Docear Manual

March 25, 2018 | Author: caeyro | Category: Hyperlink, Portable Document Format, Computer File, Computer Keyboard, Microsoft Word



User Manual « Docear Like 530 Seguir Follow @Docear_org User Manual To get start with Docear as smooth as possible, we wrote a manual – this manual. It’s detailed, it’s long, it takes some time to read, but be assured that if you invest this time, you will know how to master one of the most powerful tools to manage your academic literature. If there is anything that you don’t understand, please contact us, and we will explain it in more detail! Let’s get started… Contents [hide] 1 Get the idea 2 Prerequisites 2.1 Operating System 2.2 Java 1.5 (or later) 3 Download Docear 4 Install Docear 5 First Start 5.1 Initial Settings 5.2 Selecting a PDF Editor 5.3 The main components 6 Organize your literature 6.1 Create new categories 6.2 Import your PDFs and annotations 6.3 Sort your PDFs and annotations 6.4 Work with your PDFs and annotations 6.4.1 Open PDFs (Jump-to-page) 6.4.2 Edit annotations 6.5 Store new PDFs and create new annotations 6.6 Reference management 6.6.1 Create references automatically 6.6.2 Manage references manually 6.6.3 Matching of nodes and references 7 Draft your papers, assignments, books, theses, … 7.1 The basic process 7.2 Mind mapping features 7.2.1 Links 7.2.2 Cloud 7.2.3 Formatting 7.2.4 Auto-Numbering 7.2.5 Notes 7.2.6 Attributes 7.2.7 Images 7.2.8 Formulas 7.2.9 Icons 7.2.10 Summary Nodes 7.2.11 Free/Floating Nodes 8 Write your papers, assignments, books, theses, … 8.1 Export mind maps 8.2 With Microsoft Word 8.3 With OpenOffice or LibreOffice 8.4 With LaTeX 9 Discover new literature 10 Enhance your productivity 10.1 Keyboard Shortcuts 10.1.1 Customize Shortcuts 10.1.2 Learn existing shortcuts (on hover) 10.1.3 List of most important keyboard shortcuts 10.1.4 Windows specific 10.2 Navigate in you mind maps 10.2.1 Moving the map 10.2.2 Zooming 10.2.3 Browse through nodes 10.2.4 Fold and unfold nodes 10.2.5 Jump to first/last sibling 10.2.6 Edit nodes 10.2.7 Move nodes 10.3 Selecting multiple nodes at once 10.4 Maximize your working area 10.5 Using a large monitor 10.6 Working with multiple mind maps 10.7 Working with multiple instances of Docear 10.8 Watch multiple folders for new files 10.9 Create your own monitoring nodes and mind maps 10.10 Configuring your incoming nodes 10.10.1 Folders to watch for new files 10.10.2 Mind maps to consider 10.10.3 Monitor automatically 10.10.4 Exclude sub-folders from monitoring 10.10.5 List new files in “incoming node” 10.10.6 Flatten monitoring folders 1 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 User Manual « Docear 10.10.7 Valid values for the settings 10.10.8 Changing the type of files to watch for 10.11 Remove line breaks and spaces from imported annotations 10.12 Use attributes to classify and group your literature 10.13 Extending the Workspace (Importing files and folders) 10.13.1 Importing only certain kinds of annotations 10.13.2 Deleting annotations from mind maps without having them re-imported 11 Docear’s Online Services 11.1 Backup & Versioning 11.2 Synchronizing between computers 11.3 Data privacy 11.4 Docear Web 12 Docear Mobile 13 PDF Editors 13.1 Overview 13.2 PDF-XChange Viewer 13.3 Adobe Reader (Windows and MacOS) 13.4 Adobe Reader (Linux) 13.5 Adobe Acrobat 13.6 Mendeley 13.7 Foxit PDF Viewer 13.8 Okular 13.9 Preview (Mac OS) 13.10 Skim 14 Tweaks & Troubleshooting 14.1 Log files 14.2 Clear/Delete Settings 14.3 Options to recover data 14.4 Change the settings path / Make Docear portable Get the idea We created a teaser video that explains in 6:30 mins what Docear can do. We highly recommend to watch it, as it gives a pretty good impression of Docears main ideas. If you watched the video already, go to the next chapter. If you don’t want to watch the video, or can’t, read on… The central entities in Docear are annotations, i.e. comments, highlighted text, and bookmarks that you create in PDF files. This means, after downloading an academic PDF, you read it with your favorite PDF viewer and annotate anything you consider important and that you might want to look-up or cite later. 2 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 User Manual « Docear Annotations created with your favorite PDF editor Docear imports your PDFs and annotations. You create categories reflecting your research interests, and sort your PDFs and annotations into these categories. If you want to look up some information, you click the annotation and the PDF opens at the page you created the annotation. Actually, this concept is very unique and different from what other software tools are offering. Read more about the uniqueness of Docear here… Research categories created by a user, and the contained PDFs and annotations The next step is drafting your own paper, assignment, thesis, or book. To start, create a new mind map, and draft your new work. From your previously created literature mind map you can copy all the PDFs and annotations you need. 3 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 User Manual « Docear Finally, you export your draft and do the final editing in Microsoft Word or Libre/OpenOffice. You should have understood the basic idea of Docear by now. In the following sections, we will explain everything again – in much much more detail. Prerequisites To use Docear, you have to meet the following prerequisites. Operating System Docear runs on Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, or later), Linux, or Mac OS (10.5 or later) Java 1.5 (or later) Java is the programming language in which Docear (and many other programs) is written in. To run a software written in Java, you need to install the free Java Runtime Environment (Java JRE). Probably you have already installed Java. If not, and Docear does not start, visit if you are a Linux or Windows user. Mac OS 10.6 users may download Java here, Mac OS 10.5 users here, and Mac OS 10.7 users here. Download Docear You always find the latest stable version at If you are more curious and want the very latest version with the latest features, try out our experimental versions. Install Docear Installation should be straight forward. Windows: double click the docear.exe file and follow the instructions on the screen MacOS: Start the .dmg file Linux: You should know how to do it First Start Initial Settings When you start Docear for the first time, you will be asked whether you want to register, log-in, or use Docear as a local user. We highly suggest to register, because it will give you many free benefits such as literature recommendations, metadata retrieval, and backup of your data. However, registration requires to provide us with your email address, and under some circumstances (e.g. if you activate recommendations), Docear will statistically analyze your mind maps. If you don’t want any data of yours to be analyzed, use Docear as ‘local user’. 4 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . you can also do this. The path would be something like c:\Users\<username>\Dropbox\University\ (you shouldn’t use the entire Dropbox as your project home). … If you have already some data on your hard drive that you want to use with Docear. 