMS on freight ICMS Fr Rate SF=ST IPI Rate IPI Base Reduction IPI Other Base Flag IPI Pauta Amount IPI exempt ISS Rate Tax Free Region Tax Law ICMS Tax Law IPI Subtrib. Condition TXREG_ST I/O Field Assignment 07/05/09  Doc. Rate BRB1 BRIC BRIB BRIC BRB1 BRID BRII MWST BRIC BRID BRIP BRIP BRIP BRIP MWST BRIS BRTF BRLC BRLP BRST AcSq BRIC BRCI BRCI CalTy A A A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A CdCat D 1 1 F F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CCl A A A A A D A A A A A A A A A A A A B A D D A D A BST0 TX ICZF TX BIF0 TX BIC0 BIC0 TX TX BIC6 TX RfCTy Rap Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 63 . KOMP Doc.T. ICMS Rate ICMS Base Reduction ICMS Other Base Flag ICMS Base ICMS Rate SF=ST ICMS Rate for S.Struc. Excl. Exempt Discount Freight Dummy Non-Statistic.4 Condition Types MM/FI  10.SAP Online Help Step Tab.Field TXREG_ST Constant 10.4. Req.1 Condition types used in tax calculation procedure for MM   Table 10-49: Condition types used in tax calculation procedure for MM (FI) CTyp B100 BCI1 BCI2 BDIS BFRE BI00 BIC0 BIC1 BIC2 BIC6 BICH BICS BICX BIF0 BIFH BIP0 BIP1 BIP2 BIPP BIPX BIS0 BIZF BLIC BLIP BSF0 Name Convenio 100 ICMS Complement Base ICMS Complem. BR Tax Calculation BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount BR ICMS Zona Franca BR ICMS Freight Base BR ICMS Freight Amnt. Base BR ICMS Comp.Minpr. BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR IPI Offset Base BR IPI Offset Amount BR ICMS Comp. Amnt BRSubTrib NF Rate BRID BRST BRST BRST BRST BRST BRST BRST BRST BRST A A A C C A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A A A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 07/05/09 BIF0 TX Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 64 . reduction 2 Subtrib. Minprice Subtrib. Fixprice Subtrib. Rate Subtrib. Amnt. BR ICMS Comp. Base Modif. type Subtrib. Rate BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr.SAP Online Help BSF1 BST0 BST1 BST2 BST3 BST6 BST7 BST8 BSTF BSTI BSUB BX01 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BXZF BX14 BX15 BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 BX30 BX31 BX32 BX40 BX41 BX42 BX43 BX44 ICMS Fr Rate SF=ST Subtrib. surch. Base BR SubTrib Fr.Factor S. reduction 1 Subtrib. base reduct Subtrib.T. S. Minp.T.Bef.Surch. fr. Consumption In Sub.T.SAP Online Help BX45 BX46 BX50 BX51 BXPA BXPO IC1C IC1O ICM0 ICM1 ICM2 ICM3 ICM4 ICMF ICOA ICN3 ICOF ICON ICOO ICOP ICOS ICOT ICOU ICOV ICOW ICOX ICOZ ICSW ICSZ ICS1 ICS2 ICS3 ICW3 ICZF BRSubtrib Basered1 BRSubtrib Basered2 BR ISS Base BR ISS Amount BR IPI Pauta Amount BR Caller = PO? ICMS Ind. offset COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS Normal Tax COFINS deductible COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Offset Tax Included ICMS complement COFINS Normal PO/GR STO-ICMS complement COFINS COFINS Normal COFINS Offset ICOS/ICOU COFINS WHT ICMS complement 100 COFINS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset Sub.Clear.Clearing ICMS Ind.T.)-STO Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 65 .Tributaria In S. In MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST BRTF B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A A A A A A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 07/05/09 ICMS Consumption In ICMS from SD Out STO-ICMS SD (ICM3) ICMS S.Off.Tributaria Out COFINS Withholding TaxSD ICMS Rev (Z. ICMS NF Zero Line ICMS Industr.F. In MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 07/05/09 IPI Consumption In IPI from SD Out IPI -Split Vendor PIS Normal Tax PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal Tax PIS Offset Tax Included PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal IV NVV PIS Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset PIS WHT SD Offset PIS WHT SD Reimbursement ICMS Reimb.SAP Online Help ICZ3 IFR1 IFR3 IFS1 IFS3 IGEW IGEZ IGW3 IGZ3 IIRW IIRZ INSS INSX IPI0 IPIS IPI1 IPI2 IPI3 IPI4 IPS3 IPSA IPSN IPSO IPSS IPSU IPSV IPSW IPSZ IPZ3 IPW3 IRD1 IRD2 IRD3 IRD4 COFINS WHT SD Offset ICMS on freight In ICMS on freight Out ICMS ST freight In ICMS ST freight Out General WHT General WHT Offset General WHT SD General WHT SD Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset INSS Incoming INSS offset (100-)-IPI NF Zero Line PIS deductible IPI Industr. ICMS offset Reimbursement SUBT Reimb. SUBT offset Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 66 . ISS Min WHT at Prov.2 Tax  Rate Conditions  Cond. ISS Base at Prov. SUBT off. DB: B (without popup) Table 10-50: Cond. Level 1) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.NVV IR Withholding TaxSD IR WHT SD Offset ISS at Provider SD ISS WHT at Provider SD ISS at Service Loc SD ISS WHT at Service Loc SD ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Service Loc ISS WHT at Service Loc ISS Offset ISS from MM In ISS from SD Out MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 07/05/09 ISS from MM In Offs CSLL Withholding Tax SD CSLL WHT SD Offset   10.SAP Online Help IRD5 IRD6 IRW3 IRZ3 ISA3 ISB3 ISE3 ISF3 ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG ISS2 ISS3 ISSO ISW3 ISZ3 Reimb. Category: 1 (Jur. Cal.4. BCO1 BCO2 BCOP BIS1 BIS2 BIS3 BIS5 BIS6 BIS7 Description COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount ISS Rate at Prov. ICMS off. ISS Law at Prov.Type Co. NVV Reimb. ISS Taxloc at Prov.Seq. Acc. ISS WHT at Prov.Class RefCon BRCO BRCO BRCO BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 A A C A A A A A B A A B A A A A A A RefApp Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 67 . ISS Law at Serv.3 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions  Cond. WHT Rate Gen. BX60 BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C Description BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 68 . DB: B (without popup) Table 10-51: Cond.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRPI BRPI BRPI BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A BIS1 BIS2 BIS3 BIS5 BIS6 BIS7 TX TX TX TX TX TX 07/05/09 WHT Coll. Category: 1 (Jur.: (empty) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. Type: B (Fixed amount) Cond. WHT Coll.Code Gen. ISS Base at Serv. ISS WHT at Serv. ISS Min WHT at Serv.4.Code IR WHT Rate IR BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT 10. PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount WHT Coll. ISS Taxloc at Serv. Level 1) Access Seq.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll.SAP Online Help BISA BISB BISC BISE BISF BISG BPI1 BPI2 BPIP BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 ISS Rate at Serv.Code COFINS BRWT WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll. Class: A (Discount or surcharge) Calculat. TxIncl BR PIS Pauta Amount 07/05/09 10.SAP Online Help BX6D BX6E BX6F BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7O BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8O BX8P BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Offset TxIncl BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount BR ICMS Freight Base IBRX B B B B AcSq IBRX CalTy A CdCat D 1 1 1 D 1 CCl D A A A D A IBRX V RfCTy IBRX RAp V Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 69 .4. DB: B (without popup) Table 10-52: Cond.4 cords     Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions With Manually Created Condition Re­ Cond. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Off. Category: 1 (Jur. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Off.5.TxIncl BR COFINS Pauta Amt. BXWT Description BR WHT Base Amount Acc.Seq. Co.Class Cal. Level 1) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.Type RefCon BRB1 D A RefApp With transaction FV11. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. 10. create a condition record for this condition type with rate 100% and tax code ‘SD’.5 Condition Types SD  10.1 Condition types used in tax calculation procedure for SD   Table 10-51: CTyp BI00 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX14 Name Dummy Non-Statistic. Brazil tax calc. Base BR SubTrib Fr.Trib. BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr.SAP Online Help BX15 BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX40 BX41 BX42 BX43 BX44 BX45 BX46 BX50 BX51 BXPA BXZF DICF DICM DIPI DISI DISS DIZF DSUB DSUF IBRX IC0X ICBS ICCB ICCX ICFR ICLW ICM3 ICMI ICMO ICOB ICS3 ICSO ICVA ICXC ICZF IFR3 IFS3 BR ICMS Freight Amnt.base BR: ICMS comp. ICMS on freight SD ICMS ST freight SD IBRR ICVA ICXC IZOF IBRR ICVA IBRX DIBR DIBR DIBR DIBR DIBR IZOF DIBR DIBR IBRX DIBR ICBS ICCB ICCB ICVA ICLW IBRX IBRX IBRX IBRX IBRX B B B B A B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A A A A H D 1 H D D 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 H D 1 D 1 D 1 1 1 1 D 1 D D D D D D 1 D D 1 D D D D D D 1 D A A A A D A D A D A A A A D A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D B A D D A D A D D D 07/05/09 IBRX V IBRX IBRX IBRX V V V IBRX V ICZF V Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 70 . from SD ISS offset ICMS Tax Rate BR Cust ICMS Exempt ICMS Disc.excmpt BR: ICMS on freight BR: ICMS Law ICMS from SD Price+Tax (for NF) ICMS offset BR: ICMS other base Sub. Zona Fr. Amnt BRSubTrib NF Rate BRSubTrib Basered1 BRSubTrib Basered2 BR ISS Base BR ISS Amount BR IPI Pauta Amount BR ICMS Zona Franca Devido ICMS Freight Devido ICMS BR: Devido IPI Devido ICMS s/IPI Devido ISS Zona Franca Devido Sub Trib Devido SubTrib Fr. BR: ICMS 0 excempt ICMS Tax Base BR: ICMS comp. BR: Sub.Trib 2 Sub.Minpr.Factor Subtrib Surcharge BR: Sub.Surch.SAP Online Help IP0X IPBS IPI3 IPIP IPLW IPOB IPVA IPXC ISIC ISS3 IST2 ISTB ISTC ISTD ISTF ISTI ISTM ISTN ISTS ISTT ISVA BR: IPI 0 excempt IPI Tax Base IPI from SD BR: IPI Pauta BR: IPI Law BR: IPI other base IPI Tax Rate BR Cust IPI Exempt ICMS Rate SF=ST ISS from SD BR: Sub. Minp.Bef. Trib Base Value Subtrib.T.Trib FixPric S.2 Withholding tax types used in tax calculation procedure for SD    Table 10-62: Tax Type ICN3 ICW3 IGW3 IPS3 IPW3 IRW3 ISA3 ISB3 ISE3 ISF3 ISW3 ICZ3 IGZ3 IPZ3 Description COFINS from SD COFINS Withholding TaxSD General WHT SD PIS Normal Tax PIS WHT SD IR Withholding TaxSD ISS at Provider SD ISS WHT at Provider SD ISS at Service Loc SD ISS WHT at Service Loc SD CSLL Withholding Tax SD COFINS WHT SD Offset General WHT SD Offset PIS WHT SD Offset AcSq MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST MWST IBRR IBRR IBRR CalTy A A A A A A A A A A A A A A CdCat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CCl D D D D D D D D D D D D D D RfCTy RAp ICMO V ICMO V ICMO V Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 71 .T. BR: Sub. base reduct ICMS Rate for S.5.Trib MinPric Subtrib.Trib SurType BR: ISS amount ISTV ISTV ISTV ISTI ISTV ISTV ISTV ISTV ISTV ISTV ISVA IPVA IPLW IPVA IPVA IPXC ISTC DIBR IPBS A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C A C A A A A D D D D D D 1 D D D D D D 1 D D D D D D D D D D D D A D D D D D D D A D A D D D 07/05/09 ICVA V 10. ISS Rate at Serv. ISS Min WHT at Prov. ISS Base at Prov. ISS WHT at Serv.5.SAP Online Help IRZ3 ISZ3 ICO2 IPS2 IR WHT SD Offset CSLL WHT SD Offset COFINS Offset SD PIS Offset SD IBRR IBRR IBRR IBRR A A A A 1 1 07/05/09 D D A A ICMO V ICMO V ICMO V ICMO V 10.4  Tax Code Conditions   Table 10-84: Tax Type DCOF DPIS DWHT Description COFINS Due PIS Due WHT Due AcSq DIBR DIBR DIBR CalTy A A A CdCat D D D CCl D D D RfCTy RAp 10. ISS Taxloc at Prov. Description BCO1 COFINS Rate BCO2 COFINS Base BCOP COFINS Pauta Amount ISVB ISVC ISVD ISVF ISVG ISVH ISVN ISVO ISVP ISVR ISVS ISS Rate at Prov. AcSq CalTy CdCat CCl RfCTy RAp D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ISVB ISVC ISVD ISVF ISVG V V V V V BRCO A BRCO A BRCO C ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS2 ISS2 ISS2 ISS2 ISS2 A A A A A B A A A A A Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 72 . ISS WHT at Prov.5 Withholding tax Tax Rate Conditions   Table 10-95: Cond.5. ISS Law at Serv. ISS Law at Prov.3 Withholding Tax Code Conditions  Table 10-73 Tax Type IKW4 ILW4 ICW4 IPW4 ISW4 IRW4 IGW4 Description ISS provider WHT cde ISS service WHT cde COFINS WHT code PIS WHT code CSLL WHT code IR WHT code General WHT code AcSq J1AG J1AG J1AG J1AG J1AG J1AG J1AG CalTy A A A A A A A CdCat D D D D D D D CCl W W W W W W W RfCTy RAp 10. ISS Taxloc at Serv.5. ISS Base at Serv. Code CSLL BW32 WHT Rate CSLL BW41 WHT Coll.5. Base BR PIS Amount AcSq CalTy B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CdCat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CCl A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A RfCTy RAp Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 73 .Code COFINS BRWT A BW22 WHT Rate COFINS BW31 WHT Coll. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Off.TxIncl BR COFINS Pauta Amt. BW02 WHT Rate Gen.6 Nota Fiscal Mapping Condition   Table 10-106: Cond.Code Gen.SAP Online Help ISVT BPI1 BPI2 BPIP ISS Min WHT at Serv.Code IR BW42 WHT Rate IR BRWT A BRWT A BRWT A BRWT A BRWT A 10.Code PIS BW12 WHT Rate PIS BRWT A BRWT A BRWT A BRWT A BW21 WHT Coll. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. BX60 BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C BX6D BX6E BX6F BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7O BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 Description BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Offset TxIncl BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount ISS2 BRPI BRPI BRPI B A A C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D B D D D D D D D D D D ISVH V 07/05/09 BW01 WHT Coll. BW11 WHT Coll. 6.g.T. It is structured in the following sections: • • • • • Transaction data retrieval Customizing data retrieval Tax calculation Results of tax calculation Tax code conditions Each of the sections forms a connected block in the calculation procedure. the calling application (PO/ IM or IV) is determined (step 017.2 Customizing Data Retrieval  In the next section. This is discussed in section 6. BASB). The steps in red are only required for CBT. data specific to the item that is processed in the tax calculation are processed. This calculation procedure is assigned to the country in table T005. The access is done based on the actual values in the communication structures KOMP and KOMK and is controlled by the access sequences assigned to the condition types. step 011) in order that no confusing intermediate sum appears in such lines on the pricing results screen in the transactions. Furthermore.6 Calculation Procedure in MM (FI): TAXBRA  The calculation procedure TAXBRA is used in the FI tax calculation. and the S.TxIncl BR PIS Pauta Amount 07/05/09 B B 1 1 A A 10. laws. the freight (step 013. base modification amount (step 014. It is used to refer to it in lines of the calculation procedure that only contain explanatory texts (like e. If Using the classical calculation please skip the step. In the first section of the calculation procedure. conditions: Discount Freight S. The calculation part is completely moved to a formula. BXPO). the discount (step 012.1 Transaction Data Retrieval  The first line of the calculation procedure just contains a zero value.6. the tax Customizing data (rates. 