DMR 19 for 19 Sept 2017

May 28, 2018 | Author: IbrahimSakr | Category: Resource Extraction, Fuels, Fossil Fuels, Glassforming Liquids And Melts, Volume



PETROBELTotal Volumes OBM (Bbls) I.E.O.C. Base 2,170 Baroid Yard 3,030 Baroid Yard 3,030 MI Yard 2,070 TOTAL VOL (BBLS) 7,270 Company Material/Quantit y Barite Bentonite/PB Cement with Floura/ Pet G. Marble-MI /baracarb-Hall/Pet G.Cement Base Oil ESCAD-1 Kcl "Triple Dose" DIF . NaBr/NaCl Cacl2 NaCl ZnCaBr2 CaBr2 . Drilling Drilling Fluids fluids Coordinator Coordinator: : Sameh Ibrahim E . PTB. CaBr2/Cacl2 PTB. 30 Kg/L) 600-------(D=1.94 Kg/L) 730------.(D=1.26Kg/L) (O/W = 65/35 .27 Kg/L) 210-------(D=1.33 kg/L) 650--------(D= 1.HPOBM(D=1.38 Kg/L) T#1 750-------(D=1.(fresh OBM )(D=0. OBM S.23 Kg/L) 300-------(D=1.49 kg/L) 470-.08 Kg/L) 560-------(D= 1. ES=300mv)F/ EDC-59 .G KG/L 310 ------LCM (D=1.43 Kg/L) 630 ----. 94 Kg/L) 730------.630 ----. ES=300mv)F/ EDC-59 1910----LTOBM ( D=1.28 kg/L) .26Kg/L) (O/W = 65/35 .08 Kg/L) 560-------(D= 1.49 kg/L) 470-.HPOBM(D=1.60 Kg/L) 160 bbl LCM (D= 1.(D=1.(fresh OBM )(D=0.33 kg/L) 650--------(D= 1. Gr. (Ton/bbl/IB Sp. Halliburton MI Swaco PS Volume Volume (Ton/bbl/IB Sp. Gr.50 0 . C) C) 175 4. 0 41 2.40 100 710 6 256 370 1.40 0 . 38 0 1. 1.50 500 1.20 3.73 0 1.20 1.40 0 900 1.38 1.690 1.50 . 00 tor : Sameh Estafanos . 0 0.00 0 0. tion 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Contamina Brine CaCl2 Brine wt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . MI Swaco AQ Petrobel Stock Total Volume Volume (Ton/bbl/IB C) 0 175 0 . 41 0 100 710 262 530 900 6780 6780 0 0 . 5150 5150 0 0 4590 9.00 1090 1099 0 0 0 500 . 500 500 . ) 710 NIL . & Workover Dept Drilling Fluid Div.Drill. Daily Report 2 Diesel (BBL. NIL NIL 710 ` . Remarks . . 2017 + 130 PTB stock sinc at MI LMP.the whole quantity is at Baroid Yard ( 400 bbls PTB stock sin 14 Sep. 2017 from caroline.S & the rest at Alex.( 1880 bbls at Baroid LMP) + (2270 bbls at MI LMP) + (1000 b Stock : Pumped the brine on 24 May 2017 to Lundstrom to b s10k refused to use it and was backloaded on 28 May 2017)) 1750 bbl backloaded on 12.08. 900 bbls "Baroid Owned" are at Baroid LMP 200 IBC ZnBr2 (1094 bbls) at b 273 IBC CaBr2 (1690 bbls) at Baroid LMP + 1120 bbls in Tank bbls) at MI yard (18 at P. backloaded on 15 Sep.) . 2017 via Lundstrom Tide. 500bbl of cacl2 at MI LMP wt . 09.C. Base At PortSaid Date & Time 20.E.2017 DAILY ACTIVITY .O.I. . PLANNED ACTIVITY Remarks . 2017 + 130 PTB stock since 14 Sep. 2017) at MI LMP. .s at Baroid Yard ( 400 bbls PTB stock since 17 Aug 2017 + 370 Baroi 14 Sep. LMP) + (2270 bbls at MI LMP) + (1000 bbls at IEOC Jetty) brine on 24 May 2017 to Lundstrom to be used in the completion p t and was backloaded on 28 May 2017)).) . ned" are at Baroid LMP 200 IBC ZnBr2 (1094 bbls) at baroid yard bbls) at Baroid LMP + 1120 bbls in Tanks at Baroid LMP. 2017 via Lundstrom Tide. on 12.S & the rest at Alex. & 140 IBC at P. 2 p.2017 from caroline.08. 36 kg/l) Crew-Change .500bbl of cacl2 at MI LMP wt (1. ort No. . . Remarks **Cur rently we have 2 full cuttin g boxe s at . help Gener al in the Petrol shippi eum ng Corpor proce ation .empt 2 to full the y or cuttin new fill letter g of them boxe diesel up s fromat with the the NaCl IEOC Egypti to an jetty. (i. needs . ss if the anym new design ore ated NaCl- volum Brine e can is only reque cover sted the vessels by 'the & S10K's rig.e: In case No we more neede d to room prepar to e more receiv OBM . Till now Many of the contra ct items are not applica ble. . Needs .
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