Dll for Mapeh Hs

May 11, 2018 | Author: Jv Alcaraz | Category: Physical Education, Educational Assessment, Holism, Adolescence, Learning



DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S.Y. 2017 - 2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher RICHARD D. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH Date / Time JULY 3 - 7, 2017 / 7:15 - 8:15 Quarter: FIRST 3-Jul-17 4-Jul-17 5-Jul-17 6-Jul-17 7-Jul-17 MON - Health TUES - Music WED - Arts THUR - P.E Explains the distinguishing The learner shoul be able to Discusses the concept of Holistic characteristic of representative Sets goal based on assessment I. OBJECTIVES compare and contrast works of arts Health Philippines folk music from highland result using the elements of arts and lowlands Luzon. Demonstrates understanding of the The salient features of the Luzon Demonstrates understanding of musical characteristic of highland and Lowlands) by showing design an individualized exercise A. Content Standard holistic health and its management representative music from the the relationship of the elemement of program to achieve personal fitness of health concerns. Lowland Luzon arts. Demonstrate understanding of Appropriately manages concerns Performs music of the lowlands with Exhibit completed artworks for guidelines and principles in exercise B. Performance Standard and challenges during adolescence appropriate pitch, rhythm, appreciation and critquing. program design to achieve personal to achieve holistic health. expression and style. fitness C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Write the LC code for each H7GD - Ia - 12 MU7LU - Ia - 2 A7EL-Ib-1 PE7PF-Ia-24 HEALTH RELATED FITNESS II. CONTENT HOLISTIC HEALTH VOCAL MUSIC ELEMENTS OF ARTS COMPONENTS Page 1 of 26 MON - Health TUES - Music WED - Arts THUR - P.E III. LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. Teacher's Guide pages 7 24 52 2. Learner's Material pages 3. Textbook pages 71 - 72 3 33 - 35 58 - 59 B. Other Learning Resources III. PROCEDURE with some improvised costume I did I use them to create my A. EXPLORE and /or props but are appropriate to Why important to be Physically Fit artwork. the music Attaining holistic health should be everybody's goal. At this point of the learner will identify and focused and clear tone in the normal B. FIRM UP your life you have many health recognaize the different types and Make a dance exercises movements range to the songs of folk songs concerns that need to be properties of each elements of arts. addressed. C. DEEPEN quiz games group singing Activity 1 - Coloring Dance Exercises movements NOTED BY : D. TRANSFER Focused tone incosistent in the range of music JESSIE M. MANALO Principal Page 2 of 26 . achieve personal fitness Appropriately manages concerns Performs music of the lowlands design an individualized Exhibit completed artworks for B.Ia .Ib .Arts THUR .3 A7PL-Ih-2 PE7PF-Ib-25 . appreciation and critquing. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH Date / Time JULY 10 . DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S.E Sings accurately representatve Analyzes the interplay among the folk songs from the Highland and Analyze art element and principles Identifies training guidelines and I. Content Standard holistic health and its representative music from the showing the relationship of the exercise program design to management of health concerns.Music WED . Learning Competencies / Objectives Write the LC code for each H7GD .Health TUES .13 MU7LU . Performance Standard and challenges during adolescence with appropriate pitch. exercise program to achieve to achieve holistic health. expression and style. rhythm. OBJECTIVES health Lowlands of Luzonto the lives of in the production of arts and crafts FITT principles the people.P. Lowland Luzon elemement of arts.Y. Demonstrates understanding of The salient features of the Luzon Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristic of highland and Lowlands) by guidelines and principles in A. 2017 .8:15 Quarter: FIRST 10-Jul-17 11-Jul-17 12-Jul-17 13-Jul-17 14-Jul-17 MON . 