and Lute Literature.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: RobertoCataldi | Category: Classical Guitar, Guitars, Chordophones, Necked Lutes, Musical Instruments



Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and LuteClassical Guitar and Lute Literature By Olav Thu, Norway Last updated December 17th 2002 Thanks to contributors Kenneth Sparr, Sweden − Beverly Ross, USA − Marco Bazzotti, Italy − Josef Holecek, Sweden − Arthur Ness, USA − Joerg Sommermeyer, Germany Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu AARVIG, C. A. − Luth og Guitarspil. Köpenhamn 1930. ABONDANCE, F. − Restauration des Instruments de Musique. Fribourg 1981. ACHARD, KEN − The Fender Guitar − A Guitar Magazine Project. The Bold Strummer, Ltd. 20 Turkey Hill Circle Westport, CT 06880, 1990. ACHARD, KEN −The History and Development of the American Guitar. A Guitar Magazine Project, Musical News Services Ltd., London England, 1979. ADAMCZYK, MICHAEL − Freedom of the Frets. Published by Carl Fischer? 1 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute AGOSTINELLI, MASSIMO − MASCILLI, CARLO − "Filippo Gragnani, profilo biografico e musicale" Ottocento Edizioni Musicali, Ancona, Italy 1996. AGOSTINELLI, MASSIMO − Catalogo analitico delle Opere a stampa per chitarra.(2 voll.) Ottocento Edizioni Musicali, Ancona, Italy 1993. AGRICOLA, MARTIN − Musica Instrumentalis Deutsch. A treatise on musical instruments − Wittemberg 1528 − Reprint Leipzig 1896. Translated and edited by William E. Hettrick, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 − ISBN 0 521 36640 2 AHLIN, L. − Lutan − bibliografi, historik, diskografi. Borås, Sweden, 1977. AKUSTIK DER GITARRE IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN − Eine umfangreiche akademische Abhandlung. Bochinsky, 1985. ISBN 3−923639−66−X ALMANACH DIE GITARRE. − Verlag und Werkstätten Die Gitarre. [Berlin] Charlottenburg [1923−1924]. 20 p. ALVARENGA, ONEYDA − Música popular brasileña. Buenos Aires 1947. ALVER, ALFRED W. − "The Golden Age of the Guitar," Chesterian, vol.II, 1929. AMISICH, ALESSANDRO BORIS − Giulio Regondi − Concertista e compositore del Romanticismo. Ottocento ed. mus. Ancona 1995. AMOS, C. N. − Lute Practice and Lutenists in Germany between 1500 and 1750. ANDERSSON, O. − Musik och musikinstrument. Stockholm 1934. ANELLI, G. − History of the Guitar. ANGLÉS, HIGINIO − Gloriosa contribución de España a la historia de la música universal. Madrid 1948. ANGLÉS, HIGINIO − La música de las Cantigas de Santa María del rey Alfonso el Sabio. Barcelona 1943. ANGLÉS, Barcelona HIGINIO − La música en la corte de Carlos V. 1944. ANGLÉS, HIGINIO − La música en la España de Fernando el Santo y de Alfonso el Sabio. Madrid 1943. ANGLÉS, HIGINIO − La música española desde la edad media hasta nuestros días. Barcelona 1941. ANGLÉS, HIGINIO and SUBIRÁ, JOSÉ − Catálogo musical de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. Barcelona 1943−51. ANON. − La maniere de`entoucher les lucs et guiternes (Poitiers 1556) in Nouveau Musicana. Paris 1890. ARANITI, Mauro FILIPPO Giuliani: GlianniEDUARDO − Nuove del soggiorno acquisizioni sull'opera e sulla vita di napoletano. Barletta−Trani 1993. ART du faiseur d'instruments de musique et lutherie, 1785. Faksimile Genève 1972. 2 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute ARTE CHITARRISTICA, − L'. Bèrben Editore, Modena. (Gennaio 1947 − Maggio − Giugno 1952). AZPIAZU, JOSE DE − The Guitar and Guitarists from Beginning to the Present Day. London 1960. AZPIAZU, JOSE DE − La Guitare et les Guitaristes. Symphonia − Verlag AG., Bâle 1959. AZPIAZU, JOSE DE − La Guitarra y los Guitarristas. Ricordi Americana. Buenos Aires 1961. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu B.M.G. ("Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar "− monthly magazine) London 1902− BACHORIK, J. E. − Lute Making. A Survey of Historical and Modern Construction. New York 1974. BACON, TONY − The Ultimate Guitar Book. London 1991. Dorling Kindersley, ISBN 0−86318−640−8 New York 1991, Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN 0−394−58955−6. BACON, TONY & DAY, PAUL − The Fender Book. GPI Books, Miller Freeman. 600 Harrison St. San Francisco, CA. BACON, TONY & DAY, PAUL − The Gibson Les Paul Book. GPI Books. San Francisco, CA, 1993. BAESE, GEARY L. − Classic Italian Violin Varnish, its History, Materials, Preparation and Application. Fort Collins, 1985 − ISBN 0 9615510 0 3. BAINES, ANTHONY − Musical Instruments through the Ages. London 1961. 3 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute BALDINI, UGO − Note di tecnologia costruttiva su la chitarra. Bologna, Rivista "La Chitarra" Editrice 1934. XIII. 24 p. BALTICUM − a Coherent Musical Landscape in 16th and 18th Centuries. Helsinki 1994 BARON, E. G. − Study of the Lute. Redondo Beach 1976. BARONE, CARLO − Catalogo generale delle opere per e con chitarra... URFM, AGIF. Milano 1993. BARTOLINI, W. & BARTOLINI, P. A. − "Experimental Studies of the Acoustics of Classical and Flamenco Guitars" Journal of Guitar Acoustics − Vol . 6, 1982 7p. 4 BARTUSCH, MANFRED. − Die linke Hand des Gitarristen. Eine physiologische Studie. Bramsche 1981. BATCHELOR, A. − A Batchelor's Delight. Beverley 1990. BEHN, F. − Die Laute im Altertum und frühen Mittelalter. ZfMW 1918. BELLOW, ALEXANDER − The Illustrated History of the Guitar. Franco Colombo Publications. USA 1970. Belwin/Mills Publishing Corp. Long Island, NY, 1976. BELLSON, JULIUS − The Gibson Story. Kalamazoo, MI, 1973. BERLINER − Lautentabulaturen in Krakau. Mainz 1992. BERMUDO, J. − Declaracion de Instrumentos Musicales... 1555. Faksimile Madrid 1982. BERTAZZI, M. − Ferdinando Carulli, chitarrista − compositore... Genova 1984. BEVAN, CLIFF − Musical Instrument Collections in the British Isles. Winchester, Piccolo Press, 1990. ISBN 1 872203 10 8. BIERNATH, ERNST − Die Guitarre seit dem III. Jahrtausend vor Christus. Berlin 1907. BISHOP, IAN C. − The Gibson Guitar from 1950. A Guitar Magazine Project. Musical New Services, Ltd., London England, 1977. BISHOP, IAN C. − The Gibson Guitar from 1950, Vol 2. The Bold Strummer Ltd. 20 Turkey Hill Circle Westport, CT 06880, 1990. BLACKBURN, Ph.D., BILL − Old Guitar Mania, A Guide to Vintage Guitar Collecting. Centerstream Publishing / Hal Leonard. Fullerton, CA, 1992. BLACKBURN, Ph.D.,BILL − The Strange Case of Dr. Vintage. Guitar World. July, 1987 pp. 62−64, 72. BLANCHARD, HENRI − "Les Guitaristes," Revue et Gazette Musicale de Paris. Paris 1842. BLETSCHACHER, R. − Die Lauten− und Geigenmacher des Füssener Landes. Hofheim am Taunus 1978. 