5 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .etc. If you are completely new to academia. or how to migrate from Mendeley to Docear. a good place for your PDFs would be c:\work\literature\ or c:\work\pdfs\ but not c:\temp\literature\ because that wouldn’t be a subfolder of c:\work. your project home and the folder(s) in which you store your PDFs and BibTeX files. if your project home is c:\work\.g. in your Dropbox. We highly recommend to have your PDFs and BibTeX files in a sub-folder of your project home. In the next step. “Book XYZ”. you need to select the second radio button. and a project If you want to choose a folder e. you need to decide about where to store your data. This allows you to choose a project name. for instance. read how to use Zotero and Docear or Mendeley and Docear at the same time. and have no PDFs yet. or “My Documents\Work\”. “My Dissertation”. …). Excel sheets.User Manual « Docear http://www. you may start from scratch: Select a project name (e. If you have been using another reference manager. images. or “Dropbox\PhD Stuff\. The project home is the folder that shall contain all your data including PDFs. “Course ABC”. An appropriate project home could be..docear.g. “c:\University\”. For instance. To enjoy Docear’s full potential it is really important that you select a PDF reader that is supported by Docear.docear. It lists all your projects (right now. namely the mind maps in which you organize your papers The “My Drafts” folder in which you will store your drafts. The Literature Repository that contains your PDFs The Reference database. The main components You should see something like the following picture. 4. and receive recommendations. Each project contains The Library. please ensure that you download the PDF-XChange Viewer.User Manual « Docear http://www.. 1. each with a number of functions. you will organize your literature. and not the Editor. The menu contains a few ribbons. The workspace panel serves as your ‘control center’. The mind map window is your primary working area. For a full overview of supported PDF viewers. The reference panel lists your references in a table. to get a rough idea wich functions there are 2. which contains your most important data. similar to other “classic” reference managers. draft your own papers. 3. it should only be one. In this window. We suggest. Otherwise you won’t be able to open annotations directly on the correct page or you won’t be able to import annotations. read here. We highly recommend PDF-XChange Viewer because it’s the only (free) PDF editor that fully supports all the features that Docear needs. The “My files” folder which gives you access to all folders and files in your project home.. Selecting a PDF Editor Docear will ask you which PDF editor you want to use with Docear. you have a quick look at the ribbons. read the FAQ for more information about projects). which contains the bibliographic data of your PDFs and other documents. 6 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . they are represented as B is a child node of A. are nodes as well). Nodes C and D are siblings. images. Just click the little triangles to hide a component. In other words: B is parent of C. These nodes differ from the “normal” nodes only in having an additional link to your PDF or annotation. a little bit of terminology: You will be working with mind maps. you can hide and re-size all components. B. 7 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . When PDFs or annotations are imported to Docear. The note-panel allows you to create additional notes. and all components will vanish. A double click on a ribbon will hide all entries in the ribbons but not the ribbons themselves. Mind maps consists of ‘nodes’. and each node may contain text. C. elements A. select “View -> Elements -> Show note panel” in the menu.. and A is parent of B. too. 5. You can also press the TAB key on your keyboard. In the picture below.User Manual « Docear http://www. To show it. To get more space for your work.. By default it’s hidden. and C is a child node of B. formulas.docear. and D are all nodes (and all the other elements you see. A is the root node of the mind map. etc. Finally. or press F2. click on an existing node and start typing on your keyboard. or press the INSERT key on your and ready to use Docear! Organize your literature Create new categories You organize your literature in the “Literature & Annotations” mind map. to edit a node in-line. That’s it. the PDF or annotation will be added to your “Incoming” node in the “Literature & Annotations” mind map. and if not. Ensure to have the root node selected. Open the map by double clicking it in the workspace panel. it hasn’t to be perfect). This function will import all PDFs and all annotations that are stored in your literature repository but not yet in any of the library mind maps..User Manual « Docear http://www. you are all set. 8 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . To create a new category.. select “New child” in the menu to create a new child node. Docear will check if this PDF or a annotation is already in your “Literature & Annotation” mind map (or any other mind map in your library). and chose “Re-read monitoring folder” from the menu. Alternatively. press DEL on your keyboard to delete a node Import your PDFs and annotations Now it’s time to get your PDFs and annotations into Docear. double click a node. to overwrite the existing node. This means. press ENTER on your keyboard. or click the refresh icon in the root node. select “New sibling” to create a sibling node on the same level as the currently selected node. Create a few categories that reflect your research interests (just create a few. or create a new annotation in an existing PDF. select “Edit (in-line)”. whenever you store a new PDF on your hard drive (in your literature repository).docear. It’s important to note that Docear does not restrict you to moving PDFs only. and the moved node will be added as sibling (left part of the below screenshot). and then move the selected node over any node you and the node will be added as child node (right part of the screenshot). the node will be added as sibling or child node. Sort your PDFs and annotations In the next step. Depending on where exactly you release the mouse button. Release the mouse at the right corner of a node. move your PDFs and annotations into the categories: Select a PDF or annotation you want to move. cut (CTRL+X) or copy (CRTL+C) it. 9 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . To keep the overview. You can also move single annotations to any category you like.User Manual « Docear http://www.. click the little “bubble” at the end of a node in order to fold or unfold it. select another node and paste (CTRL+V) your node as child node. Alternatively to moving nodes via the menu or keyboard shortcuts. Click on a node. you may also move nodes via drag&drop. Release the mouse button over the top of a node.docear.. hold the mouse button pressed. …). to enable Docear to open a PDF on the correct page. left). The right part shows additional categories I created to sort annotations within the PDF Work with your PDFs and annotations Open PDFs (Jump-to-page) To look up information. “Methodology”. Select a PDF.. click the PDF or annotation icon. “Results”. When PDFs contain lots of information. you made the annotation. and sort the annotations into these categories. Docear allows to create categories within PDF files. or highlight many text passages. you get easily lost when trying to find a certain annotation ( and you create lots of comments. The left part shows a PDF with its original annotations.docear.g. insert additional child nodes for your sub-categories (e. you need a compatible PDF viewer. and the PDF will open in your favorite PDF editor on exactly the page. Therefore. 