10. BDIS). each of the sections of the new calculation procedure will be discussed. BSUB).T.SAP Online Help BX8O BX8P BR PIS Off. The entries in dark blue are due to withholding tax law change (MP135) Table 10-62: Retrieval of tax Customizing data in the calculation procedure Step CTyp Description From To Reqt Stat AltCTy AltCBV ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 74 . In the following. and other flags) are read from the condition database. Base Modif. BFRE). BR Caller = PO? From 000 000 001 000 000 000 001 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 160 Stat X X X X X X X AltCTy 000 000 000 320 320 320 000 000 AltCBV 000 000 000 160 160 160 000 160 ActKy 10. Table 10-111: Retrieval of transaction data in the calculation procedure Step 001 010 011 012 013 014 015 017 BASB BDIS BFRE BSUB BXPO CTyp Description First line: zero Base Amount Tax-relev. which is called in MM transactions. These are the net value (step 010. Minpr.SAP Online Help Step 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 030 031 032 040 041 042 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 060 061 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 BIS1 BIS2 BIS3 BST0 BST1 BST2 BST3 BST6 BST7 BST8 BSTF BSTI BIS0 BIP0 BIP1 BIP2 BIPP BIPX BLIP BIF0 BIFH BCI1 BCI2 BIC0 BIC1 BIC2 BICX B100 BLIC BICH BICS CTyp Description Read tax data: ICMS ICMS Rate ICMS Base Reduction ICMS Other Base Flag ICMS exempt Convenio 100 Steuergesetz ICMS ICMS Rate SF=ST ICMS Rate for S. Minprice Subtrib. ICMS Complement ICMS Complement Base ICMS Complem.T.T. Subtrib.Factor S. surch. ISS New 2004 ISS Rate at Prov. Minp. Fixprice Subtrib. type Subtrib. From 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 001 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 160 160 160 07/05/09 AltCBV 000 000 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 000 160 160 000 160 160 000 160 160 160 000 160 160 000 160 000 160 160 000 000 160 160 160 160 160 ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 75 .Surch. Rate Subtrib. ISS Base at Prov. ISS Law at Prov.Trib. base reduct Subtrib. Exempt ICMS on Freight ICMS on freight ICMS Fr Rate SF=ST IPI IPI Rate IPI Base Reduction IPI Other Base Flag IPI Pauta Amount IPI exempt Steuergesetz IPI ISS ISS Rate Sub. reduction 2 Subtrib. reduction 1 Subtrib.Bef. ISS Rate at Serv.3 Results of Tax Calculation  The results of the tax calculation are retrieved in the next section of the calculation procedure. The condition types and internal codes are listed in sections 0 and 10. BR Tax Calculation ISS Min WHT at Serv. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 76 . a condition type is defined that serves to indicate the result in the pricing procedure results table. This coding is processed in the call to the condition value formula 320 as well (see section 6). ISS Taxloc at Serv. respectively. COFINS COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount From 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1 000 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat x X X X X X X x X X x X X X X X X X X AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 160 160 160 160 07/05/09 AltCBV 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 ActKy Rot markierte Stellen stehen so in MP135 After all data are retrieved that are necessary to calculate the taxes. ISS Min WHT at Prov. ISS Base at Serv. ISS Law at Serv. PIS. ISS WHT at Prov. corresponding internal codes are defined which are used in the coding to transfer the tax results back to the calculation procedure. ISS WHT at Serv. For each value. the tax calculation is performed by processing the condition value formula 320 which is discussed in section 6.Cal at Serv. Cal at Prov.SAP Online Help Step 084 085 086 087 091 092 093 094 095 096 101 097 110 111 112 113 121 122 123 BCO1 BCO2 BCOP BPI1 BPI2 BPIP CTyp BlS4 BIS5 BIS6 BIS7 BISA BISB BISC BISD BISE BISF BX01 BISG Description ISS Ins.6. ISS Ins.7. For these new condition types. ISS Taxloc at Prov. Table 10-63: Call to tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 100 101 BX01 CTyp Description Call Tax Calculation: BR Tax Calculation From 001 010 To 000 000 Reqt 000 000 Stat X X AltCTy 000 320 AltCBV 000 000 ActKy   190 191 BX01 Call Tax Calculation: BR Tax Calculation 1 10 X X 320 In MP 135   10. BR ISS Base BR ISS Amount BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv From 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCTy 000 000 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 ActKy 200 210 215 220 225 226 227 230 235 240 245 246 247 248 250 255 256 260 265 270 275 277 278 279 280 285 290 295 300 301 305 310 311 312 315 316 320 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 77 . Amnt BRSubTrib NF Rate BRSubTrib Basered1 BRSubTrib Basered2 BR ICMS Freight Base BRICMS Freight Amnt. Base BR SubTrib Fr. Rate BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr.SAP Online Help Table 10-64: Results of tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 100/190 CTyp Description Call Tax Calculation: Tax Results: BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BXZF BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 BXPA BX30 BX31 BX32 BX40 BX41 BX42 BX43 BX44 BX45 BX46 BX14 BX15 BX50 BX51 BX60 BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount BR ICMS Zona Franca BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR IPI Offset Base BR IPI Offset Amount BR IPI Pauta Amount BR ICMS Comp. Base BR ICMS Comp. BR ICMS Comp. Amnt. Clear.Tributaria In ICMS S. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. In Sub.e.Off. IPI Consumption In Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 78 . ICMS Ind.Clear.TxIncl BR COFINS Pauta Amt. i.6. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Off.SAP Online Help Step 325 330 335 339 350 351 355 360 365 370 371 375 380 385 CTyp BX6D BX6E BX6F BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7O BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8O BX8P Description BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Offset TxIncl BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. offset ICMS on freight In ICMS ST freight In IPI Ind.Clearing IPI Ind.4 Tax Code Conditions  The last section of the tax calculation procedure contains the tax code conditions.Off.T. The condition base values are taken from the lines in the calculation procedure that contain the tax results described in the section before. the conditions that you activate (100%) or deactivate (no record) by customizing the tax codes.Clearing ICMS Ind.TxIncl BR PIS Pauta Amount From 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCTy 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 ActKy   10. fr. In From 001 001 245 225 245 247 225 265 225 285 275 245 440 225 415 245 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 164 000 164 000 VST VST VS1 NVV VS2 VS3 IC1 VS3 VS3 IPC IPC ICC ICC NVV ActKy IPI -Split Vendor ICMS Industr. Table 10-65: Tax code conditions in the calculation procedure Step 100/190 400 405 406 410 412 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 510 IPI0 ICM0 IPI1 IPI4 ICM1 ICS1 ICMF IFR1 IFS1 IP1C IP1O IC1C IC1O IPI2 CTyp Description Call Tax Calculation: Tax Code Conditions: IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line IPI Industr. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Off. Loc.)-STO ICMS on freight Out ICMS ST freight Out STO-ICMS SD (ICM3) INSS Incoming INSS offset (100-)-Reimbursment ICMS Reimb. TxIncl PIS/COFINS DEDUCTIBLE COFINS deductible PIS deductible Cofins Offset 164 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 79 . NVV Reimb.Loc.Tributaria Out ISS from SD Out ICMS Rev (Z. ICMS off.T.F. ISS WHT at Serv. ICMS offset Reimbursment SUBT Reimb. SUBT off. Consumption In ICMS complement STO-ICMS complement ICMS complement 100 ISS from MM In ISS from MM In Offs IPI from SD ICMS from SD Out Out From 225 265 255 255 525 295 555 245 225 265 295 225 285 275 225 010 680 010 710 010 720 010 010 1 305 310 320 325 339 1 355 360 375 380 1 355 375 360 1 1 1 1 1 X X X 1 1 1 1 1 X To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 X AltCBV 000 000 000 000 164 000 164 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 ActKy NVV NVV ICP ICP ICX IC1 MW4 MW1 MW2 MW3 MW4 ICZ MW3 MW3 MW2 VST INX IR1 IR2 IR3 IR4 NVV NVV Sub. SUBT offset Reimb.NVV ISS ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Serv.SAP Online Help Step 515 520 525 530 535 555 560 610 615 620 625 630 640 645 650 680 685 710 715 720 725 730 735 750 755 760 765 770 775 779 780 782 784 786 789 790 791 792 ICOF IPIS ICOV ICON ICOO IPSN IPSO ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG CTyp ICM2 ICS2 ICOP ICOT ICOX ISS2 ISSO IPI3 ICM3 ICS3 ISS3 ICZF IFR3 IFS3 ICM4 INSS INSX IRD1 IRD2 IRD3 IRD4 IRD5 IRD6 Description ICMS Consumption In S. ISS Offsets PIS/COFINS NONDEDUCTIBLE COFINS NVV COFINS NVVOff TxIncl PIS NVV PIS NVV Off. PO/GR Cofins IV Non Deduct Cofins ded.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll. not inc. WITHHOLDING TAXES BR WHT Base Amount WHT Coll. PO/GR PIS non deductib.6. WHT Coll.5 Create Processing keys for Withholding Tax  (T007B)  For the withholding tax new processing keys (account keys) have to be created to post taxes to separate accounts and to identify withholding tax amounts in the normal tax calculation.Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS WHT Coll. Tax Type: Not deductible: 2 (input tax) X Posting indicator: 3 (Distribute to relevant expense/revenue items) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 80 . IV PIS ded. not inc. WHT Rate Gen.Code Gen. Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS deduct.SAP Online Help Step 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 900 901 904 905 909 910 914 915 919 920 924 925 950 951 955 956 960 961 965 966 970 971 999 BXWT BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 ICOW ICOZ IPSW IPSZ ICSW ICSZ IIRW IIRZ IGEW IGEZ BI00 CTyp ICOS ICOU ICOA IPSV IPSS IPSU IPSA Description COFINS deduct. 915 950 910 955 920 960 925 965 905 970 From 360 360 355 380 380 380 375 1 380 160 161 360 To Reqt 160 161 Stat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCTy AltCBV 07/05/09 ActKy 164 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 164 164 164 164 164 163 10.Code IR WHT Rate IR COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset General WHT General WHT Offset Dummy Non-Statistic. create new G/L accounts.6 Create G/L Accounts  If you need to post the new taxes to separate accounts. The following is just a suggestion. 177011: COFINS Withholding Tax Posting at Payment Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 81 .6.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Table 10-66 Processing Key ISW WTC WTG WTI WTP WTS Description ISS WHT COFINS WHT General WHT IR WHT PIS WHT CSLL WHT Tax type: 2 (input tax) space Non deductible: Posting indicator: 2 (separate line item) Table 10-67 Processing Key CO3 PI3 Description COFINS Clearing PIS Clearing Tax type: 1 (output tax) space Non deductible: Posting indicator: 2 (separate line item) Table 10-65 Processing Key COF PIS WK3 WC3 WC4 WG3 WG4 WI3 WI4 WP3 WP4 WS3 WS4 Description COFINS PIS ISS WHT Cofins WHT Cofins WHT offset General WHT General WHT offset IR WHT IR WHT offset PIS WHT PIS WHT offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT offset 10. 8 Define Account Keys for SD (T687)  Table 10-67 Account Key COF PIS WK3 WC3 WC4 WG3 WG4 Description COFINS PIS ISS WHT Cofins WHT Cofins WHT offset General WHT General WHT offset Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 82 .6.7 Define and Assign Tax Accounts  Posting Keys: 40 – 50 Table 10-66 Account Key CO3 COF PI3 PIS WK3 WC3 WC4 WG3 WG4 WI3 WI4 WP3 WP4 WS3 WS4 Account 154008 177031 154031 177030 177040 177011 177011 177022 177022 177021 177021 177013 177013 177020 177020 10.6.SAP Online Help 177013: PIS Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177020: CSLL Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177021: IR Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177022: General Withholding Tax (PIS/COFINS/CSLL/IR) 177030: PIS Normal Tax 177031: COFINS Normal Tax 154031: PIS Tax deductible 154008: COFINS Tax deductible 177040: ISS Withholding Tax 07/05/09 10. 10 Results of Tax Calculation  The results of the tax calculation are retrieved in the next section of the calculation procedure. Base BR ICMS Comp. the tax calculation is performed by processing the condition value formula 320 which is discussed in section 6. The condition types and internal codes are listed in sections 0 and 10. This coding is processed in the call to the condition value formula 320 as well (see section 6). BR ICMS Comp. Base From 001 010 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCTy 000 320 000 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 83 . For these new condition types. Table 10-69: Results of tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 190 191 200 210 215 220 225 227 230 235 240 245 246 247 248 250 255 256 260 265 270 BX01 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 BXPA BX30 BX31 BX32 BX40 BX41 BX42 CTyp Description Call Tax Calculation: BR Tax Calculation Tax Results: BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR IPI Offset Base BR IPI Offset Amount BR IPI Pauta Amount BR ICMS Comp.9 Tax Calculation  This is only relevant for the classical calculation. Rate BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr.6. After all data are retrieved that are necessary to calculate the taxes.6.SAP Online Help WI3 WI4 WP3 WP4 WS3 WS4 IR WHT IR WHT offset PIS WHT PIS WHT offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT offset 07/05/09 10. a condition type is defined that serves to indicate the result in the pricing procedure results table. Amnt. respectively. corresponding internal codes are defined which are used in the coding to transfer the tax results back to the calculation procedure. Table 10-68: Call to tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 100 101 BX01 CTyp Description Call Tax Calculation: BR Tax Calculation From 001 010 To 000 000 Reqt 000 000 Stat X X AltCTy 000 320 AltCBV 000 000 ActKy 10. For each value.7. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Off. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. Amnt BRSubTrib NF Rate BRSubTrib Basered1 BRSubTrib Basered2 BR ICMS Freight Base BRICMS Freight Amnt. the conditions that you activate (100%) or deactivate (no record) by customizing the tax codes.TxIncl BR COFINS Pauta Amt. The condition base values are taken from the lines in the calculation procedure that contain the tax results described in the section before. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Off.TxIncl BR PIS Pauta Amount From 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCTy 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 ActKy 10.e. i.SAP Online Help Step 275 277 278 279 280 285 290 295 300 301 305 310 311 312 315 316 320 325 330 335 339 350 351 355 360 365 370 371 375 380 385 CTyp BX43 BX44 BX45 BX46 BX14 BX15 BX50 BX51 BX60 BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C BX6D BX6E BX6F BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7O BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8O BX8P Description BR SubTrib Fr.11 Tax Code Conditions  The last section of the tax calculation procedure contains the tax code conditions. BR ISS Base BR ISS Amount BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Offset TxIncl BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. Table 10-69: Tax code conditions in the calculation procedure Step 100 400 CTyp Description Call Tax Calculation: Tax Code Conditions: From 001 001 To 000 000 Reqt 000 000 Stat X X AltCTy 000 000 AltCBV 000 000 ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 84 .6. Clear.F.Tributaria Out ISS from SD Out ICMS Rev (Z.SAP Online Help Step 405 406 410 412 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 510 515 520 525 530 535 555 560 610 615 620 625 630 640 645 650 680 685 710 715 720 725 730 735 750 755 760 765 770 775 779 780 782 784 ICON ICOO IPSN ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG CTyp IPI0 ICM0 IPI1 IPI4 ICM1 ICS1 ICMF IFR1 IFS1 IP1C IP1O IC1C IC1O IPI2 ICM2 ICS2 ICOP ICOT ICOX ISS2 ISSO IPI3 ICM3 ICS3 ISS3 ICZF IFR3 IFS3 ICM4 INSS INSX IRD1 IRD2 IRD3 IRD4 IRD5 IRD6 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line IPI Industr.T. ISS WHT at Serv. Consumption In ICMS complement STO-ICMS complement ICMS complement 100 ISS from MM In ISS from MM In Offs IPI from SD Out ICMS from SD Out Sub.Loc. ISS Offsets PIS/COFINS DEDUCTIBLE COFINS NVV COFINS NVVOff TxIncl PIS NVV NONFrom 245 225 245 247 225 265 225 285 275 245 440 225 415 245 225 265 255 255 525 295 555 245 225 265 295 225 285 275 225 010 680 010 710 010 720 010 010 1 305 310 320 325 339 1 355 360 375 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 164 000 164 000 000 000 000 000 164 000 164 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 NVV NVV NVV ActKy VST VST VS1 NVV VS2 VS3 IC1 VS3 VS3 IPC IPC ICC ICC NVV NVV NVV ICP ICP ICX IC1 MW4 MW1 MW2 MW3 MW4 ICZ MW3 MW3 MW2 VST INX IR1 IR2 IR3 IR4 NVV NVV X NVV ISW NVV ISW NVV Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 85 .)-STO ICMS on freight Out ICMS ST freight Out STO-ICMS SD (ICM3) INSS Incoming INSS offset (100-)-Reimbursment ICMS Reimb. ICMS off. ICMS offset Reimbursment SUBT Reimb.NVV ISS ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Serv. SUBT off. In Sub. In IPI -Split Vendor ICMS Industr.Off. fr. NVV Reimb.Tributaria In ICMS S.Off. IPI Consumption In ICMS Consumption In S.T.Loc.Clear.Clearing ICMS Ind. offset ICMS on freight In ICMS ST freight In IPI Ind. ICMS Ind.Clearing IPI Ind. SUBT offset Reimb. not inc. From 380 1 355 375 360 360 360 355 380 380 380 375 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 915 950 910 955 920 960 925 965 905 970 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 360 000 000 000 380 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 160 161 000 000 160 161 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat 000 X X X 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 X X X X X X X X X X X X 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 164 000 000 000 000 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 000 164 000 164 0000 164 000 164 000 164 163 WTC NVV WTP NVV WTS NVV WTI NVV WTG NVV VS1 VST VST CO3 CO3 NVV CO3 PI3 PI3 NVV PI3 ActKy NVV 10. WHT Rate Gen. TxIncl PIS/COFINS DEDUCTIBLE COFINS deductible PIS deductible Cofins Offset COFINS deduct.Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll.Code Gen.7 Calculation Procedure in SD: RVABRA  The calculation procedure RVABRA is delivered as a sample SD pricing procedure. IV PIS ded. it will most likely be necessary to adapt it to the individual needs.SAP Online Help Step 786 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 900 901 904 905 909 910 914 915 919 920 924 925 950 951 955 956 960 961 965 966 970 971 999 BXWT BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 ICOW ICOZ IPSW IPSZ ICSW ICSZ IIRW IIRZ IGEW IGEZ BI00 ICOF IPIS ICOV ICOS ICOU ICOA IPSV IPSS IPSU IPSA CTyp IPSO Description PIS NVV Off. WITHHOLDING TAXES BR WHT Base Amount WHT Coll. not inc.Code IR WHT Rate IR COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset General WHT General WHT Offset Dummy Non-Statistic. WHT Coll.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll. Since it contains normal conditions besides the tax conditions. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 86 .Code PIS WHT Rate PIS WHT Coll. Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS deduct. PO/GR Cofins IV Non Deduct Cofins ded. PO/GR PIS non deductib. The calculation part is completely moved to a formula.g. The access is done based on the actual values in the communication structures KOMP and KOMK and is controlled by the access sequences assigned to the condition types. and other flags) are read from the condition database.SAP Online Help It is structured in the following sections: • • • • • • • Net price determination Customizing data retrieval Tax calculation on net amount (Step 1) Nota Fiscal relevant modifications to the base price including ICMS Tax recalculation on the modified amount including ICMS (Step 2) Results of tax calculation Tax code conditions 07/05/09 Each of the sections forms a connected block in the calculation procedure.7. It is used to refer to it in lines of the calculation procedure that only contain explanatory texts (like e. This is discussed in section 6. The rest covers the determination of the net price (price excluding any kind of tax). Examples for other procedures (like RVXBRE etc. In the following. The entries in dark blue are due to withholding tax lax change MP135.7. ignore the red entries. id using the classical procedure. laws. since the changes are the same.g. 10. If using CBT use the red entries. taking into account discounts which should not have impact on Nota Fiscal. The step 10 may only be included whether with the red or the black entry. each of the sections of the new calculation procedure will be discussed. e. the tax Customizing data (rates. Table 10-71: Retrieval of transaction data in the calculation procedure Step 001 010 010 010 010 010 045 050 199 RB00 Discount Net Base 1 2 3 4 ZPB0 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB3 PR00 Cntr CTyp Description **** Zero **** Price w/o Taxes Price+ISS Price+PIS+COF Price+ISS+PIS+COF Price From 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 002 002 002 002 002 000 002 000 X Stat X Prt AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ActKy 10. step 011) in order that no confusing intermediate sum appears in such lines on the pricing results screen in the transactions. Table 10-72: Retrieval of tax Customizing data in the calculation procedure Step 200 201 Cntr CTyp DICM ICVA Description Devido ICMS ICMS Tax Rate From 000 000 To 000 000 Reqt 000 000 Stat X X AltCTy 000 000 AltCBV 000 160 ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 87 .) are not given.2 Customizing Data Retrieval  In the next section.1 Net price determination  The first line of the calculation procedure just contains a zero value. ISS Ins. ISS WHT at Prov.T BR Cust ICMS Exempt Zona Franca Devido ICMS Freight BR: ICMS on freight Devido ICMS s/IPI Devido IPI IPI Tax Rate IPI Tax Base BR: IPI other base BR: IPI Pauta BR: IPI 0 exempt BR: IPI Law BR Cust IPI Exempt COFINS Due COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount PIS Due PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount Devido ISS ISS New 2004 ISVB ISVC ISVD ISVE ISVF ISVG ISVH ISVN ISS Rate at Prov.SAP Online Help Step 202 203 Cntr CTyp ICBS ICOB IC0X I100 ICLW ISIC ISTD ICXC DIZF DICF ICFR DISI DIPI IPVA IPBS IPOB IPIP IP0X IPLW IPXC DCOF BCO1 BCO2 BCOP DPIS BPI1 BPI2 BPIP DISS Description ICMS Tax Base BR: ICMS other base BR:ICMS 0 exempt BR: ICMS Convênio 100 BR: ICMS Law ICMS Rate SF=ST ICMS Rate for S. ISS Taxloc at Prov. ISS Base at Prov. ISS Rate at Serv. ISS Min WHT at Prov.Cal at Prov. ISS Law at Prov. 1 From 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 07/05/09 AltCBV 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 ActKy 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 220 221 230 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 250 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 260 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 88 . the section given below must be seen as an example only. the price including ICMS which results from the first step of the calculation amount can be used to apply conditions that modify this amount.Bef. Minp.Minpr. Trib Base Value BR: Sub. base reduct Subtrib.g.Trib MinPric R: Sub. Table 10-74: Call to tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 310 320 321 322 400 K004 K007 K005 KF00 Cntr Ctyp Description **** Modify Base **** Material Customer Customer/Material Freight Fro m 001 000 000 000 000 To 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 Req t 000 002 002 002 002 Sta t X Pr t AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 AltCB V 000 000 000 000 000 ERS ERS ERS ERF ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 89 . Nota Fiscal relevant discounts. freight.Trib 2 Subtrib.Trib FixPric Sub.Cal at Serv. Devido SubTribFreight 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 From To Reqt Stat X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 AltCTy 07/05/09 AltCBV 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 ActKy 10. ISS Law at Serv. the tax calculation is performed by processing the condition value formula 320 which is discussed in section 6. Table 10-73: Call to tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 300 CTyp ICMI Description Price+Tax (for NF) From 000 To 000 Reqt 002 Stat Prt X AltCTy 320 AltCBV 002 ActKy ERL 10.7.2=SR ISS WHT at Serv. ISS Ins. insurance or other expenses.Trib SurType BR: Sub.3 Tax Calculation on net amount (Step 1)  After all data are retrieved that are necessary to calculate the taxes. but are specific to individual requirements.4 Nota Fiscal relevant modifications to the base price including ICMS   In this part. e. Since these conditions are not really part of the tax calculation. The step range foreseen for these kinds of conditions is between 301 and 599.Factor S.7. Devido Sub Trib Subtrib Surcharge BR: Sub.SAP Online Help Step 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 Cntr CTyp ISVO ISVP ISVQ ISVR ISVS ISVT DSUB ISTS ISTT ISTM ISTF ISTB IST2 ISTC ISTN ISTI DSUF Description ISS Base at Serv.Surch.T. ISS Taxloc:1=PR. ISS Min WHT at Serv. 5 Tax recalculation on the modified amount including ICMS (Step 2)  The modification amounts that have been applied in the previous part require a recalculation of the taxes.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10.7.7. a condition type is defined that serves to indicate the result in the pricing procedure results table. respectively. Table 10-76: Results of tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 610 612 614 616 617 618 620 622 624 626 628 630 636 638 640 642 644 Cntr CTyp BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BXZF BX14 BX15 BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX40 BX41 BX42 BX43 BX44 Description BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount BR ICMS Zona Franca BR ICMS Freight Base BR ICMS Freight Amnt BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr. For each value. For these new condition types.6 Results of Tax Calculation  The results of the tax calculation are retrieved in the next section of the calculation procedure. This coding is processed in the call to the condition value formula 320 as well (see section 6). this time on the modified gross amount Table 10-75: Call to tax calculation in the calculation procedure Step 600 Cntr CTyp IBRX Description Brazil tax calc. corresponding internal codes are defined which are used in the coding to transfer the tax results back to the calculation procedure. From 300 To 599 Reqt 002 Stat X Prt AltCTy 320 AltCBV 002 ActKy 10. Base BR SubTrib Fr. The condition types and internal codes are listed in sections 0 and 10.7. Amnt BRSubTrib NF Fro m 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 X X X X X X X X M Sta t X X X AltCTy 320 320 320 320 320 X 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 AltCB V 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 MW 3 MW3 MW1 MW3 MW2 MWS ActKy Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 90 . SAP Online Help Step Cntr CTyp Description Rate 645 646 647 648 650 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 672 675 677 679 680 683 BX45 BX46 BX50 BX51 BXPA BX60 BX61 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6E BX6F BX51 BX62 BX63 BX6C BX6D BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7P BX7O BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8P BX8O BRSubTrib Basered1 BRSubTrib Basered2 BR ISS Base BR ISS Amount BR IPI Pauta Amount BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Amount BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS offset BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. BR COFINS offset BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Pauta Amt. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Pauta Amt. BR PIS offset 679 679 1 1 X 668 668 1 X X 320 320 320 320 1 X 660 664 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 320 320 320 320 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 X X X X 320 320 320 320 320 X X X X X X X X 000 000 000 000 000 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 Fro m To Reqt M Sta t AltCTy 07/05/09 AltCB V ActKy MW 4 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 91 . Cond type not defined ISS WHT Off. Zona Fr.Trib. cash discount or rounding difference conditions. Prov. The conditions ICMO and ISSO are the known ICMS ans ISS offset conditions.Loc. SrvLoc Cond type not defined ISS WHT Again SrvLoc Cond type not defined Total Tax ICMS ST freight SD ICMS offset ICMS offset ICMS offset Rounding Off Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 92 .Loc.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10. from SD ISS from SD ICMS Disc. the conditions that you activate (100%) or deactivate (no record) by customizing the tax codes for the MM/FI calculation procedure. The part between step 730 and 998 can be used for additional conditions.e. Cond type not defined ISS WHT at Serv. i.7. Cond type not defined ISS at Serv. e. In the SD procedure they are present only to provide a counterpart.g. Cond type not defined ISS WHT Again Prov. The true postings are being done directly by the tax result conditions of the previous section. Table 10-77: Tax code conditions in the calculation procedure Step 700 702 704 706 708 710 712 714 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 719 720 720 730 720 740 ICMO ICMO ISSO ICMO DIFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IPI3 ICM3 ISS3 ICZF IFR3 IFS3 ISSA ISSB ISSC ISSD ISSE ISSF ISSG ISSH Cntr CTyp Description **** Tax Code Conditions **** Tax Code Conditions: IPI from SD ICMS from SD Sub. however they act as a dummy.7 Tax Code Conditions  The last section of the tax calculation procedure contains the tax code conditions. ICMS on freight SD ISS at Provider not defined Cond type From 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 702 001 616 001 616 13 16 650 000 000 000 718 616 000 000 164 To 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Reqt 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 X X X X X X X X Stat X X X X AltCTy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 AltCBV 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 X X X X X X X X ActKy ISS WHT at Provider Cond type not defined ISS WHT Off. C A. WHT Coll. It can be configured in the following way: Table 10-78: St 10 10 10 C 1 2 3 CTyp ZPB0 ZPB1 ZPB2 Description Price w/o Taxes Price+ISS Price+PIS+COF Fro To M M S P S Req A.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS WHT Coll.B. WHT Rate Gen.K Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 93 .Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll.Code Gen. WITHHOLDING TAXES ON GROSS BR General WHT Code Cond type not defined BR PIS WHT Code BR COFINS WHT Code BR CSLL WHT Code BR IR WHT Code BR ISS WHT Code WHT Due BR WHT Base Amount WHT Coll.SAP Online Help Step 750 800 810 999 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 910 915 916 920 921 925 926 930 931 935 936 960 965 970 975 980 999 WGEC WPIC WCOC WCSC WIRC WISC DWHT BXWT BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 BGEZ BPSZ BCOZ BCSZ BIRZ BI00 SKTO VPRS BI00 Cash Discount Cost Dummy Non-Statistic. Act.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll.Code IR WHT Rate IR BR General WHT off BR PIS WHT Offset BR COFINS WHT offset BR CSLL WHT offset BR IR WHT offset Dummy for Tax 916 921 926 931 936 1 X 1 1 001 1 000 000 X 9 4 B 000 Cntr CTyp Description From To Reqt Stat AltCTy 07/05/09 AltCBV ActKy 4 X X 000 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X In Doku PIS/ COFINS so enthalten The SD pricing procedure below is the new price supplement procedure RVABR2 which is introduced for the optional new price conditions. SAP Online Help 10 40 40 40 40 4 1 2 3 4 ZPB3 RA00 RB00 RC00 RD00 Price+ISS+PIS+COF % Discount from Net Discount (Value) Quantity Discount Weight Discount 07/05/09 10. Tax Exemption ICMS Code: Convênio 100 ICMS exempt Customer ICMS Discount for Tax Free Zones ICMS on Freight ICMS on Freight Rate SF=ST ICMS Tax Law ICMS Base in Excluded Base. Tax Base ICMS Complement. If Not IPI-Relevant IPI Code: Other Base IPI IPI ICST IPI ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS COFI COFI COFI TaxGrp Table 10-79: Internal condition codes Internal TC Code CALCULATE_INCL_2ND CALCULATE_TAX CALLER_PO COFINSBASE COFINSPAUTA COFINSRATE FREIGHTSUBTRIB ICMSBASE ICMSCOMPBASE ICMSCOMPEXEMPT ICMSCONV100 ICMSCUSTEXEMPT ICMSDISCOUNT ICMSFREIGHT ICMSFREIGHT_INTRA ICMSLAW ICMSNULLEXEMPT ICMSOTHER ICMSRATE ICMSRATE_INTRA ICMSSUBTRIB IPIBASE IPIBASEMOD IPICUSTEXEMPT IPILAW IPINULLEXEMPT IPIOTHER Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 94 .8 Internal Condition Codes  Description Calculate 2nd pass including ICMS Marks line where tax calculation is called Check Caller = PO COFINS Tax Base COFINS Pauta Rate COFINS Tax Rate Sum of freight amounts relevant for SubTrib ICMS Reduced Base Rate ICMS Complement. If Not ICMS-Relevant ICMS Code: Other Base ICMS Tax Rate ICMS Rate SF=ST ICMS Exception Rate for SubTrib IPI Reduced-Base Rate Sum of discounts/surcharges not relevant for IPI base IPI exempt Customer IPI Tax Law IPI Base in Excluded Base. ISS Tax-Relevant Location at Provider ISS Tax-Relevant Location at Service Loc.: ICMS exclude base Result of tax calc. 07/05/09 IPI IPI ISS ISS ISS Minimum Value For Withholding Tax at Provider ISS Minimum Value For Withholding Tax at Service Loc.: IPI amount Result of tax calc.: COFINS Offset due to tax incl.: ICMS other base Result of tax calc.: ICMS rate (normal/freight/S.: ICMS complement base amount Result of tax calc.: ICMS on freight base amount Result of tax calc. ISS Indicator: Withholding Tax at Provider ISS Indicator: Withholding Tax at Service Loc.: COFINS Pauta rate Result of tax calc.: IPI exclude base Result of tax calc. in price Result of tax calc.: ICMS complement amount Result of tax calc.SAP Online Help IPIPAUTA IPIRATE ISSBASE_PR ISSBASE_SE ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_SE ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSRATE ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_SE ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_SE ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_SE NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_ICMS_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_COMP_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_COMP_BASE NF_ICMS_COMP_RATE NF_ICMS_EBAS NF_ICMS_FREIGHT_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_FREIGHT_BASE NF_ICMS_NBAS NF_ICMS_OBAS NF_ICMS_RATE NF_ICMS_ZONAFRANCA NF_IPI_AMOUNT NF_IPI_EBAS NF_IPI_NBAS NF_IPI_OBAS IPI Pauta Rate IPI Tax Rate ISS Base at Provider ISS Base at Service Loc. ISS Tax Rate ISS Rate at Provider ISS Rate at Service Loc.T.: ICMS normal base Result of tax calc.: IPI other base ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 95 . ISS Law at Provider ISS Law at Service Loc. Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Normal Tax Amount Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Base Amount Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Exclude Base Amount Result of tax calc.: ICMS on freight amount Result of tax calc.: IPI normal base Result of tax calc.: ICMS complement rate Result of tax calc.: ICMS Zona Franca Discount Result of tax calc.: ICMS amount Result of tax calc.) Result of tax calc. : IPI offset amount for IPI split vendor Result of tax calc.: ISS WT normal base at loc.: ISS WT normal base at loc. base at location of provider Result of tax calc.: Sub.Trib.: Sub.: ISS WT excl.: ISS WT amount at location of provider Result of tax calc. amount Result of tax calc.: ISS normal base at location of provider Result of tax calc. rate on nota fiscal Result of tax calc.: ISS excl.: PIS Pauta rate Result of tax calc.Trib. of service Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Normal Tax Amount Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Base Amount Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Exclude Base Amount Result of tax calc.: ISS normal base at location of service Result of tax calc.: IPI offset base for IPI split vendor Result of tax calc.: Sub.Trib. base amount Federal base reduction Rate for Subtrib State Base reduction Rate for Subtrib Result of tax calc. of provider Result of tax calc.: ISS excl.: ISS amount at location of service Result of tax calc.: Sub.: PIS Offset due to tax incl. of service Result of tax calc.: ISS amount Result of tax calc.: ISS WT excl. base at loc. of provider Result of tax calc. on freight base amount PIS Tax PIS Base PIS Pauta Rate PIS PISPAUTA Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 96 . base at location of service Result of tax calc.Trib.: ISS amount at location of provider Result of tax calc.SAP Online Help NF_IPI_OFFSET_AMOUNT NF_IPI_OFFSET_BASE NF_IPI_PAUTA_RATE NF_ISS_AMOUNT NF_ISS_BASE NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_LAW NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_OFFSETS NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV NF_PIS_AMOUNT NF_PIS_BASE NF_PIS_EBAS NF_PIS_OFFSET NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE NF_SUBTRIB_AMOUNT NF_SUBTRIB_BASE NF_SUBTRIB_BASERED1 NF_SUBTRIB_BASERED2 NF_SUBTRIB_NFRATE NF_SUB_FREIGHT_AMOUNT NF_SUB_FREIGHT_BASE PISBASE 07/05/09 Result of tax calc.: ISS Law Result of tax calc.: ISS WT amount at location of service Result of tax calc.: Sub. base at loc.: IPI Pauta rate Result of tax calc.: ISS Offset due to tax included in price Result of tax calc.: ISS base amount Result of tax calc. on freight amount Result of tax calc. in price Result of tax calc.Trib. ISS Rate at Provider ISS Rate at Service Loc.SAP Online Help PIS Tax PIS Rate Discount from PO Freight from PO 07/05/09 PISRATE PO_DISCOUNT PO_FREIGHT PO_SUBTRIBBASE SUBTRIBBASE1 SUBTRIBBASE2 SUBTRIBFIXPRICE SUBTRIBICMS SUBTRIBMINFACTOR SUBTRIBMINPRICE SUBTRIBSURCHARGE SUBTRIBSURCHIN SUBTRIBSURTYPE TAXFREEREGION TXSDCICMS TXSDCICMSFREIGHT TXSDCINDUS TXSDCIPI TXSDCISS TXSDCSUBTRIB TXSDCSUBTRIBFREIGHT Sum of discounts/surcharges modifying SubTrib base Substituição Tributária: Reduced Base 1 Substituição Tributária: Reduced Base 2 Substituição Tributária: Fixed Price Substituição Tributária: ICMS Reduction Substituição Tributária: Minimum Price Factor Substituição Tributária: Minimum Price Substituição Tributária: Surcharge Rate Substituição Tributária: Compare Minprice before Surcharge Substituição Tributária: Calculation Rule Tax Free Region Indicator (Zona Franca) SD Tax Code: Calculate ICMS SD Tax Code: Calculate ICMS on Freight SD Tax Code: Material Usage Indicator SD Tax Code: Calculate IPI SD Tax Code: Calculate ISS SD Tax Code: Calculate Substituição Tributária SD Tax Code: Calculate Substituição Tributária on Freight ICST ICST ICST ICST ICST ICST ICST ICST ICST Changes due t0 MP 135 Internal TC Code COFINSBASE COFINSPAUTA COFINSRATE ISSBASE_PR ISSBASE_SE ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_SE ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_SE Description COFINS Tax Base COFINS Pauta Rate COFINS Tax Rate ISS Base at Provider ISS Base at Service Loc. ISS ISS ISS TaxGrp COFI COFI COFI ISS Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 97 . ISS Minimum Value For Withholding Tax at Provider ISS Minimum Value For Withholding Tax at Service Loc. ISS Law at Provider ISS Law at Service Loc. : ISS amount at location of service Result of tax calc.: COFINS Pauta rate Result of tax calc.: ISS Offset due to tax included in price Result of tax calc.: ISS normal base at location of service Result of tax calc.: ISS WT excl.COFINS Official Collection Code .: ISS amount at location of provider Result of tax calc.: COFINS Offset due to tax incl.: ISS Law Result of tax calc. of service Result of tax calc.: ISS normal base at location of provider Result of tax calc.SAP Online Help ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_SE ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_SE NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_LAW NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_OFFSETS NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV NF_PIS_AMOUNT NF_PIS_BASE NF_PIS_EBAS NF_PIS_OFFSET NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE PISBASE PISPAUTA PISRATE TXSDCCOFINS TXSDCPIS TXSDCWHT WHTCOLL_COFINS WHTCOLL_CSLL WHTCOLL_GEN WHTCOLL_IR WHTCOLL_PIS WHTRATE_COFINS ISS Tax-Relevant Location at Provider ISS Tax-Relevant Location at Service Loc. base at location of service Result of tax calc.CSLL Official Collection Code . base at loc. ISS Indicator: Withholding Tax at Provider ISS Indicator: Withholding Tax at Service Loc. 07/05/09 ISS ISS Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Normal Tax Amount Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Base Amount Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Exclude Base Amount Result of tax calc.General Official Collection Code – IR Official Collection Code – PIS COFINS Withholding Tax Rate WHT WHT WHT WHT WHT WHT PIS PIS PIS Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 98 .: ISS WT excl. of provider Result of tax calc.: PIS Offset due to tax incl.: ISS excl. of provider Result of tax calc. in price Result of tax calc.: ISS WT amount at location of provider Result of tax calc. base at loc.: ISS WT normal base at loc. base at location of provider Result of tax calc.: ISS WT amount at location of service Result of tax calc.: ISS WT normal base at loc. in price Result of tax calc.: ISS excl.: PIS Pauta rate PIS Tax Base PIS Pauta Rate PIS Tax Rate Calculate COFINS Calculate PIS Calculate Withholding Taxes Official Collection Code . of service Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Normal Tax Amount Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Base Amount Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Exclude Base Amount Result of tax calc. 9 Assignment of Internal Codes to Condition Types   App V TX V TX TX V TX V TX V TX TX V TX V TX V TX V V TX V TX V TX TX V TX V TX V CTyp IBRX BX01 ICMI BXPO BCO2 BCO2 BCOP BCOP BCO1 BCO1 BIS2 BIC1 ICBS BCI1 ICCB BCI2 ICCX B100 I100 ICXC ICZF IDZF BIF0 ICFR BIFH BLIC ICLW BICX IC0X BIC2 ICOB Table 110-80: Assignment of condition types to internal codes Internal TC Code CALCULATE_INCL_2ND CALCULATE_TAX CALCULATE_TAX CALLER_PO COFINSBASE COFINSBASE COFINSPAUTA COFINSPAUTA COFINSRATE COFINSRATE ISSBASE_PR ICMSBASE ICMSBASE ICMSCOMPBASE ICMSCOMPBASE ICMSCOMPEXEMPT ICMSCOMPEXEMPT ICMSCONV100 