4 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute BLÜMML, E. K. − Beiträge zur Geschichte der Lautenmacher in Wien. ZfMW 1919−20. STMw 1918. BOBRI, VLADIMIR − The Segovia Technique. The Macmillan Company, 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77−152285. New York 1972. BOETTICHER, WOLFGANG − Bibliographie des sources de la musique pour luth. Le luth et sa musique. Paris 1957. BOETTICHER, WOLFGANG − Handschriftlich Überlieferte Lauten− und Gitarrentabulaturen...München 1978. BOETTICHER, WOLFGANG, and HICKMANN, HANS − "Gitarre," Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Blume F. ed. Kassel and Basel 1949. BOETTICHER, WOLFGANG − Studien zur solistichen Lautenpraxis des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts (Habilítationsschrift), Berlin 1943. BONE, PHILIP JAMES − The Guitar and Mandolin. London: Schott & Co., 1954 ( 2nd. edition). BOSMAN, LANCE − Harmony for Guitarists. BOYDEN, D. − The Hill Collection. Oxford 1979. BOYE, GARY R. − Giovanni Battista Granata and the Development of Printed Music for the Guitar in Seventeenth−century Italy: With a Transcription of His Works for Solo Guitar. Dissertation. Duke University, 1995. 2 vols. BRAGARD, ROGER and DE HEN, FERDINAND J. − Musikinstrumente aus zwei Jahrtausenden. Stuttgart 1967. BREAM, JULIAN − "How to Write for the Guitar," The Score & IMA Magazine no.19. London, March 1957. BREDVAD−JENSEN, C. − Solistiskt gitarrspel i Sverige. Lund, Sweden 1972. BRENET, M. − Notes sur l'histoire de luth en France. 1899. Faximile Genève 1973. BROJER, ROBERT. − Der Weg zur Gitarre. Wien 1973. BRONDI, MARIA RITA − Il Liuto e la Chitarra. Torino 1926. Faximile Bologna 1979. BROWN, H. E. − Classic Guitar Maker’s Guide. Second Edition. Tulsa, Oklahoma 1967. BROWN, HOWARD MAYER − Embellishing 16th − century Music. London 1976. BROWN, HOWARD MAYER − Instrumental Music printed before 1600: A Bibliography − Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1965/1969. BROZMAN,Publishing. Centerstream BOB − The NationalCA, Fullerton, Guitar. 1992. BROZMAN, BOB −The History and Artistry of National Resonator Instruments. Centerstream Publishing. Fullerton, CA, 1993. BRUGER, HANS DAGOBERT − Alte Lauten−Kunst aus drei Jahrhunderten, Berlin 1923. 5 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute BRUNE, R. E. − "Soundboard Bracing and the Development of the Classic Guitar" Guild of American Luthier's Quarterly − Vol . 8, No. 1, 1980 p. 14. BRÖGGER, K. − Klassisk Guitar Bygning. Køpenhamn, Denmark, 1990. BUCHNER, ALEXANDER − Colour Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments. London 1980. BUCHNER, ALEXANDER − Musikinstrumente im Wandel der Zeiten. II Auflage. Prag 1956. BUCHNER, ALEXANDER − Musikinstrumente von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Prag 1971. BUCHNER, ALEXANDER − Musical Instruments Through the Ages. London c. 1955. BUEK, FRITZ − Die Gitarre und ihre Meister. Berlin 1926. 2. Auflage 1935. Robert Lienau / Vormals Schlesinger, Berlin − Lichterfelde, Lankwitzer Strasse 9. BUSTAMENTE, JUAN ANTONIO PEREZ − Tras la huella de Andres Segovia. Universidad de Cadiz, 1990. BUTTON, STEWART − The Guitar in England 1800−1924. New York, London: Garland, 1989. − ISBN 0 8240 0189 3. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu CALDERSMITH − Low Range Guitar Function and Design − Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter − 112 Essex Ave., Montclair, NJ 07042. Vol . 27, 1977 p. 19. CAMPBELL, Seattle 1975. M. − Dolmetsch, the Man and his Work. CAMPBELL, R. G. − Zur Typologie der Schalenlanghalslaute. Strasbourg 1968. CAMPION, F. − Traité d'accompagnement 1716, 1730. Faximile, Genève 1976. 6 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute CANDENZA, The − (monthly organ of the American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists and Guitarists). Boston 1920 − 24. CARFAGNA, CARLO − ANTONIONI, GIOVANNI − Liuteria classica italiana, chitarre del XIX e XX secolo. Rome 1985. CARFAGNA, CARLO − CAPRANI, ALBERTO : Profilo Storico della Chitarra. Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, Ancona / Milano 1966. CARFAGNA, CARLO − GANCI, MARIO − Dizionario chitarristico italiano Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, Ancona 1968. CAVEDON, MARCO − Compagna chitarra − (Preface G. Marini, Appendix A. Melchiorre), Milano 1978. CHARNASSÉ, HÉLÈNE − La Guitare (Preface A. Frauchi). Presses Universitaires de France, 1985. CHARNASSÉ, HÉLÈNE − Shestistrunnaya Gitara (Preface A.Frauchi). Muzhyka, Moscow 1991. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − "Francesco Corbetta guitarrista," Gazzetta Musicale de Milano XLIV 1888. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − Giacomo Gorzanis liutista del cinquecento (in «Rivista Musicale Italiana» XXI), Torino 1914. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − La rocca e 'l fuso (in «Rivista Musicale Italiana» XIX), Torino, 1912. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − Lautenspielers des XVI Jahrhunderts, Lipsich 1891. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − "Intavolature di chitarra, appunti," Le Chronache Musicali. Rome 1900. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − Note circa alcuni liutisti italiani della prima metà del cinquecento (in «Rivista Musicale Italiana» IX), Torino, 1902. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − "Notes sur le guitariste Robert de Visée," Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, IX, 1907 − 08. CHILESOTTI, OSCAR − Saggio sulla melodia popolare del Cinquecento, Forni ed. − Bologna, 1968. CHITARRA, La. Rivista mensile letteraria musicale. Bologna. (1934 − ?) CHRISTENSEN, O − "Simple Model for Low Frequency Guitar Function". Journal of Guitar Acoustics − Vol . 3, 1980 p. 42. CHRISTENSEN, THOMAS − "The Spanish Baroque Guitar and Seventeenth− century Triadic Theory." Journal of Music Theory 36.1 (1992). CHRISTIANSEN, K. − A Caravaggio Rediscovered. The Lute Player. New York 1990. CIMLISK, ANTHONY − "Play Guitar" published by Boosey and Hawkes. A comprehensive tutor for the complete beginner of classical, folk and creative techniques for the finger style Spanish guitar. ISMN numbers Vol 1 − MO60017742, Vol 2 − MO60017759 Supplement − MO60017759 CLASSICAL GUITAR MAGAZINE − 7 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute Ashley Mark Publishing Company, Olsover House, 43 Sackville Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5TA England. CLINTON, GEORGE − Andrés Segovia. An Appreciation. London 1978. COATES, KEVIN − Geometry, Proportion and the Art of Lutherie. Oxford, O.U.P., 1985. ISBN 0 19 816139 5. COELHO, V. − The Manuscript Sources of Seventeenth Century Italian Lute Music. New York 1995. COLLECTION HEL, LA − Instruments de musique anciens réunis par deux luthiers lillois. Lille 1989. COLONNA, MAURIZIO − Chitarristi−compositori del XX secolo. (Preface M. Dell'Ara), Franco Muzzio ed. − Padova 1990. COLONNA, MAURIZIO − Il chitarrista classico contemporaneo. (Preface A. Gilardino) − Franco Muzzio ed. − Padova 1988. COMAS, RAMÓN PINTO − Los Luthiers Españoles. Barcelona, 1988. 352pp. (Text in Spanish, English and French.) CONSORT, The. Nr. 355, 1979. CONTRERAS, SEGUNDO N. − La guitarra. Buenos Aires 1927. CONTRERAS, SEGUNDO N. − La guitarra Argentina. Buenos Aires 1950. COOPER, R. S. − Lute Construction. Savannah 1963. COOVER, J. − Antiquarian Catalogues of Musical Interest. London 1988. COURTNALL SUMMERFIELD, ROY − Making Master Guitars ISBN 0 7090 4809 2 Format: 210 mm x 297 mm Number of pages: 336 Illustrations: 538 black and white photographs, line drawings, sketches and plans. Published in the United Kingdom by Robert Hale Ltd, 45 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R OHT. COURTNALL SUMMERFIELD; ROY − La Fabrication des Guitares Classiques, published by Editions H. Vial, BP 87, 91416, Dourdan, Cedex, France. ISBN 2−85101−033−6 COX, P. W. − Classic Guitar Technique and its Evolution ... ca. 1770−1850. 