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10/10/2015DMRCPlacementPaper29257 Register (http://www.freshersworld.com/user/register?src=p3) | Login (http://www.freshersworld.com/user/login) (http://www.freshersworld.com) Placement Papers (http://placement.freshersworld.com) (http://www.freshersworld.com) Online Test (http://placement.freshersworld.com/powerpreparation/onlinetests) Aptitude Preparation (http://placement.freshersworld.com/powerpreparation/AptitudePreparation) Interview Preparation (http://placement.freshersworld.com/powerpreparation/InterviewPreparation) General Knowledge (http://placement.freshersworld.com/powerpreparation/GeneralKnowledge) Buy Now (http://placement.freshersworld.com/power preparation/product_list) Home (/placementpapers/company_list) > DMRC (/placementpapers/company/DMRC/282) > DMRC question papers DMRC Exam Paper DMRC Technical knowledge questions with answers: TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE 1. A 13 m ladder is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end 5 m from the wall. What should be the coefficient of friction between ladder and floor so that it remains in equilibrium: (1) 0.1 (2) 0.13 (3) 0.2 (4) 0.21Answer 2. A glass marble drops from a height of 3 meters upon a horizontal floor. If the coefficient of restitution be 0.9, find the height to which it rises after impact: (1) 2.43 metreAnswer (2) 4.43 metre (3) 1.22 metre (4) 0.61 metre 3. Two cars are 10 km apart and moving in the same direction at speed of 40 km/hr. A car moving in opposite direction meets these cars at interval of 8 minutes. At what speed the other car is moving: (1) 75 km/hr (2) 60 km/hr (3) 45 km/hr (4) 35 km/hrAnswer 4. A 1000 kg. block resting on a horizontal plane has a static coefficient of friction of 0.33 and is acted on by a horizontal force of 200 kg. Under the above conditions, the frictional resistance is: (1) 200 kgAnswer (2) 66 kg (3) 500 kg (4) 670 kg 5. 2 kg of substance receives 500 kJ heat and undergoes a temperature change from 100°C to 200°C. The average specific heat of substance during the process will be (1) K kg kJ5 o (2) K kg kJ.5 2oAnswer (3) K kg kJ0 1o http://placement.freshersworld.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 1/19 A body of mass m is moving with a constant velocity along a line parallel to the X– axis away from the origin. Its angular momentum with respect to the origin is: (1) Zero (2) ConstantAnswer (3) Increasing (4) Decreasing 11. The most dominant frequency that the detector will read now is: (1) 11.2Khz http://placement. A sound detector detects 12. This is true only if the torques are taken about: (1) The centre of mass of the system (2) The centre of the system (3) Any point on the system (4) Any point on the system or outside itAnswer 7.2Khz (3) 10. An electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field. the torques acting on it must balance. The net electric force on the dipole: (1) Is always zeroAnswer (2) Depends on the orientation of the dipole (3) Can never be zero (4) Depends on the strength of the dipole 13. This means that the bus is moving with: (1) Uniform velocity (2) Uniform accelerationAnswer (3) Variable velocity (4) Variable acceleration 8.8Khz (4) 8. The string is seen to be inclined towards the rear of the bus making a constant angle with the vertical. A freshly prepared radioactive source of halflife 2 hours emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level.6 × 10–19C) : (1) 1×1019 (2) 2×1015 (3) 7. For a system to be in equilibrium. A train is approaching the platform at a speed of 36Km/hr. A ball hangs from a string inside a bus moving along a straight road.6KhzAnswer (2) 9.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 2/19 .0Khz as the most dominant frequency in the whistle. The number of electrons passing through the lamp in one minute is (charge of an electron =1.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (4) K kg kJ5 2o 6. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with the source is: (1) 1 hour (2) 24 hours (3) 12 hoursAnswer (4) 30 minutes 14. sounding its whistle.5×1020Answer (4) 1×1012 12. A 200 W lamp is connected to 100 volts supply. The train then stops at the platform.freshersworld. the amplitude of oscillation: (1) Decreases linearly (2) Remains constantAnswer (3) Decreases sinusoidally (4) Decreases exponentially 20.freshersworld. then the new momentum will be: (1) One time (2) Two timesAnswer (3) Three times (4) Four times. The angle of a prism is 60° and its refractive index is 1. If kinetic energy of a body becomes four times it’s initial value. The work done in the process is: (1) c2a (2) 2ac2 (3) ca2 (4) 2ca2Answer 19. The luminous efficiency of a lamp is 5 lumen/watt and it’s luminous intensity is 35 candela. its magnifying power is about: (1) FO+Fe (2) FO x Fe (3) FO /FeAnswer (4) (FO – Fe) 21. A body takes 4 minutes to cool from 100°C to 70°C. If the room temperature is 15°C. There will be no emergent light if the angle of incidence on the first face is: (1) 30° (2) Less than 27°Answer (3) More than 30° (4) 60° 16. In case of a sustained forced oscillations. the time taken to cool from 70°C to 40°C will be: (1) 2 minutes (2) 7 minutesAnswer (3) 5 minutes (4) 6 minutes 17. It’s length and cross sectional area should be: (1) l and A (2) 2 l and A/2 http://placement.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 15. If Fo and Fe are the focal lengths of the objective and eye piece respectively for telescope.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 3/19 .5. A piece of copper is to be shaped so as to have a minimum resistance. The power of the lamp is: (1) 80 W (2) 176 W (3) 88 WAnswer (4) 36 W 22. A particle moves under the effect of a force F=cx from x=0 to x=a. the initial value 18. The gold number of the protective colloid is: (1) 0.9 N (4) 1.025 gms of a protective colloid prevents the coagulation of 10 ml gold sol upon additon of 1 ml of 10% Nacl solution. It covers a distance of: (1) 2 m (2) 4 mAnswer (3) 6 m (4) 8 m 25.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 4/19 .3 M aluminium sulphate solution is: (1) 0.freshersworld. The kinetic energy at the highest point is: (1) Zero (2) K/2Answer (3) K/√2 (4) K 26. It’s thresold frequency will be (h=6. Optical rotation of an organic compound is +20° & that of a mixture containing compound and its enantiomer is +10°. The compound C2 (CN)4 contains: (1) 5 sigma (σ) & one pi (Π) bonds (2) 3 sigma (σ) & three pi (Π) bonds (3) 6 sigma (σ) & six pi (Π) bonds (4) 9 sigma (σ) & nine pi (Π) bondsAnswer 28. The ratio of compound to its enantiomer in the mixture is: (1) 1:1 (2) 1:3 (3) 2:1 (4) 3:1Answer 29.8 NAnswer 27. Addition of 0. The normality of 0. where t is time in second. A cricket ball is hit at 45° to the horizontal with a kinetic energy K.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (3) l /2 and 2AAnswer (4) Do not matter 23. with a velocity of (t–2) m/s in a straight line.3 N (3) 0. A bird flies for 4 sec. The work function of a photoelectric material is 3.3 eV.1 N (2) 0.60x10–34Js): (1) 8 × 1014 HzAnswer (2) 5 × 1033 Hz (3) 8 × 1010 Hz (4) 4 × 1011 Hz 24.025 (2) 2.5 (3) 25Answer (4) 250 http://placement. 4 (4) 1609 37. In Haber’s process for manufacture of NH3: (1) Iron is used as catalystAnswer (2) Molybdenum is used as catalyst (3) Nickel is used as a catalyst (4) No catalyst 35. it is placed in group: (1) Six (2) Three (3) FourAnswer (4) Two 34. Which of the following type of metals are the most efficient catalysts? (1) Alkali metal (2) Alkaline Earth metal (3) Transition metals Answer (4) Metals of pblock 38. The first order rate constant for the decompostion of N2 O5 is 6.freshersworld. The half life period for the decomposition in seconds is: (1) 1117. When ethanal & propanol reacts together in the presence of an alkali. glucose will show mutarotation? (1) P–cresol (2) Pyridine (3) Equimolar mixture of p–cresol & pyridineAnswer (4) None of the above 32. If the atomic number of an element is six.7 (3) 223.–1 .2 × 10–4 sec.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 5/19 .7Answer (2) 111. the number of products are: (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4Answer (4) 5 31. Which element is alloyed with copper to form brass: (1) Pb (2) Bi (3) ZnAnswer (4) Sb 33. Which among the following is correct order of reactivity with water according to electro chemical series: (1) Cu>Zn>Mg>K (2) K>Mg>Zn>CuAnswer (3) Mg>Zn>Cu>K (4) K>Zn>Mg>Cu 36.