Divisional Chart I

March 31, 2018 | Author: Horacio Tackanoo | Category: Astrological Sign, Planets In Astrology, Astrology, Esoteric Cosmology, Divination



Divisional Chart I: Trimsamsa INTRODUCTION Trimsamsa chart is used to delineate various kinds of evils one is likely to face.The key signification of the divisional charts can be known by finding out the root of the divisional chart, by expunging the multiple of 12. Trimsamsa means 30th division and by expunging the multiple of 12, we arrive at 6 (30-12*2 ), which is the house of diseases, servants/ service, enemies and ltigation (troubles we face in this world due to external circumstances). Different harmonics of divisional charts are concerned with different level of consciousness within which the effect it shown. Physical- Primary (D-1 to D-12) Conscious- Secondary/ First harmonic (D-13 to D-24) Sub-Conscious- Tertiary/ Second harmonic (D-25 to D-36) Super- Conscious- Quaternary/ Third harmonic (D-37 to D-48) Supra- Conscious- Pentenary/ Fourth harmonic (D-49 to D-60) Beyond Material Consciousness- Beyond fourth harmonic (>D-60) Trimsamsa or D-30 falls under the boundaries of second harmonic or domain of the sub-conscious and hence shows the effect of the enemies which are embeded in our sub-conscious mind and troubles our existance from within. Since it deals with subconsiciousness and the house of enemies, we must understand that our biggest enemies are our 6 source of weaknesses, which repeatedly bring us to this material existence like invisible shakles binding us strongly and preventing us from soaring high, being free! Thus it is important to realise these enemies within and overcome them and then only we can be free. This makes this division very crucial to be examined as we are all in the path of spiritual evolution and breaking the shakles of material weaknesses can enable us to cross the boundaries of human beings. Though in male nativity it is very significant, in a female nativity, it is more as they are bearer of the moral thread in this material existence and hence this divisional chart is extensively used for finding out her moral character. Though there are various trimsamsas, the current topic of discussion is "the Parashari Trimsasa" This chart is used to know about diseases which is borne out of our inherent weaknesses or the shad-ripus. The shadripus are broadly signified by Saturn, the Karaka of sixth house for diseases. The six sources of weakness can be attributed to affliction to one of the pancha tattvas (five primordial elements ) and thus shall show the kind of diseases one would suffer with. Because our exisitance is due to the intermingling of the five tattvas which govern various part of our being and this divisional chart is based on the principles of tattvas, it shows kind of character one has and also the time of manifestation of such character. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The lumineries are left out as they are the sources of light and remover of all weaknesses. Along with the Lumineries, Jupiter is also left out as it represents the divinity in a horoscope and hence cannot be the source of any weaknesses. Its the blessings of Jupiter, the ruler of Akasha Tattva (Ethery Element), that we can be free from the weaknesses, as it represents the wish of the divine consiousness. These three planets also have one thing in common, they are of Sattva guna, which is the purest form of divine Venus. The sequence of rulership of Trimsamsa is given below: 1. The deities.Vayu are the set of antagonistic tattvas and they have difficulty in co-existence. Whenever there is any association of these pairs of antagonistic tattvas.Jala and Prthvi . Vayu. However.25 to 30 deg.Libra For example. if a planet is placed in 3deg 10min in Leo. Mars. Venus.Scorpio INTERPRETATION 1. troubles manifest in different forms.Greed ( Lobha) 6. Kuber and Varuna respectively. Saturn. Mars. 8. For example: .h same 27 vahniH samIrashakrau cha dhanado jaladastathA vishhameshhu kramAjGYeyAH samarAshau viparyayAt. So the trimsamsa of this planet would be Mars's (4th deg) ODD sign (because the planet is placed in ODD rasi in D-1 chart). ruling over the Trimsamsas are Agni. Saturn. Rahu. Venus. the sequence is reversed. Mercury. 