1978. CRESCENDO, THE − (for a time, monthly organ of the American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists and Guitarists) Boston 1908 − 33. CUMPIANO, WILLIAM R − Manuel Valazquez: Grandmaster of Guitarmaking. Journal of Guitar Acoustics, Vol . 5, 1982 p. 13. CUMPIANO, WILLIAM R − Some Notes on Classic Bracing Design Journal of Guitar Acoustics,Vol . 5, 1982 p. 45. CUMPIANO, WILLIAM R − The Luthier's Dilemma. Journal of Guitar Acoustics Vol . 1, 1980 p. 13. CUMPIANO, WILLIAM R. & NATELSON, JONATHAN D. − Guitarmaking: Tradition and Technology. Chronicle Books − ISBN 0−8118−0640−5. Rosewood Press 1989 − ISBN 0−9618737−0−1 8 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu DANNER, PETER − Bibliography of Guitar Tablatures: 1546 − 1764. Journal of the Lute Soc. of America, 5 (1972) update in 6 (1973). Bibliografia delle prinicipali intavolature per chitarra. Il fronimo 1979. DANNER, PETER − Catalogue of the Rischel, Birket−Smith Collection. Columbus 1989. DART, T. − Miss Mary Burwell's Instruction Book for the Lute. DE kunst van het Guitaar− en Mandolinespel. Vaktijdsschrift onder redactie van Ries de Hilster. 3 (1948) No. 3−5. DELAUNAY, C. − Django Reinhardt. London 1961. DELL'ARA, MARIO − Ferdinando Carulli. Il fronimo 1979, no 28. DELL'ARA, MARIO − Manuale di Storia della chitarra Vol. I. Ed. Bèrben, Ancona 1987. DICKENS, F. T. − Analysis of First and Second Vibration Modes in a Guitar Using an Equivalent Circuit. Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter Vol . 35, 1981 p. 18. DICKENS, F. T. − Inertance of the Guitar Soundhole. Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter Vol . 24, 1978 p. 27. DICKENS, F. T. − Tuning of Guitar Plates. Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter Vol . 26, 1976 p. 19 DISERTORI, B. − Intavolatura di Liuto di Michele Carrara. Firenze. DOJCINOVIC, UROS − Tragovima Jugoslovenske Gitare. Sorabia Disc 1992. DOLMETSCH − Collection of Musical Instruments. London 1981. 9 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute DORFMÜLLER, K. − Studien zur Lautenmusik. Tutzing 1967. DOUBTFIRE, STANLEY − Make Your Own Classical Guitar. Gollanez 1981. DOYSI, CHARLES − Principes Généraux de la Guitarre. Paris 1801 (facsimile Minkoff). DUGOT, J. − Le luth. Caen 1981. DUNN, ALEXANDER − Style and Development in the Theorbo Works of Robert de Visée: An Introductory Study. Dissertation. University of California, San Diego, 1989. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu EBAN, G. − Musical Instrument Wood − A Luthier's View. Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter. Vol . 36, 1981 p. 8. EKLUND, R. − A Contextual Study of a Lute Manuscript. Stockholms universitet 1991. EL ENCORDADO (magazine) − Cervins vaq 19d 5tr. 16358 Spanga, Sweden. ENGEL, E. − Die Instrumentalformen in der Lautenmusik. Berlin 1915. EVANS, TOM AND MARY ANNE − Guitars From Renaissance to Rock. Paddington Press Ltd. London 1977. EVANS, TOM AND MARY ANNE − Guitars, Music, History, Construction and Players from the Renaissance to Rock. Paddington Press Ltd. New York, NY, 1977. ISBN 0−448−22240−X 10 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu FÁBRICAS de Sons. Instrumentos de Música Europeus dos Séculos XVI a WW. Museu da Musica. Lisabon 1994. FABRIS, D. − Andrea Falconieri Napoletano. Rome 1987. FACTURE instrumentale européenne... Paris 1985. FACTURE instrumentale, La. Metiers d'Art No 10−11 1980. FALCON MÖLLER, D. − Danske Instrumentbyggere 1770−1850. Køpenhamn 1983. FAMYNTSIN, ALEXANDER SERGEEVICH − Domra i srodnye muzykal'nye instrumenty ruskogo naroda. S. Peterburg 1891. FELLINGER, I. − Periodica Musicalia (1789−1830). Regensburg 1986. FERANDIERE, FERNANDO − Arte de tocar la guitarra española por música. Madrid 1799. FERNANDEZ − LAVIE, F. − La guitare pour tous. 4e édition. Paris 1956. FERRARI, ROMOLO − Ferdinando Sor. Bologna 1936. 24 s. FERRARI, ROMOLO − La vita e le opere di Mozzani. In "L'Arte Chitarristica" no. 1−10, Rome 1947. FERRARI, ROMOLO − Luigi Legnani. Modena 1932. 39 s. FERRARI, ROMOLO − Mauro Giuliani. Bologna 1934. 40 s. FERRARI, ROMOLO − Zani de Ferranti Marco Aurelio. Modena 1933. 37 s. FERRER, ESTEVE J. − Historia de la Guitarra. FLEXNER, BOB − Understanding Woodfinishing. Rodale Press, 1994. ISBN 0−87596−566−0 FLOTZINGER, R. − Die Lautentabulaturen des Stiftes Kremsmünster. Wien 1965. FORD, CHARLES − Making Musical Instruments. Strings & Keyboard. 11 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute London 1979. ISBN 0−394−73561−7 FRAENKEL, G. S. − Decorative Music Title Pages. New York 1968. FRANCESCO CANOVA DA MILANO (1497−1543) The Lute Works of− Arthur Ness, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970; available from Books on Demand, a service of UMI (Order No 2057941). The address for UMI in Europe, Australia, Africa and the Middle East is: University Microfilms, Inc. Information Publications International White Swan House Godstone Surrey RH9 8LW , England In the U.S. and Canada: UMI 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48106−3042 Toll free: 1−800 521−3042 FAX 313 973−2682 FRIDELL, G. − David Kellners "Treulicher Unterricht..."1969. FRYKLUND, DANIEL − a Devoted Collector of and Researcher on Musical Instruments and other Musicalia. Bio−bibliographical introduction and comments by Kenneth Sparr. FRYKLUND, DANIEL − Bidrag till gitarristiken Part I [Contributions to Guitar Studies] Translated from Swedish by Jan Ring Ellis, revised and annotated by Kenneth Sparr. FRYKLUND, DANIEL − Bidrag till gitarristiken Part II [Contributions to Guitar Studies] FRYKLUND, DANIEL − Une Lyre−guitare d'Ory. Helsingborg, Sweden 1957. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu GÁBRY, G. − Old Musical Instruments. Budapest 1969. GALPIN, F. − A Textbook of European Musical Instruments. Williams and Norgate Ltd., London 1944. GALPIN SOCIETY JOURNAL − 12 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute GARRONE, M. − La costruzione della chitarra classica. Ancona 1994. GAVALL, JOHN − "The Guitar − an Evaluation," Musical Times vol. 95 Nov. 1954. GAVOTY, BERNARD − Andrès Segovia. Geneva 1955. GEIRINGER, K. − Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der europäischen Laute... GENDAI GUITAR (magazine) − 1−11 Chinaya−Cho, Toshima−KU, Tokio, Japan. GIACOMO, MONZINO −Chitarrista ed editore del primo ottocento− Agostinelli, Massimo − Podera, Giovanni − Rossini, Fabio − Ottocento edizioni Musicali, Ancona, 1993. GIERTZ, MARTIN − Den Klassiska Gitarren. P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag − Stockholm 1979. ISBN 91−1−783312−4 GILARDINO, ANGELO − La Grammatica della chitarra vol.1−2. Ed. Bèrben, Ancona 1994−95. GILARDINO, ANGELO − La tecnica della chitarra, fondamenti meccanici. Ed. Bèrben, Ancona 1981. GILARDINO, ANGELO − Manuale di Storia della chitarra Vol. II. Ed. Bèrben, Ancona 1987. GILARDINO, ANGELO − Nuovo trattato di tecnica chitarrastica. Ed. Bèrben, Ancona 1993. GILARDINO, ANGELO − (Preface Aruta, Stefano) − T. De Rogatis: Opere scelte per chitarra, Ed. Bèrben, Ancona 1995. GILARDINO, ANGELO − (Preface Podera, Giovanni) − L. Mozzani: Opere scelte per chitarra, Ed. Bèrben , Ancona 1995. Ed.GILARDINO ANGELO Bèrben, Ancona 1995. − (Preface Terzi, B): Opere scelte per chitarra. GILL, D. − Gut Strung Plucked Instruments Contemporary with the Lute. 1976. GILL, D. − Wire Strung Plucked Instruments. 