2017 / 7:15 .2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher RICHARD D. personal fitness C.13. LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. What is what the works are all about. COMPONENT OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF FOLK PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL II. PROCEDURE A. Learner's Material pages 3. FIRM UP Discussion about this topic the following question.. Liturgy and Devotional Music? Creatives Arts Corner C.40 58 .59 B. Teacher's Guide pages 72 30 52 2.10 38 . MANALO Principal . TRANSFER choose their own props and costumes NOTED BY : JESSIE M. EXPLORE Listen In! Remembering What You Learned? Answer show different artworks and identify B. Other Learning Resources III. CONTENT PRINCIPLES OF ARTS HEALTH SONGS FITNESS III. DEEPEN Final group singing Activity 1 : Interpreting DRAWING Unity Works students can D. Textbook pages 77 4 -. Ib .Y. CONTENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ARTS AND CRAFTS LUZON FITT TRAINING GUIDELINES PROCEDURES . Lowland Luzon arts.Ia .15 PE7PF .Arts THUR .P. a variety of sources that is similar to arts of Luzon( higland nad program to achieve personal fitness the instruments being studied lowlands) C.2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher RICHARD D.Ic .Ic . fitness Analyzes musical elements and Create artwork showing the Appropriately manages concerns processes of Philippines music characteristic elements of the design an individualized exercise B.8:15 Quarter: FIRST 17-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 19-Jul-17 20-Jul-17 21-Jul-17 MON . 2017 / 7:15 .1 A7PR Write the LC code for each H7GD .27 MU7LU .4 A7PR .Health TUES . Content Standard holistic health and its management representative music from the the relationship of the elemement of program design to achieve personal of health concerns.Ib .5 .e . Lowlands of Luzon. Learning Competencies / Objectives MU7LU . PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH Date / Time JULY 17 . or message emanating FITT principles with others from selected artwork Demonstrates understanding of the The salient features of the Luzon Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrates understanding of musical characteristic of highland and Lowlands) by showing guidelines and principles in exercise A.21.f .f .Music WED . OBJECTIVES procedures. 2017 .If .E performs on available instrument Reflect on and derive the mood. alone and /or idea. DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S. Explain the proper health appraisal music from the Highlands and Identifies training guidelines and I.2 HEALTH APPRAISAL II. Performance Standard and challenges during adolescence Explore ways producing sounds on to achieve holistic health. 64 B. EXPLORE is the art piece that attracted you What are the different types of most? What do you think is the indegeneous musical instrument message of the artist of the artwork and their functions? B. TRANSFER NOTED BY : JESSIE M. DEEPEN guidelines based on the Pyramid appraisal of activity using the FITT principles D. CONTENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ARTS AND CRAFTS LUZON FITT TRAINING GUIDELINES PROCEDURES III.Fill in the chart with your weekly training explain the benefits of health C. HEALTH APPRAISAL II. Learner's Material pages 3. Teacher's Guide pages 77 30 52 2.45 62 .79 4 -. Textbook pages 78 . Other Learning Resources III. LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1.10 42 . FIRM UP Discussion about this topic ACTIVITY 1 . MANALO Principal . PROCEDURE Explore your Understanding Analyze artwork and answer the Identify the following Instruments folllowing question? What What are musical Instrument? A. . 2017 . program to achieve personal arts of Luzon( higland nad expression and style fitness lowlands) . Prepares an exercise program Describes developmental Performs instrument / improvised I. representative music from the showing the relationship of the exercise program design to the growth and development of Lowland Luzon elemement of arts.28. Content Standard management of health concerns.2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher RICHARD D.Music WED . rhythm . 2017 / 7:15 . achieve personal fitness adolescents Create artwork showing the Performs music of the lowlands design an individualized exercise characteristic elements of the B. OBJECTIVES idea.E Reflect on and derive the mood.P. DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S.Health TUES . Performance Standard with appropriate pitch.8:15 Quarter: FIRST 24-Jul-17 25-Jul-17 26-Jul-17 27-Jul-17 28-Jul-17 MON . PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH Date / Time JULY 24 . or message emanating Describes the nature milestoe as one grows instruments from Luzon lowlands from selected artwork and background of the sport Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of The salient features of the Luzon Demonstrate understanding of holistic health and its the musical characteristic of highland and Lowlands) by guidelines and principles in A.Y.Arts THUR . 