ICMSCONV100 ICMSCUSTEXEMPT ICMSDISCOUNT ICMSDISCOUNT ICMSFREIGHT ICMSFREIGHT ICMSFREIGHT_INTRA ICMSLAW ICMSLAW ICMSNULLEXEMPT ICMSNULLEXEMPT ICMSOTHER ICMSOTHER Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 99 .SAP Online Help WHTRATE_CSLL WHTRATE_GEN WHTRATE_IR WHTRATE_PIS CSLL Withholding Tax Rate General Withholding Tax Rate IR Withholding Tax Rate PIS Withholding Tax Rate 07/05/09 WHT WHT WHT WHT 10. SAP Online Help ICMSRATE ICMSRATE ICMSRATE_INTRA ICMSRATE_INTRA ICMSSUBTRIB ICMSSUBTRIB IPIBASE IPIBASE IPICUSTEXEMPT IPILAW IPILAW IPINULLEXEMPT IPINULLEXEMPT IPIOTHER IPIOTHER IPIPAUTA IPIPAUTA IPIRATE IPIRATE IPIRATE_MM ISSBASE_PR ISSBASE_SE ISSBASE_SE ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_SE ISSLAW_SE ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSRATE ISSRATE ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_SE ISSRATE_SE ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_SE TX V TX V TX V TX V V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX BIC0 ICVA BICH ISIC BICS ISTD BIP1 IPBS IPXC BLIP IPLW BIPX IP0X BIP2 IPOB BIPP IPIP BIP0 IPVA IPI3 ISVC BISB ISVO BIS3 ISVD BISC ISVP BIS7 ISVH BISG ISVT BIS0 ISVA BIS1 ISVB BISA ISVN BIS5 ISVF BISE 07/05/09 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 100 . SAP Online Help ISSTAXRELLOC_SE ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_SE ISSWITHHOLD_SE NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_ICMS_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_COMP_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_COMP_BASE NF_ICMS_COMP_RATE NF_ICMS_EBAS NF_ICMS_EBAS NF_ICMS_FREIGHT_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_FREIGHT_AMOUNT NF_ICMS_FREIGHT_BASE NF_ICMS_FREIGHT_BASE NF_ICMS_NBAS NF_ICMS_NBAS NF_ICMS_OBAS NF_ICMS_OBAS NF_ICMS_RATE NF_ICMS_RATE NF_ICMS_ZONAFRANCA NF_IPI_AMOUNT NF_IPI_AMOUNT NF_IPI_EBAS NF_IPI_EBAS NF_IPI_NBAS NF_IPI_NBAS NF_IPI_OBAS V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX TX TX TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V V TX V TX V TX V TX ISVR BIS6 ISVG BISF ISVS BX72 BX72 BX70 BX70 BX71 BX71 BX7O BX7O BX7P BX7P BX13 BX13 BX31 BX30 BX32 BX11 BX11 BX15 BX15 BX14 BX14 BX10 BX10 BX12 BX12 BX16 BX16 BXZF BX23 BX23 BX21 BX21 BX20 BX20 BX22 07/05/09 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 101 . SAP Online Help NF_IPI_OBAS NF_IPI_OFFSET_AMOUNT NF_IPI_OFFSET_BASE NF_IPI_PAUTA_RATE NF_IPI_PAUTA_RATE NF_ISS_AMOUNT NF_ISS_AMOUNT NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_BASE NF_ISS_BASE NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_OFFSETS NF_ISS_OFFSETS NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV NF_PIS_AMOUNT NF_PIS_AMOUNT NF_PIS_BASE NF_PIS_BASE NF_PIS_EBAS V TX TX TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX BX22 BX25 BX24 BXPA BXPA BX51 BX51 BX62 BX62 BX6C BX6C BX50 BX50 BX61 BX61 BX6B BX6B BX60 BX60 BX6A BX6A BX6O BX6O BX63 BX63 BX6D BX6D BX65 BX65 BX6F BX6F BX64 BX64 BX6E BX6E BX82 BX82 BX80 BX80 BX81 07/05/09 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 102 . SAP Online Help NF_PIS_EBAS NF_PIS_OFFSET NF_PIS_OFFSET NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE NF_SUBTRIB_AMOUNT NF_SUBTRIB_AMOUNT NF_SUBTRIB_BASE NF_SUBTRIB_BASE NF_SUBTRIB_BASERED1 NF_SUBTRIB_BASERED1 NF_SUBTRIB_BASERED2 NF_SUBTRIB_BASERED2 NF_SUBTRIB_NFRATE NF_SUBTRIB_NFRATE NF_SUB_FREIGHT_AMOUNT NF_SUB_FREIGHT_AMOUNT NF_SUB_FREIGHT_BASE NF_SUB_FREIGHT_BASE PISBASE PISBASE PISPAUTA PISPAUTA PISRATE PISRATE PO_DISCOUNT PO_FREIGHT PO_SUBTRIBBASE SUBTRIBBASE1 SUBTRIBBASE1 SUBTRIBBASE2 SUBTRIBBASE2 SUBTRIBFIXPRICE SUBTRIBFIXPRICE SUBTRIBICMS SUBTRIBICMS SUBTRIBMINFACTOR SUBTRIBMINFACTOR SUBTRIBMINPRICE SUBTRIBMINPRICE V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX TX TX TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V BX81 BX8O BX8O BX8P BX8P BX41 BX41 BX40 BX40 BX45 BX45 BX46 BX46 BX44 BX44 BX43 BX43 BX42 BX42 BPI2 BPI2 BPIP BPIP BPI1 BPI1 BDIS BFRE BSUB BST6 ISTB BST7 IST2 BST3 ISTF BST8 ISTC BSTF ISTN BST2 ISTM 07/05/09 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 103 . SAP Online Help SUBTRIBSURCHARGE SUBTRIBSURCHARGE SUBTRIBSURCHIN SUBTRIBSURCHIN SUBTRIBSURTYPE SUBTRIBSURTYPE TAXFREEREGION TAXFREEREGION TXSDCICMS TXSDCICMSFREIGHT TXSDCINDUS TXSDCIPI TXSDCISS TXSDCCOFINS TXSDCPIS TXSDCSUBTRIB TXSDCSUBTRIBFREIGHT TXSDCWHT WHTCOLL_COFINS WHTCOLL_COFINS WHTCOLL_CSLL WHTCOLL_CSLL WHTCOLL_GEN WHTCOLL_GEN WHTCOLL_IR WHTCOLL_IR WHTCOLL_PIS WHTCOLL_PIS WHTRATE_COFINS WHTRATE_COFINS WHTRATE_CSLL WHTRATE_CSLL WHTRATE_GEN WHTRATE_GEN WHTRATE_IR WHTRATE_IR WHTRATE_PIS TX V TX V TX V TX V V V V V V V V V V V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX BST0 ISTS BSTI ISTI BST1 ISTT BIZF DIZF DICM DICF DISI DIPI DISS DCOF DPIS DSUB DSUF DWHT BW21 BW21 BW31 BW31 BW01 BW01 BW41 BW41 BW11 BW11 BW22 BW22 BW32 BW32 BW02 BW02 BW42 BW42 BW12 07/05/09 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 104 . ICMS Sub. However. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 105 . on freight SD IPI clearing IPI Ind.Trib. from SD ICMS Discount Zona Franca ICMS on freight ICMS on freight from SD ICMS Sub. In SAP’s standard concept.Clear.Trib. Non-deductible ICMS Sub.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10. on freight ICMS Sub.5).Off. should you need to follow a different concept of Customizing access sequences you can specify different condition tables per tax group. Off.11 Definition of Tax Types  Table 110-812: Definition of Brazilian tax types TxTy IC1C IC1O ICM0 ICM1 ICM2 ICM3 ICM4 ICMF ICOP ICOT ICOX ICS1 ICS2 ICS3 ICZF IFR1 IFR3 IFS1 IFS3 IP1C IP1O IPI0 IPI1 IPI2 TxGr ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICMS ICOP ICOP ICST ICST ICST ICMS ICFR ICFR ICFS ICFS IPI IPI IPI IPI IPI Description ICMS Clearing ICMS Ind.Trib. If you create new tax groups you have to specify a new entry for each group you use.10 Assignment of Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables  Table10-81: Assignment of Brazilian tax tables to condition tables Table Name J_1BTAXCODEV J_1BTREGX J_1BTXCI1 J_1BTXDEF J_1BTXIC1 J_1BTXIC2 J_1BTXIC3 Tax Group Condition Table 3 394 349 392 382 jetzt 905 382 909 382 346 346 362 346 121 346 601 121 347 346 291 348 348 348 346 J_1BTXCOF J_1BTXIP1 J_1BTXIP2 J_1BTXIP3 any * Any J_1BTXISS J_1BTXIS1 J_1BTXIS3 any* Any except country default ( this is table 392) any* Any J_1BTXPIS J_1BTXSDC J_1BTXST1 J_1BTXST2 J_1BTXST3 J_1BTXWITH 912 911 any* any* 10.Trib. IPI NF zero line IPI Deductible IPI Non-deductible LPP * SAP does not deliver standard Customizing of dynamic tax exeptions. We recommend to stay with the standard concept of one tax group per table. ICMS NF zero line ICMS Deductible ICMS Non-deductible ICMS from SD Industralization ICMS from SD Consumption ICMS on freight offset Complement of ICMS Complement of ICMS ICMS Complement offset ICMS Sub. Clear.Trib. the condition table is the same for all tax groups (see section 5. SAP Online Help TxTy IPI3 IPI4 IRD1 IRD2 IRD3 IRD4 IRD5 IRD6 ISS2 ISS3 ISSO TxGr IPI IPI RBIC RBIC RBST RBST RBIC RBST ISS ISS ISS Description IPI from SD Industralization IPI from SD Consumption ICMS Reimbursement ICMS QPT 005 nicht enthalten Description COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS Deductible COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Offset Tax Included COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS COFINS Normal IV NVV COFINSOffset ICOS/ICOU COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset COFINS Withholding TaxSD General WHT General WHT Offset General WHT SD IR WHT IR WHT Offset PIS Deductible PIS Normal Tax PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal Tax PIS Offset Tax Included PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal IV NVV PIS Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset PIS WHT SD WHT Offset X X X X X X X X X X X X Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 106 . offset SUBT Reimbursement SUBT Reimbur.offset NVV ISS from MM ISS from SD ISS from MM Offset LPP X X X X X X 07/05/09 Create Entries in J_1BAJ Table 110-83: Tax Type ICN3 ICOA ICOF ICON ICOO ICOS ICOU ICOV ICOW ICOZ ICSW ICSZ ICW3 IGEW IGEZ IGW3 IIRW IIRZ IPIS IPS3 IPSA IPSN IPSO IPSS IPSU IPSV IPSW IPSZ IPW3 WHPI PIS PIS PIS PIS PIS PIS PIS PIS WHPI WHT WHIR WHCO WHT WHCS Tax Group COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI WHCO ---. offset ICMS Reim.offset NVV SUBT Reim. SAP Online Help IRW3 ISA3 ISB3 ISE3 ISF3 ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG ISW3 WHIR ISSP ISSP ISSS ISSS ISSP ISSP ISSS ISSS ISSP WHCS IR Withholding TaxSD ISS at Provider SD ISS WHT at Provider SD ISS at Service Loc SD ISS WHT at Service Loc SD ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Service Loc ISS WHT at Service Loc ISS Offset CSLL Withholding Tax SD X X X X X X X 07/05/09   10.12 Nota Fiscal Mapping  Table10-84: Mapping of nota fiscal values (all) TxTy IC1C ICM0 ICM1 ICM2 ICM3 ICM4 ICMF ICOF ICON ICOP ICOW ICS1 ICS2 ICS3 ICSW ICZF IFR1 IFR3 IFS1 IFS3 IGEW IIRW BX16 BX16 BX16 BX16 BX16 BCO1 BCO1 BX32 BW22 BX44 BX44 BX44 BW32 BX16 BIF0 BIF0 BICH BICH BW02 BW42 Tax Rate BX16 Mapping Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 1 1 Value 1 Value Value Value 1 Value Rate Rate Rate Rate 1 1 BCOP BCOP Pauta Rate Mapping Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 Value 0 Value Value Value 0 Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 ICM1 ICM2 ICM3 ICM4 ICMF ICOF ICON ICOP ICOW ICS1 ICS2 ICS3 ICSW ICZF IFR1 IFR3 IFS1 IFS3 IGEW IIRW Tax Amount IC1C Mapping Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 Value 0 Value Value Value 0 Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 BXWT BXWT BXWT BX70 BX70 BX30 BXWT BX10 BX10 BX10 BX10 Tax Base BX10 Mapping Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 Value 0 Value Value Value 0 Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 BX71 BX71 Ex. Base BX11 BX11 BX11 BX11 BX11 BX11 Mapping Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 Value 0 Value Value Value 0 Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 BX14 BX14 BX42 BX42 BX40 BX40 BX40 Other Base BX12 BX12 BX12 BX12 BX12 BX12 Mapping Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 Value 0 Value Value Value 0 Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 BW01 BW41 BW31 BW21 Wht code Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 107 . SAP Online Help IPIS IPSN IPSW IP1C IPI0 IPI1 IPI2 IPI3 IPI4 ISSA ISSB ISSE BIP0 BIP0 BIP0 BIP0 BIS1 BIS1 BISA BPI1 BPI1 BW12 BIP0 1 1 1 Rate Value Rate Rate Rate Rate 1 1 1 BXPA BXPA BXPA BXPA BXPA BPIP BPIP 0 0 0 Rate Value Rate Rate Rate Rate 0 0 0 IPI1 IPI2 IPI3 IPI4 ISSA ISSB ISSE IPIS IPSN IPSW IP1C 0 0 0 Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 0 BX60 BX64 BX6A BX20 BX20 BX20 BX80 BX80 BXWT BX20 0 0 0 Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 0 BX21 BX21 BX21 BX21 BX21 BX21 BX61 BX65 BX6B BX81 BX81 0 0 0 Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 0 07/05/09 0 0 0 BX22 BX22 BX22 BX22 BX22 BX24 Value Value Value Value Value Value 0 0 0 Nicht in QPT einpfe lgbar !!! BW11 ISSF ISS2 ISS3 BISA BIS0 BIS0 1 Rate Rate 0 Value Value ISSF ISS2 ISS3 0 Value Value BX6E BX50 BX50 0 Value Value BX6F 0 Value Value 0 Value Value (SD only) TxTy Tax Rate Map Pauta Rate BX7P Map Tax Map Total Amount Base 0 0 0 0 0 BX8P 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX72 BW22 BW32 BW02 BW42 BX82 BW12 BX62 BX63 BX6C BX6D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX70 BXWT BXWT BXWT BXWT BX80 BXWT BX60 BX64 BX6A BX6E Map Tax Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX70 BXWT BXWT BXWT BXWT BX80 BXWT BX60 BX64 BX6A BX6E Map Ex. Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX61 BX65 BX6B BX6F Map Other Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Map WHT Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BW11 BW21 BW31 BW01 BW41 ICON BCO1 1 ICOW BW22 1 ICSW BW32 1 IGEW BW02 1 IIRW BW42 1 IPSN BPI1 1 IPSW BW12 1 ISSA ISVB ISSB ISVB ISSE ISVN ISSF ISVN 1 1 1 1 Table110-87: Mapping of nota fiscal tax laws TxGr CTyp ICMS IPI ISSP ISSS BLIC BLIP BIS3 BISC Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 108 . Therefore. Indust. Tax Inp.: ICMS + CompICMS Inp. Consumpt./Sales Prod. Tax Outp. Tax + S. Tax Outp. Indust. Tax Inp. Table 110-88: Overview of standard tax codes Tax Description Code A0 Out.T. Tax In. Consumpt./Sales Prod. Consumpt.: ICMS Out. Tax pICMS + S.: ICMS + S. In case it is required to use both CBT and the classic tax calculation in the same system.: ICMS + IPI: Reselling In.shows the Customizing of the view J_1BTAXCODEV (see also section 5. Consumpt.T. In. Tax Inp.: No tax Inp. Indust. it might be necessary to clone the existing tax codes and apply the modification to the cloned tax codes. Prod./Sales Prod.: No tax Typ Outp. Tax In.: ICMS + CompICMS Inp.: ICMS + IPI Out. the usage of the material on the incoming side (MM). Tax In. Consumpt. Tax Freight Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 109 ./Sales Prod.T. Indust./Sales Service ICMS ICMS IPI Text Text ex./Sales Prod.13 Tax Codes  10.: ICMS (S.: ICMS + IPI In. Indust. Tax Outp. Tax freight) Inp. Indust.1 Standard Tax Codes   In the Brazilian localization tax codes are used to determine which type of taxes are calculated for a line item. Tax Inp.T. + IPI: Reselling In. on Inp.: ICMS + IPI In. Cons. + IPI In. Tax Inp. Consumpt. Tax Outp. Tax Inp.T.: ICMS (S. Table 110. Indust. Indust. and how the taxes are posted in FI (separate line items or not).: IPI Inp. Consumpt. Cons. Cons. Tax Inp. Tax Inp. Cons.: ICMS Out./Sales Prod. To simplify the documentation only the active lines per tax codes are listed. the condition records of these tax codes are listed.: ICMS In.14) for all standard tax codes. Note: The tax codes described here refer to the condition-based tax calculation procedure TAXBRA. Indust. Consumpt./Sales Prod. Tax Outp. IC4 IP1 IC0 IC0 IC4 IC0 IC0 IC4 IC0 IC0 IC0 IC0 IC4 IC0 IC4 IC0 IC1 IC0 IC1 IC4 IC0 IC0 ISS IC4 IC0 IC0 IP1 IP0 IP1 IP1 IP0 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP0 IP0 IP2 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP0 IP1 IP0 IP0 IP0 ISS IP1 IP1 IP1 IPI ex. Tax freight) In. Cons. Tax Input: Tax exempt transactions Inp. Consumpt./Sales Prod.: ICMS + CompICMS Inp. Indust. In the following sections.: No tax A1 A3 B0 B1 B3 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 CF I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I9 IE IF IG Out. Cons./Sales Prod. TC at GR I0 I1 I3 C0 C1 C3 SD TC I0 I1 I3 C0 C1 C3 In.: ICMS + ICMS on Inp.: ICMS + S.: No tax Out. Tax Inp. In.T./Sales X Prod.: ICMS + S. Cons. Indust. + IPI In. Cons./Sales Prod. Consumption: ICMS + ComInp. ISS Inp. some tax codes have a different definition than the former tax codes used for TAXBRJ. Tax Usage Prod.: IPI In. on Inp. Indust.T.13. In this case it is also necessary to make sure that the correct set of tax codes is being applied in the respective transactions. Indust./Sales Prod. Cons./Sales Consumpt. Tax + IPI In.