1977. GILMORE, G. − Guitar Music Index. Honolulu 1976. GIORDANO, MARIO − Contributo allo studio della chittarra. Milan 1936. GITARIST (Magazine) − (ed. by V. D. Volkov). Russiko, 1993−1995. GITARNYI ALMANAKH (Magazine) − (ed. by V.Ustinov). Nachala−Press, Vikom 1993. GITARR OCH LUTA (Magazine 1967 −) Gubbangstorget 121, 6tr. S−12245 Enskede, Sweden. GITARRE, DIE − (A monthly journal for the cultivation of lute and guitar playing) Berlin 1919−33. GITARRE & LAUTE − (Germany, Magazine 1979 − ) 13 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute GITARREFREUND, DER − Monatschrift zur Pflege des Gitarren− und Lautenspiels und der Hausmusik. Herausgegeben vom Verlag Gitarrefreund, München 19? GITARREN UND LAUTEN der Werkstätten "Die Gitarre". Berlin, Charlottenburg [ca. 1928]. 15 p. GIULIANIAD, NOVA − published by Joerg Sommermeyer 1983 − 1988. GOMBOSI, O. − Der Lautenist Valentin Bakfark. Leben und Werke. Kassel 1967. GORIO, F. − Wenzeslaus Thomas Matiegka. Il fronimo 1985 nr 52. GROSSEN INTERPRETEN,DIE − Andrès Segovia. Genf 1955. GRUHN, G. & CARTER, W. − Acoustic Guitars and other Fretted Instruments. San Fransisco 1993. GRUNFELD, FREDRIC V. − Music. New York 1974. GRUNFELD, FREDRIC V. − The Art and Times of the Guitar. An Illustrated History of Guitars and Guitarists, New York 1969. The Macmillan Company, New York. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 69−10465 GUITAR (magazine). GUITARES. Chefs−d'oeuvre des collections de France. Paris 1980. GUITARES (magazine) − Karel Gilson 9. B−1601 Ruisbroek BT, Belgium. GUITAR ET MUSIQUE (magazine). GUITAR JOURNAL GUITAR MUSIC COLLECTION of Vahdah Olcott−Bickford. Northridge 1991. GUITAR NEWS (magazine)− Cheltenham 195? GUITAR PLAYER GUITARES. Paris 1980. Chefs−d'oeuvre des collections de France. GUITARRA ESPAÑOLA, LA. − The Spanish Guitar. Madrid 1993. GUITARRAS Y GUITARREROS. I. Tokyo 1992. GUITAR REVIEW, THE − (published by the Society of the Classic Guitar) New York 1946 − GUITART (magazine) − (ed. by G.Pulzone). Avellino 1996. GUNDRY−BROOKES, R. − With My Strings of Small Wire. A Tutor for the Cittern. Birmingham 1990. GÖLLNER, München 1979.M. L. − Katalog der Musikhandschriften. 2. Tabulaturen und Stimmbücher. 14 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu HALL, MONICA − The Guitar Anthologies of Santiago de Murcia. Dissertation. The Open University, 1983. 2 vols. HAMBRAEUS, B. − Codex Carminum Gallicorum. Uppsala, Sweden 1961. HANEKUYK, J. − Luit en gitaar. Haag 1984. HARRISON, FRANK and RIMMER, JOAN − European Musical Instruments, London 1964. HARWOOD, I. − A Brief History of the Lute. 1975. HARWOOD, I. − The Lute Kit. HARZ, FRED − Harmonielehre für Gitarre. Köln 1975. HECK, THOMAS FITZSIMMONS − Guitar Music in the Archive of the Guitar Foundation of America. 1981. HECK, THOMAS FITZSIMMONS − Mauro Giuliani: Virtuoso Guitarist and Composer. Columbus 1995. HECK, THOMAS FITZSIMMONS − The Birth of the Classic Guitar and its Cultivation in Vienna, reflected in the Career and Compositions of Mauro Giuliani (d.1829) (with) vol.II: Thematic Catalogue of the Complete Works of Mauro Giuliani, Yale University 1970. HEDLUND, O. − Georg Bolins gitarrbok. Stockholm 1982. HELLWIG, G. − Joachim Tielke. Ein Hamburger Lauten− und Violenmacher... Frankfurt am Main 1980. HENKE, M. − Joseph Küffner. Leben und Werk... Bd I. Tutzing 1985. HENKE, M. − Joseph Küffner. Leben und Werk... Bd II. Tutzing 1985. HENZE, BRUNO − Die Gitarre und ihre Meister des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 1920. 48 p. HOGWOOD, C. − Music at Court. London 1977. 15 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute HOLECEK, JOSEF − For Music's Sake: Studies in interpretative guitar technique from c.1800 − c.1930, based on guitar methods and etudes. Doctoral disseration in Swedish with abstract in English. Vol.1: 396 pp. (text). Vol.2: Anthology of 144 guitar etudes from 19th century (music score). Göteborg University, School of Music and Musicology, Dept.of Musicology (Box 5439, SE−402 29 Göteborg, Sweden), 1996. ISBN 91−85974−29−3. HOMOLYA, I. − Valentine Bakfark Lutenist from Transylvania. Budapest 1982. HOWE, STEVE. − The Steve Howe Guitar Collection. London 1994. HUBER, JOHN − La costruzione della chitarra nel Novecento. (Ital. edit. by Aniello F. Ascolese). Ed. Turris, Cremona 1993. HUBER, JOHN − The Development of the Modern Guitar. Westport 1994. HUDSON, RICHARD − The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne: The Historical Evolution of Four Forms That Originated in Music for the Five − course Spanish Guitar. Musicological Studies & Documents 35. Neuhausen−Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology: Hanssler−Verlag, 1982. 4 vols. HÛLPHERS, A. A. − Historisk Afhandling om Musik och Instrumenter... Västerås 1773. Faximile Stockholm 1969. HYATT KING, A. − Four Hundred Years of Music Printing. London 1968. HYATT KING, A. − Some British Collectors of Music c. 1600−1960. Cambridge 1963. HÄFNER, W. E. − Die Lautenstücke des Denis Gaultier. Endingen − Kaiserstuhl 1939. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu IL FRONIMO (magazine) − Rivista di chitarra fondata da R. Chiesa. Ed. Suvini Zerboni, Milan, Italy. INO, SAVINI − Luigi Mozzani, oboista, chitarrista e liutaio. Faenza, 1985. INSTRUMENTISTES et luthiers parisiens XVIIe−XIXe siècles. 16 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute INSTRUMENTS et luthiers parisiens XVIIe−XIXe siècles. Paris INSTRUMENTS et musique instrumentale. Paris 1986. INTELLISANO, GIOVANNI − Luigi Mozzani, Un Liutaio e la sua arte. Arts & Craft, Cento, Ferrara 1990. IPKINS, A. J. − Capotasto − Grove's V, vol. II, pp. 53−54. IVANOFF, V. − Das Pesaro − Manuskript. Tutzing 1988. IVANOFF, V. − Eine zentrale Quelle der frühen italienischen Lautenpraxis. Tutzing 1988. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu JAHNEL, F. − Die Gitarre und ihr Bau. Frankfurt am Main 1963. 