10 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . However. This improves the structure of your PDFs and annotations significantly..User Manual « Docear http://www. . and vice versa. Most PDF editors allow to edit the highlighted text directly in the PDF: double click the highlighted text. be aware of the following. it will be automatically changed in the PDF. click the refresh icon). the PDF and its new annotation (2a) will be added to your incoming node. and your mind map contains other annotations of this PDF (2b) but not the PDF itself. If you store a brand new PDF. 11 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Edit annotations Whenever you edit an annotation in Docear.g. If you don’t like this behavior. Store new PDFs and create new annotations When you store further PDFs in your literature repository. and want them to appear in Docear. Hence. you change the text in the pop-up note to “Google Scholar is far easier to spam than the classic Google Search for Web pages”. If you move the mouse over the highlighted text. and the text in this pop-up note is imported by Docear.User Manual « Docear http://www.docear. you will see the text that will be actually imported by Docear. you need to update the “Literature & Annotations” mind map. However. this PDF will be added to your incoming node (1) If you create an annotation in a PDF that is already in your mind PDF editors (should) copy the text you highlighted into an (invisible) popup note. you might not remember later who or what “it” is when you see the annotation in your mind map. If the annotation represents highlighted text. and later you know exactly what to which information the annotation refers to. You do this the same way as you did the first time (e.. please note that Docear is not importing the text that is actually highlighted. and the pop-up note will open so you can edit its text. This is a great feature because if you highlighted a sentence like “It is far easier to spam than the classic Google Search for Web pages”. the annotation will be directly added to your PDF (3) If you create an annotation in a PDF. look at the advanced monitoring options because there are many adjustments you can make. Some PDF editors indicate such a pop-up note as a little icon (see screenshot below). (3) a new annotation of a PDF that is already in the mind Reference management Create references automatically Docear extracts and retrieves bibliographic data for your PDFs (semi) automatically. 12 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . You can either manually specify all the data (“Create blank entry linking the PDF”) or try to retrieve metadata from Docear’s Digital Library. the right part the mind map after new PDFs and annotations were imported. (2a) an annotation and its parent PDF because although another annotation of that PDF is already in the mind map (2a).User Manual « Docear http://www.. Currently. You can also permanently show bibliographic data by selecting “Show all attributes”. the PDF itself is not in any mind map. and the data is shown when you move your mouse over a PDF. and chose “Create or update reference” in the menu. Added were (1) a brand new PDF not being in any mind maps before. you need to tell Docear for which PDFs to retrieve metadata (in the future this might be fully automatic for all PDFs). The left part shows the original mind map. To do so.docear. select a PDF. . and a proper reference in your reference list without a link to the PDF. have a list of all your references (2). one incorrect word can spoil the effectiveness significantly. The most meaningful words are usually sufficient. It’s important to submit the correct title. The reference list contains a reference for which no PDF is available (indicated by a missing PDF icon in the list for that entry). In the reference panel you can create new references (1). the PDF link will also be added to the node you add the reference to. This means. you can edit it.docear. and you can also add references to nodes other than PDFs (or annotations). it should be automatically updated in the mind map.User Manual « Docear http://www. if you have a PDF in your mind map with no reference. 13 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Sometimes. if the reference in your reference list is linked with a PDF. Whenever you edit data in the reference panel. you could try again without these special characters and the corresponding words – in the example (see screenshot) this would be “Google Ranking Introductory Overview”. Before the title is send to Docear’s Digital Library. the formatted bibliography will appear (see next screenshot) The list of references may contain entries for which you have no PDFs. namely JabRef (a few functions were not integrated). Btw. though it has not to be complete. but not least. If you close the editor and a section to edit the entries (3). select “Refresh references” in the menu (4). Metadata from Docear’s Digital Library is retrieved via a unique PDF hash that we create and via the title. The node is not linked with a PDF or annotation. Alternatively. Manage references manually Docear integrates an entire reference manager. you can drag&drop a reference from the reference window to the node. also special characters like ‘ or ” or – may cause problems. The following picture illustrates this. Then. the editor section (3) opens after double clicking an entry in the list. select a node and then select “Add existing reference” from the menu. and attach the PDF. All data from that reference will be attached to the node.. However. In the mind map there is a node about Docear4Word. The title is extracted automatically from your PDFs. Nevertheless. This will also allow you to add an existing reference (from the reference list) to a node in your mind map. the reference data will be automatically assigned to the PDF in the mind map. If it is not. If you don’t receive results. Last. and the bibliographic data will be added to that node (illustrated by the little white icon at the node). you can drag & drop the PDF from the mind map to the reference. … The basic process When you have organized your literature with Docear. Matching of nodes and references When an entry in the reference list is linked to the same file as a node in the mind map. theses. the reference entrie’s bibliographic data will be added to all nodes that link to the PDF. read on. That’s it. that has no link to a PDF. Click with your right mouse button to the “My Drafts” folder. Feel free to create additional nodes for to-do items. now you know how to organize your literature with Docear. In that mind map. Read on here if you want to know what exactly is so special about it. and if you have any questions. 14 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . paragraph and sentence. then the bibliographic data is added to this node. This has the following consequences If you add a PDF link to an an entry in the reference list. Docear might think that two entries in the reference list link to the same Otherwise. drafting your own papers etc. We would like to emphasize that this concept is truly unique. you create new nodes for each chapter. add a new mind map. You are nor restricted to only draft your paper in that mind map. Otherwise. assignments. books. and select an appropriate name for your mind map. Since the matching is done only by the file name. You may also create sub-folders in “My Drafts” to organize your drafts.docear. you should name all your PDFs differently. create a new mind map in which you draft your paper. but not the path.User Manual « Docear http://www. or to maintain a list of journals or conferences to publish the paper (see screenshot).. First. please contact us! Draft your papers. This may cause problems. is easy. docear. One great feature of Docear is that you can re-use your PDFs and annotations from your “Literature & Annotations” mind map. Mind mapping features Docear offers full mind mapping functionality.. and select “Link node” in the menu. Because switching between the two mind maps might be a little bit tiring. select two nodes. 