7 and 5 degrees. Indra.Anger ( Krodha ) 2.Sagittarius 4.0 to 5 deg .Jealousy (Matsarya) 3. Troubles due to enemity among tattvas: We must know that the Agni .10 to 18 deg. Grah lordship and deities get reversed. Ketu.Capricorn 5. chapter 6 gives the method of calculation of the Trimsamsa in the following slokas: triMshAMsheshAshcha vishhame kujarkIjyaGYabhArgavAH paMchapaMchAshhTasaptAxabhAgAnAM vyatyayAt. 5.Aries 2. We note the sign which is an ODD sign and the degree which happens to be 4th degree. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: 1.25 to 30 deg.Taurua 2. Jupiter.Aquarius 3.5 to 10 deg.matifestation and cannot be attributed to any weaknesses..Lust (Kama) 4.18 to 25 deg.h 28 Meaning: The Trimsamsa Lords for an odd Rasi are Mars. Each of them in order rules 5. in the signs ruled by the planets in the following order 1. Mercury. Thus for ODD signs. Jupiter. In the case of Even Rasi the quantum of Trimsamsas.10 to 18 deg. Jupiter.Gemini 5. Saturn. Mars. which is Aries Trimsamsa. i.18 to 25 deg. the trimsamsa can be found by placing the planets in ODD signs. Mercury.Intoxication (Mada) 5. Saturn.5 to 10 deg.Virgo 3. for Even Trimsamsa. the 1st Trimsamsa of an even sign would fall in Venusian sign and the last one would fall in Martian sign.Sagittarius 4.e.Illusion ( Moha ) METHOD OF CALCULATION Parashara in BPHS. Mercury and Venus.0 to 5 deg . 4. other planets show the "process" of creation and destructionAgni.Houses and Signs (2.Ven AD or vice versa.Venus Vayu. Lets study the interelationships which is as follows: 3.11).Surya Prthvi. Vayu Trikona..3. Moon and the nodes represent the cycle of birth and death (i.7. which form the stratum where the play of the different tattvas take place.versa . The Four Trikonas (Trines) The 12 signs in the zodiac are divided into four sets of three each.e.Ether. he five tattvas are governed by five planets from Mars to Saturn.1.2.Devi Vayu.Earth.Mercury Jala. If Rasi chart is in Agni Tatwa and Trimsamsa shows Jala Tatwa (opposite of Agni Tatwa) or vice. Prthvi Trikona. Tattvas and Deities Each tattva has a guiding deity. Agni Trikona.Houses and Signs (48. Such as Sat Dasa. 1.Ganesha Jala.Fire.1.Artha Ayana 3. They are as follows: Agni.3.1.Water. the "purpose") whereas. 1. Special Houses in Trimsamsa: 4th house: House of Cure 12th house: Hospitals or the place of cure .5. Dasa / AD lord which are mutually hostile by owning opposite Tatwas create many serious problems.9).Saturn Akash. More than that Sun. Dharma.Mars AD or vice versa are also troublesome. 2.Moksha Ayana Akasha Tattva (Ethery Element) binds all the tattvas together and represents the guiding force or supreme consiousness.Air. Kama and Moksha.12). These four sets have strong correlation with four tattvas (which repeat with each set) and the four goals of human existence namely. The lumineries and the nodes are left out as they do not have any rulership in the parashari trimsamsa.Jupiter 3.Dharma Ayana 3.Kama Ayana 3.Houses and Signs (1.Mars Prthvi. Jala Trikona. Similarly Merc Dasa. there is sure to be plenty of problems.Shiva Akasha.Narayana 3.6.2. When Trimsamsa shows contradictory influences on any pair. bad results are likely to follow. whom one must worship to get over the weaknesses related to that particular tattva.Houses and Signs (3. Planets and Tattvas As per the Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra.10). Artha.4. affliction to these houses by natural malefics or Kayesha (6th lord of Rasi Chart). The house arrived at by counting the Trimsamsa Lagna from the Janma is a very crucial house and shows the the area of life the person shall be troubled due to the weaknesses.diabetes. If any of Shadripu coming from any planet is in Lagna. such as liver. i. Whereby the strength of the lords of these three houses give the clue to the longevity of the house under consideration. this is a weakness that has developed in this birth due to inherent weakness of Trimsamsa Lagna itself ( which means intelligence. Nija disease can affect either the body (8H) or mind (8H & 5H). The significance of each of these houses are given below: Lagna: Planets in Lagna will show weaknesses acquired during current birth directly related to bodily weaknesses. Lagna. lungsasthma. 