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 30. In which of the following. For the reaction: 2NO(g) ⇌ N2(g) + O2(g) + Q http://placement. freshersworld. How long will it take for 99% of the isotope to disintegrate: (1) 100 years (2) 21. Solid NaCl dissolves in water. The half life period of 36Kr85 is 10. which element is reduced: (1) CrAnswer (2) H (3) O (4) Ι 41.3H2O (2) CaSO4. Ba2+. Mohr’s salt is prepared in warm distilled water by the reaction of (NH4)2SO4 and: (1) FeSO4Answer (2) Fe2(SO4)3 (3) CaSO4 (4) ZnSO4 45.2 years (3) 31. solid sucrose also dissolves in water. Which solution turns blue: (1) KNO3 (2) AgNO3Answer (3) Zn(NO3)2 (4) ZnSO4 43.6 years. Which of the followings are actually cases of dissolving: (1) Solid NaCl & Solid sucrose dissolution in waterAnswer (2) Zn metal dissolution in aqueous HCl (3) Zn metal and solid NaCl dissolution (4) Solid sucrose and Zn metal dissolution 40.8 years (4) 70. Gypsum.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (1) K is independent on temperature (2) K increases as temperature increases (3) K decreases as temperature increasesAnswer (4) K varies with the addition of N2 or O2 39.2H2O on heating to about 120°C forms plaster of paris.H2O (3) 2CaSO4. Na+]: (1) Al 3+>Na+>Ba2+ (2) Al 3+>Ba2+>Na+Answer (3) Na+<Ba2+>Al 3+ (4) Ba2+>Al 3+>Na+ http://placement. what will be correct order for coagulating action on negative As2S3 sol for different ions [Al 3+.H2OAnswer (4) CaSO4 44.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 6/19 . which has the chemical comosition represented by: (1) 2CaSO4. In the reaction: Cr 2O72 + 6H + 6Ι → 2Cr 3+ + 3H2O + 3Ι2. The following four colourless salt solutions are placed in separate test tubes and a strip of copper is placed in each. Zinc metal "dissolves’ in aqueous HCl.4 yearsAnswer 42. According to Hardyschulze rule. CaSO4. Value of the integral ∫ e3t sin h t/t dt is: 0 (1) e–2 (2) e–6 (3) In √2Answer (4) In 4 52.52. A solution of the equation (http://placement. Which of the following will produce least knocking: (1) IsoOctaneAnswer (2) nheptane (3) nOctane (4) nnonane 50.T. The real root of the equation 2x3 + 3x2 – 4x = 40 lies between: (1) 0 and 1 (2) 1 and 2 (3) 2 and 3Answer (4) –2 and –1 http://placement.H2OAnswer (3) C6H5Cl (4) C6H5NO2. Aniline reacts with NaNo2 and Hcl at O°C to form: (1) C6H5OH (2) C6H5N2+Cl .NH3 49. it is observed that the rate of reaction becomes four times when the concentration of A is increased four times. For a chemical reaction.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 46.freshersworld. A → B.. T.N.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 7/19 .freshersworld. Reaction of acetone with magnesium butyl bromide followed by hydrolysis gives: (1) Secondary alcohol (2) Primary alcohol (3) Ketone (4) Tertiary alcoholAnswer ∞ 51. an explosive can be obtained by nitration of: (1) Benzene (2) TolueneAnswer (3) OXylene (4) pXylene 48.com/placement papers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno.NaCl. The order of reaction in concern to A is: (1) Two (2) OneAnswer (3) Half (4) Zero 47.png)= 0 is : (1) x=1 (2) x=2Answer (3) x=5 (4) x=7 53. (1) –13 (2) 2Answer http://placement.Options. 58.png) 58. 57Options. The rank of the matrix (http://placement.png) _ _ 59. If 5 bulbs are chosen at random.(Equation)) is equal to: x→∞ (1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) –2Answer (http://placement. 58.freshersworld. Two vector A and B are given below: _ _ A = 2i − 3j + 2k B = 4i − 6j + ck Where c is constant.com/placement papers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno.freshersworld.com/placement papers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno.freshersworld.56.png) 57.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 8/19 .10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 54.Equation.freshersworld. Lt (TPK image Qno. The value of ‘c’ for the two vectors to be parallel is. 54.png) is: (1) 1 (2) 2Answer (3) 3 (4) 4 55.com/placementpapers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno. A box contains 200 bulbs including 10 defective bulbs. the probability that at least one bulb will be defective is (http://placement. 56.com/placement papers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno. The value of lim sin2 x / 2x is: x→0 (1) 0Answer (2) 1/2 (3) 1 (4) ∞ 56. If A = then the inverse of A2 is: (http://placement.png) 1Answer (http://placement.freshersworld.com/placementpapers/sites/default/files/DMRC Qno.freshersworld. The magnitude of the determinant of the following matrix is equal to: (http://placement.. is: (1) loge 1/2 (2) e–1 (3) 0 (4) log 2Answer 63. lim sin x is: x →∞ x (1) 1 (2) 0Answer (3) ∞ (4) None of these π/2 66. 