15 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . the mind map will automatically jump to the linked node.. In addition. Links There are four types of links.g. namely links to files (e. you have one instance with your draft. In the following we will present you a list of the most useful features. select a node and chose “Add hyperlink” to add or edit a hyperlink manually Internal links: Hold CTRL pressed. we would recommend to open another instance of Docear. Hyperlinks: If you paste a URL (http://example. you need a large monitor for this. and one with your “Literature & Annotations” mind map. If you like. you can create Visual links: Hold the CTRL key on your keyboard pressed and select two nodes in your mind map. This creates an internal link (green arrow). Just copy those PDFs and annotations that you want to reference to your new draft. The first one is the one you already know. Select “Connect” in the menu. This a new node is created that links this URL. When you click it. Alternatively. PDFs) on your hard you can drag&drop nodes from one instance to another. However.User Manual « Docear http://www. . You can also change shapes and colors of the clouds. In addition. you can select a node and choose “Edit (in dialog)” which will open the node’s text in a dialog with various formatting the line between nodes). Cloud Clouds help to visualize regions in your mind map that belong closely together.e. 16 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Select one or multiple nodes and select “Add / remove cloud”.docear. Formatting The reference panel also the “Formatting” options to format nodes and edges (i.User Manual « Docear http://www. When you move your mouse over the icon. 17 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . the note is displayed directly in the mind map. and choose “Node numbering”..docear. With a German keyboard you need to press CTRL+SHIFT+<).User Manual « Docear http://www. Auto-Numbering Auto-numbering is particularly useful for drafting papers because you can use it to automatically number your chapters. you can create additional notes for each node. The note panel is shown via the “Resources” or “View” ribbon (“Display note panel”). When you create a note in the note panel. Select a number of nodes (hold the CTRL key pressed to select multiple nodes).org/support/user-manual/#Get. or via pressing CTRL+> (this shortcut depends on your keyboard layout.. the corresponding node gets a note icon. Notes In Docear. open the format tab in the reference panel. docear. Attributes Attributes are used for storing bibliographic data in the mind map but you can use attributes additionally to classify your papers. and the values “to_read” or “top_read”. add a “normal” link to a local file to your For instance. Either you add an image as a normal link to a file. you could add the attributes “status” to your papers. the image will open in your external image editor. the image is not shown in the mind map but if you click on the node. or whatsoever.. There are two options.. In this case.User Manual « Docear http://www. 18 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . To do so. Images You can add images to nodes. More information on attributes will follow soon. Or copy and paste the image from your file browser. or “boring”. You could also assign keywords to papers that you use for searching them later. 19 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .. or to do a simple way of project management. For Alternatively. do a right mouse click on an empty part of a mind map and activate “Icons toolbar”. and add progress icons to them. Adding icons is possible via the menu (1).. images can directly be shown in mind maps. Alternatively. activate the toolbar via the “View” ribbon. or via the icon toolbar (3). To see the icon toolbar. drag&drop an image from your file browser to a node. LaTeX requires some time to learn but it’s very useful especially if you are working in the field of mathematics. physics. etc. Icons Icons help you to highlight certain nodes. Formulas You can add LaTeX formulas to nodes which allows to insert mathematical symbols and formulas in your mind map.docear. To do so. you can manage your to-do items in a mind map. chemistry.User Manual « Docear http://www. The below picture shows an example. You can freely position them via drag&drop (move your mouse to the very left or right corner of the node. and move). sometimes free notes cause problems in the layout. However. Free/Floating Nodes Free nodes appear to be floating in the mind map.. 20 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . We would suggest to not using them. Summary Nodes Summary nodes help you to summarize the content of several other except you really need them.User Manual « Docear http://www. click. MS Word and then give your draft the final editing in Word.User Manual « Docear http://www. we have to admit that the export function is not perfect. … Export mind maps Docear offers a function to export your mind maps to Microsoft Word. Typically. assignments.. theses. this results in a better paper than if you had just taken the text from the draft. JPEG. SVG. Personally. and then write the entire paper/book/thesis/… in the text processing software. Write your LaTeX.. You can use this function to export it to e. OpenOffice. and that it’s on our todo list. PNG.docear. we do not use the export function but draft our paper in Docear. It’s a little bit more work but it has the advantage that you think about the text again very carefully. With Microsoft Word 21 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . PDF. However.g. However. books. be assured that we know that a good export function is important. We suggest you try it to see if it fits your needs. and many formats more. With the filter field. This will copy the keys to your clipboard. You can select multiple references (i. …). [1] or (Beel et al. To copy references to MS Word. you write your paper.User Manual « Docear http://www.g. the author only. the “D->D4W” button will be active. and all corresponding references will be selected automatically. e. all keys are copies to your clipboard. and select “Add Reference” in the menu. In Microsoft Word (after you installed Docear4Word). you first need to select the references you want to copy in your mind map or reference panel.e.docear. 22 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . each reference is identified through a unique ID. You may also choose whether to insert the reference in a standard format. If you have selected multiple references. based on your draft. You can press it. place your cursor where you want to insert a reference. the corresponding nodes) by holding the CTRL key pressed. If you have copied the references’ BibTeX key(s) to your clipboard in Docear. Alternatively.key2. 