10. Agantuka can be of two types -. which binds us to the karma in past birth.. TIMING THE WEAKNESSES Naisargika Dasa ( natural period ) is a wonderful tool in finding out negative . shows troubles in the area governed by them. Each of these has two sub. the chart of strengths (governed by the Maharishis). In addition to planets in Lagna. Prasna Marga says that diseases can be of two types. This is the best remedy of any weaknesses. LL of this chart will indicate the Tatwa that has become strong or weak .5. arising out of inherent weaknesses (congenital weakness of some body part. In trimasamsa we deal with the weakness of body. heart. learning etc. 8th House: Planets afflicting eighth house shows weaknesses inherited from past incarnation as this is the house of debt. 6. mind and the soul (weakness inherited from past births) 8. 7. If one is conscious of forces at work in Trimsamsa.categories.Drishta (known causes. 10th House: Planets (Malefics) afflicting the 10th house denoting Shadripu shows mental weaknesses where weaknesses develop due to various pressures which the mind fails to counter.e. Nija. bacterias and viruses (also known as Pathogenic diseases). Badhak and Badhakesh). Eighth and Tenth. Lagna Trimsamsa shows his weaknesses.).e not Vishnu or against Vishnu ). The sources of weaknesses (and related troubles) can be seen from the three houses which control the longevity. In this it is opposite of what is shown by a Drekkana chart. one would not have any weakness at all. 9.blood pressure) and Agantuk. the 8th house is the house of debt and hence the trimsamsa chart shows Shadripu that aperson acquires in his life and the 8th house represent the congenital weaknesses one is born with as debt of past life karma. which comes from external sources such as the pathogens like.6H ) and Adrishta (unknown causes . So be aware of thy weaknesses. It shows what has been defined as Avishnu (i. Lagna Lord of Trimsamsa chart shows the exact nature of disease. While 6th house is the house of enemies. Lagna of any chart shows the native himself. Akasha. the five tattvas can be propitiated by using the materials signified by them as per the followin table: Agni. In particular curses on these planets should be checked in Trimsamsa. We discuss the method of Parashara.Flower/ Mantra Best remedy (Pt.Naivaidya. Mars: 2 to 5 Mercury: 5 to 12 Venus: 13 to 32 Jupiter: 33 to 50 Saturn: beyond 50 Any afflictions to these planets will show negative experiences in the corresponding age group.g.experiences one is likely to go through in this life. and how to draw a Trimsamsa Chart? Trimsamsa means the one-thirtieth portion of a sign measuring one degree. The dieties to be worshipped for getting over of negetivities of planets placed in different Trimsamsas are as follows: Mars's Trimsamsa. In Panchopachara Puja.Incense stick Jala.Puja or Daan.. A remedy can be suggested based on Trimsamsa Lagna. Sanjay Rath) -----------------------------------------------Best remedy for any planet is to worship the Deity concerned with the planet's trimsamsa. REMEDIES 1. because all Trimsamsas are covered by this worship.Surya Mercury's Trimsamsa. E.Meditation. What is the Trimsamsa.Gandha. the remedies can be suggested as per the list given below: Saturn.Pushpa/ Mantra. Mercury.Ganesha Venus's Trimsamsa. Based on the following planets lording the lagna.Lighting a lamp Prthvi.Perfume Vayu.Mantra Japa. the Sun and Moon are not the Lords of any trimsamsa and the Nodes (Rahu & Ketu) also do not owm any .Narayana Trimsamsa D-30 Chart There are two methods to draw a Trimsamsa (D30) Chart.Agni. If Sun is in Saturn's (Vayu) Trimsamsa then worship Shiva for relief from negative Sun. Mars.Jala.Vayu. Jupiter.Dhoopa.Deepa . Venus.Devi Saturn's Trimsamsa.Prthvi. Unlike other divisions.Light a lamp.Shiva Jupiter's Trimsamsa.Pranayama.Food Akasha. In this context Mantra Mahodadhi opines that one who worships Panchadevata everyday (as per table above) shall have a smooth life and shall always be protected irrespective of evils. the trimsamsa of all the planets and Lagna is determined and the resultant chart is called the Trimsamsa or D-30 Chart. 