63. If x is an angle in the first quadrant and sin x a/b. The equation 4x2 – y2 + 6 = 0 represents a curve: (1) Circle (2) Parabola (3) HyperbolaAnswer (4) Ellipse 65..com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 9/19 .freshersworld.com/placement papers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno.png) equals: (1) 1 (2) 0Answer (3) 2 (4) 4 64..Equation...10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (3) 4 (4) 26 593Answer 60. then tan x equals: (1) a /√b2 – a2Answer (2) b /√b2 – a2 (3) a /√a2 + b2 (4) b /√b2 + a2 62. 60.freshersworld.freshersworld. The value of ∫ √1/2 (1–cos 2x) dx is: π/2 http://placement. The sum of the series 1 1/2 + 1/3 1/4 + 1/5 .com/placement papers/sites/default/files/DMRCQno..Equation.png) (1) –1Answer (2) +1 (3) 3 (4) 5 61. Determinant (http://placement.. com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 10/19 . the probability of getting a sum of 9 or 11 is: (1) 2/9 (2) 7/9 (3) 5/9 (4) None of theseAnswer 1 72. c. If Sin A = Sin B. If a. P. and a2. The vector a × (b × a) is: _ (1) Perpendicular to aAnswer _ (2) Perpendicular to b (3) Null vector http://placement. then the minimum number of elements in A∪B can be: (1) 3 (2) 6Answer (3) 9 (4) None of these 71. Cos A = Cos B. c2 are in H. ∠B=60°. are in A.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (1) 0 (2) 1/2 (3) 2Answer (4) 1 67. b2.freshersworld. ∫ |1 – x| dx equals: –1 (1) –2 (2) 0 (3) 2Answer (4) 4 _ _ _ 73. If sets A and B have 3 and 6 elements respectively. P.. If in a triangle ABC. then: (1) (a–b)2 = c2–ab (2) (b–c)2 = a2–bc (3) (c–a)2 = b2–acAnswer (4) None of these 69. In a throw of two dice. b. then: (1) a = b = cAnswer (2) 2b = 3a +c (3) b2= √ac/8 (4) None of these 70. then the value of A in terms of B is: (1) nπ + B (2) nπ + (–1)n B (3) 2 nπ + BAnswer (4) 2 nπ – B 68. An Indian social entrepreneur. was launched by the Government of India in 2005. Bharat Nirman. usually with the intention of overruling the judgement of the lower court. Rajendra Prasad (2) Dr.5Answer (3) 145 (4) 167. (ii)Rural Roads. When a Higher court directs that record of a case be sent up for review. wt.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 11/19 . The first temporary president of Constituent assembly was: (1) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (4) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel 78. The Five are (i)Irrigation. Radhakrishnan (4) Dr Vijay L.000 households.freshersworld. who founded Selco India. a programme to build rural infrastructure. (iv)Rural Drinking Water Supply. Who is the Chairman of National Knowledge Commission? (1) Mr Ratan Tata (2) Mr Sam PitrodaAnswer (3) Dr K. (v) Rural Electrification . evidence and documents. A particle is dropped under gravity from a height h in meters (g = 9. A woman of 50 Kg. together with all supporting files. which over the years has lit up over 1. Bharat Nirman comprises of six components. emerging as India's leading solar technology firm. then her weight is: (1) 50 Kg.5 75. (iii)Rural Housing. has been recently awarded: (1) Booker Prize (2) Ramon MagsaysayAnswer (3) Mercy Ravi award (4) Solar king award 80.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 _ _ (4) perpendicular to both a and b 74. If the lift is going upward with an acceleration of 4 m/sec2. (2) 0 Newton (3) 690 NewtonAnswer (4) 290 Newton GENERAL APTITUDE 76. then h in metres is: (1) 100 (2) 122. Sachidanand SinhaAnswer (3) Dr.20.The sixth one is: (1) Telephone ConnectivityAnswer (2) Internet banking (3) Free Education to all http://placement. Kelkar 77.8 m/sec2) and it travels a distance 9h/25 in the last second. it is called writ of: (1) CertiorariAnswer (2) Mandamus (3) Quo Warranto (4) Habeas Corpus 79. is in a lift. Recently in March 2012. The Rashtrakutas were great builders. The abnormal constituent of urine is: (1) Urea (2) Creatinine (3) AlbuminAnswer (4) Sodium 83. which country hosted a BRICS Summit? (1) Brazil (2) South Africa (3) Russia (4) IndiaAnswer http://placement. is in the: (1) Daman & Diu (2) Andaman and Nicobar IslandsAnswer (3) Dadar & Nagar haveli (4) Kanyakumari 86.freshersworld. Indira Point. During the time of which Mughal emperor did the English East India Company establish its first factory In India? (1) Akbar (2) JahangirAnswer (3) Shahjahan (4) Aurangzeb 85.