2010).org/support/user-manual/#Get. A new dialog opens that shows you a list of all your references. you can filter your list. separated by commas (key1. Then. namely its BibTeX key (BibTeX is the data format the references are stored in). the year only or author and year with only the year being in brackets..key3.. In Docear. select “Copy reference key(s)” in the menu. select the references manually by clicking the check box. . 23 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .docear.User Manual « Docear http://www. and chose “Insert Bibliography” in the menu. you place your cursor where you want to insert your list of references. . Finally.User Manual « Docear http://www. you can change the citation style by choosing it from the Style list. we have no add-on for LibreOffice or OpenOffice. choose here from more than 1700 citation styles. please contact If you know a developer who would be willing to develop such an add-on. Docear4Word has only a few styles pre-installed.. If the one you need is not in that list. With OpenOffice or LibreOffice Currently. We also 24 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . key3.key2. as PDF. 25 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .org/support/user-manual/#Get. Just select the reference you want to copy. you receive a list of up to ten recommendations. You can either open the PDFs in your browser. With LaTeX If you are using LaTeX.…}.. All recommended papers are free and instantly to download.docear. http://www.User Manual « Docear might be able to pay the developer. Discover new literature Docear has a recommender system for academic literature. \cite{key1. we respect your privacy). by clicking the title (2). Docear will analyze your PDFs and mind maps to identify your research interest (of course. If you activate the recommender system. i. or you can download the PDF directly to your literature repository (3a+3b). Once a week. Docear allows you to copy the BibTeX key in the required format.. and chose “Copy reference key(s) for LaTeX” in the menu. or when you click the recommendation icon (1). in full-text.e. if you press this shortcut (e. A dialog will pop-up in which you press your desired keyboard CTRL+W) the corresponding function will be executed immediately (e.User Manual « Docear http://www. a layer will show after a few seconds showing the associated shortcut (if there is one).. Enhance your productivity Keyboard Shortcuts Customize Shortcuts Setting your own keyboard shortcuts is a piece of cake.g.docear. and click the entry in the menu you want to set the shortcut for. This means. closing the current mind map). Done! Learn existing shortcuts (on hover) When you move your mouse over an entry in the menu. List of most important keyboard shortcuts ENTER SHIFT+ENTER INS F2 (or double click it) ALT+ENTER SPACE Page UP/DOWN ESC Add sibling above current node Add sibling below current node Add child node Edit node in-line Edit node in dialog (Un)fold node Go to highest/lowest node in that level Go to root node 26 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Hold the CTRL key pressed. . You don’t need to place the windows manually. Alternatively.g. and Win+Right for the other application (e. and move the mouse to move the map.docear. hold the left mouse button pressed. click to an empty part of the map.g. 27 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .User Manual « Docear CTRL+SPACE (Un)fold children ALT+PAGE UP/DOWN (Un)fold next level CTRL+TAB Switch to next map CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Switch to previous map WIN+LEFT Move application to left part of the screen WIN+RIGHT Move application to right part of the screen WIN+UP Maximize application window ALT+F9 Edit attributes inline CTRL+MOUSE WHEEL Zoom in/out MOUSE WHEEL Scroll up/down TAB Hide/Show menu elements CTRL+S Save mind map CTRL+G Open search dialog ALT+UP Move selected node up ALT+DOWN Move selected node down ALT+RIGHT Move selected node to the right ALT+DOWN Move selected node to the left http://www. your currently active window will be moved to the left (or right) half of of your screen? This function comes in handy when you want to work with two windows at the same time. If you want one application to run in full-screen you press Navigate in you mind maps Moving the map To move your mind map. use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down. Windows specific Did you know that if you press the Windows key on your keyboard and the left (or right) arrow key. but just press Win+Left for the one application (e. Zooming Use to zoom buttons in the menu or “CTRL+Mouse Wheel” to zoom in and out of your mind map.. your PDF reader). Docear). User Manual « Docear http://www.docear. Press Right to move the selection to the right. choose “Unfold one level” (or “Fold one level”). etc. or press SPACE to hide or show child nodes of the currently selected node. To (un)fold the next level of the currently selected node. the little “bubble” at the end of a node. you browse through your nodes. Select “(Un)Fold children” or press CTRL+SPACE to show/hide the grand-children of the currently selected node. or press ALT+Page_Down (or ALT+Page_Up) 28 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .. Fold and unfold nodes Press the (Un)fold Browse through nodes With the arrow keys. press Down to move the selection down.. . which gives you more editing options 29 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . or select the corresponding entry in the menu to edit a node in-line Press ALT+ENTER to edit a node in a dialog.docear. double click a node. Jump to first/last sibling With PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN on your keyboard you can jump to the first/last sibling of the currently selected node Edit nodes Press F2..User Manual « Docear Selecting multiple nodes at once Sometime it might be handy to select multiple nodes at once. use the mouse to drag&drop a node.User Manual « Docear http://www. press SHIFT and use the arrow keys to select multiple nodes.docear. hold the CTRL key pressed. Alternatively. you can move nodes. chose “Maximize map view”. or the corresponding menu except the mind map panel. Alternatively. Move nodes With CTRL+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT. To do so. or press TAB 30 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Maximize your working area to hide all components. and select multiple nodes with your mouse. and to add it as sibling or child to another node.. . We would recommend at least a 27″ monitor with 1920 x 1080 pixels. Using a large monitor If you really want to work productively with Docear. … write your paper while having your draft and a PDF visible at the same time… 31 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 .docear. one with your “Literature & Annotations” mind map.. though a 27″ monitor with 1920 x 1200 pixel is significantly better. and a 30″ monitor with 2560 x 1600 is just superb. it’s easy to connect an additional monitor to it (while using your laptop as second screen). Two such a large screens allow to … … work in Docear and read a PDF at the same time… … have two instances of Docear. the best you can do is using a large monitor. Even if you are using a laptop. or even better: two large monitors. and one with your current draft for a paper.User Manual « Docear . opening the same mind map twice because Docear would not (yet) synchronize between the two instances. or press CTRL+TAB (switch to next map) or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (switch to previous) Working with multiple instances of Docear Switching between different maps becomes tiring.User Manual « Docear http://www. We would not recommend.g. … work