5th. ed. 1986. ISBN 3−923−639−67−8 JAPE, M. − Classical Guitar Music in Print. Philadelphia 1989. JEFFERY, BRIAN − Fernando Sor, Composer and Guitarist. London 1977 / 1995 JOHNSON, M. − To Introduce the Lute and its Family. Barnes 1945. JOHNSON, P. O. − Det gyllene seklet. Vihuelamusik i 1500 − talets Spanien. Lund, Sweden 1991. JOURNAL of the Lute Society of America 1968 − 17 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu KADIS, H. − A Guide to Reading Renaissance Lute Tablature. San Lorenzo 1976. KEITH, RICHARD − «La Guitare Royale» a study of the career and compositions of Francesco Corbetta, «Recherches sur la musique française classique», VI, 1966, pp. 78−79. KELLNER, D. − Treulicher Unterricht im General−Bass... 1743. Faksimile 1980. KELLNER, D. − Vernoe nastavllenie v socinenii general − basa... 1791. KLIER, J. − Die Gitarre. Ein Instrument und seine Geschichte. Bad Schussenried 1980. KMOCH, VLADIMIR − The Guitar Quartets of Niccolò Paganini, unpublished − Biblioteca del Conservatorio of Genoa, 1971. KOCZIRZ, ADOLF − Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag. Wien 1930. KOCZIRZ, ADOLF − Österreichische Lautenmusik zwischen 1650 und 1720. KOCZIRZ, ADOLF and ZUTH, JOSEF − Beiträge zur Geschichte der Gitarre und des Gitarrenspiels. Vienna 1919. KOSACK, H. P. − Geschichte der Laute und Lautenmusik in Preussen. Königsberg 1934. KUNSTHISTORISCHES Museum. − Katalog der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente. I. Teil. Wien 1966. KÜFFNER, H. − Eine Augsburger Sammelhandschrift... Archiv für Geschichte von Oberfranken 1969. KÖRTE, O. − Laute und Lautenmusik bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig 1901. Faximile Westmead 1968. 18 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu LA CAÑA (magazine) − ed. Ass. España Abierta, c/Quintana 20−3, E−28008 Madrid, Spain. LACHÈVRE, F. − Charles de Lespine parisien... Paris 1935. LA CHITARRA − (rivista mensile letteraria e musicale) Bologna 1934 − LAURENCIE, L. DE. − Les Luthistes. Paris 1928. LAUTEN−ALMANACH auf das Jahr 1919. Herausgegeben von Erwin Schwarz−Rieflingen. Berlin 1919. 143 p. LAUTENMUSIKANT, DER − Band I. Edition Schott 2392. LAUTENSPIEGEL, DER − Beihefte zur Monatschrift: "Die Laute" Herausgegeben von Richard Möller. Band I Laute, Viola da gamba, Viola da Braccio die alten Instrumente und ihre Bedeutung für unsere heutige Hausmusik von Richar Möller. Wolfenbüttel 1918. 66 p. LAYER, A. − Die Allgäuer Lauten− und Geigenmacher. Augsburg 1978. LEBET, C. − Dictionnaire universel des luthiers. Tome troisième. Bryssel 1985. L`ECO DELLA MUSICA − ( bi−monthly organ of the Associazione nazionale liuteria artistica Italiana. Ancona 1963 − LEDBETTER, D. − Harpsichord and Lute Music in 17th Century France. London 1987. LES CAHIERS DE LA GUITARE (magazine) − B. P. 83 F−94472 Boissy St. Leger, France. LIF, G. − Tre udda instrument. Arvika 1975. LINDLEY, M. − Lutes, Viols and Temperaments. Cambridge 1984. LOWENFELD, E. M. − Santiago de Murcia's Thorough − Bass Treatise for the Baroque Guitar (1714). UMI. LUISI, F. − Frottole di B. tromboncini e M. Cara. Rome 1987. LUMSDEN, DAVID − The Sources of English Lute Music, Cambridge 1955. LUTE SOCIETY JOURNAL 1959 − LÛTGENDORFF, W. L. VON − Die Geigen− und Lautenmacher. I. Band. Dritte... Auflage. Frankfurt am Main 1922. LÛTGENDORFF, W. L. VON − Die Geigen− und Lautenmacher. II. Band. 4... Auflage. Frankfurt am Main 1922. 19 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute LUTH et sa musique. Paris 1976. LUTH et sa musique. II. Paris 1984. LYONS, D. B. − Lute, Vihuela, Guitar to 1800: A Bibliography. Detroit 1978. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu MACE, T. − Musick's Monument 1676. Faxim. New York 1966. MACLEOD − COUPE, P. − Lute Construction. 1978. MADE for Music. − An Exhibition to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Galpin Society. London 1986. MAIER, E. − Die handschriftlich überlieferten Tabulaturen... Wien 1972. MAIER, E. − Die Lautentabulaturhandschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Wien 1974. MAKAROFF, N. − Aux amateurs de la guitare. Quelques règles... S:t Petersburg 1874. MANUALE di storia della chitarra Vol. 1−2. Ancona 1988. MARCUSE, S. − Musical Instruments. London 1966. MARESCOT, CHARLES DE − Instructions for the Guitar. London c. 1850. MARESCOT, CHARLES DE − La guitaromanie. Paris c. 1850. MARTIUS, K. − Leopold Widhalm und der Nürnbereger Lauten− und Geigenbau im 18. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main 1995. derMAUERHOFER, ALOIS − Leonard Wiener Klassik. Conference van Call −ofMusick at the University des mittelstandes Graz, 1974, unpublished.zur Zeit MAZA, SAINZ DE LA − La guitarra y su historia. Madrid 1955. MCCUTCHEON, M. A. − Guitar and Vihuela: An annotated Bibliography. New York 1985. 20 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute MCLEOD, D. & WELFORD, R. − The Classical Guitar. Leicester 1971. MEER, J. H. VAN DER. − Musikinstrumente. München 1983. MENDEZ, GUILLERMO FLORES − Constructores de Guitarras Finas en Mexico. Carnet Musical, 1954. MERTENS, JACQUELINE − Je joue de la guitare. Verviers 1964. MESTRE, F. − La Guitarra, su Construccion y su Musica. MEYER, C. − Sebastian Virdung. Musica getutscht... Paris 1980. MEYER, K. − Katalog der Musikbibliothek Paul Hirsch. Band IV. Cambridge 1947. MILANO, FRANCESCO CANOVA DA − See Francesco Canova da Milano MITH, D. H. & EAGLESON, L. − Guitar and Lute Music in Periodicals. An Index. Fallen Leaf. MOBERG, C. A. − Musikens historia i västerlandet intill 1600. Stockholm 1973. MOLZOGEN, ELSA LAURA VON − Meine Laute und ich. Graz 1917. 79 p. MONTAGU, J. − The World of Medieval & Renaissance Musical Instruments. Newton Abbot 1976. MONTANARO R. B. − Guitares hispano − Américaines. La Calade 1983. MORRISH, JOHN − The Classical Guitar, The Complete History. Balafon / Outline Press, 1997. (13 essays by Graham Wade, among others.) MOSELEY, WILLIE G. − Classic Guitars U.S.A. Centerstream Publishing. Fullerton, CA, 1992. ISBN 0−931759−52−8 MOSER, W. − Fernando Sor. Köln 1984. MUÑOZ, Buenos AiresRICARDO 1930. − Historia de la guitarra. MUÑOZ, RICARDO − Technology of the Argentina Guitar. Buenos Aires 1952. MUNROW, D. − Instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. London 1976. MUSATOV, V. M − POPOV, V. I. − Gitara, obzor i kratkaia annotatzia russkhikh pechatnykh materialov. Sverdlosk (Ekaterinburgh), 1988. MUSICAL instruments as works of art. London 1968. MUSICAL Instruments Through the Ages. Harmondsworth 1966. MUSIKBLATT (edition) − Euro Index. Editor Wieland Ulrichs, 1992. MUSIKBLATT (magazine) − Tannenweg 14, D−3400 Gottingen, Germany. MUSIQUES anciennes. Instruments et partitions (XVIe − XVIIe siècles). Paris 1980. 21 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute MYERS, A. − Historic Musical Instruments in the Edinburgh University Collection. Lutes, Citterns and Guitar. Edinburgh 1992. MYERS, A. − Historic Musical Instruments in the Edinburgh University Collection. Vol. 1 The Illustrations. Edinburgh 1990. MØLDRUP, ERLING − Guitaren, et eksotisk instrument i den danske musik. (Danish) Kbh. 1987 If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu NACHRICHTEN DER WERKSTÄTTEN − "Die Gitarre" herausgegeben von der Werkstätten "Die Gitarre", Berlin, Charlottenburg. Jahrg. NESS, ARTHUR − A Letter from Melchior Newsidler. Music and Context. Cambridge Mass. 1985. NESS, ARTHUR − "The Herwarth Lute Manuscripts at the Bavian State Library, Munich: A Bibliographical (Ph.D. StudyUniversity, diss.,New York with Emphasis 1984)onUMI the #84−11428 Music of Marco dall'Aquila and Melchior Newsidler" NEWCOMB, W. W. − Studien zur englischen Lautenpraxis im elisabethanischen Zeitalter. Kassel 1968. NICKEL, HEINZ − Biblioteca de la guitarra − Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Gitarre in Europa. Herausgegeben & eingeleitet: Santiago Navascués Verlag “BIBLIOTECA DE LA GUITARRA” M. Bruckbauer 8041, Haimhausen, Postfach 12 − Germany 1972. NICOLA, ISAAC − “Notas históricas de la guitarra,” Conservatorio, Madrid, April − June 1948. NORLIND, T. − Den svenska lutan. Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning 1935. NORDSTROM, L. − The Bandora: Its Music and Sources. Detroit 1992. NORTH, N. − Continuo Playing on the Lute... Bloomington 1987. NOVA GIULIANIAD − (Zeitschrift publiziert von 1983−1988). 22 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute Freiburger Saitenblätter (bis Nr. 10) Saitenblätter für die Gitarre und Laute (ab Nr. 11) Herausgeber: Joerg Sommermeyer i.V. m. Internationale Gitarristische Vereinigung Redaktion: Joerg Sommermeyer Anspruchsvolles Gitarrenmagazin mit musikwissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung. Interviews, Veranstaltungskalender, Berichte, Rezensionen, Historische Artikel, Neue Musik, Profile, Tips & Tricks, Notenteil, Editorial, Leserbriefe, etc. U. a. Artikel über: Hopkinson Smith, Oscar Ghiglia, Maritta Kersting, Ruggero Chiesa, Hubert Käppel, Wolfgang Lendle, Mario Sicca, Ihsan Turnagoel, Kazuhito Yamashita, Luise Walker, José Tomás, Hermann Reutter, Angelo Gilardino, Jürgen Hübscher, Helmut Lachenmann, Anton v. Webern, Robert de Visée, J.K. Mertz, Giulianiad 1833, Beethoven und Giuliani, Giulio Regondi, Duo Geminiani, Robert Brightmore, Karl Scheit, Paganini und die Gitarre, Wulfin Lieske, Leo Brouwer, Benjamin Bunch, Hucky Eichelmann, Francesco Molino, Klaus Feßmann, Gerold Karl Hannabach, Thomas Müller−Pering, Jens Kienbaum, Frank Bungarten, Simon Molitor, Takashi Tsunoda, Wofgang Kreth, Robert Wolff, Ferdinand Uhlmann, Tilmann Hoppstock, Ignacio Fleta, Ernesto Bitetti, Colin Cooper, Yuval Shaked, Jorge Cardoso, David Leisner, Luigi Rinaldo Legnagni, Jiri Jirmal, Werner Pauli, Josef Holecek, Marcelo Kayath, Patrick Gaudi, Luise Walker, Sharon Isbin, Frank−Peter Dietrich, Marco de Santi, Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola, Matanya Ophee, Erling Moldrup, Michael Lorimer, Michael Tippett, Domenico Pellegrini, Francesco Spinacino, Horst Klee, José Luis Lopategiu, Detlev Heusinger, Elena Papandreou, Giovan Maria Alemanno, Joan Ambrosio Dalza, Wolfgang Jungwirth, David Qualey, Susanne Erding, Christoph Harlan, Patrice Chopard etc. Autoren: Helmut Lachenmann, Diether de la Motte, Klaus Hinrich Stahmer, Erhard Karkoschka, Mario Sicca, Konrad Ragossnig, Ruggero Chiesa, Józef Powrozniak, Alice Artzt, Hucky Eichelmann, Sonja Prunnbauer, Danilo Prefumo, Helmut Rauscher, Klaus Feßmann, Fritz Mühlhölzer, Francesco Gorio, Jürgen Libbert, Claude Bishop, Claus Spahn, Jürgen Ruck, Robert Wolff, Rainer Luckhardt, José Ramirez, Yuval Shaked, Brian Jeffery, Colin Cooper, Joerg Sommermeyer, Paul−André Lavabre, Daniela Rossato, Jan Paterek, Klaus−Michael Krause, Uwe Raschen, Edgar Nünning, Matanya Ophee, Andrzej Majewskij, Lusie Walker, Cecilia Czegledi, Zbigniew Dubiella, Anatolij Sevcenko, Jurgis Rimkevicius, Masami Kimura, Astrid Stempnik, Benno K. Streu, Barbara Sieker, Matthias Kläger, Claus Spahn etc. NYSTRÖM, M. − Citrinchen & porträtt som tillhört Carl Michael Bellman. Laholm, Sweden 1990. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources 23 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute By Olav Thu OHLSEN, O. − Aspectos tecnicos esenciales en la ejecucion del laud. 1984. OLSHAUSEN, U. − Das lautenbegleitete Sololied in England um 1600. Frankfurt am Main 1963. OPHEE, MATANYA ORIBE, JOSE − The Fine Guitar. Vel−Or Publishing Co., 2141 Lakeview Road, Vista, CA 92084, 1985. ISBN 0−9615−906−1−0 OSTHOFF, H. − Der Lautenist Santino Garsi da Parma. 1926. Faximile Wiesbaden 1973. OVERHOLTZER, ARTHUR E. − Classic Guitar Making. Lawrence A. Brock Publishing Co., (ISBN 0−930534−00−X) Chico, CA, 1974. OVERHOLTZER, ARTHUR E. − Classic Guitar Making. Williams Tool Co., 1983. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu PALMER, T. − Julian Bream − A Life on the Road. London. 1982. PANUM, HORTENSE − (Danish) The Stringed Instruments of the Middle Ages. Their Evolution and Development. English Edition revised and edited by William Reeves, London 1971. PASSARELLI, DOMINICK A. − Passarelli Guitar. The Music Trades, New York, NY, 1931. 24 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute PATTERSON, JAMES E. − Pearl Inlay. Steward MacDonald, 1991. PENNINGTON, N. − The Spanish Baroque Guitar. Volume 1. Ann Arbor 1981. PENNINGTON, N. − The Spanish Baroque Guitar. Volume 2. Ann Arbor 1981. PHILLIPS − Musical Instruments. London 1985. PIERRE, C. − Les facteurs d'instruments de musique 1893. Faxim. Genève 1971. PINNELL, RICHARD T. − The role of Francesco Corbetta (1615−1681) in the History of Music for the Baroque Guitar, including a transcription of his complete works (Volumes I and II). Ph..D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles 1976. Reproduction of the University Microfilms International Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. PIRIS, B. − Fernando Sor une guitare à l'orée du Romantisme. Arles 1989. POCCI, VINCENZO − Repertorio della musica per chitarra dal 1900 ad oggi. Roma, 1996. POCCI, VINCENZO − The Guitarist's 20th Century Repertoire Guide − Edition 1999, published by editions VP Music Media. POHLMANN, ERNST − Laute, Theorbe, Chitarrone − Edition Eres, D−2804 Lilienthal/Bremen, 1968/1972/1976/1982. POSELLI, FRANCO − Apporto di Federico Moretti alle scuole chitarristiche italiana e spagnola, Tesi di laurea in storia della musica − Università degli studi di Trieste, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia, Anno accademico 1971−1972. POULTON, DIANA − A Tutor for the Renaissance Lute. London 1991. POULTON, DIANA − John Dowland − His Life and Works. Faber Music Lmt. London 1972. POULTON, DIANA − Lute Playing Technique. 1981. POULTON, DIANA − The Dolmetsch Library, Haslemere, MS II B.1. The Consort 35 (1979). POWROZNIAK, JÓZEF − Gitara od A do Z. Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne 1966. POWROZNIAK, JÓZEF − Gitarren − Lexikon, Verlag Neue Musik. Berlin 1979. POWROZNIAK, JÓZEF − Leksykon Gitary, Polnischen Musikverlag (PWM), Kraków 1979. PRAETORIUS, MICHAEL − Syntagma Musicum (1619), Facsimile ed. Willibald Gurlitt, Bärenreiter (Documenta Musicologica). PRAT, DOMINGO − Diccionario biográfico, bibliográfico, histórico, crítico, de guitarras, guitarristas, guitarreros. Casa Romero y Fernandez , Buenos Aires 1933, vol. I−IV. Faximile Columbus 1986. PRESERVATION and Restoration of Musical Instruments. London 1967. PROCEEDINGS of the International Lute Symposium Utrecht 1986. PRUD'HOMME, BRYAN − A Source Study and Thematic Catalog of the Robert de Visée Theorbo Works. Dissertation. University of Colorado, 1992. PUIJENBROECK, VICTOR VAN − De Gitaar (leaflet) Metropolis − Frankrijklei 24, Antwerpen 1964. 