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 12/19 . The southernmost point in India. Humayunama has been authored by: (1) Firdausi (2) Gulbadan BeghumAnswer (3) Abul Fazal (4) Kazi Nazrul Islam 88. Which among the following was the major demand of the Bardoli Satyagraha (1928) organized under the leadership of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel? (1) Land to the tiller (2) Increase the rates of labour wage (3) Rollback of newly enhanced revenue rateAnswer (4) Supply of agricultural Inputs to farmers at subsidized rate 84. Who has been certified by the United Nations as the first metro rail and railbased system in the world to get "carbon credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions": (1) Delhi MetroAnswer (2) London Underground (3) New York City subway (4) Hong Kong MTR 82. Who amongst the kings of this dynasty built the famous temple at Ellora? (1) Amoghavarsha (2) Krishna IAnswer (3) Dhruva (4) Govinda III 87.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (4) Free food for BPL families 81. In which state is the Gol Gumbaz located: (1) KarnatakaAnswer (2) Maharashtra (3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Bihar 97. Which Tala has sixteen Maathrass: (1) Jhaptal (2) Roopak Taal (3) Teen TalaAnswer (4) Aadi Tala 92.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 13/19 . The highest grade of coal whose surface shines and has the highest calorific value: (1) AnthraciteAnswer (2) Lignite (3) Hematite (4) None of these 90. In which folk paintings of India valuable stones and pieces of glass are pasted: (1) Nath Dwara (2) TanjoreAnswer (3) Kalighat (4) Jagannath Puri 91. Pungency in chillies is due to: (1) CapsaicinAnswer (2) Solanin (3) Isothiocyanates (4) None of these 94.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 89. Which state has the largest population of scheduled tribes: (1) Kerala (2) Maharashtra http://placement. One of these is a sexlinked disease: (1) Colour BlindnessAnswer (2) Malinancy (3) Hepatitis (4) Leukemia 95. Speaker of the Lok Sabha may be removed from the office by: (1) A resolution passed by a majority of all members of the HouseAnswer (2) The order of President of India (3) A resolution passed by at least 2/3 of the total membership of the house (4) The ruling party adopting a no confidence motion 93. Which state of India produces the country's highest percent of safety matches: (1) Andhra PradeshAnswer (2) Madhya Pradesh (3) Tamil nadu (4) Orissa 96.freshersworld. D3 (4) A3. Eminent cricketers playing an active role in advertisements of products is not good for the game. B1. A man stands on a tower and sees two hill peaks one in the north east and one in the north west. Bauxite 2.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 (3) Bihar (4) Madhya PradeshAnswer 98. They concentrate less on the game: (1) Not so well known cricketers can take part in advertisements (2) Loss of concentration by players is an important issue posed by advertisement involvementAnswer (3) Advertisers are justified as they pay money to players (4) Playing cricket and advertisements are separate issues http://placement. B1. Electrical Industry D. Which direction does he look to do so: (1) North West (2) South West (3) South (4) WestAnswer DIRECTIONS: Study statements given and select the most logical conclusion from among the choices. Steel Alloys (1) A3. Mica 1. Almunium Industry B. 103. C2. Thermal Power C. B1. Find the incorrect statement: (1) Spring tide is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun together in the same direction (2) A line on a map that join all the places of the same height above sea level is called contour line (3) Full moon occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the SunAnswer (4) The difference in minutes between the Greenwich time and the local time at a place can be derived by multiplying the longitude of place by four 101. Manganese 3. then what will be the code of STUPID: (1) MAZWQF (2) WAZMQFAnswer (3) WZAQMF (4) None of these 102. D2 (3) A2. If START = WALKA and BUDPI = XZFMQ. He climbs the top of the peak in the North East and looks at the other peak. B1. Lignite 4. Match the Suitable pair: Mineral Used in A. Both peaks are at the same distance from the tower.