with Docear and watch your favorite movie in HD :-). it’s sometimes tiring to sort your PDFs from your incoming node to the categories in your mind map because you would have to permanently switch between incoming node and categories. First you need to open several maps via double clicking them in the workspace panel. it might be handy to open Docear twice. if you have many new PDFs. Working with multiple mind maps You can open multiple mind maps at once. Actually. click on the tabs. e. and once for your current draft. You can also move PDFs from the incoming node to your temporary mind map. once for your “Literature & Annotations” mind map. Watch multiple folders for new files 32 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . each in a separate tab. To switch between mind maps..docear. use the menu. for instance c:\university\my pdfs\ and c:\university\pdfs from colleagues\. However. You follow the instructions on the screen and select the folder that contains your PDFs (if you want several folders to watch. just pick one of them). if that is the way you want to manage your literature. To let Docear watch several folders.. select the root node. will be added to the incoming node. all PDFs and annotations that not in any of your other Library mind maps yet. When you click the refresh icon on the root node. to sort PDFs from the incoming node to your categories because you always would have to switch between Incoming node and categories. and chose “Add monitoring folder” in the menu.. and name it e. One solution could be to manually move your PDFs from your incoming node to your Temp map and open this map in a new instance. there are many settings you may change (read on in the next section). “Incoming” You open the new Incoming mind map. you don’t have to place a monitoring node on the root 33 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . However. you have the same functionality as in your “Literature and Annotations” mind map. You might want to store your PDFs in different folders. it might be tiring.docear. add these folders to your literature repository via the menu or doing a right mouse click on your literature repository.g. Create a new mind map (right mouse click on “Library”). there is a better solution. Create your own monitoring nodes and mind maps As mentioned.User Manual « Docear http://www. namely a completely new map with a monitoring the easiest solution would be to store your PDFs in c:\university\pdfs\mine\ and c:\university\pdfs\colleagues\. Btw. Now. and then just watch c:\university\pdfs\. However. or only after clicking the refresh node in a new mind map. for instance in your Incoming map. new annotations will be added in that Incoming mind map. if you don’t want to see them). Most of them are available via the menu (1). Configuring your incoming nodes There are many options to adjust the monitoring function to you needs. Monitor automatically mon_auto specifies whether the update process should start automatically when you open the mind map. will change one thing more. project://1419906A3EA5XEKL4Q3TDIFFBO76S21WI3PO/my pdfs/ whereas the long number is your project ID... You can add this functionality to any node. 34 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . it won’t show up in the incoming node in your “Literature & Annotations” mind map. you want.docear. you can also have an Incoming mind map and use the monitoring function in the “Literature & Annotations” mind map. If you have a separate Incoming mind map. Having a separate incoming mind map. annotations that are created in a PDF which is already linked in e. you need to change the attributes of the monitoring node (2). enter a @@literature_repository@@ as value. PDFs and annotations not being in a mind map in your library will be imported. the literature repository may consist of multiple folders). This means only PDFs and annotations that are not already linked in a mind map in mon_mindmap_folder will be imported. too. If you want to watch your entire litrature repository for new files (remember. the “Literature & Annotations” mind map. Btw. in any mind map. Of course.g. e. To make them visible.User Manual « Docear http://www. select “View -> Attribute Options – > Show all attributes” in the menu (and the same way you hide them. By now. but not all. the only valid value is @@library_mindmaps@@ which means. once a new PDF is added. With the “default” concept. To get access to really all options. relative to your project root. You can enter a path. Folders to watch for new files mon_incoming_folder specifies which folder you want to watch for new PDFs. will be directly added at the PDF in that mind map.g. Mind maps to consider mon_mindmap_folder specifies in wich mind maps Docear is looking for already imported PDFs. . values can be 0. or 2.docear. ’1′ means ‘on’ 1. when importing PDFs and annotations Valid values for the settings For the latter four settings. too. List new files in “incoming node” mon_add_extra_incoming_node specifies whether an extra “incoming” node is created in which new PDFs and annotations are added.User Manual « Docear Exclude sub-folders from monitoring http://www. ’0′ means ‘off’. The default values may be changed in your Docear preferences. mon_subdirs specifies whether sub folders of the folder containing PDFs are watched. Flatten monitoring folders mon_flatten_dirs specifies whether Docear keeps the original file structure on your hard drive or ignores it. 35 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . and ’2′ means ‘default’. The incoming node is always created as a child of that node that has the monitoring function. docear. The virtual folder does not really exist (except in Docear) and the files in it only point to the real files. Of Remove line breaks and spaces from imported annotations Sometimes. you can also import folders that are already inside your project home. This allows you quick access to files that might be stored outside your project home. Excel sheets.. Additionally. while the imported folders (2) are 1:1 representations of a real folder on your hard drive. the PDF editor adds line breaks and additional spaces between words. etc. when you highlight text in a PDF..User Manual « Docear http://www. 36 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Extending the Workspace (Importing files and folders) You can extend the workspace and (1) import folders from your hard drive. The file types Docear is monitoring may be specified in the preferences (see screenshot above). Use attributes to classify and group your literature Please read in our Blog. Word documents.g. e. images. This is comparable to shortcuts under Windows. you can create Virtual Folders (2) and link arbitrary files in these folders. Docear offers a function to remove these line breaks and spaces. Changing the type of files to watch for Docear watches your literature repository not only for new PDFs but also for many other file types. If e.User Manual « Docear http://www. PDFs contain annotations which you want to have in the PDF (e. stored as bookmarks) To deal with this problem. Deleting annotations from mind maps without having them re-imported Sometimes.g. Docear’s Online Services Backup & Versioning 37 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . To create such folders. you should move these annotations to your Trash mind map. do a right click on the project name in your workspace. Importing only certain kinds of annotations In the preferences you can select which type of annotations you want Docear