25 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute PUJOL, EMILIO − El Dilema Del Sonido en la Guitarra. Versión srcinal en castellano, English translation, traduction française. Ricordi Americana, Buenos Aires, 1960/1966. PUJOL, EMILIO, La guitare, in Encyclopédie de la Musique et Dictionnaire du Conservatoire, second part, vol. III, Delagrave. Paris 1926 − pp. 2011−12. PUJOL, EMILIO − La guitarra y su historia. Buenos Aires c. 1930. PUJOL, EMILIO − Tárrega − Ensayo biográfico. Los Talleres Gráficos de Ramos, Afonso & Moita, Lda., Lisboa 1960. 1.100 Ejemplares. PÄFFGEN, P. − Die Gitarre. Mainz 1988. PÄFFGEN, P. − Laute und Lautenspiel in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Regensburg 1978. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu QUADERNI DELL'ATENEO (magazine) − ed. M. Storti, Milan 1978−1987. QUINE, H. − Guitar Technique Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford 1990. QUITTARD, H. − Le théorbe comme instrument d'accompagnement. 11910. Faximile Paris 1980. 26 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu RADOLE, GIUSEPPE − Liuto chitarra e vihuela, storia e letteratura. (Preface R. Chiesa). Suvini Zerboni, Milan 1979/1993. RAGOSSNIG, K. − Handbuch der Gitarre und Laute. Mainz 1978. RAMIREZ III, JOSÉ − Entorno a la Guitarra. Soneto Ediciones Musicales − Apartado del Correo no 352, Madrid. (229 pages), Madrid 1993. RAMIREZ III, JOSÉ − Things about the Guitar. Madrid 1993. RAVE, W. J. − Some Manuscripts of French Lute Music 1630 − 1700. RECUEIL de Planches sur les sciences... Lutherie. Grimbergen. REMNANT, M. − A Medieval "Gittern". The British Museum Yearbook 4(1980). RIBOUILLAULT−BIBRON, D. − La technique de guitare en France... Paris 1980. RIERA, JUAN − Emilio Pujol. Lérida 1974. RIOJA, EUSEBIO − Inventario de Guitarreros Granadinos (1875−1983). Granada 1983. RIPIN, E. M. − A Reevaluation of Virdung's Musica getutscht. JAMS Vol. XXIX No. 2 (1976). RIZZOLI, FRANCESCO − Conoscere la chitarra (con una appendice sul liuto). Ed. Curci , Milano 1984. ROBERTS, J. D. − Guitar Travels. Valencia 1977. ROBINSON, LARRY − The Art of Inlay. Miller Freeman Books − ISBN 0−87930−332−8 ROCAMORA, MANUEL − Fernando Sor. Barcelona 1957. ROMANILLOS, JOSÉ. L. − Antonio de Torres − Guitar Maker − His Life and Work. Element Books. Longmead 1987. ROOLEY, A. − Performance − Revealing the Orpheus within. Longmead 1990. ROSSATO, D. − Luigi Legnani. Il fronimo 1987 no 27. RUDÉN, J−O. − Per Brahe's Lute Book. RUDÉN, J−O. − Music in tablature. Stockholm 1981. 27 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute RUEGER, C. − Musikinstrument und Dekor. Leipzig 1982. RUSANOV, VALERIAN − Gitara i Gitaristy. Moscow, 1901, (voll. II). RUSSELL, CRAIG H. − Santiago de Murcia's Codice Sald-var no. 4: A Treasury of Secular Guitar Music from Baroque Mexico. Vol.1: Commentary; Vol. 2: Facsimile and Transcription. Music in American life. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1995. RUSSELL, CRAIG H. − Santiago de Murcia: Spanish Theorist and Guitarist of the Early Eighteenth Century. Dissertation. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1981. 2 vols. RUTH − SOMMER, H. − Alte Musikinstrumente. Berlin 1916. RYDING, E. S. − In Harmony Framed. Musical Humanism, Thomas Campion and the Two Daniels. Ann Arbor 1993. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu SACHS, C. − The History of Musical Instruments. New York 1940. SAJAITSKY, S. − Gitaar en Gitaristen (Russisch) SALDARELLI, VINCENZO − Uno strumento come la chitarra I/II, La Musica (1985), n.3 pag.6−7; n.4 pag. 47, Rome 1985. SANTOS; TURIBIO − Heitor Villa−Lobos and the Guitar. (ed. and translated by Graham Wade & Victoria Forde) Wise Owl Press, 1985. SAUERLANDT, M. − Die Musik in fünf Jahrhunderten der europäischen Malarei. Könistein im Taunus 1922. SCHARL, E. − Die Gitarre in Wien um 1800. Wien 1982. 28 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute SCHERRER, HEINRICH − Eine verlorengegangene Kunst. Wissenwertes über Lauten− und Gitarrenbau. Leipzig 1919. 43 p. SCHLOSSER, J. − Die Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente. Wien 1920. SCHMITT, T. − Untersuchungen zu ausgewählten spanischen Gitarrenlehrwerken vor 1800. Köln 1993. SCHOLANDER, S. − Visan, lutan och jag. Stockholm 1933. SCHROEN, E. − Die Gitarre und Ihre Geschichte. SCHULZE−KURZ, E. − Die Laute und ihre Stimmungen in der ersten Hälfte des. 17. Jahrhunderts. Wilsingen 1990. SCHWARZ, W. − Guitar Bibliography. Gitarre − Bibliographie. München 1984. SCHWARZ−REIFLINGEN, ERWIN − Alte Lauten− und Gitarremeister. Kunstmappe. Berlin. SCHÖNBACH, J. VON − Die Gitarre und Ihre Geschichte. SEGAL, PETER E. − The Role of Andres Segovia in Re−Shaping the Repertoire of the Classical Guitar. Doctoral Monograph, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (USA), May, 1994. Available through University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI (USA). SEGOVIA, ANDRÉS − An autobiography of the years 1893 −1920. Marion Boyars, London 1977. SEICORDE (bimonthly magazine) − Michelangeli s.n.c., Milan 1987−1995. SGLS − (Svenska Gitarr och Luta Sällskapets tidskrift) Sweden. SHARPE, ALBERT PERCY − Make your own Spanish Guitar. Clifford Essex Music Co., Rev. ed. London 1971. SHARPE, ALBERT PERCY − The fretted instrument player's Dictionary of Music Terms... London. SHARPE, Clifford ALBERT Essex PERCY Music Co. Ltd. 20− The StoryStreet, Earlham of theLondon SpanishW.C.2 Guitar,. First Edition 1954. Second Edition 1959. Third Edition 1963. SIBIRE, M. l'abbé. La chélonomie ou le parfait luthier 1823. Faximile Genève 1984. SILVA LEITE, ANTONIO DA − Estudo de guitarra. Oporto 1795. SLIM, H. C. − Francesco da Milano. A Bio − bibliographical study. Musica disciplina 1965. SLOANE, IRVING − Classic Guitar Construction. (E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. LoC66−14680) New York 1966. Second printing 1968. Stirling Publishing Co. 1989. ISBN 0−933224−14−1 SLOANE, IRVING − Guitar Repair. London 1974. SLOANE, IRVING − Steel−String Guitar Construction. New York 1975. SMITH, Douglas Alton − A History of the Lute from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Publication is scheduled for April 1, 2002. A Lute Society of America Publication. 29 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute SMITH, D. H. − Guitar and Lute Music in Periodicals. An Index. Berkeley 1990. SOCIEDAD GENERAL DE AUTORES DE ESPAÑA − Guitarra. Ed. mus. españolas, 1992. SOMMER, HERMANN − Die Laute. Berlin 1920. SOMMER, HERMANN − Laute und Gitarre. Stuttgart 1922. SOR, FERNANDO − Method for the Spanish Guitar, translated from the srcinal by A. Merrick, London s.d., fac−simile edition, Da Capo Press, New York, 1971. SOTHEBY. − Catalogue of Fine Musical Instruments. London 1975. SOTHEBY. − Catalogue of Important Musical Instruments, printed & Manuscript Music, Autograph Letters of Musicians & Books on Music and Musical Instruments. London 1977. SOTHEBY. − Catalogue of Important Musical Instruments. London 1976. SOTHEBY. − Catalogue of Important Musical Instruments. London 1980. SOTHEBY. − Catalogue of Musical Instruments. Part II. London 1983. SOTHEBY. − Continental Printed Books, Manuscripts and Music. London 1987. SOTHEBY. − Fine Printed and Manuscript Music. London 1989. SOTHEBY. − Fine Printed and Manuscript Music. London 1990. SOTHEBY. − Musical Instruments. London 1988. SOTHEBY. − Musical Instruments. London 1989. SOTHEBY. − Musical Instruments. London 1990. SOUNDBOARD (magazine) − Guitar Foundation of America − P. O. Box 1090A, Garden Grove, CA 92642, USA. SOURCES manuscrites en tablature. Luth et theorbe. Vol. I. Baden−Baden. 