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 14/19 . C4. C3. D2Answer (2) A4. The colour of star is an indication of: (1) Weight (2) Distance (3) TemperatureAnswer (4) Size 99. D4 100. C4.freshersworld. com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 15/19 . If both I and II are insufficient to answer the question and more data is required 107. O.10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 DIRECTIONS: In the following questions pick the choice that establishes the logical relationship. If I and II are both required to answer the question D.75 (4) 18. 3. ELECTION : 12178904 :: NOTION : ? (1) 401217 (2) 211892 (3) 780121 (4) 408904Answer DIRECTIONS: (Question no. 108 to 110) From among the five doctors 1. Q are females and the rest are males. (e) and (f). 2. O. 105. Wherever there is a male doctor. If wrong number is corrected. H. Of these 1. http://placement. K. some teams are to be selected. A. the series gets established following a certain logic. four engineers G. If II alone is sufficient to answer the question C. P. there will not be a female teacher. Below the series a number is given followed by (a). (b). 2 3 2 15 44 254 1434 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) What will come in place of (c): (1) 18 (2) 22 (3) 24 (4) 21Answer 106. (c). Now answer the following questions giving the correct values for the letter in the questions. N. P.freshersworld. 2 4. 105 & 106) In each of the following number series only one number is wrong. The average of runs scored by Tendulkar in the last fifteen matches has dropped by 7%Answer II. There shall not be more than two male teachers in any team. G. there will not be a female doctor. 4 and 5. Has Tendulkar’s performance in batting gone down of late: I. (d).5 11 30 93 312 1136 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) What will come in place of (b): (1) 7 (2) 81 (3) 16. L and six teachers M. You have to complete the series following the same logic as in the given series after correcting the wrong number. Q and R. Wherever there is a male engineer.75 DIRECTIONS: Each of the following questions is followed by two statements I and II. If I alone is sufficient to answer the questionAnswer B. The formation of teams is subject to the following conditions. 104. Spectators have also noticed that he hits less boundaries (1) AAnswer (2) B (3) C (4) D DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. H. Select the choice as follows. 2. H. If the team consists of three doctors. M.. O. 5.freshersworld. then the members of the team are: (1) 3. 2.. 111 to 113) Fill in the blank with correct preposition. P. P. R (4) 1. 2.. K. 2. L. 3. If the team consists of two doctors. H.. P. O. 4. O. M. H. If the team consists of two doctors. Q DIRECTIONS: (Question No.. two female teachers and two engineers.. Q (4) 4. 2. Q (3) 1...10/10/2015 DMRCPlacementPaper29257 108. FLABBERGAST: (1) Confident (2) Religious (3) Extravagant (4) Surprise very greatlyAnswer 115. K. cooking. L. two male engineers and two teachers. L. P. P.. HAnswer (3) 3. K. 4. R (3) 3. Q. 114.... P.. 2. G. G. NAnswer (2) 1. L. G. The thief entered the room . L. 2 109. 1. G. Q 110. K. he also likes to write poetry in his free time: (1) Beside (2) BesidesAnswer (3) Except (4) While 112. My car does forty kilometers .. Q (4) O. P. K. 4. O. 2. 4. G.. 5.. R. the window: (1) From (2) By (3) ThroughAnswer (4) With 113.. three female teachers and two engineers. 5.. G... QAnswer (2) 1. Q. ASPERITY: (1) Ambition http://placement. O. M. P.com/placementpapers/DMRC/PlacementPaperQuestionPaper29257 16/19 . P.. H. 111.... a litre: (1) In (2) ToAnswer (3) For (4) Of DIRECTIONS: (Question No 114 & 115) Against each key word are given four suggested meaning. then the members of the team could be: (1) 3.. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word. H (2) 1... H. .. then all the following teams are possible except: (1) 1.. Shashi said " I plan to leave for Australia next week": (1) Shashi said that he had planned to leave for Australia next week.freshersworld..com/power (http://placement. (2) Shashi told that he planned to leave for Australia next week. (3). (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in underlined to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the key word.freshersworld.freshersworld.freshersworld. DIRECTIONS: Which of the phrases (1).com/placement General Knowledge Questions HR Interview Questions papers/company/DMRC/282) (http://placement.freshersworld.. 119.freshersworld. 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