2 PE7GS .W . CONTENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ARTS AND CRAFTS LUZON FITNESS ASSESSMENT DEVELOPMENT III.Ib . LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1.82 17-20 42 .1 A7PR PE7PF .f .C.4 A7PR . PROCEDURE Fill in the table A. Other Learning Resources III. FIRM UP Discussion about this topic Fitness Assessments Tests Check your Health and Life Skill. C.5 . DEEPEN Write OK if your practice the health and life skill and NO if you don't D.45 68 . TRANSFER NOTED BY : .Ic . Teacher's Guide pages 74 9 30 52 2.If .69 B.Id .Id .Ib .Ic .e .f .L Chart Transfer your understanding B.5 STAGE OF GROWTH AND II. Learner's Material pages 3.27 Write the LC code for each H7GD .e -16 MU7LU . Textbook pages 81 . Learning Competencies / Objectives MU7LU . EXPLORE K . MANALO Principal .NOTED BY : JESSIE M. Mindoro.2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D. and crafts inspired by the arts of and physical fitness assessments Palawan and of the Visayas after Palawan and of the Visayas after MIMAROPA and the Visayas listening. Mindoro.E identifies the musical identifies the musical Analyze elements and principles characteristics of representative characteristics of representative of art in the production one's art Undertakes the physical activity I.Music TUES . Performance Standard showing the characteristic instrumental music of Cordillera instrumental music of Cordillera dynamic stretching exercise elements of the arts of Visayas. selections of Cordillera. OBJECTIVES selections of Cordillera.Music WED . 2017 .one grows Demonstrates understanding of The learner know art elements demonnstrates understanding of the musical characteristic of Performs selected vocal and and processes by synthesizing A.18.Arts THUR .8:15 Quarter: SECOND 14-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 16-Aug-17 17-Aug-17 18-Aug-17 MON .P.one grows listening. . 2017 / 7:15 . DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S. Content Standard guidelines and principles in representative music from instrumental music of Cordillera and applying prior knowledge exercise program Highlands of Luzon Mindoro and skill The learner create artworks performs selected vocal and performs selected vocal and Performing warm-up and B.Y. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON LOG Date / Time AUGUST 14 . CONTENT MUSIC OF CORDILLERA CRAFTS OF MINDORO ARNIS MUSIC III. PROCEDURE identify of skill developments the We need to know who they are A. FIRM UP Discussion about this topic Discussion about this topic stretching exercise with the Arnis.Ia . 17 34 Other Learning B..f -2 A7EL-Iib-1 PE7GS-Id-h-4 Write the LC code for each MUSIC OF CORDILLERA . Teacher's Guide pages 1 2 27 Learner's Material 2. MANALO .1 MU7LV .IIa . Textbook pages 2 3 16. Resources III.VOCAL II. TRANSFER performnace practice executed with the Arnis NOTED BY : JESSIE M. DEEPEN Video Visual Presenation the material in the next meeting… D. Assignment: Bring C. EXPLORE routine warm-up and dynamic and what their culture. Learning Competencies / C. Objectives MU7LV .. stretching exercise Performing warm-up and dynamic B. LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. pages 3. Principal . 8:15 Quarter: SECOND LOG 21-Aug-17 22-Aug-17 23-Aug-17 24-Aug-17 25-Aug-17 MON .P.2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D. NO CLASSES course with few observable Palawan and of the Visayas after errors in technique. Content Standard representative music from fundamental skills of Arnis Highlands of Luzon Cordillera Identiyfy the selected Performing warm-up and B.f -3 PE7PF-Iia-h-23 Write the LC code for MUSIC OF CORDILLERA - II.Music TUES . Mindoro.Music WED .one grows Demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristic of Execute with confidence the A. 2017 / 7:15 . LEARNING RESOURCES . Objectives MU7LV . OBJECTIVES NO CLASSES selections of Cordillera. Performance Standard instrumental music of Cordillera dynamic stretching exercise Competencies / C. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON Date / Time AUGUST 21.IIb . listening. CONTENT ARNIS Instrumental Music III. DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S.Y.E identifies the musical characteristics of representative Practice the skills learned in this I. 2017 .Arts THUR .25. 