10th & 15th Saturday Ether/ Vacuum Jaya Tithi: 3rd. Hence. The 12th rules hospitals and is the 5th (Mantra) from the 8th (Diseases). happiness and laughter (ruled by the 4th house) are the best natural medicine to get out of the cycle of disease and debt. Jupiter. Treat this like any other chart. from Table 2. It is the future (5th) of the 8th house. Venus and Saturn own the trimsamsa. but the darker side which includes all the negative things we have done for ages and many births. .the shadowy world of our self. The 9th house (Dharma) from the 8th house is the 4th house. the Sun and Moon do not own any trimsamsa as they have light. 6th & 11th Monday & Friday Tuesday. They represent the five elemental states of existence (see table 1). makes the effect of the mantra nil due to mistakes or “NOT WORSHIPPING GANESHJI” before starting a mantra can render it useless unless Guru is very strong. This is the trimsamsa. Sunday Wind/ Gaseous State Poorna Tithi: 5th. 2. The trimsamsa chart of the standard nativity is given below. Venus (fulfilment of desires) gives happiness & Mercury gives laughter. In this manner the planets should be studied. How to study the Trimsamsa Chart? Method-1 1. 9th & 14th Nanda Tithi: 1st. For example. Hence the 12th house shows the way to get out of diseases and other such bad karma. 3. A clean heart is the key to happiness & laughter. Thus the remaining five of Mars. In this manner the houses should be studied. A Saturn placed in such a place is not good as it delays the recovery from diseases. 7th & 12th Wednesday Rikta Tithi: 4th. we see that it is in Scorpio (even sign ruled by Mars). In this manner. if Jupiter is in 26-07′ in Pisces. Moon is the natural significator for the 4th house and becomes the Controlling planet for good health and freedom from diseases. Table 1: Five Elements Element Prithvi Jala Agni Vayu Akash Planet Mercury Venus Mars Saturn Jupiter State Earth/Solid state Water/ Liquid state Fire/Energy Tithi Days Bhadra Tithi: 2nd. then since it is in an even sign. Mercury. Thus.trimsamsa.. 8th & 13th Thursday Table 2: Trimsamsa D30 Degrees 5 10 18 25 30 Odd Signs Aries Aquarius Sagittarius Gemini Libra Deity Agni Vayu Indra Kubera Varuna Degrees 50 120 200 250 300 Even Signs Taurus Virgo Pisces Capricorn Scorpio Deity Varuna Kubera Indra Vayu Agni The positions of the planets and the Lagna in the Rasi chart are used to determine the Trimsamsa occupied by them. In this manner study the houses with focus on the 8th house (ROGA: Diseases & RINA Debts) and the 6th house (SHAD RIPU: Six kinds of weaknesses). In spiritualism we are taught of a “SHADOW SELF” called PAPA_PURUSHA which is a reflection of our own self. 4. Second thing is to study this chart for all the bad things we have done for which we deserve to be punished or taught lessons. The Arudha pada of the sixth house gives the body part that shall be afflicted due to the diseases. The badhakesh is the lord of the house of obstruction (Badhak means obstruction). During Saturn dasa-Rahu Antardasa-Ketu Pratyantar dasa. the first 5 degrees belong to Aries Trimsamsa. and then from 25 to 30 belong to Libra. Examine the trimsamsa of the chart above The first. Venus rules the Mritunjaya Mantra and the strength of Venus in this division is important for recovery from diseases. the Trimsamsa chart deals with actions performed on the physical plane. which represent dimensions associated with light. or dimensions of consciousness. Thus.please note as follows my response: The Trimsamsa refers to the degrees of a sign that are grouped under the five planets ruling the five Tattvas (physical and subtle elements. or the path of the Atma. The Sun and the Moon represent the Atma (Soul) and the Mana (Mind) respectively. the next 5 degrees (5-10) belong to Aquarius. tenth (Vishnu) and eighth (Rudra). Now. which are states of matter and energy). the divisions are reverse of this. the native suffered from a dogbite. poverty and misery while affliction to the Moon will cause ill health and death. Jupiter is not only the lagna lord. For the level