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10. 1 Tax Codes Used in MM  Table 110-89: activate COFINS non-deductible: Active X X Cond./Sales Inp. Tax actions Output SD tax: ISS Outp. Tax Consignment .SAP Online Help IN K0 K1 K2 K3 K5 K6 K8 K9 S0 SD SE SI SZ INSS 15% Future delivery purchasing I/R Future delivery G/R . Output SD: Tax exempt transOutp./Sales Prod. Tax Inp./Sales Prod. Tax chasing I/R Output SD tax: No tax Outp. Key NVV NVV Table 110-90: activate PIS non-deductible: Active X X Cond./Sales Prod.2 Withholding Tax Codes  For withholding tax law change activate the following existing tax codes or create new ones: 10. Type IPSN IPSO Description PIS NVV Normal Tax PIS NVV Offset Tax Included Tax Group PIS PIS Acct. Tax Output SD tax: Outp. all tax Consignment . all taxes Future delivery I/R ./Sales Prod.Shipment G/R Inp./Sales Prod. Tax Franca   10. Tax X INS IC0 IC5 IC1 IC0 IC0 IC5 IC5 IC5 IC4 IC1 IC4 ISS Prod. Tax Future delivery Resale G/R – Inp./Sales IC1 INS IP2 IP0 IP1 IP0 IP0 IP2 IP2 IP1 IP1 IP0 IP1 ISS IP0 07/05/09 Future delivery purchasing G/R Inp. all tax Future delivery Resale purInp./Sales Prod./Sales Prod.Indust./Sales Prod.Invoice I/R Inp. Type ICON ICOO Description COFINS NVV Normal Tax COFINS NVV Offset Tax Included Tax Group COFI COFI Acct. Key NVV NVV Table 110-91: activate COFINS deductible: Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 110 .Indust. Tax Inp. Tax ICMS/IPI/Sub. Tax Output SD tax: ICMS Zona Outp.13. Tax Prod.2.13. Tax Indust./Sales Prod./Sales Prod.Trib. Tax Inp. Type ICOW ICOZ IPSW IPSZ ICSW ICSZ IIRW IIRZ IGEW IGEZ Description COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset General WHT General WHT Offset WHT WHIR WHCS WHPI Tax Group WHCO Acct. Key VST PI3 PI3 NVV X IPSA PIS Normal PO/GR COFI PI3 Table 110-92: activate withholding taxes: Active X X X X X X X X X X Cond.SAP Online Help Active X X X X X Cond. Key VST CO3 CO3 NVV CO3 07/05/09 Table 110-92: activate PIS deductible: Active X X X X Cond. Type IPIS IPSV IPSS IPSU Description PIS Deductible PIS Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal IV NVV Tax Group PIS PIS COFI COFI Acct. Key WTC NVV WTP NVV WTS NVV WTI NVV WTG NVV Table 110-93: activate ISS New 2004: Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 111 . Type ICOF ICOV ICOS ICOU ICOA Description COFINS Deductible COFINSOffset ICOS/ICOU COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS Normal IV NVV COFINS Normal PO/GR Tax Group COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI Acct. SAP Online Help Active X X X X Cond./Sales.13.: No tax Active X X Cond. In the properties of these tax codes the field Relevant to tax must be set to 2.13. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct.4 Tax codes for Incoming Movements ­ Industrialization  For each of the industrialization tax codes the field Usage of the Brazilian tax code enhancements (see Table 110-) has to be set to Prod.2  Tax Codes used in SD (View J_1BTXSDCV)  Activate additional or on newly taxes for SD tax codes by flagging the relevant taxes on the SD tax codes. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. ISS WHT at Service Loc. Key VST VST 10.3 Tax Codes for Non­Taxable Transactions  For non-taxable transactions special tax codes have to be defined on company code level. Key VST VST Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 112 . Table 110-96: Tax code I0: In. 10.2. Tax Group ISSP ISSP ISSS ISSS Acct. Indust.13. Type ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF Description ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Service Loc. Table1 10-94: Tax code IE: Input: Tax exempt transactions Active X X Cond. Key VST VST Table1 10-95: Tax code SE: Output SD: Tax exempt transactions Active X X Cond. Key NVV ISW NVV ISW 07/05/09   10. Indust. Indust.SAP Online Help Table 110-137: Tax code I1: In.: ICMS + IPI: Reselling Active X X Cond.: ICMS Active X X Cond. Type ICM0 IPI1 IPI4 Description ICMS NF Zero Line IPI Deductible IPI Vendor Split Tax Group ICMS IPI IPI Acct.: ICMS + S.Trib. Indust. Type IPI1 IPI4 ICM1 Description IPI Deductible IPI Vendor Split ICMS Deductible Tax Group IPI IPI ICMS Acct.T. Type IPI0 ICM1 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Deductible Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct.T. Type ICM1 IPI2 Description ICMS Deductible IPI Non-deductible Tax Group ICMS IPI Acct.Trib. + IPI Active X X X X Cond. Tax Group IPI ICMS ICST Acct. Type IPI1 IPI4 ICM1 ICS1 Description IPI Deductible IPI Vendor Split ICMS Deductible ICMS Sub. Indust. Tax Group IPI IPI ICMS ICST Acct. Key VS1 NVV VS2 Table 110-100: Tax code I4: In. Key VST VS2 VS3 Table 110-99: Tax code I3: In. Key VST VS2 07/05/09 Table 110-98: Tax code I2: In. Indust. Indust.: ICMS + S. Key VST VS1 NVV Table110-102: Tax code I6: In.: IPI Active X X X Cond. Type IPI0 ICM1 ICS1 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Deductible ICMS Sub.: ICMS + IPI Active X X X Cond. Key VS1 NVV VS2 VS3 Table 110-101: Tax code I5: In. Key VS2 NVV Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 113 . Active X X X Cond. : ICMS + CompICMS Active X X X X Cond.Trib. Consumption: ICMS + CompICMS + S.13. Active X X X X X Cond. Key VST VST Table 10-105: Tax code C1: In.: ICMS + S.: No tax Active X X Cond. Table 10-104: Tax code C0: In.Trib.T. Key VS2 VS3 NVV 07/05/09 10.T. Type IPI0 ICM2 ICOP ICOX Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Non-deductible Complement of ICMS Complement of ICMS Tax Group IPI ICMS ICOP Acct. Key VST NVV NVV ICP ICX Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 114 . + IPI: Reselling Active X X X Cond. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Cons. Type ICM1 ICS1 IPI2 Description ICMS Deductible ICMS Sub. Indust. Cons.SAP Online Help Table 110-103: Tax code I7: In. Type IPI0 ICM2 ICS2 ICOP ICOX Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Non-deductible ICMS Sub. Non-deductible Complement of ICMS Complement of ICMS Tax Group IPI ICMS ICST ICOP Acct. IPI Non-deductible Tax Group ICMS ICST IPI Acct.5 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements ­ Consumption  For each of the industrialization tax codes the field Usage of the Brazilian tax code enhancements has to be set to Consumption. Key VST NVV ICP ICX Table 110-106: Tax code C2: In. Cons.: ICMS + CompICMS + S. Non-deductible Complement of ICMS Complement of ICMS Tax Group IPI ICMS ICST ICOP Acct.: ICMS + CompICMS + IPI Active X X X X Cond.6 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements ­ ICMS Sub. Key NVV NVV NVV ICP ICX Table 10-109: Tax code C5: In. on freight special tax codes are necessary to support the required posting logic.: ICMS (S. Type IPI2 ICM2 ICOP ICOX Description IPI Non-deductible ICMS Non-deductible Complement of ICMS Complement of ICMS Tax Group IPI ICMS ICOP Acct. Type ICM0 IPI2 Description ICMS NF Zero Line IPI Non-deductible Tax Group ICMS IPI Acct.T. Key NVV NVV ICP ICX 07/05/09 Table 110-108: Tax code C4: In. Key VST NVV 10. + IPI Active X X X X X Cond. Depending on the usage of the respective material.T. Type IPI2 ICM2 ICS2 ICOP ICOX Description IPI Non-deductible ICMS Non-deductible ICMS Sub.: IPI Active X X Cond. Type IPI0 ICM1 ICMF Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Deductible ICMS on freight offset Tax Group IPI ICMS ICMS Acct. on freight) Active X X X Cond.13.Trib. Cons. Table 10-110: Tax code IF: Inp. on Freight  For the processing of ICMS Sub. Indust. Cons. Key VST VS2 IC1 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 115 . The calculation and posting of the tax is the same for both tax codes. a different tax code must be used (industrialization / consumption).Trib.Trib.SAP Online Help Table 110-107: Tax code C3: In. Indust.SAP Online Help Table 110-111: Tax code IG: Inp. Type IPI0 ICM1 IC1O Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Deductible ICMS Ind.T.Clear. Key VST VS2 IC1 10. Type IPI0 ICM1 IFR1 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Deductible ICMS on freight Tax Group IPI ICMS ICFR Acct.7 Tax  Codes  for  Incoming  Movements  ­  Future  Delivery  Purchasing  /  Consignment  Table 110-113: Tax code K0: Future delivery purchasing G/R Active X X X Cond. Tax Group IPI ICMS IPI ICMS Acct. Cons. Type IPI0 ICM1 ICMF Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS Deductible ICMS on freight offset Tax Group IPI ICMS ICMS Acct. Type IPI1 IC1C Description IPI Deductible ICMS Clearing Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Off.Off. ICMS Ind. Key VST VS2 VS3 07/05/09 Table 110-112: Tax code CF: Inp. Tax Group IPI ICMS ICMS Acct. Key VS1 ICC Table 110-115: Tax code K2: Future delivery G/R . Key VST VS2 ICC Table 110-114: Tax code K1: Future delivery purchasing I/R Active X X Cond. Type IPI1 ICM1 IP1O IC1O Description IPI Deductible ICMS Deductible IPI Ind.: ICMS (S. Off. all taxes Active X X X X Cond. Indust. Key VS1 VS2 IPC ICC Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 116 .13. Clear. Clear. on freight) Active X X X Cond.: ICMS + ICMS on Freight Active X X X Cond. 13. Tax Group IPI ICMS IPI ICMS Acct.Off. Clear. Table110-121: Tax code I9: In. Key IPC ICC 07/05/09 Table 110-117: Tax code K5: Consignment . Type ICM1 IC1O IPI2 Description ICMS Deductible ICMS Ind. all tax Active X X X Cond. Type IP1C IC1C Description IPI clearing ICMS Clearing Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct.Indust. Type ISS3 Description ISS from SD Tax Group ISS Acct. IPI Non-deductible Tax Group ICMS ICMS IPI Acct.SAP Online Help Table 110-116: Tax code K3: Future delivery I/R .Clear. ISS Active X Cond. Type IPI1 ICM1 IP1O IC1O Description IPI Deductible ICMS Deductible IPI Ind. ICMS Ind.8 Tax Codes for Incoming Movements ­ Services ­ ISS and INSS  For the incoming services tax code the field ‘Service’ of the Brazilian tax code enhancements has to be marked. Key VS1 VS2 IPC ICC Table 110-118: Tax code K6: Consignment . Off. Type IC1C IPI2 Description ICMS Clearing IPI Non-deductible Tax Group ICMS IPI Acct. Key IPC ICC Table 110-119: Tax code K8: Future delivery Resale G/R .Indust. all tax Active X X Cond. Clear. Type IP1C IC1C Description IPI clearing ICMS Clearing Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Key VS2 ICC NVV Table 110-120: Tax code K9: Future delivery Resale purchasing I/R Active X X Cond. Off. Key MW4 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 117 .Invoice I/R Active X X Cond.Shipment G/R Active X X X X Cond. Key ICC NVV 10. SAP Online Help 07/05/09 For INSS the tax code must contain the proper tax rate (here: 15% INSS). use transaction FV12. In SD the usage of the product by the customer is always taken from the Brazil-specific SD tax code in the sales order item. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. + Cons.13. Active X X X Cond. To change condition records. which means creating a record with rate 100% or deleting a record. Also a record of 100% for the INSS offset condition INSX must be created manually. Table 10-15: Tax code SI: Output SD tax: ISS Active X Cond. Table 110.Trib. Key MW4 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 118 . Type ISS3 Description ISS from SD Tax Group ISS Acct. Key VST INX 10.9 Tax Codes for Outgoing Movements ­ Ind. Key VST VST For the outgoing services tax code the field ‘Service’ of the brazilian tax code enhancements has to be marked. In this transaction. to display FV13.Trib. FI condition records can be maintained. Type INSS INSX Description INSS Incoming INSS offset Tax Group Acct. from SD ICMS Discount Zona Franca Tax Group ICMS ICST ICMS Acct. from SD Tax Group IPI ICMS ICST Acct. Posted in SD  For each of these tax codes the field Usage of the Brazilian tax code enhancements has to be set to Production/Sales as a default. Type ICM3 ICS3 ICZF Description ICMS from SD Industralization ICMS Sub. Type IPI3 ICM3 ICS3 Description IPI from SD Industralization ICMS from SD Industralization ICMS Sub. Table 110-123: Tax code SD: Output SD tax: ICMS/IPI/Sub.122: Tax code IN: INSS 15% Rate 15% 100% Cond. Key MW1 MW2 MW3 Table 110-124: Tax code SZ: Output SD tax: ICMS Zona Franca Active X X X Cond. the condition records for INSS have to be created with transaction FV11. Key MW2 MW3 ICZ Table110-14: Tax code S0: Output SD tax: No tax Active X X Cond. Since the tax code maintenance in transaction J1BTAX only allows activating or deactivating conditions.Trib. 13. Key VST MW2 Table 10-21: Tax code B3: Out. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. For incoming movements the normal codes ‘I*’ and ‘C*’ can be used.14 Customizing of Extended Withholding Tax  Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 119 .: No tax Active X X Cond.: ICMS Active X X Cond. Table 10-16: Tax code A0: Out.: ICMS Active X X Cond. Key MW1 MW2 Table 10-19: Tax code B0: Out.10 Tax Codes for Transfer Postings ­ Outgoing Movements ­ Ind. Key MW1 MW2 10. Key VST VST Table 10-17: Tax code A1: Out. + Cons. Type IPI0 ICM3 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS from SD Industralization Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct.: ICMS + IPI Active X X Cond. Cons.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10. Type IPI0 ICM0 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct.: ICMS + IPI Active X X Cond.  For the MM-IM transfer postings the following tax codes can be used for outgoing movements. Type IPI3 ICM3 Description IPI from SD Industralization ICMS from SD Industralization Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Key VST MW2 Table 10-18: Tax code A3: Out. Type IPI0 ICM3 Description IPI NF Zero Line ICMS from SD Industralization Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Indust.: No tax Active X X Cond. Key VST VST Table 10-20: Tax code B1: Out. Indust. Cons. Type IPI3 ICM3 Description IPI from SD Industralization ICMS from SD Industralization Tax Group IPI ICMS Acct. Indust. Cons. 14.1 Withholing Tax Types at Payment  Base amount Rounding rule Cash Discount Post w/tax amount No accumulation W/tax base manual Manual w/tax amount No cert numbering Base amount Withholding tax amount No central invoice Minimum Check at item level =X =X = W/tax code level = W/tax code level =X = Modified Tax Amount = W/tax comm round = C/disc pre W/tx =X W/Tax Type CP GP PP RP SP Description COFINS at Payment General WHT (PIS/COF/CSLL/IR) at Payment PIS at Payment IR at Payment CSLL at Payment 10.00% With/tax rate: 100.3 Withholding Tax  Codes  Percentage subject to tax: 100.SAP Online Help ---.14.2 WHT Types at Invoice  Base amount Rounding rule Post w/tax amount No accumulation W/tax base manual Manual w/tax amount No cert numbering Base amount Withholding tax amount =X =X = W/tax code level = W/tax code level =X = Modified Tax Amount = W/tax comm round =X W/Tax Type IW Description ISS WHT 10.14.ev own document as attachment ???? 