36 Other Learning B. MANALO Principal . C. FIRM UP Reading / discussion stretching exercise with the Arnis. DEEPEN QUIZ: Give the six Life Cycle Music D. Textbook pages 4 35. Resources III. Teacher's Guide pages 1 27 Learner's Material 2. EXPLORE Video Visual Doumentary Video Visual Demonstrations Performing warm-up and dynamic B.. pages 3.A References 1. TRANSFER Playing with the Arnis NOTED BY : JESSIE M. PROCEDURE A. 2017 / 7:15 .Music TUES .4 A7EL-Iia . Content Standard representative music from and applying prior knowledge fundamental skills of Arnis Highlands of Luzon Mindoro and skill Understand the rules. 2017 .2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D.2 PE7PF-IIa-24 Write the LC code for MUSIC OF MINDORO II. OBJECTIVES NO CLASSES similar to instruments being and crafts inspired by the arts of course with few observable NO CLASSES errors in technique. Objectives MU7LV . CONTENT CRAFTS OF MINDORO ARNIS: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Mangyan of Mindoro III.8:15 Quarter: SECOND LOG 28-Aug-17 29-Aug-17 30-Aug-17 8/312017 1-Sep-17 MON . The learner create artworks performs selected vocal and conventions and terminologies in B.September 1. LEARNING RESOURCES .IIa . DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON Date / Time August 29 .g . studied MIMAROPA and the Visayas Demonstrates understanding of The learner know art elements the musical characteristic of and processes by synthesizing Execute with confidence the A.Arts THUR .Y.P. Performance Standard showing the characteristic instrumental music of Mindoro Arnis by using them during the elements of the arts of Visayas.E Explore ways of producing Analyze elements and principles Practice the skills learned in this sounds on a variety of sources of art in the production one's art I. execution of skills Competencies / C.Music WED . FIRM UP DISCUSSION minutes C. Textbook pages 6. MANALO Principal . 38 Other Learning B. TRANSFER play and perform using by ARNIS created a basket (outdoor activity) NOTED BY : JESSIE M. PROCEDURE Discovery of how the Mangyan express their feelings toward each analyze the design of basket Proper hold of the stick and A. pages 3. Teacher's Guide pages 1 12 30 Learner's Material 2. their (alternative artwork) Basic Stance and Salutation history and their supernatural voice Demonstration: Application in 20 B.A References 1. DEEPEN RECITATION D. EXPLORE other and the enviroment.7 18 37. Resources III. 8:15 Quarter: SECOND LOG 4-Sep-17 5-Sep-17 6-Sep-17 7-Sep-17 8-Sep-17 MON . PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON Date / Time September 4 .E Improvised simple Practice the skills learned in this Identifies the right foods during Explain the right and proper rhythmic/melodic I.P.Health TUES . Objectives H7N-IIa-20 H7N-IIb-c-21 MU7LV . LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1.Y. nutrition for teenagers accompaniments to selected errors in technique.5 PE7PF-IIb-25 Write the LC code for Guidelines for Healthy and ARNIS: Cool Down Static II. 2017 .Music THUR . music from Mindoro Demonstrates understanding of demonstrates of nutrition for a demonstrates of nutrition for a the musical characteristic of Execute with confidence the A. Content Standard healthy life during adolenscence healthy life during adolenscence representative music from fundamental skills of Arnis Highlands of Luzon Mindoro Understand the rules. OBJECTIVES course with few observable adolescence.Health WED . Teacher's Guide pages 54 55 4 32 . DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S. makes informed decisions in the makes informed decisions in the performs selected vocal and conventions and terminologies in B. CONTENT Nutrition During Adolescence Musical Instruments by Mangyan Balanced Nutrition Strectching Exercises III.IIb .8.g .2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D. Performance Standard choice of food to eat during choice of food to eat during adolescence adolescence instrumental music of Mindoro Arnis by using them during the execution of skills Competencies / C. 2017 / 7:15 . Textbook pages 60. 9 38. Learner's Material 2.E class Quiz Games: Give the name of C. 63 8. 39 Other Learning B. EXPLORE Selection Based on Adolescence Video Visual Documentary the arnis stick and assume the amount of foods? Nutrition Needs proper stance. pages 3. 