to import. or link files.. you still have them in your PDF but they won’t appear in your “Literature & Annotations” when you refresh it. the table of contents. select “Add – New folder…” or “Add – New link to file” and follow the instructions.. but which you don’t need in your mind maps. the bookmarks for a PDF’s table of content are in the Trash map. docear. not only for your Docear data. this is not easy to setup). how mind maps look like and how to provide literature recommendations to researchers (see also our publications and fields of research). use it without any registration and we will not collect any data about or from you*. If you are not online at the time of saving. PDF Editors Overview Here is a list of PDF editors and their compatibility with Alternatively.) or entire mind maps to third parties. However. we will do some basic statistical analysis on your data. BibTeX file and usage data of Docear. install it. Data privacy If you don’t want. If you need a more advanced solution and want to work with different people on the same data. PDF files. In future we plan to backup your reference data and PDFs as well. If you use our backup feature. we would be very happy if you share some of your data with us and allow us to analyse it.User Manual « Docear http://www. DropBox gives you 2GB free space for synchronizing any files you want and is really easy to use.. Blackblaze permanently creates continuous online-backups of all your files on your computer for 3. Your backups can be accessed through our web interface and you can not only access the latest version of your mind map but also all other revisions. Please let us know if something is not correct or you tried a PDF editor that is not on the list. But we will not look into you mind maps. be aware that Docear is using a compatible file format with Freeplane and FreeMind. And if 2GB are not enough you can get more if you pay for it. if you realize you did a mistake or you deleted a mind map by mistake. That means all mobile mind mapping applications that can read FreeMind and Freeplane mind maps. That means. all your mind maps are stored on our server each time you save a mind map in Docear (of course. That means we will analyse how many users have how many mind maps (min. Meanwhile. but for now only mind maps are stored on our server.96$/month. should also be able to read Docear mind maps. we do not collect any data. email. etc. Docear Mobile Someday.96$ a month. Some potential candidates include iThoughts (iPhone) and iBlueSky (iPhone). Our experience with Mozy is not as positive as with Backblaze but the free version is certainly worth a try if you cannot spare 3. “Your data” includes your mind maps. we recommend using DropBox for synchronising files. how often they are edited. Some members of Docear are using Backblaze are and absolutely happy with it. Meanwhile. Therefore. your IP might be stored temporarily by us and by Google Analytics which we use to analyse the usage of our website. One reason why we originally developed Docear was because we wanted to research how researchers work. 38 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . That means all web based mind mapping applications that can read FreeMind and Freeplane mind maps. we recommend SVN respectively TortoiseSVN (however. etc. you might also want to have a look at Backblaze. For details please have a look at our TOS or contact us. be aware that Docear is using a compatible file format with Freeplane and FreeMind. Meanwhile. Docear Web Someday there will be a web version of Docear but it certainly will take a while. * When you visit our website. Let us know which mobile mind mapping tools work best with Docear. Synchronizing between computers We are planning on offering a tool for synchronizing your data between different computers but this will take at least a few month more of work. a copy is created and uploaded to our server the next time you are online. the original file remains on your computer). in Docear’s preferences you can enable the option to share your data with us and allow us to analyse it**. should also be able to read Docear mind maps. you could have a look at Mozy who is offering a similar service but up to 2 GB storage are completely free. We assure you that we will not give your personal information (such as name. avg). there will be a mobile version for Android and iOS but this will take a while. you can restore your mind map easily. If you activate this function. You can just download Docear. Let us know which online mind mapping tools work best with Docear. how large mind maps are (file size).. If you are interested in a excellent backup solution. max. 2. Double click the highlighted text. some PDF editors copy the highlighted text into an invisible comment field. It must also copy the highlighted text into the comment but truly perfect for Docear are only a few. If the text shows in a pop-up window.User Manual « Docear http://www. and the pop-up note will open so you can edit its text. Highlighted text is the most comfortable option to annotate your PDF. 39 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . you might not remember later what “it” refers to. Docear does not import the text that was actually highlighted. though there is one problem. Hence. except Skim and Mendeley. and this is the text that Docear imports.. you change the text in the pop-up note to “Google Scholar is far easier to spam than the classic Google Search for Web pages”. everything is great. This is a great feature because if you highlighted a sentence like “It is far easier to spam than the classic Google Search for Web pages”. it’s not sufficient that your PDF editor can highlight text. Instead. Most PDF viewers do this. Some PDF editors allow to edit highlighted text directly in the PDF. move your mouse over some highlighted text. when you see the annotation in your mind map.. To check if your PDF editor does this. Annotations must be stored in the PDF standard format. The following criteria are important 1. There are many PDF viewers.docear. This means. The PDF editor should be able to highlight text. . PDF-XChange Viewer PDF-XChange Viewer is the only PDF viewer that we can truly recommend.User Manual « Docear http://www. The PDF editor should also be able to create bookmarks in the PDF 5. Sometimes Docear automatically changes the settings.docear. you may click annotation A in your mind map. Usually Docear automatically changes this setting. Most PDF editors can do this. 40 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . This means. there is the free PDF-XChange Viewer. as far as we know. Some PDF editors require that you manually change some settings. Please note. The PDF editor should be able to create comments in a PDF. However. your PDF editor will remain on the page of annotation A. and the PDF opens on the correct enable these settings in the preferences of PDF-XChange Viewer. since it supports all the features that Docear requires. all PDF readers for MacOS support this feature. In addition. When you click an annotation in your mind map. once a PDF is opened. “Comments” are sometimes called “(sticky) notes” and look like this: 4. 3. and the non-free PDF-XChange Editor – do not download the Editor but the free Viewer. 