07/05/09 10.00% Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 120 . 14.7 Define Official Collection Codes  The official WHT codes cannot be used to specify collection codes. 10.5   Assign WHT Types to Company Codes  In IMG. define them in view V_T059Z_WITHCD2 Assign Condition Types to Withholding Tax Types Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 121 . flag Subject to w/tax in customer data. 10.14.14. assign all relevant WHT types to all Brazilian company codes that are subject to them. flag With/tax agent in vendor data and assign validity. 10.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 W/Tax Type CP GP IW PP RP SP W/Tax Code CP CP IW PP RP SP Description COFINS 100% WHT Amount General 100% WHT Amount ISS 100% WHT Amount PIS 100% WHT Amount IR 100% WHT Amount CSLL 100% WHT Amount   10.6 Define Accounts For Withholding Tax to Be Paid Over  Assign G/L accounts for WHT to WHT types.4 Define Processing Key For Modified Tax Amount  WHT Type IW IW CP CP PP PP SP SP RP RP GP GP Processing Key IW IW CP CP PP PP SP SP RP RP GP GP Base amnt for w/tax type IW was not defined with modified tax amount. To activate for SD. • • To activate for MM. Instead.14. SAP Online Help WHT Type IW CP PP SP RP GP Condition Type IKW4 ICW4 IPW4 ISW4 IRW4 IGW4 07/05/09 10.14.8 Maintain Tax Relevant Classification  Argentina Customizing: view V_1ATXREL, according to Note 178824 Tax rel. IW CP GP PP RP SP Text ISS WHT Invoice Cofins Payment General WHT payment PIS WHT Payment IR WHT Payment CSLL WHT payment 10.14.9 Maintain Withholding Tax SD Conditions  Transaction VK11. Country BR. Maintain for all conditions a rate of 100%, assign validity. Condition IKW4 ICW4 IPW4 ISW4 IRW4 IGW4 Tax Rel. Class. IW CP PP SP RP GP W/tax code IW CP PP SP RP GP 10.15 Maintain Settings For External Tax Calculation  10.15.1 Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (View V_TTXD)  New entry for TAXBRA. Level1 = 3, level2 = 4. 10.15.2 Activate External Tax Calculation  For calculation procedure TAXBRA, specify ext. system C. 10.15.3 Define Logical Destination  For ext. system C, specify: C JUR J_1BTAXJUR_DETERMINE_NEW Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 122 SAP Online Help C TAX J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES --- nicht CBT 07/05/09 10.16 Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes  For new ISS calculation, two-level jurisdiction codes should be maintained. The proposal is to use the first three digits for the state (e.g. ‘SP ‘ for Sao Paulo) and the last four digits to define the municipio. A suggestion is to use the digits 4 through 7 of the IBGE code for this. As an example, ‘SP 0308’ would be the municipio of SAO PAULO, ‘SP 4850’ the municipio of SANTOS, etc.) 10.17 Assign Jurisdiction Codes to Ranges of Postal Codes  For proper tax jurisdiction code validation and value help, assign valid ranges of postal codes to the newly created tax jurisdiction codes. 10.18 Master Data Changes  There are changes to master data necessary in order to correctly effectuate the new tax calculation. 10.18.1 Vendors (Transaction XK02)  Assign all WHT types and codes that are applicable. Update address with new tax jurisdiction code for correct ISS calculation. 10.18.2 Customers (Transaction XD02)  Assign all WHT types and codes that are applicable. Update address with new tax jurisdiction code for correct ISS calculation. 10.19 • • • • Other Address Changes: Organizational Structure  In order to allow correct calculation of ISS, all relevant adresses must be updated with the new Jurisdiction codes. This is necessary for: Company Codes Plants Business Places (Filial) General addresses of central address management that are used as delivery addresses 10.20 ISS Customizing  Details about the ISS Customizing logic can be found in the ISS documentation. Here, only an overview of the necessary Customizing steps is given. 10.20.1 Tax Laws  View: J_1BATL3V. Maintain definitions for ISS tax laws. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 123 SAP Online Help 07/05/09 10.20.2 Official Service Types  Define official service types for purchasing (view J_1BSERVTYPES1V) and sales (view J_1BSERVTYPES2V) processes. 10.20.3 Generic Service Types  Define generic service types in view J_1BGENSERVTV. 10.20.4 Assign Official Service Types  Assign official service types as needed: • • to generic service types (table J_1BSERVASSIGN1) to material numbers (J_1BSERVASSIGN2) 10.21 Tax Rates  10.21.1 COFINS  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXCOFV). Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. 10.21.2 PIS  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXPISV). Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. 10.21.3 ISS  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXISSV). Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. 10.21.4 Withholding Taxes  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXWITHV). Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. You define either a general WHT collection code and a combined rate or the four individual withholding taxes separately. 10.22 Reserved Tax Groups of Dynamic Exceptions  Table 10-22: Tax groups of dynamic exceptions reserved for SAP Tax Group 1 5 97 Usage MM: ICMS base reduction carrier SD: ICMS base reduction customer ISS rates (material-dependent) ICMS, IPI, S.T. material-dependent exceptions MM: ISS exceptions (dependent on ship-from, ship-to, material) SD: IPI tax laws (based on NCM code) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 124 if they affect the Sub.Trib. standard tax rates (based on ship-from. ship-to.SAP Online Help Tax Group 98 Usage IPI standard taxes (based on NCM code) SD: IPI tax laws (based on country) ICMS standard tax rates (based on ship-from and ship-to) S. level2 = 4.T. group) Default taxes (based on country) SD: IPI tax laws (based on tax code) 07/05/09 99 10. system C. system C. Level1 = 3.g. The following settings are delivered for pricing procedure RVABRA: Table 10-23: NF-relevant SD conditions Cond Type BXZF ICMI K004 K005 K007 KF00 NF Value 1 Discount 5 Value and Price 1 Discount 1 Discount 1 Discount 2 Freight X X X X + ST base X IPI excl ST Mod.e.Trib. specify: C C JUR TAX J_1BTAXJUR_DETERMINE_NEW J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES 12 Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes  For new ISS calculation. i.T. if they are included or not in the IPI base. base amount or if they are relevant for Sub.1 Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (View V_TTXD)  New entry for TAXBRA.) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 125 . ‘SP 4850’ the municipio of SANTOS. specify ext. A suggestion is to use the digits 4 through 7 of the IBGE code for this. ST freight   11 Maintain Settings For External Tax Calculation  11.3 Define Logical Destination  For ext. The proposal is to use the first three digits for the state (e. on freight.23 NF­relevant SD­Conditions for RVABRA  In order to allow the correct recalculation of the taxes on the amount including tax during the second step of the SD pricing. this customizing indicates how the modification conditions should be taken into account. ‘SP 0308’ would be the municipio of SAO PAULO. As an example.2 Activate External Tax Calculation  For calculation procedure TAXBRA. two-level jurisdiction codes should be maintained. S. ‘SP ‘ for Sao Paulo) and the last four digits to define the municipio. 11. etc. 11. 15.2 Official Service Types  Define official service types for purchasing (view J_1BSERVTYPES1V) and sales (view J_1BSERVTYPES2V) processes. 15.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 13 Assign Jurisdiction Codes to Ranges of Postal Codes  For proper tax jurisdiction code validation and value help. 15. only an overview of the necessary Customizing steps is given. assign valid ranges of postal codes to the newly created tax jurisdiction codes.2 Customers (Transaction XD02)  Assign all WHT types and codes that are applicable. 14.3 Generic Service Types  Define generic service types in view J_1BGENSERVTV.1 Vendors (Transaction XK02)  Assign all WHT types and codes that are applicable.1 Tax Laws  View: J_1BATL3V. Update address with new tax jurisdiction code for correct ISS calculation. all relevant adresses must be updated with the new Jurisdiction codes. 15. This is necessary for: • • • • Company Codes Plants Business Places (Filial) General addresses of central address management that are used as delivery addresses 15 ISS Customizing  Details about the ISS Customizing logic can be found in the ISS documentation. Maintain definitions for ISS tax laws. Here.3 Other Address Changes: Organizational Structure  In order to allow correct calculation of ISS. 14. Update address with new tax jurisdiction code for correct ISS calculation.4 Assign Official Service Types  Assign official service types as needed: • • to generic service types (table J_1BSERVASSIGN1) to material numbers (J_1BSERVASSIGN2) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 126 . 14. 14 Master Data Changes  There are changes to master data necessary in order to correctly effectuate the new tax calculation. 16.1 COFINS  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXCOFV). Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. You define either a general WHT collection code and a combined rate or the four individual withholding taxes separately. 16. Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 127 . Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 16 Tax Rates  16.3 ISS  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXISSV). 16.4 Withholding Taxes  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXWITHV).2 PIS  Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXPISV). Example: For Plant 1000: Sales organization 1000 Distribution channel 10 Division: Any Button Assign delivery type/checking: For UB (Stock transport order) set the delivery type NL (Replenishment delivery).1 Settings – One­Step or Two­Step Procedure  In Customizing. IMG -> Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Set Up Stock Transport Order (OMGN) Button Purchasing document type: If you are working with the one-step procedure. Example: Issuing plant 1000/ Issuing plant 1200 UB √ or blank Issuing plant 1000/ Issuing plant 0001 NB √ or blank 17.2. the system should display the relevant indicator for the combination of Issuing Plant/Receiving Plant.General -> Assign plant to company code (OX18) Issuing plant 1000 and receiving plant 1200 have the same company code (company code 1000). IMG -> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Set Up Stock Transport Order (OMGN) Button Plant: Set sales area (sales area = sales org. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 128 .1 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Issuing Plant 1000  IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics . Specify the checking rule according to your settings in ATP (not relevant for other processes).SAP Online Help 07/05/09 17  Customizing  Settings  and  Master  Data  for  the  Stock  Transport Order Process using SD Processing  Pricing procedure RVABRE/G ? 17.2 Stock Transport Order using SD Delivery (IntraCompany­Code)  17. + distribution channel + division) The division of a material must not be the same as the division of the found sales area. you can specify whether the process should be carried out using a one-step or a twostep procedure. at the latest by the time the goods are received. Here the Shipping Conditions of the Customers (Sold-to / Ordering party) and the Loading Group from the Material Master (Sales: General/Plant Data view) can also be taken into account to determine the shipping points. Example: For Plant 1000: Sales organization 1000 Distribution channel 10 IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment–> Logistics Execution -> Assign shipping point to plant (OVXC) Assign the shipping point to the plant. Under Sales area-> All sales areas you can see which sales areas are authorized for customers. Example: Plant 1000 Shipping conditions 01 Loading group 0001 Shipping point 1000 Stock has to be available in the storage location of the issuing plant.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales organization – distribution channel – plant (OVX6) You have to assign the plant to the sales org. OVL2) The shipping point is assigned to the issuing plant. Example: Plant 1000 Shipping point 1000 IMG -> Logistics Execution -> Shipping -> Basic Shipping Functions -> Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination -> Assign Shipping Points (trans.2./distribution channel (so that the issuing plant function is possible). Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 129 .2 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Receiving Plant 1200  Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business partners -> Customer -> Create > Complete (XD01) Create customers for the company code 1000. 17. This purchasing organization must either have the same company code as the receiving plant.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 You must maintain the Shipping Conditions in the Shipping view (on Sales area data screen). 