of spiritual evolution attained by a native. So the five Tattvas are as follows. Here. The lagna rising in trimsamsa is the same as the Lagna Pisces in the Rasi chart showing that most of the ill health will be related to childhood and that the health improves with age. 5-12 belong to Virgo 12 to 20 belong to Pisces. the native developed a strange swelling in the left elbow (joint diseases are shown by Saturn) that had to be surgically removed after it threatened to become dangerous. Since Mars and Venus rules the signs of exaltation of the Sun and Moon. The Trimsamsa is thus basically the division of a rasi by 5. for dual signs the seventh and for fixed signs the seventh is the Badhak house. starting with Taurus. Rahu and Ketu placed in the eighth house will surely give diseases during their periods and the antidote for this is the exaltation of Venus their dispositor. from 18 to 25 belong to Gemini. and not those of the Sun and Moon.5. tenth and eighth houses and their lords should be examined for good longevity. 6. disease and other evils respectively. the Lagna lord is involved with a Parivartana Yoga with the ninth lord Mars showing the ability for quick recovery from diseases. look to the Vimsamsa. In even signs. The divisions run as follows: In Odd signs. For movable signs the eleventh house. Affliction to the Sun will result in suffering. is that none of the Trimsamsas are ruled by Cancer or Leo. but also the tenth lord and its conjunction by Saturn is a handicap. next to their planetary rulers: . The conjunction of saturn is a big handicap on the lagna lord as if saturn conjoins either of the lords of the lagna (Brahma). Thus. they represent the Physical and Mental strength of the native to cope with distress. So 0 to 5 belong to Ta. yet the divisions are unequal. Here the seventh house is Virgo which is empty while its lord Mercury is in the tenth house in Sagittarius in the badhak house from the Moon. This is also substantiated by the placement of the tenth lord in Lagna with the lagna lord in the Rasi Chart. The exaltation of the eighth lord Venus is a great blessing in the chart as it gives cures from all ailments during its periods. In this manner and applying the “Paryaya Dasa” [recommended by Maharishi Jaimini for the Shastamsa (D-6) and D-30 is a higher harmonic division of D-6 as 30=2x12+(6)] the correct results can be divined. 20 to 25 belong to Capricorn. from 10 to 18 degrees belong to Sagittarius. Thus the Rasis representing the 5 Tattvas are referred to. then the span of longevity contributed by it is reduced. and 25 to 30 belong to Scorpio. during Jupiter dasa Mercury antardasa. You had asked about the Trimsamsa chart . or 20th division chart. and has nothing to do with those karmas associated with the spiritual path. the first thing that you will notice with the Trimsamsa divisions. which are born of the five Tattvas as given above. in medical astrology. ruled by Jupiter Planets in the Trimsamsa chart will be placed only in the signs ruled by these planets: there are no placements of planets in Cancer or Leo.Earth. . ruled by Saturn Water. that I can comment on. ruled by Mercury Ether. which consists of an equal division of a rasi by 6. the Trimsamsa chart is thus used widely. or other kinds of vexing and stigmatic karmas that are destined for the native. Make sure to include Rasi drishtis in the assessments of effects on parts of the body represented by signs and planets. Such sufferings will be shown by malefics afflicting the Rasis and planets associated with different body parts. and bodily organs. In medical astrology. There are key uses of the Drekkana chart also. whether it be due to physical. as actions (karmas) performed in the realm of maya. as these are ruled out of this scheme. ruled by Mars Air. in addition to the Shastamsa chart. ruled by Venus Fire. mental or emotional. if anyone is interested. Look to the Trimsamsa chart to time the periods of the greatest suffering. Thus. are as a result of pursuit of the objects of the senses. the Trimsamsa chart shows where sufferings of the most ominous kinds will be experienced. or illusion.
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