6. Docear needs to tell your PDF editor on which page to open it. it is usually not possible to tell the PDF editor to jump to another page. However. One of the few PDF readers that can change a page for an already opened PDF is PDF-XChange Viewer. And sometimes. It needs two settings to be changed to enable Docear to import highlighted text. and some run instantly “out-ofthe-box” without any modifications. you need to modify the settings manually. But when you click annotation B in your mind map (and B is in the same PDF as A). if Docear does not import highlighted text you created with PDF-XChange Viewer. Otherwise.User Manual « Docear http://www. Adobe Reader does not copy highlighted text into the comment fields. Docear can import the highlighted text. Please find more information here. copy it to the clip board (right mouse click or CTRL+C)… … and then do again a right mouse click on the selected text. you should change the following setting in the preferences. However. you need to change the preferences of Adobe Reader.. The problem is. Therefore. whenever you highlight text. This way. Usually Docear is making these changes automatically but if there should be problems. open the preferences of Adobe Reader and tick the box “Automatically open comment pop-ups for comments other than notes”.g. In addition. Adobe Reader (Windows and MacOS) Adobe Reader X does not create bookmarks but comments and highlighted text. there will be some PDFs in which you cannot create annotations (those created as 41 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . the jump-to-page feature is limited and creating highlighted text requires some additional labor. you mark the text.docear. Debian or Ubuntu) you can do that using WINE. If you are using PDF-XChange Viewer on Linux (e. chose “Highlight Text” and paste (CTRL+V) the text from the clipboard. 42 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Adobe Reader (Linux) In theory... because the corresponding toolbar is always inactive. on our Linux systems. check Adobe’s preferences. However. http://www. You may also want to activate the setting “Automatically open comment pop-ups for comments other than notes”.User Manual « Docear PDF/A).org/support/user-manual/#Get. it doesn’t! We cannot create any kind of annotation. If it works for you. Adobe Acrobat If Docear should have problems to import highlighted text created with Adobe Acrobat. The highlighted setting should be ticked. Adobe Reader for Linux should work the same way as Adobe Reader for Windows.docear. This will open a pop-up window each time you highlight text and you can edit the text that is imported by Docear. please let us know. In addition. if you want to 43 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 but chances for an implementation seem rather low. all comments you create with Mendeley’s PDF editor. Mendeley Mendeley has an integrated PDF viewer that allows you to highlight text and create comments. You can ask the Mendeley team to implement a decent PDF export. Therefore.docear.User Manual « Docear http://www. you should the following setting in the preferences. This means. can never be read by any other PDF viewer. Mendeley is storing comments and highlighted text in a proprietary format that cannot be exported to the PDF standard format. However. there will be some PDFs (those created as PDF/A) in which you cannot create annotations.. Otherwise. …) which. You can test this by mailing or copying your PDF file to another computer. Windows Explorer) and delete “C:\Users \<your_username>\. you find the log folder in “C:\Users\<your_username>\. Alternatively. You won’t see any annotations you have created using Skim on your original machine. Please note that these problems have been reported by several users in the Adobe Forums and we could also reproduce them. when you create new annotations in a PDF. you can try deleting all settings.docear/logs” (Linux).. If you are a registered Docear user. Preview also deletes XMP metadata. Clear/Delete Settings If Docear does not work any more as it should. Options to recover data 1. If you are trying Okular please let us know your results. because it does not store annotations in the PDF standard format but in an external database. If Docear does not start. However. XMP meta data. means that Docear cannot import the annotations or imports them multiple times.docear\logs\ (Windows) and “~/.. log-in and download your mind use Docear (or any other PDF viewer other than Mendeley). Docear will behave as if freshly installed. be aware that Preview might delete some of your data (annotation IDs. On next start. and have activated the online backup. To open the folder containing the log files. you must not use Mendeley’s PDF Viewer. Foxit PDF Viewer Foxit Reader generally is a fine PDF viewer (it creates comments and bookmarks) but Docear cannot import highlighted text that was created with it. Skim Skim is not compatible with Docear. So. Okular We do not know for sure whether Okular works. chose “Show system log” in the “Help” ribbon.docear” (Linux). With our own GNOME Linux it does not. in turn. Tweaks & Troubleshooting Log files Docear is logging all errors. You may also read in our Blog about this issue (in particular the comments). so it copies the highlighted text in the invisible pop-up notes. many users report that Okular works fine with KDE. use a file manager (e. 44 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . Preview (Mac OS) We strongly recommend to not use Preview since Preview often corrupts PDFs. Please always send our log files when you are reporting an error. To do so.g. select “Open User Directory” in the menu and delete the content of the folder that has opened. For instance. And there are some other shortcomings that may lead to corrupt PDF files.User Manual « Docear http://www. if you insist on using Preview. Feel free to ask the Foxit Reader developers to enhance their reader.docear. You need also to use the “PDF Export” method and overwrite your existing PDF to store annotations in the PDF properly.docear or ”~/. chances are that Preview changes annotations IDs or just deletes them. Please let us know your Docear user name. However.g. double click docear. or if you have none. This means.bat” file with a text editor. send us the file $app_data\. If you want to have a portable which is typically located. If you are not registered.docear\. Open $app_data\users\<docear user name<\backup\ and see if there is a recent backup 4. and add the string ”-Dorg. if you run Docear e.backup. Open $app_data\.e. Docear stores its settings in a path like c:\Users\<your_windows_username>\.g. be aware that your projects path are stored absolutely and not relatively to your settings\auto. 3. 2. i.\..userfpdir=.bat is. you want your settings stored on your memory stick.backup in your file browser (e. but you have activated recommendations . Change the settings path / Make Docear portable By Contact us if you can’t find this path. there is a potential solution.freeplane. From now on. Open the “docear. all you settings will be stored in exactly the same folder where your docear. ask us. your project home etc. or registered but online backup is not activated.User Manual « Docear http://www. Docear will ask you again for your log-in data. This might cause some problems.docear\auto. from a memory stick..docear. On Windows this directory typically is c:\Users \{your_windows_username}\.docear”. If you can’t find the file.bat. To start Docear. Current page Like 6 Partilhar Tweet 45 de 45 12-03-2014 00:24 . at c:\Users\{your_windows_username}\. there is a good chance that we can recover your data. Windows Explorer) and see if there is a backup of your file. and start Docear on a new computer. for Windows.docear\.
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