1000 Distribution channel 10 Division: any IMG –> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Materials Management–> Assign purchasing organization to company code (OX01) You have to assign the receiving plant to a purchasing organization. These are important for determining the Shipping points Example: Company code 1000 Sales organization 1000 Distribution channel 10 Division: Any Shipping conditions: 01 IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Logistics . Logistics –> Materials Management–> Material Master -> . + distribution channel + division) You have to assign a customer to a plant here.3 Material Master  You have to maintain the material for the issuing plant and receiving plant.. IMG -> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Set Up Stock Transport Order -> Define Shipping Data for Plants Button Plant: Set sales area (sales area = sales org. Example: For Plant 1200: Insert customer number Sales org. 1000 17. or not have a company code at all (in the case of cross-company-code Purchasing)..General -> Assign plant to company code (OX18) The issuing plant and receiving plant have the same company code (company code 1000). Example: Company code 1000 Purchasing org. MM01) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 130 . (trans. The customer must maintain the relevant sales area.2. however this is not compulsory. Sales: Sales Org. including the Loading Group . under Grouping Terms . 5. Basic Data 2. Under Shipping data you can maintain data specific to the shipping. Purchasing Data 3.4 Vendor Data  When creating a plant for stock transfer. which may be used for Shipping point determination Transport group is optional (necessary for route determination). Accounting Example: Plant 1000 Sales org.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Issuing Plant 1000: 1. Sales: General/Plant Data Under General data you can set the availability check. Data 1 3.2. To be able to assign the vendor to a plant you might need to change the following settings in customizing: Omsg -> account group vom vendor: Details -> purchasing data -> additional purchasing data > plant: optional entry (+) Assign the vendor to the plant: xk03 ->Purchasing data -> extras -> additional purchasing data-> plant assignment Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 131 . Data 2 You have to enter NORM in the Item category group field. Sales: Sales Org. 4. 1000 Distribution channel 10 Loading group 0001 Receiving Plant: 1. Accounting Example: Plant 1200   17. the vendor needs to be assigned to the plant as well. Basic Data 2. 1  Create  Stock Transport Order   Logistics –> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Create -> Stock Transfer (ME27) Example: Issuing plant 1000 Pur.5B you should choose Other Selection Screen and enter the purchase order number) -> Execute. Select the purchase order and choose Save.5 Process Flow  17.2.2. 1000 Plant 1200    Create Delivery  Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Shipping and Transportation -> Outbound Delivery -> Create -> Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery-> Purchase Orders (VL10B) Specify the shipping point (you can find this in the customers‘ settings.5. Example: Shipping point 1000 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 132 . Shipping Conditions .SAP Online Help 07/05/09 17.Material Master – Loading Group. The system creates the delivery. and you can view this in OVL2) Set the date in the future (end of the year is always a good choice) For selected documents : Choose Purchase orders Range of documents: Enter purchase order number (before 4. Choose Delivery to display the + distribution channel + division) The division of a material does not have to be the same as the division of the sales area that has been found.2 Pick Delivery and Post Goods Issue  Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Shipping and Transportation -> Outbound Delivery -> Change (VL02) since 4. and delivery number.5. and post GI. choose button Picking. Issuing plant 1000 to code1000.1 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Issuing Plant 1000  IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Logistics .3 Stock Transport Order using SD Delivery   17. storage location. the GR is posted at the same time as the GI. the GR must be posted 17.6 (MIGO) Transaction MB01 cannot be used.3  Post Goods Receipt  Logistics –> Materials Management-> Inventory Management-> Goods Movement-> Goods Receipt-> For Purchase Order -> PO Number Unknown (MB0A) as of 4.3. If the one-step procedure is selected.2.General -> Assign plant to company code (OX18) Issuing plant and receiving plant belong to different company codes.2. 17. Button Assign delivery type/checking: Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 133 .SAP Online Help 07/05/09 17. In the two-step procedure.5. Movement type 101.0).1I) or with MB0A (as of Release 4.6 (VL02N) Enter delivery. Enter receiving plant. The goods receipt should be carried out using transaction VL07 (up to and including Release 3. receiving plant 0001 to code 0001 IMG -> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Set Up Stock Transport Order (TA OMGN) Button Plant: Set up sales area (sales area = sales org. since the delivery will then not be updated. Example: For Plant 1000: Sales org. 1000 Distribution channel 10 Division: Any IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales organization . 1000 Distribution channel 10 IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment–> Logistics Execution -> Assign shipping point to plant (TA OVXC) Assign the shipping point to the plant.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 For NB (standard purchase order). Specify the checking rule according to your settings in ATP (not relevant for other processes). Here the Shipping Conditions with the Customers (ordering party) and the Loading Group from the Material Master (Sales: General/Plant Data view) are included in shipping point determination. Example: For Plant 1000: Sales org. Example: Plant 1000 Shipping point 1000 IMG -> Logistics Execution -> Shipping -> Basic Shipping Functions -> Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination -> Assign shipping points (TA OVL2) You must assign the shipping point to the issuing plant. set the delivery type NLCC (Replenishment delivery crosscompany)./distribution channel (so that you can use the issuing plant function).distribution channel – plant (TA OVX6) You have to assign the plant to sales org. Example: Plant 1000 Shipping conditions 01 Loading group 0001 Shipping point 1000 Logistics -> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Master Data -> Vendor -> Central -> Create (XK01) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 134 . then enter the issuing plant. at the latest when the goods are issued. Example: CoCd. In the Purchasing data. 0001 Assign issuing plant 1000 Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 135 . 0001 Pur. org. Stock must be available in the storage location of the issuing plant. choose Extras -> Additional Data Purchasing.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 You must create the vendor for the company code and the purchasing organization of the receiving plant. and division for intercompany billing to the issuing plant. however.2 Customizing Settings and Master Data for Receiving Plant 0001  Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business partners -> Customer Either create the customers by choosing Create -> Sales and Distribution (VD01) and do not assign a company code.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 17.General -> Assign plant to company code (OX18) The issuing plant and the receiving plant belong to different company codes. IMG -> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Set Up Stock Transport Order (TA OMGN) Button Plant: You must assign a customer to the plant. you do not need to assign these organizational units. These are important for the Shipping point determination Example: CoCd 1000 Sales org. In order for a stock transfer process to work using a delivery and an SD billing document. you must simply assign sales org. Choose Extras -> Sales Areas -> All Sales Areas to find out which sales areas are permissible for customers. 1000 Distribution channel 10 Division: Any Shipping conditions 01 IMG -> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Logistics . Maintain the shipping conditions in the shipping view. Example: Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 136 . Receiving plant 0001 to code 0001 and issuing plant 1000 to code 1000. The plant must.3.. be available for the appropriate customer master record in the relevant sales area. Or choose Create -> Complete (XD01) where you can create the customers for the company code of the issuing plant. as the plant appears as a customer in this process. For the receiving plant. distribution channel. 3. Sales: Sales Org. 5. which may be used for Shipping point determination. Basic Data 2.SAP Online Help For Plant 0001: Enter customer no: not necessary Sales org. Accounting Example: Plant 1000 Sales org. This purchasing organization must either have the same company code as the receiving plant. Data 2 You have to enter NORM in the Item category group field. 1000 Distribution channel 10 Division: Any 07/05/09 IMG –> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Materials Management–> Assign purchasing organization to company code (OX01) Assign the receiving plant to a purchasing organization. Sales: General/Plant Data Under General data you can set the availability check. 1000 Distribution channel 10 Loading group 0001 Receiving Plant: Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 137 . Sales: Sales Org. however this is not compulsory. under Grouping Terms . Example: CoCd. Under Shipping data you can maintain data specific to the shipping. Data 1 3.3 Material Master  You must maintain the material for the issuing plant and receiving plant. including the Loading Group . Logistics –> Materials Management–> Material Master (trans. or not have one at all (when working with crosscompany-code Purchasing). 4. org. Transport group is optional (necessary for route determination). MM01) Issuing Plant: 1. 0001 17. 0001 Pur. also CoCd. Select the purchase order and choose Save.1 Create Cross­Company­Code Stock Transport Order  Logistics –> Materials Management-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Create -> Vendor/ Supplying Plant Known (ME21) as of 4. Purchasing Data 3.1. org 0001 Plant 0001 In 4. The system creates the delivery. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 138 .2 Create Delivery  Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Shipping -> Delivery -> Worklist -> Order/Purchase Order -> Direct (VL04) Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Shipping and Transportation -> Outbound Delivery -> Create -> Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery -> Purchase Orders (VL10B) Specify the shipping point (you can find this in the customers‘ settings.3.Material Master – Loading Group.4. Shipping Conditions .6 (ME21N) You enter the vendor who was assigned to the issuing plant as the vendor.SAP Online Help 1. and you can view this in OVL2) Set the date in the future (end of the year is always a good choice) For selected documents : Choose Purchase orders Range of documents: Enter purchase order number (before 4.5B you should choose Other Selection Screen and enter the purchase order number) -> Execute.3. Example: Vendor: Before 3. Accounting Example: Plant 0001 07/05/09 17. Basic Data 2.4.4 Process Flow  17. Choose Delivery to display the delivery. created vendor or vendor plant 1000 Pur. and the purchasing organization of the receiving plant.6.3. 0001 17. button Picking. In the two-step procedure. since the delivery will then not be updated. and delivery number. the GR is posted at the same time as the GI. storage location. Enter receiving plant. or with MB0A (as of Release 4.6 (MIGO) Transaction MB01 cannot be used. post GI. The goods receipt should be carried out using transaction VL07 (up to and including Release 3.4.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 Example: Shipping point 1000 17.4 Post Goods Receipt  Logistics –> Materials Management-> Inventory Management-> Goods Movement-> Goods Receipt-> For Purchase Order -> PO Number Unknown (MB0A) as of 4.3 Pick Delivery and Post Goods Issue  Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Shipping and Transport -> Outbound Delivery -> Change (VL02) since 4.6 (VL02N) Enter delivery. Movement type 101. If the one-step procedure is selected. the GR must be posted 17.0). Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 139 . : 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Customer: XX Sales Org. Receiving Plant 1200 (trans. 0001 Assign Issuing Plant 1000 Plant 1200 Purchasing: 1000 10 Material (trans. MM01) Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 140 . MM01) Plant: 1000 Sales Org. 1000 Sales Org. XK01) VD01) CoCd 0001 CoCd. OMGN) OMGN) Sales Org. 0001 Sales Org. XD01) CoCd.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 17. Org.: 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Vendor (trans.: 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Customer XX (trans.: 1000 Distribution Channel: Material (trans. Receiving Plant 0001 (trans. OMGN) OMGN) Sales Org. Org.4 Overview in Table Form  Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Issuing Plant 1000 (trans.: 1000 Distribution Channel: Material (trans. Pur. XD01/ Vendor (trans.: 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Customer XX (trans. XK01) CoCd 0001 Pur. MM01) Plant: 1000 Sales Org. MM01) Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Issuing Plant 1000 (trans. 1000 or no CoCd.: 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Customer: XX Sales Org.: 1000 Assign Issuing Plant 1000 Distribution Channel: 10 Plant 0001 Purchasing: 0001 10 Material (trans. zip to your system. most of the necessary Customizing entries are in your system. If you have extended the KOMP structure before with the fields TXREG_SF and TXREG_ST as described in Note 376915. 3. Basically.SAP Online Help 07/05/09 2. Details are described in the attached documentation. transport the attached transport files contained in the files P9CK425188. After activating the BC Set. Condition-Based Tax Calculation in R/3 For Brazil 141 . Customizing Release and AC0K026206.7 Follow the steps described in the attached documentation. Coding Changes for Release 4. append the structure KOMP_BRAZIL to the structure KOMPAZ. Third.6C First. use transaction SE38 to run the report RV80HGEN. you have to proceed in the following way: a) Automatic Customizing for Release 4. They contain the new coding objects and the BC-Sets required in the next step.7: BC Set Go to transaction SCPR20 and run the BC Set CSC_BR_TAX. This report will ensure the pricing routines included in the transport are available during pricing. This BC Set is part of the attached transport. you have to undo that change in order to activate structure KOMP. Second.
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