61 62. FIRM UP DISCUSSION which living organism assimilates food .can practice the skill himself O - and uses it for growth and for can practice the skill other help W - replacement of tissues will just wait for the next P. let the nourished especially the process by learning assess own performance I B. MANALO Principal . PROCEDURE Video Visual Presentation: Food Continuation: Learned properly hold Explanation: 1. TRANSFER Bring the Improvised instrument in the next meeting… NOTED BY : JESSIE M. DEEPEN instruments from mangyan Assignment: D. Are you eating right A. The process of nourishing or being Using the rating scale. Resources III. Y.15.8:15 Quarter: SECOND LOG 11-Sep-17 12-Sep-17 13-Sep-17 14-Sep-17 15-Sep-17 MON . LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON Date / Time September 11 . Performance Standard choice of food to eat during adolescence Arnis by using them during the execution of skills Competencies / C.Music THUR . CONTENT Nutrition Guidelines Strectching Exercises III.P. Content Standard healthy life during adolenscence fundamental skills of Arnis Understand the rules.E Practice the skills learned in this Identifies the guideline of I. Objectives H7N-IIa-21 PE7PF-IIb-25 Write the LC code for ARNIS: Cool Down Static II. OBJECTIVES nutrition for teenager NO CLASSES NO CLASSES course with few observable errors in technique. demonstrates of nutrition for a Execute with confidence the A.Health TUES . makes informed decisions in the conventions and terminologies in B. 2017 . pages .Health WED . 2017 / 7:15 . Teacher's Guide pages 55 32 Learner's Material 2.2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D. EXPLORE to ensure you are following a healthy eating plan Exercises Activity 1: List down the foods that B. TRANSFER NOTED BY : JESSIE M. 3. FIRM UP you have eaten? Fill in the table you have eaten everyday Activity 2: Check your Nutrition Life C. DEEPEN Skill D. Textbook pages 64. MANALO Principal . 65 38. Resources III. 39 Other Learning B. PROCEDURE The following are recommendation PRACTICE of ARNIS DANCE A. Y. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON Date / Time September 18 . Performance Standard choice of food to eat during instrumental music of Mindoro adolescence Arnis by using them during the execution of skills Learning Competencies / C. OBJECTIVES course with few observable from mindoro in appropriate style nutrition for teenager and crafts inspired by the arts of errors in technique. 2017 .6 H7GD-Ii-j-22 PE7PF-IIb-25 Write the LC code for each .8:15 Quarter: SECOND LOG 18-Sep-17 19-Sep-17 20-Sep-17 21-Sep-17 22-Sep-17 MON . MIMAROPA and the Visayas Demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristic of demonstrates understanding of Execute with confidence the A. makes informed decisions in the Performs selected vocal and conventions and terminologies in B.g . 2017 / 7:15 .E Analyze elements and principles Practice the skills learned in this Perform improvised instruments Explain the right and proper of art in the production one's art I.P. Content Standard representative music from nutrition for healthy diet fundamental skills of Arnis Highlands of Luzon Mindoro Understand the rules. Objectives MU7LV .IIb .Arts THUR .2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D.Music TUES .22.Health WED . DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S. Resources III. Teacher's Guide pages 32 Learner's Material 2. TRANSFER Performs Improvised instrument Drawing by techniques and unique NOTED BY : JESSIE M. ARNIS: Cool Down Static II. LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. MANALO Principal . CONTENT Strectching Exercises III. FIRM UP Groupings activity C. 39 Other Learning B. EXPLORE Transfer your Understanding: vocal music from mindoro Exercises B. Textbook pages 38. PROCEDURE apply the improvised instrument of PRACTICE of ARNIS DANCE A. pages 3. DEEPEN Draw a food on the paper plates D. Arts WED . 2017 .2018 School MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CALAMBA CHAPTER Grade / Level: 7 HOPE DAILY Teacher RICHARD D. OBJECTIVES REVIEW REVIEW EXAMINATION DAY EXAMINATION DAY EXAMINATION DAY FIRST PERIODICAL FIRST PERIODICAL FIRST PERIODICAL A. DAILY LESSON LOG PLAN (DLLP) S.11.Music TUES .E FIRST PERIODICAL FIRST PERIODICAL FIRST PERIODICAL I. Content Standard EXAMINATION DAY EXAMINATION DAY EXAMINATION DAY FIRST PERIODICAL FIRST PERIODICAL FIRST PERIODICAL B. Objectives Write the LC code for each II. PANGHULAN Subject: MAPEH LESSON Date / Time August 7 .Health THUR . Performance Standard EXAMINATION DAY EXAMINATION DAY EXAMINATION DAY Learning Competencies / C.8:15 Quarter: FIRST LOG 7-Aug-17 8-Aug-17 9-Aug-17 10-Aug-17 12-Aug-17 MON . CONTENT .Y.P. 2017 / 7:15 . II. TRANSFER NOTED BY : JESSIE M. Teacher's Guide pages Learner's Material 2. pages 3. EXPLORE B. Resources III. DEEPEN D. Textbook pages Other Learning B. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. MANALO Principal . PROCEDURE A. FIRM UP C.
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