1991. SOURCES manuscrites en tablature. Luth et theorbe. Vol. II. Baden−Baden. 1994. SPARKS, P. − The Classical Mandolin. Oxford 1995. SPARR, KENNETH −Music for the Guitar printed in Sweden 1800−1860. SPIESSENS, G. − Leven en werken von... Emanuel Adrianssen. 1−2. STACCATO (magazine) − Akazienweg 57 D−50287, Köln, Germany. STEARNS, ROLAND H. − Continuo for Lutenists and Guitarists: A Tutor and Music Theory Supplement. Dissertation. Texas Tech University, 1992. STEMPNIK, Frankfurt A. −1990. am Main Caspar Joseph Mertz: Leben und Werk... STUART WILLFORT, EGON − Praktische Harmonielehre für Gitarrspieler. Zweite, durchgesehene Auflage. Leipzig 1927. SUBIRA, J. − La Musique espagnole, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1959. « La musique en Espagne», in Histoire de la Musique, Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, 30 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute vol. I−II, Gallimard, Tours, 1963. SUMMERFIELD, M. J. − The Classical Guitar − Its Evolution, Players and Personalities since 1800. Second Edition. Newcastle upon Tyne 1991. SVENSKA LUTAN, DEN − [Catalogue]. Musikmuseet 25 oktober 1992 − 31 januari 1993. (Sweden) SÖRNSEN, NIELS − Meine Laute. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart 1924 If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu TABULATUUR, DE 1983 − TAYLOR, J. − Tone Production on the Classical Guitar. Musical New Services Ltd., London 1978. TEETER, DON E. − The Acoustic Guitar Adjustment, Care, Maintenance & Repair. Vol. I. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK, 1976. ISBN 0− 8061−1219−0. TERZI, BENVENUTO − Dizionario dei chitarristi e liutai italiani. Bologna 1937. TERZI, BENVENUTO − Teoria e insegnamento della chitarra. Appunti. Bologna 1935. THE GUITAR: The History, The Music, The Players. By Kozinn, Allan − Welding, Pete − Forte, Dan − Santoro, Gene. Published by William Morrow & Co. New York. TONAZZI, BRUNO − Miguel Llobet, Chitarrista dell`Impressionismo. Ancona and Milan 1966. TONAZZI BRUNO − Liuto, vihuela, chitarra e strumenti similari... Milano 1971. TORCHI, LUIGI, «La musica strumentale in ltalia nei secoli XVI, XVII e XVIII », Rivista Musicale Italiana, 1897−1901; in the volume Torino, Fll. Bocca, 1901; facsimile ed.: Bologna, Forni, 1969, pp. 149−50. TORTA, M. − Catalogo tematico delle opere di Ferdinando Carulli. Vol. I−II. Lucca 1993. 31 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute TORTA, M. − Ferdinando Carulli. Roma 1988. TOSCANELLI, A. − Il liuto. Milano 1921. TREND, J. B. − Luis Milan and the Vihuelistas. 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Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu 33 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute WADE, GRAHAM − A Concise History of The Classic Guitar, $14.95, Mel Bay Publications Inc, 2001, ISBN 0−7866−4978−X WADE, GRAHAM − Segovia. A Celebration of the Man and His Music. London 1983. WADE, GRAHAM − Traditions of the Classical Guitar. Calder, London, Riverrun/New York, 1980. WADE, GRAHAM and GARNO, GERARD − A New Look at Segovia, His Life, His Music. Mel Bay, Missouri, 1997. WADE, GRAHAM − Distant Sarabandes: The Solo Guitar Music of Joaquin Rodrigo. GRM Publications, 1996. WADE, GRAHAM − Distant Sarabandes: The Solo Guitar Music of Joaquin Rodrigo , GRM Publications, 2nd ed. 2001. WADE, GRAHAM − The Guitarist's Guide to Associated Board Examinations. GRM Publications, 1997. WADE, GRAHAM − Maestro Segovia. Robson, London, 1985. WADE, GRAHAM − The Guitarist's Guide to Bach. Wise Owl Press, 1985. 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WILLCUTT, New York 1978.ROBERT J. & BALL, K. R. − The Musical Instrument Collector. WILLIAMS, JIM − A Guitar Maker's Manual. Hal Leonard Publishing Corp. ISBN 0−95890−750−1 WINTERNITZ, E. − Die schönsten Musikinstrumente des Abendlandes. München 1966. 34 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute WYNBERG, S. M. A. − Zani de Ferranti. Biography. Heidelberg 1989. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu YABLOKOV, MIKHAIL SERGEEVICH − Klassiciskaya Ghitara v Rossi i SSSR − Biographiceskiy muzhikalno−literaturnyi slovar−sprovocnik russkykh i sovetskikh deyatelei gitary. Tyumen − Yekaterinburg, 1992. YATES, STANLEY − The Baroque Guitar, Late Spanish Style as Represented by Santiago de Murcia in the Salvidar Manuscript. Dissertation. University of North Texas, 1993. 35 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute YOUNG, T. CAMPBELL − The Making of Musical Instruments. Oxford University Press, England. If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. Classical Guitar and Lute Resources By Olav Thu ZEITLINGER, J. − Guitarre oder Zither. Post Schlierbach 1886. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR die Gitarre. Herausgegeben von Dr. Josef Zuth. Verlag der Zeitschrift für Gitarre Anton Goll, Wien. ZUTH, JOSEF − Das künstlerische Gitarrespiel. Pädagogische Studien. Friedrich Hofmeister, Leipzig.9684 (1927). 77 p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre. Spezialstudien aug theoretischer Grundlage. 1. Heft. Elementare Vorschule. Verlag A. Goll, Wien. S.a. 51p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre. Spezialstudien aug theoretischer Grundlage. 2. Heft. Intervallübungen. Verlag A. Goll, Wien. S.a. 48p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre. Spezialstudien aug theoretischer Grundlage. 3. Heft. Skalen. Verlag A. Goll, Wien. S.a. 54p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre. Spezialstudien aug theoretischer Grundlage. 4. Heft. Die Grundharmonien. Verlag A. Goll, Wien. S.a. 43p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre. Spezialstudien aug theoretischer Grundlage. 5. Heft. Mein Grifftypensystem. I. Der Dreiklang. Verlag A. Goll, Wien. S.a. 43p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre. Spezialstudien aug theoretischer Grundlage. 6. Heft. Mein Grifftypensystem. II. Der Vierklang. Verlag A. Goll, Wien. S.a. 35p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Die Gitarre.Skizzen, Erzählungen, Gedischte, Lieder. Selbstverlag des Verfassers. Wien 1914. 64p. ZUTH, JOSEF − Handbuch der Laute und Gitarre. Guberner Hierhammer, Vienna 1926. Faxim. Hildesheim 1978. ZUTH, JOSEF − Simon Molitor und die Wiener Gitarristik. Vienna 1919. 36 Guitar and Lute Literature − here you can find Literature about the Guitar and Lute If you have any information that should have been added to this list, please send me a mail. 37
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